#it's a cute video of a happy couple but remember that they deserve space and respect please
texas-bbq-pringles · 11 months
just saw the video of danny kissing jenny's cheek don't call don't text
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eirianerisdar · 4 months
Top 20 Charlos Moments
Was talking to my twin @wafflesrisa about Charlos during Imola FP1 earlier and I decided to rank the most insane Charlos moments in order - ranked purely on moments that show just how much they're friends, not just teammates
This is just my own preference and it'll be different for everyone, but here a (non-exhaustive) list:
1. Bahrain 2024 crochet chili
"I want to gift this to you. From my fan to me, to you. So you will remember me for the rest of your life." "A chili!!" "For our post Teammate Era." "Ay we are only starting the season!" Carlos: "You will forget [the chili] there." Charles, softly: "No I won't." Also feat. nearly crying in the car afterwards
2. Miami 2024 Water flick
Carlos doesn't even look at the glass in the couple seconds before he flicks the water at Charles. He's looking at Charles and smiling. Charles gets a little overwhelmed with the affection and gets shy (bonus Ferrari team member being us looking at them)
3. Canada cotton ball lean
The cutest moment in this isn't Carlos telling Charles to admit that Carlos won. It's them both Zendaya laughing at each other when Charles gets caught cheating and Charles having this moment looking at the back of Carlos' head where he gets so overwhelmed with affection he collapses his whole weight into Carlos' side. Their caps bonk. It is cute.
4. Zandvoort 2022 headphone exchange -
Carlos, fixing Charles' headphones: "Put them properly eh? I know you very well." Lissie: "NO, YOU GUYS ARE VIBING TO DIFFERENT SONGS." Charles: "WE FOUND LOVE IN THE HOTTEST PLACE -" *C2 wheeze-laugh at each other and exchange headphones by placing them on each other's faces* Lissie: ...
5. Miami 2024 "I know you too well now"
Charles knowing he knew Carlos well enough to speak for him, and Carlos nodding silently in agreement. Then vice versa, Charles then having unshakable faith in Carlos' understanding of himself. Fist bumps. Fondness.
6. The kiss kiss saga: Charles' rayban kiss. 2023 Bracelet kiss kiss. 2023 music challenge kiss.
The first one especially gets me because it's a solid 5 seconds of Charles looking at Carlos, going FRIEND! MY FRIEND! and going *air kiss*
7. 2023 Abu Dhabi waist pinch and DTS Bahrain waist pinch
Waist pinches run in the Sainz family. Charles knows it's Carlos without needing to look by the time Abu Dhabi rolls around
8. 🎵Just the two of us🎵
Do I even need to say anything
9. Bahrain 2022 1-2 podium hug and butt pat
I can't find the video but Charles stepped up to the top step and instantly was like I HAVE TO HUG MY TEAMMATE I AM TOO HAPPY NOT TO HUG MY TEAMMATE AND SHARE THIS WITH HIM
10. Cookie decorating
So much happens in this video. The complete lack of personal space. The comfy sofa. The vocal stims. Twinning. Carlos sings "Dancing in the Moonlight," and Charles whistles it a bit later. Icing to the cheek. Teasing.
11. Zandvoort 2023 catch up
Charles forgetting they did spend the last bit of summer break further away from each other because they spent so much of the first part of summer break not far from each other. Also again. Carlos loves his personal space, Charles also loves Carlos' personal space
12. Carlos: "I'm not going to be here." Charles: *flinches*
13. TELL CHARLES TO COME CLOSE TO ME AND WE CELEBRATE THIS ONE TOGETHER/helmet pats/gentlest hug in parc ferme /podium champagne
I can't find the video of the hug but it's so gentle and Carlos leans his cheek into Charles' and I die
14. Love Honey Sweetie Baby Darling
They just pick up pet names and exchange them like lego
15. OG music challenge squishes/holding hands in OG quiz with wrenches
16. Abu Dhabi 2022 end of season message
Charles was plainly trying to smile for the camera but rightly upset with not having the championship year he wanted, but his smile turned genuine when Carlos hugged him and said Charles at least deserved P2 in Abu Dhabi for the great year he had driving incredibly well
17. Mexico separation anxiety Charles (Edit: posted initially with wrong link, updated now)
18. Zandvoort 2023 fond eye rolls
19. Carlos' 2022 birthday
They're insufferable. Charles' whinging is cute too
20. Carlos looking somft when imagining racing Le Mans with Charles
"With Charles," he says, while his press officer smirks
Feel free to add to this I just went down a wormhole of Charlos feels
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emometalhead · 1 year
Aftershock Day 3 Recap:
Yesterday was the "chill" day of the festival. The schedule was changed at last minute, so we ended up getting there later than usual. We started our day by meeting up with my friend to take some pictures, so that was fun!
The first band was Fame On Fire! I'm not super familiar with their music, but I know and enjoy a few of their songs. They put on a good show! They sounded great live, and I wish I wasn't dying in the heat so I could've more fully enjoyed them lol.
Next up was Avatar!!!! These dudes are legendary, and it was a crime for them to be so early in the day. They easily deserve an hour long set. THEIR HAIR IS INCREDIBLE!! I didn't have my phone during the set, but my dad did record their swinging hair for me without me asking lol. I actually managed to find my friend in the crowd, and it was nice to see her! She and her friend ended up in the pit, and I think they regretted their choices lol. They survived though!! Anyway, I am obsessed with Avatar, and I feel so lucky to have been able to see them twice. If they're ever back in the area, I will be there to see them.
I had the honor of seeing Babymetal for a second time! They are so cool to watch. Their outfits were super cute, their choreography was interesting, and they rocked so hard!!!!!! I was jumping around for most of the set. I also might have accidentally gotten a dude in trouble with his girlfriend lol. The dude in front of me was also jumping around a lot and having a good time, so I decided to give him a Babymetal bracelet. I didn't see until after that there was a girl with him, and my dad and I both noted that she looked pissed afterwards 💀. Oops lol. He was really excited about the bracelet though!
Fever 333 was up next. They took Corey Taylor's set time since he was out due to injury. (I hope he heals well + soon!!) They brought some great energy! We were only able to see a couple songs last time they were at Aftershock, so it was awesome to catch a full set this time. They sounded awesome, and their bassist is so gorgeous that I couldn't stop watching her. Amazing set! At the end, the singer ran through the center barricade in the crowd, and he touched my hand! I tried to give him a bracelet, but he didn't see. The bracelet ended up going to someone I recognized from Twitter/a band's music video which was interesting lol. I hope I didn't freak her out, because it's probably really weird having a stranger call out your name! She was super nice though.
I am still in awe thinking about Parkway Drive. They were heavy, and so damn cool. Their drummer was in a rotating cage! They had tons of fire on stage! They sounded so good, and the crowd was super engaged. I like their music, but knew nothing about their live performances prior to seeing them. They were the most surprising act of the festival so far. I was blown away. Seriously I don't have enough words to say about how cool they were.
I once heard someone say that if you want to get to the barricade for the last couple of bands, you need to get there 2 bands prior. That's totally false, because I showed up less than 20 minutes before Turnstile and made it to barricade!!!!!!!! No pushing or rudeness needed. There was space, and I seized the gap. The crowd was having so much fun, and I had an awesome view of the stage the whole time. My dad is more into them than I am, so going into the crowd I was worried I might not remember the words. I was wrong lol. I knew everything, and it was so much fun!!!!!!! I'm never going to shut up about this set. I WAS AT THE BARRICADE FOR TURNSTILE!!
