#it really does sound like a vampire movie tho
wafflesrisa · 9 months
Stake F1 Team is going to sound like there’s a vampire hunt at every race
“Here comes the Stake!” - Van Helsing trying to stab a vampire through the throat by making helicopter/aeroplane noises like a stressed parent
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lsleofthelost · 1 year
my urban fantasy au that i never finished:
stained with blood and faery dust
2.2k | no warnings
He loves Evie, he really does. She turned him into a vampire, held his hand through his oh-my-god-my-best-friend-is-a-vampire freakout, saved him from his crazy mom and was the smartest person in his engineering class at college. Not in that order but whatever. The point is: he loves Evie, who is the leader of their clan and who made him her right hand.
But she is so dramatic.
It’s not really surprising, the girl came to 8 pm classes looking like a model. Flared pants, thick heels, glittery eyeshadow like full on disco queen.
And Evie is similar to the vampires in those new, 21st century movies, which Carlos finds hilarious. She keeps to a strict colour palette (he can’t really talk tho) of deep blues, blood reds and platinum. She broods, she smirks, her voice is a little breathy. She loves holding things like a 19th century dagger and staring intently at Carlos for minutes before saying something like “This is what my mother used when she tried to kill my sister,” and then never bringing that up again. Even her eyes have a reddish hue, though she swears that they were always like that.
She really turns the dramatics up when she has company.
Like tonight, there’s a faery who just wants to announce that she took over the neighbouring territory and that she doesn’t want any trouble with vampires. They all know it. It was written in the agenda. It should all take like 10 minutes maximum, for them to introduce themselves and for the faery to tell how she got the Fae Guardian of LA title. But does Evie let her do that? No! She greets the faery and her guard and starts preparing her meal.
As if just drinking blood wouldn’t intimidate the young (is she? Carlos is so bad at telling ages) fae and her guard enough. Evie has to do it the dramatic way. There’s a routine to it that he memorised ages ago:
She pours the blood from this beautiful crystal bottle into a matching glass that are probably older than Carlos.
The set itself is impressive. It’s tall and thin and has this intricate designs etched into it. The bottle always stands on Evie’s desk, half full. She doesn’t let them fill it for...reasons? He’s not sure.
But the important thing is, she does it in complete silence and maintaining eye contact with her guest. She makes a show of letting her fangs out when she opens the bottle. Then there’s only the sound of blood pouring and her intense maroon eyes. It usually pins whoever is visiting in their place.
The fae tonight are not an exception. The girl doesn’t look as scared as she looks intrigued, or enthralled. The boy (man?) though is a true professional, stoic in face, his eyes looking around for a possible threat. They just happen to flick to Evie every few seconds.
Carlos hears the slow pouring stop and the bottle being set down. Which means it’s time for the next step:
Evie drinks.
It’s slow and deliberate at first but when it becomes impossible to keep eye contact, she gulps it down and sometimes even sends a drop rolling from the corner of her mouth.
He is somewhat grateful that she is taking so long, because it gives him a chance to stare at the fae pair some more. They are beautiful in a slightly otherworldly way.
The girl’s hair is a shock of deep purple and it lays in soft loose curls to her shoulders. Her outfit is dark, not what he expected from fae, which might be biased on his side but he never handled fae relations before. A green tank, studded black leather jacket, black jeans, black combat boots. If he looks carefully, Carlos can see the edges of something dark, like a tattoo, near the top’s neckline. Her most decidedly non-human feature visible are her eyes. Green and cold, like winter grass, they are set just a touch wide, with outer ends pointing up, giving her a slightly predatory look.
On her right side stands her guard. Tall and lithe. He probably has the most natural looking hair colour in the room - a warm dark brown. It’s up in a bun with a few wavy strands framing the face, leaving his pointed ears on display. He has small round scarlet earrings in, which is probably the most colourful part of his outfit. The rest of it is black, as far as Carlos can see: the leather vest, the tank underneath, the jeans, the sneakers. The vest shows his arms and wow what great arms, thanks for wearing a vest, mysterious bodyguard. Aside from looking like he could knock someone out with one punch, the bare arms show multiple markings, several times darker than his skin but not quite black. Thorny vines enlace him up to shoulders, some creeping on his neck. And on his right bicep a blood orange snake that looked like it was moving but that was probably just the flexing muscles underneath. Carlos noticed that he was repeatedly making a fist and relaxing it.
He sees from his periphery that Evie finished drinking (and she did let a drop on blood out, the dramatic little shit), which means it’s time for:
Evie checks how uncomfortable she can make her guest.
Well, this whole thing is her checking how uncomfortable she can make her guest, but Carlos isn’t sure what else he can call it.
You see, she lowers the glass, now stained red from the inside, blood still rolling down her chin, and licks her lips in the most sexual way possible. Then, as if it’s not enough, she wipes the remaining blood away with her thumb and licks it. By that point everyone in the room usually reaches “scared but horny” maximum.
Looking at the fae tonight, Carlos sees that the guard stopped even pretending to be on high alert, and now is just staring at Evie. The leader’s cheeks are turning blue and for a second Carlos is worried, before he remembers that fae’s blood is blue. She’s blushing.
And here comes the kill shot:
Evie makes an “I just had sex” face.
Not that he knows that this is her after-sex face, but he’s not some blushing virgin, so he recognises it. She sighs with her eyes closed, smile tugging on her lips. On days she’s feeling particularly mischievous (thank g—- it’s not today), she makes it sound almost like a moan.
After the sigh comes the smile. It starts as somewhat content, almost happy and morphs into what he calls “I know more than you and I am more powerful, so it would do you well to remember it” smile. It’s a mouthful but it perfectly describes her face right now.
At this point, even people who initially came with requests are offering something to the clan, to Evie. (Once, a werewolf who wanted to call for a duel because Dizzie crossed into their territory, surrendered said territory.)
The fae stay silent, if a little blue. Finally, Evie breaks the silence:
“Well? Who are you and what is your business with vampires of Los Angeles?” She hasn’t even retracted her fangs back! It’s not comfortable to speak with them, Carlos knows but Evie manages to make it look effortless. Sure, her “w”s are bordering on a “v” sound, but other than that, she talks like usual.
The fae both straighten up a little and the girl clears her throat to speak.
What the fuck? Mal has already talked to witches and werewolves and, sure, their leaders were eccentric but vampires are next level.
First of all, their headquarters is an “online security office building” called B-te. (That’s too on the nose if you ask her.) It stands out from other skyscrapers, with it’s toned to almost black windows, shining white light down the facade and overall looks very modern.
When she and Jay arrived they were greeted by a young man (though you never know, he could be in his 300s), very polite, didn’t ask for their names, didn’t offer his. Just said that they can call him Red. THis outfit is...interesting. Above the waist it is classic, a white shirt, a black suit jacket lined with red thread and a red tie. Below that, he is wearing knee length shorts, matching to the jacket and very tall black boots. Like, you can only see a sliver of skin between the shorts and boots. Somehow, he makes it work and doesn’t look foolish.
The white-haired boy, Red, took them up to the 22nd floor, where they are now. No windows but it doesn’t look cramped, though it’s probably the size of this place. It looks like the whole floor is something of an office/meeting room. Along the right wall is a dark blue oval table with leather chairs around it and a huge screen on the wall. If Mal concentrates she can see red stitching on the chairs. Everything about the set up screams that it’s is custom made. There are lavish couches, loveseats, armchairs and small tables in the corner. They are sitting in the opposite corner, in front of a big desk made of mahogany, etched to look like a forest and dyed blue. The walls on this side are holding shelves full of old looking books.
And sitting behind the incredibly gothic desk, on a plush velvet throne, is one of the most beautiful women Mal has ever seen. She is pale, like Mal expected. Her hair is inky, almost black in shadows, but blue in the light. She is wearing a topaz blue silk dress with long sleeves, which reminds Mal of the nineties (what a decade! Mal has some really good memories that may or may not involve starting a fight in a concert pit). Her whole show with blood would have made Mal question her sexuality if she hadn’t already gone through the whole “oh fuck, I’m bi” ordeal. Though the silence and the feeling of two people watching her makes it hard to stop blushing.
When the clan leader finally speaks (in a breathy voice that Mal can’t determine is a part of the show or real), Mal has to clear her throat to speak.
“You may call me Violet. I have recently gotten the title of the Fae Guardian of Los Angeles. I have come to you to say that I will uphold and honour the agreement you have made with the previous Guardian. Neither me, nor any of my loyal subjects wish you and your clan harm.” She recites the speech she wrote with Jane, one she can say without lying about or promising anything. Red’s eyes are narrowed as if he caught on but decided against speaking up.
“I accept your proclamation, Guardian. But,” Mal can feel Jay stiffening up behind her at that, “I was wondering if you could answer a question?”
“That depends on the question.”
“To my knowledge there is a number of ways that one can get the title you currently wear. And as far as I know, in all the history of Los Angeles since the founding of this city, you are it’s third Guardian, Violet. The first one only lasted 24 human years before being overthrown. Her successor was thought to be permanent.” Mal doesn’t see where it’s going and it agitates her. “It is an incredible feat, taking a place of someone who was at this position for more than two centuries. How did you do it?”
Mal straightens her back. It is an unexpected question, she is surprised at the attention to fae history and politics from an outsider. She can feel her always simmering rage start to boil, remembering how she got her title, and contrasting it, her body feels cold with sadness and grief. Now is not the time to think about that.
“My title is twice bestowed. Once by blood and once by conquest.” She can see the moment the vampires understand what it means. Their eyes widen and the leader even loses hold of her transformation, fangs clicking back to the roof of her mouth. They both compose themselves a moment later, the leader smirking a bit and looking at her with something new shining in her eyes. Red just studies Mal with more curiosity.
Mal feels like she needs to say something. Parry a personal question with a personal question, or explain that she had to do it, for all the fae, that it was the only way to make her mother proud, that she isn’t a power-hungry leader. Then she remembers that she owes them nothing. Who are these vampires to question her, to stare with such dissecting looks?
“I think we are finished here, Princess,” even as she says it, she knows that it was too harsh, that this might transform vampires from neutral neighbors to enemies for fae.
The vampire just smiles. “Princess? Haven’t heard that one it ages, huh, Red?” It’s such a drastic change in tone, but it doesn’t feel forced, it just lightens you the atmosphere, lets tension diphuse.
Chuckling, she continues: “Anyway, I think I kept you here long enough, sun is about to rise.” Even with no windows or a clock, Mal can tell that it’s true, knows it like she knows it like she knows that it’s going to rain next Thursday. “It was a pleasure to meet you Guardian. I hope we can be not only good neighbours but also friends.”
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rist-ix · 2 years
Hey Rist! How've you been? I'm curious. How would you rank Valtor's different voices for the 3 versions(RAI, 4Kids & Nick)? I was looking at S3 of Winx Club (I missed Valtor lol) & I was curious abt his voices for the different versions. So, I watched a bit of S3E5 in all 3 and ranked them from most to least fave. I ranked them: 1) Nick, 2) RAI, 3) 4Kids. Nick's version is so.. so Valtor, 4Kids seems a bit (a lot) too extra, and Rai's version is a bit (just a bit) gruff. What do you think, Rist?
