#it took forever to find this old gem
winterrrnight · 1 year
hey angel, please could you write a fic with soft rafe x reader where they have been best friends for years and are finally in a relationship after admitting feelings for eachother and they have cute happy moments where they remember they’re not just friends theyre finally in a relationship now?
Tysm x
oh my goodness, this took me so so long than it should've and I'm so sorry about that! I love and adore this idea so much, but for some reason I never felt satisfied with how I was writing it so there were too many restarts. But we finally have the final product! It's inspired by your request, I don't think it's exactly what you requested, but the main idea was kept in mind throughout. I hope you like this and is up to your expectations 💞
PAIRING: soft!rafe cameron x gn!reader
SUMMARY: a little collection of some of your favorite moments with your best friend, lover, partner in crime all rolled in one: rafe cameron.
WARNINGS: small mentions of alcohol, but mostly fluff and two lovers being mean to each other because it's their love language 🫶🏻🤭
EDITH SPEAKS: thank you to my bestie @runningfrom2am who helped me out with this fic! she told me all her favourite memories with her own boyfriend and that resulted in this very cute fic so thank you sooo much raye 🥹🥹
There is a little KC Undercover reference in the fic, which is like, probably one of the most iconic dialogues of Ms. KC herself and I had this beautiful opportunity to use it so I just couldn't pass it up 🤭
I hope you all like this!! Please ignore any little grammatical/spelling errors. And please like and reblog if you like this 🪂
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It's so easy for you to say how your life has changed for the better when you and Rafe finally became official. He has been your best friend since you both were little, and now to see you both expand your relationship which you had formed since such a small age, always makes you feel like the happiest person on this planet.
It's no lie that it took you some time to finally get to the dating stage. After realising your feelings for each other, you both needed a lot of pushing from your friends to finally confess.
"He looks at you as if you're his whole world! Why aren't you telling him?" Your friends would groan, as they would catch you with your mouth almost agape as he walks past you and gives you a smile.
"No, I don't think he does," you would dismiss your friends' thoughts and before they could say anything else, you would be rushing to your class.
Now, fast forward to three years later, you both are in university and live in a shared apartment. You took your own time to reach to this stage of your life with each other, but you're so grateful where you are now, because there's no one else you'd rather do it with.
"When we'll grow old, we'll be roomies forever!" Rafe would tell you in his little squeaky voice when he wasn't even seven years old. You would giggle at him and eagerly nod. Who knew those little dreams will come true, and you both will be a lot more than just friends?
Sharing an apartment with Rafe is everything you've always imagined it would be, each night feels like the sleepover you had when you were little. Except this time, you don't have this fear of laughing a little too loud that a parent is on their way to scold you for being up for so late. You can laugh and talk as loud as you want to, eat whatever your heart desires and talk about any topic you feel like.
You both have your moments where you tend to forget you're dating and aren't just two best friends who share an apartment solely because they thought it would be fun. One time, you had one of your oldest albums in your camera roll opened, and you were laughing at all the pictures.
"Dude look at this one!" You laughed, finding a hidden gem. Rafe feigned shock as he looked at you.
"You did not just call me dude." He said, deadpanned. You pop a crisp in your mouth from the packet you're both sharing.
"What's wrong with that?" You asked shrugging.
"I'm your boyfriend, that's rude,"
"Whatever bro," you giggled, averting your attention to your phone.
"That's even worse!" He whined.
"OH MY GOD!" You yelled as you laughed out loud, the next picture on your phone seeming pretty unbelievable. It's from a Halloween night years ago, and you both totally forgot you dressed up very poorly as Barbie and Ken. But the thing is, you were Ken and he was Barbie.
You both were dressed in a hot pink from head to toe, and your make up is loud and proud. "You need to be Barbie again," you laughed, as you teased him by nudging his arm with your elbow.
"Definitely not," he chuckled, shaking his head.
It definitely doesn't stop here. It was your aunt's birthday and she had a big party, inviting a lot of your family. It was towards the start of your relationship, and you definitely weren't used to calling this idiot your boyfriend.
"And this is Rafe! He's my uh, my boyfriend! Yes, boyfriend, oh my god!" You said out loud, your aunt laughing at your reaction.
He only shook his head at you and flicked your ear. Your reflexes acted up instantly and your hands went to his hair to completely mess them up.
One thing about you both is that have been extremely competitive since you were little. You've always wanted to beat him in whatever game you're playing, bowling, basketball, or even just Uno. And when one wins, they make sure to remind the other about it every minute.
"Oh my god I totally crushed you!" You yelled, attracting attention from people around you as you jump up and down, looking at the final score of your bowling match with Rafe.
"I won, you lost, I won, you lost," you sang as you danced in front of him, and he just stood there, looking at you.
"Oh shut up," He groaned, walking away as you're there dancing to yourself. You laughed and ran to catch up to him, wrapping your arms around his shoulders and he instantly picked you up, you now on his back with your legs around his waist.
"I'm sorry bub, but I did crush you big time," you mumbled kn his ear. He groaned again, and then threatened to drop you on the ground. You let out a squeal and tighten your grip on him, which in turn made him laugh.
But you both are a whole another level of competitiveness when you are a team. There's not a single game invented which you both cannot win as a team, and the adrenaline rush you both get after you win results in some of the most crazy victory couple dances.
You found yourself at a party, and the game of beer pong is at an edge as people are watching you and him compete against another couple. It was the tiebreaker point, and if Rafe made the shot, you both would win.
"You can do this yeah?" You said, your hands holding his face as you looked him straight in the eye. "Just take a deep breathe, and shoot." He nodded at you and you handed him a ping pong ball.
He took his position and took a deep breathe in, clutching onto the ball in his hand. He shot the ball, and you watched from the side expectantly, your hands clutched together. It felt as if everything was in slow motion as the ball made its way to the other end of the table. You heard a soft plop as it landed in a cup of beer, and everyone around you started to cheer out loud.
You ran up to Rafe with the biggest grin on your face and he picked you up and spun you around. One of your friends came up to hand you the cup of beer. Rafe drank half of it, and then gave you the beer left to drink.
Everyone came up to you to congratulate you and hype you up even more, getting an occasional pat on your back. You looked at the couple who you both defeated, and Rafe made his way to them with you on his heels.
"Ding!" He said out loud. "That's the sound of the elevator, because you're not on our level!" He teased them and everyone around you gasped and cheered out loud, as you hollered around. The couple just gave you both a dirty look and leave, and you just looked at Rafe and gave him a high five.
"That'll tell 'em not to challenge us anymore," he said, wrapping his arm around your waist and kissing your head.
But what was the most concerning yet your favorite moment between you two was when he had this urge to be your knight in shining armor, but he also wanted to be the reason you needed help.
You were planning to take a little boat ride with all your friends, and as you all were standing on the dock, Rafe gave you a little nudge and dropped you in the water.
You screamed out loud as you went into the water, but quickly resurfacing as you swam up. You wiped your face with your hands as you pushed all your hair back, and when your eyes regained their focus, you saw everyone on the dock looking at you with utter shock.
You were gasping as you felt the cold water on your skin, when Rafe quickly removed his t shirt and came closer to the edge of the dock.
"Don't worry darling, I'm coming to save you!" He yelled with his chest wide as if he's a hero. You watched him jump into the water and swim up to you, and just as he reached you, you punch him in his arm, hard.
"What the fuck is this?!" You yelled, and Rafe came closer to you and wrapped his arms around you.
"What do you think this is? I'm here to save you," He said with a proud smile on his face.
"You asshole, you dropped me in the water," you said as he started to lead you towards the dock.
"What are you saying? You tripped off the edge and I'm here to save you. Did you hit your head on a rock or something?" He shook his head. You scoffed as he helped you get onto the dock. "I'm your knight babe, I'll always save you whenever you need to be rescued."
"What a relief." You said, rolling your eyes.
What he said that day is totally true though, all these times you've wanted help from someone, he's been there for you without fail. He picks you up everytime you fall down, even literally (but after he finishes laughing at you).
He makes you the happiest you have ever been. You'll always be so grateful for him.
↶ೃ✧˚. ❃ ↷ ˊˎ-
TAGLIST: @runningfrom2am @saccharinesammie @maybankslover @totalswag @madelynie @chenslucy @ietss @elle-mp3 @viawritesstuff @wallsdreams @tahliac11 @sadfury
(If you want to be added, check out the 'join my taglist' post on top! + send in requests if you have any, but please read the 'requests' post first!)
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clanwarrior-tumbly · 10 months
I feel like Gangle needs a close friend,so can I request Gangle being bestfriends with and being protected by a Intimidating and large Y/n who is the same species the Gloink(i think that’s how it’s spelled? :0) Queen is?..like this large monster creature being friends with this silly alive mask and string makes my day,i hope you have a nice Day! ^^
Thank you! Hope you have a nice day too!
Also for anyone 21+ take a shot every time you see the word "Gloink" in this fic /j
As if Gangle's day wasn't already bad enough...some Gloinks appeared out of nowhere and stole her comedy mask.
She was rightfully upset, especially as she recalls Caine casually mentioning that those pesky shapes tend to run wild from time to time throughout the digital circus.
That was also an indication that something else was creating new Gloinks. Not the Queen, as she became abstracted, but another creature like it.
Much to Gangle's dismay, nobody wanted to help her retrieve her beloved mask considering what happened during the first "Gather the Gloinks" adventure. All the performers--Zooble especially--preferred staying away from the nest at all costs.
Yet she couldn't.
Jax made a passing comment that she didn't have the guts to go down there by herself....and that gave her enough motivation to do exactly that.
She was done being so afraid.
Knowing the Gloink Queen was gone did give her some peace of mind, albeit not a whole lot. For all she knew, something far worse could have taken up residence in her place..
But nevertheless, she bravely descended the escalators, bidding a momentary farewell to the safety of the above-ground section of the circus-
Only to have instant regrets as a growl resounded through the dark cave, echoing off the gem-embedded walls.
She squeaked in fear, wanting to run back upstairs and forget about this whole thing...but she forced herself to press on, looking around at all the Gloinks who were seemingly minding their own business.
She could always take the easy way out: hiding in her room, accepting her old mask is gone forever, and crafting a new mask in its place.
Not today, though.
Today she was going to prove Jax wrong and become the bravest-
"Waahh!!" Nearly tripping over a Gloink, Gangle skidded to a stop and watched a mini parade of them bouncing towards something, the line leader carrying her mask.
She could only freeze in terror upon realizing that "something" was you:
Another monster similar to the Gloink Queen--with different colors and patterns and half as many eyes. You looked utterly terrifying as you slithered around, checking on some newly-produced Gloinks.
'Okay, maybe they won't see me...get it together, Gangle!!' Huffing, she shook her head, trying to hype herself up. 'You'll be fine. Just be firm and tell them you want-'
"A nongloinkian..made of strings? Interesting."
"Eek!!" She flinched, seeing every single one of your eyes staring down at her. You didn't seem angry at her intrusion, but she was utterly terrified right now.
"Come here. I won't bite." Your voice rumbled, and she had no choice but to listen to you...lest she suffered the same fate as Zooble.
Tears dripped from her tragedy mask as her legs shakily carried her closer to you, noticing some Gloinks hobbling behind her in case she thought about turning back.
There was no escaping you now.
