#it was so funny literally stuff a child under there
disneyprincemuke · 11 months
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get to know fem!driver
get to know the newest addition to the 2023 grid, racing under sebastian vettel’s mentorship
notes: guys… i definitely took inspiration from @sebscore and @thepersonnamedsam bc i am sO hooked of fem!driver stuff right now!!1!1!1 ahhhh!!
do send me some requests if you like this… i promise i’ll try not to disappoint <;/3
(series masterlist)
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❧ i imagine she is like 20/21 years old
❧ her driving number is 69, just because she finds it funny
❧ she's very reserved when you first meet her, but she's actually very witty and talkative when you get to know her better
❧ sebastian approached her after coming in second in the f2 2022 championship after he landed the role of race engineer in a team and vouched for her so bad that she got a seat
❧ she is on probation, though
❧ she grew up karting alongside oscar, logan and liam lawson, actually, so it's very nice that she has 3 friends on the grid at least
❧ she's met charles leclerc growing up once and she's had a crush on him ever since... especially since he has a soft spot for women in the motorsport (so very supportive to the ladies as usual)
❧ is the oldest child
❧ that tells you more than it has to
❧ has met lily once, yet is each other's biggest fan: exchanges sweet messages on instagram, congratulating each other on their sport, and being each other's hypeman
❧ she follows most of the wags on socials, but is too shy to make the first move to be friends with them... lily was not the exception
❧ lily approached her first
❧ she is trying to get on everyone's good side though, seeing as it is her first year in the sport
❧ she's made acquaintances with the likes of lewis hamilton, kimi raikkonen, and charles leclerc all thanks to sebastian before test session
❧ she is only slightly taller than yuki
❧ barely taller... just a little over 4 centimeters, but you can't really tell from the hair
❧ has a small scar above her eye from when she was very young fighting with her little sister
❧ she follows sebastian around like a small kid around the paddocks in her early days, not fully knowing what to do
❧ she has friends in the f1 academy, and they video call every now and then
❧ literally has only ever had 1 boyfriend in her life and she was like 16
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l-in-the-light · 1 month
Luffy's and Law's similarities
Because people always talk only about their differences, time to do the uno reverse! You might be surprised how many there are, actually.
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Snapping at exactly same thing.
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Snapping at same stuff again, because sometimes they share exactly the same brain cell. Even their face expressions are exactly the same in both examples lol.
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Whenever Law actually loosens his guard, he reacts in exact same ways as Luffy does.
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They both have a very similar experience with their mentors sacrificing themselves for them and same selfblaming reaction. This serves mostly as a prologue because we will compare how child Law and child Luffy behaved.
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Both were reckless brats with very wrong self-harming ideas to get what they want.
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They hate "dirty tricks" and being lied to. And easily lash out.
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Their initial reaction to making fun of someone tripping/being pushed on the floor or making fun of anyone. Also standing there in exact same pose with their fists clenched.
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"I will go find a real role model", same vibes here honestly.
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"You will pay for this" mentality. They were also both literally thrown which endagered their lives and they both can't believe it's actually happening, that anyone would do something like that. Also bonus points for swearing child Luffy haha.
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Both consider some people to be just total scums that deserve punching. Bad guys should be taught a lesson. Law at least managed to land a stab, so 1:0 for him.
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This is intriguing. This is the last time Law asks someone for help. And last time Luffy asks someone to help him. Both seem to be convinced "asking for help" caused their loved ones to get hurt, so you will never hear them do it again. The only difference here is Law is asking to help Corazon, while Luffy is the one who needs the help.
Later on Luffy is taught to ask for help by Vivi in Drum Kingdom, but he isn't asking for himself, but to help Nami. Meanwhile Law never again uses the polite words. The most he is capable of is to ask Cavendish "tanomu" which is more like "I'm counting on you".
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Both sit in same pose whenever Law isn't trying to impersonate Corazon's style (yes, Law mimicks Cora a lot, also in the way he walks). At least once he slipped and sat in the way he found naturally comfortable instead and it was exactly same way as Luffy's preferred sitting position. What a curious coincidence.
Another funny thing about them is that they both like to wear exactly same type of shoes they used to wear as a child, Luffy the sandals, and Law his dark boots. It's not really that common thing in the manga, for example, Nami and Zoro didn't stick to same type of shoes they used to wear when they were kids.
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They also sleep in exactly same position, the infamous T-pose. For comparison, the rest of the Strawhats all have their own different sleeping positions (first from the right is Usopp ofc lol).
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They also match each other's pace pretty well. "Let's go, Torao!" and "Ike!" as Law's answer which literally means just "Go!", because Traffy is ready too, no need to stall back.
And finally my favourite:
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If Law wasn't under Corazon's "calm" spell, would his laugh sound familiar? Perhaps would it be "shishishi" we know so well? Of course that's the last time Law laughs like that, so we can't compare him laughing when he's an adult. Families in One Piece often share similar laughs, it seems. Unless you're a devil fruit user, that also changes your laughter apparently hm.
There's probably even more similarities between their behaviour, thinking patterns and expressions than I managed to find. I find it suspicious considering those two did not grow up together, so why are they so similar when they're both children?
I dunno if whole D. clan is an actual family, but I think Law and Luffy definitely had a shared ancestor and probably not that far in the past. Very curious since they're from East Blue and North Blue, the two seas mentioned to be the hardest to travel from one another.
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Many people speculated Dragon isn't related to Garp or Luffy because they don't really look that much alike, but if you compare Monkey, Trafalgar and Gol family members together you can start to see some pattern emerging: they all have naturally black ruffled hair Potter-family style (you're welcome for that comparison you never wanted to notice and now you can't unsee haha). I wonder if Joyboy will also be revealed of sporting similar style of hair.
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dr-spectre · 2 months
Guess who turned 7 years old?
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SPLATOON 2!!!!! Everyone's favourite Splatoon game!!!! Right? Right guys....? We love Splatoon 2 yeah....? It's the best one right.....? Totally not gonna become the middle child of the series that gets overshadowed by the new fresh Splatoon 3 and the nostalgia of the first game right.....?
Okay, jokes aside about if Splatoon 2 is actually good or not. This was the game that actually got me into Splatoon, I knew about the series since it's announcement but I couldn't play the first game because like the rest of general public, I didn't own a wii u. Still don't but I would love to have one to mod. (And play Splatoon 1 online with fan servers...)
I think Splatoon 2 really did bring a lot of cool stuff to the table and it had a lot of quality of life features and interesting weapon, sub and special concepts.
It gave us the dualies!! THE DUALIES! I LOVE THE DUALIES!
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It gave us the brellas! Which.... were kinda bad at launch and still are bad till this day....
BUT! I dont wanna talk about weapons because thats BORING! I wanna talk about one of the best things Splatoon 2 gave us...
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OFF THE HOOK! PEARL AND MARINA! These girls are some of the most popular characters in the series and for good reason. They are both funny, likeable, charming, witty and have developed backstories by the time Octo Expansion comes around. Plus their chemistry is top-notch and so damn CUTE! It's almost has if they are somehow more than friends and that kind of connection is canon and people who try to deny it are fucking idiots and will never be in a relationship of their own.....
Also Splatoon 2 gave us a pretty solid hero mode at launch, sure it was basically more Splatoon 1 hero mode but hey, the first hero mode was fun so more of the same is fine by me. Plus you get Marie's classic snark too while you go through levels, she's nice company surprisingly. Way better than some old ass crusty dude...
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It also gave us....
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totally didn't fuck up my mental health this year and last year and caused me chest pain and discomfort until I had to dig and dig AND DIG for knowledge just to salvage it and make sure my favourite character in the fucking series was given the respect she deserves....
....hypno/octo Callie.... totally didn't fuck up this villain arc for her huh Nintendo? Totally didn't throw away the depth you built up (and was shown in concept art) only to try and hastily fix it 2 years later with an obscure relationship chart no one fucking talks about, not even the timeline explainers...
totally didn't use the wrong terminology to describe her situation and made everything so much worse because you wanted a simple black and white story for the kiddies yeah Nintendo? Despite you making stuff grey in the dlc expansion so the both story modes now clash like oil and water theme wise.
