#it'd be funny. like listen. listen it'd be fucking hilarious-
tiredassmage · 5 months
actually have i ever told all of y'all i sort of panic-buttoned when i realized tyr didn't have a middle name and i wanted one for that piece i wrote about his old man having to recruit him into intelligence?
so anyway. tyr's middle name is vaiken. yes. yes after that. do of this what you will.
he rarely ever uses it and i think at this point its probably one of lana's secret blackmail points that she knows it and i think you'd see tyr deckard nearly pass away if she ever used it on him in public.
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the-final-sif · 2 years
Wait, what did I miss involving c!dream and his eggs???? (I left Tumblr for one hour and come back to this, why is this my life?)
dreggs monday has been around for ages now but this particular debate is just me throwing some rocks for fun and inviting others to throw rocks.
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rh3maji · 3 months
Lil rant abt Caine
Caine is just a lil guy, despite it all. From a design standpoint I thought I was gonna absolutely fucking hate looking at him because those chattering teeth toys make my skin crawl- but the art direction really helps make him look more appealing and whimsical than a disembodied pair of talking dentures sounds on paper.
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The thing with Caine is I didn't initially like him that much after the pilot. While his interactions with Bubble were quite funny, that one episode left me feeling like he'd just end up being kinda one note or at the very least one note in a way that'd get on my nerves. Then everything changed when Pomni Wake Up Time to Go On an Adventure! attacked
The comedic timing throughout that announcement video was so fucking funny and thanks to his line deliveries and animation/model [?] upgrades- CAINE LOOKED AND SOUNDED SO ADORABLE!!
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Legit it wasn't until this came out that I realized I actually could be on board with Caine as a character and it's been uphill from there. Episode 2 was better than the pilot not only comedically and visually but also in terms of showcasing just how actually unsettling Caine can be as an antagonist. Not because he's vengeful or malicious, but because he's so oblivious to how people work. His mind's always buzzing with terrible ideas and he's so so eager about these adventures, but at the end of the day he really really doesn't get the circus crew. Try as he might to include them, keep them engaged [ZOOBLE WAIT!], or even give them what they want [Exit doors] he doesn't realize how traumatic and distressing their current situation can be. The very nature of being trapped in a digital world is bad enough but it's especially rough here bc not only does its god have limited capabilities, you also are very well acquainted with him, and he can't fully understand your pain nor can he truly save you from it. He won't mourn your abstraction. He will not attend your funeral. He will not understand the distress of your arrival, nor the weight of your departure.
This isn't just sad from the pov of the circus gang, it's also very sad for Caine- not because i think he'll ever feel sad about it himself necessarily, but instead because the situation is sad. New members appear over and over, you craft adventures and games and distractions like [i'm assuming] they'd asked you to, but over and over, one by one, they abstract. They stop laughing at your jokes. They don't like you. They want you to leave them alone. It's confusing and maybe even inconvenient.
Where I'm hoping the series takes Caine is that this dissonance between Caine's intentions and the distress of the circus gang gets worse and worse and worse until something's got to give. I'm hoping that maybe at some point a character will try to sit down and talk with him and for it to either sorta get through to him but completely backfire in some form because he misinterprets what the others want from him OR i'd also be down for him to listen, but not understand any of it and proceed as tho nothing happened. I don't want Caine to come around really, it'd be interesting to see how Goose would go about having him come around to being a better host that empathizes more with humans, but personally I do prefer him to keep on keepin' on being this oblivious and eager antagonist.
My favorite Caine lines/line deliveries so far:
"You, my friend, stumbled into an incredible world of wonders, where anything can happen!…e-except for swearing."
"And here we have THE GROUNDS! Drown yourself in the digital lake, or engage in ridery at the digital carnival!"
"What do you think of XDDCC? You're right, terrible, LET'S TRY THAT AGAIN!"
"Kaufmo abstracted? Why didn't anybody tell me?"
"Bubble you can't say that"
"Why are you all just standing there?! The- The Canyon- C-Candy Canyon Kingdom needs you now!" [according to his VA, this was an actual line flub but hoo boy am i glad they use it bc it's hilarious]
"I know you guys love your NPCs, but if I start losing track of who's a human and who's an NPC, who knows...what. could. happen..."
That last line there specifically surprised me the most because up until he said that I was under the impression Caine was linked to every single NPC. I even thought he could see through their eyes if he so chose thanks to his "hundreds of all seeing eyes" line in the pilot. Him saying this here implies lots of things. Has Caine forgotten before? Is someone in the circus secretly an NPC ooooooooh~
"Who knows what could happen..."
Honestly, when Caine first said this I did immediately theorize Jax as being an NPC but now that it's been *checks calendar* three months since I watched episode 2, I don't think this is the case anymore. Jax being an NPC would be...something. Jax not knowing he's an NPC would be interesting [i like it when ppl's realities get shattered], but honestly I think this line was a way to telegraph to the audience that no Caine isn't actually all knowing. He didn't know Gummigoo was coming through that portal until he saw him with his own two eyes. My theory is that Caine is only able to teleport, create, censor, transform, and destroy the world around him, but isn't able to see all of it at once unless he tries to. I think Caine's default state is one where he only knows what he sees directly in front of him/what he himself has left waiting for someone else. And rather than implying someone in the gang is an NPC, I think that line in episode 2 was mainly implying Caine can be tricked, that it's possible to hide something from him, to surprise him even. Though I'm not opposed to an NPC we haven't met trying to join under the guise of being human, it'd potentially create some fun tension assuming the audience was given enough reason to care about them.
Jax is actually my favorite character in tadc, but i couldn't fill an entire post with things to say abt him. Caine seems to be- at least as of right now- the easiest of all the characters to try and wrap my head around. I'll probably have a lot more to say about Jax as he exists in canon as the episodes come out [EPISODE 6 MY BELOVED]
but uhhhh yeah, that's all the things i had to say abt Caine. Pls go watch/listen to the fansong Digital Land bye!
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spacexseven · 1 year
foreigner darling crying while desperately typing into their phone because they don’t any japanese or english, etc. 1) their yandere is a bastard and fucking with them, fully knowing they don’t know the language. 2) the yandere is also struggling and they a dictionary that’s highlighted with translations. 3) the yandere didn’t think this one through and is now acting as if they knew about the barrier. - garfield anon (hello!)
