#it’s a maneskin one from their song coraline
larriescompass · 6 months
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also got a new tattoo 🤭 i’m obsessed with her
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Steddie 2023 Music List collab
2023 is almost here and with that, I propose something for all of us Steddie lovers.
Please post a single song that you associate with Steddie and tag me/reblog this post so I can see it and add it to the Spotify playlist.
Include the lyrics and your reasoning, why do you see them in the song? Feel free to include a small drabble, a full fic, a fanart, a Christmas sweater, I don't care. The only requirements are 1 person 1 song and the post with reasoning. Let us see what you see in the song. Share your Steddie vision.
Let's build the ultimate Steddie music list together. All music genres are welcome, all headcanons, all versions (happy ending Steddie, one-sided, pining, AUs...).
Please tag as many people as you want and forward this, the more the merrier! I will try to update this list as much as possible with the links to your posts. And if you find the link to your post missing, please DM me, I will fix it ASAP!
The playlist is HERE!
Tagging my moots and people I follow to get this show started (the usual no pressure if you don't want to thingy here) @unclewaynemunson @strawberryspence @steveshairychest @willowworkswithwords @thefreakandthehair @thelastwalkingsoul @skeliiix @stevesbipanic @steviesbicrisis @henrystars @yournowheregirl @henderdads @frankenstein-ate-my-left-shoe @sidekick-hero @legitcookie @hoples (gimme that November Rain, I know you want to!) and anyone who wants to join, if I left you out I just forgot because I'm rushing to post this while I remember, I still love you all!
Oh and by the way. YOU DON'T NEED TO BE WRITERS/ARTISTS. You can just love the ship and that's it. *smooch*
If you want a tag, it's Steddie2023MusicList.
EDIT: I very much appreciate all the song comments/reblogs, but please create a post with the reasoning and tag me so I can add your song/reason to the list! It's not just a set of songs, but also the reasons why you chose them! I can't link comments so please, create posts, not just tags or comments. Thank you!
List of songs and posts under the cut:
@undreaming-fanfiction: Meat Loaf - All of Me
@daysarestranger: Journey - Faithfully
@steveshairychest: Chance Peña - In My Room
@frankenstein-ate-my-left-shoe: The Chordettes - Eddie My Love
@asbealthgn: Ludo - The Horror Of Our Love
@reignofdreams: Adam Lambert - Whataya Want From Me
@hoples: Guns N' Roses - November Rain
@goddess-of-the-donut: Taylor Swift - Invisible String
@henderdads: Alex & Sierra - Little Do You Know
@mira-jadeamethyst: Beth Crowley - The Dark
@cinnamon-mushroomabomination: ABBA - Super Trouper
@steviesbicrisis: Maneskin - Coraline
@rogueangelshunter: Jóhan Jóhansson - Mandy Love Theme
@willowworkswithwords: Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young - Almost Cut My Hair
@yellowsweater-bluevest: Cuarteto de nos - El innombrable
@sidekick-hero: Mehro - Chance With You
@lenythepillow: The Smiths - There Is A Light That Never Goes Out
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gabihime-jegulusseeker · 11 months
marauders x maneskin songs
Regulus & James
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(specific parts for each one of them):
È una bambina però sente come un peso
E prima o poi si spezzerà
La gente dirà, "Non vale niente"
Non riesce neanche a uscire da una misera porta
( She's just a kid, but she feels something weighing on her
And sooner or later she'll break
And people will say "she's worth nothing
She can't even walk out of a miserable door")
Ma Coraline non vuole mangiare, no
Sì, Coraline vorrebbe sparire
E Coraline piange
Coraline ha l'ansia
Coraline vuole il mare ma ha paura dell'acqua
E forse il mare è dentro di lei
(But Coraline doesn't want to eat, no
Yes, Coraline would rather disappear
And Coraline cries
Coraline has anxiety
Coraline is longing for the sea, but is afraid of the water
And maybe the sea is inside her)
Coraline bella come il sole
Guerriera dal cuore zelante
Capelli come rose rosse
Preziosi quei fili di rame, amore, portali da me
Se senti campane cantare
Vedrai Coraline che piange
Che prende il dolore degli altri
E poi lo porta dentro lei
(Coraline, as beautiful as the sun
Warrior with a zealous heart
Hair like red roses
Those precious copper strings, my love, bring them to me
If you hear bells singing
You'll see Coraline crying
Taking in other people's pain
And then carry it within her)
Sarò il fuoco ed il freddo
Riparo d'inverno
Sarò ciò che respiri
Capirò cos'hai dentro
E sarò l'acqua da bere
Il significato del bene
Sarò anche un soldato
O la luce di sera
E in cambio non chiedo niente
Soltanto un sorriso
Ogni tua piccola lacrima è oceano sopra al mio viso
E in cambio non chiedo niente
Solo un po' di tempo
Sarò vessillo, scudo
O la tua spada d'argento
(I'll be the fire and the cold
A winter shelter
I'll be what you breathe
I'll understand what you hold inside
And I'll be the water you drink
The meaning of good
I'll even be a soldier
Or a light in the evening
I ask for nothing in return
Just a smile
Every little tear of yours is an ocean on my face
And I ask for nothing in return
Just a little time
I'll be a battle banner, a shield
Or your silver sword)
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specific parts translation:
I hear a thousand voices speaking, but I don't hear what they're saying
I look in the mirror and I imagine to be in a circus
On a merry-go-round of happiness and I don't want to get off of it
Even if I'm not having fun anymore
Sometimes I feel like a miracle and sometimes ridiculous
Then I lose my mind in a second, but don't go tell it around
I'm out of myself
I've been preparing my waltz with the devil
Since I was a child
You can call me crazy, bastard, insane
I'll toast over it with wine
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I’m only 20 Therefore don’t be surprised if I make drama from nothing I’m afraid of leaving only money to the world For my name to disappear between those of all the others But I’m only 20 And I already ask forgiveness for the mistakes that I committed But the road is tougher when you’re aiming for the sky So choose the things that are really important Choose love or diamonds Demons or saints
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Marlena, win over this evening Take everything that you might need and be sincere Open the sail, come on, travel lightly Show beauty to this people
Marlena, win over this night Strip black Take everything that you might need and be sincere Open the sail Come on, travel lightly Show beauty to this people and I
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They don't know what I'm talking about Clothes are dirty, bro, of mud Cig's yellow in between the fingers I'm walking with a cig Pardon me, but I really do believe That I can make this jump And even if the street is uphill I'm training for this now
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howtotrainyourrei · 7 months
anywho here are maneskins albums ranked according to which ones i like best, if you're also into them i would love to hear your thoughts (this is also LONG AS FUCK)
this was the first one i listened to, i dont even remember why, i vaguely remember thinking of beggin' and being like,, omg i remember that song, i wonder if they have any good albums. so i googled which maneskin album was best and MY LIFE WAS TRANSFORMED. every single song on this album is such a banger there are no skips, like usually on albums i like there are at least a couple songs where i'm like,, ehhh could be better. NOT HERE. idk which song is my favourite i think it's a tie between IWBYS, coraline, zitti e buoni, and vent'anni (literally that is half of the album, that's how good it is).
