#it’s getting to the point where i feel completely fried but feel even worse when i take breaks
weirdgrrlgerard · 7 months
a time loop already exists and it’s called college
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dmercer91 · 2 months
harls hcs?
misc. headcanons, th55
i could kiss you on the mouth right now anon you have no idea (18+ towards the end) (after a whole bunch of straight sappiness?? who am i)
he’s a horrible flirt but he’s even worse at hiding his feelings
so what you’re met with is an odd mix of him avoiding you and staring at you from afar, and him trying to smooth talk and ending up,, nowhere near that
eventually he does get tipsy enough to be able to get a word out without sounding like an idiot
once he’s sure that you’re into him the flirting capabilities go from zero to a hundred
to the point where he’s laying it on so thick you end up a little confused at if he wants to go out with you or just get you into bed
and you start to take a tone with him cause you did genuinely like him but now he’s coming off fuckboyish
you can visibly see the colour drain from his face
‘i sense i’ve fucked up somehow’
‘i’m not interested in hookups, harley.’
‘what? no! i don’t wanna fuck you? well, i mean i do- but, like, cause you’re my girlfriend! not yet, anyways but, like if-‘
‘tom. stop talking’
maybe you were a little bit of a good girl in school so there’s not a whole lot you’ve experienced
and he likes to tease about it
but he secretly loves being able to teach you about things
things that are so mundane to him that he just .. does them and then gets a good chuckle out of seeing your face
taking shots, telling you how it’s better if you don’t breathe before the chaser, smiling from ear to ear and giggling as he kisses your nose cause the face you made was just too cute
sharing a cigarette or a joint and him scrunching his face when you don’t actually inhale anything
‘why are you looking at me like that :(‘ ‘you. oh, my god. you need to, like, breathe it in, baby’
maybe you’d never learnt to drive and so he starts hard easy and has you drive on the highway. immediately.
discovering that you listen to the radio only and getting so offended that he makes you a playlist and then gets all flushed and fluttery when you actually listen to it and like his music
going to bars and hearing songs from that playlist and teaching you to dance like a dumb college girl rather than a tween at middle school grad
letting you feel like you actually can be a dumb college girl, letting you find your own way of living after being suffocated by expectations for so long
fully supporting you when you decide that maybe the major that was basically chosen for you isn’t right anymore and you want to go into something else
him noticing that you’ve purged your closet of your old style and are finding pieces that feel like you, and buying things he sees on roadies he thinks would fit that style
showing you the guilty pleasure of junk food and fast food
seeing your eyes light up the first time you have a fast food burger while you mutter through the food that it’s so good
laughing at you as you try and shove what’s essentially the entire container of fries into your mouth
watching as you try eight million new hobbies and helping you get things for each and every one of them until you find one that makes your face light up the way hockey has for him
showing you old movies you never got to watch as a kid and falling in love with your laugh
coming back from roadies to see you wide awake binging a tv show that came out in like, 2010 but you’re obsessed
and you wanted to stay up for him so you could see him after so long
‘you’re a nerd.’
‘this is addicting, tom, i don’t know what you want from me’
taking you to new places and watching the pure shock on your face at everything you never got to see while he’s hugging you from behind and staring at you
talking about ‘so pretty, hm?’ but he means something completely different
your personality growing more confident and your attitude growing tenfold but he’s never been so glad for anything
maybe that lack of experience extends to boys
and kisses and first times
so the first time you just really want to kiss him you ask him how to do it
and he’s horrid at explaining, so he tells you to just do it, and you don’t accept that as any reasonable response
‘no, explain it to me’
so he licks his lips and goes ‘kay, i’m gonna put my bottom lip here-’ while brushing his thumb along the underside of your top lip
‘n’ you’re gonna take it between yours, and kiss me’ and you kiss his thumb where it is on your lip and he nearly dies
but to pretend hes eeping any semblance of his shit together be hums and goes ‘yeah, baby. like that’
king of body worship
especially during the period where you’re not quite ready for a lot
but you’re okay with him taking clothes off and loving on you
so he does just that
kissing all over you and mumbling about how pretty every part of you is spending some extra time by your tummy and thighs to try and coax you into thinking about how they’re perfect
tracing his fingers and kissing along your bra until one day you’re whispering about how you want him to take it off
and his fingers on the clasp have your heart racing and the noise he makes when he gets to look at you makes your thigh twitch
he pays such good attention to them and your fingers are curled into his hair and every time your breath hitches or you moan faintly he’s responding with a hum or a groan or by nipping
maybe one day you’re in his lap and he’s kissing at your neck and your head loses a battle to your hips and they start moving
and he picks you up and sets you so his thigh is between your legs, not even blinking at the feeling of you grinding
‘sorry, tommy. m’ sorry’
and he’s worried at what you mean, so, ‘d’ you want me to stop, baby?’
‘no, no. i didn’t mean to move like that, m’ sorry for bein’ a tease’
‘did you like the way it felt?’
‘.. yeah. but i don’t want to go all the way, and i feel like im-‘
‘there has not been a single time you’ve been on me like this and i haven’t had to fix myself up. you do whatever you want, honey. and we stop when you want to stop.’
you giggled ‘really?’ ‘mh. you’re.. so hot, kissing pretty girls gives me a boner’ he smirked, kissing your cheek
‘think i’m pretty?’ ‘the prettiest. just f’ me’
‘mh. can i keep.. doing that?’ ‘yeah, baby. course you can’
the first time you suck him off he’s trying so hard to be gentle but you’re actually teasing this time
not on purpose, but he can’t handle it and his hips keep jolting
cause you’re not entirely sure what to do with yourself, so you settle for kissing him, sucking on the tip a little, looking up at him for guidance
he can’t
just cannot deal
‘need you to help me, tommy,’ you try, but he can only respond by squirming
‘just- how bout you just open up, n’ you can tap out if i’m being too rough, okay?’ and he grabs your hair and you nod
and the second he feels your mouth around him he’s a goner
and for someone who was worried about being too rough, he’s being so gentle
cause he pushes down so slow, n’ moves his hips up just barely
and with the way you’re staring at him and just,, letting drool fall down your chin, on top of how long it’s been since he’s been touched, he’s not lasting very long
‘you’re so fuck- oh baby, your mouth is so perfect, you’re so perfect f’ me’
he’s about to tell you he loves you, real talk.
he holds back just enough
for your first time, he can see how nervous you are and he knows it’s just gonna make everything worse
‘need you to relax for me, baby. can you do that?’
‘can you distract me?’ ‘baby i need to tell you when i-‘ ‘i trust you, tommy, please? gotta get my mind off it’
and reluctantly, he starts kissing you and waiting for your fingers to tangle into his hair and for you to go lax under him
and when he pushes into you, he makes one slow, deep thrust that has you pulling your mouth away and digging your nails into his shoulder
‘s’ that okay? m i hurting you?’
and you shake your head ‘just stings a little, feels… like pressure. you can move,’
and he does, tucking his head into her neck and trying to keep quiet
‘does it.. feel good, for you?’ you mumble, your worry blocking you from enjoying yourself
‘god, baby, you feel like f- nh, you feel like heaven,’
and your stomach twists and your walls flutter ‘really?’
‘f-fuck you can’t, baby, need you to relax for me,’ cause you’ve tensed back up and you’re squeezing him so tight
‘there we go, that’s it. s’at feel good?’ and his fingers combing through your hair have your eyes fluttering shut to focus on the feeling
and you mewl from feeling how deep he is, how stretched you feel
‘tommy-‘ you gasp, and he smiles, chuckles a little bit
‘feel so full, it’s so good, you’re so good’ you whined, the nails dug into his shoulder scratching down his back and earning a moan
‘good, baby, that’s good,’ and he needs to think about literally anything else so he can make sure you finish first
his fingers on your clit have your body on fire
you squeeze him out of pleasure this time and he can barely breathe
and he knows you’re so close
and when you flutter around him and start to fall apart under him, your eyes tearing and your nails deeper into his skin, he can barely muster up the ability to ask where you want him
and he comes on your tummy and you feel so sticky and warm and sated, that he’s chuckling and reminding you he needs to clean you up while you’re trying to pull him down to hold you
‘i know, baby. i know, lemme take care of you,’
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elexuscal · 2 years
Network Effect, but it happens immediately on the tail end of Exit Strategy
this is one of the funniest fandom AUs out there, imo. (also one of the saddest! but also like. in a fun way)
Mensah, Pin-Lee, Gurathin, and Ratthi are just SO glad to be home soon
they're also really glad that SecUnit seems to have regained the ability to talk
even if like, only 40% of what it says seems to logically follow whatever conversation they were having
like that sounds like a dig but they seriously have spent the last 2 weeks thinking its brain might have been totally fried
so they get in a shuttle to go back to the station when
mysterious ship appears out of nowhere?
murderbot is like 'hey that's my friend wtf ART'
"what do you mean," its humans ask
it Does Not Clarify
maybe just says like a random stream of code, aloud. completely impossible to parse
i'd like to remind everyone that Dr. Ayda Mensah has some Severe Kidnapping Trauma that has not managed to start unpacking at all at this point. and now she's been kidnapped. again.
at least her friends are along for the ride this time???
(she feels awful for being this relieved)
ship is totally empty when they get on board
except for creepy grey people
SecUnit started being able to walk around its MedBay like 47 hours ago
it was not pretty. it fell on its face like. 3 separate times.
now it has to kill a bunch of targets
it still manages it but not with anywhere NEAR its usual level of grace
this just makes it more angry
it does not help that it keeps forgetting where it's in its own timeline
keeps pinging ART. keeps being surprised when it doesn't answer. all over again.
the humans are the ones doing the majority of the Smart Detective Work and making theories on What's Happening Here and interrogating Ras and Eletra
Ras and Eletra who, by the way, are like 'hey your SecUnit is seriously glitching you should probably put it down.'
'okay we can at least turn it off and shove it in one of the mortuary tubes-'
"yeesh okay we're just giving a suggestion" [Eletra and Ras exchange a 'get a load of these crazy freeholders' look behind their backs]
MB is currently have a conversation, aloud, to a crumpled drone
good news: being in a familiar environment is helping MB's memory retrieval
bad news: those memories are letting MB know something Is Very Very wrong
1-3 emotional breakdowns happen during this point. One of them is definitely Murderbot's
it's even worse than in canon Network Effect
"My friend is DEAD"
they haven't found ANY dead bodies at this point, though, so...
PresAux starts realising maybe the dead friend is... an AI?
Ras's brain gets fried around this point. Then Ratthi, as the closest thing the team has to a doctor, has to cut Eletra's chip out of her neck. so he probably gets one of those emotional breakdowns.
'wtf how did we get out of a wormhole so fast??'
In this time-line, Murderbot is in no state to fight AND do complex coding attacks at the same time
(it's really in no state to be doing even one of these by the way but oh well)
that mean Pin-Lee and Gurathin are absolutely doing the majority of fighting off TargetControlSys
and then MB gets that delayed datapackage from ART
"For Eden? what the fuck does that mean?"
is it a religious message? a code?
"hey isn't there a character named that in Sanctuary Moon?" asks Ratthi
MB might be in a pitched firefight at the time but that is no reason for it to not ramble about its blorbos and how cool Eden is
Mensah starts getting an idea
They find ART's secret coding bundle
they try putting in 'Eden'. doesn't work.
okay that was too obvious. try 'Sanctuary Moon'.
'SecUnit'? no
'Murderbot'? long shot but... no
since they have a copy of MB's purchase contract, they have its feed address documented. it's a real long shot, but they are desperate at this point. they try it
Re-Load in Progress. Please stand-bye.
i honestly have NO idea what MB says when ART comes online this time
maybe something super sweet and sappy. or maybe it's even less coherent than in canon
either way, the humans are like 'Holy Shit' upon realising who/what Murderbot's friend ART really is
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zuzsenpai · 7 months
This is another personal post with TW mental illness. I'm sorry there have been so many recently. I really have nowhere else to put these things. Feel free to ignore.
I don't think my depression has ever been this bad before, in the almost 13 years I've had it. For maybe the past two months it's been steadily growing to a point of intensity that I can't ignore. The absolutely awful feelings won't go away. I can't stop thinking about how miserable I feel.
I can barely take care of myself. I eat takeout every day. There's garbage everywhere at my house. I can't get shit done at work and at some point people are going to notice. I have multiple really REALLY urgent doctor's appointments/calls I HAVE to make (one of which is to my psychiatrist who apparently I'm blocked from messaging on the healthcare app), yet I can't seem to pick up the phone. I am mentally incapable somehow. There's a wall there.
I have been told to exercise and meditate and I physically and mentally cannot. Again, there is a wall.
I have a video game I wanted to play, I try to play it, and I feel completely unattached to it (even though I have loved it in the past). I joined a really exclusive roleplay community for that game and proceeded to be too overwhelmed to make the character application and now the mods are asking me what I want to do. I haven't written fanfiction in two months because of severe burnout, and I miss it so desperately that it's making me realize I might have been using it as a bandaid/distraction. But my brain is so fried that I feel too overwhelmed to write again. People are leaving me nice comments on my fics and I can't even bring myself to read them let alone respond to them. My memory is so bad that I can't remember a lot of what happens in any of my fave series' and I feel like creating good fan content for those things is impossible at this point.
I'm ignoring online friends in my favorite server. I promised multiple IRL friends I would watch animes they like and I am feeling guilty that I mentally cannot do that. I'm dreading the two anime cons I have coming up in March because I don't think I'm going to feel comfortable in my cosplay this year. I have a close friend (who is also my coworker) who keeps trying to get me to do things with her and her husband and I keep turning them down because I'm worried I'll get overwhelmed by social anxiety and general awkwardness. Just the thought of having awkward social interactions is terrifying me and pushing me down harder than it ever has.
I had a boyfriend between October 2022 and December 2023, but I felt like it was a huge chore every time I had to see him and I developed zero feelings for him. I felt repulsed by the thought of us being romantic. We ghosted each other in December and now I feel like shit about it because he may have been the only chance I'll ever have at a relationship... but I also am in such a bad state that it's probably good things are over. Why don't I feel relieved?
I'm having physical tics in my abdomen and jaw that are getting worse and worse to the point of pain and people noticing. I can't talk to literally anyone without sounding upset, negative, angry. I had my best friends from out of state over a few weekends ago and I was so sick the whole time, I felt like I was letting them down. I've been repeating awkward interactions with friends and coworkers over and over in my head to the point where I think about it at night.
I haven't put my Christmas decorations away because I fucking CAN'T.
This week has been particularly bad. Yesterday I was working from home because of snow. When the snow stopped I rushed to my parents' house because I needed to be somewhere with people I know. But I was so negative in how I spoke with them, and it's making me feel even worse. I used to be really talkative and intelligent when having conversations with my family, but depression has taken that away from me pretty badly over the years, to the point where I can barely talk without thinking about how absolutely dreadful I am at conversation.
