#it would just be sbian
gayofthefae · 7 months
You can't spell America with out Erica and you can't spell Lesbian without El
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edge-wizard · 1 year
Excited to announce that blocking people finally seems to remove their posts off your dash when others reblog them.
So glad to have my dash rid of that propaganda conflating L*sbians allegedly being 'left out of the community' with the struggles transwomen face.
First of all; Baby-girl. Sapphic is The Norm. WLW is overflowing with privilege in every context and space that is not hetnormative, while also being the dynamic most overwhelmingly accepted BY heterosexual normative space and people, and everyone else is thrown under a bus as kink/fetish/gross.
Everything always gets Sapphic Pride Flags, sapphic characters, sapphic this and that, but we had to BEG even Pillowfort.social (which is touted for its Queer Inclusion) to add MLM pride.
Second of all; Even if you faced some measure of any of the things you are claiming, it would not even scrape the surface of the iceberg that is the constant mass-murdering genocidal oppression trans-women face every single day-- especially from WLW TERFs.
You are reprehensible, terminally online, need help, and I am not being paid to give it to you, so I refuse to hear any whining about the Matter of Facts I just slammed down here on my personal blog as a queer person who has suffered insane amounts of abuse for my perceived gender while having WLW people held over my head as the constant pinnacle of moral superiority.
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transfreakish · 4 months
[very c*nsored, to avoid being in s*arches]
z*onist or neutral
under 16 (nothing personal, just a boundary!)
pro/c*mship ,, (no)m*ps/z**s ,, pro-harmful p*ras or pro-c*ntact/anti-r*covery ,, dis*bility f*tishists ,, those who s*xualize r*gression
radqueer ,, gender crit*cal ,, sw*rfs t*rfs or r*dfems ,, tr*scum/tr*nsmed ,, against neopr*nouns or xenog*nders (which should be obvious?) ,, against h*sbians, th*ysbians, sh*gays, etc ,, against it/its pr*nouns
anti-cl*ster b ,, believe in “narc*ssistic ab*se” or anything similar ,, those who use d*sorders or d*sabilities as insults ,, against PROPERLY AND THOROUGHLY RESEARCHED self-dx ,, users of the terms “sysm*d”/“tr*umascum”
avid sysc*ursers (more specifically, i hate being involved in any sort of conflict, so please dont try to ask my opinion on shit or include me in any of it and youll be fine; i am a m*dically r*cognized did syst*m, and thats all anyone here needs to know, thanks!)
as someone with a v*sual imp*irmant and chronic m*graines, any posts from me may be bolded/italicized on and off like this to highlight certain parts; i am sorry if this is hard to read for others, but as this is a personal collection that happens to be public, i am prioritizing my own acc*ssibility.
i identify with the words “q*eer” and “f*g”. i will not cw/tw usage of either of these. i also will not cw/tw use of the word “cr*pple”, as a phys*cally dis*bled person who reclaims it.
activity will be on and off a lot of the time.
i am prone to spam reblogging; i try to space out queueing posts from a blog if a mod states discomfort with anyone doing so, but if i mess up, i am genuinely sorry!
as said multiple times here, PLEASE dont post anything connected to this blog to any sort of “cr*nge collecti*n”, such as “cr*nge comp” videos, any subr*ddits such as f*kedisord*rcr*nge or didcr*nge, any forum or site of a similar nature, and all other things like this that could even remotely fall into that category that i didnt name. i am not mentally well (yes, i am getting pr*fessional help), and being posted to these would be highly str*ssful to an unbearable extent due to p*ranoia and past tr*uma of being a target of extreme h*rrassment (ie multi-platform chasing and d*xxing) and stalking. please respect this very simple boundary by leaving this blog alone if you find me cr*ngy, hate me or anything i post, or speculate that im faking anything (though any issue posted about here is either something i have a diagn*sis for, am actively seeking/working on assessment or diagn*sis for, or is simply being saved because i know someone with the d*sorder or d*sability who would enjoy a post). i would not say all of this or c*nsoring things so extensively if i was not very serious and worried about this. if you’ve read this with ill intent but decided against taking action, thank you so much for being kind, i do appreciate it, have a very nice day. :]
(c/nsor/d so it wont sh/w up in s/arch/s, since this is a p/rson/l c/llecti/n; th/s isnt a typ/ng qu/rk, its a s/fety prec/ution while still being r/adable and acc/ssible for me.)
m/sc : m/sc or m/sc-al/gned, or using m/sc or b/y or similar as pr/fixes or s/ffixes.
f/m : f/m or f/m-al/gned, or using f/m or g/rl or similar as pr/fixes or s/ffixes.
n/u : n/u or n/u-al/gned, or using any pr/fix or s/ffix that indicates unal/gnment, andr/gyny, or g/nder n/utrality.
m/lti : al/gning with m/ltiple of the above.
b/sic : g/nders that can typ/cally fall w/thin the g/neral g/nder sp/ctrum.
n/uro : g/nders infl/enced by or c/nnected to neur/diverg/ncy or m/ntal h/alth.
phys : g/nders infl/enced by or c/nnected to disab/lity or phys/cal h/alth.
w/rd : g/nders infl/enced by or c/nnected to phr/ses or w/rds.
