#it’s already the 31st in my time zone at least
catboyglover · 11 months
happy epidemiology day
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Anthony's Stupid Daily Blog (631): Fri 8th Dec 2023
Today is the eleven year anniversary of this blog (I wrote it for nine years on Wordpress then a year just for myself and I've uploaded it to tumblr since last year). I never really know what to write whenever I reach these milestones because the obvious thing to do would be to just do a retrospective of all the things you've done in last year. However I already do that whenever we reach December 31st so Id just be repeating myself for the sake of filling up the blog's word count for the day…kind of like I'm doing right now…kind of. One thing I always find myself writing whenever anothe year passes is how dissapointed I am that I haven't been utilising this blog to it's full potential by deliberately doing things out of my comfort zone so that I can write about them which I'm sorry to say is still true this time around. It doesn't even have to be something as grandiose as doing something on my bucket list like signing up for scuba diving lessons or doing stand up comedy. It can literally just be deciding to go out to a restaurant for a meal or heading to the town more for a mooch around because I find that I tend to find at least one thing to write about when I do something small like that but as usual I've allowed myself to become complacent by just writing about something I've watched on YouTube which makes for quite dull reading. I could fix this by making one of my new years resolutions to go out at least one night a week in search of something small to write about. I wrote down a list of all the places I could go that involve stuff I'm interested in. There's an art class, a blues bar and a restaurant that does a weekly speed dating event in Newcastle plus a place that does cookery classes not far from where I live. These aren't exactly extravagant things but they would definitely result in more interesting writing than what I've been shitting out lately. Every morning when I wake up I should just say to myself "What are you going to do for the blog today?" and if it's a day when I'm at work I can promise that I'm going to watch a particular movie or a read a particular book when I get home and if it's a day off I can go to one of these events just to ensure that the blog will have at least one cool thing that's worth reading that day. One more quarrel I have with the way this blog has turned out is that I can hardly call it a daily blog anymore. When I first started I would write down the events of each day before I went to sleep. Nowadays I tend to write notes at the end of each day then resolve to write them into a full blog at a later date then I go weeks or sometimes a full month without writing anything and have to go back and write an entry for each day I've misses. So I really should rename this thing "Anthony's Stupid Weekly (Sometimes Monthly) Blog" which is hardly catchy. So happy anniversary Anthony's Stupid Daily Blog. My promise to you for year twelve is that I will go out of my way to make you much more interesting and that I will update you more regularly.
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pennzance · 11 months
Ghostbusters: Port Huron (Episode 21)
Episode 21: All Hallows Eve
October 31st, 1998
Incident report by Eric
You knew this was coming, right? I mean, of COURSE we’d have to do something on Halloween. It’s one of the few holidays we aren’t allowed to request off for obvious reasons. I was ready for this, especially after listening to Bryan drone on about how the ‘fabric of reality is wearing dangerously thin’ after the whole Hatchet crap.
At least the spooks on Halloween were nice enough to wait for the sun to go down. Or maybe not, because the temperature has dropped to an even-for-Michigan unseasonably cold 25 degrees outside. Fahrenheit, not Celsius. This isn’t Canada. At least it hasn’t snowed yet.
When the sky started to darken, the phone started to ring. Jason and Kelly were already out walking the streets, blending in with the trick-or-treaters a little. Bryan and Jeremy were working the suburbs (of PoHo? That’s like… subsuburbs) with the Ecto-908. Amber and I were at the office, keeping in touch with the others and directing them toward disturbances with the long-range radios Jeremy had brought in. It occurs to me that radios or walkie talkies would have been very handy for some previous jobs. Why did it take us so long to get these?
I digress. I directed Jason and Kelly to a disturbance at a Halloween party on Keewahdin road while Amber told the boys on wheels about a call coming in from Lexington. With the volume of calls, we were not going to get to every haunting tonight, but I had the idea of taking down the names and addresses for a follow up and a discounted busting if the specter in question wasn’t Halloween specific. We were prioritizing the more dangerous sounding calls.
Then there was one very specific phone call I got that I’ll remember for a long time. When I picked up the phone and answered “Ghostbusters Port Huron,” I was expecting a shrill voice in terror at the other end because, well, that was the standard. What I got was a calm, professional voice.
“This is Ben Daily. Is Stephen there?”
“Mr. Kaye? Um…” Come to think of it, I hadn’t seen the boss all day. “I believe he’s stepped out for a moment. We have a large volume of calls and-“
“You know who I am?”
“Ben Daily?” I hazarded. It seemed like a safe bet.
“I’m the manager of the Detroit branch. Is this Jeremy?”
“Eric, actually.”
“Ah, Eric. Hullford told me about you. Do you know when Stephen… Mr. Kaye plans to return? I have an urgent matter to discuss with him.”
“No idea, but I can pass the message along as soon as I see him.”
“No. No messages. He and I need to talk.”
“I’ll see what I can do, but we’re tied to the phones tonight. You’ll have to wait until he gets back to-“
Then there was a noise on the phone. One I was familiar with. The deep thrumming startup resolving into the high pitched whine of a Proton Pack. Ben heard it too. He was panicking.
“No! Wait! What are you doing? DON’T-“
And in a burst of static the line went dead.
I stared at the receiver. I put it to my ear again, I couldn’t tell you why. I stared at it again.
“What’s up?” Amber asked. I had forgotten she was in the room, and I jumped a little when she spoke.
“Um… I’m not sure?” I said slowly. Had I just been pranked? We didn’t have caller ID. Why would Ben Daily need to talk to Mr. Kaye? Was it an accident I had heard, or was he attacked? My mind was doing a lot of things.
“Eric, what’s wrong? You look like it was your first day on the job.”
“Hey, um... where is Mr. Kaye?”
“Actually, where is he?" Amber asked, "I haven’t seen him all day.”
Comatose from friendly fire. The words were just sitting there in front of me, part of a report Mr. Kaye had written in the aftermath of Eloise. He’d faxed it to the home office, but the original was just sitting there in a pile of old paperwork and the sentence hung there in front of me like it was some kind of fate. Proton Packs were ABSOLUTELY not to be used on biological lifeforms. I’d zoned out for most of the tech explanation as to why, but the energies involved were enough to scorch the flesh from your bones and possibly, theoretically, knock your soul right out of your body and turn you into a ghost.
"Well, we should find him," I said finally.
I tucked the paper deeper into the pile, so the words disappeared from sight. They stayed on my mind though. Just ghost stories. Theories. Comatose from friendly fire. Who would DO that to another person? Why? It had to have been an accident, right?
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December is about to end and many different holdiays have passed by, where i live what we do is that on the 24/12(nochebuena) and new years we stay up all night partying, but how would the OM cast act if MC did similar practices?
Idc what happens during the christmas events of the game i canon that lucifer passes out exhausted during the afternoon and then busts a move during nighttime with the rest
You will not see the eldest all day until it is time to get dressed and ready for nochebuena, and wow does he need that cause otherwise he wouldve fallen asleep halfway through the night
He is a tired old man MC you gotta be patient with the exhausted dad
Same thing in new years eve, will sleep all day until nighttime, diavolo cant be picky he already burnt the eldest out all year, this is the least he can do and he can let luci sleep for once
Is celebrating already the moment the day starts
Somehow also has a ton of energy throughout the 24 hours of the day and nothing will be able to stop him
Will also make sure you party next to him all night and during the 31st he'll try his best to be the one you do the countdown with
Is dragging all his brothers to the dancefloor and he doesnt plan on letting them rest at all during the fun, like they had yesterday to rest why arent they ready today huh?🤨
Is out before the party even starts, hiding in some room from the crowd, trying to distract himself with his ddd
If you live in latinoamerica then you can be sure he'd be that one kid who is either watching tv or is passed out in someone's bedroom, particulary its the one room you'll need that exact moment
If you have a close friendship with him however then try dragging him out of the room for some fun, hell, perhaps he'll participate more during new years
Tonight is the night where he can prank the most out of lucifer, afterall the eldest is asleep all day and will be to busy having fun during the night, its the perfect timing for him to prepare some lighthearted satan pranks :)
Is also secretly giving food to any stray cats that so happen to be near the demon lord's castle at the time, nothing like some christmas meat to feed to those felines
While he isnt particulary a party animal he will be at the party for sure, perhaps he'll even dance with you if you invite him
Ends up getting distracted and falls in either one of his traps or someone else's traps *cough* thirteen or mephistoles's but i dont write for the newbies yet so
Is joining Mammon on the dancefloor and definetely has all eyes on him all day and night, he has even more during new years cause its fucking asmo
Has also made sure to keep around the classic human mistletoe for some fun if you get my drift 👀
He has made sure to prepare the perfect outfits for everyone in the household and he is also most likely the one to wake up lucifer so he gets ready cause by god he is in the deep sleep zone
Is competiting for the new year's kiss of yours against the others as well
If you dont celebrate the holidays by its food then please get out of my site i wish to never interact with you that is literally the only reason why i keep celebrating christmas even though im not a believer in religion-
Yeah he is to busy eating the food from the party, its just so good! However if you so wish to be with him then he will join you at the fun as well
Will check wherever belphie is at since the other twin is o u t most of the night, after finding belphie he'll make sure he sleeps at a better place before heading back to the party
Will most likely leave the other twin with levi in whatever room the third born has decided to hide at
Sleeps throughout most of the day and sleeps throughout most of the night. However when he is awake he will make sure to have fun with the rest.
You may find him at the party chatting, eating or just having fun, but do be sure to look for him with beel to find whatever funky position and/or place he has passed out at
If you want him to join you all during the countdown then you have to wake him up before doing so
He tries really hard to stay awake during the countdown however his intentions are there, all for someone like you :)
The moment you explained your celebrations he was ready to do them here, infact he had already decorated the castle before you even came thanks to barbs, he is the most excited out of them all
The party during nochebuena is what you usually do but ten times bigger and funner, this boi has such a spirit when it comes to celebrations
Has prepared everything before hand and has even given the days off to his workers just for the sake of some fun.
He knew already and has made sure to prepare everything necessary, just like diavolo and you were hoping
Also recruits the help of a little angel to prepare some traditional dishes so that hopefully they last through the night
Has to stay up all day and night but that's fine, this isnt the first time he does so, besides, this time around there is some fun going on and you are here so why waste this chance due to exhaustion? Diavolo allowed him to have some fun as well might as well put said time to use
Was excited about it all untilrealizing he had to stay awake till midnight, not because he cant handle it (he cant he has to pull out a lucifer) but because he is worried that luke might get tired and not have a place to rest
Otherwise you can be sure he will have fun, heck, he'll even stay after the fun ends just to help cleaning up the place but only if luke has found a place to rest otherwise he'l most likely have to leave early
Except on new years he will wake up the baby angel and carry the youngling's body while counting down with you and the rest :)
Do you guys remember that one episode of the fairy odd parents where timmy is convinced he can stay up all night to watch a movie everyone has been hyping up only to fall asleep once 9pm hits and he results to wishing sleeping wasnt necesary? Yeah that is luke but without that last part
He is having tons of fun until 9pm arrives, then the baby boy is out just like that one cousin around nochebuena as well, he too will be taken away to that one room where belphie is sleeping at and where levi is hiding
Levi is slowly becoming a daycare worker in that guestroom
Make sure to wake him up before countdown, he'd get very upset if he is awaken for then
Grandpa over here has livee through enough and has expierenced everything to know what will happen tonight, be sure he'll partake and kill it at the dancefloor
Is excited in his own way and helps out his friends at purgatory hall to understand nochebuena better so that the whole gang can enjoy it better
Is staying up all night with no breaks and somehow has still enough energy to go on during christmas eve, he is literally pulling an entire week with barely any sleep for the sake of celebrating, doesnt matter the holiday, he knows just how to celebrate correctly :)
Anyways happy holidays again and happy new year 😁😁 hope you all are having a good time or have one next year
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lady-griffin · 4 years
Characters That Might Be Introduced in Young Justice Season 4: Phantoms
This is just my own personal speculation, based on what I think might happen in Season 4 and what YJ has given us so far. I’m sure that I’ve missed plenty of characters that others 100% believe or know will be making an appearance...but, I can’t do anything about that. 
While the majority of the characters on this list are ones we haven’t met before, there are a few we have met in the show - I included these characters, because I think they might be added to the ever-growing roster of heroes or have a more prominent role to play. 
This is really long, but I had fun doing it and I hope you enjoy it. 
Characters We've Met Already
Part I: Prominent Future Role
     M’comm M’orzz/Ma'alefa'ak
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M’gann’s younger brother who wants to start a white revolution on Mars. We met him in season 3 during the episode of “Away Mission,” where he was a major focal point.
There are a couple of factors for why I think he’ll play a prominent role.
He’s M’gann’s younger brother and as several people have speculated upon, this season’s tagline of “Phantoms” might be in reference to our main characters’ own personal phantoms from their pasts, rather than literal ghosts. Also given how M’gann has a new little brother in Gar, who was given more prominence last season – there could be something there.
M’Comm wants to start a White Revolution and we know M’gann, Conner, J’onn, and Gar (I believe) will be heading to Mars, either before or at the beginning of Season 4. Since J’onn/Martian Manhunter is usually the last Green Martian – some dark stuff may be awaiting our heroes on Mars or occur while they’re there.
I think he’ll play a significant role in the upcoming season. 
     Jason Todd/Red Hood
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Jason is a prominent member of the Batfamily and we’ve already learned that he was the Robin after Dick, but died before Season 2 began. 
In Season 3 – he was also an easter egg in “Nightmare Monkeys,” where he died in Beast Boy’s mind, along with other fallen comrades.
More importantly, in “Rescue Op,” we actually met him as the Red Hooded Ninja on Infinity Island. Towards the end of that episode there was attention given to the fact that he recognized Dick and therefore his memory was returning.
I can definitely see him having a more significant part in the future. He would most likely be Dick’s main phantom, if that’s the case for Season 4. 
     Big Barda
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One of Granny’s most loyal generals and the leader of the furies before she defects against Darkseid. We were introduced to her in Season 3, in “Influence" - she fought against the Justice League, but more importantly she was saved by Superman. While it’s clear that Granny hurting her or being willing to sacrifice her is par for the course, it seemed pretty clear (to me) that Superman reshaped her outlook on life. 
We never saw her again, so more than likely she defected after Superman saved her.
Given her usual importance to the plot of Darkseid as well as the fact that her main love interest is Scot Free – I think there is more than a good chance we’ll see her again in Season 4.
In the third season, each of these characters were introduced in a single episode. Given their significant relationships to either a character or a plot element that is important to Young Justice - it seems more than likely we’ll see them play a larger role in the upcoming season.
Part II: Minor Future Role
     Harper Rowe/Bluebird
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She was a minor character in Season 3, but she was also pretty prominent. Given that she’s a hero in the comics, I can see Harper being a new hero added to the roster. I can’t say how prominent she’ll actually be, but I can definitely see her playing a minor role.    
     Courtney Whitmore/Stargirl
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Courtney is a pretty prominent young hero in DC and she made several appearances in Season 3 – with her show (Stargirl) where she reported and interviewed young heroes. So, maybe she’ll have decided instead of just interviewing heroes, she’ll become one herself. 
     Cisco Ramon/Vibe
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For a character who was just being bullied they paid a decent amount of attention to him. Now maybe he was just a prominent Easter Egg for fans (CW’s The Flash), but it could also be YJ laying some slight ground work for him in the future.
     Cassandra Cain/Orphan
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Orphan is a member of the Batfamily and her mother is Lady Shiva - The Light’s new enforcer, who we got to know decently well in Season 3. Because of that, I think there could be something there to explore in Season 4.
I don’t really think any of these guys will be major characters, but I’m betting we’ll at least see them in the background as heroes. Similar to how Stephanie Brown and others were introduced as easter eggs and then in the following season we saw them working as heroes.
In addition, there are of course other minor hero/super-powered characters whom we’ve already met (Arrowette, Spoiler, Mist etc.) and any one of them could get more screen time, it’s honestly anyone’s guess; I just don’t have anything specific to speculate about for them.
Characters We Haven’t Met 
Part I: Legion of Super-Heroes/Time Travel
Based on the idea that the Legion of Super-Heroes and time travel could play a significant role in Season 4 – which is based on how season 3 ended with an unknown woman wearing a Legion Ring. 
Legion of Super-Heroes
The Legion of Super-Heroes are a superhero team from the 31st Century; they are similar to The Justice League, but they protect and defend the United Planets. 
     Tinya Wazzo/Phantom Girl
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Phantom Girl is a member of the Legion, so based off that and her name, there’s a decent chance we’ll meet her. I can’t say how big of role she’ll actually have, but I feel confident in saying this season won’t be named after her; it’ll just be fun little tie-in, if she does make an appearance.
     Querl Dox/Brainiac 5
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Brainiac is a very prominent member of the Legion and knowing that they will play some role, it’s not a stretch to say he’ll also play a role. 
Brainiac 5, or at least in the WB animated show, was the inventor of the Legion Ring, as well as the ability to time-travel. 
Given his relation to one of Superman’s greatest enemies, Brainiac, who could definitely be a threat to both the League and The Light (if Brainiac even appears), I can definitely see Brainiac 5 playing a role. 
But, just his promience within the Legion is enough reason to speculate he’ll make an apperance.
     Imra Ardeen/Saturn Girl
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Given Saturn Girl’s usual importance and prominence to the Legion (founding member), plus the fact that it was a waitress wearing the ring – it could very well have been her at the end of Season 3.
And even if it wasn’t her, she will still likely make an apperance. 
Other Members of the Legion of Super-Heroes who we could meet: Lightning Lad, Cosmic Boy, Bouncing Boy, Triplicate Girl, Timber Wolf, Chameleon Boy, etc.
     Michael Carter/Booster Gold
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Booster Gold is a pretty popular character who has appeared in many other works and is intrinsically linked with time-travel. On top of that, he typically has (or had) a good friendship with the old Blue Beetle (Ted Kord), so maybe we’ll see some reverse-mentor relationship with him and Jaime, the new Beetle – Jaime teaching him what it actually means to be a hero.
In general, I think he would just be a fun and new kind of personality to be brought in. 
     Future Kids (Lian Nguyen-Harper, Damian Wayne, Jon Kent, Tornado Twins, etc).
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Given how time-travel will possibly be an element in Season 4, I think there’s a chance we’ll have an episode set in the future, starring the next generation of heroes. Maybe not all the kids we saw in “Home Fires,” but probably some of them.
