#it'd probably be their fave game
undead-knick-knack · 2 years
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the-acid-pear · 2 months
I never tried the option myself bc it'd probably mean skipping the Reason You Suck speech at the end (fire for speedrunners though) but I Love that you can frame your Phoneys in 3, especially so if you've already killed the previous two. Like yeah couldn't send you off to die so i'll let the goverment do it for me 🧸 like its just Peak evil imo.
#luly talks#i do relinquish in the pain and the agony but dont get me wrong the thought of any of them 3 getting jailed makes me SO sad#rog esp since he's the one im writing about and the biggest nerve wreck#gingi voice they'll be the last one to pick the board game for prison-game-night..........#actually yknow i wonder if rog would end up almost believing it after all when you try to gaslight him for the shits and giggles#(as in: telling HE was victim of the bite of 87 and the like) he tells you to not do that bc his brain is already scrambled or something#so there's a chance perhaps he'd believe it if he had everyone constantly accussing him of it?#not like it'd matter much i have no hopes for the dsaf justice system i know its been 35 years since jack got framed but still#i just remembered when the option popped up i said ''god im really becoming steven 😭''#first time i made the joke too was when i said ''imagine your boss sucks so bad you turn suicidal'' no clue what the context was#OH YEAH JAKE SAYING HE'D RATHER FUCKING DIE THAN KEEP WORKING HERE yeah. poor guy.#anyway im derailing my own post again uhhh. yeah. yeah i dont trust any phoney is avoiding the death sentence#dsaf#roger jones#dsaf roger#btw just for the sake of yapping longer i truly cant decide whether harry or jake would survive better in the enviroment#probably jake to be honest. I mean Harry has a lot of experience inside freddy's but he didnt really live outside it muhc#jake is so confrontational though#hey did you guys watch the hit movie felon? sure that guy wasn't framed but. i feel like jake would end up w that attitude#except for. you know. everything else that happens in the hit movie felon.#hey actually forget about this game go watch the 10/10 movie Felon from 2008 starring Val Kilmer and Stephen Dorff#because its one of my all time fave movies and probably the saddest i've seen#not bc there arent movies that are more tragic but bc no movie was able to break thru my walls of idgaf and make me cry anyway#yeah you thought i couldnt bring up my movie fixations on my different fandom posts well you were WRONG in fact#im gonna go tag my other post i left untagged yesterday bc my ass was Cooking
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verysium · 6 months
how bllk boys would react when u draw them, could either be rlly good or rlly SHIT u choose idk (plz include barou and the itoshi bros) 😊😊😊 i love you and ur works, and the way u write the boys and ur content makes me laugh fr, one of my fave bllk authors mwjahaja 😓 have a great day, ily:3 and the icks post made me smile like all of ur posts do!
thank you so much anon ♡ this ask had me contemplating very seriously, so apologies if it's a bit late:
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sae is definitely awestruck in some way, even if he doesn't immediately show it. i think i talked about this in a previous headcanon, but he has a deep-seated admiration for artists who can grasp abstract concepts because he himself cannot. he would be somewhat flattered if you drew him since he's never considered his own appearance to be particularly inspiring. would be appalled if you considered him your muse. like....why? to him, his looks aren't anything of importance (clearly he is blind.) would probably say your drawing was inaccurate but then hang it up by his nightstand so he can look at it every night before he goes to sleep. if you're a full-time artist, he probably keeps a little stash of your gifts in a small box beneath his bed. sometimes if he's having a bad day or he lost a game, he goes back and flips through them just to make himself feel better. secretly loves the way you draw his bangs and the little swoop you do in your signature.
kaiser corrects every single detail in your drawing. stands behind you and gives you little pointers here and there. he should have an 8-pack, not a 6-pack. his jawline isn't sharp enough in your initial sketch. poses shirtless in front of you so that way you can encapsulate the full extent of his sexiness. shows off your drawing to every living creature in existence. "isn't he handsome?" like...🙄 yeah, michael we know. he's probably the hardest to draw because of his tattoo, so i think he genuinely appreciates it when you put in the effort to capture his intricacies. will never admit this but he's low-key proud of you and your talent (mostly just your ability to make him look good.)
rin is one of those people who doesn't understand hyperrealism. like why does he need a highly detailed sketch of his face when he can just take a photo and print it out? i don't think he understands art in general. probably despises modern art too. he'd take one look at a rothko painting and be like....i could draw this too...in my sleep. similar to sae, i feel like he's just numb to the sentimentality of gift-giving. doesn't understand why you would waste your time drawing a little picture of him, but it does make his heart feel strangely fuzzier, so maybe he'll keep it this one time. lo and behold, months later he now has a collection of your drawings he doesn't have the heart to throw away. refuses to let isagi or anyone see them because they're meant for his eyes only.
yukimiya has impeccable taste. in fact, he's probably an artist himself. i think it'd be cute if you both drew little sketches of each other throughout the course of your relationship. but neither of you ever knew until you gifted him your sketchbook for christmas, and he was like....guess what...i drew you too. thinks you're pretty even when you don't think so. sometimes when you're having a coffee shop date, he scribbles a portrait of you on his napkin because the sunlight hit your cheek just right in that moment, and the birds were chirping, and he fell in love all over again. i think it's also tragic that he's slowly losing his eyesight, so he won't be able to enjoy your drawings and the vibrant colors you infuse into them. that's why he treasures them even more. probably thumbs over the pages from time to time. memorizes every stroke and line.
isagi likes the way you always draw that little tuft of hair that sticks up on the top of his head. it looks like a cute little bean sprout. he pins your drawings up above his bed next to a polaroid of you two in germany. buys you a professional art set for your birthday. if you're a digital artist, he buys you a new tablet and stylus.
bachira adds his own doodles next to yours except he makes a chibi version of everything. always pesters you to include his little fangs. uses the boldest combination of colors. he would definitely be a messy artist. paint everywhere. fingernails perpetually stained a different color. you both draw during class, so when you two trade notebooks to actually study......there aren't any actual notes.
barou acts like he doesn't know what to do with your drawing of him but then the next day you visit his house, and he's already put your artwork in a fancy picture frame. refuses to let anyone else even stand within a ten meter radius next to it because he doesn't want their "nasty fingerprints" all over your beautiful masterpiece.
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What would be your fave genshin girls dream dates???
OKAY SO I KNOW I DIDN'T WRITE IT IN THE RULES BUT I'M TOTALLY WRITING FOR FURINA (and Neuvilette and Navia) AND SHE'S MY RECENT ADDITION TO MY FAVES. She's cringefailure... I want her so bad (both in game and in general)
Lisa, Miko, Nilou and Furina's dream dates
Reader here is gender neutral
Her dream date is a very simple one. She just wants to enjoy the moment. Best if you just went on a walk with a pretty scenic route.
