#it shall be up in a few days after I stare at the document a little more
togenabi · 3 months
aaand the first fic to officially end my hiatus will be a v v self indulgent genshin fic im sorry i couldn't help it TvT
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kydrogendragon · 5 months
Dec 16 - Snowed In
(Ao3 Link) (Masterpost Link)
“It doesn’t look like it’s letting up anytime soon,” Hob says, holding his half-drank mocha as he stares out the window. They’d rented a place up in the Highlands, taking some time for themselves after the busy holiday season. Morpheus had mentioned wanting to go somewhere quiet and with good views. He claimed he’d heard such environments were beneficial to “spurring the imagination in one’s mind.” So Hob found a cabin for rent on short notice, packed their bags and Morpheus’s laptop, and they headed out.
They got in late last night and the snow was coming down hard. The forecast had mentioned a small storm was going to be rolling in, but after listening to the news this morning, it looked like that small storm wasn’t so small after all. By the time they had gotten settled down for the night, there was easily 15 cm of snow on the ground and climbing. When they’d woken up in the morning, there was at least 25 cm, maybe more. And the snow still came down.
It looks like their stay might be longer than anticipated.
“What shall we do?” Morpheus asks from his spot on the couch near the fireplace. Hob had gotten a fire started - thankfully, there was a lot of pre-cut wood both inside and out in the log shed. At least they wouldn’t need to worry about not having enough heat. The cabin they had rented was well stocked (Hob thinks he remembers something about extreme sudden weather and ensuring there was enough supplies in cases like this listed on the website) and they didn’t have anything they needed to get back into town for, so if they stayed longer, it didn’t matter all that much.
“Guess we’re stuck here for a bit. At least until the snow stops coming down long enough that we can dig ourselves out. Or until the owners of the place come by with a snowplow to clear out the road.” Hob shrugs. “Guess until then, we just enjoy our time here like we planned.”
Morpheus nods and settles back into the plush cushions. His laptop - Hob had gotten him his very own for Christmas - was set on his lap. The coffee table was pulled closer, almost touching the couch, so Morpheus’s array of mugs were within reach. Hob discovered, soon after Morpheus had moved in, he was a fan of always having a variety of drinks available. His current array consisted of hot chocolate (with mini marshmallows, of course), green tea with honey, a water bottle that Hob had insisted he always have, and a half-drank can of cola. You know, the essentials.
Hob steps back over to his side of the couch and plops down, pulling Morpheus’s feet into his lap. The TV above the fireplace was muted (the sound distracted Morpheus) but was currently playing through the movie Elf that had been in the DVD player when they arrived. Hob had put the subtitles on since he knew the movie well enough to follow along without sound. He worked his fingers against the muscles in Morpheus’s feet and followed along to the film, enjoying the gentle clacking of laptop keys and crackling of wood in the fireplace.
They sat there, each content in their own little worlds and by the time the movie had finally ended, Morpheus, Hob realized as he turned to face his lover, was staring at him from over the top of his laptop. Hob arched a brow in question.
“I was simply… studying.” Morpheus replies, a light blush on the crests of his cheeks.
“Oh? That so?” Hob asks, smirking. “Something for your work?”
Morpheus nods and looks back down at his screen. His lips are pursed. “I… I wished to describe the flames upon this character’s face better. Yours made for an excellent reference.”
Hob had gotten used to this, over the past few days. Whatever story Morpheus was writing at the time, he always seemed to find a reason to “study” Hob. For his writing, of course. Definitely not as a not-so-subtle reason to oogle him. The last time he had caught Morpheus’s staring, when he’d looked over at the screen of his laptop, there hadn’t even been a word document or anything open. It was just the desktop screen. Not that Hob doubted he was telling the truth, occasionally, but he was certain that it made Morpheus more comfortable with looking at him casually. It always made Hob’s heart soar. He just wished Morpheus didn’t feel like he needed an excuse to do so. He’d gladly take Morpheus’s eyes on him anytime, after all.
“Well, if that’s the case, stare away then!” He says, patting Morpheus’s feet before setting them to his side. Hob stands, stretching his limbs out with a groan. “I am gonna grab a bite first, though. Want anything?”
Morpheus considers him, tilting his head in thought. It was adorable when he did that. It reminded him a bit of Matthew’s mannerisms. He’d said that once, in fact. Morpheus had just scowled at him, but it just made him all the cuter. Hob’s pretty sure he would have gotten a death glare if he’d said that thought aloud.
“A sandwich, perhaps. If it is no trouble.” He says, turning back to his computer.
“No trouble at all, love,” Hob says, leaning down and kissing the top of his love’s mess of inky black bed-head. He hears Morpheus huff fondly as he walks towards the kitchen. You know , he thinks as he pulls out the bread and spreads and fillings. A few more days of this bliss wouldn’t be too bad, after all. Perhaps getting snowed in was its own Christmas miracle, in a way.
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ricekirpsees · 4 months
|| A Harvard Undergrad Becomes Delusional and Has Vivid Hallucinations of the American Revolution: Chp 1 ||
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Synopsis- a Harvard Undergrad becomes delusional and has vivid hallucinations of the American Revolution
Note- i like. history
“The American Revolutionary War lasted from 1775 to 1783, whereby the Thirteen Colonies secured their independence from the British Crown and consequently established the United States as the first sovereign nation-state founded on Enlightenment principles of the consent of the governed, constitutionalism and liberal democracy--”
The pages turn.
“In late 1774, in support of Massachusetts, twelve of the thirteen colonies sent delegates to Philadelphia, where they formed the First Continental Congress and began coordinating resistance to Britain's colonial governance--”
The pages flip.
“In the summer of 1776, in a setback for American patriots, the British captured New York City and its strategic harbor. In September 1777, in anticipation of a coordinated attack by the British Army--”
The book slams shut.
Dropping your head against the cool marble table, you shut your eyes and slumped. Hours of studying left you with a raging migraine, an empty mind, and one too many paper cuts. You were exhausted in ways only studying could afflict a person and you cursed yourself for your ability to blank out when important information was recited to you. If only you could pay attention during lectures. If only you could focus on the rolling waves of words on the glaring, glossy sheets of textbooks. You breathed out heavily. If only. Sadly the world said “fuck you” and fucked you are.
Peeling your eyes open, you stared blankly at the portrait of Charles C. Pinckney you came to despise seeing day after day and debated whether or not you should call it quits or push through researching for that damned paper. Quickly, you opted for the former. You sighed. Perhaps, three hours was good enough for today.
The Boston Public Library was both a blessing and a curse. A blessing, because you have access to all kinds of documents on America’s history. A curse, because you have access to all kinds of documents on America’s history. There was a sort of obligation to write about it, especially since you were at the heart of the Revolution, the home of Hancock and Adams, and also because you assumed it would be far easier than it was. You dragged your head to look at the shut textbook and felt your heart crumble. This will be the death of you.
But if you can prolong such death, then you shall. You sat up, stretching your cramped bones, and shoved away the awful books before pushing yourself up and throwing on your bag, wincing. The weight of your bag crushed the knot of stress on your shoulder blade, sending an aching pain down your back. You groaned rolling your shoulder as you wished you could snap your arm off to give you relief. Maybe someone in the library would just walk up to you and rip it off, but until that day comes you’ll settle with endangering yourself with exploration. Giving one final stretch you began to make your way out of the ancient marble library.
Boston. Boston, Massachusetts. A place deeply ingrained in good old American history from massacres to floods of molasses and your personal city-wide jail cell. As unfortunate as it is to be trapped, it could’ve been worse. You shudder to think what would’ve happened if you got caught in the tar trap of Chicago or New York.
You push through the ornate, metal doors of the library and out onto the streets of Boston, beginning the familiar walk to the apartments. Traversing through streets of old and new, there was a certain sense of deep familiarity. It was another lucky thing about Boston being your jail cell. You only moved here a few months ago and usually one would be stiff and awkward in a place far, far away from their origins, but seeing those brick buildings and cobblestone roads hidden by those of steel, glass, and concrete, you adjusted unexpectedly easily.
Not that you were an inflexible person in general. You’ve had your fair share of travelling every which way, up and down and across the country, staying in brief intervals with restlessness plaguing your every action. No, this was different. How or why, you’re not entirely sure, but, you think it’s nice.
Seeing the park that centered on Commonwealth Avenue, you sped up and turned onto your side of the street, working your way around tourists and neighbors and crossing over the bustling traffic. Occasionally you give a quick, polite smile to someone you accidentally make eye contact with, before continuing onwards.
It’s going to be a quick stop at the apartments, grab your gear, and go back again just before the sun begins to set. A grin makes its way to your lips and a burst of speed pushes you forward. Danger is your happy place.
You arrive in front of your apartment building and quickly walk in, flying up the stairs, before pushing into your section. Throwing your work bag onto the dingy couch you sped into your room quickly changing and grabbing your gear, listing them off in your head; pants, shirt, jacket on; goggles, respirator, gloves, headphones, charger, cash, first-aid, phone, camera, put them in your bag.
You rush back into the living room and throw on a pair of boots. With a satisfied smile, you threw on your bag feeling the knot easing, and back out the door you went. You passed by another neighbor, giving her a little wave and smile. She smiled back and you flew back down the stairs making your way to the edge of the street to hail a taxi. This is your kind of relaxation.
The barn door is ripped open. The hinges cry out, still weary of being used after nearly two centuries of slumber, but they’ll get used to you. They will.
A puff of dust bursts free from the idle inside and breezes past you, some specks brushing against your respirator and goggles. With ease, you waved the dust cloud away with your glove-clad hand, and casually walked inside as though this was your true home. You discovered the old barn around the time you were brought to Boston when you attempted to make a break for it.
You just ran. And ran. And ran. Until you came upon this decrepit forgotten beat-up barn in the middle of a field only a couple of miles away from the edge of Boston and it surprised you, you won’t lie, with how praise-heavy of history the city was. You assumed that everything within 100 miles of the city would be tended to with major TLC, but that was obviously not the case for your darling broken barn.
And the only sensible thing to do with such a discovery was claim it as yours! So you did and obsessively explored every single crook and corner to your heart’s content. You had no clue where such adoration for the old building came from, but you didn’t give two shits. It was yours and you were its.
No, you’re not weird. Don’t bully yourself.
You made it in the nick of time, arriving just as the sun started to journey its way to the other side of the world to ruin someone else’s sleep. You brought out your stolen 55-dollar flashlight and flicked it on. A good beam of light lit the dusty barn, waking up the sleepy nats that tumbled around in the glow. Time to get cracking.
Throwing on your headphones, you ambled deeper into the barn with a hand trailing lightly on the grooves and ridges of the splintered, ancient planks. Each step you made was delicate and calculated, feeling each pebble and speck of the uneven ground of dirt and old hay left behind centuries ago. Though no matter how much you tried to feel, there was a distance between you and the old barn, easily kept with the heavy protection and gear of your time. And you were far too lazy to take it off, a subconscious fear of accidentally destroying something or something destroying you. Like lead. Or… traps.
You shook your head, quickly skipped the sad song and punk rock immediately filled your spirits. What the hell was all that moaning and groaning about? You dragged a quick hand over your mask and goggles and picked up the pace to move farther back into the barn, the flashlight staying steady and bright as ever. Hmm, maybe you should start bullying yourself. You weirdo.
You began to berate yourself until you saw the ground becoming far closer than it should. A shock of panic shot through your chest and threw your hands in front of you to brace for the brutal impact. And brutal it was. You collided onto jagged gravel and landed with a heavy thud. You could feel ragged ground scrape against you and you clenched your eyes shut, groaning, the sound muffled by the mask. You had tripped on… something. Now your arms and stomach ached with a thousand tiny rocks embedded into your clothes.
What hurt the most was your confidence, not that you had any in the first place, and absolute embarrassment burned fiercely in your chest. God, you felt stupid. Scrambling up from the group, you dusted off the pebbles and dirt on your now dust-stained jacket, before scooping up your fallen flashlight. You shook your hands loose and adjusted your skewed headphones. God, you felt really stupid.
You pivoted to look back at what damaged your self-esteem, pointing your flashlight at the ground. The light illuminated the drag marks in the dirt from your fall and the hay pushed away from the force and… oh?
A small rusted knob stuck out from the ground, now freed from the years of dirt that built up with the help of your trip. Creeping closer, you crouched down, reached a hand towards it, and began to brush away the rest of the dirt. Immediately you felt a difference, below the dirt wasn’t more dirt, it was something else. You placed your flashlight on the floor beside you and a shiver of excitement rushed down your spine.
Brush by brush, you could make out strips of wood that were embedded into the dirt floor, and with one last stroke, a trapdoor was revealed. You leaned back onto your knees, gazing at your discovery in awe. You smirked. Oh, hell yes.
It took far longer and far more strength than you had originally expected to get the door opened. Shockingly, It was worse than the first time when you tried to pry open the barn door. All you could imagine was all the grime, mud, and paint stuck deep in the hinges and grooves that mixed themselves into a superglue, refusing to let just anybody in like some dirty glue guardian of secrets.
Luckily, you’re far more unwavering than some false glue and pried that sucker open with pure strength. And a stick. You couldn’t help that swell of pride that blossomed once you were showered in a puff of ancient dust that wooshed freely after being trapped for who knows how long. Hopping on your toes, you nearly leapt into the void of darkness that was the crypt without precaution.
Picking up the flashlight, you directed the beam into the hidden cellar, shining light onto some highly suspicious-looking steps that led deeper in, rotted and splintered and utterly unstable. Immediately, you stepped in and made a quick descent into the basement, ignoring each creak, groan, and shudder from the steps before landing on a dirt floor. You paused your music and pushed down your headphones, gazing in wonder at your discovery.
It was like a pause in time, a portion of history untouched and kept secret. Shifting the flashlight’s beam over the small room, you drag your eyes across every square inch of the cellar. Over every cracked pot, crooked shelf, shattered counter, rickety wooden table littered with old parchment, and every single speck of dust. It was beautiful.
You crept towards the table that sat back against the room, an intense pull of curiosity filling your veins and you stood before the collections of yellowed paper. Your heart began to pound the moment you caught a glimpse of the faded stains of ink that swirled on the pages. A long-kept secret for more than 200 years, just inches from your palm. Fuck yeah. You reached for a page and with the most delicate of touches, lifted it from its dust-framed seat and slowly brought it close.
Thoughts of accidentally tearing it, ripping it, damaging it in some screamed in your head for brief seconds was not enough to deter you and so, with the flashlight held beneath it, you began to read.
April 1st, 1774--
Suddenly, you were thrown into darkness, pitch black filling your senses. You flinched nearly, dropping the paper and flashlight, as you stumbled back in surprise. What the hell? You quickly and delicately placed the piece of paper down on what you hoped was the table and frantically shook the blacked torch. Mumbling hisses and curses at the thing, you desperately flicked at the switch hoping for something, a flicker of light, anything. You gave it another shake to no avail.
“Oh fuck…” You breathed out, muffled from the labor of your breaths and doused in panic. Fifty-five dollars and it already busted. You paused for a brief moment. That means you were perfectly justified to steal it. You shoved it into the pocket of your bag, it was a scam.
You continued to step back, hesitantly triple-checking each step that was placed. The last thing you wanted to do was trip again in the black void and possibly bust your head open on some rogue stone. Taking a few more steps back, your heel hits the back of what you hope is the bottom of the stairs and you pivot to face it, leaning forward to lay your hands on the wood plank, before crawling up the stairs on all fours.
You’ll come back. You swear it. But exploring abandoned places with no reliable light source is stupidly dangerous and not the kind of danger that’s relaxing. So much for police-grade utilities, cheap bastards.
Each step was a drag and you felt a weight sink your limbs as you slowly made your way out of the cellar. The darkness was deafening and heavy, weighing down upon you. Weird, you thought deliriously as you made another slow step up. Your eyes started to droop and began to stumble, your head whirling and swooning like you were stuck on a rocket-fueled turn-table ride. You take another leaden step. You’re getting closer. And with another step, your head hits the trapdoor.
Sighing, you placed your hands on the door and pushed up.
Instantly you’re blinded, a piercing white light burns into your eyes and you yelp, yanking back into the darkness. You slapped a palm against your eyes and cursed as a tearing pain streaked across your forehead from the intense light, your ears began to ring. Gritting your teeth, you rub at your burned eyes. What in the world is going on out there, did someone bring floodlights to the barn?!
Squinting your eyes, you climb back out the trap door faced with the full force of the light and the ringing grows more shrill. You wince and put a hand out against the radiant beam, finally stepping onto the barn floor.
The ringing ceased. The light faded. Rapidly blinking your burned-out eyes, your vision begins to clear and soon what you saw left you quite bewildered.
The barn looked… different. New as though it was just built from freshly chopped trees, free from any stains, chips, and rot with the musty scent of age unpresent, filled with the fresh breeze of newly laid hay. Not only that but it seemed to be smack dab in the afternoon. The sun’s light breached through the openings between the wood planks and settled its glow into the barn. You furrowed your brows as you looked around the barn you swore you knew. You couldn’t have possibly been in the cellar that long for it to be day.
You swivled back to look at the opened cellar door and quickly leaned over to shut it, before stepping back and staring at it. Darting your gaze between the trapdoor and the brightly-lit new barn, you could only grow more confused by the second. You pull down your hood and lift your goggles to rest on your forehead to get a clearer look at the place, seeing you weren’t entirely losing your mind, and yet the barn still looked new.
Slowly, you nodded and started to accept that maybe you were far more oblivious than you already believed you were and that this barn took it to a whole other level. You waded through the new heaps of haystacks, deciding that you should go back to your apartment and book an appointment with the eye doctor ASAP.
Sliding the barn door open with surprising ease, you tumble out into the open nearly slipping on some mud. A quick leap of your heart had you seeing the heavens for a split moment before you came back down face to face with a horse.
You stared and the horse stared, before tossing its head as it stepped back and walked away to the rest of its fellow equine. To say you had questions would be an understatement. There were never horses nearby. At least that’s what you thought. You needed to go home. Immediately.
And so you tried.
Quick as a mouse, you ran down your supposed-to-be familiar path back to the lone tar road that you could follow into Boston. But you paused as you arrived next to the tree that marked its location.
It wasn’t there.
You stared at the wild shrubs and tall grass that covered the unfamiliar land. Why isn’t it there? Your gaze darted along each pebble, leaf, and stick. It should be here. There’s no reason why it shouldn’t be here. Slowly, You began to run down what you hoped was the path of the vanished highway only to come across more shifts throughout the area.
Missing roads and metal signs, new wooden fences, narrow dirt roads, far more flora, and a disturbing absence of noise replaced by the deafening sounds of the air and birds. Everything was wrong. Everything felt different.
Every once in a while you would stop and turn in circles trying to find that specific marking on your mental map to find absolutely nothing before continuing to run in what you hoped was headed in the right direction. But as you sped on, it only became more apparent that you must’ve made a wrong turn.
You should at least be able to see the industrial towers and the outskirts of the city line, but nothing. There was nothing. You weren’t sure how to feel as you slowed down to let your feet mindlessly guide you through the wilderness.
You’re… confused. Which isn’t much of an improvement, but it’s better than nothing. You don’t know where you are, you don’t know what happened with the barn. You wished you had something that could conveniently tell you where you are and guide you back with the safest and fastest route it could provide. A cold pail of realization tipped down onto your head.
Oh, yeah. You have a phone.
You slid your bag to face your front and quickly snatched your phone from the designated phone pocket. The bag fell back and you opened your phone to Google Maps, giving a glance to your bars. Only one, that’s fine. You looked back at the screen and sighed, seeing it frozen Apparently, it’s not fine. You shut off your phone and shoved it into the pocket of your jacket, trudging on.
And with that, only one little thought circled your mind: You’re lost.
Somehow, some way, you got lost. You had no clue what happened with the barn, no clue where you were, no clue where everything was, and by golly, did you want to drop to the floor and roll around in the grass. But you didn’t, you put one foot in front of the other through the shrubs and the dirt as the sun shone obnoxiously through more trees than you’ve ever seen near a city such as that of Boston.
One foot forward, the other followed, a part of you refused to acknowledge your situation fully and was perfectly content to walk mindlessly through the foreign world. One then the other, one then the other, a nice smooth walk through the lovely forest that you chose to walk through. One then the other, oh, are those buildings?
Squinting, you peer at the curved silhouettes that stand apart from the natural forms of the flora that scarcely surrounded them. Have you finally made it back to Boston? They don’t look like those on the outskirts, though. Perhaps you’ve arrived from a different direction. You lift your head and stare at the paling blue skies. Yes, a different direction, at least you’re back home.
Back home, indeed.
Stumbling closer to the buildings, you come across a dirt road you’ve never seen before that seemed to lead into the city. You ignored the tracks of hooves and parallel streaks and walked along the edge, unclipping your respirator to hang from your other ear. Soon, you begin to hear the faint hustle and bustle of people being people and the city going on with its busy life. A cool sense of relief washed over you, but you couldn’t help but furrow your brows as you listened closer to the noise. It didn’t sound… right.
A chill trickled down your spine and you stopped. Something isn’t right. You’re not supposed to be…
Suddenly you became aware of the creaks and rattles of metal against wood trembling over the uneven dirt road coming from behind you at an alarming pace. Your eyes popped open in panic and you scrambled away from the road just as you were hit by a gust of wind as something whisked past you. Alarmed you whipped around to see what could have possibly been hurtling down the road only to stop and stare in disbelief.
It was a cart. With horses. A cart like those that are displayed in the halls of museums, all broken and rotten and barely living in the 21st century. But rather than the cart crumbling at the mere breath of a butterfly, it rolled on, built brand new with fresh wood like the barn, and carrying large wooden crates stacked heavily atop each other. The wheels were coated thick with mud and pebbles as it left behind idents in the dirt, adding to those already printed into the ground. It continued it’s journey, clearly heading towards the city and oblivious to the pedestrian it nearly hit.
And you could do nothing but follow after it
More Notes- later
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euryalex · 1 year
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Resident Evil: Genesis
Joey's first day at the Raccoon City Police Department doesn't start the way she'd hoped. Despite earning the police chief's ire, her coworkers seem more friendly and welcoming.
Series Masterlist | AO3 link
Let me know if you want to be tagged when the next chapter releases!
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Chapter 2: Start of Something New
The Raccoon City Police Department was originally a museum. An art museum, according to the guide pamphlet in the waiting room. The older lady sitting next to her, who would occasionally peek over her shoulder to see what she was doing, huffed for the umpteenth time in a row. Joey glared at her from the corner of her eye, but she didn’t seem to notice, or maybe she just didn’t care.
She glared at the poor assistant who’d repeatedly put up with her complaints and called out. “Excuse me, how long is this going to take? I had an appointment at eight!”
“I’m sorry, ma’am,” she repeated in her customer service voice, “Police Chief Irons is very busy at the moment-“
“Too busy to listen to a concerned citizen?”
“Ma’am, if I may, I could redirect you to one of our officers so you can-“
“I don’t want to speak to an officer, I want to speak to Police Chief Irons.”
Before the assistant could respond, her phone rang, and her attention shifted away from the woman. 
“Miss. Hudson?” the secretary called out when she put down the phone, “Chief Irons will see you now.”
“But she just got here,” the elderly lady whined, and Joey got up before she could be pulled into the argument. After whispering a quiet thank you to the assistant, Joey left the waiting room and followed the hallway the assistant described to the police chief’s office. She knocked on the door and waited for permission to enter. When she heard a gruff ‘Yes’, she opened the door.
As soon as she entered, a pair of gazelle heads mounted on a wooden trunk startled her. If Irons noticed, he didn’t mention it. Instead, he looked at her without moving his head and groaned. “The waiting room is down the hall, first door on the right,” he said.
Joey furrowed her eyebrows and stepped into his office, closing the door behind her. “I’m Joey Hudson?” she introduced herself, “I know I was supposed to come in at two, but I wanted to get started early.”
“You’re Hudson?” he questioned, putting down the pen he used to write on some documents.
“Yes, sir,” Joey stammered. He eyed her up and down to the point where it made her uncomfortable. Then, finally, he spoke up again. “You’re not what I was expecting,” he admitted. 
Joey opened her mouth, but no sound came out. Mainly because she had no idea how to respond to that. He seemed disappointed, and Joey felt anxiety creep up on her. He kept his watchful gaze on her as he picked up the phone and dialled a number. A few seconds passed until someone picked up.
