#it’s been so long tumblr app forgot my own tags
katzkinder · 8 months
Thinking about My Fair Lady (As you like it) and how the core of the musical the spell is named for is a meeting ground between Pygmalion and Coppelia but also how the subject matter of the play itself shows how out of place Mikuni feels, where, like Eliza, he no longer feels as if he belongs in his own home but also doesn’t feel quite right in this “new” place he finds himself in, and his harshness towards Jeje mirroring Higgins towards Eliza, and how he needs Jeje even if he refuses to admit it.
And how even if Jeje were to leave and return, again, like Higgins, the first thing out of Mikuni’s mouth wouldn’t be an expression of relief but some kind of admonishment or teasing. Self absorbed but also deeply aware of his own inability to form lasting, meaningful connections with those he carries affection for, hanging himself and others with his own rope and, instead of recognizing the success of the multiple, thinking he’s the linchpin for it all and thus deserving of the credit
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the-smiling-doodler · 19 days
What is the difference between twitter and tumblr
there's a lot of differences between them, from community to functionality. we'd be here all week if i listed every single one, so i'm just gonna name a few: 1. the community on tumblr is a lot more chill than the one on twitter. tumblr users HIGHLY encourage curating your own experience, it's basically impossible to be on tumblr for a while without seeing at least one post encouraging you to unfollow/block people you dont vibe with, not respond to hateful asks and block mean anons, and filter tags you dont like. this isn't to say that other apps don't do the same thing, but in my experience, tumblr users are far more vocal about it. it's very ingrained in the app's culture as a whole. linking this back to the SC fandom real quick: I've only been faced with one drama on tumblr, compared to twitter where it seems like every fucking day some new shit pops up. tumblr-exclusive SC fans are largely unaware of any of the crazy shit that goes on on twitter. i keep saying this to my moots but it is genuinely far more peaceful on here than on twitter. 2. tumblr is also more slow-paced than twitter because the character limit on this app is HUGE (4096 characters per text block, and tumblr allows a total of 1000 content blocks per post, meaning that if you use every content block you have exclusively for text, the total character limit is 4,096,000 characters per post. thats like 630154 - 819200 words !! also, reblogs count as their own post, and you can reblog a post a near infinite number of times (ignoring the 250 post limit a day.)), which i think is part of the reason why this app is more chill. it's less stressful, it feels like you can take your time on here. this isn't mentioning that you can attach up to 10 images to a post, making tumblr a better app for both writers and artists compared to twitter. the more you stay on this app, the more you notice that a lot of posts are very long. 3. i've said this on another post of mine (which i really recommend reading if you have the time because i talk a lot about the importance of reblogging posts on tumblr, among other things), but I'll say it here again: while the community on tumblr is more chill, it's also very quiet. a lot of tumblr users have become very passive in their engagement with posts, only liking and never reblogging. in my personal experience, i've found that you get far more engagement and reach on twitter than on tumblr (emphasis on personal experience, because a few of my friends have told me that they actually get more interaction on tumblr than on twitter.) in short: twitter is where you go to get famous, tumblr is where you go to hang out with friends. 4. this point came from my friend @buggyboo-exe, he said: "I'd add the fact that Tumblr allows for more, how do I say, personal interaction? On Twitter sure, you can follow people and see just your follower's posts and everything but Tumblr not only has the ask box, it also gives you the feature to answer those asks privately. I think it's just easier to make friends on Tumblr and actually keep those friends long term than on Twitter. Likely due to the slow paced thing as well. I'm not sure how to explain it better. Tumblr also started the whole "moots" thing I believe so followers are always seen more as friends then anywhere else." I think this point is very solid because, yes, although I think twitter is better in terms of quantity of engagement, tumblr allows for deeper, more personal interaction. a lot of my closest friends on this fandom are ones I've made on tumblr. I feel way more comfortable goofing around and being silly with them publicly on here than on twitter.
5. this is something I wanted to add to the post i linked in point 3 but forgot to, and that is that tumblr is more or less timeless. it's very, very, VERY common to come across posts from as far back as 15 years ago. you basically never see twitter posts ever again if they weren't made this year, but on tumblr? it's not unusual to see a post from 2015 circulating. it's not weird to reblog art or writing from months or years ago. it's also not weird to go through an artist's blog and just reblog/like all their posts in one sitting. (also, reblogging a post means you get to keep a copy of it on your blog forever. meaning that even if a user deletes their blog, or deletes the post itself, as long as you've reblogged it it's never truly gone. reblog your favorite posts if you wanna keep them with you forever!!) 6. tumblr users REALLY stress anonymity. one of the first things i told my twitter mutuals was to PRIVATE YOUR LIKES AND FOLLOWING TABS !! no one wants or needs to see that stuff. this is your personal blog, you're allowed to and even encouraged to keep things about yourself private. it is usually extremely easy to tell who is and isnt a tumblr user, because twitter users tend to: have their likes and following visible, don't have a blog title, dont have a personal blog theme, and only like posts with little to no reblogs.
I'll cut myself off here because this post is getting very long, but yeah, there's a LOTTTT of differences. i hope this answered your question !! and to anyone reading this, feel free to ask me if you have any other questions about being on tumblr. I know a lot of you are new here and i LOVE to yap, so i'd be happy to answer !!
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CFWC Writer of the Month: Jamespotterthefirst
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Each month CFWC highlights one of our talented fanfic writers, and this month’s writer of the month is @jamespotterthefirst! We hope you will enjoy learning more about her and her work below! The writer is selected at random. More info can be found on the navigation page.
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Tumblr Blog: Jamespotterthefirst Blog Masterlist
1- When did you start playing Choices? What's the first book you played? 
I started playing back in 2018. I kept seeing this thing called “playchoices” trending as number 1 on Tumblr (lol remember those days?). This would happen, without fail, almost every week! When I clicked on it, the posts were all about the finale of a royal story (The Royal Romance!). People made the most hilarious posts, complete with memes. I had no idea what it was, but I gathered it was an app. I downloaded it, and the rest is history. 
The first book I played was Desire and Decorum. It was absolute torture because it wasn’t completed yet. So I binged the available chapters. Yes, I spent real money on keys and diamonds, telling myself at least I wasn't spending that money on drugs. It was so much fun waiting for a new chapter every week, even if I’m an impatient mess. 
2- When and why did you join Choices fandom?
I joined the fandom almost immediately after downloading the app. 
As I sat in my living room, tapping my foot and waiting for the new D&D chapter to drop, I went back into the playchoices tag for content. It felt good to find other people who loved the story as much as I did. There were other users out there who were also waiting impatiently for the new chapter, writing fics and discussing theories in the meantime. There were also some of the funniest memes I have ever seen in my life. At first, I would quietly read and reblog. Then, I slowly started posting my own thoughts and theories (which were not very good lol but hey, this is tumblr after all).
3- How did you pick your url name? 
My life is one hyperfixation after another… The one before Choices was Harry Potter. More specifically, the Marauders era. I used to write for the pairing called “Jily”, composed of Harry Potter’s (dead) parents. Kelsey (@takeharryandgo) is a witness of just how much I love James Potter, Harry’s (dead) dad. In fact, our shared love for the pairing and character is one of the things that brought us together. 
In short, this URL is a reference to James Potter the first, Harry’s (dead) dad. Not James Sirius Potter the second, Harry Potter’s (living?) son. 
I saved it as a sideblog, meant only for writing resources for me to use at a later time. One day, I decided I didn’t want the followers on my main page to see all the Choices spam I was posting, so I resurrected the JP blog. 
4- Go back to your archive and tell us about the first post on your Choices blog. 
My first Choices post was a shitty theory about Desire & Decorum: 
5- How long have you been writing fanfiction?
I’ve been writing fanfiction since I was a literal child. I used to write in a notebook and my friends would read during recess. It was awful but they were into it. One day, I used up the whole notebook and my friend was desperate for the next part of the story. I told her I needed to wait until my mom took me to the store (literal child) to get a new one. My friend got me a new one by the end of the day lol.
TL;DR that puts me at about 20+ years of writing. 
6- What is your favorite Choices book to write about?
Without a doubt, Open Heart! 
7- Share the first fanfic you wrote with us. Do you still like it or would you change anything about it?
Oh god, the first fanfic I wrote was Lily Evans and James Potter from the Harry Potter universe. I forgot the exact title, but it was named after an Avril Lavigne lyric. Again, I was a child, don’t judge me lol. It’s handwritten in a notebook I still have somewhere, but I will never open it again lest I die of cringe. 
My first Choices fic, on the other hand, was a Desire and Decorum fic called “A Wedding Gift” that only like 5 people read at the time. 
8- What is your favorite fic that you’ve written?
Oof. This answer changes depending on the day you ask me. I always overthink it and end up saying picking a favorite fic is like picking a favorite child. To avoid being here all day, however, I’m going to say: Fake Husband, She Walks in Beauty, and Lovely.
9- Do you have a fic that you didn’t expect to be well received, but it was? What about one you expected to be but could use a little more love?
Definitely, the fic I didn’t expect to do well at all if my first Open Heart fic: Lovely. 
I was so naive back then, knowing nothing about the Open Heart writing fandom. I had no idea what format or tags to use when posting. I was afraid there would be no readers out there who wanted to read a silly little story about my MC posting a thirst trap. All I knew was that the latest chapter of Open Heart Year 2 inspired an idea that wouldn’t leave me alone until I wrote it. 
I posted it and I was so incredibly lucky to receive so much support. Words cannot explain how special that was. To this day, I cannot verbalize how grateful I am for that. 
There isn’t really a fic I can think of that could use more love. It always amazes me that anyone gives my fics their time. So any feedback my fics get will always be valued and treasured by me. 
10- If you could write only angst, fluff, or smut for the rest of your writing life, which would it be and why? 
Oh no. 
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If forced to choose, I’d say fluff. 
11- Do you ever recognize yourself in any of your MCs or in your writing?
Absolutely! While I try to make every MC different, I often pull from experience when I write. My Open Heart MC and I have a lot of things in common (heritage, hometown, astrological sign, etc.) But I also wanted her to be her own character with life choices that are different from mine. Since I'm very boring, it definitely makes for better fiction that way. 
12- What element of writing do you struggle with most?
It depends on the day. Some days I struggle the most with dialogue. Others, my biggest struggle is descriptions. It's rare when I feel confident in both when I write. 
13- Do you have any neglected work you really want to finish?
*laughs nervously in unfinished series*
There are a few series I have yet to finish. Once again, I apologize for leaving them untouched for so long! I plan to get my shit together soon! 
14- If someone you know in real life (who isn’t involved in fandoms) asked to read your work, would you let them? If yes, what would you recommend they read first? 
I don't think I could look anyone in the eye if they read some of the stuff I've written, especially for Choices. 
15 - Are there any writers (published authors and/or fanfic writers) who influenced your writing?
I strongly believe that one of the best ways to learn as a writer is reading. As such, I believe I've learned from most pieces I've read, particularly published rom com novels. In the fanfiction world, I admire my lovely friend @takeharryandgo. I've had the absolute joy of following her writing for over a decade. And with every work, I am still amazed by her masterful way with words! And her characterization is always spot-on. I simply love to read her spellbinding work and learn from the master! 
