#it wasn't a nightmare but I'd consider it a bad dream
mario8th · 9 months
This Is Not A New Years Resolution Post
I don't believe in the concept Anyway
My last video of the year is coming out tomorrow. This video is my 56th one about video games. The Game Awards was numbered 66 (although number 64 isn't out yet either). Which is to say the numbers really got away from me, lol.
That doesn't matter though, what does matter is that I Did It! I put out a video Every Other Week for the Entire Year. And that's not even counting how I posted weekly in the final weeks of Mario Bros Bonanza (previously/still named In Review) (I wanted to change the branding since In Review is very much a Kinda Funny thing, from now on everything else will be solely my own) (There was also my failed podcast in there, we don't need to talk about that)
(more after the break)
Afterwards things got a bit hectic on my part. I started (and will hopefully continue) my Zelda Diary series, but the whole concept was basically a stop gap where I ran out of games to even talk about. Which was Zelda's fault in the first place!
And while I'm mostly happy with the work I put into Luigi's Mansion Mania, I'm still thinking about how I want to grow. I'm currently working on a yet unannounced series in addition to (well, actually before) my Super Mario RPG series (I'm thinking Mario RPG Rewind as the name). And I'm really excited to do this series, I'm expanding on the first impressions in a way I've had a fun time with! (Of which I'm very nervous about its reception) But one thing I've definitely been thinking about is how I want to write the reviews themselves. I think I've been too rigid. I initially sorted my scripts into parts due to a comment that was very rude but somewhat correct from my Deathloop review where they complained the review didn't start until x minutes into the video. I think they're wrong, first of all, but there was a nugget in there that made me realize it's probably better to segment the videos a bit. The thing I want to be less rigid on is the content in relation to previous games. This is a series! Each Video should Build on the previous one! I know some people (or maybe even many) won't watch every part, but I shouldn't let that hold me back. For instance, I should have said less about what each Luigi's Mansion game did, and said more about what they did In Relation to the previous game. Right now my retrospectives/series's are technically that in the way they discuss and analyze every game in a series, but I want them to be able to converse with each other just a tad bit more. Which is a long way of saying that I'm going to try to do that with [redacted] Replay and Mario RPG Rewind. The [redacted] is a hint, btw. (So is looking at my [redacted] page, but what's the fun in that)
And before any of that anyway I'm gonna go back to Mario Bros Bonanza to look at the "Remakes" with Mario All-Stars, Advance, and 64 DS, which'll lead into Mario Bros Wonder. Excited to replay these versions, which I will do closely after I finish playing the last game for [redacted] Replay.
And Before Any Of That Still, it's game of the year season! This year I'm doing two things, my official top 10 list, as well as a year long retrospective of the games industry as a whole. And the latter of these (which I hope to get out first) I'm really trying to do something with too. The goal is to have it more in tone with my Game Awards video, but I also pulled so many articles about industry layoffs that going through them all is making me the joker. I've got one more idea for a bigger video like this, but that'll have to be on the back burner until the company I want to write about finally goes under. Oh wait, I've got another idea too! But that's like a Big big project, don't know how I want to focus on that
All of this is to say, I don't actually know what I'm going to do. Yes, I want to keep going with this! Yes, I think about how I haven't done any game dev in months and really want to start that up again, but I've also been focusing a lot of attention on trying to "find employment." And I'll be honest, my last gig was pretty cushy in terms of being able to work around the clock. I have a feeling whatever my next one is will be more restrictive. I feel like I'm going to have to make some affordances. I'm really happy I was able to successfully release a new video every other week for the full year. In mid February I'll have managed to do it for two years in a row. I don't know what the future holds, but I do know that running a youtube channel is not making me any money, and at this pace, will not make me any. (plus I refuse to run adds so like it'd have to be through other means). And in the case where I have to prioritize earning a living or making crummy videos, I need to choose the money one.
So where should I put my focus? I don't know. I really want to cover more indie games. But I also really want to continue with these long series retrospectives. But I also want to grow into more long form stuff too. And in many ways I Really Need to make some games to get my thoughts out in an artistic way. Who knows how much time I'll have to do any of it, though?
Anyway, I made a lot. Some of it was viewed far beyond my expectations too! If you haven't please watch Mario Bros Bonanza, and stay tuned for my next things too. Goodbye
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pavlovianfuckery · 7 months
catch me if you can or whatever
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linky for those AO3-ly inclined: https://archiveofourown.org/works/45256873
basically what it says in the title. make silly bets, get silly prizes, like creature-dick and the worst cardio session ever
2.8k of Dream when he fucking gets you under the cut :)
This is a nightmare. Your lungs are burning and your legs ache, but still, you run. If you had known that one childish impulse would get out of hand like this, you might have thought twice before teasing him the way you had.
It had started as something silly, trying to pry him away from his work for a few minutes, nothing more. A quip about him needing to lighten up hadn't been quite enough, so in the spur of the moment, you had simply snatched the book he'd been reading right out of his hands, absconding deeper into the library with a barely suppressed laugh. You hadn't expected him to chase you, though. Granted, it wasn't in any great hurry but pursue you he did, finally cornering you between the towering bookshelves.
"That was juvenile, even for you. Do I truly bore you so?" The way he'd chided you lacked any real heat though.
"Is it so terrible to want your attention for a few minutes? You have all the time in the world to work." Fiddling with the folds in his coat, you gently nipped at his bottom lip. "Surely you can do the rest later?" It was not much use though.
"As much as I'd like to indulge you, I cannot, not tonight. Although..." he'd paused, thinking for a moment, "if a chase is what you're after, why not make it something a bit more exciting than these childish antics in my library?"
"I'm listening."
"How about a small wager? If you can evade me until sun-up tomorrow, by any means you can imagine, you may ask me for anything you would like." That piqued your interest. He'd humour you from time to time, that wasn't uncommon in itself, but he was usually so serious.
"That doesn't sound so hard. What's the catch? With you, there is always one of those." Which was true, for all that he might have accommodated you in the past, he would usually find some way to be a bit of an ass about it. If you didn't know better, you might have mistaken him for a fae. Your scepticism seemed to amuse him.
"Should you fail, I will do with you as I will, whatever that might entail." That hadn't sounded bad at all, butterflies filling your stomach at the way he'd smiled at you, just a hint too sharp."It may not be as pleasant as what you might be imagining, I'm afraid. After all, what would be the point of this little game if you were simply planning to let me win?"
"I'll make you work for it, don't worry." The words had come out a lot more confident than you felt, but you weren't going to let him know that.
"Good. I will even give you a headstart." You'd started protesting about not needing him to do you any favours, but he'd simply covered your mouth with his, cutting you off. Judging by the way he had kissed you until your knees felt like jelly, he perhaps hadn't minded being pulled away from his work for a while, after all. When he finally let you up for air, you'd noticed that he'd stolen his book back.
"I'll be waiting. Now, wake up."
In hindsight you're kicking yourself for agreeing, it had been so stupid. At first, you simply tried to hide, mostly to see what he would do. By any means you can think of, he had said, and being in the Dreaming made it easy to let your imagination run free. It seemed like as good a start as any, disguising yourself as a butterfly and joining one of the great swarms in the palace gardens, doing your best to blend in. Evidently, it was not as smart as you had thought, because he found you in barely any time at all.
"That's very clever, my love. You will have to do better than that, though." He paused, considering. "I did promise you a head start, did I not? Five minutes should be plenty, I believe."
Did he think you were that slow? Your dismay must have been apparent even in this form, a hint of a smile forming on his lips.
"Which is it going to be, my sweet? Are you going to waste time sulking, or are you going to run?"
You run. Or fly, rather. You're not quite sure what exactly you turned into this time other than "bird", but you're small and fast, and that's all that matters. In no time at all, Dream is nothing but a dark smudge against the grass, rapidly shrinking. The speed is exhilarating and for a moment you forget the bet, the silly little game, all of it. Not for long though. Silhouetted against the sky like this you make an easy target, so you dash for the only cover you can find.
In the Waking, it would be cold and wet and miserable, but not here. Here the clouds are warm, covering you like a soft blanket as you make for the nearby forest, the treetops barely visible through the mist like an untidy fence off in the distance. It's not too far, and if you hurry you will have enough hiding places to have a fighting chance, so you pick up the pace. And then something moves above you, dark wings parting the mist in great rolling waves. It's hard to see much, but you can tell that it's big, whatever it is.
"Is this the best you can do? I was expecting you to take this a bit more seriously." There is no way that it has been 5 minutes already, but before you can call him out for cheating, great talons are raking through the air. They miss you with barely an inch to spare, ruffling your tail feathers. He is seconds away from catching you and by the sound of it, you might get a bit more than you bargained for if you let him do that. You dive.
Despite the breakneck speed, he's all but nipping at your heels the entire way down, leaving you no choice but to hit the ground running. The grass is slippery with dew, turning your landing into a slide and making you lose your footing. Not for long though, strong hind legs and claws of your own giving you grip and a burst of speed as you launch yourself into the tall grass. A hare might not have been your first pick, but it's not like you had time to think. It makes gaining ground easy though, darting this way and that towards the treeline, narrowly evading the grasping talons.
You make it into the forest, the dense undergrowth giving you enough cover to shake him off. The thick layer of fallen leaves deadens every sound, and it takes you a few seconds to realize that he's not behind you anymore. In fact, you can't see or hear him at all. It's not likely that he would have given up that easily, but your legs feel like over-cooked noodles so you stop to catch your breath. Finally yourself again, you sit down heavily on a tree stump, lungs still heaving like bellows. Since this is all technically a dream, it feels deeply unfair that you get winded at all. You remind yourself to ask him about that later, but you suspect that running in your dreams does not count as cardio.
Dawn is still hours away, and you have no clue how you're going to make it until then. At this point, it feels like you might as well give up. You're pretty sure he wouldn't do anything too bad, and there is no way you can keep this pace up for much longer. The sound of a dead branch breaking nearby is loud, taking you by surprise.
At first, you're not entirely sure what you're looking at, except that it's not any kind of animal that you know. It's pale, with a starved look about it, all sinew and bone. Between the dark tufts of fur and the gangly, oddly proportioned limbs, it is entirely alien. Even the way it moves is unsettling as its antlered head swivels in your direction, its eyes fixed on you. Black eyes.
As it turns out, you do have the energy to keep running after all.
For a few fleeting seconds, you almost think he might let you go. But then he chases after you, more branches breaking. It's over in less than a minute. If you hadn't tripped it might have been one and a half, maybe even two. But soon, a clawed hand pushes you down onto the ground, leaving you splayed out like so much prey. Wriggling only makes him put more of his weight on you, claws pricking your skin.
"Be still." His voice is almost felt rather than heard, reminding you of gravel being ground underfoot and the bubbling of mud, nothing like his usual smooth velvet. There is a gibbering at the back of your mind, every base instinct telling you to flee, to get away by any means possible before you're eaten."Or would you deny me my prize?"
For a moment you consider it, calling it off. He hasn't held that against you in the past, and he wouldn't now. And despite appearances, you're pretty sure he wouldn't actually eat you. This close you can't help noticing the disconcerting amount of sharp-looking teeth though, so you take a deep breath to try and calm yourself.
"No." Your voice isn't quite as steady as you would have liked it to be but you reach out to touch him all the same. His skin is warm and dusted with fine, almost invisible hair. It's a strange, almost sticky feeling, and when he pulls away to move down your body, you half expect it to coat your fingers like moth scales. When he reaches the apex of your thighs he nuzzles there, drawing your scent deep into his lungs with a low rumbling sound.
The way he picks at your clothes with the tips of his claws is almost dainty, the fabric giving with little ripping sounds as he works your legs free, leaving you bare. When he spreads your lips to expose you to him it's with the gentlest touch, careful not to scratch you. Aside from his eyes, the way he works your clit is the only familiar thing tonight, teasing you until you can hardly stand it. When the tip of his tongue probes your entrance your eyes drift shut, anticipating what's to come.
"No, look at me." Once he's satisfied that you're watching he slides his tongue into you, inch by slick inch, not stopping until his teeth prick your skin. He could swallow your entire cunt whole like this, easily fitting all of it in his mouth with room to spare.
The movement of his tongue is a slow, undulating thing as he fucks you with it, drinking down every drop of your juices as he massages every sweet spot at once. It's a wholly new sensation and it's got you craving more of it, making you grab hold of his antlers to better grind yourself against him, but he just gives a low growl and splays one huge hand across your stomach, keeping you still as he feasts on you. Craning your neck you can only just glimpse his length, massive and ridged, the broad head already leaking and turning the dark fur between his legs sticky.
"Gods, Dream, you're not planning to fuck me with that?" He doesn't respond right away, so intent on devouring you, not stopping until you're trembling.
"Remember the agreement, my love. Do not refuse me now." His expression is harder to read like this, but the want in his voice is plain enough. Stroking your sides soothingly, his voice turns almost cajoling as he continues, "Turn over."
Perhaps against your better judgement, you do as he asks, your stomach fluttering with equal parts desire and trepidation. The smell of decaying leaves and trampled undergrowth is thick in your nose as he puts you on your hands and knees, face nearly touching the forest floor. It's hard to stay still as he starts slowly pushing inside, careful not to crush you under his weight as he mounts you. He makes it less than an inch before you tense, certain that he's going to split you in half somehow.
"Wait, I don't know if..."
"You can take me." He presses against you another fraction of an inch, not bothering to let you finish talking. "You will."
At first, it feels like he's demanding the impossible, but gradually you manage to relax. He takes his time working his way inside of you and when he finally bottoms out it's with a guttural sound, his breath ruffling your hair as he pants against the back of your neck. You half expect some form of "I told you so" but it never comes. Instead, you simply breathe together for a few moments as he gives you time to adjust.
When he moves it's so slowly, like he could break you somehow. When you don't, he gets bolder, pulling nearly all the way out and then thrusting back in, making sure you feel every ridge and bump. Every noise you make seems to egg him on until his teeth are at the back of your neck, not quite drawing blood.