“Branagh?” he barked, “The new officer arrived. No. I can’t show her around. I’m busy. Just get your ass over here.”
His face became red with anger, and he immediately turned his focus back to the document he was writing on, all whilst Joey still stood at the door to his office. She didn’t want to risk angering him further, but she also wasn’t sure what to do or where to go. She also still had to report what she saw at the Sunshine Motel.
Hesitantly, she spoke up: “Shall I wait outside or…?”
“Just go.” Chief Irons groaned.
Joey could feel her carefully crafted plan crumble at her fingertips. If her boss already seemed to dislike her, what would her colleagues think of her?
She stepped back into the hallway, which was completely empty compared to the waiting room. Across from the Chief’s office was a staircase, going up and down, and Joey slowly approached them. Curiosity got the best of her as she wondered what was above and below her. She was still surprised how an art museum could become a police station.
“Joey Hudson?” someone called out from behind her. Alarmed, she turned to face the stranger – a man in uniform. With wide eyes, she stared at him, “Yes?”
“Lieutenant Marvin Branagh,” he introduced himself with a smile, reaching out his hand, “Nice to meet you.”
Joey took his hand and shook it.
“Sorry ‘bout Irons,” Marvin explained, “He’s usually not the friendliest to…”
“Women?” Joey finished for him. Although she intended it to be a joke, his wince told her she guessed correctly.
“But don’t worry, you might not even run into him that often,” he continued, “Now come on, I’ll show you to your desk and your partner – it’s on the other side of the building.”
“Really?” Joey hummed, “This building’s like a maze.”
“Sure is,” he chuckled in response, “But you get used to it. Besides, you’ll most likely spend all your time in the office or on the streets.”
“So where are the holding cells? Or the interrogation rooms?”
He breathed in sharply, “It’d take me a while to explain that. But don’t worry, Kevin – your partner – will show you around.”
She followed him as he walked back through the waiting room – where the elderly lady scoffed as soon as she saw them – and to the main hall. They descended the stairs and crossed the hall, where he opened a door for her. She stepped onto the small platform that overlooked the room and saw the neatly organized desks.
Marvin walked past her towards the closest desk and smiled: “This is yours.”
“Thanks,” Joey muttered. When she noticed the nameplate with her name on it, she couldn’t help but smile. Marvin followed her gaze and chuckled, “A little gift to make you feel welcome.”
“Well, it sure is working,” she replied.
“You must be the new guy- sorry, lady,” one of the officers greeted before a female officer promptly slapped his arm, albeit jokingly.
“Don’t mind him,” she said, turning to Joey, “He’s all bark and no bite.”
“Oh, bite me,” he bit back. 
The woman rolled her eyes and walked up to Joey, offering her hand, “Name’s Rita, Rita Philips. And this moron is George Scott.”
Rita was a woman just a bit shorter than her, with a short blonde haircut. George was the complete opposite, with dark hair one would consider longer than usual. He was also just tall enough for Joey to have to raise her head to look him in the eye.
“Any idea where Ryman is?” Marvin asked them, to which they shrugged. “He just left,” said George, “Said something ‘bout the S.T.A.R.S team.”
“Oh right, Joey, come with me,” he nodded, “I can give you your uniform and show you around the West Wing a bit.” 
“Sure, that’d be great,” Joey said with a tight-lipped smile. Then, as Marvin walked to the other side of the office, he pointed at two empty desks, “Where’s Ford and Edwards?”
“Got a call about a dead body,” Rita explained, “I think that’s why Kevin’s off to S.T.A.R.S.”
Marvin let out a sigh. “I turn my back for one second,” he complained, to which George laughed: “But you love us anyway.”
He led Joey through the door on the other side of the office, which led to several hallways. Joey already knew she’d get lost a bunch of times. Marvin, however, seemed to know the place like the back of his hand.
“We got the safety deposit room right here,” he said, stopping at the door right across the west office, “In case we confiscate anything from someone, we put it here – where did you work before, again?”
“Great Falls, in Montana,” Joey answered as she followed Marvin through the hallways, “In the Sheriff’s department.”
“Oh, this must be a whole lot bigger-“ he stopped at a staircase down the hall, next to another room, “This is the dark room, to develop pictures of evidence and crime scenes. Usually, Nell does that type of stuff, but she’s on maternity leave, so now I’m in charge of the evidence until she’s back.”
“Wow, back in Montana, we had to contact someone from the out-of-town police department,” she admitted.
Marvin laughed, “Welcome to the big leagues. The locker rooms are up the stairs, so I’ll show you to your locker and let you change.”
The first thing Joey noticed was how the stairs creaked. The building was definitely old and could use a bit of sprucing up – and maybe a whole new layout.
She followed Marvin to the end of the hallway, where it ended in a corner with a door on the right. “Here we are,” Marvin stopped, “You should find an open locker, feel free to take it. As for the lock, you put in your code, close it, and open it again. I’ll go get your uniform.”
The locker room was smaller than Joey expected, with only a handful of lockers. But, like Marvin said, one of them was left open. While he was gone, Joey took the time to close the blinds on the window opposite the lockers. She approached the available locker and saw the lock. Instead of numbers, it had a combination of three letters, which were all limited to six letters per disk. The first and last letter disks went from F to K, while the one in the middle went from R to W. As she turned the disks, she considered a possible code before settling on JTH – John Thomas Hudson.
Someone knocked on the door, pulling Joey from her thoughts – Marvin. When Joey told him to come in, he opened the door. “Got your uniform,” he smiled, handing a stack of clothes to her, “Just call if you need anything.”
Without further ado, he left and closed the door behind him. Joey then turned to her locker and put the uniform inside so she could get dressed in peace. 
She’d seen the uniform on Rita earlier, but it still felt weird putting on a uniform that wasn’t the dark green she’d gotten used to. Unlike the hunter green deputy shirt, R.P.D had a light blue shirt with the emblem on the short sleeves. While working as a deputy, she could wear jeans, but her new uniform came with its own set of pants and shoes. Back in Montana, they didn’t have that kind of budget, at least not in Great Falls.
As she buttoned up her shirt, it quickly became apparent that this was a man’s uniform. Like Rita’s uniform, it was ill-fitting and too big for her. With a sigh, she tucked the shirt into her pants, hoping it didn’t look too obvious.
Marvin was waiting on a bench right outside the locker room. He stood up when Joey opened the door.
“So, what exactly is ‘S.T.A.R.S’?” she asked, walking up to him.
He pointed behind him, “Their office is right there. ‘Special Tactics and Rescue Service’. They work here as part of the R.P.D. but operate independently.”
“What do they do, then?”
“They mainly handle the bigger threats,” Marvin confessed, “Don’t tell anyone I said this, but they usually deal with anti-terrorism.”
Joey’s eyes widened, “Does Raccoon City have a lot of… ‘terrorism’?”
“Just let S.T.A.R.S handle it,” he sighed, “Irons doesn’t like when we poke our noses into S.T.A.R.S business.”
“Duly noted.”
Besides a single sign, there didn’t seem to be anything special about the S.T.A.R.S office. But, then again, she wasn’t sure what to expect. She had a futuristic, sterile lab in mind. But instead, she was greeted with a regular office that didn’t look any different from the rest of the building.
While it was similar to the West office, the furniture looked more expensive. The S.T.A.R.S office had better desks with a computer on every one of them. Behind those desks were expensive-looking office chairs, while Joey noticed earlier how the west office had wooden chairs.
“Marvin, what brings you to our humble abode?” a man with short brown hair greeted. He had just walked out of a more petite side office.
“Here to pick up a stray officer, y’know, the usual,” Marvin joked in response.
The stranger let out a subtle laugh and slapped Marvin on the shoulder before pointing to the right of the room, “Ryman’s over there.”
Marvin muttered a thanks and walked over to the officer, who had his back turned to them. Before Joey could follow, she was stopped by the stranger.
“Guessing you’re Ryman’s new partner?” he asked, and for a moment, Joey panicked. The loss of Marvin’s guidance was evident, and she began to feel like a fish out of water.
“Yeah, sure am,” Joey eventually choked out, “Joey Hudson.”
“Chris Redfield,” he introduced himself, “Good luck with Ryman, he’s a handful.”
“I heard that!” a new voice joined. A man with long brown hair that ended at his jawline approached them. He had a strong, square jaw that was only accentuated by a smirk.
“Whatever he told you,” he continued, “It’s not true. Most of it, anyway. Kevin Ryman, pleased to meet you. Joey, right?”
“That’s right,” she awkwardly replied, “I look forward to working with you.”
“Oh, you’ll regret those words later,” joked Chris before they were interrupted by Marvin. “Alright, enough chit-chat. We simple officers have work to do.”
Joey took one last look at the office as Marvin and Kevin moved to the door. She wanted to figure out what exactly Marvin meant with ‘anti-terrorism’. Sure, Raccoon City was a big city, but it wasn’t anything like Chicago – which Joey deemed more worthy of so-called ‘terrorism’. But she had the feeling no one at the S.T.A.R.S office would be eager to tell her what they really did. She kept the idea in mind, though, to maybe investigate later.
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stressforu · 2 years
𝐅𝐞𝐥𝐢𝐱 𝐑𝐨𝐛𝐚𝐧𝐞✓𝐇𝐨𝐧𝐞𝐲
—Fandoms at my page for requesting
—Felix Robane x GN! Reader
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𝐘𝐎𝐔 𝐒𝐈𝐆𝐇𝐄𝐃 As you push away all the documents that was in your desk, while your husband was away you were supposed to be the one in charge of the duchy.
The Imperial Palace was in a ruckus this fast few weeks and rumors had been spreading around that the emperor no longer loves the princess. So you were forced to do some work you never knew was your work. You stared and closed your eyes thinking that maybe one day, your husband would come home like he always did in the past...
Your face brightened up and quickly left your study room and a maid noticed you. "Duchess/Duke?! Shall I prepare a warm bath? Goodness!" She quickly led you the way to the bathroom and you shook your head in a no. "No Maria can you ready the chef to bake some pastry's? And put it in a basket?" Maria looked at you in question after a while she got what you mean and quickly ran to the kitchen.
You waited for 50 min and Maria gave you a brown basket with a red ribbon on it. You smiled and quickly got dressed and rode a carriage. You arrived at the Imperial Palace and the guards questioned you and identified your position.
A maid knocked on Felix's room he opened it, "Mr. Robane your wife/husband has been looking at you they're sitting at the Guest Room..." Felix shocked came running and saw you holding a basket. He smiled and pecked your forehead. "Here a treat for you, I know your busy." You smiled and he smiled to, "Of course honey I'll eat those..." And he sat and ate with you happily...
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scorchieart · 2 years
Honor Roll - Chapter 1
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Honor Roll - Chapter 1 | AO3
Chapter List: 1(here!) 2 3 4 5
Characters: Jin Grandet, Leon Dompteur, Belle/Emma
Rating: G (no warnings)
Summary: Jin and Leon find themselves in some hot water after "accidentally" eating Yves's special Spring cinnamon rolls. With the unwilling help of Belle and a few of their brothers, can they fix their mistake in time before the fifth prince notices?
Part of @atelier-maroron's 2022 Spring Bouquet Content Creator Challenge
Prompt: “Wait a minute—this picnic basket is empty!”
Word Count: 1,860
A/N: In celebration of Jin's route release, here's a story from his perspective being everyone's favorite big brother (depending on who you're asking).
“Prince Yves is going to murder you.”
Belle apprehensively stared down Jin and Leon as they sat on the kitchen floor, both of whom taking on expressions of prey cornered by a hunter. Their faces were caked with blotches of powdery white and brown, and between them lay an open basket and a tray filled with crumbs and about half a dozen shimmering glazed cinnamon rolls.
“Relax,” said Jin dismissively, relaxing his shoulders and reaching for one of the remaining pastries, “this isn’t the first time we’ve been caught, and it won’t be the last.”
“I don’t know, he was pretty upset when you swiped all the raspberry tarts he prepared for Valentine’s Day,” said Belle.
“You worry too much,” said Leon with a wave, also reassured by her presence. “Sure he’ll get fussy for a while, but Yves always come ‘round in the end.”
“But I don’t think I’ve ever seen him cry so hard. He spent three days making sure he made enough for everyone in the palace. His fingers are still stained red from all those berries he squashed.” said Belle, twiddling her thumbs.
“And he knows that his efforts were very much appreciated by his two best customers,” said Jin, patting his stomach contentedly. “Trust us, we’ve been eating his treats since he could first use a whisk. If he didn’t want us to enjoy his baking, he would have stopped making them for us years ago.”
Belle did not look convinced. She marched over to the kitchen door where a parchment was tacked on like a notice, cleared her throat, and began to read,
“'Decree from February the fourteenth: Let it be known henceforth that should any prince be so inadequate as to repress his urge to devour a culinary creation prepared by the Fifth Prince without explicit affirmation that he is permitted to do so shall hereby be forbidden from further consuming any desserts and barred invitation to any future congregations where the Fifth Prince’s desserts may be served —'”
“— He can’t even keep us from walking out the door,” interrupted Jin.
“'— Said ban will be extended to mealtimes, tea parties, luncheons, soirees, evening galas, and any other event the Fifth Prince deems appropriate —'”
“— Haha! Imagine Yves walking up to me in the middle of a ball and snatching a dariole out of my hand right in front of some duke!” laughed Leon.
“'— Whereupon enforcement of punishment for breaching said decree to be carried out at the discretion of Sariel Noir. Signed: Yves Kloss, Fifth Prince of Rhodolite and Sariel Noir, High Minister of the Rhodolitian Court.'”
Neither Jin nor Leon made another comment. Instead, they began frantically wiping their mouths and brushing crumbs from their clothes.
“At least we know where your priorities lie,” said Belle, scanning through the document once more. “You should be honest, they’ll probably let you off on a lighter sentence that way.”
“That may all be well and good for you, Miss Pure-of-Heart, but a beast never lets another beast off easy.” said Jin, swatting at a particularly stubborn patch of powdered sugar on his pants that refused to wipe off. “Let’s tell him we thought it was a late birthday present.”
“No, your birthday was over two weeks ago,” said Leon. He finished licking his fingers clean and moved to straighten the remaining rolls in the tray. “We’ll just say we drank a little too much to notice what we were eating.”
“But it’s only nine in the morning,” said Belle.
“Wouldn’t be the first time,” said Jin. He stood, dunked his hand into a water pitcher on the counter, and rubbed vigorously at the sugar stain. Belle offered him a rag from a drawer then turned to pull pots and bowls out of the cabinets and onto the countertop.
“He’ll only be more upset if you lie to him about it,” she said, reaching past Jin for a cutting board. “The sooner you two fess up, the sooner you can get it over with.”
“Here’s a better idea, how about you tell him for us? He fancies your good opinion, so he wouldn’t dare freak out in front of you,” said Jin, giving up on his pants and moving instead to brandish his most charming smile. “And you know, it wouldn’t be fair to put all the blame on us. He should have known better than to leave those sweets out in the open.”
Belle pointed a large cutting knife threateningly as Jin approached her. “He prepared them early in the morning to keep them away from prying eyes. And besides, I’ve already intervened on your behalf for Valentine’s Day. I think you two are deserving of some reprimanding for your hoggish behavior for once. Now, where’s the flour…”
Jin frowned as she angrily strode past him. It didn’t typically bother him when Belle refused to fall patsy for his charms, however this rejection felt especially bitter. He watched as she grabbed random ingredients from various shelves across the kitchen and pushed past Leon, who was now rearranging the rolls in the shape of a flower, towards the pantry room.
“What are you even doing here? Breakfast should already have been brought up to the round table room,” asked Jin.
“If you knew that, why were you two down here filching around?” came her voice from the pantry. “I came down here to make the lemon loaf for our picnic — Honestly , how do we always run out of flour so quickly?”
“Hey, we can just make some more!” Leon called, raising his head from the tray. Belle popped her head from the doorway and leered at him.
“You want me to pound some grains in the middle of the kitchen?” she asked incredulously.
“No, not that. We can just whip up some more of these rolls right now! That way Yves would never know they went missing, Jin and I wouldn't need to trouble Sariel about punishments, and you lot can enjoy your picnic worry free. It’s a win-win-win!”
“And that’s why you're our leader,” said Jin, clapping Leon on the back.
“Excuse me, how is that such a good idea?” Belle called, walking out of the pantry, her arms overflowing with baking ingredients. “Do either of you even know how to bake?”
Leon and Jin exchanged a brief glance and shrugged their shoulders.
“How hard can it be? You just need to mix the ingredients and put it in the oven, right?” said Jin, and Belle’s expression started to morph into a scowl.
“And we won’t be alone! You’ll be there to guide us with your sage wisdom and ample experience,” Leon added cajolingly. This seemed to calm her down for the moment, and she brought her hand to her chin and closed her eyes in thought.
“I still think you need to learn that you can’t just get away with all your reckless behavior, but I suppose this could be a good motivator…” she mused aloud. Leon flashed a thumbs up and Jin huffed irritably.
“Oh, alright!” she said after a brief pause. “But only because I don’t want to see Yves get upset again.”
She deposited her pile of ingredients on the counter, making sure the eggs didn’t roll off the edge, then turned to face the men with her hands on her hips.
“But don’t think you’re in the clear yet, I don’t know the exact recipe Yves used because he made it up himself. It’s based on a scene from the new book, One Step Back, Two Springs Forward , when the protagonist makes a batch of cinnamon rolls to try and convince the animal forest King to help her on her quest…”
As Belle regaled the scene, Jin pictured a triumphant-looking Yves clad in adventurer’s gear treading up a jungly den, basket in tow, to an awaiting gathering of adorably hungry squirrels, deer, and birds, only to open it and be met with a wave of angry chitters.
“Wait a minute — this picnic basket is empty!” squawks a tawny owl, and the crowd joins him in disapproving squeaks and scuttles, jeering at the adventurer and his impertinence. From his ivy-clad throne, the King slowly raises a furry arm and the congregation silences. The adventurer gulps and takes a tentative step back. The King inhales deeply and releases a thundering guttural cry echoing throughout the clearing, shaking the closely-knit trees surrounding the lot like a seasonal gale, and the once placid woodland creatures roar in response, taking up arms of sharpened branches and their own claws, and turn on the adventurer, mercilessly chasing him out of the forest as he screams in despair.
Jin let out a little chuckle and at once Belle ceased her rambling, her face reddening slightly.
“A-anyway, there’s a copy of it in the palace library — and no, I don’t remember what page it was on so you’ll have to find it yourselves,” she added, glowering when Leon and Jin started to groan. “And it looks like the kitchen is out of flour too, so one of you will have to run to the market to pick up some more.”
“I’ll do it.” Leon shot his hand up and Jin glared at him. “Well, it’s not like I’d be much help in the library.”
Belle clapped her hands. “Then it’s settled. I’ll stay here and work on the roll base and make sure Yves doesn’t come in before we’re supposed to head out at noon. But if he asks about you two I’m not going to lie to him, so you’d better not dawdle.”
“Don’t sweat it, I’ll be back in a flash! Just make sure you can keep up, old man,” said Leon. He flashed a wink at them both, swiped one of the remaining rolls, and dashed out of the kitchen.
Jin laughed heartily as he watched the door wildly sway back and forth after Leon burst through it, the tacked-on proclamation threatening to fall with each swing.
“It is impossible to stay mad at that boy.” he said, rolling up his sleeves as he began piling the remaining rolls into the empty basket.
“Shouldn’t you be heading out, too? And what are you planning to do with those?” asked Belle, tying an apron around her waist.
“Not that I doubt our brave lion and selfless bunny, but if this really does end up being my last taste of Yves’s sweets, well, I’d like to savor them for just a little longer.” He ran his finger along the rim of the baking sheet and licked away the remaining crumbs with a satisfied smile. “And it’s not like we can use these with the batch we’re making, the difference would be too obvious.” He wiped his hand, lifted the basket, and walked towards the still-swinging door.
“Sounds to me like you’re not confident you can pull it off,” she called after him.
“Hey, it’s the start of a new season, I may just surprise you,” said Jin. He grabbed the door mid-swing and gave the kitchen one last look. “Oh, that reminds me, happy first day of Spring, Belle. You’re the best for helping us out with this.”
As always, thanks for reading and have a great morning/noon/evening, and a big thanks to @atelier-maroron for the prompt and setting up the event!
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fific7 · 3 years
Unexpected - Part 1
King Caspian x Reader
Summary: What happens if you push the respectful and well-behaved King Caspian a little too far? You’re about to find out.
A/N: This does not follow canon, it’s mainly a mix of fluff and angst with some lemon zest 🍋 Friends to Lovers AU.
Warnings: 18+ NSFW due to sexual content including debatable consent at first, loss of virginity and oral and unprotected* sex between consenting adults. Some drinking & swearing.
*Irl, please don’t go wild in the country without protection.
(My video edit)
»»————————————-———- ⚜ ———————————-————-««
You and every unwed woman in Narnia knew that the handsome King Caspian was being pressured by his advisors to find a Queen for himself.
Most knew that to become Queen of Narnia would be unattainable for them - no doubt that would be some Princess from another country - and you had no illusions about your own chances. Your father was one of the lords at court and owned a large amount of land near Cair Paravel, but you were not a Royal so you were sure you’d never be considered.
You and Caspian had been friendly when you were younger but you doubted he’d remember you, so much had happened between then and now.
You’d been restless at home recently, mainly because your parents had started speaking of finding you a husband. Appalled, you’d pestered, pleaded with and finally persuaded your father to arrange for you to see Professor Cornelius as you wanted something with which to fill your days instead of playing the piano, embroidery and reading.
Cornelius had suggested you come to work with him as his research assistant, and you’d leapt at the chance. It also meant that you would live at Cair Paravel, away from the slightly smothering atmosphere at home. Your mother had not spoken to you for a week before you left (or your father, whom she blamed for setting up the interview in the first place). But she’d reluctantly accepted that you were flying the nest, however you’d had to endure an extremely long lecture about how you should behave while living away from home.
It seemed that you would be able to eat, drink, speak and bathe and not much else.
»»————————————-———- ⚜ ———————————-————-««
King Caspian made his way to Cornelius’ study, knocking once before entering. The older man looked up at him, smiling and greeting him. Caspian threw himself into the chair in front of the desk, having lifted three books from it first.
“You are in need of some time away from your advisors, Caspian?”
The King nodded, running his hands over his face. “They just go on and on and on about how I need a wife and an heir. I am sure I will find a wife one day but I have other things I wish to concentrate on at the moment.” “Your next voyage?” Caspian nodded, “Yes. There is still much to do. The construction of the Dawn Treader is well under way, but I have an itinerary to decide upon and courses to plot.”
“I have a new research assistant starting tomorrow, I am sure she will be able to help you with that. She is well read and knowledgeable of the many other lands you may wish to visit.” Caspian looked up quickly at him, “She?” “Yes, she is my Lord Tirian’s daughter.” Caspian smiled, “I remember her. We played silly games together when we were young, whenever her father brought her to the castle. It will be so nice to see her again.”
Cornelius, hiding a smile, replied, “Oh, I think you will be very pleased to see her again, my King.”
»»————————————-———- ⚜ ———————————-————-««
Feeling nervous for some reason, you tapped on Cornelius’ door and heard “Come in” in response. Stepping into the room, you were amazed at the numbers of books, manuscripts and charts which occupied the small room. You could hardly see the diminutive Cornelius in amongst it all, and he saw you taking in the piles stacked everywhere.
He chuckled, “Yes, there are too many, my dear. I’m hoping you can help me catalogue and store them as I confess the situation is getting out of control.” You bowed your head to him, “I’ll be happy to assist, Professor Cornelius.” “I’m so glad to hear that. On another note, the King is looking forward to meeting you again. I’d quite forgotten until I spoke to him about you that you were childhood friends.” You smiled, “Well, I’m not sure the King would have actually called me his friend as such, but we did spend happy hours playing hide and seek and pretending to fight dragons.”
Cornelius nodded, “He remembers those times fondly, my lady. He was not allowed to play with many other children, and I’m certain he considered you a friend of his. Come, let us go and reintroduce you to each other.”
»»————————————-———- ⚜ ———————————-————-««
Caspian looked up from the document he was reading at his desk. There had been a sharp knock at the door of his chambers and then it had opened, Cornelius striding into the room with another person following him. He was transfixed as he looked upon the grown-up face of his childhood playmate. He stood and walked around the desk towards the two of them, whispering her name as she curtsied in front of him.
