#it’s my self employed job I guess?
raysdrawlings · 1 year
I was scrolling through youtube and just saw your zelink comic as a videos thumbnail
(a dub video, tho the dub was made with text-to-speech)
it's pretty cool seeing art by someone i follow randomly at random places
(oh, and they did put your blog's link in their description)
Thanks for letting me know! 😔
My current dubbing policy that I’m fine if the comic is a one-off comic, i love dubs! But if it’s a series of mine composed of several parts (Over 3) I do not want it dubbed.
I ask that anyone wanting to do a dub of my comic, please ask first!
I really wanna avoid situations where I have to ask someone to take something down they spent time and work on, cuz I know that totally sucks, and I’m so appreciative that someone likes the comic I made- and I think we can avoid all this with just a simple “hey can I dub this?”.
So please ask!! It’ll also let me know when I can watch the dubs I’m comfortable with! ✨ And I’d love to see them!
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itstimeforstarwars · 8 months
This workshop thing I'm part of is like "all of the workshops will be recorded so if you're not able to see them when they're live you can watch them later--except this really interesting one, which is at 2pm on a monday. We know it's really interesting though, so if you have to miss that one, we're also doing it a second time! At 930 am on a tuesday. It's two hours long btw."
Like. Thanks.
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hollyannewrites · 1 year
💼 :D
💼If you’re writing spec. fiction, share what professions your characters would have in the contemporary real world. If your WIP is contemporary, share what professions they would have in a fantasy setting. 
Very fun! So I have two major WIPs, one of which is 100% contemporary and the other of which is mostly contemporary except for the fact that they're all in the mafia.
So for the contemporary piece (WIP: My Brother's Keepers):
Josie: Her real job is in HR for a large company, but in fantasy, she'd probably make an excellent lady-in-waiting, because she's well-rounded in her skills and thoughtful.
Silas: I actually never gave him a job in the canon lol! But in fantasy, he'd be like, a very organized wizard. He's very on top of his shit.
For the mafia piece:
Currently, they're all criminals involved in the mafia and criminal underworld.
Simon: He'd work in like, sales? He's very convincing, good at talking to people, and a real people person, so this feels like a career path he'd excel in.
Beck: He'd be a middle school English teacher. I truly don't know why, but this answer immediately popped into my head and it just feels correct.
Sadie: Politician or lawyer, I think, something that involves convincing people and moving people around like chess pieces.
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cosmerelists · 2 months
If Other Stormlight Characters Served as the King's Wit
As requested by anon. :)
"The King's Wit" is there to insult people in the king's stead. In this role, Hoid basically gets to stand at the entrance to feasts and make fun of people. It's a good gig for him. But what if other characters had this job?
1. The Stormfather
Stormfather (rumbling with displeasure): You have broken an oath today. Stormfather: You promised your son that you would play "Shattered Plains" with him this afternoon, but you did not. Stormfather: Though you feast for today, my storm winds shall one day scatter your dishonored bones. Elhokar (visibly sweating): Ha ha my new Wit sure is, ah, intense!
2. Kaladin
Kaladin: Ew. Another Lighteyes... Kaladin: Sniff, sniff! Smells like the exploitation of the powerless in here! Kaladin: I can name a dozen men better than you and guess what--they're ALL darkeyed. Kaladin: Nice outfit--did it come free with your ancestral privilege?  Elhokar (muttering to himself): I will not put him in jail again, I will not put him in jail again, I will not...
3. Shallan
Shallan: [sketching] Hapless Lighteyed guest: Is that...me? Shallan: It is! [shows Ideal Self portrait--it's the same person, only their sadness and distrust is gone and they shine with an earnest and honest light, looking out toward their future] Hapless Lighteyed Guest (visibly tearing up): I...It's beautiful. Shallan: Please, go ahead & take it! Elhokar: Shallan-Wit, why is everyone at my feast introspective and crying? Shallan: I'm really good at art.
4. Adolin
Adolin: Wow! You are so brave to put those colors together, and in a style from two years ago ago! Adolin: You are almost pulling it off. 
5. Dalinar
Dalinar: Hello. I could not help but overhear your heated argument, my friends. Dalinar: It reminds me of a tale from the Way of Kings, which I will now quote from memory... Dalinar: ... Dalinar: Aaaaand, they fled. Dalinar: That's the third time that's happened this evening.
6. Ialai
Ialai: [hands hapless lighteyed guest a folded-up sheet of paper] Hapless Lighteyed Guest: W-Where did you get this information about me? And my husband? And my...former boyfriend's sister's cousin? Ialai: [merely smiles] Hapless Lighteyed Guest: W-What do you want? Please! I'll do anything! Ialai: Why...nothing at all. Yet. Please enjoy the feast.
7. Lift
Lift: Mmmm....4. Lift: A solid 6! Lift: Perhaps a 5, but ONLY because of those pants. Lift: Wow! An 8! Wyndle: P-Please mistress, I don't think the job of the King's Wit is to rank the butts of all attendees! Lift: They need to know.
8. Jasnah
Hapless Lighteyed Guest: Ugh, I don't think it's right for the king to employ a heretic as his Wit! Jasnah: It's strange--one might think that your faith in the Almighty would inspire you to strive to be a good man, yet in reality your mother weeps each and every night to have produced a son who loves drinking and gambling more than he loves his children, his wife, or indeed the Almighty. Jasnah: Should you wish to inspire faith in others, perhaps you should try to demonstrate even the smallest reason why yours has produced an iota of good for anyone in this world aside from yourself. Elhokar (across the room, watching): I...am afraid.
9. Lopen
Lopen: Hey, I know you! I got a cousin in your army! Lopen: He always laughs 'bout how weird it is that your officers make the men pay for their own boots 'n' stuff 'cause it's an army not a charity, right? But then your officer son gets an allowance which is funny 'cause that kinda seems like the 'charity' thing that an army isn't! Lopen: We Herdazians tend to use a word to mean a thing, yeah? But you Alethi sure like to make a word mean whatever it is you want!
10. Szeth & Nightblood
Nightblood: Evil. Evil. Evil. Definitely evil. Big evil! Little evil, but still evil. Szeth: You've identified every guest so far as evil, sword-nimi. Nightbood: Yeah, I'm so good at detecting evil! So when does the slaying start? Szeth: I told you. I don't murder entire parties anymore. That is my past, but it does not have to be my future. Nightblood: But you're the King's Wit! You got wit-tle down the evil, right? Szeth: That is not what that means, sword-nimi. Nightblood: ... Szeth: ... Nightblood: People sure do speed up when they have to walk past us, huh? Szeth: I am pretty sure that means we're doing a good job.
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taffywabbit · 1 year
idk if i'm way off the mark on this, but the way some people are responding to that Guillermo del Toro interview about the decline of studio animation is a bit frustrating to me. specifically the bit where he talks about "emoji animation" and how everything is over-animated and pushed too far and things are rarely allowed to not be ultra-cartoony (y'know, because animation always needs to be marketable to children who are never trusted to have attention spans, right?). like, i think he's generally correct about it! but some folks are taking the wrong message away from that.
i've seen people going off about how "soulless" and "corporate" various recent examples are, and talking about these pieces of media as though they're the result of some kind of personal failing or lack of skill/range on the part of the animators, and it's just like. do people realize that's the only animation you're usually allowed to DO in the industry, unless you get incredibly lucky and land yourself on a project/studio that's unusually cool?
when i was in college for animation it was literally drilled into us nonstop that everything had to be pushed more, that exaggeration was not a guideline or a sometimes-treat but a hard rule that always had to be applied regardless of what was going on, because the viewer couldn't be trusted to pick up on subtlety and we sure as hell couldn't be trusted to convey it. you ever wonder why there's such a specific vibe to a lot of self-directed student films, particularly ones that are focused on character acting/interaction or deep emotions and introspection (especially when there's minimal/no dialogue)? it's because for a lot of young animators, they haven't had the freedom to experiment with realism and subtlety up to that point and they're likely not going to have it again for a while (or at all, unless their career path leads to higher positions where they might have more creative direction over the things they work on. which also becomes a lot less likely if they're anything other than a cishet white dude, for what it's worth).
i would LOVE to see more nuanced, realistic, understated motion and acting in animation. i WANT more characters to be able to express what they're feeling through natural body language and facial cues and for scenes to allow me to breathe instead of spelling everything out in giant bold flashing text all the time. what del Toro wants to see changed in the animation industry sounds great, and i hope others join him in seeking to revamp what modern animation is allowed to be.
but as things currently stand, and as they've stood for a long while now, most artists doing the grunt work on the shows and movies you see are completely at the mercy of corporations and networks who have a vested interest in producing a very specific kind of marketable and cost-efficient media all the time. (and by extension that style is ALSO what's taught in most animation schools, because their job more than anything is to grind you down into a perfect little sweatshop worker who will bend over backwards to meet quotas and get your work approved and not question the higher-ups, even if you have little to no personal investment in the projects you're working on, so that the studios who employ you can maintain their good reputations or whatever)
anyways idk what my point was here, this really just sorta became a rant and my views have undoubtedly been coloured by my own personal experiences (this kinda shit is largely why i dropped out before my last year of animation school, for the record).
i guess just be kind to folks in the animation industry? they've had it fucking rough nonstop for well over a century (the majority of them are still not unionized and there's HUGE pushback against doing so in many places). i assure you they are doing their best to infuse the latest uninspired illumination flick or weird spinoff kids' show with literally any amount of soul they can. you don't have to like the stuff that gets produced by any means! be a hater! i'm certainly not gonna stop you. just remember where these creative decisions come from and why these conditions exist, and consider that when YOU watched something and thought "hmm that could've been done better", you can bet your ass someone actually working on it probably thought the same thing but couldn't do anything about it. these things WILL change as the industry itself improves, but in the meantime folks have to pay their rent, and that usually means doing what they're told and working in a way that will minimize revisions and meet quotas so they can keep their jobs. it sucks, but it is what it is.
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palaeoplushies · 4 months
Follows artist and small business owner. Blocks for trying to get business???? Make it make sense
*Big shrug* I don't really get it, either. I think they just wanted to upset me because there's no reason to tell me they're blocking other than to stick it to "the man" ("the man" in this case being me; a self-employed artisan crafter who is just trying to survive and do what I love).
The thing that allows me to keep making new plushies (that people obviously enjoy looking at, I dread to call it "making content") is the ability to sell the plushies and make money to live and not have to go get a "proper" job like working at a supermarket or something (I would definitely be making less plushies and also be less happy if I had to do that).
Still, if they wanna block me for that, cool, I guess? I don't wanna make anyone guilty for NOT buying my stuff. I still need folks to see it, though.
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celestemona · 3 months
What types of jobs do each of the wifes have or had? (Because from what we know so far, Hakim's mama is a teacher in the akademiya and Quentin and Corinne mama is a dancer so This made me wonder which other professionals the others wifes have and sorry for the bad english)
Anon, you don't know for how long I've been waiting for someone to ask me this!! I'm so whipped for my ocs children yes, but I'm a whore for their mamas too hahah
Okay just like you've guessed, Hakim's mom is indeed a History & Literature professor at Akademiya. She's also a mage but I won't elaborate too much about it because she decided to follow only the conventional education path.
occupations: professor, historian, writer, mage
Lyney's wife, as you've mentioned, is a dancer. Currently, she is performing as an aerial silk pro at her husband's shows and she's pretty popular because of her skills.
occupations: troupe member, dancer, aerial silk pro, lyney's assistant
Kaveh's wife's job is to be rich hahahah She doesn't depend entirely on her sister fund because she is the owner of a huge construction & mining excavation company. How do you think she met her husband?
occupations: ceo, ningguang's right hand, kaveh's account manager
I've to say I struggled a lil bit to come up with a background for the Kaedehara's matriarch. However Mama reader here is a highly skilled adventurer. Just like her husband, she loves to travel, explore and she collect artifacts. Our Lara Croft I'd say hahaha
occupations: adventurer, treasures' collector, archeologist
Éveline's mom is a very fluent merchant. I must say I'm keeping the idea of her being a "former smuggler" from one of my previous fanfics for Neuvi. She's pretty smart and she can get a lot of informations around Teyvat which, sometimes, contributes to her husband's work.
occupation: merchant, former smuggler, former informant
Cyno's wife is an eremite and she used to do some illegal stuffs, that's the main reason why she crossed his way. But now that she's married to Akademiya's mahamatra and has two sons with him, she works at tavern as a bartender. Although sometimes she also does some temporary jobs as bodyguard for those who dare to explore the desert.
occupations: self-employed worker, bartender, bodyguard, former mercenary
And finally we have Wriothesley's wife who works together with him to maintain the Fortress of Meropide organized & safe. Most of the documents and archives tasks are her responsabilities. Howeveeer, if the surface needs someone for interrogation or if something serious happens inside the prison and the guards need a hand, she is the one they trust for this service.
occupations: duchess, fortress of meropide's second administrator, interrogator, executer
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cator99 · 1 month
What kind of lolcows do you enjoy the most? I like reading about male ones because they tend to be milkier and I like moid-on-moid violence.
