#it works and i sometimes kinda hate it does. no i don’t wanna brush my teeth but fuck man i can’t make thoma sad
m1d-45 · 1 year
rain or shine
summary: you aren’t feeling the best, but luckily for you inazuma’s resident “fixer” is here to do away with your ailments
word count: 1.1k
-> warnings: mentions of nausea, reader doesn’t eat much due to said nausea, dw thoma has you covered though
-> gn reader (you/yours)
taglist: @samarill || @thenyxsky || @valeriele3 || @shizunxie || @boba-is-a-soup || @yuus3n || @esthelily || @turningfrogsgay || @cupandtea24 || @genshin-impacts-me || @chaoticfivesworld || @raaawwwr
< masterlist >
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you were having a bad day. plain and simple.
it started yesterday, when you had to stay up late to complete some last minute forms. the estate needed supplies a bit sooner than typical, but you didn’t mind the extra time it took. rain kept you company, a light sprinkle that quickly turned heavy, though thankfully with no lightning. it seemed the shogun was in a better mood today.
you woke up tired, with rolling nausea and a fierce headache. had you caught something? you hoped not, as you were planning on being productive today. a painkiller and a swig of water mostly did away with the headache, but the nausea refused to leave. you couldn’t even properly enjoy your breakfast, only getting through half of it before giving up. maybe you’d have it for lunch? that would save you some time and trouble later…
that was your first mistake. if anything, it only caused more trouble as the day stretched on. you went to the garden with a folder in hand, passing it off to a group of staff waiting by the gates. it was their list of things to pick up, and a lengthy one at that. the party was larger than typical to account for this, but when you were asked to join them, you couldn’t help but agree. they could use the help, right?
your second mistake. the trip was to bring back various supplies—silks, ingredients, toiletries and the like—from inazuma city back to the estate. it was a routine operation, one that you would normally be able to complete easily, except for the fact that it had rained the night before. mud stuck to your shoes, the unusually humid air clinging to your skin. your half-breakfast didn’t help, and your headache was beginning to return again. halfway through, when your crew took a break, you couldn’t stomach anything more than a few sips of water. by the time the final crate was carried back to the estate, you were far past lightheaded, breath coming in thin pants. a few of your fellow workers stopped to check on you—“hey, you should sit down” “what’s wrong?” “here, have some of my water”—but you waved all of them off. you were supposed to help, not worry them. you did have to promise to take a break before they’d let you leave, and though you were grateful for their concern, you did feel a little bitter.
all of this was your own fault, after all. why should you make them worried over something easily preventable?
you walked to your room with a hand on the wall for balance, blessedly not running into anyone. you weren’t sure how you’d explain yourself in you ran into lady ayaka- or worse, thoma. it wasn’t that you’d get in trouble, certainly not, but you were too ill for whatever food or drink they’d offer, and you didn’t feel like distracting either of them from their jobs. thoma especially so, since you knew he’d have a hard time focusing on his work if he saw you like this. it would normally be endearing, but today was everything but normal.
you pushed open the door to your room, pushing it closed behind you without stopping to lock it. the estate had the highest security in inazuma second only to the tenshukaku itself, and you honestly couldn’t be bothered. it’s not like staff were in the habit of snooping through each others rooms, and the extra effort was hardly worth it right now.
your sheets were blessedly cool as you fell onto your bed, barely putting in effort to arrange yourself on it. you’re… just taking a break. that’s all. just resting, and then you’ll get up and do all those things you were supposed to.
after all, it would be irresponsible of you not to, right?
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you wake up to something cold dripping down your face, though your room was still dark. at least no one was here, then… but what was on your forehead?
you struggled to open your eyes, barely making out anything. you could tell someone had closed your door since no light was coming through, but who?
a gentle hand on your shoulder stopped you from getting up, the cold whatever—cloth, maybe?—on your forehead shifting as you did. “stay, you’re alright.”
you let your eyes close. you should have seen this coming, in truth.
“i’m right here.” his hand moved up and you could feel his gloves on your cheek as he wiped something away. “and don’t worry, all of my duties were finished while you’ve been asleep. i’m all yours.”
well, at least you weren’t disturbing him. small wins. “what are you doing here?”
“you have a fever,” he said simply. “you likely just caught a small bug and overworked yourself. don’t worry, it should be gone within a day or so.”
you’d been hoping you weren’t sick, that maybe it was the heat of the humidity making you feel ill. then again, you’d also hoped not to fall asleep, so…
thoma took the cloth from your head, and you hear small splashes and the trickle of water. “furata tells me you went out this morning with the other staff.” he places it back on your forehead, wiping away any droplets that spill before they reach your ears or eyes. it’s much cooler now, and you worry about how long he’s been sitting here. “she also says you looked quite tired before you left.”
“i’m not upset.” as if to prove it, he takes one of your hands in his, squeezing once. “but i am worried. can you tell me why you went with them if you weren’t feeling well?”
“i just wanted to help.”
“i understand that, but you need to put yourself first, love. you can’t help others if you don’t first help yourself.” he removed the towel and put the back of his hand to your cheek, humming, then both were gone. “do you think you could eat something?”
you opened your eyes properly, taking stock of your body and room. he’d propped his vision on your nightstand as his source of light, and though it was small it still stung, your eyes slightly watering. but the rest had been good for you, and your head hurt a little less than it did before. “maybe.”
he smiled, lifting your hand to press a kiss to the back of it. “i can work with maybe. how does soup sound?”
“perfect.” he lets go of your hand and moves it behind your back, the other hooking under your legs.
“thoma, you-“
“don’t have to, i know.” effortlessly, you’re lifted into the air, greeted with a kiss to your cheek. “but i like taking care of you. now, what kind of tea would you like with your meal?”
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skiasurveys · 2 years
Do you feel guilty? if yes, why so?
yeah, I think its from my trauma.
Has someone you cared about moved recently?
yes, my best friend
Do you know the band DiscoToTheStars? If you like Nickasaur, NeverShoutNever, shit like that, you should look them up.
I remember them but never cared for them
Are you trying hard in life?
Do you need to brush your teeth?
yes, ty for reminding me
Does your tongue hurt?
Where are you?.
Sitting in my bed, filling out this survey.
Are you sad?
when am i not lmao
Do you like xbox?
i used too but now im kinda more into nintendo switch, or ps. i havent rly gamed in a long time beside sims.
Do you eat peanut butter?
How many fingers do you have?
i have ten
Will you be mad at me if i don’t make this survey very long?
short is sometimes better
Does your tummy hurt?
Who do you sit with at lunch?
by myself lol i work from home
Were you wrong all along?
i was about my ex
Have you seen “Ferrets” on YouTube?.
I fucking hate Rihanna, do you?
help..this is so aggressive. I don't hate her, i dont have any opinion on her.
Are you the only person awake right now?
Do you feel alone?
i feel like I do because I work/school from home, a lot of my friends have moved, or are busy with life, so yeah.
Are you itchy?
im always so itchy, idk why
Do you need to wash your face?
nope, I already did.
Do you want animals when you grow up? .
technically i am a grown up..and i want more. I have one cat, and I wanna adopt another.
Do you have an annoying old grandmother?
nah, I love her.
What year are you taking this?
Do you think the world will end in 2012?
oh this is DATED.
What’s your name?
Are you eating chicken?
not atm
Do you have pubic hair?
i do, but I need to wax soon
What’s your favorite flavor ice-cream?
mint, or vanilla
Have you made a survey before?
yes, but havent in a long time.
What’s the nearest rainbow object around you?
i dont think I have any near me.
Do you have a phone? i don’t.
Its an Iphone 11 Pro Max
Who are you dating? Wanna tell me about them?
mentally pedro pascal
How would you like to kill someone?
Do you like to wear clothes?
yes, I actually HATE being naked.
Are you happy?
...Im content atm
Pencils or markers?
Do you draw, or sing?
I draw
Don’t you hate hangnails?
god yes..i have one atm
What kind of surveys do you like?
random or deep ones
Have you ever gave someone a hand/blow job? Received one?
i have given one, and ive been fingered but i dont have a dick so i havent had a hand job lmao
Did it snow for you on Christmas?
i dont think it snowed on christmas
What’s the date?
feb 20/23
Do you feel like a stalker?
Lol no, but sometimes I check ppls socials
Do you read FML, MLIA, OMGFACTS, etc?
oh I used too a long ass time ago
Are you hungry?
Not really
What’s your worst fear?
ending up alone
What’s your favorite pattern?
i dont have one
Do you shop at Hot Topic?
i used too, but I havent been there in years lol
What’s your favorite song?
i cant ever answer this
0 notes
shotorozu · 4 years
you like their hands
character(s) : todoroki shouto, bakugou katsuki, midoriya izuku (1/?)
legend : [Y/N = your name] they/them pronouns used, quirk’s not specific
post type : headcanons; accompanied with a small scenario [fluff, the mildest of spice not nsfw]
note(s) : i was thinking about todo’s hands today— also i’ll be adding pictures of what i think their hand looks like so.. 😳
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todoroki shouto
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i’d like to believe that shouto’s hands would be long and pretty— kinda like how i’d imagine akaashi and kageyama’s hands
but have y’all seen that man’s hands in the anime and manga 😳 they’re not really what i’d call them “long”
so i had to find a mid point, kinda like a fusion of both.
his hands are either really pale, or the knuckles are just really red
moving on..
you have a weird infactuation with his hands, and you were gonna tell him! but you just didn’t know when
he didn’t really get it at first??
yes, he will respect and properly entertain your interests. but.. his hands? he doesn’t get that part yet
shouto can say he takes care of them well. washing his hands at least 3 times a day, and applying lotion on them with the slightest mint scent in it
and he takes care of his hands because he needs to rely on them everytime he uses his quirk.
speaking of quirk— his hands are either scorching to the touch, or cold.
so the first time he reaches out for your hand, you just.. freeze?? you were talking about something random while walking with him
then he just suddenly reached for your hand
seeing your reaction, he’s like.. “oh. my hand must be too cold for them. gotta switch.”
then he switches hands, holding your hand with his left. and you’re still the same, and it appears to be that switching didn’t really help
“what’s wrong, love?” he pulls you aside, staring at your expression— seeing that you became stiff when he reached for your touch.
you want to downplay the entire situation, really. but shouto doesn’t budge, that’s just who he is, and he’s still left wondering what’s wrong, and if he did something.
that is until you mention his hands, and that you like them
“your hands.. are really nice i guess,” you avert your gaze “i like them.” you say in almost a whisper like tone.
he sighs in relief. and he feels better that it’s not about the fact that you hate the temperature of his hands, since they’re either abnormally sahara desert hot or cold like fresh snow on a december morning.
his cheeks flare pink for a moment, in sudden realization “y-you like my hands?” shouto asks this as a confirmation, hoping that he actually heard it correctly.
but when you nod, he takes full advantage— entertaining your interest in his hands to his best abilities
he smiles when he sees your expression change when he brushes the back of your hand with his own. then, he finally holds your hand— the coolness of his right hand is making you hyper aware
your heart only pounds faster against your chest, when he presses his lips to the back of your hand, maintaining eyecontact as he does soz
after dating you, he paints his nails with clear nail polish. it makes him feel better knowing that they’ll stay clean even with all the hectic training
to calm you down, he likes to rub his thumb against your cheek— his quirk slightly activating while he stares into your eyes
a little spicy; but whenever you eat your desert during a date, he will wipe the excess off the side of your lips, and ask you to lick it off.
is he teasing you? or is he serious? we will never know.
bakugou katsuki
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bakugou’s hands are big, and his veins are prominent— but not too veiny to the point it’s concerning.
he sometimes likes wearing rings but.. that’s just sometimes
his hands are strangely soft, especially the palms— but he could say there’s some rough spots here and there, but he’d guess it’s because of his quirk.
bakugou’s hands are always warm and sweaty, which he never actually cared about— until he started dating you
he’s kinda worried that you wouldn’t wanna hold his hand, but you can say it’s actually the opposite?
you really like his hands.. but you’re just scared of getting judged
so when he reaches for your hand, you try to pretend that he wasn’t? you turn your head away— trying to not look the slightest bit of dazed
“what’s up with you?” bakugou interrogates you, his ruby irises glaring into your eyes— his voice gruff
“what?” you question, the sudden action was out of the blue— and you hold in your breath when his hands cage you in, large hands pressed on the wall behind you
“HAH?” he yells, not amused by your sudden oblivion, “don’t act dumb,” he grits his teeth “spit it out, and tell me what’s wrong.”
“nothing’s wrong, suki— i don’t really follow?” you try to convince him that no, i’m totally not afixiated with something about you, even though you’re my boyfriend; i don’t wanna admit that. however— you’re not very slick.
“tch, fucking liar.” his eyes narrow, “if you hate my fuckin’ hands, then i prefer it if you were honest about it.”
“sorry, but what?” you blink, suddenly appalled by his words, “hate.. your hands?”
“because that’s what it is, huh?” he moves even closer to you, practically inches away; and you can only pray that he can’t hear the rather loud beating of your heart. “my hands are so sweaty that you don’t wanna touch em, is that it?”
you’re agitated by his misunderstanding, and you sigh; finally deciding to come clean. “fine! fine. i like your hands.”
you didn’t mean to make it sound that upfront.
bakugou blinks, the sudden tension releasing into thin air, his expression left almost as equally surprised as you.
“tch. so that’s how it is,” he smirks, and by the way it looks— you suddenly regret telling him that.
well.. not really?
he actually takes advantage of that, making sure you remember his hands nicely.
when he sits next to you on the couch, he’ll throw his beefy ass arm around your shoulders like usual. then, he’ll run his hand up and down, making sure you’re aware of his touch.
bakugou will be THAT BITCH that’ll gesture you to come over so he could kiss you,
and when you’re leaning in— he’ll pinch your cheek, a sly grin on his face.
a little spicy; but he’s the type to rest his hand on your neck when you guys kiss <3 ugh
but overall— he’s really glad you actually like his hands, and it wasn’t like you hated them at all
but GOSH he just wished you told him from the start >:T
midoriya izuku
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less veins, but.. DAMN THEY’RE KINDA THICK?? not too thick but.. have you seen his hands in the manga??
of course— his hands are rough, with a bunch of scars from his quirk. which he was kinda conscious about
but he tries hard to take care of them outside of combat things in fights; if they’re damaged then.. oh well
he definitely fiddles with pencils, and when he’s studying— the chance of him having a silver’s hand is likely (the thing where the graphite smeers on the back of your hand) he hates that shit
he definitely has a writer’s callus. PROVE ME WRONG!! that man writes a lot, and so do i so 😌 twinsies
but he tries to keep them clean, and he wants to make them feel less rough— so he will invest in some hand cream
compared to the other two, midoriya’s hands are normal in temperature.
but his grip is firm but he doesn’t really realize it sometimes.
you like his hands because.. the detail on his hands leave you mesmerized
but you don’t really wanna weird him out or make him uncomfortable. since he gets really flustered quick.
and you don’t want him to just stare at his hands and think about your fascination about them. no distractions
but he gets real pouty when you pull away
“hey Y/N, do you.. hate holding hands with me?” izuku asks one day, when you guys are studying in your room
“what?” you tilt your head, really surprised by his question— since you guys sat in silence for the last few minutes. you can feel the edge in your stomach grow when he mentions his hands.
“you always pull away when i try to hold your hand.” you gesture him to continue what he’s saying, and he continues “ but i get it though! my hands are.. scarred, rough. they’re kinda ugly compared to the rest of the guys.” he’s rambling, and you can’t help but feel really saddened.
“izuku, no.” you shake your head, “your hands aren’t ugly. yeah, they may be scarred and all— but they saved a lot of people, it saved eri, and it helped you get to where you are today.”
izuku’s cheeks flush with red, and he can’t say that you’re wrong. but; though he’s provided with reassurance, that’s not the answer he wanted
“but why won’t you hold my hand?”
“because i..” averting your eyes to the wall behind him, you’re looking for the right words. “i like your hands. i didn’t want to make you feel weird because of me.”
you look at his face after the confession, and it’s just ingulfed in a red shade.
on the contrary, this makes him like his hands more. everytime he looks at his hands, he’ll be motivated by your words.
but he’ll be a little shy with acting on it at first; especially in public
but fear not! izuku may seem innocent, but he also knows what he’s doing so.. don’t be decieved
when he’s studying, he’ll write with his right hand, and feed you little snacks with his left hand— urging you to open your mouth and take the snack
after sparring with you he’ll comment on how you did so good, also while placing his hands on your shoulder— massaging any sore parts
a little spicy, but when you guys are kissing, HIS HANDS WILL ROAM TO PLACES. pulling you closer as he attacks your lips
overall— he might be a little shy at first, but he can say he’s pretty accepting of your interest in his hands. it makes him feel better about the appearance of his hands.
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likes and reblogs are appreciated, thanks for reading!
i do not own bnha/mha and it’s characters. boku no hero academia/my hero academia belongs to horikoshi kohei. i only own the writing, and i don’t profit off of my hobby.
do not reupload, translate, and use my work for any reading videos without my consent. do not plagiarize my work :))
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superhero--imagines · 4 years
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A/N: Sorry, but this has been living in my brain rent free too, my commission info is here
* Honey if you’re tall with a big butt-
* You’ve got his heart the second he lays eyes on you
* Like everything he is and everything he will be -
* Baby you can have it all if you’ll agree to be his
* If you’re not tall with a big butt, well don’t worry Yuuji’s still going to adore you it just takes a little time
* It’s not so much because he doesn’t think your smoking hot or anything-
* It’s just, well, Yuji’s kinda dumb
* So anyone outside of his immediate go-to type, it just doesn’t register in his brain
* You can bet your ass he’ll say dumb crap like-
* “Friends can hold hands right?”
* Or
* “Friends kiss sometimes, no big deal!”
* But don’t worry babe, it might take a little while, but eventually he’ll notice all these feelings he’s been categorizing as “friendly” feelings and “positive” feelings are actually Romantic feelings
* Once he finally figures it out, you won’t have to wait long-
* “Oi, (Y/N/N), want to be my lover?”
* Like seriously, not even a second after he has this ‘monumental’ realization
* After that things are pretty easy between you two
* It’s not like much has changed, he’s still your friend, and he doesn’t act any different-
* You guys were holding hands and, apparently, kissing before you were officially dating
* It’s not even that he’s greedy with the way he touches you or anything-
* I think the only thing that does change is that Yuji makes an effort to spend more time with you
* “Oi, wanna go to Shibuya this weekend? There’s a Taiyaki store I’m dying to go too”
* He makes an effort to spend time with you even when he’s not around, like sending you texts and voicemails when he’s away
* Part of the reason he’s so insistent on spending as much time with you as possible is probably because he’s not sure how much time he has left
* I think, Yuji is a really simple guy who sees the good in everyone, so he’s also kind of attracted to anyone given the right circumstances
* But I think, he especially wants someone compassionate
* Someone who will hold him during depressive episodes where he’ll wonder- what if I hadn’t joined the occult club? What if he had played track like everyone wanted? What if he had just minded his own business
* What if Megumi hadn’t followed him to the hospital that day, how different would his life be right now
* And it’s the same regret and remorse that fuels his cursed energy, but for some reason it feels like it’s magnified right now
* It feels like he might drown in this despair
* During those days you just hold him, whispering good things about the world.
* Soft things that’ll help him right now-
* Something to give him hope
* “Hot tea on a cold day” you whisper
* “The feeling of basking in sunlight after a cloudy day”
* There’s a moment of silence as you think of something else to say
* “The smell of rain, and fresh cut grass” he’ll mumble back, and you grin
* “Getting Taiyaki in Shibuya with someone you love” you reply with a grin
* “With ice cream filling and boba?”