Part II: The Phantom Zone  
I have the theory that Granny’s X-Pit is a type of Phantom Zone or at least based off the real thing.
Granny herself even called the pit the Ghost Dimension (which just sounds like another name for the Phantom Zone). So, it seems very likely to me that given the title of Season Four, the prominence of The Phantom Zone in DC, and how the X-Pit worked in YJ -- that The Phantom Zone will make an appearance in season 4, if not play an important part.
There could be lots of ways they could incorporate it into the show.
Maybe it works as a prison. The prison cells are like the red boxes Granny used to protect herself and thus there’s no chance of prisoners escaping the Zone, because if they try leave their cells, they’ll experience excruciating pain
Depending on how the Phantom Zone would work in in YJ, I feel like those who escape the Phantom Zone or are from there, could be called Phantoms.
While I do personally think the tagline Phantoms will refer to our main heroes’ own personal phantoms, the tagline could also be in reference to other elements of the season (like the Phantom Zone).
      Kara Zor-El/Supergirl
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Supergirl is an important and popular character in the DC and given the prominence of the Batfamily in YJ, it seems a bit odd that the Superfamily is rather lacking in comparison. 
Supergirl has been a part of the Legion of Super-Heroes and due to her popular CW Show - she is more recently associated with the Phantom Zone. In her show, she ended up being stuck in the Phantom Zone which is why she arrived on Earth so much later than Clark. YJ could do something like that or maybe she’ll have been stuck in the Phantom Zone until the 31st Century. 
The introduction of Supergirl could be an interesting storyline in association with Conner (and Clark). We know that Clark has been interested in finding other Kryptonians and Kara is certainly more than just another Kryptonian.
She’s also a likely candidate to be the waitress who was wearing the Legion Ring. 
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A Daxxamite who’s a member of the Legion of Super-Heroes and is also strongly associated with the Phantom Zone. Given how in Season 1, Superman thought that Shazam and Icon were potential Kryptonians, there could be something interesting there with Mon-El – especially since his species are so similar to Kryptonians.
In the comics, Mon-El had been inspired by Superboy into becoming a hero, but he was put in the Phantom Zone because he had an incurable disease; he was later saved by Brainiac 5 in the 31st Century. So that could be another potential storyline for Superboy in Season 4.
Mon-El has also gotten some more recognition in recent years, due to his role in CW’s Supergirl.
Also, when I was looking up a picture for him to use, I learned that there is another version of Mon-El, where he is a descendent of House El/Superman. 
So maybe that version will be introduced instead of the Daxxamite one, I don’t know. 
     Zod Trio -- Zod, Ursa, Non
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I don’t actually think these guys will be important to Season 4, if even they are introduced. But they are important Superman Villains and they’re usually connected with the Phantom Zone – given how many continuities they are prisoners of said Zone. 
So, it seemed silly to not speculate about them at least making an appearance or small cameo, if not something more. 
Part III: Darkseid and Meta-Trafficking  
     Scott Free/Mister Miracle
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Scott or Scot is Darkseid’s adopted son and the biological son of Highfather, so it feels safe to say that he’ll be a part of the show at some point. Especially, given the increase prominence of Darkseid as well as how much we’ve seen of the New Gods, Motherboxes/Fatherboxes, and the two worlds of New Genesis and Apokolips.
Scot is a defector of Apokolips or more accurately was never broken by the place. He is known for being able to escape any imprisonment - particularly Granny’s Orphanage/X-Pit, so if there’s a return of the X-Pit, Scot would be a great asset to our heroes.
Given how we’ve been introduced to the X-Pit quite thoroughly in Season 3, I think that Scot’s ability to free himself would be all the more impressive, and a quick way to establish this new character and his skills. 
In addition, while we didn’t meet the real Orion, we do know that he exists in this universe. Orion is the adopted son of Highfather and the biological one of Darkseid. In the comics, Scot and Orion were traded as part of a Peace Treaty between the worlds of New Genesis and Apokolips. 
Basically, he’s due to make an apperance. 
     Princess Koriand’r of Tamaran/Starfire
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The plots of Season 2 and 3 were largely focused on the kidnapping, experimenting, and trafficking of meta-human children/teenagers, so given all of that - Starfire seems very likely to be included in YJ.
Or at the very least, YJ has laid down the groundwork for her to be introduced - whether or not they’ll use that, we’ll have to see.
Starfire’s origin is that she is a Tamerean Princess who was taken and experimented on, which resulted in her gaining powers (more powers). So, in the YJ universe she would essentially be a Meta-Tamerean. 
Starfire could be a great way to show that the Meta-Gene exploitation isn’t just an earth/human problem anymore, as many more beings across the universe are being experimented on and turned into living weapons.
Thus, expanding upon the trafficking story thread that was introduced in Season 3. 
In general, Starfire’s origin story fits very well with the trafficking/meta-experimenting storylines that we’ve gotten so far and I think her presence would add something new.
Given the popularity of Teen Titans and the prominence of Nightwing, Beast Boy, and Cyborg in YJ, it seems more than likely that Star will be a character in the show. 
Also, we know that Arsenal will be on the Covert Team and that Jason is alive, so maybe if Star is introduced, we’ll see a version of the Outlaws in YJ. Which could be fun. 
Finally, she is one of Nightwing’s main love interests, so there could be some personal drama to be had, if the show goes down that route, which they may not. 
Starfire obviously doesn’t have to be a love interest for Nightwing to be added into the story. 
While I love RobStar (+ Dickbabs), I feel like sometimes Star is just limited to being Nightwing’s other girlfriend. So, if she is introduced in YJ, I would not be opposed to other storylines involving her without Nightwing. 
In my personal opinion, not including Star would be such a wasted opportunity, given what YJ has already established so far.
Part IV: Zatanna’s Protégé(s) / Magic-Based Characters
I have a small theory, that magic might play a larger role in season 4. This is mostly based on the fact that magic has been pushed to the background in the past two seasons. Also, the title of ‘Phantoms’ makes me think of the supernatural (aka Magic). 
We also know that Zatanna will have protégés, as in plural. Now she already has Thirteen, so at the very least we can say that one new magical-based character will be introduced to the team or the hero side. 
     The Phantom Stranger
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A mysterious mystic who battles supernatural forces. It’s unlikely he’ll be a protégé for Zatanna, but I mentioned him first, because of his name. Which is the main reason for why I think he, out of all the magical characters in DC, could make an appearance.
Similar to Phantom Girl, I don’t think the season’s tagline will come from his name, but it might just be a nice little tie-in regardless.
     Eddie Bloomberg/Kid Devil aka Red Devil
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Blue Devil has made a few minor appearances in Seasons 1 & 2 and given how Kid Devil was once his sidekick in the comics, I think there’s a decent chance Red Devil we’ll make an appearance.
He’s a character who I think many people might not know about or at least not a lot about; and YJ does like to shine a light on those characters.
Eddie started out as human kid/teenager who became Kid Devil - sidekick to Blue Devil. He ended up making a deal with a demon and got demonic powers and looks to match - possibly related to that, he had a falling out with Blue Devil and stopped being his sidekick.
I’m pretty fuzzy on the details of his story, as I’m not super familiar with his character; but the broad strokes that I do know, I think could really work for YJ.
He starts  out as the sidekick of Blue Devil (maybe he knows the team), but he has a falling out with Blue or goes off on his own – and gets his demonic powers, becoming Red Devil. Or something like that.
As he becomes Zatanna’s protégé (trying to learn to control his magical powers), he also has to work on his strained relationship with Blue Devil.
It could be a similar story to Red Arrow’s from Season 1, a nice throwback with a new character. And a character who while being new, does already have some slight groundwork laid out for his introduction - with Blue Devil already existing in YJ.
Again, I’m just throwing ideas out here and speculating. 
     Zachary Zatara
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Several people have pointed out that Zachary is a more likely candidate to be Zatanna’s new protégé than Raven is - who was the first person I thought of - given how Zachary is Zatanna’s cousin. 
And yeah, I think there’s a decent enough chance for him becoming a character in Season 4. 
He’s related to a former member of the OG Team and like Eddie, he’s not really a character many people are super familiar with, so that could work in his favor.
It could also be fun to have someone back on the team who has magic like Zatanna and if Zachary was part of the team, we would probably see more of Zatanna – which would be great.
One problem I do have though, is if he does exist in this universe - why didn’t Zatanna move in with his parent(s) (her aunt or uncle) when her father became the host for Doctor Fate.
Of course, that could just be because in season one they had never intended for him to exist in the show, but now things have changed. 
And in Season 2, we were given no indication that Beast Boy had been with the Doom Patrol or that they had died tragic deaths in between the time his mother died and when he joined the team. So yeah....
Zachary is a likely candidate to be added, especially in regard to Zatanna have multiple protégés (or at least 2). 
     Rachel Roth/Raven 
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Unlike Starfire, Raven’s main story arc involving Trigon doesn’t really relate to what has been going on in Young Justice so far. Nonetheless, it seems very likely she’ll be included - given the popularity of TT, plus Nightwing, Beast Boy, and Cyborg being prominent characters. 
Raven  shouldn’t be limited by the existence of Trigon; as you easily have Raven in a story, without Trigon being front and center, in my opinion. And, it would be nice seeing other storylines involving Raven that don’t include Trigon, or at least not having him be a major factor.
There’s nothing specific that makes me think Raven will be introduced in Season 4, but –
She could definitely be Zatanna’s new protégé or at least one of them. And, while in the comics Zatanna and Raven haven’t always gotten along – there’s no reason that has to be the case in YJ. Plus, in Bombshells, Raven is Zatanna’s pseudo/adopted daughter.
Though, I think Raven being the protégé of Doctor Fate might work a bit better. 
Also, in regard to my personal theory that magic will become more prominent, Raven would be a great way to go about doing that, especially with her wide range of powers and abilities. 
While, I don’t think a story needs Trigon to have Raven – her being the daughter of one of the great evils of the universe, could certainly be a bonding element for her and the other heroes who also have supervillain relatives. 
Plus, Raven being the portal to Trigon (this seemingly unstoppable force) could be something interesting to explore in regards to Darkseid’s and the Light’s plans. Maybe Darkseid and the Light would perceive Raven as a major threat and want to get rid of her and perhaps even the good guys would also see her as a threat that needs to be stopped. 
There’s just so much that YJ could do with Raven. And while I would love for her a main or secondary character, I think she could be an interesting neutral party or a single-episode character. 
There are many other magical characters that could be introduced to YJ, but it feels silly to list a whole bunch of characters, just because they have magic. 
Part V: Random Characters
     Rose Wilson/Ravager and Joe Wilson/Jericho
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Two of Deathstroke’s children who operate as heroes. I can see a lot being done with these two in YJ, especially with Deathstroke being a member of the Light. They could potentially bond with the other characters who also have supervillain parents and maybe even bond with Tara over the terrible parenting skills of Deathstroke. .
     Natasha Irons/Steel aka Starlight aka Vaporlock
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Natasha is the niece of John Henry Irons/Steel who had a very minor role in Season 3, but nonetheless was introduced to the audience. In addition, Natasha has been associated with Infinity Inc, Lex Luthor’s group of “superheroes” who were also introduced in Season 3.
And while I could be mistaken, as I don’t know much about her, when she was part of Infinity Inc., she was injected with a serum that unlocked her meta-gene, giving her powers.
Natasha could possibly be introduced in Season 4, as a lot of the elements to her story, are already part of Young Justice. 
Green Lanterns
I think there’s a decent chance of us meeting a new Green Lantern, especially a younger one - as they would be a member of the Covert Team or the Outsiders. 
     Jessica Cruz/Green Lantern 
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She's recently been popularized or at least introduced to many fans through the show DC Superhero Girls (2019) and I think if there was a combination of that version and her comic book counterpart – you could have a really compelling character for YJ. 
In the comics, Jess suffers from extreme anxiety, which is such an interesting and unique folly for a Green Lantern to have. And, I just think there’s a lot of story potential to be explored in that dilemma. 
     Keli Quintela/Teen Lantern
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From what I’ve seen of Keli, I think she could be a fun addition. Just for the sheer fact that she uses the Green Lantern power completely different than every other Lantern we’ve seen – that alone is enough reason for her to be added.
     Kyle Raynor
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One of the major Green Lanterns of DC. Like the two ladies above, there’s nothing specific with what we’ve been given so far in YJ to indicate he’ll be included, but I just think because of his status among fans, if the show was to introduce another GL – he has a decent shot.
     Vic Sage/Question
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Since Season 1, I thought Question would be a great addition to the hero side – as the typical conspiracy stuff he obsesses over and discovers to be true, actually does align with what The Light has consistently been doing.
In general, he would be a fun character to add. Also, if we’re thinking of potential new protégés - Vic Sage could be the current Question and there could be a young (or at least somewhat young) Renee Montoya - under his care/tutelage. Or Renee could just be Question - either works for me.
I loved Question in JLU and would love to see him again.
Wally West/ Kid Flash (former)
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I think there’s a very good chance we’ll see the return of Wally in Season 4. Especially since Season 3 left us with many little hints that he’s not really dead.
Also, in regards to the idea that the tagline of “Phantoms” could be about the team’s personal ghosts haunting them, well Wally is a ghost for many of our characters - so that fits rather perfectly.
Or, maybe he ended up in the Phantom Zone. Or if ‘Phantoms’ is referring to more literal ghosts, even that still works in regards to Wally, as he’s presumed dead. Or maybe, he was jumped through time and somehow ended up in the 31st century (w/ the Legion of Super-Heroes). 
Maybe I’m wrong, but it just seems very likely Wally will be returning.
And now we’re finally done. 
As I’ve mentioned before, this is just my own speculation and I’m sure I’ve missed several characters. Also, I obviously don’t think all of these characters will be introduced in Season 4, but to me they all have somewhat of a chance. 
And yeah...that’s it. 
I hope you enjoyed this extremely long list of characters who I think could be introduced in Season 4 of Young Justice. 
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cosmicdiarysworld · 3 years
That year, Me...
January 31st, 2022.
Today, for the very first time ever I went to a psychiatrist. 
Back in 2019, I went to a psychologist cause it was pain. I got a panic attack for the first time few days before and it was hell. I thought I was dying. I decided to seek help cause there was this hallucination of me cutting my left hand. Even at some points, when I walked around alone, I often hear people badmouthing me when in fact, they didn’t. It was the sounds that only me able to hear. 
“You walk alone, you don’t have any friends, huh?”
“How pathetic”
Those are what they said, the sounds only me able to hear. The hallucination of me cutting my left hands have happened since early 2019 and I don’t know the cause. It was arrived without my permissions. They were just there. I often feel like I was in the edge of my life cause I failed to chase my dreams, I even call myself “a failure”, not until the end of semester. I was able to live and looking forward to my life thanks to k-drama. Whenever I feel like I was dying, I told myself that tomorrow, there will be new episodes of a certain k-drama so let’s hold on a little bit longer. Even though my nights were mostly bitter, but glad that I made it.
Mbak Nopi - that’s how I called my psychologist -  helped me a lot during my crisis. Through CBT (Cognitive Behaviour Therapy) I was slowly getting better and able to face my problems, leaving my safe zone. Not until there was this day when the hallucinations of me cutting my left hands became too strong and I was not able to control it. I told her that I need to get rid of it fast cause I still wanna live. 
“I need medicines, or else I don’t know what will happen later” 
My heart felt uneasy, heavy, and I was crying. Actually, I was afraid of medicines but the demons keep on bothering my everyday life and it was too hard to handle. She then made me one referral letter.
When I back home, I was hesitating whether or not, should or not I went to see psychiatrist cause I was still in denial. And yes, I gave up on myself and decided to stay still, leaving my wounds open. The hallucinations were still there but to make it not too visible, I decided to make myself busy through out the end of 2019. I made it.
Early of 2020, I kept myself busy, not until the outbreak arrived in Jogja. The schools were closed and I went back home. Since I have no other things to do, the symptoms back again, saying “hi there” and it was getting worse. I isolated myself from all the people around me, even I found myself gave up on one of the organizations I really fond of, just like that, I told them that I quit. No one really knew - neither did I -  what happened to me.
My conditions were going back and forth, from being okay, to not okay through out the year of 2020.
2021 me was not that good either, but at least, I got a bunch of things to do. I had 2 internship for 6 months, was doing lotsa courses, got new dreams, got new freelancer job since February until the end of the year, and most of all, I have to write my thesis. The thing is, I still haven’t able to graduate cause I fail to write my thesis, until now when I write this haha. Hell yes, the symptoms are at it again. Now, January 2022, I feel like I was in the worst stage ever cause the hallucinations are getting too strong. Guess what? Yes people, I encouraged myself to go to see psychiatrist.
After almost 3 years battling my demons, I’m in the stage where myself is brave enough to seek help to professionals. I was prescribed with 3 medicines, those are Kalxetin, Trihexyphenidyl, and Olanzapine. If you asked me what were my diagnoses, then I don’t know. I didn’t ask cause I was too afraid to talk (coming there already gave me cold sweats lol). But I’m sure that I have depression since Kalxetin is an antidepressant.
I need to consume my medicines for 15 days and the doctor asked me to come back again 3 months later. If I were to comeback, I would then ask what were my diagnoses. Hope that I won’t be afraid of asking cause usually, my mouth will automatically shut in front of her lol.
Going to psychiatrist is one of the best decisions I made this year. Even though it’s really hard to believe that my mental stage is not okay, that I need medicines to help me going through my worst time, I believe there are still hope.
I got some great traumas back when I was a kid and when I was still a teenager. It triggered me a lot, it made me cry a lot. I can be at my room without eating for 3 days straight, I can also socializing with people when I feel like I need to.
After all, I’m still human, but maybe my wounds are a little bit deeper than people in general. Never once I want to end my life, but the urge of disappearing from this world is also big, to be really honest. I don’t want to harm myself, but it was the demons that keeps asking me to do so. I’m still a normal human being and I’m still beautiful like the rest of the humankind in this world.
January 31st, 2022
With love, Cosmic Diary.
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bookwyrminspiration · 3 years
An anonymous ask from Heathen (I’ll explain why I’m posting it like this later in the post!!):
Time zones are incredibly weird! But just so I could get it semi right, you said it was 2 am in the scheduled post and it was 9 pm for me, and my phone has a thing where I can add on different time zones and stuff, so i scrolled down the lost until I found one at 2 am when it was 9 pm, and I have deduced that it is around 11 am for you to my 6 am!!
(Information I’m, as quil, redacting!) 
