#it was such a beautiful and uplifting movie
supermoongirl9 · 10 months
Things that could make you feel better when you're in a bad mood (anxious, sad or worst) based on your 5H :
Aries/Mars 5H = finding something to let out your emotional frustration such as exercising, going for a run or masturbation; dancing and shaking your ass; going to a sauna or a hammam; taking a cold shower to feel less overwhelmed physically.
Taurus/Venus 5H = eating your fav comfort food and not feeling guilty even if that's something deemed as unhealthy/junk food; wearing comfy clothes and not caring about how you look (just enjoying and chilling); ordering some take-out just because.
Gemini/Mercury 5H = reading a part of one of your fav books; watching an old cartoon from your childhood; using your hands for something artistic (even if it's about a silly doodle); having a good laugh with friends, watching reality-tv and not feeling guilty hahaha.
Cancer/Moon 5H = taking a long bath; spending time around children (bonus point if they're from ur fam); talking to your loved ones (give them a call!!); swimming naked somewhere; calling your mom or your women friends and pour your heart out.
Leo/Sun 5H = listening to positive affirmations; complimenting yourself in front of a mirror; wearing your fav outfit and parading somewhere; acting like you're the star of your own movie (it's needed sometimes); wearing something shiny.
Virgo/Mercury 5H = cleaning and reorganizing your things - can be only about your desk/work space as it helps with feeling less anxious mentally speaking; criticizing people u don't like w friends; doing a full skin care routine (face mask, 10 steps shit) while watching a show.
Libra/Venus 5H = dressing up and wearing a beautiful makeup/beautiful jewelry even if you're staying at home because sometimes, feeling beautiful is important; creating a pretty atmosphere in your bedroom (scented candle, nice bed sheets...) before sleeping.
Scorpio/Pluto 5H = masturbation/having sex with someone; spending the day naked at your place and enjoying the privacy; buying a new sex-toy; writing a list of your enemies; burning some incense and watching your fav horror movie; reading about the occult.
Sagittarius/Jupiter 5H = going on an adventure somehow (can be only about going to that new place you always wanted to try in your neighborhood); scheduling a trip somewhere; watching a documentary about your fav topic (and educating urself in the process).
Capricorn/Saturn 5H = seeking advices and words of encouragement from older people; doing something that makes you feel more in control of your life and congratulating yourself right after; spending some alone time without telling anyone how to reach you out.
Aquarius/Uranus 5H = indulging in your niche hobby no one knows about; dressing without caring about others' judgement and actually enjoying it; watching an experimental movie; listening to music and daydreaming.
Pisces/Neptune 5H = listening to your fav playlist (you need one that exists only to uplift your mood); writing cheesy poems just because; telling your loved ones how much you actually love them; spending time near the ocean.
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I find that the perfect writing playlist can GREATLY enhance the writing experience. Even if it doesn't make your writing "better" (which it can, since it helps writers with visualization, tone, and mood), it can definitely make your writing flow easier!
Personally, words distract me when I'm writing, either by breaking my train of thought or by getting me too into the music so that I'm jamming out to my favorite tunes instead of writing.
Therefore, I've amassed a vast knowledge of instrumental music across a variety of media over a course of many years. Now here I am, deciding to share all of them with you!
Maddy’s Favorite Instrumental Songs
Just like the title says. All of the best pieces of instrumental music I've ever heard, compiled together with no regard for genre. It can be a bit of a whiplash playlist, but some amazing recs in there that I just like listening to in my free time, not just for writing.
Maddy’s Ultimate Instrumental Playlist
A mega compilation of 550+ fantastic instrumental music from a variety of media and genres. Kind of a whiplash playlist if you put it on shuffle, but is a great start for anyone looking to find what kind of instrumental music they like! Playlist Groupings in Order: Independent instrumental songs, live action movies, animated movies, animated tv shows, live action tv shows, video games.
Maddy's Instrumental for Sleep
Some more chill vibe instrumental for people who either A) want to sleep or B) want a relaxed playlist that won't distract you with loud volume and sudden changes in tempo or melody.
you're a haggard adventurer discovering worlds beyond your wildest dreams
Music to inspire wonder and wanderlust, the kind of feeling you get when you finally reach the end of a mountain hike and see the world stretching out before you.
you're a hero who's just lost everything
Basically the most sad instrumental music I could find. A playlist for grief and revenge.
more beneath the cut :)
you're a cowboy in the great American West
Cowboy instrumental for all of your ambient and writing needs. Or if you just really want to feel like a cowboy.
you're a divine witness
Epic choir music (no English). Most religious, some not, but all kind of have that eerie sacred vibe. I listen to this while writing my book about angels and demons.
you’re a scholar uncovering the secrets of the universe
Great chill study playlist! Has the kind of same exploratory/discovery type feel as the haggard adventurer playlist, but more dark academia.
you’re a villain plotting to take over the world
Villain-coded instrumental! Sinister, dark, and/or unsettling.
you're an academic weapon
HIGH BPM STUDY PLAYLIST! Keeps me focused, hyped, and helps me work faster!
you're an ancient god
Playlist that gives an ancient/eerie vibe. But some ancient gods are merciful- so there are some upbeat songs for wonder and awe!
you're falling in love
Music that encapsulates what I think falling in love feels like. Very beautiful, tender, and uplifting instrumental.
you're fighting the final battle
Intense and epic battle music for all of your fight-scene-writing needs! Good for getting shit done, but isn't necessarily restricted to high BPM like the academic weapon playlist.
you're having a tea party
Refined instrumental for a tea party, including classical, big band, and some miscellaneous goodies.
you're in a chase scene
Music for writing chase scenes. Pretty good hype music, too. Includes soundtracks from classic chase scenes in popular media!
you're in the medieval times
Medieval-sounding music for all of your ambient and/or writing needs.
you’re in your childhood room. the door is open a crack. people talk softly downstairs.
A playlist dedicated to nostalgia, to the feeling of lying in bed with your nightlight on after being too tired to stay awake at your family get-together. Could either make your day or break your heart lmao
you're the happiest you've ever been
Lighthearted instrumental meant to lift your spirits! A playlist dedicated to the joys of the little things.
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just-jordie-things · 8 months
cherry blossom - inumaki toge
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✩₊˚.⋆☾⋆⁺₊✧ 10k follower event special! ✩₊˚.⋆☾⋆⁺₊✧
word count: 9.3k warnings: shibuya mentions, toge says some words bc i'm not god ok, drinking summary: you've always had all the time in the world to figure out what you were to each other. falling in love is meant to be slow and sweet, after all. more info: friends to lovers, fluff without plot really (yeah i'm making that a thing)
[ what you don’t tell no one, you can tell me // little ghost, tall, tan like milk and honey // you’re very brave, and very free ]
Inumaki Toge was very close with all of his friends.  He cherished them in ways he could only dream of vocalizing.  Instead, with his cursed speech, he was limited to smaller forms of appreciation to show them how he cared.  Remembering Yuuta’s favorite drink, punching Maki on the shoulder to tell her she did a great job, passing notes with Panda to pull off a silly prank- his love language was an odd one for sure, but it never went unnoticed.  His friends cared for him just as much.
(y/n) was different, though.
It was no secret to the others- if it had been, it would’ve been a terribly kept one- even without the ability to voice it, it would have been useless to try.  There was no denying the way that he treated her, the way he looked at her, it was unlike all the others.  If she was speaking, his attention was on her, even in a crowded room, even if someone was talking over her, Toge listened to every word, actively engaged in whatever the topic was.
He always sat next to her, always picked her as a training partner, always reached out to her first when making a plan, she lived on the front of his mind rent free, and Toge was more than content to let her.
“Funny, or sad?” She asks him now, drawing him out of his dreamy thoughts and bringing him back to reality.  She’s perched at the end of his bed, two dvd cases in either hand presented to him.  His gaze shifts between the two as he mulls it over.
If he chooses funny, then he’ll get to hear her giggles for the next two hours, followed by her pretty voice repeating all her favorite lines to send her into fits of laughter again.  He likes that option.
But the other movie in her hand is a favorite of hers.  He wouldn’t describe it as sad as she had, but the uplifting message did tug at the heartstrings, and he’s caught her crying over it multiple times in the few years he’s known her.  So he gestures to that one, reveling in the way she lights up before she’s getting off the bed in order to get his dvd player setup.  
It was actually her dvd player, Toge was more of a Netflix guy, but with her collection of movies and the frequency at which she hauled it all over to his room, they’d silently decided to just leave it in his room.  Sure, it might have been easier for them to have movie nights in her room where she didn’t have to unplug the Xbox every time to watch a movie, but Toge would never suggest such a thing, and she’s never brought it up either.  He likes having some of her things in his room.  
For a little while, it could help him feel like they were living a more domestic, normalized life.  Sometimes, he would set up her movies from that week on his shelf in alphabetical order, or fold up the blanket she’d left behind, and he could pretend that things were… different.
“I’ll have to add a box of tissues to the pile” She says, eyeing the plastic bag of snacks that the two of them had just gone out for.  
It was routine at this point, rush out to the convenience store, buy more snacks than they agreed on, and then rush back to campus to get the movie started before it was too late.  These were his favorite days.
With her back turned as she got the dvd player plugged in, Toge clicked his tongue to get her attention.  She glances back at him right away, her curious look blooming into a full, beautiful smile as he raises a little plastic package of tissues, wiggling it in the air happily.
“You’re perfect!” She laughs to herself before going back to the console, placing the disk inside with an eager little dance.  
Toge thinks it’s adorable that she’s so excited to watch a movie that will make her cry.  He could be biased though- he thinks everything she does is adorable.
Once the movie starts, she’s quick to jump back onto the bed, crawling up into the space beside him, snatching up the back of treats on the way.  Toge watches her, it’s only the opening credits playing anyways, it’s not like he was missing anything yet.  (y/n) catches his eye, raising a brow as she tilts the bag towards him.
There’s not exactly a way for him to tell her that his staring was just because he liked when she didn’t tuck her hair back and it fell in that messy way it did, not because he was waiting for his turn with the snack bag.  So he gives her a lopsided smile and takes the offering.
“If you open the chips I want some” (y/n) hums, her eyes already back on the screen as the movie begins.  Toge chuckles, pulling out the green bag of sour cream and onion flavored chips, even though he’d been eyeing the package of chocolate chip cookies.
(y/n) turns to him again, this time with a mock pout on her lips.
“Are you laughing at me?”
It makes him laugh a little more, even as he’s shaking his head to convince her otherwise.  He opens the bag of chips and tilts it towards her as a peace offering.  She gladly accepts it, her frown melting back into her syrupy smile as she snatches a few chips and settles in again to watch the movie.
As expected, she’s tearing up before anything’s really happened yet.  Toge knows she’s already thinking about the real tear-jerking moments later on.  Her emotions sometimes overwhelmed her- not just when watching heartwarming movies, but with handling the everyday things that came with the life of a jujutsu sorcerer.  It was hard when one of her closest friends was sent away on long assignments overseas, it was hard when there were casualties on assignments, it was hard training every day and trying to be better, all the while doubting herself and her abilities.
There were some times that she’d come by and they wouldn’t lounge around watching movies.  Sometimes she’d visit him just to sit quietly and take in the comfort of his presence.  Toge never minded these days.  He was just relieved that there was some way he could help her feel better- although he didn’t always understand what it was that worked.  It’s not like he could talk her down from the bad feelings, all he really did was sit there, maybe hold her hand if she needed, often listening to whatever was on her mind.
“He’s the one that makes me think of you” (y/n) points to the screen when a new character pops up.  A teenager, with shaggy, jet black hair, and a perpetual frown on his face as he’s on screen.
Toge mirrors the frown, turning to (y/n) with furrowed brows as he awaited a proper explanation.  She only giggles to herself as she continues munching on her snack, not bothering to explain how a character who looks and behaves nothing like him could possibly have her making a connection between the two.
He started to wonder if it was time to change his hair again, but as the movie progressed, he began to understand.  The kid had taken a vow of silence, and hadn’t spoken a word the entire movie.  Yet somehow, his thoughts and feelings were portrayed perfectly.  As the viewer, Toge was never left wondering what was going through his head.  Admittedly, he grew attached to this character quickly, and he found his focus latching onto the plot now with fervor.
Noticing this, (y/n) smiled to herself as she tucked herself further into the pile of pillows behind her.  It always warmed her heart to see him take interest in the things she liked.  Maybe even too much.
It’s mostly quiet between them as the movie continues, they don’t like to talk too much during movies, only comments deemed important enough to share before the end, or the ask to pass the snacks.  They usually would have a discussion at the end anyways, sharing all of their thoughts and favorite parts with one another.
Soon enough the couple hours passed, the snacks were mostly deplenished, and (y/n) was half asleep, eagerly asking him how he liked the movie despite the tears in her eyes that she was still wiping away with the half-used supply of tissues.
He nods back at her, chuckling softly at the sight of her still being so teary eyed when the movie had ended ten minutes ago.  Her lip is still wobbly and even as she folds and re-folds the tissue to keep wiping away the trail of tears.
Toge maneuvers onto his side, facing her with a small smile before taking the tissue from her hands.
“Mustard leaf” He says quietly, before reaching back out and drying up the trail of tears that she’d missed, down her cheek, and then along her jaw.  She sniffles between a watery giggle.
“Thank you,” Her voice cracks, and she laughs quietly again.  “That movie is just too much sometimes,” She explains, and Toge hums in understanding.  This wasn’t nearly as bad when they watched Wall-E.  “But I love it, what did you think?” 
“Salmon roe” He replies with a larger beam, which she mirrors right away, before her head feels a little heavier on his pillow.
“Okay, good,” She murmurs before a yawn overtakes her, and Toge’s eyes widen in realization when she tucks the blanket over her shoulders.  She’s going to fall asleep.  He starts to move to shake her awake, one hand curling around her shoulder and tugging slightly, but she doesn’t respond to his silent pleas telling her to get up.  “I’m really glad you liked it, you can pick the movie next time though” 
Toge huffs when she shuts her eyes and nuzzles into the pillow again.  It’s no use.  She’s already drifting off right in front of him.
“Bonito flakes” He mutters.
“It’s alright,” (y/n) yawns again.  “Just wake me up in, like, twenty minutes and I’ll go back to my room so we don’t get in trouble” 
Toge already knows how that’s going to go, but she’s out like a light mere seconds later.  He hasn’t seen anyone fall asleep so quickly.
With another sigh, he turns off the tv and places the remainder of the tissue package on his nightstand along with the remote.  It doesn’t take him long to fall asleep on his back beside her, even when his brain is working overtime trying not to hyperfixate on her leg pressed against his, or her soft breaths fanning over his shoulder as she sleeps.
His dreams are pleasant, with soft swirls of warm colors, sweet sensations of gentle touches and the lingering scent of cherries and vanilla, melodious giggles and whispers made of but sugar coated words.  The kind of dreams that you wake up from and wish there were just a few more minutes to latch onto the remnants of the hazy feeling.
As expected, (y/n’s) still there when he wakes up the following morning- not that he’d tried all too hard to send her back to her own room last night.  He just couldn’t bear to disrupt her peaceful sleep beyond a few whispers of her name and pokes to her forehead.
She’s awake not long after him, but she settles back into the covers, murmuring a raspy good morning to him.  SHe doesn’t seem startled by the surprise sleepover in the slightest, and the nerves Toge had let fester the last ten minutes of sitting awake and waiting for her to wake up.
There were still a few minutes of her being in and out of sleep, but after a while she’s stretching and getting herself out of bed with the promise of grabbing them both pop tarts before they had  to start training for the day.
Toge perks up at the prospect of pop tarts, and she giggles at his obvious change in demeanor, before telling him she’ll be quick, and taking off from his room.
He knows he should be rushing around to get ready for the day, but he can’t  bring himself to get up from the bed just yet.  It’s too warm, too comfortable, too alluring with the lingering scent of cherry vanilla still clinging to the sheets.
His heart feels full as he settles back in for just a few more minutes.
(y/n) felt love for all of her friends.  She always sort of had, it developed not long after meeting each and every one of them.  She loved Maki’s ambition, Panda’s humor, Yuuta’s passion, each and every one of them were simultaneously the greatest person she’s ever known.  Her friends were her livelihood, her reason for fighting, her reason for trying, she doesn’t think she’d ever be able to repay them for what they’ve done for her.  The love she held for them was the purest kind there was.
The love she held for Inumaki Toge was different, though.
She loved Toge the way she loved late spring, with the way the pretty pink cherry blossoms begin to bloom, and the cool breeze turns warm, and suddenly everything doesn’t seem so gloomy and bitter all the time.  The sun seems to shine a little brighter and everyone seems to feel a little brighter, too.  It was exactly how loving Toge felt.
It was no secret to the others- if it had been, it would’ve been a terribly kept one, seeing as she could barely unglue herself from his side at any time.  If he entered a room, she would rush towards him.  If he came back from an assignment with an injury- no matter if it was life threatening or just a paper thin slice, she was patching him up with the utmost care Shoko’s infirmary could offer.  If Toge wasn’t around, she was texting him everything that was going on to keep him in touch.
There was nothing that brought her peace and joy quite like being around Toge.
