#it’s just the best feeling ever 🤌🏻🤌🏻🤌🏻
autiespring · 6 months
i totally get why some people only read completed fics but honestly there is absolutely nothing better than getting an email midweek that the fic you’ve been hanging off every word of has updated and getting to read it on your lunch break or before you go to bed and getting the adrenaline of wanting to know what’s next
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famemonsterrr · 1 year
Astrology observations part 8 🪽
(Disclaimer: this post is just some observations not facts. If you can’t relate to any of those that’s okay we all have different experiences)
- Pisces with fire placements make someone that is aggressive than usual. Especially if they have Aries in the personal placements but the good about it is that they are passionate about their loved ones
- Gemini’s are either really honest or the most sneaky bitches ever
- Capricorn are either really loud or hate loud people and even if they are on the loud side as they grow older they will calm down a lot.
- I have noticed that anyone who has Leo placements or 5th house makes them really happy,smiley or positive people.
- libra women smile a lot for now reason sometimes or they are the type of women who will laugh at ur joke even if it isn’t funny at all. (fake it till u make it girly pops)
- 8th house,Scorpio,Taurus and Leo placements they don’t forgive and don’t forget. (Be aware they can turn you into a stranger)
- believe it or not Gemini are really romantic people and they always looking for love. That’s why they getting married a lot of times or have a lot of lovers through their lives (especially women)
- earth signs are ruthless when they are angry.
- you can’t lie to Scorpio,Leo,Capricorn and Virgo placements. They are always 1 step ahead of you.
- 6th house mercury will talk about health,being organised and work.
- I have noticed that air placements are so good with technology (my mom is 56 and has a lot of Gemini placements and when I show her something then she gets it and uses the phone like a pro)
- I’m talking from personal experience but as a Pisces I always get Deja vu. Like I’m sitting with my bestie and then I stop and say “why I feel we have been said that before" I’m a delusional baddie 💅🏻 so Siri play Deja vu by Beyoncé
- Scorpio sun with Scorpio mercury and Scorpio rising is something with one look it’s scarryyy but actually they might be goal oriented and very closed people but once u are in their circle they will treat you like you are the most special human being.
- why air mercuries have to be soo sarcastic…? Like y’all funny I love it so much tho.
- mutable signs can do 100 things at once. (Me who writes this blogs,eats,watches a show and play a game between thoughts).
- Pisces mercury are sooo creative and sweet. Like I can’t even tell u have much of good listeners they are.
- I have noticed that Leo or fire signs tend to share a story by adding a lot of sauces to make it sound more dramatic. Definitely the best story tellers
- Aquarius placements are funnyyy because something serious is happening and they don’t react at all they just act like everything is fine. They might cry and still go the things they have to do
- water signs + Taurus love to sleep a lot. (Lazy girly pops 💅🏻)
- I don’t know why but I have noticed all the Capricorn people I have met or seen in my life they are TALL. Like idk why that happens.
- earth signs want things to be done…fast as possible . Time is money 🤌🏻
- Sagittarius and Aquarius love to travel A LOT
- cancers are amazing in anything that has to do painting or drawing.
That’s all🪽
Thank u for reading until the end. I’m greatful about it 🥰 again these aren’t facts and I’m not native American so I’m trying my best.
Stay healthy and hydrated 🫶🏻🥰
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fandomfluffandfuck · 5 months
It’s been a bit since I wrote about feral!Bucky but I genuinely cannot put into words how much Steve (and me) loves him
Bucky now associates physical touch with pain, with torture. He hides from visitors, scampers away from touch, and never lets anyone get close to him. Nevertheless, Steve wakes up from a nap one day with Bucky curled into his side, and Steve is pretty sure that if he could, Bucky would be purring like a kitten. 
“Bucky?” Steve asks tentatively, trying not to spook him. Bucky doesn’t seem to be upset by Steve sudden consciousness, instead just making a small noise and wrapping his arms around Steve’s chest possessively. He mumbles something that sounds like “Stevie”. 
“You alright, angel?” Steve asks with a grin, confused but pleased with the change in Bucky’s demeanor. He knew Bucky had always been closer with Steve, trusting him more than others, but this was still new territory. He slides his arms around Bucky, which causes Bucky to make a happy noise that Steve hasn’t heard in years. 
Also, maybe Bucky’s a bit territorial now that he’s been given more freedom. The poor thing doesn’t know what to do with himself. However, after consulting a bunch of psychiatrists and Dr. Banner, Steve knows what he needs to do. He empties out an old walk in closet, and fits it with as many soft things as he can find. He buys as many plushies as he can afford, and stuffs the closet with them. He remembers how much Bucky hates harsh lights now and decides to buy those pretty string lights that Peter has in his room at the tower. He shows it to Bucky when it’s finished and they’ve both had a good day. 
“It’s all your own space, Buck. I’m never going to come in here without your permission. I swear it.” Steve says, holding Bucky’s hand, which lately Bucky won’t let go of. 
“It’s… mine?” Bucky says, slowly, tentatively. He’s scared that all of this will be taken away. 
“Yeah, Buck. Yours.” Steve says, as comforting and securely as I can, trying to make his confidence transfer to Bucky. 
Steve is tackled in a hug, and there are tears wetting his shirt. He hugs Bucky back, pressing a kiss to the top of his head. 
“Thank you.” The whisper is so soft, so small, that it’s almost imperceptible. But Steve hears it. He’ll always hear Bucky. 
Then, of course, there’s the moment when Steve’s telling Bucky about life back in Brooklyn, a topic that Bucky is very interested in. He’s going on about something that they did to piss off Becca (“we were teenagers, Buck. The best entertainment we had was making that poor girl mad.”) when Bucky stops him. 
“I remember.”
Steve drops the pencil he’s holding. “You… You do?” There’s so much hope in his voice. There’s unshed tears in Bucky’s eyes, and a small smile on his face. 
“Yes. Rebecca. My Becca.” Bucky’s smile gets bigger, as does Steve. Steve rushes to his side, hugging him. Bucky’s crying, and Steve’s not far behind him. Bucky laughs, and it is the best goddamn sound Steve Rogers has ever heard. “She was so mad. I can’t believe we did that.” He giggles, and it makes Steve feel like maybe everything will be okay. 
previous feral!Bucky
Me too! I am such a fucking sucker for feral Bucky
I am beside myself thinking about Bucky being so touch adverse only for Steve to wake up and find him tucked into his side 😫 and there's something so special, too, about Bucky having moments in recovery where he's so suddenly more himself. It makes it so much more painful to see the rapid realignment. It's as if he's found two loose ends and knotted them together as quickly as his fingers would allow to ensure that he doesn't misplace them again. Gah! It's so just 🤌🏻ouch🤌🏻
Oh my god!! The territorial thing, yes! I've had this in my notes for actual years, waiting for me to come back to it and do something with it:
Sometimes, during Bucky's recovery, he latches onto things with this ferocity, holding until his fingers hurt, distraught when he accidentally breaks it, if the object of desire is fragile, claiming "mine." He won't let anyone touch it, not unless it's over his dead body. Steve has genuinely never been so distraught and proud of someone for grabbing a mug and declaring it as their own. Bucky deserves to have his own things.
Same wavelength, lmao
That's so fucking sweet, though! I love the idea of Bucky having his own space. (And I love the idea of Peter's room in the tower having fairy lights. Fuck yeah.)
Ah! That last part is the fucking best. Steve will never be as eager to be interrupted as he is when he's in the middle of a story, and Bucky stops him because he remembers. He doesn't need to tell him again, he remembers. Steve could fucking kiss him. Steve will kiss him. Steve will pick him up and spin him around, clutching his waist all the while, a huge grin on his face.
In conclusion:
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Thank you so, so much for this!!
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bsverryin · 1 year
: ̗̀➛ Playing games with HSR men
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╰┈➤ Blade, Dan heng, Gepard, Sampo, Jing yuan
╰┈➤ your daily quality time with them !
