#it was a tie between him and Karkat
spiderh0rse · 6 months
freemans mind notes pt1, ep 1-5. under cut, very long.
freeman's mind e1 notes
- he's on probation with the company, could easily get fired
- didn't immediately recognize the PA voice or the tram line he was riding on
- thinks very positively of robots- has a cousin named Jessie (sex offender. unspecified crime? sodomy laws still in action at the time. very well could've just been gay)
- doesn't want to be a witness in court
- petty workplace theft!!! knows his coworkers name, Steve
- talks himself through what's either anxiety or trying to go unnoticed
- forms grudges very easily
- seems very comfortable making death threats. No reaction to it, so very possible people are used to his bluster
- acts out a conversation between management for a bit, seems to have at least a passing understanding of animal biology
- does Not know his way around AnMat today, bless him
- has been to a strip club. (Or simply associates techno music with them)
- thinks it's noodles in the microwave. Maybe it's some sort of noodle casserole? The ease with which he considers an attempt at theft here implies he does this often. Just. Steals someone else's food for his breakfast.
- yes, yes. Oxycodone locker.
- doesn't wear a tie. Has made a bomb threat to his workplace over having to wear one.
- someone seems to have swapped out the stuff in his locker with someone else's.
- his HEV suit normally has a helmet, but it's missing for some reason.
- dislikes the HEV suit voice.
- "left hand turn into a chaingun" sick hlvrai reference /j
e3 (like the conference no one cares about anymore)
- ongoing saga of Doesn't Know Where To Go
- Dislikes the concrete walls
- Monday.
- always wanted to be an evil scientist.
- bad evil laugh. Not sorry.
- dislikes greeting people he doesn't know.
- seems to enjoy reading out signs in front of him. Maybe also repeating words?
- the bulbs in AnMat aren't the nice UV ray sort
- another thought about robots being universally cool by default
- will listen to people he doesn't know for a moment if they praise him
- thought an explosion was... A sniper. Underground. In a very small room with only two entrances, one of them he entered from. A genius, this one. Does correct himself, so this is a gut reaction.
- cyrex processor hater. Correct.
- knows the spinning elevator, even if he doesn't remember the rest of AnMat.
- seems to dislike being dizzy. Despite that, has ridden rides built for the express purpose of making one dizzy
- may genuinely be the only bearded employee
- has played racquetball in the AMS chamber. This is the only reason there's security there.
- likes climbing things :) wishes he had a tail
- the List mentioned!
- makes funny lil pew noises here
- became a physicist to lord over antimatter particles
- does seem mildly concerned about safety procedures for a moment. Genuinely invested in the experiment going well
- HATES string theory. Correct.
- hates when people other than him do silly words. so rude.
- just starts. Saying stuff. Running his mouth when hes panicking
- the ableism starts early (schizophrenic line)
- the frog people story,, was awake for four days straight
- likely has watched star trek TOS (references Dr McCoy)
- captain gordon freeman of the intergalactic house of pancakes...
- babes in the biology department! that is actually pretty accurate, women go into wet sciences more often than they do pure math ones
- *not* a necrophiliac. thank god
- apparently has a record of computers blowing up when he uses them (karkat type beat)
- perfectly fine looting black mesa after the rescas, before he sees any aliens
- no reaction to the words "resonance cascade" aside from "Sucks."
- has seen "Alien"
- doesn't want eggs laid in his chest 😔 out of my way gayboy I'm about to get it
- multiple counts of avoiding stepping in blood
- doesn't bring weapons into the workplace
- knows no martial arts but wanted to learn for a while
- enjoys playing limbo!
- he got his first gun: the crowbar
- no real reaction to killing three people on accident. Does apologize though! Hopes they were jerks at least
- has always wanted to kill people by pressing a button. The experience is underwhelming.
- all for shooting down the zombies but doesn't reason out what they are for a bit
- has seen the wizard of oz
- wants to harvest the corpses for organs
- has been arrested at least once
- thinks he still has a job at this place. lol. lmao.
- triangle shirtwaist factory mention!! I loved learning about that place. Worst workplace accident in terms of sheer amount of deaths in recorded history. It's why we've got the regulations around fire exits and some of the building regulations we do
- is at least willing to try and save the guy on the catwalk
- avoids the blood Again! Cleanliness :>
- hates computers in General
- creeped out by the zombie by the computer. Elects to leave.