She giggles as she tips her cup against her lips, sipping at the remnants of the drink she’d made only fifteen minutes ago.  Yuuta was sure to scold her when she wandered her way into the kitchen for the third time in an hour.
Toge’s laughter follows shortly after hers, although he’s not sure what exactly they’re giggling about, he just can’t help himself once she gets going.
His brows pinch together when he shakes his head, trying to ask her what it is that made her giggle fit erupt in the first place.  Once she’s calmed down enough to realize this, she grabs him by the shoulder.
At first his expression morphs into surprise, his eyes wide as he stares at her closely, before she’s swiveling him suddenly, guiding his eyes to the sight that was cracking her up.
Panda was in the common room, clearly feeling himself as he danced about, all slow twirls and raised arms.  He looks positively ethereal- in that loaded sort of way.
He’s quick to pull out his phone, setting his cup down to use both hands to steady the camera on Panda’s drunken ballet- or, attempt at ballet.  (y/n’s) giggling from beside him would definitely be caught in the video later, but neither of them minded, it only added to the humor of it all.
Maki must’ve noticed what they were up to, as she sneakily made her way over to the pill-shaped speaker, where she turned the volume up a few more notches.  This only excited Panda, who picked up the pace in his dancing.  (y/n) has to smack a hand over her mouth to stifle the cackle that erupts from her throat, but Toge doesn’t match her haste, and his laughter is almost louder than the music itself.
With a gentle smack to his shoulder, (y/n) shoots him a warning look, silently telling him to quiet down before Panda notices their recording.
Of course, Panda’s already noticed, his paws on his hips as he gawks at his so-called friends who were just making fun of him with their less than subtle camera pointed in his direction.
“Laugh it up, at least I’m having fun!” He points an accusatory finger at the two before turning his chin up with a dramatic flair.  Toge rolls his eyes, and just as he’s about to end the video, (y/n’s) face pops up on the camera.
“He’s right!” She says, a bit too loudly for standing right in front of him, but drinking always raised her volume.  She’s setting her cup down then, before reaching her free hand out to Toge, tugging on his wrist and disrupting the video that was still being recorded.  “We should dance!” 
“Mustard leaf!?” He replies, and she laughs, knowing it was his way of repeating ‘dance!?’ With uncertainty and surprise.
Her cheeks are pink, and he can’t make out if it’s because of the alcohol in her system, or if it was the brazen invitation of asking him to dance.  He’s not given much time to decipher it’s cause before she’s pulling harder at his wrist, and without another moment’s hesitation, Toge pockets his phone and follows her silent plea.  Distantly, he realizes she’s never had to work too hard to convince him of anything.
Maybe that was why they were all up far too late drinking together and dancing when they knew damn well that they had training bright and early tomorrow.
Panda’s cheering when (y/n’s) managed to drag Toge all the way into the common room where the music is playing the loudest.  He’s already resumed his twirling as if Fleetwood Mac is playing and not Joan Jett, but he’s enjoying himself, and no one is about to ruin his fun… again.
Toge’s never really danced before, besides the occasional sway from side to side, or a head bop.  So as soon as she starts swinging her hips and dragging his arm back and forth where she’s still got a grip on his wrist, he goes as stiff as a board.
It doesn’t take long before it dawns on her that he hasn’t been dancing, and she frowns at him, pulling at his arm to get him to come closer so she could talk to him.
“Why won’t you dance with me?” She asks, and it breaks his heart so completely that he can’t hide the way his face falls at her question.  (y/n) brightens up immediately, a string of bubbly laughter falling from her lips as she shakes her head.  “It’s not hard, just, move,” She says, shuffling her feet from side to side, her hips following in a languid motion.  “See?” 
He rolls his eyes at her, and she smacks his shoulder with her free hand, her semi-aggressive way of telling him he was making it a bigger deal than necessary, before both of her hands grab at his, and she guides him through the motions more properly.
The song that’s playing is upbeat, so she finds it easy to wave their arms together to the melody, while her hips keep the beat of the bass line.  After a few jolty movements on his part, he eventually begins to mirror, and just as she thought, he gets the hang of it and doesn’t look so awkward dancing with her.
(y/n) can’t wipe her grin off her face as she continues to move their hands about in sporadic motions, sometimes to the beat, sometimes at random.  Toge just latches his hands onto hers and lets her do whatever she pleases.
She’s never had to talk him into doing anything, he was always following her, whatever she was doing.
“See? It’s fun!” She’s the image of gleeful, twirling herself under one of his arms before prompting him to do the same.
Toge manages a few ‘salmon’s between her antics, before she starts to get more energetic with the beginning of the next song.  She claims it’s a classic 2000’s dance beat, and that it would be criminal if they didn’t dance through it, too.
Of course that turned into a third dance, then a fourth, and along with them a few more drinks.  They lose track of time, and eventually the rest of the world seems to fall away, too.  It’s a Wednesday night- well, early Thursday morning now- but all responsibilities that the day will hold is far from their minds.  It’s hard to notice that their friends have even started to wind down.  Panda had collapsed on the floor with a pile of empty water bottles surrounding him, currently chugging down another one.  Maki was scrolling through her phone nursing her own water, physically present, but too tired to engage in any more activities tonight.
And (y/n) and Toge were dancing around, jumping on their feet and twirling each other about like the night was still young and they had all the energy in the world.  Until eventually, Maki had given up on adding anything to the queue, and random songs they’d never heard of were playing, (y/n) still insisted that he stay up with her and keep dancing until they couldn’t anymore.
That was, until Maki retreated to her room for the night, and with her went the music.  (y/n) tried her best to plead with her to stay, but unfortunately Maki wasn’t as suggestable to her puppy dog eyes as Toge was.
“(y/n), listen to me closely,” Maki said in an uncharacteristically sweet voice, even going so far as to run a hand through her drunk friend’s hair.  Thinking that she was going to stay at the ‘party’- if it could still be called that- (y/n) gleamed up at her with a syrupy smile and heavy eyelids.  “Get some water, and get to bed” 
(y/n) deflated immediately.
“Makiiii~” She whined, and made another noise of dissatisfaction when she lost the physical affection, too.
“No buts!” Maki quips as she walks away with her phone and powered down speaker in hand.  “Toge, if you keep her up, then you’re dealing with the consequences tomorrow!” Maki barks at the other culprit to (y/n’s) deluded party-mode state.
“Salmon!” He hollers back, bringing his hand to his forehead in an all too serious salute.  It brings out a load of giggles from (y/n) that has Maki sending one last warning glare at the two before she finally leaves.
Yeah, she absolutely wasn’t dealing with that mess in the mornings.
“She doesn’t hate us,” (y/n) sighs out to Toge, unprovoked, but he can tell she’s completely serious by the way she stares up at him.  “She’s just grumpy she has to get up in the morning” 
Toge raises his eyebrows with slight concern, before twirling his finger around in a short circle between them.
(y/n’s) jaw drops as she gapes at him.
“I know we do too,” She argues.  “But it’ll be fine, I’m used to waking up early” 
He gives her a look, but she doesn’t relent in her stare.  So he pulls his phone out to show her the time.
2:48 A.M.
But her eyes barely register the hour, instead she’s glued to the wallpaper on his lockscreen, and she’s lighting back up with energy as she reaches for his phone and snatches it before he could react.
It was ridiculous how she maintained her speed and strength even when intoxicated.  Toge wondered if it was safe for jujutsu sorcerers to drink this heavily. 
“Is this us?” She asks, even though she was currently admiring the photo of the two of them on his lockscreen.
Toge’s quick to zip up his collar in order to hide the heat flushing his cheeks.
“This is so cute!” She delights in the image, cradling his phone in both hands as though to preserve it with great care.  
The picture isn’t even new to her, and she’d been the one to take it.  A few months ago she’d tried her hand at baking, and had been quite eager to bring a cinnamon cake to a hangout with the rest of their friends.  She might’ve promised it before she was certain of her baking abilities, and had required Toge’s help not long into the process.  As happy as he was to aid her in her new hobby, he couldn’t help but find humor in just how helpless she seemed to be in the kitchen at first.  She hardly even knew her way around the cabinets.  Hours later the cake had turned out just fine- their friends had even gone for seconds- but not without it’s difficulties.
Toge had snapped the photo when the cake had just been put into the oven, before they began the tedious cleanup process.  She had flour in her hair and some stuck to her cheek.  It was a good thing she’d chosen to wear an apron because it was covered in the various ingredients they’d used.  But despite the messy state of herself and the kitchen in the background, she was grinning from ear to ear, clearly excited to see the results of her cake soon.  Toge’s mirroring the smile, although there’s not a speck on him.  After the whole process, he’d managed to keep himself completely clean.
“I didn’t know you made this your wallpaper, that’s really sweet,” She’s handing him his phone back after the torturous few seconds are over, and Toge slips it into his pocket quickly.  His blush might’ve been hidden by the collar of his jacket, but it was still made obvious by his shifting eyes that couldn’t quite meet hers.
“That was a really fun day actually, we should bake something together again sometime!” She lights up, and he can tell that she’s already trying to think of something to go make right now.  It’s clear she’s already forgotten the time- or maybe she just didn’t care that much.  “We could-” 
“Tuna tuna” Toge gives her a look, before tapping the back of his wrist a few times, hoping to remind her of the task at hand.
It was no wonder Maki rushed off to her own dorm.
(y/n) huffed in annoyance, but ultimately followed alongside him as he tried ushering her out of the common room and towards the dorms.  She stumbled along and tried to slow him down, came up with a few more mumbled excuses to stay up later, all of which were met by quiet chuckles and reminders of ‘tuna’.
It took some ping-ponging down the halls, but eventually he got her to her room, and even though the night was over, she seemed rather pleased to be back in her own room.
“Spicy cod roe” Toge barely mumbles the words out as he’s gesturing about her room to her, before raising his hand to his mouth to mimic drinking a cup of water.
She smiles back at him in perfect understanding before she gives him a nod of her head.
Her movements are lazy as she strolls about the room to get changed into something she can sleep in.  Her coordination was less than subpar compared to her usual level of functioning, but that wouldn’t be a problem for another few hours.
It’s not long before there’s a knock on her door, and she’s opening it with the brightness of a christmas tree when Toge is on the other side with two bottles of water.
Wordlessly, she invites him in by stepping aside and pulling the door open further.  Toge passes off one of the bottles to her as he does so.
“Are you staying?” She asked, nodding to the bottle still in his hand.  “We can watch a movie?” She offers hopefully.
It’s a little past three in the morning now.  He tries to give her a look to reminder of this, but she doesn’t seem to care when she sticks her bottom lip out and folds her hands together in a pleading motion.
He sighs, and she brightens up again.  It’s almost comical how small but sweet of a smile could have him agreeing to anything.  It’s almost as if she’s the one with a cursed technique designed to compel, and not him.
While glancing through the array of dvds on her shelves, Toge wonders what things would be like if the roles had been reversed.  If he was the one able to tell her his every thought and feeling as they pass.  He wonders if she would have known how he felt about her a long, long time ago.
He’d dealt with his cursed speech in the best way that he could.  Of course he didn’t love it, of course things would be easier if he could talk like anyone else, he could gamble a good ninety percent of his life would’ve gone smoother.  No more stupid rice ball ingredients, and no more hoping that just a look would be enough to communicate to the girl he loves that he loves her.  That he purely, wholly, desperately loves her.
He picks out a dvd and pops it into her player- she’d dragged it back into her room last week after waking him up in the middle of the night because she was in the mood to watch one of her favorites.  Once the opening credit scenes start to roll, he finds that she’s already cozied up on one side of the bed, her blanket tucked to her chin, and her water bottle cradled in both of her hands.  She smiles when he turns to her, and then pats the space beside her, waiting patiently for him to sit with her.
He lets out a sigh as he sinks into the mattress beside her.  He taps his wrist twice before raising his hand and pinching his thumb and forefinger together, an easy way to gesture just for a little bit.
“Okay,” (y/n) nods, then takes the edge of her blanket to throw it over his lap too.  “Just for a little bit” Her voice is merely a hum, words slurred together just a little bit, but there’s not a flicker of uncertainty in her features when she gazes upon him.
It’s only a few minutes into the movie when she slumps against him, the entire side of her body pressed into his, from their shoulders to their legs.  Toge chuckles as she begins to give in to her exhaustion, and as sweet as it was that she got cuddly when she was drunk and sleepy, he prayed she’d pass out soon so that the morning wouldn’t be so rough.  They were well past getting a full eight hours before training tomorrow, and dealing with Gojo alone would be a burden.  Not because he would go rough on them- but because as soon as he sniffed out a little bit of a hangover, he’d be relentless with his teasing.
(And he might tack on a few extra laps on the track as minor punishment.  Normally no big deal.  But when you’re fighting off puking your guts out?) 
Toge makes a mental note to have aspirin and a heavy meal ready first thing in the mornings so she could get it all out of her system as quickly as possible.  One measly water bottle tonight just wouldn’t cut it.
When her head hits his shoulder in a soft thump, he looks down at her, checking to see if she’s finally fallen asleep.  To his surprise, she tilts her head back in order to meet his gaze.  Pink dusts over her cheeks and the corners of her mouth tilt upwards, no doubt a reaction from the alcohol in her system and their close proximity.
“You think I could get out of training with a sick day tomorrow?” She murmurs, earning a wince from Toge.  She didn’t need words to understand what that meant.  “You’re right,” She sighs, briefly turning her attention back to the movie.  “Gojo’s gonna fry me” 
This time he chuckles, and she glances back at him again.
“Mustard leaf…” 
A small giggle escapes her as well, her eyes crinkling despite knowing the fate she would face come tomorrow.
“Maybe I’ll just fess up straight away,” She thinks aloud.  “If I cry a bit, he might take pity on me, I dunno,” 
Toge struggles to hold eye contact with her, not because the movie was just so enticing he could barely pay attention to her, but quite the opposite.  With her cuddled up against his side and whispering so softly right into his ear he could hardly focus on anything other than her.  To his knowledge, the rest of the world was completely wiped away.  It was an ability she’d somehow mastered unknowingly, making him forget that there was anything else going on around them when the two of them were together.
His heart was pounding so hard in his chest he was sure she must notice, with how close she is, she could probably feel it, but if she does, she doesn’t say a thing.
“Or you could tell him I died,” She adds suddenly, and Toge snorts out a laugh, making her giggle again.  
His eyes finally hold contact with hers for longer than a passing second, and she seems to melt further against him.  She doesn’t feel heavy against his shoulder, but she might as well be an anchor keeping him trapped in place.  
Yeah, there’s not a chance he’ll only be here for a little bit.
“You’d cover for me, right?” She asks, and it’s only meant to be a tease, but Toge raises his free arm that wasn’t being leaned on by hers, and crosses his finger over his heart.  “Wow,” (y/n) gushes in her surprise, eyebrows raised and lips curling into a wider smile.  She’s so beautiful to him at this moment that he now hopes he’ll be the one to pass out before he does something stupid.  “Cross your heart and hope to die, huh?” She muses.  “That’s pretty serious” 
He scoffs again, barely rolling his eyes, but his attention is drawn back to her again when she shifts around to lay on her side.  She’s still very much cuddled up to him, and he can tell she makes an effort to stay that way as she gets comfortable in a new position.  She even hooks her ankle over his, a silent ask for him to stay longer.  Her cheek leans back into his shoulder soon enough, and he knows he should be leaving when she starts to bat her eyelashes, but even as a Grade Two sorcerer he doesn’t have the strength to do so.
“Can I ask you a real question?” 
Everyone’s least favorite question of all time.
Toge affirms with a nod of his head, barely managing a smile to assure her.
“Does it get old?” Her voice grows even softer.  “Listening to me talk all the time?” 
He shakes his head just as quickly, the smile disappearing as a knot forms between his pinched brows.  She gives him a wobbly smile, feeling a bit endeared by how quickly he tried to tell her otherwise.
“Really?” She asks, still a bit unsure.  “Sometimes I try to shut my mouth, I… I don’t want to make you feel like you’re stuck listening to me all the time, but, uh, I can’t help it sometimes.  I… really like talking to you” She’s rambling before she knows it- and then blushing at the irony of it all.
His smile returned then, stretching wide until his teeth were showing, and he was laughing quietly at her.  Not to be malicious, of course, he was simply amused and absolutely lovestruck by the sweet admission.  Toge reached out, affectionately touching the pad of his thumb to her chin, before he shifted around to get his phone out of his pocket.
This didn’t call for rice ball ingredients, or small gestures to convey what he was thinking.  He’d need to communicate properly to her with how much he’d have to say.
(y/n) watched on as he opened his notes app and began to type.
it could never get old.  i like listening to you talk :)
It makes her heart stutter in her chest, but she can’t help the giggle that escapes her when he adds a little emoji, too.  Toge spaces down to a new line before typing more.
does it get old that i can’t talk with you the same way? 
He watches as her eyes scan over the screen quickly, before she turns to him and shakes her head.
“Of course not,” She tells him right away.  “I- I think we understand each other just fine… don’t we?” 