But today might be the worst of it (unrelated to Valentine's Day, though it certainly isn't helping). It pained me emotionally and physically to get out of bed, and I wanted to take a mental health day. Literally fell back asleep for an hour before I had to get up and DREAMT about taking a mental health day. But being alone at home is actually so much worse than being at work where there are at least people I am comfortable with. So I went in. I have been absolutely bombarded with depressed feelings all day though. I get up to walk down the hall to the bathroom and somehow that feels worse than sitting and staring at my computer without accomplishing anything. I'm sitting here crying at work, completely destroying the four months of tally marks I had for 'days without crying at work'. I didn't break my record, sadly.
I have a therapist. I have an appointment with her today actually. Maybe I'll just read all of this to her. I don't know where it's going to lead or what she's going to tell me to do, but all I want is to walk down the hall to the bathroom and have at least average, neutral emotions instead of carrying a chest full of raging depression. I want to be able to say something happy to someone so that they don't dump me as a friend for being toxically negative. I want to live, and I have things to live for. But damn if this depression isn't making it extremely difficult to enjoy those things.
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mojaves · 4 months
🖊️🩹🍎💘🥯🍛🍸 for seb :]
🖊️ BALLPOINT PEN — does your oc have any tattoos? do they want any (more) tattoos?
he has SO many tattoos,, im not gonna go into them all bc i would be here all day but he has a lot of roses and skulls as a central theme - he got a lot of those fairly young and still part of the valentinos. later on, when he started working at arasaka, the theme shifted more over to roses and snakes. he hadnt fully let go of his past with the valentinos, and wanted so desperately to go back, and felt like he was betraying them in some way by working for a corporation, so the snakes were there almost to mock himself, in a way. and it's even more fun when you learn he's part of Project Cobra, which is one of arasaka's many fun little experiments [:
🩹 ADHESIVE BANDAGE — does your oc have any physical and/or mental disabilities?
he has Very strong jaw plating - basically a whole new prosthetic jaw at this point, as well as a prosthetic leg, both of which were caused by some incidents at arasaka [: they do cause him some pain and discomfort from time to time, which often gets worse when he goes through phases of completely forgetting to look after himself [which happens very often when he's far too focused on a job to an unhealthy degree, but he's getting much better at it now] and on top of all of That, the chip arasaka put in his brain, along with all the parts required to make it work, essentially fried his brain and caused some permanent damage - hallucinations, horrible nausea and vomitting, headaches, periods of dissociation, all of which get worse when under extreme stress, which happens to him a LOT in his line of work. at its worst, he struggles with being able to differentiate between his own mind and reality, which takes some time to snap out of. basically!!! arasaka messed him up big time!!!
🍎 RED APPLE — where was your oc born? do they still live in/around their place of birth or do they live somewhere else? how do they feel about their birthplace?
he was born + raised in the glen in night city, and now. well. i KNOW i have it written down somewhere but i cannot find the lore,,, so maybe im wrong but i think he either lives in westbrook [still haywood] OR charter hill now, which is the next district over,, either way, he absolutely does Not want to live in the glen ever again, entirely because of the possibility of running into his father, and all the memories that would resurface bc of it. but at the same time, he doesn't want to stray too far from his roots... staying sort of close by keeps him grounded
💘 HEART WITH ARROW — what and/or who do(es) your oc consider the most important to them?
OHHH so many people. SO many. cassidy, his husband, first and foremost. they are INSEPERABLE and have been through entirely too much together,, even when they were still trying to kill each other, cassidy was very much THE most important person in seb's life at that moment. then there's his siblings, luci, josie, and luiza. they were separated for almost 20 years, so he never got to see luci and josie grow up, which kills him every time he thinks about it, and he doesnt Ever want anything like that to happen again. then theres hanan, who is one of the VERY few reasons seb survived arasaka at all in the first place,,, theres so much more i can say about that but thats for another day. theres also aubrey, who also happens to be one of the very few reasons why seb survives another total shitstorm of an incident later in the timeline,,, AND is also his boyfriend. btw. if you even care. theres also his whole gang, the rest of the people he works with,,,, theres SO many people. so many. and just. thinking about all the shit he's gone through, and still being able to love and trust people as much as he does... ouhhh it's killing me alright.
🥯 BAGEL — what does your oc's typical breakfast look like? do they usually eat breakfast?
for MANY years it wouldve been a triple shot espresso black coffee. and that wouldve been the only 'meal' until like. 3 or 4pm. or whenever someone made him remember that he needs to Eat every once in a while. But!! but... once cassidy comes along, and they start getting closer, well. seb realises that maaayyybe he needs to start looking after himself a little better. and making breakfasts occasionally for both him and cassidy helps SO much with that,,, and by then it's mostly just pancakes or waffles,, but sometimes he might make something a little fancy if he's feeling brave [and wants to impress cassidy soooooo bad] safe to say he's eating MUCH better now, and more regularly, and is just overall more healthy,, funny what a guy trying to kill you MULTIPLE times can do to you!!
🍛 CURRY AND RICE — what does your oc's typical dinner look like? do they usually eat dinner?
like before, it wouldve just been a noodle cup - most likely completely unseasoned and a little undercooked bc he was NOT paying attention to anything and was also too impatient [on account of being hunfry as all hell] to wait any longer. now, it's always something very filling, full of veggies,,, AND flavour [no more salt water flavouring!!!] he loves cooking sososososo much, and lost the passion for it for quite a few years from when he got kicked out of home to leaving arasaka,,, and he regrets it SO much, but with the circumstances, there was nothing he could've done. he can't change it, but he can try his best to make sure that never happens again. making things his past self would be proud of... his favourite quick meal to whip up is a beef stir fry [:
🍸 COCKTAIL GLASS — what is your oc's favorite alcoholic drink, if they can drink?
he's a little fruity... a little limp wristed............ he loves a good cocktail... the more insane sounding and unnaturally coloured the better. he will down 10 in a row. [he's large and. well. not completely immune to alcohol but he has an Absurdly high tolerance. thanks arasaka!!!!] he tends to avoid drinking most of the time though, bc it generally causes him to spiral VERY badly to the point where he is drinking for days on end, so he's very careful about what he drinks and when, and luckily he's always around someone he trusts when drinking, so they can make sure he stops if he seems like he's getting a little too lost in the sauce
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cyberneticlagomorph · 2 years
Your thoughts are a stew left to boil over.
Scorching on the hearth and filling the air with acrid odors.
Sometimes when you close your eyes, you're back there in your real body.
It hurts to breathe through a chest choked with pus and mucus.
A feeding tube down your throat. 
You feel empty.
Like a metaphor without a point. 
You can't move, you can only lie there and struggle to live as your flesh slowly succumbs to whatever unknown pathogens are trying to ravage it. 
You asked Nick about the in game version of this disease, where it came from and how to fix it but he doesn't know. 
"You'd need to complete the main campaign and I dunno anybody who actually has, even comradewaffulz never actually got that far I don't think." He's long since logged out but still texts you any time he can, so you're never really alone in Ursumbra. 
It's equally comforting and disconcerting how attached he's gotten to you in such a short time. 
He even blames himself for getting you sick, getting you stuck here. 
Even though none of this is remotely his fault. 
You tell him that you want to try the campaign, see if it holds any answers. 
He offers to taxi you wherever you wanna go.
"No skipping around, I need to do this from scratch, I can't miss ANYTHING; especially if there might be a cure for this plague." You sound so much more sure than you actually feel. 
Every thought you have is loud and angry.
You can't do this.
You don't want to do this.
You want to go home.
Nothing is worth the risk
Nothing is worth the risk 
Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing--
You shut your eyes, paws over ears, claws digging into your fur until you feel something inside you snap.
Not plush-you
Real you
Your consciousness is snatched from the digital world and stuffed back into meatspace so roughly a trickle of neon blue blood runs out of your nose amongst the black. 
You still can't move. 
You aren't awake or aware enough.
It's like you're dreaming within dreaming. 
A stream of consciousness bent back on itself until it can no longer comprehend anything except itself. 
In your dreaming, you strain against chains that snake away into black Oblivion.
One at your throat.
One on each wrist and each leg. 
You open your mouth to scream but all that comes out is a bellow of pure animalistic terror and rage. 
You KNOW that sound.
Panic turns your thoughts to static, to liquid, as you thrash and howl.
No no no no.
Not now.
Now here.
You NEED to calm down, NOW.
But you can't, every thought feeds into your brain and fries it worse until the chains start to groan and creak.
Finally snapping into showers of metaphorical metal. 
Out there, in the waking world…
Your body sits up.
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ihatedean · 2 months
28 to 38.
I'm sorry.
28: A description of the person I dislike the most: i don't have beef with anyone irl these days honestly. ill say: stole my best friend's idea and gets bitchy when confronted about her shitty behavior. probably has no friends but pretends she does. she's stupid and probably chose a degree with closed eyes.
29: A reason I’ve lied to a friend: mostly to look cooler, in high school. boasted about sex i didn't have and drugs i never tried. but now... i don't know, does keeping something mean to myself counts as lying? like sometimes i know they're going thru it and i shut my mouth to not make it worse. it slips out a lot anyways. i can be very bitchy and idk how they can stand me when i get like that.
30: What I hate the most about work/school: im my own boss (lmao) so i hate the inconsistency. i don't push a schedule on myself so the income comes in-between looooong periods of time. i hate taking pictures of myself, which is ironic. putting hashtags on stuff.
31: What my last text message says: "buah"
32: What words upset me the most: i don't get this one tbh. none, i guess?
33: What words make me feel the best about myself: again i don't think i understand. in a compliment?? i like it when people say im funny. it's a whole complex.
34: What I find attractive in women: fun hair. FRIED hair. im not a fan of the "clean girl" look. think mars argo on her blonde era with those dark dark roots and crispy ends– that. it's very specific but i love it. i love curls. braids. im a hair girl. not a lot else regarding physical traits lol i think bunny teeth are cute. overbites. tooth gaps. cassie from skins. ayo edebiri.
35: What I find attractive in men: arms. beards. my boyfriend has a resting bitch face. i like the asshole vibe. he has a scar on his eyebrow that makes him look like such a tough guy even though he's a cutie patootie and he always lies about how he got it.
in everyone, if i can make them laugh a lot they're immediately attractive to me. i like irony and flirtiness. freckles. people that hype themselves up at a party to get everyone looking only to make a complete ass of themselves. gosh. sorry. i like a lot of stuff in a lot of different people.
36: Where I would like to live: the south here probably. tierra del fuego. chubut. somewhere more chilly/with less people. i hate the heat here.
37: One of my insecurities: my cheeks/double chin. wearing glasses in public omg. also there was one anon that said "wow you're smart" or something like that when i made a relatively serious post and it kind of stuck 💀 so now i keep most of my ""serious"" thoughts to myself and try to keep it lighthearted/funny. im pretty insecure of how little i know about stuff. im really bad with geography and history.
38: My childhood career choice: teacher! always. at some point i might have wanted to be a singer or something like that but it was pretty short-lived. it was always teaching. i think i was lucky with the teachers i got that so many of them inspired that in me. sucks that i never actually pursued it but rip. it's the thought that counts lol
send me nosy anons!
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bulldagger-bait · 1 year
Long rant about my feelings and health or whatever
My feeding tube is causing me SO MUCH THROAT PAIN OH MY GOD
And there's nothing i can do to soothe it. Its sore because there's hard plastic where it shouldn't be.
This tube is so much more of a pain than my other one. Its just flat out a worse tube. Its a thicker french which is fine so far, but the material is firmer. Its not bouncy silicone. It doesnt give. The connection point also sucks like its cheaper plastic and its just nasty.
Like my first tube was fit at a private hospital, and this one in a public. Like is the quality in funding that intense that private health patients get better feeding tubes?
Ive also been on a NJ for 4 months. I should have a more permanent one. Like nasal tubes are just not long term options. I guess when i see my gastro in 3 months from now i can point out that, "hey, ive been on a nasal tube for 7 months. Weaning isnt working. Ive tried and the amount of food i can eat is not enough to sustain me and if you take me off this tube i will start starving. We can do that, i'll starve until im dangerously thin again and then we can talk about placing another tube, or we can accept that i cant eat enough with intervention to sustain my body and i need a more permanent solution."
Like the guidelines say that if someone is going to require a feeding tube for more than 3 months, a PEG or PEG-J should be placed.
Its also getting to the point where im having difficulty swallowing. Again. Like im starting to choke. Food hits the back of my throat and gets stuck and i cant swallow completely. And i dont think the tube is helping, i think its making it worse.
Like its getting to a point where im struggling to take my medication. Im pretty sure im going to have to start crushing some of my pills. (I cant crush all of them bc some of them are longer release and thats frustrating. And crushing pills every day is very quickly going to become something im going to struggle with as an ADL but i cant keep choking on my meds, and the last thing i want is another damn pill ulceration as well)
Pretty sure my NJ tube is also now an NG because i had to pull it out a little bit after they placed it because i wasnt able to access it at the length it was. But despite it probably being NG i cant tolerate high volumes of feed. I feel full on 50ml an hour and if i push it above 85ml i start feeling nausea.
I also cant throw up because if i do throw up the tube comes with it. So not only do i already eat like a mouse in order to avoid nausea but i also eat way less than i physically can because if i do i will vomit and i cant risk the tube.
Its just so frustrating.
I have global dysmotolity since its affecting my oesophagus and stomach. I have HSD and POTS as well so this isnt an unusual presentation of gastroparesis. I just. I need a more permanent solution than irritating nasal tubes that keep getting yanked on and cause constant discomfort.
And i know a PEG-J will have its own host of problems. I know ill likely have some serious problems with a stoma because im prone to keloiding and hypertrophic scars. God knows id likely get granulation tissue. I just think this whole feeding tube thing is more permanent than the initial short term that was suspected.
And 3 years of avoiding nausea and living with this has made me so avoidant of food. Ive developed a really fun, cool, awesome eating disorder. Sometimes that even feels like a cop out because its OSFED and doesnt look like what most ED's ive been exposed to should look like. Like years of starvation have completely fried my brains ability to regulate my hunger. Like i barely have any hunger signals during the day and im a champ at ignoring them anyway because i want to avoid nausea and pain, only then to be prone to waking up in the middle of the night to binge (read: eat a normal amount which feels like murder on my stomach). Ive gotten so used to nausea that nausea and feeling full feel the same. Like. How fucked up is that.
Im on antipsychotics that are supposed to help with nausea and they do to a certain extent but im just fed up with being on so many meds. Like i easily spend $150 on meds and thats WITH most of my meds being $7. Like its just so frustrating.
And seasonal depression is kicking my ass so bad that im worried im gonna need another stint in the psych ward at this point, but once again theres no time in my life. And theres so much to do at home and i just have no energy to do any of it. I dont even have energy to look after myself. And the house is a wreck and i know i have to get it in order but it just feels impossible. And adequate nutrition is helping with the fatigue but i still feel so unmotivated down to my bones.