Holy cow. KORN!!!!! I had high hopes, and they exceeded them! This time was even better than the first time I saw them! They sounded incredible, and their setlist was crazy good. You guys have no clue how loudly I screamed for Got The Life. The crowd was so cool, and it was such a good time. My dad and I hugged multiple times during the set, because we were so happy. I know I'm giving like zero details, but I am so happy that I can only talk about the vibes right now lol. Also Shoots and Ladders goes SO HARD, and it was cool that they did a brief Metallica cover. (Everyone sneaks in a little Metallica. It's wonderful.)
(No pictures today. I didn't have my phone in most of the crowds, and the pictures I do have include other people that I don't want to post for privacy reasons.)
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himynameisobed · 2 months
A North American Break.
I've spent the last couple of weeks in New York and Toronto - New York for Dan and Kara's wedding, and Toronto just to drop by home and see family and friends since it was so close. Clark picked me up from JFK and as we were driving along the highway into the city, I felt a steadily rising affection and nostalgia for North America. I love the skyscrapers, I love the grid-laid streets, I love the inexplicable and boundless sense of forward possibility. I stayed with Clark (and his girlfriend Rathna, who I happily met for the first time) in Williamsburg, which was super convenient because that's where the wedding and all the wedding events were happening (a fact I did not realize beforehand). We got pizza the first night and everyone we interacted with was so full of character, personality and energy. Williamsburg is a hip and creative part of Brooklyn, and people walked around with a kind of selfless entitlement I find difficult to properly capture in words - kind of like an obvious yet understated confidence that never veered too far into outright cockiness - like everyone knew they deserved to take up space but weren't rude about it, and understood that everyone else deserved to take up space too. I can see myself living in a place like Williamsburg after London, and my stay there has really got me considering it. It was hot the whole time so I almost exclusively wore various tank tops and pairs of shorts, and cute boys would smile at me and nice girls would compliment my outfits. The city felt joyful and alive. The wedding itself was beautiful. I was there when Dan and Kara first met, so it was incredibly touching to see how far they've come and be part of the beginning of a new stage of their lives. I love love, and the sweltering heat of the day could not take away from the tender beauty of it. I unexpectedly got to see a lot of people I didn't expect to see while I was in the city. It turns out Renee was there for the same weekend, so we went dancing the night I arrived and hung out with a bunch of her friends a bit the next day. I saw Wusky (who I haven't seen in years) for dinner and got to meet his lovely wife. And my brother was also in town visiting his girlfriend Alison, so they joined me, Clark, Rathna and a couple of our friends at Birds of a Feather for dinner the last night I was there. And then I went to Toronto, which will always always always feel like home. I got to see my friends, and hang out with my siblings, and it was nice to spend a bit of the summer there. I had ramen with Megan on Wednesday night, met up with Conor, Renee, Joff, Gemma and my sister on Thursday night (and watched Legally Blonde at Corktown Common), hung out with the Meta crew + Bram on Friday night (with a special and coincidental guest appearance by Bre at Petty Cash), went to Bre's BBQ before going out dancing with Camilla, Conor and Keyana at Beam Me Up on Saturday night, and then had my goodbye/congratulatory dinner with my family on Sunday night. I flew back on Monday, walking through a storm to St. Patrick station with all my luggage. The rain poured down harder than I remember it pouring in Toronto and I would later learn that I had walked through the beginnings of a flood. Now I'm back in London, wiling away the days until I start my new job. I'm going to make a list of things to do on weekdays that I won't be able to easily do once I start working. And maybe play a video game or two. It's strange: while I was in Toronto I realized I've missed it a lot, but I also feel happy to be back in London. I've gotten used to the energy here and my life and routine. And I think once I start my new job, I'll really start feeling more settled and attached to the city. I'm excited to get back to work.
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maddiwrites · 4 years
Scared to Love
Pairing: JJ x Reader
Summary: You go from being best friends, to friends with benefits, to strangers with JJ Maybank. You tried your best not to fall in love with your best friend, but how could anyone not love the infamous Pogue?
Note: Sorry, I really suck a summaries. But I wanted to post something outside of my OBX rewrite so I hope you like it(:
Word Count 3.3k
Warnings: Mentions of abuse and divorce.
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The beach is loud with teenagers holding red solo cups and cheering on their friends as they compete to out drink one another. The sky is dark and glittered with bright stars, but the night is still young, filled with both promises and threats. It’s another typical Friday night, surrounded by friends and strangers alike. You usually thrive at these kind of parties - the queen of beer pong, the hot girl dancing in the middle of the crowd like no one’s watching. You attract attention from all Outer Banks social groups - Pogues, Kooks, and Tourons. But now...
Now you wish you could hide from all of it.
If it were up to you, you would be at home, locked away in your room, watching Nicholas Sparks movies until you were no longer capable of crying. But lucky for you, you have best friends who don’t allow you to wallow in self pity. Sure, they let you cry on their shoulder, they rub your back, and tell you everything’s going to be okay. They compliment you. They tell you that you’re gonna go far in life and that you don’t need any man to make you feel like you deserve the world. But they also make sure that you don’t stay in your dark place. They would drag you out of there by your teeth and skin if they needed to. At the time, you can be pissed about it, but you learn to love them for it.
“I don’t think I’ve seen you smile once tonight.” John B walks up to you and offers a teasing smile. He moves to stand next to you, shoulder to shoulder, as you look out into the depth of the party from the edge. 
“I’m trying to find a reason to,” You answer honestly. Your eyes stay trained on the blonde Pogue with a cute redhead wrapped in his arms. They’re swaying to the beat of the music that plays loudly through someone’s portable speaker. They both look happy, and the sight of it makes you physically nauseous. 
John B follows your stare and sighs when he sees what’s got you so down. “Look, I don’t know what happened between you two -”
“It doesn’t matter.” You sip on your now lukewarm beer and tear your eyes away from the happy couple, or whatever they want to call themselves. 
“It does,” John B says, making you look at him. “Because I can’t be in the same room as my two best friends anymore. I mean, seriously, what happened? Did you guys have a fight or something?”
You gnaw at your bottom lip and flick your gaze down at the sand. What you and JJ had was different than what you have with the rest of your best friends. The two of you have always been the closest. Your friend group first started as just you, JJ, and John B. John B always felt like the brother you never had. You loved and fought like siblings usually do. He told you the cold hard truth even when you didn’t want to hear it. You loved him, but not like you loved JJ. You were always aware of the way your heart swelled when JJ laughed, or how your skin tingled when he touched you, or how your chest tightened when he would come back to the Chateau and brag to everyone about his most recent hookup from the night before. The blonde held a special place in your heart that no body else could replace. Not even now.
It all started when you and JJ were left alone at the Chateau for an entire night. John B was somewhere else - probably with Sarah Cameron, who knows. JJ had come from another run-in with his dad and asked that you stay with him because he didn’t want to be alone. The two of you ended up getting high off of JJ’s good stuff. You think it was the most you ever smoked in your life. The two of you ordered pizza, and laughed at dumb youtube videos. For a few hours, you forgot that JJ had an abusive father or that you were caught between a custody battle with your own parents. 
You don’t remember how or when it happened, but the air grew thick with tension and neither of you were laughing anymore. You remember looking into his blue eyes, the color of the ocean, which you always said fit the surfer perfectly. Next thing you know, his lips are on yours - softly at first, then into a rhythm that most resembled an insatiable hunger. He took you into the room he claimed as his, and then....and then he claimed you.