w/b : g/nders c/nnected to anything d/gital, techn/log/cal, or int/rnet-re/ated.
an/mal : g/nders infl/enced by or c/nnected to any sort of an/mal.
col/r : g/nders infl/enced by or c/nnected to col/rs.
emot : g/nders infl/enced by or c/nnected to emot/ons.
m/sic : g/nders infl/enced by or c/nnected to m/sic, s/ngs, instr/ments, etc.
med/a : g/nders infl/enced by or c/nnected to any med/a not already included in other t/gs.
th/ng : g/nders ending in the s/ffix “thing”.
b/di : g/nders with the s/ffix “b/diment”, or being the emb/diment of s/mething.
fo/d : g/nders infl/enced by or c/nnected to anyth/ng coms/mable or r/lated to that.
c/te : g/nders infl/enced by or c/nnected to things that are considered c/te or s/ft.
sc/ry : g/nders infl/enced by or c/nnected to things that are considered sc/ry or unsettl/ng.
d/vine : g/nders infl/enced by or c/nnected to anyth/ng rel/ted to div/nity, ang/ls, or th/mes of rel/gion or (un)hol/ness.
ae/ : g/nders infl/uenced by or c/nnected to a sp/cific aesth/tic, sty/e, subc/lture, etc.
em/ji : g/nders infl/enced by or c/nnected to a sp/cific em/ji or comb/nation of em/jis.
fr/ak : g/nders c/nnected to th/mes of being unus/al, un/que, we/rd, off, or “cr/nge”.
gensr : g/nders infl/enced by or c/nnected to ones s/xual or rom/ntic ori/ntation.
xxx : g/nders infl/enced by or c/nnected to potenti/lly m/ture or ad/lt th/mes.
c/nine : g/nders infl/enced by or c/nnected to d/gs or other c/nines.
f/line : g/nders inf/uenced by or c/nnected to c/ts or other f/lines.
h/rror : g/nders inf/uenced by or c/nnected to the h/rror g/nre in some way.
fl/ra : g/nders inf/uenced by or c/nnected to fl/ra, f/ngi, and other gr/enery in n/ture.
aq/a : g/nders influenced by or c/nnected to w/ter and th/ngs that live in it.
bug : g/nders influenced by or c/nnected to any sort of ins/ct or sp/der.
w/rld : g/nders inf/uenced by or c/nnected to other th/ngs in n/ture, such as l/ndscapes, the we/ther, etc.
t/y : g/nders infl/enced by or c/nnected to more “f/n” inan/mate obj/cts, such as pl/shies, d/lls, t/ys, or other such th/ngs.
cl/th : g/nders infl/enced by or c/nnected to sp/cific art/cles of cl/thing or acc/sories.
inan/mate : g/nders infl/enced by or c/nnected to var/ous inan/mate objects not covered above.
act : g/nders infl/enced by or c/nnected to acti/ns or anyth/ng sim/lar, such as car/ers or h/bbies.
g/me : g/nders infl/enced by or c/nnected to any sort of g/mes or ch/racters from them.
l/ve : g/nders infl/enced by or c/nnected to any type of l/ve, affect/on, etc.
s/bst : g/nders infl/enced by or c/nnected to any type of s/bstance (ie c/garettes, alc/hol, w/ed, etc).
m/at : g/nders infl/enced by or c/nnected to m/at, the b/dy in a more v/sceral way (ie b/dy h/rror), g/re, and s/milar th/ngs and th/mes.
str/nge : g/nders infl/enced by or c/nnected to anyth/ng str/nge or offp/tting, such as l/fe and de/th, d/cay, or l/minal sp/ces.
inh/man : g/nders infl/enced by feelings of not being h/man, or h/manity displ/yed in an unn/tural way.
b/ast : g/nders infl/enced by or c/nnected to any s/rt of cr/ature, m/nster, or oth/rwise myst/cal, paran/ormal, or nonex/stent thing.
m/sc : g/nders not fitting any of the above categ/ries.
v/sil : l/bels re/ating to v/sility; s/mething, in some way, affecting an add/tional, m/ny, or all areas of ones ident/ty.
ald/rn : ald/rnic; l/bels for one who w/shes to have featur/es or a b/dy that d/viate from what is exp/cted from n/rmal h/man st/ndard or pr/sentation.
or/ent : any l/bel rel/ting to s/xual, r/mantic, or other or/entations of attr/ction.
alt/rh/man : l/bels rel/ting to ident/fying outside of h/manity, such as alt/rhumanity, nonh/manity, th/rianthrophy, end/lics, etc.
m/ntal : fl/gs, l/bels, or id/ntities r/lating to neur/diverg/ncy, being aut/stic, or a m/ntal illn/ss.
d/sab/lity : fl/gs, l/bels, or id/ntities r/lating to phys/cal d/sability.
