#it's 7 am i haven't slept since yesterday
errorhalo · 1 year
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day 7 cringetober !! pinterest art base !
uhhhhh credit to the artist who made the base; https://www.instagram.com/cruzncreations/
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vilevampire · 1 year
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fuck it's that time of the day where I start bawling my fucking eyes ou t from sheer robin overload . again
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anamoon63 · 4 months
Hi guys, I am writing this in case anyone wonders why I have been kind of MIA lately. No, I haven't forgotten you, but I have had a difficult week, more than a difficult week, I have been through a real ordeal. Where or how it started it's a long story which I don't have the time or the energy to tell, so I'll just share a brief chronology of what happened during this past week.
Friday May 3 - I turned in my finished work and set out to do my sims posts, play and rest for the weekend since more work would be coming my way on Monday.
Saturday May 4 - My husband came down with the flu, I spent most of the day with him in the emergency room.
Sunday May 5 - I spent it taking care of my husband, who fortunately no longer had a fever. I barely slept two hours at night giving care and medication.
Monday 6 May - My birthday, we couldn't go out for dinner as usual, so we celebrated at home.
Tuesday, May 7 - My son comes down with the flu, too, another afternoon in the ER and sleepless night caring for him and bringing down his fever.
Wednesday, May 8 - My son starts to feel better, and begins to recover very quickly. I start working on the following translations, at the same time I take care of both my husband and my sick son, do food, laundry, order home medicines, and all kinds of small chores, including disinfecting things. It's like going back to 2020.
Thursday, May 9 - My husband no longer has a fever but does have a cough that won't go away and minor problems with his asthma.
Friday, May 10 - Mother's Day, my son was feeling fine, my husband still had a cough, and had a doctor's appointment at noon, when he returned, we celebrated at home just like on my birthday, I spent the rest of the day working, and juggling a thousand other things. In the evening my daughter started to feel sick, but still no fever.
Saturday, May 11 (yesterday) - My daughter woke up with a fever, another visit to the ER. She was prescribed flu medicine, painkillers and rest, and sent home.
And that's my odyssey so far. On top of it all, from Wednesday through Saturday we were in the middle of a heat wave with temperatures of 37ºC with real feel of up to 45ºC; at night we get a "cooler" temperature of 29ºC. So imagine a person with a fever of 38 ºC and with this heat, obviously it's not of much help.
Surprisingly, I haven't gotten sick so far, but I'm not claiming victory. I have been taking care of my family for a week, sleeping two or three hours a night, getting up at different times to check on them, or give them medicine. I don't have time for getting sick! Lol. Thankfully, everyone is better and last night for the first time in a week I was able to sleep straight through. Honestly, I don't need many hours of sleep, but I am routinely and usually I am in bed a 11 pm and up at 8 am every day, so all this did upset my sleep cycle a little bit.
Anyway, that is the reason why I wasn't here much, since the whole day I was too busy, and at night I was so tired all I wanted was to go to bed. I apologize if I've fallen behind on your updates, I'm not ignoring you in any way, I just didn't have the strength or the time, not even to play The Sims. If I did, it was just a little free play to distract myself.
Last week I told you that I was juggling a lot of things, well now I have even more things, lol, at times I feel really exhausted, and even a little cranky from lack of sleep, the first few days my feet and legs hurt so much from going back and forth, but I'm fine, healthy, and in good spirits. Today I believe, as never before, that the universe does not send you more than you can handle.
At this point my family is already in recovery, if I don't get sick too, it's likely by I'll be able to get back to my simming routine. Now, if I do get sick, I hope to recover as quickly as the others. Whatever happens, I'll be around. Know that, even if I don't comment, I read you, and I am with you, especially with those who are going through difficult times of any kind.
Ok, I said to myself this was going to be a short post, but I made a wall of text instead (for a change). My apologies if it's written in a sloppy or confusing way, I just wanted to write it quickly to let you know where I have been and what has been going on with me these days. I hope you are all well, please take care of yourselves, health is a treasure that can be lost at any moment, the flu is a nasty disease, we must never let our guard down and forget to take the necessary measures to prevent it.
