#it was meant to match the accessories dark energy has but i like the idea of avaci and etoile looking similar and dark energy Not despite-
cinnamuff · 2 years
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Avaci and older concepts of her domain! :]
These were from early this year and her domain has an entirely new design, but I thought I’d share them since I still like them!
Her domain is located in a different dimension called Lightstarius, a realm that’s above the universe. It’s completely inaccessible from space and is an enigma to most of the universe’s inhabitants and only heard about in myths and legends.
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generalfoolish · 3 years
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Mayhem Times Infinity
Part Two: Multiverse Mayhem
Pairing: Loki Laufeyson x fem!reader (enemies reluctant co-workers to lovers)
Rating: 18+
Warnings: cw mentions of death, gore, trauma; the snap, violence, comic mischief, language
Word Count: 4k
Summary: The duo finds out what odds they're up against, but Loki has other plans.
A/N: Hey babes! I couldn't help but put in the work ASAP on this one. Gotta chase that hyper-fixation high. I'm ready to move into the "will they" part of this story! Sorry, for that slow burn, guys. Also, this doesn't necessarily join up at all with the series, but I threw a little nod in there, a little Professor Loki at the end. Enjoy 💕
Masterlist | Part One | Part Three
Let me know if you'd like to be tagged :)
“So, to summarize,” Loki drawled. “This is Earth-616, and it’s in danger.” Doctor Strange groaned, but nodded. Four hours. You had been listening to Doctor Strange for four hours. He had detailed the Multiverses, interdimensional travel, sling rings, all-powerful creatures more heinous than Thanos, and the ultimate demise of Earth-616--your Earth, your universe--and all Loki could do was joke.
You were reeling. Sure, you had considered the idea of other dimensions. You gulped as you tried to wrap your head around the gravity of the situation. There was a Multiverse jumper, Strange had given you all the information he could about the existence of multiverses and the area the villain was from, but couldn’t be more specific.
“Sure, in short. Now, listen, we don’t know who exactly is doing this. It would seem they’re working for Kang or Gah Lak Tus, but we aren’t certain of anything. We’re sending you for reconnaissance. Find out anything you can.”
“Yes, but why us? Why not the Guardians with Thor?” You asked. The tea in your hands too cold to enjoy, but you took a small sip anyway. You pulled a small face, and lowered the small cup again.
“They’re busy.” Strange told you without preamble.
“Well, so are we. He was just resurrected, and I’m technically homeless right now.” You argued, lifting the cup again, and taking another sip. The now pleasantly warm liquid tasted much better than it had even when you poured it. You raised an eyebrow at Loki, wondering if it was his magic, but he was looking at Strange, a small smirk on his lips.
“Then it should be less of a discussion. You’ll need to travel light, and neither of you are otherwise entangled. Now, do you recall our conversation of sling rings?” You nodded, and yelped when a thick bar ring appeared on your hand.
“I just focus?”
“Yes, visualize, focus and see the destination. Look beyond what you see. You know how to do that. This is the only way you’ll be able to travel through the multiverse, and I only have the one. You’ll have to travel together.”
“Okay. What about the Negative Zone?” You asked, your hand weighed down by the new accessory. The physical weight was negligible, but the mental weight left you straining.
“Start there. Remember Earth-616 is yours. Though it is unlikely anyone will refer to them as their numerical filing. What’s your job?” Strange asked, and you huffed, annoyed.
“Gather intel. We can handle it.” You snapped, and he lifted his hand.
Suddenly, a golden ring appeared before you, and on the other side an empty field.
“Go on, then.” Strange challenged, and you shot him a look, but walked through the portal.
You felt the portal close behind you, the energy rippling shut.
“That was strange.” Loki murmured, smoothing his leather jacket down. Without thinking, without pause, you replied.
“Doctor Strange.”
“That is not a good joke, darling.” Your eyebrows shot up.
“First, it definitely is. Second, ‘darling,’?” You asked.
“I told you, I refuse to call you ‘Stone,’ and you haven’t supplied anything else.” Loki argued, and began walking through the field. The grass, untouched, reached far up his long legs engulfing his waist, and you tried to pull your attention away from how he looked surrounded by the golden strands.
Celestial. God-like, you thought as you failed.
“Well, perhaps we should focus on the mission instead.” You cleared your throat as you walked to him. You tried to ignore how you had to incline your head to see him, failing again as you took in the height difference.
“Yes. I was thinking, we should perhaps change our clothes to fit in.” Loki mused, and you nodded.
“Good idea. Where are we?” You asked. It looked...vaguely Earth-like.
“How should I know? Aren’t you the one blessed with infinite knowledge?” He grumbled. You rubbed your palm down your face, and tried to perceive your location.
“I got nothing, Mayhem.” You mused, and began walking again.
“Casual linens, then?” Loki inquired, a ghost of a smile on his lips. You shrugged, and before you had relaxed your shoulders back down, you were draped in a dark green gown. You rolled your eyes at Loki’s shit-eating grin.
“Subtle.” You told him, gesturing down. He held his hands out in a shrug, and you laughed. He had matched his own ‘casual’ clothes in the same deep shade of green. You expected another jab, but instead he started walking away from you, and didn't break pace to see if you were coming. You jogged to catch him.
"Where are you going?" You asked, slightly out of breath. You were only just realizing how much taller he was than you. His long legs had carried him swiftly away from you in no time.
"Anywhere I please." He told you, barely looking down, but you could see his lips lifted in a smirk all the same.
"What do you mean?" You asked, looking around, wondering what destination he meant.
"Norns, woman, are you daft? I'm leaving. I'm free, finally. A better question for you would be: where are you going? Hmm? All that time on Midgard, now you're in space, darling. Where are you going to go?" He had broken stride to sneer down at you. You tried to hide your obvious shock at the sudden turn of emotion.
"To find the threat against our Galaxy. Why wouldn't you want to do the same?" You asked, malice lacing your tone. Here he was, wearing his true colors finally. The treacherous Loki, the one you'd been told about, the one you should've heeded the warnings about.
His nose crinkled in disgust, and you felt the vision coming before it hit. You'd seen this one a few times already, but nothing prepared you for it. You gasped for air as you felt Loki's throat being constricted, and winced when you felt the crunch of his neck.
His smug look told you he'd made that happen.
"I have a few reasons." He told you, his voice quiet and dangerous.
"We were chosen for a reason, Loki." You tried, grasping for any shred of logic that might convince him to stay. Treacherous or not, he had much more experience in space than you.
"Yes, we were. Isn't it obvious to you, yet? We were sent here to die." He held his arms out and gestured around at the field.
"What do you mean? It's just recon." You replied, noting his wingspan, the subtle way his lithe muscles pulled taut the fabric of his shirt.
"Oh yes, truly the omnipotent Dr. Strange would send a known liar and the newest avenger to stop a doom to the universe." He rolled his eyes and began walking away from you. You watched his hands trail lightly over the blades of grass, and knew he was right. You hated him for it, but he was. You had been pushing those feelings down since you had first found yourself in space looking at Loki. If this truly had the gravity Dr. Strange said it had, why wasn't he here? Or anyone of the other space faring avengers, or the guardians? Why were you sent here with Loki of all people?
You followed behind him, the grass reaching much higher on you, and contemplated your choices. You had the sling rings, so the options were endless. Yet, you kept coming back to the same one: do the job. Every fiber of your being told you Loki was right, but a small voice in the back of your mind told you he could be wrong. And it was enough.
You glanced up at your companion, his black hair curling at the edges of his collar, his back straight and proud, his shoulders broad and capable. He could handle himself in a fight, this much you knew. He'd be an asset. How would you convince him to stay? Trick him? Trick the God of Mischief? Surely you weren't dumb enough to try.
You threw your head back and looked at the sky. You knew you were. You knew you had to. You needed his help, but more than that, you actually wanted it. He was charming, after all.
"So, where exactly are you going, then?" You asked, breaking the steady silence. You watched his stride falter for a second as he turned to look at you.
"To the town." He told you, confidently.
"So, you do know where we are?"
"Then how would you know?" You challenged him.
"There'll be a town, eventually." He told you, clearly agitated at your questions.
"Sorry, just working out a few things." You told him, keeping your gaze averted. His eyes narrowed in suspicion.
You kept your face passive as the wave of wariness washed over you. You had thrown your plan together in about three seconds, but already it was going perfectly.
Step one: make Loki suspicious. It was easy to do. He had no real reason to trust you. Plus, he had to be expecting it anyway.
It led to the rest of your plan. He’d “uncover” your deceit, and you’d go along acting caught in a lie. Then, you’d gain his trust for real. Finally, you trick him into actually helping you do some reconnaissance for Strange.
Easy peasy.
Now, just to find this town.
I’ll be damned.” You muttered when you first saw it.  A light cascading in the sky, not the stars that littered it currently, but a new one. A man made, or alien made, one.
“Aha!” Loki called, looking at you expectantly.
“You did it!” You laughed, peering through the trees that stood between you and the source. Failing that, you reached out with your mind. No one was lingering about, so you focused on Loki. It was a mixture of joy and trepidation. It was all bitter endings.
He was planning a betrayal of his own, of course. What you couldn’t piece together is why he was feeling hesitant to do it. Clearly, he had worked out a way to get off-world.
“Perhaps we should make camp here.” He suggested, turning his steady gaze to you. You looked around, considering it. More open than the forest, but that could be helpful in a fight. Unlikely anyone would be able to sneak up on either of you. Especially if you took turns sleeping. But, didn’t you just feel his looming betrayal? Should you risk it so soon? You needed sleep. Would he leave you alone, asleep, in a field on an alien planet? Surely not. But could you trust it? Did you trust him?
“Okay, Mayhem. I’ll grab some firewood.” You told him, starting to head to the edge of the woods. He chuckled, and you heard the whoosh of a flame. You turned and your mouth fell open. He had conjured an entire campsite. The fire was contained within a stone structure, there was a clearing to sit, he’d even managed a few blankets.
"Surely this will suffice." He teased, a grin ghosting on his lips. You nodded, lamely, and grabbed a blanket.
"Can you be troubled with dinner?" You joked, and he raised an eyebrow at you.
"What do you want?" He asked, settling down onto the ground, long legs stretched before him.
"Oh I don't know, what's your favorite thing?" You mused, snuggling under the thick material. It was softer than cotton or wool, warm but not hot, heavy enough to provide weight without being unbearable. You closed your eyes, enjoying the feeling against your skin, and nearly dozed. He startled you when he began speaking.
"The perfect night-meal is a sampling of delicacies. But the most exquisite taste is fresh champagne from the springs on Alfheim. Poured lazily by the Pleasure Elves, of course." You laughed.
"Pleasure Elves and champagne springs, what the hell are we still doing here?" He chuckled and adjusted the blanket around his shoulders, before looking at you seriously.
"I will show you Alfheim, if you wish." You resisted shuddering under his intense gaze. You could barely meet his eyes, a deep, dark green that rivaled the evening forest.
"I'd like that, someday. For now, dinner. Can you do...pizza?" You asked, smiling broadly. He frowned, clearly disgusted.
"I could, but I would not. Is that truly what you crave? Greasy, unimaginative mortal food?" You shrugged. "Very well." With a flick of his wrist, he brought forth two wrapped sandwiches. Curious, you pulled the wrapper off and smiled happily.
"A cheeseburger! How is that better than pizza?" You asked, laughing and taking a bite. You watched him peel the wrapper with grace, only touching the burger with his fingertips.
"I'm not sure. Thor described them much better than they appear." He seemed vaguely disgusted.
"We could have had alien food." You told him, laughing at his discomfort. He rolled his eyes at you.
"Technically, darling, you're the alien here." His matter-of-fact tone wrecked your mood. The way he said "darling" was more like an insult. How could he conjure burgers and then ruin the moment so seamlessly.
You didn't respond, just silently tucked into your sandwich. You still needed to work out how you were going to break his trust anyway. It couldn't be too clever, you thought. Just clever enough that it seemed like it would work, but not clever enough that he would suspect another attempt.
You were so lost in thought that you didn't see the way he studied you, mapping your face, reveling in how the starlight splayed shadows on you. He had put you in green as a joke, but lounging fireside under the thick blanket, you looked at home in the deep shade of mid-summer forest green.
You finished the burger and tossed the wrapper remains into the fire. You turned to find Loki already looking at you, he lifted a corner of his mouth but remained silent.
"I'll take first watch." You told him, hiding a yawn behind your hand. He waved you off with a flick of his wrist.
"Sleep. I'll watch over you." He watched you as he spoke, and you felt his dark eyes on you as you snuggled your way into the blanket nest. The fatigue from the battle with Thanos, and the rush of adrenaline from finding Loki and talking with Dr. Strange, and the long walk through the field came crashing into you all at once. Your eyes closed of their own Accord, and your limbs followed soon after tingling with sleep.
"G'night, Mayhem." You mumbled, your mouth and brain mostly asleep. You were drifting off, even as you said it, but you heard his response.
"Good night, darling." You smiled as you fell further asleep, his tone softer than it had been.
As sleep began to take you under, quieter than before, you heard Loki mumble to himself.
"Damn. She's adorable." When you awoke, you wouldn't remember, as it were, you barely heard it at all. Proof, you thought dreamily. It was proof, that Loki wasn't all bad.
You blinked hard against the morning light and groaned as you rolled over. You remembered where you were quickly, the hard ground your first clue. The event of the previous day hit you at once, and you sat up quickly, scanning for Loki. You started to panic, he had slipped off during the night, and now you were alone on an unfamiliar world.
“Shit.” You cursed, rising to your feet.
“What?” You whirled on the voice and sighed deeply when you saw the God of Mischief staring back at you.
“I...thought you left.” You admitted, stretching your back out. His smile faltered a bit.
“I did not. I found breakfast.” He told you, tossing you something that looked like an apple. You smiled sheepishly.
“You didn’t wake me.” You said, and he merely shrugged. “You haven’t slept.” You continued, unsatisfied with his nonchalance.
“I was dead yesterday, darling. I think I can manage without one night’s rest.” You winced at his nickname for you. It dripped with venom and mistrust.
“Don’t act offended, Mayhem. Betrayal is literally your middle name.”
“What do you know of betrayal? Hmm?”
“Plenty. You may have cornered the market, but you didn’t trademark it.”
“I would not simply slink away in the dead of night. I am Loki, prince of Asgard, the rightful king of Jotunheim, and the God of Mischief, and I do not lurk in the shadows. My betrayal would be right in front of you, rest assured.” You scoffed, as you watched him pontificate.
“What do your titles get you here?” You asked and smiled in triumph when his face fell. You turned the fruit over in your hand, and looked back at him. “I’m sorry I thought you left, thanks for the fruit.” You mumbled, guilt already eating away at you. Why did his crestfallen face split you in two so quickly? You bit into the apple, and winced right away. It definitely wasn’t an apple. The texture was similar to a kiwi, but the flavor was unlike anything you’d ever had.
“It’s a local fruit, not one I’m familiar with.” He explained, his voice tight. “It isn’t dangerous.” You furrowed your brow to object, but he held his hands up. “I had one already to test it.”
“Thank you, Mayhem.” You told him, genuinely thankful. He waved the campsite away, and the two of you began your trek through the dense forest. The dark green clothes helped camouflage you as you picked your way through the vegetation, and while you knew he had done it to get a rise out of you, you were thankful to be out of the clingy spandex uniform you normally wore.
You had been training with Nat when the first power surge flowed through your fingertips, and the blast produced was golden. Nat must have alerted Tony, because within the hour you had a brand new, golden suit. You looked like an asshole, flying around in a shimmery gold suit, but no one would change it. Friday had told you to “Fuck off,” and that was the end of it. You’d become the Golden Avenger in the news, but everyone called you stone. It was a horrible joke, born out of horrible circumstances. You looked like a walking gauntlet, and you were treated that way too.
You focused harder on the ground, stepping around massive root systems, and avoiding areas where the ground had sunk into itself. Loki was right. You hated that you were thinking about it now. No one had truly accepted you as an avenger, except Nat. It was hard for them, you understood. The thing that gave you power was the same event that had destroyed them. But, it isn’t like you wanted it. You hadn’t asked Thanos to do this, you didn’t have control over the events that led to your origin. Yet, the first chance they got, they sent you away. You were the outlier, you were the uncertainty, and you were safer kept at arm's distance. Why else send you on an obvious goose chase with a wanted intergalactic villain?
You glanced at your traveling companion, and found him deep in thought as well. His brow was creased, and his mouth was set. He looked handsome, bathed in the filtered sunlight and the flecks of gold illuminated his dark features. He flicked his eyes at you, and relaxed his mouth into a small smile.
“Shouldn’t be long now.” He told you quietly, and you found yourself wondering what he was thinking about. His double-cross to you? You needed to hammer your own plan together, but it could wait, you thought. You didn’t want to think too hard about it.
“Good, it’ll be nice to get a real seat,” You laughed and he smirked at you. “Is Alfheim your favorite place?” You asked, thinking about the pleasure elves, you could see the appeal. He cocked his head to the side, a ghost of a real smile playing on his lips.
“No, Asgard was my favorite place.” He murmured, and you wanted to disappear. Of course, his world was just destroyed, what a dumb question.
“Sorry Mayhem, I didn’t think…” Your apology died on your tongue, as he began chuckling.
“Don’t fret, darling. I’m not that fragile.” He teased. Your heart was firmly lodged in your throat, stuck from embarrassment, but remaining still as you realized he had softened your nickname. No longer did your skin crawl, instead, a warmth spread through your chest. His soft tone had rendered you speechless, dumbfounded, but you hoped he wouldn’t notice. What could you say? I was embarrassed at having brought up a potentially sensitive subject, and then you called me a flirty name and now my tongue is heavy. Why would it even matter? You were going to betray him, and then he would betray you. It was what your master plan was hinged on. Who cared if he was soft and pretty?
“Truly, it is not an issue.” He continued, confused, searching your face.
“Tell me about it?” You managed to squeak out, and you caught the look he gave you, the look of skepticism.
“It was a Golden City, built up in the mountains, and the rainbow bridge connected it to the bifrost. It was devastatingly beautiful. That was only the Palace, though. The forests around the city were as cruel as they were beautiful. It truly was a world fit for gods.” He looked wistful, and you pretended not to see the tears welling up. “Where is your favorite place?” He asked abruptly, and you smiled happily.
“You remember that place I took you yesterday, when I plucked you from the debris in space?” You asked, waiting for an answer. When he nodded, you continued. “It was my attempt at freedom. I had just broken up with a man who controlled me, and well, it was a little crappy, but it was mine, y’know? I had just gotten back in touch with my family who I had been cut off from, and it was so right. I was only there for a few months before Thanos’ attack.” You told him, fiddling with your sleeve, swallowing hard. “It was the first taste of happiness I had, and then it was taken from me just as suddenly as I had gotten it.” You wiped your eyes and cleared your throat.
“I know a great deal about that, darling.” He reassured you, and you were surprised to feel the pressure of his hand on your back. You gave him a tight small, and felt the smallest tendrils of affection reaching out to you. You widened your smile and turned to the forest before you.
“What’s your favorite power, then?” You asked, falling in step beside him. He laughed.
“Power?” He asked, and you rolled your eyes.
“Yes, your powers?” You wiggled your fingers, knowing he’d never done anything like that.
“It’s magic, darling.” He rolled his eyes at you, but you could tell it was playful.
“Whatever, your magic. What’s your favorite spell?” He chuckled at you.
“Duplication-casting, then.” You raised an eyebrow.
“What’s that? Conjuring?”
“They’re two completely different powers.” He explained with a long, suffering sigh.
“So, they are “powers” now?” You asked, laughing.
“Norns, you are so aggravating.” He huffed.
“Well, why duplication-casting? Why not the poison one?” You asked. He raised an eyebrow.
“What poison one?” He asked, looking confused.
“You can have poison without it hurting you.” You told him plainly.
“No, I cannot.” He was genuinely confused at this point, and you held your hands up.
“But you tested the fruit for me.” You told him, confused. He blinked slowly at you, and your face fell in realization. He had been protecting you. And immediately you treated him like a monster.
“Mayhem, I’m…” He fixed his lips into a small line. You were trying to form an apology, clearly you were the one deserving the monster treatment. You had actively plotted against him since you had landed, and he had done nothing but try to make you comfortable. He raised a finger to his lips, his face hard. You heard it then, the crunching of leaves and splintering of sticks underfoot. You were no longer alone with the God of Mischief.
