#it takes a bit. but Ruby doesn’t feel like she sticks out as awkwardly when her pelt matches Opal’s shadowy form and red eyes so well.
sincerely-sofie · 24 days
Ohhhh, Anon's perfect apple ask is now giving me blessed imagery of Dusknoir cutting apple slices into bunny shapes. Maybe for Opal, maybe for him to show off, either way.
The soft, the dexterity, the GENTLENESS after such a prolonged period of violence he had undergone. Opal called him her gramps for a reason, after all.
(Referencing this post)
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Hey how does it feel to have given me a prompt that had me tearing up all throughout the process of drawing it because of how unbearably heartfelt and endearing it is?
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blackstarising · 3 years
precipice, a buckysarah fic | also on ao3
bucky and sarah spend saturday mornings together on the wilson's back porch. neither remembers when this became a habit.
She’s awake for a few moments before she hears it, the creaking, through the open window. It’s not loud, of course, it’s never loud, Daddy had dutifully oiled the swing’s joints to make sure that wouldn’t happen, but age had touched it just enough that, nowadays, you’d know if someone was sitting there.
Sarah sits up, and rubs the sleep from her eyes. The thick, summer air fills her lungs, the same that coats her forehead in a sheen of sweat. Lingering tension from melts from her shoulders. Unconsciously, she brushes the dog tags nestled inside of her shirt.
He’s okay. Thank God.
A familiar electric buzz runs up the back of her spine as she pads past the boys’ rooms and tiptoes down the stairs. Months ago, that buzz would have prompted her toss her bonnet onto her bed, to swiftly change into jeans and a somewhat presentable T-shirt, even though Saturday mornings before 8 were, by law, designated as Sarah Time.
And then, three weeks ago, the last time she’d seen him in person, she’d raced down the stairs to get AJ’s stuffed toy (some Minecraft thing? Sarah could never keep track) that he’d accidentally left outside before he woke up, cheesy printed pajamas and all. He hadn’t flinched.
He could fit into Sarah Time, she’d decided, right then and there. Lizzo’s “Cuz I Love You” was left on repeat on her phone for her the rest of the day.
So she slips downstairs, ‘Bad Mama Jama’ shirt and all. Coffee steeps. Two mugs are produced, lactose-free milk dumped into each, and a sizable glop of honey into hers.
After all this time, his breath still catches a little when he sees her come out the back door. The humidity that sticks to Bucky’s skin like a stifling coat makes her skin shimmer in the faint sunlight. She yawns, her nose wrinkling just enough that it’s painfully cute, and then she relaxes, still sleepy but serene as she presses the hot mug into his right hand.
“Hey.” He greets her.
“Hey.” Her smile grows. “You’re back.”
“I am. With cinnamon rolls.” Sure enough, a paper bag rests next to the swing. He pats his left side, and she obliges. Their thighs touch plainly this time.
She takes a slow sip of her coffee. “Hope you haven’t been sitting here all night. Where’s Sam?”
“About an hour, and still in DC. Captain America business, and all that.”
“And what? No Winter Soldier business?”
Bucky shrugs. “I like the quiet.” Her quiet. Or maybe just her and the boys, though the boys weren’t that quiet. And ‘like’ was too weak a word at this point, probably.
She takes another sip of coffee, strangely proud. He does too, if only to silence the annoyingly insistent voice in the back of his head nagging him to just put his arm around her shoulder already.
“Still not sure about this fancy milk, though.”
“You mean milk that me and the kids can actually digest?” Sarah knows damn well he can’t taste the difference. “Well, I have bad news for you about oat milk. And soy milk." She grins wickedly. "And don't forget rice milk-”
“None of which belong in coffee.” After nearly a century of identities and missions she’s not sure if she ever wants to hear about, his Brooklyn accent is faint, but he still stretches out the caw in ‘coffee’. How mortifying it is, the way she perks up when that grit bleeds out.
He brushes the bright blue hem of her bonnet. “Is this new?”
She shakes her head and pulls it off. Dark braids tumble down her shoulders. These ones are new, he notices - they’re tighter at the root, and shimmer with oil that smells of roses. “Found out AJ stuffed it in the couch cushions a month ago. I just happened to stick my hand down there yesterday. I do not know what it is about him and that damn couch.” She snickers. “Maybe I’ll get lucky and find a signed check for a million dollars down there one day.”
He chuckles, and gives the ground a little kick the start the swing going again. “Did he get his new glasses yet? Last time I was here, he was saying that he didn’t want to see the optometrist again.”
“Yeah, he doesn’t like the...” Sarah makes a motion with a finger, like she’s pressing a button. “There’s a little gun they use. They blow a puff of air onto your eyeball.”
Bucky recoils a little. “They what?”
“It’s supposed to measure it for the prescription. They tried to do it on me before they did his. I thought it was supposed to be just like a little breeze, but it bounces off your eye.” She pauses and scratches her head. “I may have hollered-”
“Ha! I bet he took that well.”
“I had to get him on my lap to calm down.” She sighs and pouts, just a little. “At least he still wants to be held. Cass makes me drop him off a block away from school now.”
Cass is indeed growing. Overnight, he’s shot up like a reed so that he’s just as high as Bucky’s shoulders. His normally smooth skin is interrupted by a few bumps, and his voice bounces around in pitch like an untuned clarinet. Something in his chest twinges when he considers it, how time marches forward. How, very soon, the collective wide-eyed innocence of the boys will harden into adulthood.
Her gaze falls to his left hand. The fingers curl and flex. She still remembers the first time she’d looked at his arm, really looked at it, the dark plates molding and shifting. It’d been the second time they’d shared this same porch, waiting for Sam to bring back the boys from fishing.
I don’t want you to get the wrong idea, Sarah, he’d said suddenly, catching her gaze. His voice had been heavy, but clear. Dark blue eyes filled with regret. I’ve hurt people. Killed people. I didn’t have a choice, but, with you and- here, she’d held her breath as his Adam’s apple bobbed, how quickly he’d blinked - and the boys, I...I don’t want- I need you to know all of me. Who I’ve been. Who I am. And then you can decide. But you can’t do that if I’m not honest.
She doesn’t remember what she’d said after. She does remember watching him get into the truck so Sam could take him to the airport. How he’d paused when he’d opened the door, and turned towards her, eyes wide. Vulnerable. How she’d smiled at him, and waved, maybe a bit too cheesily, like it’d been the easiest thing in the world, because despite it all, oddly, she hadn’t been afraid. How the widest grin had broken out on his face and something deep inside her chest that had been closed had burst open for the first time since she’d lost Andrew. And she remembers watching the truck pull out of the drive as her heart filled to such a capacity that her chest hurt, and the second they’d disappeared over the hill she’d promptly burst into tears, well, really, half laughing and half sobbing, because how the hell was she supposed to know she could find that feeling again?
It’s only when she sees his jaw clench that she finally notices the cut, long and fading pink against his chiseled cheekbones. Maybe she’s getting too used to them - he’s always injured in some way when he gets back.
He can see that familiar softening in her eyes as she catches sight of the gash. Well, it had been a gash just an hour before, the result of catching a thrown knife on his cheek before he’d caught the hilt. But what’s about to happen next will play like clockwork.
First, she’s going to try to get a closer look. Her index and pointer finger come up just under his chin, tilting his head to the side. His skin tingles, the electricity of her concern rushing through him.
Then, she’ll hum. She’s never chastised him, though he wouldn’t know what there’d be to say if she tried. But that hum says more than enough.
In the moment, she doesn’t feel herself cupping his face with both hands, it just sort of happens. Her throat dries instantly as the stubble brushes in her palms.
He can’t breathe, but every single muscle in his body relaxes. He sinks into her touch.
“Y- you should see the other guy,” he manages to get out. There’s a faint memory that breaks to the surface, the docks in New York, 1940-something, 1943? A date whose name has been lost to time, the last date he’d ever go on. Soft hands cupping his face, just like this, and warm, pleading ruby-red lips crashing dully into his, a whisper to not forget her.
Sarah’s tongue darts between her lips. Both thumbs rub small circles into his cheeks. It wasn’t a question of if he wanted to kiss her, no. When has a day gone by that he hasn’t thought of kissing her? How is it that it’s never happened, but he can see it, clear as crystal, and hold it in his mind’s eye. How can he already feel her warm and flush and present and breathless and real against him?
Very slowly, she comes back to herself, and her face immediately flushes with a sharper heat. Her hands awkwardly drop from his face. She tries to think of something, anything, to interrupt the silence (to explain herself?), but every word that comes to mind sticks helplessly in her throat and she just can’t stand it because she’s the same, she’s exactly the same as she’d been at 17, leg jiggling and sweating and staring a hole right through the back of Andrew’s head in AP Calculus.
(She’d never wanted to punch Sam so bad back then when he’d had the audacity to say well, just tell him, already. The audacity of him, to think things were so simple.)
She leans back, scooting just a hair away this time. The crest of the sun beams through the trees, painfully bright. Her pulse is louder now. She’s looking at the small grove so intently she doesn’t even register the weight gently settle on her left shoulder at first. It only clicks when she feels the cool metal of his thumb brush up and down her bicep. Their eyes lock, brown against against blue.
He’s still smiling, and she, she realizes, is too.
So she melts into him. She melts into him, her ear landing over his chest, her arm wrapping around the small of his back. She sighs into the muted whoosh whoosh whoosh of his heartbeat, the cotton of his shirt, and the faint smell of spearmint on his breath. Another kick of her foot and they’re swinging yet again, back and forth, back and forth. The sun pulls itself up ever higher and higher.
The light starts to burn his cheek. “The boys’ll be up soon,” he murmurs into her hair.
She snuggles deeper into him. “Mmm.”
They’re on the precipice of something, this, they both know. They're inching closer and closer, and one day they’ll step off, and she’ll kiss him full on the mouth and whenever he’ll come back to the house he’ll be coming back home and whenever they go anywhere they’ll stick each others hand in their back pockets in that particular way that teenagers do that let everyone know that they’re each others and there’s nothing they can do about it.
One day. But for now, this is more than enough.
They like the quiet.
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shirtlesssammy · 3 years
4x10: Heaven and Hell
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TFW needed a little work before they got it right
We start off right where we left off in the last episode. The angels are here for Anna. She has to die.
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Uriel attacks Ruby and Dean tries to stop it. Cas starts walking towards Sam, and despite Sam’s pleas, he boops him into unconsciousness. Suddenly there’s lights and Uriel and Cas are zapped to places unknown. (Cas’s wings in the flash...emotion hearts). They find Anna with a ridiculously severe wrist wound and a mysterious sigil on the mirror written in her blood. She sent them away. 
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They hide Anna away at Bobby’s. Dean and Ruby bond over hex bags. It’s almost cute.
Um, Bobby’s not home because he’s in the Dominican (and I just Googled “Hedonism and Dominican” ... probably shouldn’t have). Anyway, Sam’s got exposition on Anna. This bought of psychosis isn’t her first. When she was a toddler, she was convinced her real father was “very mad -- like wanted-to-kill-her mad.” Anna interrupts their little chat. 
Sam asks her why the angels want her. She has no clue. She’s upset that her parents are dead and her life has been turned upside-down. They need to find out what her deal is. 
Enter PAM! 
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(I know I’m technically not supposed to like that bit of sexual harassment but her exchange with Sam is SO funny and cute. He’s so earnest and they play the victim card with her, but she ain’t having it and she’s going to have some fun at Sam’s expense.  And Dean’s smile at the end, JOY.) 
Pam introduces herself to Anna and sets to hypnotizing her. She asks about Anna’s father and Anna freaks out. Dean tries intervening and gets knocked out. Pam wakes her and Anna remembers who she is. “I’m an angel.” 
Pam and Ruby are side-eyeing this “friendly” angel. Turns out Anna was Cas and Uriel’s boss in angel-land. She disobeyed, which is the worst thing an angel can do (WEEPS for future Cas.) She ripped out her grace and fell to Earth. Now Heaven and Hell want her. She’s determined to get her grace back. 
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“So you’e just going to take some devine bong hit, and shazam, you’re Roma Downey?” Ah, Dean, you do have a way with words (Also, dude loves pop culture SO much that Touched By an Angel is on his radar. BLESS THIS BOY.) 
Sam remembers reading about a meteor about 9 months before Anna was born and Ruby responds, “You’re pretty buff for a nerd.” Get a room, you two.) 
For Real Life Jesus They’re Cute Science:
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Ruby apologizes for getting Sam involved with this war. She’s afraid of Alistair too. He’s no joke in Hell. She tells Sam he should send Alistair back to Hell, but he’s got to practice to do it. Sam refuses. 
Anna’s star gazing when Dean returns from taking Pamela home. Dean asks Anna why the angels saved him. Dean then asks why she would want to be human. He lists all the bad things about the human condition, and she lists all the good. 
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Ultimately, it’s the emotions of being human that matter so much to her. Obedience and emotionless faith is overrated. Only 4 angels have ever laid eyes on God (Well...five now!) Anna complains about watching over Earth, waiting for order from a father who might never return, and Dean laughs and laughs. I really love how Anna’s story shifted to Cas. Dean and Anna give each other looks, but Sam, in all his glory, interrupts. He’s found something!
They head off for a tree in Kentucky that is probably the place where Anna’s grace fell. 
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They get to the tree and Anna can sense that it’s not there anymore. Someone took it. 
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Later, Anna’s listening to Angel Radio and hears the angels say that if the Winchesters don’t turn over Anna, they’ll throw Dean back in Hell. Dean is speechless, but Sam wants to know what kind of weapon works on an angel. Dean’s in freak out mode --they need to find an answer. 
Later, Dean’s reading a book by flashlight and Anna approaches him to thank him for all that they’ve done. He brushes her sentiment aside. She ponders the thought that she doesn’t deserve to be saved (AND I need to stop and talk about how this parallels Cas in Purgatory...he thanks Dean for everything, he believed he didn’t deserve to be saved. BLAF. And Dean and Anna are more canon than Dean and Cas? I think not.)
Dean lets slip that there’s something he deeply regrets as well, and Anna takes the opportunity to reveal that she knows what he did last summer - er, in Hell. He crumbles when she tells him to forgive himself. (Narrator voice: and then he spent ten more years failing to do exactly that.) 
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“You are not alone,” she tells him and I remember why I like her (before a later plot twist scrubs her away). Anna MAKES A MOVE and kisses him. It IS their last night on Earth, after all. (I quietly eat the script pages for “Free to be you and me” while simultaneously high-fiving Anna for her excellent taste.) 
Cut to a montage of Impala sex which cuts out all the bits of sex in a car where you’re crammed in a corner awkwardly trying to get off your clothes without kicking the other person. Anna touches Castiel’s handprint, laying her own over the lines of his fingerprints. And I know that it was likely just a way to set up the Dean-is-connected-to-Heaven parallels in this brief shining moment when both boys actually had non-dead love interests at the same time. But MAN it sure cuts me open now. 
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Ruby watches Sam sleep, then heads out to a crossroads. She burns her protective hex bag and Alistair appears. 
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Ruby offers to give up Anna in return for her and the Winchesters’ safety. Alistair has another proposal…
Uriel greets Dean back in the barn. Dean looks confused for a moment before he realizes that Uriel has invaded his dream so they can have a little chat. Commander Cas isn’t around - “You see, he has this weakness. He likes you.” Uriel reveals that he has Anna’s grace. But nya nya nya he won’t give it back. 
We cut to Ruby, naked and strapped down as this show is wont to do with its demon women. Alistair tortures her with the demon knife. She refuses to tell him where Anna is...but she will show him.
Back in the barn during waking hours, Dean drinks his feelings until the doors burst open and Uriel and Castiel arrive.
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Sam demands to know how the angels found them, and Castiel glances meaningfully at Dean. 
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Anna realizes the deal that must have been brokered: herself in exchange for Sam’s safety. We experience many sad close-ups of Dean’s self-hatred and it HURTSSSS. Anna kisses Dean and assures him that he’s forgiven.
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Anna’s ready to face the angels at last. Cas apologizes, but she brushes it aside. “You don’t know the feeling.” First of all, Anna, rude.
For This Town Ain’t Big Enough for the Both of Us Science:
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Alistair shows up in the barn with his demon goons. The Winchesters, Anna, and Ruby skedaddle to the fringes of the barn, leaving the angels and demons to posture toxically at each other. 
Fisticuffs ensue! Alistair pins Cas, growling Latin at him until Dean whacks him in the head. Anna takes advantage of the fight to have her Ariel moment.
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She orders everyone to close their eyes as her own fire consumes her. It blasts Alistair away, and Castiel gently pulls Uriel away as well. Everyone congratulates themselves for their excellent plan to pit the demons and angels against each other. 
Later, Sam and Dean recap their feelings at the Impala. 
For Rural Roads Science:
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Dean brings up something Alistair said during the fight - that he “had promise.” I finally remember during this rewatch that Dean’s been denying what happened in Hell all along. Dean starts to talk. “It wasn’t four months,” he begins. “It was more like forty years. They sliced and carved and tore at me in ways that you-- Until there was nothing left. And then suddenly I would be whole again. Like magic. Alistair at the end of every day - every one - he would come over . He would make me an offer to take me off the rack if I put souls on. If I started to torture. And every day I told him to stick it where the sun shines. For thirty years, I told him. But then I couldn’t do it anymore, Sammy.”
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“I got off that rack - god help me I got right off it - and I started ripping ‘em apart.” The weight of the torture he inflicted presses down on him. Sam tries to reassure him, but Dean continues to rip out our hearts and leave them cold and gathering refuse in the gutter. “How I feel? This inside me. I wish I couldn’t feel anything, Sammy. I wish I couldn’t feel a damn thing.”
Dean Quotechester Deserved Better:
Any chance I can dick over an angel, I'm taking it
What do they want me for? Why did they save me? 
Feelings are overrated, if you ask me
When you got Godzilla and Mothra on your ass, best to get out of their way and let them fight
I wish I couldn't feel anything, Sammy. I wish I couldn't feel a damn thing
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I have a request that you don't have to do if you don't want.
Would you write a yandere William and Sherlock from Yuukokou no Moriarty? Or are you not interested?
Damn! Yandere William and Yandere Sherlock!! Ok so both or separate? I'll do both!!
(Y/N) could feel themselves grow weary of the rising tension between her and Sherlock. You see, (Y/N) is a journalist who loves to write about Sherlocks cases in the newspaper. They always are accompanying him for cases with Dr. Watson, even if the detective dislikes her nosy attitude to his work life and personal life. But the journalist could tell he was warming up to her. Even if it was only.
Anyway, she decided to accompany Sherlock and Dr. Watson on another case. Though the doctor had caught the flu and had given her his train ticket to make sure Sherlock wouldn't cause trouble on one of his cases with Inspector Lestrade. So she agreed and three rode off to York for his case. Though it was a waste of time in detectives eyes once he couldn't find what he was looking for. He started spew a few curses under his breath once Mr. Lestrade went to get a newspaper.
Saying he'll come to the train car a bit later before it takes off. So the journalist and detective were alone on the boarding dock. Heading to their train. "Honestly, to hell with your death by illness. Get yourself killed, seriously.."
Sherlock utters with clear agitation in his voice. "Aw, c'mon detective Sherlock. It's okay, we can always come back and take another look around!" The (h/c)-nette smiles, hoping it would ease his worries.
Which didn't work because it seemed as if he grew more upset.
"I should of shot him when I could. If I had..."
(Y/N)'s knew he was talking about the Mr. Hope case. Though she never thought he should of killed him! "Sherlock-!" He cuts her off, "if I had killed I would have been one step closer to a huge mystery!"
"We both know that you would of done it if given the chance! You don't even care for the mystery, only the story that gets coverage!" "That isn't true!" The journalist hollars, making Sherlock turn quiet.
Sucking in a shaky breath, they try to speak more calmly. "I may go on your cases for a story. But I also care about the people in them. Sherlock, I don't want to write a article about you killing a man, and for what? A bigger mystery that you want to solve?"
"I.. I thought you weren't like that, I thought you actually seeked the truth, but not the way I hoped for." They say, sadly starring at the dark haired male in front of them. "I'll meet you in train car shortly, I-I, need a minute to calm my nerves." As the woman walks off, Sherlock scowls at his actions.
"That is-I didn't-" the male sighs and ruffles his hair. His mood and thoughts in a jumble. Pulling out a cigarette, he lights it up. Taking in the toxic fumes into his lungs to calm himself and clear his head.
(Y/N) finds herself siting in the food car, she rather be on her lonsome than deal with a unpleasant Sherlock. He was acting childish and locked her out of their shared car. So she decided to wait for his anger to subsidize. Though they were growing antsy and they needed to talk this out with Sherlock. She didn't want their supposed "one sided friendship" to end!? He let her try his cigarette once.
Only after, thought she was dying after taking a puff of the cancer stick and he laughed at her. Not only that, but she was given the privilege to hear him play the violin once before he kicked her out of his house for bothering him! Sighing, she felt her pumped up spirit slowly fading into a husk.
"Enough sulking, get a grip!" She sits up and slaps her cheeks. Frightening the waiter that waited for her to make her order. "M-miss are you alright?" Turning her eyes to the waiter with determination, she nods. Telling the waiter she wasn't ready to order yet.
Getting out of her seat, she was about to head over to Sherlock. Though her eyes find a familiar blond headed man sitting in one of the booths a little farther from her's.
Stepping cautiously to his booth, she holds her head up high an stands in front of him. "Mr. Professor Moriarty..?" The blonde male looks up from his empty dish and his red rubies stare at her with confusion and another emotion she couldn't quite place. "Mr. Professor! It truly is you!"
"My god, how are you? It's been quite awhile since I saw you." The mathematician smiles at her, "yes, hello Ms. (Y/N), I am well. How are you?"
The woman smiles gleefully, "yes I have-!" She held back her tongue as the memories with Sherlock resurface. Yet her smile stayed stuck to her lips. "Uh.. I should go. I don't want to over stay my welcome-" "there's no need for you to leave just yet. Me and my brother were getting quite bored. Please sit awhile, it will be nice to talk once more."
Mr. Moriarty says politely, letting her join them. The Journalist tries to force herself to decline, yet, she may never take this opportunity to sit to a nobleman as interesting as him ever again. She couldn't miss her chance! She can just make some small chit chat then run off after to talk to Sherlock! Genius!
"Alright.. But not for long, I need to talk with a friend of mine after." "A friend?" The second oldest Moriarty questions, his tone slightly cold. (Y/N) doesn't bother to notice his tone and sits down next to Williams brother. "Yes, I came here with a friend, well, in my opinion. I'm pretty sure he hates my guts now, but he's still a close companion of mine" (Y/N) chuckles dryly.
"I, see. I hope the two of you are, well." He replies stiffly, hiding a unhappy look with a smile. Though his observant brother could tell that he was slowly growing annoyed by her words.
"If you do mind me asking, but how do you know of my brother Ms. (Y/N)?" Louis asks her, her focus shifts to the male next to her.
Her eyes light up at Louis. "Ah, we met on the Noahtic. I was covering a story about a performance that was going to be held on it. I met Mr. Moriarty at a small gathering held on the ship floors. I offered him a drink and the two of us chatted for awhile." (Y/N) said with sheepish grin.
"Then I heard a murder had occured durring the performance. I was so shocked yet, forgive me for saying this, but thrilled! This was something that needed to be shown to the public- oh um, forgive me for blabbering!" (Y/N) blurted out, covering her mouth with her hand to stop herself.
William just chuckles at her, shaking his head. "It's quite alright. I didn't know you were so passionate about your job. I find it very endearing and admirable." (Y/N) flushed from his compliments, letting her hand fall to her lap as she gave him a sweet smile. "Thank you, Professor Moriarty. That's very kind of you."
Before William could say another word, Inspector Lestrade walks up to the booth. "(L/N)?" Looking up to see who had called her, she sees the Inspector. Quickly getting up from her seat, she greets him awkwardly.
"Is this the man you said that "hates your guts" ?" William questions, though his eyes don't glare at him. "NO, NO, NO, NO!" Flailing her hands around, she tries to clear up the misunderstanding. "I was joking!"
"Mr. Lestrade doesn't hate me! I was talking about someone else! Not him!!" The journalist cries out, the Inspector sighs and shakes his head.
"I apologize for my acquaintance, Mr..?" "Oh, this is Professor Moriarty! And the one sitting across from is his brother." (Y/N) introduces them to Mr. Lestrade like nothing had ever happened. Or at least pretending too.
"Professor Moriarty and Mr. Moriarty, this is Inspector Lestrade. He's another good friend of mine. He works for the Scotland Yard. Pretty neat right?"
(Y/N) winks, doing small jazz hands to make his introduction a little interesting. "(Y/N), why aren't you with-" before the Inspector could finish his sentence. A shrill scream of woman was heard.
Running to source of the scream. (Y/N) follows behind the youngest Moriarty and Inspector Lestrade. She bumps into one of the passengers and apologizes. Not looking at who she bumped into.
(Y/N) could hear Sherlock and Professor Moriarty discus. Growing immensely curious, she wiggled her way through the two men. Walking up to Sherlock and
"What happened?!" She said, but mostly to Sherlock who arrived before her. Who was looking through a peep hole of one of the rooms inside the train car.
"Look for yourself." He remarks, stepping away from the peep hole. (Y/N) hesitates for a moment, though creates false courage to see what happened. But was then was stopped by Sherlocks hand on her shoulder.
He didn't stare at her in the eye like normally, instead her shirt. Confused, (Y/N) looks down, she regrets it soon after. There, on her shirt was fresh blood. Even some smeared on her hands. "What.."
All eyes focused solely on her, the air quiet as she was panicking inside her mind. "It seems we have a valuable prize in our game now to make things more interesting." William said to the shocked detective, who gave the noble man a twisted smirk. "I guess so, I don't plan on losing, Liam." A disturbing smile crawls onto the crime consultant.
"Neither do I."
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(Okay, this ask went a LOT longer than expected. I wanted to make it shorter but a rush of creativity hit me because I was re-watching ep 10 of Yuukoku No Moriarty! And reading the manga!! Yes!! And I hope I made them very Yandere-ish.)
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rwby-diaries · 4 years
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Happy birthday Blake!
The bestest kitty is up next! Blake was born on November 8th (Total Lunar Eclipse date)! This cute cat has had a lot of hardships in her life, but if there is one thing that’s absolutely certain, it’s that RWY love her to bits and always will!
Art piece sketch, background, and colouring editing by: @yang-diary
Line Art by: @thetopazvulpix
Coloured by: @catsofhorror
Shading by: @narwhalish 
Fic by: @lameclub
Edited by: @thetopazvulpix @yang-diary @jackedupjack
Fic under the cut!
"Why can't you just admit we took a wrong turn?!" Weiss' shrill voice echoes across the vast corn field. Ruby scoffs loudly as she turns back on her heels to face Weiss - hands on her hips with a slight pout.
"Because we didn't!"
Weiss scoffs in response causing the bickering back and forth to grow more heated. The two stragglers behind them giggle amongst themselves. Blake and Yang, not wanting to be dragged into the argument, walk beside each other at a steady pace at the back of the group. Both would occasionally glance towards the other with shy smiles before their gaze falls back to the ground shortly after.
Yang snorts as Weiss lets out a rather indignant shriek when Ruby blows a raspberry at her, "At least these two make for good entertainment."
Blake nods with a fond little hum as they continue to walk down the winding paths of the maze - nothing familiar seemingly jumping out to her.
As they pass by a separate path, in the near blind-spot of her vision - a low pulsating glow catches Blake’s attention. She pauses for a moment and looks towards it with a curious stare, but it wasn't long until its warm glow disappears behind the wall.
Almost on instinct, Blake feels her body move on it's own accord, her heart racing and her pupils widening suddenly. Blake could hear the bickering of Ruby and Weiss becoming more distant - but she wasn't thinking about that right now. Turning on her heel, Blake follows in the direction of where she saw the light go - leaving a confused Yang staring after her.
"Blake, where on Remnant are you going?"  She calls out only for Blake's head to turn back slightly.
"Something went down this way - let's go check it out!"
Yang pauses for a moment as her eyes shift in the direction of where the other two went - seemingly pondering on what to do. Blake could feel her ear twitch in the direction of where the light had scampered off to and shrugs.
"I can meet you guys at the exit," she tells Yang before she turns back around and darts in the other direction  - barely giving Yang the time to react. The other watches for a moment before curiosity gets the better of her and Yang smirks, chasing after Blake with a gleam in her eye.
As the two jog down the path, Blake does her best to focus on the small glow, as it would keep vanishing just out of her reach - much to her annoyance. For a few moments, the two remain silent and focused on the task at hand, but it isn't long until Yang couldn't keep quiet any longer.
"Do you even know what we're chasing?" That question has Blake's left ear twitch under her bow and she glances behind her.
"Not a clue," she answers plainly as she suddenly picks up the pace. Yang quickly follows suit as they sharply turn at another corner and the world falls silent once again.
As Blake moves through the night with ease due to her excellent night vision - she doesn't realise how little she is interacting with her partner. She was so focused on her goal she didn't hear Yang's numerous attempts to grab her attention. It isn't until the third 'ahem' does Blake jolt at Yang's voice - it sounds so loud in her head.
"I-I'm sorry, I don't know what came over me," Blake says, awkwardly laughing and scratching the back of her neck. Yang smiles at her warmly and waves her off.
"Don't sweat it - I know how focused you get." Yang says with an eyebrow raise. Blake giggles to herself as she covers her flushed face and finally looks around  - realization setting in.
“I...I have no idea where we are," she says quietly as she steps forward on her tip-toes and strains her neck in an attempt to see over the corn stalks. The maze around them seems to go on forever with the horizon stretching out of their view.
Yang hums to herself as she wanders around the small area, inspecting the different paths that lead in a variety of directions.
Yang shrugs, "Yep we're lost." Blake groans to herself while burying her face in her hands.
"Darn it, if only I hadn’t gotten distracted. I’m sorry Yang," she mutters, shaking her head and looking up at the paths again.
"Might as well keep going - we're bound to hear the other two eventually," she says quietly as she takes Yang's arm gently and the pair begin down a path of Blake's choosing. Little pumpkins dotted the sides of the trail - some painted and carved - likely by the local kids from around the area.
"I used to love pumpkin carving," Blake says, more to herself rather than to Yang beside her. The other tilts her head in Blake's direction, signaling her to continue. "It was a yearly tradition with my parents, during simpler times at least. I was eleven the last time I carved a pumpkin."
"Watch out!"
The pumpkin begins to roll off the table - causing Blake to shriek in horror as it falls. Before hitting the ground however, a hand catches it at just the last minute. A big burly laugh is heard as the pumpkin was placed back on the table.
"Be careful, my lil' puma," her dad says with a fond chuckle as he holds the pumpkin in place. "We don't have many of these lying around." He ruffles Blake's hair, who just giggles in response.
"Daaaad! You know I'm not a puma, I'm a Bombay and mama is a bur… a bur…" Blake starts but finds herself stammering mid-sentence as she stares down at the table, thinking intensely.
Ghira laughs as he pats her back "A Burmese, kitten," he explains and that causes Blake to jump up in excitement - nodding frantically. Ghira chuckles and kneels down beside Blake, as the two nuzzle each other's foreheads affectionately.
A small laugh sounds from behind them, "Looks like someone's excited for pumpkin carving." Kali smiles while taking the spot beside Ghira and crossing her arms. Blake nods enthusiastically as she slaps the pumpkin - it sounds like a drum.
"What do you want to carve into it, baby?" Kali asks, which has Blake pausing for a moment as she ponders the question. Pursing her lips, Blake reaches over and takes the marker carefully and sits back on her seat - humming to herself while inspecting it.
Both Ghira and Kali exchange soft looks between them before they sit down at the table and smile at their child whose eyes light up as an idea pops into her mind.
"I think I know!" she cries out as she sets herself upright and pulls the pumpkin closer in front of her. Picking up the pen marker on the table beside her in exchange for the larger one, she bites off the cap off it with fierce determination; but the moment the tip of the marker is pressed against the orange skin, Blake stops in her tracks.
"I don't know how to draw it," she says with a small pout. As her ears go down, Kali looks at Ghira with a small smile before she sits down beside her daughter.
"You don't need to be a master artist, my love," she explains while running her hands through Blake's frizzy hair. "You just need to try your best." Those words seem to do their job in bringing up Blake's spirits once more as her entire face lights up.
"What are you doing for your pumpkin, mama?" Kali giggles as she kisses the top of her daughter's head.
“As if I couldn't get any more stereotypical - I'm doing a tuna fish!" She answers her with a smile on her face.
Ghira let out a rumbling laugh beside her, "That's terrifyingly perfect for Halloween, ain't it my dear?" His teasing tone cases Kali to playfully jab him in the ribs. Blake could feel her stomach rumble at their antics as she hums to herself.
"Oooh tuna, my favourite!" Blake hums happily. Ghira nods in agreement.
"It's my favourite too, maybe we can catch some for next week! For an after-birthday celebration dinner!" He suggests with a smirk on his face and Blake claps her hands together in excitement.
"Sounds amazing, dad!"
Kali laughs warmly, "Going back on topic, what are you carving, dear?" She places her hands on Blake's shoulders, as the girl is practically thrumming with energy, and her eyes focus on her husband. Ghira stops for a moment as he thinks to himself and a serious look washes over his face.
"What do you think, Blakey, what should I carve?" He asks while turning towards his daughter who looks at him with big doe like eyes. Blake then proceeds to place a finger on her chin as she gives a thoughtful hum - her mind wild at work.
"You should make something super scary papa!" A devious look creeps onto Ghira's face as he leans on his elbow with smirk.
"Oh? But we already have you!" He says in a joking tone and Blake sticks her tongue grumpily but with no malice behind her actions. Ghira leans back with a hearty chuckle.
"I think my pumpkin will be a surprise!" Despite not fully being satisfied by that answer, Blake nods in agreement as she once again turns to her pumpkin, a focused look in her eyes.
"Then mine will be a surprise too!" She shouts out loud with a determined nod. Ghira and Kali both laugh to themselves as they accept her decision, and stand up.
"We'll give you space then, my love," Kali says as she pulls Blake in for one final hug but proceeds to blow raspberries into her neck. Blake snorts loudly as she pushes her mom off but can't contain the laughter that is rising up her body and escaping past her mouth.
As she is left to her own devices, several different ideas begin to bounce around inside of Blake's head - her tail wagging behind her. Thought after thought would rattle around but nothing seemed to stick or jump at her - much to her frustration. Groaning as she face plants the table before her and her attention falls elsewhere.
Spotting the slew of halloween decorations that littered around her house and several others, Blake sits up suddenly as she notices a particular one. A miniature, howling Beowolf animatronic with large fangs and smoky fur sits in the hallway. A grin creeps up her face as the pen marker is soon sketching the design on the pumpkin.
"Mama, papa! I'm finished!" Blake shouts excitedly as she runs over, tugging on her father's sleeve and trying to lead him in the direction of her pumpkin. Her dad laughs as he places his hand on his head and smiles.
"We're just finished ourselves, we're coming!" He says while tucking his own pumpkin under his arm. Blake jumps up and down before rushing off in the other direction, frantically urging her family to hurry up before sprinting ahead once more. Ghira and Kali smile to one another before following their daughter at a steady pace.
As they arrive back at the table, Blake's pumpkin is turned in a way that hides her carving. Blake plops herself back on the chair and pats the table while beaming brightly. Her parents arrive not long after and place their own pumpkins down in front of them.
"Do you want to go first, sweetheart?" Kali asks with the crinkle of a smile in her eyes. Blake nods as she eagerly taps her pumpkin, a big toothy grin present on her face. Kali giggles "Go ahead, dear, we're watching," she says with a look of encouragement.
With a small amount of effort, Blake turns the pumpkin around, revealing a rather choppy carving with random jagged points and no clear outline. Both of her parents glance at each other for a moment before they let out gasps of bewilderment.
"Wow darling! It's so unique!" Kali compliments warmly.
Ghira nods "I agree, honey - this is a true masterpiece!" He says as he takes in every aspect of her handiwork. Blake becomes quite bashful as her ears go down and she gives an awkward giggle.
"Beowolves are hard to carve, I was scared you wouldn't get it," she says, smiling. Kali shakes her head while walking over, ruffled Blake's hair before inspecting the pumpkin. Placing a finger to her chin, Kali hums in approval as she turns back towards Blake.
"A boo-wolf more like, very spooky!" She responds by playfully growling and hugging her daughter from behind and Blake lets out screams of laughter as she tries to wriggle out of her mother's grasp.
