#it’s the ‘don’t ever stop writing’ that gets me every time
into-f0lkl0re · 1 day
Paige bueckers head cannons
I’m in the writing mood idk why
not spell checked (srry)
warnings: slightly nsfw at the end
* definitely liked you first. i feel like caroline probably introduced you guys and she was immediately internally freaking out because you were so nice and chill and polar opposite of her
* would literally do anything to impress you like would jump really high and than turn around to make sure you saw
* for example say yall are in target to get some tru fru (cuz yk she loves her tru fru. her and kk have a serious problem god damn) and you are just pushing the cart not paying attention and she is just like “babe look babe look” “ watch this” “ are you watching??” and you finally are like yes paige and she just does a run a jump to touch something really high and then just skips back to you like “did you see that? you saw that right? I jumped so high!!!!”
* whenever she is on live with kk will just constantly talk about you to the point where everyone else is so fucking annoyed
* like kk is trying to give a crumbl review in her room (that one live) and is like “this one’s mint, i don’t like mint so im not gonna try it but ice wants some” and paige is just like “did you guys know that y/n loves mint. her favorite ice cream is mint chip and like the other day we wer-“ and you just see kk roll her eyes and groan really loudly “paige let me rate this damn cookie” and paige is just like 😧 cuz she just loves talking about you sm cuz your her baby
* during games every time she makes a basket will search for you in the audience and then smile really big
* speaking of games best believe she wants you at every single game and when you can’t go to one she is like ☹️☹️☹️☹️☹️
* and gives you the silent treatment ( not like literally) but she is just so pouty
* like “ babe wdym you have to study for midterms? I have a game tonight. you have to be there” if this is after she recovers from her acl injury she will be like “it’s bad luck if you don’t come. i’m gonna get hurt again” and then you end up going just to cheer her up.
* loves to play video games with you
* if you don’t like playing video games than she just wants to be in the same room as you
* very clingy and touchy especially when drunk
* gets very very pouty when y’all are cuddling and you have to get up to do something
* will follow you around like a lost puppy until you can’t sit down with her again
* if you are studying or working and can’t exactly talk to her or entertain her she will just sit next to you and watch what you are doing or play with your hair
* if you are doing something on the computer she will start braiding your hair while looking over your shoulder
* her love languages are physical touch and quality time together
* dom like 95% of the time but loves when you take control
* like after a really hard practice or game or just a shit day in general she really just wants you to take care of her
* you guys do not have a stone top/pillow princess dynamic (sorry not sorry) ( like yk how a lot of times the mascs will get treated like men in the relationship. that is not your guys relationship) you both give
* she loves to please you but also loves being pleased
* strap ( that’s it)
* she likes using the strap on you but she loves to be eaten out or honestly sometimes a really heated make out session and she just gets off from grinding on you
* she leaves a bunch of hickies all over you (i mean every where)
* wishes you could leave hickies all over her but you can’t that often because of her basket ball uniform
* but best believe off season she is covered in them
* safe word!!! she doesn’t really do overstimulation to much because safe word is not the goal. a safe word is like an emergency stop button
* but y’all can give for a bit
* if you two ever got to a place where you had to use the safe word she would feel so bad
* like y’all wouldn’t have sex for the next couple days because she is so scared of hurting you
* it gets to the point where you have to be like “ i promise you will not hurt me what happened was a miscommunication you didn’t do anything wrong”
* y’all have a really long talk on consent and shit like that because your safety is her no.1 priority
* same goes the other way around
* just loves you smm and loves showing it in anyway she can
I hope y’all like this!! I want to write for other wbb/wnba people as well so please send in requests 🙏 of what y’all would want
i will def do more headcannons for other people as well just ask! I honestly have been having sm writing and i have a bunch of ideas in my notes app! ik the smut wasn’t very smutty (im srry) i don’t have a lot of experience writing smut but i am not against writing it so i will write more if wanted!
Big forehead kisses💕💕
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azzibuckets · 18 hours
this isn’t the end or anything [pazzi]
paige bueckers x azzi fudd
summary: paige and azzi are just dumb high school kids who don’t know what to do with this new feeling called love
a/n: i’ve missed writing angst 🙂‍↔️ i used prompts from this post
word count: 2.1k
“You love me.”
Azzi stills from packing Paige’s duffel bag. Her best friend’s words seem to paralyze every bone in her body - except for her fingers, which are now trembling.
“You love me.”
Azzi forces herself to resume her actions. To finish folding the bright EYBL tie dye sweater and stuff it into the corner of the bag, taking up the last remaining space. She forces herself to slowly zip up the duffel, to slow the racing of her heart and quiet the panic looming in her mind. Nonchalant. Unbothered. Calm.
Paige sits down next to her. She doesn’t make eye contact with Azzi - instead, Azzi follows her best friend’s gaze to her own knees. Azzi’s fingers are resting on her thighs, but they twitch with the yearning to fall back into the habit of absent mindedly tracing her scars. But she doesn’t. She wonders if Paige will lean over and do it for her. Or if, like so many times before, Paige will let her lips touch the lines embedded into her skin, reminding Azzi, without even having to say a word, of how strong she is. But she doesn’t.
“I heard what you told Taylor.”
Azzi stiffens. Her conversation with Taylor had been brief. But in those few minutes, she’d admitted so many things - things she hadn’t even been able to admit to herself up until that very moment.
“What did you hear?”
Paige looks up at Azzi now. Her eyes are a startling blue, but what’s more unsettling is the uncertainty swimming in her pupils. Azzi is used to every expression on Paige’s face. As Paige’s best friend, she’s supported her through sad times, when she’s upset after a bad game. Or whenever Paige is angry, annoyed from her family and desperately seeking solace in Azzi. Azzi is familiar with Paige’s expressions of hurt, and embarrasment, of jealousy, and of joy and of humor. But this apprehension, this doubt that’s clouding her face? This is Azzi’s first time, because Paige has always been poised, radiating confidence on the court while she leads her teammates and off the court with her bursting personality.
“I heard you say you liked me. More than a….” Paige trails off, and she shifts, and for a moment Azzi expects her to come closer, like she always does, for Paige’s hands to snake across her waist and eventually wander across less appropriate parts of her body. But Paige shifts away, creating distance between the two of them, and in that second Azzi finds it hard to breathe. “You should’ve told me.”
“Why would I have told you?” Azzi’s voice is hard, and she’s never spoken like this to Paige, but right now she needs to, she needs to keep her walls up, because she knows that this conversation isn’t going well, and that one of them, if not both, will leave feeling hurt.
“So I would’ve stopped.”
Azzi’s lungs are on fire.
“I wouldn’t have kept…” It’s like Paige refuses to address it, refuses to say out loud the things that they’ve done. Like it’s a sin.
“Kept doing what?” Azzi says defiantly, her voice rising. “Kissing me?” She hates the way Paige winces. “Touching me?” Paige looks away. “Fucking me?”
“Stop,” Paige says weakly.
“I know you like me too.” Azzi’s voice is quiet now, and she waits for a reaction.
“I don’t.” Paige’s voice is unconvincing, and Azzi sees right through Paige. She’s memorized her tells long ago. The way Paige has trouble maintaining eye contact with the person she’s lying to, so her eyes will momentarily flicker somewhere else. The way her lips will go taut as she tries to keep a stony face. These changes are minuscule, easy to miss to everyone else, but for Azzi nothing on Paige’s beautiful face ever been easy to miss.
“It would just be too hard, wouldn’t it?” Azzi’s voice is even quieter now, and Paige has to strain her ears, because she refuses to get physically closer to Azzi, not when it’s like this. “My brothers are yours. We’re going to be teammates. And we’re best friends.”
“Girls!” Katie’s voice pierces the agonizing silence between the two of them. “We’ve gotta go.”
Ever since Azzi tore her ACL, Paige has carried Azzi’s luggage for her. Even when Azzi started healing and stopped using crutches, Paige insisted. This time is no different….or so it seems until she reaches for Azzi’s bag but her hand gets slapped away.
Paige purses her lips. “Azzi. You’re gonna hurt yourself.”
“I’ve been doing rehab for months. I’m fine.” Azzi grabs her own duffel and takes an unsteady step.
Paige reaches for the bag again when Azzi wavers, but Azzi dodges her grasp. “Oh my god, Az, stop being difficult and just let me help you.”
“I don’t need you.” Azzi didn’t mean to snap, for her voice to come out like that. But it does, and hurt flashes in Paige’s eyes.
Azzi limps all the way down the stairs and into the garage. She’s sweating by the time she reaches the car, heaving her duffel into the trunk and taking a moment to catch her breath as she leans against the cool metal. She ignores Paige’s stare when she slowly climbs into the back seat.
“Where’s your compression wrap?” Paige questions.
Azzi closes her eyes. “I got the elastic bandages.”
“But your compression wrap is way more comfortable.”
Azzi rubs her knee. “I couldn’t find it.”
Paige looks at her for a second before opening the door. Heading for the house, she jogs past Tim and Katie as they shut the trunk. “Hey, where you going?” Tim calls. “We’re really on a time crunch.”
“Just one second!”
Paige shows up five minutes later, gasping for air as she folds herself inside the car again and shuts the door.
“Come on, Paige,” Katie chastises. “You should’ve been ready to go when we told you.”
“I know, I know, I’m sorry,” Paige says apologetically.
The car starts moving, and Tim and Katie fall into a murmured conversation. Azzi allows herself to glance over at Paige, who gives her a small, unsure smile before nodding at her lap. Azzi looks down, and there it is. Her black compression wrap, looking a little bit worse for wear, but it’s there.
“Thanks.” Azzi takes the wrap and doesn’t say anything else, but they fall into an unspoken peace treaty, an agreement to ignore the words said before and just be. And later, when Paige is shifting around, trying to find a comfortable spot leaning against the window so that her neck will stop aching, Azzi, with her face still buried in her pillow, taps her foot against Paige’s. Paige breathes out a silent sigh of relief, letting her head fall into Azzi’s lap. They’re okay, she thinks before falling into sleep.
“I saw you kissing him.”
“So?” Azzi crosses her arms. She knows that if she doesn’t, her hands will automatically reach for Paige, and she can’t have that. So she makes sure they stay tucked.
“You were literally just kissing me last night.” Paige’s eyes flash. “You can’t go around kissing two people at once.”
“Why does it even matter to you?” Azzi scoffs. “You said you don’t like me. You have no say in who I involve myself with.”
Paige knows Azzi is right. That she can’t have her cake and eat it. But she can’t ignore the nasty feeling that crawled into her stomach when she saw that guy press his lips against Azzi’s, holding her waist too tightly, pressing his body roughly against her, totally incompatible with Azzi’s gentleness.
“This is so fucked up.” Paige stands up, and she starts pacing. “Everything between us was fine until you decided to bring feelings into it.”
“Do you know how unfair you’re being?” Azzi pushes Paige, hard enough to send her stumbling back a little bit. “I’m sorry I fell in love with you, okay? But it happened and I can’t do shit about it.”
Azzi realizes too late what she’s done. And Azzi is not a crier by any means, but suddenly she finds tears flowing down her face, her cheeks wet with exhaustion and sadness and longing. She wipes angrily at her tears, cursing herself for showing too much emotion.
“Azzi, what?” Paige repeats, stepping closer to the younger girl.
“Didn’t you know?” Azzi spat, clearly referencing their conversation from the week before.
“I-,” Paige’s mind is running at a million miles per hour. “I know you love me. But you’re in love with me?”
“Yeah, well, that’s what happens when you kiss someone until they can’t breathe and hold them to sleep every night,” Azzi says, sarcasm dripping from her words. “You know, if I could, I’d lose feelings for you. But it’s not that easy. It’s not that easy to just let go of someone you’ve held onto for so fucking long.”
Paige Bueckers knows a lot of things. She knows how to cut through three defenders to score a layup. She knows how to create space for a shooting opportunity when coming off screens and handoffs. She knows how to facilitate, to create opportunities for her teammates to excel. She’s a genius in basketball, a generational talent like no other.
But with this? Paige is utterly clueless. She wishes she was on the court. She knows how to think when the ball in her hand and her sneakers are squeaking against the floor. But this is so far from the world of basketball.
“We can’t.” Paige knows it’s a bad response, even before Azzi’s eyebrows furrow and the corner of her pretty mouth dips. “It’ll make everything…” Paige searches for the word. “Weird?”
Azzi sniffs.
“Come on, Az.” Paige’s voice is gentle. “We both know how relationships work. Couples always break up, especially when they’re as young as us. I don’t want that to happen to us.”
“So you don’t trust in me at all? In us?”
“That’s not what I’m saying. I’d rather keep things as is instead of complicating everything. If we date and things go wrong, I don’t want to lose you. I can’t.” Paige can’t imagine a world without Azzi. Their nightly Facetimes, their hours of texting, their future at UConn - she needs all of it like she needs oxygen to breathe, and she’d rather suffer seeing Azzi with someone else than risk the chance of that being gone.
“Maybe we should take some space.” Paige looks at her hands. “So we can have the time to figure out our own feelings.”
“Is that what you want?” No. Paige doesn’t want this. What Paige wants is to have the courage to take those three steps. To gather Azzi in her arms and get tangled in her limbs. Paige wants to make Azzi laugh again. To keep saying stupid jokes until Azzi’s dimple shows, until she rolls her eyes and shakes her head. Paige just wants to love Azzi. But she can’t. “Yes,” Paige answers, and when she closes her eyes a tear slips out. “That’s what I want.”
“Okay.” Azzi stands up with finality.
“This isn’t the end or anything,” Paige says desperately. “We can still talk and everything. But let’s just, um, hold off on all the other things.”
Azzi stiffens. “That’s the thing, Paige. I can’t be around you and not feel this way.”
Paige feels like the world is crashing down around her. She feels like she’s falling, falling, falling, with no one to save her. Her heart pounds in her chest, angry and scathing. “What do you mean?” she whispers, hoping Azzi won’t say what she thinks she’s about to say.
“I think we should stop seeing each other at all.” Azzi rubs her eyes. “Just until I can stop feeling this way.” Her hands fall to her chest. “It just hurts too fucking bad.”
“Okay,” Paige says, but nothing is okay. Nothing is okay because this is everything she was trying to prevent, but now she can’t stop it from happening and now her whole life is completely upside down. So Paige turns around, because she can’t stand to see Azzi leave. To see Azzi turn her back and just walk away. She hears Azzi’s steps as they grow closer, smells Azzi’s familiar lilac perfume when she leans down, feels Azzi’s hand on her shoulder, can even taste the memory of Azzi’s lips on her tongue. But then, all too quickly, her hand slips away, and her touch is gone, and so is Azzi, and the door shuts.
And finally, finally, Paige allows herself to cry.
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baby-yongbok · 2 days
Best friend!Lee Know x Afab!Reader
Genre: Friends to lovers?? Angst?? Fluff??
Summary: Mysterious letters from a stranger made you fall in love despite your best friends apprehensions. You think back to every moment that's led to you meeting your secret admirer but the memories do little to prepare you for the mystery you're about to uncover.