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i lost the post i had that gave all of caragan’s info, so i’ll just post it again here. first pic is caragan after they die, because only obey me could drive me to design a character post-death 
i did design the sigils myself. then i added the sin marks from the cards, put that little pact symbol on it, and i took the original symbols from the actual demons and simplified/altered them. because i didn’t think it was a good idea to use the actual symbols. don’t wanna manifest something ya know lmao 
very long info dump under the cut. (info dump is copied from the post i lost) and yeah, caragan is a generic super powerful protagonist. so prepare for cheese 
likes: drawing, reading, gaming, and staying at home. they are drawn to dark things; horror, dark colours, literally most things dark.
home/family: they live alone, but near their parents, and they visit almost daily. they have a cat and three snakes (while caragan is away, the fur and scale babies are taken care of, don’t worry) 
age: 27 yrs old, born Jan 7th 
gender: nonbinary, they/them 
height: 4′10 / 147 cm
occupation: part time job, they also make bits and bobs to sell; art, crochet, etc. they went back to college too (and how they signed up for a certain exchange program; in my headcanon, they signed up for it and expected something mundane) then, after their first visit to the devildom, they start learning about the peace that diavolo proposed in their own time, and volunteer for the human organizations involved 
the design after they die: neither angel or demon, appearance shows physical attributes of both. (i also have a lot of post-death info, but… this is already so much, so i will leave it out) the ref i made is below: (worth noting that before their “fall,” using the term very, very loosely, everything on them that is red was white)
they wear all black with small, brightly coloured accessories 
brightly coloured accessories are normally bracelets, scarves, or pins. socks are also always nauseatingly bright 
casual outside attire: black hoodie, black t shirts, black ripped jeans, and converse 
casual around the house attire: grey sweatpants, obnoxious socks, a tank top, and sometimes a sweater or jacket they’ve stolen from the brothers 
formal attire: usually a suit, but asmo can convince them to wear a dress by finding amazing ones and wearing a dress too 
school uniform: jacket sleeves rolled up, or while in classrooms, off completely. no tie, ever. dress pants, wears black flats instead of dress shoes. during their first year, they kept their hair in a ponytail in class 
always wearing their favourite necklace 
first year piercings:
left ear - bar piercing in top, three normal piercings on bottom
right ear - three normal piercings on bottom 
second visit piercings:
left ear - same
right ear - three normal piercings on bottom, and two new normal piercings on top 
they wear binders to their classes and almost always when they go out for less active shenanigans 
rarely wears a binder in the house of lamentation; the first thing they take off when they get home 
hair is greying on both sides of their head, also some greys on top
always, always has dark circles and bags under their eyes 
brothers + romance: they are absolutely smitten with all of them, and they are very blunt and obvious about it. their favourite, though, is beel. this is kept as plainly obvious as their feelings for the others. since they love all of the brothers, they don’t hide their attraction to anyone. for the most part, it works out. 
pact mark locations:  (see first ref pic) 
lucifer - throat 
mammon - upper back 
leviathan - lower back 
satan - left inner thigh 
asmo - right inner thigh 
beel - right inner wrist 
belphie - left inner wrist 
overall, they’re very shy and awkward, and they like to joke around to cover it up. generally quiet, even around those they’re comfortable with. (they don’t talk a lot unless they’re having a ‘moment’ - a day where they’re hyperactive) they have crippling anxiety and depression, but the medication they take eases it. gets irritable around loud noises/people. they make an attempt in having a decent sleep schedule, but most nights they’re awake for hours longer than they intend to be. sleep schedule is more erratic when in the devildom. (probably belphie’s fault.) 
everything below is uh… like, how they act/react to the other characters.  
lucifer:  they mirror what lucifer offers them; if he’s being soft, they will be soft in turn. if he is upset with them, they will apologize and attempt to do better, and they expect the same if the roles are reversed. stuff like that. they don’t openly flirt with lucifer the same way they do some others, instead they focus on gentle interactions. they kept close to lucifer when they first arrived in the devildom (when mammon ditched them) because they deemed him more trustworthy than anyone else. 
mammon:  when with mammon, every filter caragan has is demolished instantly. given mammon never tried to kill or charm them, they grew to respect him very quickly. they also don’t treat mammon like an idiot; they’ve dealt with that themselves enough. yes, they tell him off for doing things that will very clearly come back to bite him in the ass, but they never target his intelligence because they know he’s smarter than he lets on. they openly flirt with mammon because they like to make him blush. they both get into trouble often, but they have each others’ backs throughout. 
leviathan:  they don’t spend as much time with leviathan, but they do enjoy his company. they usually lock away their info dumping and interests, but not with leviathan. he gets to gush about the things he loves, and they match his energy. he tries to offer the same courtesy. they also like to flirt with leviathan to make him blush, but they don’t do it as heavily or as often because his rejections/self deprecating comments make them feel bad. they are also thankful that they can talk to him about their anxiety and he understands it. they rarely call him “levi.” 
satan:  they also don’t spend as much time with satan, but less so than leviathan. they can’t help but feel stupid when they’re with him, so they don’t socialize with him often. buuut any time he offers to socialize, they don’t turn him down. in fact, caragan gets excited. he’s also where they turn to when they’re struggling with their studies or curious about something demon related. they do attempt to joke around and flirt with him, but it’s like a game of chicken, and caragan always ducks out. fairly quickly, too. 
asmodeus:  caragan adores asmo, but they can’t really place why. they also consider him as much a work of art as he does himself. they are very soft with asmo and they rarely flirt with him in a conventional way. even though they reject most sexual advances, they are as handsy as asmo is. asmo is their official cuddle buddy and they love to shower him in gentle affection. if asmo is in sight, they can often be caught staring. at first, they’re very embarrassed by this, and the brothers poke fun. eventually, though, they’re utterly shameless and just widen their smile if asmo catches them. 
beelzebub:  they love beel more than life itself, and that is absolutely not an exaggeration. at first, they were very avoidant and anxious when it came to beel, but when they started to hang out with him, they found him very easy to be around. the attraction started then, but then became way too strong when beel went into full demon mode over his custard. (mood) they started following him around everywhere. they continued that trend well into the year and the following visit. they’re very affectionate and clingy, sitting his lap and hugging him constantly. they carry around as many snacks as their pockets can hold for beel and beel only. 
belphegor:  they knew from the start that belphie was lying to them in the attic and probably meant them harm, but they never held it against him. they never really held their death against him either. they’re quiet around belphie for the most part, even when they started to like him. they often nap with him (against their better judgement) too. the two of them talk a lot about their ideal “me and you and beel” future. more than is healthy. their conversations outside of that are often filled with snark and a weird tension that caragan doesn’t understand. it usually melts away after a cuddle and a nap, though. 
diavolo:  they instantly liked diavolo. they’re very cautious and anxious around him, but they try to be warm in their interactions with him. they do call him “lord diavolo,” and treat him with due respect. he usually throws them for a loop with most things he does, but they try to keep up and be understanding. they have a strong need to get closer to him, for reasons that they don’t understand or even try to understand. they don’t do much about it either. his demon form causes them to become flustered. very flustered. the not-oblivious brothers tease them for it. they have such a huge crush on him. 
barbatos:  they don’t interact with him that much, or try to interact with him outside of things that are necessary. they have nothing against him, they just don’t feel the need to. they’re very polite to him, as polite as they are to diavolo. while they’re curious about him, they don’t go out of their way to interact with him. there’s really not much there besides mild curiosity. 
solomon:  they think he gives off a copious amount of mischievous vibes and it puts them off. at first. they are kind and polite towards him, and they would consider him a friend. the friendship is essentially that “we have no friends in this class so we will become friends to fill the void. but only in this class. we will never speak to each other outside of this place.” it’s not nearly as specific, but that’s the flavour of friendship they have in the beginning. eventually, he grows on caragan and they end up looking forward to seeing him. they just find him very fun. 
simeon:  they think simeon is beautiful and has been caught staring almost as much as when they stare at asmo. with simeon though, they will never be shameless about their staring. they continue to be embarrassed about it forever. forever. they’re polite and kind to simeon, but they feel he keeps himself closed off from them. during their second visit to the devildom, with the play and all, they become a little scared of simeon. it doesn’t change the way they interact with him, but it does put them off for a bit. and after some overthinking, they end up being more drawn to him. 
luke:  they were very anxious around luke, at first. they don’t like kids, and generally become twice as awkward around them. eventually, they found him adorable. when they speak to him, they will focus on child logic, but they do speak to him the way they would speak to anyone. never patronising. happily helps him with studies if they can, gives him affirmation and reassurances whenever needed, and is protective. they have even been known to stand up to lesser demons when they target luke. (when simeon isn’t around; it’s rare) even though caragan is scared shitless the whole time, they try anyway. seeing as they’re only 4′10, they never make short jokes or anything of the like. when the brothers make short jokes, they shoot disapproving looks and will express disappointment if it drags on too long. 
the end of their life time:  they go on to live for a while, dedicating themselves entirely to diavolo on the human side of things, even becoming a public speaker for it. sharing their experiences n all that. which is something they’d never do for anything else. 
at a certain point though, about 50 yrs old or so, they do stop visiting the demon brothers because they’re getting old. they die shortly after in an accident. brothers don’t find out because caragan was already avoiding them. (though, there is general unease because of the bonds they have with caragan. they know something’s very, very wrong but not what. they fear the worst, and they’re right to.) 
but for all the things they did for “the cause,” they were to be judged in the celestial realm. (and… i see it as… in a horrible, horrible way, the big guy upstairs knew everything that would happen with lilith, and deemed her and her brothers an acceptable loss in exchange for peace. it was all orchestrated. i also think that diavolo knew the plan, for the most part. he has his own reasons for wanting the peace, but he does know what the plan was.) 
but they’re escorted to The Big Guy by simeon and luke (a cute reunion with hugs) and he straight up asks caragan what they want. like they can stay here, go to the devildom, or remain in the human realm. 
in any case, they’ll be given all the attributes needed to thrive in all three realms, but only if they continue in their trying to maintain peace. obviously, caragan is all for continuing. and of course, they choose to make their home with the brothers. god’s all like, “you will retain your angelic status, but you do have to fall to achieve the status of demon. are you sure?” they have to have demon attributes to ensure survival and comfort living among demons, so that’s why. 
and caragan straight up says, without missing a beat, “even heaven is hell without them.” everybody knows who they’re talking about. simeon is torn between “that’s so rude” and “that’s so sweet” and luke is horrified. god just laughs. 
they all talk a bit longer so caragan knows exactly what they’re getting into. they will have a lot of power as both angel and demon, but they have to keep their humanity in exchange for that power. which means, inevitably, their long life will become a curse. no human is built to live for a millennia, so it’ll take a toll on their mind and at the end of it all, they won’t be themselves anymore. 
caragan basically says, “yah, worth it. lezgo.” god hands them paperwork, some explaining what caragan is and why, as well as a peace treaty thing to give to diavolo when they get home. i was thinking it’d be something cheesy like “the treaty of the last fallen angel.” no more fallen angels after caragan, they fell so no one else has to again. idk, symbolism or something. but even the future angel/demon hybrids won’t have to fall. 
cue caragan yeeting themselves from the celestial realm. 
diavolo knows caragan’s about to fall (barbatos n all that) and gathers the brothers to the place it’ll be. caragan is just a ball of blue flames, then a crater, the brothers are baffled. 
falling hurts a shit ton (even without losing wings and all that), so caragan ends up crying, but they cry blood. (for angel reasons. i dunno why i think angels cry blood.) which drips from their face and onto the white fabric of the thing they’re wearing, and then everything white fades into a red, even the white of their eyes. (i want to try very roughly animating that one day.) 
then there’s another heart warming reunion, but also with a shit ton of heart break because not only did caragan die, they also just fell. the brothers are angy.
before the brothers can get all “let’s fight god,” caragan hands diavolo the paperwork, all of which he reads out loud for the brothers. 
uh. roll credits. 
just tidbits:
caragan is an angel of perseverance and a demon of despair. 
they have six wings and six eyes on each wing. 
their halo was a tangible ring of golden light, but when they fell, it became horns. but like… still in a ring shape. still a halo. just different. 
they are barefoot in their angel/demon form because they have talons and also just… hate shoes. 
when all the white turned red, all the gold turned silver. 
they look as they did during their second visit to the devildom when they enter their “afterlife.”  
their human form is also just… them. hoodie, ripped jeans, everything, they’re just themselves. 
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fulcrum-agent · 3 years
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008. Adroid [FFXIVwrite2021]
"So just...pick a big room?" she asks the punkish apparition, head canting a little.
The redhead nods, smirking a little. "You're a clever girl, Quil - I trust ya won't pick somewhere with so little space, the bulkheads get blown up."
There's the briefest moment of blue screening brain at the compliment, but it's gone in a microsecond.
"'Cept when it comes to that other thing you brought up," she chides, crossing her arms and leaning against the wall. "That was stupid as fuck, and we're gonna be discussin' it when you're done kicking this Miqo'te about."
Quila can't help but wince, giving the Arcadia a sheepish expression.
All the apparition does to such is wave her hand a little dismissively. "I said later. Call your new potential toy - just be sure ta gimme a show~."
Then just like that, Quila's alone again. Sort of. Mostly. Sighing, she reaches up for the linkpearl that's paired to her tomestone. "Karuis...found us a place to train."
"Ah, and here I thought I was gonna resign to watching the rain bounce off the bulkhead. Where am I meeting you?"
Xe has busied xemselves with taking up a curled up position somewhere in one of the Outlaw's more out of the way pieces of real estate, some cross beams nearby to some of the larger guns. Xe hops down from their Miqo accessible locale as xe wait for the exact location, tail flicking idly behind xem.
"You grab a place ground side, I assume?
"Nah. Arcadia's letting us pick a room," she explains but doesn't. "I figure one of the cargo bays is gonna be best, yeah?"
She's already making her way through the massive ship. She's trying to find where the cargo bays actually are, given she's near the bridge out of habit.
"Long as we have permission, that's fine with me. And aye, cargo bay works fine."
Xe didn't really require an explanation, everything after talking house, living through the memories of others, a massive skeleton trying to kill xem, and whatever the fuck the past few moons have been...
Xe assumes the Arcadia is just as alive as anyone else, and she told Quila what room to use. As xe make their way over to the other airship, xe give some idle thoughts to where precisely in the cargo bay they were meeting before deciding that finding out could be the adventure. Xe gives a slight bow of respect as xe come aboard the Arcadia before xe start moving like a shade through the halls, the map the Viera had shown before of this great airship bouncing about between their ears; as xe try to find... oh, there she is. By providence, luck, or maybe just The Arcadia being well designed xe spot the Garlean and give a half-wave, tail flicking behind xem.
"Didn't get lost, did we? Would be a little concerned if you did."
"Pfft, she'd let me if only to watch in sadistic amusement," she chirps as she turns, startling a little physically due to their lack of footfalls. "But, there are multiple cargo bays here. This is just the first one I've found. This ship is MASSIVE, and I feel like it's some sort of game to her to not just...give me a map."
"I could certainly see that; watching people wander around aimlessly can be pretty hilarious." The Seeker blinks at the noise before rubbing the back of their head as xe put on a small smile. "Sorry, someone had the bright idea to put a bell on me when I was young, fucking menace ever since, apparently. But! I have a map.. kind of, at least I remember the floor plans or whatnot. Rika managed to snag, so I mostly know my way around.. but that doesn't stop me from being thankful that I haven't gotten lost.. yet."
Xe glances about the cargo bay for a moment before turning their gaze back to her and motioning to her, finding a nearby support beam to lean on.
"So, what's the plan for today? Am I starting with teaching you the basics of Thavnarian dance fighting, or are we sparring to see where you are in hand to hand generally and working from there?"
At this point, she's in a pair of shorts (black), stockings (dark purple), her almost-trademark boots (black & gold), and one of those tank tops that the Isghardians were handing out to crafters (wine red). While she doesn't have Talekeeper with her, at least, as far as can be seen, she's still wearing the Warmage magicite Locke'd given her as a pendant to the collar she seems to wear 24/7.
When he speaks of the bell, she ends up giggling a little, trying to picture xe with a collar bell...which was surprisingly easy.
"I'm thinking we try some hand-to-hand so you can figure outplacement," she notes with something of a wicked grin, suddenly ramping towards manic. "Just don't go easy on me."
Xe has swapped over to something more warm with their Bozjan coat now missing for The Twelve only know how long. So the Seeker has thrown on a currant purple anemos gambison, some modified jet black strife pants, and one of their constantly swapping pairs of combat boots, these ones an Alliance make in soot black. Xe still has the twin onyx and dark amber revolvers gifted to xem by Locke on their belt though, besides that, xe aren't carrying any type of polearms. The two accessories that stand out are a watch on their left wrist that has a faint hint of aetheric energy coming off of it and a dull grey gunmetal tin clipped on their right, just about the size of a soul stone.
Xe raises a brow at the snickering and just shake their head a little; that smile from before staying before it turns into a grin at she's request.
"I wasn't planning on it; it wouldn't be an accurate assessment if I did take it easy. So I'll give you one warning before we do go; if you're gonna try and flow again, I'll start using my stone. On your mark, Aquila."
As soon as those words leave the Seeker, their demeanour switches with all the effort of a light switch, mismatched gaze narrowing as xe drop into a defensive stance, the style more reminiscent of an Imperial martial discipline than anything else.
"I uh...kinda don't know how to make those moves otherwise, so game on?" she replies as she falls into...absolutely no stance. There's nothing. Her stance is absolutely neutral all around, and suddenly, all but the most necessary of movements evaporates as she begins to focus on xem. It's slow, but there's a pronounced shift in her entire being, down to an aetheric level. A change she doesn't seem to be aware of.
She's almost maddening to fight. Any and all movement happens with barely a microsecond of warning, yet all of them still flow as though she's dancing, not fighting. Even watching the triangle, her telegraphs are tiny as hell; she always falls back to neutral if there's time, otherwise flowing from one motion to the next as xe fight.
And just like that, she blinks into the Lifestream to close the distance, ejecting just in reach of xe - as she had on the deck, only this time with the intent of actually striking him right in the solar plexus.
Xe would have clarified that xe head meant the blinking manoeuvre, but when xe takes in that she lacks stance, any of those thoughts leave xir mind. The Seeker catches the shift instance, their ears pinning back and tail puffing up as xe prepare for that same focus xe encountered on the deck of The Outlaw.
The dance-like flow to the spar thus far and the speed on display put the Seeker right in their element, moving with all of the grace that being both a Miqo'te and professional performer granted them as xe keep in sync with the Garlean. The Seeker shifts between and around styles like breathing the longer the fight goes on, prodding and poking at her defences to find her responses and strengths to certain things. The Seeker seems to favour a style favoured by Doman resistance cells, sending out elbows and fist and knee strikes in rapid succession.
Like a viper, the Seeker waited for that shift in the air as she went into the Lifestream. Xe know that point for point, xe weren't going to be able to match the manoeuvre for sheer speed, so instead, xe rely on the anticipation of the strike's previous flow. With an utter lack of hesitation, the Seeker moves to send out a swift dragoon kick, less focused on power but more on sheer speed as it snaps the air around the two. xir's body twists for the kick and hopefully moves the blow to somewhere less disastrous should it land. Xe was not about to hold back here, she deserved the Seeker at their best, and xe weren't one to disappoint.
Given that xe is a clever catte, xe'll quickly pick up on certain hallmarks of what she's capable of combatively: one of her biggest strengths is the lack of movement telegraphing, as it makes finding any sort of opening complex, at first. While her eyes seem to be unfocused, she locked onto the triangle that's formed by the Miqo'te's collarbones and sternum, that distant gaze seeming to more stare into their soul than past xem.
Blinking back into a kick sends her strike wide, the palm of her hand skimming along the side of his leg as she adjusts to try and block the kick before sliding around the side of Karius' body. Should she slide past him, her next attack is towards the middle of his lower back - another snapping strike with a bit of aether behind it, her second hand following to make a small follow-up strike.
With a better sense of what xe were working with when it came to her, the Seeker decides to switch up tactics. Xe shifts energy from trying to read the Garlean's movements to instead focusing on following through on their own and keeping a sense of spatial awareness in the room. Xe decides to eat the strike to their lower back, the energy needed to counter that far too much of a gamble; the weaker follow-up was a different story, however.
Turning on a dime on their heel, xe move to face she, using the speed and momentum of the rapid turn to try and veer the strike off to their left with their palm. Now fully facing she and the distance relatively short, xe go on the offensive, taking a far more aggressive stance as xe unleash a combination of palm and knee strikes. Xe wasn't relying on all of them to hit but instead overwhelming the other fighter with a complete switch from their previously tight defence. Xir's aim at the moment seemed to get the two of them out to a far smaller section of the cargo bay or at least push them to fight closer to this area.
Surprisingly, she doesn't smile at landing the strike. In fact, her expression is little more than deadpan as xe launch the continuous series of strikes. At first, she manages to keep up on blocking or redirecting the hits, but the longer xe continues the tactic, the more she has to pivot or dodge than she does block. Finally, it's becoming clear xir is going to overwhelm her with the rapid strikes...
...and as the Miqo'te overwhelms her, she blinks into the Lifestream, crossing through xe before flashing back into existence at their back. She's already executing a roundhouse kick as she solidifies, aiming for her opponent's middle back.
The Seeker was not about to let up the advantage of xir's rapid combos as xe continues to press her further into the smaller section of the cargo hold, boots squeaking against the metal floor as their speed increases. xe were, however, incredibly aware that xe couldn't keep it up forever; either she would come right for their throat or-
The sensation of being teleported through gets xem to shiver, warning xem what may be coming alongside dreading that blink. Unfortunately, there just isn't enough time for xem to dodge the strike, at least not in a way that wouldn't give her another big opening to exploit. So xe quickly turn on their heel and brace their arms up to catch the blow, which still sends the Seeker sliding back and does some solid damage. Xe hiss in pain as xe take a moment to centre xemselves before rushing into the Garlean's space. xir's method swaps now to something far faster, using their stone to gather as much momentum and speed as xe can while bleeding into these dancer-like strikes and spins. Thavnairian dance fighting, and xe gave her a crash course like an Imperial locomotive coming down the tracks.
Active learning at this speed is possible for the Warmage, though it was more of a slow build-up rather than a sudden gift of knowledge the way it can be when there's less going on. Falling back to focusing on dodging more than redirecting or blocking, xe would start to notice the more xe does a particular mood or technique, the more likely it is that she works it into her side of the fighting. With movements the Miqo'te's using heavily, she can almost perfectly mirror them; with the less frequent movements, she's a little unstable and erratic, her form nowhere near as tight and proper.
The continued attacks again start to press her, causing her to play defensive more than offensive.
Xe's next high kick ends with a different result: she doesn't attempt to block, redirect, or dodge such the way she has been. No, instead, she just...bends back at the waist, forming an almost perfect arch as her hands drop to the floor behind her. And then she pushes her feet off of the floor, intent of kicking her opponent with each foot as she shifts into a handstand before vaulting from such to her feet - facing xe, but several fulms away now.
As xe starts to notice she putting xir's techniques into her fighting styles and the like, that.. certainly gets a reaction from xem. But, then, something snaps from behind their crimson and amber eyes. The Seeker continues darting into she's space as much as xe can up until that next high kick, eyes going a bit wide as xe watch that arch and then the kick lands.
The hit lands nicely and sends xe sliding back, getting their tail to puff up and to show off their sharp canines, which are considerably sharper and pointed than even a vast majority of Keepers. Unfortunately, this fact doesn't stay in the spotlight for long as black aether sparks around xem as xe concentrates on their stone and go on an onslaught. Xe was going to put pressure on the fact she couldn't precisely copy their techniques perfectly or keep up with their speed to the same extent. If she continued using flow, then xe wasn't going to go easy, sending forth kick after dashing elbow to shin strike. One of the main strikes xe go into xe get right in her face and attempt a sweeping kick the Garlean before spinning into another kick to her midsection.
The initial onslaught causes her to start losing ground rapidly, causing her to dart backwards as she refocuses on trying to dodge as many of the strikes as possible. However, the moment the Seeker starts to focus on her face, she blinks backwards three separate times - putting as much distance as possible between them. Although she retreats, xe' leg sweep fully lands while the second is more of a light graze across her stomach.
She crashes to the floor as she exists the Lifestream the third time, rolling several times due to the force of the impact. Such is only stopped when the back of her upper body slams into the metal wall with a loud clanging thud. For a few heartbeats, she's propped up against the wall before her eyes fully roll back into her head as she falls sideways.
Xe was in the zone and was hard-pressed to get out of it, especially with the amount of blinking around the place that she was doing. Despite the serious expression on their face, xe were having so much fun with all of this. Xe goes to try and bring down another combination when xe hear that crash.
Xe pauses a few fulms away from the Garlean before their eyes go wide, and xe dart over to her side. Then, cursing under their breath as xe tries to force xemselves to not only calm down but try to figure out what might be wrong with their limited medical experience.
"Shit, shit... Aquila, are you alright?"
((Adapted from an RP session with Karuis.))
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writing-the-end · 4 years
WS Chapter 46- Woodland Mansion
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Some good times....and not so good times. Ecto certainly has the right idea, but which path forward is the right one? Should they wait, or charge ahead? And what does Ecto have planned? 
Red belongs to @theguardiansofredland​
Ecto belongs to @cooler-cactus-block
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Warning: some mild violence and action. 
The darkened halls stretch beyond the open mouth to the mansion, only a few torches casting dim, dying light down the corridors of dark wood. Hisses and groans echo across the wood panels and thin carpet, as well as low rumbles of distant voices. 
“Are we sure Red went in here?” Avon questions. She knows she saw Red running this way, but would he have noticed the unnerving energy of the creepy mansion? 
Ecto dares to step into the foyer, kneeling down and picking something up from the blood red carpet. She lets it dangle from her fingers so Avon can see. Rainbow beads clatter and twist around the gold chain. Such a small accessory, but both know exactly what it is. “He was here.” 
Avon flutters before Ecto, pausing to brush her wings across the carpet. Searching for traps. Ecto keeps a keen eye for enemies and for Red. The skin on her neck prickles, feeling like she’s being watched by a hundred eyes. When she turns around, she is in fact being watched. Watched by a hundred red, shimmering eyes in the darkness from the rafters. The spider crawls, intent on Avon just ahead. Ignoring Ecto, focused on the person who doesn’t see it. Massive pinchers, each as sharp as axe blades, quietly tap together. The spider coils to attack. 
Ecto throws her sword. It may not be an arrow, or a trident. She could have waited until it was on her level to fight. It’s definitely not what her weapon is meant for. But it strikes true, gutting the monster before it can attack her friend. No one attacks Avon except for Ecto. 
Avon peeks around a corner, grabbing Ecto and pushing her tight against the wall. “There’s three people ahead. All have some nasty looking axes. A skeleton in the corner as well.” 
Ecto dares to look down the hall, the pale grey skins of illagers like spirits haunting the corridors. Low, gravelly voices roll from the conversation. Something about trees, something boring. “Let’s surprise attack them.” 
Ecto slips into the room  behind them, silent footsteps across the aged wood floor. Keeping to the edges, where it’s less likely to creak. Avon’s wings beat silently, hopping and hovering along. She has no clue what Ecto is planning. She never has any clue what Ecto is planning. 
Which is why Ecto’s plans always work. In all honesty, she never has a plan. That’s her plan. No one can guess what she’s doing when she doesn’t know herself. She presses herself against the thin wood paneling, the deep voices of the vindicators just on the other side. She can practically feel the life being sapped from her, the ill aura opposite of the wood gasping for life. Ecto pulls back her sword, angling it at the aged wood. Her tongue sticks out as she takes a deep breath, then plunges her sword through the planks. 