Last, but not least, I want to thank all of you who have mentioned me, tagged me, sent me asks and/or stars to my inbox, commented and/or liked what few posts I could do these days, I appreciate it very much and I'll try to reply to you as soon as I can, though I've fallen so far behind that I don't know if I'll be able to find your mentions in my notifications. In any case, thank you very, very much to all of you for thinking about me in my absence. 💗 I'll see you soon, hopefully, with more sim adventures, stay tuned!
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prismadog · 3 months
I'm dying
it's 8.30 am, I haven't slept since yesterday midday, and I decided to start my morning by watching Etho's first episode of Hermitcraft Season 7
I can't with this man
I'm fucking losing it! and I'm only 4 minutes in!
this man, god, this man! I've never laughed so hard in my life.
he's just, Etho's just, I don't even know, guys, he's just so darn weird and his commentary is funny, and he's just not what I expected cause I expected cool and suave but this guy, THIS GUY! I'm dying I'm wheezing I can't breathe
he's such a silly guy
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baekuras · 5 months
Started AFK Arena, got Eugene as my first Legendary, liked his design but was worried I might not like his story bc I haven't yet read many of them and it didn't seem like a story/event heavy game, finally gave in 3 days later Anyhow order of operations: -love it, joke around why there isn't a series about it -no there actually is a comic and other ones too -read them all -actually go back to read Gavus and the kids stories as well -learn you basically JUST missed all them being introduced like 4 months ago -hide your pain by consuming everything NOW -it's 7 am i haven't slept since yesterday where am i
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udon-udon · 7 months
anyway, a big recap of my victoria bc trip
got up at 6:50 am ish and then headed out at 7:20 took the train and bus to the ferry terminal and then headed to victoria yay, lined up for a a breakfast meal for the ~experience~ and that pretty much took up most of the time. Arrived and took the bus to the royal bc museum, almost missed my bus due to it being full but someone pointed to the huge line to go take the other bus, got lucky there.
The Royal BC Museum was cool, though there wasn't much to it cause there were no feature exhibit at that time and one part of the museum was under reno, but it was still fun nonetheless!! I didn't realize how dark it was so honestly I was a lil spooked at times esp cause I was alone haha. Since it was a very nice day I went down to the Fisherman's Wharf cause I wouldn't have time on saturday and i heard the weather wasn't gonna be good on sunday. Most of the shops were closed for the season LMAOO so there wasn't much to see, but thankfully there was 1 fish n chips shop open and i bought some yum yum, it was very filling. Walked back to downtown and went through the Miniature World museum and it was super cute!!! It was also a lil spoopy for parts of it cause there were portions of it where it was dark and there weren't many people going through it.
Headed to the airbnb around 5 ish, and then chilled for a bit. Was wanting to order dinner but the place I wanted to order to was too busy at that time to take in takeout orders so i had to schedule it at 8 sobs but thats okay cause i was still full from the fish n chips, so i just chilled and tried to nap. The dinner was kinda mid ngl, wish i got the lasagna but i was like "but i can get lasagna anywhere else" it was okay but still LOL. also splurged and bought a cheesecake as well, that was pretty good though. couldn't finish it so i saved half of it for tomorrow's dinner.
The next day was con day!! I was supposed to go to a brunch place but i slept in a little and then when i got there, the line was pretty long and i didnt want to wait so im like eh okay nvm ima just go back home and eat the breadsticks i didn't eat yesterday LOL as well as the creme brulee given by the airbnb host they're so nice. And then I made my way to the con and omg it was a lot of walking lol. Got in and hung around mainly in the artist alley!! I was supposed to go watch the cosplay contest but i lost track of time and missed it LMAO OOPS. I spent waaay more than I thought I would, but very happy with my purchases and wish i bought more haha but my backpack literally would have no room for it. I spent the remaining time at my friends table til like 6:30 and made a new friend that was tabling with her, she was super kind and fun
Got home and picked up dinner on the way, ordered a mixed kebab meal set and it was so good and the portion was huge, very worth it and very delicious. Spent the rest of the night eating and showering and watching youtube and packed a little bit before leaving tomorrow.