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Word Count: 2.4k A/N: This is a repost because I just kinda... wanted to repost it? Idk. I don't think that it did as well as it could the first time so here we go againnnnnn!
❋ Italicized parts are flashbacks
❋ This One shot was inspired by the song i love you by Billie Eilish
✧ Masterlist ✧
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Six months of mystery has led you to this moment. You started getting letters from a stranger, dainty decorated notes with cursive words declaring their undying admiration for you and all that you are. You’ve never been the type of person who’s felt seen by those around you, you’ve grown content with floating in the background and only being heard when someone chooses to unmute you. Maybe that’s why these letters felt like a thunderbolt hitting uncharted territory. Maybe that’s why each word that you read when you plucked the baby blue stationary from your mailbox made you feel dizzy as you burned with the desire of a thousand suns. 
“You don’t even know who’s sending these letters. What if it’s some creep?” Your best friend, Minho, grumbled on the other line as he struggled to give his stubborn cat her medicine. 
“No creep could ever write the things I’ve read. He’s emotional and profound and - and he’s…” Your mind wanders off into a daydream as you think of all that he could be. 
“A stranger, he’s a stranger. Listen, I’m all for fairy tales but I don’t want you getting hurt. Just let me take you if you decide to meet the guy.” You huff, he’s right he is a stranger and you shouldn’t meet with this guy alone. “I’ll hide behind a tree or something.” 
You giggle at the thought but agree happily. “If that’ll make you happy then sure. I’ll let you know when he can meet me.”
“Thank you.” A comfortable silence settles on the line before Minho speaks again. “Wait, how do you know that he’ll want to meet up? He doesn’t put a return address, you can’t send him anything back.”
“He’ll want to meet, I just know it.” You stare up at the ceiling with stars in your eyes and butterflies in your stomach. Minho scoffs on the other line.
“You’re so hopelessly romantic that it’s sickening.” 
You sat knee to knee with Minho on the Subway, three more stops and you’d be there. Three more stops and your prince charming would be sitting and waiting for you by Gapstow Bridge. You’ve been to Central Park dozens of times since you’ve moved to the city but nothing could ever top this. You watched as people piled on and off of the subway car, eyes glued to their phones and headphones blasting music or some mystery podcast that would keep them up all night but you couldn’t bring yourself to listen to anything other than the hammering of your heart in your chest, what if his is beating at the same rhythm?
“You really don’t have to go with me. I’m a big girl. You have to go all the way back to Korea the day after, you should be packing and resting and spending time with the cats and -” Minho nudged your shoulder as he glared at you with narrow feline eyes. He looked annoyed but you could tell that he was amused. 
“I want to take you, let me see Central Park one more time before I have to leave for half a year.” a weak chuckle escapes you but it quickly drags off into a despondent sigh. 
“I don’t want to go either, trust me, but I’ll be back before you know it. We’ll video call in the middle of the night and early morning and we’ll use our friendship lamps and you can send me a million pictures of Central Park in the winter. I know how much you love Gapstow Bridge.”
“It’s beautiful when it’s covered in snow, really. You have to see it in person, there’s nothing else like it.” You force a smile onto your lips but Minho doesn’t have to pretend. His smile is genuine, it’s just the effect that you have.
“Promise to spam my phone?” He holds out his pinky, his boba eyes upturned at the corners. You can’t help but to smile back, your doe eyes turning into shining moons that no lunar eclipse could rival.
You turn to look out of the window as the train turns the last bend to your stop. You gasp, a smile spreading over your lips and a plum colored blush adorning your chilled cheeks. 
“Min! Min, it’s snowing. It’s sticking, look!” You tap your best friend, he’s been fiddling with his fingers the entire ride. His usual jokes have been nonexistent this evening, maybe he’s nervous for you. He seemed so worried after all. “I get to spend the first snow with you!” 
You smile over at him, eyes wide like Venus or maybe the moons of Saturn would be a better comparison. No matter the celestial object they could never compare to the shine of your hazel orbs. They are mere specks found in the never ending galaxy of your irises. 
“Maybe this is a sign of good luck.” He grins as his eyes scan the scenery. “Maybe you can make a wish on a snowflake tonight.”
“Look who’s being a hopeless romantic now.” You stick your tongue out at him, squinting your eyes and shaking your head playfully. He huffs a laugh with the crooked smile that he’s known for as he watches you. “Oh! This is us, let's go!”
You grab his hand and pull him out of his seat as you race towards the sliding subway doors. You race up the subway steps, your agile friend trailing behind you quickly with a tight grip on your hand. Once you make it to the top you stop and stare. A thin layer of icy white covers the street and sidewalks. You watch with wide eyes as the slush settles onto the tree branches and falls around you like feathers during a pillow fight. Soft, pretty, comfortable. 
“Are you sure that you want to do this? He could be a creep, ya know.” Minho has asked the same question about fifteen times since the two of you started walking to the train station and your answer has been the same every. Single. Time. 
“I’m positive and if he is, which I doubt that he will be, you’ll be there to do a quick one two jab and save me.” An eye roll and a sigh are all that he offers you as the two of you make your way down the steps to the station. 
“Just… prepare yourself okay? You really don’t know what you’re walking into and I don’t want you to walk out of there with a broken heart.”
“I’ll be fine. I’m a big girl, remember?” You take the lead, heading for the turnstile and swiping your MetroCard. You walk through just as you hear the train pull up and turn to Minho with wide eyes of excitement, your heart is still full, he can’t let that be taken away by someone no matter how infatuated you are with them. “It’s here, come on! Run!” 
You run up the metal stairs, the heels of your boots making a song out of each step and Minho follows right behind you, jumping the turnstile and running quickly as he ignores the staff yelling for him to pay. He’s sure that he’ll pay soon, he’ll pay in a currency greater than any atom in his body can handle. 
“There! He said to meet him on the bridge.” You jog towards the attraction that’s always held a special place in your heart. The stunning aged stone and the shining water underneath it made for a beautiful scene. “I don’t see anyone yet though.”
You walk up the slope of the bridge, squinting into the evening darkness. The sun set two hours ago but the lights of the surrounding buildings make up for the stars absence. Despite the orange of the surrounding lights, the air is cold. Your presence is all that makes the atmosphere feel warm. Comfortable.
“Maybe we should just -” You turn to Minho, your fingers laced together across your chest. Your black gloves that are slightly too big slipping up your wrist.
“He’ll be here. He wouldn’t let me down.” Minho sighs, looking over towards the small lake with crisp leaves flowing with each careful ripple that the wind creates. Maybe that’s how this will go, it’ll be smooth like he’s guided by the wind. Certainly he won't shatter the universe in your eyes.
“Y/n.” It was barely a whisper but you heard him. You’re on your toes looking in the other direction when he calls your name but you snap your neck to look up at him. That sparkle in your eyes is so bright. “I’m so sorry.”
“What do you mean?” He can see it, a star dying in real time. What kind of monster would do this?
“When I- It wasn’t supposed to go this way.” The tear that trails down Minho’s cheek is nearly turned to crystal by the cold bite of the winter air. It blows his parted hair as he stares down at you. You’re putting it all together. The stars dimming at a pace that would leave NASA baffled, confused, anxious.
“Minho, stop messing with me.” You smile and for a second he thinks that he can see them come back. For a second he can spot Orion and the big dipper seems to take one last breath but when he looks away, when he squeezes his eyes shut and chokes back a sob, that’s when the lights go out.
Minho’s never seen a shooting star, he’s never seen light fall at such an alarming rate that we call it beautiful and now he wishes that he never had. He hates that the one time that he got to wish upon a falling star was when he broke your heart. 
“When I started sending them I thought that I had more time, I thought that we…”
“It was you?” A tear trails down your cheek as you whisper, your once sparkling eyes are clouded with frost as the snowflakes catch and melt on your lashes. “You knew about every letter, I read them to you, I told you everything but you already knew because you - you wrote them.”
“I had to tell you. I had to tell you how I felt I couldn’t take it anymore; it was eating me alive. It was killing me.” He turns to you, tear stains on both of his blushed cheeks. His eyes are glazed with worry, panic, and so much love. They’re packed with so much adoration that you wonder how you ever missed it in the first place. “Not being with you was killing me. I just - just wanted to tell you and then I got that damned call. If I would've known that I'd get called back to Korea I wouldn't have done this.” 
“How long have you known?” You cross your arms, staring at his chest rather than his face. “You sent twenty-six letters… which one did you send after you found out that you had to leave?”
“Which one?” Your voice is weak, hoarse with sentiment as you hold back the hurricane of emotions in your chest. 
“Wow.” Your mouth hangs open in a silent cry of disbelief as you turn to look into the distance of the dark park. 
“I should’ve told you, I know that. I should’ve stopped and confessed I shouldn’t have done this to you but - but you looked so happy. You were so in love with being seen and I was so proud of you for finally believing that someone sees you. That’s all that I’ve ever wanted” You scoff, laughing a bit as you blink up towards the sky, welcoming the snowflakes onto your skin, offering them a safe place to melt as you come undone in the night. 
“Did you have to do it like this?” 
“You love Gapstow and I knew it would snow.” You huff, grinning sadly. You turn to face him again, large eyes searching his anxious ones. He can see the wounds that he’s created but of course you make it look beautiful. Of course your wounds bleed constellations, he’d expect nothing less from you. 
“You never cry.” It’s his turn to grin now. 
“You make me do a lot of things that I said I never would.” 
“Like what? Write twenty-six love letters and sneak them into my mailbox?” You chuckle, are your stars coming back?
“Like love. Believe in love enough to give it a chance. Fall in love so hard that I profess my endearment on expensive stationary just so I can see you smile. Even if you didn’t know that you were smiling for me, because of me.”
“I’m an idiot and I don’t deserve to love you.” His words are rushed as he smiles down at you. They're a sad and pitiful attempt at masking how much he hates himself right now. It's an attempt to hide how much he wishes he could take this all back and call it all a joke just to see you shine like you did a bit ago. “I don’t deserve to have you love me back either.”
“But I do.” Another tear escapes the floodgates behind your eyes and the hurricane in your chest grows stronger. “I do and I have for so long.”
He stares at you with tears falling faster than before, they chase each other down his cheeks and drip off at the edge turning into snowflakes themselves. Maybe he can make a wish on one.
“I don’t want you to love me.” He chokes out as he blinks the tears away.
“It wouldn’t make you leaving hurt any less. I’d just be losing a different version of you.”
“I put every ounce of myself in those letters, as long as you have them you’re never losing me.”
The thread behind your eyes snapped in that moment and it sent your hurricane of emotions free from your chest. You expected for the trees around you to be lifted up into the air. You expected for you and Minho to be whisked away as you twirl like ballerinas in violent gusts of frigid air but it never came. All that visited you were tears as you began sobbing into your hands.
Your oversized glove slipped to your fingertips, holding on desperately just as you were. Minho wasted no time before wrapping you in his arms, you clung to his chest like a sad child on the playground. Whining sobs into his coat as he quietly matched your emotion.
He knew it. He knew he’d pay for this in a way much bigger than him. He knew he’d empty your heart once you found out but he was selfishly in love with you. How could he confess to you like this when he knew he had to leave?
 He should’ve stopped at letter Seventeen.
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This fic was also heavily inspired by this photo of the Gapstow Bridge in Manhattans Central Park:
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Thank You For Reading! Please Reblog or Comment to let me know how you liked it! It makes my day! 💕
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wordsarelife · 3 days
𝐞𝐩𝐢𝐥𝐨𝐠𝐮𝐞: 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐭 𝐨𝐟 𝐦𝐲 𝐥𝐢𝐟𝐞
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pairing: theo nott x fem!reader
summary: theo and you get your happy ever after
warnings: i don’t think there are any! let me know if that’s not true :)
note: here it is!! finally the epilogue is here! i loved writing this series so much!! please let me know what you thought of this chapter and/or the story in general!
!!!make sure to keep your eyes on the extras that are coming tomorrow (and feel free to request drabbles/ fics on future or past situtations in the don’t blame me universe, or questions you still have!! i will be thrilled to answer them!!)!!!
word count: 3.9k
note: not really happy with the outcome of this chapter, but whatever..
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"mommy?“ a voice called and your head snapped to the side. "can you give me one of those paper towels?“
you rolled your eyes smiling at his antics and nodded, before you threw one in his direction.
"mate, you know i love you, but please stop acting out your mommy kink on my girlfriend“ theo hit mattheo's shoulder.
"well, y/n is the closest thing i have to a mother right now" mattheo argued dramatically "she takes care of me when i'm sick, she cuts apple slices for me—"
"—we've been on tour for two months" theo shook his head "it's not like you're never gonna see your mum again, get a grip"
"it's alright" you smiled. "i don't mind"
mattheo nodded "see?"
“yeah, whatever” theo shook his head “just get ready, please? we start in ten”
after the concert a few months ago, cursed legacy had gotten their record deal. dave had been impressed by their show, he wanted them to play opener for the rest of the following tour leg.
as soon as the school holidays began you joined them, traveling around the country.
theo and you couldn’t be happier. everything was going great and you were ready to tackle life together.
since the concert, theo had not stopped writing songs and they were only a month away from releasing their second album, soft death.
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he was always talking about how you were the muse behind most of the songs. and you had to admit that they had never had so many love songs played (or written) before.
during the tour they had made many new fans, their followers growing while were getting more and more attention. they were already playing a few songs from the new album constantly and about you was a fan favorite. your favorite was echoes of devotion, which theo had written for you. it was the second song they played every night.
“see you later” mattheo took a look to his phone, checking the time, before he pressed a sloppy kiss to your cheek and quickly walked away.
theo rolled his eyes before he turned to you and gave you a long and passionate kiss, before he too took off after mattheo to get on stage.
you collected your things, before you started walking. you already knew that it would be hard to feel normal again once you were home in a month and college would start. how could you ever live a normal life after being treated like royalty?
you took your stage pass and walked in the direction of the tents. you hadn’t seen the rest of the band in hours. the reasons were simple enough. draco and blaise had made it their personal chore to walk around the venues before every show, claiming something about a good luck charm they absolutely needed. they had asked you to accompany them on a few occasions, which you did but quickly regretted after they spent the entire time talking about their hook ups from the night before.
they had already adopted the rockstar life style.
quite the opposite of that was enzo. he spent hours in the back of the bus, or in his hotel room, talking to april on his phone. she had come to a few shows, but she couldn’t be there constantly because of work and so they had decided to face time or text in any given moment. you rarely saw the boy without his phone.
april had been scared that their relationship would not last. she had feared that enzo would quickly realize how limiting a relationship was when there were a few hundred girls basically licking the ground on which he walked.
you had told her that enzo wasn’t like that, but you could still understand why she was feeling that way and promised to keep your eye on him.
enzo had done nothing more than proof the both of you terribly wrong. most of the time he did not even look into the direction of other girls, let alone talk to them.
that the rest of the band was busy could’ve been to your and theo’s advantage, making it possible to enjoy time for only the two of you, if there hadn’t been matt, who made it his personal task to follow you around like a lost puppy.
you loved him, you really did. during the time the both of you had only grown closer, going back to the sibling like relationship you had once had, but at times you wished he was anywhere else.
especially that one time when theo and you were making out on the couch of the tour bus and mattheo came barging in and acted like he didn’t know that he had just interrupted something, before he planted himself in the middle of theo and you and started playing star wars on the tv.