That’s actually pretty much the same as I remember liking them, but my memory has failed me before so I’m editing a crappy little compilation together. And there's really only one scene I could have used for that without losing y’all’s respect. (Fair warning tho the audio trails over scene cuts occasionally so there's some weird jump cuts with sudden noise, but whatever)
From your worst to your best we have:
4Kids Valtor
Ignoring the dollar-store-James-bond music at the beginning, I quite like Valtor's theme here. The ominous cembalo cords remind me of cheesy old fantasy-horror movies and black castles during very dramatic lightning storms, and I honestly feel like the pompous, dramatic 4kids voice fits very well for that. By itself I feel like it’s far too over the top (which is generally 4kids motto), and also my least favorite of the three, but it does have a certain unapologetic arrogance going for it. It might not rank well for me compared to the other ones, but it’s still authentic and fun. Peak gay vampire energy here.
Something I noticed is the pretty big dialogue change here, where he states that he's warning bloom out of an “old, long forgotten curtesy”. I tend to dislike changes from the original script, but honestly? That’s such a cool detail. I feel like that adds a lot to his character pretty early one, no matter if he genuinely means it or is just baiting Bloom.
Rai Valtor (also known as Cinélume)
You are absolutely right, very deep voice. I am looking respectfully 👀👀👀
Compared to 4kids, this Valtor is a lot more subdued. The voice acting is EXCELLENT, the little chuckle he gives when he recounts what people say about him is peak Valtor, pure irony and ridicule. I tend to forget him a lot, if I’m being honest, because he's not as notable as ExtraDramaQueen-4Kids!Valtor, and not as radically different as the Nick version, but he is still very much a very interesting middle ground between them. If I’m being completely honest he's actually my favorite of the three, now that I think about it. His dialogue is closest to the original and I tend to imagine this voice when I write fanfics, and even if you can’t hear it in this example, he's got a really memorable way to speak when he's pitting the Trix against each other or trying to soothe their egos. There's something really manipulative, threatening in his tone sometimes, no matter which lines he gets.
But it is a close call with your number 1.
Nick Valtor
(First of all, Bloom's voice is somehow stealing the show for me here. In the beginning she really sounds like she's scared, in pain, and she's got that rough edge to her tone when she's angry. I don’t usually bother with the nick dub, but damn. Maybe I should.)
I’m not exaggerating when I say that this Valtor is easily the most refined of the three. More subdued, like the Rai version, but not as deep as either of the previous two. It sometimes reminds me of Macaque from The Monkey Kid, and that’s a huge compliment. This Valtor has a quiet, insidious danger to him that is subtle yet very present. He says “I'll do what needs to be done” and you don’t doubt it for a second. There's that weird blend of lighthearted indifference in his voice which makes him distinct from the others, and it helps to emphasize that he's completely different from Darkar and the Trix: he analyzes and understands his enemies in a way that basically guarantees him victory, no matter the opponent. I wouldn’t say I like it more than the Rai Valtor — this one could use a little more drama and pomp — but he's objectively the highest quality here.
But what’s this?
It’s GermanDub!Valtor with a steel chair!!!
Shut up I’m totally right about this one the god of voice acting told me so
I am not taking criticism!
My boy my king my one true love, it’s the slightly raspy, cutting and incredibly heinous voice of my childhood dub! He may be speaking a bit faster to fit all those long german words into such a short shot, but he pulls it off MAGNIFICENTLY. Similar to Nick's it’s not as deep as I’d imagine from seeing his face, but he has a harshness to his words that does not speak of subtle threat but of open hostility, clad in polite words. He's here for a fight, no matter with whom, and while he may not get that on this day he leaves no doubt that eventually, he'll wipe the floor with them. His voice influenced me a lot during Sparked, even if I didn’t really imagine it when he had dialogue. Just the character of it is such a vibe, this slightly impatient thirst for violence he somehow manages to pour into his long game.
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splatoondetective · 6 months
Radom question for all of the Koopalings how would you all react if you ever met my Oc princess Lucy Van Koopa here’s all of her information 🖤Full Name 🖤
princess Lucina van Koopa
Lucy lulu bell beauty royal blue rose
🖤age 🖤
18 or 19
hair dark/royal blue normally down some hair covers one eye like rosalina's sometimes has her hair in too pigtails sometimes one ponytail eyes grayish sliver color wears a Dark/royal blue dress Dark/royal blue heels black leggings black spiky arm bands black spiky choker a sliver tiara Dark/royal blue shell with Azul and Sky blue rings around the spikes
🖤likes 🖤
listening to music singing dancing drawing painting vampires Ducks reading writing watching romantic tv shows and movies and reading romantic books listening to romantic pop and Rock music
mud dirt getting dirty getting mud or dirt on her dresses leggings heels face hands hair ghosts bugs clowns heights the dark men a whole lot snakes having everyone she loves get hurt being alone
straight she thought she liked girls
🖤personality 🖤
smart kind loyal sensitive gets Jealous easily
🖤powers 🖤
instability can clone herself has water magic and bubble magic can float like princess peach can with her unbrella/parasol also has fire powers
🖤weapons 🖤a magic wand
🖤strengths 🖤
water ice fire love her friends and family
🖤weakness 🖤
lava poison blood in a vampire way
🖤family 🖤
(bio mom ) Laura Koopa dead bio dad Louis Koopa alive twin brother Luka long lost younger sister Lacey (adoptive mom ) Queen Star (none bio (younger )siblings Raven May Ralph Izzy Luna have (bio younger sister) Lily (none bio youngest )sister Breeze 🖤friends🖤
Rosalina (BFFs) Koopalings ashlnn (another)(Oc) melanie (another Oc ) sarafina (another Oc Zac
🖤backstory 🖤
she was born in the darklands kingdom taken to an orphanage when her mom died and when her dad ran away her twin brother ran away the day before her mom died she ended getting adopted by Queen Star and lived in the Crystal Kingdom she ended up living in the Koopa King in Bowser's castle with her siblings Bowser the Koopalings and Jr after her adoptive mom Star left her and her siblings at Bowsers door step one day/night
🖤extra 🖤
she has autism ptsd like I do Irl she's also very sensitive and extremely scared of men because of her ex boyfriend she slowly became friends with her ex boyfriend she only trust's very few men her twin brother Bowser Ludwig Iggy Lemmy Larry Morton Kinda trust's Roy Jr she really likes Ducks and really wants to be one she has ptsd because of her adoptive mom Queen Star and her ex boyfriend she can sing and dance really well she really likes blood like a vampire does and wants to be one as well her ex boyfriend name is Zac/Zoey Lucy thinks vampires are hot really loves tea she's British oh yeah Lucy has a pet cat that is a black and white cat that's female named Oreo that's has had since she was a kitten she has an altr ego that's a pop star named melody rose
boyfriend/husband Ludwig Von Koopa
I'm sorry, I don't really know how to answer this? :(
You oc sounds really cool tho!
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saintarmand · 9 months
2, 14 and 27 for the game
2. How did you discover it or get interested in it?
i'd seen the movie before and when the trailer came out i thought it looked really good so it was on my radar before it came out. but the reason i actually started watching was that i was disappointed in house of the dragon bc daemon and rhaenyra weren't a toxic enough couple when they actually got together and i wanted to watch some toxic romance. longer version here
14. Do you have a favorite set?
the rue royale. how could it not be?
random detail, i love the bird wallpaper in the coffin room and the vanity with birdcage vibes bc of the whole bird motif thing.
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and it's the room they lock themselves into at night, their cage. especially so in the last episode. i also love how it's like, their literal closet. lol
27. Do you have an ideal endgame?
for the whole show? difficult to answer when i haven't read all the books yet but based on what i know i do NOT want a vampire monarchy with lestat at the top what the hell. unless they find some cool way to do it that's critical of the whole concept. loustat getting officially married and living at chateau lioncourt does sound cute tho. but don't make it TOO cute it should still have a slight sense of impending doom about it. keep that gothic horror vibe. most important thing to me is that it's thematically poignant etc
iwtv ask game
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gengarpng · 1 year
1, 2, 3, 5, 9, 10, 13, 14, 17, 18, 19, and 27 for those Halloween asks? That's a lot oops I tried to restrain myself though they're all very good questions KJHDFGKJ
on a scale of 1-10 how spooky are you? Physically? like a 2. im not v spooky, otherwise i put myself at a solid 7.
2. Horror movies or silly cartoon spooks? Horror movies!
3. When does spooky season start for you? P much right when september starts baybie, wild to me that they started putting stuff out in august. Just a Touch too early imo.
5. Do you have any halloween traditions? Not really ;w; lately tho i've been tagging along w my sister and her kids when they do the trick or treat event at our local zoo! Otherwise I usually just put on one of my kigus and kinda hang out
9. Do you enjoy carving pumpkins? I prefer painting them!
10. How much decorating do you do? describe your spooky decoration/style! We do a lot of decorations, mostly indoor, tho we have a few outdoor inflatables! It's a lot of kitty cats and witches in our house, plus a lot of those window cling stickers.
13. Witches, vampires, or ghosts? Vampires!!!
14. Dark, spooky fall or breezy aesthetic fall? Ough tough choice, honestly i feel like they kind of go hand in hand, dark spooky breezy night? *chefs kiss*
17. crispy crunchy leaves or creepy twisty gourds? Creepy twisty gourds! I love looking at the "ugly" gourds in stores theyre so cute.
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18. Favorite spooky season smell? Cinnamon smells! cinnamon apples, cider, stuff like that
19. What's the soundtrack for your fall? Admittedly I don't have one, i might look into some 'fall aesthetic' music now tho, sounds intriguing.
27. Candy corn... yes or no? Yes! Admittedly only in smaller doses though lol i can't eat it like i used to.
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introverted-ghost · 1 year
Hello, hyd? :)) (tw for long ask below. Feel free to ignore)
Could you help me w something, pretty please?
I need to do an informative speech for college about an "interesting" topic. So I made a list of topics and now am asking my friends what topic/s they like the most/think are the most interesting. I was hoping you could take a look and give me your opinion (no pressure tho, if you don't wanna/are bussy, whatever, it's totally okay.) Here's my list:
1. Agnes Sorel. She was King Charles VII of France mistress in the XV century. She saved France's economy and prevent a British invasion all by herself. She was so cool some painters from the time used to portray her as Virgin Mary.
2. Dance plagues.
3. Gorbals' vampire hunt. In 1954 all the children from a town in Scotland were so convinced there was a vampire killing people, that at night hundreds of them went out with axes and knives looking for the monster.
4. What would happened if the sun disappeared/what would happened if the moon disappeared.
5. Why do people like to be scared (horror movies, ghost stories, roller-coasters, extreme sports...) (like. the scientific reason.)
6. The case of a woman who went to the hospital because she had "lost her body." She could see, and feel, and move her whole body, but she felt like the left side of her body wasn't hers, as if there was a void in there. This happened after she had a brain surgery to remove a tumor.
