#it'd just be absolute mayhem
sixtysixproblems · 9 months
so i saw some sort of clickbaity article when the ahsoka show was still coming out about how baylan was going to be revealed to be plo koon's former padawan, and this has been canon to me ever since. like it just works so well. also, the wolf motif.......my dudes I came up with the most cursed friendship (crackship) as a result of this, send help
Wolffe hates him instantly because of some miscomunication I haven't decided, meanwhile Baylan can sense it and is like "this guy's fascinating...anyways--" (proceeds not to think about him at all or resolve the situation in the slightest)
Baylan, internally: oh it's that strange commander again. alright (starts zoning off about the Mortis gods)
Wolffe, internally: I can't kill him, Plo would be sad. I can't kill him, Plo would be sad. I can't kill him, Plo would be sad, I can't fucking kill him-
Plo, who can sense both of these:
they do become friends though (eventually) and tease Plo about Ahsoka. Plo's glad his son-figures close friends are finally getting along, but at what cost?
Baylan: We have both been replaced. Forsaken
Wolffe: *nods morosely*
Baylan: You as his favorite Commander, and me as his favorite Padawan.
Wolffe: Betrayal.
Plo: I'm not even training Soka...
ALTERNATELY, if they met in some post-order-66 AU
Baylan: ...You're Commander Wolffe, correct?
Wolffe: *only vaguely recognizes his face, has no idea who he actually is* and what about me
Baylan: *ignites lightsaber* and you were General Koon's commander who carried out order 66, also correct?
Wolffe: *finally connecting the dots on who this guy is* oh fuck me
Plo, entering after the fight started: NO, BAYLAN, PUT HIM DOWN (pulls out spraybottle)
Wolffe: (stares at toddler Shin) what is that. is it possessed
Baylan: * head tilt * I believe I'm going to try and kill you again
Plo: *distracted* I HAVE A ✨GRANDCHILD✨???
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shima-draws · 8 months
Well since the Mochi Mayhem DLC out. How did that go when it came to the Kieran Orgepon AU. Heck what about Indigo Disk since things are bound to go differently there?
HONESTLY probably not that different from canon except Kieran teams up with Juliana to absolutely whoop Pecharunt's ass LMAO
Originally I thought that the Lousy Three had been manipulated into working under Pecharunt (I mean they still kinda were? Technically?) but then I read up on their lore and realized that Pecharunt basically took their desires and made them a reality, so it was more of an even trade than anything. The trio got to power up and achieved what was previously impossible for them, and Pecharunt got their loyalty and could command them as it wished. Part of me wanted an arc where after defeating them they are released from Pecharunt's control and could then apologize and reconcile with Ogerpon, but I really think they did a lot of what they did out of free will. So they're still assholes lol
Anyway as for Mochi Mayhem, Kieran would most likely recognize Pecharunt right from the start and would be squaring the HELL up. Pecharunt manages to get a shot at Carmine and flees (like a COWARD!!) so Kieran calls up Juliana and asks her for help. Which starts the impromptu visit to Kitakami with Arven, Penny and Nemona tagging along ;)
Juliana's never seen her friend so angry before so she realizes this is probably smth important. Cue the trauma arc and Kieran revealing Pecharunt had been behind everything regarding his masks and the Lousy Three terrorizing him all those years ago. (He didn't recognize Pecharunt in its dormant form, but once it awakens he sees it and goes !!! >:0)
At first Juliana's a bit hesitant but once she hears what Pecharunt did she's just as angry as Kieran, if not angrier. The Paldea trio are like WHAT is going on rn why are you two so fired up. And then what commences is the most epic beatdown in history. (And is also pretty cathartic for Kieran, too, finally able to vent out all his anger at the mastermind of the whole situation.)
Juliana probably catches it to keep it under control, but as for what they decide to do with it after...who knows. I feel like Pecharunt has always been intentionally malicious, so training it to not be that way would be difficult, not to mention how uncomfortable Kieran would be with the whole situation. Idk it could go either way!
As for the Indigo Disk--hmm. I'll have to think on that one a bit more. It'd definitely be different since Kieran was never a trainer to begin with, so he's not the BB Academy champion. And for conflict, I'll probably ramp up Briar's obsession with Terapagos to make it a bit more spicy, bc I felt that her arc was too underwhelming. Make her the real villain, and make her even more unhinged when she finds out about Kieran >:)
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brittle-doughie · 1 year
It appears that Y/N Cookie just can't catch a break from these folks.
It'd be honestly interesting to see how some cookies would react to Y/N finally snapping back or getting enraged from all the stress.
- 🐼 Anon.
(p.s: Remember that your mental health is important too! Please take a break if you need one!)
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Halt! The Restriction Mayhem Update!
This and a reply on that post about restraining orders gave me this idea heheha
Greetings, Cookie Runners. I’m Brittle, a writer for the CR x Reader tag.
Today, I’ll be introducing this totally not made up new event starring Y/N Cookie, a cookie that that can never seem to catch a break from the shower of attention their fellow cookies give them.
After many major incidents involving a feud between cookies, Y/N Cookie is at their wits end for some peace and quiet, and so has decided to have some time apart..with restraining orders! Will Y/N Cookie finally get their tranquility with this method? You’ll find out by playing the new event mode!
In this event, you’ll play various stages themed around certain clingy cookies, collect the evidence jellies you need to file the restraining order against the Cookie.
You can attempt the harder difficulties after completing Normal Mode with Hard and Intense Mode, which will up the challenge in stages and evidence!
For costumes, Scorpion and Cocoa will be receiving Epic costumes while a Super Epic is ready for Y/N Cookie, it’s Y/N Cookie’s Super Epic Costume, Absolute Heartstopper! There’s a new sheriff in town and your heart is their bounty!
That’s all that will be shared for today, hopefully Y/N Cookie survives the wait for the update and try not to get dogpiled on by upset cookies. Take care bye byeeee
Coupon Code: RUN Y/N COOKIE RUN (To clarify, this isn’t an actual code, but you probably already knew that)
Normal Mode:
Kumiho Cookie
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“W-what? But darling, you can’t be serious!”
Cocoa Cookie
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(Cocoa just stands there, confused and heartbroken)
Ninja Cookie
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“…..Why would you do that? Did I come off too strong?”
Hard Mode:
Okchun Cookie
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“I just wanted to make you feel welcome in our village. Why leave when your home is here…”
Lilac Cookie
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“A piece of paper won’t stop me from you..”
Timekeeper Cookie
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“Understood.” (Tears restraining order out from the fabric of reality. Thank Tree you had copies)
Intense Mode:
Sea Fairy Cookie
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“I am very passionate about you, Y/N Cookie. Is there anything wrong with that?”
Fire Spirit Cookie
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Lotus Dragon Cookie
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“That’s a difficult wish to fulfill, Y/N Cookie. A dragon’s desire for a companion is strong, regardless of any restrictions like this one, a dragon WILL get what they desire eventually…”
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soraviie · 1 year
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━ type: yoongi x f! reader   ━ masterlist ━ word count: 3k
━ about: He comes here to look for medicine. Here in this scornful embrace of yours.
━ c/w: violence, blood, patching someone up, stitches, needles , absolutely unhinged, obsessive Yoongi + (sort of) morally grey reader; she doesn't like him much
━ leave a comment and show this fic some love otherwise I'll steal your food. If you like my work and want to tip, here's my ko-fi. Thank you so much if you do!
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There’s a quiet rapping at the window pane that doesn't come as a surprise. It’s well dark outside, some ungodly minute after three in the morning. You know who it is. 
You hope he leaves. 
You hope he just disappears and that once he does breathing will become a bit easier. 
But since it is him, you should have known that such a simple, soft thing as silence wouldn’t be enough of a deterrent. 
Hearing the unsubtle “shit!” and a loud, body like thud crashing against the blue glazed tiles of your god-awful kitchen, you flinch beneath the covers, weighing the option of just ignoring yet another visit of his. Two years of his indulged insanity, of his rotting hands infecting everything he brushed past.
Two years of him rotting you whole.
And who wouldn't be sick of that? Day and night going around and around, and around?
But if you knew Yoongi at all, you also knew the fact he’d make your night a living hell. He’d all but drag you out of this bed by your ankles if that's what it'd take to get your attention. 
So who was this man — Min Yoongi?
With a sigh and eye roll, you push the twin duvets off, yearning for their warmth in the otherwise chilly air.
Min Yoongi was a thief, a killer, always choosing violence, face so pretty with heart so hard you'd think he was stone-carved, and, unfailingly, unflinchingly —
You pad towards the kitchen door finding him laughing deliriously on the tiled floor, blood spilling all over his beaten mouth.
— insane. 
“Why did you fix your window?” he whines in a sort of tone of voice that should not be admissible to anyone within his line of…work. But Min Yoongi could get away with it because he could get away with anything. Murder. Mayhem. His vile, repulsive nature. 
“I broke it so perfectly. Could slip in an’ out. Like butter.”
“Maybe that’s why I fixed it,” dryly, you respond, crossing your arms around the chest. Thankfully, the fluffy bathrobe is covering enough. 
“And by the end of the night you’ll have two fucked up windows,” he says, throwing a thumb back at the damage. The hinges are completely broken, letting in torrents of frigid air. “Is that so much better?”
“What the fuck you want?”
“Jesus, can’t a man get some lovin’ anymore round these parts?” he rolls his eyes, gliding a tongue over his battered lips. “Need you to work your magic, darling.”
“Get your magic at the corner,” you throw your head in the general direction of the main street, staring derisively as he once again makes himself at home in your kitchen. Rifling through cupboards and your fridge like he owns it. In his mind he does. He owns this apartment, someday he’ll own the southside gang and, more importantly, he owns you. Not in some distant, probable future, no. Here. Now.
At least in the sick, fucked up world of his. 
“Why don’t you ever have anythin’ good in?” he pokes his head into the fridge, flicking a finger at the aged milk bag only to let the doors fall shut with a dragged out sigh of discontent. As you continue to stand, hovering disinterestedly in the doorway, his eyes find yours, lighting up in childish, deeply unsettling amusement. 
“You jealous?”
“If someone would shoot you in the fucking head right now, I’d go to a club.”
“You like clubs that much?”
“Fucking hate them.”
Had anyone in this entire side of the city that's dying like an infected roadkill would see you badmouthing Min Yoongi, The Min Yoongi who stabbed a guy with a pair of chopsticks and ate with them not an hour later, they’d revere you as some kind of insanely hardened criminal but you knew something they did not. Oh, how he enjoyed you being harsh towards him. It drove him buck wild. He got off to your contempt and as long as he did, you were safe. He comes here to look for medicine. Here in this scornful embrace of yours as paradoxical as it sounds. In these four, discrete walls, an act of reckless bravery was actually nothing but sheer cowardice. You knew it and Yoongi knew it, hence why every time he broke into your apartment, over and over, and over, and over again, it always felt like coming home. 
Or so he said.
The soles of his shoes scuff against the floor as he comes to stand before you, your nose immediately itching with the acrid smell of a cigarette smoke. He always had some accursed cheap brand that got everywhere and soaked up into fabrics like liquid. Words didn't describe how much you hated it.
“Come on,” he goads you on, leaning down to your eye level with a wicked grin. “Isn’t it a doctor's duty to treat everyone in need? Your boy's very much in need,” smugly, he spreads his arms, spinning around so you can inspect the damage. Your tongue just burns to scorn that he can’t be fixed, he can’t be treated with anything else other than death but even you wouldn’t go that far. 