He was still staring at her. Cornelius cleared his throat seeing that the young King was lost for words, but Caspian ignored him as he heard her soft voice, “It is so nice to see you again, your Majesty.” “Caspian,” he said immediately, “we never called each other anything except our first names, did we?” She was smiling up at him, and he was still a little overwhelmed. This was the skinny little girl he’d run about with all those years ago? Now, she was a woman - a beautiful woman. “No, Caspian, we didn’t.”
Cornelius interjected, “I’ll leave you two to get reacquainted, so I’m going back to my study. Your Majesty, my lady.” He gave a small bow and left the room.
Caspian indicated the large couch by the window and she made her way to it, gathering her dress underneath her as she sat down. He sat at the other end, and without thinking he reached out and took her hand. She smiled, wrapping her fingers around his hand as they’d done so many years ago, while running headlong through the orchards next to the castle.
“I’m so very sorry about your father, Caspian. He was always so kind to me. You must miss him dreadfully.” Caspian looked down quickly and she heard him say quietly, “Thank you. Yes, I miss him every minute of every day.” He met her eyes once more, “But we were able to right the wrongs done to him and Narnia, for which I am very grateful.” She smiled at him again, “And here you are, a King! My childhood friend. I really didn’t think you’d remember me.”
»»————————————-———- ⚜ ———————————-————-««
Caspian’s dark brown eyes gazed into yours and he held your hand even tighter. “Of course I remember you! Do you think I’d forget my only friend?! Your visits and the little time we spent together made my life bearable.”
You were shocked, and felt so sad for him. “Oh, Caspian! I can’t have been your only friend, surely?” His eyes filled with tears and he looked down again, “Believe me, you were. I was so lucky that we’d met before my father died, so it would have looked strange if my uncle had banned us from meeting. He kept me totally isolated most of the time. I think he did that so people maybe wouldn’t notice when it was time to kill me.”
Cornelius hadn’t told you it had been this bad for him! Your own eyes were watering now as you thought about the hardships he’d had to face at such a young age. Without giving it much thought, you flung your arms round him and hugged him tightly. His head came to rest on your shoulder and your hand went to the back of his head, stroking his silky hair. His shoulders shook slightly and you knew he was crying, so you just held him until he was ready to sit back from you. He stood up abruptly and turned to look out of the window, a hand swiftly wiping his cheeks dry.
He gave a choked laugh, “I’m so sorry, this was supposed to be a happy reunion and we are both crying,” looking down at you as you also wiped tears away. “I’m sorry, Caspian. I mentioned your father and perhaps I shouldn’t have?” He shook his head, “No, I’m glad that you did. And at least we have now spoken of his passing and can remember and talk about happier times.” You smiled at him, “Yes, I shall enjoy that. Although maybe I should speak firstly about how worried I was on the occasion we came to visit, and you were not there. I asked as many guards and lords as I could where you were, but I was told to stop being a nosy child. My father would say nothing to me either, despite my tantrums!”
Caspian burst out laughing, “Oh I remember your tantrums so well! I’m impressed he didn’t give in to you in the face of one of those!” You slapped him lightly on the arm, also laughing, “Caspian! You’re supposed to be my friend!” He became serious again, “I most certainly am. I’m overjoyed to have you back in my life. So much has happened in the past few years, and there has been so much to do, but rest assured I would have tracked you down eventually.” His hand went to your face, stroking your cheek gently and you felt your breath catch. He looked so handsome. Very much a man now, rather than the adolescent boy you’d once known.
His head moved much closer to yours, and you thought for a moment that he was going to kiss you.
»»————————————-———- ⚜ ———————————-————-««
Caspian suddenly realised what he was about to do, and pulled back sharply. He should not kiss her.
They’d only just met again, but he knew that all his feelings for her were still there. He’d just pushed them down, deep deep down, so that he could carry out what he’d needed to do for Narnia and for his father’s memory.
He’d been in love with her when he was a boy, and now that he was a man - he knew that he still loved her. He’d nearly passed out when he’d seen her again today after being apart from her for so long. All those suppressed feelings had come raging back through his veins in an instant, overwhelming, all-consuming, setting his mind and body alight with a burning passion.
But she’d said he was her friend. So he doubted that she felt the same kind of love for him that he felt for her. He must bear that in mind and act accordingly, no matter how much he wished it wasn’t the case.
Stepping back from her, he let his hand fall from her face and smiled sadly at her.
»»————————————-———- ⚜ ———————————-————-««
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quillsanddaydreams · 3 years
teddy bear
fred weasley x reader
—author’s note: I really have no explanation for this except that I saw an old fic of mine and the idea just struck. This is a re-imagined version of 'don't say goodbye' from my main i.e. @with-love-anu Fred had been spending lesser and lesser time with you every day and you couldn't take it anymore.
—warning(s): mentions of food and drinks, break up, angst but it's hurt and comfort, low-key descriptions of anxiety attack. gender neutral!reader (pronouns haven't been used throughout the story) 
—wordcount: 2,190
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The fire crackled orange and gold, painting the dark walls. You were sitting right beside the mantle looking at the wall ticking. It was 11:35pm. Fred should’ve been home hours ago.
Tilting your head, you ran your thumb through the sharp edge’s of the photo frame. Friendly— happy faces smiled back at you. It was you and Fred from your 6th year. He had an arm around you, kissing your cheek before winking at the camera. Oh you remembered that day. Vividly. The two of you had just started dating after months of pining. Fred had been an absolute sweetheart. One date led to the next and you didn’t realise you two had spent years together. From graduating from hogwarts, to working your way up on your jobs, moving in together… You were madly in love and nothing else seemed to have mattered.
Everything looked great. Looked. Your parents often told you about ichs. A common rash. Ignore it and it will go away. Scratch it, and it will make your life hell. They never told you however, how long it takes. And you had been shutting your eyes to this one far too long. Fred was never there. Never. Both of you had jobs. Demanding jobs. Yet it seemed Fred was the only one without a moment to spare.
Your morning began with you getting up and ready for your day. Freshening up, making breakfast for the two of you— storing Fred’s with a quick warming spell and a note because you knew you’ll be gone by the time he woke up. Never having the heart to rouse him you simply smiled and pressed a kiss to his forehead, apprating to the ministry. When you came back, he would still be at the shop, working late into the night. Exhaustion caught you, you were unable to keep yourself from falling asleep after 12.
Heaving a sigh, you pushed your head back staring at the ceiling above. The thing was that you missed him. Terribly. You couldn’t even remember the time he held you, let alone ask about your day— it had been months. There had been a hundred times, sitting alone having dinner or seeing his side of the bed empty. Loneliness caught with you reminisened all the times he would pull you over his lap, pressing kisses all over your face. Telling you about the newest invention at his shop. All confrontations with him about the same had ended the same way. With him promising he would try. He never did.
Glancing at the clock again, you felt your body grow hot with anger. It was nearly midnight. You had left him a note to come home early that day. Promotion at work had flashed like the perfect occasion to catch up. Happiness had been bubbling through you all day. Although as time passed, your excitement dulled. The food turned cold and ice in the firewhiskey bucket had melted. Your eyes pricked with tears as you felt your stomach churn. There was a pop as the door opened to reveal a disheveled Fred. He gave you a small smile before moving straight towards the bedroom.
“Fred,” you called out, clearing your throat and wiping away the tears. Did he really not notice? “Did you get my note?”
“Hmm?” he said, shuffling through his drawer. “Oh! Yes I did, sorry but work came up love, couldn’t make it.”
You clenched your jaw.
“Work?” you asked, agitated. “What work keeps you out until midnight Fred?”
His answering sigh infuriated you further.
“You need to change your work schedule, Fred,” you said, crossing your arms. “George comes back to Angelina before 8. I’m sure you can manage before 9. I don't see you Fred. I don't get to talk to you or spend a moment with you. It's like I'm living alone— I spent more time with you before we moved in!”
Fred squeezed his eyes shut, tired.
“I’ll try, I promise,” he said after a minute. “Let’s eat first, shall we?”
“No, Fred. You promise me that every time,” you hissed. “I want you to tell me you’ll be home tomorrow before 9. Like a normal person.”
“What do you want me to do, huh?” Fred snapped. “I thought you would be more supportive of me and my business.”
“Don’t you dare say that,” you threatened. “I’ve been there for you every step of the way. What I am asking you is for you to take out some time for me. I need you to be there for me too!”
“Well excuse me for wanting to earn enough money for our future. For wishing you didn’t have to work to live a happy life.”
“Fred,” you said, your voice a dangerous whisper. “You know exactly how much I love my job. I’ve always been happy working. What has gotten into you? You were always so supportive of me!”
Something crossed Fred’s eye and he took a step back, shaking himself. He took a deep breath.
“Listen,” Fred said calmly. “It’s late now, we can talk about it tomorrow.”
“When, Fred? When? In the morning, when you are asleep or at night which is the time right now?”
Fred remained silent. It felt like you were bursting. All the frustration, sadness and disappointment poured in.
“It hurts, Fred. It hurts and it feels like I’m alone in this. People ask me how we are doing and I don’t know what to tell them. I have no idea what’s going on with the person I live with. I don’t even know where our relationship is goin—”
“You know what?” Fred said, finally losing his cool, throwing his hands in the air. “If you feel so alone, maybe you wouldn’t find a difference if we even separate.”
You gasped.
“I’m going to give you a moment to take that back,” you hushed. Fred crossed his arms. “Think about it before telling me you meant it.”
“Listen, you know I put my work above anything else,” he said, gritting his teeth. “I’ve always wanted to be rich enough so people like Malfoy wouldn’t dare to insult me or my family. That shop. It’s my life. It’s everything that lets me afford the things I never could.”
“So the shop’s more important to you than having me stay?” you said, your throat heavy. Digging your nails into the palm of your hand you searched Fred’s face. The face you had fallen in love with, the one that didn’t quite meet your eyes now which forebode tears. No you couldn’t cry now. Not when he disregarded your job you had been so passionate about, not when his status in life was more important to him. When Fred didn’t say anything, you let out a dry laugh. Shaking your head you moved towards your wardrobe, your head thumping. You took out a couple of your clothes, money and some documents, packing up a bag. Fred stared at you wide eyed as you went for the door.
“What are you doing?” he demanded as you opened the door moving out.
“Well, since you don’t care if we separate and your shop is the only thing you’re living for; it only seems fair that I leave,” you said, furiously rubbing away the tear that fell down your cheek. “Oh and Weasley? I hope you become the wealthiest wizard in the country.”
The last thing you saw was Fred’s shook form before a familiar house came into view. Knocking on your best friend’s door, you wondered whether you should have taken a hotel. It was very late after all. Before you could turn back and leave, Ruhaan opened up. He looked sleepy but his expression changed on seeing you.
“Hey, are you alright? What’s the—”
“Can I stay here tonight?” you blurted. “I’ll crash on the couch... ”
Ruhaan wrapped an arm around your shoulder, leading you in.
“Of course you can,” he said as your throat felt heavy. “You’re always welcome here, what happened?”
“I… we broke up,” you croaked. Admitting things aloud often made things real. Stating your breakup to Ruhaan made you really assess the situation. Blood rushed to your head as you realised you really just left back someone you had loved for six long years. Still did. Your legs wobbled making you lose your balance but Ruhaan held you steady.
“I can’t believe it… I… love him…” you gulped.
“Let me first get you some tea,” he said, rubbing your sides.
Fred was a mess. He fell on the floor with a thump, realising what happened moments ago. You left. The person he had loved all his life had left him. And it was his fault. All those months he had been trying to get the latest product to work. George had given up on it long ago knowing well how dangerous it was to work on. Yet he stood back, working extra hours determined to get it done. It made him lose sight of what was important, you. His heart constricted as he felt like he couldn’t breath. Hot tears fell down his cheeks as he let out a frustrated shout. He had finally lost everything.
For the next few days, Fred worked as an auto pilot. Numbness had caught up to him. He couldn’t bring himself to eat or sleep. Your thoughts plagued him. It was like he was watching your face fall as you moved out over and over again. The apartment felt devoid of spirit— dark and cold. Fred missed you, your smile as he sleepily joined you in bed, pulling you closer; your notes with little doodles telling him to take care… George vaguely knew about what happened, he couldn’t bring himself to talk about it. Visits to your best friend’s place have always gone the same. Ruhaan told him you weren’t there.
Fred wanted— needed you. He loved you. Always did. And he would be damned if he failed to show you. Again. Washing his face, he apparated to Ruhaan’s door again. Biting the inside of his cheek, he waited as a familiar face came into view sighing on spotting him.
“Fred,” he said, taking a deep breath. “I’ve told you…”
“Please,” he said, cutting him off. “Please, I know what I’ve done. Terrible won’t start to describe it. Just give me a chance to talk. I won’t push. I won’t. I am really ashamed of the things I did. At least let me make it right…”
Ruhaan searched his face, mentally debating with himself. Fred was pleading, begging. He would do anything to make this right.
“Alright, don’t screw this up,” Ruhaan said, ushering him in directing him towards your room. “The first door on the right.”
Fred nodded, moving briskly to where he indicated. Heart pounding, he knocked. Your voice came throaty, calling him in. When he saw you, his breath caught up. You looked terrible. Dark circles under red puffy eyes, nestled up in blankets. Noticing him, you sat up straighter.
“I told Ruhaan I didn’t want to see you,” you muttered. Fred moved to sit beside you. You looked away.
“I…” he began, not finding the correct words. “I brought this for you…”
He fished out a small box out of his pocket, handing it to you. It transformed into a teddy bear as the pack touched you, splaying itself over your hand like a rock. You narrowed your eyes at Fred.
“I’ve been working on this in secret for the last six months,” he rasped. “A teddy bear for blue days. The more I worked on it, the stiffer it became. I could not imagine what exactly I was doing wrong. I tried charming it, transforming it, twisting and twerking it around...”
“Fred,” you said, cutting him off. He blinked as streaks of heavy tears fell down his cheek.
“I was so fucking angry and determined to make it work that I couldn’t see anything else than that,” he sobbed. “I’ve said and done things that I couldn’t forgive myself for. I’ve made promises I never followed and I’ve let you go. I… I know that there is no reason for you to even hear me out right now. But I can’t lose you. I can’t… I can’t. I’ll do whatever it takes to have you back but I don’t want to say goodbye to the best thing in my life. Please. You don’t have to excuse me but give me one opportunity to make it up to you.”
You inhaled sharply.
“You’ll come home before 9?” you asked.
“At seven everyday.”
“You’ll spare time for me?”
“Dates every other weekend.”
“You’ll cook everything for the next 3 weeks?” you said as Fred let out a breathy chuckle.
“Only your favourites.”
You looked at his face, wet from crying. Eyes praying for your answer.
“You’ll kiss me right now?” you said as a dull surprise crossed his face. He cradled your face, kissing you softly. You closed your eyes, body relaxing for the first time in days.
“I’m sorry,” he said again, his voice low. You held his hand, squeezing it.
“I know.”
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—as for the taglist: I don’t make taglists, I have a blog @from-my-quill ​ which is updated whenever I post fanfiction. You could have the notifications on for it and it will work just like me tagging you.
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cheri-translates · 3 years
[CN] Victor’s Business Exhibition Date
🍒 Warning: This post contains detailed spoilers for a date, 企展之约, which has not been released in EN 🍒
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[ This date was released on 16 July 2021 ]
After a meal on this weekend afternoon, I’m nestled on the sofa, watching a new episode of an anime.
MC: Hahahaha!
Watching the comical antics of the main character on-screen, I can’t help but laugh out loud.
Hearing the rustling of papers from behind, I subconsciously shut my mouth, my line of sight flitting past the sofa and landing on Victor.
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He’s sitting at the dining table, a look of concentration on his face while he reads a report. The small dining table is full of documents.
I had initially planned to watch movies with Victor at my place today. I didn’t expect him to be so bogged down with work lately, and unable to relax over the weekend.
MC: Victor, am I disturbing you? Why don’t you use the study room or my bedroom instead?
Without lifting his head, he props up the spectacles on the bridge of his nose.
Victor: Who was the one who wanted to “stick” together with me over the weekend?
MC: ...that’s true, but you’re focusing on work now.
He has no intention of continuing the conversation. Rubbing my nose guiltily, I head into the kitchen quietly. After cutting some fruits, I bring them over to the dining table.
MC: In that case, I’ll apologise to CEO Victor~
Sticking a toothpick into an apple slice, I bring it to him. He tilts his head up slightly, taking a bite from the apple in my hand.
From my peripheral vision, I spot an invitation card with the words “Elementary and Middle School Students” on it. Curious, I take a closer look.
MC: “Corporate Culture Exhibition for Elementary and Middle School Students”? Is LFG participating in the Corporate Culture Exhibition?
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Victor: We received the invitation and haven’t decided if we’re participating.
MC: I see... I’ve never heard of this exhibition.
Victor: The government organised it this year. 
Victor: The officials said that it’s meant to introduce elementary and middle school students to outstanding occupations and various career paths to help them establish their aspirations.
MC: This exhibition seems pretty meaningful. It’s beneficial to LFG’s business image too.
MC: Come to think of it, I wonder if little kids have an understanding of LFG, and what kind of impression they have of LFG?
MC: Oh yes! There was a news report on elementary and middle schoolers going on company tours. Does LFG want to organise a similar activity?
Ideas come one after another in my mind. I rattle on about my opinions, but Victor doesn’t express anything.
When I start making an inventory of the company tour for students, the pen in his hand pauses, and he lifts his eyes slowly.
Victor: I can consider the exhibition, but not the company tour.
MC: Why not?
His deep eyes sweep over the anime on the television screen before landing on me.
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Victor: There’s already one very noisy kid in LFG.
In the end, Victor accepts the invitation to the Corporate Culture Exhibition. The exhibition commences as scheduled.
Out of interest, I offer my services to Victor. I become a volunteer responsible for decorations at the venue.
Seeing the detailed and vivid posters introducing various occupations  in the exhibition hall, the LFG employees next to me are slightly awed.
LFG Employee A: It’s really nice that we have the chance to understand different occupations. When I was young, I thought there were only astronauts and scientists in the world.
LFG Employee B: Even if you only knew of those careers when you were young and decided on an aspiration, it might not become reality when you grow up. I wanted to be a dancer, but I’m doing something completely unrelated to the arts now.
LFG Employee A: That’s true. If it weren’t for the excellent pay in LFG, I’d probably be at my old home opening a second-hand bookshop and retiring early. Oh yes, MC, what did you want to do when you were young?
Getting pointed out suddenly while engrossed in their discussion causes me to be stunned momentarily.
MC: When I was young...
I blink, recalling somewhat faraway memories. Before I can ponder deeply, my phone rings - it’s a call from Victor.
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Victor: Come to the café near the entrance of the exhibition hall.
MC: Now? What for?
Victor: ...what else can you do in a café? Play golf, amend proposals, go horse riding, drink coffee - which one do you think is the most suitable?
MC: ...to be honest, I can’t decide between the two options of “amend proposals” and “drink coffee”.
Victor: I ordered a custard cake. If you don’t come over, I’ll take it that you’re not interested.
MC: I’ll be there immediately!
After notifying those LFG employees, I turn around and head towards the café.
MC: Is this really okay? The others are still busy.
Victor: When did you have such a high sense of awareness? Who was the person who painstakingly learnt “Slacking Hacks” on the internet a few days ago?
MC: I was reading that for fun... I wasn’t planning to put it into practice.
Lifting my phone as I squeeze into the packed café, I notice that most of the people here are parents who are preparing to accompany their kids to the exhibition.
Victor: There’s still an hour till the exhibition begins. I’ve already told Goldman to inform everyone to take a break. In short, there’s no need to feel guilty, because...
Taking two steps into the café, I spot Victor at a glance as he sits at a table near the window calmly.
Seeing that I’m walking towards him, he puts down his phone gently, lifting his head to meet my eyes.
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Victor: Aside from you, there’s another person who’s “slacking”.
Taken aback for a moment, I quickly react to the meaning in his words. My brows arch upwards as I take a seat.
MC: I didn’t expect to ever “slack” together with CEO Victor.
Elated, I pick up a fork and try a bite of the dessert in front of me. The custard melts in my mouth instantly, and it’s sweet and smooth.
MC: Delicious! As expected of CEO Victor’s pick~
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Victor: Even delicious food can’t stop you from being talkative.
Right after saying this, he seems to stare at me fixedly, his expression slightly strange.
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Just as I’m about to ask why he’s looking at me that way, he lifts up his coffee, his lowered eyelashes covering the smile in his eyes.
...am I overthinking things? Why do I feel as if he’s making a joke out of me?
Feeling puzzled, I notice a pen and a post-it booklet at the edge of the table.
MC: This is...?
A staff who is passing by takes a step forward, smiling as he explains.
Staff: This is a small event by our shop. You can write your hopes or suggestions for the children, then hang it on the “Hope Tree” near the door of the shop.
Struck with an idea, I pick up the pen and a post-it note.
MC: Victor, shall we write a few suggestions for the children too?
I tear a post-it note and give it to him. After staring at me in silence for a while, he suddenly reaches out his hand.
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Victor: Give me one more.
MC: ?
MC: Does CEO Victor want to write a mini essay?
Ignoring my joke, he writes a sentence on each of the two post-it notes. He hands one to the staff, and stuffs the other one to me.
Bewildered, I sweep a glance at the post-it note given to the staff. The words��“You only have one life” are written on it.
Lowering my head, I stare at the post-it note in my own hand. In an instant, I realise why he displayed such a strange smile earlier. There’s a short sentence written on the post-it note:
“Dummy, there’s custard on your cheek.”
??: Hello, could I trouble the two of you to help me with something?
My face reddens. After wiping the custard off my cheek with a tissue, I hear an unfamiliar female voice next to me.
Turning towards the sound, I see a lady standing beside me with two small boys.
Woman: I need to use the washroom, but bringing two boys with me isn’t really convenient. Could I trouble the both of you to take care of them for a while?
I ask for Victor’s opinion with my gaze, and he responds with a slight nod. Understanding this, I nod at the mother.
MC: Of course we can.
While thanking us, she gets the two children to sit at both ends of the table before hurrying off.
The table now comprises of the four of us - two adults and two children. The air gets filled with an inexplicable, thick awkwardness.
Victor looks at me. I look at the kids. The kids look at Victor... Clearing my throat, I decide to break this strange atmosphere.
MC: Kids, how old are the both of you?
Kid A: Mommy said that we can’t give personal information to strangers!
MC: ...
I didn’t expect to be given the cold shoulder the moment I opened my mouth. I release an embarrassed laugh.
MC: Personal information... You can use such advanced terms. You’re so smart haha.
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A soft and low chuckle drifts to my ears. I glance at Victor as he picks up his coffee with a blank expression, staying uninvolved in the matter.
The other boy suddenly widens his eyes and leans towards me, pointing at my volunteer name tag and reading it aloud.
Kid B: L! F! G! Do you two work in LFG?
MC: Well...
I ponder over this. LFG is the investor of my company, and Victor is the CEO of LFG. So...
MC: I guess so.
Kid B: In that case, what are the two of you doing here? Did you sneak away?
MC: ...
Although these are unintentional words from a child, I avert my eyes guiltily. At this point, the kid who behaves like an adult speaks loudly.
Kid A: That’s impossible! Mommy said that everyone who works at LFG are really incredible people! They won’t sneak away!
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Victor: Cough...
Victor pauses his sampling of the coffee. As though he choked on something, he clears his throat.
Kid B: Really?
The kid blinks his eyes as he waits for our response.
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Victor’s expression is a little unnatural. He picks up a newspaper from a rack near the window, immersing himself in it.
Seeing him like this, he probably recalled the earlier conversation we had on “slacking” as well.
It’s rare to see Victor being choked up by someone. A little demon with horns suddenly appears in my heart.
I can’t help but laugh inwardly while turning to the kids.
MC: You’re correct. The employees from LFG never sneak away. We were talking about work-
MC: Right, Vic?
[Note] In CN, MC calls Victor “小李” (“xiao li”, which translates directly to Little Li).
Saying this, I wink at the person opposite me.
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Victor arches his brows, astonishment in his eyes. Without waiting for him to speak, I immediately do a “stop” gesture with my hands.
MC: The previous proposal for the show is too conservative. There aren’t any highlights, and it isn’t clear who the target audience is. It might be a waste to show it during prime time.
Adjusting my posture, I clasp my fingers on the table, mimicking VIctor’s tone and expression.