It dawns on her that they’ve never really talked about this before.  Even when they first met, it was like she was told he had cursed speech and she took it upon herself to learn how he communicated as quickly as possible.  Perhaps all that time she spent around him those first few months after her enrollment were what led to their closeness now.  Saying she was headstrong in being able to understand him would have been an understatement.  She had constantly been picking up on the subtleties between his rice ball ingredients, or paying attention to every hand movement or direction of his gaze to know what he was talking about.  
And it was a very, very rare case when she couldn’t understand him.  Toge could hardly recall a time it had happened.
He sets his phone down on his lap, nodding his head back at her as his eyes shifted between hers.  Her lashes hung heavy, eyelids almost falling shut with every blink, but she wasn’t giving into sleep just yet.
She mirrors his nod with a short one of her own, her eyes filled with an emotion he can’t say he’s ever seen in her before.  He studies it curiously, forgetting any sense of embarrassment from staring at her so blatantly… but then again, she wasn’t exactly shying away either.  Was it the alcohol?
“Toge,” His name falls from her lips in a mere breath, so small her mouth hardly moves, so quiet it almost doesn’t grace his ears.  “I… I hope you know you can tell me anything… anytime…” 
It’s such a sweet admission that he can’t help but reach out to her again, his thumb touching her chin in the way he usually does when he’s teasing her, but now it feels… different.  His touch lingers, and the look in his eyes feels heavier than she’s used to.  She’s flustering suddenly, her heartbeat picking up in pace, her face feeling even hotter the longer she holds his stare.  After another prolonged minute of his touch to her face, she finds herself reaching up for his hand, cupping the back of it and holding it there for just a few moments longer.
And then comes a delicate, carefully worded whisper on his part.
“I know” 
He pauses for a few seconds after he says it, just to be sure there were no lasting effects left on her.  Just as he expected, those words didn’t seem to hold any cursed energy, and she didn’t seem paralyzed or compelled in the slightest.  She simply smiles back at him, her eyelashes batting a few more times.
“Okay, good,” She murmurs, before tucking herself closer to him, nuzzling her head into his chest to get comfortable.  
She’s long forgotten the movie that was playing, and honestly, so had he.  Toge knows now it’s only a matter of minutes before she’s finally knocked out.  With a yawn, she finally drops her hand from his, but Toge opts to leave it in it’s place, carefully cradled under her jaw, his thumb swiping over her cheekbone in slow and lazy movements.
“Just stay the night, ‘kay?” She mumbles into his shirt, throwing her free arm over his waist.  “If someone notices, I’ll take the blame,” She says, and then quickly adds, “But no one will” 
His chest vibrates beneath her when he chuckles, and she merely smiled to herself as sleep finally overcomes her.
Toge hesitates on moving to turn off the tv.  Any one wrong move and he’d risk waking her, and he certainly didn’t want to do that.  So with drawn out movements, he carefully gets the tv turned off, and places the remote on the nightstand.
(y/n) doesn’t wake up, to his luck, she doesn’t even stir.  She’s sound asleep, dead weight like a rock on top of him.  But a welcome rock she was.
He didn’t even mind having to sleep in a half seated position, or the fact that the arm she’s laying on is starting to prickle with pins and needles.  None of it matters when he can faintly feel her heart beating against his chest, right beside his.
Toge only got a hair of sleep that night, but even during the rough training session the following morning, all he could think about was how soft her hair felt when he’d run his hand through it.
If what came after falling in love was a crash landing, he was definitely nearing the ground.
When he first comes to, all Toge can barely make out is the dim light above him.  His mind is hazy, a swarm of disconnected thoughts like ‘where am I?’ and ‘why are the lights so dim in Shoko’s infirmary?’.  Nothing really makes sense until the haze begins to clear.
The next sense to come back was his hearing, and he wished it had taken a little longer because it wasn’t pleasant.
At first it’s just a sharp ringing, distant at first, like someone blowing a whistle far away from here.  But it didn’t take long for it to grow nearer and nearer, until eventually it was right in front of him, breaking through to let him take in the other sounds around him.
Whimpering.  Soft weeping, maybe.  Quiet, like the owner of the quiet cries, was trying not to wake him.
Then it was sniffling, also quiet and contained.  So faint he could just barely make it out, but paired with the cries, it wasn’t hard to understand what was going on.
He has to squeeze his eyes shut after the short exposure to the yellow light, but soon enough he’s forcing them open again.  This time he’s greeted with the blurry silhouette of the crier.
It’s no surprise his throat is so dry and raw that he feels blood pool on his tongue as soon as he rasps out her name, but it was enough to capture her attention, so he tries to ignore the pain for now.
A hushed “Ohmygod” is whispered under her breath so fast her lips barely move, before she’s a blurry mess of movements above him.  His eyes can’t track everything, but he thinks her hands are shaking around his face from the tapping over her fingertips on his cheeks.  “You’re- you’re awake?” She mumbles out, a hint of a whimper still trembling in her voice.
Just as he parts his lips to give her an affirmative response, her eyes widen, and her fingertips press further into his cheeks until he can feel the full length of her fingers against his skin.  They’re still shaking, but her touch is warm.
“Wait, don’t say anything, I’m sure your throat’s a mess right now,” Even when she’s not sniffling over her words, they’re watery, just a little bit stuck in her throat.  “But you’re- you’re awake,” She repeats, a smile briefly stretching on her lips, before it quickly falls back into that wobbly frown.  His vision begins to focus when he settles it there, hoping it’ll disappear into another smile again.
Why was she such a wreck? She’d never cried over him before, and he’s been injured plenty of times, Toge couldn’t wrap his mind around it.  It was making it harder to fight past the hazy state of waking up.  
There were small, wet splashes against his face that startled him enough to change his focus, eyes suddenly moving his line of sight upwards, finding her eyes were in fact full of tears, and most of them were streaming down her face.  He can’t say or do much, but concern is evident on his face.
“Are you in pain? Does anything hurt?” She wipes uselessly at the tears on her face when she speaks.  The dry patches were just as quickly replaced by more streaks of tears.
Toge shakes his head, although it’s not a complete truth.  His head is still spinning, the metallic taste of blood was burning the scratches in his throat, but most peculiar was the dull ache of his left arm.  It wasn’t a sharp pain, or even enough to bring a tear to his eye, and yet the throbbing of it captured all of his attention.  He couldn’t not think about it.  Was it broken? Why hadn’t Shoko healed it? It never feels like this after her Reverse Cursed Technique…
“Okay,” (y/n) whimpers, sniffling before she speaks again.  “Okay, that- that’s good, that’s good…” Her voice grows quiet, and Toge’s shaking his head at her again, trying to voice his confusion with this whole ordeal, trying to ask her what was wrong.
All he can do is twitch his right hand until she notices, and as soon as she turns her head, she picks his hand up in both of hers.  She’s swift but gentle, cradling it as if his bones would shatter from a movement too rough.  He tries to curl his fingers around hers, but it takes too much effort, so he goes to bring his other hand around hers as well.
A strained gasp escapes him when he lifts his left arm, his eyes shooting open from the pain and difficulty of the action, neck swiveling to see what was so wrong that he couldn’t do something so simple as to hold her hand and comfort her.
They’re both frozen when he finally looks at his left arm.  Or, lack thereof.
(y/n’s) crying seems to cease completely as she holds her breath, and Toge’s chest is moving rapidly, but his inhales and exhales are nearly silent.
When he looks up at her again, she brings a hand to her mouth, stifling the sob that shakes her entire body as she begins to cry again, just as hard as she had when she’d found him.
“I’m- I’m sorry,” Is what she says first, it’s all that really comes to mind at first, she doesn’t know where to begin, how she’s supposed to explain it to him, what the gentle way of proceeding was.
She almost wished someone was here now, but there wasn’t.  There was no one.  Everyone was either missing, or had died in the aftermath, there was only the two of them.  The world had shrunk down to leave just the two of them it seemed- and they weren’t allowed their peace.
“Shibuya- it’s- when I found you-” She tries, she really does, but so many words flood her mind at once that they get lodged in her throat, and she’s never really learned how to navigate this sort of thing before.  This was always Gojo’s job, or Nanami’s…
With a deep breath, (y/n) straightens her posture as she’s kneeled beside Toge on the ground, and she gives his hand a small squeeze.
“Without a Reversed Curse Technique, I did the best that I could,” She says, a little bit more clearly, but not without a few hiccups.  “The runes on the wrappings should keep it from getting infected, at the very least,” 
Toge looks back at his left side again, taking in a long, good look at the missing space where the rest of his arm used to be.  Then his gaze shifts upwards, where what’s left of his bicep is wrapped in perfect bindings.  It appears every inch of the gauze is covered in neatly drawn runes.
How long had this taken her? How long had he been out? 
“It’s been a couple of days,” She sighs, pushing a hand through her hair and slouching again.  “It’s not… great, as you can see,” She adds, gesturing around them.
It’s only then that Toge’s really taken in their surroundings.  They’re in a tent, that’s just big enough for the two of them.  The shitty light his eyes had adjusted to was just a lantern tied around the center post.
“But it’s worked for now… I’ve been out a few times, there’s water, um, some food…” She trails off as she’s glancing around, already losing pace and barely keeping up with what she’s saying.  What was she supposed to say? “I… I haven’t crossed paths with anyone else yet” 
Toge’s hand twitches in hers, fingers flexing for a moment before he pulls it out of her hold.  It’s slow and shaky when he brings his hand to her face, but he is able to make the reach.  She leans closer to him so he wouldn’t have to stretch too much.  Toge presses the entirety of his palm into her cheek, fingertips prodding at her hairline, thumb tracing against her cheekbone.
That wobbly smile returns when she presses her palm against the back of his hand.  She’s still crying, but it seems a little more under control.  He wonders if she’s even aware of the never ending tears, or if she’s grown used to it.
“Thank you” 
A watery scoff of a laugh escapes her, and then she shakes her head at him.
“You shouldn’t be thanking me,” She mumbles, and his thumb begins to drag lower, across the hollow of her cheek, coming to the corner of her mouth.
He nods his head to make his argument, a furrow in his brows that tells her he’s serious, but she doesn’t seem to take him as such.
“We’re in the middle of nowhere,” She sniffles.  “There’s barely any food, I’ve been in this ruined uniform for days, all of our friends are missing and the strongest sorcerer in the world is in the prison realm, you’re hurt, and it very well may be the end of the world-” 
He has to drop his hand from her face in order to have the strength to push himself into a sitting position, but once he does he’s just as quick to bring it back.
She’s crying too much to keep adding to her list of everything that’s gone wrong in the last few days, but this time Toge tries to wipe the tears away as he shushes her softly.  It takes a few minutes, but eventually the tears come to a stop, and Toge drops his hand again.
This time he makes a gesture to her.  It’s drawn out, despite it being a simple one.  He points his finger out, touching it to her collarbone, then his eyes meet hers again, and they’re tearing up again.  He frowns.  Then taps her shirt a few more times, trying to make his point clearer.
You’re still here.
He can only hope that more taps will make sense to her.
The corner of (y/n’s) lips tilt upwards, and he thinks with the amount of emotions flickering behind her eyes, that understanding is amongst them.
“I’m glad you’re here… with me,” She mumbles out.  “I don’t know what I would’ve done….” The thought trails off with her words, and she turns her head away, chewing on the inside of her cheek.  The exhale she lets out instead is slow, and shaky.
Toge lifts his hand to turn her chin back towards him, a frown on his face as his eyes meet hers.
Again, he points at her, but this time he presses the pad of his finger square against her chin, and then turns it towards himself, mirroring the touch to his own chin.  A crease forms between her brows, and he repeats it- tapping her chin twice with a featherlight touch, and then his own.
We’re both still here.
Weakly, another smile graced her lips.  She understood.
“Whatever is next, we take on together… yeah?” She asks him, her voice hushed, a certain anxiety filling her chest with a crawling feeling, but Toge’s response couldn’t have eased it away faster.
He nods, leaning in closer, bringing his hand back to her cheek so he could tilt her head downward just the slightest, enough for him to brush his lips over her forehead in a light kiss.  So light if she wasn’t staring at him with wide eyes, she might’ve missed it altogether.
Like a deer caught in headlights, she holds her stare even once Toge’s pulled away.  Her parted lips holding no definitive emotion, he’s not exactly sure what she’s thinking when she stares at him like that, but he doesn’t feel any regret from the action.  They were all they had now, and there might not be any amount of comfort to delude them into thinking things were going to turn out perfectly fine, but they could certainly try.  Perhaps they could go just a few minutes at a time feeling some relief.
They weren’t alone.  And despite it all, they were alive.  At this moment anyways, Toge couldn’t ask for more.
With the backs of her hands, (y/n) roughly wipes away the lingering tears on her face, before she reaches out to him.  Just as her hands cradle around his face, he’s meeting her halfway, eyes shut before their lips even touch.
As hasty as it is, it’s a tender kiss.  Neither one of them wanted to move too fast at the risk of bumping an injury, but the years of pent up emotions came pouring out of it nonetheless.  Her calloused and bruised hands somehow feel silky smooth when they glide over his jaw.  Any fears or pains melt away under the gift of her soft kiss.  Toge could almost forget all of it, just for that moment.
When she pulls away, quietly panting to catch her breath after holding it the entirety of the kiss, the unreadable look on her face fades away into something else.  Bittersweet relief.
Her eyes shift between his, finding the same emotion in them that she’s currently feeling.  Affectionately, her thumbs trace over the markings on either side of his mouth.  There’s a moment of silence between them as they bask in the first pleasant moment they’d had in a while.  It’s no surprise that it’s only come when they’re together.
“We’ll find the others,” (y/n) murmurs assuredly after a minute.  “We’ll figure it out,” And as she says it, she starts to believe it, slowly but surely she pulls herself out of her cynicism, hope and certainty replacing it when she looks at him.  “Together” 
His own hand slides across her cheek and wraps comfortably at the nape of her neck, holding her delicately but closely.  Toge nods, smiling back at her with as much conviction as he could.
[ it’s a cruel, cruel world, but we don’t care // cause what we’ve got, we’ve got to share ]
xoxo ~ jordie a/n: for anyone who got the little miss sunshine edit mwah mwah mwah bc it's a comfort movie of mine <3
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lasirenatarot · 10 months
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“ LOOKS-MAXXING ” pick-a-card reading.💝
Your next glow up.
What can you do in order to have a big glow up?
Pick a pink 90s magazine cover:
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—>Pile 1
Your next glow up will most likely be related to getting « in peace » with your s€xuality prior to glowing up both physically and mentally. What I mean by this is you will probably need to get rid of any self doubts about your looks, any shame around your $£xual side due to past traumas or for some the way you were raised, some may have been raised in a controlling or conservative family.
One of the ways you can make this glow up happen is if you really enjoy your life and what you do. Try to practice your hobbies more and work on bettering your natural talents, by doing that you may find your purpose in this world and this will lead to the biggest glow up ever.. for some it may lead them to their dream career.
Something which appears in the cards is that you may need to forgive your parents or parental figures for the way they treated you in order to reach peace within yourself and your physical body. Forgive yourself as well for not acting in the « right way » or not looking a certain way, this is the best you could do at that point of your life . It is all in the past.
As for a physical glow up: judging by the pictures shown on the cards that fell, maybe start focusing on a regular work out routine, focusing on legs, butt or whatever you feel like you need to improve. Updating your clothing style may benefit you a lot. Stop caring about what others would say and pick clothes which give you freedom of expression, be yourself shamelessly. Some of you who chose this pile may have some creative vision which they may have been scared to express - do it. Meditation may help with your « glow up » in some form as well. Try bolder makeup looks and outfit choices.
Moodboard/Vibes for pile 1:
The vibes I get from this pile is totally Julia Fox as a persona,not only style wise. She’s unapologetically herself, maybe for some she’s a bit weird. But the main point is, despite people’s opinions and perceptions of her, she has always followed her own rules and expressed herself. Before she got famous she was a dominatrix, did a photobook, an art exhibition aand starred in a famous movie in which her character was inspired by her real life . All this happened because she was authentic,lived her life the way she wanted and followed her heart, exactly what u should do as well,pile 1.
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Songs which remind me of this pile’s vibe:
—>Pile 2
Pile 2, you’re going through or will go through a huge transformation.. luck will definitely be on your side and you may find out answers for things which you’ve always wanted to know about. ( it can be pretty much about anything. If we are talkibg about a physical glow up exclusively, you may learn some very good beauty hacks soon. It can be about makeup, diet, exercise, skin care, personal development etc.. this is a general reading so I cannot be exact but whatever your case is it will lead to a HUGE glow up. Two of the cards are talking about some « secret knowledge » so whatever it is it will be significant for you.
This pile is very different from the first one as the glow up that appears here is not just about one or two things in your life or looks, it’s about everything. The things you can do in order to glow up faster, pile2, is maybe start watching makeup tutorials and pay attention to new techniques or products you haven’t heared before, ask people for where they shop they may tell you some secret thrift store with really cool clothes which can uplift your style.. anything which can help you get this « secret knowledge » which appeared in the cards. Another thing I can say for this pile is: focus on manifestation, envision the changes in your looks or life as a whole you would like to have and act accordingly in your 3D universe in order to get to where you want to be. Positive affirmations and subliminals (as in subliminals I mean not the crazy unrealistic ones, but those about self concept, confidence and beauty in general) may also be helpful in your case.