And into the vindicator on the other side. Avon curves the throw of her trident, killing the skeleton before it can nock an arrow. The two step out, and in swift and simultaneous attacks they take out the remaining vindicators. The fight is over before the enemies even had a chance to wield their own weapons.
The duo clear rooms together. Fighting side by side. Ecto’s unusual tactics and impulsive attitude makes her a great fighter, with no fear of taking the lead into the next room. Avon’s training and agility puts her in the middle (or above) the fight. Locating the most dangerous foes and stopping them before they can get close to Ecto. Hardly a scratch befalls either one. Alone, they’re great fighters. Together, Ecto and Avon are undemisable. 
“We’ve searched every room on this floor, do you think Red went up to the second floor?” Avon pulls her trident free from the corpse of a creeper, gunpowder mixing with the blood and skin of the monster. Avon had seen wet footprints, about the size that matched their little friend, and a few rare signs of fighting- but only with water. Red is here, but they haven’t seen her yet. 
Ecto looks at the ground, but the water has dried up. The trail the two observant runaways have been following has disappeared. Gone cold. “I can only assume that-” 
“Wait- hush.” Avon holds her hand up, head and hair flicking to the side. Ecto does hold her tongue for once. And in the silence of the deep, dark woodland mansion, they hear a sniffle. Through the walls, the two don’t even dare to breathe for fear of losing the quiet noises of their friend. They circumambulate around a wall a few times, like wolves sniffing out their prey. They soon figure out that Red has to be within the wall, but neither can find how to get in. How did Red even get in? 
Ecto grows tired searching for an answer, and decides to make her own. Similar to how she dug her sword to kill the vindicator, she shoves the blade through the thin crack in between wood panels, and pries the dark oak off the wall. She peeks through the window she’s made for herself, grinning to see exactly what she hoped to. 
Red is tucked in a corner, curled up as small as she can make herself. One sleeve has been unroled, streaks of damp tears across the grey fabric. “Guys?” 
“How’d you even get in here?” Ecto questions, squeezing herself through the small hole she tore through. She gets stuck halfway through, left to devices of Avon, who opens the panel just below. Ecto crashes to the ground, but bounces to her feet just as quickly as she fell. She brushes off the dust. 
“I-I’m sorry I yelled at you guys. I-” Red voice falters as the two come closer. He shouldn’t be apologizing. He meant what he said. But he said it so harshly, he could have hurt their feelings. 
“Let’s just get out of here.” Avon whispers. Ecto nods, holding out the string of beads that Red had dropped. A glimmer, a bubble of joy ripples through Red’s puffy eyes, clasping at the lost accessory and placing back in it’s rightful place on his vest. 
Avon takes hold of Red’s hand, and pulls her to her feet. A deep, growling noise echoes off the wood of the small, enclosed room. Reverberating against the stone pillars that hold up the staircase above them. But it’s no monster, no creature of the night. Well, unless the wanderers count midnight munchies as a monster. Red pouts. “Do you think there’s food somewhere here?” 
They haven’t had the chance to eat anything good for days. They hardly even had time to rest, much less gather food. Only what they find while walking has been their source of nourishment. And at the sound of one call, the others in the pack answer. All three wanderers are hungry. Ecto grimaces. “There’ gotta be some things we can loot around here. Maybe on the next floors.” 
At first, Avon wants to disagree, but she keeps her mouth closed. She’s hungry as well, and they are low on supplies. Avon and Ecto did well enough holding back enemies on the first floor, with Red in the mix they’ll only fare better. The three tiptoe out of the cupboard, keeping silent all the way up to the second floor. More monsters and illagers roam the halls. The wanderers can only stay unseen for so long. 
An arrow whizzes past Ecto’s face, ripping through the fabric of Avon’s cloak before falling at the feet of Red. A skeleton draws back it’s bow to fire another shot, intent on not missing Ecto’s chest this time around. 
Red shoots forward, sliding in front of Ecto. All three brace upon hearing the thwip of a bowstring letting loose it’s arrow. But instead of colliding with anyone’s body, the arrow is left suspended in water. A barrier of liquid, conjured through Red’s burgeoning magic, spans as a shield around all three. Red can’t help but grin back at her friends, coy and excited. Such an expression is contagious, and equally sly grins reach Ecto and Avon. 
A vindicator charges towards Red’s barrier, iron axe raised to plunge down over his wall. Ecto takes a deep breath, and pushes through the shield. Soaked but unstoppable, she plants her foot into the illager’s chest, jumping up as her sword slashes open her enemy. A few stray locks are blown free from Ecto’s view, wingbeats as Avon scouts ahead. Her trident runs through the brittle bones of a skeleton, throwing the blade into the ceiling and slaughtering the spider waiting to kill Red. 
It becomes a system with the wanderers. Avon forges ahead, taking out creepers and skeletons- ranged dangers. Preliminary threats. Ecto charges in as the calvary, working with Avon to slaughter the illagers and zombies. Red moves in during the fight, using her water magic as support. Whether it be a shield, a trap, or a distraction, Red has an answer with water.  Room by room, they clear and cleanse the dark hallways of the dank mansion. There’s not much in the way of treasure, but the trio does manage to find enough food and other supplies to stuff Red’s bag with. Enough to keep them going for at least another week on the run. 
The wanderers are unstoppable. No evoker, no vindicator, no skeleton or creeper could slow them down. They are even smiling, working together as a team. Seeing the joyous smirk on Red’s face as she throws up a rink of ice between her friends and her foes. Avon’s pride as her trident returns to her hand, the heavy thud of the loyalty bound to her soul. Ecto’s coy grin as she surprises her enemies with swift and stunning attacks. By the time the trio reaches the top floor, they’ve perfected working together. Red’s bag is so full of food and emeralds that the treasure haul is falling loose from the rim of her bag. 
Ecto taps her foot against a small statue, something that just fell out of the robes of the last evoker. The last enemy in the entire mansion. “This kinda looks like Fred.” 
Red hobbles over, catching a potato as it falls from his bag. Avon takes the uncooked spud, biting into it with a crunch. Red shivers at the noise, and Avon’s gusto for potatoes, before looking at the metal statue. Ecto wipes blood and dust from the emerald eyes, holding it out for Red. “You’re right. Do you think Scar got Fred from one of these places then?” 
“Why did Scar give that to you in the first place? We should’ve asked him last time we were with the Hermits.” Avon adds, wiping the potato juice from her lips. 
Red takes hold of Fred, feeling that odd zing up his spine. Energy flooding through from Fred. The golden gift from Scar has been hanging on Red’s bag, a constant companion on their journey. “I don’t know, but he said not to lose it. I’m sure there’s a reason he wanted us to have it, though I don’t know why. Maybe it’s like his magic crystals?” 
Ecto snorts, tossing the spare golden totem into a dusty corner of the room. “And we all know how well those work.” 
Avon peeks into Red’s bag, one hand still clutching her trident as the other takes inventory. “We have enough to keep us going for quite some time now. We won’t have to go hungry while we travel.” 
In the corner of the room, Ecto sets down a potted allium. She nearly squeezes it to the point of breaking, but turns around to face her friends instead. “Why should we keep running? Look at what we just did. We cleared out a whole woodland mansion together, and came out with only a scratch or two.” 
Red bites his lip, looking at Ecto’s determined face. Unyielding, that’s the best way to describe Ecto. Like a cactus in the desert, she’s unmoving, resilient to anything that tries to knock her down. Which also means she’s just as tough as a cactus. “Do you really think this can be comparable to the hellspawns?” 
“When we work together, we’re unstoppable!” Ecto grins, wrapping her arms around the shoulders of both her friends. Trying to instill some sense of camaraderie. “We’re strong enough to take on the whole nether, whatever those stupid hellspawns have waiting. We don’t need to keep running, the hellspawns won’t know what hit them if we go for their throats right now.” 
“This...this isn’t anything like the nether, Ecto. Have you ever been there?” Avon’s voice rises up, and for a second Ecto swears she can hear a hint of fear in Avon’s tone. A spark of dread in her eyes. “It’s nothing like the overworld, and nothing like the End. We can’t just be unstoppable- we have to be more than that. It’s too dangerous to go.” 
“Why are you so afraid of the nether, Avon?” Ecto pulls away, looking at Red. Hoping for the last one to back her up. 
“It’s just not a good place! I don’t like it, it’s hot and there’s lava everywhere. Ghosts that scream fireballs and monsters with fire for blood. It is no place for any of us, and we don’t even have armor!” 
“I’m sorry, Ecto. I know this was an awesome show of force, but Avon’s been to the nether before. She knows what’s on the other side of those portals.” Red bites his lip. He hates to have to pick a side. He wishes there was some sort of middle ground, a way to appease both of them. “It’ll just be a little longer till Selene is back with information. Then we can take action.” 
Ecto’s shoulders drop. Once again, the others don’t see her way of thinking. Her idea, her point of view. Once again, she’s the outsider, the odd one out. Red offers her hand, but Ecto just brushes past both of her friends. She doesn’t want Red’s sympathy. 
She wants action. And if they won’t take action, then she will.
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Things get darker right before they get brighter in the end, something three plucky teens are about to learn. Sometimes you just want that darkness to have never had a reason to come for you in the first place. One has to be careful what they wish for, of course.
Welcome to the end, friends
Danny was on the ground, unmoving.
The ghost left with a cheerful wave, saying, “Tata!”  Like he hadn’t just ruined their lives worse than the first time Tucker had heard Danny’s screams at their loudest.  Like it was simply a wonderful day and they had engaged in the most wonderful of conversations, not a fight that ended with one of them-
Danny was in Tucker’s arms, unmoving and pale.
Tucker was trying everything he could think of, removing most of Tucker’s tops and trying to perform every life-saving action he knew off, pressing against his chest, trying to breathe more breath into his lungs, keeping pressure on the bleeding and burnt wound when he saw it.
Danny was in Tucker’s arms, unmoving, pale, and bleeding.
Tucker knew everything was blurry because tears were clouding his vision.  He knew he was crying. He knew he was shaking with the force of his sobs and for once in his life, he couldn’t bring himself to give half a damn about that because Danny-
Danny was in Tucker’s arms, unmoving, pale, bleeding, and his heart wasn’t beating no matter how long Tucker listened for it.
Sam was doing something, pulling out Danny’s weapons, and Tucker wanted to scream at her that she’d done enough with Fenton weapons already.  He wanted to scream and rage at her for what she had done so far with Fenton Tech. He wanted to go to the Fentons and rip them all a new one for making what they made.
Because Danny was dead in Tucker’s arms, and screaming and crying were the only things he could do about it.
But he didn’t scream at Sam, he just watched as she pulled out one of Danny’s paintbrushes and dipped it in the ectoplasm of the cartridge in one of his guns.  She started drawing on Danny’s face, his arms, his chest, and then pulled out another cartridge of charged ectoplasm in another gun and poured it in Danny’s mouth, tilted his head so that he would swallow.  “Chant with me. Chant with me Tucker, we have to fix this!”
Tucker didn’t know any Hebrew, decided he’d learn both because Sam was his friend and because apparently, she could do things that could save their lives with it.  Tucker didn’t need to know what he was saying to say it, and he did say it, over and over again for the next 10 minutes, until the drawings on Danny’s body lit up like fire and every ray of light rushed toward him and everything went dark.  Tucker could hear the song of the universe dimming in his ears and knew nearly for a fact that Danny was sucking the ectoplasmic energy into him along with every other flavor of power within blocks of him. Tucker would let the sun itself go black just to hear Danny’s laugh again.
The darkness faded, Danny’s body was outlined in light, the markings were gone, and Danny groaned.  His chest rose and dropped, his heart was beating, color was coming back to his skin, he was as warm as he’d been since the accident.  Danny was alive in Tucker’s arms, and Tucker wanted to cry even harder than he already had. Instead, the put Danny’s binder back on him, Sam grabbed his shirt and jacket, and Tucker carried Danny out to their hoverboards.  They flew to Sam’s house, Tucker staying as high and close to the sun as he could to let Danny soak in all the light he needed. When they got to Sam’s house, Tucker didn’t let Danny go until he was being set on a love seat on Sam’s balcony.
There were, of course, jokes to be made about the way Danny curled up in the fleeting October sunlight and how his fluffball curls and height combined with this to make him much like a kitten.  Jokes about him being a cross between Superman and the Martian Manhunter could’ve also been made. Danny was a white-haired anime boy, that could be remarked upon with laughs aplenty. Tucker made no such jokes.
Tucker put to use the information he’d gathered at his last LARPing session at furrycon after a shank attempt by a guy who’d wandered into the park where he’d been LARPing at that took their cosplay a bit too seriously.  That being that leather was wonderful armor, silk blocked stabs fantastically when a blade slid through said leather, and that one should always wear cotton under silk anything because sweating to death after a fight near to death wasn’t fun.  He’d smacked a crazy guy upside the head and gotten a useful lesson out of that. Tucker’s older cousin could supply the leather, Sam could order fine silk jackets and pants for all of them, Danny had cotton shirts already, and Sidney offered to use intangibility to fuse the two together.  Tucker commented that the leather would look fitting on Sam since she was more of a punk anyway. She called him a furry, he called her a weeb, and they both explained the concepts to Sydney.
That was all fine and dandy against most blunt force, stabbing and slashing that even a ghost could probably do, but against ghosts and their intangibility, there were few places to go.  Sam had her magick book but Tucker didn’t want to touch on anything supernatural for a while and unless she could prove that her wards were working, he wouldn’t exactly trust Danny’s life with them.  Convincing Jack Fenton that he needed some easily worn and hidden accessory to prevent possession was almost sadly easy, the only condition being that Tucker had to wear one of those horrible looking hazmat suits.  Tucker let it hang in his closet, as he had no intention of matching Jack Fenton’s fashion sense.
One might feel that Tucerk and his friends were being a bit excessive in their measures to keep Danny padded up against the world, but such an individual hadn’t seen their best friend since age 1 die in front of them by the same person’s hand twice so that particular person could kindly go shove their opinion where the sun don’t shine in Tucker’s very polite opinion.
Danny himself was groggy for most of his recovery time and had clearly caught on that they were being extra protective of him.  While Sam was introducing Sidney to anime and videogames and Tucker was showing him the best comics and music, Danny always had whoever wasn’t with the others within arm’s reach.  He was jumpy when it came to his ghost sense telling him that Sidney was there, had his hood up whenever they were outside, and even though they’d been near forcing Agatha’s cooking down his throat at every meal they could, Danny had yet to Go Ghost.  Sam brought up the idea of taking down the shapeshifter and Danny balked at the topic, bringing up the frogs, the latest anime that she had shown Sidney or really anything else when she did this. Tucker was more than fine with this since no ghost mode meant no seeking out danger which meant that the only fights they were dealing with included Dash, Kwan and Dale making fun of them for being a furry, a weeb and a Fenton.  Seeing Sam put her martial arts to use when Dash tried to stuff Danny in a locker was worth the detention he got for tripping Dale as he rushed in to help. He spent it with Sam anyway so that was fine. If wanting Danny safer than Amity was selfish then Tucker was as far from selfless as possible.
“Hey, Danny,” Tucker said while he worked on finishing up the Spector Deflector that Dr. Fenton had started for him in Danny’s workshop.  “There’s a swap meet coming up in Harrison Park this Saturday. Wanna come with? I’m gonna get a set of dice if I can and see if I can show Sidney DnD.  Maybe we all can play even.” He grinned. “We can get you a new bowling ball so you can destroy Sam in bowling.”
“Bro, you’ll be wrecked with her,’ Danny challenged from where he drew in his art book instead of doing his homework.  Tucker was procrastinating by making ghost hunting tech, he couldn’t blame Danny. “That sounds cool.”
“Awesome.”  Tucker set down his tools and pulled up his safety goggles.  “Can you come over and poke this? Very lightly and just a little in case I’m as done as I think I am.”  Danny obliged and there was a loud SNAP accompanied by a yelp and Tucker patted Danny’s shoulder.  “Looks like I’m done with the internals. Now all I gotta do is adjust it so that it can ignore your ectosignature, and Sidney’s and Agatha’s, and it’ll really be done.”
“Done for your armor idea, right?”  Danny scoffed, slugging Tucker in the shoulder while he looked for the blueprint he’d downloaded of the part that’d track ectosignatures in the Fenton Finder.  “Sidney told me about it while we were watching Star Wars. Or should I call it his guard duty shift? Cause I know what you guys are doing and while I appreciate your concern over my safety, I’m the one with powers here.”
“20 hours straight of unconsciousness and tears say that superpowers don’t mean you don’t need protection against people with the same superpowers.”  Tucker huffed. “If we’d been wearing some armor like we’re making then that fish thing probably wouldn’t have been able to bite through me like it did.  Silk and piercing ya know.” He bumped shoulders with Danny when he went quiet and forced his lips up into a smile. “And besides, your parents have literally no fashion sense.  A leather jacket lined with silk? Leather pants, probably with studs in it since Sam is involved? Dude, that’s cool as fuck looking. You’ll be the best-dressed ghost out there.”  Danny laughed and shook his head. Tucker got to work setting up the design for the Fenton Fabricator™ to make for the Spector Deflector. He also considered asking for a cut of the royalties when the belt inevitably became a Fenton Brand item, since he’d finished it.  “You think putting on clothes in ghost form will invert their colors like your suit?”
“Fuck you, Tuck, now I have to find out.”  Danny huffed and Tucker snickered. For a moment everything was quiet, and then arms were wrapping around his middle.  “Thanks, Tuck. For everything.” Tucker looped an arm around Danny and smushed him against his side.
“That’s what bros are for, man.”  The room was a comfortable quiet after that.  The Fabricator and the generator were humming softly at the edge of Tucker’s once again human limited hearing, the only other sound was their breathing and - Tucker could swear - their heartbeats.  The air was charged with something more than ectoplasm and electricity and Tucker wasn’t sure if Danny knew that as well, but he knew that he could hardly know anything else right then. So naturally, Tucker lowered his hand at Danny’s side and started tickling him.  Danny squeaked, squealed out some giggles, and phased out of his grip when wriggling didn’t work.
“You dick!  Get over here!”
Danny appreciated the effort Sam, Tucker and Sidney were putting in for him, he really honestly did.  Sidney still went to his therapy session with Jazz which Danny could tell were helping him by how bright his aura had gotten, and between him and Jazz at school there were at least a few bright auras to go around, but with how things were going, Danny felt at least a bit suffocated.
Half the auras at school - both student and teacher - were dim enough that Danny almost couldn’t see them.  Dash and company had been especially vicious as of late, calling them every name under the sun and getting into actual fights with him, Tucker and Sam.  Between the three of them they managed well enough - being dragged to martial arts lessons with Sam and fighting eldritch abominations from the afterlife did things for your confidence in facing up to bullies - but it hadn’t ever been this bad before.  And while Tucker and Sam both were clearly brighter than everyone else emotionally, they were skirting around things in the most unsubtle way imaginable and Danny wondered how they kept anything hidden. Sam tried to get him into ghost form to see how fast he could fly, Tucker changed the topic from anything ghostly to something nerdy and Sidney seemed to stare at him as much as he did the movies they were watching.  Sure, Sidney was keeping his eyes on the screen but Danny knew ghosts could see more than just with their eyes and the feeling of being constantly watched was getting more than unnerving.
Saturday was a breath of fresh air.  Sam was maybe coming down with something and Sidney was off exploring the city on his own, so it was just Danny and Tucker buying the stuff they’d come for and laughing their heads off at their dumb jokes.  It was sunny, the crowd was bright with positivity abound, and he was having fun with his best friend in the world. It was nice.
Of course, a ghost attack ruined it.
Cotton candy erupted and flooded the place, and Danny slid under a table while the crowds stampeded away, yanking Tucker under as well.  He reached inside, past the void of darkness into the soft and splintered light at his center. It exploded out to the surface and in a flash of silver glass, shimmering shadows wove his hazmat suit around him and unraveled gravity’s hold on his body.  He shuddered, glitching out of reality - or what he was so very hopeful and sure was reality anyway - and gave Tucker a smile. “Wish me luck.” He slid down into the ground and forward, rising out of a mound of cotton candy as big as himself. There was a woman with long black hair, dark green skin, and blue scarce clothing floating over the sweets and stretching her arms.  “I understand a sweet tooth and all that, but this is a bit dangerously Much.” Danny held out a hand with a smile when a sneer was turned his way. “I’m Danny Phantom, hopefully nice to meet you.”
“ I am Desiree,” she said in some accented blend of every language that Danny knew.  It was headache-inducing and he definitely didn’t like it. “ This confection explosion was hardly my intention boy, I am cursed to use my power to grant the wishes of all those who make them. ”
“What, like a jinni?  If I find and rub your lamp and say ‘I wish I had a dick’ do you complete my tra-”
“ So you have wished it, so shall it be. ”  Her hands went up, green smoke curled around him, through him, within him, caressed that inner light and warmth that was his human body, and Danny shuddered in the wake of power well beyond his ability to fully process.  Before the smoke even cleared, Danny could hear Desiree speaking through gritted teeth. “ Yes, boy I am a Jinni.  One of your kind cursed me, both to be trapped in that infernal bottle, but also to use my power for all who catch my ear. ”
Danny was reeling when the smoke cleared, giving himself a mental review of what he could feel on himself and gawked when he realized what had happened.  “Um. Wow.” Desiree was clearly unimpressed. “Uh, well, I know a way I can he-” a ball of ectoplasma, charged up with energy, raced into Desiree’s gut and knocked her back and Danny really wished that people would stop interrupting him.
“Stay away from him, damn it!  Can’t we have one nice day?” Tucker readied another shot and Danny waved his arms to tell him not to.  “I wish I had stopped you from going into that stupid fucking portal! Then we wouldn’t be in this mess!”  crud.
“ So you have wished it, so shall it be. ”  FUCK .  Green mist filled Danny’s vision, and everything went dark.
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pitch-pearl-void · 5 years
Rebb asked if there were any Pitch Pearl aus with Void Danny, annnnd I grabbed the idea and ran with it
Phantom knew something was wrong when he woke up from a bad dream in the Ghost Zone. He was no longer half human, he no longer slept. He no longer dreamed. He shouldn't have woke up anywhere, least of all in the Ghost Zone. That had been clue number one.
Number two came after he returned to the human world and saw how quiet his city was. There was always at least one car on any one street, and usually multiple on the main roads, but there had been no late night workers driving home, no emergency jaunts to the grocery store, nothing. What cars were on the road were parked in areas they should not have been, their drivers fast asleep against the window.
Those strange helmets were on each one...
By the time Phantom flew into Fenton's room, shouting about there being a problem, he had resigned himself to seeing Fenton asleep with his own accessory, but the reality was much worse. Phantom hovered a second longer before he dropped to the floorboards beside the bed.
The empty bed.
"Fenton?" he called weakly. He looked under the bed, beneath the blankets. He checked the closet, the bathroom, and the lab before he returned to his old bedroom and dropped onto the mattress. He braced his elbows on his knees and lowered his head so he could run his fingers through his hair.
Clue number three, Fenton was missing. Possibly held captive by a ghost. Phantom didn't know why ghosts insisted on targeting his friends, but taking his human half was a step too far, even for them. Fenton didn't have an ancient Egyptian ancestor like Tucker, he didn't adore plants like Sam, he was just Phantom's living half, his only connection to his old life.
Phantom clenched his jaw, his eyes blazing. If they hurt one hair on Fenton's head, he would hunt them down and show them exactly why they should fear Phantom losing his humanity entirely.
"There you are."
Phantom jerked his head off his hands. "Fenton," he gasped, relieved. He couldn't see him, humans being a non-glowing species, but that was his voice. Their voice. Phantom stood up from the bed and moved toward the shadowy shape that vaguely resembled his human half. "I thought you had been--" His ghost sense interrupted him, and Phantom froze as a chill swept through him.
