#it usually depends on how the hero reacts
themeraldee · 2 days
I was thinking about how what Homelander clearly considers part of Madelyn's betrayal, alongside the lying about him having a son, was her being afraid of him. And that fear being why she appeased him the way she did, *just like everyone else does*, when he'd hoped she was different. That she actually cared. But no, like everyone else who actually SEES him, she was scared of him. This made me think, what if he figured the only way a person could truly love him on a personal level would be if they'd had no exposure to who he is. Someone who doesn't know about the violence, who he can just be the charming hero in the sunlight for (I guess this would be pre his S3 revelation that certain people still like him even when he kills in broad daylight lol). Or so he hopes. He is desperate to please, after all. So then I thought, what if he somehow cultivated a relationship like this, away from Vought, and then this person was presented with the dark truth about him. Maybe from someone aligned with Butcher, maybe just accidentally, but for the first time he sees that familiar fear flickering in them too. This person who was supposed to be uncorrupted. Who was supposed to love him. Who he'd been so good for. I can see multiple endings to that scenario, some much darker than others. I guess a lot would depend on how this person reacted, if they could still accept him, how deep that fear goes. Anyway sorry for the very long ask! No pressure to do anything with this, I just wanted someone equally obsessed with this hot mess of a man to bounce it off of.
anon I AM OBSESSEDDDDDD. I feel a series brewing.... I honestly ADORE this idea. I love how heartbreaking it was to him that even though Madelyn has known him for so long and has been a part of like everything he's ever done she was still scared of him. How crushing must that feel that the person who's been by your side and at your beck and call for decades is afraid of you???
Him whisking you away to live this peaceful apple pie life with America's true hero you can't believe just happened to fall for you just to have the curtain pulled right in front of your eyes.
I'm such a sucker for giving Homie all he wants and needs so like I totally want reader to go low-key darkside. Like. You realise noone will ever love you the way he does. Isn't a little grey morality worth this all-consuming eternal love you'd otherwise never feel again. Forever chasing this feeling the rest of your life.
After he finds out that someone spilled the beans to you he comes home crushed. You're nowhere to be seen. Again, another attempt at love ruined. Does he not deserve to have that? He undresses leaving his bloodied suit (after whatever carnage he came back from) in pieces on the floor frustrated, not bothering to clean up before you come home.
Except he wakes up to you being there in the morning cooking breakfast for him. You greet him with a, "good morning. I did my best to wash your suit. I didn't wanna ruin the fabric and throw it in the wash so I hope that's good enough. I really need you to find out for me how they usually wash it for you." You're being so nonchalant, talking about his bloody, viscera covered suit that you painstakingly scrubbed in the morning right as you're making some eggs and bacon for breakfast.
And he's kinda just staring at you shocked, waiting for you to meet his gaze. And when instead of fear he sees love and acceptance it's like his heart could burst from the relief.
ORRR it could go dark and sad - which I won't get into buutttt much to ponder.
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ayan0thegl1tch · 2 months
[8]: Snow White's Wings
It’s a bird! No- it's a plane! No! It’s a-!
WARNINGS: Bit of violence, suggestive content, (degradation, words taken out of context, submissive and flustered boys.) We love ourselves a dom reader.
[Open Info Blog?]
Yes ❤️ No
[Understood. Opening Info Blog…]
[Info Blog successfully opened. Welcome, REDACTED.]
[Type: Enemies to Lovers]
[Date finished: 7/26/2024]
[Total time: 5 hours]
[Is this a request?: No.]
[Words: 3,228]
[Closing Info Blog…]
The familiar sound of annoying ringing snapped you from chatting with your friend. You sighed as she folded her ears back and flicked her tail to and fro in frustration.
And just when you were beginning to get comfy.
Sadly, time doesn’t wait for anyone, and neither do attacks.
Yeah, you heard that right, attacks. Demon attacks, to be precise.
Of course, this was completely normal. There were many, many, many different groups of monsters and humans and in between that charged the holy gates, but there had been one specific bunch of skeletons that would come back again, and again, and again, and again no matter how much they were injured.
It was all fine and dandy until their assaults multiplied tenfold.
Not that it damaged this place at all, oh heavens(literally) no! They were the ones who would always leave battered and bruised and with broken parts of their body. It was just confusing as to why they did it.
Unfortunately for them, nobody in this place was that dumb and people quickly figured out what was happening. It was you. The strongest angel, second in command of the whole bright and beautiful city, capable of wiping out an AU in two flicks of your sword. All their increasing attacks had started after the very battle you had shown up for the first time in and beaten their non-existent asses back to hell. Literally.
Along with the looks they gave you, how their skulls seemed to almost light up in joy any time they could see your face, and even how their bodies would react in different ways.
For example, similarly to how a dog would wag its tail in joy, the ink-covered one’s tentacles would almost wriggle in happiness.
It was…strange how excited they always were, no matter what you did. (In fact, it seemed they all especially loved being degraded by you, based on the arousal you felt in the air each time. “Freaks.” you would scoff) To say the least, you were shocked at the news by the time word came around to you.
Rightfully so, you don’t exactly have what one would call a normal life.
Wake, stretch, warmups, patrol, break to eat, more patrolling, check up on the town, more patrolling, defending from demon attacks, even more patrolling, another small break,(usually for Holly) SO MUCH DAMN PATROLLING, tag out for the night, go to sleep.
Over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over again. There was never any change. And while the quiet part of you was grateful for the predictable schedule, another side said “Fuck no! I want adventure!”
Thankfully for you,(or un-thankfully depending on how you look at it) fate said today wasn’t going to be normal as you got ready for battle.
You bid a sad farewell to your companion, who in return waved silently, watching you walk out the door.
You were lost in your mind as you walked down the gleaming streets, purposefully ignoring the wide-eyed stares and whispering.
They weren’t saying bad things about you, nonono, quite the opposite, but it still annoyed you. You didn’t want to stick out so much as some almighty being. Why? Because you really weren’t. Yes you were powerful, there’s no denying that, and yes, you were constantly protecting the whole city, nothing in the way of that fact either, but that didn’t mean you were this “savior” or “hero” that everyone said you were.
(If your character isn’t usually humble, then voila, they are now, deal with it.)
You found yourself humming slightly while you strolled towards the entrance doors, hearing sounds of clanging and shouting outside. And with a bit of flourish, you slammed them open, eyes narrowed and teeth pulled into a scowl at the sight before you.
Blood-covered weapons clashed as their owners yelled profanities or mocking statements at each other, fluffy white and sleek black wings twisted and turned around in battle, it was chaos. Hm…chaos. You like that.
Should you let this go on a little longer?
You dismissed the idea, sliding your sword out from its hilt. The pure white metal shone in the sun’s rays, golden vines trailing up from the tip to the handle. You had used it since the day you first came to heaven, and yet it never seemed to rust or show obvious wear.
Your eyes glowed yellow momentarily, before with speed faster than most could comprehend, you struck the blade into the cloud.
It was as if the air itself shook from the impact, and a high-pitched screech rang out. You turned your head towards the sound to meet the sight of one of the skeleton demons, struggling to stay in the air.
A predatory grin stretched across your face, and you dashed at him. With a sharp gasp, he disappeared. Gone, just like that before you could hit him.
That's a shame, but you were going easy on them, after all.
Life can go in many different ways, unfolding paths from your decisions, rushing across the narrow and steep parts before falling back to an easy, smooth walk. There were endless possibilities for changes in the world, and so it never seemed to get boring.
And just like this very moment, every person was trekking the hike until their death, then going back and choosing a new, different trail to go down.
It was always amusing to play this game, no matter what seemed to happen. Sunny, joyful days of gratitude? Fun! Harsh and cold nights filled with loss and heartbreak? Fun! They were each unique in their own way.
Your eyes shined again in the void of your thoughts, and you spun around to block an attack from the enemy.
Your tone was laced with venom that rivaled the Black Widow’s as you spat at him, mocking his countless trivial pursuits.
“Where would you prefer your wounds this time, Nightmare?”
He trembled at your voice, turquoise spreading across his cheeks from your words before striking down again. You didn’t even move a centimeter, it was merely like a fly to you.
Of course, his comrades obviously weren’t going to just fly there and watch, and you had to quickly turn and defend yourself from each strike.
It wasn’t hard with your speed, but it was annoying.
You know what was even more annoying?
The townsfolk complaining about you not capturing the enemies yet.
They didn’t like that you were toying with them, wanting the whole ordeal to just be over with.
And so, finally having enough of it all, the thought crossed your mind to just capture them right here. So you did.
Their only warning was a grin, before you knocked out one, then two, then three, and so on in the course of seconds.
And as you finished with the last one, you quickly flapped your wings to carry you towards the shining, golden bell atop the double doors.
A loud “DONG” was sounded as you swung the rope, reverberating throughout the whole before a loud uproar could be heard, drowning the hunk of metal out.
Cheers resonated throughout the streets and people chanted “Down with the demonic! Down with the demonic!”, their white wings fluttering behind them in joy.
With a self-satisfied smile, you hauled them over your shoulder and flew down to the road, being surrounded by kids at the bottom.
You just laughed, answering their questions and statements before you had to go deposit the evil you carried down to the prison cells in the palace.
It was dark. Dark and cold down here. The pitch blackness was frustrating, as you had to rely on your glowing eyes and stretching your arm out, feeling the rough wall, guiding you.
You could hear the quiet growling of the other prisoners, obviously directed towards you. You could hear them shuffling farther away from you behind the doors, as far as they could go. You could hear the slowly dripping water echoing throughout the stone labyrinth you stumbled through. You could hear the soft breathing of your latest captures, blissfully unaware of what was happening. You could hear the rustling of clothes as a demon couple embraced each other intimately.(Disgusting. Even others were repulsed.) You could hear your own heartbeat, thumping with a melody that could only be interpreted as “Why did we have to go down here again, Y/n? Can’t we just leave?”
But you had to push that aside to the back of your mind and advance towards the prison cell where they would be locked up for good.
Would they though? I think-
Your teeth grit against each other in irritation, before your footsteps abruptly stopped.
Your chest rose and fell in time, before you urged your body to keep moving forward.
You didn’t move an inch, twitching being the only reaction of your body responding to the mind.