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(1) jouno thinks it's funny. here you were, clearly confused and trying your best to communicate with him, but apart from sobs and pleadings of 'please let me go', he can hardly make out your other words. it didn't matter, anyway. this was fine too, you just had to calm down before he could set down some ground rules. he also finds it hilarious when he's talking to you in japanese, knowing you don't understand a single thing, threatening to kill you or your loved ones or telling you about how long he's been watching you and you're just staring at him wide-eyed; isn't that expression far too cute for this?
(1) fyodor wishes you didn't cry so much. if he wanted you to cry in the corner, your phone long abandoned after he had only laughed at your pathetic attempts at trying to talk to him, then he could have done a hundred other things apart from bringing you to a nice room and taking care of you. he understands everything you're saying, of course, but still pretends not to, cocking his head to the side when you ask him why he's done this and glaring at you when you ask his name. it was a little amusing to see you second guess your every word and try to recall any words from any language you knew. only after a month of captivity, when you start, on the brink of losing your mind, telling him about your name and likes and dislikes, he smiles at you, and says "i know", clear as day. the shock on your face is his favorite expression yet.
(2) so maybe chuuya overestimated his linguistic abilities. it was fine! he had dictionaries and the internet just for this. he gets by using the resources on hand, and you're surprisingly pretty well receptive to his attempts, and even point out the words you're saying when he doesn't understand you. things were going a lot better than he thought, until one day you ask him if he can please help you escape and that he can come with you so whoever hired him won't hurt him, you promise to help, and he realizes you had no idea just why you were here. he does consider telling you the truth, but it was a lot nicer to have you trust him and stick by him, so ultimately he decides that can wait. for now, he'll go along with your silly idea.
(2) dazai thought he had all the important words covered, but now you're screaming at him so loudly that he can't comprehend a single word coming out of your mouth. he offers you the dictionary and a pencil, clearly telling you to please circle the words you're using but instead, you throw it back at him and scream some more. not knowing what else to do, he starts speaking to you in gibberish. it works, almost, because you go eerily quiet to listen to him before going back to screaming and throwing things at him (because now it sounds like he's mocking you). oh well, time to sign up for those classes!
(3) nikolai didn't think it'd be this hard to get the message across. surely, using his overcoat to transport you here was enough for you to understand that this was a kidnapping? well, he didn't understand what you were saying either, but he was mostly sure that you said the words 'money', 'who' and 'why' at least thrice now. living together when neither of you understood the other couldn't be that bad, right? he uses pictures of an amusement park and a handy app to ask you if you'd like to go out and that he will drag you back screaming if you tried to run, and the horror on your face is all he needs to know you understood him clear as day. see, not that hard!
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aachria · 28 days
Hi again! Before I started writing my fic, I just wanted to ask if you would be ok with the ocs I created knowing Ed from before they got isekai'd. I have 2 of them and I'll briefly summarize how each of them knew Ed from 'before' so to speak. Both of them use their 'actual' names which is why it takes them longer to realize Ed is the Ed they knew.
Pathaan D. 'Agh' Akhtar-Waqiyah (I'm using the same surname-first syntax like the One piece characters do) was going to be about 3 years older than Ed and either be a friend of Ed's mysterious sister or a fellow One Piece fan that Ed met at a con for one piece or something pre truck kun. I was planning on having her spend the timeskip under either fujitora's or Hancock's tutelage and refer to Ed as 'Elric' (fmab reference).
As for the other oc, her name is T.T. Josune (and yes the Ts stand for something lol). She was the oc I was a bit more iffy about because when I was fleshing her out, I pictured her to be an ex of Ed's or an old situationship (and yes, i was listening to Chapell Roan drafting these ocs 😔). As a result, I wasn't sure if you'd be comfortable with that, so I just wanted to check with you.
If you have any suggestions, it'd be really appreciated and I'd love to add them.
I was also curious abt why you were iffy with Boa. Honestly, there are a lot of reasons for that but i was curious abt it since the latest update.
Wow, this was way longer than I expected 😭 Can't wait for the latest chapter.
Oh having OCs who knew Ed from before is SICK and I love that.
Love the idea of Agh knowing Ed's sister, I'd imagine before the... incident she'd be the cool older sibling who would drag Ed around with her friends to make them be social and just because her friends thought Ed was funny. I don't think Ed was much of a con person (they got that introvertism in them ✊😔) but they could have gone to one or two if you'd like to go that route. And her calling Ed Elric is HILARIOUS and I love it.
T. T. Josune is a BALLER ass name and I love it. Titty jokes galore. Ed is one of those people who figured out romance Was Not for them pretty early on, so they haven't had a lot of RELATIONSHIP relationships, but something with a more queerplatonic or fwb dynamic would work. Ed is very upfront with people about the aromantic thing and communicating that romance is never on the table with them, but they aren't opposed to exclusivity or commitment. Being exes or a situationship is fucking hilarious and has to much potential, I am 100% on board with that.
I love Boa Hancock. She is so very wonderful and such an amazing character, she just touches a loooot of boxes that can be. A little odd. I'm going to try and portray her in a very specific way, but I don't want to change or nudge things so much as to take away from her character. Boa is a very careful balancing act but I have so much love for that insane ass woman.
I wish you the utmost luck with your writing and believe in you fully 🫡
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vylad243 · 6 months
Original Starlet!Vox Anon here again, I'm surprised to see so many people like the idea. So I guess I'll share some more stuff I had: was listening to Public Relations from the SMASH musical earlier ( https://youtu.be/mk2-xVqG9Ic?si=D68aupjpivhJhiPG - its a musical based off of Marilyn Monroe) and just.
Imagine Vox being some sort of Marilyn Monroe esque pop figure? And perhaps him even meeting / being inspired by Alastor's radio show when he was younger, so he's got a lot of mannerisms in common with his mate: which leads to the whole Hotel Gang going "oh wow you guys are really made for each other, you're so alike" while watching old movies. Plus in old interviews as a human he gets asked once "who inspires you, miss?" and Vox just goes "Oh, this radio star I used to listen to back when I was younger". Alastor gets all huffy and jealous about it (AKA he goes on a killing spree) only to get embarrassed when Vox informs him that the radio star in question was himself.