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lovphobic · 3 years
this is NOT a discourse soaked post and if u read it that way thats on u. literally. small text so it hopefully wont take up a good portion of the dash
but sometimes it really does become Very Obvious to me that people will go to war over the ar/oac/e identities threatening to kill people or beat up those who invalidate said identities which i mean its great they do need the support
but it's like. i hardly see those kinds of posts for lesbians. and trans people. and bi people. its always like uwu if u are invalidated im going to comfort u im wrapping u in a blanket and giving u comfort food and im so sorry u had to experience that :( it mustve been so awful and it gives me the sads to know u experienced that. u deserve to be comfortable in ur identity
im Not saying either group deserves the others treatment but like. in this Fixed Scenario. why are u willing to go to war for some but not for others. idgi 😭
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vintage-bentley · 2 years
I’m a huge supporter of the LGBTQIA+ community and I’m super queer so I just think it would be so groundbreaking and amazing if same sex couples…hear me out, because this is as controversial as same sex marriage…didn’t feel attracted to each other. 😳
I know all the acephobes and arophobes and queerphobes and gay/bi people are going to be super against this and call me homophobic, but that’s just not true! I love queer people (I physically cannot bring myself to say g*y/l*sbian/b*sexual because terfs use those words) of all kinds!! I read so much mlm fanfic it’s unreal. And that helped me discover that I’m literally a gay man (afab) so I literally can’t be homophobic??? I’m the most supportive you can be because duh I have to support myself lol.
I’m just saying that the cis allo gays have had the spotlight for too long. Like yeah sure beauty and the beast got banned in certain counties because two men danced together for 2 seconds but that doesn’t mean cis allo gays aren’t accepted??? You [homophobic slur of choice] have had so much representation and it’s everyone else’s turn now.
So yeah 👏let the gays not be attracted to each other.👏
If they even think of kissing or having sex that’s going to be so harmful to those on the ~ace/aro spectrum~ so we just shouldn’t have that. It’s kinda gross too like who wants to see two men doing that 😖
We need more queer representation and the best way to do this is to heavily sanitise gay relationships. If you don’t want to do that, consider making one of them a trans man so they can be heterosexual, because then they can have superior straight sex and I’ll feel very represented 🥰
Cis allo gays must reblog but don’t comment because I have had enough of you!!! (Terfs/lesbians DNI)
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agtdalecooper · 7 years
wow i’m just now remembering this. so there’s this one guy on the outskirts of my small friend circle that one time said “well since i’m racist for liking la la land.” i was like “??? who tf said that” and he told me i did when i literally never said that, which led to everyone at the table yelling at me for something i never said and now i just... like lmao i just didn’t really enjoy la la land and now suddenly i’m calling people uhhh racist? ur right, sounds like me
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sapphicwhxre · 4 years
i read fics just as much as i write them so here are some of my favourites. tysmsm for this milestone, i love you all <3 quick note: i didn't re-tag anyone if i recommended more than one of your works because of the tag limit.
───────── girls ─────────
hermione granger
tuesdays - @stupxfy
probably one of my all time favs for hermione. it's just so well written and adorable and fluffy and yes.
if i could tell her - @hellounicorn
pining, pining, PINING. the way these emotions and hermione's described is just... art. perfection. there's a happy ending and it is so worth the build up.
darling dearest - @dracolvr
fluffy goodness. read to be hopelessly in love with hermione ─ which, let's be real, we all are.
november rain - @pansydaisy
uhm i love this one sm. it's so simple but amazing ─ everyone has their days like this and having hermione to cure them? it's what everyone needs.
i need more - @15-dogs
i sobbed the first time i read this. it'll break your heart but it's so amazingly written that it's worth the sadness. actual gut wrenching / mindblowing writing.
how the potter girls react to you in lingerie - @pottersanime
the title. need i say more?
honeyed eyes - @minty-malfoy
HEAVEN. being hermione's first kiss as friend? but both of you idiots liking each other? oh my god, sign me up.
hugging her from behind - @pastanest
again, the title. read to feel 🥺💙
grey days - @pepperimps01
PANSMIONE 😌😌 it's angsty with a happy ending and i love it sm. this does such a perfect job of capturing pansy and hermione's relationship growing and having its ups and downs with just a few paragraphs. honestly so good
grenade - @hellounicorn
another one that'll make your heart shatter. but in the best way. these are the fics i live for where the you can't help but feel like it's really happening to you and hermione and god it's so fucking powerful. underrated writing right here in general. and also pansmione is the loml so it hurts in that way.
honeybees - @pansydaisy
fluffy aesthetic heaven.
lead the way - @teacup-tai
more pansmione but this is pure filthy thinking and satisfies all the sexual tension dreams pansmione shippers have.
two queens in a king sized bed - @shysneeze
domestic christmas morning with hermione and it's angelic.
would you still love me if i turned into a worm? - @minty-malfoy
one of those blurbs i never imagined i'd read or love so much. not to mention it's spot on and adorable.
pansy parkinson
right and wrong - @starrkidmalfoy
a first kiss and the overdone trope that i will never get sick of, the bitch who's soft only for you. the descriptions in this are perfection and the writing is beautiful <3
messed up - @writseo
toxic, messed up love fics will be the death of me. insane how well you captured it all and i just yes damn fucking props.
pansy parkinson imagine - @moonlight-imagines
dating pansy would include - @lotsoffandomimagines
ABSOLUTE POWER COUPLE SHIT and to this day, pansy saying "jealous much?" when being scolded for pda remains iconic.
grey days - @pepperimps01
as i said before: PANSMIONE 😌😌 it's angsty with a happy ending and i love it sm. this does such a perfect job of capturing pansy and hermione's relationship growing and having its ups and downs with just a few paragraphs. honestly so good
new rules - @silversslytherin
excuse me this is immaculate ─ pansy is the best friend and the second you see that she's also the best s/o, you're done for. perfection.