And yet you still treat her like dirt. Still using the wrong poorly localised words. If I still gotta repeat to the sky one more time that callie was under hypnosis and not forceful brainwashing I might have a stroke. You can't even fucking brainwash someone with hypnosis because the limitation of hypnosis is that the person under it must be fully comfortable with the suggestion and the suggestion cannot go agaisnt their morals and ideology. AND GUESS WHAT BRAINWASHING IS! FORCING DIFFERENT IDEOLOGIES INTO SOMEONE'S HEAD! DO YOU GET WHY I HAVE AN ISSUE NOW?!?!?! JUST USE THE WORD HYPNOTISED NINTENDO! THATS ALL YOU GOTTA DO!! ILL BE SOOO HAPPY!!!
YOU TOO INKIPEDIA! I CAUGHT YOU USING THE WORD TOO MULTIPLE TIMES! you better change it... just change brainwashed to hypnotised and I would literally kiss you on the lips or something idk... I love you inkipedia but that's all you gotta change okay? Pretty please? With a cherry on top?
Do you know what else Splatoon 2 gave us?
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OCTO EXPANSION BABY! I know people love to call this overrated now but I really don't care. It's not overrated, it's perfectly rated. It also gave us PLAYABLE OCTOLINGS! Which was a highly requested thing people really really wanted and they gave us what we asked for! Even though they lacked a lot of customisation options.... still do till this day... (Nintendo is it really that hard to come up with new hair? The community has been doing that for years for you man.)
And of course... the last thing I want to talk about...
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This is probably my favourite Splatfest to date. It brought in a lot of actual genuine philosophical discussion on what kind of world is best, a world of chaos? Or a world of order? I chose team chaos because when the youtuber/streamer Etika was still around he chose team chaos and I chose that team because of him... rest in peace...
The shifty station too was phenomenonal as you got to hear Fly Octo Fly and Pearl would come in AND YOU GOT TO USE HER PRINCESS CANON!!!! IT WAS SO FUCKING COOL AHHHH!!!
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God Pearl is so cool... i can't believe I actually used to dislike her. I wanna beat up teen me so badly for having such bad takes. Marina is hot sure, but, Pearl is just so fucking funny. Man what was wrong with 13 to 17 year old me....
Anyways, I wanted to ramble about Splatoon 2. It's pretty special to me as it was the reason I am here today, so I can't really criticise it as much as others do. Well... aside from one obvious thing but, I've done that many times.
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nalooksthrough · 2 months
Dale Dimmadome Analysis (with screenshots)
Dale is one of my favourite characters on the show. He's a funny evil man, that amuses me with his antics and his role as a child slave/kidnap victim in the original series leaves a lot to be explored.
This analysis will be talking about his attachment to money which trust me is a lot more interesting than it sounds. This will be quite a long post. I'll put a cut under this paragraph, so that the people who aren't interested don't have to scroll through the whole post.
Going to assume that since you decided to keep reading, that your interested in what I have to say. This analysis will only be covering "Stanky Danky" and "Lost and Founder's Day" with a brief mention of "Operation Birthday Takeback". I think those two episodes are more than sufficient enough to convey my point.
When we first meet Dale in "Stanky Danky" he's seen coming down from a helicopter, onto a big stage to sell products to people. He appears to be level headed with confidence oozing out of him. But this changes the moment he realises that people aren't going to buy anything.
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He almost immediately starts to panic.
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He starts shuttering as he calls out to the crowd to buy more things.
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His panic becomes anger. Briefly switching back to panic before fully settling into anger. His anger then becomes targeted at the person whose telling these people not to buy from him. He questions who this girl is, what's her name.
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Once he's learnt her name. He starts thinking up a way he can stop her and get the customer's interest back.
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And once he's found it he strikes.
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Going as far as to kidnap Danky and emotionally manipulate him just so he can get what he wants.
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Leaving the monster in an isolated area of his estate when he's not of any current use to him. I mean talk about becoming your abuser.
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And when Hazel and Danky leave he rushes out calling out to the trash monster, saying that he was "like a son" to him. Trying to appeal to Danky's emotions, desperately trying to get him back. All so he doesn't lose that source of profit.
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And when he starts losing all his profits at the end of the episode he falls to his knees, wailing in a fit of despair. He's obsessed with money, he needs it and he's willing to do anything to get it. This obsession of his is best shown in "Lost and Founder's Day"
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He spends the first portion of the episode happily monologing as he explains how his Dim Watches "tickle" a child's brain to indicate when they want something. Everything is going exactly as he planned.
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Until it isn't.
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The moment he spots someone not buying anything he starts getting angry. Ranting at the screen.
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His anger only growing more when he realises that this "anomaly" is stopping other people from buying things too.
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And when Dev points out that stuff is still getting sold and they are still earning money. He shuts him down.
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Stating that while yes people are still buying things. The profit he's making from the festival in going down. And he is not happy about it.
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In fact he's so enraged by this that he starts to send drones and his son after it so that he can "learn it's secrets". He can't handle the idea that someone doesn't want to buy anything from him.
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And when that doesn't work, he activates the statues. Putting the whole festival on lock down until he can track down the "anomaly".
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And when a drone points out how counter productive terrorising the festival attendees is to earning money and making a profit. He quite literally shuts it down.
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And at the end of the episode, when the statues are put to a stop and everyone leaves.
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He's back in that pit of despair. A literal stream of tears flowing out of his eyes. And he so affected by this that he spent literal months studying this "anomaly" figuring out why it didn't seem interested in buying anything during the festival. And the thing is. If he had just left it alone. The festival would have gone on without much of a hitch. But he just couldn't, because it was never about the money. Not really. It was about him.
It's clear that he puts a lot of value onto money. More than most. With money being tied directly to his identity and sense of security. The more money he makes, the better he feels about himself and when he starts to lose money, he takes it as a direct attack on him. He knows what it's like to have nothing and he doesn't ever want to be in that state again. So he obsessively tries to earn more and more in order feel secure in himself. But it's never enough. And when someone threatens that security he goes on the defence. Even at the cost of the losing other potential sales.
And when he loses all his profits and is no longer generating money, he breaks. And for a brief moment, he's no longer Dale Dimmadome owner of Dimmadome G0bal.
He's Dale. A frighten young boy working in a factory underneath a lemonade stand, whose only wish is for his father to come and rescue him.
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french press
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wc: 1.2k reader: femme/gender neutral (gender warnings: reader is wearing lingerie, reader "pushes t*ts together" -- you've been warned) warnings: smut 18+; MINORS DNI!!! -- specific warnings under the cut -- also some angst and some funny stuff summary: jiwoong has a biiit of a jealousy problem. he's so jealous rn that he won't even touch you :( with his permission, you take matters into your own hands (and onto his thigh). *ੈ✩‧₊˚ oh helloooo. long time no see. decided to write something for the hell of it. maybe i'll write some more soon...
warnings: 18+ explicit smut, thigh-riding, penetrative sex (reader receiving), descriptions of cum (reader's and jw's), unprotected sex, cumming inside, jealousy/toxicity, swearing, pet names (baby, angel)
also the title is VERY clever. french press: french masseusse pierre and... mating press. i'll leave now.
“baby,” you whine, pushing your arms together a bit to accentuate your tits. “don’t you wanna touch? you love touching my tits.”
the sheer, black lingerie set you were saving for a special occasion is hugging every curve of your body perfectly as you straddle your boyfriend. a garter belt squeezing around your right thigh, you know you’re irresistible to anyone with a pulse.
but apparently your boyfriend has passed away since he sat down on the couch with a huff twenty minutes ago. he’s still warm though and that’s permission enough for you to let him have it.
“oh my god,” you groan; smacking your hand on the leather armrest like a frustrated child. “woongie! want you to touch me so bad.”
“well, you should’ve thought of that before you let another man put his hands all over you,” jiwoong answers-- head turning to the side in the ultimate display of pettiness. 
you sigh exasperatedly. “it was a massage, woongie. a professional one that you paid for!”
“so?” he asks with a pout. “are you suggesting i’m a cuckold by my own doing?”
“you are the only one suggesting that actually,” you reply, running your hands down his clothed chest. “the only thing i’m suggesting is that you fuck me. and i’m strongly suggesting it.”
“oh yeah?” jiwoong responds, one eyebrow raised in interest. “are you sure those words aren’t actually meant for pierre: the unnecessarily handsome french masseuse?”