- happily loots a corpse for weapons
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skips-is-asleep · 2 years
Everyone shut up this is trolls with autism part 2: fav stims/textures
These were getting really long so I may make a part 3 about comfort foods in a separate post
Aradia: obviously, her hair, she loves playing with it, braiding it adding things to it etc, but I bet when she was younger she was a Hair/shirt chewer and idk why but I feel like she'd also just like breaking things. Not smashing, but snapping pasta noodles, brittle bones, or sticks, that sort of thing. She has a chewy necklace, but it's not a tough grade one like Terezi needs. If she doesn't have something MEANT to be chewed, her shirts get holes in them. Also toe walker. Least favorite texture: when your hands have been wet for a really long time and your nails are all dried out
Tavros: he has jewelry that's for stimming, like bracelets with little spinny parts or that you take off and play with, but before that, it was rubber bracelets or hair ties that he'd never even use as intended. He has a fidget spinner and a pop socket too and you could pry them from his cold dead hands. Tavros is also very very good at shuffling cards because he just really likes the noise it makes when they all flutter together. Least favorite texture: course grade sandpaper
Sollux: pen clicking, leg bouncing, he fucks with his piercings even though he knows he's not supposed to. Often he doesn't even realize he's doing it until someone loses their mind at him for it and tells him to stop. Sometimes, if he can, he'll pull up a whole new word document/notepad and just start typing nonsense bc the act of typing on a keyboard or tapping on a screen just feels good. If anyone opened up one of these notepads, they'd just be random descriptions of what's around him or complete gibberish. Also see the link for other Sollux stim headcanons. Least favorite texture: every and all slimes
Karkat: Skin picking, absolutely, especially around his fingers. He copes by painting his nails and picking that off and it's saved his skin forever. But he also loves silicon toys, the little brush ones I mean, and anything meant to be taken apart and put back together, bonus points if it's those ones that make the little pop and click noises when you do so. Karkat also likes pop-its, yeah I said it, someone has to like them. Another link for more karkat (and more Sollux) headcanons Least favorite texture: metal + teeth
Nepeta: she's also a chewer, but she likes very hard things, nothing squishy. It's all bones, wood, plastic that kinda thing, her favorite is straws. She's also a big fan of messy crafts, like finger painting, getting her hands in the mud/shaving cream that kind of thing, she just likes being messy, making a mess but doesn't like cleaning it. Yeah and toe walking. Least favorite texture: tin foil
Kanaya: she doesn't sew AS a stim, but she does sew a really long running stitch, intentionally neglect to tie it off just so she can pull the thread out, insanely soothing to her. Also anything that's meant to be gently tapped against her face, like a makeup sponge or very soft rag is A++ Anything that jingles when she walks (jewelery but also heavily beaded fabrics) are perfect. She also loves running her nails over things, specifically tapping with them. Least favorite texture: burlap
Terezi: we've got another intense chewer. She sits right between aradia and Nepeta. They like hard things, but obviously hard as in crunchy. We knew they eat chalk but also ice, stale bread, that kind of thing, things meant to be eaten and crunchy. She's also the type to just draw all over herself with markers, the wet + cool sensation of markers going over skin is everything. least favorite texture: braille
Vriska: Hair, like moving it around/out of her hair constantly and dice. She plays with them, rolls them when theres no reason to, sometimes chews them but it's pretty rare and the oral fixation is only with dice. Idk what they're called, but the little game with the dice under the plastic dome and you push it and it pops the dice everywhere? Yeah. She also likes ripping/cutting paper a lot and will steal magazines to rip/cut them up. Least favorite texture: cotton balls
Equius: Equius is also a hair stimmer, softly brushing it. I think he *used* to hit himself in stressful situation but because he's so strong, that's obvi not an option anymore (that's why he has the battle bots) but he also just likes breaking things as in destroying them. In humanstuck, I think he regularly visits those places where you're put in a room with a bat just to smash old TV's and shit. Least favorite texture: rusty metal
Gamzee: definitely noise based stimming, his horns, little bells and squeaky toys, but also he loves just...watching wheels spin. Will sit for hours with his unicycle upside down watching the wheel go. Also beaded curtains. I think growing up on the beach, he'd also really like the texture of wet sand, touching it, walking barefoot on it, making imprints of it, that sort of thing. Least favorite texture: bugs with legs
Eridan: Spiny rings spiny rings spiny rings. At least half of his rings spin/click/or make some kind of noise, also just the sound of rings clinking on things is itself a stim. I think he likes those silicon brushes too, but he likes plucking them. Some of his books in his library aren't even meant to be read, he just will sit and turn the pages until he feels better. Idk if this counts a stim but I also think he copes by swimming to the deepest water he can stand and just laying there like a massive weighted blanket. Least favorite texture: wet paper
Feferi: hair, but also she has so many different fabrics in her outfit, they probably all have different textures that she likes touching. Feferi's a fan of squishy stuff, she likes slime, wet foods like puddings and jello. I'm sure they'd have slime that can be submerged in salt water, but above water she loves the very transparent jiggly slime. She also loves fucking with jelly fish and I bet she smacks the bulb on beluga whales for fun. Also assigned toe walker. Least favorite texture: concrete + bare feet
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calware · 2 years
Opinions on one of the most boys ever Karkat Vantas?
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Sexuality Headcanon: pansexual aromantic Gender Headcanon: trans man Ship: he's both in a qpr with dave but if a qpr could vacillate between red and black and a moirallegience with jade that somehow also vacillates but it's between pale and black. it's complicated BROTP: tie between karkat + rose and karkat + egbert because i like his dynamic with egbert better but i think his dynamic with rose is tragically slept on NOTP: dirkkat Random headcanon: his eyebrows are always super messy General Opinion: he's the most specialist boy to me
Sexuality Headcanon: bisexual Gender Headcanon: cis gnc man HOWEVER i am a big fan of nonbinary transfem dave Ship: again, red/black qpr with karkat AND he has a relationship with aradia that's somehow <> with benefits. again it's complicated BROTP: again tie between dave + egbert and dave + vriska but this time it's just because i like them both equally NOTP: davesol Random headcanon: he has older sister energy regardless of the gender General Opinion: i love him but fanon dave is dead to me
Sexuality Headcanon: lesbian (to clarify i hc that orientation doesn't factor into conciliatory relationships) Gender Headcanon: cis woman Ship: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ BROTP: feferi and calliope NOTP: rosefef Random headcanon: in humanstuck AU's she's the type of person to name her car General Opinion: interesting, but unfortunately i don't think about her all that often 😔
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livefromthegallows · 9 months
💐❤️‍🩹 for the ask game!
okay for homestuck my comfort character its like a three way tie between karkat, vriska, and equius.
for ranfren my comfort character is (kinda basic) randal cuz he's so silly to me (and i kin him lowkey)
and EVERYONE deserved better in homestuck dude
and uhhh in ranfren i think sebastian and satoru (idk how to spell his name) both deserved better because (if you've read the webcomic) sebastian goes through a lot man he just need to have good things happen to him :( and satoru because he only really exists in randal's dreams and he rarely gets to see randal, and when randal isn't dreaming/with him satoru's all alone :( poor guy :(
(heres the link to the website check it out it's MAD cool https://ranfren.neocities.org/main)
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therealslimstrider · 10 months
We've all had a discussion to guesstimate who's highest on their echeladder. From highest to lowest, approximately. We're pretty sure you keep climbing them even after the game is over since some mechanics existed before the game even started.