Fenton didn't say anything, but in the darkness, his head seemed to tilt.
Phantom summoned a large concentration of ectoplasm to his hand and shone the light on Fenton, ready to apologize for the bright light that would undoubtedly sting his eyes, but the words halted on his tongue. Fenton didn't have eyes anymore, not human ones. A blackness so deep it absorbed the light that struck it like a black hole had replaced them.
Phantom made a weak, wounded noise, but there was more. He allowed his gaze to trace over the rest of Fenton's body, noting that his clothes had been removed. The same blackness that covered his eyes also covered Fenton's hair, his arms, his legs. It danced and twisted over his body like a living thing, small tendrils curling over any exposed skin on Fenton's face, chest, and stomach.
One tendril that danced and wiggled over an area of Fenton's lower stomach that was usually hidden beneath his pants was hard to look away from. It wasn't until Fenton took a step toward him that Phantom was able to wrench his eyes away. He flushed and took a step back.
"Who did this?" Phantom demanded, his voice strained. He realized his hands were shaking and quickly fisted them at his sides. "And why you?"
Ignoring Phantom's attempt to maintain distance, Fenton continued to move slowly toward him. Phantom retreated for a time, wary of allowing him too close, before he stood his ground, sensing the bed behind him.
"Nocturne," Fenton answered, his voice oddly dreamy. "He has chosen me as his son..."
"That's a pretty title for 'captive'," Phantom snarled. There had to be a way to fix this. Perhaps another pass through the Ghost Catcher, though Phantom wasn't sure if Fenton's body could handle the stress of a second separation.
Fenton reached for him, but Phantom was no fool who could be lulled into dropping his guard just because an invader chose to set Fenton against him. He turned intangible and floated  backward until the bed separated the two of them. Fenton's hand dropped back down to his side.
"Are you still in there or do I need to go kick somebody's ass?" Phantom asked. "If you're still fighting this, Fenton, I need a sign." His voice lost its hard edge and turned desperate at the end, but Phantom couldn't help it. This was a nightmare-turned-reality, and Phantom didn't even have nightmares anymore.
Fenton laughed lightly. "Of course I'm me, Phantom. Father has just given me my dream."
"To be possessed?" Phantom demanded. The word 'again' haunted the edges of his thoughts, longing to be spoken, but Phantom ruthlessly shoved it aside. As if in answer, pinpricks of light began to twinkle within the blackness covering Fenton. They grew larger and more numerous, forming patterns and familiar formations that discolored Fenton's blackened skin in lighter hues of blue and purple. Phantom could only watch, entranced, as Fenton's body began to resemble the night sky. While the blackened tendrils creeped over Fenton's bare skin, the sky within rotated slowly.
When he finally tore his gaze away and raised it to Fenton's face, he saw Fenton watching him in turn with a sly, pleased smile.
Phantom cleared his throat. "Okay...that's...a stronger argument, but it's still a form a possession."
"So were you."
Phantom flinched and took a half step back. The ectoplasm in his hands winked out, but it wasn't needed anymore. A thousand miniature stars danced across Fenton's skin, highlighting his form well enough. "That's not fair...I didn't mean--we're still not sure if that's what really--it's not the same."
"It's not," Fenton agreed.
They stared at each other a moment longer before, much as Phantom's ectoplasm had, the stars winked out, and Fenton disappeared amidst the shadows. Phantom made a sound of protest and leaned forward over the bed, but he couldn't even see Fenton's shadowy shape.
Phantom was about to call out Fenton's name when, behind him, he heard his other half whisper, "Behind you."
Phantom spun around. A hand, colder than it should have been, pressed against his chest, and then the stars reignited on Fenton's skin in a flash of light, but Phantom was no longer in a position to appreciate it. He felt his energy draining away, a lassitude overcoming his thoughts. He raised a hand that suddenly felt so much heavier than it should and grabbed Fenton's wrist. It had been a long time since he had felt tired, but he remembered how awful it had felt, and he knew Fenton was the one causing it now.
He was trying to put him to sleep again.
Yeah, well, too bad, Phantom thought, clenching his jaw. It seemed Fenton needed physical contact for his power to work, and while Phantom was unwilling to hurt him, there were other ways to escape a human's touch. Intangible ways.
He summoned the power to turn himself incorporeal with a mere twist of his thoughts, but Fenton knew how his powers worked just as well as Phantom did. Phantom's concentration could be broken, his powers prematurely canceled by shock, pain, or distraction. Fenton used all three in the worst way possible.
His other hand cupped the back of Phantom's head and then he leaned forward and kissed him.
Phantom's powers slipped through his grasp, and he sucked in a sharp breath through his nose. It brought with it the scent of Fenton's body wash. He trembled, fighting the desire to kiss him back. He hadn't been unaware of the tension building between him and Fenton over these last few months, but there had been an unspoken agreement not to act on it, and he was afraid to do so now. Or later. Or ever. It was something they shouldn't do no matter how much they might long for one another.
Fenton slid his heated lips over Phantom's as he tilted his head, creating a delicious friction that made Phantom's nerves sing with pleasure. All the while, Phantom's strength ebbed and his thoughts grew hazy. There was reasons he should fight this. Fenton's hand slid up his chest, escaping Phantom's weakening hold. He reached for Fenton's shirt but remembered he wasn't wearing anything when his fingers touched skin.
If he succumbed, who would save Fenton? He struggled to open eyes he hadn't meant to close, but Fenton's tongue slid past Phantom's lips, and he lost the battle, falling into Fenton's embrace as the human's arm encircled his shoulders. There was something coiling around his ankles, creeping up his legs. It tickled, but the hand Fenton had tangled through his hair, the tongue twining with his, the heated breathes being exhaled into his mouth, kept his senses captive.
His own sluggish attempts to kiss Fenton back failed to match the desire he felt, but Fenton had no such limitations, and he proceeded to take everything he and Phantom had denied themselves with ruthless abandon. Several months of tension compiled in a single deep kiss that left Phantom's head spinning. Until Phantom's strength failed. His knees crumpled beneath him, forcing an end to their kiss. He fell, but whatever had been creeping up his leg caught him.
A hazy glance through partially opened eyes told Phantom it was the star-sparkled black void that had swallowed Fenton. It had flowed from his other half and begun to swallow Phantom as well. That should have been alarming, but Phantom could only muster a single tug of his arm before fatigue weighed him down.
Fenton knelt beside him and swept Phantom's hair from his forehead. "If they will only let us be together in dreams," he said, "then that is where we'll go."
"Fenton," Phantom breathed, struggling to order his thoughts. He didn't want dreams, he wanted the real, human Fenton. "Don't..."
Fenton kissed his forehead, and Phantom shivered as his warm lips lingered on his skin. When he pulled away, Phantom felt a pain deep in his chest.
A helmet pressed down on his head, its hard, metal edges pushing against his forehead where Fenton's soft lips had been seconds ago, and then the world went dark.
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hypeathon · 5 years
RWBY - Volume 6, Chapter 13 Production Analysis
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Previous Volume 6 Production Analysis Posts:
Chapters one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, eleven & twelve
When starting this production analysis series, three goals were kept in mind: 1) To disspell any potential misconceptions and myths about RWBY’s production, 2) to help add more depth and nuance to discussions about the production since some fans out there do care enough to talk about it, and 3) to highlight how various members of the staff have helped carry on certain aspects of the vision meant to be applied to this show. When the late creator of the show, the writers most closely associated with the show’s story, and almost every animator, storyboard artist, modeler, camera layout artist, rigging artist compositor, VFX artist, sound designer, etc., have all been passionate about the medium of anime and have applied that passion into crafting this ongoing anime-inspired project, why not give them all credit where credit is due, especially for this specific occasion?
As with all other prior analysis posts, this one is intended to put forth as much insight and context of the behind-the-scenes as possible. That said, since the volume 6 finale chapter follows the tradition of every other volume finale, expect things to be a bit more “shot-in-the-dark” than usual. Since volume 3, the ending credits of every other episode will usually list the names of those that were involved in that episode. Sometimes, names of certain people from certain departments will change depending on whether someone is being assigned to work on something a few episodes later or because that person is possibly preoccupied with another big project at Rooster Teeth Animation like Gen:Lock at around the same time. However, the ending credits for the volume finale are setup to list literally everyone that was involved throughout, even those that were otherwise non-credited from those with specialized roles to the families, children and pets of individual members of the production staff under “Special Thanks” and “Additional Security”. Combine that with no one in the animation and storyboard teams having mentioned who did what, there will be a lot more guesswork involved.
That’s not to say there was nothing to acknowledge about this episode, far from from it actually. To see how, let’s dive right in the Neo and Cinder scene. One of the first things of note that has not been mentioned elsewhere yet is Neo’s materialization effect. This has been done once before in chapter 11 of volume 3, but like with Yang’s semblance, the approach has changed with more nuance. By close observation, the way she previously materialized may have been done in a manner where one character model was layered on top of the other with the same exact pose and a wipe effect was used through the light emitted with another layer of the shattered pieces added. In comparison, Neo’s semblance in this chapter is a bit more elaborate. The supposed character model layering trick is still there, but what was once a more simple wipe with some pink lighting is now an empty space with a lot of fractal pieces swirling with the brighter colored ones in the middle. The effect also extends to Roman’s hat on Neo (assuming that was his hat) and the tips of pieces of the Mistralian ship as it transforms into an Atlessian one.
Then there’s the matter of the new designs for Neo and Cinder. Again, since the volume 6 finale did the ending credits differently, that also means that no concept art was shown, so there are no notes regarding the matter. It doesn’t help either that there is no known concept art of Neo in particular throughout the show’s history in general, partly due to how her model was originally conceived a mere 10 days prior to her first appearance in volume 2. However, right before volume 6 premiered, the key visual art made by concept artist, Einlee appeared which featured a silhouetted character with peculiar claw-like left hand in front of the head of the Sphinx Grimm. Many fans have quickly speculated that it was Cinder but the context of the appearance was kept vague. It’s now clear as to why that was the case considering how much Cinder’s new attire matches that of silhouette. What’s most curious about this design is how much a certain accessory has been kept between her main designs in volumes 1-3 and volumes 4 & 5, that being the “iridescent feathers” which have been kept towards her right side in varied places. That and her black crystal earrings and anklets have been mostly exclusive to her base designs and not present in any of her past, alternate incognito designs which have been designed by volume 2 art director, Kristina Nguyen, current art director Patrick Rodriguez and lead concept artist, Erin Winn. However, her two main designs that come with both of those accessories were done by Einlee and become increasingly darker in their color schemes to her now fully black outfit. As for why this specific design was in the poster when it didn’t officially make an appearance until this episode is hard to say, but it’s possible that on some level, this was an attempt to throw off fans from guessing too easily where things will turn out as they would theorize. How successful that was however is a whole other matter.
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Putting that aside, as well as an extra mention of the choice of rim lighting for the setting and the little bits of animation that show off Cinder and Neo’s differing characteristics, we can move on to the main event regarding the Leviathan Grimm... or Levi, or Bubbles or whatever its nickname is suppose to be. Similar to Neo and Cinder, there were no concept designs of the character to dissect from, but it is clearly safe to say that the character was inspired by kaiju of the tokusatsu or “special filming” genre in Japan. Tokusatsu is basically used to describe any live-action films or shows that utilize a series of special/practical effects, one of which being having a stuntman portray a giant creature of mech or some other variation inside a suit, otherwise referred to as “suitmation.” The fall 2018 anime, SSSS Gridman, served as an example of simulating that feeling to a great degree through the way the creatures and for the most part, Gridman were animated in 3-D. Co-writer Miles Luna has gone on record before about being a big fan of the Godzilla franchise, having grown up watching them with his father, so it would not be the least bit surprising if the Leviathan Grimm was his idea. The way it was animated seems to strike this balance between how Godzilla and other kaiju have been depicted in live-action Japanese films while also making it believably feel like a part of the world of RWBY. Another noteworthy bit regarding the Grimm and how it moves is the way it dives down into the water and then rises back up from it slightly later in the episode. This is not so much to do with animation as it has to do with the use of visual effects and compositing, but parts such as the Leviathan’s silhouette underwater are especially interesting since that has rarely happened in the show prior. The only other comparable instance that springs to mind is when the Nuckelavee appears from the smoke in the volume 4 finale and there may have been a similar compositing trick. The other thing of note was the water effects which are depicted much more realistic compared to when say, Cordovin shot at Ruby and Weiss in chapter 11 which that giant splash was done in 2-D or when splashes are done via more cel-shaded 3-D visual effects.
There is more to talk about regarding the Godzilla inspired Grimm, but first, let’s rewind back slightly to bits of character acting. Despite being unsure of who did these moments, the transition from Cordovin feeling frustrated to feeling incapable of doing anything was very convincing, as well as the scene with Blake, Yang and Ruby right after and then. Of course, Blake’s ears was part of the reason for the latter as when we hear Ruby off-screen, her right ear shifts and then a bit later we see them perk up after she, Weiss and Yang talk to Maria. Even though certain animators like Asha Bishi and Hannah Novotny took more advantage of the rigs for the cat ears than others back in volume 4, a lot more animators have since then been increasingly been more conscious about having that be a part of Blake’s character acting. Speaking of rigs, the rigging artists, along with the audio and tech teams, can be considered the unsung heroes of the ever-growing staff. Lead rigging artist, Gio Coutinho and fellow rigging artists, Brian Eby and Ariana Fillipini may be one of the smallest teams and are hardly mentioned throughout these production analyses, certain animators such as Kim Newman have gone on record to owing them for providing what are essentially the virtual skeleton and bones of the character. As talented as the animators are, they can only do so much with the character models unless they are as “animatable” as possible to quote volume 5 lead rigging artist Sean Stephenson on the 6th episode of CRWBY - Behind the Episode, who is now the current lead of the rigging team for Gen:Lock.
We then get some effects of the hard-light dust barriers being implemented and are timed pretty effectively through some slow-in and slow out animations along with the use of lighting towards the start of the barrier as the hard-light shifts from one pole to the other. Next is more homage to Godzilla by having the Leviathan breathe out its version of the atomic ray (there’s a lot of them in the franchise). Between the first instance and the next one when the main party attempted to close in, there is actually a combination of certain lightning and fire effects such as the same animations for the swelling ball of energy used whenever Cordovin was about to fire lightning dust, as well as sparks surrounding the fire breath with some seemingly blurred compositing layered on top. There is also a neat recoil animation with the Grimm as it unleashes its attack. In between all of this though is a scene of Ruby putting forth her plan within the airship. The timing and facial reactions presented by everyone felt similar to that of when Jaune announced his idea to steal the Atlas airship in chapter 9 which was animated by Hannah McCravy, so it’s possible that she may have animated this scene too. Whether she animated the entirety of said-scene though is what I’m more uncertain of.
Skipping ahead a bit, we get to Ruby preparing to use her silver eyes by getting the music being more subdued and getting quick cuts to the things going on around her. I nice touch here was having Ruby’s mouth twitch a bit right when her name gets called out through her ear piece. Then again, what’s really surprising is the fact there was an ear piece model at all. Back in chapters 10-12, we saw quite a bit of the main cast using gestures with their fingers by their ears as if there was a device they were using the listen to each other. However, the device in question was never really shown up until now. One educated guess could be that there never was one until this small scene here where it needed to be made and shown in order to see Ruby attempt to remain focused. Now comes what is part of the highlight of the episode being Ruby’s memories which are mostly redrawn shots from various cuts in the series with parts of characters like arms, legs, hair and in Zwei’s case, his tail being movable (and his butt having an actual x-marked "hole”). There were also certain details implemented such as the lighting being more comparably warmer and the line work in certain characters hair, clothing and in Nora’s case, her biceps being slightly more defined. Many fans by now have already concluded that due to the show’s visual presentation of its first few volumes not having aged that well back when Poser was the main animation software that the choice for 2-D art was shown instead. That would not at all be a wrong assumption to make. However, even the one shot with Jaune in the forest in chapter 2 of volume 4, back when RWBY transitioned to using Maya and 3DS Max was entirely redrawn. The same goes for Oscar and Ruby in the training room during chapter 5 of volume 5 which seems to have been slightly redrawn but to more with adjusted lighting. So the choice was not limited to anything prior to them using the two softwares. The one clear exception to this ensemble set of shots was of Maria back during chapter 8 of volume 6. Admittedly, it was tricky figuring out who did all of the redrawn shots, especially since not all of them seem to have been done by the same person. The shot with Qrow and Ruby in particular sticks out as being more different. It may be that Erin Winn did most of the shots since the way she draws lines for hair like with Yang being similar that of the line work for Kali Belladonna’s concept art, which she designed. As for Qrow and Ruby meeting, that may have been Patrick Rodriguez.
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One other thing to note in these series of shots were the sound effects used during them. Sound designer, Philip Spann described the change of the sound of the memory flashes to Pyrrha and Penny as being the equivalent of viewers “being hit in the gut”, using large reverberant drums. Conversely, sound was applied  a little differently during the the latter set of memory flashes, namely “pulling the music back” as Philip phrased it when seeing Summer Rose which was Kerry Shawcross’s idea. Now, in-between all of this, there was a bit of Ruby and Jinn interacting with each other. While I’m uncertain as to who animated it, it may be the same person that animated Ruby and Weiss’s interaction at the bar room during chapter 5 of volume 6. With that mention out of the way, there’s the first reveal of a fulled rigged and animated model of Summer. There were a couple of noteworthy design choices, the first being how her clothing more or less resembles Ruby’s current outfit while hairstyle is more varied in appearance. The other thing of note is her eyes. According to Kerry Shawcross on the season 2 finale of RWBY Rewind, characters with silver eyes have a small “tick”, referring to the small white dashes on their eyes whereas characters like Mercury who have been confused for having silver eyes, don’t. This is something Kerry admitted as being an oversight at first when needing to differentiate between such characters and their visual traits.
Next is when Ruby unleashes her silver eyed powers which involves the same hatch-lining effects which have not been used since the Wyvern Grimm in chapter 12. Skipping ahead to when the Leviathan is still moving, we get Cordovin who believes in the Ruby that believes in her. In all seriousness, just as how it was likely that Miles Luna anticipated the Levianthan Grimm as a fan of Godzilla, Kerry very likely planned for the moment Cordovin utilized her mech’s drill feature as a big fan of Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann. To put this all in perspective, Gurren Lagann was an anime Monty Oum introduced him to as a fan of the show himself back around the time they and Miles started forming ideas and outlines for RWBY’s story in the midst of Red vs Blue season 10 production in 2012. It was even among the various anime that Monty had him and Miles study as inspiration for RWBY. Fast forward to over a year later in August of 2013 and Kerry mentioned being on his sixth viewing of the show.
“Toppa Tengen Gurren Lagann is probably my all time favorite anime. It just has a level of energy and enthusiasm I enjoy. There are subtle (and not so subtle) lessons in Gurren Lagann about not giving up; energy that persists beyond oneself that I apply to RWBY.”  - Monty Oum, Crunchyroll
Having said that, the scene itself gained the most criticism out of the whole episode from the fan base due to the frame rate when Cordovin attacked the Leviathan. Obviously the choice to lower the frame rate two 2s and 3s was a creative one given the likely homage previous mentioned. However, the matter of frame rate in 3-D animation will never cease to be a delicate subject matter with the creative decision leading to varying results from project-to-project and leaving different responses from viewer-to-viewer. As much as these analyses are dedicated to providing any objective insight about RWBY’s production whenever possible and making educated guesses in-between, whether the frame rate felt right, is up to you, the reader. Speaking personally, since the visual choice revolved around a character whose recurring animation and camerawork has been often depicted as over-the-top and dramatic, it only felt fitting. Speaking of dramatic, when Ruby and Cordovin face each other, there is an interesting fast zoom between the two before amends are made between them.
Once all has died down, we get a scene with quite a bit of rim lighting to help emphasize on the night time setting. The animation of the scene itself and how the characters are timed to do a small pause before each gesture was akin to that of the beginning of chapter 8 with the main party and Cordovin and in chapter 2 when team RWBY were all arguing with Ozpin, both of which were largely animated by Nicole LaCroix. Everything from when everyone talked to Ruby about her bold decision-making to when the cast sees Atlas and the Kingdom’s air fleet were probably animated by her. Whether or not that’s true, certain instances like Weiss’s concerning facial expression when seeing the air fleet were quite nuanced. One last thing to talk about regarding the scene are the matte paintings of Atlas, made by one of the environment designers, Weston T. Jones, who apparently contributed quite a bit throughout the volume in terms of what is shown in the final product. With that said, the ending credits themselves have some interesting positions only seen here that are not shown in earlier volumes. This is nothing new, as the volume 5 finale ending credits had a team of crowd animators which was not previously listed throughout every other episode of that volume. In this case however, positions such as matte painters and script consultants were exclusive to the finale credits this time around. Also, side note, Dustin Matthews and Kim Newman credited among the series animators even though they were never credited on any episode this volume and have been dedicating time working on Gen:Lock as that series’ animation director and lead animator respectively. Maybe he was credited for providing bits of motion capture?
Finally, there’s the after credits scene which actually has a fair bit to touch on, one of which being the forming of new “flying monkey” grimm. Aside from it being another nod to The Wizard of Oz, there seems to also be the sound of the Nevermore cries layered beneath the Beringel roars a bit. Accompanying the scene is some intriguing framing of Emerald and Mercury by the broken windows and then Hazel being framed with them a bit later. This is actually very similar to the opening scene in volume 4 before Cinder called them over, so it’s possible this was done by design to indicate the shift in who they find themselves sticking with. Lastly, Salem summons the pools of black in the form of some 2-D effects animation to end the scene and thus wrap-up the volume as a whole. As said in the previous analysis, there’s no clear indication of when production of volume 6 ended between departments. However, Miles Luna confirmed in a podcast interview with Chad James on the “Lights, Camera: Austin” website that the outline phase for RWBY volume 7′s story started as of January 21st. Combine that with how Neath Oum confirmed that there was still something leftover that never made it into the volume 6 finale and it’s clear that Kerry and Miles are itching to tell the next installment of RWBY’s ongoing story.
That officially marks the end of the chapter 13 production analysis, as well as the production analysis series for this entire volume as a whole. To say that this was a strenuous process would be putting it mildly, as a lot of searching and fact-checking information of the show’s production, past and present and forming it into as cohesive of a narrative as possible each chapter, each week, was definitely more of an ordeal. This was all a lot fun to do and some of this would have not been as doable without much needed help. A tremendous thanks to Changyuraptor over on the RWBY Sub-Reddit for being as gung-ho about updating his Source McGourse document every week to confirm who animated which sequences every week which greatly helped with better understanding how certain animators approached doing what they did. A big thanks also goes to MyAmelia on the RWBY Sub-Reddit who provided some very constructive, much-needed advice for both this Tumblr page and its posts to help potentially attract more viewers. There are still some kinks to work out, but I’m very much bearing in mind the feedback. Speaking of which, a big thanks also goes out to the following who have been very eager and provided great feedback about seeing these analysis, both on tumblr and on reddit:
And everyone else whose names I’ve otherwise neglected to add here that have been avidly reading these analyses. Finally, a grand shout-out to Kerry Shacross and Miles Luna for continuing to do great work, as well as every member of the CRWBY in every department, new and veteran for putting as much time, effort and skill into their respective crafts for making the show look, sound and feel the way it volume 6 did. They all did an overall hell of an amazing job. Among these members I wish to thank especially are animator Asha Bishi, storyboard and camera layout artist Rachel Doda and 2-D FX Artist, Myke Chapman, who have each decided to follow some random, awkward fan on Tumblr that spent perhaps a bit too much time obsessing over the production of this show. Thank you guys so much.