Woke up the next day, final day, it was damn pouring in the morning sadly, so I just stayed in the airbnb until 10:50 and then made my way to explore the Chinatown (which I found out is the second oldest Chinatown in North America???? damn). Went to the little Chinatown museum and saw some cool stuff and then walked around the area and the shops nearby. Went to Boardwalk Burgers and chilled until it was time to catch the bus to the ferry.
I arrived hella early cause if I didn't take the bus I took, i would have been late to my ferry;;; BUT MY FERRY GOT DELAYED. So I just spent a lot of time sitting at the waiting area playing my 3DS LOL Made some progress in AA5 again finally, i haven't played it in sooo long ( i really should finish it, as well as spirit of justice, and i still have the great chronicles to play;;) Got on the ferry and played some more AA5 and holy cow the line for the cafeteria was so long im glad i didn't decide to eat dinner there cause I was originally gonna but thank god i didnt. Napped a lil before arriving at the bay aaaand then went home :)
Overall, very nice trip!! Even though I was alone, I had a blast exploring and seeing things and got to take my time to explore shops and whatever I wanted. I had no budget planned going into this and I probably should have cause I spent... quite a lot, but oop.
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feenmies · 1 year
oughhh markus edit .. it's 7 am Nd i haven't slept since yesterday Goodnight . (<- will still be awake an hour from now)
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unrequited-words · 2 years
03/08/23 Wednesday 9:49 p.m.
Two beers in. I made this simple pasta mini shells, premade taco meat I made yesterday, a jar of pasta sauce, Parm cheese in the shaker plastic can (romano, maybe), and mozzarella cheese. It's nice.
the beer is helping me forget. Baby is still up. An hour of OT tomorrow. I'd love to do more but I'm not wanting to wake up from 7-9 a.m. from extra hours and five bonus points per hour. If I am awake ... maybe?
Yeah, fuck that.
This last week was so hard. I took Wednesday, Friday, and Saturday off from being sick.
Of fucking course zod gave me shit. All I do is work. Haven't had a real vacation since I gave birth.,.. if you call that abfucking vacation? I had 713 points paid and now I am around 113 give or take. It's all paid. Damn,this pasta is good. I took a bite, lol
On Microsoft teams, my boss messaged me and he said I bonused for February fiscal month. 506.93 I think? I didn't I'd bonus at all due to quality.
Idk, guys... I still believe in God, I'm just scared for the future. Maybe it's supposed to be this way. I support a family of five between 38-39 a year. Inflation fucking sucks. Politics suck.
Rent went up so starting April it's 1300 plus the rest of our expenses, if I keep doing what I do for work we can make it on one salary for now.
I was nominated for an acclaim award for being big hearted at work, and if I win (doubt it) I will get a gift card (50/100.00) and either crumbl cookies. I've never had them.
I've been wanting to make chocolate chip cookies from scratch. We get the kids Saturday. If I pack everything Friday night and on Saturday work from 7:00-9:00 am, and we leave around 10:00-10:30 it isn't so bad. Round trip is 6 hours, but with the baby it feels longer.
We get the kids for a week and I know my son will fucking test me. He always foes. He doesn't fucking listen at FUCKING ALL! He is on his fucking tablet and on the spectrum. It's manageable but Jesus fuck yes this is me venting. It's difficult. Their mom is dofficult. Doesn't allow them to go and play or have sleepovers. She's a fucking trainwreck. she's rather chase dick than be a mom, honestly
If me and Zod ever split up I wouldn't chase dick I'm too old, and with a kid dating is exhausting. No thanks. I'm good.
It was a slow work day. I didn't do too bad. I'm tired. 10:06 pm and maybe in the next hour I can pass out. I hope Astrid goes to bed before modnight. Last night I fell asleep between midnight and 1:00. Slept through my alarm, oh well.
Maybe I'm buzzed but damn this pasta I made sure is yummy, lol. 🍝
I may have another beer but that's pushing it. Tomorrow sometime I need to wash the sheets for the other bed, and make a list before we leave Saturday. Maybe another trip to the grocery store?
My ex sent my birth certificate through the mail and I pray to fucking god it isn't lost. It has thos weird tracking number starting with 70, when normally USPS tracking starts with 98 ... The reason I know is I work with ups, USPS, FedEx, and DHL when customers order.