Tonight’s damage, however, did go quite over the lines. His face is busted, there’s a faint limp in the already off way he moves and the back of his jacket has a long slash akin that of a carving knife. Even if it didn’t cut up his spine, there’s no way the flesh underneath it laid unharmed.
“Didn’t you give that hypocritic oath?” 
“It’s hippocratic,” sharply, you correct but naturally it only broadens the curve of Yoongi's smile. “And veterinarians don’t give those, you dumb shit!"
Almost instinctively, his head tips backwards. Shuddering, he groans with a deep sigh of content underneath the pale blue lights of your home.
"Fuck, how I like that temper of yours."
"I should just kill you."
But the threat is measly and Yoongi only chuckles hearing it. Pulling a chair out, he comes to sit down upon it, feigning some kind of obedience as he gazes up at you, expectantly. He’s waiting for you to fix him, for you to “kiss it all better” as he put it. As if the skin on your hands didn’t burn just by grazing him. 
“Oh, come on,” he tugs at the end of your bathrobe belt, nimble fingers working their way up to the knot. You slap them away. “You lick my wounds, I lick yours.”
“I don’t have any wounds,” you grumble but for some unknown reason you give in, making the move to retrieve your first aid kit. He used it so much, by now you had to replace it thrice. 
You didn’t have to, a quiet voice at the far reaches of your skull interject. You could have just run out and let it be the end of that. 
“Yeah, sure,” you hear him snort under the breath.
But since you hate that voice, you don’t listen to it and mindlessly push the whole of blame onto him. He wouldn’t just shove off if you told him you had no tools. He’d just bring his own. The man did systematically break down the security on your bedroom window for the sole reason of annoying you in the middle of the night. Yoongi doesn't just leave. He’s like a ghost that way,  endlessly haunting you on.
By now the routine is somewhat rehearsed, he moves his head where he must, doesn’t so much as wince when the peroxide hits the mangled flesh. As he peels of his shirt, spouting some bullshit about you being excited that ends in a sharp hiss as you clean it, your suspicions are proven correct. There is a gash all over his back. Not so deep that you couldn’t mend it but enough to leave a crusted up trail behind. You clean it nicely and add a generous amount of medical tape. Normally you’d tell someone to take it easy and not strain the place of injury but it’s Yoongi and in less than fifteen hours, he’ll be either going on another raid with his cronies or dunking some poor soul underneath the waterline. Such was his nature. 
You tip his head to face the ugly light of the overhead lamp, frowning as you do. Instead of the wide, even…innocent looking eyes Yoongi gives you, you focus on the wound on the side of his head. 
“A bat?” you hum and he blinks, appearing to only now remember all about it. 
“Oh, yeah, a lowlife piece of shit swung at me. Real nasty.”
He laughs. 
You don’t see what’s funny about that.
“It’ll need stitches,” you draw a weary sigh. Stitches were gross. No matter how many times you applied them, human or animal, there was something inherently queasy about the way a skin had to be pierced and woven together like a fleshy fabric. 
“I have some vodka...?”
Already half expecting some flippant, inane quip about you wanting to get him drunk and take advantage of his poor soul, because he would be the type to make a joke like that, you’re startled to feel both of his arms wrap around your waist, cheek coming to rub against your stomach. 
“Nah, this will get me through plenty.”
If he’d be a cat, he’d be purring. 
You mouth your “what the fuck”, largely for a peace of mind and just do what you must, swallowing down the rising bile as the wound begins bleeding the second the needle touches the raw flesh. His arms embrace you like a vice but for all intents and purposes, he’s even smiling as you hurt him. 
What a broken man he was. 
“There,” some forty minutes later you slam the aid kit onto the rickety table. “You’re all better. Leave.”
“Just tossing a guy out on the street,” he begins to complain loudly and frightfully, you shush him. If the neighbours hear his voice flowing unmistakably from the confines of your apartment, they’ll oust you. 
But did it really matter that much anymore?
With a devious sparkle in the eye, he tosses a glimpse towards you and not a second later, you feel a wet tongue glide over your palm. 
Hastily, you pull it away. 
“That’s fucking disgusting!” 
“You lick mine, I lick yours,” his grin spreads in an open mouthed expression. You’d seen it once before. Only, of course, he’d slammed some dude’s head against the table then. Blood and teeth had spilt that night and only by luck did the noodles that you’d been eating just seconds prior didn’t spill back from your guts. After finishing beating the guy halfway to death, he’d found you shrinking on the dirty ground of the local uncle’s open air bistro. 
“Ey, why you kneeling in the dirt for?” he cooed with such a thoroughly pleasant tone as blood pooled underneath his feet that even to this day you couldn’t help but shiver. “You’re dirtying your dress, pretty!”
He yanked you roughly up by the shoulders, fingers digging so deep they left bruises though you hadn’t felt it at the time. Your gaze sat in horrified fixation upon the dying man who whimpered softly by the broken tables. With some muted curiosity, the psychopath followed your stare. 
“Ah, that shithead?” he crooned. “Are you going to be a hero and call an ambulance to help him?”
You didn’t answer, both not being able to as your breath stuttered so hard you feared you’d pass out any second and also assuming the question was rhetorical.
“You deaf or something?” he shook you rudely. “Come on, lucky, speak! Roll over!” 
“I-I will,” at last you struggled out and his eyebrows inched a place higher. 
“He’s a drug dealer, you know,” Yoongi's voice barely reached your ears but even so you were taken aback by its smoothness. It was almost more sickening than if he just had one of the terribly stereotypical gangster. “Has killed dozens. And you don’t want to let him die?”
“It-it’s n-not about him,” you panted, nerves going into haywire the longer the man kept lying unconscious. He will die. And soon if nothing changed. “I just don’t want to feel guilty.”
For a second Yoongi’s eyes had widened. He genuinely had not expected such an answer from you. 
A moral, upright person would answer that every life was precious. That you were not a judge of whether he should live or die but the truth was far more brutal — you didn’t care about him. 
You cared about yourself. 
And this facade of goodness. 
He tipped his head back and roared into a peel of loud laughter that startled you so horridly, you threw yourself backwards against the red bistro desk, knocking it over in the process.
“You’re a funny one,” still gasping for breath, he reached into the pocket of his blue jacket and proceeded to put a bright tangerine in your hands. Once he forcefully pried them open, that is. “Let’s see each other around, a’ight?”
Well, anyways that man did in fact live. Disfiguredly but live he did. The tangerine sat bright and sweet, shone by the dual colours of the disinterested police. Naturally there was no investigations, the witnesses mysteriously never came forth and while the uncle was displeased with his business being splattered with blood, even he didn't protest much. In the end, when in Rome do what Romans do. Conceal the murder attempt. Don't be a hero.
The tangerine had sat on your bedside table for a week, mocking you in echoes of his roughened laughter. You threw it away after that.
And word by word, it all unfolded to this. To Min Yoongi you were made of the same bone he was and you needed but a scratch. Like a lottery ticket, he’d scratch at you and you’d stop pretending you didn’t fit in this carousel of violence and greed. 
And maybe he was right. Maybe with the right scratch you would fold. But a woman has the same ability to forge her path ahead as anyone else and only you decide to choose who you are even if it was an utter lie. 
You rouse from your thought and Yoongi’s expression is oddly still. In moments such as these you truly doubted he was genuinely, clinically insane. In moments like these you suspected there was calculation in the madness but even if there was, no point caring about it now. 
Min Yoongi was about to be exorcised. 
He fishes a tangerine out of the pocket and with a deep rumble in the voice offers it to you.
"Want one?"
"I'm good."
Abruptly, Yoongi stretches, most likely immediately ripping at the wound on his back and joyfully chirps. The tangerine he chucks behind the shoulder where it carelessly rolls towards the corner of the table.
“I’m beat and your bed is so nice. I’ll stay here for a night.” 
“No, you won’t.”
“Oh, calm down,” he brushes off, pushing the chair back. You liked to keep your things neat as long as he was here, Yoongi made sure to respect that. You didn’t quite know how to feel about that.
“I’ll keep all the parts to my fine self. Even if I promise you’d see God if only you let me,” he winks, letting his tongue stick out. You don’t grace him with a response whilst a sheen of sweat builds at the back of your neck. 
“No, really, you’re not staying here.”
As a desperate prevention measure, you place yourself firmly between Yoongi and the rest of the apartment. His eyebrows knit together while the mouth loops in a confused smirk.  
“What? You can’t control yourself that hard?”
As you fail to reply, his amusement slips.  
“Is there someone in your bed?” he sneers. “I’ll kill them. Don’t give a shit who they are.”
Yoongi pushes past you but there is no one either in your bed nor in your apartment. Nothing but piles upon piles of stained, brown boxes. 
He comes to a sudden halt, literally stuck mid-step as his gaze flits over the impersonal appearance of your home, cheek growing increasingly terrifying. 
“You’re moving,” at last, he mumbles in a numb, impersonal tone, slowly turning around. Pinned like a bug underneath a microscope, you begin to shuffle anxiously from one foot to another. 
“I accepted a job offer. I’m leaving tomorrow.”
His eyes narrow dangerously. 
“Tomorrow,” Yoongi echoes, voice falling terribly low. “And you didn’t think to inform me?”
You swallow and muster up the splatter of nerves still left in your body. 
“Why should I?”
“Do you still have that dream of a proper clinic?” he suddenly spits. “Of all the fucking white coats and nice puppies?”
“So what if I do?” spitefully, you snap back. “Am I not allowed? Does the great Min Yoongi not allow me to dream?”
The palms previously resting by his thighs curl into fists and he gasps a deep, trembling inhale, clearly struggling to contain his explosive anger.
“In a month’s time I’ll take over the gang,” he growls, lip's twitching in annoyance. “I’ll kill that fucking old bastard with my bare hands and rule this part of the city.”
“I don’t see how that's rel—”
“I’ll give you your fucking clinic.”
Your mouth runs dry but inspecting him from head to toe you don’t find a hint of amusement on his face. The darks of his eyes almost appear…earnest. If only you would believe them. 
“We’ll make it all proper, put up bunch of smiling signs and shit,” he continues on, growing only more confident with each word. “And if no one comes, there’s plenty of dogs in the gang. Jungkook alone has like 500. You  can doctor them all day long.” 
A long drag of silence washes over you when he stops talking and though it takes you a while you do speak and with pride,  you can vouch that your voice does not shake. 
“I don’t want that.”
“Fucking SHIT!” he curses sharply, taking a lunging step towards you. His teeth are gritted and his gaze is insane but the eyes…his eyes are wet.
“Are you that fucking bolstered up your fucking moral high horse? Are you that obsessed with accepting broken things that search you for a cure?!” 
“I accepted you, didn’t I?”
It’s almost funny…well, no, it’s not funny at all. You’ve seen all sides of him. Min Yoongi the thief, the killer, the psychopath but never just Min Yoongi — a man. A man with a heart, a man with feelings other than hate and twisted carnal pleasure at the suffering of others. You saw it, just now in the fleeting point between one second and the next, you saw him, bare and devastated like a kitten out in the cold and then it’s gone and you’re fairly sure that because of you that part won't ever appear again 
“I’m sick of men like you, no, men in general telling me what I can or cannot do,” evenly, you conclude your train of thought but it’s unclear whether Yoongi hears it at all. Both his gaze and face are blank and the fists have uncurled, his arms laying listlessly by the side. With one clean punch, you knocked the fight out of him. 
No pride comes because of it.
“I’ll choose who I am and where I go and you’ll have no say in it.”
He stands utterly silent before you, the shaggy black hair falling down like a curtain — obscuring his eyes. That stupid flowery shirt flows in the slight breeze he’d created by breaking your kitchen window. 
Then he smiles.  