Moodboard/Vibes for pile 2:
The vibes I get here are Fran from “The Nanny” and Maddy from “Euphoria”. Fashionable, bold, colourful. Radiating confidence. Crystals, glitter, sparkle, feathers, bold and colourful makeup, everything of that sort. Do not dim your own light to make someone else feel better about themselves if they are insecure.
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Songs which remind me of this pile’s vibe:
—>Pile 3
Pile 3: I think you would definitely be bettering your financial situation sooner than you may have even expected, this may help you get a glow up. You would be able to afford nicer things, skincare, clothes, procedures etc.. If you’re not already on a path to improve your finances, then you would definitely be motivated to start working on this problem soon and be very committed on your mission of « glowing up » in every way possible. Physically, mentally, spiritually even. You will be finding yourself after a long period of feeling lost and unlike your true self.
You would become much more intuitive, confident and cut throat even, you won’t let energy vampires use you as they may have done in the past and this would lead to a more beautiful and healthy version of you, because you would not have to deal with others’ negativity anymore. When it comes to relationships you would not be satisfied with with mediocrity, you will be finally standing your ground and being true to your standards and what you deserve. You will be getting your justice if you’ve been mistreated in the past.
This pile has huuuge « femme fatale » « dark feminine » vibe. This may be the energy you will be channeling after you have your glow up. Doing classic makeup like red lipstick+ black eyeliner, black smokey eyes and nude lips combo might help you channel this energy that i am seeing here better. Wearing colours like: red, black, gold and nude might help you elevate your look. Also wearing jewelry, lace and high heels. Don’t be scared to embrace your « dark side » which you may have ignored in the past in order to fit in with the crowd.
May sound trivial, but follow your intuition and do what makes you happy, it will make you glow in ways which you have not expected..
Moodboard/Vibes for pile 3:
The vibes I’m getting here are as I said in previous paragraphes: femme fatale, dark feminine energy,monica bellucci core type of look/aesthetics..
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Songs which remind me of this pile’s vibe:
That was all from today’s PAC. It was a bit different from previous ones and I myself did not expect it to turn out the way it did, but sometimes completely different information pops up in readings because someone needs to hear a certain thing.. Hope you enjoyed it!!
Leave a comment/feedback if it resonated, share and follow for more.
Thank you for reading!
- La Sirena💋
Decks used: ‘$£xual magic’ oracle deck by Lo Scarabeo; ‘Manara’ €rotic tarot deck by Milo Manara/ Lo Scarabeo;
Photos are from pinterest; all credits to their respective owners.
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5starwitch · 1 year
Astrology Observations: Aspects
**None of these placements mean that you are doomed or this is exactly how your life will play out. These are simply my interpretations of these placements based on looking at many different charts. Nothing is set in stone and you can always use different aspects to your advantage even if they are squares or oppositions**
Venus trine/sextile/conjunct jupiter blesses a person with conventional beauty. Harsh aspects to jupiter, like squares or oppositions, still blesses a person with beauty but may cause a person to still have insecurities or not see their own beauty. These people may have darker features or be an unconventional beauty. Both types of aspects may make a person more susceptible to weight gain.
Neptune square saturn can indicate addiction and can make it a challenge for a person to overcome. This placement may not even realize they have a problem.
Mercury sextile venus can grant someone with a beautiful voice and can even make someone a good singer.
TW: Venus square neptune can cause relationships where you might enable each others vices and addictions. Similar to venus square mars, there is also a potential for abusive relationships.
TW: Saturn square neptune can indicate that a person may have had a tumultuous childhood, in which one or both parents were absent. Their parent(s) could have been institutionalized, in prison, or on drugs. This could also indicate that they dealt with abuse/SA.
Neptune aspecting jupiter can indicate addiction but it can also grant a person with so much creativity. They may be talented at making art, music, or movies.
Venus sextile/trine chiron grants one with the ability to heal others and be incredibly compassionate. They are very intuitive to the feelings of others and being with them in romantic or platonic relationships is very healing to others.
Moon conjunct jupiter makes a person very optimistic and jovial. Their energy is very uplifting to be around. They may be a little naive so people might try to take advantage of them.
Mars square/opposite jupiter gives a person a lot of energy, sex drive, and sex appeal. They might be restless or not know what to do with all their energy.
Mercury opposite or square saturn makes a person intelligent but its hard for them to communicate their ideas and thoughts to others. So others may assume that they’re dumb. They also may have dealt with learning disabilities or delays in their speech.
Moon sextile/trine/conjunct neptune makes a person very talented creatively and they create their best work when their emotions are heightened. This placement also indicates someone who is spiritually and psychically gifted.
Venus aspecting uranus indicates a person having a unique type of beauty.
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comicaurora · 2 months
Since that previous ask mentioned Nausicaa, have you read the Nausicaa manga? If not, highly recommend. It's all written and drawn by Hayao Miyazaki and the story goes on for around 6x longer than where the movie simplified and ended things.
I have! I've been meaning to reread it because I don't think I fully got it the last time I went through it. Where I find the movie beautiful and uplifting, the manga mostly bummed me out.
I also think it's very funny that the revealed lore of the world is nearly identical to the premise of Horizon Zero Dawn in terms of "the humans of the Old World built a secure facility housing stasis'd embryos so their people could be reborn after the apocalypse they caused was over", but where HZD puts forward that resurrecting humanity through a bunch of carefully preserved genetic material is a good way to outlast the apocalypse, Nausicaa finds the concept so grotesque that she burns it to the ground.
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bambi-slxt · 4 months
Could you write something with Matt or Chris (or both!) and a chubby/not petite reader? I don't see a lot of those and would really appreciate it!
Doesn't have to be smut, it can be more in the style of your non-binary post or love languages. Thank you!
oh honey. of course i can.
✨a concept✨
a/n: i'm not petite and i never have been. this post is not intended to cause body dysmorphia to those who are, but rather promote and uplift those who have more fat on them than what's normally represented in the fanfiction space. i hope you enjoy this one anon!
doing their makeup at a sleep over -
chris: "yeah, come on, sit on my lap. no, seriously. i don't mind. come here, mamas." *kisses* "there we go. now put this shit on my face before i change my mind."
matt: "you were saying something about hooded lids? yeah, i don't think i have those. what do you mean people have different eyelid shapes. what the fuck. you have to look up different- jesus christ i'm glad i don't fuck with this stuff."
watching a scary movie -
chris: "i never shoulda' agreed to this. what spell do you have me under? i hate you. no like actually." *holding your hand for dear life and also shaking like a chihuahua*
matt: "-genuinely fucking terrifying. what? why do I have to be the one who tells you when it's over? i don't wanna look either!" *long-suffering sigh*
swimming -
chris: "i don't want you to look like a model, i want you to look like you. you look real, and you feel real...when i look at my girl all i see is how beautiful you are. no, i'm being serious. especially wearin' the stuff i bought you."
matt: "it's just us, darlin'. i've seen all of you before. i know what you look like, and i love you because of it. get in the water so we can play mermaids."
clothes shopping -
chris: "what the Actual Fuck are these designs. this is the plus size section? what a waste of space? i'll make you better clothes. yeah, i'm serious. you like my brand better anyway. jesus christ, i'm sorry."
matt: "...is this really what you want to wear? no? okay so let's leave. yeah, this isn't your style at all. i don't care, i'll shop with you all fucking week if that's what it takes. you're not gonna settle on this shit if it's not what you want."
going to the gym -
chris: "come on, you got it. i know it hurts but you're almost done, come on. don't you dare stop, there we go...there we go, you're good, you're good, get some water...that was a new PR baby, i'm so fucking proud of you. hell yeah, you did so good...damn i don't even think i can get that...fuck you..."
matt: "why the fuck would we go to the gym when the bed is right there? absolutely not. we can work out in my bed-"
streaming together -
chris: "no we're playing fortnite, get on here. i don't care. we've played fallout all week i wanna play duos, pleasepleaseplease-thankssss. yeah we can hop on stream. nah, they love you. trust. you wanna get ready first? i think you look great, but it's up to you, mamas. i want you to be confident, you know that."
matt: "if they have something to say i'll just rip 'em a new one and kiss you on stream. yeah. no i'm dead serious. there's my girl. come on, let's play."
boyfriend hoodies -
chris: "course it fits. i got bigger ones for me so you could steal them. you're such a thief. i love you. what? i didn't say anything..."
matt: "i'm gonna freeze. no no, take it, take my only source of warmth. i'm not bitter. come here lemme cuddle you i'm fucking cold."
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a/n: hope you like this nonnie!
request to be on the taglist under this post right here, make sure your mentions are on!
tags: @selenascorner @pinksturniolo @malirosee @st7rnioioss @nonat-111 @cindylcuwho @evie-sturns @h3arts4harry @fanficsbymia @dazednmatthews @sturniolo-rat @mattsmad @sturniolo04 @bellasturn @blahbel668 @yomamaslays4lyfe @stasiesturn @pleasantlycrazyworld @ariqolyx @wh0resstuff @krissy4gov @coochiedestroyer1 @madisturn @mattspolitank @sturnsxplr-25 @xtravrgnoliveoil @raysmayhem-72 @sturnpooks @certifiedstarrr @melanch0lybby @freshloveforthefit @xoxo4chrisss @stunza @meerkatzthings  @zivall @sturniolopepsi @that1fangirll @wh0schl0 @sharksworldd @mattscoquette @chrisslutx @sturnzsblog @sturniologals @quaxkingshs @certifiedstarrr @sarosfilms @mattsfavbigtitties @slutforsturniolos 
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caliburn-the-sword · 4 months
the main talking point of a lot of people that love eah but bash on descendants is that "eah was deep!! descendants was just a disney knockoff that meant nothing and was just a cashgrab" SHUT UP SHUT UP SHUT UP (to be clear i am an eah lover). analytical thoughts to follow:
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consider also, that auradon is portrayed as very technologically advanced in direct opposition to the isle being associated with magic (even with its ban) and a lot of of clearly second hand, worn and torn fridges and tvs and whatever
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also, the fact that she felt PRESSURED to not only culturally assimilate into auradon culture, but alter her physical appearance to assimilate further. consider mal's costuming in the first movie. on the isle, we see her with (what i assume is her natural) purple hair, leather, etc. she is even, to a degree, gender nonconforming. pretty much the ONLY time we see her in skirts is when she's trying to impress ben for her plan to work
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compare this with the hair costuming in descendants 2:
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(i actually can't remember which scenes the third one was in but whatever) they have taken away her sparkle!! she's assimilated firstly into auradon fashion by dressing in pastels like them, and in SKIRTS which she textually only wore in the first movie when she wanted to impress ben. now with the added context of her wanting to impress auradon. and it really speaks a lot that she feels she has to conform to gender norms more in order to be accepted by auradon
and what about hair. she's felt the need to not only change the way she dresses, but change her hair to the eurocentric standard, so blonde that it's almost WHITE to conform to auradon's society (because let's be real, her mum's a fairy/dragon and her dad is a greek god. i'd be MORE surprised if she was DYING her hair purple than it being natural). changing your natural hair in order to to conform to and be accepted by the majority... where have i heard that one before??
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shoutout to @soniccat
(to be clear. it is not a one for one analogy. "hey using a spell to force someone to forget what you did is an invasion" to me is like going "well actually people were right to fear mutants in x-men because some of them were walking weapons" IT'S A METAPHOR THAT IS ALSO A PLOT DEVICE)
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('backwater' being used ironically, do not let my meaning be misconstrued here. a better way to word it is that immigrants are guilttripped into having to be 'grateful' for their oppression in a first world country because microaggressions or assimilation is considered better than the alternative, being back in your home country where living conditions may be considered poorer)
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in the sense that for instance, jay put a VK spin on supporting feminism. like yes, he could've done it the rulefollowing, create a petition and gather signatures route, but INSTEAD he finds and exploits an existing loophole to let lonnie join the team. or evie shouting out dizzy's creations, uplifting her voice despite the fact she could've still taken the credit since she was the one that paired the outfit with the accessories. etc
are the descendants movies objectively bad movies?? yes. but this was to me, one of the most compelling analogies for immigrant struggles. take particular notice how almost ALL the main VKs are either racebent from the original disney movies (evie, carlos, uma) or were already based on an ethnic character (mal, jay)
but wait, mal is the whitest white girl to walk the planet. how is she already based on an ethnic character?
glad you asked. it is quite unclear in the descendants movie (basing its portrayal of maleficent on the disney sleeping beauty) is a fairy or a dragon. while the maleficent movie isn't canon to the descendants universe, i'm still going to use the fact that she's a fairy with the magical ability to turn herself into a dragon
a lot fairy folklore comes from ireland. the name maleficent itself, and i quote
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shares similarities to the name millicent. millicent has irish (or scottish) roots (even a coat of arms) as in
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thus one could argue that maleficent herself could potentially be irish coded
whether or not you agree with the idea that maleficent is irish coded, it is undeniable that mal is the daughter of hades, a greek god. it's a shame that that was a retcon in the third movie and not planned from the start, because the role could've gone to an actually greek actress (please google the ottoman empire and greek independence day if you still think it's not fitting for me to group mal with the others)
where was i going with this?? right. it's extremely telling that most of the main/side VKs, save for gil, are ethnic, in the story of a group of misfits finding themselves in an unfamiliar country with new social norms for them to learn as they try to fit in with and become accepted by their peers
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hongyangi · 1 year
golden summer | ksw.
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warnings: minors dni, soft dom husband sunwoo, pure smut, afab reader, overstimulation (they went x rounds 💀), pool sex (💀), corruption kink, size difference
word count: 7.9k words
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a/n: this is the first time i wrote a smut (and it's this long warahel) so please pardon any weirdly used terms and the likes (i haven't gotten used to it). this is very long and nasty, proofread once (i'm dying). also im so sorry in advance for the typos and repetitive sentences if there are any! i hope reader can enjoy~ <3
tagging: first tag with @deoboyznet
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On a hot summer, your husband, Sunwoo, and you have decided to be out of town to stay at a vacation house. You have been married for a few years, doing this and that together. A simple vacation like this is uncommon, however. So whenever your schedules have been cleared, you go out or travel— even if it was planned on the same day.
This vacation too— only being planned when you talked about summer upon waking up cuddled in bed. On a golden afternoon, Sunwoo prepares the meat on a grill and sets up a romantic table for a cute date as well. When you see the golden hour illuminating the sky and sea, you go to the pool of your luxurious vacation house. The view is like a live painting while swimming in the pool. The sky shines hues of pink, gold, and orange during the sunset and the sea seemed like heaven facing the earth.
While setting the table, Sunwoo looked at you, admiring her favorite time of the day. Your half body dipped in the blue water, back facing him. You’re watching the fascinating view as if in a movie, arms resting on top of each other on the edge of the pool. Sunwoo couldn't help himself but to look at his wife and appreciate all of her features.
Sunwoo decided to get into the pool as well without you noticing, arms suddenly hugging you tightly from behind while watching the sunset. His arms wrapped around your waist.
"The sunset is beautiful, love. I love it." Asked Sunwoo, his breath fanning on your ear as he traces his nose behind your temple.
"As much as me?" You giggled, uplifted that Sunwoo still feels excited by your beauty even for a couple of years. A smile brightly painted your face as you turned around to hug him back. Your dazzling body touched Sunwoo's, whose hands rested on your hips. You have your hands around his neck as you share a kiss. The kiss was so tender and sweet and made him want more.
The water on the pool softly splashed when Sunwoo pressed his body against yours, closing the gap. The warm sunset touched your back, and the orange and pink light illuminated the surroundings, touching your skin in golden light.
The two of you shared an intimate moment, Sunwoo's lips connected to yours as if never letting go. He slowly puts his hand on your back smoothly then pulls you closer.
You giggled in the kiss, feeling butterflies in your stomach with the position you have shifted to. Your face was on his face, and your lips were just still in touch with each other. He didn't know why he could feel like this, so magical with just a kiss.
More water splashes on your bodies when you try to move. You didn't miss looking at Sunwoo with hooded eyes, watching the droplets of water fall on his stunningly tanned skin. The golden sunset made him glisten and he looked ethereal. While your legs wrapped around him, Sunwoo's hands squeezed your bottom and lifted you up. Your bikini almost fell off from Sunwoo's strong grip.
Your body felt so soft and delicate against his, it was like you were made for Sunwoo. Sunwoo thinks you looked cute while your body was dripping wet and hair messy because of the wind. Sunwoo looked at you with a smile, face still so close you could feel his breath.
He is able to see how your bikini is almost falling off your petiteness. However, Sunwoo lets you cling on top of him, with one of his hands holding your leg and one softly tucking your hair behind your ear. Sweeping the hair from your shoulder, he could see the strap of your two-piece. He smirked, watching his finger play on the strap. Sunwoo twirled his finger and snapped it off. The strap falls off your shoulder until one of your bosoms is exposed to the cold pool. Sunwoo's breath hitched. Your skin looked so delicate and heavenly under the golden and pink sunset.
Every touch from Sunwoo felt nice for your liking. When Sunwoo's hand caresses your hair, you could feel emotions soaring, that touch alone could make your heart beat so fast and feel hot. Watching Sunwoo's finger playfully touch the strap could make you full of desire.