He takes his time, holding you steady as he claims you utterly. Even when his teeth nick your skin he doesn't falter, probing at the cut with his tongue until saliva dribbles down your neck. Even the way he tightens his grip on you is entirely other, leaving you unable to do anything but wriggle in the dirt, black spots dancing across your vision.
"Dream, please!" Everything is pressure and a gasp is all you can manage. You can feel him swell inside of you in response to your pleading, and then one huge finger settles over your neglected clit, the claws a reminder of just how easily he could rip you apart like this.
In a way he does, rubbing at you until your release is so close that you can nearly taste it. Teetering right on the precipice, you're not sure if there is even room for you to come, he's got you stretched so wide. He's insistent though, trapping you between his hand and his cock, not letting you squirm away no matter how much you try.
In the end, he reaches his peak first, jaws locked like a steel trap around your neck as he spills deep inside of you. It feels as if it might never end as he pulses over and over until his release is running down your legs, black like tar. Even then he manages to keep up the slow, full strokes, refusing to stop until you hurtle over the edge.
When you finally do, it knocks the breath out of you, leaving you no air to even scream. The girth of him makes your cunt struggle to clench and as he fucks you through it, he very nearly gets pushed out. He doesn't let up until you almost collapse under his weight, utterly spent. Even as he lays you down on your side he doesn't withdraw, just pulls you close and curls in around you with a sound that while strange, sounds content enough. It's oddly cosy like this, his deep rumbling breaths against your back, and for a few moments neither of you says anything. As the light-headedness starts lifting and your heart stops pounding like you've run a marathon, you can't quite hold back a sigh.
"Something troubling you, my love?" Even distorted, the amusement in his voice is apparent.
"Were you ever going to give me a fair chance to win?" With the soreness setting in, it's difficult to keep some irritation out of your voice.
"Perhaps." This time he doesn't bother to disguise it, and you're grateful that you have your back turned so you don't have to see the smug expression on his face. "As I recall, you agreed to the terms."
"You cheated!" You emphasize the words with an elbow to where his stomach should be, though not very hard. It barely connects, and you're too worn out to stay annoyed. There is a crick in your neck and you wince, hoping it won't follow you into the waking world. "Next time, remind me not to interrupt while you're working."
At first, he doesn't respond and you think he might be having a coughing fit. For a second you wonder if an Endless can even get sick, or if something else is wrong. Then he nuzzles your neck and you realize that the dreadful noise is him laughing at you. Not very loudly, but still. By the time you wake up, you still haven't decided whether you should be annoyed at the cheek of him, or just be happy that you heard him laugh for the first time.
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thefallennightmare · 11 months
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(gif created by me, the fallen nightmare. feel free to use, simply give credit)
Pairings: Noah Sebastian x Reader
Warnings/Tropes: forced proximity, slight enemies to lovers, slow burn, smut, angst, fluff, mentions of death, and swearing.
Summary: Reader is the merch girl for Bad Omens. It wasn't what she wanted to do with her life but when her mother got sick with Alzheimer's, reader took a job where she could to help with the costs. She thought it would be a one-time gig but the longer she was on the road with them, the harder she fell for Noah Sebastian; even if he wanted nothing to do with her. She needed a miracle to save her mom and her future.
Author Note: things are about to get REAL intense so buckle up!
Tags: @ada-clarence @nonamessblog @thescarlettvvitch @malice-ov-mercy @crimson-calligraphyx @theoneandonlykymberlee @yumikitten @blackveilomens @cherrymedicine13 @thebadchic @notmaddihealy @jay02bo @beaker1636 @jakekiszkasguitarpick @punk-pr1ncessxoxo @er3nslovergirl @iamdesolate @lma1986 @jessitpwk @themodern-daywednesday @writethrough @bngurngheart @dreams-that-are-anwsered
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Holy shit, I give Bryan so much damn credit. He does this almost every single night and I've only been hopping around back and forth in front of the stage to get random clips or videos of the guys set for one night. At first, I was nervous to tell Bryan about my promotion because I felt as if I was stepping in his territory with taking pictures but he was ecstatic. Even offered to show me how to work the camera that I'd bought for my other content. I remembered how red in the face I'd gotten when he asked if I'd always been interested in photography when he saw the type of camera I had. Obviously I didn't tell him the real reason I had to buy it.
"It was a gift from an aunt," I lied.
My eyes glanced away from my camera over to Noah as he finished the last line of Like a Villian and snapped a few photos of him from different angles. I wasn't great at editing pictures, something else Bryan offered to help me with, but I still could tell what was considered a good shot.
I stood in front of the barricade and the crowd behind me screamed for the guys, absolutely thrilled that they could see them live even when the festival was canceled. It was the last-minute show that I pulled together and the small venue we were in was packed full of fans.
After our early dinner, before the show and after Noah fingered me under the table, we played oblivious to what happened. I hated we didn't talk about it because all I thought about while I was getting ready for the show tonight was if Noah and I were dating or if we simply were messing around. Even though I didn't want a relationship right now because of everything going on with my mom, I also didn't want us to be a casual hook up whenever one of us were horny.
I knew I needed to talk to Noah about this; it wasn't good to keep everything bottled up because it would only fizzle over before exploding. But the part of my heart that has genuine feelings for him was afraid of getting hurt if I found out he only had sexual feelings for me.
"How are we feeling tonight, Cleveland?" Noah asked the crowd.
Their screams echoed loudly around me as I took a few pictures of Nick before walking over toward Jolly to get a few pictures of him. I made a mental note to get back on stage to get a video of Folio drumming when Noah's voice stopped me in my tracks right to the side of him. I was on the floor but still only a few feet away from him.
"Before we play our next song, I want to give a shout out to someone special. She was the one who set up the pop up event earlier today and put this whole show together," Noah waved a hand around, showcasing the sold-out crowd.
The crowd cheered again as I gulped, not knowing where he was going with this.
A smile graced his face as he pulled the microphone closer to his lips. "She's someone that's been with us for two tours now and she's become a great friend to us."
I narrowed my eyes at him as ours locked.
"What are you doing?" I mouthed.
Noah ignored me, only giving me a smile and a small wave, even under the dark stage lights his eyes burned bright.
"You might recognize her as our merch girl but recently she became our social media ambassador so whenever you guys send us weird D.M's, just know she's the one reading them."
The crowd laughed at that, and I couldn't help but chuckle as well.
"But in all seriousness, she deserves this. Lets give Y/N a huge scream of thanks for putting all of this together."
Now the screams were deafening, and I tried not to sink into myself as people in the first few rows noticed me standing there. I gave a tiny wave to the crowd before snapping back over to Noah.
"Fuck you," I yelled up at him, no hint of malice behind it.
Noah winked. "You know if I'm being honest. I didn't think she could pull it off, so we made a bet. If she was able to, she'd get to design my next tattoo."
Some people in the crowd hooted and hollered at that.
"So if you see me with a tattoo of her name or some shit like that; that's why."
Before I could crawl into myself even more for having the spotlight on me, they started up into the next song, and letting my camera hang from my neck; I walked up the back of the stage up to the platform where Folio's drums were and watched in awe as he let himself go, being the beat that everyone followed. It was a true experience being able to watch him. I took out my phone to record a video of him to post on the Bad Omens Instagram story and when he finally noticed I was there; he winked after I took a few pictures of him with my camera, I walked down the stairs of the platform thinking of what I could get for the final shot of the night. I had a lot of close-up shots of Nick, Folio, and Jolly but none of Noah.
Biting my lip, I snuck up being him not to get in his way of performing, and as he sang the last few lines of Just Pretend, the lights in the venue went dark. The only source of light was from the flashlights of the fan's phones and seeing how ethereal Noah looked, I snuck up beside him to take two quick pictures.
He peered at me with a sideway glance as the corner of his lip lifted in a sly smile and once I was satisfied with all the pictures I took tonight I walked off the stage to the back. Noah, however, hooked a finger in the belt loop of my jeans and yanked me back towards him.
"Would you say I'm worthy?" he sang the last line, the lights fading around us.
I couldn't see anything in front or around me but I could feel Noah's presence behind me. His warm breath fanned across the back of my neck as mouth pressed gentle kisses there.
"Angel," he mused. "Do you know how beautiful you look tonight?"
His hands gripped my hips, and I shivered with his touch as he led us to the side of the stage where the rest of the guys were waiting. They would hang out for two minutes before going back on for their two song encore; Concrete Jungle and Dethrone.
I was turned in his embrace and saw the huge grin spread over Noah's soft features. Sweat glistened his body all over and his hair clung to his forehead.
Fuck, he looked so good.
My fingers raised to brush the hair back, but I stopped myself. Noah noticed, and he gave me a confused look.
"Everything alright?"
As much as I wanted to talk to him about us, I didn't want to do it before he was about to go back on stage.
"Yeah, you just took me by surprise is all with what you said."
"It's true," he shrugged. "Before when you were at the merch table, I could barley see you but now that you're so close to me, I couldn't stop watching you all night."
A blush painted over my skin and I cast my gaze downward, not wanting Noah to see how much his words affected me; although, I had a feeling he already knew. This was becoming more of a problem than I liked. I was allowing him to inject himself in my bloodstream, infect me with his presence and it would hurt me in the end. Whether it was because I ended things or he realizes that the problems with my mom were too much to deal with. I need to focus on my mom and now this huge step in my career, I couldn't let myself get blinded or involved with someone I worked with.
Too late for that.
The crowd was cheering for one more song and I knew they would run back out on stage in less than ten seconds.
"Angel," his finger brushed along my jaw. "What's wrong?"
My lips parted, but no words came out, unsure what to say. This wasn't the time and Jolly could tell as he watched us so he adjusted his guitar before slapping Noah on his shoulder.
"We have to go."
I nodded behind Noah. "I'm fine."
His eyes searched mine, fingers still gripping my chin. "You're sure?"
"Yep," I lied while patting his chest. "Go fight God; I'll see you guys back on the bus."
With a chuckle, Noah's fingers slipped away from me and I watched the four of them run back out on stage for the encore part of their song. I could stay and watch but there was no need to hang back anymore. They gave me the choice if some nights I wanted to help the crew take everything down I could or I could head back to the bus early to rest or do whatever I wanted.
I know I should hang back to help tear everything down but right now, all I wanted was a bit of solace on the quiet bus away from everyone.
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"Oh, god not that one," I muttered to myself as I browsed through the pictures of my phone.
I should look at the ones I took tonight, but I was looking at more risqué pictures. Tonight, Lana's second payment was due and as usual, I was short. Even with being promoted, I wouldn't get paid until the tour was over. So, the only thing I could do was ask Lana if she was fine getting the payment a few days later than normal and thank fuck she was.
Take your time, dear. We're all good over here.
Even though I was alone on the bus, I couldn't risk recoding something in case someone walked on so instead I took a handful of different pictures. These, though, were way more revealing than I usually take. One was in the bathroom on the bus; I was bare from the waist down with my pussy in full view but kept my Bad Omens t-shirt on, rolling it up from the bottom until it stopped over the middle of my breasts. You could see half of them, but the nipples were covered. My phone blocked my face, which was something I still wouldn't forget, and I took a few different angles.
The next set of pictures were of me laying in my bunk, now wearing a black thong but now the shirt was off, and I had my hand resting over one breast while the other was bare for the camera.
As I was still deciding, Folio came bounding up the stairs of the bus, his energy radiating off of him. When he saw me scrolling through my phone, he sat down and took my phone from my grasp.
"Are those the pictures from tonight?"
"Folio, no!" I bellowed while reaching for my phone.
I fell onto his lap, my chest pressing against his hips and he stiffened when he realized what he was staring at; the picture of me in the bathroom mirror.
"Woah," was all he said.
I groaned in embarrassment as rolled over in his lap now looking up at him and snatched my phone back.
"Please forget you saw those."
Folio stared ahead as he blinked a few times, almost processing what he saw before his gaze fell on me. Something twitched beneath me and when I realized what it was, I sat up with a start staring down at his dick, which was semi hard.
Oh God.
"This is so embarrassing," I covered my face with my hands.
Folio let out a low chuckle before slowly removing my hands.
"Who were you sending those to?" He wondered.
I quickly shook my head. "No one."
A small noise sounded from the back of his throat as he adjusted himself on the couch, still clearly affected by seeing my half nudes.
"If it makes you feel better, I like the one in our shirt the best," Folio grinned.
I smacked his chest. "You can't tell anyone about this, please. I already feel weird about taking them and now that you saw them, it's going to make things weird between us."
"You're the only one that thinks that, Y/N. And if you feel weird about taking them, then why did you? From what I saw, you have nothing to worry about."
My eyes narrowed at Folio in a playful glare; it was very clear that he indeed liked what he saw.
"If I wasn't mortified by you seeing my nudes, I'd take that as a compliment."
His brow raised in amusement. "Were they for Noah?"
"Hell no. He can never know about these or even see these, understood?" I pointed a finger to him.
"I won't tell him but I can't promise that I'll forget what I saw," Folio winked before get up from the couch and headed back to his bunk.
I was still burning up when Nick, Jolly, and Noah came onto the bus and when the latter's eyes fell on me, he reached for my hand.
"What?" I stared at it.
Noah lifted me from the couch and dragged me to the back area of the bus so we could have some privacy. He was still wearing his stage clothes, and I marveled at the tattoos that peaked through his blank tank top. Once alone, he let the door shut behind us as he fell to the larger couch in the room; me falling into his lap.
"What are you doing?" I asked while trying to sit next to him instead.
Noah's fingers dug into my hips to lock me in place. "I think we need to talk."
With a sigh, I nodded. He was right and as much as I didn't want too, this had to be done. Still in his lap, I positioned myself so I could look directly in his brown eyes.
"This," I pointed between us. "What is this?"
I could see with the look that flashed over his face that Noah was trying to figure out the best words to describe us.