"Mama! That tickles!"
Kali eventually let's go of Blake and smiles down at her, her amber eyes swirling with warmth and love. "I don't think my pumpkin could ever compare," she says while turning around the orange vegetable, the careful carvings and details on the tuna fish has Blake lost for words as she stares.
"Mama, that's so cool!" Blake exclaims as she stares at it with her mouth agape. Ghira beside her whistles in admiration as he crosses his arms and nods - agreeing with Blake's statement. Kali softly blushes and leans up to kiss her husband's cheek, requiring her tip-toes just to reach him. Ghira's face mimics her blush, eliciting a giggle from her lips at the sight.
Blake looks up at her parents happily as they show affection to one another - it always made her happy.
It wasn't long, however, until Blake's attention was diverted somewhere else. "Come on, papa, you're next!" Blake calls out, gesturing to the pumpkin  that was still somewhat hidden away - causing the man to become rather embarrassed all of a sudden.
Kali's features soften as she places a tender hand on his arm, "Like I said to Blake, darling - you don't need to be a master artist--"
"--You just need to try your best!" Blake finishes with a smile.
Ghira finally brings his gaze back up to his family and a small fond smile makes its way back onto his face. "It might not be as much of a masterpiece as yours or Blake's, but..." he quietly says as he spins the pumpkin around with great ease.
Kali puts her hands up to her mouth with tears in her eyes while Blake gasps loudly.
Despite being crudely carved, the clear outlines of three people could be seen: two small stick figures with cat ears and a tail stand next to a tall, more squared figure.
Blake jumps from her seat "It's us!" She says loudly, running over to her dad who easily picks her up and hoists her onto his shoulder, keeping one arm over her legs for stability. Kali giggles as she nuzzles into Ghira's other arm.
"I love our family," Kali muses with purr.
Blake nods "Me too!" She says proudly, her tail wagging happily behind her. For the next few seconds, the trio embrace each other in total silence -  just enjoying each other's presence.  
Blake wipes her face and looks towards the sky, noting how much darker it's become. "Time flies when you're reminiscing," she muses. She holds her hand toward the sky and a soft glow lands on her finger. She brings it closer to inspect it, realization dawning on her.
“Wait, was I chasing a firefly before?” Blake asks, gaze shooting up from the tiny glowing insect in her hand. Yang chuckles, scratching the back of her head awkwardly.
“Yeah, I was pretty sure that’s what it was, but I didn’t wanna embarrass you,” she says, still grinning. Blake huffs to herself, watching the tiny bug as it takes flight with a passing breeze, a silence falling between the two.
As they both watch the small bug flitter off into the newfound darkness, Yang tilts her head in the other’s direction, “You’re pretty close with your parents, huh?’’ Yang mentions with a smile, but it didn’t garner the reaction she was hoping for - as tension falls on Blake’s shoulders.
“I-I’m sorry you don’t have to answer--’’
Blake shakes her head frantically as she crosses her arms, holding them over her chest with a sigh “N-No I want to… It’s just a little hard for me,’’ she explains while staring on ahead - her body feeling heavy at the thought. Yang’s features soften as she places a reassuring hand on her shoulder and immediately Blake eases from the touch.
Blake inhales deeply before speaking “I-I left home when I was very young - on my birthday in fact,’’ the more Blake speaks, the more shame starts pooling into her chest.  All Blake was waiting for was for Yang to lash out or feed into her guilt - but to her surprise it never comes.
In fact, the hand on her shoulder squeezes it in reassurance and a look of understanding washed over Yang’s face, “That explains why you were so hesitant to let us know it was your birthday, huh?’’ She suggests.
Blake nervously gulps and nods “I-I… I just didn’t want to be reminded of it,’’ she mumbles under her breath as her hands fall to the side of her body limply “It wasn’t just me leaving that bothers me the most - it was the reason behind it.’’ Blake’s voice is shaky as she explains further, her mind becoming rather hostile towards her own self.
“The reason behind it?’’
Blake opens her mouth to finish her sentence, but finds her eyes wandering towards the stalks of corn once more - only to notice a figure standing not that far in.
A man in the corn?
A man with horns...
Blake stumbles back, eyes going wide with shock. Yang reaches out and catches her, steadying the other as Blake’s eyes readjust to the gloom. A scarecrow. It was a scarecrow, not Adam. Blake sighed in relief, only then realizing that Yang is helping hold her upright.
"You okay, B?" Yang worriedly asks, watching as Blake's frantic breathing finally returns to its normal pace. It takes a few seconds before Blake could compose herself and she sighs.
"I-I… I thought I saw someone-- something." Blake quickly corrects herself, all while staring down the scarecrow not far ahead of her - an uneasy feeling nestled within her chest. Following her line of sight, Yang takes a quick glance at the figure and then back to Blake.
"I wouldn't blame you for being scared of this thing," Yang starts as she walks over, inspecting the scarecrow carefully and shrugging, "This fella is very poorly made - we have more goofy looking ones back at home!" She explains while flicking the scarecrow's head and it barely budged.
"I don't even think they're meant to be scary - this poor one just got the short end of the stick… literally!’’ Yang says as she gently kicks the stick holding it up with her boot before walking back over to Blake, a big grin on her face. "You have nothing to be afraid of, especially when we're together!" She says with full confidence in her voice.
Blake blushes, "It's hard to argue with logic like that," she mumbles while playing with her thumbs, smiling down at the ground. Suddenly, Blake finds herself overtaken by a new and funny feeling  - it flutters in her stomach and makes her nervous.
What was this feeling?
All Blake knows is one thing - she wants to be close to Yang. Without warning, Blake wraps her arms around Yang and buries her face into her chest, much to the surprise of her partner. After the initial shock wears off, Yang pulls Blake in and hugs her even tighter.
"Thank you, Yang."
Blake's heart is beating like crazy, finding comfort  in how warm Yang's body is - a welcome change from the nippy autumn air. The two don't move a muscle nor do they speak a word - Blake enjoying the peace she has been withheld from for the longest time.
Everything was perfect… until-
"Take that, maze!" Screams a  voice, knocking the two out of their daze and drawing both of their attention. The blade of crescent rose slices through the corn, revealing Ruby and Weiss - the latter of whom was standing there and shaking her head.
"I will slay the hay!" Ruby screams.
Weiss raises an eyebrow "It's corn, you dolt."
Ruby blinks a few times before triumphantly holding crescent rose up high once more "I will slorn the… corn?" When Ruby loses momentum halfway through the sentence, Weiss groans.
"You're honestly going to get us kicked out.''
Yang laughs, "I think she has the right idea!" She calls out with a smirk, as she wanders over towards the other two. Blake watches as the excessive chatter starts up once again but she can't stop herself from giving a wistful sigh.
"You need to stop encouraging this behaviour, Yang!" Weiss says while sticking her nose up and huffing.
Yang rolls her eyes and yanks Weiss in with the crook of her elbow, "Lighten up, Weiss!"  She teases much to the annoyance of the trapped individual.
Blake snickers, "I like Ruby's plan," she says and Weiss gasps while pushing Yang away and staring at Blake in mock betrayal. Ruby fist pumps the air with a quick 'woo!' with a grin painted across her face.
"Birthday girl's wishes are to be followed-"
Ruby stops herself and covers her mouth, shooting an apologetic look in Blake's direction. The other blinks for a brief second before she manages a short laugh - confusing the others around her.
"It's okay Ruby - my birthday wish is to slice our way through this maze," Blake says while placing a hand on her hip and nodding. Ruby sticks her tongue out at Weiss who just responds with an irritated huff.
"Feisty! I like it," Yang says with a wink while she readies her gauntlet, "I'd love to see that side of you more." She comments, causing Blake's cheeks to burn brightly and she was thankful that her friends couldn't see in the dark like she could.
"Onwards, Team RWBY!"
On their way out, Blake makes sure to slice up one particular scarecrow, leaving its head all alone on the dusty ground.
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fanfictionsrookie · 3 years
Talk to us about nerdy college teacher Cinder with glasses & tie *grabs popcorn*
First of, I want to apologize how long this is XD
I wrote this months ago and never finished it, but it's now or never, so bust of the popcorn and enjoy!
So its Ruby's first year at University, she studying mechanical engineering, but since it's her first year, she has to take Chem100 whether she wants to or not. Ms Fall's class, Ruby would take one look at her as she walks into class and just say goodbye to all hope of passing the subject. Then again you can't really blame her, Cinder Fall is a sight to be hold. Sleek, black suit and tie, raven hair and eyes that could kill you with one look from behind those glasses.
Is it suddenly hot in that class?
Either way, Ruby knows not too get on Ms Fall's bad side, the woman is all work and no play. One misstep and you're out of that class faster than you're able to say goodbye to your future. But surprisingly, despite what the rest of the class says, Ms Fall is a good teacher. She is smart, brilliant even, Ruby is convinced the woman could teach infants chemistry. And despite Ruby feeling like she completely blends into the background, Cinder soon takes notice of Ruby's hard work.
And it is perhaps, knowing that there is atleast one person listening that allows Cinder to go off track one Friday afternoon and just talk about all the concepts the finds interesting. Cinder's velvety tone already had Ruby's attention, but listening to her going on about concepts she has no idea about with her voice rising and just going a little bit faster… is that passion?
Not gonna lie… it's kinda hot. Damn air conditioning.
Because Cinder took notice of Ruby's hard work, despite her average grades, she does pick on her to answer questions much more. This does make feel Ruby akward and a bit uncomfortable, but knows it's meant well. If Miss Fall doesn't like you, she'll leave you to your own demise. And Ruby does want Miss Fall to like her, but after getting back her term exam with barely a passing grade, she is completely let down. It takes all of her confidence, but Ruby approaches Cinder after class, hoping to talk about why she got a bad grade.
And the moment Ruby realised just how tall Cinder is, makes the woman even more intimidating. Then again, Ruby has a bellow average height. Never mind that. So Ruby awkwardly asks Miss Fall about the test and she is surprisingly understanding. Miss Fall goes into full on nerd mode, explaining each question with so much detail that makes Ruby feel bad for having to tell her that she still doesn't understand.
Cinder must have noticed because she clears her throat, hiding her embarrassed blush before offering to tutor Ruby after class. Hot or not, Ruby knew that she'd be an idiot to say no.
And that's where their routine sessions, tutor sessions two times a week after class.
No not those kind of tutor sessions! Get out mind out of the gutter!
Sometimes their sessions were held outside or in another classroom as timeslots and locations had to be shuffled around, nothing major. But Ruby would be lying if she said that it didn't feel… different when they settled in Cinder's office as a personal location.
Naturally there would be some bits of small talk. Asking random things like how eachother's day was, maybe telling eachother insignificant tidbits of their lives. Eventually these conversations grew longer and Cinder welcomed them. Not just because Ruby earned it through working as hard she she did, but because all the stories Ruby blurts out about the shenanigans she gets up to is mildly entertaining.
At long last Ruby's next big test rolls around and she honestly couldn't believe that she did that good. And whether she had it planned or not, Cinder invites her to a Science Convention held in a few weeks. Not necessarily as a date, but more as a teacher presenting their student… who they are rather proud of… with another learning opportunity. Ruby goes of course, since she does adore the mechanical aspects of science… and she'd feel bad for turning down Ms. Falls… proffesional invite.
When the convention rolls around, Ruby does feel a bit in over her head, no idea where anything is. But she does find Ms Fall mulling over one of the mechanical engineering presentations and holy shit this is her chance to impress her professor.
And she does. Or Ruby thinks she does, she just talking so fast and is almost bursting with excitement.
Cinder is probably wondering if nerd-boners a thing?
I mean if it wasn't clear before both of them are definitely sapio sexual.
So the convention goes on and Cinder and Ruby decide to stick together. Ruby learns a bit more of why and how Cinder got to be a teacher and Cinder asks Ruby about her aspirations. Lunchtime rolls around, always taking the obvious route to solve a problem, at least when it comes to real life problems, Cinder takes Ruby to dinner.
When they finally had to part ways, Ruby thanks Cinder for being such a great teacher, expressing just how much she enjoys being her student. Cinder, flustered under that composed facade tells Ruby how much it means to have a student as dedicated as her.
Laying awake that night, both of them are like, do I… like her like that?
Cinder instantly shoves those thoughts to the back of her mind. She has to remain professional after all and she will not ruin the relationship she already has with Ruby. So Ms. Fall goes on as if nothing ever happened, she still tutors Ruby, still greets her whenever she sees her. And that would have been fine... if Cinder didn't end up overcompensating for trying to appear "normal".
What do you mean regular professors wouldn't walk their students to the bus stop in the rain under an umbrella?
Or compliment on how beautiful that skirt is.
Or revise books and books of theory just so that you are sure you're explaining everything as clear as possible.
Ruby, socially awkward as she is, has it a little more difficult. At first she denied her feelings outright, but then she spent time with Ms Fall, whether it be in her class or office. She still enjoys her classes, still thinking Cinder is talented and brilliant. But Ruby also starts thinking other things.
She takes notice how Cinder would unbutton her shirt after the last lecture of the day. How cute she looks without her classes 'cause she really is that blind and has to squint a bit.
And how much Ruby wanted to sit on Ms Fall's desk and-
Stop. It. You. Are. In. The. Middle. Of. Class.
Suffice to say her grades start slipping and it's not just in Chem 100. Ms Fall brings it up and Ruby stutters out some half assed excuse. None of them really wants to talk about it, but they have to do something. Ruby buckles down with her studying, there is no way she's disappointing Ms Fall. And Cinder blames herself for her favouritism and starts marking Ruby's work a little too strictly.
The third term's final examination rolls around Ruby is utterly disappointed with her grade. She passed, but she should have done it with flying colours.
Ruby confronts Cinder after class and the two get into a heated argument over who is right and how unfair Cinder's marking was, because it totally was. Ruby asks Cinder why she suddenly has it out for her. Tensions and yempers flare.
Caught in a moment, Cinder. Kisses. Ruby.
No, not that kind of fuck!
Both of them had their first kiss before... maybe a second. But they had no idea that it could feel like that.
Whether she wanted to or not, Cinder knew that she had to take the lead (not like that) in the situation. They finally talk about their feelings. Its awkward and brutally honest cause Cinder has no concept of softening words according to the context and Ruby is pretty dense.
In the end they confess that neither of them wanted to ruin what they have. But they also want to see where this could go because, regardless of their past relationships, this kind of relationship was a first for both of them. This meant they both had to keep their distance in a respectful, non suspicious manner, and they had to wait for Ruby to pass Chem100.
Easier said than done.
Their relationship was a little shaky after that, both trying to find some footing in figuring out where they were and how far they could do. But it gave them a chance to realise and re-learn what they admired about eachother and that was enough. Which might have had an influence on Cinder picking up the drafts of an old research paper she never finished. The prospect of moving to another school or institution is distant in her mind, and she doesn't allow herself to think about it too long.
But the one thing both of them had in mind, was how well Ruby did in her final exam. And for a girl who didn't like chemistry in the beginning of the year, she made the subject her bitch. For lack of a better term. So when the end of the year award ceremonies came along, Cinder made sure to congratulate Ruby on her accomplishment. But not the formal, frozen-then-microwaved congratulations of all the other professors. But a genuine, soft smile and puffing her chest out in pride, I'm-so-proud-of-you- congratulations. Honestly that part was more rewarding to Ruby than the fact that she passed her first year.
Two weeks later, summer vacation in full swing, Ruby gets a text. Cinder asking her out on a date.
I mean if Ruby wasn't nervous enough while making sure her outing stay out of her family's radar, she sure was upon seeing Cinder after so long. No much in a dress. Cinder is smoking hot in a suit, but seeing her in a dress dhdjejeisiaknsjdkamsbfyush.
While both of them had a reason to worry, the moment they started talking, being their usual nerdy selves, everything just calmed down. It felt right. Which made what Cinder was about to say, more difficult than she wanted to admit. They both liked eachother, both of them were eager to see where this whole thing could go.
Cinder wouldn't be teacher Ruby next year, or anytime after that. And while it won't be illegal in that sense, "heavily-frowned-upon" was a term Cinder wanted to keep out of both of their files. Ruby and Ms Fall were definately going to see more of eachother... but it had to be discreet.
So the break rolled around, the highlights definitely being the shy, nervous text and lunch dates (under the guise that Ruby needed help with…deciding a career path… yeah… that's it).
Second year started a lot like the first, but there were a few key differences. The obvious being that Ruby didn't have Chem100, or those tutor sessions. Then comes the surprising changes, being that Ruby's conversations are a tad more casual and friendly. Ruby gets to finish her own work in Cinder's office and any after hours projects using the campus facilities because of course Cinder has the keys and the clearance. And of course they have their bi weekly lunch dates.
All of this great! And as much as Ruby adores the time she gets to spend with Cinder, she can't help but feel like Cinder is being distant when it comes to physical affection. And saying it just makes Ruby feel bad cause the last thing she wants is to push Cinder into an uncomfortable situation. Especially with one as precarious as theirs.
Truth be told, Cinder has been picking up on Ruby's suggestestion (she's not that buried under work) but it reminds her that it would be another boundary they'd be pushing. But as much as Cinder wanted to play it safe, she also knows how much she wants this to work. So the moment Ruby started pulling away is the moment Cinder knew she needed to address her priorities. More specifically, make time for them.
So everytime Ruby swings by her office, whether it is to study, have lunch together or say hi, Cinder makes a point to kiss her once she leaves. On the cheeks, nose, lips, forehead. Or even all of those places if Cinder is in a specially good mood (or Ruby incredibly stubborn). Goodnight and good morning texts (under the guise of a different name cause Yang can be incredibly nosy and attentive) are also a regular thing and usually leaves Ruby smiling a tad wider than before.
And just because it has become routine, that doesn't make it any less meaningful. Cinder wants to make sure Ruby knows how much she cares for her.
So it shouldn't be surprising when those goodbye kisses would start the moment they see eachother with how long they ended up being. Long. And sometimes a little loud. And a little hot. And a little handsy when sweaters have to go. But that's it. Much less surprising is when Cinder had to pull out some foundation (or whatever makeup people use cause I certainly don't) because someone has to teach Ruby how to hide hickeys (Weiss was the only one who noticed, thank gods, she doesn't ask about it either).
They've only been almost caught once. (A first year who was sent running with how fast Cinder chewed him out that he didn't even notice Ruby in the room.)
But on a prompt lunchdate near campus no less, Cinder was quick, and silently relived, to tell Ruby that she was leaving Beacon and perusing further study with regards to her thesis. I mean, the first thing Ruby would ask is whether Cinder was leaving because they were getting too close and someone saw them. Or if she was sacrificing her career for their relationship. And while relationship played a part in her decision, Cinder knew that it was a step forward on her career path. It was time for a change. And once she assured Ruby of that, Ruby wasted no time in asking what she'll be doing, where she'll be working, and if she can be involved in any experiments present.
One hour nerd monologue from Cinder incoming.
It's only after Cinder completely left the University, that Ruby realised what that meant. They could finally date. Really date, without worrying about either of them getting fired or expelled. Although neither Cinder or Ruby is quite ready to bring up the topic to family. Although Ruby might have just mentioned to Weiss that she is dating someone cause she has been exceptionally cheery lately.
Cinder and Ruby stick to their bi-weekly dates, which is sometimes a picnic. Or at resturant at night, or them cooking together at Cinder's place (which is their favorite and the most nerve wracking.) Other than that, they find times to spend time together, getting acquainted with eachother's hobbies and shifting small talk to eachother's families and past. Whenever their schedules align, Cinder would pick up and drop off Ruby near her home, campus or if they're going to Cinder's place.
Makeouts in the car has also become a thing. Not the most comfortable space. But there is definitely something appealing about sitting in a hot older woman's lap, taking off her glasses, loosening that tie while she slips her fingers under your shir-okay.
Back to reality.
In a lot of ways it is the best stage of their relationship so far. But it's also the one with the most challenges. Luckily, both Ruby and Cinder take comfort in knowing that they have all the time in the world to figure it out…
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unsteadyshade · 3 years
may i please request from the prompt list : 33 and 56 together 😅 any pairing is fine..surprise us
i took this and ran with it. i barely remembered 56 towards the end, so if it’s a bit odd, forgive me asdfghjkl thank you for your constant support and for sending the ask! <3 i hope you enjoy! AO3
It’s been five years since Weiss has seen either Yang or Blake, ever since the partners--in what she believes is an accurately vague description of their current relationship, or lack thereof--decided to take time to tour Remnant together after everything settled down. She had sent them off with a fond farewell, steadfastly ignoring the odd pang in her own chest and had thought that would be the end of it. Or at least when they saw each other again, it’d be easier somehow for Weiss to face them.
But she should’ve known that reality wouldn’t be as easy to face. Especially alone, since Ruby had just taken off on another mission with Penny. Weiss wasn't going to just cancel though. That would be rude. It's not like she missed them.
"So did you miss us?" Yang immediately asks after settling into the chair across from her, Blake having successfully convinced them to let her pay. Weiss tried not to focus on the soft smile she gave Yang before walking away or the way that amethyst eyes lingered on her retreating form before turning back to Weiss. Unfortunately for Weiss, this means that she has to focus on the question, which isn't one she thinks she should answer honestly.
(The answer is with all of her heart. And then some.)
Finally settling on rolling her eyes, Weiss scoffs for emphasis. "No. Of course not."
It’s been five years since Weiss has seen them, but Yang can still read her so well. Her emotional intelligence is not something that Weiss likes in this moment, however. The blonde squints, her eyes brighter than Weiss has ever remembered, and barks out a single word. “Liar.”
Rolling her eyes once again, Weiss tries another tactic. “It’s unfair to ask that and not answer the question yourself.” She knows that Yang is smart, that she’d understand what Weiss is truly asking in what she’s not saying.
“I have missed you.” Yang says, softly and with so much certainty that Weiss’s heart aches to close the gap between them. She’s so close yet so far, and Weiss is still speechless by the time she senses another person’s presence approaching them. Weiss is grateful for the interruption.
“Excuse me, ladies.” Weiss is not grateful for the interruption anymore. She sighs before turning to look at the approaching blue-haired man. His cocky smirk reminds her of boys who try to make a move--oh.
Oh no. “Not interested, man.” Yang attempts to curtly cut off any attempts at his potential flirting. The man only smirks before continuing.
“Not interested in what? I just want to talk to you two lovely ladies. It’s a shame you’re here alone.”
“We’re not alone.” Weiss and Yang say at the same time though for likely different reasons. She tries not to overthink it as she gives him her best glare. The man clears his throat awkwardly but doesn’t move away from their table. He gestures vaguely between them with a hand, which Weiss finds is an alarmingly accurate way to describe their current relationship.
“What do you mean? You two aren’t together. If you were, you’d be more...obvious.” He smirks, as if that mental image alone would satisfy him. It makes Weiss’s skin crawl, memories of being treated as some sort of trophy for Atlas boys clawing at her mind.
Yang’s chair scrapes loudly as she stands then, startling Weiss out of her thoughts. She’s quick to stand too, knowing how quickly things may escalate. Her friend jabs a finger into the man’s chest, and Weiss can already see the familiar redness spreading over amethyst. “Listen pal. I’m only gonna say this one more time. We’re not interested. Either get that in your head and leave us alone or I’ll make sure the message sticks.” Her gauntlets shine ominously as she raises them for effect, and he swallows nervously while looking over at Weiss.
“Hey come on. Can’t you ladies take a joke or lighten up? This was all for fun.” Weiss looks him over quickly, noticing the tailored button up he has on and unscathed hands. He’s just another Atlas civilian, and she sighs as she places a firm but gentle hand on Yang’s shoulder. Almost red eyes meet hers in disbelief, but Weiss just shakes her head. They stare at each other for a few charged moments, the heat radiating off of Yang impossible not to feel now, before she sighs and closes her eyes. When she opens them again, amethyst is all that’s present now, though that doesn’t stop Yang from shoving him and grabbing Weiss’s hand to practically drag her out of the café.
It’s only after they’ve walked a fair ways away from the café that Weiss squeezes the hand gripping hers hard enough that she pauses and turns around with wide eyes. “Weiss?”
“What was that? We didn’t need to scare him. In case you’ve forgotten, I do know how to reject unwanted advances.” Yang looks down, and it’s when she feels a gentle prosthetic thumb rubbing over the back of her hand does Weiss realize that she hasn’t let go yet. Weiss isn’t sure if she should pull away or if that would make things awkward, so she stays for now.
“I know! I just...I didn’t like how he was looking at you.” Weiss frowns. Yang is overprotective, of course, but there was something new in her tone that she isn’t sure how to interpret. She must’ve recognized it too because she looks away with a clenched jaw.
“Yang, I’m used to this. I assure you it’s no issue if I have to reject someone. I know how to handle these situations.”
“But you shouldn’t have to! No one should be treating you like you’re owed to them. I just want that to stop.” Yang declares, blazing now red eyes meeting Weiss’s frigid blue ones. Weiss actually gasps, the look more intensely passionate than any other time her friend has looked at her. Then those eyes move down to her still slightly parted lips, and Weiss immediately licks them to test the waters of their bond. She feels like she’s burning up already as Yang starts trembling, almost as if she wants to--
“Kiss me.” The words leave Weiss’s wet lips unbidden. She’d take them back, but Weiss doesn’t do things halfway, even if they are accidental. Besides, the way that Yang’s gaze flared after she spoke only encourages her.
“What?” Yang sounds so affected, and Weiss wants to taste all of that hunger.
“Just kiss me.” Weiss repeats. She’s barely done before Yang is practically crashing into her, mouth meeting hers over and over with a frenzy she’s learned is a staple of their bond. She’s not sure who decides to add exploratory hands to the mix first, but they’re grasping and gasping now, Yang picking her up and pinning her against the alley’s wall.
Undeterred, Weiss moves to plant kisses along her neck, reveling in all of Yang’s reactions, whether it’s from her body or mouth. Yang reacts with her entire being, not shying away from loud sounds or movements that leave no doubt as to how affected she is. When she gently runs a hand through Weiss’s short hair while feeling her teammate’s tongue soothing another bite on her neck, Yang can’t help but rasp out what’s been on her mind ever since first seeing Weiss again after five years.
“How’d this happen?” Her voice is so hoarse now, and Weiss loves it even if it took a few moments for the question to register. Especially because it took a few moments to register. She leans back, relishing how easily Yang can hold her in place even as she’s trying to catch her breath.
“A few years ago someone accidentally cut off a part of my long hair in the middle of a fight. I decided to just...keep cutting it.” Yang fiddles with her hair as she talks, smiling at her fondly, and Weiss can’t help but wonder if she has a type she goes for. The thought immediately leaves her as soon as it surfaces, but it’s hard to ignore the heated look in Yang’s eyes that she’s only ever looked at Blake with.
“It looks good.” Their moment is broken by an all too familiar voice, and Weiss’s eyes widen even as she sees Blake walking up to them. She’s unsure what to say or if she even should attempt to explain herself. Then Blake tilts her head up, and Weiss is suddenly staring into a second set of darkened eyes. “You look good. I forgot to say that earlier.” Weiss stares, unable to speak for multiple reasons. She had expected Blake to react...differently, to say the least.
Was her assumption wrong? Were they not together? Or did they just have a different kind of relationship to what she had initially assumed?
Or did they normally include a third person? The possibility of that is too much for Weiss to consider right now, heated hands and heated looks searing through her. She takes the safe way out, locking all of her thoughts away for now.
“Did you bring us our coffees or will we have to go somewhere else?” Weiss asks. Blake slowly swipes a thumb across her slightly swollen bottom lip while answering.
“I have them.” Blake smirks, and Weiss regrets ever asking. “You’re still thirsty?” She swipes them lightly on their shoulders as they chuckle with a huff. She can’t win with them.
(They all decide to stay at a hotel for some reason that night. The receptionist informs them that there are two rooms available, and Weiss immediately accepts one for herself before anyone can object. She doesn’t know if she’s just missed an opportunity of sorts with the way they look at her as she bids them a quick farewell but doesn’t regret her choice...until she’s alone with her thoughts in a too big bed at least. The bed could fit two or three overall, and that’s not helping her racing thoughts. Blake and Yang have a room to themselves, and Weiss wonders if they would’ve selected so if she hadn’t claimed one for herself first. It’s the last thought she has before falling asleep and falling into dreams of dark, dark coal fanning the flames of bright, bright flames that Weiss is all too happy to be consumed by.)
It’s been two weeks since Weiss misspoke and made the best worst mistake of her life, and she’s been working on how to appropriately apologize to Blake. Her friend deserves it. Weiss crossed a line in their relationship--whatever it is--and she refuses to ignore it any longer, even if it may make things awkward. She finds an opportunity for some alone time with Blake when Ruby drags her sister down for a mission in Mantle while Blake and her stay up in Atlas.
Except Weiss forgot how focused she and Blake are during missions. The duo have crafted a plan to eavesdrop on suspected dust smugglers and are currently sitting in the same Faunus friendly restaurant that they were just in a few weeks ago. No blue-haired men are in sight, so Weiss counts that as a win. What feels significantly less of a win is how she still hasn’t spoken about anything that didn’t count as small talk to Blake yet.
They’re seated close to the suspects to overhear but not close enough to be suspicious. The men are sitting much too close to be considered casual and talking quietly. From this angle, Weiss is having a hard time overhearing anything, and she’s not sure if Blake is faring any better even with her Faunus hearing. Weiss stirs her cup of coffee as she speaks quietly.
“Can you hear anything?” Blake frowns and sighs, placing her teacup down.
“No, I can’t make out their words. If I angled my head just a bit, I’d be able to tell. I’d have to do it in a way that wasn’t suspicious though...” Blake stares at her for a long moment as if considering something. Weiss raises a brow.
“If you have an idea, I’m open to listening.”
“Kiss me.” Weiss nearly chokes on her next mouthful of coffee but manages to barely swallow it down. She briefly wonders if karma is real after all for her to be hearing the exact same words she used on Yang the last time they were here.
“Just kiss me.” Weiss stares as her friend tilts her head, Faunus ears now angled towards the other table. Blake nods, indicating that she can hear them now. All Weiss thinks as Blake slowly leans forward is that this is for the good of the mission.
When their lips do meet, Weiss considers asking for similar missions in the future. And because she’s been on her mind for the past two weeks, Weiss can’t help it when her thoughts start drifting from the past to the present. There are differences--the lingering taste of tea on her tongue--but also similarities, and Weiss is breathless from their passion long before Blake leans back. She doesn’t move far, their heavy breaths intermingling in the small space between them.
“Did you get what you were looking for?” Weiss whispers, unable to take her eyes off of her.
“I did.” Blake whispers back. Weiss isn’t sure if they’re still talking about the mission and is too afraid to ask so just nods.
“I’m really glad I came back early.” A voice startles Weiss again, and she’s already planning to apologize when Yang’s cheeky wink makes her pause. The blonde leans over their table and smirks, reminding Weiss of how Blake had a similar expression after catching them. “So is there room for one more or...?”
Blake’s lighthearted laugh and fond smile makes her heart flutter, but she’s too focused on the question to answer. Room for one more? Could she possibly be...?
The rest of the mission goes flawlessly of course, but Weiss would be lying if she said she was focused on it the entire time. It frustrates her enough that she decides that she’s tired of being left out of something that feels like it should be obvious. She intends to get some answers one way or another, even if she has to put her heart on the line to do so.
This time, Weiss only waits a few days before putting her plan into motion. She makes sure they celebrate Ruby’s birthday at the Schnee mansion since it’s large enough for everyone to gather. It makes Weiss’s heart beat pleasantly as she observes their friends--family now--mingle with her kin. There’s still a ways to go in repairing certain relationships, but Weiss is proud of the progress they’ve made, individually and together.
It’s likely past midnight by the time Weiss heads to her room to change after Ruby had spilled some punch on her accidentally. Weiss had rolled her eyes and assured her best friend that everything was fine. It had taken several more reassurances before Ruby believed her, but she truly didn’t care about appearances much now.
In her room, Weiss pauses before the large mirror and grimaces only slightly at the dark stain on her button up shirt. She’s honestly just glad that her short hair wasn’t dirty. After unbuttoning her shirt, Weiss looks back into the mirror to see her other teammates standing behind her near the door. They had been stealing glances at her all night, individually and together, and she knew it was only a matter of time before they decided to talk to her.
Turning around, Weiss crosses her arms as she stares them down, taking silent satisfaction in how their gazes travel to the unbuttoned shirt before refocusing on her face. “You two have been staring at me all night. Is there something you need?”
The partners share one of their wordless glances before turning to face her together. “So we’re not gonna talk about how you’ve kissed us both?” Subtlety, not Yang’s strong suit. For once, Weiss is glad for it since she wasn’t sure she’d ever have brought it up herself. She shifts a bit as she leans against her dresser.
“If I’ve offended either of you, I apologize. The situations weren’t ideal, and clearly things spiraled beyond what was appropriate.” They stare at her, perplexed. Weiss huffs and glares back. “Well, say something!” Yang continues staring at her while Blake clears her throat.
“Um...how do you feel about that?” Weiss stares at her. She had expected Blake to formulate a different question but notices how nervous her friend is. Raising her brows, Weiss glances at Yang and notices that she’s just as nervous. And now knowing that they’re both nervous makes her feel the same.
“What...do you mean by that?” Weiss asks carefully.
“You know...did you like it? Wanna do it again sometime maybe?” Yang asks, the last question blurted out so quickly Weiss had to take a moment to decipher what exactly she said. When she does comprehend, she stares back with wide eyes.
“Excuse me? I thought you two...” She clears her throat and tries again. “Is that...something you’re both interested in?”
“Wait. What were you going to say?” Blake asks, intentionally avoiding answering. Weiss rolls her eyes but indulges her, looking directly at the partners as she speaks.
“I thought you two were together.” They look at each other, and Weiss raises her brows when she see small blushes on their cheeks. It’s Yang who speaks up first.
“We’re always together.” She rolls her eyes again.
“That’s not what I meant. I thought...” Weiss trails off as she sees their reddening faces. Wait. They weren’t...? Oh.
Oh. She’s not sure if she just made the best or worst mistake of her life. But there is one thing she is sure of. Weiss grabs a fresh button up shirt and moves towards the door.
“I’ll let you two sort things out then--”
“Weiss--” They call out and each grab one of her hands. She stares at the uneven circle they make, points of connection with no definite beginning or end. Weiss slowly looks up at her friends’ similarly conflicted faces. They’re both confused now, and she knows they can both feel how quick her pulse is beating through their gentle holds on her wrists.
Maybe saying what she’s been burying for years won’t help, but maybe it will. Either way, Weiss can’t bear to have them look at her like that any longer. She takes a deep breath in then looks at Yang. It’ll be easier to say this when only looking at one of them.
“I’ve been in love with you for years.”
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elizabeethan · 4 years
Try Something New, Darling
Part 3/6 of my season 3 canon divergent series It’s About Bloody Time (AO3) 
Read part 2 (AO3)
Read on AO3
Summary: Emma Swan considers herself to be a fairly intelligent person. She was able to survive on the streets for years as a child and teenager. She was able to support herself after being released from jail at age 18. She sustained a prosperous job as a bail bondsperson. She had a nice apartment in Boston. She broke a damn curse and found her family. So yes, she considers herself to be a fairly intelligent person.
So why has she been acting so stupid?
Emma Swan considers herself to be a fairly intelligent person. She was able to survive on the streets for years as a child and teenager. She was able to support herself after being released from jail at age 18. She sustained a prosperous job as a bail bondsperson. She had a nice apartment in Boston. She broke a damn curse and found her family. So yes, she considers herself to be a fairly intelligent person.
So why has she been acting so stupid?
Early Friday morning after her birthday dinner, when she woke up feeling nauseous again and consequently ended up with her head in the toilet, she did consider going to the doctor. No bout of food poisoning should have lasted this long, and she never had a fever, so it probably wasn’t the flu. But when she opened up the cabinet under the sink to get the mouth wash and saw a box of tampons, it all came crashing down on her at once. The realization that she should have needed to use those very tampons over a week ago. The realization that she still doesn’t need to use them now.
Because guess what? When one takes a week-long trip to a magical realm and forgets to bring one’s birth control with them, one should then avoid having unprotected sex.
Absolutely stupid.
And so here she stands on this bright and sunny Monday morning, in the family planning aisle of the local drug store (please, as if this was planned), hoping to whatever god might be listening that Grumpy doesn’t see her and make one of his famous announcements to the whole town.