✎ HEADCANONS ONLY!! This is short toooooo I'll put the title first before the gifs bcs why not 🤌🏻 my other posts are already edited, enjoy!! Check it out if you have the time to do so 🫸🏻🫷🏻
: ̗̀➛ DAN HENG
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Dan heng for some reason gives off the quiet but pro gamer type, so whenever you decide to play games with him instead of going out he would win without even trying and the only time you'll ever win is when he lets you because he feels bad, he just doesn't know what the word losing & defeat is when it comes to games.
: ̗̀➛ BLADE
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Blade doesn't seem to like games but he actually tries some when he has nothing to do, so when you challenge him to prove him that you're better than him when it comes to games, you lose to him for about five times and that was the most embarrassing day for you. He assured you that it's not a big deal but it really was because of your competitive ass.
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Jing yuan doesn't have time for games but when you told him that you wanted to play games with him, he really tried his best to learn it for you so the next time you play he won't lose. He wasn't a fast learner that you tutored him for weeks and when he's finally good at the game that you're playing you would challenge him everyday, there are times where you still win but there are also times where it's a tie.
: ̗̀➛ GEPARD
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Gepard is really good at games because he and his sister would always play it when they were younger but he's not competitive like you. Actually he's the one who would feed your competitive ass by letting you win every time, he doesn't care about the game and he wants you to win no matter what because in the end all he cares about is how it makes you genuinely happy and that's what he wants.
: ̗̀➛ SAMPO
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Sampo is competitive just like you, your relationship with him doesn't exist when you're playing against each other. He won't let you win easily and play a fair game with him, sometimes he'll try to cheat to win but you'd always find out and tease him afterwards about how he's scared to lose to you. There are times when you win and there are times when he wins, it's the best quality time that you do together.
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sussyscurryscorpio · 2 years
Random Astrology Observations Part-3
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(This picture does not belong to me in any sorts)
~Libra mars and fleeing from any sort of confrontation. These people HATE arguing even for the things that should be argued about. And then they complain that people walk all over them, like "Bro stand up for your shit"
And even they do argue, they do a crap job at it. They end up getting too angry, throwing things and end up arguing about something completely unrelated.
~Aries moons are ✨healers✨ These people redeem their childhood traumas by healing others from theirs. Unintentionally. They just feel like they are doing what anyone would have done.
One of my good exes had this placement and he helped me with my unhinged and dark Scorpio moon a hell lot. Finally, I feel like I'm in a good place in my life for once. Protect these people at any cost.
~On that note, let's talk about Scorpio Moons. Sorry, not sorry, for calling it unhinged. I mean, I love my Scorpio moon but god, has it not made me overthink about the most unrelated and stupidest things.
Scorpio moon natives might often get nervous and emotional anxiety. They feel too intensely and that's where the problem arises. Majority people can't match their intensity. This makes the Scorpio moon native agitated that why don't people get them? The frustration then erupts in how the mars is placed.
If mars is in Libra, the Scorpio moon native in turn gets passively angered, don't know how to direct their anger and gets even more emotionally angered.
If mars is in Aries, the Scorpio moon native gets explosive in their anger. This might get ugly if they lose their shit. The type of people whose anger scares people.
Trigger warning: Nightmares, Death, Depression
~I've noticed this thing with Capricorn Neptunes in 8th house that even though they don't get nightmares very often or if they do, it is about death. Death of their loved ones or even themselves, which then affects their physical well being too. They might feel sick or emotionally burdened. Maybe even get depressed.
~If you wish to settle in foreign lands, look at your North node (Rahu) If it is in 9th, 10th or 11th house, there is a chance that you might get the opportunity to either go to a foreign nation for higher studies or maybe even settle down.
This is because Rahu is all about leaving your home to see the world or materialistic gains. And it gives good results in the 10th and 11th house since they are the Upachaya houses.
~On that note, Rahu in 11th is a huge fame indicator as well. A very common placement in celebrities or people who've gained fame.
(Will Smith, Neil Armstrong, Abraham Lincoln, Lady gaga and many more have this placement)
~But the downside of Rahu in 11th is that it may make the native egoistic. Also, their views about friendship might be marred by selfish gains. They are the people who go by "Use and Throw" in friendship🤡
~I read somewhere Sidereal Sagittarius moons have the best mothers. Ever. My mother has it too and her mother, aka my granny, is just 🤌🏻❤️
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peculiarbluerose · 6 months
Sebastian Sallow Headcanons 🐍
WARNING: Spoilers for Hogwarts Legacy (this is not a maybe, this is a definite)
Since Sebastian is my personal favorite (alongside Ominis) and also most everyone else's, I figured I would do some headcanons for him~
• His reflection in the mirror of Erised would be his twin sister, Anne, healthy and happy again
• When it's not a school day, he's usually wearing grey or black sweaters
• He has a pretty straightforward relationship with MC; he's protective of them, just as much as they help him out with his sister's cure
• I mean, he definitely has romantic feelings for MC...
• Have you SEEN the way he looks at us in the cutscenes? *faints*
• If You're Slytherin, he definitely will hang out in the common room in the middle of the night with you, especially if you're unable to sleep or having a bad day
• "Besides, I like having friends in my debt" Slytherin KING 🐍
• If anyone is Slytherin, it's Sallow. He's determined, ambitious, cunning (apparently so 🫥).. Slytherin... 🤌🏻
• He's the type to put his arm around his SO if he feels jealous, or protective, or comfortable... or any time, really.
• He never returned that book to Salazar Slytherin's secret study.
• If MC went down the path of selling him out to the headmaster, he probably still would be trying to cure Anne.
• He's the most stubborn dude you'll ever know
• Well, at least he is right after Ominis and anything to do with the dark arts
• His favorite Unforgivable Curse is definitely crucio
• Sebastian's overall aesthetic is dark academia and edginess and bruises and battle scars
• But as your lover, it's fluffy hair, stars, warm sweaters, sneaking out at night...
• His relationship with Ominis is unrivaled (I think that's just canon, though-)
• He'll probably try to sound smart and attractive by saying something in Latin and then telling you what it means
• He'd follow up with "or was that something else...?" all the while scratching his head.
• He'll get defensive when you laugh at him
• He probably did try to drop that thing on Leander's head during that duel...
• Speaking of which, Sebastian also has a reputation for getting into trouble and being sent to detention, so he's likely that one goofball kid in class that's always up to something
• Him and Garreth should have a standoff
• Okay, Seb isn't THAT bad, but it's funny to think about
• Only Anne is allowed to call him Seb or Sebby, unless he really, really likes the person (rare occasion)
• You'll never know his inside jokes with Ominis. Never.
• Sometimes, you two will sneak out late, but just early enough to grab a butterbeer or two from Hogsmeade
That's all I got homies
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navybrat817 · 5 days
I just want see hyt reader confess to Bucky in a vulnerable state that she feels her soulmate doesn’t exist or kind of relates to the song prophecy by Taylor swift ( you should check it out it’s 🤌🏻)
And hyt Bucky feels this strong urge to prove her wrong and make her feel so loved as possible.
Maybe a cuddle sesh 😌
I don't think I've heard that song, nonnie! I'll have to check it out.
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Now I don't know if this reader would ever say she doesn't believe her soulmate exists. I will say though that something is going to happen that puts her in a very vulnerable state. Something that's going to make Bucky furious. Not with her. Never with her. He's also going to lose a little bit of sleep over it. The aftermath isn't going to wash away the fact that Bucky is essentially taking over her life, but she is going to be thankful that he keeps such a close eye on her. And he is going to do his best to prove that he loves her.
Love and thanks! ❤️
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merci-bitch · 2 years
Headcanons for Melissa !!
Everyone loves Melissa, I’m here for it
Gotta thank @girlswholikehotolderwomen for feeding me Melissa fics. Honest to god.
Warning(s): hints of smut, not much, fluff, general stuff
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- Melissa is a 100% passion and heart
- Girl cares about you so much
- Heart eyes.
- Literally
- If you’re a teacher at Abbott, Barbra sees the heart eyes
- You know she be teasing Melissa about it.
- Makes Melissa all flustered 💃🏼💃🏼
- I’m thinking, if Ava desires to have a meeting in the lunch room and every other seat is taken,
- Melissa’s lap is your seat.