'Oh god, this is where I die...or turn into a Gloink forever. Does anyone realize I'm gone? Would they even care if I-?'
"My Gloinks love to steal everything in sight, but I believe they wrongfully took something of yours."
"H-Huh?" Confused, Gangle looked to see the line leader approaching her with something she treasured more than all of her anime drawings and manga.
Her comedy mask.
"You're...not going to eat it?" She picked it up, not finding a single chip or crack in the ceramic texture. Then she gazed back up at you. "Thank you, but I um...thought you guys hated anyone who wasn't a Gloink.."
".....oh, uh...not me." You shook your head. "It's the queen who did. She thought everything had to be Gloink. I wanted us all to live in harmony. I tried to persuade her...but she never budged. I thought we had enough Gloinks to go around...but she was never satisfied. So with her gone, you have nothing to fear."
"I see..th-thank you again." With a meek nod, Gangle put her mask back on, which took effective almost immediately as she grinned and hopped in place. "You are too kind! How could I ever repay you o'mighty Gloink?"
You blinked, feeling flattered by her compliment. "You may call me [y/n]...for some reason, it's a name I hold near and dear to me. I'm not expecting any repayments, but...I do wish for a small change."
"Like what?"
"Maybe...seeing the upstairs? This nest gets lonely even with all these Gloinks to keep me company. But I could use a real friend." You gazed back down at her. "And I can tell you need one, too."
Once again, you've surprised her..as she stopped jumping and thought about your request for a few moments. "That would be nice..a real friend. I could talk to Caine and see about getting you upstairs. Maybe you can meet my um..fellow performers at dinner?"
Your eyes lit up. "You mean that?"
"I do! But you must promise not to steal any of Zooble's parts."
"I promise you that...um...."
"Oh! I'm Gangle, by the way." She chuckled.
"Gangle....Gangle..." You took a few moments to register the name into your brain, before your toothy smile returned. "Very well, then..go."
"Gangle? Making friends? That's as impossible as finding an exit."
"Is it an NPC? Or someone absent from today's musical number?"
"Do they like insects??"
"Guys, guys..don't worry. They're really friendly!" Gangle smiled at the other performers as they all gathered around the dinner table. She had gotten such a huge confidence boost ever since her meeting with you, and she was excited to introduce them to you!
Yet the more they pressed about this matter, the more nervous she became.
Even with her comedy mask still on, anxiety was seeping through as she rubber her ribbon hands together. "So um..just as a heads up, they're big so don't be scared if-"
"How big are we talking?" Zooble raised an eyebrow. "It's not some giant monster from one of those anime things you watch, is it?"
"No, but-"
"Hello, colorful cast of nongloinkians."
All at once, everybody fell silent upon seeing you rounding the corner, your large snakelike body slinking towards the table.
You had just enough room to squeeze your head between Gangle and Pomni--the former smiling and patting your snout in greeting, and the latter looking absolutely horrified.
"U-Um..Gangle.." She stuttered. "You do realize this is-"
"Oh don't worry, Pomni. This is [y/n]. They're nothing like the Gloink Queen. They just wanted to coexist with us, but it was hard when they were down in that cave all alone...so Caine allowed them to come upstairs!" The ribbon beamed proudly.
Everyone was certainly caught off-guard by her optimistic attitude, given they haven't seen her wear that mask in a long time. But a few smiled, glad to see her genuinely happy.
Although of course..the moment was short-lived.
"...pfft haha! Are you kidding me, Gangs? You just got yourself a big ol' pet!"
You and the others looked at Jax, who was shaking his head and kicking his feet back onto the table. "Man, you must feel really lonely to find a friend in something like that."
"Jax, that's very rude." Ragatha warned. "Gangle did nothing to you. Why are you always picking on her?"
"I mean..it's cool she tamed a giant Gloink. It could bring something new to our adventures...but I think she forgot the part where these things despise everyone who's not like-"
"Sure, little rabbit..go ahead and talk as if I'm not here.."
Tensing for a moment, Jax's gaze darted to your hostile glare. "You don't scare me, ya know....but you sure are scaring the rest of my pals." He jerked a thumb towards the trembling Kinger and Pomni, as well as the concerned Ragatha and Zooble.
You paid no mind to them, however.
"Oh, but you should be scared of me the most, rabbit." You sneered lowly, making yourself look bigger as you continued staring him down. "If what your doll friend says is true...then heed this warning: if you dare upset my new friend Gangle, you will face the wrath of my Gloinks. We will not turn you into Gloink, but we will ensure every precious item you hold dearly is consumed to make more Gloinks who will watch your every move. You will not eat nor sleep without feeling our presence all around. And we will take...and take...and TAKE until you have nothing left but those silly overalls. Are we clear?"
There was a long pause as Jax froze in his seat, for once looking genuinely terrified of your threat..although when he realized everyone else was staring, too, he brushed off the fear he felt. "Yeah sure..whatever you say, [y/n]." He then checked his imaginary watch, standing up. "I got a hot date somewhere so.....c'ya."
And with that he dashed off, leaving a cloud of bunny-shaped dust in his wake.
"Good riddance.." You huffed as you curled around his chair, looking to Gangle. "Was that good? Was I intimidating enough?"
"Oh no, what's wrong?" Concern flashed over your face upon seeing her tearing up. "I didn't mean to frighten you, I'm-"
"N-No..these are..happy tears.." Sniffling, she wiped the blue marks off her ceramic cheeks, giving you a big smile of reassurance. "Thank you for defending me.."
"...you're welcome." You smiled back in relief, glancing at the other performers. "Well..I hope I didn't make any of you nongloinkians lose your appetites. Eat."
"W-Well..we don't exactly need to eat." Kinger muttered. "This food's just for show. For simulation!"
"Ah, I see.."
"Can you promise your Gloink buddies won't try kidnapping me again?" Zooble asked, fidgeting with her pincher hand. "That was f---ing hell to go through....but by all means take Jax if you want. Nobody will miss him."
"Dualy noted." Nodding, you looked back at Gangle, who gave you a thumbs-up (or at least, the best thumbs-up she could muster given her ribbons), and you suddenly felt extremely welcomed by everyone here.
It was nice to finally leave the nest.
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nnnyxie · 1 year
may I request headcanons for the turtles w/ a younger sib (same age as mikey) who’s a jeweler? like they’ve got their own little workshop in the lair to make really nice stuff from old silverware scrap metal and glass, clean up old jewelry they find in the trash, and sell most of it online 💍
please, and thank you
ahhh!!!!! yes yes yes!!!
you didn’t specify which version, so i went w/ the rise!boys since that’s what i’m ‘known’ for (i think?)
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your workshop, the boys— they but it all themselves!! they heard you talking about jewelry making with april and was like ‘ayo what if we just…’ and BOOM. built.
it was SO HARD to keep it a secret!!! especially since raph and mikey are AWFUL at keeping secrets. AND!!! the process wasn’t exactly quiet— it took forever cause they had to work on it when you were out.
but hey! they got it done!!!
donnie gets you the metal and glass. he lets you use some of his equipment too. he also uhm… ‘bought’ the packaging used for shipping… iykwim
sometimes you go to the repo place w/ mikey and donnie!! and people tend to leave jewelry in their cars (which is lowkey upsetting!! like why are you leaving beautiful rings, bracelets, and necklaces lying in your car!?)
and and and mikey will help you with blue print designs!! (i have no clue how jewelry making works)
if you engrave your jewelry, he’ll design the font for it!! which he absolutely loves doing because it’s bonding time and we all know he loves bonding time!!!
leo would definitely model your jewelry for you. give him some bracelets and necklaces— that mf will already have a whole ass outfit ready!!! we love him for that!!! (and we love that he’s canonically into the glam rock look!! ie; david bowie, elton john, queen, duran duran, etc)
he’s always leaving reviews on your websites and telling people which items go with what kind of outfits!! (i just think he loves fashion)
now when it comes to raph— he’s the one that breaks apart the metal for you. sure donnie’s machines can do it but, you know he wants to be a part of this somehow!!
he feels so useful when he does it— he feels like it’s a very important part of the process in jewelry making!! which it is cause like— you need metal!! and he’ll sometimes go on little walks with todd and find small gems for your jewelry too!!!
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ahhh i hope this is what you were hoping for!!
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mirkwoodshewolf · 1 year
Princess of Starlight; Thranduil x elfling child reader
*Author's note*
Well guys this took me awhile to get around to making and a couple of weeks to write it all down but this weekend I finally had some time to fully sit and write it out and now it's ready! So @soralinklokidottirofmirkwood I appreciate your patience with me and I now present to you your request. Hope you enjoy it as well as any reader who catches this little gem.
Warnings: parental death, spiders (yeah those arachnophobes out there like me, BEWARE OF SPIDERS!!) mentions of infertility and stillborn children, some angst and fluff.
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I managed to duck down into the root of a tree and quickly buried myself with some old leaves and twigs and stayed as quiet as I could until I heard the sound of their clicking and hissing.  I then watched as their shadows went past the tree I was hiding under, hoping and praying to the Valar that they wouldn’t see me.
After what felt like forever, the last of them finally walked passed my tree so I slowly peeked out clenching my father’s crystal necklace he had given me before he and mother told me to run and hide.  There was nothing but silence in the woods, no birds, no wind, not even the sound of running water.
Very carefully I decided to venture out of my tree in hopes of finding another place to hide, or maybe get out of the woods all together.  Suddenly out of nowhere I was pinned down by three long, hairy legs and heard a hiss-like roar behind my back.  I tried to fight but I felt myself being wound up in the sticky web of the spider that had me pinned.
Then as quickly as I felt it starting to wrap my up, it stopped.  I heard the whizzing sound of arrows being shot, blades being unsheathed, and the terrible sounds of the spider that had me pinned along with more spiders from above the trees.  Soon there was silence once again and I heard someone say in my language.
“How many are left?”
“I counted five more escaping during the skirmish my lord Legolas.” Said a female voice.
“Kill them all. None must be left alive. By order of the King.” The male voice said again.  The female then proclaimed an Elvish command and I heard some running away from the area.
“My lord Legolas, what about the victim?” oh no.  I tried to wriggle myself out of the web but it was so thick and sticky, I couldn’t even move my arms up that had been pinned to my side.  So like a warm, I tried to inch myself to a hiding spot (even though I could barely see through the silked webs) but I was soon stopped by another foot.
This was it, this is where I would meet my end. Not by spiders but by my own kin.  I felt as the webs were being cut away and I was now staring into the sharp, blue eyes of an elf in what almost looked like dragon-like armor.
“Stand down, she’s only an elfling.” He ordered to the few dozen guards that remained at his side.  Unlike the others who had either dark or red hair, this elf before me had blonde hair, just like my mother did.  I jumped out of my web trap and pressed myself against one of the trees and the elf told me, “It’s alright. No one will hurt you.”
Even though he looked intimidating, there was a comforting aura around him that I was sensing from him thanks to father’s necklace.
“Do you speak in the Eldar? Or do you also know common tongue?” he asked me.  But before I could answer, I noticed a large shadow slowly coming down from above.  It was one of the younger spiders whose feet are so light, they couldn’t even be detected by our Elvish ears.  One of the guards happened to look where I was looking and proclaimed.