It’s empty. 
And you shudder.
“You know, darling," he coos, lips forming a deceptive pout. There's not a trace of warmth on his face. "You should never show your pretty face back here ever again.”
The tone is the same as it had when you first met him on that dreadful night. Pleasant. 
He stalks past you with languid, considerate steps and opens the busted window like he’s done dozens of times before, climbing over the ledge. Your heart is in your throat and only now you grasp how fast it’s racing. 
He’s almost gone but because it’s him, Yoongi makes sure you hear it before he drops down in the otherwise empty dark. The faint yellow light of the streetlamps outside etch long, menacing shadows upon his face but even so you think that he’s grieving somewhere underneath his own facade.
“Though if we meet outside...I ain't making any promises.”
 © soraviie, 2023
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tagging: @pinkcherrybombs; @devilsbooksworld; @btsiguess-kpop; @belladaises; @halesandy; @seok-jinnies; @themochiverse; @cuteipat; @ratherbefangirling; @manchuria; @chimchimmarie; @smalliechelle; @koostarcandy; @flitzerj; @royallyjjk; @dreamamubarak; @anti-social-mochi267; @jung-nika-hoseok; @silverliningsandstorms; @ahewlett
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arctic-shard · 8 months
I became terribly curious, what would have happened if instead of the black lord, others had been expelled? Like, what would happen to them? For what reason? What would happen to them in the fund? Their behavior? Maybe love is like a black lord?
I really like this question but I can't answer it because it'd need a full AU to answer properly. Like first you'd have to get into why the others were kicked out and not Anguish - was the Hanged King playing favourites? Was it proud of Anguish for breaking its role and disappointed that the others didn't want to or couldn't change? Or did the other lords try to overthrow the King while Anguish defended it? What they do on Earth would be related to the reason for exile - are they going to focus on conquest and mayhem or on trying new things and learning?
I expect they'd mellow out a bit over time like Anguish did, being part of a world that has more to offer than pleasure and pain and rituals, experiencing human life through their hosts and their hosts' memories. If it'd be enough for them to be able to love a human and not just play with them would take the full AU to figure out.
As for the Foundation, Diligence would absolutely act like it was the scientist and the Foundation are the subjects or at least very stupid students, trying to teach them alchemy and Alagadda's science and rituals. Mirth and Odious would constantly be breaching - Odious for freedom, Mirth just to cause trouble.
Mirth would 100% still try to get Charlie Chaplain to wear it.
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sketchfanda · 8 months
Kirishima’s Mystique:Bandicoot Bombshell
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Life had been relatively simple and peaceful enough for Tawna, about as well as can be for anyone in this day and age where less than 20% of the population hadn't been born with a quirk. A good family, decent education and a future with possibilities once she' graduate college. The of course along came that absolute douche, one Dr. Neo Cortex, a definitive mad scientist who'd taken to abducting and rounding up any heteromorphy individuals with animalistic type quirks. Just her luck she wound becoming just one of the latest to be taken into the clutches of one of the many groups he had conducting his operations on his behalf worldwide.
It made her stomach churn just even recalling those grim days, cooped up in some cage, dreading the moment when she or any of the other so called "patients" (inmates rather) would be next to get experimented on. Nobody had been sure on the how and why the lunatic was even doing this but all Tawna knew for sure was that the guy was a sicko and it made her dread the possibility any of her sisters would be the next to get poached. That is until one fateful day when she and her fellow prisoners were reminded that in these age of Quirks? There were heroes and one such group of them lead a sudden raid on the lab as if their prayers had been answered.
It had to be a swift few hours of mayhem as the operation, handled by the agency of Pro Hero Fatgum ensured majority of the staff had apprehended while any and all possible assets and evidence was seized. Many of her fellow inmates had been been happy to finally get home but Tawna of course couldn't help but step up to the opportunity to offer to provide information on other possible locations to Cortex's other hidden labs, just to stick it to the mad bastard and hit him where it hurts. In exchange of course for a little extra security such as being relocated to a more private location to call home and the same level of protection for her sisters, for which one of the rotund loveable Hero's sidekicks gladly vouched for. That of course reminded Tawna of where she currently found herself here and now and how down bad she was for her personal saviour.
Eijiro Kirishima codename The Chivalrous Hero Red Riot, aka the man of her dreams, a hell of a specimen for sure. That rugged charm, the Herculean physique, that hot blooded energy, all that and more the moment she'd laid eyes on him when he'd come crashing through the walls of the room where she and the other test subjects had been held captive. Demolishing mooks like nobody's business and ooh the tingly feeling she had when he'd carried her out in his arms like a knight in shining armour, and of course thanks to his seconding her offer, she now had a secure place to call home PLUS a nice steady job working at Fatgum's agency as a secretary. Not to mention she got a chance to see and talk to him any and every chance she got when he was around.
Getting to not only learn a little bit more about him but even finding out the guy was such a hunk that he was dating two girls, at the exact same time?! Well that certainly bumped him up quite high in her appraisal and admiration of the guy and of course said girlfriends Mina and Maya weren't just cute and sexy but pretty damn friendly, you could just feel the love they had for their man whenever they dropped on by for a visit. But of course they certainly seemed to have quite the knack for knowing they weren't alone in admiration of their absolute unit of a man, that was for sure. Which made certain thoughts she had in mind all the more sweeter once the opportunity presented itself.
It'd been just another day at the agency of course, answering calls and sorting paperwork among the other sort of duties expected of a secretary. And for the bandicoot girl, it was opportunity knocking and presenting itself to her in a way that couldn't be passed up. It just herself and the sturdy himbo alone in her office, as ever the gentleman he was in having offered to stay behind and help finish closing and locking the place up. Pretending to sort and organise a filing cabinet as she looked her shoulder to glance at his backside, licking her lips sensually at seeing those muscles flex as he was packing some boxes away.
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Tawna:*biting her lowerlip as she rubbed thighs together, feeling the sticky warmth of her flowing arousal, thanking God for the fact that Herculean teddy bear's outfit exposed so much of his torso.*"Have I said thanks already for going out your way to make time like this, helping me out here? I know you had a busy enough day and wouldn't want to keep your lucky ladies waiting..."*Speaking up to break the comfortable silence between them as she closed the cabinet shut, standing up as she carefully snuck up on him. Pulse racing as she inched closer and closer to that angelfaced, shark teethed Adonis who'd made her wet dreams cozy and intense. Her knight in muscular armour.*
Kirishima:"Hey it's no problem, they kind of had some last minute intership stuff they had to finish up on their end so they said they might come over whenever to meet up, so..."*The chivalrous himbo's sentence hit a pause as he felt Tawna's furry arms wrap and hug around his waist, her fingers caressing his six pack abdominals (though if you asked Mina and Maya, it was more of a 9 pack, a baker's dozen even!!). Joined in tandem of course with the sensation of her soft, exquisite shirt clad breasts pressing against his shoulder blades, no doubt thanks to her having a 2 inch difference over him on height. And damn did they feel like marshmallows, so warm to the touch as he found her leaning and resting her head on his shoulder, kissing and licking along his neck. Making him blush and shudder as she began to whisper in his ear, her voice carrying a husky sensual tone to it.*
Tawna:"Oooh, i'm not just thankful for that, handsome. I don't even think words just cut it for showing how grategul I am....the day you came barging into those cells, carrying me out like saving a princess from the dragon's tower. Not to mention going so far as to keep my sisters safe and sound. Guy like you these days is one of a kind, really just...does something for a girl..."*Her every word out of her deep, pouty lips made his spine tingle, her hot breath blowing into his ear. Nuzzling his neck as her hands massaged and memorised those firm upper body muscles of his, before fishing down to his pants. Stunning him as they dove right down past the waistband to cop a full direct fell of his junk as an awed, erotic gasp escaped her. Clearly she knew he was packing but this was far beyond even her wildest fantasies.*
Kirishima:*groaned as he was unable to help himself, the blood rushing to his groin and his length and girth began to swell and grow in her hands. The bandicoot hottie pressing her lips to his as he fund their tongues dancing together, spit being swapped as she jerked and stroked him off.*"Ahhh damn... you really don't have Ms.Tawna..."*He was right about that but of course she wanted to so very much express and show her appreciation to her knight in muscular armor the way she felt was more than fitting. Sucking on his tongue before she pried her mouth away from his as she kissed and licked down along his front.*
Having moved from her position behind as she orally worshipped his Herculean torso, hands tracing and massaging those muscles as she felt her jean shorts soak from her nectar flowing down her glorious furry thighs to make a puddle on the office floor. Grinning with anticipation as she was squatting down on the floor, hands undoing the waistband of his pants as she pulled them down along with his boxers. Jaw dropping and eyes widening as she laid witness to his cock springing forth into the open air to stand to attention, spine tingling with erotic thirst at seeing that his manhood was far more bigger than she'd guessed from her touch alone. Her brain going from seductive to flipping the switches for bitch in heat mode as she wanted to taste and ride this cock until her chivalrous himbo made it impossible for any other man or any toy to be capable of satisfying her.
An impulse she didn't hesitate to follow through on to say the very least she immediately began conducting intense fellatio upon that length and girth. Head bobbing like some lewd metronome as she licked and sucked on that fuckhammer with abandon of her inhibitions and shame, his groans and shudders music to her ears as she gazed up at him with her green eyes glowing lust and worship like he was some sex god coming to bestow her with the best lay of her life. Gladly feeling herself suffocate from her attempts to deepthroat him as her tits pressed and rubbed against his hips and thighs, one hand massaging his smooth balls while the other was plunging down the front of her shorts to probe and prod her gushing wet slit, feeling her juices soak it up to the wrist from how horny she was. Wanting, just needing her chivalrous stud to ride along the wave of ecstasy with her, just let loose and have his way with her.
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Did he ever do just that as Tawna's lust was contagious, setting off the heroic intern's inner caveman enough to make his libido take the helm of his brain as she found him grasping her luscious blonde mane and proceed to piston and jackhammer away. Giving the bandicoot hottie an proper oral preview of what her pussy would come to experience as she orgasmed from such a sudden but not unwelcome facefucking, her pussy squirting like a showerhead with intense orgasms as her brain wondered if it could get any better than this. Deepthroating that length and girth as her choker snapped, drool spluttering as those heavy balls smacked her chin, making her feel like a glorified onahole. And it was so fucking hot.
It certainly got better and hotter as after a nice feast and shower of his hot manjuice, the bandicoot babe and her sturdy caveman himbo were naked with that still amazingly raging hard and down to fuck meat-hammer finally inside her. And oh was it rocking her world all the way down under, seeing stars as pink hearts glowed in her eyes as the office filled with echoes of her cries and screams of erotic passion. Deep throated gasps and panting moans escaping those dick sucking lips as she shamelessly bounced and rode on that Riot Stick cowgirl style, her caveman smacking and squeezing her bouncing bubbly booty ats his cock hammered away into her womb. Her smooth toned furry tummy swollen with the bulge that indicated the reach and depth of his length and girth filling her as her spine tingled from every blow from that assclapping, veiny womb pounding piece of heaven.
Heaven was she she found herself as her fantasies became outdone by the unreal and amazing reality of ecstasy that flooded and overwhelmed her brain. Her shark teethed himbo Adonis relentless as if considering focusing on her pleasure and hers alone with all the dedication to a mission like any pro would, seriously could this guy be any more of a turn-on? Here she was rewarding him for being such a chivalrous hunk of a man and he was thinking about her enjoyment, Criminy was she glad she didn't bother with the condoms!! She was going to have every and any bit of that white hot baby batter inside her and give him a whole army of furry riot babies if he wanted!!