"good evening!" enzo's voice roared through the microphone, after they had come out and played only angel. the crowd cheered. "the next song we're gonna play is about a very special someone. our front man's girl to be exact. he's a very smitten man, so naturally, this is a very emotional love song, feel free to hold up your flashlights.. here is echoes of devotion!"
the crowd cheered once again, while you clapped your hands, your cheeks as red as the curtain next to the stage. theo's voice was always what started the song, he looked just as cheesy as you did, even if enzo had made it a habit to say the same lines every night, you and theo were still flustered about his words.
my love, like orpheus, i'd come,
to tread through shadows, my body numb,
but truth be told, in my hearts embrace,
i fear i'd falter, lose the race.
the music only set in after that. a steady and slow beat that was always responsible for your shiver as it guarded his voice through the chorus.
for i'd turn back, just like him,
my gaze would brake, our future grim,
your fading form, in shadows deep,
my love, too strong, my soul to keep.
the song was balancing right between breaking the crowds heart and animating them to sing along. it was the perfect mix of love and heartache, often making your eyes swell with tears, when you saw theo react the same way.
the song had a special place in both of your hearts. for one part, it was comparing you and theo to your favorite myth, which theo had done knowingly. and second, it reminded you both of how hard love could be, how even loving people deeply could led to hurting them.
it was one of the first songs theo did not sing entirely on his own. the second verse was accompanied by background vocals of the rest of the boys, making it sound almost dreamy and ethereal.
like orpheus, with his lyre's song,
i'd sing to you, all night long,
but in that moment, with fate's cruel twist,
i'd choose your eyes, and lose what's missed.
the second chorus was a little different to the first one, deeper, as theo had said.
for i'd turn back just like him,
the current stronger than we swim,
i'd face the darkness, lose my way,
for one more look, i'd gladly pay
"i don't understand" theo's voice was only above a whisper, making sure no one could hear you both in the treehouse. it was far too late for both of you anyway.
"what?" you had asked, looking up from the ipod in your hand.
"orpheus, that's his name, right?" the boy brushed his hair back, revealing his forehead. he hadn't gotten a haircut in ages, exclaiming something about girls finding him more attractive that way. you had spontaneously laughed at that prediction, considering you were the only girl he talked to. but the boy was fourteen and suddenly very interested in appealing to the opposite gender.
"what about him don't you understand?" you had the same tone in your voice your mother did when she would explain something to you and your brother.
"well, why does he turn around?" theo shrugged his shoulders, as he turned, facing away from you, to continue to paint doodles on the wall of the tree house. "he could've saved her if he had been stronger, if he had loved her enough he could've made it"
"it's not about that, theo" you had mused "orpheus looked back because he loved her so much, because the only way he could've saved her was if he had loved her less. but he didn't"
"i don't know, pixie" you send him a look upon the name, which he obviously couldn't see, your annoyance bouncing off of the back of his head. "i would be able to save you" his simple statement made the air freeze between the two of you, hitting deeper than it had been meant.
"then you don't love me enough" your voice was only a faint sound, but loud enough to make theo stop in his tracks.
without him noticing the irony of the situation, he turned around to look at you, his blue eyes crashing into yours. the softness in them almost made you shudder, asking yourself if the way you were feeling about him was totally normal. you did not have much experience with boys, but theo was different anyway, he was not like them, he was yours, without any requirements.
"no, i think i do" he whispered back, realizing that the quick act of him turning around had come right after you had simply doubted his love. he knew in that moment that it would never take much for him to turn around for you.
maybe it was the quiet of the night, or teenage hormones mixing up in the air, you weren't really sure later, but theo leaned across the space between you, gently grasping your lips with his, connecting them in a featherlight kiss.
there was no sound in the little room. there were only theo and you. and only your lips were touching.
for you're the melody that guides my soul,
through tempests wild and rivers cold,
i'll brave the depths, defy the night,
to hold your hand in morning light.
so here i stand, before your eyes,
with trembling heart, and no disguise,
to say, my love, in honesty,
i'd turn for your like orpheus for eurydice.
later that night, after the concert was finished and the band was saying their goodbyes, ready to leave the stage, you were waiting for theo behind the stage.
blaise and draco came down first, each of them ruffled your hair, before they walked away to find snacks.
enzo winked at you, holding his hand up for a high-five, which you gladly accepted.
matt plastered both of your cheeks with kisses, laughing deeply as you tried to slap him away.
all of the boys (except for theo of course) had grown to be like your brothers, but enzo and matt stood out the most. enzo was like the little brother you never had, especially because of his relationship with april.
mattheo had been protective of you ever since leo had brought you with him the first time at the age of five. he had looked out for you ever since, often joining forces with leo, when he forbid you from doing something.
even if you sometimes acted annoyed at him, you knew deep down that you needed matt, just as much as you needed your organs to survive. he had been (unlike theo at certain times) a constant in your life, you had never quite managed to get rid of. matt had made it clear to you that he wouldn't leave you alone. both of you were everything that was left of leo for the other.
you could see it in the way matt acted, when he would text you the most random things or when he was lifting you off the ground after he had predicted you would miss the single stair in front of your feet.
and he could see it in your face, as you scrunched your nose when you found something disgusting or when your eyes lit up at the mention of ice cream. or sometimes, in the rare moments when his heart ached the most, when you would laugh, and immediately stop, as you both realized how much it sounded like your brother.
it was impossible for either of you to forget leo, if you had still so much left of him.
the cologne was the first thing that entered your nose and just a second after, theo rumbled down the stairs, heavy footsteps echoing over the instruments that were already being played on stage.
he was wearing a white shirt, he had gotten it himself, your name written over his heart with a cursive lilac thread. his hair was messy and a little bit sweaty. you remembered the heat of the stage lights from the night of the concert months ago and your skin burned.
his jeans were dark and loose, you had joked that he needed to wear skinny jeans, because he was in a boyband. you had to search for a picture of harry styles, for him to believe that that used to be a thing.
his face lit up when his eyes fell on you. he pecked your lips, as he threw an arm across your shoulder. another kiss to your hair following.
"my dad messaged me" you said as you walked further behind the stage.
theo perked up at that "will he meet us for dinner?"
"yeah, yeah" you rolled your eyes, uninterested in talking about the boring information. you grinned, as you halted in your step, taking his hand in yours, as you almost jumped up and down from excitement. "we will probaly see a whole lot of him in the future"
theo raised his brows, confused what you were hinting at. your smile grew bigger as you could see the realization set in on his face.
"cadence?" he asked, not quite believing it.
you quickly nodded your head, your excitement resulting in a giggle, as he threw his arms around your body, pulling you close to his chest.
theo had applied to the college months ago. your father had just texted you to tell you that he was in. the mail was only being sent out the coming week and he wanted theo to know. that's also why your father had a lot of connections in the music world and was friends with dave fraser, the guy that had given the guys the record deal. he had worked at the college for the past twenty years, it was a big one, similiar to juilliard, but stationed in england.
while theo would go there, you had applied to many schools close to his (which included, but was not limited to oxford and camebridge). the acceptance letter for camebridge had come last week and the joy on theo's face had been incomparable.
"so it's happening" theo muttered in your ear "we'll both stay"
"i'm going nowhere" you assured, as you intertwined your hands, leading theo back to the tour bus, that would start driving to it's next destination in only a few hours.
"me neither, for now we have seen enough of the world to last us for a few years to come"
"are you joining in?" matt asked when the two of you entered the bus. the rest of the boys were sitting around the table, matt sorting poker chips and enzo's phone was propped up in the middle of the table, april's laughing face on it's screen.
"hey guys!" april smiled.
"hey stranger" you giggled.
"mate, could you please grab the cookies y/n's mum send her?"
"hey, those are for me" you protested.
matt shrugged "well the bus was only for us and i'm still sharing it with you"
you sighed, before you gave theo the okay to get them.
"only two more weeks and you're coming home" april was close to screaming of excitement "it's so boring without you guys. i even began missing blaise"
"hey!" blaise protested, as he grabbed the phone and turned it in his direction, so april was able to see the offended expression on his face.
"yeah, sorry" april muttered "now turn me back"
actually, even if you enjoyed all the special treatment you were receiving on this tour, you couldn't wait to go back home. you couldn't wait for life to be a bit more normal again, even though you were sure that it wouldn't take long before the boys would have their own concerts.
you couldn't wait to watch them grow, but for now, you savored every moment, as long as they still belonged solemnly to you.
"who's gonna start?" mattheo threw the last of the chips down, looking between the rest of you for help.
"i thought you read the rules" draco exclaimed confused.
"well, no" mattheo shook his head "blaise was supposed to"
blaise shook his head repeatedly, claiming to not have been part of mattheo's scheme. the boys began fighting, pointing at each other accusingly.
theo and you exchanged a glance, before you suggested to play a few simple rounds of uno, which everyone agreed on and quickly quieted down.
now everything was finally right and if you could talk to her, you would like to tell your younger self that everything would be alright one day and that she didn't have to be as scared of the future.
a few weeks later, when you were back home, theo helped you pack your things up in your room.
the rest of the tour had gone by in a breeze, and even if all of them decided to concentrate on studying at their respective schools, the band still existed and even dave fraser promised that the career of cursed legacy was far from over. soft death had already been recorded and was coming out in two weeks.
"what's that?" theo asked as he fished a folded piece of paper out of your backpack.
"oh" you furrowed you brows. "i thought i had thrown that away" you shrugged.
"well, what's on it?"
"after i first listened to pixie dream girl, april made me write down my feelings and burn the papers. she was scared that i would do something i would regret" you send him a look.
"okay..but why do you have it if it got burned?" he pressed.
"because i wanted something to remind myself how i felt about all of this"
"am i allowed to read it?" theo asked expectingly "it probably won't be nice"
"i don't care" you shrugged "go on"
theo unfolded the paper, his breath hitching as he read the words you had written. he looked up in surprise and you smiled. "that's—" he mumbled, but couldn't find the right words, surprise and love making it hard to concentrate.
"not mean?" you helped.
theo grinned, before he folded the paper up again and put it in his pocket "i want to keep it"
you smiled and nodded.
and after all this, you stupid stupid boy, you had written that day, you are still the only one my heart wants to know.
you and theo kept your eyes on each other, not one of you daring to look away. you could see every version in him, every stage of his life was readable from his eyes. even that night was readable and you wondered if the was thinking about the same thing you were.
"what was that?" you had asked, your voice raised above the normal whisper.
"what?" theo muttered, feigning innocence. you would've almost believed you had imagined the kiss, but the lipgloss on theo's mouth was telling a different story.
"you kissed me"
"ugh, no?" theo shook his head, crossing his arms defensively.
"ugh, yes?" you outstretched your hand, pointing to his lips. "there, cherry lipgloss"
theo rubbed his mouth in a quick gesture, getting rid of the evidence "where?" he asked, fluttering his eyes.
"right there!" you insisted, fighting back a laugh at his attempt to play it cool.
theo smiled softly, his gaze meeting yours with a mixture of fondness and mischief. "okay, fine. maybe i did."
your heart raced as you struggled to find the right words. "why?"
his expression softened, and he reached out to gently tuck a strand of hair behind your ear. "because... i wanted to."
"okay" you nodded, your voice only above a whisper. "but friends don't—“
"i know" theo had interrupted you. "i'm sorry"
something had shifted between you that night in the tree house, or at least for theo it had. it was like you were the only girl that mattered, like you were the only one that mattered. something about that scared him immensely.
you waited for him to say something. to explain to you what it meant for you, for your friendship. but his eyes were as big as yours and his mind wandered twice as fast. "we are friends" he muttered finally, as if to remind himself.
you nodded, taking it as answer enough.
the years turned faster than the pages of a book, you grew older, stayed inside your rooms when it got dark outside and you and theo never spoke of the night in the treehouse again.
neither of you had known what to say so you rather said nothing.
theo's last words to you that night, replayed themselves over and over again in your mind for the years to follow, even if both of you continued being friends normally.
"i couldn't help it" he had muttered, right after both of you had climbed down the ladder and were ready to go your separate ways.
you smiled at his honesty, as you held back a giggle. you couldn't see his face in the dark, the candle in the lantern you had brought with you had burned down completely, but you had a feeling that he felt the same mix of awkwardness and simple happiness you did.
"will you do that again?" you asked, feeling brave now that he was unable to see your face in the darkness.
air escaped from his nostrils, as he stifled a laugh at your question. "i'm not sure" he said.
the air between you was quiet and still and you turned around before you softly walked the path between both of your houses in the direction of the balcony you had climbed down a few hours ago.
the sound of his voice had you stop in your tracks.
"but if it some day comes over me, and maybe it will.." he paused, seemingly searching for the right words.
you listened to him attentively, as your heart fluttered at his implication. it was like you could almost see the colour of his eyes, even if he was standing a few meters across from you, his body standing out against the light of the lantern down the street.
he was standing, his body facing in your direction and simply knowing that he was looking at you made your tummy churn. was this what friendship was supposed to be? or was it something different? was this love? did love really feel like that or where you going crazy?
theo cleared his throat, as he raised his voice so you could hear him clearly over the distance between you "just... don't blame me"
taglist: @7s3ven @madi-potter @shereadsandcries @getosbeloved @mischieftom @wolfstar-jpg @t00thfairy20 @chcrrysblog @aestramjackson @elina3011 @kr1nqu @hopeless-y @mitskiswift99 @fallingblackveils @ahead-fullofdreams @helendeath @schaebickel @chubbychasermattheotruther @punkprincess03 @subparslytherin @girlbooklover555 @sakanelli-afc @cobrakaisb @ellen3101 @simp-for-fantasy @the-sylver-dragon @ess-perspective @starsval
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lovezbrownies · 2 days
I will literally run over my dog (no I won’t I love her too much) for some more Lauren writing.
I NEED IT!!!!! 😭😭
Confessions after aggressions (Yan!Bully x GN!Reader.)
Hello dear poopyhead! hope you enjoy :3 this fic is almost 2.3k words! Sorry it took me a week to get this out! Blew my money on legos and I can only write when I have a drink in hand ;;
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Synopsis: What happens when your lifetime bully who is madly in love with you catches someone trying to hit on you?
Bully Lauren McCanister x GN!Reader
WARNINGS: Bullying, verbal harassment, darling being hit on by a third party, threats, physical fight kinda!, darling's scared of Lauren, Lauren goes off, Lauren kisses darling without consent smh Lauren, fuck used a lot, degrading words against women used by Lauren, again smh Lauren, mildly cute at the end, No use of y/n
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“Hey, if you don’t come to my game today I’ll make sure you regret it, and wear this. And you better fucking wear it. Either wear it once today or I’ll force it on you this entire month. Fucking weirdo.”