“Hir nin Legolas!” my necklace soon glowed and I extended my hand out and a powerful wind blast sent everyone falling down including the spider.  It’s back slammed hard into the trunk of a tree before falling down on a spiked log, piercing it through it’s center and it quickly fell limp.  The elven guards plus the elf who had tried to talk to me, Legolas according to one of the guards.  They all looked at me in either shock or awe at what I had just done.
“I’m sorry.” I finally spoke to show that I knew both Elvish and common tongue.  “I didn’t want that one to hurt you. They’re more deadly than the bigger ones, nana and adar were attacked by one just like that. The venom spread so quickly mother barely had the chance to cry out.” Suddenly one of the guard withdrew his bow and arrow and aimed it at me.  I jumped back fearfully but Legolas stood in front of me, shielding me from the oncoming attack.
“Lower your bow Feren!”
“My lord, she had hurt you!” Feren snapped.
“It was an accident. She saved my life, and as such it would do you more harm than good to bring harm to my rescuer.” Feren without question removed his arrow from his bow and stood down.  Legolas turned back towards me and knelt back down in front of me.  “Little one, how do you know magic?”
“My father’s amulet. It just—glows whenever I feel high levels of fear and fires the magic. I didn’t mean to hurt you I swear it.”
“No apologizes necessary, may I be permitted to see your father’s amulet? Don’t worry I won’t take it from you.” I looked into his eyes and felt deep down he was telling the truth.  I reached underneath my shirt and pulled it out and held it out to him.  He gently took it in his hands and as he admired the crystal gem, I noticed how his eyes widened when he turned it around to look at the runes on the back.
“Am I—in trouble?” I asked nervously.  He looked at me and told me as he handed me back my father’s amulet.
“No penneth. But we would like for you to come with us, the King would like to know of your presence in our part of the forest.” The King? As in King Thranduil? I had made it to King Thranduil’s palace?! I had but lost hope that I would make it here.
Before I had lost my father, he had told me to reach the realm of Thranduil.  If I showed him my amulet, he could protect me.  Those were his last words before the younger spider got to him and dragged him off into the woods, never to be seen again.  Legolas kept his hand out for me to take it and so I did and he ordered the remaining guards to follow us.
As we walked, I soon began to feel the light of the sun upon my face as we reached a different part of the woods.  I couldn’t recall the last time I had felt the light of the sun or have been able to feel all of Yavanna’s great creations all around me.  The feel of the spray of the rushing waterfalls beneath us, the smell of the fresh air instead of the decaying one I had been under.
We soon came to a great fortress that had been built within the trees themselves.  Gates of iron stood before us as Legolas ordered the guards to close the gates behind us.  Once inside I was amazed at the interior of this grand palace.
Narrow walkways of tree bark and light that seemed to be glowing on it’s own from what appeared to be sap from the trees.  Elves all around were walking the various pathways that either were below or on top of us.  Soon enough, we came before a large, intimidating throne of wood and stone.
Large antler-like structures stood on either side of the throne that was at the foot of a narrow staircase at the foot.  And sitting upon the throne wielding a staff was none other than the King of all Mirkwood, King Thranduil.
He resembled Legolas almost to a perfect picture but his eyes held a harshness that felt like winter wind hitting you in the face.  A crown of autumn leaves stood upon his head and he wore robe of onyx and hanging off his shoulders was a blood red cloak.
“Legolas,” his voice held a deep booming sound to it that almost resembled thunder in the far off mountains.  “Who is this child you have brought before me?”
“My lord, this young elf was found within the outer boarders of your realm. The spiders had ambushed her and nearly had her killed. She in returned saved me from a spider that we had missed that would’ve killed me.” Thranduil’s eyes shifted to me.
Seeing him upon his throne lounging against it and his icy blue eyes staring down upon me gave me an intimidating feeling.
“And you had killed it? It wasn’t left alive?” he asked me.
“Yes, Great King of Wood and Stone.” I said bowed to him.
“The child has manners. And a great debt is owed to you for saving my son.” He told me.  Legolas is the son of the King?! I had saved the Prince of Mirkwood?!
“It is also best that you know this young elfling saved me not with a steel of any weapon, but of magic. A powerful magic that I had never crossed paths with before.” Legolas said again.  I watched as Thranduil slowly came down the steps of his throne and stood before us and told his son and the guards.
“Leave us.” They bowed and soon I was left alone with the great King of the Wood.  “Rise young one.” I got back to my feet and looked up at him nervously, fiddling with the ends of my tattered dress.  “How long have you been traveling in the woods on your own?”
“I—lost my parents what feels like an age. But counting from what I could tally in the ground and trees, it had been nearly a year and a half since I had been on my own.”
“And from where did you hail from in my kingdom?”
“The Southern borders of Mirkwood my lord. Near the fell fortress. My parents and I escaped the spider raid when they first came upon the lands.”
“What were your parents names?” he asked me.
“My mother’s name was Thessa, and my father’s name was…..”
“Orrian.” The King finished for me.  I looked up at the King in shock.
“You knew my father?” the king knelt down to my height and asked me.
“Answer me this, do you bear his family’s amulet? A clear diamond surrounded in silver?” I reached down into my shirt and pulled out the amulet necklace and Thranduil’s eyes widened.  “By the grace of Varda. You are her. You are Orrian’s young starlight. You are just as he described.”
“My father spoke highly of you, but I always thought it was because you were the King of our realm.”
“Not only that child but your father and I go back a long time into our elfling hoods back in our old home of Doriath. He was the youngest cousin to the Queen Melian. And my greatest friend. Oh the times we had together as elflings.” His voice held a warm, gentleness and his eyes that once struck me with a cold feeling now held a warm, tender look to them.  “I am sorry for your loss my dear child, but know that your father truly loved you. More than anyone, more than life.”
“That’s what he said before telling me to find you. Saying that you would protect me. I had but given up hope that I would even find sanctuary and that his and my mother’s deaths would’ve been in vain.” Thranduil placed a comforting hand to my shoulder and said.
“You need not think that anymore dear one, your parents can finally rest in peace knowing that you will indeed be safe here in my realm.” Then I did something I never would’ve thought I had the guts to do.
I embraced the Elven king.  He tensed up at the surprised hug but gladly embraced me back.
Later that night after being provided with proper lodgings, food and medical attention to the scraps and bruises from running through the thick shrubberies.  Thranduil sat down with me on my bed telling me all the stories of him and my father growing up.
“And had it not been for me, your father would’ve never had gotten the courage to ask a dance from your mother.” He finished the tale of how he had helped my father and mother begin their courting.
“Father always said he’d learn to thank you for giving him the proper push.” I fiddled with his amulet necklace.  My heart growing heavy with grief.  “I miss him and mother every day.”
“And they loved you dearly. They feared that they would go through life without being able to conceiving a child. Everytime your mother started to bear one, it was either a stillborn or she ended up losing it. But when you came along, there was something about you that made your father believe that you were the one. You were going to be the grace of Varda herself, and he was right.” He tucked some of my hair behind my ear and turned my chin up to look at him, “An elfling born with the power of the Stars and wind, and it is through that amulet that was brought down by his family line that helps harness your powers.”
“Yet they didn’t appear till after I had lost them. If only I was able to use that power to save them.”
“There is a saying your father used to say, ‘Yesterday is history, tomorrow’s a mystery, but today is a gift. That is why it is called the present’. We cannot choose what happens in that time frame or what events will fall, only after what’s done is done, do we have the strength to follow through to the next event that may fall upon us.” I nodded and leaned my head against the king’s arm.
I felt his arm come around me, pulling me onto his lap as my head rested on his shoulder.
“I promise you (Y/n), you’ll never know fear or loneliness ever again. I swear on your father, I’ll try to give the same amount of love as he and your mother gave you.”
“Thank you my lord.”
“No more formalities. You may call me by my name when it is just us, okay?”
“Okay, Thranduil.” I felt him bring me closer to him in a loving embrace and he lay a kiss upon the top of my head.
For the rest of my life, Thranduil kept his word.  I was raised at his side like his own daughter and Legolas came to see me as his own little sister.  I was trained not only in weapons by my brother and father, I was also taught how to better control my magic.  Though for those lessons, I was sent to Rivendell where I was told by Lord Elrond that he and his wife were good friends of my mother.
Lord Elrond taught me of how to better control my magic and how to use it in combat.  Throughout the lands I became known as the Starlight Princess of the Woodland realm.  Any orc that I came in contact with was blinded by my powers of Starlight and shuddered in fear whenever the winds would blow, signaling my arrival.  And whenever I felt doubt or fear of forgetting what my parents looked like, my adoptive father was willing to show me old pictures of him and my father and tell me more stories of them and their lives together. And I never had to live with fear or doubt ever again, just as my adoptive father had promised.
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mayullla · 2 years
Title: Golden Mirror
Character(s): Mirror Demon(?) (Unnamed character/original work)
Summary: You were a princess, beautiful and lovely you weren't meant for the bloodshed of the king's seat. Cautious of when a knife would go through your chest you choose to make a deal with a mirror once forgotten in one of the many old storage rooms.
Warnings: Fem!reader, general yandere themes, violence and blood, horror elements
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You hate the mirror on the wall. You hated what it has turned you into. 
You should have cast it away when you had the chance. Burn it calling it but a witch's catalyst. Yet you were too naive, too naive to its promises and words.
It gave you everything yet nothing at the same time, your dreams of becoming a queen of a nation it gave, riches, money and fame it gave but as payment, it took away your freedom.
You were a small child when you roamed the halls that were the castle's walls. You were a princess, one of many in the family. Ignored and uncared for your title was mere decoration compared to your older brothers and sisters who wished to be rulers of the kingdom.
You played often in the huge gardens when you didn't have lessons, and you roamed around the library in search of an interesting book to read. Travel along the castle in search of places you have yet seen before. One such place is a small storage room filled with antiques forgotten by everyone.
It was a treasure cove in your eyes, interested in finding a treasure or hidden gems but everything was old and rotten after years of abandonment. 
All except one.
It was an elegant mirror once covered by a rug till you took it off, clean and polish the frame was made out of gold roses and rubies so beautiful that you could only gasp at how pretty it was. “Pretty!” you said in enchantment when you heard a voice chuckling and then eyes appearing in the mirror you could only scream in fear as you ran away from it scared of something lurking behind it.
You never went back to that room after that day, too scared to come back when something dangerous hid in it. You choose to forget, choosing to be ignorant of the monster in the storage closet. After all everyone looked at you weirdly when you told them about that room, stating that there was no such room in the first place...
Time passed and you grew up to be a darling princess, bright and happy people would say yet it was far from reality. You were ignorant… Spoiled as a princess wanting love yet unable to understand how to get it.
They looked down on you.
You weren't the only one to grow, your father the king so soon, so suddenly passed away leaving the throne and crown empty.
Many tried to take the throne you were thrown into the chaos as well whether you like it or not. Targetted as a potential threat to a future your sibling wants.
You wanted to run away but most of all you wanted to survive.
It has been too long since you stumbled upon the storage door late at night. Alone you want a place of privacy for you found even your bed hard to sleep in.
The mirror was the first thing you see, the blanket that once covered the mirror was still on the floor moved away by your young self. The gold frame and mirror itself didn't even have a lick of dust despite it.
You didn't run away this time when you heard a voice greeting you in mirth. You asked what they were yet they didn't answer. But they gave you something else instead.
A deal.
They would let you become queen, and they would help you survive in this cruel castle where all your sibling want is your neck.
