#it was only a matter of time before i started shitposting
heroesspirit · 8 months
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Warriors yuri, save me
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brisquad-unit-4402 · 8 months
krisis wiping away your tears
i wrote a shitpost fanfic in the gc about how i put my sani pape in the microwave and somehow what was what kickstarted the urge to write as opposed to. yknow. the hour of writing and editing i did before the microwave
tags: hurt/comfort, gender neutral reader, established relationship, reader is crying for unspecified reasons
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
🧻 Vezalius Bandage
uses a handkerchief or tissue to dry your tears
a medic handles with care, just as how he gently presses the cloth to your eyes
it kills him to watch you cry alone, so he takes your hand and guides you to his lap where he can give you all his undivided attention
rubs your arm while you hiccup, and places a hand on his chest so you can calm down to the feeling of his heartbeat
when you aren’t in the mindset to vent or hear him talk, he’ll hum to you. especially if you’re so tired you’re about to cry yourself to sleep
once you’ve cried it out he insists on getting you some water, a snack, and a shower (or change of clothes) to make sure the basic post-cry needs are met
“love. when i say i care for you, i mean it. i want to hear everything you have to say no matter what, and i’ll never, ever get upset at you for it.” it looks like zali’s eyes are closed, but from where your head rests in his lap, you see a hint of gold peer through his lashes. a surgeon’s hand brushes underneath your own eyes, patting away the tears. “so let me take care of you for now. breathe in and out.”
your body feels heavy from exhaustion and emotion. you curl up closer to him as you breathe. “tired, love?” when there’s no response but a nod he rubs your shoulder and clears his throat. the melodies of your favorite songs lull your to sleep.
.  . • ☆ . ° .• °:. *₊ ° . ☆
🔪 Vantacrow Bringer
lets you get his shirt dirty without hesitation
drops everything to stay by your side when he realizes you’re this upset
he wraps you into a bear hug the second you start tearing up. he’s not great with words and he’s scared of saying the wrong thing, but actions don’t lie
he’s not gonna break the hug any time soon while you cry, but he traces shapes along your skin and strokes you hair as he holds you
he knows you’re always doing your best and supports it, and if you did anything wrong, he’ll let you know once you’re in a state to hear it, not now when you need comfort
it’s hard to hear what vanta’s saying. it’s hard to hear your sniffles, too; it’s all muffled by fabric crinkling and the sound of vanta combing back your hair as you sob, careful not to let it get caught in your mess of tears and snot. his throat vibrates against your ear while he speaks.
“no one in their right mind would say you’re overreacting.” that’s the first thing you can decipher, and the only thing you need to hear. “no matter what. and i’ll remind you any day of the week that you’re doing fine no matter how you handle it.”
your sobs are interrupted by a squeeze as vanta holds you closer. reassurance that you’re his world even if you did everything wrong. “let it all out. i’ll be here every second.”
.  . • ☆ . ° .• °:. *₊ ° . ☆
🥽 Yu Q. Wilson
holds your face in his hands so he can thumb the tears away
the best thing he can do right now is let you talk, and be the one willing to listen
if your thoughts are too scrambled to explain why you’re upset then he’ll gather any comfort items you need. snacks, stuffed animals, physical contact, anything
he lets you get it all out first before he even thinks of saying anything since he doesn’t want to cut you off. instead a lot of his responses are nonverbal. he nods and squeezes your hand when you need encouragement
your breath is haggard by the time you finish spilling your guts. the storm of choked sobs has passed but now emptiness has taken its place, a hollow, dreadful feeling lodged in your throat as you hiccup. the only warmth you can feel is wilson’s jacket over your shoulders and his hand in yours.
his eyes have been closed for a while as he took in your feelings. it’s unusual seeing him so composed, but right now? it’s a welcome sight when the world feels like it’s crashing around you.
when wilson opens them again he holds you a little tighter. “thank you for trusting me,” he says slowly. “i’m not going to forget it, and i’m not going to ignore it either.
“but you don’t need to be tough all the time.” with his free hand he reaches out. his palm cups your cheek as a thumb curls around your tears, gently wiping them away. the corner of his lips curves up as he tends to you. “it’s going to work out in the end.”
.  . • ☆ . ° .• °:. *₊ ° . ☆
✧. ┊ masterpost ✧. ┊ kofi
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HIIIIII HAPPY MIGUETRI MONDAY!!! It was only a matter of time before my post-S6 shitposting about them started, I fear ^^;
ANYWAYS I was thinking about this mlm-ass hoodie everyone is talking about, and I need to yap about my own headcanon about it. Bear with me!!!
So tbh this seems like...a really weird wardrobe choice to me. Miguel is, imho, the closest thing this cast of characters has to a Token Straight Guy™️. (Like I know I kinda ship him with Demetri or in a poly Miguetreli arrangement, but I'm mostly clowning! It's kind of an AU for me because to me he doesn't actually read as queer in canon.)
But this hoodie is just. Undeniably the gay mlm flag??? Plain and simple??? Out of all the characters to put in this article of clothing, this is baffling me the most. Especially showing him in it while he trains with his long-term girlfriend who he loves very much???
(Side note: I feel like Miguel is aware of what the mlm flag looks like. Moon told him about all the pride flags! Although him accidentally buying a gay pride flag hoodie would in fact be very funny, it doesn't strike me as particularly likely.)
So here's what I'm thinking: This is not a hoodie Miguel Diaz bought. It was a gift from Demetri.
If anyone's been following me for a while, they might have heard me talk about how I think queerness runs in Demetri's family. He seems to have a single mom, and he's never once mentioned his dad. It's very much giving "lesbian woman who didn't realize her sexuality until she already had a kid with a man, for better or for worse." And Demetri's dad being gone...maybe he left Demetri's mom because he was gay??? Or left her FOR a man, perhaps??? I think Demetri's parents 100% had him during a lavender marriage they may or may not have even REALIZED was a lavender marriage.
Anyways, these are just my wild little headcanons, but I do think Demetri's mom has always known he's gay. She sees a lot of herself and Dem's dad in him, and she doesn't want him to make the same mistakes she did and wait until middle age to finally accept his sexuality. SO, naturally, she starts trying to nudge him toward...Realizing Some Things. Including buying and gifting him a fucking gay flag hoodie. Because, like her son, Mrs. Alexopoulos lacks any and all subtlety.
Demetri realizes what she's trying to do, but he pretends he doesn't. He's all "Wow! Thanks! I love the colors!" and then proceeds to never wear this item of clothing to school ever because the poor man gets bullied for enough already. He wears it in private and maybe to the grocery store or something, but not where he'll be around other kids (except maybe Eli, who he has definitely bitched about this at length to. "UGH, why does everyone think I am gay, I am NOT gay!!! I like women, Eli!!! I totally want Yasmine to spit in my face!!! I also want to make out with and exchange handjobs with women, I promise!!! No, I'm not getting defensive!!!"). Hence why we have not seen The Gay Flag Hoodie until now.
Flash forward to The Karate Wars. Demetri has started training on the regular and has grown MASSIVELY, especially his fucking shoulders. Tragically, they are now too broad and jacked and he is too much of an Absolute Unit to fit into the mlm flag hoodie anymore 💔 But it's still perfectly good!!! Quite comfortable and honestly barely worn! So what does Demetri do????
He gives it to his bestie like the generous closeted hero he is.
Miguel is aware he's wearing the mlm flag, by the way. He is okay with this. This is his way of showing he's an ally! Although it WOULD lead to a very amusing conversation with Sam when they first meet up to train.
Sam, eyeing the mlm flag hoodie dubiously: Miguel, um...is there something you wanted to tell me? Miguel: Oh! It was a present from Demetri! Sam, who also absolutely knows What's Up here: ...no explanation necessary, actually.