And that’s how you found yourself in this situation, out in the cold night, wearing your bully's jersey jacket she insists you wear, and watching that same bully carry her team to a win. It’s been going on for a while, you don’t know what the rules of football are, and you’ve never really been into many sports. Sure maybe you’ve watched a few games or liked a certain team but you never truly got into it, and you don’t think you ever will.
Lauren reserved you a seat at the very front of the school’s stadium, next to the team’s benches or whatever they call them. So whenever there’s a pause to the game Lauren can easily go up to the benches, rest, and talk with you. More like constantly begging you for praise.
“Look at that, the loser came, what did you think? Obviously, you thought I was cool, right? Well, that’s a no-brainer, you don’t know anything about football so you’d think anything I did was cool. Oh, you’re such a fucking freak! You want me so bad it makes you look stupid! You were staring at me sweating and heaving the entire time right you, weirdo?”
It’s always the same, she’s been participating in more sports lately since it’s her senior year but it was torture to attend every game of hers so she doesn’t give you hell later on. Lauren’s games never ceased to bore you, constantly watching her carry her team to a win every single damn game gets tiring fast. And if you dare look away to entertain yourself Lauren will purposefully fumble the game just so she can confront you for not paying attention to her faster. 
So when Lauren finally had the chance to take a break and take a sip from her water bottle you told her you’d be going to the bathroom, and her one response was “Don’t take too long.” Thank heavens. You couldn’t hold it anymore, and again if you left without telling her she would leave the field herself and chase after you, her team either winning by an inch or losing wholeheartedly.
Along the way, you saw many people skirt away from the stadium's seats to get food, and beverages, or to go to the bathroom. It was half-time, or whatever they call their little break, after all. You felt someone watch you as you walked to the bathrooms, but every time you looked around there wasn’t a single person looking in your direction, though your guts told you not to, you brushed it off and continued heading towards the gender-neutral bathroom the school’s stadium has. They mostly made it to save costs on individual bathrooms for specific genders.
You finished with your business in the stall, the moment you stepped out of said stall however a tall woman wearing the rival school’s merch stood right in front of you, blocking the way and effectively stopping you from moving anywhere.
You look up at the woman, she looks about your age with brown hair and eyes, nothing of note in her appearance. She looked down at you, smirking as if she were an almighty god. You raise a brow, trying to seem as uninterested as possible, to avoid giving her the wrong idea, “Can I help you?” Somehow the woman’s cocky smirk only widened as she reached a hand out to you, going out to grab your face.
“Was watchin’ ya earlier, wanted to ask if you’re singl-” Just as her hand grazed your chin you harshly slapped it away, grabbing a few people’s attention but no one wanted to anger the tall brunette. Yet the woman seemed to take your slap as an invitation, moving even closer almost pushing you back into the stall. And move back you did, trapping you with the woman in the cramped stall, with your legs pressing harshly onto the toilet seat and the woman’s arms reaching out to the stall’s walls.
She smiled so wide it resembled a horror character, her eyes filled with lust, the woman leaned down towards you, she was drunk you could tell from the overwhelming smell of her breath, “Hey! Back off! Get the fuck away from me!” You pushed and pushed as much as you could but that only enticed her, “Nah, need a cutie like you to hang off ma arm~” 
Just then the smell of alcohol and sweat disappeared and a loud crash was heard, “YOU GOT A DEATH WISH FRESHMAN?!?!” Is that Lauren? Oh, that definitely is Lauren, You peek out the stall to find the woman lying on the floor, looking up at Lauren, face full of fear, “Who the fuck are yo-” The lady couldn’t even finish her sentence as Lauren grabbed her by the hair, easily lifting the woman off the floor just by pulling at the hair of her scalp.
You couldn’t predict what had happened then, you heard Lauren threaten the woman, cussing her out in the most colorful ways with a low voice, “I’m going to fucking end your life, you fucking dickwad. You are nothing but a pile of shit compared to my baby, you don’t touch my sweetheart and think you can get away with it, fucking slut! You will pay for what you did. Keep one eye open when you’re sleeping, you dirty whore!” And much more that you missed. Lauren looked beyond angry, she looked like a feral rabid dog.
It was completely horrifying to witness the unbridled rage of Lauren McCanister. Your entire life you thought you’d been the only one to be relentlessly bullied by her, the only one who truly witnessed how insane she can get. But you were entirely incorrect, watching how tight Lauren’s grip is with the woman’s hair, how she yelled and spit on the woman, how she harshly pushed the woman against the floor, a loud crack came from the woman’s head making you cringe from how painful it sounded.
Lauren shifted her head towards you, staring at you like she was a predator in a horror movie before swiftly moving to you, taking two long strides to finally reach you, grabbing your hand she growled, “Good fucking thing you’re smart enough not to accept her shit. Else I’d make sure you never think of another woman ever again. Let’s get out of here, this place is full of morons anyway.” Lauren, with no regard to your own personal wishes, proceeded to pull you out of the bathrooms, people stared at the both of you as she led you to the underground car park.
You could barely breathe, fearful of what the monster would do to you. Will she hurt you? Are you done for? Should you quickly send a text to everyone you love? Was all that studying in vain? Are you already dead? Your thoughts were interrupted by the feeling of a cushy seat beneath you, the sound of a car door slamming, and then the roar of a car engine. Snapping out of your daydreams you look to the side, at Lauren. She still looked furious, though calmer than before. She was still muttering under her breath, her hands gripped at the steering wheel so hard her knuckles were entirely white.
“...ng loser, fucking idiot, fucking whore… Going after what’s mine? I’ll show her… my poor baby…” McCanister wouldn’t stop muttering, and you couldn’t stop shaking, she then drove the car off, you have no clue where you’re going. Maybe she’s already dug up your grave? Today really is your last day as a living person, maybe you can haunt this asshole in the afterlife? If there is one at least. It hit you that she will make sure you'll be in pain when she does kill you, there is no quick and painless with Lauren, only slow and torturous.
Suddenly you flinch at the hand that had grabbed your thigh, damn near screaming out in fear, “The fuck are you shivering for? Did that hillbilly bitch scare you that bad? God damn, I’m going to kill her for doing all that to you, my angel…” Angel? What the hell is up with her today? First she ‘defends’ you from that woman, and now that you think of it, all she’s been calling you so far are very affectionate pet names. Sure, she’s called you these types of nicknames before but in a more degrading form, hearing it now… It felt much more intimate than before.
You stare at her from the corner of your eyes, not daring to move a single muscle, hoping she somehow forgets your existence if you don’t move. Lauren had calmed down quite a bit now, it’s been a while on the road and you still had no idea where she was taking you, the roads were unfamiliar to you and even if you wanted to you couldn’t tell which road you’d know due to the fear overcoming your body. You decided to look down for the rest of the ride to not incur her wrath anymore.
It then clicks. The game’s still not over, they’re still playing, and the team’s golden ticket was driving a car to your grave. Lauren was still wearing her uniform and all, her headgear haphazardly thrown to the back of her expensive car, she even still has her team’s colors painted on her face. You don’t know the consequences of her bailing on the game, but you know she’ll be able to get out of it one way or another. Either by bringing her mom up or by bribing the coach into forgiving her. But all in all Lauren seemed more upset about what happened in the bathroom than her bailing on her game.
“Hey. Come on, stop daydreaming and get out.” Lauren’s voice was rough after she screamed at that woman. Turning towards the driver’s seat you didn’t see her there, the hell? Where did she go? Wait was it all a drea- “Over here, moron, god you’re so stupid. Or is it because that bitch rattled you to stupidity? Don’t worry, I’ll gut her soon.” Lauren said again, but this time you could tell she was speaking from your side, you looked over to find the door to the passenger’s seat was open and Lauren stood firm, her arms crossed and her face unreadable. Lauren reached a hand out to you, “Come on.” She said.
You didn’t want to grab her hand, who knows what she’d do to you if you did, so you tried to leave the car without her help, but before you could even put one foot out the door, Lauren pushed you back down, “Take my hand.” And you did, although hesitantly. Lauren, like some gentleman, pulled you up, helping you out of her ridiculously expensive car. You heard her mutter something for what felt like the 50th time this night, “God... still shivering.. to kill that freak…” Why in god’s name do you only manage to hear her murder plots when she mutters.
You look at the house Lauren parked at, it had the normal suburban house structure but was surrounded by much richer, fancier houses. Was it Lauren’s house? Knowing Lauren you’d thought she’d have a bigger, grander, fancier house. Your thoughts and speculations didn’t have to go on for long since Lauren spoke up as if she’d heard your every thought. “This is my house, from now on you’re going to come over every weekend, got it?” You turned to her, face full of disbelief. That ridiculous sentence completely woke you up from your fear, is she kidding? As if you’d spend two days and two nights trapped in her house, with satan and its spawn.
It all felt like a joke really, none of it felt real, so you laughed like anyone in this situation would. “Y-you’re kidding, right? You hate me! I hate you! We shouldn’t even be near each other for an hour, no less two days!”And you kept laughing, damn near falling to the floor from how stupid this situation is. A slow chuckle came out of the lady in front of you, looking back up at her you wiped away the fake tears, but oh how fast your smile fell. Lauren wasn’t chuckling because she realized how ridiculous she was being, she chuckled to get your attention. She looked beyond pissed, as if she’d strangle you if she so wished.
Lauren walked closer to you and you walked back until your back unfortunately met with the car behind you. Lauren placed one hand on your hip, and the other took hold of your chin, “H-Hey I-I was j-just kiddi-” You were silenced. Lauren crashed her lips into yours before you could utter another word. Shock filled every part of your body, you were frozen still. Unable to react to this sudden change of events, one moment she was openly threatening death on one person, and the next she’s passionately kissing the person she’s been relentlessly bullying. The strangest part is you could see her blushing, her eyes squeezed shut, while yours were still wide open.
Just as you were about to pull away she beat you to it, she was looking down at you all flustered, face so red it made a mockery of tomatoes, and her face paint was smudged. “You better know what this means. You’re mine from now on, you will be mine until we both die. I-I’ve never lov… Fuck, whatever let’s get in the house a-and makeout or something…” 
The rest of the night was fuzzy, but all you know for sure is that Lauren never let you leave her side.
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mikedfaist · 2 days
Actually dying for more riff stuff !! Like I can’t stop thinking about rich reader! falling in love with such a scumbag that, at the start, you have to keep it from your family because you know they would hate him. And maybe he doesn’t argue about keeping the whole thing a secret, maybe he gets a little possessive and doesn’t want such a pretty little diamond like you get filthy from his lifestyle and the guys. And maybeeeee once it’s all out in the open crazy chaos ensues, your family refuse to accept him and the boys are deeply hesitant about you too, but riff doesn’t care, riff would go to war for you and vice versa.
Actually in pain.
You are his diamond. You truly are the most incredible, perfect, ravishing person he’s ever had the pleasure of sharing the same breath with. He doesn’t want to tarnish you. Fuck, he truly can’t find a conceivable reason as to why you love him. He knows he can’t offer much. Why you chose him over everyone else will remain a perishing mystery, and he promises, until his own dying breath, he will go to war for you.
She always makes sure he has food in his fridge, clean clothes, and a roof over his head. He always makes sure no punks are sniffing the streets in her direction. He always walks her home after work, though most times he’s a safe distance away to steer away any prowling eyes. She will always write him notes and drop them on the sidewalk, and he keeps every one of her notes in a tin can under his bed.
Meet me on the rooftop tonight. x
I love you, baby. x
Let’s run away. x
He would drop anything for her. He’s truly devoted, and the boys know something is up when he fails to show up to the park some mornings, or his own apartment. They are the first to discover the two of them. You seldom come around his apartment, because the boys come and go as they please, but Riff was certain they would all be at the docks that afternoon, and he wanted time alone with you.
But it was Ice and Action who showed up to get some beers, and they found the two of you nearly undressed on his sofa. It’s a sight you can’t really come back from. I think the boys feel some betrayal, because doesn’t Riff tell them everything? He would never keep something from them. They begin to doubt Riff’s loyalty, and his placement within the group, because is he really bailing on plans to hang with a girl?
“You think—she’s not just some—“ He’s seeing red. How fucking dare them ball you up into some insipid category. You aren’t just some girl. Shame on them for looking at you and even thinking such a thing.
He’s starting to regret not fulfilling your wishes on running away together. Stealing a bunch of your parents money and buying a house upstate, changing your names, and having three kids. It’s not too late for that. Once your parents find out, they’d kick you out. They don’t want you around scum like him. They’d have you settle for a kind lad at the prep school. The same boys born with a silver spoon so far up their asses that it’s fossilized. But those boys wouldn’t protect you like Riff does.
“Please,” he tells the boys, his shirt still hanging over the backside of his sofa. “I love her. I can’t lose this.”
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running-tweezers · 2 days
Ok time for the DamiHux bitch to relisten to the DamiHux Bonus Audio for the 3rd time and record her every thought
(NSFW obvs, minors DNI)
First of all I feel like the opening of this one is a great opportunity to remind everyone of this little thing I managed to write bc holy shit. Good Morning.
Huxley’s sleepy morning voice is so fucking cute 😭
The way they laugh together!!!! They’re in love!!
Damien dodging saying he’s “the handsomest” in every way possible, but Hux is NOT letting him off the hook. Huxley really said “I am going to help give this man the self-confidence he deserves, so help me god”
When they call each other baby??? My brain = 2 liter of Diet Coke, ‘Baby’ = a pack of Mentos. It happened so much in this one I thought I was gonna take off into the atmosphere.
Damien with the Uno Reverse Card Surprise. No You.
It’s their 2 year anniversary I’m gonna cry.
“I’ve been known to swallow my pride.” “You’ve been known to swallow more than that.” Ay Yo
“Dress for a hike” “Why?” “…… bc we’re going for a hike, baby.” “Oh! 😄” Huxley the man you are.
They’re both graduated!!! And they have careers!!! Damien’s working at DAMN!!! He’s trying to fix things like he’s always wanted to!!! They’ve both come so far!!!
“I’m here to help pull you back onto steady ground” What if I cried
The WAY I have wanted these two to fuck outside like that non-canon Huxley BA!!!!!! FINALLY!!!
“Come on Nature Boy. Let’s get natural” DAMIEN PLS
Damien using his powers to turn the water into a natural hot tub, I CAN’T
Hux is so sweet I’m getting a cavity. I don’t care tho, rot my teeth out, big guy.
THE THROAT GOAT RETURNS -air horn noises-
I swear every time Damien engages Throat Goat mode, Huxley sounds like he’s ready to write his goddamn vows.
“Pick me up. Turn us around. Press me into this wall. And Fuck. Me.” WE LOVE A POWER BOTTOM DAMIEN MOMENT
I’d like to introduce you to my favorite thing in the world ✨Damien Whimpering✨
The IMMEDIATE concern from Huxley when he said the rock was digging into his back??? And the healing??? I don’t think we’ve ever seen Hux heal before??? HELLO?? Aftercare King?? I’ll cry??
In conclusion: this is my new favorite piece of Damien/Huxley anything he has ever made, they are disgustingly cute and in love, and I’m never gonna stop being feral and annoying about them bc they’re everything in a ship I’ve ever loved, thank you goodnight.