Respect. Idk if "like" is the right way of putting it but I find the munchausen/msbp women more psychologically compelling. Can't look away. These types (particularly the low-level munchies) seem to be getting so increasingly common that it's just a relief to see people calling it what it is. Also can't look away from the Margaret Palermo (Venus Angelic's mom) saga. I guess she is similar to msbp moms in a way. And on a related note, I'm very into reading testimonials by zero-self-awareness parents with estranged kids. Lol.
A lot of this is a tad morbid (I left out my more morbid lolcow interests tbh) but I love the thorough deep-dives into these people's lives and psyches provided by the farmers, especially those who are in the medical field in some way and can give real insight– firsthand experience with these types and the professional protocol required is fascinating. I've always been curious about the broader impact these people have on those who are employed to deal with them.......... jobs is life
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raya-hunter01 · 1 year
Lights, Camera, Action! Pt.1
Lights, Camera, Action!
Jey Uso x Black Female OC! (Shantell)
Roman x Black Female OC! (Tangela)
Solo x Black Female OC! (Sofia)
Jimmy x Trin
Rating: 18+
Warning: Smut; oral, sex, spankings,fluff, handjobs, masturbation
Words: 11,212
It’s the night before the MITB PPV and the bloodline Civil War match is vastly approaching. How do you keep it together as Smackdown’s production director and navigate your life as the girlfriend of Mr. Main Event Jey Uso?  Follow Shantell as she navigates her life as a girlfriend, sister, and confidant to the bloodline. Follow her on her journey to self-discovery of love and happiness.
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Camera ten pan over, Camera eight get ready! I want that final shot of Jey and Joe before the brawl! Then we are going to pace it going back and forth between camera five and eleven. Stu it’s about to get wild stay safe, and rock it like the rent is due! “I said into my headset.
 “I got you Shan, let’s go to work.” Stu responded.
“Let’s make it count guys in 5,4,3,2,1.” I say looking at the monitor feeling antsy not wanting to miss a moment.
We’re all on pins and needles as Roman walks up to Jey. “You gon step up now, you a big tough guy now, huh. “What you gon do?” he shouts as Jey begins looking down and around with an expression of apprehension.   
 “You ain’t never done nothin, you understand me? “You are nothing without me!” Roman continuously yells at his cousin who he has spent the last three years being abused by the Tribal Chief.
“Alright camera five we are coming your way.” I say as the action seems about to pop off.
“I got you Shan let’s do this.” Scott said as a familiar voice rang out in our ears through our headsets “The civil war has begun!” stated Michael Cole as the brawl breaks down between the bloodline as Jey pie-faced roman right into a superkick from Jimmy.
“Cameras eleven and five let’s take it home guys.  Hard cameras keep your eye on the ring, you got five seconds before it goes to you, then back to camera five. Camera eleven I need my shot!”  I shout into my headset feeling myself in the zone.
“Jey Uso! Takes out the bloodline, the civil war continues tomorrow at “Money In the Bank! “Michael Cole screams as camera five take us home with a final shot on Roman writhing on the floor.
The show was done, and we made it through, the atmosphere in London is so magical and overwhelming at times but we had a great time directing the show. My name is Shantell, but everyone calls me Shan for short. I’m not one to toot my own horn but I’m the first woman to run WWE Smackdown production ever and a black woman at that. I take pride in my job being that I’ve been a fan of wrestling all my life.
 I have been employed by World Wrestling Entertainment for almost three years now. “Jesus!” I scream as I feel someone grab me around my waist from behind and kiss my neck. “Hey baby” the sweaty figure whispers into my neck before dropping a kiss on the sensitive area. A chill ran down my spine because I know that deep sexy drawl anywhere.
 “Jey, you scared the shit outta me!” I exclaimed as he let out a little laugh and turned me around in his arms to face him as I wrap my arms around his neck.
“Well, you know it had to be me, who else would steal a kiss?” he questions with a sly smirk.
 “It could have been anybody, you know how some of these men been trying to get at me all of a sudden since we been dating.” I smirk watching his facial expression turn territorial, almost challenging.
“Ma, ain’t nobody crazy enough to try to take what’s mine.” He says scrunching up his face a little bit before stealing a quick kiss.
“Well, that would be hot if it didn’t sound so ……You Tarzan me jane- ish.” I whispered against his lips before stealing a kiss myself. We both held it together for a few seconds before we fell out laughing.
Yep, as you can guess Joshua Fatu is my boyfriend he is best known to the world as Jey Uso.  We’ve been together almost four months even though we’ve known each other for five years.  Everything is still fairly new to us, and we are navigating the waters from being friends to being in a relationship.
“Hey Uce.” said Jon aka Jimmy Uso walking up to us and giving me a hug and a kiss on the cheek. “Hey big guy! Great job out there.” I said as Joe and Solo came up and I hugged them as well.  “How did we do baby girl?” Joe asks as I embrace him. “You all were awesome I had fun directing you guys tonight. “I said excitedly.  
“Fun my ass! It was a blast; we might need to do a behind the scenes video of you guys directing a segment. Pure passion and at times comedy gold,” said the COO of the company Paul Levesque said as a few of us from production began laughing.
I wrapped up my final work of the night and met the guys at the bus. I saw Jimmy off to the side, ending his phone call looking very upset. “Hey everything ok?” I asked as I saw the longing in his face.
“Yea just missing Trin, it’s a big day tomorrow and I’m so use to having her here.” He says rubbing his hand across his tired face.
“Hey, it will be ok, I know it is hard but if anyone can do this it’s you and Trin.” I say as he nods his head in hopefulness.  
“Guys let’s roll!” shouts Joe from the bus. I give him a hug before we got on the bus to go to our next location in England for a last-minute appearance at a house show not very far from the 02 arena for those that couldn’t get smackdown tickets.
The show was still going on and the bloodline was double booked for both shows with smackdown being filmed earlier in the afternoon.
“Baby, I’m going to call my mom right quick then I will be in” I say as I see them getting ready to get off the bus for the house show main event.
“Ok baby, see you in there,” Jey says as he’s the last one off the bus.  
Tampa, Fl
Trin POV
“Hey Shan, how are you?” Trinity asks with a smile. It was great to hear from my friend, she hated not being on the road with them but in the end, she made her choice. She couldn’t be happier with the new opportunities she was receiving, but she was missing her husband and her friends.
“I’m good I just wanted to run an idea by you. When do you have to go back to work?” Shan asks.
 “Well Tommy thought I was going to England with Jimmy, so he gave me off until next Thursday. I wish he had told me before I reported to work because I could have gone with you guys. Then a fan tweeted me a video from an interview the guys did yesterday, and I just felt so bad.  I miss him so much, and I miss being there, but I had to take a stand on what’s right.” I say brokenly as all I wanted to do at this moment was hold my husband and take is pain away.
“That’s why I’m calling Trin, the company Jet is in route back to the states to pick up a few more talent that is going to do house shows this upcoming Monday and I asked Paul if you could come, and he said yes!” Shan says excitedly.
My tears began to fall I had to take a moment to comprehend what my friend was saying. “Are you serious?”  “Yes, I’m serious Paul understands what went down, why do you think he had no problem with you being at Wrestlemania to support Jon, he adores you.  The Plane will land in about three hours at the airport also, Tangela and Sofia are coming,” she adds.
 Tangela and Sofia are also my girls and Roman and Solo’s wives respectively. It’s hard in this business being married but we all find a way to make it work.
“Shan, I can’t thank you enough,” I say trying to stop my tears from flowing.
“Girl, stop crying, tomorrow is going to be special for them, and it wouldn’t be complete if the most important women in their lives weren’t here to share in that. Now get packed and come see your hubby.” she says confidently.
“See that’s why you my sister, you keep me grounded,” I whisper in gratitude.
“See you tomorrow sis, call me when y’all land,” she says as we finish our goodbyes.
Shantell’s POV
“I was getting worried bae,” Jey said as I came and sat on his lap.
“I’m ok baby.” I said giving him a chaste kiss on the lips.
“Get a room ya’ll! I’m already missing my wife, “Solo says with a laugh as I got up and pretended to square up against him.
“Now sis, you know damn well, “he starts with a belly laugh as I cut him off.
"Hey! Don’t sleep on us quiet ones, we’ll put them paws on dat ass!” I exclaim, smiling and swinging my fists in a windmill motion as the guys start laughing.
“I’ll remember that.” he says rubbing the top of my head with a smile as I stick out my tongue at him.
“Bro, leave my girl alone,” Jey says grabbing me by the waist pulling me into his lap laughing at the antics of his brother and I.
We all continued to joke around with each other before Paul Heyman made his presence felt, “Gentleman this angle has been amazing, all the hard work you have put in is paying off. I couldn’t be prouder; you deserve this, and so much more so enjoy this moment.” he said with tears in his eyes.
The moment of clarity for the four men was resounding as they seemed to be in trance still trying to comprehend all that is happening to them and just taking the moment in. Tomorrow they would make history with each other.
 “I’ll be back guys,” Jimmy says as he stands and proceeds to go deep into the arena.
“He misses Trin.” Jey says as he looks at his brother retreating form.
I look at Jey and then turned to Joe as I heard him speaking. “That is a major part of it, but he also thinks with everything that has happened in the past he’s not deserving of this moment. That interview really threw him for a loop yesterday,” he says taking a deep breathe looking in the direction his cousin went.
“I’m going to talk to him,” I said practically running to find Jimmy before Jey could stop me.
I found him in a deserted part of the arena with his head between his hands. I sat down beside him. “Wanna talk?” I ask. “I’m gonna fuck this up,” he says in a whisper. Unbeknownst to them someone is listening in the shadows.
“What do you mean you’re gonna fuck it up?” I ask.
“I don’t belong here Uce,” he says as I look at him with sympathetic eyes.
“I don’t know who you’ve been listening to, but I am telling you that you belong here. You belong here with your brothers, and your family. You all play a part in this, not just one person. I’m sorry but the guy l directed a couple weeks ago that cut that badass promo with his brothers and cousin was ready,” I say as he hangs his head taking a deep breath.
“Jonathon!” I yell as he turns to look at me in disbelief.
 “My government name…. Really sis?" he whines as I shake my head yes at him.
“Yes, government name because I’m talking to Jonathon Fatu now not Jimmy Uso. Look we all make mistakes. Do you know what matters?” I ask as he stares at me intently and shakes his head no.
“It’s how you handle your mistakes that makes you the person you are. You messed up big deal, you owned it, and you worked your way back. You brothers loves you, so does Trinity, Joe, we all do, and you know mama and daddy Kishi don’t play bout they babies,” I say finally getting a smile out of him as I nudge his shoulder.
“We are all with you every step of the way because that what family do,” I say reassuring him. He sadly smiles at me as a few silent tears slips from his eyes.
“I’m glad my brother has someone like you in his life Shan,” he says as we embrace.
“I know right!” I say smartly as we both laugh. “But seriously I’m blessed to have your brother in my life, he treats me like a queen. And I’m glad Joshua is blessed to have brothers like you and Solo,” I say as we sit in silence for a minute.
‘Now can we go back and enjoy the moment with your family,” I ask as he nods, helps me up, and we walk back towards the group.
Jey’s POV
Jey wipes the tears he didn’t even know had fallen from his eyes as he watched his girlfriend walk off with his brother to rejoin the group. He felt his brother’s pain as he himself had made a few bad choices, but the media always focused on my brothers’ problems. I didn’t know he felt this way and that bothers me. We both deserve to be here.
We gon have a talk when we get home away from the prying eyes of work. Behind every corner someone sees something. Case in point my ass hiding in the shadows listening on a conversation not meant for me, but I’m glad I did.
“There you are baby,” Shan says as I walk up trying to mask all the emotions inside of me from the conversation I overheard.
“I was going to find you guys, but I had to go to the bathroom” I said sitting beside her.
She looks at me and nods in understanding. “We’re on soon guys, then we can go on to the hotel to get some rest.” Joe states taking a seat beside Solo and Jimmy.
“Good because I need to call Sofia, “Solo says looking at a picture of his wife and son on his phone.
