#it's a bit wobbly but I thought it turned out pretty cute :3
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"Let's do some colour!" -gif version
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novemberheart · 1 month
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{overview} While John is out of commission you learn some startling information
{warnings} a/b/o dynamics, poly 141, fem reader, cursing, mentions of violence, pricesoap, handjobs (not very explicit)
Chapter 12 <- Chapter 13 -> Chapter 14
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“I thought this could only happen when an omega is in heat?” Simon questioned, standing in the doorway of the bathroom. Kyle was on the phone with a doctor. John had buried himself under his blankets, despite the heat building up in his body.
“It's a reaction that can happen when you become close to an omega you haven't claimed yet. Your body's way of speeding up the process.” the doctor explained from the other end. “Make sure to keep the omega away from him if it’s not what you want yet. It could also send them into a heat.”
John groaned from his bed. Out of worry. What if he lost control? He was normally a man of great control, would it still apply to this situation? He would make sure of it.
“How long does it last?” Kyle spoke.
“Well it usually depends on the length of the omegas heat- but without that, I would say 3 to 6 days.” the doctor shared. “He’ll be fine. Just make sure he stays hydrated, quarantined, and fed.”
“Thanks, doctor.” Kyle sighed, beginning to hang up.
“Sometimes it can be useful to incorporate some belongings of the omega in the nest.” the doctor added. They shared pleasantries once again before hanging up.
“You’ll be alright, alpha,” Simon spoke. The title made John huff.
“Easy for you to bloody say,” John growled. “Turn the fuckin’ lights off.” he snarled. Kyle quickly sprung into action flicking the bright overhead lights off.
“Go let Johnny and the pup know,” Simon instructed Kyle. “See if she wants to donate any of those pretty dresses of hers.” Kyle nodded his head, heading through the conjoined bathroom and into Simon’s room out the door. The last thing they needed was the smell of a rutting alpha in the living area.
Johnny groaned at the knock on the door. You were still fast asleep but started to stir once Kyle opened the door letting the light in.
“We've got a problem,” Kyle explained. He sat down on the edge of the bed.
“Why are you coming to me?” Johnny groaned, beginning to roll over to protect both of you from the light.
“John’s in a rut.”
The two of you shot up.
“How? I'm not in heat.” you sputtered, rubbing at your eyes.
“Doctor says it can happen when you grow close to an omega, but haven't claimed them yet,” Kyle explained.
Your heart sank, the comfort in your body slowly slipping away by the second.
“I'm not ready to”-
“We know, lovie,” Kyle interjected quickly. “We would never ask or expect that from you. Just have to tell you to keep your distance for a few days till it wears off. But we do need a favor.” Kyle trailed off.
“Anything I can do.” you assured.
“Can we borrow some clothes? Or a blanket or anything that has your scent?”
“Of course.” you jumped out of bed, your legs a bit wobbly. Kyle rested his hand against your back to steady you. You grabbed one of your dresses and one of the three pillows on your bed.
“I would donate a pair of underwear, but I don't have any cute ones.” you attempted a joke.
“This’ll be fine.” Kyle assured a small smile on his lips. “You two go back to bed,” he shouted over his shoulder, heading back into Simon’s room.
“I feel bad for him,” you mumbled against Johnny's chest. “I caused it.”
“Don't go there bonnie. He's a hard bastard, he’ll make it.”
“Well now he really is hard.” you sighed, causing Johnny to erupt in laughter.
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It was one of his clear-headed moments. Johnny was curled up next to him, his sun-kissed skin rising up and down in a relaxed state. The bastard had waltzed into his room, without bothering to wash any trace of you off. He quickly turned into a chew toy.
“You alright?” Johnny mumbled, against his side. His hand rested against John’s lower abdomen fiddling with the dark forest there.
“Should be askin’ you that.” John yawned, stretching his legs out.
“Better not toss her around like that. You'll break her.” Johnny continued. John chuckled, tracing Johnny’s pronounced back muscles. Bite marks littered his back and shoulders, along with a red ass. He shivered under his touch.
“I’d never,” he assured. The thought of you had him swirling a bit. Your eyes. Your eyes hadn't left his mind. The way you had looked up at him in the movie theater. Tangled in his arm, melted eyes staring up at him so heated and needy.
“Already?” Johnny groaned, the thin blanket growing a new outline. “What’re you thinking about?” he whispered, his lips grazing the alpha's chest.
“You know what I'm thinking about.” John groaned, raising his hips in hopes of catching Johnny’s hand.
“I want you to tell me.” Johnny hummed. The beta was pushing his luck, but they both knew he held all the cards. “All Captain till it's your turn to take some directions. Spit it out.”
“Her.” John groaned. He shuts his eyes tightly, his chest relaxing as Johnny finally wraps his hand around him. No matter how many times Johnny touched him, he was always taken aback by how thick and heavy the alpha was.
“What about her?” Johnny hummed, his movements slow, but tight.
“Those fuckin’ eyes, and mouth.” His words came out strangled, not so much from Johnny’s movements but from the picture playing in his mind.
“And her in your shirt. Remember that?” Johnny continued.
Remember that? He’s fairly sure that's what threw him into this rut.
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It had been four days. You've been mostly by yourself in those times- except during meals and nighttime. Kyle or Johnny herding you into their beds. Simon had been extremely busy, taking on some of the captain's work. Someone was always there with John.
Deep moans and groans seeped into your core. Johnny was loud- but when you got close enough to the door you could hear Kyle growl out the dirtiest things.
You needed to get out before you barged in there with them.
Luckily for you, the doorbell rang. Were you supposed to answer it? No. Regardless you tiptoed to it, looking out the peephole. Anais. Simon's bedroom door swung open.
“Get away from that,” Kyle growled playfully.
“It’s Anais! Can I please answer it!” you begged, loud enough to where she would be able to hear you from the other side. He nodded his head, and you quickly flung open the door.
“I'm so happy to see you!” you cheered, wrapping your arms around her shoulders. She giggled, squeezing you back. She smelled like honey and grapefruit.
“I missed you too, PC.” she smiled. “The omega committee is having a baking contest today and I took it upon myself to enter both of us- well plus Jane.” she was nearly bouncing with excitement. You looked over your shoulder at Kyle, giving him your best puppy eye.
“You can go. Wear scent blockers and I expect a text every twenty minutes,” he demanded. “It's nice to meet you, Anais. Thanks for helping our girl out when she needed it.” Kyle thanked.
“Yes, Sir!” you smiled, digging through a kitchen cabinet for the can. Anais flushed at the praise.
“Of course.” She smiled.
“Bye, KyKy! Thank you!” you grabbed Anais pulling her out the door. He rolled his eyes, heading back into the humid room.
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You kept good on your promise, setting an alarm to text Kyle every twenty minutes.
You three even won third place. You recognized some of the omegas from the pink blanket. They came in first.
“Who are they anyways?” you questioned, digging into one of the cupcakes you had made.
Anais snorted unpleasantly, licking the chocolate from her fingers.
“You don't want to know.” she sneered. You and Jane side-eyed each other.
“Well, now I really have to know. I was told to stay away from them,” you explained and Jane nodded her head.
“I was too,” Jane whispered.
“That's good. Keep with it.” Anais huffed. She rolled her eyes as the two of you continued to stare at her, obviously not going to drop the topic. “They're wicked. They are bullies who peaked when they were sixteen and never grew up. And their alphas- Lieutenant Hale and Sergeant Connoway are supposedly into really sketchy stuff, like taking bribes and deals. Lieutenant Hale even went through a trial and everything but he was never convicted. They left for a few months and I thought I'd never see them again, then a month ago they reappeared.”
“That's horrible,” Jane spoke first. You nodded your head in agreement.
“I met Lieutenant Hale a while ago, something about him seemed a little weird.” you admitted, shifting. Your eyes naturally drifted to where their group was hanging out, but you tried your best to not look suspicious.
“Well you won't be seeing much of Connoway. He was attacked, his whole face was scratched up, and two broken legs.” Anais explained. Your breath got caught in your throat.
“Scratched face?” you questioned.
“And broken legs,” Anais reminded. “Their beta is missing too. No clue where he is.” You swallowed thickly. It was lucky you wore scent blockers, your scent would've been horrendous.
“Well whatever it is, they probably deserved it,” you spoke finally.
“That’s cold, PC,” Anais chuckled. “You’re not wrong though.” You wrapped up the rest of your cupcake, no longer hungry. “Hey, you know what we should do? Go to the library. They have an old TV with VHS tapes. Ms. Walker always lets me make popcorn and we can watch movies with horrible acting.”
Anything to get you away from there.
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The knock against the door caused all three of you to scream. You could hear multiple people shushing you from the other side of the door.
“Fuckin’ hell,” Simon growled. You three had spent two hours watching the worst horror movies on the face of the earth- they still made you skittish. “Come on, pup. Time for dinner.” Simon nodded his head towards the door. “You two need to be walked home?” he added, looking between the two other omegas.
“It is about to be dark,” you added looking out the window.
“If it's not too much trouble,” Anais said slowly.
“I wouldn't offer it if it was,” Simon grunted. “Clean up your messes.” the three of you sprang into action throwing away the empty popcorn bags, and the kernels from the floor. You put the movies back, and the couch cushions. “Gonna have to take a shower when you get home. Don't need you getting lice,” he commented, staring down at your head. You rolled your eyes, the chill in the air causing you to drift closer to him. He didn't seem to mind.
“Thank you!” Anais and Jane said. You and Anais hugged each other goodbye and you were pleasantly surprised when Jane extended her arms.
“Quite popular, aren't you.” Simon teased as you two walked to get some real food.
“I know you are going to find this hard to believe but people enjoy being around me.” you complimented yourself.
“I do find it hard to believe.” Simon shot back, holding the door open for you. You giggled catching him a twinge of guard. You could take a joke. He appreciated that. You loaded up on spaghetti and salad, marching your way over to the tables you always sat in.
The empty space next to you gave you pause.
You missed John. He always sat next to you turning meals, his arm pressed against yours. You always felt so safe. Not that you weren't safe with Simon, but you felt so exposed not having someone next to you.
“Hold your head up, pup. He started coming out of it today.” Simon assured.
“Really?” you beamed.
“You’ll need to keep away for another night, but by tomorrow things should be back to normal.”
Looks like you are a part of the new normal now.
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Hope you enjoyed this chapter! See you in three days for chapter 14! 🧡
Dividers by @cafekitsune
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songmingisthighs · 1 year
Pretty Cute
group : ateez
pairing : yunho × reader
genre : smut
word count : 3.4 k
warning : mdni, explicit smut, yunho and (y/n)'s kind of a perv, mutual pining, cnc ((y/n)'s a horny drunk), somnophilia, sex (not piv; fingering), slight hint of size kink?
a/n : happy late LATE yuyu day &lt;3 i wrote this impulsively and i was gonna post it on yunho's birthday but things got in the way and suddenly it felt weird writing smut in my state. but hey, i hope this makes up for my absence!
buy me coffee ?
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Both you and Yunho came home giggling through the door, courtesy of the alcohol you both drank earlier. Your steps were wobbly and staggered as you tried walking into your apartment with your best friend in tow, trying to catch up with you. Seeing this, Yunho giggled and pulled you by your shoulders so you could lean on him slightly as you both managed to take your shoes off sagely and proceed further into the apartment. "Okay, we gotta be careful because you're stumbling, mumbling, grumbling, tumbling, schcumbling..." Yunho's giggle made you giggle as well, thinking that he sounded both ridiculous and absolutely hilarious for some reason. But you just let him stick by you because you love his presence and even more so when you were drunk.
It had been a custom for Yunho to be very touchy with you both in public and in private as he was your teddy retriever and you were his... (y/n). Even earlier at the bar, you enjoyed the feeling of him with a hand behind you resting on the bar as his body towered over you, covering you from most of the people at the club. You sipped your vodka cranberry happily which gave you warmth from the inside while he provided you with warmth from the outside, your exposed legs didn't feel as exposed even after Wooyoung made a vaguely inappropriate comment about them. He might be one of your best friends but he was still a boneheaded idiot that you love so much.
People thought that it was weird how touchy and open you were to each other, some even thinking that you both had dated. Fact is, you wouldn't deny him if he asked you out, but you didn't know if he felt that way about you. Sure, he was nice to you, but so was he to everyone else. What makes you so special? Other than the occasional (very freaking often) compliments and remarks about how he would be so lucky if he was able to call you his wherever you show him your outfits or your accomplishments, you were doubtful that he would see you in a romantic way.
Plopping onto the couch, you both rested at each end with your legs propped on his lap and his hands resting on your shin. "God, we over did it tonight," the moan you let out turned into a soft hum when you felt his hands slowly caressing the skin under his touch as he chuckled, "Speak for yourself, I can still take a couple more beers in me," he teased. You narrowed your eyes at him in mock judgment, "Sure, Giggly Giggleson, you DEFINITELY didn't drink too much even when you started flirting with me." Yunho bit his bottom lip at the mention of him flirting with you earlier, giddy that you actually noticed that he was indeed flirting and wasn't just being friendly as he intended. "How can I not when you were sitting there looking so devastatingly beautiful and delicious," his tongue darted out to lick his bottom lip and your eyes couldn't help but focus on its movement, sure that his bottom lip was not the only wet lip at that moment in time. But you shook your head slightly to prevent yourself from saying something stupid like blurting out how much you want his tongue shoved down your throat. To mask your inner turmoil, you rolled your eyes and snap your leg at him in mock annoyance to which he just chuckled.
The movement you made shifted the position of your mini skirt, not realizing that it had ridden up slightly. Thankfully, Yunho was gentlemanly enough to pull it back to its original position and length, of course after battling his inner urge to just pull it further up and expose your panties to him that he know for sure would be very adorable. "You're wearing a short skirt, (y/n), you gotta be careful," he pointed out, putting his hands back to where they were so his mind wouldn't focus on what was under the skirt. You rolled your eyes and moved to straddle his lap, surprising Yunho but his hands somehow found purchase on your hips in a secured grip. "There's no one here but you, Yunnie," when you draped your hands on his shoulders, Yunho was sure that you could feel his erection forming and was just screwing with him. But in case you didn't, he wanted to play it safe. "Which is even more reason why you need to be careful," Yunho leaned to peck you on the nose which caused warmth to bloom in your chest and a rosy tint to spread to your cheeks from the spot where Yunho planted his lips on. "And why is that?" You asked, eyes glimmering with slight hope, "Because you're my best friend and you're so irresistable in this skirt. If you shake your cute lil' butt at me one more time I might not be able to hold myself back from seeing what's under your slutty little skirt."
Hearing Yunho said that made you automatically wet and you had to feign rolling your eyes and pushing Yunho's face away as you got off him to excuse yourself to the bathroom. While you tried to calm yourself in the bathroom, Yunho defeatedly covered his eyes with his arms, totally embarrassed and slightly regretting that he said that in the first place. But he was right, though, he had sported a boner as a result from you sitting on top of him, knowing full well that your cunt was separated from his cock by a couple layer of clothing items. Fuck, he was so close to feeling you. With a groan, Yunho depleted into the couch, with his eyes closed, he thought of what he was going to say to you.
Meanwhile, in the bathroom, you were screaming into your bunched up towel, absolutely wrecked by Yunho's words. Sure, you wore it because you remembered Yunho being so absolutely transfixed with the item when you both went shopping merely a couple days ago. Your plan was in motion and you don't know how to feel about that as you were sure your chances of success was no bigger than 32%. The occassional ass glancing was normal, but a full blown confession that Yunho wanted to devour your cunt made your arousal leak out of you like a broken faucet. So before you throw caution out the window, you thought it would be best to calm yourself down a bit.