She wants to hear you talk, listen to your voice and let you talk about whatever made you happy or excited recently.
Because seeing your smile might be better than any scenery you may encounter. Just like a sunset she can't help but admire the sight of your smile no matter how many times she'd seen it.
She wants to hold your hand, tease you with her touch while she's at it. Just so she can feel her heart melt over how adorable you are.
She'd look for opportunities to steal tons of kisses. Just because she can never get enough of your lips on hers.
She likes a date where things aren't expected. So if you do a bit more... Original romantic gestures, she'd never want that moment to end.
Make her heart skip a beat, but not by buying her flowers. Do something different, something that'll stick to her memory. Something that even she wouldn't think of.
Of course having a drink or two would be very nice as well. It may add to unexpected behavior.
But of course after all that excitement, she also wants to enjoy a calm moment. Just the two of you existing in your own little world.
Maybe a little trip to hot springs, or maybe just cuddling, the possibilities to unwind are endless.
Her dream date would take place at night. Because then... Everything would be magical no matter where you go.
But settling for a lake would be ideal. Having a little picnic as you watch the moon's reflection in the water. The two of you staying close so you feel each other's warmth... It'd be paradise.
The tasty treats, her favorite person and a beautiful sight... That's just the thing that would make her the happiest.
She'd like to learn everything about you in that moment. Just opening up to each other and allowing yourselves to be vulnerable.
A date like that would make the time go so fast you could probably stay up the entire night and witness the sun rising once again.
She needs the thrill, the excitement so her perfect date is one where she is entertained by you.
She'd like that date to also be your proof of devotion to her. After all as the divine she should have a reason to choose you!
It's totally not about her feeling insecure and having proof that you do indeed have feelings for her...
So, proclaim your love! Write something on the tallest building-... Wait no, that'd end your date in the courtroom.
But there are other- more legal- ways to make her feel like your hearts beat for each other! And who else could keep track of the legality if not her?
~Mod Lisa
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archanonhiru · 5 months
Could Wheel of Time characters survive Castle Dracula? (I saw the could your fave survive Castle Dracula vlog and submitted Mat then decided wait I want to do this myself). Also we're ignoring the ability to just portal yourself away for the purpose of this.
Rand: I mean yeah 100%, if it's late game he has sheer overwhelming firepower on top of having diagetic plot armor. Early game his plot armor and farm boy earnestness would probably carry him through (would take the crucifix, doesn't need to shave apparently, would explore, would survive the girlies if only by having Dracula show up at the right time, would choose to stay rather than face the wolves, could survive the climb down (see Shadar Logoth, the Caemlyn Palace, general ta'averen stuff). This is basically a matter of how far has he progressed in becoming a war machine as to whether Dracula gets incinerated or not.
Mat: Early game (pre-dagger healing) absolutely not, he's too paranoid, Dracula would eat him day 1. Post dagger healing, and especially post Rhuidean, yeah he survives. He'll take the crucifix (bitchily), play Scheherezade (bitchily), survive the girlies (bitchily) if only because of luck, would continue to play to his outs and choose not to face the wolves, and I do not believe a cliff would kill him.
Perrin: oh this one's funny. Perrin survives, but that's because he's a wolf and Dracula just goes 'sweet, free minion' and mind controls him.
Nynaeve: One way or another, yes. Her whole thing is pulling bullshit out of her ass whenever she's in a situation that should be all rights get her killed. She's arguably more ta'averen then the ta'averen when it comes to surviving near death experiences. She tugs her braid at Dracula when the crying baby shows up, gets furious, and evaporates them with her mind. Or Lan shows up for no reason. Or if it's late game Nynaeve she decides to learn to fix vampirism and just does it.
Egwene: at no point in the series would Egwene survive Castle Dracula except possibly through overwhelming firepower. Her go to method of surviving imprisonment is to out stubborn them, which works because the people who capture her want her alive. Dracula does not care. She would not give him what he wants reaction wise so she dies.
Moraine: 50/50, but if she survives it's through killing Dracula. She's too competent, even if she tries to play along and appease it'd be too obviously practiced and Dracula would go for the throat. It depends how much she knows about what she's walking into and whether her standard precautions see her through long enough to figure it out.
Lan: Lan dies. He's a badass but he's still human and his points are optimized for combat not social combat.
Thom Merrilin: This is actually the toughest call I have. He's specifically a spy/actor/assassin so I guess it depends on how good he is at dissembling. However, he also is very good at mysteriously surviving off screen events so. Jury is out
Elayne: Dies. She's not making it out of this one. She's not even got the same level of brute force Egwene gets to save herself.
Aviendha: probably dies, but I think she has a chance to fight her way free either through Dracula and the girlies or through the wolves.
Bonus Min: gets vampirized and is now Dracula's personal seer.
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misc-obeyme · 2 months
HELLO I'M HERE TO RAMBLE ABOUT MC'S MORTALITY. I have literally been grinding event battles and coins and such all day because the power up campaign ends today (I'm under 200 in rank NB wise but geez it's getting harder to keep up)
anyway I always think about what happens to mc after/if they did die. like I love sam's/still-a-moronsexual's interpretation of mc not being entirely human for one
but there's different levels/circles of hell in the Devildom, and that the devildom and the celestial realm are separate from the traditional heaven/hell if I remember correctly? like what happens to mc in the event they do pass on. Everyone says they have a shiny soul. And would mc keep their memories after passing?
Like everyone has different beliefs and I'm just rambling, but there's reincarnation for one. Sometimes I think about Michael and if we'll ever meet him, and if he'd go so far as to pull strings to get mc into the celestial realm (everyone wants the once powerful mortal on their side). And imagine him making sure to keep mc's info access limited, but then let's say luke catches a glimpse and tells the brothers. Imagine mc doesn't remember the brothers either, but there's this dull tug in their gut when they see these demons. Painful angst. (And if mc DID keep their memories, would they immediately choose to fall? Imagine your fave catches you. like I think my mc would stick around to get info and out of curiosity, but would secretly be planning to fall. Even if it was painful, it'd be worth it to them.)