We think a tie between Dave and John. Dave has time travel shenanigans to back him up, but he hasn't trained much after the game. John has.
Roxy. Killing blow on Condesce.
Jake. Killing blows on most of the Felt.
Jane and Jade.
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skeksismars · 2 years
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I saw this prompt on @corvinearcher 's blog and I thought I'd try it!
Sorry for poor quality, I was in a rush :p
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autism2009 · 3 years
me: wait why can’t dreamers fly between planets
me, three hours later, with 19 homestuck wiki tabs open at once: ~ath (pronounced tilde ath) is a coding language capable of manipulating the universe itself this is why snowmans arc is a thing and why lord english exists. its implied sollux’s ~ath code is part of the reason bec noir exists as karkat fucked up the universe which may be due to the curse sollux’s code supposedly put on him. the fates of the troll session and beta kids’ sessions are inexplicably intertwined. ~ath consists of loops tied to object lifespans therefore you could tie your own death to the start of the universe. doc scratch is technically lord english’s mother
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hermesuprising · 2 years
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when i hyperfixate on a new piece of media, my first instinct is to immediately figure out what homestuck classpects the characters on it would have. so here’s an “It’s Always Sunny in Philadephia” homestuck edit of my last drawing of the cast. Rationale for their titles under the cut!
Dennis- “I am having feelings again. Like some kind of fourteen year old kid. You remember feelings, right?“ the prince embodies the opposite of their aspect and no one shuns emotion more than Dennis. He wants to think of himself as the one pulling all the strings, and the mastermind of every plot, and he convinces himself he is above things like emotions. Princes desire control, making Dennis quite the fitting prince.
Charlie- “Well, Charlie Work is, like, you know… like basement stuff, cleaning urinals, uh, blood stuff, your basic slimes, your sludges, anything dead or decaying, you know - I’m on it, I’m dealing with it!” Time is an aspect heavily associated with death and decay, and I cannot think of anything that could embody Charlie work more than the task of cleaning up the doomed timelines. The rogue is usually an easygoing person in a follower type role, and that to me suits Charlie well.
Dee- Dee: “I am not a failure!“ Mac: “Dennis, what is it that you call it when somebody tries to do something but doesn’t succeed?“ Dennis: “Uh, that would in fact be a failure.” Space is creation and Dee has longed to be an artist (an actress) for a long time, without much success. Thieves tend to fall into the background if they are not actively making space for themself in the plot, having to claw their way to relevance, and they are not usually the favorite member of their group. Dee is the butt of every joke, which to me makes the thief an interesting class for her to play.
Mac- “Well, through God, all things are possible, so jot that down.” Hope has obvious ties to faith and angels, and the knight is someone who guards themself with a false exterior, often convincingly enough to fool themselves. Mac denied his own homosexual feelings for years in the name of faith, and he put on a macho masculine face to hide himself, touching on a possible inversion of aspect leading him to idolize rage like karkat idolized direction (breath). Frank- “Charlie: Are you the father of me, and shit? Frank: We’ve been over this – your mother’s a giant whore!“ Frank never wants to admit the shared blood between himself and Charlie. It displays bard tendencies, to let that tie wither. But he keeps it alive by proximity, accepting and rejecting his blood at the same time. He embodies breath with his pursuit of freedom (partying and putting distance between himself and his blood, which he also did with Dee and Dennis by treating them like shit growing up), and embodies blood by the ties he won’t accept. Also, Bards are associated with coping through drugs and other forms of distraction, which suits Frank pretty well.
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nekropsii · 3 years
okay so i think the way they did kankri, while interesting, was really unfair to the potential the character had. like, i loved the idea of the sufferer/the signless and was really excited to see what the kid version of him was like. i think they could have done much more interesting things and come up with a less annoying and made him a fully fleshed out character instead of a character. just my thoughts on it.
I understand where you’re coming from, but I would like to point out that asking for a fully fleshed out character specifically from one of the Alpha Trolls… Is, unfortunately, asking for a bit much. I want fully fleshed out characters just as, if not more than you do here, but considering everything, that’s a bit of an unattainable request. Unfortunately.
Regarding him being annoying… I think him being annoying is fine, personally. Homestuck characters very much so should be allowed to suck. However, my biggest opinion here is that their personalities were taken to new extremes to make up for the fact that they had minimal screen time. Think of how the Beta Trolls originally had their personalities pushed to comical lengths when they were first introduced- if there’s no real space for the characters to breathe, then there’s no real space for quietness or reservation.
Sometimes, people are just annoying. Considering what he was based on, this trait was absolutely inevitable. I’m sure that trait of Kankri’s is one you either get used to or is made slightly less obvious when he has more room to breathe as a character. But as far as canon goes, he is like that to lay down a very clear point in very little time, portray the character, and move on.