(She can picture it now. Terrible news! Terrible news! The Savior got knocked up by Captain Hook!)
Should she have done this sooner? Probably. But she chose instead to spend a week and a half after putting the pieces together hoping that she would miraculously get her period, and all this worrying would have been for naught. Now that her period is very late, she figures it’s probably time to take a test.
She finally opts for a two-pack so that she can remain in denial for a bit longer by taking the test again, then grabs a third just to be safe. False positives are a thing, right? Once she’s been rung out, as awkwardly as possible, she exits the store and shoves the box into the large bag she brought with her before she makes her way to Granny’s. If she’s going to pee on a stick three times in a row, she’ll need some fluids. And if she’s about to find out that she’s been knocked up, she’s going to need some comfort in the form of hot chocolate.
“Hey Emma!” Ruby calls from the kitchen when she arrives, hurrying out to meet her.
“Hi Rubes,” she responds, trying her hardest to plaster on a smile. She’s been chewing on her bottom lip so much lately that she thinks it cracks.
“Hot chocolate?”
“Want me to bring it over to Lover-Boy’s table?” she asks with a smirk, and Emma freezes before turning around in the direction Ruby was facing and sees Hook, dressed still in his modern wardrobe and sitting alone at a table nursing a coffee.
Shit. Not ready. Back up. Abort mission.
Of course, Ruby must have spoken too loudly, because Hook glances up and catches her gaze before shooting her an earth shattering, ovary exploding grin.
The very grin that she’s been evading for over a week now.
Rather than answering Ruby, Emma takes a deep breath and swallows the lump in her throat, then heads over to his table and takes a seat across from him.
“Hi,” she greets shakily.
“Morning love,” he responds, his smile faltering the slightest bit at the tone of her voice, but still successfully killing her from the inside out. “Finally feeling better today?”
Fuck, she thinks. Leave it to him to inadvertently guilt her for avoiding him. Not by accusing her of doing so, but by evidently understanding why she’s been so absent. Now is certainly an opening for her to tell him what’s going on, or what she suspects is going on. (Who is she kidding, though? There’s almost no doubt in her mind that she is currently carrying his child.) “Not that much,” she finally says.
His face falls, brows drawing close together and mouth sporting a perfectly kissable pout. “No? Have you been to the doctor?”
“Not yet.”
“Emma,” he starts seriously as he glances back down at his mug, but whatever he says doesn’t reach her ears. When she looks up, she sees Neal making his way into the diner from the inn and she freezes.
She’s still reeling from last week, and she’s been avoiding him too. The more she looks back on it, the worse she feels. How could she let him do that? She knows that she should’ve been strong enough to shove him away before it became what it did.
It shouldn’t have gotten so out of hand. Does she tell Killian that Neal technically kissed her? It’s not as if it could hardly even be considered a kiss, and it’s not like she kissed him back, but still. Doesn’t he have the right to know?
“Like now, for example,” she finally hears him say.
“Precisely my point, love, I was just saying that you seem distracted. Emma, something is clearly bothering you. And whatever it is—”
“I’m fine.”
“—whatever it is,” he says more pointedly, “please just know that I’m… I’m here.”
She draws her brows together and finally meets his eyes with hers when Ruby sets her mug of hot chocolate down in front of her with a wink.
“Whatever it is, I’ll support you in any way that I can, however you’ll let me. You can tell me anything.”
One glance into his deep blue eyes and she knows that he’s telling the truth.
“Killian…” she starts, sighing, reaching down for her mug and pulling it up to her nose.
While she may have had every intention of talking things through with him, or maybe asking if they can talk in private later, she takes one whiff of her favorite drink and knows that that isn’t going to happen.
Her eyes widen and her face must pale immediately. She feels her whole body start to shake and sweat as bile rises to her throat. She puts the mug down too urgently, sending the hot beverage sloshing over the sides, and stands with such force that the table is shoved towards him before she’s up and running to the lady’s room.
She bursts through the door and doesn’t even have the sense to lock it— in fact she’s lucky that it was unoccupied— before she’s over the toilet and heaving into it, despite her stomach being empty. She knows she should be trying to eat something in the morning, but she can’t stomach anything, and it doesn’t seem to make any sense anyway when she’s heaving up anything and everything less than an hour later.
Once she finally finishes evicting everything she’s ever eaten, she sits back against the wall and closes her eyes, taking in a few breaths before she opens them and reaches for some toilet paper to wipe her mouth and nose. It’s only once she starts blowing her nose that she notices Killian standing to her left behind the closed door.
“Fuck!” she jumps, accidentally blowing her nose with so much force that she can feel it in her eyes.
“Emma, what the bloody hell is going on?”
She slowly and unsteadily stands up and tosses the soiled tissue into the toilet before she quickly moves to flush it in hopes that he didn’t see its contents, then says, “I told you I’m fine.”
“But you’re clearly not fine, love. You’ve been avoiding me. And you couldn’t even smell your hot chocolate without being violently sick.”
“Please don’t say the word chocolate right now.”
“And it looks like the hot chocolate might’ve burned your hand.”
“I’ll go to the doctor,” she concedes as her stomach jumps. “I will. I just… I have to do something first.”
She’s never seen him look so worried and defeated. “What can I do?”
“Nothing, you’ve done enough,” she says snidely and then regrets it, knowing that it’s unfair of her to blame him. Afterall, she did tell him that she was taking a magical pill that would make it near impossible for him to impregnate her.
Turns out it only works like magic if she uses it. Curse her evidently insanely fertile self.
He sighs, “let me at least get you some water, love?”
She sighs, too, and a sea of familiar guilt washes over her. Finally, she quietly responds, “that would be nice, thank you.”
She knows that she needs to go to work soon anyway, so when he comes back, she chugs the water and hopes that it’ll go through her by the time she gets to the station.
Emma Swan is pregnant. By accident. Again.
At least she’s on the other side of the cell this time around.
She took all three tests, and all three read positive; two produced that second pink line and one clearly read the word pregnant before the two-minute timers she set on her phone even went off. She doesn’t want to leave them in the trash can at the station for fear that someone may somehow find them, so they're sitting in her desk drawer. With her head laying on her crossed arms, she stares so hard that she practically burns a hole through the top of her desk above the drawer that contains them. So far today, she’s gotten exactly no work done.
“Make any headway on that paperwork?” her father asks ironically as he enters the office. She had asked if he could take on patrol so that she could get caught up.
“Kind of,” she answers quietly, fearful that her voice could give out at any second.
“Hey,” he starts, taking a seat at his desk across the room from her. “I wanted to talk to you about… about last Thursday.”
“What about last Thursday?” she asks, sitting up slightly and finally peeling her eyes away from the drawer of secrets.
“I wanted to… apologize. For the way I acted at your dinner. About… about Hook.”
She raises a brow in surprise, pursing her lips and nodding her head lightly. She supposes that this day actually canengender more surprises. “Wow,” she says simply.
“I know I may not be his biggest fan, but Snow and I talked, and we realized that it must be pretty helpful for you to have someone you consider to be a friend right now.”
She nods softly, considering this. “Yeah, it is.”
“I guess you can’t be sharing everything with Neal, huh?” he asks in jest. She draws her brows in now, confusion likely written all over her face. “Just a joke,” he chuckles. “Sometimes it’s hard to tell our significant others everything.”
Woah. She physically backs herself away from him. “Neal? Neal isn’t my boyfriend,” she’s cut off by the ringing phone, which David almost immediately answers, humming and nodding at the person on the other end.
“Another moose in the road,” he eventually says. “You wanna take this one?”
She huffs violently at her inability to fully correct her father but nods, needing to get out of the office and into the fresh air. She can also take the opportunity to go home and get some crackers. She gets up quickly and grabs her huge bag, opening the accursed drawer and using her own body to shield the image of her shoving in the positive tests from her father’s view.
The moose found his way home without her help, so she heads back to the loft sooner than expected and finds Mary Margaret occupying it.
“Hi honey,” she says with a sweet smile from the kitchen.
Emma drops her uncharacteristically massive bag on a table by the door before calling back, “hi.”
“Want something to eat?” Emma nods and makes to turn around before her foot kicks into the leg of the table and sends her bag, along with its contents, flying to the floor.
All of its contents. Wallet, phone, keys, and three positive pregnancy tests.
“Whoops! Let me help you get—”
She hears Mary Margaret gasp loudly before she shuts her eyes and shoves her hands over her face. She’s suddenly feeling nauseous due to anxiety rather than pregnancy, and she almost laughs at the irony.
“Emma, are you—” she doesn’t finish her thought. She doesn’t need to, because when Emma peeks out from behind her fingers, she sees Mary Margaret holding a test in her hand. The one that spells out the word pregnant, clear as day. “Oh, honey.”
Normally, if she wasn’t full of raging hormones, she would have handled the situation with grace and perhaps a bit of sarcasm. But alas, these are not normal times and she is, in fact, full of raging hormones. So, what does she do? Why, the only thing she seems capable of lately, aside from vomiting a peeing frequently. She starts to cry.
Of course.
She doesn’t move her hands away from her face because she immediately begins to feel the clenching around her heart, her throat practically closing and her eyes burning. Tears begin to fall immediately and she chokes out a sob.
Her mother’s disappointment was clear in her voice, and Emma can’t even think about what she’s doing before she sinks down to the floor, pathetically holding her middle.
“Emma!” she exclaims with a soft chuckle, suddenly in front of her and holding onto her elbows. “Emma, up off the floor! It’s alright, you don’t have to cry!” Emma can’t bear to hear what she has to say, because she knows that she’s being judged for getting pregnant by a man her parents hate.
“I—” she starts, but can’t finish, another sob wracking her body.
“Emma, it’s okay, this is a blessing! You two are going to make fabulous parents together. And Henry will be a big brother!”
“You think—” she chokes, “you think so?” She can’t imagine this to be true. Since when did Mary Margaret start to approve of Killian? Emma supposes she hasn’t been as discreet as she had hoped with all of her sneaking out, because apparently Mary Margaret knew all along.
“Oh sweetheart, I know so!” Emma nods, sniffling and wiping tears off of her cheeks. “Was it… planned?”
“Hell no,” Emma scoffs with a roll to her eyes. “None of this was. It all just sort of… happened.”
“When did it… start happening?”
“On the way back from Neverland,” Emma says softly, pathetically. Mary Margaret nods, a sneaky smile crossing her face.
“Well I just know that you two—” before she has a chance to finish, there’s a crash and a scream outside and she’s cut off.
“Ugh,” Emma exclaims, blowing her nose with a tissue that Mary Margaret had reached for. “I should check on that.”
“Just,” Mary Margaret starts, a worried look playing at her features. “I know you're the sheriff but please be careful. I’m assuming you haven’t been to the doctor yet?”
“No,” she shakes her head, “you're right. I’ll be careful.”
“And take some crackers, they’ll help settle your stomach.”
She freezes when she steps outside. And then she laughs at her own little joke, because she’s standing on a narrow sheet of ice that leads in a trail down the street— in the first week of November. And while Maine is pretty cold, she doesn’t think it’s that cold.
She follows the trail down Main Street, sleeve of Saltines in hand, and thinks that it’s leading to the edge of town when she feels the earth tremble. When she looks out by the harbor, she notices a thick white wall rising erratically from the sea. So much for no emergencies in Storybrooke.
“Swan!” she hears, and she turns to see Hook running out of Granny’s towards. “Swan, you alright?”
“Yeah,” she says, turning to the harbor again. “Not sure what’s going on, but I’m assuming something’s happening around the town line.”
“Are you heading out there now?”
“Let me go with you?” he asks desperately.
“Please Swan,” he starts, his eyes doing that thing again where he looks sadder than anyone she’s ever seen. “I just saw your father heading towards the Queen’s office. You need backup, let me help you.”
She rolls her eyes, but she’s also fighting off a smile. “You aren’t even on the force.”
“Make me an honorary deputy, then,” he says with a flirty smile.
“Stop watching westerns. How do you even have access to TV?” He shrugs and she rolls her eyes. “Fine, let’s go,” she responds in haste, turning back towards her Bug.
They spent the ride relatively quiet, and she’s glad that he doesn’t ask her again how she’s been feeling, but she knows she probably should’ve taken the opportunity to tell him what’s been going on. Then again, maybe driving into an unknown and potentially dangerous situation isn’t the best time to tell someone that they're about to be a father.
By the time they reach the town line, she can see the white wall standing tall and preventing anyone from leaving.
“What the hell?” she wonders out loud as she steps out of the car.
“My thoughts exactly, love.”
They walk around for a few minutes, taking in the scene and pretending they know what they're doing. The wall is at least 30 feet high and, while she has no idea how thick it could be, she knows it would likely be foolish to try and get through it.
Kicking a fallen piece of ice, she sighs. “I don’t know.” She tucks her hands into the pockets of her brown leather jacket and pulls it closed over her belly. It’s freezing over here by the wall of ice.
“Aye, love. Very mysterious.” Before she knows it, he’s next to her and looking up, squinting so she can just see a sliver of blue. “Guess I should’ve brought some champagne.”
She chokes on her own breath before looking up at him. “What?”
He smirks. “We have the world’s largest ice bucket here. And I was planning on asking you something.”
She freezes, turning to him and facing him head on. “What?”
“I wanted to ask you,” he starts, stepping closer to her and reaching his hand up to her face and brushing a piece of hair away. “If you would do me the honor of joining me for dinner.”
Wouldn’t it be ironic if she began vomiting right now?
She doesn’t. Although she does feel her heartbeat quicken and her body suddenly feels hot, especially in her stomach.
“Killian,” she says hesitantly.
“I know, I know.” He reaches down towards her collarbone and gently touches the chain around her neck, pulling the dangling diamonds out from beneath her shirt and smiling. “But I don’t think much needs to change between us, darling.” Boy, does he have another thing coming, she thinks. “And I know things are complicated with your family, but you did say that you would consider it, so maybe I just hoped to remind you to. I know what I want, love; I want you. I just hope I’ve made that clear and that you might feel the same way for me.”
And really, it’s not like she could’ve had any other response. He’s made a perfectly worded, perfectly timed speech, so of course her pregnant self starts crying.
“Oh, no love, please don’t cry. It’s alright,” he starts, wiping a tear away as his face falls. “If you—if you don’t want that with me, it's alright.” She thinks she hears his voice catching in the back of his throat and starts crying a bit harder, a sob escaping her lips. “If that’s why you’ve been distant…”
“No, Killian, it’s not that, I just… I do. I want that.”
“Yeah,” she responds, and she sees his eyes lighting up. “It’s just that… well, there are things that… something happened, Killian, and I don’t know if you’ll feel the same way when you find out that—”
“Emma? Emma! What the hell?” Neal is shouting as he parks Mary Margaret’s station wagon and gets out. Wait, Mary Margaret’s station wagon?
“Everyone, remain still!”
Everyone turns to the source of the new voice and jumps. Out of nowhere, a beautiful tall woman with a long blonde braid and an icy blue dress emerges from the ice wall.
Her presence certainly wasn’t very commanding, but she appears to be the one who put up the massive wall of ice around the entire town, based on the trail following her, so Emma figures it’s probably a good idea to listen to her.
“Hello,” Emma says cautiously with a sniffle, backing away slightly and closer to Killian.
“Emma, we need to talk.”
“Neal, does this look like a good time to you?” she snaps.
“Your mom told me.”
She falters, freezing in place again, and it really can’t be good for her body (or for the baby?) for her heart to be stopping and starting like this.
“Everyone needs to halt immediately!”
“Emma, love,” Killian starts, and she turns to him with desperation in her eyes.
“She told me congratulations on the baby. Emma, what the hell is she talking about? If we did anything on your birthday, I was really drunk. You need to tell me if anything happened—”
Before she knows it, the ground is shaking again, and while she initially started to take a step towards Neal, possibly to beat him up, she’s now spun around. She’s heading towards the unpredictably enigmatic woman with her hands up as the terrain continues to shake. “It’s alright.”
“Stay back! Everyone be quiet! I need to find my sister!”
“Okay,” Emma says, taking another step. “We’ll help you.”
“Emma, come back, love!”
“It’s okay,” she starts to say again, but the earth is shaking harder and suddenly she’s being knocked to the ground as another wall is upraised around her.
Emma doesn’t quite fall unconscious, but she thinks she might have come close. Her ears are ringing and her head is pounding, but she’s finally starting to see things clearly around her. She’s definitely inside some kind of ice cave, and as if that wasn’t apparent enough already, she starts to shiver. A leather jacket with some leggings is certainly not an ideal outfit for this kind of sudden and unexpected weather change.
She pulls the jacket tightly around her belly again, hoping that she can maybe protect the baby from the cold. Looking around, she sees the woman standing a few feet from her, looking somewhere between angry and scared. “Hello,” Emma starts. “What’s your name?”
The woman startles at the sound of her voice and makes eye contact, and Emma is certain that she can see fear in them. “Elsa,” she answers firmly.
“Elsa, it’s nice to meet you. I’m Emma.” The woman nods brusquely before spinning around nervously. “I just found out today that I’m pregnant.” It dawns on her that the first time she utters the words out loud is to a stranger who could very easily kill her.
Elsa turns back towards Emma, the anger and resolve in her face evaporating completely. “You did?”
“Yes. But the father doesn’t know. Or, I guess he kind of just found out. But I’d really like the opportunity to tell him myself.”
She nods again, her hands ringing together. She’s clearly scared and nervous, and whatever she built the ice wall for was just an act to show them that she’s powerful. “The man in the dark clothes?”
Emma smiles at her and nods, though she’s starting to shiver harder. “That’s the one.”
“Well then what was the other man doing? He seemed angry.”
Emma sighs and rolls her eyes but lets out a chuckle. “He is. He and I were together 12 years ago, and he doesn’t seem to understand that it’s over.”
Elsa rolls her eyes as well. “Most men don’t seem to understand much.” Emma lets out a snort and nods in agreement as her teeth begin to chatter. “My sister was supposed to be getting married. Her betrothed and your husband seem very similar in their nobility.”
“Oh,” Emma says in surprise. “Hook isn’t my husband.”
“Oh, sorry. Well, either way, he clearly loves you.”
Rather than answer her, Emma shoves the thought as deep as she can and chuckles nervously, changing the subject completely. “You said you were looking for your sister?”
“Yes.” The tenacity is back.
“Well, I’m the sheriff here. That means I have resources that can help you. I just need to get out of here first. It seems like you may have trapped us in here by accident, but do you think you can let us out?”
She stills and appears to think Emma’s offer over. “You can really help me find Anna?”
“I’ll do whatever I can.” She certainly can’t guarantee anything, but she’s starting to like this Elsa, in a weird, possibly Stockholm Syndrome type of way.
“Alright, stand back.”
When Emma focuses back on the wall, she can hear shouting. She can only imagine what a mess Neal must have made by now.
Elsa seems to focus too, and there’s suddenly a loud buzzing hum and a forceful light coming from her hands as she points them towards the wall. A hole big enough for Emma to crawl through forms quickly, and she can hear the shouting grow louder.
“Emma!” she hears Killian call, and she walks towards the hole and crouches down before starting to crawl to the other side. He’s crouching too, and once she reaches the outside, she takes his hand and falls into his hold. He breathes out a sigh of relief, as does she, and helps her into a standing position and holds her body tightly to his. She feels warmer already.
“Are you alright, love?” he asks into her neck, and she closes her eyes and reaches her hand up to his hair and nods. “I was so worried.”
“I’m alright,” she says back quietly, taking time to steady her breathing and warm up against his body heat.
He notes that she’s still shivering— she’s surprised that her teeth haven’t cracked from the force of their chattering— so he steps away from her slightly and he removes his own jacket and places it around her shoulders, rubbing up and down her left arm. His eyes meet hers intently and she smiles.
“It would seem—”
“Emma, you okay?”
She groans. Looking past Killian, Emma sees Neal looking both furious and worried at the same time. Killian’s hand slides from her arm, but she catches it in hers before he can remove it from her.
“I’m fine. I’m gonna go to the doctor.”
“Let me take you,” Neal says in a commanding tone.
“No, Killian’s taking me.”
“I am?”
“But Emma, you and I need to talk.”
“You're right, Neal, we do. I’ll start. I really don’t appreciate you coming over here and screaming about things that have nothing to do with you. Nothing happened on my birthday, unless you count the fact that you basically assaulted me. And even if anything did happen, that was a week ago. Do you even know how reproduction works?” His face is priceless, and she feels a sense of relief wash over her as she finally stands up for herself. “I can’t believe that you came out here and announced my pregnancy before I had a chance to,” she mutters. She feels Killian’s hand tighten around hers for a second before he lets it fall, and when she turns to him, his face is blank. “Killian, I’d like it if you and I could talk in private,” she says to him more softly. “Neal, don’t talk to my mom about this.”
The car is completely silent for a few minutes once Emma starts driving. She fights the urge to glance over at Killian several times before she finally gives in, and she immediately wishes she hadn’t. In the second she’s able to look at him, she’s met with his anger and frustration that she knows must be rooted in the regret he feels. She knows this must be difficult for him to process, and now she’s dragging him along with her to see a doctor. She doesn’t even know if he’ll want to be in this baby’s life, so she’s realizing that it’s selfish of her to force him along.
The truth is, she never really thought of her other options. She knows that, realistically, she doesn’t have to have this baby. But the thought to abort or abandon it never crossed her mind. She can’t do to this baby what she did to Henry.
Killian doesn’t have to worry about that, thought.
“Killian—” she starts, but it’s as if the sound of her voice elicits something in him.
“What did he do to you?” he asks. His voice is so low and dark that it makes her feel nervous.
“What?” She looks over again and sees that he’s staring straight ahead at the changing leaves.  
“On your birthday. You said he assaulted you.”
“Oh,” she says, nodding, her feelings of compunction growing stronger in the pit of her stomach. “It’s not really a big deal, I was being dramatic. He was drunk. He grabbed me and then he knocked us over onto his bed and tried to kiss me. But it was only a second, Killian. I didn’t do anything with him, I swear.” He’s quiet for a second, and it’s the longest second of her life.
“Fuck, Emma, what the hell?” He’s looking at her now, and in the brief second that she glances at him, she sees fire in his eyes.
“I’m sorry. But nothing happened, I promise. He just tried to kiss me for a second and I pushed him away.” Her palms are sweating on the steering wheel and her heart is hammering in her chest, her stomach twisted and her head pounding.
“I’m not mad at you, love. He attacked you! How are you so equable over this?”
“It’s like I said, nothing happened. I pushed him, probably bruised a kidney, and I got the hell out of there. I didn’t do anything with him.”
“I don’t care about that, Emma. I’m not mad because I think you did something with him. I can’t believe that you were put in a position where you had to defend yourself like that! And against him!”
“What do you mean?” she asks hesitantly as she pulls into the lot of the hospital and parks her car.
“I mean… I mean he’s the father of your child and he’s behaving in such a predatory way towards you that you felt that you needed to bruise his kidney and flee.” She’s silent. She knows now that he’s angrier with Neal than he is with her, but he sounds so livid that it sort of feels like she’s being scolded.
“I’m sorry,” she finally says quietly, because she honestly doesn’t know what else to say to placate him.
“Please don’t say that, love,” he asks, more like begs, as he finally turns away from the scene ahead of him and looks at her. “I’m sorry that I made you feel like you need to apologize. You don’t, darling, truly.” He takes a deep breath before continuing. “But do you know… fuck. Do you know how many thoughts ran through my head in the ten minutes that you were in that cave?” She knows that he’s asking hypothetically, but she shakes her head anyway. “I’ve never been so scared in my entire life.”
“That can’t be true,” she scoffs. He’s been alive for centuries; she knows he must have felt scared before.
“Of course it is, Emma.” He turns away, his face hardened and his brows drawn together. “Within a span of thirty seconds I find out that you're pregnant and that it might be Neal’s, then you disappear into an ice cave and I have no way to get to you.”
“It’s not,” she starts immediately, stunned by his statement. “It’s not Neal’s.”
He turns again, and she realizes now that she hasn’t actually said the words to him. She hasn’t really had much of a chance to say them out loud at all.
“Emma,” he says, his tone begging again, and it causes her heart to clench so hard that her fingers start to tingle.
“I’m pregnant.” His face nearly crumbles, his brows drawing close together while somehow still looking more worried than she’s ever seen him. “You’re the only person I’ve been with—I mean, you're the only person I want to be with. The baby… it’s… you're the father, Killian.”
He doesn’t say anything, and she thinks she may have done the impossible and stunned Killian Jones into silence. He reaches across himself and picks up her left hand in his right and draws it up to his mouth, pressing his lips to it firmly and keeping them there. She can feel his breath coming out quickly and forcefully, as if he has to remind himself to breathe, and it feels like he’s seconds away from breaking down.
“I realize that this is a lot to take in, and we’ve never had a conversation about whether you're even staying in Storybrooke.” She has to push the words out of her mouth, knowing that they need to be said. “But, if you don’t want to be in his life, then I’m giving you an out.”
“What?” he chokes out. She didn’t think she could watch his face fall any further.
“If you want out, just say the words. I know this wasn’t the plan for us.” He scoffs and her heart drops to her stomach, but she holds herself together in preparation for his words.
“If you think I’m going anywhere without you and this baby, then you are absolutely mad.”
“Really?” she asks tentatively, looking up from their hands to meet his eyes.
“Aye,” he breathes out. “I’m sorry, love, if I’ve ever given you the impression that I would abandon you like that. I was planning on staying here as long as you would have me anyway, before all of this.”
“You were?”
He smiles at her, the kind of smile that she sees in her dreams, and nods. “Did you say his?”
She smiles a bit, too, and nods back. “I don’t know the sex yet, it’s too early. But I’ve always seen myself as a boy mom.” He breathes out a laugh now.
“Mom,” he repeats, squeezing her hand and kissing it softly.
“Dad,” she teases back, and she smiles because now she’s affording herself the privilege of imagining him with a little bundle in his arms.
“You were in that frozen cave for a bit. We should get you checked, aye, love?”
“Aye,” she responds, and he chuckles and kisses her hand again.
When they're finally called in, after mountains of paperwork and questions and what feels like hours of waiting, Emma lies down on the exam table while Killian sits stiffly on the chair near her head.
“Bet this isn’t where you thought you’d end up when you woke up this morning,” she jokes, and he lets out a huff in response.
“Certainly not, Swan. You are full of surprises, aren’t you?”
“Mhmm,” she hums, patting her belly lightly. He glances down at her hand covering her belly and she wonders if this is all becoming too real for him, because it certainly is for her. She tries to force away the lingering thoughts that he could still leave them, knowing that the thoughts are born from her own experiences and are not based on his actions so far.
The technician comes in a few moments later and gets Emma ready for her ultrasound. She explains that it’s probably a bit early for an abdominal sonogram, and Killian’s eyes bug out of his head when she prepares for the transvaginal scan. Emma lets out a snort and takes his hand in hers without asking. He squeezes back.
After a few moments of searching and measuring, the technician finally settles in one spot and gestures towards the screen at the black and white mess. She presses a few buttons and takes a few more measurements, then says, “there’s your baby!”
Killian turns immediately, staring over to the screen with a pensive look on his face. The technician points out the head, making mention of the crown rump length and how it indicates that she’s measuring at just under 7 weeks.
All Emma can see is a gray blob within another black blob, that lives inside another gray blob. She’s never felt such an emotional connection to a blob, and she notes how differently she feels this time around.
When she hears the heartbeat, a quick and hardy whoosh taking over the quiet room, she nearly loses it.
Her eyes are stinging when she looks at their baby on the screen and hears the powerful heartbeat, but she starts crying when she glances over at Killian and sees that he has tears running down his own cheeks.
“Your baby is about the size of a blueberry,” the technician says, holding up two fingers to demonstrate just how tiny the blob is. Emma nods, wiping a tear away, then looks back to Killian and squeezes his hand again.
He lets out a tear-sodden laugh and squeezes back, then reaches their hands up so he can wipe tears away. “I can’t believe how much that little bugger has aged me already.”
Emma laughs now too, using her free hand to wipe her own cheeks, and the technician smiles up at them. She prints a few pictures off and tells them that everything looks good, and that the doctor will be in to talk to them shortly.
When Emma’s new obstetrician, Dr. Morgan, enters the room, she greets them happily and congratulates them on their good news. She explains that the baby appears healthy despite Emma’s earlier misadventures and her taking birth control before she found out, and gives them a due date— June 16th, a summer baby.
They’re walking hand in hand out to the car, and they’re both wearing the biggest, goofiest smiles that they can muster. By the time they get back to the car, though, she starts to feel like she’s returning to real life.
“I know that this is a lot,” she starts as he takes her hand again, “and the baby was certainly a surprise, but he’s not a mistake. I haven’t known for very long and I was feeling really dreadful, but now that I’ve seen him… I don’t think I’ve ever wanted anything more in my life.”
“Aye,” he breathes again. “I understand what you mean. As soon as Baelfire said baby, I felt like my life changed all at once. I didn’t even know if it was mine or his, but I didn’t care. And now that I know, I realize that I’ve never felt… I just… I love him. Or her. It seems completely mad, but I love him.”
She nearly cries again at the sound of his voice choking and at his own words, but she nods instead, understanding completely how instantly he must have fallen in love with the tiny embryo she’s growing because that’s exactly what happened to her. “It isn’t mad.”
He moves her hand up to his forehead and leans against it for a moment, as if taking space to process things for himself, before he lifts his head and meets her eyes with his.
“Killian,” she says once she has her hand back and is able to start the engine.
“Aye, darling?”
“My mom…” Killian stares up at her expectantly, and he clearly has no idea what she’s talking about as she’s changed the subject. “She thinks it’s Neal’s. I think she might know that I’ve been sneaking out at night, but she must think I’ve been going to see him.”
“I see,” he starts, nodding his head pensively and pinching his bottom lip between two fingers in a way that drives her mad. “What shall we do?”
She hums, considering this. “I think I’m gonna go talk to her. And I think you might need to do some planning.”
“Planning for what love? Surely, we have enough time before the blueberry arrives,” he says with a nervous chuckle.
“Not for that,” she responds with a grin. “For dinner. That is, if you still want to go to dinner?”
His face splits into another grin so bright and vivid that she feels her stomach clench, his eyes squinting and his pearly teeth shining in the sunlight. “The day I answer no to that question is the day I’ve lost my mind.”
She hums out a small laugh and says, “good. And don’t change. I forgot to tell you how much I like your new look.”
Arriving at home after dropping Killian off at the docks feels strange. She sits in her car for a few minutes in an attempt to ready herself for confrontation until she has to pee so badly that she needs to go upstairs.
“Emma, hi,” Mary Margaret starts once she emerges from the bathroom.
“Hi,” she says back.
“Neal… well he stopped by and told me that you went to the doctor.” Apparently, she doesn’t need to dance around this.
“Did he?” Mary Margaret nods, and Emma can tell by the look on her face that she has more to say but she’s holding back. “Did he say anything else?”
“He told me I should talk to you. He seemed… angry. Emma, if you told him and he reacted badly—”
“Neal isn’t the father.”
It would appear, based on her facial expression, that Mary Margaret was expecting to hear absolutely anything else come out of Emma’s mouth. She actually stands before Emma with her mouth hanging open and her eyes bugging out as if this was the most phenomenal news she’s ever heard in her life.
Which can’t conceivably be true. She’s literally Snow White. She was cursed by the Evil Queen and didn’t age for 28 years. She sent her minutes-old infant through a portal using a magic tree. This cannot possibly be that surprising.
She’s still standing there like a trout with her mouth hanging open before she must realize what she’s doing and snaps it shut. Emma follows her with her eyes as she moves towards the kitchen and pulls out another sleeve of Saltines, apparently the only thing she can eat this week, before sitting at the counter, waiting for her mother to break herself out of her shock.
“I thought… Emma, I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have said anything to Neal. I thought he was…”
“I should’ve been clearer. Although I thought that I have been clear for the last few weeks that I'm not interested in him and that we aren’t together.”
“No, Emma, I overstepped. I shouldn’t have gone to him about it at all. When he came here and I said congratulations to him, I knew right away that it was a mistake because I could tell that you hadn’t told him. Now… well, now I know why.”
“He came here?”
“He came looking for you. I assumed it was about the crash we heard.”
Emma nods in understanding. Mary Margaret has pulled herself together a bit and takes a seat in the stool next to Emma. “So, when he started freaking out, you let him borrow your car to come see me.”
“Right.” She nods again. “I’m so sorry, honey. I never should have said anything. I was just so excited for you, and when I thought that Henry was going to have a little brother or sister—”
“Henry is going to have a little brother or sister. Just because they don’t have the same dad doesn’t make that any less true.”
“You're right,” her mother sighs. “Of course, you're right. I’m sorry, this is all just a lot of information for one day.”
“For me, too,” Emma agrees. Then she reaches into her pocket and smiles when she feels the glossy paper, pulling out the sonogram pictures. “Wanna see him?”
“Him?” she questions, taking the photo and grinning. She reaches one hand up and places a gentle finger over her blueberry sized blob.
“I don’t know yet, that’s just what we’ve been saying,” Emma says with a grin, looking down at the new picture her mother flips to.
“Wait,” Mary Margaret says, resting the photos on the counter and looking up to meet Emma’s eyes with her matching ones. “If Neal isn’t the father, who is?”
It’s Emma’s turn to drop her jaw in shock, surprised that her mother isn’t able to put the pieces together. “Seriously? It’s Killian.”
“Yeah, Hook. And if you say anything negative about the father of my child—”
“No, no, that’s… I mean… it certainly is a shock… but…”
Emma rolls her eyes now, shoving another cracker into her mouth before getting up for some water. “Is it though? I know we haven’t been that secretive. I’ve been out, like, three nights a week.”
“I know,” she says, confirming Emma’s suspicions that she’s known all along. “I just thought you were going to Granny’s. I didn’t realize you were going to the pier instead. But are you… are you sure about him?”
Emma sits again as she considers her answer to this question carefully. A big part of her is telling her that it hasn’t been long enough to know. However, while she wouldn’t admit it out loud, and while she’s anxious to even admit it to herself, a much smaller part of her knows that yes, she is sure about him. Seeing his reaction to seeing their baby for the first time, to hearing the strong heartbeat, solidified that knowledge into her brain. So she looks over to her mother and smiles, nodding confidently.
Their conversation comes to a halt when David arrives at home, towing Elsa behind him. Emma’s somewhat surprised to see her, but assumes that she and David got to talking and he decided to take her in.
He greets his wife and daughter with kisses to their heads, then turns to Emma with a look that she’s grown all too familiar with: concern.
“Neal dropped Elsa off at the station and she told me all about her sister. She also told me that you two went to the doctor because you got trapped in an… ice cave? Are you alright?”
“Oh, no David, Neal wasn’t the one she went to the doctor with. It was her—”
“Dad,” Emma jumps in immediately, fearful that Elsa may say something that Emma would regret. “I’m fine. I went to the doctor and everything is fine.”
“Did you figure out why you’ve been so sick lately? Weird that none of us has caught it yet, isn’t it?”
“Not as weird as you may think,” Mary Margaret says to him with a smirk shot Emma’s way. “Maybe you should sit down.”
Emma takes the sonogram pictures back from her mother and walks over to the couch, sitting down next to David as Elsa introduces herself to Mary Margaret and heads into the kitchen area with her. When Emma produces the photos and hands them to her father, she can see the shock in his eyes as they immediately glass over and a tear runs down his cheek.
“Really?” he asks, his voice thick with emotion. Emma nods at him, a smile gracing her features as a fresh set of tears make their way into her eyes as well. He lets out a deep breath, running a finger along the blob in the photo the same way her mother did.
“I’m seven weeks along.” He lets out another breath, this one coalescing itself with a chuckle.
He finally looks up and meets her eyes before he says, “Congratulations, Emma.”
“Thank you,” she says back, wiping her cheeks.
“You and Hook must be very happy.” Her face drops in shock, her brows coming together and her mouth snapping shut before she cocks her head to one side. “I started to put the pieces together a bit ago, but this morning when I saw your face light up when I mentioned him, and then when you practically jumped down my throat for calling Neal your significant other, I figured it out. Wasn’t expecting that you two would be… well, expecting, though.”
It’s Emma’s turn to let out a hearty chuckle followed immediately by a sniffle. “How come you figured it out and mom couldn’t?”
“I guess sometimes your dad just knows best,” he responds, grinning at her and wrapping an arm around her shoulders, pulling her into a tight hug which she returns fervently.