or mc ends up in the devildom because of how big of a tie they have. I wonder if they would/could become an Avatar, and what if they did. Despair possibly? Would they be a regular demon, or have a special power perhaps? Diavolo would probably give them a noble title. but also, ANGST IF THEY HAVE NO RECOLLECTION OF ANYTHING. Diavolo early in NB said something about knowing almost every demon, so I wonder if he meets new people to help them get set up?? aha imagine he lets them stay at the castle, and mc wanders off, and bumps into someone they used to know. chaos
There's also the possibility they could become immortal I'm sure with a spell or Solomon's cooking. Or maybe their lifespan is just longer than a humans by a hundred years or so. They simply cherish the time they have, but suddenly they're aging past 120 and they're sweating internally. Solomon I think has talked about feeling like he loses/lost touch with his humanity, until he met mc. I wonder if mc would go through the same if they ended up truly immortal
THIS IS GETTING SO LONG SORRY, BUT THIS IS MY LAST AND FAVORITE IDEA. The three worlds couldn't decide what happens to mc, like this is the first time this has happened. Huge arguments. Sometimes i think about the good place show when I'm brainstorming. ANYWAY, mc becomes a reaper. No one gets their soul. They are now in charge of collecting them, and reapers are sorta neutral right? It's a compromise for everyone. Thirteen is overjoyed. Mc with a scythe, what will they do? Or the night dagger lol
the obey me manga comes out on tuesday i think, I'm probably hitting the bookstore on Thursday. and while I could order it online, something about finding it on the shelf is so fun. I literally finished king of wrath on friday, and read almost the entirety of king of pride on Saturday, and now I'm on king of greed. My friend is concerned with how fast I read because we have a book tracking app that allows buddy reads lol
- ✨ anon
AH thank you, ✨ anon, I need all the luck I can get lol!!
Now see the interesting thing about all of this is that the game doesn't really specify. I do think they have implied that hell is a separate place from the Devildom (aka the Underworld where Solomon walked through the rings and Luci got trapped in the ice). So presumably if MC died and went to hell, they wouldn't actually end up in the Devildom itself. I don't remember if they've implied the same for heaven and the Celestial Realm, but it seems likely that it would be the case.
Personally I like the idea of reincarnation but MC just... keeps being reincarnated as a human on earth lol. Like every time MC dies, the others have to find them again. And they don't remember each life. Though if this happens enough perhaps Solomon or somebody comes up with a spell that can restore all their memories.
I do think it'd be interesting if Michael intervened and somehow got MC to be in the Celestial Realm, especially if they had no memories of the Devildom and everything. Imagine being an angel and then suddenly you get those memories back and you're like, that's it, I'm falling.
Which leads me to the question of how does one fall?
They don't really get into the specifics of that, either. Can you choose to fall? Or do you just do terrible things with the hope that the consequence will be banishment to the Devildom?? I have thoughts about this, but it's all just personal headcanon stuff.
I do think it makes sense for MC to just sorta end up in the Devildom because yo that's basically their home now, you know?
I tend to headcanon that due to the pacts and the "ring" and everything else MC has been through, they have enough magic interfering with their usual biology that they're probably already immortal. Just because that makes sense to me. I also think Solomon probably knows a way to make them immortal if they really wanted to be. vampire!MC lol
AHHH reaper!MC!! Thirteen would be thrilled!! They don't really give us a whole lot of info about the reapers either, but I headcanon that they're neutral and somewhat outside of the whole Devildom vs Celestial Realm situation. I have a lot of ideas about this, but again it's all personal headcanon.
So I think any of these options are possible! And it's certainly fun to think about all the ways in which MC's death might be dealt with. Somehow I don't think we're gonna get anything like that in canon, but I guess you never know!
Ah I love reading, I used to read so much... now I don't read as much as I used to because I'm spending all my time writing al;kdfkjfd. But yes the manga I read the first free chapter they had, but maybe I will buy the book itself...
Anyway, I love all these ideas and I think it's fascinating to think about all of these possibilities!
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aetheternity · 1 year
"Venti stans are low key annoying complaining about Venti not being the main focus of the Windblume festival."
First off we do not care. Second off ok???? Literally every character stan complains about their fave not getting enough screen time hop off.
It isn't even about screen time for me. It's about the fact that Venti hasn't truly felt like Venti in several updates. The last time he truly felt like himself was during Weinlesefest but even then he still didn't feel like the Venti we met all the way back during the first archon quest. And I don't wanna hear "hE hAd cHaRaCtEr dEvLoPmEnT." Cause no that isn't what happened, he regressed as a character. He's becoming fanon Venti in game. He gets used for alcohol jokes and Paimon calls him lazy then he dips. 🙄
"He was just in the Lantern Rite.." Shut Up. Shut Up. Shut all the fucking way up! He was terrible in LR and honestly if you cut Venti out of LR you basically have the same event. He did literally nothing of substance and he shouldn't have been there at all.
The first Windblume festival centered around Venti and showed us more of Venti being Mondstadt's archon. The second Windblume festival has barely anything to do with him. Excuse us if we're fucking disappointed, we have every right to be. Like I said literally every character's stans complain about them not getting enough screen time. Yeah sure if every Mondstadt event centered Venti it'd get old but the biggest problem is they decided to center a MONDSTADT EVENT around fucking SUMERU CHARACTERS. Fucking Collei gets more screen time than any Mondstadt character. Which wouldn't be a problem but this is a main Mondstadt event. Even though Venti was in LR 3 he wasn't a main focus he was a background character to the rest of the cast. Which is what Collei should've been cut out Tighnari and Cyno.
Mondstadt has so many underutilized characters and their screen time got spliced for the Sumeru fuckers who already have too much screen time. The entire last five updates have had Cyno in almost everything and Tighnari as well and while Collei has less screen time than them she has yet to be under used. If this was about Collei meeting up with Amber again they could've had that in a different event. If this was about Collei facing her anxiety it could've happened in a different event. They should've just had Sucrose helping Mondstadters cause guess what? You think this is going to be the last time a nation's event gets characters bombarding in? Hell no Fontaine is coming soon we're one hundred percent going to get nation festivals with random characters that have nothing to do with anything probably until the end of the game.
We'll see how happy ya'll are when your fave gets less screen time for some randos that have nothing to do with the nation you care about.
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mendelpalace · 2 months
Answering Some Asks
I recently sent some questions over to @thirtytwoelvismovies - who requested that I answer them myself in turn. So here we are:
What's a recent piece of media you've connected with?
Probably the most recent media that I connected with is the "Anthology of the Killer" series of games by thecatamites. I played through most of them in two days last year and they quickly became an all-time fave. Inspired by everything from Richard Sala's comics, to 80s new wave design, to surrealist art, to zine culture, to the endless repetition of long-running detective and horror fiction. They're also short and have a lot of fun writing.
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2. What's something you'd LIKE to collect, but don't currently have?