study "dates" - @turning-dreams-into-chaos
the title is self explanatory and this whole thing is fluffy heaven <3
how the potter girls react to you in lingerie - @pottersanime
read the title, thank me later.
lead the way - @teacup-tai
more pansmione but this is pure filthy thinking and satisfies all the sexual tension dreams pansmione shippers have.
traitor - @hufflepuff-writings
a masterpiece where pansy chooses the wrong side in the battle of hogwarts. this ties up so well and the writing is so powerful.
back alley love potions - @a-simple-imagine
this actually hurts but in a beautiful way. watching pansy give draco a love potion is such a fucking concept and this is executed incredibly.
my little bunny - @emmamarie7708
pansy making you do this is so dirty yet she's slightly sweet and i am a sucker for it. god is a woman and her name is pansy fucking parkinson.
pansy parkinson imagine - @moonlight-imagines
i'll let pansy beat people up for me all day. they put me in madame pomfrey's, feel my girlfriend's wrath.
ginny weasley
blissful - @enyastasia
fluffy ginny goodness. the friends to lovers? the amazing kiss? 🥺🥺🥺💞💞 this fic lives in my heart <3
bubble pop electric - @hunnypot-imagines
this is hotter than a lot of actual smut and the chemistry is so... wow. ginny weasley owns me.
dear ginny - @alyssamalfoy
how does this short ass letter manage to make me feel so much. it's sorcery but i don't even care, it's beautiful.
wildflower - @pansydaisy
will i ever get tired of cheeky i love yous? not when loves like ginny weasley and ayli's so so pretty writing exist.
all i want - @hellounicorn
ouch. fuck you harry :) quite possibly the best ginny fic i have ever read. insanely talented writing, i genuinely feel every touch of emotion you put down and you need to know how amazing that is. keep breaking my heart.
linny hcs - @bluebirdlinginthenest
who doesn't need good linny content in their life?
how the potter girls react to you in lingerie - @pottersanime
sexy bitch, fuck me up.
willow - @padmeamiala
ginny is the loml. her brothers can cry about it.
bellatrix lestrange
attempting to bake with bellatrix - @carters-coffee
MY FAVOURITE BELLA FIC ─ there's not enough bellatrix fluff out there but this makes up for the lack of. heaven.
bellatrix prompt - @carters-coffee
this gives me chills. she knows she's a bad bitch and that's what we love about her.
change of plans - @dumb-sbian
why THE FUCK have i not had a rainy morning with bellatrix? she can sleep and mumble something just like this and i'm still head over heels for her.
being tortured as bellatrix's girlfriend - @writings-of-a-british-fangirl
definitely a concept BUT this makes me feel some type of way and i recommend giving it a minute of your time 😌
bellatrix finding out you're a muggleborn - @carters-coffee
the beauty, the nuance omg. this is art.
bellatrix prompt - @carters-coffee
yep jealous bella. trust me, im all yours mommy <3
sex with bellatrix would include - @onegayastronaut
so short but... sign. me. up.
luna lovegood
never leave - @/deactivated
luna smut is hard asf to come by and this is my favourite. it's so luna and the pain over her not knowing, not getting that closure about how you feel until this is an amazing rollercoaster.
she - @hunnypot-imagines
the beauty of falling in love with luna, through this majorly talented writing. ten out of fucking ten. i will not elaborate but there's also majorly good association in this imo.
silver berries and flickering fireflies - @duskgrangers
i love this fic so much. she's so herself and that is why we ✨ simp ✨ and the scene set just sounds so prettyy
how the potter girls react to you in lingerie - @pottersanime
luna + this title? yes please, ma'am i am simping.
would you still love me if i turned into a worm? - @minty-malfoy
put me in your pocket luna. im begging you.
dancing in the rain with luna - @/deactivated
only luna would get you a dress to go dancing in the rain and this is the stuff of blissful, fluffy dreams.
hugging her from behind - @pastanest
short and cute, do me a favour and read it :)
dating luna lovegood would go like - @glossymalfoy
life is NOT worth it if you don't read these cute little headcanons and imagine dating ravenclaw's baddest bitch.
linny hc - @bluebirdlinginthenest
like i said, who doesn't need good linny content?
cho chang
strawberry kisses - @pansydaisy
the only cho fic i've been able to find and it's SO WORTH IT. the cutest, it flows so well, and i absolutely love it. i need this with cho tbh.
fleur delacour
toutes les etoiles - @coffee--writes
im in love with fleur and this amazing writing. and for the first time since i started high school, my three years of taking french feel good for something.
being best friends with fleur would include - @harrypotter-imaginess
not romantic but actually so sweet pls. i want this friendship in my life so bad.
nymphadora tonks
dating nymphadora tonks would include - @imaginesforgirls
dating her + that warm little feeling of bliss that only HCs can give you
taking care of her after the war - @random-imagines-blog
this kind of hurts in that good ass way and i lovee it. they're simple hcs but i feel for tonks so much and then there's that warm lil feeling when you're the one to put her back together aand now my primary life goal is to help this woman heal.