The week that passes sees Emma more nauseous and exhausted than she’s ever been. She remembers being pregnant with Henry quite well, and she never experienced symptoms this strongly, but she supposes that’s because her body was 12 years younger.
Her date with Killian went beautifully. He took her to a nice Italian restaurant, stating that he wasn’t sure what she could stomach, but he knew she could handle the bread. She was just happy that it was something other than Granny’s.
After dinner, Emma asked him to take her back to the Jolly Roger, citing that she can’t get the image of his ass in his tight black jeans out of her head and it’s driving her mad with lust. He chokes on his last sip of water and flags the server down immediately.
On their walk back to the pier, with her bundled in her winter parka and Killian comfortably sporting his modern leather jacket, she could feel the nerves that were radiating off of him and wondered how her pregnancy might change their sex life. They were very active before she found out, after all. She realizes, though, that it’s already made adjustments here and there in that she spent a week avoiding him, during which she was far too nauseous to even consider any vigorous physical activity.
On this night, she felt confident enough in her ability to keep down her bland dinner of penne with butter and dinner rolls, but when they finally arrived on his ship and he nervously helped her down the stairs and onto his bunk, she was asleep before he even had a chance to light a few candles.
She hasn’t heard from Neal, but Henry has been to Granny’s for dinner with him. He’s asked her to come along, and it nearly crushes her to tell her son that she isn’t coming each time, but she can’t stomach the thought of being in the same room as his father. She’s hoping that someday soon she can get past her resentment towards him, but for now, she needs to take space away from him so that she can move on.
She still hasn’t told her parents about what happened all those years ago. She knows that both of them, particularly her mother, are struggling to see the logic behind her choosing Hook over Neal, but she hasn’t found the time or desire to fill them in. And although her mother says she’s fine with the concept of Killian fathering her child, she can tell by the way she looks at and talks to her that she feels uneasy.
So here she finds herself, on a Friday evening laying in her bed at the top of the loft after a long nap— a follow up to a violent vomiting spell— listening in on her parents’ not-so-discreet conversation.
“I’m pleasantly surprised,” she hears her father say from the kitchen. “Although I was expecting the worst. I almost thought she was going to be on her own.”
“He still has plenty of time to leave her on her own, David,” her mother deadpans in response.
“I know, but I don’t honestly see that happening. And if it does, she’ll have us, and I’ll have another excuse to punch him in the face.” Emma finds herself smiling softly at her father’s words, whereas last week they may have drawn her from bed and straight down the stairs to give him a piece of her mind. But she knows now that he’s right.
Killian hasn’t given her any indication that he isn’t all in on this with her, even if things don’t work out between the two of them. He’s taken to reading pregnancy books, and on Tuesday, when she reached 8 weeks of gestation, he happily informed her that their blueberry has grown into a raspberry. She may eventually introduce him to the world of smart phones so that he can download all the tracker apps he wants.
“You're right, you're right. I don’t know why I’m having such a hard time with this.”
“She’s our daughter. No one will ever be good enough for her.”
“I know, but I just felt like Neal was enough. He was her first love… I guess I just thought the two of them would work things out eventually. I know he wasn’t there for her, but he didn’t know about Henry. Maybe if he knew, things would’ve turned out differently.”
Emma rolls her eyes but knows that it isn’t fair of her to be angry with her mother for thinking this way when she knows she has no idea about what actually happened with Neal.
“You have to let that go, Snow. You can’t change what’s already happened. And not everyone can be as lucky as we were.”
“I’m just having trouble trusting Hook. Trusting that he has her best interests in mind.”
“Well, maybe it’s time you choose to trust Emma. She’s a tough kid, has been all her life. She knows how to take care of herself. And she seems to trust him.”
“I know, you're right. I do trust her. And if she trusts him…”
Emma thinks about getting up now, but when she tries to move, she feels exhaustion taking over her again. So instead, she makes a mental note to finally talk to her parents before drifting off into another seemingly endless nap.
@courtorderedcake @kmomof4 @stahlop @klynn-stormz @laschatzi @emelizabeth88 @lfh1226-linda @kday426 @profdanglaisstuff @elisethewritingbeast @timeless-love-story @captain-emmajones
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yandere-society · 5 years
maybe a one shot with Taehyung getting jealous to the point of hurting another BTS member? Preferably x reader.
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Devil’s Fair Share 
By: @roses-ruby
Word Count: 14,423
Warnings: Cursing, Smut, Yandere, Unprotected sex, Oral (F receiving), Spanking, Possessiveness, Possessive talk, Violence
A/N: Guess who it is:D aha! I’m back at it again with this fuckery. I hope this is what you wanted anon, It’s my first time posting on this account so I hope I didn’t mess anything up! This is longer than I expected but well :) what can you expect from me. Edited but…I’m dumb so there might be mistakes. Okay, luvs. Enjoy!
Taehyung hated you for many reasons.
He hated that you were a busybody, always trying to get into everyone’s business with a help everyone mentality painted across your forehead. He hated how much time you took to tell a single story. Going on and on about God knows what. And he absolutely despised how much you hung out with them – or rather him on an average basis.
Which is why he was practically sneering at you from his table, as he watched you chatting in line while waiting to pay your bill.
Just because he was staring at you, didn’t mean he didn’t notice some of Jungkook’s sneaky fingers making their way for his fries.
“Cut it out, Jeon.” He scowled when the tip of the younger’s index touched a particularly long fry which was sticking out of the basket.
Jungkook retracted his hand like he was burned and let out a sigh, “There’s like a thousand in there! And you didn’t even eat them. Why’re you so mean?”
It’s not that he didn’t want to consume them, it’s just that he lost his appetite after seeing your face appear from behind him when he entered the Deli on the bottom floor of their BigHit. He didn’t even want the sack of frozen stale fried potatoes, deciding to quietly munch on his small sandwich throughout lunch instead. But whatever the case – they were still his fries. Taehyung ignored the pouting of the man child sitting next to him to zero in on you who was laughing at something he said while slightly touching his arm. Yuck, what an ugly laugh.
“Just leave it, when has he ever shared anything of his?” Yoongi soft voice scolded the younger who was ogling the basket with his lips caught between his bunny teeth, “Besides you ate two large Hawaiian burgers, how could you still be hungry?”
Jungkook squinted his eyes at the rapper, telling him to be quiet as he once again snuck his hand over the table. However, he doesn’t get very far before Taehyung smacks his hand away with more force than needed.
“Didn’t I tell you to cut it out?” He raises his voice, turning his head to face the oversized hooded menace. Everyone’s head turns their way, as Jungkook shifts – slightly taken aback at the fury in Taehyung’s eyes. Soon his own anger flares up and he glares at the older, “Fine, keep your stupid fries and choke, Hyung.”
Standing up, he marches away from the table and heads into the parking lot to blow off some steam. Yoongi groans, reluctantly getting up to follow and comfort the youngest while rolling his eyes. When Taehyung’s face lands back on you, he catches you – the whole place rather – gaping at him with a mix of confusion and concern. Namjoon was raising a brow at him, a sort ‘the hell did you do’ indication on his face. He mutters under his breath, no longer comfortable in the suddenly threatening atmosphere. Which leads him to straighten up and wander off behind the other two.
Leaving the basket of fries rotting on the table.
See, this is why Taehyung hated you. Because he didn’t understand why you had to make a beeline straight for Namjoon’s room when they reached the sanctity of their dorms. You were shy, Hoseok had told him, you didn’t know the others well. Unlike Namjoon, who you had grown up with. Taehyung would just growl at the redhead in return, firmly telling him that he wasn’t interested in knowing anything about you.
What gave Hoseok the right to think he knows you so well, anyway?
If he reflects about it, Taehyung’s not sure when it first was that he began detesting you. You appeared collectively in their life a few years ago, a nervous young girl who had just moved into the city after her enrollment in Seoul University. Namjoon introduced you to the group with a dimpled smile, as you hid shyly behind his length and peered off his shoulder. As far as he recalls, you are a fan of the band – even had Jimin’s photocard placed inside your phone case. Usually, all the members are protective of who they invite into their home, refusing to let anyone they found problematic into their small circle. It stemmed from company policy as well as a couple of dirty leaks in their entourage of managers and stylists – exchanging information with sasaengs for a few quick bucks.
Needless to say, they were wary of the public in general. Too much time and effort had gone into their dreams of becoming singers for them to let something as small as visiting a bar ruin it. They promised one another to stay far away from anything scandalous. Which ranged from clubs to casual hook-ups. He knows most of the guys have broken the latter rule though, including himself. But they never let any fling become too close, never let any promiscuous desire tarnish their image.
However, Namjoon swore up and down on your character. “She won’t bother you guys! She’ll just hang out with me sometimes.”
And back then, he could stand you. Thought of your innocent doe eyes and somber behavior as adorable even! Yet as time passed on, your caution to avoid everyone who wasn’t Namjoon and commitment on keeping the rest of the members at a surface-level basis infuriated him. Did you think of yourself that high and mighty, that no one but Namjoon was worthy of your time? Fuck off.
He shouts in his deep baritone as he’s once again defeated by Jin in the lousy racing game they chose to pass the time by. The window-wiping laughter of the elder makes him slump further into the couch wanting to be swallowed whole.
“That’s the third win!” Jin cheers, chugging on his beer in victory. Taehyung just laughs at the childish antics of the elder, his face turning red the more shit-faced he became. Through his own puffy eyes, he watches the TV screen replay Jin’s victory and groans when his stomach growls, having been more than a few hours since he last ate. With all his previous adrenaline absent, he decides to get up, stretching his sleeping tendons and scratching the itch on his ass.
“I’m gonna get something to eat. You want something?” He asks Jin, who is swinging both his leg and controller of the end of the couch while acting dead.
“There’s still the extra Jajangmyeon Jungkook ordered in the fridge.” Jin replies nonchalantly, resting his sore body on the cushions. Practice was especially hard today.
Taehyung nods, more to himself and saunters his way over to the kitchen across the hall. This dorm of theirs was rather spacious compared to the one they started out with.
He remembers it quite well, the shared mess of a bedroom and cramped bathroom. The mildly yellow walls and unembellished closets. It was in those times where the members were the closest, a silent joint empathy amongst all of them. Him and Namjoon shared an unbreakable bond. Taehyung was a country boy, fresh off the farm when he first joined the dorm. He cringes as he thinks about how awkward he was, the village-like simplicity of his fashion and the heavy accent he endowed for the first few months. Everyone had trouble understanding him, thinking he was the strangest thing after ET. Everyone except Namjoon.
Maybe it was because the boy boasted such a high I.Q. or maybe kindness was just second nature to the much taller man, all Taehyung knew was that he was eternally grateful to him. 
Where areas some of the other members would write off his behavior as a passive eccentric trait, Namjoon carefully listened to him. He would try to see his point of view and never made Taehyung feel like he was weird for his thoughts and efforts. Taehyung in return respected Namjoon and his vision – which is why he was fine with distributing a room with him and only him. 
Even if he was a bit clumsy sometimes.
Nonetheless, the days where they were inseparable roommates have long gone, now each member held their own room and their own hefty possessions. Sometimes he misses the simpler days, but he mostly liked this scenario as well. He was never a man who enjoyed sharing.
When Taehyung steps into the kitchen, he heads straight for the fridge. Immediately he spots the Jajangmyeon Jin mentioned and takes out the large bowl covered with a thin film of plastic wrap. Taking off the plastic, he slides his way to the microwave and stuffs the dish in there to warm up. He begins whistling the tune of the newest song they were recording, taking out a pair of black chopsticks from their cutlery drawer. Soon the microwave beeps, and he takes the Jajangmyeon out, smelling the heated pieces of pork ready to be devoured. His mouth waters as he began to sift the noodles and sauce together.
As he’s stretching the noodles apart, the sound of soft steps on the foyer make their way to his ear. He turns his head, to find your slightly startled figure staring at him in surprise.
“Hi.” He says with his eyebrows raised
“Hey.” You reply awkwardly, shifting on your feet and playing with your sweater paws
“Are you hungry?”
“Um, no I just wanted some water-” You stop that sentence when a ‘way too loud for the otherwise silent kitchen’ rumble rips its way from your stomach.
Taehyung lets out a snort, chuckling afterward as your cheeks dust themselves red and you wrap your arms around your abdominal in scrutiny. He looks at the steaming bowl in front of him, his right hand in midair of stretching the noodles, then looks back at you.
“This bowl is too large for just me. Wanna share?”
“O-Oh no!” You put up your arms in front of you, “I don’t want to both-“
“Get over here.”
“Yes, okay.” Dropping your hands, you meekly make your way over to Taehyung who gets a second pair of chopsticks from the drawer and hands it to you with a wink.
You watch as he immediately digs into the noodles with a big bite as you hesitate to touch the dish at all. He glances at you in confusion when he notices you’re not eating, and you accidentally let out a laugh. His cheeks were stuffed squishy with Jajangmyeon and there were stains of black bean sauce all over his mouth.
He looked like a tiny baby bear.
“Y-you ha-have,” You stutter between giggles and point at his face. But when he continues to cluelessly munch on his food you gently move your thumb to the corner of his lips, wiping off some of the sauce.
He doesn’t move an inch, just feeling the sensation of your finger and immediacy giving him goosebumps. Once you’re done wiping, you retract your hand to stare at your thumb. It hits you then of what you just did, and you look back up at him in shock.
“Oh no! I’m so sorry! I didn’t mean to um…didn’t…” 
You lose you train of thought as Taehyung grabs your hand, bringing your thumb to his lips. He gently puckers them over your thumb and sucks off the sauce as you let out a small gasp. His eyes never leave yours and the heat from his soft mouth shoots right up your spine. For a while you just stare at each other, Taehyung’s sharp pupils examining your features. Your pink mouth is slightly parted, and your glazed eyes resemble a doll. He thought he heard you let out an almost inaudible whine as he kisses your thumb. It stirs something inside him that he himself doesn’t understand.
You both jump far back when a deep voice calls out your name. With wide eyes and fast heartbeats, you stare at one another in a tremor. What were you doing just now? Namjoon soon appears into the kitchen with his hands in his short’s pocket and stops a few feet from you. He raises a brow as he looks between you and Taehyung and the obvious uncomfortable atmosphere dressing the place.
“You were taking a long time so…I came to check if you were okay?” He tells you, pausing a bit to catch Taehyung’s eyes, “We have to finish your assignment, so we should head back…”
“Y-yeah,” You suddenly remember how you were originally working on your trig quiz with your best friend and wandered off to quickly grab something to eat from the kitchen. “I’m fine.”
Turning back around, you smile at Taehyung before you notice something in his presence is off. You move your hand to set down the chopsticks on the countertop, accidentally brushing your fingers next to the bowl. Taehyung snatches the bowl out of your reach, and you become alarmed at the abrupt movement and his harsh glare.
“Don’t touch it.” He snarls in a low but clear voice. You observe him in shock as he steps his way around you and Namjoon and leaves the kitchen with heavy stomps.
Namjoon sighs as he watches him leave, “Don’t mind him. That jerk hates sharing anything.”
He looks back at you, who’s just gazing at where Taehyung once stood with an unreadable expression.
“___?” He calls again in a concerned tone, breaking you out of your thoughts.
“Huh, what?”
“You good?” Namjoon seems worried, studying your face with furrowed brows.
Namjoon’s been your friend for the longest time. You both met at the time when you stood 2 feet from the ground and still secretly wet the bed. Namjoon was a year older than you and had the gentlest soul. Other boys couldn’t compare, they had cooties. When you live in the same neighborhood and your parents are great friends, it’s not hard to see one another every day. So you did – and you both became very close, very quickly. If there was a test coming up, you’d rush to his house even in the middle of the night. When your mother was nagging at you for something stupid, you’d ask him to come over and bring his bike to ride around town. And when those cootie-filled boys broke your heart in middle school, his arms were the first ones you’d run into.
It was because of those days that you felt like you had taken a lot from him, and you desperately needed to return the favor. After he moved to Seoul, he called you often. Talking about things far from your general knowledge such as dance practices and the flow of rhythm and poetry. You would just sit back and let him rant, a content smile on your face at how much he was growing. But soon his words became alarming, especially after they debuted. At first, he would talk about how excited he was and ask what everyone thought about him or his group. That quickly changed into him complaining about the hate comments, about the relentless hours they worked, about rude staff or seniors they encountered. He told you how much he missed his parents, the quarry on the east end of town him and his friends hung out at, and how lonely he became at night when everyone but him was asleep. Your heart ached at his words and you knew it was time to repay your debt.
You were as shocked as everyone else when you actually got into Seoul University. Not Namjoon though, he was over the moon at your arrival. Your visits to the dorm began shortly and you transformed into a major stress-reliever for Namjoon. It was a recuperated feeling, he was also your ball of vitality after a long day. So were the other members of BTS you had become fond of through stories Namjoon told you or Bangtan Bombs you spent hours watching. They were awkward around you, and you were awkward with them. Some members were closer to you than others.
Taehyung was one of them…in the beginning at least. He was fun and charming, and he always knew how to make you laugh. It’s not like you used up eras talking to him. They were all fully grown adult men with a demanding job and barely any moments for themselves. Not wanting to bother their already busy schedule, you mostly hung around Namjoon. But from the few times you did run into him in the dorm, he was kind and easy-going. You were embarrassed to admit it, but you had the fattest crush on him even though Jimin was your bias. Everything about him was attractive – from his piercing facial features to his boxy smile and fluffy hair. That all changed one day though, as he rarely directed a smile at you. Instead he started to scowl whenever you stepped foot into the dorm.
You thought maybe you were interrupting the time between the seven members too much and he needed you to back off a bit. So you spoke to Namjoon about it who vigorously denied your allegations. Even though you felt bad about the whole situation, you knew how much your friend needed you to be his rock. The more popular they became, the more he felt like he was losing himself. Being a celebrity is harder than it seems – you try to dissociate your reality from the perception of others and it still becomes a tangled mess in the form of a persona. And so, you stayed with Namjoon, even through Taehyung’s frowns and glares. It hurt for a while because of your feelings towards the blonde, but soon you just concentrated on being a good friend.
When he spoke to you today, you were surprised. You didn’t find any disdain in his orbs or hidden layers underneath his words. A part of you thought he was finally fine with you again, just for him to do what he usually does when Namjoon appeared.
You notice the worried features set upon your older friend and smile up at him though your eyes don’t,
“I’m good. Let’s go.”
“Baby, can we pleaaassse order another shot?”
The girl demands into his ear, snuggling herself up further on his velvet clad shoulder. He internally rolled his eyeballs feeling suffocated by her skin ship, playing with the lime wedge on the edge of his untouched gin and tonic. The club’s music was pounding in his brain and he had spent the majority of yesterday vomiting out his nerves for their recent comeback. Their senior manager told him to take the day off and clear his head. Specifically warning him to not go to the club in Hongdae again, so obviously that’s where he went.
It’s not that he’s stupid, he knows why his company forbade such behavior. But it didn’t matter who it was, he didn’t like to be told what to do. Many celebrities visited and hooked-up with random rich kids here anyway, so security was pretty tight. No one who even resembled a reporter would be allowed to wander an inch of this place. Everyone dressed in Gucci shirts, and LV shoes so it wasn’t hard to weed out the peasants. A few undercover Dispatch employees have probably slipped in here though, but his company had already made a very generous donation to them so he knew even they wouldn’t bother him.
Taehyung frowns, he was always so damn stubborn and held probably the biggest ego in BTS. What did he even want to do at a club? There was nothing interesting for him here, especially not the half-drunk girl he’s been texting with for a few weeks. She seemed mysterious and chic on Instagram, but Taehyung should’ve known better than to trust that lying devil of a site. Now he was practically stuck with her thin arms wrapped around his waist.
As soon as he met her, she suggested a threesome between her, him and Jimin. It made him angry, but he played it cool for the sake of getting laid. Taehyung was never a man who shared. Especially if that something was his. His father instilled this part of his identity into him; a real man never takes for granted what’s rightfully his property. And with that value set as an important part of his core is how he lived his everyday life. From food, to clothes and even lovers…what was his, was his.
As she leaned into him, he takes a peek at her cleavage. Her red spaghetti-strapped dress was extremely low cut and the silicon in her breasts felt like the real deal.
Well maybe this wasn’t so bad.
He leans back into the cushions of his booth, eyeing the hordes of people dancing. There were a couple of faces he recognized, some good memories some bad. The girl begins to suck on his ear, and he sighs. In a second, he was just about to get up – bring this girl back to the dorm and fuck her brains out when he spots something that immediately catches his attention.
This was the last place he expected you to be.
He hadn’t seen you for a while after the incident in the kitchen. You made it your mission to avoid bumping into him and for some reason that upset him. Taehyung keeps thinking about your small interaction over and over again.Just laying in his bed and wishing to hold onto your delicate hand once again. There was something pulling him to you and it really confused him. Wasn’t he supposed to hate you?
It was as if all the world’s noises and distractions had faded into nothing as he zeroed in on you. 
You were sitting at the bar slowly sipping a light pink concoction in a short and wide glass. His gaze lingers on your figure, perfectly embraced by the dark green body con dress you were wearing. A velour cotton he analyzed; he was the expert in fashion in BTS after all. It seemed to reach down just below your ass, but he could’ve been wrong since it was riding up the more you shifted in your stool. The sleeves covered your arms and the neckline was wide, exposing your collarbones and ending just a centimeter above your chest area. Just then a thought of undressing you crossed his mind, leaving him shivering in his seat. He licks his lips as his heart starts beating faster from your lazy movements.
“Tae?” A sudden voice interrupts his thoughts “When are going to go somewhere a little more…”
Moving up on him she breaths into his face, observing him with cat eyes, “Quiet?”
There’s no expression on him as he answers her, “Never.”
She looks taken aback, moving off of his body and furrowing her eyebrows in question.
She seemed offended
“Jimin just texted me. He says you look boring. Bye.” Is the last thing he says before picking up his drink and standing. He doesn’t look back to see her reaction as he focuses on walking towards you.
You were finishing the last of your light alcoholic drink before you suddenly smell Tom Ford from a warm presence next to you. Turning your face, you see Taehyung leaning into the bar table with his left arm and smiling at you. He was wearing a navy-blue velvet jacket with gold embellishments lining the edges of his arm. His black button up shirt was tucked into his tight leather pants and his neck exhibited a thin choker with a golden fox charm in the center. It matched with the blonde hair that fell over his sharp eyes.
Why was he here? Well…it makes more sense for him to be at this club than you. But Namjoon had told you of Taehyung’s strange behavior recently. It worried you, was he in the correct state of mind in this moment? He didn’t seem drunk to you as you survey his posture closely. The second he showed you his boxy smile, was when suddenly everything became brighter in the dark club.
“Hi.” He says in that familiar profound tenor
“Hey.” You reply back a little too quietly
“What brings you here?” He asks with a smirk, freezing your movements when he tucks a stray hair behind you ear.
“I c-came with a celebrity friend of mine…She kinda disappeared into the crowd.”
“Oh?” He says, bringing up his drink to his lips and taking a sip, “Do I know them?”
“The actress…Yujin. Namjoon introduced me to her a while back.”
At the mention of Namjoon he glances up from his glass. The eyes that were once focused on studying your features now held a heavy threatening aura, his lips pulled into a straight line. 
When you notice the change in the atmosphere, you try your best to change the subject.
“W-what are you drinking by the way?”
When he registers your words, his pupils lighten again like he was some fairytale creature. His mouth forms back into a lighthearted smirk and he raises his drink up to your lips this time.
“Wanna find out?”
You back away from the cool touch of his tall glass just for him to bring it closer to your mouth again. His posture is playful and his smile boxy. Where was this Taehyung when you were at the dorms? With a purse of your lips, you open them somewhat to allow the glass into your mouth.
Carefully you angle your head up, allowing Taehyung to slightly pour the alcohol into your mouth. Your tongue retracts at first by the intrusion of the bitter liquid, but it soon flattens smoothly and let’s the drink slide down your throat. When you are finished with the first gulp, Taehyung’s hand settles onto the back of your head, his elongated fingers tangled in your strands. He uses that to push your head back further and let you drink more of his gin and tonic, controlling your movements with his warm limbs. Your lids flutter at his dominance, you felt yourself getting wet.
“Good girl,” He says in a deep velvety voice, making you clench your thighs, “Just like that.”
The action no longer seems innocent as he observes you like a hawk, his proximity heating your torso. You gawk hard into his bottomless eyes and found an unrecognizable desire dancing around his irises. Your core was on fire causing your cheeks to inflame. The liquid continued to slide down your throat, making you feel dizzy at the cool flavor. It felt like everything in the club had come to a halt in favor of watching Taehyung shove his drink down your throat.
As you down the whole drink, he removes the glass from your lips and sets it down while his other hand stays in his hair. It feels like you’ve run a marathon, your chest moving up and down and your eyes teary with lust. You struggle to speak – your brain was fuzzy as the alcohol settled in your system.
“Shh.” He hushed you, your mouth automatically shutting at his command. It made him smile and he cupped your jaw, moving his thumb along your lips. You tremble in his hands, your panties soaked with your juices.
“Wanna come home with me?”
Taehyung’s keys jingle as he slides it into the lock. 
With a click he pushes the door open and enters into the pitch-black room with you following close behind. He flicks on the light switch and indifferently starts removing his derby’s. You on the other hand stare in shock and awe at the larger than life luxury apartment he brought you to. Your eyes wander all over the place – at the expensive adornments and odd-looking décor to the huge windows that gave you a clear view of the Han river.
“Wow.” You whisper
You hear Taehyung snort behind you, “You like it?”
“It’s quite something.” You utter as he comes into your view and places his shoes by his house slippers and proceeds to walk barefoot into the foyer casually. Snapping out of your reverie, you bring up your leg to pull off your heels one at a time, awkwardly setting them down next to the other two pairs.
When you’re done with that you enter the floorboard and look around to see where the blonde-haired man went.
“Taehyung?” You call out
“In here.” He shouts back from a room with the door slightly ajar and a small sunset light shining into the bright living room.
You walk across most of his apartment to reach the door, standing stagnant in front of it hesitantly. With a gulp you slide the door open and stepped inside.
Taehyung turns his face when he sees you. He’s taken off his coat and unbuttoned the first few buttons of his silk shirt.  Smiling, he ruffles his hair while walking towards you who stood in the doorway.
“Hi.” He says cheekily, backing you into a corner
Causing you break out into a giggle, “Hello.”
His hand comes into contact with yours, his fingertips touching yours lightly before traveling up your arm. The warmth causes goosebumps in his trail and he places his fingers underneath your jaw, tilting your head up. His eyes roam around your face before settling into yours intensely, and you swear he looks unreal – like he just stepped out of a Ghibli animation.
“I always thought you so beautiful.” He mutters, his breath fanning your face
“Tae…” Is what you barely manage to say before his lips are on yours
The kiss is so slow, so sweet – you feel like you’re imagining it. When his tongue comes in contact with your lower lip you open your mouth to allow him entry. His large hand caresses your cheek, as his tongue dances with yours softly. Tilting his head to the side, he deepens the kiss pushing you up against the wall. In a second the kiss becomes faster, harder with him licking the insides of your mouth in a frenzy.
He himself didn’t know how long he’s wanted to kiss you. All he does know is that you taste delicious. A mix of bitter and sweet, like Rose spritzer and Gin. It was addictive and now that he’s had a taste, he can’t get enough.
“Mm- Tae-,” You try to muffle through a kiss, putting a hand up to his chest
He doesn’t seem to hear you as he pushes his tall, sturdy body onto you – his hot chest colliding with yours and his arms on either side of your head with his hands planted on the wall.
“T-Tae,” You say a bit louder this time, using a little more force to get him off you
He comes off in a breath, hands still on that wall and his eyes wide and pupils blown. His chest was moving up and down and his lips were wet with spit.
“You alright?”
“I…I just can’t do this.” You say with sadness in your voice. “I like you too much to be just another hook-up…so I can’t.”
Taehyung narrows his eyes and you flush, looking away. What was going to happen now? He didn’t seem to like you…was he going to tell you to leave?
“What gave you that idea?”
You look back up in surprise and meet his hardened stare
“I..I just thought-“
“I’ve never brought anyone here.” Taehyung interjects, “Did you know that?”
“What?” You say in disbelief “Really?”
Sighing, he drops his head giving you a clear view of his blonde locks, “Yes, really.”
“I know that you’ve probably heard from the members that I don’t share anything of mine…but…”
He looks back up at you, “That’s never been a problem with you.”
As you register what he was stating, you become apprehensive. If he was saying he likes you too…then why did he treat you like that before? All the scowls and harsh stares, what were those for?
“I thought you hated me.”
“I’m sorry. I-I thought I did too.” He grimaces, “But instead, I think I was just…that…”
It seems like he doesn’t want to finish his sentence, but you weren’t going to settle on a vague answer.
“You were what?” You drill him with a new-found confidence
“I was jealous!” He shouts, startling you a bit.
“You and…Namjoon,” He grits out your best friends name with his teeth clenched, “are together all the damn time! You don’t acknowledge me when he’s close by and you go straight into his room without even looking at me! I don’t know…how can I not be jealous when I want you to be mine?”
“…would you be mine?”
Your jaw drops open at his confession, all the new information starting to irritate your brain. The only reason you avoid him is because of how he acts…and he’s saying he acts this way because you avoid him? What a strange cycle. As your gaze lingers at the fury in his orbs, you can’t help but break into a laugh, which shocks him.
“Oh my god, you are so cute,” You say in between hearty giggles and watch him twist his face in embarrassment.
“It’s really not that funny,” He pouts “Hey, stop laughing!”
You hear him grumble underneath his breath as his facial expressions continue to amuse. Honestly, you didn’t know how to reply to his accusation. I mean, you and Namjoon? That would never happen in a million years. It was cliché, but he was literally like an older brother to you. So, this declaration sort of disgusted you. There was just no way you could ever discern Namjoon in that way, and you were sure it was the same for him.
Although, there was one time a few years ago where you both were extra lonely and helped the other masturbate. Obviously, nothing came out of it, and you don’t think Taehyung needs to know that. Not with the way his face lights on fire at the mention of you with Namjoon.
So, with nothing to say to him – you hook a finger up his choker and pull his face close to yours.
“I’m ready to be yours.” You whisper before kissing the frown away.
He reciprocates immediately, his hand being placed on your hips and drawing you into him. The kiss is electric, lasting for a few seconds before he moves his mouth into your neck. His hands trace over your dress, from your curves down to your ass before he grabs it gently.
“I really like this dress,” He mutters into the skin of your neck “Green is my favorite color.”
“I can’t afford s-something like this- ah. It’s- mm- Yujin’s.” You sigh
“Hmm,” He looks back up at your face making you blush, “Looks like I’ll have to buy you a whole new wardrobe then.”
Trailing his hand up your back, he finds the peak of the dress’ zipper. He pinches the zip, dragging it down your torso until it ended just above your bottom. Then he takes a step back, placing both of his palms on the edge of your shoulder. Without breaking eye contact, he slips the dress down your arms until it falls to the ground, pooling around your ankles.
Your breath is steady as you stare at him, watching in slight nervousness as he takes you all in.
That was the thing about Taehyung. You were always so worried about he thought, especially about you. Even though you visited the dorms often, he was always the member the most out of reach. He was like an expensive bottle of cognac, like the brightest star on top of the tree. Compared to the members, he was the most celebrity-like. Whenever Namjoon mentioned him ‘talking’ to someone, you always imagined some sexy, gorgeous model-like person. Someone similar to him.
And so you felt quite insecure about yourself as he leers at your almost naked form with an unreadable appearance. It makes you tuck a hair behind your ear as you wrap an arm around your abdominal.
Your breath gets caught in your throat as he closes in on you, placing your hands back on his clothed chest. He grips your waist, a bit harder this time as his fingers dig into the delicate skin. Taehyung picks you up abruptly and throws you into the large bed in the center of the room, knocking the wind out of you. You barely have time to think before he’s on top you, biting down your jaw and into your neck.
“All of this,” He growls in a deeply furious resonance, “is mine.”
Bending his index finger underneath your bra strap, he gives it a pull, just to let it go in the next second. It lands on your skin with a snap. You flinch, your face twisting in pain as he grins, and arch your back off the bed. Was he always this playful with his lovers? There’s not much time for you to dwell on that as his fingers trace up your exposed back. Working quickly, he unhooks your bra, practically ripping it from your chest as your lids shoot open. He discards the fabric to the side, not caring where it landed with his attention focused solely on you. Your nipples bounce faintly in the cools air while he licks his lips, bending down and taking a bud in his mouth.
As your jaw drops open, you entangle your fingers into blonde locks, pulling slightly as he swirls his tongue around the nipple before sucking your areola. The action has your spine tingling. Your other hand grabs onto his shirt, the silky fabric of the cloth letting you easily slide the edge of your nails throughout the expanse of his back, making him shiver on top of you. He moves his mouth onto the other nipple, using his thumb and index finger to pinch the wet, swollen bud.
“Mmm- Ahhhh…Tae.”
The room was getting blurry, the smoke of yearning in your lungs kept your sentient heavy. Taehyung removes himself with a pop and uses his large, supple hands to mold your breasts. His emission was low and stable as he was in buried in concentration at every curve of your figure – every inch being his to sculpt. You were entranced by his dedication, so delicate and agile. He didn’t look like he was in any rush and you were caught off guard. Expecting him to be uncaring and have you in the way he wanted.
But what you didn’t understand is that Taehyung could play both sides equally well. The man is a master at manipulation – always knows how to get what he wants.
“So perfect.” He mumbles.
There was not an ounce of alcohol in his veins, yet as he continued to stare at you, he felt himself getting lost. Taking the tips of his fingers, he glides them down the middle of your chest, loving the way you sighed at his contact. Your body was a work of art, a Gustav Klimt in the midst of so many Wassily Kandinskys. He stops his digits on top of your clothed core, his breath hitching in his throat when he feels how wet you are.
In embarrassment you recoil, closing your legs together. In return he easily props them open with tender vigor shooting his eyes up to meet yours.
“Don’t ever act that way with me.” He warns, placing two fingers above your cunt over your panties, leisurely dragging them up and down, “Not with me, do you understand?”
All that leaves your mouth are whines of his names, the motion of his long digits making you want to close your thighs again for some friction. But you knew better than that now.
“Do you understand?” He says again in the same lazy tone and you almost cry out of frustration. It was torture how slow he was moving yet just as he wants you to, you don’t move an inch.
Forcing yourself to clear your tangled thoughts, you spill out a pathetic plead, “Ye-Ye- ahhh. Yes! Yes! I understand. Pleasssse.”
The way your voice sounded was frightening to you. You’ve been sexually intimate a handful of times, but this was a whole new world. Never in your life did you ever think you were capable of sounding like such a whore. Nonetheless, when Taehyung smiles at you. Oh, when he smiles like you’ve done such a good job.
You would happily become a whore.
He retracts his hand from your center, gazing down at the large wet patch on your underwear. Slowly, he crouches down, sticking out the tip of his tongue in the direction of your crotch. You anticipate, holding your breath as your pussy clenches around nothing. Thinking about Tae tasting you down there had you leaking like a waterfall.
He finally makes contact with your core and you cry out as you feel his muscle move around your folds, the fabric stimulating the bundle of nerves. It was heaven and hell, half of you wanting him to remove the cloth the other half not giving a fuck. Just wanting to cum.
“Tae, Tae, Tae, Tae.” He had you slurring at the bare minimum. If a sober – less excited you was watching you, she’d close her eyes in humiliation. Which is exactly what you do, but instead for a completely different reason as Tae flattens his tongue on you.
He groans at your taste. “So- mmf- sweet. So good.”
Your fingers pull on his hair, as he moves his nose and mouth around your folds, sucking your slit through the fabric.
“Oooh,” You sob “N-no more teasss- inng.”
Exhaling into your crotch, he sits up with a gratified look on his face, orbs glossy and chest heaving like he was high. In the next second, he was hooking his finger in the waistband of your underwear, dragging it down your legs in a slow yet steady motion. Fuck, you wanted to scream at how long he took at doing everything, but you opt to just squirm around in its place. Annoyance covers your lids as he just laughs, throwing his head back with your underwear reaching just below your knees.
After this was over you were going to kill him.
Finally, to your great pleasure, he removes the garment off your body, staring deep into your soul. Making sure you were paying attention, he bites his lip – winking at you with his ethereal features. God made sure to pay special courtesy to Taehyung when shaping him, you were sure of it. How refined the lines of his eyes were, the high structure of his gorgeous cheekbones and arch of his luscious lips. You just knew he took extra care in making this human beyond divine.