"I'm not sure what to call it but I like what we have going. I don't want it to stop," he admitted.
"What changed, though? Last week it seemed like being around me was like pulling teeth," I said.
Noah sighed and wrapped his arms around me to pull me into his chest. "I tried to stay away from you because I thought it was a bad idea to get involved with someone on the crew and with what happened in Chicago, I took it as an opportunity. But the harder I tried to forget about you like that, the deeper you sunk your claws into me."
My heart shuddered in my chest.
"Can we maybe take things slow? Maybe see where this goes. I can't have a relationship right now. There are some things going on in my life that needs my attention, especially once I'm home," I explained.
I didn't miss the hurt look that shined in his eyes but Noah nodded. "I can wait, angel."
He was not making this easy.
This time, I extracted myself from his grasp and stood on my feet, giving us some distance.
"I can't ask you to do that," I said.
"You're not. Whatever you've got going on, I want to be here for you," Noah assured.
Tears brimmed in my eyes as I let out a long shaky breath. "It's a lot and I don't want to push you away again. If I'm being honest, I've wanted this from you for so long and now knowing you feel the same, I'm afraid."
He was on his feet fast to press me against the wall with his hips. Noah's large hands pinned mine above my head then he buried his face deep into the skin of where my shoulder met my neck. I let out a mix of a whine and moan when his rutted his hips into mine.
"Angel, I'm not going anywhere."
I gave a half nod, understanding, but I couldn't really focus with the way his cock pressed against my lower abdomen.
"This," I panted. "Isn't slow."
Noah hummed as he left a small mark on the skin behind my ear and I nearly melted into him.
"You're going to kill me," he breathed before pulling away from me, my hands falling to my sides. "But we can take things at your pace. If you want to hang out and watch a movie or something, I'm here. Or if you need help with other things, I'm here."
I linked my fingers with his and brought them to my lips to kiss the tattoos on the back of his hand.
"Thank you, Noah."
With a fond smile, he led me out of the room to the front of the bus where he motioned for me to sit at the table.
"Want some tea?" He asked.
I smiled. "Please."
I then sat at the table across from Jolly and Folio. Still embarrassed by him seeing my nudes, I refused to meet Folio's amused gaze and kept my own on my phone. I was turned away from everyone so no one could see me as I uploaded a few pictures to my Only Fan's page. I needed these pictures up as soon as possible to start making money.
"So are you excited to go back home for a few days?" Jolly asked.
"Oh shit. I almost forgot!" I beamed.
Bad Omens had a two-night show in Los Angeles, where we headed next. Then after those two nights, we would head up to Washington. With everything that had been going on lately, I forgot to mention to Lana that I could stay home those nights with my mom.
"We can book you a hotel for you if you want," Folio said.
"Or you could stay with someone," Noah piped up from behind me.
I glanced over my shoulder at him. "Slow, remember?"
He bent low to leave a kiss on my forehead and my eyes fluttered shut. "I'm only kidding."
"My mom's excited to see me so if it's alright, I'll stay at my place," I said.
Noah's lips twitched before he nodded. "Sure."
Seeing that the pictures uploaded to my site, I stuffed my phone back into my pocket and talked some more with Jolly, not realizing that Noah's phone went off with a notification or the way he adjusted himself in his pants when he looked at the screen.
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yuurivoice · 28 days
since you love to write, does your job ever feel like actual work? Kinda like that saying “if you love your job, you’ll never work a day of your life.” Kinda question.
also, how much free time do you normally have?
It felt like actual work from pretty early on. The moment I crossed over from doing it for funsies to sometimes taking commissions I didn't really feel strongly about for money, it was work.
I've had to drag my ass into the booth and record on days when I couldn't even take care of my basic needs because of ADHD struggles, and that sure felt like work.
I've had to write like absolute dogshit and just accept it because I had deadlines and people waiting on me. That felt like work.
I've had to spend hours breaking down different shots needed for visual projects, like a caveman painting on a wall for a renaissance artist to reference. That definitely felt like work.
I've had to deal with community moderation, personal betrayals of trust, harassment, goddamn pr crises, tax nightmares, and shipping hundreds of orders by hand. That was work.
That old cliche of if you love what you do, you'll never work a day in your life is a crock of shit. But all of that being said, even though it is work, and even though it can be really difficult sometimes?
Wouldn't trade it for the world. There is no other calling for me, my heart is not satisfied if I am not telling stories, and for some reason the universe decided that this was the path forward. I didn't plan on it. I never loved voice acting, but I learned to. I wish there was less bullshit over the years that robbed me of my joy. I wish I wasn't fighting my brain for so much of the time I've been doing this.
But the good will always outweigh the bad.
It's a dream fulfilled. I never needed or wanted to be some sort of massive sensation, or have broad renown or appeal. I didn't need to become a best selling author, or create a hit video game, or do anything like that. I am happy that I've found even a small group of people who love to get lost in my worlds, or spend time with my characters, or hear them get railed in pumpkin patches.
I get to experience the magic of creating something I didn't know was within me. Again and again. Projects like BitterSweet, Shattered, and Echoes of Evalas are precious to me because of the wondrous feeling creating those stories gives me. They could all flop, and I'd do it anyway.
I was creating art when no one was ever there to listen or watch. In that regard, it's never been work. It is a function of my existence. I was made, raised, and shaped to tell stories. It's the one thing I can do. At a table of friends, an audience of hundreds, or on long drives by myself. It's like breathing. It just happens.
Being able to call it work is a privilege. I'm thrilled that I've got the chance to work. I'm happy that I even have the opportunity to have days where I have to push myself. Because it has given me more than I've ever thought it could. I was on food stamps living with family under constant threat of getting kicked out. I was lonely, isolated, and scared of the world. I was considered lazy.
Finding my lane, getting traction, and thriving was something I considered out of reach. I was ready to tap out and accept that I just wasn't quite right for life. Like maybe I just didn't have all the right parts. I was okay with it, even. I was tired.
So yeah. It's work. But I spent a long time desperate to find work I was suited for, and with a lot of recent life changes I've removed many of those points of friction that would make it tough to work. So I'm thrilled.
And that, my friends, is what happens when you ask a professional yapper if they love yapping. 😂
As for free time, it's hard to say. So much of what I do being my own boss and shit, plus creative stuff just constantly churning in my brain, I struggle to clearly define what is and is not "free time". I basically have to be on call. At any given moment something might need my attention, or creativity comes knocking. It's hard to completely disconnect.
I've done a good job of getting into the office about four times a week. That has helped me find some sort of balance, but even recent writing I've done was on my laptop at my little breakfast nook having coffee.
I think the big thing is, I can create my free time whenever I need or want to.
Anywho, this is why you don't open Tumblr when you wake up to pee in the middle of the night because then you spent 30 minutes staring at your phone writing a whole ass essay. I'm gonna go get out of bed and make something awesome now. 💖
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imtrashraccoon · 5 months
Consider this... The Nightmare of Apathy but Dreamswap
I'm kinda experiencing brainrot over Helios and Eos at the moment...
Dream is the one who rules over a world that is permanently day where everyone is happy and adores him. I imagine there would be sun worship but it's morphed into worshipping the deity that literally glows and makes everyone's life better.
Plant life flourishes and the climate is always comfortably warm. I don't think animal life would be much different with permanent sunlight but I'm not going to be putting thought into this right now lol.
Somehow, MC (probably named something vaguely related to the sun to have a nice parallel) meets Dream. Not sure how or why but it would either be transactional or a coincidence. Or maybe they have a "dark opposite" soul and Dream wants to "fix" them.
Dream and Nightmare still quarrel over the multiverse, although Dream has more influence thanks to time and positivity being easier to spread. Nightmare is gaining ground though which is rather concerning to Dream.
Nightmare forms his own team, not sure if it'd be the usual rabble or others. Without spoiling possible future plot points for TNA, there is a conflict between the brothers that leads Dream to forming his team. Again, possibly the usual rabble but it could be interesting if he "converts" bad guys to his cause.
I could go on but I will end up spoiling the finale to my fic... ಠ⁠_⁠ಠ
Or maybe it's like how Swapfell and Fellswap are similar but different? (Swapdream?)
Same premise as above, but Aylin is on Nightmare's side the whole time. ("Dark opposite" soul again?) I think this would be more like a desperate rebellion against a vast empire, except the rebels are technically the bad guys. So lots of angst and action scenes where they barely get out alive?
Aylin would meet Nightmare on more normal terms. He isn't a domineering lord but a pathetic outcast, hated by everyone because he only brings negativity when he's around. Or maybe his world is the one place his brother can't "taint" and while he's not loved by the populace, they understand all would be lost if he wasn't trying to maintain the balance. Maybe the economy is hyper focused on production for war efforts?
They'd get into a relationship much more quickly, especially after saving each other's lives a couple of times. Nightmare teaches her to fight, use magic, and possibly other skills he learned too. In turn, she teaches him what she knows as a herbalist and creates many valuable tonics and potions for conflict.
They pick up friends along the desperate, uphill, in the rain battle that is trying to re-establish emotional balance in the multiverse. Could be the usual rabble, although they'd probably have to rescue them from Dream's clutches first. Not sure if the boys would be more or less insane, especially if Dream was forcing them to be positive through magic.
The duo aren't loved by the majority of the multiverse and would likely run into many powerful players. Or maybe Dream hires bounty hunters to go after them. (Fresh might make sense here as he isn't a good guy and probably wouldn't appreciate Dream.)
The potential for a "happy" ending is very low and something drastic would have to occur for that to even happen. I would explain what but again, I'd literally spoil everything for TNA...
I think I like this idea much more than the previous one... (⁠-⁠_⁠-⁠;⁠)
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tripg · 5 months
Day 4: Ghoap, Rest
Had some banter in my head and now it's out
(347 words)
"Ghost, I'll keep watch." "Negative. You get some rest." "Wasn't askin', Lt." "Did I?" "I don't need it." Soap didn't sleep deeply, but he could sleep wherever. He slept up until infil the day before, until they ditched their truck. Ghost never slept. If he slept, it wasn't rest. Soap could see it in the dead-tired vacant stare from his mask that Ghost was running on fumes. What had it been, two days? "You need it, Lt."
"Ghost, I'll keep watch."
"Negative. You get some rest."
"Wasn't askin', Lt."
"Did I?"
"I don't need it." Soap didn't sleep deeply, but he could sleep wherever. He slept up until infil the day before, until they ditched their truck. Ghost never slept. If he slept, it wasn't rest. Soap could see it in the dead-tired vacant stare from his mask that Ghost was running on fumes. What had it been, two days? "You need it, Lt."
"Need a tea."
"Close your eyes then."
"Could be a meteor shower. I'd miss it."
Stupid. "Aye, forgot that's tonight. And you'd miss s'mores with the Shadows."
"Can't have that."
Soap grit his teeth. Stubborn Brit. "Party's not for another hour."
Doubling down was the only way to deal with him sometimes. He never looked out for himself, especially with sleep. It seemed like he was allergic to it.
Ghost shifted in Soap's periphery, and started. "Fifteen minutes." Ghost checked the safety on his gun.
"Aye sir." Finally.
Ghost put the gun down close next to him. "Shadows, stars, s'mores...you wake me the fuck up."
"Or tea," Soap added.
"No." Ghost sat back against the wall with his arms folded, and shut his eyes. "Have one ready in fifteen."
"Rog. Sweet dreams."
Ghost sighed, loosening his shoulders and settling back again. "Never."
Soap counted the minutes, looking down from overwatch while Ghost rested behind him. He counted almost to fifteen.
Ghost suddenly made a sharp inhale, and then another. A subtle tell that he woke out of sorts.
"Morning Lt., you solid?"
Ghost breathed slowly. "Yea, nightmare."
Now and again Soap had nightmares. They weren't too bad, all things considered, but Ghost had them worse. 'Fucking brutal, they are.' He never shared what of. It wasn't something Soap ever pressed. Ghost would say he had one, or two, but kept any details guarded like everything else.
At least he didn't wake up screaming, Soap thought. "Cold tea?"
"Worse." Ghost hauled himself up. "You talked all the way home after exfil. I jumped out the heli to get away but forgot my chute."
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tblsomedoodles · 2 years
Raph is the eldest, the Protector. He was the shield to keep his siblings safe no matter what and a role model to show then right from wrong. They could come to him about anything and he would promise no judgement (well, maybe a little teasing) and his complete support and he had made sure his brothers had known this since they were very young. And he'd been doing a pretty banged up job of it too, bug brothering like a Boss!! At least, that was what he had thought up until this point. Then he discovered Leo and Donnie were a little more special than they'd first thought.
They were a Fated Pair, according to a decidedly smug Draxum. According to yokai legend, every few hundred or so years a pair of seers, usually twins although not necessarily. And he had suspected for quite some time that Leo was one of them, although it was only recently he figured out which. Leon was a doom prophet, someone cursed with prophetic dreams and vision of future disasters, while Donnie was ironically the soothsayer, blessed with visions of fortune.
All Raph had really understood out of that was that his brother's dreams weren't just dreams and his brothers had been keeping soem serious secrets from him. He'd always known Leo had trouble sleeping and Donnie had the uncanny ability to guess good news even before it's told, but he'd never really thought too much about it. Donnie has freely admitted to recording and even spying on his family before so it wouldn't be hard to imagine he'd just overheard it while Leo is... Leo. He's never been much a of a restful sleeper. He'd never thought anything of it until recently.
Then CJ came along.
Raph adored the human boy, they all did, but that's nothing on how downright protective if the time traveler Leo and Donnie were. How they seemed to just know things about CJ that they shouldn't know at all, like his fear of snakes (something shout a crazed snake yokai trying to eat him when he was younger). And of course theirs the stories CJ would tell, about how Leo and Donnie's future selves. Whenever the boy would bring up anything about Leo and Donnies' future selves' uncanny ability to plan ahead for almost any eventuality, even when there was absolutely no foreseeable way for then to tell soemthing was going to happen, the turtles in question would be quick to change the subject, insisting that it must be exaggeration on the part of the apparently prevalent rumor mill of yhe apocalypse.