"Please... Touch me more..." You whispered seductively, voice so sweet, it made Sunwoo want to give you what you wanted. Sunwoo repeated what he did on the other side of the strap. Your brassiere fell down under your bosoms, displaying your skin and flesh for him beautifully like a perfect sculpture. Pulling the tied ribbon on your back, he threw the tiny cloth on the pool and it floated somewhere away. He bites his lip and looks at his wife with a smug smile. You playfully hit his arm and the two of you tittered.
There was no need to say anything else, Sunwoo's expression was definitely something else. He couldn't resist, he looked at you like a wild beast who found its prey. His lips pressed into a deep kiss and passionately, his hand went down on your thigh and he started to squeeze it.
You could see Sunwoo's expression changing in every second he looked at you, and it made it even more exciting. The sound of water sloshing slowly stopped, and you realized that you are totally exposed to Sunwoo's view now in silence. You smiled enticingly, feeling a sense of confidence as he admired you like that, you felt like you were the only one in Sunwoo's heart.
In no time, Sunwoo's finger worked on your underwear, ghosting his fingers along the waistband under the water. You looked at him as you bit your lips, heart pounding really hard to which you couldn't believe what you were doing right now, exposing yourself to him in the pool. But the excitement and arousal felt too real, you couldn't deny it, you actually felt amazing to have Sunwoo's gaze like that. As seconds passed by, you could feel how much your body was becoming warmer because of excitement.
"Please..." You couldn't contain yourself anymore, your words were so soft and sweet.
"Do you want it?" Sunwoo asks in mischief. His smirk makes you whine and you nod, "Yes... I want it so bad." His smile got bigger after hearing your words. The look on his face and his little mischief were so hard to resist. It was hot because of the summer, also because of the excitement and arousal that’s starting to immerse in you. Sunwoo kissed you again, he was just so desperate to feel everything all at once. He slowly moved down from your lips to your neck. He nibbled and sucked then moved lower and started pecking on your collarbone and shoulder. From his kisses, your body was slowly becoming more sensitive. Shivers run down your senses.
Your arms clasped together to hold tight on him. Sunwoo moved closer to the side of the pool while carrying you. When you're situated, he lets go of your thighs and pulls his white polo shirt above his head, making it float away with his shorts. His hard length makes contact with the water. Your body felt like it was floating on a cloud, with Sunwoo as your angel. You watched him with half-lidded eyes and hands still gripping his body tightly. Nails grazing the skin of his shoulder blades. Eyes met with Sunwoo's for a moment and it made your heart pound like crazy.
Sunwoo was getting frustrated too, it was impossible to control himself whenever you’re in front of him. "Honey..." His voice whimpers as he sucked on your neck again. You nod to urge Sunwoo to do his thing, naked bodies dancing against each other in the pool. He holds onto your waist then grabs one of your thighs and places it over his shoulder. Your other feet help you balance on the pool's floor. The new position sent you whining as your core made contact with the hard and erect Sunwoo under the water. Sunwoo was so aroused by this moment, and he looked into your half-lidded eyes while enjoying the pleasure of your body. Your bodies made a great pair, they fit so well together. He could see how excited you were and how much you enjoyed this. Your soft moan sent him over the edge and moaning as well.
When Sunwoo pushed himself in, the water splashed and you almost fell. But your arms rested on the edge of the pool and it supported your weight. With the new balance you got, Sunwoo easily pounded on you. You were moaning loud. One leg over his shoulder helped your sensitive spot to stretch for Sunwoo's huge member. Still, it felt so tight. With each thrust, water splashed around and your breasts bounced. Sunwoo put one of your nipples in his mouth and sucked it like he’s an infant.
You looked at the blue water that splashed around and it made you feel a bit dizzy and didn't realize how intense this moment was. But at least Sunwoo was in control so you felt safe. Sunwoo's thrust was going deeper and deeper but it still felt good. His touch made everything feel better. You felt great pleasure in your sweet spot, and your whole body seemed to be on fire. You felt it all the way to your toes.
Your petite body feels so small against him and it drives him insane. It feels like you are so delicate but he wanted to do all nasty things on it. He felt like he's gonna wreck you. Sunwoo's balls touched the skin under your buttocks and it reminds you that he is deep inside. You kept moaning until your voice was hoarse. It's becoming more intimate the more your bodies collide.
You felt like Sunwoo's heaven. The sound of Sunwoo's deep moans is harmonizing with your high-pitched whines like a love song. He devours your left breast again, making sure you get more pleasure. So his other hand played on your right breast, kneading on it. Then he moved his mouth to the other breast like he's having a feast. When his mouth is satisfied, Sunwoo grabs both of your thighs, making sure that he holds you correctly then he makes his speed faster. It made you feel more sensitive. Your breasts were already feeling good but it was getting better each time Sunwoo played with them. The sensations burn throughout your wholeness and you could see Sunwoo looking at you the way he always did, so special and wanted. He was so hot and the way he made you feel so good made him even hotter and sexier. Every time you made love, the feeling was always intense and special.
His violent pounding while in the pool made him bite his lower lip until it's swollen. His eyebrows curled and his eyes half-closed, he couldn't miss watching how their bodies collided though. As well as how his manhood penetrated you. He doesn't wanna stop.
Sunwoo's face turned red. He felt so good and he wanted to keep going. He couldn't imagine stopping at that moment just because your body was wet or dirty. He had lost himself in that passionate moment where he couldn't control his manly instinct and the intense pleasure that he felt in his manhood. Soon, his legs shake and his thrusts become more inconsistent, signaling that he's near his climax. He wants to make sure that he will release inside of you. Your body was trembling too and you couldn't move the way it should because of the position. You felt weak, but couldn't hold on much longer. You felt that this time, you were about to reach the highest peak of pleasure and couldn't hold it anymore.
In a few seconds, you came undone, giving a long moan and you thought that Sunwoo had also finished inside of you. However, you gasp and look abruptly at Sunwoo with eyes wide open when he thrusted again. You can't believe he's not stopping. You mewled, "Sunwoo....." Then your hands gripped on his shoulders. But Sunwoo only looked at you with a naughty and dark grin as he continued penetrating you.
Sunwoo's instinct could hardly stop, it felt like he was on fire. He felt every second, it was like he didn't even breathe at that moment. The way you were shaking made him even more eager to push you to the edge, he wanted to show you how much he can go. He slowly put his hand on your waist and pulled you close so he could dive in deeper, his lips crashing on yours as if devouring you once again. Then he thrusts over and over again, it seemed like he wasn't getting tired. He's so fired up and turned on.
Your mind seemed to be empty of any thoughts. As if you forgot where you were and felt the place ascending. The way you didn't move at all while Sunwoo was putting all his energy in every thrust was so crazy, you even looked like a doll. Sunwoo's thrust was fast, deep, strong and passionate. He liked to dominate you like this, to see you like that while you made love was extremely satisfying and arousing.
Sunwoo carried you out of the pool while his hard length was still inside of your core. Legs wrapped around him so he carries you easily. He found a sunbed and laid you down there. There was no stopping him. Once you’re laid down, he continues his movement.
It didn't make any difference for Sunwoo, he loved when he dominated you in many positions. He had been looking for a moment like this. Pushing you down onto the sunbed, he climbed on top of you. He continued to penetrate hard and deep. It felt so good, he felt a sense of power. But you couldn't move and couldn't ask him to stop.
Instead, you gave your all to him. Intimate thoughts like this make you want Sunwoo more. He becomes slower then he leans into you to give you a passionate kiss again while he thrusts up. The overstimulation sends you to cloud nine. This moment could be considered art.
Sunwoo was still in the mood to go further. He held your chin up and kissed you again with all the passion in the air. His thrusts picked up speed again, his member penetrated deeper. When he felt his climax coming, he pushed in deeper making you moan loud and begging. Your body felt so overwhelmed with how his pace became messier and inconsistent. You trembled as you felt another knot in your stomach coming undone. Your wetness dripped from the tightness of your hole that’s holding him inside. Once you’re finished again, he quickly pulls. Pain makes it sting for your sensitive spot. But to your shock, when you look at Sunwoo, he's standing above you. His hands gripped on his length and his pinkish tip was scattering his wetness on top of your stomach.
What a pleasant, surprising gift. When you looked at Sunwoo above you, you couldn't speak because it was so sudden. Words get stuck in your throat but your eyes speak clearly to him. You never saw Sunwoo like this, he looked so hot, strong and virile. You couldn't believe you belonged to this tall, handsome and virile man.
"That was hot." You complimented, voice still hoarse and still sensitive.
Your smile didn't disappear. In your eyes, Sunwoo was the best man you ever met. Sunwoo still felt the rush of the moment. "I couldn't stop myself."
He was still breathless, with a slight tremble in his hands. He was looking at you with a hint of regret, like he had done something dangerous, but at the same time proud. Then he gently fixes your position, “Wait a moment. Stay there.” Sunwoo says and runs towards a rack of towels and robes to get one. He came back with a towel on his half body and another on his hand. “Stay still.” He says calmly, his tone so angelic for your ears. Sunwoo wipes the stickiness from your body and covers you up as he sits down beside you..
You noticed his apologetic eyes and knew he was contemplating if he hurt you. So you cupped his face and giggled after pecking on his lips. "I loved it." You complimented.
He seemed even more surprised by that gesture. Your laugh and your little peck made him feel warm, like a boy spreading his arms freely under the warm sun.
"You liked it? Really?" He asked, he looked like he was shocked at your pleased giggles. But your satisfaction is enough for him.
"Yes... It's so hot..." You smiled and kissed his cheek this time. An idea came into your mind with a hint of mischief. You whispered in his ear, "I can't believe you did that. I feel like going again." Then your laugh followed.
He blushed after hearing those words, it made his heart race and a spring bloomed in his stomach. If you wanted to, he wouldn't hesitate to do it again. He was so excited about your words.
"You enjoyed it that much?” He looked at you with a smug smile, he was glad that it was you who wanted to go again.
You nod with a playful smile, eyes scanning all the features of his face so lovingly. "Unless you're tired?" You suddenly said with a caring tone but still teasing him.
He laughed. His warm voice making your heart flutter. "I'm far from being tired." The way he said that made it sound like he could go a few rounds more. He was staring at you, thinking that he had never seen that much beauty and innocence in one woman before. How could a woman like that belong to him? He felt too lucky to have you by his side. It’s like it was always warm like summer with you around him.
Even as you spoke, he was still caressing your arms and your sides. His hands moving on your waist and pulling you closer. He really wants you… He wants you so badly.
"Glad to know." You respond with a breathy voice and it turns him on. A small hue of pink painted his cheeks. Then you stood up, naked body walked in front of him. He closely watches you until you do your next move. "Lie down, honey." You suggested and he laid down on the sunbed. Positions switched.
His naked body displayed beautifully on your view. It was getting darker and you're still outside eating each other out. His member is slightly softened now. You sit in between his legs on the sunbed and pull your hair back on your shoulders. You lick your lips to wet them and your face sunk down to meet his erectness.
Your innocent smile made Sunwoo's heart race so fast that he felt confused. He didn't expect you to do that. Especially, occasions like this rarely happen where you take control. But he doesn’t complain. He could feel his body turning hot and his mouth was so dry and hungry. He wanted you so much.
He tried to grab your hair, making it loose like that on your bare shoulders. He also wanted to touch it, that hair was like a sweet temptation. Sunwoo felt a bit embarrassed that you could see him like this. He has always been dominant. But now he finds another side of you that he didn’t expect. But when he felt that your mouth was already sliding down his manhood, he completely forgot about him being shy. His hand that grabbed your head rested there, caressing you.
You started working your tongue around his tip while you were touching his balls. Sunwoo's cock slowly hardened again. He felt too good… too lost in the sensation in this moment, like he couldn't think anymore. He only felt pleasure, so pleasing, so warm and so exciting. He wanted this moment to be longer, he wanted to experience and explore more of you.
Sunwoo closed his eyes, thinking only of you. He enjoyed this moment being so elated, as well as surprised to see that the first one who took initiative for a time like this was you. You glide your tongue on his length as if measuring it. Your nose touches it at the same time so he can feel your breath on his sensitive part. It sends shivers on his spine. You caressed his thick thighs that are flexing its muscles with your hands while doing this.
When you feel his grip on your hair becoming rougher, you open her mouth, lips closing on his shaft down his girth. Then you slowly slide your mouth down, gobbling Sunwoo's length up. He slowly grew bigger inside your mouth. At first, your bobs were slow. You move your head up and down at a steady pace. When he grips roughly on your hair, you feel some of Sunwoo's veins on your tongue twitching. So even when his length doesn't fit inside of your mouth in full, you bob your head up and down at an increased speed.
Every movement that came from your lips and tongue in this moment was sending him in paradise. Your mouth felt so wet, warm and exciting, he wanted to see how far you would allow him to go. He couldn't imagine this moment to be like this. He really couldn't believe he was about to have a moment like this with you.
He looked down at you in awe. You’ve always seemed so innocent and pure, yet so lustful and naughty at the same time. Your face, smile, even your expression— it was all so attractive and he couldn't resist you.
He was moaning continuously and it was music in your ears. The warmth of your mouth and the wetness of your tongue sends him on edge. You want to fit him inside so you hollow your cheeks and sink his length deeper until it's in your throat.
Sunwoo hisses at this. His body became more flushed and hotter. The way you swallowed him drove him insane and he couldn't resist any longer. The feeling was incredibly overwhelming, Sunwoo could feel his heart beating so fast. His eyes seemed to be glazed with desire, face all red and flushed. He let out a slight and quick moan that came from the back of his throat. He didn't know what to do anymore.
You seemed so innocent and truth be told, you haven't experienced any intimate moments with anyone else aside from your husband. He was wondering where you learned all of these and how you know how to please him so well. But when he remembered this information, he became more turned on because he realized it was because of him. His corruption to your innocent mind makes him more excited and at the same time, content and delighted.
When you swallowed his length, your lips touched the skin of his testicles and your throat bulged. Sunwoo blushed upon knowing he is completely inside your mouth. When the sound of your lips and saliva became louder, he groaned again. He tugs on your hair more roughly, and you gag on his length and start to drool. Your eyes are sent to the back of your head making you look very erotic in front of Sunwoo.
Sunwoo felt a sense of power, he felt he had taken over your mind. He loved the idea that you have been corrupted by him. With one hand, he kept pulling on your hair, with the other, he caressed your hair on your shoulders as he felt himself twitch. Every move of his made your body shake and he felt like he had succeeded in dominating you.
It was so hot, so thrilling. Sunwoo was feeling like his whole mind and body was under your spell too. He is addicted to the moment he was having with you right now. Sunwoo kept tugging on your hair, making you gag more. He seemed like he wanted to put you in a position where he could see you more… and touch more.
Sunwoo couldn't make words come out of his mouth anymore, he was lost in this moment where both of you were so passionate and eager. It was like he had been hypnotized. He was really lost and felt like he was going to explode with so much love, desire and lust. No longer in his own world, there was nothing else except you and those sweet lips. He was too hungry, too eager, too thirsty, it was like madness.
In a few minutes, when you slowly pulled your head up but still kept Sunwoo's shaft in your mouth, you gulped and sucked on his tip. The sight was so provocative. You kept driving Sunwoo crazy, moaning, and gasping. He swallowed breaths that he couldn't get off of his throat. His legs shook and suddenly, his white liquid came splurging inside your mouth until it spilled.
Sunwoo felt a feeling of satisfaction and excitement. He couldn't hold himself, he was shaking and he couldn't stop his loud and long moans coming out of his mouth this time. He felt like his body had released all of the stress and pressure that had built up inside him for a long time. He looked at you who was sitting in front of him while slowly licking his juices.
He watches with a smile and couldn't help but be so proud. He could see that you felt exactly the same way as him. Sunwoo was beyond pleasure, he was way beyond all this. His mind almost went blank because of the intense sensations. He couldn't find the word to describe how good that felt.
Then you wipe your mouth with the back of your hand and gasp for air. You couldn't believe you just did all that. With chest heaving up and down, you calmed your heavy breathing. When Sunwoo sees this, he sits up and cups your cheeks. "You did so well, love." He compliments, making you smile so proudly. You were still in the atmosphere of that moment. You looked at Sunwoo with eyes full of longing and love. The smile that came after he praised you was like a sweet reward in your heart.
"I'm glad." You felt so full of love for Sunwoo. Too good and full of life. You also felt bliss engulfing you, because you thought you had succeeded in making the man by your side very happy. At this moment, you claimed yourself the best wife in the world.
Sunwoo caresses your back while you catch your breath, smiling so softly. But behind his smile, he still has a plan to reward you for making him feel so good and looking so sexy in front of him. It makes him giggle, which you only understood as a loving gesture instead of the naughty idea.
When your chest relaxes, he compliments you again and pats your back. It was already night time when you finally took consciousness of the surroundings. You both laughed after seeing that the golden and pink sky has turned dark blue decorated with shining pearls called stars.
"Well, we took our time." He giggles with you. Sunwoo was still caressing your back. His other hand was roaming everywhere, he couldn't help himself because his wife was just so beautiful.