I'm very oaranoid. I need it to go to the DMV, otherwise if it's lost I get to spend a cool 54.00 fucking dollars requesting a new one.
The other bedroom is closed with all her toys. If she gets out of bed she has nothing to play with. She's watching Peppa Pig. It's cute. It isn't as annoying as that fuck Calliou. God, I need adult froends. I'm drowning in toddler bullshit, 😂
Welcome to my Ted Talk
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robinruns · 2 years
what a weird fucking couple days it has been.
yesterday i overslept BIG TIME, like i tried to wake up at 4:30 when my alarm went off, but i just could not do it. next thing i know, kyle's waking me up and it's already after 7 am and i'd slept thru at least his alarm (i think mine 6 am alarm is off actually). so that was a rush. then my mom calls me and says that she got a parking ticket in my dad's name downtown madison. for those who may be new, my dad died two years ago in april. turns out it's the penultimate truck my dad had and sold for cash in 2020. turns out the dude never registered it in my dad's name, it had no plates on it, and so when the cops looked up the vin number, it came up to my dad. so my mom's freaking out and like what the hell am i supposed to do ya know? so i told her to call the cops and be like "hey, here's what's up, what do we do". they called her back and explained what they needed to get the ticket out of my dad's name, told her to call the dmv and they told her what they need to get the car out of my dad's name. of course my mom can't get the document the cops emailed her so i'm like i'll stop by after my eye appointment tomorrow afternoon and do it then.
jump to today. i wake up about 15 minutes before my alarm because fuck me i guess, but i get to the gym earlier than usual. i got good enough workout in, and then stopped at dunkin for a big ass coffee. i got home, got ready for work, and got to work knowing i was leaving at 2:30 (2 hours early) and had a shit load to do. my mom texts me and decides i need to leave earlier and stop by her house first. uggghhhh fine whatever, i'll get it done early then back home earlier.
nope. of fucking course not.
but first i had to get that shit load of work done. i got... some of it done, not all of it because i lost an hour of work time. i'm going to have to do overtime this weekend to make up for it. not like i need to make up for my hours off, but like i need to catch up or try to get ahead ya know?
anyway, i head to madison. i get there and she's freaking out but i get it printed. then she wants to do the thing for the online form for the dmv, but needs my dad's drivers license number. this sends her into a full blown meltdown because she can't find it... just to find it about a minute later. turns out because the sale of the car was almost 2 years ago, we can't do the online form so she calls the dmv and explains the situation. meanwhile i'm like i need to leave in 5 minutes, sooooooo. so what does she do? freaks out that she doesn't know how to operate the dmv website and shoves the phone in my hand as i'm like "i need to leave!!" but luckily i find it in two seconds and get it opened/printed. but then as i'm leaving she's like "come back when you're done."
fuuuuuuuuuuuuuucking hell.
eye appointment went fine. eyes a slightly worse than before but i knew that was coming. the person who was checking me out and ordering my contacts kept calling me girl though and i kinda wanted to be like "please don't assume my gender just because i'm wearing a dress". i head home and my mom's like about to leave. "i'm out of ink so i can't copy this form for my records." ugh. i try to scan it, scanner won't send the data to the computer. fine, go get the ink. so i sit in peace and quiet with shandy for the first time in AGES. she's all sleepy from going to the vet and getting her shots this morning. i love her.
i don't know why i had to come back. but i did. she got her forms, i got a headache. whatever.
but i apparently won tickets to the badflower show, so i'm gonna see if jennifer wants to go again since she really likes them. i still haven't gotten my waterparks tickets that i won from the other radio station, but whatever. if they never showed up, then they never show up. no skin off my nose. so maybe that's my tomorrow night, idk yet. ugh. too much going on. and i need to do my taxes.
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onwriting-hrarby · 2 years
on writing, 5-11
A very strange week. I think I've been grieving my novel. I haven't written in my journal either. Everything has been a mess of words and a mess of projects and intentions. Truly, I don't know what I'm doing, where I'm going. I oscillate between writing a new thing and going back to the old novel and finishing it and being like, I can make mistakes. I had a good therapy session in which I cried and wailed. Writing is not only what I do, it's a part of me already, just like a job, or friends, or lovers, or family. When writing fails—when my idea of writing, my expectations, my art leaves me—I am thrown into a twirl of desperation. A pilar falls. I am just a ruin.