6 notes · View notes
lostbutterflyutau · 6 years
EoA Mirror World AU Synopsis (Part 2)
Other Parts: Part 1 Part 3 Part 4
Unknown to the students of Walter Mickey School, they weren’t the only ones to witness the magic that happened the night of the Spring Fling. That same evening, in a local diner, everyone in the building is arguing. The cooks, the waitresses, the customers…no one is happy. However, it isn’t a random occurrence. It’s the result of a magic incantation by three girls who absorb the negative energy into the jeweled pendants around their necks. One of them complains about it not being enough and the second says that it’s because the magic in the Mirror World isn’t the same as that in the Ever Realm.
Girl 1: I wish we’d never been banished to this awful place
Girl 2 Really? I love it here!
Girl 3: For realsises? Because I think this place is the worst!
Girl 1: I think you’re the worst.
Girl 3: Oh yeah? Well,  I think you’re…
Girl 2: I’ll tell you one thing. Being stuck here with you two isn’t making this world any more bearable.
The second girl sighs, goes to put her head down on the table and is jolted out of the motion by a sudden blast of light in the distance. Intrigued, she rushes out of the diner just in time to see a bright, multi-coloured light fill the sky in the distance before first crashing down and then disappearing. The pendant around her neck reacts to it just as her friends file out behind her. She reveals to them that what they just witnessed was Maruvian Magic. One of the girls comments that the Mirror World doesn’t have Maruvian Magic, only to be told that, apparently, it does now. And they’re going to use it to make this world bow to them.
A few weeks later, after the events of Elena’s Mirror World adventure, the school is preparing for a musical festival in mid-April with student-made bands as the headlining acts.
Eager to turn things around, Carla attempts to help her classmates with poster decorating but finds that…no one is buying her attempted change of heart. The other students are wary and want little, if nothing, to do with her.
It should be noted here that Carla has gone through the “Obligatory character development appearance change.” Whereas, her Mirror World dress was previously black and played with the spider pattern from her Malvago robe, she now wears a dark purple dress accentuated with black on the ruffle layer of the sleeves and bottom of the skirt that matches her sash accessorised with a lavender rose on the right side. The outfit is completed with black leggings, flats and a purple ribbon woven into her braid. However, the rest of her hair, including her fringe, now hangs down, the two long pieces resting on either side of her face.
Discouraged by her classmates’ rejection, she thinks to leave, but Anna calls out to her and she stalks across the gym amidst whispered rumours and comments to her new friends. The only people who want her around. Though she used to walk with an air of confidence, much of it has dissipated since the events of the Spring Fling as she tries to find a new place among the students. She’s unusually unsure of herself, comments to her friends how she didn’t know half the school was going to show up for the preparation. In an effort to be positive, Rapunzel shows off their poster, which Anna excitedly claims smells like cake because she thought to use royal frosting instead of paste.
While they discuss their poster, Principal Paloma walks in. She thanks the students for their help in planning and preparing for the event, which will be the first of its kind, saying that the money raised from it will be used to fund the annual summer trip. She concludes by saying that she believes the event will be the most exciting since the Spring Fling, which prompts everyone to glare towards Carla, who, unsure of how to react, awkwardly plays with one of her hair pieces before slinking down against the wall. She then laments about it later before her friends’ band rehearsal.
Carla: I am never going to live that down
Snow White: You were pretty bad at the Spring Fling
Carla: A sorceress. I turned into a raging sorceress and destroyed half the school.
Anna: And tried to turn everyone here into teenage zombies for your own personal army
Rapunzel cuts in, says that at least Carla has them on her side and that they have forgiven her. Belle adds that the experience seems to have brought the students closer together and made for a better school atmosphere before they launch into their song, which Carla sits back to watch. During the number, each one of the band members magically acquires her tiara and princess hairstyle, which, after the song, Rapunzel comments on, saying that she can’t believe that it happens whenever they play music. She contemplates making matching accessories for their tiaras.
Belle: But, why does it happen? Princess Elena took her scepter back to Avalor, right? So, shouldn’t the magic have gone with her?
Moana: Who cares why it happens? It makes my band awesome!
Rapunzel: Your Band?
Moana: Well, it was my idea to start the Crownlets so we could play in the showcase. Plus, I am the lead singer and guitarist.
The other Crownlets exchange the same annoyed look just as the door to the music room opens, revealing the music instructor whom the room belongs to and the two freshman boys who used to follow Carla around and do her bidding. The music instructor comments on the improved sound of the band and Moana says that they are still things they need to work on, like Rapunzel coming in late and Anna sounding flat during the chorus, earning a series of looks behind her back while the teacher picks up a folder from her desk, instructs the boys to follow her for their lesson, not catching the wary looks they give Carla as they walk by. She sighs, wonders if they’ll ever forgive her, considering she used them for her own gain and then just threw them aside despite promising a pay off.
Carla: Ugh. The old me really was awful, wasn’t she?
Though hesitant to stir up trouble, the other girls agree, but Belle points out that it’s more important that Carla is making an effort to turn her life around. Carla thanks her, says that the sentiment is nice, but that the other students don’t feel the same way. Before she can say anything else, she’s called to the main entrance, explains as she heads out that she volunteered to show some new students around. She reveals that she wanted to introduce herself and let them get to know the “new” her before they hear the floating stories about the “old” her. She leaves and Moana turns to the band, suggests playing one more song before lunch. Snow White asks if they can please play one of the songs she wrote, only to be brushed off.
Meanwhile, Carla meets with the students, who are the three girls previously seen in the diner. She tells them that Walter Mickey is a great school and the leader of the pack comments under her breath about how there’s something “magical” about the place as the tour begins. Along the way, they come across posters for the festival and Carla tells them about how the whole school is working on the showcase.
Girl 2: A musical showcase?
Carla: I know you’re new, but I’m sure Principal Paloma would have no problem letting you sign up. If you’re interested, that is.
Girl 1: We have been known to sing from time to time
Girl 3: Helloooo, we sing like all the time. It’s how we get people to do what we want.
Catching Carla’s suspicious expression, the second girl cuts in, saying what her friend meant to say was that being in a musical showcase sounds like the perfect way to integrate into the school. The third one agrees that she would have said that and the first says that yes, she would have if she wasn’t “the worst.” They start bickering and the second says to excuse them because they’re idiots. Carla begins to sense that something is off, and a lingering tension hangs in the air as the new girls fiddle with their pendants, which Carla compliments before trying to get a closer look, only to have her hand smacked away when she goes to touch. The girl tries to play it off, says that the jewellery means a lot to them and they’d hate for them to get damaged. Normally, Carla would understand, as her own jade necklace was a gift from her father, but something about the tone they use is…strange. She recognises the signs of someone trying to hide something as the girls saunter off in the opposite direction and she heads into the cafeteria to meet with her friends.
At the lunch table, Belle inquires about the tour Carla gave and the smaller girl confesses that there was something…off about the new girls. Anna tries to guess what she means, but all of her guesses are nothing more than silly gestures. Moana interrupts, tells her to let Carla finish her story.
Moana: Maybe we should just let her tell us?
Carla: That’s the thing. I can’t quite put my finger on it. They just acted…strange around me. Maybe someone already talked to them? Told them about my past. Ugh. So much for making a good first impression.
Meanwhile, outside the doors, the new girls are scheming, coming up with a plan to use their power of song to pit the students against each other in an attempt to revive their “true, Maruvian Magic.” Their leader says that their voices are just strong enough to make the students “want something so badly they’ll fight for it.” One of the girls scoffs, says that this plan is just a rehash of what they’ve been doing and the leader snaps that no, it’s not. There’s Maruvian Magic at the school and, because of that, the negative energy gathered from this specific group of students will give them the power needed to take over the Mirror World. And so, they burst into the cafeteria, where, in song they encourage the students to turn the musical showcase into a Battle of the Bands instead.
Me and you. You and me. Why don’t we see who is better? We don’t have to be one in the same thing. Oh, what’s so wrong with a little competition? Are you afraid of failing the audition?
It doesn’t matter who you hurt if you’re just proving you’re the best.
Their song stirs up a series of negative emotions in the students, bringing out their worst traits as they all launch into heated, unnecessary arguments with each other. Well, all of them except for Carla and the girls. After observing the scene, Anna declares, “Oooooh. They’re that kind of off,” as the girls quickly and collectively realise that there are dark forces at work, which they talk about on the way out of the cafeteria.
Carla: Those three are clearly in possession of some kind of dark magic. Trust me, I would know. Besides, how else do you explain what happened back there?
They decide to inform Principal Paloma, Belle concluding that, the last thing she needs is another WMS event ruined by “some power-hungry monster.” Realising what she said, Belle backs down, says that she meant no offense and Carla sighs. When they get to speak with Hortencia, she refutes their claims, says that the three new students are perfectly nice girls. She then asks if it’s possible that Carla is only looking to make someone else out to be a “bad element” to cover up her own actions at the Spring Fling. Moana jumps in, claims that they saw with their own eyes what happened in the cafeteria and Hortencia points out that their band is in the showcase and theorises that they are simply worried about the competition. She then reveals that the new students have also signed up for the showcase and even demonstrated their song for her and the music instructor assisting with the showcase. She claims that having a competition is a great idea and sends the girls on their way.
The girls gather outside around the statute portal. Snow White says that she can’t believe the other group made it to Principal Paloma first and Moana says she isn’t surprised. After all, they’ve gotten to everyone at this point. Anna points out that no, they haven’t gotten to everyone and Belle confirms her statement, realises that, even though their group was in the cafeteria, that they’re not affected by the spell.
Moana: It’s not like we haven’t faced darkness before and knocked it on its butt! No offense.
Carla: None taken…Again.
Snow White points out that the last time, they had Elena with them and that, even if there is magic within them, it only comes out when they play music. Rapunzel comments that she wishes they could get in contact with Elena but that, unfortunately, she doesn’t think they have mobiles in her world. Moana then suggests that they go to Avalor and find her. Before they can make a plan, Carla speaks up, says that she has a better idea. She leads them to her locker and pulls out a purple notebook, reveals that, two weeks prior, the princess visited and gave her an enchanted notebook that allows her to write letters through the worlds. She explains that if she writes a letter in her book, it should appear in the pages of one that Elena has.
Moana: What are you waiting for? Try it!
Carla: I never thought I’d ever actually be writing this, but…Dear Princess Elena…
Meanwhile, in Avalor, Elena and Naomi are preparing a set of notes just before a Grand Council Meeting. While they gather up the papers from Elena’s bedroom floor, Naomi notices and points out that the book on her nightstand is glowing. Startled, Elena rushes over, flips open to the letter. She tells Naomi to go to the meeting without her, that her friends in the Mirror World need help and seeks out Mateo, who’s working on new spells in his workshop. After interrupting, Elena has him read over the letter. He concludes that, the way Carla described them, the students sound like Sirenas, which confuses Elena, who says that the Sirenas are their allies now. Mateo levitates a book over, explains once he finds the chapter that these aren’t the Sirenas they know. They’re three rouge Sirenas from years ago who wanted to do more than simply crash ships. They wanted to see all humans eliminated. So, they made a deal with a powerful Malvago. The man agreed, giving them magical jewels to enhance their song, allow them to lure multiple groups at once and even pit humans against one another at the price of them needing to absorb and channel the dark energy from these people to enhance his power, which he promised to use for their cause. Unfortunately, this ultimately corrupted them further. However, the royal wizard of Maru (at the time) caught wind of this and decided that he could not allow them to carry out this plan. He used his magic to take down the Malvago and found a way to banish the Sirenas to a world where their magic would be forever lost. The Mirror World.
Confused, Elena says that, if the Maruvians are involved, then they must have been banished ages ago. Why resurface now? Mateo replies that he doesn’t know, but that if these are indeed the same group of rouge Sirenas, then that world could be in great danger.
Elena decides in that moment that she has to return to the Mirror World and rushes off to pack herself a bag. In the middle of her haste, Skylar appears on her balcony and inquires about her rushing around. Elena explains that she has to go back to the Mirror World, invites him to come along since he was a huge help last time. Skylar says he actually came to discuss something else, but figures it can wait and agrees to go along. By the time she crosses through, the girls are hanging around by the statue after school. Moana laments about the wait, says she doesn’t think Elena is coming just before the princess steps through the portal and is eagerly greeted by her friends before telling them that she has bad news about the new students.
At the book café, Rapunzel says that she’s sorry they called Elena back during a “time of crisis” but, regardless, they still have catching up to do. Elena fills them in on a few of the happenings in Avalor asks what’s going on around the school besides it “becoming the target of dangerous magical beings from the Ever Realm.” Moana admits that the Sirenas appearing isn’t the only magical occurrence and shows the princess a video on her phone of the Crownlets’ band members’ partial transformation. She explains that it happens whenever they play together.
Elena: Hmm…The Scepter of Light was returned to Avalor but some of its magic may have remained here with you girls. Now that we’re all back together, we should be able to use that magic on the Sirenas, just like when we used it on Carla when she turned into that power-crazed sorceress…No offense.
Carla: None taken. I’m getting used to it.
Elena decides that the sooner they act, the better and asks where they can find the Sirenas. Anna reveals that there’s going to be a party that night for all the bands who signed up for the showcase, including the Sirenas. Unfortunately, it turns out to not be much of a party. Due to the spell, the students are divided, only staying with their own bands and refusing to mingle with each other. While Elena is observing this, the Sirenas make their entrance and take in their handiwork, reveling in the tension they’ve created among the students. The leader comments that this is only the beginning and to imagine what kind of energy they’ll get once the Battle of the Bands actually starts. Her comment is overheard by Elena, who declares that there will be no battle and joins hands with the other girls with the intent to use their joint magic against the Sirenas. However, nothing happens and Elena wonders why, whispers to Skylar that she was sure that the girls coming together would bring out the magic needed to defeat the Sirenas.
The leader of the Sirenas uses this moment to her advantage. She mocks them, says that their group is cocky in claiming that there won’t be a battle. That they seem to think they’ve already won. This statement sets off a whole other set of arguments as the students debate about whose band is better, their negative energy flowing into the Sirenas who quickly see that, unlike everyone else, Elena and the girls aren’t arguing. They realise that the spell doesn’t affect them and their leader declares that they’ve found the magic they’re looking for.
Sirena Leader: Don’t you see? Everyone else has fallen under our spell. But not these girls. These girls are special.
The girls bail out of the party and gather on the school steps. In front of the steps, Elena paces, says that their magic not working doesn’t make any sense to her. After all, them coming together is what stopped the dark magic before. Carla points out that, in order to defeat her, they drew magic out of the scepter she was wielding, theorises that, because the Sirenas’ magic comes from their music that they have to use their own music to defeat them.
Elena: I think you’re onto something. It’s when you play music that you transform, right?
Belle: Yes. Tiaras, glitter, new hair styles…Everything.
Elena: So, maybe the way to defeat the Sirenas is by playing a musical counter spell
However, they realise that, they’ll need to find a way for everyone to hear the song. Rapunzel gasps, remembers that the band competition is the next time that all the students will be gathered in one place. She then says that Elena will be their newest band member and Anna asks what instrument she wants to play. While she plays guitar in Avalor, Elena decides to stick to singing in this world. Moana doesn’t want her taking over as the lead, but Belle steps in, says that Elena is the one with the magical knowledge they need to defeat the Sirenas. The princess agrees, reminding them that they don’t actually have to win, they just have to play their spell during the first round of the competition…Once she figures out how to write one.
She then resolves to get working on the counter spell as she heads back into the school. The other girls pause, ask where she’s going and are told that, the last time she visited, Elena and Skylar stayed in the second floor of the library. Deeming it unacceptable, Anna declares that they’re having an impromptu slumber party at her house where Elena struggles through her “musical counter spell.” When Moana asks how it’s coming, Elena lies, says it’s fine and thanks Snow White for allowing her to borrow her notebook, complimenting the songs she’s already written in it.
Snow White: Thanks. Maybe one day we’ll actually get to play one.
Rapunzel: Elena, I think I speak for everyone when I say that, I don’t know what we would have done if you hadn’t agreed to help us.
Despite their kind words, Elena sighs, disappointed with herself and her poor attempts to put a song together. She wonders why it’s so difficult since she grew up playing and singing, lingering on those thoughts later that night while everyone is asleep. Unable to sleep, Elena heads down to the kitchen, uses the light there to continue working on the spell until being interrupted by Carla, who comments that they really are lucky she’s come to help them.
Carla: Must be nice to have everyone looking to you for answers to their problems instead of waiting for you to cause a problem.
Elena: Just because everyone expects something from you doesn’t mean it’s guaranteed to happen.
Carla: But that doesn’t stop them from expecting it
Elena: Which only makes things worse because the last thing you want to do is…
Together: Let everybody down
They exchange smiles and Carla yawns, decides to head back upstairs and says as she leaves that what they’re doing must be nothing compared to Elena’s responsibilities in Avalor. Once she’s out of sight, Elena sighs, tells herself that she just has to pull this off. She’s defeated far worse villains, after all.
The following afternoon, song rehearsals are not going as well as anyone thought. No one is quite sure of what beat to stay on or the flow of things, so everything, including their singing is extremely off-key. Because of their failed attempts, they can’t activate their transformation either. Moana accuses the other girls of not trying hard enough with the song and, sensing the tension, Rapunzel suggests taking a break to look over some of the outfits she brought for them to try on. Belle sighs, says that the object is to save the school and that they have no time for playing dress-up, to which Rapunzel claims there’s always time to be creative.
Anna: She just wants to make things fun. Isn’t that what being in a band is supposed to be?
Carla: You don’t have time for any of this! You need to check in at the Battle of the Bands in twenty minutes!
Elena points out that the spell isn’t even close to ready, and playing it unfinished might tip off the Sirenas, so the girls decide to simply bide time in the competition to allow Elena to finalize the song. Moana suggests that they do all they can to make it to the finals and wait to unleash the spell then with the entire school in attendance. The others agree and they rush off to the school, where, before the competition starts, Principal Paloma welcomes the bands, claiming that it’s the most exciting event they’ve held and thanking the Sirenas, who revel in the competitive energy, for their idea. The leader comments that she can feel their power being restored just as the Crownlets (and Carla) make their entrance. With them in the room, she adds that their group hasn’t even begun to tap into the most powerful magic around. One of the others points out that the girls aren’t under their spell, only to be told that the Crownlets  they are just as capable of falling apart and being victims as much as anyone else in the room. They just need to be pushed a little.
Before their first number, the Crownlets notice that Rapunzel is missing. But, before they can wonder for too long, she appears in a new outfit decked out in metal chimes and various jewels, claiming that, because they’re performing in front of an audience, she wanted to try something new. Elena then reminds the girls that they have to play well enough to make it into the next round, but to not get so into it that they show off their magic and tip off the Sirenas.
Unfortunately, the number is a bit of a mess due to some sabotage from other students. One group takes advantage of the metal editions to Rapunzel’s costume and uses a series of powerful magnets to not only catch them, but drag her all around the stage. Anna accidentally causes trouble by activating a hidden confetti canon after overhearing another group say they’re boring, and Elena accidentally inhales one of the pieces. With a pat on the back, Snow White gets her to spit it out and is then thrown for a loop of her own when one of the freshman groups starts pointing the spotlight on her. Not wanting to be the centre of attention, she tries to step out of it, only to have it follow her as she runs for and ends up hiding behind the platform Anna’s drums are setup on just before Rapunzel finally pulls away from the magnets, only to have the sleeves completely ripped off her outfit.
Once the number is done, backstage, Belle scolds Rapunzel for her outfit and making them look like fools. Rapunzel snaps back that it wasn’t her fault they were sabotaged and is told that, yes, it is. If she hadn’t had all that metal in her outfit, she wouldn’t have been sabotaged in the first place. Meanwhile, Moana asks Anna about the confetti, says it’s hard to play with the pieces caught in her frets, to which Snow White agrees that it was distracting. Anna then snaps at her for running away from a light the whole time.
In an attempt to defuse the situation, Carla points out that they still sound much better than the other bands and is sure they’ll make it to the next round, not that it matters unless they work on the counter spell and sends her friends off to practice in private, saying to go somewhere the Sirenas won’t hear. In the hall, they literally run into one of the other bands. Elena apologises for bumping into their lead singer, who only mocks her in response. He claims that his band is the one to beat and that Elena is a useless addition to the Crownlets and has no idea what she’s doing.
As they move on, the Sirenas, who were witness to the interaction, mock them behind their backs before being interrupted by the intercom announcing the next band, whom they are playing after. They decide to go on their own way and are confronted by Carla.
Carla: You’re not going to get away with this
Sirena Leader: Why? Because you didn’t? Oh, we know ALL about you, Carla Delgado. You’ve got quite the reputation at Walter Mickey School
Carla: I’m working on it! I’m in a much better place now!
Sirena 3: Waiting in the wings while your friends have all the fun?
Leader: Oh, yes. You girls are SO tight, and yet….They didn’t ask you to be in their band?
Sirena 3: Probably afraid no one would come see them play if SHE was in the group
Sirena 2: Ooh. Too bad. So sad.
Leader: If it’s any consolation at all, no one will remember you at all by the time we’re done.
The Sirenas saunter off, leaving behind a wave of self-doubt for Carla to deal with as she takes in their words and we begin a song montage to show how each of the bands does in moving up the bracket through the weekend while Elena struggles with the counter spell as her friends argue all around her.
Luckily, they make through to the last round of the finals Sunday morning. Carla reminds them of the importance of making it through last round, unless they’re ready to play the counter spell now. Elena says that they’re not and Belle reassures her that they still have time to practice before the finals that night and the girls agree that they’ll stick together and not let their princess down. Snow White then speaks up, asks if they can play their song, but, because this round is such a big deal, Moana insists that they play her song, much to Snow White’s chagrin. However, before they go on, Mirror!Valentina and her band, Valentina and the Visionaries, take a moment to mock and challenge them,
Valentina: Let’s see you top that performance Crown-lames, not that you should be allowed to considering you have such a big advantage over the rest of us
Moana: My amazing guitar skills and singing voice?
Valentina: Seriously? I meant her
*Val points to Elena*
Valentina: If your band is really all that, Moana, you wouldn’t need to bring in some magical wringer to have half a chance. Everyone’s talking about it
Moana snaps that she could win the competition as a solo act, earning a round of glares and head shakes from her band mates before they’re called and file onto the stage. 
Carla: I’ll be here just…watching
During the song, fueled by Valentina’s challenge, Moana puts everything into the performance and gets so into it that she nearly activates her princess transformation. Seeing this, Carla acts quickly, runs out from backstage and shoves her down, throwing off the performance and stopping the magic, but earning the ire of her fellow students who saw the whole thing.
Student 1: Now, that’s the bad girl we love to hate!
Student 2: I knew she was still trouble
Student 3: The real Carla Delgado returns!
Carla: No…It isn’t like that…
Backstage, the girls start arguing again, they scold Carla and tell her that there were other ways to defuse the situation after she says she was only trying to prevent Moana from showing off her magic. Moana snaps that she didn’t help at all, and Belle says that none of this would have happened if she hadn’t been trying to show off to Valentina, who cuts in, sarcastically comments on their “great performance” and adding that her favourite part was watching Carla knock her friend over in a “fit of jealous rage.” Carla snaps that it wasn’t that at all, but not even her friends seem to believe her. She thinks to leave, but stops when, just before the announcement of the final round’s participants, the Sirenas come through the stage store and signing to Principal Paloma and the music instructor as they discuss the results of the round while her friends argue amongst themselves. Rapunzel laments about them not having another chance to play if they lose, says she had the perfect outfit made for the final round, to which Belle snaps that yes, that’s the real tragedy that Rapunzel won’t get to show off her outfit. Moana cuts in and tells them to be quiet because they’re announcing the winner to which Snow White claims doesn’t matter because they know they didn’t win.
Despite everything, the Crownlets are announced as one of the final participants and receive nothing but backlash from their classmates, exiting the gym to a chorus of jeers, boos and some choice words from Valentina, who is then encouraged and pushed by the Sirenas to sabotage the Crownlets’ arrival.
Leader: The Crownlets don’t deserve to be in the finals. Not when your band was so much better.
Sirena 3: And wanted it so much more
Leader: But, I suppose this is how it is going to be. Us versus the Crownlets
Sirena 2: Unless the Crownlets don’t manage to make it to their set or are held up for some reason.