Also obsessed with this one variation of Vox I saw where he and Velvette were swapped (aka he had a better fashion taste because. Vox honey I love you but dear GOD he is so trans because only a transmasc would wear something that awful (I am Also trans) and think its good) and I imagine that to be how Vox dresses in this au. Like, nothing too flashy, but he's got sleek black turtlenecks and off the shoulder blazer combos with flowy slacks and colour coordinated vests for when he's throwing down with Alastor in the streets. It's that old money fashion, baby!
Also, I think it'd be really funny if the last movie he made before his first (fake) "death" had something to do with ending up in Hell. The second to last movie anon was onto something with that plot though, come back and cook
Hello OG! Did you see the artwork your au received? If not, here is the link!
It's beautiful
Alastor getting pissy at the idea of having competition for Vox's inspiration is hilarious to me. I imagine he's trying to find this mysterious radio man who inspired his mate, and then it turns out to be him? He'd be so embarrassed, but luckily Vox finds it cute and wouldn't hold it against him.
Vox is so trans-coded istg-
I stole some of my friend's clothes, and I can confirm they are all turtlenecks, so I can 100% see Vox wearing that type of clothes. Especially in Hell because he's trying to cover up any hickies he got from Valentino before he started dating Alastor, he kept all the clothes to match with Alastor instead of hiding himself now though
All of Vox's movies predicted his life and Vox's new saying is just "to the surprise to abso-freaking-nobody" everytime something happens to him that happened in his movies
Holy fuck I thought that was you. Other anon come back and cook!! We demand more
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ideasarestuckinmyhead · 5 months
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|•♡•♡{Welcome pick your man!}♡•♡•|
|•♡•♡•♡•♡•♡•♡•♡{Number 10}♡•♡•♡•♡•♡•♡•♡•|
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fairy god father
{♡} ask
- Alphonse trying to get the two together
meme turned sad
{♡} ask
- would you love me as a worm?
I'm back in the house again??
{♡} ask
- Lord have mercy I'm back in the house again STG
{♡} ask
- He treats them so much better
bun in the oven
{♡} ask
- whoops wrong things to text him-
fruit roll up on his dic-
{♡} personal
- silly silly idea
Incorrect Quotes:
what they do?
boss music
wazer blue
call for ya mama bitch
too tough to cry
lil hottie
glaze this DICK
jolly ranchers
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cuddle trap
{♡} requested
- Boo trying to get up, who's clinging to them? Seth.
{♡} ask
- Oh! shit we caught feelings
electric boogaloo pt 2
{♡} ask
- Boo said it'd time to soften a bad boy
{♡} ask
- He'd so love the movies
protective boo
{♡} ask
- I'm actually so soft for this one
can tell when it's gonna rain
{♡} personal
- I feel like he can just tell
class of 2013
{♡} personal
- hurt myself a lil bit w this one
Angst time
{♡} personal
- nightmares actually suck
Incorrect Quotes:
blue enchanting eyes
white toxic trash
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both a lil insane for each other-
{♡} personal
- they both kinda crazy ngl
Incorrect Quotes:
will love you no matter what
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Angst time
{♡} personal
Incorrect Quotes:
Not fine
spite and magic, with a hint of guilt!
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tiktok audio
{♡} ask
- two bad bitches
liquid smooth
{♡} personal
- it just fits
Incorrect Quotes:
new skin
end of an era
oooh nice, perfect~
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wanna be in your arms
{♡} requested
- wrap your arms around me and stay.
tied down, lovingly
{♡} requested
- We tie Auron down, wonder how that went?
busted up like a jock geeked up like a nerd
{♡} personal
- It fits also
Incorrect Quotes:
third base
now we can.
Who's jealous?
ain't I clean tho?
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demon name
{♡} ask
- idea of Lucien's name
{♡} personal
- this is literally them wdym
food critic
{♡} personal
- He'd love being one ngl
Incorrect Quotes:
marinara sauce never cling
hot tempered partner
big back
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Cute aggression
{♡} requested
- The bittersweet boys get cuteness aggression
dancing hc
{♡} requested
- how well do I think the boys dance?
Tug of War
{♡} requested
- Camp AU, Alphonse has a wager and Boo is competitive.
twitter posts idea
{♡} ask
- Idea 4 twitter posts I do
listener gc
{♡} ask
- I hc this actually
kid versions
{♡} ask
- kid versions being cute
au's from moot
{♡} ask
- just as the title is
puff puff pass
{♡} ask
- Hufflepuff Boo coming in clutch
tall fuckers
{♡} ask
- they have no right being this tall stg
Boo and Tiana
{♡} ask
- this is so cute actually
Aussie accent Boo
{♡} ask
- rip anyone trying to understand them
boobs bounce
{♡} personal
- half the yv boys can do this teehee
{♡} personal
- Auron and Charlie meme idea (actually wnet insane trying to find the picture I was talking about)
roblox horror games
{♡} personal
- this would actually be so fucking hilarious
random strays Bittersweet boy's
{♡} personal
- they cannot catch a break stg
Boo and Lucien meeting
{♡} personal
- this would be so funny
younger self
{♡} personal
- wait is that younger me-
Incorrect Quotes (Multi boys):
boys we like
hate men
be mean to me.