You woke up first that morning. Your stomach swirled with some kind of emotion you couldn’t exactly pin when you looked over at JJ’s bare back as he slept on his stomach. Maybe it was excitement, joy, bliss. Or maybe it was dread, guilt, fear. It wasn't a secret that you and relationships...well, they never ended well. You never stayed long enough to catch serious feelings for the other person. Kie seems to think it’s due to the disastrous relationship your own parents had, and you couldn’t help but wonder if she was right. Your parents spent the second half of your life tearing each other down, competing over who was able to hurt the other one more. You spent a lot of nights hiding under your covers as if that would protect you from your mothers screams or glasses breaking from your father’s rage. You saw what loving someone could do to people. Loving someone can make you hate someone.
And you didn’t want that to happen with JJ. You knew you were already in too deep. You became a bubbly school girl whenever he came around since you were ten. But you refused to let you and JJ become like your mom and dad. If you wanted to keep JJ around, you we’re going to have to keep him at a distance. 
You knew you should have stopped it after the first time, but JJ was like a magnet you couldn’t detach yourself from. You both made a silent agreement that this would be a no strings attached situation. So off the books that even your closest friends didn’t know about it. At first it was fun and harmless - each of you got what you were craving the most, whether it be the comfort of the other person’s company or the high only that person could give the other. But inevitably, lines started to blur. You found yourself staring at your phone on days you didn’t spend together, wearing his hoodies just to feel closer to him because it hugged you in his scent, staying latched to his side at boneyard and Kook parties. You didn’t know if he felt the same way, and you didn’t let yourself find out. You put space between yourself and the infamous Pogue, only showing up in the middle of the night once a week instead of three to four. You tried talking to Tourons at parties - never going home with them but always having them as a back up option. You chose the seat furthest away from him during lunch at The Wreck, and made up excuses as to why you couldn’t go surfing with him in the early mornings. Slowly, you tried to go back to the way things were, but the further you separated from JJ, the greater the crack in your heart became.
Surprisingly, it was JJ who cut things off completely on a night you wanted to use to take your mind off the latest fight between your parents. Even with your father moved out of your family home, the screaming matches never stopped, and now they were trying to use you to pick sides. In the end, JJ did take your mind off your own family, but never in the way you expected him to.
“I don’t think we should do this anymore,” he told you as he slowly lifted your arms away from his shoulders. 
“What? Why?” You looked at him with a tilted head and narrowed eyes. Your breathing became static and shallow, like you were on the verge of a panic attack. 
“Because this was a bad idea, and it’s not healthy - me using you to forget about my dad, you using me to forget about your parents -”
“Using you?” You scoff and shake your head in disbelief. “You think that’s all this is?” “Why did you come over here? Why today? Why right now?”
You clenched your teeth together and looked away from the boy who was now staring at you with a look that resembled pity. You wanted to tell him that sex wasn’t the only reason you find solace in his company. He made you feel safe and happy. He made you forget about the world’s problems with his jokes and stories. He made you laugh harder than anyone else could dream ever could. JJ is the first person you think of when you wake up and the person you dream about at night. But you couldn’t tell him this. Because that would mean admitting your stronger feelings for him. That would mean possibly destroying the relationship you already have with him,
Little did you know, not answering him would do the same thing.
“Fine,” You swallow back your tears and turn away to leave. You couldn’t stay here, standing in front of him for another second. Your felt embarrassed and ashamed. Like you had made a mistake that you can’t take back.
“Y/N -” JJ tried calling out to you, but you ignored him and slammed the door behind you.
You down the last of your beer and shake the empty cup. Ignoring John B’s question you walk past him. “I need another drink.”
John B shakes his head with frustration. Rolling his eyes he says, “He asks about you all the time. Talks about you non stop but won’t tell me why he won’t just call you up himself. And I don’t know what to tell him because by shutting him out, you’re shutting me out too.”
You swallow the lump in your throat and look down at the sand covering the toes of your sneakers. You hate that what John B said is true, and you hate even more that you don’t know how to fix it without seeing JJ Maybank. And you’re just not ready for that.
You didn’t see JJ turn his head at the sound of his best friend’s rising voice. No one in the crowd seemed to recognize the tension only a couple feet away, but he did. He watched from afar, noticing the space between you two and how stiff your bodies are. His heart tore into two, knowing he was the reason for their dispute. But he didn’t know what to do or how to fix it. 
He thinks about you everyday, contemplates calling you up, or going to your house and apologizing personally. He misses you. He never meant to hurt you. But...he had to think of himself. And staying with you was killing him slowly. Because he knew you wouldn’t give him what he always dreamed of. A lifetime with you as his partner in crime. The love of his life. The mother to his children some day.
But everyday without you felt like another year had been tacked onto his life. Sometimes he thinks he’d rather just live through the heartbreak than never having you at all. 
“You know what?” You say, “This was a bad idea. I’m just going to go.” 
John B doesn’t stop you. He just watches you walk away. He bites his tongue because he knows whatever he wants to say in anger will only mask how he really feels - which is pity and sadness. Because he know something is is going on with you and he can’t help you - not until you let him.
“Leaving so soon?” A certain voice makes you stop in your tracks on the edge of the beach where people have parked their cars. 
You squeeze your fists together to stop your hand from shaking and take three deep breaths to calm your racing heart. You slowly turn to look at him and suck your bottom lip in between your teeth. He looks the same. Shaggy blonde hair, beautiful tan skin, sparkling blue eyes. Although, he looks sheepish with his hands tucked into his cargo short pockets and his eyes narrowed in your direction. He looks sad. But that doesn’t make sense because he broke it off with you.
“I guess I’m just not in the party mood tonight,” You respond. JJ takes note of how empty your voice sounds.
“Y/N Y/L/N not in the party mood?” JJ tries to joke. “That’s unheard of.”
“What are you doing, JJ?” You ask impatiently. The longer you look at the boy you...well...the boy you don’t want to love, the harder it is to breathe. “Don’t you have a girl to entertain? She’s pretty, clearly into you-”
“Why are you doing this?”
“Doing what?” You play dumb.
JJ sighs. “Look, I understand if you’re mad at me or something -”
“I’m not mad,” You deny with a shrug. “We fucked around for a little bit and then you moved on-”
“Don’t do that. Don’t act like what he had meant nothing -“
“Well did it? Mean anything?” You narrow your eyes and take another step closer to him. “Because from what you said, I was only using you! And you were only using me. That’s what you said!”
“I didn’t mean it like that. I -”
“What did you mean then?” You challenge him. You feel your eyes heat up with fresh tears and no matter how many times you try to blink them away, they threaten to fall. You feel a red blush rush up your neck as you look deep into his eyes, remembering the shame you felt that night. You never meant to make him feel like that’s all he was to you - a distraction or a quick fuck. He was still your best friend. And you ruined that, and there’s no one else to blame but yourself. Yet here you are, yelling at him because it was easier that way. 
“I never meant for any of this to happen. I just - I just wanted my best friend back!”
You take a step back and look at him like the blonde just grew two heads. “I never left. I was there the entire time. You’re the one that ended things.”
“Because I loved you!” JJ yells at you, rendering you absolutely speechless. His words ring over your head like a chime, dancing beautifully through your ear drums. Despite his outburst of admittance of affection, he glares at you because how could you be so stupid not to see it? 
“What?” Your voice is barely above a whisper and your own scowl is gone. 
JJ runs his hands through his disheveled hair and curses to himself. “Fuck, Y/N, I loved you. I still love you. But I know how you feel about relationships and love and -” JJ sighs. “I didn’t want to lose you, but my god, it was killing me that I was giving my all and you would never -”
You feel your feet moving forward despite your brain and thoughts freezing completely. 