That afternoon during their sound check on the football field’s stage, Valentina interrupts Snow White’s lamenting about how they really shouldn’t have won. She claims that she’s the prettiest and most talented girl at Walter Mickey School and therefore, deserves to be in the finals. She says she refuses to concede and her band mates and pull the lever for the trap door the Crownlets are sitting on, which throws them all below the stage with the Sirenas and Skylar, who had been playing behind one of the amps, being witness to the action.
That night, Valentina’s band is given a slot in the show while the Crownlets remain trapped below the stage. Moana attempts and fails at busting down the door. Belle orders her to stop, saying that she’s been trying for hours and that the door isn’t going to open. Elena sighs, says that, perhaps it’s better that they’re trapped and that the counter spell wouldn’t have worked. Belle contests her, saying that it would have worked if someone hadn’t stolen the spotlight. Moana tells her she doesn’t have to be cryptic about Elena taking over and Rapunzel snaps that Belle was talking about her, which tips off a huge argument between the five main girls while Elena laments about failing. After all, she’s the crown princess. She’s supposed to know what to do.
Belle: It may have been your idea to start a band, but it’s not just your band, Moana!
Moana: I’m the one writing all the songs!
Snow White: I write songs! You just never let us play any of them!
Rapunzel: I’ve been working nonstop on the most amazing outfits for…
Belle: Again with the dresses! No one cares what we’re wearing!
Rapunzel: Well excuse me for attempting to make a creative contribution to the band!
Anna: Does anyone remember fun? I’ll give you a hint! It’s the exact opposite of being in the Crownlets!
As they continue picking at each other, Carla notices that the now visible negative energy rising up from her friends. The same energy that the Sirenas were collecting from the other students! However, there’s a major difference. The energy from the Crownlets has Maruvian Magic interwoven in it. Magic that is being released at the same time the Sirenas are announced take the stage. They’re able to use the magic energy stolen from the girls to enhance their voices and powers during their performance, while, below the stage, Carla snaps at her friends to stop arguing.
Carla: You have to stop! This is what they’ve been after all along. They’re feeding off the magic inside you.
Belle: But, how can they be using our magic? Isn’t it tied to our friendship?
Carla: Ever since you formed this band, you’ve been letting petty things get in the way. I never said anything because I didn’t think it was my place, not when I barely understand this whole friendship thing. I still have a lot to figure out, but I know enough to know that not working out even the smallest problems at the start can turn the magic of friendship into something else.
Elena: And I never noticed. I’m supposed to be the one with all the answers, but all I’ve done since arriving is let you down.
Carla: I don’t think anyone is supposed to have all the answers, but I know now you should be able to count on your friends to help you find them.
Elena: I think you already have!
With a new resolve and diffused argument, Elena declares that they DO have the answer, but it requires them to break free from their trap, so they rush the door in an attempt to break it down, only to have it open on its own to reveal Skylar and the school’s resident DJ student, Esmerelda, who Skylar reveals was never under the Sirenas spell due to never taking off her studio headphones. The girls decide to get the band back together. When Rapunzel asks what version of the spell they’ll be playing, Elena says that it doesn’t matter what song they play. In fact, it doesn’t have to be a spell at all. They just need to stay strong and play together.
Moana suggests playing one of Snow White’s songs and Belle says that they should save the realm “in style” with some of Rapunzel’s handmade outfits that were being stored below the stage. While they get ready, the Sirenas’ performance goes on and their stolen magic begins to activate. They return to their true forms, using both the magic and negative energy to revive the spirit of the Malvago who gave them power. His image appears behind them as a shadow illusion, looking over and reveling in the chaos below.
Up on the hill overlooking the field, the girls meet up with Esmerelda and use her family’s mobile DJ set up to project their music, interrupting the Sirenas’ song and briefly breaking the spell on the students. Just as Elena predicted, all it takes is them uniting together to bring out their magic and activate their princess forms. 
Seeing the challenge from the girls, the Sirenas declare that they’re turning it into a real battle and unleash all of their energy into the spirit of the dark wizard, their own spirits rising from their physical forms to join him forming as they fight music with music. The girls’ magic comes through their instruments. Each note they play interweaving with their magic and allowing them to send their own powerful magic blasts to each of the Sirenas as their spirits attempt to approach and overtake the princesses. Elena attempts to use her voice and throw a sonic song towards them, but it stopped by the Sirena’s own song. The notes combine with the magic rising up from their ruling wizard and the overwhelming amount of dark magic brings the princesses to their knees, literally, Elena’s sole microphone being propelled out of her hand and landing next to Carla’s feet. She hesitantly picks it up, gives it an unsure look.
Elena: Carla, please. We need you.
Fueled by the Princess’ words, Carla forces down her self-doubt, her confidence returning as steps up to the challenge, bringing her friends back up and around with her own song. Together, the other girls stand and sing with her, the additional magic from Carla combining with Elena’s to send out a joint magic blast that finally, permanently cracks the spell over the students, who, along with the Sirenas and the girls, watch as everything comes full circle and Carla earns her own princess transformation with a flowing, violet dress adorned with touches of black and a silver tiara on top of her longer hair. 
The release of the magic within Carla gives them enough of a boost to put their powers together along with the music and now positive attitudes from their fellow students. Like in the battle for the scepter, it’s the girls’ combined effort that is responsible for bringing down the Sirenas and the Malvago’s spirit. Their magic blast destroys the pendants, which are revealed to not only be the vessel for negative energy, but the source of their power. Without them, they can’t sing properly and are reverted to normal, harmless girls.
With things resolved, Moana suggests that, since Elena has to return to Avalor, that…Maybe Carla could join the band and “help Snow White on backup vocals.” She agrees…Kind of. Says that they should know she won’t be satisfied playing background singer and demonstrates her ability by singing one of Snow White’s lyrics, smugly flipping her hair over her shoulder at the stunned looks she receives in response before being pulled into a group hug.
The following morning at the statue, the girls send Elena off, saying that they wish she could stay but know that she has her own responsibilities back home and Elena says that if they ever need her, all they have to do is write, which Carla starts to do.
Dear Princess Elena,
I can’t believe I’m saying this, but I actually miss you. Things are looking up for me here in the Mirror World. But, I know I still have a lot to learn about friendship and connecting with people. I hope you don’t mind if I write to you from time to time, because I’m going to do it regardless.
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December 15, Christmas Caryl
@freefromthecocoon sent me a prompt asking me to write a Christmas Caryl based on The Gift of the Magi short story. Here’s my humble attempt (also on 9L)
The Gift of Us
Carol had wracked her brain for days trying to decide on the perfect present for Daryl. She really wanted to make this Christmas—their first together as a couple—special, but with the world given over to the dead, her options had drastically diminished: weapons (a necessity, but not an exceptional gift), clothes (giving him shirts or pants or shoes that had once belonged to someone else didn’t feel special, no matter how much they needed attire), food (stale, canned, jarred, or a fave made with paltry substitutions hardly seemed worthy), something for his motocycle (Aaron had assured her he had everything Daryl could need for the bike), and good loving (well…that was already a given).
For the time being, they had walls, relative safety, a home, gardens, weapons, and food, all the things that mattered now, and she desperately wanted to give him something that would last, something he’d appreciate, a gift to convey just how much she cared about him.
From the en suite bathroom where she stood brushing her teeth, she stared at his side of the bed. His nightstand, stark compared to hers, held a lamp and a box of bullets that matched the gun inside the drawer. His pillow, undisturbed for nights now with his absence, remained fluffed but askew. The duffle he’d recently started using—“Don’t need a closet,” he’d explained in that gruff voice of his when he’d set it on the floor near the bed. “Got nuthin’ to fill it with. And…just in case we gotta leave quickly…”—held his few possessions: some clothes, a sheathed knife, extra bullets, a few tools. He’d lay his angel-wing vest over the bag like a gothic sentinel when he wasn’t wearing it, but its absence only deepened the longing in her chest for him. The room held other traces of him—a lighter and motorcycle gloves on the dresser, a pair of shoes next to it, and a pack of energy drinks she couldn’t stand the taste of sitting in the corner—and an overwhelming sense of emptiness engulfed her.
She missed him. He’d left nearly a week ago with Tara and Rick to scavenge, and though she expected their return any day now, Christmas, according to the calendar the Alexandrians had kept, was only two days away.
Rick had promised Michonne, just as Daryl had promised her, that they’d return in time to celebrate. She only hoped they hadn’t run into any trouble that would prevent them from keeping their word.
Carol finished brushing her teeth and stopped at the threshold of the room again, scanning it for ideas once more.
And then it hit her.
She’d need materials, several hours of free time, and a few lessons from Margaret over at the Kingdom.
Tomorrow, she determined. She’d trek over there, ask Margaret for help, and, if lucky, complete the project early enough to return home. She’d rather lose sleep than have Daryl arrive home, on Christmas Eve no less, without her there.
Snuggling down into her lonely bed, she smiled contentedly to herself, relieved to have finally settled on a gift both unique and meaningful.
Now if she could only pull it off…
Avoiding an overhanging branch as he traipsed through the frozen forest, Daryl blustered a sigh, wondering yet again what he could give to Carol for Christmas. Over the years, he’d brought her treats and trinkets from the runs and hunting trips he’d led: a few shirts in her favorite shade of red; a lamp for her cell when she’d mentioned the prison felt cloyingly dark; a pair of earring studs when she’d realized one of hers had fallen out of her ear somewhere along the way; warm, fuzzy socks when it got cold. But this gift needed to exceed any of those trifles; he wanted it to communicate how much Carol had come to mean to him.
He’d considered the usual (clothes, jewelry or accessories, chocolate, or books or puzzles, her favorite pastimes) but nothing struck him as significant enough.
What would relay to her how she’d helped him grow into a person, a man who’d learned how to love and let others love him? What could he possibly give her to let her know how gratitude filled him when he recalled her dragging him back from his destructive path after he’d failed to bring Sophia back to her?
He’d watched her grow, too. From a quietly brave woman to a revered leader, experienced in strategy and with weapons, and light years beyond any of their family and friends in the art of war.
And then it hit him. A gift to illustrate how far she’d come and sentimental enough to portray his love for her.
He’d just need to stop at the Hilltop before returning to Alexandria.
“Should be home by tomorrow,” he threw over his shoulder at Tara and Rick as they followed in his tracks.
He quickened his pace, his footsteps lighter now that, not only would he be back with Carol tomorrow, but he’d have the perfect gift to give her on Christmas.
“It’ll cost you that knife.”
Carol’s hand flew to her hip, the focus of Margaret’s pointing, and wrapped her hand around the hilt. She drew her brows together. “My knife? The Kingdom has plenty of weapons. What do you need this one for?” She asked amiably, but she didn’t like the sound of someone asking for her weapon. Besides, she’d had her knife since the prison. Using it felt like second nature, and she��d be loathe to give it up. “I thought you’d be willing to help me…” ”I am,” the woman, not much older than Carol, assured. “But seems we’re running low on weapons lately. And now that the communities are bartering and bargaining with each other, it’s kinda the rule. I can help you—and I will. Today, since that’s what you want.—but it’ll cost you the knife. Been needin’ something I can hold on to when I’m out there running and fighting. It’s easy to lose your weapon. Suppose that’s why you got a knife with a knuckle guard. Seems that’d suit me just fine.”
Carol eyed Margaret cautiously, furiously debating in her heart whether to give up the knife that had nearly become a part of her or simply walk away. There were others Carol could ask to assist her with her gift for Daryl, but she’d seen Margaret’s supplies and handiwork firsthand, and no one would do a better job. She couldn’t mess this up. Not over a knife. Not when she could just as easily use or claim one of Alexandria’s many knives as her own.
Daryl—and his Christmas present—meant more to her than any hunk of metal.
“Deal,” she conceded, removing the knife and its worn-out sheath from her belt loop.
Margaret turned the weapon over in her hand, then gripped it for good measure. “It’s perfect,” she noted.
Carol nodded regretfully, her mind now focused on Daryl’s gift. “So…how long do you think it’ll take to complete the project?”
“Oh, we’ll be done in a few hours,” Margaret assured her. “Now, let’s go pick out the right color.”
It hadn’t taken much to get Rick and Tara to agree to stop at the Hilltop. They wanted to check in on Maggie (he did, too) and see what, if anything, the community could spare for trade.
Daryl spent time with the woman he saw as a sister—she thrived here as the leader, and the Hilltop seemed just as healthy—before he excused himself and headed toward the line of huts against the compound’s wall.
“Hey there,” Boyd, a teenager Daryl remembered from his brief stay at the community, greeted as he approached.
“Hey,” Daryl returned, his eyes quickly roaming the three-sided shack they used for blacksmithing and hide-tanning. “Your dad around? I could use his help with somethin’.”
“Whaddya have in mind?”
Daryl spun to see Trevor, the tall, lean Southerner in his 40’s who knew more about hides and tanning than any man he’d ever met.
“Got somethin’ I was hopin’ you’d help me make. Today if possible.” Daryl described exactly what he had in mind.
“Sure will be nice,” Trevor stated. “But…it’ll take some time.”
“I’ll stay as long as it takes,” Daryl assured. “Think we can finish it today?”
“I already got the materials, but…you know I got a schedule to keep, what with the trade items for the Kingdom due soon and the snow comin’ off and on.”
“I could help you?” Daryl suggested, praying Trevor wouldn’t take him up on the offer. He much preferred the woods and hunting over a kiln and pelt work. Besides, he wanted to make it home to Carol, the sooner the better. And definitely before Christmas tomorrow like he’d promised her.
The man chuckled. “I know you ain’t any good with that stuff. You lived here for a short time, remember?”
Daryl’s mouth quirked up on one side. “Yeah, I know. Well…what can I do?”
Trevor considered it for a moment, then said, “Tell you what...I’ll help you—guaranteed we’ll get it done today—if you trade me for your vest.”
Daryl’s brows knit together. “My vest?”
“Yeah. That thing’s a rare beaut, what with those angel wings and braided panels on the sides.” Trevor leaned in close, whispering conspiratorially. “Works like a magnet on the ladies, too. I seen ‘em checkin’ it out.”
Daryl reared back slightly. “The vest?”
“Or you,” Trevor smirked. “But since I ain’t you, I’ll try the vest.”
He’d never known the vest to help him with the ladies before, and he’d had it since long before the turn. As much as his crossbow, it was almost a part of him. He hated the idea of seeing it—yet again—on someone else and thought it a steep price for what he was asking.
Still, the gift he’d have for Carol would be well worth it if she liked it half as much as he thought she might.
“Alright,” he conceded ruefully, shedding the beloved vest like a second skin. “Let’s get started. I wanna get home as soon as possible.”
Carol carefully withdrew Daryl’s gift from her knapsack and laid it on the bed. It looked perfect, the color an identical match, the handiwork exquisite, the details refined. Not a curve or stitch out of place, it would replace the old set nicely.
And she could hardly wait to present it to him.
She’d returned after nightfall to an empty house but had no doubt Daryl would make it back by tomorrow like he’d promised, as long as nothing untoward had occurred out on the road.
With one last satisfied look at the gift, she folded it up and tucked it into the small Christmas bag she’d finagled from the stash Carl had found. Downstairs, she snipped a piece of string from the kitchen catch-all drawer and tied the handles together, then set the gift on the coffee table.  
Carol hummed as she heated up a pot of lentil soup (the only kind left in the pantry), wondering where Daryl was right now. Several miles out? Approaching the gate? Walking up the street? Had they run into any trouble? Were any of them hurt? Even now, after months on end without enemies tearing at their compound, innumerable dangers abounded. Wounds and starvation, random enemies and thirst, nature and mistakes…just a few of the pitfalls that could befall them. They both worried when without the other.
She knew he and Rick would have kept track of the days, and Tara likely kept them in line with her sass and wit. Carol smiled at the thought, stirring the pot one last time before turning off the stove.
She heard the front door rattle, then Daryl’s voice reached her. “Carol?”
“In here,” she exclaimed as she rushed to the front of the house.
Daryl barely had time to close the door before Carol threw herself into his arms. She radiated warmth in contrast to the biting cold outside that had seeped into his clothes and his bones. “Hey,” he murmured against her hair, wrapping his arms snugly around her.
Her breath teased his ear, and he nuzzled into her embrace, gently kissing her neck.
She felt like home: safe, warm, welcoming. Unlike anything he’d ever experienced before. Each time he left or she set out somewhere, his arms—his heart—felt bereft. But coming home to her, reuniting with her after an absence, made up for all the lonely days, frigid nights, and dastardly deeds he had to endure to get back to her.
“Everything okay?” she asked.
“Yeah, we’re all good,” he answered as he withdrew to give her the once-over. “How ‘bout here?”
“Status quo.” She looked up at him, this man she loved. His bright eyes stared heatedly at her, his cheeks pink from the cold. He looked tired but no worse for the wear of having been gone for nearly a week. “You made it back for Christmas.”
“Promised you I would,” he mumbled, leaning in to kiss her.
Even now, after months of being with her, allowed to kiss her, hold her, touch her, love her, she made his blood boil, his heart race, and he didn’t know how this hell of a world granted him the treasure of loving Carol.
His lips, like the rest of him, were cold, but firm as she welcomed him home, and she sunk into his embrace, pressed herself against the solid wall of his chest. Unlike those who’d come before, the breadth of his shoulders, the strength of his arms, the muscles of his chest, the rapid beat of his heart sent a thrill through her instead of a ripple of fear. She doubted she’d ever get used to the haven of his embrace.
“Merry Christmas to me,” she pronounced as he pulled away.
He chuckled, the pink in his cheeks deepening slightly, and he kissed her forehead. “To me,” he corrected. “But let me shower this week off’a me and we can get back to the merry-making.” He winked at her.
“Then hurry it up,” she encouraged, lightly pushing in the direction of the stairs. “Merry isn’t all I’d like to be making.”
“Impatient, aren’t ya?” he teased over his shoulder.
“Oh, I’m patient,” she punned. “Been waiting for a week now. I’m tired of being patient.”
She heard him chortle as he headed up the stairs, and a smile spread across her face at their banter, her heart light and happy.
She turned the soup back on to simmer, keeping it warm for them, and toasted some of the bread they’d bartered from the Kingdom. She couldn’t make him a feast after his trek, but she could have a warm meal ready.
Fifteen minutes later, Daryl’s footsteps sounded on the stairs, and he came into the room, looking clean and refreshed, his hair wet. He’d donned black sweat pants, a long sleeve, dark blue shirt, and a clean pair of socks.
“Somethin’ smells good,” he complimented, turning toward the stove and peeking into the pot in order to hide the gift he’d brought down with him.
“I think that’s you,” Carol stated, running her hand across his back as she moved around him to grab bowls from the cabinet.
He turned as she moved, heading toward the living room, but stopped abruptly when he saw a small gift already sitting on the coffee table. Unsure who else would’ve brought Carol a present—she deserved them all, but times what they were, he hadn’t expected anyone else to go out of their way—he did a one-eighty and stood watching her.
Unaware of her audience, Carol set the bowls on the counter, withdrew spoons from the drawer, and began ladling soup into the bowls. “I made dinner.” She looked over her shoulder, unsure where Daryl had gone, and did a double-take when she saw him standing watching her, one hand behind his back.
She stood up, facing him. “What?”
He cleared his throat and slowly stepped toward her. “I…got you somethin’.” He withdrew the gift from behind him as he neared her, watching her face for her response.
Carol’s eyes slid over the gently-wrapped present, the simple tan cloth giving away a two-inch thick, one-foot long shape, before sliding up to Daryl.
“Merry Christmas,” he declared.
Her face broke out into a smile that reached her eyes, and his heart sped up. “You didn’t have to… I can’t believe you did this.”
Pleased by her genuine joy, he held the gift out to her, and she reverently took it, sliding down into one of the dining room chairs. He sat in the chair next to her, and they half-turned toward one another.
Carol gently pulled the strings of twine until the bow untied, slid it off the package, then unrolled the cloth from a sanded pine box. Her eyes, a question mark, flicked to his, but he remained silent, waiting for her to open the box.
She snapped open the latch and lifted the lid to find a knife sheath, tan in color, with a belt attachment. Carol picked the sheath up to get a better look at the brand on the long, blade-end.
A Cherokee rose.
Daryl watched emotions play across Carol’s face. Surprise, curiosity, awe, then…sadness as she noticed the rose?
His heart fell. For so long, he’d imagined the Cherokee rose as their…thing. A symbol of hope, it’d become a marker of them, their relationship. From Sophia and that grave he still thanked the Powers That Be was empty, to a blackened forest and the memory of all that white-petaled flower represented to him. To them, he’d thought. But now tears filled her eyes, and…well…he felt at a loss.
He watched her eyes slide up to the lighter brand, more of a drawing than an impression in the leather, and she held the sheath closer to her face. Recognition dawned as she took in the monochrome rainbow, and she grasped the sheath to her chest in both hands, squeezing her eyes shut.
To the best of her knowledge, Daryl didn’t do leatherwork. He’d gone out of his way to make this. And the added details of the Cherokee rose and the rainbow…her heart broke at the time and effort he must’ve spent to make such a wonderful gift. And she couldn’t even use it.
Daryl sat, riveted to the chair and so confused he was afraid to breathe. He thought for sure she’d like it. Personalized and safer than that old raggedy one she had now with the seams falling apart, he knew it’d keep her safe and her knife handy. He hadn’t meant to hurt her with the symbols…only to keep Sophia and him with her, close to her. A sort of…talisman of protection.
He swallowed hard, believing he’d made a colossal mistake. “Carol…I…I’m sorry. I just…”
“It’s gorgeous.”
Her voice came softly, filled with wonder, and he sat in silence once again.
She stared at him, his body tense with uncertainty, and she realized what he must be thinking. “I love it,” she whispered, her voice still filled with tears. She looked at the sheath once again. “The Cherokee rose…us. And the rainbow…Sophia. So you’ll both always be with me. Protecting me.”
Daryl felt relief sweep into his body. She didn’t hate it, understood it just as much as he’d wanted and hoped.
“It’s…amazing. I love it. But…”
But…? His heart fell again, afraid of what she’d say.
“Daryl, I…I don’t have my knife anymore.”
Of the many scenarios that had quickly crossed his mind, that wasn’t one of them. He shook his head, clearing away cobwebs. “Whaddya mean you don’t have your knife?”
Carol set the sheath back in the box and, without a word, got up, retrieved the gift bag from the coffee table, and set it in front of him. “Merry Christmas, Daryl.”
Her words, though stained with tears, sounded genuine, but Daryl still gave her a quizzical look as she wiped tears from her face.
“Open your present,” she entreated.
None of this made sense, but Daryl dutifully untied the twine from the bag and removed a handful of neatly-folded, flaxen-colored material. He raised his eyebrows as he unfolded it to reveal angel wings. Wings that looked exactly like the ones on the vest he’d just traded.
Just before he’d left, Carol had told him exactly what she thought of that vest. “Those wings are starting to fray,” she’d said as he’d thrown it on.
“They’ll be alright,” he assured himself more than her. “Cain’t exactly go to the store and get another. Or the tailor and get ‘em repaired.”
“No…but I can’t imagine you without them. You’ve always been there to swoop in and bring me back to safety.”
He’d met her gaze. “What’re you talkin’ about?”
“Just seems like any time I was too far gone or on the brink, you’d come in and bring me back to myself…and you. Like my own personal angel.”
He’d leaned to kiss her then. “Ain’t no angel.” Another kiss. “But I’ll be back soon, and I’ll take you to heaven.”
She giggled as he kissed her again. “See you soon,” he’d promised, then he’d headed out the door to go meet Rick and Tara.
Now, he stared at the details of the wings, the arches of the tops, the layers of feather-work, the long, swooping plumes that would’ve covered most of his back. An exact replica of the wings that adorned the vest he’d given up to ‘buy’ her sheath.
“It’s only part of the gift,” Carol explained. “I’ll remove the old ones and affix these.” She saw his reserved hesitation. “If you want…?”