Other writers/creators I admire are:
@heauxplesslydevoted- one of the first OH writers I've ever read! Her smut is top-tier!
@jerzwriter - her stories, dialogue, and characterization are a delight to read. Her angst is painful. Her smut is sizzling hot! 
@liaromancewriter - a true master at romance! Her writing style is magical and synonymous with the best of rom-coms! 
@genevievemd - I bow down because the amount of love and care she puts into every piece truly makes her work special! 
 @lucy-268 - I have always respected the amount of research she puts into every piece. She pours so much care into it so that the narrative flows seamlessly! 
@a-crepusculo - her writing is so vivid and immersive. Reading her work is like listening to the most beautiful of symphonies!
@writer-ish - she is such a master at the craft! Her characterization is so vivid that the reader will fall in love no matter the format. Her text edits are legendary! 
@bex-la-get - such a talented and dedicated writer! She also pours hours of research into her work, ensuring every detail makes sense! 
@potionsprefect - she's such a creative and talented writer. She develops writing ideas like no one else I've ever seen! 
@headoverheelsforramsey- I love her storytelling and characterization! She's created a beautiful, inspiring, and intelligent MC for all of us to adore!
@gryffindordaughterofathena - her writing style is one of the most original I've ever seen. Reading her work feels like reading the loveliest of poetry! 
@coffeeheartaddict2- the dedication she puts into her work blows me away! She's daring when exploring themes in her writing, and she's not afraid to pull from personal experience. 
@lsvdw-blog - the person I'm sending my therapy bill to. Just kidding! Her writing is beautiful, even when it's the most painful angst. 
@trappedinfanfiction - she is such a lovely writer. The amount of detail she's given both of her MC's back stories has my absolute respect! 
@quixoticdreamer16 - I adore her MC and the wholesome, beautiful background she's given her! 
@mysticalgalaxysstuff - Another MC that has stolen my heart. I am so happy she started writing this past year because she's a real talent! 
@peonierose - love her beautiful MC and the beautiful love story she built for her with Bryce! 
@cariantha - a brilliant writer with talent for days! 
16- Which one of your stories would you most like to see as a movie/series? 
I would love to see She Walks in Beauty along with its series (1800s AU) in live action. Imagine Ana de Armas and David Gandy in period costumes? That alone would be worth it! 
17- Do you write original stories? 
I've crafted and outlined original stories before but I've never actually written them. One of my biggest goals for the new year is to finally start. Wish me luck! 
18 -  What other hobbies do you have?
I love reading, hiking, and dancing! 
Yes, I picked the most “impressive” of my hobbies to seem cool. On most days, you'll catch me cuddling with my dog or bf watching YouTube/TikTok/Hell's Kitchen reruns lol. 
19 - What’s your favorite emoji? 
I used the orange 🧡 and purple 💜 hearts a lot because they're my favorite colors!
20: BONUS - tell us anything you’d like (if you want to).
For the record, I am also contractually obligated to read anything Kelsey writes 😘 
Thank you so much to every single reader who has given my work a chance these past three years!
Thank you to the wonderful mods of CFWC for all you do to support writers in the Fandom! 
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For the First Time In Forever, WIP Wednesday!!
I am being brave and starting it myself today 😟. I know I haven’t contributed in a long time, but I think I’m now at a moment where life has calmed down enough for me to want to write again. Until auditions, but that’s another whole can of worms. Tagging @skyrim-forever @trickstarbrave @throughtrialbyfire @friend-of-giants and anyone who sees this and wants to join!
No TES stuff rn but I do have some Baldur’s Gate writing! I actually finally got myself to write again because I had this whole scene out in my mind and told myself to just write it down before I forgot it. Being able to share the work in progress here was actually a big motivator too!
So, without further ado, here’s a scene that hasn’t happened yet in my playthrough, but oh well. Narrator is my Tav, Tilia- helpful information is that she’s a tiefling draconic soul sorcerer. Also there’s italics on her inner thoughts but those don’t copy-paste between notes app and tumblr properly.
I pushed open the door, stepped in, and stood waiting, silently, for the aging halfling shopkeeper to notice me.
After a few seconds, he looked up, his lightless eyes not making contact with mine, but drawing upwards to my horns. After a short sigh, he explained, “We don’t serve tieflings here,” in the cadence of a line he had said more times than he had the right to.
That’s to be expected. I responded with a smile. “Even me?”
Confusion and annoyance crossed his brow. “I don’t know who you are, girl, but I don’t need to. Devil-spawn aren’t-“
“Aren’t welcome? The number of times I’ve heard that. Tragically,” I said, realizing too late that he wouldn’t get the joke, “it’s exactly what I expected to hear from my own grandfather.”
There was a long, empty silence in the room after that. I eventually disrupted it by hopping up onto a table and curling my tail onto my knees, turning to watch the recognition dawning on his face.
He moved away from the counter to stand closer, still leaving me a wide berth, then brought his eyes up to mine. “You’re leaving. Now. GUARDS!” The two people, both armed and armored, who had been watching anxiously by the door, began to move towards me. It’s a good thing I’d thought of this- coming here alone was risky, so I’d remembered to keep a few spells on hand.
I pressed my fingertips together, pointing my hands in the direction of the two people but not releasing them. All three sets of eyes were trained on the tendrils of poisonous Weave held in my palms. Cloudkill was a bit strong of a choice, but for the sake of my pride, my mother’s heart, and my father’s nerves, I needed this to go correctly.
“It’s not very nice to attack your granddaughter. Now, can I continue my story, please?”Taking his [empty/fearful/annoyed? gaze] as a yes, I continued on, in my best impression of a bard.
“Yes! The little Zariel tiefling baby belonging to you, my good sir, miraculously managed to survive its abandonment. In fact, she- yes, your child is a she, even though you never knew her long enough to find out, lived long enough in Reithwin to meet a man. A tiefling man, no less, coming from a long line of people proud to be tieflings. She swept him off of his feet and they left for Elturel together.” I took a strategic breath, giving him time to recall the fate of that city- my best bet is that the high classes of Baldur’s Gate don’t think about what happened to us all that often. “Before everything went down with Avernus- she survived, no worries- they had a daughter.” Another pause- this time to let my green, scaly wings materialize and unfold. I slid my eyes away from the rest of the room and directly to his own. “A daughter born with the dragonblood that, as far as I know, comes from your side of the family! Isn’t that unbelievable?”
He’d been glued to my words since I brought out the wings, so I slid down from the table, landing face-to-face with him, and let the magic from the Cloudkill flow back into me. Up close, I could notice more details about him- he was definitely the right age to be my grandfather. More notably, there was a resemblance between us- the curly hair, and the nose shape that betrayed me as a descendant of halflings.
“What do you want, little girl?” His tone was exhausted, intentionally- he was deflecting. Nobody wants to hear about the child they abandoned, I suppose.
“I’m [23?]. And I want everything you know about the dragonblood. Then you never have to see me or my family again.”
“Fine. One of the sorcerers in the family wrote a book about it, I think. I’ll look for it.” He turned away, taking a few steps in the direction of the stairs.
“And I want a letter of apology to my mom, written and signed in your hand.”
His head snapped back in my direction, indignation on his face. “No.”
“Yes,” I said, with my best threatening smile. Last resort- Thamaturgy. I let lighting gently crackle across my horns and arms.
“My daughter doesn’t want to hear from me,” he responded.
“You haven’t seen your daughter since she was a day old and you left her in Reithwin. Don’t tell me what she’d want.” I knew this part was going to be hard, but I care about my mother.
[shit happens idk]
“Mhm. I’ll take those books. And I’ll be back tomorrow morning for the letter.” I turned
“Wait a second, girl.”
I turned. Come on. This was going exactly like I wanted it to. With a hint of anxiety in my voice, I asked, “What?”
“Who do I address the letter to?”
“[mom’s name that is some sort of positive quality or whatnot].”
“And you are?”
“Tilia of Tragedy.”
[she leaves]
Now I have to figure out how to get a letter to Waterdeep.
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tastyfishistasty · 1 year
13 years on Tumblr retrospective
Having looked through all the posts I personally made since 2010 I can see so many changes and so many things that have stayed the same. It's been sad and interesting and also some good bits!
The world spins ever on.
Followers and Following
My lovely lovely mutuals and followers have always been so kind and so helpful 💜💜💜, so many posts and conversations that I forgot, but were like little treasures to find!
It makes me so sad to know some of the people I interacted with so often are no longer here and I have no way of finding them. I miss them and I hope they are happy and doing well.
I've still never broken into having 100 followers, but those that do follow me are the best 🎉
Fandoms etc
I miss some of the fandoms I used to care so much about! Merlin, Bluestone 42, HTTYD, supernatural, Sherlock, Doctor Who, Brooklyn 99, Narnia...
Some I will watch occasionally, some not with a barge pole.
Then of course the big two that I can't touch anymore that make me sad because people are awful.
There's a post I saw about the first RTX UK which I couldn't go to in the end and I'm gushing about you know who and it makes me sick to remember how much I loved them. I watch Jeremy on twitch and I love him, but I can't watch the back catalogue anymore and I used to watch them on repeat.
I used to have the tag "Achievement Hunter is saving my life". And it did. It gave me things to look forward to and it was good and happy and positive and safe. But it wasn't. It's ruined and it's never coming back.
For the other one... I wrote fan fic, it was how I got into fandom at all! I made my own fandom merch (embarrassing as fuck now), but all that care and effort was not deserved by the creator and I hope she rots away and stops hurting people I care about.
Dragon age has been around for me such a very long time and I wish it worked on my old laptop now EA has updated their app thing.
My MCs have really changed and grown and I see so many mistakes and misunderstandings in my own view of the world, seeing how they've changed and I've changed is really rewarding!
Looking back at some of my OG posts, I was so good at hiding that I was ace. I assumed I was normal, I'd had a serious boyfriend!
Yeah no. You can track my nonsense as I figure it out, the "thirst" posts disappearing and my Sherlock phase was getting worse (yes, that's how I figured out what Asexual was, when someone said Sherlock Holmes was... the shaaaaaaame 🤦).
And by "thirst" posts, I mean "isn't X pretty? I like his face". That's it.
My dude, that is aesthetic attraction not romantic or sexual. You are asexual as fuck, stop trying to not be.
Then there's the "I'm double A not triple A, what a shame!" posts. Shockingly, wanting to be Agender too but feeling it can't be you, because it's only for people who know exactly what they are... is a sign you might actually be Agender.
It's both more complicated and not complicated at all with my gender, but Agender works and I like being a tiny battery, so I got here eventually.
Most recently there's the mental health side. I use a side blog for that, but it's still on Tastyfishistasty. It's so sad to look and see me trying so hard to fight my "atypical cyclic depression" and feeling so lazy and broken.
It was ADHD and emotional dysregulation, doc, not a fancy depression.
If my ear doctor hadn't said anything, I don't know if I'd ever have realised. It's scary to know how much of myself was revealed because I didn't actually have hearing problems, I have attention problems and auditory processing issues...