Sunwoo then leaned in close to you again, his eyes filled with desire and his mouth so close to your ear. He whispered softly, "I love you so much, my love." His tongue softly licks your ear and he smiles at the reaction it brought.
You giggle and realize his desire hasn't died down yet, "I love you too." You whisper close to him, and add, "What are we gonna do next?"
Sunwoo slowly pulled you to him, his eyes full of desire. He then whispered seductively and so lovingly at the same time, "I want you, baby... right now. And I want to reward you for that."
You laughed, but the feeling was because of being so wanted and loved. "Make me feel good?" You asked in a teasing tone as you looked at him and spied on his lips. Sunwoo couldn't say anything, his lips were already taking on command and closing on your sweet ones, embracing you once again in another delicious kiss. His hands were so eager to touch and caress everything on your body that gave him so much happiness, love and desire.
He caressed your cheeks while you tilted your head. When Sunwoo breaks away from the kiss, he wraps the towel he took earlier around your body. Then he carries you to the dinner table and places you on top of it, where he set up the dinner earlier that was now untouched and forgotten. You laughed when you realized that you hadn't eaten what you prepared earlier. "I could have you as my meal all day." Sunwoo says with a wide grin on his face as he looks down at you.
You laughed so much, so free and excited. You looked overjoyed to be in this moment with your man. His words were so romantic and so naughty at the same time. You couldn't resist being more provocative with Sunwoo. So without hesitation, you lifted your leg and put it on Sunwoo's knee. You looked at Sunwoo with a seductive look in your eyes, it's like you were teasing him again.
"Then you'd better eat me." With this said, it was as if you were seducing your husband right in front of his eyes. He chuckles shortly and leans into you, placing his hand on the small of your back, "Gladly."
Sunwoo didn't waste time to give his lovely wife open-mouthed kisses. It's as if he could swallow you. He removed the towel from your body and dropped it on the grass. The two of you continued making out for a while.
The romantic table was set up with a vase of fragrant flowers, expensive red wine and wine glasses, and fairy lights— you sit on top of the table sprawled out to Sunwoo as if you're the main dish. Sunwoo loves that idea.
He leans into your half body, laying down on the table while your feet rests up on the edge, spreading your legs open. Sunwoo smirked as he saw your cunt glisten with the fairy lights. It's so seductive.... Making him harder.
Sunwoo was too attracted to this position that you offered to him. He was too excited to touch his wife's wetness on the dinner table. He wanted that moment very much, so he couldn't resist his needs and immediately placed his hand on it.
When he touched it with his fingers, he felt a mixture of desire, pleasure, and madness. He couldn't resist and wanted to taste you too. You were, on the other hand, biting so hard on your lower lip until it's swollen. As you wait for his next move, one hand rests on the edge of the table, gripping the white cloth that was covered on it.
Sunwoo rests his palm below your stomach, his wedding ring cold on your skin. His other hand's thumb drawing circles on your folds. He hears your moans signaling him that pleasure is taking over your body. He smiles, pleased with your sounds. It was like music to him that he could play all day long.
His thumb continued making circular motions on your clit. Then he used his other hand to open the folds with his middle and pointer finger. His thoughts are so dirty right now. He was wondering how you're still so tight after penetrating you so many times now. It's a sight to behold.
Sunwoo's thoughts were so dark and so bad, his hands trembled as he caressed his wife's folds and teased your clit with small ministrations. All those fantasies that Sunwoo had in his mind, he was doing right now, on the dinner table. So exciting and so naughty, like his desire for you was overflowing.
Your breathy moans made Sunwoo even more excited, he really couldn't wait to taste you again, to smell you, and make you whimper under his touch. He wants to make all those fantasies into reality and make the love of his life feel good at the same time.
On the other end, you look up at the beautiful sky decorated with the moon and the stars. It feels so unreal and heavenly. Your arms reached out to the stars as if you could hold them. Suddenly, your back arched and your moans came out from the back of your throat. Your arm that was reached up to the sky is now grabbing your hair, and resting on your mouth as you bite that hand out of pleasure.
All your reactions were caused by Sunwoo who dives his nose on your folds to smell you, and gives one long strip of lick on it. He tasted you like you're an ice cream melting in his hands. Sunwoo swallowed your taste and brought two of his fingers inside his mouth to wet them. After wetting his middle and ring finger, he inserts it inside. Your toes curled out of pleasure the same time Sunwoo curled his fingers inside.
Sunwoo really couldn't contain his eagerness. His lips and nose were busy tasting his wife, while his hands were so eager to please, to touch, to caress. It's only a matter of time before he will give you the ultimate satisfaction.
"Your taste is so addictive… Hm… I can never forget this, my love." Sunwoo hums with a proud smile. He licked his fingers clean, there was a little bit of his saliva mixed with the taste of your arousal. That was really the tastiest thing Sunwoo ever had, he couldn't stop thinking of it.
Sunwoo then caressed the lips of your folds and inserted his fingers again to make you moan. He pushes them in and out like how his length works inside of you. You moan out of pleasure... At the same time, his slender fingers are not enough for your throbbing core. It was pleasurable, but you wanted more. However, you couldn't get words out of your mouth, only pretty sounds for Sunwoo.
Your reaction made Sunwoo even more aroused. He started licking and tasting your cunt again and again with his lips and tongue. He sucks and nibbles on it like you're a main dish from a hefty meal, it was like a forbidden fruit that he couldn't afford to miss or refuse.
Sunwoo was so obsessed with you, your taste, as well as your scent. He always thought you were like a delicious fruit, he could never get tired of tasting your nectar all day if he could. He wanted more, and more.
You couldn't contain yourself as well, with a voice stuck in your throat, body twitching so much, and legs trembling uncontrollably. Your voice was in between a moan, and your breathing was also unstable. Sunwoo's hand made you moan out loud, all you could do was surrender to Sunwoo that was too good for your liking. All the senses were already confused in a state called ecstasy, you felt like flying in that moment.
Not long after, when you were tortured and wet enough, he pulled his fingers out and licked them again. He swallowed all the taste, wetness, and scent... like his favorite meal.
Sunwoo wanted to taste more of you so he leaned down to eat you out again one last time, before doing the ultimate. But his peripheral vision caught the bottle of wine that rests on the dinner table. He scoffs shortly and a smirk crossed on his face. Dirty thoughts filled his mind.
"Honey, I want you to have a little drink. I made sure this wine is really good, you'll see." He grabbed the bottle of the top-class wine from the dinner table and poured it on the glass to offer it to you.
Sunwoo saw the look of excitement that he wanted. He was hoping that you would say "yes" to his invitation to try the wine he prepared especially for your supposedly romantic dinner. Then Sunwoo's plan will be complete.
Your eyes fluttered open upon hearing his voice speaking to you. You propped your elbows on the table to lift your torso up and look at him. You saw how Sunwoo was pouring the expensive wine on two of the wine glasses on the table. He's smirking.
"Come on, drink a little. I know you're curious about how this wine tastes." Sunwoo's eyes stared at you as you felt his hand caressing the back of her neck. You blushed a little, face full of sweetness and clearly excited. Without hesitation, you held out your hand and took the wine glass. You sniffed it first, your sense of smell is good.
The smell of the wine is promising. Its bitter smell mixed with the smell of a fruit, and it feels so romantic and luxurious. Sunwoo caressed your cheek with the back of his finger and offered you cheers. The wine glasses made a clang sound against each other then the two of you drank the red wine. At first you both took a small sip, and so many feelings rushed through your bodies. The sweet aftertaste lingered on your buds. This red wine really suits your preference and makes this moment even more romantic. You slowly finish your glass, and it was getting more and more delicious by the second you drank the wine. When you're done, you savor the aftertaste and let the alcohol be absorbed by your body and consciousness. Your eyes looked up at the sky.
Aside from the sensual moments you're having right now, you thought this is really romantic. Being touched by the warm sunset earlier, splashing with water, and now making love under the starry night sky. You suddenly thought if it would rain right now, would it be more romantic and sexy? You chuckled to yourself, getting lost from the thought and drunkenness.
Suddenly, you felt some liquid pouring on your skin. You surprisedly looked at the sight in front of you, Sunwoo was pouring the delicious red wine on your stomach down to your sensitive cunt. He has been watching you get lost in the sensation of alcohol sipping through your body.
You gasp at the sight, moaning out at the provocative gesture from Sunwoo. Your head feels dizzy because of this idea, the imagination of rain pouring down on the two of you, and the alcohol that had been absorbed by your body. Meanwhile, Sunwoo is elated by how you reacted. Satisfied at your reactions and turned on with what he's doing. He places down his wine glass and takes a seat on the chair. It seemed as if he's ready for another meal.
Your breathing became heavier because of the cold wine. Then you felt Sunwoo's thick tongue licking a long stripe on your folds. He closes his lips on your clit and sucks you... Tasting the bitter red wine from your sensitive area mixed with his saliva your salty wetness.
"Mmm, you taste so good..."
Your eyes were closed, too excited again to feel Sunwoo's lips and tongue, that sweet sensation made your moans get louder and higher like an orchestra. You couldn't control the feeling and had to let go, you had to surrender to this moment right now.
He was so turned on, his heartbeat sped up, all he wanted was to make you even more turned on, he didn't care what position he ended up in, even though it probably looked obscene.
Soon, his tongue prodded your entrance, licking your walls. You kept mewling, arm thrown over your eyes. The heavenly feeling controlling all of you. The knot in your stomach came undone, and your orgasm mixed with Sunwoo's saliva and some of the red wine dripped down your body. You heaved breathily.
Then the sound of the chair grazing the ground was heard. Sunwoo stood up, your legs suddenly wrapped around his neck. The position is so obscene that it turns him on and your still sensitive cunt clenched.
His long and hard member entered you painfully slowly, your body writhing with so much pleasure. You even felt it deep in your soul. Those sweet and warm moans made Sunwoo more aroused, even with that position he seemed to enjoy it so much. Then you took a slow and hard movement together, those soft sounds and the scent of your bodies mixed together made you feel so alive.
Your movements became quicker and more intense, moans synchronized like a harmony. The sound of skin making contact with skin rang in your ears while you felt like floating in heaven.
Meanwhile, your eyes became a little teary. You felt dizzy but good. Sunwoo made you see the stars as he pounded into you. Literally though, the stars in the night sky were displayed above you. With half-lidded eyes, you saw the stars in the sky... And as much as Sunwoo pounded your insides, you felt like floating and you could feel the sky getting close to you. You entered subspace. Sunwoo felt like he's in heaven too. His subspace makes him unaware of his pace. His speed voluntarily picks up, making your inner-thighs red and walls clenching tightly around his member. The glasses and vase on the table now rolling somewhere on the green ground.
You were so full of this moment, it was as if your soul had been set free that you couldn't feel anything but pleasure and extreme happiness. You were so overwhelmed and were already dreaming.
A knot in your stomach slowly forms. Sunwoo felt that you were close. He's happy upon knowing it. He continued his speed then he picked up the bottle of red wine again, opened it and leaned down. One of his hands propped on the table while the other poured wine on your breasts.
Your eyes flung open. While your legs are over Sunwoo's shoulders, you drop it down out of exhaustion but Sunwoo caught them on his arms so he's still spreading them out. It made the bottle of wine fall from Sunwoo's hands and the wine spilled on your chest. You wrapped your arms on Sunwoo's neck to give him a passionate kiss. You gave each other open-mouthed kisses as if devouring each other.
While you are feeling the pain and knots in your sweet spot, Sunwoo's kisses send ticklish senses to your body. His mouth went down on her chest, hands squeezing your breasts together to gather the wine that's pouring down your body. His lips closed on the bridge between the two mounds and he sipped the wine from there.
Your moans were getting louder as Sunwoo sucked the wine dry from your breasts. He sips the wine dry until only your skin can be touched by his tongue. He licks the skin and nibbles the flesh. It leaves red marks on your skin. Sure enough, it will turn purple and bruise you up.
With a loud thrust of his length touching your sweetest spot, you gasp for air. The knot slowly untied, your body shook and trembled, and your juices came leaking down. Sunwoo's seed meets yours. You moaned together as if in a musical. The feeling of the sticky liquid being mixed inside of you, and dripping where your bodies are connected felt so ticklish on your skin.
After your release, which you couldn't count anymore, your head nuzzled on the crook of Sunwoo's neck. You bit the skin between his neck and ear, giving a red mark too. You were panting, gasping, catching your breaths.
Sunwoo was in a frenzy, the way he moaned and groaned was not like someone who was in control of himself. His voice got to the point of screaming, his nails were in a rush to find and mark your skin while he pushed his body against you. Sunwoo's breath was so loud and so rapid, he was shaking so much, he couldn't even speak at this moment. The pleasure was just too great for both of you and it could only be explained as madness and euphoria.
As soon as you finished, the satisfaction felt like a relief. You couldn't control your feelings, your voice, even your breath. Your body trembled and your legs couldn't stop shaking. Sunwoo's body was the same, like in a dream, his body trembling, sweating, and panting hard. The two of you were exhausted after that. But satisfied.
You knew it was definitely worth it. Sunwoo remained silent with you for a few minutes. He closed his eyes because he felt dizzy, he couldn't explain what he felt at that moment. The feeling of being covered by his body and being held was very nice for you. You felt his arm gently hugging your upper body that kept unmoving from exhaustion.
You're in a more comfortable position, Sunwoo sitting on the chair in front of the dinner table and you being straddled on Sunwoo's lap. He's hugging your body and touching its curves. Your faces were so sweaty but became slightly relaxed. This moment was indeed very worth it for your body and soul. You were filled with such sweet feelings that made you unable to speak. You couldn't even move. As for Sunwoo, he just kept watching you as if he didn't want to leave this feeling of love, intimacy and ecstasy. Sunwoo smiles as he removes the wet hair from your sweaty forehead to the back of your ear. "You're so beautiful, my love." He suddenly compliments.
It was as if you were falling asleep in the arms of your beloved one because of how sweet and relaxing this moment had become. You could feel Sunwoo's hand gently caressing your back and face, especially on your cheeks, it felt warm.
The scent of wine mixed with the smell of sex is intoxicating. It flooded your senses. You felt as if staring at each other's faces stopped the time. You smiled softly at each other. "I love you." You told each other in sync. It made you burst into sweet laughter. Sunwoo laughed with you, realizing once again how much he adores you.
There was nothing to make the two of you uncomfortable. You were both in bliss, like there's nothing left to do but to enjoy these moments together. Sunwoo hugged you tight, he couldn't get enough of this closeness.
When it comes to Sunwoo, you seem like you lose control of your body. He is dominant and stern. But also very caring, sometimes rough. Whatever he does, you just give up control and offer yourself to him.
Little to your knowledge, Sunwoo is almost the same. The difference is that he wanted to dominate you most of the time. He loses control to be gentle, to keep himself from exploring you. He couldn't resist his wife's whole being.
Even in non-sensual moments like this, Sunwoo can't resist your cuteness. He always wants to take care of you. He always wants to be by your side. And you are overjoyed at the knowledge that your husband is so drawn into you.
"You deserve a good rest." Sunwoo tells you. His smile softens and it's pure. You nod and let him cover you up with the towel that he picked up again. Once he covers his lower body with the towel he got earlier, he carried you like a princess inside your warm and spacious vacation house and he takes care of you until you fall asleep in his embrace.
Oh, you're gonna be so sore in the morning.