Daryl gently laid them out on the table, admiring the handiwork, the details, the thought she’d put into this. And hated the words he spoke next.
“I don’t have my vest anymore.” Before the shock on her face wore off and she could ask, he said, “I bartered the vest for the sheath. Wanted to give you somethin’ nice for Christmas. It’s our first…ya know, together.” He took her hand in his. “And I know that sheath you got is comin’ apart. Afraid you’re gonna accidentally get stabbed. And I’d like to keep you around for a good, long while.”
He raised her hand to his mouth and kissed it, and a tear slipped down her cheek.
“Oh, Daryl. I traded my knife for the wings. I wanted your gift to be special, too. I know how much you love that vest—and I do, too. I just want my angel around.”
With her free hand, she pushed the hair away from his face and laced her fingers through his now-dry locks.
“What a pair we are, huh?” Daryl scoffed, stunned that they’d both bartered away the exact items the other had gotten a gift for.
She nodded, a small smile playing at her lips. “I guess so. But this is still the best Christmas ever.”
He quirked his head. “How so?”
“You gave up your most prized possession for me. I gave up mine for you. And the gifts we got one another? Here? At the end of the world?” She raised her tone with each question, indicating how ridiculous it should’ve sounded. Instead, it made perfect sense: the two of them, together, giving up all they had for one another. “Look how much love we have.”
He nodded, conceding her point. “’Spose so.” Then, his expression turning playful, he leaned toward her. “And there’s more where that came from.”
“That’s right…you promised me a trip to heaven.”
“Ummhmm,” he murmured against her lips, and proceeded to take her there with touches as soft as rose petals and angel wings.
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puppybaby15 · 7 years
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The Goddess of Creation ref+bio
Note: This is a universe where none of the main six exist nor do the rest of any canon characters or story. I have made my own story of the matter and own main character....if i ever get around to making them that is... Note 2: Ignore any black writing on the bottom, those are the colors I used. I made it easier for myself so I don't have to constantly color match if I ever have to art of this character again. (it doesn't always go well for me) Name: Goddess of Creation, or Queen of Creation. Technically she has no name since there was no one to name her. This is her "official" name from the ponies.  Nicknames: Queen, Mother, Light. 
Gender: Female Age: Ageless, since she did create the universe Species: Alicorn humanoid Height: 9'3"  (or 281 cm) Weight: She technically doesn't have any weight on her. Current Residence: In her castle near the Milky Way Occupation: Queen Mane Color/Style/Length: Main is a light pink, has an inky dripping style, and is down her back Coat Description: her coat is very short and soft, it's a very pale coral color that fades into blue on her hooves and horn.  Eye Shape/Color: Her eyes don't have the standard black purple, and they are a magenta kind of color Accessories: Her scepter and dress (that I didn't draw here to show her full body) Cutie Mark: A pink star with pale gold and yellow rays in a pink crescent Special Talent: Creating Stars and the Universe. Family: Her daughter Andromeda (who i haven't created yet) Friends: the star children I guess Personality: She's a calm, caring, gentle and wise deity who sometimes can't understand what someponies are feeling or can be very clueless during a "normal" conversation with a regular pony. She didn't create ponies, just the stars they live off of. 
Flaws: Ignorant to emotions, could easily loose control of powers if angered, underestimates her powers, can easily get addicted to things, blunt about her thoughts, bold/ to forward on things making some ponies feel pressured. 
Likes: New things, tea, books, sitting and doing nothing, watching life flourish (even from the smallest of things), the many colors of the galaxies she's made, star gazing, flying through earths winds.  Dislikes: pitch black darkness, violence, loud ponies, being crowded by ponies (since she isn't used to them), ponies touching her feathers/mane&coat, and any product that came from an animal. 
Powers: Creating stars & galaxies, light manipulation (like drag rays of light to an area), telekinesis, teleportation, bending of colors (like change colors or make ponies see different colors), illumination, light blasts, and many other space-related powers. 
Backstory: The previous universe had finished expanding, from the Big Bang, the gravity started to pull the galaxies together again and this was called the Big Crunch. This impact caused so much energy to be released, but more concentrated this time instead of spread out. Over millions of years of silence and flowing energy a deity finally emerged. She was naive and not exactly a "living" creature by any sorts. She sat into this darkness for another million upon millions of years till she grew sick of it. As she held her hands together palm to palm like a crescent she try to focus her energy. Shortly a small glowing orb had form in her hand, it was a bright blue and she smiled brightly. She made the mistake of opening her hands and letting that energy go, for it caused a massive explosion spreading gas and elements on every edge of the nothingness she called home. She decided that her hands weren't meant for this new born power and she used her horn. Another glowing orb formed and she let it go and "pushed" it away and soon it stopped moving. It didn't explode or go out, in fact it started attracting materials from the remnants of the previous universe. The Alicorn smiled and continued to make these balls of energy called stars and her cutie mark formed on her flank. A pink crescent representing her hands holding the first shiny star. 
As time went on she became lonely, no one to share her excitement with. With all of her energy she manifested a small pony, it wasn't close to her size at all or had all her features like hands, wings, or a horn. This was the first star child, her name was Estrella (es-STRAY-ya). A star child isn't a living being, it's more like a clump of gas and energy that is in the shape of a pony 95% of star children resembled earth ponies that can levitate. After some time the Goddess realized she made to many stars to monitor them all. Estrella gave a suggestion of letting her watch at least one of the stars. The Goddess agreed and let her watch the sun. The most a star child could do was control all the solar winds it gave off and how bright the star could be. After Estrella left it gave the Goddess a great idea to make more star children. After another million years every star had a star child and the Goddess was proud of herself. 
One "day" Estrella came to Goddess in an excited urgency. "Oh mother come look!" following to a planet Estrella named Earth they watched in aw. "I don't remember making these star children," Goddess said in disbelief, "because you didn't they sorta popped up here not to long ago, aren't they amazing?" Estrella smiled. 
From that day on the the Goddess ruled over earth loosely, everyone knew of her existence and she would visit every now and then to observe how the life of ponies were changing. This was all new to her, life, pony's intelligence and mind set, it interested her greatly. 
Questions and reasons
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cutegirlmayra · 7 years
I know you said you've done some stuff with Villain!Amy, but wondering if maybe you could write something of Villain!Amy flirting with Sonic? I think it'd be interesting. (Also could you let me know what's tagged for Villain!Amy prompts so I can find them. Thank you!)
It wasn’t a prompt, it was a fanfiction, season 2 of Sonic Supers features ‘Dark Chaos’ the negative energy of Chaos ends up taking over Amy and possession her into a villain. Upon which, it’s like the Chaos Emeralds are rebelling against the Master Emerald, and use Amy as their ‘indirect’ rebellion pawn. Kinda suppose to be deep and dark stuff, but I’ve been trying to edit it. (Fanfiction account: Cutegirlmayra1)
As for your request, I would love too! I’ve had an idea for it, it wouldn’t quite be Amy though… but it would be using Sonic’s memories and such to mimic her a bit.
World: AU
Couple: Sonamy
Summary: -listed above-
After entering the forbidden forest and making his way into the cursed shrine, Sonic made his way up the stairs and looked around at all the cobwebs and ancient evidences that proved this once was a working forest shrine.
Until… a trapped sirenic spirit was imprisoned here… that is.
“What have you come for?…Stranger…”
The voice was strangely familiar, and Sonic looked around.
His communication with Tails was lost already from the thick, dense forest around him anyway. Being in the middle of almost complete wilderness, but even still, he wasn’t the least bit worried about that.
He smiled, “I hear your people stored technology here that could stop an Armageddon. Me and my buddies would like to borrow it for some time.” Sonic walked around, enjoying the feel of the place, although an eerie mist formed around the shrine’s main attraction, a decorative offering table, still lined with faded gold and having plates and bowls upon it.
The Siren spirit took form then, and grinned, her voice more apparent then. “You don’t seem to be too phased by this place.”
Now the voice was very distinct, and Sonic’s ears turned back. “Amy?” In his surprise, he turned around, seeing her but…
“What the-?”
“Heh. I take the form of whatever your heart will most likely trust… and what you can’t resist.” She had Amy’s face alright, but she looked… older, or maybe her tight dress that draped along the floor just showed off her figure better. But the accessories she wore and such… a little outdated for Amy’s tastes.
She laid slightly across the table, having offering drinks and other such stuff upon it, and having an arm to support her leaning body.
“Uhh…uh… You sure it isn’t what’s most uncomfortable?” Sonic tried a nervously smile, but sweatdropped, seeing as he’d rather not deal with this situation.
“Hm, hmm… I’m afraid once the form is chosen… it sticks.” She got up and walked with such slow elegance, her eyes locked on his. When she finally got close enough, he leaned his head back, his smile disappearing.
Something definitely didn’t feel right now.
It wasn’t he atmosphere, it was just the difference in her eyes… they didn’t have the same life in them as Amy’s did.
“What?” she shook her head, giving him a funny look. “You act as though this displeases you.”
“It’s not my friend. That’s what’s unsettling.” he tightened his lips line, as if not liking that someone was impersonating her.
“Anger builds… inside of you.” Without hesitation, she looked down at his chest and put her hands to it, spreading them out as she said those words.
He suddenly felt a paralysis, and began to shake, “W-what’s happening?!”
“Heh. Did you think you could walk into a siren’s den and make it out without even a little effort?” She teased him, before removing her hands, having him drop down and cling to his chest, breathing hard.
“Eh, but you’re not really my type.” she lied, moving away and strategizing him up. “You’ve come for my treasure… a vast assortment of which could prove useful for your plight…. However…” she put her hands to her hips, facing him from behind, and turned seductively as she dropped her eyes, moving her draped dress to the side, and grinning wickedly as he looked up in slight realization of how powerful she could be over him.
“Scary. Isn’t it?” she spoke softly. “I feed off your emotions. I… unlock them… so speak.” she looked to her fingers, and fiddled with them in the air, before withdrawing it back to her and then letting her hands trail down her figure, stopping just below her torso.
“You know… they say this power is only enhanced by how much one has previously resisted desire…”
“Heh, I can assure you. This holds nothing I would want.” Sonic tried to remain in control, going off and giving her a run for her money.
He got up, taking a deep breath, before deciding to play along.
“I’m rather the solo-bachelor myself.” he grinned, as if tempting her to try her worst.
Her eyes widened at his play, not really a flirt, but as if he was enticing her to take her best shot.
This excited her.
He folded his arms, and gave her a confident look.
She moved back over, and watched as his look shifted into caution, his eyes shifting to see if her arms were going to paralysis him again or not, and getting ready to move at any moment.
“My… you must have little to no experience in love… if you think that little taunts can sway a woman’s charm from a man’s eye… heh, well, maybe you’re just trying to convince yourself of that.” she came dangerously close, but he held his ground, leaning back again, before this time she simply flicked her head up, closing her eyes as she did so before opening to see his reaction.
It was a simple show of how Sonic was defenseless to really keep her away, and how she could have power to look, ‘good’ even if he tried to convince himself otherwise.
“You’re not as strong as you think you are, hero.” she lowered her eyes, and attempted to move closer.
“I’m not here to talk about me.” Sonic bristly moved, not taking any nonsense, and turning away from his usual tactics of personal charm to now just getting the job done and getting out.
“Freedom is always fleeting.” she vaporized into mist, soaring through the ground like a swaying snake, before materializing back into Amy’s form, and holding him intimately. “I could help you get the treasure… but you’ll have to help me~” she cooed, as he reacted slightly to the shock of her just appearing in front of him, holding his hands out.
He glared, and pulled her off. “I’m not game for manipulation.” he narrowed his eyes, and moved her to the side, tapping her shoulders and giving her a tilt of his head, clicking his tongue as if saying, ‘tough luck!’.
He continued his way to the offering table, a round decorative stone that matched the rest of the white, pearly shrine, before looking around it.
She disappeared in mist after another deadly expression of sinister intent spread across her face, before reappearing leaning up against a pillar in his peripheral vision.
“My, is this rejection? The more you resist the more your heart will long… Oh, shame. If you don’t want to show your affections to your sweetheart… then at least play along with a wildcard.” Her actions near the pillar were mostly just gracing it with her fingers, pushing up against it, and then moving around it as if playing coy.
Sonic couldn’t help but stare at first, something pulling him, but he quickly blinked his eyes and shook his head, looking cautiously to the ground, seeming confused at why her actions interested him any.
He didn’t answer and kept working to look for anything that could help him find a way further in.
“Hee-hee!” she distinctively mimicked Amy’s laugh, and stood in front of the pillar, having her hands behind her, and leaning her head back to it.
Sonic’s head shot up, and he quickly looked back in annoyance.
“Stop it.”
“Was that a threat?”
“I don’t fall for phonies.”
“Oh, but you do fall for something.”
He jolted, and she grinned as she walked with a dance-like step in her feet, moving her flowy but tight dresses ends with her arms, and moving towards a gap between the back of the offering table.
“Not particularly.” he glared, not liking her continuing her act after he made it clear he didn’t want to engage her any further.
“Are you really so chivalrous that cheating leaves a sour taste in your mouth?”
“Considering you seem to know nothing about the person you’ve formed into, you obviously know even less about me, which means-” he turned to her finally, directly addressing her. “You can’t tell.” It was a little comforting to know she seemed to know very little about Amy or even himself, and that could help him see through her alluring illusion of her.
He closed his eyes and clenched his teeth and fists.
Shoot! He had given her her name back when he first heard her voice!
“But those shouldn’t matter..” she walked to the back wall, placing a hand on it, “Beauty trumps all other passions…” she spoke this as if it was a cruel fact of nature. “Even valor.”
“Not this time.”
“Heh. What manner of man are you then?”
“I’m just Sonic.”
“A hero?”
“A guy who loves adventure.”
“What greater adventure than this!”
“I’m trying too, sincerely, but you’re not helping.” he referred to searching for the technology, but she clearly meant another route…
Concluding he was only interested in progressing forward, she let out a little steam from her nose, much in the same element as her mist, and walked towards one of two lanterns on either side of the other walls across from each other, facing the other.
“If you light these two lanterns, I’ll surrender.” she cutely changed her approach, not even coming near him, as he turned to look at the two objects on the walls in question.
He raised an eyebrow. “Sorry to disappoint, but I’m not stupid. I know you caused some trouble in the past, and that’s why they trapped you in this ruined place.”
Her face shifted to disappointment, pouting. “I wasn’t that bad…”
He glared her way, turning his head slightly, showing he didn’t believe her.
“..I was wonderfully good at it…” she flirted, but almost in a dangerous tone.
“Heh.” Sonic turned, rubbing his head. “Not in that form, you’re not.”
She smirked, seeing him take more notice of her now that a hint to getting further into the shrine was given, and turned to mist, slithering to him before twirling back into her form as he moved to another section of the room. “I could show you what this form can do…” she lightly put her arm to his, and her hand to his shoulder, before he dashed out of her grasp, and gave her another warning look, before continuing to search.
“…It’s honestly beyond the two lanterns.” she rolled her eyes, and started to lift her hair up with her arms.
“Huh?” Sonic quickly looked to her, but soon figured out he couldn’t trust her expression and turned to the lanterns.
When she noticed his quick dismissal of her looks, she puffed another frustrated grunt, and continued to try and allure him to paying more attention to her.
“It was sealed away when they trapped me here… it’s what holds me in. So if you want it… you’ll have to get through me.”
She materialized over the wall between the two lanterns, and sprawled in the air against it. “Oh, Sonic. If your a real hero, you’d save me!” she perfectly projected in Amy’s tone of voice, her latter tone more deeper and seductive but still in Amy’s voice. This time, it was very much like she was mocking him by mocking Amy.
“Quit it! I mean it.” Sonic took a stance, and held his fist out, biting down on his teeth, getting more annoyed now.
He wasn’t at all realizing how much hearing Amy’s voice was affecting his want to help her, nor how it made him feel to hear it calling out his name…
She floated down and moved closer to him, touching his chest before he could react, and having her mist slowly begin to engulf him.
He felt his breath leaving him, and his body unable to move again.
“You know… you’re only making my power stronger by not giving in already…” She moved closer, whispering up to his lips. “Help me… and I’ll help you.” she tilted her head, looking at his mouth but then back up at his eyes, and moving away.
His body once again fell to his knees, and he gasped as the mist kept surrounding him, moving over him as he shook his body. “Stop it!!”
“The mist is cool… and yet warm… isn’t it?” she got wicked pleasure out of testing his will, having pride in her siren ways, she wanted him to come to her…
She suddenly got him to advance, moving swiftly all of a sudden, and darted at her, and in surprise, she cried out in what sounded monstrous, losing Amy’s light voice.
The shriek was obviously from her true sound, and it sounded hideous, as Sonic held his hand tightly around her throat up against the wall, as he breathed heavily, and moved his head right up next to hers.
“Swear to me you’re telling the truth… and loose my friend’s form… and I’ll light the lanterns.”
“How…” she looked genuinely shocked, and afraid. “How are you resisting me!?”
“…You really want to know?” Sonic finally smiled, but this time, in a quick and cruel way. “Practice. Amy’s a terrible flirt, but when I see you with her face, I don’t see her. I only see a woman trying to be her. And failing miserably.”
He felt the mist and quickly looked at his back.
“Call off whatever you’re trying to do. I feel my body. I know what you’re after. But it’s pointless. I don’t fall for cheap gimmicks.”
She smiled quickly, matching his cruelty, and feeling the offense of what he meant by ‘cheap’.
 Seeing as her attempts were getting her no where, and he wasn’t acting like an average man… Her mist, which caused the sensation of love and passion of touch, was pulled away from him, disappearing as he let her throat go.
“Good. Seems we’ve come to an accord.” he fakely grinned, before he moved away and shook off his body.
“Half an accord… I told you, I can’t change my form.” she pouted cutely, seeming to have not really been hurt by his grip. “I’m not lying…” she finally stated, and looking at her, deciding to believe her expression, he consented to at least that she was being honest.
“Now…Tell me how you resisted both my paralysis and mist.” She looked serious.
“Heh. You may sound like Amy, but you don’t smell like her.” He adjusted his glove on his hand, shaking it free from her trying to paralysis him again.
His hand was numb, but it hadn’t spread through his whole body like her last touch did. She seemed to control when she could do that or not…
“What does that even mean!?” she shouted out, her beast-like voice breaking through Amy’s sound again in her fury.
“The real question is, if my friend is what you were trying to allure me with, why didn’t you act like her? Or can you only mimic what my heart shows? Isn’t that where you’re getting this all from? Or from my mind?” He noticed her expression change. “Ah… so that explains it. It’s not my heart, but something to do with my mind… memories, maybe? What era are you looking at? Amy’s not at all like that.”
“Heh. Don’t think so hard about it. I’ve never met a man with such a strong will… maybe you are my type.” she flirted again, moving her head as he turned away.
He was strong, but he wasn’t going to be too cocky, not when he knew she probably had other tricks up her sleeve…
“My friend’s a good person… You clearly had other things in mind.” he faced away from her, before looking to the two lanterns.
“…So that’s it.” She smiled and closed her eyes, seeming to give into defeat. “It’s not her pretty face or even her squeaky voice… it’s her heart…” she swayed her body a moment, almost touched by her realization. 
“She’s your type of style.” she cooed.
Sonic turned, his glare not as intense, before realizing her power was weakened and felt his old ways coming back.
“Sorry for the directness. I’m usually more gentler with girls. But I don’t even know if your true form has a gender.” he shrugged, comically, “But I’ve got other things to do than have you analysis me so poorly again!” he bolted off towards the forest, jumping into the forest fire Eggman’s last machine had created after exploding from Sonic’s doing, and then, while his quills were on fire, he homing-attacked the lanterns back at the shrine.
In her excitement, the siren spirit turned and bounced a little, as she saw the wall open up, part, and finally move upwards as if cement banners, and she quickly turned to mist to go within.
Sonic then dashed onto the bowls of ancient water, and sprayed as much as he could on himself, before rolling on the table, saying, “Hot! hot! hot-hot-hot!”
Inside, the siren spirit began to feel her true powers, looking up at the ancient machine that had first sealed her power away, and now having it released, she turned back to Sonic.
“If this form was hard to resist… wait till you experience all I can do..”
(Like i said, not really Amy, but using tactics that Amy would (perhaps) use to try and lure Sonic to her, if she were evil or bad intent, lol. Obviously, Sonic’s will is canonally unbreakable. He would never hurt his friend, which enabled him to first resist the siren spirit, whose true power hadn’t been released yet. I tried to keep it more in character than I thought I would… Sonic’s anger is a direct result of him fighting her abilities and feeling her trying to strip him of his freedom and will of controlling himself wasn’t exactly a ‘walk in the park’ either. I hope that was self-explanatory XD Anyway! Enjoy!)
31 notes · View notes
A Day of Being Dapper and Dining at Cinderella’s Royal Table
My phone vibrated on the cheap wooden nightstand next to my head early one Saturday morning. I turned the alarm off as quickly as possible so I didn’t wake up my roommate who had worked late the night before. Usually I hesitated to get up. Usually my alarm meant I had to get up for work. I spent a quick second double checking my work schedule as I did every day - a paranoid habit I had picked up after reading horror stories of people getting termed for going to the parks after forgetting they had work that day. Moments later I was getting ready for the most magical day ever.
See, twice a year, Disney parks become the home for a famous event known as Dapper Day. It started out as a small event in 2011 where people could showcase their style, vintage or otherwise, and roam the parks. It has since grown into an event that attracts guests from all over, even those who aren’t particularly invested in fashion. Dapper Day Events take place in Disneyland California, Walt Disney World, and Disneyland Paris, with events in both the fall and spring. I had been lucky enough to attend two spring events at Disneyland and one fall event at Walt Disney World, but I was extremely excited for the spring event at Walt Disney World. With Disneyland being a relatively easy park-hopping resort, Dapper Day Events typically take over both parks. At Walt Disney World though, the organizers of the event tend to pick a main park for the celebration. The Fall 2015 event was held at Hollywood Studios. It was really fun and had its own charm to it, but I was excited because the Spring 2016 event was being held at Magic Kingdom. While no specific era is the focus of Dapper Day, I like to imagine that Dapper Day events recreate what Disneyland would have looked like when it first opened its gates in 1955. You know, back when guests wore high heels and bow ties to the parks. I was excited to see what Magic Kingdom felt like.
It was every bit as magical as I had hoped.
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Dana, Jo, and I planned to get to Dapper Day early so that we could ride the street cars down Main Street. Of course when make up and hair curlers are involved, you never leave on time. I wore the same thing I had worn the Dapper Day before, a cupcake dress I had ordered off of Etsy. There are people who design their own dresses, go all out in accessories, and have to have something new every single outing. I’ve never been that person and I’ll probably never be that person, but the cupcake dress was easily one of my favorites out of my dress collection. I checked the weather: hot, humid, with a chance of rain. Classic Florida. My hair went up in a ponytail, Dana curled it, and we were ready to go!
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I’m not usually the biggest fan of Magic Kingdom. *Cue audience gasp and immediate loss of followers.* I just think Disney can update quite a few of the attractions at this point, although I recognize that it’s hard to do when you’re trying to get everything open year round for guests who are there on a once-in-a-lifetime vacation. That being said, Magic Kingdom is one of my favorite hangout parks. I love the atmosphere from Main Street to the hub, and could easily spend my entire day in front of the castle. 
We ran into the park, giddy and ready for magic. The energy on Main Street matched our excitement, and we couldn’t wait to get the day started. Jo had driven separately since she had to work later in the day, so Dana and I started off on Main Street by ourselves. The Town Square Theatre was on our right, inviting guests to come inside and meet Tinker Bell and Mickey Mouse. The wait to meet Tinker Bell was next to nothing, and I had never done it, so we skipped inside. The Cast Member greeted us, asked us how many were in our party, and invited us into the next room. It was dark inside, lit only by the shimmering pixie dust on the walls. I grabbed Dana’s hand in excitement. The Cast Member appeared in front of us and told us to say, “Pixie Dust”. As soon as the small crowd did, the pixie dust danced over to a door that had been hidden by the darkness of the room and it opened up. We shuffled into that room to find Tinker Bell playing in her forest. When it was our turn to meet her, Tinker Bell wasted no time in asking if the pumpkin muffins on my dress were real. I said I wished they were and she invited me back to have pumpkin muffins with her and her fairy friends any time. We took our picture and headed out back into the theatre. 