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Even More Silly and Irreverent SF Headcanons
Warning: This glorified shitpost contains a heavy dose of MLM (Morons loving Morons)
EDIT: So apparently in the Spanish Dub for SF Charlie's girlfriend is named Zoey and I made this post before that info became more well-known and prior I dubbed her as Susan....Zoey is a cute name OMG
This one time Charlie, Dj Spitz, Glep, Mr. Frog, Jennifer, Shrimp and one reluctant Alan all decided to spend one April Fools day split into street gangs competing to see who could prank the most people within 24 hours before everyone involved was tossed in the county jail until Pim and a pissed off Zoey had to bail them all out the morning after.
Simon S. Salty tried to bribe his way into the Pearly Gates of Heaven with coupons at his shoddy restaurant but God was so offended by the mere idea of eating his slop that he told St. Peter to press the big red button to open the trapdoor under Salty’s feet to H-E-double hockey sticks so he can go peddle his 2-bit McDonalds knock off to those who truly deserve it. Eat up Satan ya big red loser!!!
Pim is actually much stronger than he looks, he can open pickle jars with one turn of the wrist and he can carry Charlie over his head while running a mile without breaking a sweat (or his spine for that matter).
Charlie bamboozled the entire internet by editing The Mr. Frog Show wiki by adding fake episodes with a source that lead to the famous RickRoll video, only for everyone to read him the riot act when he accidentally exposed himself. Hah! That idiot.
One hot summer day Glep spat on the sidewalk and the spit droplet just sizzled and evaporated into steam….from that point onward Glep has been trying to convince his co-workers that he can literally spit fire and when trying to prove such a claim he spat into Charlie’s coffee.
Pim and Zoey had to bail Charlie out of jail once again for attempted murder (See the HC above for the reason why).
Mr Boss was cursed into turning into an owl beast in his sleep and he has to take a potion once a day to keep him normal, hence why he was freaking out at the end of S2E1.
Alan wears a skin-tight red jumpsuit under his neck and tie and underneath all that he has goofy-print boxers with a smiley face patch on the seat.
Pim is still friends with Jennifer even after the initial mix up when he introduced her to Shrimp. She gives him special “Thank You” coffee and treats in the house every year on her and Shrimp’s anniversary.
Smormu does makeup tutorials and travel vlogs on YouTube.
Charlie found out that Pim and Susan both crush on him and decided: “Why not?” Thus was the beginning of a beautiful polycule.
James what super jealous and was ready to reap his revenge until Charlie pulled a Saitama and punched James in the nose so hard that he whimpered away like a pitiable little biyatch!!
Glep, Pim and Smormu went to Miku Expo cosplaying as The Triple Baka Squad (Pim called dibs on Miku).
Alan attends Beatnik Poetry Night with Glep on the bongos.
Smormu started dating Dj Spitz and lemme tell ya he is VIOLENTLY protective of her, Whoever killed Canon!Smormu wouldn’t stand a chance against this guy.
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penny-anna · 11 months
Lister opted to change the subject. “Rimmer, why don’t you let one of us handle the big shop this week?” he said. “I think the stress is starting to get to you.” Rimmer pressed the pencil so hard against the notepad that the lead snapped and said, “I don’t know what you mean. Anyway,” he went on. “That’s out of the question. I can’t trust either of you two clowns to follow proper decontamination procedures.” Lister blinked up at him. “By decontamination procedures do you mean that thing where you spend a full hour scrubbing yourself down in the shower while screaming and crying?” “And using up all the hot water,” added the Cat. “Yeah, and using up all the hot water,” Lister agreed. “I am simply doing my due diligence.” Rimmer shoved the notebook behind his back. “It’s not my fault neither of you are taking the situation seriously. And more to the point, why aren’t you working?” Lister glanced at the company laptop near his feet. “You aren’t working.” “I’m on my lunchbreak,” said Rimmer. “And I know for a fact that yours is an hour later than mine. And you’re sitting here watching, watching manga?” “Anime,” Lister corrected. Rimmer ignored him. “Don’t you have anything better to do?” Lister shrugged. “Not really,” he said. “We’ve got the world’s most pointless job. I haven’t worked in two weeks and no-ones noticed. So no, I think I’m good.” Rimmer sucked in a breath through his nose and had the rare grace not to rise to the comment about his job being pointless. “You know all our laptops have keyloggers, don’t you?” he said. “It’s only a matter of time before someone notices and someone gets fired.” “No, see.” Lister licked his fingers clean and reached for his laptop. “I figured out this great lifehack. Watch.” Under Rimmer’s rapt attention, he mashed the control key a few times and then held up his hands as if he’d done a magic trick. “That ought to buy me half an hour or so.”
hi guys i accidentally shitposted myself into 12k of red dwarf fic about the gang being flatmates during the pandemic. currently untitled. coming to ao3 eventually. i am supposed to be focusing on nanowrimo 🙃
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enzstr · 11 months
Long Live The Queen | K. Bakugo
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A story where families of two connects a pair to go through their life together with having no choice. Things get messy, but will their bubble burst? That's one secret you won't know unless you read.
Just a small detail about the reader: Reader loves writing and journaling. It's your passion but as a princess, you only had to make your kingdom proud by serving and marrying a king.
Pairing: Katsuki Bakugo x reader
💭: This was actually my draft few months ago but I don't really like it so it'll be just a shitpost.
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Chapter one: Forgive and Forget
19th May.
Being part of the royal family was not simple but not difficult either. That's how it was for the princess. Every time she's at the kingdom, all she feels is sorrow and spiritlessness while roaming around the kingdom. The queen, also her mother, mentioned that the princess will be the next queen in line to serve her kingdom.. but without a king?
The princess has had her future planned since she was a small girl. She didn’t want a man to be satisfied, hell she didn’t need anyone to make her feel overjoyed. Princess (Y/n) didn’t even want to be a princess, living in a royal environment while having servants to serve her. Most people would think it’s a dream to be living in an environment like royalty, but not her. All she wanted to do was be an aspiring journalist, writer, any career that will not treat her the same as anything related to royalty. That was her dream.
“Her Royal Highness. Her Majesty called me to tell me that the Royal Briefing is starting in an hour. Shall I start the bath now?” Her thoughts were soon disrupted but a smile formed on her face.
“Yes, Roberta. And I told you to not call me that anymore. You’re part of the family, remember?” Y/n had a look of sympathy while speaking to her. Even though Roberta is just a servant, she’s looked out for her since her birth.
“I know.. I know.. But it is a force of habit. If His Majesty or Her Majesty notices me lacking in my work, who knows?” Roberta looked down while she sighs in disappointment. Princess (Y/n) rested her hands on her shoulder as she grinned from ear to ear. Oh Roberta already knows what look she just gave to her.
“Not to worry Roberta! I will not let them harm you and your family, you have my word! Well I’m going to get ready for the brief meeting. Bye!” Before Roberta could speak, (Y/n) had already run off to her chamber with speed. Roberta sighed and smiled  then continued with her work.
As Princess (Y/n) arrived at her chamber, she glanced at the time and her eyes widened, she really did take her time and is thus rushing to change for the royal briefing. 5 minutes had passed and she was still struggling to put on her dress, loud grunts could be heard promptly before she walked out of her chamber like nothing happened. 
Roberta heard running footsteps from upstairs and chuckled at the clumsy girl. Princess (Y/n) was muttering under her breath while walking into the briefing room.
“Her Royal Highness has arrived!” The Lord Steward announced as everyone's eyes were on her and she smiled awkwardly while walking at a fast pace to The Queen. 
“Where on earth were you?! You were supposed to be here 2 minutes ago.” The queen aggressively whispers through her clenched teeth. She hates when (Y/n) arrives late to any meeting. It didn’t matter if it was 1 minute late, or 3 minutes late, it’s still counted as late.