This guy is Preachy, that’s the point- He’s a great tie-in with The Sufferer in the same way Mituna is a great tie-in with The Psiioniic, in my opinion. One can’t forget that they’re vastly different people, inherently, due to the planets they grew up on- and Kankri’s coddling in particular very much so shows up in the way he presents his politics and attempts unification. Simply put, Kankri did not face the same level of oppression and fear that Karkat did.
Kankri is the embodiment of a sheltered, incredibly online white teen on Tumblr who just discovered what social justice is circa 2013. The issue with most social justice circles on Tumblr in that era, though, is that they were largely echo chambers of inexperience- a lot of these kids, frankly, did not have the experience they thought they did, and didn’t know much about minority history. Their inexperience and lack of knowledge led to them, even with their own minority statuses, accidentally recreating the bigotry they preached so hard about avoiding and stomping out. This is exactly Kankri’s issue, and part of what makes him so damn annoying. It’s a pretty good differentiation between what made Kankri the way he was, and what made The Sufferer the way he was. They had different experiences and ended up as different people.
(… Well… At the very least, we plan on workshopping Kankri a bit more. He’s a neat character, as are the other Alpha Trolls, and he’s very much so worth expanding upon. He’s still gonna suck, but he’s definitely gonna have a little bit more meat to his character.)
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telaraneas · 3 years
i am not even a little bit kidding when i say that detective pony is such a clear crystallization of dirk's character that i cant help but consider it like. its so crucial to my understanding of his arc and what the splinters actually mean, what AR actually IS. ar and detective pony are The Same Thing, and ultimately dirk struggles with the same inability to accept responsability for them. literally speaking, AR is a sentient AI whose actions are not controlled by dirk, but within the context of how in homestuck the metaphorical is often literal and the literal is often metaphorical, AR going behind dirk's back to pull his own schemes is the exact same as the characters in detective pony wrestling the narrative away from him: which is to say, not actually counter to his own will, no matter how much dirk wants to pretend and believe it to be.
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like, i think the reason it's left so vague where dirk's Plans For Jake English end and where AR's begin, is because the distinction is an illusion to begin with. it is the will of the same person, who understands the methods that are being taken to get there are wrong on some level, and so does not take them... but at the same time, he pushes himself to take them, self-sabotages until he's in a position where there's no other option, and in so doing he abdicates responsability for them as much as he can.
again, it's not Literally the same, because dirk the author of detective pony is still writing the book as it supposedly spirals out of his control, but he isn't writing AR's dialogue or controlling his actions. and yet, on a deeper level, it's the exact same thing, just personified, the metaphorical made literal
but then again, the other tie between detective pony and AR is that the point dirk realizes how much he hates them, and starts considering straight up destroying them, is the point where he realizes they are, indeed, just bursting to the brim with himself at his worst, as he considers his worst to be, a portrait of his soul frozen in time which he can't look back upon without cringing
the final conversation before arquiusprite is one of the most painful parts of homestuck imo, and i mean that in a good way. karkat's memos of self-hatred hit a similar note, but in those i always got the sense that, in a way, karkat found comfort in them, which is depressing in an entirely different way; but between dirk and AR, it's just VISCERAL how conscious dirk is, despite how much he hates it and how long it takes him to admit it, that the REASON he can't stand AR, and the REASON AR is just fucking with him deliberately and with actual cruelty at this point, is because they're one single person in a spiral cocktail of self-sabotage and violent hatred for the person he used to be and still is
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and in the end, it's in the fact that he DOESN'T destroy AR, that he accepts his responsability for him both in the sense of creation and in the sense of action, and only THEN does AR get prototyped and becomes an actual separate consciousness- this is what allows him much later on to end the comic in a place of hope and the genuine possibility of growth and self-improvement, by accepting and forgiving himself, and in turn being able to actually build upon the person he is
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beafanboy · 2 years
review #1 - a cinderella story
overall karkat grade: 10/10
multiple areas he’d extremely enjoy─main one being that, even as a romcom, it plays into moiraillegiance with sam and carter, our two main characters. honestly would very easily translate into an alternian movie without needing to be tweaked too much!
mod strider grade: 9/10 (good movie just painfully 2004)
mod harley grade: 9/10 (kept my attention but yeah, v 2004)
further in depth explanation of our karkat grading below:
mod strider: i know this movie is in the song as a traditional romcom and it definitely is dont get me wrong, but after watching this through the lens of karkat i dont think that he would like it for that. not that he wouldnt enjoy that aspect, especially the high/lowblood dynamic between sam & austin. but i think he would like this movie as a pale one. even though the driving plot is sam and austin’s romance, so much more of the movie is depicting the incredibly solid moiraillegiance between sam & carter. not only is their relationship clearly pale to begin with, but its an incredibly stable and balanced moiraillegiance. at absolute worst, sam could be a little more helpful when it comes to his crush on shelby & the inevitable downfall once he tries to seriously pursue her. their ‘relationship’ has a very.. tavris-ian vibe to it and sam could have done more — but she does tell him it’s a bad idea and discourage him, so even that is nitpicky. point blank, this is a paledate movie. the flushed etc. romances are B plot.
beyond that, if this were an alternian movie it would absolutely be a commentary on the hemospectrum. every interaction is steeped in the socioeconomic dichotomy of the characters; sam is a highblood who’s been forced to live as a lowblood due to the greed of her incompetent lusus and she makes it her mission to confront highblood prejudice. austin is a mid-highblood, probably around indigo, who wants nothing to do with the path laid out for him by design; the list goes on. the movie manages to tie everything up into a satisfying lowblood-fantasy ending after being an hour-and-a-half-long pale romp, and it doesn’t even feel too cheesy doing it.