MC: When will you be submitting the new proposal? Tomorrow is the deadline.
Kid A and B: Wow...
Awed gasps from the kids drift to my ears. I straighten up with pride, tilting my chin towards Victor.
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He stares at me with a calm gaze, his eyes gradually illuminated with an unreadable, dense light.
He lowers the newspaper slightly, blowing the coffee in his hand gently and unhurriedly.
Victor: Are you sure these are the only problems, Miss CEO? 
Victor: I've also “reflected” much on that proposal, and there are some problems I haven’t had the chance to tell you about. 
Victor: Since you brought it up, I have no choice but to do a “self-reflection” here.
Victor’s tone is composed, and there isn’t a ripple in his expression. As compared to my pretentious posture, he’s laid-back and natural.
Victor: The theme of the show is too general and lacks a segment which stirs the audience. 
Victor: The structure also has the shadow of previous shows. A change in form but not substance - it’s a little unoriginal. 
Victor: A scandal broke out yesterday involving one of the guests for the show. A replacement guest has not been decided upon.
Victor: Also...
MC: Stop! I... I get it!
He leans against the back of the chair, a teasing glint in the depths of his eyes.
Victor: When will you be submitting the new proposal? Tomorrow is the deadline.
MC Tonight, tonight! I’ll definitely submit it tonight!
I reply instantly, my voice carrying with it some alarm. The corners of his lips hook upwards, and he retracts his “overbearing” aura.
Victor: I’ll wait and see.
I heave a sigh of relief, then feel a dryness in my mouth. Lowering my head to take a sip of coffee, I see the disappointed gazes of the two kids.
My cheeks flush. Just as I’m about to say something to salvage some pride, their mother returns, thanking us while taking them away.
I glare at Victor indignantly. He chuckles softly, then clasps his fingers together on the table just like I did earlier.
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Victor: I look forward to your next “challenge”.
After the exhibition ends, Victor and I leave work early.
The weather is really nice today. We pick a restaurant nearby, planning to head there on foot.
Dusk hangs low, and a misty pink evening mist smudges the sky.
Perhaps due to how smoothly the exhibition went, little emotions surface in my heart. 
Beneath this beautiful sky, how many young aspirations and lives took flight earlier?
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Victor: Why are you just standing there in a silly daze? Aren’t you hungry?
Retracting my thoughts, I see that Victor has stopped in front of me, his body turned to the side as he looks at me.
I hurriedly catch up to him, pulling on his arm.
MC: Victor, why did you write “You only have one life” on the post-it note today?
Victor: It’s true that you only have one life. Even an elementary student knows this principle.
MC: ...that’s not what I meant. I’m asking about what’s implied in it. For instance, are you asking the kids to seize the day and work their hardest?
His gaze lands on me. Seeing how serious I look, he slows down his pace slightly.
Victor: If you were to meet your childhood self, would you tell her to work her hardest?
MC: Mm... it’s difficult to say. I might tell her what to do in order for the current me to be even happier?
Victor: And that the reason why you can’t use an overly objective and rational principle to teach others. 
Victor: It’s a desirable trait to work their hardest so that there won't be any excuses to stop in their footsteps. 
Victor: But this doesn’t mean that everyone must have the goal of working their hardest.
Victor: After all, every person expects different things from themselves. 
Victor: Not everyone wants to stand at the peak. 
Victor: As compared to looking down from a mountaintop, there are some people who wish to happily and simply appreciate the scenery along the way. 
Victor: This might sound simple, but being an ordinary person isn’t easy.
Victor: “You only have one life” - this phrase has many meanings in different contexts.
I’m stunned for a moment. I initially thought that Victor’s words were meant to be a motivational quote, and didn’t expect for him to have such thoughts.
Even when he’s faced with young children, he doesn’t wish to give a fixed answer on the basis that he’s a mature adult.
My lips curl upwards, and I can’t help but stick a little closer to him.
MC: You’re right. After all, aside from people who stand at the peak, there are even more ordinary people.
MC: Ordinary people have one life too. They need to cherish it properly, and do what they want to do.
MC: CEO Victor, I’ve learnt something from you!
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Clasping my hands together, I bow in mock seriousness. An almost indiscernible smile lifts the corners of his lips.
MC: Come to think of it, I had so many aspirations when I was young. Lawyer, teacher, police officer, judge... I didn’t expect to become a producer in the end. Perhaps in a parallel universe, there’s a me who became a lawyer, teacher or judge!
The scene from the café flashes across my mind, and I burst into laughter.
MC: I might even be a CEO! What do you think?
After I say this, Victor turns his head and gives me an amused glance.
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Victor: I think you do behave like a CEO.
MC: It’s because I’ve been influenced after spending such a long time by your side~ Returning to the topic - what was your aspiration when you were young? To become a powerful business tycoon?
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Victor: ...have you ever heard of a child having such a pragmatic dream?
MC: In that case, tell me about it?
He doesn’t respond, and simply keeps his eyes faced front. No matter how much I probe, he doesn’t speak.
The sweet fragrance of desserts wafts into my nose. Following the scent and turning to the bakery near the roadside, I’m struck with an idea.
Since I can’t crack this difficult question in a straightforward manner, I decide to adopt the process of elimination.
MC: A baker?
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Victor: ...
A signboard with the words “Watchmaker Shop” enters my vision, and I immediately look at him.
MC: A watchmaker?
MC: The boss of a lottery shop?
MC: ...director of a zoo?
Throughout the journey, I rack my brain and ask him about all sorts of occupations. However, it’s clear that none of them are correct.
Finally, we stop in front of a crosswalk, waiting for the red light.
Looks like I won’t be able to get any answers from him today. Disappointed, I let go of Victor’s arm, releasing a soft “hmph”.
MC: Aren’t you curious if there was a choice and you weren’t the CEO of LFG, and if I weren’t a producer...
MC: What would our identities be? Would we meet? And what kind of a relationship would we have?
The red man at the other end of the road suddenly turns green, signalling for us to move forward.
My hand, which had drooped to the side, is lifted up gently by someone. His broad palm conveys a comforting temperature.
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Victor: There’s nothing to be curious about.
The crowd flows past in an endless stream on the crosswalk. Their footsteps are hurried, and the tips of their feet point in different directions.
I look at the person beside me. His gaze is resolute as he holds my hand, taking large strides towards the restless crowd.
He seems to sense my gaze. Lowering his head slightly, the light in his eyes is deep and scorching.
Victor: The life that I want to choose most is already in my hand.
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Victor's Post: Turns out someone could still go to work normally after staying up to watch anime last night.
MC: Could we cancel tonight’s reservation at the restaurant? I really want to go straight home to sleep...
Victor: Eating is a necessity. The location will be changed to your home.
Victor's Post: Turns out someone could still go to work normally after staying up to watch anime last night.
MC: As long as I’m hardworking enough, nothing’s impossible!
Victor: Working hard to make yourself even more stupid?
Victor's Post: Turns out someone could still go to work normally after staying up to watch anime last night.
MC: I solemnly vow not to do such things again.
Victor: This vow better count before you start on the next anime.
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🍰 Call: here
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saturnsummer · 3 years
When Sol gets a GPA of 2.02, the study group (and Joon Hwi) comes together to cheer her up. 
notes: another prompt by @thenerdywriter ! i wasn't sure if you meant it like this, but i hope you are satisfied! thank you for your prompt and your trust! i do apologise for the wait!
not much fluff or cliche romantic scenes, but just simple things that i hope when you read, remember your worth and never be defeated. you are worthy, loved and deserving to be appreciated. :) inbox always open!
for anyone who have sent prompts and asks, i thank you for your ideas! i have read through all your asks and am so excited to begin writing, but please understand if i can’t reply you as fast as i hoped! so sorry for this, i’ll try to address my inbox faster!! any mistakes or incorrect information will be taken responsible by me. enjoy!
edit: everyone, please don’t cry on this omg I’ve made 5 people comment their tears now and im terribly sorry for the tears.. I meant for this to be a light hearted story but looks like everyone is crying,, I’ll try not to make people cry now..
original prompt: where joon hwi and the rest of the gang shake some sense into her (sol a) about her self-esteem. 
words: 2787 words
Sol is downstairs at the lounge, holding a clear bottle of soju. She takes another swig from the plastic bottle, hoping that the alcohol can numb her heart like it does to her head. It burns, and she’s turning woozy, but she grumbles and takes another swig. 
2.02. She’s passed, at least. But she can’t help but feel upset. She wasn’t upset that she couldn’t score as well as Yeseul or BokGi, but upset that she’s satisfied with these low results. No one is going to hire her, even less offer an internship while looking at her track records. 
Sol worked her ass off for this exam. She nearly died, if it wasn’t for Yeseul’s reminders to eat. Even her cold stoned face roommate bothered to place bottles of water on her desk. Yet, after all this... 
“Why are you still up?” She hears Joon Hwi ask as he takes a seat next to her. She stays silent with a grim expression and turns away. Joon Hwi was the last person she wanted to see, especially when she’s in such a bad mod. 
“What’s wrong?” He asks as he catches her arm just as she’s about to chug her soju. 
“Everything.” She slurs. “You know I’m not even upset with my GPA? I’m upset of being happy with my shitty grades.” Joon Hwi sighs, attempting to grab her bottle away.
“I should have never came to study. I should have never tried to prove myself to be Dan!” She scolds louder. Sol knows she’s drunk in front of her best friend, but she can’t control herself. She doesn’t care. 
“Kang Sol...” Joon Hwi stands up, grabbing her bottle away from her. “You’re drunk. Go back.” 
“I don’t belong here, anyway.” Her slurs catch Joon Hwi in his steps. 
“I never once belonged with any of you. Being with all of you just drags you all further. I should just stop burdening you all with my questions and rot in a corner. Besides, no one would care.” She softly says, her voice filled with regret and guilt. 
Sol has always felt this way. Ever since she was young, Dan was always the star child. She got top grades while Sol got through in the middle rankings. Dan was always more popular, prettier, smarter. Sol learnt at a young age that no matter what, she would always be overshadowed by Dan. 
Thus, she learnt to be quiet. Only ask questions when she really needs to. Stick to familiar people. Only be loud when told to, and blend in in every situation. She learnt to depreciate herself, because no one appreciated her in the first place. 
Joon Hwi wants to shake her. He wants to write an entire dissertation on why Sol belongs to Hankuk. He wants to show her what he sees: a smart, caring, passionate lawyer-to-be. He wants to show her what he sees when she testified for Professor Yang in court. A confident, woman knowing her morals and rights.
“Kang Sol.” Joon Hwi says, pulling her up by her wrist. Sol pushes him away, but her touches are sloppy and weak. Sighing, Joon Hwi knows that it is useless to argue about her grades and her worth when she’s not even half conscious of what she’s doing. 
He grabs her coat lying on the couch, finding her phone and plans on calling Yeseul. But it’s past 1am, but he doesn’t want to trouble Yeseul. Sighing, he contemplates calling her roomie but reality smacks when he realises she’s home. Noticing how Sol is slowly nodding off, giving in to the fatigue, it leaves Joon Hwi not much of an option to carry her back.
Fishing the room key out from her coat, he takes special care in carrying her, sweeping his arm under her knee and lifting her slowly as to not disrupt her from falling asleep. The key card is in between his fingers as he slowly and quietly makes his way up to her dorm. He thanks the deities above that no one caught him or interrupted him. 
Tapping the key card, a standard ‘beep’, he pushes the door with his back, and takes care to get him and her into the dark room. He can barely see anything, especially since he has no hands to on the lights, but he makes out his way in the small room using the moonlight and what he can tell. 
Joon Hwi knows which side Sol sleeps, knowing from her stories that include her rolling from the bed up to the desk. By now, Sol was sleeping soundly, a slight snore escaping her. Gently, he sets her down on her bed and reaches to take her shoes off for her. Hanging up her coat that he placed on top of her whilst he was carrying her, he finally pulled the thick blanket over her.
But he didn’t leave just yet.
“I never once belonged with any of you.”
Sol’s words echoed in his head more than he thought it would. He stopped and bent down silently by her bed side, taking a few moments to wonder to himself just how and why does she feel so unworthy.
He grabs her bottle of water from her bag, before putting it next to her phone, which is on the table. Knelt on the floor, he observes the slow rise of her chest and the way her eyes flutter and nose twitch when Sol sleeps. Just how can someone like Sol think she’s any less than what he sees?
“You belong here in Hankuk. I’ll show you just why.” His whisper barely audible, as he brushes away a stray hair on her face. With that, he takes his leave and sneaks back to his dorm. (Without getting caught)
The next day, after two painkillers and a big bowl of hangover soup (left mysteriously by someone at their pantry), Sol is headed to study group. She is running a few minutes early than their scheduled timing, but she’s surprised to find the group huddled in hushed whispers. 
“What are you all looking at?” Sol asks, as she sets her book at her usual corner opposite Joon Hwi. BokGi lets out a startled yelp and Yebeom clamps his mouth shut. Sol isn’t surprised to see Jiho crowded there, but is even more shocked to see Sol B crowded with them too. If it was anything, Sol B wouldn’t crowd around and discuss things, unless it concerned herself, or benefitted her grades.
“What...” Sol leans over and raises her eyebrows. Yeseul’s eyes dart nervously and she breaks into a smile. The rest of the group just shuffles back to their seats murmuring under their breath.
“Nothing, unnie! They were just discussing on what to order for lunch.” Yeseul says as she walks over to Sol and takes her bag and books from her, before setting it on the table. “Unnie, shall we get coffees?” Yeseul escorts her out of the room before Sol could react. Sol assumes that it’s due to her hangover that Yeseul is suggesting coffee, thus just following and getting a cold brew and assorted drinks for the others. 
When she returns, they distribute the drinks and start discussing on what to study. 
“Noona, do you have anything?” BokGi asks, a little too enthusiastically. Sol is taken aback and lost for words. She usually just follows whatever the rest want, since answering her questions will take hours. Joon Hwi gives a sympathetic smile. 
“How about you share with us about a recent case? Remember the one that Professor Kim liked in particular?” Joon Hwi suggests. Sol grows quiet. Her? The worst student? Sol let’s out an uncertain laugh.
“Ah, me? I rather my roomie shares. She did better than me.” Sol says, then prepares a fresh document for note taking on her laptop.
“I didn’t do well.” Sol B says quietly, her eyes emotionless as usual, leaning back into the chair. “You did the best. Go on.” Sol is stunned and just nods uncertainly. Taking out her case notes and her reports that she submitted, she nervously discusses the topic on hand. She sneaks Joon Hwi a couple of questioning stares but he only pretends to not catch her eyes.
Everyone is enthusiastic, asking questions and when Sol is stumped, they jump in to help her. They suggest ideas and Sol has never felt so energised by their energy before. She find it fishy how Joon Hwi just sits back and she can feel him smiling whenever she makes a point right or figures out a missing link.
An hour later, when they are done expanding on Sol’s case and discussing, they break for a late lunch together.  Yebeom enters the room with bags of food, as usual over ordering. As they pass out containers of jjampong and jjajamyeon, Sol’s eyes light up when she saw the only thing that mattered in the whole order: her beloved pickles, in doubled servings. 
What Sol doesn’t expect is for JiHo to dump his packet of pickles on her container of noodles. 
“JiHo-ah, why...” Sol is dumbfounded for a moment as JiHo opens his pack of noodles to stir. JiHo only pushes up his glasses. 
“You can have them, noona.” Sol is even more dumbfounded. This was the first time JiHo has called her noona. She didn’t care for the honourifics, and JiHo could call her by her full name for all she cared. But hearing those words from Seo JiHo’s mouth, just made her think everyone was utterly suspicious today.
“Okay, everyone is being weird. What is this?” Sol announces, hoping her tone came out fun, with no hints of anger. 
“Nothing! We just know you’ve been feeling stressed, so JiHo decided to give you his share of pickles, right?” BokGi quips up, as he dives into taking the sauce to pour over the tangsuyuk, before Yebeom and him argue over pouring or dipping. 
Sol, still feeling suspicious, breaks her chopsticks just as Joon Hwi picks up a pickle from her plastic saucer to put on her noodles. Her eyes dart from his chopstick to his face, but he just nods at her pickles, expressions hard to read.
Sol crunches on her pickles, but it does nothing to soothe the feeling that everyone was aware of something, but her. 
The rest of the week was a puzzle piece that Sol could not fix together.
She woke up everyday to a new message by Joon Hwi, sometimes sending her funny videos, or a simple “let’s get through this together”. She woke up once to her roomie handing her breakfast and coffee. It just didn’t click in Sol’s head to see the cold Sol B hand her a sandwich and coffee.
Their group chat was undoubtedly noisy, but even more so now. Something in common was how the more chatty ones would ask Sol for advice or chat and strike noisy conversations. She was used to the chaos, but she definitely didn’t feel used to having the attention on her.
As the group had earned different internships from small and large firms, Sol was going to be left in school alone, still applying and hoping for one to come her way. Her study group knew about it, and instead continued to encourage her about it. They avoided talk on their internships, and actively tried to help Sol. While Sol was grateful, she couldn’t help but wish that they would just act normal and not worry about her.
She chose to meet them for breakfast on the day of their internships. The meal was noisy as usual as they ate their sandwiches and gimbaps. They were dressed smartly in their suits with their briefcases. Sol made a fuss over everyone looking smart on their first day.
“Hurry up and eat, you’re going to be late for your internship!” Sol scolded BokGi as he and Yebeom threw comments back and forth. Everyone was off for theirs and ready with their jackets and bags. Walking with them to the door, she couldn’t help but feel like a mom to her kids, sending them to school.
“Noona! Check your table later in the libra-” Yebeom gleefully mused before BokGi clamped his mouth shut and JiHo (with much irritation) smacked his head silently.
“What?” Sol asks, turning to Joon Hwi, who was turning redder by the second. Joon Hwi closes his eyes, the same way he does when he’s embarrassed and looks away from her.
“Listen to Yebeom and check the table.” He says, finally looking at her. “We’ll see you for dinner then.” Waving a quick goodbye, the group walked away from her towards the carpark where they separated to the bus stops or in the direction of the train station.
“O-Okay…” she mutters, still confused as she carries her books and bag to her usual table at the library. She would have went to sulk at Professor Kim’s office for a while, but she instead chose to head straight to study. Professor Kim had enough on her plate and she wasn’t ready just yet to face Professor Kim with her mood.
There, at her table, lies her stack of books.
Normal, nothing out of the ordinary. Huffing out, she slumps her bag on her table, gathering the post its on the bar above the table. Most of them were just plain comments, like how she had to stop slamming her pen into her hand (it distracted students) or move out of the library cause there aren't enough seats. Opening her book on civil code, she was ready to start drilling her head before meeting Professor Kim. 
Then she spots an envelope, hidden between the pages of the book.
Carefully, she picks it out and looks on the cream white paper, the only ink on it her name, written in neat handwriting. She could recognise Joon Hwi’s handwriting anywhere. A slight scoff escapes her lips and several students turn in annoyance. Realising that this was probably not the best place to be in, she grabs her books and bags (and the post its) and leaves the library. She heads to the empty study room, where she knows she’s be comfortable at.
Opening the flap, she slips out numerous slips of paper, varying degrees of length and sizes. Some words were neat, some were a little messy.
To: Unnie <3
Sol-unnie, you know you’re smart, right? Your grades may not show that you are the best, but I know you are! Whenever I hear you discuss a case with the study group, I know you’re trying your best to memorise and improve. Don’t give up, unnie! I will support you till the end!
- Yeseul 
To: Sol-A noona
Yah, noona! You have to stop injuring yourself, okay? You gave us a really big scare the last time when you started nose bleeding in the midst of study group. Noona, don’t look at your grades anymore! If a man like me can get through law school so far pretty well, you can too! Fighting, noona! 
Noona~ you’re really talented. The fact that you scored so well during the criminal law test and managed to spot the comma just shows for amazing you are! Noona, don’t be discouraged... seeing you discouraged makes us sad too. Your favourite dongsaeng is here to help you! 
- BokGi and Yebeom 
To: Kang Sol-A
You can do it. Review your cases before classes. Get your internship.
To: Sol-A
Live up to your name, will you? And sleep on a regular schedule. 
- Roommate
To: Sol
Sunbae, remember me? Stop doubting yourself and trust yourself. You’re smarter than you know and fit for court. I will support you from wherever you are. I’m grateful for you, for supporting me all this time. I think Dan would be proud of you, and so will the cookie Byeol. 
Sol, you are worthy in my eyes. So stop undermining yourself. You belong in Hankuk next to me. You can’t give up now.
-Joon Hwi
Sol lets a smile creep on her face as she lets a small blush rise to her face. Holding her letters to her heart, she closes her eyes, reminding herself of the past week and her friend’s efforts to cheer her on. She knew no doubt it had to be Joon Hwi who convinced everyone there to write for her despite their busy schedule. For even Sol B to help out and bother about her, it warmed her heart to have her support.
Picking her book, she pinned her hair up as she started drill into her book with a new found confidence, fuelled by her friends supporting her. But most importantly, she felt worthy. She felt loved. She felt confident. She was hopeful.
(Everyone thinks she’s worthy in their eyes, but one just thinks she’s perfect.)
222 notes · View notes
tiramisiyu · 3 years
Tears of Themis: Xia Yan/Luke 【昼夜余想】 Wishes Between Day and Night - Date Translation
Translation Masterlist | Xia Yan Masterlist | Unsubbed Video
Transcript below cut:
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Part 1
On the empty, desolate street, only the night wind whistled past my ears.
MC: …
I walked forward carefully. Plates full of food had been placed similarly in front of the tightly-shut doors of the residences.
MC: … I hope nothing goes wrong.
It was the Wag Festival tonight.  
According to the legends, the spirits who were venerated by their families would make their way towards the afterlife, while the spirits who had no one to remember them could only go around begging.
*Note: This festival did indeed exist in Ancient Egypt, and was dedicated to the death of Osiris.
Thus, kindly members of the populace would place offerings at their doorways, dedicated to the lonely dead. This was originally a holiday of commemoration, but things weren’t so peaceful recently… 
Several people had disappeared strangely during the night. People said that terrible curses brought by the dead were spreading all over the town…
✼ ┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈ ✼
Discussion Hall
Not long ago, I had reported this issue to the pharaoh.
But as he sat upright in his high seat, he merely looked indifferently ahead, his mood hard to discern.
Pharaoh: A curse…
Pharaoh: As the respected oracle priestess of the dynasty, you only need to convey the will of the gods. Just observe for any other situational changes for now.
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MC: But Pharaoh… more and more people keep disappearing these days, and the people are very panicked. The temple keeps receiving more prayers every day.
MC: If this really is the work of evil magic, the legends in the future will include a Wag Festival plagued by wandering spirits, and we’ll find ourselves with even more victims…
The pharaoh merely waved his hand at my suggestion that came from a spurt of courage.
Pharaoh: I have my own ways of dealing with this.
✼ ┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈ ✼
Though the pharaoh had said that he had ways to deal with this, I couldn’t just sit around and watch.
As the oracle priestess, listening to the prayers of the people, maintaining order, and protecting the empire were my duties, to begin with.
Thus, I decided to act secretly at night.
MC: (Based on the rumours… the ones who disappeared before last appeared at night, on the streets…)
MC: …
I grasped tight at the amulet in my hands. The golden scarab beetle shone with a cold luster under the bright moonlight.
Feeling reinvigorated, I walked deeper into the street. Right then…
Unknown Man: Aaahhh—
MC: !!!
After freezing momentarily, I immediately sprinted towards the source of the shrieks.
Unknown Man: Save me! Someone save…
Suddenly, the cries for help stopped.
In the small, dusky alley, just a few steps away, a man was lying motionlessly on the floor.
MC: Are you alright?!
I rushed over, preparing to check his body for injuries. However…
MC: !!!
A frigid aura emanated from behind me. I instinctively stopped moving.
MC: (Wait… I think someone else is here…)
I looked towards the shadows in the corner.
MC: !!!
???: …
The moment our gazes met, the person stopped hiding and walked out slowly.
In the dead silence, I held my breath.
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???: Sometimes, being too sharp isn’t a good thing.
The owner of the voice held a dagger as he looked from a distance at me.
Half of his face had been covered by a black jackal mask, and the slender eye slits were full of a crimson colour.
As I faced this person who was dressed strikingly like an assassin, I couldn’t help feeling the slightest bit of apprehension and surprise.