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sugarcubetikki · 2 days
Okay. I am annoyed by the everything so I’m gonna go ahead and debunk all the arguments against the Francesca X Michaela storyline.
In case you weren’t aware of all the complaints going around, here they are:
they’ve completely changed the storyline from the books! francesca’s infertility storyline was sooo important and now it won’t happen!
eloise would’ve made more sense as the queer bridgerton, her and cressida or some other female character would’ve been great over francesca.
by immediately making francesca attracted to michaela they downplayed john and her’s relationship that was built up this season, they cheapened the book storyline into a cliche love triangle!
michael was the best book hero ever! I can’t believe they’ve changed him to michaela.
I am taking all these criticisms/complaints at face value and ignoring any lesbophobia undertones (for now) just to prove how flawed they still are on their own.
Firstly, saying that Francesca’s infertility storyline has been ruined is far from the truth. Instead it can be done in a different way. Think about Francesca in a queer relationship and wanting kids in the kind of society she lives in. It basically mirrors the infertility storyline from the books except her struggles would become representative of the struggles that queer people who want kids face. If they went for this storyline in her season, I think it would be really really nice, we’ve seen a straight infertility storyline play out so many times, this would be great.
Secondly, I am so tired of hearing that it should’ve been Eloise over Francesca. I don’t think Eloise would’ve made more or less sense as a queer women. I think any and every character has the potential to be written as queer or straight. Being an outspoken women with little interest on marriage shouldn’t make Eloise more queer. I also really liked the idea of a potential Eloise X Cressida romance but that does not mean Francesca cannot be queer. In fact, I’m excited to see this introverted autistic queer girl rep! Francesca, go prove we exist.
Thirdly, Francesca’s season hasn’t even happened yet! Getting mad over one scene of Michaela, saying that John and Francesca’s relationship has been downplayed and that we’re in for a cheapened love triangle story is so unreasonable. It was a single scene and people are choosing to get mad over something that hasn’t even happened yet? Besides, if this storyline plays out, it wouldn’t mean that Francesca shouldn’t have been made queer but simply that the writers didn’t write the storyline to your liking. The fact that there’s this much outrage over this is so ridiculous to me. Wait till her season. We have no idea how they’re going to play out the storyline just yet so stop hating already (there may be some lesbophobia implications to this claim which I have spoken about below).
Fourthly, I know it’s not a nice feeling to not get the chance to see a beloved book character onscreen due to this gender swap. It may feel unfair but I mean but…give Michaela a chance? We haven’t seen her personality yet and we don’t know how Masali will bring her character to life. If your qualms are that the love interest is no longer a guy you can fetishise and fawn over, then well…log out of the internet, rant to a friend and stick to the books. Let the sapphics have their wlw romance that we rarely get these days because we keep getting cancelled since streaming services hate gay women. And no that is not an exaggeration but our plain reality. So let us have this.
Finally, to end things off, let us address the lesbophobia aspect to this separately because it is 100% worth mentioning.
The treatment towards queer women onscreen is hardly the same as the hype around queer men.
We can see it in the way streaming services and the internet hype up gay romances whilst sapphic romances are largely ignored and cast to the side (just to make it clear I have nothing against people enjoying mlm romance I enjoy mlm romance all I’m saying that it’s a real shame that wlw romance doesn’t get the same amount of appreciation).
The response to Francesca X Michaela has been largely negative and it’s frustrating. Outside of the cosy gay rabbit hole that tumblr is, there’s just outrage over this storyline/pairing for a number of different reasons that well…all feel ridiculous.
Bridgerton has gone off the books many times yet there’s more outrage than before when it comes to Francesca X Michaela?
Fans are getting a lot more defensive of John and Francesca’s relationship despite knowing he was never going to be endgame all because of Michaela? I’m sorry but I’m sure that if Michaela was Michael and we got the exact same scene with Francesca, do you think there would be as much outrage over John and Francesca’s relationship being downplayed? No. Let’s be honest. People wouldn’t be as mad because there’d be an attractive man involved.
I think the sapphics deserve so much more and better treatment from fellow non-sapphics. Instead of a show of appreciation, we keep getting unreasonable amounts of fire onto this storyline that hasn’t even happened.
What’s worse is that I know that Francesca X Michaela’s romance could follow the story beats of previous seasons that were eaten up by fans and still be bad to people because sapphic romances are just judged more harshly as straight audiences refuse to connect with them. If their romance isn’t phenomenal and just good, then it won’t be enough which is just frustrating.
So yeah, the hate towards Francesca and Michaela is unwarranted and unjust. People need to calm down and realise that their claims are contributing to lesbophobia whether they realise it or not.
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mysilaan · 3 days
What’s sleeping with the Touchstarved LIs like? Nothing sexual. Just. Sleeping lol eepy pals
I like imagining Ais moving in his sleep BUT you only get to notice that once you wake up lol (he’s curled up in the corner of your bed fast asleep with the blanket at his feet) ALSO BIG BUT!!!!! That’s only if he’s not cuddling you to sleep (smth he does often). Only then will he sleep sound and motionless. He doesn’t give a shit if his arm falls asleep. GIVE HIM CUDDLES.
Sleeping with Leander is just with him standing in the corner of the room. Unblinking. Covered in the shadows. He Does Not Sleep. He’s normal though, I swear :-) :-) jk I love to have this man.
Hope you’re good! I love this request… I don’t know if Ais sleeps actually… But if he does I’m sure he’s a light sleeper. For Leander that guy might as well be dying from lack of sleep LMAO
For the other LIs… Kuras definitely doesn’t sleep, I think Mhin is pretty paranoid so I’m imagining they have a lot of nightmares, or insomnia… For Vere, idk why but he gives off the vibe of the heavy sleeper: he’s 100% taking all the place in the bed and is impossible to wake up against his will… Well, basically a cat.
BUT I did write a little something about Ais (and a small part about Leander) because your ideas were funny to write, I had to…
After blood, sweat and tears it's finally here... And I can't not thank @aiscapades for helping me edit the text (most of the prettiest sentences are their...) if you ever write something I'll definitely devour it because you sublimed this headcanon...
Enjoy!! 🫶
Ais and Leander centered
The ambiance at the Wet Wick that night was quite festive, as it almost always was, but it was particularly noisy this time. The barman didn’t have a second to rest; every minute, someone went to the bar to order another drink. You were seated with Leander and Ais in a corner of the tavern, the three of you sharing a drink or several... The mood between you was light. Leander and Ais were lightheartedly sharing some death threats as usual, while you were listening to them, a grin on your face. You were pretty wasted because of all the drinks Leander suggested you try, while Ais was giving you a disapproving glance.  It felt kind of awkward to be the only drunk one around the table you thought while partially listening to whatever they were saying. You didn’t like being treated like an idiot, so you stopped the boys in one of their quarrels by slamming your hand in the center of the table. “Why am I the only one who can’t hold my drink here? I find it pretty unfair. Why did you make me drink so much?” Ais raised an eyebrow. “I don’t think it’s about how badly you hold your drink, but much more because of how many of those weird drinks you got from Leander.” That remark made you pretty upset, and Leander’s laughter turned your cheeks more red than they already were. “I can’t refuse a challenge!” “Yeah, that’s the problem,” Ais added. Leander leaned over the table to get his face closer to yours. “You know, I’m pretty impressed you’re still alive with all that you drank.” You didn’t know if he was serious or not. The smile on his face could be a hint of sarcasm or genuine amazement… You were too drunk to guess which one it was anyway, so you started joking. “Oh babe… You know it’s hard to get rid of me.” “Really…?” Leander answered with a smirk on his face. The tension between the two of you started getting heavier… Did he want to make out with you or kill you? You had no idea, and you would never be able to know as Ais pulled Leander back on his chair by the collar of his jacket. “If you want to mate so badly, the room’s upstairs.” “We’re not animals,” you simply said. “Are you, Sparrow?” He grinned widely, proud of his teasing. “Har har. Very funny. I already told you to stop calling me that!” “Make me.” His lips were pulled back in a wide grin, his amusement giving a clear view of his fangs.
A sudden thought that you couldn’t restrain, popped in your head. Your alcoholised mind was making it hard for you to process any coherent thought, so you simply stood up and looked straight in Ais’ eyes. “Come.” You turned your head toward Leander, and stared at him in a weird way for a few seconds as if you wanted to tell him something by telepathy. But you didn't add any further clarification. Instead, you stood up from the table and made your way up the tavern stairs. “What the fuck…" Ais breathed, dumbfounded.  The two boys sat in silence for a while, gazes locked across the table, before Ais got up and joined you upstairs. The place was barely lit by a single candle in the corner of the room. Ais closed the door behind him before asking: “What’s wrong with you?” You took him by the shoulders to make him sit on your bed… But as strong as he was, there wasn't much you could do to actually make him do that. “Please, sit.” He raised an eyebrow. “I don’t receive orders.” Though, when you tried to push him on your bed once again, he did sit. You were now face to face. His towering height usually made it hard for you to make eye contact, but you could do it effortlessly now. You climbed on the bed yourself, placing your knees at both extremities of his body, now placing yourself over him. You took his face between your hands and looked at it in detail from beneath you. He had a captivating red gaze, surrounded by pretty, long eyelashes. Long, dark strands of hair cut across his face, bisecting it just along his nose, but you still knew the angles of his features well. From the scar on his left eyebrow to his defined jawline, you looked at everything there was to see on his face. “Getting an eyeful, Sparrow?” You reddened. Sitting here next to him, you only now realized just how heavy your body felt from all those drinks. You swayed forward some, accidentally nudging Ais, which just sent him further down to the bed. Your face found a spot against his neck, and you inhaled a breath. He smelled good: his scent was a mix of cigarette, what seems to be some cologne and a bit of all the alcohol he drank earlier. Your heart started beating faster and you prayed for him not to notice. He couldn’t know you had feelings for him. It’s at this moment that his hands tensed on your shoulders, in an attempt to pull you back.
“Hey, get off. You’re clearly drunk.” But you didn't answer, nor did you move. He held firm, raising his voice a bit as he said once more, "Sparrow." What should've been an inquisitive prompt was instead flattened into a curt demand for a response.  He started to maneuver you onto your back, intending to just let you fall gently into the mattress, but he froze mid-action.  "You can't be serious..." he muttered, eyes wide.  You were sound asleep, still clinging to his arm. Ais sighed out of frustration one more time, asking himself what to do. But he didn’t think about it much longer. “Well… Let’s just stay here for tonight.” He put himself under the sheets, covering you with them at the same time.
You were cold. Goosebumps lined the flesh of your body. You slowly woke up, searching for your blanket. When you finally felt its fabric under your fingers, you grabbed it to cover yourself, but a stronger pull on the other edge of it almost tore your arm apart (once again…). You sat up on your bed with a start and gasped when you saw who was at the other edge. “What the… Ais?” What was he doing in your bed? Your first move was to look at how you were dressed, and when you noticed that you still had on the clothes you wore yesterday, you let out a relieved sigh. Ais got immediately woken up when you spoke and looked at you with annoyance. “Keep it down, would you?” “Hey! You’re the one in my room, stealing my blanket. What are you doing here?” But instead of answering, his head snapped toward something in the middle of the room. It was still dark outside, so it was hard for you to see what got his attention. “What is it?!” you asked, panicked. When your eyes finally adapted to the bit of light the moon was offering, a scream escaped from your mouth. “What the fuck?!” Leander was there, sat on a chair, feet laid on the low table of your bedroom. His arms were crossed and he was simply looking at the two of you from where he was, unblinking. “Is he… sleeping with his eyes open?” you asked Ais. But he didn’t answer. Leander did. “No, I’m awake.” He surprised you once more, and you let out another brief, startled scream. “Since when are you here?!” “Oh. Four hours maybe?” Your jaw dropped. How could he answer that with such casualness? “What… When do you sleep?” Leander got up from his chair and opened the door with a smile. “I don’t.” He left you completely agape. It wasn’t the first time Leander was giving off such strange vibes, but the more you got to know him, the weirder he was to you. When you turned toward Ais to ask him if what happened was a normal thing from Leander, you noticed he disappeared too. “Well…” You couldn’t find it in you to get back to sleep after what happened, and you stayed awake until you could see the sun rise. You told yourself that maybe you should talk to Kuras about what just happened; he was the most ‘normal’ one of this weird group, and you were going to need something for your hangover anyway… You’ll remember to lock your door next time.
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firethesound · 10 hours
Hii, this is kind of a strange ask I think, but it’s something I’ve been wondering for years. Feel free to ignore if it’s too weird or personal of course! I love your writing, and you and Birdsofshore have been among my very fave writers since I first started reading HP fics. I noticed that you both stopped writing fics (on AO3 but I assume everywhere?) back in December 2020. I just wondered if it was a coincidence or a joint decision for reasons, and whether you know if birdsofshore might be considering ever writing more HP fanfics, or has left fandom altogether? And do you think you yourself might be tempted some time in the future to write more, or have you moved on to other things? I hope you are both well! Also sorry if you don’t know birdsofshore that well. I got the sense that you did, but it’s been a few years so I may have gotten confused. 💜💜
Hi there! I didn't even realize that birds and I both stopped at the same time--definitely a coincidence. Alas, I don't know whether birds is still writing or might return to fandom, we haven't talked in ages. Last I heard I think that real life had gotten pretty bananas and they had to step back from fandom. I hope birds plans to come back someday, they're one of my favorite writers too!
As for myself, I would love to get back to writing! Unfortunately real life stuff for me has been one-thing-after-another for a while now. I hope that it's close to improving, but every time over the last few years I've thought that, the next thing I know something else new and terrible happens. I do still try to squeeze some words in during my very limited free time, but it's very (very very very) slow going. I couldn't even begin to guess when I'll ever actually post anything again. Absolute best case scenario, maybe next year? I wish I had a better answer for you, as I said I would love to be writing again
I also want to say thanks for reaching out. I do sometimes worry that when I eventually am able to write again, no one will be around to read it. It truly made my day to know that at least one person out there is waiting <3
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novacorpsrecruit · 3 days
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Theme: social media / modern media AU
[find the fic where it’s not Robin. Steve texts Robin and it ends up being eddie they flirt and then realize they’re both into each other but they both like another guy (each other)]
Don’t Hate the Player by daynight (Ao3) @daynightinc (tumblr)
M | wc 6,373 | minor cw cut scene cyber sex (I read it at work 🫡)
Steve Harrington doesn't really play video games. Not his thing.
Somehow, however, he's ended up in an utterly delusional, one-sided relationship with an NPC.
This is so fucking unique I’m literally hanging it up Video Game Hall of Fame. Rochester, here I come. Steve is bullied into playing ‘Upside Down’ an 18+ MMORG, as Dustin tells him the most efficient way to get a hold of him is through [reads notes] the in-game messaging system. Sounds right. Steve gets enamored with the game, playing hours on end even without Dustin. And Steve finds Keswardia the Banished, an NPC merchant, that he can’t stop visiting.
I’ll be honest I fucking love video game lore. It’s one thing that sucks me into games so hard. The world building in this fic just for the video game is so good!! I want to eat it up. And the fact that Steve stumbles into Keswardia destroys me. Read it, you’ll get it.