“I’m sorry, I lost track of time...” (Y/n) apologized, Princess (Y/n) never spoke much with her stepmother, they weren’t close, never tried to be. She’d like it to stay that way.
“Sorry doesn’t cut it. Now if you’ll excuse me, I’m here to discuss something important. About you.” The queen spoke in the most blunted way to her and turned back to everyone. On the other hand, Princess (Y/n) tilted her head in confusion at what she just said.
“The main reason why I called a brief meeting is about The Princess. I may have made some minor mistake, but as I thought more into it, I figured it would be for her own good.” The more The Queen spoke, the more confused Princess Y/n was. 
“As you all know, Princess (Y/n) is going to be the next queen once I retire. But because of the minor mistake, she’s going to be the next queen in line for another kingdom.”
“Kingdom of Orane.” 
Princess (Y/n) immediately spat out her water and looked at her mother in shock. She knew that The Queen did this on purpose so that she wouldn’t need to serve her kingdom. Her face was filled with rage and fury.
“How could you, Mother?! You did this on purpose. I know you did! Was this payback from all the things I made you crazy about? I can’t believe you!” Her mother looked into her eyes with a cold stare and shook her head, feeling as though her daughter was acting crazy and immature. 
“(Y/n), some things just won’t come easy to you. Look at you, you’re a princess, start acting like one. You should be grateful that you’ve been born into this family. You are to be heading to the Kingdom of Orane first thing in the morning and that is final.” The Queen and the other upperclassmen proceed out of the door leaving her with her emotions holding back. This was never expected from The Queen. Nonetheless, her own mom, sending her away just so she wouldn’t rule her kingdom.
20th May.
This is it. Princess (Y/n) is getting shipped to the Kingdom of Orane for good. No last goodbyes and promises from her family. How cruel could The Queen even be? Especially to her own daughter, her only daughter? 
The door creaked and Princess (Y/n)'s head shot up, only to see a sad Roberta dragging her feet towards her. She didn't want her to leave since she was the only thing that kept Roberta positive, other than her family. 
"I'm sorry I have to leave this kingdom, Roberta. It all just happened so fast and.. I didn't know this would happen, and you know that too right, Roberta?" 
"Please, don't feel sorry Princess (Y/n).. It is my job as a servant.. although I will miss you." Roberta went in for a tight hug and it was really comforting.
(Y/n) hugged her back exuberantly as a response. Soon she had to break away from the hug and had to get going to the Kingdom of Orane.
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4suitedplayingcard · 6 months
Various Punch Out Headcanons I have that I felt the need to share or else my brain would explode :p
All of the boxers (who didn't originally live in New York) pretty much just live in hell NY now cuz of their boxing career. They do visit their families during vacation and all that, but for the most part, they just stay in New York.
Piston Hondo finds it hard to make friends with people who are around the same age as him and younger because he finds them harder to understand/relate to (and also a bit more judgemental), so he mostly hangs out w/ people who are much older than him, with the only exception being Great Tiger.
King Hippo thinks that most beds are uncomfortable and will sleep pretty much anywhere except on a bed. On the floor, the couch, a pile of leaves, a comically small pillow, etc etc.
Aran Ryan has a bad habit of eating non edible objects out of intrusive thinking (and also spite sometimes), he's eaten things ranging from twigs to hand sanitizer to cigarette butts and has been sent to the hospital a couple of times because of it.
Don Flamenco is obsessed with skincare, mostly due to the fact that he looks like a middle aged man with his toupee off. The second he gets his paycheck, he immediately spends most of it on various scrubs and lotions. He even almost went bankrupt on numerous occasions because of it
Bear Hugger had been friends with Ms. Bear even since he was 12 years old. He found her all alone in the forest on a snowy day when she was a baby and his parents agreed to keep her until they find her a new home (which obviously didn't work out)
Super Macho Man is a nepo baby. His mother was a movie actor while his father was also a heavyweight boxer, which caused him to get a lot of attention from not only his peers at school, but also media outlets too.
Glass Joe has terrible eyesight and mostly uses contact lenses wherever he goes, though he does occasionally wear glasses sometimes (mostly at home or whenever he's run out of contacts).
Bald Bull is VERY reluctant to touch, even the slightest little bump in can cause him to flip out. He only makes this exception to people who are super close to him, but even then, he doesn't want any physical contact for too long or he’ll start to lose it.
Even though Von Kaiser wasn't actually apart of a war, he was enrolled in a boot camp for a few years of his life. It was hell and he still has nightmares about it to this day…
No matter how much sleep he gets, Great Tiger usually ends up sleepy at some point during the day. He's tried every to get him to sleep better, drinking warm milk, staying away from electronics an hour before bed, taking melatonin, but he still ends up tired in the middle of the day sometimes and it drives him mad.
Y'know those scientist that you see in Soda Popinski’s title defense slideshow? Well those are kind of his dads. He was left on the doorsteps of a lab when he was a baby, and all of the people in the facility have been taking care of him ever since.
Disco Kid has a brother a few months younger than him who used to be the boxer known as Kid Quick. They both started Boxing at around 18, but Kid Quick ended up quitting early in his career to focus on something more mundane. (Yea ik I made a lil shitpost drawing a few weeks ago about Kid Quick being pre-transition Disco Kid but shhhh-)
Mr. Sandman is the only boxer in the entire organization that's not only married, but also has a kid. He has a wife named Alena and a daughter named Chelsea, they all live with Sandman in NYC. :)
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aliciavance4228 · 27 days
We already know that Adonis' beauty was a curse, considering the amount of people who were into him (Aphrodite, Persephone, Apollo, Dionysus, Heracles) and the fact that the first two mentioned here were very possessive over him to the point where dude ended up being groomed.
But the theory that I'm about to tell you is just... Yikes!
Many people are wondering how is it that Hades isn't involved at all in any myth about Adonis. He punished Pirithous and Theseus when they tried to steal Persephone, so why wouldn't he try to punish him as well?
There are three main possibilities, and the last one is the most... questionable, to say the least.
1. Persephone loved Adonis as a son
I heard a lot of people claiming that. Wheter it's because they do not want the image of their perfect Underworld couple to be ruined by the existence of a lover or because the idea of Persephone falling for a literal child is simply disturbing (though let's be honest, the same could be said about Aphrodite as well) is up to you guys to decide.
Anyway, here is the passage about Adonis' birth:
"Nine months later the tree split open and the baby named Adonis was born. Because of his beauty, Aphrodite secreted him away in a chest, keeping it from the gods, and left him with Persephone. But when Persephone got a glimpse of Adonis, she refused to return him. When the matter was brought to Zeus for arbitration, he divided the year into three parts and decreed that Adonis would spent one third of the year by himself, one third with Persephone, and the rest with Aphrodite. But Adonis added his own portion to Aphrodite's. Later on, while hunting, he was attacked by a boar and died."
Some people consider that the entire Adonis-Aphrodite-Persephone triangle is in fact similar with the whole Persephone-Hades-Demeter situation from Homeric Hymn to Demeter, and that Persephone plays the role of the mother here. However, when it comes to this theory I'm more inclined to believe that, while Persephone slowly started to perceive Adonis as a lover as he grew older, Hades saw him as some sort of an adoptive son and that's why he was tolerant with him all this time.
2. Persephone was very good at hiding her lover
Though let's be honest, Hades isn't stupid enough not to suspect anything and he would've figured that out sooner or later, due to the mere fact that Adonis was a living mortal. It is common sense in Greek Mythology that mortals aren’t supposed to stay in the Underworld before their time, otherwise Hades sucks at his own job.
3. Hades didn't object to Persephone's relationship with Adonis because he was in love with him too
Okay-okay! I know that it sounds weird or improbable, so let me explain.
