#it’s all lose-lose here babey
frostedpuffs · 2 years
Hey as a follower from Florida (who hates that's it's crawling with conservatives) if your gonna shitpost about my state can u have the courtesy to at least tag it?? I get enough bs off tumblr without having to see it where I come to de-stress
i live in florida you fucking peanut
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scalproie · 2 years
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anomiidae · 1 year
fellas is it normal to have a male self insert, a malesona if you will?
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sweet-as-an-angel · 2 years
cuddling with könig hcs?? maybe he’s super exhausted and just wants to be held by reader and be in their presence 🥺
Modern Warfare 2 Cuddling Headcanons
Warnings: No Pronouns used for Reader except ‘You’, Just a whole lot of fluff ☹️ <3, Mild Hurt/Comfort, CUDDLING !1!!1, Snuggling, Extremely Vague Implications of Ghost’s Past, Minor Mentions of Death, Vague Implications of Smut, Mention of a Boner (Brief), Nothing Explicit in this Post.
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He’s very secretive when letting you know he wants to be held.
It’s as if he’s ashamed to admit it, to you, to himself – as if the habits he’d picked up as a child, to hide his intentions, his feelings, had followed him into adulthood.
They had, make no mistake. But the fact that they followed him into his relationship with you made things… difficult at times.
Nevertheless, when he sidled up behind you, his body heavy, shoulders slumped and arms encompassing your form, you read him like a cave drawing: plain to see, easier to interpret.
You’d swaddle him in your arms, your duvets, your love, and in turn he’d cage you with his limbs, his body, his strength.
In a way, he was your coffin; your final resting place in life and the hereafter, and he let you know as much with the cushioning of his muscles beneath his shirt, the silken padding of your bed of eternal rest.
You’re not going anywhere is what he said, all without saying it.
And you affirmed as much when you pressed the tip of your nose to the pulsepoint below his jaw, gifting a kiss to the skin beneath it.
“I’ll always be with you, Simon; for infinity plus one,” you’d tell him, over and over, as many times as he wanted – needed – to hear it.
Simon would look down at you, his eyes dark and filled with nothing but the need for you.
He’d pull you into his chest, where you’d hear his heart pounding, hammering, the scaffolding of his love, constantly growing, advancing. Heightening.
“I know, Angel,” he says, laying circles into your back. “And I’ll always be here to protect you. Just as you have me.” He takes a deep breath, filling himself with your scent. “For infinity plus two.”
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Absolute behemoth of a man is babey for cuddles.
Fr though, he’ll just be so mentally, emotionally, and physically exhausted that the only thing that can heal him is your loving touch.
He’ll literally stand half-hidden behind the doorway like that buff teddy bear meme, looking at you with wide, pleading eyes with his hands like 👉👈.
Poor guy looks like he’s on the verge of tears.
He’s not, don’t worry! That’s just the fatigue catching up with him.
And whenever he gives you those eyes, you just can’t say no.
You bring him to bed and wrap him up in your softest, warmest blankets.
You have found König wrapped up in your clothes, your towels, your curtains many times before. And, after he caught you catching him, he admitted that he did it because they smelled like you.
From then on, you have a special, secret blanket just for König which you douse in your signature scent once every few weeks or so, keeping it hidden in a cupboard where it can’t be found by any other smell or person.
And you drape it over König, making sure he’s safe and snuggled and secure before you cuddle up to him, consumed by a mass of blankets and, of course, your boyfriend.
And he just rests there, wrapping his arms around your waist and pulling you so close to him that you could very well be the same person.
He’s massive, he’s radiating heat constantly, encompassing you in himself.
He tries burying you inside him, it seems, keeping you so close to him as though he knew something – knew he was going to lose you somehow.
And all the while, you’re threading your fingers through his hair, petting it, stroking it, telling him how loved he is, how you’ll always be here for him, and how lucky you are to have him. Calling him your “Big boy. My big, sweet boy,”
His chest purrs, his grip around you tightens, braiding your souls together with the golden hair of a wedding band.
And, his face buried in your hair, taking in the lifeline that is your scent, König whispers, to you, and to no-one else:
“Not as fortunate as I, my Love.”
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Unlike Ghost and König, Alejandro tells you when he wants cuddles.
Unless he’s feeling particularly raw or traumatised, what with his profession and all, in which case he’ll put his hand atop yours and squeeze it, tightly, while facing ahead, not looking at you.
Those requests for cuddles are few and far between, but they usually lead to an evening spent entirely in Alejandro’s arms as he slowly, tricklingly, reveals what has damaged him so.
And you listen, and listen, and listen, one hand carding through his hair, the other holding his shaking shoulders, soothing him with your massages.
His head always rests on your chest, and, occasionally, he’ll bear his face into your shirt, pressing his confessions into the fabric.
“Oh, Darling,” you tell him, every time. “You do everything you can, you save lives every day – including mine.”
He pulls away, looks up into your eyes with dark glass irises and, every time, cups your cheek with his hand.
“And I always will, mi Amor,” he tells you. His kiss lands on your lips, and another confession slips out as he pulls away, his forehead resting against your chin.
“No matter the cost, no matter the toll, I will always find you. I will always save you, just as you saved me.”
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Snuggles with Johnny usually end up culminating in…something else.
His sunny disposition, even after a heavy mission away, belies that which haunts him – that which he tries to suppress.
On the rare occasion that he’s not in high spirits, he’ll be very quiet, hardly talking at all as he merely exists around you, his warmth and humour devoid from his body.
And you seek him out, placing your head upon his shoulder and asking, in the slightest of voices: “Do you need me?”
He does.
He needs you more than anything else – anyone else.
You drape him with your body, slipping your arms around his shoulders and pulling his face into the crook of your neck. His breath, his stubble, tickles your skin.
You latch onto him, tumourous in your resolve yet anything but malignant in your aim.
You want to bury your love in his veins, let him feel how he makes you feel, and become that for him.
He always sighs into your shoulder, your neck, and takes a second before he’ll encapsulate you in his arms, keeping you in his lap and tethering you to him by the bottom of your back.
You chant your reassurances, whispering them into his ear – a sleeper agent’s trigger words; a message to bring forth the soldier from within.
“You did so well, Johnny,” you tell him, meaning every word. “There’s no sum of money in all the universe that can compensate for all that you’ve done.”
You feel Johnny twitch, a precursor to something familiar to you. You hold him tighter, pull him closer. He stuffs his face further into the material of your shirt.
“But…” The word is a dagger between the folds of your heart. You can only imagine how it feels lodged in Johnny’s mind. A lifelong migraine.
“But what if I’d gotten there sooner?” His voice cracks. You feel his shoulders shake. You try to stabilise him, to keep him from quivering by encompassing more of his broad frame.
“You couldn’t have known, John-John; I promise you that.”
Your word was gospel in this house; whatever you said, Johnny believed.
“And even if by some sort of miracle you had gotten there earlier,” you pull back, Johnny reluctantly following in your example, and take his face in your hands. You wipe a tear away with your thumb.
“You probably wouldn’t have been able to return.”
The prospect made your heart jump up into your throat, much as you could see it stir something in Johnny.
He nestles further into you.
“And what would I do without my favourite soldier?”
You feel Johnny sigh, his body untensing, sinking into yours.
“The real question is what would I do without you?” His voice is gruff, easing off into what you recognise as exhaustion.
You rubbed his back, pressed a kiss to the crook of his neck.
“We’ll never know,” you told him, smiling. You feel his cheek shift against your skin and you knew he was smiling, too.
“Let’s get you to bed. You deserve a rest.”
“Oh?” says Johnny. “Is that all?”
“Oh, behave,” you give him a chuckle, a light pat - a lacklustre attempt at a smack.
Like I said, cuddles with Johnny usually end up as something more.
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Absolute bear of a man in both disposition and habit.
Practically holds you hostage when you cuddle with how he has a log of a leg hooked over your waist, his arms pulling you so close to his chest that you may well be the shirt he’s wearing.
Loves whispering in your ear when you’re like this – tells you how much he loves you, how you make everything feel okay when he comes home from a mission; all the wonderful things he thinks of you, he tells you.
He knows life’s far too short to let certain things go unsaid, and his undying love for you is one of them.
Whenever he’s feeling exhausted or just done with it all, he comes up behind you and wraps his arms across your front from behind, pressing a long, humming kiss to the back of your head.
“I need you, Love,” he’ll say, voice laced with the primal need to just rest. And he can’t do that if you’re not with him.
He has a sensitive scalp, which is why he always wears the hat when he’s on missions. When he’s alone with you, however, he bids you a silent request to touch him, feel him, care for him.
And you do; you rest his head upon your chest and slip silken fingers between his short strands, making sure to drag your nails up the nape of his neck and send shivers through him.
He adores falling asleep on you like this, though he will apologise for it after, knowing how much heavier he is than you.
But you never complain, only indulge him as he subjects himself to this heaven-sent cycle again and again.
He calls you his “angel”, his “master’s masterpiece.” (nice Duchess of Malfi reference for my fellow literature enjoyers)
And he truly believes it – that you are the work of some higher being, too perfect for the likes of this world, of him.
You always tell him how lucky you are to have found him, half jestful as you reassure him how “Eternal life would simply be survival, not living, if it is without you, my Love.”
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Has to be facing you whenever you cuddle.
This is not up for negotiation.
Will stare into your eyes like 🥺 whenever you’re snuggling.
He LOVES holding your hands; he brings them to his chest and presses the flat of your palms to his skin.
And when you hear his heart beating, he gives a shy smile and says: “This heart beats only for you.”
“So…what you’re saying is that you’re dead all the time except for when you’re with me?”
“...That’s… a little less romantic than my ‘I’m only alive when I’m with you’ line, but yeah, you’re right.”
Initiates cuddles 99.99% of the time, only because he won’t let you have the chance to initiate them first.
Beats you to it every single time.
Most of the time when he initiates, he’s rather playful and just wants to feel you near him and tell you what he did today :-).
But sometimes, very occasionally, he’ll come to you, a wounded puppy of a man, with a story.
It is one with no happy ending, only a wish for reprievement.
Whenever and wherever Gaz needs you, you’re there, soaking up his anxieties as your own and trying to find a solution.
You usually just let him talk until he’s tired himself out or there’s nothing left to say, upon which you offer yourself and every conceivable way you could be of service.
You try to heal him however you can, bringing him food, making sure he rests, talking him through his feeling whenever he wants.
“I don’t know how you do it, Love,” he tells you, head lolling against the backrest of the sofa. “I don’t know how you’re always so calm, so collected,”
You offer him a smile and a plate of warm, freshly-baked biscuits.
“Time and practice, my Dear,” you tell him.
He feels bad for putting on you, but you always chase his worries away, reassuring him that the day you stop listening to him is the day you’ve been replaced with a robot.
When you cuddle and he’s feeling vulnerable, he’ll tuck his head into your chest, and you wrap him up in a blanket, blocking out the light – any form of external stimulation – to help him calm down or drift off to sleep.
He genuinely doesn’t know what he’d do without you.
And he tells you as much when he wakes up in your arms.
He presses butterfly kisses to your jaw until your eyes flutter open like wings.
He doesn’t even say ‘good morning’; he wastes no time when it comes to you.
“I love you, (Y/N),” he says. He squeezes you. “I don’t want to be without you – not like I used to be,”
And you smile at him, like you always do, and lean in, planting a kiss between his eyes, the top of the bridge of his nose.
“Neither do I, Love,” you say. “And you never will be.”
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Always the big spoon.
Regardless of how she’s feeling, how tall you are, what time of the day it is, she is always going to be the one administering the cuddles.