* You laugh, what a weird combination
* “Anything you want”
* Yuji’s not the one that’s hard to get along with tbh, the one you have trouble with is Sukuna
* “You know you’ll never save him, I don’t know why you’re trying so hard”
* You would hit Sukuna if it didn’t mean slapping Yuji’s cheek too
* “Shut up what do you know”
* Honestly Yuuji’s a little surprised at the hatred Sukuna shows you
* “Shouldn’t you be happy they’re around?”
* For one because you’re around there’s been more *clears throat* romantic incidents, which of course always leave Yuji in a pretty vulnerable state
* He’s only an orgasm away from having Sukuna take over tbh
* And besides-
* You’re his weakness
* They say the sun is 92 million miles away, but he swears his sun is walking in front of him on the in Shibuya, his hand held firmly in yours
* If anything ever happened to you-
* He wouldn’t be able to live with himself, he wouldn’t be able to go on anymore.
* And that’s when the curse that lives inside him wins
* So he really doesn’t get why Sukuna’s acting like this is the worst thing to ever happen to him
* Sukuna opens an eye on Yuji’s cheek
* “I hate their kind most of all, even more than Jujutsu Sorcerers” he grumbles
* He really does hate you-
* He hates that you’re kind
* He saw your type all the time at his harem, some lowly thing relatives had sold off for money and honor-
* Or a prize from a nation he conquered
* Some dumb creature that thought you would get a reward for sacrificing yourself
* Truly idiotic
* The worst part is he’s starting to like those little fantasy’s you spin for Yuji
* He can feel the sunlight warning his skin after a cold day
* He can taste the heavy condensation of the steam that wafts off of his cup of tea, brushing against his face. The heat in direct contrast to the cold winter air
* And it hurts him to know he probably won’t feel like that again, not for a long time
* Not with you helping Yuji work through his negative feelings like you do
* So he hates you
* He hides his contempt in general, it only leaks out through an occasional insult
* “Where’s your kindness now?” He’ll jeer when you’re having a bad day
* Only for Yuuji to smack his cheek to get him to shut up
* “Ah, don’t pay any attention to him. He’s just grumpy”
* For the most part it’s nothing you can’t handle
* Really you kind of forget he’s there most of the time, until one day you see Sukuna pop out and take a bite of your Taiyaki as you hold it out to Yuji who said he wanted to taste the flavor
* “Oi that was mine!” Yuji screeches, slapping his own face while Sukuna smiles from his hand
* “You just like torturing me don’t you?” He weeps, and you offer him sympathetic pats on the back, giving him another bit of your Taiyaki
* He continues on about how Sukuna just loves to torment him, and honestly why can’t they get along when they share a body
* But your mind is elsewhere
* The next time Sikuna see’s you is when Yuji’s sleeping, the damn brat snores so loud he’s considering throttling him just to get some peace and quiet
* That’s when he hears the door creak, seeing you curling inside around it, a plastic bag in hand
* Great, the perfect end to the perfect day
* “The brats sleeping” Sukuna grumbles from Yuji’s hand-
* He would have spoken from his face but the only thing more annoying than having to deal with Yuji’s snores is having to hear the lovey-dovey crap tumble from his lips when he talks to you
* He figures you’ll leave, or maybe curl up against Yuji on the bed but instead you kneel down, your hand dipping into the plastic bag
* “I’m not here for him,” you start pulling out a Taiyaki.
* “You wanted one right?” That’s why he took a bite, because he wanted to try it too
* Though, annoying Yuji was probably an added bonus
* You hold up the Taiyaki to Sukuna’s ‘mouth’
* And he’s overcome with emotion
* It’s not like he hasn’t had concubines from his harem feed him a great number of things before -
* Like he hasn’t ever felt the tender act from one of his many lovers -
* So he hates that you’re the one that’s bringing out all these emotions in him
* And as he takes a bite from the Taiyaki he finally admits it-
* If you were in his harem, a moronic kind fool like you were one of his lovers
* You would be his favorite
* And that’s why he hates you so much
* Because just like Yuji, you’re his weakness
* “It’s not the same flavor” he mumbles
* “Sorry I couldn’t get the ice cream, it would have melted on the way here-“
* Sukuna wouldn’t have minded one bit licking the cream from your fingers, maybe he would even catch that embarrassed face you always make with the damn brat
* “So I got you a custard one, and a chocolate one, and on the off chance you weren’t in the mood for something sweet I got you a curry filled one too”
* You stumble, hand flying into the bag to pull out the other two, holding them up to him
* And despite himself, Sukuna finds the sight quite...cute
* “Well, I suppose these offerings will do for now wench” And his words are harsh, but you smile like the kindhearted fool you are.
* And that’s how Yuji starts getting pestered for “just five minutes alone with their baby”
* “Scared I’ll show them a better time than you can?” Sukuna grins
* Of course he is! Sukuna had a literal harem of lovers. Who knows what kinds of techniques he knows
* But Yuji’s pride won’t let him admit it
* Yuji scoffs
* “I’d rather die again then let you come anywhere near them”
* It’s kind like you’ve got two boyfriends
* One pink haired one that’s the literal personification of sunshine
* And another, more dark and sadistic one
* And it’s sort of a funky little relationship
* But it’s yours
* “I wouldn’t trade you for anything in the world” you whisper.
* Your lips brushing against his
* Yuji wouldn’t trade you for anything either
* He loves you ❤️
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drakenology · 4 years
Arguments - feat Bakugo, Todoroki, Kirishima and Tamaki Amajiki
author’s note: i’m feeling angsty today. so this is gonna be about arguing with some of the bnha characters. anyone else feel off today? just me?
warnings: swearing, angst, fluff 🥺, and suggestive themes not full on smut. characters aged up! some of these are long.. i was feeling dramatic
headers from @annicon
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as much as i love this man i can admit he would be SOO stubborn
would get frustrated easily
yells 🥺
he knows when to walk away when the conversation isn’t getting anywhere which is good
would NEVER hurt you (i’ve seen ppl write that this mf hits you... girl...domestic violence is not an aesthetic.)
he isn’t the best with words so it’ll take him a little while to admit he’s wrong because he can’t verbalize how sorry he is sometimes
when he does he’ll hug and kiss you and apologize like a million times after he’s done being a stubborn little prick.
gives you the best “i’m sorry “ dick imaginable holy shit
Bakugo done did it. He pissed you off. You were already having a terrible day and then you come home to this motherfucker with a bunch of people over after you told him that you weren’t in the mood for company. So for the rest of the night when everyone left, you gave him the silent treatment knowing that he HATES when you ignore him on purpose.
You say nothing, continuing scrolling through your phone to look like you were preoccupied.
“Y/N, what’s your problem? I know you hear me.” Bakugo persists.
You ignore him, turning your back to face him. He grunts and grabs your shoulder, turning you back around to face him.
“Y/N if you’re pissed at me just say that. But ignoring me is fucking immature and it’s pissing me off!” He yells. Translation: “What did I do? 🥺”
“I’M pissing YOU off!? That’s funny. Because it’s not like you didn’t completely ignore my fucking feelings tonight. Why did you invite Kirishima and Denki over after I specifically said I didn’t feel like playing fucking HOSTESS!” You shout back, throwing your phone somewhere.
“Are you serious!? I never told them to come here they just showed up. What was I supposed to do tell them to piss off!?” Katsuki asked.
“YES!” You scream, annoyed that he’s not getting the reason why you’re upset. You never minded having Bakugo’s friends over but you just wanted to have a calm night with just the two of you. You were exhausted and fixing dinner for you and 3 other people and listening to loud chatter about sports and video games was not on your to-do list.
“This is so fucking petty! I don’t get why you’re so mad that they came over.” Katsuki said shrugging his shoulders.
“That’s the problem, idiot! You don’t fucking get it! I worked all day today. I just wanted us to relax but no, you wanted to have a fucking guys night in my living room! It’s the complete disregard for my feelings that’s pissing me off not the fact that they came. I told you I was tired and you having them come over anyways was like a big fuck you to me!” You explain, your face pulled into a face Katsuki knows is your angry face. Bakugo sighs, not ready to admit that he was wrong.
“Tch. Whatever. I’m gonna go sleep on the fucking couch. Let me know when you’re done being fucking frigid.” He shouts, clearly out of anger.
Katsuki leaves your shared room and slammed the door, you throwing yourself onto the bed. You feel tears sting your eyes as you sob into your pillow. You hated fighting with Bakugo, and you knew he hated it too. He has a hard time expressing himself without getting defensive sometimes. But you knew he felt bad. You sigh and close your eyes and go to sleep.
The next morning you get up from bed and get ready to start your day. You shower and brush your teeth, you and Bakugo strategically avoiding each other all morning to go and do your daily routines. You didn’t utter a word to each other. Just questions and short answers.
“Got work?”
The silence killed you both as you sat at the table and ate breakfast, Bakugo’s face pulled into a frown as he ate. You roll your eyes and go to put your dishes in the sink and grab his once he’s done. You can hear him get up from his chair as you wash both your plates and dry them. You had assumed he was leaving so you just wash all the rest of the dishes without turning your back. Suddenly you felt familiar arms wrap around your waist.
“Let me go.” You say, tearing up at the sudden touch. He was trying to make up with you and you were so ready to forgive him. The tension was almost too much to bear. This fight was small and it turned into something way bigger than need be.
“Not until you listen to me. I’m sorry, ok? I should have never yelled at you the way I did. And calling you frigid wasn’t ok either. I shoulda just told everyone to go home. We have those dumbasses over all the time. One night wouldn’t have killed me. I’m sorry. Can we just forget this shit ever happened? I hate it when you’re mad at me.” He pleaded, burrowing his face into the crook of your neck. You smile and turn around to look at his face, cupping his cheeks in both your hands as you stand on you tip toes to kiss him. He kisses you back eagerly, happy that you and him are back on good terms. He pulled away from the heated kiss and looks at the clock on the microwave.
“6:30...we still have an hour to kill. If you’re late I’ll drop you off.” Katsuki says, his eyes turning dark with feral lust.
“Late? What are yo-“ you’re interrupted by Bakugo pulling you into your bedroom with determination to make things right.. his way.
Tamaki (🥺 my new found love)
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Tamaki is NOT a confrontational person so arguing with you is really hard. He hates raising his voice or even getting to a point to where he’s angry because he doesn’t want to think about hurting you in anyway.
He’ll shut down and turn cold or try and act nonchalant.
he might even avoid conflict by changing the subject
if he’s riled up enough though he’ll cuss you out.. to his dismay
doesn’t like being mad at you and vice versa
hates arguments.. like honestly can you just get over it so he can eat you out now?
speaking of eating you out, he gives apology head and he won’t stop until you say you forgive him.
Tamaki didn’t like to admit it but he was really jealous. Like really really jealous like YANDERE type jealous. You and him were out to dinner with Mirio so you were all chatting about mindless nothing, catching up like you always do. Nothing seemed to be out of the ordinary for you but to Tamaki it appeared that Mirio was a little too playful at dinner with you. He was cracking jokes and poking fun and Tamaki took it as him flirting with you; which Mirio would never disrespect your relationship like that. Rage sat in the pit of Tamaki’s chest as you laugh at all his jokes. He was furious but hid it pretty well for the night.
“And then Tamaki wet himself in front of the whole class when I scared him with my quirk in middle school. Can you believe it?” Mirio laughs, causing you to laugh at the thought.
“Oh leave him alone, Togata.” You giggle, waving your hand in front of your face to stop the tears from laughter. He had been making you laugh all night all to Tamaki’s disliking. He was quiet all dinner, which you noticed immediately after Togata’s last joke.
“Hey Tamaki, is everything ok?” You ask, concerned that he might not want to be out anymore.
“Yeah.” He said coldly. “Actually I’m just gonna go to the car. I feel kinda sick.” He stands from his seat and walks to the exit, absolutely fucking furious that you were “flirting” with his childhood friend right in front of him.
“Awkward. What’s up with him?” Mirio asks, completely dumb founded by Tamaki’s sudden disappearance.
“I dunno. I’m gonna go to the car and see what’s wrong. Do you mind?” You ask, standing from your seat.
“Nah that’s cool. I’m actually gonna head out. You go on ahead, Y/N. I’ll take care of the tab.. this time.” Mirio jokes. You giggle and thank him, walking towards the exit. You walk through the parking lot and find the car, seeing Tamaki sitting in the passenger side with his arms crossed across his chest. What was his deal? You open the car door and sit in the driver’s side to meet a thick tension.
“What’s wrong Tamaki? Do you really feel sick or are you upset with me?” You ask.
“Why don’t you ask Mirio? I’m sure he’ll be able to answer since he’s the only guy you talked to all night. It was like I wasn’t even there.” Tamaki says, calm but obviously pestered.
“Is that was this is about? Tama you know it wasn’t like that. Mirio has always been a jokester what’s the difference now?” You ask, getting a little upset at his accusation.
“The difference is that he was trying to make a pass at you. He was so obviously flirting with you.” He says, his tone becoming stern. You’re shocked at how he was getting, frowning at how unreasonable he was being.
“No he wasn’t, Tamaki.” You say, looking him dead in his eyes.
“Yes he was. I’m not about to fight with you about this he was clearly fucking flirting with you. He joked with you all night and you laughed at every single thing he said. You must want to fuck him, don’t you?” He asked, looking at you with some sort of betrayal in his eyes. This infuriates you.
“What are you talking about!? You know I would never cheat on you Tamaki. Especially not with your best friend. What’s with you!?” You ask sternly, not amused or pleased in the slightest.
“Whatever, Y/N.” Tamaki says, looking out the car window while turning the other way so he’s not facing your side of the car. He knew this was stupid and he knew your loyalty was never to be questioned but he couldn’t shake this feeling of jealousy.
“No. You don’t get to start a fight and then blow me off when you’re through arguing! Talk to me!” You yell, furious at this point. Tamaki shrugs, avoiding the situation entirely now.
“Just drive. I wanna go home.” He says, not taking his eyes off the view from his window. You roll your eyes and start the car, pulling out of the parking lot to start your way home. The drive home was so quiet you could hear a pin drop. You were so angry that you didn’t talk to Tamaki the whole way home, knowing you’d probably cuss him out if he said the wrong thing. Tamaki immediately felt bad after picking that fight. He didn’t know what came over him, he knew he had to make it up to you before you two go to bed angry with each other. You approach your shared apartment and park the car, silence still riddling the car. The tension between you both was intense and it scared you. You’ve never seen Tamaki this upset. Jealousy was always an issue for him but he’s never reacted this strongly.
“Y/N?” Tamaki says breaking the silence. You look at him, a little relieved that he’s talking to you again.
“I-I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have said that to you. I know you’d never cheat on me, of course. But I was just so jealous. It felt like you and Mirio were on a date and I was just the third wheel. The thought of him taking you from me drove me crazy. I wasn’t thinking. Can you forgive me?” He says, placing his hand on top of yours on the steering wheel. You sniffle, tearing up at his apology.
“Tamaki, I’m sorry I made you feel like that. I love you so much. No one could ever take your place, not even Mirio. I’d never betray you like that, ever.” You sob, tears flowing down your face. Tamaki questioning your loyalty really hurt your feelings and he hated seeing you cry.
“I know that. Please don’t cry. I’m so sorry, Y/N. It was so stupid of me to even assume.” He says, taking his hand and wiping your tears away. He took your hand and gave it a sweet kiss to soothe you, rubbing circles with his thumb on it as he consoled you. You giggle and wipe your tears, happy that you guys made up after that silly fight.
“Let’s go inside.”
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arguments between you two get heated. It gets to a point where sometimes you don’t speak to each other for days. he’ll definitely give small reminders that he still loves you to butter you up to alleviate some of the tension.
raises his voice
just as stubborn as bakugo
to a fault of his upbringing facing his emotions was hard for him sometimes, causing him to be cold when you fight
when it’s time to get over it and make up he’ll make it a huge event; flowers, chocolates and lots of freaky apology sex
cant stand arguing with you just like tamaki but wont back down in the slightest
is sure he doesn’t say anything harsh to make the situation worse.
“Why are you being so stubborn?!” You shout at your bi-colored haired boyfriend. The two of you have been fighting all day to your surprise. Shoto was usually easy going and you two hardly fought. But today, a bug seemed to have crawled up Todoroki’s ass and he’s been picking fights all day. You’ve been arguing about small things like who left the bathroom light on or who ate the last hot pocket. Right now it was an argument about when you’re going to meet his father Endeavor. It’s been almost a year since you two have been together and you don’t even think his father knows you exist.
“For the last time Y/N we’re not going to my dad’s house. That’s final! You can argue with yourself about this. End of discussion.” Shoto says, very annoyed at the thought of being near his father. He still couldn’t stand him, even as an adult. He can’t bring himself to bring you around him because he knows how he can be. If he even says something slightly rude to you he’ll flip the fuck out. You groan in frustration, wishing he’d at least consider.
“He doesn’t know we’re together does he!? What am I to you some secret? Why did you stay with me all this time if your family doesn’t even know I exist !?” You shout, tearing up with seering anger.
“It’s not that. Of course he knows we’re together; my whole family knows! Why do you want to involve him so badly?!” Shoto yells.
“Why wouldn’t I want to meet my fucking boyfriend’s father!? You’re not making any sense.” You say, getting more and more frustrated as Shoto makes excuses.
“You know what? Fine. We’ll go meet him tomorrow. But as soon as he treats you like you’re not good enough for me don’t be surprised when I tell you I fucking told you so. God you can be so stubborn sometimes.” Shoto shouts, rolling his eyes at you.
“Oh I’M stubborn!? That’s rich coming from you. You’re being so unreasonable right now. I know you and your father-“
“YOU DONT KNOW SHIT ABOUT MY FATHER. Stop speaking on things you haven’t the first idea about!” Shoto yells, punching a nearby wall. (Oop.) You flinch, shocked at how angry he got so quickly. You tear up and run off to your bedroom, Todoroki immediately regretting getting so upset with you. He scared you and that’s something he never wanted to do to you under any circumstances. You cried yourself to sleep that night, angry that things got so heated. Why did he react like that? And why was he treating you as if you knew nothing about him and his father. He would vent to you about him all the time and you gave him advice when you could. But tonight you felt like you were nothing but an outsider. Shoto didn’t even bother coming into the room. He couldn’t face you after making you cry. Right now, he hated himself for treating you like that. He was just so afraid of his father’s judgement he didn’t want him to hurt your feelings with how crass he was. If Endeavor found the slightest thing wrong with you he’d never let you or him forget it. He could hear him now calling you unworthy of the Todoroki name. The thought alone enraged him. In his own cryptic way, he was trying to protect you from him but this was no way to do it nor did he have the right. Todoroki slept on the couch, missing your warmth against him in your bed.
The next morning the two of you drove to the Todoroki estates in silence. You were still pissed at him and Shoto didn’t want to say anything to further upset you. He was annoyed he was making this trip in the first place but he knew he had to man up for your sake. It was unfair of him to try and keep you away from his family especially since you would one day take on his name and be a part of the family when he married you. He knew he couldn’t keep you away forever, but god couldn’t he have had a little more time? He dreaded this day.
“Ready?” Shoto asks coldly, trying to hide his remorse from his tone. You nod, getting out of the car before he could walk over and open the door for you. Shoto is surprised and gets out with you, guiding you to his old home. He can’t lie, he’s so fucking nervous. What if he hates you? Not that he cares what he thinks, he’ll marry you anyway but still. He at least wants his blessing. You walk with Shoto to the main room of the home and wait for Endeavor to come downstairs. Suddenly you hear footsteps from across the room. It was him. He was tall and his aura was so dark and intimidating.
“You must be Y/N.” Endeavor says, looking down at your small frame. You nod, a wave of nervousness shooting through your body.
“N-Nice to meet you sir.” You bow respectfully.