I don't have a ton of room or disposable income at the moment, so there's lots of things I'd like to collect if circumstances were different. The first thing that comes to mind for some reason would be the 1981 pinball table Black Hole, which has a hidden second playfield that's upside down. Expensive and requires a lot of upkeep, but it'd be so cool.
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3. What's the last album that you listened to?
TEETH OF GLASS - La sonagliera della morte (2024). Gloomy minimal synth/ambient inspired by giallo cinema and Italian gothic horror. Courtesy of the Heimat Der Katastrophe label, who publish a lot of dungeon synth, minimal synth, etc.
4. How are you doing?
So-so, truth be told. My depression has been getting to me lately and I've had a lot of anxiety about the future. I've been feeling very stagnant for a while now and I think I need some change.
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canmom · 6 months
animes 2023
i didn't watch a ton of seasonals but i watched more than usual so... looking back? very somewhat brief comments! obviously inspired by @kbnet doing the same.
Tengoku Daimakyou
fave anime this year was probably Tengoku Daimakyou. easily the one that stood out the most from an animation perspective, the wonky brain transplant gender thing was a lot of fun, and for better or worse i seem to have now trained a pretty high tolerance for an impactful but questionably necessary sexual assault subplot in the finale.
I kinda get it, it'd been telegraphing a fascination with what makes gender, with power and exploitation, and in general the difficult experience of sexuality from pretty early on. there's a lot of ways that Robin could turn out to have clay feet when we meet him. they went for about the nastiest possible; that episode becomes a bit of a rape-revenge plot. the real question will be how they handle the aftermath.
and honestly? I am really looking forward to where it goes. I'm intrigued by what will happen to the psychic kids, I'm enjoying the main pair's meandering journey. it can deliver an impactful episode plot that hits hard, but it also definitely feels like it has narrative momentum towards something.
technically it stayed insanely strong throughout: the characters are distinctive and expressive, the animation is super lively, the backgrounds gorgeous. love to see Production I.G. firing on all cylinders like this.
Oshi no Ko
Oshi no Ko from the same season was also very solid, like it definitely dangles a pretty wacky premise, but it turns into this very earnest thing about acting and the many tensions and violences of the entertainment industry. Since watching that I've read all the manga that's available in scanlation, and it's a pretty direct beat for beat adaptation, but it's interesting how pacing that felt kinda laboured in the anime felt a lot snappier in the manga.
Probably the most interesting challenge for the animators was how to take a story that really hinges on the question of what makes for good and bad acting and make it convincing in animation. In the end, they still rely a lot on framing and symbolic elements like the star eyes to get it across, but there's still some really key moments where the animated acting shines.
I was curious enough to start reading Kaguya-sama: Love Is War by the same author and it didn't do a lot. I wanna check out the anime though bc it seems to be really highly respected.
16-Bit Sensation: Another Layer
16Bit Sensation has a lot of endearing aspects. The mc is endearing for her big himejoshi energy even if they're blatantly angling to push her together with the guy. The wilder turns taken at the end are fun (a lot to be dug into with the 'what if moe evolved in the states' thing) although it kind of quickly falls into a pretty conventional hero-villain save the day thing. I liked the yuri-lite subplot with the girl who the protag helps to buy some eroge who then becomes a gamedev herself. The concept can be read as a fascinating kind of CCRU thing with the concept of moe reaching back in time to create itself. That could be fun if you delved into it more.
If there's one thing it's kind of lacking it's like... any actual details on PC98 game dev, which mostly happens in offscreen montages. I was watching it with a friend who's a real big nerd for old computers so it was fun to share that with her, but ultimately the most it has to say about the actual games is that the girls are cute (one of them says uguu) and also dithering is a thing. The finale involves this escalating gag about strapping PC98s together in parallel to make increasingly unlikely compute stacks, which is fun but also it's kind of just using the PC98 as a symbol at that point as you get further and further from the actual capabilities of the machine.
What is that symbol? There's an odd kind of quiet nationalism in it. The significance of the PC98 is that it was the last successful home computer to be made domestically in Japan; likewise the stakes of the finale are the culture of Akihabara as an otaku space, with the alternative being gentrified blocks of flats and American cultural domination. I haven't had a chance to see the finale yet so I'm wondering how they're gonna resolve it. I feel you could do a lot more with the ideas they raise in this alternate timeline, but it's playing pretty loose at this point with a very protagonist centric story, so it can't really get into them.
Trigun Stampede
Can't say too much about this one because I only saw half and I was watching it unsubbed for immersion practice, and it was a bit beyond my level. It's interesting from a character design trends perspective. Orange are undoubtedly the kings of 3DCG anime, but I didn't like the lighting style here as much as I did Houseki. Need to watch this again at some point subbed.
NieR Automata ver 1.1a
Hard to know what to say here. This was one of several big production collapses of 2023 - a two cour anime that went on a long hiatus before finishing even one. I kind of fell off at that point, so I still need to finish it.
I went in with a sense of trepidation. I didn't like what I'd seen of the designs and photography, and the first episode seemed to confirm my worst fears, with some incredibly shoddy CGI and weak action. Thankfully, the later episodes all improve on matters a great deal.
This would be a terrible substitute for the game, but as a companion piece, it's pretty cool - it jumps between the main beats and fleshes out some of the side characters, or focuses on some odd poignant little stories. I was honestly surprised how many notes it could hit. Of course, Keiichi Okabe's music does a lot of heavy lifting - the animation is sometimes strong (if a bit melty) but I don't love the designs and photography style in general. Still this anime grew on me a lot and I do mean to finish it - it's NieR after all, practically a religious obligation at this point.
Attack on Titan: The Final Season: The Final Chapters: Part 1: Dream Drop Distance
So like a year ago I watched through Attack on Titan with mogs, came to a somewhat questionable redemptive reading of it as not being the fashiest anime ever but charting a rather muddled break from a nationalist worldview into more of a Gundam type story of enemies putting aside their differences, the futility of military sacrifice, etc etc. (we later watched Tanya the Evil, continually waiting for the other shoe to drop with it being straight up a nazi propaganda power fantasy - it never did, that anime is straight up irredeemable lmao). anyway I said at the time that the finale would confirm or deny my interpretation of what it's about, determined by the question of how it addresses Eren's ideological turn. I think I was maybe out waaaaay on a limb with all this shit lmao. ngl mostly I watched this cartoon because the story is so deranged and I want to see for myself what insane turns the guy will pull next.
Anyway MAPPA spent a lot of animators on this, bc they're MAPPA, so it naturally had some very impressive scenes. Any sort of thematic resolution was still deferred and I'm 99% sure it's gonna be some sort of pathetic copout... oh apparently they released the finale like two months ago lmao, guess I'll finally get to find out. What a weird franchise to have driven the 2010s anime boom honestly.