───────── boys ─────────
harry potter
phosphenes - @minty-malfoy
ok shakespeare, the fuck?? this fic will never not get me right in the heart. the angst, holy fuck. and for once, the reader doesn't hurt harry and let draco walk all over them and it's just done so well. the transition from a toxic relationship to a sweet, loving one PLEASE. it's beautiful.
happy memories - @15-dogs
how does this manage to be so. smutty and fluffy at the same time? this is one of those short ones that has lived in my head, rent-free since i read it. and tbh any fic that includes expecto patronum is guaranteed to be good.
come back to me - @wondernimbus
right from the beginning, it's a mess of emotions both good and bad. that kind of good ass writing that hits you in the heart <3
making out with harry potter would include - @badfvith
read this title. done? now thank me later.
harry prompt - @thoseofgreatambition
harry x a sarcastic swooning bitch is an elite trope idc. short and sweet, i'm marrying this fic.
keep your eyes on the prize - @rowema-ravenclaw
first of all, showing harry up and second, pure fluff (and a little steam) right after. i also love how she writes harry in general because he's totally safe/in love with the relationship but still has that awkward lovable shyness and i just... *sighs*
always - @pansydaisy
uhm i will always love him and always reread this a thousand times so its a fit title + a good read.
late night studying - @lumosandnoxwriting
fuck studying, let his hand stay in my shirt. once again recommending fluffy bliss in the form of a short read that makes me feel things <3
would you still love me if i turned into a worm? - @minty-malfoy
he's so stupid. but he still loves you + this is from our resident perfectly talented writer so its a win.
cuddling after a rough quidditch practice - @badfvith
harry james potter is : b a b y
gryffindor's victory - @rowema-ravenclaw
make me gryffindors fucking cheerleader because HOT HOT HOT HOT HOT. AND THE WRITING IS IMMACULATE PLEASE. just read it, you won't regret it.
draco malfoy
silent treatment - @slytherinwh0re
andy's mad talented and this is just... insert a cheesy chefs kiss. unbelievably adorable but so fucking hot and an actually good smut plot (which is rare lmfao). remind me to give draco the silent treatment every time im upset.
rewards - @malfoysstilinski
so hot PLS. hype him up for the match and get your reward, bye. so good.
reading between the lines - @minty-malfoy
i've said this a thousand times but that's what happens when you've got a mad talented mutual BLESSING everyone with beauty like this. butterflies and warm feelings all around when i read this 💓
point of view - @draconisxcaput
its angst for hermione and fluff for you but overall ethereal writing. i am never going to recover from the pure talent that this is.
im not kidding im dying - @malfoysmatrioshka
i hate being sick with a passion but this... this would make it worth it.
hogwarts express - @/deactivated
draco fucking you because he knows harry's watching. the shit of legends and god is it hot.
draco laughing at you because you can't walk after sex - @glossymalfoy
*motions to the title* fluff with this loser 😌
the cheeseburger - @slytherinwh0re
really short read but this is one of those things i just. didn't know i needed. you're missing out and haven't even realised it if you haven't read about introducing him to cheeseburgers. and that ending is so funny/in character to me i fucking love it.
four am - @malfoysstilinski
domestic draco 🥺 but also sad draco 🥺 and then fluffy draco 🥺
hugging him from behind - @pastanest
real short and it'll brighten your day <3
would you still love me if i turned into a worm? - @minty-malfoy
how is it that this is so stupidly adorable. i love it 💘
ron weasley
heather - @hellounicorn
always making me cry with your fics i swearrr. this is a must-read. having someone but them not really being yours is a beautiful trope and this fic absolutely does it wonderful, poetic justice. your angst is addicting.
apple pie - @pregnant-piggy
ABSOLUTE DOMESTIC BLISS I AM IN LOVE. i don't even like kids or baking that much but this made me so soft. the whole cozy, heavenly vibes from this fic yes yes yes.
jealousy - @writeroutoftime
cliché jealousy turns friends to lovers and i am a sucker for it all over again <3
shaking and trembling - @ronsbadidea
if ron doesn't finger fuck me and then make a cheeky comment about it in class later then WHAT IS THE POINT :(
mixed signals - @iamthecabbage
i've always figured ron is this awkward idiot cutie with a crush and yea, this is it.
fred and george weasley
i love you, but you don't - @george-fabian-weasley
fred's a character i really don't read for often but goddamn. it's the saddest, most beautiful mix of rejection and pain and fred desperately caring but not in the way you want him to ─ an angsty masterpiece.
cockwarming george - @roonilwazlibimagines
because of this filthy gem, i one hundred thousand percent believe that he could make me cum without even fucking me and this is just... it's a good fucking read.
would you still love me if i turned into a worm? - @minty-malfoy
their responses are so wonderfully chaotic and adorable and GOD you're missing out if you haven't read these lil blurbs.
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peachchanvidel · 3 years
I'm not sure if the search works similar like twitter, so I obscured some terms for the vent. You know what awaits you in here..