An idea that passed through the bimbo looking furry hottie's brain more than once of course in between whenever said brain was recovering from orgasm after orgasm as Kirishima definitely proved he was a Riot, on the streets and in the sheets. Any and every position that muscular stamina tank conducted with her a thrilling sensation from the most vanilla to the kinkiest and complicated, with any and every moment he would cum inside her welcomed by womb's eager embrace. The muscles of her pussy molding itself to the shape of his genetic jackhammer as they kissed it with pornographic worship, not wanting to loose its company at least until every ounce of jizz was let pumped in. Her furry bombshell body memorized the grip of his firm hands, shuddering with masochistic bliss from the love bites of those sharp teeth of as they mated and rutted with an intensity and passion that put pornstars to shame.
Tawna could see how and why Mina and Maya got a thrill and open invite for girls like her to enjoy their stud, he was too much for one woman, let alone why he had 2 girlfriends. Now gladly counting herself among those lucky to get their dose of vitamin Kirishima as she howled and hollered with abandon through out the office, cheering him on to keep fucking her like she was his personal sex toy. From being held in a full nelson to pinned up against a window as she was fucked from behind like a bitch in heat to the absolute ecstasy of being bent and held in a mating press or a piledriver. Or clinging to him with her arms and legs wrapped around that herculean body of his as they performed a standing fuck, her tits pressed and rubbing against those firm flexing pecs as his body rippled with strength and power, the pair losing track of time as the streetlights outside provided ambience and atmosphere to their erotic animalistic coupling.
It was enough to make those memories of being captive in Cortex's lab distant and forgotten as the Red Riot stud sat Indian style on the floor, Tawna bouncing on his jackhammering lap. Tongues dancing together in a sloppy kiss as they rode the most recent wave of a simultaneous climax together, bodies sweaty and sore with no signs of stopping. The floors stained with sweat and juices as the office was in slight disarray and reeking of the scent that made it clear acts of pornographic passion occurred here. Only for the duo to pause as their attention was caught, breaking their sexual focus as the lights came on.
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Turning in the direction of the sound of the click of the lightswitch, eyes wide like deer in the headlights as they now found themselves caught in the act. Joined now by the company of the familiar pink and blue bubblegum duet that was Kirishima's frisky, kinky girlfriends who were sporting the sauciest grins imaginable. Clearly liking the show they walked in on and looking about ready to jump in nd make it a foursome as they stepped in and parted to reveal they hadn't come alone. Tawna's eyes widening and her jaw dropping as she felt like she was looking at a mirror, or rather one that showed a version of herself with some sort of Mad Max style make-over.
Tawna 2:"Now I know what you're thinking besides could this be any more or less awkward right now? To which I can answer, let's just say that there was some cloning involved...."*Something told the blonde that the arrival of this mohawked doppleganger meant her life was about to take an interesting turn. Also call her narcissistic but damn she looked good. Wondering if maybe her twin here might enjoy a little Red Riot experience herself down the line. Time would tell, oh yes time would tell....*
To be Continued?!
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magnuficent76 · 9 months
Ermmmm huiiii just a thought but what if you... Talked about Mary Caede moreee :) (hides the suspiciously bouquet of flowers looking bouquet of flowers behind my back)
TEEHEEEE HI MANTIS !!!!!! YOU'RE ABSOLUTELY RIGHT !!!! I should talk about Mary. Here I go !!
- Maria is a funny woman. She's unremarkable by many people– just another person trying to get by in the crazy wastelands without getting shot at a million times, making a living by selling whatever produce doesn't die in the harsh climate– yet she's very valued by the people of her community. Maria has always been kind despite there being little place for that in a planet like Pandora, and it's because of that kindness that she slipped out of many life threatening situations before. Some people would argue that it's just a front she puts on so she has some chance of survival, but she'd say that it's more so just cause and effect: The nicer you are to people, the less likely they are to impale you and display your body gruesomely. Besides, most appreciate a break from the near constant mayhem.
- When she was a youngster, this was the exact same reason why she wanted to leave her clan and study medicine. Which she couldn't technically do, due to there being No Real Schools in Pandora and much less Actual Doctors, but when you're bleeding out and far away from the nearest safe-spot, there's no complaining to be done when someone comes patch you up. She was basically a field medic, except she didn't really know what she was doing and had to guess a lot of the time, but hey, it's not like *too* many people died ! She did give up eventually due to how depressing the entire thing was, but not before a certain someone happened to find her with a group of injured men who needed taking care of. And wouldn't you know, that someone was Lucifer Lucio Caede and his devils. That oughta end pretty good for them !
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- Maria's clan, The Farmhouse, disbanded a few years after she left. It just wasn't the same without her around, and even though they still loved the brutality... there was nothing to offset it, no one to dispute it, nobody to lead or to at least give *some* direction of what to do when the oven sets itself on fire after you try to bake something. It was a real mess, not the fun kind, but they were all fine afterwards I'm sure, minimal casualties. She played a major role but her time of leading bandits and organizing big crimes against the intergalactic rules were over. Better things to do, don't you know !
- Can't actually shoot for the life of her, which would usually mean a death sentence, but really means that she has experience finding Other Ways to kill people should the necessity to do so rise. Most of her repertoire with weapons includes blunt force, like hitting someone with a big bat until they stop moving, or outside forces, like running someone over with a car until they stop moving. It's only ever in self defense though, because Maria ABHORRES blood. It used to make her nauseous as a teen and even as an adult it's still enough to make her head spin. Living in the Death Murder planet, you'd think it'd give *some* immunity or at least indifference to it, but nope. Well, should some bodies be made, they'll be great for fertilizer anyway, so it's not a huge deal. Hopefully.
And here's a doodle just for youuuuu <333
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dilatorywriting · 1 year
Question! regarding vil and perhaps, leona as a s/o, i'd like to ask if you have any angst thoughts abt them?? do you think vil would be controlling or leona being too 'i-dont-give-a-fuck' type of person? TRUTHFULLY, i feel like vil being too controlling would be because he wants to bring out the best in someone he loves which Yuu/Reader would understand while Leona is someone who is more 'subtle' or shows his affection or care thru words or actions.
ANOTHER QUESTION I'M SORRY IF YOU'RE OVERWHELMED but, if you ever continue your Heroes Vs. Villains stories.. would you make a Mufasa-like character to be the 'Hero' in the story? (i've been wondering for a while if you ever did think of one! cuz i assumed that Heartslabyul would be Alice, Scarabia = Aladdin, Ignihyde = Hercules)
LASTLY IN MONSTER MAYHEM, what 'monster' do you think Vil or Riddle would be? 👁👁
Oh my I have so many thoughts on these poor bois and they would have So Many Issues.
Which of their habits would be more 'angsty' I think would depend on the individual and their own preferences--because they basically sit at opposite ends of the same sliding scale (Vil caring objectively far too much, and Leona not enough. All based around the same fear of themselves not being worth it). Personally, Leona's apathy would sting far more for me than Vil's obsessiveness, but everyone vibes differently.
For Leona, I feel like he's so ingrained into the 'why try when I'll never get anywhere' mentality that it would cause a lot of issues. Because it's one thing already to not be putting effort into a relationship. It is another entirely to very openly and actively show that that's your intent. Like I know for me, I would absolutely break if I went to talk to someone about how I feel like they don't actually care, and they just scoffed and were like 'yeah no why would I? What makes you worth it?' Whether they mean it or not (and surely Leona wouldn't actually mean it. He's just lying to save his own sorry skin), feeling like you're not worth anything when you care so much in return is a genuinely miserable experience, and in my opinion, it's very very hard to come back from that unless said reciprocating person is super chill and understanding. For someone who had, say, already pre-existing self-worth issues, that would just be the end of it. So I think in turn to counteract that, Leona would need someone who was very sure in themselves. Not like egotistical, but someone with a very strong sense of self and independence that could handle that weaponized apathy of his. Because that is just a recipe for absolute disaster--a perpetual spiral of being ignored, feeling upset about being ignored, being ignored harder out of making a point that he really doesn't give a shit, and just ack. An absolute nightmare.
As for Vil, I see a lot of his inevitably controlling behavior being born of that same sort of 'I'm not good enough' fear Leona has, just... being terribly misdirected. Like, he would certainly push you in a good way! Doing his best to keep you healthy, and happy, and moving towards being the best you that you want to be. I just think with him one of the big things is that when you have so many of your own confidence issues, cruelty starts to feel like white noise. When your own head is constantly spewing all kinds of vitriol at yourself, you start to think it's normal. So I'm sure he'd accidentally casually say something absolutely bitingly mean. And maybe it'd only really hit when you were already having a bad day. But it would, and it would suck. And he would feel terrible about it. Which would unfortunately just feed into the rest of it. Because he has to be better, to make up for it. And that means taking his role as your guardian and self-proclaimed instructor up to the nth degree, because he has to be the best for you to also be the best. Which might only exacerbate the unpleasant comments or controlling behavior. The big difference with Vil I think though, or at least what makes the difference for me, is that I don't think there would ever be any doubt there that he does care. It's that he cares too much and too hard that's the problem. While Leona pushes away, Vil claws in as close as he possibly can. And depending on how you deal with that sort of codependence, it could definitely cause a lot of strife. If you're someone who isn't particularly independent or strongwilled, someone who likes being given direction and purpose (*cough* like I may or may not be *Cough*) then you're going to probably be able to handle that a lot better than someone who was already very strong in their own sense of self and where they stand in life.
But ahh!! Sorry for the absolute SLOG of a ramble. I just love both their Problematic Personalities SO MUCH, and Vil in particular is my favorite.
For the rest of the ask!
The thought with Leona for a Heroes vs Villains was to have it be a Him vs His Family sort of situation majoritively, with a surprise guest in the form of a Twist-ififed character I shant say. In case I do ever get around to writing it. (but I will go hint hint and say there's only so many villainous animal characters in disney movies. so like. do with that what you will. And also like, lions vs tigers--always a vibe 😉 anywho!)
For Monster Mayhem, I've decided Vil 100% is a siren. Have the outline for it ready to go and everything. Riddle I picture as a Sphynx sort of creature, with a massive penchant for trapping people with his strange, archaic, laws
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mylittlesecrethaven · 4 months
How The Circus Is Purgatory For Each Character
I watched the Film Theory for this, but I don't remember if it went over why they were each in the Circus sooo....
This is really just my speculationn anyways.
The title's a little misleading, sorry, but it's really like "Why Each Character Is In The Circus," so.... yeah....
If y'all have your own idea for why each character is in the circus, lemme know.
(I'm not doing Kaufmo cause there's not enough about him. Sorry)
I'm gonna be honest, I feel like Pomni was either a mistake, or it was because she had something to do with making the Circus.
I really like leaning into the idea that she's in the Circus because she helped create the Circus.
Like, "You made this hell, now you have to suffer as well," kinda thing, y'know?
So she's suffering through being in the Circus herself, while also kinda going crazy and becoming very.... what's a good word.... disconnected?
Hmm hmmm hmmmmm....
Ragatha seems like too nice a person to be in the Circus in the first place.
But I feel like that kindess could be the reason why she's in the Circus.
Maybe she was too kind to the wrong people and it ended up hurting others.
Who knows?
But what we can see is that she's obviously a doll.
What do you do with dolls?
Play with them.
And Ragatha plays a very non-confrontational and joyful role, even when she doesn't seem to want to.
Yet she's constantly put into situations (Jax, Pomni leaving her to try and escape) where she is actually pissed off, but she doesn't want to show it.
In doing this, it's putting a shit ton of emotional and mental baggage on her to keep up this facade.