7. Missing 411 phenomenon. I really don't know if it is like a well-known topic in North America. Here in the south almost nobody knows about it, so I think it would be cool to explain how weird all these missing cases are and how non of them has ever been solved.
In case you actually read all this, thank you v much :) have an amazing day.
(I heard about all these stories a long time ago, I could be giving some incorrect information lmao.)
1. Wow she does sound really cool. From the information provided and what I remember from 5th grade French history agnès sorel would be pretty cool to write about
2. This is the one I know the most about out of those you’ve listed. The dancing plagues were so weird and I think it would be really interesting to write about
3. After brief research this also sounds super cool. Especially since it happened so recently and it would be so interesting to research further
4. I don’t know about this one since it’s pretty obvious what would happen. Like since we’ve seen the outcome of what happens when sun-like stars have died before. Don’t get me wrong it’s super cool I just don’t know if people would want to continue paying attention to it as much if they already knew what would happen (same with moon scenario) but they’re still really cool and interesting which is what you’re looking for
5. Once again this one is just kinda obvious as an answer. Like it triggers the brain to release dopamine and Idrk how you could expand on that. Though if you could it’d be interesting
6. I have literally never heard of this before. All the other ones I knew a bit about but I’ve never heard this before and it sounds pretty cool
7. Yeah we don’t hear much about this in Canada since it was a us thing. But I do think it’s kinda cool since they all went missing in parks right? And like their cases didn’t get solved etc. pretty neat if you ask me
This probably wasnt the answer you were looking for and I also answered this like 2hours post sending so sorry for that. And you’re never bothering me dw man I’d love to see the speech you come up with. Anyways now I’m gonna work on my stuff and listen to some guy on youtube talk about journey to the west
I hope you have a wonderful evening and best wishes to you for your speech
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dreamhot · 1 year
Hello! Happy June! It's Pride and I have another question (4/30)
Today we are talking about queer representation in media. In 1894 "The Dickson Experimental Sound Film" is released, becoming the first "gay film". It was also known as "The Gay Brothers", it feature two men dancing together and it reportedly "shocked audiences with its subversion of conventional male behaviour". Unfortunately, in 1934 the USA introduced the Hays Code, which, while it didn't explicitly ban queerness, banned queerness in effect. This resulted in three decades of queer-coded villains, such as Joel Cairo in "The Maltese Falcon" (1941) and Jack Favell in "Rebecca" (1940).
The Hays Code was lifted in 1968, and the queer cult classic "The Rocky Horror Picture Show" was released in 1975, and gave a much-needed positive and FUN representation of queer people and queerness. Unfortunately, this was short-lived, as the rising AIDs crisis worsened the stigma around the gay community. This didn't stop everyone though, and in 1985 "Desert Hearts" was released; regarded as the first mainstream lesbian film with a happy ending.
Further on, the first gay kiss on TV in the UK was on "EastEnders" in 1989, "Ellen" became the first American tv show with an openly gay lead in 1997, and other show such as "Buffy the Vampire Slayer" started to add recurring LGBTQ+ characters. An important show in the UK was "Queer as Folk" (1999) which was one of the first shows to depict the queer community as vibrant and alive.
Even further forward, and "Moonlight" (2017) became the first LGBTQ+ film (and the first all-black cast) to win Best Picture at the Oscars. GLAAD publishes an annual report showing how representation is changing. 2005-2006 1.4% of regular characters vs 2020-2021 the figure is at 9.1%. So, there is still a long way to go obviously, especially because media is often the main or only place that young people have an insight into the community at all.
Because of this, I want to ask you for a recommendation: What is a piece of queer media that you think more people should see? (it can be literally anything, big/small, funny/sad, smart/stupid <- just anything you think deserves to be watched!:))
(I'll go first: "Eu Não Quero Voltar Sozinho" (or "I Don't Want to Go Back Alone) is a really really cute Brazillian short film available on Youtube! (if you enjoy it, there is also a full-length film version called "Hoje Eu Quero Voltar Sozinho" (or "The Way He Looks"))
Happy Pride 🌈 🎉
can i mention brokeback mountain again. i mean surely most people have seen that by now but - i'd also mention the novella it's based on, which i think i reread about a thousand times in high school for some reason. the movie is almost shot-for-shot what happens in the novella, which is pretty impressive
again tho i feel as though my lack of exposure to the quintessential works is leaving me floundering here, cos suddenly i've forgotten all queer media i've ever watched. apparently. does rocketman count? cos i fucking love that movie
also this is just recency bias but i watched the mitchells vs the machines for the first time the other day and it just made my heart happy to see a main character whose queerness was simply /there/ and not presented as some massive ordeal or struggle. she just liked girls and her parents knew and were supportive and it was just, taken in stride like you'd see any other teen relationship dynamic in heterosexual contexts. and idk ... it made me happy. i hope we see more of that sort of thing going forward
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shinsouskitten · 3 years
Hi, so I just read your Bakugou NSFW alphabet, and I was wondering could you do one for Karma Akabane? There's a lack of content for him on Tumblr in general compared to Bakugou and I'm THIRSTY.
ME TOO HONEY. love me some sadistic redhead moments
also sorry for this being like RLLY late 😔 i hope you're not too dehydrated
Warnings: nsfw, mdni, this one is dirty
A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
Okay hear me out. He’s kinda shit at aftercare. He tries, bless him, but he’s just not really a nice guy (I love the guy but c’mon). Likely the most you’ll get is half a glass of water he forgot was on his bedside table and a towel to clean yourself off. At least, that’s all you’ll get while you’re awake. Once you’re asleep he’ll clean you properly (as well as he can without waking you up) and make sure you’re lying comfortably so you don’t wake up too stiff
There’s been the occasional time when you’ve passed out from how hard you came and he’s just kinda stared at you for a moment before making sure you’re okay (and alive) then just lay there stroking your hair until you come (no pun intended) back to him
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and their partner’s)
He likes his hands, especially around your throat or gripping your hips like a vice as he completely ruins you. Something makes me think Karma is a neck guy, cause he can cover them with hickies that you can’t hope to hide unless you have some really good concealer. He’s a bit of a vampire
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
Everywhere and anywhere. Karma loves to make a mess, and then constantly tell you how dirty you are and demand that you clean yourself up. One of his favorite moments is after he cums inside you, and warns you not to waste a single drop. If you do, oh boy, I guess he’ll just have to fill you up again
D = Dirty secret (pretty clear, a dirty secret of theirs)
Karma doesn’t really have any dirty secrets. If he wants to try something out, he’ll tell you. Really he’s shameless. He’s not gonna hide anything from you, even the darkest thoughts born from his deepest depravity
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
Not many people would be able to go a night with Karma, cause he can get a little intense, so before you he’s not incredibly experienced. He’s not a virgin by any means, but he hasn’t had the chance to try out most of the crazy things he wants to try. So for the most part he knows what he’s doing, but when it gets to the really fun stuff… well it’ll be a learning curve for the both of you
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
Karma doesn’t really have a favorite position, simply because you never stay in one for long enough
G = Goofy (how serious are they in the moment?)
If you whine, or beg, he will laugh at you (the low chuckle 😩). This dude just really enjoys mocking you, but he’s still very serious about pleasuring you
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
Tbh he doesn’t really put too much effort into grooming. Mostly he’ll just try to keep it trimmed, and occasionally he’ll shave. Don’t worry tho, even though he doesn’t groom like crazy, he still keeps everything clean
I = Intimacy (how romantic are they in the moment?)
He’s a fucking sadist. Don’t expect him to kiss your forehead and shower you with rose petals cause that’s just not Karma. This man will fuck you until you’re drooling and shaking and unable to talk with absolutely no remorse
J = Jack off (what are their views on masturbation?)
Honestly likes it a little too much. Is there such a thing as a masturbation addiction, cause if so, Karma has it. He has an incredibly high drive, and you’re not always there (or able to keep up with him) so if the dick goes up, the hand goes down
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
He puts the S in BDSM
L = Location (favorite places to do the dance with no pants)
Once again, anywhere and everywhere. He’s also not shy about being caught
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going, etc)
When you talk back to him. Did someone say brat tamer?
N = No (turn offs, something they wouldn’t do)
He’ll try anything once, so don’t be shy to suggest something. This man is truly depraved, so anything you could think of, he’s thought of worse
O = Oral (do they prefer giving or receiving? how skilled are they?)
Receiving, 100% receiving. And he’s not gentle either. Get ready for a face fucking cause he will use you until he’s satisfied. If he’s going down on you, it’s because he wants to overstimulate you and see those pretty little tears run down your cheeks
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
He will break your back. ‘Nuff said
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies)
Karma looooooooves quickies, especially in public. There’s something about being so needy that you just can’t wait and the thrill and risk of being caught by unsuspecting onlookers
R = Risk (how risky are they willing to be?)
He once fucked you through a midnight showing of Fifty Shades of Gray, as a demonstration that that movie knows nothing about the real good stuff (his words). Surprisingly, no one in the cinema caught on to what was happening in the back seats, and even if they heard something, they most likely ignored it as part of the film. So yeah, he’s down for some risk
S = Stamina (how long do they last? how many rounds?)
It just doesn’t stop. Like- HOW CAN ONE PERSON HAVE SO MUCH STAMINA?! TF?! If you’re not literally shaking he’s not stopping (unless you ask him too of course, he may be an ass but he’s not a completely terrible person)
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them on a partner or themselves?)
Oh my. If it exists, he has it. And he’s not shy about trying toys on himself either. He’s very open to new things so it’s not uncommon that you come home to find three new boxes on the kitchen counter and Karma standing over them with a maniacal grin
U = Unfair (how much do they tease?)
Dude. It’s Karma
V = Volume (how they sound, how loud they are, etc)
A small groan here and there, but most of the volume coming from your bedroom will be your own screams. The neighbors know his name, they’ve heard it so much it’d be impossible not to. He uses a fair amount of dirty talk, but he keeps most of his own sounds quiet. He wants to hear your voice, not his own
W = Wild card (a random headcanon)
Now cause it’s not technically a dirty secret I left this one until now. One time he had a dream where you topped him and he woke up harder than he’s ever been in his life. He’s way too proud to ever admit wanting to see you take the lead, but if you surprise him and steal the reins, he may just protest a little less
X = X-ray (let’s have a looksee in those pants)
Mini Karma stands tall at a good 7 inches. He’s slightly leaner than average, but there’s a slight curve that has him drilling into your sweet spot with each and every thrust
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
You know Mt Everest? Yeah? Keep going up
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
With his stamina levels it’s highly unlikely he’d fall asleep before you. There’s been the occasional time when you’ve passed out from how hard you came and he’s just kinda stared at you for a moment before making sure you’re still alive
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eyrieofsynapses · 2 years
earlier this week:
*scrolling, notices a random post about Dracula that seems eerily like a very modern take* ...huh. must be a new adaption out. or a fandom for an adaption I haven’t seen. k
(later, as posts go from a very few to semi-common)
...alright, new fandom? new, bigger fandom. for an adaption that sounds weirdly like the original book. somebody’s doing it right. k have fun y’all
(post about Dracula Daily email appears)
I’m... what? well okay. at least somebody’s appreciating the classics. no idea how the hell somebody came up with the email thing, and also why. but whatever. weird fandom explosion tho, thought we were done with the vampire thing
(a day or two later, as posts start to occur somewhat frequently)
for a book that’s *checks date* a hundred and twenty-five years old y’all have really hopped on the blorbo train with this Jonathan Harker dude huh? can’t believe I’m probably gonna start seeing gay vampire fanfic of characters that are a hundred and twenty-five years old on my dash soon. gay vampire fic, sure. gay vampire fic from 1897...