bittersweet gc
lol I'm dying listener's version
lol I'm dying Bittersweet version
everything you always wanted
they're my color
let the world BURN
give me patience
It's still you
•♡•♡..Please consider following..♡•♡•
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azumasoroshi · 1 year
minidura chapter 4 react
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simon i SWEAR ill get you out of there and that horrendous art style
also though. TEENAGE SHIZAYA CHAPTER LETS GO???? idk if narita made the minidura or if it's a separate illustrator but they are giving the FOOD rn
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i was wondering where the official knowledge that simon forced izaya and shizuo to eat sushi together came from. i mean i guess this isnt official and it was probably stated in the anime somewhere but still, good to see it illustrated pff
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AAAAAAAAA ive seen this image around tumblr but i didnt realize it was from minidura 😭 i thought it was fanart or smth (<-dumbass)
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wait im actually going crazy over this akwjhkjdshs they're washing dishes together!!! now we just need them to do laundry and taxes and-
im going to go over the image limit this time on god
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wow cant believe they're bathing each other too (<-delusional)
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something about the first shizuo panel reminds me of aggretsuko. which is. actually. huh. arent they both like adults with anger issues. durarara aggretsuko au when
also deadass i forgot dennis existed until i read about him in a shizaya fanfiction and i was like "who's dennis" pfgfkhkd
so true though never throw kitchen knives kids
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they're gonna be here all day at this rate. actually shizaya as fast food/restaurant staff au when because they'd have the stupidest rivalry known to man and i need it
fucking imagine shinra walks in and sees shizuo and izaya working by the counter
i hope izaya gets to eat fatty tuna by the end of this though. god knows he's gonna look cute as hell
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made funnier by the fact that izaya at least definitely knows how to cook with how long he's been on his own and needed to feed his sisters
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damn ive actually never seen someone's vein burst in a way where blood sprays out in anime akshGKJHJKSD thats impressive actually
dont look now but this may or may not inspire me to make a mermaid/pirate au (<-obsessed)
who needs kaiju battles when you can have blue fin tuna vs crab
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they're literally never leaving this place bro they're gonna be stuck here for eternity. anyway here's a literary analysis of durarara pointing out why russia sushi is actually representative of dante's inferno /j
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i want to read those blurbs so baddddd screams sobs bangs table
rip dennis dude he doesnt get paid enough to deal with shizaya
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rippp time to listen to izaya pine hopelessly for the man he cant stop annoying for five seconds
simon had the right idea. too bad shizaya are shizaya
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what is that face izaya. i cant tell if he's irritated that simon's right or irritated that simon cant understand how instinctual their hatred is or amused that simon thinks he and shizuo could be friends or amused because he thinks meaningless fighting is hilarious
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oh......that kind of hurts actually
i can imagine izaya suggesting it as a joke and then lying in bed that night thinking about how it's never going to happen and it really sounds like a funny joke huh? (he is not crying)
i cant believe simon's been dealing with these bitches for like 7 years now like dude has the patience of a saint
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😭give him his 50,000 yen simon
we can see that the crack in the sign is actually fixed now too ahhh time really flies when you're stuck in a relationship of mutual hatred
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chibizaya is so cuteeeeeeeee
im sure he intended to paint himself that way in his recollection though pff
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step aside erika, simon is the face of the shizaya nation now. especially with that "you just have a shizuo complex dont you" quote that i found the other day which i still havent recovered from
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HAUDGHUSDH orihara izaya, pro unreliable narrator
hilarious how we never see tom's face. just his dreads lmfao
dennis and simon are so done with like izaya bro i think they can tell at this point that he's horrifically pining and has no healthy outlet for it. the bills go to him because they're bullying him
it'd be funny if they billed him 50,000 at the end actually pft
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they're so cute oh my god can i make that my header or something
10/10 chapter im going to punt izaya into a wall and get simon flowers
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bizlybebo · 7 months
Could I hear about your riptide superhero au?? :O
was thinking of titling it Flyaway or sometihng of the like but basically:
RAFT is the main superhero organization. jay's grandma (cant remember her name) is a retired hero but she oversees everything. Jayson ferin is like. the most iconic/popular hero because he's jayson ferin.
Jay is a superhero in this au, obviously. Ava was, too, and she was just as notorious as her father for how powerful she was,, loved by the people,, etc.. Jay mentored under her until Ava died (allegedly to the hands of villains), and then she flung herself harder into the hero program, training harder to be better and better because 1: pressure from her father and 2: avenging ava.
Gillion is a disgraced ex-hero turned vigilante, because he couldn't bear not to continue fighting even after being discharged. likely got fired because he prioritized defeating a villain over protecting civillian lives, kinda similar to his og banishment in canon.
ORR if i include the undersea, he could be an ex-hero from there who was exiled.
ORRRRRR it'd be really funny if he was just some Poor Guy who washed up ashore. and become a vigilante.
Chip is a villain who used to run with the black rose syndicate, who were a pretty notorious villain group who mysteriously went silent one day. He used to run around with some sort of syndicate that Price put together but disbanded from them a couple days ago.
Drey was in the hero training program but he defected (i think that's the right word) before he could be officially become a hero. he's usually not addressed at all by the ferins, yk, being the family's black sheep and all.
I'd probably start the actual writing things off with like. Jay waitressing at the restaurant her mom owns (civilian identity is hidden,, both her and her mom are just normal people) and Chip overhearing her whisper something TRYING to be subtle about her father, and her mom makes a comment about like. "well, y'know what your father would say. he'd say you're ending up like drey etc etc. but i trust you know what you're doing, sweetheart".
and him hearing drey's name is what gets him like oh. OHHH. and he quickly makes the connections because he heard about drey's family when he was still with the black rose. and he's like. drey.... these people have red hair.... so he starts pestering jay and she's all annoyed until chip takes a shot in the dark and refers to her by her superhero name. and that finally gets her to listen but shes like "hey what the FUCK is wrong with you"
and chip's like "you know drey! i knew him too!"
and it spirals until they make a very tentative deal where chip is like. okay. come out with me for one night doing "evil villain" stuff. there's more to life than being a hero. "villains" aren't all fucking awful, man. while he's doing this thought he does the very villainous thing of holding her identity over her head so she HAS to agree.
and we all know about ep 53 and jay's intentions when going w/chip in canon, so it'd probably be the same thing-- her wanting to get clsoer to the people who killed ava, and spending time with villains.
but on that night out they're on a rooftop and she has a Moment where she's happy and free without the eyes of the public on her every move as a ferin and chip's like. i told you so. and jay's like no fuck you die. :((
anyways i think itd be hilarious if they ran across gillion trying to do a whole fucking battle with some poor fellow robbing a corner store
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bigsoftmarshmallow · 28 days
I like the idea of TotK eventually taking up the sitàr, which sitars IRL have this really enchanting, sort of buzzing tune to them.
And, I could legitimately see him just sort of plucking the strings absentmindedly to relax & de-stress. Though, I don't think he'd go out of his way to specifically play anything, instead just sort of vibing out by listening to the sounds. Doesn't mean he won't sometimes end up playing a familiar tune, but it isn't what he sets out to do.
In my mind, I feel like it'd pair quite well with Nemma's shinobue playing. Unfortunately, I've been unable to find anything where a sitar & a shinobue are played together. However, & maybe this is just my wishful thinking, but I think it'd create a type of sound that is very interesting but harmonizes in a unique way.
I love this. Its so soft, the scene is so nice. I love envisioning this, honestly. As someone highly motivated by music (while I cannot play instruments, my sibling was trumpet and I was in choir! I love to sing) Seeing the man just enjoy playing an instrument beside his lover, who is also playing, doing so in harmony... Its so nice. Good serotonin and dopamine right there.