Im pinching my gf's ADHD medicine just to be able to function enough to get shit done and i still cant even take care of myself, its just so frustrating. Disability and mental health have woven themselves into such a tight downward spiral that i just feel trapped. I feel trapped in my body. I feel trapped in my house. I feel trapped in my head. I just dont know what to do. I feel so out of control and useless.
I need to see my psychologist again because im spiraling. Like even my partner said that in the last two weeks ive been in a serious nose dive. But i cant get my stupid NDIS stuff sorted. Like i have all the funding i need to see her i just cant get it implemented because i dont have a support coordinator yet and its just driving me mad. I had one and then she quit and that was a month ago and im still waiting to even have an intake appointment. And its one of those things where i dont know the first place to get started doing it myself, but i also feel like even if i understood what to do just just wouldnt be able to do it.
And money is such a worry because im supposed to save up at least a 1.5k, if not more for this trip overseas which im really looking forward too. Like i get to see family i havent seen in a decade, im stoked. But im worried about how im going to feed over there, and how im even going to afford the trip. Then theres the fact that i want to save up enough money for christmas gifts and an engagement ring and on top of all that i had plans for two health related things that i wont get to until next year.
I need another ulnar nerve transposition done, but its going to be 2.5k to afford it, which is a lot of money. I could talk to my dad about affording it but hes already given me so much money this year and i dont want to ask for more. Then theres the fact that im trying to save up to get tested for autism because im fairly sure i have it and thats another grand. And it would be worth it because if i do have it i could get so many more supports than i have now. It would also just make me feel like im not failing at life anymore. Because right now i feel like i dont have a reason to be struggling this much because nothings wrong with me. Nevermind that i have so much shit going on i dont know what to do with it.
Ive just been stressed about money for so long at this point. Ive been stressed for a year about it, like. Its driving me mad. I make half of minimum wage on DSP, which is frankly appalling because im disabled and therefore all of my shit is more expensive. And then theres the energy bill which is going to be insane because theres a cost of living crisis and everyone is getting price shocked.
Im just so stressed and all of the stress just rolls one thing onto the next onto the next like this damn post started with me ranting about my feeding tube and here we are.
I just dont know what to do to make things easier. I know tidying the house would dramatically improve my mood, but i cant do it by myself. I feel completely swamped and overwhelmed. I just need support. I just need someone to sit with me while i try to get through everything. But by the time everyone comes home ive already spent all day stewing in my stress and im exhausted and have no energy to do anything.
Im also frustrated by the fact that ive been needing help with showering lately. Like i used to be able to do that by myself and now i cant. It used to be that id be a little lazy about doing it too based on how much it would wipe me out, and now its like it doesnt matter how much i want to do it, i just physically cant.
I dont know how im going to manage overseas without totally grossing out my family. The last thing i want to do is ask my mum to help me bathe. And theyre not going to have a shower chair that i can use over there so im going to have to sit on the ground because its getting to the point where standing is so completely exhausting. I dont even want to let my partner see how much it wipes me out. I dont want anyone to see how much im struggling, i just want to be able to do things.
Im sick of feeling like im useless.
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deyadee · 2 years
My grandpa always told me- well actually thinking about it he only told me once and every other time was my parents repeating it- that everyone is given 100 points in life. Everyone has a different distribution of said points. Some people are better at athletic things, some at creative ventures, some are best at making other people happy and being kind to others.
I broke down crying on a bike ride and apologized to my dad for being such a disappointment and he told me that I wasn’t a disappointment. He said he didn’t expect me to like or be good at the same things as him, and told me that same saying.
I want to believe it, and I don’t want to act like I know better than them… but that’s an idealistic way to think about it. Of 8 Billion people in the world, of all the possibilities, some people *have* to be incapable.
They said I might be best at being kind and making other people happy. But I can’t honestly believe that. I’m not kind. I don’t do most of my kind acts out of the goodness of my heart. I’ve done it out of guilt. Guilt that I wasn’t doing good enough, that I wasn’t sacrificing enough. Guilt that I didn’t deserve other people, that I wasn’t doing enough to earn them or that I needed to pay them back.
Most of my friendships when I was younger were long-term but more like a leech. I’d leech off of one person for a few years until they saw no further use for me. So I took that as me needing to make up for my presence, apologize and gift as thanks for tolerating me. Having a friend who didn’t care about you besides what you could do for them didn’t matter as long as you weren’t alone. Kids are shit, but I’ve just never let go. Because it didn’t just happen once, it happened with every friend or friend group I had until now where I’m just alone and distance myself from others so they can’t continue the cycle.
Where was I? Oh yeah- I’ve never had any talent or ambition for really anything, and being lazy is a sin now. You can’t change yourself to be less lazy. Actually, I don’t even know if I’m lazy or not. I just physically can’t do anything that requires any more focus or brain power than a five year old. I can’t look at a screen and just get something like a normal person. I can’t understand what’s in front of me unless it’s been explained as simply as possible fifteen times over. I don’t know what to say. I can’t think in terms of anything that isn’t on my level which feels like it drops lower and lower every day. Even these blog posts I feel like I’m slowly getting worse at. Barely any grammar anymore, more typos, more missing words, more swearing because I can’t think of anything else. My brain is fried and I always feel so stupid compared to everyone else. I have to work so hard to think even half the equivalent of a normal person.
I might have 100 points, but I imagine those are all in something that’s completely useless or I’m too lazy to use it effectively.
0 notes
sluttywonwoo · 3 years
something more || h.js x reader
Summary: it’s a tale as old as time- your roommate walks in on you masturbating and things escalate from there
Warnings: swearing, smut (18+) additional warnings under the cut
Word Count: 4.5k
A/N: originally posted on my tom holland fic account ( @wazzupmrstark )
additional warnings: additional warnings: masturbation, unprotected sex, choking, degradation, lowkey spit play
“Joshua! Come look at this!”
There were a lot of things you liked about your apartment. Cheap rent, nice views, mostly functioning air conditioning… however the gaping hole in your bedroom ceiling was not one of them. It had started out as a small leak a couple of weeks ago, water dripping from some imperceptible hole in the plaster that had slowly turned into a trickle and then a steady stream, until finally the ceiling had collapsed in on itself, unable to hold the weight of all of the water any longer. You had filed a maintenance request when you first noticed the leak, but it had gone ignored. Maybe now, now that your bed was covered in drywall and pipe water, now that you could see into the apartment above yours, your concerns would be important enough to be addressed.
“What is it?” your roommate called back.
You heard him approach and waited for the gasp that would follow. “Y/n…” he hissed, one hand over his mouth, the other gripping your shoulder in shock.
“I know.”
“Holy shit.”
“I know.”
“What do we do?”
“I don’t know.”
You sighed and took a tentative step forward into your room, wincing when your sock made contact with your damp rug.
“I’ll call maintenance,” Joshua offered and turned on his heel to grab his phone.
“I’ll… try and figure my shit out, I guess.”
His footsteps faded into the background as he retreated into his own room and you looked around your room with a frown, surveying the space for anything salvageable. You were surprised you hadn’t started crying yet. But apparently your brain hadn’t quite caught up with your eyes because all you felt was a numb sort of apathy as you gazed at the mess in front of you.
There was no way you could sleep in your room tonight. Even if you managed to dry everything and clear the debris, there was still a giant fucking hole in the ceiling. The mere thought of trying to fall asleep underneath it made you uneasy. You would have to crash somewhere else.
“They said not to touch anything-” Joshua shouted from the other room. You froze in place, afraid you’d already done something you weren’t supposed to and decided to join him in the kitchen instead.
Your socks left wet footprints against the concrete floor as you padded over to where Joshua was. He shot you a look of sympathy as you peeled them off and tossed them to the side, shifting his attention back to the notepad on the table in front of him to write something the person on the other end of the phone was saying.
The pen hovered above the paper momentarily, and Joshua rolled his eyes with an exasperated sigh, pinching the bridge of his nose. “Tomorrow? Is that the earliest- yeah that’s fine.”
The little hope you’d had that the issue would be resolved tonight fizzled, and you blew out a breath of frustration. You pulled out your phone and began scrolling through your contacts, mentally making notes of who might let you spend the night at their place.
Joshua thanked whoever he was talking to and hung up, pushing the notebook away from him with a groan.
“They’ll be here tomorrow morning,” he said, giving you an apologetic look. “What are you doing?”
“Texting Seungcheol.”
Joshua made a face. “Seung- why?”
“I’m going to ask if I can sleep over.”
“You haven’t talked to him in months,” your roommate protested.
“He’ll say yes to me,” you assured him.
“That’s because he expects you to sleep with him.”
“I know.”
“Y/n! You’re not seriously going to have sex with him in exchange for a place to stay, are you?”
“Well when you put it like that…” you trailed off and sighed. “Whatever, I’m not above it. It’s been a while since I’ve been laid anyway.”
“Seungcheol couldn’t even last thirty seconds-” he paused when you gave him a look, “I know from what you’ve told me. Not because I slept with him.”
“You know saying that makes it sound like that’s exactly why you know.”
“Please, y/n, I have taste,” he said matter-of-factly, easily dodging a swat from you. “You’re not sleeping at Seungcheol’s,” he said as if he’d decided, as if he had final say on the matter.
“Well, what am I supposed to do, Joshua?” you demanded. “I can��t sleep in my own room, and you know I can’t sleep on the couch so what do you suggest?”
“Take my room,” he offered simply, shrugging like it should have been obvious.
“You can have my bed and I’ll sleep on the couch. You don’t even have to fuck me for it.”
You rolled your eyes. “Well what do I have to do for it?”
You could tell Joshua wanted to say ‘nothing’, but knew you wouldn’t accept his offer without feeling like you could give him anything in return so he settled for “fried rice”.
“You want fried rice?”
“I want your fried rice,” he clarified with a grin. “You know it’s my favorite.”
“That’s it?”
“That’s it.”
“Okay,” you agreed. “Fine. Thank you, Joshua.”
He gave you a knowing smile and nodded. “Don’t mention it.”
Joshua kept his room colder than yours. Your wet hair from the shower only made the chill worse, but you didn’t want to mess with the thermostat and throw off how he liked things. You were even hesitant to touch the pillows on his bed. You knew Joshua wouldn’t care, but you still wanted to respect his space.
Joshua was literally the most easygoing person you knew, which offered a nice balance in contrast to your high-strung, perfectionist personality. One time you’d bled on his sheets while you were just hanging out in his room and he was completely unphased. He just threw the bedding in the wash like nothing had happened and mentioned that he’d been needing to wash them anyway while you practically cried in embarrassment.
“It’s okay, y/n. I’ve had girlfriends before.”
“Yeah, but I’m not your girlfriend!”
“We live together, close enough.”
To be fair, you knew that this kind of thing happened all the time, but you were still mortified. You didn’t even pay attention to the rest of the movie you and Joshua had been watching. To this day you didn’t know how the Lego Batman Movie ended.
“You need something to sleep in?” Joshua had asked on your way from the bathroom back to his room, having noted your state of undress.
It wasn’t uncommon for you to make the trips to and from the shower in nothing more than a towel, but he knew you wouldn’t be able to go back into your room tonight, and that most of your clothes were still damp from the ceiling anyway.
“Yeah, that’d be great.”
He just nodded from where he was on the couch and gestured past you in the direction of his door. “You know where everything is. Pick out whatever.”
“Don’t mention it.”
You’d chosen an old t-shirt from a gas station souvenir shop, one of many in his collection of road-trip tees and a pair of panties you had managed to snag from your dresser before Joshua had yelled at you to get out of your room earlier.
You hung your towel on a hook attached to the back of his closet door and sprawled out on his bed, pulling the comforter around yourself.
It was late. It had been late for a while, but you and Joshua were night owls. You both kept busy schedules, so at night you liked to take some time for yourselves before bed. Still though, you knew you should sleep. But you couldn’t.
You squeezed your eyes shut and tried to relax your muscles.
If you were being honest, the idea of getting laid had been exciting and you were a bit disappointed it wasn’t going to happen for you tonight. It had been a while since you’d been with anyone, and you were craving the intimacy, even if it was coming from someone like Dylan.
Your skin was beginning to feel hot and sticky, and you pushed the covers off of you in your frustration. You had just been cold a few moments ago, and all it had taken to make you sweat was the mere thought of sex. It was pathetic, you were pathetic, and you knew it.
Your fingers inched toward the waistband of your panties almost unconsciously before you stopped yourself. You were in Joshua’s bed. You shouldn’t be getting yourself off in his bed. That was wrong. It wasn’t your room, there must be some sort of boundary for this sort of thing. Roommate code. What if Joshua walked in on you- no. You clenched your fists by your sides and sighed. The idea of your roommate walking in on you with your hand down your pants should not be turning you on. It should be having the opposite effect. But you couldn’t help it.
You had managed to suppress your attraction to him for this long, being in his bed shouldn’t be the breaking point. Maybe it was because his sheets smelled like him, or maybe it was because you were wearing his shirt…fuck, you wished you had your vibrator. The little pink toy was sitting in the drawer of your bedside table, likely water damaged beyond repair. God, hadn’t you lost enough?
“Forgive me, Shua,” you whispered hoarsely into the empty room as you resigned yourself to your pleasure.
Your pussy had won over your head and you’d given into your desire. Familiar sparks of arousal flickered faintly in your stomach when you brushed the tips of your fingers over your panties. You weren’t shocked to discover that the material was already damp from where your wetness had seeped through.
You tried to think about Seungcheol, about your celebrity crushes, about anyone other than the person behind the other side of the door, but your mind kept drifting back to your roommate. You thought about what Joshua’s fingers would feel like instead of your own. They were so much longer than yours… you stifled a moan as you curled a finger into yourself and let your thumb begin to circle your clit, imagining Joshua’s head was buried in between your thighs instead.
Getting yourself to the edge was usually difficult for you without the help of toys or a third party, but you surprised yourself when your thighs began to tense in anticipation as you worked your fingers over your g-spot repeatedly, orgasm just out of reach. You were trying to be as quiet as possible, but you kept letting quiet sighs and curses slip from between your lips as your focus began to blur.
You pictured Joshua pushing himself into you, pictured how his face would scrunch up in pleasure as he felt you clench around his cock for the first time, how he’d kiss your neck and praise you for taking him so well- you bit down on your knuckles to stop yourself from screaming.
The invisible string inside of you snapped right as the door to Joshua’s room swung open and you were forced to rip your hand away from yourself as you came and your pussy clenched around nothing.
The light overhead flicked on and you squinted, groaning at the sudden blinding intrusion.
“Sorry,” Joshua apologized sheepishly. “I just forgot a pillow.”
You used your dry hand, the knuckle-bitten one, to throw him one of the pillows from behind you. He caught it with ease and you thought that would be it, but he zeroed in on your hand, narrowing his eyes at it with a confused expression on his face.
You hoped he couldn’t tell that you were still trembling from the aftershocks of your ruined orgasm, hoped he didn’t question why you were so flushed and breathless.