Your inebriated state dulled your sense of time because when you finally got out of the bathroom, you saw Yunho on the couch, sleeping with his arms above his head. Pouting from disappointment, you walked over to him and stood by his side, thinking about what you're supposed to do now. Should you wake him up? Should you tuck him in? What if he thought what happened was just a dream and he forgot about it? But he looked so peaceful and calm and so so pretty, how could you even consider waking him up?
Yunho truly looked beautiful when he slept; his long lashes that you're so jealous of, his fair complexity, his plump lips. You had to remind yourself that Yunho was asleep and despite his confession earlier, you should try to hold yourself back from mauling him. No matter how hard it was for you. Though as your eyes trailed from his face to his neck, then his chest, then his shoulders and arms, and finally landed on his fingers, you swallowed the lump that formed in your throat. It was long, pretty, and you know how some men have a severe case of man hands that made their fingers look stumpy and unappealing, but not Yunho. His fingers are just like his body, dainty and flexible yet they oddly enhances his masculinity. And for the life of you, you really do want to know how he would use them on you. Phantom feelings of Yunho's grip on your ass from earlier resurfaced and you shuddered at the memory, remembering how they were firm and possessive yet gentle and careful, it made you feel dangerous but provided a sense of safety as if telling you that you could trust him. And you do.
Without realizing, you had taken steps closer to his outstretched hand, standing so close to it that he was barely grazing you. For some reason, you could feel the warmth radiating from him even just from his digits. Your mind started wondering how exactly he would grab you and where. Your legs? Your knees? Your ankles? Or is he the type to spread you open by pinning your legs on the sides using his body? His wide shoulders would've definitely spread you open easily and it's not like you wouldn't open your legs for him. How can you not? It's Yunho for fuck's sake, your hot as fuck best friend who you sometimes (a lot of times) thought of whilst touching yourself.
As if he knew, Yunho stirred in his sleep which made you freeze in your spot, not wanting him to see what you were doing. He moved whilst still in his unconscious state and his hands moved slightly which unfortunately for you, pressed into your inner thigh with his soft palm making contact with the suddenly sensitive skin. Your body coiled from the touch and you couldn't help but let out a whimper. Everything felt so close yet so far all of a sudden and you wanted more. Though, you were fully aware that you shouldn't because Yunho was dead to the world and it would be wrong. But it felt so. so right and when else will you be getting a chance like this? Though, it didn't feel right as you weren't sure if he was okay with it or not. But he was just... Right there. Despite your better judgement, with your alcohol-soaked brain, your body seemed to move on its own before you could even make a coherent decision. The moment you realized what you were doing, you were already grinding against Yunho's arm with a lump forming in your throat. The guilt was making your stomach churn but you just couldn't stop what you were already doing. Even more so, you even moved down a bit so you could feel Yunho's long fingers directly on your covered slit. You had to cover your mouth with both your hands to suppress your moans because you didn't want him to wake up seeing you like that. Or you just didn't want any irrefutable reason to stop.
Unfortunately for you, your plans didn't go accordingly. Too busy with your ministration, you didn't realize Yunho slowly woke up with fluttering eyes and head slightly clearer than before. Ironically, the first thing that popped into his head was what you were doing as he had yet to realize that you were pleasuring yourself (or testing how you think he would pleasure you) on him. So when his consciousness finally came back wholly, the first thing he realized was something warm on his hand and something soft on his skin. "What the," Yunho craned his head slightly to see you with one hand covering your mouth and the other lifting your skirt as you ground yourself on his hand like a bitch in heat. A bitch with the neediest moans and the cutest pair of panties. God, was this a dream? Was this an imagination? Should he call on you and see if either you disappeared or he woke up in his bed with a raging boner? Or should he test the reality out himself?
Once again, your body froze when you felt something probing your cunt over the pathetic, flimsy excuse of a material. Your head snapped forward to see Yunho with his bottom lip between his teeth, eyes zeroed in on your crotch as if it was the most entertaining show ever. Or as if it was Fluffy, the three-headed dog as per his interest. "Yunho," the call made Yunho's eyes flit up to your eyes but his hand never stopped its movements on your, now that you took notice of it, sensitive pussy. You realized that you should have added something after calling him and you were sure you had the words at the tip of your tongue but when his damn middle finger slipped into your panties and started probing in your hole, you could actually feel your brain stalled and your tongue rolled into your throat.
It seemed like it would go on forever, the gaze you shared with Yunho, which made the fire that was starting in your chest grew considerably in a short span of time. From your perspective, you couldn't help but look at how lust-filled his eyes were, how he seemed hungry for you. He looked absolutely hot and maybe it was because you had never seen him look like that or look at you like that. It was a good thing though because even from just seeing it once, you know you couldn't get enough. From Yunho's side, he was taking his damn sweet time enjoying the way you look falling apart with only his fingers. Not that you knew about it, but he had a fair amount of experience imagining you under him, being used by and for him. He had even imagined you riding him like a cowboy making all sorts of noises from how good he felt inside you and also from the praises that he was giving you. Sure, he would like to praise you right then and there but by God, he was just so awestruck at how you looked and sounded. It was even better than his imagination, it was more than what he imagined. And he needed more.
Snapping you out of your pleasure-induced state, Yunho ripped your panties off easily and pulled you into his lap with a single gasp that escaped your lips. You barely registered the pieces of flimsy panties on the floor when Yunho pulled you so close that your noses were touching. "Don't worry, I'll buy cuter, frillier, and sexier panties for you," a chill ran up your spine when Yunho licked your bottom lip with a smug smirk on his face, "And you're going to do a little runway show for me then." With better positioning, Yunho was able to fully slip two of his thick and long fingers inside you with one swift move all thanks to your slick cunt. "Shi- fuck," you whimpered out as your eyes rolled to the back of your head, you felt your thighs tense up at how good Yunho's fingers were filling you and it was ridiculous because it was just his damn fingers. The sight of you on top of him was like a valuable renaissance art because it's dirty yet classy and he truly loved the physical proof of how he affected you so. Yunho used his free hand to flip your cute tiny skirt up to reveal the sight of your pussy absolutely devouring his digits. He loved it, he loved it so much, and he loved you so much. But that confession is for another time when his fingers are not up in you and he didn't want to make your arousal drip out of your cunt and drench his arm.
"I want to see you fuck yourself on my finger baby, make a show for me," Yunho felt his dick twitch in his pants when you let out a breathy whimper and your bottom lip quivered so adorably. "Show Yunnie how much he can make a mess of you," he demanded. Your heart dropped to your stomach when he used the nickname you used on him in a sexual way. Hearing that automatically made your hands move to his shoulders, anchoring your position as you began fucking yourself on his fingers. You were glad that he started with two because you didn't know how you were supposed to do it with three or more without your legs giving out. But you wanted to do your best to show him what you were capable of doing. Or maybe what he was capable of doing to you.
"Fuck I love your fingers Yunnie," you moaned out as your head dropped back, exposing your neck to Yunho which he utilized to plant his lips on your neck to begin marking you. Your grip on his shoulders tightened considerably when he delivered a particular suck and your mind immediately raced to imagine how that same suck would feel on your clit. Better yet, how he would look with his chin wet with your arousal between your legs. Just the thoughts made your pussy clench and your mouth drooled slightly, something Yunho didn't miss for even a second. With a chuckle sent through the skin of your neck, your body shuddered with the vibration that felt like electricity in your body. Along with your bouncing, as you fucked yourself on his fingers, your hips rolled forward when he pressed the heel of his palm on your clit, furthering your pleasure to the point that it was almost unbearable. "I- I wanna cum," you mumbled, biting your bottom lip to suppress a squeal when Yunho curled his fingers in you, accidentally grazing your g-spot. "Come on then baby, cum on my fingers and show me how much you're a good girl you are," he made a show of biting your upper chest through your sweater, dulling any pain but making your skin tingle. "You are, a good girl, right? A good, good girl in the tiniest skirt that you wear to tease any and all men that look in your way," he teased so smugly, loving how you seem to shrink under his words and he just loved it. He loves your tiny self (though metaphorically) in your tiny clothes that accentuate your everything and just drove him absolutely nuts. Your head shook quickly as you fucked yourself quicker and harder on his fingers with his palm still stimulating your clit, "No, no, no, Yunnie, just you. Only you. I wear this tiny, slutty skirt just for you," you spoke but your voice sounded small and breathy, exasperation beyond obvious to you and him. "Fuck, you'll be the death of me," Yunho grunted, thinking how much he was going to ravage you after this.
With a single push, Yunho managed to reposition you to be on your back with your head against the other armrest, legs spread open for him on his lap to provide easy access. "You better cum now, okay?" was all the warning you got before he fucked your hole even quicker than you were fucking yourself before. The slick you produced lubricated his movements effectively as well as letting out obnoxious, sloppy, sloshing sounds that told him just how wet you were. Yunho was definitely going to find a day (or night) soon enough just dedicated to eating you out.
You were reduced to a mess with your messy hair and trembling lips. Not to mention the pornographic moans you let out that may or may not cause you to receive complaints from the tenants on your floor or any other floors or even the next buildings. But you don't care, not at all, and especially not when Yunho made you cum so hard your hips were suspended mid-air, asscheeks clenched, and pussy leaking more of your juice onto Yunho's fingers. Though embarrassed at your situation, you found yourself incapable of moving whatsoever which was a contrast to Yunho who was looking at you with pure wonder and amazement, affection mixed with hunger. It was only when your hips rested back on the couch that Yunho took his fingers out of your cunt slowly, catching your attention. You couldn't deny that you almost drooled at the sight of Yunho sticking the fingers that were just in you into his mouth and sucking on them as if they were candy.
Distracted, you didn't realize that Yunho had begun unbuckling his pants and taking out his dick until you felt something heavy and hot slapping your cunt a couple times. It was only when you looked down that you saw his cock which was by far the biggest you have ever seen that you let out a soft squeak as your eyes widened. When you looked back up, Yunho was eyeing you hungrily like a predator.
"My turn."
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onlycrystal · 1 year
a night to remember
cw: smut (obvi), reader is a virgin, dom! toji, sub! female reader, age gap (reader is in college), reader is shy, ddlg, size kink, praise kink, tojis a lil mean andddd i think that’s it
authors note: this is my first time writing i’m so sorry if it’s bad😭
rave music blared in your ears, while at the same time, the flashing colorful lights began to hurt your eyes. you looked across the club at your friends and their boyfriends, drinking and dancing (pretty much grinding) with eachother. you sighed, mixing the ice in your diet soda with your straw. you had never been a party girl, but today was your friends 21st birthday.
“it’ll be fun, y/n! pleaseee please come,” she begged as she saw the hesitation in your eyes, but you couldn’t say no.
which led you to now. alone at the bar, developing a headache from the setting you found yourself in, and wanting to go home. it didn’t help that you were wearing a short dress too, sure it was cute, but you shamefully kept pulling it down to avoid it riding up.
you sighed and continued to sip your drink, when all of the sudden out of the corner of your eye, you catch a glimpse of someone sitting down next to you. he was definitely an older man, probably late 30s early 40s. at least 6 feet tall and buff as hell. his raven covered locks slightly covered his gaze, and he had a scar on his lip that enhanced his grin. you looked up at him, to find him already staring at you. although you were both sitting down, you still had to look up to meet the man’s gaze. he looked at you like he wanted to devour you, those green eyes looking you up and down. and that smirk, it never left his face.
“i’ll take a beer, and how bout a shot of vodka for this lovely lil’ lady?” he asked the bartender
“i-i uh… i actually don’t drink…” you said, looking down and fidgeting with your hands. oh, he was having a field day with this. you were just sooo cute <3
“that’s alright sugar, then how bout a diet coke instead?” he winked at you and you felt your face start to heat up. who was this guy?
the bartender walked away and he didn’t waste anytime. “now, what’s a lovely lil girl like you doing in a place like this alone?” his tone was playful, though you still had trouble being in his presence. he was just so intimidating. “o-oh my friends ditched me.. they’re somewhere over there.” you huffed, looking off in the direction of your friends. had they seriously forgotten about you?
the bartender came back with your drinks, handing you your drink that you immediately began drinking. “you got a name, darling?” he said, taking a gulp of his beer. “it’s uh… y/n”
“pretty.” he said, looking straight into your eyes with lust, “names toji”
“‘s nice to meet you t-toji…” you kept your gaze down, feeling his eyes never leaving you like a predator. your headache worsened, and his head tilted at you, seeing you wince in pain. “you need to go outside, doll? you ain’t looking well… i’ll come with ya”
you nodded your head meekly, beginning to stand up and wobbling slightly as you did. this was all just too much. suddenly, you felt an arm grasp at you side, pulling you close. it was toji. he walked you both outside as you shyly kept your blushing face close to his toned chest. you reached the outside and already felt yourself feeling better, breathing in the fresh air carefully.
you realized you were still snug up against his torso, when you moved away quickly. your face turned pink “s-sorry! i didn’t mean to uh… i didnt-“ he grinned looking down at you from a foot distance “it’s alright babydoll…” he brought you close again, kneeling down to match your gaze. he tucked a fray hair behind your ear and kept a hand on your face “pretty lil thing… aren’t ya?” you were frozen, his face was so close to yours and he was just so handsome… those green eyes are so entrancing, you thought. and that scar…
suddenly, he closed the gap between you two and kissed you. you felt his tongue swirl into your mouth as he bit your lip, causing you to whimper in pain and pleasure. he pulled away, “whaddya say we take this to my place, darlin’?”
you considered. your friends were already drunk off their asses and had forgotten about you. you looked at toji again. he was a very attractive man and as much as he intimidated you, he also enchanted you. you had never had such a fine guy come up to you, and he seemed nice. what’s the worse that could happen, you thought to yourself.
you looked at the ground blushing harshly and fidgeting your fingers yet again, “s-sure…” he grinned as he called you both a taxi.
you arrived at his apartment, and walked in. it was far from unkempt. the kitchen was clean, and he had an organized living room with limited furniture. you didn’t know what to do with yourself, and looked at him. he was unbuttoning a couple of the buttons on his sleek shirt and looked down to see you gazing at him, looking away quickly and shyly as he caught you looking. “ah! s-sorry…” you turned the other way, hearing a deep chuckle come from behind you.
“adorable…” he muttered, as he walked behind you pressing his body against yours. you froze as he began to pepper kisses along your neck, sucking ever so slightly just enough to make you moan quietly. his grip was harsh as he laid kisses all over your body. you turned around and starting making out with him. he groaned into your lips, and his gaze angled down as he say you standing on your tippy toes wobbling in order to barely meet his lips. he chuckled and picked you up suddenly to place you on his marbled kitchen counter. your legs wrapped around his body as you both embraced harshly.
he pulled away, your lip stick had smeared on his lips, leaving him with berry marks all over his lips. “come on shorty~” he picked you up and began walking to his bedroom.
he placed you on his bed, which was made neatly and quite comfortable. he started to unbutton the rest of his shirt, and took it off. his exposed chest was toned perfectly. this man was muscular af, like he could crush you easily. he gazed at you and smirked sleezily.
“what, do you even need help undressing, lil girl?” he began walking over to you, and the height between you grew. you looked up and gulped, “no! i just…er- i…” you nervously fidgeting in your place as toji began to piece things together. he let out a booming chuckle which only further embarrassed you. “my fucking god. i landed myself a virgin, didnt i?~” that same playful tone, but you could hear the lust and desire behind it. he put his hand on your chin and forced to look up at him. “daddy’ll take care of you just fine~”
he began taking your dress off, leaving you in just a bra and panties. toji pinned you down on the bed, interlocking his fingers with you passionately as you made out with eachother sloppily. he unclipped your bra sleekly, and fondled your pretty boob in his hand while sucking on the other. you moaned in pleasure. as he continued to suck on one, his hand moved down further and slipped your panties down your legs.