It's Jax. We know why he's in the Circus.
And we can see that he's not the best when he doesn't get his way.
If he doesn't get some sort of chaos and destruction and fear, he gets super mad.
*sigh* Y'know what? Let's just go back to "How it's hell for the characters," cause trying to figure out why they're in there in the first place is starting to wear me out.
We can see that Gangle's masks fall off pretty easily.
At least her joy mask.
And Caine continuously puts her in situations where she's going to lose her joy mask and have to be in her default sadness mask.
(Which makes me worry about Gangle's mental health as a human, cause it's very obvious that the masks thing and the joy mask falling off so easily is referencing depression (i think....))
Kinger's kinda already gone crazy, so I think his punishment's probably well and over with despite the fact that he's still there.
Ok, you have to admit, it'd be hell just having to be a mish-mash of random stuff all the time.
Plus, she just doesn't seem like she wants to do the adventures at all.
So.... I got lazy towards the end.... sorry....
Random, but y'know what I really wanna see in future episodes?
I wanna see Jax have his wishes absolutely shattered.
Like, he wants destruction and mayhem, but then he gets put in an indestructible pillow room and literally can't do anything.
Just sounds fun.
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noven-warsh · 2 years
I'm just gonna talk about something that happened to me a few minutes ago
So I was listening to Radiohead's "No Surprises" and "Creep" while eating and out of nowhere I started thinking of how shitty my IRIS oc's fate is (I'm talking about Mari here)
Like bro, all she ever wanted was a loving family and a normal life. But what she got instead was a life out in the streets, a demonic figure haunting her, a corporation that sealed her out of the outside world for info she doesn't even have, and eventually lay out amidst the mayhem knowing she'll die alone-her family wouldn't even know where she is or if she's even okay.
And all of this happens because her irrational thinking decided it'd be better off to run away from her family because of years of getting ostracized for her appearance (instead of talking it out but y'know most 13 y/o's never get the courage to tell about their internal struggles)
Hot damn this is the first time I've ever cried for a character and their angsty story because what's supposed to be a funni wattpad sad story challenged my thinking and presented to me the absolute fear of losing your family/dying alone with no one to come to you except your own fears and failures.
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magpiedminx · 2 years
I've been bed bound a lot lately (stupid body), so it's been more mobile gaming than FFXIV lately.
I quit playing Idle Mafia purely because it got more and more pay to win. When I started (19 months? ago) if you really busted butt you could finish at the top of an event without buying resources, and being the slack ass lazy butt I tend to be, I typically ended top middle. I paid the monthly subscription for some bonuses, but mostly because if I'm playing a game, I want to contribute without falling into the micropayment tap. But it'd gotten to the point where even with busting your butt, you could only finish at about 75% without shelling out money, and generally 40% was more feasible. I was in a great gang, so I hung on for longer than I probably should have but finally bit the biscuit and said it was time for me to quit. My gang insisted I stay in the Discord.. and yeah, miss them, don't miss the game.
Still playing Looney Tunes: World of Mayhem. Because, let's face it -- LOONEY TUNES! It really helps my alliance is a group of really great people. (Completely random chance that one of them happens to live an hour north of me. He's threatened to adopt me as a granddaughter) But as buggy as Scopely can get, and you will run headfirst into Whales (those who pay the big bucks for the game to get all the shiny things) .. it's not mandatory. You can very much enjoy and play the game without shelling anything out. Some months I buy the battlepass subscription, some I don't. It depends on what my finances are doing. And what the highlighted toon is.
To replace Idle Mafia, I went with Marvel's Strike Force. Another Scopely game (Like Looney Tunes). There are a lot of things I like about the game, but it is VERY microtransaction tempty, so I absolutely can't play on days I'm manic or I'd max out my CC. Worse so than any game I've played.
The characterization is fantastic. I posted a Deadpool screenshot last week, but overall.. it makes me snerk. Every time Spiderman faces off vs Nick Fury.. I just picture "I'm sorry Mr Fury!" <splats Nick Fury in the face with webbing>
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beast-feast · 3 years
Since my Catholic grandmother is watching the house.....I could go downstairs and tell her I killed God to see what she thinks.....ahaha.........
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Ayaka, Sara, and Yae with a Yokai S/O
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The Yokai of choice for this writing is Ōnamazu, or just Namazu. They are essentially catfish who love to cause chaos and destruction, and can cause devastating earthquakes.
Thanks for the ask, I had a lot of fun with this! And for reference, this is what they look like!
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Ayaka knew about the existence of Youkai (This is how Genshin calls Yokai, idk it's weird to me too) thanks to Itto, Sara, and Yae.
So while the idea isn't completely foreign to her, it's safe to say she hasn't met too many.
Especially when it comes to the type her S/O is.
They called themselves "Namazu", and showed their true form to her a couple times.
They were a huge catfish, and whenever they switched to their human form, they still had massive whiskers and slightly bigger eyes.
She thought it was cute.
Until they got excited at her calling them cute and started thrashing around, causing a mini-earthquake.
And so she only makes sure to give them compliments in human form, not because she didn't think their actual form was cute.
But mostly because she didn't want to entomb the Kamisato Estate.
Their love for wanton mayhem and destruction was also not entirely welcome, but at least they knew where to draw the line.
Though one peculiar thing she noticed is that they liked to be under mud in the rivers of Inazuma.
She didn't think too much of it until she left to do her duties as S/O did their Namazu business.
Which was vibing in the muds.
As they were doing so, they were caught by fishermen who brought the biggest catch of their lives back to Inazuma City.
Thinking it'd be funny for Ayaka to see them like this, they played along.
Until they were thrown onto the chopping board.
They began flopping around causing the entire building to shake.
Ayaka happened to be in the area at the time, and she recognized that specific shaking anywhere.
Going to the source, she saw a mess of bystanders and chefs trying to cut S/O to pieces as they flailed and spoke.
Ayaka was absolutely horrified, but knew this wasn't entirely on the fishermen's heads.
The sight of her calmed everyone down, and she took this malicious catfish away from the public eye, and she threw them into a relatively small pond.
(Ayaka) "..."
She glared at them, obviously not amused.
S/O's head poked out of the water, giving the signature catfish grin.
...Okay now she was slightly amused.
(Ayaka) "Really though, I'm in the middle of work."
(S/O) "I thought it'd be a fun joke, but they took it too far!"
(Ayaka) "You didn't say a single word to them that entire time?"
(S/O) "Listen, I thought they'd be smart enough to recognize that a catfish that's as big as a grown man isn't normal. If you want next time I can tell them my girlfriend is-"
(Ayaka) "There will not be a next time of this. Am I clear?"
(S/O) "Alright alright...I'll make it up to you, don't worry!"
Ayaka smiled as she sighed.
(Ayaka) "I know you will. Don't cause any more trouble okay?"
(S/O) "I make no such promises."
Ayaka's smile quickly turned into a glare.
(S/O) "Y-Yes, Ma'am."
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Sara just wants to meet a normal Youkai. For once.
Then she met the Namazu.
And after thirty seconds of conversation, only one thought came to mind.
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S/O was even worse than Itto and Yae.
The idiot Namazu loved to cause disruptions much to her headache.
Yet...they were also very sweet to her.
She's still slightly annoyed on how she managed to fall for such a chaotic catfish.
And even worse, they loved to torment her as a way to "get your mind off work!"
And the way they did that was flopping around the mud and causing the ground to shake.
(S/O) "Saraaaa! Take me to the skies!"
(Sara) "What makes you think I can carry you?!"
(S/O) "I dunno, but we can find out!"
(Sara) disgruntled noise
One day, she was patrolling the streets of Inazuma city until she saw a catfish hanging by the racks of a sushi vendor.
It wouldn't have caught her eye if the Namazu wasn't the size of an adult.
If this was their first year in the relationship, she'd smite the chef thinking they just fileted her lover.
But this wasn't their first year, and she knew better.
She casually walked up to the vendor and eyed the catfish with a deepening frown.
(Sara) "Where did you procure this catfish?"
(Chef) "Iunno, it just appeared outta nowhere. Though some kids wanted to have some of it, would you care for some, Lady Kujou?"
(Sara) "...Make sure to throw it in a pot of boiling water first."
The catfish began flailing from the rope, scaring everyone but Sara.
She walked off as it broke free, hopping on the ground after her and causing the ground to shake, confusing everyone.
Her eye was twitching when she turned around to the catfish who was staring at her with big ol' eyes, desperate not to get thrown to the pot.
She tried her best to ignore the slime as she picked the catfish up and tossed it as far as she could into the nearby river.
(S/O) "OW!"
(Sara) "S/O. Explain yourself. Now."
(S/O) "Oh come on, it was a joke!"
(Sara) "It would've been better to let you turn into sushi!"
(S/O) "You can't deny that it was funny watching everyone react when I moved, yeah?"
(Sara) "What I can't deny is that you're causing a public disturbance! You got my clothes all dirty too!"
She turned away and puffed before feeling an arm wrap around her with a towel.
(Sara) "...I'm not looking."
(S/O) "You will~."
(Sara) "No."
(S/O) "At least take the towel."
Rolling her eyes, she turned to grab the towel and saw their bright smile and the whiskers twitching in mild excitement.
(Sara) "...Alright fine, it was kind of funny. I won't save you next time."
(S/O) "If you promise to not overwork yourself to death, I'll promise not to cause any more chaos!"
(Sara) "...We both know that's a lie."
(S/O) "...As much chaos."
Sara chuckled.
(Sara) "There we are...Sure, we have a deal."
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Yae missed her old Youkai friends, so when a Namazu decided to pop into her life, she was not going to let them get away.
Everyone thinks the Namazu an absolute menace, but Yae sees the opposite. She sees them as an endless source of entertainment.
She fell for them after the two have bonded over their long life, and the friends they've lost and made along the way.
And how much joy they bring into her dull life could not be overstated.
Yae being a Kitsune, she was a bit more clever in her antics while her Namazu S/O said 'to hell with subtlety' and went on full chaos.
And Yae loved it.
Deciding to play a prank on them after the countless ones they played on her, she told the shrine maidens to bring her a catfish from the pond and into the kitchen.
They were a bit confused as to why the catfish was an absolute unit, but they knew better than to question Yae's judgement.
When the catfish woke up, the first thing they saw was Yae with a knife in her hands.
The scream could be heard from the bottom of the Shrine, scaring everyone to death on top.
The catfish flailed violently, or at least attempted to.
They was tied down to prevent a deadly earthquake, but it provided Yae with at least 5 minutes of laughter.
Turning back into human, they looked at her.
Finally managing to stop laughing, she wiped away a tear forming.
(Yae) "Oh come on, S/O. It was a joke."
(S/O) "I thought I was going to die!"
(Yae) "Don't be dramatic. I found your journal. You were planning to make this exact joke a week from now."
(S/O) "Wha-How did you know!?"
(Yae) "...Dear, you don't just leave a journal directly next to a pond, and don't expect me to read it."
(S/O) "...Fair enough. So uh, can you untie me?"
They were still tied up from their hands and feet, trying to wiggle their way out.
Yae knelt down and S/O could see a glint in her eyes.
(Yae) "Well, foxes have been known to eat fish.~"
Getting MUCH too close for comfort, S/O quickly rolled away out the door, down the stairs, and back into the pond, confusing the shrine maidens to no end.
And getting Yae to burst out laughing for another 5 minutes.
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im-an-anxious-wreck · 2 years
Serial Killers Can Have Some Manslaughter... As A Treat
AO3 link
Summary: Remus was getting rid of a dead cop body that he'd run over three times (you know, as one does), when something or someone starts rustling the bushes behind him.