mod harley: a lot of my thoughts have already been said! quick personal opinions: i thought it was cute, had a relatively satisfying ending, and i’m glad it didn’t rely on a lot of the early-2000s generic second-hand embarrassment humor.
 now, for the crab himself: yeah, this is something he would’ve loved. throughout the movie there were multiple points where i was like “yeah, karkat would be yelling at the screen right now” but it would never be from a place of genuine anger or frustration–just him getting way too into it. i think karkat would’ve had a field day about the two romances going on, that each had their own plot flow. and on top of the paleness between sam and carter at that! lots and lots of little bits that he would absolutely pick up on and obsess over…
sorry this is so short i am sick atm. have these karkat doodles i did when watching the movie
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karkat in both timelines is reduced to being in love with dave and it sucks. Like even in candy where he is a fucking rebellion leader he cant escape being tied to dave! And like I'm not a huge meenah karkat shipper but like I'd take it over davebot and karkat getting together. But let's be real if hs2 had continued we all know meenah would just become another "evil woman who gets between the mlm couple" so we probably dodged a bullet there 🙄
And as for meat karkat, I get the feeling he was heading for a tragic death, which would of course make dave very sadstuck and angst. Maybe karkat would have had like interesting things to do, they did hint at his aspect so maybe more blood power stuff, but I doubt it. It would require them to let karkat detach from dave and we cant have that 😐
And i cant help but blame some of this on karkat not really having an arc or having much of anything to do by the end of og hs. It made it easier for ppl to tie his entire existence to dave and completely ignore everything else about him.
As a karkat liker it sucks.
I love Karkat so much too, he’s literally one of the best well written characters in homestuck, and just like Dave, the fandom has no idea what to do with that. Homestuck 2 Karkat is basically just a side piece for Meat/Candy Dave’s development, like literally everything that has came out of Karkat’s mouth in hs2 has something to do with Dave.
Hs2 Karkat is just a husk, only needing to be used whenever Dave is talked about or onscreen. Even with having a whole ass rebellion, Candy Karkat is STILL just boiled down to Dave’s love interest, it’s so bizarre. I remember seeing a LOT of people say that these guys
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were “meant to look like Dave so Jane could mess with Karkat” which is WEIRD because again Candy Karkat just further belongs in Dave’s shadow, and secondly why the hell would Jane care about candy davekat’s past history. They don’t even remotely look like Dave aside from the shades got damn people.
I really hope meat Karkat gets an outfit change for something really cool once they meet Ult Dirk or some shit, because I’m really hoping Meat Dave and Karkat’s main outfit isn’t just gonna be a swapped shirt attire.
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dahniwitchoflight · 4 years
Homesquared Chapter 14 part b
Alright time for more reactions to Homesqaured- oh jeezus
the last one of these I did was from october last year, hoo boy alright brain time to get back on the time train things are happening fast
we last left off with me thinking they just fucking hilled Harry but I remembered the wrong house so Harrys fine, John not so much
Yeah, John sad but ooh Karkat shows up!
They seem to have a mutual conversation about lost youth and stuff, really makes these characters feel oold
“JOHN: jeez, i'm sorry karkat.
JOHN: i had no idea how much time had passed.
JOHN: i must have gotten a bit distracted by my house being blown up.“
Oh man, John thats a whole ass MOOD
lol at sburb allocated blow job
yeah Karkats right tho, John does kind of need a kick in the pants to see how he might have been useful here, but Johns still stuck in this rut of not seeing anything around him as Real real, so hes blind to all of the consequences of inaction
John its called derealization and depersonalization, you can get help for that yknow
But I mean, cant really blame him, hes being smothered by the fires of Doom all around him
Its interesting to see that Karkat, a Blood player, is more comfortable navigating through things that constrain them and tie them down, since constraint is something Blood and Doom have in common, Chains and Barriers and Laws and etc
Whereas John the Breath player, just gets bogged down, hes totally out of his element
so it ends up being like John: “Id like to cling to some funny moments of my youth pls and try to lighten the situation up a bit because I cant do anything when so heavy”
John: ):
Hmm, both Vriskas have been captured, but Annie basically rescued herself, knowing Vriska Prime she probably has a plan or an idea about that, see well see how that goes
Oh. Well I guess that was Dirk’s “plans” for Jane all along. Obviously he was using Jane as a vehicle to gather “players” for his eventually next session, interesting
But who has Jane kidnapped in total thus far?
Does Tavros count? he was certainly trapped with her for some amount of his life, but I dont know if that counts as a kidnapping, John certainly tried to kidnap HIM though from the epilogues
Annie certainly counts as being kidnapped
Vrissy has JUST been captured so that counts, and Harry so far is still fine
Which bodes so well for Harry’s future Im sure
Yeah, Vriska should have been able to not outwit any capture attempts, but my guess is either Vrissy got capture and Vriska dove in, OR, Vriska’s doing an inside job so to speak and got caught on purpose, dragging Vrissy along as well
I guess we’ll see when we see their “prison”
Anyway John, don’t get so down on yourself, you’re just ignorant to everythiong around you! thats why nothing makes sense and you can’t connect to anything, easy fix! Just try to learn more and care more about stuff lol
Man does this feel like a strong metaphor between people who are into/care about politics and people who feel like they can’t get into it though
Crossing that hurdle from one side to the other is rough
man, this is all feeling startlingly relevant to the current times, I should have read this sooner
hah, oh wow, Karkat when you phrase it like that, it’s almost as if you’ve become self aware of your tendencies to Moirail people out of their problems
Not really that out of character for a Blood player to end up being the Therapy Friend though lol
Just don’t burn yourself out on that though
JOHN: karkat, we still haven't spoken about *you*!