That was a lot of words for saying what I wanted to say but whatever, I just don't know how to explain things properly and then I end up over explaining everything
Also im very glad that you get back to sleep after waking up at 4:20, but that is similer to what I did for a while which was just waking up at 5. Sometimes I'd get back to sleep, other times not. Generally I wake up at 6 so I don't really see the point in going back to sleep. I do try though!!
Also yeah that makes a lot of sense, and I very much relate to it. Like if I make something then I wanna share it right away!! Let the world see it god damn it!! And yeah, I'd probably end up just posting the same thing twice without realising it. One was scheduled, the other was not
(And yes, I do know because you have done it countless times (/pos), it's always nice to have a good reason for things!! The whole point of the drafts is to get to it whenever you want or remember, but maybe it should have a reminding feature about posts/asks)
And good morning to you too!! I have awoken, finally, and I can't calculate timezones so I don't actually know what time it was when you posted this
And yeah, I definitly reccomend writing things down in obnoxiously big lettering and then taping them to a place that you are sure to see it, like your door handle. And thanks!!! I'm glad I could help you with that with my presence!! Have fun at the bookstore!!
Ahahahahahaha, I am The Heathen, taker upper of brain spaces. My master plan? To remind people of things they've forgotten
Time zones certainly are weird!! At the time of me answering this ask it’s like four in the afternoon for you...but the next day. It’s the 31st for you and it’s almost over! I’m not even there yet! 
Also, the reason I’m posting your ask like this is so I can edit out that one detail about where you changed your time zone to so you’d know mine. That thing you set it to is a city...my city, actually. But I mean, at the very least you’re time zone thing couldn’t be more accurate! (To clarify, I’m not worried about this or upset with you in any way, just baffled as to how that happened. I’m fine with individual people know that information about me, just don’t think it’s wise for it to be on the internet as a whole)  
and that whole overexplaining this is practically the crux of my blog. That is...that is the thing I do all the time. We can overexplain things to each other! I have whole rants about things stored up in my brain that I just repeat to myself because I don’t know who to share them with and my partner has already listened to so many of my Twilight thoughts. The amount of time I spend talking about the tiniest details like two of Bella’s outfits...(also the kotlc chaos server has encouraged me to draw a few kotlc characters in cursed/iconic twilight outfits so I might do that sometime) 
And I do generally get back to sleep when I wake up really early. Brain won’t register the day as starting until 6am, so even if I’m fully awake before them I’m usually just laying there and still resting. Also it seems we both wake up at six! Not really a choice for me as I’m physically incapable of sleeping in longer most days, but it’s convenient for school purposes!
For the impatience thing, a lot of the times answering an ask can take upwards of 20 minutes and there are several I’ve spent over an hour answering. So when I’m done I want it to be out there! I put in the effort and now I want other people to see it! Everything is a community here, and I like to share my part! (not that anyone is required to share/participate; this is a role I’ve personally taken on, I suppose). This is also part of why answering asks takes me a while and I have so many building up. There’s only so many hours in the day and I write a long response to almost every ask. 
(now I’m wondering what I’ve done and when I’ve done this because I have no memory of this oh no. did I post something twice? i can’t have scheduled things countless times because I don’t schedule things, but what did I do?? Also for me drafts usually end up as a place for me to forget things. if I start answering an ask and then realize I actually don’t have the energy or attention span to finish it it will go to the drafts. And I never check those. So it usually sits there a while...I could definitely use reminders about those but those would probably stress me out at the same time. 
Also good morning to you, too! It’s no longer morning though...good afternoon! Because I think it’s afternoon/going on evening for you! And don’t worry about doing the math about when I post things (it’s about 9:30pm for me rn) I’m just vibing. 
I’m currently trying to figure out how to make myself remember things, and sometimes notes work! Not always though. Honestly if I were to attach a note to my door my brain would just forget the door existed so I wouldn’t register the note. Or I would purposefully/subconsciously not leave the room so I wouldn’t have to encounter the note. Ah, the trials and tribulations of trying to outsmart your own brain while...also...being your brain. 
Seriously though, because we talk about memory so often seeing your name makes me do a mental scan to see if there’s anything I’ve forgotten/neglected recently. Like my masterposts....coming up on a month since I updated them. Oops! Guarantee I will forget by tomorrow. Oh! that reminds me that I have a few thoughts stored away in my notes app--one of them was wondering how/if I could recreate the elven world in Minecraft. 
I did have fun at the bookstore!! I bought several books! I think I got like 60 dollars worth of books and then another thing. But in my defense I didn’t realize The Shadow Wand had been released and I simply had to grab it. 
also you have taken up a considerable amount of space in my brain. Oh. I just realized. My English teacher studied religious theology and frequently incorporates that into lessons. I have a higher chance of hearing the word heathen casually that many other people...and a friend named Heathen...well that’ll be fun! And you’re achieving your mission! You very frequently remind me of things I’ve forgotten!
I hope you enjoy the rest of your day because you’ve still got some time left in it! ily /p
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makeste · 5 years
BnHA Chapter 263: [Immigrant Song Intensifies]
Previously on BnHA: Ujiko sicced five Noumus on Miruko. Rephrase that: Ujiko sicced only five Noumus on Miruko. In hindsight this was obviously a mistake. Miruko proceeded to laugh and jump around kicking all of them and literally ripping the head off of the strongest one’s neck with nothing but her thighs. It was legendary and awe-inspiring and also she lost an arm but WHO EVEN CARES, I’m still pledging my allegiance to her. Miruko once beat the sun in a staring contest. Miruko’s calendar goes straight from March 31st to April 2nd, because nobody fucking fools Miruko. Anyway so also the heroes are finally attacking the League of Pliff’s HQ and Skeptic is running around all “AHHHH” so I guess we’ll see how that goes now.
Today on BnHA: Things finally get started over in Gunga, although for the time being most of the kids from 1-A and 1-B are still sitting around in the woods all pent-up and anxious and restlessly shipping KamiJirou. Meanwhile on the front lines, three-and-a-half-year-old Kaminari Denki is all “SOB I WANT TO BE BACK WITH MY FRIENDS WHERE IT’S SAFE”, to which Midnight, who I would just like to remind you is (1) an adult, (2) a teacher, and (3) a person responsible for this literal child’s safety in any number of other capacities, responds with “SORRY KIDDO WE NEED YOUR QUIRK.” I have yet to see any compelling evidence that they really do need it, but putting that dubious matter aside, Kaminari does kick some ass once he gets over his anxieties. Meanwhile Cementoss tears a building in half, Tokoyami reflects on how he was exposed to Kaminari’s good and pure moral character during their many soulful jam sessions, Hawks is about to kill Twice, and – wait, what.
a few stray thoughts since this chapter is taking forever to come out today. one, the good guys need to take out Twice and Toga as soon as they find them, because they’re currently the deadliest combination in the League. Twice for obvious reasons, and Toga because I’m pretty sure she got some of Aizawa’s blood that one time back during the Basement arc, and that fact coupled with the fact that she can now use the quirk of whoever she transforms into spells big trouble for the good guys since she can basically just cancel out whoever’s quirk she wants. plus she’s probably also immune to Midnight’s quirk. all in all bad news
two, it is interesting that Hagakure is the only 1-A kid we haven’t seen yet! probably just me overreacting, but still interesting!
(ETA: we do see her standing next to Mina in this chapter, so so much for that. you get out of it this time Tooru!)
and three, I’m not clear on whether or not Skeptic has actually figured out that Hawks betrayed them, or if he just suspects it, or if he thinks that Hawks leaked something accidentally and doesn’t realize that this entire time the dude was 100% playing them. I’m sure we’ll find out shortly. but regardless of how this plays out, I’m already dreading Twice’s reaction to all this :/ my sweet innocent baby. HE THOUGHT YOU WERE HIS FRIEND HAWKS. HE TRUSTED YOU. fff I really hope Twice’s inherently good and trusting nature isn’t a casualty of all this. then again I still think Twice himself is very unlikely to survive this. so basically I’m just bracing myself for pain sob
(ETA: oh this is bad.)
(ETA 2: by the way just to clarify, the above paragraphs were all written on Friday, and the rest of this recap+all ETAs were written the next day when I finally got to read the chapter! this is not important in any way whatsoever but now you know and that’s half the battle!)
“it’s time” holy shit finally lol. you all have been camped out over here for weeks now. not that I didn’t thoroughly enjoy each and every second of Miruko’s one-woman murder show, but it is nice to finally check in with you guys over here so we can get to work at last and I can get a better feel for who’s about to die. cuz someone here is dying guys
the chapter is called “I wanna be with the others!!” so. this is gonna be a Kaminari chapter isn’t it. I wonder what fresh new traitorous hijinks he’ll be getting up to this week. that detestable scoundrel
Mineta is being all weasel-y and reluctant, and honestly, I’m a bit annoyed. and for once it’s not directed at him! it’s like... how do I explain it. okay, so like, the manga is showing him being all cowardly and clearly not at all happy about being out here, and the fact that it’s Mineta doing it only adds to the general flavor of this being the wrong attitude to have and just a really shameful way of acting in general, because it’s Mineta and we all know Mineta is vile and so clearly he’s in the wrong here! the only thing is though, I actually don’t blame him even if he’s being a little shit about it, because the kids absolutely should not be here in the first place. are they strong? fuck yes. are they gonna end up being the ones to turn the tide once everything inevitably goes to shit, and thus the others are really goddamn lucky that they’re here? probably. does that make it right to conscript kids and send them out here to a soon-to-be war zone which the adults have very little control over meaning that some of these children will almost certainly be injured and traumatized and possibly even killed? nope! not right at all! no amount of “plus ultra” can justify this, folks. and “we get that it’s wrong but that’s just the fucked up times we live in” doesn’t actually justify it either, even if the HPSC seems to think so
but having said all that, there’s clearly nothing to be done about it at this point, and I’m about to enjoy this chapter of the kids presumably kicking ass even after all that whining, so I’ll just carefully climb down from my soapbox now. but I’m still keeping it handy just in case!
who the fuck is this Thundercats guy who looks like he was part of an old timey street gang in 1920s Chicago
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lol can he hear the villain hotel being ripped in half over there in the distance
and speaking of hearing, Jirou is popping her earbuds into the ground to do some reconnaissance of her own I guess!
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the heroes?? she better not mean the villains. oh lord I still don’t have the faintest idea how they’re planning on actually containing them all. well, brace yourselves everyone. here comes the shitshow
now Gangs of New York is making the most unnecessary speech in the history of this manga
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were any of them actually going to be careless?? I’m pretty sure they understand the gravity of the situation my dude. and if they didn’t, I’d say that’s honestly on you guys and not on them because, again, they’re kids. and if you didn’t want a bunch of teenagers goofing off during your incredibly dangerous and vitally important do-or-die hero mission, then maybe you shouldn’t have brought a bunch of teenagers to your incredibly dangerous and vitally important do-or-die hero mission
“listen makeste are you just going to sit around all day bitching about my cardinal sin of daring to involve your precious little darlings in the actual plot,” the imaginary Horikoshi that sits around trying to keep these recaps from veering off track interjects. and okay fine
sob it feels wrong to see MomoJirou there without their Kaminari
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(ETA: and there is Hagakure on the left, FYI. at least I think that’s her?)
their baby boy is all out there alone in the woods. is that why you were really listening, Jirou? you can tell me, I promise not to make a big deal about it
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I lied, I might make a big thing about it. what a beautiful March day for some OT3
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HE’S ONLY TWO YEARS OLD!! WHAT WERE YOU THINKING!? MIDNIGHT YOU BETTER KEEP HIM SAFE!! at least until he makes it back safely into the hands of his friends, the League of Villains
meanwhile here’s a fun tip, this manga gets 100x funnier if you scroll back up to that panel of Jirou being all serious and saying “they’re on the move” now that we know that this outburst is almost certainly what she was listening to lmao. “oh, Kaminari is crying, that must mean they’re getting started”
and here they go!!
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who is that in the witch hat?? COULD THIS BE THE LEGENDARY MAJESTIC, AT LONG LAST? this person looks like they cobbled together their entire hero costume from Sero’s bedroom. just ransacked it and draped all of his tapestries and throw pillows every which way over some Adidas pants. goddammit who is this person, I need to know everything about them right now
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and he’s shouting back “no I don’t think you adults are pathetic at all!” while still looking terrified! goddammit how do I cast protection on a fictional character in a manga. I don’t play D&D, but D&D players can do that, right? how do I create a shield around my party. Kaminari you stay put while I try and figure this all out
lmaoooooo Tokoyami’s words of encouragement
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A MAGNIFICENT FELLOW. you guys I’m gonna be honest, lately I’ve been enjoying these fan scanlations even more than the official ones at times. obviously Viz’s are fine and good, but sometimes it’s almost like they localize everything a little too much, you know? most people don’t go around calling other people magnificent fellows, but would Tokoyami? yes. yes he would. I believe this in every fiber of my heart
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“KAMINARI, I REALIZED WHEN WE WERE PLAYING GUITAR TOGETHER... WAY TO WHITE-KNUCKLE THOSE SICK FRETS, HALEN.” thank you so much for that Tokoyami but we are kind of in the middle of something so I’m not sure if right now is really the time to start asking my boy here for his autograph. after, maybe
now Cementoss is literally screaming “ATTACK!” and throwing subtlety to the winds
and now we’re back to this!
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and it looks like this is most likely Cementoss using his quirk to tear the building in half! so that’s one mystery from last week solved! holy shit you guys I just realized we’re actually going to see Cementoss in action. so long as the environment is right, dude is a literal earthbender. we may be in for a rare treat
Skeptic is shouting at his minions to alert the Council. it’s okay, Cementoss already alerted them for you I’m pretty sure
so he’s sending Violet and Black to the front entrance, and Cleveland and Carmine to the Assembly Hall (where the Council is). these, if you recall, are the names of the various Vanguard squads, though I don’t recall who is actually on which squad and I really don’t want to go back and look it up... but fine!
okay, Twice is on the Black squad and Dabi and Otter Pop are on Violet. so they’re being dispatched to the front, while Toga, Compress, Spinner, and Skeptic himself (how convenient for you Skeptic) are heading to the Assembly Hall. isn’t that nice that Dabi is heading out to the front, where my son Kaminari “Clapton” Denki is. hahaha. fuck
Lefty Hair is now making a sudden appearance and giving Skeptic some threatening “you majorly fucked up and the only reason I’m letting it slide for now is because we’ve got bigger things to worry about” vibes, which I like. also he has a cigarette. it’s been a while since I’ve seen a manga character actually smoke a cigarette. I guess only villains are allowed to smoke them now
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HOW MANY PEOPLE IS CEMENTOSS GOING TO KILL TODAY. place your bets. and is cement stronger than fire. please don’t die Cementoss
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by the way I like how a key part of their “let’s contain all the villains” plan was to open up their secret HQ and spill them all out like a bunch of ants. everyone knows this is the best way to keep people contained. instead of stationing people outside of every exit, let’s just make the entire building into one giant exit and MELEE AWAY ALL YOUR PROBLEMS
who died and made Lefty the smartest guy in the room
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if only they had all listened to you, Mister Smart Guy. you’re so smart. why didn’t they put you in charge. probably just because they were jealous
booooo it looks like Black and Violet are attacking but Twice and Dabi are nowhere to be found! because they’re part of the Council?? boooo
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Best Sweaterist can do anything a sweater can do. it’s not a very good power. everyone was all “you look like the number 3 hero you must be really strong” and so she got promoted waaaaay above her skill level and it’s too late for her to do anything about it now so good luck Best Sweaterist
finally some people from the League!
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(ETA: Dabi is either going to arrive just in time to save Twice, or just in time to witness Hawks murdering him, and I’m not sure which would be worse.)
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I CAN’T FUCKING WAIT TO HEAR THIS WITH MY OWN TWO EARS IN THE ANIME. IT’S GONNA BE SO GREAT AH MAN. but real talk, Miruko should be above him in the power rankings. I’m sorry I don’t make the rules. but unless you kill three Noumus within the next few pages here I’d say it’s pretty clear cut
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Kaminari you sweet little lamb, it’s going to be okay. you just take a deep breath and zap some of these PLF fuckers and then you can go run and hide and you’ll be playing tacky arcade games and eating hit-or-miss-quality pizza before you know it
Kami is actually in a lot of danger here what with how helpless he gets after he uses too much of his quirk though. (unless of course you subscribe to the theory that he doesn’t actually go dumb at all and that’s when he’s secretly transmitting his traitor messages to the zetans.) whose fucking idea was it to put him on the front lines, honestly. he’s only four!!
fuck me, Midnight sees him panicking and she’s being all soothing and encouraging while also being ridiculously sexy as usual. dammit Midnight
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hey Kaminari if you want to think about Momo and Jirou I’m not going to complain, I just want you to know that. you can even make it all platonic by just saying “my friends.” either way is fine and I will respect your smokescreen
ahh he’s turning around and the camera is zooming back to the woods where the rest of 1-A are!
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the title of this chapter is becoming surprisingly meaningful!! well played!
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I don’t even know what to say?! I basically just slapped both of my cheeks and said “AWWW” out loud?! would you fucking look at these two bisexual icons living it up in this the year of our lord 2020. what a blessing
oh hey this guy decided it was time for him to talk again
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okay Kami I give you permission to go pikachu on his ass. go ahead and show us why the heroes went ahead and violated ILO conventions in order to bring you here
don’t tell me this guy is also an electric type. lol who could have guessed that, there were absolutely no clues at all in his hairstyle or anywhere else. I would definitely have noticed something like that because I definitely pay attention to these things lol
(ETA: and presumably the heroes knew the identities of the Vanguard squadron leaders thanks to Hawks, and knew they had to have some sort of plan in place for this guy’s quirk, hence them being all “hey Kaminari let’s talk.”)