anyway i love love love the hard rock sound, but it's also not just that, like there is so much variation but it's all very cohesive. maneskin is known for their unique sound so that makes sense but my mind is still sort of boggled. it has like some harder songs but they all feel emotional?? i dont even speak italian but without even looking up the translation i almost cried from coraline because it was so beautiful. and vent'anni is ON ANOTHER LEVEL. IT IS THE PERFECT SONG TO END AN ALBUM WITH. it like combines all the ideas of the album into one song, it has hard rock elements but it still almost feels like a ballad.? GOD I LOVE THIS ALBUM. i think it might be my second fabourite album of all time now,,, it's just actually perfect. i think it's the best album i've heard in 2024. FUCK ITS SO GOOD.
GOD GOD GODDDDD THIS ALBUM. this is a totally different sound to any of their other albums. it's also LITERALLY DOUBLE THE LENGTH OF THEIR PREVIOUS LONGEST ALBUM (il ballo della vita, which is 34 minutes) WHICH MEANS THIS ALBUM HAS ONE HOUR AND EIGHT MINUTES OF MUSIC. TEATRO D'IRA ONLY HAS 30 MINUTES!!!! YOU DONT UNDERSTAND THIS IS REVOLUTIONARY. okay so this album was at first released just as RUSH! with five less songs, but apparently as they continued touring and stuff they felt they had more to say so they added more songs (correct me if i'm wrong but i think this is what happened). I AM OBSESSED WITH THIS ALBUM, IT IS ONCE AGAIN VERY GENIUS. the songs are almosr completely english. i really love their italian songs, but they have always wanted to write in english so i understand why they're moving back to english.
SO!! this album is so good, it has a lot of extra depth that none of their previous albums had (musically),, except for maybe il ballo della vita. like in teatro d'ira it's basically just bass, guitar, drums, vocals, and tambourine. there might be a couple other instruments but the reason that album is so strong is because of the foundation and stuff. but with rush! there is not only a strong foundation but they also had so many types of songs!!!! there were ballads, there were harder songs, but there were also weird songs like bla bla bla and kool kids. i really LOVE kool kids, i love the punk sound. i think my favourite songs are HONEY (ARE U COMING), off my face, gossip, timezone, baby said, feel, and mammamia but EVERY SONG IS SO GOOD. just like the prev albums THERE ARE NO SKIPS!! that is so crazy for me because even with my one love (david bowie's ziggy stardust and the whatever lol) there is one skip, and måneskin has THREE ALBUMS WITH NO SONGS I WANT TO SKIP. THIS IS SO RARE FOR ME YOU DONT UNDERSTAND. i got off track there back to rush. this album is, also, SO COHESIVE. despite all the different styles they try it all fits together so well, it's such a magical experience to listen to this album. okay so this album was going to be number three on this list but i'm going to switch it now bc im currently listening to it and writing this is sort of changing my mind lol, ITS SO GODDAMN GOOD. tbh i would say this album is equally aa good as teatro d'ira but i have a sentimental attachment to teatro already lol and it's also more my usual style of music.
3. Chosen (this is an ep but whatever)
so this was their first album thing they ever released, it's mostly covers but there are two originals which are the first two songs. the originals are SO GOOD expecially for being some of the first music they ever released????? im obsessed with chosen (the song), i really REALLY love the line "this is not music, this is my life, this is what i live for." IT FEELS SO TRUE BC THATS HOW I FEEL ABOUT MUSIC (i literally do not make music i just like it lol but its like an important part of my life idfk but this line just hits hard) anyway i think the reason i like this album sm is because it's a lot more lighthearted?? i really like the style of their music, how it all feels connected even though it's mostly covers. also i think i like this album so much too because i found this english translation where they competed on x factor and most of these songs were there (if anyone wants the link lmk).
my favourite song by far tho is SOMEBODY TOLD ME. GOD FUCKING DAMN THEY EXECUTED THAT SONG SO WELL. and their FUCKING PERFORMANCE on x factor that went with it was SO GODDAMN GOOD. i love watching choreography and stuff, its my fucking jam, but i dont usually feel actual emotions about it?? like obviously it was very attractive, damiano is stunning, but also it was just so gorgeous..?? i felt real emotions watching that one performance, it was so good. im going to put the link at the bottom of the post bc GOOD LORD. god that was a brilliant performance. anyway i just love the sound of this ep, it's very raw and i really love that it was when they were first starting out,,
also the goofy little intros on both of the original songs on these albums are SO FUNNY why did he do that
4. Il ballo della vita
we've reached the final album :(((( i honestly feel bad for putting it at the end, but the reason it's all the way down here is because there's actually a couple songs i don't love, so i'll say those first. the first one is immortale. i cant tell if its a bad song or not, but i think its good, i just personally dont love it lol. but the other one is "are you ready?" this song is not even that bad it's just kind of goofy, but once again, it's not my usual style of music and it's not something i think i would listen to if it wasn't maneskin.
okay now we can get into WHAT I LIKE!!!! WHICH IS LITERALLY THE REST OF THE ALBUM. this album's style is very similar actually to the chosen ep, except it's all originals, and it's also VERY EXPERIMENTAL. i love love LOVEEEE that. like you can tell this is their first lp by how many different things they try. they're finding their style BUT IT STILL REMAINS EXTREMELY IDENTIFIABLE. on x factor their little music coach guy kept emphasising that when the other judges commented on how maneskin should try different styles and saying that its more important to be recognisable, but MANESKIN DID BOTH!! they tried so many tyoes of songs with different structures and stuff, but they also remained maneskin. obviously damiano's vocals are a huge part in that, he has a distinct af voice, but it's also the other instruments, i particularly noticed vic's bass, and i love LOVE thomas's riffs OMG. this isn't even just on this album. i dont play guitar so i have no idea if he's technically skilled (i think he is???) but i LOVE HIS STYLE AND THE CLASSIC MANESKIN RIFFS OMGGGGG. anyway tho the reason this album is so good bc it has so much variation, although i would say it's not as cohesive as the other albums, even chosen. my favourite songs tho are definitely torna a casa, fear for nobody, and close to the top. torna a case is a BEAUTIFUL ballad. it's brilliant and amazing,, i LOVE that song.
also, they made a documentary about the making of this album which was so so interesting. it was very real, and you kind of get an insight into their dynamic as a band, which was just so SHAJAISISI. but it definitely made me appreciate this album more when i could actually get a look into its production. anyway listen to torna a casa it's gorgeous.