She uses you as something of a stress ball when she’s feeling antsy, anxious, or even fearful.
It’s extremely rare for her to verbalise her feelings - particularly the negative ones, the ones she perceives as ‘weakness’.
But she has placed all her trust in you; something people have died trying to take and protect.
Whenever she’s stressed, you can feel it in how rigid her shoulders are, how tightly she wraps herself around you, how her heart pounds against your back.
You never draw attention to it – you know how sensitive Valeria gets about her feelings, trying to hide them constantly, so you just hold her hands in yours, against your chest, drawing circles against her knuckles and her veins, writing a love story.
“I’ll never let you go, you know,” Valeria says, often enough that it is no longer a cause for concern for you, rather a future upon which you rely, look forward to. And you smile, pressing a kiss to the back of her hand so she can feel it. Her heart stutters.
“I’ll kill anyone who tries to take you from me.”
And she means it.
You know – you can tell in the way she pulls you ever closer, tightly packed together as if confined to the same coffin.
You know her – her lifestyle – will be your downfall, one way or another.
Whether you or she dies first is a mystery, but regardless of the outcome, you know Valeria would sacrifice everything of herself to keep it from becoming so.
You try to turn, but Valeria keeps you facing away.
A moment’s confusion passes, chased away by realisation as you feel Valeria shaking against you, something wet and warm dripping onto the back of your neck.
You cast your eyes down and, gently, bring Valeria’s knuckles back to your lips.
“And what about me?” you say. “What if I leave you? Will you kill me?”
Something crosses Valeria’s eyes, dancing behind them. A relative of hurt, a friend of doubt, a parent of fear.
She turns you onto your back and, bringing a hand to your cheek and cupping it, presses her lips to yours.
It is soft and minimal, lasting a fraction of what it wanted to.
Valeria withdraws, pressing her forehead to yours, her eyes piercing.
“Never.” She says.
And she means it.
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Hold him tight P L E A S E–
He lives for your embrace, and anything you offer him will remain Flex Taped to the back of his mind for the rest of his life.
Especially if you’re consoling him.
Man just wants to feel safe and warm and loved.
His absolute favourite position is when you’re wrapped in each other’s arms, heads upon the other’s shoulder, snuggled so impossibly close that Rodolfo’s blood is practically running through your veins.
Call him your “Sweet lil’ guy” and he’s g o n e.
Melts into your touch and inhales your scent; oxygen to the lungs of a man starved of reprieve.
It’s at times like these when he’s at his most sincere.
Will tell you anything and everything that crosses his mind; his hopes, his dreams, his fears.
And you’re always there to chase away his anxieties and nurture his desire to achieve all that he wants to achieve.
Sometimes, when he pulls away, there are tears in his eyes, glistening.
“I don’t know what I’d do without you, mi Vida,” he whispers, as if he’s afraid that the Universe will hear him and take you from him.
You can only smile, feeling the urge to cry choke your throat.
“And you’ll never need to know,” you tell him. “There will never be a day where I won’t be with you–” you kiss the tears running down his cheeks, “whether my body persists in this realm or not.”
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Horny to the MAX
You could be having the most wholesome conversation in the world and Phil will just hit you with the bedroom eyes and a boner and you’ll just look at him like 😑.
Whether or not you oblige him is up to you, but he’ll likely pester you (politely) until you do.
Aside from that, however, Graves doesn’t seem the type to know how to cuddle properly.
You see, there’s an art to the cuddle - it is a craft.
And Graves has only ever had brief encounters with people under the cover of night; flings, one night stands – so he’s never had the pleasure of getting to know someone enough to cuddle them.
So that makes you his first 😃 !!!
Since you have his cuddle virginity in your hands, you’re going to have to ease him into it.
He’ll definitely whine at first – keep saying stuff like “It’s too hot,” or “I’m booored,” but eventually, you’ll find a position for him which he seems to like.
Loves being the little spoon. No argument.
Given how he’s a CEO and has a pretty hectic job, he enjoys a change in position and likes giving you the power (though he’d never frame it as that; he’d just say that he’s being your pillow so you can lean against something as you rest; ever the gentleman he is).
His favourite position is you behind him, your leg wrapped around his waist, keeping him pinned to the bed.
Pleeeease scratch his back for him, he’s really ticklish there and has never been touched so softly before.
If you whisper phrases of affirmation or praise into his ear, he’s dead.
Done for.
Not coming back.
He swears he falls deeper in love with you every time you hold him close.
He’s kind of a switch, so he’s definitely up for being the big spoon on occasion – especially if you’re feeling vulnerable or you want to be protected.
When he thinks you’re asleep, he leans in close to your ear and says something he’s never said to anyone before.
“I love you.”
Unbeknownst to him, you’re awake, trying to contain the excitement bursting from your chest as you resist the urge to turn around and lock him in your embrace, if only to spare him the embarrassment of one of the few times he expresses his emotions being sullied by you breaking his nose with yours as you launch at him for a kiss.
In another cuddle session, maybe a day or two later, you whisper to him: “I love you, too.”
He’ll be mortified, and you may or may not be able to see his face shift from that of a cosy cat to a tiger who’s just inhaled a lemon. Frightened and unsuspecting.
Reblog for more content like this! It helps creators like myself tremendously :-)
Masterlist Masterlist [Continued] Masterpost Modern Warfare AI Masterlist
AO3 Wattpad
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kawareo · 7 months
ur right, the only person who has an excuse to have abs is Karlach (the whole avernus thing, I believe she was probably malnourished during that time and slowly gets her healthy chub back the longer she travels with everyone)
Ok just gonna do a quick ramble about how i see them here, from no abs to yes abs
Gale: nerd who stays solely in his tower. His abs might be there but if they are its all illusion magic babey, there is SOFTNESS and thats a hill i will die on
Shadowheart: no visible abs and shes not particularly strong, shes just basically fit in a way where running up a small hill wouldn't kill her and her knees wouldn't creak when she crouches (sorry Gale), no abs, stomach soft to touch
Wyll: he's fit enough but not that strong, id say there is no ab definition but he can do some situps without feeling agony in the morning. They exist but theyre covered completely, you could feel them if he flexed!
Astarion: now. NOW. hear me out. He has abs at the start of the game and itd make sense because even though hes not that strong his DEX is high and it could make sense. BUT. as the game progresses he loses the abs because he is for the first time on 200 years not constantly dehydrated/starved and his body gets into a more normal state. His initial ab definition makes sense if we remember how movie stars look like when they dehydrate before shoots to make muscles more visible, id say same thing.
Karlach: abs of steel BUT theyre not that visible, she's strong as hell but id also give her some meat on the bone to make her stronger especially in the waist area. Similar to Astarion she also softens as the game progresses but worry not, the abs are still there, like bricks covered with a layer of fluff (youre so right for this anon)
Lae'zel: skinny and strong, you could cut yourself on how defined her abs are. She looks like shed have metabolism of a horse or maybe its just how githyanki are built but yeah she should be the only one whos stomach muscles present a risk of poking out your eye. Ab queen.
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soupbabe · 1 year
Unfit (OPLA! Klahadore/Kuro x Fat! Reader)
While Kaya offered up her expansive collection of clothes, Reader can't find something that fits them.
Self indulgent fic time babey!! It's been rough lately, I've really been wanting to write something like this.
Warnings: Insecure reader, lil bit of angst and out of character comfort from Klahadore<3
Standing alone in front of a mirror, you frowned. You're sure Kaya had good intentions in providing you and your crew nicer clothes. Her wardrobe is so big that you can't blame her when she insisted that you'd find something. Yet, her kind words didn't stop the growing pile of pants you couldn't button all the way next to you. Taking a deep, but shakey breath, you took off the piece of clothing and added it to the neatly folded stack that hid behind a privacy screen. The evening was supposed to be fun, easy. All you had to do was be on your best behavior until Luffy and Usopp secured the ship. Even Nami and Zoro were able to let loose with some drinks and a fashion show. Instead, you're curling in on yourself, in your underwear, and trying not to lose it over a pair of pants.
Though, left on your lonesome, negative thoughts spiral quickly. Mumbling reassurance evolved into scolding. "You're supposed to be a pirate. Pirates don't care about shit like this. They don't care about pants..." You felt your face burn in embarrassment. Seeing everyone grab all the clothes they wanted and it'd fit like a glove made you feel delusional, stupid.
A gentle knock on the wall made the neck on your hair stand straight. "Hello? Y/n?" A smooth voice called out. You froze in place, eyes wide at the realization: It's Klahadore. Swiftly wiping away at your eyes, you took a deep breath and responded from behind a privacy screen. "I'm here." "Dinner starts in 5 minutes, everyone is expecting you to join us. You're not plotting something, are you?" Jolting, you reach out and try to put on the shorts you walked into the mansion with. Though in your panic, you tripped over a pant leg and knocked over both the tower of clothes you laid out before and the privacy screen that hid you from the butler's view.
A small gasp emitted from Klahadore as he peered down at you on the floor, your pants barely hanging onto your hips. "My word.. are you alright?" You laid there frozen in terror, hesitant to take the hand he reached out. Your gaze was glued to the ground, the embarrassment was just too much. You wanted to sink into the walls of dresses and jackets and suffocate beneath the satin. A gloved hand traced the outline of your face until it held a firm grip on your chin. Tilting your face upwards until your eyes met his, Klahadore spoke up. "I asked if you're alright. If I'm not mistaken, I told you to dress nice too and you're in the same clothes you came in here with. What's taking you so long?" His questions felt like demands, as if you're being interrogated. His voice sent shivers down your spine, everything he says is tactful. Like he wants you to shake under his gaze. Swallowing the lump in your throat and your pride, you speak up. "I couldn't find anything to wear... nothing fit." Your voice grew dim towards the latter half of your admission, but that's what all it took for Klahadore to smile, to be pleased with you answering back.
As he withdrew your hand, your face burned bright. With any luck, you'd faint and no longer have to talk to him. "I was worried of that happening. Unfortunately, Miss Kaya shot down the idea of giving you extra clothing from the servant quarters." He tilted his head to get a better look at your puffy eyes and flushed face. "Is there anything else I should know about?" "Nothing.." "I don't like liars, Y/n. Tell me what's on your mind." His tone, while commanding, felt softer. It's like he's butler first, human later. He's only being kind after getting what he wanted after you.
"I'm just tired of not fitting into things...no matter what I try, I'll always be too big for stuff." You scowled. "I just..I just want to look nice. I want to look and feel good like Zoro or Nami. I don't want servant clothes, Kaya promised we'd look our best and I want to actually feel like it." You felt your nose sting and your eyes water. Klahadore watched you intently, hearing your voice increase in anger and intensity. Taking out a handkerchief, the ex pirate captain wiped away the tears that highlighted your chubby cheeks.
"While I don't have the means to provide you with what you want specifically, I want you to stay here. I'll be back in a minute." He sat you down on the ottoman that sat in the middle of the room and vanished into the dark hallway. However, Klahadore was a man of his word. Within seconds he returned with a folded outfit in hand: black dress pants and a white button up shirt. On top of the outfit though, were a couple of jewelry boxes. Inside revealed a golden necklace with the silhouette of a cat and a matching ring with a similar insignia. "Consider it a gift. It's something I've held onto before Miss Kaya's parents took me in, I think it's time for me to let it go." His smile was small, genuine.