“you literally gave me a gift certificate for my birthday!” you exclaim, hitting his chest lightly in frustration. “baby, i tried to request an ugly massage therapist. the woman at the desk looked at me like i was being rude. and i was! for you.”
jiwoong’s eyes go straight to your barely-covered core and you think for a second he’s finally about to give in. “you asked for an ugly masseuse and she gave you a former louis vuitton runway model? i should’ve just given you tickets to magic mike live!”
“kim jiwoong-ah, if you don’t fck me right now, i swear to god,” you threaten emptily, sinking down on one of his grey sweatpant-adorned thighs. “i’m just gonna use you however i want.”
jiwoong folds his arms across his chest in a final act of defiance, attention returning to the tv screen. “knock yourself out.”
it takes everything in you not to whine like a little spoiled brat, but you manage to suppress it. instead, you grind a little harder down onto jiwoong’s thigh. his legs are lazily spread apart in the most enticing way. you could reach right down his pants and grab him in your hands (a tried and true method that jiwoong loves), but you have something to prove too.
so you repeat the grinding motion, your heat connecting again with the toned flesh of your boyfriend’s perfect thighs. at first it’s just for show-- you need his attention and you’ll do anything you have to to get it back.
but after a few moments, a soft moan escapes your throat. jiwoong’s breath audibly hitches; his body stiffening a bit at the sound of your pleasure. despite this, his eyes stay fixed on the screen.
as a familiar knot grows just below your stomach, you almost start to forget about your goal. maybe it’s desperation speaking, but riding your boyfriend’s thigh is actually a lot more stimulating than you thought it’d be. 
“fuck,” you whine, increasing your pace involuntarily. your hands are gripping the back of the couch, eyes closing as you rapidly approach your high.
suddenly, jiwoong’s thigh grows harder-- a sturdier surface for you to grind on. he’s flexing his muscles for you, helping you reach your climax like the perfect boyfriend he is.
“gonna cum all over my thigh, baby?” jiwoong asks, voice already noticeably fucked out. it’s not a mystery who won this game. “gonna make a mess all over my pants like a fucking angel?”
“i--... oh my god, i--...” you cry, strong hands finding your hips and guiding them down for you onto his thigh. you place your hand gently at the base of jiwoong’s neck, pulling at the collar of his shirt and toying with his collarbone. “i--... ‘m cumming...”
pleasure taking over, you reach your high as jiwoong continues to guide your hips for you. “woongie, love you. love you so much.”
your eyes flutter open to see jiwoong’s cheeks flushed, his eyes locked on your core. you look down to find that you have made a pretty little mess, honey dripping from you and soaking his grey sweatpants. he lifts you ever so slightly up and back down, watching as your juices seep through your sheer panties and onto him.
jiwoong meets your gaze for less than a second before you’re wrestled off the couch and onto your back on the carpeted floor below. carpet aside, it’s not a painless fall and as your boyfriend is hungrily ripping his pants off and burying his cock inside you, you decide it’s a good time to start playing again.
“oh my god, woongie,” you complain, knowing that your back’s gonna hurt even worse in the morning. “are you trying to make me need another massage?”
“no. more. massages,” jiwoong growls, punctuating each word with a deep thrust. “unless i’m the one giving them.”
“fuck,” you whine, pulling him even deeper inside you as you wrap your legs around him. trapping him. holding him hostage exactly where his possessive ass wants to be. “surely you don’t think you’re as skilled as a professional masseuse?”
“i’ll get certified,” he manages to grunt, grabbing hold of your thighs and pushing them up to your chest in a mating press. “or would you prefer pierre’s cock inside you instead?”
“that’s not fair,” you reply, absolutely relishing in your reinstated role of bratty sub. “how can i choose if i’ve never seen both options?”
“you’re trying to kill me, aren’t you?” jiwoong asks, kneading your thighs mercilessly-- striking his palm across the side with a gorgeous smack. “you’re gonna kill me so you can fuck pierre and then kill him too.”
“i’ll let you live a little longer if you cum inside me,” you promise, running your hand through his hair as he stares at you helplessly. “please, woongie. need you to fill me up.”
you can see it in his eyes: he’ll give you anything you want. he’d even let you fuck pierre if you really wanted to. but you don’t. not even a little bit. you just want jiwoong.
“fuck, i love you so much, baby,” he pants as his thrusts grow shallower and more sporadic. “gonna fill up this perfect... little...”
his hips finally spasm; a sweet moan swallowed down as you feel him spill into you. you sigh contentedly at the warmth inside of you, your boyfriend laying his head on your chest-- letting go of your legs from where he’d been pinning them and collapsing on top of you in exhaustion.
you wrap your thighs around jiwoong’s waist, making sure he can’t escape (he doesn’t want to).
jiwoong’s jealousy issues weren’t really harmful. he knew you’d never actually leave him for another man; what he always seemed to forget is that you’d never even dream of it. and besides, whatever misunderstanding arose always ended in fiery, passionate sex like this. 
so could anyone really blame you for making up sexy french massage therapists just to make your boyfriend jealous from time to time? not to worry... you’ll give jiwoong a couple months to recover from pierre before you drop your next fabrication on him: dante, the sensual italian chef.
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jevilowo · 24 days
For funsies
fun ship, but they're GodComplex4GodComplex and I fear that would only end in disaster
if there is one heavypyro fan on this stupid baka planet it is me. shout out to menacing quiet individuals who like violence but have a soft side fr.
literally The Original toxic yaoi rivals to lovers red blue combo ship. speeding bullet and napoleon complex fans WISH they had our shared update and corresponding voice lines
BATTING HELMET: (scout n solly)
i just think it's really funny trust me on this one guys. have you seen them in the fourth comic it's a constant "yes, and" bit between the two of them. soldier's love language is choking people out.
HIT AND A MISS: (scout n pauling)
like most ms pauling ships, i'm only into it if scout's a cool lesbian. which he is not most of the time.
AAAAAAAAAAAAA literally the ship of all time save me heavymedic save me. if they don't smooch in the next comic i will become jay pinkerton's personal sleep paralysis demon.
my feelings on it are Complicated. twas my first love (otp) in this fandom, but the overabundance of twinky uwu scout and daddy dom snoipah has built up some resentment on my part. call me back when people stop making up imaginary life problems for sniper to comfort scout over.
literally just rarjack if they were boys and not horses to me and i'm not even an mlp fan. it's alright, just doesn't really stick out to me.
LITERALLY THE POWERCOUPLE EVER TRULY A LOVE STORY FOR THE AGES or at least the version that exists in my head is. i have so much made up spyma lore it's crazyyy. bonus points if they're polying up they cule with sniper it's quickly becoming my favourite genre of fanart (i have seen at maximum three)
SUPPORT SANDWICH: (spy n sniper n medic)
in my opinion, it is healthy for everyone to have at least one ship they just like bc they think it's hot. for me, that is support sandwich. not much else to say on that the fics are all banging go look them up.
SNIDOS: (sniper n GLaDOS)
hell yeah.
i used to like it a lot, but timelining implies ms pauling's been working for helen since her mid teens at the latest so i no longer like it. 4chan leaks my beloathed pleaseee don't make them kiss i think it would kill me in a bad way
URINE SAMPLE: (medic n sniper)
there's a lot of werewolf and vampire stuff for these two on ao3 which is pretty fun. and i'm way more likely to find sniper angst under the medicsniper tag than sb and bs which is always a plus.
have you seen that one animation where pyro gives birth to spy's child and gordon freeman is there at one point. yeahhhh. the ship's pretty cute tho spy would be sooo soft for pyro they'd light his cigarettes for him.
THE FORBIDDEN RED/BLU ROMANCE GOES CRAZY I ADORE IT. same team bnb is pretty banging too. bonus points if they're polying up they cule with zhanna.
HEAR ME OUT ON THIS ONE. imagine. spy x pauling. yuri. that will be all.
SWORDVAN MY LOVE!!! idk what it is about demo and sniper together but HELL YEAH TOP 5 SHIPS FR FR. shout out to the guy still writing monsterous intent, they're like single handedly carrying the swordvandom.