Magical Destroyers
I really wanted to like this one more than I did. A lot of anime these days feels very sanded down and predictable, and whatever it is, Magical Destroyers definitely isn't that. It has a great OP that writes a lot of cheques that the show itself sadly isn't really up to paying...
...and there's a lot that's interestingly odd about it; it's got this cheerfully enthusiastic attitude towards explicit sexuality, it's got a very online weeb sense of humour, it honestly kind of feels like of if the people who do 'Otaku Vs.' on youtube got to make a series.
Anyway at some point I saw a 20 minute summary of the rest:
The explanation behind all this turns out to be: the creator is a 24 year old Japanese-American guy who's spent half his life in California, skating and drawing for clothing brands and DJing and stuff like that after he didn't make it as a mangaka at first, and somehow his connections turned into an anime deal. Ostensibly Undertale was an inspiration although it's not entirely clear how. The result is something incredibly disjointed that doesn't go anywhere, with incomprehensible meta turns and barely existent characterisation, but it certainly stands as something different.
I watched this because Sakugablog covered it. It's very nicely animated for sure, with great use of saturated colour, but I dropped it after three or four episodes because I couldn't connect to the power fantasy, the only girl was way too overdetermined by being the obvious love interest, and it really didn't seem to be going anywhere. Also the flight attendant episode just felt mean-spirited, especially how little impact it seems to leave on our protagonists. I get that the whole point is the MC's sunny attitude being completely at odds with the apocalyptic setting, but I ended up finding him grating.
There's also some unfortunate irony in the fact that after the pointed jabs at the animators' former studio OLM in the first ep, they apparently ended up crunching pretty hard by the end.
Damn is that really all I watched this year? Still haven't seen a few much-hyped ones like the Scott Pilgrim anime or Frieren. I guess mostly I watch stuff through Animation Night still...
As far as movies: Boy and the Heron/How Do You Live only just came out in the UK, gonna see it in a week. Haven't seen Suzume yet, or the whiskey one, or The Concierge. I wrote my comments on Kaina of the Great Snow Sea (disappointing), Tunnel to Summer: The Exit of Goodbyes (decent summer movie), Lonely Castle in the Mirror (solid and affecting) and The First Slam Dunk (actually incredible, made me understand sports) during Annecy - technically most of those came out last year anyway lol. Apparently there's a new Psycho-Pass movie too! When Psycho-Pass is good it's great, so I'll give that a shot.
Outside of anime - been meaning to check out some TV donghua like Link Click; also very excited to dig into Scavenger's Reign. I'll certainly report back when I do.
Animation Night's kinda fallen apart in the last few months - it would happen sooner or later, the project has kinda run its course and achieved "social connection" and "speedrunning an education in animation history" lol. but I'm glad I've kept it going as long as I have. I'm gonna try and bring it back in the new year, it would be nice to reach that big 200 before I wrap it up for good.
Thanks for reading my blog, nerds!! Let's see if I can make 2024 the year I go from just talking about animation to making my own short films.
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solaireverie · 4 months
tagged by @oscar-fastri 🫶
1. Who or what got you into F1?
my family! i come from one of those european motorsport legacy families where we've followed the sport from day one. both my parents are enthusiasts and i grew up watching f1.
2. Who was the very first F1 driver you supported? Do you support them now? Have your opinions on them differed or stayed the same since then?
the first f1 driver i supported would either be sebastian vettel or lewis hamilton. seb is retired now, but i'm still a lewis girlie through and through. i think my opinions have changed a lot, especially when they switch teams, but in my heart i'm still that kid screaming my heart out as my favorite driver drives past.
3. Who’s your current favourite F1 driver?
max verstappen 🦁 if you'd asked me before feb 1st i'd have included lewis but i'm still reeling from the news
4. Is there a driver pairing or pairings you support? What made you attracted to that pairing in the first place?
hear me out: oscar and fernando. it may be unconventional, but i feel like it'd be epic. it'll probably never happen but the vibes would be incredible omg.
but secretly i'll always want to see seb and lewis in the same team 😭
5. Do your parents, siblings or relatives have a favourite driver?
oh. ohhhh boy.
my mum's favorites are lewis and mick, my dad's are max and pierre, my brother is lecfosi through and through, and my sister is a lando fan. my extended family supports various assorted drivers that i honestly don't bother to keep track of 🤭
6. Do you have any favourite races? Are there any that stand out to you the most?
barcelona 2016 and interlagos 2021 are the ones that come to mind. yes, there are others that have been "better" for my faves, but max's first win (ft. brocedes public divorce proceedings) and lewis' insane comeback hold such special places in my heart.
7. Do you have a favourite circuit? Can be from the past or from the current calendar.
i'm legally obliged to say circuit paul ricard and silverstone, but zandvoort, spa, and suzuka also hold special places in my heart.
8. Have you ever been to an F1 race in real life? Feel free to tell us your experience going to one if you like.
i've been lucky enough to go to quite a few 😜 there's a picture of three-week-old me at the 2005 barcelona grand prix that i keep on my desk lmao
i think my most notable experience is that the cars are a lot louder and faster than they seem online. my favorite gp experience would probably be silverstone but spa and interlagos are really cool too!!
btw monaco is a tourist trap. it's kind of boring and honestly it's more of a social event than a race, so if you want to experience the more technical side of f1, it's better to go to another gp
9. Have you ever met an F1 driver in real life?
my lawyer (my cat) has advised me not to comment on this
(yes but mostly in passing)
10. Do you have a favourite F1 car? If so, what is it?
w11 😌 you will never be forgotten, although rocky (rb19) comes close to stealing my heart
11. Do you have a favourite one win wonder?
meeeeeeh. if i really had to choose it would either be heikki or pastor maldonado but nope, no favorites.
12. Do you have any favourite quotes from the F1 world? This can either be inspirational or hilarious.
"i don't apologise for winning" - sebastian vettel
"enjoy the butterflies" - daniel ricciardo
"no regrets, just memories" - daniel ricciardo
"still i rise" - lewis hamilton
not a quote but i really like the il predestinato nickname for charles :)
tagging @papayatifosi @formulahuh @matchnightt @lorarri @presdestigatto @renarots <33 and anyone else who wants to do this!
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le-panda-chocovore · 2 months
Hello, can I ask from this ask game :
For fandom : Haikyuu, BNHA, ATLA, and Jujutsu Kaisen.