Thank you to anyone that has been on this journey with me, either my lovely followers and mutuals or just for reading this long post!
I'm not going anywhere unless they kick me out as they close the building, this post was born from finally receiving the "made 100 posts" badge and wanting to see how many I'd actually made. (It's 210 original and 15,090 reblogs... so Tumblr needs to learn to count.)
I wish I had time to back this blog up, or at least go through and find the important stuff I don't want to loose, but that's a lot of work and Tumblr does not like me going too far on my own blog, so unless there's a way to put it somewhere else to look... who knows.
Thanks everyone 💜
And Tumblr:
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brre-som · 1 year
It was such a long long time since my last post in this app.
I had a Tumblr in 2012-2014, I totally forgot about it but, my sister came to my place today, and we were searching for our old Skyblog (a french blog platform used by 90's baby's in the early 2000) I couldn't find mine so I decided to search for my Tumblr and I found it.
It was really strange to see it... Especially with the fact that this times was though times for me (I think, for the most of us actually). It was my sad girl/ anorexia/ depress teenager era. I never realized before, how sad I was but I finally did! By scrolling, reading the tags and of course trying to interpret each images that my adult eyes and past photographer and cinema student is now able to read
So I thought it will be a good idea to describe to you how I felt while scrolling down those dark pages.
First thought: I was laughing at my old profile picture, I was light blonde with big round sunglasses and an oversize Boy London shirt that I was wearing as a dress. A real Tumblr sad girl (but a bit hipster). I started scrolling and a picture of an unknown man wearing tattoos appears, in black and white.
I thinked: such a Fuck boy, with this attitude. The exact same than my ex .... Anyway it's kinda funny how immature I was to be attracted to this kind of person. Don't get me wrong, I'm not talking about style I'm really talking about the attitude.
I keeped scrolling and it was almost only this type of posts. It was all black in white. I first thought it was for the overall aesthetic. I was just hyping myself by saying to my sister "I always was addicted to tattoos and body transformation"
Second thought: as I was going down it became quite sadder. black and white pictures are still everywhere, quotes about how our lives make no sense, how wobbly our place on society is. Lot of cigarettes pics and se*x ones... Like if I was trying to make it look edgy. I used to be a heavy smoker since my 14yo (I recently stopped) but I never really liked nude photography. I was raised in a bashful family, we don't trust in any God, it was just our old mindset. I used to see se*x as something dirty, shameful, almost like a sin. This kind of images really make me uncomfortable when I watch them... But now that I'm a grown woman I understand the beauty behind it and even the artistic choices. I can enjoy it even if it's still a bit uncomfortable for me. I feel like am a real stalker watching these vulnerable people.
I thinked: was I matrixed by my nymphomaniac ex or was I just trying to fit somewhere between the rebel mind of a teenager and the beginning of the adulthood. And this nicotine addiction... Disturbing.
Third thoughts: I keep diving deeper and deeper, and all I can see is Anna, everywhere, lost and surrounded by sadness. Heavy sadness. Hashtags were saying "too fat", "too big", "not enough". Between them, the figure of the Joker facing the Batman was everywhere. It was literally the future me watching the tumblr me. Hoping to deliver something with the need to break it before.
I thinked: I was so fascinated by this fictional tandem, but I never understood why it fascinated me before, during those times. But I think that My young brain knew that everything that can rise from demolition always rise stronger and better but I couldn't admit it, so I was sharing it like subliminal messages to my own self: You destroy yourself to the maximum, so you can wash it away easier later. Like a deep spring cleaning.
It wasn't a weakness. I'm sensitive and empathetic but I've never been weak. Those hard time was just the crysalis to the caterpillar. Everyone got their own healing process, some are tough and drowns the most fragile souls into the inferno like an unpassable test. Some are easier but can never bring a real value to your own evolution.
At the end this Tumblr used to show my journey, healing from my relationship with the anorexia and that toxic ex boyfriend (what a wonderful duo) in an abstract way, using images instead of words so only myself could understand the deepest secret that my mind was hiding from my beloved family and friends.
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Picture by brre_som
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baekhvuns · 1 year
thank you for the recommendation of the angsty songs!!!! how'd i forgot about osts that truly helped for angst 😭😭 and and anddd!!! i have been writing my fics in google docs as well and it's very helpful! since i saw someone said that writing straight on tumblr usually happened to have repeated paragraphs at times so,,,
hegehehegdhrj i think my mingi ff is a little rushing towards the ending since im sucks in writing good ending considering my brain only generating ideas somewhere for the climax lmaoo but i hopeeee i can have audiences enjoying it <3 im not really good with angst although my life is full with angst so i guess i just wanted to be happy once in my own stories (ouch). i dont really consider myself a writer, just a mere reader tbh skshsjkss but i will let you know once i have the courage to drop that fic :D
no but recently, as i said, i only saw porns on my tags, etc and barely seen any mafia with actual plot yk,,, like real legit plot with long ass words written so im a little sad and thought that nobody wants to write mafia anymore or they have lost any new twist for the trope lmaoooo 😭😭😭 being said, i missed your mafia mingi so much i hope its doing well and in a pink of health in your draft <333
anyways new update: i have started writing reincarnation au san and next to write perhaps news reporter yunho (that my brain generated when i was watching morning news yesterday 🫡) or fake dating au seonghwa (that i have been keeping the draft for more than a year now),,, let's see.... ehe :D
p/s: kinda want a new job but at the same i dont want one yet just so i can continue converting all my ideas into writing 🦍
ofc any time!! forgetting you by davichi is the ultimate angst wiring song pls do give it a listen if u have the chance! you’re right, ever since tumblr updated from mid last year(??) it’s been repeating paragraphs and even has a word block limit 😭😭 glad ur writing on something that can save ur works!
AAAAAAAAAA im very excited for ur mingi fic im sure the audiences(me) will love them!!! no bc i also suck at writing endings so i just leave it at a cliffhanger-ish/up to the reader type of ending 😭😭 LMFAOOOOO NOT UR LIFE BEING FULL OF ANGST FBWNBSKCK pls do!! hopefully u get the courage ✊🏻✊🏻
😭😭😭 how did we as a society move from full bloom plot heavy fics to just porno’s 😭😭😭 NO BC FBSJHFS I WAS VISITING MY MINGI MAFIA DRAFT BEFORE I WAS ANSWERING THIS ITS STILL THERE AND SITTING PRETTY IVE COME UP W A BETTER SAME PLOT FOR IT AND I WILL BRING BACK MAFIAS FOR YOU my dedication for that fic will be u <3 if i don’t write the f1 fic first that is 😭😭 or a miraculous lady bug fic <3
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I’ve seen this done before but here are my modern!rdr2 social media headcanons for the Van der Linde gang.
some of these are LONG and then some are shorter. doesn’t mean I love any of them any less however. I just did my best with all of them. 
* I treat the gang as family especially for my modern au 
frequently uses Facebook and has dozens of friends he doesn’t even know. like if he gets a friend request he’ll accept it. John tells him he might as well just make his page public and Arthur pleads with him to make a facebook PAGE so that his random friends will stop liking posts that Arthur tags Dutch in. 
Dutch has no idea how to make a facebook page. 
he also has a Twitter and a massive following at that. He’s VERIFIED. 
all of his twitter posts are vague though
are they a joke? are they political? is it what he’s eating for lunch that day? literally no one knows.
also has facebook but doesn’t use it because why does he need to look at pictures of events he was at. he only uses it to see things he didn’t partake in
also has snapchat but just to keep up with the kids 
because life360 was too much to deal with for everyone
and snapchat is cool
also he can and will spam you with bitmojis 
used to use facebook a lot but stopped because he was tired of his posts getting likes from people he didn’t know and friend requests from people Dutch was friends with. 
he has a private facebook for a reason, he doesn’t want other people to know his business. 
he also has an instagram but anything he posts on facebook also goes on there. it’s not aesthetic or pretty or anything and he doesn’t even caption over half his pictures. 
he literally only uses social media so that his friends and family know he’s alive
has snapchat because of Hosea but barely knows how to use it 
doesn’t get why everyone wants to use snapchat when teXTING AND CALLING ARE RIGHT THERE
the question is what doesn’t he have.
john has been trying to make it big on social media since youtube came out.
his youtube used to have videos on it but he deleted them because they were cringy and arthur liked to send them to the group text. 
plays twitch games on the weekends and sometimes with Jack but he thinks most of the subscribers are there for his kid since most of his solo streams don’t do as well
has a twitter, doesn’t follow Dutch, literally envies that he’s verified. 
he’s tried everything but no matter what he does nothing pans out
uses tiktok to promote twitch streams
instagram feed is mostly selfies of him but 99.9% of the time he’s wearing sunglasses and the caption is some random quote 
also has facebook but only to appease Arthur and Dutch, he doesn’t even have a profile picture. Claims only boomers use it. 
an avid reddit user. if he’s got problems he’ll go to reddit. claims reddit saved his life. everyone’s tired of the story so they stopped asking. 
also uses snapchat more than he should and the only social platform he has more than 100 followers on. 
same as arthur and has both facebook and instagram and posts the same on both except his are pleasing to look at. 
they’re unintentionally aesthetic 
he uses a psd on all his pictures and won’t share what it is
has monthly life updates that start with some inspirational or deep quote and then text that pushes the instagram word limit
also has a deviantart , has shared psds there before , constantly tries to convince Arthur to get it. 
used to use tumblr but he forgot about it
the definition of a facebook mom. 80% of her facebook posts are about Jack or parenting. 
Instagram is similar but also different, she’s actually a relatively successful influencer with over 1,000 followers. 
all of her friends and family (who have instagram) follow her
has snapchat solely for the cute bitmojis and to send John adorable snaps of Jack playing with all the fun filters. 
she also won’t take a selfie unless it’s with snapchat because she no longer trusts her own camera. 
also uses pinterest and has a collaborative board with all the ladies. 
but in general, on her own, she has too many boards. she uses pinterest for EVERYTHING 
bold of you to assume she uses social media. 
she does just not a whole lot. 
checks it once in the morning and once at night. 
except pinterest because how dare Abigail get her into it. but even pinterest she only uses in downtime. 
has facebook and instagram but there’s maybe only five posts.
if anything she’ll post on her story
will only snap Abigail and Arthur otherwise she doesn’t use snapchat
all of the social apps are mostly offloaded on her phone anyways
if she needs to know anything she just checks the group text which she has on do not disturb because they text way too much. 
she’s verified on instagram 
it’s also the only social platform she’ll use, which frustrates Dutch because he wants to be friends with her on facebook
but she’s happy with just instagram 
she keeps it simple 
and the main theme to her posts are fun outfits in her ever expanding closet
the other posts are usually of plants that she’s managed to grow. she’s not the best at being a plant mom but she’s still a good one to the ones she’s managed to keep alive. 
the only thing she contributes to the pinterest board are her own pictures of her plants which are overly aesthetic. 
started out with a normal instagram account then made a spam account which she ended up using way more often.
all of her posts are extremely chaotic
and usually reposts from her snapchat
has a reddit just to troll John
reposted his cringy youtube videos to reddit and got hundreds of upvotes
if you wanna see the most raw and chaotic videos of Arthur and John then she’s the one to follow. 
also if you wanna see Abigail when she’s not all put together. 
is the reason there’s so many memes in the collaborative pinterest board
has a instagram but also has a second instagram for art and book reviews
or basically anything she’d post on her tumblr
which is her second most used social
also uses facebook but only because she is an admin for one of those multifandom blogs. 
also begs Arthur to get a deviantart. 
uses pinterest most but only second to Abigail
literally the queen of pinterest DIYs
has twitter
as far as anyone else knows that’s all he has
maybe he has snapchat?
maybe they saw him on snapmaps once? 
all he ever does with twitter though is retweet anything Dutch posts.
yet somehow he has so many followers. 
anyone who has snapchat has streaks with Lenny
even Hosea who doesn’t understand why it’s a thing
he also posts a lot on facebook but it’s mostly travel or vacation photos everyone is just a tad jealous of. 