Klahadore waiting outside patiently as you tried on the clothes he's given you. From outside the screens, he could hear a rollercoaster of emotions: fear, disbelief, enjoyment. "Did I choose right for you?" He asked, to which you strutted out to answer his question. Your shirt was tucked in, though largely unbuttoned to show off your chest and most importantly, the necklace. "How does it fit?" You spun around and Klahadore drank in the view. You never hid your curvy figure, only accentuated it. While he holds himself to a high standard, he can't admit that it didn't drive him mad.
He walked up and smoothed down the wrinkles on your shirt, his touch lingering on your shoulders and soft waist. "Fits like a glove." He stood tall wants more and linked his arm with yours. "Now, it's almost time for dinner. It'd be a shame to keep Miss Kaya waiting."
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WIBTA for calling the police on a squatter/tresspasser?
Using the emojis 🍋🌿 so I don't lose this question. I know the title might sound pretty bad, and normally I don't believe in involving the police in anything at all (ACAB, babey!), but the situation is worrying me a bit, and I'd just like to consider all sides in it before it escalates any further.
First a little bit of background. I've just moved into a new apartment. It's a house split into two units. I have the bottom floor, and two friends of mine live on the second floor. One of my housemates upstairs, let's call her Jenna, has been living here since November. I moved in mid-December, and our third housemate, let's call him Mike, has just finished moving in as of last weekend.
Now on to the actual story. In December, Jenna got injured and has been having trouble getting around. This is especially tough because she has three large, rambunctious dogs that have to be let out multiple times per day, and she also works long hours. Since Mike wasn't moved in, she decided to get someone else that she knew to stay in her apartment and help out with the chores/dogs. I don't actually know his name, but we'll call him Peter for the sake of clarity.
The very first week Peter was there, Mike brought some stuff over to pre-move a bit. While there, he met Peter for the first time. Mike knocked on my door immediately (this was like 10pm). He said he was really sorry to show up unannounced, but that Peter was upstairs acting super weird and erratic, and he was pretty sure he was high on some kind of narcotic.
Now, normally I have no qualms about people using whatever kind of drugs they choose for themselves. But the previous tenants had been kicked out for various issues stemming from drug abuse. Our landlord was VERY clear on his strict no-tolerance policy for illegal drugs in the units. Jenna has the maintenance crew in and out of her unit all the time for work, and neither me nor Mike wanted to chance something of Peter's being found, and Jenna & Mike getting evicted after less than a month on the lease.
The three of us decided he would have to find someplace else, and that Mike would just take over Peter's chore duties. Jenna apparently spoke to Peter about finding someplace else to stay. I thought that was the end of it. Time went on, Mike moved in, I forgot about Peter entirely and assumed he was yesterdays news.
Yesterday while I was at work, our property manager showed up and caught Peter hanging around in the backyard. There was a confrontation and Peter refused to leave. The property manager ended up getting the police involved, and we all discovered he'd been living in the crawlspace under the garage for some time. They also found several items down there he'd stolen from houses in the neighborhood. When I got home, I was warned to keep my doors locked just in case, and they also told me if I had any suspicions he had come back that I was to inform the police immediately.
On the one hand, I understand that a string of pretty serious crimes were committed here, and that not calling someone about him would be unsafe and irresponsible. Not to mention, the thought of having essentially a stranger squatting in our crawlspace for a week was pretty upsetting for me and Mike, as we are both SA survivors. But on the other hand, I feel kind of terrible for Peter. He hasn't really bothered us beyond the drug use and the squatting, and he clearly must have been desperate to resort to living under there, especially considering its been a harsh winter where we live.
I don't want to be callous and deny him shelter if he really has nowhere else to go, but I'm also *extremely* uncomfortable at the idea of letting him stay, especially considering he's apparently been stealing as well. I know it's kind of a crazy situation, but I'm having a bit of a moral quandry about it, so any help would be appreciated. Thanks!
What are these acronyms?
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withacapitalp · 1 year
How to Rehabilitate a Jock in Four Months Part 12
We're back babey :DDDD Happy to announce hiatus is over fellowsssss but also TW for this one Steve has a panic attack. Also thanks as always to @stevethehairington for betaing and supporting and generally just being the best friend a person can ask forrrrr also @thefreakandthehair for listening to me ramble about this endlessly. When I say I was working on this for two months, legitimately for the entire two months I was working on this
Part One Part Eleven Part Thirteen Link to Ao3
Step Twelve: Watch Him Stumble
In terms of gigs, this probably had to be one of the best sets Eddie had ever played. The energy was off the charts, the crowd was in it with them at every step, and best of all, Steve had been smiling the whole time. Even the power going out had a certain panache to it. Like a final zinger to finish off the wicked guitar solo in Breathless that made Eddie’s heart race every single time he played it. 
Was it ideal to have to sit in the dark and wait for the lights to come back on? Not by a long shot, but there was no denying that the ending of the song had been one hundred percent bonafide metal. 
All in all, Eddie wasn’t that pressed about having the electricity cut out. It wasn’t the first time the power had died during one of their shows, and it wouldn’t be the last. The Hideout was a total dive, basically a shack at the edge of the woods with an electrical system that was shoddy, at best. The band’s equipment had blown a fuse so many times that it was practically routine for the owner to have to go downstairs and reset the box halfway through their set. 
“What’s going on, Dan?” Eddie asked as he saw the bartender’s flashlight start to come up from the basement. He was eager to get going again, unwilling to lose the killer vibe coming from the crowd. 
He also wanted to be able to see what a certain ex-jock thought about the song he had just played. But that was neither here nor there.
“Shows over, boys!” Bar owner Dan shouted, listening to the moans and groans from the patrons before sighing and walking over to the low stage. “Flipped the breakers twice, but nothing. Must’ve been somethin’ else that blew the power. We’re done for the night.”
“Damn it,” Eddie swore, scuffing his sneaker on the ground and strumming a discordant little note on his guitar for emphasis.
Of course this happened on the one night he was actually trying to impress someone. Of course. 
“You can leave whatever you want to here for the night,” Dan offered, waving his flashlight around, “It’ll be hard enough to find your way out of this place without trying to lug around all this equipment too.” 
Eddie didn’t care about the equipment. He cared about the fact that Steve’s first time seeing him play had just been totally wrecked by a stupid power outage. 
“Thanks, Dan,” Jeff said for all of them as Eddie continued to scowl, trying to push down his disappointment before it could grow into something impossible to manage. 
The bartender nodded once, turning and walking towards some of the patrons to give them the news, leaving the band to their own devices. 
“This blows,” Eddie groaned as soon as they were alone, mood still incredibly sour. 
“You’re just mad you didn’t get to show off for Steeeeeve,” Frank teased as the others started to pack up in the dark. Even if they were leaving their stuff there, they still wanted to leave it in a somewhat organized fashion. 
“Stones and glass houses, Frankie,” Eddie said warningly, turning to where he knew Frank was around and glaring. He was not above calling out the other boy’s very obvious crush on Janet at this moment, nothing was off the books when he was this annoyed. “No, I’m mad our set got slashed in half cause of a dumb power outage.” 
“Mhm, sure,” Gareth said, drawing out the word in a way that grated on every single nerve Eddie had. 
“Guys?” Janet’s voice floated over, stopping Eddie before he said something he regretted. Janet slowly came into view as she walked over to the stage, looking uncharacteristically uncomfortable. 
She was alone. 
Eddie’s anger vanished as a pit began to form in his stomach. 
“Where’s Rocky?” Frank asked, walking over to stand next to Eddie. 
“Where’s Steve?” Eddie emphasized before Janet could answer, looking around into the dark of the bar. It was hard to see anything but lumps bobbing and weaving about, but none of them seemed Steve-shaped. Still, there was no way Steve would just leave. 
“No clue,” Janet answered, rubbing her arm, “Steve was acting weird right before the power went out, and now we can’t find him. I sent Rocky to go look around.”
Weird? What did ‘weird’ mean? Weird was the kind of word that only made even more questions. Did Steve totally hate the music? Was he having a bad time? Had Eddie completely misinterpreted everything he had thought from before? 
But before Eddie could put any of these fears to words, Rocky’s silhouette came into view. 
“He’s not in the bathroom. I even peeked into the ladies just to be sure,” Rocky reported. Janet made a disgusted little sound, reaching over to smack the younger boy upside the head and give him a disappointed scowl. 
“Hey!” Rocky snapped, getting out of Janet’s line of fire, “Not cool. I’m just looking out for a fellow party member.”
“He’s not in our party,” Gareth muttered immediately, stepping around his drum kit to come stand with the rest of them. Eddie didn’t bother to fight with his best friend or even comment on his stupid little jab. He was too busy freaking the fuck out over the fact that the guy he definitely wasn’t crushing on had seemingly vanished into thin air. 
“What do you mean weird?” Eddie asked, hating the way his heart was starting to pound. 
“He was like really distracted? And looked kind of freaked out. Not just annoyed or uncomfortable, but scared,” Janet said, trailing off with a grimace on her face. She looked like she had more to say, but nothing else came, and an stilted silence fell over the group. 
Scared? Steve? The words just didn’t seem to fit together. Eddie couldn’t imagine Steve being afraid of anything. He went headfirst into everything, confident to the point of nearly cocky, so sure of himself Eddie was sometimes jealous. 
“Maybe he just didn’t like the music?” Gareth offered, but his tone was weak. “Used the power outage as a way to slip out?”
“No,” Janet said firmly, shaking her head. “He… Something wasn’t right, guys.” 
Something wasn’t right. 
Eddie knew this feeling. It was that heart stop stomach drop moment. The deer hearing the first snap of the twig under a hunter’s boot, a rabbit sensing that a snare was nearby. It was the same way he felt when he was walking around town and saw a car full of douchebags tailing him, or he went to the woods to make a deal only to find no one sitting at the picnic table. 
There was something dangerous happening, something that instinctually made Eddie want to run for the hills. 
Something scary. Something that was a threat. 
He needed to find Steve. Now. 
“Maybe he’s just outside having a smoke or somethin’,” Eddie said, trying and failing to sound casual. “Let’s go look.”
Eddie carefully placed his guitar in its case and hopped down, walking towards the direction of the front door and hoping the others were following. He would go on his own if he had to, but he really, really, didn’t want to. 
Luckily he heard the pattern of footsteps following his own, and Jeff bumped his shoulder against Eddie’s as they approached the exit. Eddie took a millisecond to be grateful for his loyal batshit insane buds, then he was back on task. 
“Steve?” Eddie called as he walked out the door, mentally sending a prayer to whoever might be listening that Steve would be standing right there, waiting for them to come join him. 
No such luck. There were a few drunks milling about, a couple making out against the side of the building, but no sign of Steve’s pretty boy hair or his soft sweet smile. Eddie’s heart began to race impossibly faster. 
“Steve! You out here?!” Eddie shouted, hating the panic that was starting to enter his tone. He turned his head in every direction, but he couldn’t see any sign of Steve. 
“He’s long gone, Eds, can we go back inside now? It’s fucking freezing out here,” Gareth asked, rubbing at his bare arms and shivering as the frigid winter wind raced past them. Eddie could barely feel his own body, but he ignored both the cold and Gareth’s words, walking towards his van. 
Steve was there. He had to be. He had to be, or else Eddie was going to lose his mind worrying over what was probably nothing, and he might say something incredibly stupid when they actually found Steve, and that would ruin everything they had worked so hard to build. 
Luckily for Eddie’s increasingly fragile mind and heart, he spotted a shape sitting near the van. Eddie practically melted in relief, jogging around to the other side of his van, needing to see Steve’s face. 