JOHN: yes.
JOHN: about you.
JOHN: well...
JOHN: you know, how you feel!
I know Karkat has probably matured past misunderstandings like this now given he’s really come into a great understanding of his Blood aspect, but by golly do I wish Karkat would misunderstand this as John’s attempts to be Moirail-reciprocal sdkjfhwlijebr
What a perfect way to continue their relationship, on top of more misconstrued romance quadrants XD
Spades is old Hat, Diamonds are in now babey
this started out funny, but Karkat’s emotional rant just ended up being depressing not funny ):
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I have to say though, it is REALLY interesting to see John’s depression manifesting in a very breathy sort of way
Karkat in these panels was more closer together, connected, but as John gets more and more depressed over the course of Karkat’s rant when he realizes Karkat doesn’t know dave died, the panels get seperated by lines of blue, and slowly drift off away from John and from eachother
but thats basically been hows its been manifesting all along
the more John feels Disconnected and Seperate from the reality he finds himself in, the more he finds his will untethered, the more depressed and unable to act he gets
and right now its so much so that even a fuller fledged Blood player is having trouble grounding him back down
I don’t know, I always viewed the depression metaphor as a dark watery void to sink into and feels heavy and encapsulating (but probably thats just my Light-y interpretation of it)
so its interesting to see the depression metaphor as this floating disconnection instead, so much that it leans towards derelaization/depersonalistion/dissociation as well
I wonder if John will start dealing with bouts of actual full blown dissociation as this gets worse?
I mean, Breath aspect has given the literal ability to ghost around wherever he pleases in all other ways, why not literally and physcologically as well?
So John seems to be fully overembracing his aspect here, to a very unhealthy degree here, which I see you asking “aha Dahni, but hes doesn’t have overblown self esteem here, quite the opposite, is this not an inverted state instead? or something else because hes acting like hes inverting to Breath?”
and I say not so! reader, for overembracing is the idea that through your aspect, your will is overwriting the wills of others, and in someone like Vriska, this manifests in a very selfish and over self esteemed way
but is not John’s will overwriting Karkat’s here? Through Breath? And isnt John also being a little selfish here? Considering how he feels about things, more important than how anyone else feels? How Karkat feels?
John is too dissociated to understand that this reality is Real and has Consequences he needs to care about, and Karkat is trying to fight against that, trying to instill his belief that no, this shit is real and it Matters Why Don’t You Care, trying to ground him, trying to give him that dose of Blood he needs
but John’s overembracing Breath is just, blowing that all away, its becoming too strong
Roxy in the epilogues dealt with this as well, when John was really in the shits with it and started to believe Roxy’s whole personality was somehow fake and his own construction, because he convinced himself Roxy would never choose to do the things she did, but Roxy was able to snap him out of it and make him understand and respect it was her own choices that led down his path, not the idea that John’s choices are somehow overriding everyones
But man, John sure is riding that Breath train way too hard, and he keeps snapping back into it as well
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Further and Further
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homestuck tiktok au part 1: feferi peixes
hc lists for everyone’s place in this universe will come soon.
disclaimer: i don’t have tiktok. i’ve never had tiktok. i don’t even have a phone. i don’t know anything about tiktokkers. why, you might ask, then, am i doing a tiktok au? simple. yearning.
Feferi Peixes
-Actual tiktok star
- she was a swimmer, and raised quite publicly as the heiress of a megacorporation during the internet age, so she’s very graceful, something that shows in tiktok dances.
-17, does some studying/get ready for school with me style vlogs
-a lot of her fans are very invested in the “love triangle” between her, Eridan Ampora (18, younger brother of tiktok star Cronus Ampora and semi-famous youtube commentator) and Sollux Captor (18, twitch streamer, known for edgy humor and pvp skill)
-very very positive about meeting fans, refers to her fans as her “bubble guppies”
-for a video once, she dyed the ends of her hair pink
-creator of the “#loveurbodybikinichallenge”, a challenge meant to spread body positivity where you wear a bikini and do something fun while lip-syncing to the song “girls in bikinis” by poppy. her original video was her roller-skating backwards down a beach boardwalk in a dark pink bikini top (one of the ones with a ruffle in the front and a tie at the back of the neck) and gold-studded denim shorts holding a boombox playing the song. impressively, she did not fall.
-occasionally makes appearances in sollux’s videos. in one, she hands out cuttlefish plushies to people while telling them terrifying facts about the ocean. she plays minecraft with him in a few. once, she dyes all his sheep magenta with  the help of eridan and karkat.
-she guest stars in one of eridan’s videos about the ways that ocean conservation gets derailed by pop culture, however she is mentioned or alluded to whenever eridan talks about how he refuses to react to tiktok cringe.
-she posts photos with them on instagram often, as well as them occasionally being in her tiktoks- mainly of her pulling pranks on them, but she did convince both of them once to do a tiktok dance with her.
-she owns a hydroflask (magenta with stickers) and a kanken backpack in the shade dahlia.
-she wears a lot of scrunchies, mostly in shades of pink, although she has been spotted with a purple one or one half-red and half-blue.
-kind of a vsco girl.