That was the start of it, and not long after the kid came along and they'd fought their greatest battle yet, the truth was revealed. Raph was concerned, of course, who wouldn't be learning such a terrifying thing about their younger brothers!? Donnie would insist the visions aren't anything to worry about, more a nuisance than anything.
"Whats the point of a surprise party or dazzling someone if you already going to know what's going to happen!?" Donnie would complain whenever asked about it, "I'd rather not know what my next birthday present will be thank you very much..."
On Leo's end the slider would just shrug it off, likening his visions to just another nightmare.
"I'm used to it, it's jsut more of the same right? Insomnia stops me form sleeping and I get nightmares. Just cuz they come true don't mean much if anything!"
Raph had a feeling that Leo was downplaying how bad his dreams were and that Donnie wasn't being completely upfront in the matter of his feelings about his visions, but considering the circumstances in which they had discovered the visions the snapper couldn't blame them. This was something deeply personal that got thrown out for the world to see after all, and as long as they know to come to him if it gets worse, all is well and good. Besides having brothers who can see the future is actually cool, or at least thats what Raph ahd thought until he had to witness one of them.
Leo had woken him late one night with a terrified scream, prompting him and Mikey to rush to his room. His eyes and markings were glowing as he gasped and whimpered in desperate pain, nails digging into his face as he scratched desperately at his temples and scalp, convulsing with the sheer power of hus uncontrollable visions. He was having a vision, one of the rare waking ones where he wasn't asleep, and Donnie was nowhere to be found! Stuck and unsure what to do, Raph tried to snap him out of it only for Leo to curl up more, more pained cries escaping his beak. Mikey was fumbling with his phone, trying to get Donnie on the line. Nothing they were doing was helping and Raph, desperate, jsut did the only thing he could think of.
He scooped Leo into his arms, sitting in the floor with the convulsing and crying turtle in his lap and wrapping himself around the smaller liek the world's most dense weighted blanket and just held him close, heart breaking as Leo instinctively clung to him, nails digging in as he bit his lip in a desperate attempt to stifle his crying. Donnies voice came on the speaker, held close by Mijey with promises of coming home as soon as possible and telling Leo to hold on.
Donnie sounded breathless, telling stories about good times yet to come as he runs, not hover but actually runs, back to the lair in n attempt to comfort Leo. The sound of his twin seemed to help, but not enough, it wasn't nearly enough and Raph's heart shattered even more as he picked up the panicked tone in Donnies voice as the realization that nobody knew how to handle this set in.
Leo was the expert when it came to this strange future sight... Donnie had freely admitted to only recently even noticing his own powers and beginning to learn them but Leo had been aware of then for far longer and any questions they had would be best asked of the slider or Draxum. Draxum was away on some charity event the school he worked for was hosting to help with the hundreds of people now homeless after the invasion, and Leo was catatonic and suffering.
As Raph sat there waiting for this to pass, Mikey curled against his shell for comfort but unwilling to slide in next to Leo who needed it more and Donnie rushing back, he thought. His many times, he asked himself, how many times has this happened to his brothers and he wasn't there to help!? How much has Leo and Donnie kept hidden from hin because they didn't want to worry him with these visions? How many times was Leo brought to this state, alone and suffering in the dark as he stifled his crying? What was it Leo was seeing, that made it so his strong and thick skinned little brother would cry and weep and convulsed in pain form sheer grief at what he was seeing!?
No more. Raph won't let them suffer alone anymore. He may not get this whole seer thing much but he doesn't have to to understand that his brothers need him. Hours later, when Donnie had arrives and Leo's episode had ended, twins sleeping peacefully once more, Raph carefully traced the yin and yang marks on his brothers' faces before tucking the blanket around them closer. They were in a turtle pile, everyone too freaked by Leo's waking vision to sleep alone.
Tomorrow, Raph will discuss setting up soem ground rules on regard to what the twins do and do not hide when it comes to their visions and ask Leo just what it was he had seen.
This is so great!!! Raph is such a good big brother! I love this so much!
also just
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He's going to be talking to them about all this. But tomorrow. (off mikey's getting more blankets and pillows for a proper turtle pile)
THank you!!!
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hazbmymhotel · 5 months
I promise, this image is NOT a spoiler, but I did make me laugh way too hard
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Chapter 11) Zip, Zip
“So, Angie, I'm actually royally pissed!” Cherri Bomb opened the top of her latte to dump in a coffee liquor. “You always said if you ever got married, I'd be there!”
“He was bleedin’ all over the place, was I supposed to call you?” Angel leaned back, sipping his own cappuccino.
“Uh! Yes!!” Cherri recapped her drink. “Especially since it's this guy!!”
Husk looked up, a madeleine in his teeth.
“I thought you were just gonna fuck him.”
“He's old fashioned,” Angel lied. “Plus I've never been married before. I figured it'd be fun!” He grabbed Husk's chin and leaned down, biting off the other half of the cookie.
Cherri laughed into her hand and shook her head. “He's ancient.”
“We're the same age,” Angel argued, swallowing his mouth full. “I've just been in hell longer!”
“I'm also sitting right here,” Husk informed her.
“You look rough,” Cherri told him directly. “Like, not only the shit Angie’s insane brother did!” Angel winced quietly as she went on. “But you look like a rug!”
“Brutal,” Husk sighed, sipping his breve.
Angel jumped to his defense, “Husker isn't sleepin’ well!”
“Oh!!” Cherri was more interested now! “Are you two knocking boots all night?” She squealed as Husk’s blush showed through his fur. “Ang. Is he good?”
“So good!” Angel gushed. “I'm gettin’ spoiled, it's gonna ruin me.”
Cherri lowered her voice and leaned in. “So are you seriously quitting porn? Word is that Valentino is losing his fucking mind.”
“How'd you find out?!” Angel asked in surprise. “It was that sketchy director wasn't it?”
“Travis,” Husk bristled.
“Seriously? That's what you know about my videos?” Angel looked at him flatly. “My foot-obsessed-director?”
“He's a piece of shit!” Husk answered.
Cherri snorted. “The old pussy cat's right, though. It was totally Travis. He's whining about it online!” She showed Angel her phone. “But how'd you pull that off??”
“Through marriage. It's complicated, Cherri, I kinda wanted a break from explainin’ all my bullshit…It's been a long day with Nickie and other fuckin’ garbage.” Angel sighed and crossed his second set of arms. “Plus Husker isn't allowed to sleep anymore, so that's gonna be a whole thing.”
“I bet I can still sleep,” Husker said with a huff. “It's probably an overreaction.”
Now Cherri was even more confused. “... Because of all the fucking?”
“No, because he got all wrecked up by Nickie! See! I didn't wanna talk about it!!”
“You brought it up, Baby,” Husk said, but wrapped his tail around Angel’s leg. “But it's probably just PTSD or some shit.”
“Does PTSD make people scared of zippers? It don't make no sense,” Angel crossed his arms tighter.
“I mean, PTSD made me scared of egg salad for a good few years,” Vaggie swirled her cup around. “But what did zippers do?”
“It's a man covered in zippers. I think they're his skin,” Husk answered with a shudder.
“Oh, hot though,” Cherri grinned, “How many dicks do you think he's hiding?”
“Fourteen,” said Angel, “but he ate them all.”
Husk shuddered again, fluffing his wing nervously. “Not every time I fall asleep is a nightmare.”
“Do you think Vaggie might be full of shit?” Angel asked. “Over exaggeratin’ a bad dream?”
“They're just fuckin’ dreams,” Cherri agreed.
Husk nodded. “...But maybe I should stay awake until we figure it out.”
Angel sipped his cappuccino and considered. “Yeah, you've been sleepin' like 14 hours a day since your contract with Alastor broke, Husk, you sure about that?”
“Well he's a cat!” Cherri laughed. “What's he supposed to do?”
“To be fair, I was on morphine for like 5 of those days…” Husk tightened his tail around Angel’s leg.
“Do you got any left?” Cherri asked hopefully. “I'll trade you for some uppers. These little babies will keep you awake!” She pulled some pills from her pocket. “Angel, you want some?”
“Mmmmnnnnah, I'm actually handlin' sobriety pretty well today! I haven't even drank since yesterday.”
“Fuck. Married life is making you lame!” Cherri looked at Husk. “But how about you, Kitty?”
Husk considered. “I'm probably fine…” he took another sip, but stopped to yawwwn. He finished with a blep, his little tongue hanging out.
“You're so eepy seepy,” Angel stamped his feet as he squealed.
“You're such a furry, Angel,” Cherri said, even though she was equally charmed. “But seriously, you look like you're about to konk out, old man.”
Husk sighed heavily. He looked at Angel Dust, and then at Cherri’s hands. “What is it?”
“A bunch of good shit!”
“I got morphine back at the hotel…take it if you want it…is this gonna fuck me up?” Husk reluctantly held out his paw, letting her drop several multicolored capsules into it.
“Oh, yes it is!” Cherri shouted excitedly.
Angel tried not to look concerned. “I mean, you think he can handle all that, Cher?”
Cherri waved her hand at him. “Pshaw, he's old enough to be my great grandpa. Right, Huskee, you can handle it.”
“You can seriously just call me Husk,” he told her firmly. “But if it'll keep me awake…” Husk swallowed them with a mouthful of his drink. “It's not like it'll kill me.”
“Sure, right,” Angel said, tossing his coffee cup into a trash bin. “Are you two fuckers ready to go out then? We'll wanna be somewhere loud when those kick in…Husker, you're probably gonna wanna dance.”
“Oh?” Husk hopped to his feet, catching himself from falling with his cane. “I'll definitely take up less space on the dance floor now–Baby, you don't have to look so sad every time I bring up my wings.”
Angel covered his mouth and looked away slightly. “I'm not.”
“Oh my God, Angie, you're becoming a tittering mom to this old dude. You sure you don't want a pick-me-up? Maybe a little coke??” Cherri checked her purse.
“Cherri, for fuck's sake, I'm not doin’ it no more, so stop askin’!” Angel grit his teeth.
“Sorry, sorry, fuck! I'm not used to you bein’ all responsible.” Cherri sucked her teeth and stood up. “Are you still drinking at all? Or are you completely boring now.”
Angel scoffed and reached out for Husk's empty cup, tossing it away for him before storming outside. “I think I need a drink to deal with this today.” He rubbed between his eyes.
Husk watched him stand outside of the coffee shop, ears back.
“What the fuck is his problem?!” Cherri directed herself at Husk.
“Coming down is hard,” Husk said simply, “he's been without for almost two weeks…it's a hard hump to get over.”
“Could you go give him a hard fucking hump so we can get on with our day?!”
“Sex won't solve withdrawals, sweetheart,” Husk felt a prickling in the back of his head. “Just give us a minute.” He walked himself outside, lightly touching one of Angel’s arms.
“Hey,” Husk said, voice soft and gentle.
Angel frowned before turning his hand, reaching to hold Husk’s. “...hey.”
“Do you want to ditch her?” Husk kissed his fingers.
Angel laughed a little before frowning again. “No…getting off this shit is hard, Whiskers.”
“I know.” Husk rubbed his cheek against the back of Angel’s hand. “We could go home.”
“Charlie will harass me into doin’ somethin’ today…I don't think so.” He squeezed Husk's hand. “Can we go to a club? I wanna see you dance like an idiot on drugs.”
“I get the feeling I'll be doing that anywhere we go,” Husk said, kissing up his arm.
Angel giggled and swatted him off. “Okay, okay, let's go.” He turned and waved at Cherri to come outside. “Stop fuckin' offering me drugs today, bitch.”
“Fiiiine,” Cherri hugged Angel’s arms on his other side. “I just wanna show you a good time, you know that!”
Angel sighed. “Yea. I know. But not today. Today I wanna remember my husband lookin’ stupid.”
“Then let's gooo!!” Cherri said, tugging them forward with her. “We're actually early enough to catch some of the fuckin' drink deals today!!”
In spite of the bright red daylight outside, the club was dark and only lit up with cool, flashing colors. The music was thumping out enough to make Husk's wing twitch each time. He couldn't make out the words, but it didn't matter!
Instead, it felt good. Husk's brain had started to itch, and the music was scratching in a satisfying beat. He heard Angel laugh, which made him feel warm. Cherri yelled something about his footwork.
Husk was pretty sure at some point he'd gotten his hands on a trumpet, and he jammed out to the music while the crowd howled in excitement. It reminded him of a time he was high out of his mind in a club in Chicago back in the early 40’s.
Husk was barely focused on what was coming out of his mouth. He knew he was sat between Cherri and Angel Dust. He couldn't keep his hands off of Angel’s legs. “You're gorgeous,” he said over and over.
“Enough about that! I wanna know about Chicago!!” Cherri demanded.
“Oh, fuck, I was 12 years into a dead marriage, and I was just craving something different and wild! I hadn't done magic in ages, and I completely crashed my own stage!!” Husk realized there was a drink in his hand, so he gulped it down. “I was so fuckin’ embarrassed, but when I was having a drink after, I got to playing. Some asshole handed me a saxophone, and I fucking love blowing horns.”
“I fuckin' bet you do!” Cherri squealed.
Angel was enraptured, hanging on every word.
“And this little twink comes up to me, he's in the tightest fucking outfit I've ever seen,” Husk was offered a cigarette, so he took it. “And he's hanging all over me, saying how much he loved jazz. He asked if I had jungle fever!” Husk laughed noisily.
Angel looked horrified, but it seemed more internal than anything else.
“Baby, you good?” Husk asked, but Angel leaned over and kissed his face.
“Tell your story, sugar.”
Husk took a long drag on his cigarette, trying to focus again. “It was my first time with a guy, and he knew what he was doing! He fingered himself in front of me and sucked my cock like a champion.” He tapped the ashes into a tray Cherri offered. “When it got down to it, I think I fucked him half the night! I can't believe how long I could throw this kid around.”