They will keep you safe all in exchange for your blood.
You were too desperate for all you want is to survive. All you want is to live, to see the next day for you feared death and pain.
On the floor lies a knife stained by blood as you let the blood from the long cut on your palm drench the mirror's reflection.
You didn't understand that you signed your soul to them. Bound by them forever even after death and they would never let go.
A promise it kept drenching the walls of the palace with blood and screams. The pain and anguish as you watch your siblings killed one by one, gore and pain were everywhere your ears ringing by their pain. You wanted everything to stop, you want everything to stop as you begged them to stop.
Yet all they did was coo at you softly taking gently forcing you into a corner talking as if it was obvious that you be scared. Stay here. They were only fulfilling your wish.
You can't see where they were. Their hands and body were invisible to the eyes but there was a way to see them look in the mirror and there you can't help but shiver as you make eye contact. The smile on their face, wicked and delighted still cooing at you as you watched them touch your cheeks keeping your head in place from looking away from the mirror. You didn't remember what they said, pretty little thing so frightened that they could not move.
They told you that they would bring you the throne. That they will place you on the top where no one can touch you but them, that you will be the queen of the kingdom and they would never leave your side.
You didn't want this you didn't want this at all. Yet you can't stop it, no matter how much you beg.
They told you to smile, a whisper that only you could hear for they fulfilled their contract and you are now the queen. The little touches they left in your arms felt like the wind which you let yourself believe as you passed by mirrors that littered the walls. Big and small you choose to ignore the shadow following you, near you.
When you headed to the hall where the king, your husband and the people waited. Hollow things, as death took them long ago leaving nothing but puppets for the monster to use to their amusement. Nothing in this castle truly belonged to you, and nothing in this kingdom belonged to you after all you didn't ask for anything but to save your life.
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Note: This is somewhat inspired by the mirror and the evil queen in snow white hope you like it!!
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Hey, I know you cringe at this story, but would you be willing to talk about some of the plot ideas or backgrounds/details of the characters of LOTZ that never got to be written in? Like you mentioned that Scorpio and Pisces were childhood friends, and in the 1st chapter hinted at Virgo being from a poor family by having to sell a car. I know that you kinda don’t like your old writings now, but I loved that series a lot when I was younger! I’m just really curious 👀
lol I do cringe when I re-read what I wrote for it, but lotz will forever have a special place in my heart <3 I had to dig deep in the archives to find all my old notes about the characters, since I started it in 2015 and none of those docs had been touched since like 2018. So little of what I planned actually got posted, so it's hard to believe there were genuine fans of the 'series'!
All my old notes for lotz and anything else I had relating to it are under the cut. I hope you enjoy all my teenage ideas lol, if you have any other questions feel free to send them in and I'll do my best to think back and answer them!
Pisces and Scorpio were indeed childhood friends! And as for Virgo, I have no idea what I was thinking with that comment about her having to sell her car to afford rent - I think I just needed a reason why the group didn't have a mode of transportation and she felt like the character most likely to be a minivan mom.
They were actually both placed in the foster system when they were younger and met after getting placed in the same group home. She got bullied/pushed around a fair bit by the other kids and they ended up friends after Scorp stood up for her.
Everything I had planned about everyone's backgrounds: ( warning that there's mentions of parental death/abuse, addiction )
Aries was the child of divorce. She lived with her dad and didn't have a great relationship with her mom. I found a note that she hadn't seen her mom since her high school graduation? Very close to her dad though, he did a great job of being a single parent.
Taurus grew up in a much healthier/stable household. She was raised by two fathers after her "mom" transitioned when she was still pretty young - calls one dad and the other papa/pop.
Gem and Nye had workaholic parents, so they were often left to their own devices. As long as they kept their grades up and didn't get into any legal/major school trouble, their parents couldn't really be bothered to concern themselves with that their kids did.
Cancer's dad was involved in a fatal car crash when she was a kid, afterwards her grandmother came to live with them. Grief took a heavy toll on her mom, so her grandma was primarily in charge of taking care of her (and I think I may have given her some younger sibling/s?). Cancer still deeply loves her mom though, will fight anyone who tries to accuse her of being an absent parent.
Leo came from a typical upper class family with rich parents. His dad ran a big company that I have no specific notes on and I think his mom was supposed to be some kind of socialite/model? He's very Rachel Green coded.
Virgo was actually adopted and raised in a solidly working class family. Her parents couldn't conceive a child themselves and tried hard to make sure she never felt like she was a backup plan or a second choice. Their family never fell into poverty, but still experienced enough economic lows that she learned to be very cautious/smart with her money.
Libra came from an upper class family like Leo, but other than that I literally have no notes on what they did for work or what they were like as parents.
Scorpio's parents both struggled with addiction. His dad was an alcoholic and an abuser who took out his frustrations (often about money problems) on his family. His mom was usually too high to be able to do anything about it. Scorp got placed in foster care after his dad was arrested and his mom got sent to rehab.
Sagittarius' parents traveled around the world a ton for work (what that 'work' was I have no clue). During the summers he'd get to go with them, but during the school year he often stayed with relatives. Fortunately his aunt and uncle were pretty cool, only child himself but he had a couple cousins he grew up around.
Capricorn came from a fairly poor family with parents who consistently struggled with their finances/paying bills. As he got older he learned everything he could related to money and started working as soon as he was old enough. Explains why he's such a scrooge/miser about the group's spending habits and saving his own money.
Aquarius had a great childhood! Raised by two moms, one was a doctor and the other was a scientist of some kind. They always encouraged his curiosity and thirst for knowledge. A little concerned that he never seemed to have many (or at times any) friends growing up, but as long as he was happy they didn't comment on it.
Pisces was my other foster kid. Her mom came from a pretty conservative family, so when she got pregnant at 17/18 she was too scared to tell them until it was too late to get an abortion. Rather than supporting her and the baby they kicked her out. She stayed with the baby daddy for a little while after Pisces was born, but when they broke things off he completely disappeared from their lives. Her mom wasn't a great caregiver and often made Pisces feel guilty for being the 'cause' of all their struggles. She was placed in foster care after her mom was diagnosed with some illness (can't seem to find any mention of a specific name) and medical bills started racking up. She died a year later.
Scorpio and Pisces met after getting placed in the same group home. She got bullied a fair bit by the other kids and they became friends when he stood up for her. I think I was planning that sometime in high school Pisces' uncle (her mom's little brother) finally located her and took her in? Financially supported her and Scorp so they could go to college.
One thing I absolutely cannot find any notes/plans about is the premise for how these 13 characters became close friends and why they're all suddenly moving into new apartments together. Granted, I was 15 when I first started the series and definitely didn't have a good idea of how the real world works beyond what I saw in shows like Friends and New Girl lol. Maybe they were all newly graduated and moving into their first adult apartments away from college?? Your guess is as good as mine!
If I ever made a list of what their jobs were, it's lost to the void. All I have is a list of ideas for their majors from when I was thinking of reworking lotz into a college-au.
Aries - kinesiology
Taurus - culinary arts or finance
Gem - marketing or journalism
Nye - computer science
Cancer - nursing or education
Leo - performing arts/theatre
Virgo - something in nursing or medicine
Libra - undecided, would end up in public relations
Scorpio - criminology or psychology
Sagittarius - anthropology
Capricorn - business/economics
Aquarius - (astro)physics
Pisces - art
And here are some fun little aesthetic boards I made for all of them when I was 16! I hate how some of them look now but I was very proud with how they turned out at the time lol. I had a lotz Pinterest board as well, but it got completely revamped years later when I thought about taking the concept and making it into an urban fantasy(?) story, so it's not really relevant to the original anymore.
Aries and Taurus' boards must have gotten deleted bc I can't find them in my drafts :(
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unfortunatetheorist · 3 months
The Complete Works of Contradictory Logic in ASOUE: Volume I (Quote Debunk 10)
Part 7 - The Miserable Mill S1 E7
Quick Intro: Surprise! I'm back after what I know has been quite a long while - life's been keeping me busy! As Voltaire once said: "Life is thickly sown with thorns and I know no other remedy than to pass quickly through them."
Time to carry on where we left off...
And of course we're jumping straight in with Mr Poe-ntless:
01:49 - "We must act now! We must act without delay! We... (sniffs)... need... (sniffs again)... We need... (sniffs some chowder because why not?) Oh! Oh, my! Oh, my, this is excellent chowder. Mmm, mmm, good. Oh, God... [chugs the entire thing - again, why not?]"
How did we ever believe this guy cared about the Baudelaires?
05:06 - "Pink Floyd's "The Wall"... Although Mother wouldn't let me watch that one."
Not contradictory per se, but a beautifully subtle reference to the lyrics of the song 'Another Brick in The Wall, Pt 2.' particularly the chorus:
We don't need no education
We don't need no thought control
No dark sarcasm in the classroom
Teacher, leave them kids alone!
So I guess it's contradictory, in a way, to the underlying principles of V.F.D.
07:06 - "They have to do what I say, even my partner here." ~ Sir
Luckily Klaus responds quickly and correctly to this one.
10:06 - "...who joined you for years on a sequence of heists and schemes until the two of you were forced apart by circumstance, and also because you ran off in the middle of the night with a bunch of her valuables?" ~ Olaf. to Evander the Truck Driver
What a way to lose a lady. Something tells me only Olaf would do something like this!
The chocolate bar scene at 10:26 is funny, but not really the kind of contradiction we're looking for.
14:45 - "I'm just an old friend" *sniffs flowers and writhes in disgust* ~Olaf to Georgina
"Um, Dr Orwell's not here right now." ~ Dr Orwell (Georgina) to Olaf.
Sheer genius. Neatly covered with the hilarity of Olaf's facial expression after smelling the flowers.
15:06 - "So he isn't just knocking on Dr Orwell's door because he needs something - for himself?" ~ Georgina
Olaf: *chuckles*, *pulls angry face*, *chuckles*
It's brilliantly timed and brilliantly filmed. Also better/easier to understand when viewed.
15:27 - "...who shares one's brilliance, one's charm, one's dubious moral code in a world gone gloriously wrong." ~ Olaf
Olaf was just trying to find alphabetical words; 'brilliance' and 'charm' have quite different meaning and connotation to 'dubious'.
Also, a world gone 'gloriously wrong', eh, Olaf? I wonder how it got that way...
15:48 - This gem:
Georgina: "I took a solemn oath that my office would be closed to you forever even during regular business hours."
Also Georgina: "How big a fortune are we talking?"
22:22 - "I took a chance on treating you like grown-ups, don't make me regret it." ~ Sir to the Baudelaires
A classic phrase often said to children to enforce good behaviour now twisted to benefit Sir's bank balance. Respect, Handler! This kind of thing goes unnoticed very easily.
25:25 - "You, me, an evil scheme, a little death." ~ Olaf
"La petit mort" ~ Georgina
"You know I love it when you speak Spanish." ~ Olaf
Ok. First off, 'la petit mort' is, in fact, French not Spanish. Secondly, 'la petit mort' literally means 'the little death' but in French slang, it means something else entirely... [Hint: not child-friendly...]
26:10 - "It represents the eyes of God staring down and judging society as a moral wasteland." ~ Klaus
"Oh, that sounds like a fun book." ~ Phil
Not really sure how fun this is... but the same could be said about ASOUE to be fair. Each to his own, I suppose.
