#it was KARLS season I'm so fucking excited
alcubierre-warpin · 1 year
Old Guard hyperfixation guaranteed to come back once I get my hands on the kindle season 4 script
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So, I finally gave in and watched the first season of Our Flag Means Death and here are my thoughts on it:
-I've been pronouncing Stede wrong all along
-He reminds me of Aziraphale w that hair haha
-Nvm, he IS Aziraphale (seriously? The parallels are INSANE, y'all were not kidding)
-When will he meet Ed
-I want Jim to be a lesbian
-Damm, what's up w Middle Aged couple representation being all soft blonde bitchy man and goth disillusioned angry man who's secretly soft
Not that I'm complaining
-"Massive Aggression" HAHAHAHAHAHAHA, COMEDY GOLD I've been laughing at this for a while now
-Okay, got v engrossed, so we'll just ignore I forgot to do this for Ep 6
-I love how everyone is unproblematically accepting Jim and their pronouns. This is how it should be.
-Okay, I take back my Aziraphale comment. Azi could never replace someone's books w the ones he's read before. He'd hoard all of them, that beautiful bastard of a hedonist
-"Oh my god, this is really happening" ME
I know I know, I'm supposed to know what happens in the end, but hey! It's still kinda insane, okay?
- *sees Ed thrash a Snake into oblivion* *nods head* Crowley Kinnie
-Jealous!Stede is my baby. I need to go hug him
-Nooooooooo, Karl!!!
-Yes, we're all children of Divorce, Black Pete... Don't rub salt on his wounds
-"Various stages of fucking each other over" I think the over was definitely not needed here
-They're standing up for Stede
Found family T_T
-Okay, I low-key wish I went into the end blind. Not that it didn't still make my heart sink to the bottom of my chest, but the sucker punch of it all didn't come as hard. But gosh, I'm so excited about S2
(...and I get to see it immediately MWAHAHAHA)
(...I'm sorry)
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nym-wibbly · 4 days
Reading across your fanfictions I was wondering how you choose the right euphemisms for the sex scenes? I mean it's different in your Pet Shop of Horrors to your Once Upon a Time. What makes you choose a word like cock or cunt from the alternatives?
Good question! It's about context, mainly. I tend to write smut from the POV of a participant in the sex, so I think about how they'd use their vocabulary in that situation, extrapolating from how they speak or narrate in other situations. I try to make informed guesses about which words the character would use naturally and which they might choose for effect in a heightened emotional situation. That much is the same whether it's a smutty scene or not.
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I ask myself, does the character's use of language usually change with their mood or circumstances, or is it more consistent? Does it alter or slip when they're emotional or overwhelmed, or depending on the company they're in? Is that behaviour second nature to them, comfortable, or is the way they speak part of a mask they wear, a performance they put on to distance themselves from the world a bit? If so, what provocation could make it slip, and what lies beneath? How mature are they in how they express themselves, how mature about intimacy overall, and is that likely to be reflected in their sexual word choices? Crude or sensitive? Shy or bold?
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Then I think about the character's mood and intent within the sex scene itself, about how inhibited or uninhibited the character feels if there's a partner with them, how self-conscious they feel or have historically felt about sex and bodies, and whether they have a learned sexual response to particular words or phrases. Does 'dirty' talk excite them or shock them? Inside their own heads, or just out loud? Do they have words that they find distasteful or think of as crossing a line into inappropriateness?
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Most of the characters I write smut about are pretty worldly-wise, with full dictionaries to work from even if they aren't normally inclined to use them, so I had to make a lot of mental adjustments for the sheltered version of Belle I wrote in A Bed of Thorns. She was fired up with the discovery of her own sexuality and her specific passion for Rumple, grabbing the physical outlet he offered her with gusto, but she only had a limited vocabulary with which to describe the experience. I found that really hard going until Rumple taught her a few key words!
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The final thing I consider is whether I'm writing a scene that's meant to titillate the reader or not. Not every sex scene is meant to be erotic, and not every erotic scene is dominated by the physical description. Is it more of an emotional scene than a graphic smutty one? If so, I'll steer towards language that depicts the character's emotional response - like using 'joining' rather than 'fucking' if it's the intimacy I want to prioritise rather than the physical act. Where is the character's focus right now - actions or headspace? Self or partner? Present moment or future consequences and wider relationship? What's the scene about - the sex or something else woven through it that needs picking up as a theme in the wording?
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I try not to project myself onto the characters, but I'll hold my hand up to making every effort to avoid the word 'cunt'. I don't find the word erotically persuasive (although watching four seasons of Karl Urban using it as his character's descriptive multi-tool in The Boys has redefined it somewhat in my fanbrain!)
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Leaving aside its disparaging usages, 'cunt' isn't a great word for being clear about what's physically going on in a sex scene. It means 'vulva' but is often used in smut to refer to the vagina or the entire female genital area instead.
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"Devoutly, steadily, she fingered her lover's perfect, slick cunt." Where exactly is that finger right now? Sliding between her lover's labia or questing inside for her g-spot? Do I leave that distinction up to the reader's imagination and knowledge of the character's likely vocabulary and usage, add more words to clarify the sentence, or just choose a different word? In the end I go with what feels right for that character in that moment, just as I do for the rest of the piece.
[GIFs top to bottom cuz I don't usually post multifandom: Good Omens; Gen V; The Avengers: Age of Ultron; Once Upon a Time; The Great; The Boys; Gentleman Jack.]
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avastrasposts · 1 year
So I just realised about 300+ people decided to follow me and, I suppose, read my stories? And 300 is such a small number but to me it's surreal that so many of you want to read what I write!
So I thought I'd introduce myself a little, just to be polite you know, and be like those author blurbs they put on the inside flap of books. So read on if you want to know more about me and my writing, or just keep scrolling if you'd rather I remain a redheaded mystery with a thing for Frankie Morales.
Also, chapter 16 of The Pilot and his Girl will be posted tomorrow, it just needs another round of editing.
Also, again, this got long, so if you can't be bothered reading all my ramblings below the cut, I totally understand. I have a habit of getting wordy....
So, I'm in my 40's and I've been writing for most of my life, starting with embarrassing little short stories in adorable misspelled fashion when I was just wee. I aspired to be a journalist and then went on a completely different tangent career wise, ending up with a PhD in an area I no longer work in (fifteen years of higher education never to be touched again but you definitely want me on your team in a pub quiz!). I have vague memories of writing fan fiction in my early 20, I think? (I'm old, give me a break). But I only got back to it late last year as a way to kick start my imagination and discipline around writing again. I needed a creative outlet and writing is something I always enjoyed and found easy to do.
I live in England, in the amazing but fucking expensive city of London. I look pretty much like my profile picture, only more wrinkles and maybe a bit of silver in all that gingerness. I'm a very good cook and baker (Pedro, I'll teach you how to cook any day!) and I'm married to my very own sweet Latino man. He's not called Frankie but he does call me cariño. I have big chunk of family in Sweden and I speak a little bit of Swedish (it's actually where I am right now, we're over here celebrating midsummer).
I started writing fanfics for The Boys fandom and Karl Urban as I was binging the whole show after finishing season 4. Then I stumbled into the Pedro Pascal fandom as I watched The Last of Us.
TLoU has a very special place in my heart. I've been gaming since my early teens and bought a Playstation 3 after saving for months, my first console after playing on PC for years. When TLoU came out in 2013 I bought and played it straight away and I, like so many others, had an experience playing it. It's the only story, in any medium, that's made me cry after just 10-15 minutes of game play. The scene were Sarah dies, still gets me every time. And the rest of the game...I turned up at work the next week in a daze, just needing to tell people about this incredible story and experience I'd had. It was like no other game I'd ever played, before or since. And I've replayed the game about once a year since 2013. Back then, that kind of game was totally unique, there was nothing like it. Some games had explored stronger story telling elements, but not on this level, nothing came even close to creating such a bond between gamer and characters. Now days we're spoiled by powerful storytelling in video games, in 2013, The Last of Us was totally unique (sorry, I'm blabbering, but I could go on at length about TLoU and the impact it had).
So when I heard there was talks about turning into a tv-series, I was scared. Really worried. The gaming community have seen so many horrendous adaptations of video games, my beloved Assassin's Creed was butchered in 2016. But then I heard Pedro Pascal had been cast as Joel and I was carefully hopeful, and then Bella Ramsey as Ellie and I got really excited. I'd seen them both in Game of Thrones, both of their performances sticking in my mind. I even remember reading about Pedro being cast in GoT and looking him up and being disappointed because he looked nothing like I'd pictured the Red Viper when I read the books. But then he just swanned in and crushed it, he was so damn good, he won me over straight away. I can't imagine anyone else playing Oberyn.
And then of course, the first few trailers of TLoU dropped and we got glimpses of the show and I remember texting my equally TLoU obsessed friend and we squealed in delight at how good it looked! And the first time I heard the clicker sound....I shuddered, it was a very real physical reaction. If I'd been on the actual set and heard it, I think I would've run a mile.
And then, as I was still writing The British Connection, a fic set in The Boys fandom, I watched Triple Frontier, and, like so many others, fell hard for sweet Frankie Morales. So jumping the gun a bit, I decided to write something with him, just a drabble, to get used to writing him and to write in the Reader insert format. But it kind a grew in scope and when I had the idea of sticking him and the rest of the Triple Frontier boys into TLoU universe I knew I had to create something bigger.
Looking back I would've made the story tighter, less lengthy, had I known from the start that's where it was going to go. But part of the fun of fan fiction is posting as you go, I think. I get feedback from you guys and it makes me think of other elements to add to the story. There isn't always a set road map for how a fic is going to develop.