Thanks 🌻
Sorry I took time but lists and ranking are difficult to me lol, and I had 4 different asks about making a TOP 5 so I kinda lost myself into it 😅
Oh my god there's so many fandoms, you're really trying to kill me damn-
Okay okay Imma try not to write to much (<- will probably fail)
Favorite Character: (I absolutely HATE that question, why do I have to choose ?!?) I'd say Bokuto Koutarou but I also have 5 others in mind lol
Favorite Arc/Episode/Scene: The Tokyo Stage during S2 is my fave because my favorite characters get many screentime together, we see so many different people interact, and it's so fun to enjoy matches without the stress of the competition. I get to support anyone and not feel guilty about it !! Also there's Tsukki's character development, and there's my favorite scene in the anime (the Oya Oya Oya), and they all learn and work on new techniques and it's so cool !! (<- already rambling too much)
Character I Think is Underrated: Maybe Gosshiki ? He's such a baby I love him. I believe Tendou is very much loved so not underrated. Tanaka too. I know people love him but I think he deserves so much more. That man participated in EVERY MATCH, he NEVER got replaced and he doesn't have an ultra special attack and he's not the ace but he's sooooo reliable and cool. He's a caring sempai and a good player and an amazing friend and the only straight ally in a gay world lmaooo We don't appreciate him enough.
Character I Think is Overrated: When I'm not rewatching Haikyuu I think that Hinata and Atsumu are kinda overrated because yeah they're cool but they're not the bests and their characters (I know they're different) aren't the ones I love the most and also I think they're selfish. Then when I rewatches the episode for fun I4m so invested in everything and I just cannot not love them. So, no one is overrated actually.
Favorite Ship/Pairing: HAHA I won't answer that- Alright I will but keep it short. Let's say any popular ship that involves Tsukki, Kuroo, Bokuto, Akaashi and Kenma. Yes even the polyships. Yes. Any popular ship.
Something I Love About the Show/Movie: Everything. (<- only short answer I4m able to give)
Oh it's been a while since I've been in that fandom. I lost my hyperfixation 3 years ago and I don't even read the scans anymore. Let's do it anyway, maybe it'd wake some sparkle in me and I'd be able to finish my fanfictions !
Favorite Character: I used to say Present Mic or Bakugo and I'm not sure now. I think Aizawa-sensei is someone safe to say, he'd never not be in my Top 3.
Favorite Arc/Episode/Scene: It's been so long, I don't really know
Character I Think is Underrated: Hatsune Mei. I love her and I rarely see people talking about her (or maybe I'm not on the good side of the fandom). And Mina (I know she's loved but not enough)
Character I Think is Overrated: All Might, I don't really like him. Mineta of course, he deserves Hell.
Favorite Ship/Pairing: EraserMic. I didn't write 3 fanfics about those dumbass gay teachers to not put them here.
Something I Love About the Show/Movie: The theme is good : how should we build a society where almost everyone has a superpower ? How do you regulate that ? How do you classify people as heroes, vigilantes and villains ? How do childhood trauma and socioeconomic differences, and traditional cultures play on the development of the superpower and the life of a person ?
This one is easier because I've already did a fan card about it!
Favorite Character: Zuko. Also Toph.
Favorite Arc/Episode/Scene: The Boiling Rock episodes.
Character I Think is Underrated: I don't think there's one ? I just think Avatar Kyoshi is a bit misinterpreted because the fans love exaggerating, but nothing actually bad.
Character I Think is Overrated: Jet maybe. I just feel nothing about him outside the context of him
Favorite Ship/Pairing: Zukka Nation
Something I Love About the Show/Movie : It's just perfect ? Perfect representation of everything ? It shows so many delicate subjects (people -kids- involved in war, sexism, racism, denial, terrorism, propaganda, redemption, trauma) and it's just GOOD. Zuko returns to his abusive family and makes more mistakes. Sokka looks down on women despite living years of his life surrounded by them. Katara steals something because her ego is hurt. Aang hides something to his friends because he has abandonment issues. Toph is.... Toph. And it's so well written and perfect and good.
I've done this one too but it's still hard to me lmaooo
Favorite Character: Geto Suguru and Gojo Satoru and Choso and Itadori Yuuji and-
Favorite Arc/Episode/Scene: Hidden Inventory Arc. The story should have stopped here. We don't need anything more come on it's fine. Everyone's happy and it's fine (episodes 4 and 5 don't exist)
Character I Think is Underrated: Ino Takuma. Protect him.
Character I Think is Overrated: That fucking Naoya Bitch. I learned his in the TOP 20 popularity poll ??? HOW THE FUCK ??????? I literally cannot see his face, it gives me nausea. I hate him so sincerely, I don't even want to think about him.
Favorite Ship/Pairing: You know, I know, we know. The strongest. The one and only. The curse me a little at the end. They're known by many names. Satosugu, Gego, Sugusato, Goge, SaltSugar, whatever you want.
Something I Love About the Show/Movie: It's literally a story about love. It is not a romance anime, but it is about love. The theme comes back so often. Suguru loved his friends and it doomed him. Satoru loved Suguru and became a teacher. Yuuta loved Rika and cursed her. Geto's family loved him. It's all about love and no one could convince me otherwise.
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asexualbookbird · 2 months
were there any other anime that you enjoyed?
I was big into Haruhi Suzumiya (God Knows... almost made it onto that list of fave songs not in english lol) and Toradora for the LONGEST time! One of my high school teachers actually gave me half the manga volumes I own because he knew I loved it so much. I wore my hair like Haruhi every day for. A year? Maybe?? At least???? TRULY I WAS IN DEEP. Someone ruined them for me though lol still trying to win them back in my heart.
Naruto was like. 60% of my personality in middle school and high school. I think I've cosplayed every iteration of Itachi and some Sasuke too. Met some of my favorite people through cosplaying loser Uchihas. The music kicks ass. Kishimoto doesn't know how to write women. Fanfic authors always came to his rescue.
Yakitate! Japan. I don't have much more to say about that. Except it's VERY good and VERY fun and I never got into Food Wars because YAKITATE! JAPAN IS RIGHT THERE!!!!!!! I should probably get into Food Wars though.
Tokyo Mew Mew was FORMATIVE!!!! It's the series I read my first fanfic from! I made my own mewmew sona a while back (like. a few years ago. not in middle school LOL) it will ALWAYS hold a place in my heart.
MADOKA! Listen. I respect why people don't like the series. Girls deserve more than suffering. BUT I LOVE IT SO MUCH LMAO HOMURA MY GIRL, and the visuals UGH THE VISUALS!!!! IT'S SO PRETTY!!!!