- Her arm wrapped safely around your waist and one hand on your thigh to keep you in place
- She loves it
- Absolutely loves it
- She can whisper things in your ear
- Get you all hot’n bothered
- You can’t do shit about it
- Melissa in her dangerous habitat
- She’s a teaser
- But she genuinely likes to have you sit in her lap
- Late nights, on the couch with you in her lap???
- Adorable
- She’s very protective over you
- No one dares to hurt Melissa Schemmenti’s girl.
- She will go full out for you
- If someone hurts you?
- Good luck to them
- She will track them down and beat them up herself
- Despite having a guy for everything
- She has stories to tell, and you listen
- Her voice is enough to make you either sleepy, happy or horny
- Everything another her is just
- 🤌🏻🤌🏻
- She loves to feed you
- She cooks 24/7
- There’s always something on the stove
- Always something new to try
- You’re certainly not complaining
- Melissa’s cooking is extraordinary
- The best food you’ve ever had.
- As she said herself.
- She’s very serious about her cooking
- The kitchen is her safe space
- Weekly family dinner can get rough and loud
- Although that, she’s insecure like everyone else
- Scared that she’s too old, or not attractive enough anymore
- Scared that the relationship will end up like what happened with her and Joe
- She thought it was done for her before she meet you
- You helped her realise it wasn’t
- She needs love and care as much as anyone else
- On a bad day; she needs a hug herself.
- Melissa’s hugs can cure depression.
- She’s a wildcard in bed
- What else 🤪
- Despite knowing what she wants, she doesn’t ignore you
- She doesn’t ignore if something doesn’t feel right for you
- She always asks before doing something new
- If it’s okay or if it’s going too fast
- She’s learned from her own mistakes
- She may not say “I love you” very often but her eyes do
- They soften when she sees you
- As Barbra said, heart eyes
- She relaxes around you
- You make her feel calm
- She wouldn’t want anything to ruin that feeling.
- You’re stuck with her, and you wouldn’t have it any other way <3
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darkbluekies · 7 months
i genuinely love your oc's and writing style i swearr <33
Bc the way you wrote them is just 🤌🤌
literally i can feel the uniqueness compared to others' ocs (pls im not trying to bring anyone down). like its the standard ice cream flavors but with a hint and sprinkle of your personal touches lmaoo
And hedwig oh my god sweet sweet hedwig 🗣‼️‼️ 🛐🛐🛐🛐🛐🛐🛐🛐🛐
but ngl like what the other anon said, i feel like choosing the flavor of the day and selecting one of your oc's to fawn over for the rest of the week LMAOO
I'm not going to lie, this might be one of the absolute sweetest messages I have ever received!! Actually feeling my heart skip a beat-
It makes me so happy to know that you think so, it is one of he best compliments for a writer🥹🫶🏻
Thank you for loving Hedwig, i can hint at some hedwig content in the future🥰
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aloneinthehellfire · 1 year
saw my tumblr notification for your previous anon and OH MY FUCKING HELL I WOULD LOOOOOVE TO GET THE BATHROOM SCENE FROM STEVE’S POV 💖💖💖
I’ve already told you before that your writing is STELLAR and I know that no matter what you write, it’ll be absolute gold. *chef’s kiss* 🤌🏻
I have to say also that GOH is absolutely KILLING ME in the best ways. love love love the slow burn and the mystery behind what’s been happening in the latest chapters, aaaaa. :’) keep up the amazing work, my friend, and please make sure that you take breaks should you need them!! 💕
I got a lot of requests for this so I hope my anons find this one &lt;3
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Word Count: 3672
Warnings: swearing, mentions of drugs, mentions of torture
Set in RH3: Chapter 12: Uncle Jack
Find all Raining Hellfire works here <3
Summary: While you try and find your previously abandoned radio in hopes of contacting help, Steve and Robin slip away from their cinema experience to end up in the bathroom, sharing truths about their lives they never admitted before.
[A/N: Welcome to our new little series I am calling 'Raining Hellfire (Reader's Version)' where you can request a scene that I either hadn't written into RH originally or a POV of a different character :) shout out to the nonnie that suggested this &lt;3]
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“The ceiling stopped spinning for me.”
Robin’s voice echoed out as Steve flushes away his latest creation, stomach lurching while he wipes away the clinging spit.
“Is it still spinning for you?”
Steve rests his back against a ceramic tiled wall and tilts his head upwards. He focuses for a second.
“Holy shit.” He sounds, still feeling light-headed. “No. You think we puked it all up?”
“Maybe.” Robin says from the cubicle beside his. “Ask me something. Interrogate me.”
“Okay. Interrogate you, sure.” He tries to straighten himself a little, ignoring the dull pain in his face. “Um… When was the last time you, uh… peed your pants?”
“Today.” She responds quickly, voice airy.
“What?” Steve smirks.
“When the Russian doctor took out the bone saw.”
“Oh my god.” Steve chuckles and Robin laughs.
“It was just a little bit though.” She giggles and Steve shakes his head in amusement.
“Yeah, it’s definitely still in her system.” He mutters, rubbing the eye that hadn’t been battered by Russian spies. Of course Dustin’s brilliant plan involved yet another concussion.
“All right, my turn.” Robin announces after her laughter died down, a smile in her voice.
“Okay, hit me.” His head was starting to throb and he was seriously missing his truth serum right about now.
“Have you… ever been in love?”
“Yep. Nancy Wheeler. First semester, senior year.” He says, not really putting much thought into the answer. He imitates a gun with his fingers and shoots at his heart.
“Oh my god.” He could practically hear Robin’s eye roll. “She’s such a priss.”
“Hm.” Steve nods, remembering a time when he thought the same. “Turns out, not really.”
“Are you still in love with Nancy?”
A wave of shock struck him when he answered without a thought, reeling in his own response. Was he really over her?
“Why not?”
This time, his thoughts are swirling around like the ice-cream machine they rarely ever used, clouding his eyes with one image. One very specific image. And he smiles.
“I think it’s because I found someone who’s a little bit better for me.” He chuckles. “It’s crazy. Ever since Dustin got home, he’s been saying, you know, you gotta find your Suzie, you gotta find your Suzie...”
Steve blinks and the image reappears again. Dustin’s rant about Steve finding love had never left his mind.
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“Uh, I guess I don’t totally know what I’m looking for.” Steve states, staring through the binoculars and being anything but covert. But Dustin could be on to something and he desperately needed a break from slinging ice-creams all day.
“Evil Russians.” Dustin replies simply and he roll his eyes.
“Yeah, exactly.” Steve nods, “I don’t know what an evil Russian looks like.”
“Tall. Blonde. Not smiling.” Dustin offers as Steve continues to navigate the binoculars. “Also, look for earpieces, camo, duffel bags, that sort of thing.”
“Right, duffel bags.” Steve repeats. He takes another moment before letting out a breath. “Oh, you’ve got to be kidding me.”
“Anna Jacobi’s talking with that meathead Mark Lewinsky.” Steve complains, staring as she cosies up to the worst player he ever teamed with in his life.
“Dude, if you’re not gonna focus, just gimme the binoculars.”
“Aw, Jesus Christ,” Steve continues, ignoring the boy next to him, “Whatever happened to standards? I mean, Lewinsky never even came off the bench.”
“Dude, you are the worst spy in history, you know that?” Dustin reaches out and snatches away the binoculars, resulting in a small fight as Steve struggled with the strap around his neck.
When Dustin won the binocular war, he places the binoculars in front of his eyes. “I don’t get why you’re looking at girls, anyway. You have the perfect one in front of you.”
“Seriously,” Steve sighs, already knowing where he’s going, “If you say Y/n again-”
“Y/n.” Dustin says anyway.
“No, don’t. No.”
“Y/n, Y/n, Y/n.”
“Stop, no.”
“Y/n.” Dustin repeats over and over before throwing a curveball. “Robin?”
“No- Robin?” Steve raises his eyebrow. “Really?”
“Right.” Dustin nods. “‘Cause you like Y/n.”