“shit babygirl, all this for me?” he grinned at your wetness, causing you to blush into the pillow beside you. “nuh-uh, i wanna see you while i fuck you on my fingers.” without warning, he shoved one of his thick fingers into your hole. shit, this was enough to get you off. “toji~ hahh~” you pawed at his chest, moaning loudly. “keep making those pretty lil noises, honey”
he roughly jammed his fingers in and out of your hole, sinful noises filling the bedroom. he rubbed your clit harshly, and tears began to pool at your eyes. “hnnng! t-toji, i’m c-cumming~” his pace didn’t slow. “on my fingers, like a good girl, come on you can do it”
you cum all over his fingers, coating them in a white slick. he brings the fingers up to his mouth and sucks at them. “shit doll, i need to get a better taste of you” he licked his lips and began sloppily eating you out. the pleasure was so immense, like nothing you’ve ever felt before. this man was eating you out like it was his last meal, tongue hitting all the right spots perfectly. you felt your second orgasm forming. as you began to moan louder and louder, toji backed away from your pussy. you whimpered at the loss of pleasure, looking at him to see him fidgeting with his pants.
he let his cock spring free from his pants, and your face went white. it was like nothing you’d ever seen before, he was huge. you were kinda expecting it based off of his build in general but holy shit.
“you gonna keep staring or let me fuck you?” he asked playfully, laughing at your shocked expression.
you began to back up a little into the bed and muttered “‘m scared…”
“oh darling, there’s nothing to be scared of~ let me take care of y’a, alright?” he sat against the headboard of the bed and carried you into his lap. he kissed you again, and you began to become less scared.
you nodded meekly, and he gave you that sleezy grin of his. you could not get enough of this man. “i’ll go slow hun’, don’t wanna hurt you��” he lined up at your entrance and slowly began lowering you onto his dick. you began letting out whimpers and moans of pain, he was so big. “t-toji! hah~~ so f-full…~” you panted and tightened harshly around him. he groaned in pleasure “keep squeezing me like that darlin’ holy fuck.” you were now completely engulfing toji, legs shaking from the pleasure and arms around his neck, scratching at his back. tears formed in your eyes as your whimpers grew louder. “d-daddy, i-it hurts~”
“you’re okay, kid.” he continued groaning as he slowly began bouncing you up and down on his dick. “fuck, you feel so good princess~” you moaned and squeezed your eyes shut as his pace quickened. however, it was starting to feel a lot better. the pleasure was like nothing you had ever encounter “f-fuck toji~ ‘m close!!” he continued to bounce you up and down as his grip against your hips tightened and his pace quickened. “already princess? you can hang on a lil’ - fuck - longer for daddy.” he let out low moans in your eyes which sent butterflies straight down to your pussy. you whimpered directly in his ear as you fought back your orgasm for him. “toji p-please~” he looked into your eyes “come on my cock princess~ gonna fill you up so good, you want daddy’s cum? yeah you want it?” he chuckled at you, but you didn’t care. nothing mattered to you, you needed a release. your moans loudened as you came all over his dick, a white slick glistening on his abs. “fuck, ah~” toji moaned lowly as he came inside you. you fell onto his chest, so mind-fucked.
“t-that was…” you panted, out of breath against his chest. “i’d say the same, princess” he winked at you and smiled. “let’s get you cleaned up, k?”
GUYS this is my first time writing anything like this i’m sorry if it’s very bad. also send me requests if you want!
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kisses4kei · 22 days
Help me out!! sanji x reader one shot
content: sanji x fem! reader. sick reader. Fluff. Kissing. Making out. Charecters may be slightly ooc!
have fun!!
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You have been sick for the past 2 days. Lulling around the ship. Sometimes your freezing cold, others your too hot too even sit. You don't know why but you're just down.
Sanji has been trying too help you. He really just makes you different foods but you haven't been craving any food at all. Only ever picking at the food.
Today though you haven't been able too get out of bed. Your throat is raspy everything aches and it hurts to do anything. You actually hope Sanji stops by today you miss him. You also feel bad because he always leaves right after he gives you food since he doesn't want to bother you.
You hear three nocks at your door. "Its Sanji, can I come in?" Your face lights up with small but warm smile. "Please, come in." With that you hear the door creek open. "Hello sweetheart, I've made you some soup" He gently sets it down on your bedside table and goes toward the exit too leave.
"Wait, where are you going?" he turns around and is faced with a now sitting up you with a pout on your face. He turns on his heels "You want me too stay?" He looks smug and his arms are crossed. You look down in response. "If you don't mind.." You mumble quietly.
He sits on the edge of the bed next too you. You hadn’t planned this far. "How are you feeling? Any better?" He looks at you, not a hint of humor in his voice. You rub your eyes "A little bit..Your food has been helping." You shift closer too him on the bed not sitting next too him.
"Im glad I can help such a pretty face like you" You flush but you swear its the sickness. "Pft..Your always so flirtatious even when i'm sick and can barley get out of bad" said as you giggle and cover your face. "Only when its about you." You sit up straighter and suck in a breath. He sounded so sincere, so careful.
"What are you trying too say Sanji?" You look at him confused with a fluttering sensation inside your chest. He leans in closer "You don't know what i'm trying too say?" He looks at you deep into your eyes. "I like you, thats why I do this. I bring you food, flirt with you. All because I like you. I thought you knew." His voice was nothing but a whisper as he leaned into your ear.
He pulled away but stayed only millimeters away from your face. Your breathing is heavy and you need to ground yourself so you don't wobble. You just sit there stunned for a few seconds. The silence is broken by a scoff and right as you were about to say something you feel a soft pair of lips meet yours.
Your eyes widen but you eventually lean into the kiss.His tongue reaches the inside of your mouth. You two are moving with a rhythm, his hands find a way too your lower back and yours around his neck. You then slowly pull away stopping the kiss short. He looks desperate like he needs more.
"Ill make you sick Sanji..." You flush and look away. "You think I care about that sweetheart?" His lips then crash into yours again a more fiery and fierce kiss. You didn’t even feel sick anymore and after this it seemed your sickness really just disappeared on their own.
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Thanks for reading!! This was just a short cute lil thing but yk!
Have a good morning/afternoon/evening/night!!
-jill :3
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OKAY GUYS!! I had gotten this as a request thank you so fucking much anon though I don’t do your prompt justice at all. I ACCIDENTALLY DELETED the draft that had 4k words i was so sad that’s why i didn’t post all day!! But this prompt was just so fucking good but my writing again doesn’t do it justice at all. It’s absolutely not proof read and it’s just BAD in my opinion but your opinions matter to me the most </3
DISCLAIMER: This is an 18+ blog! If you are underaged or don’t have an age indicator in your bio, please don’t interact!
Afab reader x Rookie Leon <3
Warnings: Porn with a plot THIS IS A STRIPPER STORY, Rookie!Leon, somewhat Subby Leon, he’s a whiny little bitch but it’s so cute. Mentions of cervix bumping, reverse cowgirl (yee haw), that’s really it!!
word count: 3,799
The chief claims it’s a tradition. The men in the office pay to bring the rookie to the only strip club in the city. At first Leon thought they were joking, especially because the station is to busy to have the time to even go, he also just didn’t believe that there was a club in general. He viewed the city as modest, fast, but modest.
Leon’s small party at the station made him so eager to start working. He craved the feeling of not being the “Rookie” anymore, it’s been overwhelming but he was so excited for his new career. Everyone congratulates him but he knew they all came for the food, or alcohol. As the talking died down and the families began to leave, the staff was still full of life, well everyone but Leon. He pulled open his locker, grabbing at his jacket causing a loud call of his name.
“Where are you going? The night is just starting! Don’t tell me you wanna go home, we have one more surprise for you”
They have been teasing him since he started his training, Leon was so nervous they’d just leave him on the side of the road somewhere. They all crammed into one car, Leon’s eyebrows frowning as they drove further into the city. When the car came to a stop, the men next to him rambling on about the most random stuff, his brain censored it out.
They basically dragged him into the building, Leon fixing the collar of his jacket as the Chief flashed his badge at the bodyguard who just nudged his arm softly, the group of men roared with laughter.
The chief handed the woman at the bracelet an uncomfortable amount of money, leaning on the table as he pointed to Leon. Everyone’s bracelets laid on their wrist a pretty baby pink, the woman with the black french tipped nails walking up to Leon, grabbing his arm. A sly smirk grew on her pretty red lips, Leons head nodding respectfully as a way to say thank you. Her fingers lingered on his arm as she turned to walk away.
Her velvety voice sang seductively as she walked passed the group of cops, Leon watching as she disappeared into the back room. Though he was so happy to be “Accepted” into the group of men, but not in this way. His hand played with the menu in front of him, he didn’t even notice the waitress in front of him till her red nails snapped in his face.
“You want a drink honey?”
Her voice was a bit raspy and she wore- well she didn’t really wear anything. The chief put his hand out, against Leon’s chest causing him to sit further back into the seat.
“Just shots all around please.”
Jamie ran into the back, her heels clicking loudly before she yanked your curtain open, your hand slipping causing your eyeliner to now look lopsided. Your tongue poked out the side of your cheek as your eyes met her through the bright lit up mirror in front of you.
“You’re serious?”
You hands dug through your makeup bag for the wipes, wiping at the wobbly line. Jamie closed the curtain behind her, her red lips kissing at your shoulder.
“Honey, your group is here. And they have somebody new, he’s not old either, he has the cutest face. You’re gonna die.”
Her eyes rolled back in almost a pleasure way before she tied the string behind your back into a cute little bow. Your hand reached back to wipe off her lipstick stain before she pushed your hand away.
“Now that, is disrespectful.”
You loved Jamie. She’s the only reason you really stay here, through the harassment, the cut checks and even the drugs that swung through here. Your boss was a major douche bag, the type of man that thinks just because you strip here you are his object. And right when you start thinking about the asshole, he pulls your curtain open, that nasty smile on his face.
“You’re on Bliss.”
Bliss, your stage name. That you absolutely dreaded but he chooses the names for every girl, you’re bliss because everytime you’re on that pole, everyone is smiling, even you. If life went your way you would’ve been a backup dancer for some pop singer, or maybe even did ballet. When you turned nineteen you were denied to every major dance school in the country. It broke your heart and took everyone in your life by suprise, dancing was your life work and you put your whole soul into it.
You glared at him, waiting for him to close the curtain. Peach lipgloss, you dragged it across your lips and smiled as Jamie rubbed the glitter into your skin.
“I don’t deserve you.”
You spoke to her before she kissed the top of your head, helping you up from where you sat at your knees, in front of the mirror. You wore a gorgeously fitted bra, almost like it was made for you. It sparkles when the light hits it just right, your little skirt being identical, cutting off right at the top of your thigh. Unlike all your beautiful coworkers, you refused to wear shoes, your toes and fingers painted pitch black.
“Bliss lets go!”
Your ears picked up the sound of your set song starting, your lips pressed against Jamie’s cheek as you ran down the dressing room hall, your outfit making soft clanking noises as the jewels smacked against each other. Joe, your boss, ALSO picked out all your songs. The soft melody of Childish Gambino's Red Bone echoing through the corridor.
The spotlights always blind you, your eyes taking far too long to adjust, you always get so nervous you’ll fall right off the stage. Your eyes take in your audience, the crowd is always bigger on a Friday night. You smirked over at what the ladies call “Your group” as your hands climbed up the pole, your legs allowing you to flip yourself over, your back arching against the pole. Your attention went from one person to another, before you saw him. His beautiful blonde hair, his jacket looked so heavy on him. That small indent on his chin, the way his chest would rise then fall when he noticed you were staring directly at him.
Mesmerized. The way your outfit made your skin sparkle, and your lips part when you dipped yourself down. Everything about you had him under a spell. Even when you got down on your knees, sprawling out for the men in front of you as they shoved bills into your skirt, your eyes never tearing from his. He was distraught when your set ended, your small hands grabbing at all the bills on the ground, a wide smile on your face. It made his pants tight for some reason, guilt washing over him as you blew a kiss goodbye, a smile growing onto him as you ran off the stage, on your tip toes.
“Beautiful, as always.”
Jamie went to hug you, your arm squeezing her as you dug into your bra handing her all your money.
“Take fifty for you but put the rest in my bag.”
You chirped so quickly she barley understood, her eyes following you as you fixed your messy hair, your fingers combing through it as you pushed yourself out the curtain. You tried to pin point him, but couldn’t find him, you cursed yourself for not jumping right off the stage and into his arms. You almost let defeat take you over before you saw him walk out the bathroom, laughing to yourself as he wiped his hands on his jeans. You knew eyes were on you, but you didn’t care. Walking across the smooth velvet floor, his back now facing you as he talked to his group, or your group.
“Hey boys.”
You spoke sweetly, your hands wrapping around the Chiefs arm as the group yelled greeting you. They really were all super sweet, your favorite regulars. You usually don’t come out to talk to them straight after set but you obviously had to tonight. Your face scrunched in confusion as you leaned against the Chief, pointing to Leon.
“Who’s this?”
Your tone was innocent, you had to know his name. Leon stared at you, afraid to let his eyes slip below your lips. He didn’t want to be disrespectful even though everyone else around didn’t care.
“I’m Leon.”
Cute. He was sheepish. Your hands let go of the chief, leaning into Leon. Leon tensed up at the feeling of you pressed against him, your lip ghosting over the shell of his ear. His eyes trailing down your smooth skin, his eyes glistening.
“Want a dance?”
No charge. Though you didn’t tell him yet, because teasing him was the best part of this all. Leon’s hand reached up, touching your upper arm gently as he nodded his head.
“Yeah, sure I don’t see why not”
An angel. He was a walking angel. Stepping off your tip toes, both your hands pulling at his arm. A few hellos left your lips as you waved to the people who whistled over at you. His hand squeezed at yours as you continued to drag him through the crowded room, the quiet hallway finally welcoming the two of you as you held open the door for him. He reached forward, letting you walk in first.
“It’s Bliss right?”
He asked as he shut the door quietly, examining your body language change at him using your stage name.
“Please don’t call me Bliss, it’s okay, just don’t call me anything.”
You spoke to him as you put your hand on your hip, pointing to the chair.
“You can get comfortable, but before you do.. You do want this right? I didn’t drag you from the boys and make you uncomfortable?”
Your genuine concern made Leon’s heart flutter, his arms being exposed as he pulled his jacket off and laid it on the arm of the chair. Leon nodded his head as his back hit the chair, surprised at how comfortable it really was.
“Thank god because I just had to see you.”
Your words came out in a string of mumbles, your leg coming up to straddle over him. The fabric of his jeans rubbed against your calf as you pressed against him, slowly just to make sure you weren’t pushing any limits. The back of your head laying onto his shoulder, his body shivering as your hair trickled over his skin.
Your hands rubbed forward, resting on your knees as you pressed your ass further into the tightness of his jeans, a groany whimper emitting from his throat. Your bottom lip slipped between your teeth as you reached down, your hands slipping over his.
“It’s okay, you can touch me.”
A breath of relief left the boys lips, his hands carefully grabbing at your waist. Your skin was softer than he imagined, his fingers brushing over the soft peach fuzz on your stomach. Your breathing was shaky, you knew he noticed because his was too. The room was getting tighter, you needed to be closer to him, and he agreed. His hands randomly squeezing at your flesh as you grinded yourself into him. Even with your skirt on, feeling his hardening cock under you made goosebumps rise to your skin, your mouth opening and your head turning to speak to him, your eyelids heavy before the door swung open.
Joe had his hand resting at his hip, his eyes going from you to Leon. Private dances were suppose to be confirmed by the boss, but this was different. You knew Joe wouldn’t understand. His tongue licking at his bottom lip.