MC: A person…
MC: (Wait…)
I thought back on those disappearance rumours from before, and suddenly came up with a bold guess after connecting them to the scene before my eyes…
MC: (Does this mean that he’s the one behind all the disappearances in the city…)
???: Piece of advice: you shouldn’t be zoning out at a time like this.
Without giving me a chance to think more, the person in front of me spoke again.
He glanced at the talisman in my hand. His voice was relaxed, as if this were a normal, everyday conversation.
???: … So you believe in the gods, huh.
???: Too bad, though – it doesn’t seem like the gods will be protecting you.
I hadn’t even reacted when I saw him close in on me rapidly.
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???: …
Time seemed to stagnate.
At a close distance, he muttered ponderously to himself, and the dagger he was holding stopped a few centimetres away.
???: You’re…
He seemed to be staring at me through the slits of the mask.
I could smell a faint aroma, and despite the urgent situation, it left me unexpectedly mesmerized.
MC: (Is this some sort of perfume’s scent? I think it’s coming from him…)
After I calmed down, I lifted my head and met his gaze.
MC: … It sounds like you recognize me?
He paused for a moment, then spoke.
???: Based on your appearance… if I’m not mistaken, you must be the oracle priestess of Ayana Temple?
MC: I am…
???: If so, then it can’t be helped.
He retracted his dagger, seeming to have given up.
I let out a long sigh, relieved from being released from my dangerous situation. But when I saw him walk towards the corner where the collapsed man was, I grew agitated again.
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>Stay and observe >Try to save the man
MC: (I shouldn’t do anything foolish if I haven’t confirmed that it’s safe.)
Bearing this thought in mind, I carefully tried to talk to him.
MC: What are you planning to do with him? Is he still… alive?
???: Worry about yourself before concerning yourself with others.
MC: … What do you mean?
???: You’re more likely to run into someone wicked than a dead spirit, wandering around town in the middle of the night.
???: On your return, make sure to watch your back.
 >Stay and observe >Try to save the man
MC: (Maybe he still can be saved…)
The moment he turned around, I silently picked up a wooden baton used for the vendors’ stands.
After making up my mind, I closed in and brought it down on his head-
MC: !!!
He hadn’t turned around, yet he was able to precisely grab the baton and yank it forward, ripping it out of my hands.
???: I think it’s best that you do not worry about saving others while your hands are full.
???: Otherwise, you might not even be able to return yourself.
 ✼ ┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈ ✼
I couldn’t help shivering from his words.
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MC: …
???: Why aren’t you talking?
???: You’ve probably already guessed, but…
???: I hope you’ll be able to keep your mouth shut when you get back, just like now.
I stared at him wordlessly without reacting. He paid no attention to that, instead glancing back at me meaningfully.
???: This is for your own good, too. After all, no one will listen to you, no matter who you tell.
MC: Why…
He hoisted up the man before I’d even finished speaking, walking into the depths of the alley. Even my doubts were taken into the soundless darkness.
After, I attempted holding an audience with the pharaoh again… But each time, he avoided me with various excuses. Even my submitted documentation received no response.
I also secretly ordered people to investigate the masked man, but due to us lacking in manpower, we never received any results.
At the same time, more and more people kept disappearing, and the people’s panic grew worse every day…
✼ ┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈ ✼
Ayana Temple
Person A: When will the curse issue be solved?! Are you just going to watch as we all die off?!
Person B: Exactly! A neighbour of mine disappeared in the past few days… where’s the high priestess?! I want to see the high priestess!
On the day of prayer, it was even more chaotic than I had imagined on the temple courtyards.
The people who had come to pray had crowded together, such that the temple bodyguards had to block them to maintain some control over the riot.
MC: People of Ayana Empire…
Person A: It’s the high priestess!
As if they were grabbing onto their final chance of salvation, the jostling crowd all swarmed in around me after I entered the courtyard.
Right when the guards were on the verge of being broken through, a familiar voice suddenly came from above.
???: Chief Guard, how long are you planning to watch this go on?
   Part 2
Ayana Temple
???: Chief Guard, how long are you planning to watch this go on?
The originally panicky crowd stopped their steps forward for a moment.
Like them, I turned my gaze to the heights of the building behind us. Though the owner of the voice was hidden, there was no way I’d mistaken who it was.
MC: (The one from that night…)
He had just spoken when a troop of fully-armed soldiers burst into the temple courtyard.
Based on their clothing, they were the Pharaoh’s trusted Imperial Army.
Chief Guard: Silence!
After the commander handled the crowd control, the chief guard in front held up the documents in his hand and stood in the center.
Chief Guard: People of the Empire, fear not. I speak on the Pharaoh’s behalf with this oracle-
Chief Guard: “In seven days, I shall personally preside over a prayer ritual, where all curses will be broken.”
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MC: (Breaking the curses…)
When the pharaoh said that he had ways to deal with this, was he talking about this prayer ritual?
But based on what I had seen that night, the man who’d disappeared had been attacked and taken away, and the curses didn’t exist at all…
Right when I was about to refute these words, the chief guard swept his gaze over, his expression solemn.
Chief Guard: The high priestess will also play a major role in this ritual.
Chief Guard: So, please come with us.
MC: ???
Person A: That’s great! If the high priestess is there, everything will be fine…
Person B: Indeed, the high priestess is sure to protect us and Ayana Empire!
MC: (… I haven’t heard about this at all.)
Confused, I looked at the crowd, jubilant as they were in their relief.
Seeing my motionlessness, the chief guard ordered his men to come “help me along”.
MC: What are you doing?!
I instinctively retreated one step.
Simultaneously, a dagger flew past the tips of their ears, embedding itself on the ground.
???: No need to trouble yourselves. Leave that to me.
The chief guard lifted his gaze towards the building behind us, looking at the corner that was blocked by a colonnade.
After a several-minute stalemate, he finally gave in, gesturing for me to head to the high platform.
Chief Guard: Please make your way over then, high priestess.
MC: Understood…
✼ ┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈ ✼
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The temple was built on the heights of the empire, as the place that was closest to the sky and the sun god.
Birds – the messengers of the gods – flew under the blazing sun, distracting me from the silhouette hidden in the shadows.
MC: What exactly are you aiming for…
The pitch-black jackal mask had been casually placed on the ground. The assassin who’d taken off his disguise stared off into the distance against the wall, looking utterly unperturbed by my arrival.
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He looked calmly at me, even smiling a bit.
???: My aim is very simple. Per the pharaoh’s orders, I am to bring the high priestess to the desert shrine and carry out the final preparations for the ritual.
???: For convenience, just call me Luke.
MC: Luke?
I looked carefully over his face.
In stark contrast to the fiendish appearance I had imagined, his features were clean and delicate, his eyes clear and captivating.
Luke: Are you staring at me because you think I look weird?
MC: No, you just look a bit different from what I imagined.
He frowned slightly in response.
Luke: Never relax your guard just because you’ve judged a book by its cover.
Luke: If I wanted to, I could have you decapitated and scattered right now for seeing my true face.
He waved the dagger in his hand slightly. I met his gaze, refusing to concede.
MC: You wouldn’t dare.
MC: If you really do obey the pharaoh, you wouldn’t do anything to me – just like that night.
Luke: …
Unlike the confrontation he had earlier with the chief guard, this time, he quickly ceded, then smiled again.
Luke: Yep, you’re right. I wouldn’t actually do anything to you.
Luke: It’s just that it’s rare for me to get looked down on, so I wanted to mess with you a little…
Luke stood up and walked towards the temple interior.
He walked slowly up to me, but due to the presence of the Imperial Army, the guards outside the temple didn’t dare do anything foolish to him.
Luke: High priestess, do you know why I told you that no one would listen if you told them about the truth of the “curse”?
MC: …
Luke: Because he knows better than anyone where those who have gone missing are…
Luke: Adorning them with charges based on nothing and having them executed were his orders, to begin with.
MC: No way… the pharaoh has no reason to do this sort of thing.
Luke: Is that what you think?
Luke shook his head, in apparent exasperation at my stubbornness.
But I couldn’t understand at all, because my impression of the pharaoh was that he was a benevolent person, one who cared for the people.
Ordering the execution of innocent civilians, causing panic-inducing rumours… it really was hard for me to believe if I only heard one side of the story.
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MC: I must go see the pharaoh.
Luke: He won’t see you.
MC: Why?
Luke: …
His only response to my direct questioning was silence. Thus, I could only change my question.
MC: Based on the oracle just now, the pharaoh will be personally presiding over the ritual in seven days, right?
Luke: Correct.
MC: Will the so-called “curses” really disappear after the ritual?
Luke: Yes.
MC: If so, I’ll personally verify all this on the day of the ritual with the pharaoh.
Luke: You mean, you’re still willing to go with me under these suspicious circumstances?
Luke frowned slightly, his mood hard to discern.
Though I knew nothing of the ceremony, I could only nod at him in consideration of the situation’s severity.
MC: The people are all looking forward to the ceremony.
MC: Regardless of the curse’s veracity, this is the only way to contain the panic in the town…
MC: Now that the pharaoh’s oracle is out, no one will believe me if I say what I saw without evidence.
MC: Sometimes, the truth won’t be able to change anything, and as the empire’s priestess, I have to prioritize how the people feel.
Luke sighed after he heard me.
Luke: Can’t be helped, then.
Right then, a maidservant came in with perfect timing. She placed a cup of fine wine on the table.
Maidservant: High priestess, please have the sacrament wine.
Luke: Wine?
MC: Sacrament wine is part of our typical rites. The pharaoh says that we need this to reach a higher level of consciousness and build a connection with the gods.
Luke: The pharaoh again.
He muttered in discontent, then poured the precious wine on the ground when the maidservant left.
MC: You…!
Luke: These sorts of things are bad for you. Plus, you’re better off not drinking wine during a critical time like this.
Luke: I haven’t prepared any fancy carriage for you, after all, so you’ll have to walk with me to the shrine.
MC: W-walk?
✼ ┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈ ✼
The market in the afternoon was as bustling as ever, with the sounds of hawking mixed in with the joyful laughs of children, creating a ruckus that was completely different from the night.
I followed behind Xia Yan, hurriedly replying to the enthusiastic greetings of the people.
Person A: The high priestess! I can’t believe I was able to see the high priestess in the market!
Person B: Hello, priestess! Hope you have a great day…
Facing the surprised reactions from the crowd, Luke looked back at me curiously.
Luke: Have you never come out before?
MC: Yes… These are the temple rules. Aside from the necessary trips during typical sacrificial rites, that time on the Wag Festival was my first.
Luke: No wonder.
He smiled, looking up at the circling birds in the sky, and suddenly asked me a question.
Luke: Do you know why we worship the birds?
MC: Because they can fly freely to the world of the gods?
Luke: Yes. So, high priestess, the one who boasts the title of gods’ messenger – why do you shut yourself up in a little cage?
Luke: To me, you should be able to go to more, greater places without any worries.
Luke looked seriously at me, his voice earnest.
He was smiling slightly, so unlike the coldness he displayed on our first meeting…
His eyes reflected the vast sky behind me, seeming to contain so many things I had never considered before.
MC: ???
His expression left me somewhat confounded…
MC: (Why is he asking this…)
MC: (I don’t think anyone has ever asked me this…)
During my moment of distraction, my stomach, which hadn’t received food ever since the morning, made its complaint.
MC: …
Luke: Haha, can’t be helped – in reward for walking so far with me, I’ll treat you to something.
A few minutes later, Luke held out some biscuit-like things placed on leaves in front of me.
Luke: Here, try them. They’re freshly-fried bean balls.
MC: Huh?
I looked bewilderedly at the fried things in front of me.
The food and drink in the temple had always been light, so it was my first time dealing with food like this.
Meanwhile, he seemed to have misunderstood what I meant…
Luke: Sorry, I almost forgot.
Luke: As the high priestess, you probably had maidservants helping you with your clothes and food in the temple…
Luke: But I don’t have this sort of experience, so could you just put up with it?
Luke stuck a toothpick in the fried bean ball and carefully held it up in front of my mouth.
MC: It’s not because of this…
Luke: Is it because of the rules again?
Luke: This isn’t the temple, so doing some improper things should be alright…
Luke: If the gods truly were to lay blame onto someone, then don’t I deserve even more blame for this sin, as the one who encouraged you to do this?
He took on all the guilt, candidly stating a bold and reckless proposal.
MC: (Blame for this sin…)
Merely tasting a snack in the city didn’t seem to be bad enough to be called a “sin”.
MC: … The gods wouldn’t be that petty.
Luke: If so, then it’s fine.
MC: …
I stared up close into those perpetually unfathomable eyes, and vaguely felt for a moment that he meant something else.
Luke: … Here, open your mouth.
A tempting aroma wafted from the food near my mouth. I couldn’t help gulping as he patiently guided me.
Finally, I couldn’t resist taking a bite.
MC: Whoa… it’s really delicious!
The bean-made food and the vegetables had been mixed in with a perfectly-adjusted spice, and was fragrant and crispy from frying.
Luke: See, I knew you’d like it.
Luke: …Slow down, don’t burn yourself.
As he looked at me amusedly, I took several bites.
MC: (So delicious…)
MC: ???
Strangely, though this was the first time I’d tried this, the taste in my mouth made me feel faintly wistful…
Part 3
Outer Edges of Empire
Under Luke’s lead, we made our intermittently-halting trip onwards, approaching the shrine outside the city.
MC: (That should be our target destination…)
My field of vision gradually expanded. I could faintly see the ancient buildings towering amid the boundless golden sand.
Unlike the market, there were mostly caravans outside the city.
Apparently, their wares were specialties from various different towns – some were even foreign goods.
MC: It smells really nice…
I looked all around as I walked, stopping when I stepped by a little mobile stand.
MC: …
Luke: What’s the matter?
Luke keenly noticed that I’d stopped and followed my gaze.
Luke: Go check it out if you’re interested.
MC: Huh? No, it’s already getting late, so we should probably head on our way instead…
Luke: It’s fine – we’re almost there anyways.
Luke: You probably won’t be getting much of these chances after the ritual, so how about you take it as a chance to make a memory?
He walked up to the stand as he spoke, and I rushed to catch up.
Exquisite incense boxes of various kinds of workmanship were piled densely on the wooden car, glittering so vividly under the sun that they looked like they’d been divinely blessed.
Stand Owner: Whoa, the high priestess, aren’t you! I just heard that you’d appeared in the market for once, but I sure didn’t expect to run into you myself.
Stand Owner: Go ahead, look to your heart’s content. Tell me if there’s a scent that you prefer – I’ll help you pick it out!
In consideration of this rarely-experienced kindness, I looked down at the dazzling lineup of incense boxes.
MC: A scent I prefer…
The rites in the temple were specific and set, and all of the incenses used had never once changed in years.
Over time, I didn’t bother with considering my own “preferences”…
If I had to come up with something now, the only one I could remember, the freshest memory of a scent that I had was…
✼ ┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈ ✼
He seemed to be staring at me through the slits of his mask.
I could smell a faint aroma, and despite the urgent situation, it left me unexpectedly mesmerized.
MC: (Is this some sort of perfume’s scent? I think it’s coming from him…)
[Flashback end]
✼ ┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈ ✼
But thanks to how serious the situation had been back then, I couldn’t really remember it all too well anymore.
Both the elegant scent of water lilies and the rich fragrance of roses didn’t seem to quite match up with it.
Luke: What’s the matter? What are you thinking about now?
Apparently having noticed my hesitation, Luke rushed to comfort me.
Luke: Don’t worry, just pick as you wish. No need to worry about anything.
MC: Okay…
I nodded in response.
MC: (But… how do I figure out what that scent was…)
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>Get close and sniff >Ask him directly
MC: Excuse me, I just want to confirm…
I grabbed his wrist and took a light sniff of it.
Luke: !!!
Luke: W-what are you doing…
For once, he looked at a loss from my sudden actions.
MC: I don’t know what I like, so I want to buy an incense that’s like the scent on your body.
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Luke: … No, stop smelling it. What’s so good about being like me?
He anxiously withdrew his hand, covering his face with his arm to hide his expression.
 >Get close and sniff >Ask him directly
MC: Then, boss, could I get an incense that smells like the scent on his body?
Luke: The scent on my body?
Luke quickly recovered from his surprise, looking at me seriously before the stand owner could speak.
Luke: No. You can’t just say something like that on whim…
MC: Why?
Luke: … No reason.
Luke: Stop staring at me…
He retreated away from me, a slight blush appearing on his face as he dodged my gaze.
✼ ┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈ ✼
Seeing him look so unexpectedly helpless, I couldn’t help feeling surprised, and immediately apologized with my head lowered.
MC: I’m sorry…
Luke: You don’t need to apologize. It’s got nothing to do with you…
He withdrew several steps as he spoke, increasing the distance between us.
Seeing how awkward things had become, the shop owner helpfully started to market his wares to me.
Stand Owner: If you aren’t sure which to get, high priestess, how about trying this incense called Kyphi?
Stand Owner: It uses sixteen ingredients, including cinnamon and muskroot, and is made after soaking it in high-quality honey and grape wine…
MC: Kyphi?
Stand Owner: Indeed. This name even has a special meaning – “welcome to a place beside the gods”.
Stand Owner: This scent best suits the people of Ayana, who live in the state protected by the pharaoh, the incarnation of the gods.
✼ ┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈ ✼
Welcome to a place beside the gods…
With the incense called Kyphi in my hands, I slowly walked with Luke through the desert, towards those majestic ruins.
MC: (Everyone says that Ayana Empire is protected by the gods…)
MC: (But if Luke is telling the truth, the pharaoh had those missing people executed…)
MC: (As the incarnation of the gods, is the pharaoh truly protecting this place?)
MC: !!!
This sudden, absurd thought left me somewhat astonished.
But before I could think further, I heard a shout approaching behind us-
Worn-out Man: People… people over there, wait…
Worn-out Man: Could… could you give me some water… I’m in a hurry, and I can’t hold on anymore…
The owner of the voice was a man in ragged clothes, covered in sand. His skin had been severely tanned after years spent working under the sun.
He staggered up to us, looking like he was on the verge of collapsing.
MC: Are you alright?!
I was almost about to run up and support him when Luke held me back.
Luke: Don’t. I’ll deal with it.
MC: Huh?
Luke looked the man up and down. After pausing for several seconds, he threw over the water pouch he was holding.
Luke: Here.
Worn-out Man: Th-thank you!
The man took several loud gulps of water, finally calming down somewhat.
Luke remained on guard the whole time, watching the man’s movements closely.
Doubts gradually popped up in my head as I followed his gaze.
MC: (Why is he alone in the desert… and why does he look so worn-out…)
MC: (Is he a refugee? But… there haven’t been any battles under this dynasty for a long while. We should be in the middle of an age of prosperity…)
Right as I went over my suspicions, I heard Luke’s voice again, sounding pressing this time.
Luke: Are you almost done?
Worn-out Man: Yes, th-thank you both! I’ll be off…
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Luke: … Hold on.
Luke frigidly called that man to a halt as he was about to make his hasty departure.
The moment he took his water pouch, he yanked at the man’s wrist and pressed him onto the ground.
Worn-out Man: Aaaaahhh- w-what are you doing?!
Luke: Rather than leaving, shouldn’t you be returning to where you should be?
Luke: Based on your clothes and condition, you must be a construction worker for the pyramids. Why are you here?
MC: …Worker?
Worn-out Man: No! I won’t go back… I won’t go back! I want to go home!
Worn-out Man: I beg you, great sun god, please save me!
As the man prayed to the sun, I looked towards the edges of the desert that I hadn’t noticed before.
Several unfinished pyramids rose from the ground on the horizon. Many antlike, black dots surrounded the area, toting stone blocks around.
A shiver ran down my back under the blazing sun.
MC: Can’t we let him go?
Luke: He’ll get caught soon even if we do.
Luke: He’s better off submitting obediently – he’ll still be able to live, at least.
Just as he said, supervisors on their way to catch him soon came running over.
After a respectful salute to Luke, they immediately dragged the man roughly back to the barren-looking pyramids.
MC: Does the will of the pharaoh also include building pyramids all over the place…
These were a display of the pharaoh’s power and the structure that would connect him to the heavens for immortality after he passed away. It should have been an incomparably holy thing.
And yet, I couldn’t help shivering as I looked at them.
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Luke: They’re living people, yet they’re busy all day with death-related work. High priestess, don’t you find this quite ironic?
MC: …
Luke looked seriously at me in silence.
MC: I…
Before I could respond, he changed the topic, his expression changing along with it.
Luke: Remember, this is a reverse example.
MC: ???
Luke: … Before escaping, make sure to deal with all the threats behind you, or else all of your efforts will go up in smoke eventually.
MC: Why are you telling me this?
Luke: To make sure you don’t waste your efforts in the future, of course.
I didn’t understand what he meant at this critical moment.
Only as we gradually approached the desert shrine did I gain a faint understanding of his meaning.
  Part 4
Desert Shrine
Luke: Have something to eat.
Luke closed the stone door shut and walked slowly up to me, leaned down, and smiled resignedly.
Warmth still emanated from the dish full of fried bean balls, but I had no appetite whatsoever.
MC: …
One day had already passed since we entered this place.
No matter how much I was unwilling to believe it all, I gradually found myself noticing lots of abnormalities. This location, where the prayer ritual was to be, wasn’t situated in the heights closest to the gods. Rather, it was buried deep underground… The interior of the dark shrine was cold and hollow and had no sacrificial tools whatsoever – only weak candlelights that flickered discomfortingly.
I looked at Luke, recalling what he had told me when we had first entered this desert shrine again-
✼ ┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈ ✼
Luke: Here’s our destination.
MC: Destination… so this is where the prayer ritual will be held?
Luke: Yes. Rest first and get used to your surroundings. I’ve prepared all your daily necessities for the next few days…
Luke: I’ll tell you everything about the ritual after.
Luke: Because you’ll be completely severed from the outside world from now on, starting from when you enter this place.
[Flashback end]
✼ ┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈ ✼
MC: Is this ritual really a “curse”-dispelling prayer ritual?
Luke: Based on the results, you could say that.
Luke held up the container he’d just brought over, set down a cup, and poured a cup of water for me.
Luke: But its true purpose isn’t that simple.
Luke: The pharaoh wants to use this ritual to win over the people and solidify his authority.
MC: …
I received the cup of water, setting it aside on a stone table, as I didn’t feel thirsty at all.
MC: What do you mean by solidify his authority?
Luke: The current pharaoh did not receive his position through inheritance, like it would be usually. The process that this happened in is pretty complex…
Luke: Such that even though the people trust that the pharaoh is the gods’ incarnation, his prestige is far below that of you, the high priestess.
Luke: These conditions are disadvantageous for long-term authority. Plus, the people are starting to question things, with the increasingly burdensome work they do…
Luke: Which is why the pharaoh urgently needs this ritual to strengthen the trust that everyone has in him.
MC: !!!
My back broke into a cold sweat, hearing his low voice resounding off the cold, hollow stone.
Luke: The pharaoh’s methods are very simple…
Luke: First, use fear to force the people into submission, then save them himself, and finally, give them some far-fetched hope.
Luke: In this process, the “fear” is the curse, the “saving” is this curse-dispelling ritual, and the final “hope”…
Luke: Is you.
MC: Me?
Luke: Correct. You, the high priestess who is deeply revered by the people, who is a major threat to the pharaoh.
Luke: He will bestow you the right to enter Aaru* before the populace, and vow that this honour will be given hereafter to the most faithful of followers.
*Note: Aaru literally means “Field of Reeds”, which is what the Chinese text says.
MC: Aaru…
In the myths, the deceased would enter “The House of Osiris” after judgment. That lush, leafy heaven was called Aaru.
Though I had a faint hunch already, I still asked my question…
MC: What must be done to enter Aaru?
Luke stared at me, a sliver of pity in his eyes.
Luke: Come with me.
✼ ┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈ ✼
Luke brought me through a winding corridor to the underground shrine.
Luke: Aside from the terrible missions I do for the pharaoh, this is also one of my duties.
MC: This is…
As we got deeper, a familiar scent grew stronger. It was the scent I had smelled before from Luke, but its source was different this time.
Luke: You seemed to like this scent a lot before…
A bed carved from alabaster had been placed in the middle of the massive room.
The scent came from the containers on the nearby round table, from which the incense I had been so curious about probably came from.
Luke: But will you still feel the same after this?
Luke walked up to the round table. On it, aside from the incense, there was a row of sharp tools.