When he has you hypnotized under him like he wanted, he brings your panties up to his face, deeply inhaling your scent.
You gasp at the action. Noting taking your eyes off of him as he groans into your underwear and grabs his bulge.
At this point your pussy was spasming around nothing. And the worst part was that he hadn’t even touched you properly.
“Shhh,” He pats your inner thigh as you shake in the bed, rubbing it up and down. “It’s okay.”
“Taehyung, FUCK…please just fuck me Taehyung ple- AHH”
Your voice wandered off as he abruptly shoved his tongue into you once again, this time going inside of you. Taehyung holds down your quivering thighs as he sucks your juices in. His nails dig into the sensitive skin, leaving angry red marks in their wake. Growling at your essence, he moves his tongue to lick along your clit using two fingers to push into your pussy, making you cry out. He expertly scissors your insides, moving his digits apart before curling them and licking harder each time you clamped around them. On the other hand, you were a mess. Your eyeballs rolled into the back of your head and you were sputtering nonsense as Taehyung continued to taste you.
“Yes, Oh my God, yes Tae!”
When you were about to cum, he removes himself, emitting the loudest whine from your throat. Hot tears spill down your cheeks and he wipes them away with his hand.
Putting your leg over his shoulder, he coos, kissing your ankles down to your calves. That’s when he finally unbuckled his pants, dragging them down to his mid-thighs. He takes out his dick, the head red and angry with a bead of precum leaking from the slit. With a grunt, he spits into his hand, stroking himself while eyeing your pretty cunt. With a weak conscious, you observe how his fingers glide through his shaft. Sliding over every vein and artery that has you drooling in delight.
“Tell me who you belong to.” He says in a chillingly sunken voice, pupils no longer well-lit.
“Ummh Taeeee.” You weren’t able to comprehend anything except the fact you wanted to be the one touching his dick.
“Say it.” He says again in the same tone, “Say it or you’re never getting this cock.”
Your eyes widen as you hear him. Before today, you ‘ve never been the one to be into such dirty talk. Possessive talk in it’s owned creeped you out. But the last thing you gave a shit about at the moment were your morals, practically throbbing for him to be inside you. So, with your womanhood screaming at you to answer him, you do.
“YES! Taehyung, I belong to you, only you. Please, please, please just fuck me.”
With a dark smirk and a peck on your lips, he lines the head of his dick with your entrance. Entering you calmly. His mouth hangs open as he inches inside you, observing every ounce of your face. The pleasure, the grimace, the lust. All of this belonged to him.
What you felt first was the contrast of your naked – vulnerable torso, to his fully clothed exterior. Unbeknownst to you, he was making a clear statement by keeping his clothes on. Even though the tight pants attached onto his thigh were uncomfortable, it’s still worth it if you know who’s in charge around here. It didn’t seem like you cared about the power dynamic though as Taehyung filled you to the brim. Definitely not as much as he did.
Moaning, you grab onto his arms, your sweaty palms helping his shirt stick onto you and holding your breath as he settles inside. He gives you a minute to adjust, peppering light kisses on your forehead and cheeks. Some part of him believed that he was just dreaming – maybe this one another one of those hallucinations he had about you since you first entered his life. That was another reason he hated you.
Because at night, when he was completely alone after another day of you being over, he would jerk himself off to thoughts about fucking your tight cunt in front of everyone. Letting all the members know, especially the tallest, that you were his as he thrusted into you from behind on the dorm’s dinner table. What he wouldn’t do to see the look on their faces. You were way tighter than he could ever imagine.
And well, at least one part of his wish came true. As you mumble his name and your muscles relax around him, he gradually takes his dick out, his brows furrowing in ecstasy. Then he slams into you again balls deep, making you scream. He repeats that action, over and over until the bed his practically flying in rhythm with his thrusts.
“Ahh Fuuu- Tae, I’m gonna-” You moan out loud, feeling lightheaded from him moving above you and the mattress moving beneath you.
“Not yet,” He commands, “Hold it for me.”
You sob as he continues to push into you at a rapid pace, his thick girth hollowing out your insides. Every time he would hit your cervix, you let out a small scream wrapping your legs firmer around him. There was no way you were going to last, but you had to. So, you clench your abdominal muscles uncomfortably and just cry your heart out. But it wasn’t working, you could still feel that knot inside your gut. With nothing to focus on you look up at his face, feeling surprised to have his hardened stare on you.
“Tae…” You whine, trailing your eyes down his jaw up to his neck. His choker was trembling around at the force of the movements, the fox charm dangling up and down.
Suddenly it leaves your sight, his tan skin, the choker, his misty orbs and his dick. You barely have time to think as you were turned around in one swift motion, eyes now facing the headboard. Taehyung’s muscular arms hold you up by the waist as he shoves into you once again.
“Fuckfuckfuckfuckfuck,” He repeats with every thrust while you have our jaw hanging open and spit dripping down your chin.
“Tell me who you belong to,” He snarls almost inhumanely, “Say- fuck- who’s bitch you are! Whose whore are you? Who mmh- owns your pretty pussy, huh? Say IT!”
“Oh my God, oh my God, I belong to you, Ahh- I’m yours, your whore…ughhh it’s yours.”
“You’re mine.” He growls before hitting your ass so hard it has you lurching forward and cumming.
Your face lands into the mattress, your cries muffled by the sheets as your body convulses. White spots paint your vision as you feel yourself blackout for a second, air being knocked out of you.
“FUCK!” He roars, still thrusting into you a few more times before he settles all the way inside your tight walls and shoots his cum deep within you.
Taehyung falls down next you, staring at the white ceiling of his apartment. It takes him a while to get himself together, his chest heaving and mind hazy. With a curse, he removes his leather pants off his legs completely and throws them to the side, sighing in relief.
Then he glances at you, who’s heavily breathing in the same position. Face planted on the bed with your ass in the air. He moves his arms around you, gently shifting you over until your back collided with his chest. Running a hand through your hair, he pats your stomach that’s aching from how hard he was gripping it. Kissing over the bite marks at the conjecture between your neck and your shoulder. You whine lowly in thanks at the comfort he was providing your sore muscles.
“You alright?” He asks softly, sounding like a human once again
“I’m great.” You say with a smile as a bit of your energy comes back. Turning on the bed until your face to face with him, you give him a peck on his lips. “That was…”
“Something.” He finishes for you
You laugh, “Yes, something.”
He just stares at you with a grin. An unreadable emotion in his eyes.
“What is it?” You whisper
“Nothing…just your laugh is the most beautiful thing on earth.”
“Oh my God.” You blush as he gives you a boxy smile. So, this is Kim Taehyung of BTS, huh?
“Only laugh for me,” He suddenly says, “You’re mine, after all.”
A strange, uncomfortable feeling washes over you. The words you thought were just bedroom talk making an appearance in the moment after made you mildly lose your smile. It was really weird how he kept making an emphasis on that while fucking you anyway, until you lost yourself and agreed. But those kind of things happen with sex right? It’s normal. However, how are you supposed to deal with them after sex?
Maybe you were making a big deal out of nothing. His face was spirited, so he was just joking around. He’s not serious, you tell yourself…hoping you were correct.
“Sure.” You reply casually, wrapping your arms around his neck and kissing him to stop him from saying another odd thing. It was going to ruin the mood plus the start of whatever this new thing was between you both.
It works, as he quickly holds onto you securely and licks into your mouth. You focus on how good it feels to caress his tongue with yours, ignoring the part of him repeatedly uttering ‘mine’ into your mouth.
You gasp as you feel his erection on your thigh, moving back to see the smirk on his face as he grabs your sore ass with his palm.
It was going to be a long night.
You woke in a sunny room to hear the shower running.
It took you a minute to figure out where you were since you did have a bit to drink last night. That’s why there was a small headache forming behind your eyes. A strumming passing through you the more conscious you become.
You smile.
That’s right, this was Kim Taehyung’s bedroom. The man you just fucked last night. The guy you’ve had a crush on for 4 years now. What a champ you are! With an inhale you sit up, hissing instantly at your sore hips. Boy, did you two fuck last night.
What were you both now? Friends? Lovers? You could never be sure with that Gucci loving kid, but you weren’t too concerned seeing as how you had the rest of the morning to talk about it.
You whine as you rub your bottom, cringing as you think about how awkwardly you’d be strutting for the rest of the day. As you check the time on his digital clock, you thank god today was your day off or else your company would’ve had your head. No class today either, how perfect. 
Leisurely exhaling, you decide to get up and maybe join Taehyung in his shower. A smirk rests on your lips. He’d like that, right?
Before you can think any further about getting frisky with the blonde man, you notice your green dress still on the floor.
You gasp.
Looking around the floor you spot your handbag by the corner of the doorway. How did it get there and when did you drop it? In a flash, you rush to pick it up, walking back towards the bed butt-naked as you dig through it. You fish out your phone as you get by the bed. Facing the large window by the nightstand.
Pursing your lips, you open the screen recoiling at how many missed calls there were. Yujin tried calling you two to three times and texted you once. Then you’re guessing she reached out to Namjoon who was blowing up your phone the entire night! With his last call being at 5:17 in the morning.
You wince. Great. Last night you had put your phone on silent because recently a spam call had been terrorizing you. Though, after you stepped out of your front door, you should have made sure to turn the sound back on – for safety reasons, but you completely forgot.
What if you got stuck inside a house with a creep? The thought alone makes you shudder.
Whatever, it’s not that bad. You’ll just let Namjoon know you’re ok. There weren’t any reasons for you to tell him where you were – or who you were with so you’ll just leave that part out. For now.
Unlocking your phone, you click your messages app to send Namjoon a quick ‘I’m good. Had a fun night😉’ You’re concentrated on typing, hearing the little ticks every time you click the screen, which is why you don’t notice the bathroom door opening and steam charging out of it, warming up the room. Taehyung, with a towel hanging around his waist, softly steps close to your figure facing away from him – before he tackles you into a back hug.
It was a sight he could get used to. Your beautiful naked form, lounging around his house covered with his marks. He groaned into your skin. Fuck breakfast, he was ready for the fifth round.
“Oh!” You let out in surprise.
“Good morning.” He says, peppering kissing into your neck and tracing over his lovebites with the tip of his tongue. You shift your head to the side to allow him a better angle.
“Good morning.” You reply back in giggles as you continue typing.
For a moment he just stands there, rocking you back and forth with his large arms wrapped around your waist. When he detects that you’re not paying him any attention, he pouts. Putting his chin on your shoulder to see what was keeping you from him.
“What’re you doing?” He whines in your ear in annoyance
“Oh, Namjoon texted me a few times last night but my phone was on silent,” You should’ve noticed how dark his eyes got, how quickly his smile left him for something else – something more sinister. But you were too distracted typing out a reply to your freaked-out friend. 
“I’m just letting him know I’m-”
Suddenly he removes his arms off you and your phone gets snatched away from and you watch it be thrown across the room. Crashing into the wall and making an awful cracking sound. In shock you stare at the place it was thrown at, processing what just happened.
“I’m really sick and tired of Namjoon’s name coming out of your mouth.” Taehyung sneers, getting into your personal space.
There was still nothing registering in your mind as you heard the anger in Taehyung’s voice. You turn around with your brain in a muddled mess. It felt like the alcohol was finally hitting you.
Taehyung stood there in pure, unadulterated rage. He’s been this way with you many times…but this time it’s different. There was something off about the way he towered over you. It rattled your bones, your defense mechanisms kicking in, making you shift your feet towards the exit.
“You wish it was him, don’t you? You wish he was the one fucking you in the bed for hours! You wanted him to mark you up – make you his pretty little cumslut! You wanted to scream his name as you came for the fourth time! DIDN’T YOU?!”
Spitting into your face, he grabs your cheeks with his oversized hand and let’s his nails dig into your soft skin in a fury. There’s nothing but madness swirling inside his pupils. You set your hands on his wrist, trying to pull him off. It was fruitless as he didn’t budge, just continued to fan your face with hot, weighty breaths. Tears pricked the corners of your eyes as your heartbeat accelerated. In that moment all you could think about was getting away from the blonde.
With the last exert of your strength, you somehow you manage to push him away from you. As soon as you do, your palm makes contact with the taller man’s cheek. The sound echoes throughout the room, making you back away from him even further. Slowly his skin becomes rosy, an ugly handprint forming across his cheek as he raises his head back up to look at you. You emit a gasp, the tears from before pouring out your sockets.
There was absolutely nothing in his eyes – in his face. No pain, no anger…there was absolutely no emotion. You were frightened by his sudden cold exterior. It was as if he was a hollow shell. An empty soul. He seemed…insane.
“You’re crazy.” You mumble, but you knew he heard it.
For a second it feels like there was something that flashed across his eyes. Something akin to pain, but you didn’t care. You needed to get the hell out of here, so you looked away from him and searched the bedroom. Grabbing your purse, you pick up your dress from the floor and ran to where he threw your phone. Picking it up, you open it to see that’s still working with just a small fracture on the bottom edge of the screen. You’ve never been more thankful for having a phone case. With that you quickly run out of the room, not caring about your undergarments.
In the hallway, you haphazardly throw on your dress while sniffling. The apartment no longer entranced you, instead you felt suffocated and frightened. He…wouldn’t run after you would he. God, please no. Grabbing your phone, you hesitate whether to call Namjoon…but somehow decide against it. The one thought in your mind was to get away from this place – get away from him. You flinch as you think you hear Taehyung call out your name and rush towards and out the door, not waiting for what he had to say. 
Not looking back.
Taehyung was a mess.
It had been a few weeks since your abrupt departure and he couldn’t get you out of his head. 
Actually, he hasn’t gotten you out of his head since he first saw you, but this time it was worse. Whenever he closed his eyes, he could see your teary face and the absolute disgust for him swimming in your irises. It hurt him so much. He couldn’t eat, he couldn’t sleep. All he could think about was the day he finally held you in his arms just for you to run off.
Because of his terrible health habits, he had been looking extremely tired for the past few days. His face was molded into permanent indifference, a pathetically downcast expression on his lips. He knew the fans had noticed, a couple of them made fanclub posts about it. But he honestly couldn’t find it within him to give a fuck. His manager and the members had all been worried for him – asked him if something’s wrong multiple times but he continued to brush them off. For some reason he found it difficult to communicate with anyone that wasn’t you at the moment.
And you definitely weren’t around. So where does that leave him?
Taehyung wondered if you’ve been doing well, compared to him. Since you wouldn’t want to see him, he hasn’t tried to go visit you. Even though he was dying to see you – basically killing himself – he just couldn’t do that to you. Instead he texted you a bunch of times, tried to call you in numerous ways and even asked Namjoon of your whereabouts daily. All he wanted to tell you was that he was willing to change for you, only if that’d get you to come back to him. There was a lot he would do if it meant you would look at him again. Yet nothing came of it, not even Namjoon could get ahold of you.
He resorted to desperate measures to remove you from his mind. Tried to hook-up with other girls, tried to drink the loneliness away, tried hanging out with A-list celebrities – people way more important than a mere college student could ever be. None of that came close to filling the void left in his heart, no drink or famous person could touch his soul. The other girls didn’t compare to you, hell – he couldn’t even get it up with them! Soon there’d be an article in some C-grade gossip column about how Kim Taehyung of BTS was sexually impotent, he just knew it.  
All of his methods didn’t do anything but get him into trouble from his company.
With nothing to take out his frustration on, Taehyung began to utilize what secular part of you you left behind. Your panties. Every night, drunk and alone in his bedroom – he would stuff your delicates into his mouth, stroke himself in harsh paces and imagine fucking the daylights out of you while crying out into his dark apartment. Other times he would wrap the fabric around his shaft, gently stroking his dick until he came by thinking about making sweet love to you. Your soft hair, the glow of your plump lips, your wet folds. He really missed you. It made him a mess.
This is all your fault! See, this is exactly why he hated you. Because you found a way to entrap him into your little game and now he was obsessed with you. You! Who didn’t even care! That one night meant everything to him and you had just disappeared like it was nothing. A simple bump in the road. Taehyung was mentally exhausted.
That’s why as he was performing their newest song – some EDM track that had a difficult dance attached to it, he was making so many mistakes that he wasn’t able to count them anymore. Because of him, the course of the movements had fallen apart and none of the members seemed to be doing as well as they practiced. He just didn’t have the ability to concentrate; the bright stage lights and the overwhelming atmosphere couldn’t bring him back to reality. Instead made him dizzy the more he moved around. The members were trying hard to make up for most of his errors, especially Jungkook who was performing some of his parts for him. Even in front of millions of fangirls all he could think about was you.
Namjoon was glaring at him through the whole performance. The older man only smiling once it was his solo part in front of the camera. He ignored most of it, but it still made him a tad furious. After all, Namjoon was the reason he was in this predicament.
As soon as the performance ends, Taehyung rushes off the stage while the others chat with their fans for a bit. Everyone behind him makes a fuss, angry and sad chants from both the crowd and his members annoy him. Backstage he continues pushing past the staff and the managers coming scold him. All he wanted to do was get a drink of water.
When he gets in the waiting room, he sighs in relief to find it empty. The senior stylists must’ve head up stage to retouch the member’s makeup in case of another retake. He walks to the table filled with refreshments, grabbing the nearest water bottle and twisting the cap open carelessly.
The cap falls to the ground but he just proceeds to drink the cool liquid and drown out his tension. As he’s halfway through, he hears another presence’s shoes stepped into the room.
“What the fuck is wrong with you?”
It’s Namjoon.
Well, maybe Taehyung should’ve expected this. He was the leader and all. Namjoon had no choice but to make sure the members performed without trouble. Or he’d be the one to get it.
“What do you mean?” Taehyung replies nonchalantly. Going back to drinking his water as Namjoon steps up close to him, the man’s musk filling up the room.
“You know exactly what I mean.”
“Listen, if you’re talking about the performance- I’ve just been having a hard time lately an-”
“That’s not what I mean,” Namjoon growls making Taehyung glance at him for the first time since he came in. “I’m not stupid Tae, you’re acting up around the same time ___ refuses to answer any of my calls. Something she’s never done before.”
He looks towards the floor for a second before looking back up at the blonde with wide, angry eyes.
“Did…Did you do something to her?”
Taehyung tries to keep his cool. It was hard to do that with your name coming out of the elder’s mouth. Even though he tries to be level-headed, he can’t help the mocking sneer that breaks past his lips.
“I slept with her.” Taehyung says, subtly trying to mark his territory
In an instant, Namjoon is upon him. Grabbing his collar and pushing him against the wall, where his head collided hard with the off-white cement. Making him wince.
“YOU BASTARD. I swear to God if you’re just taking advantage of her-”
“STOP TALKING LIKE THAT. LIKE YOU OWN HER.” Taehyung spits back, “She belongs to me, she’s mine.”
For a second, he thinks he’s won as Namjoon loosens his grip on his collar and stares into his orbs in bewilderment. A small smirk presents itself on his face at his victory, before the irritation in Namjoon’s face comes back, as he grits his teeth.
“You think you’re special just because you made her cum?” Namjoon says in a low, steady tone of voice
Taehyung’s smile falls
“You’re late but…welcome to the club.” Namjoon lets out his own cocky smile directed at the younger, watching the way his eyes widen almost dramatically.
Namjoon lets go of his collar, scoffing before walking away from the man. He knew he was being a bit childish and you’d probably kill him if you ever found out about this but he was too pumped up to care at the moment.
As he gets to the end of the room, he stops and places his hand on the wall by the entryway.
“By the way,” He peeks over his shoulder “Get it together out there. We’re doing another take in 5.”
With that he leaves the room. 
Taehyung stands there, staring at the spot where Namjoon once stood with inexplicable emotions. 
Even though Namjoon has supposedly won this conversation, what he failed to acknowledge was the absolute fury in Taehyung’s eyes.
Pure rage flowed through his veins as Namjoon’s words replayed over and over in his head. Did he just imply that he…slept with you? That he got to taste your sweet cunt? That he ran his fingers over the expanse of your silky skin? He got to fill you to the brim – got to mark you up with his pretty littles stars?
That he touched what belonged to Taehyung?
He roars in agony, throwing his water and flipping over a table of refreshments. Everything clatters and bangs until he’s left observing the mess littering the floor. His breathing is uneven as his pupils become unfocused. The whole room was suddenly spinning and he stumbles in place for a bit as he feels like the walls are closing in on him. Grabbing his forehead, he blocks his vision with his clothed arms.
He touched something of his, he sullied his property and Taehyung couldn’t stand it. In the middle of his havoc, it hits him like a ton of bricks. What kind of a man had he become in the present years? Is this the values his father instilled in him? Is this how he’ll waste his blood, sweat and tears? In the large waiting room, it felt as if the temperature dropped below freezing as Taehyung straightened himself out - holding onto his dignity with a new-found cause. 
He wasn’t going to let the elder get away with this. He couldn’t. His face was vacant, his throat dry and his orbs deadpan. A horrid idea formulating behind his cold facade.
No…he has to pay. Namjoon’s going to regret ever breathing in your direction when he’s done dealing with Taehyung’s wrath.
Everyone needed to know that Taehyung doesn’t share what’s rightfully his.
Namjoon sighed and stretched his sore tendons as he gazed into the deep blue night.
Everything was a clutter in his life. You wouldn’t pick up his phone or answer his texts. He knew how much he relied on you over the past few years and you always delivered, but this time you went off the grid. Telling him you need some time alone for now. Taehyung, on the other hand was acting like a complete fool. They hadn’t talked since their little ‘run in’ a few days ago with Taehyung missing from the dorms all night. And for the first time since their debut, the members all seemed on guard with one another.
It was silent chaos.
He was just tired, honestly. Sometimes he wishes he could rest his aching muscles, hibernate like a bear and not wake up for a month or two. The leader always has it the worst. Some sunbaes and colleagues have mentioned that to him multiple times and he agrees. Having to keep the group together and remind these fucks that it was literally their job to act professional. If thousands of construction workers can work almost 50 hours a week and still manage to earn less than thirty grand a year, he really didn’t see how a bunch of rich idols on stage could have this much trouble performing properly.
It’s literally the least they could do.
Taehyung had always been sort of a brat. His parents favored him the most, so he’s been spoiled since birth. Once he decides something was his, there was no turning back. Maybe Namjoon would sympathize with him more if he calmly spoke about his possessive issues rather than shout the head off anyone who touched anything of his.
And now he had slept with you.
Shit. This was the worst part. Namjoon knew how Taehyung got around lovers. Rather than humans, they became solely his property – for his own pleasure and needs. He dreaded to think that would become your fate as well, so out of slight childishness he might’ve revealed to Taehyung about that one mutual masturbation memory. Although vaguely.
It honestly meant nothing, he was just trying to protect his oldest friend. He thought if maybe Taehyung found out you were ‘tainted’ by him, he would back off. There would be no interest in him for you any longer, so he wouldn’t dare treat you like an object.
At least that’s what he was shooting for.
With a heavy breath, he stands up off the bench pressed into the grassy roots of the lake’s shore. He peered off into the distance, the serene blue water and faint frog croaks made him break out into a dimpled smile. This was his favorite place. Like Taehyung, everyone has something they dislike sharing right?
For him it was this lake. It was his secret spot. Whenever his mind got too crowded and even breathing gave him a headache, he would come here and watch his worries disappear down into the clear water for a while. The lake always reminded him that he was small, that his tensions and problems were all too small compared to the big wide universe.
It made him think. Perhaps he overreacted and lost his cool there for a second. If Taehyung wanted to date you, it’s not his business to meddle in. You were a grown woman – no matter how young you’d stay in his heart – you could take care of yourself. He’s watched you grow from a tiny snot-nosed girl into a bright young lady with a sharp mind and tender soul. He should trust you.
And Taehyung. Wide-eyed, boxy smiled Taehyung was his brother. A man he’s shared much laughter and tears with, a man he’s shared a room with. These years were never easy, but the blonde always knew how to make Namjoon’s day a tad brighter. He should trust Taehyung.
You were his family, after all.
With a new-found mindset, he smiles, turning away from the water to come home to both of you.  He begins walking on the grassy path, which led into the trees. It was an especially dark night, there was only so much he could squint and see. The parking lot was located on the other side of the road, as the lake area was surrounded by large oak trees. 
There weren’t many people that came here on a Sunday at midnight, which is why it was his favorite time to roam around the area. Some people would mistake it as abandoned with how there were no street lights or rest areas nearby.
As he treads by the trees, he thinks he hears someone stepping on a twig behind him. He stops, turning around into the black forest anxiously. It was too dark to see, so he quiets his breathing, trying to hear any sounds lurking in the branches. A soft wind blows in his face as he can feel himself turning pale.
Nothing. There was no sign of any life.
Even though he’s kind of frightened, he reasons with himself. Animals like squirrels or ducks surround the lake and any one of them could be roaming about. Right?
…But what kind of a squirrel wanders about at 12:34 AM?
Turning back around, he quickens his steps. Ready to get the hell out of here. Because he just watched a horror movie last night, his mind was racing with crazy scenarios.
What if a serial killer roams this lake at this time of night? And he just happens to stumble upon an idiot named Namjoon – or should he say his NEW VICTIM? Who knows what really is beneath that deep murky water? A monster who scours the premises for fresh meat?
Why didn’t he think of any of these issues that could occur with going into a basically deserted side of the city – with a great spot for hiding bodies, let’s point that out – in the middle of the night, beforehand?
When he makes it to the road clearing, he almost cries out of relief. He slows his pace, twisting his body back towards the forest to make sure no one was following him. As his shoes hit the gravel, he can hear himself starting to breathe again. It was still too dark to see, but at least there were no large pieces of bark obstructing his vision.
He was too focused. Too concentrated on the view in his rear to see where he was going.
Too preoccupied to notice how slow he was walking.
He couldn’t hear the lull of the engine. Instead his breath hitching when he catches the leaves of the shrubs ruffling. Halfway through the road, and still looking back. His throat constricting as he sees the fluffy white egret step out from beyond the horde of bushes behind him. Everything goes in slow motion as the bird’s chirp registers in his mind.
He was just too focused on the place he shouldn’t have been.
So, when he finally looked back on the road to spot the car without headlights, heading towards him with full speed-
It was too late.
You had gotten the call an hour ago, and you dropped everything to get to him.
Every single feeling in your leg had left long ago. The muscles in your arms were aching and your voice was hoarse from you wailing in the car. There was an overpowering agony moving throughout your body without consent and you found yourself hyperventilating. As you rush up the stairs – too impatient to wait for an elevator – you trip over a step and catch yourself on your hands, facing the grounds of the stairway.
This isn’t real. This can’t be happening.
You take a moment to catch your breath, getting up and running up the steep steps once again. Letting the sensation of being petrified fuel your adrenaline.
He had called your friend. How he got her number, you don’t know. Too distracted by the message the girl came into your dorm room to tell you.
“Taehyung called me! Namjoon’s hurt. It’s bad – they have him in the secret emergency room at Seoul Hospital-”
You didn’t even wait for her to finish her sentence before you bolted out the door. Through your hysterics and terrible traffic, you somehow managed to make it here in once piece. Thankfully, the media hadn’t been informed yet, everyone keeping the top star’s whereabouts strictly confidential. The nurses were rude when you questioned them about Namjoon’s situation, suspected you as a stalker fan and almost had you kicked out of the hospital until Manager Sejin vouched for you. Sejin was in the lobby, holding half full water bottle and had the biggest bags underneath his eyes.
You pleaded with him, begged him to tell you what was going on, but he just stood there facing the floor. With no time to waste on his futility, you barged into the staircase to find your Namjoon.
This couldn’t happen. You couldn’t lose him. He was your tall and goofy best friend. A clumsy yet handsome older brother. He was your family. Guilt dances across your brain at ignoring him this past week. The timing of this tragedy could not get any worse.
When you finally make it to the emergency surgery floor, you barge in – tripping over your own legs.
As you stand up on wobbly legs, Taehyung’s wide eyes make contact with yours. You run up to him like an insane patient, grabbing his arms.
“W-w-what did the doctor say? How is he? WHAT’S GOING ON.”
“Shh, shh,” Taehyung grabs your arms back, “Calm down, it was a hit and run. Driver got away and a local merchant driving by found him on the road. The surgeon’s in there right now. He’ll let us know how he is in a while. Shh.”
With his words you finally allow yourself to breath gain. Loud cries leave your lips as you clench your eyes shut. Taehyung pats your head, trying to calm your down.
Rubbing your teary eyes, you look around the empty waiting room in confusion.
“Where are the others?”
“I sent the members home, they’ve been up all day. They were reluctant but I told them I’d stay behind no matter how long it takes. His parents are catching the next available flight. They’ll be here by tomorrow morning.”
You steady your exhales as you listen to him speak, “Why didn’t you call me sooner?”
“I did. You didn’t pick up. I had to somehow find Yujin’s number and tell her to tell you.” He states calmly
His maturity in this whole situation embarrasses you. Why had you been acting like such a brat to everyone in the past couple of days? Ignoring texts and phone calls. Cutting off contact with your best friend. Just because of a small misunderstanding between you and Taehyung. What was wrong with you?
“Taehyung…I’m sorr-”
The door of the surgery room opens, making your words hang in midair. The doctor comes out looking tired, removing his face masks and gloves in the entranceway. Letting go of Taehyung, you rush up to him.
“Doctor, h-how is he?”
Taehyung tsks under his breath as you leave his side immediately for news on Namjoon. A dark cloud gathers around his head as his eyes pierce the place you once stood with hate. He turns around carefully, masking his malevolent expression with that of worry.
Years of idol training had paid off well.
“He’s fine for now,” The doctor states in exhaustion, “He was hurt pretty badly, the back of his cranium had fractured slightly, and he broke his left arm and four ribs. We’ve managed to stitch up most of his open wounds but there was a lot of internal bleeding. We’ll have to wait through the night for signs of his progress.”
The doctor pats your shoulder, before walking around you towards the end of the hall. You stand there in shock for a couple of seconds before turning around to face Taehyung. All it takes is for you to see the pain in his pupils before you run into his arms, holding him in a tight grasp.
You cry into his chest as Taehyung wraps himself around you and continues to pat your head.
“Shhh, he’ll be okay. It’ll be alright.” Taehyung coos into your hair, as your tears soaked through his shirt.
What you don’t know is about the wicked smirk gracing his features as he stares a hole through the door of the room that contained Namjoon. His plan had gone way better than he had hoped, and you were finally here beside him once again.
He has to admit, he was scared of getting caught. Who else would have known about his location except his previous roommate who’s he’s shared drunken secrets with. But he knew there was no way Namjoon had seen anything in that dark road and he knows no one would suspect him, his own brother, for trying to kill Namjoon. He was restless all morning, even skipped breakfast and for what? Everything went perfect.
Taehyung smothers your trembling form, running his hands up and down your back for comfort. 
He wasn’t sure what he was going to do now. Should he wait for Namjoon to die? Maybe help him along the way? Or should he let him live and let this be a lesson to him?
Backing up, he cups your face in his hands. You were broken, continuing to weep as you settled into his fingers. Kissing your forehead, he rubs his thumbs across your cheeks, wiping away all the tears.
Well, whatever he decides to do can wait. Right now, your being nearby was all that mattered. In the end Taehyung wonders if he’s ever hated you. I mean, how was he supposed to know the one he hated was the man he shared a table with? The man who he shared a bed with out of scarcity? Maybe, subconsciously Taehyung hated sharing with the taller man at all. So much so, that all the distribution piled up in his mind until he could no longer stand it.
Maybe he hated how Namjoon took advantage of your generosity, knowing you were a busybody with a help everyone mentality painted across your forehead. He hated how many hours you spent talking to him. Going on and on about God knows what. And he absolutely despised how much time he got to spend with you on an average basis.
Maybe sleeping with you was just the last straw. He was done giving Namjoon anymore chances.
“Taehyung…stay with me tonight.” You whimper to him and he can’t tell those doll eyes no.
They’re his doll’s eyes, aren’t they?
“Of course, baby.” He replies in a low voice, smiling as you hug him once again.
It was all starting to make sense now. Namjoon was fighting for his life while you were holding onto Taehyung for dear life. This is karma for trying to take what belongs to him. Because at the end of the day, everyone knows Taehyung doesn’t give away his possessions. That he protects his property in his own twisted way.
He can’t help but think this is what the older man deserves – this that Taehyung shall refer to as Namjoon’s fair share.
After all, Taehyung hated him for many reasons.
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junetuesday · 4 years
sweetener - [fourteen]
Falling, Falling
Pairing: Tom Holland x Female Reader - uni AU
Word Count:  4709
Warnings: drinking, smut (oral m receiving), food mentions
A/N: soo i hated this chapter when i was writing it like i had SUCH a struggle but now it’s done i actually quite like it! v keen to hear your thoughts on this part as usual so do let me know!! love you all  
Add yourself to my taglist(s)
Updates: 8th march if the fates are kind x
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The rules of Drunk Jenga are simple: just like regular/sober Jenga, each player takes turns removing a block from the tower and placing it on top, whoever knocks over the tower loses the game. In Drunk Jenga, however, there are also rules or instructions written on the blocks which must be followed, and, of course, the loser must down their entire drink.
When Tom, Harrison, and Adam arrived at your house for predrinks on Friday evening Madison was sat on the living room floor, setting up Jenga blocks on the coffee table ready to play. The boys all piled in, with Tom beside you on one sofa, Harrison and Adam on the other with Ruby - joined shortly after by Liv, once she’d completed her hostess duties of getting glasses and bottle openers out and putting on some music. It was good to get straight into a drinking game, in Tom’s opinion anyway - otherwise everyone was just sat there awkwardly until they started to get tipsy.
The first few rounds went by smoothly, the tower relatively stable and the rules pretty standard - take 2 shots, all girls drink, pick a “mate” to drink with you for the rest of the game, and so on and so forth - but some of them were more fun. On your third (or maybe it was fourth? Tom wasn’t really counting) turn, you pulled ‘clothes swap’ - which, Liv explained, meant you had to swap an item of clothing with a member of the opposite sex. All eyes turned to you and the playsuit you were wearing, everyone wondering how and what you were going to swap, and with whom. Surely you weren’t going to take your playsuit off in the living room, in front of everyone...were you?
“Hmm,” you hummed as you placed your block on top of the tower carefully. “Oh I know!”
Looks of confusion turned to disapproval as you reached down and took your slippers off, holding them in one hand as you looked around for a suitable exchange.
“Does that count?” Ruby asked skeptically.
“Yeah, ‘course it does,” you laughed. “Harrison, give me your shirt.”
“If you insist.”
Harrison shrugged out of his checked shirt, leaving him in his t shirt and jeans (plus your slippers) and Tom found himself wishing he’d worn a shirt over his white t shirt as you put it over your playsuit.
“Your turn,” you said, elbowing him in the arm and pulling his attention away from your outfit and back to the game.
Tom took a good look at the tower, trying to assess which block to take. Things were getting a bit more precarious now, and he’d just refilled his pint glass so he didn’t particularly want to have to finish his drink. After much consideration he identified one that looked easy enough to take out, wiggling it out of its home and turning it over to read the word written on the side.
“‘Redo’ - what does ‘redo’ mean?”
“You have to put it back and take another one,” Madison explained.
“Oh, okay,” Tom went to put the block on top of the tower, but stopped when Madison spoke again.
“No you have to put it back where you got it from!”
“Aw what?!”
That didn’t seem fair, so Tom looked to you for assistance, but you just shrugged.
“Rules are rules.”
Sighing defeatedly, Tom put his glass on the table so he could properly concentrate on the task at hand. Sliding off the sofa, he knelt on the floor so he was level with the tower. Holding the Jenga block between his thumb and index finger, he positioned it at the opening where he’d pulled it from. He closed one eye, trying to get the angle just right, and began to ease it back into place. He could feel you all holding your breath, which wasn’t helping, and you squeaked when the tower wobbled dangerously with the block only three-quarters of the way in, which definitely didn’t help.
“Ugh, fuck,” he groaned as he sat back on his heels, his fingers curled into a fist in frustration.
“Mate, you can’t-”
“-yeah I know, I know, alright, gimme a sec!”
You laughed when he cut Harrison off, unclenching and clenching his fist a few times to try and get rid of the tension in his fingers. That wasn’t really helping either, knowing you were watching. Why is this so stressful!!