“You’re good for the night.”
His voice was angry, and so cold. There goes your funds for tonight, now you only had your tips. You turned to Leon, shaking your head as you touched the top of his hand.
“So sorry..”
Leon didn’t know why he sat waiting, all his friends left leaving him sitting in his jeep alone. His eyes closed as he laid his head back on the headrest, taking in a deep breath. He found comfort in your scent lingering on him. His eyebrows pushed together at the sounds of screaming, fixing his rear view window to see you walking out the back door, you flipping off Joe as he threw your makeup bag at you. This happens at least once a week. Leon immediately got out of his car, jogging over towards the small railing. He grabbed at the lipstick tube that had rolled to the bottom, standing up and walking towards you, his hand gently gripping at your shoulder. Your eyes shot up at him, your hand reaching to hold your chest.
“Jesus christ trying to scare a girl?”
Leon couldn’t help but chuckle as he helped you up, grabbing your makeup bag for you. His head turned to his car, his hand grabbing at the back of his neck.
“Do you want a ride?”
Like you said, an angel. You should’ve said no, but you couldn’t. It was freezing outside, and you lived all the way on the other side of the city. Leon could tell you felt bad by the way your hands held at your elbows. His hands gripping at the steering wheel, glancing over to you every once and awhile. You didn’t have the courage to tell him that you usually sleep at the club because your sister is a piece of shit and changes the locks if you’re even an hour late for rent. And you were a day late so she had the time. He stopped in front of your dark house, your head down at your knees before you it lifted up, turning to the handsome boy
“Let me stay with you, I’ll pay you.”
“There’s tons of blankets there in that closet, and there’s also lots of food in the cabinet and fridge. And if you wanna take a shower you can, my water pressure is great.”
Any normal person would’ve said no to you, especially under your circumstances. Leon’s apartment was much nicer than your house could ever be, it was a bit messy but it was alright because he was a young boy, what did you expect?
“And here, you can sleep on the bed. I’m more than comfortable on the couch I honestly pass out there most of the time anyways.”
Leon laughed as he threw his pillow down onto his small couch. You admired his laugh, the way his cheeks curled up when he smiled. The way his arm grabbed at the couch cushion made your stomach ache in the best way. You pointed to the spot next to him as you stepped in front of the TV his eyes fixated on.
“Can I sit with you?”
Leon’s body shifted, patting the spot next to him as he threw his pillow to the ground. His body radiated so much heat. Your body tensed up as his hand touched your shoulder slightly, his fingertips drawing shapes on your skin. This wasn’t normal everyday occurrence for you. Your head resting into his armpit, tilting yourself upward, his hair tickling your nose.
Nothing could explain how you ended up on top of Leon, his hands so scared to touch you like you were a fragile doll while your lips pressed so hungrily into his. His hands ran up and down your thighs, his grip loose. Your mouth pulled away from him, a string of spit connecting the two of you as you pushed the messy hair from his face. You pushed yourself further into his lap, your hands tugging at your shirt before you threw it to the ground. Leon stared at you in wonder, his lips still wet from your kisses not so long ago. Your head nodded at him as you reached down pulling his hands into yours, laying them on your stomach.
His hands were so shaky, but his eyes were dark, his eyelids hooded as his hands pressed into your stomach. Your eyes fluttered shut as he grabbed at your breasts, squeezing them in his hands. The innocence was being pulled from his body, his head dipping down to your chest. Your head leaned back as his soft lips wrapped around your nipple, his arm wrapping around your waist to pull you in closer to him as his tongue rubbed so roughly against the nub. A strangled moan left your lips as you ran your hands through his hair, watching as he basically breathed you in.
“That’s my good boy..”
You reached down, pulling his head from your chest to press your lips against his once again. Your legs fell from his lap, dropping to the ground as your lips pecked at the corner of his mouth. He looked so pretty, staring down as you trailed down his body, his breathing staggered as you yanked at his sweatpants. Leon’s hand hid the smile on his face as you gawked at his size, his cheeks flushing a deep red as he rubbed at his forehead.
It was mouth watering, seeing his length hard in front of your face, your hands rubbing at his base, causing his hips to lift into your hand. A giggle rose from your throat as you shook your head up at him.
“Don’t be so eager now.”
Your words were tied and slurred with lust. Your tongue pushing out of your mouth, tapping Leon’s tip against it. You closed your lips into a kiss, his precum seeping into your tastebuds. He tasted so fucking good, your eyes barely open as your hand held at what your mouth couldnt take. Who knew the rookie had such a big dick. The thought made you giggle around his cock, causing him to hiss in sensitivity as you began to bob your head. Leon’s hands held at your hair, his mouth open as he watched you suck in his cock.
“Oh fuck.. that’s so good..”
The boy whined out as your hand rested down to his knee, your eyes watering as you finally let your throat take all of him in. It’s like his cock was made to be down your throat, your tongue laying flat as you swallowed him.
“Wait, stop.. no, don’t stop- ngh..”
Leon’s fingers fisted up in your hair as you pulled yourself from his cock, your lips glistening as you tried catching at your breath. You kissed his tip, making him jolt before you stood, tugging your shorts down along with your panties, Your back turned to face Leon, your hips jutting out as you looked back, grabbing at his cock. You didn’t even have to say a word, his hand pushing yours away while his other pushed your folds apart, a moan pouring from his lips as he pushed himself into you, your eyes squeezed shut from how good just the tip of him felt inside of you, your back arching as you sunk yourself down in one swift motion, a squeal leaving your lips. Your hand shot to your mouth to try and conceal the loud yelp that would’ve followed. Leon grabbed at your hips, his fingers digging into your flesh as you squeezed around him.
“Jus’ don’t move..”
Leon whined as he squeezed his eyes shut, licking his lips. You nodded at him but your body didn’t understand, your hips rising then falling down onto him again, a whine leaving both of you. Your pace was steady, his hands rubbing up your back as you bounced on his cock so good.
“Fuck you’re squeezing me so good.”
Leon cried out as he rutted his hips up into you, his whines encouraging you to move your hips faster but a loud cry ripped from your throat as he bumped at your cervix.
“Fuck- Le, cock to big..”
You whined as you grinded into him, your eyes stinging with tears as you reached back, grabbing at his arms. His heavy breathing made you continue on, your thighs squeezing together as he held at your forearms. You pushed your head to the side, watching him from the corner of your eye, his lip between his teeth as his head leaned against the comfy couch cushion.
“Feel good? Tell me how good it feels baby”
You spoke back to him, your body jolting forward as he thrusted up into you, his hands grabbing at your waist as he apologized, he finally gained the confidence to meet your hips with every bounce, your vision growing more blurry every time his pelvis smacked against your ass. The sound of skin smacking and heavy breathing echoed through the apartment, Leon let out a loud moan as he stopped your hips, his breathing heavy as he tried to calm himself down.
“Gonna cum in you, slow down..”
Leon whimpered as you turned your back to look at him, your thighs shaking slightly as you frowned at the boy. Your stomach was throbbing, the rubber band ready to snap in your stomach started to unravel the longer he stalled you there.
“Jesus christ..”
He whispered out as he let go of your hips, his palm shaping perfectly to the small of your back he helped you regain your pace. There it was, that tightness in your stomach again. Your mouth falling into an O shape as your walls spasmed around him, making him cry out, his nails leaving little crescent’s in your skin as he shot himself into you. Your eyes were sealed shut, a small “why” leaving your lips as Leon pulled you off of him, helping you stand. Your eyes fluttered open to stare at the perfect man in front of you, his face flushed red and his hair a mess.
“Thank you.”
He mumbled as he leaned down, kissing your lips softly. He pulled you so tightly into him, holding you to his chest as you squeezed him. He didn’t want you to walk out and leave just like it meant nothing. You looked up at him, kissing his chin before he lifted you up, making you squeal grabbing at his arms.
You yelled as he threw you down onto the bed, lying himself on top of you.
“What’s your name?”
He mumbled into your skin as he twirled your hair around his finger. You stared up at the ceiling, your fingers dancing over the muscles on his back.
“Y/N. Nice to meet you, Leon.”
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absolutebl · 1 year
This Week In BL
April 2023 Wk 1
Being a highly subjective assessment of one tiny corner of the interwebs. Organized by which ones (in each category) I’m enjoying most.
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Ongoing Series - Thai
Bed Friend (Sat YT, GaGa & iQIYI uncut) ep 8 of 10 - actually this installment was better than I expected after the dreaded extension decision. I am still enjoying this one a lot, but I think it’s slipped out of 10/10 contention. Sad. I thought I high heat was finally gonna break into top 10. 
Future (Thai Sun YouTube & Gaga) ep 3 of 5 - More of pretty much exactly the same and exactly the same clingy cuteness. This is a great but sublimely dumb show. It is beyond sappy. Also EVERYONE is queer. EVERYONE. I don’t like the premise that you have to leave your friends when you get into a relationship, but it does happen. I guess Fuse has to find Tee a bf? Also, babies first fight. 
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Pastsenger (Thai Weds Gaga) 5 of 12 eps - Boring. But cohabitation and lots of other tropes like feeding, head in lap, hair wash, helmet buckle. Kiew is SUCH a boyfriend. Also a brief lap sit (bet @heretherebedork​ is happy). Plus unnecessary side dishes. 
A Boss and a Babe (Fri YouTube) ep 6 of 12 - ForceBook are performing their characters well and consistently, but the narrative is fighting them and contradicting them all the time. We’re told boss yells at babe but never see it, then boss says he’s never mean even though everyone says he is mean (be we never see it). It’s crazy-making. They are cute bfs who make me smile because they are ForceBook and for no other reason. GMMTV should be thoroughly ashamed of misusing these two a 2ND TIME. Especially as this is one of their few pairs willing to do higher heat. You can’t hear it but this it MY ANNOYED TYPING VOICE.  
Tin Tam Jai (Tues Gaga & iQIYI) ep 7 of 12 - I just like the side seme. Sorry main couple, you are not in my heart. P’Doc Park just seems uninterested, don’t force it nong Tin just go with P’Plearn who is all up in your business and defining EAGER. 
Chains of Heart (Sat iQIYI) ep 8 of 10 - It always takes me forever to get around to this one (even when I’m not on site), honestly if it weren’t nearing the end I probably would just drop it from sheer frustration. How can a show that’s meant to be suspenseful be this dull? I guess Din’s secret identity was the twist reveal? Not much of one. What about his son? I am so confused by this show and so do not care. What a disappointment. 
The Promise (Thai Weds YT) ep 6 of 10 - ON HIATUS UNTIL APRIL 19.
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Ongoing Series - Not Thai
Our Dining Table AKA Bokura no Shokutaku (Japan Thurs Gaga) 1 of 10 - OH MY GOD IT’S SO CUTE. It is pretty much exactly like the manga and I am all over fine with that. Expect this BL to be soft af, gentle, sweet and another cozy BL to add to our new roster (post forthcoming I promise). Also don’t expect a kiss. Honestly, I don’t care, I love this yaoi so much and I am delighted to see it on my screen and so well cast. It’s disgustingly charming. 
Unintentional Love Story (Korea Thurs iQIYI) 7-8 of 10 - (here’s how I’m getting it) Oh they’re so cute and ridiculous confessing and hiding out. Also the sides are EVERYTHING. This is actually turning into a pretty decent BL. I like that the bfs tease and play together it’s sweet. This is a very huggy couple for Korea. And then DOOM. Betrayal. Argh! Pain.  Nooooooo. Long eps and lip wobbles galore. We all SUFFER until next week. 
The Eighth Sense (Korea Weds Viki) eps 3-4 of 10 - I actually re-watched the first 2 eps bf I watched this week’s installments. We know Jae Won is popular, rich, sunshine who wants to be loved but estranged from his fam. Ji Hyun is a shy, serious, polite country boy deep in first crush. Despite this dichotomy it’s JH who seems more comfortable in himself and, possibly, his sexual preferences. There’s a homoeroticism to this show that is not normal for BL (I know... but it isn’t, certainly not KBL). Reminds me a bit of ITSAY + Shelter + His the series. The director is doing some very interesting things that makes the watching experience chewy. Note the actors have been told to match strides whenever they walk together? So far as the narrative goes timing on the kiss (good kiss tho it may be) indicates that the plot will be fall out from kissing (tragedy), not build up to a romantic relationship. (Timing is a bitch.) Also… this is what we call being “dicked around by a closet case.” Baby’s first love is NOT going to go well. On the bright side, baby got himself his first fag hag to comfort him after the inevitable heartbreak. Honestly? I’m finding this rough going because it’s SO TENSE but I can’t stop watching. And clearly I have a lot to say about this show. 
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It’s Airing But ...
Love Syndrome (Thai Sat WeTV) stopped at ep 2 of 12 - I’m just not into any aspect of it (except Lee Long Shi and I can watch him in Tin Tem Jai) - saving to binge if the end is solid.
Venus in the Sky (Sat YouTube) pilot/tester?) 0 of 10 - not entirely sure what’s up with this one distribution-wise, but the pilot was cute, classic university-set pulp. I hope it happens because the leads are cute with good chemsitry and I thought it was fun. However, it totally holds together as it’s own little short story too.
Cafe In Love (Thai ???) 10 eps on Ch3+ - Thai pulp, about trying to save a coffee shop. FairyGodBLer came through for me, but I’m collecting to binge just in case. It’s my new policy with the grey stuff.
Destiny Seeker (Tues WeTV Thailand) 10 eps - it’s not on any WeTV I can get ahold of. Bad Buddy the pulp rebirth meets Japanese handsome host club action. Same as above.
Make a Wish (Thai Weds ?) from WaGa Creative staring Fluke Natouch (OhmFluke UWMA etc...) & Judo (The Miracle Of Teddy Bear) in a medical-fantasy. About a doctor who sees ghosts and a deity who resides in a Bodhi tree that earns merits whenever he fulfills a wish based on a y-novel by Sammon (Manner of Death, Triage). Same as above.
My Beautiful Man Eternal (Japan ????) - 3rd installment, but a movie that released 4/7 which means it’s a pain to get hold of.
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In Case You Missed it
My Blessing popped up on YT. Thailand gave us a hour long take on the “my ghost boyfriend trope” with predictable results: decent heat, pulp story (which is to say no story, really) and good kisses, but it ends with death/separation. Don’t bother unless you are a particular fan of Boat (I Am Your King 2). I am, but he was, once again, underserved by this script. Sigh. 2/10 
Gaga is airing Japanese drama: Me and My Husband’s Boyfriend (concludes April 14). This is a full series dropping over two weeks. Sort of a poly romance meets psychological manipulation that starts with cheating and has lots of other taboo stuff like teacher/student. The lynchpin is an out bisexual poly manic pixie dream nightmare? boy. Don’t be deluded into thinking this is BL, it’s not even messy BL. It’s just Japan being Japan. Complete with Terrible Kissing (TM). I found it an interesting subject matter but can’t in good conscience recommend it to a BL watcher. 
Myanmar dropped a BL short called The Love Ring you can watch in on YouTube. It’s an interesting first(?) attempt with paranormal elements. It feels a lot like early Pinoy mixed with Vietnamese BL. It has a nice HEA and is worth 20 minutes of your time if you’re curious about the evolution of the genre. Considering the state of LGBTQ+ rights in that country what it is primarily is very very brave. I give it a 6/10 
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Next Week Looks Like This:
04.14 Naked Dinner AKA Zenra Meshi (Japan Gaga) - not really my thing but yes I’ll watch it
04.15 My Story (Pinoy YouTube) - not my fandom but I will give it a go
Finishing: Unintentional & Future (@heretherebedork and I are gonna cry) 
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No proper post for April but remaining release I know of is:
04.18 Step By Step (Thai WeTV) - office age gap, I am all in! Even though it’s WeTV. Sigh.
April is looking a bit slender so I might start watching Destiny Seeker or Cafe in Love, or both.