Luke: The legends say that the soul will remain attached to the body after death. If the proper antiseptic preservation methods are performed, they can come back to life one day…
Luke: This is how one enters Aaru.
MC: Mummies…
This was the tradition handed down from the ancient times of the dynasty.
As the procedure was cumbersome, only the pharaoh or the royal family would receive this honour, and also…
MC: Typically, this is only done after the person has died…
Luke: Yes. So, for the pharaoh, the other purpose of this ritual is to get rid of you.
MC: … Get rid of me?
I instinctively shook my head.
MC: No – according to the legends, the dead can reach the afterlife under the guidance of their patron god Anubis…
MC: I don’t think there’s anything that different compared to when they’re alive…
Luke: Is that what you really think?
Luke held up the chisel on the table. I shouldn’t have been scared, with my enduring belief in the gods, but my body couldn’t help trembling.
Luke: This process is not as simple as you think.
He gripped my wrist and stuffed the chisel into my hand, pointing it at his forehead.
Luke: First in the antiseptic procedure… this will be scooped out.
As if he was trying to make me experience all of this…
He ignored the pale red marks, watching me seriously with his unfathomable eyes. The tip of the chisel glided over his skin, down his nose, neck, chest, and abdomen.
Luke: Next, the other organs in the body are taken out from the cut on the abdomen.
Luke: All that is left in the end is the heart…
Luke: As everyone generally considers the heart to be the symbol of intelligence, and that it is needed on the path to the afterlife.
As Luke went on with his slow narration, an overwhelming fear grew like a whirlpool in my heart.
My hand had released the chisel, and it clattered on the floor.
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MC: …
I opened my mouth, but I had no idea what to say.
Finally, he held up my hand, slowly placing it over his heart.
Luke: But after all these procedures end and the heart is left, do you think that it could ever beat again?
Luke: The afterlife, Aaru, the gods… do these truly exist?
Luke: Do you believe in them?
The warmth and the forceful beats – everything that I felt under my palm – were the greatest proof of life.
After this, Luke released me.
I lowered my hand slowly, feeling nothing but a biting coldness and an infinite emptiness.
Luke: High priestess, though you have no way out anymore…
Luke: I hope that you can at least see all this clearly in your remaining time.
✼ ┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈ ✼
For as far as I could remember, I lived in Ayana Temple and worshipped the gods piously.
Even if I had my doubts now, what could I even do at this point?
I tossed and turned for a long time that night…
Amid my never-ending unease, I dreamed – something that I had not done in a long while.
✼ ┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈ ✼
In the resplendent Ayana Temple, the pharaoh, in place of the former priest who had died from illness, kindly bestowed the title of succession on me.
He then handed the splendid cup full of sacrament wine to me.
Pharaoh: Gods bless you.
I held my hand out to accept it, but the cup suddenly fell to the ground. There was now no one in the sacrificial room.
Only a boy dressed in finery stood behind the curtain, speaking earnestly-
Boy: If you want to live, then run.
[Flashback end]
✼ ┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈ ✼
MC: !!!
I suddenly woke right when he finished speaking.
The incense box placed at the headboard fell off the stone bed from my movements, making a clinking sound in the silent, empty room.
MC: This dream is…
I leaned down and picked up that incense box, and was suddenly reminded of what that stand owner outside the town had told me.
✼ ┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈ ✼
Stand Owner: Oh right, one other thing…
Stand Owner: This Kyphi incense was once used in various rituals.
Stand Owner: So, these complicated ingredients include some that have slight anaesthetic and hallucinogenic effects…
Stand Owner: High priestess, be careful that you do not overuse or ingest it when using it.
[Flashback end]
✼ ┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈ ✼
The leftover fried bean balls were placed beside the bed.
Though I felt that it tasted completely different from before no matter how much I tried it…
But another serving would be sent tomorrow, assuming nothing went wrong…
MC: If so…
I clenched the incense box in my hand and made up my mind.
MC: Just like he said before…
✼ ┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈ ✼
Luke: Remember, this is a reverse example.
Luke: … Before escaping, make sure to deal with all the threats behind you, or else all of your efforts will go up in smoke eventually.
[Flashback end]
Part 5
Desert Shrine
As expected, Luke had people send over freshly fried bean balls the next day.
While no one was around, I added some of the incense source from the box into its filling.
After, I coaxed Luke to eat them, and he did so without any hesitation or doubt.
Luke: …
The anesthetic aspect soon took effect.
I heard his quiet, low groans as he held his forehead, his eyes gradually becoming hazier.
MC: Are you alright?
Luke: … Huh? You…!
I snatched the moment he fell into a daze…
After pushing Luke down onto the ground, I rapidly grabbed the cloth strips behind me that I’d made from the bedding, tying his hands up tight.
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After ensuring that I was safe, I lowered my body and stared at him.
Maybe it was because of the effects of the incense, or maybe because his current, troubled state left him flustered…
Luke’s breathing in his tied-up state was rapid and his chest heaved violently, almost as if I could hear his heartbeat.
Luke: You… don’t get so close…
MC: Are you scared? I was also scared before… and those innocent, victimized people probably were too.
MC: Do you now know what it feels like?
Luke: …
His eyes no longer shifted away. Instead, they met mine directly.
I looked into those crystalline, penetrating eyes, and to my surprise, I saw a trace of evident apology in them.
Luke: … I’m sorry.
Luke: I know it must not have been easy for you to do this much…
His voice was gentle. Despite his current situation, I couldn’t hear the slightest bit of resentment.
This sudden consolation left me frozen for a moment.
But before I could soften, I forced myself to stay on guard, in case he was planning to escape.
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MC: Pretty words won’t help you. I won’t let you go.
Luke: I wasn’t asking for you to let me go.
MC: Back on topic – where is the key to the door? How do I get out?
Luke: There is no key.
MC: If you won’t tell the truth, I really won’t hold back…
I slowly got closer to him, trying to display a threatening sort of pressure.
And his breathing did indeed become panicky again.
Luke: … I’m telling the truth.
Luke: Those doors don’t have locks, and they don’t even have guards set there. You only don’t know because you never tried.
MC: !!!
Just like he said, I had never thought of escaping, as if I had been bound here.
But things were different now…
Right when I was planning to get up, he called out to me.
Luke: Wait.
Luke: I told you before - make sure to deal with all the threats behind you, or else all of your efforts will go up in smoke eventually.
Luke: So… aren’t you going to do anything?
Luke looked at me searchingly, his expression calm.
He was bound up, yet I felt like he was in the active position right now, dominating the entire situation.
MC: … No need. That would only cause a greater commotion. Either way, the guards won’t find you for now, so I have enough time to escape.
MC: After this, someone will punish you for your mistake.
Luke: Is that so…
He smiled faintly at me as if he were moved, the emotion in his eyes indescribable.
Luke: After you escape, remember to not be so softhearted ever again.
MC: …
I suppressed the mixed feelings in my heart, getting up without replying to him.
✼ ┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈ ✼
Everything became quiet again as the footsteps faded off, leaving only the faint sounds of the flickering candles.
Luke did not call for help. He applied a slight force with his wrists, easily breaking free of his bindings.
He stood up by supporting himself against the wall, then released a gratified sigh towards the direction that the girl had vanished in.
Luke: As it should be…
✼ ┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈ ✼
After I was fortunately able to leave that underground shrine through a secret path, I had originally prepared myself to have to rough it…
But, beyond my expectations, this death-escaping journey was much smoother than I’d expected.
As I wandered aimlessly, a caravan headed for foreign lands suddenly appeared in the desolate desert, just like a mirage.
They said that they were going to the oasis country across the sea…
Where resources and people abounded, where it was as overflowing with culture as it was here – a fertile land that drew many to it.
In the night, the salty, wet sea wind blew in my face, making me feel as if everything I’d experienced was an entire lifetime ago.
Caravan Member: Get ready to board the boat – we’re about to set off.
MC: Mhmm…
I looked at the merchant boat floating beside the shore. For some reason, I felt an inexplicable restlessness.
Caravan Member: Don’t worry, young lady. We’re honorable businesspeople – no human trafficking whatsoever.
Caravan Member: And since you’ve promised to help us with miscellaneous work, it’s a transaction where both sides benefit, so you don’t need to feel like you owe us…
Caravan Member: If you’re still worried, I’ve got a self-defense dagger here for you. You can keep it on you at all times on the trip.
MC: … Thank you.
I took the dagger that he held out to me, but that feeling of distress still didn’t dispel.
Seeing that the sailors were beginning to retrieve the anchor, I could only follow him onto the wooden board that connected the shore to the merchant boat.
But right before I boarded…
MC: !!!
MC: He’s…
Right when I was halfway there, I suddenly saw a familiar silhouette on deck.
Though we didn’t know each other, I remembered his face clearly, because on that night…
✼ ┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈ ✼
In the little, dusky alley, just a few steps away, a man was lying motionlessly on the floor.
MC: Are you alright?!
I rushed over, preparing to check his body for injuries. However…
MC: !!!
A frigid aura emanated from behind me. I instinctively stopped moving.
???: Sometimes, being too sharp isn’t a good thing.
 [Flashback end]
✼ ┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈ ✼
MC: (Shouldn’t he already be…)
MC: (Plus, isn’t it way too coincidental for him to be boarding the same merchant boat that’s escaping across the sea as me…)
I finally seemed to have sorted through my originally messy emotions…
Right then, I recalled the various minor details that I had ignored before.
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Luke: Do you know why we worship the birds?
MC: Because they can fly freely to the world of the gods?
Luke: Yes. So, high priestess, the one who boasts the title of the gods’ messenger – why do you shut yourself up in a little cage?
Luke: In my opinion, you should be able to go to more, greater places without any worries.
✼ ┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈ ✼
Luke: This isn’t the temple, so doing some improper things should be alright…
Luke: If the gods truly were to lay blame onto someone, then don’t I deserve even more blame for this sin, as the one who encouraged you to do this?
[Flashback end]
✼ ┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈ ✼
Encouraged… I repeated this word in my head.
Those strange emotions, those inexplicable words – the answer seemed to be within reach after I painstakingly pondered over them.
Nearby, the sailors were urging people onboard. There was no more time for me to speak with that man on the deck.
Caravan Member: Get aboard, young lady! Get aboard!
All I had left were these final seconds.
I knew right then that this was a critical decision in changing my fate. I should have gone for the more reliable option, but…
“After you escape, remember to not be so softhearted ever again.”
But this time, I wouldn’t do as he wanted.
MC: (There must be a better way to solve this than doing nothing and escaping alone…)
The waves surged in the night wind. Finally, I ended up returning to the shore, against the blowing wind.
I returned to that shrine one day later.
The ritual was imminent. I gripped the dagger that the caravan member had given me and carefully made my way through the winding secret path…
In the former grand hall, there now stood another person aside from Luke.
✼ ┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈ ✼
Chief Guard: So you really were playing little tricks.
Chief Guard: I specifically had people investigate after that day – the so-called grave pile doesn’t have any skeletons at all.
Chief Guard: Where exactly did the people that the pharaoh had you deal with go?
I held my breath, lying low silently in the corner.
The chief guard was a devoted follower of the pharaoh. He was as hostile as he had been that day, pointing his sword straight at Luke.
Chief Guard: And the high priestess – where is she?
Luke was completely unarmed, seeming like he’d lost his will to live as he lowered his neck to the sword blade.
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Luke: None of your business.
Chief Guard: If you’re going to be so pigheaded, then on behalf of the pharaoh…
When I saw the chief guard swing his sword, I sprinted out and stabbed him in the back-
MC: !!!
I thought that I’d landed the mark… But he reacted with shocking speed, changing his direction of force as he backhandedly parried my attack.
With the clinking of metal, the dagger was sent flying into the corner.
Luke: Careful!!!
I heard Luke shout anxiously. Right then, my mind was completely blank as my ability to think evaporated.
Time seemed to stagnate. I watched wide-eyed as the chief guard swung his sword at me…
MC: …
But right after, my body spontaneously reacted.
A fierce wind blasted in my face as I saw the blade sweep past my hair. I instinctively retreated one step, rolling to the altar as I dodged the slash.
Chief Guard: !!!
Under the chief guard’s astonished stare, I got up and grabbed the two chisels on the round table. Then, I threw one of them at him before he could react…
Using the moment that he deflected it with his sword, I sped forward. After this feint, I met his shocked, widened eyes as I adjusted my center of gravity, stabbing him at his weak point on his side-
When I came back to my senses, the chief guard had already fallen.
The sharp chisel was embedded in his back waist as a crimson liquid flowed out unceasingly from the wound, dyeing the ground in red.
✼ ┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈ ✼
Luke: Are you alright?!
Luke ran staggeringly over to me. Only when I had indicated that I was fine did he release a breath.
After he wiped the stains off the back of my hand, he blocked my view of the chief guard.
Luke: Don’t worry, he’s still alive… just leave the rest to me.
MC: I… I…
The crisis had been averted and my rationality had returned, yet a greater fear flooded over me.
MC: H-how did that happen… just now… my movements…
I had always lived in the temple, praying daily to the gods.
But the memories that were growing clearer in my mind told me that both the instinctive fighting skills just now and the scene before my eyes…
Were not my first encounter with them.
Part 6
Ayana Temple
I could vaguely remember seeing these brutal scenes often, back during candidate training.
I once snuck into the temple and prayed to the gods, not as a priestess, but as a pathetic seeker of help.
Boy: I finally get to see you again. I thought you weren’t going to ever return.
Boy: Are these things on the altar… the offerings you brought?
“Yes, these are the leftover fried bean balls from what the uncle in the city was selling… please try some.”
Boy: You look like you’ve been injured again… does it hurt? Come over – I’ll apply some medicine for you.
“I’m alright – at least I still can feel things. But there are some children who couldn’t hold on, who won’t ever get up again after lying down.”
“So, esteemed high priest, there is something that I would like to request you help me bring to God…”
“… I have prayed for a long time, but it seems like he has always ignored my wish.”
Boy: I’m still learning from my teacher, so I’m not an official priest yet.
Boy: But since you chat with me all the time, and because of the fried bean balls you brought, I’ll do my best to help you.
Boy: Tell me, what’s your wish?
“I don’t want to do things for the new pharaoh. I only want to… continue living peacefully…”
Boy: … I got it.
Boy: If you want to live, then escape.
“But they run much faster than I do. I’m sure they’d catch me instantly…”
Boy: They won’t.
Boy: Because God just told me that he heard your wish, so he will protect you.
Boy: Plus… he also wants you to live on peacefully.
✼ ┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈ ✼
That night, I mustered the courage to leave the empire.
I didn’t dare stop running until I was thoroughly exhausted, in fear of the chasing soldiers behind me.
Finally, I collapsed in the desert. When I woke again, I was in the temple.
✼ ┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈ ✼
The high priest sat on the bedside, stroking my head gently.
Former Priest: From now onwards, this will be your residence. You can study here with me without worry.
I asked him “why” many times, but the only answer I ever received was a sigh, as well as those never-changing words-
Former Priest: Because the gods favor you.
The gods favor me…
But after that, I never saw that boy in the temple, and the high priest never said a word about him.
I continued praying devoutly to the gods, praying that I would be able to see him again.
During those days of prayer, I even suspected that the one person who had heard my wish might have been a god himself.
After the aged high priest passed away, the pharaoh gave me sacrament wine during the succession ceremony.
This was the only way to reach higher levels of consciousness and build a connection with the gods.
Gradually, I forgot what my goal in all this was.
Amid the never-ending prayers, only a deep belief in the gods became rooted firmly in my heart.
✼ ┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈ ✼
Desert Shrine
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MC: Luke…
After dealing with the unconscious chief guard’s wound, Luke looked back at me from his place in a hard-to-detect corner.
He looked completely worn-out, yet he looked extremely similar to that finely-dressed, holy boy of my memories.
MC: The pharaoh messed with the sacrament wine… at the temple before, did you knock it over on purpose?
MC: I did forget what happened, but you’ve always remembered…
After a moment of dumbfoundedness, Luke smiled resignedly.
Luke: Before, I thought that forgetting the past and starting anew was a good thing.
Luke: But now, I feel that it’s better to remember some things, such as… a past desire to live.
MC: …
Only then did I completely understand that the so-called gods had never favored me.
It was Luke… he was supposed to be the empire’s oracle priest revered by the populace, and he traded his fate with me.
MC: … But why did you help me?
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Luke: Because I stopped believing in the gods, starting from that day.
Luke swept calmly past the protective Anubis statues on the two sides.
To him, those probably weren’t the revered ancient gods at all – instead, they were two worthless rocks.
Finally, his gaze fell on me, his mood hard to describe.
Luke: I couldn’t understand – if the gods truly existed, why did they never help you despite all of your many prayers?
Luke: Were you not sincere enough, or were they not benevolent enough? Or – maybe the gods don’t exist at all.
Luke: I deliberated over this unsolvable problem many times, and ultimately made a decision.
Luke: Regardless if they had heard your wish, I, at least, had heard it. So I would be the one to fulfill it.
✼ ┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈ ✼
Former Priest: You want to save her, but how will you do so?
Former Priest: Those children were selected by the pharaoh from many places. Though it is difficult to distinguish who they are from the masks that they typically wear…
Former Priest: But the numbers are rigorously counted every day. They’ll know instantly if one is missing.
Boy: Then I’ll replace her.
Boy: Our ages are similar, and even if our genders are different, there are several hundred candidates. No one will care that much.
Former Priest: …Ridiculous! I did not train you for this sort of purpose!
Boy: But, high priest…
Boy: If I leave this alone and she really does die from injury in training one day…
Boy: Not only would I stop believing in the gods – I’d even start hating them… in that case, I would not be able to serve as your successor.
Boy: So, I beg you…
[Flashback end]
✼ ┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈ ✼
Luke smiled lightly after his explanation.
Luke: Maybe because I was very fit with particular talent…
Luke: Though I started training late, I still was able to hold on until the end, thanks to a surpassing will to live.
He spoke so simply about a process that must have nearly killed him many times.
I faced him, a bitterness that I couldn’t swallow in my throat.
MC: Will to live… then why were you willing to be defeated by the chief guard?
Luke: …
Luke: If I knew that I’d be able to see you again, I would have definitely resisted.
Luke let out a deep sigh, then looked back at me seriously.
Luke: There is still some time until the ritual, so run now. Hide by the seashore for the next while, and wait for the next…
MC: I won’t run.
Luke: Don’t joke around! You…
He was just about to admonish me when the sounds of footsteps sounded from the far end of the corridor.
Luke picked up the chisel that had just been taken off the chief guard’s body in response.
Luke: I’ll deal with this.
MC: Wait. Don’t make a big ruckus out of this.
I grabbed his hand, wiping the red stains on his body with my clothes.
Luke understood my intentions quickly.
He frowned, knowing that time was tight, and could only pull aside the curtain before the altar as I wanted…
✼ ┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈ ✼
The moment I reclined on the altar, the reporting guard also rushed in, a few steps away from us behind the curtain.
Guard: The pharaoh will be here soon – may I ask how much longer you need…
Luke: … I’m already preparing.
Guard: The high priestess…
The guard stepped up to check on the situation as he spoke…
Luke: The high priestess has already gone to rest. Do not disturb her.
Right after, Luke threw the chisel he was holding past the curtain, embedding it beside his foot.
The curtain fluttered gently, revealing half of my hanging arm.
Guard: Y-yes…
Startled by Luke’s angry sullenness, the guard retreated from the stone room.
When everything quieted down again, he released a breath, planning to help me up from the altar…
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While he was off-guard, I reached up, pulling him down by the nape of his neck.
This sudden action gave him no time to react, and with his unstable center of gravity, he could only prop himself up in front of me…
Luke: What are you doing…!
His breathing grew panicked from my movements.
He could’ve easily broken free, but he let me approach his ear as I placed my head in the hollow of his neck.
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Luke: … Stop smelling it. Don’t you find it dirty?
Luke: I already told you that this incense’s scent comes from my antiseptic work…
MC: It’s not dirty at all. I like your scent a lot.
I inhaled gently. My exhale blew over his ear and neck, trembling slightly.
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MC: You ensure that the souls of the deceased can rest peacefully, and you give living people new chances.
MC: You’ve saved so many people, including me… to me, you are more worthy of reverence than those imaginary gods.
MC: So, Luke, let’s find a way that can save both others and ourselves this time.
Luke: Do you mean…
MC: Fake it until the end, just like earlier – then, deal with the pharaoh using the ritual.
If only Luke made a move, he was sure to be executed after being charged with severe crimes.
But if I, who was thought to have gone to “Aaru” already, suddenly “resurrected” and imposed punishment on the pharaoh for the “gods”…
We might gain the trust of the people and have a chance at living.
Luke: This is too risky for you…
Luke: I’m worried…
He seemed to have realized that I wouldn’t change my mind, powerlessly lowering his head as he spoke, his trembling voice full of worry and distress.
MC: Based on our customs, the priest will write protective incantations on papyrus paper and place it in the tomb of the deceased, to bless them so that they will live peacefully in the afterlife.
MC: If you’re worried, Luke, write some prayers for me too.
Luke: … That’s bad luck. You’re still alive.
MC: The blessing intent remains the same, though.
Unable to persuade me, Luke could only hum an affirmative.
Luke: I’ve already thought of what to write. I’ll do it in a moment.
MC: What is it?
Luke: I’ll tell you after it ends, so… you must get out of this safe and sound.
We plotted a plan that was basically blasphemy against the gods, clinging together on the holy altar.
Before he finished carefully preparing my body as if for a corpse and covered me with a blanket… he kissed my forehead, as if in blessing.
In the faintly flickering candlelight, I looked into those perfectly clear eyes, praying reverently that the lights in them would never be extinguished…
… Simultaneously, giving that kiss a more fervent response.
Finally, this curse-dispelling, empire-stirring prayer ritual came to an end with the death of the pharaoh.
Opinions varied on the entire course of events, leaving a heavy, bright mark on the history of the dynasty.
✼ ┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈ ✼
One month after the new pharaoh succeeded to the throne.
Chief Guard: I will bring the young pharaoh back then, high priestess. There is still much that he must study – if he hadn’t been clamoring about coming to the temple…
Chief Guard: Ah, forget it.
I nodded, preparing to rise and send him off.
Before he left, I couldn’t resist calling out to that eternally straight-backed chief guard, who was intimidating even when he merely stood there.
MC: Even if the people believed my words that day, you must have known the reason behind it all, chief guard…
MC: You have always only obeyed the pharaoh, so why have you still not made a move?
Chief Guard: High priestess, I don’t understand what you mean.
Chief Guard: I still obey to the “pharaoh” – otherwise, I would not have brought him to you today to play.
MC: … That is true.
Chief Guard: If you are trusted as the will of the people, then the reason why the former pharaoh – the incarnation of the gods – died so easily, may have been the will of the heavens.
Chief Guard: This isn’t something I can do anything about… especially since the true offender has long died in prison, so there is nothing to go over seriously about.
Chief Guard: As time is tight, I will head off first.
MC: Take care.
Just as the chief guard said, the person who dealt the lethal blow to the pharaoh and cut off his head was not me, but Luke.
He was subsequently imprisoned… although…
Luke: Ugh, that chief guard really sounds satisfied with my “death in prison”.
Luke popped in through the window, sighing annoyedly.
MC: On the other hand, that’s a good thing – if even the chief guard believes that, no one will probably suspect anything…
MC: … Sorry that this was the only way to let you let you escape unscathed.
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Luke: It’s alright – I’m perfectly fine, right? Just that…
Luke: You should deal less with that chief guard and that ignorant, incompetent little pharaoh from now on.
Luke: Who knows when they might come up with crooked ideas to set you up…
MC: It’s alright – you’re here, after all.
Luke: That’s true. Then, remember to rely on me more in the future, like right now…
MC: !!!
Luke embraced me from behind, bringing me to recline together on the long couch.
Luke: You’ve been dealing with the messes left by the former pharaoh for all of last night. You didn’t even get a wink of sleep.
Luke: Take an afternoon nap, now that you have time for once… I’ll be with you.
MC: … Okay.
I was just about to close my eyes when a sudden breeze blew in from the window, blowing the papyrus scrolls on the table onto the ground.
MC: Ah!
Luke: Don’t move… I’ll pick those scrolls up in a moment. Let them do whatever for now.
MC: They’re not documents, though. They’re what you wrote for me…
Realizing that Luke wasn’t going to let go, I could only mumble an explanation, burying my head in embarrassment into his chest.
Those papyrus scrolls were the prayers that he had written for me before that prayer ceremony.
Luke: … I didn’t think you’d keep them.
MC: Of course I did.