OKAY!!! this was so fun to write actually, i doubt anyone is going to read it because it's so goddamn long but if you did i am kissing you on the lips. here is the promised link to their performance of somebody told me by the killers covered by måneskin https://youtu.be/ADcTUnUJnGs?si=3Iht9sLZn2ZRbuAW
seriously, this band is so good. i'm obsessed with them yeah but they're honestly revolutionary. not only are they basically the only world famous italian band (that i know of at least?? lmk if there are any), but they do so many INTERESTING THINGS. i have been SEARCHING for a modern band who takes old music, particularly 70s bc that's what i'm into, and takes inspiration from it but still makes something original. they are doing so much for music nowadays, obviously there are lots of amazing modern rock bands, but the fact that maneskin is SO popular is crazy to me, it makes me so so happy. and not only that, it's also so amazing that there are two queer band members (vic and ethan) who (especially victoria) talk about being queer. they also act very modest in interviews and stuff, which i really appreciate, and they're all very well-spoken and good at communicating their thoughts even though it's in a second language, which can be SO FRUSTRATING sometimes bc you know what you want to say but it can be so hard in a second language. they are just very eloquent and they act very wonderful (i say "act" and "seem" bc i understand it's a parasocial relationship lol, they could all be assholes, but they seem very, VERY genuine). they all impress me a lot and i am so excited to see what they do next.
damn this is so long im sorry but i had to say this I AM OBSESSED WITH THESE GUYS, maybe if you're also into maneskin or want to get into them you could dm me to talk about them........??..?🥺🥺
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keijoikawa · 5 months
hi honeybun !!! i know i’m a bit late but i’m here for the ask game :>> i wanna hear abt 💎🧸 for avenlexi and aletio if that’s okay!!!! ^_^
haihai mister bladie’s wife ! u r not late u know i’ve not long woke up c:
what is your f/o’s preferred love language?
avenlexi… ♡
avennie is like the whole kit sometimes… but the ones that stand out are gifts, physical touch + words of affirmation !! he very much likes to buy me gifts and stuff if i get remotely upset (he calls it “spoiling” sigh..) but whenever he is at home, close to me - or maybe he seeks me out to be close to me, - it’s very much physical touch for us both where we don’t want to let the other go. we’re both riddled with abandonment issues so it’s like somehow we are always touching as reassurance. which then leads into words of affirmation… he’s a biiiig sucker for that one c:
aletio… ♡
veritas isn’t fond of expressing himself a lot of the time and intelligentsia guild members are often surprised to find out we’re engaged :c i figure they suspect someone like him wouldn’t get this far romantically. but his love languages are very much acts of service and quality time !! veri is stubborn and won’t actually say i love you that often but he will drape a blanket over me while i’m reading, he’ll carry me to bed when i’ve fell asleep on the couch and there’s always watermelon cut up into chunks in the fridge. when we’re both free from research is typically when quality time comes out more !!
what is a song that reminds of your f/o anytime you hear it?
avenlexi… ♡
for avenlexi: national anthem by lana del ray but in general: sun bleached files by ethel cain c:
aletio… ♡
for aletio: coraline by maneskin but in general: touch-tone telephone by lemon demon c:
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otterspond · 2 years
Tag game
Tag game!
I havent done one of these since my conan gray twitter stan days so thank you @phoenixkaptain  for tagging me :)))
I was tagged by @phoenixkaptain to answer these questions and then tag nine people you want to get to know better.
1. Three ships: currently not super into romantic ships but I always have wolfstar in my heart. other than that, platonic obi-wan/cody, and I've been really loving found family! ahsoka/rex
(i know those aren't ships im sorrryyyy lmao)
2. First ship: solangelo all the way, they were the first and only public fanfic I ever wrote
3. Last song listened: Coraline by Maneskin
4. Last movie watched: Attack of the Clones
5. Currently watching: The Clone Wars
6. Currently reading: On Earth We're Breifly Gorgeous by Ocean Vuong (everyone should read it its insanely beautiful it will make you cry but u wont understand why you're crying it brilliant)
7. Currently consuming: pacfic punch monster energy
8. Currently craving: the sushi from my home country that I haven't had in years
ok im gonna tag some ppl but I don't really follow many ppl plus im intimidated easily so it's less than nine
Don’t feel pressured :)
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stillqueerstillhere · 2 years
so @pranrakul (thanks for tagging me 💛) has too many playlists with few song and i have no playlist and just save all to my liked songs, so this was the 10 shuffle from almost 800 songs :)
madalena - elis regina (if you're gonna check one brazilian artist let it be elis regina, she is an icon and her voice is out of this world amazing)
dona cila - maria gadú (this song was written by the artist for her gradma after she passed away so you can be sure that i cry every time i listen to it)
palace - hayley kiyoko (because you have to listen to lesbian jesus at listen once a day, right?)
coraline - maneskin (this might be my favorite maneskin song actually)
fica tudo bem - silva e anitta (i listened to so much silva in lockdown im surprised i haven't gotten sick of it, but this song is just so relaxing and comforting)
all start - nando reis (another classic brazilian song, listened to this one a lot as a teenager so there is a lot of nostalgia too)
corrida de jangada - elis regina (im following the rules and not skipping so there is another song from the queen ✌🏻)
shiny happy people - r.e.m. (my brother would call this "old ppl music" but i love the guitar in this one)
favorite crime - olivia rodrigo (don't know what magic she put on her album but i let it on repeat for like a month and never got tired of it)
kanye west da bahia - baco exu do blues, deekaptz, bibi caetano (this whole album is incredible, but this song is my favorite because of bibi's part)
tagging @nongnaos, @kiss-your-eclipse, @omarandjohnny and @vegasandhishedgehog <3333
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florxtta · 11 months
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jessnotfoundd · 2 years
Holy shit- you are so cool !! And about Maneskin, I’ve thought about getting into their music, do you have any songs you recommend ??
I love you too and make sure you get some water and eat something too !! I hope you’re doing well and have a good day/night !! You don’t have to answer this if you aren’t comfortable, but what time zone are you in ? I’m in MST, so it’s 12pm, almost 1pm for me !