I used to think "this is cute" but then my friend got really really into it and that hyped me up into "THIS IS ONE OF THE BEST SHIPS OF ALL TIME" territory. bonus points if they're yuri! shout out to Technicolor California, my current favourite fanfic of all time (it overtook running blind in the interal rankings). oh yeah insert mandatory "no hate to engie and pyro father son dynamic preferers" message here lol.
Ok that's enough I will cover more at some point maybe.
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helenabuu32 · 1 month
This idea just popped into my head, I’m sure it’s out there somewhere already but I haven’t seen it so here we go, first hc post!
Bucci Squad with a stand user s/o or crush who’s way shorter than them
Mother must protect
He thinks you’re absolutely adorable, but does not make it super obvious because he needs to be professional as the leader of the squad
He’ll start leaving random, regularly used things around at a level where you can actually reach them out of habit. He feels bad that you always have to ask people for help and has noticed that sometimes you get embarrassed.
Sometimes he’ll use Sticky Fingers so you can grab stuff yourself because you think it’s fun and it makes you laugh
He doesn’t like to pick you up in front of the others because he doesn’t want you to feel like you’re being treated like a child. But if you’re dating, he loves wrapping you up in a hug and twirling you around before setting you back down
Loves kissing you on top of the head
Again, very protective, but also knows you’re capable of taking care of yourself. If you do need help during battle or anyone hurts you he will not hesitate to zip their heads off.
You are no longer a land dwelling creature
He’s constantly picking you up and carrying you around, even if you’re not dating or express annoyance (if you ACTUALLY want him to put you down he will tho)
He picks you up in front of everyone all the time, he doesn’t care
If you’re trying to reach for something, instead of helping you he will literally just put you on his shoulders so you can grab it
Sex Pistols also like helping you out by grabbing small items for you and are always gushing about how cute Mista thinks you are. Sometimes he gets embarrassed, but usually just embraces it
If you’re dating, he’ll let you wear his shirt because he thinks it’s really funny that his crop top is a mini dress on you
He and Sex Pistols get really mad if anyone touches you during a mission and even if you’re able to take care of yourself, he often finds himself pushing you out of the way or the bullets will team up and fuck a bro up on your behalf.
Honestly he’s just stoked that he’s not the shortest anymore (Trish doesn’t really count since she’s literally 1cm shorter than him)
Not afraid of telling you how cute and small you are all. The. Time.
He doesn’t pick you up as much as Mista does, but he still does it kinda often and in front of anyone just to prove that he can
He loves running around with you on his shoulders
If you both can’t reach something, he’ll either put you on his shoulders or use Aerosmith to knock (or shoot) it down depending on what it is
If you’re dating, he’s always the big spoon. He loves feeling like he can physically protect someone
Good luck to the poor soul who lays a finger on you during a mission
Being the tallest in the group, you two have the largest height difference
He will never admit to anyone (or honestly even himself) how cute he thinks you are
He likes to grab things you’re trying to reach and lift them up over his head because he thinks it’s funny when you try to jump up and claw at his arm. Eventually he’ll give it to you.
But if you’ve been annoying him that day and you try to reach for something, sometimes he’ll grab it and put it up even higher and then walk away
Once you ate shit while you were balancing on a chair trying to reach something and he laughed so hard that he made Moody Blues replay it in front of everyone
Absolutely under no circumstances will he pick you up in front of anyone, and even if you’re dating, he doesn’t do it much. Only exception is if you get injured badly enough on a mission that you can’t walk. In that case, he will actually get overly protective and not let anyone else touch you.
If you’re dating, once he opens up and gets more comfortable, he loves to hold you and especially loves holding your hands and feeling how tiny they are in his own
Will literally kill anyone who even looks at you wrong
Kinda freaks him out how fragile and small you appear to be since Purple Haze can be so dangerous, but he does find it rather endearing
Oh that’s so weird that a step stool randomly appeared when you started coming around I wonder who put that there
He gets really flustered when you look up at him with those big eyes and sometimes will deflect by getting mad and storming off
Doesn’t like picking you up
Like Abbacchio, if you’re dating, he just loves to hold your hand, but won’t really do it in front of the others
Also forehead kisses
If anyone hurts you he goes feral. Sometimes the others have to reel him back in so he doesn’t accidentally hurt anyone else with his stand in his blind rage
Thinks you’re cute but definitely keeps it to himself
If he notices you trying to reach for something, he will gladly help you out. Sometimes he’ll even use Gold Experience to either animate the object or create vines with your favourite flowers to bring it down to your level. He loves the look of amazement that spreads across your face.
He doesn’t really like to pick you up, but likes putting his arm around you to make you feel safe. He’ll sometimes do this in front of the others, especially if you’re in distress.
If Abbacchio is messing with you by holding an item out of your reach, he’ll turn somethinng into a bird so it can grab the item from him and give it to you. This is partly also just to piss Abbacchio off.
Likes when you try on his jacket
Is protective of you during battle, but tries to assist in subtle ways so you still feel like you’re taking care of things on your own
Being the official shortest before you showed up, she understands how you feel
But is also really glad that she’s not the shortest anymore
Like Narancia, she can sometimes help you reach things, but if you both can’t reach she’ll either get Spice Girl to help or she’ll make the floor rubber so you can use it as a trampoline and get what you need
…Once she did this and shattered a vase against the ceiling, so Bruno doesn’t let her anymore.
If you dress feminine, she likes sharing clothes/accessories with you when able. That one blouse of hers looks really good on you, even if the sleeves are too long!
Feels protective if you get hurt but would rather team up than just blindly defend you, though sometimes Spice Girl gets a little carried away
This was actually a lot of fun, hope you guys enjoy! If so, feel free to send in some ideas and I’ll think of some more hcs for them :)
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whynotjohnlock · 5 months
Doctor who incorrect quotes!
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AAaAaaAhHhhHhH! I'm trapped in a cycle where I need some comfort so I watch this man child do silly things for 45 minutes but every episode I end up in tears because some I'm attached to Dies, so I need more comfort from doctor who but then my hearts get ripped out again so I start watching more Doctor who and then-
Here's some dumb stuff to brighten your day!
(Y/N): Okay, can you do the dishes?
The Doctor: No!
The Doctor: Do not test me (Y/N)! I am the last timelord-
(Y/N): What about Ranni and the Master and literally like every 10 adventures where they just randomly appear? Not to mention all the other versions of yourself you seem to keep running into.
The Doctor: I've killed thousands of innocent beings and creatures and-
(Y/N): Haven't we all stepped on an ant pile or on grass before?
The Doctor: (Y/N), we are not the same I've lived for hundreds of years-
(Y/N): Isn't that a perfectly normal age for a Timelord? Hundreds of years only sounds impressive because I'm human.
The Doctor: You will wither and die and I will have to live on alone-
(Y/N): Do you not consider the TARDIS company? Isn't she literally sentient?
The Doctor: .......
The Doctor: *grumpily stomps in the TARDIS*
The Doctor: I need a dumber companion next time.
The Doctor: Bowties are cool!
Y/N: *confused* I never said there weren't...?
The Doctor: oh I know, I just like saying that.
Y/N: *Throwing they apples into space out the TARDIS doors* Bad Apples! Kill them with fire!
The Doctor: what did the apples ever do to you?
Y/N: Remember that one time I broke my leg and couldn't go adventureing with you?
The Doctor: what does that have to do with anything?
Y/N: I broke my leg because I tripped over an apple. I just realized the ancient earth prophecy is true. 'An apple a day keeps the doctor away' and I need to destroy them all now.
Child: What’s it like being tall?
Child: Is it nice?
Child: Can you reach comfortably for the cupboards?
The Doctor: We live in constant fear of the short ones who, in my experience, will climb 3 chairs, 6 boxes, a small coffee table and 4 oddly placed stools to get what they want.
Y/N: It was one time!
Companion: *Calling Y/N* where is The Doctor, Y/N?
Y/N: sorry, the doctor has the zoomies right now, whatever it is, they can't help you.
Companion: The "Zoomies"?
The Doctor: *Spinning on chair quickly after chugging soy sauce while making incoherent dinosaur noises*
Missy: Hey, do you know where (Y/N) is?
The Doctor: Why, so you can kidnap them again? That's never going to happen-
Missy: No, I would never waste time kidnapping Y/N again, they are too much fun for that. I want to have a girl's trip out with them. Actually is (Y/N) a girl? I can never tell what humans think gender is defined as.