If you've made it this far, congratulations and thank you, I'm impressed you read all that rambling from some stranger on Tumblr! The Pilot and his Girl has a set plan now, I have chapters drawn up and although I'm not sure how many chapters I'm going to end up with, I know where the story is going. You'll find out what's happened to Pope, Will and Benny. And Joel and Tommy will of course come back to the story later on. There will be more trauma and angst as the story continues but there will be a happy ending, of sorts, in the end.
And again, thank you all for reading, commenting and reblogging! I love you all!
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arsenic-simp · 2 years
Oh god this is my first post I'm pretty sure-
Spoilers for Tommy, Tubbo, and Jacks recent lore on the DSMP!!! (Any mention of their names are automatically referring to their character on the SMP unless I state otherwise)
The fact I predicted the ending of S1 and the fact Tubbo's nuke would reset the server is blowing my mind, I have been on the "Dream just wants the server back to the way it was" train since exile, I'm losing my mind right now.
The fact that Tubbo was just going the fuck off once he discovered Jack changed the direction of the nukes, technically he had a right to be angry but he should've at least heard him out, If I'm not mistaken the only person that's truly ever heard Jack out was Niki, then when she helped break Dream out of prison she lost Jacks trust, so he labeled her 'as bad as Dream' I believe he said, I don't think that was word for word what he said though.
Also- the way Jack wasn't there in the ending either, when they were on the new server, I believe that this is basically a second chance mainly for discduo, and Karl if I'm not mistaken, this is going to be a bit far fetched, but I'm writing as I think.
I loved the recent streams and the insight it gave into Dream's motives for all of this, we were shown that Dream essentially wasn't lying whenever he said he wanted to bring the server together and for it to be a "big happy family", he was just going about it in a morally twisted way, he thought that was the only way to bring the server back together..it seemingly could but I feel that if Karl does stream another TOTSMP it could possibly be about what conflicts could stem between different members, now that Tommy and Dream have become friends in this server (so far).
About Karl, I've also just remembered that DreamXD still exists, so was XD just chilling in The End watching as the server reset or was he actively pulling strings to make this happen, I feel as though it could be either, and I'm wondering if George will remember anyone- WAIT, WILL KARL EVEN REMEMBER ANYONE- OH- OFF TOPIC, BUT WHAT IF XD DOES TO KARL LIKE HE DID TO RANBOO, BECAUSE IF KARL DOESNT REMEMBER ANYTHING HE'S ESSENTIALLY USELESS TO XD.
Okay my ADHD is showing 💀💀💀💀 I'm going to try and stick to one topic for right now..
Hold on, Schlatt(cc) said he was going to make an appearance on the server, does that mean- is Ranboo not dead anymore??? Is Mexican Dream alive again? This is making my head bounce off the walls because I have so many questions!!!
I feel like somebody is going to remember 'The Incidents' as what Tommy (cc) refered to the Nuclear explosion as, because the server wouldn't be as exciting without someone having some kind of knowledge about it, I feel as though it'd be Jack, mainly because he 1: wasn't in the 'trailer'??? for the next season as well as 2:he's canonically part robot, I've had this headcanon for a while that he could remember some things that others couldn't or didn't remember because AI is typically more agile than humans in terms of memory.
Another thing that I found fascinating is that your limbo changes, so if they die on the new server their limbo won't be the same as it was before (mainly referring to Jschlatt, Ranboo, and Mexican Dream) as well as; does the God of the server change? That's a question that's going to bother me until I see one, like- though XD was a minor character it was very comedic and a sort of...change from other characters, if that makes sense.
I will miss Techno's cabin, and the Prison bell, I mean, I understand that the server was getting a bit outdated so it needed a reset, but there's no remaking the cabin, and everyone in the world can put down a bell and it still not be the same as Techno doing it. I have no issue with the server reset, since the VODs with Techno's cabin and the Prison bell still exist and can be reminisced upon.
I do think the finale had a lot of us crying honestly, even the content creators themselves cried making this (Tubbo confirmed this on the last few minutes of his stream today), and the amount of work they had to put into that, I don't know, but the finale was definitely worth watching, and I would watch it ten times over, I originally started with Tubbo's POV then when Tubbo and Tommy split I went to Tommy's stream, and my god do I not regret it, that was one of, if not the best DSMP stream Tommy has ever done, his acting is improving, even though there were a few minor issues... Like his cam kept dying- but he stayed professional for the most part, and the acting was amazing, props to them, seriously, Nobody can make that exact thing and get the same amout or even more popularity out of it, and make a fandom like this.
But for now, until the next season, until more lore, I probably won't be posting a lot, maybe not even at all, but thx for, well, reading all of this if you got this far, if you really enjoyed I'd love if you left a comment; they help out a lot, even if it's just 'hi' or 'u suck!' it still helps lol.
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sereneabyyss · 1 year
BSD Blind Watch - Season Four
This one was a Fucking Doozy. But @wafflesarecool and @animusmelodiam and I are back at it again with the queer anime authors. Fucking Hate It Here.
First off, as always, Animus numbers:
"what the fuck" count: 9 (half from Dazai!)
"fucking. russians." (and adjacent sayings) count: 13
Obligatory shout outs to all the fucking hallucinations this season.
Onto the nitty gritty.
Cat dad adopting Ranpo hours
Like these two looked at each other and went "son acquired." "Father acquired." at the same time
"I would be more excited about whatever Ranpo's doing than the play at that point."
"He got the lighting crew in on it."
"Yeah. For drama."
Color Symbolism!
Odasaku! Yippie! <3
Deus ex Machina Ranpo
Placebo'ed too close to the sun.
Ok Ok So like we're all fucking aware that the "Organic Solvent" was fucking chloroform. But why the fuck is it called Organic Solvent. Still boggled by this and it's been well over five hours by now. Are people even aware of how many organic solvents there are and how different they smell? Like you could have been referring to a combination of Ethyl Acetate and Hexanes and those smell like paint thinner when mixed. Nothing like Chloroform. Saying "oh you smell like organic solvent!" is like the same as saying "oh this is the color of a fruit!"
^ one of the mutuals despises me after that rant
No more Dazai and other dumb fucks give me an entire anime that is Just Ranpo And Cat Dad please and thanks.
obligatory screenshot of just shouting POE KARL RANPOE KARL KARL KARL POE!!!
Waffle dying again a la russians killing his wifi
Also he multiplied and at one point there were three waffles. Wild times i know
"Clown Core. I hate him already"
"not a gun. just a box of bullets"
"Why is he so queer he turns dramatic"
"look at what their founding member did in episode 2 and ask where the dramatics come from"
hey people, don't bring children into war
I wish Mori a very unpleasant death.
"... HEY WHAT THE FUCK" (why the fuck did the random german translate to SIX STAMPS OF HORROR GO THROUGH MY BONES! very rough translation, it's been over a year since i've practiced german and it was like midnight. forgive any mistakes)
Ango only lives in my canonical fan fiction universe because he's the only bitch to not have dumbification used against him. (WHICH THAT IS A WHOLE SEPARATE ISSUE COMING UP IN THIS POST)
Inhales. Exhales.
I fucking hate the hunting dogs. I don't even CARE that the book apparently dumbified them. I fucking hate them. "We are fighting for the justice of this world!" you committed a fucking CRIME coming into the casino and blowing it up! That is literally an international crime or smth idk i'm not a law student! You can't claim to be on the side of justice and moral righteousness when you break the fucking law in pursuit of justice! That's vigilantism which in your sense of just ISN'T FUCKING RIGHT! FUCK OFF YOU DUMB WHORES!
Also i fucking hate the sheer dumbification plot point. Like ho ho ho actually none of us are smart because we're law enforcement and thus the page affected us and made us lose every critical thinking skill! I fucking hate it. It's so fucking stupid. Why why why why. I want the hunting dogs to have a fucking stroke and it's going to take dozens of fan fiction to make me even tolerate their asses after this. I fucking hate them right now because of that plot point. It's so fucking stupid.
Lucy <333 God I love Lucy.
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Happy Succession day to all those who observe!! 🎉🎉
In case you need a refresher on the first 3 seasons - we go over the entire show in the first 5 minutes of the video, so feel free to check it out ☺️
You guys this is the last ever premiere we'll ever have 😭😭 can you believe the show is ending? They could have given us at least 2 more seasons. Sigh
Okay raise your hand if you're excited to see Logan Roy show how much contempt he has for his children by fucking them all over? My favorite thing about the upcoming season is having the kids all work together for once! Kendall has been begging for this forever and finally he, Shiv and Roman will be working against their dad hallelujah. Not really sure what presidential candidate Connor Roy will be doing, but maybe we can have another Roy wedding so the drama can be EVERYWHERE. Willa is probably regretting saying yes to Connor but it's too late to walk it back now baby!
Speaking of babies we also have the weasel of all weasels Tom who fucking betrayed Shiv. I hope she demolishes him (after Logan tosses him to the wayside). Also I don't trust Greg to stay loyal to Tom even though they're joined at the hip, hopefully he defects to his blood family and Tom is left to fail alone (lol can you tell I'm not a fan of Tom?). Honestly other than cheating on him BEFORE their wedding, Shiv didn't do anything to him and she's to good for him. I said what I said.
I really want a win for Kendall, his been losing for 3 seasons straight and its heart breaking. Shiv is the smartest (to me) but I hope she stays loyal to Ken and not put herself first this time.
I don't have too much to say about Roman - he's sunny and I really hope he fucks a guy this season lmao.