Shantell’s POV
“Night guys,” I say as Jey, and I step off the elevator for him to walk me to my room.
“Night Uce,” Jimmy says with a smile and a side nod trying to push his bro to shoot his shot. Jey shook his head no while signaling to his twin brother to shut up.
“No fooling around guys, you know what Mickey said in Rocky. Women weaken them legs,” Solo says as Joe hits him on the back of his head as we all laughed.
“We all know Shantell is a good girl, she going to make Uce earn it, they may cuddle at best, so he won’t have weak legs tomorrow Solo, I assure you, “Joe snickers.
I blush and put my head down as Jey laughs, “Aye, aye, get outta me and my lady business,” he says as the elevator door closes. We began the walk to my room finally reaching our destination, I turn to say goodnight and I’m met with an earth-shattering kiss from Jey, it was slow, deliberate, and powerful.
Getting lost in the moment my arms automatically go to around his neck as he pulls me in close. I feel his tongue begging to be inside my mouth as he pulls me even closer to him.
I gasp at the sensations he is causing me to have all at once as our tongues finally meet in a sensual dance as his hands begin to roam all over my body.
“Ahem!” A familiar voice says as we turn to see Paul Heyman with smile on his face.
“Maybe you two would like to take that inside one of your rooms maybe?” He says as I blush and put my head on Jey’s shoulder as he snickers rubbing his hands up and down my arms.
“Sorry OG, I lost myself for a second.” Jey says trying to not laugh.
“No problem, I know what it was like to be young and in love” he says smiling walking into his room beside mine.
“So are you coming in mister right hand man?” I ask as his gaze intensifies as he invades my space once again. “I wanna do some thangs to you with this right hand, he says touching my breasts through my shirt as I moan. “I don’t wanna rush you, I’m trying to be a good dude here,” he whispers before taking me again in a gentle kiss as we both moan from pleasure. I can feel his chest muscles tighten as I rake my nails up and down his back trying to feel him anyway I could.
Breaking away from the intense kiss to catch my breath, I finds my voice, “I’m not ready to say goodnight yet, I whisper still holding on to him as he smiles. I was content in his arms yet struggling to find the courage to say what I know we both wanted.
“Shit you look so fuckin sexy right now, you makin it hard for me to go to my room Shan,” he groans as I gaze up at him with bashful, lust filled eyes. “Can I stay wit ya baby. I just wanna hold you.” Jey whispers to me as he sensually attacks my neck with kisses as I nod and let out a small moan as he finds my sensitive spot behind my ear.
 “Mmhmm, I found a spot didn’t I baby,” he moans near my ear as I groan, and nod appreciatively barely holding it together. “Can I stay baby?” he moans kissing and sucking on my neck as if he’s trying to drain my dry of my senses. I nod again unable to speak as he’s enjoying feasting on my neck.
“Nah, let me hear you say I can baby”, he demands as he pulls back to look into my eyes.  “Do you want me to stay beautiful?” he asks again more clearly as he gently caresses my face looking at me with so much love and admiration. I pray this feeling never ends; I’m so gone over this man if he wanted to take me right now in this hall up against the wall, I would let him.
“Yes,” I moan breathlessly without hesitation as he gently kisses me. “I promise I’ll be good,” he whispers against my lips in between kisses “I trust you baby,” I say gazing into his eyes before turning away to open the door.  He wraps his arms around my waist slowly pulling me to him gingerly brushing my hair to one side while sensually attacking the other side of my neck with butterfly kisses as we go inside.
“Bout time Uce!” Paul says to himself smiling happy that the relationship between the two was flourishing. He didn’t mean to listen to their intimate conversation, but they weren’t exactly being quite either. Paul shook his head went to call his own wife before he took a shower to settle down for the night.
Sofia’s POV
“Baby… I miss you so much,” Sofia says as she talks to her husband Solo on the phone.
“I miss you more babe, tomorrow is on my mind, and you calm me down when I’m overthinking,” he says glancing around is lonely hotel room.
“Baby, I want you to breathe, I hate the connection was so bad that our facetime call dropped earlier,” Sofia mumbles as Trinity and Tangela shoot her a look from the other side of the plane. She holds up a finger at them.
“Baby, can I call you back? I’m going to check on the Cameron,” she says as Solo voice perks up at the mention of his son. He knows how hard it is for a newborn sometimes to sleep and their son was no different. He knows I’ve been struggling to adjust to Cameron’s sleep patterns.
“Sure baby, give Cameron my love. I love you Sofie,” he says as I smiles “I love you too big guy.”
“What was that about?” Tangela says as I disconnect the call shaking my head.
“Oh, he’s nervous about tomorrow and wishes I was there,” I say with a look of longing, this was harder than I thought it would be.
“Aww, he is going to be so surprised tomorrow,” Trinity says as Tangela smiles.
“Joe text me talking about keep the home fires burning, we are going on a trip when he gets done with smackdown next week. I hate I could never get into wrestling like you guys, sometimes I feel outta place” Tangela says with a small frown on her face.
“Girl, even if you don’t like it, I bet when you feel the atmosphere tomorrow you will enjoy the show and will be cheering him on. You support and love him, so he doesn’t mind if you don’t come to shows but I know it’s important to him and his face is going to tell the story when he sees you tomorrow.” Sofia reassures her.
Jimmy’s Hotel Room
“Damn,” Jimmy mutters as he tries to reach his wife but gets her voicemail.
“Good night beautiful…. I had you on my mind, and Josh is probably staying the night with Shan, so I was hoping for a little facetime fun. I can’t wait to get home to see you.  I Love you.” He ended the call and went about his nightly routine to get ready for bed.
Shantell's Hotel room
Jey’s POV
“I’m going to grab a shower baby, “Shan says heading into the bathroom. As Jey makes himself comfortable on the bed. “Need any help baby?” I ask with a smirk. “You are so silly,” she says shutting the bathroom door.
“She gon to be the death of me,” I whisper to myself as I hear the shower in the next room. I pulled my clothes off and strip down to my underwear, having showered at the building paid off because I probably would have taken my clothes off and joined her in the shower and took her right then and there with how hot she got me from our makeout session outside of her hotel room.
“Jey, hold it together ….Damn,” I say to myself while channel surfing. Next thing you know the thought of the water cascading down Shan’s body is too much and I’m sliding my underwear down a little to release my throbbing dick.  
“Shit! That feels better,” I mutter as I glance back at the door then back down at my throbbing dick, I needed to take care of it before Shan gets out of the shower. I slowly grabbed my dick and began to stroke it to further erection. I needed to get relief quick and fast.
 My breath hitches as I pictured Shan in the shower as I began to stroke faster, my gasps faintly heard throughout the room as I struggle to be quiet to not alert her as to what I was doing.  I begin to stroke even faster, as the thought of her going down on her knees looking up at me with those beautiful bedroom eyes as she takes me in her mouth.
 “Fuck!” I mutter as my eyes closes, it feels so fucking good. I stroke myself harder as I feel my thighs start to tighten, it’s almost like I could feel Shan’s mouth on my dick sucking me hard and fast. My body begins to shiver as I cum hard shaking and cursing below my breath gasping Shantell’s name.
“Damn, I’m whipped,” I say to myself as I clean myself up quickly and climbed back into bed feeling more relaxed and ready for bed.
Shantell’s POV
As I was finishing up my shower my thoughts began to wander to Jey. We have been dating for a few months, few kisses here, and caresses there. I want so much more; I’m ready to give Jey every inch of me.  I never really dated as I was always concerned with school and sports so it left little time for dating.
After high school, I started college but two years in I left due to my grandmother being diagnosed with cancer. I put school on the back burner until she went into remission. Then when I returned, I did my internship with WWE and finished my last two years of college.
Sadly after my one-year anniversary with the WWE my grandmother's cancer returned and after a long-fought battle, she passed away last year.
Now I stand here as a thirty-two-year-old virgin. I remember the battle we had about our ages since he’s almost thirty-eight and I thought people would talk about our six-year age difference.
I’ll never forget him storming into gorilla while I was working, telling me how we both grown ass folk, and it was nobody’s business but ours what we do. He also decided to yell about how over half of the people that work in the WWE are married and cheating on their spouses. Not how I wanted it to be known we were together, but hey he was passionate about it.
Laughing and shaking my head at the memory, I steps out the shower, I could hear his light snores. I dried off and changed into my right-hand man t shirt that he gave me on one of our many late-night movie marathons in his room. As I open the door, I see my he is out like a light. I climb in bed beside him.
Jey’s POV I moan as I feel Shan next to me and as I roll over to scoop her up in my arms.  I can get use to this. Man, she making an Uce feel a certain type of way, real talk.
“Night baby,” I whisper her against her ear kissing her neck, wrapping my arms around her pulling her closer to me.  “Goodnight my right-hand man, “I hear her faintly whisper as we drift off to sleep.
London Airport
“Trinity…. Tangela, hurry up!” Sofia says as they are rushing to get off the plane. The show has already started, and she wanted to see Solo before his match.
“I’m coming!” Trinity yells having changed into her new Day One-ish shirt. Following close behind her was Tangela in her husband’s shirt.
The women hopped in the limo waiting for them excitement taking over as they were on the way to their husbands finally.
O2 Arena  MITB PPV
Shantell’s POV
You could cut the excitement with a knife as the guys were off talking about last minute plans for their match.
 “Where are they?” Shan mutters as she looks at her watch. The women’s MIB match was going on. She was hoping the girls got there in time to share a few minutes with their husbands before the match.
Lost in her thoughts her phone beeped to alert her of an incoming message.
“Outside by the bus, is the coast clear to come in?” Trin’s text read.
“Girl, yes get in here quick, they’ve gone down to the spare ring in the building to run over some stuff, they don’t want me to know the outcome.” I text back.
Shan took off towards the bloodline dressing room thanking her lucky stars that the guys still shared a dressing room together.
Ok roses, fruit, champagne for after the match I say to myself scanning the room making sure everything was right.
Knock, knock
“Thank god,” I whisper as I open the door and let the ladies in as we share a quick hug.
“Thank you so much Shan, even though y’all know I’m so confused by this whole wrestling thing, “Tangela says honestly.
You’re welcome, Tangela. The night wouldn’t be complete without you all here,” I told her.
“I owe you,” Trinity says tearing up.
“No ma’am, no tears go freshen up,” Tangela says as Sofia nods in agreement.
“I’m going to go find them and be right back.” I say leaving out of the dressing room.
Paul knew I would want to be at ring side tonight to Support Jey, so I have the night off. Thankfully I won’t be out there alone because Trin is going to sit with me.
Tangela and Sofia weren’t comfortable being out in front of the crowds, so they were going to watch the match from the dressing room.
I changed into my new Day-One-ish shirt as I fumbled around the arena to find the guys.
45 minutes before the Main Event.
Solo’s POV
“The crowd is gon lose they shit Uce!” Jimmy says excitedly as we all hug and go silent as we see Shan approaching us.
“Does she know Uce?” Joe whispers to Jey as he shakes his head.
“No, I want her to be surprised with the ending,” Jey says as he smiles at his girlfriend coming closer to them in the spare ring.
“You know that can go one of two ways, she kisses you, or cuss yo ass out.” I laugh as Jey rolls his eyes at me.
“Ok boys you got about forty-five minutes before showtime,” she says smiling as she can see how excited and nervous, we are. “How about we go back to the dressing room for a second, I think you guys need a moment to soak in the moment from prying eyes.” She offers as we all agree with the suggestion.
Tonight, was big, I’m competing in the main event as a competitor going against my brothers. Holy Shit.  Yea, I need to call Sofia to get my damn nerves together I think to myself as we walk back to our dressing room.
Shantell's POV
I texted Trin that we were headed their way as Jimmy led the way.
“Ma, you just cheesing,” Jey says taking my hand in his smiling himself.
“Hey, I got the night off so I can watch my man compete in peace, I ain’t gotta be shouting orders about camera shots or nothing just let me enjoy this moment mister main event,” I say excitedly as he shakes his head.
Jimmy’s excited voice could be heard from the dressing room, and it made Joe and Solo pick-up pace to get there to see what the commotion was. I smiled and looked at my boyfriend.  
“What did you do?” he asks.
“Nothing… I swear baby,” I say as he rolls his eyes at me.
“Yessss Sir!!!!” Roman yells as I smile wider as Jey looks at me shaking his head.
“You did something, come on here sneaky,” he said leading the way as we walked in the dressing room to see what was going on. I feel Jey’s eyes staring intently at me.
“What?” I ask as he pulls me closer and kisses me long and deep.