Taking a deep breath, Tom tried again, pushing the block with his thumb, so so so slowly, until it was flush with its neighbours. He winced as he pulled his hand away, waiting for the tower to topple - but it didn’t. It held steady, and he let out sigh of relief as Harrison did a low whistle.
“Well done,” you smiled as you gave him a congratulatory pat on the shoulder. “Now take a new one out.”
“Oh for fuck’s sake-”
Thankfully there was a block poking on one side of the tower that didn’t look to be supporting anything, and when he touched it lightly with his little finger it moved freely.
“Fuck, I was gonna go for that one…” Liv grumbled as Tom slid the block out of the tower, tilting his head to read the writing on the side.
“Waterf-ahhh fucking bollocks!”
As the last few millimetres of the block came free the tower gave way, sending wooden blocks everywhere as the structure collapsed - including into Tom’s glass, which was almost completely full - or rather, it had been.
“Ah shit-” he lunged forwards and grabbed the glass as quickly as he could but it was too late. The glass had toppled towards him, spilling bright purple cider and black directly onto his chest, as well as pouring down onto the table and dripping onto the cream rug underneath the coffee table.
“Aw you’ve properly fucked that up.”
“For fuck’s sake, Tom!”
Tom shot daggers across the table at Adam and Haz as you sighed exaggeratedly, getting up and going into the kitchen. You returned moments later with a roll of kitchen roll, passing him handfuls to try and soak up the bulk of the liquid. Apologising profusely, Tom resumed his seat on the sofa to wipe the table while you tried to dab at the rug.
“S’okay,” Mads shrugged, waving her hand dismissively. “Don’t worry about it.”
The others quickly started talking about something else after that, already over Tom making an absolute tit out of himself and more interested in Liv’s (apparently controversial) song choices.
“Sorry,” he said more quietly, just to you.
“It’s fine, this rug is kinda gross anyway - I’ll just chuck it in the washing machine and if it doesn’t come out then we’ll just bin it.”
“Okay...still, sorry.”
You didn’t look at all annoyed, and neither did either of your housemates, so that was good, but Tom still felt bad as he followed you into the kitchen. Once all the masses of kitchen roll you’d used to clean up had been thrown away he looked down at his t shirt, soaking wet and sticking to his skin, and then he really did wish he’d worn a shirt over the top so he’d have something to change into. Most of his drink had gone on his chest, so at least his jeans weren’t too wet, just a few splashes on his thighs that were barely visible on the black denim, but his t shirt was ruined, and he definitely couldn’t wear it out now.
“Hmm,” you looked him up and down, clearly thinking the same thing. “Do you want to change?”
You both laughed, the answer very obviously a yes, though Tom wasn’t quite sure what he would change into - maybe Harrison’s shirt? Or-
“I’m pretty sure you left a top here last weekend, you know.”
“Oh sweet,” Tom nodded, following you back out into the living room.
“Oi!” Madison called as you both stepped over the cushion where she was sitting on the floor on your way out into the hall. “Where are you going?”
Seeing as you were already making your way up the stairs, Tom just held out his wet t shirt by way of an explanation - which seemed to be good enough for Mads.
“Okay fine,” she narrowed her eyes, pointing a stern finger at him. “You still have to do your forfeit when you come back!”
“Yeah, yeah, I know.”
In all the kerfuffle he’d actually forgotten he was supposed to be finishing his drink as punishment for losing the game - and technically he had finished it, the glass was empty now, it was just all over him and the floor rather than inside him. He wasn’t sure that reasoning would get him off the hook, but he doubted it would matter - it would surely be long forgotten by the time he came back down.
Taking a few of the stairs a couple at a time to catch up with you, Tom followed you up to your bedroom. He couldn’t quite think what shirt he’d left behind, but he wasn’t really sure where half his clothes were (he really needed to do a wash) so it was highly likely there was one here.
He stood in the doorway while you looked around for his shirt, the occasional shout or beat of Liv’s music floating up the stairs whenever someone opened the living room door. Ruby’s suitcase was open on the floor, both her and your clothes strewn around the room, while make-up and hair products and tools covered your desk - simply put, your room looked like a bomb had hit it.
“Yeah, sorry,” you mumbled as Tom glanced around the room. “It’s an absolute tip in here.”
“I’ve seen worse.”
That wasn’t a lie, he had seen much, much worse, both in his room at uni and at home - not to mention his younger brother’s rooms. At least your mess was mostly just clothes - including his AU hoodie, which he noticed hanging off the handle of your chest of drawers when you went over to pick up a roughly folded grey t shirt off the top.
“It’s not washed or anything,” you shrugged. “But…”
“Better than this.”
“Better than that, yeah,” you laughed as he peeled off his stained t shirt, rolling it into a ball and using it to dry his torso.
“Where can I put this?”
Tom had spotted your laundry basket in the corner of your room, but he presumed you wouldn’t want all your clothes to be turned purple, so he’d probably better not put it in there.
“Erm… oh, I know.”
You moved past him, shutting your door and rummaging through the dressing gowns and bags hung on the back until you produced a plastic carrier bag from a tote bag with your university’s logo printed on the front.
Tom popped his dirty t shirt into the bag, taking the clean one from you and pulling it over his head. He turned to check his reflection in your mirrored wardrobe as he pulled the cotton down over his stomach - it was a bit crumpled, but it would do.
“Better?” you asked, tying the handles of the bag together and setting it on your dresser.
“Yeah, thanks.”
Your eyes met his in the mirror as he fixed his hair back into place, and he realised then that he hadn’t actually properly said hello to you yet. He’d said hello, obviously, but what he really meant was he hadn’t kissed you yet - there’d been too many people in your tiny hallway and then you were playing Jenga so the opportunity hadn’t presented itself. Now, though, was the perfect opportunity.
“Do you wanna go back down,” you asked as he turned back to face you. “Or…?”
“...or?” Tom smirked as you both stepped closer to each other.
“I dunno,” you nibbled gently on your bottom lip. “Not?”
“Not works for me.”
Your lips tasted like blackcurrant squash and lipgloss when you kissed him - which wasn’t a bad combination, he thought as your fingers wove into his hair. His arms wrapped around your waist, his hands on your bum as he pulled your body closer to his. You whimpered softly into the kiss as his thigh slotted between your own, and he remembered then that his jeans were wet.
“Sorry my jeans are wet,” he mumbled against your lips, though he immediately regretted it. Really sexy, well done Tom.
You just giggled though, kissing his lips again before starting to kiss along his jawline instead. Tom swallowed thickly, starting to say something else, but then you were reaching between you and your fingers were fiddling with the button on his jeans and suddenly the most pressing thing was less that his jeans were wet and more that he was wearing them at all.
“We probably should go back down soon…” You hummed against his neck while you undid his zipper, tucking your hand inside his jeans to palm at his steadily hardening cock through his boxers.
Your words and actions didn’t really add up, but Tom wasn’t complaining as the two of you shuffled across the room until the backs of his legs hit the side of your bed. If either of you had thought about it, then maybe you would have taken the opportunity to put his jeans on the radiator to dry off. Neither of you did though, you just tossed them aside after he kicked his shoes off before he sat down on the edge of your bed, Tom’s focus far from wet denim at this point.
He watched eagerly as you dropped to your knees in front of him, pulling his boxers down just enough, the waistband sitting just under his balls. He was very aware of the fact that he wasn’t properly hard yet, but in his defense this was all happening very fast and he’d had a couple of drinks. In any case you wrapped your hand around the base of his cock, licking a long, wet stripe up to the tip.
You looked up at him with the head of his cock resting on your tongue, your eyes bright and locked on his as you took it into your mouth and began sucking gently. Your hand moved up and down his length, slowly at first but getting steadily faster and firmer, until you pulled your mouth away and his cock rested against his stomach, hard and desperate for more attention.
Your hand movements slowed as you shuffled closer to him and licked your lips. Tom spread his legs further apart as you rested your other hand on his thigh, your breath cooling the wetness left by your mouth and making his skin tingle. The feeling made him swallow harshly, the exhale turning into a grunt of pleasure when you parted your lips and took his cock back into your mouth. Your hand moved down as more of his length disappeared inside your mouth, until the palm of your hand was cupping his balls and he could feel the back of your throat tight around the head of his cock.
You started bobbing your head after a moment, your wet lips sliding up and down his length. You didn’t go all the way back down again, but that was fine by him - more than fine, really, your hand providing more than enough stimulation while your hot, wet mouth worked the top few inches. Tom leaned back, propping himself up on his elbows so that he could still see what you were doing if he looked down. He let himself close his eyes for a while though, his head tilted back as you sucked him off.
His thigh tensed under your hand whenever he felt your tongue swirl over the tip of his cock, applying gentle pressure to the most sensitive part of him. He lifted his head to look down at you when you lifted off him with a wet pop, your hand continuing to work his length as you caught your breath. You smiled as you caught his eye, and he could only really smile back as you switched your hands over.
Tom bit his lip as he watched you swirl your tongue around the edge of the tip of his cock, the fingers of your right hand wrapping around the base as your left hand pushed up the hem of his t shirt. He wasn’t going to last very long if you kept doing that, the pointed tip of your tongue flicking back and forth like that as your nails scratched gently at his abs, but that probably wasn’t a bad thing seeing as you really should go back downstairs at some point soon. Perhaps you were thinking along the same lines, because you started licking him more firmly, your hand starting to pump up and down again.
Tom let his head drop back as he groaned, feeling the wet warmth of your mouth surrounding him once more as you took his cock back into your mouth. His eyes drifted shut, and he couldn’t really tell what was your mouth and what was your hand, all he knew was it felt really really good and he was probably going to come very soon - which, he thought vaguely, he should probably warn you about.
“I-fuck-” he grunted as he felt his body start to tense up. “M’gonna come…”
Tom lifted his head and looked down at you, watching as you started to pull off him - but not quite. You stopped just short, the head of his cock still between your lips, your tongue massaging the underside. Your hand sped up, jerking him off in short, fast motions until he was coming into your mouth, a heavy grunt passing his lips as his thighs and abs tensed.
Each pump of your hand got slower and longer as he breathed heavily, until you were stroking the full length of his cock smoothly, your hand replacing your lips. He sat up more as you sat back on your heels, your lips smacking together as you swallowed.
“Uh…” Tom cleared his throat as your hand slowed to a stop, wiping your mouth with the back of your hand. “Thanks?”
“You’re very welcome,” you laughed as you reached for the tissue box on your bedside table, taking one for yourself before passing the box to him.
Once Tom had gotten cleaned up and dressed, and you’d touched up your make up and gotten your going-out bag together so you wouldn’t have to come all the way back up again, the two of you made your way back downstairs. The noise from downstairs got louder the closer you got to the living room, and as Harrison’s laugh boomed over the music Tom was extremely grateful that your bedroom door had managed to block out most of the noise - it was bad enough that you were wearing his shirt without hearing him too.
Madison side-eyed you both when you came back into the living room, but thankfully she didn’t get a chance to ask any questions because it just so happened that Adam was coming back in from having a cigarette in the back garden, and he had questions of his own.
“Why do you have a gnome in your garden?”
“His name- ” Madison said, whipping her head round so fast Tom thought she might snap her neck. “- is Gerald. What’s your problem with Gerald?”
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After a few more drinks, lots of Adam assuring Madison he didn’t have a problem with Gerald, and several heated debates over whether or not you could get Gerald into the union, you headed out (once you’d given Harrison his shirt back, which Tom was pleased about, and sans Gerald, which Harrison was not pleased about). Despite both your taxis leaving your house at the same time, the group managed to get split up almost immediately, and Tom ended up spending the majority of his night with you, Adam, and Ruby.
The four of you were coming back inside from the smoking area in search of another drink, you and Adam in front and bickering about some TV show Tom hadn’t seen while he and Ruby followed behind talking about her course, when you bumped into Madison coming out of the girls’ toilets.
“Where’s Liv, thought you were with her?” you asked as you hugged her hello.
“Yeah I lost her, I’ve been wandering about on my own for ages,” Madison shrugged.
She didn’t seem too distraught over it in any case, joining your bar-bound party and getting another drink (even though she already had one when you found her). The five of you made your way back to the dancefloor, drinks in hand, hovering at the back by the shot bar while you scanned the room for anyone you might recognise.
After a moment Tom felt Adam’s elbow jabbing into his side. Following his eyeline, he soon spotted Harrison among the crowd, the white lines in the check of his shirt glowing in the UV light. Tom was just about to nudge you, but then the crowd shifted and he noticed the arm wrapped around Harrison’s waist and the hand fisted tightly in his hair, so instead he turned to you to say maybe it was best to leave them to it. You hadn’t seen them yet anyway, because you were facing back towards the shot bar talking to-
Tom looked back at Harrison, then back to you and Liv, talking animatedly and laughing at something he couldn’t hear.
“Isn’t that your friend?” Ruby shouted in his ear over the music, coming to stand on his other side.
“Yeah…” he nodded, unsure what else to say.
“...but that’s not Liv is it?”
“‘Cause she’s here…”
“...oh dear.”
Both Tom and Ruby stared at Harrison and whoever-that-was for a moment longer, unable to look away as the girl grabbed at handfuls of his shirt - until your voice pulled their attention away.
“What’s up?”
“Oh, um-” “er…”
They searched for words, but you and Liv were already following where they were looking into the crowd.
Tom looked between you and Liv. It was pretty dark, but from the flashes of light he could make out enough of Liv’s face to see that her jaw was set, her brow furrowed and her nostrils flared.
“Liv…” Madison spoke after a moment, reaching out a hand towards her.
“It’s fine.” Liv shook her head, ignoring Mads’ hand. “I’m fine.” She flicked her hair over her shoulders, her chin jutting out defiantly. “It’s fine. I’m getting a drink.”
And with that, she strode off in the direction of the shot bar, Madison hot on her heels.
“I’m gonna-” you turned to Tom, gesturing in their direction.
“Yeah, yeah,” he nodded as you stepped away from him towards your friends. “‘Course.”
“...er, bye then, I guess,” Ruby laughed uncomfortably before she went after you, raising her hand in a half-hearted wave.
“That was awkward,” Adam said as he and Tom watched the three of you huddle around Liv at the bar, leaving them standing on the edge of the dancefloor, drinks in hand.
Yeah, no shit.
Unsurprisingly, Tom didn’t see you or your friends for the rest of the night. He and Adam eventually took a taxi home, accompanied by cheeseburgers and chips and ready to pass out as soon as they got in.
He’d just dumped his keys, food, and wallet down on his desk and was in the process of taking off his trainers when you replied to the text he’d sent you in the cab saying you were just home too, and could you call because you couldn’t be bothered to type. Tom thought for a moment, because he really did want to go to sleep, and he didn’t know how good of a conversational partner he’d be just then, but ultimately he text back ‘sure’ before taking off his jeans and sitting down in his desk chair in his t shirt and boxers.
His phone lit up with your face as your call came through almost immediately, his mouth still full from the last bite of his burger.
“Hey,” he answered thickly, rubbing his fist against his chest to try and make the lump of food in his throat go down faster.
“Hello,” your voice came through the speaker, sounding tired and a little raspy. “Can you hear me okay? I’m trying to be quiet - the girl’s are in bed.”
“Cool. Ugh, so like - god it’s a mess in here - I’m in the kitchen getting a glass of water-”
“Ah okay.”
“Anyway, yeah, um-”
“You alright?” Tom asked, listening to the sound of you clattering around in your kitchen on the other end of the line.
“Yeah, so basically we spent the rest of the night following Liv around while she got guys to buy her drinks.”
“Oh nice,” Tom chuckled, taking a large swig from his can of coke - perhaps too large a swig, immediately turning his face away from his phone to burp into his elbow.
He was pretty sure you didn’t hear that though, because when he brought the phone back to his ear you were mid-sentence. Hopefully the start wasn’t too important - though it didn't seem like it was.
“...and I dunno, I feel bad for Ruby like, I swear drama only happens when someone is visiting, like it’s never just a normal night.”
“Wednesday was pretty normal?” Tom leaned back in his chair as he spoke, trying to remember if anything weird had happened the night before last.
“I guess, yeah. Anyway, I should go to bed...”
“Oh,” he sat up again, a little surprised the conversation was over so fast, but he wanted to go to bed too so he wasn’t too cut up about it. “Well, g-”
“Ugh,” you groaned, cutting him off. “I just, like I know he’s your friend and everything but like, he came to pres at our house and then just goes and gets off with someone else? Like who the fuck does that?”
“Oh, uh-”
Kicking off against the leg of his desk, Tom leaned back and started spinning his chair from side to side, staring up at his ceiling as you carried on talking, evidently not going to bed.
“I dunno like, Liv’s all ‘I’m fine!’ but she’s clearly not, understandably, and obviously now she’s thinking like, is this the first time this has happened? Or has he been seeing other people all along?”
“Yeah... ” Tom said, just for something to say more than anything.
“What do you think?”
“Uhh, I dunno…”
Not really expecting follow up questions, Tom stopped spinning and sat up straight in his chair (which was probably a good idea anyway because he was starting to feel sick).
“Like, did he say anything to you?”
“No? About what?”
“I dunno, about Liv or other girls or anything?”
“Um…” he tried to think but his brain wasn’t really cooperating too well. Besides, him and the boys never really talked about that kind of thing - not in any real detail, anyway. “Not really? I mean obviously I knew they were like, doing...whatever they were doing, but I never really asked any questions.”
“Oh right, okay.”
“So…yeah.” Tom ran his finger around the rim of his coke can, flicking at the tab with his nail as he heard the clink of glasses and then the sound of running water on your end.
“Okay well, m’gonna go to bed now.”
“Okay,” he nodded though obviously you couldn’t see him, holding back a yawn at the mere mention of the word bed. “Sleep well.”
Ending the call as he span around in his chair, Tom tossed his phone onto his bed. He got up and stretched as he walked over to turn off the lights, bringing his arms behind his back until his shoulders clicked. He thought about going to get a glass of water like you had, but instead he just took off his t shirt, climbed into bed in his underwear, and passed out asleep almost as soon as his head hit the pillow.
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wonderwomanfantasy · 4 years
I’m not your princess
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I got like four requests for Jealous Sero so while this is smutty, not as jealous as It could have been. 
Sero x Reader 
Word count: 3,100 (about)
Warnings: Drinking, cursing, Smut
Summary: Sero Hanta has done It again! and by it, I mean accidentally fallen ass-backward into love and by again I mean this first time something like this has ever happened to him and he has no clue what he is doing please help. 
Sero wasn’t sure how he found himself here, mouthing at your neck and fumbling wit the top of your dress with one hand. Yesterday, he had just been your best friend now you were moaning his name and bucking your hips against his thigh. 
“Sero, Don’t stop please,” you breathed shakily, Sero obliged, digging his teeth into your soft skin earning him a shaky moan as your hips increased speed, dragging your wet panties along his muscular leg. 
“Who knew you had such a biting kink?” He chuckled lightly kissing the dark hickey he had just left. Normally you would snark back but you just jerked his head up planting his mouth on yours.  He slipped his tongue past your lips and pushed your dress down revealing more of your body to him. 
Sero had known something was wrong when you came to him in a blind panic only explaining that you had “fucked up and needed him to help fix it,”
“can you calm the fuck down?” He asked grabbing your shoulders to keep you from pacing. you took a deep breath and spoke
“So I lied to my coworkers and told them I had a boyfriend and I told them I would bring him to the next work party we have but I don’t have a boyfriend and-”  Sero cut you off before you could ramble. 
“So I’ll go with you,” He decided, realizing where this conversation was going. 
“Really? I didn’t expect you to cave so quickly,”
“So what? I would be your fake boyfriend for the night? That’s not so bad,” he shrugged, considering the idea
“or like for a week before we have a big dramatic brake up,” you amended. He thought about it and sighed. 
“Sounds like fun,” he agreed. It would be just like any other Gala the two of you would spend the night complaining about the fancy clothes and plotting your escape at the first opportunity to grab Taco Bell. 
except, everyone would assume the two of you were together, But Sero could deal with that. At least he thought he could. 
You were stunning in your slinky red satin dress. He had never seen a dress show so much of your back, legs, and chest all at the same time, while the ruffling fabric didn’t exactly cling to your curves, it did nothing to hide them. 
“quit staring you perve,” you snapped hitting his shoulder snapping him out of his own head.  he smiled and flicked your forehead in retaliation.
“As your fake boyfriend, I think I’m entitled to stare a little,” he teased slinging his arm around your waist and lead you to the waiting car and sliding in the back seat with you. you gave him a soft look, one that sent butterflies threw his stomach.
“Really Sero, thank you for doing this,” you said, Sero hated when you went soft on him like this, you were already stunning how was he supposed you handle you being so cute?
“It’s not a big deal- but you are definitely paying for dinner tonight, I mean look at you I’ll spend half the damn party keeping guys off of you,” he joked. you rolled your eyes and shoved him away from you. 
“who do you think I am? I don’t need my boyfriend, fake or otherwise, to save me from anyone!” you protested
“yeah but you like getting saved cus you’re a spoiled little princess-”
“Princess? oh I’ll show you whose a princess!”  
Of all the fights the two of you had gotten into, this one was by far the most complicated. The back seat of a town car didn’t provide for much mobility, and neither did the fancy clothes you were wearing, 
Sero had to be careful not to smudge your makeup and not undo the bowtie he had spent a good hour learning how to tie, while you worked hard not to let anything fall out of the skimpy dress you decided on wearing. In the end, Sero gave up letting you win. 
“Just wait until we get home Hanta and I’ll kick your ass for real,” you threatened, before getting distracted by a notification on your phone. Sero couldn’t help but smile a little. He was so completely whipped for you it wasn’t even funny. He loved how cute you looked when you were mad, He loved how you only got angrier when he let you win, he loved that you didn’t need to separate the idea of his home and yours. Sero knew that it was a bad idea to fall for your friends but he couldn’t help himself. 
He almost forgot that he was pretending to be your boyfriend by the time the car pulled to the stop outside of the venue. but then you slid over to him, taking his hand in yours. 
“remember you’re in love with me,” you mumbled as he opened the car door and helped you out, the dizzying flash of cameras all around you. 
“I’m In love with you,” he confirmed, hoping you would read into the words and see just how much he meant it. His hand fell to your waist pulling you close and you teasingly waved to the cameras as he walked you down the red carpet. Posing for pictures had always been his least favorite part of going pro, there wasn’t a part of him that could be described as graceful, but you seemed to be taking it in stride, he put his gaze on your lovely form and let a love stuck kind of smile appear on his face, charmingly goofy was his schtick and he would stick to it. hopefully the cameras would follow his lead and focus on you.
Once you were inside, things weren’t much better once you were inside the ballroom however. This was a work party for your agency, meaning he knew no one there but you. He felt a nervous pit of awkwardness form in his stoumach. He would have to prepare himself for a tense night of introductions and lame work stories. He dropped his arm but didn’t move from your side, you were his lone lifeline in this sea of strangers.
“you amaze me, I mean you can chase killers no problems but a room full of strangers turns you into a coward?” you teased elbowing him in the side, he just rolled his eyes
“at least I’m not afraid of spiders,” he teased back, snagging a flute of champagne off of a nearby tray. 
“well my coworkers don’t bite, I cannot say the same for the eight-legged bastards,” you pointed out grabbing your own glass. you held your drink aloft and he mimicked you
“Heres to getting out of here as soon as possible,” you proclaimed 
“To getting out of here!” the two of your clicked glasses and took a small drink, sealing the toast. 
“Right, Heres the plan: we say hi to everyone, listen to the award announcements then leave before they open up the dancefloor,” you decided, already dragging him to the first group of heroes. True to your word, none of your colleges bit him, but several of them recognized him. Sero had to admit, that stroked his ego quite a bit. overall, the conversations were quick but pleasant. He almost had a good time joking with and drinking champagne with strangers. It didn’t hurt that you spent the night clinging to his arm and bragging about what a great boyfriend he was, everyone seemed to buy it. Sero liked pretending like this, even if it would only be for tonight. 
So as the two approached the last group you had to greet, Sero was in high spirits. His first mistake. the group consisted of two women and one man, you seemed reluctant to great them, but you must have been getting tired, he didn’t blame you. 
The man, Naoki Jin, was bubbly, and a little too eggar to drag both of you into a needlessly long conversation. Jin also kept taking every opportunity to touch you, brushing his hand against your wrist to draw your attention, letting his fingers linger when he handed you a new champagne flute. Sero was pissed, to say the least, both as your best friend who secretly loved you and as your fake boyfriend. Who did he think he was, flirting with you while he was right there. 
Sero watched as your face grew redder as the flirting became more obvious. Sero had never liked it when other guys hit on you, but this was worse somehow. This slimeball was a part of your day to day life, saw more often then Sero ever would. 
Sero pushed you subtly behind him, letting you cling to his arm shyly. while you were normally loud and rambunctious, you always got quiet and nervous when you were a little buzzed.  
“can you stop hitting on my girlfriend?” Sero sighed, His word lacked all bite, the word girlfriend fumbling awkwardly off his lips. Jin smirked and tried to hook a finger under your chin, but missed snagging nothing but air. 
“Awe she doesn’t mind, do you Cutie?” he slurred, clearly a little drunk himself. you recoiled, hiding behind Sero. 
“besides I could show you a way better time than this jackass,” Jin laughed before turning his attention to Sero.
“I mean, no offense my man but if I had such a hot piece of ass on my arm all night I would have taken her home by now, you haven’t even kissed her, what kind of man are you?” he joked poking Sero in the shoulder roughly. 
“Just because I’m not making out with her 24/7 doesn-” Sero tried but Jin clearly wasn’t buying it  
“well if you’re really with her just kiss her,”  Jin pushed. Sero could feel his face flush and opened his mouth to keep protesting but he was muffled by a pair of ruby lips melding against his. He almost choked, If he was being honest, he had sort of forgotten that you were hiding behind him.  
your lips were so soft and warm, Sero had imagined them countless times, but the real thing was infinitely better. You tasted like mint and alcohol and you were kissing him so passionately he almost forgot that you weren’t really his girlfriend. Still, he couldn’t help but melt into your embrace slightly. He enjoyed the kiss for the short time it lasted. When you did pull away he had to stop himself from diving back into kiss you again.
“geese now I have wash my face,” Sero scoffed trying to sound casual. He shot jin a death glare and carefully maneuvered you away. you quietly handed him wipe from your purse letting him scrub away the red mark you had left on his mouth. 
“I’m sorry Sero I don’t know what I was thinking-” he turned to look at you and saw you were close to tears. He quickly moved to comfort you, cupping your cheek and shushing you quietly. 
“oh come on don’t cry, it’s okay,” he whispered to no avail, thick beads of water gathered in the corners of your eyes before spilling over onto your cheeks. the tears quickly turned black as they caught your mascara. 
“You know this is a real emergency,” he sighed, switching into a playful tone of voice “and as the 15th highest ranked hero It is my job to rescue you,” he teased. you sniffled looking up at him, almost like you were waiting for him to save you. He started pulling you towards the exit not caring that you were leaving embarrassingly early. 
“let's get the hell out of here and get some tacos,” he joked sneakily pulling you out of the back door. 
The two of you did your best to sneak out, avoiding photographers to the best of your abilities but the combination of alcohol and your heels made it difficult to walk in a straight line, let alone walk stealthily, but somehow the two of you managed to slink into the waiting car. 
Sero rubbed his palms over your arms smoothing over the goosebumps that had formed. 
“Better?” he asked, you nodded and wiped away the last of your tears. 
“You really aren’t mad?” you asked again, 
“Nah why would I be mad? I got to kiss a beautiful girl,” he teased elbowing you in the side. The car was dark, and he couldn’t make out all your features, but he could clearly see the blush that spread across your face. 
“Then, would you mind it if I kissed you again?” you mumbled fumbling with your fingers. Sero wasn’t sure what emotion he was supposed to feel when the love of his life asked to kiss him. But he was overcome by a sense of calm as he leaned in, cupping your face and guiding your crimson lips back to his.
Now here he was, crashing threw his apartment, kissing you, and cupping your tits. You gripped his shoulders tightly,  moaning as he sucked your collarbone. 
“imma make you feel so good baby,” he groaned pulling on your nipple before kissing the globes of your breasts. you wiggled beneath him, trying and failing to unzip the red dress that only seemed to hinder your movements. you were impatient to be naked, all too eager for Sero to have his way with you.   
“H-Hanta dress,” you whimpered
“you want it off sweetheart?” He asked flicking his dark eyes up at yours. you bit your lip and nodded. In a flash the garment was discarded. 
“no bra? that's a bold move,” He laughed examining your bare chest. 
“S-Shut Up the dress wasn’t made for a bra,” you defended weakly, crossing your arms over your chest, hiding your breasts from view. 
“Come on baby Don’t hide,”  Sero groaned lowly running his hands down from your ribcage to your hips feeling your warm skin under his hands.
“I’m sorry for teasing, let me make it up to you, yeah?” he asked and hooked his hands under your knees spreading your legs. He could see the damp patch forming on your underwear as he stared at your thinly valid crotch. 
“Can I eat you out?” he asked, biting the inside of your thighs making you jerk, your legs clamping around his head. 
“yes, p-please,” you whimpered shamelessly. Sero pushed your panties to the side, running his tongue over your lips before nuzzling deeper into your folds pushing his tongue inside of you. His strong hands pushed your thighs apart keeping you from locking your legs around his head. instead, you settled for raking your fingers through his thick black hair pulling him into place. 
You moaned his name as you rolled your hips against his face. Sero took it stride, matching your pace. Sero dug further into your pussy with his tongue, eggar to devour you. You looked so beautiful dissolving in pleasure beneath him, He had imagined you like this countless times but none of his perverted fantasies held a candle to the real thing. 
Sero sat back on his knees, whipping your cum off oh his mouth with the back of his hand. you jerked up and started working off his suit jacket before tugging on his tie. He snorted and moved to help you take off his shirt. 
“awe is someone feeling needy, Princess?” he teased, you playfully socked him in the shoulder 
“I’m going to kick your ass Sero,”  you scowled
“fine, but can we at least fuck first?” asked pulling you close. you straddled his lap and undid his belt slowly, a drastic change from need wich you had ripped off all his other clothes. 
“I’ll consider it,” you teased running your hands over his lap feeling his har cock strain against his silky trousers. Sero bit his lower lip his thighs shuddering as you stroked him.  
“you trying to make cum in my pants princess?”  he asked gripping both of your wrists harshly stopping your motion. you smirked 
“Dunno I think that would be kinda funny don’t you?” you asked. Sero rolled his eyes and tossed you off of his lap on to the bed. You stripped off your remaining article of clothing as he jerked his own pants off. 
“you really need to shut up,” he muttered spreading your legs again, you kissed his neck smearing your red lipstick across his skin. there was something beautiful about the streak of color, you smiled against his skin already deciding to mark his entire skin like that. 
“Are you sure this is okay?” Sero asked nervously.  
“Yes, I want you Sero,”  you confirmed pulling him closer and kissing him gently. he teased your folds with the head of his cock before pushing into you.
“f-fuck,” he hissed feeling your tight walls fluttering around him. He focused on his breathing you focused on his jaw, leaving red kiss marks on his skin. “I’m going to move now,” he purred, slowly regaining his confidence, as his hips drew back. 
“You’ve got such a good cunt Princess, you’re squeezing my cock so nicely,” he praised, instantly your face flushed and you couldn’t help but tighten around him as he bucked his length in and out of you, a fact Sero didn’t miss. 
“you like that huh? Princess has a praise kink?” he teased. 
“S-Shut up,” you yelped, but you were too cute to not tease. a river of dirty talk flowed from Sero’s lips as he fucked into you. how good you felt, how beautiful you were how hard he was going to make you cum. 
“Hanta I’m going to cum-” you whimpered sinking your teeth into your bottom lip. he reached down and rubbed your clit making you jerk. 
“I’m right there with you baby,” he grunted, his thrusts became more erratic and stilted. your nails raked down his back leaving angry red lines along his back. you called his name a final time as your orgasm crashed through your body, you were still shaking when Sero pulled out his cock, twitching with need. He trailed his hand over his own length, paying close attention to the tip of his length. He was ready to burst and spill his seed over your stoumach when you moved faster than lightning tackling him and almost knocking him off the bed. 
“My turn to treat you, Princess,” you purred licking your own wetness off his shaft before swallowing his cock fully. It only took a few bobs of your head for him to come undone in your mouth. You greedily sucked his cock drinking down his seed as it filled your mouth. 
“You really are dirty girl huh?” he laughed tugging your hair to get you off. you snickered and shoved his shoulder falling back onto the bed, Sero staid hovering above you for a moment more, enjoying the afterglow that seemed to incase you at that very moment. He wondered if the two of you would just go back to just being friends, now way right? Sero laid beside you and pulled you into his arms, and obviously and purposefully romantic gesture. 
Like everything, you took it in stride, pulling his arms tighter around your middle and melting against his chest. It was a comfortable, if not a little messy, embrace. 
“We should probably wash up,” you sighed craning your neck to look at him,
“you’re probably right,” He sighed 
“Okay here's the plan: we shower, I’ll steal some of your clothes, we get food, watch a movie and maybe go for round two depending and I spend the night,” you proclaimed. Sero couldn’t help but beam, 
“Sounds like a plan, Princess,”
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shera-dnd · 3 years
Face Turn - Falls Count Anywhere
This time Weiss suffers her first pinfall on the ring and an even bigger fall outside of it
Let’s see how she handles those
Follow the AO3 link here if you wanna read over there and let’s get on with today’s show!
Creepy fans or no creepy fans, the story had to go on and so Weiss and Yang put all their focus into that and none in dealing with the social media weirdness happening around them. For that Weiss was almost grateful for her narrower field of view, it made it easier to tunnel vision into what she had to do.
And right now what she had to do, was lose.
She was fighting Yang once more and this time she would suffer a real defeat by her hands. Sure it won’t be half as bloody as their first fight, but that would only serve to make her character even more angry that she was constrained by these stupid rules. Meanwhile real Weiss was just amused that these people were buying any of that.
“Weiss,” Yang whispered as she struggled to keep Weiss pinned down, “drop the smirk.”
What? Damn it, the shippers! That wasn’t what she was going for with that smirk, but of course they would take this the wrong way. At least the scowl that came after that was genuine.
She hated having to worry about every little interaction she had with Yang. She just wanted to enjoy her time with her best friend and not have to worry about what other people think. She also wanted to beat the shit out of her best friend without having to worry about what other people think.
Regardless of what she wanted the fans were there and the signs she wasn’t allowed to rip in half were there also.
So she just took her defeat, did a little speech about how she would get her next time and then headed back stage.
She had showered and changed and was on her way to ask Yang if she would be down for hitting the Fang tonight, when she found something unexpected on the way.
A woman maybe three or four years younger than her and considerably shorter, standing in the corridor, bouncing from one foot to another with barely contained energy. Weiss glared at her and considered calling security.
“Hey,” the woman greeted with a smile so bright it threatened to make her blind in her other eye, “did my sister finish kicking your butt already?”
Ah that explained the excessive energy and beaming smile. She was a Xiao Long.
“You must be Ruby,” she answered, curtly.
“And you must be Weiss,” Ruby replied, undaunted by her rudeness, “Did Yang tell you about me?”
“Like I give a shit what that woman has to say.”
“You know I was raised by wrestlers, right? I know what kayfabe is,” she explained, “you can drop the act around me.”
At that Weiss chuckled, “don’t worry, she didn’t tell me anything embarrassing.”
“I can’t believe you already got the ice queen to laugh,” Yang declared as she walked up to them, “you know how hard I had to work to get her to do that sober?”
“Yang!” Ruby nearly shouted as she dashed into her sister’s arms.
“Hey, Rubes,” she greeted as she gave her a rib crushing hug, “wasn’t expecting you here so soon.”
“I wasn’t expecting either,” she explained, “but Dr. Pietro wanted me here so I could work closer with our robotics expert.”
Right, the girl was an aerospace engineer or something of the sorts.
“Wait! You’re staying this time?” Yang asked, finally putting her down.
“For a few more months at least,” she beamed, “that means I get to watch you live again!”
“That’s awesome!”
And there they were, hugging again. Weiss had to admit she felt a bit awkward there.
“Should I leave you two to your sisterly bonding or…?” She eventually asked.
“Nope!” Ruby replied, “you’re part of the bonding now.”
Next thing she knew she was having drinks with the sisters and listening to them ramble on about their lives. The excitement in Ruby’s voice whenever she talked about how cool her dad and her sister were, the pride in Yang’s eyes when she mentioned Ruby’s degrees - the girl got into college two years early and that was no small feat - it was all so incredibly sweet.