Slowly, slowly, I get back on track. I'm slowly, too—almost unconsciously—deciding to have fun, and let it be. For a week, I haven't followed my routine of writing at 6 am, but I have written even so. So much, I realize. I need the solitude that writing gives me, I need the calm.
Yesterday, I wrote for almost an hour and a half straight. I didn't look at my phone until morning. I've slept like a baby, at 10 pm, woke up at 7 to write. I've been writing—with breaks—for three hours now. I think I'm going to read a little bit.
The word tracker for Nanowrimo that I downloaded is bliss. I could never meet the 50000 words mark for Nano because I am no good with such a structure of X words/day. It puts a pressure on me that I don't like, since I usually write per scenes. Today, I've written Rotten Judgement and my new idea of a novel. I can also count projects this way.
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I don't think I'm going to meet my word expectations (40k for RJ, 20k for my novel; no numbers for OT), but it's handy, and also nice, to see the progress.
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ratsetflummi · 3 months
All of the odd numbered weird asks! (But feel free to skip any that you don’t want to answer of course 😅)
1. who is/are your comfort character(s)?
currently artemis entreri, previously strahd von zarovich
generally there seems to be a theme of mentally ill little bastards with a bunch of trauma who are suffering from The Curse™ and who just kind of want to die but can't
don't read anything into that
3. do you leave the window open at night?
i leave it tilted (because i got the good european windows that you can tilt), so the murderers don't get in, but i also don't suffocate
5. what color are your eyes?
7. hair-ties or scrunchies?
i'm bald
but back when i still had long hair i only ever used hair-ties
9. which do you prefer, hot coffee or cold coffee?
ideally lukewarm, but i'll also take cold. i'm very sensitive to heat, so hot coffee just kills me
11. favorite extracurricular activity?
i haven't been in school in almost a decade. and back when i was still in school i never did any extracurriculars. i always wanted to do theater, but my anxiety was way too bad to actually sign up for it back then
13. when was the last time you ate?
two hours ago. i went to my parents' place to bake a lemon tart with meringue, and i ate a piece of that before i left
the tart in question:
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15. are you a parent? (all answers qualify)
only to a pair of little idiot cats
17. are you farsighted or nearsighted?
nearsighted, but i only have to wear my glasses at university, for everything else my eyes are still good enough
19. imagine we’re at a sleepover, would you paint my nails?
yes, and they might not even look horrible, i've been getting better at that lately
21. something you’ve kept since childhood?
the only thing that comes to mind is my fear of dogs. had that since i was a child. as far as like objects go i'm pretty sure everything's been replaced at some point
23. how do you feel about chilly weather?
love chilly weather, the chillier the better, bury me in snow and i will be happy (i am currently suffering from summer)
25. perfume/body spray or lotion?
body spray
27. about how many hours of sleep did you get?
more than i usually get recently, which is to say about 7 hours. the cat i'm currently cat sitting keeps screaming me awake way too early in the morning, but last night i finally caved in and put in some earplugs, so i actually slept more than five hours for once
29. how do you like your shower water?
warm. not scalding, but i refuse to step into a cold shower
31. what type of music keeps you grounded?
metal. a strong baseline and drums help me calm down. which sounds like a joke, but it really isn't
33. the last adventure you’ve been on?
i'm currently living at a friend's place out in the middle of nowhere, because she's on vacation right now and i agreed to take care of her cat, and going back and forth from my place to hers takes for fucking ever. and honestly just figuring out how to live out here is an adventure of its own
35. what’s your timezone?
i would have sworn that it's gmt+1, but apparently it's gmt+2? or cest. my friends in the uk keep calling me a bloody future person because i'm one hour ahead of them
37. someone in your life, other than a relative, you’ve known for 10+ years?
only person who i still talk to is thisfairytalegonebad on here. we weren't technically actively talking until we did our finals at the same time, which was only 7 years ago, but fairy is the reason why i'm even on tumblr in the first place, and that was 11 years ago
39. do you use lip balm?
nope, my lips always feel worse when i try
41. how do you take your coffee?
