#it was super fun! but also oh my gosh I am so tired
tj-crochets · 3 months
Hey all my fellow POTS people and dysautonomia denizens, I have some questions for you! - Do you ever have narrow pulse pressure? (when the top number minus the bottom number of your blood pressure is less than 1/4th of the top number) - If yes, does it usually happen when you are standing or when you are sitting? - If you have any advice on how to feel better when you have narrow pulse pressure I am absolutely looking for advice. Like. Hydrate and salt and sit down, but any more specific advice? - Follow up: if you have a day with very narrow pulse pressure, do you ever feel headachey and bad afterward even when your blood pressure evens out?
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theminecraftbee · 7 months
task: answer the following question. do you believe in curses? respond as completely with relevant information as possible.
Grian: Well, that's a lie. This isn't a task. I know it's not a task, I set the things up! Not sure why we're getting a question as pointless as this one, but sure, mysterious scroll, I'll answer. There's no such thing as curses, unless you're Timmy, in which case it's funny, yeah? Besides, I didn't actually kill Etho. Even if that did count, self-fulfilling prophecies aren't the same thing as curses, and I know which one I fall under.
Joel: Do I believe in bloody curses what kind of question is that? Do I really get hearts just for answering this? This feels like a prank or something... well, whatever. There are no such thing as curses, except the Boogeyman curse, which I sort of had today, but it wasn't actually the same at all. A lot of the bloodlust, sure, but a lot more... Etho had to be the one to do it, huh? And it's not the same. Not comforting. That's a stupid thing to say actually. Take it out of wherever you're putting this. Cut it out of the recording. Comforting. Please. As if it were ever... Yeah, I'm done actually. Don't have a good answer. Go away.
Scott: What, other than Jimmy? Bless that man, he may not have died first, but he sure tried his best. Sure, I'll believe Jimmy is cursed. I mean, mostly he's just kind of stupid. Lovingly so. I mean, despite him being stupid, I put up with him, right? That seems like a complete answer to this question. Jimmy's an omen but we put up with him anyway. That's all.
Pearl: Oh, I mean, I'm probably cursed. That's what everyone liked to say at one point. I think... I mean, I think this time I have good friends, which is nice. They don't think I'm cursed. And it's not like I--I mean, it's surprisingly fun, acting cursed! And I am just acting. Acting scary, blowing up dance floors, all of that. And I don't really have to this time, so... Maybe I'm not cursed? And since it's acting, it's not real? This is a weird question.
Etho: Oh, man, that's a question. Um, do I have to answer? Because I feel like if I say no, that's really just asking for it, but if I say yes, I have to explain myself. Uh, I think I'm abstaining, unless the zombie thing from earlier counts. That was scary and I hated it. Curses are scary and I hate them in general, but apparently I'm good at them, if you ask everyone else. Um, it's not the only thing I find scary that apparently I'm good at.
Scar: Why, of course I believe in curses! Look at poor, poor... Timbert? Timmy? Jim? Gosh, sorry, I'm very tired right now. That's more proof of curses, by the way! That I'm tired. I've been tired straight since the desert, let me tell you what. And that, my friends, is a curse like no other. What a terrible beast, loneliness is. Wish me luck breaking it, because it's not happening this season!
Cleo: Oh, you mean the thing people like to blame instead of their own actions? Nah. My soulbond was kind of a curse, I guess, but even that's at least half just... bad people. Bad relationships. Good ones, too. We're all just doing what you can, you know? No script, no curses, no characters, just... Oh, I hope everything turns out tomorrow. Sorry, that's unrelated. It's just nicer to hope than to preemptively blame things on curses that don't exist.
Impulse: Well, I mean, I didn't until you just asked me that, but now I feel like I should. Wouldn't that be nice? Being cursed instead of just sort of unlovable? Sorry, no, that's mean to Gem. I shouldn't say that about Gem, she's been good this season. Super, super cursed, mind you, in the like, game mechanic sense? But she's been good, no backstabbing or inability to get love involved. Um, and I guess that's not fair to Bdubs, kind of, except it also totally is and I haven't forgiven him. So I guess if they ask I said I believed in curses, and that's why my life keeps circling clocks? Don't put any of that other stuff down, I'm trying to work on that.
Gem: I was just cursed for a task, but that probably isn't what you're asking about, right? I'm new, so I don't know! A task is a concrete thing to believe in, like bloodshed or victory or fun and games. You don't have to believe in those to know they're real, either! They just are, whether you like it or not. I understand that much!
Tango: Gah, don't talk to me about... Deep breaths. Look, I don't care if it's a curse, or if it's just me being really bad, or what, I'm not going out pointlessly this time. Jimmy managed not to die first, I can manage to not go out to a stray arrow or my own bomb or a misstep this time, right? Is that so much to ask?
Skizz: Huh? Curses? I mean, I don't think so, and to be totally honest I think it's kind of mean the way people sometimes rag on people about them. Everyone's got so many good things about them! Why do people like to focus on the unfortunate luck, huh?
Bdubs: Hah! Curses! Let me tell you about curses. When I see curses, I eat them for breakfast. I don't got curses, I've got better things to do! I've got my buddies with the Mounders, and I've got-well, I'd say keeping Etho safe, but he's being weird at me again this season. Not that it matters. It never matters. Etho and I, we're... The point is, that doesn't matter anyway, because I have the Mounders, and they're the ones who matter here. And because I'm a strong, independent Bdubs, who doesn't need anyone but my bow and my perfect, flawless fighting prowess! Sorry, what was the question? I've been thinking so much lately that it's just sort of made everything else pop out of my head, so it's hard to keep track. I'm sure I answered it flawlessly, though.
Martyn: Of course there are curses. That's half the fun for you lot, isn't it? Putting your little curses on us and watching us rail against them. Bet you think it's real cute to ask us what we think of the things, too. "Oh, what do you think of curses," like we have any control over them. Please. If I had any control over curses, Jimmy--or, well, no, I guess that one was technically broken, wasn't it? Sure doesn't feel like it. Point is, curses are bad, and they're definitely real, and I hate you for them, got it?