Also rooting for Gerri, Frank & Karl to somehow win while Logan loses because they deserve to be rewarded after 30 years of doing the devil's bidding lmao.
Basically Logan is the worst and all I want is his downfall. The way he treats his kids (and grandkids - Iverson deserves better) is unconsciounable and I love watching how complex and fucked up the whole family is because of him. Gosh this is such a good King Lear show and I'm ecstatic to see the writers hit it out of the park!
Honestly the main point is that I'm super super super excited for season 4 to begin! And if your looking for a refresher of the first 3 seasons and/or discussions about the characters, you can watch out video here:
Let us know what you think and if you agree or disagree!! (And if you watch our video please like it! And comment about what you like or dislike, lol we are so desperate to grow out channel haha)
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careful-knives · 1 year
Things that I, Knives, personally hope to see in season 2 of ofmd (in no particular order):
(beware of spoilers)
Feel free to add your own expectations too, it's fun.
more Roach. Just more Roach is what I ask for.
possibly Olivia and Karl's offsprings, because the though of Buttons having a bunch of birds friends that are hell bend on avenging their partner and father is hilarious to me (and I'm assuming cj is alive, because reasons) plus I want to see "Buttons being somewhat mystical" thing explored more.
a call back to the joke in episode 6 in s1, Izzy eavesdropping on his captain having seemingly normal, if heated conversation with Stede fucking Bonnet, only to discover that they got physical
the progression of Jackie's revenge on Jim (like I was surprised to realize that most people don't see how young and inexperienced Jim is? Jackie almost got them that first time, her plan totally would have worked if not for Stede breaking the nose jar. And for the second time she talked Jim out of murder).
how Stede will settle into "true" piracy (and here too I'm surprised how people are criticizing him for "playing pirates" when the show actually spoon feeds us that this was his plan all along, to play pretend with his wife and children. When Mary soundly rejected the idea, Stede runs away on unfinished ship) without the cushion that having a fortune provided for him before
since all Izzy's attempts of separating Ed from Stede backfired spectacularly, I wonder if him trying to bring them back together would also result in the opposite. But for that to happen first he'd have to fully realize what the Kraken is fully capable of... and I'm not sure if I'm ready for that (kinda am, kinda not)
finally Ed, is there even a thing I don't want to see about Ed, huh. As I mentioned, I kind of want to see more of the Kraken (fictional violence and fictional suffering is a way to explore stuff, right) but I also want to see him heal (mostly because another hiatus will make me suffer).
I'm super curious how the change in Ed will resonate with Stede and vice versa. Because Stede is the one who struggles to change all his life and couldn't, and as a result was forever isolated and an outlier in every group he ever was part of. Meanwhile Ed is the one who mastered the art of changing and fitting in groups (to the point of considering a part with fancy people a challenge "how does one win this interaction"), as a matter of survival and gaining control over his own fate. But that lead him to severe burnout and depression, he's clearly struggling with his sense of self & self worth. So I'm super excited for this season.
how Frenchie and Jim will deal with being on a Blackbeard's ship/the contrast between before & after (I think ironically Frenchie is better at adapting than Jim, but we shall see) also will we get more of Leather Crew that we saw in glimpses in season 1 (if one of them is named Kevin or Terrence, I'm investing my savings in lottery tickets/becoming full time clairvoyant)
I'll add more as soon as I remember them.
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myckicade · 2 years
1 please? I'm intrigued!
1. Hockey Coach AU.
I'm excited, because this idea showcases a couple of the lesser-appreciated (but, no less loved!!) characters.
Stede is the bright new penny hired to coach the worst team in the league, the Gulls. (I would so go with the Kraken, if not for Seattle, but I also want Karl as their mascot). Stede is the eternal optimist that no one wants to have to deal with, certain that he can get the team ship-shape (he grins to himself) in no time. His methods of coaching are... unorthodox, to say the least, but the Board hopes he can be the breath of fresh air the team needs. He is to be backed by Assistant Coach Oluwande, who has somehow held onto his position these last few years. (He was offered the Head Coaching position, but politely declined).
Ed is the retired veteran coach, who led the team to multiple Championship wins in his seventeen-year tenure. He also happens to be the new Owner of the Gulls, purchased on a whim when the previous holder passed on. (The purchase was quick and quiet, not garnering much attention within the media, as he left the previous staff in charge of most of the day-to-day, hiring included). The team has sucked pond water since Ed's departure, and, as Stede is their third hire in as many failing years, Ed offers to act as a mentor. He can't stand to see his beloved Gulls land victim to the misplaced whims of another naive little bastard, let alone to keep losing money if his appointed staff can't make decent fucking hiring calls.
To say that Ed is shocked when he meets Stede is a dramatic understatement. He's been expecting some hard-headed, snot-nosed little brat, not the tranquil - if slight hyperactive - middle-aged babe extending his hand in greeting. Fuck, he's a looker. No one had told him that. But. Professionalism. Ed is able to reel himself in, of course, and the two set off to see what Stede has implemented, thus far.
(Funny thing? Stede doesn't seem to recognize Ed as the Owner of the team, and Ed doesn't feel pressed to correct him on it).
Meeting the team is a bit of a shock, as well. There are a couple of veteran players left, and, man, are they glad to see Ed. Especially former Team Captain, and former star Center Izzy, who has been instrumental in sending the last two useless fucking excuses for coaches packing. (He and Ed played together, back in the day, and he still carries a bit of a chip that Ed decided to retire at such a young age... Damn knee...). Defensemen Ivan and Fang are still around, too, but it's clear that playing with Izzy is wearing awfully thin with them, especially given some of the new roster changes.
The present, stand-out star on the team is the Swede, known affectionately among his fanbase as the Nordic Angel. (He's been rather beloved since his rookie season, in which, during a post-game interview, he was asked about the tooth that got knocked out on a high-sticking call, and he merely replied, "Eh, y'know. The teeth? They don't go back in."). He's recently been traded to the Gulls (for an absolutely obscene amount of money), which is a bit strange, really, as the media has spent the last few years lauding him as one of the best Centers ever to play the game. Yet, no one is questioning it, too much. The Great Speculation is mostly over how unstoppable a force Swede will be with newly-acquired Right Winger Roach, and Left Winger Frenchie.
Of course, this team is also facing some growing pains.
Remember those unorthodox methods? Yeah. Ed is completely flabbergasted. When two of his players (hot-headed Izzy and pain-in-the-ass-extraordinaire Frenchie) are ready to throw down, Stede steps between them, and politely tells them that violence isn't the answer. Ed wants to ask him exactly what fucking sport he thinks he walked in on, but bites his tongue. Frenchie does settle down, where Izzy spews an obscenity, which Stede merely rolls his eyes over. Again, Ed is beside himself. How the hell is this guy managing? When Izzy used to get in his face, it was all Ed could do not to knock the shit out of him. Well. Except for that one time.
Later, when Goalie Black Pete complains that he's had it with the bullshit of playing for a losing team, and demands a trade, Stede assembles the entire roster, so that they can talk it through. Everyone has their say in how much Pete means to the team, and that, no, they do not want to see him traded to another city. (Izzy walks out before The Feelings start, and is paid no mind for it). Lucius, one of the team trainers, is especially against the idea. A wink seems to do the trick, and Pete agrees to stick it out.
Jesus Christ, Ed can't help but think. What the fuck kind of buggery is going on in this place? No one on this fucking team is normal, or in their right mind, not even that Buttons guy that drives the Zamboni, and doubles into the mascot costume during Intermissions. But, this Coach is really taking the fucking cake. He has half a mind, and more than a little bit of duty as Owner, to ax the guy, right away, no matter how attractive he finds Stede. But, at the heart of it all, Stede is doing something fresh, he's trying something that's completely unheard of, at least by Ed's standards. No one runs a fucking hockey team this way, not without it ending in career suicide. Or, a team mutiny. While those were fun in his youth, it's not really the kind of publicity the Gulls need right now, not while they're still struggling to rebuild.
Thing is... Stede's kooky-ass ways of doing things... They're working. The Old Guard and the New Blood are actually meshing in a way that is providing some stellar results. They don't pull off a win until their third game of the season, but it's a spectacular five-to-two finish, and it fuels the wins that follow. Unfortunately, there are a lot of minutes lost to the penalty box, but it's effective in jarring the other teams for a short while. Swede is living up to his hype, and Frenchie is absolutely lethal coming across the ice. Soon enough, the Gulls have lifted themselves out of last place in the league, much to the shock of... Well, let's face it. Everyone is shocked, save for Stede (at least outwardly).
"I knew they could do it," he replies, like he shouldn't be simultaneously biting his nails, and shitting fucking bricks.
Half-way through the season, Roach falls victim to a lower leg injury. As if that isn't bad enough, Fang gets sidelined by a rather nasty concussion. The Gulls manage to acquire Left Winger Jim, who quickly proves to be an unsung secret weapon, and Defenseman Wee John, a brick wall with a heart of gold that other teams just want to avoid, at any and all costs. They lose a few games in a row, while the two newcomers find their groove, but it slowly begins to even back into more wins than losses.
Through it all, the tests of the first year in a coaching gig, Stede remains peaceable and collected. Ed wonders what his secret is. No one is this fucking optimistic. His own temper has landed him on the ugly end of the media, on more than one occasion. Hell, he's tense and steamed just watching the other man go through it. Curiosity gets the better of him, and he strikes up a deal with Stede.