“I don’t-” Steve takes a breath, noticing Dustin’s unimpressed look. “No, man, she’s not my type. She’s not even… in the ballpark of what my type is, all right?”
“What’s your type again?” Dustin asks with a side-eye. “Not awesome?”
“Thank you.” Steve sarcastically smiles, suddenly wondering where you were right now. You had said something about spending the day with Max and El, but that was all he had heard from you since last night. He remembered that smile you had given him before you drove off, a small wave as you promised to catch up on the ‘little Russian espionage’ later.
“Hm, right.” Dustin smirked and Steve looked back to him. “That lovesick face says it all.”
“I’m not-” Steve lets out a frustrated sigh. “She’s not my type, okay? Just friends.”
“Let’s see.” Dustin lowers the binoculars to count on his fingers. “Funny? Check. Smart? Check. Pretty? Double check.”
“Still in love with her ex? Check.” Steve says and Dustin’s face falls.
“What? No.” He pouts and Steve nods.
“Yeah, well. Good for him.” He looks ahead, trying not to think about how much that hurt him.
“At least you’re not in high school anymore.” Dustin shrugs and Steve looks at him.
“How has that got anything to do with anything?”
“Look, Steve.” Dustin gestures to the mall in front of them and Steve looks… confused. Dustin sighs. “There’s a whole world of girls out there. Instead of dating somebody you think’s gonna make you cooler, why not date somebody you actually enjoy being around? Like me and Suzie.”
“Yeah, you mean, ‘hotter than Phoebe Cates’. Yeah, that Suzie.” Steve recalls with a snarky tone, “And, uh, let’s think about- how exactly did you score that beautiful girlfriend? Oh, yeah. With my advice. Because that’s how this works, Henderson. I give you the advice, you follow through. Not the other way around, all right, pea-brain?”
“And how’s your advice working for you?” Dustin challenges, his eyes narrowing in his own amusement.
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“Wait, who’s Suzie?” Robin asks and snaps him back into the moment. He blinks, running a hand through his hair.
“It’s some girl from camp, I guess his girlfriend.” He shakes his head, trying to push away the growing beating of his brain against his skull. “To be honest with you, I’m not 100% sure she’s even real.”
“But that’s not- that’s not really the point. The point is this girl, you know, the one that I like, it’s somebody that I… I lost touch with in school. And I don’t even know why.” Steve continues, sighing. “Maybe ‘cause Tommy H. would’ve made fun of me or… I wouldn’t be… prom king. It’s stupid. I mean, Dustin’s right, it’s all a bunch of bullshit anyways. Because when I think about it, I should have been hanging out with this girl the whole time. First of all she’s hilarious. She’s so funny. I feel like ever since last November, I have laughed harder than I have laughed… in a really long time. And- and she’s the only person in this whole world I feel like will understand me, you know? Not judge me.”
“Really?” Robin chirps up with a smile in her voice. “Sounds like she loves being around you.”
“Yeah...” Steve’s face slowly falls.
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Steve closes the space, resting his head against your forehead. His heart raced faster as he pushed aside his fear. “I love you, Y/n.”
When you don’t respond, he moves his body closer, lifting his head to search your face for something to give him hope. “Please, say something.”
Every second you didn’t react was agony. He could see the tear trickling down your cheek, his brows furrowing.
And then you reached out, placing your hands over his. That little jolt of electricity, the one that give him hope, the one that never failed.
Until now.
You gently unclasp his hand and take your keys, never raising your head, never meeting his eyes.
“I..” You start, lips squeezing together. “I don’t feel the same way about you. Never have. Never… never will.”
Steve feels his entire soul shatter into a thousand pieces.
“I’m sorry.” You whisper as you turn from him, getting in your car without so much as a second glance.
He’s stood there, paralysed in his own heartbreak. He thought… you and him…
How could he have been so stupid?
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“Steve?” Robin calls out and he clears his throat.
“Yeah, yeah, I’m here.” He nods, rubbing his eye. “It’s just… I thought, you know, this girl was… everything. And…”
“And she wasn’t even real.” He spoke, lowering his head. “I really should have taken Dustin’s advice. The kid knows zilch about love but… but he knows people better than I do sometimes. Told me Nancy was out of my league. Not in a bad way just, like…”
“Like you weren’t meant to be together?” She suggests and Steve hums.
“Yeah, exactly.” He laughs after a moment, “You ever… you ever had that?”
He rubs his face again, looking to the cubicle wall that separated them. She’s being quiet and he frowns, tapping on the plastic. “Robin? Robin, did you just OD in there?”
“No.” She finally says, sighing. “I… am still alive.”
“Did I say something wrong?” He asks and she lets out another sigh.
After another block of silence, he can’t take it anymore and scoots over to the wall, gripping onto the underside and pulling himself through, slow enough to avoid crashing into Robin on the other side. He decided it best to ignore how wet the floor felt on his back.
“The floor’s disgusting.” She comments as he sits back up, facing his friend.
“Yeah, well, I already got a bunch of blood and puke on my shirt, so…” He waves his hands, brushing it away. “What do you think?”
“About?” She blinks, but he knows she’s aware.
“Destined to fail romances?” He chuckles, shaking his head. “You ever had that with a guy before?”
“Something like that.” She says and he groans.
“Come on, you don’t have to be all mysterious.” He laughs, nudging her knee with his. “I can tell when you’re being weird, I’ve known you-”
“That’s it. You don’t.” She interrupts, brows knitted. When he frowns, she bites her lip and leans forward. “Look… you don’t really know me. And if you did, like – like really know me… I don’t think you’d even want to be my friend.”
“No, that’s not true, no way is that true-”
“Listen to me, Steve. It’s shocked me to my core, but I like you. I really like you. But I’m not like your other friends.” She shakes her head. “I’m not even… I don’t…”
Steve leans forward, “What’s going on?”
“Do you remember what I said about Click’s class? About me being jealous and, like, obsessed?” Robin questions and he slowly nods. “It isn’t because I had a crush on you.”
He blinks, holding his breath. Now he felt really foolish for even thinking it.
“It’s because…” She continues, and he keeps his silence. “She wouldn’t stop staring at you.”
“Mrs Click?” He frowns in confusion and she laughs, squeezing her eyes shut.
“Tammy Thompson.” She finally says, nodding. “I wanted her to look at me. But… she couldn’t pull her eyes away from you and your stupid hair. And I didn’t understand, because you would get bagel crumbs all over the floor. And you asked dumb questions. And I watched you fall in love Freshman year with a girl you ended up treating like shit because you wanted to be a douchebag. And- And you didn’t even like Tammy Thompson and… and I would go home and just scream into my pillow.”
“But Tammy Thompson’s a girl.” Steve shook his head, the drug still wavy in his brain.
“Steve.” Robin says softly and he slowly feels his face fall, realisation finally hitting him in a moment of clarity.
“Oh.” He finally sounds, blinking.
“Oh.” She repeats, laughing sadly.
“Holy shit.” He leans back. Talk about deja vu.
Steve didn’t realise how silent he was being. It wasn’t because of shock or hatred or anything like that. It was because he was taken back to Skull Rock all over again. Sat beside you. Your fingers nervously fiddling with the hem of your sweatshirt, a scared look in your eye. The relief on your face when he said he didn’t care who you liked, just who you were. A happiness in your trust.
That shattered image when you found out he had taken that trust for granted.
He didn’t want it to be like that this time. No wrong words, no broken promises. He didn’t want to make anyone feel that destroyed ever again.
“Steve… did you OD over there?”
“No, I just, uh… just thinking.” He slowly nods, “I mean, yeah. Tammy Thompson, you know, she’s cute and all, but… I mean, she’s a total dud.”
“She is not.”
“Yes she is. She wants to be, like, a singer. She wants to move to, like, Nashville and shit.”
“She has dreams.” Robin tries but he’s shaking his head.
“She can’t even hold a tune.” He expresses, trying to think of a descriptor. “She’s practically tone-deaf. Have you heard her?”
As Robin laughs, he mimics Tammy’s voice in the school choir, making it as nasally as he could.
“She does not sound like that-”
“She sounds exactly like that. That’s a great impression of her.”