You didn’t know how to feel.  You just knew you needed to be near him. You wanted to feel his heart beat against his chest and his breath on your skin. You wanted to look him dead in the eyes and read his brain like an open book. You just wanted to be near him and somehow show him that you felt the same way.
Your hands cup his jaw to make him look at you. He looks pained - like a boy who had just been punched in the gut by his worst enemy, and it killed you to know you were the cause of it. You didn’t mean to. Little did he know you felt the same way. It was the reason you distanced yourself from him in the first place. You loved him. Fuck, you loved him so much. But you were scared. You didn’t want to end up like your parents. You’d rather die than learn to resent the blonde Pogue in front of you. But by trying to save your relationship, you ended up hurting yourself and JJ. 
He keeps his eyes closed and tries to move his face out of your hands, but you stay strong and move even closer to him so that you’re chest to chest.
“I would.” Your voice is a whisper and your breath sends a rush of goosebumps down his neck. “Hey..” You whisper again and JJ opens his eyes to look at you. “I would. Because I love you too.”
JJ’s brows furrow. “What?”
“I was scared. I am scared.” You correct yourself. “I tried to turn it all off by distancing myself from you. I thought that maybe if I stopped -” You pause as a silent tear runs down your cheek. “I tried not to love you. God, I tried so hard. But I do, JJ. I love you so freaking much. But I’m terrified that -”
“Hey, hey.” As your hands fall, JJ’s go to your face to wipe away your tears with his thumbs. “We’re not like them.” He reads your mind perfectly. He knows about your parents’ divorce and the mental damage it’s caused you. “We’ll never be like them. You hear me?”
“How do you know that?” Your voice cracks.
“Because if I’ve got you, what do I have to be miserable about?” JJ grins as you giggle. You turn your head to place a kiss against the palm of his hand, ripping open a set of flutters through JJ’s abdomen. 
“I don’t want to hurt you.”
“You won’t. And I won’t hurt you either. I promise.”
You sniffle and bite your bottom lip as a smile spreads across you face. “So, are we really doing this?”
JJ nods as he leans in closer to you and pulls your chin up. “Yeah. We’re doing this.” He leans down and kisses you gently at first, letting the fireworks spark throughout your entire body, then moves his lips more passionately against yours. 
Neither of you knew, but from afar, your best friends were watching behind a couple of trees with open mouths and wide eyes. 
“Oh my god!” Sarah jumps up and down like a school girl. She always knew you and JJ had something stronger than the rest of the Pogues but never said anything. 
“I knew it,” Kie shakes her head with a smirk. 
“It’s about fucking time,” John B wraps his arms around his own girlfriend and kisses the top of her head. “I was going to kill them.”
“What?” Pope looks between his two best friends with furrowed brows. “You knew about this all along?”
John B scoffs, “How could you not?”
“Even I had a feeling something was going on,” Sarah giggles. 
“Why do they have to be so fucking stubborn?” Kie says.
“Should we...I don’t know...congratulate them or something?” Pope asks awkwardly. 
Kie pats Pope’s shoulder as she walks past him to go back to the party. “Absolutely not.”
“Yeah, I’m not going near them until morning,” John B says and grabs Sarah’s hand to lead her back to the keg to get another drink. “In fact, we should just steer clear of the Chateau for the entire night.”
You still had a lot to learn, but not letting your parents’ divorce dictate your life was the best lesson you learned. They can take whatever they want from you, but they weren’t going to take away your relationship with JJ. Because he’s the best thing that could have ever happened to you.
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foryoumyheroes · 4 years
Celebrity C-C-Crush
[Bakugou + Todoroki + Amajiki]’s crush has their own crush on another Pro-Hero.
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I know that this is obvious, but I thought that I should reinstate that the “reader” is depicted as being in high school and all of their crushes are over eighteen. While they are nice to the reader, they are in no way reciprocating, pursuing, or even entertaining the idea of being with a minor. It is purely one-sided. Happy reading! 
Warnings: slight OPM crossover. 
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Bakugou Katsuki: 
Bakugou probably spends so much time to get you to notice him. I headcanon that when he’s attracted to someone, he just has the urge to show off 100% more to silently tell his crush that he’s capable. 
Whether it be by teasing you more than others, shouting at you to fight him, or getting your attention by being such a tsundere he obviously puts in a lot of time and effort to get you to look at him, so when others are able to get you to notice them easily, he becomes pretty petty. 
That’s why when he sees you across the street over the weekend his eyes immediately follow your figure and a soft smile appears on his face despite the fact that he’s surrounded by the “dumbass” Bakusquad. When he sees who you’re with however, that smile immediately drops into a scowl. 
You are the complete fangirl/fanboy image. You’re stuttering and blushing as you shyly go, “H-Hi, Mumen...” You’re hanging off every word he says and you even hand Mumen a homemade lunch (Bakugou notices that it’s a reusable bento so you have to see him again). Bakugou nearly rages. 
What’s worse is that Mumen easily accepts your kind words and the lunch you made for him. And he’s nice to you??? Mumen’s able to hold a conversation with you without one of you getting annoyed?? 
“Heya, [Name],” Mumen says with a small smile, and Bakugou fumes. Why are is this second-rate Hero so familiar with you? “I saw you during the U.A. Sports Festival! Congratulations on getting Top Ten. I was rooting for you! I know you’ll get them next time.” 
Inner Bakugou is just screaming. Why the FUCK are you so uwu baby eyes 👉👈 right now?? What was there to blush for?? You’ve never blushed for Katsuki, and every time he steals a morsel from your lunch you always get annoyed with him, but you’re here giving out lunches!! The double standard!! he thinks. The audacity of this bitch!! 
Obviously the Bakusquad sees all of this unfold before their eyes, and they all glance at each other knowingly when Bakugou rants about “What’s so great about Mumen Rider?” and that he can beat the Pro-Hero “to the fucking ground.” 
“Maybe he has something called a nice personality,” Kaminari jokes and Sero snorts in response. 
RIP them ig. 
Knowing that you have this celebrity crush, Bakugou would immediately go to you the next day and start talking about how weak Mumen is, how shitty of a Hero he is, how he’s ten years older than you guys, etc. etc. 
Of course you don’t hear any of it. You insist that Mumen is a well-liked Hero in the community, and most importantly he’s nice. 
Bakugou nearly gags. Nice?? NïCë?? That’s all it takes to get to you? He spent all this time trying to get your attention and the secret was kindness this entire time?? Well, fine then. 
Tries to win you over by sheer Pavlovian response. 
You think Mumen’s glasses are cute? BAM. The next day he’s wearing his dad’s spare glasses even though they have different prescriptions. 
Mumen once saved you and got you [favorite snack] while you waited for your guardians to come? Every time he sees you he gives you [favorite snack]. Just outright slams it down on your desk without a word. 
He’s going to beat you at your own game. You think you can make Mumen these cute bentos? No bitch, he’s going to be making you BETTER bentos. 
He’ll even ride a bike to school every day if that’s what it takes. 
It’s clear that what you have for Mumen is admiration, and when Bakugou matures and changes he doesn’t mind you stanning another Pro-Hero. Once you guys are older and are in an established relationship he even willingly buys you Mumen merch and supports your obsessions, even if it is grudgingly. 
He tells himself that it could be worse. You could be like Deku and All Might. 
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Todoroki Shouto: 
To Todoroki, your appeal comes from your strength and your composure, He acknowledges how strong you are and doesn’t see it as a challenge to him, so his admiration and affection for you is through the roof. 
So when you guys are walking down the street together and Genos, AKA Demonic Cyborg, crashes down in front of you due to a villain attack on the city, he expects you to stand your ground. 