Lenny always seems to be busy but still has time for streaks with his friends. 
he’s also an up and coming youtube vlogger
also has reddit to troll john
but he also legitimately uses it too. 
he’s also really popular in the minecraft subreddit , don’t ask
also has twitch and also has way more subsribers than John
and a youtube which he’ll upload (overly edited) twitch streams to
everyone subscribes to him but they don’t tell John that.
also has a tiktok and is up to date on all the trends because of course he is
got facebook when he was 10 and just never left.
literally doesn’t use any other social media
he’s not in the group text either so he has to facebook message Arthur to know what’s going on. 
but he shares a lot of memes and cute pictures of animals
he used to follow Dutch but unfriended him when he was the only thing he ever had on his activity feed. 
has facebook but claims she doesn’t have time to use it
Arthur knows this to not be true because she will like a lot of his posts. 
she’s also guilty of liking every single picture in one post or album. 
Arthur has also caught her looking at memes and using recipes she finds on there. 
also part of the pinterest board but never contributes. 
he has an account for everything
even whatsapp and linked in and kik
even tinder
the only one anyone knows about are his facebook, twitter, and instagam
but there’s no posts on any of them except twitter
he’s also verified
but for unknown reasons
any posts on his facebook are ones he’s tagged in
he’s also in a lot of facebook groups
runs a subreddit
a paid facebook admin of several pages
the only person who actually knows this is Dutch because Strauss has told him about it
he has no online presence whatsoever out side of those.
spotify king
has over 500,000 subscribers on youtube
uses instagram but as another platform for his music
edits his own album covers
top tier playlists too
aesthetic queen
the most put together and pleasing to look at instagram feed next to Charles. 
uses pinterest a lot as inspiration and for making moodboards.
also uses tumblr to share moodboards
part of the sims global community facebook group
she keeps saying she’s going to start a youtube vlog but hasn’t yet
keeps trying to convince John to let her help him with his youtube.
she also uses twitch to play minecraft and sims
oh and she set up a minecraft server for everyone
facebook boomer
that’s it
I don’t know how else to put it
probably shares heavily republican posts
didn’t use social media until tiktok.
he doesn’t do dances or anything but he does post weirdly obscure and chaotic videos that end up trending on more than one occasion
it’s usually drunk ramblings in his car that end up being hilarious
or videos of the others almost dying or ending up in the ER
facebook boomer but make it cool.
also shares conservative posts but less offensive ones compared to Bill’s
likes almost every post any of his friends share
also comments on them too
does he have social media? no one knows for sure. 
yet somehow he knows what’s going on
even if nobody can find any of his social accounts or have ever seen him using one before let alone doing anything on his phone other than playing cheesy mobile games.
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Tagged by @livinginalandfill thanks babes this is gonna be fun!
1. why did you choose your url?
uuh which one lol well i made crazy-lazy-elder-sims  to say that i have crazy ideas  for elders but i am lazy so don’t expect much lol the dashes are an inside joke between me and my self lol throw back to my first ever tumblr all-the-weird-things when i made it in school’s library and i was an idiot and had no idea that you could just not have dashes or spaces hehe
Amelia the simmer is a variation of my first oc character i ever had a super hero called Amy the watcher i basically go by Amelia the ___ for anything now lol   
2. any sideblogs? if you have them name them and why you have them.
I have a cc finds blog @ameliathesimmerccfinds i made it after @livinginalandfill called me out on my inefficient bullshit lol i also have @ameliathesimmer for stories and general art but i have commitment issues and depression so i am on and off with creating stuff for it
3. how long have you been on tumblr?
ohh maaan I've been here for the longest time since 2012!!!!
4. do you have a queue tag?
nope i can't be bothered to set it up i just reblog other peoples things with #non sims and my own personal stuff with #personal
5. Why did you start your blog in the first place?
i started this blog because i wanted to join the community since no one where i live gives a shit about games unless its cod or fortnite and they dont know or care that casual games exist. so i wanted to be able to see other peoples creations and talk to people with the same interests! 
6. Why did you choose your icon/pfp?
i made it to match the theme of my blog to give an effect of distinguished  content for elder sims.....LOL i made a whole ne pfp and icon but then i lost the files then i forgot about the whole thing.... and now i remembered ehehe thanks!
7. Why did you choose your header?
uuh its the same as my pfp lmao
8. What’s your post with the most notes?
its the how to make muslim sims pt2 which i love very much but sometimes wish i didn’t make cause i get hate daily because of it :(
9. How many mutuals do you have?
oof i have a good amount and i love all of them so much they keep me going despite the hate T_T
10. How many followers do I have?
i have no idea lemme check 
11. How many people do you follow?
433 peeps!
12. Have you ever made a shitpost?
uh i think my entire personality is a shit post lol but yeah i just made one yesterday! 
13. How often do you use tumblr each day?
tumblr app 1 hr 14 M but i use the desktop website more i reckon 6 to 7 hrs since i have the tumblr tab pinned permanently 
14. Did you have a fight/argument with another blog once?
No. i block people who are problematic idgf about peoples personal fights cause its usually someone that doesn't believe in human rights that's arguing with some one who believes in them and its obvious who is in the wrong so no point in arguing!
15. How do you feel about “you need to reblog” posts?
if its a serious issue that needs spreading then yeah but either than that it makes me not want to reblog it more lol 
16. Do you like tag games?
yes they are so much fun!!!
17. Do you like ask games?
i love them but no one ever plays with me so i stopped rebloging them lol
18. Which one of your mutual do you think is tumblr famous?
i have no idea because i dont look at the notes of thier posts lol  
19. Do you have a crush on a mutual?
yes but more from i admire them so much i want to be them !
20. Tags? Ignore if ya want :3
@xldkx @lacr1mation23 @nappingcucumber @eslanes @glammoose @petaluhsims @aniraklova @ladykendalsims  @freakishnature
feel free to ignore if you done it before of just don’t want to ​!
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your-world-with-nct · 4 years
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— 2020 has been a wild year for all of us and let me start this off by saying well done to us all for simply making it through this crazy ride - if surviving this year was your biggest achievement, that’s completely okay, and i am so proud of you for being here today !! despite the many, let’s say, mishaps, that have occurred this year, both nct and nctzens have been key in my 2020 and i couldn’t be more grateful for them, so i decided to make a little appreciation post of my own before the year ends 🥰
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— to my followers ;
my petals !! i can’t believe i started off this year with around 300 followers and i’m now nearing 600 🙈 this account has grown so much this year and it’s all thanks to you. if you’ve ever come across my blog, liked or reblogged a piece of mine, sent me an ask, or pressed that follow button, i want you to know that i am so grateful for you and thank you for enjoying my works 🥺 hopefully 2021 will carry the same positive energy here on your-world-with-nct as it has this year and i’m hoping that you’ll be seeing a lot more fics in the near future 👀 once again, i love you petals <3
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— to my dearest mutuals ;
em bubs !!! i know i could easily do this on any other app or even irl but i just wanted to thank you for making my year 🥺 my lockdown wouldn’t have been the same without us constantly texting and fangirling and our ty track/bfc reunion on my birthday was elite. and obviously this new school year has been an adventure and a half so far, with all the lunch time shenanigans, revision sessions, and exam stress, but i can’t wait for the rest of it 🙈 i am so grateful that i had you by my side during 2020 and i am eternally thankful that i’ll be able to go into the new year with you by my side once again 🧡💚💜
bella - my first mutual, my tumblr mum - it feels like just yesterday that you wrote a beomgyu blurb for me after seeing my pink theme; now you’ve finished college and i’m applying to colleges 🙈i know we haven’t been able to talk as much recently but that doesn’t mean i appreciate your presence any less - i’m so proud of you for getting into med school and pursuing your dream 🥺🥺 i hope that this year treated you well, and that 2021 treats you even better 💞
loml, almost birthday-twin, fellow leo and xiaojaem stan, fave writer - what do these things have in common? they all apply to v, or, yeet anon, if you remember the days where i ranted to you about my crush and you were a baby stay 😪 not only have you delivered such amazing content on ur writing and gif blogs, but you have provided so much comfort and joy to me whenever we message with dilay 🤧 i look forward to checking your blog every day for new posts and my twt and insta notifs in case you’ve sent me something or you’ve seen what i sent you 🙈 the fact that you think of me when you see certain things just warms my heart and you’re just such a caring person in general, thank you for being a part of my 2020 v, all the best wishes for your 2021 🖤
dilay !!! my resident yangqi and the person i think of straight away whenever i see yangyang 😚 i remember when you first requested that e2l chenle blurb back in 2019 and now the only chenle stan between us is v 😁 finding you on this app again after i forgot what ur skz blog’s url was, was just amazing and i don’t know what my tumblr experience would be like without me being able to reconnect with you 🥺 thank you for being able to make me laugh effortlessly with our lack of geography knowledge and our random antics, i will always look forward to seeing the username @cloudy_____ on my dash and screaming over renhyuckyang (+ sungchan 👀) with you for years to come 🤍
andi bb, my fellow dad!johnny stan 🥺 seeing you post a jaemin birthday blurb for me after your return to tumblr was so sweet and i can’t believe your first post after coming back was dedicated to me 🤧 i remember the day i first messaged you and you were gushing over how you were a big fan of mine and i said the same about you - we were just going back and forth about how much we love each other’s work 😌 you are such a talented writer and you are so full of love - wishing all the best for you in the coming new year babie 🥰
coming across leyna’s blog after reading that jsmr fic was the best decision, because not only have i befriended a brilliant writer, but also a jensung enthusiast who is just the kindest 🥺🥺 i think now would be a good time to tell you that despite jeno’s bias wrecking antics back in august, i actually bias jisung now 😃 i know we haven’t talked in a while, because of our busy schedules, but i hope you’re resting well and i hope that 2021 won’t be as hectic for you 💟
joyce, i know we only started talking recently but the serotonin boost both you and your works have given me this year is just incredible and i am so thankful for your warm personality on your blog and for your amazing fics 🤧 i started off as a silent reader who gushed about your writing in the tags but now i’m friends with such a talented writer and we just casually ramble about doie and jaems biases and writing struggles,,, wow 🤯 (btw took some of ur tips on editing headers 🙈) i hope that next year we can expand our friendship and that i can continue to give you the feedback you deserve 🥺💕
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— favourite reads of the year ;
i have reblogged all of these to my main @/lovelycharm05 before, but i just wanted these masterpieces on here with everyone since these fics are so memorable and enjoyable to me <3 (beware there is lots of me gushing over how f&%#ing good all these writing techniques and plot devices are - can you tell i’m an eng lit nerd)
@nsheetee - moonlight café
obviously v released so many iconic pieces this year but this series was just *chef’s kiss* coffee shop au’s are the cutest to me because you can do so many different things with them, and you truly showcased that through each members’ part. although i am nahyuck biased (out of all the 00 liners), i have a soft spot for jeno’s part 🥺🤧 but that doesn’t mean i’m not obsessed with jealous jaems and cocky hyuck 🙈
@notnctu - to all the j’s i loved before
the very first work i ever read of yours, joyce 🥺🥺 i remember seeing an nct network reblog this and after reading through the summary of the series, i was enticed by the plot and i read most of your masterlist whilst waiting for the next parts 🤧 the main character’s relationship with each ‘j’ was unique to them and their interactions were just so sweet to read (except jaemin’s >:( why did my ult’s part have to be the angsty one 😤 jk jk i loved it anyways) special mention to ‘cupid’s arrow’, because that fic was an emotional rollercoaster and i loved that almost as much as i love bestfriend!jungwoo in the last part 😌
@misfitneo - lee haechan’s pride
it would be a sin if i didn’t include this in my top reads this year, pun intended 😌, especially since i have a weakness for mafia aus. i haven’t had the time to read mark or renjun’s parts yet, but from what i read in this fic, i’m sure theirs are just as good, if not better. the storybuilding and the development of the plot are so detailed and intricate and that is what i love in a fic. i already reviewed this on my main with a lengthy description of my favourite parts so i’m gonna keep this short and sweet - if you love haechan, mafia au’s, and enemies to lovers, you need to read this !!