“Well if you wanted to dine and dash so bad, Harrington, you should have-” 
Eddie cut off the idiotic quip he had been in the middle of saying, struck silent by the state he found Steve in. All of the relief he had been starting to feel instantly vanished, replaced by a bone deep dread that overtook Eddie’s entire being. 
Steve was on the ground, his knees pulled close to his chest and his eyes staring firmly at the gravel. He was still as a statue, barely even blinking, and his breathing was shallow and uneven. Eddie could see him shaking from where he stood, trembling like a leaf in the wind as he continued to just stare at nothing. 
Something was wrong. 
“Steve?” Eddie said softly, reaching out slowly as he edged closer to the other boy trying to get his attention. “Sweetheart? What’s going o-“
Steve’s hand darted out the second Eddie’s got close enough to reach, fingers latching onto Eddie’s wrist in an iron tight grip that instantly sent a dull ache racing up his arm. The physical sensation was uncomfortable, painful, but it was the look on Steve’s face that hurt the most. 
Steve’s eyes were boring holes into Eddie’s face, staring him down with a flat blank glare that looked completely wrong on his features. It was almost like he was looking through Eddie, not really seeing him, just dealing with the threat that was coming towards his body. 
It shouldn’t hurt. After all, Eddie was used to people in this town seeing him as a scary person. He didn’t really bat an eye anymore when people switched to the other side of the street as he walked past, and he didn’t care that much about the way mothers would grab their children’s hands if he started to approach. 
But something about the way Steve’s protective instincts had deemed him a danger just cut right to Eddie’s core. 
“Steve it’s-it’s just me,” Eddie stuttered out, trying subtly to pull away from Steve’s death grip. 
The combination of his quiet voice and tugging must have tripped something in Steve’s mind, because a hint of recognition flew across Steve’s face, and he instantly dropped Eddie’s wrist, going back to curling both of his hands in his hair and pulling, shaking silently as he let his gaze fall back to the pavement. 
“Eddie, back up,” Jeff ordered the second he was free, stepping forward. 
“Eddie, he’s having a panic attack,” Jeff said firmly, interrupting his friend before he could start trying to argue. “Back. Up.” 
A panic attack? 
Eddie had seen Jeff in the throes of a panic attack before, and it was nothing like this. Usually Jeff would hyperventilate, gasp for breath as his limbs moved almost uncontrollably. He would babble out anxiety fueled rambles until the moment passed, then usually retreat into the safety of solitude for a while as he tried to piece himself back together. 
Steve just looked… gone, lost somewhere none of them could reach him. 
But Jeff would be the expert on panic attacks, so if he said that was what this was, then Eddie just had to trust him and hope he could help Steve. Unwillingly Eddie took a single step back, falling into line with the rest of the group who had crept over at some point, and were now all staring at the scene with a mixture of horror and confusion. 
“Hey Steve, it’s Jeff, do you recognize me?” Jeff asked calmly, keeping his tone even and clear. He seemed completely zen, unphased by the very frightening moment. The only way Eddie could tell anything was amiss was the way Jeff’s fists were clenched tight at his sides, an easy tell that he was trying to keep his hands from shaking. 
Steve looked up when Jeff started speaking to him, giving one short nod after a prolonged pause. 
“That’s good. Can I come sit by you?” Jeff asked, starting to step closer. Instantly Steve seemed to be back on guard, stiffening up and pressing his back even harder against the van. Jeff took the shift in stride, taking a step back and holding his hands out.
“Alright, alright. I’ll stay right here. That’s better?”
Another pause. Another short nod. 
Jeff took a second to think, then slowly slid down so he was sitting across from Steve on the ground of the parking lot, crossing his legs and taking a long calming breath. 
“Do you know where you are right now?”
Yet another pause as Steve contemplated the question. Eddie watched as Steve’s blank look shifted first to confusion, then to fear as he shook his head. Steve’s lip started to wobble as his eyes turned glassy and filled with fright. 
“That’s okay,” Jeff said soothingly, clearly trying to get ahead of whatever was starting to grow inside Steve’s mind. “You’re at the Hideout in the parking lot with me, Jeff. Our other friends are here too. Eddie, Frank, Janet, Rocky, and Gareth. You came to listen to the band play tonight, do you remember that?” 
Steve nodded, letting out a long slow exhale, a bit of the tension in his shoulders dropping. His hands slowly slid out of his hair, fingers playing with the loose gravel of the parking lot. 
“I think you’re having a panic attack,” Jeff explained. His words were blunt, but his tone was still soft. “Have you had one before? Do you know what caused it?”
Steve’s jaw clenched up even tighter. Eddie found his mind starting to count the seconds, needing something to do in the moment in order to stop himself from speaking. 
He got up to thirty four before Steve finally opened his mouth. 
“The lights,” Steve whispered, sighing and reaching up to pinch at the bridge of his nose. “It was… it was the lights.”
“Lights? I don’t- It was… it was just a power outage, Sweetheart,” Eddie blurted out, unable to hold his words back. His mind was racing to try and fit the piece into the puzzle, but no matter how he thought about it, Eddie simply couldn’t comprehend how the lights of all things caused Steve to fall into such a panic. 
He looked back at the rest of the group, seeing if any of them had any clue what was going on, but they all had the same confused fright on their faces. 
“No. It wasn’t,” Steve stated immediately, his voice firm and set. His eyes were hard again, and he was staring at the ground with a mixture of hate and fear that made Eddie’s stomach clench up tightly. “It was not just a power outage, and I need to check on my kids.” 
“I need to check on my kids,” Steve repeated, interrupting Jeff harshly. Now that the tension was broken, the words seemed to be coming easier, and Steve cleared his throat before continuing, “My bag has what I need, but the doors were locked. I got out here and then the doors...”
Steve trailed off, looking lost. 
“I’ll grab your bag,” Gareth offered, startling them all. He held his hand out for the keys, and Eddie gave him a look, raising a brow. If it was anyone else, Eddie wouldn’t even hesitate, but Gareth offering to do something for Steve of his own free will was like the devil offering to tie Jesus’s shoe. 
“It’s okay, I got it,” Gareth said, softening his voice, something far too close to pity in his eyes as his gaze flitted over to Steve, then back to Eddie, conveying without words that Eddie leaving Steve at this moment seemed like a bad idea
Despite the tension of the moment, a part of Eddie relaxed. Gareth was just being Gareth- the good Gareth that Eddie knew was hiding under bitchy mean Gareth that had cropped up out of nowhere. Eddie tossed him his keys and the rest walked to the other side of the van, talking in harsh low whispers that Eddie couldn’t quite make out. 
“This can’t be happening again,” Steve whispered when it was just the three of them, a breathy half laugh escaping alongside the words as he wrapped his arms around his knees and tucked his head down. “God, it’s really never gonna be fucking over, is it?”  
The question was obviously rhetorical, Steve probably wasn’t even really talking to them, but a physical pain started to grow in Eddie’s chest from the utter defeat radiating off of Steve in miserable waves. 
“I don’t know what’s going on, but I’m not going to ask,” Jeff stated, taking the risk to scoot closer and maneuvering himself so he was sitting next to Steve, his back flat against the van, “but, while we’re waiting for them to get what you need, do you want to try a grounding technique?”
“A what?” Steve asked, just barely raising his head. Jeff began to explain his favorite grounding technique, using short and easy to understand sentences to go over exactly what he was suggesting. Steve uncurled ever so slightly as Jeff was speaking, his full attention on the younger boy. Even Eddie was caught in the lull of Jeff’s tone, his heart starting to finally flow down. 
Then he heard his name. 
It was Gareth on the other side of the van, holding Steve’s bag up and giving Eddie a wide eyed look of horror. He gestured for Eddie to come over with a jerky handwave, and Eddie gave him a look. Wasn’t the whole point for Eddie to stay? Why was Gareth trying to pull him away just as they were starting to make progress. 
“Eddie. Now,” Frank whispered harshly, his head popping up next to Gareth’s. He also looked freaked the fuck out, still far too pale. 
“I’ve got him, Eds,” Jeff said in that same soothing tone pulling another deep breath and watching as Steve obediently copied the motion. “Go see what they need.” 
Eddie really wanted to just say fuck it and stay exactly where he was, but Steve was starting to get some color back in his cheeks, and if whatever was in that bag would help, then Eddie needed to get that for him. 
So, very reluctantly, Eddie walked around to the other side of the van, leaving Jeff and Steve alone. 
“What?!” Eddie snapped the second he was out of earshot of the two boys, throwing Gareth a harsh glare. If this was another trick or some weird tactic to fuck with Steve, then Eddie was going to seriously have to reconsider their friendship at this point. 
“Look,” Gareth hissed, shoving Steve’s bag into Eddie’s hands. 
Eddie peered in the bag, still annoyed and confused. It was all normal stuff. Well, a little weird. Steve’s car keys, a flashlight, a walkie-talkie… a first aid kit… and…
“Why does he have a knife?!” Gareth snarled, looking more terrified than angry. 
“Lots of people have knives,” Eddie said, trying to sound calm. The words came out strangled, falsely cool in a way that made it obvious to all of them that Eddie was just as uncomfortable as they were. 
“Okay, but why does he need that right now, Eddie?” Janet asked. It was a good question, but one that Eddie couldn’t possibly come up with an answer for. 
Why did Steve need a knife right now? Why would he even bring it with him tonight? 
“Eddie? What’s going on?” Jeff called from the other side of the van, still blissfully unaware of the latest update to their situation. Eddie shook his head roughly, dropping the knife back into the bag and zipping it up, holding it behind his back as he rounded the front of the van again. 
“What is it you need from your bag, Steve?” Eddie questioned, keeping his voice firm as he stared down at Steve. 
“My walkie-talkie?” Steve answered, a picture of innocence. He had one hand flat on the ground, and the other tangled up in Eddie’s necklace, his thumb worrying across the face of the guitar pick. Then Steve's words came back to him. 
I need to check on my kids. 
Hot shame flooded Eddie’s stomach as he remembered exactly what had led to all of them snooping in Steve’s stuff. Steve had just wanted to reach out to the kids, that was all. The knife wasn’t really that weird in retrospect, just another overprotective Steve thing. He wasn’t about to get stab happy on them, he just wanted a way to protect himself if it became necessary. 
Eddie could understand that. 
“Is it not there?” Steve wondered, some anxiety starting to leak into his tone the longer Eddie just stood there. “I’m sure I brought it, but-”
“No, I have it right here, sweetheart,” Eddie said, interrupting the thought before it could even form. He tugged the walkie-talkie out of the bag and handed it to Steve, sitting on the ground next to him and watching as Steve flipped it on and switched the channels, taking a deep breath before holding down the talk button.
He let go of the receiver, and immediately there was an explosion of voices as the kids all began to scream over each other, shouting Steve’s name and endless questions. It was impossible to make out exact words in the mayhem, but Eddie wasn’t interested in that. He was busy focusing on Steve. 
Despite the fact that he was still trembling, the pinched brow and nervous look in Steve’s eyes faded the second he heard the kid’s voices. He sighed, leaning his head back until it softly hit the van, letting the tension fall from his shoulders as his eyes slipped shut. 
“See? All okay,” Eddie murmured, needing to add extra reassurance now that he thought he could. Steve shot him a weary little smile, rubbing the guitar pick around his neck once more before pushing down the talk button once more. 
“What are we dealing with?” Steve asked, about to put the walkie-talkie back down before the sound of shoes on gravel caught his attention. As Gareth, Rocky, Frank, and Janet walked back around the van, Steve continued “and I’m not by myself right now, so don’t say any stupid shit.”
“Who are you with?” Lucas’s voice said from the walkie-talkie, sounding tinny and electronic. 