First of all, it’s Ancient Greece. We're literally talking here about a historical period and a place where Pederasty not only that existed and was idealized by some briliant minds of the time (Looking at you, Socrates!), but wasn't explicitly prohibited even in the cities that criticized it.
Second of all, both Zeus and Poseidon had a male lover (Ganymedes and Nerites, respectively), so why shouldn't Hades have one too?
The thing is that Hades seems to respect his wife as well, to the point where he allows her to have just as much authority as him. And considering the whole Minthe incident, it’s undersandable why dude would no longer want to have any other extra-conjugal relationship so easily. So what can you do with this hot guy then? Well, it’s simple: share him with your wife! 🧠💥
Thank you for reading this shitpost. I really hope that I managed to change your entire brain chemistry and ruin your day. 👍
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shadedheart138 · 4 months
I snatched a headcanon from @shitposting-puppet on the LU Discord server and went absolutely bonkers. It made more sense in my brain but then again it's like four am and I haven't written in a while. Hope you enjoy the little thing that grabbed me by the throat and shook me until I put exhausted fingers to work. I behold- The headcanon of Four having an oral fixation on putting metal in his mouth to chew on.
They noticed immediately that Four was a little different. Then again, they all were different. Whether it be gender, tics, mannerisms, you name it. Everyone was a bit different. Some more than most. Four was a little more noticeable than the others.
Four specifically had a habit with chewing metal, and anything at all metal that they could get their hands on.
Legend had gone off on them one time because she found dents in one of her rings after Four had got a hold of them. Four had also freaked Sky out when they were caught chewing on a small dagger. (It wasn't sharp, Four had tried to explain, but no one listened.)
Warriors had given Four an old key, after a while of this, and had tied it to a chord. "Just chew on this, instead of taking a dagger or a ring to your mouth? We've all got the little stims, the little actions that comfort. If you need to chew on metal, we want it to be safe, yeah?" Four had agreed, perfectly content with their new key. Before the night was over they'd already started working dents into the surface of it. It stayed around their neck always, when it wasn't in their mouth.
By the time they'd reached Four's Hyrule again, the key had been worn to bits. Harsh dents, and slightly sharp sides were not at all pleasing to be chewing on anymore. Four had been using the key less and less, and had gone back to stealing Legend's rings- he really had too many- and some of the metal spoons.
No matter how good it was to be home, Four wanted to get into the workshop. They could make themselves something better than a key! Something less dangerous and more appealing. After socializing with their grandpa for a good while, Four went off to the workshop, donning an apron when they got inside and pulling out the Four Sword.
They always got stuff done faster when there were four.
As always, Vio tried grabbing the nearest metal object- a drill bit- and before it could get to their mouth Red had put a firm metal sheet the size of their palm in Vio's hands. The sheet was already covered in teeth marks.
Green got to work as soon as he figured out what to do. He donned glasses- he was the only one who needed reading glasses- and started going through metal sheets.
Blue started going through molds right next to Green, while Red started firing up the furnace. Seemed like lots of work for such a small object.
The mold was eventually settled on, as was the metal. They all got to work on it, Vio doing a few engravings and Red braiding the chord it would rest on.
When it was done, and Four was merged again, they were quite impressed with themself.
It was a small, circular thing. A few texture bumps across the surface, and it was the size of Four's palm. It would keep them occupied for a while.
Four left the smithy satisfied, with his creation firmly between his teeth.
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grey-sides · 2 years
the taste of pennies on my tongue
What started as a shitpost on twitter asking the question of what would happen if Steve slurped up Billy's necklace when he was leaning over him has now turned into Steve Harrington's Bisexual CrisisTM
1.3K words- no warnings
Steve is on his back again, staring up at the midday sky. He’s beginning to think Billy likes seeing him on his back, waiting for something to happen. Like Steve might finally and snap and lose it if he does it often enough.
They're on mandatory one-on-one practice because Coach made them co-captains. Despite Steve working his ass off for years to get this point, Billy's Californian records apparently precede him.
So individual practice to work on their team-building. So they can act like partners on the court, even if they hate each other off the court.
Steve doesn't hate Billy. He doesn't really hate anyone, not even Nancy. Realized that pretty quick when calling her bullshit tasted sour on his tongue in a way he was unfamiliar with. When lashing out stopped feeling good and started feeling childish.
He doesn't want to be childish so he doesn't hate Billy. He doesn't like the guy most of the time because he's an ass. Even now, after he's knocked Steve flat onto his back, he's busy shooting baskets. Doing layups and dunks from the sounds of his shoes hitting the ground every so often.
Steve just lays there. Flat out, arms at his sides, staring at the sky with wide eyes. He can breathe fine, Billy didn't hit him hard enough to knock him out. And there is a rock digging into his lower back, probably a pebble but he's laying right on it.
He kind of wants to go home. End this practice, sign off on each other's dumb forms that they actually did this together like they were asked to. He wants to spend too long on his hair, trying to find a new style, revamp himself.
Billy's feet hit the ground and the ball bounces off the court into the grass. Steve doesn't turn his head. He kind of wants to quit the basketball team, if he's honest.
"What? You're gonna act like the sissies on the soccer team now?" Billy snarks as he gets close.
Steve looks over at him, just moves his eyes so Billy doesn't see how much he wants to look at him. That's new too. Or not. Nancy's a big cloud in his brain, covering up all thoughts that weren't her before and during and sometimes after.
"Coulda cracked my skull open out here," Steve says, rolling his eyes back to stare at the sky.
Billy just stands there, silent except for his heavy breathing. He's skins again today as if it matters when there's only the two of them. He has a bandana on, wrapped around his forehead to keep his hair off his face. He kind of looks like Bon Jovi like that.
Steve watches as the blue sky disappears. Cheerful for the cold, he's getting chilly laying on the ground with sweat drying on his skin. Billy's looming over him, searching. He's already irritated and he's only halfway there.
Billy's necklace clings to his skin as he bends over, catching on the sweat on his chest. It falls in slow motion, coming to dangle between them as his hand comes up to offer Steve help up. Or more likely to shove him back down again.
His necklace or his pendant reminds Steve of a cameo because it has an image on it. He's never gotten close enough to examine it and certainly isn't going to now.
"Harrington," Billy snaps, waving his hand in his face. "You got a fucking concussion or something? How many fingers am I holding up?"
His hand twists around and he flips Steve off. Steve stares at it for a moment but his gaze is dragged back to that pendant. It probably has some sweat clinging to the metal. It's probably warm to the touch from Billy's skin.
He stops thinking. Shuts his brain off like he does when he needs to make a tough play or a dangerous call. Maybe his eyes glaze over, but he doesn't know because he's not looking at himself.
Steve sits up just enough to get his lips around Billy's pendant. He slides it between his teeth, tongues over the metal that tastes like pennies. He doesn't know what it's made of, probably gold since Billy's skin isn't turning green.
He holds it for a moment, tucked safely in his mouth and looks up at Billy with wide eyes. The bird disappears, Billy's hand coming to the ground with an audible slap. The other follows and Billy stares at him.
The moment lasts a couple seconds too long. Maybe the birds stop singing or the earth stops rotating in the time because Steve is fixated on the necklace in his mouth and the expression on Billy's face.
It's open, eyes wide with something like arousal and something else like fear. Steve wonders if it was quiet enough if he could hear Billy's heartbeat thundering under his ribs. If he would know what the beat is from, the strain of basketball or something like anticipation.
Billy rears back and Steve opens his mouth, the pendant sailing from his lips to the air between them to land with a tiny wet smack on Billy's chest.
Steve licks his lips and hauls himself to his feet. He brushes off his ass and makes a beeline for the basketball, Billy falls on his ass behind him.