Also pretty was Made in Abyss, but again, I fully recognize why people stay away from it. But it's SO GOOD AND SO PRETTY AND OUCHIE. Perhaps there is a theme here,
I didn't get into Love Live! when it was still airing, and never really watched the anime until I got VERY into the rhythm game a couple year ago (I'd been playing way back in 2014, but stopped when I got a new phone and lost my old account but downloaded it around 2020 as something to do) and im kind of kicking myself because now all the merch of the OG girls is GONE! GIVE ME MY MAKI MERCH!!!!! I'm still very salty about the mobile game fiasco lmao but its okay because Project Sekai will save me :)
I feel like I could go on, but then it'd just turn into "what anime have you watched?" because im very bad at watching anime so I've only ever finished shows I truly like (or if a friend has sat me down and said 'we're watching this now :3' ) Full Metal Alchemist was also Formative, but I never actually sat down and watched Brotherhood all the way through lol I've seen Death Note a half dozen times I think which is weird because I would NOT consider it a fave yet it's probably the one I've seen most other than Haruhi (endless eight DNI)
I have not watched anything recently, but I love the Dungeon Meshi manga, and I think I might watch..fri....frieren? The little elf girl. That looks cute. It will probably destroy me.
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mickules · 2 years
Dangantober asks
So, you may or may not have seen, I've been posting Dangaronpa Ghost Photos as a daily october drawing and writing challenge
This is just a collection of asks about them, and I'll be posting a little breakdown of my thought process behind each character tomorrow
But first, the most pressing question:
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I'm afraid not, it's just gonna be THH and SDR2 but I do appreciate the enthusiasm👍! I'll be honest, I kinda ran dry on the ideas front. It might be different if I'd planned it all out in advance, but since v3 isn't a direct sequel, it doesn't slot in as neatly with the prev 2 games. I'd have had to do a lot more juggling to fit it in and I hate to admit it, but I was already starting to repeat myself a little bit. There's always next year tho perhaps...
Rest of the asks below!
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oho! (referencing Chiaki's photo) you certainly did see what I did there It was honestly a toss up between that, and sonic.exe which would have been HILARIOUS. (also not sure if anyone caught the ref to one of my fave youtubers)
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Fair point, Well we know what happens when you break ALL of them, But if you break a few all at once I think it'd the first option. They won't come for you at the exact same time though, the haunts cascade, one after the other depending on when you broke the rule, and how fast the ghost haunts you.
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I did try to make most of the rules things that'd probably get you in trouble anyway if you were caught, but there's gonna be that one unlucky fecker who accidentally throws a new pen away and gets their ass ghost stalked by Nagito, no idea of what's going on.
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@cat0901h3 Originally I was going to include a bit with Makoto as the headteacher The idea was that Junko lured you into the headteacher's office to kill you THERE, essentially framing Makoto, and starting up her whole campaign of despair again. I decided to leave it more ambiguous instead like the ending of THH, and have Junko be your unreliable narrator instead
Course this au crumbles a little if you look too hard since the sdr2 lot are actually dead and not in a simulation (and I did not plan this lol) I like to think of it like a Battle Royale situation. Junko set up the killing games but it never got outside Hope's Peak, it was kept under wraps. there wasn't an actual apocalypse.
In this scenario I do see Makoto as the headteacher, he'd probably know about the hauntings, hence why there are school policies in place that match the 'rules', I figure Hiro helps out a fair bunch working out the haunting parameters, they're trying to help their friends rest in peace.
thanks so much! super glad you like! Working fast was what I was most known for in school lol, it helps if I've got a solid visual in mind, otherwise I can meander with the best of them.
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AHH?? THANkS SO MUCH! I'm so pleased folk liked them! I've gotta admit when I started I was like 'ha ha this'll be a laugh' and halfway through it was very much 'WRITING IS HARD' Lord, pour one out to the fanfic authors, I cannot do what they do!
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Thanks so much! it really makes my day to see folk waiting for the next one :) Hope celeste lived up to your expectations ;)
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Sorry for leaving these too late to answer! I didn't want to stop and answer in between the dangantober posts in case I lost momentum But I wanted to acknowledge it, I'm pleased I sparked your interest! :)
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[EDIT this ask came literally as I pushed post]
@emberz7 AH!! Thanks so so much! I'm blown away to hear that folk were actually spooked! A little creepy vibe was definitely was I was going for I think I like Chiaki's picture the most, I just really like how it came out with the screenshot vibe. In terms of story, honestly Sayaka's it was the one that inspired me to start the whole thing, and at the beginning it was the only one I had! I think it's also the most robust in terms of flow, it feels like an actual ghost story someone might tell.
Also, I see you, you absolute GEMS who reblogged each one?? and left tags??? you don't know how much that means to me
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not gonna lie that's a big reason why I didn't run out of steam sooner <3
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I was gunna do the predictions bingo but honestly I am not feeling the juices rn. So maybe just a hopes list?
The obvious first one, Smith comes back as a human in some shape or form. Adjacently, this ends up as the ending of the OP shows up. I think Obari has been very direct in saying how much the OP is representative of the work and the scenes we don't have are the section where Bravern rolls out with the TSes and Smith demonstrating his pick up game. One of the news articles for a mech focused site has a thing about spotlighting TSes that show up in the later half and I don't know if they meant series as the whole or just the ep lol. Anyway, significant Smith helping lift Isami up scene pls.
I'm uh, not a Brave/Transformers focused person but I am in it for men kissing so I totally get people who want to keep Bravern but I like me a human Smith! Smith wanted to be in a bot and he's. In a bot. The same way we exist in our meatsuits. So I don't count it as a bad end either.
I think ideally we have both Bravern + Smith existing together... somehow. Actually it'd be so funny to have them both fight for Isami's attention. That being said some of the cute fanart where Smith can transform is probably my personal fave? Just throw in a magical girl show while we're here??
Oh at the very least
Isami figures out Bravern is Lewis Smith
I don't think there's any way we can get to the end without this happening so specificity. Isami finding Smith's dog tag in the cockpit is probably going to be the most obvious option. It's kinda brutal but I'm curious what the cockpit looks like "off" since it's like a projection orb or something.
It's related but imagine. A tokusatsu suit in there. I asked last week "what the fuck is 2m tall human man Isami Ao supposed to do against giant robot. What if he gets a hero suit + sword. Clearly Brave Printer can do anything so.
Actually I wanna know more about that but I feel like that's just something that doesn't need to be answered rn.
Another time loop??
It'd be kind of fun if Isami finds some sort of time loop trigger inside of his cockpit. Because I think it'd be kind of amusing tbh. That being said I don't really know where I'd want it to go. Lewis goes to when Bravern is introduced which I guess is because that's his time of need? And Lulu goes to when Bravern is "born". I don't really see it but people feel like Isami's shift from crying -> hero who makes everyone happy is too drastic so maybe somewhere in there but honestly I think its because there's only 12 episodes lol. Maybe because it's Isami the fusion moments are save points?