This was wrong. This was so damn wrong. Angels shouldn't act like this, this is cruel and horrible and inhumane and-
You were suddenly aware of the feeling of cold water sliding down your cheeks. Was that tears, or the roof? You couldn’t tell. Your mind was clouded, your body was shaking, your breathing was quickening by the second, and your legs struggled to keep you and the demons up.
You need to stop this. You need to turn back before it’s too late. You need to-
“Are you feeling alright? You’re just…standing there.”
You turned to the soldier, facade put up once again, “Yes, just thinking about some things.”
He narrowed his eyes, “That’s the excuse almost everyone uses.”
A shadow cast over your face from those words and you growled at him, silently threatening his existence and reminding him to not step out of line, that you were the one in control, “You’re being a little nosey, don’t you think?”
He broke out into a cold sweat, fear flashing across his face, and looked down at the ground, “Sorry, ma'am.”
“Don’t do that again, you should know better than such bad manners,” you continued on, a bit of relief bubbling up inside your SOUL.
He stuttered on his words, beginning to tremble, “Y-yes ma'am.”
“Good,” and you turned back to the cell, placing the prisoners just inside and swinging the door closed. The metal screeched where it connected as you turned the key in the hole, and after withdrawing the thin piece of iron, it disappeared with only a few sparks of magic left behind.
The distinct thuds of your sandals making contact with the stairs traveled up with you, until you had shut the old wooden door behind you and headed towards your room.
Maybe, if you were lucky, Holly would still be there and you could k- talk more.
You watched the light melt into the shadows, white steadily changing to the deepest black the further down you went.
The all too familiar sounds awaited you at the bottom of the steps, welcoming your descent into the darkness.
Your gray irises met with wide white eyelights, staring back at you from the void.
As you neared their cage containment, a voice spoke up, smooth but clear.
“So, you finally did it huh?,” you could hear the coy smile just from his tone. Killer always found some way to joke about anything, even if he was currently being held hostage and would most likely die down here.
You hummed, setting down multiple trays of food with your magic. The white glow around them faded, disintegrating back into nothing.
“Talk from the townsfolk was getting to be too much. How was your rest?”
One second, the plates were there, the next, they were inside the bars, and almost immediately each was snatched up by their respective owners.
“Rough. At least you didn’t flop us around like ragdolls,” he snarked back to you.
You didn’t give him a reaction, much to his disappointment, “You’re a strange one to be giving any sort of satisfaction to someone who captured you.”
A gleeful smile of mirth took over him, and for a moment you thought you could see his soul fizzle into a different shape before it went back to a normal target.
“Yup! We’re weird and we’re proud!”
“Correction: You’re proud.”
At this he turned back around to one of his companions.
“Aw, come on Dusty, don’t be so gloomy!”
“I’ll be gloomy all I want,” his mismatched eyelights scrunched up from the darkness of the hood he wore, “And you can’t stop me.”
Killer singsonged in retaliation, “You’re so sure about that Dustbun!~”
“Don’t call me that.”
♪“Dustbun, Dustbun, Dustbun, Dustbu-”♪
He narrowly avoided a punch to the skull, and the fist headed towards his direction slammed into the wall behind him. Dust recoiled with a hiss of pain and clutched his phalanges.
“Fuck you.”
“I’ll take you up on that offer!”
“Killer, now is not the time to be making such crude jokes.”
“Aw come on boss, now you’re ganging up on me? Not fair!”
You watched the chaos unfold, which was, in summary, a lot of back and forth from the three, and Nightmare getting a bit out of control before you had to remind them that you were still here.
Immediately, they stopped, colored droplets sliding down their skulls.
Your pupils had changed to slits, much like a cat, unblinking as you stared them down.
Finally, you broke the tension, “You will be restrained if you keep this up.”
You heard a faint “Ooh, kinky…” and you snapped your head to look at him.
“If that’s what you want to think, so be it, but I will not indulge.”
Killer lowered his head under your intense gaze, the once cheeky grin now turned nervous.
“Uh, can we…can we at least know what to call you?” Cross stated timidly, finally voicing his thoughts.
Horror, sitting across from him, nodded at this.
You were hesitant. Why would they be asking you this, if not for ill intent? But eventually finally decided that it wouldn’t do much harm.
He just nodded, leaving the dungeon in silence. You sighed, before turning to leave, though you stopped when he voiced his thoughts again.
“Can…can you stay? For a bit? Please?”
You stifled a snicker at his comment. It was just pathetic.
The only kind of answer you recieved was a purple blush covering his cheeks.
You scoffed, turning away again and making your way up to the palace.
That was how the days progressed. You would come down with their food, Cross would ask you to stay, you would ignore it or act like you didn’t hear it, and repeat.
Another walk down the staircase, balancing the dishes holding meats, vegetables, and fruits. It had been about a month since they first came here, and you decided that today, you would have pity on them. That is, if they asked again.
Normally, you would cook it yourself(they said it was really good, and you couldn’t be bothered to get worse meals for them) though this time, you added in a dessert, just because they were behaving nicely ever since you had yelled at them.
When you had finally reached the outside of their cell, an overly-exaggerated gasp was heard, most likely due to the sight of the trays floating in the air behind you.
“You got us cupcakes!?”
You didn’t answer but teleported the food once again to the middle of the chamber they stood/sat/laid in, where they were quickly snatched up.
“Man, you sure are treating us nicely for prisoners. Not that I’m complaining.”
You had learned to not give him a reaction, or else things would escalate, so you continued to stay quiet.
“Hello? Helloooooo?? Killer to Y/n???”
And…here comes the teasing.
“Hey, you there? You’ve been more quiet than Dusty recently! What’s gotcha upset?”
“Nothing. Just not encouraging your antics.”
“Party pooper…” the mumble was just barely audible, but you heard it.
You stood there in the silence, awkward, but peaceful nonetheless, waiting for them to finish.
They had sometimes tried to eat slower, just so you would stay longer. There wasn’t much you could do about that, unfortunately, except for just leaving the plates down here, and you didn’t want to risk having them break.
How long are you going to keep this up? You know you can't keep them in here forever. Eventually, the-
But it’s true! Stop trying to run away from the truth, because it’s never going to work. You’ll always be that little helpless, selfish, and disgusting child who nobody wanted to be born. You're-
You only noticed your head had subconsciously sunk down into your neck a bit and lowered. It had apparently not gone unnoticed.
“Hey, you okay?”
You could hear an actual tinge of genuine concern in his tone, but you shook it off with a growl.
“I’m fine,” was your answer, dismissing the fact that you were sinking deeper and deeper into a hole.
He deadpanned at you, but stayed silent, and you once again ignored him. The knock on the steel door alerted you of his empty plate being thrust in your direction.
And as you started to walk away, you received the question you expected to hear.
“Y/n? Can you stay this time?”
You hesitated for a moment, but ultimately gave in. What was the harm in not leaving for a little more?
So you spun to face the cell, and stared back into the familiar white and red pinpricks of Cross. It was like you were searching for something in his sockets the longer you stayed like that, stock still and quiet as a mouse.
After a long while, you questioned him, “Why do you insist on asking me this everyday?”
Again, no response.
You heaved out a sigh, but complied and leaned against the wall, closing your eyes to let your mind loose to imagination.
You don’t know how long you stayed there until Cross spoke up again.
“I…I really don’t know, honestly. Ever since you had…well, first made an appearance, there was just…”
His voice lowered to a whisper on the last part and he looked at his hands, twisting his phalanges around each other in a show of nervous display.
“Call me crazy, but I felt a tug in my chest.”
“You’re crazy.”
“No I’m not, Killer is!”
“Hey, don’t bring me into this!”
“You asked for it.”
“Ugh, fine.”
You slid down to the floor, one leg curled up to your chest with your arm resting on it, while the other stuck out in the hallway, half turned to the left.
Your eyes were half-lidded as you thought about how miserable it must be in there, once again reminded of how horrible this was to do to anyone, no matter how evil they’ve been in the past.
You leaned your head back, letting it fall against the smooth rocks behind you. It was cold, grounding, reminding you that you weren’t there anymore.
You were here.
You were safe.
You weren’t alone.
Everything was going to be okay.
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chainbakery · 1 year
Hello I hope your doing well! I was wondering if it would be ok if I request headcannon for all the linked universe boys and how they react to having a reader tag along them that specializes in dark magic. If not feel free to ignore this have a great day/night! :)
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note: for this, i’ll try to be as close to jojo’s chain as i can, following some of the comments i could find about it. turned out shorter than expected, but i hope you like it! gn!reader, platonic.
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There’s going to be a wall between the two of you the moment the nature of your magic is known. And with many of them having experience with different types of magic, this happens pretty much since the start.
It’s not you he has a problem with, but your magic itself.
He’s one with the strongest bias against dark magic, from his own experiences with it.
But, even if he doesn’t exactly like you, he won’t force you to leave. Like everyone else, you have a reason to be with them and a common enemy.
He’s going to avoid you most of the time though, at least being alone with you.
If you need some help with your equipment he doesn’t mind helping, but he’s distant.
It’ll take a long time for him to trust you, and it depends on yourself if this happens during the journey or if you go back home before you can fix this mistrust.
He might make a comment or two sometimes, if he thinks you’re being too reckless with your magic.
Even if you’re a good person, dark magic can change even the purest of hearts.
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He’ll be a little hesitant at first, dark magic is usually something he has to fight against, after all.
Won’t last long if you show that you only use it for good though!
You’re someone fighting for the kingdom, just like all of them, so you’re alright in his book, dark magic or not.
Enjoys talking about magic with you and Legend. He knows a fair bit himself, but who knows? He might learn some new spells that don’t need to be done with dark magic specifically.
Once you make it clear that the darkness in your magic doesn’t fog your judgement, he doesn’t see it as different from normal magic.
The two of you might team up often. Between your spells and his own, no monster will last in the battlefield.
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Just like Hyrule, he’ll be unsure about how to react, but it also doesn’t last long.
As the veteran of the group, he has dealt with different types of magic and people, and he understands that the nature of one’s magic doesn’t have to be the same as their own.
So, as long as you don’t do anything reckless, he won’t do anything against your dark magic.
What’s more, he’d love to ask you about any items or interesting spells you know!
He probably won’t use them, but some knowledge is never bad.
He’ll also defend you from some of the others who dislike dark magic.