“Thank you, baby,” he whispers as I shake my head.
 “Don’t thank me baby, it’s no need.” I say as I kiss him this time.
“Baby you had me fooled,” solo says as he kisses his wife.
“I was so scared you would pick up on my facetime lie about the bad signal,” Sofia says rubbing her hands through his short mohawk.
“Babygirl you at an event I’m shocked but so damn happy,” Joe says picking his wife up and spinning her around.
“I’m glad baby, I missed you.” Tangela says kissing her husband.
Jey’s POV
A few sniffles could be heard from across the room as I saw Trin and Jon locked in an embrace as if they let go one of them would disappear.
“You did this Uce?” Jimmy says finally looking up at Shan when they finally pulled away from each other. Shan smiled.
“Hell, yea she did,” Trin interjects with a smile.
“Thank you,” Jimmy says as she gives him a nod.
“Tonight, is such a big night for you all and I knew who you would love to share it with, so I asked Paul, he agreed, and he helped me make it happen no need to thank me ya’ll.” she says shrugging her shoulders. Man, I love this woman so damn much it ain’t funny.  She is always giving to others, showing love.
“This means so much Shan…. Thank you, sis. “Solo says going over to hug her.
“Hell, everybody group hug!” Jimmy yells as we all smush together for a group hug.
Shan’s POV
As we all chatted for a bit a knock came at the door, "Guys your needed at gorilla," a stage hand said poking his head in the door.
I looked up and my eyes met Jimmy’s, I gave him a small wink, he nodded his head in understanding as a bright smile appear upon his face.
“Go kill it ya’ll,” Trin says as they began to gather their things.
“We got you sis,” Solo says with a smile.
“I’m going to watch from Gorilla along with Trin while Tangela and Sofia are going to watch from the dressing room,” Shan says as the guys nod in agreement.
“Walk us to Gorilla.” Jey says looking intently at me.
“Nah, you need to get in the zone I don’t want to mess you up. I’ll head to Gorilla before Roman and Solo go out. Good luck, and be safe baby,” I say kissing him before they left. It felt like an eternity before they finally did leave, I think it was the excitement in me.
“Trin you ready?” I say smiling, putting on my Usos hat. Got to be a little incognito out there.
“Hell, yea girl let me put my hat on too.” She says heading to her bag.  
“Have fun!” Tangela says as Sofia nods her head in agreement.
“I think you guys will get use to this and before you know it will be cheering your heads off in the crowds with us, “I declare as Trin and I leave to head to our seats for the main event.
Gorilla Area
“Guys I got a second hard camera on the side of the ring by Barrett and Cole. Go there and do your pose during your entrance since Joe and Solo are going to pose in the middle during their entrance,” Paul says as the Jimmy and Jey nodded in understanding.
“Have fun, live in the moment and I’m proud of you guys.” COO Paul Levesque says as he slaps them on the back and walks back to his headset.
“Thanks boss,” they say and began jumping around in place getting amped up.
“Let’s bring the house down boys!” Joe encourages as Solo starts to get a little nervous.
“Aye, lil bro, we got you,” Jimmy says looking at his brother with a warm smile. All four men hugged each other.  WWE’s photographers along with a camera man were taking pictures and documenting this amazing moment that was about to take place.
“Girl, I’m out of shape,” Shan says as they finally make it to their seat during the ending of the Seth Rollins vs. Finn Balor match. Finally getting a chance to sit down and catch her breath.
“Girl, please I’m tired, and I know I’m in shape. This running for the birds almost made me break a sweat.” Trin said as we both laughed and settled in for the main event.
Trinity and I both jumped to our feet and began screaming as the beat dropped and our men began their walk to the ring.
Down since
Day one ish
Down since
Day one ish
Day one ish
Line 'em all up
Knock 'em down like this!
Jey’s POV
Whoo! This crowd is live Jey thinks to himself as he hits the steps with his hand and steps up on the apron bouncing around heading to the corner for the hard camera shot.
Wait is that Shan Jey says to himself with a smile as he sees his girlfriend on her feet with his sister-in law jamming out screaming their theme music with the fans dressed in their merchandise.
 Jimmy was pointing walking towards the ropes smiling having just spotted his wife. I climbed the turnbuckle, as we take in the atmosphere of the crowd as we bounce to the music. Looking down at the women in our lives who smiles were so bright it could outshine the sun as they sing our theme song.
Down since
Day one ish
Down since
Day one ish
We been down since
“I’m gonna marry that woman,” I whisper to my brother as he looks down at Shantell who is so carefree singing her heart out dancing. Jimmy nodding his head as he can’t take his eyes off his wife himself as the girls are dancing and singing with the crowd.
Day one ish
Line 'em all up
Knock 'em down like this
“Let’s go Uce,“I say to my brother, tapping his shoulder as we head to the center of the ring to amp the crowd up even more than what they were.
“We got’em!” Trin yelled as we high five each other, sat down and got ready for the main event.
Bullshit! Bullshit! The hostile crowd chants as Roman is laying over both Usos going for the pin to end the match.
“Come on Joe!” Tangela screams as Sofia looks over at her with a smile.” Yep, she’s hooked,” Sofia says to herself as she turns back to the monitor.
“Accept they didn’t win, the Usos kicked out!” Michael Cole screams as both women clap their hands at the awesome match that was happening.
“Get’em baby!” Sofia yells as Solo snaps Roman out of his daze and begins pounding on Jey.
“My fucking nerves are shot!” Shan exclaims as Solo is currently perched on the barrier in front of them. He looks back at the women for a second, winks at them, turns back around pose for a second and misses the table dive on Jimmy.
“Fuck Solo,” Trin whispers with wide eyes as her brother-in law is laying in the midst of the table carnage.
“Get up Jey! “I yell as Roman covers him.
"Jey kicks out!" I could hear Cole screaming as the crown is going insane
“I know that hurt!” Trin says as Jey low blowed Joe while kicking out of the pin.
“What the hell Josh!” Tangela screams, as Sofia is worried as the camera hasn’t gone back to her husband to see how he is doing after the table spot just replays. Out of the corner of her eye finally she sees him climbing on the apron being met with double superkicks from Jimmy and Jey as he falls back down to the floor.
“Fuck, that looked brutal,” Sofia says shaking her head.
“Tag! Go baby!!” Shantell shouts as Jey goes to the top rope and hits the splash from the top rope onto Roman.
“Pin him!” Trin yells as Jey covers Roman.
 The crowd explodes as Trin and I jump practically almost over the barricade cheering for all of them. Jey had just pinned Roman it was the first time in 3 ½ years since he had been pinned and they gave Josh the honor of doing it.
Jimmy is overwhelmed in the corner as Trin wipes away her tears. We hugged each other as we were so happy in this moment for all of them.
“That was amazing!” Tangela says watching the replay of the pin and catches her husband whispering “I love you” to his cousin as he pins him. “Aww Joe,” She whispers to herself.
“Great match!” Sofia stands up clapping.
 “Ok y’all got me hooked,” says Tangela as she heads to the door with Sofia to meet their husbands at the curtain.
Ringside Celebration
Watching these two brothers have their moment in the ring brings tears to our eyes as they join hands and hold up the ones. Jey and Jimmy came back to our corner and celebrated.
 “Jimmy points at Trinity and she yells” I love you Jurdy!” He smiles at her as Jey winks at me as I blow him a kiss.
 We quickly grabbed our stuff and started to head towards the back as we didn’t want to bring attention to ourselves with Trin being under contract to TNA and WWE didn’t need a lawsuit about having TNA talent on WWE television.
The crowd continues to sing and dance as Jey and Jimmy celebrate.
Shantell's POV
“Gril that was crazy!” Sofia exclaims as Trin and I come through the side curtain.
“It was amazing,” I say feeling a little emotional as we all hugged waiting for the guys to come through the curtain.
Joe and Solo slowly make their way through the curtain as a round of applause breaks out as Sofia and Tangela stand off to the side as their coworkers are giving them pats on the back and praise.
 Joe and Solo tell them thank you as Jey and Jimmy come through the curtain and the applause starts up again. Fellow wrestlers move over to the Usos as Joe and Solo come further down the gorilla area as Sofia and Tangela run to their husbands.
“That was the craziest thing I ever seen,” Tangela says kissing her husband gingerly on the lips.
“Thanks, babygirl so does this mean I can get you to come to more shows now,” Joe laughs hopefully.  
“Hell yea, I had fun.  Are you ok?” She asks as they stare into each other’s eyes.
“Never been better baby,” he assures her as he kisses her again.
“You scared me!” Sofia exclaims as she is holding on to solo extra tight. “Woman all this cushion I was ok,” he laughs as he rubs his wife’s back.
“Jurdy!!!” Trin screams as she jumps in Jimmy’s arms and as Jey walks past them smiling down at me out of breath, body glistening and engulfs me in a tight hug.
“I’m so proud of you Josh.” I whisper in his neck as we embrace.
“Thank you for everything baby,” he says pulling back taking me by surprise with a tender kiss caressing my face. I can’t hide my smile, I’m so proud of him.
“Yo!! We did that shit!!” Jimmy shouts as we laugh but agree.
“Thanks for tonight, Paul.” I say going over to give him a hug.” No problem munchkin, I can say it made for a great tv moment of their natural reaction seeing you guys at ringside,” he laughs. “I bet you got footage of us acting a damn fool don’t you,” I say as he nods.
“You bet kiddo, you two had a whole damn concert going on down there with the crowd, ya’ll totally belonged out there,” he laughs.
“Oh no!” I laugh as I give him another hug and go back over to Jey who was looking at me with a longing and fire. Yea, this man can get it…. Virtue is all out the damn door if this man keeps them looks up, I think to myself.
Shantell’s Hotel
So, I finally get the man alone that pinned the Tribal Chief Roman Reigns tonight, a man who hadn’t been pinned in almost four years. How does this man want to celebrate, he wants to eat pizza, wings, candy, and drink Ginger ale out of his red solo cup pretending he’s drinking alcohol. I will say this though, Canada Dry will drain your soul it’s so strong.” I say laughing as we bump our cups together in a toast.
“Hey, it’s a vibe ma, and plus the candy is for my breath because I’m planning on stealing some kisses tonight and I don’t want Stank breath.” we both laugh as he grabs another slice of pizza.
I really enjoy moments like this with him where we shut out the world and we can just be us no matter how goofy we get. His deep voice penetrated my ears.
“You know I heard you yesterday with my brother,” he says snapping me out of taking a bite of my pizza.
“Oh that,” I say putting my slice down giving him my full attention.
“Yea that. I know you don’t like to hear people make a big deal out of stuff that you do but that interview we did Thursday really hit him hard with them asking about Trin and his DUI’s.  It had him overthinking and doubting himself,” he says putting his food down.
“I thought as much but I saw him on the phone after smackdown, how sad he was, and how he missed Trin.” I said as he moved the pizza off the couch and put it on the table. I grabbed some gummies off the table and put a few in my mouth as he held his hand out for some.
“So, I asked Paul for a favor since he was sending the jet back to get talent. So, I asked if the girls could come along for the show and the rest is history, “I say as he nods his head in understanding.
“Well thank you for helping with one of the biggest moments in my career and for being there supporting me baby,” he says leaning over to kiss me.  “Always baby,” I moan against his lips, as the kiss became intense, I pulled away.
“What’s wrong baby,” he asks as he rubs my legs looking apprehensive.
“I need to tell you something,” I say as I take a deep breath staring at him with a small smile.
“What. I know you ain’t married,” he says looking at me with wide eyes…. “Is you,” he asked nervously as I shook my head no fast as lightning.
“Now you know damn well!” I said raising my voice before he cut me off holding his hands up in the air laughing.
 “Easy tiger… I was kidding baby, you know you can tell ya man anything,” he says smiling at me.
“I just feel bad that I never told you why I wanted to take things slow, and I know this is probably hard for you,” I say rabbling as he cuts me off.
“I respect it baby, I thought maybe somebody hurt you so you’re taking your time before giving your heart and body again to someone. I enjoy being with you and I’m willing to wait until you’re ready.” He states with a charming smile that could light up any room.
“Jey, nobody hurt me, I just” … I hesitate and take a deep breath as he grabs my hands and I look into his eyes and see nothing but love.
Chile, stop being dramatic and tell the man so, we can move on my mind screams at me.
“Nobody hurt me Jey, I’ve just never given my heart or my body to anyone…. Ever.” As the words “ever” left my mouth in a whisper his eyes got almost wide as saucers.
"Wh..what," He stutters as I nod my head.