“And say over next time. Over,” Will added. 
“The fucking ‘over’ bullshit,” Steve said to himself with a roll of his eyes before picking it back up. “I’m at the Hideout with Eddie, now what are we dealing with?!” 
Silence. Eddie looked at Steve with a raised brow, and when Steve looked around in annoyance, Eddie caught his eye and mouthed the word ‘over’. 
“Jesus H,” Steve muttered, looking up at the sky as if begging God to help him. “OVER!”
“Well we don’t know that yet, Steve,” Dustin promptly responded the second Steve’s finger left the button, his tone dripping with far too much sass. "We were too busy looking for you! Over.”
“I’m gonna kill them,” Steve stated, rubbing at his temple, “I’m legitimately going to kill them.” 
“Everybody shut up,” A new voice barked. Eddie knew it from somewhere, but he couldn’t place it. She wasn’t one of the kids, Eddie knew that much, but he couldn’t figure it out. “Steve, Jonathan and I will be at the Hideout in five minutes. Do not move. Over and out.” 
After a few seconds of staticky silence, Steve groaned, pushing the antennae of the walkie-talkie down and turning it off. 
“Of course she’s coming here. Of course,” Steve whispered, unknowingly mirroring Eddie’s exact thought process right after the power outage. 
“Wait, wait, wait. Was that Nancy Wheeler?” Janet asked incredulously, her jaw hanging wide open. 
No. Nope. There was no way. 
“Yeah, it was,” Steve said with a sigh, forcing himself into a standing position and stretching his shoulders. 
He was completely nonchalant about it, like it was perfectly normal to have your ex on walkie-talkie speed dial, and it was only natural for her to come collect you like a haggard housewife the second she thought you might be in trouble. 
“Nancy Wheeler, your ex girlfriend,” Eddie said dumbly, just to be sure he wasn’t being punked.
“The one and only,” Steve said dryly, becoming more and more himself with every second. It was like hearing Nancy’s voice had flipped a switch, and the vulnerable nervous Steve that had been sitting on the ground by his van was gone in an instant, replaced by a flippant easy going boy that looked like nothing had ever happened to him at all. 
It was bizarre, uncanny in a disarmingly normal way. Eddie had always kind of admired Steve’s coolness, how nothing seemed to phase him.
Now it just felt… not disingenuous per say, but more layered than it was before. It wasn’t completely an act, but Steve was definitely hiding so much more than Eddie ever could have assumed. 
“Why is Nancy Wheeler coming here?” Eddie asked slowly as he stood up, watching Steve like a hawk and looking for any kind of micro change in his expression. He got nothing. Steve was a brick wall. 
“Even if I could tell you, you wouldn’t believe me,” Steve said with a wry smile that didn’t look much like a smile at all. Before he could say anything else, they all heard the sound of tires squealing nearby, and a pair of headlights peeled into the parking lot. Steve moved like a man possessed, jogging around the van and towards the car still speeding into the lot. 
“What the fuck was all that?” Rocky said, asking the question all of them were wondering. Eddie shrugged, following Steve’s path and watching as Nancy Wheeler jumped out of the passenger seat of the still parking car, ignoring Jonathan Byers' shouting at her from the driver’s side as she strode towards where Steve had stopped. 
“What the hell, Steve?!” She snapped the second she had pulled herself away from the car. “No one knew where you were. You didn’t tell anyone, or leave a note, or anything. What were you thinking?!” 
“What was I- Nancy, what are you talking about?” Steve said defensively, turning around to briefly give Eddie a ‘can you believe this’ look before turning back to his ex who was still fuming. 
Eddie didn’t really know anything about Nancy Wheeler, it wasn’t like they ran in the same circles whatsoever, but he certainly had never expected to see her like this. There was two high spots of red on her cheeks, and her eyes were flashing in a way that just screamed danger. 
“You can’t just disappear out of nowhere! Do you get how irresponsible that is?” Nancy asked rhetorically, not giving Steve a second to answer before she barreled forward, “Mike and the others wanted to make a search party and start riding around on their bikes looking for you. What are you even doing here?”
“I didn’t realize going out was a crime,” Steve said in a moody tone, crossing his arms over his chest and giving Nancy a cool glare. 
Things were quickly devolving between the two of them, and as much as Eddie wanted to intervene, he hung back and observed. That was the thing most people didn’t realize about him. Eddie could be quiet and listen when it benefitted him. 
“It is if you don’t tell me where you are!” Nancy exploded, throwing her hands up as she did. “Especially if it’s because you’re hiding that you’re doing something dangerous.”  
With those words she poignantly turned her glare towards Eddie, as if he personally was holding Steve hostage. Steve’s face screwed into a dark scowl and he stepped so he was back directly in Nancy’s view line, blocking her from the others. 
Protecting Eddie from her. 
That shouldn’t have made him feel as warm as it did. 
“Nancy. I don’t know how you forgot, but let me remind you- We. Broke. Up,” Steve said, each word punching directly out of his chest and exposing just how raw that still fresh wound was. “You’re dating Jonathan now, so what I do, and who I’m friends with, and how I spend my time isn’t your problem anymore.” 
“Nance,” Jonathan said, trying to grab Nancy’s arm. She pulled away from his grip, stepping close to Steve. 
“Yes, it is my problem! You are still my problem!” She shouted. 
Eddie would’ve chalked it all up to crazy ex-girlfriend disease and dragged Steve away from the fight, but something strange was developing. The anger was quickly draining away from Nancy’s features and all that was left was a painful grief, the kind that made Eddie want to turn his head and find anything else to look at. This wasn’t just a jealousy thing, or psycho ex behavior. 
This was something more. 
“Look, I know we broke up, and I know that’s my fault, but first the lights flickered, then power went out, and none of us could find you,” Nancy said, looking down at the ground as her voice began to waver and her features inevitably turned towards tears. “You weren’t at your house. It was empty, and it was just the pool, and no one there, and I thought- I thought-”
Eddie would never know what Nancy had been trying to say, because Steve enveloped her in his arms at that moment, holding her gently against his chest as he shielded her from the rest of the world. 
There was a momentary flare of jealousy that ignited in Eddie’s chest, a second where he felt a blinding, irrational hatred for Nancy Wheeler and everything she was. But then Steve was holding out his other arm to Jonathan, who hesitated for a second and looked extremely uncomfortable, but came closer nonetheless, all three of them sharing an exhausted hug. Jonathan and Nancy put Steve between the two of them, joining their hands between his shoulder blades as they held him close. 
Whatever was going on here, it wasn’t romantic. No need to be jealous. 
Not that Eddie had any right to be jealous in the first place. It shouldn’t matter that Steve seemed to have some sort of weird magnanimous relationship with his ex and her new boyfriend. It didn’t matter. It wasn’t his concern. 
It mattered. It mattered so much. 
“I’m fine, see? Right here,” Steve said, slightly muffled by the two people still holding him like he was the most precious object in the universe. 
“You can’t do that,” Nancy managed to gasp out, clearly in tears given how thick her voice had gotten, even if Eddie couldn't see them. “I can’t lose you too.” 
Too? Who had Nancy lost? 
The questions were only continuing to mount, and Eddie wondered if you could get a panic attack just by standing close to someone who had just had one. It was certainly getting harder to breathe the longer he looked at the three of them. 
“You’re not losing me,” Steve said firmly, as if he was writing it into law just by saying it out loud, “we aren’t losing anyone again.”
“You can’t know that,” Nancy said, her voice so soft Eddie almost missed it. As she did Jonathan looked up, hooking his chin on Steve’s shoulder as he made eye contact with Eddie. 
“Guys,” Jonathan called, reluctantly pulling away and nodding his head towards the rest of Hellfire who were all still standing there. Nancy quickly wiped at her eyes and Steve stepped back, putting distance between him and the couple again. 
“Hopper went to the lab,” Nancy said, picking her words slowly and carefully. “He dropped um… her off at my house with the rest of the kids.” 
“How is she?” Steve asked. Well, he knew, but Eddie was still in the dark. Who could ‘her’ be? Nancy had a little sister, didn’t she? Maybe she had a tendency to run off or something. 
“She’s freaked out. She passed out when the power outage happened, but we don’t know why yet,” Jonathan answered, wrapping his arms around his stomach. 
Steve sighed, swiping a hand across his face and turning around. He jogged over to grab his bag, slinging it over one shoulder as he walked back over. 
“Let’s just go. I don’t want to leave the kids alone right now,” Steve said, slipping back into his role as babysitter as easy as breathing. Jonathan and Nancy both nodded, waiting until Steve was in line with them before starting to walk to the car. 
It hurt almost, being forgotten, dismissed. It was like they had never even existed, like nothing else that had happened tonight mattered. 
It wasn’t like Eddie didn’t know he and the others weren’t Steve’s first choice of friends, but having it so blatantly thrown in his face didn’t feel all that great. There was an extra sting when Eddie considered exactly who those first choice friends were. 
Steve would apparently rather spend time with his ex and her new boyfriend over Eddie and his friends. 
Whatever. No problem. Eddie shoved the feeling down in his chest, deep where it would bother him all night long, but where it wouldn’t come out in mean lashing words towards anyone else.
But, as he spun on his heel and went to go stomping back towards his van, a shout behind his back stopped Eddie in his tracks. 
Steve was running over to them, the back passenger door of Jonathan’s car still wide open. He slid to a stop right in front of Eddie, panting just a bit as he reached up towards Eddie’s neck. 
“I totally forgot,” Steve said apologetically, expertly unclasping the necklace and reaching over. Eddie shivered, sucking a sharp breath in as Steve’s arms wrapped around his neck, fingers just barely grazing Eddie’s skin as he returned the necklace to its rightful owner. 
“I had a really nice time tonight,” Steve murmured, looking up at Eddie with those big cow eyes and a bashful little smile. 
“Really?” Eddie said, thrilled but unable to believe it. Steve was probably just being nice, that was all. 
“Well, before,” Steve amended, his cheeks turning a soft red as he took one step back, futzing with Eddie’s necklace so it sat perfectly in the center of his chest. “I really liked your band.” 
“I’m glad,” Eddie managed to stammer out, both hating and loving the way his entire brain was turning to mush the longer Steve had his hand on his chest. Steve had liked the band, he liked the music. 
That didn’t mean he liked Eddie, but there was no denying the thrill that was shooting up Eddie’s spine. 
“Seriously. Thank you,” Steve said, patting Eddie right above his heart once more before mercifully pulling away. “It was nice to just get to be a little… normal.” 
“Anytime, Sweetheart,” Eddie replied, biting his tongue before he could do something stupid like promise that Steve could be normal with him whenever he wanted. 
“By the way you guys are all invited to my place for a Christmas Eve Eve party! It’s on Friday,” Steve said, turning to address all six of them. “I was going to mention it on the ride home but well- Anyway, we’re doing a yankee swap, so bring a present. Oh, and invite Kaiden too.” 
“A what?” Frank asked. Eddie also wasn’t sure what ‘Yankee Swap’ meant, but he was never going to turn down an invite to a party. Especially a party at Steve’s. The Harrington house hadn’t been the subject of a rager in quite a while, but if this was going to be anything like those parties, then it was not one to be missed. 
Plus it meant more time with Steve. 
“Dude!” Jonathan shouted from his car. 
“Coming!” Steve called back. He gave Eddie a quick flash of a smile before starting to run towards the car, waving a hand behind him as he did. 
“It starts at seven. See you then, Babydoll!” 
And then he was gone, disappearing into the car and driving away before any of them could give him a proper answer. 