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MOTHERFUCKER WAS THAT A SHOUNEN WOOSH???! whaaaaaat oh shit everybody brace yourselves
and now a Tokoyami flashback to the two of them jamming like little hero Hendrixes
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because he prioritized the health of his fingers beneath his desire to learn the guitar to help his friends perform, you realized he was truly a magnificent fellow. aw shit it’s all coming together
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look how evil that smile in the last panel is. clearly the traitor. probably this other electric man is his dad
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just. it’s like this weird and crazy feeling that’s a combination of adrenaline and chills-rushing-up-your-spine. that’s the sensation of clicking to a page and suddenly seeing the thing we fucking knew was going to happen, but just because we knew doesn’t mean we actually wanted it to happen, shit
holy shit. does Jin have to die in order for the heroes to succeed? probably. do I want it to actually happen? NO. am I suddenly reevaluating every single thing I thought I knew about Hawks and mentally updating Jeanist’s presumed mortality status in my head?? yes. are Hawks’s eyes here going to give me nightmares for the entire coming week? also yes. am I really unsettled wondering if those eyes were the last thing Jeanist ever saw? listen why do you keep asking me all of these intrusive and deeply upsetting questions like I’m some kind of magic 8 ball?? am I going to be on the edge of my fucking seat now waiting for next week? fuck
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"Miss Americana" Director Lana Wilson on Capturing Taylor Swift, Mid-Transformation
By: Chris Willman for Variety Date: January 31st 2020
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Lana Wilson was taking a risk - albeit a pretty good bet - when she set out to make what turned out to be “Miss Americana,” her new Netflix documentary. As Taylor Swift told Variety: 
“When I began thinking about maybe possibly having a documentary-type thing happen, it was really just because I felt like I would want to have footage of what was happening in my life, just to have later on in my life, even if we never put it out, or even if we put it out decades down the line. When we brought Lana on board, I was pretty open with her about the fact that this may be something that I wasn’t actually ready to put out. So I think we began the process without a lot of pressure, because I didn’t necessarily think that it was an actual eventuality to put out the documentary.”
Wilson was too fascinated by what she was getting early on to worry much about whether her subject would sign off on releasing it. At the outset, she was catching Swift at the end of the “Reputation” album/tour cycle, when Swift was finding a more contented place in her personal life and finally exorcising Kanye-gate from her system. The star quickly moved on to the making of “Lover,” her most upbeat album, with Wilson getting fly-on-wall footage that captures the joy of creation and eureka moments in the writing process in a way few films ever have. And then things got more interesting altogether when Swift decided that the days she could afford to be standoffish about what was happening in the country had come to an end. The movie - and by now, it was a movie - had its third act.
Variety spoke with Wilson for the magazine’s cover story last week on Swift, prior to “Miss Americana’s” Sundance premiere. Here’s a breakout of more of that conversation.
There is some footage in the movie that goes back a few years that clearly predates your involvement. When did you start filming - was it during the “Lover” writing and recording sessions or the “Reputation” tour before that? I came on during the tour. She had been collecting bits and pieces of footage; she often filmed stuff with her own cell phone - songwriting stuff. Netflix introduced us, and we really hit it off the first time we met. She had watched my previous work, and I had admired her for years, not just for her music, but also the fact that she had written all of her own songs since she was 15, and that she’s the sole creative force behind the whole shape of her career. When we met, I remember being excited that she didn’t want to make a traditional pop star documentary. She knew that she was in the middle of a really important time in her life, coming out of a very dark period, and wanted me to collaborate on something that captured what she was going through that was raw and honest and emotionally intimate.
When we first talked about it, she immediately wanted me to bring my perspective as a director to what was going on with her now and to make a film that really had something to say. I think the first time we met, we talked for 20 minutes about narrative structure in documentaries, and we even talked about film score in documentaries. At one point she said that she didn’t like documentaries that are like propaganda, and I was thrilled to hear that. In my work, I take stories that are often told through sound bites and headlines and bring depth and complexity to them. My goal is always to reveal the humanity that’s beneath the oversimplification. And to me, there are few things more frequently diminished and reduced by others than female creative forces.
It could be seen as a feminist statement, or at least some kind of intention on her part, that she picked someone who’d made an abortion documentary (“After Tiller”). It could also mean that she was just more comfortable with a woman. I think that’s totally true. When I started filming, it was before she’d come out politically. But that said, even before meeting her, I could only imagine how much pressure and scrutiny she’d faced as a powerful and successful female artist. And I definitely sensed that those pressures would be ones that other people and especially other women and girls could relate to. Obviously, yeah, I’m a female artist working in a male-dominated industry. So although Taylor and I inhabit very different worlds, I figured that we’d have some shared experiences. And I also worked with an all-female crew, which I do think helped her feel comfortable right off the bat, and a small crew. When I met her, she hadn’t done an interview in almost three years. The first one she did was an audio (-only) interview with me for this film. So it was a big deal, and trust was a big part of that.
You had an all-female crew, but Morgan Neville’s name is on there as a producer, and he’s not a gal. [Laughter.] What’s his role in it? He was a part of the creative process, and it was wonderful to get to work with him, as a creative sounding board, from start to finish. On the crew, I will say that we did always have male production assistants, because I like trying to show people that men can fetch coffee for women, and not just the other way around! So that was the only exception to the all-female rule.
It had to have been a small crew, when you were filming the fly-on-the-wall creative stuff in the recording studios, sometimes in very small control rooms. It was often just me and one or two other people in the room with her, trying to keep the footprint as small as possible. You know, no one had filmed her writing songs before. That was some of my favorite stuff to film, but it was also the stuff where we tried to really be the most low-key presence possible. You’re just in a tiny room, and it feels so amazing to watch her get in the zone creatively. One of the most fun parts for me as a director is when it feels like you’ve been in the studio for enough hours that everyone is so relaxed that you really feel invisible in a wonderful, exciting way.
When she’s having the talk with her team about wanting to make endorsements for the midterm elections, which is maybe the most important scene in the film, it’s not clear if that is something you shot or if that was something that was on the spur of the moment, where she had someone get a camera in your absence. That was spur of the moment. So that was something someone on her team shot who was pretty good with the camera. That was very last minute. I’d been starting to work with her and talk with her before that, and I’d say, “If something’s happening last-minute that could be at all important or meaningful, film it with your cell phone, of if there’s someone around you that has a little DSLR camera or something, they could film it.” It allowed us to get really powerful, crucial scenes like that one that might’ve been hard logistically to get otherwise. And I love the personal quality of that material from especially the few little bits of stuff from her cell phone.
She told us she wasn’t sure she wanted to actually make or release a movie when filming started. Did she make that clear to you when it started? Like, this might be on spec, and might not come out? Well, it was less talking about the end result and more, honestly, just talking about what she was going through emotionally at that time and the kind of things that were on her mind. Then we’d brainstorm stuff that could be cool to film. I love the idea of filming really quiet, almost more mundane moments, because I think that ordinary/extraordinary contradiction that’s so central to the life of someone in the public eye is really interesting. I loved that moment early in the film where she’s alone in the car in the dark after the show riding to her hotel room - the idea of going from being on a massive stage in front of tens of thousands of people to being an ordinary person alone just going to bed at the end of the night.
She’s already been pretty candid with her fans. There are moments in the film where she’s shown as being annoyed with the fans and photographers gathered outside her door and that sort of thing. Do you think she felt okay with being portrayed as not being happy at all times? Oh yeah, totally. She’s a complex human being, and I think whether you like her music or not, if you watch this movie, you really get to know her as a human. And as you say, she writes so candidly in her lyrics about the hardest times, the times when she made mistakes. And that is what her fans love her for. But a lot of people don’t share their hard times. The most popular photos on Instagram are of weddings and babies, when what’s really relatable and what’s meaningful is connecting with someone over that time things weren’t perfect, or the friendship or relationship that didn’t work out, or the argument you had with your mom or something. You know, everyone wants to feel less alone in the more difficult experiences in life. And that’s one reason why they turn to art. And I think it’s why people watch movies. And the happy moments are meaningful when you’ve also been through the sad ones. Young girls need to see that their heroes are just as human as they are. And I think girls and boys of all ages could benefit from that reminder.
I want people to be surprised by it because I think that Taylor Swift is someone who everyone thinks they know. But I think if people start watching this film, they’ll realize they’re watching a film about this iconic artist deciding to live life on her own terms, and it’s a feminist coming of age story. I think they’ll be surprised by her sense of humor and her self-awareness, and they can appreciate the craft of songwriting, for instance. So I hope that even if people are not fans, that they’ll watch the movie and be really surprised and also feel like they’ve just met a complicated, layered human being.
Very few people at the superstar level have the gift of healthy self-awareness that she seems to have. Self-consciousness, yes, but self-awareness, that’s more rare. Yeah, it’s so true. I’m sure you’ve seen bits of the home movies in some of her videos in the past. When I looked at the home movies, what struck me the most about them is that she really always has been the same person. She’s been kind and generous and smart and imaginative and very hardworking since she was a girl. At age 11 she knew exactly what she wanted to do with her life. One of my favorite moments in the archives in the film is this clip of her, where she’s like in a diner and it’s just after the release of her first album, and she’s 16. Her childhood dream has just come true. And she tells the interviewer that she wakes up everyday being like, “Yes, this is happening.” But then she tells herself, “Now you have to figure out how to make it last.” That is so her. She had so much maturity and pretentiousness then, and she knew she wanted this to be her career and her life, and she wanted to write songs forever. It’s incredible to see a person at that age that self-possessed and cognizant.
At one point she says she wants to use her platform to speak out because she’s aware she won’t be in this position forever, where her opinions have some kind of import. Not that she’s predicting a major downfall, but she knows she won’t always have this attention. That’s undoubtedly true, but at the same time, she’s one of the only ones besides Beyonce that we would imagine being almost as big a star in 20 years, and not necessarily subject to the normal standards of diminishment of interest. She’s conscious of the historically short lifespan of female pop stars, and it’s so poignant when she says that. But it’s hard to know what will happen, though, because she issuch a trailblazer. I mean, there’s just been no one like her, and her fan base and the relationship she has with her fans is so unique, and, I mean, she’s already done so many things that no one else has done before — who knows what will happen in the future? She is cognizant of what’s happened in the past and what’s going to happen in the future … but it could be anything, because she’s different than anyone that’s come before.
We can hope we all live long enough to find out what a 50- or 60-year-old Taylor Swift is like. I love that idea too. I want to go to the arena tour of a 60-year-old Taylor Swift. I want to know what the songs she’s writing then are.
The last third of the film focuses on her decision to make a political statement and what comes after. It was a profound decision for her to make, and a multilayered one. In that, I saw this feminist coming-of-age story that I personally connected with, and that I really think women and girls around the world will see themselves in.
You didn’t actually have the “Miss Americana & the Heartbreak Prince” song in the movie, but that’s the song on the album that most speaks to her political turn. So it seemed like a good thing to title the movie after? It was cool because it’s obviously, yeah, a reference to this song she wrote that has political themes. It was interesting that when the documentary was announced, her fans instantly understood some of the themes the film would have, because of the song title. And then for me, even if you don’t know the song, I see the movie as in some ways looking at the flip side of being America’s sweetheart. So I like how the title evokes that, too.
You have the twin moments of disappointment in the movie. Early on, you have the Grammy disappointment, and then later there’s the midterm result disappointment. Those are the parallel scenes, almost, where she’s having to deal with the results not turning out as she planned and one of these ultimately being more important than the other. I’m glad you noticed that. That means a lot. One thing that I think is amazing about her is that she goes to the studio and to songwriting as a place to process what she’s going through. I loved how, when she got the Grammys news, this isn’t someone who’s going to feel sorry for herself or say “That wasn’t right.” She’s like, “Okay, I’m going to work even harder.” And I think it’s amazing how you see her strength of character in that moment when she gets that news. Then with the election results, I loved how she channeled so many of her thoughts and feelings into this song (“Only the Young”). It was a great way to kind of show how stuff that happens in her life goes directly into the songs. You get to actually witness that in both cases.
Were you surprised that she addressed having had what could be described as an eating disorder? She seems hesitant to use that term but finally does. She’s been open about so many things, but that’s not something that she’s revealed. No, that’s one of my favorite sequences of the film. I was surprised, of course. But when you hear her talk about it, I love how she’s kind of thinking out loud. And yeah, she’s an icon of beauty, but even for an icon of beauty, as she articulates so beautifully, women are in this double bind situation. It’s impossible for anyone to meet every standard of beauty. It’s an impossible situation. And every woman will see herself in that sequence. I just have no doubt. And I do think people will be really surprised by it.
I tend to be clueless about these minor shifts in weight or body size, until people point them out en masse. It never would have occurred to me that she was any less thin on the “Reputation” tour until I started seeing comments about weight gain. But there are those who have their antennae out for the slightest change, and often it’s women, maybe it’s because you’re under that scrutiny yourselves. But you can also just not notice people being really skinny, because we’re all so accustomed to seeing women on magazine covers who are unhealthy skinny, and that’s become normalized. I think it’s interesting what you say about what you read during “Reputation” about her weight, because you really can’t win. There is a moment in the film where you see that part of the media backlash she experienced during 2016 was people saying, “Oh, she’s too skinny.” People complain if you’re too skinny, and if you’re not too skinny, you’re too fat. It’s incessant, and I can say this as a woman: It’s amazing to me how people are constantly like “You look skinny” or “You’ve gained weight.” People you barely know say this to you. And it feels awful, and you can’t win. So I think it’s really powerful to see someone who is a role model for so many girls and women be really honest about that. It’s a brave thing of her to do, and I think it will have a huge impact.
Her interactions with Kanye West are such an essential part of the story, but that’s not a name that has really ever escaped her lips publicly since 2010; she’ll say “a person” or something euphemistic if she has to address it. So I was in suspense to see whether or how much it would come up in your film,  given how little capital she wants to give this guy in her life. It’s a crux, twice, of her journey of self-acceptance, but it’s easy to imagine her not wanting it in the film. I think it’s an important part of the story, but I wanted to position… Like, with the 2009 VMAs, what was surprising to me when I asked her about it was that she talked about how the whole crowd was booing, and she thought that they were booing her, and how devastating that was. That was something I hadn’t thought about or heard before. And it meant a lot more to me because it made more sense in the context of her being this extraordinary young artist who is doing so well, and who, like so many performing artists, loves applause. And then she is on stage [still as a teenager] and it felt like all these people were booing her. When you put it that way, it’s so much more relatable to me, and it’s understandable to anyone, because we all want people to like us. And being on stage with a giant crowd booing would be horrible for anyone. So we tried to use it in a way that showed it in a slightly different light than people have seen before... We all care about what people think about us. It’s not a celebrity problem. It’s a universal one. It’s something everyone goes through, and I think the difference is that with Taylor, it plays out on a massive international stage.
At the outset, you’ve got her in voiceover talking about how she wanted to be the good girl and be accepted. And in the end, she is a good girl, so maybe that’s not a bad thing to want to be, but there are gradations of that. She’s played around with bad girl archetypes in the “Reputation” imagery and songs, but it was role-playing to a degree. Where do you think she ended up on the scale of all that? She starts out as a good girl and she ends up as a good girl who’s decided to speak out. You know, we live in a society in which girls are taught that other people’s approval is of paramount importance to our self-worth. “Do they like me? Was I nice enough? Are they mad at me?” Every woman I know is constantly asking herself these questions. So it’s so relatable in that way. But it’s not about not being a good person. I think that the arc in the film and what Taylor went through was letting go a little bit of what other people think of her, deciding to live on her own terms, and to put her own values first. The transformation that you see is going through this period where she lets go a little bit of that. She’s a good girl speaking out now, in a way. You can’t win everyone over. No one can. I think she’s really accepted that in a deep way.
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mxgvmiii · 4 years
100 follower special event✨✨
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Hello babies🌸🌸( tis the name I have dubbed thee)!
First and foremost I would like to thank you for liking my content enough to actually follow, let alone having me reach 100 followers. I hope you keep enjoying my content in the future and keep on supporting me. I make it my mission to make sure that everyone reading my work feels loved, included and happy. That is one of the main reasons I always try to write gender neutral stories and refrain from describing physical features unless requested. I hope that in the future I am able to write for female characters as well to broaden my demographic. I hope you know that I love each an every one of guys very much.
This is the post for my 100 follower special.It took some time to figure out exactly what I wanted to do since I really wanted to something special for you all. I hope you guys enjoy this special event and bear with me since this is my first time doing this. When the event is over I’ll upload a google form that I’d appreciate if you filled out so that I know what to change when I hopefully hit another milestone.
The event will be held from the day this is posted and will continue for the whole month. Which means 4th - 31st August 2020 according to the CEST time zone. I will no longer take request starting from 11:30 pm on the 31st, seeing as I most likely won’t be able to produce something I’m proud of while on a time crunch. I probably will close it early if there aren’t that many requests since I start school in a week and have many important exams. That’s why my requests are currently closed. Everything that has to do with the special will be tagged with #100 special. My guidelines still apply during the event.
If you would like to be added to a taglist for a specific group, person, anime, character, for questions only, prompts only or everything just send me an ask or a dm :)
BTW I started writing this post at like 5:30 pm and finished at 2:12 am. ngl I wasn’t writing between 8 and 10 pm since I was busy helping my parents. That’s still a long time tho...
When the event is done:
I will link this in my masterlist.
Every prompt that is written will have a list of names next to it. Every name will be a link to the post.
I will edit the layout of this post so that my legend, that I add to every masterlist to symbolize what kind of post it is, will be there.
n e wayz😗
For my 100 special I will be making a Prompt list, a Q&A and redraws + art 
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Choose a location/AU and only one prompt from the following. Please specify a genre (ex. fluff, angst, slow burn, crack, etc.) and format (headcanon, oneshot). Any combination that has already been done will be linked in the ask.
ngl most of the crack quotes are things my friends and I have said.
- “will you marry me?”
- “I think we need a break”
- “Where were you?”
- “I was worried, you know”
- “ You slob”
- “AGAIN??!” sigh “ At least you’re not hurt, right”
- “You are a hazard to society ... and to yourself”
- “Do I need to supervise you now?”
- “They won’t care about your left pinky toe”
- “That’s it. We’re getting you a bubble wrap suit. Oh don’t worry it’ll still be (favorite color)”
- “Honey, I’m having a baby and it’s not yours. It belongs to Jungkook” (if requested with Jungkook, the name will be changed to someone else”
- “Honey, I was lying, it’s (favorite food)’s baby”
- “How did you fall down the stairs and get bitten by a dog in the same week?”
- “When I see that old lady it’s on site”
- ice skating
- visiting a museum (you can specify what kind of museum)
- hanging out
- waking up
- going to sleep
- wearing his clothes
- buying matching items ( you can specify)
- cooking/baking
- cleaning together
- teaching you volleyball (haikyuu only)
- teaching you one of his choreography (kpop groups only)
- filming tiktoks
- pranking him (with his friends)
- Park
- Water park 
- Pool
- Beach
- Aquarium
- Concert
- Home
- Supermarket
- School (classroom, hallway, cafeteria, rooftop, gym)
- Holiday (here you can specify a destination)
- On the way home (bus, car, plane, train)
- Doctor’s office/clinic
- Hospital
- A volleyball match (pre and post timeskip)
- Café/restaurant/fast food restaurant
- Mall/clothing store
- social media (celebrity ver., non-celeb ver.)