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I couldn’t stop talking about how neat it was and what a magical start to the day it had been. Even the things that just looked like buildings from the outside were magical worlds on the inside, and it impressed me. We continued on down Main Street and ran into a Cast Member who was passing out “I’m Celebrating” buttons that already said Dapper Day 2016 on them. Even though Dapper Day is an unofficial Disney event, Disney is very much aware of when these events happen and do what they can to make the visit special for guests in the small ways they can. Dana and I grabbed buttons and pinned them on before heading to Casey’s Corner. 
Apparently Casey's Corner has their own special opening. Being a quick service food stop, it opens slightly later than the rest of the park does. They’re supposed to sing “Take Me Out to the Ballgame” or something like that when they open their doors. I had never heard of it but Jo and the coworkers who worked there were interested in seeing it from the outside. We waited for it, but I was soon distracted by other things. A random guest who was also celebrating Dapper Day said she liked our outfits and wanted to get a picture with us. I didn’t catch her name but she appeared to be by herself and was trying to get as many pictures as she could with people who were dressed up. 
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Then, the classic Main Street music paused and Move It, Shake It, Dance It, Play It! was announced. If you know me at all, you know I’m fairly socially awkward. With characters, it’s even worse. I can tell they’re trying to communicate with me, but rarely can I tell what’s going on. So a dance party with characters would seem like my worst nightmare. But MISI actually has a very special place in my heart. It’s such an upbeat parade/dance party that you can’t help but feel anything other than excited. The “Party Up” music began, and despite the fact that I didn’t really visit Magic Kingdom all that often, I had all the words memorized. Dana and I instantly started singing along. Casey’s was opening behind us, but MISI had stolen all my attention. I looked up as Mickey Mouse passed by. He waved to me. Friends behind me laughed as their work location opened up. My roommate to my right was dancing along to the loud music pumping through speakers on the famous Main Street, USA street. Dancing to MISI had become the norm. The Florida breeze that comes right before it starts sprinkling passed by and reminded me that I was over 2,000 miles away from home, and that this was real life. The e-mail I had received months and months ago led to that very moment, and I was living the dream. 
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Parade Control followed the last set of dancers towards the hub. Dana and I followed right behind, dancing and singing along. A few other dapper friends joined in on our mini parade while tourists anxiously shuffled their feet close behind, trying to get a few pictures, unaware that they were all going to get very close to the characters shortly. We followed them until they parked around the hub and then cut across to Liberty Square. We weren’t in any real hurry. Our first scheduled stop was to have a late breakfast at Sleepy Hollow. 
I had never been. It was on my bucket list of course, but had always been put on hold for other things. We got our breakfast and found a table in a corner. All of them were covered in powdered sugar, a sign of the place being good.
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The powdered sugar was as messy as everybody else made it look. I tried to avoid getting any on my black dress, wondering why we had made the choice to eat at a place that was that messy when we were trying to look so fancy. Despite the messy powdered sugar falling everywhere, it was one of the best breakfasts offered inside the parks. 
After everything was cleaned up, we decided to watch the Trolley Show. Another thing I had never seen before. I was slowly checking things off my bucket list. It was part of what made the day so magical. If we had done all of the things that I normally did at Magic Kingdom, it wouldn’t have been special. It wouldn’t have been any different from any other day. But instead my day was filled with new experiences and memories specific to that day. Experience after experience filled my heart with the love I knew I’d eventually have for Magic Kingdom once I got past the homesickness it gave me for Disneyland and the resentment I had against my job. Each thing reminded me why I loved Disney. Being there was an escape. It was a place where a large majority of the people were happy and excited. It was a place I could feel good in. A place that felt like home while still being new each time. A place filled with good, positive memories. A place that allowed me to be worry-free. That day especially was a special one.
We stopped on a random curb along Main Street. I had no idea what to expect. I asked Dana if this is where we’d see the Trolley Show. She said it was a rough estimate, but it should be a good spot. Shortly after, a big blue trolley appeared around the corner. Following the trolley were performers in pastels. The boys wore bow ties, vests, and hats. The girls wore petticoats, frilled dresses with bows on the back, and their hair in large curls. The giant wheels on the trolley came to a stop while the performers danced and sang around it, welcoming us to the town in true Main Street fashion. I clicked my camera away as Dana recorded the show in 10 second intervals on SnapChat. She commented on how the trolley was different. We talked about how even the trolley wanted to partake in the holiday.
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The trolley was soon on its way down Main Street again, steadily approaching the next small crowd of guests. The small spontaneous show left a smile on my face, and reminded me that Disney wasn’t only about being big and impressive, but about being detailed and thorough. The show was a continuation of the idea that everybody on Main Street truly lived in that small town and knew the mayor at the end of Town Square. The casual appearance of the performers made it feel like you had stepped into a real-life musical, where every regular citizen randomly dances together and bursts into song. I’ve always wanted to live in a world like that, so it left me feeling pretty jazzed about life. 
Of course one of the main reasons to go to Dapper Day at Walt Disney World is to get pictures around the parks. Dana and I wanted to get as many pictures as we could as early as possible so we could switch out our heels for more comfortable shoes. I had walked around in the parks in character heels before for previous Dapper Days and never had a problem. But combined with the previous 12 hour shifts, my feet were feeling extra sore. Most of our pictures were going to be in front of the castle, though we had quite a few in mind that we wanted to get. So we twirled in front of the castle, princess posed on bridges, made wishes at the wishing well, skipped to the castle steps, spread out our skirts over the hub grass fences, and took pictures of each other from every angle. At that moment we were inseparable and our day was magical, and nothing could change that.
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We got pixie dusted in Fantasyland, danced in the rain, and marveled over the castle’s beauty. Jo then split off to be with coworkers, so Dana and I headed off on our own path. After changing into more comfortable shoes, we made a plan of what to do next. During Dapper Day, an artist who does unofficial Disney buttons was passing out free Dapper related buttons. I had gotten one the semester before after Joy introduced us to him, and this time he was giving hints about where he was on Snapchat. Dana and I were determined. We went around Magic Kingdom and ended up waiting by the People Mover for a while. All of a sudden we got a text from Jo saying that he was right next to her back in Fantasyland. The two of us raced to the back of the park, hopeful that he would still be there when we got there. There he was, stopped by a small crowd who had discovered him. We said the magic word, picked out our buttons, and had achieved our mission from the day.
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Shortly after, Main Street was preparing for Festival of Fantasy. We waited impatiently on the curb, ready to sing along and wave to our favorite characters. The parade rounded the hub and started down Main Street as the guests of Magic Kingdom were welcomed and invited to be part of the magic. Our dreams came true, our hearts soared, and we lived for being part of the magic as the parade passed before us. Just another day living in Walt Disney World.
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During our day, I realized that an old friend was visiting Magic Kingdom. She hadn’t realized it was Dapper Day, but was in town and was stopping by Walt Disney World with family. I messaged her and we had agreed to get together right after the parade for a quick catch up and a picture. Bri and I had met during my first Disney Cruise in 2011. I had gone to Alaska - a 7 night cruise on the Disney Wonder. Every night, since night one, the early 20′s college-aged club would meet up with an entertainment host in a club along “Route 66″. We’d play games, watch live entertainment, dance, and do just about anything. Even after the regular meet-up times were over, we’d hang out around the ship talking about life and bonding. Our little group got pretty close and we managed to stay in touch with Facebook and whatnot after the cruise ended. Bri and I had also gotten together again in 2013 when I sailed on the Disney Dream with my mom. She was working as an Entertainment Host on the Dream at the time, and we were very excited to meet up with each other. Then, on Main Street, on Dapper Day, we were reunited again.
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The two of us got to chat briefly about our lives as Cast Members before she had to catch up with her family for the rest of her vacation. It was yet another magical moment to add to our list of magical moments for the day. We wished each other well and went our separate ways.
Dana and I still had a few ideas of pictures we could take along Main Street. Before we did that, we started to think about what we wanted the rest of our day to look like. I wanted to try to ride Space Mountain in a big fluffy dress, explore Tom Sawyer’s Island, and see if any table service restaurant had any walk-ins available. Dana agreed. I had been to Be Our Guest several times and was ready to try some of the other restaurants in Magic Kingdom. The Lady and the Tramp inspired restaurant on Main Street caught my eye, and I mentioned to Dana that we should try there. Then she said something crazy. She said we should check to see if Cinderella’s Royal Table had anything open.
Cinderella’s Royal Table is a restaurant on the second story of Cinderella Castle. It is one of the most popular restaurants on Disney property. Not only is it in the iconic castle with stunning views of Fantasyland, but it is a princess meet and greet dining experience. Sometimes day-of cancellations happen, but they don’t happen that frequently because it costs money to cancel the reservation. I tried not to get too excited as we raced towards the castle. The odds of getting a table there were slim to none. An old roommate of mine had told me stories of times that she had waited on waitlists for the restaurant and never got in. I had never even put it on my bucket list because it didn’t seem possible. 
Dana walked up to the Cast Member working the front desk to ask if there was any magical way that a table had opened up for that evening. A table on any random day would’ve been a miracle, but on Dapper Day - a day where guests love to sit down to fancy dinner in their fancy attire? I wasn’t holding my breath. The Cast Member didn’t miss a beat. 
“Does 10:00pm work for you?”
We stopped. It took us a few seconds to register what was happening. Dana turned to me with a questioning look.
“I can stay until 10:00,” I said.
We agreed. We’d stay all day and finish our day at Cinderella’s Royal Table. It didn’t feel real.
The Cast Member gave us a slip of paper with our names and a return time on it. She told us we’d be one of the last tables seated. We couldn’t believe it.
It was still day time and we had so much time before the end of the day. I put the slip of paper safely in my purse, still half wondering if it was even valid. I couldn’t believe all the magic that was happening. With excitement rushing through our bodies, we skipped down Main Street for more pictures.
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One of my favorite parts about working and living in Walt Disney World is the feeling that you know everybody. When you’re on vacation there, you pretty much know the people you’re there with. Living there is entirely different. While wondering the park you may spontaneously bump into friends who are also there enjoying their day off. Or you may walk right into a friend who is working somewhere. Running into people everywhere you go makes the place feel more like home. Instead of being filled with strangers, the place is filled with friends. Dapper Day was no exception. We stumbled into a few of my coworkers that day who were also celebrating Dapper Day!
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We were so focused on getting pictures throughout the day that we weren’t really focused on any of the attractions. I had mentioned trying to ride Space Mountain in a giant fluffy dress, but we ended up passing on that and heading to Big Thunder instead. The line was short and we had time to spare, so we hopped on. Shortly after, we raced over to Tom Sawyer’s Island. I had never spent a lot of time there and I never seemed to have time to do it on my visits to Magic Kingdom, so it made the list of things to do that day. It had actually been a while since I had stayed at Magic Kingdom until closing time. 
Tom Sawyer’s Island isn’t usually favored for Dapper Day. The dusty paths and barrel bridges are not ideal for fancy dresses and heels. We of course had already ditched our heels hours beforehand, and the dirt didn’t really bother us. The loud roar of our raft drowned out the murmurs of guests as we trekked over the water and to the island. The two of us skipped down swaying bridges, bounced on barrels, and relaxed in the shade of the trees for a while. 
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As we took a break from the warm sun and crowds on the mainland, we looked up the menu for Cinderella’s Royal Table. It had occurred to me that I had never actually looked at what they served because I had written it off as impossible. Looking at the options made us even more excited. We talked quite a bit about how living at Walt Disney World is really the main reason we got the chance to go there. On a standard vacation, we wouldn’t have been able to change our plans up that much and probably wouldn’t have even checked for a table there. Even if we had, we’d most likely be vacationing during a time when we didn’t have to be in school or work, meaning the parks would be significantly more crowded. Magical moments happen on vacations all the time, of course, but spontaneously eating at Cinderella’s Royal Table with a roommate on a random day off between two work days was honestly the reason I went to do the Disney College Program. We then realized that Dana’s umbrella was missing and raced back to a raft to see if we could find it somewhere on the mainland. On the raft we realized that it was probably left behind at Big Thunder, so we asked a Cast Member there to check their Lost and Found. Sure enough, her umbrella was discovered. Another magical save.
The sun was starting to set over Magic Kingdom. The clouds turned pink and the lights on the buildings of Main Street started to flicker on. The morning’s high energy and fast paced atmosphere had relaxed into a calmer evening. Guests who had started their day with tons of plans and little time were now slowing down. Main Street was growing quieter as guests finished off their last few attractions before heading back to the castle to watch the final nighttime spectaculars. Dana and I headed to the train station for, of course, more pictures.
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We took our time looking over Main Street from the train station. Watching the magic of the park from above was surreal. It felt like looking in from the outside. Cast Members at kiosks below were waving with Mickey gloves and taking a knee to trade pins with little guests. Fresh popcorn was popping. Guests were pointing out details to their families and friends, kids stared in awe at the majestic castle in the distance, and families were sitting down on the curb with ice cream just people watching from down below. Main Street is so simple, and yet still so magical. 
The sun disappeared but the warm humidity stuck around. Time passed and crowds gathered in front of the castle for the fireworks. Dana and I brainstormed a plan. Celebrate the Magic was always just before Wishes, the fireworks show at Magic Kingdom. Wishes was set to go off at 9:00pm and was about a 13 minute show. We were told to arrive for our reservation at Cinderella’s Royal Table 15 minutes early, so we needed to be on the other side of the castle by 9:45pm. It sounded easy enough. The trouble was, in order to help with crowd control, the castle was completely blocked off. Instead of being able to walk right through the castle from Main Street and straight on to Cinderella’s Royal Table, we would have to go around. The small pathway leading around the castle and right to Fantasyland was also blocked off, so our best bet was to go through Liberty Square and around. How fast we’d be able to do that was dependent on how fast the crowds were able to move after the fireworks. We contemplated skipping Celebrate the Magic, watching Wishes from behind the castle, and then heading to Cinderella’s Royal Table, but Celebrate was my favorite show and I definitely didn’t want to miss it on our incredibly magical day. I couldn’t think of a more magical way to end the day.
Cinderella Castle went dark, magical light instrumentals played, and a projection of Tinker Bell danced on the castle. My eyes instantly filled with tears. Just the day before, I had wished to go home. I had moved to Florida from Southern California with every intention of going back. But my parents had made the move to Texas shortly after I moved to Florida, so there was nothing much to go back to in SoCal. My girlfriend and I had planned to move in together in North Carolina, but I had only visited NC one time. I was excited, but it hardly felt like home. Everything had changed during my program. Not just me but everything I had expected my life to be. I wanted to call Walt Disney World my home, but I also constantly wanted to leave. That night, as the sketches of Walt flipped across the castle, the pressure of finding home released. Right then, I knew I was home. It wasn’t what I had always called home, but it was my new home, and it was magical. It wasn’t just Walt Disney World that was my home though. It was all of Orlando. I knew the best routes to get to work. I knew where to find the cheapest gas. I had my favorite grocery store and knew exactly where to find everything. I went to nearby concerts, clubs, malls, restaurants, etc. An evening out didn’t just mean going to the parks. Sometimes we all went out to Cheesecake Factory because it was nearby and we all loved it. We lived normal lives with just an extra touch of magic. I knew right then that even though I hadn’t always had the best time on my program, I was one of the lucky ones. Dana and I usually would have been singing every word along with the show, but we were silenced to tears as we both thought about how magical our lives had become. The darkness only lasted a moment before Wishes began. I’m not one to get emotional over Wishes, but that night I was a wreck. Tinker Bell flew overhead, flares shot over the castle recreating the image we grew up seeing before our favorite movies, and Jiminy Cricket reminded us to wish upon a star and dream. Wishes ended and while the crowd cheered and paused to take pictures in front of the castle, Dana and I weaved through towards Liberty Square. Of course we had 30 minutes to walk around, so we really had plenty of time, but we were so nervous about losing our table that we didn’t hesitate. We got there early enough to stop and stare at the back of the castle. 
Just a floor above the entry way of the castle sat one of the most popular restaurants in Walt Disney World. The large windows shone brightly on Fantasyland as guests inside enjoyed a magical dinner. I had imagined what the inside looked like for years. I had wondered what the view looked like from the inside of the castle. I had taken as many pictures of the back of the castle as I had the front. I had also always walked away from it, knowing I’d probably never have the chance to really know. That night, we were going to find out. It probably seems silly to people to hear how excited we were about a restaurant, but the chance to be inside the castle, even if it’s just for a moment, is something that most fans of the park long for. We paused to take pictures before walking up to the restaurant to check in.
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I half expected the Cast Members to tell me it had all been a joke. I was sure that the pink slip of paper granting us access to our reservation would be lost somewhere in the park earlier that day. I really didn’t believe that any of it was real. I found the pink slip with our names on it and gave it to the Cast Member to check in. Waiting on a bench nearby was Kassidy, a friend of mine from my work location. She was waiting with her friend for a spontaneous late night reservation of her own and was just as shocked as we were to have gotten a table. We were told that we would be one of the last ones seated for the night and that we could take our time exploring the castle after we were done since the restaurant would be closed. Our table was ready almost immediately. 
We were let in through the large wooden doors and were told to walk on the red carpet towards Cinderella. The inside of the castle was beautiful. Stained glass windows were painted with the blue birds that had helped Cinderella wear her first formal dress. Swords were crossed behind a shield that bore one of the many coat of arms displayed inside the castle. Research dictates that over 40 coat of arms are displayed, each dedicated to a person important to the history of Disney. The tall ceilings and stone walls were lit by simple chandeliers. In the empty spaces around the windows hung large quilts with pieces of Cinderella’s story. Around the bend, stood Cinderella. 
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To the left of Cinderella was a large regal fireplace. Behind her were tall royal blue curtains that fell behind some tall swirling plants. A photographer snapped pictures for families as excited princesses raced up to Cinderella for a hug. The line was short, but we wouldn’t have cared if it were long because there was so much to look at. Our turn approached and we walked up to meet her. She welcomed us to her castle, complimented our princess dresses, and wished us a magical evening. 
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The photographer guided us to the staircase wrapped in stone in front of us. The blue carpet was covered in pixie dust from all the princesses that had makeovers in Bibbidi Bobbidi Boutique before making their way to Cinderella’s Royal Table. The stone walls opened themselves up to a small balcony that overlooked Cinderella’s meet and greet below. It was already almost entirely empty.
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I took pictures of absolutely everything, refusing to forget the detailing inside. Before we got to the dining hall, we found the restrooms. I was once told to always go inside the restroom of a fancy restaurant because you’ll never know what you’ll find. I was actually told this for the first time at Club 33 at Disneyland by a waiter who could tell it was a once-in-a-liftetime experience for us.  The second time I heard it was on the Disney Dream on a tour of the reservation-only restaurants. Inside the women’s restroom were gold-plated sinks. Actual gold. From then on I have been convinced that Disney hides some of their best detailing in restrooms that are off the beaten path. I told Dana this and we both agreed to go inside and check them out. It was pretty but nothing too spectacular. 
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Finally we walked up the rest of the stairs to the dining hall. It was glorious. The middle of the dining hall was slightly lower than the outskirts of the restaurant. Flags and lights filled the open ceiling over head. The windows overlooking Fantasyland were dark with the night sky, revealing just the twinkling lights of the carrousel below. We were sat at a table on the elevated outskirts of the restaurant and greeted by our waiter. Our visible excitement was enough to earn us both a Wishing Star and a magic wand, gifts that are usually saved for much younger princesses. The waiter set our menus down in front of us, introduced us to the restaurant, informed us of how the character meet and greet would go, and left to let us soak everything in.
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Shortly after, an announcement was made to the entire restaurant. The princesses were arriving. I have done a few character dining experiences in my life, but never a princess one. To me, they’ve always been a little awkward. While you’re eating, the characters come up to say hi and get a picture. It results in an awkward pause in whatever you’re eating and a weird shuffling around the tables to get the picture you want. I was worried Cinderella’s Royal Table would feel like that, but it was perfectly executed. There was plenty of space to get up and take pictures with them and nothing felt rushed. Everybody in the restaurant applauded as the princesses walked in and started making their rounds to the different tables. 
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Snow White, seeing the cupcakes on my dress, asked if I enjoyed baking. She invited me to come over and bake with her and the dwarfs any time! After that, Ariel and Dana twirled in their fluffy skirts together. There had never been a more magical dinner.
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The food, of course, had also been fantastic. My favorite part was the themed dessert. Dana and I made sure to get different ones so we could experience as much of menu as we could. I got a lemon dessert that was incredible. Dana and I both thought it tasted like something (besides just lemon of course) but we couldn’t put our finger on it. We started just calling it lemon magic because everything inside the castle was probably made of pure magic anyway. 
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As we were eating, the wishing ceremony took place. I had never heard of the wishing ceremony before. The only reason I knew about the wishing stars was because my roommate had obtained a few during her time in the castle. The castle grew silent as we were told to make a wish on our wishing stars and wave our wands in the air. Dana and I waved and waved them around as the ceiling above us twinkled with all of our wishes. Unfortunately, our waiter was un-phased by the event and tried to ask us questions during the ceremony. I don’t think he realized that two young adults would be very into it considering it was geared towards the younger ones. We brushed him off until he got the hint and stood to the side, waiting for us to be done wishing. While it bothered us at first, the overall magic of the day was enough to make us forgive him. After all, he probably saw the wishing ceremony hundreds of times a day and at a certain point, I’ll bet it just becomes part of the noise. I felt lucky that I hadn’t lost that much of the magic. 
By the time we were done, the restaurant was almost empty. We double checked with the waiter to see if it was okay if we roamed the castle to take pictures. Luckily the tables against the windows were almost entirely cleared out, so we walked right up to the glass to get the best view of Fantasyland. 
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We made our way down the sparkled blue steps and paused for more pictures. With no guests trying to make their way up or down, we were able to take as many pictures as we wanted. The Cast Members were all really nice too, probably very used to overly-excited guests capturing every possible magical moment they could. 
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Downstairs, Cinderella was no longer welcoming guests to her castle. There was nobody around the large echoey room. I wondered if we could get pictures at Cinderella’s picture spot before leaving. Dana walked right up and sat down, figuring that anything they didn’t want touched would be blocked off. I couldn’t imagine finishing my meal and walking back down to seeing guests still in line to meet her. I would have left wanting more pictures, more time, and more freedom than the structure that’s in place during the day. The empty castle was part of what made the night so magical for us, and I couldn’t have asked for a better experience.
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We walked out of the castle overwhelmed by the night. Neither of us could believe that we had just twirled with princesses in Cinderella Castle, eating pure magic while wishing on a star, and finishing it off by skipping through an almost empty castle. I completely forgot that Magic Kingdom had already closed for the night and was working towards emptying the park while we were upstairs. The area was empty and we took the opportunity to take even more pictures.
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Main Street looked beautiful with all the lights shining on a completely empty street. The music seemed louder than ever with no guests nearby chatting or screaming. There were no ECV horns sounding, no crowds to work our way through, nobody standing in our pictures... just the sound of the famous Main Street music as we walked towards the front of the park. We turned around to get one last look of the castle, standing tall, lit beautifully, with nobody around. It was hard to imagine that we were just inside that very building, eating and wishing and dancing with princesses. In fact it was hard to believe any of the magic that had happened that day. It truly is the Most Magical Place on Earth, and that day, we felt so lucky to call it home.
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*I found out that pictures become blurry when viewed on the dashboard. If viewed directly on the blog page, the blurry images become clear again. I’ve looked up work arounds as the image quality issue only happens in text posts when viewed on the dashboard, but the workarounds have failed me.*
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