 It was nice spending time with those two.
“You know, when I met Weiss I asked her to drop the act too,” Yang began and Weiss felt all pleasant feelings about this night simply disappear, “you know what she said?”
“Oh god,” Weiss groaned.
“She said ‘who said it’s an act?’” She said, giving Weiss a weirdly rough voice for some reason.
Ruby was roaring with laughter next to her and Weiss was considering ‘accidentally’ punching Yang in the face during their next match.
“Hey! Tell her the whole story, damn it!” She argued back, not willing to just take a hit like that without fighting, “I only said that because that’s what you said when I asked you to drop the cheerful act.”
“You know, asking people to stop being cheerful doesn’t really help your case,” Yang teased.
“It was getting on my nerves!” She bit back.
“Doesn’t make you sound like any less of an edgelord.”
“And why did you give me a fucking Batman voice anyway!?”
“Because that’s what all edgelords sound like,” she replied, sticking her tongue out at the end.
“Oh that’s it, Xiao Long!” She slammed her hands down on the table and fixed a glare on her rival, “you just earned an ass kicking!”
“Bring it on, Schnee!” She called back, matching her stare and standing her ground.
A moment of tense silence dragged along between them, before it was broken by loud laughter.
Weiss couldn’t remember if she had ever laughed this hard before and over something so silly. Not long ago she would have refused to do something this stupid with anyone, but of course Yang of all people found a way to get her to.
Goodness she had actually cried of laughter.
“Okay okay,” Yang finally managed to say, after catching her breath a little, “I really need to use the bathroom right now. Do save the good jokes for after I come back.”
Weiss scoffed in fake mockery, “like you know what a good joke looks like.”
And with one last chuckle Yang left the two of them at the table by themselves.
“Hey,” Ruby called, sounding a lot more shy than before, “it’s nice seeing Yang happy like this again.”
Weiss awkwardly smiled at her, not sure how exactly to respond.
“Seriously,” she insisted, “whatever you did, thank you for that.”
“You really don’t have to thank me,” she deflected, “Yang is just always that cheerful.”
“I know she looks like she is, but…” Ruby paused, looking for the right words to use here, “...it feels tense sometimes. Like she feels like she needs to act happy around me. I know she’s under a lot of stress all the time, even if she doesn’t want to show it, so it’s nice seeing her truly happy like this again.”
Now that brought a more genuine smile to her face. Yang had made such an effort to make sure Weiss was happy that it felt nice knowing she had managed to do the same for her. It filled her chest with a warmth she didn’t know she could feel.
“Ah damn it!” Yang cursed in fake frustration, “you even got Weiss to smile faster than I did!”
Weiss shook her head and rolled her eyes, but it was in that moment that she realized. That moment when she caught that dorky smile on her face, when she heard her call her name just perfectly, when she felt the yearning of her heart. It was in that moment that she finally understood.
That she was so fucked.
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razorblade180 · 4 years
OC test:Speech!
[everyone shall be put in front of crowd and say something. Think of it like rallying troops, orientation, declaring war, whatever. The crowd is 500 strong.]
All the characters stand on a stage, overlooking the wave of people. Jacquelyn stands behind a podium with a microphone while everyone waits their turn.
Jacquelyn:Ummmm, sup? Not much for speeches so I’ll keep this brief. I don’t know what problems you all have, your background, or where you’re heading. What I do know is I’m down to listen to all of it. A traveler loves a good story, so make it your best.
The crowd of people seem a bit caught off gaurd, yet enlightened. They lightly clap and nod as she bows before letting Sienna take the spotlight.
Jacquelyn:Good luck!
Sienna:(How the hell do I follow that up!?)
Sienna:*clears throat* Yo, my name is Sienna Frost. The lovely lady before me was my mother if anyone was wondering. I might have two sets of ears but I assure you, story time isn’t my favorite thing. You wanna show me who you are, then do it instead. As far as mine goes, don’t worry where I’ve been. Just watch where I’m headed. I just might surprise you.
She held up a peace sign and made her exit, leaving the crowd with nothing to say. It would’ve felt like going against her words. Jael came up next. She opened her mouth to speak, but no words came out. The girl chose to back away then began to float up to draw everyone’s direction.
Jael:Remember, on the ground or in the air, look up to me.
That’s all she said before leaving. All the characters were absolutely stunned. Even Carmine. She was sure she’d be the only one to say something wild. Yujin awkwardly walked up next. People immediately started to smile and seem pleasantly surprised.
Yujin:By the looks of some of you, I take it you see my mother’s face in me? That’s fine, it’ll make this easier. Yujin Xiao Long, the girl that’ll be in future text books. Until then, watch me do my thang!
She gave the crowd a prideful smile and a fist bump into the air to hype them up. The crowd did it back and cheered. Tenzen used that energy and added it to his own charisma, choosing to stand on the podium.
Tenzen:Yeah! That’s what I’m talking about. Those with heart of fire and wild dreams, stick around! We’ll have the time of our lives! Never stop doing what you want!
The crowd got even more hyped as him and Yujin high fived before running off stage into the crowd itself. Everybody was given a high five and watched both leave as they laughed. Nick was next to go up. To get their attention, Nick made a glyph in the sky that made it snow. A quick change in the crowds attitude was immediately noticed as they stared at the dignified young man show his usual charming smile and kind eyes that made the women blush and most of the men jealous.
Nick:Good evening, I’m glad to see everyone so lively. As heir to a company you would think I’d be good a speeches. To be honest, I’m panicking inside right now. I made it snow, who just does that!?
The question got the crowd to laugh a little. Jealous faces unknowingly got a little softer.
Nick:Anyways, I just wanna tell everyone here that no matter the situation, lean on me. If not, then those you care about and have better spending habits. Hehe, I think I’ve said enough. Thanks and I hope you all have a good time listening to everyone else.
Crowd:(He’s so polite...)
Snowflakes crew:(There he goes, charming the masses like usual.)
Summer walked up next. Much like her twin brother, a glyph formed in her hand that quickly mixed with fire dust in her clothing. The warm of brace of embers flew out of it like a flicker camp fire that was drawn toward the snow. The gentle blend of fire and iced danced in air around the crowd, leaving them amazed. Summer was no stranger to a crowd or a stage. This might be her easiest test yet. The girl sung a simple word that enchanted everyone like a siren spell. “Mirror~”
Summer:I hope you all enjoyed that little tease. I typically like to warm my voice before addressing an audience so I though of that on the fly. Anyways-
The crowd interrupted her with applause. She hadn’t even spoken what was on her mind and they were hooked! Summer chose to accept it and made her way off the stage. It was even easier than she thought. She turned to Veronica and stuck her tongue out. The faunus responsed by flipping her off and walking away.
Eliza:You’re not making a speech?
Veronica:No, I hate people and do this sort of thing too much. I’m goons go draw or some shit. (Summer can’t say she had a better speech if I never do one.)
Valerie:Wait, this is optional? Guess I’ll leave too.
Eliza:At least day a sentence you two!
Both girls rolled their eyes and walked up together.
Veronica:Sometimes being the change you want and the change the world needs are two different things entirely; acknowledge way and take the step forward, not backwards.
Valerie:A jack of all trades is an ace to no one. Not that it’s a bad thing. Just find the other playing card.
The girls waved to the crowd and went off. Valerie started thinking, which card was she? Nick clapped for the two of them like he always does. Eliza took the opportunity to step forward. A snap of her fingers negated all the semblances still at play. Eliza took a running start to hop off the stage and land with a mighty thump that started a wave of sprouting flowers. This was beginning to be more of a talent show then a public speaking test. What was once winter had turned into spring!
Eliza:Sorry, but I think being eye level and warm with you all is far more appealing. I doubt many of you have heard of the a Marigolds but that’s fine. All you have to know is I’m the one who will elevate their status. Playing nice with others isn’t my strongest quality but fairness is. If by any miracle fate comes to join us together for a purpose, I promise I’ll stand by to the very end and pull out all the stops. I simply ask to put in all the effort you can as well.
A gust of wind came by and swept petals into the air as Eliza did a curtsy. As far as theatrics go, it was show, but more than that. It was the truth. A fair and honest truth. Like a gentle breeze on a spring day. Sparrow stood up to go next.
Sparrow:I....do not care about outcomes.
OCs:Yeah, what?
Sparrow:Good, bad, surprising, or boring; those concepts don’t apply whenever I’m sailing across the seas with passengers and crew mates. Everything that happens is apart of epic journey. Now I’m not gonna stand here and act like I’m anything special, because I’m not. All the same I am a captain and a damn good one at that. For those who passing through life with ambition in their hearts and freedom through their veins, sail with me. You might just be surprised. Thank you for your time.
The ex-military man put on his captain’s hat and walked away, never looking back at the crowds faces. All he heard were the footsteps of those who dared to follow him. The allure of his words reached some of the young men and women. 500 became 450. Kovu felt nervous, but a bit more confident as he went up to go next. All the women, children, sons and daughters, he looked at them in a different light because of Sparrow.
Kovu:Before Sparrow went up here I had the idea of talking about my family and how they motivate me to do my best. While that is true, now I can’t help but sing a different tune. This isn’t my first time with a microphone in front of my face and it probably won’t be the last. It’s what happens when you’re a Belladonna and your other mom is a top rate huntress. Still, it doesn’t feel real that I should get a microphone and a podium because of that; I’m just a regular guy. Being down there feels more comfortable to me than being up here ever will. Average strength, intelligence, normal qualities, but I guess that last one is debatable.
Carmine:Yeah, you dork!
The crowd and Kovu chuckled at the call out. Carmine didn’t know people too well, but she knew Kovu well enough to know when he’s being hard on himself. She spoke up more for his benefit than anybody else.
Kovu:The point is I’m stunned that despite me just being some normal person, I’m very thankful for the fact that you all stand before me to listen. That’s what motivates me most. Thanks, I’ll keep doing my best.
The crowd happily applauded for him. No fancy tricks or even something to leave the biggest impression. Just a boy who made a speech. On a stage full of giants in their own right, having Kovu being so relatable was a breath of fresh air in its own way. Carmine gave him a thumbs up and finally stepped forward. She ignored the podium entirely, choosing to project her voice to all who looked. The commanding yet calm presence she gave off was already at play.
Carmine: Once upon a time my mother Ruby Rose saved the world. She did it with strength, intelligence, and kindness above all. Her dream to protect others fueled her keep striving towards a happy ending. That same compassion wasn’t paid forward unfortunately and my mother suffered a loss some time later that nearly broke her. My mother wasn’t a very religious person until that incident from what people tell me, but it helped give her peace of my. Everyday she prayed to her god for the strength to press and breathe new life into her symbolically. Until one day it became literal. She asked her god for strength and he gave her me. I’m hopes and dreams given flesh. Not just hers, but I’m yours too. *points to the crowd* To all of you good people wanting peace and needing a defender of your normal life, pick whatever god you worship and thank him for me. To those who decide to rot the world they live in with hate and malice, choose a god and make your peace when you meet me. My name is Carmine Arc Rose, the greatest huntress, no, the greatest huntsman in general to ever walk Remnant. I’ll move forward first to keep you all safe. See you at the finish line, eventually.
Her body faded away into rose petals that were carried into the wind. She was never there to begin with. Carmine had more important things to do. The crowd once again fell silent as the petals kept scattering. All the other testers were at a loss for words themselves, except Kovu.
Kovu:Oh boy, as blunt as ever. To think she’d declare her standing among them like that? She might’ve just told them out right how far away they are compared to her.
Yujin:That was badass!
Sienna:More like cocky. She said she’s the greatest huntsman ever. What does that make her mom?
Kovu:The greatest hero. There’s a difference between the two in Carmine’s eyes. Try not to bring it up though. It’s a can of worms she won’t answer. Ruby is no doubt a Great huntsman but....Carmine has feelings about that title.
A petal gently fell into his hand before taking flight again. Aero still silently resting in the question tree with Carmine sleeping under it. Her little brother fast asleep in her lap. An exceptional huntsman yes, but an even better big sister.
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andrewmoocow · 3 years
Steven Universe Alternate Future chapter 3: Cracks and Buds (originally published on December 21, 2020)
Author's note: Like I said last chapter, this will be where things get interesting and diverge a bit from the original version of Future. In addition to merging Rose Buds with Volleyball, A Very Special Episode will mostly be skipped since while I did enjoy that one, it pretty much rendered itself non-canon by the end. However, elements of that will be incorporated into the final episode of Part 1. But I've been talking too much, let's get on with the show!
Synopsis: Steven is forced to air out more of his mother's dirty laundry when Pink Pearl and a group of Rose Quartzes visit Earth.
Zach Callison as Steven
Estelle as Garnet
Michaela Dietz as Amethyst, Ocean Jasper, Lace Amethyst, Famethyst
Deedee Magno-Hall as Pearl, Pink Pearl, Shell, Mega Pearl
Tom Scharpling as Greg
Kimberly Brooks as Shy Rose, Superfan Rose, Hippie Rose, Angel Aura Quartz, Zebra Jasper, Biggs Jasper, Carnelian, Skinny Jasper
Christine Pedi as Holly Blue Agate
Amy Sedaris as Teal Zircon
Lamar Abrams as Wy-Six
Cristina Vee as Jay-Ten
Dee Bradley Baker as Lion
Noël Wells as ?
"Thanks for stopping by to help me with this painting while I help some of these Gems today TZ." Steven, wearing a doctor's uniform, thanked Teal Zircon while she stood before a painting of her former leader Rose Quartz. "Seeing this after all I've been through recently is kinda making me uncomfortable, so I want it moved somewhere else."
"Can do Steven!" Teal exclaimed while keeping her eyes on the painting, contemplating what to do with it. "Now where to put this."
First, Teal tried hanging the portrait above the temple gate. "Naw, no good."
Next, Teal went up to Steven's conservatory and thought Rose's serene expression would fit well among the greenery, but then changed her mind. "Hm, needs to be more grandiose."
Then, she tried going up to the temple's hand and hung it on one of the fingers. "Nice view, but I'm not sure."
Warping back down to Steven, Teal Zircon carried the Rose Quartz painting over to the kitchen and leaned it against the trashcan. "Hey Steven, you think this is a good spot?!" she called to Steven, who had just wrapped up healing a Ruby.
"Wait, in the garbage?" Steven asked as he walked over to the painting near the trash. "Why would you choose that place?"
"Well, it's simple really." Teal explained. "Y'all think Rose is trash now so therefore, she belongs with actual trash."
"No, it's not like that!" Steven objected to the Zircon's decision. "Rose may have done some highly questionable things, like faking her own death as Pink Diamond and lying to both sides for thousands of years, but that doesn't mean she should just be thrown away like that!" Before Steven could continue, there was a knock at the door. "Hang on, gotta take this."
When Steven opened the front door, he was greeted with tons of Quartzes with cracked gems and physical deformities. "Volleyball must've gotten real wild, eh?"
"You said it!" Biggs Jasper replied, sticking out a finger that had an eyeball at its tip.
A few minutes later, all the Quartzes were back to normal thanks to Steven, and they returned to their volleyball game while he waved them off. "Come again!" Steven cried. "But not like, too soon. Remember, volleyball isn't a contact sport!"
"Yo Schtu-ball!" Steven's father Greg called for him while he walked towards the beach house with Amethyst in tow. "Did you and that crazy Zircon find a good place for that painting yet?"
"No can do." Teal answered with a shake of her head.
"What she said." Steven agreed. "After everything that's happened lately, I don't know if I still want her hanging over us, y'know?"
"Hey, speaking of pink Gems, I think someone might wanna talk with you." Amethyst said, and she & Greg moved out of the way to reveal Pink Diamond's former Pearl standing behind them.
"Oh, it's you!" Steven exclaimed, recognizing Pink Pearl from when he managed to free everyone from White Diamond's control, including her. "What brings you to Earth?"
"I came here because I heard you might be able to help with this." The Pearl said, stepping forward while gesturing to her hideously cracked eye that extended to parts of her face and even a small portion of her hair.
"Well step right on in!" Teal Zircon exclaimed before she and Steven walked Pink Pearl into the house and sat her down. "You came to the right guy. You should've been here earlier. He was able to fix up all these Quartzes, including one that had an eye growing on her finger!"
"Thanks TZ, but let me take care of this." Steven said. "I'll have you fixed up in a jiffy." He began to lick his palm, which grossed Pink Pearl out. "Don't worry, it may seem gross but it gets the job done." He placed his healing saliva-covered palm on his patient's gem and waited for her eye to be healed. But sadly, nothing happened.
"Did it work?" Pink Pearl quietly asked.
"Maybe you should try touching her eye?" Teal suggested.
"That's exactly what I was going to say." Steven stated before he licked his hand again. This time, the spit went on Pink Pearl's injured eye. But just like last time, nothing happened. "This can't be right!" he said to himself. Steven rushed over to a plant and plucked off a leaf to double-check. He tapped on the stem the leaf came from, and out of it came a bouquet of flowers. "It's alright, my powers are fine."
"But what if there's something more to this?" TZ guessed, sitting down where Steven once sat right across from Pink Pearl. "Tell me, I've been told you were controlled by White Diamond once. I know this might be a touchy subject, but is there anything you remember from that time?"
"Nope!" Pink answered. "8,000 years just, blip! Gone!"
"So you don't remember getting cracked in the first place?" Steven asked.
"Oh no no." Steven's patient corrected him. "This was from before."
"So White must've hurt you at some point!" Teal guessed earnestly. "Is that right?"
"Oh stars, no!" Pink Pearl stated. "This was all Pink Diamond's doing!"
"My mom?!" Steven yelped at this revelation and began tensing up, turning a little pink in the process.
"Told you." TZ muttered, unintentionally making Steven more nervous already until Pink Pearl let out a gasp.
"Are you okay?" Pink Pearl asked Steven, who began to ease up more thanks to her.
"Sorry, it's just baggage." Steven let out a sigh of exhaustion. "And thanks a lot Teal."
"Oop, sorry!" Teal giggled nervously. "No hard feelings?"
"It's fine." Steven said to Teal and turned back to Pink Pearl. "Anyway, I think I know just the Pearl to help us fix you!"
As Steven took Pink Pearl outside, Amethyst joined the two as they began searching for Pearl. "So, I take it fixing her eye was a no-go?" she asked.
"You're right, and that's why we're looking for Pearl." Steven said. "You know where she is?"
Before Amethyst could answer, a stray volleyball zoomed past her, Steven and Pink Pearl. Right in front of them, the same group of Quartzes Steven healed earlier were playing a very aggressive round with Pearl serving as the referee.
"Think fast!" Angel Aura Quartz yelled before she spiked the ball towards Zebra Jasper's head, followed by Pearl blowing the whistle.
"Next set!" Pearl declared before she noticed Steven. "Oh, if it isn't my favorite medical professional. How's your clinic going?"
"Hey Pearl, you got a moment for she and Steven here?" Amethyst asked, pointing to Pink Pearl.
"Sure." Pearl accepted as she looked at Pink Pearl. "Did you come to compete?"
"Pardon?" Pink Pearl asked confusedly.
"I mean, in the volleyball tournament." The other Pearl blushed awkwardly.
"Actually, we came here because we need your help." Steven said.
"Okay, what can I do for you?" Pearl asked the two.
"So, this is Pearl." Steven introduced Pink Pearl to Pearl. "She was Mom's, I mean, Pink Diamond's Pearl too, a long time ago." Unfortunately for Steven, introductions quickly got confusing. "And Pearl, you remember Pearl? She was also Pink Diamond's Pearl, AGH! That's too many Pearls!" he snapped in befuddlement. "We should probably give you a nickname."
"A nickname?" Pink Pearl blushed in surprise.
"Yeah, a nickname." Steven repeated.
"Like how Steven calls Teal Zircon stuff like Teal or TZ." Amethyst said. "Maybe we could put an eyepatch over that eye and call you Captain Pearl!"
"Oh, I know what a nickname is." Pink Pearl stated. "It just reminds me of how Pink Diamond once gave silly little names to everything." She added, reminiscing on her former owner with a longing stare. "She was so funny like that."
"Looks like someone's still holding a torch, am I right?" Amethyst snarked. "Now if only I had an eyepatch lying around."
"How about-" Steven began just before a volleyball hit him in the face, and an idea hit him just as hard. "Volleyball!"
"Volleyball? You're so funny!" Pink Pearl, now known as Volleyball, blushed with a cute giggle. "You're just like her."
"No, I'm not like," Steven yipped in surprise. "Anyway, we're here because of the crack on-"
Steven was cut off however by the beach growing darker as a large rumbling sound rang out, and an equally large dagger-like silhouette descended towards them.
"Uh guys, is that who I think it is?" Greg rushed to join the Gems, as the shape grew closer to the Earth.
"Um, is whoever's in there with you?" Volleyball asked nervously.
"Yep." Steven answered, before the Human Zoo docked itself right in front of him. "They're with us."
"Ste-Van, greetings!" Wy-Six, one of the humans inhabiting Pink Diamond's former human zoo, merrily greeted Steven alongside Jay-Ten through the communicator in Steven's conservatory.
"Jay-Ten, Wy-Six, how did you get your space station all the way to Earth?" Steven asked just as cheerfully.
"We took the Zoo ship and made it into a cruise ship!" Jay-Ten answered.
"Um, I don't think I was told there were humans that made it to space." Volleyball stated.
"You were still under White's control when Pink had this human zoo made for her." Pearl suggested to Volleyball just as Greg, Amethyst and Teal Zircon arrived in the conservatory. "I'll fill you in later."
"Oh hey Jay-Ten. Hey Wy-Six." Greg nervously greeted the two Zoomans, whose pleasant expressions turned sour in his presence. "I haven't seen y'all since the Choosening!"
"You mean since you DIDN'T choosen us?!" Wy-Six said angrily. "Don't you have any sound discs to listen to in your wheeled conveyance?"
"Yes, yes I do." Greg replied as he nervously walked away from the conversation.
"Now that he is gone, we'd love it if you came by for a visit." Wy-Six offered.
"Sure thing." Steven accepted the offer. "Is it okay if Amethyst came along and saw the Famethyst?"
"You're right, I gotta introduce the Quartzes to them!" Amethyst exclaimed before preparing to run off. "Oh we're gonna have such a ball!"
"As long as she is not Ga-Reg, she is welcome." Jay-Ten smiled.
Since Steven had last been there, the Human Zoo had received a massive overhaul. Now that Era 3 came with the end of the caste system, the Famethyst and the Zoomans essentially took over control of the zoo from Holly Blue Agate and turned it into a paradise for themselves.
"Ste-Van, welcome to our cah-ruse!" Wy-Six declared, introducing Steven, Pearl, Volleyball, Amethyst and the Little Homeschool Quartzes to the new & improved Human Zoo.
"Wow, it looks so much different that last time." Pearl gasped in astonishment at how much change they brought to the space station.
"Um, was it always like this?" Volleyball asked the Zoomans.
"Kind of." Jay-Ten said to the Pearl. "We were descended from humans that were taken here and choosened, but it's all different now for us while the Amethysts and Jaspers laze around like delinquents! Am I right Holly Blue?"
"Stop relaxing and get back to your posts, you low class twits!" Holly Blue yelled orders to the relaxing Amethysts, despite the fact that she no longer had power over them. "How can anyone function with this total lack of order?!"
"Aw come on Holly, chill out." A Carnelian the size of Amethyst said while another Amethyst put a flower crown on the angry Agate's head. "You know you want to."
"I give up. No one answers to me, and I answer to no one." Holly Blue kept ranting, unaware that Steven and Volleyball were standing behind her. "I'd give anything for an order from the Diamonds, but all they ever talk about is Steven, Steven, Steve-STEVEN?!"
"Hi Holly!" Steven casually greeted Holly Blue. The Agate gave a stink-eye to Volleyball before nervously shuffling away while performing the Diamond salute, and ran off as her former subordinates laughed at her expense.
"Soon boy. Soon." Holly growled under her breath as she ripped the flower crown off her head and the doors slowly closed behind her. "That Pearl we made into a sleeper agent better work."
"Bye Holly." Steven said just as casual, unaware of what Holly Blue murmured.
"Yo, Famethyst!" Amethyst called to her fellow Quartzes. "Meet some of my new homies!"
"AMETHYST!" the Famethyst cried out happily before Amethyst spin-dashed towards the group and knocked them all down like they were bowling pins.
"Hey, you came here with Amethyst here?" a very skinny Jasper asked Zebra Jasper as she held up Amethyst. "You guys are gonna love it here."
As the large group of Quartzes laughed and played together, Steven looked on with a grin. "What a weird, happy family."
"Ste-van, we have some special friends we'd like you and your Pearls to meet." Wy-Six said to Steven and the Pearls before he led them out of the Zoo.
"They wanted to meet us?" Pearl asked in total confusion.
"Yes, it is they who wanted to come with us to Earth." Jay-Ten replied before they stood in front of the door that led to a room where so many Rose Quartz gems were bubbled by the Diamonds. "We cannot wait to see the look upon your faces when you see their faces! Ooh, here they come!"
The door opened, and standing before Steven, Pearl & Volleyball was a Rose Quartz with a face and hair eerily similar to the Rose that Pink Diamond had disguised as. While Steven and Pearl stood wide-eyed in shock, Volleyball was still left in the dark.
"Yes, that's the look we wanted to see!" Wy-Six exclaimed.
"I suppose she looks familiar to you?" Volleyball asked her friends, who were still silent in alarm as two more Roses, a medium pink-colored messy haired Rose with her gem on her shoulder and another with her gemstone on her chest and slightly straighter hair of a lighter color, rushed out of the room, where tons more formerly bubbled Rose Quartzes frolicked about.
"S-s-so many Rose Quartzes." Steven finally stuttered in surprise. "But how?"
"Now that it's Era 3, we were all unbubbled, so now we're making up for lost time!" the shoulder-gem Rose revealed excitedly while shaking Steven's hand. "Hi, I'm Rose Quartz! And you, you must be Steven!" she added while picking the boy up. "You're so much smaller than I thought you'd be! Is it because you're half-organic? Isn't he amazing Rose Quartz?"
"It's, like, we were bubbled but, like, now we're not." The chest-gem Rose pointed out while speaking like a hippie while her super-excitable companion presented Steven to her.
"Uh yeah, it's really great." Steven laughed awkwardly. "I'm glad to see you're adjusting well."
"Oh, isn't Steven just the best?!" the hyperactive Rose exclaimed. "You're so kind and friendly and brave and smart and handsome and gentle, and we haven't seen the Earth since we first emerged! Tell us, what's it like living there?"
The familiar-looking Rose Quartz peeked out from behind the hippie-like Rose, continuing to make Steven & Pearl nervous while Volleyball still looked befuddled.
"I'm sorry, what?" Pearl stuttered.
"You know, the planet you live on, Earth!" the happy Rose shouted as she lowered Steven to the ground. "What's a day in the life like for a hero like you?"
"Well, most days I am pretty busy." Steven answered shyly. "I wake up pretty early and-"
"Where's your house at?" the hippie Rose interrupted with a question of her own.
"Oh, we have a beautiful view of the ocean." Pearl answered.
"I've never seen the ocean before!" the exuberant Rose said, placing a hand on Steven's shoulder.
"I've never smelled it before." Her relaxed friend added as she placed a hand on Steven's other shoulder, making him even more disturbed. "Speaking of smell, what's it like breathing?"
"It's mostly nitrogen." Steven explained. "My friend Connie says-"
"I bet you sleep ALL the time!" the Rose that had pretty much become Steven's new number one fan cheered.
"Well, not all the time." Steven replied. "I only need eight to ten hours of sleep at night at my age."
"What's it like eating food?" the fangirling Rose squealed eagerly.
"W-w-w-well why don't you come to dinner and find out?!" Steven blurted out while looking at the shy Rose with a massive degree of unease. "That is, if you want?"
"I'm still lost. Why are Rose Quartzes such a touchy subject for you?" Volleyball piped up, breaking up the tension.
"Oh ye of little faith." Pearl declared as she put a hand on her fellow Pearl's shoulder. "You have so much to learn."
Just then, the Quartzes suddenly arrived via conga line led by Amethyst; seemingly unaware of what just happened. "Yo Steven!" Amethyst cried, before she turned catatonic at the sight of the Rose Quartzes with Steven and the Pearls. "Uh, what did I miss?"
"Family reunion." Steven answered meekly before the Quartzes conga-lined away. "So what do you say girls?"
"I'd love to Steven!" the shoulder Rose cheered and gave Steven a big hug. "Come on guys, Steven's having us over!"
"Like, wow man." The chest Rose replied. "You really are a real sweet guy Steven."
"You go on ahead, I'll catch up later!" Volleyball laughed while Steven and Pearl walked away with the Roses. When she was left completely alone, Volleyball hesitantly knocked on the wall and a peephole opened up. "I've come to report Holly Blue."
"Excellent, at least I have one bright spot." Holly Blue sighed happily from the other side of the wall. "Can you give me any important info?"
"Yes. Apparently this Rose Quartz they once spoke so highly of is a rather uncomfortable subject for the Crystal Gems." Volleyball said nervously. "I could see it in Steven, the Pearl and the Amethyst's eyes when they met those Rose Quartzes."
"The boss will like this." Holly Blue purred mischievously. "Return to that boy at once and see what else you can gather."
"That reminds me, I think I'd like to back out of this revolution." Volleyball murmured. "I know it's because of Pink Diamond that I'm like this, but Steven is barely anything like her! He even gave me a nickname!"
"You one-eyed moron!" the Agate yelled at the Pearl. "Our master has brought us together in the first place because Steven bent all of Homeworld to their knees by being a controlling brat, just like how Pink constantly threw tantrums because she didn't get what she wanted! Is that clear Pink Pearl?!"
Volleyball didn't listen however, and instead walked faraway from Holly Blue. "I still won't have any part in this." She declared hotly. "And by the way, they call me Volleyball now."
"What kind of stupid nickname is that?!" Holly shrieked furiously. "Get back and do as you're told, like the slave you are!" Her yelling fell on deaf ears and Volleyball was gone, leaving Holly to panic. "The master will not like this."
"He's cutting one of those carrot beans again." The excitable Rose announced as she, her fellow Roses, Garnet and Pearl watched Steven cut up some carrots on his dinner plate. "Going up…..into…his mouth!" she continued before Steven picked up a piece of carrot to eat. "Ah, and it's gone! No one can eat a carrot bean like you!"
"I've been doing this for most of my life now." Steven said, still unnerved by the Roses' obsession with him. "I'd hope that-"
"Hey Scthu-Ball!" Greg cheerfully greeted his son as he entered the beach house. "Any idea when the Zoomans will leave? I haven't had this many of my exes visiting since-"
"You must be Steven's human dad!" Shoulder Rose exclaimed. "Hi, how are you?!"
Greg completely stopped in his tracks at the sight of the three Roses, especially the one that looked almost exactly like his late wife. "I can feel the rest of my hair falling out."
Just as Greg was about to leave, Steven tried to stop him. "Don't go Dad. You wanna join us for dinner?"
"Nope!" Greg answered without hesitation, and left just as quickly as he came. As Mr. Universe left, Volleyball finally returned to Steven.
"Hi everybody, sorry I took so long." Volleyball fibbed. "Amethyst wanted me to stay a while."
"Uh…" Steven muttered.
"Okay, now back to this eating thing!" Shoulder Rose continued while she took Steven's plate for herself. "So, you take this food stuff and you put it in your face hole like this, right?"
"Yeah, that's basically it." Steven laughed nervously.
"Y'know, if I had my own Pearl, I'd totally, like, want it to be just like you." Chest Rose said as she gazed at a very unnerved Pearl. "You tried this butter stuff? It's real groovy."
"It's okay, but thanks anyway Roooooose." Pearl answered very uncomfortably.
"Excuse me Pearl, but are you alright?" the shy Rose Quartz asked Pearl.
"I'm going to the bathroom." Pearl abruptly declared and, as she stated, moved away to the bathroom.
"Yo, you're lookin' kinda tense." Chest Rose said to Garnet with a hand on the fusion's shoulder. "How about I give you a nice relaxing message while we talk?"
"I'm also in need of the bathroom!" Garnet stated and got up to follow Pearl to the john.
"Okay Steven, I think I got this eating thing down." Shoulder Rose proclaimed while holding a carrot from Steven's plate in front of his face like he was a little boy. "Here, open your face hole." With that, Steven reluctantly took the carrot and ate it. "Good job!"
"I, uh, should probably see how Garnet and Pearl are doing." Steven nervously said. "Why don't you talk to Volleyball here while I chat with them?"
As Steven left for the bathroom after Garnet & Pearl, the three Roses stared at Volleyball.
"So, what was it like as Pink Diamond's Pearl?" Navy Rose asked Volleyball.
"They're not her." Steven whispered to himself as he watched the Pearl talk with the Quartzes, with a hand on the doorknob. "It's not weird at all."
Steven found Garnet and Pearl waiting for him in the bathroom as he closed the door behind him. "So, how's it going?"
"Don't you think this is super weird?" Pearl asked her son figure. "I mean, we've lived without Rose for sixteen years now, and then here come these Rose Quartzes that were bubbled because of her! And one of them even looked like her!"
"Of course it's super weird Pearl!" Garnet answered bluntly.
"Come on guys, we can't all be like this." Steven tried to calm the two down. "It's like Pearl said, they were bubbled because they looked like Mom. Now they're finally free, and all we're doing is hiding away in the bathroom whispering to each other about the same thing."
"I know it's wrong," Garnet stated. "but I'm overwhelmed."
"You know what? They don't just look like her, they are here!" Pearl exclaimed. "Because she made them!" The ex-servant took a deep breath and buried her face in her hands in embarrassment. "I thought I'd be more prepared for this."
Just then, they heard someone rushing down the stairs, followed by a familiar voice. "Hey Steven, where are you?! I still need help with the painting!"
"That's gotta be TZ." Steven recognized the voice and prepared to go back outside. "You two wait here, I'm gonna go back out to make sure they're having a good time. And that they don't see the painting."
"Oh Steven, come out come out wherever you are!" Teal Zircon called for Steven around the house while she hauled the painting around on her back, when she noticed Volleyball and the Roses. "Oh hey Pink Pearl, who are your new friends?"
"Oh, you're that Zircon from earlier." Volleyball said. "I was about to tell these three Rose Quartzes about how I got my eye cracked when you came around. How are you doing?"
"I still can't find a good place to hang this doohickey that won't make Steven freak out." Teal explained as she flipped the painting off her back to show Volleyball. "I understand why he doesn't want it within his line of sight, but it's a very nice lookin' "meep morp" as I've heard some Gems call art."
As Steven finally emerged from the bathroom, he saw that Teal Zircon was presenting Rose's painting to Volleyball while the Roses looked on.
"I think we should leave." Navy Rose suggested. "We wouldn't want to overstay our welcome."
"But we're having so much fun!" Chest Rose complained, and the trio looked at Steven with hurt on their faces.
"Do you not want us here?!" Shoulder Rose asked Steven sorrowfully.
"N-no, you're totally welcome here!" Steven stuttered bashfully, taking a brief moment to glare at TZ for bringing up the painting at such a bad time as he slightly began to turn pink. "I-in fact, I think there's still something we should t-t-t-t-took, I mean talk about, like Volleyball! We haven't brought up your eye yet!"
"Oh yes, it's a real shame what White Diamond did to this poor thing!" Pearl dramatically agreed as she impulsively burst from the restroom, realizing far too late what she just did and covered her mouth in shame. "Oh, darn it!"
"Yeah, I mean, Steven's healing powers won't work on her eye." TZ replied. "Hey Pearl, you know a place where she can get fixed?"
"Well, when a Pearl was damaged, they're usually taken to the Reef." Pearl explained. "It's located on one of Saturn's moons
"Yes, that's exactly what Pink would do!" Volleyball chirped happily.
"Ooh ooh, can we come too?!" Shoulder Rose asked Steven and Pearl. "I always wanted to know how Pearls are made!"
"Oh sure, the more the merrier!" Steven accepted.
"That's so awesome!" Shoulder Rose yelled, and she dropped down to the floor. "I'm dying, I'm dying, I am dead! I am dead Rose Quartz!"
After they all had a good laugh, Steven, Pearl, Volleyball and the Roses all left for the Reef via Warp Pad, leaving Teal Zircon all alone in the living room. At least until Garnet peeped out of the bathroom. "I predicted you would play a role in screwing the pooch TZ." She coolly stated.