- spy/mafia
- youtuber
- Warlord (haikyuu only since it saves me the energy when making alliances and rivals/enemies. This is also loosely based off of the otome game Ikemen Sengoku.)
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- Sawamura Daichi - Sugawara Kōshi - Azmane Asahi - Nishinoya  Yū - Tanaka  Ryūnosuke - Kageyama Tobio - Hinata  Shōyō - Tsukishima Kei - Yamaguchi Tadashi
- Kuroo Tetsurō - Kai Nobuyuki - Yaku Morisuke - Yamamoto Taketora - Kozume Kenma - Haiba Lev
- Bokuto Kōtarō - Akaashi Keiji
- Ushijima Wakatoshi - Semi Eita - Tendō Satori
Aoba Johsai:
- Oikawa Tōru - Matsukawa Issei - Hanamaki Takahiro - Iwaizumi Haijime
- Ojirō Aran - Miya Atsumu - Suna Rintarō - Miya Osamu
Date Tech/Dateko:
- Futakuchi Kenji - Aone Takanobu - Koganegawa Kanji
Miscellaneous Characters:
- Terushima Yūji - Sakusa Kiyoomi
Boku no Hero Academia:
Class 1a:
- Kaminari Denki - Kirishima Eijiro - Todoroki Shouto - Bakugo Katsuki - Midoriya Izuku
Class 1b:
- Shinsou Hitoshi
- Nanase Haruka - Tachibana Makoto - Hazuki Nagisa  - Ryūgazaki Rei - Matsuoka Rin - Yamazaki Sousuke - Shinigo Kisume - Nitori Aiichiro  - Mikoshiba Momotaro - Tono Hyori - Shiina Asahi - Mikoshiba Seijuro - Kirishima Natsuya - Kirishima Ikuya
- Taeyong - Taeil - Johnny - Yuta - Kun - Doyoung - Ten - Jaehyung - WinWin - Junwoo - Lucas - Mark - Xiaojun - Hendery - Renjun - Haechan - Jeno - Jaemin - YangYang - Chenle - Jisung
- JB - Mark - Jackson - Jinyoung - Youngjae - Bam Bam - Yugyeom
- S.Coups - Jeonghan - Joshua - Jun - Hoshi - Wonwoo - Woozi - DK - Mingyu - The8 - Seungkwan - Vernon - Dino
- RM - Jin - Suga - J-hope - Jimin - V - Jungkook
Stray Kids:
- BangChan - Lee Know - Chanbin - Hyungjin - Han - Felix - Sengmin - I.N
- Hongjoon - Seonghwa - Yunho - Yeosang - San - Mingi - Wooyoung - Jongho
- Suho - Xiumin - Lay - Baekhyun - Chen - Chanyeol - D.O - Kai - Sehun
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Every question that has been answered will be crossed out and linked. In brackets are if you want to specify. Yes, you can also send in some of your own questions.
1. How do you get inspiration?
2. What are your favorite genres? (music, film, books/writing)
3. Who is your bias from all of the groups you write for? 
4. What is your favorite anime? (as a ranking, why?)
5. Who is your favorite character? (Haikyuu, Bnha) 
6. When did you get into Anime / Kpop? (show, group, in general)
7. What is your favorite food?
8. Who are your favorite writers on tumblr?
9. How did you start writing?
10. What happened to make you and your friends say this?
~ 10a. “You are a hazard to society ... and to yourself”
~ 10b. “Do I need to supervise you now?”
~ 10c. “They won’t care about your left pinky toe”
~ 10d. “That’s it. We’re getting you a bubble wrap suit. Oh don’t worry it’ll still be (favorite color)”
~ 10e. “Honey, I’m having a baby and it’s not yours. It belongs to Jungkook”
~ 10f. “Honey, I was lying, it’s (favorite food)’s baby”
~ 10g. “How did you fall down the stairs and get bitten by a dog in the same week?”
~ 10h. “When I see that old lady it’s on site”
Questions you asked:
... nothing yet lol ...
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This category is for Anime only.
For this portion you send me an official picture from a manga  or a scene from the anime that I redraw via dm so I can draw the right picture, if you don’t wan’t to be tagged I’ll send you the post via dm to let you know I finished it. Or if you want to see a specific character with a specific hairstyle but in the official art style.
All items will be linked below.
... nothing yet ... lol
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thessalian · 4 years
Thess vs Ten Weeks
How do I stop internally screaming?
Asking for me.
I mean, I just ... can’t, just now. I cannot. I have ceased to can.
Any time you see Johnson say “Australia-style deal”, he means “no deal”, because Australia doesn’t fucking have a trade deal with the EU. So we’re looking at a tough situation that no news outlet is going to fully touch.
Look, we were already an international joke, but the punchline really came when Johnson and his government came right out and said, “Yeah, our new bill violates international law a little bit, but so what?” Who’s going to want to do favourable trade deals with someone who treats international law like that?
The above interferes with the Good Friday Agreement in a serious way. This doesn’t just mean “causing serious problems between Ireland and Northern Ireland”. This also means, “No matter who wins the US elections next month, our ability to do a good trade deal with the US is pretty much gone because Biden, being at least moderately sensible, will favour the EU over the UK in dealings, and while Trump is clearly loving the boot-licking he gets from Johnson, he’d just screw us over anyway, given our weakened position ... and that’s even if Congress would let him get away with it, which it’s already said it won’t because they won’t support anything that threatens the Good Friday Agreement. A deal with the US is clearly Johnson’s disaster capitalism Hail Mary but it’s not going to happen.
Scotland wants out, and the next referendum will go in favour of Scottish independence. Wales is already keeping the English out, so they’re probably not far behind. Gods know what’s going to happen to Northern Ireland with a trade border in the North Sea ... and probably further borders actually on land, which would completely fuck over the Good Friday Agreement but what the hell are they supposed to do when Ireland’s part of the EU and Northern Ireland ... isn’t? It’s likely that we lose Northern Ireland too, and at the end of the day, we’re just going to be England. This is ‘reclaiming our sovereignty’?
In hopes of and preparation for a deal with the US, and in a bid to be competitive in an EU market through unfair means, our food, safety, and agricultural standards have now been comprehensively dropped. But the EU won’t let us undercut them that way and still let us have a trade deal, and I’ve already spoken about the situation with the USA. So we won’t get any benefits from importing shit goods and we don’t export enough to balance that out anyway.
We’re now being told to “prepare for a No Deal Brexit”. NOW. With no extension on the transition period. The transition period ends on 31st December 2020. It is now 17th October 2020 (in my time zone, anyway). That gives us exactly two and a half months to ‘prepare’ for an outcome that we were promised wouldn’t happen. Repeatedly. And that preparation has to happen when everything’s kind of up in the air because of COVID. We will never be ready in time on the bureaucracy end, and never mind the massive truck stop in Kent.
Oh, and speaking of COVID ... I can’t even think about what’s going to happen to our economy in the wake of that one-two punch. This is basically why Johnson’s refusing to lock down properly in the wake of massive rises in COVID patients ... except in Manchester, where he’s making threatening noises about making them take Tier 3 measures (which honestly aren’t enough anyway) but not offering them economic help to compensate. He and his government have been funnelling money to Tory backers for substandard goods and services - from PPE to the whole test-track-and-trace app - and it’s all out of the literal disaster capitalism handbook written by the father of the Leader of the House of Commons. We need to lock down until everything on that end works properly but he won’t do it and no one will follow what few guidelines might help and as I said in another post, COVID doesn’t lend to herd immunity. All to save the economy that will be beyond saving in ten week’s time anyway.
I can lay this out logically on ‘paper’, and seem ... not calm, but at least articulate about it. But that’s on the outside. Inside ... there’s a tightness in my chest that has nothing to do with any disease and my head is full of my own screaming. I am trying not to cry. I am barely succeeding. I need to keep my mind off it, and to count my blessings, and it’s so fucking hard to do.
Ten weeks.
Ten fucking weeks.
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ayeateez · 5 years
The Hunger Games AU - Part 3 - Finale: The Final Fight
GENRE: Angst
WARNINGS: Major character death, sexual harassment, mentions of murder, weapons, and just harmful things in general
It had been days since Seonghwa died. It was miserable. I was too familiar with this feeling, I wanted it to stop, I wanted it to end.
Knowing the same man who killed Seonghwa was coming to my district today made me sick. I wanted to throw up, I wanted to kill him. He deserves it.
I’ve learned how to live with the blood on my hands. It doesn’t mean I still don’t get nightmares, or that I don’t feel bad, it means I can deal with it. Hongjoong had been so cocky on his tour, meanwhile I couldn’t even speak properly.
I was on the far right of the stage, where the only victors of 12 stood. I watched as Seonghwa’s family struggled onto the podium in front of the screen that had Seonghwa’s face on it. They were as broken as me. I couldn’t imagine how his brother or his parents felt. I looked away before I could catch myself crying, now wasn’t the best place or time.
Minutes passed as people got all settled in. I saw the face I never wanted to see. I wanted him to die. He deserves it. As we sit down finally, I zoned out, not wanting to hear his cocky ass speech about how good he is for killing Seonghwa. Then something caught me off guard. Something caught all of us off guard.
“I did it for y/n. I want her to be mine. If she accepts, of course” He smiles and looks towards 12’s victors, towards me. His smile was full off all the cruel things he has said about the other tributes, and the nasty words he said to Seonghwa came from the same mouth. He waved me over, on live tv as victory tours were aired, and I had no other option but to walk towards him.
“What do you say, Y/n? Will you be mine now?” He asked, oh so innocently. The smile was wiped off his face the moment I had slapped him, hands closing in on his neck. Peacekeepers immediately came to separate us as Hongjoong collapsed, half conscious as he tried to regain his breath and steady his breathing.
The peacekeepers dragged me off the stage, away from Hongjoong, and I let them. Anything to be away from him. I kept a straight face the entire time I watched him try to get back up.
“Please, I’d do anything BUT go out with him. I don’t fucking care about publicity, he killed my boyfriend then asks me to go out with him. Who in their right mind does that?” I yelled at my younger sister as she tried to help me come to an understanding. It was a bitchy move, but still.
“Y/n, what if they put you in that arena again? Hm? What would you do?” She asked.
“Why the hell would they put me in that arena? They aren’t allowed to! That isn’t legal!”
“It is when President Snow says it is” She shrugged.
“But why? They have no reason?”
“You slapped him and tried to fight him. They’re probably going to take that as a sign that you want to fight. Fight to the death. A special type of games”
I stared blankly at the holographic tv in my room, as it suddenly turned on due to it being ‘urgent’.
“Due to recent events while Kim Hongjoong was touring in District 12, we’ve decided to hold a - special games. There will only be 2 tributes, who shall not have a choice whether they participate or not and volunteers are not welcomed. The tributes are:
Kim Hongjoong, District 2
Y/n L/n, District 12
the games will take place October 31st at exactly 12:00 and shall only continue until November 2nd at 12:00. Dear tributes, may the odds be ever in your favor”
I dropped the remote as my breath shortened. No... no they couldn’t have. But the games just ended - this has to be a joke.
I’m going to fight to the death with him, Kim Hongjoong.
It’s didn’t take long for peacekeepers to
come break into my house to collect me and bring me to the capital. I really had no choice but to cooperate with them. I was back, back on the train for what seemed like the hundredth time. The first time I took this train to the capital, I was with Jongho. The second, I was with Seonghwa. Now, I’m here. By myself. Trying to mentally prepare to fight Hongjoong.
The 26 hours went by quickly as no one spoke to me. It was like they understood what was happening. He murdered my boyfriend, now I’m going to murder him.
The clapping and cheering and all the bright and fancy colorful things went by in a blur as I tuned out all the loud noises.
They took me to the place where I would be stayed for the next 3 days. They’ve given us less training as we’re both victors, I’m assuming. Last time we had 2 weeks. There’s no way I’ll even be close to in shape or prepared within 3 days.
I knew I should’ve head down to the training area, but I just wasn’t in the mood. I was about to go into a whole ass fight with the same person who killed Seonghwa. I wonder how they feel in heaven, San, Jongho, and Seonghwa? Are they okay? Is it alright up there? Whatever it is - they’re definitely doing better up there than down here.
“Y/n, I know you aren’t in the mood, but you have to train if you want to stay alive”
“I don’t want to be alive. I want to see Jongho, Seonghwa, and San up there” I sighed, noting even sparing a glance. Who ever it was, they gave up easily and left.
I eventually got up on my own, getting dressed and heading down to the small, enclosed, dark, training room. Deciding to test a new skill, I picked up a sword. It wasn’t too heavy, it felt just right. I swung my arm a few times, not that bad.
Walking up to a dummy, I worked on a stance, that would probably be useless, and well, kind of cut up the dummy. I don’t know how mad they would be to see their dummy all cut up, cotton spilling from all angles so I stuck to knives and throwing them.
It was the same. It was the exact same every time. I did the same thing for the past 2 days, while eating and drinking as much as I can. There were no parades, there were no festivals, nothing. Just announcing the games, that’s it. Of course though, my stylist still made sure I played and killed while looking good, so he came up with ways to make me seem less dead, more appealing to the camera, claiming that the prettier I look, the more sponsors I get, and I don’t doubt that. I mean, it’s the capital.
20 minutes.
Realization started to set in. I’m going back. I’m going back into the games, except this time? I’m targeted and targeting. There’s a 50/50 chance I’ll die and that he’ll die. What happens if I die? What happens if he dies? What will happen? I mean, either one of us will win but... what will happen?
“You’ll be fine in there, calm down. You’ve won one of these games before, haven’t you?” My stylist sighed, making an attempt to calm me down. I looked at him.
“What if I don’t make it out alive? I’m rusty, he just won the recent games-“
“Yeah, he’s still scarred and injured-“
“How many victors do you think have nightmares about the games? How many do you think can’t figure out a way to live with innocent people’s blood on their hands? Think about it. It’s not a lot” I snapped. Our silence last for minutes until the countdown from 30 started.
The arena was set up where our cornucopia’s were set up on opposite sides of the arena, and every day the arena shrinks until we fight to the death. But it’s not easy to get to the cornucopia. I think I heard them saying we have to get past landmines and some weird type of hyena that happened into the 67th games.
After putting the final touches onto me, I stepped into the tube as it shut around me. The remaining 5 seconds were counted out then it started to move up again. My heart raced as panic surged through my veins. This is it. I’m really getting my revenge now.
I was hit by the wind of the arena, the fake sun shining oh so bright, fake birds chirping. If I didn’t know what was going to happen, I just might’ve called this paradise.
The countdown remained only 10 seconds left. I unintentionally tuned out the counting, listening to my heart and the wind race.
The cannon went off as I avoided all dirt piles. Hopping over everything, I made it to the center, grabbing everything I needed and could hold. Grabbing the first backpack, it was empty but for a blanket and some matches. I grabbed 3 sets of 24 knives, just a guess. Stuffing more weapons into a backpack, I chose to carry a sword by hand. 3 weapons I could use, I had a choose from 3.
Realizing what was going to happen, I jumped down from the top, grabbing another bag as I sprinted my way to the forest, away from the growling.
Heavy. Weight. That’s all I could feel in my hands and on my back. I grabbed too
many things. I was going to have to abandon something soon.
I stopped at a tall tree, quickly grabbing any branches I could to pull me up, only hoping that there were no tracker jackers in this thing. I have 2 days to kill him. I need to get to him first.
Night came quickly, as I stayed in a tree all day. Far in the distance, I could see smoke. He started a fire. He must know I wasn’t going to come after him this early. The capital wanted a show? I’ll give them a mother fucking show.
I groaned as I leaned back against the uncomfortable bark again. I wanted to get up and walk around. I wish I was in my bed, maybe eating something and reading. But no, here I am, stuck in the middle of the games.
A sleepless, restless night passed and I hopped down from the tree in hopes of being able to walk around freely. It’s already the 1st, I have until tomorrow to kill him.
I saw the edge. The edge of the barrier, and I ran. I ran like my life depended on it, which it really did. Only god and the gamemakers know what happens when you touch the edge of the barrier, and I don’t want to find out. I realized that they were driving me straight towards the smoke, where Hongjoong was. At least that’s where I thought he was.
He wasn’t there. It was a trap. As soon as I realized the trap, I looked around, and ran, climbing up another tree. Another day in another tree? Thought so. This was boring people had to be losing interest or something. Maybe if people don’t watch, they’ll stop the games? No, they don’t care if people watch or not. They’ll kill both of us and erase this game from existence if they have to.
I heard a twig snap and my hand instantly flew to my belt, grabbing a knife as I sat there, eyes looking around sharply. I spotted something with crazy colored hair sprinting, and I could even hear him cursing. Hongjoong. As much as I wanted to throw, I didn’t. After I heard my name, at least. I couldn’t hear any more words come from his mouth. Audible ones, at least.
I sat back in my tree and waited. My stomach growled loudly. I just had to wait. But if I had thrown the knife, there was a high chance it would’ve hit him and at least would’ve slowed him down enough for me to kill him, but curiosity took over.
After having enough of my tree time, I slowly and carefully climbed down the tree. I made my way through the forest, occasionally leaning down to feel the dirt. It was damp, meaning water was nearby, but so was the barrier.
Deciding to continue on, I found the smallest patch of water. It was as clean as water in the games could be. I instantly dropped to my knees as I splashed water all over my face, a relief to have all the dried sweat off my face and having something to drink. Now? I just need something to eat, but I could actually survive without food. Food isn’t my bigger concern now, it’s Hongjoong. Hell, he could even be behind me right now, about ready to stab me. Becoming paranoid, I turned around only to see trees and the forest.
I watched the branches and leaves sway with the light breeze. I had to move. Something felt off. I took one last drink before getting up and moving quickly, killing a rabbit on the way.
It was hard without allies. No one to help you, no one to help, it was weird. I’ve only known playing in the games with others on my side.
It was boring. I’ve said this plenty of times before, but it was so boring. Watching me, at least. I did nothing but wander around the arena, secretly hoping to be able to stab Hongjoong in the back or something like that. Who knows what Hongjoong is doing? I could only guess.