“No need for that. Please, have a seat.” Endeavor says gesturing to the couch. You and Shoto sit down next to each other, Endeavor following suit by sitting across from you two.
“So.. how long have you two been together?” Endeavor asks, his booming voice almost sending an echo throughout the empty room. You gulp and look towards Shoto.
“10 months.” He answers for you, taking your hand to calm you. You’re still mad at him but god you’re glad he’s doing his best to ease your anxiety.
“And you just now arrange a meeting? Hm.” Endeavor questions, looking at you as if he was scanning you to find something irredeemable about you. You look down at your lap, unable to keep eye contact with the intimidating man.
“I-I wanted to meet with you sooner. Me and Shoto fought about coming here last night but I convinced him.” You say nervously.
“I see. You seem like an ok girl. Shoto has had his fair share of.. inadequate women in his life so, you’re a step up from the rest.” Endeavor says, motioning for a maid to make you all some tea. You laugh nervously, Shoto squeezing your hand in annoyance. Was that a compliment?
“You two seem like you’ve been fighting.” Endeavor says suddenly, observing both your body language. You’re both shocked as you turn to look at each other. How’d he know that?
“What’s it to you?” Shoto asks, glaring at his father.
“Oh nothing. But if you’re planning on marrying this girl it’s probably best to not argue too much with her. Hell, she might up and leave.”
Shoto looks at you, pain in his eyes. The look on his face alone said “I’m sorry.” Shoto hated to admit it but his father was right. Fighting as much as you have been, especially the fight you had last night was toxic and could take a toll on your relationship.
You smile at him and turn to Endeavor
“I’d never leave him.” You say, snuggling closer to Shoto as he blushed. He was embarrassed that he was being so vulnerable around his father but he knew that only you could make this happen.
After a long conversation with Endeavor and Shoto, you leave with a feeling that you might have won him over. You think? He was hard to read, just like Shoto. He was more like his father than he likes to admit. Shoto opens the car door for you to get inside and then walks to the drivers side to come in. You sit in the car for a while, silent until Shoto grabs you and leans over to kiss you. You kiss him back, tearing up into the kiss.
“I’m sorry, snowflake. I can’t believe I raised my voice at you like that. I was just so scared that he was gonna hate you and say something disrespectful. I should have just told you that instead of being defensive. I’m so so sorry I scared you. Please forgive me. ” He pleaded, peppering kissing on your face.
“I know. And I forgive you.” You giggle, pulling Todoroki closer to you to kiss him again.
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Out of all the boys he’s the least stubborn when it comes to fighting. But don’t be fooled, he’ll argue you down. he’s very good at managing his temper when it comes to you.
Regrets starting a fight in the first place
Just wants to cuddle and go back to normal
But when he’s angry hooo boy
doesn’t even yell, he’s like a calm angry which is terrifying
tries talking over you, trying to plead his case
will not rest until the situation is resolved and over with so you guys can move on
like all the others... apology sex
will try not to lose his patience
You and Kirishima had been together for a while now so it was only inevitable that you two have your first fight. You were always a vigilant person and wanted to help others even though you were quirkless like Deku was at one point. Kirishima is protective of you to a fault and the thought of you getting hurt or worse didn’t sit well with him at all. You assured him that you were capable of taking care of yourself and protecting yourself but he wasn’t having any of it. You spent years perfecting your martial arts skills, training your ass off for countless hours everyday and he knew that. But he didn’t want you to one day meet your match without him there to protect you.
“Y/N, drop it. You’re not going on missions with me and that’s final. It’s too dangerous.” Eijiro said, his brows furrowed. He was trying not to lose his patience with you but you kept insisting. He just wished you’d forget about this whole thing; for your safety.
“You don’t have the right to tell me what I can and can’t do! I’m fully capable for taking care of myself and you know that.” You yell, irritated at your boyfriend underestimating your abilities. Eijiro sighs and stands up from the couch to stand in front of you, inching so close you could almost kiss.
“I’ll die before I let you go out there. Do you know what would happen to me; to your friends and family if something happened to you!? We’d be crushed. Please just drop this.” Kirishima says, wanting to avoid this conversation all together. But alas, nothing was changing your mind. You were very head strong and stubborn to no avail so you weren’t going down without a fight.
“You can’t stop me!” You yell
“Oh I can’t?” Eijiro challenged.
“No. You can’t. You can’t treat me like a child, Eijiro.” You say. “How can you say I’m not ready if you don’t give me a chance to prove I am!?”
“Because you just aren’t! Okay!? You say you’re not a child but you’re acting like one and a petulant one at that. Just drop it! God, you can be so stubborn sometimes. Don’t you see I’m just trying to keep you safe!?” Kirishima yells, instantly regretting raising his voice at you and losing his cool. You tear up, furious that he’s treating you like some kid. You grab your stuff and prepare to leave his apartment.
“Where are you going?” Kirishima sighs
“Fuck you, Eijiro.” You say, walking away from him and going outside to cool off. Kirishima tries to grab you before you leave but you snatch your arm away from him and walk outside with a huff and a slam of the door. You wipe your hot tears away and start aimlessly walking down the street to go home. Hell, you don’t even know your way home from Eijiro’s place but you’ll be damned if you go back there. As you walk you see Kirishima’s car pull up to the side of you, driving slowly to keep up with your walking pace.
“Y/N please get in the car.” He says out the car window
“No! I don’t wanna talk to you so just go away!” You yell, continuing to walk as the brisk wind assaults your bare skin. Dammit you forgot your coat.
“Y/N! You’re being ridiculous just please get in the car. You left your jacket; it’s freezing out here!” Eijiro shouts, getting out of the car and grabbing you to pull you inside. You groan, obviously being overpowered by your strong boyfriend. Kirishima slams the door and gets back inside, drives back to his apartment and parks in the driveway. He sighs and leans his head on the steering wheel.
“I’m sorry I got so heated with you. But can you blame me? I’m worried about you. Sure we’ll be on these missions together but what if something happens? What if I’m not there to protect you when something goes wrong? These missions are unpredictable; anything could happen and I’d literally die if even a scratch is put on you.” Eijiro pleads. You start crying, sniffling at his words. He was right to be worried.
“I love you, Eijiro and I appreciate you being so concerned about me. But that doesn’t give you the right to shelter me. You can’t just force me to not follow my dream.” You sob, wiping your tears away. Eijiro grabs your hand and kisses it.
“I know. I just can’t bear the thought of you being hurt. But if this is what you really want, I have no choice but to at least see this through.” Kirishima says, holding your small hand in his two massive ones. You smile, putting your other hand on top of his.
“Thank you. Also, I’m sorry for saying fuck you to you. That was mean.” You say pouting.
“It was. Hurt my feelings.” Eijiro said faking sadness, immediately laughing as he watched your face frown up again at the thought of hurting his feelings.
“Oh shut up.”
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When Someone Flirts With You!
Hello! Little disclaimer: This is the same format used on two different blogs, they’re both mine (if you’ve seen them). This is just a really fun thing to do, so I always try to do them for new fandoms I join and whatnot. I hope you like it! 
Sidenote: Normally, I have banners just cuz they look nice but I’m not sure if I wanna make em for this blog, yet.
Includes: Wei Wuxian, Lan Wangji, Wen Ning, Lan Xichen, Jiang Cheng, Xiao Xingchen, Song Lan, and Xue Yang.
Come one, come all! See what happens when someone flirts with you in front of your mans!
Wei Wuxian:
One day, you were at a tavern waiting for your boyfriend to get back. He had left for only ten minutes and someone had already swooped in to bother you. No matter what you said or did, they just wouldn’t back off.
Like people don’t know who he is-
Normally, he won’t jump in immediately. He’ll stay back and just let you handle it if you can. If you can’t handle it, just look at him. He’ll know the second you make eye contact.
He prefers to stand next to the person and joins them. Of course, they’re uncomfortable and ask what he’s trying to do and he’ll respond with something like “flirting with my partner, they’re cute, aren’t they?”
Yeah, that usually doesn’t work. Unless people KNOW him and are scared of him, they would just brush him off.
He doesn’t like that. Not one bit, especially when you’re getting more uncomfortable by the minute.
He’ll try to do the same thing again, but the SECOND someone tries to touch you, he slaps them with his flute. No, he ain’t playing it, he’s swinging it. In one whole second, he’s in front of you and the person is most likely on the floor. 10/10 would recommend.
“Don’t ever touch my (y/n) ever again, ok?”
Lan Wangji:
You followed Wei Wuxian and Lan Wangji on their adventures often and always tried to stay close to the duo. The ONE TIME you decided to go off on your own, you found yourself cornered. Thankfully, both Wei Wuxian and Lan Wangji were just around the corner.
Oh dear.
He glares. He just idles at glaring at everyone. So even before you ask for help, he’ll just glare at the person. But if you need help, feel free to call him.
He’ll immediately stand between you and the offender. He’s not scared, he’s not arguing, just glaring silently.
50/50, he’s actually pretty scary so most people are freaked out.
In the unlikely event it doesn’t work out and they continue to push you, he’s fighting. But it’s Lan Wangji, he doesn’t have to try. It’s just… smack and they’re down. 10/10 would recommend.
Wen Ning:
During his adventures with Wei Wuxian and Lan Wangji, Wen Ning often tends to go off by himself. You always followed him, trying to keep as close as you could. There was one day where you were hungry, so you went to buy some snacks. Wen Ning didn’t come with you and you definitely regretted not asking him to join you. Someone had cornered you and they just wouldn’t let you leave so you had to call out to your boyfriend.
Even as fierce corpse, he’s pretty hesitant at times. So normally, he’d just wait it out to see what you do, mainly because he doesn’t want to be THAT boyfriend... you know the one who just does too much.
If you need help, just call him or look at him. He’ll be in front of you in a second, hiding you behind his form. He’ll at first just ask someone to leave you alone.
0/10. Never works, he just LOOKS nervous. So people will either try to push him out of the way or just roll their eyes and ignore him, while still trying to talk to you.
Wen Ning doesn’t care if people ignore him, it’s not the first time. What does really bother him though is when people can’t take a hint. He hates when you’re uncomfortable, so if someone is making you feel like that ON PURPOSE, he hates it.
The thing is, they can’t shove Wen Ning out of the way. He’s actually pretty strong and so the second they try to (especially after they ignore him), he just grabs their arm and twists it, holding them in place until they apologize to you.
8/10, usually very effective but if it still doesn’t work, he’ll just throw them out of the establishment. He warned them TWICE, he ain’t doing it again.
“Are you ok? I’m glad... I was worried I was too late.”
Lan Xichen:
He had invited you to an event with him, one where you did your best to stay close to him. You’d already seen some weird stares, ones that made you very uncomfortable. Unfortunately, Lan Xichen was called away for one second, but that’s all it took for someone to immediately come bother you.
He’s very observant, so he’s always got his eye on you. He worries more than he likes to admit, only because he doesn’t want to overdo it. You’re an adult, who can handle themselves.
However, if you do need help, just call for him. He’s on his way. He’ll immediately stop them by grabbing their arm and pulling them away, claiming they’re making you uncomfortable.
50/50 and it depends on whether they know him. Most don’t so they’ll kinda brush him off, which he doesn’t appreciate.
He’ll try again, not wanting to resort to violence. There are times where people just quit, finding him bothersome, but there’s always ONE person who wants to try again.
One person even tried to touch you once, roughly grabbing your arm and yanking you away from Lan Xichen.
Oh boy, he had his sword out faster than you’d ever seen. The person immediately let you go and you hid behind your boyfriend.
“Do not touch people without their permission.”
Jiang Cheng:
You were with Wei Wuxian, Lan Wangji, and Jiang Cheng on one of their numerous adventures. They had left for maybe thirty minutes and you were keeping busy doing your own thing, when you felt a hand grab you. You thought it was Jiang Cheng, but boy were you wrong. However, your boyfriend wasn’t too far away.
The last thing he wants to see on your face is discomfort, especially when it’s caused by some creep.
He’s in front of you in a second and he’s usually pretty aggressive. The last thing you want to see is him fight, so you often just grab his arm and hide behind him.
Just that alone, usually makes people back off. It’s kinda obvious you’re already his. BUT. There’s that one fool…
They often move closer to you, ignoring Jiang Cheg, and ask if you’d like to “upgrade” to someone better. Before you can even answer, they’re on the floor.
“Yeah, like you’re any better. Come on, (y/n).”
Xiao Xingchen:
Normally, you’re glued to the hip with Xiao Xingchen, since you two were so close. There was one occasion where you stepped away from him to gather some flowers. He wanted to talk to someone about something, nothing you often concerned yourself with. That’s when someone took their chance and swooped in.
So he can’t see you, but he can hear you. All you gotta do is call for him and he’ll be at your side faster than the speed of light. He’s not immediately jumping to fight and often prefers to talk things out, instead.
0/10. It never works. Not one time has that ever worked. People just don’t back down, especially those who tend to bother you.
They usually just shove Xiao Xingchen aside, thinking he’s just a blind man who can’t do anything.
This is one of those things that just… bothers him. Xiao Xingchen can’t understand why, but when someone bothers you, it really makes him upset.
He’ll once again try to stop the offender through a more pacifistic way, but there was one time when someone roughly grabbed your hand and yanked you away from Xiao Xingchen. The squeal that left your mouth was something that just made him draw his sword.
It really was an accident. No one was hurt, but the person was scared away. 69/10 would recommend.
“Are you alright? Good, I’m sorry they hurt you.”
Song Lan:
You had often followed him and Xiao Xingchen on their adventures, doing your best to stick close to them both. One day you saw a flower that intrigued you more than it should have. So you walked over to it and you were gone for maybe ten seconds, but when you turned around, you couldn’t see Song Lan or Xiao Xingchen, but you did see another person blocking your path. He found you pretty quickly.
He’s usually always on high alert. He’s extremely protective of you, sometimes surprising himself.
He’ll usually step him, keeping you hidden behind himself so the other person can’t see you. If someone is holding your wrist, he’ll use his sheathed sword to separate you two. He mentions you’re uncomfortable and tells the person to leave.
2/10, it’ll work sometimes but rarely. Usually offenders shrug him off and just pretend as if he’s not there. Even if you hide behind him, they’ll walk around and try to get at you that way. If they touch you, it’s almost as if they touched Song Lan and he really doesn’t like that.
The second they try to grab you, they’re on the floor unconscious. They don’t stand a chance.
10/10 works every time. They’re not unconscious EVERY SINGLE TIME it’d about 90% of the time.
“Let’s go. No they’re fine, don’t worry about them.”
Xue Yang:
Xue Yang is obviously protective and he doesn’t like it when people touch/bother you. You belong to him, nobody else. There was one day you strayed too far and got in some trouble with 4 people.
Xue Yang usually laughs when he steps in, telling everyone they should leave before he kills them.
Of course people don’t listen. Usually, they just brush him aside and go back to “impressing” you.
Xue Yang warns people ONCE. One warning and that’s IT. If they don’t listen, their funeral. Literally.
The worst occasion was when someone shoved Xue Yang away and pushed you against the wall. You screamed and felt something touching your chest. When you looked down, it was Xue Yang sword poking you which had been stabbed through the offender’s chest.
10/10 they’re literally dead?
“I warned you about touching what belongs to me.”
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whoree321 · 3 years
yo can i get some tech x chaotic gender neutral reader headcanons?
(fuck yeah bestie you understood the assignment. also i kinda went on my own interpretation of chaotic so if you had something a little different in mind lmk and i can make adjustments!)
tech x chaotic!gn!reader headcanons
ok so here’s the thing about tech
he is literally surrounded by/related to some of the most chaotic individuals in the entire galaxy
like wrecker? crosshair? talk about a hot mess express
and let’s not act like he doesn’t have his own little chaotic streak festering beneath that rigid hairline
so long story short, when you come along in all your chaotic glory, it really isn’t a big adjustment for him
he might be a little surprised after he first meets you (how could someone so alluring and attractive also have that personality??) but overall your presence is simply an addition to the pre-existing insanity of the bad batch
he notices right away how well you fit in with his brothers (matching wrecker’s rambunctiousness or crosshair’s quiet nefariousness or both in your own special way) and tbh he’s a little jelly
and by a little jelly i mean he’s 100% super jealous
he watches how you joke around with them and plan pranks with wrecker and make dark commentary with crosshair and how your antics get a laugh out of echo and sometimes even hunter and how well your energy matches theirs and part of him absolutely hates it
(the other part, of course, is too busy being enamoured by the music of your laugh and the mischievous twinkle in your eye and the electric brush of your shoulder against his armor when you move past him in the cockpit of the marauder to really form an opinion on your relationship with his brothers)
despite his envy, tech is not the type to allow his emotions to derail positive outcomes (on missions or in personal matters)
he’s not gonna spoil y’alls fun or even let you know he’s upset about it. if there’s one thing tech thinks he can do it’s keep his emotions in check
when chaos ensues, he regards you with the same familiar condescension and snark he uses with wrecker (although you realize quickly there’s an amusement in his gaze when he mocks you that’s absent when he speaks to the others)
as much as he loathes the current situation, he ultimately also recognizes that it’s no ones problem but his that you are more compatible for individuals with personality types more like wrecker or crosshair
(little does he know you’ve had your eye on him and only him pretty much the whole time)
before your relationship, tech is the unsuspecting victim of a lot of your tomfoolery
you tend to mess with him the most (totally not bc you have a crush on him or anything nononono)
hiding a tool or his data pad when he’s not looking? a classic
“tech i have no idea where your wrench is i don’t even know what it looks like” “y/n you play this practical joke approximately 3.7 times a standard week I know you are lying”
stating completely made up facts about different things or places with full confidence and arguing with him when he corrects you? tried and true
“fun fact: loth cats actually have a secret fifth leg tucked up underneath them and it only comes out in extreme emergency circumstances” “that could not be more untrue” “ok well have you ever checked” “…no, but..” “see tech there’s just some things you can’t know from book learning” “*deep sigh*”
the best is when you flirt with him tho
it is bold and brash
“I need something sharp to cut through this” “just use your jawline ;)”
“the system we are traveling to is known for its extreme heat and rough terrain” “hot and rough? sounds like you in the bedroom ;)”
he chokes and blushes everytime
despite the constant torment and how much he acts like it’s a nuisance, he secretly loves all the attention you give him (even if it’s at his expense)
knowing our sweet boy he is wayyy too socially awkward to make the first move in this situation (or to even recognize there is a situation tbh)
tech is pretty confident you view him as strictly a friend and an easy target for your shenanigans
like even if you basically admit to liking him, he’s gonna think it’s another joke. plotting and scheming with the other boys to make him step up (a classic “i’m gonna pretend to make a move on them to force your hand” for example) will not work
you have to very directly confess to him and it has to be very very genuine and away from the rest of the boys in order to get it into his exceptional mind that you seriously have feelings for him
once he gets that you mean it tho, he’s over the moon
and once youre in a relationship? the rest of the batch should be WORRIED
now your focus is no longer on messing with tech, and you have a super genius on your side
he may have enjoyed being a casual observer and constant victim before, but now that you’ve allowed him on your team it’s a totally different ballgame
he’s still happy to take a backseat and let you do your thing, but he also loves to be a background player in all your hooplah
you wanna play a prank? tech is scheming and building shit and looking at diagrams to figure out the best way to execute it
hunter gets mad at something you did? tech has already figured out a way to pull focus off of you and onto one of the other boys
OR EVEN BETTER a non-batcher (a reg, a superior, a random streetgoer) takes an isssue with you? tech is launching into a full rant with them about something completely unrelated and giving you time to scamper away before they can even begin to reprimand you
tech is the kind of boyfriend that isn’t gonna overtly match your energy, but can keep up and will balance you out
you still mess with him, but now he has the confidence to mess with you right back
this also creates a really spicy sexual dynamic (I won’t go too into that but def a lot of teasing, brat taming kinda stuff)
overall i actually think tech would be really good with someone more chaotic and wild bc he can seem so rigid but isn’t actually like i think that type of relationship would really suit him
you bring out his playful side and he keeps you grounded, out of trouble, AND acts as a top notch audience/partner in crime
rip hunter tho now he’s got tech to worry about on top of all the rest of you (except echo he’s a perfect angel who could never cause trouble for anyone <3)
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Relationship Headcanons
↦ Character(s): Hakkai Shiba x fem!reader
↦ Rating/Warning: No rating though there are some light mentions of abuse (if you have read the manga you are aware of what I am talking about, I’m not going very deep into it though it literally just mentions it), mentions of anxiety attacks (no detail though), fluff, not proof read
↦ Word count: 1.8k (longer than planned, sections are bolded)
↦ Your Momo’s Receipt: Hello~ I’m post yet another TR headcanon and this was requested by the lovely @strawbub I hope this doesn’t disappoint, it did get longer than planned but I enjoyed writing it. I'll prob do a part two that's more of a scenario based on your first date or something since I didn't go into it here. Please note: for those of you who don’t know my blog is currently under construction, meaning I will not be updating my masterlist for the time being.