I wish I could follow more AtlA/LoK blogs here or on twitter, but the Ky/aliners and b/utch-Lin and le/sbian-Lin posts are so annoying because you can't avoid them, even with tag-blocking, as they have become USELESS thanks to misuse. Also they take their headcanons to such a level they forget they are HEADCANONS. NOT CANON. NOT EVEN FANON (fanon are things like 'moon tea' in fics for an example...). JUST headcanon. FOR THEM. FOR THEIR BUBBLE. And they can't leave the Linzin tag alone. If it's not about the break-up so it can end up in Pe/mzin and Ky/alin they don't care and talk down on the ship I enjoy A LOT.
I blocked the tag Ky/alin. But you know what happens? Half the posts are invisible now, but more than half of these don't even have anything to do with the ship/one of the characters. The tags some people give it are just crap and you mess the system up. I couldn't see some of my own posts anymore after some people added Kyalin in their reblog as a tag to it, and every person reblogging that post took it with them! It's so ridiculous. Do they know that? Is it on purpose? Do they really think some random Lin art is Ky/alin? Because certainly not.
Ky/alin - Doesn't work for me. At all. You'll not find this here. The closest they'll ever be imo are sister-in-laws and childhood friends (they are 4 years apart, so even here taken with a grain of salt).
Bu/tch Lin - Nope, no appeal to me either. You won't find this here either. (And you really are so sensitive, that you put 'tw' for femme Lin posts and put these under cuts? WTF. You know this could go both ways, but I guess the other side isn't as good as whining and playing victim.) I don't work with these distinctions in general.
'Le/sbian' Lin - She was in a long-term relationship with Tenzin. At least Bi or Pan. Stop taking that from her. I don't want to see that take anymore. Tired of biphobic takes. If you need your headcanons for your weird way of 'representation' do that far far away from me.
I multiship, A LOT, but when smth becomes obnoxious and every time I try again to give it a chance... i hit a 'HELL NO' point, it's sad... I blocked a lot of blogs by now, esp. when the Linzin tag is a warzone thanks to them, instead of a place where the few people shipping them can enjoy their ship. I try to unblock some of them now and then again, because cutting everybody off isn't my thing.. but often enough it's proven to be necessary.
I don't expect others to ship the same things I do, but I have seen so much flaming and awful takes, 'just because', which really are leaving you in such a bad state afterwards... I have no compassion anymore. I just say 'NO' and try to leave it at that, as I really believe everybody should ship what they enjoy the full amount possible.
But I don't get why my ship tag has to be fucked up by other shippers like this... and why I don't see a lot of posts anymore because the ship I blocked is put on unrelated posts over and over... and I have to gamble... click on the button to see or scroll over it.
I never get focusing on what you dislike... worse when you search the tags about what you like and get thrown into everything bad. We do have the discord, yes, but it's still difficult, if you are literally locked in there. On AO3 we need to block ships and authors because of mistagging and spite-fics ("I don't ship them, but write about them now"), on tumblr we need to block blogs and ships, on twitter... so many blogs, esp. from minors.
Will I be ever able to just say 'whatever' and finish all of my Linzin art and upload here and take the Linzin tag back again? Because every time I look into it again I'm scared af.
It's amazing how I was never scared about any of this in the FE3H fandom, here I was simply 'never as good as the others' or 'my ship was too small' but damn, I enjoyed like 99% of the content and the drama was so much easier avoidable. :"D Also.. the AkaYona fandom.. it was never this complicated. It's not like there were never any problems, but the amount of time going into all that disappointment from the tags over and over is flabbergasting... I could have drawn three Linzin fancomics by now. And one would be smut.
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mizjoely · 4 years
Today in “New Ways To Dismiss Molly As A Potential Romantic Interest for Sherlock”
Apparently on Instagram someone tried to use a “she’s a blood relative of Sherlock” argument against Sherlolly??? Let’s add THAT to the list which includes (but probably is not limited to):
She’s pathetic/pitiful (pick your dismissive word) for chasing after a “canonically” g*y man
She’s a repressed l*sbian which is “proven” cause she only goes after g*y men (Jim, Sherlock, Tom - yes THAT Tom, don’t ask me, I don’t write these theories I just report on them)
She’s too mousy (passive, insipid, again, pick your dismissive word)
She’s abusive
She’s a Jawn mirror (which totally works if you believe she’s abusive since Jawn is canonically abusive to Sherlock)
She’s just a stand-in for people who want to f*ck Sherlock
If she WERE a love interest for Sherlock that would be Bad because that would be her only reason for existing and M/F romance on this show is clearly BAD at least if Sherlock or Jawn are involved
She’s only onscreen for 8 minutes (45 but who’s counting and what difference does screen time make, anyway?)
Sherlock thinks of her as “moving wallpaper” (Thanks, Gatiss for THAT gem, if only because it gave us The Wallpaper Conspiracy)
And my personal favorite:
She deserves better (but Jawn ??? doesn’t ??? apparently ???)
Did I miss any?
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actualaster · 5 years
Y’all would lose your damn minds if people went around going “tag all posts talking about g*y/l*sbian people as g-slur/l-slur, it’s triggering to some of us!” and yet none of you bat an eye about telling queer people their very existence is upsetting to you.
Queer has been used as a slur, absolutely, but so the fuck have gay and lesbian.  I, personally, have never seen queer used as a slur but have seen/heard gay used as a slur for years.  I literally remember campaigns to get people to fucking stop using it as a slur.  Do none of y’all remember the “gay doesn’t mean stupid” and “gay is not a slur” campaigns to get people to fuckin’ STOP just calling everything they didn't like “gay” as an insult??  Or are y’all really just too young to remember that?  In which case shut up and stop trying to talk over your elders when they tell you about your own history.