Luke still didn’t let me go, instead reclining his head on my shoulder. Like the hair coiling around my neck, I heard a few comfortable hums, making me feel slightly tingly.
He then spoke.
Luke: When everything settles down, let’s go to a country across the sea where no one recognizes us.
MC: Mhmm, okay.
Perhaps that oasis country across the sea was my true “Aaru”.
Embracing a hope for the future, a sleepiness gradually descended on me…
As I fell asleep, I seemed to hear him gently reciting that prayer written on the papyrus scrolls by my ear-
Luke: “I pray that you will continue to live bravely onwards, as you had described.”
Luke: “When you are exhausted, I too will cease, and sink with you into an eternal slumber.”
Done with work? Looks like I finally have the chance to be with you alone.
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>Intimate interactions >Fried bean balls…
>Select ankh
MC: (According to the legends, this is a possession of the gods with disaster- and illness-preventing effects. It represents the repeating nature of life, rebirth, and eternity.)
Luke: You’ve been staring at my chest for a while. Are you curious about the pendant?
MC: A little… if I recall correctly, you don’t believe in this stuff, so why would you wear an amulet like that?
Luke: I don’t use this to protect myself – I only wore it before as part of the prayers for the deceased, and then I just got used to it.
Luke: Although, it’s pretty pointless at this point. Maybe I should take it off…
MC: Huh? Don’t take it off… I think it looks pretty good as normal jewelry. Just keep it on.
Luke: Is that so? If you like seeing me wear it, then I won’t take it off.
 >Select upper-left
MC: (The new pharaoh is still young and requires a lot of support from the temple…)
MC: (This place has been receiving an endless stream of guests all day recently. It’s so rare for me to have time to talk to Luke.)
 >Select head
MC: Luke, have you been wearing that mask these days?
Luke: Sometimes I wear it when going out, so my face doesn’t get seen… although, that’s not necessary with you.
MC: Indeed – I can’t see your expression when you’re wearing a mask. This is much better.
 >Intimate interactions >Fried bean balls…
MC: Weird, these fried bean balls have a distinct taste compared to the ones we ate before…
Luke: I knew that I couldn’t hide this from you. I made this secretly in the kitchen while no one was there.
Luke: Since I can’t appear in the market now under my current conditions – it would be bad if my identity were exposed.
MC: Is that so….
MC: (Before, I announced that Luke had died in prison. Though he was able to avoid execution thanks to this, his freedom is still limited.)
Luke: What’s the matter? Based on your expression… does it taste bad?
MC: Not at all! It doesn’t taste bad! I’m just worried that you might find your lifestyle right now really boring…
MC: If you want, you can leave the empire for a while, so you wouldn’t need to be so careful.
Luke: I don’t want that, because… not only do I not find it boring, but I also feel like this isn’t too bad, the way things are.
MC: Really?
Luke: Yep, really. Since no one knows that I’m alive, I don’t have to bother with some unnecessary dealings too.
Luke: Plus, it’s because that I’m alone that you’ll worry about me from time to time, just like now, right?
Luke: No matter where you are or who you’re talking to, you’ll remember that I’m waiting for you. That’s enough to satisfy me.
MC: Luke, don’t be so easily satisfied…
MC: Even if we go elsewhere in the future where you don’t need to conceal yourself, I’ll always be thinking of you.
Luke: Then, when time comes, I’ll be able to monopolize you openly… and beat off anyone who bothers us.
MC: Pfft, isn’t that a little too childish?
Luke: I’ve been holding back for so long, so it should be justifiable for me to be a bit childish…
Luke: Plus, I’m also hoping that after you shed the responsibility you bear, you can be more childish and reckless in front of me, okay?
MC: Okay… I’ll try.
113 notes · View notes
twisted-crumpets · 3 years
The soft Vil and kissing headcanons I'm- 😭😭😭😭😭 Could I have headcanons for NRC having a ball and MC just walks up to Riddle, Azul, Vil, Idia and Malleus (seperately ofc) being like "I've decided that you're gonna be my date for the ball 😊". I know I picked like, the 5 worst characters for this, imagine the audacity and guts you gotta have to pull that on Vil and Malleus 😂
Pff MC strolling up with guts of steel
I- Imagine like slamming down a corsage or smth and being like “you, me dance a lil, get to know each other, maybe smooch idk” to Vil 😂😂
Also, thank you very much for liking my Vil headcanons, it made me smile.
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━━ Riddle Rosehearts ━━
To say that Riddle wasn’t stressed out of his mind would be a complete and utter lie.
After spending a good chunk of his time dedicated to scolding Ace and chasing Floyd the poor crimson leader was staring at his watch, panicking as the seconds tick by.
Hearing soft footsteps, he whipped his head ready to berate whoever was dawdling in the dorms and not laying out the table for the upcoming unbirthday party, but froze upon the sight of his darling.
“Oh! Love, I’m sorry you have caught me at a bit of a bad time. What is the reason for your visit?”
He was not at all prepared for his darling to demand his presence at the school ball and couldn’t help but splutter as his face slowly began to turn into a shade that could rival his hair.
“I- you... do you have any sense of decorum or poise?”
Ignoring the blush smeared across his cheeks, Riddle began to criticise the “invitation” and how it did not comply with the rules of the queen of hearts.
However, he soon quietened down when his love teasingly asked if that meant he was rejecting them, reducing the strict dorm leader into a flustered mess.
“That most certainly was not a no!... I just, I believed that we were automatically going to arrive together... I didn’t expect to be asked so abruptly.... I... let me try this again.”
Clearing his throat, Riddle knelt onto the ground, surprising the dorm members who were slowly filing into the room, sweetly holding onto his dearest’s hand.
“Darling, it would be the upmost honour of the highest degree to accompany you to the ball.”
Laying a kiss onto the back of their hand, he couldn’t hide the smirk beginning to grow onto his face as he amusedly watched their face grow as brightly as his own.
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━━ Azul Ashengrotto ━━
Due to the rise in contracts during the exam season, Azul’s paperwork began to increase as well and the poor octopus could already feel every part of his back creak in protest everytime he leant down.
Opening the heavy door to his study, his darling was not surprised that he barely even looked their way before pressing his nose against his documents, scanning their contents tiredly.
Attempting to gain his focus, his darling decided to demand that he join them at the ball.
His response was lacklustre at best, not even taking his eyes off his his work to reply.
“Hm? Ah yes, of course my treasure.”
Suddenly, his quill paused in its journey across his contracts and he froze, dropping it against the pristine desk.
At first, his response was “hmmm? Ah yes of course, my treasure.”
That was until, the demand finally processed in his mind, then he just stood wide eyed and froze, dropping his quill.
He gasped at his darling, his azure eyes getting increasingly smaller in shock.
After a few minutes, his darling was finally able to call his name through their giggles, and he snapped back to life.
“Oh my angelfish~ what a tempting command. But, I can only make wishes come true if they are a request.”
Smiling coyly, he observed his darling floundering for the proper words to ask him.
Crooking a gloved finger, he beckoned them closer, mischief practically glowing in his eyes, and gently pulled them into a slow kiss.
“That is a deal I could simply not turn down. Alright, I will gladly join you, my pearl.”
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━━ Vil Shoenheit ━━
As a deep lover of all things intricate and organised, this was nothing short of messy.
Fabrics ranging in colour, texture and pattern covered every inch of his room, and Vil was extremely critical of which would be worthy to be used to decorate the dorm room.
He revelled the peaceful silence that lingered in the room, which demanded complete and utter focus, until his darling came barrelling into the room.
“Ah! Fairest no! You could’ve sullied the fabrics... whatever possessed you to come stumbling in like an elephant better be of high importance.”
Returning to his work, he did not expect shaky warm hands to cup his face, and he slowly moved his gaze to their face, observing the rosey flush due to their exercise prior.
In a shocked trance, Vil watched as his darling bolted from the room, after loudly proclaiming that he was coming with her to the ball.
Snapping his manicured fingers, his poor love was dragged like a sack of potatoes over the shoulder of his loyal huntsman, who overheard the events that unfolded with a wide grin.
“My dear, whilst your confession was executed rather... uniquely, I believe I must be the one to give an answer on whether or not I shall attend with you.”
With a cat-like smile, he basked in the nervous gaze of his darling which bounced around the room, whilst he pretended to find his nails exceedingly interesting, before finally accepting with sophisticated air.
Striding up to his darling briskly to tenderly cradle their face, peppering sweet kisses and giggling at the look of bewilderment and shock that graced their face.
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━━ Idia Shroud ━━
Finding Idia furiously slamming his fingers into his keyboard, fully enamoured with the happenings on his computer, was not new.
Observing his hunched and focused figure, his darling decided that it was due time for him to take a break and attempted to tear his eyes away from the harsh glare of the screen.
“Oh pixel, I promise I will stop right after this round don’t worry.”
Unfortunately, he couldn’t even press a single key when he heard his lover announce that he would be attended the ball alongside them.
Turning a blind eye to the blatant ‘game over’ on his monitor, Idia’s hair began to burn a vibrant assortment of deep reds and he muttered incomprehensible half sentences, his current state akin to a phone after being dropped into a pool.
“You... me... public... together... d..dancing..”
Like a mouse, he burrowed his way inside the cozy depths of his hoodie, squeaking out his agreement, before flinging his arms around their middle and smooshing his face into their stomach in an attempt to distract them from his vermillion hair and face.
“.. I would love that very much thank you.”
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 ━━ Malleus Draconia ━━
For Malleus, midnight strolls are the highlight of his day.
From exploring the picturesque ruins of castles he might’ve known once upon a time, to marvelling at the loyal gargoyles that remain standing guard at the entrance, that frequently remind him of the two guards of his back at his dorm.
Although, he couldn’t deny that, the main reason for his enjoyment in his nightly activities was when doing so with his truest love.
On this day, instead of the usual lighthearted air between them, a nervous yet determined one replaced it, filling the horned boy with curiousity, which grew as he gazed deeply into the eyes of his love, who appeared to be summoning every ounce of courage to look back into his.
“Truest, what is ailing you?”
Nothing could quite prepare him for the explosive torrent of words that spilled from their lips that took his brain a whole series of seconds to decipher.
When it finally clicked that he had received that invitation, no one could’ve possibly smiled brighter or laughed merrier than he, as he whisked his beloved into his arms, pressing his lips against theirs passionately.
Pulling away, his chest rumbling with laughter, he cheekily beamed at the dumbfounded expression that graced his love’s features.
“My my, inviting me so suddenly, and with such a demanding tone too. Why this is an interesting declaration, and I would be a fool to not accept. Very well my truest, I accept. You best do well to not be late, I am looking forward to this.”
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I’m so sorry this took so long, school said no❤️
I hope you enjoyed your meal!
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bumblesimagines · 3 years
Green Thumb
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Part 8
Request: Yes or No
Sam and y/n had more development than y/n and Wanda lmao
You crossed your arms as you entered the room, glancing at the older man. You shared a look with Sam and Wanda, taking a seat in between Sam and Vision. You licked your lips, leaning towards Sam.
"What's this about?" You asked quietly, gaze flickering to Tony who sat in a corner.
"If I had to guess.. Probably about what happened in Lagos." Sam replied, glancing at Steve and Natasha. You frowned, looking at the Secretary of State.
"The world owes the Avengers an unpayable debt." He began, gaze sweeping over everyone in the room.
"You have.. Fought for us, protected us, risked your lives but while a great many people see you as heroes, there are some who would prefer the term 'vigilantes.'"
"And what word would you use, Mr. Secretary?" Natasha asked, studying the older man. You looked back at Tony Stark, making brief eye contact with him. It felt like an intervention. Or a teacher scolding their class after they made the sub cry.
"How about dangerous?" You frowned, looking forward when you heard his words.
"What would you call a group of US based enhanced individuals who routinely ignore borders and inflict their will wherever they choose and who, quite frankly, seem unconcerned about what they leave behind?" Mr. Secretary asked, looking over the small group in disappointed. You'd hate to admit it, but he had a point. The citizens of Sokovia were left to find new homes and the people of Lagos had to fix what had been destroyed. Mr. Secretary stepped to the side, looking at the screen. Videos began playing of all the times the Avengers caused destruction and most likely death. Wanda looked away, growing uncomfortable as the aftermath of the Lagos incident played. She already felt guilty enough about it. She had told you many times how she wished it would've gone differently. Steve noticed, frown deepening.
"That's enough." He called, watching the screen turn off.
"For the last few years, you've operated with unlimited power and no supervision. That's a decision the governments of the world can no longer tolerate." Mr. Secretary told them, hands clasped behind his back. You frowned, brows furrowing slightly.
"But we have a solution." Mr. Secretary took a book from his bodyguard, stepping forward and handing it to Wanda. Wanda picked it up, looking it over.
"The Sokovia Accords.. Approved by a hundred and seventeen countries." Wanda slid the book over to Rhodes so he could take a proper look at it. You looked at Mr. Secretary as he walked around the table.
"It states that the Avengers shall no longer be a private organization. Instead, they'll operate under the supervision of The United Nations Panel, only when and if that panel deems it necessary."
"That's such bullshit." You whispered. Mr. Secretary turned towards you, cocking a brow. Natasha let an amused smile slip while Sam covered up his snicker with a cough.
"The Avengers were created to make the world a safer place." Steve spoke up before he could address you.
"This is the middle ground." Mr. Secretary said, walking to the front again and facing everyone.
"The Accords will be ratified in a couple days." Steve turned towards Tony, earning a silent response.
"I'll leave you to discuss."
"And if we come to a decision you don't like?" Leave it to Natasha to say what was on everyones' minds. Mr. Secretary paused as he approached the door.
"Then you retire." He answered plainly. You watched him leave, picking up the cup of water infront of You You went to take a sip but it turned to ice before you could drink from it. With a small huff, you placed it down.
"That's new." Natasha called with a small smile, hoping to ease the tension in the room. You stood up, leaving the meeting room and heading to the lounge. The others followed, taking more comfortable seats on the couch. A debate quickly started between Rhodes and Sam while Steve looked through the Accords.
"Have you two thought about starting a debate club?" You asked, tapping the frozen water a few times before it finally turned back to normal water. Natasha let out a small snort, chuckling as she shook her head.
"I have an equation." Vision announced, stopping Rhodes and Sam. They turned towards him.
"In the eight years since Mr. Stark announced himself as Iron Man, the number of enhanced people has grown and during the same period, the number of world ending events has risen."
"So, it's Starks' fault?" You asked, leaning back in your seat with a tilted head. Tony scoffed from his spot on the couch, rolling his eyes.
"I'm saying, there might be a causality. Our very strength invites challenge, challenge insights conflict, and conflict... Breeds catastrophe. Oversight is not an idea that should be dismissed."
"I wish I understood half of what you said." You muttered softly, running your finger the leaf of a plant beside the seat. Natasha turned towards Tony, watching him.
"You're being uncharacteristic non-hyper verbal." Natasha pointed out softly as he looked at her with a deep sigh. Steve looked up from the Accords.
"It's cause he already made up his mind." Steve said, earning a small eye roll. Tony slowly sat up, rubbing the back of his head.
"Actually, I'm nursing a headache." He muttered as he stood up, walking towards the coffee machine. He poured himself some coffee and grabbed a bottle of pills before sighing and placing down a device. He showed an image of a young man.
"Oh, that's Charles Spencer, by the way. A great kid. Computer engineering degree, 3.6 GPA, had a floor level gig for the fall. He decided to spend his summer building sustainable housing for the people in Sokovia." Tony said, obviously agitated as he looked over everyone. You wondered why he now cared for the people who were injured during attacks.
"He wanted to make a difference although we'll never know cause we dropped a building on him while kicking ass." Everyone stayed silent as he spoke. You watched him take a pill, drinking it with the coffee.
"There's no decision making here. We need to be put in check. Whatever form that takes, I'm game. If we can't accept limitations, we're no better than the bad guys."
"Tony, when someone dies on your watch, you don't give up." Steve closed the Accords, looking at Tony with a frown.
"Who says we're giving up?"
"We are by not taking responsibilities for our actions. This document shifts the blame." Steve voiced his opinion, shrugging lightly.
"Steve, that is dangerously arrogant." Rhodes spoke up, shaking his head. Steve turned towards him.
"This is the United Nations we're talking about. It's not the world security counsel, it's not S.H.I.E.L.D, it's not HYDRA-"
"But it's run by people with agendas and agendas change." Steve pointed out as you rubbed your forehead, sighing softly. Both sides had good points but you sided with Steve. The team was obviously divided.
"What do you think, (Y/N)?" Vision asked, looking at you curiously. You licked your lips, gaze focusing on Tony.
"I'm curious as to why you care so much about this Charles guy. You've had, what was it? Eight years as Iron Man to care about the people who get hurt? Why now? Cause you realized one of those people could become the new you? Would you care this much about Charles if he had been a typical guy? No degree, no plans for the future, just a normal guy working a normal 9 to 5 job and just trying to make it through the week. I agree with Steve. What if something happens and they don't send us to help because it doesn't go with their agenda? People get hurt cause you've never set up a system to help after these things happen. You're a fucking billionaire, Tony. Make a company that's designed to help people get back on their feet after the Avengers bulldoze through cities." You said, legs crossing as you looked over everyone else. Steve gave a small nod, glad you were seeing his side. He checked his phone, abruptly standing and announcing he had to leave. You and the others watched him go in confusion.
"To answer your questions, I do care about normal people." Tony said, arms crossing. You let out a soft groan, leaning back in the couch.
"I'm sorry, what are you? Twelve? Didn't you turn twenty this year?" Tony cocked a brow, watching as you rolled your eyes and stood.
"Yeah, I did turn twenty. Surprised you knew considering you've never particularly liked me."
"Well, first impressions are everything and you did try impaling me with a branch."
"Maybe I should've."
"Alright, boys, let's calm down." Natasha called, placing a hand on your shoulder. You turned and walked towards the steps, heading down to your room at the facility. You entered and plopped down on the bed, running a hand through your hair. You tapped your foot on the ground, fingers going to the root bracelets in an attempt to relax. Wanda opened the door, closing it behind her and sitting beside you.
"What's wrong?" She asked softly, staring at you in concern. You weren't one to snap at others so quickly.
"There's so much going on. The Accords, my fucking powers, the sudden change in Nat and Tony, you possibly getting into trouble cause of the Lagos incident.. That could've been me." You breathed out. Wanda frowned, brows furrowing.
"No, it wouldn't have."
"I shot fire out of my hands and turned water to ice without meaning to. They're getting unpredictable." You looked at her, grip on the roots tightening. Wanda's gaze flickered to the window, making you turn. Part of the window was covered in a thin layer of ice.
"And that just proved my point."
"You're an incredible person, (N/N). Have faith in yourself. You'll gain control of them sooner or later. You have beautiful powers that could change and heal the world." Wanda pointed out gently, having you rest your head on her shoulder. She softly began to hum a lullaby. You didn't understand the words but her soft voice proved to be soothing.
"Thank you."
"Why'd you call me again?" You asked, toying with the strings of your hoodie as you looked around the cafe. You had planned on taking a nap and watching a new show on Netflix but it seemed like Steve had other plans for you.
"Because I trust you and need your help." Steve replied, fixing his baseball cap as he tried avoiding eye contact with civilians.
"Really?" You asked softly. Steve nodded, offering a smile. He licked his lips, nodding to the tv. You turned, looking at the news. You really didn't have to considering what they were showing was right down the street.
"Your friend?" You looked back at Steve with a tilted head.
"We gotta find him before anyone else does." Steve said. You nodded, watching him. Steve had been desperately trying to find his friend, Bucky, since the attempt on Furys' life.
"I'll go in alone. We don't want to seem threatening or set him off by going in as a trio."
"(Y/N)? Being threatening? He can't even scare a baby!" Sam said in amusement, shooting you a playful grin.
"Right back at you, bird boy."
"I'm sorry, who here is named after the top bird of prey?" Sam asked, leaning forward slightly as Steve let out an amused sigh.
"Oh, I didn't know you were named after eagles." You responded, smiling in triumph when Sam huffed lightly.
"Come on, you two." Steve chuckled, leaving the cafe and heading down the sidewalk.
"I don't trust Stark." You told them, arms crossing. Sam glanced at you as Steve turned into an alleyway.
"Not surprised considering the little fight you two had."
"I think he had Vis keep an eye on me and Wanda. I snuck out while he was with Wanda in the kitchen." You told him, frowning.
"Firstly, I'm an adult-"
"That's questionable."
"-And secondly, he's not my dad." You took off the hoodie as Steve unlocked a car parked in the alleyway, giving Sam the duffle bag with his outfit. You looked at your phone when it buzzed, seeing texts from Clint.
Heard you had a fight with Stark
You're officially an Avenger now
You smiled softly, chuckling softly at the texts. You waited for the guys to finish changing before taking the earpiece from Steve. The apartment building had been nearby so you and Sam headed onto the roof while Steve entered.
"How well do you think this will go?" You asked Sam, looking for any sign of law enforcement.
"Wanna bet?"
"How much?" You looked at him, giving a small grin. Sam looked up at the sky for a moment, thinking it over.
"30 bucks. I bet this will go to shit and this dude will escape."
"I bet we'll get into serious shit but this dude will either come with us or get caught." You replied. Sam stuck out his hand, nodding. You shook it, chuckling softly. You turned your head, noticing movement.
"We've got company, Cap."
"They're approaching from the south." Sam added, attention focused on them. You heard Steve begin to talk to someone, watching the cars pull in and get ready. You turned your head, hearing the door to the roof open.
"Shit." You whispered, letting Sam pick you up and lift you into the air. You could hear the fight going on inside through the earpiece.
"Should we help?" You asked, glancing up at Sam.
"No clue." Sam replied, watching Bucky jump from the apartment onto the roof of another building. You noticed someone running at a high speed, jumping up onto the roof and knocking Bucky down.
"They have cat ears." You mumbled, pushing Sam's arms away.
"Deal with them." You motioned to the German police force on the roof, hoping down onto the roof. You raised your hand, a root shooting out and grabbing the strangers arm, refraining them from clawing at Bucky. Bucky turned his head, making eye contact with you. Your eyes widened when the man grabbed the root, using what felt like super strength to toss you off the roof. You quickly used a root to grab onto the side, breathing out a sigh of relief. Sam took care of a helicopter before flying by to grab you.
"Thanks." You breathed out, holding onto him as he followed the chase. Steve, Bucky, and the cat guy went into one of the tunnels. Sam flew in once there was an opening, trying to help Steve with the cat guy. You huffed when the cat guy grabbed Sam's ankle, pointing your hand at him and shooting a strong gust of air. The cat guy lost his grip monetarily but quickly grabbed on again. Bucky threw up an explosive so Sam quickly stopped, flinging the guy off him. Sam landed, walking past the rubble. You sighed, raising your hands as you and Sam were quickly surrounded by cops.
"Mom's gonna kill me." You whispered.
"That's what you're concerned about?" Sam asked, glancing at you in disbelief.
"We're getting arrested, (Y/N)!"
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mcheang · 3 years
Only (a salty) human
Marinette is gonna be OOC
“As long as you and I both know the truth, does it really matter?”
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Yes, Marinette decided. Yes, it matters very much.
Marinette took hold of Adrien’s hand, blushing furiously as she did so, and pulled him into a private corner.
Marinette: Adrien, I don’t want to humiliate Lila, but her lies are hurting people. They’re hurting our friends, they’re hurting me. Hell, she’s even lying about Ladybug. Do you honestly think Ladybug would like that.
Yeah, Adrien saw firsthand how much Ladybug hated liars.
Adrien: but people lie all the time. And how is she hurting everyone?
Marinette: seriously? Adrien, she shoved me to the back of the class just to sidle up to you. Do you know what it’s like? I let Chloe bully me out of my seat before and I’m not going to let Miss Liar do it again.
Adrien: well, I could sit next to you, if you want.
While Marinette felt thrilled by this, his pacifying nature was also kind of infuriating.
Marinette: you don’t get it, do you? Your silent method may seem all high and above at first, but it’s not. I didn’t protest because everyone kept pressuring me to ignore the fact that they just changed seats without my consent. Is that what being your everyday Ladybug means? Staying silent when you know something is wrong? Because that seems really messed up. The real Ladybug would never have allowed wrongs to go by without speaking up.
And another thing, why do you seem to care so much about Lila being akumatized? I was almost akumatized this afternoon. And once the truth is known, Rose will probably be akumatized. This whole Lila situation will end with someone being akumatized no matter which direction we choose to take. What matters is how we deal with it.