-has one of those custom-made silicone mermaid tails (in magenta with green accents) and does videos in it in the ocean and in her pool.
-tries to raise publicity for her local rehabilitation aquarium by filming there a lot.
-talks about fishing waste in the ocean as one of the main focuses of enviromental activism.
-has a few collabs with roxy lalonde, something that eridan was unhappy about, due to his feud with roxy’s sister.
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disworl · 4 years
Alive, indefinitely.
So, since I’ve been dutifully informed that since this is my blog and I can post hwhatever I want, I thought I’d talk a little about my ‘fic ‘Alive, indefinitely’.
The ‘fic was birthed by me realizing the implications of Hussie’s revision that all burgundy bloods have the ability to commune with the dead. For the most part, I dislike his changes where the trolls from Homestuck proper become near stock representatives of their entire bloodcaste, but at least, this one has compelling subtext instead of just seeming lazy. And it is that the bloodcaste that has the ability to commune with the dead is also the bloodcaste that lives the shortest and is the most likely to have friends and acquaintences who die often.
And who better explore that topic than Aradia? So I wrote the ‘fic, and it did branch out to be about her, partially as her role as a rustblood on Alternia. And so it grew bigger than just exploring the subtext. I knew I wanted it in little numbered parts that made vignettes, as I’d been working on writing longer stories and was worried I was losing my edge in vignettes and short fiction. Though the resulting ‘fic ended up 1,677 words (I intended to keep it under 1,000, though I’m not disappointed!), I’m still very satisfied with it and think the vignettes work. With the numbering of the vignettes, I also wanted to do an sort of Epileptic Bicycle and start skipping around numbers, to show that there was different amounts of time passing, and that things were happening in between. And because I just thought it was neat. The idea of a story with missing numbered chapters is very compelling. And anyway, I did have a skip, with the penultimate vignette being 5, and the ultimate being 10 (which upon thought really does make the ‘a lifetime later’ after the 10 work out mathematically*), but it played nowhere near as a big role as I would want to. Maybe some other time.
*Which since all the numbers are roman numerals, 10 ends up being ‘x’, which as a symbol is associated with death. I planned none of that (or at least I don’t remember it consciously) but I will take credit, regardless.
For a second I thought Tumblr was more competent than it is, so I tried to insert a line break, but Tumblr is not competent, so have a fancy second section with big roman numerals instead.
Anyway, I’m just going to note and comment on some specific parts of the passage, because I can.
The internet is wide and wonderful, and it is through there that she learns about archaeology, the wonders lying just beneath the ground and thinks, to be an archaeologist would be an awfully grand adventure.
What Aradia thinks is a fairly straightforward play on the phrase, ‘to die would be an awfully grand adventure’. It's a neat way to both tie back the theme, and it also spared me from figuring out exactly how to phrase it.
She finds especially good company with one boy, his troll tag resting at the top of her chumproll. He’s a rustblood like her, a bit reserved but passionate about the mystery book he’s writing. Occasionally he sends her snippets from it, and while it’s a bit clumsy, he is always eager to hear about her archaeological expeditions, so she never mentions it.
When I wrote this part, I suddenly realized I needed an unnamed rustblood to die. I also realized it would be a good idea to also characterize him a little bit before killing him off, so you get at least the idea of what his and Aradia’s relationship was like, so I decided to use one of my long-derelict fantrolls.
So she starts to rebel. She grows her hair out, longer than the modest shoulder-length cut she had before. She lets it become wild, a sign of her own spirit and power. She starts painting her lips and lining her eyes in burgundy, a mockery of the high bloods who wear their blue hues as a fashion statement.
This is a combination of two of my headcanons about Alternian society: that long, wild hair is seen as a sign of power and sexuality (as expressed by the Condesce and other highbloods), and that wearing hemo lipstick and eyeliner is a high blood fashion trend.
When she is five sweeps old, she makes another close friend. He’s a bit shy, but unapologetic about what he likes – his fiduspawn collection, pupa pan, FLARPing – and that, as much as she loves Sollux, is a breath of fresh air.
Tavros is often done dirty by fanfic and fan-interpretations of Homestuck, and it often intertwines with apologism for Vriska and her abuse of him. He’s treated as a perpetually and naturally weak and insignificant, when having a person who is abusive like Vriska will make anyone unsure and rattled like that. It takes some digging, as the majority of Homestuck takes after Vriska’s batted around Tavros for quite a while, but underneath her abuse (and the effects from that abuse at the hands of Alternian culture) it’s clear that he’s still that unapologetically dorky kid, and even cocky at times. In his trollhandle adiosToreador, he’s not the Toreador - he’s the bull. And hopefully I could express that well in the space that I could.
She befriends Karkat through Sollux, and Terezi through Karkat, and it’s through Terezi that she learns about Vriska.
This is one of several sentences in this ‘fic that employ a certain sense of repetition and rhythm. Part of that is because it gives a motif of time, which is tied to death and destruction in Homestuck, and the other half is because I just... really like writing ‘em.
She still talks with Tavros, however, but now he’s uncertain, hesitant and ashamed, and a fair number of times when she trolls him he doesn’t reply, and when he does more than anything he talks about the things he’s experienced in his dreams, and she knows exactly who has been trolling him even if he doesn’t say it and –
– and Aradia watches her friend become a living ghost, bit by bit.