*glances at Sherlock Holmes fandom* ...actually y’know what nevermind, this is normal
(several of the blogs I follow are now thoroughly invested. there are memes. there are passages being quoted. somehow I have yet to see gay vampire fic)
...okay, fandom, I’ve literally no idea how the hell I’m not seeing a new ship cropping up like mad. also why are you posting memes of a hundred and twenty-five-year-old book. what is this about Dracula Red Flags. wtf is the running joke about the shaving mirror. WHY ARE WE TALKING ABOUT DRACULA BEING A WEIRD HOST WHAT ARE YOU PEOPLE ON ABOUT
also I knew the original Dracula was not altogether anything like the modern Twilight-esque vampire but I’m sorry why the hell does this sound like this Jonathan Harker guy just wandered into a random dude’s home and started writing letters home about how weird a host he was without taking Stranger Danger into account. sir why haven’t you left. sir do you have any survival instinct
(continuing to watch the nonsense unfolding)
...why do I feel vaguely invested by proxy
also why are people saying that the daily letters are like actual correspondence from a friend. what, a hundred and twenty-five-year-old dude bestie? your friend that happened to time-travel and lose half his memory and, for whatever reason, has the common sense of your average “horror movie character that dies first” trope? who practically inspired that trope? who probably writes in a vaguely headache-inducing style because old book?
and y’all are reading this like the morning newspaper except without the soul-crushing doomsday predictions? or the daily fanfic update from some crazy author who somehow has the organizational skills and legendary all-desired Aladdin’s First Wish ability to actually consistently write enough fic that they can update daily?
what is going on
(it is five days after the mayhem began. there is fanart. there are rant posts. memes abound. Jonathan Harker is apparently now the newest, most popular himbo and blorbo. Dracula Daily has appeared on an official Tumblr “fandoms of the week” post. I am observing one of the fastest fandom blow-ups I’ve seen ever)
*searches Google for Dracula Daily*
*opens up the webpage and considers for a moment. the mental “let’s not get dragged into this mess” wall is falling apart. teetering on the edge. this close to death. it is screaming what are you about to get yourself into*
*curiosity gremlin is banging pots and pans and screaming and leaping around and kicking the wall and generally being destructive*
well fuck this.
*enters email and hits “subscribe”*
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mikalara-dracula · 3 years
Rainy days with their s/o
ft. Yuma and Subaru
Warning: 18+ content below; don't read if you're a minor.
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Well, since he can’t garden that day, he’s quite bored and out of ideas as to what to do.
He’d be kinda grumpy about it, especially if he was planning to plant something new that day.
“Man, out of all days it has to rain today.”
“You say that every time it rains. It’s mother nature’s way of doing things. You can’t change it.”
“Tch! What does she know?!”
He’d eventually get over the fact that he can’t garden and would sit down and watch a little TV with you, however, he’s always judging everything that’s on.
For example, if a movie or show is on and he doesn’t really like it, he’ll criticize the characters he finds stupid.
“That guy’s an idiot. That’s not how you get a girl.”
“Oh, and I suppose you know?”
“How do you think I got you, little pig.” He’d grin, making you hit him playfully.
On days like this, he tends to get clingy because he has nothing else to do.
Basically, without his garden he’s lost on what to do and will constantly tease and bother you throughout the day.
For example, since it’s rainy outside, you figured you’d make yourself a nice hot chocolate since it corresponded well with the weather.
However, as you were drinking it in the kitchen, he came in and decided to bother you about what you were doing.
“What are you drinking, little pig?”
“A hot chocolate.” You’d smile.
“Oh good, maybe you’ll gain a little and it’ll go where I want it most.” He’d grin while reaching behind to clutch your ass xDD.
“Yuma! Is that all you care about?!”
“Hey, this little pig’s ass belongs to me, so I get to decide how big I want it.”
If you two are cuddling on the couch, he absolutely refuses to let you go. He literally treats you as if you’re his body pillow.
“Yuma, let me go.”
“Fight your way out of it, little pig.” He’d grin, finding your struggle funny.
Since there isn’t much to do on days like this, he might allow you to style his hair any way you want and might even do yours.
Believe it or not, he's an expert at braiding. His favorite style is a fishtail braid and he thinks it looks beautiful on you.
His talent for braiding is so versed that even his brothers might comment as to how pretty it looks on you.
"It looks so . . . nice, Y/N." Azusa would comment.
"Wow little maso-kitty, it looks great on you. Did Yuma do that?" Kou would add.
"As expected, Yuma's known for such styles. You display it well." Ruki would admit.
“Yeah, only the best for my little pig.” Yuma would smirk, a subtle boast in his tone, causing you to blush at his statement.
He likes giving you piggy back rides throughout the house, but he’ll pretend to drop you just to scare you because he’s an asshole.
With all this boredom, Yuma might even get into asking you a few dirty riddles.
"Hey little pig, what's six inches long, goes in your mouth and is more fun if it vibrates?"
"Damn, little pig, I didn't know you could be so dirty-minded. I'm just talking about a toothbrush."
"Well it certainly didn't sound that way."
"My god! How could you think such a thing?” He said, acting oh-so innocent, a smirk soon appearing on his face, showing his true colors. “Oh, I get it, you wanted it to be something else."
“What are you-,”
“C’mere, little pig.” He’d say, tackling and pinning you to a nearby couch, starting to tickle you.
"No! Stop!'' You'd squeal, Yuma still continuing to tickle you as you laughed beneath him.
At one point he might grow fed up with the rain and decide to go outside anyways.
"Y’know what, this is stupid. C'mon, little pig. We're not gonna let a little rain tell us what to do." He’d say, taking you by your wrist and dragging you behind him.
"Yuma, wai-,"
He’d continue running and drag you outside in the pouring rain, making you get soaking wet as he picks you up into his arms and spins you around, his lips melding onto yours as he’d hungrily kiss you. He’d soon pull away and put you down, a scowl on your face due to him getting you drenched in mother nature’s tears.
“Yuma! You got me all wet!”
"Damn, I tried to make this romantic and you're complaining about getting wet?"
You’d sigh, “Getting romantic doesn’t mean getting wet!”
“Oh really?” He’d smirk. “Then how come my little pig gets wet every time I-,”
“Shut up!” You’d say, hitting him playfully, causing him to laugh.
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Doesn’t care if it’s rainy or not since he doesn’t really go out.
However, if it’s raining at night time and he wants to go in the rose garden, he might be a little irritated about it.
And since he doesn’t have any hobbies, this is a little hard on him.
Plus, since he’s a tsundere, he'll act pretty annoyed in general, even going down to being a total ass.
Compared to Yuma, he gets clingy in a different way--that is, he secretly hopes that you’ll spend time with him since he can’t go out to the garden.
If you’re busy doing your own stuff tho, he’ll attempt to get involved but will act like he’s disinterested in doing so.
But it’s not like you mind him getting involved--that is, if he’s being genuine.
For example, you were once sitting down at the table working on your homework late at night, finishing up the last thing for your assignment when he walked in and came up behind you.
He placed his head in the crook of your neck, being curious about what you were doing as his gaze traveled to the assignment you were working on.
“What are you doing?”
“Homework.” You’d answer.
“Tch! What a pain.”
“It’s not so bad, I’m almost done.”
“Why don’t you just take a break?”
“Subaru, there’s really no point since I’m close to finishing.” You’d say going back to your work, but of course, the white-haired vampire had to persist.
He lifted up his face from the crook of your neck and took notice of your exposed bra strap. A smirk grew on his face and being the tease that he is, he’d take his fingers and use them to pull on it and have smack against your skin just to annoy you and throw you off guard.
“What the hell?”
“It’s not my fault it was right there, you should hide it better next time.” He’d smirk.
If the atmosphere is quiet and he sees you’re busy but doesn’t want to bother you, he’ll just watch what you’re doing whilst you’re busy working and shuffling around doing your stuff. With watching the way your body moves and the look of concentration on your face, it builds up a lot of sexual tension as he'd stand by with his arms crossed in hopes that something intimate happens or is initiated.
Oh the things this bby car imagines xDD.
He’ll also try to get involved in other things you’d be doing as well, such as crafts.
After finishing your homework, you decided to do something a bit more productive, so you decided to go work on a painting you had been working on. You’d get pretty focused and concentrated, that is until Subaru came up behind you and decided to intervene.
“What are you up to now?”
“Tch! Lame.”
He’d just continue to stand there, his figure still looming over yours. An idea soon hit you. You knew he was bored, so you decided to make painting time a little more fun.
Turning to him, you’d ask, “Hey, why don’t you help.”
“Help me with the painting.”
“Do I look like Picasso to you?” He’d sarcastically remark.
“Subaru, it doesn’t matter what it looks like in the end. What matters is the fun you have when painting.”
“Tch! That’s stupid.” He’d retort.
“Alright, then. Suit yourself.”
Since he didn’t want to, you turned around and began painting again.
Deep down, Subaru secretly found your offer to be sweet since he really didn’t mind helping and wanted to spend time with you, but because he has a hard time expressing his emotions through his tough exterior, it always came off as if he didn’t care.
The white-haired vampire sighed, feeling torn between the feeling of wanting to do something memorable with you versus him getting caught doing something crafty by one of his brothers, but because you were more important, he decided to help.
“Alright, where do you want me to begin?” He’d say picking up a brush and sitting down next to you.
Taken back by his sudden decision, you’d say. “Oh, um, you can start over here.” You’d say, pointing to a blank space on the canvas. “Just paint it blue for now and then I’ll tell you what to do from there.”
He said nothing and began to do what you asked him, both of you working hard on the masterpiece.
While working, you’d occasionally sneak a few glances at him, seeing how his progress was going.
You honestly had to admit how attractive Subaru looked when he was concentrated on something, the way his eyes angled themselves as they narrowed in on the area he was working on, a few stray locks being in his face, his lips being ajar and lurid in the lighting as he continued to work.
To be honest, you definitely had to ask him to paint more often with you.
He definitely looked busy, an idea striking you again but in a more playful aspect. Since he looked so concentrated, you dipped your finger into the paint and smeared some on his cheek.
“Hey! What the hell?!”
You honestly couldn’t help but laugh, leading him to grin, “Oh, you think that’s funny? Then how about this?”
He’d be quick to dip multiple fingers in the paint and smear it all over your face. Accepting his challenge, you were quick to dip your hand in paint and smear it all over his face as payback, but this was far from over.