Will he get caught, or will a series of rather funny coincidences take place instead?
Read to find out!
Murder, mayhem, manslaughter, and manwhore, four of Remus' favourite M words. Janny, Roman, Virgil, and Family, four of Remus' favourite not M words. In this fic read about seven of eight of them! (Sorry, no manwhores in this fic XD)
Warnings: serial killer au, murder, vehicular manslaughter (but on purpose so it's not really manslaughter anymore), anti-cop :), ACAB bitches, unrealistic ways of getting rid of bodies, death, (of the oc cop), (me looking at the tags like they're serial killers what'd you expect?)
Universe: serial killer au
Perspective/main character: Remus
Side/secondary characters: Janus, Roman
Appear: Virgil
Queerplatonic relationship: Dukeceit
Platonic relationships: Creativitwins, background Anxiceit
Word Count: 2,380
Link to my collection of TSS fanworks
Written for @thereibi-art from the April Reverse Mini Bang Challenge. Find the art that this is based off of here!
This kind of life hadn't exactly been what Remus had imagined for himself when he was growing up, but then again, who had serial killer on their 'Career Ideas' list when they were little?
Sure, sometimes it seemed like a bit more trouble than it was worth, but then the victim would have that look of pure terror in their eye, and Janny would have one of glee, and Remus knew that it was all worth it.
But there was absolutely no way that Remus would've been able to do everything that he had without Janny. He'd been Remus' rock, his partner in crime, and later, his queer-platonic partner. He'd been there for Remus like no one had ever bothered to before, not even Roman, and certainly not Remus and Roman's shit dad.
But if Remus had had a rough childhood, then Janny's had been hell on earth.
Being of dragon descent hadn't made Janny's life the easiest, he'd always been shunned and gawked at growing up, but it had made one thing a bit easier…
It had made being a serial killer so very much easier, and Remus loved that for his partner. Janny deserved to have nice things.
Remus and Janny had been enjoying a quiet late afternoon in the woods, lounging in outdoor chairs by their quite secluded cabin, when the cellar door could be heard opening with a loud bang.
"Remus, didn't you latch the cellar behind yourself earlier?" Janny asked.
"Yeah, I did."
"So if it wasn't the wind… that means… someone's here, snooping 'round."
"Aw, shit."
They quietly, but quickly, went around the side of their house and approached the cellar, which was indeed open.
Janny sighed softly and pulled out his knife, signalling Remus to stay put in case the trespasser somehow got past him.
Janny was gone not even a minute before he came back, a scared man in his grasp and Janny's knife at his throat.
"Nosy Ned here thought it'd be a good idea to snoop around our cellar. Saw some things he shouldn't have."
"Ooh, how naughty! What's the planny Janny?"
"Go get some rope and a relatively clean piece of cloth and meet me out front."
"Yes, sir!" Remus saluted with his left arm, just to annoy Janny.
Remus quickly got what Janny had asked for, after drinking a bit of sweet tea and checking Tumblr of course.
Remus went out the front door and Janny only rolled his eyes when Remus disingenuously apologized for taking so long. 
And pretty soon they had the man tied, gagged, and cowering in their gravel driveway.
Janny crossed his arms in frustration and pursed his lips. "Just great. Now what?"
"Hmm…" Remus said thoughtfully, twirling the end of his mustache betwixt his fingers. "I don't think we can mansplain, manipulate, or manwhore our way out of this one…" Remus grinned a wicked, evil smile, and he knew that something dangerous was glinting in his eye. "Manslaughter it is!"
The man started screaming, sound muffled by the gag.
"Sure! Or any kind really. You know I'm not picky, Janny."
Janny looked at Remus, clearly holding back a little smile. "Pff."
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Janny just continued as if he hadn't heard the pathetic man's pathetic cries, "Vehicular?"
"Fair enough." Janny looked back at the man, a very unimpressed look on his face. "You just had to stick your nose into our business, huh?"
The man only whimpered.
Janny continued, "Found out from our little friend here that he'd heard of people going missing 'round here from his job as a," —Janny wrinkled his nose— "Cop. So he decided it'd be a good and totally legal idea to investigate by himself."
"Wow, how rude. Not only is he a cop, but he also stuck his nose in our damn business. What should we do?"
Janny smirked a little. "Our civic duty."
"Ooh, do tell!"
Janny turned back to the snivelling man and sighed. "Well, I suppose, if you tell us the truth, and haven't told anyone a thing about us or that you were looking into these murders… we'll let you go."
Remus, knowing full and well what Janny was doing, whined, "Aww, do we have to?"
"Now now, let's be fair, Remus. If no one else knows about us then why not let this man go?"
Remus sighed dramatically. "Oh, alright. I guess we will then."
Janny finally took the man's gag off. "So, do tell, does anyone know about where you were going?"
"No! No one knows. I promise! I told absolutely no one where I went or that I was even investigating these missing cases to begin with. Really, you have to believe me!"
"Oh," Janny drawled, "We have to believe you?"
The man, completely unaware of the contempt and dangerous edge to Janny's voice, said, "Yeah! You have to! Especially because I'm telling you the truth."
"And you think we care about the truth?"
"Well, of course you do! …Right?"
"Yes, of course we do." Janny grinned and Remus could only keep himself from outright squealing. This was gonna be good. Janny turned to Remus. "Go and start the car while I untie the ropes off of this poor man."
"Okay!" Remus bounded to his green car and started it, rolling down the window as he looked over at Janny.
Janny was dusting the man off, rope laid forgotten beside them. "There's a dear…" He leaned closer to the man, smirking widely as a dangerous glint flashed in his eyes. "Now run."
Remus shifted the car into drive, foot just itching to be taken off the brake and onto the gas. But he'd wait, he wanted it to go perfectly and going prematurely would ruin the surprise. 
The man didn't need to be told twice and broke off in a sprint down the driveway, making Remus grin.
It was go time.
Remus lifted his foot up and slammed down on the gas, peeling out and gunning for the man. Soon it wasn't just the gravel popping under the tires and he grinned maniacally at the sickening crunch that quickly followed.
Served that bastard right.
Remus put the car in reverse before going back over the body and forward over it one last time. He pulled to the side and put the car in park.
"Problem taking care of, Janny!" Remus cheerfully called.
Janny strode over, saying, "Ah, excellent. Of course, we're not quite finished as there's still the matter of the corpse. But anyway, he certainly won't be bothering us anymore."
"Hah! You got that right. Serves him fucking right!"
Janny waited by Remus' car while he made the trek down a path to the nearby lake, bodybag in his hand-pulled green wagon.
Remus rolled the wagon onto the pier and lugged the body bag out and to the edge of the wooden dock before stiffening when he heard rustling in the bushes behind him.
Remus slowly turned to look at who or what was there, he almost sighed in relief when he recognized his brother, Roman's face, but instead just rolled his eyes.
"What the fuck are you doing here, Roman?" Remus called.
Roman walked down the dock, pulling a red wagon with a large black bag in it alongside himself. "I could ask you the same thing." He paused, squinting at the body bag next to Remus. "Um… what's in the bag?"
"None of your bee's wax! …What's in yours?"
"Oh… just something I needed to get rid of. That's all."
"Well, same here."
"Okay… well, I won't ask again if you don't then."
"Deal!" Remus cheerfully exclaimed as he kicked his bag off the pier and into the water, the heavy weight attached pulling it down into the depths. "Also, ask about what?" He said foux-innocent.
Roman snorted before saying, "Fair enough." And tossing his weighted down bag over the edge as well.
"Welp, now that that's taken care of, wanna walk back to where you parked your ugly red car?"
"She's not ugly! She's a carriage fit for royalty!" Roman argued as they walked back up the path to the little parking lot, both tugging their respective wagons behind them.
"It's a sports car, Ro-brainless."
"Wha— of course I know that. You're just jealous."
"Pff, please. As if. I wouldn't drive your car if it was the last one on earth."
"Hah, you're one to talk. Your car is so junky it's basically scrap."
"Hey! My car is not. It's just a bit older, that's all!"
"Sure," Roman teased.
Remus had just stuck his tongue out at Roman when Janny and Virgil came into view, only a few feet away, and Janny instantly, yet lightly, scolded Remus.
"Aw, Janny, you know Ro-pigeon-fart deserved it!"
"Wha—" Roman squawked. Maybe he was more the pigeon than its fart after all. "Ro-pigeon-fart!"
Janny sighed. "I guarantee he didn't deserve you sticking your tongue out at him."
"Nah, Jan," Virgil joked. "I'm sure he did."
Remus just ignored Roman and talked over another one of Roman's indigent squawks, saying "Wanna go for a walk after we put up our wagons? It's pretty cool for May right now and the woods may not be as creepy as I'd like, but they still look kinda nice."
Virgil put his hands in his hoodie pockets. "I'm down if y'all are."
After loading their wagons into their respective cars, Remus and Roman met Janny and Virgil at the start of the beautiful walking trail, the setting sun flittering through the trees. But the twins were soon walking pretty far behind Janny and Virgil as they both walked quite quickly.
"So weird to see y'all here too. I mean, I know y'all live fairly nearby, but still. What have y'all been up to?" Remus asked.
"Well, we're actually in town to see you guys. Just had to… take care of something at the lake. Of course, we wouldn't have come if I'd known you were going to be so rude and mean to me," Roman light-heartedly said.
"Aw, Ro-bro, you should know better. I'm always rude and mean! It's my whole brand!"
"...Okay, fair. But still, it's… it's been a while. Thought I'd see what you and Janus were up to, and Virgil wanted to come too. You know how much he and Janus enjoy gossiping together." Roman snorted. "Even if they insist it's not gossiping and just sharing information."
"Hah, just sharing information my ass! Those fuckin' twirps," Remus shook his head fondly. "But anyway, we've just been up to the same old, same old…" Remus glanced around conspirantly as if the trees had ears. "Okay, I don't really know how to bring this up, or if I really even should, but what are the fuckin' odds of us both: A. Killing people, B. Both using our wagons to carry the bodies, and C. Getting rid of the body at the same lake, at the same time. Like I know we're identical but geez. You fuckin' copyrat."
"It's not…"
Remus grinned widely, no doubt looking a bit unhinged.
Roman sighed. "But I'm sure you know what the actual word is."
"I mean, I do, but I improved it!"
"...Right. Anyway, that was a… well, an almost funny coincidence, circumstances notwithstanding."
"Aww, why not circumstances withstanding! Change up a bit, Romano-Moldy-Cheese."
Roman rolled his eyes. "Yeah, that tracks that you'd enjoy it." Roman sobered up a bit. "I'm afraid mine wasn't for fun though, but out of a necessity. Virgil and I don't actually make a habit of… just murdering people for the enjoyment."
"Oh, shit. What happened? I mean, if you wanna say. If not, I totally get it."
"I'm…" Roman looked ahead to where Virgil was, who —despite his hood drawn up and shoulders hunched over— seemed to be having a nice visit with Janny. "I'm really not at liberty to say. All you need to know is that I had to do it… I had to kill him, an— and that I did it for Virgil." Roman took a shaky breath before making eye contact with Remus. "I had to do it."
"Shit, I'm so sorry, Ro. I— I don't even know what to say. Just… sorry that you two had to go through that."
"Thanks," Roman said weakly before sniffing softly, eyes turning back down to the ground.
"Me and Janny are here for you two by the way. Whatever you need, just let us know. You want midnight tacos? We're on it. You need help getting rid of someone? Where's my damn shovel? We're here for y'all, okay?"