Like fuck off with that nonsense.
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dykeknightrises · 4 years
sooo @daftest-of-dreamers tagged me about a week ago but as a chronic overthinker I've thinking of answers ever since lol here I go
1. Your spirit animal?
I fancy my spirit animal as a wolf or something like that. quite adaptable both in a pack or alone and can handle itself either way
2. Do you play video games and if so, what is your favorite?
tbh I absolutely SUCK at videogames and don't play very often but when I do I like to play either fifa, gta, tomb raider or guitar hero
3. A surprising fact/story you read recently?
I've been reviewing some stuff and my perspective on Nietzsche kinda changed? like I always saw him as an ultimate pessimist but now I can also view him in an different optic, more like toward the "be the better version of yourself", does that count?
4. Your favorite sport to watch?
I absolutely love football as in both soccer and like "american football" (nfl), wrestling, barrel racing and tennis are my favs but I actually watch anything thats on (if anyone feels like recommending a sport feel free to do it)
5. Do you have a quote/motto you live by?
tbh I change quite often but the ones that I carrywith me mostly is the one that my coach tells my everytime before I compete, translates to something like "calmy, focused and without madness" and that one marta said after brazil got eliminated in the wwc "cry in the begining so you can smile in the end" (the one in this video below)
6. Your current obsession (tv show/athlete/artist/pass time)?
currently I'm watching some old wrestling matches since I've started to actually watch it and pay attention to the stories and feuds a bit "late"
7. Favorite thing to do with family?
tbh? anything, from go to the beach, go to the ranch, watch a movie or just hang out
8. Describe your room/apartment
my bedroom window faces the front of the house, it has 2 white walls and 2 orange ones (my cousin calls the tone 'orange paramore' bc of hayley williams' hair), a blue bookshelf, a big desk, a black closet, a bed and my bathroom
9. Favorite thing to cook?
i LOVE to cook pasta, pizza, sweets (especially brigadeiro and pavê, two brazilians desserts) and bake bread
10. Have you realized/discovered something new during the covid pandemic (new thing to do/about society/etc.)?
in the begging I was really optimistic about how we were handling things and that it might end up changing something but now I'm just done and disapointed with people
10 of my questions:
1. how would you describe your personality?
2. do you have any pets? if so pls fill my dash with them
3. do you cheers for any teams?
4. what's your favorite meme?
5. do you play any sports?
6. something that changed your life perspective
7. what's your favorite music, movie or series? (can be more than one)
8. someone/something that inspires you?
9. a historical period you think it's interesting or would like to have lived in?
10. your favorite quote?
tagging: @dumb-sbian @relentlessriott @slutofshakespeare and whoever feels like doing it ;)
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codchrist · 5 years
“I think so. This year has been such a transitional year with WWE that in the process of a lot of things happening like the switch to Fox, NXT going to USA, there’s been so many crazy things going on, part of the planning process of those things is us not having the bandwidth to do a few of the things that we would have liked to have done this year.
“(Evolution) is still on the table, still up in the air as to what will happen and what will go down. I think it might be a little bit on a delay from when we would have liked to have done it, just because there’s only seven days in a week and 24 hours in the day. There’s only so much we can accomplish and have it be done correctly. You don’t want to half-ass it.”
Well at least Triple H is saying that it might happen cause this year really has been crazy like he doesn’t know where to put it
@thirst-n-bullshit @riottbliss @amortentia-on-the-rocks @beckytobanks @le-sbian-ah @aliasocfan @nyianotjax @nylarosey @axelwolf8109 @rxllynch @flawlessglamazon @doggosaults @candicelerae @grandslambaeley
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thepoisonroom · 5 years
shouldve known isbian wasbian asbian lesbian when every game i played as a kid involving dolls and marriage had some kind of symbolic interference with the validity of every straight marriage, ranging from the subtlety of "the wedding ring didnt go all the way down to touch the engagement ring so its not real" to the pushing daisies absurdity of "yeah they kissed but it was through plastic wrap so its not real AND they cant have babies (because kissing makes babies)" like... me@me: okay dyke
honestly i just got distracted by how much the -sbian repetition reminded me of a joke @benverlesbians would make to the point that i interrogated her over dm about whether she sent this message like. maybe y'all should talk sometime
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averyrealman · 6 years
Things I experience daily as a trans dude and that I used to experience as a child— and that you may have experienced too, just in case you’re questioning.
I feel exposed when I’m not wearing my binder. Not just out in public, but with my friends and at home. I can’t comfortably walk around when my chest isn’t flat, and will purposefully hold the bottom of my shirt out to hide the curves of my body— or I won’t leave my room unless I am holding something in front of my chest. Even in my own home, and sometimes even when I’m alone (but not all the time) I am very conscious of the fact that my chest isn’t flat.