BigB: Look, man, if you're trying to get me to write my character out for you, just say so! I won't tell anyone. We can come up with a hole thing about holes and red tasks and the Backrooms together! It'll be fun! After all, you probably don't know what kind of curse to say I have, right? Haha, just kidding. I have no idea what I'm talking about. Luckily, neither does anyone else, so I think that evens out between the lot of us.
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luvvvivii · 8 months
"i love you" — l.fl
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pairing - idol!felix x gn!reader
genre - fluff, imagine
wc - 705
warnings - not proofread (surprise surprise), a bunch of pet names used (my love, angel, dear), lmk if more
a/n - I'm back suckas!!! 😋 enjoy this small felix post whilst I start to get back into the groove of writing (also abt the writing, times next to the date is in readers time zone)
synopsis - in which your idol boyfriend sends you voice notes whilst he's away
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02.16.23 — 1:05 am
"good morning dear. actually, I think it's night for you right now? you better be asleep, alright? haha, it feels odd not being able to speak to each other how we usually would, doesn't it? but I guess this is what idol life is like? *chuckle* anyways, how was your day? did you do anything fun today? I hope you're eating good as well…I might head out for a bit with chan, so I'll talk with you later? sweet dreams angel. I love you!"
02.17.23 — 6:37 pm
"hey yn, you're asleep right? this is usually when you have your evening naps. don't be taking an all nighter again after this, though. I know you really like that show but sleep is important too you know? *chuckle*...today is day one of our concert in melbourne. I'm back in australia after so long, and I'm super excited! it's a shame I can't be here with you right now, but at least I can still update you and stuff. I can't wait to meet even more stays—oh, that's minho calling. sorry yn, got to go. I'll update you all about it after! enjoy the rest of your night, I love you."
02.18.23 — 12:53 pm
"hey dear, have you eaten yet? sorry I couldn't send any voice notes this morning, I woke up late and had to rush. day two of our concert was amazing! oh gosh, I wish you were here. hey, I don't think I told you about the dream I had last night, did I? well, we were just about to head to sydney for our tour there, and then suddenly you gave us a surprise visit! that's pretty much it, I woke up after that. haha, it seemed so real I even looked around for you whilst I was still half awake! *sigh* well, I think I'm going to go to sleep now, sorry for such a boring voice note today. have a good day, I love you angel."
02.20.23 — 3:31 pm
"yn, I'm so tired. but I can't go to sleep. *laugh* I was on my phone and got completely carried away, and now it's two am!...I think I might just start yapping about something with you, like how we always do when neither of us can sleep. that's what always helps me get tired…not that I'm saying you're boring! *chuckle* what I'm trying to say is…I just feel so at ease when I know that you're listening to me talk…let's not get depressed now, haha. how is your day going dear? doing anything fun today? make sure to send pictures, I haven't been able to see your pretty face in a while. you know, I think I might head off now, starting to feel a bit drowsy. we've got day one in sydney tomorrow, so I'll probably talk to you about it all later. goodnight my love, I love you to the moon and back."
02.21.23 — 2:01 am
"yn! it's finally day one in sydney! ah, I really wish you were here right now. you'll be cheering me on from back at home, right? I know you'll be looking for videos after the concert haha. make sure to have fun today angel! and I'll make sure to pour my heart and soul into the performances for you, like I always do. sorry for this voice note being so short, but I've got to go. I love you!"
02.22.23 — 3:19am
"sydney day 2! ah, you really don't understand how overwhelming this experience is, yn. this is absolutely crazy, but I've probably already said this a ton, right? *laugh*...you know, I hope one day we can travel to australia together, and I could show you all my favourite places to go and things to do from when I was a kid. but that's saved for the future! just wait a bit longer, my love, I'll be back home faster than you can believe. and cheer me on today as well, alright! I'll do the same for you dear. I've got to go now, an exciting concert ahead. I love you."
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©@luvvvivii all rights reserved | do not repost or translate
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bonesandthebees · 1 month
New rose chapter!!!!! Oh my gosh!!! I can’t express how excited I was to see that! I had just finished rereading glass yesterday and remembered how you told me I could subscribe to your ao3 to get notified— I very much did not expect to get an email notification the day after I subscribed (especially since it’s the first time I subscribe to an author and I wasn’t sure what the supposed notification email would look like)
I loved it a lot though, I’m so excited to be reading as the chapters come out for the first time even though I’m not used to not being able to read everything at once. I reread your big fics so so often that with your writing atp I’m used to doing my best to forget as many details and scenes so I can reread them time and time again and enjoy them a million times over but I always already know the direction it’s going in and what will be revealed and what the ending will be. But with this it’s the first time in a while again that I get to enjoy one of your big fics and I really don’t know anything about what’s going to happen, let alone the fact everyone else reading as well also doesn’t know what’s going to happen. It’s super fun and I’ve really been enjoying it so far!
I am always in awe as to how distinct you make each of your characters in every fic while still keeping the core of them consistently feel like *them*. It’s amazing to me seeing just how powerful the dynamics are that they are rewritten in so many different ways yet it’s still them, and I’ll always be impressed with how you manage to make each of them unique to each fic. I remember a whiiile ago when I was first reading your other long fics apart from clinic a friend asked me if I was doing it to pretend I was reading more of the characters in clinic and I was so surprised because it never even crossed my mind due to how vastly unique and separate they are from eachother. Like yeah, I’m still reading crimeboys— but even within world forgetting and clinic where they’re the same genre of au (and on top of that, both from Tommy’s pov) they’re so different and I’ll never get tired of it.
Anyways, I feel bad for how much I’ve rambled on now so I’ll end this here— in conclusion: love your writing and it was a great treat to get to read a new rose chapter :) !! Hope you have an incredible time next month :D
XIMA!!! omg that's so perfect I updated the day after you subbed to me. well now you know what the email looks like! you'll get one of those anytime I post anything to my ao3 now :)
I'm so glad you're enjoying reading along this time around!! though of course it makes me so happy to hear you reread my other big fics all the time and still enjoy them. I do also think there's something fun about reading along as an author posts. it's kind of like following a weekly tv show except instead of getting a new chapter every week right now my schedule is looking more like... once a month. oops. but it keeps you in suspense!
god that makes me so happy to hear. I always try very hard to make sure the characters feel distinct while still feeling like the same characters. I'm sure some bits feel repetitive after a while (like my routine for crimeboys bonding is pretty straightforward at this point I feel) but I try my best to make them as new and interesting as I can while still staying true to the core of the characters. like my different au characters all feel incredibly different from one another while still being the same characters in general. like I guess the closest two are stars!wilbur and rose!wilbur but even then they still have pretty distinct differences. but like clinic!wilbur is vastly different from like, most of my other fic!wilburs imo so while your friend is incredibly valid for wondering that it also makes zero sense to me lol
never feel bad for rambling in my inbox xima this made me so happy to see tysm. I'm so happy you're enjoying rose so far!!! and ty I'm very excited for my trip :D
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STEPH!!! hi!!!!