Once again, just because dark magic is your specialty, it doesn’t mean you’re a bad person.
You won’t have his full trust, that’s something you need to earn, but he won’t treat you differently.
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The chosen hero doesn’t have as much experience as many of the others, but he cares more about you than your magic.
You’re a good person fighting to save your home? That’s great!
He’ll have to be careful when handling the master sword around you, just in case.
He finds magic interesting, so feel free to show him some small tricks you can do.
Similar to Legend, he will defend you if others say anything about the nature of your magic.
Might asks you some questions to see if there are any similarities between your magic and the one his Zelda is learning how to wield properly.
Maybe the two of you can talk about it if you end up in his era!
Honestly, he can only compare your magic to Ghirahim’s or maybe Demise’s, but you’re obviously not like them.
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He’s cautious, but doesn’t mind giving you a chance.
Dark magic is both dangerous and powerful, most times (if not always) it means sacrifice. He wonders how much you had to sacrifice to specialize in this type of magic.
He keeps his eye on you. Because he doesn’t fully trust you or because he’s worried about you? Only he knows.
Feel free to talk to him about your magic. He may not understand everything, but he can lend you an ear.
He’d rather you don’t use your magic too much, dark magic can consume someone rather quickly.
If this isn’t something that could happen to you, whatever the reason, tell him so. This way he won’t be as protective.
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Conflicted. It would depend on the real source of your magic.
He himself has an item brimming with dark magic, but it’s twili magic.
If you confirm that it’s not magic to harm anyone else but the monsters trying to bring ruin to the kingdom, then he will give you his trust.
He wonders how similar your magic is to the one he’s seen and experienced.
He prefers to avoid most of it though, like most magic items.
So, even if he doesn’t mind it, he’d rather not have much to do with anything concerning your use of magic.
Tries not to say much if there’s a discussion about dark magic, he doesn’t want to slip up about Wolfie.
Talking about the wolf, you definitely knew it was him the moment you saw the large animal appear in the camp.
The magic in his pendant is hard to miss.
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Much more conflicted than Twilight, due to personal reasons.
Cia’s dark magic will forever stay in his mind when it’s mentioned, even if he knows you are nothing like her.
It was a hard time, and all he could see and feel was her magic around the battlefield.
Then there were the dark versions of himself, made of his foolish actions and her magic.
It’ll take quite a while, and his trust in you may be shaky, but he’ll try to ignore his bias against it if he can see you’re a good person.
You are allies, and he doesn’t want to let his past struggles blind him.
If you avoid using much of your magic around him, with battles being an exception, he’d be grateful.
As long as you remain as someone fighting by his side, he’ll do his best to get along with you.
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He may be a little unsure about how to feel about your magic, but will soon compare it to the one that lets Twilight change forms.
Your magic is nothing like the one he’s dealt with him. It may be dark, but it isn’t heartless.
Once he gets a bit more used to it, he’s definitely going to ask you a few questions!
Both to satiate his own curiosity and because he thinks his Zelda would also be interested.
With your permission, he’ll share the information with her. It could help with something.
Would like to watch if you train using your magic, he thinks it’s pretty cool.
Definitely asks if you can turn yourself into an animal just like a certain someone.
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He thinks it’s really cool!
Look, he isn’t dumb. Dark magic is usually tied to monsters, but he can see that you aren’t a bad person, so let him have some fun.
He joins Wild when you’re training, it’s almost like you’re performing for them at this point.
Do you have any interesting stories about your magic to tell? He wants to know!
Overall, the one who cares the least about the nature of your magic.
You aren’t hurting anyone (except your enemies, of course) so why would he care?
Magic is magic, even if they’re from different sources.
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mecchantheotaku · 7 months
something i think about a lot, so i decided to make a headcanons post about it
The Voices when Others Are Mad At Them
Hero: ...Okay, it's rare for anyone to be legit mad at him, but when they are, he really doesn't know how to take it. He's not very used to it. He tries to go on with what he's doing anyway, but if he finds there's a good reason for someone to be mad at him, he stops whatever he's doing and attempts to apologise.
Broken: He's used to people being mad at him. So nothing really changes. It's when people stop being mad at him that gets him to react. He's mostly confused and afraid.
Cheated: If people are mad at him, of course he gets mad back. It frequently gets out of hand until they both exhaust each other out. If there's a good reason for people to be mad at him, he ends up feeling intensely guilty once he's calmed down and rather than apologising through words, tries to do something nice to make up for it.
Cold: He usually likes it when people are mad at him. It amuses him, and he will entertain the setup by making them angrier. It's a nice change of pace. However, when he gets bored eventually he just moves on. It is possible that with enough time, however, he may start to dislike making others angry. But he doesn't know why.
Contrarian: Depends on the severity. If it's a more minor case, he entertains the setup like Cold does. But if it's a more serious case, he starts to panic. He doesn't want to make people seriously mad. He just wants to have fun. He attempts to apologise and calm them down with humour. This rarely works on its own, but it's hard to stay mad at him when he's that upset about it.
Hunted: When others are angry at him, he tends to avoid them. In extreme cases he may even attempt to run away. He wants to apologise and make up, but he's scared. Luckily, it's very obvious when he does regret his actions and most people will calm down when they see that. When they have, he does end up apologising.
Opportunist: Oh this one's easy. He instantly starts apologising in a manner that you can't tell if it's fake or not. Sometimes it is fake, but other times he does genuinely mean it but just really doesn't know how to apologise properly. Because of this, it's particuarly hard to forgive him.
Paranoid: If he's stressed out, he'll start arguing with whoever's mad at him. Which is quite often. But when he's calm he actually apologises very maturely. Quite often he'll also apologise for arguing as well. He doesn't handle stress very well.
Skeptic: He'll attempt to explain himself for quite a while, before realising, with help or not, that he didn't even apologise during that speech. When he does, he then apologises. It's not that he doesn't want to, it's that he often forgets to.
Smitten: It depends on what he made them mad over. If it was a genuine mistake on his part he's very apologetic. If it's something that he doesn't see as being him in the wrong, however, he gets very defensive about it. He's the most opinionated of all the Voices. He will apologise mutually if it comes to that, however.
Stubborn: He's kind of like a mixture of Cold and Cheated. His response to someone being mad at him is to gleefully pick a fight with them. After the fight, however, he then offers to buy them a beer or something like that. Again, not apologising verbally, but doing something nice after getting his own rage out.
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unavoidedbyme · 1 year
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how would they react if YOU died
some of this takes after and before MARI’s death.
featuring: SUNNY, MARI, HERO, and KEL
tw(s): reader dies, mentions of su1cide
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[pre-MARI’s death]
the siblings had just started their first practice for the day. It was the day of their recital. They were playing the song for the recital midway until they heard the telephone rang
MARI asked SUNNY to get the phone so that they could return doing their practice.
once SUNNY take the call, he was speechless. Petrified, even. He dropped the phone and immediately stumbled back.
MARI heard a thump sound coming from her brother and immediately rushed upstairs to see what was happening. Once she saw her brother was crying while holding the phone like his life depends on it, she hold him in her arms.
SUNNY felt arms around him but he doesn’t paid any attention to it. All he cares about that YOU died. His friend, his bestfriend, his first crush. You left him alone with this scarred heart you gave him.
he felt useless. SUNNY doesn’t want to do any of this practices anymore, but the recital was today. Even though it hurts, MARI will still ask him to atleast practice once before the recital.
SUNNY doesn’t even care about the recital, so he threw away the violin he had onto the ground. MARI was enraged. Sure, SUNNY was sad but that doesn’t mean he NEED to break his violin away like that.
MARI started lecturing him. She told him that the violin is all that he had in memories of you, you actually almost covered all of the bills to pay the violin for his christmas gift. SUNNY doesn’t want YOU to be brought up in this conversation.
he hated it, he hated the fact that you couldn’t see his performance. He hated the fact that he broke the violin that the group(mostly you) gave to him. He hated the fact that why, why does MARI kept pushing him to practice when the love of his life had just died?
SUNNY feels overwhelmed, and the next thing he does.. you know it yourself.
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it was just like any other day for MARI. She had just finished baking cookies for the group to enjoy, actually you had just gone to the market to buy some drinks for them.
MARI had asked AUBREY to accompany you to go to the store and she agreed. The rest of the group stayed inside the treehouse, playing with eachothers.
the next thing she knew was when AUBREY ran to her with tears and dread on her face, telling that you just got into a car accident.
she was shocked. Ofcourse she was, you were her S/O, her everything. She told AUBREY to tell the rest and took of to where you’ve been.
and then she saw it. Your body lays there on the ground with a man sobbing beside you. He was the person that had accidentally crashed you with his car.
MARI slowly went closer to you, holding your body gently, silently hoping that this was all just a dream, a bad dream. She cried that day, the group came just in time when the ambulance had just arrived.
your guardians was away when this happened, so she accompanied you but this time not to the store, but to the hospital.
its been a few days since you’ve got there, and everyday your conditions got worse. The usual smiling MARI has gone, she rarely smiled these past couple of days. The group was obviously worried about her, especially SUNNY.
AUBREY felt really bad for not being able to protect you and always cried whenever she saw you there on the hospital bed. KEL kept reassuring her that it is not her fault.
but eventually you died, MARI has mentally prepared herself but it didn’t work. She’s supposed to be strong, mentally and physically. So why does it hurt so so much when she saw you all alone in your own grave?
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[post-MARI’s death]
he just finished talking to MARI’s grave about you, he was asking her if she was happy for him. Because you now have his heart wrapped around your fingers just like how MARI used to.
HERO had just arrived back to his house when he hear the house was eerily quiet. Like it was forbidden to be loud in there. HERO saw KEL who had a sad face with a red bags under his eyes, he look like he had just cried.
HERO was concerned ofcourse, and asked him what’s wrong. It was a bad decision. KEL told him that you had died due to being a victim of an attempted murder.
you were just going home from buying things you need to make KEL’s birthday present, but it was an unlucky day for you. You felt like somebody was following you, and the fact that you were alone doesn’t make it better. It was a dark alleyway with only you and the stranger. Eventually the guy made his move and pulled out a gun to you, he shot you right in the heart.