Tag List: @paopaupaus @zerokrox-blog @surferboyzaza @whatever-is-a-good-name @minjintea @addelyin @5ammi90 @hagbaby420 @shinekocreator @bornonthesavage @starxlark @electrick-marionnett @resident-gay-bitch @ash-a-confused-enby @classicdinosaurdeathpose @valon-whomsttf @rotten-lil-goblin @thereindeerlady @love-ya-kash @kerlypride @sparkle-fiend @thefreakandthehair @flowercrowngods @milf-harrington @sadcanadianwinter @gothbat99 @hotcocoaharrington @henderdads @lightwoodbanethings @colorful565 @h0n3y-dw @craterbbox @sourw0lfs @lesliiieeeee @bidisastersworld @tinynebula @ravnlinn @bonescaro @mexmatch @cottagecoredreams @joruni @hellykelly @maegan1116 @farewell-wanderlvst @desertfern @due-to-the-fact-that-im-a-slut @anythingforourmoonyedits @eerielake @fandemonium-takes-its-toll @sidekick-hero
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Your bird adeptus reader posts have me gnawing at the bars of my enclosure theyre so good
Okay okey I see your Bird Adeptus Reader and I raise you one Dragon Adeptus Reader, bonus points for that “not quite mastered shapeshifting yet” human disguise that has reader running around with dragon features.
This doesnt have to be considered a request but I feel compelled to share my thoughts with you in gratitude for the absolutely fantastic works you put out okey brainrot time lets go
Bumping foreheads with Foul Legacy like cats (lets be real here dragons are just lizard hardware running cat software) and having to be extra careful because of y’all’s horns so that makes it even more special. Or reader kneeling to like meditate or something, their tail is swishing behind them, and Legacy goes “!” before swatting at reader’s tail because he’s just Abyssal Moth Beast hardware running cat software.
A Dragon Adeptus would likely be very durable as well, so Legacy doesn’t have to worry about squeezing reader while cuddling or knocking into them by accident; they’re still soft and squishy and cute, but very very sturdy and able to handle all that Moth Affection.
Mutual purring, also another good thought. Legacy likes shiny objects, reader is compelled to hoard shiny objects: you really cannot lose in this situation.
It’s cat-like creatures solidarity babey!!
*unlocks your enclosure* i like the way you think anon
amongst dragons and dragon-type creatures you're considered a bit of an oddity. dragons are grand, powerful beasts that command attention or at least respect, like your secondary caretaker Zhongli (Cloud Retainer is still your adoptive mother- just because you're not the same type of adeptus doesn't mean you're not her child!) but you're smaller with softer scales and a long tail with a tuft on the end of it, still plenty durable and armed with sharp claws and adeptal powers, but you don't really have the same intimidating presence as most dragons. that's just fine with you, though- you're far more content keeping to yourself and spending time with Foul Legacy, who, in contrast, looks strong and vicious but has the softest, sweetest personality you've ever encountered, and that includes the few humans you've met and your fellow adepti
you both share several of the same habits, being essentially cats covered in either scales or armor with you being slightly more put together so you can listen to people's wishes and prayers, meditating for a couple of hours each day. whenever you sit down and close your eyes Foul Legacy always sneaks up behind you, not to spook you or anything, just to playfully bat at your tail as you work- you've taken to handing him a brush whenever he does, feeling him happily comb through the tuft of fur on the end. once he tied a little bell around it and broke into chitters of delight when you stood and instantly started jingling. you got your revenge by adoring his horns with some of the ribbons and ornaments you have for yourself- although, he seems to rather like it, so now you take a few minutes each day to pick out accessories for each other's horns, and you have plenty of shiny items to choose from
napping together is essential, particularly in sunny patches of grass. the warmth makes both of you drowsy and lethargic, Legacy nuzzling his head against your cheek and your tail wrapping around his leg. if you're particularly tired you'll change into your draconic form and completely curl around your very happy Abyssal beast, your purrs synchronizing with his. you also nap together in the most smushed clingy positions, since you want to be as close as possible- someone's face is always buried in someone's neck or chest, at all times. Legacy does make a point to be more alert in sleep than you are- you seem to fall into the deepest sleep whenever you doze, maybe it's something to do with you being a reptilian adeptus- just in case someone comes walking by, so he can wake you and help you cover your horns and tail
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outpost51 · 3 months
Character Cuddle Scale
See? See I get to them eventually!! Tagged by @ceph-the-ghost-writer over here!
How-to: Rate your OCs based on how they handle cuddling/being cuddled.
I’m just grabbing ten, otherwise we’d be here all gd day 🫠 Naturally, we’re keeping it in the Arsonist Chronicles universe lest I lose focus on the second day of camp, and only the ones that are well known-ish? I’m prooooobably not doing this right. Based on a scale of 0 (cuddly as a cactus) to 10 (could be paid to cuddle professionally):
Zadimus: solid 8/10, he’s big and warm and smells like temple smoke and his wings are like a big blanket, the only problem is he’s. Him. Loses points for smug bastardness and the [insert phallic object] in his pocket that’s very happy to see you
Dillon: either 9/10 or -9000/10 depending on her mood. She’s small and huggable like a little teddy bear when she’s in the mood for it but Watch Out
Daisy: 10/10, she’s a little cold to the touch but she warms up nice and I think if you told her she could get paid to snuggle all day… well, she’d keep the dance studio but definitely do that in her off hours.
Cheryl: 8/10 +/- 2 points depending on if the werewolf thing is a perk for you or not. Like come on, that’s free mom hugs right there and she can become big ouppy
Moira: 6/10 tig ol bitties, smells nice, will be a menace though. Hates holding still for too long so unless she’s got something to occupy herself, you’re getting poked, prodded, noogied, wet-willied, and your butt’s getting jiggled at least once
Delilah: 1000/10, buddy what do you think she did before she fell, taxes? Hell no babey this cherub is soft and snuggly and smells like strawberries and cream
Jasper: -1000/10 prickly bastard fallen angel. Grompy. No touch, he contains many knives and also swords. And a crossbow on Tuesdays. Unless you’re Delilah.
Life: 10/10, yes cuddle mama life. Warm and made for huggin and snuggin
Death: 2/10, mostly because she stays far far far away from the living unless someone’s grief calls her loud enough. She’s still not very touchy, but for her wife? She accepts the snugs.
The Deep: 3/10. Soggy smarmy but not. Bad-bad. Just a menace. Bites. Might steal your wallet. Very touch starved. Plays with his food. Also comes with a risk of infecting yourself with Rot. Doesn’t happen all the time but is it worth it? You decide.
Tagging: @sparatus @thetrashbagswasteland @daisywalletchains @glitchinginthegarden @a-driftamongopenstars @writernopal @teamdilf @hornetofhallownest @aceouttatime and anyone who hasn’t done this yet?? Or has more characters to share??
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dankmaths · 1 year
god fuckign dammit i cant stop thinking about thefucking hospital scene
just rewatched it and i don't want to spend 5 hours formatting a long unhinged twitter thread so here we are. i am mishmashing the game and anime and manga scenes together in my personal canon blender. p4 spoilers of course
cause like, naoto is the one to suggest they throw namatame into the TV. and kanji's on board with it too. but the one yu has to fight over it, the one yu has to think carefully about and talk down, is fucking yosuke hanamura.
of course everyone has a personal stake in it considering namatame was going around kidnapping everyone, but yosuke specifically...
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he phrases it like "we have to stop him before he hurts anyone else," but it seems like a big part of his motive is revenge. saki's kindness meant a lot to him, regardless of how real it was, or selfish his motive is, and it wasn't fair she had to die. so now he's gonna kill namatame. and it doesn't matter if that goes against his morals, or if no one else is willing to do it. he is absolutely dead set on killing namatame (pun intended). the only thing stopping him from doing it is yu.
it's ironic looking back. because like yosuke, namatame also lost someone important to him, and is trying to use his power to do what he thinks is right in his own way... just like yosuke wanted to be a hero, namatame wanted to be a savior, but yosuke is too blinded by rage in the moment to see that. the big difference is who got to them first. yosuke's had yu with him the whole time to keep him grounded, and eventually, the whole investigation team- namatame got adachi.
(side note- i more often think about yosuke+adachi parallels; how they're both bored with everything, but yosuke has the team and adachi pushes everyone away, but that's not really relevant rn lol)
there's also the scene where yu goes to confront the true killer alone, and yosuke's waiting outside when he comes back. and at that point he's not angry anymore, just… disappointed. (feelsbadman) but i don't think it's because he changed his mind.
after you calm him down in the hospital, he's STILL thinking about doing it:
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(another side note- the va in this scene is top notch. this line gave me chills rewatching it. first time i saw the hospital scene i was getting a little scared lol)
and after learning the true killer's identity he fucking hates adachi. even after defeating him he never really forgives him. he still gets pissed and tries to attack adachi when he shows up unexpectedly in ultimax:
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yosuke was 100% willing to kill someone, and he'd 100% do it again if his partner gave the okay. but as much as he hates adachi, he understands that he's important to yu, enough to know yu would break their promise and sneak into the TV alone. and despite how he might feel, he doesn't want yu to lose someone important to him too.
there's also the scene in the anime after the hospital, where after yu tries to send everyone home promising he'll be okay, yosuke comes back to comfort him. he's still upset, but he's deferring to yu's leadership and more importantly, making sure that his partner is okay comes first.
that's why i think it's great the anime puts the fist fight after the hospital scene. cause he spends his whole social link struggling with his grief and insecurity and jealousy; and then, in december, with tensions running high and these nasty revelations about himself and awful feelings swirling inside, it all finally comes to a head. and he tries to get it all out in the only way he knows how: two dudes beating the shit out of each other. Thats True Love Babey.
not much of a point to all this, except that i really love yosuke's character (and souyo) lol. something is wrong with him. I Know What He Is. he's like the team mood maker and he's always joking around (and i think golden especially looooves to play him up for comic relief), but perhaps the moments when he lets the veneer slip are the moments where he shines the most.
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stars-n-spice · 5 months
Silly Squad Alignment Charts
Because I thought it would be fun and silly :)
Find out more about the Silly Squad here!
Of course, have to start with the classic:
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Hunter will say they have food at home and it's literally like probably two slices of bread, a bottle of ketchup, and a head of lettuce
Viram KNOWS how to cook so you best be happy to eat her food instead of having Mcdonalds
Khea and Echo it depends on their mood whether they pull up and order a single black coffee before leaving (Echo would never do it if Omega is in the car)
Crosshair doesn't even like their coffee but he does it to be a little shit
Feel like Tech is also kinda in the middle because he'll be like "Technically we have food at home-" but he also needs his caffeine
Phee will ALWAYS pull up to the Mcdonalds, especially when Omega's with her. Then Omega always holds it over Hunter- "Well, PHEE takes ME to Mcdonalds!"
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Tay is the definition of a bastard (no seriously)
Phee is bastard (affectionate) but would technically be more of "Badass" than anything
Khea, Crosshair, and Tech are the Bitch Trio and if you put them in a room together they WILL tear each other apart (emotionally most likely but Tech will goad Crosshair and Khea into physically fighting each other while he records)
Majority of the squad is Babey though
Echo is also "Bad Ass" but he could also be a Bitch if he wanted
Hunter is Bastard just because I think it's funny
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Dumb Bitch Hunter my beloved <3
Echo is sad dick because he has no dick
I use dumb affectionately with Wrecker (not with Hunter and Tay)
Tech just has big dick energy to me idk
Khea's a sad hoe but she'll never admit to it (the being sad part)
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If you've noticed, I really like making fun of Hunter that's why he's there in the dumbass squared category
Wrecker, Khea, and Phee are all smart as fuck but have more fun pretending that they aren't really
Tay is good at pretending that he is smart - he is not
Then of course, Tech, Cross, and Echo are all smartasses
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This fit so perfectly I was dying
Hunter is laughing nervously because he's aroace lmao
Omega would be like "Thanks! :D" and just carry on
Jung would most likely do *thumbs up* instead of finger guns though
When you pair up the couples, it's funnier
If Tay said "I know" after Cross told him that he loved him, Crosshair would dump him on the spot
Khea tells Wrecker she loves him for the first time and he short circuits and probably would say something along the lines of "YEET!"