This ended up becoming an entire paint war, you and Subaru’s laughter echoing as you chased each other about the room and continued to smear and splatter paint on each other, both of you becoming a colored mess as the walls became vandalized in the process.
“I’m gonna get you, Y/N. You’re gonna look like a rainbow by the time this is over.” He’d grin, his hand fully loaded with paint being ready to rub it on you.
“Catch me if you can!” You’d tease sticking your tongue out, whilst running away from him.
It was all fun and games however, until Reiji came in and saw the mess, leading him to scold you two.
“What is the meaning of this?”
You both would be quick to blame it on each other as you’d talk over each other in unison, but Reiji didn’t care to hear excuses.
“Please see to it that this is cleaned up, otherwise I’ll have to discipline the two of you thoroughly.” He’d say, quickly taking his leave as you both laughed about what happened, soon cleaning it up together.
On rainy nights, he might show a bit of a soft side.
However, bear in mind that he will be quick to lean back into his tsundere side if he thinks the moment is getting too soft.
Likes to lay in his coffin with you if you both want to relax. He’ll act annoyed the entire time due to him being a tsundere, but secretly, he loves the fact that you’re next to him.
Likes to have you sit in his lap, while you’re reading, having a blanket draped over the both of you, whilst he’d rest his face in the crook of your neck. He honestly loves being so close to you, but he’d never admit it.
Here, he might take the opportunity to either place a soft kiss on your neck or bite your shoulder if he’s feeling thirsty.
He likes to cuddle and lay on top of you, but won't let you leave to do anything else because he's so clingy.
"Subaru, let me go."
"Not a chance."
When he’s not being soft, you two are bound to bicker about the stupidest things--like heights, for example, leading him to become a total mess.
"You're not taller than me, Y/N. We've been over this."
"Oh no?" You’d sass, stepping onto his coffin, being slightly taller than him now. "How about now?"
He scoffed, a grin appearing on his face as he’d playfully grab you and pin you onto a nearby wall, giving you the greediest and lustful kisses as you both kept laughing in unison.
Might let you style his hair, such as putting it up into a ponytail or style it in some other way.
You once put bows in his hair and he was so annoyed by it at first, but he eventually started to find it funny and began laughing with you, but that was all until Laito came in and took a picture of him with his new style.
“Fufu~, love the new look, Subaru. I’ve gotta say it suits you.”
“Why you!” He’d hiss, quickly running after him to make him delete the photo and beat the living crap out of him for doing that and seeing him in such a state.
On rainy nights, be prepared for a lot of fun and games because apart from paint wars, Subaru can take things to a whole new level.
Since it was raining and you couldn’t go anywhere, you decided to try out a new makeup style.
And of course, he’d have to get into your business and tell you he finds it stupid.
"Tch! Why do girls even wear that shit?!"
"Oh shut up, you boys like it. Don't lie.”
“Whatever.” He’d retort, saying nothing else.
You sighed knowing he was bored, so you asked the unthinkable once again to help him cope with not being able to go out because of the rain.
“Do you want help?”
“Help? With what?”
“With this new makeup style.”
“Tch! Seriously?”
“All you have to do is add the eyeshadow and lipstick. I’m not asking you to do anything crazy.”
Sighing and knowing it was better than doing nothing, he’d say, “Fine.”
He’d turn you to him so he could have better access to your face to apply the makeup.
“Just don't make me look like a clown.” You’d warn closing your eyes, allowing Subaru to put on the eyeshadow.
This is when he was struck with a mischievous idea, an infamous smirk twisting on his lips as he applied the makeup to your face.
And after what seemed like quite some time, he finally finished.
“Okay, it’s done.”
You’d sigh, “Finally, I can’t wait to see it. I’m sure it looks amazing.”
“You bet it does.” He’d mutter under his breath, it not being loud enough for you to hear.
Opening your eyes, you looked at your reflection in the mirror and screamed. The makeup looked so bad, maybe worse than a clown.
“Ha! What a face!” He’d scoff.
“Ass!” You’d hiss, chasing him around the room as he’d laugh.
Now because you couldn’t let him get away with what he did, as payback you decided to draw a mustache on him while he was sleeping.
When he woke up and saw his reflection in the mirror he grew shocked, and instantly knew it was you who had done it.
(Ik vampires typically can’t see their reflection in a mirror, but I’m not sure about DL here, but let’s just assume that he can considering it hasn’t been mentioned (maybe I’m wrong here??); and also because Reiji implied that some human-made vulnerabilities don’t apply to them, so this might not).
“Payback's a bitch isn't it?” You’d giggle, standing a few feet away from him.
“Now, you're gonna get it!” He’d say, chasing you around to no end, only leaving you to laugh as he kept running after you.
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hermannsthumb · 3 years
you should totally do something with ksci janitor’s vamp newt it’s so just so good
i sure will! in a vampire mood this weekend. @k-sci-janitor's vampire newt found here. warnings for quick mention of drinking, allusions to sexy stuff, and also the different kind of drinking you'd expect from a vampire fic (tho on the vague side)
The circumstances that led Newt down the unwitting path of immortality and general un-dead-ness are, in hindsight, honestly kind of embarrassing. It'd be one thing if he could say it happened in the pursuit of, like, knowledge, like the fierce jellyfish sting scar on his wrist leftover from a research expedition when he was twenty-two or the equally fierce one on his knee received in response to his question (at the age of five) of what would happen if I jumped out of this very tall tree?, or even something unrelated to his extensive biology career, something impressive, y'know, Van Helsing style, something like tracking down some vampire king and barely escaping with his life (un-life?)—not what really happened, which was little more than a bad date. And not even the worst date that Newt's been on, if you can believe it.
Newt was young and stupid then. He still is young and stupid, technically, though the former by appearance only. (Eternally pushing thirty. If he could've picked, he would've done twenty-eight, just before his handful of grey hairs started cropping up. Newt's had almost forty-five years of staring in the mirror at those four fucking grey hairs. He gave up dyeing them around the nineties. Not worth it. Still annoying.) He liked to do what young and stupid people did, like get stupid tattoos, and have a stupid haircut, and get drunk at stupid punk shows and not stumble home until he'd had at least one regrettable hook-up with a stranger and maybe lost his wallet. (The two were often related.) That particular thing was what did him in that night. It was a different time back then, man—if a dude showed even the slightest inkling that he ran in Newt's sort of circle, if you caught his drift, Newt fucking jumped at the chance.
(The band was on their second set of the evening and Newt had already screamed himself hoarse with singing along. He'd ducked outside in a back alleyway for only a second to get some fresh air, the club suddenly too hot and smokey for him to handle, and was just about to go back inside and close out his tab for the night when he realized he wasn't alone. There was someone—he was sure—lurking in the shadows a few feet away. He could hear breathing. He could see—eyes, maybe, in the dim neon light of the bar sign overhead. "Hello?" he'd called.
"Have a light?" the person called back.
They emerged from the shadows, and Newt felt himself relax at once. It was some spooky-looking guy he remembered seeing in the club, leather jacket, boots heavier than Newt's, dark hair and eyeliner. Tall. Newt remembered him, firstly, because he thought he was hot, and secondly, because he swore he caught the guy staring at him at least three times, and to Newt, that was as good as any pick-up line. He was wagging an unlit cigarette at Newt now. He was taller than Newt thought he was back in the bar—much taller, at least a full head on Newt. His eyes were a golden-brown, almost yellow, like a cat's, and Newt found himself unable to tear his own away from them. "L—light?" Newt echoed.
The guy stuck the cigarette in his mouth and arched a perfect eyebrow. Newt didn't smoke, but he did keep a lighter on him for occasions like this. He fumbled through his pockets for it while the guy stepped closer. "I was watching you," he told Newt, while Newt raised the lighter to the cigarette, "in there."
The flame danced and glinted against his eyes. Newt swallowed. "Uh-huh?" he said.
He flicked the lighter shut, leaving them both bathed in nothing but pink neon. A hand slid up against the wall next to Newt's right shoulder. Another plucked at the left lapel of his jacket. Newt was still staring at those eyes. "What's your name?" the guy said, in a puff of cigarette smoke.
"Um." Newt's leather jacket was being pushed off his shoulders. He felt his long hair being tucked to the side of his neck. All at once something seemed in snap in Newt—some reminder of where he was, and what he came here hoping for in the first place. Some hot dude was eyeing Newt up all night long, and now he was actually coming onto Newt, and Newt was about to get laid. He grinned. "Newt," he said. "Just call me that. You were watching me, huh?"
"All night," the guy said.
Newt's jacket hit the ground with a soft thump. A knee was being pushed between his. Newt felt his cheeks heat up a little—he wasn't used to people being this forward with him, and especially not in a semi-public place like this. Usually they at least made a show of offering up their apartment first. "What, um, what for?" he said.
They were kissing. Newt was clinging to the back of his jacket. And then he was kissing Newt's neck, and then he was—
"That kinda hurts," Newt mumbled. "Um, dude, I think your—your fuckin', tongue piercing cut me, or something. It's—"
It was hard to keep his eyes open. His neck felt weird. The guy was into biting, apparently, biting really hard, and yikes, that was going to leave a super embarrassing hickey that Newt would have to explain to his students somehow on Monday, but it also felt really good, like, Newt was maybe getting off kinda good, and Newt thought, dizzily, that he should at least return the favor before he finished up and collapsed in a happy heap on the ground. So he did.
The guy pulled back with a hiss. "Ow. What—?"
Newt tasted something coppery in his mouth, and he panicked and swallowed on instinct. "Oh, shit, dude, I'm sorry," he slurred. His voice sounded like it was a million miles away. "I was trying to be—sexy. Um." There was blood on the guy's chin. He was staring at Newt in something akin to horror. Dark circles were spotting Newt's vision. "I think you cut your lip," he said, and then he passed out.
Newt was alone when he woke up. It was still dark, too. He walked the two miles home, collapsing in bed, fully-clothed, just before dawn, and he didn't wake up again until sunset. He forgot his jacket, but at least he remembered his wallet this time.)
So, anyway, Newt thinks he can be forgiven if he...embellishes stuff a little when, for the first time in his whole long life, he finally spills the details to someone. Also, no way is he admitting the truth to Hermann of all people.
"There were a bunch of murders in the area at the time," he says, while Hermann, angled on his side next to him in bed, watches him raptly. It's kind of weird pillow talk, but their pillow talk rarely isn't weird. Usually Hermann will launch into a critique of Newt's latest pet theory before Newt's even caught his breath. At least he very courteously waited for Newt get a glass of water from the bathroom first this time. "Really brutal ones. Like, throats torn out, blood drained. Really nasty shit. Everyone was saying they were some kinda bizarre wolf pack attacks, but I knew better."
"Of course you did," Hermann says, running his hand down Newt's chest, and Newt can't tell if he's being sarcastic or not. (He has a feeling he is.)
"You bet," Newt says. "It took me months of, um, super hard research. Finally I hunted him down to this—" Newt debates the coolest lair possible of a vampire, and then remembers Lost Boys, which, even though he resents it slightly for totally stealing the vampire vibes he was going for, is still a kick-ass movie. "—this weird cave, where he lived. The king of the vampires. I won, obviously, but he fought back, and he managed to infect me just before I hammered the, um, the wooden stake into his heart."