2023 forthcoming BL master post (see comments, some are inaccurate, NOT KEPT UPDATED)
Adventures in Captions
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I think the word they were looking for was “disappointed” but I am going to start going around saying “a little bit failed” just as a matter of course. Suits my life well.
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We stan consent in this house and will always give props when it shows up in BL, probably until the end of time. Look I got so used to dub con consent is still novel and exciting, okay? (Boss & Babe) 
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Yes King of the Obvious, but thank you for actually confessing. Is there ED for a confession? King has a bad case. 
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Is that... Thailand? Recommending therapy? WOW. Props. (Bed Friend)
(last week)
Current Kpop earworm? I’ve been dipping back into the well a lot recently, so it’s FTISLAND’s Severely. Look I just really miss Lee Hong-gi’s voice. 
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sugarcloudsky · 1 year
can i have a cappuccino cookie x reader where tgey have a cute litrle coffee date or somethin >_<!!
「Stress Reliever」
character: cappuccino cookie
wc: 1k
cws: possibly ooc cappuccino i am not confident in his characterization, corny
hiii i know who sent this! happy birthday!!! <3 (i hope this turned out ok, i’m not too proud of how this came out LOL)
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“Meet me at the cafe downtown tomorrow afternoon for a coffee! My treat!”
Those few simple words continued to echo in the back of Cappuccino Cookie’s mind as his fingers mindlessly traced the rim of the coffee cup in front of him. He tries desperately to shake the thoughts away, but it’s a fruitless effort. It’s practically impossible for him to forget what you said to him. He couldn’t possibly forget the smile you had on your face at that moment. He couldn’t possibly forget… you, now sitting in front of him whilst sipping a coffee of your own.
You had spontaneously invited the prosecutor out for a coffee date after you had watched him return from another tiresome trial. You noticed how his eye bags were much darker than usual, and how he was practically falling asleep as he stumbled through the door of his law firm. He had only mumbled an incoherent string of words to you as you rushed towards him to steady his wobbling and to make sure he wouldn’t collapse on the spot.
After you sat him down on the sofa and allowed him to take a quick breather, he finally seemed to have composed himself a bit. His brows were furrowed with undeniable exhaustion, even more than usual. This must’ve been a tougher case he took on today. Your lips pursed as you watched him sigh, trying to think for a moment. You wanted to come up with a way to cheer him up, even at least a little.
What better way to cheer up your coworker than with a simple coffee date?
Well, you wouldn’t call it a date per se, just a simple hangout to lift his spirits. You wouldn’t dare to call it a date. You would never want to make Cappuccino Cookie uncomfortable! It was just a simple hang out, that’s it!
Cappuccino Cookie on the other hand, after processing what you said to him, felt many conflicting emotions swirling in his mind. Were you asking him out on a date? Or was it just a friendly hangout? He didn’t want to overthink so much, but he really couldn’t stop himself.
All he could really do was swallow his insecurities and look up at you again. Although he noticed you were no longer facing him, instead looking out the window of the small coffee shopping whilst watching random passerbys go about their day. The cute little white cup sitting in front of you was now half empty.
As you continued to stare out the glass window, Cappuccino’s attention went from your cup of coffee to your face. He sat there, his finger grazing against the handle of the cup as he gazed at you, softly but intently. His eyes glanced over your soft cheeks, your fluttering eyelashes, your glittering eyes, and your plump yet slightly chapped lips.
He involuntarily lets out a sigh, admiring how your pretty face is painted in blue from the cloudless afternoon sky.
To him, you were a clear image of perfection. Gorgeous, beautiful, pretty much any cheesy word you can think of.
Cappuccino Cookie had only been admiring you from afar for a short amount of time. At first, you were just a simple coworker to him. It was then when you began to approach him more often with a big smile on your face where he began to feel more than platonic feelings for you.
These feelings scared him, so he shoved them deep down and settled with staying friends with you. Though, that didn’t stop him from occasionally sneaking glances at you and smiling to himself with red dusting his face.
By now, he had memorized the entire structure of your face. All of your imperfections were still beautiful to him. He could stare at your face for hours and never get tired, despite his draining job.
“Cappuccino Cookie?”
The way he flinches at your sudden remark doesn’t go unnoticed by you. You chuckle with amusement lacing your voice, turning to him completely once again.
“You okay there?”
He clears the lump in his throat, his face slightly flushed in embarrassment. He nods his head curtly, in a simple ‘yes.’
For a moment, you stick with wordlessly smiling at him. Although the silence is a bit thick, so you want to ease it somehow.
“How’s work been for you?”
He looks up at you again, sighing. “Same as always. So many idiots in court, you wouldn’t believe it…”
His lips curl upwards as you let out a small giggle at his response. “I see!” You chuckle, picking up your coffee and swirling the liquid in its cup, “I hope some coffee can help relieve some of that courtroom stress!”
He hums, looking down at the cup of coffee sat in front of him. His eyebrows perk upwards as he eyes his own reflection in the brown drink.
His eyes soon again find your face once more, noticing how your attention once again drifted away from him. You had begun to stir your cup of coffee with a little spoon, watching as the remaining whipped cream became mixed in with the caffeine.
If he was being honest, coffee didn’t have much effect on him anymore. Sure, it could help him get through all nighters if he needed to, but other than that, it made him feel nothing other than a moderate feeling of dread.
But you, on the other hand…
Being around you was enough of a stress reliever for him, although he wouldn’t exactly admit that to you. Your calming aura and charming smile was enough to ease his tensions, even if it was only temporary. Everything you said to him served to ease his mind, and he can’t help but feel at peace to be around you right now. He chuckled to himself at the thought, his muscles relaxing as he sank into his seat.
“Mhm,” he hums, face once again tinted slightly red. He rests his chin on his palm, his gaze lingering on you with a look on his face that almost seemed lovestruck. “I feel better already.”
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softxsuki · 2 years
Celebrating Your Birthday With Zeno
Pairing: Zeno x Fem!Reader
Warnings: little bit of angsty thoughts, nothing crazy though
Genre: Fluff
Post-Type: Drabble
Word Count: 860
Summary: In which you're in a field of wildflowers with Zeno on your birthday
[A/N: For the special birthday girl, @kyanma137!! Happy Birthday <33 I hope you enjoy this, I wanted to do one last little thing for your birthday so I hope this makes you happy <3 Enjoy :D ]
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A gust of wind blows over the field of wildflowers you were currently sitting in. You squeeze your eyes closed as the breeze reaches you, blowing your hair wildly across your face. A small giggle escapes your boyfriends’ lips as his hair also moves with the wind.
“Cute~,” Zeno smiles, tilting his head at you, reaching over to brush your hair back in place, “You look like an angel.”
Heat reaches your cheeks, instinctively leaning into his touch, but feeling shy all of a sudden. Zeno was never low on compliments towards you, it was something you were still getting used to even after a year of dating.
“Stop~,” You shyly whine, hiding your face in the crook of his neck, now in his embrace as he holds you close.
You had both stepped away from the Happy Hungry Bunch for a few hours, just enjoying quality time together; talking about your hopes and dreams, your thoughts, your future. Zeno never missed an opportunity to have you all to himself so he was making the most of your time together in the empty field of wildflowers. 
Wildflowers–they kind of reminded him of himself. Left to fend for themselves in a field, no one to de-weed them or water them–just leaving it up to nature. But they turned out alright, and they were as beautiful as any flower you could buy from the local market.
Removing yourself from Zeno’s arms, much to his dismay, you lie down in the grass, staring up at the clouds as your boyfriend occupied himself with the flowers nearby, fiddling with a few of them. It was a fairly sunny day, nice and cool out–perfect weather, not too hot and not too cold. A beautiful day to be celebrating your birthday. Another year older…
You wondered sometimes what you would do the older you got. Would Zeno be okay? He can’t die, so what would he do? You hated the idea of leaving him behind to be alone again. You knew what he went through for almost 2000 years, you didn’t want that to happen again. But you had both come to an agreement–you’d make the most of your days together with a smile, enjoying every second you had with each other.
You sigh to yourself, trying to shake those thoughts out of your head when Zeno’s face appears above you.
With one hand behind his back, he sticks his other hand out for you to take, pulling you up so you are now sitting instead of lying down. 
“Close your eyes,” he softly instructs.
You follow his instructions without a word, closing your eyes as another breeze blows over you. He shuffles a bit and you hear him plop onto the grass in front of you.
“Okay open them,” he sounds excited.
You open your eyes, blinking a few times, allowing them to focus on what was in his hands–a flower crown. Your mouth flies open, a tiny gasp leaving your lips.
“What’s this?” You ask in awe, reaching for the beautiful flower crown in his hands.
“Happy Birthday,” he smiles, excited from your reaction, “Zeno made it just now. They’re thunbergia alata (let’s pretend like these flowers grow in fields okay)! They symbolize encouragement; they’re super adaptable and strong, just like you. They remind Zeno of you–absolutely gorgeous.”
You were at a loss for words. You knew Zeno was smooth, he was beyond wise, and just always had the right words to say to you. “Thank you,” your voice wobbles, tears beginning to brim your eyes. No one had ever been so sweet to you, and you were beyond blessed to have a man like Zeno in your life now. Someone who always reminded you of your worth when you couldn’t see it for yourself. 
“Aww, pretty girl, don’t cry,” he coo’s wiping your tears away, “C’mon, put it on, Zeno wants to see how it looks!”
You laugh a bit at his excitement, placing the flower crown swiftly onto your head and turn to him again, “How does it look?”
His eyes could have been mistaken for stars at the sparkles that lit up in them.
“Perfect, just like Zeno thought,” He attacks you once again with a hug, the both of you falling back onto the grass as he peppers your face with kisses, repeatedly calling you his ‘pretty angel,’ not that you were complaining as giggles erupted from you. 
“Y/N, Zeno! Yoon finished cooking! The celebration is about to begin! C’mon birthday girl!” Yona calls to the both of you from the camp set-up not too far away, making Zeno pause his kiss attack.
“Coming!” You shout back, getting back to your feet with the help of your lover. 
“Shall we?” He asks, holding an inviting hand out to you.
“We shall,” you smile, interlacing your fingers together and rushing off back to camp where your friends were getting rowdy.
“Happy Birthday, Y/N!” They all shout as soon as you arrive, hand in hand with Zeno.
It turned out to be a successful celebration as you were surrounded by your friends and the love of your life–things couldn't have been more perfect.
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Posted: 2/12/2023
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cookiesuga55 · 2 years
What do you think of tummy talk? Like when a character's tummy growls demanding food and they're saying to it things like "settle down please" or "aw, I know, tummy, I'll feed you all kinds of tasty foods later, i promise". Or vise versa: when a tummy is full and they say to it things like: "Aw, such a happy tummy I have" or "I see you enjoyed the food" or even "*tummy cramps* i really overpacked you, didn't I? Aw, I'm sorry :(" (or when someone else talk to their tummy :3) Those things really send me. And I especially love how you delivered it in "stuffed full of love" and "weight gain denial"
Yo, SAY THIS ASK LOUDER for the people in the back!!!
I Looooooooove tummy talk TuT, I feel like I write it pretty often because it always makes me all melty uwu (also thank you for the compliments gaaaaah that is so sweet (•ω•。ↄ) *blush*
Here is Weight Gain Denial! Tbh one of my favs.
In my brain, chub Koo ALWAYSSSS talks to his chubby tummy <3 He cooes down at his belly when it growls hungrily and gives it a little pat, promising: "soon~ a big, yummy lunch soon, I promise."
He asks it what it wants for dinner as he peers in the fridge. "Mmmm what do you want for dinner, baby? We've got... leftover lasagna or... I could make some ramen...?" His stomach gives an excited rumble and he grins, answering, "you're right. Both."
He smiles down at his belly after eating, his middle pushed out fat with a big warm meal. "Mmmm, wasn't that yummy, precious? You look so happy... Kookie fed you nice and full, didn't I?" He gives his tummy a deep rub, sighing happily as his stuffing sinks into him and his gut gives a happy little gurgle.
His stomach is so vocal, and Jungkook loves it.
He thinks it's so cute, and he especially loves it when his boyfriend is over. Jungkook is convinced that his belly likes Namjoon even more than it likes him. But honestly, he doesn't blame it. Joon constantly nuzzles into Jungkook's chubby tummy, presses sweet little kisses across the soft skin, holds his sides, and coos to his middle, "mmmm~ how's my favorite tummy? You feel much softer, little cutie. Has my Jungkookie been feeding you well while I'm away?" Jungkook's giggles make his soft waist wobble in his boyfriend's hands, and his tummy groans like it's completely in love with Namjoon.
The older beams up at Jungkook, his dimples popping out, and turns his attention cutely back to Jungkook's tubby middle. He kisses around Jungkook's navel. "Little tum... Joonie has a really big stuffing planned for you tonight... with all your favorite yummies: fried chicken, cheesy fries, ice cream~" As Namjoon bites along the bottom roll of chub around Jungkook's waist, he tries hard not to moan. But, just the thought of his boyfriend stuffing him has his stomach growling in anticipation. That only makes Joon happier though. He purrs to Jungkook's belly: "We'll make sure that you're fat and happy, baby. I want my Kookie bigger... so if I feed you really well, then you promise to plump him up, right?"
Jungkook does moan at hearing that. His stomach has a mind of its own and growls hungrily, apparently agreeing with Namjoon's proposal, and promising to push out with more pudge. Namjoon rubs his big palms over Jungkook's waist and pats his belly in praise, pleased with their talk, "...Good boy."
Jungkook tries not to lose it and completely fails.
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bittybeanie · 2 years
Hello! Could you pretty please write something for serizawa x reader? Maybe like bedtime/sleeping headcanons/scenario or morning time headcanons/scenario? Whatever you’re feeling! Also thank you for keeping the Serizawa fics alive he deserves all the love 💕
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ofc anon! I've already talked a lil about how seri needs your help falling asleep so I think it's about time I talked about getting to wake up with him <3
serizawa is either up and at em immediately after waking up or he is DEAD to the world until very late into the day. there is no telling which one it will be. sets like 10 alarms because he's so paranoid he'll sleep through them or fall back asleep. (he turns the rest off as soon as he wakes up bc he's not a monster, but he refuses to just get rid of them even tho he usually wakes up on the first one)
even once he is awake it takes a while for him to leave the bed. he was always like that but now it's because you're holding onto him and he can't bring himself to pull away
if he's up before you, he just lays there and watches you sleep. sometimes he'll play with your hair, but he doesn't want to risk waking you so he'll just lay there and admire you most mornings. he used to pretend he was asleep as soon as you started to stir, but now waking up to him staring at you with a wobbly, love-struck smile is a common occurrence you often remind yourself not to take for granted.
you tend to just let him sleep on his days off, but you've developed a surefire tactic to get him up on work days without having to hear the alarm. you kiss his face until he stirs and then move to his lips, slowly leaning back bit by bit until he's forced to sit up as he follows you. whether you actually get out of the bed at that point is… well. it's 50/50 really.
i've mentioned this before, but i think serizawa has trouble sleeping often enough that it's just become habit for you to go join him on the couch if you wake up and find him missing in the middle of the night. and on those days he sleeps lightly enough that he wakes up before you and carries you back to bed, tucking you in with a kiss to your forehead and a quiet thank you
absolutely obsessed with breakfast in bed in every configuration. if you bring him a tray and a cup of coffee he's absolutely falling over himself to pull you back into the bed and kiss you to show his appreciation to the point where you just bring food for both of you so you can join him. but his favorite is when he gets to be the one to cook for you because when your eyes light up after he wakes you and the sun streams in and you beam at him he's right back to when you first started dating and it means he gets to see your tousled hair and sleepy smile for those extra moments while you eat and he just loves you so much has he told you that lately?