Viram and Echo both have issues and would not be able to comprehend why someone would love them - I'm sure Echo's got insecurities and Viram knows she's a workaholic and therefore difficult to be in a relationship so she apologies in advance
If Phee told Tech she loved him and he went "a horrible decision, really" she'd probably laugh
And of course, who doesn't love Phee? If you don't, get out of here.
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Crosshair could care less, he ain't dealing with that shit
Tech would say this ominously as if he's seen the future and knows your death is imminent meanwhile Khea's is more of a - "you probably will because everyone close to me has already died" sort of way :/
I feel like Omega might also be "i'd die for you first" too
Hunter, Viram, and Echo don't want to deal with that shit either, they've already got so much loss, guilt, and other things on their plate
Tay's probably not listening when someone tells him they'd die for him while Phee's like, "Oh, neat. Anyways, as I was saying about my last adventure-"
Jung is ready and willing to put his life on the line and Wrecker would probably more like a "Nu uh" because he's got your back and would look out for you
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Phee will also do it for some credits or a cool treasure
Tay is going to fight god (and he's going to lose)
Tech could do so much more than take down the government, but he needs incentives (him and Phee can take down the government together <3)
Khea is a bounty hunter, her job literally requires her to stab people sometimes in order for her to get money
Crosshair would stab without anyone needing to ask him
Echo's taking down the government no matter what, but especially if Rex asks him to come along
Jung is going to fight god if you ask them to (and he'll win)
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Viram is the type of friend who is an excellent tutor and you end up understanding the concept after getting her help meanwhile Omega will explain what she knows and then the homework becomes a group project of figuring out what the fuck it's asking
You can copy Hunter's homework but there is no guarantee that the answers are right (most of them are wrong)
You can copy Jung's homework and there's a high chance the answers are right
Khea had better things to do than homework - like get frustrated over it and cry for a bit before giving up on it
Phee did some of the homework but she'll only help you out if you give her something in exchange
Wrecker and Tay, beloved himbos, they had no idea and even if they did do the homework, you wouldn't want to copy off of them
Crosshair also didn't do the homework but he also doesn't want to respond
Tech and Echo both did the homework and it's correct but they don't tolerate copying work to even have suggested it is offensive so now you're left on read
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alloutofgoddesses · 4 months
- Okay I avoided everything but the stills for the most part so I am Nervous but going in as blind as I can
- The ads shut the fuck up ads the fire fam is waiting for me
- this is rough and w just started
- Helena and Ramon I will get you
- I mean he’s not wrong but I still hate him
- Hi Maynard
- Oh god Athena can we just let other ppl do their jobs
- An “Ay, Dios” at least a apart of my prayer of “Eddie speaks more Spanish” has been answered
- Oh god
- Athena put the gun back oh my god
- Who is Polly Martin
- Why are you here though
- You could have like knocked
- Where’s Harry also
- MADDIE HAN!!!!!!!!!
- At least we have one person making it out of this episode mostly unbothered
- Also Hen Chim bestieism
- Athena is DEFINITELY the danger right now
- Leave him ALONEEEEEE
- Yeah he’s a travel nurse
- Can we all do a quick prayer circle for the demise of this fuck ass bob
- Oh boy oh boy
- This is the reason Eddie doesn’t speak more Spanish bc the writers room is writing this shit instead
- Oh my god and bringing Herman in
- Over it over it over it
- Why do ppl keep projecting themselves onto Amir
- I hope he makes it out of this and changes his name and moves to the middle of the woods
- Let’s all leave Amir alone okay
- Athena are you for real right now
- Okay Mrs. Bobby Nash does kind of eat but really
- Really
- Setting a fire when there are still people inside
- Really
- Hi 133
- Amir now is the time! Leave! Go into witness protection so ppl will leave you ALONE
- Yeah Bobby’s fine
- Buck wouldn’t go have a date if he wasn’t
- Hi Bobby welcome back your wife went a little insane
- Hi Karennnn
- Madney side eye
- Oooooo they’re so gonna foster Mara until Henren can take her back
- And Phillip SUCKS ASS
- Sure bud
- Why? Would you want? Girl what
- He’s so weird. I’m so sorry but he keeps being so weird
- Ughhhhhhh hate this hate this
- I totally get it but why THEM Chris
- Hi Harry!
- Hi May!
- Aaawwwwww
- The little head shake oh god
- That’s his SOUL I’m gonna lose it
- Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
- Augh
- Can this please be the start of MaddieKaren bestie time PLEASE
- I will accept it since he talked Bobby into not retiring
- oh god this is gonna be a MESS
- I hope it’s resolved by the end of the first episode of the season bc I don’t know how much Gerrard I can take
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gabessquishytum · 9 months
I wanna riff off the Ancient Rome ask with my own, but instead of Rome it's Greek babey!!!!
So the old Byzantine Emperors had a bodyguard group called the Varangian guard. They were foreigners to the Empire and loyal only to the Emperor.
Hob is one such guard. He was kidnapped at an early age when his village was attacked by Norsemen. Since then he's fought his way around Europe before being invited into the guard. He's not big on the whole Christianity thing, but he can at least enjoy serving such a pretty Emperor.
On the flip side, Dream is miserable. As Emperor, his head is constantly in peril of being put on the pike. He's got to keep his neighbors from spilling into his territory, he's got to keep trade lines to the east open for business, even the church threatens to break apart and there will be riots in the streets. There already have been when two factions of chariot fans joined forces and nearly burned down Constantinople.
Fortunately, he has his guard around him. Men who can't and won't be bought off or forced into killing him due to the machinations of the other noble houses or even his own siblings. Hob is one of the few he trusts absolutely with his life.
Hob accompanies him to church, where even he is not permitted a weapon. Hob watches over him when he visits the bathhouse and is the only one allowed in the room when he bares his Imperial person so to speak. He even is the sole guard positioned inside the royal bedchamber to watch over the king as he sleeps. He does his job well enough and speaks so little to the various other nobles and Imperial family members that there is little thought of him. He just does his job really well.
What they don't know is Hob has grown to be more than just a body guard. He's Dream's closest companion. He has been given a thorough education in Latin and Greek, how to read and write, he's even sat in on a few philosophy and poetry lessons to better entertain his employer.
In turn, Dream has allowed himself to be less guarded around Hob. They've talked and chatted about loves lost and won. About Dream's idea of the soul being blind until it's had a true, satisfying love. Hob wants to be that love and as such has also been satisfying his Emperor with not only his company but his body as well. It is a sin in the church, but Dream doesn't care. He's an Emperor after all.
This all changed when a Persian assassin snuck into the palace and attempted to kill the Emperor to provoke a war the Byzantines were sure to lose. The assassin was killed by Hob before he could make his attempt on his Emperor's life, but the damage is done. He locks himself in the imperial apartments, refusing to come out except for the high holy days when he spends all his time in church. He refuses to attend senate meetings. He communicates only through Hob. He is completely isolated from the rest of the world.
Some of the noble families titter and gripe about how close a foreign heathen is to the Emperor. How closely he stands to the throne when Dream does make his scant few public appearances. But the Emperor is safe at least. Just so long as Hob can continue to pay the Persians off that is.
Oh poor Dream, I don't envy him! Except for the fact that he has Hob protecting him 24/7. That is a pretty enviable position to be in!
I really like the emperor/guard situation. The intimacy of that relationship. And there's something especially intimate in the fact that Hob is a foreigner here with absolutely no loyalty or interest elsewhere. It's like he's totally focused on Dream. At this point he doesn't even really have a home to go back to: Dream is his home, his family, his everything. Maybe that's too much for the members of the court and maybe they don't like how close the emperor has become to this common indentured bodyguard. Frankly, Hob doesn't care. He doesnt care about anything in the world, except for Dream.
As much as he hates to see the love of his life so scared and helpless, locked away in his rooms like a precious jewel... it is admittedly a great convenience for Hob to have him in one place all the time. They spend so much of their time in privacy, they become quite used to expressing their love and living a simpler, more domestic life. Sometimes Dream almost seems to forget his troubles when he's lying in his luxurious bed with his head on Hob’s chest.
It isn't only himself he's keeping safe, of course. If Dream isn't in any danger then neither is Hob. Seeing Hob wrestling with that assassin and finally finishing him off was one of the worst moments of Dream’s life. He was terrified that the one man he loves would be killed, all for his sake.
Hob is safe in the imperial apartments with Dream. No assassins will piece their iron doors. Hob may be paying the Persians off, but Dream is paying for Hob’s safety too. And it's worth it. Every moment of Hob’s safety is worth whatever Dream has to give.
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lizzypuppet1711 · 7 months
things about toronto’s production of the great comet at crow’s theatre/musical stage co that i need everyone to know about because i am obsessed with this show.
as of writing i have seen this show five times.
very long under the cut:
full cast listed here. at time of writing, donna garner replaces louise pitre as marya, tyler pearse replaces lawrence libor as dolokhov, and ben carlson replaces marcus nance as andrey/bolkonsky. currently i’ve seen the og cast four times and the replacements once.
the stage is set up with seats on three out of four sides, with front rows at tables, back of house left and right sides at barstools, and a small balcony with some seats on house right. there are balconies on either side, with a revolving platform in the middle of the stage (revolving by being pushed by cast members or stagehands). seats around 200 people or so.
the actors are EVERYWHERE. it is so incredibly immersive
the music is very punchy
during prologue, everyone is taking shots as they’re introduced, except dolokhov, who drinks straight from the bottle and sprays it into the air
i’m a dolokhov girlie through and through and once he nodded hello at me during the prologue and i legit swooned
mary is walking around holding a program showing off the family tree, actors will point to them on tables etc
once anatole pointed at his face on it, pointed to himself, all in a very flirty manner
he winked at me during prologue once and i’m still thinking about it
evan buliung is acting his ass off as pierre
he is definitely is more gruff and acting focused (think dave malloy over josh groban)
at “hours at my screen”, pierre takes an audience member’s phone (from one of the tables… or once out of someone’s hands LMAO) and mimes tapping, scrolling through it etc
two stagehands move things on and offstage (such as the sofa, church props etc) and they are also in little costumes. it’s very adorable
dolokhov’s little soldier walk thing??? during moscow????? i’m sure there’s a reason for it bc both of them do it but i have no clue why it’s there???? love it tho
heeyun park as mary is also acting her damn heart out
private and intimate life has a faster tempo and is SUCH a banger as a result
an audience member gets briefly pulled up on the platform to be the cheap french thing, he typically kisses up their arm, hugs them, and sometimes sits on their lap a bit
pierre is playing the tambourine in the background during natasha and bolkonskys and it is honestly kind of funny
hailey gillis plays natasha very emotional and headstrong. her no one else has a sense of urgency, desperation, and deep longing
the platform is spinning and people are walking around and she is singing like an angel…
basically i want to be hailey gillis when i grow up
actors are rotating the platform during no one else and it ends with andrey standing behind her and pierre standing in front of her. no one talk to me i’m losing it
as the run has continued, dolokhov’s adlibs during his intro in the opera have increased drastically
lawrence libor as dolokhov had such an air and presence (rizz?) about himself i cannot DESCRIBE. the comphet he gave me… i miss him v much. he was also very much giving toronto mans. and he made SO MUCH eye contact. he loves to look at you. i miss him. i need him. who said that
tumblr theatre girlies you would go insane over lawrence libor. if this show had ANY b roll footage i know i would be seeing edits all over the place
i am president of the lawrence libor fan club and everyone should join me
tyler pearse as dolokhov has heavy frat boy energy. he is also gayer, and somehow, sluttier. gives short king energy despite only being an inch shorter than lawrence (apparently)??? don’t ask bc i don’t know either he just does. anyway thank u tyler pearse for making dolokhov bisexual for real
either way dolokhov is doing SO MUCH in this production. he is wild he is a whirling dervish he is arrogant he is a bastard he is everything to me
“YEAH BABEY LETS GOOOOOOO” -lawrence libor as dolokhov, upon his entrance
in one performance he would go YEAH BABEY three separate times in act 1. yeahh
flirting with a girl in the balcony, dabbing up a guy in the balcony, generally being hilarious
and tyler pearse leaning over the balcony, rose in his mouth, wolf howling… i can’t.
basically i can’t with this production’s dolokhov. i’m obsessed
anatole’s entrance… he’s a whore. all i can say
rita dottor (ensemble) does the high soprano bravooooooo and she always sounds so fantastic. live laugh love rita dottor
george krissa, who plays anatole, is probably the most attractive man in ontario. like if you googled hot guy he would be the first result.