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So how did you guys meet, well mostly because of Yuzuha,
One day in like elementary you’re walking home and you see this super pretty middle school girl just like yelling at this small group of guys
The guys end up running off just because they don’t wanna deal with her or the attention she's drawn to them
Behind her was a boy, taller than her but obviously younger. You didn’t assume they knew eachother though.
The boy and yuzuha began walking in opposite directions because one was going home while the other was going to pick up something like groceries
You’re so entranced by how she stood up to them yet she’s a girl who was far smaller and you end up catching up to her, almost stepping on her heels
You end up absent mindedly following her into the grocery store and eventually she just freezes, turns, and stare directly at you
Your eyes widen since you must’ve been staring and she just goes “may I ask why you’re following me?” And you explain how cool she was earlier. She invites you over for dinner (esp since her older brother won’t be home) and figured it’d be good for Hakkai to meet someone his age
You end up going over but Hakkai didn’t come down to eat so you never actually got to meet him, though from then on you would see Yuzuha every so often, visit every other weekend or so
But no matter how often you came over the next few months, you never once met hakkai,
That was until you both reached the end of your middle school education and we’re about to begin high school
You had gone over because you were going to borrow an old work book from Yuzuha, and when you go to knock on the door the door opens before your closed fist could hit it, instead hitting a firm chest
You blush and quickly apologize but the person in front of you doesn’t move at all, doesn’t say anything and almost looks like they drifted into space with their dead stare
You assume this is yuzuha’s older brother because you’ve also never met him and you immediately turn to walk away but Yuzuha calls over hakkai’s shoulder
“Y/N-Chan! You just got here where are you going?” This was def not yuzuha’s older brother. There’s no way she’d be that happy with him around; oh my god. Realization hit, the guy who you hit (though it was more of a tap) was hakkai.
The hakkai you had only caught a glimpse of in yuzuha’s photos, never talked to or actually seen in person despite going to the same school and living in the same neighborhood
He must hate you. That’s why he avoids you. That’s def why - is what you think
Yuzuha drags hakkai back inside and invites you in; you sit down with them in the living room and watch hakkai visibly relax now that he’s inside his house, his own space, with a pillow behind him and a blanket covering his lower half, he almost curls up into it as he continues to avoid your stare
“Hi hakkai…Kun? Im L/N Y/N” you say and you see his face dead pan once again
Yuzuha can be heard laughing from the kitchen as she comes back in.
She leans over and begins explaining that hakkai literally just freezes with any interaction between him and girls who aren’t in his family
You nod, thinking maybe it’s an anxiety thing? Which is the case with you, but only because he’s been watching you since you’ve come over (not in a creepy way) wanting to and working the courage up to talk to you
The 5th or so time you came over after that encounter he was inches away from introducing himself before the house phone rang causing everyone to kind of “wake up” in a sense
Every time since then he gets closer and closer but isn’t able to say anything; he even realizes he has a crush on you.
The way you sit when you do homework and how cute you look when you’re focused.
How your forehead scrunches up when you’re trying to figure something out and you end up just sitting back with a small huff followed by yuzuha’s signature laughter.
It’s also a huge thing that you get along with Yuzuha.
So enough with first meeting time for the confession.
He ends up confessing accidentally. He didn’t know you were coming over to begin with so he was flustered out of his mind. And how was he supposed to know you hadn’t actually fallen asleep and you could hear him over the tv
The tv was more white noise than anything and the day was hot since it was the middle of summer causing the window to be open and the sound of soft wind and small birds to drift in; this was the hot that makes you tired so you were all sprawled out of just sitting in a daze
So while resting your head on the table you’re dozing in and out but then you hear hakkai begin to speak, something he never really did around you
Now did you and hakkai text? Yes. Did it take him an hour to reply because his brain would explode when you replied to him? Yes. But was it a start to communication? Also a yes.
You hear him say your name quietly before he moved closer, you can feel his gaze on your features
“I like you” is all he says. Simple and sweet. But you sit there in shock, trying not to blush so he’ll have no idea you heard him but he can tell because your forehead scrunches
You heard him and are focused on if you should reply or not. And he knows that.
You open your eyes and just look up at him, he’s closer than expected. His hand close to yours on the floor and he reaches over and grabs it lightly. Hoping you’ll also return the gesture by holding his hand instead of leaving your hand limp inside his.
And you do, thank goodness, and Hakkai almost mentally can’t handle it.
Once you start dating it’s more so just hanging out at his house or yours; however he talks a bit more and you text a lot more. He’s gotten better at replying. It usually takes him like 15 minutes now
He’s kinda stressed about your relationship but not due to anything you or him did
He’s stressed because of the mentality his older brother gave him
Is he even allowed to be this happy?
He finally has someone thats small enough and naive enough that he can protect you; compared to constantly being protected it’s a sudden, strong, yet good change for him
He’s touch s t a r v e d
Yes Yuzuha shows affection; but he stopped accepting her hugs when he was around 8 just because he physically wasn’t able to handle it due to his bruises and such
But with you, even with his bruises and all you take care of him. Able to coax him into using medicines and toning down the physical violence (that he can control himself)
He also finds it super soothing when you lightly brush over his scars (especially those that his brother gave him), it helps him believe that scars are only physical and can fade with help
One thing that stresses him out the most is trying to hide you from his brother. Any time you leave something at the house its easy to pass it off as yuzuha's but when it comes to things like photos he has with you, he can't hang them up, show them off, or have them as his phone Lock Screen, etc. because he just really doesn't want his brother to know and target you since he'll then know that you're his weakness (aside from yuzuha as well)
Sometimes won't explain why he can't hang out and has legit pushed you out of his house before at the last minute notice of his brother coming home
Will always make sure you get home safe though, usually by having Yuzuha go with you since then she can just say you're a friend from school
Your parents love him, though they were a bit hesitant it became a "you always have a place to stay" because they learned about their family situation from you and yuzuha. So expect him to spend the night when he's too scared to deal with his brother. Same with yuzuha. (yes I know this isn't yuzuha head canons but its hard to write for him without mentioning her when they're so close)
We're talking three person sleep overs. Yuzuha and you of course share the bed and Hakkai takes some time to even set foot in your room much less sleep on a mattress that's on the floor
He has a small heart attack every time he comes into your room because he's overwhelmed with everything, he's never been so comfortable and it makes him feel restless. Like he's never and I mean n e v e r been less stressed and slept better than when he does so in your room
The smell, the colors, just being surrounded by you is something that completely changes his mood
Once showed up after he fought with his brother, tears in his eyes and clothes a bit tattered and you just pulled him to your room, and sat down with him.
You laid on your bed with him laying down onto of you, head on your chest as you rubbed his head and only said a few words "its not your fault"
He ends up crying so hard he falls asleep and gets dehydrated and you have to make him drink a bunch of water when he finally wakes up.
super fucking careful w you
almost annoyingly so, but you're understanding
He knows that he might be taking things frustratingly slow but he knows that since you understand and know his history that you can help him get through it
Your first time you think you'll have to call it off because he's shaking so bad
"baby... are you sure it won't hurt you?" he keeps asking.
pretty sure that's the longest its ever taken him to finish because he was so anxious
despite being so slow and hesitant, late he isn't too scared to get a bit rougher
but im not talking anything crazy im talking like he's willing to pull your hair a bit or nip a bit harder at your neck.
Please never ask him to do anything like degrade you or some type of harsh physical rough shit, he can't
like literally im 99% sure that if you ask him to choke you or something he will pass out because of the anxiety attack he would have at even the thought.
in short with nsfw though he is sweet boy. He's a switch through and through. Loves when you take care of everything because then he doesn't have to be scared of hurting you.
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aetheternity · 3 years
Sight, smell, touch, taste, sound and which one I believe would draw the Aot girls to you. Kinda Modern Au 🤷‍♀️ idk you be the judge.
(Pov: none of you asked for this but I got bored and decided to give it to you anyway.)
The first time you touched her it was to pat her shoulder and tell her, "good luck" on a mission and she's been riding that high til the day she finally had you.
She was already so infatuated by you to the point that every bit of your touch became a daily necessity.
Locking you into her tight hugs late at night.
Pulling your lips back into hers whenever you try to escape.
She'll give you tiny kisses spread all over your face as soon as you wake up. And she's a huge fan of eskimo kisses. You might even trigger a little giggle from her when you initiate them.
She wants to rest her head on your chest and fall asleep to your heartbeat.
She's got your fingers perfectly knotted with hers in every situation.
Tangles your legs when the two of you are resting on the couch.
"I have to get up sometime Mikasa." Not today you don't.
Her favorite spot to scratch is your lower back. She softly circles her nails over that bit of skin after hiking your shirt up.
Please let her spend the day with you in her lap it's the perfect amount of intimate for her.
One day you came to her with concern filling your eyes and hugged her even though you never had before. You simply told her, "I feel like something's wrong but I won't pry. Just know I'll be waiting for you to come back to me." So softly in her ear and despite her push back at first her feelings for you grew stronger everyday.
She grew to adore the smallest things about you.
The sounds of your low morning yawns before you kiss her face.
The warmth of your knee resting between her thighs
Loves when you whine her name. It sends heat flowing through her entire body. "What do you want?" (She'll pretend she hates it tho.)
Whenever you two are alone she has her head firmly placed on your chest, falling asleep to your heartbeat. Just like Mikasa (No you do not have to pee lay back down)
Loves when you card your fingers through her untied hair. (Sometimes you make her hum when you scratch the back of her head just right.)
She's gotta have your hands when you two are cuddling. Holding you like she's scared you're not really there.
Whisper in her ear and she just might shiver for you.
Laugh when she's sarcastic and watch the pretty pink color dust over her cheeks.
Tells you she loves you under her breath and melts when you say it back after kissing her cheek or neck.
~(Sweet angel 🥺) Touch/taste
She held your hand like she'd always done with you and asked what you'd want your last meal in the world to be. Fucking around you said, "You." And the girl practically burst into flame. Meanwhile Connie at the opposite end of the table is mocking y'all talking about some, "Get a room already!" And then you did 😏
Oh, you just had some candy? She's biting your lips and sucking on your tongue.
Oh, your shampoo/body wash smells like banana, coconut, strawberries etc? She's got her face in your neck giving you little kisses. (Sometimes she'll give you a little kitten lick but it's fine cause you love it 😃).
She likes mutual feeding (ik that sounds weird idk how else to put it.) Like if you guys are eating popcorn together while watching a movie, she likes when you place the popcorn in her mouth and she does the same for you.
Licks the butter off your fingers when the popcorns gone.
When you stretch your arms next to her and then proceed to wrap them around her neck or waist she's in heaven.
Adores the feeling of your fingers splayed over her stomach right after she finished eating and the way you tease her by stroking her inner thigh.
Randomly jumps in the shower with you so that she can run her hands up and down every inch of your skin.
Sometimes she wakes you with a bunch of forehead kisses.
"Five more minutes please.." You beg
If you wake up before her though she'd love to be wrapped in your arms as she eats breakfast.
~Sight (y'all already know my baby's a lil shallow)
It was like a movie scene. She saw you across the room during a small party for the anniversary of the military police first debut and she just had to have you. And bug you.. she stayed by your side as often as possible after that.
She'll laugh so that her compliments on your body sound less genuine but she means it every time.
And when you're not looking she's got her lip between her teeth, eyes working up and down your body.
"I wanna see you in this honestly." She'll say late at night handing you a picture and covering her face as you look at it.
"Reminds me of your pink dress?"
"Yeah! Yes.. that's the point we'll match."
Doesn't matter how long you've been dating. She'll always build a little tension before every kiss by looking directly at your lips then back into your eyes with a little smirk.
Whistles when you wear an outfit she recommended.
She never straight up says it but her favorite part of your body is the part you like the least.
Backwards ass compliments.
"You know orange isn't normally your color but today you made it work." And "You seem really confident despite wearing those pants."
Don't worry it's how she shows affection.
Makes you blush as often as possible because she just can't get enough of how gorgeous you are when you do.
From the second she saw you she knew she had to get you out of your little bubble. You'd both done the warrior training as kids and you always kept to yourself. She thought a person like you looked like you had a lot of secrets. And she was gonna learn as many as possible. The older you guys got the more attractive you became to each other and you kinda fell back into the nervousness she thought she'd driven out of you. Eventually she got you to accidentally blurt a confession. Next thing you knew her tongue was pulling all conscious thought out of you.
Idk Pieck gives me the vibes that she'd always be looking for a way to stick her tongue down your throat?? (Just me?? Alright..)
She'll twirl you around with a hand around your waist. Unabashedly checking you out.
Loves long sweet kisses while she rests between your legs.
Will never stop smiling at you when you exit the shower in only a towel.
Brushes her lips over your stomach to wake you.
She's so enamored by the twinkle in your eye when you talk with the younger generation of warriors.
Playfully suggests you just walk around the house completely naked so she can really appreciate your body.
Her heart one hundred percent drops when she sees you sad for even a second.
Let her kiss you wherever she wants! It's a lot easier than arguing with her!
And she will try in some weird places. (She gives me body worshipper vibes.)
She heard about you due to rumors about your incredible fighting style. But what made her seek you out was the knowledge that you were next in line to become a titan shifter. It was hard to tell if her affection was due to interest in you as a person or your incredible fighting style but one day she asked you to live with her in the new world. Of course you said yes.
She loves the sound of you singing. (If you can sing) Sometimes she actively seeks you out and asks for you to sing to her.
Your war cries make her back arch (shh I didn't say that).
The second you guys started dating she developed a sixth sense of some sort where she just shows up if you're crying or if your day has been going terrible.
She just adores the sound of your voice and she can't get enough of it.
I could see her dragging you off some place where the two of you can just talk.
Within less than a week of dating you she's already got ways to get any noise she wants out of you.
Graze their neck with the tip of your nose for giggles and kiss the tips of their ears for I love you's.
That sort of thing.
Whenever you make a noise she hasn't heard before she's dying to force you to make it again.
Idk what it's called but I feel like Yelena has that thing where noises are attributed to colors in her brain. And at some point she explains all the colors she sees whenever you make certain noises.
Moblit had to take a.. short vacation after one of Hange's lab disasters nearly crippled him.. so Erwin had asked you to fill in and you said yes. It was only for a couple weeks and during that time Hange stuck to you like glue. Throwing an arm over your shoulder, stealing little glances and laughing loudly when you'd catch her. It felt like normal Hange stuff. But on the last night before Moblit's return, Hange was weirdly not.. Hange.. being quiet, filling in data and barely making eye contact. You asked if you'd done something wrong but Hange barely said anything back. Before you left she was nose deep in paperwork. You said your goodbyes and you were about to leave when Hange asked if you'd be willing to go on a date. When you looked back she hadn't even looked up but you smiled and nodded with a little yes and the rest was history.
It's a no brainer that you spent all your free time in Hange's lab to be Hange's other support system other than Moblit.
And when Moblit died, Hange's entire support system.
Her touch lingering on your lower back as you lean over to check her notes.
Completely enamored with the glint in your eye whenever the two of you come up with a sort of breakthrough.
Deadass pulls you into her lap at the most random times.
Oh hey the meeting finally finished? Yanks your frame right into her lap and laughs at the eye rolling of fellow colleagues.
Hange will say sorry but that blush on your face was so worth it and she's so glad she did it.
Rubs your back as you sleep on the work piled on your side of the desk.
Probably accidentally wakes you up a couple minutes after you fell asleep though.
Hange once sat you on her lap after a meeting right before Erwin tried to hand her some papers over the table. Without thinking she stood up to grab them and your face slammed into the table while her hips were pressed against your ass. Immediately getting everyone's attention. Safe to say you no longer sit next to Hange at meetings. (I had to add this even though it's a little off topic and random.)
~Smell (First one here.)
She had to share a room with you until she became queen. And almost every night she'd have some kind of nightmare about Ymir. You didn't mean to make a move but one night she crawled into your bed like she always had and you wrapped your arms around her shivering form like you always did. She had her nose trapped in your nape and you pressed a kiss to her forehead hoping it would stop her harsh breathing. And it did. She froze, the world froze, everything froze. You had leaned back to apologize for overstepping her boundaries and she kissed you back.
She'd gotten so comfortable with your scent that not only did it constantly lull her to sleep but always gave her a sense of security.
You're her security blanket. I don't make the rules.
Speaking of blankets. You gave her yours when she moved into the castle.
Whenever she gets even an hour alone she's trying to get you in the castle so she can sit in your lap and bury her nose in your nape like she always has.
She also steals your shirts and hoodies as often as possible until they smell like her then you have to take them back and cover them with your stink again.
Spending early mornings in the castle after washing your hair and her telling you over and over that she missed your smell.
It's legit like having a long distance relationship while being in the same place.
And she doesn't let you go until the last second before you both have to go back to work.
If you guys have time and you shop together she'll keep the candles that you believed smelled the best in her room.
All in all give Historia your shirts to wear cause she loves them/they look great on her.
You're probably either super sweet like Krista or really sarcastic like her and that's what draws her to look more in depth into you. When she finally gets a chance to actually look at you fully without the odm gear she finds herself fixated, tracing your figure with her eyes. You guys finally become friends, who mutually enjoy bullying Reiner. But she finds that she hates it. Thinks you're teasing her every time you brush her fingertips without actually holding her dammed hand. One day she just reaches out and grabs you properly and doesn't let go. Yeah, you're dating now.
What can I say except, she likes running a finger over the lines on your palm.
She's always grabbing you out of nowhere but you don't mind. You just let her hold you.
"You look extra beautiful today, bet you'll look even better when I put a ring on your finger."
Puts her hands under your shirt with no fucking shame.
Stares at you and yells at the first person that mocks her. Reiner/Connie
Can and will find a way to smack your ass the second she gets you alone.
Trails little butterfly kisses over your shoulders when you're trying to get dressed in the morning.
Literally everything you do is weirdly skillful to her.
Like you're peeling a potato and she's like, "You're so amazing at that.."
Let her lean on you for absolutely no reason she loves it. 🤷‍♀️
(I realized after writing this that Annie and Armin have the same one even tho I don't ship them at all 😕)
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svnflowervol666 · 4 years
you said send in some headcannons so how about some silly/kinda pesty bf harry <3😔🤌
Omg pls I love pesty bf!Harry. This is super short but I loved writing these so much!