@jensungf - passing clouds + only forever
these fics hit different now that i bias jisung 😭 ‘passing clouds’ was pure angst and as much as it hurt, it was written so beautifully and i loved it so much. ‘only forever’ healed the jisung shaped hole in my heart and made me fall in love with him all over again. the first love vibes he gives off is unbelievable and that innocence was presented perfectly in this 🤧 side note: never let jisung bake for you even if it’s as a peace offering 😖
@hyucksie - in the long run + second first kiss
although ‘sweet talk’ and ‘silent treatment’ are also contenders for some of my favourite fics of the year, these two have taken the cake 😌 the concept itself of time travel and mark and y/n seeing their future child was so creative and the mixed emotions that the characters experienced seeing their future were executed so well and the ending when their actual future selves remembered the day they time travelled 🥺🥺 not to mention the sequel doesn’t feel forced at all, the story flows well, and jealous mark is a cutie 🥰
@luvdsc - not clickbait
i’ve been following cat after i first read ‘i turned my best friend into an e-boy!! (and kissed him)’ and ever since then every piece of hers that i’ve read is simply breathtaking and so engaging. her style of writing is so unique and whenever i read anything of hers i feel so immersed in the fic. the dreamies as youtubers and tiktokers was such a cute concept to me and the little comment section at the end of each fic is probably my favourite part 😳 the way each member’s fic connects to the plot of another is perfect and their cameos in one another’s fic >>> (jisung telling y/n about the tiktok challenge in mark’s fic + cameraman jisung in chenle’s) i could keep talking abt this series for a lot longer but i’ll end it here, also i can’t wait for norensung’s parts 💞💞
@pwarkhans - the neo academy
i’ve probably mentioned my love for ‘the umbrella academy’ before but THIS !!! this series just made me love it even more 🙈 despite yangyang’s part being the only one that’s out, that and the prologue are interesting enough and seeing the 00 liners in this alternate universe is honestly amazing jxjwjxkw jaemin as three and hyuck as two is everything. the brothers’ relationship, especially in yangyang’s part, is so complicated yet so cute and i can’t wait for the rest of the members’ parts 💘
@yongtxt - vintage
when i first stumbled across this series, i was immediately intrigued by the plot, and not just because it was about rapper!mark and singer!y/n🧑‍🦯🧑‍🦯 the side characters (dreamies + doie and jisoo) were so funny and well-written and the plot >>>> i was so invested in the twists and turns of the story, the relief i felt when the conflict was finally resolved and we got our fav musician couple !!
@byunbaekby - apartment b23
i only found this series recently but wow am i invested in the plot already 😭😭 the conflict in the story is realistic and feels like something you could actually relate to. norenmin’s friendship/bond is so strong and evident through the story and the side characters are my babies (heejin, shuhua, lia - ily 🤧) i can’t wait for the rest of this series since i am a sucker for the perfect balance of angst, fluff, and crack in this 🥰
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— favourite works of the year ;
unfortunately i haven’t had enough time to release any fics this year, and i’m hoping that that won’t be the case next year, but here are my top 5 favourite blurbs that i enjoyed writing and reading <3
1:48pm -> dad!johnny
one of the most popular blurbs on my blog to this day 🥺 honestly i get why, who doesn’t love dad!johnny? hyejoo is literally so adorable here and the family dynamics make me soft all over again whenever i reread this piece. also everyone’s reactions and replies to this are so heartwarming because everyone’s just whipped for the suh family 🙈
1:05pm -> soulmate!taeyong
i love soulmate au’s but something always irked me with the permanence of your soulmate like ,,, what if you end up falling out of love with them? then what? that inspired me to write my own take on soulmates, where they aren’t found, but made. taeyong’s character here is just so full of love and you know how much i love lovable boys 🤧 (ever wondered why i ult na jaemin...?)
12:13pm -> boyfriend!mark
7dream!!!! i don’t usually write domestic fluff even though it’s one of the genres i indulge in the most 😔 but when i do, i go all out because everyone needs to know how soft i am for my boys >:( mark’s love for the dreamies is so unique and i love their friendship so much, i had to write about it when i first heard about the 7dream announcement which i definitely did not cry at
11:40pm -> boyfriend!jeno
this was one of the first requests i ever got and i was just so touched than someone personally requested something from me AND it was jeno 🥺🥺 everytime i read the tags under this, everyone is just gushing over jeno and like,,, same 🙈 this type of fluff >>>
waking up with wayv -> wayv reaction
when em first requested this, i didn’t exactly know how to write something for each member without being too repetitive, but in the end, i loved the mini plots i wrote for them and it’s just one of my underappreciated faves 🥰
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— favourite releases of the year ;
just a few of my favourite albums that got me through online school and revision sessions for offline school 🥲 ft. lots of nct + october albums bc that month was PACKED
nct 2020 - resonance pt1 + pt2
nct 127 - neozone: the final round
nct dream - ridin’
wayv - awaken the world
superm - super one
enhypen - border: day one
twice - eyes wide open
txt - minisode1: blue hour
seventeen - semicolon
stray kids - go live + in life
itzy - not shy
conan gray - kid krow
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if you’ve managed to read all the way to the end, congrats for putting up with my lengthy and very sappy sentiment and sorry that you had to go through all of that 😭😭 thank you for being a part of my 2020, i hope that the new year allows us all to have a fresh start and brings us the opportunities we didn’t have this year. happiest new year to you all 🥳 (even tho it’s not 2021 yet when i’m posting this :))
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dreamlikeapsycho · 4 years
I saw the max facts (pun intended 😂) you did for that question a while ago. So I was wondering if maybe you could tell us some more facts about Max it doesn’t have to be anything too detailed but anything you know would be nice to know, pretty please 😊
I went on deep analysis mode this time to try and say all of Max's little nice and cute moments I know of.. Pls take notice, tho!! I'm not trying to flex or anything, I'm just a simple peasant girl on Maximilian's kingdom for a long time and it happens I have FBI blood in my veins 😭 so It's all gather on my brain and hard drive lol SO! I'm just answering this ask with a lot of thought and care so you can know more about Max and how he is even more awesome than you think!!! (And just in text form, cause Max doesn't need to be tagged on more personal stuff on IG (there’s too much illegal fishing at my tumblr pond already! 👏). It’s probably weird to know certain things, yes, but at least I'm respectful, I'll never bother him with this kind of stuff). Well, enjoy the bible below to end up knowing very little about him, still haha.. Just some more small facts.
- Max was at a barbecue just yesterday. It was someones birthday from the set of his new movie. He drank his beer, like usual, idk about the meat.. there was wurst and chicken.. I'm not sure if he's trying to be a vegetarian or not (after that thoughtful video he posted) 🤔.. maybe he didn't eat it, I don't know!!
- a little while before the start of this shooting, he was at the Baltic Sea filming for the series he's gonna be in (just one episode again! Don't get your hopes too high lol he's gonna be a security guard who disappears mysteriously, so....)
- He helped his friend renovate his house a few weeks ago!! How could I forget that on the first post.. Then, he had to go to Hesse for the movie shooting, and his friend had to call another friend to come help him lmao damn
I think I could describe some videos I have then... at least there's some cool and funny stuff. (Friends himself tagged in the past and cast friends)
- Max's dad went to the same uni as him. Also, he voiced a police officer on the phone in a short film Max wrote and directed all by himself (he didn't act on it, but he was also another police officer over the phone haha). Another thing, his dad made the official music for one of his plays.
- The falafel day.. his friend was taking a piss filming Max at the shop from afar and zooming in, saying "omg, guys! I found Noah from Dark! He's right there buying falafel" lmao, then, Max is just standing there looking all wonderful with his perfect hair and such, moving his hands, scratching his chin, ordering his food, and his friend talks some more, doing like a rough Max voice "yeah yeah, I'll have that one. Good, yeah". 😂
- the day he went to take a walk in nature. His friend asks him for a cigarette, he is denied, he goes to take it anyway, Max slams his cup of tea on the table and tries to take his cigarette back and it's all black and they're just laughing lmao (I love his laugh btw, so giggly!)
There was storys posted by Max himself.. so, maybe you saw it, but it's from before dark s3 came out.
- The pigeon storys. He filmed two pigeons chasing each other at the station, one always running from the other and he captioned "me trying to flirt" haha
- He screen recorded an ad for an app that deletes people from pictures and made some joke too, I can't remember exactly what he wrote, smt like "when you break up, but still wants to keep the picture" lol also, he unfollowed like 5 people that week after posting that... hm 👀
- he posted a video of him walking in the dark with really cold wind.. you can only see his hair flying around. Also, with a mask on, another chasing a cat in a big field, and that one drinking his coffee and eating his yogurt (you most likely saw it already)
- Ohh.. His friend was playing Max's drums the other day!!! Made a lot of jokes, it was obvious he was messing around in Max's room (maybe they live together, maybe he just waters the plants lol idk). Some of the jokes were "I've been playing this drums since 1921" and "the drums and me are a perfect pair, don't ever believe otherwise". I wonder what Max said to him.. he can't do anything about it, he's not in Berlin hahah. He has a little giraffe in his room, and other home decors (you can see it on his drumming video on his own IG)
- he likes to read on longer train rides.