(you laugh and say yes, every morning, but you'll never get tired of hearing it. you love him too. he cups your cheek and kisses you in between sips of water.)
a total sucker for when your shirt slides off your shoulder. he knows it's cliche but he just thinks it's so cute (especially if it's his shirt, he simply Passes Away). he remains blissfully ignorant to the fact that you have the exact same thought process every time he stretches and you get to see his tummy and the tops of his hips.
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bellatrixscurls · 2 years
purple top | james potter
summary : on james’, your ex, birthday, you give him a little present.
warnings : smut, oral (male r), fingering, allusions to a toxic relationship, mentions of obsession, pet names & cute nicknames, jamie being jealous, teasing, like two swear words. lmk if i missed anything <3
a/n : ik this was supposed to be angst but... im already kinda down so i didnt feel up to it, hope you enjoy this little shitty blurb though. hopefully, ill write a part two sometime. again, im so sorry for this being so short and stupid. ly.
you woke up that day, and first thing you did was look at the calendar. it was your ex’s birthday, not that you needed a calendar to remember that.
it was almost funny how exactly a month ago today, you went to hogsmeade to buy him a present — well, one of the presents you had for him — and now you didn’t even speak to each other anymore.
it was a sunday so you didn’t have any classes, but you still somewhat wanted to congratulate james, or maybe just catch his eye for a second. and you know you shouldn’t have, but when you picked your outfit to go to breakfast, you choose a purple top and some leggings. james loved how you looked in those, well, he actually loved how you looked anyway, but that was his favourite outfit of yours.
as you entered the great hall with your friends, heading towards the slytherin table, james and the marauders were already there, and you noticed from the corner of your eye that they were looking at you.
if you looked closer, james’ mouth was watering and his pants were growing tighter against his crotch, his cheeks pink as he squirmed in his sit.
“if you don’t go make up with her, someone might just take your place” remus hummed, shrugging as a small smirk took over his face, well aware of james’ flushed face and pounding heart.
james’ head snapped to him, eyes wide as he spluttered, “w-what? who wants that? she’s mine why would-”
“oh shut up, moony” sirius rolled his eyes, poking at his food as he bit back a grin as well, a confused peter beside him, “she obviously knows what she’s doing, prongs. go there and show her who’s boss.”
james thought about it for a second. you never really were a brat before, but you did like a little teasing, more giving than receiving.
he stood up from his place at the table and walked towards you, his hand tugging at your forearm when he finally reached you. you gasped in surprise as you were pulled away from your friends and out of the great hall by an angry james, and he walked you impossibly fast to his dorm.
the way up there was silent as your eyes were wide in shock, and steam came out of james’ ears.
“jamie?” you finally whimpered when he pulled the door open and basically shoved you in, and you sat down on his bed. your eyes were wide and innocent and James felt like he could cum on the spot.
“i know what the fuck you’re trying to do” he hissed as he turned to you, glaring at you, but his eyes still remained somewhat soft. “why are you being such a brat, hm, y/n? walking around dressed like this on my birthday when you know what it fucking does to me.”
“wanted to look pretty for you, thought you might like it” you shrugged, tears burning at your eyes, “didn’t mean to be a brat” you said, your bottom lip wobbling slightly as you looked up into his eyes.
james felt bad now. really really bad. what had gotten into him to actually believe what sirius told him when it came to you? he knew how sirius was, and he also knew how much you hated that side of him, because you’d told him about it.
his face softened and his arms dropped as he came to kneel in front of you. he took your hands in his much bigger ones, rubbing them gently. “it’s not your fault, baby. i’m a bloody idiot. i just, i think this is what being apart from you does to me” he smiled halfheartedly, entirely hating himself for being mean towards you.
“then don’t be apart from me” you whined as his words pushed you into subspace more and more, tears now spilling from your eyes. “i miss you, jamie. wan’ kiss your lips again.”
before your eyes could dart down to his lips, they were on yours and he pushed you down onto the mattress, james’ arms pinning your own over your head. his lips seemed even softer now, and his hands more gentle. he felt like heaven, and he wasn’t even touching you properly.
you broke the kiss for a second as you whispered against his lips, “let me make you feel good” you said softly, shaky hands trying to undo his trousers, obviously failing as james smiled softly, pushing his pants down himself and sitting against the headboard, his legs spread wide as a sign for you to do whatever you wanted to him.
“be my guest, princess” he sighed contently, his hands carding through your soft hair as you lowered your head, placing sweet little pecks along his semi-hard cock. “i missed this” james shuddered and bucked his hips ever so slightly, his cock touching the side of your face.
“missed you” you whispered and he hummed, your tongue poking out of your mouth and wrapping itself around his now hard cock, james’ head falling back as his lips parted.
you took his balls in your hands, cradling and squeezing them gently as your tongue worked on his cock.
“mind if i prep you, sweetheart?” james sighed and his back arched off the mattress when you took all of him into your mouth, releasing his wet cock with a pop.
“don’t mind” you hummed around him, sending vibrations up his spine and making it even more difficult for james to focus on making you feel good, his hands gripping the sheets with force as his eyes squeezed shut.
he barely managed to slide a hand down your spine until it reached your cunt, pushing your panties aside as he felt your wetness with your fingers, massaging your folds. “so fucking wet” he moaned at both your state and your skilled mouth, his other hand pulling on your hair rather gently.
“fuck me with your fingers, jamie. want it so bad” you moaned as you tried to buck your hips into his hand, causing a chuckle to erupt from his chest. such a heavenly sound.
three of his fingers buried themselves into your wet cunt, and he moved them ruthlessly, your clit throbbing against his thigh. “of course, honey. you’d just—” moaning loudly, you started sucking rather needily, and his lips fell into an ‘o’ shape as he muttered profanities under his breath, “merlin, you’re an angel.”
james starts thrusting shallowly both into your cunt and mouth, your cheeks a bright pink and breathing heavier, and he could tell you were close. and he was too.
“come for me, honey. be a doll and give jamie your cum, want it so much, sweetheart” he chocked out, his hand tightening in your hair as he moved his fingers roughly, your cunt spasming around them as you sobbed and hiccuped around his cock.
“no! no cummies till you do” you protested childishly, pouting slightly.
james grunted as he felt himself getting closer to his end, his cock throbbing and eyes watering at the prospect of his sweet release, given to him by his angel.
“m close, bunny. cum now, please” he begged almost pathetically, ready to cry on the spot if you did not agree.
your free hand found your clit and you messily tried to thumb at it, chasing your release as james thrusted into your mouth, his fingers still buried deep in your cunt.
“c-cum” you gargled on his cock, sucking needily on the tip. and, few seconds later, you obeyed james’ request, clenching and spasming around his long fingers, squirming on the bed as he kept hitting your sweet spot, and helped ride you through your orgasm.
“that’s right, sweetheart. such a good little bunny” james gasped when your throat tightened around his cock, barely able to keep your eyes open as james retracted his hand from your cunt, now using both of them to hold your face so he could basically ruin your mouth.
“your tongue, angel” he commanded and you did not need further instruction, your mouth fell open obediently, james’ hand immediately gripping his cock as he pumped his cock against your exposed tongue. “take it, angel. a-all of it” he gasped as he finally shot his thick ropes of cum into your mouth, and you moaned loudly at his taste, a bitter-sweet kind of flavour.
james grunted and moaned as he cotinued to fuck his hand, his sensitive tip falling into your open mouth as he let go of his cock.
you felt fulfilled, to say the least. your heart was full of happiness and love for james as your head rested against his stomach, the tip of his cock resting heavily against your tongue.
james, on the other hand? he knew that this was not how it was supposed to go between the two of you. whenever he saw you with another guy, or maybe dressed a bit more revealing than usual, he would go crazy, wanting to throw things around and scream like a mad man. he was told by his mum since he was a little boy, that between love and obsession, there was a thin line.
it was not what you needed either. it felt insane to james how you could be his happiness and the death of him, all at the same time.
he wanted to talk it through, but when he heard your little peaceful snores, he couldn’t help the tears that welled in his eyes as he struggled to fall asleep.
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little-fics · 3 years
Curiosity Killed the Cat
Fandom: Marvel
Pairing: Stucky x Reader
Request summary: you are not happy about your daddies new way of keeping track of you, but maybe you could warm up to the idea of it
Warnings: Age regression; pacifier mention; sort of leashes but its like a baby leash connected to a backpack; baby has hurt feelings; I could have missed something so please read at your own risk.
Word Count: 2.6K
A/N: I really hope you like it nonnie, I really enjoyed writing it. love you buggy boos <3
You wanted to look at everything not matter where you went with your daddies. At the park it was every dog, every leaf. At the store it was every fluffy thing you could find, every piece of candy or toy. If you saw something you wanted to look at, you were gone. Steve and Bucky had discussed their options after the fifth time you'd run off from them. It wasn't that they didn't want you to look, but you're their baby and you needed one of your daddies to go with you. The problem with that? You forgot in your excitement; a lot.
That's how you've found yourself in this predicament.
You were ready to go to the zoo, tattered thigh jean shorts and a pretty tie-dye shirt with SpongeBob's crew with cute purple shoes. You were bouncing on your heels at the door, waiting impatiently on your daddies. You know better than to go out the door and wait for them by the car, so you're whining, rushing your daddies.
"Papaaaa, it's time to go! We not gonna get to see eb'ryfin'!" Steve came rounding the corner, Bucky trailing right behind him with a lavender backpack in his hand that seemed a little full. Steve picked you up, balancing you on his hip, "We're almost ready little one," he wiggled his finger on your tummy, "we just want to show you something before we go." Bucky held the backpack up, smiling innocently.
It was so cute, it was a shade lighter than your shoes to match perfectly. It was plain, other than the pins and small keychain fidget toys your daddies had surely put on. He opened it up and it had a coloring book, a pack of colored pencils, your favorite pacifier and Lincoln the Ram, the oldest stuffie you had. You reached for the ram, and when you'd pulled him out you saw a bag of candy. Bucky laughed when your eyes lit up, "No baby, that's for today, you can have some later." You jutted your lip out and he shook his head, "Nice try, but puppy dog eyes only work on papa."
When you accepted that, Steve spoke up, "This is a special backpack sweetness." Your brows furrowed as you looked at it, not seeing anything about it. Bucky pulled out a stretchy cord that ended in a scrunchy like bracelet. "When you put this backpack on, daddy or papa will put this on." He slid it on his wrist and tugged at the cord close to his wrist, "So you can't go wondering off like you always do." You whined loudly, "Won' run off!" Your face in Steve's neck, letting out another loud whine.
“Oh silly baby,” Steve kissed your hair, “it’s okay, you’re not in trouble for being curious, we’re just trying to protect our kitty.” You let out a heavy groan, “No, don’ wanna wear it.” You clutched to Lincoln, your chin wobbling on edge of tears. “Dollie,” Bucky said softly, stepping forwards to rub your back, “it’s dangerous when you run away from us, you forget in the pretty head to tell your daddies where you’re going and we can’t find you.” You let out a long groan in protest and stayed in the crook of Steve’s neck, Bucky’s hand still on your back, “We can stay home instead of going and seeing all the animals, would you like that better?” Your head rose and you shook your head at him, “No daddy, I’ll wear it.” Bucky felt a strain on his heart when he saw the way your pout still rested on your face. “You won’t hardly notice it baby,” he kissed your nose, “not with all the pretty animals we’re gonna see.”
When you got to the zoo, Bucky unbuckled you in the back. You always sat in the middle because that’s where you were most protected, so he had to drag you out of the car a bit. “Okay baby,” he held the backpack up, “put ‘em in there.” You just stared at him a minute, “What if I pinky p’omise to be good?” He shakes his head, “Baby, you already are good. You agreed to wear it to be safe, we can’t go in if you’re not going to be safe.”
You huffed and put your arms in it, the band already around Bucky’s wrist. “Good girl, now listen to me baby, you gotta keep your backpack on, it can’t come off or it defeats the whole purpose.” You nodded deftly, body now trained on bouncing towards the gate. As you got around more people, Steve grabbed your shoulder and bent down to your face. “Did you hear daddy baby? That backpack doesn’t come off until we are back in this parking lot or you're in one of our arms, understood?” You nodded and Steve raises his eyebrows, “Yes papa, I understand.” He rubs your cheek with his thumb before giving you a quick kiss, standing back up.
It had worked remarkably well, you’d gotten distracted by all the animals as suspected. You were pulling Bucky around everywhere, and of course with Bucky came Steve. You pulled them to the lions rather quickly, jumping up and down, changing positions all over the outside of the enclosure to see them. “Daddy!” You ran to near the end of the enclosure, stopped dead in your tracks by the leash.
Bucky chuckled, but to you it was no laughing matter. “Wha’ you doin?” You pulled on him, shaking your bag roughly, “Baby, slow down okay, we’ve got plenty of time to look at the lions.” You made an angry face at him and continued to pull at the leash, “Come on! Wanna walk wif it!” You stomped your feet until he finally caught up with you. “Dis’ is why I always look wifout you, you too slow.” Bucky ignores your comment, mainly because you grab his hand and intertwined your fingers with his, shaking his arm and pointing at the big cat, “Take it home wif us?” Steve, who stood behind you, laughed in shock, “That’s a no from me bug, come on, let’s go see what’s next.”
With his recommendation you remember that there are so many more animals at the zoo. You squeak out a high pitched okay and take off skipping. Your long legged daddies had no problem keeping up throughout the next few hours, but then you had to potty. Truth be told, you were tired of looking at the giraffes anyway.
You glanced up to your daddy, who's whispering something in Steve's ear and laughing. You tug on him, and he turns toward you, "Gotta go potty." He smiled, nodding his head, "Of course bug, thank you for telling us without trying to run off." You grumbled and started walking to the bathroom, keeping the leash taught the entire time. You started to shrug off your backpack, irritation creeping up your spine before stopping.
You turned around to Steve and Bucky, a frown plastered on your face. You waited until they were dead in front of you, you slid off the backpack and pushed it roughly into their chest, stomping away to the bathroom. Both of them stared at each other for a moment, Steve commenting lowly, "Awfully grumpy." Bucky's mind swirled, you're not one to be outrageously bratty, so when you came back out, he knelt down and grabbed your hand.
"What's going on my buggy boo? Is something bothering you? You not feeling good?" You shrugged, pulling your hand back and taking the backpack with a wobbling lip. He made a clicking noise, smiling and took the backpack from you. "How about papa wears the backpack and I'll carry you, it's about time for lunch anyway, right?" You seem to instantly relax and let Bucky balance you on his hip, kissing your cheeks.
Steve slipped on the backpack, an odd and tight fit on his body but with the straps completely loosened, it had a millimeter of wiggle room. He starts to lead the way and Bucky whistles sharply at him. Steve turns around with raised eyebrows, but Bucky is looking at you with a 'can-you-believe-him' look.
Bucky turns to Steve, grabbing the bracelet part of the backpack and sliding it on your wrist, "You can't go running off either," Bucky looks down to you, giggling into his shoulder, "isn't that right sweetness?" You nod, looking up to Steve, shaking your wrist, "Papa we gots tuh know you safe!" Steve immediately catches on to what Bucky's doing, and smacks his forehead playfully, "How silly of me, huh dovey?" You pointedly nod, a smug look on your face, "Uh-huh, now nommies please!"
You're in a much better mood being carried by your daddy, shaking the leash playfully at Steve when you sit down at the table. He slid the backpack off of his back, laying it down on the table. "I thought maybe you'd like a dum dum while we wait on Daddy to come back?" Steve was bouncing you on his knee, already popping the sucker into your mouth. You laid your head on his shoulder, your eyes fluttering closed while enjoying the sweet lemon in your mouth, too asleep to notice it disappearing from your mouth.