"I’m a virgin," I say a little stronger feeling good to have finally told him. I look at him and he is still stoic and just staring at me.
“Say something Jey,” I say as tears start to build in my eyes. That seemed to bring him out of the daze he was in.
“Nah, don’t cry baby….  You just caught me off guard,” he says wiping my tears.
“This is so fucking embarrassing,” I say looking away from him as he turns my head back towards him and urgently kisses me.
“No, it ain’t woman, I’m so fucking turned on right now you have no idea,” he moans as he pulls away and his intense eyes feel like they are piercing my soul.
“Huh,” I stutter unsure of what he’s trying to say.
“I have wanted you so badly from the first day I met you five years ago, but I was going through a divorce and a lot of other shit, so I let you be.  I just settled for us being friends, my Uce,” he said smirking as I looked at him dumbfounded.
 “You made me want to be better, always encouraging me and my brother. Then you and Trin got closer, so we got to hang out more and I fell even harder for you. It’s not about sex Shantell what we have is real. You had me five years ago baby and you didn’t even know it.” He says intently as his eyes never leave mine.
Taking a deep breath, I can see he is struggling with something himself and I feel a weight come off him as I hear the words, “I have a secret too,” he whispers as I listen closely.  
“I love you Shantell,” he says looking at me with much love and admiration I could melt to the floor right here and combust.
I feel the tears building up in my eyes again. He loves me, tell him you love him too idiot my mind screams as I see him drop his head.
I leaned over and caressed his face as he has done to me many times. He lifts his head and sees fresh tears threatening to fall.
“Baby,” …he starts as I cut him off placing my hand on his lips.
“I love you, Joshua Fatu. “I confess as I feel him exhale a deep breath, I didn’t even know he was holding. I lean forward and kiss him with all my might.
“Shan,” Jey gasps out as I climb on his lap with my legs on either side of him never breaking our kiss which was growing hungrier by the second as I began grinding on his lap. I gasp against his lips as I feel his hardness pressing against me.
You've got me (You've got me)
You've got me (You've got me)
You've got me (You've got me)
You've got me speechless
My mind was in a whirl, and I couldn’t think, he never missed a beat scooting us to the end of the couch, as he lifted me up with ease, my legs still wrapped around his waist never once breaking our kiss, he balances one hand on the bed sliding us to the headboard.
I gasp as I feel him rocking against my wet covered center. His hands gripping and rubbing my thighs as our tongues battle for control as he caresses my face. We both stop for a second to catch our breath.
Finally finding his voice “I’m not going to take you tonight, Shan,” he states breathlessly as I whine before being cut off by a powerful kiss.
“I want it to be special, tonight, just let me take care of you baby” he whispers.
Laying so closely
I feel your skin rubbing and touching me
Only sweat between us
Nuzzling my neck, he slowly undresses me “God you are so beautiful,” he says making me blush. Jey caressing and kissing my body has my mind is in a whirl as he moves from my neck down to my breasts. “Josh!” I exclaimed as he took one of my nipples into his mouth swirling his tongue around it as I gasped arching my body closer to him.
God, my body was on fire and only Jey could put out the flames.
“Baby…. Please,” I moaned as he continued his torture on my breasts.
“I need to feel you baby please,” I beg as I help him take off his shirt. I touch his chest running my fingers around to his back lightly scratching him as I kiss his neck. His moans cheering me on to be bolder.
Feeling you kissing and pleasing me
I rub your back
I kiss your neck
I know that you love when we touch like that
As he rains down kisses across my body, my hand automatically go to his hair as he kisses my navel, my breath hitches as he goes lower licking and kissing my skin while never looking away from me. His gaze is so intense, and his mouth feels so good on my body. I lay back as he parts my legs and kisses my inner thigh.
I try to close my legs, but he stops me, pushing them further apart as I brace myself on my elbows trying to see what he’s about to do to me. “Don’t hide from me Shan, I’m gonna make you feel good baby,” he says boldly as he begins licking my pussy sending an electric jolt through my whole body.
“Oh my god” I gasp as I began writhing on the bed as his tongue licks my clit. Before I knew it, his whole mouth starts to devour my pussy like it was dessert, sucking, licking, nibbling, and pushing his tongue inside my pussy in perfect sync driving me into a frenzy.
I can feel you need me
Feels so good to me
Feels so good to me
Going outta my head, I think I'm losing all my mind
Jey’s POV
“Mmm… Look at me baby,” I moan never breaking eye contact with her as I needed to see how beautiful she is as she comes undone.  I insert a finger inside of her and she rewards me with a throaty moan, then two as I began moving and attacking her clit with my tongue at the same time.  Taking her to new heights it seems as each second passes. “Are you gonna give it to daddy baby?” I ask groaning at how good she tastes, and how breathtakingly beautiful she looks as I’m take her to ecstasy.
“Yes, daddy I am,” she moans as her hands go to the sides of my face holding on for dear life as I’m pushing my tongue deeper and deeper inside her.  
“Oh! Jey…Baby I can’t take it!” She gasps as her eyes close, head and back perfectly arched writhing on the bed. I may have to keep her this way.
“Yes, you can and you will,” I growls as I pick up pace with my tongue as she tried to scoot back, I snatched her possessively back on my mouth.
“Don’t run from daddy baby,” I whispers as I attack her pussy even deeper with my tongue. Her resolve is crumbling as she’s moaning and at times her words are incoherent. She’s telling me how she feels differently, and I can tell she’s afraid of what’s happening to her body.
“What’s happening,” she moans out as her grip tightens on the sides of my face gripping my hair in the process moving her hip vigorously fucking my face. I moan briefly finally closing my eyes savoring the taste of her.
“Mmhumm,” I moan into her pussy making it vibrate as it is quivering in my mouth sending a new sensation through her already sensitive body as she is now griding even harder on my face searching for her nut. Her mouth open as her back arched in ecstasy. Fuck yes, that’s what I wanted to see, she’s close as fuck. I softly grab her hips and start to pull her back slightly and began thrusting her pussy back on my mouth as I push my tongue as far as I could inside her pussy.
“Jey!” She screams as I smirk admiring my work thus far.  After a few minutes, I’m back to my slow methodical pace holding her thighs in my hands as I go back to devouring her pussy not allowing her to move. She was gon learn tonight, this my pussy.
Drive me crazy, burning candles, making love all night
Feels so strange, it feels so crazy to be in your world
In your arms lost for words
You've got me (You've got me)
You've got me (You've got me)
You got me speechless
Shantell’s POV
“Look at me Shantell, “Jey demands almost with a primal growl as his eyes never leave mine, as he takes my hands from the sides of his head, lacing our hands together. Gasping I look down at him with heavy lids as the man I love was giving his complete self to please me. I felt a new and startling spark start as he continued to devour my pussy with his mouth. Our gazes getting more intense as each second passes as I’m losing control fast.
“Oh! God!” I pant as I feel like I’m on fire and about to explode.
“Mmmmhmm. That’s it, give it to me beautiful,” he moans as his eyes turn even darker, he’s on a mission. “Josh,” I moan staring at him as I feel my eyes start to roll back into my head. He has stirred up so many things within me I can’t hold it any longer.
Yes, yes, yes
Speechless, all I can say
Yes, yes, yes
All I can say is
Yes, yes, yes, yes
“Just let it come.” he mutters as almost he’s reading my mind never missing a beat in that sexy drawl.
“Joshua!” I exclaimed as I came with a harsh cry as he welcomed my juices into his mouth.  His moans of gratitude as he’s swirling his tongue around sucking, slurping, and tasting my essence made my legs shake. He continued until his thirst was quenched.
“Mmmm, you taste better than I ever imagined baby,” he says continuing to suck on my clit as I’m coming down from my high. Through heavy lids I see him kissing his way up my body slowly as almost as if he was making mental note for himself. As he finally reaches my lips, we share sensual kiss as our tongues caress each other. I could taste my essence on his tongue and see ruminates of it glistening on his beard as he looked down at me.
“Fuck! My dessert was so good baby,” he says in his distinct drawl with a sexy smirk as he leans down moving his kisses to my neck as he’s grinding against my naked sensitive center caressing my legs gently as I tighten them around him. Our moans of pleasure filled the room.  My hands began to travel between us to the top of his sweatpants his pants, but he gently grabbed my hands kissing each one and put them on his chest before kissing me again.
“What about you,” I ask against his lips trying to catch my breath. “Tonight, was about you baby I’m good,” he says as I look down at his throbbing dick with wide innocent eyes as it has grown in size laying to the side of his sweatpants making the perfect outline print.
 “Give him a couple minutes and it will go down,” he says reading my expression with a smile as he kisses me again before pulling me close, as I gingerly rub circles all over his chest.
“I love you Shantell,” he says trying to catch his breath as he looks down at me with love and admiration.
“I love you too Joshua,” I says as I try to steady my own heartbeat as we share a chaste kiss and settle off to sleep.
Kiss me
Hold me
You've got me
Tangela POV
“Fuck!” I scream at my current situation as I’m here naked in the shower with my legs and arms wrapped around my husband hanging on for dear life as Joe’s primal growls almost overtake the sounds of the waster cascading down on us both drowning out my cries of pleasure.
“Shit! Baby I missed being inside you,” he moans as he attacked my mouth with desperate kisses as he continues to thrust hard and fast.
“Fuck me baby!” I moan as his pace begins to quicken even more as I begin meeting his thrusts, tightening my muscles around him. The sensation is causing my vision to go blurry.
“Yea, baby girl you about to cum.  I feel it, cum on your dick baby so daddy can cum in his pussy, “he groans in my ear as I fall apart at the sound of his deep voice and start meeting his thrusts even harder trying to take control, a hard smack on my ass brings me back to reality as he kisses me nibbling hard on my bottom lip. He begins to shiver against me with his thrusts becoming more frantic and wilder.
Looking into my eyes he knows I’m so close and so is he as we hold each other’s gaze. I gasp the three words I know will be his undoing. “My Tribal Chief! I moan as his eyes take on a wild dark primal appearance as he growls pushing me up against the shower thrusting me up and down on his thick long dick.
“Say it again,” he growls looking at me as I’m falling apart in his arms as I toss my head back, he grabs my neck in gentle, sensual squeeze pushing my head back up to meet his gaze. “Who am I” he growls before taking me into an aggressive kiss never breaking his thrusts.  
“My Tribal Chief!” I scream as I began squirting on his dick.
“Oh fuck yea, give it to your Tribal Chief Tang,” he moans out as he cums as I’m continuing to ride out my orgasm.
“That was insane,” I say embracing him as the water cascades on us as he sets me down to actually shower this time. “You’re telling me,” he smiles stealing a quick kiss as he helps me shower.
Solo & Sofia Hotel Room
Solo’s POV
“Baby I know we can’t have sex Cameron isn’t even 5 weeks old. I’m not that impatient. I can wait eight weeks like the doctor said,” I says as Sofia kisses my neck.
 “It’s other things we can do,” she whispers as she licks and sucks on my neck.
“Baby you had a C-Section and still feeling pain.” I groan as she looks at me smiling as she chose to ignore my words and continued to nip at my neck.
I moan as she grabbed my throbbing dick and began to stroke me.
 I know we can’t do what we want, but I want you to get some release baby, “I won’t hurt myself I promise baby,” she says shyly.
Laying back on the bed I felt her tiny hands continue to stroke me. She knows I’m trying to keep my composure.
“I want you to let go baby. Do you get yourself off thinking about me at night when we’re apart?” she whispers in my ear as she nips at it before sucking on my ear lobe.
“Y..you know I do baby… fuck!” I exclaim bringing her to closer to me for a scorching kiss.
“Can you imagine me on my knees, looking up at you as you fuck my mouth baby,” she purred as she continues to attack all my senses driving me wild.
“Fuck yes!” I mutter as the sweat is starting to run down my face, my wife was on it tonight, and the image she was painting was driving me insane. I needed release.
“Mmmm.. I’m gaggin real good on that dick now .. you like me gagging on that dick baby,” she moans against my lips. I’m so close all I can do nod my head not trusting my words. The images are so vivid in mind I can’t think straight.
“Shit it feels so good Sof,” I whisper as her hand movements pick up as she sucks and licks on my neck, my breathing starts to pick up as I know I’m close and Sofia knows it too.
“Mmmmm, “she moans closing her hand a little tighter and began stroking faster. “Now I’m on top riding my dick baby, it feels so fucking good. Can you feel it? Can you feel my pussy dripping and gripping your dick?” she shivers against me letting out a moan letting me know she’s turned on as hell herself.