- there's a video of him screaming inside a wardrobe after being jumped by a friend and one of him putting lipstick on with the song "I'm a sexy motherfucker" playing in the background hehe we was tagged, it was easy to find when there wasn't much tagged post.
- There's moments of ppl filming something/themselves and he just comes and photobombs it lol he is just like thiss 👏 showing his tongue and doing a funny face and such. One of those I saw it on the IG of a Das Boot cast member I actually already followed before.
- this group was such a blast. There's a few pictures, one of them he's in a dress, he has white stockings on til his thighs, heels and all haha lovely
- His improv-group.. he was almost in tears singing "I believe I can fly" with the group on their last day.. But he was happy! A mix of emotions. He loves everyone, he expresses his love a lot to people in general, he says it and adds heart emojis to make sure haha you can see his comments going on IG of his cast friends, especially from Das Boot (I followed a lot of the guys). So, about always commenting something funny on people's posts.. I didn't saved those, so I forgot most of it, but one I remember was that someone posted a video of a hailstorm and he was like "what are u doing, free ice!! Go grab them" hahaha
- Max has that Noah picture where he's peaking by a wall (you know that one Baran posted) printed and framed! 👏
- Things he’s pretty much always with: his backpack and his big headphones (it's always on his neck. At almost every picture, from every year, with different people etc. I was confused when he had normal headphones at his farm storys. Maybe he forgot them in Berlin 😭. Besides those, his rings, necklaces and bracelets (always, for years and years! Same ones, even). He uses frequently on premieres, as I saw it. Sometimes they also show up on his characters in his one-episode works!! Hahah is so nice when that happens. You can notice this on my screencaps.
- that pic of him that is everywhere now (with glasses, holding a bottle of champagne), I posted that months ago.. There's 2 more pics and 1 video. One pic, he is pretending the automatic lighter that's on the table is a Harry Potter wand (but I think I cropped the table, right.. I can't remember). This was actually posted by Max himself and he tagged his friend who took it. I went to see if they posted smt and there was a picture where he is literally biting the cork of that bottle off with his teeth Lmaoo, and one video.. he is talking on the phone trying to block the view with his feet.. this man!!
- he really doesn't care about buying too much unnecessary clothes and shoes and stuff. He is mindful of his things and the environment!! 
- there's a video of him on the set of Der Zauberlehrling, I need to recall where I got that from (maybe I could share this one. I'm not sure), he is messing with the broom and someone asks him "hey Max, what's that animal?" and points to the fluffy microphone. He says "it's a fucked up coala bear" (in english) 😂
Again.. I can't say names or anything, cause ppl are not mindful! Like.. I know I'm probably weird, but only for myself and my FBI office LOL I don't go over there and follow/reply to all these people’s posts and storys or take their videos and tag Max on them, this is just not.... nah. I'll always be respectful (yeah, some older stuff has gifs, cause he had like 10k followers, and 5 fans on tumblr lol But i never sent/tag him in anything personal directly.. that’s why i only posted on tumblr for the past year, in fact! I never thought things would be the way they are now a year later.. so, newer stuff it's not posted/gif nor ever will). I don't want him to be weirded out and like, disappear from IG!! I think about these things.. when people are being weird and stuff towards him. I don’t know how ppl don’t think about this when tagging him recklessly in random pictures and videos!!!
I wish he had more interviews, so we could know more proper stuff about him. (The few interviews he has are translated on my IG highlight. There's still an 8min interview missing there, cause I'm contemplating about being more of a bother to german speaking people, since I only have basic german..
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choicesenthusiast · 5 years
We need to have a chat.
For months, now, has Choices been progressively getting worse, and 99% of readers on this site collectively agree- and are very unhappy- that this is the direction that the game is headed in. So I just want to touch on some things that have bothered me and plenty others recently.
Let me just say this, before you all come at me. I love this game. It got me through a lot of tricky times in my life. It sounds dramatic, but it did give me something to look forward to every week. Now, though, there are plenty of issues I want to discuss.
These are personal opinions, so do not “attack” me if you disagree. It’s a long post, so feel free to scroll by. However, I felt these topics were too important not to pass over and practically wrote a whole essay, so I know it’s worth reading.
First, let’s talk about the books. More particularly, the quality of them. I get that the writers are trying, I really do. I don’t blame them. I blame the higher-ups. But most of the newer books are the same quality of Home for the Holidays when that was originally released, but now our standards have lowered so drastically that it’s normal for us. Almost every chapter has been a letdown, with a few noticeable exceptions.
Not to mention the content in some of the books. I am going to call them out specifically, so if you’re offended easily, get away from this post. Bachelorette Party, for instance, is a book that is significantly more inappropriate than most. Many innuendos, art, and terms/phrases not used in the early days of this game. It’s happened in Bloodbound, and also in The Royal Heir, and countless other books. Sure, write what you wan’t, I don’t care, just make it good. BUT. I’ve mentioned it before, and I’ll do it again. This app is rated for users ages 12+. That means literal children could be playing this game. This is so wrong. If you’re to write explicit content, at least make it known before young people fall into this trap of suggestive material.
Sunkissed is more boring than a wet mop, and PB is looking to release a few more books with similar energies and premises as if they don’t know that it’s one of their worst books. The Royal Heir is more Big Sky Country than Big Sky Country, when the whole idea of the book was to introduce an heir. Red Carpet Diaries is so forgettable that I forgot it existed. I could go on and on, nitpicking all of the books, but my point is that the quality of the books have declined so much since initial release, and the collective nobody is satisfied with it.
Secondly, let’s discuss the treatment of the characters. I am really grateful for the artists at PB. They’ve done a fantastic job with creating these characters and scenery that we know and love (mostly). What I’m not grateful for is the way that the writers are treating them, especially the minorities. And I know, I know, they’re fictional and that they have their own personalities and stuff. But the way they treat them also reflects the way they look at people in real life. Most female characters are cast aside in favour of the males. LGBTQ+ characters are dismissed and written off as heteronormative. Characters of colour are stereotyped. As an Asian female, I find it so rude and discriminatory, and quite frankly, disgusting. What’s worse is that PB claims to represent all people, but blatantly “represent” them stereotypically and disregard it once again every time people bring it up. Reusing Open Heart MC’s face for 5 books in a row is also lazy and uninspired. I understand the cost and effort of creating custom characters for every book, but after at least 2, much less 5 times, is where we draw the line. This also needs to stop.
Finally, let’s talk about reader satisfaction. PB obviously knows it has quite the audience. With the tag trending on Tumblr almost every week, 75k followers on Instagram, and an army of middle-aged moms on Facebook, it’s safe to say that this is a very popular game. It will be hard to satisfy everyone’s needs. But PB needs to understand that if at least two thirds of their fanbase is unhappy with the outcome of content, they have to do something about it. First it was representation. Forced romance. Pumping out more crappy books rather than a few good ones. Shoving all releases to the back end of the week instead of evenly spacing them out. Now changing the key wait time to three hours and diamond rewards back to one per chapter with no benefit to anyone? Sometimes I get where they’re coming from, but it’s too much mistakes. What’s worse is that PB tries to apologize for it and promises positive change, but then goes back and changes nothing, thusly making more readers unhappier.
On the other hand, some readers have completely crossed a line. Threatening PB because of crappy content, and other such actions are so immoral and inappropriate and although they’re not completely satisfying our wants, they are still human beings, after all. We also need to realize that they are trying to make us like their creations, and albeit misguided, they want the best for their app, whatever they may think that it be.
That’s what it is. The disregard of their fanbase’s wants, the dismissal of the change in their content, the “truths” and the empty promises. I make it sound dramatic, but it’s true.
All in all, I just wanted to put my thoughts out there, as they’ve been sitting in my head for a while. For those of you saying just stop playing it, I don’t want to. I genuinely feel that PB can bounce back from this, if they wake up and see the shit they’ve created. I know this is usually a chill blog but it was time to be serious for once. I hope you all agree with me, and I hope that things will get better.
@playchoices, I hope you see this and change for the better.
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mimi-cee-hq · 5 years
Yahaba’s Type - Yahaba x Reader (Part 2 of 2)
[Part 1] [Part 2]
Although Y/n was known as the clown friend, she wasn’t very comfortable around Yahaba. But that started to change when she saw him awkwardly practising his tosses by himself.
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Match-up Request:
Hi I’m here for a match up request~ I’m tall (about 1.80) with blonde middle length hair & light brown eyes I’m a bit plump (usually thin but lately I’ve put on some weight) & sometimes I get self conscious about it 😬 been playing volleyball for 10 years as a middle blocker & my team’s ace ☺️ I also enjoy drawing a lot whenever I have free time Im THAT clown friend who gets really happy whenever people laugh with my jokes & I try to cheer people up that way whenever I see someone being down -🦋
So I found out that actually can save my answers as drafts (but only in the app??). *shrugs* Still learning how to use Tumblr.
Yahaba’s Type - Yahaba x Reader
Words: 2,066
Yahaba took a glance at the second floor before their practice match had started. As they warmed up for the match, he felt like his serves and sets were on point today. He was glad that his setting practice with Y/n had paid off. Chiaki and Y/n decided to watch their game today when Chiaki heard about it. She wanted to know what kind of teammates Kyotani had and wondered how they treated him. Y/n came along as well, which was probably the first time she had ever watched their games. But there were times when he wondered if she should have come.
The match started off with Yahaba’s serve. After bouncing the ball a couple of times, he threw the ball in front of him and ran up to it for his jump serve. But as it hit the top of the net, he held his breath until the volleyball had fallen onto the opponent’s side of the court. He let out a sigh of relief. But that didn’t last long because he heard Y/n shouting at the top of her lungs. “Kya~~! You’re so cool, Yahaba!”
Yahaba quickly turned his head up to her direction to see her laughing her head off. He got a bit annoyed at her since he knew she was just messing around. She wouldn’t have been impressed by his jump serve because she knew how to do one as well. Also, getting a point from a net serve already wasn’t very cool in itself. She was probably just mimicking Oikawa’s fan girls that he had told her about. Now he regretted ever telling her about them.
He gave her a smirk just before his next serve. He made sure she was still watching him. His next serve was a powerful one that he aimed at the other team’s spike-haired libero. When the libero missed his serve, he gave Y/n a smug grin. In response, she gave him a thumbs up and smiled.
“Well someone is showing off again,” said Kindaichi. Yahaba straightened up, remembering that he was in the middle of a match.
“What did you expect?” commented Kunimi. “He’s always been like that.”
As Yahaba got the ball back and walked back to the serving line, Y/n yelled out, “You’d better not miss your next serve!” She then said with a laugh, “Otherwise I’ll expose all of your secrets!”
Yahaba flinched at the thought. He didn’t want his team to know how much he had been practising outside of their usual practices.
“Since when have they been close?” Watari asked Kyotani. He just shrugged in response.