"You show me how you keep yourself from spouting off at these assholes, every time they cross the line," he offers, "and I'll teach you every fucking trick and detail that ever helped us win." Stede accepts the offer, and Ed fully expects to be taken to a local bar. (Surely, the guy must be a drinker, right?). Oh, no. No, Stede takes Ed shopping. In a fucking limo. Makes sure he indulges himself in some of the finest clothing their area can offer. The salon, where something is finally done about that tangled knot Ed calls an up-do. Champagne. Fine restaurants. They try golfing, but Ed puts a stop to that, almost immediately. Nothing is calming about trying to strike a little white piece of plastic across someone's lawn, especially when he misses, and ends up beating the mentioned ball to pieces with his driver. (For any M*A*S*H fans out there, think Henry Blake, after Klinger interrupts his shot).
After a truly glorious weekend spent in Stede's company, they take a break from posh, and Ed ferries them to his favourite diner. On the back of his bike. If part of that decision is encouraged by the desire to have Stede's arms around him, grip tightening as they take corners at breakneck speeds... Well, that's his business, isn't it? Once seated, and starters are brought, Ed has to start asking. Up until their shopping trip, Ed had no idea Stede was loaded. Not that Ed's doing terribly for himself, he does own a professional ice hockey team, but it's not like Stede is being forced to work for a living. Why trade the luxury of what he's sure was a mansion, for traveling in a bus for weeks on-end? Fancy dinners and parties for eat-ins and movies with those members of the team that were interested? Stede's answer, well... It floors him, a bit.
"I never belonged where I was," he explains, idly stirring his straw about through his soda, while he stares into the half-full cup. "And, these people? The team? Take a good look at them, Ed." He's finally looking at Ed, now, and the older man feels the weight of that expression. "They weren't really wanted, either. That's why they've ended up where they are." He shrugs, and looks back down. "I just want them to know how much their efforts are appreciated. That we can be a team, and a family, and fuck what the media has to say."
"What do you mean, they weren't wanted?" Ed asks, pausing his journey through a pile of French fries. "Swede's been a big name for ages."
Stede scoffs. "The team we got him from just wanted the money they could make off his status," he grumbles. "Just because he's a little older than some, and they want the Hot, New Thing, as fast as they can snap it up. Wee John was never brought up before, because of his back. Jim, for the way they go after other players like they've wronged their family... And, well, Roach is just a little crazy." He pauses, seeming bothered by his next words. "Did you know that Ownership tried to trade off Izzy and Fang, last year? I had to put a stop to that business, right away."
Ed stares at Stede in alarm. "You're the one that got them saved?" He'd gone through the roof about that decision, himself, once he'd taken over the team. But, by the time he got to it, the matter had already been settled, and the Board hadn't made a big deal over it. He'd never dreamed that it was Stede's doing. But, all Stede does is shrug. "Why? Izzy's a dick."
"Complete asshole," Stede agrees, but gives a sad smile. "Doesn't mean he hasn't earned his place on the team. Besides, even his constant bitching is valuable. I've learned quite a lot from it. From everyone, really... I just hope that Ownership sees what we're accomplishing. I want them to see everyone on this team for their true value, not in dollars earned."
There's a warmth that passes between them in the momentary silence that follows, both men weighing the words. "Don't worry, mate," Ed finally assures him, popping another fry into his mouth. "They do." Stede beams in hope, and Ed just fucking... melts. Quietly.
He can't let this doofus go. He's good for the team. He's good for the league. And, as Ed relaxes back against the booth, a grin on his face, he can't help but acknowledge that Stede is doing him wonders, too. They have the rest of the regular season to get through, and Ed already knows he'll fight tooth and nail to keep Stede with them. And, maybe, if he's careful about it, they can have more weekends like this one.
If they make the Playoffs, though, he might just kiss the bastard, outright.
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cupcraft · 3 years
Idk if it's this episode but I think Karl said this or this season's Tales we're going to see what happens before and I'm sure that'll hurt. And i'm sure any of the Otherside/Inbetween whatever shit will hurt. But the middle part is therapy okay. I get to see every cc in the Dream SMP fucking deliver the most insane wacky cartoon performance of their lives. I get to see Badboyhalo use the most ???? voice and for Quackity to be the most hilarious of them all. I get to see Technoblade impress me beyond belief and god I hope he wears a stupid fucking hat. And Foolish and Slime in this is just so AHHH. Like I'm beyond excited, I hope c!Karl gets lost in the maze and has his hand held the entire time. Like I hope the place explodes for no reason. I hope Glatt is there again. I just it's so so amazing, well done, and fulfilling each time. Am I making sense.
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loverboyromanroy · 3 years
girl, i'll be honest-- i really don't care much about the business side of Succession (lol the irony) I only live for the drama, but I'm really interested to see how our queen Gerri (and Karl, Frank, Logan too) will fit in the new dynamics of this GoJo merger (?? not sure what the correct term is) Like, I'm not even sure if Gerri was demoted back to general counsel or still interim CEO at the end?? Mattsson might bring in new faces and the kids are basically fucked on the side so...
also, kind of excited to see Lukas and Gerri interacting, not gonna lie. More Gerri content for us to devour pls :<
i think...that's very fair lmao because the business stuff can be very in the weeds! but unfortunately i was a business major (sorry!) so i do genuinely enjoy the maneuvers of the business side of the show
that being said, i've been contemplating the business aspect of the end of season 3 and am curious about where they'll pick up in season 4...read more because of course i wrote too much 🥴
will we walk through the whole deal going down or are we going to have a time jump to the company being fully acquired with a brand new corporate hierarchy? we spent SO much time on the attempted stewy/sandy buyout (which was obviously because they were contesting and fighting off doj, etc, etc) so i feel like they'll have to show SOME of the deal-making...but then again that was hostile and this one isn't, and the switch was flipped so suddenly that maybe we'll just open season four with no more waystar lmao
technically gerri is still interim ceo at the end of season 3 and lukas is buying them to stay on as ceo, so in my mind she steps back into a general counsel role (especially because she's presumably part of the legal team facilitating the deal). i think in a practical sense they could/would offload karl, frank and maaaybe shiv...BUT i also think there's a possibility lukas keeps roman on in some capacity, even if logan doesn't ask him too, ya know? we've seen that lukas and roman get along and that lukas was amenable to roman staying on...when he's making the pitch to logan in 3x09 he literally says roman would be the face of the waystar part of things as they integrated the two companies! i think that got lost in the 3x09 finale scene because roman threw himself behind his siblings but like...lukas wasn't a part of that, so...
the flip side of that, of course, is that maybe lukas was bullshitting and he'll kick roman to the curb with everyone else...or maybe logan orchestrates it so that both of his kids get dumped but...i don't know, i feel like there's potential there for him to stay in.
speaking of logan...i think tom selling out the kids was such an interesting choice because like...logan's getting bought out! why curry favor with someone who's literally in the process of walking out the door! maybe logan is angling to stay on as chairman of the board, which would put him and lukas on similar levels...in the pitch scene lukas offers to keep the board balanced and says logan can stay on for the "assets" he likes, so maybe he's chair and heads up waystar media or some such? the guy's fucking 80, he really shouldn't come back in at all, but alas, we know he won't step aside fully, so he's gotta get folded in somehow and i guess he's gotta bring tom in with him?
i will say that at first i didn't love the stunt guest casting (i felt like adrien brody and sanaa lathan were oversold and ended up being characters that were just flash in the pan), but i LOVED what skarsgard did with matsson and i am very much looking forward to him being a bigger presence in season 4
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kinokoapologist · 2 years
Hey, have you seen the villain SMP on gumi yumi's YouTube channel? I'd be curious to hear what you have to say about it!
Thank you for asking! I hadn't heard of it before getting this ask, but I went and watched the first chunk of it on YouTube! I'd intended to watch the entire thing before I answered this but uhhh we will get into why I didn't end up doing that
*I wanna start off with a disclaimer that this is in no way meant to be mean/hate to the creator of this AU, who I think is a very talented artist and clearly has a lot of cool concepts they are excited to share with an audience, which is incredibly awesome! We just have some different interpretations on certain characters, which is totally fine! But since my opinion was asked for, I want to give it honestly*
…they really had me in the first half, ngl
Like. I love the initial concept. And the character designs slap. They're very well done animatics, clearly made by someone with a lot of talent! Those first few videos are such an effective balance of Fun Villain Vibes and Unsettling Atmosphere
But boy does it lose me with the way c!Quackity and c!Wilbur are framed. Which sucks, because I actually liked Wilbur's initial appearance in the AU a lot. The "Duobur" videos are great as an isolated horror scene: the way that Wilbur's loss of autonomy is framed in those animatics, with Redza and the Villain!Bench Trio basically forcing Wilbur out of control of his own body/mind because they think Ghostbur is the "better" (or, more accurately I'd thought, more passive) version could go down some really interesting routes that I thought were being set up given the initial tone the series seemed to have. The pitch here was "what if these characters were villains?" and here they were doing A Bad Thing That Would Cause Conflict.
Like, I could be totally interpreting it wrong, but those first three videos in the series seemed to me like they were implying that Bench Trio had themselves been victim to something of a hostile mental takeover, Tubbo and Tommy especially. I thought we were setting up some creepy supernatural possession shit! I thought we’d see some Jekyll and Hyde style mental confrontations and battles for control! And I was about that shit! Let's go full horror! But then when I got to the "Fracture" animatic the creator straight up said in the caption (which also... not how you should be using captions) that they don't like c!Wilbur and came up with the entire "duo" concept out of spite.
They also straight up said they hate c!Quackity in that video, so that's where I stopped watching.