with ridiculous amounts of milk and sugar
43. what’s your take on spicy foods?
i can handle a bit of spice, but too much will kill me
45. can you remember what happened yesterday?
i had to think long and hard about it, but i think i reconstructed most of it
the highlights are going to university, doing a horrible job drawing my friend's old dnd character during a lecture, visiting a friend at work on the way home, failing to kill a boss on elden ring for like two hours, talking to friends on vc, and doing a way better job redoing the drawing
the drawings in question (from 2021, yesterday morning, and yesterday night, in that order):
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(yes, that is jarlaxle's hat. well, technically jack axel's hat, who was my pc in dragonheist, and who totally wasn't just the jarlaxle we have at home when mom says that we have jarlaxle at home)
47. what was the last message you sent?
asking my mom whether she has finally applied for the new job she was looking at and whether her coworker has actually quit yet. that was five days ago, she hasn't answered yet
unless we're talking discord messages, in which case it was me talking about what i'm gonna cook for my friends when i go visit them a month from now
49. can you skip rocks?
absolutely not. i've tried a couple times, but i never actually got anywhere
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bitchassmcgrass · 8 months
Mom is up at 7 am, I think that she thinks that I just got up early, but I haven't slept since yesterday :P
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ayamisc · 17 years
weekend! yay!
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(c) Miyazaki Hayao, Kadono Eiko (Kiki's Delivery Service)
…nap time!
i really MISS MY BED… T_T
for the past nights… i've slept on my computer chair.. >> actually… scratch that.
i haven't slept at night since..well.. sunday/monday.
so. yup. yesterday. friday. i got out at 2:15.. went home.. then slept until.. 7… then ate dinner… then slept again until 2.
and that is why at 4 in the morning. i am awake right now.
..reading Ouran High School Host Club manga.. online.
it was AWESOME… lol
i read chapter 41-43 and 51-54
=] anyhow. i'm feeling hungry so.. nissin cup noodles.. here i come!!
PS. This blog was originally posted on DeviantArt.
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enby-mama · 1 year
Week 7 update
According to my app were currently at 7 weeks, 4 days! Not much note worthy has happened since my first update, got some appointments booked for next week so will maybe have more news by next weekend, but for now, the little updates so far are:
My tolerance levels for sweets has been drastically reducing. Treats I found enjoyable before have quickly gotten old after a few bites and just been too sweet. Been craving lots of savoury things, especially meats, breads, and cheeses. Ate like half a tray of shepherds pie on my own over a span of like 48 hours. Made a sandwhich the other night that had honey smoked turkey and melty cheese on naan, folded over like a taco and filled with pickle spears. It was really good. Haven't had any weird cravings but the cravings are certainly starting
Have had some morning sickness since like week 3 or 4 probably, but so far it's been mostly just not being able to eat food and variable appetite and some nausea, but no upchuck... Till today that is. My brother's in town and we were getting ready for a big family brunch, and my dad was frying up a very large skillet of bacon since we had so many people. Now I've never been a fan of bacon but I've never had the smell even bother my stomach a little. But one moment I was fine, the next I was holding on to the kitchen sink for dear life, and then not a minute later I was feeling so much better and ready for breakfast with the family. My parents were both asking why I was feeling sick, hoping to tell them once we have the all clear from the specialist, which should be by maybe next weekend.
Have had insomnia on and off probably since week 5 or so? And it's struck again, with it being almost 10 am and I haven't slept yet. Our dog had a big surgery day before yesterday so night before last he was crying a lot and kept me up most of the night and really messed up my sleep schedule, so it'll take a few days to sort that out again at least. Training in advance I guess lol.
That's all I can think of right now, other than I've just been exhausted still and often need naps to get through a day.
I'm going to try to remember to do weekly updates? But my memory was shite even before pregnancy so no guarantees lol
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aamethyst000 · 1 year
Touring around Campus - April 4,23 7:49am
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had my alarms set for 649 this morning but I slept in till 715am, I only got up this early so I can give myself some time to actually wake up. since I heard we are leaving at 915am for our first tour in SFU, I am going to stay in my hotel room until then. had my first cup of coffee yesterday and I felt the crash of it late last night.