*even more hugs because we all deserve more hugs!*
sooo you seemed interested in my babbling and my book recs so here i am 🙃🐢 hope you don't mind...
i just finished reading "another day" which is basically "every day" by david levithan but from the GIRL's view! i swear this author just keeps stealing my heart-
it's sooo interesting and fascinating and the writing style 😩 *chef's kiss* if i could i would marry it seriously- i read this one on my kindle and i highlighted every second paragraph i feel like xD
Rhiannon falls so hard for A and you never realize until you read another day!!! it's so cool... and A suddenly realizes how much they are missing from having to switch bodies (tho there are advantages of course)
(i'm suddenly thinking of all these people that follow you and are super confused what this weird turtle is talking about... lemme throw in an apology abou that - sorry turtles!)
anygays it was awesome (apparently i have read it but i had no memory if it lmao) and i discovered there is a THIRD BOOK WHICH CONTINUES THEIR STORY!!!!
gaaaahhhh i'm so excited for it!!!
i'll decide if i will write a johnlock AU after reading that book (it's called "some day") but it would be a fun project!!! even though i am not sure how to write this in my own style and ig it would be giant but i am so hooked omg!
PS: i probably just should have reblogged one of the other posts... oops. sorry about the inconvenience!
PPS: it's 2:45am where i live and i am like staaarving and it takes SO MUCH willpower to not just start the next (and last 😭) book... (okay i already got a sneak peek but still!!) yk when you're just so entranced by a book/story/universe you wanna keep reading forever but also can't wait to get to the end?? my gosh readers are poor creatures..
PPPS: omg i am so sorry this got so long!!! i'll stop now! hope you're okay/doing better! you are awesome!
all the love and much more (flowers? chocolate?)
-turtely 🐢
(following up on this post)
Listen, I love when all of y'all come here to ramble and be excited! It makes me very happy to know when Lovelies are happy, and it's comforting to know other people have hyperfixations like me, y'know?? I think it's amazing!
Wow, that book series sounds SO amazing!! I hope you write an AU for it, I think it will be awesome!!!!
And don't apologize, I usually miss reblogs until it comes back through my queue, so it would have been another month LOL. Sending another ask is fine HAHAH!
AND GO TO BED!!!! You're so silly!
And I'm doing okay, just very tired and very stressed, and looking forward to the long weekend coming up in a few weeks, since I booked a day off and we have Monday as a stat day, LOL.
Thank you so much for sending me this ask, it always makes me smile :) AND THANK YOU FOR THE HUGS!! I am so starved for affection and human touch, LOL.
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amethystina · 1 year
61 (WHTD), 53, 72 💖
61. In Who Holds the Devil, what’s your favorite scene that you wrote?
Okay, first: RUDE.
The fic is 260k and I'm expected to pick ONE? x'D There are so many to choose from! And it's difficult to pick an overall favourite since the mood is so different and it's almost impossible to rank one over the other. So I'm making my own rules:
Favourite cute scene: Ga On calling Yo Han while he's drunk (Chapter 20)
Favourite angry scene: Ga On arguing with Professor Min — it was SO cathartic AND fun to write. Also, the whole "my devil" thing? Of course that's a favourite (Chapter 17)
Favourite angsty scene: Yo Han's surprise visit and the talk that follows on Ga On's terrace (Chapter 7)
Favourite happy scene: Ga On and Elijah ganging up on Yo Han and being little shits by not giving him what he expects — it's a happy AND funny scene (Chapter 23)
Favourite flirty scene: Ga On and Yo Han being flirty and domestic while doing the dishes — but the one in the kitchen the morning after is a close second (Chapter 23 and 24)
Favourite Ga On scene: Ga On verbally sparring with Chairwoman Moon. I like it when Ga On gets to show just how competent AND quick-witted he can be. So a lot of his scenes with Yo Han could also apply tbh, but I have a special fondness for this one since he gets to be more vicious than usual (Chapter 16)
Favourite Yo Han scene: ... all of them (shut up, it's my post — I make the rules)
Favourite Elijah scene: Ga On sitting on Elijah's bedside and comforting her when she's tired (Chapter 27)
Favourite Jin Joo scene: Ga On cooking her food when she's sick and he calls her Jin Joo the first time (Chapter 16)
Favourite Komi scene: Ga On finding her when he needs comfort and she offers it without question (Chapter 26)
Favourite nightmare: When Ga On kills Yo Han in the study (Chapter 8)
Honourable mentions: Every single time Ga On's inner sub/brat rears its head — with varying results. Prime examples: Chapter 13 ("Behave." "I am."), Chapter 23 ("no, try harder"), and Chapter 26 (Ga On bluescreening from Yo Han's hand on his neck)
53. What is the most-used tag on your AO3?
I actually knew this one without even looking it up: Fluff
Closely followed by: Happy Ending
I have a niche, I guess you could say. And even if a lot of my longer fics contain more than just fluff, you know you'll always get both that and a happy ending eventually. It's just how I roll. I want to make people happy 💜
72. What’s your favorite writing compliment you’ve gotten?
Oh gosh. That's really difficult actually? Because there are so many that warm my heart and make me so very proud of my writing. But, in the end, I think my favourite — or the ones that impact me the most — are the ones telling me what my fics have given my readers.
Everything from "this fic helped me through a rough time" to "I saw myself in this fic and it made such a difference to me" to "this fic helped me work through my trauma" and "I'm rereading this again since it makes me feel so warm and happy." I am honestly stunned to hear just how big of a difference my writing has made to some of my readers. I don't set out to do that because I don't really think I have the qualifications, but if my readers gain emotional stability, strength, or just joy from my fics, that's the biggest compliment I can receive.