37:24 - "We've fought a host of unsavoury characters, including a most unfriendly refrigerator repair person. We've flown a plane into a hurricane. We've been to Peru and back to get home to our children. And today, finally, we'll all be together. What could be wrong?"
Gotta love the sarcasm when it's there.
There's also the piece related to the final scene about Sir mentioning the 'probable' (yeah right) conditions of the Baudelaires, which are actually his own... this isn't as contradictory as it perhaps could've been so not worth writing in full.
~ Th3r3534rch1ngr4ph, Unfortunate Theorist/Snicketologist
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clamsjams · 1 year
list of empires smp empires based on whether i think they existed in lore before the players started ruling over them and also how the players got to rule over them:
putting it under the read more bc it got long
Ancient Capital: yeah obviously that’s pixs whole thing. pix is in charge bc he’s the only one there
Gobland: yes, fwhip took over from the former leader by digging up a magical king choosing rock or something idk
Glimmer Grove: yes, confirmed by katherine in her first episode, she inherits her rule and title from her family and bloodline
the Olipelago: nope, it’s literally a beach where oli set up his tent, it’s a place for wandering travelers and musicians (it’s basically an artsy homeless encampment). olis in charge cause he was the first one to set up there, but there aren’t really strict rules or any proper government (i’m not caught up on olis streams pls don’t come at me if the vibe has changed since i saw it last this is just my interpretation based on what i saw)
Dawn: yes, gem inherits her rule and title from her family and bloodline like katherine , but unlike katherine her family’s rule is chosen by the butterflies and bees through some kind of magical process and if they find the family unfit to rule they can choose another family/heir. if gem has siblings, then the heir isn’t necessarily the oldest, it’s whoever gets chosen by the bees
Stratos: yes and no kind of? lower stratos existed before, but it was a pretty small village, joel is their patron god and he moved in and started improving the village and building upper stratos bc he heard their prayers to him. he’s in charge bc he’s literally their god obviously. he’s actually a pretty minor god, which is why he gives so much help and attention to what was at first, a very tiny and insignificant village, bc they’re the only ones who regularly prayed to him
Tumble Town: yes, confirmed by the old sheriff. jimmy is the new sheriff cause he found the badge in a random mineshaft chest in his first episode. tumble town was a ghost town before jimmy came along so there was no one to contest his claim. they all moved on once they thought the mines were drying up and only moved back once jimmy revitalized the industry (that was very common on the real western frontier, except they just ended up abandoned forever unlike tumble town)
The Evermoore: nope, just a swamp. shelby gets to be in charge cause she’s the only one there and the spirits she helps are still spirits and don’t rlly want to be in charge
Sanctuary: no, sausage founded the settlement and was completely willing to step down once it started to grow into a real empire but he’s very well respected and everyone wanted to him to stay the ruler, esp cause they trusted he wouldn’t be like the king from their old kingdom. the people who work at town hall do all the official paperwork and stuff but sausages still the unofficial ruler
Animalia: no, there were hidden underground societies of animal citizens before but they were all separate by type, like one place for the frogs, one for foxes, etc, and then one day lizzie recruited animals for the critter council and started building a place where they wouldn’t have to hide. at first lizzie’s villagers were mostly living there under coercion, but as word spread throughout the hidden animal communities the animal citizens started immigrating willingly
Chromia: honestly not sure, this and gobland are the empires i have the least ideas for, i feel like it could go either way. chromia scott just doesn’t feel like the kind of guy who would build a whole new settlement from scratch, so maybe he hid out in a village while on the run from authorities or whatever kind of trouble he got himself into, and then he decided to liven up the place with some colors and ended up being in charge somehow. or maybe he was on the run and decided to build a house and a new identity and start selling dyes and ppl just started coming and building there too idk.
Cogsmeade: no, but i think there was a village or 2 nearby, and the people there are super wary of strangers and pretty isolationist, similar to false herself. when she first moved in nearby, the villagers weren’t sure what to make of her, she seemed strange but she kept to herself and didn’t bother them so they let it be. after a while they saw the stuff she was building and were begrudgingly impressed and a few of them decided to try and trade with her for iron and stuff. it takes ages but she builds some buildings and and some people move closer to her and some stay in the inn. it’s a small, close knit community, and the citizens and false trust each other as much as people like them can. false never actually tells any of them about her past and her trauma, but there’s an unspoken understanding that they all have. they’ve all gone through stuff and are running from something, they know what it feels like. there’s lots of solidarity, and they’re not nice but they’re kind.
Forgotten Cove, Eversea: yes, eversea isn’t actually a land it’s just the pirate term for certain parts of the ocean, the strategically important parts, where the merchant ships have to pass through, and the pirates who control those waters are super powerful. if a pirate crew is powerful enough to enforce it, they can basically claim parts of eversea as their territory and it’s off limits to other pirates. sometimes different crews make alliances and trades for use of the territory and sometimes they’ll just challenge the other crew for the territory and if the challenging crew defeats the crew that holds the territory then they can claim it.
when a crew that holds multiple territories is defeated their other claims are essentially considered to be very shaky and other crews will start swarming them to try and claim them for themselves. there’s a lot of politics involved and reputation is an important part of all of it. if a crew wins a challenge and gains more territory, some might leave the other territories alone bc they think that the crew will most likely be coming to cement their claim on those next, and it’s not worth it to try and fight for them. while some would view the defeated crew as weak and run to try and rip off a piece while they’re down. it all depends on politics, reputations, risks vs rewards, how valuable the territory is, and a ton of other stuff.
some parts of the eversea waters change hands constantly, while others are held more consistently by 1 or 2 crews. skeletron has held the vast majority of territory for the past years, which is basically unheard of. usually there’s a few big players and a bunch of smaller groups who have ties or alliances with one of the big powers. skeletron came out of nowhere and started taking out the big powers, and the the smaller groups either flocked to him out of fear or got taken out.
if the major powers had teamed up to fight him they may have been able to take him out, but it would take something huge to make them set aside their feuds, and they didn’t take skeletron seriously at first. by the time they realized what a huge threat he was, it was too late. joey was actually the last holdout, which is why skeletron was so hellbent on getting him. joey wasn’t a major power yet, but before skeletron sunk his ship and kidnapped his crew mates joey was considered a very promising up-and-comer, well on his way to becoming a major power. although most people gave up on him once skeletron sunk him, because at that point skeletron was considered an almost mythical legendary figure, like blackbeard, and no one thought joey could’ve survived his attack.
but he did! and he washed up in the forgotten cove! a bustling shantytown that every pirate knows is the closest thing you can get to being at sea while still being on land. the floating docks and the ships moored there considered just as much a part of the town as the many many pubs and bars. just like the sea, the town has its own politics, depending on the delicate balanced ecosystem of the town to keep it thriving. if you need something illegal, the first place to look is always the forgotten cove, which was named that way because the more honest and more wealthy parts of society didn’t like to remember it existed, and they got so good at forgetting that eventually everyone forgot what empire it belonged to originally.
nowadays it’s considered its own independent territory. it’s one of those places where everybody knows it exists and that people are committing crimes there, but the people in charge turn a blind eye to it bc of, again, politics. the town is considered more stable than the sea. in addition to the pirates, there’s also a bunch of gangs, smugglers, and a shit ton of poor street kids. it’s a great place to disappear, which is why it was the best place for joey to lay low and gather more power to try and defeat skeletron.
he also manages to unite the town and improve the conditions a ton while he does it. which is why he ends up in charge. he does have to fight a bit for the position but most of the town likes having him in charge and it’s hard to get them to agree on anything. the other rulers are shocked when joey shows up for one of the empires rulers meetings, because despite sending the invitation out of courtesy every time, no one ever shows up. they’re way too busy worrying about internal politics to care about the external politics with other empires.
after joey defeats skeletron with katherine and shelby he gains legendary status and is considered the greatest pirate of all time. he spends a year sailing around with katherine and shelby (i know shelby’s finale had kind of a vague timeline but i decided i want them to sail off into the distance happily ever after and it’s my post) and they also get added to the legends. the pirate king, the monster-slaying princess, and the great witch. friends forever.
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hermitcrossovers · 1 year
So fun fact I'm currently avoiding doing my greek school work to write this haha
Anyways on to the other parts of the plot!
So Empires is another island, with nine ruling clans (I took out Pearl, Jimmy, and Gem's kingdoms due to plot). This is where most of the Emperors come from, they are the children of these leaders.
Pearl and Jimmy ended up on the island when Jimmy was thirteen and Pearl was fourteen. Jimmy had been sent by the Listeners, while Pearl had shipwrecked after escaping the Watchers.
Most of the Emperors are just kinda chilling. They're living their lives and learning how to hunt dragons and keep their island safe.
There's only one problem, the island has a history of sacrificing misbehaving children to a nearby island filled with the worst and most deadly dragons.
Everything changes when a masked figure starts attacking, claiming to control the deathgrippers. They say their name is Xornoth, and they know the secrets of the island.
Of course, they do. After all, Xornoth is the only surviving child who was sacrificed. They want revenge for their friends, and to get rid of their parents once and for all.
Oh, and they're Scott's older sibling. Scott doesn't know about this.
So, when Xornoth starts threatening Scott's island, he (very blind to the truth, because sheltered upbringings will do that to you) decides to leave and seek out somebody who could help. Jimmy offers to come along, and Scott says yes, because Jimmy could be useful, not at all because Scott has a crush on him. Totally.
They end up sailing for a few days, before being scooped up by Grian, who is overjoyed to see one of his old friends again. And to have somebody who isn't Scar around.
I should note this happens before Grian finds out BigB and Martyn are alive.
Now, meanwhile with the Crastle crew:
Cleo is about to pull her hair out, because why are they stuck with this gremlin of a teenager. All she wants to do is go home for once, not be stuck on this random island after getting blown off course in a storm.
Bdubs is having a great time! He's finally got another person on the island besides himself, and shes great! He swears he'll protect her forever, because she can get him off the island. It's been a long two years after all.
Impulse has zero idea what's going on. He and Tango were out looking for Skizz one minute, exploring an island and getting jumped on by a feral teenager and a redhead who has a knife the next. He's pretty sure he wants to go home.
Tango has given up trying to understand anything. He's just listening to Cleo and Bdubs argue about what to do with him and Impulse, so he offers to help them work on a ship in exchange for their freedom after the ship is built. That seems to work.
I'm still working out most of the details but here's a list of dragons + the answer to your question:
Yes Evo is abandoned but sort of intact! However it's been pretty ravaged and needs a few years before most plants grow back, as a lightning storm that ended up making the forests catching fire happened shortly after the Watchers took and/or killed everybody.
Jimmy - a yellow razorwhip named Canary!
Scott - a red whispering death named Poppy
Bdubs - a snaptrapper named Mossy as a collective, and a terrible terror named Shrub
Cloe - a bonenapper named Bones, and she later gets a screaming death named Screamy
Impulse - a yellow and black windwalker named Ssvee
Tango - a rumblehorn named Ravager!
Joel - a pack of small shadows (you might notice I haven't done much with Joel yet, that's because I'm trying to figure out what he's even doing) - 🔮🐦 (magic bird anon)
I swear I had already answered this 💀💀
First off! The crastle vibes are on point, and Cleo with a bonenapper is just perfect, honestly I feel like she would absolutely gather bones to give to Bones lol.