HERO feels like his heart had been torn to millions of pieces once KEL told him how you died, it was tragic. Just like how MARI died. He would not lock himself on his room again like how he once does but would definitely be a lot more quiet than normal. He also wouldn’t smile a lot and couldn’t take a proper care for himself anymore, so he relies on KEL on taking care of him.
he knew that this is an unhealthy thing to do since he is a doctor in training but the trauma was too much for HERO. He would cry to himself at night and just looking at the photos of you and himself, he couldn’t bear to look at your face but you just look so happy and perfect in that photo, it makes him even more miserable than ever.
on the day of your burial, he just stared at your coffin with empty eyes like how he did years ago to his old (ex-)girlfriend. HERO felt numb, he doesn’t have anyone to comfort him anymore like you used to. Now he had two lovers that had past away, it made HERO wonder if he’s the problem.
KEL would tell him that it was not his fault that the two of you died, it ease HERO’s heart by a little because the words came from his little brother who he deeply cares. In the end of the day he’s glad that he found someone as good as you and hope that your soul may rest in peace.
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[post-MARI’s death]
he thought that everything was going better. His friend group finally apologizing to eachother, they finally know the truth about MARI’s death, and you were there to comfort him every time he’s at his worst.
he was just hanging out with SUNNY and AUBREY when all of the sudden he feels.. nervous. The last time this happened was when MARI had ‘committed suic1de.’ But this time, he feels somethings off. KEL couldn’t quite put his finger on why but he’s sure that everything was fine, right?
wrong. Your guardian(s) has told him that you had just died when you were getting back to FARAWAY TOWN. You were just trying to sign up for colleges outside the town and you had unfortunately passed away when you rode a motorcycle and crashed.
KEL has tried his best to put a smile after your death, but it was too painful for him to handle. The guilt of not staying there by your side when you need him made him feel miserable as ever. He should’ve trusted his gut and went there to get you himself, but he was too scared. Too scared about your reaction when you see him there.
but now KEL is alone, he doesn’t have anyone to love again. To cuddle, to cherish, to whisper sweet nothings to eachother. HERO had tried his best to cheer KEL up but it was not working, though KEL put up an act so that it seemed like it was working. He would stare at his plate in diner, his parents looking physically concerned of his well-being.
the remainings of your items in his house is now inside his room, all of it. KEL would display any of your items on the walls of his side of the room. The baseball you used to use, your photo, your clothings. Even though he feels like this, he would never lock himself out in his room(take notes, HERO.) He would still hangout with the gang and feel grateful that he still atleast have them.
eventually KEL started visiting your grave more and more, bringing your favorite items, flowers, foods, you name it. Everyday would be a different thing that he’d bring, today he brought you flowers and its was your favorite. He’ll pluck in the flowers beside your grave and started talking about the things that had happened to the gang. Maybe, he had accepted the truth that you’re no longer hurting in this world.
a/n: i might’ve had a little carried away on KEL’s…
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trippygalaxy · 7 months
Question: Can I make a request for one of your boys? Because I really want a thing where I like kiss Heavens and/or Shifter and/or Legacy on the cheek or something and how they would react
AOG! Boy Reaction to Crush Kissing Their Cheek
Of course my love!! For those who don't know, these boys are from my au 'Across the Galaxy' that....is but isn't in the making??? Dhdjashfkahj I'll make sure to label who is from what game beside them!
Pairing: Heavens, Shifter x gn! reader (Separate) Warnings: Shifter's -> Self doubt, needles, tending to wounds
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Heavens (Ss! Link)
The kiss happened before Heavens had to leave for an Expedition
Heavens, Ila (Zelda), Groose and a few others were the main group that would go off and explore the surface when the Skyloftians began to move down there in hopes of charting as much as they could
Normally these could range from a few weeks to multiple months, depending where they were exploring!
This would often leave you, a long time friend and longer time crush of Heavens, alone in the floating island of your home. Heavens always felt guilty after saying his goodbye, wanting nothing more than to have you join -him- the group but the fear of dragging you into a dangerous and possibly deathly land...well it stopped any thoughts about asking you to join.
You, on the other hand, felt a similar fear for him whenever he left
You knew he can handle himself-- goddesses, He killed a god!! Of course he can handle everything that is thrown at him! But...what if he cant? What if he didn't come back? What if...you never got to hold him like you wanted to? What if you were left alone, your love never to be returned?
This fear, this doubt, bubbled up one day when he had told you about another expedition he -and the group- had planned last minute.
You aren't sure if it was the fear or adrenaline, but the next thing you knew you had a tight grip on Heavens' scarf as you planted a firm kiss to his cheek, whispering a plead to return safe before letting go
Heavens, still hunched over slightly, blinked owlishly at you with lips slightly pursed and cheeks faintly tinted with an adorable hue
He was oddly quiet for moment, and you fear that you had messed up but before an apology can begin to form on your lips a face splitting smile breaks his once shocked demeanors. It was like the sun was being dimmed from his smile, and you're sure this is the happiest you've seen him in...years. Not even a trace of tiredness in his droopy eyes!
Heavens, a 45 year old man, has the expression of a lovesick teenager and he wouldn't have it any other way
Maybe it was the boyish smile, or the way his shaky fingers ghosted over the place you kissed him, or the loud blush that had his ears twitching slightly-- Or maybe...just maybe it was the way he looked at you...Like you were the ones who lifted Skyloft into the sky
You can tell that he makes NO move to compose himself, just staring at you with a knowing but loving look
"Goddesses...Your lips are softer than any silks we could weave.." He whispers, not moving an inch from you. "...May I be so bold to ask for your blessing once more? As to grant my journey with bountiful discoveries, of course~"
Mmm, how could you say no to such an ask?
Shifter (Oot/Mm! Link)
The Kiss happened after patching up Shifter's wounds
Shifter had shown up at your door step wounded and battered once more, giving you no explanation or indication that he would EVER give you one, as per usual
Thankfully(?) this wasn't the first time the ex-hero has done this (and youre sure it wont be the last--) so you were able to patch up the man with ease and minimal mess...but that didn't mean you were happy about it
Shifter could feel every ounce of annoyance as your thread the needle through his ripped flesh. It was like you were sewing your righteous disdain into his tainted skin
But Shifter didn't stop you- he deserved it. He deserved to be treated like a torn stuff animal that was under the care of a disgruntled owner who felt no warm for such a broken thing. He didn't deserve you holy, pure love and affection when all he was a burden, an annoyance, a reason to dread opening the door at the possibility of it being him...
But you didn't dread opening the door, not for him. No, you yearned to open it to him
He would never know that it was never him that you held the disdain for, no, it was always the wounds he harbored and the suffering they dealt to him
Gods...He would never know...Never know the pain and grief you felt every time another scar joins his skin. He would never know the longing you held in your heart, the want to hold his blemished scar littered hands, the need to him the love he was so worthy of holding
He may never know...but it was clear to many others, much to your dismay.
One of these people was Malon, the lovely but very teasing farmer you had grown very close to. She was always the first to (playfully) joke about how obvious tension between you two was, poking your side and demanding to be the first one to know if you finally made a move--
You had promised her you wouldn't -but that promise would soon be broken-
At one point, you're not sure when or why, an argument started. Shifter stayed cold and blunt as always, never seeming to react or care about your concerns for his well being. It infuriated you.
And it only made your blood boil even more when he harshly told you that you shouldn't care about him. That it was useless and wouldn't be of any use to him or yourself. That you were better off forgetting him. That--
He felt the slightly pressure to his side, as if something was pressed into his cheek yet his wooden mask stopped any contact it would of made to his skin. It takes him a moment to realize what had happened...and even then he doesn't believe it.
You pull back from his mask's cheek, cheeks warm with embarrassment as licking your lips nervously. Had you forgotten about the barrier between you two? Yes. But that wasn't the point--
"I don't care what you think I'd be better off with, I...I care about you. And I hate seeing you show up to my step coated in blood. Link...Please I can't-- I can't keep seeing you like this.."
The man was quiet, his brilliant blue eye just barely visible from the shadow the mask casted on his face. Its unmoving, never leaving your face, not even as you shift uncomfortably.
Regret, embarrassment, self directed anger. These were all the things you felt as the silence stretched on, but before you could stammer out an excuse to leave you hear the deep rumbles that made up his voice whisper to you.
"I can't promise you anything-" Your stomach drops "But.." Huh? "I'll get better at dodging...For your sake."
The ex-hero, large and intimidating, shrinks in on himself, looking away like a child after admitting to a crime. This...was a first.
It...It was a start. A uneasy, most likely slow start but a start none the less! You couldn't be more happy.
Taglist: @yourlocaltreesimp @quiteliterallyilliterate @birb-boy-official
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forestdeath1 · 6 months
if jegulus had happened how do you think (canon) sirius would react? many say he’d hate james but i don’t think he’d ever be able to
Hello. It all depends on how their relationship starts off. If James starts off by lying and hiding the relationship, Sirius definitely won't take it well. I don't really get it when people say Sirius loves both his brother and James and would be happy for them. Seriously? His brother is his parents' "favourite" pet, a stupid idiot and a pure blood supremacist. Sirius would probably think James has lost his mind or someone's spiked his drink with love potion and he needs rescuing.
But let's say Regulus showed some positive changes in himself. He doesn't want to be a Death Eater, he's distancing himself from his friends and family, and he's scared of interacting with Sirius because of fear of rejection, but he really wants to reconnect with him and he likes James... and then miraculously Regulus starts interacting with James (Quidditch? the library? detentions?) , and Regulus opens up to him, and James wants to help him and all the other teenage mushiness. Maybe then Sirius would still think James is an idiot, but he'd react much more gently. After all, Sirius isn't bad and he loves his brother.
But that wouldn't be the same Regulus as in canon, but as an AU —why not? At least it wouldn't mess up James's character so much. Because James who secretly loves Sirius's brother aka a pureblood supremacist and Death Eater —that's not James. I don't like Jegulus, because canon James would never fall in love with Regulus. It's just impossible. No matter how attractive Regulus became after summer lol. Sirius is even more attractive, by the way. If James were to fall for anyone, it'd be him.