And, quite honestly, it's also the biggest reason why I insist on posting my fanfics and why I didn't lock them after the whole AI scare. Because I KNOW how important they are to people and didn't want to take them away from those who might need them.
I don't feel obligated to post, but I choose to do so because if I can offer just one single person some relief and reprieve, it's worth it. I mean, the attention and lovely comments are ALSO super nice, but they don't motivate me half as much as knowing that I can help people.
Which I know sounds terribly cliché, but yeah. I guess I'm just a huge sap x'D
Fanfiction Writing Asks
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10 things for 2023
As we stagger into the new year, let’s share the things we want to do in 2023.
A fic idea you want to write (or read): Just give me all the fluffy content and all the healthy, plausible, sex. HOOK IT UP TO MY VEINS.
A place you want to go: Gosh, honestly, nowhere. I traveled a lot in 2022, and work keeps me hopping around, and I just want to be in my space for awhile.
A book you want to read: I have so many books to read. I have a hold on "I'm glad my mom died" by Jeanette McCurdy at the library and I hear it's great.
Something fun you want to do: learn to kayak, and ice skate, and stand-up-paddleboard, and make my own pickles.
Something you want to make: a difference, dammit.
A habit you want to start: Having lived with undiagnosed, and therefore untreated, ADHD for a long ass time, habit is my coping mechanism. Literally, having routines is how it went undetected, and I am actually super tired of having to be so rigid in order to get things done, but here we are. I'd probably like to start reading an actual book before bed, instead of re-reading my favourite fluffy fics. Oh, and also, probably cleaning a bit more. The latter is...unlikely.
Something new you want to try: Cooking fish. Whenever I have sushi, my brain says yesyesyesyesyes and I feel so good the next day.
Something you want to finish from 2022: there's a SC WIP that needs to get done.
Something you want to stop doing: Feeling guilty about not feeling guilty about not engaging with my family.
Something you want to keep doing: Being active. It keeps the brain weasels happy.
Thanks @mostlyinthemorning and @celeritas2997 for the tag.
I feel like I'm behind the 8-ball here, so not tagging anyone else.
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what-if-nct · 1 year
hiiii today's reminder is things i associate you with: pink, obviously, all things doll-related, the feeling of hugging a childhood plushie as you fall asleep, and the sound of a crackling fireplace. also this is very specific but the very faint, fading smell of perfume left on your wrist after you and your friends go and sample the fancy branded scents without buying any because you wanted to smell expensive to go with your cute outfits and now you're home tired at the end of a very fun day and you get a whiff of it and it makes you smile and think about youth
Hii, oh my gosh I want to cry this is so sweet. Like the hugging a plushie and fireplace just sounds so warm and sweet and lovely and the fact you associate those things with little old me. Just a girl who runs errands and look out the window all day. Oh my gosh. And the fading perfume is such a beautiful string of words that perfectly describes an experience I am more than familiar with. Like it's so specific and beautiful and you didn't even know that is such a huge part of my adolescence. My friend would tell me to stop spraying it on my body cause I was mixing perfumes. But it blends so nicely at the very end of the day. Oh my gosh I love that so much that's what you associate with me it's so beautiful. And I literally just did this last week cause there was a sale and I still spent too much. And I got glitter body spray I ran out so long ago and I'm happy to have more. Also everything I bought smells like pineapple, berries, marshmallow, passion fruit and papaya. Plus I switched to vanilla lotion because super fruity and sweet scents mixed with vanilla is so good. And I finally got a pineapple body scrub. I just love smelling like fruit juice and candy and being covered in glitter. I am horrible at self perception and I have no idea how I come off and the things you associate with me is so sweet and lovely and I seriously want to cry.
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papabirdurskeks · 1 year
Besides souls games, are there other games you absolutely love and take inspiration from? _(._.)_
Oh boy, there are so many games I enjoy and love for many reasons and take inspiration from!
Of course, many of the Souls games take this title to pushing me into enjoying my current little state of world building, but I can't give them all the credit for this!
A good chunk of this actually goes to one of my favorite games since childhood and that game is Tak and the Power of Juju! I used to love playing this game as a kid all the time back when I lived in Germany! I still do in fact enjoy it very much! Its sequel was alright and still just as fun, but its final game Tak and the Great Juju Challenge was definitely a great way to end the series on a good note (I do not count the last game added after because it sucked xD)! The Tak series definitely started me off in going into the realm of story and world building!
Another game I take a lot of inspiration from as well as enjoyment is Skyrim! My first Elder Scrolls game, of course, but definitely a fun one with so much lore and things to do! The world and story building sets itself up perfectly and I just LOVE going through each of my characters profiles to envision their stories come to life and the impacts and interactions they make. Oh gosh do I love it!
Next after comes to both Red Dead Redemption games! I admit, I am a huge sucker for Wild West settings and stories and these games got them both! Recently watching playthroughs and playing myself have got me inspired to make a new story with my bestie as well as revive some old stories I had set in these types of settings!
Of course, I can't go without adding the Five Nights at Freddy's franchise to this list because that would be wrong of me to do xD But yes, FNAF has both made its list as something I love and get inspiration from because its so all over the place and open for many kinds of interpretations that the story telling is endless for it go!
Legend of Zelda, especially Twilight Princess, holds a very special place in my heart as well for the same reasons as the others listed! These games are just gorgeous to look at and provide so much to go for! I can gush all day as to why I love this series and Twilight Princess especially!
As for fun games, here are a few to list!
Super Smash Bros for the Nintendo 64! Fucking love this game and I wish I still had a copy and that my N64 worked well as it did before it gave up a few years ago. I can play hours fighting every computer and opponent alike like a champ!
Second after is the old Sonic games on the Sega! I played these games for hours on end as a kid and I can recount all the good memories I've had playing this game alone or with my baby brother! <3 I still love these games to death and when Sonic Mania came out, you bet your soul I went right for this game the same way I did as a kid!
Third goes to the original Star Wars Battle Front for the PS2, another game in which I would spend hours playing without getting bored or tired! Anytime I play this game I play on the hardest mode possible because I just LOVE the challenge it gives and the whole feel of being the battle of it all! None of the other Battlefront games really captured that fun and enjoyment I had with the first game. I do hope that one day, the original will make a come back on the PS4 Network to play in full again! I love this game!