Second... the empires guys are in for so much hurt, plus sailor Jimmy and Scot is now stuck in my head.
I love how you're weaving in the different servers together.
-Mod Jer
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flickys-courage-club · 9 months
My Courage The Cowardly Dog AUs:
Main AU - The show is the same except I added my headcanons and my own OCs to it
Caretakers of Anxiety AU - This AU only involves Barry and The Revenge Six. When Barry gets kidnapped by the villains as a small kitten and taken to their home, however, instead of killing him, they began raising the baby with little help from Freaky Fred and the Banana Dealer
Cowboy AU - This AU involves the episode 'Cowboy Courage' but the whole series takes place in Wild West era
2P AU - This AU is inspired by @ppanhwi involving the characters having alternate personalities and apperances. For ex: Courage is brave dog and isn't afraid of anything
Detective AU - This AU takes place in the 1970s-80s across New York. Courage is the main detective, though he is a coward but brave enough on his cases there he also meets with one of the new detectives in town named Barry and his partner Shade
Witch Hunt AU - This AU takes place in the medieval era in which the witch hunt begins
Frostbite Family AU - This AU is about Barry and Team Frostbite. Before Nathan and Teresa died, they had to send Barry who was a baby over to the snowy lands to which Team Frostbite found him. Since they realise that his parents died, they took him in to their place and raise him
Bloodlust Curse AU - This AU focuses on the episode "King Ramses' Curse". It is said that anyone who comes across his slab or himself would face the same plagues but Ramses gained the fourth plague which is his victims being slaughtered to death by thousands of bloodlusted bats
Eternal Night Curse AU - This AU follows a curse of eternal night being said by cat like creatures known as "Dream Cats" that night time will be stay forever in Nowhere. However it is said that if it happens, it will end all life really quickly due to the cold weather and lack of food. This also takes on the OC Crescent who after being free, was desperate to find someone who can play with her little games
Barbers Asylum AU - This AU focuses on Freaky Fred. Since Fred's mother(also the sister of Muriel) couldn't take her son's obsession of shaving hair, she had no choice but to send him to an mental asylum for life. Though the person he is fond who is Muriel, she pays visits to him whenever she is out
Weirdcore/Dreamcore AU - This AU follows the characters in a distorted version of their universe with their morbid appearances based of what they are. Ex: Computer is a computer head. Kitty is a cat plush made of cotton and wool and her mouse toy becomes a real mouse. Bunny is also a bunny plush made out of cotton and wool. Courage is a dog puppet, has stitch marks over him and buttons sewn into his eyes
Gorecore AU - This AU follows the characters in a horror and gory take on their universe, with their appearances being gory. Ex: Courage's eyes and limbs went missing, Katz has spider bites and wounds all over his body and Cajun Fox has burn marks from boiling water or oil, his eyes were sore from sunlight and his glasses are broken
Bad Ending AU - This is a What If... AU which the protagonists didn't get their happy endings. Ex: Courage and Muriel get killed by their enemies in Ball Of Revenge, Bunny and Kitty didn't reunite together due to Bunny meeting her fate at the hands of Mad Dog in The Mask and everyone died in the submarine explosion except for Katz in Katz Under The Sea
Gem AU - This AU is inspired by @welpimspooky it takes on Steven Universe. Courage/Coral and others are gems living across a fallen world
Reunited Family AU - This AU follows Courage and the Bagges meeting two dogs who look a lot like Courage, however the old couple don't realize that the two are Courage's actual parents
The Amazing Digital Circus X Courage The Cowardly Dog AU - This AU follows the TADC story but with CTCD characters as the characters. Ex: Courage has the role as Pomni, Muriel is Ragatha
Humanized AU - This AU is the same as my Main AU except the characters who are anthropomorphic animals or monsters are humans
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dmwrites · 2 years
“Ohhh my god, you know what we haven’t done in forever?” Gem suddenly gasped, scaring Impulse and Pearl, who had been peacefully eating their breakfasts.
“What’s that, Gem?” Impulse asked kindly.
“GIRLS NIGHT!!!” Gem screeched, grabbing Pearl by the arm and shaking her. Pearl muttered several violent threats, as she was still half asleep and very much not a morning person, but Gem ignored her. “Ohhhhh my god that could be so much fun! Makeup and secrets and karaoke!”
“You should!” Impulse smiled warmly at her over his newspaper. “Do you want me to get you two some snacks or anything?”
“Oh, Impulse, didn’t you know?” Gem asked. “You are an honorary girlie… you’re doing Girl’s Night with us!”
Gem insisted that Pearl and Impulse meet at her castle later in the day, so she had time to prepare. Impulse didn’t really understand how much there was to prepare, but it wasn’t until he got to the castle did he understand.
Gem’s dedication to Girl’s Night was quite impressive. Gem had matching monogrammed pajamas for each of them. She had set out a buffet of snacks and drinks in one room of her castle. One room was entirely dedicated to pillows and blankets. And she had an itemized list of activities for the girlies to do.
—— pillow fight!——
“Okay, Impulse, please select your pillow weapons and armor.” Gem said.
“Pillow armor?” Impulse questioned, walking into the pillow and blanket room.
“Yeah, when Gem says pillow fight, she means we’re gonna hunt each other down.” Pearl replied, tying a pillow around her chest and picking up a long body pillow. “I usually win, by the way.”
And yes, indeed, Pearl did in fact win, in a dramatic conclusion where she chased Impulse and Gem down the entire length of Gem’s castle and tackled them to the ground. Impulse understood the need for the pillow armor.
“Okay, age old question, Impy.” Both girls looked at him expectantly, wine glasses I hand. “Which is the cutest block in Minecraft?”
“Bdubs.” Impulse said dreamily.
“Well I like birch, and not because- wait what?” Gem asked.
“Minecraft block, Impulse.” Pearl whispered.
Impulse turned bright red. “Oh! Yeah, uh, quartz. Quartz is a cute block.”
Pearl and Gem screamed in laughter, clutching each other as to not fall over in hysterics.
——truth or dare!——
“Okay, truth or dare, Gem?”
Gem giggled. “Omg, okay, dare!”
Pearl laughed very ominously. “Okay, I dare you to find Xisuma’s bedroom and shout ‘fuck’ at the top of your lungs at the foot of his bed.”
“Oh my god, Pearl, do you want her to die? It’s like the middle of the night.” Impulse gasped, a hand over his mouth.
Gem also had a hand over her mouth, but lowered it to give them both a stoic look. “I will do it, for it is Girl’s Night, and I honor the Girl’s Night truth or dare code.”
They found Xisuma asleep in his mega base, surrounded by bones. Impulse and Pearl stood at the doorway of his room, ready to run. Gem snuck up until she was standing at Xisuma’s bed, and took a deep breath.
“ah!” Xisuma jumped out of bed, or tried to, but instead got twisted in his blankets and fell into a pile of bones by his bed.
“RUN!” Impulse shouted, and all three scattered, giggling wildly.
They all woke up the next morning hungover and with a very grumpy Xisuma standing over them, arms crossed. And although they tried their best, they couldn’t girlboss, gaslight, gatekeep their way out of this one.
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queerlilchinchin · 25 days
Death Has a Face: A Dating Simulator
Whoo! Created my page for my Death Has a Face simulator! :) I'm starting with a project I know my characters pretty well. I created 3 more characters for it. You can read about the characters below (including old ones):
Hello and welcome to my dating simulator for Death Has a Face. As a precursor so you know what you're in for, Death Has a Face is an old story of mine that is about a goddess, a grim reaper and the reaper's best friend, who also happens to be her helper in death.
What do I mean by that?
Belinda - the serial killer - was approached by Ikuisuus - the reaper - to off anyone that has somehow escaped their time to die. In return, she got immortality, which also gave her the ability to drink as much as she wanted without getting drunk (which wasn't necessarily a blessing in her book).
About Belinda: Belinda is a drunk who loves to fight and bet. She is the classic bar-attender in any movie that loves to pick bar fights and shark people at pool, only her game of choice is usually darts because women are even more underestimated with darts. She is known as the "Red Devil" because she wears red stilettos everywhere (her favorite color is red) and it's said you hear the clicking of her heels right before you die a brutal and gruesome death. She loves to kill and finds thrill in hurting others, though she and Ikuisuus also have a deal she can't torture anyone.
About Ikuisuus: Iku or Kui or Ikuisuus is the grim reaper of her world. She had to kill the last reaper while she was being taken to her afterlife in order to do so, which she did by accident. The only way to kill a reaper is with their scythe, which is why they're known for always having it on their person. She is fascinated by the ever-changing world, having been human at one point, and is best friends with her assistant, Belinda, who will often have her come down to earth to enjoy some human customs with her. Ikuisuus is afraid of corn mazes ever since Belinda one day took her to one for Halloween.
About Juuma Jumma is the goddess of their world. Juuma is very particular about who she allows to spend time with her, so in their world heaven isn't selective on who enters for the reason some believe. It's simply because you're not part of the "cool crowd." However, in their world, hell isn't a place of torment. Not for those that were kicked out of heaven for being too "uncool." Rather, it's a big ass party where you just weren't invited to the VIP section (heaven).
About Ruby: Ruby was Ikuisuus' first crush ever. She was a stunning, outgoing and confident redhead with beautiful gem-like blue eyes, who stole away Iku's love easily. However, Belinda was still alive and able to date Ruby, and under the guise of "vetting her to make sure she was good enough for Ikuisuus," started dating her. Much to both girls' surprise (because no, Iku is not all-knowing), Ruby ended up being a serial killer herself, only here's the kicker - she only killed other serial killers. She felt justified because of this fact. Belinda... did not feel it justified and had to kill her only girlfriend she'd had in a very long time when she realized Ruby was onto her.
About Jane: Jane is a bisexual woman that has actually met Belinda before but didn't know it. She is obsessed with The Red Devil and was actually he creator of her fanclub. She sees her as a powerful woman who will shut any man down (which she isn't wrong about) and will forever be the voice of feminism. Jane is sassy and clever with a flirty mouth - but only once you've gotten to know her. When you first meet her, she's shy and quiet and difficult to get to open up. She's a pilot, but ironically horrified of heights. She actually learned to fly on a dare, and fell in love with it and immediately switch career paths when she became good enough to do so. She is in an open relationship with Jarred.
About Jarred: Jarred (32) is a pansexual/biromantic man. He's in an open relationship with Jane and is also clever and intelligent. He is terrified of heights and will willingly go on dates with his pilot girlfriend where they fly on private planes across the world - but he hates it. After all, he's also horrified of deep ocean water, and the entire time they're in the air over the water, all he can imagine is them crash landing in it. He loves to dance and loves music of all different kinds, so an chance he has to take Jane out dancing, he snatches as quickly as he learns about it.
About Leo: Leo (26) is a bisexual man. He has had a difficult time with love, having been cheated on by every woman he's dated and abused by every man, so for obvious reasons, he has a difficult time opening himself up to new ones. He is very closed off and seems very harsh and quiet when you first meet him, but once he opens up to a person, he becomes an absolute teddy bear of a man. He as intense seasonal depression that kicks in every summer, especially bad in July and even more intense anxiety all year round. He hates reading, finds it boring and it opens his mind up to talk to him way too loudly, so he prefers to listen to music and watch loud movies and tv.