Word Count: 1.2k
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The first thing that comes to mind is cold feet
No matter how many times you tell him how much you hate it, he’d always either wrap his freezing cold feet around yours or reach his legs over in bed to poke you with his toes just to get a rise out of you
I also think he is the type of person to scream bloody murder from across the house and when you come running to see if he’d fallen down the stairs or cut his finger off in the kitchen, he just looks at you and says some shit like, “Come cuddle with me”
100% is the type of bitch to send you pictures of rotten fruit he sees at the farmer’s market or a squished bug he saw on the train and be like, “Looks like you :(((”
Speaking of annoying text messages
He would send you the most grotesque and haunted memes in the middle of the night for absolutely no reason
And would call you after an hour asking why you haven’t responded to them
He’d also be the type of boyfriend to ask you what you’re doing and when you say you’re taking a bath or getting dressed, ironically reply with, “Without me? :(”
Texts you the morning after he leaves your house and thanks you for the head you gave him the night before
Claims it was “some of your best work yet” every single time
Sends you pictures of his outfits and asks, “Does my dick look massive in these pants?”
All of the pictures of him in your phone are ones of him giving you the middle finger because he cannot take anything seriously ever
When you’re driving somewhere, he’d yell at you at an unreasonable volume to be quiet because his favorite song is coming up next and it’s just Get Low by the Lil John
And he knows every single word and tries to shake his ass in the driver’s seat
Sneaks up behind you and slaps you on the ass for no reason
So hard that it hurts and causes an argument sometimes but he always wiggles his way out of getting the silent treatment
I feel like he likes to people-watch, but he’d also lean over to you after every couple that walks by and whisper some shit like, “Do you think she pegs him?” or, “I bet they only have sex with the lights off.”
He definitely steals food from your plate or wants a bite of whatever you’re eating even if he told you he didn’t want it
“It tastes better 'cos it’s yours” lookin’ ass
When you’re eating a popsicle or a lollipop or anything that can remotely be considered sexual, he’d start moaning obnoxiously and mumble something like, “Fuck, takin’ it so well.”
He mocks you with the most annoying valley girl accent even if that’s not how you talk
Simply just to be an asshole
You’d always come home to him digging through your stuff
Using your skincare products or rifling through your drawers
He’d hold up a pair of your underwear and ask you why you haven’t shown him those yet with the dumbest little pout on his face
I also feel like he’d barge in on you in the bathroom instead of waiting for you to come out
If you’re washing your face or brushing your teeth but he has to pee, too bad
The other way around too if you're the one using the bathroom but he’s looking for a specific bottle of nail polish under your sink smhhh
He always sits on the counter and watches you do your makeup and asks you questions about every little thing you do
“What’s that for? What does it do? How is that color different than the one you just used? It looks the same t’ me.”
“How do you not poke your eye out with that?”
Winces when you pull your fake lashes off
If he even slightly chips the color on his nails, he’d whine for you to redo them until you finally cave and fix it for him
He’d walk over to you on the couch and sit right on top of you with his entire body weight, regardless of how you’re sitting
He breathes heavy and chews loudly on purpose when you’re watching a movie to see how long it takes you to glare at him
If you’re playing with his hair and you stop, he’ll find your hand and put it back on his head to ask you to keep going without actually asking
I feel like he begs to be the little spoon
Even if you’re not sleeping over at each other’s house, he’d text you and ask you to come over and spoon him because he’s cold with the pleading face emoji
When you’re both at a party that he didn’t want to go to, he’d pull you aside after some time and whisper into your ear, “Alright, you said hi to everyone....can we please go home and have sex now? M’ dick’s gettin’ lonely”
When he’s sick.....he is the Biggest Baby
Even if it’s just a cold, he’d act like he’s dying just so you pay attention to him
“Doctor’s orders were cough medicine, tons of fluids, and back rubs from m’ girlfriend.”
I can’t explain this, but.... I know he would try to hold toes with you (I’m so twisted for this I know)
Would scribble random notes on all of your things 
Like your grocery list
Bread, tomatoes, cheese, pickles, ... magnum XXL condoms for Harry :-)
Or the list of phone numbers you keep on your fridge
Doctor’s #, vet’s #, car service #, ... for when you need your ass eaten
He’d absolutely interrupt whatever you’re doing to tell you that he finally found the thing that he saw on TikTok at the store
And when he’s drunk he’d try to get you to learn how to renegade with him
And since I mentioned drunk Harry
He is so loud and obnoxious that it’s unbearable 
He’s one of those boyfriends that starts yelling about how much he loves you and will scream at you from across the room just to wave at you and say, “Hiiiiiiiiii!”
The biggest hype man and would squeal when the DJ plays some shit like Kim Petras or Mr. Brightside
Even though he pretends to hate it whenever he hears it anywhere else
He also announces to the room that he’s going home to “make love” to his girlfriend whenever you’re leaving
He’s extremely stubborn to put to bed when he’s that drunk
Claiming that he doesn’t need water because he’s a big boy or that he’s fine and still wants to fuck you even though he’s falling asleep as he’s talking
When you’re finally both lying down and trying to sleep, he rolls over and starts spewing the weirdest nonsense
“Do you think Lewis and Clark fucked? I mean, they definitely did right? I feel like they did. There’s no way they didn’t.”
“You’ve never faked it with me, have you? I don’t think you have, but you’d tell me if you did, wouldn’t you? You acted kinda weird when we fucked in that tent, but that was real, right?” and then get upset when you start laughing at him
“Can we go swimming tomorrow? I wanna go swimming tomorrow.”
I know he wouldn’t do all of this, but annoying bf!Harry lives in my head rent free so I will simply pretend he is like this in real life to some degree
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sukifans · 3 years
aahhh I’m so excited I love your writing!!! your sokka “help me” fic is one of my favs ever I seriously think about it at least twice a week. in a similar vein, would you be able to combine prompts 10 & 12 for sokka x fem!reader? thank you!!! :)
SOKKA + “can i try that new chapstick? i wanna have a taste” + “i hadn’t noticed but my sweet, funny, goofy best friend is kind of hot, especially since they’ve been on this fitness kick”
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“nastiest skank bitches” Group Message
loml: ladies, i need a girls night
loml: desperately
babygorl: god i’m down, this semester blows
fugly slut <3: i’m in!! always here for a girls night 🥰
loml: y/n??
you: gals. pals. as much as i would love to...
fugly slut <3: ughhhhhhhhh
babygorl: you better not be blowing us off for sokka again istg
you: 😅
fugly slut <3: HOES BEFORE BROS
babygorl: WHORE
you: bruh.mp3
you: he’s coming by after the gym to help me with my physics homework!!! I NEED THE HELP PLS I PROMISE ILL BE THERE NEXT TIME
babygorl: lying is a sin y/n
babygorl: sinner
loml: if sokka’s gonna b there maybe she’ll be sinning in........ other ways...... ahaha
loml: fuckboy_emoji.jpg
fugly slut <3: when you gonna tap that fr
fugly slut <3: he do b kinda yummy tho liiiike 👀
you: STOP
loml: yeah he’s hot sorry queen
babygorl: i almost hate to admit it but...
babygorl: his biceps 🥴
fugly slut <3 emphasized “his biceps 🥴”
loml loved “his biceps 🥴”
you: hey! i hate u guys! jsyk!
fugly slut <3 disliked “hey! i hate u guys! jsyk!”
babygorl disliked “hey! i hate u guys! jsyk!”
loml disliked “hey! i hate u guys! jsyk!”
babygorl: uh huh yeah sure
loml: yall hear sumn?
NEW MESSAGE from sokka :^)
“hey i’m omw up!”
you: whatever you guys suck
you: i gtg
fugly slut <3: AND YOU SWALLOW
babygorl: bye girly!! get that bestie dick!!
loml: save a car, ride an engineering major >:)
you: desgostang.jpg
You dropped your phone onto the bed next to you with a groan. Your friends really and truly could be such freaks about your relationship with Sokka—or lack thereof. They’d been especially adament ever since he started some stupid bet with Zuko about who could get the most “gains” by graduation, incited by Aang making the mistake of commenting on Zuko’s more pronounced muscle mass.
That’s what Sokka was. Your idiotic best friend, who was funny, and sweet, and intelligent. You loved him, of course, but not like that. And he was not hot.
Definitely not.
The pounding on your dorm door interrupted your musings before Sokka let himself in, dropping his gym bag on the floor and kicking off his slides. His hair was loose and still damp from his post-workout shower and he wore slim joggers with a loose muscle tee.
“Hey!” He smiled brightly when he spotted you sitting in your bed. “What’s up?”
“The usual.” You moved your legs out of the way so he could flop down onto your mattress. “How was the gym?”
Sokka groaned. “Cardio. I’m already sore.” He stretched his arms up to fold behind his head, pulling his muscles taut.
Hm. He does kind of have nice biceps...
You shook yourself internally. Thoughts like these had been creeping out of your subconscious for weeks now, no thanks to your rabid friends.
“My leg’s been killing me, though,” he continued, rubbing his opposite foot across the skin that covered that metal pins and plates holding his bones together after a nasty break in high school. The leg often still gave him problems, ranging from the dull ache he could ignore on the day-to-day, to throbbing pain that left him limping.
You frowned, looking away from his arms to meet his eyes. “You should probably rest up before you hurt yourself,” you said.
“I’ll be fine.” He shrugged and propped himself up on his elbows. “Gotta catch up to Zuko, y’know.”
“Why? You’re already taller than him.”
“So? I wanna be more yolked, too.”
You rolled your eyes. “Buncha dumbasses.”
Sokka quirked an eyebrow. “You want this dumbass to help with your physics homework or not?”
“Haha,” you chuckled nervously, “just kidding, buddy! I meant Zuko and Aang. You—definitely not a dumbass. Nope.”
“That’s what I thought.” He shot you a smug look as he pushed up to sit cross-legged across from you on the bed. He held his hand out with a dramatic, world-weary sigh. “Alright, give it here.”
You opened your laptop to pull up the website that hosted your homework practice problems. “You know I love you, right?”
“Mhm,” he hummed, grabbing a notebook and pen from your desk to work out the math as you handed over the computer. He paused before standing to retrieve his bag, plopping it on your desk chair so he could root through it and pull out his glasses case. You felt your cheeks warm a little when he set the frames on the bridge of his nose.
Fine—he was kinda cute. You could concede that without having to dig too deep into your somewhat jumbled feelings for your best friend.
But you would certainly not “tap that.”
No. You would not.
You watched his eyes flick over the screen as he tapped the pen against his chin, catching the cap between his teeth while he thought about the formulas he’d learned in a past semester. He nodded to himself and started scribbling out a diagram and the math to go with it. You found yourself a little mesmerized by the way he simply just knew what to do, confidently scratching away at the paper as easily as one might write the alphabet. Your eyes trailed from his long fingers and calloused hand sweeping over the page, up his toned arm (lingering on his bicep a little longer), and to his face. He chewed at the inside of his cheek in concentration, sometimes parting his lips to murmur the logic to himself.
For someone who often said a lot of stupid shit, he sure had a pretty mouth.
You considered what he might do if you snatched a fistful of his shirt and yanked him into a kiss. Would he shove you away and leave? Awkwardly but kindly reject you? Or, would he kiss you back—throw the work out of the way and grab your face to coax you in deeper? Maybe push you back onto the bed and—
“Okay, so basically—”
Jesus Christ, get a fucking grip.
“—from the problem and draw it out like this to apply the formula, yeah?”
Sokka looked to you expectantly and you blinked at him as your face burned. “Sorry, I zoned out. What did you say?”
“C’mon, I know you hate physics but you gotta at least pay attention to me if you wanna pass,” he teased, shifting close enough that the sides of your bodies pressed together. Was it getting warmer in your room, or was it just your best friend?
He launched into the explanation again and you nodded along while internally willing the blood to leave your cheeks. Even as your thoughts ricocheted around inside your skull he managed to break it down in a way that somewhat made sense. He sat back and watched as you slowly worked through the next problem. You glanced up when you heard a soft pop to see him applying chapstick.
“Is that a new flavor?” you asked.
“Yeah, chocolate orange or something.” He held the tube out to you. “Wanna try?”
Fuck it.
Before your rationality could catch up you pressed a hand to his cheek to turn his head and pulled him in for a kiss. Your lips only slotted together for a brief moment before you pulled back to stare wide-eyed at each other. You could feel the fire creeping from your cheeks down your neck, mirrored in the reddening of his tanned skin.
He blinked. You blinked.
The chapstick slipped from between his fingers. Rationality arrived late.
You bolted.
“Uh, see ya later!” you shouted as you threw the door open and rushed out of the room.
“Wait, (Y/N)—“
You didn’t stick around to hear the end of his desperate call. Even thought it was your dorm and you were barefoot you still raced down the hall, wincing at the sound of a door slamming behind you.
Damn that lanky bastard. You were booking it and he was already hot on your heels. You barreled into the door leading to the stairwell and almost made it down the first step when he grabbed you around the waist and yanked you back. Despite your struggles, the arm hooked across your middle was unyielding until he pushed you into the corner and crowded you against the wall, hands caging you in from either side. Your heart was racing and you weren’t sure if it was because of your escape attempt or that he was close enough you could smell his body wash and deodorant. It was almost enough to make your head spin.
“Sokka, I-I don’t know why—I’m sorry, please, I shouldn’t’ve—“
“(Y/N),” he said firmly and your mouth snapped shut. “Why did you run away?”
“Uh, I—well, um...” You shrunk down against the wall and swallowed hard. “I-I don’t know.”
“You didn’t even give me a chance to respond.”
“Look—“ You paused and stared at him once you processed what he said. “What?”
He laughed, dropping one of his hands to brush against your cheek before threading into your hair to cup the base of your skull. “You really don’t get it, do you?”
“Get what?”
With that he surged forwards and kissed you enthusiastically, making you gasp into his mouth. You balled your hands into the front of his shirt to keep yourself steady as you melted into him. His free hand pressed into your lower back to bring you in closer. His tongue slipped out to tease at your bottom lip and he chuckled when you had to quickly grab his shoulders as your knees almost buckled.
“Get that,” he murmured against your lips, pressing his forehead to yours as the two of you gasped for air.
“Oh,” you breathed, “that.” You hummed happily when he kissed you again, his stubble scratching against your chin and under your palms when you cupped his face.
You both looked up when a stairwell door somewhere above you slammed open, followed by a group of jostling male voices. Sokka grinned when you glanced at him with wide eyes and shiny, swollen lips. You tried to hide behind him as the clamor bounded closer and closer. The group of guys rounded the next flight and gave shouts of recognition upon seeing you two standing against the wall.
“Hey, man!”
“Hey, guys,” Sokka said, holding his hand up in greeting.
“What’s up?”
“Oh, is that (Y/N)?”
“Nice, dude!”
“Ah, yeah...” He sheepishly rubbed the back of his neck and you raised an eyebrow at his turned head. They all cheered and congratulated him, slapping his back as they passed and disappeared down the next set of stairs. When Sokka met your eyes again you cocked your head.
“Who were they?” you asked.
“Honestly, I’m not sure.”
“My reputation precedes me, what can I say?”
“Mine doesn’t.”
“Well—“ he suddenly became very interested in the underside of the stairs above you “—my reputation may or may not involve talking about you. A lot, apparently.”
“I don’t do it on purpose!” he interjected quickly, taking your hands in his. “It’s just—I dunno, I guess I think about you a lot, so...”
“Fuck, okay, that sounded weird.” You laughed a little at his embarrassed floundering. “I just mean, like, things that remind me of you or, y’know, stories that involve you...” he trailed off, flushing at your amused smile. “Stop it!”
“Stop what?”
“Making fun of me!”
“I didn’t say anything,” you giggled, hooking your arms around his neck.
“You’re still laughing at me,” he whined, lips turning into a frown. His hands slipped back down to your waist.
“You’re cute.”
He raised his eyebrows. “Yeah?”
“Yeah.” Without preamble, he ducked down and hoisted you over his shoulder as you shrieked in protest. “Sokka! Put me down!”
“No can do, baby; we have unfinished business to attend to.” He said as he marched you back in the direction of your room.
“You’re gonna finish my physics homework?”
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A/N: 2k words bc, again, i have no self control. thank you for the request!
ATLA TAGS: @hotgirlazula @octophopi @blazedbakugou @protect-remus @akiris @sunflowerazula @wooscottoncandyhair @chewymoustachio @ohno-caroline @sunflowerr-mami @1vitamin @ladylizzieofdarbyshire @u-4iia @nymeria-targaryen @tommy-braccoli @dizzy-miss-lizzieeeeee @a-sloppy-bitch @nomin-rights @siriuslyslyslytherin @starryncn
SOKKA TAGS: @fiantomartell @avatarayeaye @zvkta @sher-lockedmarvel @grandmascottlang @captainshazamerica @yuesallura
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fireflykaizoku · 3 years
Kid x Reader | Forbidden
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tw: nothing too explicit, but sex is implied; cussing
When your older brother, Killer, made you join his pirate crew in order to protect you, the idea seemed awful at first. You didn’t want to leave your island, and that lifestyle wasn’t what you used to plan for your life, but ended up having no choice.
At first, you hated it. The guys seemed like pervs and the captain? Oh god, you hated him. He was rude and yelled at everyone for no reason. He was annoying. You two yelled at each other sometimes, and Killer had to interfere.
And this didn’t start just now. In fact, ever since you were children, you two used to fight a lot, even though Kid was a few years older than you.
You don’t know when your feelings went from hate to passion, but you remember how you dealt with it for the first time.
The crew was asleep, but you were hungry sneaking into the kitchen to find something for a midnight snack. And there he was.
The red head started to complain about you as soon as he saw you, for no reason, as always. And as usual, you started insulting him back.
ꟷ I hate you! You’re annoying, rude, egocentric. You think you can yell and tell me what to do just because you’re big and… Strong… ꟷ he got near you slowly, smirking because of your words.
You knew he was very tall, but at that moment, you felt even smaller compared to him. However, he didn’t seem threatening this time. In fact, by his sarcastic grin, you could tell it was quite the opposite right now. He seemed amused.
ꟷ Well, and you’re such a brat. ꟷ his tone was lower and lower, bending over to face you. ꟷ An annoying and small, brat. ꟷ he paused, and whispered. ꟷ But you know, I kinda like it.
By now, his face was mere inches from yours.
You could feel his breath.
His smell, which was a mix of the smell of beer and sea.
Despite the chilly weather, that room felt hotter than ever.
The tension between you was growing, but no one made a move for what seemed like an eternity, until he wrapped his flesh arm around your waist, pulling you closer for a kiss. For the first time you didn’t want to punch his face.
After that night, you two started having your encounters, in secret from the whole crew, and especially Killer. If he found out, you had no idea of how he would react. But you knew it wouldn’t be good. The reason why you were there was so your brother you keep you safe.
Being with Kid was exactly the opposite of that. But the fear of getting caught and the thought of doing something wrong it was too exciting.
A couple of months later, you two still didn’t call whatever you had a “relationship”, but Kid wasn’t even flirting with other girls, and you wasn’t even thinking about other guys; and every night you were sneaking when everyone was asleep to see each other.
Sometimes it wasn’t even for sex, but just to talk and watch the stars. Or even to sit on Kid’s lap while he was working on something at his workshop.
The crew noticed he was in a better mood, not so grumpy, yelling less and treating you better than he used to. Seemed like he didn’t like other guys staring at you or talking about you. He became protective over someone he didn’t like just a few months ago.
No one dared to share their theories aloud, but they knew something was going on.
The Victoria Punk arrived at some island, and the whole crew went to a bar, while you stayed to guard the ship.
You were having a drink at the deck watching the stars and feeling the breeze, when you felt someone hold you from behind. A pair of arms you knew too well by now.
ꟷ You know, the guys might get suspicious. ꟷ you whispered, resting your head on Kid’s chest. ꟷ You never leave the bar so early or sober.