Yahaba didn’t expect them to notice that they were more comfortable with each other now. But with how Y/n was treating him, he shouldn’t have been surprised. The two of them had unintentionally continued to practise with each other for the past few months. He wasn’t planning on continuing their practices together, but he saw how much he had improved because of them.
When their opponents were able to get their first point, Seijoh got ready to receive their serve and attack. But when Yahaba set the ball to Kyotani, it was too high for him to reach. Luckily, Kunimi was somehow able to cover for him, even though it gave the other team a chance ball.
The next few times Yahaba tried to set, he kept on messing up. His fingers felt stiff. He didn’t know what was wrong because he had felt great during the warm up. Yahaba started to feel frustrated because he knew he was failing his team and they needed him. He was now their starting setter and captain. How were they supposed to beat Karasuno the next time around if he was already screwing up this match? He started to wonder if all of the extra practice with Y/n was useless.
Suddenly, he heard Y/n yell out a cheer. “Go, go, let’s go, let’s go, Dateko!”
The court was silent as they stared at the second floor to where Y/n stood. The Seijoh players were the first to break the silence with their laughter.
“What the heck is wrong with her?” said Kindaichi while he laughed hard enough for tears to come out of his eyes.
“Not only is she not cheering for us, but we’re not even playing against Dateko!” added Watari as he held his stomach while laughing.
Yahaba covered his laughter with his mouth. He also found it hilarious but he was equally embarrassed by her. She must have noticed that he was starting to panic. The rest of the team was doing well except for him
As the rest of the court continued to laugh, Y/n justified her actions by saying that their cheer was catchy. She even sang along when her own team played a match against them. She thought it was a lot better than their school’s cheer.
Yahaba then saw the referee remove the whistle from her mouth and turned to Y/n. “Y/n! If you disrupt this match again, you’ll be kicked out and you’ll have to run a hundred laps around the school during next practice!”
Y/n stood up straight and replied, “Yes, ma'am!” She pretended to zip her mouth to show that she had understood.
“I forgot that we got the girls’ team’s coach as the ref,” Kindaichi mentioned to Kunimi.
“If she’s the team’s captain, it must be pretty chaotic with her there,” added Kunimi.
Yahaba felt a bit of second-hand embarrassment from what Y/n just did. But because of her joke, he was able to calm down.
He realized how cold his fingers were. As he breathed on his hands, he remembered when he had jammed his fingers at the community center. Y/n had taken his hands and worried over them. He remembered how soft and warm her hands had been. So even though Yahaba had been trying to warm up his hands, he felt his cheeks heat up instead.
After the practice match had ended, Yahaba walked off the court and grabbed his water bottle for a drink. Y/n walked down from the second floor and the tall middle blocker from the other team approached her.
“We should go to the udon place that’s nearby,” stated the intimidating guy with a large build.
“Oh,” said Y/n with a nervous smile. “I’m not really interested.”
“But it’s really good!” he continued to insist.
Yahaba walked up to the guy who was pestering Y/n and tried to stare him down even though he was more than two meters tall. “She said she’s not interested,” Yahaba sternly told him. It’s not like he hadn’t dealt with troublesome people before. He didn’t want Y/n to deal with him by herself.
“What are you doing?” asked Y/n as she raised an eyebrow. “He’s a friend from junior high.” She continued to explain that a group of them were planning a reunion. She had said she wasn’t interested because she didn’t really like udon. She was more of a rice person.
“Ugh, this is so embarrassing,” Yahaba thought to himself.
“Sorry Hyakuzawa,” Y/n apologized with a smile. Kindaichi and Kunimi snickered at Yahaba for trying to be cool. He just told them to shut up.
As Yahaba walked away from the scene, Kyotani leaned on the wall with his arms crossed. “So what happened to having a type?” he asked with a smirk. He still held a grudge against him after all these months.
“Ugh, I don’t have one, okay?” Yahaba responded in frustration.
After another night at the community center, Y/n plopped on her bed out of exhaustion. Her mom scolded her to at least take a shower. She did what she was told and got ready for bed. She checked her phone and saw a couple of texts from Yahaba.
Yahaba: Did you get home okay?
Yahaba: Since you’re not replying, I’ll just go sleep now. Night.
There was also another text that had appeared about an hour later.
Yahaba: I hope you dream of me
Y/n especially blushed at the last one. She didn’t remember him being a flirt. She knew there was no way he meant that. But a silly grin still formed on her mouth as she tried to lay on her bed to sleep. Unfortunately, it turned out that she was right. The next morning she saw one more text from him.
Yababa: I’m sorry! My sister texted that! Ignore that last one!
She knew that she should have known better. She sighed. It was harder to get over her growing crush on him.
She took a second look at the texts. She realized that he must have been exhausted for his sister to have the opportunity to use his phone. She wondered if they should cut down on their practices together.
Later at school, Y/n asked Chiaki if she was still free to come over for some home karaoke. She replied that she was.
“Can I come?” asked Kyotani.
Y/n had to blink a few times before she excitedly asked, “You want to sing?! Are you serious?!”
“No, I want to watch Chiaki sing.” Kyotani replied.
“Well that makes a lot more sense,” she laughed.
“Did you want to come?” Kyotani asked Yahaba.
“Why would I want to come?” asked Yahaba.
“You should come too! It’ll be fun!” said Y/n.
Kyotani didn’t really care was his response would be so he started to walk away with Chiaki. But Yahaba decided to tag along anyway.
When they arrived at Y/n’s house, her dad greeted Yabaha. But he flinched when Kyotani realized that he had been going to the community center.
“I guess your secret is out,” laughed Y/n. Since Kyotani knew her dad as well, he nodded to greet him.
The four of them sat in the living room. Kyotani and Chiaki sat on the large couch and Yahaba took the other end. Y/n set up the karaoke machine.
Chiaki sang a ballad beautifully. Y/n belted out a different song and sung badly on purpose. “Yay! I got a 68!” cheered Y/n. Her best friend found the whole thing hilarious like usual. Yahaba wondered why he came in the first place.
When Chiaki started to whistle to one of the songs, Y/n tried to whistle too. She couldn’t whistle at all. But she was being stubborn and kept trying anyway.
“You look stupid,” said Yahaba. “You’re getting your spit everywhere.” In response, she purposely got closer to him to tease him some more. “Ugh! Stop doing that!”
But Y/n still didn’t stop. It was kind of fun annoying him and the other two found it hilarious. Yahaba didn’t know how to make her stop. So he kissed her.
Y/n froze. She didn’t understand what had just happened. Yahaba smirked at her. But then his attempt to look cool failed him and his face became just as red as hers.
“W- What was that?!” Y/n freaked out. “Why would you do that?!” She tried to cover her blush with her hands. “You should only do that to someone you like!”
Yahaba looked away as he replied, “So it’s fine then.” He hid his face with his hands when Y/n realized that he admitted to liking her.
“B- But,” she continued to panic, “I’m not even your type.”
“I don’t have a type anymore,” he replied. “It’s just you.”
For once, Y/n was silent. She was trying to process the whole thing. She never expected Yahaba to like her back. She then smiled at the thought that he liked her enough for his type to be irrelevant over these past few months.
She took the seat beside him and inched a bit closer. The two still couldn’t make eye contact with each other. They both tried to steal a glance from each other, but when their eyes met, they quickly turned away again. Kyotani and Chiaki just stared at their awkwardness.
“Yahaba,” Y/n’s dad said in a deep voice. Y/n and Yahaba both flinched, not realizing that her dad was there. “I was wondering when you’d finally say something,” he said with a smirk.
Extras that didn’t fit in the story:
Since Yahaba likes ikura don and Y/n likes rice dishes, they eat it all the time on dates.
Kyotani is actually pretty observant since he was conscious of his old teammates talking behind his back. But because he’s stubborn, reckless and just does his own thing anyway, it doesn’t really show through.
Chiaki is the cunning, protective type that looks innocent, but only Kyotani and Y/n know that.
I wanted Y/n to be the daughter of the guy from the community center who watched the Seijoh vs Karasuno match. But if she was, Y/n would have a (last) name. lol.
I hope you liked it! I actually had a hard time getting “clown funny” down. Other types of funny come more naturally to me (like sarcastic, teasing, and punny.) So I got some ideas from the webtoon Odd Girl Out with Mirae as a character model.
I also had a working name for Y/n because I write better that way. I might also post on fanfiction.net with the working name because they technically don’t allow reader-inserts. But I might not do it because it’s more work. lol. I actually initially started posting stories on FFN.
Check out my other stories too. :) I’m hoping to build a collection of them with all of the requests.
[Part 1] [Part 2]
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Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: The Flash (TV 2014), Supergirl (TV 2015), Superman & Lois (TV 2020) Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Lois Lane & Iris West Characters: Iris West, Lois Lane Additional Tags: Reporter! Iris West, Central City Citizen, Female Friendship, Commiseration, Women Being Awesome, Women Mentoring Women, Lois and Iris becoming friends, they have a lot in common okay, haphazard characterization of Lois Lane, unholy mix of CW Lois Lane with Smallville Lois Lane personality, Iris loves dessert, Cat Grant (mentioned) - Freeform Series: Part 3 of Iris Week 2020 Summary:
Then it all catches back up to her all at once: there’s no more Earth-1 or Earth-38, and in practice this means that it’s entirely possible she can run into Lois Lane at a national journalism conference.
On their own, Lois and Iris try to get to know one another and realize they have a lot in common.
for the tumblr crowd, here’s the full text: 
At this, Iris turns to see who’s been shouting at her. The conference center is choked with people, and Iris would much, much rather be under the radar this weekend. But apparently she’s well-known enough now, at least in journalistic circles, that the back of her head is recognizable.
It takes Iris a moment to make out who’s calling to her. Pale skin, dark hair, an almost manic affect. The woman waving her over is so absolutely in Iris’s mental uh-oh category that all she can do is blink and stare for at least two seconds.
Then it catches back up to her, all at once: there’s no more Earth-1 or Earth-38, and in practice this means that it’s entirely possible she can run into Lois Lane at a national journalism conference.
Iris wades through the crowds to catch up to her sort-of-friend, and Lois grabs her arm and tows her out of the foot traffic and into a hug.
“It’s so nice to see you doing something normal!” Lois exclaims, patting Iris on the back. While she talks, she’s already steering Iris towards one of the courtyards in the convention center, against the flow of people. “Is it just you here?”
“Yep.” Iris taps at her badge. “I only have three people on staff, so Allegra and Kamilla are back in Central sending their work for edits this weekend.”
“Oh right!” Lois points a finger. “I forgot you were at a do-it-yourself paper. How is it, being editor-in-chief?”
Iris laughs. “I don’t have time to win Pulitzers, that’s for sure. Do you know my entire staff is on Team Flash now? Half my work is doing cover-ups.”
Lois lets out a theatrical groan and guides Iris into a wrought-iron chair at a little table for two. “Hate that. Perks of still technically being on maternity leave after I spent almost two years off-planet is that Perry lets me do whatever I want as long as I’m sending stuff in every once in a while.”
A waiter comes by. Iris didn’t even know they were at a restaurant – but apparently there are several aside from the two food courts. Lois chats him up by name while Iris covertly tries to take some weight off her feet. Her pumps are killing her. She sneaks a glance at Lois’s – she’s also wearing heels, but with the ease of one long since resigned to damaged Achilles tendons.