“What happened to your hand?” he asked, tossing the pillow aside and taking your hand into his own to observe. “You’re bleeding.”
Damn, you hadn’t meant to bite your hand that hard.
“It’s nothing,” you said and tried to yank your hand out of his grasp, but he was holding onto you too tightly.
“I have some Band-Aids in the bathroom. I’ll be right back.”
“Shua you don’t have to-”
He was gone before you could finish your sentence, and back before you could protest any further. While he was in the bathroom you hurriedly wiped your other hand on your- his- shirt in an attempt to erase any evidence of what you had been doing just moments before he had interrupted.
“Give me your hand,” Joshua instructed, taking a seat on the bed so that he was facing you.
You outstretched your arm so that he could see the damage and watched as he dabbed a tissue at the specks of blood on your skin, applying pressure to stop the flow.
“It’s just a little scrape,” you insisted.
“Still, we don’t want it to get infected.”
“I guess,” you mumbled.
Once he was sure that you had stopped bleeding he dabbed a tiny bit of Neosporin onto your knuckle and wrapped a Spider-Man Band-Aid around your finger.
“Thank you.”
“Wait, I’m not done!”
“What do you mean?”
“I have to kiss it better.”
You rolled your eyes but gave in, lifting your hand to his face princess style. He pressed a gentle kiss to the Spider-Man Band-Aid and took a moment to admire his work. It was only when he was holding your hand closer that he noticed the indents in all of your other knuckles.
“Why were you biting your hand?” he asked, eyebrows furrowed in confusion.
There was no use in lying about it, the marks on your hand were clearly teeth marks. He would know you were bullshitting if you tried to play it off.
“I wasn’t.”
So much for that.
Joshua blinked. “Show me your other hand.”
“What? No.”
“Show me.”
You grabbed the comforter and pulled it tighter to you while Joshua tried to wrestle it from your grasp.
“I swear to God, y/n,” he muttered under his breath.
You put up a good fight, but he was stronger than you and tugged it off of you within seconds of struggling. He pushed you back onto the bed and used his body to pin you to the mattress so that you couldn’t wriggle away. Now that you were stuck underneath him he was able to assess the hand that you had been trying to hide. You whimpered in embarrassment and watched in horror as he brought the hand… brought the hand to his…
“Joshua, what are you doing?” you breathed out.
He looked at you brazenly and then put two of your fingers in his mouth. You shivered as he sucked the arousal, the evidence, from your fingers to confirm his suspicion.
“You’re a liar,” he said finally.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” you stammered.
Joshua chuckled to himself and let your hand fall back to your side. “And a brat too.” You scoffed in offense but Joshua just leaned down to kiss your forehead sweetly. “I already knew that, though.”
“Excuse you, but I am fucking delightful!” you argued.
“I never said you weren’t!”
“You just called me a brat!”
“Two things can be true at the same time.”
“I hate you.”
“So you… don’t want me to… give you a hand there?” he asked.
You paused. Was he really offering to-
“We’re friends, Joshua. You don’t have to do that.”
“I know. I want to.”
You could feel your heart beating in your throat and in your pussy. Joshua was your best friend and your roommate… but was there something more? Right now you wanted him more than you had ever wanted anyone. This couldn’t end well.
“Kiss me.”
Joshua was back on top of you as soon as the words left your mouth, pressing his lips to yours while one of his hands tangled itself in your hair. You could taste yourself on his tongue and moaned softly into his mouth. You found yourself wishing the moment could last forever, but you quickly changed your mind when you felt Joshua pressing his thigh up in between your legs. Lazily making out was nothing compared to what he was doing now. He brought a hand to your hip and urged you to move. He guided you until you were rocking back and forth on his thigh at a steady pace.
“Feel good?” he asked.
You could only nod, not trusting yourself to speak. Your panties were the only layer between your pussy and Joshua’s leg, and although they were certainly ruined by now they still provided the means to create friction that went straight to your clit.
Joshua’s hands fiddled with the hem of the t-shirt you were wearing and he tugged at the bottom of it, motioning for it to come off.
“Is this okay?” he asked.
Another nod from you and he was whisking the shirt off over your head without a second’s hesitation. He was pulling his own shirt off next, tossing it into a pile on the floor with yours. His fingers found the waistband of your panties soon after, and he played with the elastic impatiently, eager eyes searching yours for approval. You lifted your hips off of the bed so that he could take them off, leaving you completely naked before him.
Joshua let his gaze travel down your body, shamelessly admiring every dimple, curve, and freckle that was now exposed to him. You shifted under him self-consciously, silently wishing you had shaved. If you had known you’d be fucking your best friend, you would have, but it was too late now and you could only hope he wasn’t bothered by a little hair.
“How are you real,” he murmured to himself, earning an eye roll from you. Joshua reached out and dragged a finger through your folds, smiling when you flinched. “So sensitive…” he noted. “Did you cum already?”
“Yes, but it was ruined,” you admitted.
“Poor thing,” he tsked in fake sympathy, bringing his hand back up to his mouth. “Just wanna nother taste. You’re too sweet to resist.”
“Shua,” you whined.
“What is it, baby?”
“I need you.”
He smiled down at you and took you by the chin, tilting your face up towards him. “You already have me.”
“You know what I mean!”
“But I want to hear you say it.”
You groaned stubbornly and twisted your head out of his grip, only to let out a yelp when he closed a hand around your throat.
“Stop being a brat,” Joshua spat as he forced you to look at him again. “I’ll give you one more chance to be a good girl, got it? Good girls use their words to tell me what they want. Do you understand?”
“Yes,” you choked out desperately.
“Are you going to be a good girl?”
“I’ll be a good girl.”
“So what is it that you need, love?”
You swallowed your pride and opened your mouth to respond. “Your cock, please.”
“Sorry, what was that?” Joshua asked, cupping a hand around his ear as if he couldn’t hear you.
“I want- I need your cock, please.”
“Atta girl,” he praised and eased the grip around your neck. “Was that so hard?”
You shook your head weakly and watched as Joshua pushed his boxers down to his thighs, then onto the floor, letting his cock bounce up against his stomach. He was fully hard already and you wondered how long he’d been like that, wondered how he had so much self-control when you barely had any.
“We can stop whenever you want, okay?” Joshua said, face softening and hand gently cupping your cheek. “Let me know if it’s too much. Just tell me what you need, baby.” You nodded obediently and met him halfway as he leaned down to kiss you. He broke away from the kiss suddenly and held a hand underneath your mouth. “Spit,” he ordered.
You complied and sat up a little to spit into his hand. He worked that same hand over his cock a few times, using your spit to lubricate it before positioning himself over you.
“Is this a good idea?” you blurted right as Joshua was about to push himself into you, suddenly aware that you wouldn’t be able to go back from this as soon as he did.
You had shoved any feelings you’d had for Joshua down for so long and it would be impossible to keep doing after sleeping with him. But you had already come this far.
“Probably not,” Joshua answered with a shrug. “Do you want to stop?”
“No. Do you?”
“Okay, cool.”
A brief moment of silence lapsed while you both stared into each others’ eyes, not quite sure where to go from there.
“I’m gonna fuck you now,” Joshua said casually after thirty more seconds of silence.
“Yes, please do.”
You braced yourself for the stretch as Joshua pushed into you at an agonizing pace and sank your teeth into his shoulder to relieve some of the pressure. Joshua groaned at the feeling of you pulsing around his cock, a feeling which was only heightened by you nipping at his skin.
“Fuck, you’re so tight.”
“You’re… so big,” you echoed back.
He allowed you a few moments to adjust before he moved. You were already so worked up that he slid in and out of you easily and it wasn’t long before he was pounding into you at a fast tempo. He pressed hurried kisses to your jaw and neck, leaving a trail of hickies to remember him by.
You cried out each time his cock hit your g-spot, overwhelmed and still sensitive. Joshua kissed you to drown out your moans, clamping a hand over your mouth in his stead whenever he came up for air. His other hand was up against the wall for stability, though it wasn’t helping much.
“Joshua,” you gasped.
“Yeah, baby?”
“Can you choke me again, please?” you all but begged.
Joshua smirked. “Of course.”
He did as you asked and cursed when you wrapped your legs around his waist and pulled him in closer.
“See what happens when you’re a good girl and ask nicely?” he teased, cocking his jaw arrogantly. “You get rewarded.”
You could feel your orgasm building in your abdomen as Joshua continued to thrust into you and wondered if he was close too. You guessed that he was from the way his hips had began to falter.
“Up,” Joshua commanded suddenly.
He slipped out of you and grabbed you by the shoulders, hauling you into a sitting position.
“On your hands and knees,”
“And if I don’t?” you challenged.
“You don’t want to find out.”
“Are you sure?”
“Should I finish myself off, then?” he asked, pumping his cock lazily as if he expected you to call his bluff. “Leave you here needy, not let you cum?”
“No, please!”
You quickly got into position on all fours with your back to Joshua praying that he wouldn’t make good on his threat.
“That’s what I thought,” he said. You could hear the smile in his voice.
You fell forward on your face when he shoved his cock back into you only for him to tug you upright by your hair. He fucked you like that in doggy for a minute or so before he snaked an arm around your upper body and pulled you flush against his chest. Being seated on his lap allowed Joshua the ability to touch practically anywhere on your body. He took advantage of the new position by grabbing your tits.
He was so fucking deep in you like this you couldn’t stand it. Every tiny movement brought you closer to the edge and you weren’t sure how much longer you could last.
“Shua, I’m close,” you warned through broken gasps.
“Don’t cum yet.”
“Why not,” you whined.
“You’re not allowed to cum until you answer this question for me,” he said breathlessly.
“What is it?”
“When you were touching yourself earlier, who were you thinking about?”
“Was it Seungcheol?”
Joshua’s fingers found your clit and began rubbing circles around it, making it that much harder not to disobey him.
“Fuck, Joshua…”
“Who was it?”
“It was you! I was thinking about you!”
“Do you always think about me?” he pressed.
“You only said one question,” you accused defensively.
Interrogating you while he had you on the brink of orgasm was not fair.
“Fine, cum.”
You cried his name as you finally came. He held you through it, your orgasm triggering his own as you clenched around him repeatedly. Your name tumbled from his lips too, while he lost himself in the midst of pleasure. You couldn’t see his face as he came, but you could imagine it, like you had hundreds of times before. The way his hair would stick to his forehead, the way he’d bite down on his lip and squeeze his eyes shut as he let go of control…
You couldn’t see him as he came, but you could feel him. You felt his entire body tense behind you, felt the warm spurts of cum fill you up, felt the way he instinctively grabbed at your throat to anchor himself.
Neither of you spoke for what felt like an eternity as you both caught your breath. Joshua collapsed on the bed with you in his arms, cock still buried inside of you. He brushed your hair out of your face and turned your head so that he could look into your eyes.
“Are you okay?”
You nodded sleepily and gave him a weak smile. “I’m good.”
“Are you sure? I wasn’t too rough?”
“No, you were perfect.”
He kissed you again without a second thought and you kissed him back. It felt familiar and warm, like it was the most normal thing in the world.
“Here let’s get you cleaned up,” he said, pulling out of you.
You winced at the empty feeling, but laid in bed motionlessly and let Joshua dote on you. He used a warm washcloth in between your thighs and wrapped a new Spider-Man Band-Aid around your hurt finger. He slipped back into his boxers and tossed you another pair of his to wear before fetching you a glass of water from the kitchen and making you drink it all.
Joshua returned to bed finally and snuggled up to you instantly. You nestled yourself into the crook of his arm and rested your head on his shoulder.
“I thought I didn’t have to fuck you to sleep in your bed,” you said quietly once he had gotten comfortable.
“Shut up.” There was still a lot to discuss between the two of you, but nothing that couldn’t wait until morning. For now you were content to fall asleep in his arms and ignore all of the unanswered questions bouncing around in your mind. “For the record, I still expect my fried rice.”
lmk what you think i always appreciate feedback!!
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finelinevogue · 3 years
Can we get some more brother!harry?
I really enjoyed your piece where he caught her smoking ❤️
of course you can!! (rip if your name is natalia) hope this is what you wanted;
Beautiful name to juxtapose a horrible excuse of a human being.
Harry was never that great when it came to choosing his girlfriends, but this one was by far the worst. Bekka had been bad, because she had been cheating on Harry with her best friends dad. India was just so toxic, to the point where she’d ask Harry why he wasn’t mad with her over the most trivial things as if she wanted him to be mad. Daya was ok, but she wanted different things to what Harry wanted and so they ended up in a massive argument and ending things quicker than they started. Natalia though, wow. She was something else and that wasn’t a compliment.
You don’t know whether it was just because she targeted you especially, but she was just a downright cruel person. You could easily tell her intentions with your brother were not good. She was a plain ol’ gold digger, evident from the credit card that Harry leant her and she spent so much on it the bank had to call Harry to ask him to authorise that he was aware of the amount of money being spent. She bought a car with his card. A fucking car. Harry was too blinded by her beauty and her experience that he was oblivious to her witchy behaviour towards you. It wasn’t like you hadn’t tried to tell him either, it was more that he didn’t care enough.
“No Harry. No.” You argued with him, standing in the middle of the kitchen as he was busy washing the rest of the dishes in the sink. It was just the two of you home at the moment, because Gemma and Anne were spending the weekend at an exclusive spa in Cheshire, so you didn’t understand how there were so many dishes.
“Y/N, it’s not an option. You’re not staying at home by yourself.” Harry spoke sternly back to you, letting out his frustration by vigorously scrubbing the dishes.
“I’m literally 17 - 18 in like 3 weeks. I’m more than capable of staying home.” You stomped your foot to the ground like a child.
“And I don’t care. You’re coming to lunch whether you want to or not.” Harry finished the last plate and dries his hands on the towel next to the sink, before throwing it over to you.
“But she’ll be there.”
“She’s my girlfriend, so you’ll nice to her.”
“If she’s nice to me, then yeah.” You rolled your eyes and walked over to the sink to start drying the dishes that Harry just cleaned.
“ Y/N, I swear to God.” Harry groaned in frustration, tugging a stressful hand through his hair. “Can you at least pretend to be happy for me for once?”
“Gee Harry, i’m just so happy to be going out to lunch with you and your girlfriend!” You put on the biggest grin as your sarcasm practically dripped from your tongue.
“Stop being a spoilt little shit and finish those dishes. We’re leaving in 20.” Harry spoke harshly, before leaving the room with a heavy strop to his step. It left you to blink back the tears that you couldn’t help that Natalia was ruining your whole relationship with your brother.
You and Harry used to be so tight nit, now it would be a miracle if he spent a day with you per month. Natalia had come along 5 months ago and she had completely turned Harry’s life around for the worst, only Harry was too ignorant to see that. Anne had come home multiple times to find you crying because Harry had cancelled on you, again, or Natalia had said something that had really hurt. Normally you were okay with taking hate, but Natalia made it somehow worse than that. Even if Anne or Gemma tried to talk Harry about the damage all this was causing you it would always be the same response;
“She just wants attention.”