ꟷ Nah, don’t worry. I suggested a drinking contest, so they should be busy for a while, and will end up too drunk to care. ꟷ he brushed your hair so he could have better access to your neck, giving it many pecks, sending your shivers. ꟷ Killer is taking care of them, and I snuck out with some excuse.
ꟷ Are you sure? ꟷ you turned around to face your lover.
ꟷ I’m sure, don’t worry. ꟷ he took your glass from your hand, making you frown for a while. ꟷ So we have some time alone. What do you wanna do?
ꟷ We didn’t spend much time together the last couple of days, uh? ꟷ you whispered, pulling him by his hand, making your way to his cabin. ꟷ So there’s a lot of things I want to do to you, captain…
ꟷ Oh, babe, don’t call me that, you know the things it does to me…
ꟷ I know, and I like it.
As soon as the door closed behind you, Kid started kissing you passionately, desperately. He craved your touches, your lips all over his skin. And although the red head loves being the one in charge, he loves seeing your taking control sometimes, seeing the desire in your eyes.
You made him sit on the bed, while you straddled on his lap, removing your shirt as quick as possible.
ꟷ Why so eager, uh? ꟷ he asked, touching your sides and giving your neck sloppy kisses. ꟷ We have time.
ꟷ But maybe we don’t. ꟷ you said between moans when he kissed your weak spots. ꟷ And I need you so bad.
He couldn’t help chuckle seeing how you needy you were right now.
But before he could do anything else, you heard footsteps.
ꟷ Oh no. ꟷ you said, freezing. ꟷ Is it him? ꟷ you whispered.
ꟷ I don’t know, I'll check. Get dressed, hurry. ꟷ he replied using the same tone, trying to find your shirt, nowhere to be seem.
Gladly, you were still wearing a bra, but he still got his jacket to cover you.
ꟷ Hide. ꟷ he said, placing you sitting on the bed, while he got up to check who was interrupting the moment.
Before you could think, you heard a voice, a very familiar voice, calling the captain.
Oh no.
ꟷ Kid? Where are you? Have you seen (Y/N)? She was supposed to be guarding the ship, but I can’t find her. ꟷ your brother said, opening the door at once, just to see Kid shirtless, and you covered by his jacket, that looked huge on you. ꟷ What the fuck is going on here?
ꟷ We can explain. ꟷ Kid said, walking towards Killer, throwing his hands up in defeat.
ꟷ Are you… ꟷ he couldn’t even say the whole sentence.ꟷ With my sister? Even when I told the whole crew to stay the fuck away from her?
This was one moment when you were glad he wore his mask so you wouldn’t see the disappointment on his face. It’d hurt too much.
ꟷ And you? ꟷ he pointed at you, who was hiding with some covers at that point. ꟷ Seriously? Kid? And you didn’t even tell me? I thought we were honest with each other.
ꟷ Killer, I… ꟷ you got up, slowly walking on his direction. ꟷ I’m sorry, I was afraid to tell you, because I knew that’s how you’d react.
ꟷ If you had told me before, I would never react like that. I’d be pissed, but not like I am right now. ꟷ he turned to look at his friend again. ꟷ Are you just using my sister?
ꟷ I’m not using her! I like her! ꟷ Kid pulled you closer to him. ꟷ I really do.
Your brother left without saying anything else, locking himself in his cabin. He was pissed, he didn’t know what to think or what to do about it.
ꟷ He’ll get over it. ꟷ you whispered, squeezing Kid’s hand. ꟷ I hope he does.
For the next three days, Killer didn’t look at you nor talk to you or your lover. You started to worry.
But one morning, you were with Kid at his workshop, sitting on his lap trying to feel comfort, despite the fact you were still sad for not talking to your brother. The door opened and you saw Killer.
ꟷ If you ever hurt my sister, I don’t care if you’re my friend or my captain, I’ll feed you to the sea kings. ꟷ was all he said.
ꟷ So… Are you okay with him and me? ꟷ you got up, smiling. You felt reassured.
ꟷ I’m not completely okay with this. I’m still pissed because you hid it from me. But I hope I can trust Kid.
ꟷ That means we’re more than best friends now! ꟷ the captain said, his voice sounded quite excited. ꟷ We’ll be brothers in law!
ꟷ Kid, if you ever call me that, I swear I’ll throw you into the ocean.
tag list: @flowersgirl02 - @pure-kirarin - @lofi-coffee
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shotorozu · 4 years
you like their hands
character(s) : shinsou hitoshi, kirishima eijirou, monoma neito (2/?)
legend : [Y/N = your name] they/them pronouns, quirk left unmentioned
post type : headcanons + small scenario [fluff, the mildest of spice] not even nsfw
note(s) : i was gonna put denki in this but i had a hard time thinking about what kinda hands he’d have, so i’m putting him in the next post
»»————- ♡ ————-««
shinsou hitoshi
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his hands are big, and his fingers are quite thick.
really likes wearing rings and bracelets, but he usually doesn’t wear them when he’s working (i’d say that bc wearing jewelry while doing physical activity HURTS)
regarding texture, his hands were initially soft— but due to transferring in the hero course, they roughened up over time
he’ll use hand cream if you want, but he doesn’t go the extra mile. and his nails are trimmed at all times. painting his nails a black color would be great once in a while.
lol i forgot to mention nails in the last post
he notices right away that you like his hands when he catches you staring at them when he’s cracking his knuckles
like.. people have said that his hands are nice, but he doesn’t really say much about them bc they’re not you
a crack sound is briefly heard in the rather silent room. the scrolling on your phone halts, and your eyes follow the sound of the crack.
ah, he’s cracking his knuckles. you think to yourself, and you’re left just simply admiring the way he applies pressure on a knuckle. who knew that his rather— large hand would look appealing, even while cracking his knuckles.
you snap out of your observation, but instead of just simply going back to whatever you were doing, you’re met with lilac eyes. “you were staring again.”
your cheeks heat up, and you opt to just turn your head to the opposite direction. “sorry,” you apologize. however— that’s not what hitoshi was looking for apparantly.
“if you like my hands alot,” he scoots next to you, hands sliding up and down your arms— his firm grip practically making the pre existing butterflies in your stomach act up again. “then you should’ve said so, kitty.”
is he conscious of his actions? hm. you could say that
he’ll purposely play with his capture tool right in front of you— the material wrapping around his hand. and he can only laugh when you immediately get absorbed into it
the back of his hand will brush against your cheek. then, when he comes in to kiss you, he’ll cup your cheek— kissing you with his other hand resting at your nape
under the table, his hand will start to slide against yours, interlocking hands with you. he’ll act like nothing is happening, but on the inside— he’s taking in your reaction
a little spicy, but when he wants you to look at him— he’ll do that thing where his thumb brushed against your bottom lip, as it almost dips right into your mouth
if he feels a little extra, his hand will also be tugging on your hair (if you’re fine with that. otherwise, he’s sticking to the one above)
oh and he also does that thing where he rests his hand on your neck, thick fingers squeezing your throat lightly.
overall— THIS MAN omg, he’ll entertain your interest in his hand nicely, just for you. and every single thing he does is memorable
kirishima eijirou
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his hands are quite normal regarding size, they are almost always veiny, a lot more than bakugou’s actually. i think at some point he was concerned about them
his hands are rather flushed in color, but that’s because of his quirk. his fingers have a few tiny scars here and there,
he occasionally has pen marks on his wrists due to bad penmanship, and his nails.. don’t look the best, but they’re not the worst it’s bc of his quirk
the palms of his hands are ridden with callouses. but he wears them with pride because it’s the pure evidence of his hard work with his training.
but he starts to get worried about them when he goes to hold your hand.
you always had a thing for kirishima’s hands, but you just never had the chance to tell him that. i guess asking you did it for him
did you even realize how hard you were staring at his hands right now? it happened every single time he enlaced his arms around you, his hands resting at the sides of your arms
at first, he thought it might’ve been because his hands are too rough, or you might’ve been in discomfort— because maybe, just maybe, he accidentally activated his quirk?
the fact that he can’t exactly tell what it is worried him, maybe he should just ask you.
but his worry washed off when you told him upfront that you ‘liked his hands’
“wait so.. you’re staring at my hands because you like them?” kirishima wants to confirm your words, and— so casually, by the way— nod in agreement.
tracing the veins on his hands, you elaborate “your hands are really nice, i can tell how hard you must’ve worked.” pressing your smaller hand against his, you smile.
eijirou takes a moment to process it, but it’s surprisingly quick. “oh t-thanks!” he sheepishly took the compliment, a small blush sporting on his cheeks. “i’m glad it wasn’t because you thought they were weird.”
kirishima unintentionally feeds your interest with his hands. like sometimes.. he’s just not aware of it, but yes— he is feeding your interest well
will always make you compare hand sizes with him, chuckling softly at the dazed look on your face when your palms touch
if you allow him, he’ll fix your hair for you. doesn’t matter what hair type you have, he’ll do LOTS of research to know how to style it
those hands are magical
if you get a papercut, or a wound from cooking— he’ll patch you up, then he’ll press a kiss on the bandaid.
he’ll do this thing where he’ll squeeze your sides when you pull in for a hug. but if you’re not okay with that, he’ll opt to just rubbing your back with his hand— rocking you softly as he hugs you
a little spicy, but his hands do wander a lot. you might need to even hold them in place to make sure they don’t go too wild
in addition to that, he’ll just SLIGHTLY, activate his quirk to make sure you’re conscious of his touch. his finger tips gliding against your back, sending shivers down your spine.
but of course, he’s careful. he doesn’t activate it to the point it causes scratch marks, nor will his actions draw blood. he doesn’t wanna do that
in short— kirishima’s a little clueless at first. he wouldn’t really tease you in public, but he’s surprisingly attentive to your interest.
monoma neito
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his hands are on the tipping edge of slightly above average. he doesn’t have a lot of veins on his hands, but they do pop out depending on what quirk he’s using
monoma’s hands are pretty spotless of any scars (from cuts, abrasions, etc.) because he gets REALLY annoyed with wounds pretty easily
to the point he’d want to attend to the wound immediately, he doesn’t let them sit— it’s just a personal preference
his nails are at the perfect length. not too long and not too short to the point it hurts, you don’t know how he does it.
wears watches on his wrists, and not the digital type— he sorta acts like he can read it easily, but it takes him a few seconds to even get to know the time
you know this because kendo snitched on him and told you LOL
you secretly hate yourself for this, but you really like his hands because of how he takes care of them. you’d never tell monoma even though you’re dating him
you’re unsure of yourself on how your boyfriend— monoma, found out about your fascination with his hands. it was supposed to be a secret for the rest of your life, and you only remember talking about it once out loud
which you assumed was a close call, considering that you thought he didn’t hear it at all— but he did.
“so i heard you like my hands, huh Y/N?” monoma’s teasing tone does not aid the situation. your cheeks heat up with embarassment, and you can’t get yourself to answer his question— without sounding like a fool anyway.
you fake annoyance, “where’d that come from?” you ask, and monoma doesn’t seem to want to switch the topic
“i’m asking you a question, dear Y/N— i heard you like my hands,” his tone would’ve sounded condescending to any other person, but you can tell that he’s either genuinely curious
or just teasing you, because that’s how he is.
to aid his question, he brushes his fingers along your neck— near your pulse. you jolt, stunned by the sudden action— heart beating rapidly against your chest.
“see,” monoma presses his hand against your chest, where your heart is palpitating, grinning in a way that’s teasing you “it’s true, isn’t it? sweet Y/N has a thing for my hands, hm?”
you furrow your eyebrows, and flick his forehead— and he hisses in reaction, “fine then, i do like your hands.” you finally give in, admitting final defeat.
ever since then, you haven’t heard the end of it
definitely that person that’ll just randomly bring it up to you, no matter what hour of the day it is.
“oh Y/N, you were totally fawning over my hands earlier—”
“i will castrate you.”
you know he means well most of the time, but sometimes he just loves teasing the heck out of you.
but that doesn’t mean he neglects your obvious interest in his hands.
he’ll compliment you, he’s a snarky person in general— but to you, he’s totally smooth with it.
slides his hand from your forearm to your hands, only to bring them up to his lips, pressing a kiss against your hand
squeezes your hand everytime he sees you, it’s kind of a nonverbal greeting at this point
similar to kirishima, he likes comparing hand sizes— teasing you about the size difference (even if it’s not even a big of a difference, he’ll take that chance.)
does this thing where he rubs his thumb against his palm. does it a lot when he’s concentrated about something, or just out of the blue
a little spicy, but he’ll make you tell him what you like about his hands, and what you like about the things he does with those hands of his. if that makes sense
he wants all of the details, doesn’t care if it’s mundane, or things he does when he’s feeling a certain way.
he wants to know, because as soon as you’re done with your spewl, he’ll do exactly what you like, teasing you while he’s at it. and so he can start incorporating those habits whenever he’s around you.
totally someone that’ll make you suck on those fingers. oh, but he’ll purposely get some dessert on them— asking you to suck them off
“good grief, i got some dessert on my fingers again. Y/N, come suck them off”
sometimes he’s serious, sometimes he’s just teasing.
overall— it’s pretty adventurous. he starts to act on it as soon as the revelation is revealed to him.
but i’d say he does just fine.
»»————- ♡ ————-««
likes and reblogs are appreciated, thanks for reading!
i do not own bnha/mha and it’s characters. boku no hero academia/my hero academia belongs to horikoshi kohei. i only own the writing, and i do not profit off of my hobby
do not plagiarize, translate, repost, or use my work for audio readings without my consent :))
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let-them-read-fics · 3 years
BP Headcanon / One Shot: Raising A Kid With Lisa
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Requested By Anon: Lisa / Reader while they're raising a kid
Quote Requested By @ssamssamu: "I knew I did from that first moment we met. It was… not love at first sight exactly, but- familiarity. Like: oh, hello, it’s you. It’s going to be you."
Pairing: Lisa x Fem!Reader
Warnings / Misc. -- Fluff, Slight Angst, Happy Ending
Disclaimer: This writing is a work of fiction, and no disrespect is meant for those mentioned herein.
A/N: This one's kinda long, guys 😳 I hope you enjoy, though. Thank you for the requests!
PS ~ Your child is female in this
♡ Happy Reading ♡
Dear lord... 🛐🤰
Let's get started
First off: milf
Second off: you'd either come home to find her, your child, and your 5 cats passed out, or chaotically playing with one another
If you give birth, she's literally the most supportive wife ever
Getting you any and everything you need, no matter the time of day or night
"Lis?" You ask into the darkness, voice coming out rough as it slips past your sleepy lips. Her soft snoring is cut off in an instant as she wakes up, ready to help.
"I'm here, my love." She yawns, quickly stretching before reaching forward to take your hand into her own.
"Can you get me some ice chips?" You wince, hating to make her trek all the way down the hall when she was comfortable and sleeping so well.
"On it, baby." She stands and brushes her lips against your forehead, reassuring you that she doesn't mind the task.
"Thank you; I love you," you call after her as she walks towards the door. She turns to you just as she reaches it, pressing a kiss to her fingers before holding a finger heart up for you.
"I love you more."
"Here you go," she says, helping you sit up in the hospital bed. "I got you a little water with it, just like you like." She raises the cup for you, tilting it so that the cool liquid can slide towards your lips, soothing your dry mouth. The styrofoam squeaks lightly, momentarily accompanying the sound of the beeping monitor that's keeping track of your vitals.
You gently push the cup away after you're satisfied, wrapping your arms around her waist as she puts it on the bedside table. She cuddles you back, kissing the top of your head.
"Thanks again, babe. I don't know what I'd do without you." You mumble against her, still exhausted from all that you went through earlier today. She crouches down beside you, taking your hands within her own as she looks up into your eyes.
"You've made me the happiest woman in the world, Y/N/N; I have you and our cute little baby girl now. I think that's more than a fair trade for getting ice chips at 3 in the morning."
You laugh, leaning forward to rest your forehead against hers.
"We did pretty good, didn't we?" You ask after a moment, gazing over at the clear bin your daughter is laying in, resting peacefully.
"We sure did." Lisa says, feeling tears prick at her eyes. She raises a hand to your cheek, cupping the soft skin as she looks at you tenderly.
If she gives birth, you'd do everything for her as well and take good care of her as she recovers
She'd try to be a bit more independent, though, just because that's how she is
She secretly loves when you surprise her with just what she wanted, but was too shy / stubborn to ask for
You come back into the bedroom with a pint of ice cream and two spoons in hand, clad in one of her oversized shirts.
"I got your favorite," you smile, saddling up next to her on the bed. She sits up with a shy grin, feeling beyond lucky to have someone like you.
"Thank you baby," she says, taking a scoop of the sweet treat as you stick it out to her. She sighs as the flavor coats her tongue, reminding her of all the reasons it's her favorite.
"You know," she starts after a minute, grabbing your attention mid-bite. "You taste even better than this."
She smirks as you nearly choke on the ice cream, coughing a bit as it trails an icy path down your throat.
"Yah, jagi! Are you trying to kill me?"
She doesn't want to feel like a nuisance
You reassure her that she isn't at all, and eventually she listens to you
Lets you help her more and cater to her needs
Repays you in the form of cuddles and millions of sweet kisses
As soon as she can safely take care of herself, she's back to normal (aka, being a crackhead)
If you adopt or have a donor, oh boy
That child is spoiled the moment you lay eyes on it
Raising her as your own
You agree to tell her about her past when she's older, if she wants that
Constant reassurance of your love for her
Telling her how proud you are of her
She'd be teaching your kid dance moves before she could even walk
"Lis, baby, she literally just bent her knee."
"I don't know what you're talking about. She was definitely practicing the move I taught her last night."
Almost always making a mess when she feeds her (though that's not entirely Lisa's fault... babies are messy)
Seriously, both of them completely covered in baby food and milk when you walk in
Lisa asking if she can buy a hazmat suit for when it's her time on diaper duty
Pouting when you say no
She decides to wear goggles, gloves, and a face mask instead
Singing softly to your daughter as she rocks her to sleep
Sometimes falling asleep in your rocking chair with your baby in her arms
And you find them and just 🥺
Visiting Lisa's family and your own when you can
Very wholesome memories being made with them
Food fights
She is 110% down to act silly and do anything your kid wants
You unlock the front door of your shared home, tiredly rubbing your neck after a long day of work. The sound of one of your daughter's favorite movies playing on the living room TV brings a smile to your face, and you quickly set your things on the kitchen table before joining them.
Upon stepping foot into the room, you comically narrow your eyes.
"What are you wearing?" You ask both of them as an amused smile grows on your lips.
Lisa turns to you now, appearing to have been so invested in the movie that she hadn't even heard you come home. You start to wonder if maybe she was the one who wanted to watch the movie all along.
A tin foil hat rests atop her head, matching the adorable, mini-sized version that your daughter is modeling. Lisa's grin widens cutely as she looks you up and down, happy to finally have you back home.
"Here mama, we made one for you, too!" Your daughter says excitedly, giggling as she hops up and runs towards you, cap in hand. You crouch down so she can put it on you, feeling your heart melt at the happy look in her eyes; she's proud of herself, and so are you.
"Thank you baby, it fits just right." You praise, lifting her into your arms as Lisa stands up and approaches you.
"We missed you, lovey." She presses her lips to yours, humming against them when you bring a hand to her hip to pull her even closer. You pull away before you can get too invested and scar your child for life, opting instead to cuddle into the cozy embrace that Lisa offers to the two of you.
The warm material of her sweater brushes against your skin as she brings her arms around both of you, protecting you from the slightly chilly air of the room.
"You know, I still have no idea what the hat's for..." you smirk, feeling your daughter raise her head from where it previously came to rest against your shoulder. She scoffs, sounding offended that you don't know the answer.