"So courageous," Hermann says. He reaches up and tucks a piece of Newt's long hair back. Hermann being totally cool with the whole vampire thing, and maybe even possibly into the whole vampire thing, is probably the last thing in the world Newt expected from him. They're no strangers to hooking up during long late nights of science, but Newt swears it's gotten more frequent. "You must've been terrified."
"Nah," Newt says, though he remembers the glint of the flame off those yellow eyes, and he shivers. Hermann notices; his eyes, not yellow, but a warm shade of brown that makes Newt feel like he's being wrapped in a blanket, soften. If Newt could still blush, he would. "I'm—um—I'm pretty brave."
Newt hadn't exactly been planning on telling Hermann about the whole thing, but (last week) he had the very unfortunate timing of beginning a late-night dinner just as an oblivious Hermann strolled back into the lab to pick up his forgotten pair of glasses. To his credit, he only freaked out a little when he saw Newt draining a blood bag like a fucking Capri-Sun, and even then (after what felt like ten years of horrible, horrible silence) all he said was "You're the one who's been stealing those from medical?"
Look. Newt hasn't drank from a human being the entirety of his un-life, and he doesn't plan on it any time soon. He's...a vegetarian. Effectively. It's sort of the reason he picked up a medical degree along the way once he got tired of breaking into blood banks. Even if it's still a little ethically dubious to steal blood like that, at least he's not swooping around on unsuspecting people like that—goth asshole who swooped in on him did. (Newt's never managed to find out who he was—he suspects he was some sort of vampire drifter in town that night just to find a victim. And Newt just had to think with his dick at the worst possible time.)
Hermann tucks another strand of Newt's hair back. Newt also did not expect how fast Hermann became cool with the whole thing, but on the other hand, giant aliens are clawing their way out of the ocean on a bi-monthly basis these days. It's hard to be skeptical about most things. ("Well, it does make logical sense," Hermann had said with an eyeroll. "When you consider some of your rather more bizarre quirks, I mean. I ought to have guessed it ages ago. I suppose that's why you have that awful haircut," and that stung, because yeah, Newt hasn't felt like changing it up since the seventies, and why should he, it kinda rules? but he just laughed it off and said, "You're one to fucking talk, dude!") "Newton," Hermann says now, gently, "what actually happened?"
Newt sighs. Hermann always knows when he's lying about shit. "I was making out with a vampire in an alleyway and then he bit me. And—um—I kinda didn't notice at first, 'cause it felt... good."
"Mm," Hermann says. The corner of his mouth twitches up. "That's more along the lines of what I expected. That, or you were hounding him for details like a proper biologist and he got tired of answering your inane questions."
"Very funny," Newt says. "Ha."
Hermann rolls away from him and stretches his arms above his head. Newt watches his throat work as he yawns, swallowing down a sudden lump in his own, and he feels a surge of something hot and—alien—in the pit of his stomach. "Over forty years," Hermann says. He picks up Newt's discarded sweatshirt from the floor and tugs it down over his head. "You must get terrifically lonely."
Newt half-shrugs. "I guess. I'm kinda used to it by now." His dad (who never brought up how Newt's aging seemed to be at a standstill when they saw each other, not once) is long-gone. Newt's tried dating, but no one's ever seemed to be into it as much as he is—and besides, it's not like he could ever do the actual til death do us part thing unless he went against every ethical bone in his body and made someone like him. When the internet became a thing, he considered making a forum or something to find more of his kind, but the thought everyone just being like the guy who accidentally turned him in the first place terrified him and he killed the page before it even left infancy. So, without any better ideas, Newt forged some paperwork and leaned pretty hard into the world of academia to fill up his sad little hole of a heart, resigned himself to casual flings with anyone who seemed interested, and it mostly worked. Mostly. And then the kaiju came along, and then so did... "You make it a little bit better," he confesses.
Hermann lays back down next to him. "I do?" he says.
Newt thinks he sees something like that hot, hungry feeling he felt in his stomach flash behind Hermann's eyes. He nods.
Hermann suddenly kisses Newt, pulling him down on top of him, and then tugs the collar of Newt's stolen sweatshirt down below his collarbone. He drags Newt's hand up to press against his throat. Newt feels the erratic beat of Hermann's pulse beneath his fingertips, his heart pounding against his ribcage (pressed up against Newt's silent one), and he almost moans. "Have you ever...?" Hermann murmurs, gazing up at Newt through his dark eyelashes.
"N—never," Newt stammers. "I told you."
"Do you want to?" Hermann says. Newt tries not to gape. "Just a bit at a time, whenever you need. You wouldn't have to steal those silly blood bags anymore. And—" He hesitates. "I admit I am curious. About the sensation."
"Um," Newt says. "I—"
He feels something sharp poking his lower lip. Fangs. His fangs. Oh, shit, he's never had that happen before. He forces himself off of Hermann before he does something stupid.
"Maybe, um, maybe later?" he squeaks, while Hermann just smiles at him.
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cherriesradio · 4 years
Class 1-A relationship headcanons
Part 2 - https://cherry-cake-pies.tumblr.com/post/640893672076001280/class-1-a-relationship-headcanons
Part 1 - https://cherry-cake-pies.tumblr.com/post/640877154337538048/mha-relationship-headcanons-class-1-a
Mezou Shouji
Best hugs ever
I mean what else is he gonna do with all those arms? Fight villains?
Y/n is the only one who can call him by his first name
Shouji is super tall and y/n just calls him “Mezou McTallMan”
He has like 5 million IQ and plays chess with y/n and they just sit their feelin stupid cause they keep losing
Shouji and Tokoyami are best friends and then when him and y/n get together all three of them are best friends and it’s adorable
Y/n never really cared about the mask but was like “hey you don’t need to take it off if you don’t wanna”
And it melted Shouji’s heart that they were fine with it
Thier hair is always ruffled because of how much he messes with it
They just don’t bother anymore
He doesn’t like getting to much attention so for events they have little at home/ in the dorm party’s with just a few other kids
He 100% takes advantage of how scary he can look
If someone is trying to get at y/n he will look at them with the most haunting glare in the world
(*cough* Mineta *cough* *cough*)
Kyouka Jirou
Rockin out to rock but also crappy 2000’s pop music at three am
Jirou will just be sitting beside y/n as they mess with her lobes
Y/n is as much as a crackhead as the rest of the Bakusquad so they all get along great
Bakugo has almost stabbed both of them for kissing in public and being affectionate in public
Coming back to the dorms all sweaty from going to a concert and jumping around for four hours straight
Has the hardest time trying to teach y/n how to play everything because it hurt their ~delicate fingers~
Leaning on each other’s backs and listening to music sharing ear buds 😫
Getting records and hanging them on each other’s walls and painting them if they don’t like the songs 💜
She has a ton of vintage art/ band hoodies and they just share them at some point because they keep stealing them from each other
Going to the arcade with Denki and Kirishima and whoever else wants to come
Y/n always says Jirou has a “out shine the stars smile” and she becomes a blushing mess every time
She’s not very good at comforting :(
She tries tho
She’s great honestly
Hanta Sero
He asks y/n if he annoys them and y/n legit feels so bad like “I love u so much don’t you dare think that>:(“
He likes saving up for dates and going to fancy restaurants and stuff but he’s fine with small inexpensive dates
They’ve gone to sixflags at least ten times and they have definitely broke a whole ride from messing around with his tape
That couple where even before they were dating they were dating
Jokingly kissing each others hand/ cheeks, cuddling up to each other, always asking if the other was going somewhere too, that kinda stuff
Hammock cuddles
I think you understand
Prank war in the whole dorm and y/n and Sero are the kings (or queens) (or non-binary royalty) of it
Bakugo has declared war on them multiple times but never goes on it because of how hard they go
Everyone has said it, you know it
Spider man kisses
He has almost passes out from the blood rushing to his head before
if Mineta walks up to y/n from behind he will tape him up and they can’t have a normal conversation without Sero glaring at him
So many inside jokes
Once y/n put his hair in a bun or something and he was like :0 “oh my god there’s a world without hair in ur face”
Sometimes either of them will sneak in the others dorm in the morning before they wake up and put sunglass on them or draw on their face
“This reminds me of u” insert simp meme
This boy will make sure y/n is always holding his werid long lanky hands
They teach Todoroki what “Yeet” means and now they all use it all the time unironically
Fumikage Tokoyami
👏head 👏scratchys 👏
Y/n has to get him a nightlight so Dark Shadow doesn’t go wild in the middle of the night
Huge edge lord y/n is his only soft spot
Watch dumb vampire movies
They binged all the Twilight movies in one night and everyone makes fun of them for kinda unironiclly liking it
I know Halloween is only really a american thing but they 100% have Halloween party’s at the dorms
They’d set up the whole thing
Y/n gets him black nail polish and skull rings and edgy everything
He has a box that takes up like half his closet of just gifts from y/n
He doesn’t do gifts as much as just spending time with y/n
He does love the gifts tho
Give each other plenty of space
Just say “hey I wanna be alone for a bit” and he’ll be gone in a second
He’s always the little spoons cause he’s scared of peaking their eyes out accidentally
They didn’t keep the relationship a secret they just aren’t very physically affectionate to each other
So one day Shouji is like “oh are you crushing on y/n? Like you are really nice to them and they give you stuff”
And he sits there like “dude we’ve been together for months how do you not know”
And then they are like maybe we should announce it just to make sure? So they do that and the whole class is in shock that they were together for so long and no one noticed
Jokingly calls Tokoyami “Emo Peacock” 
You can’t tell me they try to do the Waltz as a joke but get really into it and do it whenever they hear any music now
Jirou could literally be playing hard core rock or heavy metal and they’ll be doing the waltz to it
Dark Shadow low key feels like a third wheel sometimes but then y/n give him a tight hug and he feels appreciated
Shouto Todoroki
Feeding the simps
So ya know that thing in the notes app where you can share notes? Yeah they share one of those where they list things they hate about Endeavor and after a month they are already on a thousand
Just sit in the same room
Could be doing anything not even envolving the other but it’s nice just to have the other there
Protecting the girls from Mineta together ❤️👏👏
at first it honestly just seemed like they were really good friends because they kept it a secret (mostly cause if it got out to the public Endeavor would find out and probably try to break them up)
Even in private they would just kiss the others cheek or forehead and hold hands and that’s the only difference
He talks to his mother about y/n a lot and she is so excited to meet y/n
She has really high expectations just because of how good they sound but does take in that Shouto is literally in love with them, he’s gonna have slight rose tinted glasses
Yeah their just as good as Todoroki made them out to be
When he told y/n about his childhood (endeavor, his mom, his scar, Dabi…) y/n cried because they felt so bad and cuddled him all day trying to help any way they could
They totally made him go to therapy 😌
Has a written down list of thing they said they like so he can get them one if they feel down
He has literally bought them a cat when they were feeling really down and y/n had to explain that he can’t just go and buy a cat when their feeling bad
They keep it tho don’t worry
He’ll turn off the air conditioning when he wants y/n’s affection
They’ll just come running at him and tackle him so he can warm them up/ cool them down
Expect goodnight texts
Make custom memes about how bad of a parent Endearvor is
Legit the start of Todoroki crushing on them overhearing them tell a friend that they don’t think Endearvor is a good hero/ deserves to be number 1
Once asked All Might to adopt Todoroki (I mean he thought about it for a second before Aizawa told him no)
Todoroki let’s y/n cook stuff on his left side
Deku will just wake up in the morning smelling eggs and think someone’s cooking but find y/n cracking eggs onto Todoroki’s left side
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Being in a Poly relationship with Emmett and Rosalie would include:
Tumblr media
(Gender Neutral Pronouns
I hope you guys enjoy this! It just popped into my head so I decided to write it out for all of y’all. Also this is super long!! Just a heads up, Enjoy and stay safe guys:) )
To say you surprised them would be a big understatement
They’d both be really conflicted- neither of them wanted to admit they wanted to pursue you
Edward would take pity on them
“Emmett, Rosalie, you both want to be with Y/N- the other won’t be upset if you admit it.”