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Gareth the Matchmaker by Steviesbicrisis (Ao3) @steviesbicrisis (tumblr)
G | 15/16 chapters | no cw
Gareth is in charge of the Corroded Coffin official TikTok account, he's playing Fuck Marry Kill with the three random celebrities filters and trying to make the other guys join as well.
When it's Eddie's turn, he's having none of it until he sees the three celebrities on top of his head.
He has no clue who these people are, but the one in the middle? Eddie is sure he's going to marry him someday.
Eddie has yet to find out that the guy is none other than baseball player Steve Harrington, 1/3 of the "Ladykiller Trio", currently playing for the Yomiuri Giants. In Japan.
And when things get too complicated for Eddie's liking, thankfully he has Gareth on his side.
I honestly think this is the first time I’ve ever read a social media AU that’s only through images and with a complete story. There’s screenshots of the text messages, Instagram, news articles, TikTok’s. This is such a unique storytelling method and everyone is so in character, you forget that it’s not real screenshots. (I hardly ever read anything that’s incomplete but I made sure to hit subscribe when I first saw it was on Ao3.) It’s a WIP, but chapter 16 is supposed to be an epilogue, so even if you don’t like reading WIPs, I highly encourage this one!!
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WHO IS EDDIE MUNSON FUCKING by beetlesandstars, witchjeons (ao3)
M | wc 2,445 | no cw
Summary: eddie: oh god
oh no god please no
nancy: did you actually just sext the fucking group chat
eddie: so. like
Or, Eddie accidentally sends a sext to the group chat. Chaos ensues.
I fucking die reading this. This is an entire fic made of chat rooms and it’s so fUCKING funny I’m not even joking.
Eddie accidentally opens a can of worms when he sends the wrong message to the wrong chat and chaos ensues. All of their personalities fit so well in a modern setting and it feels like you’re snooping in someone’s phone. I really recommend anything that Jo writes that has chats (and in general)!
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Eddie Munson/Hotdude Official Megatherad! By MixAddams (ao3) @mixsethaddams (tumblr)
T | wc 1,906 | cw Reddit simulation
Summary: The general public spent 30 years thinking nothing of Steve’s presence in pictures beyond him being ‘that one hot dude in the background’ because whatever, he was just another part of Corroded Coffin’s entourage.
Imagine the scramble on the band’s subreddit to reexamine every picture he’s ever been in when, the day gay marriage gets legalised in Indiana, Eddie posts a picture on Instagram of the two of them with the caption “Finally. We’ve been engaged since 1989.”
(Because of the formatting is infinitely clearer on desktop or tablets than on mobile)
I absolutely love this. This is literally peering into the Stranger Things universe in 2Kwhatever and peering into the mess that is Reddit and the Corroded Coffin fan base. This is so fucking brilliant I just !!!! Please read.
Seth tbh I don’t think I realized this was your fic I love your brain, I’m kissing your brain.
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Consensual Catfishing by foresthearts (ao3)
M | wc 32,108 | cw miscommunication
Summary: When Eddie gets a message on instagram from an account claiming to be the famous pop-star Steve Harrington, he knows immediately it's a catfish. He's not dumb. The account has no pictures and people like Steve Harrington don't just randomly DM guys like Eddie.
Still. What would be the harm in letting it play out? It's not dangerous if he knows he's being catfished. No, if he knows about it, then it's basically like a fun little roleplay. No harm, no foul.
(Eddie is not, in fact, being catfished)
*slaps the screen of Ao3* This baby can fit so much into it! Mistaken identities, identity porn, mixed media, famous Steve, slightly less famous Eddie, podcasts, text messages, tumblr posts, and dungeons and dragons.
Eddie, a DM for a Dungeons and Dragons online podcast (vodcast? wtf do you call it when it’s a video series), gets a message from someone pretending to be his (slightly former) celebrity crush, Steve Harrington. Eddie goes along with it, joking about it on his show, and maybe he kind of falls in love with the catfisher…
While Steve Harrington finds out an internet celebrity is into him. He reaches out to the famous DM Eddie Munson in hopes he can get over his former relationship with his bandmate.
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This Untitled modern AU by @steddiealltheway
G | ficlet sized | no cw
Summary: A wrong number leads to Steve making an unlikely friendship.
This fic rattled my brain so much, when I was searching for it I thought it was on Ao3/10K fic. I absolutely love this piece! Robin goes out on a date and Steve (lovingly) jokes that Robin is going out with a serial killer. Steve texts Robin’s new number, just to ensure she’s safe and not actually with a serial killer… only to find out that he has the wrong number. He creates a friendship with Not Robin (of course, after finding out Robin was indeed safe), and maybe he falls along the way, too.
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Found God in a Tomato by beetlesandstars (ao3)
M | wc 5,725 | no cw
Summary: Eddie: just met the cutest guy on god’s green earth and i didn’t get his number
basically it’s over for me
Steve: Oh? Where?
Eddie: at this little coffee shop i like
i’ve never seen Tall Pretty Gorgeous here before though so. i will probably never see him again.
shoot me
Steve: Tall Pretty Gorgeous huh?
He must’ve been something
Eddie: YES Steve. he WAS
operative word being WAS!
i can’t believe i didn’t ask for his number
Steve: What’d he look like?
Eddie: oh, you know
his beauty was beyond compare
with flaming locks of chestnut hair
with suntanned skin and eyes of roasted beans…
his smile soft like summer rain
his voice was like a breath of spring
and i cannot be normal now, joleeeeene
I actually found this fic while searching for the above untitled tumblr fic (when I thought it was on Ao3) and stumbled upon another great Jo creation!
A text to the wrong number creates a friendship through sending songs back and forth (the best kind of friendship). And ugh!!!!! I just love this so much.
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i couldn’t see (you were always right beside me) by oriscribes (Ao3)
T | wc 13,609 | cw they’re fucking idiots
Summary: Three hours later Steve logged off to get ready for his shift at the hospital. He was several levels higher and had finished the quests in Darkshore with the help of Greyhawk. He also had a friend listed in his friends list.
Greyhawk had said that being friends would let them be able to tell when the other was online so they could quest again. Steve really liked the sound of that. He didn’t have many friends his own age. He and Robin basically lived in each other’s pockets at work, but with Robin’s new girlfriend and their sleep schedules, they didn’t end up getting to hang out more than once a week.
A new friend sounded really nice, especially given that it was unlikely he would ever get along with his neighbors. The only resident Steve’s age on this floor was the neighbor he hated and that was very unlikely to change anytime soon.
Steve hated his neighbor. And then Dustin and the other kiddos left for college and Steve signed up for some online game called World of Warcraft. Which was how Steve met a Night Elf druid named Greyhawk.
Oh my god did we ask for more mistake identities because THIS FIC IS LOADED WITH THEM!!! I cannot stress how much I loved this fic. I just discovered it two weeks ago and it is embedded so deeply into my brain I just !!!!
Steve decides to join Dustin and the rest of the party on WoW, to bridge the distance college has created, but somehow never joins their party as he makes a new friend online. Steve uses WoW to relax from the real world of his stressful job at the hospital, the ongoing feud he has with his neighbor and his cat (Cowboy!!!!!!), and the constant nagging he gets from Dustin to meet his other older friend Eddie.
Eddie, on the other hand, found a newb on WoW and somehow adopted him as a new friend, helping him level up and teach him the game. If only friendships work out this well in real life, then maybe he could help his grumpy neighbor not be so … well… grumpy.
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Please remember to leave kudos and comments on the fics you read/enjoyed! Support your writers 🖤
Prev fic rec: fics that fucked me up (so you should read them too)
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Love when a good song gives me some ideas
Song reference:
Tongues & teeth by The Crane Wives
Thinking about being fwb with wearwolf outcast of a small town. They’re an outcast for a good reason they’re violent and aggressive the town has half the sense to put them down for some of there outbursts. But you don’t see that you see someone you could fix (classic savior complex) and you want to fix them because you love them (not like you would tell them though). With all their bad habits every time you come over to try and help them a bit, always after a rough few rounds of sex. You think you’re being discreet but they can see right through you..
Eventually they get sick of you trying to help them and confront you, telling you out front that this would never work. They’re far to cruel for you, far to cold, far to violent especially for a little human like you to handle. Grabbing your chin and tilting t up to them as they run their thumb over the cut on your lip from their teeth.
They talk of how they would ruin you, they know that you mean well but they’re not someone who deserve your good intent. They let let go and head to leave now that you’re crying they feel as though they’ve made there point but here you are still tugging on there sleeve talking on how you don’t care. How pitiful they think as you beg and beg for them to stay that you’re fine with all their flaws and just want to at least try making things work..
They keep listening stone faced as you cry and plead with them till they finally snap. Fine you want their love they’ll give it to you. They manhandled you to the ground not bothering to listen to your Inesscents tears why should they this is what you were pleading for. And they’re fully intend to keep to their promise and ruin you.
Looking at the aftermath of your body they smile in an almost sadistic way. They get dressed leaning down to press a small kiss to your lips there teeth cutting into your lips again. As the whisper “if your fine with that you can be mine” they lean back watching as sleep takes you before they get up and leave.
Yah just a thought Ykwim
Always just a thought
Maybe to much of a thought
I completely forgot about that song, the crane wives are a great band. Also, babes, you need to start writing, this was a very fun prompt. I literally stopped what I was doing and immediately started writing for it
Also, should I name them? if so, I want ideas
WC: 1.1k
TW: Dubcon? violence, toxic/abusive relationship, Ddne
You had always been intrigued by them, hearing stories and rumors of a violent brutal werewolf with not a care for anyone or anything. Whenever they return to the public for any reason the aura of dominance and cruelty radiates off of them. No one needs to be told to stay out of their way, their body just forces them, innately knowing this is a dangerous dangerous person.
But you must be lacking that basic instinct.
That or you're really fucking stupid. The towns people have yet to decide, as you, someone who can't fight for a shit, not that it'd matter, walk up to them and try to begin a conversation. The hair on everyone's neck stands, a sickening dropping feeling in all their stomachs, as though they were the one to talking, knowing what is to come next.
To everyone's surprise, the monster doesn't immediately lash out at you. Bare those jagged teeth or stain your body with their marks, but just stop and stare down at you, their hulking non-human body towering over your own. Perhaps the hesitation is only of confusion, or maybe they've managed to retain a bit of the humanity they once gripped desperately onto.
Who knows.
The people around you quickly pull you away as the werewolf starts to change their mind, snarling at you. You got lucky, don't test it again. But whatever thoughts you had before of them still having the capacity to love have fully been unearthed, know at the forefront of your mind at all times. You saw the hesitation and decided it meant everything.
They decided you were really fucking stupid.
They will only hurt you. They'd enjoy every second of it too. They're nothing but sharp teeth and claws. But you don't listen, trying to prove to everyone that the wolf's not as bad as they seem.
So, you track them down, it isn't too hard, they don't live very far from town, and bring them something you've baked. They're already on edge, not expecting someone to just show up and at their home, and seeing you only pisses them off. But they show restraint and only slam the door in your face, telling you to fuck off. You just leave the pastries on their doorstep, a little hurt, but not shaken, deciding to keep this up.
The second visit they didn't even open the door. But the third was worse. They were angry with your actions, just leave them alone, they don't need your fucking pity. They push you, sending you tumbling back, a claw mark ruining your pretty skin. A few tears well in your eyes from the rejection and pain, but you quickly blink them away and stand back up, trying to talk to them. They just growl and throw the food to the ground next to you.
The towns people are begging for you to stop, they hurt you. They are nothing but the monster they've succumbed to. Why do you want to go back? You don't listen, refusing to give up.
This time you take a different approach, instead of brining something you made, you bring yourself. Offering your body up for their use.
They actually take you up on this offer, kicking you out the second they were done. Leaving you limping and littered in their marks, not caring to be gentle with you. You asked for this, you knew what you were getting into and you just kept coming back for more. Trying to stay after you're both finished, talking gently to them, talking of domestic peaceful things.
They see right through you, they know there is no true altruistic motivation for your actions. This is not for the genuine betterment of the wolf.
No, you never actually cared about that, you're only doing this becuase you want to be seen as better. You just want to feel like a good person with your "good intent." You have a savior complex. You don't actually care about them at all, it's never been about them. It was always about You.
Watching your bloodied lip move while you talk, one they bit into to make it that way, talking about far too sweet things, they snap.
"Stop! Fucking stop! I am so sick of this, I'm not some little project for you to fix, goddamit! I cannot be gentle. Why don't you understand? There is no fixing me. You burn with feelings I can't return."
"You had to know this wasn't going to last."
They turn to leave, going to go hunt as a means to get the anger coursing through their veins an escape. Their words slam you like a brick wall, you look around frantically, body starting to shake, you run towards them. Sobbing and gripping onto their arm, begging for them to stay.
You need them.
Can't they see that?
Its pathetic, but its the only thing you can do. Broken hoarse words spilling from your lips. You don't even know what you're saying anymore, but it doesn't matter. All that matters is that they're still here.
They just stare at you with those same dead eyes as they did all that time back. Not an ounce of care in them. They snarl and push you off, but you come back the second you stand. They clench their jaw and refuse to look at you, ignoring your pitifully desperate pleas.
Every time they look at you they can only see the worst parts of themself, the parts that have nearly engulfed them whole. All the claw marks, bruises, cuts, bites, staining your innocent weak body.
This is what they do to those they love.
They will only hurt you.
Can't you see that?
They can't be trusted, they do nothing but harm. They can never change, they wouldn't even if they could. This is who they are. Nothing more, nothing less. Abandon any dream you had about the person they could have been.
They warn you that they will ruin you too, corrupt you. But you don't care, you say they're all you want, no matter what.
Finally, they accept your words, deciding to give you what you're asking for. Pushing you to the ground, tearing your clothes to shreds, stabbing their teeth into your skin, ravaging your body completely. Cry all you want, this is what you were begging for.
What? Can't take it now that you've gotten what you want?
Should've thought about that before pleading for it. You don't have a choice now. You wanted their love? Now you have it.
Using your body till they're fully satisfied, not caring for you at all. Ruining your body with each hit, ruining your body with the pleasure they give, even if not meaning too. They finish, and just like the first time, get up and leave. Your bruised and bleeding body lies there on the cusp of unconsciousness and they sink their teeth into the same cut on your lip, leaning over you, whispering, "You're mine, now.
"This is the price of my love."
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Hold me if you can
Grayson x reader
Trigger warnings: there isn't anything much but overthinking I guess??
A/n: I was sitting on this for such a long time cause I got into a writing slump but I like actually like this one
Tagging: @lanterns-and-daydreams @shuhuaspookie @hearthown @reminiscentreader @f4iry-bell lemme know if you wanna be removed it added
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The house was eerily quiet, save for the occasional rustle of the wind against the curtains. I was lying in bed next to Grayson, his breathing the only sound in the room. It was well past midnight, but sleep wasn’t coming easily this time .