Of course his first instinct is to hold out his arm to protect/guard you, but instead he finds that he’s just swatting empty air and when he looks over at your figure, question marks just fill the space near his head. 
You’re strangely huddled behind Genos with a large blush on your face and you’ve left Todoroki’s side completely. You’re clutching on the older male’s bicep with a strange nervous look on your face. 
[”G-Genos, y-you’re here!” you stutter uncharacteristically, and Todoroki’s head is calculating at the speed of light at your behavior. 
Genos barely spares you a glance as he readies another heat blast. “Be careful, [Name]. Stand back if you have to.” 
“T-Thank you...! I feel so much safer with you!”] 
What, is the only word that Todoroki is able to say. When Genos is done saving the day and leaves, the boy immediately confronts you about it. He’s blunt to a fault, so he has no problems asking what the hell was that while you avoid his gaze and poke your fingers together.
You look cute, he thinks, but your display is not for him. 
Obviously what he feels is irritation, because that was a side you reserved solely for this stranger, he thinks, but he’s more confused than anything. You never look at Todoroki like that.  
“W-Well... I just think he’s so cool and his Quirk is really amazing. His fire abilities are really something else... A-And on the weekends sometimes I see him at the supermarket and he helps me pick out groceries...” 
You talk about how dreamy it is that Genos helps you get the best bargains at the supermarket and Todoroki sets out the next day with his dad’s credit card. 
He doesn’t see the appeal of Genos’s actions, but if that’s what gets your attention, then he’s willing to try. He can do better than bargain meats. 
For the next couple of weeks your eyes absolutely bug out when you open the door to your house and see premium meat and vegetables are just sitting on your doorstep. 
He gets you the 7600 yen beef and this is Japan, the vegetables are expensive.  
When you try to get him to stop, he’s just like, “Well, do you like them?” or “Is there something wrong with the produce? I can return it and get you new ones.” 
You two end up going to the grocery store together on weekends because you try to physically stop him but it ends up as a supermarket date. ^^ Inner Todoroki is like take that Demonic Cyborg. 
Your celebrity crush encourages him to do better with his fire side. He watches Genos’ powers online and recreates the same power the older Pro has, since that’s what made Genos so cool in your eyes. 
High-key petty. He doesn’t throw away your Genos merch, but rather he constantly moves them around your shared home so your always taken back. 
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Amajiki Tamaki: 
Of course, he thinks. Of course you have a crush on Hellish Blizzard. She’s prettier than he is, a lot stronger, more confident, if he were you he would choose Fubuki over Tamaki any day. 
She does so many impressive things with her Quirk and even though his own is versatile, he’s never able to recreate the feats that she does, so he has no hope of grabbing your attention. 
That being said, he encourages your interests and would find more excuses to talk to you without making a fool out of himself by talking about her most recent fights or about her in general. 
If you guys do meet her in real life and you’re just there freaking out because you’re her biggest fan, he’s going to be just standing off to the side like yea ;;; I deserve this. 
He does watch her videos too and maybe he would recreate some of her “coolness”? He would be revving up for a fight, and the climax of the battle is near, he’s about to win and he’s going to pull those witty “one-liners” to make you fall for him in a way that Blizzard does but then he remembers that you and other people are watching him and just ;;; fumbles. 
He made a fool of himself, he totally did. He’s a complete loser in your eyes, he thinks, especially compared to your Hero. 
Once you guys get together he’s completely over the moon, but thinks back to your celebrity crush and he’s like honestly? Even if he is the rebound, or the “placeholder” until you’re going to date Fubuki, because he has no doubts that you will reach any goal of yours, he’s fine with that. 
Or at least, that’s what he tells himself. 
He thinks his temporary happiness would be worth it. 
When you come to him saying that you’re going to be working underneath Hellish Blizzard, and you’re so giddy with excitement, he just gets so sad all of a sudden. His shoulders sag and shake and he sighs so deeply. 
“O-Oh... I-I knew this day was coming... D-Do you want to break up with me first? P-Please make it quick and painless t-though...” 
And you’re just like, “What.” 
He eventually explains that he thought you were just dating him for a while until you managed to date Fubuki and you’re just like ??? 
[“I mean--I like her, but it’s just a celebrity crush.” You grow sheepish at this point. “I-I do like her, but she’s just a figure in my head. I like you most of all, Tamaki!” 
“B-But if you had the chance you would choose her over me, right? S-She’s strong and cool...”
“But I think you’re cool and strong too, Tamaki!”]
If you get stronger and she’s still going around doing the “rookie crushing” rounds, Tamaki is the only person strong enough to hold you back as you yell at her. 
[“FUCK you, Fubuki! I followed you for years! I swore by you! I supported your career--I talked about you nonstop to my friends. My boyfriend was insecure for years--!” 
“P-Please calm down, [Name]!”]
It turns out that Tamaki was the only celebrity crush you needed. 
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flightfoot · 3 years
Let It Be Enough To Reach The Truth That Lies Ch. 3
Thanks to Miabrown, Marby, and Khanofallorcs for betaing!
“You failed.”
Adrien flinched. “Yes, Father.”
Gabriel didn’t even look up from his screen. “We will train more tonight. For now, go to your room and work on your piano lessons.”
Adrien sighed, a mixture of dread and relief coursing through him. “Yes, Father.”
At least while he was playing piano, Father was unlikely to come through his door.
He’d never imagined he’d dread his presence.
He also never imagined his father would force him to attack someone.
After ‘training’ with Adrien for a couple weeks (read: beating the snot out of him until he got good at dodging), he’d deemed Adrien ready for combat.
Or maybe he’d just gotten sick of his akumas being defeated by a teenage girl and wanted to try something different.
Adrien had been keeping up with the Ladyblog, watching every new video of her exploits he could get his hands on.
His respect for her had only grown.
As had his dread at the prospect of facing her.
None of his research prepared him for actually meeting her.
Watching her through a screen, none of it seemed real. 
Actually bumping into her? Being tied up with her? (He flushed at the memory.) That was a different story.
She’d been expecting him, been worried about him — or at least about Plagg. 
He’d wanted nothing more than to hand her the ring, get Plagg somewhere safe at least… but that wasn’t an option. Especially with his father watching through one of the drones he’d commissioned.
At least Adrien could always tell when one was nearby. They were quiet, but not quiet enough to conceal from his hearing.
He was pretty sure his father didn’t know about the additional perks his Miraculous granted him, like his improved hearing and night vision. Father didn’t appear to have those.
Did Ladybug?
Digging through his cabinet, he threw a piece of cheese to Plagg. He caught it handily, devouring it in a single bite.
The corners of Adrien’s mouth pulled up.
These might be horrible circumstances and he’d prefer Plagg was somewhere safe, but a small, guilty part of him was glad he wasn’t trapped alone.
“Sooooo what did you think?” Plagg asked, finishing off the camembert.
Adrien blinked. “Of what?”
“Of your Lady! You know, the one you’ve been watching on loop for the past few weeks? The one you’ve been fretting about constantly? ‘Oh no, Plagg, Candy-butt wants me to hurt her, what will I do?’ ‘She’s so amazing, Plagg, did you see how she used that Lucky Charm?’ ‘She’s so kind and brave and is the best thing since stinky cheese!’”
Adrien flushed. “Plaaaaaagg.” He meant for it to be a reproach. It came out as more of a whine.
He let out a sigh. “It’s not like she’s ‘My’ Lady, anyway. I’m her enemy, remember?”
Plagg rolled his eyes. “Suuuuuure you are,” he drawled sarcastically. “And that’s why you just-so-happened to get distracted by a nearby bird when the last dot on her Miraculous started beeping.”