A large noise scared me as I almost fell from my - you guessed it, tree and I was temporarily blinded by the flashing light. I was at the edge of the barrier, and I could see the other end. We were that close. I looked up at the sky to see a timer counting down. 59:37. It’s already 11 on the 2nd.
I climbed down, leaving everything but my weapons. I decided it’s time to end this man.
I walked through the woods, making as much noise as I possibly could to try and draw him out. I looked up, I looked down, but I couldn’t find him. Did they take him out of the arena and just leave me in here to kill or embarrass me? I heard a twig snap behind me and I quickly turned around, throwing my knife that pinning Hongjoong’s sleeve to the tree.
“Hey gorgeous”
I hadn’t ever thrown so quickly. He dodged my knife, throwing one back at me but his aim was way off. How did he win this again?
“Come back here!” I yelled, chasing after him. I spared a glance at the clock. 28:39. I still had time. He turned and threw another knife at me, and it grazed my arm, cutting my sleeve and leaving a painful cut. I cursed under my breath as he tripped in front of me and fell. I wanted to kill him with my own hands.
I held him down as my hands tightened around his neck, but he quickly flipped over so he was on top as he held my wrists down. I used every strength in every muscle in my body to get out, but I couldn’t. It was useless. I was going to die.
“What have we got here, hm? You see, princess, if you had just agreed we wouldn’t have been here-“
“If you had died in the 73rd games we wouldn’t be here” I growled back at him, cutting his words and he raised an eyebrow and chuckled.
“Feisty, are we now? Hmm, that Seonghwa guy was so lucky to have you. Look, you’re a gem” His smirk grew as he touched me places I never gave consent for.
“Fuck, let me kill you already!” I shouted, squirming under his grasp.
“I bet I could make a deal. If you date me, we won’t ever have to be in these arena’s again. Snow would probably agree, yeah?” Hongjoong looked away, as to show he was supposedly thinking. I wanted to slap that stupid smirk off his face.
“What time do we have left?” He asked, looking up at the sky.
“20:19, yeah? What could I do with you in 20 minutes. Angel, there’s so many things we could have done together. We would’ve been so so powerful, but here we are, fighting to the death - are you crazy?” His words bled into my brain.
“And look, you’re bleeding. How did that happen?” His finger traced the cut, spreading the blood across my skin.
“Stop it”
“But why? You look so nice under me like this... imagine-“
I suddenly jerked my knee up into his crotch, cursing at myself on why I hadn’t thought of that earlier. He fell into the dirt, groaning in pain as I took the chance to hit his elbow and making him release my wrists, giving me the chance to get up.
I smirked down at him, just kicking him repeatedly. No knives or sharp things, just my foot in his fucked up face. Satisfaction occurred when I spotted blood dribbling out of his mouth, nose, and other places. I pulled a knife from my waistband, flipping it a few times.
“Y-You don’t want to do this princess... you won’t be able to live with it...” Hongjoong’s words were slurred from the thick, red liquid filling his mouth.
“Are you sure about that?” I asked, raising an eyebrow in amusement. He opened his mouth to speak, but only screams of pain came out as my knife flew into his chest. Shrugging, I threw another into his stomach for extra measure.
The sound of the cannon I knew all too well sounded in the arena as the clock stopped.
Hongjoong was right. I couldn’t live with the blood on my hands. I couldn’t live knowing I had killed numerous people. The bitter feeling overcame the victorious one. I became nauseous at the sight of Hongjoong’s dead body right in front of me.
Slowly slipping my last knife from my waistband, I chuckled crazily.
“This one’s for you... San”
The pain burned in your chest as I fell to the ground with a crazy look plastered on my face. I looked down at the blood dripping down my body. I felt my heart stop and my brain stopped registering. My vision went in and out of focus, spots dancing around my vision. The urge to shut my eyes became so strong, so I shut them. Then I stopped. I just stopped.
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lilaclily00 · 5 years
The Party That Went From Haunted to Worse: A Summerween Tale
Danny hates his life sometimes. And ghost portals. And his little sister. It’s a mistake going anywhere with her.
I thought this was going to just... never see the light of day like most of my WIPs, but AU!Ghost August (Day 11: Crossover) gave me the drive to actually continue, finish, and post this monstrosity. Thanks for the excuse to put this out to the world!
This is the original post for the OC, and here’s the link to this story on AO3.
There's some Zalgo Text in here, so at the end I’ll have the... translations? Is that the right word? It looks better in AO3, though. :(
Thank you for helping me with this, @goinggoblin!!!
-_-_-_ (I don’t think there’s horizontal lines anymore? Yikes)
Dani—known as Ellie around here—handed over the last of the fake spider-webbing. “There you go, Mabel.”
Mabel cheerfully thanked her from the ladder rungs, then turned back to stick it to the wall. “Now time for the paper stuff!”
“Are you sure it's okay to just...” Danny gestured around at the incomplete decorations strung around the designated party room.
Mabel waved him off over her shoulder, tacking up a cutesy paper skeleton onto the wall with her other hand, then a sheet ghost next to it. “Of course! We invited you!”
Ellie nudged Danny—well, it was much too hard of an elbowing to be classified as a nudge by most people, but not for them. “Lighten up, bro. It's not very often you get to go to parties, right?”
“Yeah. I know.” He knew she didn't mean his popularity—the fact it didn't exist—but that he just didn't have the time or energy for it most of the time. He wouldn't have gone to anything like this if she hadn't dragged him along as an excuse to take a break from ghost hunting.
Back in junior year, she’d sent him letters and photos from one of her longest stops in her travels, a dinky town called Gravity Falls, Oregon. She became good friends with a pair of twins around her age there, and they all stayed in touch afterwards. The twins invited her to hang out plenty since then, but this was the first time she told Danny to come along.
He had a complicated relationship with Halloween, considering the Fright Knight incident and all the kids and even adults that had started dressing up as Phantom (to varying levels of success and cringe). However, he had to admit he was intrigued with the idea of Summerween, especially when it was so far from Amity Park that its ghosts and fanbase would be very unlikely to interfere.
 Even just thinking that, though, made him wonder if he just jinxed himself.
 “Mabel,” they heard her twin call from the residential part of the Mystery Shack, “there's something wrong with the wig!”
 Mabel shook her spiky, blue-haired head, hands on her red-uniformed hips. “No, there isn't! I would know!” She wagged her finger towards the visiting pair. “I'll go help him, so don't go anywhere!” She ran off, nearly tripping over her own costume.
 “They really like to play up the twin thing, huh?” Danny asked his little sister in the silence. Someone had to acknowledge that the party's hosts were dressing up as Thing 1 and Thing 2. (He wasn’t sure what kinds of friends he suspected Ellie would make, but these two were a surprise.)
“At least they don't feel the need to be a walking pun at every opportunity,” she retorted, flipping back her Batman cape dramatically.
“I always am a walking pun. This is my truest self!” Danny gestured to his own costume, a classic zombie attire with green skin and fake blood everywhere.
“Har har.”
He looked over at the little pile of “spooky” images waiting on the top of the ladder, and took his pick of a large paper spider. He glanced back to the doorway where the twins disappeared off to, and quickly floated up to tape it to the ceiling with a grin.
“How are you going to explain how you got that there?” she giggled as he hovered back at her side.
“I won’t,” he replied smugly, touching ground. Just in time, too, as both Dipper and Mabel reappeared, now with their outfits and hair matching.
Mabel chirped, “If you guys help me with these last touches, this place will be perfect just in time for the party!”
Dipper fiddled with his sleeves, giving her a crooked smile. “At your orders, Mabes.”
Danny was surprised by how many people actually showed up to what he expected to be a relatively small affair. Dipper had informed him that he and his sister lived in California for most of the year; despite that, it seemed the pair were very popular in their second home, Gravity Falls. Mabel introduced him to several of her friends, shouting over the loud pop music booming out the speakers, and he didn’t remember a single name.
Da—Ellie, he kept forgetting to call her that—was familiar with quite a few people, too. She stuck close to her big brother, though, until he ordered her to hang out with her friends instead. He appreciated the sentiment, but he could handle being by himself at a party.
He tried to dance for a few songs, but it wasn’t feeling natural. He then went to the refreshment tables for a jack-o-lantern cupcake. Maybe he needed to try to socialize after all. Hm, that one redheaded girl Mabel introduced to him seemed cool. He scanned the area for her face—
His eyes narrowed, studying the long white hair halfway across the room. It wasn’t as glowy as usual, but he’d know that hair anywhere. He pocketed the cupcake wrapper and pushed his way through the crowd. Finally, his ghost sense said something as he crossed the dance floor.
"Hey, ghost girl!" he shouted over the music. Her head turned 180 like an owl, pigtails following slightly slower than physics demanded, then she calmly turned the rest of her body to him. Her ever-present blank, wide-eyed stare bored into him, and never strayed, as she easily swerved around the dancing kids toward him. He noticed that she made an effort of walking on the ground rather than floating.
"Hi, zombie," she replied, the slightest smile on her face showing she knew exactly who she was talking to. She was never really scared of him or angry at him. If anything, she seemed to like talking to him. He supposed it was because he was among the closest to her physical age in the Ghost Zone.
He was not going to be friendly, though, and showed it by crossing his arms at her. "What are you doing here?"
She clasped her hands behind her back. "I’d like to ask you that. You hardly ever leave your lair.”
Danny scrunched his eyebrows, then glanced around in case anyone heard her. “Do you mean Amity Park?”
He frowned warily. Considering their past interactions, it seemed like a genuinely curious question. She wasn’t the type to use his absence as a chance to cause chaos back home. (If only the other ghosts were the same way.) “I got invited to hang out here for the weekend. And I don’t think it counts as my lair.”
“I think it does,” she replied with the barest of shrugs, still staring at him, unblinking. “I’m here ‘cause a door opened up in the woods right by here," she added. "There was a flyer for this party taped up on a tree. It said there was gonna be cookies."
He scrunched his eyebrows. "You can't even eat human cookies." She finally blinked as that registered, and her gaze broke to look at the ground as she wilted under the weight of her disappointment. Drama queen. "And I know you're planning to scare the kids here, if you haven't already started. C'mon, let's go."
"What?" She flicked her eyes back up to him, igniting a small light in her irises, disrupting her otherwise unglowy appearance. Her entire face slowly, ever so slowly, began to twist clockwise on her head. "It's Summerween!"
He held up a hand; he knew exactly what she was going to argue. "I know it's like Halloween, but it's still the wrong date. We agreed on no mass hauntings outside of October 31st."
Her eyebrows just so slightly scrunched, about the closest she could get to looking angry. "This isn't a very big party."
He had to give her that; it was bigger than he expected, but still only a few dozen, which potentially wasn't enough to count as a mass of people. And everyone here was around their age, which was less worrying than her chasing down little kids just for a laugh. 
Her big, empty eyes were unsettling, yet they nearly pleaded with him. He couldn't stand when she did that. He rubbed the side of his face in defeat, forgetting for a second about his zombie makeup. "Oh, fine! Only in this party. And nothing too scary. Otherwise, you go right into the thermos."
"Sounds good to me," she chirped, mouth curled into a small smile by her ear instead of her chin.
"Oh, do you guys know each other?" Danny glanced over to see the hosts themselves come from behind him. He turned back, tapping his cheek at the ghost. She knew the signal, and covered her face to recover its natural orientation.
"Kind of," he told Dipper.
The ghost girl uncovered her face, and smiled shyly at the twins. "I'm Lily. Nice to meet you." Danny raised his eyebrows at her; this whole time, she had an actual name?
"I'm Mabel! Lily, I love your costume!" Mabel squealed, hands smushing her own face. "You're so cute and creepy and ah!"
"Yeah, you did a great job," Dipper added, quiet admiration on his face as he quickly studied her appearance. Danny guessed he was wondering why the wig and body paint looked so realistic. Mabel did a fantastic job with their own costumes, but it was hard to make poofy, blue wigs not look like wigs. "I'm Dipper, by the way."
"You should totally enter the costume contest!" Mabel added, hands hovering, as if itching to reach out and inspect Lily's dress. "It’s later tonight!"
"Oh, maybe I will," she said, eyes flickering between the twins. They fixed onto Dipper when he had looked back up to her face. After a few seconds of an impromptu staring contest, Dipper turned his eyes away, blinking and glancing at Danny, unsure of himself. 
Mabel seemed to not have noticed, as she continued rambling to Lily, who patiently listened, empty eyes directed back to Mabel and small smile held up.
"She takes Halloween——er, and Summerween costumes very seriously," Danny told Dipper. "Pretty sure she'll try to creep the crap out of everybody here."
"Well, seems like she's actually good at it," the boy admitted with an awkward chuckle. "But hey, that's what this holiday is for, right?"
Lily was right there, right in plain sight, swaying to the music by herself, but Danny knew she wasn’t as innocent as she looked. Even now, she was beginning her haunting.
It was just little stuff. There were a few small spiders on the fake webs, real ones. The door opened automatically for newcomers. The jack-o-lantern cupcakes, once all smiling, now had one smiling evilly in the center of the platter while the rest wore a fearful frown. She was staring blankly at Dipper at every opportunity.
Danny had fetched his thermos soon after their conversation and clipped it to his belt. He tried to distract himself by talking to people, like the girl that turned out to be named Wendy, and bopping his head to the background beat. Nonetheless, he couldn’t help but keep his eye on her and her effects. Why did his problems from home have to follow him everywhere? Why did he have to jinx himself?
He felt his sister ram into his back. "Danny, I sensed a ghost!"
"Yeah, so did I. It’s the white-haired girl. I worked out a deal with her," he immediately replied, sigh heavy and beyond his years.
Da—Ellie slowly shifted into a suspicious frown. "Wait, what? What kind of deal?"
"She gets to haunt the party for the night, and will peacefully return to the Ghost Zone after." Danny wilted under her glare. "Look, sh-she's even less harmless than the Box Ghost. She's all about the scare factor, doesn't try to hurt anyone—well, maybe makes them lose their sleep if they can't handle horror movies, but still. If I don't compromise here, she'll go for much bigger plans later to spite me. I promise I know what I'm doing!"
"Since when have you known what you're doing?" She shook her head, surely knowing how very offended he was by her comment. "This just doesn't sound like you, bro."
He shrugged exaggeratedly. "She doesn't operate the same way as most ghosts."
“So that made it okay to let loose a prankster ghost on these people?”
“Well, geez, it sounds terrible if you put it like that.”
She shook her head at him again before turning away with a dramatic cape twirl. He suddenly realized she does that at him a lot.
 Something was off.
 Dipper had made all the necessary precautions for a Summerween party he could think of. He had left anti-magic wards hidden around the house—not unicorn hair strong, but still effective against most of what could possibly threaten a gathering like this. He’d cleared out the trash cans so the gnomes would have no reason to stick around. He locked up Gompers in the attic (he never proved to be dangerous, but that goat was terrifying).
But then when he went to take a break by a cobwebbed corner, he found real spiders on it. A lot of real spiders. The party lights, which were supposed to change color every few seconds, got stuck on red when he passed by them. The doors creaked open ominously when anyone came near them. He went to pour out some fruit punch, and the dispenser screamed when he pressed on it.
Every time he noticed one of these things, he glanced around him and immediately found that ghost girl staring straight at him.
Dipper ran to check the nearest ward, but it was still intact. However, there was something written next to it on the wall, in red.
You think you can keep me out?
Well, that wasn’t good.
The only suspect so far was the girl—Lily, right? Perhaps she wasn’t just dressed up as a ghost after all. But she looked too solid to be a ghost, though he hadn’t seen anyone actually try to touch her yet, and these things that were happening just didn’t have the same MO as the ghosts described in the Journals or those he faced in the past. But what other kinds of supernatural creatures could do things like this? Which ones would?
Mabel poked his shoulder, startling him enough that he bumped against the wall. She didn’t laugh, however, her attention focused on his wig. Eyes narrowed, she slowly said, “Dipper, is there blood in your hair?”
He ripped the wig off his head. Red liquid seeped out of its roots, matting down the poofed hair. He hesitantly touched a finger to it and sniffed. It smelled like copper.
Mabel pulled her own off, and found the same result. Face scrunched up in disgust, she tossed it to him and ran off to the bathroom. He could hear the door creak much louder than normal even from here.
Lily was staring at him, a blank smile on her face.
A part of him chastised himself for coming to conclusions too fast, but what other conclusion was there? And performing an exorcism, if it came to that, wouldn’t hurt something that wasn’t a ghost, right?
Clearly, what he needed to do next was talk to this girl, find out her motives before her little act became big. Just in case, though, he’d need to pull out that new silver mirror first.
Amity Park and Gravity Falls were not very similar, but Danny realized there was something in common between their townsfolk: they were somewhat clueless. Not that he eavesdropped that much into the different conversations on the edges of the dance floor, but it seemed hardly anyone had noticed the odd tension in the air, the invisible slimy feeling on their skin of the supernatural hiding in their midst. Something coming.
Or, well, that that paper spider he stuck to the ceiling had grown several times its original size and crawled over one of the ceiling lights.
Ellie was consoling Mabel, who stood by the refreshments without her wig on. She glanced over to him a couple times just to glare.
He was trying to not keep his focus on Lily too much for his own sanity, but his eyes didn’t listen to his brain. They kept roaming the crowd to keep track of her. She looked like she wasn’t doing anything, but…
The eyes of the various wall decorations followed him wherever he went. Distant screaming could barely be heard over the music, if he tried to listen, but it came from nowhere. More spiders poured out of abandoned plastic cups. (She really liked that aesthetic, apparently.) 
He only caught her in the act once at the refreshments table: she studied one of the Halloween-colored M&M cookies in her hand and threw it into her mouth. After a second, she pulled it back out, staring at it like it was the cause of all her problems. She disintegrated the cookie she couldn’t eat. When she turned away, all the other cookies had turned into oatmeal raisin.
How evil.
“Hey, Danny?”
He blinked and turned to see Wendy. She quirked her eyebrow at him. “What’s got you making that constipated face?”
He blinked at her even harder and she laughed. He huffed, scratching at his hair. “There’s just weird stuff going on.”
“Oh, yeah,” she agreed, “this party’s totally haunted.”
“Actually—” He had enhanced hearing, and he still wasn’t sure he heard that right. “Yeah, it is. You noticed?”
“Well, it was kinda hard to ignore.” She nodded to herself. “I thought I heard creepy laughing coming from the bathroom and there was nobody there. ‘I’m here’ was written on the mirror in blood, though. Once I came back out, more stuff just kept popping up. There’s definitely a ghost.”