The restaurant was very pretty.
It was one that you and Harry used to go to all the time, when there was no girlfriend around. It sold the best pastries and life-changing eggs on toast. The food was always delicious and the staff were so completely lovely. You were glad to be coming here, making you feel more comfortable than you would if you went to a expensive fancy restaurant instead. This little restaurant, named ‘Lemon Puffs’ after their infamous lemon, cream and pastry puffs, made you feel safe and happy.
“Remember to just be nice.” Harry spoke as you both approached the table that Natalia was already sat at. She was too busy on her phone to realise you were even here.
“If she plays nice then yeah.” You bit back.
“Y/N just stop being petty, y’pissing me off now.” Harry argued. “Whine like a bitch later. I don’t need it today.”
You stopped talking after that, not having anything else to say to him. He’d made it very clear that you were only here because he didn’t trust you at home by yourself, but by the same token wanted you quiet because he didn’t trust you enough to speak nicely. Harry hugged and kissed Natalia like he hadn’t just seen her last night and then sat down opposite to her, leaving you to sit next to Harry because you sure as hell weren’t sitting next to her. Natalia didn’t even make the effort to hug you or shake hands, in fact you barely got a simple hello.
“You alright, baby?” Natalia asked, twirling her hand into Harry’s from across the table. Disgusting.
“Yeah i’m good. This one’s a pain in my arse, as always.” Even with his joking tone, you knew he was being somewhat serious and that really messed with you.
“Typical.” Natalia rolled her eyes and tutted her tongue, not hesitating to use the opportunity to be mean to you. Harry thought she was merely playing along with his words, but you new otherwise.
“You know what you want yet?” Harry asked as he pulled his own attention towards the menu. You didn’t need to look at the menu, as being here so many times has allowed you to discover the perfect order.
“I think i’m just going to get the salad, but without the chicken, cheese or cucumber.” She answered, sipping on the water she must’ve already ordered whilst waiting for you both.
“So just lettuce?” You asked, not meaning for it to be a condescending question and yet she took it that way anyways.
“Is there something wrong with that, Y/N?” She asked, being really harsh in the way she spoke your name - as if the syllables actually caused her pain to speak.
“N-no I was just—”
“Didn’t think so.” She snapped and turned away from you to look back towards Harry, with her shit-eating grin that didn’t fool you. Harry kicked you leg under the table too, not appreciating the way you were speaking to Natalia. He didn’t even think about the way his girlfriend was speaking to you though. As usual.
“I’ll probably get the salad too.” Harry nodded his head and you shook your head as he spoke. Harry would never normally get a salad. Like, that’s so Kardashian of him. Harry, whenever he came here with you, always ordered a cheese and pickle panini, with extra crunchy pickles, a portion of chips and some halloumi fries too. Oh and then a cake for pudding. He wouldn’t have gone for a boring salad. Fucking Natalia was ruining him and you hated to have a front row seat of it.
“Not the usual then?” You tried to joke with him, but he was clearly still pissed off with you for being… you.
“Why, are you?” He asked quizzically.
“Obviously.” You smiled, which made Harry smile for a split second before Natalia pulled him away from you. Your smile disappeared and a frown settled in, knowing it would stay there for a long time.
“Babe, I am here too you know?” Natalia joked, bur you could see the anger and jealousy behind her eyes. If looked could kill you’d be ten feet under, twenty times over by now.
“Sorry, yeah.” Harry cleared his throat and paid closer attention to her.
Lunch went by slowly.
Natalia scoffed when she heard your order; poached eggs on toast with three pieces of crispy bacon on the side, a portion of chips and a mint iced tea. Oh and a cake for pudding, but you’d come to that later. Natalia ate her lettuce as Harry eat his salad as you ate your eggs on toast with bacon and chips. You loved the food, hated the company and couldn’t make up your mind whether you loved or hated being here. Natalia and Harry talked throughout lunch, leaving you out of all their conversations. The only time Harry spoke to you was when he asked whether your food was okay, eyeing it up as if he wanted to make love to it and send his salad to the nearest dumpster.
“Was everything alright for you?” Paul, the owner of the business and dude in charge of the eggs asked you when all your plates were empty as Harry’s growling stomach.
“Lovely, thank you.” Harry responded gratefully.
“Perfect.” You smiled as you handed your dirty plate to Paul.
“It was a bit plain.” Natalia moved her plate away from her in disgust and Paul put on his best customer smile, apologising for that before leaving to go and ring up the bill.
“Okay i’m just going to go for a quick wee before I pay.” Harry announced, getting up from the table to go to the loo.
“Okay babe. Don’t be too long.” She called out and then it was left just you and her.
“Well this was nice.” You tried to be nice, as Harry told you to, and start a meant conversation with your arch enemy. Kill ‘em with kindness - that was Harry’s slogan wasn’t it?
“If you hadn’t have been here then yeah.” She turned her nose up at you.
“Look,” you began, wanting her to understand something, “whatever i’ve done to upset you and make you hate me, i’m sorry. Just, I don’t want you to dislike me and I know that Harry really likes you so I want us to be able to get along.”
“Listen, Y/N,” there it was again - your name spoken with dripping venom, “I don’t want to get along with you. You make me sick. You are such a baby to Harry and you’re needy, which means I don’t get to spend time with my boyfriend—”
“Don’t get to spend time with him?” You had to laugh at that. Apart from today, you’d seen Harry maybe a total of 2 hours this whole week and it was Saturday. “You’re practically attached at the hip.”
“Not enough. Harry needs to keep away from you, you only bring him trouble.”
“I’m his fucking sister.” You shouted quietly, not wanting to disturb the peace for the rest of the customers.
“Not an excuse. Look Y/N, I understand that you are quite lonely and don’t have many friends? Maybe you should consider that’s for a very good reason?” She rhetorically asked you and that made you sit back a bit. She was pulling apart your insecurities now and exposing them to find the most painful parts, so she could watch you suffer with only the curse of her words.
“It’s not like that.” You tried to convince yourself more than her, tears in your eyes over something so hurtful to you.
“No? ‘Cause I think that you aren’t the kind of person anyone wants around, including Harry.” She stood up dusted herself off as he noticed Harry walk back over to the table, smiling as if she hadn’t just shot his sister in the heart.
Her words stung more than a scorpions tale, and yes unfortunately you knew what that felt like. Natalia was right. You were alone, friendless and just trouble. There was a reason that you were all of this and Natalia had hit the nail right on the head with the reason why. You thought of your friends, his they always disappeared and left you and now you sit in the canteen alone or hang out only with yourself on the weekends. You think to Gemma and Anne going away for the weekend, not inviting you because it was age restrictive but you still couldn’t help but think there was a more pressing reason than that. Then you think of Harry and how he was fed up of you. He couldn’t be more resentful of you if he tried. You wanted to be a good friend, a good daughter and most importantly a good sister, but it was so blindingly obvious that you weren’t. You were never going to be.
You stood up from the table too, quickly wiping away a tear from your face before anyone could notice but you didn’t care to see if anyone was actually watching. Harry kissed Natalia and then walked over to the cashier to pay the bill. You noticed Paul and Harry talking and so you walked out of the restaurant and towards the car, still tears in your eyes. You needed to be strong for yourself though, especially because nobody else was going to be.
You stood with you handle to the door of the car waited for Harry to come and unlock it. You heard high heels before the car was unlocked, unfortunately.
“Excuse me, but I ride front.” Natalia spat at you, removing your hand from the door and chivvying you to the back of the car instead.
“You’re coming with us?” You asked, your heart aching that little bit more. You didn’t want to spend another minute in her presence and yet she would now probably spend the rest of the week until your mum and sister came back.
“No she’s not.” Harry walked out of the restaurant and over to the car, standing in between the both of you but a little more towards you.
“Babe? What do you mean?” Natalia asked, a little bit shocked at his tone with her.
“Firstly dont babe me. Secondly, get your hand off my car. Thirdly, don’t ever come near me or my sister ever again.” Harry ordered angrily. You’d never seen him this angry before. You stood behind him, afraid of what was about to go down.
“What has she said to you, because—”
“She’s my sister and she’s got a name. Y/N didn’t tell me anything. Lemon Puffs, however, has eyes and ears everywhere and it’s amazing the stories you hear when you’re stood at the cashier or next to someone at the urinals.” Harry accused Natalia and she went hot red in the face, embarrassed that this conversation was actually happening.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“No? Maybe this will jog your memory. ‘I think you aren’t the kind of person anyone wants around, including Harry.’” Harry raised his eyebrows and crossed his arms over his chest confrontationally. Guarding and protecting you. You felt safe.
“Wha— You think I would say that?” Natalia asked, pretending to be offended by the accusation.
“I don’t know, let’s ask Y/N shall we? Y/N, did Natalia say that to you?” Harry asked, turning to look at you with hope in his eyes, but also sorriness for everything that’s happened. You could see it all behind his eyes and you wanted to squeeze him tight to accept his apology, because you loved him and you needed him.
“Y-yes.” You answered, looking down so you didn’t have to make eye contact with Natalia.
“Harry you can’t possibly believe her.” Natalia laughed, but there was heavy insecurity in her tone.
“I trust her more than anyone. More than you. I trust Y/N with my life.” Harry back answered, taking no more bullshit from his ex-girlfriend. “We’re done Natalia. Okay? I don’t want to see you ever again. What you’ve said and done to my sister is unforgivable and I don’t want someone like you in my life.”
“You were a dick too.” You added quietly behind him and he just turned round to smile and wink at you.
“So what? That’s it?” Natalia asked, dumbfounded.
“Bye Natalia.” Harry walked around to the drivers seat and you to the passenger side. He stopped before opening the door though, wanting to say one last thing. “The bill was split in half by the way. Paul’s just inside waiting for you to pay.”
With that, you both got in the car, laughing at Natalia’s reaction and just everything. Apologises were made and promises of no relationships until you two had built back up yours were sworn. It would take time, but Harry was willing to prove that he was a good brother and you were always going to be someone he wanted around.
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dreamwritesimagines · 3 years
Burn The Witch 23 - Haunted Heart [Bucky Barnes x Reader]
A.N: Thank you so much for your wonderful support and feedback my loves ! ❤ Here’s the next chapter, I hope you like it as well and please let me know what you think! ❤ Thank you! ❤❤❤
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Female Reader
Warnings: Enemies to lovers, lovers to enemies, fake dating, mentions of blood, sex, violence, death, manipulation, language, guns, knives.
Summary: Coming home can cause issues.
Series Masterlist
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                          SIX MONTHS LATER
You flipped the knife in your hand as the guy tied to the chair glared at you.
“You know,” you trailed off, “I’ve had a really shitty couple of months, Johnny- can I call you Johnny?”
“Rude,” you commented, “Fine. John. I’ve had a really shitty couple of months so you really don’t want to try me right now. Just tell me where I can find your boss.”
“You’ll never find him you stupid bitch.”
You rolled your eyes.
“Since I’m going to kill you in a couple of minutes I feel like I can share some things with you,” you said, “My best friend says I keep everything bottled and I should talk about my feelings.”
“Go fuck yourself.”
“See, that’s exactly how I feel!” you pointed at him, “Thank you. I mean, I feel angry at myself. I kind of fucked up with the man I love.”
“Jesus Christ, just kill me already.”
“I’m waiting for a text to do that Johnny,” you pointed out, waving your phone at him. “So, I tricked him and used him and threw him to wolves. And then Accords 2.0 didn’t pass and he has been pardoned once again, and he’s a free man now. I have a strong feeling that he’s not the ‘forgive and forget’ type of guy. You know, assassin to assassin.”
“You’re the chattiest assassin I’ve ever met.”
“Thank you, I’m trying to improve myself,” you said, “I mean what exactly should I do? I don’t even trust my agency at this point, my handler lied to me and I have been at this fucking place for six months now, hunting you down. Well, your boss but…”
“You’ll never find him.”
“We’ll see about that my friend,” you said, “So anyway, like what am I supposed to do? I lost the one guy I actually loved. How do you cope with that? Because drinking doesn’t work, sleeping with others doesn’t work…. Nothing seems to—“ you were cut off when your phone vibrated and you touched the screen to open the text message.
From: Julian
Go for it.
“Wait, no no no, I’ll talk—“
“Kind of too late,” you pointed the gun at him, “Nice to meet you Johnny.”
With that you pulled the trigger, silencer doing its job as there was no loud bang or anything. His body fell back with the impact, and you heaved a sigh.
“Maybe I need a therapist I can’t kill,” you mumbled and walked out of the warehouse to approach the car before opening the door to the passenger seat to get in.
“Is it done?” Julian asked and you nodded, rubbing at your eyes.
“Are you hungry?”
You made a face, “Just because the General sent you here does not mean we’re going to become buddies.”
“I’m not trying to become buddies with you,” Julian stated, “I just want to eat fries and there’s a two for one deal.”
You eyed him up and down.
“Fine, I could eat fries.” You leaned back in the seat as he started driving, keeping your eyes on the road. Soon enough, you reached the city center and Julian got fries from a food truck, then sat across from you.
“So,” he said, “You do realize this whole thing would’ve been over by now if we actually worked together?”
“I’m not going on the field with you.”
“The General sent me here to help you.”
You dipped the fry into sauce, then popped it into your mouth, “You can help me by pretending you’re not here.”
“You know what they say Julian. Fool me once…”
“Don’t tell me you’re still holding that grudge.”
“You mean when you left me behind to die on the last mission we were together?” you asked back, “That grudge?”
“I told you—“
“I’m not going to talk about that with you,” you cut him off, “And I work better alone. Who told you we could waste the guy by the way?”
“The General.”
You grabbed the salt shaker to pour some salt on the fries, causing Julian to make a face.
“Are you kidding me? That was salty enough-“
“Why did he not text me?”
“No idea. Maybe he’s avoiding you because he promised you handler and here you are. Field spy.”
Your jaw clenched.
Or maybe he’s avoiding me because he fucking lied to me.
You had to give it to him, it was the perfect plan. The moment he had suspected you were getting too close to Bucky, he had come up with the one thing he knew that would make you switch sides.
And that-
That was below the belt yes, but that was also masterly.
But at the end of the day, you barely had two people to trust in the entire world, and you seriously doubted you could ever forgive the General for what he had done. You knew he held duty above all, above family and surely above you, but that didn’t mean it didn’t hurt.
You shook your head at yourself and grabbed another piece of fry.
“So um…” Julian shifted his weight, “Are you okay?”
You shot him a glare, arching a brow, “Peachy.”
“No I mean… About Barnes.”
“What are you talking about?”
“This whole Accords 2.0 failure, there’s no way we could go after him again.”
“I don’t want to go after him again.”
“You don’t want revenge?”
That made you straighten up your back and you put the fry down, “And why exactly would I want revenge?”
That made Julian fall silent and you nibbled on your lip.
“What exactly did the General tell you before you came here?”
“That there was a job here.”