"It's to protect us from aliens. Duh," she rolls her eyes, making you and Lisa chuckle. Clearly Jennie has been giving her some sass lessons lately.
"My most sincere apologizes, princess," you bow your head in mock shame, doing your best to conceal your smile.
"Let's go sit back down. I wanna hold my girls," Lisa declares softly, kissing your temple as you go to agree.
The three of you make your way back to the couch, snuggling up close as Lisa presses play.
Very affectionate
Constantly squishing your cheeks and gushing about how cute you are (she does the same thing to your daughter too)
Spoils her (and you) rotten
Matching onesies
Matching outfits, totally coordinated (usually Celine or some other designer brand)
Pillow / blanket forts
"Queen Y/N, requesting entrance." You announce with a smile, hands full of snacks for the three of you as you sit back on your knees in waiting.
From inside, you hear Lisa say, "Your Highness, there's a guest at the door. Would you like to see her?"
Your daughter's faux royal voice almost makes you crack up. "Oh, alright. Open up." She commands, sounding British.
Lisa parts the front two blankets, doing her best to conceal her grin as she locks eyes with you.
"SNACKS!" Your daughter shrieks, completely breaking character.
"No no no! Wait--" She eagerly rushes over to you, knocking you over in the heat of the moment. Your mom skills kick in and allow you to angle the bowls correctly and keep most of the food in, though a few stray pieces of popcorn fall out and land in your hair.
"Oops... sorry mommy," your daughter says, snickering softly.
Lisa leans over you, peering down at where you now lay on your back. She smirks as she picks some of the popcorn out of your hair.
If you're preparing a meal for the three of you, they'd turn on some music and come hang in the kitchen with you
Dance battles everywhere
Lisa doesn't always let your daughter win, either, and it makes your little girl all the more competitive
Taking your daughter to street markets to introduce her to new foods and develop her palate
Betting on what foods she'll like more
Lisa getting sulky when she loses, and never shutting up about it when she wins
Lisa's always taking pictures of you all to add to your family photo book
More like photo books
Seriously so many pictures. She just can't get enough of how cute her little unit is
Taking trips to local cat cafés to let the gang play
Lisa convincing you to let her get another cat
"Pleaaaase?" She draws the word out, wrapping her arms around your waist. You glance over to where your daughter is surrounded by a sea of fluff balls, almost unable to be seen. She's laughing her head off, filling the room with her cute giggles as the kitties brush against her.
"Just one more. Last one." Lisa says, gathering your attention again.
"You said that last time," you quip.
"I mean it this time."
"I feel like that's a lie..."
"If you let me get this cat, there'll be a reward for you later." She husks the last part out, letting her fingers trail to the back of your neck to rest there. She leans forward to press a kiss to your cheek, then your jawline, smiling against your skin when she feels your heart beat a little faster.
"Fine, Lisa. But this is the last one," you point a finger at her, pushing her back slightly.
"Thank you, my love. You won't regret it." She smirks, head held high as she slaps your butt and goes to the crate to pick her cat of choice.
Sightseeing and exploring
Teaching your daughter how to take good pictures, too
"My little prodigy" - Lisa (🥺🥲)
You and your daughter go to Lisa's performances anytime you're able
Cheering the girls on, fully decked out in BP merch
"BLACKPINK IS THE REVOLUTION!" Your daughter screams, bonking her light stick against her head wildly. From the vantage point of your front row seat, you lock eyes with Lisa before glancing down at the little human with an amused smile. Lisa laughs when she notices her, leaving only the backing track to play for a second. She giggles again and points to you before picking back up with the song, a wide smile on her lips.
The other members look down and laugh, too, clapping for her.
Your baby has too much energy for her own good -- something she definitely got from your wife.
Visiting the girls often
They always love to see both of you
Jennie makes food for her and spoils her with lazy days, Jisoo teaches her how to play video games and be more of a crackhead, and Rosé teaches her to paint and sing (and also speak with an Australian accent)
They all have a secret handshake with her, different for each member
Which you think is absolutely adorable
They always take such good care of her
Always showing up for her school recitals and performances
When you pack your daughter's lunch, Lisa will usually sneak extra sweets into her bag, thinking you don't notice. You do, but you'd never tell her that. Seeing her think she's actually being sneaky is cute
Your Relationship With Lisa
Playful banter
She still makes time for you
Likes to be connected in some way as often as possible. Holding hands or pinkies, back hugs, kisses, gentle caresses, cuddling, etc. -- anything she can do to constantly remind you of her love.
You both always look forward to date nights
You drop your daughter off so the girls can watch her, or you call a sitter
Lisa takes you wherever you wanna go
Some past places: the park (to stargaze), the roller rink, fancy restaurants, art museums / galleries, couples dance classes (when you want to practice a new style and have an excuse to dance the night away together), or even just the couch
Sometimes both of you are too exhausted to go out, so you opt to stay in instead
Other times she wants to get all fancied up and see how gorgeous you look in your outfit of choice
She loves to show you off
"Damn, baby. How do you get hotter every time I see you?"
You look over at her with an incredulous expression, still clad in your oversized shirt with you hair pulled back.
"I haven't even gotten ready yet..."
"Still sexy," she coos, coming up behind you to give you a hug. You settle back into her arms, sighing softly when she trails soft kisses along your shoulder, towards your neck.
"I have to shower," you inform her, releasing the words gently. Part of you knows you'll be late for your reservation if you let her continue, but you can't find it in yourself to care. You've been aching for her touch lately, both of you caught up with the stressors of life. But she's here now, letting her hands roam to the places she knows they shouldn't be.
"You know," she pecks the mark she just finished making on your neck, feeling satisfied as it darkens before her eyes, "I'm in need of a shower, too." Her fingertips flirt with the waistband of your panties, dipping underneath the material to caress your skin.
"Didn't you get in a couple hours ago?" You ask, furrowing your brows in genuine curiosity.
She laughs at that, letting her head fall against your shoulder as she stills her movements.
"Y/N, can't you just go along with it? Jeez, let me flirt with you."
Both of you chuckle together now, giggles mixing together as they fill the air of the room.
"Alright, alright. Go ahead."
"You look-- No, you know what? Let's just get in. I'll show you instead."
One of the best showers of your life ;)
You somehow managed to make it to your reservation on time
Lisa had to help you walk, though
Cause, ya know
Wöbbĺý łəğ§
Flirted like crazy at dinner
But was also very romantic
As a plane blinks by in the distance, merely a speck on its journey across the dusky sky, Lisa ponders on what her life would've been like, had she not met you. That lonely looking plane symbolizes what she'd probably be doing right now: flying somewhere for tour or brand deals. Every flash of its lights is like a call out to the universe, searching for something it doesn't yet have. It reminds her of how she felt before she met you -- like something was missing.
"I love you, Y/N/N, so much," she says out of the blue, looking over to you. "I'm lucky to call you mine." She says sincerely, gazing into your eyes with a big smile. You turn her into a lovesick, giddy teenager just by being yourself. One look from you is capable of sending her falling all over again.
Her fingers intertwine with your own, hands resting on the table.
"I'm so proud of us. There's no one I'd rather grow old with." You bring her wrist to your lips, kissing it tenderly. Her heart melts at the action, and she cups your cheek in her palm.
She takes you to the park after dinner, right back to the place you met
It leads to a big sentimental talk about when you fell for one another and realized you were in love
You take a bite of the froyo you got as desert on the way here, looking over to her as she begins explaining.
"I knew I did from that first moment we met. It was… not love at first sight exactly, but- familiarity. Like: oh, hello, it’s you. It’s going to be you."
She looks so sweet after she says it that you almost melt right then and there. You put the container down on the bench beside you before turning back to her. Curiosity shines in her doe eyes as she waits on your answer.
"Oddly enough, it was the same for me," you start, feeling your cheeks tug up into a smile as the memories come flooding back. "As soon as I made you laugh that first time -- when I saw your face light up after I told that stupid joke -- I knew it was you. I never knew what I was missing until I met you."
She cups your cheek, rubbing the pad of her thumb across it as tears begin to well up in her eyes. Years ago, when both of you happened to be in this very spot at the same time, you had no idea what life had in store for you. She had no idea that when she accidently bumped into a complete stranger, that that person would become her world.
She wouldn't feel complete without you, and neither would you without her. The life you've created has taken sacrifices and courage, but you know you'll always have one another no matter what. She makes the hard days bearable, and the good days unforgettable. She's your reason, just as you're hers.
"I love you--"
"I love you--"
Both of you say the phrase at the same time, laughing when you realize it. It's a sweet moment, plucked straight out of a romcom.
She leans forward after a few seconds to kiss your lips, reclaiming them for her own.
Holding hands as you walk through the city
Not wanting the night to end
You stop in a couple other thrift shops and take some pictures together before deciding to go home
You catch up on some movies / Netflix / trashy TV that you've been wanting to watch together, finally having enough time to do so
She holds you close, snuggling up against you and not letting you go
Of course, they're inevitable
Never fun
You both communicate well, though, so they don't happen too often
But when they do, they usually start over little things, your annoyance only heightened by the stress you're constantly under
It's tough on Lisa, being an idol on top of everything else, and it's tough on you to have to raise your daughter alone sometimes
You don't fight in front of her (your child), and you don't say things to attack each other's character. Sometimes you just get loud because you're frustrated and trying to get the other to understand things from your point of view
You usually take time to cool down and then come back together later, once you've had time to think and reflect
After putting your daughter to bed, Lisa comes to your shared bedroom.
"Y/N/N, baby, I'm sorry. Please open up, I need to see you." She says quietly, resting her forehead against the door. She's beyond disappointed in herself, baffled by the fact she could treat you in such a way.
You look over to it, weighing your options as you toy with your wedding ring out of habit. This was a particularly nasty fight, and you hated every second of it; the anger in her eyes broke your heart.
She hears shuffling from inside, and she stands up straight. When you open the door and lean against it, eyes red and cheeks puffy from crying, her heart sinks. It's not surprising that her words hurt you so much, but knowing that she caused you pain in any way is almost too much to bear.
She purses her lips as she gathers her thoughts, and you momentarily look down to the floor, scuffing your foot to busy yourself.
"I never should've said any of that to you. Work has just been stressing me out lately with the comeback and all, and I took it out on you. I was wrong," she says, fresh tears spilling out of her eyes. She quickly wipes them away, not wanting the moment to be about her. She knows if she breaks down in front of you right now, you'll be forgiving her in an instant and wrapping her in the embrace that she's been in dire need of all evening.
That's exactly why she doesn't give in; now isn't the time to be selfish. She sniffles, willing the tears away as she finds the words she wants to say to you. She has to make things right.
"You're everything I've ever wanted, and I treated you like that? I'm ashamed of myself, Y/N. I'm not asking you to forget about this; I just want you to know how sorry I am."
You let a shaky breath out as you look into her eyes, deciding on what to do. You can tell she's being genuine; her fear of losing you is real, and she's doing everything she can to prove how guilty she feels.
You drop your hand from the knob and step through the threshold of the door, wrapping your arms around her neck. The second you do, her tears finally begin spilling out again. Your hair tickles her nose as she nuzzles her face into the crook of your neck, securing her arms around your waist like her life depends on it. You cry together, letting out all of your stress and frustrations while muttering out strained apologies and I love yous.
"I forgive you, Lisa." She sobs a bit harder at that, and you feel her lip tremble. You stay like that until you both calm down, your sniffles fading to hitched breaths every now and then.
"Come on, let's go take a bath."
She decides to take over, wanting to make it up to you. She has you sit down and relax while she lights some candles and fills the tub with your favorite scents and oils
She comes back out into the bedroom to get you as the tub fills up
She carries you back to the bathroom, cradling you lovingly in her arms
You get in and cuddle, massaging the pain and tension away from each others shoulders
Very soft way to end such a stressful day
She reassures you that she'll be better for you and that she never wants to lose you or jeopardize what you have
You believe her, and to this day she's never been like that again
You still argue from time to time, but you both listen more and stop things before they can escalate
When All Is Said & Done
At the end of the day, Lisa always makes sure you know how happy you make her and how much she loves her life with the both of you
Even though things get hard sometimes, you wouldn't want to do it with anyone else
One day, when your daughter is away at school, Lisa and you are snuggled up on the couch, watching some TV
"Yes, my love?"
"Let's make another baby."
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vrisrezis · 4 years
Aot crush and relationship hcs
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Tw as I talk about suicide for reiners bit
- liking you makes him guilty (if you’re a soldier that is) and he doesn’t completely know what to even do about the situation
- as stares at you quite a bit and is self aware it’s obvious and tries not to too much
- you’re special to him
- probably tries to bring you along home with him and bertholdt before he even confesses he likes you but it probably works in his favor
- he honestly wants to marry you, a thought in his head before he even confesses his feelings
- not a blushy boy all the time but whos to say he can’t? You can totally make him blush
- when he finally decides to confess, he’s quite nervous about it but hey.. he’s lost a lot that was important you guys don’t have much time left
- a part of him wished he never became the armored titan so he’d have a longer time with you but at the same time if it weren’t for that he wouldn’t have met you (again if you’re a soldier but ok)
- if not hey it’s fine, he got to know you growing up and had a bigass crush on you that was so obvious that porco would purposelessly flirt with you to piss him off
- in a relationship, hugs and cuddles are quite often from Reiner you make him all soft and he’s such a cuddly man look at them big arms
- he’s the best hugger and cuddler tbh
- even if it looks weird, he likes to be the small spoon sometimes, just to be held and feel safe and protected for once
- he’s just so used to protecting you, which he loves and insists on doing but sometimes just wants to feel safe and protected by you
- likes patting your head
- gabi adores you so much, you guys are besties at this point
- gabis just really happy Reiner could find somebody to care and love for, it’s about damn time
- does not like you fighting, but if you have to then you have to
- will spoil you and buy you whatever you want, he does it cause he wants to spoil you though...
- when gabi finds this out you know she’s coming along for your dates more often to just get something
- dates are as often as you and Reiner can have them, which is more than most of the characters I’ve written for already
- you being with Reiner comes with a lot of emotional baggage that he doesn’t wanna put on you, he’s put it on a lot of people and he’s gotten a lot of people killed (who died in order to protect him such as bertholdt and ymir and etc)
- just be there for him, he doesn’t need you to understand he just needs somebody to not see him as a complete piece of shit so he can feel less guilty about it
- he has so much guilt :(
- so much to the point he doesn’t wanna live in this life anymore, but you being there makes it easier for him to have a will to live, for you
- at this point in his life he goes along with whatever you want
- he hates the idea of being separated from you at all
- yeah he’s a clingy boy in his adult years because he knows his time is coming up
- when he dies he says he wants you to look after gabi
- while the idea of dying sooner makes him feel better, can’t say he likes the idea of leaving you though he is constantly at a conflict between whether he’s happy to be the armored titan because he gets to protect you, die sooner etc or if he hates it cuz he can’t live longer to be with you and actually grow old with you
- even with his short life span, he wants to marry you
- it’s his final wish
- deep down Reiner wishes you could’ve started a family ;(
- he tells you to forget about him when he dies and start a family though tbh
- he loves you so much
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(S4 eren does not exist, the reason for that is the whole reason he became a shit head, I won’t spoil for the non manga readers or those that aren’t caught up with the manga, but yeah)
- this blushy boy can’t help the nervousness he feels around you and doesn’t always know what to say around you
- you make him at a loss for words honestly which isn’t like him
- he thinks about approaching you often, but he gets so tongue tied
- mikasa usually has to do the talking and we all know she isn’t the most talkative gal ever
- he might try to impress you, even in his titan form he tries to impress you
- especially if it’s early on and it’s a new development he’s gonna wanna show it off
- doesn’t like being babied (as shown with mikasa) so he might wanna be the one to protect you and do things for you
- would die at being complimented or touched in anyway by you
- people don’t give him enough credit, he’s lost his mother, he has lost other people he grew to care for, he’s a protective boy and is scared to lose you or fail you
- he is oblivious to any feelings that might be returned
- he is usually one to cling around often as well
- he feels comfortable being vulnerable and crying in front of you
- but he still wants to seem like he at least knows what to do and he can protect you and whatnot but truth is he’s really scared he’ll fail you like he did with his mother and hannes
- this will be a slowburn for a longtime unless you say something eren is a loser with this shit
- even with armin and mikasas encouragements he is scared to tell you
- so he simply asks you questions to see if he can get any indication that you love him back, or at the very least like him
- it takes awhile since he’s dumb but when he gets an answer he wants, he asks you out
- being in a relationship with eren means him constantly being at your side and attached to you at the hip
- if not soulmates why always together ??
- FR though
- he likes having an arm around you if you’re shorter, let’s not forget as an adult he’s 6’0
- kisses your cheek often
- jealousy is also often, he has a lack of confidence compared to others sometimes but it’s nothing that’s an issue or anything
- you teach him what freedom really is, the freedom to love somebody in full, unconditionally, the freedom to have that feeling and it being the most amazing feeling
- play with his hair, he loves it
- not so much when it starts to get really long just cuz it gets knots sometimes but brushing his hair and putting it up it always nice and he appreciates it
- can we all agree he looks better with his hair up
- forehead kisses if he’s taller, it’s likely to be a newer development since he was quite shorter/average height back then
- while he hates being babied, he will let you take care of him if he really needed it
- but mainly likes taking care of you
- neck kisses don’t have to be a sexual giving hickeys thing and eren is living proof since he loves giving cute neck kisses
- likes to grab your hands and just kiss em
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- first of all, keep in mind this man is like in his early/mid 30s and now like almost 40
- he’s not gonna have this schoolboy crush, he thinks it’s childish
- at least that’s what he says
- he can be caught staring at you often, very often
- like he’s so obvious damn, but it looks like he’s glaring at you
- only hange and Erwin can tell that he likes you with his stares gonna be real!
- finds excuses for you to be around him, maybe that’s having you in his squad now, maybe it’s helping him clean, whatever it is he’s getting you
- so maybe in his own way clingy
- he often talks to you in a similar fashion that he does with Erwin and hange, somewhat more “casual” in Levi’s terms, or kinda “teasing” as teasing as a levi can be and it not sounding like teasing
- deep down worries for you often and is protective, eren is already protective enough because of who he has lost just think about Levi he literally loses everyone
- tries not to be overwhelmingly protective, it can be annoying and would make him obvious
- also if you think it’s impossible to make him blush think again all you gotta do is hug him, he doesn’t even hug back but still!
- eventually decides you could die at any moment, life is short, especially in this world
- so he just asks you out and gets it over with
- so now you date!
- it’s hard not to worry for Levi with the constant bullshit he goes through, but it does feel nice to have somebody worry about him so he takes it
- he just doesn’t like the idea of you worrying about him too much since he’s supposed to be humanity’s strongest, he wants you to have some hope/faith
- likes patting your head, doesn’t matter how tall you are compared to him
- nobody would have the balls to call him short except for you
- we all know he isn’t good at his emotions but he will allow himself to be soft and vulnerable when y’all are alone
- doesn’t tolerate pda
- he also keeps the relationship mainly secretive because you could become a target, he doesn’t care if eren and the others know though
- likes kissing your hand a lot, or your neck/collarbone
- totally into pressing your foreheads together he finds it nice
- he at least can hug back now but that takes a long time lol
- Yes. you can squish his cheeks. Will he be extremely annoyed? Yes. Will he do anything about it? No.