Which sucks, because I also really liked c!Quackity's initial appearance. 1. Because the song Devil's Train slaps, and 2. because it told us right off the bat that this AU's Q still cares so much about Karl and Sapnap, to the point that he's still going to check on them even when he's angry at them. And like, the concept of Quackity giving away Las Nevadas to save their lives??? That shit is some fun character-specific tragedy and I'm all over it for an AU of this concept. Plus like, the fucking symbolism/imagery of "Casinoboo" trapping them in playing cards?? Iconic.
BUT the scene around that moment... rubs me the wrong way to put it lightly. I simply do not fuck with "ohhh nooo, Quackity has become the new Dream!" in any capacity. It makes me annoyed at best and deeply uncomfortable at worst. Especially when Casinoboo kidnapping Karl and Sapnap and turning them into literal game pieces to manipulate Quackity in turn is framed as a #girboss moment, and Dream's carefully planned abuse of one of Ranboo's closest friends is given a dismissive handwave as he's let out of Pandora's Box. Which I also have beef with. Why are we letting Dream out of Pandora's Box. Why are we acting like he's part of the quirky little villain family. The Man Is A Serial Killer. Why is DNF driving the season finale bus all of a sudden–
Ranboo letting Dream out with the justification that Quackity had become a bigger threat was the first moment that started making me go "eh" with the AU, but there had still been a lot of stuff in the early animatics that I'd liked, so I'd wanted to keep watching through to the end. But as I said, I really Was Not Having A Fun Time Anymore when the person making the AU straight up said they hated my favorite character. At the end of the day I simply am not going to connect with any AU pushing the idea that "oh the smp would be so much better if everyone tried to get that silly Quackity to stop fighting back when he gets knocked down, can't he just roll over and take it like he's supposed to?"
All of this with the massive disclaimer that, again, I didn't watch the last 10 or so videos in the playlist. Maybe everything took a massive turnaround and there were some great fiance moments I missed. Maybe Wilbur gets some self-affirming moment where he gets valued as an individual outside of being the vessel for the smoothed over, "easier to manage" version of himself. I know that Glatt showing up was being teased before I clicked off, maybe he got some scenes with Quackity (or Tubbo) that brought back that unsettling/horror tone I liked in the first half. I also didn't see any of the potential follow up on whatever the mystery with Ranboo was "seeking guidance" on in the season 1 finale video, so I can't really give thoughts on wherever his arc was going. But that's my thoughts on what I saw! This is probably way too long of an answer, but as you can tell I like talking character analysis and narrative framing. I know post is mostly me discussing issues I had but I had a lot of fun with this! Like I said, gumi yumi is very talented and I admire the amount of work they’ve clearly put into this AU. Just not my personal cup of tea
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vierschanzentournee · 3 years
hii eve this feels weird
ok so this might be controversial (i'm saying might because i honestly don't know how u guys felt about the comeptition because the tag is still acting up) but i think the competition was pretty okay?? the weather was nice and even tho the wind was a bit shitty from time to time, the jury did a good job?
i was about to say something about eisei's style marks but quite honestly we have talked so much about it in season 2019 i think?? that i don't know what else to say besides FIS FIX THE SYSTEM!!!
now to karle, it was startling to see him so upset and i am not used to it at all?? i watched an interview and he was obviously so lost in his thoughts and he even interrupted the interviewer because she started talking about innsbruck - the poor guy had so much pressure form the media and i HATE THEM FOR ALWAYS EXPECTING SO MUCH FROM ATHLETES (if i am not mistaken there is a number of rants about this on my blog already i am not starying again)
BUT i do have to say that i respect him so much because another interviewer tried to push the idea of the jury being guilty and he imediatelly said that he was absolutely not implying that (another reason why i fucking hate some journalists i'm so sorry for the outburst)
ALSO LOVRO KOS MY BELOVED finally got his first podium and i can only hope that he will stay calm and collected for the whole season
honorable mention stephan with amazzing second jump and 10 place
excited for bergisel!!!! (my fave hill pls don't dissapoint)
i feel so powerful!!! how the tables have turned!!!
honestly, looking back i think the competition was fine - i'm a bit salty about karl losing the yellow bib, but frankly after today it might do him so good to have a break from the pressure of leading, and as @bronzebluemind has mentioned recently, he seems to do better attacking than defending sometimes. and oh man i am cut up reading that about his interviews - i don't really get interviews because the english broadcasting team is composed of david goldstrom and no one else, so the last i saw of him was him being very grumpy after his jump and then celebrating with markus (i have a gifset of it somewhere on my blog but presumably not in the tag lmao). i'm glad he's not blaming the jury for anything, it would not be a good look, and as you said i think the jury did fine today.
now that you mention it, the style marks controversy is pretty much the same as in 2019 lol. i think markus was definitely marked unfairly high for his first jump when compared to ryoyu, but also i don't think the overall impact was too severe; the stupid 18.5 from the german judge was eliminated, at least. i'm kind of glad he didn't win the competition frankly, just because there would have been a lot of people (on here, reddit, etc) who were very angry about it.
poor lovro kind of got lost amidst the drama of markus and ryoyu's battle! they never even showed his reaction to knowing he had a podium secured (after marius was 2nd after his jump). but this was awesome for him, and like you i hope that he'll keep it together and produce some more good results.
i can only say that i am terrified about what bergisel might do to karl (if he or anyone else gets hurt before the olympics......)
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chaos-caffeinated · 3 years
Miracle of a Chance Chapter 12
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A/N: This is a longer chapter, and I apologize for the delay. School, Track, and my newly obsession for Alan Rickman resurfaced and now my brain is struggling. Enjoy this chapter!!
Taglist: @ultimatebottom69 @natiebug1
The winds weren't as aggressive as the previous seasons, but it was still a chilly weather for the young lord.
You accompanied him to the factory of Lord Karl Heisenberg, nervous for the impression between them.
You watched as Ezekiel looked around with fascination as this was the first time to ever go outside, "How come we don't go out often?" He asked with excitement, wearing a black overcoat and gloves that fit him perfectly.
"Well, Ezekiel, that is because it's incredibly cold. When it gets warmer outside, we will all be able to go out."
"Everyone? Does that mean I get to play with my sisters outside too?" His eyes beamed with excitement.
There were different tones in his question, one part of it was excitement and the other was hesitancy.
"Well, that depends on you. You can help us plant seeds for the grapes." You suggested with a smile.
"We're planting GRAPES?!" He asked with shock, "...So I can help you?" He stopped walking to look at you, "How long does it take for grapes to grow?"
"It takes a few months, and we have to water them, tend to them, make sure there is no sunshine that disturbs them." You explained.
"That sounds like a lot.."
"It is..." You admitted, lolling your head to the side for the moment, "But the more people that helps us, the easier it gets. And who knows, your mother would be proud to make one of her wines with you."
Ezekiel smiled big at the thought of making her mother happy, "Okay, I want to help out!"
You grinned, "It's settled then, the young lord will help us with the most important part of the production."
"Yeah!" He agreed, raising his arms.
"Now then, let's visit your Uncle Heisenberg real quick and we'll come back."
"Okay, oh mama?" They continued walking to the factory in the village outskirts, "Who is he?"
"He's a man like you, but much older. Lord Heisenberg is brother of your mother."
"Brother?! Like I'm brother to Bela, Cassandra, and Daniela?" He asked for confirmation.
You nodded, "Exactly right, Ezekiel."
"Mama, when I grow up, am I going to be a Lord like my mother?"
"Mm, yes?...You would be known as Lord Dimitrescu, but your sisters will be known as they wish to be known." You explained in a way that helped him.
"Ooh, I can't wait to grow up and become Lord Dimitrescu." He dramatize the last name in a raspier tone, making it sound more ominous than it would be.
You chuckle, "Silly boy." You commented, getting a giggle from Ezekiel, "You don't have to grow up, honey. You're already a lord."
Ezekiel beamed, "I'm a lord?!"
You nod, "You being the son of the Lady automatically turns you into a lord."
"Wooow, and I'm going to meet Lord Heisenberg?"
"Yes, so when you meet him be sure to be on your best behavior, okay?"
"Okay!" He grinned.
Heisenberg stood looming over you and Ezekiel. He was quiet as he stared at the young lord. The silence made Ezekiel more nervous as the second pass by, "...I am Ezekiel Dimitrescu, it's an honor to meet you Lord Karl H-Heisenberg." Ezekiel introduced himself, and the stuttering was obvious as he averted his eye contact.
"...Hi, kid."
The informality threw both you and Ezekiel off guard.
"...H-hi." Ezekiel repeated, "You're my uncle." He confessed and that threw him off.
He removed his glasses with a shocked expression, "What did you say?"
"Uhm....You're my uncle?" He shrugged his shoulders lightly as he smiled nervously.
"No fucking way....sorry, only adults can say that," He awkwardly apologized for the foul language, "How did..."
"It is complicated, my lord." You stated, "But he is in fact her son."
Heisenberg couldn't help but stare at the kid for a while, looking at his clothes, his face, and his eyes most importantly. For a moment he was frozen in the spot, but he put out his hand for a handshake, "It's nice to meet you, Ezekiel. Say... you creative?"
Ezekiel sat on the table next to Heisenberg as he tinkered on a machine, "So tell me, how's your mom?" He asked to create some conversation and avoid the awkward silence.
"She's good, she's preparing her...." he looks over at you, which you were sitting on the chair behind them, "What's it called?"
"Vineyard." You helped out and he smiled while nodding, "Vineyard." He repeated.