You are so cool too!!!!!
I love all songs from them, m favorite song is L'altra dimensione and I guess just fits my vibe so well hahaha. But yeah, I recommend you that song and any song actually, I'll give you my top 3:
L'altra dimensione.
Vengo della luna.
Are you ready? (I add this one 'cause it's in English haha)
About the time zone, where currently I am in South America with my family for vacation and here it's (4pm).
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No One Will Hurt You Again
Relationship: Charles Xavier/Erik Lehnsherr
Warnings: implied smut, trauma, smoking, alcohol, antisemitism, language, canon typical violence
Summary: Charles finds a mutant wrecking havoc at Miami because he's thirsty for revenge. So, he adopts him. (X-Men: First Class retelling but with Maneskin lyrics)
Notes: part of Lu Creative Time Challenge, song of choice is Coraline by Maneskin. Regarding Loki and Two Kings And One Guard, I don't know when I will finish it and go back to writing Loki, but I will see what I can do.
read on AO3
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After Erik's interrogation was done, the CIA agreed with Charles' wish to keep him on the mutant team with a ground total of 3 people. The director told them they'd stay in a motel for the night. Moira and the others still distrust Erik, so Charles offered to take a room with him, insisting that he can keep a close eye on him. He didn't lie, but he didn't clarify what eye he'd be keeping.
Italian: Coraline bella come il sole / Guerriera dal cuore zelante / Capelli come rose rosse / Preziosi quei fili di rame, amore, portali da me
English: Coraline beautiful like the sun / A warrior with a zealous heart / Hair like red roses / Those copper-like wires, love, give them to me
The cheap motel room (possibly to avoid suspicion) only has one king-sized bed and no couch or even armchair. Charles freezes, taking turns staring at the bed and at Erik.
“Should I ask if we can get another room? One with two beds?” he asks. He might know basically all about Erik, but that's not mutual, there's no guarantee he'll be comfortable sleeping with a stranger. Instead, Erik glares at him like the suggestion was the worst of insults.
“Why are you asking?” he growls, like he's expecting disgust but is still willing to fight it. Charles needs a second to decode why Erik would snap, and his eyes widen when he realizes.
“No, no, no issue with you. But, we don't know each other…” he trails off, trying to save something. Erik's stance relaxes slightly, the furious fire in his steel cold eyes toning down but not disappearing.
“One night won't kill us, and I trust you are not stupid enough to attempt anything,” he shrugs, kicking off his boots and claiming one side of the bed. Charles sits on the edge, focused on untying his shoes, peeling off his clothes until he's left with a shirt and pants, and hesitantly gets in the bed.
Of course, Erik just lies on his back, head turned away from Charles and to the door, his breathing slow and steady as he sleeps. Unaware that Charles can't take his eyes off him, his lean yet firm body, the soft curls of his auburn hair that the moonlight allows Charles to see.
Erik's not like Charles. He's not a telepath. How could he know? How could he know that he's not the only gay man in the motel room, that Charles's dreams that night were filled with that skilled body, that soft voice, that beautiful copper hair? And how could Charles tell him?
Charles is famished, so he just drags Erik to the closest restaurant and sits down. Erik doesn't even bat an eye, it's not the first time since they started recruiting, and he knows that Charles' telepathy is making him need more calories than a baseline human. And, to be honest, Charles is not the only one who requires a bit more to manifest his powers properly.
Italian: Se senti campane cantare / Vedrai Coraline che piange / Che prende il dolore degli altri / E poi lo porta dentro lei
English: if you hear bells singing / You'll see Coraline crying / Taking the pain of others / Carrying it inside of her
When they receive the menu, Charles smirks slightly at Erik's surprise.
“You will let me order for you,” Erik orders, his voice having that tone that's excluding no from the acceptable answers. Charles nods and watches Erik inspect the menu and then order what sounds like enough food for five people, not a single word familiar to Charles' ears.
“Please don't poison me,” Charles mumbles after the waiter leaves with the menus. Erik shakes his head, a playful smile on his lips as he takes off the leather jacket that has become an extension of his skin despite the heatwave.
“Why would I poison the only tolerable person on the planet?” he snorts and watches Charles laugh at the reaction. Then, they sit in silence, both enjoying Erik's ease with the place, like he finally found where he can breathe. Just because he happened to be dragged to a Jewish owned restaurant during Charles' crusade for food.
“Can I ask you something?” Charles hesitates, he doesn't want to spoil Erik's mood. It's the first time he sees him so unguarded, and it'd be a shame to ruin it. Erik shrugs, waiting. “How long has it been since you last ate what you ordered?” he watches carefully for a negative reaction, but it never comes.
Charles knows that Erik has stopped believing. It's something he found out when he searched his mind that night with the submarine. And, by his refusal to cook anything other than fried eggs and pasta, he knows that his cooking skills are barely existent. Yet, he asks.
“Oh, well…” Erik mutters, trying to remember. His memory is usually better than most, so that's not a good indicator. “Since I was… 8-ish? It was harder for my mother to find ingredients after we fled after Kristallnacht, and I never really learned how to cook on my own,” he doesn't sound upset, not really. But Charles knows that the low hum of his mind is the same grief as every time he mentions his mother, his life before Shaw or the camp.
Erik keeps that hum as private as he can, letting it slip only whenever he thinks Charles is asleep, well after midnight. And Charles knows how to identify that hum only because he searched Erik's mind. But Erik is now letting that hum play, in a public place. Charles doesn't see the angry man everyone sees right now, just someone deprived of comfort, and he's willing to deliver.
“Then, I am sure you'll enjoy them,” he smiles, his eyes gleaming when he notices Erik's smirk, the hum getting more quiet. They're quick to fall into a familiar trance, sharing a comfortable silence that's interrupted only by judging the bystanders.
All until the food arrives.
Erik likes to present himself as a cynical man, someone untouched by whatever happened to him and whatever happens to people around him. He's exceptionally good at this, so good that even he believes it to be true. But after that night in the dock in Miami, Charles knows that he's the exact opposite. If he hadn't been in his mind, he'd also believe what everyone else does, that Erik is cold and emotionless.
And if he did, watching him stay frozen at the sight of the full of food dishes would be completely unexpected. But he knows better.
“Erik?” he asks, his voice low as he tries to not startle him. Erik still tenses for a split second, the dull knife on his right turning towards Charles. He shakes his head, tries to speak, but stays with his mouth agape before forcing it shut. One hand goes to his face, tries to rub off something from his eyes, Charles needs time to realize he’s wiping tears.