“You sound like a Muppet.” Robin comments and Steve laughs.
“She sounds like a Muppet. She sounds like a Muppet giving birth.” Steve chuckles and Robin can’t help but agree, giggling. “Literally ask anyone, ask Y/n, she was there. It was an hour of torture, like, even the Russians couldn’t beat that.”
“Okay, okay.” Robin clutches her stomach, shaking her head. “You’re right, okay? She sounds horrible.”
“Thank you.” He grins, head resting against the wall, “You could do so much better.”
“Like Y/n?”
Steve practically jolts, eyes wide. How did she know? Did he tell her? Was he rambling about it and didn’t realise? When did-
“Steve.” She smiles, tilting her head. “I know who ‘the girl’ is, I’m not dumb.”
He mentally lets out a sigh of relief before focusing on her comment. “It’s not… I don’t know.”
“God, you two are in love with eachother.” She scoffs, meeting his unconvinced eyes. “Seriously. It’s suffocating being around you two, it’s flirt city.”
“Well, you don’t have to worry about that anymore.” Steve sighs.
“No shit, there’s no way I’m going back to work after that, they don’t pay me enough to be interrogated by secret-”
“No, Robin, I mean me and Y/n.” He says quickly and she stops, frowning. He sighs again. “It… there wasn’t…”
When he couldn’t find the words, Robin leaned forward.
“What happened between you two anyway?” Robin prompts and he furrows his brows, shaking his head.
“Last night. Or… heck, I don’t know how long it’s been.” She shrugs. “When Y/n ran out. After that really intense moment of her talking about being taken advantage of – which I totally agree with her by the way- but... she was clearly upset about something. And you followed her. But when you came back…”
She takes a breath.
“You looked…”
“I looked?” He asks, stomach churning.
“I don’t feel the same way about you. Never have. Never… never will.”
“There.” She points at his face and he bats her finger away. “Right there. That look.”
He covers his face with a groan, resting his head in his hands.
“I mean… if there would be any time to open up to me, it would definitely be after I just told you I’m a lesbian.” She snickers and he can’t resist the laugh, “Don��t tell me… you’re also gay?”
“No.” He chuckles and she smiles, leaning back. “But I am definitely going to be alone for the rest of my life.”
“I don’t believe that.” She scrunches her face as if the thought was stupid. “You’re Steve Harrington. Any girl would be fantasising about spending their life with you.”
“Not the one that matters.” He admits quietly and she straightens, her eyes wide. Steve takes a breath. “When I caught up to her…”
“Please, say something.”
“… I…” He sighs, rubbing his face. “God, I am an idiot.”
“I told her I loved her.” He finally blurts, wincing at the silence that ensued.
“Woah.” She comments, nodding slowly. He simply nods with her, eyes fixed on the black mark staining the wall behind her. “And I’m guessing she didn’t…”
“No.” He purses his lips, sniffing. “It’s fine, though. At least I know now, right? Won’t be… won’t be wondering that for the rest of my life.”
“She lied.”
His head whips up. “Uh, what?”
“She lied.” Robin repeats, looking serious. “I may have only just met her at the beginning of summer, but I like to think I know her. I see how she looks at you. I can even hear it in her voice when she talks about you and… and there’s a reason she hasn’t been dating anyone.”
“Because she’s still hung up about Eddie.” He sighs and she whacks his knee. “Ow!”
“No, dingus! Because she’s hung up about you!” She exclaims, “God, you are both so oblivious, it actually hurts.”
Steve rubs his knee, shaking his head. “She still likes Eddie.”
“And yet, she chose you.” Robin expresses with her hands and he frowns.
“What do you mean she chose me?”
“Because of the-” Her face falls. Either she was going to puke again or she had just realised something important because her skin started to pale a shade. “Nothing. Forget I said anything.”
“No, Robin, tell me.” He inches forward slightly, eyes wide. “Because of what?”
She bites her lips, obviously trying to hold something in.
“She told you something, didn’t she?” He interrogates, watching her face go paler from the strain of keeping a secret. “What didn’t she tell me? Robin. Robin!”
And with that, she snaps.
“You’re kinda maybe one of the reasons she and Eddie aren’t together anymore but it’s also not your fault ‘cause there was no trust between them in the end anyway, and she was never going to let your friendship die again especially since you guys apparently went through so much together last year and she’s already lost you twice because of some petty arguments or something like that so she decided to let Eddie go so she could keep you because out of everyone, you make her feel the happiest she has in a really long time.”
Robin takes a long breath as she physically deflates against the wall, chest rising heavily.
“If she ever asks… it took a lot more than that to get me to spill.” She grimaces, waiting for his reaction.
You had never told him why you and Eddie broke up. Not truly. He remembers the first time you told him, sat on a bench outside the high school, your eyes threatening tears. You told him that you think you broke Eddie’s heart, but you weren’t ready to talk then. Ever since, you just alluded to the idea that you weren’t right for eachother, that it was better for you both to be apart. Never did you admit it was because of Steve.
And now he was conflicted. How should he be feeling about this? Angry? Confused? Sad?
“How am I… the reason?” He asks softly, fixated on his shoelaces.
“I don’t know the full details.” Robin says, “But I know that she has to love you too.”
“No, just listen.” She interrupts and he takes a breath, meeting her eyes. “Don’t give up. Considering all the weird shit that just happened back there, and the fact that neither of you seem at all phased by the fact we were tortured by Russians living underneath us, I can only assume that she had a lot going on. Give her time, okay? Take it from someone who has an exceptionally sad life of watching other people fall in love, you two are made for eachother.”
“Right.” Steve nods before shaking his head again. “What if she meant it? That she didn’t… what if-”
Robin lets out a groan. “Just stop being a dingus and take my advice.”
“Not sure how I feel about taking advice from someone who had a crush on Tammy Thompson.” He retorts and she looks offended.
“Wha- hey!”
“We’ll be holding on forever!” Steve imitates Kermit the Frog and she buries her face in her hands, laughing.
The bathroom door bursts open and two kids walk in, one looking severely pissed at Steve.
“Okay, what the hell?!” Dustin frowns, hands on hips.
Steve draws his eyes back to Robin’s and they burst into laughter again, uncontrollably.
“It’s not funny!” Dustin stresses, only making them laugh harder. He shoots a glare at Steve before Erica steps forward.
“Y/n is missing!” She shouts and the two finally quit their giggling.
“What?” Steve chuckles, unsure if he heard her right.
“Y/n went looking for help about twenty minutes ago.” Dustin explains, and Steve’s heart races faster. “And she hasn’t come back.”
“So we better stop chit-chatting like little girls at a sleepover and get the hell out of here before the Russians find us.” Erica remarks, rolling her eyes when nobody moves. “Now.”
“Wait.” Steve scrambles to his feet, Robin slowly but surely following his action. “Y/n-where- where did she go?”
“Her radio.” Dustin sighs, pulling a face when Steve shakes his head. “Jesus Christ, we don’t have time to explain everything to you, she went out to get her radio but she hasn’t come back.”
“Let’s go, we’ll find her later.” Erica stresses, already opening the door and motioning for them to get out.
“I’m not leaving this mall without her.” Steve promises, wiping his lip and heading for the door, more determined than ever.
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if you would like to request a new pov scene for the Raining Hellfire universe, please feel free to put it into my ask box and I'll get to it when I am available :)
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jungkookstatts · 2 years
University Superstar is 🤌🏻 Just so, SO good. I can do totally picture your JK 🫠🥴Thanks for sharing your immense talent with us🫰🏻 I’m an old ass fangirl and thought maybe if you ever decide to write asks that you could write about Namjoon with a much older artist or museum docent. 😏 I may or may not have had an exhibition or two 🖼️ and the idea that Kim Namjoon saw any of my pieces sends me… ⚰️
Kim Namjoon Drabble 1
[Summary]: Kim Namjoon is a frequent visitor at the museum you work at. In fact, he’s visited so often, he’s gained your museum's platinum gold card for passes on all exhibitions and the cafeteria’s sweet tea. You’ve come to realize that Namjoon is the biggest art nerd you’ve ever met outside of yourself when he started to find you after every exhibition and ask you questions about the artist. However, your subtle feelings for the man start to go a-wire when he beings to ask questions about you instead.