The Doctor: actually, I don't really know either.
Y/N: *points at the TARDIS covered entirely by rainbow glitter* you should know by now doctor that I Identify as a fucking menace.
The Doctor: Daleks are the most evil beings of pure hate and are not to be trifled with under any circumstances.
Y/N: *Bursts out in laughter*
Doctor: Y/N, that's not funny!
Y/N: *still laughing* It can't even get up the stairs. OH FeAr tHE MigHtY dAlEk EmPIrE, FeLleD bY a SLiGht iNcliNE!
The Doctor: I hate your existence and will make sure your parents never meet, Y/N. I will find your friends and make them hate you!
The Doctor: Don't you dare!
Y/N: Uno!
Y/N: Nock Nock.
Doctor: fine I know this is going to be bad but Who's there?
Y/N:*Trying not to laugh*Doctor.
Doctor: *Rolls his eyes*Doctor who?
Y/N: Exterminate! Exterminate!
Doctor: That joke was terrible, Y/N.
Y/N: How many time lords does it take to check if it's safe to go outside the TARDIS?
Doctor: I don't know.
Y/N: me neither because you've never fucking done it.
The Cybermen: *Starts trying to connect Y/N's thoughts to upgrade them*
Y/N: *Gives them a tuor of their mind*
Y/N: on your left you can see the mental fuckery that is my everyday thought process.
Y/N: in front of you is every single weird reference from all media I have consumed in no order whatsoever.
Y/N: Oh, on your left is a real life coherent thoght! That's impressive, I thought all of them had died with that time I ate half of a computer.
Y/N: Oh, I want you to meet my friends! That's anxiety, hiding just around the corner is depression. Oh, and here's my BFF self doubt!
Doctor: Y/N, how did you stall in your mind for so long? I thought I wouldn't be quick enough to save you! How... *Looks around*
Doctor: you need therapy.
Y/N: I need therapy.
Jack: Hey, Just wanted to check in on my favorite couple.
Y/N: We're not a couple!
Doctor: Yes we are Y/N! How could you honestly forget our night underneath the singing trees on €en§πß where I proposed to you?
Jack: Well congrats on-
Y/N: I was with Missy, who the FUCK did you propose too?
Doctor: wait, what were you doing with Missy?
Jack: *Munchies on popcorn*
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xsleepinggoodx · 4 months
I saw you did an ideal type of girl for Mikey. Can I have the same requests for Baji and Shinichiro, please? 🥺🫶
Dark-haired guys got me on a chokehold it is not funny anymore 🥲
That’s so real, literally any Tokyo revengers character solos every anime boy there is like I’m not even joking😭( the whole Sano family got me kicking my feet like even the grandfather. I saw a fanart on when was young and I was dang😍)
But here you go love!
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- everyone and their mother knows that poor Shinichiro was rejected 20 times. But they say the one finds you when you stop looking for them, and that’s what happened to Shinichiro when he found you. He gave up at that point, firmly believing that no one would love him and he’d die single. That is until a certain, girly walked in his bike shop, asking for a decent, good bike that’s fast. His heart beat up at the sight of you, you just looked so alluring and attractive. He was in a love daze as you were talking, explaining what bike you wanted.
- I think Shinichiro needs someone who is sweet and kind, and able to understand easily. As we see in the manga, he loses his patience and can be harsh when he’s in anger. He needs someone who is compassionate and willing to take any heat from him.
- of course he will try his hardest not to lash out on you when he’s angry. He’d be so sweet to you and lash out on someone else. But even that’s no good to you, like Mikey, he needs a moral compass. Someone who will teach him right from wrong.
- it’s very hard to grow up without a father figure and having to take the lead of raising 2 kids along with another raging teen, Shinichiro is an overwhelmingly stressed and needs your tender love to soothe him, you alone soothes him. The very thought of you staying by his side is comforting him in ways you don’t even know.
- He has the big brother personality engraved in him so he’s very protective of you. Headcanons include him always having his hand on you lower back, or him holding your hand, walks behind you all the time, shielding his arm around your shoulder. When you’re sitting down on a bench, he has his arm around the bench behind you with his legs crossed talking to you so close. (When men do this I always get butterflies😛)
- As in looks, he doesn’t really care what you look like either, though I imagine him as someone who prefers a girl with long hair like Kuroo does😭 he thinks long hair girls look like princesses. If you had bangs too, he’d be all over you. Kissing you as much as you let him.
-he has been through so much, just make sure to stay by his side and you’ll be his number one. He’s planning to marry you when he has everything figured out <3
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- Baji was voted number 1 in best lover of Tr♥️ you already know 😍😍
- Baji is fierce, hot headed and outspoken. He appears to have a strong, intimidating demeanor but under all of that, he’s respectful and loving. He treats you so well and so nicely it keeps you up at night smiling.
- he needs someone who’s a almost the opposite of him. He was always smitten by the nice, soft girls when he grew up so he needs someone who is loving and loyal. Who stays by his side even when you don’t understand his reasonings. Someone who would do crazy stuff with him like burn abandoned cars. Someone who isn’t a kill joy with these things.
- he’d adore you if you found simple things like going to a gas station late at night more just riding his bike together with you at night exciting. His eyes would be glued to your face the whole night. Noting what excites you and what makes you happy so he could do it more often. He loves seeing you happy and enjoying every moment.
- Shares everything with you. He might’ve been an only child, but his mom taught him good things that make him a gentleman. He would share his food, earphone, anything you ask.
- he needs someone who is selfless. Someone who puts others feeling before theirs.
- for looks, he doesn’t care, as long as you’re healthy, he’s satisfied💕
Ty again so much for requesting <3
Please request more of these! I find them fun!
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rafaslittleboy · 3 months
hngggg sonny would fill u up so muchhhcc youd feel his cum spurring inside u and hed cum so violently he’s groaning deep in his chest and his cock pounding into you hurting your cervix hnggg biting you and all before your mommy comes home from work ❤️
nsfw under the cut; incest, pussy mentions but no gendered terms. don’t read if you’re sensitive or not into dark/taboo stuff like this.
omfg I can imagine dad!sonny being so pent up for WEEKS because your mom isn’t satisfying him + his long hours at work, he’s always so busy never has time for himself but when he starts his little thing with you; he doesn’t fuck you as much as he would like to, properly fucking you once or twice a month—any other sexual act with his dear sweet summer child is all oral or hand stuff—so when he finally gets you he POUNCESSS on you and ravines you like an ANIMAL and you love it because you’re fucked stupid and dumb and drooling , trying to grasp onto his sweaty shoulders as he fucks into you like it’s his last fuck on earth and you FEEL it when he finishes inside you, thighs quite literally trembling with the force of his fucking. Feeling his cum spurt against your walls and the tip of him punching your cervix as if it could break in.
and oh my GOD don’t get me started on his groans, if there’s no one but you both in the apartment that man would be VOCAL talk about dirty talk turned up to the max—all praise and degradation, “fuck, that’s it, my sweet fuckin’ whore kid—you like daddy’s cock, huh?” And he slaps you for good measure, “say it” and you can barely remember your name.
Let’s face it he’s getting older and because he doesn’t get any action p-in-v (or p-in-a! next few fics won’t be gendered reader) wise that often, his stamina is deteriorating and is nothing like how it was a decade ago. Sonny’s orgasm creeps up on him on the four minute mark, but by that time he’s already made you cum twice because he’s so considerate and such a good dad! dad of the year award right here! your pussy gripping around him because it had no clue what to do, your used and abused and over sensitive wet clit burning because even after you’ve came twice he’s still circling it trying to force another one out of you by the time he finishes.
But when he does? Especially in the moment where he’s fucking you so deep and hard in your bed, he’s growling and his breaths are uneven and heavy and he’s saying things like; “Daddy’s gonna cum sweetie, gonna cum real deep inside ya, gonna fill ya right up—ya like that, baby? hmm? like the thought of ya dad fillin’ ya up?”
and you’re nodding and forget to breathe, your weak hand wrapping around his wrist that’s holding your hip down, making unintelligible sounds of affirmation and then he pulls another orgasm from you and the second your pussy clenched down on him he was a goner—back bowing and his whole body shaking as he fucked you both through your orgasms—and his voice?? ugh he lets out the most intense moan because his orgasm is HARD and feral.