“Pardon me…” Erik's voice is barely audible as he gets up and escapes to the bathroom. Everything inside Charles screams at him to follow, to make sure Erik's okay, not alone, anything. But he knows that Erik doesn't exactly welcome emotional support, that he'll just go elsewhere until he recomposes himself.
The food is cold when Erik returns, untouched, even though Charles' body begs for food. He still manages to eat most of the table, Erik nibbling from here and there between taunts at how nothing will disappear if Charles breathes between bites. But Erik's voice is deeper, tinted with that sadness the low hum indicates, and his mood won't lift until the next morning.
“You can read me whenever you feel like it, you're always welcome,” Erik says, still coming down from the high, pressing Charles' naked back against his bare chest. His voice is a murmur, easier to feel than to listen. Charles's head isn't in a better state, he doesn't question. And even if he did, Erik would be asleep before he could answer.
Italian: Però lei sa la verità / Non è per tutti andare avanti / Con il cuore che è diviso in due metà, / È freddo già. / È una bambina però sente come un peso / E prima o poi si spezzerà
English: But she knows the truth / Not everyone can carry on / With their heart split in two / And it's cold already / She's a child, but she feels a weight / And sooner or later she'll break
He still meant it. Never offended or scared as Charles brushes through his thoughts. They would stay silent together, their minds mixed into one, like colors during a sunrise. One would use the link instead of speaking, either for privacy or because he didn't dare break the silence.
And Charles loves Erik's mind. It shines among the others like a diamond among gravel, attracting his telepathy like the most powerful magnet. He doesn't know if it's part of Erik's mutation or just the way he is, but there's no complaint. There's a pleasant mix of everything in Erik's mind, like a busy but cozy room. A harmony of languages, memories, ideas, and emotions, all one intertwining with the other as if threads of a luxurious piece of fabric.
But Erik's mind is not always the best place to be.
Charles's telepathy can sense trauma, spot it with ease. In most minds, it's like a flood of memories and feelings, threatening to tear apart everything with the most simple tap. Erik's mind is unique even in that way. It's not a flood, never a flood. Not even when he is overwhelmed or upset. It's like a pipe with a small leak, drop after drop hitting his mind, the erosion slowly doing its work but never stopping.
Charles is welcome in Erik's mind, but Erik still has areas that are restricted, protected by walls, areas the erosion has affected. Charles doesn't mess with the walls, averts his attention whenever he gets close, and he knows that Erik avoids these places as well.
Only a few times they touched these areas, when Charles was keeping the link while they were both tired and drunk in their motel room. At that moment, the walls were thin, and Charles's presence in Erik's mind was the tap to break them down.
Within moments, both men were reduced to hyperventilating messes, clenching onto one another like their lives depend on it. They tried to soothe each other, Charles apologizing for messing with his mind and Erik insisting that it's just a memory, that he knows how to handle it, but it's something new for Charles. They'll need almost two hours and five packs of cigarettes to manage to calm down relatively, but sleep is long forgotten.
Charles is still invited in Erik's mind, but he knows to keep the walls at arm's length.
Charles is reading in the leisure area on the base, enjoying the few moments of privacy. Until Moira comes in.
Italian: E la gente dirà: "Non vale niente / Non riesce neanche a uscire da una misera porta" / Ma un giorno, una volta, lei ci riuscirà
English: And people will say: “she's worth nothing / She can't even walk out of one stupid door” / But one day, some day, she'll do it
“We need to talk about Erik,” she drags a chair right in front of Charles, stubbornly sitting in.
“If it's about the leftover incident, he said your food is, and I quote, so unseasoned she could be eating paper and never know unless she started farting confetti, so I doubt he'll steal from you again,” Charles tilts his head, book closed on his lap.
“He is a liability, he won't hesitate to go rogue upon seeing Shaw,” she informs Charles, her eyes scanning him. “And we don't know if he's in position to help,” she adds, hesitant. Charles needs just one glance in her mind to find what made her suddenly so unsure about Erik.
The CIA has files on everyone, Erik Included. She opened it, found out about Erik's history with Shaw.
“I assure you, Moira. Erik is dedicated to stopping Shaw, powerful enough to do so and in his right mind,” he smiles, trying to brush off her concern without using his power. She doesn't seem to listen.
“Charles, he was in a camp! He met Shaw there! You can't possibly think it's a good idea to have him involved,” she insists, more upset about the information she received than about the strategy. Charles pauses for a bit, tries to think of his next move.
“I hope that you understand that this means that Erik is the one insisting on this, not that he is not in the state to confront Shaw,” Charles leans forward, smiling as Moira's mouth is agape.
“You can't possibly trust him! He's…” she trails off, and everything clicks.
“I think, if you have any argument about Erik's presence, he should be present to listen to your criticism,” he points out, watching Moira's blood leave her face. “Unless, of course, you know he'll be angry at your ideas, and for a good reason,” he smirks as the woman stays speechless.
“Listen to me well, Moira. You could drop the Shaw case, and so could I. Erik will either kill Shaw or die trying. On this mission, he is the most rigid of us, the most likely to take this to the end. And, if your bigotry gets in our way, I'll have him informed, and I assure you, he has no mercy for people like you and I have no reason to put some on his head. So, either you keep those words to yourself and assist us in stopping Shaw, or we continue without you, and I leave you unprotected to Erik's will. Do we have an understanding?” he watches satisfied as Moira struggles to find words, as she glances at the door, waiting for Erik to storm in.
“He will die trying,” she whispers, her confidence gone. At this, Charles chuckles.
“It's more possible for the sun to rise from the West,” he knows very well that his smile as he forms the words isn't because he won the argument.
No one is up at that hour. Moira and the rest of the kids have long fallen asleep. But Charles still feels the buzz of a mind keeping him up. When he realizes that the mind will just not shut up, he takes matters into his own hands.
Italian: E ho detto a Coraline che può crescere / Prendere le sue cose e poi partire / Ma sente un mostro che la tiene in gabbia / Che le ricopre la strada di mine
English: And I tell Coraline she can grow up / Take her things and then leave / But she feels a monster caging her / And covering her path with mine
He doesn't need to wander around, but he does have to look up at the roof to spot Erik sitting on the roof tiles and gazing at the woods.
«I suppose you are not looking for company, right?» Charles asks, his eyes on Erik as he drifts his gaze from the horizon to the balcony, to Charles.
«This doesn't mean you should go,» he pushes the thought away, a faint smile barely visible in the dark. Charles smiles back, swiftly climbs up until he's sitting by Erik's side.