Another goes right for Simpsons Hit and Run and Road Rage for the PS2! Play these games and you will know just why and how fun they are! I love these games and I will tell you like the others, I have played hours with these games nonstop and loved every moment of it!
And I can't forget the Saints Row franchise as well (minus the Gat Goes to Hell game). This game and the progression is went through is just a fuck ton of fun! The stories are fun and to be able to just unleash chaos while being a total boss is absolute fun!
I also will add Pokemon, Digimon, and Mad Max too as some of the most fun games I’ve played and loved too! 
I have so many other games I love and enjoy but to list them all is just gonna take forever x') STILL-
I love games and playing these ones especially! <3
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ye-local-simp · 2 years
hihi! i saw the twst matchup and i would like to try! (this is my first time doing a matchup)
im an ISTJ, 5'3 with black hair that almost reaches my shoulders. i have an undercut and left over under dye lololol. oh, and i have hazel eyes. small freckles here and there but i doubt people notice them :(
i prefer staying at home and playing horror games on my computer rather than going outside but if a group of my close friends are going, then im going too (unless i already went outside and im tired asf)!!
ill only play horror games with my friends cause its more fun that way! plus im scared lolol. im the one who screams profanities into the mic.
my love language is physical touch and words of affirmation. i lovee being close to people i love, yk? i gotta initiate it cause if someone else does, i panic inside and i just melt down (in a good way!)... if i recieve a gift, i would feel guilty and stressed cause i feel like i need to give something back even if theyre fine w getting nothing back.
i like to wear loose clothings sometimes. my normal outfit consists of a tight crop top, with baggy ripped jeans. and jacket, in case i get that wave of insecurity in public. the only jewelry/accessory i wear is a chain bracelet that me and my close friends bought as a matching thing. i also carry a hair tie! i have a bunch of dark clothes w bones 💀💀, no pastel or anything...
i have 0 motivation but if im assigned a project then i put all my energy into it, and i usually unconsciously take the role of a leader. if someone doesnt do their role in the group, i would confront them (even though im pretty shy) immediately cause i hate people like that!
i have a sharp tongue and i really dislike it. i take responsibility of my own actions but after an argument, ik i said shitty things and i really want to apologize but confrontation for me is still– hard. im slowly making progress though :)
if someone comes up to me and wants to be my friend, i start overthinking like, "oh gosh, if they knew me a little more theyll probably lose interest," and shit like that. i get pretty insecure but i dont like telling people that. yk that saying, "fake it till you make it"? yeah, thats me with confidence!
(i hope this isnt too long, super sorry!!)
I am going to match you up with...
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-If you understand him, he loves you so he would do things that he would typically do on his dream dates. Which would be game/movies nights or you and him cuddling together in his room.
-Despite him being a shy person and an overthinker, he is good at giving advice on that even though he has that exact same problem.
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congratulations! you won the opportunity to choose ANY five or three jjk characters and be in a groupchat with all of them (and they cannot leave it for at Least a day so they are forced to be in it <3). who do you choose? [bonus points if you come up with a name for the chat]
bro i know i made this question (granted it Was when i was Very Tired) but this hard wow okay
nitta - am i biased? yes. i just want to be in a groupchat with her okay? she just. she. and i feel like she would actually participate too and that we could have some fun conversations <3
gojo - you know what? imma say it. i feel like he'd be so fun to be in a chat with! he'd be so excited about it too! he'd send memes and just be funny but also super nice and could cheer you up if you were having a bad day! i also feel like he and nitta would vibe well enough in a chat together oH MY GOSH GOJO AND I COULD SPEAK THROUGH CAKE MEMES TOGETHER WE WOULD JUST SEND CAKES gojo would send me the period cake. i know he would. <3
nobara - okay so maybe she'd be upset at first because gojo but like she secretly loves him <3 and also i feel like nobara and i could complain about stuff together? like, we could just rant and i feel like we'd get each other. i think she would secretly like the memes and stuff gojo sends and saves them to her phone, and she and nitta would vibe well together! i feel like they'd be able to talk about girly things together! i also feel like gojo and nobara would share their like skin or hair care routines with each other and nitta would be taking notes <3
yuuta - for one, yuuta is nice to gojo openly and not just in secret, so he would just be like. he'd be the "a pleasure to have in the chat" guy. he would listen to me ramble and i would listen to him in turn and i just get the vibes that he and nitta would get along well, you know? like she would think of him like a little brother... another little brother. and nobara and yuuta would just be fun! see, i almost said toge instead of yuuta, but toge and nobara together is far too chaotic for me and the chat and i would just be confused the whole time
yuki - this is also kind of vibes, but she wouldn't like. refuse to talk because gojo was in the chat and i don't think she'd be a little weirded out by being in a chat with kind of random kids. she and nitta are good friends. they told me personally. so being in a chat with nitta is normal. she and gojo actually are besties too, and they keep in touch. i mean, gojo is prolly under the impression that she kind of just keeps him around because she feels bad and he's grateful for it, but she does actually like him. plus, she thinks he's funny and admires how hard he works. i feel like she'd see through his whole silly act and would be really sympathetic because she knows the geto history. and nobara prolly has a bit of a crush on yuki ngl and they're both trans so yuki is like. a role model and someone she really looks up to. yuuta and yuki are just besties too. like they'd go and get coffee together and just catch up, ya know? so she would talk in the chat with us too and would participate and just have fun!
like, i feel like if i texted in a chat with all these people and asked them to list the backyardigans in order of who they would trust most with their money to who'd they trust the least, none of them would question it and they would all answer me. yes that is a very specific example. because. reasons.
chat name: did you know you're all my very best friends
^^^ that is the chat name because we're all mlp fans (tho some in secret) and we became besties by bonding over mlp and we'll have mlp watch nights and we are all just really lonely people searching for others who care about what we have to say but none of us know how to express our loneliness other than overcompensating by being annoying <3
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bldcatlog · 2 months
oh god is this cafe always packed or what! I forgot Eid last more than just one day, It's so busy oh lord. It's hard to focus I thiink I'll be going home soon.