The thing about a last time loop without Deathdrives means we don't get Lulu and Superbia so that would make me pretty sad so maybe not that far back lol.
Deathdrive Lore
I think the key to that kind of thinking is finding out why the Deathdrives are here to begin with. Like, Bravern came into existence _after_ they were already invading so why are they all here with the motivation to get a death from Bravern specifically. How does that work. Did Cunus know something about it and tell everyone?
Actually that would be interesting like, Bravern's existence is what brings the Deathdrives to this... world? Timeline? Reality? in the first place so they end up stopping Bravern from existing at all. That would explain why its both Smith and Isami coming out of TSes in the last scene but not the uh giant holes in the city behind them. I think it'd be a cop out to like, find some way to defeat the giant mechas in the giant mecha anime without a giant mecha anyway. Covering my bases though.
Anyway, what is up with them. What is the gluttony one doin with all that magma (is he going to make a new island??). Why is Ira so mad.
Isami Lore
I need the equivalent of the "when I was a kid, I wanted to be a dude in a skintight suit" but for Isami. Maybe the opposite? I think the post got too eaten by the draft system for me to post but I think it'd be interesting to see Isami be a parallel to Smith in that he lost people close to him but he went for the inverse conclusion where there are no heroes. Actually that would be such a callout for the last episode to start the same way as the start and also the big reveal. Or is that too repetitive? I'd also like to see how he befriends Miyu and Hibiki.
I think after everything I'll put together a "episodes I wish we had in a full season" list because I think it'd be fun to see more of what this man is cooking. Will I dip my toes into doing it myself? Probably not! Despite the amount of words here I'm not a great writer.
I don't think I'm actually capable of writing a review, I'm capable of being critical but I'm also not that discerning if that makes sense. Plus I lack so much extra context in the greater universe of everything this show references it wouldn't be particularly useful.
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doedipus · 3 months
aba is actually really interesting to me
a) I like the character a lot. she's probably my fave +r character, and it's great that she's going to be in a game I actually want to play mostly intact. she's definitely a character I could go insane about in the same way I have about gio/ram/elphelt.
I've also wanted to try learning a resource character for a while, but none of the existing ones appeal to me (read: they're men)
b) I was considering pivoting to elphelt because she got easy meterless high/low and that was something I was frustrated about gio not having. however, after actually trying her I realized that I liked the strike/throw archetype gamplay loop of scrounge for 50 meter doing mostly safe stagger pressure -> metered overhead for a guaranteed big conversion better than the high/low character loop of scrounge for 50 meter doing unreactable but interruptible low reward mixups -> guaranteed big conversion.
aba seems like she'll be closer to the former, which makes me more eager to try her out. she's also really fucking fast in jealousy mode and has a stepdash in regular mode, which seems like it'd be less of an adjustment going to/from gio
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fanz-y · 4 months
So now that I've actually watched 10 anime I wanted to rank them from best to worst
1. MSG: the Witch from Mercury; I have not seen any other Gundam show but I don't think this one is leaving #1 spot ever, and Bandai were cowards and homophobic for not showing us either a kiss or the wedding even though they got married, also I'm so mad that I episode 11 during the hug they didn't even say "I love you". The robots became the least interesting part of the robot show (8th I watched)
2. Bocchi the Rock!; probably what I want most anime to be, can't wait for the movie('s), this, G-Witch and Your Name might as well both be #1, also I want a cute Bocchi plush but I can't find one that's affordable without a high delivery :< (7th I watched)
3. Your Name; A movie that I found on a trans subreddit about a year ago, I didn't think it'd be as good as it was or that it'd affect me as much as it did, but I was left in tears when the credits came on, the story went somewhere completely than I thought it would, 10/10. also tied for first place, it deserves to be watched in a movie theater so much (10th I watched)
4. Cowboy Bebop; twink and his bear friend go on space adventures oh and the twink has his own shadow the hedgehog (6th one I watched)
5. BNA: Brand New Animal; the one of 2 studio Trigger show I've seen but from what I've read and heard they have a pretty mid reputation, I really liked it tho, I watched it around the time I came out and it's a pretty good trans allegory (still feel a tad weird about the ending) (4th one I watched)
6. Neon Genesis Evangelion (and the 1st movie); (don't)Get in the robot Shinji, I had been interested in it a bunch, big robots and all that, but only just got to it. The self perpetuating loop of abuse and trauma that Shinji and everyone gets put through because Genduo can't get over the death of his wife is horrible and I can't think of a more despicable antagonist than him, the movie was so fucked up. I still struggle to get what Seele was supposed to represent. I loved every scene where the Eva's get shown as demons, those looked real cool (9th I watched) (watched it entirely cuz of Signalis)
7. Cyberpunk Edgerunners; watched this before I played the game, the abuse that David went through combined with the end that I miss interpreted put me a bit off and I missed the point, but I got it after a rewatch (3rd one I watched)
8. JoJo's Bizarre Adventure; now that I've grown as a person I can safely say that it deserved to drift from spot 1, part 4 is still my fave. And it's still really really good in spite of how low it is (1st I watched)
9. Guilty Gear Xrd & Strive story mode; I am both counting and lumping them together, I liked the oversized Smurf with a gun, also Elphelt bby girl, still would've preferred an actual game tho(5th one I watched)
100000000000. Future Diary; I've watch this in a trade to get someone else to watch JoJo's, they came out better off with that deal, I am also no longer friends with that person (not because of the show but it's funny to mention) (2nd I watched) I still think it's missing some zeros, just add however many you believe it needs
Honorable mentions:
- Signalis; I know it's not an anime but it's anime adjacent and it's the best story I've ever played through, I don't even like horror games or gore at all that much but I will 100% this game and get all the endings, I wish I could talk about it more but spoiling ANYTHING about it feels wrong and making posts where half the words are censored just so fans get it isn't gonna work
- Pokemon; I loved the XYZ and B&W runs but I haven't watched it all and only remember catching it on TV
-Scott Pilgrim takes off, I watched the first few episodes, I don't particularly care for it, but it looks pretty good
Dishonorable mentions:
- Attack on Titan; I've had a run in with the series back when season 1 came out, back when I thought gore was cool, now I have negative interest in the series, I literally couldn't care less and I'm only putting it here to be fair
After the Witch from Mercury and Evangelion, I don't care for big robots as much as I used to.
Oh and I'm watching some more soon-ish gimme recommendations
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