I mean.. James likes the best. His best friend is the king of the Pure-bloods, but also a Gryffindor, he's like Royal Flash. His love is the queen of the Muggle-borns, even Slugghorn, who's usually biased, rates her. James literally goes for the best of the best lol. And Jegulus suggests that James will fall for this weird boy who jerks off to Moldemort, when he's got Sirius and Lily right there. Well, what are the odds? James is an arrogant arsehole, not some hero saving someone who’s a few sandwiches short of a picnic. (And I like Regulus actually, and that's not my perception of him, but rather what James would think of him).
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atamascolily · 3 months
All Hail the Bug King
Today I want to talk about the Big Bad of Thunderbolt Fantasy, Huò Shì Míng Huáng (aka Kasei Meikō, Locust, and/or the Bug King, depending on what language you're using and how irreverent you're feeling at the moment) and what his deal is.
First of all, his name is written as 禍世螟蝗, which is usually translated as "Plague of Moths and Locusts". This is fine, but there are a couple nuances to appreciate here (caveat: not a native speaker, just an interested person with a dictionary):
禍 is the character for calamity, misfortune and disaster.
世 is the character for "world".
螟 does in fact mean "moth", but more specifically pyralid moths, which are very small and have notably large "snouts". I think they're cute, but this family includes numerous agricultural pests like wax moths, rice moths, flour moths, and various borer moths, and that's the sense in which it is being used here.
蝗 is the character for "locust", which is a generic term for any kind of grasshopper with a swarming phase. Under certain environmental conditions, normally solitary grasshoppers will form impressively large groups and devour everything in their path.
"Plague of Moths and Locusts" doesn't really get at the scale of this guy's ambitions, imo, but it's accurate and concise while still inculcating some existential dread and establishing the bug theme. However, I wanted to lead with the breakdown of his name because it's actually a very clever way of establishing his other theme, which is unleashing global calamity... or something, anyway.
Our first glimpse of the Bug King is in this weird liminal space where he conducts meetings with the members of the Order of the Divine Swarm ("Divine Locust Alliance"). It's basically a giant 3-D Zoom meeting where participants can either talk with their cameras off or pop in directly.
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Each member of the group has their own distinct sigil; Locust's is a grasshopper with what appears to be an eye on its back, which is fitting given that he's just used his surveillance orb to spy on Shang Bu Huan from a distance.
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In the beginning, we know two things about Locust: he wants the Sorcerous Sword Index, and he's powerful enough to make Shang Bu Huan start running. But it isn't until halfway through Season 3 that we finally see the man in the flesh, in a terrifying flashback where he kicks our heroes' asses.
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(In classic Thunderbolt Fantasy tradition, cue the "oh, shit, he's hot!" moment.)
This scene is a lot to take in on first watch because there's so much going on, but became clearer to me after repeated viewings:
First of all, Locust's line, "Only a blade whose existence defies reality can hope to destroy me" screams of foreshadowing, and I fully expect him to meet his comeuppance through exactly this method, even though I don't know how or why it happens. It also reminds me of Lin smugly remarking that words are enough to take down foes that are immune to blades in S2, which I suspect is also relevant here--and I'd be very surprised if Lin is not at least partly responsible for Locust's ultimate downfall through some clever rules lawyering, just like he engineered Zhao Jun Lin's defeat in S3.
Two, Mu Tian Ming is specifically targeted because she tells Shang that the whole thing is a trap to make him use the Index. "[He] is a master of heretical magics! He's bound to be up to something!" Locust blinds her not just to bait Shang into reacting, but because she sees too much. The Index is the one weapon that Shang cannot use under any circumstances, because somehow Locust will turn it against him; somehow, it is the key to Locust's plans or else he wouldn't be making such of an effort to acquire it in the first place.
In the end, Locust's gambit backfires: maiming Tian Ming causes an infuriated Lang Wu Yao to gain an unexpected power-up and wallop the Bug King with a lightning bolt. It doesn't kill him, but it does cause him to retreat, allowing Shang to ultimately take Tian Ming's advice and flees the country.
In Season 3, we learn more about Locust's ultimate goal: although his agents believe they are fighting for the future of Xi You, he doesn't want to usurp the throne of Xi You at all. Using a scale as a metaphor, he tells Yi Piaomiao (actually Lin Xue Ya in disguise) that his ambition is not to choose between one side or the other, but to become the scale itself. In other words, all roads lead to the same end; all choice is an illusion, just like the ones the Bug King surrounds himself with, obscuring their true nature.
And in a final episode twist that made me scream obscenities at the screen, all of this is proven even more true with the reveal that Locust is also the Emperor of Xi You, who has been in seclusion since his ascension as part of a prophecy. In the end, there's no difference between the Order of the Divine Swarm and the Imperial army; for all of Wan Jun Po's agonizing over his perceived treachery, he served the same master the entire time without knowing it, right up to the moment of his death at said master's hands. Absolutely masterful writing there on so many levels.
But this brings me to my next point, which is What exactly does Locust want? He already has plenty of worldly power at his disposal and he's a master of heretical arts. What exactly does he need the Sorcerous Sword Index for, given what he's already capable of? (Okay, so technically at least one of the swords belonged to the Xi You royal family, but somehow I don't think that's what this is about.)
Here's my guess: Locust wants the Index not as an end in itself, but as the means to a larger end. His ambitions are cosmic in scope, and somehow the Index is key to unlocking or unleashing whatever it is he has in mind. Maybe, like Mie Tian Hai, he's fine with letting the demons destroy the world so he can be recognized as a savior, but I think Locust's plan is so much bigger than that.
There are so many dualities in Thunderbolt Fantasy--Dong Li and Xi You, Imperial government and the Order of the Divine Swarm, human and demon worlds, etc, etc. I think Locust wants to move beyond them all, to become a god--the "Divinity" in "Divine Swarm" is more than merely poetic.
When Locust says he wants to become the scale, I don't think it's a metaphor. I think he literally wants to fuse with the world somehow, so that he becomes the arbiter of fate itself, so that choice and free will either no longer exist or they become co-opted, to the point where they are merely illusions, and nothing happens that Locust himself does not personally will or desire. Rebellion would be impossible, especially since most people won't even notice what has happened in the first place!
(Oh, and if you want further proof, the name of his weapon is 諸業俱毀, "All Karmas Destroyed Together", which is, er, a little on the nose, don't you think?)
Fate is a key theme in Thunderbolt Fantasy, so it's not surprising to me that Locust's plan would center around becoming it. Shang makes no secret how important choice is to him--how even villains can actively choose to be better--and his refusal to let fate define him. Meanwhile, Lin Xue Ya is out there actively manipulating fate for his own ends--see the dolls he crafts specifically to take advantage of his connection with Shang.
The relationship between these three is going to be incredibly important going forward, but I want to specifically to talk about Lin vs. Locust, because that's the least examined and has some interesting points.
Both Lin and Locust are masters of illusion who manipulate others. For the first time, Lin is going up against someone with a similar skillset--someone who is almost certainly more powerful than he is. That doesn't mean Lin can't win, merely that Locust represents a different kind of challenge in scale and scope than his previous targets.
Both Lin and Locust are hiding things from each other. If Lin hasn't already figured out the implications of the scale speech, he will soon, thus knowing a secret Locust takes pain to keep hidden. What will he do with that knowledge? The real question for me is is, how long will it take Locust to figure out "Piaomiao" isn't who he seems--and what will he do with it? The stakes are incredibly high and neither side has a definite advantage at this point. How many twists and turns will this game of cat and mouse get to before the end?
Finally, those of you who are familiar with Puella Magi Madoka Magica (also written by Urobuchi) have probably noticed the parallels between Locust and Walpurgisnacht, the Witch of Calamities, a collective of fallen magical girls who appears as a storm and brings destruction in her wake. Walpurgisnacht is the Stage-Producing Witch, for whom the whole world is a stage, who manipulates the real world as if it is her labyrinth (as it may well be!) and for whom everyone is a character playing out their assigned parts. Walpurgisnacht's nature and true identity has yet to be revealed, but it's highly likely that as with Locust, she will be intimately connected to someone we already know, or think we know.
It's not that that Madoka Magica and Thunderbolt Fantasy are the same story--far from it--but they share the same author, and so it's only natural that their themes and motifs echo each other, turning up in different forms and different ways. Ultimately, in each case, the antagonist is a collective directed by a single intelligence that hides behind illusion, brings complete and total destruction in their wake, and represents fate itself--and who is challenged by heroes who believing in defying that fate to create a world where human choice still matters. In a way, it's weirdly fitting that the next installments in each of these two series will likely come out at around the same time, juxtaposing them even further.
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lynnscove · 6 days
I know you know who I am lol
What will happen to yn when he'll finally kill Endeavor? Will he actually kill Endeavor? Or he's been caught up too bad with yn and doesn't care anymore about his goal?
He definitely will. A big part of his character is that he doesn't feel bad about anything (except SOME things he does to reader, because they're genuinely the only person he has feelings for) so he's not going to go easy on Enji. In canon we see Dabi use certain strategies to keep his father alive and almost torture him, in a way, but cruel!Dabi want's nothing to do with that. He just wants to kill him off and be done with it.
Anyways, what happens to reader really depends on their reaction. He's not going to kill them if they react badly-- he might punish them, but that's all. Life would continue similarly to how it always has, but Dabi's a little more unhinged than usual, he's almost euphoric and in a mental state of "I am God." For a long time afterwards.
Killing the no.1 hero, and your own father is like, just another way of saying you're the strongest in the country, and he'll remind you of that at every chance he gets. He'd use it to make you feel helpless and scared 24/7 instead of giving you little breaks like he did before.
Though, (bonus answer) if you put killing enji against being with reader, he'd choose the latter every time. He doesn't care about his goal as much as he does in canon, and overtime he loses interest in it if he doesn't accomplish it soon after meeting reader.
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HELP IVE BEEN MEANING TO ASK TOU THIS BUT DO YOU HAVE ANY TIPS FOR WRITING HADES LIKE 😭 idk how you do it so well. I keep trying to write him but I feel like it’s not very good 💀 SO IF YOU HAVE ANY TIPS AT ALL PLEASE IM PLEASE IM BEGGING
Also sorry if it feel like I’m copying you or like stalking your page?? 😭😭 you just inspire me a lot and I look up to you I kinda can’t help it so I’m sorry if that weirds you out!!