“Bullshit,” you replied way too quickly, “Did he send you here to be my babysitter? He thinks I’ll go after Barnes myself is that it? That’s why they sent you here months after I left the country but right after Accords 2.0 didn’t pass.”
Julian licked his lips.
“Listen, the agency wants to keep you safe—“ he started but then his phone beeped. He grabbed it to take aa look at the screen, then cussed under his breath.
“Check your texts.”
You touched the screen and frowned as your eyes skimmed the text.
From: General
Time to come home.
“Well,” you muttered, your heart dropping to your stomach, “Shit.”
Coming back home was harder than ever now. After catching up with Keith and Chloe, you were taken to your new apartment that was given to you by the agency as usual, and for the whole night you couldn’t sleep.
Even if there was no trace of Bucky in your new apartment –in your new life, you still couldn’t shake off this feeling. It was as if the moment you had entered the country, Bucky had entered your life in an instant.
Odds were, you wouldn’t really see him again. After all it was a big city, and Bucky wasn’t exactly the social type.
So your first week back in New York wasn’t exactly terrible. You were still waiting for your orders while getting to know to the city slowly, because after long missions it always took time for you to remember you had a real life there, real memories—
Well, as real as it could be, for a spy.
“Just see it as a vacation,” Chloe had said, “They threw you into another mission as soon as you got out of the country, it’s just a delayed vacation.”
As far as vacations went though, this one just sucked.
Maybe it was because you couldn’t keep away from places you and Bucky had been too, like this coffee place where you had first officially met.
You sipped your coffee, scrolling down on the news website as your eyes skimmed yet another article about Accords and whether you could trust superheroes or not, but you were soon distracted when someone pulled the seat across from you, making you look up from your phone.
And as soon as you did, your heart dropped.
You had to give it to the General, he was manipulative, he was a liar and he had betrayed your trust terribly but the one thing he had done right was training you well. Aside from that one second, you managed to adapt a look of nonchalance on your face, slowly putting your phone down.
“Hello Cap.”
Sam raised his brows and eyed you up and down.
“You’re back?”
You could swear he could hear your heartbeat and you shrugged your shoulders, looking around.
“Yeah,” you said, “Big apple and everything.”
“So much for the small town girl.”
“I have never been a small town girl,” you drawled, “Never been to Oregon either.”
“Yeah, I can tell.”
You turned your coffee cup on the table just so you could do something with your hands.
“Why?” he asked after a beat and you shifted your weight despite your whole training of feeling calm and collected, nervousness hitting you out of nowhere.
“You’re a veteran, Wilson,” you managed to say, “You don’t need me to tell you how the chain of command works. Army doesn’t care how we feel about orders.”
“I’m very familiar with how chain of command works,” he pointed out, “But you’re not a soldier, Y/N. You’re a spy.”
“That makes it even worse,” you stated, “I know it sounds like an excuse, but… you don’t know how my agency works. I don’t get to say no to orders, and I sure as hell don’t get to blow my own cover.”
“But you wanted to, didn’t you?”
Jesus Christ, Wilson was really good at this observation thing.
“Doesn’t matter what I want,” you said, “I’m no use to anyone if I develop a conscience.”
“But you did,” he insisted, “Why else would you come to help us? Why else would you warn him beforehand?”
“He told you about that?”
He shot you a look, “What do you think, Y/N?”
You scoffed a laughter. “I was feeling generous,” you said, “No other reason.”
He kept his gaze on you for a couple of seconds, as if trying to see whether you would cave before he took a deep breath.
“You know he was going to propose, right?”
That was just too much. You could feel your jaw hanging as you stared at him in complete silence, his words echoing in your ears.
“No,” you said after a moment, then shook your head fervently, your nose in the air, “No you’re wrong.”
“I’m not,” Sam said, “Apparently he was looking for this… house painted in white with—a red door or something.”
Don’t cry.
Do not fucking cry.
Spies don’t cry over heartbreak.
You clenched your jaw and blinked back the tears, straightening your back.
“It’s a good thing he didn’t get to, then.”
“Y/N, he loved you.”
“No Sam, he loved someone who doesn’t exist,” you replied, “Sweet small town girl with sundresses and smiles and some house in the suburbs with kids and all that shit. Girls like me don’t get that ending, I have way too much blood on my hands.”
He pressed his lips together and you cleared your throat.
“How much does he hate me?”
“Why do you think he hates you?”
“Assassins aren’t good at forgiving,” you said, “I would know, we don’t have that talent.”
“That’s not a talent, that’s a choice.”
“It really isn’t,” you muttered, “So?”
“Why don’t you ask him?”
You let out a bitter laugh, “Yeah no. Actions have consequences and I’d rather not cross paths with the deadliest assassin in the world after double crossing him.”
“But you want him to forgive you.”
“What makes you say that?”
“Intuition,” he said and pushed his chair back to stand up.
“He didn’t kill your father, Y/N.”
You heaved a sigh.
“I know,” you said, “Trust me, I would’ve walked away so much easier if he had.”
“Enjoy your coffee,” he said and walked out of the coffee house. You threw your head back, closing your eyes.
“Yep. I shouldn’t have come back.”
“I never thought I’d say this, but I kind of hate that we’re not living so close anymore,” you pressed the phone between your shoulder and your ear and opened the door to your apartment as Keith chuckled.
“I knew you’d miss me.”
“Shut up.”
“You’re a softie deep inside. Very very deep inside.”
“If you repeat that in front of anyone I swear to God…” you muttered and he groaned.
“Have I told you they’re putting me in the same team as Julian?”
“You guys have a new mission?”
“Not a long one probably.”
“Why the fuck am I—“
“Because you’re on a vacation,” he cut you off, “And also they’re probably going to make you a handler, that’s worth waiting for.”
“That or….”
“We’re not talking about that on the phone,” Keith said quickly, “Amateur.”
“Careful there, I’ll outrank you soon enough,” you said, walking to the bathroom to wash your hands. “I’ll talk to you later, okay?”
“Alright, see you later!” he said and hung up. You put your phone into your pocket, then washed your hands and made your way to the kitchen.
It was only when you put the wine bottle back into the fridge that you noticed something was off. Your body moved on its own accord, before you knew it you had already grabbed the knife in your boots and threw it to the figure in the dark corner of the room but he easily caught it, metal hitting what sounded like another kind of metal before he stepped out of the corner. Your breath caught in your throat, and for the first time in your life you froze, all the training leaving your mind.
You were supposed to be looking for a weapon, any kind of weapon but somehow, your body refused to move.
Bucky turned your knife in his hands, his gaze pinning you to your spot before he tilted his head.
“Hi honey,” he said, his voice way too cold. “I’m home.”
Chapter 24
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dabideserveslove · 2 years
I'm having a bad chronic pain flare up so here's my ideas of the types of chronic pain some of the MHA characters might have at some point... Well... Dabi, Shigaraki, and Bakugou because I've 'assigned' them with my three most prevalent chronic pain issues (phantom nerve pain/nerve pain in general, arthritis, and carpal tunnel).
We'll start with Dabi because, of course we will.
Now, I know that canonically he doesn't feel pain on the areas of skin that are already burnt. But I'd think that there may be some days where he gets some bad phantom pain - sometimes because of some sort of triggering event and sometimes just because. And he does not want to be touched at all by anyone during those times and will react rather violently if someone does touch him. Also he's still gaining burns from overusing his quirk which, at least during the beginning stages before the nerves are completely fried, has to hurt and probably is a trigger for the psychosomatic phantom pain.
I'm actually not even gonna talk about the scratching because I feel like that's more of an anxiety response and while, yes, I'm sure it hurts a bit sometimes but I wouldn't label it as chronic pain (and if you feel differently that's 100% okay - I'm not trying to crush anyone else's opinions/headcanons, I'm just sharing my own and we can definitely have different opinions on this).
Anyway, what I think he might struggle with more, is arthritis. Due to his quirk and the multitude of injuries he's had among many other factors. And he adjusts and learns how to manage the growing pain but that doesn't mean it doesn't hurt and he can often be found taking cold baths to help with the inflammation.
Carpal tunnel. Both wrists but more prominent on his dominant hand.
(also this is the one that has been the cause of the worst and most frustrating chronic pain I've been dealing with lately as it's gotten much worse very quickly recently so... yeah.)
He notices it first as a dull ache that starts at the middle of his forearm and goes up into a few of his fingers. Then he realizes that his whole hand will be numb when he wakes up despite the fact that he hadn't even been laying on that side.
And then the real nerve pain starts in the middle of a battle after he sets off a large blast and sharp pain - as if he'd been skewered through his three middle fingers all the way down to the middle of his forearm - shoots through his hand. It's left feeling all tingly and weak and sharp sparks of pain continue to shoot through it when he moves his wrist a certain way or grips something too hard or uses that hand to explode something.
As much as he tries to hide it because, y'know, he's Bakugou, and just handle it on his own with built in braces in his Hero costume and whatnot he does end up needing to have surgery. It's when it starts affecting every day life to a certain extent - dropping coffee cups, being unable to write for more than a couple minutes, having to wear wrist braces all the time, even when asleep - and he just can't do it anymore.
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kkusuka · 4 years
We all know how looks can be deceiving right? I’d love to request head cannons of Kuroo, Bokuto, Iwaizumi, Konoha, Terushima, and Atsumu with a gf that’s gifted with that super-soaker, wet-wet pussy, a pro at riding that dick, and has the gwak gwak thotty throat slobber 9000 but she is so shy, cute, and innocent at first glance. She looks like the soft-spoken librarian but when they get down and dirty, she puts her body to work and these bois just don’t know how to act from how amazing she is. Let’s say they teased her too much, so she revoked their sex privileges for a few days (not knowing how addicted these guys are on her body). Desperate bois are best bois 😈
i’m shell shocked anon, you’ve blown my mind
Cw: hair pulling, super WAP, kinda fem dom but not really, severe pussy-whipped men  
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firstly, he thought you were the innocent type up until you sucked him off for the first time
Honestly, he thought you were a total virgin prude
It wasn't really his fault, you two had met as lab partners for an AP chemistry class
You know, a class full of nerds and people he just assumed would get a job and married when they were thirty
Looking back he should have caught on after seeing you unconsciously jerking of a test tube
But, contrary to popular belief, kuroo is not the social cue master
After a few months of dating, you guys were just a horny time-bomb
Ahh~ the first blow-job, one for the books
He should have known it was going to be good just from the way you were unzipping his jeans, was it normal to almost cum just for your girlfriend palming you?
When you did get his dick out and had it all the way down your throat within the minute, he really did think you were a godsend
He didn't even know what you were doing with his balls, but whatever it was it was working
You didn’t gag or cough, even when he grabbed that back of your head and practically face-fucking you
(the real kicker was when you licked your lips after he came  and gave him that small fucking smirk, mans was done for and he knew it)
Even with all that, nothing, and I mean nothing compares to the first time you guys went at it
when I say that you guy made out for five minutes when he went under your panties and felt the pacific ocean in your panties
He was about to propose right there (and about to cum in his pants for the thousandth time)
He didn't need to but he still rubbed a few circles around your clit, but apparently, you were ready enough
Considering you grabbed his dick and fully sunk onto him in one motion
Poor baby didn't know what hit him
You had to have done this before, and if he hadn't met you in class he would have been sure you slept around and learned everything in the book
You would clench every time your sims met and- AND THAT THINGS WITH HIS BALLS AGAIN
His mind was bungled, especially after you had both come and you fell onto his chest going back to the shy and sweet version he knew you as.
What the hell was that????
Was he fucking you or were you fucking him?? Because at this point he didn't even care
After that experience, you fucked like bunnies, all the time, even in school more than a few times.  
And we all know kuroo can't shut his mouth
And he always teases you about how cute and mouse like you are outside the bedroom and how it's like he’s dating two different girls
....that hit a nerve...
Two different girls??? Well he’ll just have to endure one girl until he realizes what a blessing you are
5 days, 120 hours, 7,200 minutes, and 432,000 seconds, that's how long he lasted
He was going insane, and so he explained that he didn't mean it in a bad way and that he loved how you acted
Forgiving him you rewarded the poor cat boy, 5 rounds for five days
(he didn't want to admit it but he’s pretty sure his dick would have fallen off if you didn't relent when you did)
(he just didn't want to admit that he was pussy-whipped)
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You actually had met at a library
One of his teachers wanted him to get a bit of extra tutoring and volunteered you for the job.
You had hit it off great! Personality-wise
(you’ll never tell him but it was frustrating that he clearly didn't understand anything you were telling him)
And you were so sweet and cute, and such a good teacher
He would know that if he wasn't too busy just staring at you and thinking about you and thinking about what you like and what you wear outside of school
(or how good your lips look, or how your thighs look so soft, or that when you get up he can see under your skirt.)
Your guy’s first time was an experience
(bokuto is the cunny easting master, don't call me out)
More cunny juice = more food for owl man
He was excited, somewhere in his mind he knew that it was gonna get better from then on
He wasn't wrong either, although he didn't let your mouth near his dick just yet, he knew that would be good considering the ‘art’ you've created on his neck
The true fuckary started with him on top, but the second he was in you he...froze
Poor baby was shell shocked, you felt better than he had thought, and he just slumped over, you thought he came but he wasn’t ready for it to end so soon
He just sat there for a few minutes, fucked out, before you just decided to flip you both over
That was more his speed at the moment
So he grabbed onto your hips for dear life and you got working
Within two minutes the two of you had created a pool of juices on his bed (bokuto had a lot of precum ok), not that he really cared
You were not competing with anyone but he already had you 2 to 0
(point 1 for the meal and point 2 for being an Olympic dick-rider)
I am also a firm believer that bokuto thrusts up, he just can't help it
You are too addictive, or the way you ground onto him in between every bounce was addictive
I also don't believe that you could even truly deny bokuto sex, he was good at guilt-tripping and he was soooooo adorable
(not to mention the puppy dog eyes  he does that could convince good to do his will)
So I’m sure the only way he wouldn't get sex would be no nut November.
(aka the devil's month of torture, actually not month, week give or take)
This year it just happens that he set a new record, 8 days
He went a whole 8 days without trying for sex
Truly he went about 10 days before he stopped begging and just took matters into his own hands
(under enough pressure Bokuto become a hard dom and no one can say otherwise)
The entire time he was telling you how pretty you were and how well your pussy takes him and that you had no ‘right’ to tell him he couldn’t have sex
He even gained a new phrase “this pussy belongs to me”
You were going to have to set some things straight once he was done ;)
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You were on the student council, it felt sacrilegious to think anything but pure thoughts about anyone on the council
(that didn't really stop him)
honestly, from the moment his crush festered he wanted to ruin your little innocent vibe  
You always smiled so sweetly at everyone, and just seemed like a true goody two shoes.
And that point seemed to have been correct when you began to date
Until! The fateful day where his perceived innocent girlfriend pulled a full 180 on him!
Firstly, you had offered, out of the blue, to suck him off in the middle of the movie you were watching.