It was one of those days again. Where every single bad thing which everyone had ever said came in and out of my head. Usually I would be able to handle it and distract myself but this time it was not possible. The weight of it all felt too much, with my throat closing up, my eyes burning , and tears began to well up in my eyes.
I went outside my room so I didn’t disturb Grayson, hoping that he continues to sleep and doesn’t come find me. I quickly went to the living room and sat in the corner of the room and pulling my knees to my chest let the tears fall freely. Sometimes it was better to let my emotions out than stifle them but this time my tears weren’t stopping.
Lost in my head, I couldn’t hear Grayson’s footsteps enter the room. "Love?" His voice was soft, filled with concern. "What are you doing up?"
I quickly wiped my tears, trying to compose myself. "Nothing Gray," I said, my voice shaky. "Go back to bed. I'm fine."
He stepped closer, his eyes searching my face. "You're not fine," he said gently while holding my face in his palms. "Talk to me sweetheart. What's going on?"
The dam broke, and I couldn't hold back any longer. "I just... I feel like I'm not enough," I admitted. "Like everything which everyone has said to me just rushed into my head and then I started overthinking and that maybe they were right and I’m not a nice person and you deserve better than me. I'm scared, Gray. I'm scared of not being good enough for you. I'm afraid that one day, you'll realize you made a mistake being with me. That you'll see all my flaws and decide you deserve better."
Grayson's expression softened, and he closed the distance between us, wrapping his arms around me, his warmth grounding me to earth. "Hey," he murmured, holding me close. "You are more than enough. You belong here, and you belong with me. I love you, Y/N. and anyone who knows you, knows that you’re the most amazing person in the world and people who say otherwise need a reality check and are idiots."
I chuckle while wiping the remnants of my tears. Grayson smiled softly and kissed my forehead. "Sweetheart, listen to me," he said firmly. "I love you. I chose you because of who you are, not despite it. Your flaws, your strengths, everything about you makes you the person I fell in love with. I don't want perfect. I want you. You are everything to me. Don’t let anyone or yourself think otherwise.
"I don't know how to shake these feelings," I said quietly. "Sometimes its easier to handle but I don’t know what happened today"
Grayson pulled back slightly, saying “It’s good to let your emotions out love, but please let me help you through it. You don’t have to be alone”
"Thank you," I whispered, my voice choked with emotion. "Thank you for being here and for helping me."
"Always," he said softly. "Now, let's get you back to bed. You need rest, and we'll tackle whatever comes our way in the morning."
Helping me to my feet, and we made our way back to the bedroom. As we climbed into bed, Grayson wrapped his arms around me, holding me close. The steady rhythm of his heartbeat against my ear was a soothing lullaby, and I felt a sense of safety and belonging, helping me drift off to sleep.
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stargalaxxy · 3 days
⋆˚࿔ Boyfriend Scenarios 𝜗𝜚˚⋆ - Ninja Boys
₊‧°𐐪♡𐑂°‧₊ This is a continuation of my first Boyfriend Scenario, thank you so much for your support ૮⸝⸝> ̫ <⸝⸝ ა
𝜗𝜚Now Playing: From the Start by, Laufey𝜗𝜚 (*ᴗ͈ˬᴗ͈) *
♡‧₊˚You Find Your Special Someone♡‧₊˚
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♡‧₊˚Lloyd Garmadon♡‧₊˚
Tw. Reader Has Dark Thoughts
‧₊˚ ⋅He Helps You‧₊˚ ⋅
⋆౨ৎ˚⟡˖ ࣪  Growing up with a prophecy on your back has never been easy, up to now you have been trained under Master Wu to harness your element of Shadow. 
⋆౨ৎ˚⟡˖ ࣪  When your mother found out about your abilities she pushed you into his teachings, when he came to your village at the request of training you. Much to her hesitance It was like sending your child off to war.
⋆౨ৎ˚⟡˖ ࣪  Your mother knew of Master Wu as they had history together before your birth as she was friends with Misako and mutual with Garmadon before succumbing to evil.
⋆౨ৎ˚⟡˖ ࣪  She trusted his wisdom and decided to push you along into his teachings, making sure to promise to write her and tell her how much you’ve grown and your adventures.
⋆౨ৎ˚⟡˖ ࣪  That did not mean that she wasn’t fearful, much to her hesitance of letting you go. It was like sending your child off to war.
⋆౨ৎ˚⟡˖ ࣪  However, as time moved on you found yourself in a new home with friends who you call family that support each other and their struggles. But being little was no walk in the park.
⋆౨ৎ˚⟡˖ ࣪  And being forced to grow up wasn’t a breeze either. 
⋆౨ৎ˚⟡˖ ࣪  But at least you weren’t doing it alone.
⋆౨ৎ˚⟡˖ ࣪  You knew of Llyod’s forced path to becoming the Green Ninja, defeating his father, and soon become a leader of a team.
⋆౨ৎ˚⟡˖ ࣪  However, that never seem to stop him. When Llyod grew up from the tomorrow’s tea he’s been working harder. To become stronger, it was inspiring to you. He wasn’t that little boy anymore that you used to tease, 
⋆౨ৎ˚⟡˖ ࣪  He’s now at your level, in height and in power.
⋆౨ৎ˚⟡˖ ࣪  But you were no fool, you knew of his fears and hesitation to complete the tasks that he is to commit.
⋆౨ৎ˚⟡˖ ࣪  Lloyd just seemed to hide it so well with that determined grin and spark of hope. 
⋆౨ৎ˚⟡˖ ࣪  You started paying attention to Lloyd more, more than usual, as you would find yourself staring at him and admiring his growth.
⋆౨ৎ˚⟡˖ ࣪  When Lloyd would push you as well to become the best version of yourselves. The times of when you felt like giving up his hand would be right there to pick you up.
⋆౨ৎ˚⟡˖ ࣪  You wondered if he ever noticed the light pink blush on your cheeks.
⋆౨ৎ˚⟡˖ ࣪  His determination is what is drawing you to be by his side and stand strong not only for him but for yourself, also so you could knock him down a peg.
⋆౨ৎ˚⟡˖ ࣪  Every hero has room to grow after all~ 
⋆౨ৎ˚⟡˖ ࣪  But maybe this is when you started falling for him?
୧ ‧₊˚ 🎀 ⋅ ☆ ˖°
You lean back your arms being the only thing supporting you as you sit panting, completely exhausted.
Was training ever this hard as a kid?
Sweat runs down your face as Kai walks to you a hand on his hip, “c’mon (y/n), how do you expect to be Garmadon in the final battle if you can’t even beat me?” Kai tilts his head as you glare at him.
“You were going rough on purpose!” you gasped out as your head falls back hating the heat.
“Duh, just because your new body is probably still adjusting, doesn’t mean I’ll go easy on you” Kai was right,
“Five minutes, alright?” he walks away giving you a short break as you stare up at the sky the clouds giving grace as they cover the sun.
Maybe being a kid wasn’t so bad, you close your eyes the sun coming back.
Your bottom lip starts to tremble out, your new body was a joke, Nya gave you a run-down of what to expect since your mom couldn’t.
All the info dump of hormones, body pains, and rollercoaster of emotions was a lot.
Don’t get started on periods…
You’ve been thinking more about your purpose, about missions, how stress seemed to build up on the daily as you thought about your purpose on the team. Did you even matter? Was there really a purpose for you? How can you beat enemies in your way if you can’t even beat teenage life.
Were you even good enough to stand next to Lloyd. 
Before your tears could fall you notice a shadow looming over you blocking the sun, you huff as your brows twitch in annoyance.
“Kai, you said five more minutes” you whine,
“Geez was it that bad with Kai?”
You open your eyes immediately, seeing Lloyd blocking your sun, it made him look like your personal angle,  
You smile looking away as you playfully scoff, “it was lightwork honestly~” grinning as the dark thoughts retreats into your mind. Maybe Lloyd was an angle look. 
His arched brow being covered by his cowlick. “Yea, no it was hell” your honesty made Lloyd laugh as he holds out his hand for you to take.
Your face was hot again, 
“Cole, Zane, and Jay aren’t going easy on me if that makes you feel better” Llyod rubs the back of his neck as he lifts you with no effort.  “Three against one should never be easy~” you sigh, “is it getting any easier?” you ask knowing that Llyod has been doing a bit more training than you.
“Meh, it’s gotten…bearable” he trails off not sounding so sure of himself, “I wish I got to bearable” you stretch as Llyod smiles placing a hand on your head. A new thing he’s been doing since you both grew up. 
“I’m sure you’ll get there, (y/n) don’t give up, okay?” his eyes look to yours with sincerity, your breathing stops as if wanting to freeze this moment to remember it forever. Can he see your red face right now, had he always looked handsome? Is this what puberty is?!
Before you could have an existential crisis Llyod karate chops your head, 
“Who knows maybe I can show you a thing or two~” he winks with a toothy grin.
You finally come back to earth as you let at a breathy laugh, giving a teasing glare as you would when you were younger.
“Oh, yea green ninja please show me your, Ninja Kick, hiya!” you chop his hand away teasingly as Lloyd’s face goes red. 
“Let that go!” he yells embarrassed as he starts chasing you, you were laughing like a maniac. 
♡‧₊˚Kai Smith♡‧₊˚
Tw. Talk of Pass Bullying/Implied Sexual Harassment
‧₊˚ ⋅His Protective Nature ‧₊˚ ⋅
✩˖ ࣪‧₊˚໒꒱⋆✩ Kai was always protective of you during your guy’s childhood together, you would come home crying with Kai’s hand in yours and his face beaten up with a proud scowl. 
✩˖ ࣪‧₊˚໒꒱⋆✩ You always seemed to get into trouble not voluntarily ofc… It was a reason why Kai always stayed close to you as kids. 
✩˖ ࣪‧₊˚໒꒱⋆✩ When Kai had new bandages, he absolutely adored them saying how cool he looked as he viewed himself in the mirror especially when they turned into scars, as three-year-old Nya clapped for him excitedly enjoying the presence of you two. You however did not like to see him hurt.
✩˖ ࣪‧₊˚໒꒱⋆✩ You would cry and sniffle as you sat on his tiny bed, finally looking to you when he was done admiring himself.
✩˖ ࣪‧₊˚໒꒱⋆✩ Why are you crying?
✩˖ ࣪‧₊˚໒꒱⋆✩ “I protect you so I can see you smile, so stop crying” Kai’s little voice spoke as he huffs crossing his arm a gap in his mouth from a missing tooth.
✩˖ ࣪‧₊˚໒꒱⋆✩ “You got hurt” you look away as you fiddle with your sleeveless blouse as your eyes began to blur with more tears.
✩˖ ࣪‧₊˚໒꒱⋆✩ “So, I’ll take on a whole snake army for you! I hate it when you get hurt!” Kai’s fist clench showing his anger. He looks to see your eyes on him, seeing your face made him smile as he grabs your tiny hands in his.
✩˖ ࣪‧₊˚໒꒱⋆✩ “I’ll always protect you (y/n)! No matter what!” Kai smiles as Nya laughs happily as she hugs you.
✩˖ ࣪‧₊˚໒꒱⋆✩ Your eyes sparkle at a thought that instantly pops into your head, a thought that would carry on to your current day as an adult.
✩˖ ࣪‧₊˚໒꒱⋆✩ “You’re my knight!” You smile.
✩˖ ࣪‧₊˚໒꒱⋆✩ What…
✩˖ ࣪‧₊˚໒꒱⋆✩ “You be the knight, I’ll be the princess, Nya is a fairy!”
✩˖ ࣪‧₊˚໒꒱⋆✩ “Fairy! Fairy!” Nya screams as you grab her hand and you both race out laughing,
✩˖ ࣪‧₊˚໒꒱⋆✩ “H-hold on! (y/n)! Nya!” Kai goes running after you, soon smiling, and laughing along. You all are forgetting the sad moment thanks to your quick recover child brain. 
✩˖ ࣪‧₊˚໒꒱⋆✩ The memory of you and Kai lived in your head as you remember fondly of him chasing away the big scary monsters…
✩˖ ࣪‧₊˚໒꒱⋆✩ That is when you started falling for Kai Smith…
✧˖°.🍒ֶָ֢⊹ ࣪ ˖🍓₊ ⊹✧
“No way! You fought snakes! That’s insane!” you were sitting on Kai’s bed as he was catching you up on things that had happen in his life while you were gone.
“Believe it, but that’s not all I’ve fought~” Kai starts as he smirks, allowing Kai to talk about his accomplishments is a mistake for anybody, as it was just filling his already big-headed ego. But you didn’t mind hearing him talk felt calming, it made you wind down and relax your beating heart.
Was it because you were sitting on his bed?
Kai suddenly stops talking as he stares at you for a second, did he notice your dazed face? “So, what happened at your fancy private school~” Kai leans closer jokingly as you chuckle pushing him away.
“It was nice…” you hadn’t meant for that to sound so unsure, Kai seemed to have picked up on that trail. “But?” Kai’s eyebrow arched a smile on his face coaxing you to continue. 
“It was nice at first…but I got into some drama with this girl. I was friends with her ex-boyfriend, and she thought it would be nice to spread rumors that I was a boyfriend stealing hussie-“ you blush at the name embarrassed at the stories that were passed around. 
You look away ashamed as you start digging into Kai’s comforter hoping his stare wasn’t one a judgement. “S-so, I spent the first year dealing with girls pushing and guys coming to me for ‘favors’” you scratch the back of your head, “b-but everything turned out fine, eventually people forgot and I made friends!-“
“Is that why you moved back?” Kai’s voice was low, threatening even. Was he mad at you?
“N-no! I graduated, and now I transferred to New Ninjago University!” You quickly explain you felt a pit in your stomach as your eyes trail away too nervous to look a Kai, you place your feet on the floor about to leave. 
“I’m so sor-“ you gasp as you feel the bed dip Kai had reached for you. You felt the crook of Kai’s elbow wrap around your neck as he pulls you into his body. He was so warm, his hand cups the side of your face as the other side laid onto his chest. It was a tight hold but comforting. “I’m so sorry, I should’ve been there” he says quietly as if he was holding in building anger.
You smile as quiet tears fall from your eyes, “Oh Kai, it’s not like you could have known-“
“But I should have, I should have kept in touch with you-“
“You were busy-“
“That’s no excuse” Kai cuts you off as his grip gets tighter still not enough to hurt you but you could tell there was internal frustration. Was Kai blaming himself?
You pull away as you grab Kai’s face cupping your hands as you hold him, making sure you had his attention. “Kai, none of this is your fault, everything turned out fine, I’m okay.” You smile as you reassure him. Missing the pink blush on the fire ninja cheeks. 
“I know, I just hate hearing you get hurt, in any way.” Kai places his chin on your shoulder as you embrace him, “But, if anything happens lemme know” Kai mumbles as he knew you could hear. His breath ticking your ear as you blush smiling at the feeling.
“Okay, thank you my knight~” you tease as you hear him scoff playfully earning an erupt of quiet laughter from you both. 
♡‧₊˚Cole Brookstone♡‧₊˚
‧₊˚ ⋅He’s Always There‧₊˚ ⋅
✧˚ ༘ ⋆。 After meeting Cole and building a connection with him, Cole has come around more often. Less for the food and more for you. 