Awwwww!!!! Omg thank you so much!!!! I appreciate that immensely!!!!! I’m really really glad I can make Hades seem so in character because that’s like the main worry I have about writing for him lol. Like, I’ve read official Disney stories that write Hades kinda out of character and I’m like “noooo that doesn’t sound like Hades 😞” lmao so I feel like it’s my duty to keep him in character when I write him 😂
But oh man, I’ve never been the best at giving tips because I ramble too much (obviously lol, that’s literally all I do on this blog 😂) but I hope I can still help lol!
My tips would just be watch clips of Hades before you write him so you kinda get the vibe and personality of his character in mind before you write. Like kinda study and watch how he walks and talks and makes gestures and expressions and stuff lol. That’s usually what I do when I feel like I need a little refresher of his characterization lol. I actually have a whole freaking Google drive of clips of him in the series, the house of mouse, and the movie just so I can have those on hand to watch when I need to (or just when I feel like gushing over him and just seeing my man lmao, like I just love watching clips of him…also I can totally send links to those google drive folders if you want me to 😂). Also yeah, I know it’s probably kinda weird that I have a whole freaking folder of clips of him 😂 but what can I say? I’m a very dedicated simp lmao
Another thing I do is just think “WWHS?” (What would Hades say? Lmaooo). Like I try to get into that character mindset of “oh how would Hades react to this sort of situation?” or “What would Hades do if this happened?” sort of thing.
Like, I really try to keep his personality in mind when I do. Like, Hades is evil and conniving, but he’s also very cool and casual and laidback. He talks to you like you like he’s known you for years and doesn’t sugar coat things. Like, he’s brutally honest with just about everyone and doesn’t care if he hurts their feelings (unless, it’s someone he truly deeply cares about which for me is his s/o and his mom, but I guess it depends on your take on Hades and his relationships with others in that specific universe lol, like I’ve seen some other takes on Hades where he actually hates his mom, which so hard for me to see because I think Rhea would’ve been such a good mom to her boys and Hades would be a total mama’s boy lol, but yeah just depends on your headcanons for him I guess).
I’ll never not compare him to a sleazy used car salesman because that’s what he is 😂 legit that was supposed to be an alternate ending to the movie where he would sell used chariots instead of getting decked by Herc lmao (really wish we got that ending because that would’ve been so hilarious to see 🤣). He’s very good at making one liners and he’s very witty and sassy.
Hades is also very manipulative and he’s very very good at reading people and finding their weakness. That’s what makes him a great villain in my opinion. Like, some villains are so self absorbed that they don’t think about other people’s emotions or weaknesses, they just kinda make an evil plan and go with it without thinking of the drawbacks or how they could use the hero’s weakness to their advantage, while Hades is very meticulous and thinks before he acts. Like “What are all the possible down falls to this plan? How can I cover all my bases so this doesn’t fail?” (Like that scene where he makes a deal with Hercules in the Underworld and he’s quickly trying to determine if there’s any drawbacks to the deal).
He knows how to play people like a fiddle by basically gaslighting them thinking they’re doing the right thing by making a deal with him that’s actually in his favor. He’s a smooth talker and he’s got lots of charisma (or rizz as the kids say lmaooo 🤣). He’s a con artist to say the least lol.
Hades is also kinda refined in a way. Like he’s silly and funny and likes to have a good time and party and crack jokes, but he’s also kinda like a Wall Street businessman. Like, he’s just a very even mixture of professional and casual (business casual? Lmao). I think that’s why I think he looks awesome in business attire lmao, he just has a very “sleazy businessman” vibe to him…also I’m a sucker for a man in a suit 😂
So yeah, that’s kinda how I think of Hades when I write him and that’s what I do when I write for his character lol. I’m sorry if this didn’t help or I was just kinda rambling as I do lol 😅 I hope this helps you a little! I will say, I love the way you write (and draw) Hades and I think you’re doing an awesome job with him and Rina!!! ☺️💕💕💕
Oh! No no no!!! I don’t think that at all and I DO NOT think you’re weird!!! Honestly, if anyone’s weird here, it’s me 🤣🤣 Legit, I LOVE IT when people get inspired by my stuff and want to do stuff based off of mine! Like, that’s what I love about tumblr and I feel like that’s what it’s all about! We can inspire each other and have fun!!! 🥰
Also PLEASE feel free spam and basically stalk my blog 🤣 I love to see people going through my blog and interacting with my stuff like it seriously makes me so freaking happy when I see tumblr notifications pop up on my phone lol!!! It makes me so excited!!! ☺️☺️☺️💕💕💕 Especially when I’m online and I see people interacting with my posts like I feel like I’m hosting hanging out on tumblr with my internet friends lmaooo. Fr I am SO flattered am honored that you like my content so much and that I can help inspire you as well as others!!! It brings me so so so much joy!!! 🥹🥹🥹💗💗💗
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spitdrunken · 2 years
Rollo with hydrangea and lime blossom pls? 🌺
Yandere Flower Themed Asks
Rollo would have different feelings depending on whether Reader is magicless or not, I usually go with Magicless!Reader as the default, but if you want Mage!Reader headcanons as well, please let me know!
Hydrangea - How would this yandere react if their darling gave them affection? What is their internal thought process like? 
Rollo would be very conflicted, though it also depends a lot on what stage in your relationship you're at. His guilt is the red thread throughout all of it, though. He hasn't done anything to deserve this yet. He's failed to make the word a better place, and so, no matter how much he wants you never to stop, he can't fully accept it yet.
On the other hand, Rollo is someone who has always felt very lonely on account of never showing his true feelings in front of anyone. He is, without a doubt, touch-starved, and any affection coming from you feels like a blessing. It's the strength that keeps him going. If you continue to push and be affectionate, he'll eventually 'break' and become downright clingy.
Lime blossom - Do the yandere’s feelings for their darling fall more under “love” or lust? 
Definitely 'love', rather than lust. Rollo is not very interested in sex or masturbation in general, it's just not something that he thinks about. More specifically than just love, though, he has a very strong desire to protect you. He wants you to see him as your hero, as a saviour. As long as you would tell him that his wishes are pure and his actions are righteous, he could do anything.
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comicaurora · 2 years
Hey, Red, can you give any tips on how to take characters out of comfort zone?
My main story is two characters going on some sort of fantasy adventure (and two more characters join the party later), but the problem is that out of these two one character is in deep dysphoria-induced depression and executive disfunction, and second one is a slacker who prefers to avoid responsibility - i.e. both of these have neither reason nor motivation nor energy to go on any sort of adventure whatsoever.
First thing that comes to mind is personal danger, are there any other good options?
Ah, the age-old question. This is why farmboys are always getting their hometowns and stern father figures burned to the ground.
When a character is firmly emplaced in a comfort zone, there are practically speaking two ways to disrupt this:
Character is motivated to leave it
Character is forced to leave it
Bilbo is motivated to leave his comfort zone by Gandalf's appeal to his adventurous nature and the dwarves' loss of their home. Luke Skywalker is forced to leave his comfort zone when his farm is burned and his surrogate parents killed. Ariel is motivated to leave her comfort zone by her innate desire to be "part of that world" and the destruction of her treasures. Adora is forced out of her comfort zone when she's captured by the Rebel Alliance.
When a character will willingly leave home, getting them started on their journey is comparatively easy. When they won't, it usually takes a degree of brute force to kick things off - most commonly the destruction or disruption of their comfort zone. Once they're ON the journey, character development can kick in and make them more invested in the journey (eg. Adora quickly stops wanting to go back to the Horde when she learns they're evil, Luke becomes more personally invested in taking down the Empire after losing Obi-Wan) but it's quite common to start things off by making them take the first step.
There's a reason most fantasy quests aren't optional. Destiny, prophecy, the big bad showing up and stomping all over everything - these unignorable disruptions jumpstart the plot when the heroes won't willingly start it. The specifics you pick will be dependent on the specifics of your characters and how they'd react. It's actually pretty easy to make a character do something they don't want to if they have no alternative.
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yanderecrazysie · 1 year
can you write a izuku yandere alphabet please ?
Of course!
Midoriya Izuku (My Hero Academia) -The Yandere Alphabet
👊 👊 👊 👊 👊 👊 👊 👊 👊 👊 👊 👊 👊 👊 👊 👊 👊 👊 👊 👊
Warnings: yandere themes
A is for Affection: How do they show their affection for their darling? How often do they show it?
💖 Izuku is very affectionate- a bit like a nervous puppy. He’s tentative and shy with his touches, making sure you’re okay before proceeding.
💖 He’s super gentle with everything he does and likes to just hold you in his arms and carry you around. He’s definitely strong enough to do so.
B is for Blood: How messy are they willing to get for their darling? Why?
🔪 Izuku is a good person, besides the whole yandere thing. He would never kill unless he was defending your life.
🔪 He can go a bit overboard in the moment, however, if the person he’s fighting has done anything to you.
🔪 He won’t start a fight, mind you, but if someone else did? They’re going to end up black and blue.
C is for Care or Cruelty: How would they treat their darling when they kidnap them? Would they mock them?
💔 Izuku is literally such a sweetheart. He knows you’ll be upset but he does everything he can to keep you from crying or freaking out.
💔 He would never mock you, in fact, he’s very understanding and sympathetic. He might even be moved to tears himself.
💔 He’ll definitely cook all your favorite meals, play your favorite music softly, turn on your favorite show/movie, and all that jazz.
D is for Delusion: How delusional are they when it comes to their darling? Do they believe their darling loves them?
💭 It’s a toss up whether Izuku will be delusional or not. It depends on the situation.
💭 Non-delusional Izuku is resigned to the fact that you don’t love him yet and may never, and it drives him to tears sometimes. He even accepts that you might hate him, but just does his best to change your mind.
💭 Delusional Izuku believes you are in a loving relationship with him and that you want to stay in his house of your own free will.
💭 “She’s just playing around” is his excuse for practically everything and he may even call you “silly” for “playing games”.
E is for Expose: How much of their heart do they bear to their darling? How vulnerable are they when it comes to their darling? How much time will it take to trust them?
💧 Izuku is very honest with his feelings and just in general. It’s in his nature. But that doesn’t mean he trusts you or that he is being completely vulnerable with you.
💧 Delusional Izuku won’t see a problem with sharing anything and everything, of course.