Work was also very busy aswell, although it was actually really enjoyable! I think I am just having a really good day. The weather is nice and the music is wonderful. Working with this specific crew at work is actually so fucking fun like god we are so fucking stupid! Although one of the new guys, he kind sucks balls at his job. It takes him way too long to balance a tire but that's okay he's new. But I literally had to step in because what the fuck I want to go on my lunch for at least 30 minutes. Like how are you spending 10-15 minutes per tire balance? Keep in mind it usually takes me and most people around a min/tire for balancing. So I was like dude what the fuck bro let me come in here and get this done so we can enjoy our lunch man. I had the aux at work and gosh we were all listening to white girl pop HAHAA but let me tell you for some reason men just love their white girl music (I am men). Its like 9am and we are dancing to California girls by Katy Perry and grooving even though we got absolutely shitfucked by the scheduling--- 3 cars every 30/mins, only 1 machine the other is broken. LOLOLOL fucking Makoto had to do a 12 tire changeover and it was so funny. The face he had when I told him I wasn't joking fucking killed me. Whenever I'd walk up to him I still fuck with him ab out the "Boy did I catch you slacking off? GET YOUR ASS UP AND WORK BOY!!!" but really I've had such a lovely day and I feel more and more better. One of my coworkers left early because of one of his Eid functions he need to be at -- that where I found out Eid last around 4 days or so? no wonder this cafe is busy! Talking to him actually kills me too LOL, we were joking about me asking him to marry my daughter and joked about how he's the perfect muslim. "I am a hafiz, I did umrah 3 times I donate, I lead prayer and matter fact I actually know the prophet himself." LOLOLOL I think saying you met the prophet sounds like major sin, I'm the one who said that. These dudes at work the amount of sexual gay jokes being said to eachogher makes me feel that they actually want me bad! LOL I am afraid they'll catch me lacking in the change room. Why did one of them ask if I'd fuck a minion. Imagine stroking that thang and it says "baboy?" HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
This cafe I noticed is very muslim populated and I think that's absolutely lovely. I occasionally eaves drop in their gossip and it's so funny it's really lively in here! everyone looks like they're having fun and I'm happy for them. I'm sipping this iced mocha at the moment after finishing a Ferrero rocker cake slice and I just feel hopeful and alive. I missed this feeling a lot.
I'll probably head home now and finish my work at my desk but I think I'll linger a bit in this environment as it makes me feel good.
I think I'm trying to plan a Banff trip with all the boys I know -- Aaron, Kishan, Josh, Andril, Kyle, Michael I hope I can bring Cole along aswell -- I think he'll need it. I feel like they'll be absolutely durnk one night while I'll have to manage everyone so they don't lose a kidney (oh my lord) but rafting, hiking, food, the scenery -- if they don't go I'll go by myself.
I wonder how I'll feel looking back at all of these entries ? would I feel nostalgic, sad? happy or fond? Who knows really but I'll never find out.
I really like my outfit I have on at the moment. I'm currently wearing a white knitted sweater, cursory pants, Uggs and a bandana and I feel super indie. I think I need to become an indie slut (I AM LYING! NEVER!) I need some summer clothing so maybe I'll go thrifting and pullout my sewing machine soon. speaking of that I need to get some materials so I can make my clothing pieces -- I want to show them in a visual for bold catalogue.
I asked Liam if he's down to make a soundtrack for bold with me and he's down!
Lachlan asked if I've been learning arabic because I said Wallahi im finished and LOL I definitely will learn a little bit in the future. Such beautiful calligraphy. And I'd like to flex that I am asian who knows arabic.
Tomorrow I think I'll go to school early and stay late and get a lot of studying done. I NEED TO STUDY! I CANNOT AFFORD TO FAIL PLEASE!!!
I've come to realize the amount of compliments I get on my tooth gem! It's funny how the moment I talk to someone and smile they immediately compliment and notice it! I feel like it adds a sparkle razzle dazzle to my wide grin. I don't mind compliments that are kindhearted like this. Like today, my coworker called me a cutie pie abg with a cute tooth gem LOL you have a girlfriend! does she know you're saying this to MEN! And at the cafe I got complimented on it when I smiled. I think I've always been a smiling grinny dude. I probably get it again once it falls off/more of them. maybe a crescent moon and a star? a heart would be kind of cunt as fuck.
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mellow-worlds · 7 months
Yesterday I learned that D has scars on her wrist. She didn't specify but was pretty upfront about it. We were talking about scars in general (just like that scene in Jaws lmao) and she said she also has scars but that they were nothing she could really tell us anything cool about. She also said that they were from a long time ago, so yee. She's super cute honestly. And I think I noticed them before but kind of didn't think they were sh scars, because she also has these little skin swirls on her neck and I thought it was the same thing.... I'm a bad human being. Oh well. I'm just happy to hear that she can openly talk about them and not feel ashamed, and she even said she used to be embarrassed about them, but decided that people who judge her for that should go fuck themselves. Yeah so long story short, she's super sweet and the coolest. I'd like to be more like her.Yesterday was a lot of fun. We went to D (guy)s place and played games and talked and it was amazing. P was also there. I keep thinking maybe he'll like me if I'm skinny. I broke my fast today at 41 hours and ate over half a bar of chocolate and feel awful. At least I didn't eat anything yesterday. Something to be kinda happy about. But yeah....... I wish I hadn't eaten so much. I feel super bad and super full and uncomfortable. I only broke my fast because I kept feeling like I was going to barf despite having literally nothing in my stomach but water. It's somehow super easy for me to decline food from my friends but I somehow struggle more to stop myself once I started eating in private. Just something to remember.I keep imagining what it'd be like to finally have my friends find out. Maybe they'd talk to me about it? I keep imagining situations where I have to explain it to people, my history with eds and why I can't stop. Especially P. Pretty much only P. Yeah.... I'm less and less convinced he'd like me but I keep imagining how much I'd let him down should we actually be in a relationship.Like that'd ever happen and I already keep fatalizing. And I also think that my childishness is bot my best and worst feature. It's kind of my entire personality, but it makes it hard for people to take me seriously. Not that there'd be any reason to. Idk I feel so sad. Yesterday I didn't feel like killing myself but honestly... I feel so out of place and unworthy of my friends, especially P. I'm such a leech. I wish I could spend every single second with my friends. I just want to ve liked and impress people but I can't. And mostly I just want to spend time with my friends because I freaking don't know I love them so much and they give me the ability to feel happy. Like 2 days ago I was super happy for no reason, thinking about P and my suicide and my other friends and my ed and being skinny. I'm super grateful for my friends. But now I am sad again when I'm alone, I am sad and tired and kind of still feel like throwing up and I freaking ate so much.... idk what to do. I had a cocoa and almost an entire bar of chocolate and yogurt and a little piece of bread and I'll have another sandwich at uni. I should just eat more fruits and healthy things. I'll eat the sandwich and do maybe another 24 hour fast. I'll need to eat tomorrow because of debate club. I should just be happy about fasting for so long in the first place, shouldn't I? Longest fast I've ever made, by like 3 hours or sum. Better than nothing. See, I can't only focus on the good part. Gosh. I hate myself. I don't think I ever won't. I hate myself. I don't think I ever haven't. I want to die again :). At least something to look forward to. I told myself I'd kill myself at the latest on December 2nd. Kinda dangerous to make promises to myself like that. Last time I didn't kms either hahaha. Makes me feel stupid and bad.