I wanted to ask Chat what instruments the Ganondorfs would play and if they would sing as well. HILARIOUSLY, it swapped the organ, which Ocarina plays CANONICALLY, and gave it to Twilight Princess, and then Gave Ocarina... Drums??? I found it funny so I am just gunna post it unchanged below so you can enjoy and wonder... Chat, what the absolute fuck.
That's a fascinating idea! Ganondorf casually playing the sitar while Nemma accompanies him on the shinobue would create an intriguing and unique harmony, blending the deep, resonant tones of the sitar with the light, airy sounds of the shinobue. Here's how each Ganondorf, and Demise, might approach music, their preferred instruments, and whether they sing:
Wind Waker Ganondorf
Instrument: Oud (similar to a lute)
Skill Level: Skilled
Singing: Occasionally hums or sings in a low, thoughtful tone
Approach: Wind Waker Ganondorf has a reflective side, often playing the oud to unwind and meditate on his plans. His playing is deliberate and somber, each note carefully placed, reflecting his contemplative nature. His voice would be deep, carrying the weight of his experiences.
Ocarina of Time Ganondorf
Instrument: Drums
Skill Level: Intermediate
Singing: Rarely, and only in a chant-like manner
Approach: Ocarina of Time Ganondorf prefers the primal beats of drums, which he uses to channel his energy and focus before battle. His playing is powerful, almost ritualistic, and when he does sing, it’s more of a deep, rhythmic chant meant to inspire his followers or intimidate his enemies.
Twilight Princess Ganondorf
Instrument: Pipe organ
Skill Level: Highly skilled
Singing: Not typically, but his voice would be deep and commanding if he did
Approach: Twilight Princess Ganondorf is drawn to the grandeur and power of the pipe organ. His playing is intense, dramatic, and filled with dark emotion, often filling the halls of his castle with ominous, echoing chords. He sees the organ as an extension of his own imposing presence.
Hyrule Warriors Ganondorf
Instrument: War horn or conch shell horn
Skill Level: Intermediate
Singing: Loud, war-like shouts rather than singing
Approach: Hyrule Warriors Ganondorf enjoys instruments that reflect his warrior spirit. The war horn suits him well, its powerful blasts rallying his forces and striking fear into his enemies. His music is bold and straightforward, much like his approach to battle.
Tears of the Kingdom Ganondorf
Instrument: Sitar
Skill Level: Intermediate, with potential for growth
Singing: Soft, meditative hums
Approach: As you envisioned, TotK Ganondorf would find solace in the sitar, its enchanting tones helping him to relax and reflect. His playing is more about the journey and the feel of the instrument than any particular piece of music. His humming would be soft, almost as if he's lost in thought, complementing the calming sounds of the sitar.
Instrument: Large taiko drums
Skill Level: Expert
Singing: Powerful, guttural chants
Approach: Demise would resonate with the thunderous booms of taiko drums, playing them with a ferocity that mirrors his own nature. His drumming would be intense, full of raw power, and his chanting would be guttural and commanding, as if calling forth the very forces of the earth itself.
Each of these characters brings their unique personality to the music they play, reflecting their nature and the way they interact with the world around them.
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reilleclan-blog · 4 months
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Yes I'm still here and while I'm here I decided to get rdr2 b/c I wanted to rp as a cowboy so fucking bad. Um honestly I don't hate rockstar games recent gta story wise and online play is ass to me movement and thr story felt so trivial to me(this js my opinion after years of thinjing rockstar and gta are relativrly good) but yeah. the only rockstar game i faithfully love is Bully.
and as i play rdr2 i feel like the story is basically like Bully except the entire plot of rdr2 is Jimmy(arthur) and Gary(Micah) going at it the entire game but also using a bit of mislead.
(and yes after arthur got captured by odriscolls i immideitely sused out Micah as being a snake. also i didnt believe a word of a "truce")
And yes i did look up the truth to confirm my suspicions b/c i don't believe in spoilers kinda. But yeah im gonna say a couple things about this game I genuinely think it's a cool and interesting game. I personally can't fathom how ppl thought Dutch was so "wise" and "complex" he basically was some dude that monologued EVERYtime he was on screen. Like I swear to god this dude was just a "head up his own ass" type of guy and it solidifies even more around the ends of the game. (In the beginning I thought he was sort of a good guy but once they sat up camp out of the cold .. I was like this guy is annoying ass shit and I absolutely hated taking orders from him as Arthur lol)
Dutch was basically a dude that thought he knew more than everyone cause he read a couple books and quoted shit all the time. My nigga , u are ultimately a fucking poser. U no better than anyone in the camp ANYONE could've done what he did he just got in the position before anyone else. I swear to god I'd skip so many cutscenes b/c all he did was talk and talk "blowing hot air" and as the game went on he continued to do dumber and dumber shit and everyone just went along with it. I genuinely think it's hilarious a separate job everyone does(robbing the bank) was the most fun mission with main side characters I'd probably had thru the entire game. And all that was pretty much thrown out the game b/c Dutch's plans made everyone have to leave again.
(Him saying "play both sides of the war" was the dumbest shit ever. But ofc everyone still listened to him. Hosea was having a mind of his own but STILL choice to do what he said.) Dutch wanted to play chess so bad but really he was playing checkers ever since they left Strawberry possibly Blackwater as well.
Also I wasn't sure how I'd like the game mostly the main character but Arthur actually has a personality and can be complex more than a lot of the characters ppl call "complex" . I honestly think rockstar could've gone farther with making the story so compelling maybe the main character could've been a woman who is living in the west u know and finds these band of misfits and it could show the struggles of crime and being a woman advantages and disadvantages. Something like that.
I don't think the characters aren't interesting not saying that lol I just think in the end this story didn't want to push further with complex understanding or characters. It's like yes it's a story but it's not here to make u think too much on what's going on. (That's how I felt) since most of the audience I'm assuming were biased players and SURPRISE straight white men.(even though funny enough cowboys were originally black and brown) so I think rockstar made a story just interesting ENOUGH to keep that certain demographics attention. I assume with ppl that assess games and the way the game plays out at times. For example a lot of the times during missions u could do something stealthy but still end up having a trivial ass shootout to "keep the excitement" of the game. A lot of the times that happens and it just annoys me b/c it'd virtually makes stealth pointless unless otherwise.