He looked down. 
She was fast, but it wasn’t like he was any slouch in the speed department either. They were pretty evenly matched, which didn’t bode well when her transformation was bound to run out first.
So when a pigeon fluttered by, he may have pretended that catching it was a more enticing prospect than it actually was.
He ran around on all fours a lot, it wasn’t crazy to think he’d have a cat’s instinct to hunt as well.
If it happened to give him another weakness to be exploited, that wasn’t something he could help, now could he?
It was just the cat in him.
“I still have to fight her,” he said in a small voice.
He didn’t have much of an option on that. If he outright refused…
Well. Just because his father preferred using the Butterfly Miraculous, that didn’t mean he couldn’t use the Black Cat Miraculous as well.
And as an adult, he could use the special power repeatedly without cooldown.
He waged enough destruction while going through his akumas. Having the actual power of destruction literally at his fingertips? Adrien didn’t want to think of the damage it could cause.
Especially if his father touched Ladybug.
Adrien’d asked Plagg what would happen; if the kwami had Cataclysmed a living being. Once.
Plagg didn’t answer. But his expression? Told him he didn’t want to know.
At least, so long as he was allowed to have Plagg instead of his father, he could make sure Plagg wasn’t used like… like that.
Maybe he could even persuade Father to stop this! Or at least… at least rein him in. Stop him from going too far.
He- he hadn’t specifically tried to kill. Maybe he could reason with him if he started going too far.
Right. Of course he could. He was his father. He might be a supervillain, he might be awful, but he had limits. He had to.
Something small brushed at his hair.
Mom? Wait, no, she was-
Looking at his computer monitor he saw Plagg sitting on his head, patting his hair. 
“You know… you don’t have to fight her,” he said.
Adrien frowned. “If I don’t Father might decide someone else would be a better Black Cat wielder,” he argued. “Or maybe just torture you, me, or both of us until I agree to his wishes.”
Plagg shook his head. “You’re thinking about this all wrong. You already faked some cat tendencies, faking fighting isn’t that big of a stretch.”
“Fake fighting…” Adrien’s eyes lit up. “You mean like acting?!”
Plagg nodded. “I’ve seen those new movies you humans came up with. They’ve got some of the most impressive moves I’ve ever seen, but they still don’t get hurt, right?”
“Some of that’s done with special effects,” Adrien told him, mind whirring. “But not all of it. It helps if you know what angle things are being viewed from, what the audience is able to see-”
“Which you know, right?” Plagg prompted. 
Slowly Adrien nodded. “Yeah, since I can always sense the drones. And if I can just get Ladybug to play along…”
This could work.
Marinette chewed on her pencil distractedly. 
Why had her partner sided with Hawkmoth? The butterfly man wasn’t exactly subtle about being the bad guy! Granted, it didn’t seem like he was happy about it…
Tikki hadn’t been too interested in looking further into it. Marinette’d gotten the impression that this had happened too often for her to be all that sympathetic to whoever misused Plagg. She just wanted him back, safe and sound.
She couldn’t blame Tikki for that viewpoint. If she’d had a close friend who’d been repeatedly abused, she wouldn’t be too interested in finding out the specifics about the latest person who was holding them captive, either.
But that didn’t mean she, herself hadn’t considered it.
He’d looked to be about her age. Granted, it was hard to tell with the suits having some sort of magical glamour (Tikki had called it “quantum masking”, whatever that meant). 
Was he being manipulated into it? 
What would his parents think?
Or were his parents…?
She stopped, shuddering. She knew awful parents existed, of course, ones who mistreated and manipulated their kids, ones who did not deserve to be in their children’s lives. 
Even seeing movies and TV shows with some awful parents, it was a hard concept to wrap her head around. Her own Maman and Papa were always so kind and caring with her. Maybe stern if she did something wrong, but they always let her know what she’d done, talked it out with her, and let her know how she could do better. They were never unreasonable, and she never felt like they loved her any less, even if they were unhappy with her in the moment.
“Earth to Marinette!”
“WAAAUGGGH!” Marinette startled, flailing around wildly. 
Alya ducked, barely avoiding getting hit. “Woooah there, girl! Just wanted to ask what was on your mind. You’ve been staring off into space for the past five minutes.”
Marinette looked away. “It’s nothing. Just personal stuff.”
Alya quirked an eyebrow. “Well if you don’t feel like sharing right now, I had another reason for getting your attention.”
Marinette blinked, straightening up. “What’s that?”
Alya handed her phone over to Marinette, pressing play on a video. “The footage the person sent me was captured from a distance,” she explained. “So the audio quality’s nonexistent. But look! There’s a new supervillain!”
Marinette just stared at the video, watching Catboy collide with her, chase her, only to get distracted a moment later by a bird.
So that was why he hadn’t caught her! She’d been wondering. He’d seemed pretty fast, and unlike her, he hadn’t been exhausted from a fight.
“Do you think he’s a full partner to Hawkmoth or just a villainous sidekick?” Alya asked excitedly. 
Marinette hummed. “He seems pretty young… listening to Hawkmoth before, he sounded like an adult. This guy looks like a kid.”
“Doesn’t mean he’s not a full partner,” Alya said. 
“True, but…” Marinette hesitated. The video didn’t capture audio, and wasn’t at the right angle to show Chat Noir’s expression before he started chasing her. “I just don’t get that vibe from him,” she said at last. “I get the feeling that he’s not the one pulling the strings.”
Alya looked at her a moment, then shrugged. “Whatever you say. You’re not the only one to think so, anyway. I’ve had a lot of forum activity speculating on whether he’s as evil as Hawkmoth is.”
So she wasn’t the only one? 
“Really?” Marinette asked.
“A lot of it’s down to him being cute,” Alya said. “I’ve had to monitor certain threads VERY closely since he came onto the scene yesterday.”
Marinette blushed. “I, uh, hadn’t noticed.”
Alya narrowed her eyes. “Uh huh,” she said, not sounding even the slightest bit convinced.
“It doesn’t matter, anyway, because he’s a villain and he’s only appeared once and Alya stop looking at me like that-”
Alya continued smirking at her.
Burying her head on her desk, Marinette groaned. This was not how she’d been planning to start the day.
*beep beep*
Turning her head to the side, Marinette cracked an eye open. “What’s that?” she asked, her voice still muffled by her arms.
“It’s the new akuma alert app the city just set up,” Alya said distractedly, scrolling through the alert. 
Akuma alert-
Marinette bolted upright. “What does it say?!” she asked hastily.
“There’s a new supervillain over near the Eiffel Tower. Calls himself Mr… Pigeon?” Alya frowned. “Wow, Hawkmoth is failing HARD at the intimidation factor. What sort of name is that? Marinette, you’ve gotta look at this outfit, I mean as a designer-”
Alya looked to the side.
And blinked.
“That girl is way too good at disappearing, I gotta get her to teach me how to do that,” she muttered at Marinette’s empty chair.
“Miraculous Ladybug!”
The swarm of ladybugs flew out, repairing what little damage had occurred.
It wasn’t much. Mainly just pigeon poop. A LOT of pigeon poop. Annoying, but a far cry from the collapsed buildings and major injuries from other akumas.
It’d had one other, unexpected benefit as well. The Black Cat wielder had shown up again (her stomach twisted at the thought) but he hadn’t been able to do much. Beyond constantly sneezing and the birds distracting him, he’d barely even been an obstacle. 