When he turns around, Steve passes the ball to Billy, but it hits his shoe and bounces off. He's expecting Billy to snap at him or say something. It was stupid, he wishes he had some water to wash the taste of pennies out of his mouth.
Billy keeps staring at him as he gets to his feet. Steve digs his heels in, stares right back at him. They're alone out here as far as he can tell, it's quiet like before a storm.
Billy gets up close, so they're chest to chest. The necklace is dangerously close to touching Steve again. He keeps looking into Billy's eyes, puts a hand between them, on the opposite side of Billy's chest.
"What," Billy says, quiet as can be. "Was that?"
Steve feels Billy's hand wrap around his wrist, fingers tightening. Not hard enough to bruise. Billy likes seeing him on his back, doesn't care to hurt him. Not anymore.
Steve licks his lips again, searches Billy's face. His mouth is hanging open, he probably looks dumb and confused by his own actions. Words tend to fail Steve Harrington.
He leans in instead, closing his eyes at the halfway point. Billy tastes like plain chapstick, a little bit like sweat, cigarettes, cinnamon gum. His lips are warm, wet from licking the sweat off his face. He kisses like he's trying to devour Steve whole.
Billy breaks off the kiss, staring at Steve's lips when he pulls back. His lashes are long and his eyes look stormy in this light. He takes a breath, Steve feels it under his fingertips.
"Same time next week?" Billy asks, voice a little scratchy.
Steve curls his fingers against Billy's chest. Watches his tanned skin go a little white with it. He nods, pauses and clears his throat.
"I have a half court on the side of the house," he answers. "If you ever want to get another session in."
Billy nods, lets go of his wrist. He takes a step back and grabs his sweatshirt from the bench on the outside of the court. Picks up the basketball and tucks it under one arm. Steve watches him go, all the way over to his car.
And when he gets inside, Steve swears Billy lifts his necklace and puts it in his mouth.
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casuallyferal · 1 year
It's been announced that Elon is reflecting on making X membership exclusive, ie where you pay to have an X membership.
With the upcoming death of X, I find myself having meta thoughts about my fandoms, the art community, and where they intersect; and, how much those things radically-and-completely changed after the death of Tumblr -- and still haven't recovered.
(this does relate to Cross!Sans' recent win I prommy just give me a minute)
To start off with an example:
Some folks still remember the mass death of Tumblr.
It's hard to describe it to people who didn't see it.
There were actual casualties. Y'all remember that, too? The deaths?
Most of them were because for many people, their ~5-10 years of portfolio disappeared overnight with no recovery. Even for folks who had backups, the little things that mattered most, like reblog-chains, had been compromised. I remember reading a vent post that stuck w/ me of a college applicant sobbing because their blog was going to be their portfolio to apply, and the needed morning, it was gone. They lived through an abusive home and lost their out. They stopped posting after that.
There are keystone works that now only exist in our minds.
Cornerstones of both fandom and people's real lives were erased by a mega corp afraid of organic Human sensuality, the artist's familiar muse. A kiss, a shirtless photo, a man lounging in the sun, didn't matter. Gone with no explanatory messages. Everything was very unstable about the rules for a disturbingly long time with ghost-edits to the sitewide rules, and vague lettering. If you posted a single dangly bit, you're out. If you posted male or female nypples at any point, you're out. The rules now aren't the rules that were for a little while, long enough to carve up careers and sink fandoms.
As a case study:
Try to understand that if you're a new arrival into an old fandom from the Before Times, like say Undertale,
... you arrived into a fandom carved into quarters.
Everything we cared about and definitive blogs & art pieces vanished. I was temporarily surprised that Cross!Sans won the AU contest instead of the longtime fandom favorites like G!Sans.
For years, he was our fandom mascot.
I had a harrowing realization and began doomscrolling to confirm that nobody can find 👌the showstopping sensuality 👌😩 of G!Sans. It's gone.
G-o-n-e gone, can't find it anywhere, like that mfker into his smoke.
Our fandom values and cultural pillars that we built ourselves were deleted off-site by some Suits.
Everything the young people inherited was bleached-out and fucking sanitized by a corporation. We had no choice but to tolerate that, even as self aware as we were about it.
...this cultural-drift was not because of natural evolution, but because we weren't sterile enough to "make the cut;" and now, it's definitive with a clear before/after gap.
I'm of the opinion that the online art community has never really recovered from these repeat events.
It's never been the same:
I see a lot less WIPs unless it's teasing a piece.
I see less reckless abbandon in artwork. There's less scribbles.
There's less breath on the canvas.
People tightened their shit up into hyper polished presentation-pieces.
There's less shitposting in general. People used to post doodles and silly faces and polished pieces were in between.
I think this new media relationship comes from a place of collective hurt. I think many of us realized all society gives a fuck about is money money money money for something that for many of us is a necessary biproduct of being alive. The people who couldn't handle that never came back. They Told Us So when they left, and coincidentally, never came back -- or came back different.
❕ (brief cw cp)
As necessary aside, I'm not lumping in the CP -- it's that every platform has CP, and addressing CP head-on on a platform like Tumblr also meant having regulations that corporate with legal, consensual sensuality, and that's not feasible without endorsing that exists... AND, is deeply influential to many artists. Tumblr wasn't willing to do that.
Tumblr wasn't willing to accept ads from orgs that are okay with that, either.
❕ (cw over)
I feel like this keeps happening... Facebook, Tumblr, Twitter/X... because it comes from a cultural climate of fear towards the veritable Human qualities, some raw, beastial, or even vestigial, of which is the Creative's foundational wellspring. What inspires is often transgressive, and there's no room for such things on a corporate level due to the sterile inhumanity of present day economics. If it's not palettable enough that it can be sold to stockholders with polished floors and dry-cleaned suits, we're a weed between the concrete.
Get too tall and we're seen as a disordered presentation of society instead of just... just, Human. Raw, beastial, vestigially Human.
At the end of the day,
our inherently-self-expressive Human potential keeps getting butchered alive by fear of sex & sensuality and love, and the bitter taste of culturally dominant hatespeech; to really spit on the situation, the biggest driver behind both of those is economic. There's a desire knit into the social fabric to squeeeeeeze every fkn penny possible out of an inherently involuntary part of the Creative's experience.
For many, creating freely is a necessary part of a Creative's self-regulation, regardless of whether it's just a hobby or a career path. Creatives create things. We have to or we wilt. It is counter-intuitive to the nature of Wall Street, as it stands, and so it will never favor us -- let alone begin to understand that, without overhaul.
For me, painting is like breathing, I have to do it or I become ill.
...It's like... they bottled our air.
Dammed our wellsprings and sell our own work back to us in plastic jugs. Elusive, ominous "they," vague because it's a lottery for whoever plays "them" next; executioner with hanging-rope in hand to strange the creative experience.
There's nothing sacred left when it's all about making money.
...so, where's next?
(: Might as well grit our teeth about it and stay organized. Mastodon, I think? Dreamwidth also? Misskey? Where have you heard? Where do I go, now?
I miss the reblog-artfights and having Tumblr friends before it was deleted by a suit, and I don't want to lose that.