“I didn't have you for such a good climber,” Erik smirks, eyes back to the forest.
“I grew up here, Erik. I know how to go anywhere in this house. The question is, how did you get up here?” he asks back, his eyebrow raised instinctively as he watches Erik.
“You have your tricks, I have mine…” he sighs, his fingers tapping the metal ashtray he somehow managed to get up here. Charles takes a deep breath, hugs one leg without thinking about it.
“You know, I have been thinking…” he trails off, testing the waters. He knows Erik won't like it, but he can present it lightly.
“You do that quite often,” Erik hums, one hand holding Charles's, tracing lines. He looks calm, that's a good sign.
“Are you sure you need to take down Shaw? You don't owe it to anyone. I understand it's what you built your life on, and it's definitely within your abilities. But Shaw's death won't lessen your pain, won't bring you peace,” Charles is careful, scanning Erik. He doesn't tense, doesn't emit rage like whenever Moira tries to discourage him from continuing. He just stays silent, then slowly brings his cigarette to his lips for a long drag.
“Peace was never an option,” he turns around, his gaze locking with Charles's. “And even if it is, it's not available to me. It's not an option I can follow. This… it's all I know, Charles. All I am. Whatever light you say is in me, you brought back to the surface, it's just there to push me forward, to… help me form an idea of what I want to create,” Erik speaks about a time after Shaw for the first time. Charles didn't even know that he had a plan for after Shaw. He can't help but smile, despite the promise that Erik will kill Shaw.
“And… I want you to be part of it, Charles. That monster may have made our paths cross, but we can make something great out of it,” Erik cups Charles's hand, his eyes moving all around Charles's face. An alliance, a common goal beyond Shaw. A life with Erik.
How can Charles say no?
They don't know how long they've been on that roof, just enjoying the silence, but Charles can see the sun rising between the trees. He turns, watches as the morning light illustrates Erik, makes his hair slowly get back its reddening tint, his eyes claiming that odd color, not quite blue but not quite green. He's never been so glad that his telepathy gives him an incredible memory, that he'll never forget that image.
Italian: Sarò il fuoco ed il freddo / Riparo d'inverno / Sarò ciò che respiri / Capirò cosa hai dentro / E sarò l'acqua da bere / Il significato del bene / Sarò anche un soldato / O la luce di sera / E in cambio non chiedo niente / Soltanto un sorriso / Ogni tua piccola lacrima è oceano sopra al mio viso / E in cambio non chiedo niente / Solo un po' di tempo / Sarò vessillo, scudo / O la tua spada d'argento
English: I'll be your fire and your cold / Your winter shelter / I'll be what you breathe / I'll understand what you have inside you / I'll be the water you drink / The meaning of good / I'll even be a soldier / Or your light in the evening / And in return I ask for nothing / Just a smile / Every little tear of yours is an ocean to my face / And in return I ask nothing / Just a little time / I'll be your banner, your shield / Or your silver sword
“You know, you don't have to do it all alone. I am here for you,” Charles doesn't think before he speaks, holding his breath in case Erik doesn't take it lightly.
Maybe it's the warmth of the moment, or the sleeplessness, but Erik laughs. His shoulders are shaking, his feet closer to his chest as he wipes tears.
“I thought that this was already established,” he breathes out eventually, leaning back until he's laying on the roof. There's something in that glint behind his eyes, that toothy smile. Charles can't help but find himself just as relaxed.
“No, I mean… you can talk to me about things… you can… I won't be just an ally to your fight. I want to be more. Your… your support… your serenity. Erik, if you let me, I'll be anything you need,” he pierces Erik with his eyes, watching as he rubs his face, lazily stretches his legs.
“Can you be just Charles? That's all I'll ever ask you to be…” Erik manages to hide a yawn perfectly, but his sleepiness is loud to Charles's mind. Charles chuckles, offering a small nod as an answer.
“Sure, but can we get down before you fall asleep on the roof?” he playfully nudges Erik, who in return rolls his eyes.
“I'm not tired, you're tired. You just… throw your tiredness into my mind,” the half-baked claim is accompanied by a series of vague gestures on the space between Erik's and Charles's head. It just makes Charles laugh more.
“Whatever, say that when you start snoring,” Charles slowly moves to the edge, watching Erik follow.
He doesn't say a word, just carefully goes down to the balcony and drags Charles with him to their bedroom. Neither bother to change clothes, just to kick off their shoes and collapse on the bed. Charles feels his eyes heavier, maybe Erik wasn't wrong about him being tired as well.
“Charles?” Erik mumbles, face plastered in the pillow, but he doesn't care enough to turn around. Charles gives him a small hum, eyes closing. “You really mean it? You'll be there?” he asks, not alert enough to have that conversation.
“Of course, I love you,” Charles doesn't think before he answers, and doesn't care if Erik reacts negatively.
“Mmm, I love you too,” Erik's words are barely there, he falls asleep before he could see Charles smiling.
They had found comfort in sleeping side by side, on the same bed. Charles feels less lonely with Erik's warm (always warm, always buzzing with life, always beautiful) body at arm's reach and Erik feels safe with Charles's power protecting him, for the first time since he was a kid.
Italian: E Coraline piange / Coraline ha l'ansia / Coraline vuole il mare ma ha paura dell'acqua / E forse il mare è dentro di lei / E ogni parola è un'ascia / Un taglio sulla schiena / Come una zattera che naviga in un fiume in piena / E forse il fiume è dentro di lei, di leip
English: And Coraline cries / Coraline's anxious / Coraline wants the sea but is afraid of water / And maybe the water is inside her / And every words is an axe / A cut on the back / Like a raft sailing on a raging river / And maybe the river is inside her, inside her.
But Erik still can't sleep, can't even close his eyes.
Tomorrow's the day they'll fight Shaw, when he'll kill him or die trying. He feels the coin burning in his jacket's pocket, he doesn't know if it's his imagination or his powers.
Killing Shaw will not bring you peace, Charles had said to him some time ago. Charles, who's now sleeping by his side, blissfully unaware. But can Erik have peace? After everything he's seen, he's gone through, and he's done, is he worthy of peace. Does he even know how to live a peaceful life, when he barely remembers his life before the camp?
He knows very well that his mother wouldn't want to see him get drowned in violence, and he knows Charles expects more, knows that Erik is more. But no matter how hard Erik wants to be that more, he doesn't know how. He has no clue how to be something other than his anger, and then his guilt. He's trapped in the life of vengeance that he formed, a cage of his own creation.