I nod my head as she kisses me.  “Can you feel how tight your pussy is baby,” She purrs as she strokes me harder and faster.
“Sofia, I’m close baby,” I say as I looks at her tiny hand swallowing my dick.
“Cum inside your pussy then baby,” she whimpers as I grabs her face our lips meet in a demanding kiss as I thrusts myself upward into her hand as she milks my dick as I cum all over her hand and my stomach.
“Fuck baby! I shout as I collapsed back on my pillow. She smirks as she looks shly at me as I’m desperately trying to catch my breath.
“That was so fucking hot” I confess as she puts her head on my shoulder settling further into bed. “Mmm.. Yes, it was baby “she smiled catching her own breath.
“Four more weeks to go baby” she says as I nod in agreement.
Jon & Trin’s Hotel Room
Trin’s POV
“Jurdy!!!” I scream as my husband is fucking me with long, hard and deep thrusts as I’m on all fours trying not to rip these folks sheets as he is thrusting and talking shit with every lethal deep thrust.
“Yea…uhhhuh.. Yea what was all that shit you was talking the other night,” he groans out. “Sayin you was gon squirt on your dick. Well, I’m waiting ma,” he taunts grunting as he’s trusting away inside me.
“Jurdy!  I don’t wanna cum yet” I whine as I try to crawl up the bed, but I feel his hands grip my hips pushing me back harder on his dick making it throb deeper inside me.  
“Nah, take this dick baby, you know we missed you,” he pants as I look back at him as he wipes the sweat from his brow. I began to throw it back on his ass as he grabs my hair continuously pounding away as I meet his trusts bouncing my ass hard on his dick.
 “Yea………. Throw that shit…… All the way back,” he grunts as he smacks my ass.
“Uh huh give it to me, I feel it coming,” he moans as he slaps my ass again never slowing down his movements.
“Jon!” I shouts as my hands grip the sheets even tighter as I feels him getting even harder as I explode all over his dick.
“Yesssss! Fuuuuuckkk! Squirt on this dick baby… Ah..Fuck yea that pussy so fucking tight, ”he praises me as he continues to pound into my pussy hard.
“I’m bout to cum baby,” he says as his knees almost buckle at the new sensation of my pussy clinching him light a tight vice as he finally let’s go.
 “Here it come Trin, “he moans as he pulls out quickly and cums on my ass. We collapsed on the bed totally spent.
“Damn, did you miss me Jurdy? My ears are ringing,” I laugh breathlessly as we collapse on the bed side by side as he pulls one of my legs across his waist as he’s trying to regain his composure.
“Girl, hell yea I missed you, you’re my life,” he says kissing her.
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sashasienna · 2 months
You're absolutely right - I don't engage in as much collective action as I should or as I'd like to these days. I've found it surprisingly hard to fit into my life since becoming self-employed and moving to a new city, but I can feel a gap in my soul where "doing something good" used to be. It's probably not helped by the fact my day job was in the charity sector (definitely, tangibly helping people) and now I write nerd shit and make niche role-playing games (creating luxury products in an oversatutated market).
It's something I've been thinking about a lot lately. I'm looking for ways to get more involved, but it's hard to find something I can actually commit to. I don't engage with activism online anymore because it was really bad for me and more of a distraction than anything effective, so maybe a local group I can volunteer with? I'm thinking I need to pick one cause, and then choose one very specific issue within that cause to focus on, y'know? Like, it's so easy to get overwhelmed about climate change because polar bears are dying and I'm very powerless to do anything about that. But maybe there's some local species of butterfly that's less charismatic than polar bears, but equally endangered and maybe I can do something about that. Those butterflies deserve to be saved just as much as the polar bears do, and I've come to believe that little, local wins add up to bigger global wins much more effectively than tweeting and call-out posts do. So I guess, right now, I'm looking around for my local endangered butterfly.
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ladylooch · 1 year
ur doing gods work! can you write about nico & the reader crossing paths again after not seeing each other for a long time? <3
Crossing Paths with Nico Hischier
A/N: Ya know, the fan fic won't write it's self ( I know I've tried to convince it), so I'm happy to do it!
Word count: 1.0k
Warnings: lil angsty, swearing
Breaking up with Nico Hischier was the single hardest and most devastating thing you’ve ever done. 
You didn’t want to. 
But you didn’t see how this was going to work.
You were being promoted to the DC office of your advertising firm. It came with a private office, a huge pay bump, and a whole portfolio of dream clients.
The only thing it wouldn’t come with was your boyfriend. 
When you told Nico, he was ecstatic for you. He urged you to take it. He refused to listen to any of the concerns you had because he assumed you would stay together. Every night the month before your move, you agonized in your bed next to Nico while he slept. The logistics were starting to feel too difficult. Nico was sure you would find ways to see each other, but you knew the reality of life in DC was going to monopolize your time. Nico was used to you giving because his jobs took so much.
So you gathered up the courage to sit him down the night before you left and told him your concerns.
“Babe, this distance is going to be nothing for us. It’s temporary too.” The corporate office for your firm is in Manhattan. Nico has latched onto the idea that DC is a stepping stone for you. A temporary fork in the road until yours both meet again.
“Neeks.” You quietly say, squeezing his hand. Nico freezes, sensing where this is going. “I love you, but-“
“No, don’t say it. Don’t do this. Let’s just try and see how it goes.”
“I can’t.” Your voice breaks as you watch the tears fill his eyes. He sucks in a deep, unsteady breath through his nose. His mouth crumples and you feel a piece of your soul die on that brand new leather couch he bought so you would have more room to cuddle together. “I’m so sorry.” You cry as he stands up, dashing his fingers through his hair in despair. He begins to pace before he whirls back towards you.
“You said forever.” Nico spits. “When did you turn into such a liar?”
If your heart had any intact pieces left, they shattered at those words.
Two years later, you’re snapped out of the memory from the building across the street by the barista calling out your name. You’ve moved back to Jersey and are at the local coffee shop in Hoboken you frequented when Nico lived in that building. It’s been so long, you don’t think it’s possible he still lives there anymore. You grab the latte, bringing it over to the station by the window to grab a straw and a lid. 
“You know, most people grow out of adding extra sugar into their lattes.” A voice murmurs to your right. You turn, choking on your breath when you see Nico.  “But I guess you’re not most people.” You snort out a laugh, eyes squinting excitedly at how good he looks. 
“I just can’t quit big sugar. Keeps me employed.” You joke, stepping forward into his stretched out arms and giving him a hug. You both linger together. “Wow, do you still live here?” You point to the building.
“No I moved up a few blocks, but still walk down here from time to time.”
“Best espresso in the city.” You quote him.
“Yeah, still not Switzerland though.”
“Maybe you should open your own shop.” 
“You gonna do the advertisement for me?”
“Sure, I’ll even give you the friends and family discount.” He chuckles. 
“You look… wow.” He finishes in a whisper, taking in your professional dress, tights and heels. You’re decked out in blacks and reds, like he used to love on you. “My colors.” He would grin before kissing your lips.
Nothing about Nico has changed. He’s still sweet as honey.
“You too. Looks like you put some muscle on. Maybe Luca has finally stopped teasing you about growing into your pro body.”
“No, he’s never going to give that joke up. Not when he can still lift more than me.”
“Well, the work never really ends.” Your phone dings in your hand. You look down, seeing the reminder that you have 15 minutes to get to your client’s office. “I, uh, have to go.” You show him your phone. You could stay here with him for hours, truthfully, even though it wouldn’t be good for your heart. The one that never quite stopped loving him.
“Yeah, me too. I’m on my way to practice.” 
“It was really good to see you, Neeks. I still watch Devils games all the time. The team is really turning into a premier contender.” You both walk together towards the door, then outside, pausing on the sidewalk.
“Yeah? You cheer for me?”
“Yeah, but sometimes I cheer more for Jack.”
“He misses you.” He confesses.
“I know; He calls.” Nico closes his eyes with regret, shoving his free hand deep into his jacket pocket. He adjusts his grip on his cup.
“Look… Ah.. I know you gotta go, but I want you to know I’m sorry about the way we left things.” 
“Me too. I should have stayed here with you.”
“No. But it would have been nice if you had wanted to try long distance.” He winces after he says it, like he’s worried he crossed some imaginary line on the sidewalk. I slowly nod, stepping backwards towards my destination. 
“I’m back in Jersey now.” You’re not sure why you tell him, except that you want him to know you’ll be around. His eyebrows raise in surprise.
“You’re a year ahead of the plan.”
“I had some extra motivation.”
“Money?” He tilts his head, coy smile on his face.
“Yeah. We’ll go with that. I’ll see ya.” You wave. He returns yours, staying rooted to the sidewalk. He’s still there watching you when you turn back around for one more moment.
“Hey Nico.” His brown eyes are curious. “My phone number still works. Ask Jack if you need it again.”
“You gonna answer if I call?”
“Yeah. On the first ring.”
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amethystfairy1 · 4 months
Heya! This may be a bit of a long ramble, so take as much time as you need for this! (Or just don't read it, I think I just need this off my chest)
I absolutely love TTSBC, and I've heard about OC's in the world, and I kinda went wild with my personal Minecraft OC.
However, before we get into them, I do not believe that Allay hybrids have ever been mentioned in TTSBC? I, a self-proclaimed allay lover, kinda thought of some ideas?
I guess I'm mainly sending this to you for inspiration(?), or to see if it all checks out in the world. That, or I just like rambling, I don't know.
But allays! In Minecraft, they're small, carry around your things, reproduce using amethyst (hehe) and music, and they're all around very cute! They're often found trapped by pillagers, stuck in cages most likely. They flit about like little fairies (oh my goodness)
Soooo, how would Allays fit into TTSBC? Well, I think that, as a species, they'd remain in the under city. With their blue skin, pure white eyes, and wings that don't fold into one's back properly (more in the next section) it'd be hard to glamour over. Also, I kind of headcanon allay hybrids with tails, long with a frayed/hooked end, which would also be somewhat hard to hide.
Their wings sort of stick out of their backs. They don't have actual muscles in the wings like avians, they are mainly controlled using one muscle connecting it to the back. They flit from exuding straight from the back, to the side, laying more flat against the back instead of each other, but they don't fold into themselves, if that makes sense.
Still, allay hybrids don't necessarily have the best time, especially in lower levels! See, while Allays in Minecraft don't give off light, they are still super luminous! You'll see them a mile away! They're also sky blue, the closest thing to the sky down there, which is an incredibly dangerous combo (not as dangerous as golden glowing things, but that's besides the point.) I don't know where else to put this, but they're also smaller than average, maybe 4'10", 5' at the highest?
They also heal very quickly, (2 hearts a second!) so that could also play a role in how they're used. With their relative strength (they can pick up whatever you give them), it could be that, especially in lower levels, they'd often be forced to work in hard conditions with very little consequence on the people employing them. They are passive mobs, so I think of them as glass cannons, somewhat. Strong, but easy to overwhelm. I also like to think their blood has healing properties (more about that later...), so that could be something interesting...
In higher levels, if they're more respected, they'd probably work with health facilities. I think they'd mainly flit about rooms, working as caretakers. Though, I think that any kind of job that requires moving a lot of stuff easily or anywhere they'd flit about is probably a good place for them to work. Restocking shelves, providing organization, etc.
However, because Allays reproduce/replicate (asexual reproduction?) using amethyst shards, I like to think that they naturally reside in rocky amethyst geodes in Minecraft, but were taken by pillagers. Similarly, Allays prefer darker, rockier, moister environments. For some, maybe a few glowberries would be best for them. Maybe the redstone lights of the higher levels is not the best for the allays, preferring the dark. Due to their luminosity, they may even be able to see in the dark, which the lights may overstimulate. Also, because of the amethyst shards, I think their makeup is more similar to a crystal than anything like regular flesh.
Rather, I think injuries tend to "chip" away, or, should the flesh be squishy, be tougher and more similar to the glowy, liquid filled balls that you could probably find in the dollar section of a Target, or similar to nanotape. Because crystals need to be heated and then cooled to be solid, they likely run very warm. However, should they need to, they can focus a little bit of glamour into their environment to cool themselves or warm themselves up if need be. If they bleed, often times, the blood with crystalize once being oxygenated, the outside world being cooler than their body, and would likely heal the wound bleeding easily. Should anyone need any healing from Allay blood, they would either need fresh Allay blood, or blood that has been warmed to prevent it from crystalizing immediately. A bit of a play on "healing crystals". Do you think that Scar'd purchase one if he ever went under?
I think if they got their arm chopped off, the wound would immediately close. Using limited glamour and a LOT of time, perhaps they could cool their environment slightly enough to move blood more outward from their wound to slowly build their arm back.