It takes him a few seconds afterward to calm himself down enough to stop furiously pumping his cock deep inside you, (most likely bruising your insides and will have you walking funny), and he’s out of breath. Ofc he asks if you’re okay because what sort of father would he be if he didn’t look out for you? He knows he went just a little overboard, but by the dazed look you have on your face and the post-coital smile, he knows you’re okay.
Sonny helps clean you up, runs a bath for you and changes your very wet bedsheets into nice smelling clean ones, opening a window to allow fresh air in and with time to spare before your mom comes home. In fact, he just left the bathroom after giving you a sweet kiss to start on dinner when she walks in (obviously in one of her moods) but they don’t affect him anymore because the person he thinks is far more important than a bitter woman is a person he made himself.
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You know I find it so funny that everyone sees Tokyo Mirage Sessions as a funny happy idol game when
-The game literally starts with over 500 people being fucking murdered, with three of your party members and one of their sisters being the only survivors
-Tsubasa Oribe, who is reported as being the only survivor because she was the only one who survived that was in the audience, only wanted to be an idol to try and find her sister and figure out what happened to her
-Touma Akagi (put him in FEH) only wants to be an actor because his parents abandoned him as a child and the thing that saved him and stopped him from giving up on life was totally-not-Kamen Rider and now he wants to spread that hope to other children
-Kiria Kurono’s a victim of bullying and deeply represses her love of cute things because she thinks it makes her “gross” because of the way she looks and this ends with her growing and changing and accepting the way that she is
-Eleonora “Ellie” Yumizuru is obsessed with going to Hollywood because she’s always treated as an object or a doll at home and she never felt like she belonged, so she wants to go to Hollywood because she feels like she’ll finally be accepted for who she is there.
-Mamori Minamoto is perfect. She is not traumatized because she’s 11, but her arc is about learning how to stand up for what she wants because the adults around her have been deciding what she wants to do all her life and now she wants them to fuck off and let HER decide what she wants to be and do as an idol.
-Yashiro Tsurugi (put him in FEH too) is also severely traumatized. He watched his father get murdered by Gharnef and never got over it, got saved by Tiki, and now his life’s purpose is to find her again and when he finally does he realizes that she’s completely lost her memory. Also canonically doesn’t know how to eat because his father, while he loved him, kinda sucked and taught him to think only of improving his craft and so he left all the stuff that he considered unimportant to his assistant who he fired after he was against his transfer to Fortuna Entertainment.
Anyway TL;DR TMS is the happy fun idol game but also if you take a couple of seconds to look under the surface you’ll find that every character has reasons for being who they are and they’re so amazing please play Tokyo Mirage Sessions ♯FE Encore for the Nintendo Switch
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mlgwen · 2 months
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a new partner.
ada wong x gn!reader
a/n: fluff, kitty lover!reader, soft(ish)!ada, mission partners in love
you and ada are sent on another mission. wesker tends to give you two different tasks based on your skill level so he has more items to sell off. your missions are short and quick usually, so whenever you finish, you struggle to find ada and the moment you do find her, she’s done and you guys are off on a helicopter going back to the organization. the moment you rush down the area, grabbing your needed item, you can hear a faint meow and your eyes lighten at the sound. a kitty! you follow the meow and you turn the corner to find a cat’s leg stuck in a small hole that the wooden floor had. “aww, poor kitty,” you coo as you grab the feline’s hind leg and carefully take it out. thank god it didn’t bother to hiss or fight back.
it’s not long before you take the leg out and the cat mewls quietly before running into your lap. “you’re okay,” you assure the cat. it had black short fur with chocolate brown eyes. “you kind of look like ada,” you point out with a smile as your hold it under its front legs, holding it in front of you. it meows again, its nose scrunching. “yes you do!” you says happily before standing up. “let’s go find ada,” you instruct as you cradle the feline baby in your arms as you walk around the area a little more. you can hear the faint purring of the cat against your chest, your heart almost melting at the thought of having the cat.
meanwhile with ada, she’s busy in the computing room, downloading the rest of the data wesker needed as she fiddles with the other item that she most definitely needed from this place. her breathing is quiet as she stares off into the laptop screen, watching as the loading bar increases, decreases, and increases. ada’s ears perk at the sound of your heavy footsteps but she can sense another thing with you. “what do you have?” ada asks knowingly without even turning and you pause. “a kitty,” you say and ada sighs. “you know this; no distractions on missions,” she says with disappointment as she stuffs the item into her pocket before turning to look at you and the black feline in your arms.
she looks at you with an unimpressed expression and you smiled nervously. “look at it though!” you say, pulling it up so ada could see the cat fully. “it’s just like you,” you add in before the mewls in front of ada. she only cringes lightly but she couldn’t deny, it was quite cute. “i am not like that cat. nor is it like me,” ada denies your description before she turns her back on you. “you better put it back. we aren’t having a cat in our apartment,” ada mumbled before she goes back to leaning against the table with her arms crossed against her chest. you only pout at her words and you set the cat on the table ada was leaning against. “but, adaaaa,” you whine out, dragging her name. you know it’s much of a weak spot when you manage to drag her name out. it’s not often you do it because she threatens you with a literal knife against your neck to never do that.
“you sound like a child,” ada offends. you knew she was going to say that. your index finger move to hook on the inside of her elbow. “why won’t you let me keep the cat?” you ask but you actually know why she doesn’t even want you have any pets. “no one to care for it. we’re on missions almost every day,” ada explains shortly, her brown eyes fixated on the laptop ahead of you two. you huff at her reasonable excuse before looking at the cat who sat down patiently for you two. “but it can go on missions with us!” you add on and she fakes an amused expression. “with us? you must be funny thinking a dumb cat could be able to handle our missions,” ada says quickly and the cats’ face scowls. it meows lowly in offense and ada turns her head to look at it. “oh, hush,” she murmurs to the kitty. you turn your head and your free hand reaches to scratch the cat’s head. “aww, don’t worry, kitty. ada’s usually never this mean,” you coo, knowing it would press ada’s button.
the cat only leans into your touch and you smile. you take the hand that was on ada off and cradle the cat’s face. you praise the kitten and ada only looked and within a second, she swore she could’ve seen that stupid cat look at ada with a cocky look. ada only stiffened her face and she furrows her eyebrows at the cat. “you’re definitely not taking that stupid cat home,” ada says, “that is my final word.” you look at ada when she says that and let go of the cat before moving to stand in front of ada. you make her look at you and hold her face so she can’t look away. “ada, my love,” you call out sweetly, knowing those stupid pet names can get her under your spell. “pretty please? i’ll care for it and everything,” you whisper out to her. you do your best to give your shimmering puppy eyes because you know ada can’t really resist them.
ada stares into your eyes with a stern expression. she wants to get rid of the feeling she has when you said her name, that pet name, and the way you were holding her. she scoffs and looks away. “you’re buying everything that cat needs,” ada says, gently shoving you off and you smile brightly. “yeah! thank you, ada!” you cheer quietly before moving to kiss her cheek in gentle thanks. you move to the cat and cheer with it before hopping to sit on the table. ada only moves her hand to massage her temple. she can feel your touch linger but she quickly brushes it off of her when the laptop in front of her begins to sound as a sign of completion. she moves up and takes the drive out of the port and stuffs it down her pants pocket. “hurry your ass,” ada curses before walking outside of the room. you follow behind, having the cat walk on its own and follow you on your side.
ada’s on her walkie as she speaks gently into it before she hooks it back onto her strap. they walk up the building to the top of the roof. the moment you two, or three, are on there, ada’s on her walkie trying to see if wesker would send any other notes for her and you to possibly retrieve but you’re off playing with the cat. ada sighs quietly, putting the walkie back onto her strap as she looks down at the view below her and she takes a breath and then looks at you. you’re so pretty running off on the roof around with the little black feline. ada takes a moment to look at you — to adore you before her walkie statics. she grabs it. “wong here; ready to go on top of the building roof… control do you copy?” she says gently and a few more seconds go by. “i heard,” wesker’s voice says behind the device. “it’s on its way. be patient,” he says before the walkie clicks, a sign he’s already off of the device before ada could even reply.