"Oh well isn't that nice...can I ask you a question?" He stopped at his tinkering and even placed the tool to the side, "How old are you, Ezekiel?"
"7, 8 in 5 months!" He grinned proudly.
Heisenberg couldn't help but place his hand on Ezekiel's head, "7-years-old, a complete man eh?"
He had a bunch of questions for Alcina, the anger brewing more towards her. Seeing Ezekiel made Heisenberg think of his childhood, and how Mother Miranda simply took his livelihood to leave him plotting for her end. Seeing Ezekiel brought back the scared boy, but seeing his smile -so genuine too- at that age gave him hope, so minimal that hope lingered to know if he was safe with Alcina.
"Yep, I'm going to help mama with the vineyard." He was so confident and proud saying it that it brought a small smile on the man's face, "Well ain't that a sweet thing...you're going up to be a fine man, Ezekiel. If you're going to help her, would you be willing to help your dear, old, uncle?" He asked, wanting to know so badly that he needed to distract the boy. There may be a chance that the boy didn't know of Mother Miranda, but he wanted to know indefinitely.
He brighten up, "I get to help?!" He asked, bouncing lightly, "In what?"
"You see this machine here? My arm has gotten tired from turning and screwing, could you help me tighten them?"
Ezekiel looked at the machinery next to him, inspecting it, "Yes!....But....how do you do it?" He asked with a nervous smile, guilty that he didn't know how to do it.
Heisenberg taught him a couple tricks to learning the screwdriver, and he even changed his coat for an apron so he wouldn't stain himself from any possible stains.
"I don't want your mother bit-...." he bit his tongue, catching himself mid-word, "scolding....at me for staining your clothes, tight enough?" He asked, Ezekiel nodding in confirmation as he tied the leather strings around his body twice before making a knot, "Okay, so remember, tight and nice, got it?"
Ezekiel hummed as he understood, and grabbed the screwdriver.
Heisenberg stepped back, lips pursed as he turned around to face you.
His face was anything like he was with Ezekiel, and you would be lying if it didn't scare you.
You watched him lift his hand and point to the next room and he followed you inside, closing the door.
He was quiet as he crossed his arms, one hand holding his glasses and the other pinching his nose-bridge, "I'm going to assume that my super-size bitch of a sister trusted you with him, so with that she trusts some crucial information about him."
When he lowered his hand from his face and raised his eyes to look at you, you could sense the anger and rage that was revealing through his words, "What do you know about the kid?"
You took a deep breath and explained how Ezekiel managed to be the only male to reside in the castle. You explained how Alcina did planned to give Ezekiel to Mother Miranda, which only prompted Heisenberg to be visibly fuse until you told him about her deciding against it.
"Why?" He asked, teeth clenching.
"I'm not...exactly sure, but the way she was holding him, playing with him that night..." You say in an almost dreamily tone, "You could say she ended up having maternal instincts for him."
He scoffed, "She wouldn't know a single thing about parenting even if she put her back into it." He insulted her.
"I would have to say you are incorrect, my lord. Mother Miranda has ordered her to help her with an experiment one day, three girls that ended up being resuscitated by flies have been adopted by her as well. My lady hid Ezekiel with me in the cellar so she wouldn't be able to spot him when she personally visited the lady unannounced. It was true when she said that she did not want to give him up. She has shown repeatedly that she loves him just as much as her new daughters..."
"If that is...true, what you said to me, tell me then, maiden, why is this child in my factory: the most dangerous site for a child?"
You were quiet for a second before responding, "That's easy to answer...my lady wanted to help Ezekiel get acquainted with the other lords as he went through...something traumatic, and wishes to help him cope with what he encountered yesterday."
"And what could have happened to the little prince?" He pointed at him through the window with his thumb as he took a long drag from his cigar.
"...The sisters lured Ezekiel to the cellar in a game of hide-and-seek. My lady had ensured that all entrances were locked, but he managed to go through. When he was in the cellar, he...well, the sisters scared him using a cadaver that was in there already...an older woman from the village."
Heisenberg clenched his jaw, "So you let a human child interact with cadou-infected monsters and expect for everything to be filled with flowers and festivity?"
"No, no no no..." You sigh softly, "Lady Dimitrescu has yet to make a decision, but seeing how Ezekiel has a healthy development so far...when the time comes, she'll send him to the north, away from the village. When he reaches the age of maturity, she'll send us both to the city."
Heisenberg narrowed his eyes at you, searching for any deceit. It was tough to know for sure: Were you telling the truth, or is she just waiting for a time to kill them both? He would need to speak with her personally on the matter, he didn't need his stupid sister adding more fuel to the fire. He was already busy coming up with plans and lycans to form an army against Mother Miranda, he didn't ―
He still has a chance to save the child. He was not going to waste time debating whether Alcina will kill him or not, he has 11 more years to go before his fate was sealed, before he was doom to be alone again.
Though he had one more question, "You mentioned he was currently having a healthy development, I need to hear it from you now: what would have happened if that weren't the case?"
Confirm his fears, confirm his anxieties, and confirm the purgatory.
"I would...I suppose if that were the case...he would go through the same thing as his sisters..." You say hesitantly, hoping it was not real. Imagining Ezekiel anything other than healthy breaks your heart, for you and Alcina. You wouldn't be able to bear the pain.
He released a heavy sigh, "Leave the kid to me for a couple days ―we'll have a little fun- teach him a few things about mechanics, make his own device― fun with Uncle Karl...but I want you to send a message to your lady: I'm coming over to have a talk." His tone was impressive to changing from resisted anger to a lighter one when speaking about with Ezekiel, only to end it with an ominous tone.
It was silent for a couple minutes, and it was you uncomfortably shifting your weight from one foot to the other.
Heisenberg was still in the same position. He was leaning against the table with his butt, his back hunched over slightly as his right hand was gripping on his left bicep while the left hand was covering his face as he pinched his nose bridge. His breathing was loud in the beginning of the conversation, but now it was calming down. He looked like he was napping in the position until he took a deep breath and he stood up -a few bones cracking and popping as he groaned- and he shook his head to wake up.
"Sorry about that, we should check up on the kid." His voice even sounded heavier as he opened the door for you. When you walked out, you saw Ezekiel still tightening screws, but Heisenberg was the one that tensed up at the sight, struggling to even get his attention. He walked by his side to view his progress.
Ezekiel looked up at Heisenberg, "Is this how you do it?"
"Well let's see now..." He inspected the machine and hummed softly, "Kid, you got talent!"
Ezekiel grinned at the praise as he held the screwdriver.
"Say kid, I gotta lot of scrap in my place, do you want to help me make something so cool?"
"Yeah! What are we making?" He asked, hyped from the project he was going to participate.
"Well I don't know, what does that smart brain have, hm? Got any ideas you want to tell me?"
Ezekiel thought for a moment as he glanced at the ceiling, "Hmmm....what about a horse?"
Heisenberg laughed, "A horse?! You're bringing a big challenge to your very first project, but I have to show you how things first."
"Well, when can I start?" Ezekiel asked, bouncing in the stool from excitement.
"You need to ask your mom for permission."
Ezekiel turned over to you with his big green, puppy eyes, "Mama?..."
You smiled softly, "Let's ask mother first, it's a yes from me."
If you would have looked at Heisenberg, he would smile a bit. He hugged Ezekiel from the side as they rocked side to side to balance their weight, "Now we just need the super si-....your mother to say and we will be unstoppable!" He announced.
Ezekiel raised his arms, "Yeah!!" He beamed.
Ezekiel lifted his arms as he shouted. Heisenberg had offered you and Ezekiel a ride from his fixed vehicle. You wanted to politely refuse his offer when Ezekiel asked what a car was. Heisenberg stood silent at the question for a moment before he looked at you, "We're going on a ride." He simply said before taking you two to his garage, being careful without activating any of his creations.
The car was fixed up, but it wasn't anything extraordinary. He didn't take away excitement from Ezekiel as he allowed him to take the steering wheel in the open field before he took charge for the rest of the way. It was certainly difficult as he didn't go out much (and not knowing the way to his dumb sister, he had little reason to memorize until it). You two helped him with the directions before dropping you two off to his dead end.
"Remember kid, just go over to my place if your mom says yes, and we'll get started on your training." He reminded the young boy and he nodded, "Yes, thank you so much Uncle Karl!" Ezekiel grinned as he waved at him, watching him drive back to his factory.
It took an hour before reaching to the castle, and Ezekiel was just expressing his excitement with possible scenarios, how cool his uncle was to letting him tight the screws.
"What's the commotion? Ezekiel!" Alcina greeted as she stepped down the stairs, "I'm so happy to see you back, did you have fun?" She asked as she bent enough to pick him up and place a kiss on his cheek.
Ezekiel explained what he did with his uncle, and Alcina was just forcing a smile as he tried hard not to scoff at the thought of his uncle. Watching him ramble and motioning the twisting he did to tighten the screws brought relief into her.
"I'm so happy to hear that, sweetheart." She replied.
"So I can go?" He asked again, gasping.
"Pardon, what did you say?" She asked, confused.
"Learn from Uncle Karl. We're going to make a horse together, but I have to learn how." He explained.
Alcina furrowed his eyebrows a bit, "Hm, I will think about it, sweetheart, but do not be discourage." She raised a finger to boop his nose softly only to elicit a giggle from him, "Okay!" He smiled before being set down and the lady rising. As Ezekiel ran off to his bedroom, you stepped forward, "I do have one message from Lord Heisenberg, my lady." Your serious tone kept Lady Dimitrescu in alert. She guided you to the private room before letting you speak. In front of the maids you were still her maiden, but in private your relationship was apparent with no suspicions.