Angel fanned himself, looking pleased and embarrassed.
“And I thought, well shit, how did I waste so much time on just women!?” Husk found his hand rubbing up the inside of Angel’s thigh, so he squeezed. “Men are so fucking hot!”
“Yea, that's SO true!” Cherri took a shot.
“Didja ever get his name?” Angel asked, gripping Husk's wrist.
“I can't remember, I was so fucked up! And I had another engagement in Indianapolis the next day, so I had to dip before he was even awake.”
“But you left a queen of hearts on the dresser with a ‘thanks for the lay,’ note on it,” Angel provided.
“Yeah, I–” Husk's ears perked. “Did I already tell this story?” He crushed his cigarette into the ashtray. 
“No!” Angel laughed nervously, holding his head. “No fuckin’ way, Husk!”
Husk stared at him in confusion, the drugs seeping into his brain. “Do you wanna dance, beautiful?”
Angel laughed harder, covering his face. He nodded dumbly and let Husk drag him onto the floor.
“Those two,” Cherri rolled her eye, grinning.
Husk was sure Angel was having fun, hearing him shout eagerly as they danced. He registered Cherri joining them again!
“I'm gonna go get us some fresh drinks!” Angel shouted. “Keep an eye on Husker!”
“We're fine!” Cherri yelled back, turning to grind on some massive wolf.
Husk was enjoying how the music made him sway…until he stepped forward onto concrete. He grabbed for the cane hanging on his arm, and it wasn't there. Lights flickered between green and yellow, the crowd disappearing and reappearing with each flash.
“Oh shit,” Husk stumbled back, grunting as he hit a mass.
“Watch it!” A nondescript voice shouted.
Husk stared straight ahead as he saw it. The music faded away, replaced with the sounds as it began to approach.
He could see it closer than ever. Its face zipped up and down as it walked, revealing a large red orb hidden in inky blackness. Husk turned and bolted, abandoning his cane on the dance floor as he left on all fours.
Angel Dust laughed and shimmied his way across the dance floor. He saw Cherri’s hair and made his way over. “Got you a cocktail, toots!” He looked around, frowning in confusion.
“Uh, Cherri?!”
“Yes, bitch?! Want me to pay you?!”
“No! Where’s Husk?!”
“Huh!?!” She stopped dancing to hold her ear towards him.
“Where is my Husband?!?!” Angel stepped back to find him, stumbling. “Oh, shit,” he bent down to grab his cane. Another demon grabbed his hips as he did, grinding into Angel’s ass. He turned and smashed his drink into his head, “do you fuckin’ mind?!"
“Jesus Fucking Christ!!” The demon shouted, holding his face as he sprayed blood over the spider.
Angel shoved him back and started searching at knee level, looking for a hint of Husk anywhere.
“Oh for fuck's sake, he's fine!” Cherri stepped over the writhing demon to chase after him. “You're worrying too much!”
“He hasn't done anything hard since he was alive over forty fuckin’ years ago, Cher!” Angel shoved through a group, seeing a flicker of red outside.
Husker fell back onto his ass, kicking into the floor as he tried to find his footing again. He grunted as he hit a wall, dizzy from how fast his heart was racing. He clutched his chest, sure he was going to have a heart attack like the one that killed him.
It leaned down, wrapping it's lanky fingers around Husk's ankles.
“There you are!” Angel said in relief. However, Husker looked worse for wear. He was having a full blown panic attack on the sidewalk, shoved against the wall of the club. “Way to go, Cherri,” he yelled at her before moving to kneel next to him. “Husker? Can ya hear me?”
Husk's ears twitched and he opened his mouth, only to scream as he was dragged by his leg into the road.
“Can he normally run on his back?!” Cherri was actually alarmed now.
“Uh, No!” Angel was tired of her attitude today! He grabbed for Husk’s hands and pulled him back–
Husk watched in utter terror as the Zippered man buried a hand into the tuft of his chest.
“JESUS FUCK!” Cherri leapt back as there was a fountain of blood erupting from Husk’s chest.
Angel stared. Time slowed down…it was becoming easier to trust his hands to do what they needed. He shoved at the empty space above Husk, finding they collided with mass.
“Ah, ah, Angel?” Husk stared at the red sky above them. “It's raining?” Blood rained on his face in fat droplets, warm and comforting.
“Cherri, come make yourself useful, Fuck!” Angel demanded, directing her to hold his chest closed.
“Did he just fucking unzip his own body?!” Cherri was too high for this!
“Just hold it!!” Angel gripped at his own fur, letting out a grunt as he yanked out a long string. He bit it off with his teeth.
“Angel! What the fuck is going on?!” Cherri was definitely too high. “What the fuck are you gonna do with Yarn?!”
Angel ignored her and pressed it against Husk's chest, feeling stupid, but trusting his gut. Like a sewing machine, the string worked itself into Husk’s skin in a stitch.
“Oh, Fuck!” Husk yelled, closing his eyes tight.
Cherri sat back, letting out a breath. “Angie. Seriously.”
Angel clutched Husk into his lap, staring at the empty space in the road. For a brief moment, he'd seen it. “Fuckin' hell, Cherri.”
Cherri took a moment, pushing her bangs out of her face with a bloody hand. “...Sorry, Ang. I fucked up.”
Angel leaned down, pressing his face between Husk’s ears.
“Is it gone?” Husk asked, finally daring to look up again. “Did the rain stop?”
Angel breathed out shakily. “We're goin’ home.”
“Let me…let me call you a cab,” Cherri said. “It's the least I can do.”
“I fuckin’ got it,” Angel said sourly, pulling out his phone.
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druidbottles · 5 months
The Protection of Innocence
Legend doesn't like opening up to people. He wants to be seen as strong. After waking up from a nightmare, a conversation with Wind manages to get him to loosen up just a little. It's not much, but it's a start.
This is just a little something I thought up. Legend has me in a chokehold constantly.
I wanted to write him being soft. And Wind has such little brother energy, I think he probably has that effect on most people.
I'm still new to Linked Universe and Legend of Zelda in general, so I apologize if characterization isn't great!
You can also read this over on AO3!
Legend was a seasoned adventurer, and at this point in his life, there wasn't much that he wasn't able to handle, no matter how much life tried to throw at him. He always managed to make it through even the most difficult of situations. He was strong, and there was nothing he hated more than having other people perceive him as weak.
Which was why it was so frustrating when he bolted upright in the middle of the night, a gasp leaving him as he was shaken out of his nightmare, only to turn his head to the side and see that Wind was awake, and staring right at him with curious, concerned eyes.
He considered just ignoring him, rolling over and going back to sleep without saying a word, but before he had the chance to do anything, a quiet voice pierced through the silence of the small camp they had created. “Are you alright, Vet?” The voice sounded somewhat nervous and unsure, and although Legend really didn't want to discuss this any further, he couldn't ignore that the kid sounded genuinely concerned and meant well.
He sighed and slumped forward a bit, not letting any of the residual tension from his nightmare show on his face. “Just had a bad dream. You gonna be up for much longer?”
Wind looked up at the moon, seemingly thinking about something before shrugging his shoulders. “I've been on watch for a while, so I'll probably be switching out with the captain in a bit.” He went silent for a moment, his gaze lingering just over Legend's shoulder, as if he was too nervous to make direct eye contact. “Do you wanna talk about your dream?”
Legend reached up to run a hand through his hair, instinctively groaning at the thought of sharing his dream with another person, let alone a kid like Wind. “I think I'm good. You should get some sleep, though. I'll take over for you until the captain wakes up.”
When he moved to stand up, he couldn't help but notice an exaggerated pout pass across the sailor’s face. Wind crossed his arms over his chest, casting a wary glance at Legend. “You don't need to coddle me just because I'm a kid, you know. I can handle being on watch just as well as the rest of you.”
Legend chuckled a bit at that, shaking his head as he stood and brushed himself off, making his way towards the log where Wind sat before a crackling fire. “Trust me, it has nothing to do with whether or not I think you're capable. I'm just gonna have trouble falling back asleep now, so I might as well be useful to you.” He settled down next to him, his eyes gazing at the flickering flames. “Seriously, it's not a big deal and I'd be staying up anyways. It'll be worse tomorrow if both of us are low on sleep.”
Wind didn't seem entirely convinced, and a tense silence passed between the two of them for several moments before he finally let out a sigh. “But you're sure you don't want company or something? I know I'm the youngest, but I'm really not weak at all! I can be useful!”
Legend paused for a moment when he heard him say that. He couldn't help but feel sympathetic towards Wind, as he understood the feeling of not wanting to be seen as anything but strong, and that surely wasn't easy for Wind when he was the youngest in the group and everyone saw him as a kid.
It took him a moment to figure out what to say, but with some consideration, he was finally able to speak, his gaze still remaining on the fire in front of him. “I know that you're strong, and trust me when I say that you've been very useful in everything we've done so far. You're young, but you're still a hero just like the rest of us.” Legend spoke earnestly, more softness in his voice than he was used to there being. “But even heroes need sleep. And like I said, it's better that at least one of us is well rested tomorrow.”
He could feel Wind still looking at him, but the younger boy didn't say anything. After what felt like a long time, he spoke in a quiet voice once more. “But you're sure you'll be alright by yourself? I know you just had a nightmare and all…”
Legend paused again as he realized that Wind wasn't just doing this because he didn't want to be seen as a child. Part of the reason he insisted on staying awake was because he wanted to protect him, comfort him after a bad dream. And as much as Legend hated being perceived as weak, he couldn't deny that something about that made him feel warm.
“How about this?” Legend finally turned to look at him and offered a small smile. “I’ll stay up with you during your watch because I'm having trouble sleeping. And if at any point you start to feel tired and want to get some more rest, I'll keep watch until the captain gets up. But only if you decide to go to bed yourself.”
Wind considered this, nose scrunching up in thought, but ultimately nodded his head in agreement. “Okay, that sounds good.”
And so the two of them sat in silence for a long while, watching the flames as they danced in the night air. It was a peaceful feeling, and Legend felt the lingering stress from his nightmare slowly melt away as a cool breeze brushed against his skin and he listened to the soft snores of his companions. When he glanced over at Wind, he could see the boy rubbing his eyes and yawning, but he didn't comment on it. He had made his deal, and Wind would go to bed when he decided on it.
After another little bit, Legend felt a shift beside him, and he looked over to see Wind slowly hoisting himself up from the log. The kid glanced back at him, another yawn escaping him before he spoke in a groggy voice. “You sure you'll be okay if I go to sleep?”
Legend chuckled and nodded, and Wind stretched his arms above his head before grunting in response. “Okay, I think I'm going to try and sleep a bit, then.” He stumbled towards his bedroll, his footsteps uncoordinated and clumsy because of how drowsy he was. “Thank you for taking over for me, Vet.”
Legend nodded in response, watching Wind as he settled down and pulled his blanket up to his chin. “Goodnight.” The sailor spoke in a quiet voice that was laced with sleep, clearly already falling into a deep slumber..
Looking back to the crackling of the flames before him, Legend couldn't help but smile just a little. “Sweet dreams, sailor.”
And when Wind shifted in his bedroll, a contented sigh escaping his lips as he snuggled deeper into his blanket, Legend felt that warmth in his heart again. For the first time in a long time, he felt like maybe it was worth it to open up to someone, that maybe he could trust Wind and the others more than he gave them credit for.
And he considered that maybe next time he was awoken by a nightmare, it would be alright to tell someone about it, instead of bottling it up like usual. That thought made him smile despite himself, glancing over at his sleeping companions, and chuckling to himself. He wondered what they were dreaming about. They all had their own traumas, and he was sure many of them had memories that haunted them, but as he sat in front of the warm fire, listening to the sounds of soft snores and tired bodies shifting in their sleep, he truly did hope they were having sweet dreams.
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missnobodymadness · 2 months
for the big oc ask game (I wrote the questions too to clarify):
Evelyn - 🤝 8. How likely is it for your character to initiate a friendship? and 🎲 5. Which does your character prioritize more, work or hobbies?
And then for Tirannia - 🤝 9. Where is your character's comfort place?and 💓 18. How often does your character have nightmares?
Feel free to answer for any character too!
Hii again!
Once again I'd like to thank you for sending some asks my way, it really means a lot to me. ♥
So excited to talk about my OCs again, I haven't been talking about them as much lately. Unfortunately.
Anyway, let's start. :P
For Evelyn
"🤝 8. How likely is it for your character to initiate a friendship?"
Evelyn used to be really bad at initiating any kind of interaction, mostly because there weren't many kids around her neighborhood and most bullied her because of her height as she has always been very short and it was even worse at that age, she only had a significant growth development after the age of 12. Don't get me wrong though, she'd kick their asses back as well, she was constantly getting herself into trouble because of her "special" temperament. LMAO
She had a very hard time interacting with the other trainees for the first time and Jean was the first one who initiated a conversation with her and consequently made her feel more comfortable around everyone. The ironic part is that once she feels comfortable she won't stop talking. :'D
Nowadays I'd say she feels way more at ease when it comes to initiating conversations and friendships even though she got way more cautious after Reiner's reveal, she won't trust people easily again.
"🎲 5. Which does your character prioritize more, work or hobbies?"
This is also something that changes throughout her journey. As you can read on her reference sheet, at first she joined the training corps with very selfish intentions and mindset, she wouldn't take anything seriously and would easily prioritize hobbies over work, considering her kind of job, this is not something she'd admit to proudly nowadays.
Her big "wake-up call" was Marco's death, that was when everything sink in for her and she realized how serious the work she volunteered for was and what was at stake, she finally truly dedicated her heart that day, she'd do her best to protect humanity from that moment on, there was no time for hobbies and selfish choices when so many lives were being lost, including people she cared about.
For Tirannia
"🤝 9. Where is your character's comfort place?"