8:39pm - so much so, that I fell asleep at 130am. I got dressed, brushed my hair and now I am just passing time, I don't think I'll get that hungry until just before lunch. we are meeting up in the lobby at 915 to call the cabs amd then head to SFU for our first tour of the day. I disassociated almost all day yesterday, then again I was pretty stressed when one of my students just went and disappeared, and that was just before supper too. oh well, today is going to be a long day for us and we are only on day 2 out of 5.
9:20am - I am now in the lobby, just waiting for everyone else to come down and wait for the taxi. I get the feeling that this is going to be one of those days for us. I certainly woke up cranky. only had one bite of my sushi and couldn't eat anymore. I hope my appetite doesn't stay like this for the rest of the week.
our tour around SFU starts at 1030am, then we go to NVIT after lunch, if we don't end up skipping it because of how long the tour went like it did yesterday. I even found that a bit annoying but I kept reminding myself that our tour guides were 3rd and 4th year students and even they were on a schedule. I just need to get coffee as soon as I can today.
12:18pm - we just got done touring around SFU now we are waiting for the cab to take us to Douglas College for our last tour of the day. then we head to metro town for supper at around 3-4pm. I still haven't had coffee yet, I haven't even smoked weed since I left. I might have to give in this week. I don't like how we have to keep looking up the addresses for these places that we are going to. our education manager(I forgot the other word) has poor planning issues. she left shit unplanned for her employees back at home and now they're irritated, this is the second day she had to look up the address for the Universities/colleges. it has been a little anxiety inducing
12:35pm - HOLY CRAP that was a long day for all of us. we had a tour around Douglas College then we went straight to metro town BY TAKING THE SKY TRAIN!!! as sqeaky as it is, I fckn love it. we did a lot more walking today than we did yesterday and it is only day T W O
damn shit 😂
tomorrow, we have one more university to tour around then we have some free time to go back to metro town. apparently we are going to fly over canada, whatever tf that means. so we will be more busy tomorrow. I already want to go back home dude, I'm fckn TIRED. speaking of which, I should head to bed soon. got another early morning tomorrow and a somewhat late start like today.
but I am thankful for this opportunity to travel again, even if it's with a high school class! I have been taking lots of pictures. I am still debating if I want to post on here as well, while I am editing my photos. also, IT GETS FCKN CHILLY SO GODDAMN QUICK DUDE!! I was quite literally chittering during my walk back to the hotel. I forgot to mention that we went to a hockey game tonight ^-^ it was okay, but it wasn't my favourite team, so I wasn't too into the game tonight. there were some funny moments 😂 bunch of dude just flopping around 😂
anyway, I am getting sleepy now, I am going to head to bed now. good night ~☆
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septimaseverina · 2 years
Since yesterday i'd reached the daily limit of Tumblr, I was deciding to continue learning Spanish by myself (my bff, who has graduated her second bachelor degree major in Spanish, is super busy) and this time I want it to be more ordered. Laters, until I've been able to post/reblog again, guess what who just have headache *Jake Peralta's voice*. Yes. Headache. I haven't felt headache this way after studying and learning since I was in 12th grade. But that time, I had been studied mathematics for 7 hours straight in the row. I still remember that I forget almost every advance mathematics I have known in my life. And when I was a 1st year student in the University, I never do maths by pens and papers, I always use calculators - even dividing a bill when going out to restaurant with friends - hahahahahahahahahahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
But I do NOT want to be like that, with Spanish. It matters to my careers. So sad for every working people in third-world-country and without true democracy, whose languages' skill must be required more than native tongue and English. I hope I'm gonna get well soon. I hate when I can't literally use my brain. Yes. I love my brain so much.❤🧠 Even if zombies were real and they cause the apocalypse, I won't allow them to have a taste of my brain. 🥸👻😈
PS. I do sleep at night. I slept at 1 AM - 9 AM, today. I used to stay up all night and day for many times, I've found out it isn't funny. One time I did that before Russian Literature's examination, I wrongly wrote and explained about Pushkin's works...you know the result...
PS.2 Don't even ask me about other classical Russian writers, except Dostoyevsky. This man inspires me to stay sane. Even the one who wrote Doctor Chivago, I forget his name now.
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