💧 But non-delusional Izuku will see that you could use this against him and will be a bit careful, especially at first. It’s not that he doesn’t want to share (he does!) but he cares more about keeping you close.
F is for Fight: How would they react if their darling fought back?
👊 At first, I think Izuku would feel awful, maybe even to the point of crying. He wants you to be happy and secure, not hate him to the point that you feel the need to defend yourself!
👊 He’d murmur soft reassurances as he “cuddles” you. Aka, hold you firmly and strategically so that you can’t fight or even move if you wanted to.
👊 He really prefers it when you’re submissive and not violent, so he’ll keep trying to calm you down until you tucker yourself out or give up.
G is for Guilt: What would it take for them to feel guilty about their actions? Or do they feel guilty from the start?
😔 Non-delusional Izuku feels guilty from the start. After all, he’s a hero! He’s supposed to protect people! And what does he do? Kidnap a girl that he’s also stalked!
😔 Delusional Izuku, on the other hand, is too far gone to feel guilt, too convinced that you’re meant to be that he doesn’t see any need to feel guilty.
H is for Hell: What would be their darling’s worst experience with them?
🔥 Izuku isn’t usually one to lose his temper and his punishments are very light, so it’s difficult to choose a worst experience.
🔥 I guess I’d say he can be very suffocating. Always wanting to touch and hold you and, even when he isn’t holding you, he’s cooing praises and compliments. It’s enough to give anyone a headache, especially when his affection isn’t wanted.
I is for Ideals: What kind of future do they have in mind for/with their darling?
👩‍❤️‍👨 Izuku still wants to be a hero, despite kidnapping being a clear opposite of upholding the law. He’ll want to come home to you and spend his days off with you, and he honestly feels bad he can’t spend every moment with you and be a pro hero at the same time.
👩‍❤️‍👨 As for a family, he’s leaving that up to you. He doesn’t want to force anything on you and would enjoy having only one person to focus his energy into, but he also loves the idea of coming home to you and a mixture of you and him. Maybe even several kids, if you’ll let him.
J is for Jealousy: How easily do they get jealous? Do they lash out or find a way to cope?
💢 Izuku isn’t easily jealous. Even non-delusional Izuku will delude himself into thinking that the guy you’re flirting with is just your friend. And delusional Izuku knows that guy is your friend.
💢 He’s kind of insecure in the way that he doesn’t think he’s entitled to feel like he’s the only guy you can talk to and, despite not getting jealous per se, it can really get him feeling down.
K is for Kidnap: How would they go about kidnapping their darling? How much do they plan it out?
🔒 Izuku would plan meticulously, filling up an entire journal on plans to kidnap you and deal with anything that could possibly go wrong.
🔒 He has to be careful, not just because of some paranoid worries, but because if he’s caught, he can never be a pro hero! And he needs to have both you and a pro license.
L is for Love Letters: How would they go about courting or approaching their darling?
💌 Izuku is shy and awkward, becoming a blushing mess when you give him attention and finding himself tongue-tied if you call him on the phone. Because of this, while Izuku will try to befriend you, he probably won’t be physically able to court you properly.
💌 In fact, that’s one of the reasons he’s able to talk himself into kidnapping you. When the power dynamic shifts drastically like that, he’s able to calm down and become more confident around you.
💌 After all, can you truly reject him when you’re tied up in his home? I mean, you can try.
M is for Mask: Are their true colors drastically different from the way they acted before?
🎭 Izuku is the same dorky, adorable man as before, and it’s strange to think that this dark obsession can coincide with his plans to be a pro hero and save people with a smile.
🎭 He’ll act the same, if not a little more confident, after kidnapping you. He’s sheepish, almost embarrassed about the whole thing and very apologetic. But still the same old Deku.
N is for Naughty: How would they punish their darling?
🚓 Izuku is kind of like a dad grounding his daughter when it comes to punishment. He just takes away electronics and things he’s given you. And even then, you have to really drive him to the edge to get him to punish you.
O is for Oppression: How many rights would they take away from their darling? What rights can be earned with time and trust?
📜 Izuku wants you to be happy, he truly does, but he also can’t risk you escaping and ruining his reputation as a pro hero. Therefore, he has to find a “healthy middle” when it comes to oppression.
📜 While there will never be a chance to escape and you’ll never see the outside world again, he’ll spoil you with electronics that can’t connect to wifi and all the things you love. Want a pet? Your favorite food? The newest books by your favorite author? Got it, got it, got it!
P is for Patience: How patient are they with their darling?
🕊️ Izuku has the patience of a saint. Seriously.
🕊️ It’s pretty much impossible to get him to punish you and, even then, he’s calm and patient and apologetic and arghhh- you’ll definitely find it frustrating if you try to push his buttons on purpose.
Q is for Quit: If their darling dies, leaves, or successfully escapes, would they ever be able to move on?
🏃‍♀️ To a point, yes. He would never forget you and would never get another romantic relationship, but he would continue living and pretending to the world like he’s still the amazing pro hero they all know and love.
🏃‍♀️ The difference between him and many other yanderes is that his drive to be a pro hero is so strong that it’s pretty much the same intensity as his obsession for you. Therefore, if he loses one, he’ll simply latch on to the other that much harder.
R is for Rage: How do they act when angry? How do they calm down?
👿 Izuku doesn’t get angry. At least, not at you.
👿 He can, however, get angry for you. For instance, if you were attacked by a villain or bullied, he’d get extremely angry, clenching his fists and scowling and trying to plot out what to do while his brain is moving a mile a minute.
S is for Soulmate: What made them fall in love with their darling? How did they first meet? When did they realize they loved their darling?
💍 Izuku likely either worked alongside you or met you at UA, although he could also fall for a civilian. He definitely likes your kindness, honesty, and tendency to help others. Even if it’s not pronounced to others, he notices every little thing you do and it quickly drives him to obsession.
💍 If you’re a pro hero or hero course student too, he obsesses over you, dedicating way more pages in his journal to your quirk than any other. He asks you constant questions and studies you like an exam, muttering and taking notes between every sentence you speak.
💍 If you’re a civilian or a different course student, he probably notices how your lack of training makes you so much weaker compared to him. He might note down your quirk or even lack thereof, even though you’re not a hero, making you pretty special. He definitely feels an inexplicit need to protect you, even if you’re tough.
T is for Tears: How do they feel about seeing their darling scream, cry, and/or isolate themselves?
😭 Izuku feels terrible. He wants to make you happy so badly but he’s failing! He’ll probably cry just as hard as you do,
😭 If you want to isolate yourself, he’ll break inside. He doesn’t let you lock or barricade any doors, just in case you get in trouble or hurt or something, but he tries his hardest to give you space, even if it pains him.
U is for Unique: Would they do anything different from the classic yandere?
👌 Like I said earlier, Izuku’s obsession with you and his drive to be a pro hero are on the same level, which is very rare, since yanderes usually put their darling over everything else. It’s not that he doesn’t care or something, it’s just that he desperately wants to have both things at once, even if they don’t seem compatible.
👌 However, because of his wish to be a pro hero too, he may have to sacrifice things he wants with you to achieve that goal. A very busy Izuku may not be able to kidnap you or may be called away from you because of emergencies. While this would bother him immensely, he allows it because he wants the best of both worlds.
V is for Visit: Would they allow anyone else to visit their darling? Do they trust their darling to talk to their loved ones (in person, on the phone, etc.) or not at all?
🧳 No, nope, nada.
🧳 You saying one wrong word could ruin his reputation as a pro hero, so he isn’t risking that.
W is for Weakness: What weakness can their darling exploit in order to escape?
❌ Izuku is very sympathetic and apologetic, and this could definitely help you bargain and guilt trip to get more exceptions from Izuku. While he won’t outright let you go outside no matter what, you might be able to get close enough to enact your escape anyways.
❌ Delusional Izuku is easier to manipulate and bargain with.
X is for Xoanon: How much would they revere or worship their darling? To what length would they go to win their darling over?
🛐 Izuku worships you like nobody’s business and desperately wants nothing more than you to be happy with him. He’s willing to give up just about anything and do just about whatever you want to achieve this goal. Not to mention, he’s incredibly patient.
Y is for Yearning: How long do they pine after their darling before they snap?
😍 Izuku would probably pine for only a short while before realizing there’s no way he can win your love normally with his constant blushing and stuttering. However, the planning time would force him to wait much, much longer to actually go through with the kidnapping.
Z is for Zero Tolerance: What is the thing that always makes them snap? What things will they not allow their darling to do under any circumstances?
0️⃣ Izuku doesn’t really have a zero tolerance, to be honest. Fighting doesn’t hurt him, insults just make him sad, and escape attempts just make him up security. More likely, punishment comes when it’s the straw that breaks the camel’s back.
👊 👊 👊 👊 👊 👊 👊 👊 👊 👊 👊 👊 👊 👊 👊 👊 👊 👊 👊 👊
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Fragmented AU -- The Cipher Zodiac Powers
Another thing that I was debating on to reveal, but I've decided to do so.
Proceed if you dare!!!
So, in Journal 3, Soos theorized that if they were successful in sealing/banishing/destroying Bill with the magic circle thing, they were all gonna get superpowers. A theory that Dipper didn't think was gonna happen.
Well, maybe not in Dimension 46'\.
But was made possible in Dimension 46-Delta, the version that the Fragmented AU takes place.
Perhaps due to a disturbance in the multiverse, the Cipher Ten was born with powers or would usually start to appear at around 13 years old. Whenever they use their powers, their eyes would glow a color. While they would share some specific ability, each of them have a unique power.
(I am using terms from the Superpower Wiki; one of my favs)
Dipper -- Cyan -- Personal Energy
For any My Hero Academia fans, it's sorta similar to One for All in that a powerful energy generates and flows throughout Dipper's body. And I make the comparison because, in a way, Dipper reminds me of Izuku (nerdy characters, bullied, penchan for journaling, kinda talks out loud, deep idolization of their respective mentors...etc)
Mabel -- Magenta -- Imagination Manifestation
Couldn't think of any power better than this for a dreamer like Mabel. Now, granted, I was a little hesitant on giving Mabel this ability as it can easily be OP *Cough*GremmyfromBleach*Cough* coughing...However, I hopefully manage to come up with a limit. It depends on the scale of her imagination as well as her attention span and where she is.