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flowerinjuries · 2 years
Heyoo, can you do yuta as bf just like the one you did for Mark?
yuta as a boyfriend <3
the soft side:
oh this guy was crushing on you so hard before you two started actually dating
to him it was like love at first sight
did not hesitate to be a flirt
i’m sure he asked you out in a cheesy romantic way with flowers and a huge grin on his face
at the start of the relationship he’s just really giggly and soft
holds doors open for you
he likes to take candid pics of you because you’re just so cute
he just wants to remember the small moments spent with you
he definitely shows you off
loves seeing you wear something sexy and acting confident when you two go out
such a laid back boyfriend
he knows you’re his so he doesn’t really get jealous besides you both know no one can fuck you better than yuta
anyways you definitely love bragging about him to your friends
they all agree he’s so good to you and makes you so happy
yuta is lowkey a romantic
loves doing traditional things like holding your hand and paying for you
he’s also like your personal chauffeur
loves to go on long destination-less drives with you
especially at sundown and nighttime
you know his hand is gripping your thigh as you sit in his passenger seat
this man glances over at you 24/7 just to soak in and memorize your beauty
like i said he’s really laid back
you two will have dates where you just sit on the couch listening to a new album or watching a scary movie so he can hold you when you’re scared even though he also is scared
he gets so excited when you ask him personal questions or show interest in him
he just adores your attention and loves spending time with you
has all sorts of nicknames for you like baby, angel, sweetheart, dolly.. the list goes on
he’s so fragile with you and your feelings
wipes your tears away and coddles you
he always has your back and is never afraid to stand up for you
he’s your personal hype man so he’s always cheering you on and always takes your side
loves to smother you with his hugs
you act like you’re annoyed or you can’t breathe but in reality being this close to him gives you an excuse to really take in his warmth and his amazing scent
idk why but i just know this man smells so fucking good ok
that’s why you never sleep on your own side of the bed
you just have to be as close to yuta as possible
he doesn’t mind though, he always welcomes you with open arms
he’s so cute when he’s all sleepy
random thought but i think yuta definitely wears a necklace with your name or initial on it
needs the whole world to know you’re his
and he’s just so confident too
especially since you two started dating
you definitely gave him an ego boost
i could go on and on but i feel like this is getting too long…
overall yuta is the sweetest most perfect boyfriend who you just get along with so well
all he does is uplift you and push you to do your best and be proud of who you are
yeah he’s perfect
the not-so-soft side (nsfw/18+):
a fucking sex god
the definition of brat tamer
no you’re never gonna dom this man
maybe he’ll let you, but it won’t last long
he’s super freaky and super down to try anything you want to
first and foremost he prioritizes your safety and comfort
don’t forget your safe word
ok yuta has a lot of kinks
did i mention he’s a brat tamer?
don’t you dare piss him off
piss him off anyway though because then you’ll have the best sex of your life lol
he’s sadistic and loves angry sex
i said he’s not jealous, but when he’s fucking you he is sooooo possessive
“scream my name again, yeah? remind everyone who fucking owns you”
“you think he could ever fuck you as good as me? huh? do you? what a good fucking joke, y/n. let’s see who will be laughing when i fuck you so hard you can’t even make a noise other than the sound of my name leaving your dry, fucked-out throat”
he probably fingers you with his cold silver rings still on
he likes when you tug on his hair, but he likes it more when he’s pinning your wrists down
likes it when you really can’t move :(
so that’s why he’s super into bondage
has cute pink rope he ties around your skin so tight it bruises
gags you with your own panties
after he has a taste of course
yuta gets what he wants first
loves to fuck you with his tongue
you ride his face while your hands are tied either behind your back or handcuffed to the bed
ok that’s enough
he wants to fuck your throat
“god stop fucking crying over this. how’s it gonna be once i finally fuck your sopping wet hole? what are you gonna do then? such a fucking cry baby. you can barely take what i’m giving you now, so why should i give you more?”
smacks your ass until it’s red
grips the back of your neck and forces your face into the mattress so he hears your muffled screams
just imagine him fucking into you at a really hard and fast pace as the cold necklace with your name on it hits his chest back and forth
if only you could see it though ;)
he grunts really loudly
he has such a filthy mouth
he just gets angry when his baby is bratty
someone has to put you in your place
warns you to never make him angry again after he cums all over you
you give him a look with your wet puppy eyes that promise that you’ll be good
but you both know you’re gonna act up again
yuta is the king of aftercare
cleans you up with warm towels and runs you a bubble bath
washes your hair and body for you as your body goes limp in the tub
kisses your cheeks
maybe gives you a massage too
dresses you in your pjs
combs your hair and sings you to sleep softly as you two face each other
yuta is perfect
thanks for reading! as always, asks are open! don’t hesitate to send me any thoughts you have :)
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keeplivingsystems · 24 days
If it brings you joy, it’s okay to do things that were forbidden in your childhood. If you’re still a child, it’s okay to plan to do things that are currently forbidden in your household.
Get that tattoo or piercing. Indulge in “childish” activities that were frowned upon as you got older. Crossdress and wear makeup or baggy clothing. Play video games and watch movies that were banned in your home. Age dream or pet regress. Start learning magic tricks or join a Dungeons and Dragons campaign. Wear that queer, punk, or plural pride pin. Go on dates, party, hang out at a bar. Stim or be loud and awkward in public. Reclaim your history in ways that are uplifting and affirming for you.
Our families may have raised us in restrictive ways, but we are not forever bound to their rules and guidelines. If it brings you happiness, please don’t be afraid of being yourself, even if it doesn’t align to how you were raised. How we were raised may have lifelong affects on us, but it doesn’t have to control the ways in which we live our lives today.
Live for yourselves. Your system is beautiful and unique just the way it is. Be rebellious, be authentic, be you!
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extracurious · 4 months
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Still Drunken on the memories of the summer of 2023.I watched the movie almost 50 times till now but truly fatigue didn't grip me. The theatre experience was outstanding. I went there with very little expectation, of course a sequel rarely matches it's predecessor.The intro of ATSV made me think that it was not the case of waste of money or time . I got what I wished for since the trailer release.Terrific voice acting done by Shameik Moore , Hailee Steinfeld, Oscar Issac, Issa Rae, Daniel kaluuya, Karan Soni and others.
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Peter B Parker and Miles carried the first movie with their most relatable energy.In second movie it was good to see Peter as a happy dad. Still he needed to be more cautious while handling Mayday amidst the multiverse madness even though she had spider powers .
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Miles transformation was absolutely stunning one. He had grown, became emotionally intelligent yet he was not a pro. Still working for upgrading himself and continued learning. And we all had agreed that he always listened to his heart.
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And coming to Gwen she was definitely "not okay" in ATSV ,especially not in a great position to handle her feelings. She doubted whether she had any importance or simply her existence was fragile.While Miles was always there to praise her innocence,wisdom,grace,skills and her self esteem.
I already had a notion of how their friendship was going to evolve into a much more beautiful bonding they could crave for. And yes Sony finally did it ,which was doomed for years. Congratulations to Hailee Steinfeld for brilliantly portraying Gwen Stacy and winning the Astra Awards and other accolades for her role.
Their interactions in ITSV had always a flirty tone in it which was subtly noticeable until Miles comeback in final battle. At that time there was a sudden realisation that the moments Gwen had longed for specially sharing with Miles, was going to end soon as the portal for her travelling back home had finally opened.
I was hoping to get atleast the full convo of the bus ride that had been pending since ITSV and how they managed to get the selfie. Well BTSV must provide that to us. Their moments together need to cherished everytime.
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Hobie and Pavitr's friendship had been an exception. They were always jolly and supportive .
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Expecting more screentime for all the members of the band in next movie. We all missed them a lot.
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And this trio would be having a long talk before reconciliation. They would need to fix and thereby heal each other from the wounds suffered due to the betrayal.
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Miguel had a hard time after loss of his daughter.His established theories could not be entirely wrong but his ideologies regarding cannon events should be studied and explained with more precision. He had been unaware of the actual policies of multiversal working. Cause he only depended on what "the model says- Lyla".Hoping the writers would be able to properly add the details and justify the incidents in BTSV along with the reason why Gwen glitched so less than other spideys in ITSV.
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The creation of a joke villain,who being later considered as a multiversal threat,Spot's arc was indeed incredibly done by the writers. Eagerly looking forward as to how Spot can manipulate space and time and find the answers about his holes.
On other hand Miles 42- He gave a feeling of hardened, unshakeablly confident but sad at same time. Kind of aggressively caring person.
Lastly the music played a crucial role in uplifting the cinematic experience. Uniquely blending with all the characters. The ost and music tracks had been top notch, where "The falling apart " and "calling" became my favourite.A big thanks to Daniel Pemberton and Metro Boomin for making this a masterpiece.
This movie had no business going that hard.And I knew this obsession would have no end. 🥺
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velvrei · 2 years
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summary: robby and the reader go to prom and kyler’s after party, what happens when robby misbehaves and annoys the reader?
pairings: robby keene x female!reader
warnings: smut, season 4? handjobs, semi-public sex (except they don't actually have sex), begging, underage drinking, praise kink, pda (kissing in public), degradation, edging, overstimulation, choking
word count: 3k
author’s note: another early morning post<3 hope everyone has an amazing day and i hope you enjoy!
That content smile your father seldomly showed always uplifted you at the greatest times possible. He didn't smile much, however, when he did, it was for a good reason. Today's reason, it was prom night.
You and your father were very close. He was the type of dad to threaten or even hurt anyone who hurt you. And oh, the advantage of having a filthy rich father. He let you pick out your dress, no matter the price, and then not too long after took your date, Robby Keene, out to buy a tux. You insisted that you would go with though, cause you sensed your dad would doubtlessly have that father-daughters-boyfriend talk about how "if you hurt her I'll hurt you", or "you better treat her how she deserves".
Robby treated you like a queen, which is something your dad observed and it something he appreciated.
Robby constantly told you how perfect you were. He knew how to make you feel appreciated, and you constantly made sure he felt appreciated as well. You and Robby were sublime together.
"Daddy? Robby? Can I come down now?!" You yelled yearningly down the stairs. It was time for your big reveal with your new dress, as they did in basically every teen-movie involving some kind of dance. It was finally your turn, and you got to be escorted by the karate star of your dreams. It was the perfect moment.
"Yes, honey, we're ready."
You began your walk down the stairs, holding the railing to make sure you didn't stumble upon yourself. You looked up and saw your dad holding the phone on it's side, recording with his jaw dropped as one would. You looked beautiful. You had great taste.
Your dress was a gorgeous burgundy, with spaghetti width straps as well as a v cut that ended slowly above your breasts, far enough to make them perk up but you pulled it up until you got past your dad. You didn't feel like getting 'questioned' (which was Terry's replacement word for getting screamed at) on prom night.
Your gaze met Keene's and his jaw was dropped. He looked astonishing in his matching tux. His blazer and pants were jet black, as well as his tie and pocket square.
"Y- You look-" Robby was inarticulate, he was unable to speak.
"Beautiful, honey! I'm so glad I let you pick out your dress. You look amazing. Pretty sure Robby agrees, he's speechless!" Terry smiled brightly and you walked down the last step, instantaneously giving him a bear hug.
"Thank you so much daddy, for everything," You let go of your dad not wanting to crush his soul, "Today has been so perfect and I already know we'll have so much fun." His smile grew hearing your appreciation. He loved you so much, all he needed was to make sure his little girl had fun.
"Yes, thank you so much, Mr. Silver. Thank you for the tux, I'll pay you back when I can-"
"Don't worry about that kid, all I ask for is that you two stay safe. Tonight is supposed to be enjoyable, if you get in fights, first you win, then after the dance or whatever after party I'm sure someone will throw come back to tell me. I will handle it if it needs to be handled afterwards." Hearing those words made you feel safe.
"Of course, if something goes on that doesn't involve us we will disregard the entire situation." Robby looked Terry straight in the eye, but it wasn't a challenging stare per say, more of a 'I've got your back' look.
"Okay! Let me get some pictures and then you two should be on your way!" Terry spoke, searching around for one of his butlers to take a photo of the three of them.
"Ophelia, could you come here and take a picture for me and my two favorite teens, please?" He shouted, and Ophelia came running. She was always your favorite, she was adorable. Brown hair, ocean blue eyes, which was exceptionally rare for her darker skin tone.
"Of course, Mr. Silver." Her voice was always incredibly calming.
Your father's scoff turned into a laugh, "Remember, love, you can call me Terry. I get you work for me and you feel the need to but I really prefer Terry no matter who it is."
Your dad smiled sweetly toward Ophelia, and she smiled back gratefully, ready to take the picture on Terry's phone as he wrapped his arms around the both of you, standing in the middle. 'If he stood on the side it would've looked awkward', was probably something he would say later on.
The picture was taken, along with a few selfies taken by Terry and his long armed, substantial tall figure. Terry escorted the two of you into his lamborghini veneno that he gave you for the night.
Then, you were off to live the night of your dreams.
You arrived to prom in style, you and Robby's whole goal was to make everyone turn their heads and cluelessly wonder how the former criminal bagged Samantha LaRusso's ex-buddy and Yasmine and Moon's current bestie. Sam used to be your friend, but she had messed up way to many times.
Robby quickly jogged to the passenger seat, almost tripping on the cement but he ceased himself and opened your door successfully.
"M'lady," He said, bowing with one hand behind his back then quickly reaching out and helping you out do the car.
"Thank you, kind sir." The playful banter didn't last very long, and no surprise you were the won to end it, "I swear to the devil if these heels ache my feet one more time I will fucking throw them at literally anyone's stupid face-"
Robby shushed you, his finger hovering your sultry lips. It smelled of cologne. How much cologne did he put on that day?
"It's okay, just let me know if it continues so I can sweep you off your feet." He said with a cunning smirk.
You were in for a tedious night of cheesy pick-up lines.
As you walked up to the door, thundering music filled your ears, the smell of school and alcohol filling your nose, which is something you should've expected but didn't in the slightest.
"Okay, if we see Sam or even Miguel, just look for like 2 seconds and look away, let's give them the act that we don't give a fuck. Cause we don't," His arm linked with yours, "Am I correct, Lady Silver?"
"You sure are, Sir Keene."
You slightly pushed passed the coral curtain, your steps in sync as you felt your chest become moderately warm. You both looked to the left of you, seeing Samantha and Miguel together at one of the many punched bowls that were spiked.
As soon as you even felt them notice, you looked away, and straight ahead, your eyes pausing on Moon and Yasmine.
"You've got to be fucking kidding me," You heard Sam murmur, you could tell the frustration in her voice even if it was just a careless whisper.
Speaking of careless whispers, you heard the song by George Michael begin playing. You looked Robby directly in the eye and he knew exactly what you wanted. He was ready to go mingle with Kyler and Piper as you did so.
He gave you the gaze of approval, even thought you technically didn't need his permission. You kissed his cheek and ran off with Moon and Yasmine to sing your heart outs as if you were just broken up with and still in love with your former partner. But none of you were actually.
After you sung noisily with your closest friends, not even somewhat embarrassed of how heartbroken you may've sounded, and intensely danced with Robby to LES by Childish Gambino.
"Hey love, I heard our old teacher buddy Stingray is throwing an after party at his place," His eyes met yours and his right hand that was covered in rings found a place in your waist, "Wanna get out of here?" His eyebrows raised, his gaze moved down to your lips then back up to your eyes.
"You know it, baby."
You and Robby were both been expecting some kind of after party to be held after prom, it was a tradition and it was finally your turn to be apart of it. Your whole night felt surreal.
You and Robby stumbled in through the door, his lips separating from your warm ones as he removed his hands from your waist.
"Aye look at Robby over there getting some, why don't I have that?" Kyler remarked, you could tell his dumbass was already intoxicated, you could smell his breath from a mile away.
"Maybe if you actually became tolerable more girls would be attracted to you," You shook your head with a chuckle.
Robby swiftly moved his hand up to your mouth, turning your chin toward him so you were eye level and wiped off your wet bottom lip as you tried not to internally freak out and played it somewhat normal by fixing his undone tie, maybe you should've have pulled on it as hard as you did outside.
"We'll continue that later," You whispered, then smacked his ass causing him to wince somewhat loudly.
Tory laughed, attempting to get Kyler some water to stay at least some what allegeable, "You alright over there, Keene?" She grabbed a dishrag from the drawer next to her, which she had remembered from the countless times she and the cobra gang had hung out with Stingray in the previous times.
"Yeah," Robby lied with a voice crack.
You laughed, then strolled over to find something else to do, Robby quickly following. "Why do you keep smacking my ass?" He questioned, you could tell he was becoming a frantic mess already. It was only eleven thirty-five post meridiem.
"You've got a voluptuous ass on you, man, if you haven't realized that already," You had smacked it at least seventeen times throughout the night, and it wasn't even close to being finished yet. "Oh?" You ignored his simple remark.
"Why? Do you not like it?"
"I never said that," He laughed and scratched his neck awkwardly.
You hummed, your left hand grasping his tie and your right ran along his stabbing jawline, you raised your lips up to his ear, "You know I wouldn't purposely do anything you're uncomfortable with, right, love?"
You softly kissed below his ear, knowing that was his sweet spot. You heard an almost silent sigh leave his lips, the actions you executed always left him desired for more.
He mumbled a ‘mhm’.
"Use your words, my king."
His knees became week and he almost collapsed in the middle of the room. Your voice was so sexy. "Yes, I know that, Y/N." His voice was raspy and low, as if he just had sexual intercourse although you've just been teasing him with your words.
"Good. Just wanted to make sure," Your nails lightly heaved the soft skin of his face. "Let's go find somewhere more private, shall we?" He nodded eagerly, but then remembered to use his words.
"Please, Y/N."
The sound of him begging quietly in your ear made you get butterflies in the place a little lower than your stomach, you felt your heart skip a beat as you made eye contact, grabbed him by his tie and pulled him in for a kiss, at this point, it didn't even matter if Sam or Miguel saw you.
You winked, then turn around, your fingers still firmly grasping his tie, leading him to find a somewhat empty closet.
Once you did just that, Robby felt his pants get tighter as you closed the door behind the two of you and pushed him up against the door.
You were so enticing. "You look so good, my love," Your hand traced faintly down his chest, he was so aroused his pale cheeks were almost red.
"Please, Y/N."
"Please what, my love? What do you want?" He let out a frustrated groan as your hand advanced lower and lower, stopping at his V-line. "T- touch me."
You enjoyed this side of him, he rarely showed vulnerability, and when he did it was with you. It made you aroused at the thought and sight of him begging for you to touch him.
Your lips firmly pushed against his, your left hand ran into his hair, pulling roughly and he let out an raucous moan. He eagerly pushed his crotch against you in attempt for some class of friction, failing miserably as you caught the act and stepped away, your lips separating.
"How cute, you're impatient," Your words were sweet like honey but what they meant made him stuck. He was officially sexually frustrated because of you, and you were adoring it.
You pushed his blazer off, his button-up displayed his chest beautifully. "Just thought I would help you, cause you seem to be very hot and bothered." He whined at your words.