she sighs again before moving to lean against one of the metal boxes nearby as she looks over at you again. you’re resting as well against the wall before you come to walk up to her. “almost here?” you ask and ada hums with a curt nod. you nod. “okay! listen, kitty, you’re going to love my bed,” you say and the cat meows. “the bed which has thousands of plushies that aren’t washed?” ada jokes and you frown at her words. “hey! don’t…” you pause to find the words to defend yourself and you huff in annoyance before crossing your arms. ada can’t help but feel a string tug the corners of her lips into a small smile. “i’m kidding, y/n,” she whispers. “i know,” you murmur before the faint sounds of a helicopter could be heard. the moment that it comes closer and near the two of them, they both get ready to get into the helicopter.
you carry the cat into your arms as the helicopter nears and ada’s the first to get into the vehicle. you follow behind and close the door before sitting next to ada as you slide the headphones onto your heads the same way ada does. you slump against the seat tiredly and close your eyes, your head against the metal behind you and the cat beside you all curled up into a ball. you instinctively lay your body against ada’s your head falling onto her shoulder. ada doesn’t do anything as she is used to this. you falling asleep after a mission. she crosses her legs as she takes the item that you retrieved and the items she has. ada reaches for the briefcase nearby and stuffs the items in before closing it securely. she takes a moment to take in your embrace and enjoy your warmth. she won’t say it but she loves the way you physically touch it. it gives her some sort of serotonin. she relaxes against you before the cat begins to stretch and walk along your lap and then into ada’s lap. it takes a moment to adjust before curling into her lap comfortably with a soft purr.
ada takes a moment to have the cat adjust itself and she awkwardly places her hand on top of its head as its ears twitch slightly. she can’t help the small smile again before she lays her head on top of yours for a moment before going back to her stoic demeanor. but her body denies and her right hand moves to hold you close by your thigh. with this cat and you, they’ll most definitely be the death of ada.
⤷ notes:
requests are always open !!
tt: elizaboons — re4r edits: eyes4ada
most of my bots (on c ai) are not proofread! dm me for any mistakes
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explanations under the cut
Elizabeth Afton is actually the Youngest Sibling - as @birdsareblooming pointed out, when we see her room in fnaf4, she has a torn-apart mangle toy. mangle was stated to be made to entertain toddlers. would also explain why she's not in the gameplay, she's at daycare/with her mom
The Vengeful Spirit is Michael Afton - another one where cori convinced me and I might have an entire essay that I will publish after I finally sit down and edit through the Security Logbook section but until then here's a bullet point post
Mimic = Burntrap - i dont think i have to explain this we're all talking about it i just know people are gonna be mad at me for it
The Girl in Drowning is representative of Charlie, not Cassidy - She's literally got gray skin, black hair, gray clothes, and neon green lighting, much like a certain gray-skinned black-haired pixel girl with a green bracelet who died in the rain (water motif). Her dragging Kara down because she doesn't want to be alone could be seen as a metaphor for Charlie trying to give life but instead kinda sticking them all in robots
FNAF AR had some BANGIN re-skins - come on. look at them. Clockwork Ballora? Bangin. Broiler Baby? Bangin. Catrina Toy Chica? BANGIN. Springtrap as an actual fucking clown???? BANGIN.
Vanessa is an Afton in the Gameverse, too – Cori's workin on a whole explanation diagram for this but the most BASIC evidence is "her last name starts with 'a' and she's a nepo baby." I dont think she's William's DIRECT daughter cause man died in the 90s and she was 23 in the 2030s so. grandkid or smth
If Edwin/David is a metaphor for anything it's William/CC and not Henry/Charlie – listen i understand the whole "single dad building the robots and then breaking one in a rage" thing from TSE but also the mimic likes to mimic its creator and child before all else and who is it mimicking? afton and the little boy in sb who happens to look a shitton like cc. also game!charlie is never indicated as having a special plushie that followed her everywhere but cc very certainly did and hey if mimic can grow and shrink to fit in anything whos to say it didnt shrink into the fredbear to repeat stock phrases to cc such as "tomorrow is another day." also in the character encyclopedia art of cc he is holding his fredbear plush the same way burntrap positions his arm to imitate holding something. an
They're not gonna pull the Charliebot twist again. Nobody's a secret robot – first off from a writing perspective that's not the kinda twist you do twice. second off with the... less than stellar reception to the twist in the first place i dont think theyre gonna pull it again
"Cassidy" isn't the Golden Freddy Kid's name, it's Crying Child's – the logbook has Crying Child communicate through manipulating the text, while the spirit he's talking to speaks in faint writing; the second spirit never has a confirmed identity, but CC is most definite considering the stuff referenced around him. The "ITS ME CASSIDY" is revealed through.... manipulated text. The clues are in........ manipulated text. "It's Me" is CC calling out to Michael. The other spirit says "My name is..." a couple times BUT they also ask CC if he remembers his name just a few pages before. Granted this might just be us not understanding something but also if Cassidy is CC's name then who the fuck is Golden Freddy Kid. is Michael Brooks still canon
The nightmare gas didn't "ruin the lore" it's just kinda funny – look guys literally all of this lore is fucked, the fact they just threw in "also William Afton was doing nightmare gas experiments on kidnapped kids and then abandoned it for shits and giggles" in the eighth book of their second anthology series and then moving on like nothing happened while the fanbase collapses in on itself is like THE funniest thing they could've done
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shalomniscient · 6 months
I’ve read your Deren x reader fica and hcs, the one where she has a son and the press we’re being nosy pricks about her personal life etc., and I wonder: what would happen if reader got pregnant again? Like they have a baby girl this time
I’d like to think that despite the utter fear of having the press on their ass and crazy fans, there is a sense of joy in this pregnancy. It was a surprise of course since reader is on the pill, but it’s not an unwelcome done
I also feel like this gives Deren the chance to actually experience the stages of reader’s pregnancy and to watch this baby grow. She missed her son growing up, all his firsts gone, but with her daughter, she gets to experience every single one of them
Kinda mushy but I wanted to see how Deren and reader would handle this new addition, what they’ve been throu as a couple and to experience it together. Ik their son would be excited about a new sibling
What do you think?
(btw when’s the wedding for these two? I want to be the flower girl)
hi anon. sorry for taking 2 centuries to answer this. i have nothing to say for myself. ANYWAY
this has the potential to be so sweet, i feel? a second chance for deren to experience all the firsts of her second child. i think at first it'll be a little funny when reader and deren find out, because reader might be like "incredible how your swimmers are so fucking good when you're so lazy (/j)" and deren is just there all smug like ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
but going through another pregnancy with deren is CRAZY convenient. like, do we even know the limit to deren's sinner ability ??? can she manifest food ??? if she can, then she could get you any of your weird pregnancy cravings at the drop of a hat, literally any time. also, you don't even have to spend money on baby stuff anymore since deren can just. make them LMAO (this also means your son is spoiled a lot more. all he needs to do is go up to deren with like an image of what he wants and boom. deren just makes it. it drives you crazy.)
when your water breaks i think deren is remarkably calm ??? it helps that you've been through it before and know what to do, ofc, but she herself has her thoughts in complete order, and systematically runs through all of them. she gets the emergency bag, gets the car keys, gets her son and then piles all of you into the car to take you to the hospital. she's got one hand on the wheel and another tightly gripping yours, rubbing her thumb across your knuckles reassuringly, as if to say, i'm here. i won't go anywhere without you. not again.
once her daughter is born she's a giddy mess like she can't stop grinning from ear to ear as she looks down at the tiny human in her arms. she cradles her daughter gently while her son sits in her lap, cooing and looking in awe at his new sibling. and she's just filled with so much fucking love it's crazy—deren is a creator, she's a director who makes things, hell it's even in her sinner ability, but god right now all she can think about is how her greatest creations have always been the little lives she's made with you.
sdjkfhsdjkhf sorry this may be a little under expectations, but i may know someone who might have more thoughts on this.......... @illmother 👀👀👀 your two cents, if i may ask?
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Loser Round 4: Damian Wayne (DC) vs. Jason Todd (DC)
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A rematch? It's so funny how the bracket turned out this way.
Propaganda under the cut.