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brisquad-unit-4402 · 1 month
technical guide and example scenario to kissing with a tongue piercing
this started as a shitpost style warmup/hc and then spiraled into a fic which spiraled into a style experiment. p much everything is deliberate except for the lowercase because i don’t believe in capitalization on my phone. now here’s a pretentious makeout scene where neither reader nor claude get the big 4k 120fps big picture at all
tags: gender neutral reader, pre-relationship, requited unrequited pining, oral fixation, making out, implied sexual/suggestive content, yeah i guess claude comes across as a sub here idk i didn’t really consider those dynamics much for this fic but if that means something to you then power to you
⚠ claude and reader jokingly call each other whores
⚠ implied piercing kink, hand/mouth play
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
reader: what’s it like to make out with a tongue piercing
claude: huh
good?? question??? he isn’t a prude but he doesn’t kiss and tell either. that shit stays locked up. he’s a private person no matter how much he likes the one asking questions. unfortunately
claude: why do you ask?
but he does like the person asking the questions. regret courses through him the second he says it aloud.
reader: just curious
reader: it’s just a stud so sometimes i forget you have one but when you’re kissing it’s hard to not notice isn’t it
claude: it could be
reader: can you stick your tongue out?
claude: [he does so]
regret! regret! regret! it’s turned to a flood washing over his thoughts. he chides himself. why are you so obedient, claude, why are you so eager to please, and for the love of god quit thinking like that before you get any ideas!
great. now there’s a nasty little thing called hope twisting through his brain and making it feel emptier than usual.
reader: i guess you’d have to be pretty into it to feel it
claude: [closes his mouth.] i guess
reader: so what’s it like?
reader: kissing, i mean
claude: that’s just your lips so it’s whatever
reader: no, dummy, i mean with tongue
claude: it’s just making out
claude: even i forget it’s there
reader: there’s no difference at all?
claude: woah woah woah woah i didn’t say that
reader: so you do notice it?
claude: well i don't but other people do
reader: is it good?
claude: i hope
claude: i mean
claude: well i don't think it's bad and no one's told me it's bad and i'm not bad [he thinks]
claude: so it's probably good. but i wouldn't know
reader: i should have guessed
claude: [a little.] yeah
claude: i mean
claude: yeah
he feels like he went outside in only boxers and got roped into an all-day affair. admitting things is already too much exposure. there’s so much he wants to say but it’ll take up all the space, ruin the mood. true feelings tend to come out clumsy according to claude.
the shred of hope lingers.
claude: i guess
claude: it’s smooth?
claude: because it’s so small?
claude: and the metal is just like that?
reader: [understanding, theorization]
claude: if it was a hoop it would be different
claude: but it’s not
claude: [unelegantly.] so it’s not
reader: i’m going to ask something stupid
claude: [gets a grip.] hey, i’m stupid
reader: no you aren’t
reader: i wonder what it feels like
claude: is this the question
reader: now it is
reader: can i try?
claude: getting a tongue piercing?
reader: no, kissing you
claude: [a brief sound]
claude: me?
reader: yeah
reader: i want to know how it feels
reader: i won’t be weird i promise
reader: and if not that’s cool
reader: i shouldn’t have brought it up i don’t want to make you feel weird or anything
reader: but i’m
reader: really curious
this is a bad time for his mouth to go dry. claude presses his lips together, only to pry them apart after remembering your request. he needs a swift bonk to the head. cold shower. 50,000 years of solitude. fuck he needs to stop thinking about this.
or keep thinking about this. it’s the best chance he’s got. it hurts his heart thinking about it. it’s indulgence. he can’t let himself pretend but he can’t let go of it either
claude: how are we doing this
reader: i guess we could try kissing first
claude: like frenching or
reader: lips first?
claude: oh right right
he feels giddy and heartbroken. and anxious. and it’s over before he really figured it out
claude: wait
why are lips so malleable? why do the tiniest presses make him feel so? so? giddy-heartbroken-anxious-dirty. this is out of order. friends don’t kiss friends with tension like this. but they are now.
reader: we forgot about the piercing
claude: right
reader: i guess that was a warmup. ha-ha
claude: yeah
claude: here goes nothing
reader: you’re such a dork—
he knows. he could always use the reminder. not now though. instead he refamiliarizes himself with lip on lip, slightly ajar, then rising. a gap between for hot breath to escape. the air grazes the slope of his cheek.
reader: mmh—
anxiety and dirtiness outweigh the other two, and the latter more than the former. he’s kissed before. reader has too. it doesn’t have to mean anything. it doesn’t have to mean anything. he repeats the thought but the message gets lost along the way.
claude: —.
reader nips so claude opens more. predictably so. and traitorously fervent. doesn’t mean nothing. his heart begs for some honesty but he can’t speak, mouth’s a little busy at the moment, not a great time to talk about feelings and whatever. he’d like to but, you know, clumsy words
clumsy tongues
the one over the bite, he means; warmth follows the lick at the tip of your tongue and down his throat and straight to his belly
you make yourself right at home. the breath is interrupted before it grazes his cheek because your hands rest there instead. claude follows your movements, shadowing as you explore, marking the depths before lulling at the entrance
reader: stay still
dammit, obedience, like a subservient dog. trembling like one while reader reenters. he nearly forgot the whole reason they were doing this until it prodded at the soft tip of his tongue.
claude: []
he’d nearly ignored the instruction. he tries not to think of it as a command, not while you trail up his tongue. little swirls that set him at ease and on fire. down onto the central. the answer at the top of the stud.
do NOT hit teeth, claude clawmark. do not hit teeth. he knows how it’s done but it’s so over if he messes up with you. fuck, this is wrong. you can’t be this hot and claude is so going to hell after this.
the metal preserves body heat but it tends to feel cooler to unfamiliar tongues. it’s important to be gentle with this. he licks low and languid, beginning a rhythm. simple circles. shouldn’t be difficult for you to predict the bead. god. what is his life
his laps are simple enough to pick up on. you lay your tongue on his in different positions to feel the stud. at this point claude’s done trying to analyze. his notes are minimal: sometimes you’re flat on his and that’s a strange feeling. the tip seems to have no effect on you, but it hits the space usually glossed over because of the metal so that’s exciting. when you press the sensitive side to the stud, you twitch back, and claude’s urge to chase rears its head.
reader: .
the challenge is taken. and now that the rhythm’s established claude speeds up. the sensation helps filter out the thought that this is an error. not on your part, of course, you’re just curious. that’s exactly why he should have denied: this is never going to happen again and he’s never going to admit how tragic that is.
but you nudge the piercing more, and the pressure makes his heart lurch.
he tilts your chin to his in a moment of surrender.
you play him like a damn instrument. his throat is full of lava boiling over with your touch, each hungrier than the last. the shivers just give you more openings to eat him up
claude: [needs to breathe.] hold on
reader: nngh?
claude: gotta
claude: gotta breathe
claude: christ,
claude: you’re shameless
reader: [between kisses at the corner of claude’s mouth.] yeah, i’m the whore here,
reader: said the guy with a tongue piercing
claude: hey since when are tongue piercings a whore thing
reader: since you kissed me like one
he’d been extremely polite, what the hell. at least, polite compared to what he really wants. still. you’re the one kissing me even when we aren’t using tongue, he thinks. the emotion behind it is unrecognizable.
yet you hum with muffled laughter as you kiss him. for not the first time it registers that he likes making you smile, even at his expense
he likes you but that’s never been a revelation.
and he quite likes how this feels when he tells his conscience to shut the hell up already. he takes your hand
reader: [with curiosity. you'd call it unrecognizable too]
thoughtlessly he holds it to his lips
claude: this is what it feels like when you touch it
the piercing, indeed, feels smooth on your fingertips as it rolls by the pads. his tongue lingers not far behind. those fingers twitch at the blend of tongue and lip; one of them sweetly curls at the stud. it’s always been easy to forget that the piercing is there but especially now as the plush of his lips closes. open-mouthed kisses become closed, leaving the true motions of his tongue—and the piercing, and the finger coiled beside it—they're obscured.
reader: [does it matter?]
reader: [Do the stage directions matter?]
claude: [looks up]
he quite likes the sight too
.  . • ☆ . ° .• °:. *₊ ° . ☆
✧. ┊ masterpost ✧. ┊ kofi
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Something I find amusing about C.C. & Lelouch's relationship (spoiler: it's not amusing at all) As a premise, despite everything I'm going to say, CluClu is my otp and will ever be, so this is not intended as a hate shitpost, even if who doesn't like them as a couple is also absolutely welcome to give their take. Furthermore, the topic of my discourse is just their relationship regardless you see it as romantic or not.