Second, he asked if you knew how, and you giggled at him with that smile he loved so much
Thirdly, when you did get his dick out, you swirled some of the pre-cum on his tip with your thumb, he started getting a bit suspicious
Lastly, you completely swallowed him down, face pressing on his hip, cheeks hollowed.
That’s when he realized that you did know what you were doing
(that also arouse the thought that you had been with someone else, which was counteracted with the fact that you knew how to suck dick by practicing on hair brushed and popsicles)
((it also helped that you barely had a gag reflex))
Truly trying to put that to the test, dom iwa came right out, grabbing your hair and telling you  to suck harder
And you impressed the man, to say the least
After that he had to fuck you, he really just had too
For the first time, he went with a solid missionary, just to test that waters
He didn’t think anyone's pussy should feel like that, but since you were his it was ok
All was well he was lost in the feeling of your pussy and the deciding moment was when you pulled him against you and started to grind your body onto his
You were putting a whole lot of body into it too, and you were so soft, and unless he wanted to cum early something was going to have to change
So he flipped and changed to doggy style, which made thighs worse???
From there you got tighter and he could see all of the wetness drips from your fold onto the sheets
Yup, you were the one for him
(solidified when he pulled your hair and you moaned like a street whore)
As for the no sex thing, that was a ride
It started when Makki asked you if you were always dripping for iwa
And after a week of no sex, he confessed to letting them on his phone and  watching a recording of one of your nightly escapades and he was sorry
(and he just wanted to show them what they were missing, y’know brag a bit)
That was, and he says the only time, he let you try to dom him
You truly were the most amazing woman in the world
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( i made him kind of an ass lol sorry)
You wee the girl who sat next to him in class
(not to be mean, but he thought you were a nerd)
You always had your uniform covering everything and you were always playing with your short sleeves
You raised your hand a lot in class, always had a pencil to borrow
He just assumed that you had cobwebs in your pussy
Proven wrong at one of the volleyball teams parties, you had apparently been dragged there by a friend (surprising)
And you both were dragged onto some weird spin the bottle game
The bottle would spring and someone would draw an action from this jar and the two people would have to do it in a bedroom in the house
Seeing as that’’s how fate goes you and him were chosen
A blow-job card was chosen
And he laughed with a friend about how you wouldn’t know what to do
Mistake, that struck a real nerve, was this guy for real?
Oh hell no
Being the baddie you were, you walked to him, grabbed him by the arm, and locked lips, breaking away after a moment you asked if he was ready to go.
Poor boy didn't even respond, he just nodded and stood up
Two minutes in, he knew what he had done
You were blowing him like it would be your last time, it should be illegal to be able to suck someone off that well
And damn you pulled away right before he was going to cum.
And then just left him! Walked out of the closet like nothing had ever happened
That couldn’t be it, he wouldn't let that be it
After two weeks of non-stop begging from the guy you agreed to a date, which led to many dates
Which led to him finally being able to fuck you
God damn, he didn't think it would get better, and it did, it really did.  
You were laying on top of him and grinding your entire body onto him
Dripping all over him and squeezing him like crazy
He was never going to let you go
Now, that same friend from that party seemed very intrigued with your relationship
And he just can't help but tell him about how amazing you were, it just sucks that he did it right in front of you in the middle of lunch
Pussy pass revoked
He didn't think he did anything wrong so he went two whole weeks without any touch and he went crazy
He fell apart and apologized
After he begged enough you gave him the pussy pass back
And now he doesn't do anything to jeopardize it
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this is gonna sound weird
I feel like terushima knows when someone is a good lay
It's like a secret talent of his, he just knows and his radar went off when he saw you
But he thought it was wrong at first considering you were wearing leggings and a huge sweater
Not good fuck material  
But he had to make sure, so he just walked up to you and asked if you were a good fuck
Surprisingly you didn’t punch him in the nuts, instead, you laughed at him and said that he would just have to find out
And that he should at least take you out to dinner first
Adm he took you up it, made it the best damn dinner date he’d ever be on
And you reward him
With what?
The best damn blow-job he’d ever get as long as he lived.
And it fit that to the T
It started with the little licks and swirls, then, you gotta catch the man off guard, and just take his entire dick in your throat
And with that, he was sure he had superpowers
When He came, fairly quick for his taste, you swallowed all of his cum and he was ready to marry you
If he needed to take you on a date for that, he would take you on a date every day for the rest of his life
(not every day) but that's what he did
But eventually, just a blowjob wasn't enough, oh no he knew you had a tight hole
And he knew you were gushing most of the time (ushy gushy my pussy-)
If making him suck the fingers you used to fuck yourself after he came was anything
And you tasted good, really good
He was so ready for it that he let you ride him the whole night
He thought his dick was a]going to fall off, you were just that damn good
It was insane, you were almost using him as a dildo, grinding your clit on the base of his cock
And you looked glorious, he was going to have to talk to you about recording it so he could watch it over and over
Maybe show a few people-
And that's what he did, poor unfortunate soul got the silent treatment for two days before he fell apart
He literally got on his knees and asked for forgiveness
(biggest simp on the planet, but only for you (and your dripping cunt))
He’s sure to never do it again, he’s also sure that if you asked him to step on him he would let you
(and I think he’s the most pussy-whipped)
Ok maybe you didn't fully forgive him until he showed you what his tongue piercing could do, but it was worth every moment.
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Honestly, he was dared to sleep with the next girl who walked through the cafeteria door
And that just happens to bring you, miss. I remind the teacher there was homework
(Well he actually wasn’t really sure about that but that's what you looked like and he was already regretting his decision.)
In defense of him, your hair was in a messy bun and you had this teacher's pet aura around you
But he would be damned if he lost this bet to his brother and Suna, oh no
The moment he wa[lked up to your table you knew what was happening, and shut it down immediately
After that, you officially had his attention!
Lucky you!
Unlucky you for the fact that all he wanted to do was get in your pants.
But lucky you again because you could hold this over his head!
But one day you just woke up and chose dick (respectable)
So when atsumu did his daily “c'mon baby, you know you want some” you just stood up, scaring him
(he finally thought you were gonna kill him)
Instead, you grabbed him by the dick, literally grabbed his dick through his pants, and tugged him all the way to the roof
“Hey-hey baby, no need to be that rough”
“Shut up, Miya. pants down, now”
That was not where he thought that was going but he isn't going to complain.
“You want your dick wet so bad? Here you go!”
Honestly, he could die happy.
Not so sound gross, but you were slobbering around his cock like a pro. Now that left the thought, you had to have done this before.
You had hands on the back of his thighs pushing him further down your throat, hollowed cheeks, damn he should’ve done this was sooner
He was gonna cum-
And your mouth was gone, your hand was jerking him but that wasn't nearly as nice
“Lay back.”
Yes, yes he will do that. If what’s about to happen is what he thinks is about to happen  
And now your pussy was above his face. Ok a little detour but he’ll take it
You were literally dripping onto his face while he got to work, and you went back to sucking him off
Yup, heaven.
After you both came he made sure to tell you that that had to happen again.
And it did, you rode him to hell in the hole to heaven, and he couldn't help himself from telling the entire volleyball team about how good you were
Now he really didn't think about what would happen if the news got back to you
But he definitely didn't think that meant a whole week of nothing
Well nothing for him, you made sure to send him more than a few videos of rigid dildos and fingering yourself
A week of torture, but when it was finally over he had an entirely new folder of spanking material
he was sure about who he told about your escapades, as in he told himself and Osamu if he just wanted to vent
poor guy was paranoid now
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slasherboyos · 3 years
Different World | Chapter Nine
Word count: 3300+ (adsgf there is a reason for why I split chapter eight)
Date posted: August 6, 2021
Warning: Cursing
“Different World” masterlist: Link
Fanfic Playlist: Link
Previous chapter | Next chapter
Note: A nice chapter, but an important one! Also, there is some dialogue that seems incorrect, but it’s like that for a reason; just giving a heads up just in case! As always, feedback is appreciated!
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Marko’s boots stomped down the dirt steps that led into the hotel. The plastic utensils in the Coca-Cola box of Chinese takeout were heard clashing with each other when he jumped down that final ledge.
“Feeding time,” He loudly called, announcing his return with dinner. “Come and get it!” You grumbled as you sat up; you were this close to falling asleep during this small pocket of calm, but, of course, proper sleep continued to elude you. That Walkman you have been thinking about buying was starting to become all the more enticing. In your tired state, you stayed put at the far left side of the couch as Marko distributed the food with a pair of chopsticks in his mouth. Dwayne sat on the other side with Laddie sitting between you two. You put your elbow on the armrest, resting your chin on your palm.
“Tired of me already,” Paul jested, gesturing to the empty spot beside him where you usually sat during meal times. You rolled your eyes and lazily stuck your middle finger at him with the same hand that held your head. David placed himself in his shirt-covered wheelchair. 
“I’m not getting up,” you flippantly grumbled, leaning in further into the armrest. Your strained eyes watered as you yawned. 
“Your grace, the finest of meals,” Marko chirped. You gave Marko a sleepy amused look at his exaggerated bow and horrible attempt at a posh British accent as he handed you a carton with a pair of chopsticks. You propped yourself up and leaned comfortably against the backrest, bringing your legs up to lay on their sides. You opened the flaps, stomach tightened from hunger, mildly excited to see what he brought you. He, indeed, did know what you liked. You offered some to Star, which she declined as per usual, before you dug in, starved without the help of your usual early-evening snack.
David offered some food, a carton of rice, to Michael, which was refused at first. However, through the power of peer pressure, Michael accepted the carton and a clear, plastic fork. While you may not have approved David’s methods, you were glad to see Michael eating something. You chewed your food and swallowed it. You closed your eyes in complete bliss, finally being able to get your food intake for the night. There was a chance that Laddie may not finish all of his food, so you silently plotted to take it when he was full. It would be a pity for that delicious takeout to go to waste, after all. Plus, it would help decrease the amount of food waste amongst you. 
“How are those maggots,” David asked quickly and nonchalantly, which had a very casual tone compared to the substance of his question. The boys laughed and you groaned. You leaned back against the backrest, watching, knowing the direction that this was taking. Of course, they were not going to let Michael enjoy his first meal with them without a little bit of hazing. 
“What,” Michael inquired, not comprehending the bizarre statement he heard. 
“Maggots, Michael. You’re eating maggots. How do they taste?” Paul had no shame in continuing to chuckle. You hid your growing smile behind your hand. Given the countless times that David had pulled this trick on you, it was strange seeing him do it to someone else. 
Michael gave David an incredulous smile before looking down to come face to face with a carton of what you could assume were squirming maggots in his eyes. Almost immediately, Michael dropped the carton and spit out the rice in his mouth and the cave erupted in howling laughter. Even David was almost doubling over with how hard he was laughing. You, much to your shame, also quietly chuckled, trying to stay quiet as if you were not finding this a little entertaining. He was so unsuspecting unlike you. While you knew from the start that they were vampires—though, you did not realize their mind-based abilities at first—Michael was oblivious, so he did not catch on as quickly as you did. Well, he did not catch on at all.
Star did not find this heckling as enjoyable. 
“Leave him alone,” she begged, unhappy with the boys’ treatment of Michael, not that anyone listened to what she had to say. Michael realized that the rice was not a pile of maggots, but just plain old white rice. He looked up before looking back down at the mess, really trying to process that it was just rice. 
“Sorry ‘bout that,” David gave an empty apology and you rolled your eyes. “No hard feelings, huh?” Michael swallowed his pride and answered,
“No.” Wow, this guy really wants to get on David’s good side. Michael was, at least, tame enough to take it in stride, unlike you. While his initial reaction was worse than yours, at least he did not immediately yell out profanities. David stuck his chopsticks in his noodles. 
“Why don’t you try some noodles?” The boys started laughing again. You waited patiently to see what trick David was pulling out of his sleeve. 
“They’re worms,” Michael deadpanned and you exhaled. They had an obsession with squirmy bugs, it seemed. 
“What do you mean they’re worms?” David dug through the carton, playing dumb to Michael’s concerns. 
“You’re still doing this,” you uttered. You sighed, “the joke’s over, guys!” Michael tried to warn him to not eat the so-called worms, but David used the chopsticks to shove more noodles in his mouth. He chewed on them obnoxiously before grinning, content with how he got under Michael’s skin.
“They’re only noodles, Michael.” Michael snatched the carton and looked through it, only to find just noodles. He must have thought he was losing his mind! To your surprise, he did not ask any questions and took it all at face value. You were a little worried about how easily he was absorbing this. 
“You’re an ass, David.” He ignored your insult, which was probably in your best interest. 
“Nice worms,” Dwayne mocked amongst the snickering. You reached over Laddie and swatted Dwayne’s chest with the back of your right hand, which he hissed at, though he was not in any pain from your back-handed attack. “(Y/N) is being mean again,” he tattled on you to nobody in particular. You raised your hands, physically expressing your annoyance.
“Are you tattling on—what are you, a child?”
“That’s enough,” Star asserted, which Paul responded to with, 
“Aw, chill out, girl,” While Star had not liked this from the start, you were drawing the line here. While the prank was harmless, they did not need to be ridiculing Michael this much. 
And you were not a fan of Paul brushing Star off like that.
You picked a small pebble and aimed for him, landing on his neck. “Hey,” he whined, but you could not care less about it.
“You’re all a bunch of asswipes!” You complained, swallowing what you had been chewing. “I am so sorry, Michael.” Michael appreciated your apology, though he was still embarrassed and very confused by what just happened. “They did the same thing to me, you know. Made me think I was eating caterpillars instead of french fries. And then Paul ate the fries that I dropped.” You threw your head back to get more food in your mouth as Paul chuckled, still clearly proud of himself for getting that reaction out of you when he had picked up the soiled french fry and popped it in his mouth. “They still pull shit like this with me all the time.” 
Your gaze had drifted to Paul, who had his hand in the carton. Your warm smile—which appeared from reminiscing—dropped and your expression morphed into a disgusted one. You knew for sure that he did not wash his hands before deciding to use one as an eating utensil. With a disappointed sigh, you pinched between your eyebrows, exasperated, and expressed,
“Are you kidding—are you eating Chinese takeout with your bare hands?” He put the carton to his mouth as if he was drinking out of a cup.
“Why am I in trouble?” He spoke with a mouth full of fried rice and gestured to Dwayne, who was sitting beside you. Dwayne, now the one being put on the spot, froze, caught red-handed with his hand in his carton, and picked up some noodles. You scrunched up your nose and furrowed your brow. How you did not notice that happening right beside you was a mystery.
“Really? I expected this from Paul—”
“This is bullying!”
“—but not you!” As if to spite you, Dwayne picked up some of his noodles and shoved it into his mouth with a cheeky smile. “Marko is using a pair of chopsticks! Marko! And he’s...” You vaguely gestured to him. “Marko!”
“What’s that supposed to mean,” Marko yapped. You pointed at him accusingly. 