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ween-kitchens · 7 months
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@whimsy-biome HFMDH YAY dredge has to be one of my favourite games ever it’s so <333
anyway i’m kind of obsessed with the timeline of this KHFKDHJ mostly because i’ve managed to squish two of my favourite things together: dredge and empires s1 LNFLDN
this does have like. hints? of dredge spoilers, just in case you don’t wanna spoil anything at all. nothing is a 1:1 ratio though, I mostly took half the dredge plot and warped it a little HLFDN (under the cut ooo)
everything basically starts at the rapture in what used to be mazelea. joel has just watched his whole life’s work crumble to the ground, and now his wife and best friend have both vanished, and the oceans are almost gone completely. he’s.. a little desperate, in all honesty, and is willing to do anything to get his old life back.
so, he makes the trek to crystal cliffs and manages to find gem before she leaves for somewhere better than the hellscape that their kingdoms have become. joel begs for her to help him, to do anything that might bring back jimmy and lizzie, and she reluctantly agrees to make him a spell that would bring them back.
gem comes to him, frantic, with the spell written in an old grimoire of hers, and tells him that joel can bring jimmy and lizzie back with it. she tells him though, that to bring two deities back into the world would have an enormous cost. something like the rapture, but amplified by thousands. the world would become uninhabitable.
they both agree that there is no way the spell could ever be used, and they cast it out to sea in the hopes that it’d be lost forever
and it was! for a time
the thing about minecraft worlds is that, once the landscape has changed enough and all old builds are reduced to ruin, they get reused. after all, it’s a lot more efficient to reuse worlds than to create a new one every single time someone wants, when there are thousands of worlds that haven’t been touched in centuries!
not to mention, whilst players’ memories and bodies may change from world to world, their code stays exactly the same. now generally this is fine, but when your code has been corrupted by something—let’s say a rapture—the word does not take kindly to that. I mean, why did you think s8 ended so forcefully? gem and pearl, of course.
after the hermits realised what their code had done to the world, they removed the aspect of the rapture from their codes. unfortunately, this also removed some of their memories from after the rapture. which also includes gem’s memories of the spell and the book. i’m sure this will have zero negative consequences at all!
so, whether it be coincidence or incredible misfortune, the world for season ten of hermitcraft just so happens to be the same world that season one of empires smp inhabited. which means the book is still there
and the book would very much like to be used.
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nightcorrupts · 10 months
. ˚ . ↷ ・𝒊𝒏𝒕𝒓𝒐𝒅𝒖𝒄𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒍𝒆𝒆 𝒏𝒂𝒆𝒃𝒊𝒏 ›› 𝐝𝐚𝐫𝐤𝐧𝐞𝐬𝐬 𝐦𝐢𝐦𝐢𝐜𝐫𝐲.
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my deepest apologies if this intro is messy or rambling asf (it's my aesthetic after all) but hello friends! i'm gem, like the stones, and this is an old muse of mine that i love dearly and haven't played in forever so i'm rly happy that i get to again!! a little tl:dr on naebin to get started, she's capable of darkness mimicry and has been since finding out about her father's passing when she was about nine years old! great emotional shifts can cause her ability to flare up, so she's actually v v thankful for nullivi and happily wears the patch. has a love/hate (mostly hate) relationship with her ability due to its tendency to inflict melancholy on others and she lives in fear that her power may someday be targeted by the government for its dangers or exploited for the wrong reasons, as she's far too trusting! if that sounds like a good time, feel free to continue reading below! otherwise, if you'd like to chat or plot some things out, just like this post and i'll send you smth &lt;3
trigger warnings for nightmare imagery, car accidents and death apply!
›› 𝐛𝐢𝐨 𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝐢: 𝒆𝒂𝒓𝒍𝒚 𝒍𝒊𝒇𝒆
naebin was born in daejeon as the older sister of twin boys, her father a truck driver and her mother a secondary school teacher. her childhood was rife with difficulties, as naebin was plagued with frequent nightmares that would disrupt both her life and her family's. she'd dream that a cloud of darkness was creeping across her bedroom towards her. it would cloak her hand first, then her feet; before she knew it, she'd be completely absorbed into the shadows and spreading through the entire house. she'd hear the muffled sobs of her parents and younger brothers from down the hall, somehow knowing she was responsible but having no idea how to stop it. she'd awake screaming, sometimes not even in her bed, as though the very shadows in her dreams had tried to carry her away. her parents would come running; a mixture of worry, exhaustion and frustration obvious in her mother's eyes every time, though her father often simply looked sympathetic. they seemed to be at a loss, and so was she. sometimes, naebin would try and force herself to stay awake all night, on a vigilant mission to stop these events. her parents, hardly able to afford the extra expense with three children to look after, took her to a sleep specialist in order to assess the issue. when that didn't work, they brought her to a child psychologist in hopes that talking through her emotions could resolve these haunting nightmares. the woman was very kind and reassuring, reminding naebin that it wasn't her fault she was experiencing these things. her warmth and understanding towards naebin's expression of emotion built up a small bit of confidence in the young girl. for awhile, her nightmares lessened considerably in intensity and frequency. life with her family was finally starting to normalize. however, nothing could prepare her for the shape her fate was about to take.
›› 𝐛𝐢𝐨 𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝐢𝐢: 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒔𝒉𝒂𝒅𝒐𝒘𝒔
naebin's mother got the call around 2:15 on a rainy winter morning. her husband's truck had been involved in a ghastly accident while making a late night haul, and he hadn't survived the collision. when naebin was being awoken in the middle of the night alongside her brothers, she knew a traumatic blow was about to be dealt, but she prayed and wished to whoever was listening that she wasn't about to hear what she already suspected. when the words fell from her mother's lips, naebin went instantly colder, but that was only the tip of the iceberg in the sequence of events that night. as tears spilled from she and her brothers' eyes, darkness began to overtake her body. it was as though shadows were seeping from her very pores and engulfing her entire being. she heard errant screams from her mother and brothers as the void grew, completely replacing naebin in her spot on the bed. distantly flowing towards her were the echoing footsteps of her brothers following their mom as she ran from the room in fear. in the moment, naebin didn't really care, she just wanted to cry in the dark. for once, the shadows actually felt like home.
›› 𝐛𝐢𝐨 𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝐢𝐢𝐢: 𝒍𝒊𝒇𝒆 𝒂𝒇𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝒅𝒆𝒂𝒕𝒉
finding out she was an anomaly with darkness mimicry didn't do much for naebin's sense of worth, especially considering her ability caused so much despair for her family, who was already dealing with the loss of her father. life changed a lot after the news got out; naebin was kicked out of her primary school, her psychologist was too afraid to see her anymore and her own family couldn't look at her the same way. she knew her mother still loved her, but she also knew her fear was slowly beginning to cloud that emotion. the family was forced to move from their neighborhood to another due to increasing unrest from their neighbors, while naebin's paternal grandmother moved in with them to help out. halmoni kwayoung felt like naebin's only ally at times, and provided her with a sense of unconditional support and valuable information. naebin learned her paternal grandfather was also an anomaly. he'd passed away long before she was ever born or even before her parents met each other. naebin's father had been sworn to secrecy about his own father's abilities, as naebin's mother had never been too keen on them. the woman's coldness towards naebin suddenly made a lot more sense, but it did nigh to comfort her. her brothers, though somewhat fearful of her newly discovered power, seemed to love her just the same. it was a scant ray of light in the darkness she had wrought on her family. still, naebin never protested her mother's outward indifference toward her. the young girl feared her own power, how could she expect her mother to feel any differently? she desperately wanted her mother's love and acceptance, but if she never obtained it, whose fault was it? naebin stewed in this melancholy and self-disdain for months, learning the unfortunate fact that this despair could be spread to others when in her dark form, if she could muster enough strength and sadness. it had her clinging to the hope that somehow, someday, her ability could be suppressed. she didn't want to feel like the very essence of corruption any longer. when she learned of the existence of nullivi, something she'd thought for years was just an unrelated throwaway commercial on tv she heard in the background, she felt like it was too good to be true. after receiving the patch and putting it on, she was delighted to find out that it did, in fact, have a temporary nullifying effect on her ability. she couldn't control the wave of tears that hit her; feeling like for the first time since this entire ordeal started, she could possibly gain a sense of normalcy. she was able to go back to school, she found a great therapist who was comfortable with anomalies, she was beginning to make friends and her mother even started to address her with more warmth than she had in nearly a year. the dark cloud that had hovered over her for so long had finally dissipated somewhat. she knew she wasn't rid of her abilities entirely, but to even be allowed a reprieve from them for a short time was more than she ever thought she'd get to experience.
›› 𝐛𝐢𝐨 𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝐢𝐯: 𝒖𝒏𝒊𝒗𝒆𝒓𝒔𝒊𝒕𝒚 𝒇𝒐𝒓 𝒂𝒏𝒐𝒎𝒂𝒍𝒊𝒆𝒔
in her mid to late teens, naebin had gained more confidence in herself just by the sheer strength of the bonds she'd made in the school systems of seoul. some of the students even had abilities like her, allowing them to compare patches and horror stories. it made her see her ability through a less harsh lens, though there were still aspects of it she could do without. right around the time she was set to start applying for college, it was announced that a university especially for anomalies was opening its doors. naebin, who had for so long felt like such an outsider due to her darkness mimicry, finally had the opportunity to be largely around people who would understand. she was accepted for their bachelor's program in child psychology, as she wanted to offer guidance to children who were trying to process grief, especially those whose situations were exacerbated by their anomaly status like hers was. being apart of sua's student body was even more enjoyable than she'd initially thought. she tried out for house haetae's sporting rally team in an attempt to get more comfortable with her ability and to break out of her shell in general. she enjoys it, though sometimes its intensity gets to her. despite the team's propensity for propelling yin members to the top, naebin is perfectly happy being in the background as a yang member. she's one of the only yang members who have stuck it out over the years. after achieving so much success in gaining her bachelor's degree, naebin has officially entered the first year of sua's masters program. her relationship with her brothers remains strong, though she misses them terribly. her mother is a different story, as naebin beginning to embrace her ability in certain ways has seemingly fractured things between them once more. though naebin somewhat accepts herself now, she fears she may never truly receive that same sentiment from her mother.
›› 𝒑𝒆𝒓𝒔𝒐𝒏𝒂𝒍𝒊𝒕𝒚
naebin has a long history of being your typical wallflower sad girl with a certain level of distaste for herself and her preternatural abilities, but the love she's lacked giving herself in the past has always been reserved for others. she's genuinely the kindest, most loyal person even when you treat her badly. she wants the best for everyone around her, even if it means sometimes extending her empathy to the wrong person.
she can be rather gullible and overly trusting and gives the benefit of the doubt to people even when they don't deserve it. genuinely just wants to help tbqh
she's a massive worrier!!!! gets anxiety abt nothing at all and is 1000% the type to make you call her when u get home to let her know ur okay. texting is not enough WHAT IF THEY KIDNAP YOU AND USE YOUR PHONE? I NEED TO HEAR UR VOICE.
despite being the literal dark, she's fuckign spineless bro lmao. she's not rly the one to take along on spooky adventures, but like she'll go. she doesn't wanna be left out but she's gonna cry the whole time. she's the voice of reason in the horror movie "guys we rly shouldn't be doing this. we should go back to the car guise. guys please."
get her drunk and you're gonna have a mess on your hands. secret party girl? we love to see it.
though she's faced tragedy and a lot of hurdles to get to this level of self acceptance, she's thriving far more than she ever has in her life and has no plans of stopping.