Bucky sits down with Steve, smiling at your tired form, "I told you she'd tucker herself out and we wouldn't be able to get through the whole zoo today." Steve scoffed, "You act as if she's going to be willing to leave." Bucky kissed Steve softly before planting kisses all over your face, rousing you from sleep.
As much as you don't want to be grumpy, you can't help but frowning at Bucky. He just kisses your nose and tilts his head towards the food at the table. Your eyes land on the chicken strips first and your whole body bounces at sight of the large slushy on the table. "I-Buh-'S mine?" Bucky laughs at your apprehension to breaking the rules, don't have too much sugar. "Of course baby, we thought you'd like something sweet, like yourself."
When you are done eating lunch, Bucky tries to help you put your backpack on, but you run away from him, around the table. "Nuh-uh," you cross your arms over your chest and look to Steve with puppy eyes. "Baby," he starts, coming over to you, sitting on the metal seat, "what's going on? Don't you like your new backpack?" Your bottom lip wiggles again, tears in your eyes, "'S ugly." Steve looks shocked, "Honey, you love purple, what's really going on?"
That's when the damn broke, tears falling from your face and broken sobs coming out. Steve's holding his arms around you, and Bucky's found his way to rub your back. "Shhh, dove, tell papa what's got your head going so fast." You're hiccuping, letting out broken coughs with small gags, unable to form coherent words. Bucky grabs your chin, holding your straw to your lips, "Here baby, take a drink of your slushy." Somehow you listen to him, sugar is always a good bribe for you.
"Dollie," Bucky pulls you onto his lap, "what's wrong?" His eyebrows are raised, forehead against yours, noses almost touching. He's waiting for you to regain a normal breath to press harder. He doesn't get the chance, because you start talking before he can ask again. "J-jus- 'nother reason tuh ignore me."
Bucky's heart breaks, Steve's expression matching the hurt Bucky feels deep inside him. "What on earth are you talking about honey?" Your eyes start to tear up again and Bucky scolds you gently, "No, no more of that you hear me?" You nod and let Bucky wipe away one of your stray tears. "Honey, we bought the backpack because we were so worried, not so we could ignore you. You run around and poke at everything, you forget to tell your daddies what you're doing and it scares us. You understand baby?" You shrugged and Bucky sighed, kissing your cheek. He's about to say something else when Steve picks you up from Bucky's lap.
"Bucky, put the backpack on, let's go," he's gentle about it, but you're still upset. "No! Wanna see more pets!" Steve tries to lightheartedly chuckle, but it comes out dry, "Oh dove, we're not leaving the zoo, we're just moving on." When Bucky has the backpack on he puts the leash on your wrist, just as it was when Steve wore it.
Steve catches you shaking the band around your arm, and a lightbulb goes off in his head. "You see baby?" Steve starts, and you're confused, so he continues, "You're constantly playing with it, that means your eyes are on daddy at all times." You furrow your brows, a pout still resting on your face. "Go on Bucky," Steve nods in an opposite direction, and Bucky starts walking. When the leash reaches the end of its rope, your arm is pulled until Bucky turns around to face you.
You're hesitant, eyes flickering between Steve and Bucky, "No forgettin' me?" You're looking up into Steve's eyes, swimming with love, "Dove, you're everything on our mind every second of every day. We got it so if anything happened, anyone tried talking to me or Bucky, or we argued over dark or milk chocolate, we'd never be too distracted for you." You instinctively wrap your arms around his neck, cuddling closely to him.
You can feel the leash pulling on you, and it takes your attention away from Steve. Steve doesn't move his feet though, Bucky playfully moving side to side to pull at the cord around your wrist. "Papa, daddy's tryin' to run off!" You could hear Bucky laugh as Steve caught up to you. "Whatdya say we get some of that ice cream you love so much Dollie, before we go see the rest of the animals?"
You beam at Bucky, a genuine smile crossing your face that lights up your eyes. "Dippin' Dots!" You shake and dance in Steve's arms, "Lemmee down, lemme down! Dippin' Dots! Dippin' Dots! Dippin Dots!" Steve lets your feet hit the ground, and you pout a little, glancing to the backpack. Steve seems to pick up on your hesitation, "How about daddy wears the backpack, you wear the bracelet and hold my hand? That way everyone is kept together and safe?"
You happily take his hand, all wariness thrown to the wind when you started skipping. "Dollie," Bucky stops, making you and Steve stop in place. He looks stern for a minute, but then breaks into a laughing fit, pointing to the righthand turn at the intersection. "You were so excited," he kept laughing, moving you to see the stand with many balloons and a sign that says 'Dippin' Dots', "that you ran right by it!"
You take off running, Bucky and Steve quick to follow. They didn't bother trying to gently reprimand you, they didn't care if you were excited and couldn't contain yourself. In fact, they loved it, as much as they needed a way to keep track of you with the leash, they wanted a way to make sure they never miss your bubbling excitement.
When you've made it to the stand, you are tugging on Steve. He looks down to you, watching your eyes flicker to the balloons. He smiles at you, adding your favorite color balloon to the order. Once you'd all sat on a bench, he starts to tie the balloon around your free wrist but you jerk away. "Daddy," you turn to Bucky, "we switch." You starting pulling the backpack off Bucky without waiting for a response, causing him to struggle to shuffle around his dippin' dots while laughing at you.
You've safely switched who holds what, now chowing on your dippin' dots in your hand and a y/f/c balloon on your wrist. You're starting to think the backpack isn't so bad, maybe you can convince them to buy you more of the things you want if they see you so excited over them.
Or you could always pout about the backpack and get what you wanted any ways.
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goldengoddess · 3 years
ok ok, so bare with me here. jesper, getting drunk, and confessing to the reader about his feelings. but reader just shrugs it off, and takes him back home because he’s going to be sick, and they care for him like making sure he doesn’t choke on his sick and stuff, and he wakes up and there the reader is, like asleep in a chair or something, and the whole night just hits him like a train. ending can be your choice 😁🤝 thanks a ton!!
kiss me sweetheart - jesper fahey
authors note: helloooooo grishaverse fandom! did you miss me? anyways here’s some jesper fluff that i actually rlly love. i have a thing for drunken confessions (literally) so take this <3
warnings: alcohol & jesper being drunk, suggestive comments ig if you squint
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“you know you’re really pretty sweetheart?”
for about the hundredth time that night, your cheeks heated up and and you involuntarily bit your bottom lip to hold back a giggle.
kneeled down in front of you, hunched over a toilet, was jesper fahey. for the last hour, he’d been slurring his words. mumbling something about never drinking again or wanting another shot.
but every couple minutes, he’d lift his head up and have a moment of clarity where he seemed to sober up long enough to compliment you.
even before he got so sick you had to keep him company in the bathroom of the slat, he’d been following you around like a puppy. you’d been called ‘sweetheart’ more times in the last two hours than ever in your entire life.
“shhh jesper” you giggled and rubbed your hands up and down his back. the comforting motion elicited a soft hum of approval from the zemeni boy.
he shook his head and pushed himself off of the floor. before you could urge him back down, fearing he was going to get sick again, he wobbled over to the sink. he turned on the water and splashed his face.
you leaned against the wall, amused, with your arms crossed. as you watched him you caught his stare through the mirror. instantly, he gave you that dazzling grin that made you heart skip a beat. and he did it with this cute little tilt, reminding you of the comment nina had made earlier. she had said that jesper was an affectionate drunk, except only for you.
the thought made your divert your gaze to the floor as jesper kept washing his face. when you heard the water turn off you finally lifted your chin to look at him.
he naturally gravitated towards you and before he could fall on top of you, you placed your hands on his shoulders to steady him. and also because you couldn’t help but want to have your hands on him. this seemed to work and he gave you an appreciative grin.
he snaked his arm up yours gently. the touch caused goosebumps to spread across your skin. his warm palm found his way onto your cheek and you couldn’t help but lean into him.
“so so pretty” he whispered. his breath vaguely smelled like alcohol, but it had faded since earlier in the night. “so pretty for me.”
you hummed at his drunken words in an attempt not to let them have a deep affect on you.
“you’re tired and drunk jesper. let me get you to bed.” you tried pulling away from his hand to urge him out of the bathroom.
he shook his head and pressed his other hand onto your other cheek, effectively holding your face in place with his hands. “no bed. i want to be here. with you.”
god this boy needed to stop with the flirty comments or your weak knees where going to give out from under you.
before you could say anything though, jesper rubbed his thumb over your bottom lip. “god i’ve wanted to kiss you for so long.”
your eyes widened like saucers and it took everything in your power not to let out a little gasp. if he wasn’t holding your face, you would have fallen over. you’d been waiting for similar words from jesper for a long time.
slowly, he leaned forward and all you could do was stay frozen in place. he planted the softest kiss on your forehead, and you melted from the inside out.
nina was right, definitely an affectionate drunk.
his eyes didn’t move away from your lips as he pulled away. as much as you wanted wanted to close the little distance between the two of you, you stayed rooted in your place.
he was drunk, you repeated to yourself.
he was drunk and he didn’t mean what he was saying. you couldn’t take the beautiful beautiful words spilling from his mouth as truth.
you slipped his hands off of your face and placed his arms around your shoulder. he leaned into you automatically and you helped move him into his down bedroom.
when you opened up the door of the dark room, you gently placed him onto the bed. at that point he was talking nonsense. more nonsense than before. you slipped off his shoes and pulled a blanket on top of his body.
“sweetheart let me hold you.” he whispered into the pillow. you paused your movements. this small, weak, loving, part of you wanted to listen.
for a moment, you thought about how easy it would be to just slip beneath the covers and allow him to hold you. how nice it would be to wake up by his side, within his embrace.
but you snapped out of it when you heard a soft snore coming out of jesper’s mouth. you sighed and pulled a chair closer to his bed. you tucked your legs under you and closed your eyes. you fell asleep thinking about jesper. and what it would feel like to wake up next to him.
jesper woke up in pain. head pounding, every noise and light was too bright and loud, kind of pain.
softly, he groaned. the light from his single window filtered in beautifully through the windows. but what really caught his attention was the person curled up into a ball, asleep on a chair.
instantly, he was sat up. he knew that frame and his heart constricted within his chest. you were still wearing the same clothes from last night, and you looked as uncomfortable as he’d ever seen you. and yet your face was soft and peaceful. the way he always felt around you.
as he watched your chest rise and fall, he attempted to remember how the two of you had gotten to this position in the first place. and then, as his gaze moved over to your lips, the events of the night before hit him like a train.
complimenting you. so pretty. just for him. sweetheart. holding you. so so much to drink.
he gasped, and because you weren’t a heavy sleepy and you were alway more alert when jesper was around, your eyes snapped open.
the boy gave you an embarrassed grin. just the sight of you made his entire body feel like it was on fire. you were a sight for sore eyes. even when you’d just slept in the worst position imaginable. he would never understand it.
you rubbed the sleep out of your eyes and gave him a little wave. “how are you feeling” you yawned.
in your own head, you couldn't take your eyes off the sleepy jesper in front of you. his 'just woke up' face was better than the one you'd been imagining as you had fallen asleep the night before.
he hesitated, “i’m, i’m alright.” he coughed a little, “only a small headache.”
you nodded your head but suddenly you felt very awkward and suffocated. he didn’t remember, of course he didn’t. because he hadn’t meant it. you chastised yourself for thinking that, maybe, he had meant everything he’d confessed the night before.
“well,” you said as you got up. “that’s good to hear.” pushing yourself off the chair, you moved out of the room.
stupid stupid stupid, you thought to yourself.
before you could make it to the door, a hand reached out and grabbed your wrist. you pivoted on your heel and faced jesper straight on.
“i, um” he stuttered. his fingers on your wrist were burning through your skin. his touch set you on fire and instantly you thought about the night before. how those same fingers had brushed your bottom lip.
“thanks for taking care of me last night” he finished. you nodded your head and mustered up the most reassuring smile you could.
“anytime fahey. anytime.”
the two of you held each other’s gaze for a second too long. and before you could pull away, react, jesper had his hands on the sides of your face. in the same position they were in the night before.
“jes what are you-”
“sh” he cut you off. “let me just.” he ran his thumb over your lip. the deja vu hit you.
but unlike the night before, you felt jesper leaning into you. and you found yourself leaning closer as well.
“so pretty” he mumbled before planting his lips on yours.
the kiss was brief. exactly how it should feel when two people were testing each other out. but it was fireworks. and it was you & jesper.
and you were finally kissing.
when he pulled away it was too soon and you instantly missed the feeling of his lips on yours.
“how long have you been wanting to do that” you teased him in a whisper.
“forever” he grinned. his words rung in your ears and echoed what was said last night.
you laughed and pressed a quick kiss. “you sure you’re sober sweetheart?”you kept teasing him.
all he did was roll his eyes and lean back in. just like he had wanted to last night and every day since he’d known you.
@caswinchester2000 @vintagebitc  @obiwansjedi @thegirlwiththeimpala @hybrid-in-progress @mrs-brekker15 @mrsbrekkers @simplyluvzuko @ode-to-joy @gallysonegoodlung @sixofshadowandbone @castielcouldbeasecretdentist @amourslover @caaarstairs @the-jess-life @xsamsharons @heavenlymidnights @tinyfwoggie @the-abyss-gazed-back @subjecta13-thefangirl @ughgclden @brekker-andhiswraith @ilovemarvelanne1 @lostinketterdam @anything-forourmoony @obiwansjedi  @treasureofmy-heart @this-is-me-trying-andcrying​
if your name is in bold it means i couldn’t tag you! 
i accidentally deleted my taglist so let me know if i usually tag u and ur not here <3
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thepastdied · 3 years
Absolutely don’t want kids, but I’d love an imagine about Kylo with a young daughter that wants to be as bad ass as him. 🔥⚔️ Pretty please!
I began writing the second I got the notification. I put the age at 10, but if you wanted her older/younger then just use your imagination😂.
I have never written something like this before but it is such a cute prompt.
Birthday Present
Kylo's empress would often tell their daughter stories of how strong her daddy is. She looked up to him so much that it made her mom feel jealous, but she was proud at the same time because it motivated her to be so strong. She would stick her face up against the glass case that held his lightsaber, steal his helmet, and even had the same hairstyle as him. Aside from her eyes and face shape matching her mother's, she looked a lot like Kylo. She remembers vividly the moment he agreed to train her.
It was her 10th birthday and she woke up to her dad crouched next to her bed.
Being just like his own father, he ended up shoving her and told her to 'wake up, kid'. She sleepily rubbed her eyes and sat up. Kylo smiled and kissed her forehead. He was rough with her, in a loving way, and it made her not so sensitive as her mother.
"Happy Birthday, little ewok,"
He helped her sit up and moved her messy hair from her face.
"You can wear my helmet all day as long as you behave. Mommy made breakfast, eat and we will begin your training."
Her eyes almost popped out of her head and she gave him the tightest hug causing him to lightly pat her back due to her strength. Just like her dad, he thought.  Something shiny caught her eye- it was his helmet that sat at the foot of her bed. She quickly pulled it over her head and jumped off the bed causing her to wobble a bit due to just waking up. Kylo grabbed the back of her shirt to steady her before she bolted to the kitchen. She stopped halfway down the hallway almost running right into him and reached her hand out toward her room. She closed her eyes and scrunched them tightly as her wooden lightsaber hilt that matched his own flew into her hands. Kylo smirked and muttered a "good job" as he patted her head. She smiled brightly up at him then continued down the hallway toward the kitchen.
They still lived on the Finalizer but Kylo made sure to make their quarters just like a large apartment. She was never couped up, though, and he brought her to any planet she wanted.