“You know exactly what that means.” You were alluding to how much of an instinctual person he was. You were surprised with how he did not immediately stick his hand in his food without taking off his gloves when he opened his carton. “Michael, you know what he did the first night I was here?” Michael shook his head, almost smiling at the sight of you putting them in their place. “He threw a pigeon at me. A pigeon!” Everyone, including you, laughed at the fond memory, Marko being the loudest as he caught himself by putting a hand on his knee. When David calmed down, recalling the shocked expression you had when the bird was tossed at the back of your skull, he gave you a seemingly genuine smile. Seemingly.
You intentionally tried to make him feel more comfortable with your story of the pigeon attack. There was a part of you that did not like how he was to become a vampire against his will. While you could not do anything to change that, you could at least be a friend and hold out an olive branch.
Besides Star, Michael noticed how you were showing legitimate consideration towards him while the boys were messing with him with no restraints. You, while taking part in all of this heckling, had the decency to apologize and had your limits. He was still intimidated by your presence but realized that you may not be as menacing as you may appear. In contrast to your piercing stare, your smile lit up the room and you were a fun person to be around.
Of course, he was unaware as to just how doomed to stay with this group of misfits he was. He may have to deal with this taunting for the rest of eternity.
You picked up another pebble. It hit Marko's left temple and somehow landed in his food.
“Get fucked, pigeon-thrower,” you slandered.
“Ow! Dwayne’s right, you are bein’ a bitch!” 
“Oh, you’ll get over it.” You picked up a third small rock and leaned forward to get a clearer shot. You harshly threw it onto Dwayne's bare chest. 
“What was that for,” he complained, mouth full of noodles. 
“Talkin’ shit about me.” 
“I never called you a bitch!” Okay, maybe it was fun just being a general nuisance towards them, but that was not going to be something you said out loud. To keep things even between them all, you picked up one more for David. As you aimed, he put up a finger to make you pause. 
“Do you really want to do that,” he challenged. Unluckily for him, you found entertainment in doing things out of spite. However, Unluckily for you, he caught the rock with a gloved hand and threw it back at you with force. You laughed with a mild shriek as you tried to shield yourself, but it hit your left shoulder. 
“Ow,” you exclaimed and rubbed the ambushed area of your arm.
“You’ll get over it,” he mocked, repeating what you had said to Marko. 
“You see what I have to deal with, Michael,” you joked. Paul threw the remaining fried rice in his carton at you. “Don’t throw food, dipshit! You'll get it in the cushions!”
“It’s maggots, (Y/N),” Paul teased. You took hold of a small display pillow, one that you have been sleeping with, and threw it at Paul. Too bad you missed. Paul mockingly said, 
“Try again!”
David was lost in thought before he called out to Marko and whispered something in his ear as the excitement died down, the tone of the night changing drastically as silence engulfed the cave. You could decipher what was said. Marko nodded enthusiastically, giving a quick once-over towards everyone, before leaving and coming back with an ornate wine bottle. 
Star became visibly concerned, quickly making her way to Michael’s side. Her reaction was enough for you to mirror that worry. There was no way they were going to turn him tonight, right? Getting Michael drunk to make the process easier hardly seems like the best strategy, if that was what they were doing. Plus, he did not seem like a wine guy.
David, with as much flair as he could muster, popped the cork and drank from the bottle. He opened his eyes, his gaze on Michael intense. He’s dramatic; I’ll give him that. You thought.
“Drink some of this, Michael,” David pressured, offering him the bottle. He quieted and harshly whispered, “be one of us.” You could almost see the ellipses that appeared in Michael's head. You were glad you were not the only one who found the dramatic nature David was talking with anticlimactic. Michael stood from the fountain and gingerly took the bottle from David by the neck. As Dwayne and Paul began to chant Michael’s name, Laddie stood and ran away, granting you another reason to be concerned. Marko joined in. Star moved closer to Michael; you swear that she was just about ready to jump out of her skin with how skittish she was being. 
“Michael,” David called, egging him on. 
“Yeah, sure,” Michael responded before putting it up to his mouth and taking quite a few large gulps of it. The boys cheered with David yelling, “Bravo!” Star took a step back, shielding Laddie with her left hand. You could not understand why she was so nervous, so afraid. It was just a little bit of wine! Are they seriously trying to get him drunk? Maybe you have overestimated the boys’ planning skills.
Or, this was just a part of their initiation. They could be building up to the actual turning, but all you can do for now is speculate. Hopefully, you will remember to ask one of them about it later.
“Your turn, (Y/N).” You swiftly turned your head to face David, not expecting the spotlight to turn to you.
“Me?” Why did they want you to drink from the bottle? It was not as if you were the one who was going to start walking amongst the undead as one of them; Michael was the one who was joining the clique. 
“It's like an initiation,” Paul explained. “Drink it and you're officially one of us, sugar!”
“And don’t think that you’re done, Michael,” David warned as he handed you the bottle. He made brief eye contact with you before returning to look at Michael. “(Y/N) has already gone through it all; you’ve still got to show us that you’ve got what it takes.” Michael took a glimpse at you. 
“What it takes,” Michael pressed.
“To be one of us, Michael.”
“And I have what it takes,” you asked. No one denied the statement. You were not sure what specific qualities they saw in you and what they may have considered a test of your worth, but you apparently fit the bill.
“Why else would we be having such a special dinner, (Y/N),” David stated. You chortled. It was not as if they served you a five-star meal from some fancy restaurant that only takes patrons that are dressed to the nines. Well, it was in such a fancy hotel, though collapsed, so maybe you could let it slide.
“All this is for me,” you entertained his statement. 
“It is if you drink from the bottle,” Marko answered, sitting on the armrest and leaning towards you, giving you a prying look with raised eyebrows. You let out a hefty chuckle before looking down at the bottle in your hand, swishing the liquid in a clockwise motion, feeling the weight of it as it moved. With it in your hand, you got a closer inspection.
Though tacky, it was a beautiful vessel. It was a clear, glass bottle that was covered in gold plating. Over that, red and white gems decorated it. The red drink inside of the bottle was a vibrant red, bright and alluring. It made sense that they would choose such a drink. 
Beginning with Dwayne, the boys chanted, growing louder with each one,
“One of us! One of us! One of us!” An involuntary smile grew on your face. In a way, you guess that you were one of them and a part of their social circle. You had grown to care for them and it warmed your heart that they thought the same of you. 
It was just some wine, right? In a fancy sunken hotel like this, it would make sense to find such a fancy bottle among the rubble. And it made sense that this group of vampires would have some weird initiation rituals.
You brought the bottle to your lips and took a sip; you did not drink as much as Michael did, but just enough to get a small taste. That sample was enough given how the boys cheered as you felt it go down your throat. You did a double-take, not expecting it to taste like that.
It did not taste like wine, but it was nothing like you had ever drank before. It was strong, but it was from something other than the alcohol content. It was sweet with a bit of a spicy kick to it as it went down. You made a face, still trying to decide if you liked it or not.
“What is that?” You brought the opening to your eye before taking another sip. “Wow, that does not taste like wine.” One more time, you brought the bottle to your lips before concluding that you enjoyed the flavor; they chose a good initiation drink. 
You gave the bottle back to David as you licked your lips clean. You sat comfortably with a bashful smile that you tried to hide with the side of your hand. It was as if they were happier with you drinking the wine than they were with Michael drinking it with how they cheered. They clapped to a rhythm and excitedly chanted again,
“One of us! One of us!” You brought your tongue to the roof of your mouth.
"You guys are way too excited for a little bit of wine," you dismissed, a laugh escaping you as you tried to seem unmoved. Paul hopped onto the box he was sitting on and jumped off to the other side. He raised the volume on his stereo, which was playing some rock song you vaguely recognized. 
"Now, we really celebrate," David instructed as Paul jogged back and pulled you up. 
"You're one of us now, (Y/N)," Marko cheered as he patted you hard on the back, stepping in front of you and facing you with a wide smile, which you mirrored when you recovered. He took notice of how your eyes completely softened while you smiled at him. Your expression was so real, so sincere. 
Those high walls of yours had crumbled down to mere dust, allowing them to step in with ease, which was what you were afraid of, but you could not bring yourself to care in the moment. 
You felt a hand gently stroke your upper back and you turned to see Dwayne, who was grinning boyishly down at you. As they left you, you could not deny how good you felt when they chanted your name,
"(Y/N)! (Y/N)! (Y/N)!"
➳ ➳ ➳
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sketching-shark · 3 years
Monkie kid fandom: o well macaques a morally grey character he’s got a traumatic past and Sun Wukongs so mean and evil for leaving him
Reality: Macaque is literally ment to the representative of Sun Wukongs EVIL side and having a “traumatic past” doesn’t justify literally trying to kill people who had nothing to do with it he also traumatised Mk because he can and because he’s connected to Sun Wukong. Sun Wukong choose to change his ways macaque just decided “you no what am going to kill this monk because he’s connected to somebody who left me.” I don’t understand how people try so hard to Villainise Sun Wukong when’s he’s literally ment to be one of the first ever superheroes. 
Haha oh geez that is how it often feels.
Like at this point there does seem to be something of an effort to make Sun Wukong look bad in order to absolve Macaque of a lot of wrong-doing...But as you mentioned, besides it being the case that the Six-Eared Macaque was originally made to function as a representative and/or living embodiment of Sun Wukong's anger and violent tendencies (hence why Sun Wukong's a lot less prone to sudden acts of violence after he kills the six-eared simian in JTTW), given all the murder attempts and manipulation and literal acts of kidnapping/brainwashing/mind control he's committed in the lego monkey show, personally I feel like the dude is pretty much as viciously jealous & as willing to throw people under the bus to achieve his aims as he is in Journey to the West.
Like I know that Monkie Kid diverges from JTTW in a number of ways (a big change being that Sun Wukong had beat up a lot of demons instead of smashing them into meat patties lol), but one of the things that does feel like it's being lost in translation, as it were, is that the Six Ear Macaque was a villain not just because he beat up the Tang Monk, but because he wanted to take over Sun Wukong's entire life and identity so he could have all that glory and prestige for himself. To quote the macaque himself from the Anthony C. Yu translation, "I struck the T'ang monk and I took the luggage...precisely because I want to go to the West all by myself to ask Buddha for the scriptures. When I deliver them to the Land of the East, it will be my success and no one else's. Those people of the South Jambudvipa Continent will honor me then as their patriarch and my fame will last for all posterity." And in order to do this, the Six Eared Macaque had apparently made Sun Wukong's "little ones," his monkey family, his captives through either trickery or force, and gotten a number of them to take on the appearance of Tang Sanzang and the other pilgrims. It's also made clear that in direct contrast to Sun Wukong he doesn't care about these monkeys beyond how they might serve him, given that after Sha Wujing kills the monkey posing as him the Six Eared Macaque not only all but immediately replaces him with another, but also "told his little ones to have the dead monkey skinned. Then his meat was taken to be fried and served as food along with coconut and grape wines." So this monkey is not only willing to risk the lives of a lot of other monkeys for his own benefit, but is also a literal cannibal.
In Monkie Kid (at least according to Macaque, who is an unreliable narrator at best), he had been best of friends with Sun Wukong before Sun Wukong presumably went off to live in Heaven & abandoned all of his friends on Earth. And it is true that in Journey to the West, Sun Wukong had spent over a century of earthly years in heaven just enjoying himself before he gets into trouble by ruining the Immortal Peach Banquet and heading back down to his yaoguai kingdom. So in that regard, Macaque does have justification to hate Sun Wukong for having brought heaven's army to their mountain (of course you could say that starting a war over one banquet is a bit of an overreaction but that's a conversation for another day). What this does omit, however, is that the main reason Sun Wukong went to heaven in the first place is to see if he could get all of his monkeys to live up there, that he had spent centuries fortifying Flower Fruit Mountain from any and all threats beforehand, and that he brings back a bounty of immortality-granting wine, which all the monkeys eagerly drink. And perhaps most importantly, in the following war with heaven itself all of the assembled yaoguai were behind Sun Wukong 100%. He had already done so much for them, and they had already heard about how their great king was made to serve as a stable hand in heaven, and so got some sense of how little the heavens thought of them. This isn't to say that the Six Eared Macaque doesn't have reason to be mad at Sun Wukong or that the Monkey King doesn't share a lot of the blame for the events that led to the burning of Flower Fruit Mountain, but rather to say that all the assembled yaoguai weren't dragged into this war kicking and screaming. They seem to have regarded it as much as a power struggle with great potential rewards and which they could win as much as Sun Wukong did.
But going back to this version of the Six Eared Macaque, I find him interesting because I read him not as morally grey but rather as this frightening, somewhat tragic figure who's jealously of and resentment against Sun Wukong seems to have festered and grown to the point where it's become the sole defining feature of his life; like he's just gone from wanting to literally be Sun Wukong to wanting revenge against the Monkey King, and in all his centuries of living he hasn't allowed anything else to shape his life. After 500 years of apparently not really doing anything, after Sun Wukong made a reappearance Macaque just seem to be targeting anyone and anything that he thinks will let him hurt Sun Wukong, no matter the cost to others or to himself. It's like he was put into the role of Sun Wukong's doppelganger/shadow/evil clone, and he's now hellbent on staying in that position, no matter how much it hurts him or holds him back from cultivating his own individuality or his own story because that's the only way he feels he gain back his past power and/or stay connected to the Monkey King. There is something really tragic about a character who feels so damaged by and/or is so obsessed with the past that they stay in this stagnant position where they never even attempt to try something different from their destructive and self-damaging behavior, but that's precisely what makes Macaque a good villain as well. Besides being a clever and calculating villain, he never developed a sense of morality like Sun Wukong, he still treats everyone around him like tools, and his self-righteousness gives him "permission" to be a relentless monster to MK, all of MK's loved ones, and Sun Wukong himself. I know it's pretty common in media these days to start a villain down the path of redemption & into the bosom of team good guy by having them be hurt by an even worse villain, but personally I would love to see a story arc where Macaque actually has a realization of how horrible his behavior has been and to feel genuine remorse for it (maybe brought about by the violence he's likely suffering at the hands of the Lady Bone Demon, in a kind of "hey being manipulated and hurt for the benefit of others actually sucks oh no I can't believe I thought it was okay when I did it"), but then also has to face the consequence of his former student and former best friend (actually likely the entire monkie crew given the whole kidnapping/brainwashing/mind-controlling thing) never wanting anything to do with him again & cutting him out of their lives completely. I think he could still change for the better under such a scenario, but the seriousness of his bad actions shouldn't be swept under the rug.
In conclusion, I think a "redemption without forgiveness" story line could work really well for Monkie Kid's version of the Six-Eared Macaque in a kind of "you can't just do horrible things and then cry about your past like that somehow makes it okay" way, and smh at the Monkie Kid fandom for all the work put into giving Sun Wukong and only Sun Wukong flak for his and Macaque's fight.
Like if you have to demonize the Monkey King, at least go after him for having been a warlord.
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