"Please don't tease me. Please, please just do something. I don't care what it is," God, he was so needy. "Just touch me, Y/N."
You slowly undid the first three buttons of his shirt, leaving the remaining ones together as Robby's hands flit up to both verges of your face. "Y/N. Do something. I'm begging you," You could hear the direct need in his tone, and it made your knees give in.
You couldn't wait any longer to watch your boyfriend lose it.
You moved quickly, your hands swiftly undoing his pants and shoving them down. His boxers joined his pants and you grabbed ahold of him. He let out a needy whimper. "That's what you wanted, wasn't it, love? For me to touch you? You're so fucking needy."
He panted heavily, "You really have a way with words, huh?" He shuttered, his cheeks were bright pink and his hair was slightly messed up from your hands grasping at it.
"Only you would know that," A shiver traveled down his spine as you bent over and spat, then began pumping him faster.
You didn't bother shielding his lips with your free hand because you knew the loudly blasting music would cover his mellow whines and whimpers. "Holy shit." His hand fumbled on the door nob, trying to find something to lean himself on.
You looked him directly in the eye, you then turned him so his back was faced on the inside wall of the colorless closet.
Precum leaked off of him, he watched you in awe as you swiped your thumb across him and brought the remains up, your swollen lips closed around, your tongue worshipped his sweet taste.
He moaned at the sight, everything you did evoked him.
"Your hands are so, fuck," He wasn't able to form a proper sentence so you finished it for him, "Talented? Soft? Perfect? Something along those lines I'm assuming?" You said with a grin, your cocky side began to show, it made him weaker by the second.
"I'm so close, fuck," He whispered as his legs began to shake and his heart began to beat much faster than before. You slowly pulled away, and he suddenly became cold at the loss of your touch. He whined desperately, by now his entire body was alight with arousal and it was really pissing him off how you kept teasing but he knew if he did something about it he would regret it poorly.
"You want to come? Okay, I want to hear you beg for it. I want to hear you explain what you want me to do and then I may just do it." You spoke. He took that as a challenge. Challenge excepted.
He knew just how to make you listen.
"Please, Y/N, please, let me come," He begged with the tiniest smirk you've ever seen, "Please, I'll do anything, I'll be such a good boy for you," You almost moaned but you ceased yourself, "Please, please let me come." He begged.
You looked him in the eye and pumped him as fast as your hand could possibly go, he moaned loudly and began thrusting up to your hand. You wanted him to regret that he ever sassed you, even if it was just a little smirk he gave, however you saw it.
He mouth fell open, his eyes rolled to the back of his head. Even after he came, you continued pumping him and he groaned.
Your fingers firmly gripped his throat.
"You really think you can purposely turn me on and not expect any consequences? Think again, Keene, you may have got what you wanted, but oh, honey, I'm going to do so much more than that." He whimpered at your words, and your hand continued loving at the same speed.
You began to get a cramp in your hand but you ignored it and continued your assault by rotating your hand and rubbing your thumb along his tip. "Fuck!"
He came again.
And again.
And again.
The overstimulations were enjoyable at first but it eventually became too much, and he begged for you to stop or else he would explode. You knew that. "You gonna be sassy to me?" Your hand tightened on his neck, and you examined his eyes. His pupils were dilating like crazy.
"No, Y/N, I promise I won't. You're in charge, I know that now. I'm so sorry, please forgive me." His attempted apology was like music to your ears. "Are you really sorry?"
You smirked, and pursued to pump him. "Oh god I'm so close again, please please let this be the last one I w- won't be able to walk." He was a mess. It was beautiful.
"Okay my king, come for me. One last time." Your soft whispers caused him to throw his head back, he didn't care how hard it hit the door or how loud it could've sounded. He shouted your name as he orgasmed, and you swore he was about to cry.
After he finished he almost fell over but you caught him before he could. You put his weight back into the wall and cupped his cheek carefully. "You did so well, honey."
He melted into the warmth of your hand, and he stopped the arise of the red on his cheeks. "Thank you."
It made you happy knowing he trusted you enough to be vulnerable around you. You got him to beg multiple times, even if quite a few seemed sarcastic, he clearly learned his lesson.
He challenged you, and you won. You always won.
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doumadono · 10 months
can I have a emergency request please?
can u make headcanons for hawks and gojo having a overweight reader and she insecure about it
(i get made fun of for my weight alot and it ended up making me have a toxic relationship with food)
i don't know if this counts as a emergency request so please ignore if it doesn't and sorry for bothering you
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A/N: it pains me to know that people can be hurtful, especially when it comes to something as personal as our bodies. I want you to know that you're not alone in this struggle. I understand the impact of weight-related bullying, as I went through a similar experience a few years ago when I was critically overweighted. It's crucial to remember that your worth is not determined by your weight, and you deserve to be treated with kindness and respect. Developing a healthy relationship with food can be a journey, but I believe in your strength to overcome these challenges. If you ever need someone to talk to or share your experiences with, I'm here for you
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Despite societal expectations, Hawks is attracted to confidence, and he finds your self-assurance endearing.
Hawks is never shy about expressing his admiration. He showers you with genuine compliments regularly, making sure you know how beautiful he finds you.
"Hey, gorgeous, those curves of yours drive me wild. Wouldn't change a thing about you."
Whenever you express insecurity, Hawks is quick to respond with comforting words.
"You're perfect the way you are. I'm not with you because of some ideal image; I'm with you because I love you."
Hawks loves taking you shopping for clothes, picking out outfits that highlight your best features. "Let's find something that makes those curves pop, babe!"
Hawks is physically affectionate, hugging you from behind or placing sweet kisses on your forehead.
"Your weight doesn't define you. It's your heart, your mind – that's what matters most to me."
Hawks initiates heart-to-heart talks, reassuring you of his love and acceptance. "You're the only one for me. Don't let anyone nor anything make you feel less."
Hawks follows body positivity influencers on social media with you, creating a positive and uplifting environment. "Look at these amazing people celebrating their bodies. You're part of this beautiful spectrum, too."
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Gojo has a nonchalant attitude towards societal beauty standards. Your weight doesn't bother him in the slightest.
"Who cares about people's opinion? You're beautiful, and that's all that matters."
Gojo might engage in playful banter to lighten the mood when you're feeling insecure.
"Come on, don't let a few numbers on a scale mess with your head. You're perfect for me."
He doesn't hesitate to affirm your worth and beauty when needed.
"You're not defined by your size, sweetpie. You're defined by your strength, your kindness, and the incredible person you are."
If you decide to embark on a fitness journey, Gojo is your biggest cheerleader. "You're doing this for yourself, not because of anyone else's expectations. I'm here to support you, not to change you."
Sex with Gojo is filled with tenderness and genuine passion. "Your body is a masterpiece, and I'm lucky to have it all to myself, babygirl."
Expect movie nights with Gojo involve watching films that celebrate diverse bodies and love stories, reinforcing the idea that love isn't confined to societal expectations. "See, love comes in all shapes and sizes, just like us."
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Chapter 110 is 13 pages long welcome to hell!!! so in a lot of ways this is just more fuel for a theory that I've had for a few weeks now, that's only gotten stronger with each recent season 5 episode, which is that the last episode of the season is gonna end on 110, and that Asagiri/Harukawa and Bones have been collaborating to make this happen, specifically because it's a major turning point that would be the only good place to end the season on.
When we started getting especially long chapters again (like from 25-35ish pages, with the exception of 107.5, the last two being some of the longest we've ever had), at first I just assumed that Asagiri/Harukawa got freed up from some other obligations they'd been having to cause the extremely short/half chapters, like promotional stuff for the anime/Beast movie, or working on light novels. But then 109 happened, with the "supposed" death of Dazai, and heavy emphasis at the end on how literally everyone is at their lowest point right now, and I got to thinking. 11 episodes is a strangely specific number for an anime season -- why not 12, or 13, or even 10, like you'd usually see? Why have we gotten suddenly gotten two 35 page chapters out of nowhere, that's almost unheard of at this point? They're both beautiful chapters, don't get me wrong (as always), and maybe A/H simply just didn't want to cut them in halves because they felt like the full emotional impact wouldn't hit/that there were no good cutoff points in them, but you can't deny that it's surprising, after all the shorter chapters we've been getting. Why has the anime been going at such insanely breakneck pacing for the most part ever since around the Sunday Tragedy chapters, even more so than it has in the past? So much so that it feels dangerously close to overtaking the manga?
Well, maybe, just maybe, it's because..... Asagiri decided a long time ago that whatever happens in 110 is the only point that feels "season finale"-worthy enough, in an arc that still isn't anywhere close to being completely wrapped up, and so both the manga and the anime have been specifically coordinated to reach that part within 2 and a half weeks of each other?
I've seen a lot of people now think season 5 will end with 109, and as much as my sadistic side would find that hilarious, I honestly don't think they'd do that and realistically don't want it to happen; it'd be so cruel to cliffhanger the anime for years like that, and just doesn't feel like a season cliffhanger BSD would do, a series that is ultimately hopeful and uplifting. Seasons 2 and 3 had a positive, conclusive ending; the only reasons seasons 1 and 4 didn't was because they're technically not really full seasons of their own, and are more like the first cour of another "season" that also came out that same year (seasons 1 and 2 both aired in 2016, so they're more like one big season, and seasons 4 and 5 have both aired this year, so they're also more like one big season, again taking into account how episodes 12 and 50 are not satisfying finales like episodes 24, 37, and hypothetically, 61, are). I really can't see season 5 ending with Dazai and Fukuzawa's supposed deaths, Sigma being unconscious and maybe close to death, Atsushi being vulnerable and limbless again, everyone we love still vampires, and the entire world being basically doomed; that's just too depressing and not like BSD at all. However, having said that, if it doesn't end there, there really isn't any good place to end the season before that, either, that feels in any way satisfying or like a finale at all. And so, to me, that only leaves after 109: chapter 110.
I think things are really gonna turn around next chapter. Like I said, everyone is at their lowest point right now, it cannot possibly get any worse, the framing of Dazai, Fukuzawa, and sskk at the end of 109 is telling us that; this is the time for the heroes to finally start winning again, with Aya being so close to pulling out the sword, and for all the thematic reasons other people have talked about to death that I don't need to go into here again. This upcoming chapter being so short again makes a part of me wary of 110 being "the one", so to speak, I won't lie, but at the same time, it's very possible that it needs to be that short because that's all the final episode of the season will be able to reasonably fit in, since it's already gonna be VERY close if they do make it all the way to 109. And at the end of the day, I don't doubt at all that Asagiri and Harukawa can make these the most monumental and game-changing mere 13 pages ever if they wanted to; a chapter does not at all need to be extremely long in order to be an important and impactful one, even if short ones we've gotten in the past haven't felt the most important.
An additional thought I've had, though this is much more crack territory than all this already is, is that since we know from Anime Expo that a Stormbringer movie at some point is highly likely (judging from Asagiri's reaction when someone brought it up), it's possible that chapter 110 and thus the final episode will involve the long-anticipated return of Verlaine and/or Adam, or at least some other major reference to Stormbringer, that would naturally and smoothly lead into a Stormbringer movie to explain things to people who haven't read the novel. It would make a lot of sense, especially since the s4 OP has the Old World sign behind Chuuya, which might be a hint that this has been in the works ever since seasons 4/5 were first in planning with Asagiri. We also know that Dazai and Chuuya's voice actors apparently struggled to record their lines together this season, which probably relates to 101 and possibly 109, but it could be 110 too.... I could be very wrong, as I'm no expert on this kind of thing, but I kinda doubt they would bring Chuuya's actor in for just the vampire growls, and Asagiri placing heavy emphasis on Chuuya's importance this season in that one interview gives me the impression that he's talking about much more than just 101/109. But that's the least solid evidence I have, that's just mostly based on vibes I get.
So basically, I think a lot of factors -- the unusual episode count, how close the anime is to catching up to the manga with three whole episodes left, the seemingly arbitrary recent chapter lengths, and the climactic events of 109 -- can tell us that 110 might be a very, VERY big deal. Again, there's of course no way this arc is anywhere near close to being finished, with so much left to address and resolve, but since it is currently incomplete in the manga, unlike the previously adapted arcs, if the anime was going to adapt it at all, they'd have to find a place that feels satisfying enough to end this season, knowing there won't be more anime for a long time after this, and so I think they specifically planned for that, from both Bones' and A/H's sides. 10 episodes might not have been enough to reach that point, but 12 or 13 might have been too many it wouldn't have been if Bones actually decided to slow down and let the story breathe the way it needs to, but this post isn't meant to criticize the anime, so maybe 11 was just right. And maybe Asagiri and Harukawa specifically pushed to make recent chapters longer than usual, in order to make sure that the manga reached the story content in 110 the monthly release right before season 5 was to end.
Is this just copium? Absolutely. Am I going to look like an absolute clown in two days when this post ages like milk? Probably. But the evidence is There, so let me just enjoy my delusions until Sunday, okay 🥂🫡
#bungou stray dogs#seriously call me a clown and point and laugh at me if I'm proven wrong all you want#but I really feel like there's solid evidence for this#either s5 isn't gonna reach 109 at all (but I seriously cannot fathom where you would want to stop before then) or they'll go beyond it#if they really do end it with 109....... well i'll give Bones kudos for having the balls to do that ig lol#maybe i'm underestimating (overestimating???) them idk#also just to clarify I don't wanna make it sound like I think Asagiri let the anime/Bones dictate the manga's pacing#like I'm sure these were his/their (him and Harukawa's) own decisions first and foremost#not that (if this theory is true) the anime had a major impact on how the chapters were split and that it-#-would have been extremely different otherwise#i'm pretty confident in that Asagiri does not do anything with BSD he isn't comfortable with#and he doesn't let anyone tell him how to write his story#I just feel like he worked with Bones to make this near-simultaneous release happen#BUT if this is the case I don't feel like it had any major effect on the writing/final product that is the manga#like the last handful of chapters have been so incredible#so I at least am still perfectly happy lol#(i mean i'm devastated and a nervous wreck but u know 🫡 in a good way lmao)#anyway 110 in two days please let this theory be true because I need some fucking hope already#please let Oda show up as Dazai's guardian angel to help (see what I did there-)#it would be the perfect way to end the collective season that is 4/5 with s4 beginning with Oda and now ending with Oda#Asagiri are you reading me are you picking up what I'm putting down please please a ghost Oda is long overdue please-#Oda Verlaine Adam just GIVE ME SOMEONE ALREADY 😭😭😭#MAYBE EVEN A TASTE OF THE FYODOR BACKSTORY TO TIE INTO HIM BEING IN ANIME UNTOLD ORIGINS. THE POSSIBILITIES ARE ENDLESS
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snzhrchy · 1 year
Hey so saw that requests for dr.stone were open and wanted to ask if u were willing to write ryusui x reader maybe something along the lines of the reader being a marine biologist
Only if your ok with it hope you have a great day and hope everything is going well thank you🤗
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ryusui x marine biologist!reader
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synopsis; a feeling of dread washes over you as you gaze out to sea, luckily, ryusui is more than happy to cheer you up. taglist; lmk if u wanna be on it <3 warnings; none at all! notes; soz for uploading this so late <//3
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the ocean was an abyss; a long, never-ending void filled with twists and turns of the water waves that would ever so slightly change their path for your easy travel.
hands crossed, your upper-half was leaning onto the railings of the perseus, looking out into the abyssal, black sea. you sighed, reminiscing about your life from the past--a life you knew you could never have anymore, a life that you had lost. it's funny really how one day, you're getting congratulated by renowned scientists from all the over the world for your accomplishments, and the next? you're back in the stone ages.
you were too lost in your thoughts to have noticed the familiar, flamboyant captain of the ship walk towards you and lean on the railing of the ship with his back and his head turned towards you. 'what's on your mind?' he asks as he crosses his arms around his chest, giving you his familiar smile.
you paused, unsure of whether to shrug it off or actually tell him the truth. ultimately, you decided to simply change the direction of the conversation. 'it's nothing,' you sighed.
warm autumn breezes greeted you both every now and then. whenever they did so, the wind would make ryusui's hair seem angelic and beautiful. the sun's reflection on his golden locks further aided it.
ryusui remained silent for a short while, until he thought of the most befitting question to ask you: 'you were a marine biologist back then, correct?'
you simply nodded at his inquiry.
'then i assume you've spent months on the sea as well?'
'well, i wouldn't say months... more like, a few weeks on the open sea and the rest of it at science conferences and the university.'
'well, whatever. it's still nice to meet someone that's a bit knowledgeable about these open seas!'
'i'm... more of an organism person. i don't know much about the tides like you do.'
ryusui scoffed and began to compliment your talents, saying that you having a phd in marine science was no ordinary feat; even asking you to showcase some of your talent by pointing at random aquatic organisms and asking you to name them or explain their anatomy.
you couldn't help but giggle at his silly antics to cheer you up, explaining to him how the requirements for being a marine biologists were far different from all the movies he'd consumed.
though, you both did begin to talk and soon, you felt all your worries leave your body like the blissful tides of the ocean. you nearly forgot how homesick the ocean made you feel.
having ryusui to talk to about your life from the past really did uplift your mood to an extent.
who would've expected that you both would get along so well?
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