Emmett is absolutely pumped- having one mate? Amazing, fabulous. But having two? ABSOLUTE HEAVEN
Rosalie is a bit more conflicted- you’re a human, so fragile and vulnerable. Being around her would mean you’re constantly at risk, not to mention the fact that you becoming a vampire at one point or another shakes her to her very core.
Emmett agree’s to not ask you out until Rosalie is comfortable with it, IF, she agrees to befriend you in the meantime
The next time your in the cafeteria- sitting alone picking at the cheap school lunch, when two people sit at the table with you
When you look up you realize Emmett is on your left and Rosalie is on your right- your surrounded by the schools power couple- the schools very attractive power couple
“Um, Hello?” you say nervously due to the fact they never interact with others outside of there family- let alone you.
“Hello, I’m Rosalie, your Y/N, Right?”
“Yeah, and I know you, You’re Rosalie Hale, and That’s Emmett Cullen, your basically the talk of the school.”
“Oh really? So what have they been saying about us?” Emmett would laugh- knowing some of the rumors going around town were a bit wild.
You’d talk for the rest of the lunch period, telling them about yourself and all the rumors about them- some as simple as Rosalie being a bleached blonde, some being that Emmett ran a satanic sex cult and Rosalie flirts with people to lure them in- that one had Emmett and Rosalie nearly rolling on the floor with laughter
For the next week they’d always sit with you at lunch and you started to consider them friends
The next week they showed up after your last class and walked you to your car
The next week at lunch they started telling you about how they were heading up to Seattle during the weekend
“Hey you know what? You should go with us!”
“Oh? I would hate to impose and be a third wheel.”
“Come on, we’d love to have you there.” Emmett would smile and wrap and arm around you.
You’d look to Rosalie to see if she was okay with it, She had a smile on her face so you assumed she was down
“Yeah, it does sound like fun.”
They’d pick you up from your house the next day in their Jeep
Emmett was blaring music which caused you neighbors to give you a dirty look
Emmett insists you see the “Gum Wall” Which was both interesting a gross
Rosalie takes you to the top of the Space Needle
Rosalie almost has a heart attack- if that were possible- when you stand up to fast and get light headed
Emmett forces you to sit back down and tries to keep Rosalie from calling Carlisle
“I’m sorry guys, I just got light-headed since I haven’t eaten yet today.”
They both forgot you had human needs and Rosalie sits with you scolding you for not telling them you were hungry earlier while Emmett finds food for you
Comes back essentially holding enough food to feed 20 people
“UM! That’d a lot!”
“Well I didn’t know what you wanted so I got one of everything.”
You awkwardly eat as much as you can- offering a lot of it to them and being a tad confused when they decline
You end up giving the leftovers to homeless people
You end up having an amazing day, they take you and bid you farewell- saying you had to do it more often
Watching them drive away you realize you’d fallen for them
You low key feel guilty and the next time the sit with you, you can’t get the thought of you being a horrible person and homewrecker out of your head- I mean they’re in love with each other, who are you to think you even stand a chance?
They both realize something’s off with you and ask Edward later that day if he noticed anything in your thoughts- even though Rosalie told him to stay out of your head.
He tells them what you had been conflicted about
They’re conflicted
Emmett’s pumped you officially like them- and both of them, part of him was worried about you only falling for one of them
Rosalie was happy you shared there feelings but the fact you thought negatively of yourself because of them ate her up.
Rosalie tells Emmett it’s time to consider asking you out,
It still takes them a few weeks to officially ask but suddenly your receiving presents from them and being invited to all kinds of outings
You make them string friendship bracelets and they think it’s the cutest thing in the world- they both wear them 24/7
Movie “Outings”
Hiking “Outings”
Port Angela’s “Outings”
Going to lunch wear only you eat 
Getting ice cream where only you eat.
Basically any human thing they can do, you’re right there next to them
Emmett takes you to play football and only laughs at how bad you are
You’re jaw drops to the floor when you see Emmett throw the ball out of the field
“How the hell?!?”
“Oops, to much power in that one.”
Rosalie takes you on a self pamper day
Hair- Check . Nails- Check. skin Care- Check. Gossip- Check.
You go home that day having dirt on everyone in the town
One day your surprised to see they aren’t waiting for you after class, you stick around for a few minutes to see if they’re late- but they never show
Eventually you head to your car and see them waiting for you there and they finally officially ask you out
Rosalie starts to say it but hesitates and Emmett says it for her
“Y/N, We wanna go out with you.”
“... Like... to the movies?”
“No, we mean, we want to date you.” Rosalie says, tightening her grip on Emmett’s hand
Your silent for a few seconds and they’re worried you’’re going to say no
Pleasantly surprised when you break out in a big smile and say “Yes!”
“Awesome.” Emmett says pulling you into long bear hug- which he squeezes a little to tight but you just savor the moment 
Rosalie is standing next to the both of you, absolutely shocked and excited, gets a big smile on her face when she see’s you and Emmett’s smile and hears how fast your heart is beating
You all enjoy your evening together- your smiles never leaving your faces
They drive you home and Rosalie gives you a hug goodbye- which turns into a group hug when Emmett joins
They never tell you but they heard you call your friend practically squealing in excitement as you told them you’d just got back on a date with “Rosalie AND EMMETT”
They both went home down right giddy- they got cornered by Alice, with Jasper and Edward both in the corner snickering
After you officially start dating Emmett and Rosalie don’t hold back
Emmett has picked you up and carried you around school multiple times
Rosalie had to be physically restrained when someone had the audacity to grope your ass
She still gave them a piece of her mind tho- and it’s rumored they never laid a hand on another person again
They help you study and do your homework- they do have lot’s of experience after all
When your parents aren’t home you all stay up late in the living room watching movies- Rosalie finds your mom baby photo album of you and gushes over tiny you
You end up falling asleep on Emmett’s shoulder- Rosalie takes a photo of you two
Dates with each other but also dates where its just you and Rosalie, you and Emmett, or just the two of them
Emmett kisses you first- takes you surprise and kisses you after he dropped you off at home, then drove away with the biggest cheeky grin in the world
Rosalie is low-key jealous they kissed you first
Next time you see Rosalie? She dips you over and gives you a big ole kiss
Smugly smiles when she see’s you have the biggest blush on your face known to man
After the initial kiss it’s just part of the daily norm
A kiss when you first see each-other, when you say goodbye, a random smooch or two threw out the day
You get all kinds of envious glares from others
Also people who just think you’re sickingly cute
Rosalie decides it’s time for you to know about vampires when you start asking why they never eat on your guy’s dates and there eye’s always change colors
Take you on a long hike so there’s no one around to hear, also encase you feel the need to scream in confusion/fear
You think they’re joking at first
That is until Emmett picks up a boulder and throws it like it’s a baseball across the field
You sit down on a log to process for a second
“Y/N... Are you okay?”
“I made out with a vampire... I made out with two vampires... I’m  DATING TWO VAMPIRES!”
You have a million questions and they answer them all
You ask Emmett to pick you up with one hand- he does and laughs at how surprised you are
“You’re like the hulk!”
You dramatically lean against a tree and tell Rosalie she’ll need to carry you back since your just soo tired- you mean it mainly as a joke
To your surprise she carries you bridal style all the way home- laughing at how giddy you are over such a simple thing
They don’t have fully have sex with you while your human but they are willing to do a lot of other things
They forgot how much humans blush at simple things and it makes no-beating hearts ache
Introduction to the family is a bit awkward but pleasant
Esme absolutely adores you and loves cooking you complex dishes
Carlisle is so happy to see you making his “Kids” happy and also is happy that you’re such a lovely person in general
Edward and Alice basically already know everything about you
Alice gets a little to excited and talks about how good of friends you’ll be and how she’s already planning your new wardrobe
Rosalie pry’s her away from you
Edward doesn’t say much to you but is nice, a little moody but nice
Bella makes sure you feel welcome and tells her if your’re ever struggling to come to her because she’s been in the same situation and knows what it’s like 
After meeting them it basically becomes your second home
They get a bed put in there room so you can spend the night
They love cuddling with you while you sleep, adoring how you’ll softly mumble random words
Cute little picnic dates
You watch Rosalie work on cars and attempt to help her
She ends up teaching you the basics
Sometimes you read to her while she works on cars, or you simply keep her company
Emmett and you wrestle a lot- although he obviously always wins besides the few times he lets you win
You’ve randomly leaped onto his back to many time to count- he loves it
You all go on vacation together during the summer
You go to some private beach and gush over how there skin sparkles so beautifully
Rosalie and Emmett nearly die on the spot when they see you get hit by a car
Rosalie holds you while Emmett calls 911
They realize the cops won’t get there in time- but they don’t want to “doom” you to the life of a vampire
“It’s okay guys, you don’t have to do it.” You would smile weakly at them
“Don’t say that, you’ll be fine.”
It was a lie and you all knew it
When your heart beats starts to slow down and you’re eyes flicker closed they silently agree they have to do it
Emmett is the one who bites you- a lump forming in his throat as you groan in pain as the venom starts to take affect
Rosalie cradles you softly as you start your transition- they end up moving you when they hear the ambulance coming close
They calls the rest of the cullens and let them know- Alice had already seen it but she was to late to call and warn them
They all come to you but all silently agree to only let Rosalie and Emmett in the room your in until you’re ready- most newborns want to be alone
When you wake up and your blood red eyes flicker around the room, you jump up so fast you break the bed frame
All previously dull colors are now vibrant and almost headache inducing, you can hear everything in a room that was previously silent, and the smells- the smells were the worst part, everything was so overwhelming
Not to mention the almost unbearable burning in the back of your throat
“Y/N, are you alright?”
You look over to see a very stressed looking Emmett and Rosalie
“Uhm” You rasp out before clearing your throat, “I.. think so?”
Rosalie offers you a cup of blood Edward had caught for you
You hesitantly take it and ask “What... What does it take like.”