[Theme]: MuseumDocent!AU, Artist!AU, ArtNerdNamjoon!AU, Museum!AU, FriendsToLovers!AU
[Rating]: Fluffy fluff fluff; slice of life.
[Word Count]: 1,773
[A/N]: Hmmmm, this is going to be difficult. Mainly because I am only slightly younger than our golden maknae, Jjk. However, that doesn’t go to say that I haven’t read scenarios where Y/n was older than one of the members…but I also have not personally written any like that either. BUT! That doesn’t mean I can’t try. I hope this meets your expectations.
Besides, Namjoon in a museum makes me leek 🥬
[Masterlist] [Taglist]
You love this museum.
The smell of it, the look of it, the organization of it — you love it all. You love it so much, you’ve become a docent there.
Walking about the museum while you flaunt your knowledge on the various famous pieces, featured pieces, and sometimes, some of your own pieces, has been the source of your happiness for years now.
Your job never lets you down. In fact, you find that by the end of the day, your spirits have been lifted higher than what it was the last time you came home from work.
Especially nowadays.
Recently, a certain someone has been a part of nearly every single tour you have conducted within the past two weeks. He’s a tall man — sticks out like a sore thumb amongst the many old people and young children in the groups you guide. Not to mention, he's one of the most attractive people you have ever seen. Shaggy hair, brown eyes, and teeth that flash at you with every new piece of information you tell him, the man has somewhat stolen your heart. Even more so when he somehow finds you at the end of each guide to hound you for hours about the artists he found the most intriguing.
Kim Namjoon was his name, and given the many times he’s found you in the museum’s cafeteria after a guide, you’ve come to notice that the man has become such a frequent visitor he became eligible for the museum’s platinum gold membership card. Free sweet tea and admission to docent-guided tours, he took the upgrade and has since joined in on your groups.
There’s a pep and swing in your step as you make your way to work today. That twinge of nervousness you also contain shows as you shakily open the doors to the museum.
“You excited?” one of your best friends, Taehyung, asks. He’s smiling wide, clenching a pencil in his hand as he waits for your answer. You almost think he could be more excited than you with the way his eyes crinkle and his finger taps at the wood of the receptionists’ desk.
“You have no idea,” you laugh, swiping into the room that he stands in. You quickly clock in before you wipe your sweaty hands on the fabric of your skirt, hoping that your claminess goes away soon.
“I saw some of your pieces,” he faces you. “I still can’t believe those came from you! I know you’ve showed your pieces here before, but these are beyond anything I’ve ever seen you do. It’s like you went mad or something.”
You smile at his comment, a little blush forming on your face as you accept his compliment.
“That reminds me,” Taehyung grins once again. “A certain man by the name of Kim Namjoon is coming to your welcome exhibit. ‘Was the first to sign up.”
“I know,” you laugh. “He really likes art. It’s crazy how smart he is, too. I swear he grasps knowledge like a computer.”
“I dunno,” Taehyung purses his lips. “Seems he might like something else, too,”
“Stop it,” you shoot him a look. “Namjoon is an innocent nerd. Besides, I swear I’m like 10 years older than him.”
“Actually, 6 1/2,” Taehyung corrects.
“Point proven,” You observe while messing around with the computer in front of you.
“You do realize that there’s 5 other museum docents in this place, right?” your friend laughs. “Not to mention you usually conduct guides at the most inconvenient times for the general public. I doubt he’d come here and schedule tours with you if it meant he didn’t get to see you at any given moment during the week.”
“Have you ever thought of the possibility that maybe I'm just really good at my job?” you ask him teasingly.
“That’s not what I meant,” he laughs.
“I know,” you commence your teasing. “What I mean to say is, Namjoon is too… pure for that. I sincerely haven’t noticed a single flirtatious intent or ‘look in his eye’ during the multiple times he’s been here. Genuinely, he loves art and wants to know everything about it before moving on to learning about the next art style, time period, or artist he chooses to jump to next.”
“You could be right,” he looks to the door realizing that a customer has started walking up to the receptionist area. “Or he may have been asking me about you since before he started tagging along on your guides.”
You’re thinking about what Taehyung said all day.
He’s been asking about you? What specifically has he been asking about? And for how long has he been doing so before he started making an appearance at every guide you conducted?
Questions flood your mind, but excitement also overwhelms it.
Your exhibit has fully opened.
All your selected pieces for this have been displayed just like how you envisioned them to be. There's a crowd of people waiting to see what you’ve got, and best of all, Namjoon is there. He’s got a giant notebook in his hand, a cup of coffee in the other, and a big smile on his face as he spots you amongst the crowd.
You’re busy greeting critics, familiar faces, friends, family, and coworkers while you answer various questions and walk around the room explaining your art. You almost forget Namjoon is there until you get a free moment, and a tap on your shoulder sends a warm reminder that your eager art enthusiast has made it to your exhibit.
“I didn’t know you were an artist,” he smiles in awe while pointing to a painting near you two with the back of his pencil. “I have to say, though. Your pieces really make me think.”
“I’m no stranger to your questions, Namjoon. You know you can always ask me anything,” you blush.
“What was your muse?” he asks, still staring at the painting he pointed at. You have to turn around to look at which piece he’s talking about. Of course, this was one of your favorites out of all the pieces. You spent years on this one. Multiple trips to the same space out of the country, talks with natives, and fully immersing yourself like one. This one took the most thought and energy you’ve ever put into a piece. You’re flattered he’s mentioned this one out of all the others first.
“For this one, specifically? Or for the general theme of the exhibit?” you double-check.
“For this one — although, that was my second question,” he laughs. “I just happened to notice this one didn’t really match the theme. The rest all fall within a certain feeling, but this one caught my eye first.”
“I’m glad,” you banter. “This one is my favorite.”
“It’s mine, too,” he smirks, the warmness in his eyes flaming your entire body.
“As for the muse, it’s still hard to define,” you candor. “This one took the longest. So many stages of my 20s and mid-life crises and, well, life were all a mosh-pit of emotions on this one. I could only work on it in Iceland, too.”
“Yes,” you laugh at yourself. Saying it out loud, it sounded stranger than you thought it would. “So much inspiration came to me there. Before I knew it, I started saving the majority of my money just to travel there and work on this piece there.”
There's a pause. The business of the room engulfs you as the two of you look at your piece.
“I want to know you, Y/n,” he suddenly blurts out. You almost get whip-lash from how quickly you turn your head to face him once again. “You’re seriously such a talent to me. I want to know you and all your muses. What got you into art and art history and working here. All of it — I want to know it all.”
Now you’re seriously confused.
Maybe it was the way Taehyung told you that it was a likely possibility that Namjoon did like you despite your previous observations that he didn’t. Or maybe it's that glint in his eye that suggests that he truly wants to know more about you other than the fact that you work and present your art in the museum he frequently goes to. You don’t know. But you’ve always been opportunistic, so you take his mysterious sentiment into question.
“Namjoon, have you been talking about me with my co-worker?” you ask, that speed in your heartbeat making its way up your chest.
Namjoon blushes, smiling down at his notepad. “I knew that loser couldn’t keep his mouth shut,” he laughs to himself. “I have. But I promise, all good things.”
“Namjoon, I have to be honest. Taehyung did say some thi—”
“It’s all true,” he nods his head while looking back up at you. “Listen Y/n, as much as I love your tours, this was the one I wanted to go on the most. Your art, your voice, your presence —this is what I was the most curious about. All those questions about the artists I asked you about after those tours — I genuinely just loved listening to your passion. Hearing you talk about what you love and looking at you show off the work you put your soul into. I dunno, maybe I’ve developed a crush.”
Your heart beats out of your chest. Are you really that oblivious? You’re 6 1/2 years older than this man — you should know when a person has been crushing on you by now!
“Namjoon, I’m old,” you blurt, laughing at yourself. A part of you can't help but feel a little insecure about your age. One to two years and you're usually in the 'go' for a lot of romantic things and partnerships with others. But 6 1/2? That's more so unheard of nowadays.