Danny frowned. “And… why aren’t you freaked out?”
“Well, same reason you aren’t. Dipper’s gonna take care of it.”
Alarm bells rang in his head, drowning out that distant screaming. “What do you mean ‘take care of it’?”
She tilted her head quizzically. “Don’t you already know him? This is totally Dipper’s thing, knowing about the supernatural and saving people from it. He already took down ghosts before. He’s probably getting everything ready for an exorcism or something right now.”
Exorcism. Exorcism. His skin crawled at that word. Ellie was friends with a kid that performed exorcisms in his spare time?
He remembered that Lily had been pulling that constant-stare thing on Dipper before. She had stopped at some point, which meant Dipper was out of sight, which meant maybe he really was planning something to get rid of her. Permanently.
Wendy said, “Hey, man, you okay?” just loud enough to bring him back out of his thoughts.
“Yeah, uh, just need to find Dipper,” he muttered, turning away and quickly searching the room for his face. Where was that kid, where was he, where was he—?
He hadn’t noticed that the music had slowly quieted down until Mabel was shouting by the DJ table. “Hey, everybody! We’re gonna start the costume contest in five minutes! Come over here if you wanna be in it!” The lights flickered for a couple seconds. “Oh, that’s new! We’ll get Soos to fix ‘em!”
Okay, there’s Mabel. Where there’s Mabel, there’s likely a Dipper. Or maybe an Ellie. He figured he should probably talk to her, too, even if she’ll give him that look again, wondering how she shared the exact same DNA with his doofus self.
Mabel watched as the chatter grew louder with her hands on her hips. “There you go, Dipdop, I moved up the contest. The sacrifices I make to my carefully planned schedules for you!” She turned back to the playlist and rose the volume. The song sounded strangely distorted and screechy and demented, causing everyone to cover their ears. She quickly stopped the music. “But I guess you’re right that things are getting out of hand.”
Yes, he was. The freaky little instances seemed to have gotten worse in the few minutes he had spent grabbing the mirror and Journal 3 upstairs. The fastest way to find the ghost: have her come to him.
Grenda and Candy came running up in their matching “party animals” costumes, along with a couple other kids they barely knew. Danny rushed to the table, eyes wide and much more awake than any zombie had the right to be. Dipper opened his mouth, about to turn that into an actual joke, but Danny beat him.
“Do you know anything about ghosts?” The words practically tumbled out of Danny’s mouth.
Dipper raised his eyebrows. “Well, yeah.”
“And how to defeat them?”
“What’s your plan?”
Dipper considered Danny’s strangely serious face. Then, he said, “Make her come out, find out her motives and if there’s something we can do to make her leave. Trap her away if she doesn’t want to, and exorcise her as a last resort.”
Danny set his frown grimmer and grimmer as he spoke. The lights flickered. “I think you need to reconsider the severity of this haunting. I can’t let you—”
The lights all went out, and the room was an inkier black than it should’ve been on a warm summer Oregon night. Large objects screeched as they dragged across the floor, bumping into people. Dipper felt something crawl over his feet, heard the table in front of him slide away. Just over the random yelps and screams of the attendees, a dark laughter rang.
 They flicked back on. The tables, speakers, and party lights were all randomly located throughout the room. The attendees were stunned to silence, taking some seconds before their chatter began anew as they inspected their new surroundings.
 A girl with a white wig (it had to be her real hair) and painted blue skin (she didn’t have skin) slipped through the crowd, glancing between the three with that little smile gracing her face. “Can I join the costume contest?”
 Dipper couldn’t stop himself from setting a glare on her, gripping tighter the silver mirror behind his back. Mabel, who had more tact, plastered a grin on and said, “Of course! I invited you to do it, didn’t I?”
 Lily nodded and quietly took her place by Candy, who was not the only contestant staring at her warily. She ignored them all, eyes unfocused as she fiddled with one of her pigtails.
 Dipper glanced back over to Danny from the corner of his eye. “I think you don’t know what you’re talking about,” he told him quietly. “Just let me do my job.”
“Your job?” Danny hissed in return, far more offended than Dipper expected him to be. “Just let me talk to her—”
“What, do I look like I haven’t done this before?”
Danny tugged at his hair. “Listen to me! You need to change your plan!”
All the paper decorations promptly dropped from the walls, fluttering to the floor, except for the cutesy ghosts.
Mabel shouted over their quiet arguing, “Last call if you want to be in the contest!”
Ellie strode up, determination in her footsteps as she lined up beside Lily.
Now that the music wasn’t playing, Danny could see people inspecting their surroundings a little more. Now that she wasn’t hidden among the crowd, Danny could see a few of those people second-guess Lily, watching her rock back and forth on her feet with a calculating eye. He wasn’t sure if that was a good thing or not. If there was anyone else here like Dipper...
He had to give up on talking sense into the kid because the contest was starting. Mabel was doing it by applause, and he couldn’t hear anything else over it.
Mabel wrote down on a notepad (though he had no clue what she’d be writing down), nodding thoughtfully to herself. “Looks like it’s between Count Dracula,” she shouted, gesturing with her pen to a kid in an elaborate vampire costume then to Lily, “and the ghost! One more vote decides the winner!”
The other contestants moved aside, but not too far. Ellie glanced over to Danny as she stepped back a couple feet. She was planning something, he knew it. With how mad she was at him, he had the distinct feeling he should be running for what remained of his life.
Dipper pulled Danny’s arm back as the applause rang again. When it stopped, he spoke in a dangerously low voice. “You said you knew her. You said she would try to scare everyone.”
Danny bit his lip for a second. “I did say something like that, huh?”
Quiet fury grew in Dipper’s eyes. “Well, fine. If you’re not going to do anything—” The rest was drowned out by the applause roaring up again, startled shouts mixed in as the lights flickered again, but Danny could guess, and his heart dropped to his stomach as Dipper turned away without giving him a chance to reply.
“Dracula wins!” Mabel announced, and a cheer rose up once again. “But the rest of you were great, too!”
Ellie stepped back up to Lily when the claps died back down. “Sorry you lost,” she said.
“Oh, it’s okay,” she replied amicably. “It wouldn’t really be fair if I won, anyway. I’m not a̙͈ ͖̩̠̬c̯͔̼t͚̮̗̙u̟͖͕a̻͙ ̼ll͙̙͎y̹ ̬͔̣̻̣w̠e̞̤ͅ ̪̖̦̤͍ͅ ̥ar͙͈i͈̳̰̜n̪̼̮ ͈ ̟̫͍̰͍ͅg̱ͅ ̟ ̦͇͓̻̹͇̼ ̝̯̦ ̹̬̟̱ ̭͈̠͇̟͖ ̗̤̯̮̭ a̬̯̰̦̞̪ͅ ̣̜͖ͅ ̬͚̪̫͎̰ c̫̗ ̜͕͕͇̤ ̤o ̥̮̺s̹̜͕͇t̬̘̮̼ ̗̞̥̣̖̼ ͇ ̣͓̹ u̹͖̙͙͇̠ ̼͉͓̰͙ ̝̯͍͙͍͓ ̭ ̤ ̖̠̠̙͖̮͕ ̜͔͔̮ ̖ ͚̤ͅ ̤ ̪̤̖͓̘͉ͅ ̭̳̜m̦̼̲̫ ̲̫͔̳̮͎ ̖̩̝̙̦͇ ̲̯̠͙̬ ̝ ̠͔̼͈͖ ̰̹ ̘͎̺̗ ̳̠̫̳̻̥ ̥͚̙͈̠͙ ̪̖͎̳̻ ͔͉̰͈̳ ̠ ͇̺̫ ͚̲̻̥͚͎̣ ̖̫̖̭ͅͅ ̩ ̩e͙͍͎̙̺̜.͇͍̩”
Lily’s hair and dress floated, revealing blobs of ectoplasm instead of legs. The lights went out, then returned in a dim, red hue. She was already up in the air, eyes glowing, face twisting. She raised her arms, and objects began to float at her command. Attendees screamed, almost loud enough to not hear the unsettling laughter coming from all sides. A couple of them tried to leave, but the door wouldn’t budge.
“Hey!” Dipper shouted as he ran to her. He was holding a… small mirror? “What do you want, ghost?”
She abruptly turned her head to him, face upside-down. Her voice had a demonic overtone as she replied, “T͍̝o̗͙ͅ ̥m͈a͕̲k̶̼͙̻e̼̟̼ ̳̱y̨o҉͎̹u͔͇̬͟ ̼s̹̙cr͉̦͇̮̭͇͡e̺͓͖̱̤̗a̪͙͓̩̮͟m͢.͎̮̳̱̬̯”
“Come on, there has to be something else,” he insisted, hand gripping the mirror harder. Danny inched his way; that mirror had to be a trap of some kind, and he wasn’t going to let Dipper use it—not when Danny didn’t know if he could get her back out of it.
“I know what you don’t want,” Ellie shouted, holding out a Fenton Thermos. Wait—Danny felt for the thermos on his belt. It was gone. She stole his thermos. How did he not notice until now?!
Lily stared her down, but she didn’t look scared. “Y̘o̺͎͖̱u̖̜̳̭̺ ̸̣̭̥̦͉̙̭s̝͢h̨o͙̞u̠͓̰̙͉l̡͉̠̗̣̥̗d̯̩̮̦̯͎̗’̨v̰̘̹͞e̙͉̘̦̱ ̶̙us̻̩̪͎̝̯e̯̱̜̬̮̝̫d͕͢ ì̟t̗̻̬̯͕̪͘ ̝͉w̹̤̫h̞̼̫̹̘̲͍͢e̖ņ̦̹̬̣̫̱ ̗̟̺y̵̬̤͖͓̖o̰̯̪̟̼̥u̟̩̰̙͢ ̝̖͕̗́h̪̰͝a̖͍̲͉͡d͕̹ ͙͖̬͉͟t̻̗̠͈̝h͚͚̜̖͎̕ͅe̼̰͍ ̰̲̪̥c͏̟̞̝͓̫h̗̤͚̲͔̼a̯͎̳͇͙̝͈n̦̥̜̹͘ͅc̳̭ȩ,” she answered, holding her hand out at Ellie. She began to float off the ground, yelping as she flailed her arms and legs in the air. She lost her grip on the thermos as she suddenly began to spasm, as if fighting off a—no, she couldn’t be.
She stilled, eyes closed, then opened them. They were glowing ecto-green. She was dull and slack-jawed, staring off at nothing.
Danny couldn’t help the dread trickling into his chest. She wasn’t really...?
He stepped towards her, and she... glanced down at him? Oh, she didn’t.
She winked.
She did.
Danny felt a thrill of anger run through him—how could his own clone decide to act possessed and make all of this worse? (When did those two even get to plan this?!) It was clearly working, with how all the partygoers stared at her in horror, looking like they were about to pass out. 
“A̛̫̙̮n͏y̗͇o̩̝͇̫n͖̜̬͇͖͖e̳ ̣̱̙̭͓e̤͚͉͉̮l̢̞̦̟s͎̱͍͍̩e̪̭͘ ͈͡w͖͚̩̹͉͢a͇͔̘ņ͎̟̣̫n͈͉̕a̷̟̝̯̬͚  ̭̱͉̟͔͘p̷̙̬̮̫̲͈̞̼͇̜͇̎̐͊ͨͅ  l̜͖̲̀̇̚  ̼ ̤̄ a͙̻̲̰͂̋ͦ̎͌̏ ̬̘͍ͯ͝   ̙͎͚̊̆̆ͨ̚ ̝̟̎͑͐ͬ́ỵ̶͉͉̳ͨͥ̌͋̓ͅ         ̖͉͓̙ͮ͌̑ͤ̽?̡͎̦̭̩̙̰͎”
Danny was about to dive for the thermos and suck both of them in (Ellie absolutely deserved it too, now), but he saw Dipper holding up the mirror and beginning a chant from a thick book. He had to take care of that first. He tackled the boy to the ground. The mirror slid away, unbroken, and both of them scrambled to get up and grab it first. Danny won, barely, and Dipper tackled him in return.
“Give me that!” Dipper growled, furiously trying to pull the mirror out of Danny’s hands.
Danny elbowed him away. “No, we need to use the thermos!”
 “Because—” he grunted as Dipper kicked him surprisingly hard— “it’ll work better!”
“And why should I believe you? You don’t care about stopping her!”
 “I never said I didn’t!” Dipper paused his fighting. “I said to change your plan because she doesn’t deserve to be killed or trapped forever, and I already know that!” Danny pushed the other boy off of him and stood up, brushing himself off. “The longer we argue, the more she’ll make everyone pee their pants.”
 “Okay, fine, we’ll use your thermos thing,” Dipper grumbled as he pushed himself back to standing. He sobered as he saw food flying around and Ellie still floating there, gawking into space. “You better be right.”
 “Of course I am.” 
Danny sprinted for the thermos. He turned it on the second his hand touched it. Lily and Ellie apparently heard its mechanical whine, as they both glanced at him, Lily wide-eyed in a different way than usual.
“I̙̻̺’̩͍m͇͔͢ ͅṋ̰̮̦͎͡ͅo̞̤t̩̯̰̖̱͖͖ ͞f͚̜̙͢ǐ̭͉͓͈̅͗ͥͅn̝̯̻͎̣̰̱̅i̮̹͔̲ͨͥ̋̆̕s̓̽ͤ͑̋҉̜͈̱̪h̤͉̫̭͍̒͆̉̈̊̐e̵͈̣͖dͧ͏͎͍̻ ̖͙́̇̒͛ẅ̘̠̤̤̭̒̾͟ḭ̩͈̥̬̅ͪt̰͇̟̹͖͂ͪͪ͋͟ḩ̝̯̖̤͉ͬ́͌—”
He gave her an apologetic look as he pulled the lid off. She let out a chilling, unnatural scream as she was sucked in, the finale to her entire performance. 
Everything that had been floating crashed down, the lights flicked back to their usual white, and the laughing died off. Ellie fell to the floor, rubbing at her head and looking around as if dazed (that little liar).
“Are you okay?” Mabel cried as she ran to Ellie’s side, just as Dipper came up to him and asked, “Are you sure she can’t get out?”
“Yeah,” Danny replied, knocking his knuckles against it. “I’ll let her out in the Ghost Zone.”
“The Ghost Zone?”
He found himself explaining it halfmindedly, the rest of him focused on inspecting the party. It looked like everything really was back to normal, minus the rearranged room and food that fell to the floor.
“That’s amazing!” Dipper’s eyes sparkled, and Danny could finally see what Wendy meant about him wanting to know the supernatural, too. “I have so many questions!”
Danny suddenly suspected he’d be here a long time if those questions started now. “How about you write them down and I’ll tell you about it when the party’s over?”
He was surprised that Dipper agreed so easily, running off to grab Mabel’s pen. With that, he snuck out of the party, thermos in hand.
Danny took the lid off again, watching as Lily reformed. She stretched her arms over her head with a sigh. He rubbed at his neck. “Sorry about trapping you, I didn’t really have a better choice.”
"That was still really fun!" She giggled, with the biggest smile Danny had ever witnessed her pulling. Her coloring shifted back to how she usually looked in the Ghost Zone, with purple hair, gray-black skin, and her dress bleached from black to bright white. She was officially out of her “scare-mode”, it seemed.
He huffed. "If you tone it down next time, and not include my sister in your schemes, I might not have to resort to it again.” He glanced around. “Well, time for you to go home. Is that portal still open?"
"Perhaps." Lily floated into the forest, and Danny warily followed. 
Only a few minutes passed before they came across a long rip in the air, carved out in front of one of the many trees, shining ecto green like a bleeding wound. One of its neighbor trees wore a sparkly Summerween party flyer.
"See you later, Phantom!” Lily chirped. “Oh, and let Mabel know her cookies were good!" She paused to wave, her grin lingering on her face turned counterclockwise, then flew through. 
Danny watched the portal until it closed; luckily, it only took a minute or two to stitch the fabric of reality back together, leaving no trace. Well, except for his nerves being fried for the night.
He was not looking forward to Ellie’s smug grin. 
It’s a mistake going anywhere with her.
Zalgo Text:
"I'm not actually wearing a costume."
"To make you scream."
"You should've used it when you had the chance."
"Anyone else wanna play?"
"I'm not finished with—"
53 notes · View notes
fluidityandgiggles · 6 years
Sleep Is For The Weak - Chapter 5
Previous Chapters: Prologue, Chapter 1, Last Chapter
Writing Masterlist - for previous chapters not otherwise linked
Notes (I guess): Welcome to ‘I’m bad at describing stuff’, part 1. This chapter was planned out way in advance, before I wrote the prologue even, and yet it gave me a lot of trouble because I had no idea how to wrap it up. So I hope that, for what it’s worth, this is a good one.
As always, thanks @broadwaytheanimatedseries for the original suggestion, to @whatwashernameagain for her fantastic creation on which this fic is based, and to @anony-phangirl and @asleepybisexual and @winglessnymph (hey Nymph look you’re on this list now!) for dealing with my crazy ideas. And a particularly special thanks to Miranda, again, for her poetic additions. She is the absolute best.
A quick note to any of you who are underage or have never been in such a situation (aka a massive fucking party) before - do not do anything that happens in this chapter. Please, drink responsibly, or don’t drink at all if you don’t want to. I made my mistakes so that you won’t have to. Do not do anything that happens in this chapter, watch your drinks, you know the drill. I can’t stress this enough.
Tag list (sort of): @bunny222, @ab-artist, @secretlyanxiouspersona, @your-username-is-unavailable, @virgilcrofters, @why-things-go-boom, @ilovemygaydad
(If you want to be tagged or removed, please let me know! Preferably via notes/reblogs, I have bad memory, but… you do you.)
Trigger warning: period appropriate transphobia (the early 00s were not exactly trans-friendly). This chapter doesn’t have as much. Also mentions and slight talk of dysphoria, drinking, drug use, mentions of blood (aka periods, don’t worry, it’s periods)... yeah, that’s all I remember for now...
It was around one a.m. when Remy was ready to crash, and Emile was nowhere to be seen.
Remy had just the slightest idea of what happened.
22:38, Thursday, October 31st, 2002
"I really would've rather gone trick or treating."
"I know, boo, but you look great and my friend is gonna love you. I promise."
There were several wrong things about tonight where it came to Emile, and Remy knew all of them. One, he was sensitive to extreme temperature changes, as he told him over hot chocolate just the other day. But as things were, his costume exposed his midriff and he was snuggling up to Remy before they even left the building. Two, too many people made him incredibly uncomfortable. Strangers only intensified that feeling. And three… he couldn't bring his bunny with him to help with problems one and two.