“Take a sip and find out!” Emmett slaps your back and then rubs it supportingly
You take a small sip, surprised at how much it lessens the burning in your throat “It’s.. okay.” You say not wanting to admit it was really good to you- although you do finish the glass
Alice proceeds to carry a whole mirror into the room so you can see yourself- you stare awkwardly at your reflection that now seems foreign
Vampire lessons by everyone
Jasper and Emmett teach you to fight
Carlisle teaches you restraints
Edward and Bella teach you the whole cover story
Rosalie and Alice teach you “How to act human 101″
Emmett and Rosalie both find you one day obviously upset when you realize you’ll have to leave behind your friends and family
They help you learn to cope and let you know it’s completely normal to feel what you feel
Emmett cheers you up by throwing you fifty feet in the air- which was a unique method that worked wonders
Emmett sneak attacks you and you flinch so hard you put a hole in the wall
You get him back by tackling him to the ground- which only works for a second before he’s rolled on top of you and hungrily looking at you lips
You end up making out in the middle of the woods
When the rest of the cullens go back home you decide to stay at the beach for another week
During that week you all agree to take the next step- multiple times
It’s a good thing jasper is out of there because you are full of lust for literal days
You all go home and Edward immediately cringes at Emmett’s thoughts
You home to reveal all your previous rooms stuff had been moved to Rosalie and Emmett’s room- Well now Rosalie, Emmett’s, and Your room
You all are cuddle bugs
Resting your head on Rosalie’s chest is your favorite thing
Well, Clinging to Emmett’s back while he makes his way threw daily life is also up there
You all go hunting together and are one powerful gang
In Rosalie’s eyes your all damned but at least you’re damned together
You all spend the rest of your very long lives protecting and loving each other- even threw the roughest of times nothing could break you apart
You all love each other and that’s enough
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thefloatingstone · 3 years
Do you have any recommendations for media, anime or otherwise, that’s like Angel’s Egg? Aesthetically, or similar in tone?
Oooooh. That's a really tough question just because of how unique Angel's Egg is. 🤔 Angels' Egg was a joint production with the 2 heads of it being Mamoru Oshii and Amon Amano.
Amano went on to design most of the Final Fantasy Games before 12 (except for 7 and 8 whose characters were designed by Nomura). Amano has not had a lot of films with his involvement and some of them are not very good or completely not in tone with anything like Angel's Egg at all.
There's Vampire Hunter D: Bloodlust which I would say is the closest but even that one's tone is completely different to Angel's Egg, with only a very few moments of the meditative feel of it.
Mamoru Oshii worked on quite a few anime films after Angel's Egg, but I think his big big break out film was the original Ghost in the Shell. That one can get pretty damn close to the same tone as Angel's Egg as Ghost in the Shell feels more like an essay adapted into a movie than it does a storyline. It is hard sci fi though and not dark fantasy like Angel's Egg.
I think looking at films Mamoru Oshii has done might help get a little bit of that feel since the meditative nature of Angel's Egg is very much Oshii's directing style.
For films neither of them have had anything to do with, these may not be perfect in terms of mood but they also have a dream-like atmosphere to them and strong visual direction, so maybe worth checking out?
Manie-Manie: Meikyuu Monogatari (aka Neo Tokyo)
An anthology series with widely different styles in animation and tone.
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Another full series you might also like, if you haven't checked it out already, is Serial Experiments Lain which has a vibe so unique and whose story is so strange and delivered in such a bizarre way, it might not make sense after watching it but you're never gonna be able to stop thinking about it, I promise.
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Another movie I could recommend is one of my favourites; Night on the Galactic Railroad. Much more emotional than the above 2 examples, Night on the Galactic Railroad is a bit slow to start (I think it takes about 10 minutes to get going if I remember correctly) but it has the exact same dream-like reality that Angel's Egg has, but without the nihilism and with a more sentimental feel to it, even tho the topics it deals with feel similar to that of Angel's Egg as well but not as ambiguous. Highly recommend this one, just be prepared for a bit of a slow start before it gets going.
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From the same director as Lain but a little more traditional in its story telling, I also recommend Haibane Renmei. Although the story and plot you follow is more linear and traditional than the others, it's another show where a lot of the larger picture feels purposefully obscured and not fully explained, leaving the audience to fill in the gaps themselves or draw their own conclusions about certain themes and repeated visuals.
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Robot Carnival is another full feature film. It's another anthology movie, this time with each short film being about the subject of "robots". Again the art styles and tones vary wildly, but you'll find it has a very similar feeling to Neo Tokyo does, and it's also more focused on imagery and sound than it is dialogue.
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Lastly I'll recommend a film I have not sat down and watched myself yet but I am extremely aware of its reputation. And that is Cat Soup. I have heard Cat Soup described as incredibly sad but in a very abstract way. But I think you're coming off Angel's Egg and that's the tone you're after, it should be a good match for what you're looking for.
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I hope that helps a little bit. It's difficult because Angel's Egg is such a unique film XD that it's not very possible to find many films like it. But we can at least try to match the VIBE.
Oh! And if you want something non-anime, look into the manga "The Girl from the Other Side" because that will probably also be right up your alley.
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londonspirit · 2 years
Oh look, ramblings again!
SPOILERS for Thor: Love and Thunder AHEAD!!! Do NOT read if you haven’t seen the movie yet (unless you don’t care about spoilers!)
Last chance to back out... no? Good, happy reading!
First of: it should be mandatory to watch a Taika film at least TWICE before being allowed to form an opinion. There’s always way too much going on to catch it all on one viewing! 
That includes myself too. 
After my first viewing on Thursday I came out of TLAT with mixed feelings. It felt chaotic and a tad overstuffed, not long enough to squeeze everything in. 
Overall I liked it tho, there were bits and pieces that I adored (and yes, the goats are fucking hilarious!!!), but I KNEW I had to see it a second time to form a proper opinion. 
(It also didn’t help that the face of the first God that got killed looked soo familiar but I couldn't really sort him! It took me two days to finally find out why - the Taika!Bingo had already been employed. Adorable man can’t stop casting friends for his films *hehe* But you do NOT expect a vampire in a Marvel movie so… (Jonny Brugh aka Deacon from WWDITS, for those curious.) 
I loved the cameos even though they were very short but it’s always nice to see familiar faces popping up here and there. 
I screamed at the post credit scene because BRETT FUCKING GOLDSTEIN!!!! My Ted Lasso loving heart was in AWE and in shock and I might have yelled at the poor man on Twitter!) I cannot wait to see where they’re going with him - that’s going to be amazing!! 
I'm also utterly amazed and slightly shocked that T managed to get as much queer content in it as he dared. (and so far I do NOT see the film being banned in those who banned Lightyear and MOM for much less!!) But then again (as he does) it’s both soo in your face and yet subtle enough to be overlooked, I guess. 
Although, he basically put a GAY SEX SCENE into it without anyone batting an eyelid. Sure, it’s between two non-humans but still… maybe that doesn’t count. I don’t know. I just love it. 
(and yes, it took me a few hours and the internet’s help to lose my mind over the fact that his partner's name is DWAYNE!!! I mean, WTF?!?!?! I'm curious whether DJ knows about it, and what he’s thinking (here's hope somebody asks him at SDCC, I NEED to know this!!)). 
Anyhow, I felt a tad sad that I didn’t immediately loved it. It was good, it was fun but it lacked…something?! 
So naturally I went again yesterday, properly rested this time with the intention of just letting it play out and NOT pay special attention to my darling Korg *hehe* 
And it helped - a LOT!!! 
I loved it. 
I loved how he intersected the funny with the heartfelt scenes (still think some could’ve been a tad longer for more impact). 
I loved that he didn’t shy away from hitting you hard with death and illness to then lighten it with screaming goats and silly heart eyes and awkward reunions. But there’s love in every single moment: love for family and partners, love for your home and the place that had become home, love for friends and found family. There’s heartache about losing everything and there’s hope for a future that may not be as terrible as one thought. 
It’s beautifully quirky and lighthearted yet very profound and underneath it all there’s everything that’s important in life! 
So yeah… a very typical Taika Waititi film. NOT a typical Marvel film so I guess that’s where the hate of some for it comes from. 
But that the beauty of Taika’s work: you have to pay attention, you have to soak it up to get it. You have to look closer to realize how precious the life is you have, no matter how dark it seems. 
I also liked (even though it may sound weird) that Jane died in the end. But she died doing what she loved, she died for the man she loved (and I’m pretty damn sure, had it been the other way around, Thor would have sacrificed himself for her as well). I liked that she said it: what’s the point of living if you suffer in a hospital bed, dying on your own anyways, having loved ones seeing you  like that, or going out with a bang, saving the world and LIVING until the very end! I mean, WOAH, that’s one hell of a statement. (Yes, of course I cried!) 
I also loved that for once the villain in the end changed his mind. I mean, how often does that happen??? I loved that he eventually saw that his revenge only caused heartache and pain. So giving his daughter over to the ‘enemy’ to have her being raised by him… well damn, that's quite something. 
And yes, naturally I adored Dad!Thor and I'm very curious how they’re going ahead with that! 
Do I still think it could’ve been a tad longer to give us a bit more Valkyrie? YES! 
Or that I would’ve loved to see those cut appearances everyone was talking about? Absolutely.
(I do NOT need to have EVERYTHING explained to me, like how did Jane get to Asgard or other things that happened off screen - as the man so nicely stated once or twice, sometimes you just have to think for yourself and connect the damn dots!)
But in the end, it was just about the right length, it wasn’t the least bit boring (not even in the first time round), it was entertaining as hell and only the second viewing showed me how much love the man put into it. 
Yes, I will want to see all the cut things and the deleted scenes, I wanna know how that 4 hour cut would’ve looked like. But that's mostly because I'm dying to know what his brain cooked up in the very first place!!! 
But I also respect the fact that we might never see that. (I want all the bloopers tho!!!) 
So yeah, I can’t wait to watch it again, maybe once more in the cinema but definitely at home, with a pause button so I can appreciate all the little things (I LOVED how excited he got when some reporter mentioned that the Kronan God was sitting on a throne of scissors - I missed that the first time around and squealed at the second because THAT’s the kind of thing I expect from him, small things that are not important but still makes his movies so unique and special!!) 
I also can’t wait to search for all the kids: I did spy Matewa but not TK, so that’s definitely a fun thing to do once I have that pause button. 
So yeah, these are my ramblings. I’m once again very much amazed with this incredible man and his brains, and I hope he doesn’t EVER get encouraged by all the asshole things I keep seeing in his tags - I hope he never reads them (I totally understand why he’s not on Twitter anymore and it takes everything I have to not lash out at some of those hating on him for absolutely no reason. Critique, totally fair, but some of that shit is pure, mean hatred, based on nothing and tagging him with that is just a NO GO. But I know better so I sit on my hands and hope he takes solace in the box office numbers and the fact that his visions are just not for everyone!) 
*I* just fell deeper in love with his work, his incredible brain and his way of looking at the world and translating that into compelling movies that help make the real world that bit better! And I’m sooo looking forward what he’ll do next!
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