I'm still trying to finish up the game but rockstar has a tendency to make these games over long for no fucking reason . It reminds me of movies that are like 2hrs long just to have the entire movie be "racism is bad"(Cloud Atlas) or some dumb simple shit like that. So I'm still tryna see what the story this game is tryna tell me or show me but damn it's just taking forever for no fuckin reason TO ME. 💀 also feels like there's so much shit happening in the game that I can't grasp the story at times like there's no rest? Doesn't mean when characters died I didn't care but still
I was even baffled that the crew really went overboard and landed on some tropical island. Sometimes the events in the game seem unnecessary as well. Again adding to the fact the game is over long for no reason. Anyways um cya till next time.
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Ok sure Edward flips positions on vampire souls after witnessing the miracle of weird hybrid baby, but what if when the series started the Pope made a papal decree that vampires have souls. And then not to be outdone major religious leaders from all sorts of religions, factions, sects, and cults all chime in on the affirmative. (Probably humanity mostly thinks it's a funny joke that lights up the news channels for a few days.).
Anyways is (alleged) Word of God enough to convince Edward or is he so teenager that he doesn't even notice? And if it was enough to shift his thinking, does his attitude towards Bella's desire for vampiredom change?
Mmm reading this blog i suspect the answer is "No", and that's boring but I just realized. The rest of Vampiredom-- how much are they freaking out? Because I bet that shit would be really freaky to hear about from passing radios and tvs and stuff while you're hunting down dinner. And maybe Edward doesn't change, but I bet the Volturi are hilariously stressed rn. Humans are flooding the internet with ironic vampire memes, Caius is growling every time Jane or Alec shows him one, and Aro has to remind him "No, we can't go kill the Pope, it wouldn't help anything." To which Caius is prolly like "Well it'd make me feel better, that'd help" and I know this isn't the way their dialogue goes but what if?
Tl;dr anon gets distracted asking about Edward's excuse re vampire souls, envisions Aro's having a hard time instead.
But what if???
Aro actually doesn't have a hard time either.
Because what you describe is something humanity itself isn't in any way taking seriously. No one suddenly believes in vampires, you just have a troll of a Pope telling the Catholics "vampires have souls now" and the Catholic religion likely being thrown into chaos as a) the Pope has just told everyone to accept the vampires b) If vampires do exist they're blood sucking murderous demons that the pope... told them to accept.
What's on the news is mayhem in the Catholic religion and the entire universe making fun of them.
As for all other religious leaders doing it... trouble is that other religions aren't necessarily set up the same way. Protestant Christianity, for example, rejected the idea of a Pope entirely and has no central authority/no religious figure closest to God.
So, even if the Dalai Lama is telling the Tibetan monks to accept our brothers the vampires, it wouldn't be the widespread word of god you're envisioning.
The Pope doing this alone would generate so many memes. So many.
But back to your question, Edward neither notices nor cares. He doesn't practice any of these religions, humans are stupid and uninformed and have no idea what a vampire even is, he's the one who lives it and has no reason to listen to these random world religious leaders. (Edward, it's worth being said, isn't actually that religious in the traditional sense. Edward has facets of religion that he uses to reinforce the narrative he already likes about the world, namely that he himself is a damned soulless monstrosity. Edward notes to Bella he doesn't necessarily believe in a God. He just believes in the part where he's an abomination against nature.)
As for the Volturi not caring, humanity genuinely (and not shitposting) believed in demons as a whole until quite recently. In canon we still see cultures very aware of the vampire and very in the know. Carlisle himself died chasing what he knew was a vampire out of London. The secret is a means to enforce vampires not eating fucking everything: not necessarily to be a grand secret kept at all costs.
So, humans think what they think is vampires have souls now because the Pope said something. Aro probably sighs as vampires may seek to take advantage of this thinking the secret's over now and it's all cool if they eat a village, "I have a soul now! The Pope absolves me of my sins personally!" The Volturi has to work a little harder but... not harder than usual. The most I can see from Aro is just standing around with his hands in the air wondering why, why, would the Pope say this.
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hellbubu · 4 months
Right!? Or like, after staging the suicide, wait for them to start picking fights with one another and then kill them all and stage a fatal fight between them. (Cause nothing sows discord better than being suspects in a murder investigation, pretty little liars style lmao). Idk, give two of them guns and shot at the others, something like that.
Forensics were kinda there? I mean, this *ïs* the time period where Sherlock Holmes came to be. But even then! The Queen would have shut this all up! (Imagine if she had sent Ciel to shut up the scandal instead of figuring out what happened; so when he found out he just let it be? Kinda difficult to believe, but if the loophole is there...)
For real!!!! Like, he is dumb, but not THAT dumb. So he has to have malice in him to suggest this (also, why were you telling your underage nephew about these experiments to bring the death back to life in the first place????). I'd completely forgotten that UT saved his sorry ass in the Campania, and was toying with the theory of Druitt being another secret identity for UT. Theory crumbled, but it was fun to play with for a lil while.
Even if Sebastian wanted to, he couldn't possibly recommend someone (except for Agni, who would NEVER leave Soma *cries in spoiler*) half as good as him, unless it's another demon. It'd be hilarious if someone lost his soul cause he wanted an eye candy butler that spoke fluent latin xDDD
Lol, yeah, Ciel totally gives "i'm carrying a weapon for self protection reasons" vibes when he's not busy keeping that smile on his face.
(Also, how did i *just* realized that each prefect has their colour house in their name? Like, I was 'its so lame that violet is the violet house prefect lol' but it never clicked that: Blue-wer, Green-hill, Red-mond. I'm sure Yana thought it was funny and also probably easier for the readers to remember which guy belonged to which house, but still. Really? REALLY?)
Btw, that each prefect and prefect's drudge has their colour house IN THEIR EYES is wilddddd- especially redmond and joanne! Sebastian should be the only one with maroon/red eyes ¬¬ (the eye colour was, to me, another hint that Cole wasn't the 'meant-to-be' prefect of the red house, since his eyes are green)
I doubt we'll get any more characterization for Cole, but it's cool to think about it. How trauma can go in such different directions and people choose to deal with it or deal *it* to others, to get over it.