(Note: Neither's powers manifested until the week of their 13th birthday.)
Stan -- Yellow -- Fire Generation/Manipulation
...I'm sure someone might make a connection of sorts. Also, blame @factual-fantasy for this (I love their AUs). Some back story time: as mentioned, some powers come around at birth, but for the Pines twins (both generations), theirs come later near the age of 13. So, Stan's powers manifested one day and he was surprised that the fire didn't really burn anything unless he willed it to. He wanted to show Ford, but decided to keep it a secret because...well he didn't want the bullying to get worse for both of them. It wouldn't be until later in life that Stan will show Ford, who has become aware of people with superpowers (ie, Fiddleford). Ford reacted... Well, Ford reacted in a way that Stan didn't expect and decided to not show it to him again. Interestingly enough, Ford had forgotten all about it, but Stan still remembers and refuses to let Ford see it again. He has a similar resolve to the kids due to what happened to their parents.
Ford -- Crimson -- ??? (Unknown)
As far as anyone is concerned, Ford hasn't shown signs of having any unique powers. Stan is curious, but figures that his high IQ is the power. Is that the case, or is it that he just doesn't have one? Or it just hasn't manifested yet, even into adulthood? Or maybe its because I have yet to make up my mind about what I want to give him? Who knows! lol
Soos -- Spring Green -- Stomach Storage
Only in the realm of cartoon logic would this make sense. Basically, Soos has access to a pocket dimension where he can store things via swallowing them whole and not chew it. Because if he does, it'll just go straight to his actual stomach. And while Soos is generally unbothered by it, the others took time to get used to it. And even then, it was still mildly unnerving to witness.
Wendy -- Amber -- Ice Generation/Manipulation
I originally wanted to give her something like super strength, but then I figured that it could just be a Corduroy trait. So, I gave her ice powers. There was a scrapped episode of Wendy getting weather-based powers and I am so curious as to what that would've entailed. Like, what was the story gonna be? How did she acquire that power? Would the episode reveal something about her mother?
Fiddleford -- Green -- Scanning
Whenever I get stumped on giving a character a power, I just take inspiration from their zodiac symbol. So, for Fidds, I just picked an ability called Scanning. He's like a human USB or 'data' storage of anything he sees, analyzing the data and information of anything not just technological and digital, but also biological, chemical and all that. He can also scan vitals (sort of like Baymax), which is proven to be useful when you have a friend who has a tendency to ignore his biological limitations.
(Note: I will say that both Fiddleford and Stan kept their powers a secret throughout their childhood and young adulthood, as one can imagine that once the word of their powers gets to the wrong person...well...things could've gotten bad for them.)
Pacifica -- Violet -- Animal Empathy
Another instance of me taking inspiration from the zodiac symbol. Not necessarily a Dr. Dolittle kind of thing, as she can't communicate directly with animals, but she can understand the animal's emotions and intentions. The same is said the other way around.
Robbie -- Gray/Silver -- Symphokinesis
I have seen four anime where singing/music is used in combat, Symphogear, Macross Frontier, One Piece, and Cross Ange, and I love it. I love music in general. So, Robbie can use this power via his own singing voice and guitar playing. Plus, he can expand the effect if he harmonizes with others through music. The effects and intensity of his powers usually lie in his intentions and emotions. After all, some say music speaks from the soul. From the heart.
Gideon -- Azure -- Telekinesis and Telepathy
Because why not? At least I didn't have to think too hard on what power to give the little menace. I'd imagine that with the amulet, he had very little limitations to what he can do with his telekinesis. But, since now it is his own power, it's very limited to what his mind can handle, which is surprisingly strong for a 10/11 year old. Remember: He's still a kid with kid-level emotions. Now, he can't read every mind and thought. Some mental walls are stronger than others and his telepathy usually works better on trusting/gullible/innocent people. Of course, it doesn't work on Ford for obvious reasons.
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nobodyfamousposts · 2 years
If Adrien didn't have the ring, what do you think he would be doing? For me, he wouldn’t be at school al all, so probably just complaining about his life and doing model work?
Not salt, just genuine curiosity. I mean with the way the writers made him, there’s a 5% chance of him EVER suspecting his father as Adrien isn't curious about him and his relationship with Kagami would basically amount to "she's the girl I have fencer with, oh your mom is friends with my dad?"
So, at most we'd get his poutiness over not being out there or seeing his extra curriculars. It's not like he has a BIG interest in gaming, even when they say he watched anime, we're not really shown that.
It really depends on how you mean. Narratively vs storywise? It differs.
The biggest issue is that narratively speaking, the main source of entertainment in Adrien's scenes is usually Plagg. Adrien himself doesn't actually do much that's interesting. To be fair, he does more as Chat Noir, but criticism has been made that his personality as Chat Noir is so detached from his personality as Adrien with very little cross between the two that the two sides could arguably be two separate characters.
If you take the Ring away from him, Adrien has neither Plagg nor Chat to make him interesting as a standalone character. Most of the Adrien focused scenes are dependent on how other people react to or around him rather than anything he himself does. The stance of the writers and Thomas that he's perfect and never wrong wouldn't work in this way as Adrien is a passive character who is reliant on having others in the scenes with him. As it is, he's too insubstantial on his own to be able to carry a scene.
And made worse by the fact that most of Adrien's relevance to canon comes from the attachments the writers have given him to other things. Son of the villain. Top model. User of the Black Cat Miraculous. Hero of the city. Friend of Plagg. One half of the love square. But taking away the Ring removes a majority of that relevance. He'd still be the son of the villain, but we're going on five seasons now where that has yet to really matter.
So narratively, either Adrien would need to be removed from the story to offer time and energy to other things or some change would have to be made to Adrien and how he acts to make him work as a character. He would have to DO things. And without the Ring—without either Plagg or his identity as Chat to work off of, he would need to be able to stand out on his own. He would need to have real flaws that he would need to address and a range of emotions that isn't stuck on one of three settings. He would need to be a person instead of a plant. And he just can't do that with the current setup of canon.
That's just narratively/meta wise. But if I was to go story-wise...
Treating Miraculous as a real story and Adrien as a person, I'd imagine that without the Ring, other things would fill in the gaps in his life.
Let's bear in mind that Adrien got the Ring because he helped Fu that first day. Let's say he didn't. Fu wasn't there. So there was nothing to distract him from getting into school and he makes it day one. Good news is that this prevents the gum incident that made up his first meeting with Marinette. Bad news is that without that, the classmates really only know him as Chloe's friend and are less than willing to befriend him as a result. Cue Adrien having to make more of an effort to interact with his classmates and make friends.
Gamer would mean more if Adrien was the one to beat Max in the tournament because he only took the time from his supposedly busy schedule in order to try to make friends and it backfires. Same with Horrificator as he would be dealing with Nino trying to use his involvement in the movie for some fame points. Plus all the issues that would come with Chloe still regularly bullying everyone and him being forced to actually witness and respond to it. Slowly but surely, he'd make friends with the others in the class.
But most of all, I personally would see him becoming buddies with Alya. They both like heroes and could bond over that interest and their favorites, as well as their admiration for their city's own hero, Ladybug. Alya canonically likes comics and makes herself into a sort of Lois Lane. Adrien seems to have a thing more for anime, given his seemingly practiced magical girl transformation ready to go from Origins. So I could see the two of them becoming friends. Alya running the Ladyblog and being a journalist. Adrien being her assistant, her Jimmy Olsen if you will.
Cue the two of them having more dual screen time and shenanigans as they record akuma fights and hang out with each other. This would also add to more issues with Adrien's relationship with Gabriel since he would no doubt disapprove of his son's interest. It could also play into Adrien's development of his own interests outside of being a model, especially if he realizes he'd rather be the one on the other side of the camera than the one in the photos.
Then grow into Alya and Adrien trying to track down who Hawk Moth is...and the implications as they start to get ever closer to THAT particular revelation...
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Hello! I hope you're doing well so far into this month. I really like your Time Swap AU, especially with chaos gremlin SWK. Question: if Canon Macaque were to meet TW SWK, how would they react to each other? Who'd win in a fight between them, pre s3 and post s3? Macaque definitely is more powerful and dangerous than his TW counterpart, but TW SWK has no such attachment to Macaque the same way his canon counterpart did, thus he would have no reason to hold back in the usual fight-to-the-death match Macaque would initiate, so I'm putting my money on SWK coming out on top. How would the canon Monkie Crew react to Time Swap's story of their version of LBD arc and SWK's possession, given that TW JTTW fam had no idea of their SWK's daily demon fighting hero activities until LBD's takeover? And the fact that SWK wasn't even going after LBD, but was still taken over by her after she went after him instead?
I hope I'm not bothering you with these asks. I am truly intrigued by the differences between it and canon one. Eat your fruits and vegetables!
AYY!! no hours of sleep so if I miss something or if something doesn't make sense, you can ask again !! I'll make it more clear.
Also you're not bothering!
Alright, so,
1) TW! Swk would just be confused, not much of a reaction since he doesn't know or recognize the guy. Maybe some resemblance to his macaque, but nothing else.
lmk! Macaque though would recognize wukong because the two versions aren't that different. TW is just taller because he's a "human", and has no tail.
So, macaque would be confused and kinda taken back, and TW wouldn't really care unless he's an obstacle or a foe.
now, depending on the season, tw can either win or not. Before S3 for sure tw would have a lot of struggling with macaque. One has way more experience in fighting and using powers than the others.
After S4 wukong might outmatch macaque, he has better controls on his powers, and with s4 he is even more powerful.
and.. macaque might be struggling because of bad memories TW wukong might give him with his powers and him not holding back.
2) the time swap au version is way different, in the show at least, because unlike in lmk, where possessing wukong was her being desperate, in TW possessing wukong was part of her plan. (Kind of like Bai he, he was possessed while he was alone, and it wasn't until he showed up possessed that the others found out.)
so, they might hate lbd way more with it, because despite it being wukong being possessed, this wukong is basically just a poor "human" who is dragged into this mess, forced to fight his own family.
Lmk! Swk would make sure his own counterpart is really okay, he can understand the possession part more than anyone.
The TW jttw fam instead would want to check on lmk wukong because he willingly went after lbd, and in their eyes, it's still their brother/son, so.
(wukong will cry later because those are his dead companions bro.)
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