By the time Iris is tasting an absolutely beautiful coffee-flavored gelato, their conversation has moved away from work: Lois tells Iris about living on Argo and the trials of caring for a half-Kryptonian infant here on Earth; Iris fills Lois in on meeting and losing her adult daughter in less than a year and about the months filled with dread that her husband’s time remnant might murder her. Lois commiserates by telling her about Lex Luthor, and Iris can’t help but worry about taking care of a future West-Allen who’s sure to be a speed-force-powered toddler.
“You and me? We deserve an award,” Lois says, snorting.
Scraping to get the very last of the gelato, Iris looks up at her. “Lois, you have two Pulitzers.”
“You will in time, once that little paper picks up,” Lois says carelessly, and Iris blushes. She might not have grown up on a world where Lois Lane’s name was newspaper royalty, but her confidence still feels pretty damn good. “Which it must if it’s still leading the metahuman beat from Nora’s time.”
“I guess we’ll just have to wait and see,” Iris says. “For once, the only things I know about the future are good ones.”
“Amen,” Lois chuckles. “God, I’d go crazy with all the time travel. Other planets I can handle. Alien husband, got it. But waiting kills me every time.”
“At least there’s oxygen on earth,” Iris says flatly. “I…cannot even imagine traveling in space. It’s making my skin crawl right now.” She shudders for effect.
A phone chimes. On instinct, both she and Lois grab for theirs.  Iris laughs a little – it’s only an alarm she set last night so she would remember she wanted to go to the panel at 3.
“I have to go!” Iris blurts, pulling out a bill and putting it down on the table, gathering up her purse. “I’m gonna be late to Cat Grant’s talk on growing a media company-”
“Oh, just skip it,” Lois groans. “If you really want to meet her, I’ll introduce you. She hangs all over my husband every time she sees him and drunk texts me about how much she hates my freckles and adorable button nose. We owe each other a few punches.”
Whether Cat Grant’s talk is actually going to be good, Iris does not find out. The floor beneath her shakes, shakes in a way Iris knows in her gut is not good. Needless to say, she did not pack a plasma rifle for the journalism convention.
Lois, on the other hand, looks more energetic than Iris has seen her since the end of the multiverse. She’s got an honest-to-god pen and paper out (how does she have time? Just record it!) and is already halfway across the room before Iris can stand.
“Lois! Where are you going?” Iris shouts after her.
“To find out what’s causing the earthquake,” Lois says like Iris is being an idiot.
Iris stares, and then the light comes on. They’re in a building chock-full of news media – most of whom are cowering beneath any cover they can find. They have no idea how widespread whatever this problem is, and people need information.
Iris and Lois are, perhaps, some of the only journalists in the world with the experience and chops to find out what’s going on in a (likely) unnatural disaster, and steal the scoop while they’re at it.
“I’m calling Barry,” Iris says, hurrying after Lois.
“Too slow, West,” Lois snorts. “I already pressed the emergency beacon in my watch.”
Chasing after her through the convention center towards street, Iris laughs. “You’re such a nerd.”
“A nerd who, if you’re not careful, is gonna steal your headline,” Lois points out. “And by God, your little baby newspaper needs it more than my storied career does. Go, get on the scene!”
As Iris nears the last few sets of stairs to reach the outside, she can see flashes of gold as Barry races around, presumably rescuing civilians from debris. This earthquake was so sudden – and in Metropolis, not on any major fault lines. Iris flicks back through her mental catalog of catastrophes: Geomancer? Malcom Merlyn’s earthquake machine?
There’s the edge of a cape in view now out the glass doors, and Iris notices Lois isn’t with her – there’s a young woman on the stairs, gripping the railing like she’s afraid the sky might fall. Before Iris knows it, Lois is sitting beside her, coaxing her hands off, stroking her hair, urging her to stand. She looks up and meets Iris’s eyes.
“Go get that headline and scoop all these old bags,” Lois commands. “I’ve got it here.”  
Iris huffs a laugh, then reaches down and takes off her shoes. “Yes ma’am,” she says, snapping off a quick salute and dropping her purse.
Armed only with her phone, recorder app open, and the will to prove her newspaper will last into her daughter’s time on its own merits, Iris runs.
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keiyoomi · 4 years
(1/2) Y'know I want to be a writer, but school sucks. Everyday we have these homeworks and projects(that I do during weekends/free time). I can't allot a time for writing a fic. I feel like shit, everytime I read fics I just feel insecure like how am I gonna do this/that when I can't even free my time for that dream. Also, I have to maintain my high grades as to not disappoint people and myself. I'm exhausted, but I can't just abandon things like that.
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hi, anon! (⌒o⌒)
i’m not sure if i’d be able to give you useful tips with regards to finding time to write. i, myself, am struggling to manage my time now that i’m studying again.
honestly, months before i started this blog, i felt insecure as well. my grammar sucks compared to other writers in this platform. i don’t use fancy words, i suck at writing description, you know things like that.
but before i completely drown myself with negativity—that i couldn’t write fics that would be enjoyed by others or that is well-written—i took a step back, and started to plan and imagine how i wanted my blog to look like.
[shokugeki no soma spoiler] it’s like what soma did when he failed to capture the guests’ attention during their activity in totsuki hotel—the one where he made souffle and only managed to sold (?) 8 plates at first. he took a deep breath and pictured out what he needed to do and what he needed to do in order to pass the test. and the first thing he do is showing off his skills to a kid, and presenting her the food.
that scene from the anime is my inspiration before starting keiyoomi. my previous blog sucks and flopped immensely at first. i thought keiyoomi would fail as well since i only have 14 followers before. 😅
anyway, you are free to write whatever you want in your own pace. it’s totally up to you whether you’d like to post or share long fics or ficlets. as long as you’re having fun, then you’re doing great.
also, i’m not a very creative person myself. so, i sometimes use dialogue prompts available here on tumblr. just don’t forget to credit the sources. 😅
i hope you feel better, anon. feel free to send messages here. even if it’s vent, i don’t really mind.
lemme add the things i did with this blog in the past few months (for pointers, maybe?):
wrote some of my stories without editing it, only to rewrite it for a couple of times until i’m satisfied. [farewell, mr. almost, ver. 3 and paalam]
started a mini series filled with ficlets that barely reach 200-1000 wc. [hq!! characters with babies, potato omelette]
still trying to write something despite feeling burnout. some are enjoyable, but there are those that flopped, but who cares? [tag: #keiyoomi: does impulsive shits]
this are some of this things i could maybe share with you. ah! and before i forgot, please try not to write your fics directly on tumblr. there are times when the app is down and your hardwork might perish into nothing. you can use wps, or word, or google docs in writing your first drafts/rough drafts.
also, um. . . some other tip? maybe this part is directed to myself?
don’t focus a little TOO MUCH of your attention to the imperfection of your writing. polished story is really great, but if you’re similar to me who tends to um feel lost while trying to write a “perfect story,” it’s probably best to remember that having a rough draft is more important because it is easier to clean up a messy draft than start from scratch. idk.
write as much or as little as you want. i’m pretty sure nobody’s checking whether or not you’ve a reached a certain wc. and you’re writing for free. you’re writing free stuffs. come on. just enjoy writing.
aksksksksksksksksks idk what i did at the last part, but i hope this has been helpful.
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kittysvng · 4 years
thank you for tagging me @harrysbbby , anyone who sees this can do this if they want to and i’m gonna tag some people who I would like to see do this at the end as well.
name? ash
age? 17
from? india, but I live in dubai
current obsession? probably OBX
Favourite food to eat when you’re happy? probably try something new like cook something myself and then eat it cos when i’m happy I like to cook
Favourite food to eat when you’re sad? I don’t know I don’t have any happy or sad foods, but probably something carb-y like pasta.
What’s your favourite memory? uh probably school in october 2019 that whole month was pretty good
Post a pic of you when you’re happy. i’m not that comfortable on this app yet, plus I really don’t want my irls to find this so posting a pic would just confirm that it’s me lmao.
What emoji speaks to you most? 😣 (I can use this to express all my emotions, elite emoji absolutely love it)
Favourite episode of OBX? has to be ep 7 because jj is my favorite character and you see his vulnerable side in that episode and also because i’m not the biggest fan of john b and strongly believe that jj, pope and kie are definitely way better friends on their own than with john b and it really shows how close they are in the hot tub scene and how they are basically the only family jj has.
Why did you start writing (or doing whatever you specialise here on Tumblr)? I guess the only original thing I do on here is post gifs and I posted like 3 edits. I started editing because I really liked looking at edits and thought they were really cool plus I had nothing better to do. and then I started making gifs because I made one and everyone really liked it so I thought why not make more. I don’t have a deep answer for this sorry-
Saver or spender? definitely saver, I do spend money but with a lot of hesitation and only when i really really want something.
First concert? Rihanna babey
How many concerts have you been to? 6-7
What’s the best book you’ve ever read? A Work In Progress by Connor Franta
Who’s your OBX OTP? I used to ship kie and jj, but I think that’s severely problematic since kie has kissed john b and then at end of the season started something with pope, so if she were to get with jj it would seem like she can’t keep things platonic with her guy friends and we all know that kie isn’t that type of person. I also think that kie likes girls like she’s either a lesbian or pansexual, so I would like to see her with a girl next season. but apart from that I don’t have any otp’s in the show, I do think pope and kie are cute tho.
What’s your ambition? it’s really cheesy but i’m a huge animal lover anyone who knows me knows that I would do anything and everything i can to protect animals and make sure that they are being treated right so probably just to try and educate people on certain animals who are usually portrayed as bad and get killed a lot and obviously they don’t deserve that so try to protect them especially the endangered ones.
Post a pic/video that shows your personality. not posting any pics right now.
Place or thing on your bucket list? place would have to be France or Italy, im in love with everything french and italian, the cultures, the people, the languages, the food, the places themselves. and another thing on my bucket list, i really want a snake my family won’t let me get one but i’m getting one this year whether they like it or not😤 also getting my driving license and getting a tattoo and i can finally do those both this year since i’m turning 18.
School or street smart? definitely street smart
Which character do you relate to most? on OBX, probably rafe but not as extreme.
What’s something exciting you’ve done in the past week? I started working out regularly, I used to work out once in a while but never like every single day so I started doing that and it feels great.
Tag someone who’s nice. @harrysbbby
Tag someone who’s funny. @kitluvs1
Tag someone who supports your work. @outerpogues
Tag someone you support. I try to support everyone I follow as much as possible but i don’t spend that much time on my feed, so i’m gonna try to support more people, but I support as many obx writers on here as I can.
And finally, how long have you been on Tumblr for? I think november 2016 for this account but I used to have another tumblr before that i forgot the password to I got that one sometime in 2014.
and I would like to tag @kitluvs1 @tomfreakinghollandneedsaoscar @rretrophilee @uwubonebabie @jjwtf @obxbabes @outerpogues @wilddheartt @shawnssongs and anyone else who would like to do this :)
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