Now, to get to the matter, let's take a look first at the other two girls. I've always felt that Lelouch relationship with Shirley and Kallen were somewhat unbalanced, since they clearly had deep, sincere feelings towards him, but as much as he reciprocated them (as friends or almost-lover it doesn't matter here), it's always been them to give the strongest evidence of these feelings. He obviously cared a lot about both, and if I'm being honest I think that Shirley could have been his first love, but he only shows how much important they are to him under dramatic circumstances or if solicited, in response to some showing of "affection" from their part.
In Shirley's case, when he kisses her back after her father's death, when he wipes off her memories, when he blushes because he was expecting her to kiss him and then, sadly, when she dies. As for Kallen, the strongest example that comes to mind to me is when he says "you have to live" after he lied so that she didn't sacrifice her life for him. (I won't take into consideration when he made a move on her, for the following reasons: because he was at his lowest point and was only looking for something to numb himself, sex was the same as drugs at that time, no less self-destructive, and definitely not an act of love; moreover, because he didn't show her any affection AT ALL—what he said to her was straight up insulting and degrading (I state this as a matter of fact, but I'm not judging him here, I could talk about this another time), not something I would proudly bring as a proof of his feelings for her. Lastly, because my point now it's not to demonstrate which girl he had ROMANTIC feelings for.)
Then we have C.C. The only one among the three whose feelings for him were ambiguous to say the least. For the most part of the story, she manipulated and used him for her purposes by encouraging him towards the path that was most convenient for her. She knew from the start the truth about his mother, she watched him struggle and never said a word because that could have made him falter in his determination. She was aware of Charles plans, which she had been complicit with in the past, and also that he had a geass, but never shared these informations with Lelouch, again because that could damage her aim. She was the person who more than anyone else saw how much he was suffering, and I believe she started to care about him even early on the story, but still this wasn't enough to stop her.
Obviously she was conflicted, she often looks torn between what she wants to gain from him and a genuine feeling that she can't allow herself to have. Also, we could argue that, had she really wanted to go all the way with her plan, she could have done so already by trying to kill him, in order to push him to accept the code as the nun did with her (we know from Charles and V.V. that's not necessary to wait for the geass to evolve in both eyes). But she never does this. Deep inside she's not as selfish as she pretends and would like to be, and at a closer look it's lecit to wonder if at some point her decision to stay at his side wasn't for her purposes anymore, even if that was what she kept telling herself—but this doesn't make her actions towards Lelouch any less wrong, any less selfish and manipulative.
As I stated before, among the three C.C. is the only one who, even if she truly had feelings for him, never prioritised them over herself. Even the scene where she comforts him after Euphemia's death is ambiguous, since those words and that gesture came from a person who was taking advantage of him all along.
What about Lelouch though? To me it's always been even shocking how open his feelings for her were (whether you intend them as romantic or not, again, it doesn't matter!). We know him as a person who always acts quite cold (even if he's not), but then we have "I don't know why snow is white, but I think it's beautiful", "If you're a witch then I shall become a warlock", "I promise you the smile you never had", even that snarky "I cannot be friends with a goddess, I've made a contract with the devil". He worries that she could get hurt or die even if he knows she's immortal. To not speak about how he allows himself to be vulnerable in front of her and just her.
So, to refer to the title, what I find "amusing" is how the girl he shows most openly his feelings for is exactly the one who apparently reciprocate less and, for a fact, the one whose reasons for being at his side have always been not totally genuine.
That could open another matter of analisys which I find interesting about Lelouch, namely how his relationship with Suzaku is an ulteriore example of how he clings the most to the people who somewhat reject him and don't give him any assurance that they won't leave him. From a psychological point of view, it seems in line with a young man who in his childhood has suffered from severe trauma bounded to loss and abandonment. It's common in these cases to have the strongest reactions to real or imaginary threats of abandonment, while unconsciously re-enacting the trauma by being emotionally driven towards those who show they could leave at any moment unless you make efforts to hold them back. But this could be the subject of another topic one day, a topic that I would probably call "why I think that Lelouch shows many symptoms of borderline personality disorder, despite the more popular fan-diagnosis that I feel are sometimes dued to a general misunderstanding of personality disorders". Well, that's it! I'm curious to read your opinions, if you like to share :)
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prismatoxic · 5 months
i've told parts of this story before, but bare with me, i'm emotional.
so like, i've had this blog since 2021. my original tumblr blog (made in 2011 iirc) was nuked in 2018 for exactly the reason you think (nsfw ban) and i didn't return for a handful of years because it stung so bad. even when i did, i mostly used twitter.
i started posting to tumblr more regularly when musk's twitter takeover finally pissed me off enough to ditch it. (i have since gone back, sort of, but am not reliably present and mostly just rt art people send me.) i've been pretty consistently here since then, sans a very angry break when all the shit with automattic's CEO happened.
and like... looking through my archives... i only made a dedicated tag for asks last july, even though i've been using an organizational tag system since i made this blog. that's how infrequent they were. my art usually got between 0 and 3 notes. when i left briefly back in january, i deleted every post in my art tag because i didn't want to leave my work here, but also, like... the only things that went anywhere were some of my mgs fanarts. no one owes anyone's work attention, but it didn't feel worth it, you know? like why share it with the public when i can just show it to the like 3 friends i know who care?
i came back partially because i felt... isolated. i have friends on the fediverse and on discord, but tumblr gave me a sense of being in a community, even if i didn't feel like an important part of said community. i missed queuing funny posts to enjoy weeks later, i missed being kept sort of in-the-loop about fandom goings-on, i missed my friends who were still here. (and that last one is also part of why i check twitter more now.)
but that alone wasn't enough, because i was a nobody here and it probably wasn't worth it to try again. but then devot and i started watching dungeon meshi, and i got into chilaios just like i thought i would, and tumblr has the largest concentration of chilaios fanart and posts. not only that, but every post i saw in the tag had so much engagement! i didn't see a single one that went unnoticed, back in february. so i hesitantly came back. i started reblogging chilaios posts. i didn't intend to try and break into the space because i knew it'd just hurt if i went unnoticed again, like i did in other fandoms.
but i made friends, little by little. i started a fanfic. i cautiously began posting my art again. i started writing meta, and shitposts, and replying on other people's posts, and commenting on other people's fics, and now...
that ask tag i mentioned? there are 15 pages of posts with that tag on my blog. only 2 and a half of those pages are asks from before i got into dunmeshi. people talk to me--they care about my thoughts and my opinions, they compliment the things i make. i have a group of like, 30+ people i interact with regularly, many of which i now consider close friends. everything i post gets some attention, no matter what it is.
this isn't a humblebrag, it's just... a thank you. i can't really properly express the depths of the loneliness i've felt in the past. i was an outcast for a long time, and it was way worse pre-2019, but i don't think it's ever fully left me. i've been hurt very, very badly in the past, and i've been abandoned a lot, and i've been ostracized a lot. i've grown into who i am today both in spite of and because of all i've been through, and for that i wouldn't ever change it, but it was still hard.
so today, as i turn 29, seeing asks and gifts pour in to tell me happy birthday, and that i'm appreciated... just, thank you.
if there's one thing you can give me today, it's this: reblog someone's art or writing or meta with some enthusiastic tags. send someone a friendly ask. reply to someone's post to comment on something they've said. write comments on ao3 for the fics that move you, no matter how much or how little you can think of to say.
this is going to sound cheesy as hell, but i genuinely mean it: reach out, and spread joy, whenever and wherever you can. you never know who's in pain, who's lonely or who feels worthless. and if it's you who feels that way, do what you can anyway; a community that isn't afraid to reach out will reach back to you, too. and you're not alone. i care, i promise--and more people than you realize do too.
it's so easy to underestimate how much a kind word can do. they add up, though. so keep going.