He doesn't know when he started crying, he wasn't even aware of it until Charles is awake, his huge blue eyes filled with worry. “Erik? Come here, please,” Charles raises one hand, laid on his side. Without a second or even a first thought, Erik sinks into the embrace.
He doesn't like people watching him cry, or show any type of vulnerability. And he's sure that Charles has only seen him tear up, shed a tear or two. But tonight, he lets it all out. He lets himself sob, weep, dig his hands on Charles's bare skin as his body and the metal bed frame are shaking. Charles stays there, traces flowers on Erik's back, mutters sweet nonsense with his soft posh voice until Erik can breathe again.
Erik doesn't push Charles away, but Charles lies on his back, makes Erik put his head on his chest, feel the telepath's heartbeat as his feet from ankle down are hanging over the bed. He closes his eyes, focuses on the air going in and out.
“You know, you don't have to know how to live a peaceful life. You can learn and adapt. And I'm sure you'll do great,” Charles muses. Others would be offended by Charles's snooping around, but Erik knows it's his natural state, and he would never kick Charles out. He doesn't have the words, but he does his best to send a wave of gratitude to Charles. By his smile, Erik assumes it's a success.
Son? Son?!
Italian: Coraline, bella come il sole / Ha perso il frutto del suo ventre / Non ha conosciuto l'amore / Ma un padre che di padre ha niente / Le han detto in città c'è un castello / Con mura talmente potenti / Che se ci vai a vivere dentro / Non potrà colpirti più niente
English: Coraline beautiful like the sun / She lost the fruit of her womb / She never knew love / She has a father that's nothing like a father / They told her there's a castle in town / With such strong walls / That if you live in there / Nothing will hurt you again
The asshole had the audacity to call Erik his son?! After he killed his mother? After he experimented on him?
Erik feels his blood boiling with rage, every fiber of his being ready to kill Shaw. Charles, still in his mind, screams at Erik that he's better, that he doesn't have to.
Charles says he's been in Erik's mind, that he knows. He doesn't know shit.
Shaw is frozen in place, holding the helmet. A helmet against telepaths, against Charles.
A helmet that will keep Erik intact, that will never allow anyone else inside.
A helmet that will keep him safe from harm.
His hands are slow as he puts it on, as Charles fades with a scream. Now it's just him and Shaw, as Erik pushes the coin inside the fucker's skull.
It's all done. He took his revenge, he's free. And with his helmet, he's free from everyone.
Italian: Non potrà colpirti più niente
English: Nothing will hurt you again
Taglist: @lucywrites02 @electroma89 @wrenhyperfixates @rorybutnotgilmore @hybrid-in-progress @weirdfangirl2416 @darkacademicfrom2021 @nicoistrying @twhiddlestonsstuff @kozkalovesloki @thewindandthewolves @gaitwae @leucoratia
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mizus-blade · 3 years
in honor of maneskin winning eurovision here's my other favorite songs from them
I compiled them all into this spotify playlist
but if you don't have access to spotify, or you want the lyrics+translations, here's the list:
CORALINE: my current favorite, the lyrics is so beautiful, it describes a character who is suffering from all the burden that is put on her, check the lyrics+eng translation here
VENT'ANNI: title translates to "I'm 20 years old" and the lyrics talks about struggles of being 20 years old, lyrics+eng translation here
Torna a casa: it's a love songs, but again lyrics and melody is really beautiful, lyrics+eng translation here
L'atra dimensione: it's kind of a party song, lyrics+eng translation here
Le parole lontane: again it's a love song but it has a dream like mood, lyrics+eng translation here
Lasciami stare: its theme is a little bit similar to ZITTI E BUONI imo, lyrics+eng translation here
Morirò da re: lyrics+eng translation here
FOR YOUR LOVE: they have other songs in english too if you wanna check them out but I like this one the best, lyrics here
and of course the winning song:
ZITTI E BUONI: lyrics+eng translation here
(I really recommend you to check their songs even if you didn't really like zitti e buoni 'cause they have songs in many different genres, also bear in mind that these are just my personal favorites and maybe you'll like some of their other songs more)
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Tag 10 people you want to get to know better!
Tagged by @emeraldwitches
Relationship Status: Single af but ready to mingle 
Favourite Colour: Purple any purple but mostly lilacy tones. Also red, anything i bough with my money must containe red!
Favourite Food: Anything chocolate? yeah i have taste buds of a five year old and baklava! cause yum 😋😋
Song Stuck in Your Head: coraline by maneskin
Time: 12.54 pm
Dream Trip: I actually wanna travel all around Europe but mostly I wanna saw Prague and Rome!
Last Book You Read: I’m currently reading Tatlı Rüyalar by Alper Canıgüz
Last Book You Enjoyed Reading: This is the same too its actually an absurd absurd psychological comedy book and its been a while since I read something that interesting.
Last Book You Hated Reading: I dont think I have one? I just don’t like history books but I don’t read them so its okay. 
Favourite Thing to Cook/Bake: mostly desserts, last time i made a brownie with a little bit of raisins and nuts and it was fucking amazing i still cant believe myself
Favourite Craft to Do In Your Free Time: Is drawing a craft? I enjoy drawing a lot. If not i like philography and marbling too. 
Most Niche Dislike: I have no idea what this means
Opinion On Circus(es): Never been in one never planning on being in one. I like the ones with all humans and flames and flying around stuff. But I’m definitely against them using animals. Yeah when I was young I thought circuses are cool and perfect but we’re big enough 
Do You Have a Sense of Direction: Oh I have perfect sense of direction. Even if I went the place one time I remember the exact place the second time from things like threes around or simple ads on a column. Norrmally I have zero memory irl but apperently I have this space for places lol. Also I can find my way in even the places I don’t know. I just walk around and find my way idk how really lol.
Tagging: (you don’t have to do it no pressure) @billysahoe @disdaidal @memes-saved-me @wixterirox @nogitsunbae @neonponders @r--66 @bowiebond @toxicrevolver @andromedaspark @ouizzyharringrove (also anyone wants to do it feel free to do it!!)
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poisonouswritings · 3 years
Definitely not a theory and certainly not an AU but kinda just an idea I was spit balling (a few spoilers about Anisa and Lord of Shadows)
What if Mike had a daughter an Earth who died for (insert backstory-esque reason here) and he found Astraea on accident while trying to find a way to bring her back? When he gets to Astraea and sees it's a magic world, well, he goes about exploring trying to find answers and ends up delving deeper and deeper into dark magic. In Chapter 7 during the flashback he calls Anisa his 'most perfect creation' or whatever and I agree she is perfect but not the point and what if instead it being the literal 'video game' interpretation, Anisa actually is his creation, just in the image of his late daughter?