Honestly? Anywhere in the middle of the sea. Crazy, I know, but my girl loves her sea and finds lots of comfort in it. The serenity of such loneliness, the call of the sea and it's tides, these bring her such tranquillity.
"💓 18. How often does your character have nightmares?"
I'd say that 99% of her dreams are nightmares, mostly because of her trauma but she doesn't dream that much. The man who once owned her haunts her dreams quite often, a common dream that she used to have back when she was still stuck there was about her seducing him and slowly luring him into the sea, drowning him, suddenly, a baby cry would be heard and scared she'd pull him out of the water but it wasn't him anymore, she pulls a baby out of the water instead, not what happened years later but the sea was always there, maybe it was some kind of premonition, who knows. :P
Aaand that's all! Thank you so much once again, I really appreciate the kindness. ♥
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tarisilmarwen · 1 year
RobStar Week 2023, Day 7 - Safe
(Aaaaand done.)
Even though their rooms were next to each other and she was not a particularly heavy sleeper, waking to Raven knocking on her door in the middle of the night and directing her towards Robin's room was not an uncommon occurrence.
This time Raven was barely awake enough to mumble, "Nighmare." at her, blinking blearily and already swiveling around to go back to her own room and bed, knowing that Starfire would take care of the Boy Wonder's distress, so that both she and he could sleep.
Starfire sighed, closing her door and heading the opposite direction from the empath. She did not begrudge Raven her mind bond with Robin but at times she thought it would be more convenient not to have to go through a third party in order to comfort her own boyfriend.
Perhaps when they were older, she could convince him to begin sharing a room.
Starfire hit the button for Robin's door and stepped in over the threshold.
He wasn't moving, but she could still tell whatever unpleasant dream had hold of him was a very bad one; he was visibly grimacing even in his sleep, curled up tight, hunching into his shoulders and knees.
She approached carefully, and gently lay a hand on his shoulder.
At the warm contact he startled awake.
His eyes were wide with heartbreaking fear for a moment. But then they flickered with recognition as he saw her, soft shape silhouetted in the moonlight from his window, and he deflated with relief.
A faint apologetic smile crossed his lips. "Hey," he breathed. "Sorry."
"There is no need to apologize," Starfire told him, sitting down on the edge of the bed as he leaned up. "You know I am here for you."
He nodded, scooting closer, wrapping his arms around her and settling into her embrace. For several moments they just breathed together, existing in the silent comfort of the hug. His breath whistled through the strands of her hair and he was warm in her arms, as she pressed her palms softly to his back.
"Do you wish to talk about it, or do you wish for me to distract you?" she asked. She'd had much practice at gauging how to calm and comfort him.
"Um..." Robin considered for a couple seconds, then began to pull back. "Distract, I guess. I can't really remember it right now."
Starfire smiled. Sometimes she was lucky and was able to wake him in a fashion that his nightmares slipped right past his short term memory and were at once forgotten. She wound an arm around his waist, snuggling into his side. Reaching up she turned his chin towards her and kissed him, lips pressing warmly and firmly against his.
He blinked a bit dumbfounded when she pulled away. "What..." he asked, "...was that for?"
She giggled. "That was my distraction. Was it effective?"
From the disorganized look in his eyes she knew it had been. He shook himself, chuckling shortly. "You'd think I'd be used to kissing you by now," he said.
"Should we do it again?" she asked cheekily.
"I kind of wanted to just talk."
"Oh?" she said, surprised.
His smile was shy as he said, "I like hearing your voice. It's... soothing." He reached for her hand, clasping it. "How excited you get when you're talking about things always puts me at ease."
Heart warming, she smiled. "You are sweet," she told him. "I also feel relaxed in your company." She squeezed his hand, leaning into him. "I am running out of stories about Tamaran to tell you, however," she confessed.
"Heh. Okay, well... how about I talk this time?" he offered. "I know I haven't told you half the adventures I've had with Batman."
"Please," she said.
She pulled her feet up onto the bed and they leaned up against the pillows together, watching the moonlight creep across the wall. Robin talked and talked and she listened, comforted by the sound of his heartbeat and the feel of his skin against hers.
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some-pers0n · 4 months
3. 13. 18. and 29.
3 - Worst dream you've ever had?
Hard to say. I've had a number before that sound bad but I don't consider nightmares. The Freddy Fazbear murder cult one spooked me a lot when I was eight. More recently my dreams have just been me aimlessly walking around trying to solve some quest or mission, with the dream repeating if I failed. One dream was me trying to get back home, where I'd trudge through monster-infested jungles and long stretches of empty wastelands where I could be sniped and killed at any moment. Never once did I feel fear or think of it as a nightmare, only annoyance at when I had to restart.
13 - Have any terrible restaurant experiences?
When I was driving across the country we stopped at a small dinner. Bugs. Bugs everywhere. Uncomfortable chairs. Mediocre food. It wasn't great. Any other bad experiences I've probably repressed lol.
18 - Write a three sentence horror story about a Gatorade bottle
I always carried around my brother's old Gatorade bottle as a memento of sorts, as it was the only thing they found of him other than the shredded clothes on his back. Today, I went to take a sip and the rim accidentally cut my lip. As I looked into the mirror, I couldn't help but notice the slash was similar to the ones my brother had.
29 - What sends chills up your spine?
Anything honestly. Could be a good song, could be a tiny bug that is a bit too close for comfort. What consistently gets me though is probably the arctic and the ocean. Not physically (though they do give me chills in the literal sense too) but just a general...feeling. The majesty. The untouched horror. The awe. The terror. The stories of explorers, some successful and some ending in utter tragedy. It's wild.
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are-my-ocs-ta · 1 year
AITA for being a manipulative liar and almost killing a lot of people?
Several months ago, I (16NB) got transported to another universe. I was confused at first, but after meeting a few people there I realized what was going on: I'd been sent to the world of a fantasy TV series I'd just finished pirating watching the last season of a few days before. I've been a lonely recluse painfully aware that everyone around me considers me irritating and/or not worth knowing since I was in kindergarten, so I was obviously overjoyed by this chance to use my metaknowledge to become a genuine hero and befriend my favorite characters. I decided I should conceal both that this world was fictional in my world (not wanting to make anyone have an existential crisis) and what I knew about the future (in case I accidentally set off a butterfly effect that ruined everything). All of the points at which characters died or were badly traumatized were towards the end of the show originally, and I'd started off in an inconvenient location that meant I couldn't do much to set up a better outcome right off the bat, so my plan was to integrate myself into the main cast and keep everything recognizable and "on track" until I was in a position to stop all the deaths and trauma from happening.
My plan started falling apart shortly after I joined up with the main cast. First off, I'd already really liked one of the main characters- I'll refer to her as H (16F)- and been super pissed off about how the writers killed her off for shock value in the finale, and hanging around with her every day, uh... look, let's just say tall, muscular adrenaline junkies like her are my type. I barely made it three days before throwing myself into a supernatural extreme weather event because I thought it'd impress her and figured I could use my metaknowledge to come out unscathed, which I did, but I almost got one of her friends (42M) killed in the process. We managed to fix the situation quickly, H actually was a lot more impressed by me after the fact, and I don't think her friend realized how close he was to dying, but I still felt bad about it, you know? I did make sure to keep the others well out of the way the next times I joined H in running headfirst into obvious danger, don't worry, and both of us survived all of those times (again, used my metaknowledge) and got most of the protagonists' objectives accomplished in probably a quarter of the time it took in canon. Doing that also kind of cut her friends out of the vast majority of the "plot," but hey, they were in a lot less danger that way, plus I got to spend more time with H!
Anyway, the end goal of the original show was getting H and her friends across the continent to an ancient portal-creating machine (the only one in existence) that was the only way for them to return to their home city and be reunited with their families, which was where the second big problem started. The closer we got to it, the more regularly I started having dreams about an entity that kept warning me I had to destroy the machine. This entity, I'll call them B (0?NB?), looked almost exactly like me, just unhealthily thin and gaunt, and told me how inserting myself into the story had broken a lot more things than I realized and that using the machine would open the door for ancient horrors from the spaces between realities to flood into this world. Since no character with B's name or the ability to enter people's dreams existed in the original show, and there certainly weren't any eldritch horrors in it, I brushed it off as a weird recurring nightmare and didn't tell anyone about it.
When we reached the machine, we set up camp for the night with the intent of calibrating and activating it in the morning, and I waited for the others to fall asleep before heading up to the machine. In the show, there was a demon stuck inside the machine that was freed when H activated it and killed her, which I obviously wasn't going to let happen, so my plan was to exploit a canonical loophole in how the machine worked to trap said demon outside of time and space while everyone else was asleep. I'd have saved H's life and she'd never even know that she would've died! It would've gone perfectly if B hadn't started talking to me while I was powering up the machine (the first time they'd appeared outside of my dreams), and when I tried to ignore what I thought was just a sleep-deprivation-induced hallucination they took control of my body. Things got a little hazy after that, but what I know is that B finished the process of trapping the demon, then destroyed the machine while screaming about how they couldn't let this world be destroyed after I'd already "desecrated" it. H and her friends came running and demanded to know what was going on, and surprisingly, B actually explained the situation.
It turns out that in my original world, I'd spent years trying to work out ways to send myself to a different universe where I could have friends and do something meaningful with my life. A few weeks before the events I previously described, I'd figured out a way to access the power of ancient horrors lurking in the spaces between universes (long story, I got desperate enough to steal a bunch of books about the occult and related subjects from my grandparents) to manipulate the "rules" of the multiverse against itself and force it to transport me to whatever universe I wanted. The catch was that this process seriously weakened the "boundaries" of the universe in question and meant openings into it- like the portal the machine would've made- could be used as an entrance for these horrors, but I brushed that off, figuring the machine wouldn't be open long enough for anything from outside to break through. Before I started the ritual to send me to this show's universe, I additionally reworked the ritual to remove my memories of all of that so I could enjoy my new life without any guilt. The only problem was that I hadn't adequately planned around a canonical "glitch" in this world's magic system, which resulted in the creation of a new entity that was an embodiment of the memories I'd cleaved away. That entity was B.
H and her friends refused to believe any of that, so they tied me down, then expelled B from my body and killed them. They were all so relieved to see I was okay, and H finally told me she loved me, but... I'd regained all of those memories when they killed B. I remembered everything I'd done, I knew I was right to feel guilty about it, and I knew I didn't deserve to escape accountability. So I confessed that everything B had said was true, that I'd knowingly put their world at serious risk of being consumed by various cosmic horrors- which would've killed (or worse) everyone on the planet if B hadn't stopped it- as well as inadvertently prevented H and her friends from getting to go home and be reunited with their families, all because I wanted to live out a twisted fantasy of being a beloved hero. I fled without waiting to hear how they'd take that and have been in self-imposed exile for the last month, bitterly wishing I'd just tried to figure out a way to be happy in my own world. Apparently they're still looking for me, but the village I'm currently living in is in an isolated part of the world that nobody would stand a chance of finding me in, and I intend to stay here for the rest of my life. I figure the least I can do is ensure I have to face some kind of punishment for what I've done, and this seems like an adequate way to do it.
I'm pretty sure I already know the answer, but: AITA?
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sxe-notsex · 11 months
one minor inconvenience away from having a fixation on the London tube system
I had a dream (read: nightmare) that my shirt was too small for me and I've been wearing it every day since just to make sure it's not.
my new prized possession is a bracelet from a stranger that was almost a friend- but we never did trade names, numbers, or anything besides beads and letters. instead, maybe I almost got my phone stolen or maybe you were too suspicious, but I'm inclined to believe you on this one. I got a bad vibe from that guy too.
I hate wearing it. it's uncomfortable. but I do so anyway because when I look at it (DETOX. RETOX.) it's one of the only bits of tangible evidence I have that I was there- a saving grace to help me save face and not lose this caring. I existed in that space, amongst the thousands, hoping it wouldn't go to waste- I wouldn't forget (and that was about as a hopeless endeavour as it gets, it's all gone).
one bracelet, two shirts, and a digital trail of train tickets and emails. that's all there is left, and I know I'm mourning the lost memories of a moment that was so important to me; but I can't access those feelings and I'm starting to worry that it'll spread. like wildfire.
or instead like a disease upon my consciousness, something rotting from the inside out and losing its sweetness to bitter, to decay, to the passing of the time that fits in the day. Maybe Eve wouldn't have taken the fruit had it been gnarled and twisted- (seminal) sin, maybe; but it doesn't feel like my fault so I guess I should spurt some poetry in place- how about... iron bars wrought and flaked, that rust and decay coming back again like a broken record- like a broken record- like a broken record.
DETOX. weaning off that high like it wasn't a withdrawal, considering damaging my hearing just to feel it in its entirety (maybe then I'd remember? probably not). a tube drive home. almost getting my phone stolen. going a week and skipping saturday.
and okay, the RETOX has yet to come but I don't think I can survive without it. I can't claim addiction to a feeling, but a scenario is more compelling to repeat (broken record).
I'm sentimental, but in the way the weeds stick through the pavement. forcing thoughts onto objects to fill the empty hole in my skull- let's play a word association game, tell me what you think of when you hear HOME (issues, probably, but that's not unique). how about BODY? (yeah, let's not do this). or perhaps LOVE (okay, now you're crossing a line, shut the fuck up please and thank you).
it's like a cardboard wrapper on the ground, walked over and discarded again and again until it's pressed so flush against the concrete (or whatever the fuck roads are made of) that it almost seems flat. then no one picks it up and it just stays there until it melts away in the rain. pathetic fallacy with an emphasis on PATHETIC.
I left little pieces of me there, embedded in plastic like I split my soul into twenty phylacteries and slipped them into the unsuspecting hands of those I deemed 'me' enough. don't worry though, I still have two twentieths (one tenth) of my soul left (plus one bit of someone else's). can't get rid of me that easily.
sxe xoxo
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tenebraevesper · 10 months
Five Nights at Freddy's: Salvaged, Night 26: Bad Dream
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''You'll stay alive, no need to cry. Baby, please come to me, it's only a bad dream. This, son, I vow, they can't hurt you now. So, please come back to me, it's only a bad dream.''