When I was much younger and didn’t have a name for what I was feeling (gender dysphoria) and didn’t bind my chest, I would wear baggy clothes, hunch my back, carry my books tight against my collar bones, or in gym I would refuse to run laps unless my arms were crossed over my chest and I quickly noticed I was the only one. I didn’t understand why nobody else was that uncomfortable just feeling them there. Wearing tight fitting clothes again, made me feel exposed. I would constantly wish not for my chest to be smaller, but to be nonexistent. I would wish for awful diseases or even an accident to take them away. Every other person that was assigned my birth gender seemed happy with their chest, so this feeling always confused me. Because I didn’t know there was a name for it. I didn’t know what being transgender was. I didn’t understand why physical exams made me so uncomfortable, or why when I was younger they would make me kick and scream.
While I was trying to present as my birth gender because it was what I was “meant” to do, my hair was long. I hid behind it, not as if it was a security blanket, but as if I was ashamed of the shape of my face and had only my hair to hide behind. I was reserved and quiet. I felt alone, isolated, and like I didn’t “belong” anywhere. Even as a young child I was depressed, moody, and didn’t get along well with others because I simply didn’t want to interact with anyone. I hated school, and I hated being around other children because of that isolated feeling I had. My long hair was an extremely toxic crutch for me and I hid behind it constantly, not realizing that the very thing I was hiding behind was the source of my unhappiness. I was quiet unless I was picked on and would lash out yelling, but for the most part, I wouldn’t really speak. One time for a class project I was asked to tie my hair back and left the room to look in the mirror as I did it. After pulling it back out of my face and into a ponytail, I had an anxiety attack and cried because what I saw in that mirror felt ugly to me, I was embarrassed and I didn’t want people seeing it. But looking back, that wasn’t it. I was never a bad looking kid. It was because what I saw in the mirror was feminine and it caused me greater distress than I could even comprehend at that time.
A good while after that, I finally cut my hair short. The euphoria I experienced was so constant and intense that overnight, I was a totally different person. I went to school loud and confident and beaming, I was no longer quiet or reserved and I was done fighting with my peers or yelling at them. I didn’t cry about there not being long hair covering my face. I went from outcast to class clown the moment my hair was gone. And I always loved that term, class clown, because usually it was a title reserved for boys. I wore it comfortably. For the first time, I was happy.
Shortly after my hair was cut short, a substitute teacher saw me from behind and addressed me as if I was male. He called me sir— and when I turned around, feeling that similar euphoria again, he saw my face and quickly backtracked in an attempt to correct himself. I remember quickly stumbling over my words, mind suddenly racing a mile a minute, and I remember telling him immediately that it was okay and inside my head I remember thinking please don’t say sorry, god, please don’t. I still didn’t know what being trans was. But I knew it felt right, it felt so right and so good and god, why didn’t people make that mistake with me all the time?
I started really questioning my gender from there. I bound my chest with tape or ace bandages (which is not good and I beg you not to do this!) but it’s what lead me to buying my first binder. No bras (I still hate that word) from here on out! I finally felt okay. I dressed wearing the most masculine clothes I could find. I kept my hair short. I got into my first ever relationship with a girl that was in my class, and I came out to her within our first couple months of dating. I remember obsessively watching transitioning videos and thinking I finally felt less alone. I finally had a word for what I was feeling. I finally understood why I hated people asking me if I was a l*sbian, or gay or— telling me I was pretty. Finally, I knew there were people with similar experiences to me. I wasn’t alone. And I certainly wasn’t broken. I was trans, and to this day it is such an amazing, frankly sometimes awful thing! The road to self discovery is difficult but so rewarding, and I am so happy to have found myself.
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gourmetmilkshake · 6 years
okay so my sister has this research project for school and shes 10 and she said she wanted to do her project on f/minism. they were doing online research in class and her teacher wrote my mom an email saying she'd seen my sister looking up 'l/sbian f/minism' and 'just thought she'd like to know.' my first thought is who the hell snitches on a kid like that? could you imagine if my mom wasn't like, a social worker and decided to do something violent to my 10yo sister instead? i was really upset that the teacher did that! when i was 10 i lived with my dad and mom and i know if my parents got that email i would have gotten beaten by my dad. like why on earth would you tell parents? it's literally a harmless search. my sister watches andi mack and reads graphic novels with gay characters, so like obv she isnt diving into some unknown info... i dont know i was just really irked
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la-paritalienne · 6 years
Hi Eve, it's me, Nathalie! haha New underground l*sbian slang blog name! I would like to ask you the windflower question. I better be in that list HAHA Just kidding! (Harry face with huge evil grin with tray of cupcakes in front of him, you know the one) Nice to hear you had such a relaxing morning! Love, Nathalie
ahhhh love the new url! and the question is lovelyyy
windflower: list 5 of your favorite blogs and explain why i like them
weeeeell clearly @kissing-fish because of the great aesthetic, super sweet posts about your son (the tag ‘this reminds me of my son’ is the most adorable) and because you’re an incredibly inspiring woman and supportive friend. now with a brand new url! 
@t-ranquillement bc it’s the neatest, most perfectly color coded and aesthetically pleasing blog you could find. also one of my best friends! 
@catharinethegreat a+ content, the perfect mix of fashion, gorgeous ladies, great food, beautiful place. a dear friend too although it’s been a while since we’ve properly spoken! 
@solounabarca my wifey whose blog is the most relatable random mix of fandoms, lesbianism, female presenting nipples, great taste in music and style
@lana-del-creys my kind of content & bonus points for an amazing url! 
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