Anyways this was brought to you by Chapter 7 where Anisa is crying about the guilt she feels and how she doesn't want to lose MC and thinking, man, how fucked would it be if she somehow met the daughter and learned she was basically just a copy? Not even that but an imperfect dare I say corrupted one? And the daughter (my brain named her Coraline because I was listening to that Maneskin song but I guess Anne would be more appropriate) is so very similar to Anisa but just ever so slightly different? I imagine she's a ghost/spirit so she probably glows slightly and is dressed in flowing white silk and w/e and it's like, she's immediately working with everyone to try and kill LoS and she's super confident and in control and probably super friendly - if not a little flirty - with MC and Anisa just
Sees this girl as who she should be but who she can never really be
Maybe that's what leads her to corruption? Ayanna said in Chapter 6 that Anisa has an obsessive personality, so a combination of jealousy and desperation to keep from losing MC to someone who Annie perceives as being her 'better version' might be enough to yeet her over the edge
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purringbookworm97 · 3 years
Did someone say Dionysus playlist?
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G’day children! I’m freezing, how are you? I just had a thought. You know when you’re thinking about a deity - your patron, someone you’re working with or someone you worship - and a song pops into your mind? Or when you’re listening to something and you feel a vibe, somehting that tells you you might not be the only one listening?
I don’t know if it’s been done before, but I thought about it and went, hey let’s make a list! So here I am, making a list of songs that remind me of Dionysus and that I know he likes! I hope you’ll like it:
Solar waltz - Cosmo Sheldrake
Vampire - Mai Lan
Wriggle - Cosmo Sheldrake
Gold - Kiiara
Shivers and Gold - Stélouse ft. Mascolo
Paradise - BTS
Dionysus - BTS
All the kids are depressed - Jeremy Zucker
Not your fucking friend - Jeremy Zucker
Bohemian Rhapsody - Queen
I want to break free - Queen
Happy pills - Weathers
Habits (stay high) - ToveLo
This girl - Kungs
Baiana - Backermat
Deixa A Gira Girar - Os Tincoãs
Wanna be your slave - Maneskin
Coraline - Maneskin
Young Blood - 5seconds of Summer
Do you - Troy Boi
Own It - Drake
La danse Macabre - Camille St Saens
Toccata - Overerk
Don’t threaten me with a good time - Panic! At the Disco
Eletric Love - Borns
Girls like Girls - Hayley Kiyoko
Missed calls - Max ft. Hayley Kiyoko
Chaleur Humaine - Christine and the Queens
There! It’s not complete, of course ‘cause I can’t think about my entire music collection in one go, but that’s what I came up with after thinking about it a bit, feel free to add more tho, ‘cause I’m sure I can’t be the only one to get a feeling from certain songs, and on these words, give my respect to your otherwordly friends for me and enjoy a good concerto in your bedroom! Ciao!
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cursingtoji · 3 years
~ROUND 2~ xD ~GAARA - sfw 7(10?), 16, 25
(Didja notice 7+10 are same Q? ^^; I wasn't sure which I should put down, u do what works for ya - either way I'm gonna know him drunk off his ass!!)
So its just 3 prompts fyi - I ain't being sneaky. I followin da rules👍
thank you for pointing it out to me! one of those was supposed to be the other way around hehe.
This is part of my 300 event 💖 now closed
How does he act when he's drunk?
Does he say sorry first?
What’s his favorite type of music? Artists and songs examples.
I don't think Gaara would get drunk often. Mostly because he's afraid to lose control and hurt someone.
But in occasions where he got accidentally drunk he became so clumsy. Like trying to reach for a cup and knocking it out of the table? We have all been there, right?
He would be the angry drunk type too. Why everybody is laughing so loud? And why you're taking his drink away? Kankuro would get hit on the head often.
If you were not around the times Gaara got drunk you can be sure soon or later Kankuro or Temari would find a way to call you over to control your boyfriend.
He would also blame you for his hang over the next day >:(
Gaara would be someone pretty easy to deal with in a relationship, not so easy to figured out what is going on in that pretty head of his since he doesn't voice his most deep thoughts very often.
It's very uncommon for you two to fight or argue, but if he ever do/say something hurtful you can be sure it will be only a matter of minutes until he apologizes.
Of course he doesn't do anything bad on purpose, when he realizes that his actions caused you pain the fear of you leaving him would overcome any pride.
He would be on his knees for you if necessary.
Protect him.
I like to think that modern day Gaara would be into artists from different countries, his current favourite would be Maneskin especially their songs in italian such as Zitti e Buone and Coraline.
Gaara would say he likes to listen to classical music to focus while studying. Lie, he listen to classical music all the time, but he doesn't want people to think he's boring, although he can't hold himself when the topic of Mozart is brought up, it would make him talk non-stop.
Honorable mentions: U2 is the rock band that he most loves to listen when he's deep in thoughts, Penny Lane by the Beatles was the song that motivate him to learn to play the guitar, he's not a party person but the best of his life was when Thriller by Michael Jackson was played in a party and his friends dragged him into dancing too.
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barnesbabee · 2 years
Rules: Tag 10 people you want to get to know better!
thank you for the tag @archeryqueen95 (ik it was for the fic recommendation part but I love answering questions so I'll take it lmfao)
Favorite time of the year: Winter and Summer. I know it's literally the complete opposites, but although I don't deal well with the heat I just love the whole aura around summer. The picnics, the beach volleyball, staying out up until late, getting together often because the weather is good... Although I love staying in and watching movies, getting warm by the fireplace and I absolutely LOVE christmas. 100% my favourite day of the year.
Comfort food: main 2 gotta be lasagna and chicken wings. God I love chicken wings. Lucky charms, oreos and ferrero rocher are the sweet ones. Although sausages with fried egg and chips are also dear to my heart bc it's something my grandma used to make for me whenever the rest of the family coulnd't have lunch with us.
Do you collect anything? Besides mental illnesses, Monster High dolls.
Favorite drink: Mountain Dew and caipirinha. Also that salted caramel iced coffee from subway.
Favorite music artists:
Lady Gaga
Bruno Mars
Miley Cyrus
Chase Atlantic
Current favorite songs:
Yoyo by Mika
Coraline by Maneskin
Barrio by Mahmood
Bones by Imagine Dragons
Glimpse of Us by Joji
Favorite Fics:
taglist: @hwalysm @woosanbby @smallfrye and whoever else wants to do it
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