– Bad Dream by VideoGameRapBattles ft. Trickywi (Five Nights at Freddy's 4)
''This is crazy!''
Sam pointed her smartphone, which had the flashlight turned on, down at the hallway, noticing a limp figure sitting next to a white wooden door. She glanced at Springtrap, whose eyes were glowing purple. He nodded, his arms crossed on his back, with Sam deciding to approach the quite familiar figure.
It was a huge animatronic bunny, larger than Springtrap. The bunny was blue, with tears across his body and a gap in his torso, showing the endoskeleton. His five fingers were sharp, looking like claws and his open mouth showed rows of sharp teeth. Sam recognized the animatronic as Nightmare Bonnie. She turned back to Springtrap.
''He won't jumpscare me, right?'' she asked.
''No,'' Springtrap replied. ''Believe me, these animatronics aren't active anymore,… at least, unless someone tampered with them.''
Frowning, he walked over to her, observing Sam as she examined Nightmare Bonnie. The animatronic didn't activate even after Sam started poking him. She looked quite fascinated, with Springtap feeling satisfied about his idea of showing her this place. However, it was also rather dark and he figured that Sam might accidentally trip over something. There was a light switch somewhere, I believe.
''Wait here,'' he told her, with Sam nodding.
As he turned to search for the switch, he noticed her looking at the framed photos on the wall and on the table that was in the hallway. While those photos did show a family, Sam realized that they were actually the kind of generic photo samples you'd see at a professional photographer. In other words, they were just as fake as this house was. Suddenly, the lights started flickering and turning on. Sam saw Springtrap walking over to her, glancing at Nightmare Bonnie as he joined her.
''Are the other Nightmare Animatronics here as well?'' she asked him.
''Probably,'' Springtrap said, shrugging. ''While I've been at Circus Baby's to get some parts, I haven't been at this specific area for ages.''
''Or rather, since 1983,'' Sam said in a dry tone. Springtrap was slightly startled at first, but he then realized where this conversation would lead. He wasn't looking forward to it at all. On the other hand, he knew that he brought this upon himself. ''Say, how did you even manage to create this place? I mean, didn't someone notice a house-like area with nightmarish robots walking around?''
''Actually, it wasn't that hard. I just noted that I'd need a few extra room for storage, or rather, a testing area for newly constructed animatronics, and made sure it would be Inaccessible to everyone but myself. I mean, you had already seen that there are no obvious entrances,'' Springtrap explained Sam. ''Also, I believe that I had already told you that I made sure to keep people away from private areas.''
''What about the Nightmare Animatronics?'' Sam asked. ''Did anyone, aside from your family, even knew about them?''
''No, although, to be honest, I've been working on them alongside Circus Baby and the other Funtime Animatronics as a side project,'' Springtrap replied, crossing his arms and glancing at Nightmare Bonnie. ''I wasn't really sure what I wanted to do with them at first, considering how Circus Baby was my main focus, although I did experiment with them a little, at least, until Lizzy's death… That's when I decided to give them an actual purpose.''
''Only for that to backfire spectaculary,'' Sam replied in a dry tone. ''Seriously, what were you even thinking?''
''I believe we had already established that I'm really good at making bad decisions, be it when alive or dead,'' Springtrap replied sarcastically, although Sam noticed that he looked quite troubled. She knew that he was well aware that the things he had done to his family were horrifying and feared that her questioning might cause him to break down again, but still, there was a reason why she continued to ask him questions about his past. Someone needed to confront him about what he had done, while also making sure that his side of the story would be heard. However, it wasn't less painful for both of them to go through this again.
''It doesn't make it less horrifying,'' Sam said in a quiet, serious tone. Springtrap's eyes glowed in a soft purple, with him looking crestfallen. He watched her as she went towards the bedroom with a cold, empty feeling spreading through his chest.
Sam knows almost everything about me, yet I still get this feeling whenever I talk to her about what I did. He frowned, feeling a little desperate. Why, whenever we start talking about my past, do I have a feeling that she would start to hate me, even though she showed that, while she despises who I have been, she cares about who I am now?
Still, it wasn't just his friendship with Sam that caused him to worry so much. It was also the fact that he had to deal with what he had done to his own family. He felt guilt and regret, and it was tearing him inside out.
Heavy-hearted, he went to the bedroom, noticing Sam looking at the camera in the corner of the room. She seemed to be mildly-curious about it, having already expected some kind of surveillance. Other than the camera, the room looked like any normal bedroom, although it was covered in a layer of dust.
''Say, have you checked under the bed or the closet for monsters?'' Springtrap asked Sam, feeling a little unnerved by her silence. She turned to him, smiling a little.
''Not yet,'' she replied. She then crouched, lifting the blanket to see whether there was indeed something under the bed. She then got up, dusting her knees and giving Springtrap a questioning look. ''Well, there's nothing under the bed. I thought I'd find Nightmare Freddy, or at least the Freddles there.''
''Actually, I saw Nightmare Freddy down the hallway when I searched for the light switch,'' Springtrap told her.
''Well, you could've told me that,'' Sam said, wondering how she managed to miss the animatronic, although, considering how dark it was and that she was focused on the hallway with Nightmare Bonnie, it shouldn't be surprising she didn't notice him. ''At least I hope that Nightmare Foxy is in the closet.''
She then walked over to the closet, opening it and finding the animatronic in question sitting on the floor. Just as Nightmare Bonnie, Nightmare Foxy looked like a more horrifying version of Foxy, with rows of sharp teeth, a torn muzzle and tears all over his body. Yet, Sam didn't look afraid of the animatronic, observing him curiously as she crouched next to him.
''You don't seem to be particularly disturbed by them,'' Springtrap told her.
''Well, when they're not coming after you, they don't seem to be that scary,'' Sam replied and stood up, her arms crossed. ''Speaking of which, I went through that 'scared-of-the-monster-in-the-closet' phase when I was a kid. Only that the monster that I was imagining was the Shadow Man, who would stare at me with his red eyes, waiting until I fall asleep so he could snatch me away.'' She noticed Springtrap giving her a questioning look. She shrugged. ''I was a weird kid who loved to read creepy stories and had a wild imagination.''
''However, you did stop believing that you were being hunted down by a demon, didn't you?'' Springtrap said, being genuinely interested in her story.
''I did, mostly because I realized that, even though there are some really creepy supernatural beings, in the end, humans are the real monsters,'' Sam replied, staring at him. Springtrap wasn't really sure whether she was angry at him or something like that, deciding to keep quiet. Sam closed the closet, walking over to the bed and moving away the Fredbear plushie, dusting of the blanket. ''You still haven't answered my question.'' She glanced at him and noticed the confused look on his expression. ''What were you even thinking by creating those animatronics? I know that people make bad choices, but the decisions you made can hardly be justified by any kind of excuse.''
''I know,'' Springtrap said, sighing as he sat down on the bed. Sam sat next to him, with Springtrap refusing to look at her. He was just staring at the floor.
''Will, could you please tell me what happened?''
Springtrap narrowed his eyes, which were glowing in a soft purple. However, he didn't feel any aggression. Instead, he just felt empty. He closed his eyes.
How should I explain what had happened? It was a complete chaos… There was so much blood. Nobody knew, except for me…
He vividly remembered the moment he saw Circus Baby's torso opening and showing him the mangled body of his own daughter. Blood was dripping down his arms as he tried to get her out, shocked by what had happened.
I told her to not approach Circus Baby! I told her to not go there!
He felt desperate, knowing that he was too late. Thanks to his own creation, Elizabeth died. Thanks to his own mistakes, he lost another member of his family. However, instead of stopping and trying to make things right, he just carried on with his plans. He had already passed the point of no return.
''After Elizabeth died, I had realized that I needed to keep Sammy and Michael away from the animatronics. I couldn't keep an eye on them, and while Michael seemed to have slowly lost interest in the animatronics, Sammy didn't. I knew that I needed to something about that,'' Springtrap frowned, opening his eyes. ''I figured that, if he was afraid of the animatronics, he'd stay away from them.''
''So, you left him here alone, forcing him to play a game with those Nightmare Animatronics for an entire night?'' Sam said coldly. Springtrap clenched his fist, his vision briefly covered in static, only to see a bunch of monitors in front of him, as well as a little, golden teddy bear with a purple top hat and bowtie, and a walkie-talkie.
''No…'' he told her. ''I didn't leave him here for an entire night. I rigged the alarm clock, so it would seem that a lot more time passed then it actually did.'' He then glanced at the Fredbear plushie that was leaned against the pillow and picked it up. ''He wasn't alone either. I was always there, watching him and making sure that he won't get harmed.''
''Even if you did watch over him and even if he didn't get hurt, he still ended up completely traumatized!'' Sam rose her voice, glaring at him. ''William, he was afraid and crying, and you didn't care! You scarred him for life!''
''I know… and I regret it…'' Springtrap said in a quiet tone. His head was lowered, so Sam couldn't see his expression. He was clutching the Fredbear plushie, shaking.
''I-I…'' Springtrap's grip on the Fredbear plushie tightened. He glanced at Sam, who noticed traces of blood in the corner of his eyes. ''I'm sorry…'' He looked away. ''I… I wish that none of this had ever happened, but there's nothing that can be done now. There's no way to change the past.''
The two sat in silence, with Sam feeling a little torn about confronting him with what he had done and comforting him. After all, he didn't deserve any sympathy. He didn't deserve redemption either. Still, he admitted that what he had done was incredibly messed up and he payed for it. He wanted to atone, feeling remorseful about his past.
''What happened to Sammy?'' Sam asked in a quiet tone, not really expecting an answer. She had already asked him this before and he told her what happened, but she still felt that here was more to it than he wanted to admit.
Springtrap frowned, remembering that day. People were screaming, both adults and children, horrified to see what had happened. Michael was devastated, repeating over and over again how he didn't mean it to happen and that it was supposed to be just a prank. All he saw was a little boy, whose head was stuck in Fredbear's jaws, with blood dripping down the costume and on the floor. The boy was limp, completely lifeless.
I wish it was just a nightmare. But, it was real… It was horrifying.
''After Michael's prank, I was told at the hospital that Sam might never wake up again, and he didn't. He died after a while and I was unable to do anything about it. Michael was completely devastated about what he had done. First, he had lost his sister, and now his brother was gone as well,'' Springtrap explained, his eyes glowing again. ''Michael never knew why Sammy was so afraid of the animatronics, at least until I showed him this area. I was incredibly furious at him and I wanted to teach him a lesson.''
''I guess that you succeeded,'' Sam said. ''Sammy wasn't probably the only one who suffered from nightmares. Considering how spirits tend to linger, I can only assume that, even if Sammy didn't end up being trapped, he could've tortured his older brother by replaying his experiences with the Nightmare Animatronics.''
''I don't think that that matters anymore,'' Springtrap told her. ''Even though Michael was responsible for Sammy's death, in the end, it is my fault for letting it happen. I know I could've somehow prevented it, and I didn't.''
He stood up, with Sam looking surprised,
''Where are you going?'' she asked.
''Don't worry, I'll be here. I just need to clear my mind,'' Springtrap replied, lowering his head. He then walked out of the room. Sam sighed, picking up the Fredbear plushie Springtrap had left and looking at it.
She wished that she never had brought up the events that tore William's family apart.
Heavy black clouds passed, darkening the sky as Connor entered the factory. He wanted to check on the animatronics before he went to work.
''I don't think we should believe the rumors, even though they are quite interesting.''
''I do believe them.''
''Seriously? I don't think that the stories are true.''
As he walked through the building, Connor recalled his conversations with Bran, trying to remember what his old partner told him about Freddy's. They had been talking about the restaurant's past, about the missing children and the haunted animatronics. Different than Connor, Bran had never believed that it was possible for an animatronic to become haunted, but he would still talk about it. He seemed to be quite fascinated by that idea, no matter how ridiculous it sounded.
''Imagine creating your own haunted animatronic.''
''We could do that, Bran. We could use one of the animatronics they made for Ricky's Wonder Shack.''
''You can't be serious, right?''
He could still remember the incredulous look Bran gave him.
''Don't worry, I was just joking.''
He hoped that Bran would understand. After all, they were close friends and shared similar interests. Connor could still remember how Bran helped him when he went through a rough time in his life, never leaving his side. He was quite glad to have someone he could count on.
As he entered the rooms with the animatronics parts and endoskeletons, he saw that everything was in order, just the way he left it. The animatronics he was working on were unfinished, but there were still a few things he needed to work out before putting them together. He still had trouble forcing Ricky and his friends to obey him, as the animatronic AI would override the device he put in. He needed to find a way to make it work.
He entered the last room, the one with Raven. The animatronic was sitting on the ground, limp and lifeless. However, Connor knew that that wasn't true. He knew that Bran's soul was tied to Raven, meaning that he was alive, albeit in a quite twisted way. However, this also meant that his friend would never leave him. He would stay by Connor's side, forever.
''We both should be thankful for that accident, Bran,'' Connor said as he crouched in front of Raven. He frowned at the lack of response. ''Still, I need to figure out how to exactly repeat my success. You do understand that, don't you? After all, you have been the only one who ever understood me.''
He stood up, looking at the Raven for a moment. He then sighed, turning around and leaving, only to suddenly hear the animatronic activating. He turned back, smiling as he saw Raven trashing around.
''Just what I expected…'' he muttered. ''We're together in this, aren't we?''
He then walked away, closing the door behind him. Raven only started to trash more as he was left in the darkness once again.
Springtrap was roaming through the hallways of Circus Baby's Entertainment and Rental, lost in his thoughts. Sam had asked him to show her the rest of the place, with him leading her to the Ballora Gallery which had a hidden door that led to a small area. This part of the location consisted of a hallway with four rooms, a white chair and Plushtrap sitting on that chair. He left her there to explore, not really willing to talk to her. She also kept quiet, with Springtrap wondering whether she feared that continuing the conversation about his past might result in him having another mental breakdown. Considering how that would happen whenever he was at his lowest point, he wasn't surprised that she didn't want to press the issue.