"Okay. Um, Y— yeah, I… thanks. I really appreciate it. And you both too, okay? I'm… God, I'm so sorry I just ignored you after highschool— fuck really during school too. Things were shit but I'm sorry I let it tear us apart. I mean, we used to be pretty close, then Dad was a— a fucking dickbag and I just let everything go out the window. I'm sorry, Re."
"Hey, it's okay, Ro. Yeah, it wasn't great, but it's not too late. Things were shit then, but we can make things so much better now. Let's just… do it together, okay?"
"Yeah, together. I'd… I'd really like that."
"Yeah…" Remus looked up ahead just in time to see Janny and Virgil disappear behind some trees on the winding path. "Hey, Ro?"
"Wanna race?"
"Oh, you're on!"
They both took off running, quickly surpassing Janny and Virgil who just rolled their eyes at the twins' antics.
Remus really hadn't expected this to be how his evening went, but he was glad it had gone the way it did.
There was no way Remus would let his brother Roman go it alone again, he wouldn't let his partner Janus go through any more ugly discrimination or persecution, and there was no damn way he'd let his friend Virgil ever get hurt again. He was going to be there for them, all three of them, now and always.
And maybe, just maybe, they'd be there for him too.
And turns out, as they slowly but surely made their little makeshift family, they were. They were there for each other, and none of them ever had to suffer alone again.
~The End~
No reposting, likes are nice, and reblogs are very much appreciated! | Taglist (ask to be added or removed): @someoneiwasnt
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bteezxyewriter12 · 3 years
Mr. Park~ Practice
Pairing- Seonghwa x Named Reader
Includes- Dilf Seonghwa, Age Gap Relationship- Everyone is consenting adults, fingering, cockwarming, Lipstick mayhem but sexual, riding, floor sex, missionary, multiple orgasms, supportive boyfriend Hwa, fluff
Series Masterlist
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Looking up from my laptop, I find Joanne looking at me and smiling
"Hi jagi", I smile, continuing my stupid work on the computer
I didn't finish what I had to do today so I took it home
She just came home and has been sitting next to me at the kitchen table keeping me company
"Hi baby"
"You ok jagi?", I ask
"Yeah. You're just so handsome"
I feel myself blush and I look at her smiling
She always tells me this
Sometimes I find her just looking at me and she always says something about my looks or how she loves me
"Thanks baby"
She nods, continuing to stare, "You'd look good with some eyeshadow on"
I raise my eyebrow, looking at her again
"Uh what?"
"Maybe red and black. Or blue. Green too"
What is she talking about?
"You're eyelashes are so long they'd look good with mascara. Your cheekbones would look amazing with highlighter. And you're pretty lips....maybe dark red?"
"Joanne what are you talking about?", I ask so confused
"Nothing just making some observations"
Uh huh
I'm starting to get where she's going with this
"Jagi. Do you want to put makeup on me?"
She bites her lip, looking away but nodding
"Well uh, I need to practice on another person. I...I don't have a model like other people in my classes do."
"Model? What does that mean?", I question
"Sometimes the instructor let's us bring people to practice on. Like a friend or a family member"
I get it
She doesn't have anyone
Yoonah is away and she probably wouldn't do it anyway
Her parents still don't speak to her even after months
Her sister is in the U.S. as is most of her family
And she hasn't really kept in touch with any friends she made in high school
"But you don't have one?"
She shakes her head, "I usually do it on myself. We're having a...test...soon. They're going to try to find me someone to do the makeup on for that."
"Don't you do makeup for people at Sephora?"
That's her job so I thought she was well versed in applying makeup
It'd make sense
"Yeah Hwa but that's what they want. Not what I have to do for a test. A customer may not want highlighter or contour or lipstick. I still have to do it for the class though"
I understand
She does makeup but she has to apply everything she learned for the class for the test
"Jagi, why didn't you tell me sooner? I would of went to your class and be your model baby"
"You would?"
"Of course Jo. I'll do anything for you. Tell me when your test is and I'll take off from work."
"Thanks Hwa"
I nod, "And tell me any day that you need a model for practice. I'll take off. I have lots of unused sick and personal days"
"But you shouldn't be using them for me. You should save them for when you're actually sick", she argues
I shake my head, smiling at her
"I don't care baby. You need me and I promise I'll be there. Always"
She smiles, "Thanks baby. You're the best"
"You're welcome jagi", I answer kissing her, then standing
Taking her hand, I pull her up, "Come on jagi let's go practice"
I nod, "Yup"
"Don't you have to work?"
I shrug, "I can do it later. You're more important"
She blushes and it's so cute, everytime
She leads me upstairs into her room, sitting me on the makeup chair while she stands
She tilts my head up, looking at my face
I don't know what she's looking for but she's the professional
I know absolutely nothing about makeup
She turns from me and goes in her drawers pulling out makeup products and tools
Brushes, a sponge looking thing, a few pallettes (she taught me that word when we shop for makeup) of eyes shadow , lipsticks, some single compacts (she taught me that too) of stuff I have no clue what they are
Soon her table is full of stuff and I'm kinda shocked that she's going to use that much on me
She opens one drawer and I see a whole bunch of bottles that have liquid in it that looks like skin colors
"What's that jagi?", I ask when she pulls out a bottle and holding it to my face
Uh ok
"What's it for?"
"Your skin. It makes you're face even, covering the blemishes or pimples that someone can have. It has to be matched to your skin so it's not obvious you're wearing it"
Oh isn't the point of makeup to know that it's being worn?
I have no idea
But she can teach me
"Jagi, can you teach me about makeup? Like what your using and what it's for?"
She looks at me surprised, "You want to know that?"
I nod, "Yeah baby. This is your career. It's important to you. You listened to me talk about my job and what I do. I want to know about what you do."
She smiles so brightly, "Ok Hwannie. I can teach you"
She takes my hand, then opens a bottle of foundation
Dabbing a little of it on my hand, she spreads it and frowns
Capping the bottle, she puts it down, taking another one
I think she's swatching them
Yeah she taught me that word too
"I'm trying to find your color", she says as if she read my mind
The second bottle she tries makes her frown too
"Ok well you're a mix of two colors. The first one was too dark and the next one after that is too light"
Uh alright
I watch her mix the two foundations on a silver plate thing
The she gets a makeup sponge, dips it in the foundation and dots it on my cheek
She repeats the same movements until my whole face is dotted
Then she pats the sponge all over my face
"Blending it into you skin", she informs me
It takes a few minutes, with her sometimes dotting my face again with more
She moves the sponge down to my neck spreading it there
Opening another drawer, I see more bottles, these thinner than the foundations
"Concealer. For under the eyes where most people have bags. And any other blemish or pimple that the foundation doesn't hide. Most girls put it under their eyes even if they don't have bags to brighten their under eye"
I nod
This makeup is a huge process and I had no idea
"You're so lucky that you don't have bags or blemishes. You didn't even really need foundation. You're skin is perfect", she says
"Thanks jagi", I blush at her words
"I'm still gonna put it under your eyes though for the test"
"Whatever you need to do baby"
"Look up", she asks and I do
She uses the applicator on the concealer to spread it, then she uses the sponge again to....blend?....yeah I think it's blend, again.
"Ok now for powder"
"That's a lot of makeup jagi, just for my face"
"Well because the foundation and concealer are liquids, the powder sets them so they don't move on your face"
I did not know that
Maybe I would have if I paid attention when I go shopping with her and actually ask what she's buying
She gets out a huge fluffy brush, swirling it in the compact full of powder
Then she pats it's all over my face
It smells good
She uses a lot of it, everywhere, the dust from it flying everywhere
"Now you're eyes. This is the fun part"
"Oh yeah?", I ask, smiling
I know this is her favorite part
She loves doing her eyes colorfully and adding things like glitter to them
She opens her pallettes looking at them
"Red with glitter", she smirks
"Whatever you want baby. But come here", I smirk, pulling her on my lap
"Baby!", she protests
"C'mon jagi. I'm letting you put makeup on me. The least you can do is sit with me"
She raises her eyebrow, "I know what you want Park, Seonghwa"
"What's that princess?"
She knows
Of course she knows
"You want me to sit on your dick"
"Is that what I want?", I tease
"You know it is"
"Well....is that what you want?"
She rolls her eyes
"You'll just be sitting on me jagi. Don't you like sitting on my hard cock?"
She swallows hard, nodding
"Then come on jagi"
I move my hands to her pj shorts, under her waistband, pulling them and her panties down
She steps out of them as I pull my sweatpants and boxers down
"So hard baby", she says, eyeing my dick
"Always for you jagi. You know that"
She nods again
"Come here baby"
Pulling her closer, she moves one leg over me while I hold myself up then guide her onto my cock
I'm immediately enveloped inside her, feeling her soaking pussy open and clenching me
"Oh baby", I moan
"Hwa", she says softly, moving all the way down, bottoming me out, "So good baby"
I close my eyes feeling her pulse around me and force myself to not thrust inside her
"Baby....the makeup", I groan out
She leans over to her makeup table and grabs a tube
"Eye primer. To keep the eyeshadow on for longer and keep the color brighter"
I nod, listening and feeling her at the same time
"Close your eyes"
I do and I feel her rubbing the primer on my eyelids
She asks me to look up and she puts it on my lower lids too
Then she takes a make up brush and a pallette, swirling the brush into a shadow close to my skin color
I feel her swipe the brush on my lid
So softly
Paying attention to the colors, I notice she's using different shades of oranges and reds
The darker reds she's using on only half of my eyelid, on the outside
I can feel the brush to know what she's doing
When I'm asked to look up, I notice she changed the brush to a smaller one and uses the same colors under my eye
Putting all the stuff down, she reaches for a bottle of clear liquid
"What's that jagi?", I ask, voice strained as I stay buried inside her warm cunt that keeps throbbing so good on me
"Uh, it's liquid glue for the glitter", she gets out, her hand shaking
I close my eyes, feeling her put the liquid on
"Keep your eyes closed"
I feel her putting more stuff on me which I assume is glitter on my eyelids and under my eye
After she puts the glitter on the table, breathing hard
"Gimmie a second baby", she says closing her eyes, "I still have to uh, put eyeliner on, fill your eyebrows, then contour and highlight your face. Then lipstick"
That's still a lot
I don't think she can do it without coming
Her eyes are still closed when I put my fingers against her clit
Her eyes fly open, "Hwa"
"Shh jagi. You did a good job so far baby. Lemme give you something", I whisper, then press my lips to hers.
Moving my fingers quickly, I play with her, feeling her clench hard on me, her breath quickening
"Hwa", she moans, biting her lip, pleasure on her face
"Yeah baby. Holding my cock so hard. Such a good girl."
"Oh god. Hwa. Seonghwa"
I feel her thighs shaking, her pussy spasming faster
"Yes baby. Cum for me. Cum on my cock. You want to baby. Please for me"
"Seonghwa", she cries, holding my arms and coming so beautifully
I can't take my eyes off her, just watching and feeling the massive pleasure her orgasm is giving me
Her breathing slows, back to normal
"Good girl", I praise her, "Ready to keep going with the makeup?"
She nods, "Yeah Hwa"
She picks up a black pen
I know that's eyeliner
I've seen her use it
"You gonna put a wing on me?", I ask
"Yeah. It goes with the eye makeup"
I close my eyes, feeling her draw past my eye
She brings the eyeliner back and draws past the inside corner too
I open my eyes, watching her beautiful ones look between both of my eyes
"Checking to make sure it's even", she says, her eyes finally landing on mine
She leans forward, pressing a kiss to my lips
She uses the sponge to pull the bottom of my eye down, running a black eye pencil on what she said is my water line
And fuck, my eyes start tearing up
"You're not used to it and it's your first time. I expected that to happen", she says
"Did I mess the makeup up?", I ask worriedly
"No baby. You're good. We have to curl your lashes and do mascara now"
"Uh what?"