By the end of the message, discussion, and near arguments, Lady Dimitrescu was upset and mad, mad at her brother to suspect such foolish ideas.
"What makes him think I would put Ezekiel through th-" then she remembered.
She remembered what Heisenberg had to endure, how Mother Miranda would humiliate him the most of the four. While she despised all three lords and resented Mother Miranda for not constantly proving that she was the best out of the four, there was an ounce of toleration for them. She didn't need to admit or say she tolerated them, but to be seen as equals with them angered her to say the least. Secretly, Ezekiel is living prove that he sees her mother above all, but allowing him to be with Heisenberg threatened her belief that he would see her as almighty. It honestly scared her that she regretted privately announcing her human baby. Donna no longer wanted to see Ezekiel when he became a toddler, but Heisenberg was a dangerous one, an unhind one. She was not going to let him ruin the relationship she had with her son. Then remembers what he went through: the screaming, the crying, the trembles and the insomnia. She sighed softly as she was in a dilemma.
Alcina was startled when she felt your hand on hers, bringing her bright eyes towards your soft ones. You smiled softly as you struggled to place a hand on her cheek, "You're overthinking, my lady. If it's Lord Heisenberg you're having trouble with, fear not, for Ezekiel has a strong loyalty for you, and only you. Allow him to be with them, as forbidding it can disturb the relationship and loyalty. You're doing great in raising him." You ended with a single caress.
Lady Dimitrescu had a number of emotions running through her: embarrassment, confusion, disgust, annoyance, and contempt.
She sighed as she leaned closer to your hand, "...I agree...Thank you..." She glanced ahead of her before glancing at you. The position was a comfortable state and she closed her eyes for the moment to destress.
"You sing beautifully." You complimented.
Her eyes opened in a subtle confusion, "Pardon?"
"When you sang to Ezekiel that night, it is stunning, and effective towards your child." You grin lightly.
She would blush if she was capable, but she smirked subtly, "I could say the same thing about you."
"Oh please, I'll break a glass if I attempt, you should sing to us every night." You teased her as she responded with a chuckle, "Perform for you every night? Who would you to suggest such an idea?"
"The second mother of your son." You smirked which only stopped her. Just hearing you say that was very close to breaking her outer shell. She raised her massive hand towards you and caressed your cheek with a finger. It surprised you to feel her thumb hooked in your bottom lip as she pulled you close to her, "I suggest you be careful with your words, maiden." She teased you with a smirk before letting go.
You respond with a light chuckle, "My apologizes, my lady."
"Good, now let's check on Ezekiel."
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bamboobrat · 3 years
succession s3 e4 recap: no fine wines in prison 3/3
ugh, ok... me not enjoying this episode very much might just be proof that i am watching this show for the pretty milfs first and the plot second, but you know what... call me out for it all you want. i wanted more gerri. i wanted more karolina. hell, i wanted more shiv where she wasn't being treated like absolute shite the entire time.
i am shameless (not really) and i am not sorry (really).
also, in this episode they just walk and talk and walk and walk and walk and walk... what is this, an aaron sorkin project?!
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covid ruined my love for walks. i hate them now.
karl is trying to eat his lunch in peace and shiv interrupts, which makes foodie-karl very, very upset!!
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love the whole foodie arc that karl has got going on. much better than the whole brothel thing.
tom is becoming increasingly more stressed out about the prospect of going to prison, because, as the title of this recap indicates, THERE ARE NO FINE WINES IN PRISON.
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and what if he forgets to burp the toilet wine, what then, shiv????
logan tells adrien brody that kendall is a good kid. they share a long moment of silence once again. i'm convinced that although logan is incredibly manipulative and terrible, he actually thinks he is not and he thinks he loves his kids.
this episode is for brian and matty to also throw their lil hats in the ring for emmy noms. i'm so excited for award season, the best season of them all.
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logan seems to enjoy walks just as much as i do (he doesn't) and has a wee episode. part of me was convinced he was going to have a heart attack and we were all going to end up back at the hospital as if this was some kind of succession hedgehog day, but no... it was just the sun (or.... dare i say, the son).
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shiv threatens the nazi, which we can all enjoy, pointing out that the roy family has no shame, really.
look at this tucker carlson-like mf.
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roman stops by gerri's office to ask if she fucked laurie during lunch. they decide not to publish the face tattoo pictures and keep it as their little secret.
i am instantly reminded of what i always want to tweet, but won't because, unlike the roys and contrary to some people's beliefs, i do actually have some shame left in me: i want gerri to murder my v.....
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shiv's threats worked and ravenhead is going off on the president on ATN. this brings us to the happiest i've ever seen logan ever:
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LOOK. AT. IT. happy grandpa times.
kendall finds out that adrien brody is not on his side after all and has decided to go with....
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but honestly, this little clip is not enough for me. you tell me arian moayed is guest starring in this episode and THAT'S IT?!
ken is sad to see his boyf hooking up w someone else.
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i'm sick of the episodes ending on his sad face. give me something else please.
predictions for next week: so, we know the annual shareholder meeting is happening... and we know gerri is wearing red. i guess i don't care about anyone else at this point (SUCCESSION WRITERS GIVING US SCRAPS) so i'm just going to predict and put into the universe that this will be a heavy roman x gerri episode. c'est tout.
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thedogsled · 5 years
You seem to be having a not a great day today, so here's a light-hearted ask. I'm having a good day, curled up in pjs with cuddly pets watching Leverage with my sister. Leverage is one of my favorite shows, because it's smart and fun and has great characters that grow over the seasons. Besides Supernatural, what's a show you really enjoy and why?
Thank you so much for the ask! I’m sorry I didn’t reply to it sooner, I’ve come down with a head cold and this is really the first day in several I’ve been able to compose more than a tweet about how much it sucks (swallowing = a knife jammed right into my inner ear, it’s super fun). But I did want to answer your question so I’ve been musing on it since your ask came in.
If it was just “what’s your favorite show right now” it’d be an easy answer: The Boys. The Boys, back to front, front to back, upside down and inside out. The first season was fantastic, and it felt like it woke me up to being excited about TV again after my interest in The Walking Dead waned mid-season. Everything new has seemed very plastic recently, and even The Mandalorian, which is super cool, is kind of like the Cartoon Network dub of Dragonball Z, so Disneyfied in its bloodlessness that although I’m enjoying it it feels even more synthetic as a result. The Boys was the opposite of that, and also just whoever invented Karl Urban, period, just deserves a nobel prize for that masterpiece. He pronounces twat wrong (okay okay it’s a dialect thing) but you can’t have everything =D
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So instead (and because it’s cheating that I can pimp The Boys and wax lyrical about loves of old) I interpret your question as sort of like “Which show is your comfort food?” Which show do I go back to when I’m feeling like TV needs to give me a cuddle. I had a good think about it, because there’s a few…
(aside: I shouldn’t have put that gif in before I started writing. ahem.)
There’s been a few over the years, for sure. As a thirteen year old I used to watch and rewatch Buffy episodes, mostly season 2 (baby Spike!). At eighteen, it was old VHS of Deep Space Nine, my favorite ep was “Wrongs Darker Than Death or Night” which I watched repeatedly and think about constantly even today. 
But the show I keep coming back to is due South.
This post is a long post, it also deals with discourse (because my relationship to entertainment is so often mired in it, so please don’t proceed if you’re rather avoid it) and this is where it begins:
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Okay, so fun fact: I watched due South the first time it aired with my parents (I was about 9) and then when it was on TV again as a repeat, I recorded it on VHS by RUSHING home every single day from school with nothing else on my mind but sitting on the floor two feet from the telly to watch it. Quantum Leap was on right after, and I had an entire different set of VHS tapes to record that on, so had to quickly switch between them. I’d stop recording at every break so that I could get more episodes on a tape. It’s not unsurprising to me now that both shows vibed with me as a young person who hadn’t yet really accepted that she was queer; due South’s main character is coded as Other both to the Americans whom he lives with, and his fellow Canadians, while Quantum Leap explores a straight white man jumping into the lives of Others, and living through them some of the hardest moments in their lives. Even though both keep it exceedingly, textually hetero, one has two men riding off into the snowy sunset together (leaving behind a straight lover to do so) and the other features a love between two men that in the original framing of the finale would have seen God/fate reconnecting the two of them even though one was lost in time, and the partner’s wife begging him to go.)
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Of course young me didn’t give a shit about that, or didn’t realize that’s what she cared about. Young me loved the buddy-cop partnership of both shows. Young me liked the half-wolf, and the episodes where they ride horses, and honestly just waiting with bated breath to find out where Sam would jump to this time. “Oh boy!” Retrospectively, these shows (especially QL) are a lot more oh boy in a yikes context now than they used to be, but it’s good that shows age into yikes territory because it means that society is steadily advancing. Particularly, pointing out that these shows both feature white straight guys like…welcome to the nineties.
I was introduced to queer coding in part by watching due South. The show is laden with it. With writers, actors, and ultimately an executive producer who was all three, it makes you wonder if they would have gone there if they could; certainly the ending reads that way. They couldn’t, of course, because it was the nineties (and it was CBS that revived it after enormous international fan demand). Still, there was just nothing else analogous to what we have now that was going there on TV at the time. If you were queer (or discovering your queerness) then watching the show meant everything, as it did to me. So I snuggle up on the couch often these days and go back to that, because it gave me such joy, and because I was left with the opportunity to decide for myself how deep the relationship was. There was no promise of anything, because the context at the time was of course you can’t go there, nobody can go there. Queerbaiting was a word that simply hadn’t been breathed. There was no intent, no companies behind the curtain pulling strings going “Yes, make it more gay, we want those queer dollars”, just invested people slipping what they could past the studio censors.