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argisthebulwark · 2 years
i want to share this with you, maybe you like it, maybe you dont but in my heart i’ve never stopped wanting to become a princess in the future, yknow? like fuck corporate jobs, i wanna be a princess. but im also like addicted to the whole princess becomes somewhat rogue outlaw?
okay so, bryn breaking in some rich peoples home (or maybe a castle) only to find the lass of his dreams. im picturing something like tangled, except this motherfucker would definitely kidnap someone. for shits n giggles
listen i haven't seen tangled in like a decade but the vibes are immaculate. i do not want to have a 'job' or 'responsibilities' i simply want to chill. and i DO like it so much im sorry this took forever lmao
Just imagine Brynjolf hearing that some wealthy family has bought land in the Rift and getting giddy with excitement. They've made it obvious that their intention is to clear away the crumbling remnants of an old castle and rebuild. He keeps an eye on the construction, impressed with the sheer magnitude of the structure they're building. He rarely sees the owners, only workers.
When the construction ends and they begin work on the interior his interest wanes. He knows that it takes months for wealthy people to decorate their homes. Besides, he'll see it soon enough. He merely needs to wait for them to fill it with enough valuables to keep the Guild afloat.
(nothing nsft - i just write a lot)
Every once in a while Brynjolf checks in. He watches workers laying floorboards and hanging chandeliers. Furniture and appliances are carted in. He has no clue how many people will live in the castle or why they need so much stuff. When the paintings and bookshelves are finally hung he knows that it must be almost complete.
Despite the completion of the castle he notices that it remains dark. Whispered rumors around Riften hint that the family is traveling from far away, possibly even making the long journey from Solstheim. Others claim that the family built it only to sell to another wealthy family. Brynjolf doesn't care enough for the lives of rich folk to investigate their personal lives.
Returning from an unpleasant job in Dawnstar, Brynjolf is exhausted. His feet dragging and pack too light he's dreading the hopeful eyes of those waiting in the Cistern. Just as he's formulating the speech to explain the situation something catches his eye - there, flickering in the distance. The castle's curtains are thrown open and candles cast shadows upon the manicured lawn below.
Before he realizes what he's doing Brynjolf is crouched in the shadows of the castle's hedges. He's eyeing the broad windows and watching overdressed bodies squeeze in and out of view. The owners must be celebrating their arrival with every member of Skyrim's upper class.
They hardly hired any guards around the place. Brynjolf spots a few well-dressed employees that seem more focused on checking invitations than watching for thieves. His heart's in his throat when he scoots into the silence of the back garden.
The castle is large and spindly but one tower stands a few feet above the rest. It has to be their vault. The windows on this tower are thrown open but the lights are low, as if not wanting to draw attention. Brynjolf is grateful to the sharp new stones as he clambers his way up the side of the tower.
Sweat beading on his brow, Brynjolf grasps one last ledge. Voices float up from the garden but he doesn't waste his time - if they'd spotted him their tone wouldn't be so relaxed. A balcony at the tower's peak blocks the pesky moonlight from illuminating his hurried hop into the tower.
The staircase winds upward into the darkness. Sconces along the walkway are unlit and his footsteps are silent on the polished steps. His heart races with every step and Brynjolf finds himself envisioning what awaits at the top - chests full of gems and coin, jewelry if he's lucky. He's calculating how much space is left in his pack when he comes across the final door.
It's firmly shut. No visible locks but it doesn't budge - must be locked from the inside. Had he missed another entrance? The staircase winding up to the peak makes it impossible for a ladder to be hidden somewhere and he doubts that any of the nobles laughing and eating in the main hall are able to scale the walls.
The rational part of his mind urges him to return to the Cistern emptyhanded and create a viable plan but morbid curiosity leads to a quiet knock on the door. He waits, shocked to hear locks sliding open one by one.
"I already told you, I'm not interested in your pathetic suitors!"
When the door is wrenched open, Brynjolf is stunned. The most beautiful woman he's ever seen is glaring at him with enough venom to kill. Her fingers tap impatiently on the door as if waiting for his explanation.
"Well?" She prompts, voice sharp. "Which one sent you?"
"What?" Did she think he was from the Dark Brotherhood?
"Was it my mother or father?"
"No one." He answers curtly, ignoring the way his heart races. Surely it's from the panic of getting caught and has nothing to do with the woman glowering at him. Brynjolf pointedly ignores the way her face softens when she eyes him, noticing his attire.
"I heard the Thieves Guild was based in the Rift." Her head tilts and Brynjolf's heart skips at her words. "I didn't think you'd be so quick considering the state of your group."
"You're wrong, lass." Brynjolf lies through his teeth, surprised when she finally smiles at him.
"Oh good." She steps aside as if welcoming him. "I think we could help one another."
"How?" Brynjolf is careful, never looking away from her in case she's a threat. It has absolutely nothing to do with the alluring way she spoke or her nimble fingers braiding hair out of her face.
"I've been trapped with my family for ages." She mutters, tossing her robe aside to reveal basic clothing unlike those downstairs. "Not literally, of course, but socially. I'm chaperoned and shown off to every unmarried man on the continent with enough coin to his name. If I hadn't locked myself up here they'd be parading me around to whoever owns land in the Rift."
A nasty, jealous feeling leaves Brynjolf unsettled. He doesn't even know her name but dislikes the thought of her being treated like some animal to be sold off. He already knows he's going to agree to whatever she proposes when she faces him again, eyes full of hope.
"How can we help each other?" His voice remains neutral despite the excited fluttering in his chest.
"My parents are terrified of the Thieves Guild. Scared enough that if their eldest daughter were kidnapped I'm sure they'd pay a handsome fee to get her back."
"Sounds more like the Brotherhood or even some of the bandits." His attraction to her battles against the instinct to protect the Guild's failing image. "Thieves don't generally kidnap, lass."
"Then teach me to be a thief." She grins at him and Brynjolf knows she's won. "I can't stay here and rot in this tower or be married off to someone I hardly know."
"I'll keep you around if you're helpful." Brynjolf grumbles and savors the way her arms fling around his neck, treating her kidnapper like a savior.
"Okay!" She bounces to her desk, digging around until she finds some parchment. "Would you like to write the ransom note or shall I?"
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simshousewindsor · 1 year
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[Beaverdam Castle, Brindleton Bay]
Prince Louis: Lovely party, Rainier!
Prince Rainier: Thank you, sir.
Lord James: (laughs) My husband can't stop eating the Beef Bourguignon. He’ll be bringing in the new year with an extra twenty pounds!
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Prince Anthony: The apple pastries were my favorite. Lara said the castle only makes them at Christmas?
Prince Louis: Yes. My grandfather started that tradition.
Prince Rainier: (laughs) One we are happy to continue!
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Prince Louis: So, Rainier, how has it been adjusting to life with four children?
Prince Anthony: The million dollar question!
Lord James: You know, I’m very proud of you two for managing the last few weeks here without your staff! Newborn twins, plus two more under the age of 8, running around this big ole’ castle!?
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Prince Rainier: Beaverdam is quite manageable. It’s much smaller than Buckingsim. It feels like Highpark in the country.
Prince Louis: Wait! You two haven't had any help? I can't believe the palace agreed to that. The Queen Katherine effect.
Prince Rainier: None! To be honest, we needed the last few weeks to grieve in private, have the twins and adjust to this new life. The paparazzi and the palace would have given her none of that in Easton. Plus, these are our kids! We know them and enjoy spending time with them. This new royal life hasn't fully hit them yet. The last few weeks allowed Kate and I enjoy them as children and make special memories before we return to the circus tomorrow.
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Lord James: Did you hear about the political scandal in Americreek?
Prince Louis: I did! There was always something off about that Vice President of hers. President McNally was here the other month on what looked like an apology tour to repair foreign relations. (scoffs) Re-election season! It’s always chaos in the West.
Prince Rainier: (stands) I should check on the other guests.
Prince Anthony: I’ll join you!
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Prince Rainier: I did not want to get stuck talking with them. I got out quickly!
Prince Anthony: I took your cue. I should find my wife and make sure she saved me some apple pastry’s (laughs).
Prince Rainier: I need to find my wife also.
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- - - - - LATER - - - - -
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(Kate humming)
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Prince Rainier: I see someone is exhausted after all those belly rubs today!
Queen Katherine: (laughs)
Prince Rainier: What are you doing, Kate? Come back downstairs to the party. No more working!
Queen Katherine: I’m coming, I’m coming. I have so much to do, and now Uncle Louis asked to speak with me.
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Prince Rainier: Anthony and I just left him and Uncle James in one of the sitting rooms talking politics.
Queen Katherine: I can't believe my maternity leave is officially over. We head back to Easton tomorrow and then I open my first parliament.
Prince Rainier: Worry about that tomorrow. Your family is downstairs to celebrate the holiday right now. We’ve had such a tough year so tonight there’s no work, only happiness and fun!
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Queen Katherine: You’re right.
Prince Rainier: Let’s enjoy our last night at Beaverdam with family!
Queen Katherine: I’m so glad you convinced me to come here, Rainier. The kids really enjoyed the freedom and I desperately needed the space to grieve, and the privacy to be pregnant (laughs). Beaverdam will forever hold a special place in my heart!
Prince Rainier: It’s yours, Your Majesty. You can visit whenever you want.
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Prince Rainier: but since it’s our last night for now...
Queen Katherine: Rainier, the guests!
Prince Rainier: They can wait a few more minutes.
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- - - - - LATER - - - - -
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Prince Louis: This was such a lovely party, Katie-bear. You have really made Beaverdam your own over the last few months.
Queen Katherine: Thank you, Uncle Louis. Daddy rarely visited but I've grown quite fond of it.
Prince Louis: I’m sure you’re wondering why I asked to see you. I’ve been waiting eleven months to tell you this.
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Prince Louis: Before your father died he was searching for the Amulet of Amethyst. It’s a rare gem that belongs to the Windenburg royal family and said to be worth §100 million simoleons. Queen Isabella hid the amethyst, and it’s powers, to protect her secret spell-caster granddaughter. Your father, along with Will Gates and the Grand Duchess of Glimmerbrook were working together to find it.
Queen Katherine: Oh my goodness. I...I...
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Prince Louis: There’s more. The night before he died, he called me. He found something hidden in the floor plans of Mayfield Castle, Queen Isabella’s favorite home.
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Queen Katherine: So, my father was on a secret quest to find a missing gem and didn't tell anyone except you and two other people? Why did you wait so long to tell me? This is a lot to process right now. Does my mother know?
Prince Louis: She knows. We all agreed it was best to wait and tell you. The quest had nothing to do with his death.
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Queen Katherine: (angry) It had everything to do with his death! His heart was already weak! He needed to be home resting not off on some quest!
Prince Louis: It was time you knew the truth. The Grand Duchess has been giving you time but she wants to meet with you.
Queen Katherine: With me? What do I have to do with this? I don't think it’s a good idea.
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Queen Katherine: I should get back to the party. Excuse me.
Prince Louis: I didn't mean to upset you, Kate. I know this is a lot. Meet with her. That’s all I ask. I know you have more questions than answers, and I believe she can help.
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Prince Louis: “Think about it, Kate.”
Queen Katherine: (somber) I will.
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