✧˚ ༘ ⋆。 He would first hang out beside the counter talking to you until busy customers come, much to your sadness. 
✧˚ ༘ ⋆。 Soon you got comfortable enough to invite him to come during closing so you two had more one on one time to hang out and talk without being interrupted by customers.
✧˚ ༘ ⋆。 Much to your father’s disapproval but he could never say no to you, so when Cole could come you would invite him into the kitchen for a chat.
✧˚ ༘ ⋆。 You would discuss about interests and home life, your dreams and aspirations, ups and downs of the day, and Cole would be there. Listening.
✧˚ ༘ ⋆。 It helped let out tension and emotions before you exploded, you can’t help but thank him every day for listening to you ramble.
✧˚ ༘ ⋆。 And he would smile with a relaxed face and say, “it’s no problem.” 
✧˚ ༘ ⋆。 In return you did the same, his voice was like your music you’d turn on when baking. A good mix that gave you a feel-good vibe.
✧˚ ༘ ⋆。 You’re thankful for Cole and his patience whenever you felt as though things were going crazy, he felt like your rock keeping you grounded from anxiety, much like a weighted blanket.
✧˚ ༘ ⋆。 When he would wrap his thick muscley arms around you it felt like heaven. His arms strong and comforting closing your eyes as you lean into his touch. 
✧˚ ༘ ⋆。You never felt so safe and sure of someone, this is when you start falling for Cole.
✩°。⋆⸜ 🎧
“Okay, powder sugar…” you read an old recipe left by your mom, The Bakery was celebrating your mothers’ 18thanniversary. The shops opening day was a month after your birth, before your mothers passing, she would make a once a time treat for the special day. 
She worked on the recipe for days perfecting measurements for the perfect taste, but after her passing and when your father took over managing the special day. The treats were never the same,
But then when you started helping the shop you made the treats following the same recipe and like magic people came over once again on the special day just to get a bite of your mothers treats. 
Now that you were older and with your passion of baking, your father asked you would like to take over managing the special day this year instead of him.
You felt so honored to be a part of the special day, not that you never were, but you always felt that you had to prove yourself.
And being a perfectionist did not help much with that feeling.
“s-sift carefully…” you lightly shake the tool as you were facing the crinkled sheet, as it had seen better days. 
“uhm (y/n)-“ you hear Coles voice as he holds out his hand to stop you however you weren’t concerned with what he was saying.  “Hold on Cole” you then look back into the bowl having finished sifting the powder sugar, however it looked more sandy than powdery…
“D-did I just put salt in there?” you tilt the bowl to get a closer, as you look to the bag beside the bowl. It indeed said ‘Salt’. 
You groan as you shove the bowl away frustrated at the silly mix up, “Hey, cut yourself some slack (y/n)” Cole places a hand on your shoulder. Your apron was covered in flour your hair a mess and a tired expression laced your face as you stare at the bowl with hatred.
“But I need to get this done! This is my first-time managing mom’s anniversary and I’m blowing it!” you squeak completely exhausted. 
“I get it… but taking a break won’t kill you, you have three days to get the desserts ready, the decorations are done right?” You nod your head,
“Good so now-“ Cole unwraps your apron you hadn’t realized until you felt it fall. 
“Cole” you blush as he takes your hand, “I’ll walk you home and take a break with you, when you’re up for it we’ll come back, okay?” 
You couldn’t fight him as your shoulders slump following him, “okay” you look to see his smile, it was warm and kind.
Leaving the ingredients you both walk out of the Bakery locking the door behind you. “Hey if it’s alright, could I help you? Maybe it’ll ease some stress” Cole grins, “are you actually gonna help or are you just gonna taste everything!” you tease as you poke an accusing finger. “Helping, tasting what’s the difference~” Cole mocks as you glare at him playfully, “it is when you eat all the supplies!” you laugh as Cole smiles.
“There’s that pretty smile” your laughter stops as you look to him blushing, as Cole just smiles admiring the blush on your face. 
Your heart beating fast, this man is gonna be the death of you.
ଘ(੭ˊᵕˋ)੭* ੈ
♡‧₊˚Zane Julien♡‧₊˚
⋆。°·☁️He’s Kind to You⋆。°·☁️
⋆˚🐾˖   Zane has been kind to you since the day you two met, growing up you had a hard time trusting people and their intentions however you never found yourself questioning Zane’s motive to hang out with you. 
⋆˚🐾˖   Despite his formal way of talk and his struggle to understand jokes, or idioms or glowing eyes and smooth skin that felt a little weird-
⋆˚🐾˖   and-omg is this guy real?!
⋆˚🐾˖   Despite the strangeness of whatever Zane was, that never mattered to you as every time you saw him, and he saw you his face would light up with excitement to come and talk to you. You!
⋆˚🐾˖   It made you happy to know that someone was excited to see you, to talk to you and, be with you, for you.
⋆˚🐾˖   Your heart would flutter when he would say your name with such joy. 
⋆˚🐾˖   Whenever he would ask, “are you alright?” whenever your face showed even an inch of sadness.
⋆˚🐾˖   He would ask for you to teach him things, such as phrases, emotions, or people.
⋆˚🐾˖   Stating that he never truly understood how to connect with others that he felt comfortable with, or how others struggled to understand him.
⋆˚🐾˖   You could somewhat relate as you too struggled to connect with others, you smile as you agree to help him.
⋆˚🐾˖    You felt that it was the least you could do for him, since he helped you realize your true feelings for him.
Summer was coming to an end as the park hosted an outside movie theater event, it was last minute but luckily you and Zane got to go. There were many movies to choose from at different times, as Zane did not have a preference, he asked for you to pick.
“Why is she crying?” Zane asks as he sits on your blanket you had brought from home. He looked to the screen projector as if studying a rare fossil, it was amusing to you to say the least.
“Because she has to choose between her career or the man that she fell in love with” you explain simply as you take a bite from you brightly colored snow cone.
Zane hums as if finally understanding, even though you knew he would ask another question, 
The scene plays with an intimate moment as the man holds the women in his arms.
“You, I choose you!” the women dramatically burst into tears from her emotional confession, “I thought I lost you, darling” the man spoke dramatically a heavy accent laced his voice. 
It sucked that this was the only romance playing…
Suddenly a burst of laughter coming from the person next to you, you gave a shocked expression to Zane at his sudden unfitting emotion to the scene. 
You squeak as you blush shushing him; however, he didn’t seem to catch on so doing the only thing you thought of.
You leap on top of him, hands over his mouth as hiss came from people around you shushing Zane. After a few seconds of silence, the crowd seemed pleased as glares moved back to the screen.
“Zane what was that?!” you whisper yell, slowly moving your hands for Zane to explain himself for loudly laughing during a movie.
“Was that not appropriate?” The man under you seemed genuinely confused as you stop for a second. You soon recover and shook your head, 
“Well laughing loudly during a movie with strangers isn’t really appropriate… But what was so funny about the scene?” You weren’t upset or accusing you just wanted to know. Zane pointed out that no seemed to understand the things he does, so asking the source was the best way for you to understand. 
Zane processes your words as he looks to the sky as if it would give him an answer, “The characters in the film, they were joyful, I displayed the action that is typically seen during joyful episodes. Laughter is a joyful response to a scenario such as that.”
“Oooh, I get it, you’re happy for them.” You connected as you smile, Zane nods happy that you understood his logical reason, you absentmindedly lay your head under your arms over his chest.
“I get it… just next maybe not so loud, okay?” you wink playfully as you smile at him,
Zane’s gears start working again as his fan goes off, his face was hot again. 
♡‧₊˚Jay Walker♡‧₊˚
⋆˚✿˖°❀You Love When He Touches You⋆˚✿˖°❀
₊‧°𐐪♡𐑂°‧₊   Hanging out with jay helps you forget outside worries; you were sure if an outsider saw your dynamic, they’d think you were a bully for enjoying the man’s awkward struggles to communicate with you. 
₊‧°𐐪♡𐑂°‧₊   However every time he would stutter a response or trip on his words. Biting the bottom of his lip as his fingers anxiously tugging the bottom of his shirt wrinkling the edges every time you caught him staring at you made your heart soar. 
₊‧°𐐪♡𐑂°‧₊   A grin danced on your lips as you stare at Jay making his freckled face explode even more soaking up the cute expression. 
₊‧°𐐪♡𐑂°‧₊ The thought of being the reason as to why Jay was nervous made you happy, it made happy scenarios in your head of you two together in love. If he was like this, how would he be if you two were together. 
₊‧°𐐪♡𐑂°‧₊. However, you weren’t completely off the hook as those little moments of when you and Jay were close together during video games or walks in the park. Or devouring plates of food together, a simple subtle touch from his hand, or a bump of the shoulders. Hands that linger on your arm, knees close together, or cheek touches. 
₊‧°𐐪♡𐑂°‧₊ Made you feel as though you were trapped in a field of flowers. Each graze of soft petals filled your senses as you fought the urge to succumb and lay in their gentle touches.
₊‧°𐐪♡𐑂°‧₊. You knew that you could fall in love with Jay Walker every time you touched.
You and Jay sat on the edge of a sidewalk right outside the park gate, a bag of jelly fruit being shared between you two,
“Eye spy, uhhh, blue!” Jay quickly comes up with a clue for an object that you had to guess before thinking for too long. You roll your eyes playfully holding a strawberry flavor jelly, “is it your shoes again?” you answer in a snarky tone. Jay goes quiet as he rolls his eyes taking a bite of the orange jelly fruit as you both hear a pop making him jump. You start laughing as Jay quickly moves his pants to avoid the jelly that was seeping out from the mold.
“Alright your turn~” Jay sucks out the juice before directing his attention to you waiting for your response, you think for a moment as your eyes scan every possible object. 
“Eye spy… something, pink~” you grin as you were sure that you had stumped Jay with your clue to the object you chose.
Jay looks around as he tries to find anything pink, “where is pink, I see nothing” you giggle as you look away from him. Jay chuckles as he looks to your failed poker face, “is this object even outside? You chose from one of the stores didn’t you!” Jay accuses as his smiles grows bigger as you cackle. 
“You did, you cheater!” Jay screamed as you double down in laughter, “don’t hate the player hate the game, blue jay~” you grin as you look to the object you chose being a cake on displayed in a bakery.
Jay huffs as he looks, the only stores in front were the Bakery, the Post office, and the Deli. All had windows though,
Jay squints as he leans closer, “times ticking Jay~” you tease as you float the jelly fruit to Jay’s mouth implying his punishment of being soaked in jelly fruit. 
“I never timed you- H-hold on!” Jay frantically looks finally settling on a guess as his finger finally points to an object.
“The cake in the Bakery!” there was a silence for dramatic effect as you tsk retracting the strawberry jelly fruit back. 
“Hmph, good job, lightning bug~” you sigh as you bring the fruit to your mouth as Jay shouts in victory, you squeak at the pop of the mold as the jelly luckily squeezed into your mouth. However, some coated your cheek.
You sigh in relief as you lick the remains, you look to Jay to continue playing however he stares at you with an expression you couldn’t read.
“What? Is there something on my face?” you ask wiping your face of any jelly fruit, but Jay laughed as you missed continuously. 
“Hahaaa, almost there-haha!” Jay wheezes as you start getting annoyed, as you lightly shove him playfully, “you suck, tell me where it is!” you whine a smile growing as your cheeks turned warm at Jays enjoyment of your embarrassment.
“haha, here-“ Jay leans over his hand on your cheek as he swipes the jelly off, the moment was quick. But if felt as though the world was moving in slow motion just to mess with you, the evening sun rested on Jay’s face making him look so handsome. Jay tilts his head as if getting a better look at him, with a relaxed expression you both wished for the moment to last forever.
But of course, Jay soon comes to his senses and reels back forcing his hand down to his side as his face erupts with blush and heavy sweat. 
“S-sorry, I totally, didn’t mean that! I-I mean I did I just wanted to help y’know?” you giggle as his goes higher as he tries to explain himself. Your tiny giggles seemed to spare his anxious mind,
“I know” you smile as you grab another jelly fruit looking to continue the game as you bask in the ghost touch that Jay left on your cheek.
Unknowing to you that Jay was staring at his hand, the strawberry jelly stained his hand as he brought it to his lips licking what was left as soft pink dusted his cheeks. 
(ㅅ´ ˘ `) ♡
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OML, I finished!! I was so excited to write my second Boyfriend Scenario, but it was a struggleeee But I had so much fun with these scenarios especially Zane's story ໒꒰ྀི´ ˘ ` ꒱ྀིა I'm so happy that people liked my first Boyfriend Scenario story which is why I got so excited to write this one. If anyone would like to make requests on these characters or others in the series totally ask, I could use the practice in writing, hehe ᯓᡣ𐭩 ˚ 𝜗𝜚˚⋆。☆ P.s. TUMBLR IM COMMIN FOR YOU BUTT FOR MAKING ME REPOST THIS!!!!! Love, ⋆˚࿔ Karrots 𝜗𝜚˚⋆
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ghosts-cyphera · 9 months
No questions or comments, jus wanted to say that I love your pornstar ghost! Plz don't ever stop writing <33
this is one hundred percent one of those comments that I’m tempted to print out and keep for the rest of my wee life because 💕🥹 aah, thank you !!
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karaspal · 4 days
I just remembered about the existence of the Supergirl Special #1 and I got annoyed again. So now I shall copy and paste the review I left in comic geeks.
Perhaps Mariko Tamaki should stay away from Kara. I’m yet to read a good Supergirl story from her. I get that this story has some message about girlhood somewhere in these pages, but it poses an issue Kara has never had. She has never felt like she’s falling behind. That’s not a part of her character. So why use her to tell this story?
Another problem I have is her risking the lives of innocent people, and for what? Because she is jealous of Karen? She’d never do something like that. Helping people has always been her number one priority. And she’d never be jealous of someone else. Especially someone who had their entire charm assassinated by Leah Williams.
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Kara can be arrogant and stubborn sometimes, yes, but not in the way it’s presented here. She is arrogant and stubborn in the sense she wants to save everyone and would never stop, even if she’s on the brink of death. Call it the indomitable kryptonian spirit, if you will. Call it stupid stubbornness, if you will. But it is who Kara is. Sometimes she can feel like she’s the only one who can do what it needs to be done, to save the people who need saving, and yes, it is arrogant, but the reason she feels so is because she can’t have anyone dying on her watch. Those “toxic” traits of her come from a place of selflessness and compassion, not jealousy. Everything she is, it comes from a place of selflessness and compassion. She suffered so much in her life, you better believe she’d do everything in her power and more to make sure no one else has to suffer the same way she did.
Kara is a competent woman who knows what she is doing. She’s confident and strong. Phillip Kennedy Johnson once described her as always being “the smartest person in the room”. It still baffles me how DC turned PKJ’s Supergirl pitch down, but green lit this.
It’s been half a year and somehow, I hate this more than the day it came out. Perhaps, it’s because this is last Supergirl thing DC published and it was last year. It’s never too late to let PKJ write her, you know.
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