"Was it something I said?" Teal said meekly.
Far from Earth, past Saturn & Jupiter and on the moon called Titan rested the Reef, a Gem facility that was essentially the birthplace of Pearls. And it was just the place that Steven was looking for.
"Here we are." Pearl announced as the Warp Pad took her, Steven, Volleyball and the Roses to a clamshell-like building surrounded by water.
"So this is the Reef." Steven declared as he looked around the place.
"This is where Pearls are made, right?" Navy Rose asked.
"Were, but you're right." Volleyball answered. "It also serves as a luxury boutique and center for refurbishment & repair."
"Repair, yes!" Steven exclaimed. "Just what I needed to hear." When Steven pressed his hand on a nearby pedestal, the facility turned on and a voice similar to Pearl's spoke to the group.
"Welcome, Pink Diamond." The voice greeted Steven.
"No, my name's Steven Universe." Steven corrected the voice.
"Welcome, Steven Universe." The voice corrected itself. "My name is Shell, your guide to the Reef."
"Wow, it sounds just like Pearl!" Shoulder Rose chirped eagerly.
"Well, this is a place for Pearls." Pearl stated with a chuckle. "Anyways, tell Shell why we're here Steven."
"Okay." Steven said, and then he turned to Shell. "My friend Volleyball here has a big crack on her face, and we'd like to get it fixed. Can you show us where you can help?"
"Understood." Shell obliged as a path to the center of the facility was lit up. "Please follow the illuminated path to the Care Center."
"You really didn't need to go all this way for something so trivial." Volleyball smiled.
"It's not so trivial Volleyball." Steven assured Pink's former Pearl. "Soon, we'll all be able to put this behind us."
"And don't you worry." Pearl added while taking her fellow ex-slave's hand. "I'll be with you the whole way."
Steven and his Gem friends began following the lit path to the Care Center while they examined all the boutique's accessories and holograms of Pearls.
"This is like, so cool." Chest Rose commented. "Pearls are so lucky to get all this cool stuff."
"Please feel free to take your time looking at the boutique's latest offerings as we make our way to the Care Center." Shell instructed. One offering in particular caught Volleyball's eye.
"Look at these darling fans!" Volleyball exclaimed, pointing to an assortment of fans.
"I'm taking one of these for the road." Chest Rose snickered while taking one of the fans for herself.
"What about you Pearl?" Steven asked Pearl. "Any memories rushing back into you?"
"Please, nothing like examining all these glitzy tchotchkes to get you remembering the simpler days." Pearl scoffed when she found a ribbon wand on display. "I mean, who even needs something as tacky as a ribbon wand, right Volleyball?!"
"What a sweet ribbon wand!" Volleyball gasped at the wand on display. "It looks just like mine!" To demonstrate, she summoned a ribbon wand of her own just like what was displayed and began twirling it around. "It was a gift from Pink. Isn't it exquisite?"
"Ooh!" Shoulder Rose whooped in excitement.
"Takin' this one too." Chest Rose declared as she snatched the ribbon wand from its stand.
"It's sweet she gave you all these keepsakes." Pearl laughed sardonically. "But I don't think there's any need to get attached." She tried to remove the ribbon wand from Volleyball's grasp, but the other Pearl refused to lose it.
"Guys, can we keep moving already?" Steven said impatiently.
"Yes, let's." Pearl obliged grumpily before she stomped away to the Care Center. "I've had enough of this old circus of objectification."
"Welcome to the Care Center." Shell introduced the almost featureless round room to its guests as they stepped into it. "We have everything you need here to update and repair your Pearl."
"If only I had something to help us remember this trip by!" Shoulder Rose whispered to her fellow Quartzes as Volleyball stepped onto a panel in the middle of the Care Center.
"Hey, I got these." Chest Rose replied, holding up the trinkets she took from the boutique. "Can't wait to show everyone at the Zoo."
"Scanning in progress." Shell informed as the one-eyed Pearl was scanned for any injuries to her form.
"So how do I look?" Volleyball asked Shell, but the answer she got was nothing like she expected.
"I am sorry." Shell apologized. "There is nothing I can do."
"But I thought this place was for fixing Pearls!" Navy Rose exclaimed. "There's got to be some kind of misunderstanding!"
"That's right! What's wrong with her?" Steven agreed.
"There is no visible damage to her pearl." Shell analyzed. "Perhaps the damage was severe enough to impact her even if her gem shows no signs of disrepair."
"So, it's psychological?" Steven gulped at the AI's answer.
"That's absurd!" Volleyball laughed creepily while turning to the others. "I'm totally fine!" The forced smile on her face and the worsening cracks on her eye, on the other hand, told a completely different story.
"How could White be so careless?!" Pearl shouted furiously at Volleyball.
"Oh no Pearl, you got it all wrong." Volleyball revealed. "This was all Pink's doing."
"What did you just say?!" Pearl yelled in Volleyball's face, as Steven watched in horror.
"Ah dudes, I don't think Steven's looking too hot." Chest Rose muttered while she noticed Steven sweating very nervously.
"It's a real funny story." Volleyball said. "Once, Pink got so fed up with Yellow and Blue Diamond refusing to give her a colony that she went straight to White Diamond. Of course, White told her that she wasn't fit to have one, and that set her off."
"Set her off?!" Pearl shouted, currently unaware of the stress Steven was under at the moment. "What kind of crazy talk is that?!"
"You know how Pink's powers were so destructive, how she threw tantrums left & right and that her screams could crack walls!" Volleyball continued explaining, accidentally earning her more of Pearl's ire. "But she didn't mean to hurt me! I was just standing a little too close during one tantrum and-"
"It doesn't matter!" Steven yelled while averting his ears from more of his late mother's dark secrets. "I don't want to hear anymore, I just want to fix this!"
"Destructive powers? Tantrums?!" Pearl exclaimed in disbelief of what Volleyball was saying. "The Pink I knew was a healer who kept her feeling secret!"
"The Pink I knew couldn't keep a secret to save her own gem." Volleyball admitted.
"Are you kidding?!" Pearl replied as Steven's angst reached a boiling point. "If anything, she was too good at keeping secrets! In fact it was because of one secret that we're even here today!"
"STOP IT!" Steven finally screamed as he fully turned pink and his shout knocked the Roses off their feet, catching the Pearls' attention. "I've had enough with hearing about all the horrible things she did! I get it already, she was the absolute worst, can we just cut it out already?! I don't want to think about it anymore!"
"Steven, please!" Pearl cried out, shocked at both Steven's outburst and how it changed his body.
"I just want to fix it!" Steven exploded, causing a room-wide shockwave created by his fury, forming a crater beneath where he stood. Pearl rushed to the traumatized Volleyball's defense as the pink-colored Pearl curled up into a ball on the floor. When Steven finally calmed down, he gazed at his reflection in the broken floor and immediately regretted what he just did.
"I am terribly sorry for the troubles these defective Pearls have caused you." Shell coldly apologized while the whole Care Center turned an ominous red. "Rejuvenation is required to contain these two."
Suddenly, a pair of oyster shells emerged from the ground and began trapping the Pearls inside of them right before Steven and the Roses' eyes.
"Zoinks man!" Chest Rose yelled, a complete 180 from her usual hippie-like persona. "What do we do?!"
"We have to use our heads!" the panicking Shoulder Rose suggested, and her two sisters turned to face her. "Uh, what are you looking at me for?"
"When the process is complete, they will obey you without fail." Shell continued while pulling up a viewscreen showing the Pearls inside the clam-like trap.
"What have I done?!" Steven yelled frightfully while banging on the shells. "Please, let them out!"
In the midst of the chaos, a loud clanging noise was heard from the other side of the shell, which came from Chest & Navy Rose trying to use Shoulder Rose as a battering ram to help free the Pearls. "I didn't mean use my head!"
"Do not worry Steven Universe, your Pearls are about to be better than new!" Shell assured the boy while presenting him the viewscreen. "Feel free to examine this process from the outside using this screen."
While Steven was forced to watch as Pearl & Volleyball were writhing from the pink energy they were zapped with coursing through their forms, the Roses kept on using Shoulder Rose's head to try breaking them out.
"What are you three still doing?!" Steven cried out at them.
"We're just trying to help, uh doy!" Shoulder Rose yelled while rubbing her head.
"Can't you all take a hint?" Shy Rose stated. "He doesn't like us because we look like his mom, and us coming here made it worse!"
"There's no way that's true, right Steven?" Shoulder Rose began sobbing in disbelief.
"That's not important!" Steven replied. "What's important is that we have to save them!"
"Wow dude, not even considering our feelings?" Chest Rose said. "That's just cold!"
"Never meet your heroes." Shoulder Rose began crying.
"No please, don't leave me like this!" Steven yelled for them while they tried to escape the Reef. "You can still help me, it's just that you guys look so much like my mom! I thought I could finally move on from her, but then here you three come and start making feel all twisted up. I've been pretending I'm fine this whole time, but to be honest, I'm not."
"We've been pretending to be fine too." Navy Rose confessed.
"But not pretending to have fun with you!" Shoulder Rose added.
"And not pretending to take all this cool stuff." Chest Rose also stated.
"Your mom created us, and then we were bubbled because we looked like her." Navy Rose said. "Because we were Rose Quartzes. I don't really expect you to understand."
"But I do understand." Steven responded softly. "If anyone knows where you're coming from, it's me."
While Steven and the Roses were still outside, Pearl and Volleyball were on the verge of being rejuvenated into completely new Pearls, and used these last moments of their current selves to confide in one another.
"I'm sorry for not believing you!" Pearl apologized quickly to her fellow Pearl. "I just can't stop making all these excuses for her!"
"Is that what you've been doing?!" Volleyball asked while twitching in agony. "Like I said, she didn't mean to do this to me!"
"But you were hurt!" Pearl yelled. "Badly hurt!"
"You were badly hurt too!" Volleyball exclaimed. "But how did you stop all the hurt?!"
Pearl simply responded by hugging Volleyball tightly and proclaiming, "I didn't." When Volleyball hugged her back, the two began glowing in harmony.
"Don't worry Pearls, we got you!" Steven exclaimed as he and the Rose trio raced to the viewscreen just as it disappeared. "Oh no, are we too late?!"
Thankfully for Steven, his question was answered in the form of the clamshell exploding and from its remains came a fusion of Pearl & Volleyball, standing calm and confident. The fusion had a single gold eye while the other got its cracked eye from Volleyball, and was dressed in very regal attire.
"You fused!" Steven exclaimed joyously. The Roses were just as amazed, particularly Shoulder Rose who just kept squeeing in amazement.
"WARNING: UNKNOWN ENTITY SIGHTED!" Shell roared in alarm while activating the Reef's defense systems. "FACILITY DEFENSE PROTOCAL INITIATED!"
"We can cheer later dudes, we gotta bounce!" Chest Rose cried out as claws emerged from the walls. The Pearl fusion, however, detained all of the claws with elegant ease using a weapon that was Pearl's spear combined with Volleyball's wand.
"That's so awesome!" Shoulder Rose cheered. "Go Mega Pearl! Yeah, that's what I'm gonna call her, I call dibs!"
"Hang on everyone!" Mega Pearl exclaimed as she rounded up her four friends and sliced the Care Center's door open immediately after it was shut. Laser began firing from the walls, which Mega Pearl nimbly maneuvered through. But as one last defense, smaller clamshells tried to block the exit while tendrils emerged to keep Mega Pearl restrained.
"We were almost there!" Steven groaned in frustration, before Mega Pearl picked him and the trio up in her hand.
"You four take it from here." Mega Pearl said before she turned her ribbon spear into a lance that pierced straight through both the clams and the exit. She then tossed Steven, Shoulder Rose, Chest Rose & Navy Rose forward, and Steven used his shield to slide on as he reached for the pedestal to shut down the facility once again.
With the defense systems finally off, the door opened and Mega Pearl was lying gracefully on the ground, now free from the tendrils, and gazing tenderly at Steven.
Steven smiled back just as Shoulder Rose rushed up from behind him. "That, was, SO AWESOME!" she squealed and squished her cheeks in excitement.
"Best day ever." Chest Rose declared with her face to the ground and a thumbs up in the air.
"Come on, let's get out of here." Navy Rose sighed, exhausted but relieved that everyone was okay.
Unbeknowst to all the Gems as they left the deactivated Reef, a peculiar device left out some dying beeps in the Care Center, and then finally shut down.
Night fell by the time Steven and the Gems returned to Earth, and they all gazed out at the ocean together.
"Wow, everything looks so pretty at night." Shoulder Rose muttered in awe.
However, Steven was silent for most of the night, until he turned to Mega Pearl and the Roses. "I'm sorry that this whole trip was for nothing." He apologized to the fusion, and then turned to the trio of Quartzes. "And I'm sorry I made you guys feel bad."
"Nothing personal Steven." Chest Rose accepted the apology. "And like you said, no one could understand us more than you."
"Yeah. Guess that kinda makes us siblings in a way." Steven admitted.
"What does that mean?" Navy Rose said shyly.
"Well, my mom created you, just like how she created me." Steven guessed. "I think that would make you my sisters in a way."
"That sounds awesome!" Shoulder Rose cheered, and she gave Steven a big hug. "Siblings forever!"
"I'm glad to be related to you." Chest Rose agreed with the sentiment.
"I can't wait to tell all the other Rose Quartzes about this." Navy Rose said. "It was very nice getting to see Earth."
"This whole endeavor wasn't for nothing." Mega Pearl finally said softly. "Your mother's Pearls just never knew the whole story. One knew your mother as she was trying to change, but didn't know why. The other never expected her to change at all. But now, I can understand it all, and they can have each other."
With that, Mega Pearl unfused back into Pearl & Volleyball, holding hands and gazing out at the night sky. As Volleyball leaned on Pearl, Amethyst and the Little Homeschool Quartzes suddenly returned.
"Yeah, Famethyst for life!" Amethyst cried, accidentally ruining the mood as the others stared at her from behind. "Hey, what did I miss?"
"Oh, Steven!" Teal Zircon yelled as she raced towards Steven. "First things first, sorry for making your guests feel bad. And second, I think I finally found a place to put Rose! And no, I won't put her in the trash this time."
"That's great TZ." Steven smiled at the Zircon. "What did you have in mind?"
Later that night, Steven was lying peacefully in bed with Lion by his side. And within Lion's mane, Rose Quartz's painting leaned against the tree within its pocket dimension, no longer hanging over everyone.
"So she just up and left?!" a voice barked at Holly Blue Agate from a computer screen in a hidden room at the Human Zoo. "Why didn't you stop her?!"
"I tried your clarity, but she refused to listen!" Holly Blue pleaded on her knees. "Please forgive me, I can do better on whatever assignment you give me next!"
"Okay, I'll let this slide." The voice sighed, bringing joy to Holly Blue's face. "Return to Homeworld at once, I have another assignment for you. But in the meantime, what about that tracking beacon we planted on the Pearl?"
"It seems to have short-circuited, last I checked." Holly Blue declared. "Last known location was the Reef on Titan."
"And that's why you never send a Pearl to do, well, anyone else's job!" a slim, black figure wearing a white cape complained on the other end of the call via a green visor, pinching the gemstone replacing her nose in irritation as she arrived via Warp Pad at the Reef. "I'm already at the designated location. I'll keep you all updated with further orders."
Pushing the pedestal, the facility suddenly reactivated, to the figure's delight.
And cue For The Damaged Coda! Gotta say, this was probably my longest chapter yet. Now that we have yet another load of dirty laundry cleaned up, it's time to ask some bigger questions. Who is Holly Blue taking orders from when she said earlier she didn't take orders from anyone? What does this mystery character want with the Reef, and how will Steven react to a possible revolution taking place right under his nose? Join us next week for more answers, and happy holidays!
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jennifercrowart · 4 years
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D&D Diary - The Yawning Rodent, 7
Refresher: Our adventurers Lugs (grung barbarian), Lurk (grung rogue), Aelia (tiefling cleric), Valas (drow sorcerer), and tagalongs Meepo (kobold) and Deku (ratfolk cleric) were ambushed by members of the Goblin Gang! Deku, looking after an unconscious but stabilised Meepo, was badly wounded by an arrow and knocked out. His Rat King holy symbol amulet began to glow, and his body disappeared in a beam of light!
Confused and concerned, but having to move on with an unconscious Meepo and Calcryx in tow, the party began moving back towards the Kobold Gang's territory on their way out of the citadel. Along the way, they stopped in a magically locked room they'd passed by earlier to fight some skeletons and loot their altar, before running into some Kobold Gang guards.
Sunless Citadel spoilers!
While Valas keeps watch on the hallway where Billy - the kobold guard - went down towards their leader, Yusdrayl's room, the rest of the party sneak Calcryx past the guardroom. Lugs is carrying the front of her body, but Aelia, carrying the back, slips and drops the dragon's tail with a thud on the floor. Luckily, the guards don't reemerge to see what the noise was, after already talking to Valas and Lurk about how the party was going to be passing by.
Having made it through, they continue on towards the Sunless Citadel's exit. Lurk goes on ahead, checking for any traps they might've missed earlier. In the circular entrance room, he finds an odd brick sticking out of the wall that he hadn't noticed before. He pulls on it, and gets a small needle trap to the hand for his troubles.
Suddenly, the wall ahead of him trembles and moves, the brick lever having opened a secret door. Inside is a pocket chamber once used for archers to shoot outside the citadel through slits in the walls, and three skeleton warriors from that age immediately stumble to life, attacking Lurk. Having been right up in their faces, Lurk - who was already wounded from previous battles - gets knocked out by an arrow. Aelia uses up the Cure Wounds Lv2 spell scroll to heal him because she's been long out of spell slots, while Valas and Lugs are able to defeat the skeletons. From their remains, they're able to scavenge a few unused +1 magic arrows and some gold.
Lurk, once recovered, finally disables the trapdoor at the entrance to the Sunless Citadel, so Aelia and Lugs can safely carry Calcryx outside. They begin the 2 hour trek back to the Rat's Nest through the caves, left alone by twig blights this time.
During the walk, Lugs feels the weight in the barrel on his back shift, and a muffled voice cries out. The lid pops off, and Meepo sticks his head out, confused about what's been going on since Calcryx nearly killed him several hours ago.
Valas and Aelia talk to him about how the party decided to take Calcryx to the Rat's Nest, because he and the Kobold Gang weren't treating her well, and that being in the Kobold Gang isn't good for Meepo either. Lurk adds that he makes more money by not being in a gang. Meepo goes quiet.
They reach the Rat's Nest, and, as it's still very early in the morning, most shops are still closed. Surprisingly, some lights are still on in the church, the blacksmith, and a library they haven't been to yet, as well as in a new tent that's been pitched in a darker corner of the large cavern. They head over to the church first, where Lulu is cleaning up. She's surprised to see them, and looks tired, but greets them warmly. When they tell her that they've brought a dragon wyrmling here, she runs off to get her sister, Candice, to help.
They take Calcryx down a long side tunnel away from the Rat's Nest main cavern that leads to two cell rooms, there in case of emergency. While the party is unsure about putting Calcryx back into another cage, Lulu kits it out with some more blankets and cushions from the church, making it more comfortable, at least. They set Calcryx - still unconscious - down inside, and Lulu stays to tend to her wounds, while Candice accompanies the party to the Yawning Rodent tavern; the dragon wyrmling looks very malnourished and thin. She can't be released back into the wild in this state. Meepo wants to stay with her, but the party decides it's best if Calcryx doesn't see Meepo when she wakes up.
Beni - the barkeep and cook - greets the adventurers warmly, having not seen them since the first day of their journey. They book a deluxe inn room with a massage for themselves, while Candice takes some fresh produce back down the elevator to the Rat's Nest for Calcryx. The rest of the night passes as the party rests, a lot more comfortable than when they were for the sleep they had in the citadel.
When they rise in the late morning, the party has a hearty tavern breakfast of cinnamon apple pancakes and scrambled tofu with avocado on toast. Lugs and Aelia buy some apple ciders to take with them when they go back to the citadel, as the good food, drink, and sleep has the adventurers feeling much more ready for what lies within the Goblin Gang's territory. Over the rest, they identify the green flame candle and torch they found, as well as the Night Caller whistle; they find that the candle and torch have been lit with a Continual Flame spell, and the whistle is an uncommon magic item that can cast the spell Animate Dead.
Back in the Rat's Nest for some refuelling and shopping before they head back to the citadel, they stop by Big Oak's Blacksmith. They find Boak working with some strange items like gemstones and herbs at his workbench, but before they can react, Deku eagerly greets each of them with a big hug! He explains that the Rat King holy symbol he and the other ratfolk wear protects him by automatically teleporting him back to Lulu's church and stabilising him if he were to get close to death. Lulu was able to treat his wounds and clean him up overnight, so he's feeling much better, and he'd like to accompany the party back to the Sunless Citadel so he can help rescue the humans they're looking for (and find his missing library book).
Boak, while at first hesitant because Deku returned to the Rat's Nest essentially by way of magic ambulance stretcher, thanks the group for freeing him from the Goblin Gang's dungeon. If they hadn't reunited Deku with his belongings, the Rat King amulet wouldn't've been there to save him if things had gone wrong. Aelia hints that she wants the rescue reward money, and Boak explains that, since Deku arrived last night, he's been hard at work working on being able to offer the group enchanting services for their benign weapons, armour, and trinkets. As he's an armourer artificer, he's been experimenting with small enchantments for a while, but to make ones more useful for adventurers, he'd need more enchantment formulae. For now, he can only offer them Alchemist's Arrows by combining his enchantment talents with Benni's Alchemist's Fire potions, and the fletcher Lydia's arrows. He offers to take the reward money off the price of their first enchanted item. Deku, who had been researching in the library last night following his recovery, also found them an enchantment formula called the Blasted Recipe, that would make them able to cast the spell Shatter centred from the weapon (without destroying the weapon, thankfully).
Before deciding on what they want, the party has a look at Clara's Commodities, selling a lot of the treasure they found - gemstones, the ornamental dagger, and so on, which gets them quite a lot more gold.
They then head to the strange new tent in the Rat's Nest, which has an A-frame sign out the front that just reads 'OPEN' in red paint, with the simple logo of an open eye. Inside is the dalmatian ratfolk called Pink Gold Peach (or, just Peach), with one black eye and one ruby eye, dressed in heavy purple robes with gold trim and the same eye logo on the hood. She stares at them, unblinking, and only when they awkwardly ask what her deal is, she asks if they are here to trade. On offer, she can cast spells like Sending and Clairvoyance, and sells things like vials of poison and forgery kits. Amongst her wares are two enchantment formulae; one called the Flock Recipe that would summon a swarm of ravens at the trinket wearer's command, and one called the Haunted Recipe that would trap a vengeful spirit inside the weapon and deal additional necrotic damage on each hit. Lurk decides to sell the Night Caller whistle to Peach for a hefty sum, who - still staring at them like a creep - seemingly makes the whistle vanish into her big sleeves. The party eagerly buys both formulae, and they head back to the blacksmith.
Aelia spends most of her gold on a better, sturdier set of armour, and Lurk orders a batch of Alchemist's Arrows. He also hands over a silver ring he found in the Sunless Citadel, asking Boak to enchant it with the Flock Recipe with the money earned from selling Night Caller. The enchantments will take several hours to complete, so they won't be ready until nightfall; they will have to pick them up when they're next in the Rat's Nest.
Finally, the group returns to where they'd left Calcryx with Lulu, still leaving Meepo behind in case Calcryx sees him and flies into a rage again. They find the both of them sleeping - Calcryx in the cell, and Lulu in a bedroll outside it - and Aelia gently wakes the ratfolk woman up. Lulu, although exhausted, happily tells them that she was able to calm Calcryx down.
"It's a good thing I can cast healing magic on myself, as she bit me at first!" Lulu says, "thankfully, I think she was too hungry to resist cooperating in exchange for some good food."
They notice that Calcryx has woken up and opened one of her cold blue eyes into a slit, studying the party that knocked her unconscious just the day before. Glaring, she snorts, and, in Draconic, asks why they're here - she doesn't want to be in another cage. Deku answers her, explaining that they're only keeping her here until she's recuperated enough from being in the negligent and abusive Kobold and Goblin Gangs' captivity. Once she's recovered and in a healthier state, they can let her go free on the surface. Calcryx snorts again, and lowers her head back down, her tail no longer flicking in agitation despite still glaring at the adventurers.
About to leave for the Sunless Citadel again, Meepo asks the group, "what are you going to do now?".  While not entirely sure yet, they say they'll keep lying to Yusdrayl and the Kobold Gang if Calcryx comes up by saying they're still looking for the dragon in the Goblin Gang's territory. Meepo is scared of how Yusdrayl could react if she finds out the truth, saying she's strong and that the group shouldn't fight her, but the party isn't worried. They have another talk with Meepo, with Aelia and Valas trying to convince him that he shouldn't rejoin the Kobold Gang; he should stay here with the kinder ratfolk, and that he may be able to get a job or apprenticeship with one of them if he wants to, as it's a better life than cruelly mugging and capturing tourist adventurers and getting involved in territory disputes with the gang. Meepo begins to agree, saying he'll stay at the Rat's Nest for now and have a think about things.
Lighting the way with their green Continual Flame torch and candle, the adventurers set off back down the tunnel towards the Sunless Citadel once again.
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jesslivesau · 3 years
jess au @iloveeverythingwaytoomuch
pre show jess: doesn't know anything except that sam told her some fucked up shit and she didn't really believe him much like amelia didn't believe jimmy but what's clear to her is that sam's upbringing was deeply fucked up in what might've been some kind of apocalypse doomsday cult and she can say "sam, it wasn't real" as much as she can til she's blue in the face but it isn't going to change the fact that sam is Deeply Fucked Up by Shit. and it upsets her and confuses her but he does a good job of setting it aside or knowing when to give in and he's such a sweet and Loving Dude otherwise so she just files it away in her bf trauma bank and keeps cheering him on
s1 jess: your bf's CRAZY brother shows up says he needs help finding your bf's CRAZY dad who may or may not have been part of a doomsday cult and you say, bitch i watched the heaven's gate documentary there is NO WAY i'm letting you leave with him, but he's not gonna Stay cuz he insists it's just for one night (and his brother DOES seem relatively stable, like, as a person), so jess insists she'll go too. while she's in the back seat sam tells dean he told her everything dean's like lol. sure. you believe in ghosts, sweetheart? and jess is like no but i do believe that i'll kick your ass if we don't get home in time for sam's interview tomorrow morning. and then the whole white woman thing happens and she's like oh fuck it's REAL but they DO GO HOME and instead of jess dying on the ceiling there's like idk ghost mary on the ceiling or some shit and they NARROWLY escape the fire together andddd idk they can't go back to stanford cuz it's not safe and their apartment complex literally went up in flames. there’s a more complex reason here but idk what it is. maybe it was brady (demon brady) who died or something IDK LISTEN ITS JUST AN AU
anyway all of season 1 when they’re trying to track down john jess is the voice of reason asking why do they need john in the first place? And eventually sam is like listen we don’t need HIM but if he’s got research on where yellow eyes is, that’s what we need. and dean is mad about that and he’s mad at jess and they bicker like crazy. and sam sleeps on the floor because dean is like dude cmon. don’t make me sleep in the same room as you and your gf together. maybe meg gets replaced by meg possessing jess, and she doesn’t get thrown out the window so when they exorcise her she just needs a hospital and then she’ll be ok. and that would explain why she’s in the hospital and not there for the finale, but can meet up with sam & john & dean in the hospital after
s2 jess: sam is so consumed by grief and fear that jess is actually the first one to notice that dean’s spirit might still be still Around. i’m imagining a scene where sam is asleep next to dean’s bed and jess is awake, and she slowly looks around towards dean and you see ghost!dean Connecting with her for the first time
obviously, all the grief episodes keep happening. maybe jess got seriously hurt as well tbh so she goes back to her parents house to recover; there’s an episode where the boys go meet her parents and dean and sam’s Daddy Issues come out in full force. eventually jess is back and kicking ass and slowly getting along more with dean, partially perhaps because of dean’s Grief Response to john’s death, which is that all the anger and hate comes bubbling up, and jess is like i don’t fucking know this dude, but from what sam’s told me, i hate him, which is not something that sam is in a position to Deal With right now. things proceed pretty much along the course
i am considering now if jess could also be a special child. she also has some kind of psychic abilities but i’d have to choose something cool for her. anyway if she IS then that gets her in the town with sam in all hell breaks loose which i think is the best place for her during that arc? i know all the other special children supposedly had to die but maybe her psychic power was to go inviisble or something lmfao i don’t fucking know. anyway dean has his sad monologue but jess either (a) fully shuts down or (b) just goes STRAIGHT to hunt down whatever the fuck his name is. jake? leverage man? that would be dope actually. and then actually dean, sam, bobby, and ellen actually meet her at the hell’s gate
s3 jess: truly does not understand why they’re hunting. gets into arguments with the boys all the time about how this is pointless, if you’re not gonna try and save yourself then why can’t you just put it down and let yourself have this year?? and dean’s a little bit like you know what jessica that makes a lot of damn sense. but it makes sam mad and they argue a lot about it and jess probably takes off halfway through the season. maybe after malleus maleficarum? partly cuz that’s the ep where ruby more or less becomes part of the team and also when she confirms that she can’t save dean from hell. and i just feel like jess would be like i cannot.... Sit Here.... and watch you both drive yourself into the ground. dean, if you’re gonna die, sam’s coming after you. you knew that. you just didn’t want him to go first.
maybe dean hits her lmfao and sam screams at him for it and jess just Walks Away, tearfully
s4 jess: so jess bailed midway through s3, but when dean wakes up and starts making calls in that phonebooth, he calls bobby and bobby hangs up, so he calls jess. and she comes and gets him.
jess and sam are obviously not together anymore, but jess is totally civil with sam and even with ruby. she’s like we can work together, it’s fine, whatever. and this is the season where dean and jess really bond and become a good Team. and cas is just usually confused why jess is Around but eventually gets used to her. i’ve toyed with jess being jewish which would lend a good and also funny perspective to all the heaven and hell stuff
jess heard about hell first from dean, but not the specifics of the stuff that dean told sam, not until after on the head of a pin. she’s their Lore Expert on seals and is trying to identify as many of them as possible so they can put in place safeguards, and maybe that bumps her up against angel priorities for an episode. maybe we get an episode where cas has to Threaten her 00 and he can say something like sam and dean are important..... you are not. remember that. and then [flappy wings vanish]
uhhhh jess’s siren in the siren episode....... is just like a carbon copy of sam lmfao. which is extremely funny and sam and jess will both kind of awkwardly clear their throats and not address that. i guess jess is just fucking stuck with bobby during the finale because the point of her presence is that she’s so USELESS to both demons and angels
s5 jess:  i’d probably add in an early episode where her parents are killed, probably by demons because the demons know they can’t touch the winchesters due to angel shit but they can fuck up jess as much as they want. then when sam and dean temporarily split up jess would go with dean cuz she’s a hunter now and has nowhere else to go and it doesn’t feel right to just sit around with sam. or maybe she also leaves and splits up and doesn’t stick with dean cuz she’s processing her own traumatic shit. at any rate, early in the season there’s a moment where sam is Gone and dean and jess are drinking together and talking about their feelings and they have a moment where they gaze at each other in the eyes and almost lean towards each other.... then jess goes you know what? this is fucking weird and dean is like oh thank god you said that absolutely this is too weird
in The End, it’s revealed that jess was killed and no one will tell dean more information or talk about her until he finds out that she was pregnant when she was killed (presumably with sammifer’s baby)
in changing channels they get put into a telenovela and sam and jess have an tearful emotionally charged confession scene in spanish. this is about when sam and jess finally get back together [cue cheering]
in the chuck eps it’s revealed chuck rewrote it so that jess died on the ceiling in the first book cuz he was like “i just didn’t think it made sense for her to be alive! it was literary symmetry that’s all!”
in sam, interrupted when sam is all high on meds that’s when he says lots of kooky sweet shit to jess about wanting to MARRY her and have a FAMILY together and it’s sweet and also dean throws up in his mouth a little bit having to hear it
in my bloody valentine the thing that jess is hungry for is Family but i do not know the logistics of how
in dark side of the moon jess does die with the boys but it takes a while to find her, tho they eventually do in one of sam’s favorite memories (probably from the first time they met or something). she’s like what the fuck i’m jewish
no, i have no clue how she factors into swan song. she just does, ok. lucifer can snap her neck along with bobby’s
s6 jess: she tried to check in with dean occasionally at the braedens, and actually had dinner with them once but started checking in less and less as the year went on, and it turns out she knew that sam was back and she’d been hunting with him + the campbells and a couple things
when dean finds out he is truly FURIOUS, but jess is like dean i saw you with lisa and ben! i saw you getting better! i saw you happy, i saw you ok, and hell i’ve only known you since you showed up in palo alto five years ago but it was the most at peace i’ve ever seen you, and i couldn’t take that away from you, and neither could sam.
she’s also like yes, dean, he’s different, he’s colder, it makes me sad but who was the one who put up with YOU when you were spiralling after your dad’s death? or when you were all buttoned up after you came back from hell? he did! so show him a god damn OUNCE of empathy, would you!
and when they find out he’s soulless jess is like. hm. and dean is like i TOLD you there was something wrong with him!!! and jess is like i mean.... yeah....... and maybe i didn’t really want to admit it... cuz.... the sex was So good.........
[soulless sam winks at her]
anyway, s6 happens the way it happens and that’s fine
s7: the only important thing that happens in s7 is that Season Seven, It’s Time For a Wedding! is actually about some sort of monster and the only way to kill it is to cast a spell but the spell must be cast by “two warriors joined before god” which means married and cas is awkward about it cuz he doesn’t want to Presume Anything 
and the whole episode is lots of sam and jess being like “i mean, of course, if you want to..... .like, but if you DON’T, that’s also totally fine, of course.... you know.... whatever you’re comfortable with” until finally they’re in the final battle and cas has to marry them the way barbossa does for will and elizabeth in potc and when dean is pinned against the wall by the monster he goes “DAMMIT JESS WILL YOU KISS MY BROTHER ALREADY” and then sam dips jess in a kiss and the monster is instantly obliterated [heart eyes]
i truly genuinely do not remember anything that happens in s7. anyway jess and sam are married now
s8: sam was with jess the whole year dean was in purgatory. they were struggling to get back to normal life after everything. dean is still fucking mad that sam didn’t go looking for him. i assume everything else goes pretty much according to whatever the fuck happened in s8 except jess at one point has to go to bat for benny cuz sam for some reason hates him so much
i’ve been toying with the idea of jess doing the trials not sam but i mean how can i take that away from my Boy
s9: i do not know anything that happened in this season ):
s10: see above
s11: see above
s12: now i never watched s12, but in this au there is no lucifer’s son jack. instead jess gets pregnant midway through the season; cas finds out first because he can sense it and he’s like why does it feel like there’s an extra being in the bunker, and then he spills to dean cuz he can’t keep a secret, and then dean is like “oh shit what are you gonna do” and jess is like well!!!! sam and i.... talked about this. we were.....open to the possibility. and dean is like wtf how could u possibly bring a child into this world that’s fucked up adn cas is like [wipes tear] that’s beautiful
anyway when they come back from some kind of hunt (probably something that involved claire) and sam and jess are in the bunker, sam goes “jess, seeing claire, seeing jody and the girls.... it makes me think.... i wanna have a family with you” and jess hugs him and then cas walks into the bunker with dean and is like “oh, have you told him about the baby?” and everyone SCREAMS at him
and cas uses his annual miracle allowance to just reverse time about 30 seconds so when he enters the bunker he just goes “i have nothing to say” and Fucking Leaves
the baby is born in the back of the impala in the s12 finale, on the way to the hospital. dean is devastated. he’ll have to reupholster the WHOLE THING. sam accidentally names the baby john but they don’t want to tell dean that so they decide to call him jack.
s13-15 gets to be mostly about how cute it is to have a wittle baby in the bunker. cas is the best babysitter because he loves babies and is very powerful so he can protect him. the occultum nonsense in s15 can be about finding a Safe Place for baby jack, no matter what happens to the rest of the world. sam tells jess, you go with him, you’ll be safe there. dean tells sam, you go with them, you’ll be safe there. all of that good good cute family stuff. was it the best idea to have a baby in the middle of constant apocalypses? maybe not, but like, they are ALWAYS in constant apocalypses, so at some point you just have to bite the bullet
anyway. please clap
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