“I could call you ajumma if you wanted,” he smiles teasingly.
“I’ll kill you,” you playfully threaten him. The flutter in your tummy is a little too overwhelming as he flashes his teeth at you, that look telling you that he’s really serious about this crush he’s developed.
“Seriously, Y/n, I couldn’t give a fuck about age,” he says. “I stand by the fact that I’d become gay and date a 570-year-old da Vinci if he were still alive today.”
“Art whore,” you laugh.
“So let me take you out,” he continues, simmering his laughter. “Coffee tomorrow at 10?”
You feel a strange weight lifted off your shoulders. Nodding your head at his question, you feel like you’ve maybe developed a new muse.
[A/N]: Ajumma (아줌마) - [N], a Korean term referring to a married or middle-aged woman; typically a woman of one's parents' age or older.
[End. Do not copy. Original work of @jungkookstatts , 2023] 
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fandomfluffandfuck · 1 year
(The tenses in this are a mess but I’m feeling some kind of way)
I can’t stop thinking about Steve getting face fucked. God, he’d love it so much. Shuffling backwards on his knees until he bumps into the wall with nowhere to go, naked; Bucky still in his tac suit looming over Steve, cupping his chin, fingering his pulse, pressing his thumb down on Steve’s tongue. Teasing him with how red he’s getting, face brighter than the paint on his shield, spreading down towards his stomach as Bucky hovers closer, hooks his grip behind Steve’s teeth and drags him forward to grind his erection against Steve’s cheek before pushing him back against the wall, slapping him lightly, growling:
“Don’t look away from me. Not one second.”
Steve pulling Bucky out of his pants and Bucky grabbing Steve’s wrists, wrenching them above his head as his cock bobs just out Steve’s reach. Telling Steve what a cockslut he is as he swings his head back and forth, trying to catch Bucky’s cock as it smacks against his cheeks. Bucky finally taking pity on Steve, letting his cockhead catch in Steve’s mouth, the pink of the inside of his cheeks made even brighter against the black of Bucky’s armor. Bucky letting Steve suck on the head until Steve is whimpering, straining against Bucky’s hold on his wrists to take him deeper.
Bucky taking pity on him (or on himself…). Starting to fuck Steve’s mouth with slow, measured strokes. Gathering Steve’s wrists into his metal hand so he can circle his own cock with the flesh one, gather the thick drool his cock pulls from Steve’s throat to shove back into his mouth alongside his cock; bury himself in Steve’s throat while pulling at his upper lip, showing his teeth like a horse. Smacking Steve’s cheek every time he closes his eyes for too long, and soon every time he blinks, and the strain of keeping his eyes open along with the threat of gagging has Steve’s eyes red-rimmed and leaking, his face soaked with tears and sweat as Bucky starts pounding faster, gritting his teeth at the sounds his cock makes hitting the back of Steve’s throat.
And still Steve looks up at him, tears shimmering on his lower lashes and face red like the start of a bruise, eyebrows flexing with strain as he takes Bucky in to the root, whines deep in his chest as Bucky grinds him into the wall. Bucky thrusting once, twice, three times, pulling out and stripping his cock and pointedly aiming away from Steve’s open mouth and painting cum across his face so it dangles beside tears in his eyelashes. Using his thumb to drag it down Steve’s cheeks, feed it into his still gaping and hungry mouth. Letting Steve suckle at his dick until it’s too sensitive, and then feeding Steve his fingers. Dropping Steve’s wrists. Cradling his cheeks against Bucky’s thigh as he hums around Bucky’s fingers. Finally closes his eyes.
🤌🏻 Shut the fuck up 🤌🏻
This is SO GOOD.
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I was immediately picturing this as Winter Soldier, black leather, straps, full fantasy, long-haired Bucky with domestic looking Steve--sweats and white tank top, soft, messy hair. All of it. Them.
They're too much.
This is too much. I fucking love, love, love this. Feral. No words, only unholy, chaotic thoughts that are more sounds than anything.
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Thank you for this. Jesus Christ.
Also, might I recommend you something that might be The Best Oral Fixation Fic I Have Ever Laid My Eyes On? 👀
"Let Me Keep You" by LeeHan
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buckgasms · 2 years
💜Kissing + Wakanda Bucky
#pom darling
#2k celebration
Thank you darling @elle14-blog1 for this. I was in the mood for some fluff and since I've had a visit from a vile little troll I definitely needed this ❤️
So let's have a little dream together shall we about gorgeous, perfect Wakanda Bucky 🤌🏻
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- Imagine kissing Wakanda era Bucky 😍
- He'd be kinda nervous I reckon at first.
- This is probably his first romance right? There might have been some little flings here and there but this is where he's got time to work on his skills y'know?
- There's so many kinds of kisses 🤌🏻
- Pecks on the cheek!
- He sneaks up behind you and presses quick kisses on your cheek, his beard scratching your soft skin.
- I imagine he'd softly hold your waist as he did it before letting go and going back to whatever little task he had to do...
- But you'd just stand there dumbfounded and giggling before you could carry on with anything.
- Sitting by a little campfire, look out over a lake
- Head on his shoulder as his deep, quiet voice rumbles in the silence
- Your arm wraps around his, his hand squeezing your thigh absentmindedly.
- Then he'll turn his head ever so slightly and press a little kiss to your forehead.
- His lips linger there for a moment, a nice warmth shared between you.
- Omg what bliss 🥹
- Morning kisses are going be 🤌🏻
- I feel like he wakes up before you, but he likes to lie there and watch you a little bit. It calms him down if he's had a rough night.
- Then he leans in, pressing tickly kisses to your neck and chest, taking his time, breathing you in
- As you stir he presses a few to your cheeks and then captures your lips in a longer kiss.
- He chuckles as you softly whine before you wrap your arms around him and pull him down to deepen the kiss
- "Morning sweetheart" he mumbles between long, sweet kisses.
- "Good Morning Bucky" You whisper, smiling and twirl your fingers through his hair as his hands squeeze you and pull you closer
- Luckily mornings can be pretty slow in Wakanda....
- But there's the best kinda kisses
- The one's where you haven't seen each other all day long
- Or he had a nightmare, or maybe there was some chilliness between you because he didn't know how to say how he felt...
- Either way he needs you desperately. He can't stop thinking about you, his blood runs hot in his veins as his need for you drives him crazy.
- You aren't much better.
- It feels like you left the house without brushing your teeth. That's how natural his kisses are. Part of the routine. Part of living.
- Finally you see each other.
- He's walking back to your little hut, sun setting behind him and you just need him in your arms.
- You rush towards him and he rushes to you, silly smiles breaking on your faces.
- Suddenly you are in his arms, his hand tight in your hair as your lips crash together.
- Your arms wrap around his shoulders, pulling him tight.
- His lips suck on yours, teeth clash, tongue exploring your mouth.
- You can barely breath but you don't care, you can't get enough of him and he can't get enough of you.
- You just stand there, wrapped up in each other for a while until you finally have to break for air.
- Your eyes both glistening a little, you stroke his bearded cheeks and as he pulls you closer.
- You both laugh at each other before he kisses you one more time before you walk back to the hut, hand in hand and happy.