This was building up to be a disaster.
"Well, isn't this party just so fun," India stated the moment she found Remy. "I'm surprised nobody is a Playboy bunny this year. Well… here's to hoping things will get more interesting later."
"It's totally fine, sweetie—"
"She said it's boring, can we go now?"
"Yeah, you two are better off coming back in about an hour, but you're already here. It'll be a waste of time. You're Emile, right?"
"Yeah, hello!"
"Nice to finally meet you. I'm India." Her smile was as bright as the lights reflecting off her Wonder Woman costume. "So how was Murder week? Did anyone strip?"
"No, not at Weld. What about you?"
"I'm not allowed to strip for immunity anymore, not after what happened two years ago, but… we had a couple of people walking around in towels."
Chris was there, piling red solo cups into pyramids. India and Emile kept talking about Murder and strategies for later years, and Chris was there.
He was… so beautiful. His skin reminded him of the sand on a beach. Warm and inviting beckoning him in. Caramel never looked so good on anyone else. The black hair a stark contrast. Dangerous but looked soft. Like if you touched it it would feel like cotton candy. What he wouldn't give to bury his hands into it—
Yeah... was there any way for someone to get drunk without actually drinking...?
"You're staring for far too long without actually doing anything," Remy heard someone whisper in his ear - Emile? - "go talk to him!"
"Are you trying to play fairy godparent with me?"
"No, but you're worrying me. And it's always best to talk to someone you like. How would they know you like them if you don't tell them?" Emile looked incredibly uncomfortable, even more so than before. "It's too cold…"
"Sorry, angel, don't got a sweatshirt for you." Emile huffed. "Why aren't you with India?"
"She's bringing me Fanta. Did I tell you that my sister is coming over from Evanston next—"
Definitely Emile.
"Yes, you told me. Five times already."
"Oh. Oops. But… really. He would never know you like him unless you tell him, and now is as good a time to tell him as any. And if it fails, I'm here and you can always come back here and we'll go back to your suite and order pizza!"
"I am so not into discussing Fahrenheit 451 with those assholes over there," India declared as she joined them. "What… are we waiting for?"
"Remy wants to talk to his crush but he's not doing anything about it."
"Stop saying that…"
Remy went anyway.
"And that's why I think that…"
Remy spaced in and out of the conversation with Chris. It was just… boring. He was talking about Blade Runner for twenty-five minutes out of the forty-five they've been talking, it was almost ridiculous. But he stayed, because… maybe he could… change the topic? Maybe? There was a certain number of times one could say radical or awesome before it turns into a chore, after all.
If only he'd shut up about his fucking crush on Harrison Ford…
"Have you ever seen Pulp Fiction?" Chris choked on his soda. "What?"
"You saw Pulp Fiction? I'd never think someone like you would—"
"Someone like me? And that's what, baby?"
"Just… you seem like the type of person who watches Beverly Hills 90210 or Gilmore Girls."
"And what stops me from liking both 90210 and Pulp Fiction?"
The conversation was incredibly boring, and Remy couldn't help it. He didn't even like 90210. Chris was… well, he was boring, and that wasn't part of the plan at all.
But… he didn't want to fuck this up at all. So… he'd put up with the boring. Okay. He can do it.
And he zoned out on him again…
"...me for a second." And then Chris was gone. What did Remy just get himself into… it wasn't what he imagined it would be like.
Huh. Maybe that's why you should never meet your heroes. Or… something like that.
And then someone jumped on his back.
"Did you tell him yet?" Emile didn't seem quite alright. "India let me out of her sight ‘cause I wanted to ask you, and—"
"Did you drink, sweetheart?"
"No! Absolutely not!" Emile didn't look him in the eyes. Nothing new, really. But Remy was still worried. "Well…"
"Emile, you're sixteen."
"Remy, you're eighteen. Stating obvious facts can be a two-player game, you know!" He sighed and hugged Remy again, only… not quite. "You wanna dance with me? Please?"
His big blue eyes were open so wide and he pouted. He actually pouted.
Remy wanted to kiss him.
No, wait, what?!
"Cutie, we can't dance right now. You look sick."
"I'm totally not sick! It's prolly just the makeup!"
"...no, you definitely look—"
"Sorry about that." Oh, great. Chris was back. "Hey, I'm Chris."
"I'm Emile, it's very nice to meet you, is this Fanta?"
"Yes, but—"
"Good, thanks."
Remy was convinced he was going to regret that night. His crush was one of the most boring people he knew (he might not be, but at least right now he was, and they did talk for almost an hour and that definitely means something), he couldn't find India anywhere, and Emile—
"That Fanta tastes funny… is that vodka?"
"Yeah. Sure."
"What did you put in that cup?" Remy whispered angrily at the upperclassman.
"Vodka. I swear it was only vodka."
00:17, Friday, November 1st
No, it wasn't only vodka. But Remy couldn't care at this point.
Yeah… that sounds awful. Of course he cared, but… yeah, he had a bit to drink. And he was making out with Chris in the corner, so it wasn't exactly his biggest concern at the moment.
"Your makeup's coming off," Chris laughed between kisses.
There was a slight issue with this situation. Chris kept trying to… touch. Which was usually a problem, thanks to his body being… well, his body, but today was even worse. For today was day two of shark week. And, like, it wasn't enough that he was trying to get to Remy's not yet existing dick, which even under sober circumstances Remy probably wouldn't have let him, but it was happening during the worst possible time to do that.
There was no better time in history for Remy to feel the dysphoria kicking in, and kicking in hard. Yeah. Look at how much fun he was having.
"Okay, lover boy, time to fuck out of here," someone screamed in his ear a couple minutes later. And forcefully pulled him away from Chris.
"What do you want?"
"I get that you don't have much experience with booze, Skellington, but your friend is missing and I'm not going to look for him alone. And I can see you're enjoying yourself very much."
"Fine… oh. Oh shit."
"Yeah, oh shit. Now you gotta get fixing to get going, anything we gotta do before we leave?"
"...stop at the bathroom."
It was just changing a pad. He could manage going to the girls' room just for that. He could manage that—
"Make it quick, though. Any second we don't look for him is a second gone to waste."
"Alright. Just don't scream at me."
"I ain't screaming!"
It was just changing a pad. It couldn't take longer than two minutes. Just go in there, change it, get out, and—
Yeah… this was going to be tough.
It was around one a.m. when Remy was ready to crash, and Emile was still nowhere to be seen.
Remy had just the slightest idea of what happened.
India only called it a night because she had early classes that day, and Remy tried to reach Emile's cell for a while before giving up and falling asleep around three.
It didn't feel right. He could be dead… Remy should've done more…
And then his phone started ringing. At around nine, his phone started ringing.
"Yes, hello, what—"
"Remy… everything hurts…" Emile was crying. Shit. No, no, that was—
"Where the fuck are you?"
"I don't know… but everything hurts. And…"
"Are you still on campus, sweetie?"
"I… I hope so."
"Can you tell me where you are, what's around you? I'm coming to get you."
Remy started looking for a jacket, still half asleep, as Emile kept talking. He described something that sounded a lot like Harvard Law to Remy. (Well, actually, more like what he imagined Harvard Law looked like after watching Legally Blonde fifteen times).
"Do you mind if I sing?" Emile was calming down. Great. He was still—
"No, not at all. But… one song, alright? I still need you to tell me where you are."
As Remy ran outside, still putting his shoes on, phone glued to his shoulder and ear, he heard a thing he never thought was possible —
"Whatever happened to Saturday night? When you dressed up sharp and you felt alright?"
"...are you crying while singing Hot Patootie?"
"It was the first song I could think of!"
Remy found Emile sitting on a bench (like when Elle met Emmett in Legally Blonde, his little voice told him), his costume still intact but incredibly messed up, the wig thrown to the side. He looked… sick.
There was no real way to describe what he looked like other than sick. And Remy felt guilty.
"Hey, hot patootie, where's your glasses?" Emile shivered, pulling his shoulders.
"I left them in my room... I had… I had lenses on last night… and then I lost them. I can't see much…"
"Do you remember anything?" Remy sat down next to Emile, holding him tight. He was freezing. It was…
Remy felt like he failed. It was the worst feeling. He failed his best friend.
"No. I know I drank… I know this… this guy, he was really nice, he asked me if I wanted to eat something… I don't remember more than that…"
"Sweetie… it'll be alright. I promise." He couldn't exactly promise. Not at this state, anyway. "Let's take you to the clinic, okay?"
Remy had to help Emile walk. Support him on the way, sometimes carry him bridal style, all for about two minutes of walking. But… he was clearly not okay. Remy wasn't going to just… not help him, this was his best friend on campus...
It was only when they made it to the incredibly familiar (at least to Remy) clinical wing that Remy realized he didn't even wear a bra. And only because Emile told him "if any of the people in the clinic call you miss, because your boobs are out, I'm gonna punch them."
He was not going to let Emile punch anyone, but that was not his main concern at the moment.
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wipbigbang · 7 years
2018 Schedule and FAQ
All times are by 8:59pm CST. Convert time zones. Sign-ups Begin - March 30th Sign-ups Close - April 14th Check Point #1 - April 21st Check Point #2 - May 5th Snippets Due - May 19th Art Claims Begin - May 23rd Check Point #3 - June 2nd Check Point #4 - June 16th Rough Drafts Due - June 23rd Posting Claims Begin - June 27th Check Point #5 - June 30th Posting Claims Ends - July 4th Final Drafts/Art Due - July 11th Posting Begins - July 11th
What is the WIP Big Bang?
Good question! This is a Big Bang with one goal in mind: to clean out your drafts folder. These are stories that were unfinished for whatever reason, that authors returned to and completed, and the art that goes with them! Do I need a Livejournal/Dreamwidth/AO3/etc. account to participate? No! You don’t have to have an account on anything to participate, though you will need to have somewhere to post your finished work. Having one or more accounts will help for you to follow what is going on with the bang (we crosspost to Livejournal, Dreamwidth, Tumblr, and Twitter), but they are not required to participate. You can always leave comments anonymously or with an opensource ID. Will I get emails about the bang? We do send out some emails, mostly for snippets and art claims and to ensure communication between authors and artists, but please do NOT rely on getting an email to remind you of due dates. We currently do not keep an updated email list of participants, so we only send individual emails as needed rather than mass emails. However, email is the fastest way to communicate with the mods. If you have any questions or are having trouble communicating with your artist/author, please do email us! We will do our best to respond quickly. Is there a minimum word count? 7500 words, but the sky's the limit, right? What do you mean by minimum word count to enter? This is a WIP Big Bang, therefore we ask you to have at least 500 words of your story drafted when you enter. It's okay if you have posted a few chapters of your fic already (you never know when the muse deserts you, after all), we just require you to refrain from posting more until posting begins here. Is there anything not allowed? As long as you wrote it and you want to finish it, you're welcome to participate. Just bear in mind that original fic generally can't be posted to AO3 and might make it hard for artists to work with. But we'll make a dedicated post for that if there will be any. What are 'Check Points'? These are a way for us to see what you've been up to and for you to make sure you're still on track. It will give you a little nudge/reminder if you need it but they are not compulsory. What are the snippets requirements? In order to allow the artists to make art for the story they claimed, we require you to supply three snippets from your fic, between 500 – 1500 words each. The snippets will be sent to the artist after they have claimed your story. They're to help the artist match your story for artwork the best way he or she possibly can. What are the rough drafts requirements? For the rough drafts, stories should be at least 80% complete. You will not have to turn them into us, just assure us that you are at that point. Anything less is at the discretion of the mods and those authors should speak to one of the mods asap. What is, and do I need, a beta? A beta is basically a person who goes over your work to make sure that there are no spelling/grammatical errors and they can even be of assistance in helping you with story lines, etc. It is highly recommended that a beta looks over your work before posting. Where can I post my fic/art? Stories and art can be posted to your own personal journal,Tumblr, ff-net, AO3, or wherever you like. For those of you with AO3 names, we will set up a collection that will go live on the day of the posting. Also, we've enabled posting to the comm for members. We will post a template for posting artwork and stories to the comm closer to the posting date. How do I know when to post? Posting will be tiered, you'll each get your own posting date that you and your artist will decide on together. There will probably be two fics, plus art, posting per day between July 11th and August 31st. The post with date claims will go up on June 27th and you'll have to choose your date by July 4th. If you want to post your story in chapters on AO3 or your own blog (or wherever you usually post), you may do so starting July 4th. However, posting has to be finished by your chosen posting date to the comm. One of the things we're hoping to do with the posted dates is to give everybody on the comm a little bragging time in the spotlight. You know, "this story was incomplete for this long, but I finished this sucker." If you don't have time to post on your chosen posting date, you can queue up a post ahead of time and we can post it on the date you picked. Either way works for us. Art will be due on the chosen posting date to the comm. Is there a minimum/maximum requirement for my art? There is no strict minimum, but we do ask artists to remember that the authors are writing a minimum of 7,500 and your artwork should reflect that. You can do anything you like, including banners, wallpapers, icons, mixes, vids, gif sets, picspams, etc. Suggested guidelines for art are 500x500px (or equivalent of smaller pieces like banner + spacers, cover + icons, etc.) for traditional art, digital art, and manips; 2 minutes for vids; 10 songs + cover art for mixes; and 6 images for gif sets and picspams. We also ask that when you are in contact with the author, you work with them to see if there is anything specific they would like (i.e. a wallpaper). The art is your work, but having ideas doesn't hurt! What are 'art claims'? The claims are when anonymous summaries of the story go up for artists to choose from. It is based on a 'first come, first served' basis and artists may choose up to three potential stories (in case their first choice is unavailable). If there are more stories than artists, there will be a second round of claims wherein artists may choose a second story to work with. In the event that there are more artists than stories, the remaining artists may choose a story to work with and those stories will have two artists working independently of each other. Can I get an extension? Community extensions may be given in the event that the majority of the authors/artists need one. They may also be given individually under certain circumstances, but this must be discussed with the mods and will only be a short extension for posting. If you are certain that you won’t be able to finish your story in time, please let us know by May 19th. What do I do if I have problems or concerns about my author/artist? Sometimes authors and artists do not get along and this may cause problems with working together. If this happens to be the case with you, please PM or email the mods and this will be dealt with immediately so that everyone has a chance to have fun at WIP Big Bang! Can I drop out? We have high hopes that everybody who signs up can actually finish the round and share in the joy of the reveal with us, but real life can unfortunately get in the way and we completely understand! If you feel like you just cannot finish in time and no amount of assistance from us can help you, just let us know by May 19th (if at all possible). Is it possible to be banned? As was announced last year, we are enacting a banned users list. We hope to use this to encourage participants who are having issues to communicate with the mods. We want to help you! The way the ban works is that participants, either authors and artists, will be banned for dropping out without notifying a mod. This means that anyone who has not posted or talked to a mod by the time the posting period ends will be banned. Dropping out is not in and of itself a banning offense, so please do not panic if you have to drop out! We understand that there are many reasons you may need to drop, and we want to work with you. Bans will last one round or until the issue is resolved, whichever comes first. To resolve a ban, authors will have to finish and post the story they signed up with and artists will have to finish and post the art for the story they claimed. Three bans will result in a permanent ban from the bang. I have a question/concern that’s not mentioned here. If you need help you can always contact a mod (@voldiebuns or @biffelderberry) and we will do our best to make sure that you get your story/art finished.
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milomurphysblawg · 7 years
Update! MML new years project!
Okay, I’ve been meaning to post this a day or two ago, but I have been SO tired from work and catching up with orders of “last minute” Christmas presents, that I haven’t been able to sit down at my computer. I am STRETCHING OUT THE DEADLINES FOR THE NEW YEARS PROJECT! Meaning that every Episode will get it’s own day. (So more people can sign up and have more time to work on their episode, and also I’ll have at least a day to work on filling in when I probably will have to do most of the episodes.) This will mean that everyone who already signed up for a date/episode will have more time to work on it (except for @rifqy5301, who signed up for “Going the Extra Milo” Sorry by the way.) This will also mean that if needed, people can sign up for multiple episodes, and have enough time to work on all pieces. Here are the new dates. December 26th-”Going the Extra Milo” @rifqy5301 27th-”The Undergrounders”  28th- “Rooting for the Enemy” @milomurphysblawg 29th- “Sunny Side Up” 30th- “The Doctor Zone Files” @antzonian 31st- “The Note” January 1st- “Party of Peril” 2nd- “Smooth Opera-tor” 3rd- “Worked Day” 4th- “Wilder West” 5th- “Family Vacation” 6th- “Murphy’s Lard” 7th- “Secrets and Pies” @martinmurphyslaw 8th- “Athlecdecamathalon” @kadziduo 9th- “The Substitute” 10th- “Time Out” 11th- “We’re Going To The Zoo” @cutiepie-tro 12th- “School Dance” @maddymo123 13th- “Battle of the Bands”  14th- “The Math Book” 15th- “The Little Engine that Couldn’t” 16th- “The Llama Incident” 17th- “Missing Milo” 18th- “Star Struck” 19th- “Disaster of My Dreams” 20th- “Clockwork Origin” 21st- “Perchance to Sleepwalk” @redrangermike 22nd- “Some Like it Yacht” 23rd- “Backwards to School Night” @wiz-witch 24th- “A World Without Milo” @murphygloss 25th- “The Race” @blairaptor 26th- “Love Toboggan” 27th- “Island of Lost Dakotas” @yara-chan-the-autistic-artist 28th- “Milo Murphy’s Halloween Scream-A-Torium” @i-am-perryshmirtzed 29th- “A Christmas Peril” @the-mml-and-svtoe-fangirl 30th- “Fungus Among Us” @the-adorable-vinnie-dakota Remember: This is all for fun! I want people to participate so we can have a wide variety of things to show off by the end of January (so it’s not just me everyday) I will update this list whenever I get more people joining up (So check my blog, for an updated list) Please share this with people you think might be interested in participating. THIS IS A LINK TO ORIGINAL FOR RULES and whatnot. It would be really nice if we can fill in these dates. If you already finished your piece, and you wouldn’t mind doing another one, just say so. Sorry for any inconvenience this may cause, but I really want to open the invitation to more people and I think it would help if they have more time. Please try to sign up before Christmas, but if you want an episode that’s a bit later, please tell me you want it about 2 days in advance. Thank you to our current participants and I hope to see more in the following days.
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