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corazoncitodemelon · 8 months
oh my gosh im back ! (∩ᄑ_ᄑ)⊃━☆゚*・。*
long time no see and i am probs most def speaking into a void BUT just in case someone is listening soo much has changed since the last time i posted! ok soo i went to go see beyoncé and i am forever changed !!! she was so gorjus and sounded sooo beautiful and what made this experience that much better was that i went with all my friends!! i also got to spend some time with my family and pup which made my heart fullll <3 anyway after that super fun vacation, i had to go back to my new work location and it has not been a fun transition haha (↼_↼) ok so here's the deal i got moved to another location for work and... u guessed it i have to make new friends + get used to the location + generally entertain myself and feel comfy in this new place! and i feel like i have been doing that a lot this year which is making me super worn out and tired :p on TOP of that i think i am entering another depressive episode and this time i am alone and not around my support system which is a little concerning, but I have been using other outlets to kinda make time for myself and just do things i enjoy yk ? but okie i do def have to think of other things to talk about on here to make it a lil more fun ! i want to try a cooking challenge <giving julie and julia yk> OR a baking thing ! i have my eye on the stardew valley cookbook soooo that could be fun... whenever that comes out LOL but also on that note, i have been wanting to find a cookbook for healthy but yummy recipes ! I want to get better at that and also eat scrumptious food to nourish my body ! also did i mention i started the gym ?? (ノωヽ) hehe ik i talked lot about that BUT i have been needed to move my body and i am glad i am taking that time to do that now ! also i go in the morning and its all the girlies and older (senior) people and i love that LOL I feel better about being in that environment w/o feeling judged :3 ok well i have said so much but nothing at all at the same time and its time for me to color ! sooo byee and see you next time ( ´ ∀ `)ノ~ ♡
ps. i have been styling my hair more and i abs luv it ! it makes me feel gorgeous and like glaMOUR yk also if anyone has any tips on styling straight hair (im talking PIN straight which is def hard to work with when dry and esp after the shower as in it does not hold a curl or have volume or ANYTHING) please let me know ( ◡ ‿ ◡ *)
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minkkumaz · 9 months
really tired tbh!! i made the mistake of staying up til 4 to play games, but i found out i had to wake up early the next day to go out.. im like a blink away from falling asleep 😵
i was watching the woonmyungz asmr video that was posted a day ago,, just found out that jaehyun met woonhak when his jeans were inside out?? interesting!!
then apparently woonhak found it so cool he was like “hipster boy oh my gosh i want him to be my colleague..” (his words exact..)
almost broke down in tears when they were talking abt how whenever they fought, they’d reconcile after crying to one another.. (so many hcs popping up in my head after.)
felt like i learned so much abt the two of them LOL
unfortunately ive been really behind in bonedo content.. i never have the time to fully watch all the new shows and videos they make.. praying that one day school shuts down for like a month and i get to relax with my little bonedo imagines..
abt the photo thing im honestly not sure,, but all i know is that my storage is .6 away from being full but i dont have the heart to delete all my screen recordings of bonedo fancams..
OMI! if u ever decide to get into xikers lmk!! i have so much pent in xikers thoughts that have been just sitting in my notes app.. my beloved xikers <33 (ot10 til i die i love xikers sosososo much)(MINJAE the loml, yujun, HYUNWOO & sumin the bias wreckers of the century..)(until seeun,jinsik,yechan,junghoon,junmin & hunter appear..)
OMG WHAT GAMES DO YOU PLAY?! i'm sure you had fun though, maybe sacrificing a little sleep was worth it. JUST MAKE SURE TO SLEEP A LITTLE EARLIER TONIGHT ^_^
woonmyungz are literally just the sweetest duo to ever exist, every time they are with each other i wanna give them the fattest hug they're such cuties. i'd also cry when reconciling with someone if i got in a fight with them LOL. i'd like to think i'm very very very similar to jaehyun, i am also a very clingy emotional person ><, also we both have the biggest love for woonhak HASKHJ
but yeah i've also been behind on bonedo content :( i've been behind on so much stuff in general. the only group i've been consistently keeping up with is 8turn. and it's not like i don't have the time to, i swear recently i've just been binging dhar mann videos LIKE IT SOUNDS CORNY BUT THEY'RE SO INTERESTING TO ME, but yeah hopefully once november - december roll around ill be more consistent with my groups. i've been neglecting stray kids too LMAO they were my first group i've stanned as well as my ult, so i feel like i need to catch up a bit (even though there is so much content i still haven't watched, i kinda miss being a baby stay ^^;)
XIKERS! you mentioned them so i watched tricky house and let me just say.. it was REALLY good. it gave me a little bit of ateez vibes ngl, but that might be just me. i don't stan ateez or anything but i'm picking up something. i don't really know the members so i'll tell you who caught my eye!
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the one at the very top with the red hair and blue denim jacket caught my eye the most. i lowkey think i have a type for rappers. ALSO THE BOY LIKE RIGHT BELOW HIM WITH THE LIGHT BROWN HAIR, WHITE SHIRT, AND RED CARDIGAN!!! he's also super attractive adskjhf
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[Found Chatlog] The Heir and The Assistant.