She sat down at the table and looked around, her hands having to repeatedly fix the helmet as it tipped over.
"How are you supposed to eat with the helmet on, hun." She looked over at her mother, or attempted to, and moved the helmet around to see her through the visor before lifting up the bottom and shoving bread in her mouth.
"Trust me, mama.. I got this." Her voice came out modulated and her mother laughed.
Kylo shook his head and walked over to his empress, giving her a kiss on each cheek and lastly the lips before sitting down next to her. They both watched as their daughter took each spoonful of food and tucked it under the helmet. She was trying to eat fast so they could start her training.
"Baby, slow down. The food isn't going to disappear." Kylo sighed and smiled as he ran his hands through his hair
Kylo lay on his back in the training room covered in sweat and heavily breathing. She sat next to him with her legs crossed.
"Daddy get up!"
He groaned and turned his head toward her. He had been teaching her basic hand-to-hand combat for the past 3 and a half hours. Being so young, she had all the energy any kid would have. She nudged him with her foot but he wouldn't budge.
"Fine, I'm gonna just punch Hux." She stood and began to walk toward the door.
Kylo stopped her with the force.
"Absolutely not."
She crossed her arms and pouted, the helmet sliding to one side.
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binniesthighs · 3 years
cherry knot | reader x ryujin
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a/n: you may be thinking to yourself, ro! a gg fic?? how unlike you!! well, boy do i have news for you 😂 truthfully, i’ve always been toying with the idea of writing a lil somethin’ (esp for ryujin god i love her) so i thought why not! if this isn’t your cup of tea, that’s totally okay <3 those who do read, thank you so much for reading and i hope that ya like it hehe and let me know what you think of it! :D (thank you @dom--minnie​ for enabling me too ;) 
cherry knot | reader x ryujin 
🍒 Pairing: self insert, female reader x shin ryujin 
🍒 Genre: fluff n’ a lil bit suggestive 
🍒 Tags: friends to lovers, high school au (everyone depicted is 18+), all girls school au, high school crush!ryujin, shy!reader, confession of feelings, that good, good makin’ out, ryujin being flirty and smug as hell bc i love her, yeah this is just me gushing about shin ryujin, ro trying new things on the blog :) 
🍒 Word count: 2.9k 
🍒 CWs: mentions of food and eating reader included
The grass felt sticky and uncomfortable under your crossed legs, and when you swiped your hand against the skin, you could feel the indentation from the blades. Your knee-high socks felt itchy too; everything felt itchy. Even the cotton of your shirt felt like it was suffocating, and the bow tied around your neck which hung loosely should have hung even looser. 
To distract yourself, you plucked up the blades of green and tied them into knots absentmindedly. It was easier to pay attention to your idle hands compared to paying attention to her. 
Could she even tell that you were looking? Could she see out of the corner of her eye when she threw her cotton-candy pink hair behind her ear? Could she tell that you watched as she gulped down the lemonade and caught a glance at the peachy fuzz of her neck exposed by her collar? 
Stop looking. Stop looking. 
Your other friends tied up their hair in clips and with lazy hair ties to free their sweating necks from the sun. No matter the sweltering heat, it was always tradition for your picnic just before the summer vacation. One of them had brought a cake and each of the girls attacked it viciously with small forks and smeared bits of frosting on each other’s noses. 
“Come here!! You’re next!!” They beamed while launching themselves in your direction to dot your nose with the white cream. 
A flurry of high pitched giggles peeled out from each of you once another frosting victim had been dubbed. Your cheeks felt furiously hot knowing that she was looking; and that she was laughing along with the rest of them. 
“Awwww cute.” She adored with a smile that turned her dimples into whiskers on her cheeks. 
You quickly wiped it off with a handkerchief that settled into your damp hand.  
She’s looking, she’s looking…
The other girls pranced around the checkered picnic blanket in their white socks--undoubtedly painting them with green that their mothers would scold them for later. Their careless steps made a mess of the food wrappers and canvas backpacks that held down the corners of the thin fabric. The joyous cheers of the girls seemed to harmonize with the song of the cicadas in the trees; both sounds reminded you of the coming of the summer and the humid weather that makes the air dense. 
One of the girls brought out her phone and played loudly from it one of her favorite songs which she knew every word too, regardless of the fact that her tone was far from the singer’s. 
You and your friends never cared much for how others would view you. Even at school when you would march through the hallways arm-and-arm, others would stare at the way that none of you batted an eye at those who would glare. 
They were just jealous was all. 
“Be careful!!” You found yourself scolding, “What if you fall running around like that?” 
In response, your friends promptly stuck out their tongues in your general direction. 
“Don’t worry about it,” Ryujin coolly popped another cherry into her mouth from the bowl by her crossed legs. “If they fall, let them! It's funnier that way.” 
She threw a wink right at you, which you almost didn’t catch because you had quickly averted your eyes to become much more interested in the tiny tea-cakes. 
“You’re always worrying Y/n! Its summer!”
“I-I do not.” 
Ryujin chuckled in that way that always made you feel like your heart was just about ready to leap out of your chest. 
“Lighten up! Come on!” 
Before you could process it all, your friend patted down the wrinkles in her skirt and threw off her shoes. She rose, and neared your corner of the blanket with hands outstretched. 
“Stop worrying about things or if people are watching!” She scolded you with a cute and tiny pout, “Get up!” Ryujin wriggled her hands with emphasis to show you that you could take hold of them. 
The other girls giggled on, hardly even noticing the two of you over their singing. 
You grabbed onto her hands, already loathing how damp your own felt against hers out of your own nervousness. She still held onto you tightly, saying nothing of them and helped you to your feet. Immediately she brightened once you played along and started to swing your arms in tune with the song. Your friend lip synced to the rap part and you felt just about ready to swoon from how cool she looked saying the words with ease. 
“Dance with me!! Don’t pay attention to people walking by or anything like that!” 
Ryunjin led you by the hand to the patch of grass with little white and pink flowers laced into it. You really did try to pay attention to dancing, but everything else seemed to be distracting even when you tried hard enough. She brought your hand up higher to spin her, and when she twisted, everything seemed to happen in slow motion: the billow of her plaid shirt, her rosy-pink hair which swiped just at her shoulders, even the way that the sunset melted behind her into swirls of sunburst yellow and vibrant orange. It was like she was all a part of it. 
“Your turn!” She said, twisting you too. 
You didn’t realize that you would have been as dizzied by it as you were, but when you lost your footing, she was just as quick to help you with her hands carefully grasped onto your shoulders. 
“You okay?” Ryujin asked, out of breath, but still genuine. 
“I’m fine!” 
Your knees wobbled with barely any strength to them, but you mustered every bit of confidence that you had to keep being this close to her. You surprised yourself when you reached back for her hands to continue swinging them between you. 
The other girls collapsed back onto the blanket in a pile of shallow exhales and airy laughs that they exchanged between them. 
“No more dancing, I-I can’t do any more…” One of them announced while leaning against the shoulder of another one of your friends. 
“I forgot! I brought this!!” One of your friends with pigtail braids dove deeply into her backpack and pulled out nearly all of the contents before finding the small cube-case which was decorated with an obscene amount of keychains. “My camera! We have to take some pictures so that we can remember this!” 
The other girls squealed in agreement and ganged up on her to fit into the frame of the white Polaroid camera that she had also splattered with stickers. 
“Here, I wanna show you something.” Ryujin drew your attention back to the blanket where she settled back down with her own bag draped over her legs. 
“What is it?” 
“Ryujinnie! I wanna take your picture too! Your pink hair is so pretty…” One of your friends cooed with a sad downturn to her lips, “I hope that you never change it.” 
“Hmm, I don’t know. We’ll see. My cousin has been saying that she wants to see what I would look like blonde these days.” 
The small talk didn’t concern you too much, you were more concerned with what it was that your friend had to show you. 
“I’m going on a trip with my cousins soon so we’ll see what happens.” 
Your friend sighed, and skipped over the mess of the blanket to pull Ryujin by the wrist to the walkway a little farther off. “You’d look so cute over here!” 
She pardoned her, and stumbled after the eager girl to let her take a Polaroid of her. Even from far away, you could still hear the two of them admire the picture with happy little expressions of “ah! I told you that it would look good!” 
The two girls returned, and you began to worry if your friend even remembered what she had said in the first place. 
What is it? What does she want to show me? 
“Shoot!!” Another one of your friends huffed out while looking at her phone, “I forgot that I have to tutor the middle schoolers today!! I’m late!!” 
The girls went to action in a mere matter of seconds sweeping up the picnic assortment and shoving the leftovers into their backpacks. 
You helped them and tried to look over to your other friend who didn’t return your glances. Perhaps she really had forgotten. 
You let your imagination run wild for just a few moments, although the more that you did, the more it all just seemed preposterous. Maybe it was a confession letter, maybe she had written for you one of those poems like she had liked to do, maybe she had rather wanted to talk to you about something...say something that you wanted to say back…
“I’m going to stick around.” Ryunjin said suddenly with her hands on her hips. “Y/n, you’re welcome to stay too if you want. We don’t exactly have to go home yet since the sun’s still up.” 
Your friends looked to you for your answer, to which you stammered out an, “O-okay…” The best that you could. 
“See you later!!” They called after with their shoes only half-slid onto their feet. 
You waved them off, but the farther that they walked away, the more the realization started to hit you that you were alone with her. The sound of your heartbeat echoed in your ears, and you calmed it trying to think about anything else but the fact that now her attention was truly undivided upon you. 
“You said that you wanted to show me something?” 
Your friend nodded, and patted the grass beside her for you to join her. She gathered up the small bundle of cherries left behind and positioned them into her lap. 
“I learned this trick a little bit ago and I wanted to show you!” 
“A trick?” 
She nodded, and plucked from one of the crimson berries a stem which she put directly into her mouth. 
“What are you doing?!” On the surface, it didn’t seem like the most sanitary thing to do. 
Ryunjin stifled a laugh and lightly hit you on the arm to chastise you. “Just wait a minute!” 
You watched in your confusion as her face contorted a little, and her eyebrows twisted like she was thinking. Her cheeks puffed a little too, and you could tell that she was doing something with it in her mouth--it was only then when you realized that you had been intensely observing her mouth. 
In your embarrassment you threw your eyes in the other direction, but it was no use one you heard her start to giggle at how flustered you had become. 
“It’s okay, you’re supposed to look.” She assured you. 
“What-what is it?” 
“Annnnd done!” Your friend proclaimed proudly and you struggled to meet her again without feeling like your whole face and the tips of your ears were burning up. 
Right on the pink of her tongue she had tied the stem into a tiny knot which she displayed proudly. 
“You...did that with your tongue?” 
Your hands reduced back to their clammy state, and they found the grass between your own folded legs to find something to do. 
“That's...that’s pretty cool…” 
“I know right?!” 
Back came your friend's little dimples, and this time your chest started to feel like it was swelling with heat. 
Stop looking, stop looking…
“I can teach you how to do it some day if you’d like.” Ryujin’s tone dropped lower, and more serious in the way that some had thought to be intimidating. To you, there was nothing more that could make you feel the beat of your own heart more obviously. 
“Teach me? How??” 
The question felt like a butterfly in your lips, fluttering and ticklish, light and uncertain. You met her eyes the best you could; even though you knew that there was nothing about her that you didn’t already know, or that was threatening. 
Your friend tilted her head, inspecting you and the way that you could barely keep your glance away from her lips--stained just a little red from the cherries--then smiled. 
“W-what? What is it? Why are you smiling?” 
She sighed, and craned forward on one of her hands in the grass, bridging the distance between the two of you to caress down the side of your face, all the way to your jaw with the back of her fingers. 
“You’re just too cute.” 
“Hm?” Your chest threw itself up and down, and you could thinly feel the breath that tried to fill your lungs when she was this close. 
“I just can’t handle it any more.” 
Ryunjin nodded, softening her eyes until they were nearly closed, and rid the two of you of all space, leaning over just so you could feel the weight of her chest nearly pressing into yours. At first, she placed the lightest of kisses into you, so light that it barely brushed against your lips, but merely imprinted upon them. She leaned back, leaving you with the ghost of a feeling of her upon you. It felt a bit unfair how fleeting it was, and how she looked at you like that: smug as ever, but as blissful as she always was. 
Your breaths tried to make sense of it all, if it had just happened, and what to think of it. As quick as it was, all you could want was to feel it again. 
She cradled both sides of your face in hers, leaning in with more fervor and parting your lips with hers, leaving you to squeak from the sudden movement. You couldn’t figure out how to kiss back at first, or if you should hold her too. Your head felt like it was spinning in circles from your disbelief when you could taste the tiny tang of the sweet and sour cherries which lingered on her lips. She rubbed her thumbs into your cheeks, and angled you better to let her growing smile paint your own mouth from corner to corner. 
At last, you were able to find a rhythm which suited you, and you kissed her right back. She giggled at your stroke of confidence and the vibrations made your whole body tingle. Your feet had surely fallen asleep where you had folded them beside you, but the numb feeling of them dissolved once her hands fell to your shoulder where she held to you tightly. The pressure from the tips of her fingers made you shiver, and you too smoothed down the pink shine of her hair. 
The warm and ticklish feeling of her tongue grazed your lower lip where she changed her approach and deepened her kiss. The heat of tongues finally met in the middle testing and learning more of the other the closer that you became, and tiny airy gasps got stuck between both of your curiosity. In your lap, her hands found yours and they laced together and held tight; each digit wrapping the other and becoming one with the eagerness of her thumb rubbing little circles into the squishy parts of your hand. 
After the heat of your passion started to melt, you found yourself hiding your giddy laughter the best you could once she started to peck at your lips over and over until you felt like she had kissed you so close to the brim that you would overflow. 
“I said that you’re cute and I mean it!” She snuck the phrase in between a couple more kisses, eliciting you to fold up in your giddy embarrassment from the compliment. 
Ryunjin pulled away, and popped another cherry into her mouth from the bundle, then threw her arms around your shoulders. You simply let your hands rest in her lap covered by the plaid of her skirt; shaking from the release of the endorphins and the adrenaline. 
“Ryujin...I wanted to tell you that I’ve had a crush on you for a...really long time…” You shied, but she brought your chin back to look at her directly. 
“Good. Me too.” 
You couldn’t even process the combination of her words for them to make sense. White noise filled your ears, even though it should have been obvious from the way that she had kissed you like that. 
“Oh! Here. I wanted to give this to you too. Something to remember me by.” 
She reached for her bag, and pulled out a white-out pen from the front pocket. The Polaroid had faded into its full color, and she focused with her tongue peeking from her mouth as she wrote the message: 
see you soon <3 
- ryujinnie 
Over her head in the picture, she doodled a few hearts, then she blew on the ink to dry it. 
“For you!” 
You took the picture with your hands still thoroughly shaking, and all you could utter was a “thanks” while you took in your friend looking as gorgeous as she always was. You knew then that you would treasure the image forever, and the day which it was taken. 
“Who knows,” Ryujin started, and let her head fall to your shoulder where she nuzzled in, “This might be the last that you’ll see of my pink hair too.” 
You turned the picture over, already sensing how it made your heart feel like it was aching sticky and sweet, just like the cherries. 
Bunch of (Ro)ses! 
@minaamhh @dazzlehoseok @synnocence @jjewibeans @hyunsluvv @unexceptional-h @bobawithchaitea @lechanters @sailorhyunjinz @silencefavarchive @lunarskzzz  @yourdaddychan @bubblelixie @spnobsessedmemes @cherrychngkyn @iwanttobangchan @dom--minnie @waterthemoon @pastelracha @mistakensilence @hotgorloikawa @bowlofblueberries @lmhmins @eunaeiekim 
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