- he’s so soft for you? God
- has nightmares about losing you often, so you share the same room so he feels better knowing you’re alive next to him
- or you comforting him back to sleep works
- will buy you things if he can, likes spoiling you when he can but not toooo much
- if you suggest turning into a titan he says no
- while a part of him is like yeah a guaranteed 13 yrs he also is like no he wanna spend the rest of his days with you he cannot allow it
- yeahhhh so maybe he’s got some naive hopes, but this time he thinks he can achieve them and finish this shit ... he can only hope
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- not enough people write for my best boy, sad day ;(
- him with a crush though? Let’s be real he blushes quite a bit it annoys him though especially if you ever comment on it
- you just make him all mushy and god he loves you so much
- hand on his smushed cheek with a goofy smile and just stares at you, this happens all the time
- Sasha loves to remind him of that like everytime he does it
- very defensive of you, if anyone disrespects you they are catching these hands
- so it is likely fights with Jean bc he disrespected you (even if he was joking) are often
- he always tries to make you laugh, especially when you’re going through a rough time. He wants to see you smile and laugh and hates seeing you sad at all
- probably flirts with you, but he makes it sound like a joke so it’s hard to take him seriously
- he’s protective if he has to be, he’s not as strong as others but he can hold his own very well. (He’s canonly the fastest or at least one of the fastest, so he can get you out of situations fast)
- is overall even more goofy around you than he normally is because he just wants you laughing
- he can be clingy even while just being friends, often finds excuses to hang around you
- gets teased a lot by Sasha and Jean about his rather obvious crush
- sometimes he just daydreams about you so if anyone hears him sigh dreamily or zone out they know it’s cuz he’s thinking about you
- like seriously daydreams about you so much, the only time he isn’t is when he’s around you (which even then it still happens sometimes) or during like fights where he could die at any moment
- would die at being touched physically, or being complimented
- he will be like “yeah ofc I am haha ;D” in a joking way, but he is dying on the inside
- gonna be real confessing takes a longer time than anyone on this list like even eren and Reiner because he is so scared of rejection and losing the friendship you have he holds it so close to him
- it’s extremely important since it’s not often he ever likes somebody? Plus you make him feel the happiest he’s ever felt like? Honestly he cannot do without you man
- when he finally does (thanks to Jean and Sasha pushing him to do so) he’s a blushing mess
- dating him though is wonderful, he’s attached to you at the hip, you guys are always together he hates being separated
- it’s annoying for everyone else though
- if you’re not around for some reason he doesn’t stfu about you
- he gets sad when you guys are apart ;(
- cheek kisses are often since they’re easy to give (it’s likely he’s shorter than you so just... easy cheek kiss... or because of the huge burst of height he gets as he ages he’s extremely taller and again cheek kisses are easy)
- loves hugging you, or just having his arms engulfed around you in some way
- terrible pickup lines? Absolutely. He’s mainly joking but sometimes he’s being serious
- before he’d do anything to make you laugh it’s even moreso now that you’re dating
- hand holding is often
- he is good at comforting you if need it
- would like to just be held after a tough day
- likes to hug you from behind
- loves kissing your hands <3
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- my god if anyone is blushy it is Jean but I think we know this based off his interaction with mikasa
- cannot stop staring at you, at least Connie has some control and is just not aware of it. Jean is aware of his staring but has no self control.
- unlike Connie who has the confidence to jokingly flirt Jean doesn’t have that confidence. Acts like a cocky bastard but actually isn’t.
- probably says he made a move, or that he’s going to but hasnt and everyone knows it
- gets extremely nervous around you, palms sweaty, knees weak (arms are heavy)
- if you ever got hurt, protective mode (especially if it was to protect him cuz Christ he will lose it)
- scared to lose you, he lost Marco he doesn’t wanna lose you too
- he loves you so much, its come to the point where he can’t live without you. If you died he wouldn’t know what to do and he would probably go crazy without you around
- he’s always worried about you and watching out for you
- probably really jealous even before dating you, he’s constantly worried other people will have a better chance with you (if he noticed somebody else likes you he is all on that, he knows)
- he will try to impress you, also because of his jealousy but still. He wants to prove he can be good for you romantically
- so he’s constantly playing up how strong he is until you kick his ass in a fight
- however despite how nervous he gets around you, after some time he eventually is kinda himself. He doesn’t wanna seem like a dick around you so he acts overly nice but eventually you get close enough to where he can be himself
- likes to tease you sometimes
- probably calls you an idiot, especially if you are one or act like one at all. He don’t mean it but you know that.
- eventually will confess, because he’s sick of Sasha and connies teasing and lame attempts to be wingmen
- they’re so obvious abt it btw Sasha will just be there like “hey Jean y/n looks very cute today don’t you think so?” And Connie just nudges him, “yeah tell them how cute they are today, I think they look adoraaable” and he’s like “yes you’re very cute today” and then they just leave and make it awkward for you both
- when he tells you how he feels he’s stuttering so much, it’s painful
- dating Jean is still awkward, he’s still nervous but moreso that he might fuck up somehow and you’ll break it off with him
- eventually yeah, cuddlebug
- loves hugs
- clingy af
- mans can cook, you already know he cooking you something as much as he can
- loves giving you forehead kisses if you’re shorter, if not then cheek kisses are cool too
- before you dated he’d probably try to nervously compliment you and just stutter and die inside, in fact there was a time he didn’t talk to you at all because he never knew what to say
- he tries not to impress you as much but still does and is a jealous boy but less jealous cuz you’re dating him
- he needs constant reassurance
- he’s such a sweetheart deep down he is willing to do so much for you
- still calls you an idiot or any other nickname but more comfortable with it now that you’re dating and likes teasing you
- also eventually tells you how much he loves and cares for you, and tells you the extents of his love
- he loves always being around you and gets annoyed when Sasha and Connie tag along but you probably don’t mind
- he loves you though so he’s like . Ok
- he’ll follow you wherever you go tbh
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- he’s also a blushy boy at times, especially if you’re in close proximity in some way
- complimenting him? Do you want him to pass out?
- I feel like people act like he’s overly mean to his crush but I don’t think he’d be mean. He’d try really hard to get along with them to the point where he might act like he likes the same stuff they do
- he’s clingy in general w/ you. Honestly not being around you for even a little feels like forever. Sometimes it’s just months before he can see you again, that hurts him ;(
- he’s such a softie deep down I can’t
- super protective as well (again I think everyone in aot is but mannn porco is so protective)
- he has seen some shit he knows what happens to people and he doesn’t want it happening to you
- very loyal to you tbh
- will find any excuse to touch you physically even if it puts a blush on his face, the first time he did he died but still... he liked the feeling and doesn’t ever wanna miss that feeling
- wraps an arm around you “casually” and “friendly” like all the time
- since him and pieck are pretty much always together, now it’s the three of you that are always together
- pieck finds it sweet though, and loves that he has somebody he could care for as much as he does
- ofc she tries to wingman, whenever he’s not around she asks you what you think of him. If you think of him as something more or what
- it’s because of one of your talks with pieck about porco does she finally encourage porco to tell you how he feels
- it takes awhile, he’s mainly worried of rejection or that he’ll lose you while you’re dating
- when you’re dating though, an arm around you at all times. If not holding your hand. (Ofc if you’re not currently discussing important matters)
- but yeah doesn’t mind pda, just not too much
- holds your hand if he is not having an arm around you
- kisses you like a lot, ofc when nobody else is around (or just pieck is around) but yknow
- he’s clingy, likes spending alone time w/ you but again wouldn’t mind if pieck was there
- gabi loves aww’ing at you guys and tbh so does pieck
- it does embarrass him sometimes but he loves you so he deals with it
- speaking of love he loves to remind you how much you mean to him and how much he loves you, he is not making the mistake of not letting you know how much he adores you
- teases tf outta you, like Jean would call you nicknames like idiot or something but he adores you too much for mean nicknames
- to make up for it he has pet names
- he’s also pretty jealous too btw
- make him feel better with lots of smooches
- he likes squishing your cheeks, surprisingly doesn’t mind if you do the same to him =)
- when cuddling he puts his face in either your chest or neck and peppers little kisses there
- pickup lines .. yeah they’re so bad he doesn’t care as long as they make you either blush or laugh
- low key just ... gently holds you, he loves u so much he’s so soft
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Here’s another thought based off this blurb I wrote. 
Reader Insert. 
CW: Smut adjacent. 
You’re just on the couch, feet propped up on the edge of the coffee table still scrolling through TikTok. Calum’s taken resident up in your lap, head resting on your thighs and his phone is preoccupying him too. That TikTok keeps coming back to your head, the sudden change from the soft voice over to Corpse’s voice. It looks some lurking, and lots of Googling on how to actually make a TikTok, but in the search you come up with a plan. It in some part requires Calum to trust you. 
“Babe?” you start, running your fingers through his hair. 
“Can I make a TikTok of you?”
He looks up, tearing his gaze from his phone. “What-what you are you thinking about?”
“Using the same sound off the same video I showed you. Just tickles, really,” you say. 
“God, I hate tickles. But sure, I guess.”
You kiss his nose, “Thanks, babe.” 
“Do I need to do anything?”
“Nah, just say comfy,” you encourage, kissing his forehead. 
He nods, turning his head just a little to kiss at your tummy. “I can do that.” As the countdown starts, you drag your fingers over his scalp. The song plays and your fingers move into his armpits and he giggles. His natural reaction is to squeeze his arms to his side. It ultimately keeps your hand trapped but you laugh just a little at his response. 
As the bass drops and Corpse’s voice filters through, you’re able to wriggle your hand free and slide it over his chest. He settles, peering up at you to see if you’re done. In this action, you’re able to slip your hand up to his throat and give it a small squeeze. The surprise isn’t missed as Calum gasps for just a second before a tiny tiny moan escapes him. His eyes flutter for just a moment. You’re positive the audio is done by now but you do lean down to press a kiss to his lips. 
Calum’s not one to usually submit, but it’s there. He does like to be taken care of sometimes and it tends to happen when things get stressful with work or when he’s got a lot on his plate. And it’s not that he can’t take care, it’s not like he can’t take care of things, but sometimes it’s have someone else do it. It’s nice to have someone else please him. 
And truth be told, the action should shock him. He should recoil given that you just tickled him, but there’s a gleam in your eyes when you leaned into him. You looked so proud to see him respond that way, to see him trust you, so he pull himself into a seating position and cups your cheek. “You didn’t tell me that was part of the bit.”
You’re acutely aware to save the draft, but your phone is the last of your worries. “Wanted it to be a surprise.”
The distance between you two is short, and grows even shorter as you push up and Calum leans in. His nose brushes over yours. “Considered me surprised.” The pad of his thumb strokes your cheek before he drags his whole palm down and cups your throat in return. 
You push forward to seal his mouth in a kiss, peeling his hand away from your flesh. The kiss is short before you pull away. “I don’t think you get to call the shots right now, baby.” 
Calum can only let out a shaky exhale as you kiss over the side of his neck, “Okay.”
Calum’s head rests on your chest, the blanket draped on the back of the couch thrown over the both of you. His fingers trace over your sides slowly. Your fingers are scratching over his scalp. “Do you remember if we got Oreos last trip to the store?” you ask quietly. Your fingers move down to the muscle of his back, scratching just a little at the flesh.
“We did. But I can’t say any is left,” he laughs, sitting up. “Which might entirely be my fault, but that’s neither here nor there.” He redresses but drapes the blanket back over you, even goes as far as to tuck the ends around you. 
“I am not prisoner to the couch,” you tease.
“You must certainly are.” While Calum checks the kitchen for Oreos, you redress mostly but rewrap yourself in the blanket. 
“Huzzah, a full sleeve is left,” Calum declares from the kitchen and then rushes back into the living room. He plops down behind you, resting the package in your lap. You feed him the first one and the voice from the TV surround the two of you. The two of you enjoy the sleeve and then eventually move into the bedroom to wash up and retire under the sheets. 
The next morning when you check your phone, as you open the Twitter app your notifications are absolutely flooded. You check to see what happened. Normally, there’s a tweet about you here and there, but you turned off notifications just in general to be safe. But you still checked it periodically. As the tweet loads, you pull your brows down into confusion. Didn’t know they got it on like THAT!
When you scroll up in the chain, you spy the TikTok. You could’ve sworn you had only saved the draft not published it. But when you change to the TikTok app, you realize at the top of your profile is the video. “Holy shit.” You climb out of bed and scurry to find Calum. You’re already trying to get your fingers to stop shaking so you can delete the video. But at this point it is too late, you realize. “Babe?” you call out into the house. “Babe?!”
“Outside,” comes his reply and you spin around and hurry down to the open backyard doors. 
“Babe, I’m so sorry,” you rush out. 
Calum takes in the panic in your eyes and how your phone is wobbling in your hand. “Hey, hey, whatever it is, we’ll work through it, okay?” But all you can seem to do is just apologize. He nods, guiding you into his chest and rubs his hand up and down your back. “Ssh, take a deep breathe.”
“I-I thought the video was just a draft,” you say more but it gets slightly muffled as you press your face deeper into his skin. 
Calum can deduce the problem though. “But you published it by accident?” he asks. You nod. “And I can only assume it only took a matter of time before fans found it huh?” You give another nod. 
A sigh leaves his chest and you pull back, “I-I deleted it once I found out and it’s a throwaway account. It’s not even my face as the profile picture you know? I-I thought I was being safe.”
“Shit happens,” Calum returns, using his fingers to wipe away the tears. “It’s out there now. What else can we do?”
“I’m so sorry.” 
He kisses your forehead. “I accept your apology. Let’s get some waffles, want waffles?”
You’re not sure how Calum can be so calm about this. “You’re-you’re not mad. After everything?”
“You posting something by accident isn’t the same, okay? Besides, that video is the most harmless thing that’s come out. You know, none of us are saints, nor do we pretend to be saints.” He shrugs. “Besides, what a way to confirm a relationship, you know?”
The two of you had been dating for a while, two years and some change. You had popped up occasionally in an Instagram posts and you two got spotted here and there hanging out. But you were pretty good at keeping your face hidden or turned away from paps when you could spot them. One picture of your face had surfaced, really early on. But not much since then. 
Of course, the fans still speculated after all these years that you two were still together but neither you or Calum had done anything to confirm it. It didn’t bother you, you kinda liked the secrecy. It was easier to ignore the occasional tweet about your relationship but most fans had a feeling nothing would ever really be said. 
Until now. 
And sure, Calum is right on some front. You can’t really do anything about it now. The video is out and no doubt making its rounds. “I’m just going to delete the account, but yes to waffles.”
“If you want to, then I won’t stop you. But really I’m not mad.” 
You take a moment to look at him, study his gaze. It’s steady, he looks more concerned than anything else. “Sorry,” you say one last time. It’s clear that there’s not much else that he can say that will ease your fear. 
He presses another kiss to forehead, rubbing his hands over your arms. “Let’s go get dressed and eat waffles.”
You nod and it finally dawns on you that Calum had been out with Duke and you spy him laying your and Calum’s feet, completely content to stretch out the rest of the day. You kiss Calum’s cheek and then pick up Duke to nuzzle your nose into his fur. “Oh, buddy, bath time soon for you,” you laugh, but Duke just nuzzles into you. 
You settle onto the edge of the bed and Duke rests on your lap. You delete the TikTok account. There’s thousand of tweets it seems, so many comments and you can only imagine that Instagram is going to look the same so you take point not to look at it and to stop looking at Twitter as well. It’s not going to do anything good for you at this point. 
As you pull clothes from the dressers and closet, Calum returns to the bedroom. He walks pass you but takes a moment to squeeze your elbow three times. You turn to watch him disappear into the attached bathroom but smile just a little. Three squeezes, always a way to say I love you without necessarily saying it. You two use it most often when you and Calum go out into public, or at parties. Two squeezes means let’s go/there’s a problem. But three, and no more than three is your secret way to say I’m always there with you and for you. 
The car ride is quiet, but you hold Calum’s hand like always. It’s easy enough to slip into the breakfast diner. You pick at the corner of the napkin the utensils are wrapped in. The waiter is quick to get your orders. But you’ve stayed silent still. “Look, if waffles don’t fix this, I will go to extreme measures,” he teases after trying to gain your attention. 
You roll your eyes, but smile. “God, let’s not do that either.”
He laughs and takes your hand. “I mean, I would always go to the extreme measures for you.”
“Thanks.” The waitress comes back around to refill your water glasses and assure you your food will be coming out soon. “Wanna go to Lowe’s after this? Still gotta find materials for those shelves in your music room.”
He nods. “Yeah we can check them out. But if you stop me from buying my string of pearls, I will riot.”
“I want one just as much as you do, but we need a place for it first.”
“Nonsense. No plan. Just buy.”
Your food is brought out a couple of minutes later and the waffles do make you feel a little bit better, but right in the back of your head is the morbid curiosity to check what is happening on social media. You struggle against it continue to eat on. The sun’s a little brighter as you and Calum leave the diner. You keep your head down and walk a little behind him, but he reaches back, wiggling his fingers for you. 
“You sure?” you whisper. 
“What are paps going to get now that’s news?” There’s a devilish grin on his face and you give in, catching up and taking his hand. You’re pretty sure you can spot a pap or two but you don’t think too much about it as you stride side by side with Calum. 
In the Lowe’s you keep close to Calum, finding the right size planks that would be needed. He drags you over to the plants and allow yourself to be dragged over.  “You’re the one that got me hooked on this. This is your fault,” he teases. And you’ll admit it is kinda your fault. You wanted to bring in a few house plants, which Calum admitted to avoiding because he wasn’t home a lot. Though you weren’t sure how that logical applied to a dog, but never the less, your interest in house plants has rubbed off on Calum. 
You steer the pallet around with the planks you’re going to use for the shelves, long with the brackets and screws. You might’ve taken over a corner if the garage with some power tools and a small saw for some home projects you’ve wanted to take on. And so now, you tend to take up to some handy projects around the house and Calum’s always there to help hold whatever you need him to hold. 
“There are already three plants on this things, let’s slow down,” you tease. 
“Never,” he replies, placing another one down. “Kitchen window?” 
You nod. “Sounds good to me.”
When you two get home, you unload the planks into the garage and Calum finds his gardening gloves to move the plants into some pots. You watch him settled onto the steps that lead up from the garage into the house, gently pat some extra soil around the plant. “Want some help repotting?”
“It’s only two more,” he returns but does look up pushing his lips out for a kiss. You laugh and kiss him but check the soil on two he’s finished potting to see if they need water. “Can you add a little water to that first one for me?”
“Of course.” It’s not long before you add a little water to the plant and you settle in front of him, snapping a photo of the concentration on his face. It’s slightly obstructed by the baseball cap, but you angle it well enough.
“Cutie,” you whisper and pinch his cheeks. 
“Yeah, yeah, I know,” he laughs. The last plant potted, he turns his attention back to you. “How’s it going? You okay now?”
You shrug. “Better, I guess. Still feel bad.”
“That’s valid. It’s okay if you still feel bad. But all in all, we’re okay. If you’re worried.” You nod, fingers rubbing over leaves gently. “Check my Instagram.” That’s all he says before turning around and head inside with one of the plants. 
You stay seated and pull up the platform. When you find Calum’s profile, you a new post. It’s a series, indicated by the white square icon in the top right corner. The first one is hardly a photo of you from years ago but the other two in it are more recent, the last actually a video of you struggling to get some of the planks from the display in Lowe’s. Calum’s voice floats through your speaker and the camera bounces a little as he moves in to help. “Let me help. You’re going to kill yourself trying to do all that by yourself,” he laughs. 
“In my will, I will leave you everything then,” you counter and hoist the plank up. 
The video is still rolling and captures you grinning as you pointing just off screen, “To plants for my good sir?”
He giggles. “To plants!” and the video ends. 
Here’s a very short collection of two years and 3 and a half months, reads the caption and that’s all. 
“Calum,” you call out, grabbing the string of pearls and head inside. He shuffles to a stop having been coming around the corner. “I love you. Your post is sweet. Now where do we locate the newest plant baby?”
“Kitchen window. Other will are going in the office.” You go to step past him but he squeezes your elbow-- three times. 
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