However, even though he felt uncomfortable talking about what he had done, those conversations did help him in a way. Springtrap knew that, as much as he would lament over Elizabeth's and Sammy's death, wishing to change what happened in the past, he couldn't do anything about it. Nothing could bring them back. He knew that, if he stayed stuck in the past, he would never be able to move on, just like that Entity that was haunting him.
Still, what was he supposed to do? Whenever he hoped that he would make some kind of progress, something would happen that would cause him to revert back to his previous mindset. He resented the feeling of fear and dread that accompanied him whenever he decided to do something that would improve his situation, aware that it would somehow backfire. Even worse, his decisions would also directly or indirectly influence Sam, leading to her getting harmed in some way.
He wanted to keep her safe. He wanted to prevent Sam having to experience the same fate his family, or rather, anyone connected to him had experienced. He wanted to protect her without having to leave, even though it was obvious that she'd be better off without him. At least, that's how he felt.
Springtrap suddenly found himself unintentionally walking back into the area with the Nightmare Animatronics, entering the bedroom. He frowned, staring back at the camera he had installed in order to monitor Sammy. A part of him, the one who hated his past self, wanted to rip that camera off and destroy it. It was just another reminder of how much of a monster he was.
He sighed, sitting down on the bed and clutching his head. Hell, this whole place was a remained of how much of a monster he was and that, no matter what he would do, this monster wouldn't cease to exist.
Everything that happened, it just feels like a bad dream…
As he tried to calm himself down, he glanced at the drawer next to the closet. Curious, he walked over to it, having already forgotten whether he ever put anything inside it. As he opened it, he was a little surprised to see that there were plushies inside it. He picked up the Freddy plushie, staring at it.
Sammy loved those toys…
He frowned and was about to put them back away, when he glanced back at the bed, at the Fredbear plushie that was left there. Hesitant, he glanced back at the toy he held, then walked over to the bed and left the Freddy plushie next to the Fredbear one. He then went back, taking out the other plush toys and placing them on the bed.
He managed to find Bonnie, Chica and Foxy, and when he reached for the last toy that was hastily placed in the drawer, he realized that it was a golden version of Bonnie wearing a purple bowtie – Spring Bonnie. He held the plushie, a little surprised to find it. He was quite sure that, after the retirement of the Spring Bonnie animatronic, there wouldn't be any toys either. It seemed that one survived. He glanced back at the bed, where he left the other toys.
Nobody needs them anymore… His eyes glowed in a soft purple. Sammy, Elizabeth and Michael are gone, but there's still someone left. Sam would be happy to have them.
He felt warmth spreading across the chest, replacing the emptiness as he thought about Sam reaction to his little gift. It didn't seem like it was much, but he was willing to do anything to make her happy.
''Springtrap?'' He could hear Sam calling him, her voice getting louder.
''Over here!''
Sam hurried up after hearing Springtrap's voice, entering the bedroom. She was worried about him, considering how quiet he was after their last conversation. She figured that leaving him alone for a while would be a good thing, but after she realized that he was gone, she knew that she had to find him.
''Are you okay?'' she asked him.
Springtrap was reluctant, wanting to tell her not to worry about him, but he then shook his head. I told her that I wanted her to be honest with me about how she felt and I shouldn't be lying to her either.
''No, I'm not,'' he replied, noticing the look of concern on her expression. ''However, we can talk about this later. There is actually something I wanted to show you first.''
He then gave her the Spring Bonnie plushie. Sam's eyes widened in surprise as she took it, grinning as she looked at it.
''You can keep it if you want,'' Springtrap told her, then gestured at the bed with the other plushies. ''If you don't want it, you can take-''
He was cut off mid-sentence when Sam suddenly hugged him.
''Thank you,'' she said, her eyes bright with joy. Springtrap was glad to see her like this, but he felt that there were still some things left unsaid. Sam stepped back, looking a little worried. ''You said that there was an issue, right? What is it? Did I say something wrong?''
''No, you didn't,'' Springtrap replied in a comforting tone. ''However, this doesn't mean that I didn't reflect on what you told me.''
''So, what's bothering you?'' Sam asked, giving him a curious look. Springtrap's eyes glowed purple as he stepped back, crossing his arms on his back, and tilted his head.
''What I have done is unforgivable, and what happened here was a complete nightmare. Even if I am uncomfortable talking about my past, I am thankful that you're constantly confronting me about what I had done. After all, trying to ignore and forget what had happened obviously won't help me,'' Springtrap told her. ''However, I cannot go back in time and fix my mistakes either. I cannot undo Elizabeth, Sammy and Michael's deaths. This leaves me with two options. Either I can let myself get consumed by guilt, or I can try and make sure I won't make the same mistakes again.''
''Well, I am glad that you think so,'' Sam replied, only to be surprised when Springtrap's eyes suddenly flared purple. He frowned.
''You know, even though I did destroy the remnant, I don't think that it really changed anything,'' he said. ''I am still the same person I was before.''
''Nevertheless, you still decided, on your own, that you want to destroy it instead of saving it,'' Sam pointed out.
''True, but I also told you that I'm capable of creating new remnant. There's nothing that can stop me from doing that,'' Springtrap replied.
''I know, but you also said that you won't do that,'' Sam said, suddenly realizing what he wanted to tell her. ''I made a mistake at some point while talking to you about it, didn't I?'' Springtrap nodded. She sighed. ''Honestly, I forget sometimes that your situation isn't some kind of clean slate and that you cannot separate yourself from the man you have been before your final death, even if I do acknowledge it.''
''Exactly, although, I don't believe either of us ignored that issue on purpose,'' Springtrap replied. ''I was just stuck in the past, believing that there's nothing I could do about who I am, while you tried to encourage me to learn from my mistakes and become a better person, noting that, while I have been a monster in the past, it doesn't mean that I'm a monster now.''
''So, what are you planning to do now?'' Sam asked him. Springtrap grinned.
''The nightmare continues. After all, I am still a murderer and a danger to people,'' he said ominously. He then frowned, the glow in his eyes slowly fading. ''I do regret my past, and I know I cannot change what I had done, but I also know I shouldn't constantly ask myself what would've happened if I didn't go down that murderous path. Honestly, I don't expect redemption, regardless of whether I deserved it or not.'' He tilted his head, looking at Sam. ''As I had already told you, all I want is to be your friend. However, I'll leave it up to you whether you want to keep me as your friend.''
''Of course I want you to be my friend,'' Sam said, interrupting him. Springtrap nodded.
''Then, I will keep you entertained,'' he said, falling silent. ''There's one more thing, though…''
''What is it?'' Sam asked. Springtrap shook his head.
''It's nothing important,'' he said. ''You don't have to worry about it.''
''Are you sure?'' Sam rose an eyebrow.
''Yes, I am,'' Springtrap replied. ''Anyways, do you want to take the other plushies?''
''Sure!'' Sam nodded, only to look at the closet. ''But, what about the Nightmare Animatronics?''
''We'll leave them here. I doubt that anyone will find them,'' Springtrap said. Sam gave him a curious look.
''Do you have any plans for them?'' she asked.
''I don't have any plans, at least for now,'' Springtrap replied. ''However, rest assured, this isn't the last time we're visiting this place. I'm not going to let the animatronics to just rust here.''
He wanted to help her carry the plushies out, but Sam insisted on taking them all by herself, only for the Fredbear plushie to fall out of her arms. Springtrap picked it up.
''You can go on,'' he said. ''I'll just turn the lights off here.''
''Okay,'' Sam replied, hurrying down the corridor. Springtrap took another look at the bedroom, a mix of regret and sorrow on his expression. He then frowned.
They're gone and I cannot do anything about it anymore. Still, this doesn't mean that I should forget what happened and why it happened.
He closed the door and walked down the corridor, avoiding Nightmare Bonnie. He then went to the light switch.
I was horrible father towards Lizzy, Sammy and Mike, and hopefully, they're better off now. They deserved a much better life, a better family, than the one I gave them.
He turned the lights off, finding himself surrounded by darkness and walking towards the entrance to this area.
Still, even if I did accept who I was, or rather, who I am now, this doesn't mean that I should go back to my old habits. What I do now is my decision and I'm not going to waste the chance I had been given.
After closing the entrance and placing the boxes back, Springtrap went towards the Funtime Auditorium, finding Sam on the stage, who was trying to put all of the plushies into her backpack. He gave her the Fredbear plushie.
''Don't forget this one,'' he said, with Sam taking it, nodding and then trying to figure out how to somehow cram the toy into her already full backpack. Springtrap glanced at the box next to the stage, realizing that he had forgot to put it into the private room. ''I'll be right back.''
''Take your time,'' Sam replied, still focused on her backpack. He went to the box and picked it up, taking it towards the office. Just like the other one, this box also contained the dismantled remains of the Funtime Animatronics, with him and Sam having picked up everything they could find. Once inside, he pushed the box under the table and stopped, looking at his old office. Feeling curious, he reached for the drawer and found an old walkie-talkie inside it. He snorted, taking it out.
I guess some old habits never die.
He clutched the walkie-talkie in his hand, taking one last glance at the monitors, noticing his own reflection. His eyes glowed briefly, with him feeling some of his confidence returning.
Does it really matter whether I have changed or not? I am still the same person, but with a different outlook on life. I am not going to make the same mistakes again.
He then walked out, closing the door behind him. He was joined by Sam, who was ready to leave, having managed to stuff all the toys into her backpack.
''I'll just go and check whether everything is turned off,'' he told her. ''I'll meet you at the elevator, okay?''
''Sure. I need to give Mum a call anyways so she can pick us up,'' Sam replied, albeit giving him a knowing look. Springtrap had a feeling that she somehow knew what was going through his head, but she still decided to let him to deal with it on his own, even though he didn't tell her anything. Not to mention, there wasn't anything he needed to check on as the whole place had been shut down, except for the lights. He sighed.
In truth, what he really needed was to be alone for a moment.
''I know that you cannot hear me anymore, and that we probably will never meet again, but there are still some things I wished I had said before all of this had happened,'' he said in a quiet tone. Static flashed in front of his eyes, but he didn't really react to it, feeling empty. What he saw were just memories.
One of them was of his daughter, smiling happily as she showed him a drawing she made. All she wanted was her father's approval.
''Elizabeth,'' he muttered. ''I was always proud of you, and I hate myself for what I did to you. Now, you don't have to suffer anymore.''
He glanced at the private room, remembering how he observed Sammy trying to fend off the Nightmare Animatronics. Even though he was incredibly scared of them and even crying, he still managed to keep them away, having quickly figured out their patterns. However, he was left scarred for the rest of his life, and even that ended too soon.
''Sammy, I'm sorry for putting you through those nightmares and for not being able to help you when you needed my help. Hopefully, you won't have any bad dreams anymore.''
Turning to the scooper room, he frowned, remembering the rage he felt as he confronted Michael, who was remorseful about what he had done to his little brother. Even though his oldest son was a bully who killed his own brother, having his insides scooped and turned into an undead corpse was still a cruel fate.
''Michael, you've done well,'' he said. ''You're much better person than I am, and I do hope you have finally found the peace you deserved.''
He lowered his head, with sorrow showing on his expression. He never knew how much he had lost until now.
''I'm sorry I couldn't be a better father…''
He stood there in silence, almost expecting an answer, but there was none. He knew that it was time to leave. Still lost in his thoughts, he turned the lights off and joined Sam at the elevator, noticing the look of sympathy she gave him. The feeling of emptiness faded, replaced by the familiar feeling of warmth and comfort.
Perhaps, I didn't lose everything.
''Are you okay?'' Sam asked him.
''Not really, but I do feel better,'' he told her.
''That's good to know,'' Sam said. ''Speaking of which, surprisingly, nothing bad really happened today. I mean, there were no accidents.''
''Sam, don't jinx it. The day isn't over yet,'' Springtrap replied, frowning. The elevator opened, with the two walking towards the entrance.
''Well, I'm just saying…'' Sam replied, trailing off as they opened the door and realized that it was raining outside. Springtrap simply gave her an annoyed look, with Sam smiling sheepishly. ''Maybe I spoke too soon.''
''You think?''
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#Five Nights at Freddy's: The Untold Story (Masterlist)
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eunciia · 1 year
i stayed. [Marcel/Connor?; @aeviterncl]
prompted┊@aeviterncl { TW: Blood, Suicide }
Every time Connor closed his eyes he was brought back to the day his life changed forever. Kitchen stained with bright red, fresh blood as he desperately tried to wake his parents with no avail. They were gone long before Connor had even walked back into the house, and he would always blame himself for not being home to stop them. At the ripe age of five, his childhood had been ripped from beneath him, along with both of his loving parents. He still wracked his brain daily, trying to figure out just why they had done it.
The raven hadn't slept in days, thoughts rushing through his head. This time of year was always the worse with the holidays coming up, not that there was really an easy time of year. Every once in a while things got really bad like this and he started to spiral, but it wasn't like he slept much in general. Honestly, how could he? He usually buried himself in whatever he could find to distract himself either until morning came or he passed out without realizing it.
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He startled himself waking up that morning, actually laying in bed. Surprise was found behind blue eyes as he tried to remember the horrid dream from last night, but came up empty. Had he not had a nightmare? Finally, he looked up into the eyes of Marcel, replaying their conversation from the night before. He'd stayed. The raven looked at him curiously, a thoughtful expression on his face as he considered what to say. It hit him that Marcel must not have slept, sitting in the uncomfortable chair propped next to his bed.
❝ I hope you know you could have at least laid down,❞ Connor cracked off a small smirk, before a more serious expression crossed his face. ❝ But seriously, thank you for staying. It means a lot that you're willing to go to such lengths for me. I'd love a chance to repay the favor someday.❞
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