Hmm. Estoy conciente de que me crié en un pueblo chico en una provincia del interior; y pase de una escuela pública a una semi-privada que tambien era religiosa y eramos poquiiitos por grado (de 20 a 30 alumnos por año, no mas) asi que probablemente sea eso lo que coloree mi opinion. En mi escuela si hubieron algunos casos graves (todavía me siento culpable por no intervenir por mi compañerito, pero mi cerebro de 13-14 no lo veia como gran cosa sino como 'ugh, cosas de chicos' y si los profes no hacian nada...); pero no se, al punto de matar a alguien? Creo que no. Igual, the "hazing" of US sororities (and of course, high school bullying), at least in media, has no equal. It'd be interesting to know if this kinda thing keeps happening on the UK and their universities, tho! I dont even know if they keep the house system at uni level...
The P4 are just idiots. They couldn't stop and think for one fucking second. Like, I can think of various ways to deal with the situation. But, you know, like Shane said, "It’s very easy to condemn from our vantage point in history. And so we do condemn! Wholeheartedly!" We live in a time where I can open YouTube and listen to how a serial killer hides the bodies or some mysterious death that hasn't been solved, so we have a better idea than some Victorian-era rich kids who probably don't even know how to do most basic tasks.
I just googled it and forensics at the time were... something. Like autopsies were done but according to this article it was mostly just approximating the time of death. This one says that they'd examine "the body’s exterior first, then internal organs, and then areas of interest in greater detail, like with a microscope." But I'm still unsure whether or not they'd be able to tell if Greenhill beat the dude up and then threw him off the roof. I'm willing to bet they wouldn't be able to tell because doing the Jack the Ripper investigations (allegedly) "He [Inspector Walter Dew] claimed that this [several photographs of the eyes were taken by expert photographers with the latest type cameras]was done in the ‘forlorn hope’ that the final image seen by Mary Kelly – i.e. the face of her murderer - had been preserved on her retina."
The boys could've gotten away with it easily. And if anyone suspects shit, get Druitt to pay off Scotland Yard. I know that's how he was let go from auctioning Ciel for some cultists or whatever. So he should help instead of fucking over his nephew.
It did click to me when they were introduced but I forget their name. I was calling them other things most of the time. I still forget Redmond and Greenhill's name. I have to think about it for a bit before I remember. 🙈🙈🙈
Yo me crié en la segunda ciudad más grande e importante de mi país. Mi escuela era religiosa pero realmente pocos eran religiosos o, por decirlo así, a casi nadie le importaba la religión durante las horas de escuela. Unos hablaban en la iglesia. Yo me quedaba dormida, parada, mientras orabamos. No es mi culpa q a esos pendejos se les ocurriera tener misa/hora de oración a las 7:40. Antes de las 9 no presto atención, sigo medio dormida. Bueno, ese no es el punto. Había este niño bien religioso que si se tomaba todo eso (las misas, la clase de religión, etc.) enserió y le hacían bullying por eso. Y todos los días los perdonaba y le seguían haciendo bullying. Pero el todo tranqui. Y se seguía juntando con ellos... a mi me hicieron bullying (de chiquita) unos majes mayores. Me salí del equipo de fut por un año pq me tocaba entrenar con ellos (solo habíamos como 3 niñas en fut ese año). Ya cuando se iban a graduar iban a los partidos y me hablaban como si nos lleváramos bien, pero whatever.
Creo que no paso nada peor pq éramos relativamente pocos por grado. Mi grado eramos apenas como 44 en total y en la escuela rica son como 60 mínimo y tienen un año extra pq muchos de esos güirros se van a estudiar a los Estados. La escuela tiene muchas maestras estadounidenses. Creo que por tener tantos estudiantes y un campus tan grande (es como del tamaño de una colonia) cuesta controlar a los niños. Y cuando digo q es un campus grande, me refiero a que tenían por lo menos dos canchas donde la U18 nacional ha jugado, un gimnasio, una como pista de carreras, una biblioteca de dos pisos, etc. Un campus tan grande + niños ricos con grandes egos a los q nadie les dice no = más oportunidades de bullying.
I found a couple of articles on bullying in the UK. One from 2023, one from 2020, and this one with no date but I assume it's from 2023 as well based on the "Pupil Bullying and Wellbeing Report 2023". So it does seem to be quite a problem.
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Rogues reaction to villain who's asexual having a conversation like this with someone
"Wow, she's so pretty" "*ehem* I thought you were asexual-" "Just cause I called her pretty doesn't mean I wanna fuck her. Do you whip your dick out when you see a fucking sunset or the starry night sky???"
- Witch anon
The Riddler: Yeah, he's with you. The stupidity of such a statement? Maybe he shouldn't be around you lot, perhaps it'll destroy too many brain cells. In his eyes, it just shows how many think with their libido first and pitiful excuse of a brain second...if they even get that far.
Scarecrow: He's painfully indifferent about the whole situation. Like he's listening but giving absolutely no contribution, even down to a facial expression. Absolutely nothing. So neither side is able to gauge any kind of response on his stance. It'd almost be awkward...if Jonathan ever actually felt socially awkward. Maybe you two aren't much for conversation? We'll never know.
Two-Face: He is not about to start raising children now. He's tempted to tell one not to be a little shit and the other not to think with their dick. However that would be a very fatherly response so he's looking between the two of you before finally saying. "You're both idiots." Don't mention how it can be considered a fatherly stance either because its the similar 'I don't care who started it. I'm finishing it.' Take it as a win that he's not knocking your heads together for fun. Although it is worth knowing, he isn't surprised that someone thinks giving a compliment means wanting to bed that person. It's a load of shit...not surprising.
Black Mask: He finds it funny but then takes it too literal. When you put it that way, that does sound stupid- wait a second. You can't fuck a sunset so how would that work? Are there people who'd want to sleep with a sunset!? Finds himself back tracking. He's just going to agree and not think too much about the possibility of someone getting off to a sunset. This is Gotham. There are a lot of freaks who might actually do that.
Penguin: He chuckles, finding the scene hilarious. He finds it very entertaining. He won't say much of anything, he's just gonna sit back and enjoy the show with this one. After all, it just required a little thought, the recollection that everyone can find something pretty but not want to sleep with it.