Damian Wayne (9-14):
Damian is a kid who was raised as an assassin and because of that when he first appears he has some really messed up ideas of how to prove himself to his father by being aggressive with the criminals they capture and attacking his brother. Because of this people act like he is the most evil character ever and refuse to give him any grace. They make him out to be this awful irredeemable monster who just wants to kill his brother and hurt people. If the fandom isn’t making his out to be The Worst(tm) then they are ignoring his existence all-together. He is a really interesting character who has done some not so great things but he’s grown and learned a lot through various character arcs (as much of an arc as a comic book character can have) and he deserves to be acknowledged for himself and not just as a villain so that people can woobify his brother.
HES JUST A LITTLE BABY GUY!!!!! Little baby man raised as an assassin and learning how to be a real person <3. But because he was kind of a dick and also a little stabby early-on, especially to the fandom's main "so sad uwu depressed baby" blorbo (and also he's not white), people treat him like he's satan incarnate
Jason Todd (~12):
Most of the Tumblr fandom likes this guy but if you step outside this website then wham so many people say he got what he deserved as a kid and Batman can't be cool if he's a dad so it's important for Batman to trash-talk his dead child constantly so we can all agree what a bad idea it was. Also wanna highlight that a lot of the records we have from fans at the time were clear they disliked Robin for BEING a child. Like a lot of the little dude characters in this tournament are treated too harshly for making an ugly choice and the fans aren't being understanding or sympathetic that the choice is made by a child character who is immature and not developed and strong enough to make a good choice and stuff. But THIS little dude was specifically hated FOR being a child. People wanted tough loner guy Batman not Batdad and his little buddy. The first Robin would drive back from college and guest star sometimes and be advertised as the Teen Wonder and people were like yeah okay but then Batman actually starts being a single parent for a child with needs and people were like UGH not the BOY Wonder. Today pretty much everywhere you see Batman fans saying Batman is better solo, no kid, it's not realistic to have a kid, a kid shouldn't be in the movies blah. Even if the comics they always find a way to send away the new kid so that Batman never has to parent. So all the Robins are being excluded from the narrative but I think this one is THE symbol of Batman fans hating a child character just for being a child.
Robin, Jason Todd, THE hated child character. In the 1980s, Batman comics had become increasingly dark and gritty. According to editor O'Neil himself, the courted audience wasn't kids but 19-40 year old men with disposable income. Batman's child sidekick, Robin, was offensively campy and childish. Fans called him wimpy, annoying, dumb, bratty, etc. Also people complained that Batman acting like an affectionate dad was unmanly and gay. Robin acts violent and emotional and people are like "ew he's so childish and emotional"—and then Batman literally acts just as murderously and emotionally within literally the same exact story and people are like "wow he's so dark and tortured". So in 1988 (after brutalizing Batgirl to get rid of her for being too bright and nice and kid-friendly), DC held a paid poll for fans to vote for Robin to live or die. O'Neil claims he heard a fan (a grown man with a dayjob as a lawyer) programmed a phone to spam kill votes. One fanguy claimed that he sold his Mercedes to buy kill votes (probably an exaggeration but still). By less than 1% margin, the vote decided to kill Robin in a spectacularly violent way. Anyway the 1989 Batman movie brought in a huge wave of new child comicbook fans who liked the new Robin (a very cool teenage high school Robin with a driver's license and a girlfriend), and DC started a separate Robin-less Batman series called Legends of the Dark Knight to make the anti-Robin writers and fans happy. But to this day, many fans agree it was a good idea to kill off the other Robin so that his foolish death reminds other characters to never be childish and stupid again. Bonus: the current Robin (usually a traumatized 10-year-old) has also been facing some pretty loud hatred for over 15 years.
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perfectlovevn · 7 months
Hello!! I just finished playing Perfect Love and OMGGG, I LOVED ITT. The entire plot-line and game concept was extremely unique!! And ouuhhh I loved Milo the most <33. Best boy, really.
Is there anything else you can mention about Milo? Like some sweet fun facts about him that were not mentioned in the game? I'd really like to know him full on out! Otherwise, that's all. Have a good day, afternoon, or night!! :D
Wooo! I'm glad you liked it! It always makes me happy to hear!
I did have a list of things here about Milo, but here are some more.
Pre Milo:
In theory, Milo can have multiple forms, not just Violence and Manipulation. He can be motherly, competitive, preppy, vain, anything so as long as Eris is able to influence them in that way.
In the same vein, Milo is actually a really fast learner, as you can see in the game. He doesn't think he is but under the pressure of wanting to make sure that his love doesn't leave him, he learns and understands remarkably fast.
Milo is deathly afraid of bugs, as seen in the manipulation route. I guess that's what happens when you're forced to eat insects as child. Thanks bullies.
I think I should probably make him shorter but I headcannoned him to be about 6ft. It's literally because I'm really bad with heights so I wanted a good round number.
He really likes rabbits/bunnies as it's his favorite animal. He still has his first bunny stuffed animal that he had as a child and has repaired it several times. He likes large lop bunnies the most but his parents wouldn't let him keep it when he was smaller.
His major is school is kinesiology for the sole reason that I think it would be funny that he's kind of buff under all those clothes. He probably does work out on occasion, but considering how sad he is I don't think he always maintains it.
The backpack he is wearing actually handmade by him. He actually is pretty good at handmade crafts and makes a lot of stuff, however, he usually ends up not finishing them or throwing them away because he ultimately thinks its useless.
If you make anything handmade for him, no matter how bad you think it is, he will keep it. He also would probably add something onto it because he can't help himself.
If given clothing, handmade or bought, he will try to sew something onto it unless you tell him not to.
He is pretty good basic first aid because he always had to patch himself up when he was growing up.
If you access the scene in the code, you'll find that he likes more relaxing games like Stardew Valley, Spiritfarers, Animal Crossing, etc.
When holding hands, he will usually hold Eris by the fingers, not the palms for some reason.
Manipulation Milo:
He's learned he's like rubbing his face on things he likes (not at all influenced by my habit of doing that). Because of that, he likes to rub against Eris's hair a lot.
Pre Milo can actually hold his alcohol pretty well because of his size, but doesn't drink much and gets sleepy pretty fast after drinking. Manipulation Milo has embraced this and now basically can drink a ton without getting wasted. Tends to be a lot more clingy towards Eris the more he drinks.
Manipulation Milo practices speaking like Eris by recording them when he thinks they're not noticing. Practices a lot in the mirror to be as close to them as possible when talking.
Has learned to have a strong appreciation of cats and they come flock to him when nearby. Also has learned how to purr.
When holding Eris's hands, he tends to sweat a lot. Eris, I imagine can't hold his hand for very long without it getting soaked.
He never wears the first earrings that Eris gave him and keeps them preserved somewhere in his room. Always wears copies of it in case it ever gets lost or stolen.
Changed his eating habits to appear more thinner and dainty, to match his new personality and appearance.
Has gotten really good with social games, so much so that in some groups they can't play it anymore because he always wins. Also is surprisingly good at Co-op, especially with Eris.
Violence Milo:
Probably won't admit it, but likes being headpatted. Will come towards Eris and slightly nudge his head towards their hand to indicate they want to be headpatted, but will never ask them.
Eats a lot more now than he did previously. Pre Milo ate more like a bird, but Violence Milo devours his food. Seeing him eat meat is like watching a dog tear apart steak.
Because of this, he's also learned how to cook more meals. Before Milo just cooked to survive, but now Violence Milo makes pretty good meals. Will cook anything Eris asks.
Has gotten more into shooters and fighting games. He actually seems to have really good reaction timing now compared to what he was like before.
When holding Eris's hands, tends to squeeze too hard before loosening it because he gets shy. He's working on not doing that but Eris's hands have been crushed multiple times before.
Really into wolves and big dogs. Really likes german shepards and watching him play with dogs is like night and day because he's so mushy around them .
Probably has a punching bag with Ryan's face on it somewhere in his room. That picture has been replaced over and over again and that punching bag looks like it's on the brink of breaking.
Growls and whimpers in his sleep sometimes. When his back or head is stroked, it turns into a more comfortable and happy growl and he tries to hug whatever is closest to him. If it's mentioned to him by Eris, he'll probably get embarrassed. Being big spooned will also cause his leg to shake for a bit before he ends up sleeping soundly.
I hope I remember a lot of these facts later because I feel like some of this stuff I just made up on the spot.
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