Brb crying and wishing I could kiss Bucky 🥹😍
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I saw it recently in Aug 3 and guys, GUYS, I've never had a good Marvel film like this before, ever since Endgame, after that it's all just dull and so shallow but I think this era is going to promising and hopefully it continues because I'm having a feeling that Marvel? is going to have a very huge comeback and this is just only the start and I'm very thankful and otherworldly grateful to freaking live in the moment of 2008-2019 full on experience of Marvel! and that excitement, thrilling, joyous feeling is BACK, like, I kid you not! watching this with the whole crowd is reacting with you on the same time is such a bliss! I literally do miss it and I am so incredibly happy to have that again and audience???? was so freaking great and amazing! this is a very hot take but as much as I enjoy the Deadpool 2, this one they take it into a whole another level, I'm so glad that they lessen the "multiverse" and they did not overuse it and Ryan Reynolds is made to be Deadpool and Hugh Jackman is one hell of a an actor like yes, I admit, I did grew up in both actors and I'm very much a fan of Ryan but Hugh steals my attention because after seeing this? me and my bestie (especially my bestie) we're both having a Hugh Jackman filmography marathon, they we're a part of our childhood and Ryan always knows how to make the best Marvel film like I swear to god, a word thank you isn't enough for him like he always ALWAYS does his very best to make every Deadpool film to be the most enjoyable film ever like he never ever disappoint and he does it very seriously! like he takes his time and effort to make the whole movie great as much as possible, Marvel, y'all better take a leaf out of Ryan's direction and also better to take down notes because that's how you make a film that will get viewers to be so pumped, hyped and get your film to be anticipated! my expectations for this film are high but after watching it???? I've never knew they would freaking cross it off the goddamn roof! the soundtracks are always top-notch and a banger, the cameos the mind-blowing cameos, the action scenes, comedic timing is insanely well done, the pop culture references are making my brain stutter is absolutely so hilarious and I am so fond of it! the wait is so worth it and you won't ever regret it seeing it for yourself! 😭😭🤌🏻🤌🏻❤️❤️✨✨
you might wanna bring your bestie with you because???? It's a best buds film???? hello??? 😉
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decchanlover · 2 months
Family, Home, House
First thing that comes in my mind is definitely Izuku's and Inko's relationship. I just adore a healthy and strong bond between a mother and her son 🫠🫠
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One of my favourite moments of them is Izuku wearing the hero costume that his mom had made for him in the beginning of the series (I could never hate that costume idc idc IT'S TOO ADORABLE!!!) 😭
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I have so much respect for Inko. She raised her son all on her own and managed to make him the most kindhearted, best boy ever ༎ຶ⁠‿⁠༎ຶ you just know he was raised in a calm and supportive environment with all the love that a child deserves to receive from their parent. WE LOVE INKO MIDORIYA IN THIS HOUSE 🗣️
And of course this *violently sobbing*
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Now going from fluff to the complete opposite side we have the Todoroki family.
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What can I say that hasn't been said yet, a very realistic depiction of a family that's filled with physical and phycological abuse. The introduction of this plotline back in the sports festival had me in complete shock. Like I wholeheartedly thought that BNHA was a wholesome good vibes only type of anime :') getting hit with the intensity of the Todorokis was unexpected but definitely welcomed!
It breaks my heart because of how well written it is. Shoto and Touya are definitely the saddest parts for me (I don't even need to explain why when it comes to Touya) but with Shoto the feeling is even more intense! You just can't help but feel sad for such a kind and gentle soul. His journey of healing is beautiful to see and it saddens me that we won't be able to follow his progression anymore (⁠╥⁠﹏⁠╥⁠) but you just know that he will be okay because on his side is none other than Class 1A! And speaking of Class 1A...
I'm a sucker for the found family trope and BNHA delivers HEAVILY. Class 1A being Shoto's found family is just so so so beautiful 🤌🏻. The way he talks about them and how safe they make him feel hits hard :') love seeing this boy make friends and learn to be more open and happy with the people that he feels comfortable to be with!
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And last but not least, I couldn't talk about the found family trope without mentioning the league of villains. Man .... there's just something about people that have been rejected by society getting all together to form a wonderful (and chaotic) bond that is still one of BNHA's biggest highlights for me. The reason and how they all got together in the first place might be rooted in the need of revenge and destruction but what ends up coming out of it is nothing but a genuine bond that made them feel like they had a chance to belong somewhere :')
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And some random things because I simply could not leave them out!
Jirou's parents and how freaking cool they are! The fact that the husband took his wife's last name is just iconic. Love them <3
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A boy raised with love :')
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And a congratulations to all the BNHA mothers that had their genes completely dominate their kids physical appearances 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻
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eemcintyre · 10 months
Re-watching and re-evaluating "M:I - Dead Reckoning (Part One)"
A long, long time ago, somewhere in the Internet ether, I had promised to review this movie. well here it is if anyone still cares
Still think the introductory scene in the submarine was a bit long, but it didn't feel as long as it did the first time when I was foaming at the mouth to see Tom and only Tom for the first time in a new movie in the theater
Definitely a lot of exposition in the first Cary Elwes/Kittridge/etc. scene, but the information was necessary for the most part. Just very funky and unnatural how they divided the dialogue amongst everyone and they were finishing each other's sentences, like people Do Not talk like that
Also did anyone else think it was weird how long it was until the intro credits montage too? Idk maybe that's my personal artistic choice talking. Either way it was a super neat montage and I loved it, regardless of when it occurred; I was just afraid the first time I saw it that we weren't going to get one 👀👀👀
The whole end-of-days AI thing is definitely way too relevant and 1) stresses me out v badly, but also 2) Tom Cruise gives me hope that maybe we will eventually defeat it, even if it's not by he himself punching it to death 🤞🏻💖
Best comprehensive soundtrack of the franchise; the only one that has actually stuck out in my mind and I can remember at all and has stirred up genuine emotion in me
The Rome car chase safely occupies the spot as the best one I've ever seen, and you can tell the difference with how they used real sets and props vs. just wall-to-wall greenscreen 😖 I also love how the hijinks with like, the handcuffs and the seat-switching feel like smth out of an older spy comedy movie?? Vintage vibes ✨🤌🏻
If Tom Cruise could just casually stand with me protectively like that for a while and shield me from the w o r l d I think it might fix me 🥺🥲
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The way Grace drives is a glimpse into what it feels like for me every time I get on the road
I love the yellow Fiat and I want it gimme gimme
Pom Klementieff's character is definitely too over the top for me. absolutely feral. someone tranquilize her pls. give her a nap. but hey, I'm glad she's having fun 🩷
Rebecca Ferguson was so underused and felt weirdly distant and separated even when she was present in this movie- def my biggest disappointment >:(
Didn't think I was going to like Hayley Atwell at all before seeing the movie bc I tend not to like the way female action movie characters are written and I am a simp for Ilsa if you couldn't tell, but I ended up really enjoying her
Gabriel showed a lot of promise as a cool villain in the beginning when he was all mysterious, but ultimately there wasn't anything memorable about him for me. Only one who's earned that reward to date in M:I is Philip Seymour Hoffman, but maybe if/when we learn more about his backstory/motivation; hope is still alive for now
They've got Grace dressed like a fkin pirate there in Venice. And Pom is giving absolute "Black Parade" realness
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Like kill her off if Rebecca wants to engage in other projects but give the character a proper send-off if you must. But fr, I agree with everyone's critique that she was such a welcome departure and sign of progress from the completely-interchangeable-female-action-character-who's-only-there-to-provide-new-and-different-eye-candy-every-time, and then right after she's really established and gelled with everyone they kill her off and switch her out in the team with another brunette female IN THE VERY NEXT SCENE BEFORE HER BODY IS EVEN COLD IN THE GRAVE
Yes. I understand that it's an action movie and, within the high-stakes confines of the plot, time for mourning is limited. Yes I understand that the other characters have witnessed many other deaths before. But the fact is that her character was special and different, to the characters and to us, and the filmmakers could have done it better. Ok, main gripe of the movie over 😔
Not sure if it's a plot hole or I just don't understand technology, but couldn't the Entity have messed with the computer in Benji's car when he puts it in self-drive while trying to help Ethan board the train...? 🤨🤨
Yep the Train Scene was just as brilliant and utterly harrowing as I remembered; most stressful viewing experience of me life 🥲😭
And, as much of a stretch as it was, I am a sucker indeed still for the part where Pom saves their lives 🥺 and now I kinda hope she lives and sticks around and has a badass, dare I say heroic moment or two in the future
Overall, despite my number of gripes, it still goes down as my favorite movie in the franchise overall 💖 the perfect proportions of comedy and drama, so many iconic and likable characters, and plenty of the unparalleled action sequences we've come to expect but even better than any we've seen before, and I am chomping at the bit for Part Two to eventually, someday, please please please come out thank you and see you at the movies 👋🏻✨
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