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wh1zz3rbr0wn · 2 years
me ranting on the marvin triolgy i unironically love the marvin trilogy so much?? in trousers makes no sense. esp the end song/ begginning depends on what like version ur listening too. i heard this theory that in trousers is actually marvin being hypnotised by mendle in therapy and it would make sense!! like it'd explain the inaccuracies between it and falsettos. Like Trina having two kids, as mentioned in your lips and me, 'the oldest drink wine the baby's wailing', while in falsettos Jason is the only child known. And in you gotta die sometime when whizzer says i dont smoke but in whizzer going down marvin says 'he takes me in his arms and he lights *another* cigarette.' Then i love how they re used im breaking down from in trousers and using it in the 2016 revival of it. imo it fits better in falsettos because you go more in depth about both trina and whizzer charaters. In trousers musicals actually is so bloody good??? like every song is great, my favourite song is marvin's giddy seizures. It highlights marvin's suicidal attempts and how it doesn't get noticed unless he acts out., then the whole thing just sounds so good. i wish the lesbians got more screen time though because theyre so radicial. every scene they're in they just light the stage up. I love how all the charaters are wrote. I would like to know if in high school ladies at 5 o'clock/ the r--e of mrs goldurg. are we meant to take that literally? im assuming we are because marvin says something along the lines of for my 14th birthday i was hoping you could show me the wonders of the bed. i think we would be, and if we are what the fuck? like i know marvin is an incredibly abusive person before about time but jesus christ. i didnt expect that. now i do adore that marvin's abusive behaviours are acknowledged and reprimanded unlike another musical that attempts to do something alike to falsettos, rent, where all characters have abusive behaviours. i wont dwell on the failures of rent too much because this isn't about rent. I have saw that 2004 college production amd i find it hilarious that in the thrill of first love that marvin drops whizzer, i hope that was scripted because that seems like such a Marvin behaviour. at the same time it would also be funny if it wasnt. either way i like it. anyway in marvin at the physiatrist, in the og off brodway cast, mendle says its queer mr marvin which is so funny to me. on the topic of the og off brodway cast, i find it fun how chip zien played both marvin and mendle in in trousers and march of the falsettos/falsettoland. marvin in in trousers and mendle in MotF/falsettoland respectably. I genuinely adore everything about falsettos. the openeing number is such a good opening song, i dont think ive heard a better one. Then my father's a homo always makes me laugh and i just love how jason doesn't hate his father for being gay, its how his homosexuality tore the family apart. Then this had better come to a stop is such agood number. i love how in the og of brodway run of it the late again sounds like yapping. then the way that trina and whizzer sort of bond over marvin's abusive tendencies is heartbreaking. A tight knit family reprise is a great song again. then the chess game, marvin my guy you know you agreed to let whizzer win cmon now. i never wanted to love you is heartbreaking. and the games i play makes me violently sob. march of the falsettos made no sense to me until i realised that it was a song to remind you that acts of affection are NOT masculine at all. i honestly dont get why act one didnt end with i never wanted to love you, but father to son is heartwarming compared to the previous songs. i love the second act so much. marvin has done everything to change himself yet the love of his life is stripped away from him. it is like a reminder that due to his past actions he can never like fully be a good person. he changed. he did im not putting that down, but his actions can always haunt him.
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chialattea · 6 months
Lol, my Hawke is also the bottom in her relationship with Bela (it just makes sense to me) and they do commit crimes together but she tends to be more blue/diplomatic. Is yours sarcastic? And what exactly is their dynamic like?
I forgot tumblr asks were a thing,, thank god i started fucking around and clicked the correct button.
Bottom Hawke enjoyers unite!!!! I just think it's especially funny considering theyre quote unquote the leader of the group, so thinking of them as actually losers who are just winging it makes me so happy.
My Hawke is mostly a purple/sarcastic hawke. She's mostly quite laid back and easygoing because she's allergic to taking things seriously and/or confronting her issues, which bites her in the ass as the story progresses. She'd rather die than let people know she has feelings other than funny one-liners. She's loud and rash, but somehow things keep working out for her... Until they dont. They really come crashing down. Behind her chronic class clown facade is someone with a very set personal moral code. She genuinely cares for her friends and has a surprisingly high EQ, which is why the kirkwall gang hasnt devolved into beating each other senseless. At first glance she seems flaky and unreliable, but she's relentless when it comes to that she thinks as her responsibilities: her family, her friends, and for some fucking reason the city of Kirkwall (she really, really wishes she hadnt gotten attached god fucking damnit, its a dumpster but its HER dumpster). Those are the only three subjects you'll see her getting serious about. Other than that she values freedom quite highly and doesn't really care about the big picture or politics. She's more of a small-scale, act local kind of gal.
At first Isabela and her get along like a house on fire; they love partying, they love drinking, Isabela finds Hawke's smartass attitude hilarious and Hawke finds really attractive how Isabela can steal shit without being found out. The problems start when Hawke's sense of responsibility and morals start to show up. It's not like Hawke has any issue with Isabela doing whatever she wants, she's a "live and let live" kind of person, but,,, even if Hawke presents herself as an unrepentant clown, she's anything but. She wants to help to a self-sacrificing degree, refuses to engage with her own needs and has little sense of self-preservation. She's careless yet also keeps prioritizing everyone else before herself, which infuriates Isabela. They begin a situationship which is supposed to be purely physical, but Hawke gets attached yet refuses to admit it, even to herself; Isabela finds Hawke's newfound moral righteousness grating and makes her feel judged for her choices. Basically miscommunications galore. They have a big fight where neither of them actually listen to each other and refuse to be emotionally vulnerable.
And yet both of them come back for the other in their time of need, regardless and even in spite of their positions because no matter what they actively choose to love each other,, does that make sense? After the second act both of them decide their relationship is worth the trouble of,, working through their issues together and trying to better themselves. As everything around Hawke and Kirkwall start crashing down their relationship becomes their solace. It's hard, and they fuck up a lot, but they choose to make it work and actively care for their relationship.
Yeah but anyways, my Hawke is also a bumbling idiot with enough charisma to compensate it. She has fucked before but blushes like a maiden the second she sees Isabela's ankle. She's the "me and the bad bitch i pulled with my whimsical rizz" meme. Isabela is like hawke no and shes like hawke YESSSSS she's a golden retriever. if i had to choose a character she's most similar to it'd be gideon i guess.
TLDR; hawke: "isabela i taped myself to the ceiling but now i cant get down can you handfeed me some hot pockets" isabela: "why do i find this attractive"
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