Hm. She’d have to ask Tikki whether she’d get ladybug instincts. Would she start eating bugs? Emitting noxious odors when scared? Cuddling up with people when she got cold. Okay, granted, she was prone to that last one anyway, but the others would be noticed!
A black blur rocketed towards her.
Oh. Right. With Mr. Pigeon deakumatized, there was nothing stopping the Black Cat wielder from going after her.
He collided with her again, sending her skittering across the pavement.
She did a back handspring away from him (thank you, Miraculous reflexes!), landing on her feet just in time to start spinning her yo-yo into a shield. He tried pounding on it a few times with his staff, but it simply bounced off.
Nonetheless, he kept on pressing forwards, closer and closer.
Her earrings beeped four times.
She couldn’t let this turn into a battle of attrition. She had to get out of there NOW. 
She turned around, preparing to bolt.
That was a mistake.
He tackled her to the ground, landing squarely on top of her. He reached for the earrings. She tried to punch him, but he just caught her hands.
“Why are you DOING THIS?!” she asked him through gritted teeth. 
His ears flicked to the sides. Leaning in close he whispered, “Play along!”
She blinked, going still for a moment.
His grip on one of her fists suddenly loosened. 
She winced as her fist made contact with his chest. The suits were protective, but she’d experienced enough hits to sympathize with the Black Cat’s shock. It still sucked to get punched.
He flew off her, sailing several feet away.
Uh… that… should not have happened. She knew that she was stronger while suited up, but she had a decent idea of how much force she put behind each blow. He should’ve been knocked back a foot at most, it wasn’t like she’d had the ability to gain momentum for the punch!
The Black Cat wielder backflipped several times, eventually landing on his feet. With a yell he ran towards her once again.
He’d told her to “play along”. What had he meant?
She couldn’t stay here and fight him. He KNEW that. 
And he’d let her punch him off. 
So… so, maybe…
He moved his fist forward to punch her.
Her eyes narrowed. Was it just her, or was his fist slightly off-center?
Just as his fist was reaching to the side of where her face would be, she flung herself back, forcing a wince.
He kept on coming, not showing the slightest bit of surprise at her sudden movement.
Because he’d WANTED her to do that. Had planned for it.
He didn’t want to hurt her. He just needed to put on a show.
“Come here, kitty kitty!” she smirked. There were some alleys off to the side. If she could just get them in there…
She was trusting this stranger a lot, she knew that. Especially since he was apparently working with Hawkmoth. 
But some part of her DID trust him. Maybe it wasn’t totally rational. He’d only given a few hints that he wasn’t on Hawkmoth’s side, and for all she knew he could be luring her into a trap, waiting for her to lower her guard.
It was a risk she would just have to take.
He screamed, running at her with his staff held aloft. Immediately she started doubting her plan.
Still, she darted to the side, slipping into the dark, narrow alleyway.
He followed her, smashing up some trash cans, making a lot of banging noise and yelling - but not trying to get any closer.
Quickly she ducked behind a nearby dumpster, knowing full well that the Miraculous wielder’s eyes were on her. If he wanted to discover her identity, all he needed to do was round the corner.
He came no closer, instead cursing loudly. “I don’t know how you escaped, Ladybug, but beware! CHAT NOIR is coming for you!”
Chat Noir, huh? Not the most creative name, but she was hardly one to talk.
A moment later she heard his pole extend. She peeked around the corner just in time to see him pole-vaulting off away from the alley.
She sighed in relief, sinking down against the dumpster. Tikki flew over to her, putting her hand on her chin like she was “The Thinker”.
“You might’ve been right, Marinette,” she admitted after a moment. “I don’t think I gave Chat Noir enough credit.”
Marinette smiled, scratching Tikki’s head. The little kwami giggled, flying up to her for a cheek cuddle. “Maybe Plagg’s in a better situation, too?” Marinette suggested. 
Tikki hummed. “I hope so. I’m beginning to think his kitten this time isn’t a bad kid.”
Her expression darkened. “But even if HE’S not, the person he’s working for — or pretending to work for — is. And he seems to have some sort of hold over Chat Noir — and subsequently, over Plagg.”
Marinette grimaced. Tikki was right. Chat Noir’s reluctance to oppose them might be a bright spot, but their situation was still pretty bad.
Holding her hands out for her kwami, she scooped the little bug up, safely stowing her in her purse.
“We’ll just have to encounter him again,” she said, looking towards the light of the open street. “And maybe get some more answers.”
And turn him fully to their side, her heart whispered.
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broadwaycantdie · 4 years
Race’s Quarantine Journal
( Race’s POV ) + ( Diary ) + ( High School AU )
a/n: aka me projecting
sorry this is shitty, i’m just feeling a lot rn and i wanted to get it all out
warnings: mental health, mentions of self harm and death, language
March 10, 2020
Everything has been crazy. People keep talking about some virus going around. It’s probably not too bad, I’ve had the flu before.
March 13, 2020
My school just sent me an email saying we can’t go back until April? Huh? Well at least I can finally get a break. School has been kicking my ass. I need a nice little vacation. I’ll relax and hang out with my friends. A quick little month long break ain’t too bad my senior year.
March 18, 2020
You’re telling me that my teachers are still giving work on this break? And they want me to video chat with them? Hell no. This is my vacation. I’ll just catch up when we go back to school.
March 21, 2020
So my parents aren’t letting me leave the house? It can’t be that bad. Maybe I should do my own research cause there is no way that all these shops should be closing and that I can't leave. I don't know what I’ll do if I’m stuck in this house for a month. All my friends can't leave either. Maybe we can just video chat I guess. I’ll see them soon enough anyway.
March 31, 2020
I’ve done so much research. Everything is so bad. So many people are dying. No one is doing anything about it. Why the fuck isn't anyone doing anything about it? Why are people still going out? Nothing is open. Go home.
April 1, 2020
I woke up today hoping this all was a crazy April Fool’s prank.
I wish I was right.
April 6, 2020
I was supposed to go back to school today.
Instead I got another email saying the closure got extended.
I don’t know when we’ll be able to go back.
April 10, 2020
I’ve been picking up a lot of hobbies.
Mostly I’ve been dancing. It calms my nerves. I’m going crazy in this house.
I tried painting but that got messy. I tried reading some books but words have never been the easiest things for me. I tried playing guitar with an old one I found in the garage but it hurts my fingers too much.
I’ll stick with dancing.
April 15, 2020
I don’t know what else to do. I’ve redecorated my bedroom 3 times and my parents told me if they hear me moving furniture in the middle of the night one more time they’d make me take everything down.
I feel trapped.
April 16, 2020
Maybe I should try to write in here more. That’s the only thing I can think to do. I could do a “what I did today” or a mood tracker. I might actually do the mood tracker but I know all well I won’t do it everyday. Maybe weekly? Maybe every couple days? Maybe whenever I feel like it?
Okay....today I feel: Bored.
April 22, 2020
It's Earth Day. One of my favorite days.
I hope that with the world shut down the Earth can breathe a little easier today.
Today I feel: Hopeful.
April 25, 2020
Today would’ve been my senior prom.
I actually had a date and everything, for the first time. How great would that have been?
I’m not gonna write a lot today. Too sad.
May 1, 2020
I can’t do this much longer. Everything sucks and I feel so stuck. I haven't left my house, I haven't seen my friends, my family is driving me crazy, my sleep schedule is totally fucked, I haven’t been this depressed since middle school, and I can’t do anything about any of it. It fucking sucks.
May 3, 2020
Let’s play a fun game. Okay so I’ll start with 10 fingers up and if this thing has happened put a finger down.