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7grandmel · 8 months
Todays rip: 04/02/2024
[SFM] The Voice's Day Off
Season 3 No Album Release (Read More) Idle - Garry's Mod
Ripped by NBGMusic
Requested by @undertale-vs-fortnite-who-wins!
Look - To tell you that I was DELIGHTED to see this request come into my askbox would be an absolute understatement. In my coverage of SiIvaGunner through this blog, I want to try and touch on as many different parts of its history as possible, to introduce and remind fans new and old of just how many things have been put on the channel in its life. Yet somehow in doing that, I'd forgotten entirely about the Garry's Mod rips, which given their quality is a damn crime.
For that specific generation of internet users who have only recently turned into adults, it's a universal truth that Source Filmmaker (SFM, for short) fucking rules. Released by Valve onto Steam back in 2012, its the software that the company themselves used to animate cinematics within and to promote their own games from around that time - only now being distributed for free to anyone using Steam to use. This opened the floodgates for a whole new wave of amateur animators to fuck around with all sorts of film-making, either by using Valve's own characters such as the cast of Team Fortress 2 or by using models shared on the Workshop. Not too dissimilar to the chaotic and openly unrefined world of YouTube Poop, the resulting wave of SFM animation would be defined by its imperfections - ragdolling characters, distorted facial animations, and generally crazy over-exaggerated animation placed upon environments that looked noticeably stock and standard by comparison.
On SiIvaGunner, the rips of Garry's Mod (a sandbox game that was often used before SFM to make faux-animations/Machinima) are all made to pay tribute to this specific part of internet culture, with SFM animations made within SiIvaGunner's set of inside jokes. And god, man, [SFM] The Voice's Day Off in particular just brings me back to such a fun time on the channel in general. I'll still likely forever say that Season 2 was my favorite time to be invested in the channel due to just how much constant lore development seemed to be occurring at every moment, but...for as engrossing-yet-absurd as those Christmas Comeback Crisis episodes were, there was something refreshing about Season 3 scaling back on things a bit - yet still letting us keep tabs on it all with side episodes and the Haltmann Archives data logs. And yeah, the channel was still definitely going down a sillier, more chaotic path over the course of the Season, and by the start of Season 4 the lore had effectively been put on hold entirely to focus more on the core of the channel. But the result of that shift in focus has left Season 3 as feeling like a sort of crossroads in my mind: as that period of time where the entire community was still aware of and hotly anticipating any and all lore developments and updates on our favorite CCC characters, while still being fully aware that we probably weren't going to see a new main episode any time soon. We were all just lore aware enough to begin having communal fun with all forms of SiIvaGunner lore-shitposting.
Look, what I'm getting at is: [SFM] The Voice's Day Off is an immensely silly animation, yet what its parodying is the SiIvaGunner lore itself. It's an animation where the entire joke is built on the characterization of SiIvaGunner-original character, more than it is about the pop culture that otherwise influences the channel so much more frequently. I am of course immensely happy with how The Voice was portrayed in his grand return in Season 7's Christmas Comeback Crisis episode, yet in those years of time off between Episode 10 and 11 it was the rips like [SFM] The Voice's Day Off that reminded us in the community that The Voice still existed, and that he still very much mattered. Silly of a video as it may be, it is still just a genuinely funny concept and execution for a parody video, given the genuinely evil characterization he has in the storyline. There's just something so fun about seeing the guy sing and boast about his perfectly normal sunday afternoon, althewhile it consists of just as much murderous rampage as he seeks to indulge in during his time in the canon material. Silly parody content or not, even through the often intentionally crude animation, it really was rips like this that helped inform my understanding on The Voice as a character, in particular his love for the theatrical and the borderline flamboyancy he exudes.
...I feel like this post is delving ever closer into character-overanalysis territory akin to Vote Responsibly!!, but I can't help it - I fucking love SiIvaGunner and its lore, and I find The Voice in particular to still be one of the channel's most compelling pieces. And though it's definitely true that he was turned into more of an in-joke within the community during his years off the clock after Season 2, no doubt in part thanks to rips just like [SFM] The Voice's Day Off...I'm still glad silly shit like it was able to exist at all before his grand return. Because for as often-disconnected as I've felt from SiIvaGunner as a community, it felt damn good to be laughing together over the characterization of our favorite pyramid-headed bastard.
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I drew this, please stop reposting it without credit!
a sort of indulgent rant :P
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[original post as proof]
Since the wider internet is talking about plagiarism I think it's a good time to start talking about art theft/uncredited reposting/etc. as well and I'm particularly going to talk about my experience with it.
Before I say anything else I want to say please don't harass people who may not have a good grasp on internet etiquette! (and please assume that is the case unless someone has intentionally plagiarized/stolen people's work and credited it as their own) That is not what I'm asking you to do and for future reference if someone was excessively rude to you in calling out that you reposted my things I did not endorse that behavior. I do encourage calling out when you see people reposting art and linking back to the original work but I do not encourage harassment. On a similar note, this isn't meant to make anyone feel bad or guilty for not having a good grasp on this particular thing. This is just me explaining how it makes me feel and hopefully get people to understand why it's so hurtful so they don't do it in the future, and maybe they get to me explaining it nicely before other people explain it not-so-nicely LOL.
Some reasons why I personally don't like it when people repost my art even if this particular post is a shitpost and not something I put a whole lot of effort into:
(This list is definitely independent/fanartist-centric, I'm not really claiming this to be anything but that.)
Images get edited and distorted as the meme chain goes on, I have seen this end up with artists feeling like their art that they put a lot of effort into like all that work was a joke. Which, evidently is pretty disrespectful
In a personal anecdote, I have seen people say really rude things about me and the Blazblue community on Tumblr while reposting my things (art and otherwise) on twitter and other social media sites. It's really hurtful that people will disrespect me and my friends while using the bits and pieces they like.
Additionally, not everyone on the internet is familiar with common English-speaking internet terminology and etiquette. What may seem like a compliment or neutral statement for you may be rude to them. Generally speaking, a lot of Japanese artists take great offense to their work being reposted in any way whatsoever. ESPECIALLY if you didn't ask beforehand. People have privated or deleted works or entire accounts over this.
It takes away attention from the artist, and this isn't just people complaining about their art not getting enough likes/reblogs online. I have had my commissions open for months with next to no attention toward it and have periodically given up on promoting, with that in mind I grow more bitter about the fact that my only work that regularly gets attention isn't even representative of my current work but also isn't even attached to my name.
There are a lot more reasons, but it really is just a matter of respecting people who make the content you like and crediting people who make things you like.
If you see art that might be fanart and want to find the original source so you can either share it in a server, ask the artist permission to use it somewhere else, or sort of vigilante credit it for somewhere else, here's some places you can easily reverse search for images or find the artist who drew them (hint: if a work has been deleted it's good practice to still credit the artist)
SauceNAO - especially good for fanart since it's a curation of popular Japanese and western image sharing sites. Works best with full images. Found my art on pixiv and deviantART.
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Google Image Search - Unreliable, may work with popular artwork but will probably struggle to find it otherwise, very rarely found my artwork. But probably your better bet for heavily cropped images at least to find the full image and then plug it in sauceNAO
But even then the best practice is if you don't know the source don't repost it until you've found it, and always reblog/retweet/what have you from the original artist before considering reposting it on your own account. Be strict and insistent on asking if people know the source of art they are reposting especially in discord servers and online spaces where it's commonly done.
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