"Your lashes.", She repeats, taking out some kind of contraception, "This curls them and mascara makes them blacker and longer"
Uh ok
"I'm not gonna put fake lashes in you this time. You're already doing so much for me baby"
Fake lashes?
That's a thing?
"Uh sure jagi"
"Keep your eyes open"
She brings that weird contraption to my eye and I feel my lashes on it
Squeezing the thing closed, I feel it pull softly on my lashes as she opens and closes the curler.
It feels so weird
I don't like it
She does it to my other eye and I'm glad when it's over
Next she unscrews a tube, pulling out a spiky brush
"Open your eyes wide baby"
I do and she runs the brush up, along my lashes
Not going to lie, it's very uncomfortable
Not as bad as the curler though
I'm told to look up and when I do, I feel her run the brush on my bottom lashes
God the things women do to looks pretty
I didn't realize it was so much
Leaning over, she takes a black pencil and starts to run it along my eyebrow
Filling it in as I remember her saying
Once that is done, she takes another pallette with lots of browns in it and another bigger brush
Using that powder she runs the brush on my cheeks, the sides of my temples, under my chin, then takes a smaller brush and uses the powder on the sides of my nose
It tickles and I wait until she's done to wrinkle my nose
She giggles watching me
"Ready princess?", she asks when I'm done
I raise my eyebrow
"You look so pretty like this. Like a princess", she jokes
"Well if I look like a girl then I can't wait until you finish so I can see"
Moving my hands to her hips, I thrust up into her, making her moan loudly
"Remember baby, that your princess has a big cock that's buried inside your tight wet cunt. One that can make you moan and cum"
"I'll remember", she answers, squeezing my cock so fucking hard
"Good baby girl"
Smirking, she takes a compact that has pink powder in it and puts it on my cheeks
Then she takes another pallette and uses the bright white powder on my cheekbones, my nose bridge and the top of my upper lip
"Highlighter", she answers when she sees my questioning look, "Now what kind of lipstick should I put on you?"
I shrug, "Whatever baby"
She looks through some lipsticks she has- shades of pink, nude, light red, purple, blue, black
What the hell does she need all those weird colors for?
The next one she picks up, she looks at and nods, "Yeah this one"
She twists the bottom of the lipstick to reveal a dark blood red
Not gonna like that's a nice color
For her
"Why don't you ever wear that one baby? It'd look hot on you"
"It's new Hwa. I haven't tried it yet. I'll try it on you"
"You sure?", I ask, wondering why she wouldn't want to wear it first
She nods, "It goes with the eye makeup. And your pretty lips"
I snort, "Whatever you want jagi"
"I want it on your lips baby. And you do have pretty lips", she says, kissing them, "They're soft"
She kisses me again
"Plump, full"
Another kiss and fuck I'm eating it up
"They feel so good kissing me"
"Kissing all over my body. On my nipples. Between my legs", she whispers in my ear
"I love being between your legs baby. I love kissing you there. Making you feel so good", I pant, so turned on, feeling her pussy hold me tightly
"So believe me when I say, my baby has perfect lips", she finishes
"I..I. believe you"
"Good", she says, kissing me again, then bringing the lipstick closer
She runs it along my top lip, the texture feeling smooth
Like butter
Then along my bottom lip
"Such a pretty color. And it looks so good on your skin tone baby", she praises
I never thought I'd hear anyone say that to me
"Finished. Wanna see baby?"
I nod
I do
She's been working on me for an hour
I want to see what she did
"Do I look fabulous?", I joke, running my hand in my hair and moving my head back dramatically
She laughs as she leans over, getting a huge flat mirror, "Absolutely fabulous"
Holding it up, I look into it
Holy shit
I look so fucking different
I still look like a guy just with makeup on
And she did a really good job
The glitter is a nice touch
And the wing eyeliner is nice
She made it look like a cat eye on the inside corner of my eye
I do look nice
My cheekbones shine and my face looks...thinner?
And she's right, the lipstick is a nice color
On my lips too
"Like it?", she asks nervously
"Love it. You did such a good job. You're an amazing makeup artist jagi. You'll pass this test no problem"
"Thanks baby", she blushes, putting the mirror down
I pull her to me in a hug, "I'm proud of you jagi"
"Thanks Hwannie"
"No need to thank me baby. It's all you", I tell her, kissing a spot on her neck, "You work hard at your job and you school. Of course you're the best at it"
I drag more kisses down her neck on to her shoulder, listening to her breathing get heavier
When I pull back, I see blood red marks on her body
'The lipstick', I realize
When I kissed her, it went all over her skin
And it's a fucking turn on
"Jagi", I call
"Put more lipstick on me", I ask
"Huh? Why?"
"Because jagi when I kiss you, it leaves red all over you and I fucking like it so much"
She moves back, looking at me, touching my lips, "It's all smeared on your mouth"
"Put more"
She nods, taking the lipstick and putting more on me
I immediately kiss her neck, pulling on her tank top ask Ikiss her collarbone and lower
I hear a tearing sound as I realize that I'm pulling her shirt so hard, I'm ripping it
And I just want her shirt off
Pull my arms apart, I rip the tank top off her, shoving it off her shoulders
I noice the lipstick is getting lighter
"More jagi", I pant, letting her put more on me
I go back to kissing the tops of her breasts, leaving red lipstick all over
Holding one of her breasts up, I wrap my mouth around her nipple, sucking hard
Her cunt floods my cock, soaking me and throbbing
I feel her pulling my shirt up and I move away so she can get it off
She looks at me and I crash my lips to hers
She shoves her tongue in my mouth, her hands pulling my hair hard
I fall into her kiss, kissing her desperately, touching her desperately
Pulling away from her mouth, I look at her dazed expression, her eyes full of lust
I know mine are the same
She has red all over her mouth from me and she's fucking gorgeous
Looking to her table, I grab a lipstick and uncap it, twisting it up
It's fine
Holding her chin, I put it all over her lips
"Kiss me. Everywhere. I want this black all over my body"
She nods, shoving me against the chair, her lips on my chest, pressing kiss after kiss after kiss all over me
I get so turned on seeing black lipstick all over me
I stop her to put more lipstick on her, then she pulls my head back, kissing and licking my neck, dragging down to my shoulder
When she finishes, I lift her face to mine, kissing her hard
"Need to fuck you now", I groan
"Yes baby, yes", she moans
"Arms around my neck baby"
Wrapping her arms around my neck, I put my hands on her hips, move down lower in the chair
I thrust up into her, hitting her right in her spot hard
"Seonghwa!", She yells
"Yes jagi. I'm gonna fucking give it to you good", I growl, fucking into her hard
Her face is buried in my neck, her small moans muffled
"God baby, you feel so fucking good. So tight for me. My cunt is so tight all the time"
Her arms tighten around me, her cries louder
"No matter how many times I fuck this hole open, it's always do fucking tight"
I smash into her particularly hard and she loses it, releasing on me, screaming my name in my skin
"Yes baby. Good girl. Such a good cunt, coming for me"
I need more, I need her legs wider
Moving I crash to my knees, laying her on the floor, on top of her
"Open your legs", I demand, fucking the life out of her
In and out, over and over, her cunt sucking me back inside desperately
"Mmm your pussy is heaven baby. I can fuck you all day"
"Yes Seonghwa. Fuck me", she cries, "Don't stop. Don't leave"
"I won't", I promise
Pushing her legs to her chest, I pound her cunt ruthlessly, hitting her spot over and over
Her cunt spasms hard and I keep going, wanting her orgasm
"Seonghwa!", she cries, shaking under me
Her back arches into mine as she orgasms hard, her screams filling the room
Yes oh fuck yes
Pleasure washes over me, feeling her soak my cock in cum
Pulling out, I flip her on her hands and knees, open her legs and thrust back inside
Back inside where I always want to be
Moving fast, I ram into her cunt, pulling her back on me as I thrust into her
"Yes Seonghwa! Harder", she shouts
I don't know how but I pump into her harder, wildly, wanting her so much
Reaching around her, I find her clit and play with it
"Cum on me", I yell, fucking her tight hole, "Cum on me now!"
I watch her body visibly shudder, hear her pretty voice call my name and feel her pretty hole choke my cock as she cums
Intense pleasure hits every cell of my body, my mind turning off as I cum deep inside her
"Oh fuck! Jagi! Joanne! Fuck!", I scream, feeling her cunt suck all the cum from me
After we both finish, she collapses and I fall on top of her, both of us breathing heavily
I kiss her sweaty skin, wrapping my arm around her
When we catch our breaths, I tell her, "I love you"
"I love you Hwa", she whispers
"You ok jagi?", I ask, worried I hurt her when I fell on her
"I'm more than ok", she giggles, "I'm fucking fantastic"
I burst out laughing, "Yeah. I'm pretty fantastic too"
I move off her and she rolls over, facing me
The dark red lipstick is still all over her
And it's still hot
I touch the red on her chest, mesmerized by how beautiful it looks on her skin
"You have black all over you", she whispers, softly touching my chest
I move my hand to her cheek, her eyes moving to mine
Pressing my lips to her softly, she kisses me back in the softest kiss
I'm in heaven
Being with her, having her in my life, this has to be heaven
Heaven on earth
"I think we should shower baby", she smiles
I nod, "Yeah I think so too. You have a little lipstick on you"
She laughs, the sound so beautiful
"You do too"
I don't want to get up but I do, then help her up
Taking her hand, I lead her to the bathroom, so ready for more of her
@hijirikaww @sherrybirkingirl @sktbzc0re
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dreamsmp-au-ideas · 4 years
LOL someone brought up bogaerts and everyone immediately hard left turned into angst. Some fluff as a palate cleanser for those who want it!
- Tubbo and Ron have regular chess matches in the Great Hall. It turns out wizard's chess developed a lot of different strategies than... Minecraft chess, I guess... but it means it's a very fun new challenge for both of them! They also teach each other different gambits and tricks. Over time, it's well-known that the two of them are absolutely the best chess players in the school.
- Harry has reliable company over the winter breaks!! Especialy in the early years when Ron and Hermione and the rest are going home, Tommy sees Harry moping in the Griffindor common room and pulls him along to the massive snowball fight they're setting up, saying he needs more people on his team to help him beat Purpled. (Purpled's team always wins, but everyone has a good time anyway, vehement cursing after the match put aside)
- After a lifetime of no elytra and no slow fall potions, all of the kids go feral for broomsticks. They all have to use the kinda shitty rented ones provided by the school, but it's still literal flying, even better than tridents. Tommy and Tubbo especially love racing around the castle.
- After hearing about Ranboo's memory issues, Neville suggests a Remembrall to him, and even says they can share for a while until Ranboo gets his own. Ranboo is so touched, he's pretty sure a Remembrall won't do much for him since it'd almost always be red, but he so appreciates the thought. Ranboo and Neville hang out a lot.
- Tubbo and Luna Lovegood. Oh my gosh the mayhem they get up to. I dont know why I associate the two of them in my mind but i feel like they'd have to get along. Tubbo 100% believes Luna about Wrackspurts and other Quibbler stories and mercilessly jinxes anyone who teases her, and Luna teaches Tubbo the theory behind inventing new spells. They probably wander around the castle and the grounds together, determinedly not writing their essays because why on earth would you do written homework when instead you can go learn magic by doing.
Yes. Just all of them being so excited and all of them having fluffy moments and man. This is nice. I love all of this. And then we get them all being so excited to fly and man it’s great.
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