This is place where I forwent canon the most, earning the ‘fic its ‘mild timeline fudgery’ tag. Throughout writing this ‘fic I constantly had a tab open to either a page in Homestuck or the wiki, or both, in order to make sure I stayed as accurate to Alternian culture that I could (at least, in Homestuck proper). While there were a lot of gaps that I got fill in for myself, it’s just plain canon that Aradia sends the ghosts after Vriska immediately after she knows that Tavros is likely going to be paraplegic for the rest of his life. But I had written the sentence already (one of my favourite lines, really), and it just makes for a better story, at least in this ‘fic. So I kept it like that. There’s also a sort of cut-and-paste fudge in that sentence, too. I remembered that Tavros spent most of his time dreaming on Prospit just so he didn’t have to deal with Vriska’s abuse, but as it turns out, it happens after she god-tiers. So I just turned it into regular dreaming and thereby folded into the above canon discrepancy. But it’s definitely based on that later detail.
The shock of seeing Sollux actually at her hive is quickly overtaken by the shock that courses through her veins right after she realizes what is about to happen, and far too late to do anything about it.
I knew pretty early that I wanted the vignette of her death to be one sentence long, though I certainly ended up stretching that one sentence fairly far. Either way, it’s very isolated from the rest of the ‘fic, which is fairly on-par for the ‘fic style where a particularly hard-hitting or important sentence gets its own paragraph. Anyway, everyone knows how the story ends, and it’s sudden for Aradia, so I think putting it in one sentence both works structurally and artistically.
She’s tired of temporal inevitability.
She’s free of the endless orders and voices of the dead.
She, for the first time in her life, feels truly alive.
Instead of the pale shadows that clung to her hive, the hollow ghosts that people left behind, the dream bubbles are filled with countless iterations of her friends, and numerous others.
But even then, dying and waking up in foreign surroundings is a shock.
And really, there’s no-one else who would be a better guide to greet the dead.
At this point, I feel again, that going into detail would be dragging things out. I also wanted it to feel significantly different from the rest. So, where the other parts of the story are told through a sort of rolling tone of voice, through ‘the lens of age old history’ the rather straightforward sentences here are meant to sound very present.
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catflowerqueen · 4 years
Ha! I actually caught the latest upd8 in a timely manner, for once! 
-Is… is Jake holding a dog bowl there? Is that what that is? It looks an awful lot like a dog bowl, and given the content warnings we just got…
 -Well, given what Jane was just saying about black romance, it’s clear that she was too passed out/still too deep in the throes of mind control and completely missed out on Karkat’s speech to John about it. I guess that does make sense, though, given what she was up to with Calliope and Jade at the time. And maybe godtier!Calliope as well? I forget who all was there, exactly.
 At least she seems to be slightly less condescending towards Jake, at the moment. Slightly.
 -Okay, and brain ghost!Dirk just confirmed that it was, indeed a bowl. I guess that doesn’t necessarily preclude it from being a regular bowl. But my hopes aren’t very high.
 -That’s a cute outfit Yiffy is wearing. It looks like she got Rose’s hair color and Jade’s tail. …Unless that bit is part of her outfit, which is possible. I like her tie!
 -…You couldn’t have at least sprung for a spoon/fork/sport as well, Jake?
 -Okay, the fact that it IS a dog bowl is really bad, but I’m slightly ameliorated by the fact that it was only chosen because of a lack of anything else. On the other hand, does that also mean there were no plates available, Jake? What about the pot you make it in to begin with? …And why does Jane have a dog bowl anyways? I’m pretty sure she doesn’t have any pets, unless it’s maybe a holdover from her childhood, where she used to get bothered by GCAT a lot.
 On that note, why doesn’t ROXY have any pets? I didn’t see any in her house, and I don’t think Harry Anderson or John are allergic to cats or anything…
 -“Rome didn’t fall in a day.” That’s quite the reversal from the usual phrase! No less true, though.
 -…And there’s that condescension towards Jake again. Like Grandmother like granddaughter, I suppose. …Come to think of it, did anyone bother to check if there were any long-term effects of that tiara left over after they took it off? Because I can see a lot of this being due to that. Or at least exacerbated by it.
 -Ha ha ha… Yiffany throwing the bowl at Gamzee’s picture like that is great. As is Jane’s expression after the fact.
 -Okay, it was a tail. And her fangs are pretty cute! As are her ear piercings. The short hair looks much better on her than on Rose, though I’m not seeing the family bird quite as clearly in it… Maybe the beak is open? That could be it.
 -…WOW Jane. Just… wow. Ice cold, so cruel. …The artists did great work on her body language, though.
 And actually, I just had another thought that makes the whole thing even worse—Yiffany is her granddaughter. This is her own family she’s doing this to!
 -This conversation between Harry Anderson’s group reminds me of that time the alpha kids were all hanging out in the crypts after the whole lollipop thing, and were messaging each other rather than actually talking things out. At least in this case one can assume that the texting is so no one else gets woken up.
 -I hope it’s just that Vrissy went to sleep…
 -I know that Harry Anderson was asking a serious question there, and was referring to Gamzee and the current situation, but… I just had to laugh because, technically speaking, pretty much every adult important in his life except for Karkat has died at least once. His own father has, in fact, died multiple times. Also Dirk, who is perma-dead here—though I can’t quite remember if Harry Anderson actually met him or not. I wonder if they realize the requirements for godtier? Or maybe they just feel like it doesn’t count since everyone came back to life in the end.
 -…Now I’m wondering whether any of the pranksters pranked John or Jake via secretly feeding them peanuts, or if that was a line that they didn’t cross. We know it didn’t happen (to Jade, at least) in the Meat timeline, but that timeline also spans a shorter period.
 -In any case, interesting stuff going on here.
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