Let's talk about mating rituals now! I think gift giving is a big one, especially since they love collecting stuff. Gems or cool rocks would probably be the main one. Spending quality time with their mate with some music also probably sounds nice, too. Because of their crystaline biology, I like to think that their vocalizations sound like windchimes.
I don't know if these work completely, considered how fast I came up with this, so do let me know how you'd change things up if you want.
This is a long one, but I hoped you enjoyed? If you did bring up Allays, then WHOOPS, this is a whole lotta nothing, so please ignore if you'd like.
Still, drink water, eat and sleep well, and remember to take breaks!
Ok first of all they sound so pretty? Like SO pretty? I love the idea of them using gemstones in their courting rituals because that is such a lovely concept? Just so beautiful to imagine? And that they're all little fairy-like people, such cuties! And you totally built in the darkness of the under-city considering how folks like that would be used for their specific abilities, especially their fragility combined with their strength being above average. And the glamor heat regulation! That's such a nice detail! I wonder if they would be able to share that sort of regulation with others? And if thats their glamor ability or maybe they're like voidwalkers wherein they use glamor for survival necessity but have a glamor ability on top of that?
I love long thoughts like this! Please send them my way, it always makes me so very happy to see people getting creative and feeling inspired by my AU! Thank you for sharing! 💖💖💖
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eirian · 6 months
so me and eden talked about it and ive decided to take a sort of internet break with her, just for a week or so. i hate hate hate being so dependent on the internet (particularly social media) for both entertainment and socialization and i feel like being online so much and relying on it for SO LONG (since i was maybe 11?) has really been detrimental to my mental health. and since ive made rent for this month i feel like now is a good time to just step away for a bit.
i still unfortunately rely on the internet for my livelihood--i HAVE to take commissions in order to make rent, provide food, etc, so i wont stop posting art or taking commissions! i'll just be less social i guess. i wont make any posts or reblog anything, i'll just be posting art and contacting ppl abt commissions.
i want to spend more time with my wife. i want to go outside more. i want to hang out with irl people more (i literally have no irl friends). i want to go to meetups. i want to disconnect from the internet so bad i HATE relying on it as much as i do. i mean this so unironically i want to touch grass again
im ngl. i also talked w eden about possibly starting up an irl small business for my art--something along the lines of basically being a caricature artist again, but this time self employed. i'd have my own brand and go to parties and draw people, and volunteer at the local children's hospital sometimes too and draw the hospitalized kids. im honestly just trying to think of ANY job that would help me ease up on being so reliant on social media for income, if possible, that would still be fun for me and not absolutely kill my mental health like my previous irl jobs did. dont get me wrong i love drawing yalls ocs! but i cant charge as much as i should be b/c i dont have enough of a following/demand, so i have to take a lot of commissions before im able to make a decent living. it sucks.
if i could charge more to where i only had to take maybe 3 commissions a month in order to make rent, thatd be ideal. id still love to do commissions for a living! i love drawing your blorbos and i honestly dislike the idea of going back to caricature art--its not my passion by a longshot and its very stressful to do live art so quickly. but im just trying to think of anything to help at this point u_u i cant get on ssi b/c then we wouldnt be able to use my bank account for income and we'd basically have No Money To Do Anything Freely Anymore. so i gotta just. stick with what im doing. IDEALLY id be able to take commissions and post art while not being necessarily Active on social media anymore, but idk how to make that work just yet or if thats even a thing i could do..
anyway. TL;DR im going to take a semi-break from social media/the internet for about a week, but i'll still post art + take commissions + accept messages from close friends on discord. i want to HEAL, man
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cerealmonster15 · 21 days
not 2 be dramatic but also it is my blog where i can ramble about what im feeling whenever i WANT!!! anyway i like. feel like something is fundamentally missing from my entire being or w/e lol. like. i mean there's a very high chance i have adhd which does explain a looooooooot of The Way That I Am and my struggle at doing and focusing on stuff and things and my rapid rotating around short interests in things. but like i also feel like [and maybe this is part of adhd idfk, i havent been Officially Diagnosed just a lot of therapists and friends with adhd all tell me i probs do lol] i just dont feel motivated to do things. and ive been this way i think a lot of my life. i realized a looooong time ago that i was not so motivated by passion but by fear!!!!! fear of failure or whatever!!!
fuckin adding a readmore bc i ended up talking forever lmao
like in school. i got good grades but i never really felt smart exactly. i was able to work really hard and spend a lot of time doing homework and whatever because i feared the consequence of failure. i didnt wanna get bad grades [not even from like a threat from home or anything, i just was afraid of the system lol like i didnt wanna fail and then snowball into ruining everything for my future or w/e. like i've always been kinda 0 to 100 in things like that lolol]
but like i remember going into college like "well i am interested in physics and compsci so i guess ill declare double major til i decide which one id rather do" but i didnt really have a clear goal. physics i dropped first because as much as i like the concept, the classes were still hard and i didnt have any idea of what i'd do with it if i did pursue it. comp sci i at least was like "well i like video games i could do something with that probably" but then i nearly flunked and dropped the class lol. my fault for skipping an intro class bc i was like "Well i learned a lot of the basics in high school" bitch u did not retain any of those basics. anyway i ended up swapping to digital arts under that same "well i like shows and games maybe i can do something with that" and that did ultimately lead me to grad school for game dev and learning what tech art is and all that. and i was employed as one for a lil while!
but then i got let go. and in the midst of a really Hard Time to be unemployd for gamedev bc of the mass layoffs ALSO happening over and over and over and over, so despite the fact that i have some industry experience, i have a significantly harder time even getting interviewed. but a lot of it is my portfolio - unfortunately the nature of the jobs i had didnt really net me much in the way of tangible portfolio work, and a quality / updated portfolio really is what matters in this field
and thats where i hit my problem. i really am not self motivated or like, creative. i dont really have ideas. a lot of my portfolio was school assignments <- stuff i had to do. stuff people told me to do. even now, i sometimes do vfx to help my partner with his solo game hes been making for years, and thats my main portfolio addition source because i need someone to tell me what they want. and then i also struggle to see the vision of that sometimes like ive been SO STUCK on a specific effect im making for the game bc im not understanding the vision and also im not really around other tech artists or vfx artists much anymore. not like in grad school lol. even at my prev job i was the main vfx person so i was kind of on my own floundering around to figure stuff out- and a lot of times i couldnt. there was no senior to guide me if i got stuck.
so when i'm just alone in a vacuum with nothing forcing me to do things i just dont. i LIKE vfx and shaders and even python, but if i dont have a thing where i have to follow specific tasks i just cant think of anything interesting or unique to do myself. even a lot of the python ive learned recently was from a udemy course, which helped a lot bc it was structured with little assignments, explanations i understood in small bursts, and specific projects with specific goals. one of those i did kinda expand on based on what i learned to make a portfolio thing, sort of. it's out of place on my artstation bc it's not really gamedev related at all but its python and it's SOMETHING. python is a tech art skill at least. i can replace it sometime if i have more relevant things but i just dont right now. i dont know what to make. i have no tool ideas, or even if i have a vague idea i just go "i dont really know how id do that" and dont feel motivated enough to figure things out or to make that vague idea even somewhat interesting. vfx i just go "i dont know how to make this look more interesting" and get stuck at unimpressive points if anything. i dont have the designer or passion part of the brain that i kinda need to survive this and it scares me. i like the structure and stability of being employed because someone tells me what they need. i dont know what i'm supposed to do on my own but im supposed to figure it out otherwise my portfolio stays stagnant forever!!!
so many times people will like. have a side project. they learn from those projects. they have a vision they want to see completed and they pick up skills for that thing. my partner is a big example with his game hes making - he could already program but hes learned a lot of the art needed to make it work, because he wanted to see the game made. people have like their comics or animations or games or whatever they do, hobbies, anything that they feel passionate about and i feel like i just lack that passion. scared that i like the idea of doing things more than doing them even if i do enjoy doing the things when i do them, but not enough to like, get myself motivated to lol. if that even makes sense.
like idk. i at least have martial arts - i did aikido in college and i do capoeira now- but it's stuff i can only do bc i have a regular group i pay and go participate in with other people. once i dont have those group settings i dont do it on my own.
ive tried to get myself to learn musical instruments so many times but once i stopped taking lessons for sax or piano bc i got busy with school, i mostly just dropped them. i cant motivate myself enough to practice on my own even tho i did learn enough fundamentals that i probably COULD if i just. cared enough i guess. i always had in the back of my mind that it would be cool, IN THEORY, to draw comics or make a dating sim/visual novel of any flavor, a virtual pet, a farm sim, whatever. but i dont actually have the vision for it. i dont have a story to tell. i'm not motivated enough. ive looked up several times ways i might be able to use python to make a lil tamagotchi project to practice but i just never do!!! maybe i know enough python from the udemy now that i could but would i?? idk!!!
people always say you learn best by just jumping into it. find something fun you want to make or do and then learn as you go. but i dont have passion. im in a vacuum. even with my fics, i still like writing my fics!!! but i slowed down so much on those. because before, i was writing them to share between my friend and me when we were first getting into twst and based off a lot of inside jokes and ideas bouncing off of each other lol. fics, aus, doodles, whatever. and we still talk twst but she isnt caught up to main story anymore and it's not as much of a thing we talk as often or deeply about. i think my doodles got a lot more boring as a result and ive had less ideas. but i do still love the characters so so so so much and i do have fics i want to write... but it slowed down and i dont WANT it to slow down. i get excited over characters and games, and it doesnt really help me in terms of trying to fuckin Get A Job or Learn A Skill or whatever but. like at least it's something. i feel like my doodles got more bland too like i just kinda redoodle the same stiff generic things over and over and over again forever
there are so many things i can just do a little bit of but not enough to be like. impressive. or hireable. or helpful or smart or knowledable or whatever. like i can crochet a little bit. i can sew a LITTLE bit to get some simpler cosplays but nothing fancy. im not motivated enough to push those further to like "make my own clothes" or a more ambitious cosplay even tho i like the base level stuff. i can program a LITTLE in python but cant motivate myself to figure out what to do with it. i used to know a little hlsl and i know some node based shader stuff but not enough to be super deep with it. like more than a non tech artist i guess but not enough to make things that really look all that good 😑 i used to do tech theater in high school, but only really knew the basics of the woodworking and lightbooth stuff, not enough/not kept up with where i could do anything with that now even though i enjoyed it then. i was in chorus in school for like five years in middle/high school and i took some basic piano and saxophone lessons but every time i try to go back to something like that im dusting off the cobwebs. i also have always had huge anxiety so i coudnt ever have considered a performance thing with it anyway. whenever i was in school chorus production musical things i was only in ensemble parts or at the very least singing with a small group of other people because i never had the ambition or desire or bravery to try and stand out lol. i liked being backstage. i started learning to rollerskate but i only ever really got to a point where i could move around without falling over and then as soon as i started capoeira i never touched the skates again. even though it was fun! i studied spanish for years and used to practice with my father but i barely ever do now, even thought i knew enough to go to spain on a school trip we still were in an english comfortable environment and i really could just fumble my way through simple conversations in spanish. i dont keep up with it enough to like, be able to smoothly translate more casual dialogue or whatever and as much as id really love to practice that more, i once again dont have the motivation or drive or even ideas for it. i have a few times thought learning portuguese for capoeira or japanese for just generic enjoyment of japanese games and anime and stuff would be cool but i do. not. stick. with. it.
i do notice lately that the other thing. next to the fear of failure motivation. it is the community thing. i do capoeira not out of fear but because there are other people i go and do it with. i pay for the classes, i enjoy the classes, i do the classes with other people. when i was in school i had other classmates doing the same things with me. when i was in tech theater or chorus clubs i had clubmates. music instrument classes i had the instructor / it was something my mother was paying for me to do / the instructor would give me homework to practice and i had to be able to report to that person the next week so i would have the incentive to do it [another failure thing i guess but still lol]. cosplay i do alone as i make it but then i see other people at cons. i hadnt done new ones in a long time tho because i wasnt going to cons, and the only one i made recently i also had the motivation and deadline of a con coming up that a friend and i were going to go to together and our cosplays connected. theres community. but right now i have no job to worry about failing at, and no coworkers to bounce ideas off of. personal projects are in such a vaccuum i just dont have the motivation or self discipline. even the udemy python thing, some lessons are more interesting than others, and it's general python stuff so rn the recent stuff is like, good dev stuff but not gamedev stuff; but i have learned enough where i probs could take it and run but i dont know how or why or what to do with it!!!
i dont know if im even making a point here i think ive just had these thoughts swirling around my mind and overwhelming me for. well kind of forever LOL
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moody-b1tch · 16 days
I'll be posting this here too. It's basically me asking for money and explaining why. If you don't wanna read it, I understand.