“where did they find this anatole. was he made in a lab or something. he was perfect” — my friend after seeing it
tumblr theatre girlies you would also be obsessed with george krissa. like jeremy jordan andrew rannells level obsessed. please love these toronto actors with me
i’d let him ruin my life ANY DAY. it is a fact that lesbians love george krissa. i hope he knows
the way he plays it… my friend described it like “lucas steele is like an alien david bowie, and george krissa is a bridgerton man. just a very charismatic, but normal, guy”
while i would say that lucas steele’s anatole believes he is truly in love with natasha, i would not say the same for george krissa’s. some of the manipulation happening here during the opera is. quite clear
when he is entering the box natasha struggles to open her fan, fans herself frantically, under the arms etc. then when he enters immediately shifts to fanning in a cool and collected manner. hailey gillis master of comedy
“we are speaking of most ordinary things” is especially like. this is a male manipulator if i’ve ever seen one
natasha lost was added back in!! fantastic obviously
anatole checking his hair in the mirror before waking pierre up. fucker
“look dolokhov’s coming around… and we’re off to the CLEURB”
brendan wall (ensemble) walking around during the club scene with a glowstick necklace on is peak comedy to me
i’ve said it but tyler’s dolokhov is an absolute slut at this scene. and for what AND FOR WHAT!!!!
also fun tidbit but all the glasses (other than shots) and any clear bottles have real liquid in them. i am very concerned something will spill one day
when dolokhov gets right up in the audience’s face during “known only to his intimates” i LOVE it idk
during the duel, marya and rita steal off to house left directly beside the barstools and chatter about how bad of an idea this is, they’re so drunk, etc
special shout out to divine’s “he will kill you STOOPID HUSBAND” so good
dolokhov’s adlibs during the duel… i need him. sorry
dolokhov gets shot in the side rather than his shoulder, and unceremoniously rolls off the platform as it’s moving. looks painful
hélène screams when dolokhov is shot but not pierre. so much to think about here
a life changing dust and ashes from evan. i can’t describe anything more just that he’s incredible. i’ve learned so much about acting just by watching him a few times
natasha’s face at “am i guilty…” breaks my heart she is so tormented
we are canadians we are going to pronounce our french correctly! no more charmantay
hélène has started adding some very fun runs into charming as the run has gone on. divine brown marry me
anatole is shirtless during charming. btw.
again i know he’s gay and i’m gay but.
the entirety of this rendition of the ball has been stuck in my head since december
his “don’t lower your eyes i love you” that whole section is delicious i want to eat his voice
plus “BEWITCHING AND I LOVE YOUUU” UGHHH such an ear worm but only when it’s their voices
the choreo going on here is very nice btw
i love the way he says natalie at this part idk. it’s not overly enunciated and the vowel is just right <— vocal nerd
the kiss feels like it lasts forever
music gets very very loud at the end and you can feel it in your skin
also fun fact the house music before and after the show is orchestral but during intermission it’s electronic. bc. anatole. gah details
when marcus was still in the cast you could really hear his voice during letters and it sounded sooooo.
dolokhov’s stupid little thumbs up to indicate he will be ok. pleaseee. i laughed i did
generally lawrence would grab at the place he was shot at a lot; while pushing the revolve etc. loved that detail. (tyler does too but less so)
sonya and natasha just sounds so great. like they just always sound fantastic i love that song
sonya alone. yes i am weeping. yes camille eanga-selenge is everything i want to be and more. she’s phenomenal
dolokhov sitting in a big fuckin chair at the beginning of preparations just absolutely clearly regretting every decision he’s made to facilitate this. is great.
i know i keep talking abt lawrence libor but the image of him at this part is just. really great. to me. sorry
very campy and exaggerated scowling and grimacing from anatole
dolokhov is so sick of anatole’s shit
“here feel how it beats” is NOT entertained he pushes him back immediately
lawrence dolokhov’s “dawdling” business was him tuning his guitar i miss musician dolokhov sooooo much gah
balaga truly does not sing any of his lines. he is basically yelling the entire time. i don’t know how he does it. it’s chaotic and hilarious and so fun
sonya and mary hand out the egg shakers on house right and left respectfully
near the end of balaga, four audience members are brought up to dance with the cast! (i got to dance with mary once!)
dolokhov writhing on the floor during anatole’s long held note thank u
during the goodbye section, anatole comes around to said audience members and interacts with them; dancing with them, booping them on the nose etc, and at “kiss me one last time”, invites a lucky audience member to kiss his cheek. (this once, was me. yup. still processing it.)
once he accidentally knocked someone’s egg shaker from their hand, dolokhov picked it up, laughed, gave it a shake, and handed it back, and yes i’m still thinking about it
when they sit down, balaga and dolokhov will sit on the house right stairs, though once there was an empty seat nearby so dolokhov wedged his way in between two people, guitar and all. so fucking good
anatole will squeeze himself between two audience members on house left, put an arm around each, and look around at everyone sitting in that area, out into the audience, etc. if one is going to make eye contact with him, it is now
once he threw his head back to look at the people behind him, and someone, at the speed of light, took their phone out and snapped a picture of his upside down head. i scream laughed
lawrence’s BETRAYED BETRAYEDDDD was sooooo good. so so so good
hailey gillis is an absolute powerhouse during in my house
usually when “natasha’s whole body shook” she falls to the ground silently but last time i went she YELLED and i gasped so loud
at “i have refused him” louise would go NO in shock and i FREAK OUT ABOUT IT.
and i loved her “what then? would that be alright???”
when the call to pierre music starts i always get goosebumps
the fight choreo when pierre grabs anatole by the collar is very good
if we’re comparing to broadway, it feels less like anatole’s life is in danger here but like i’m not upset about it
at this point anatole does not seem sad or upset to me more just. pissed off that it didn’t go his way. like annoyed
as anatole leaves during pierre and anatole the staging has him stepping around/over natasha as she is choking from the arsenic and it is such a. show of his shallowness
his petersburg note is fantastic obviously. live laugh love george krissa
marcus nance (andrey) has such a deep and beautiful legit singing voice. it’s sooo gorgeous. any word that raises against marcus nance will fall.
I MISS HIMMMM ok sorry.
i am more sympathetic to ben carlson’s andrey, however. marcus was Incredibly stoic ben has a bit more emotion to him i think
i could swear sometimes hailey is actually crying during pierre and natasha
her “pytor kirillovich” sounds so tiny and fragile ugh my heart breaks
and his “…pierre” is so assuring AUGHH
it’s such a beautiful scene obviously. i love the two of them so damn much i hope only good things happen to them forever
“it was clear and cold” also. chills EVERY TIME
“having traced its parabola” and “like an arrow piercing the earth” hit me so hard i cannot explain
genuinely evan buliung gives the most effective inspiring fantastic mind blowing performance i maybe have ever seen on stage. he is such an incredible actor and he inspires me beyond belief
the end when the lights get really really bright and then fade out. god. so simple and so fucking beautiful
now this post is very long. thank u for reading it all if you did! (will update after seeing it more times if there’s things to say!!)
if you’re anywhere near toronto i BEG of you to go see it!! it’s closing march 24th :(( so if you get the chance i deeply implore you. beg borrow or steal a ticket just get there! best comet production ever in my biased opinion :)
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breathlessmorro · 8 months
Hi, I love your destinyshipping content I discovered this ship thx to your content and I am obsessed with this ship now. Is it possible you could share some more of the au's and or headcanons you have for it?
Yoinks you into my hive mind
Happy to have you here!! Our little corner of the fandom may be small, but the Destiny is STRONG! And of course I've got tons of au's and head canons for these idiots! They own a fraction of my brain!
My au's for them; your generic, "Morro Returns During the Day of the Departed," AU, where he has to earn everyone's trust and slowly realizes that he is a good ninja, and he always was.
My, "Morro and Kai take over Skybound" AU, where Morro and Kai play the roles of Jay and Nya in Skybound respectively.
My Morro's Teas AU, which has Morro come back during the DoTD, but he works at Wu's Tea Shop instead of being a ninja.
My Samurai Morro AU, which is where Morro secretly teams up with Pixal and becomes Samurai X.
Then there's the SCP AU, which I... Haven't totally abandoned but also haven't spoken about in forever lol. Kai is a Security Guard turned Class-D, and Morro is an SCP that's basically a sentient gust of wind.
Destinyshipping Headcanons part I lost track years ago and I'm not counting anymore.
Kai is the one to teach Morro Spinjitzu. Seriously, anyone else who tries just can't seem to help him get it down. Kai however? Instead of making Morro run the training course, he forces him to go through the motions during a sparring session. Morro eventually realizes the movements are the same, and spins himself right into Kai's arms on purpose on accident
They race on their elemental dragons all the time, but Kai never wins against him. After all, Morro is the master of Wind for fuck's sake, he was born to be in the sky. Kai doesn't mind losing to him though, because it's also the happiest he's ever seen Morro since he reached his true potential.
Speaking of - Kai was essential in helping Morro unlock his full powers. Even if he redeems himself, it takes ages for Morro to realize that he never needed to become the green ninja. It isn't until he hears Kai's story, how he realized he needed to protect the Green Ninja instead of becoming him, that he's able to accept it. After all, if Kai of all people could come to terms with being ordinary, surely he can as well.
Oh. My. God. The yelling these two do. Every day they're "arguing" over something new. Either Kai's breath smells, or Morro's hair is messy, or the room is a mess. These petty ass hoes fight about EVERYTHING! It's all harmless, but the main reason these two may end up moving into their own place is absolutely because of the yelling.
Kai's parents absolutely LOVE Morro! Maya is a little more wary at first, because she knows Morro's past and only wants what's best for her boy, but Ray is the most supportive thing in existence. He's happy that Kai has someone, and he welcomes Morro into the family with open arms.
Bonus: Garmadon teasingly called Kai his nephew once because of the relationship and Kai has since not been allowed to be alone in a room with him again for both of their safety.
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