Like this:
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Sigh. A less enlightened time. =P (Incidentally fun meta here but this was after a conversation where Ray suggested that communication in a relationship should be intuitive, like breathing.)
So I guess in part I escape back there because none of that representation was ever as loaded as it is today. It doesn’t require me to judge it, or weigh it against the harm it does - because the politics of the time meant I thought it was doing good (retrospectively, and only through the lens of someone who had nothing to lose). It seemed to scream out into an unyielding universe to force it to move. It did a fraction of that, because of course it did. It was the nineties. It stole indigenous narratives and romanticized colonialism just as much as it beat the drum of environmentalism and kicked at the doors of corporate greed and racism. Old shows are inherently problematic. Today’s shows are too. Being able to examine them doesn’t mean not loving them, but it lets you say “Okay, so what do I expect from the things I watch today? What do I expect from the things I watch in five years time?”
All that aside, the show is just damn good. It’s watchable and rewatchable. It struggles to age because it was already so out of pace with the age it was made in–despite its flaws in representation, it was better than other shows at the time that demonized, tokenized, or outright killed minorities to push white narratives on their own shows (Kendra being murdered on Buffy, for example). It’s standalone enough that you can go back and watch any episode you like because overarching story arcs were way less of a staple as they are today.  It’s witty, fast paced, full of action and moral dilemma, do gooding and the consequences of it. Although still severely unbalanced, and very, very white, it did still have indigenous actors playing indigenous characters, and minorities portrayed in stories about them. There’s a dog. There’s classic cars. And it’s all put to the soundtrack of Canadian bands and singers. 
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tl;dr ahead for rambling about subtext and being a disaster queer, but please scroll past for more gifs.
Queer me needed this show, in a world where I’d been taught to look and see myself in straight white male protagonists, it felt like A Lot to see all this on screen. It wasn’t, but it was all I got when I was growing up. I envy the good fortune of kids who can see themselves on screen these days while they try and figure themselves out (and hopefully more so in the future) with far less of having to negotiate through the confusion of looking at it through confusing fractals of different lenses and instead just see someone who looks like them showing them that their POV is normal, heroic and wonderful. Those lenses fucked me up big time. Like I’m not even sure right now what flavor of queer I am. I cling to bi like a lifeline of sense in my life, but it is complicated because I overwhelmingly desire the company of women way way more. But also I was was taught to look through the lens of a white dude in order to see myself universally, taught to be both desirous of the female body and humiliated by it, ashamed by sex, taught men were awful, and taught that I was supposed to marry one anyway. I look at my sexuality/romanticism like it’s a meta puzzle that I haven’t figured out yet, wondering how to put it on paper, how to break apart the different influences I experienced as a youngling and as an adult to try and negotiate if I’m misreading my own impulses. How I was brought up, who I’ve known, the relationships I’ve experienced and seen in real life and on TV. I’m 34 and I’m still no more certain. Subtext is both my friend and my enemy. I hate it, and I owe everything to it.
So when I need a rest from giving a shit about any of that noise, I go back to my comfort food. I go right back to subtext, which gave me the tools I needed to desire romance that wasn’t heterosexual, that somehow was more intimate because it relied on longing stares and never stepping foot out of the closet, that was just someone liking another person without any expectation of sex just because they have opposing genitals, and their colleagues hassle them a lot. There’s nothing wrong with the sex, I write a lot of consommation of the feelings that I see bubbling under the surface. I have even grown to appreciate het romance when it’s done in a way that doesn’t reduce the woman to a love interest–I was thrilled when Simon Baker’s Patrick Jane got together with Teresa Lisbon in The Mentalist. Their relationship was filled with subtext too. Subtext isn’t a queer thing, it has a role in all well written romance. Hell, it has a role in terriblebad tropey misogynistic romance, too. And just you know basically all storytelling (and more). 
Queer romance existing only in the subtext, though? It’s heartbreaking explicitly because it feels like a story that isn’t finished, and that’s where subtext reliant shows can hand off the story to be finished by fandom itself. In due South, as I mentioned before, Ray and Fraser jump into a dogsled and ride off over the snowy horizon to “Find the hand of Franklin, reaching for the Beaufort sea”. It’s where I chose my meta name, as I’ve mentioned before, because that ending - that ending - handed us all the subtext so far and said “Here, take it, it’s yours now. Do with it what you like”–and we did. But that was twenty years ago. I loved that ending (I still think it was a very elegant solution) and it was expected and appropriate for a show that in itself is a “Faves Are Problematic” show, but that’s also why I get so passionate about discussing the subtext in Supernatural.
It’s younger than due South. While it may have begun back when Willow from Buffy had her first girlfriend, it is ending now, not at the turn of the century where a dogsled was still good enough to get the point across and none of us had Twitter. My own experiences, my lifelong queer confusion make it so I feel pretty damn bad for people trying to use Supernatural as a medium for their own self-exploration, using characters from SPN as their lenses. A show these days that makes bank on those tropes and doesn’t inform its audience (positively or negatively) is doing so irresponsibly because of the modern context in which the show presently (not historically) sits, and the increasing awareness of the issues surrounding it. Networks, then, are ultimately responsible for that, but they are in a way which is entirely different and far more directly culpable than they were 20 years ago, because people are out there making money out of those intentional subtextual devices. They chose to do it; took a deep breath and backed right up away from Gamble’s problematic queerbashing tropes, chewed it over, then hired gay writers and dived right back in with more grown up, progressive, and less shitty subtext–but still subtext. 
This show that ended 20 years ago was able to cross way more lines with subtext in one episode than Supernatural has done sometimes in an entire season. It did so despite and because of it’s international audience, on a conservative network that would late purchase Paramount, and Star Trek, and ended with a powerfully subtextual ending. Supernatural, of course, is under a far more powerful microscope from the bigots than those oblivious to subtext back in the 90s could have ever produced. due South, like SPN was just “wholesome family entertainment” to a conservative audience that was completely oblivious by all accounts, yet was laden heavily with queer innuendo. It was also blissfully short, and existed in a social media world which consisted of Yahoo groups and not much else. 
In modern context, Supernatural gets a fox in the henhouse treatment from that same audience, and acts accordingly (when it’s not using that same subtext to deliver earnest Fuck You’s to that audience). While I expect Supernatural to bravely - even considering this scrutiny - deliver a dogsled subtextual ending on a good day, there are bad days, too, because the queer subtext has been underlined so loudly that everyone can see it, because it’s “practically text”, because the bottom line is increasingly more concerned with satisfying those bigots (even while they mock them), and because queer fans are “too loud” about what they want. How dare they. /s The pushback caused by being loud about things you care about, the bigots actually seeing subtext in front of their noses, isn’t bad because now they know what we’ve been doing all along, and we won’t be able to get away with it any more; it means they’re becoming more aware of narratives other than their own. Yes, some people will push back, but “when you’re accustomed to privilege, equality feels like oppression”, and they can shove it right up their asses.
All I ever ask of myself when I interrogate my present day viewing experience, is this: when I sat as a youngster watching due South thinking “This subtextual ending is enough for me”, did I truly believe it was okay to be watching a show about two white guys with a subtextual ending 20 years later? Was that the future I dreamed of and aspired to? Would I be disappointed? The answer is yes, I am disappointed. No matter the whys, the fundamental and societal reasons–I am disappointed. I still love the show probably more than I should, but I am disappointed in the society it sits in - which is increasingly capitulating to far more powerful global financial powers than a couple of red state homophobes - and I’m disappointed in the way we’re treating each other for even caring, and I’m disappointed in myself, too, for being naive and imagining we would be much further down this road now than we are. But we are a capitalistic society, and being both the commodity and the customer should be a surprise to literally nobody at this point. It doesn’t mean you have to like it.
And if you don’t feel that way, that’s okay. We all come from different places. We have different perspectives. We need and want different things, for different reasons, and find joy in different things for different reasons. Variety of opinion is as much a wonderful thing as it is completely terrifying.
I’ve wandered somewhat off topic, so I’m going to go back to the show I love, my chocolate pudding and custard comfort food TV show, and the long stares and the beautiful uncomplicated subtext.
And sign off with half a dozen gifs.
Eye fucking:
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Conversations in closets and bathrooms:
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Going down with the ship
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Intuitively understanding each other without a word spoken
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His hobbies humiliate me in public
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“Do you find me attractive?”
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Sulking in the corridor while you reunite with your ex
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This whole ep with original Ray:
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And his wolf approving of both
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Not pictured “I love you” “And I you”, “Get out of the closet”, actual hand holding when it’s unnecessary, formally handcuffing your buddy, getting stuck in an ice crevasse and a mini submarine together–and so so much more. I invite you to watch the show if you can find it (I have it on a really nice set of DVDs, but there’s some dodgy ones out there that look like they recorded the DVD straight off a VHS, so do check reviews) or else try and find it online. There was a Canada promoting YouTube channel which published both due South and shows like Slings and Arrows, which I recommend as well (It’s not actually bury your gays if the ghost of your gay best friend haunts you, right?) so you should be able to poke around and find a legit copy somewhere. I’ve bigged it up and talked it down, and wandered a long way off topic (that describes my relationship with every show, but especially when I recommend them) but I hope somewhere along the line I also answered the question. The way I hear it Leverage is a similar sort of comfort food, though I haven’t seen it. Sounds like I should put it on my To Watch list.
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