Adrien: you were almost akumatized.
Marinette: yes; when Lila threatened me. She’s not looking to make friends, Adrien. She’s a bully, like Chloé, only sneakier.
Marinette took a deep breath. “And I don’t care if you disagree or not, but I am done letting bullies tell me what to do. I am done with that, even if everyone turns against me, at least I won’t have the guilt of watering the lying tree.”
With another firm breath, Marinette stomped out.
Originally she wanted to call out Lila for the ear comment but thinking through it, Lila could have said it was a slip of the tongue. She needed stronger proof.
Taking out her phone, Marinette made a call.
A few minutes later, Marinette walked up to the group. “Hey Lila, can you tell us again about how you got your tinnitus?”
Raising an eyebrow and suspecting Marinette was looking for loopholes in her story, Lila nonetheless obliged her with the story of Jagged’s pet kitten.
A sound of choking penetrated the air. “Kitten? Is she kidding me? What Jagged fan would believe I ever owned a kitten? I’m allergic to fur!”
Everyone recognized that British accent. Lila paled.
Everyone looked around only to see Marinette taking her phone out of her pocket, revealing Jagged’s face on her phone.
Marinette: but isn’t there more? Didn’t you tell us, Lila, that Jagged wrote a song about you?
Jagged: Why the hell would I write a song about a minor? Please tell me you didn’t believe her, Marinette.
Marinette: at first I did. But then I realized she was nothing but a liar.
Jagged: don’t worry, I’ll sic my lawyers on her. Especially if there are people who believe her.
As Jagged ended the connection to call for Penny, Marinette kept her focus on Lila.
The class stared round at Lila. “So you don’t know Jagged.”
Before Lila could react, Marinette spoke. She knew the dangers of Lila’s acting.
“So if you don’t know Jagged, then why did you rearrange our seating? And since I doubt your medical disabilities are real, why did you have our classmates buy your rather expensive lunch set?”
Recalling how Lila had taken their money, the others now steered clear. Any feelings of pity were now less likely.
Lila screamed, “how dare you?”
Marinette: how dare I? What was it you called the class? Stupid? And since I was smarter than they were, I had better play along or you would turn them against me, as you so easily proved during lunch?
More guilty looks.
Marinette: in fact now that I think about it, if you are so concernéd about who is lying? Why don’t we just ask your mother if you were really in Achu? If she agrees that you were there for months instead of skipping school, then I won’t argue and I’ll even apologize. What do you say Lila? As class president, I even have her number for emergencies. Shall we call her?
Lila paled even further. With rage? With fear? “Don’t you dare! ...she’s very busy with work.”
Marinette: no mother would ever think work was more important than her daughter. And she pressed the button.
Everyone held their breath. The confrontation had drawn such a large crowd that Lila couldn’t run away anymore. She was surrounded.
The call was answered. “Hello.”
Marinette: hello, is this Lila Rossi’s mother?
Mrs Rossi: yes. Is something wrong?
Marinette: oh it’s nothing serious. We are just missing the official documents for Lila’s school leave. We understand that it is a noble cause for helping Prince Ali organize his charities, but rules are rules.
Mrs Rossi: I’m sorry, but what charities?
Everyone stared either at the phone or Lila.
As Marinette recounted what Lila told the class, there was a long silence.
Mrs Rossi: Lila told me that the school had been shut down for months because of the akumas.
Marinette: yes, school does get cancelled because of akumas, but since they are stopped within the day, classes resume the next day.
Mrs Rossi: thank you for telling me this. I think it’s time I went down to the school and had a chat with your Teachers.
Lila: mama, don’t listen to her! She’s been akumatized.
Marinette: if I’m akumatized then why are you even here?
Lila: I’m being held captive.
Student: um, you’re just sitting on the bench.
Anyway, Lila is exposed. The akuma was actually gone. Let’s just say Adrien listened to Marinette and kept watch. Sensing the akuma, Plagg pointed it out and Adrien caught it before transforming to use cataclysm. He doesn’t like killing butterflies but the dangers of this butterfly cannot be ignored.
Lila was expelled the very same day she returned to school. The class apologized to Marinette, who felt weird after being so salty. Adrien apologized as well for not thinking things through.
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yeolmae-s · 3 years
a chanbaek analysis from a veteran exo-l (part 2)
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Writing this was a bit harder in comparison to the first part, because I wanted to organize things into a neat timeline, but I ended up not having enough patience for it lol specially because both of ChanBaek's main archive blogs seem to have deleted their pages documenting each date of EXO's early years. Therefore I apologize in advance if this part is a bit more messy. Also, please don't forget that all of this is my opinion and I don't mean for any of it to be taken as truth!
I kind of want to jump from MAMA era directly into Wolf era, since we don't really have a lot of cover regarding their debut phase besides Chanyeol's overeagerness and Baekhyun's awkwardness towards it, so to sum it up, I felt as if Chanyeol was more confident and consistent on what he thought an idol should act like, while Baekhyun (sweet, innocent Baekhyun who was a trainee for less than a year!) was still unsure on how to act on camera.
On the few early variety shows/interviews EXO appeared on, the members always pointed out how funny Baekhyun was, how good he'd be at variety and at doing imitations, but he never really lived up to all the praise on camera, although off of it, he most likely was as good as his members claimed.
He was a bit stiff on his early days in comparison to what we see today, and that's normal, I guess, since he debuted really quickly, but when you compare him to Chanyeol the contrast is so interesting, because the latter was able to latch on to a persona as soon as the public gave him one, while to me, Baekhyun was still doubtful regarding what to put on display. In the end, deep inside, Baekhyun is a private person, and was even more so when he wasn't confident enough to talk to fans like he does today.
Once again, I’m sorry for not being able to upload the gifs directly into the post, so I’ll just link them like I did on my last one.
This is another one of the moments where Baek appears to tell Chanyeol to just. Hold on for a bit.
There's another one similar to this where Chanyeol does the same thing (try to whisper on Baekhyun's ear) and Baekhyun fake laughs and stares at a fan's camera right after. Then, his expression just goes blank. It's really interesting to watch because you can just see the gears spinning on Chanyeol's brain as he stares at Baekhyun for a second and clearly thinks alright, fanservice time, and leans in to whisper something: it happens so fast you just know it wasn't genuine whispering, just a playful interaction for the fans, and Baekhyun's direct stare to the camera as soon as it happens just confirms this for me. 
1: Chanyeol spots his target.
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2: He’s really thinking this through.
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3: Baek's in a perfect position for whispering-time, so he leans in and does his thing.
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4: Baekhyun laughs.
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5: And stares directly at a fan's camera.
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6: Immediately regrets his life choices. Chanyeol looks pleased.
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It's actually better to watch the whole thing, so I'll leave it here. (starts on 0:28!)
(Random note: on this date EXO perfomed a cover of H.O.T's We Are The Future, and I feel like a lot of new EXO-Ls have not seem it and I adore this performance, so I'll link it here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r1-z4s3fdgo)
Now let's jump on to Wolf era, shall we?
Wolf era
I can't help but laugh when I think about how wild 2013 was for both EXO and EXO-Ls. They had their first hit song (which was Growl, not Wolf) the fandom grew considerably, shippers where just discovering the cute ISAC moments between "BaekYeol" and "HunHan"... Or at least that's how everyone remembers most of what happened during that year.
Are we forgetting the rumoured ChanBaek fight?
Considering their past interactions on airports, SMTOWN concerts, ISAC and other events, ChanBaek was now widely known to be close to each other. Baekhyun even said Chanyeol was the one who made him open up, and both of them mentioned feeling this "connection" to each other as soon as they met (although jokingly).
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After Mama, the fandom was content-less for a considerable period of time, and what most people did was sharing around old performances and repeat overused memes.  I think that in every fandom there is a period where fans establish their main inside jokes and basically just get together to create a collective line of thought for perceiving their idols. That being said, one of the most well established facts in the fandom was that Chanyeol and Baekhyun were close. That was a fact.But then Wolf came, and they suddenly were not. 
This gif is a good example of how awkward their interactions were. Not even my delusional shipping brain in 2013 was able to come up with an explanation for it.
They simply did not acknowledge each other at all, and Chanyeol appeared to be closer to Kyungsoo (I think Baekhyun interacted a lot with Tao, but that may have been during the Growl era, not Wolf. As I said before, I'm a Chanyeol stan guys, sorry lmao).
Point is, these two boys who seemed to be best friends suddenly were clearly distant from one another.
What added fuel to the fire of the rumours was their appearance on Sukira, a radio show, where Sehun cried because the members sometimes had fights. Here's a fanacc:
[130530] EXO at Sukira
Sehun cried because the members sometimes fight.
Sehun: "Let's be loyal to each other, don't fight, and go until the end"
D.O: "We've been under a lot of stress lately because of the comeback, so I wish we won't fight in the future and do our best"
Here's a video cut of this part of their interview. 
I think this ask on lets-talk-baekyeol, a popular ChanBaek analysis blog from back in the day, shows how curious a lot of fans were.
What happened back then?
There's really no answer for that. On my opinion, not even Chanyeol or Baekhyun could give us a concrete answer on it, because I don't think an actual fight happened. For me, it was most likely a personality clash, a disagreement that probably wasn't even voiced out loud, just both of them noticing how uncomfortable things got, if Baekhyun's reactions to Chanyeol's fanservice is any indication. I somehow doubt there was a specific episode that created this distance between them, specially because during Growl, they went back to being friends, although not as touchy on camera as before, as if one of them had established their limits (oh, I wonder who!), but I still have this feeling that all of this was unspoken, because unspoken things seem to be a pattern on ChanBaek's relationship (something I'll touch on later, hopefully).
But it was during Growl era that I noticed something else about Baekhyun.
Wolf era
EXO'S Showtime was a such a gift. I recommend reading lets-talk-baekyeol's blog for this. I don't really agree with everything they say they do present a lot of relevant points. I may repeat them here, since I noticed them myself as well, but credits for them nonetheless.
I remember finding the lack of ChanBaek interactions during the episodes really dissappointing, but considering the Wolf Era drought, this was better than nothing.
My 13 year old self was devastated when Baekhyun appeared so quiet during Chanyeol's birthday episode, and during a recent rewatch of it, I think realized why.
Baekhyun doesn't like superficial things. It's not that Chanyeol is insincere, but he's just better than Baekhyun is at handling people pleasing, even when he doesn't really mean what's he saying/doing. The Chanyeol birthday episode was heavily centered on Chanyeol's random admiration for Kai, which I think we can all agree that it was a little bit scripted or a really spur of the moment thing that they just ran along with and oh man. Baekhyun did not want to be part of it.
During ChanKai's hug, this is what he looked like on the background, and the poor boy even refused to eat cake. He's just in the back, which is weird, because he's such a talkative person and Chanyeol is one of his closest friends. The only moment where he seems to be genuinely comfortable is when Chanyeol blows the candle and it's really cute. To me, it seems that he was kind of embarrassed to witness so much acting from everyone else and was unable to participate because he struggles with things like this, but the moment Chanyeol blows his candles to comemorate his birthday seems sincere enough for him to fondly smile.
This ties in so well with everything from Mama Era. He's just unable to keep acting/people pleasing on the same easy way that Chanyeol does, but this time he's not as nervous about it as he was on his earlier-early days, where he probably felt pressured to actually do stuff. Now he just doesn't do **it, he just doesn't do something that he dislikes doing, and that sadly creates a distance between them on camera and probably on a deeper level in their relationship as well, because both are just realizing how different their perceptions over their jobs is.
There's also this moment that the mods on lets-talk-baekyeol pointed out.
On the Christmas episode, when the members leave the couch to go get their presents, Chanyeol stays seated while Baekhyun gets up to fetch his. This is the sitting arrangement before (almost) everyone got up:
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But when Baekhyun comes back, there's free space next to Chanyeol, however he's hesitant to sit by his side. He actually hesitates and doesn't sit down. Jongdae even gives him a little push right after.
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Baek just seems hesitant to do things on camera, to interact with Chanyeol in front of an audience. For this moment, I feel like he's afraid to sit next to Chanyeol and end up having to over act. It's not that Chanyeol himself makes him uncomfortable, but the image of the friendship that they ended up creating for fans demands a lot from him.
And when I say hesitant to do things on camera, I really do mean it, because when Baekhyun thinks he is not being recorded/seen, here's what he does:
Here and here.
Their relationship clearly changed, and I think the reason for it is actually simple: both of them were under the impression that they were compatible with each other when they actually were not. Their personalities are extremely different, even if the way they present themselves is sometimes similar. Wolf and Growl era was our way, as fans, of watching them navigate around each other and finding out how their relationship was supposed to work.
And you know what's nice about that? The members watched all of it unfold. Their reactions to some of ChanBaek's interaction is a gold mine when it comes to analyzing them, because they clearly know, just as we do, that their relationship is kind of complicated. But I want to talk about it on the next part.
I am sorry for cutting this off again! I don't know if the next part is going to be the last, because after Growl there's Overdose and we all know what happened on 2014 [coughs] dating scandal [coughs] god help me I don't want to talk about it [coughs] so there's a lot to uncover and I need time to organize stuff.
Thank you for reading!
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fific7 · 3 years
Unexpected - Part 2
King Caspian x Reader
Summary: What happens if you push the respectful and well-behaved King Caspian a little too far? You’re about to find out.
A/N: This does not follow canon, it’s mainly a mix of fluff and angst with some lemon zest 🍋 Friends to Lovers AU.
Warnings: 18+ NSFW due to sexual content including debatable consent at first, mutual adolescent exploration of bodies, loss of virginity and oral and unprotected* sex between consenting adults. Some drinking & swearing.
*Irl, please don’t go wild in the country without protection.
(My video edit)
»»————————————-———- ⚜ ———————————-————-««
For the next few days after your reunion, you noticed that Caspian had found various excuses to visit you in the smaller study next to Cornelius’ study, where you were busy trying to bring some order into the chaos that reigned in that equally small space.
He never stayed for too long, but instead just seemed to want to talk about your days as childhood friends and you were happy to indulge him. Cornelius had put his head round your door on a couple of occasions to see what all the noise was about, and withdrew smiling to himself. You got the impression that he was happy you were here and talking and laughing with Caspian.
You also couldn’t help but notice the lingering looks Caspian was lavishing on you. Not sure in your mind if he was just pleased to see a friendly face from the past or…. could he be interested in you? Was that even a possibility?
How could you even try to find out? You couldn’t exactly ask him, could you. “Oh good morning, your Majesty - pray tell me, are you attracted to me?” You shook your head at your fanciful thoughts, put them out of your head! Turning back to the pile of books and manuscripts which you had to catalogue, you let out a long sigh.
“Are you becoming overwhelmed, my lady?” said Cornelius’ voice, and you looked up in surprise to see his kind and smiling face opposite you. How did he do that? Just appear out of nowhere. You smiled back at him, “Oh no, Professor - I just have one or two things on my mind.” He nodded, “The King?” smiling even more broadly. You felt your face burning with a blush and you hastened to say, “No! Not the King. I was just thinking about.. about what I shall wear tomorrow. It is a daily dilemma for ladies.”
Cornelius gave you a mischievous grin, “Ah, I see. Pardon my confusion, my lady. Yes, I can see how that would present problems. Men have it so much easier.”
»»————————————-———- ⚜ ———————————-————-««
Continuing to think about your actual dilemma once Cornelius had left, you eventually came up with a plan. Unsure how good a plan it was, but you’d try it out for a little while and see if you got a reaction from Caspian. Any reaction.
You’d made a couple of acquaintances amongst the other ladies of the court since you arrived, but you certainly didn’t know them well enough to discuss your plan with them. And besides, in one way or another, all the young ladies at court were trying to win Caspian’s attention so that was another reason you couldn’t confide in them.
Deciding to put this plan of yours into action the next time you were alone with Caspian, you squared your shoulders and delved back into your world of cataloguing.
»»————————————-———- ⚜ ———————————-————-««
Caspian was also sighing out loud in his chambers. He put aside the intricate document he was supposed to be reading. He couldn’t concentrate properly, not when all he could think about was her. Wondering if she’d noticed his numerous and reasonless visits to her chamber, interrupting her work to talk about… well, nothing really. Silly things they’d done while they were children. He hadn’t talked to her about one thing though, which had always been at the forefront of his mind. Did she remember it too?
═══°∴,*⋅✲══〖✰〗══✲⋅*,∴°══ ══°∴,*⋅✲══〖✰〗══✲⋅*,∴°══
In his mind’s eye he was back in the orchard with her, the sun beginning to dip in the sky, dusk fast gathering around them. They hadn’t seen each other for several months. At the time, Caspian had not long turned 14 and she was just about to. He’d gone through puberty the year before and he knew she’d noticed the wispy moustache on his top lip and the fact that he now had a deep voice. She’d asked him about it more than once and his face had burned, he hadn’t known what to say.
That day, they’d both collapsed under one of the pear trees, having exhausted themselves as usual rushing around between the trees like maniacs. They lay on their backs, looking up at the beautiful colours the sky was beginning to turn. She turned her head to him, “Caspian?” He looked over at her, smiling, still getting his breath back, “Yes?” “When you got your moustache, was that you becoming a man?” He felt his face redden as it did whenever she brought up this topic. He looked away but decided to respond to her for once, “Yes, I am a man now.” “As of eight months ago, I became a woman,” she said proudly, before sitting up and pulling down her loose embroidered top, “Look!” Caspian shot up into a sitting position, unashamedly staring at her newly rounded breasts, bared for his eyes only. His mouth dropped open and he felt a distinct stirring in his breeches.
She leant even closer to him, whispering, “I think you should touch them, Caspian! And I want to see yours,” she nodded her head towards his groin. He could hear himself beginning to pant slightly and his hands - seemingly of their own accord - reached out and massaged her breasts. He loved the feeling of their softness and the buds of her nipples against his palms. Then she moved back from him, “C’mon Caspian, it’s your turn!” she demanded, curiosity burning in her eyes. Shyly, Caspian sat up on his knees, unlacing his breeches and pushing them and his underwear halfway down his thighs. His manhood was revealed in all its erect glory.
Staring at it, she squealed, “Oooh! It looks like a big sausage! With a fur cape round its neck!” He snorted in embarrassment, saying “It’s just my dick,” and beginning to pull his breeches back up, but she stopped him by taking hold of his manhood in both hands and examining it closely. “Your dick?” His eyes were closed in pleasure, he couldn’t believe how good it felt to have her hands on him. “That’s what all the men call it,” he managed to say, opening his eyes and looking down to where she held him in a firm grip.
”Oh, okay, I’ll call it that too then.” She squeezed it, then ran her hand up its length before placing her fingers in a ring just under the head. She was staring at the reactions on his face and listening eagerly to the soft low moans he was making as she touched him. “Oh, your dick is so hard!” she exclaimed, “…but the skin feels velvety soft.” “It’s not always hard,” he whispered. “Why’s it hard now, then?” she questioned. He shrugged. “Don’t know,” he lied, just as she slid a hand between his legs and took hold of his balls. She roughly pulled them towards her for a closer look and he yelped in pain, so she loosened her grip on them slightly. “Sorry, Caspian! What are these?” she asked, rolling them in her palm. “My balls,” he muttered. “Well named!” she laughed then suddenly let go of him, leaning back a little. She lifted her skirts and pulled her French knickers down, “This is what mine looks like.” Caspian’s eyes widened once more.
They were both up on their knees again, facing each other. She had quickly taken hold of his dick again, liking the feel of it in her hand. Once again, his eyes closed and he groaned, much to her pleasure. Then he’d reached out and hesitatingly placed two fingers between her legs, starting to explore, and when he found what felt like an opening, his curiosity sparked and he began pushing one of his fingers inside. She jumped back, scolding him, “Caspian! That’s naughty. I think you’re meant to put this…” she tugged on his length, “…inside there, not your finger!”
She shuffled closer to him until their knees were touching, and she pulled his manhood nearer her opening. They gazed at each other, “Shall we try it?” she asked. Caspian really wanted to but…. the decision was made for him as she tried her best to push his dick inside her, eventually managing to get the head and just a little of his shaft inside. She continued unsuccessfully to try and push more of it inside and Caspian was whimpering by now. “Oh! That feels…” she started to say but Caspian suddenly sat back, pulling out of her. “I’m scared we get caught!” he confessed. She shrugged, “You’re a big scaredy-cat!” and instead began firmly rubbing her hand up and down his dick to see what would happen. A little liquid began to leak from his tip and she stared at Caspian’s flushed face and screwed-up eyes with fascination. His own hand joined hers for a few moments, and he encouraged more speed and a firmer grip out of her before his hand fell away. A few short moments later, she found out what the result was.
Caspian gave a loud groan and grasped her arms, then she felt more wetness on her hand. She watched, mesmerised, as thick pearly white liquid shot out of his dick in several spurts, landing on her skin, glistening in the dusk light. She shocked him by leaning down to smell and taste it. Musky, salty. How strange, she thought. Caspian hurriedly wiped himself with his underwear and tucked himself back into his breeches, quickly doing up the laces, while she cleaned her hand on the fabric of her skirt and rearranged the rest of her clothing too.
They looked at each other guiltily.
“We must never speak of this,” whispered Caspian, to which she nodded. “Never, it’s our secret. Swear on it.” “I swear,” he answered, “now hurry, it’s almost dark - they’ll be looking for us soon if we’re not careful.”
He’d taken her hand and they’d run through the apple and pear trees until they reached the castle, sneaking back in, thankfully unnoticed.
═══°∴,*⋅✲══〖✰〗══✲⋅*,∴°══ ══°∴,*⋅✲══〖✰〗══✲⋅*,∴°══
Caspian jolted out of his daydream. That was the only remotely sexual experience he’d had in his young life, what with having to run for his life and then fight a war. He’d never ever forget it. Nor the girl he’d shared it with.
Sighing again, he tried to ignore the erection he now had and picked up the document again, beginning to read although he couldn’t even remember where he’d got to originally.
»»————————————-———- ⚜ ———————————-————-««
You had purposely chosen a dress with a scooped - but not too scooped - neckline. It was all part of your plan. Caspian was almost guaranteed to visit you, he usually appeared in your study at some point every day.
There was a light tap at the door and Caspian came in, smiling at you and wishing you a good morning. Returning the greeting, you got up and went to the small table in the corner to pour some freshly-made lemonade for the two of you. Caspian was perching on the edge of your large and heavy desk which took up most of the room, his long legs apart. You carried the two glasses over to him and walked right between his legs as you offered him his.
You saw his eyes widen and immediately you moved backwards, smiling wide-eyed and innocently at him. “Did you sleep well, Caspian?” He blushed and you hid a smile. Still the same shy boy, you thought. “Uhh… no, not really. I was bothered by dreams which I couldn’t escape. So no, a restless night.”
You gave him a concerned look, “Ohh… I will have to come up with something to help you sleep well, Caspian.” His face became even redder, “I… uhhh… I… well, that would be good. What do you suggest, my lady?” You leaned forward, ostensibly to gaze into his eyes, and those eyes immediately went to your cleavage as you’d intended. Leaning back, your innocent smile in place, you pronounced, “I shall prepare some lavender extract for you, which you should sprinkle on your pillow. It will ease your mind and help you to sleep.”
Caspian took a huge gulp of his lemonade and you couldn’t help but notice how tight a certain part of his trousers had suddenly become. “That sounds most pleasant,” he choked out, “…and now I’d better go! I believe there’s a meeting I must attend.” You pouted, “Oh, such a shame. We’ve barely spoken, Caspian.” He stood up, “Yes, a great shame. We shall talk later!”
And with that, he rushed out of your study.
Sipping your lemonade, a little smile made it onto your lips. That had been… interesting.
»»————————————-———- ⚜ ———————————-————-««
Caspian sank down onto his knees in his private bathroom, having had to almost run there after he’d left her study. He’d ripped the lacing on his trousers open and taken himself in hand as soon as the door had closed behind him and now he groaned, looking down at the mess he’d just made.
Wearily, he got to his feet and found a linen cloth, cleaning himself up before going back into the main chamber to find fresh underwear to put on, he’d leaked into the ones he’d had on.
He gazed out of his window, thinking that he’d have to show a lot more self-control in front of her in future. He was supposed to be a King, after all. Not a horny teenage boy. But by Aslan, that’s exactly what he felt like.
»»————————————-———- ⚜ ———————————-————-««
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