Cw for... Family drama and suicide ideation mentions, I guess.
I don't feel 100% comfortable doing this, but I got a big debt and I'm self-employed so I don't know how I'll be able to pay it.
My mom has schizoaffective disorder, and has been admitted to a rehabilitation center for drug addicts since last year. It was not the best option, but we don't have a lot of alternatives where I live (Mexico's south). I was against this, but my mom was going through a really bad episode, so my uncle (who's living abroad)!arranged her admission, saying he would pay for all the expenses.
Well, it's been a year, and my uncle hasn't paid anything. I know he's being going through A Lot (his wife got cancer, he had an accident in his job, plus life as an illegal immigrant is hard), so every time he told me he would "sort it out next month", I belived him (while I've been paying from my mom's meds and basic needs stuff). Until recently, one of my cousins finally told me that my uncle seems to be going through a psychotic breakdown, how his optimism is borderline delusional, and that he's also doing drugs.
So, here I am, trying to figure out how to cover this debt while struggling to get a stable job while struggling with the ADHD+Autism+C-PTSD combo breaker.
The initial debt was 102,000 MXN (5,151.05 USD). Negotiating with the clinic, I managed to lower it to $87,960 MXN. I already gave them what I had available + my mom's government assistance money (with her permission, since she really wants to get out of that place... and I found my grandma and one of my mom's sisters have been spending her assistance money, but that's another can of worms I don't have the energy to address) and I'm trying to see who in my family can help me, but it's still a lot of money, with the debt increasing each passing month.
I'm a bit desperate. I even considered committing suicide and make it look like an accident to leave her with the insurance money. I would offer commissions of something in exchange but I've been in an awful mental place and I'm like. Not able to write.
So, as much as I hate to ask for help since I feel there's people that need it more, and I know we're all struggling™, but I would appreciate any contribution to get out of this sinkhole. I would offer commissions of something in exchange but I've been in an awful mental place and I'm like. Not able to write.
I'm accepting any help via Ko-fi
Thank you for reading all this.
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So, I THINK this could be tagged as Princess Bee, or adjacent, this is mostly me feeling this out on the Miracuclass and attached jobs they’ll have as adults? Tell me how you think it sounds, and if any are WILDLY out of place, I guess.
Marinette - Designer. Has mostly taken over the Agreste brand, and redone it as MDC Designs. While still doing a lot of work herself, she is much better at delegating her time than Gabriel was, so can spend more time with her family.
Adrien - yeah, this one’s a little weird, cause I can sort of see him doing … . just about anything? Keep doing modelling? Sure. Take over Marinette’s parents bakery? Why not. Be a House Spouse? Absolutely! Voice actor, stage manager, set designer- Hell, go really out of left field and be, like, an astrophysicist? Go right ahead! Just … the only thing I can think of, is whatever Adrien does? It NEEDS flexible hours. He is NOT turning into his old man, he needs there to be plentiful family and friends time!
Alya - no brainer, she’s a reporter! Probably taken over from Nadja Chamack as the face of Paris’s news cycle. Or, I could also see her going mostly self-employed, get a bit more freedom in her reporting, but that one would depend, I think.
Nino - couple of things, really. I can see him being a movie producer or director, but I could also see him working in movies as a sound designer. The guy who does sound effects, or creates the sounds needed for a film. Either way, I can see him DJing in his off time. That’s his hobby.
Sabrina - future Mayor of Paris! I weirdly see her as, like, starting going into forensics or criminal law. She didn’t start OUT going for politics, but. Well, shit happened with her dad when she started dating Luka, one thing leads to another, and boom, youngest elected mayor in over two hundred years. She’s damn good at her job, too.
Luka - cause I mentioned him above, he and the band are still doing Kitty Section, but it’s kind of taken a back seat to the whole, ya know, Families they have now. They still make music, still put out new songs, or record covers, might do a local show, but they Don’t tour or anything. Luka himself, I can see as either a local music teacher, some kind of instrument maker, or even the owner of a small record label. Guess it depends.
Juleka - apart from Kitty Section, I can see her still being a model, but she might have stopped to try other things. I can also see her being a photographer, or also a kind of music teacher. Or maybe she and Luka co-manage that little record label, who knows?
Rose - so, Rose is interesting, cause besides Kitty Section, there are there jobs in my head I can see her as REALLY CLEARLY. Either flower shop owner OR Doctor OR head of a charity organization. Not sure what exactly the charity would be, or what kind of doctor, but I can see her as each of these really clearly.
Ivan - besides Kitty Section, weirdly the only thing I can really see Ivan as is a teacher? Not sure why, but like. He just radiates Papa Bear energy? He’s a big hit with younger kids, they just climb all over him, but they will always listen when he talks.
Mylene - I’m thinking stage actress? Like, she still does activism and stuff, but I see her really getting into stage plays, they weirdly are better for her stage fright than recorded shows.
Kim - Olympic swimmer. Or, maybe sport hopper Olympic Athlete? Anyway, he wins a few gold medals, then decides to settle down a little, ends up as a PE teacher.
Max - Game designer. Like, also inventor, he keeps creating new software and hardware to run the games he wants, and people keep trying to get him to be the next Microsoft, and he’s like “Fuck no, I’m making Legend Of Zelda:No Fate, Special Edition, now it comes in VR Chamber version!”
Alix - I … honestly don’t really know. I think she might try professional skater for a year or two, win some competitions. Maybe she eventually starts working at the museum with her brother? But she’s also the only one with a working Miraculous, she might be doing something with that …
Nathaniel - a graphic artist, mostly working on his own comics, but will do commissions for people. Self-employed.
Marc - writer, mostly works on Comics with Nath, but has also published a few short stories, maybe a novel or two. Self-employed.
Kagami - probably a champion fencer, Olympic gold winning even. Rest of the time, might coach a few fencing classes, or work on her art. Might have done a few collabs with Nathaniel, or drawn a few covers for Marc’s books.
Felix - Either ALSO works as a stage actor, OR owns his own studio to make whatever movie or play he wants. Probably employs many of his friends.
Chloé - Off being a kickass lawyer. If she hadn’t gone into law, might have become a realtor.
Zoé - I know actor is popular, but I could see her being a detective, or private investigator. She’s very popular, because she gets great results! … despite the fact she’s always quite put out that the culprit wasn’t a vampire or a ghoul or something.
Lila - if you want to get extremely technical, she’s a freelance writer. That’s what she tells people she does, jets around and writes stories. And she has published a few books, mostly mysteries. But of course, her actual way of getting money is using the Butterfly to con people. She’s even moonlighted as a masked thief a few times. Though she might be looking to shift careers, after a certain news report from Paris goes live … 
Aurore & Mirelle - Weather girls, right? Nope, those two are storm chasers! After growing up in Paris at the height of Hawk Moth? They MIGHT have turned into adrenaline junkies. They go around the world, chasing storms, working out the science, and reporting about it on cite to various agencies. They even had their wedding near a tornado! Everyone is VERY happy for them, but also thinks they’re nuts! (They do not, as of me writing this, have kids, because I can see that being the thing that makes them decide “Ya know, we should probably stop chasing hurricanes if we want children.”)
Mme. Bustier - Now the Principal of Dupont.
Nathalie & Emilie - professional grandmas! In all seriousness, Emilie probably helps manage Felix’s studio, while I headcanon Nathalie never really recovers from being Damaged by the Peacock. Like, she’s ok! She’s healthy, and isn’t in danger of falling into a coma! But the damage had physical effects that, for whatever reason, didn’t hit Emilie as hard, but did stick around for Nathalie. Like, she gets short of breath easily, needs more rest than others, I kind of see her with a cane? She’s doing alright, but isn’t up to running any marathons. So Nathalie is enjoying a pleasant retirement. Maybe she works at the museum now, she did used to be a grave robber - “the only difference between a grave robber and an archeologist is one has permission!”
Chester Fester - uh, on paper, he’s a cook, but he keeps getting fired for allowing pests into his workplaces. Then he met Lila, and now I guess if you want to get technical, he’s her personal chef? He does most of the cooking, cause Lila CANNOT cook to save her life, so Chester tries to make sure she’s eating healthy. He also helps out with her schemes, and such, though, so, maybe general housekeeper? Butler? Not really important, I guess, unless he needs one of those to put on his taxes.
(Please include your thoughts, and anyone you think I missed, cause I swear to GOD I’m missing someone!)
Okay so like. My notes are mostly gonna be ‘hell yeah hell yeah hell yeah’ because I know I have like. Somewhere in the tag I listed jobs and yeah this is! This is basically it! But let’s go a bit more! In-Depth since we can!
Marinette - Designer baby! It was her dream in the first place and she kinda. Low-key yoinks all of Gabriel’s industry? Like he dies ofc and his fashion company goes to Emilie and Adrien but they’re.... Not really into it? Emilie is fine running the company stuff, but she’s not a designer. Adrien’s decent at the company stuff but also isn’t a designer and really isn’t into Business. They do keep what they can going but when Mari starts making a name for herself, enough that she feels she got the fame on her own terms, she takes over the stuff that’s still running and gets the industry contacts and such.
Adrien - Honestly I think he rolls with having so many options. Mainly stay at home dad, especially when the kids are little. But if Mari asks him to model something, he will. Tom and Sabine need an extra hand in the bakery for a big order/catering? On the job! Get told ‘hey we have a character in a movie your voice would fit?’ sure he’ll come help out!
Alya - hell yeah a reporter! I did debate on if she’d still do more written journalism, but she does like the camera type so yeah taking over for Nadja makes sense!
Nino - Yeah director! He does the sound and such too on his movies. Very much a jack of all trades in that he can step in when he can’t get across to the crew his ideas. (not like in a pretensious way just genuinely ‘idk how to describe this so hand me the wheel’)
Sabrina - I love the Mayor!Sabrina idea so much lmao. Like yeah I think she would’ve been into law more on the ‘well my dad’s a cop and he thinks I’d be good at it’ but then.... yeah between the tensions between him and the Couffaines and then Sabrina learning to think more for herself and some encouragement from others and various circumstances she ends up runnign for mayor. And wins!
Luka - Yeah his main thing is still Kitty Section and yeah no tours. They’re starting to get a little back into the idea of short tours now that the kids are a little older and able to like. Handle themselves for a weekend trip. But yeah shows have to be local like that instead of hopping over to like austraila or some shit.
Rose - mm! I like the doctor one! She’d def work with kids. The charity stuff can kinda be like a side thing of just. Heavily supporting and using her platform of Kitty Section to advertise the charities she supports!
Ivan - this was actually suggested within this AU but he gets to be a music teacher! On top of Kitty Section ofc. But yeah he looks scary but is so soft with his students!
Mylene - Yes! Actress! She gets over a lot of her stagefright(or at least has made it managable) and can be on stage! She does some movies too, but she very much prefers stage acting to film acting!
Kim - Olympic swimmer turned gym teacher? Hell yeah.
Max - 100% game designer. Beautiful.
Alix - honestly I like her working at the museum! She def liked that sort of thing even before she got time travel. Def has a roller derby hobby though.
Nath and Marc - yeah they absolutely still make comics together!
Kagami - olympic fencer! hell yes! And yeah I’d see her being a fencing instructor in the downtime. She def brings Adrien in for a ‘real match’ to spook her students though.
Felix - mm! opens a branch of Graham Films in Paris to make movies there! Works a lot with Nino and Zoé.
Zoé - tbh I love her being the actress but where canon just. Yoinked that from mylene I’m making their differences re: stage v film. So Zoé is more into film than stage. I do like the PI thing though, but maybe in another universe.
Lila - my girl is out here committing crimes! But yeah she’s done various cons. She has /some/ morality so her cons and thefts are usually a little Leverage-esque in that her target has it coming, but def more for profit.
Aurore & Mireille - Ha! I love that! I will note one thing on the like. I actually don’t ship them? Like in theory I like the ship and I’m not like ‘ugh’ when I see it. But usually I have Aurore is gay but Mireille is unfortunately straight. 
Bustier - Ye! She’s principal now! Since I’m nice to her in this AU I like. Rewrite everything that went down with her in Season 5 so she’s not ya know fuckin awful at her job. So her being principal is a good thing!
Chester - once again I love him. But yeah ‘officially’ he’s Lila’s personal assistant but he’s just rolling with whatever con she’s doing.
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