This interview originally took place on March 18th, 2023.
From your screen, the view of an empty office flickers onto the screen accompanied by the sound of employees rushing through an office as they pass and chatter, all muffled. From your angle, you are met with the sight of a long desk, bookshelves, and filing cabinets all pressed to the very back of the wall. There’s even a few items littered on these things … organization baskets labeled accordingly, bouquets of flowers in glass vases, even picture frames eclipsed by the moon overhead as the vast window sheds the only bit of light in this office. Until the lights flicker on, and you hear the chatter of a woman and a man as they round the front desk that the camera seems to be seated on. Their conversation doesn’t really render of much importance. A talk of work, exhaust .. perhaps a certain photographer … but meh. That’s when your call comes in, and they’re on high alert. Though [HEIR]’s expression seems to liven up with a smile.
[HEIR]: Ohhh, I think they want both of us for a questionnaire, [ASSISTANT] ... How polite of them.
[ASSISTANT]: Ah. Would have liked more of a warning, I suppose. But oh well.
How are you?
[HEIR]: I’m personally doing fine, a little tired from the long work day … but I’m still ready for what ever could be thrown at me at any given moment!!!
[ASSISTANT]: As am I. Work has been equal parts taxing and rewarding... So I suppose they cancel out.
If you had to become aaaany animal in the world, what would you choose and why :)?
[HEIR]: Hmm,, probably .. a rabbit!! I’d be able to run super fast and jump fairly high... They’re also one of my favorite animals in general.
[ASSISTANT]: ... A cat, I suppose. I have no reason for it other than my enjoyment of them.
What's your favorite plant?
[HEIR]: AAAAA I simply adore flowers. Of all forms .. but especially roses— oh my gosh. I could go on and on and on.
[ASSISTANT]: I don't... have one. Though I order some for the office sometimes, seeing as [HEIR] does like them so much. She's very passionate.
forgiveness or revenge
[ASSISTANT]: Forgiveness is the far more mature option. I don't dabble in petty revenge, it's a waste of my time.
[HEIR]: .. For me, it depends on the situation.
What's your favorite kind of rose? I recently learned of the guelder rose and its rather interesting, though I mostly mean color wise other types beyond the standard rose would be interesting to know
[HEIR]: Also, generally any kind of rose piques my interest. Though a classic red rose is a forever favorite. Love, romance … and red is my favorite color. >;3c
we should kiss
[HEIR]: So forward ... !
[ASSISTANT]: Please refrain from hitting on my boss.
it’s not just them bbg you too
[ASSISTANT]: In that case I will have to reject your advances, then.
How does this image make you two feel [image of a capybara]
[HEIR]: hehe coconut doggy
[ASSISTANT]: I suppose it's cute.
What about this image [Image of a snake screaming]
[ASSISTANT]: ...Slimy.
[HEIR]: Why is it screaming? :0 He’s distressed!!! Give him space.
[ASSISTANT]: ...You know, [HEIR] when they called, I didn't think it would just be to show us pictures.
[HEIR]: Surprises are always nice.
[ASSISTANT]: I suppose..
what do you guys do for a living?
[ASSISTANT]: Well, this is sort of my living... I work as [HEIR]'s assistant. However, before this I was a medical student.
[HEIR]: I’m the future heir to my mother’s company! >:3 I suppose this also qualifies as my living .. I’ve been working in this position for as long as I can remember!
oh so you don’t like pictures what about videos then
[HEIR]: This call is so strange . . .
[ASSISTANT]: Don't piss on either of our shoes.
how do you feel about ice skating?
[ASSISTANT]: It's... nice? I'm not one for the arts.
[HEIR]: I’ve never tried it before. Is it fun?
also i forgot to ask, what are your pronouns?
[HEIR]: I go by she/her! Thank you..
[ASSISTANT]: He/him works just fine for me.
Favorite color, go
[HEIR]: Red ..
[ASSISTANT]: Brown would be mine, I guess. Don't have one exactly.
Favorite song !?
[HEIR]: I have too many loved songs to pick a favorite … However, I think any song by Marina is a good song.
[ASSISTANT]: I agree- I do have many favorites... Frank Sinatra is particularly appealing.
Do you guys like,,,, frogs,,,,
[HEIR]: Only in the storybooks, to be honest …
[ASSISTANT]: I am not a fan. They're... slimy. Cats are far superior.
[HEIR]: I wouldn’t go that far, but they are a good contender …
Okay, do you like clouds.
[ASSISTANT]: They're alright. I much prefer the rain that comes from them.
[HEIR]: Clouds are pretty.
[HEIR]: Strawberries are quite lovely.
[ASSISTANT]: Blueberries.
gay or european ?
[HEIR]: Whichever could it be? ♪
[ASSISTANT]: ...What are you singing?
[HEIR]: You don’t know Legally Blonde?!
[ASSISTANT]: Is this another musical thing?
[HEIR]: Precisely.
[ASSISTANT]: Ah, then forgive me [HEIR]. Perhaps you can tell me more about this one some other time.
[HEIR]: Will do. :33
What's y'alls least fave color (there is a wrong answer)
[HEIR]: Certain shades of orange or yellow are simply too much!!
[ASSISTANT]: Yellow is okay, I think. [ACTOR] wears it quite well. But as for myself... Anything neon is an eyesore.
[HEIR]: [ACTOR] makes yellow look so good …
would you rather fight 50 chicken sized horses or 1 horse sized chicken
[HEIR]: You will never see my fight in a battle this frivolous ... probably the horse sized chicken. Though, I think I’m unequipped for either situation.
[ASSISTANT]: ...I think I will be agreeing with you on your choice. This question is strange.
If you could get rid of 1 animal, what would it be
[HEIR]: …….. maybe, cats. But!!! Also I!! don’t really know. iamallergic..
[ASSISTANT]: ... Your allergies get you out of this one. For I it is... Snakes... They are a bit frightening.
What r your thoughts on the Arabian sand boa
[HEIR]: Very pretty... Very silly... I don't think [ASSISTANT] would share the same sentiment, though ..
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[ASSISTANT]: Unsure. I find that I am most often compared to birds. Specifically crows.
Messages beyond this point were lost. Transcript provided by [UNKNOWN].
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