Okay so put a finger down if you really liked someone and you had a good thing going with them but you let the worst person in your life convince you that you shouldn't be with them and that they were the problem so you had to hurt the person you really liked to make the worst person feel better cause they manipulated you and took control of your brain and then the person you liked ended up dating one of your friends and you couldn't even be mad at them cause they were so happy and cute and you were happy for them both but then they broke up and you don’t know if it’s cool to talk to the guy you liked cause your friend is the ex and you haven't talked to them in a long time and they probably hate you cause you hurt him and he wouldn't understand cause your excuse is so shitty and you guys are now so different and life is just really hard and you think about what y’all had and miss it so much cause it was so good and thats all you want, to be loved, and you know it’ll never be the same so you don't even bother.
I’m down to 9 fingers.
God I fucking miss him.
May 4, 2020
For a long time I’ve convinced myself I don’t deserve love and I really think it’s true. That’s all I’ve ever wanted but I’ve done so many bad things what if no one wants me?
Everyone hates me. My friends only pretend to like me. I don’t understand why someone would want to be friends with someone like me. I’m so difficult.
May 6, 2020
It feels like I dropped out.
I’m not doing any school work. I missed my prom. I probably won't have a graduation ceremony. Worst part is, I didn’t drop out. I can’t just move on. I have to just sit with this.
I guess it's not hitting me as hard as some other people because I didn’t even plan to be alive this long so I was already prepared to miss them. It’ll probably hit me soon tho. I just won't let myself breakdown. Not yet.
May 8, 2020
Can I just say something?
I’m so fucking tired of being alone.
Not just cause quarantine, like in general. I want to be loved but I have to fuck everything up all the time, God why am I so stupid all the time?
And I don’t mean my friends just saying “oh I love you!” like no, thats nice, but at the end of the day that’s not the kind of love thats going to marry me, or hold me when I can’t sleep at night, or cook dinner with me.
I’m so tired of being undeserving and undesirable. What is wrong with me? What does everyone hate so much?
If I’m being honest, I cry every night because of this loneliness I feel. I just want it to stop.
May 10, 2020
My panic attacks are getting worse. For no reason.
I panic over things that 3 months ago I would've just pushed away. But now this isolation and fear is making everything so bad.
I started seeing things again. I started picking and twitching and shaking again. I haven't been this bad in a long time. How long before the thoughts come back? The urges? Will I be able to stop them this time? I hope so. I really hope.
May 13, 2020
So I’ve officially reverted back into my childhood state of watching old cartoons all day for any sort of serotonin. It's working a little ngl.
May 15, 2020
I picked up my yearbook today. I drove to my school and they handed it to me through a window. Can’t get it signed, can’t see anyone, can’t do anything.
I don't know if I have the strength to look through it right now knowing I might never see these kids again.
May 17, 2020
I had one of the worst episodes in a while today.
I saw this video and I don’t wanna talk about it cause I don't want to think about it but it made me twitch and shake for so long.
I couldn’t stop. I was so scared. I picked at my skin for a long time. I couldn't open my eyes. My head hurts from shaking for so long.
I just want to go to sleep.
May 20, 2020
My parents are so clueless. Do they really not know? Do they choose to look past it? Do they know and not want to say anything?
Can they not see that I’m not fucking okay?
There is no way they don’t notice how I twitch and shake and pick at my skin. They can’t ignore my tear soaked face almost daily. They might not see when I wake up in the middle of the night from a nightmare and desperately try to calm myself. But they never ask me if I’m okay.
The answer is “no” if they ever decide to ask.
May 23, 2020
I’m official a high school graduate!
Though it doesn't really feel like it.
I drove to the school and picked up my diploma and that was it. A masked “congratulations” and a piece of paper and that was that.
Congrats to me though. I guess.
May 27, 2020
I feel so empty.
Actually, I don't feel anything.
I just sit here. I don't remember when I last ate. I haven’t gotten out of bed. Haven’t watched anything. Just thinking.
Today is not a good day.
I don't want to be alive today.
I just hope the urges stay at bay. I don't know if I can stop myself this time.
May 30, 2020
I wish I was dead.
Everything I love is being taken away from me.
I want to kill myself. I haven’t felt like this in years. Everything is only getting worse and I can't stop it.
I want to but I can’t. If I try and fail thats selfish cause I’d be taking up space in the hospital for people who actually need it.
I’m useless. I’m powerless. I want out.
May 31, 2020
I’m so sick. I’m so weak. My head is killing me.
I’m not sick, I just feel shitty. Not an uncommon feeling.
I don’t know how much longer I can fight off the urges.
I’m sorry.
I wish I was sick. It would make this whole thing easier. I feel like this will never end. I want out.
I’m sorry.
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chlouais · 6 years
My take on the first time David calls Matteo “baby” (primarily the interaction leading up to it)
adjdslkdfk I cannot fucking believe that 1. I wrote fanfic and 2. it’s for druck???? not even skamfr??? who am I
Anyway rated T for a lil steaminess, there is no god damn angst in this fic
If Matteo was being honest, he didn’t really like parties. They were loud, and messy, and a setting in which he was previously expected to hook up with girls. Which, okay, that last thing was probably why parties used to be hell for him. But even now, a couple months into dating David, parties still aren’t really his thing. Against all odds, David blooms at parties. He drops his broody cool persona. A beer or so in he smiles more, dances with everyone in the pulsing lights, throws eyes at Matteo where he slouches at the side of the room, like the true wallflower he is. He’s happy to see David having such a great time (and he’s definitely a fan of exchanging heated eye contact across the room—that never gets old). But he’d honestly rather lay in bed with David and watch stupid Youtube videos. David laughed when Matteo told him this, a couple weeks back.
“That’s because you’re fucking lazy,” David had said, grinning. Matteo had shoved him but was still smiling. When wasn’t he smiling around David?
So Matteo had reluctantly agreed to go to this party, because he knew David would have a fucking blast as usual. And Matteo was going to try to do the same by getting high as a fucking kite with the boys.
He wandered into the kitchen, still holding the joint he and the boys had been sharing when they told him to go get beer. They had yelled at him to bring it back, but he’d flipped them off and kept walking. If he had to go get the beer and leave the comfortable spot along the wall he had been melting into, then he certainly deserved to take the joint with him. It was not the first joint the boys had shared that night, so they could manage a couple minutes without it.
The kitchen was less crowded than the main room, but not by much. Matteo squeezed his way to the fridge. His body felt light and heavy.
“Matteo!” Matteo turned to see Sara tipping towards him from where she had been leaning next to the sink. Her feet seemed delayed compared to her upper body, and she half-stepped-half-fell over to Matteo, catching herself on his shoulders. She pressed a kiss to his cheek while laughing.
“Hey, Sara,” Matteo smiled, wrapping one arm around her to brace her.
“Matteo-Matteo!” Sara sang, “Do you want a beer? You look sober!”
Matteo noticed Leonie still leaning by the sink, rolling her eyes. Leonie was definitely sober, Matteo thought. No one could be drunk, high, or crossed and still look that unhappy. Or maybe they could, Matteo mused. Sara had been a godsend when he came out. Leonie, on the other hand, was apparently still harboring some resentment on Sara’s behalf.
“Let me get you a beer,” Sara chattered on, leaning dangerously far over to grab an unopened bottle on the counter. She laughed again. “I can open this without a, uhhhh—“ Sara made a lever gesture with her hand, eyes sparkling. Matteo’s brain paused for one beat, two.
“A bottle opener?”
“Yes!” Sara beamed. She hinged the bottle’s top on the lip of the counter and slammed her fist down on it.
“OKAY,” Leonie interrupted before Sara could try again, “I’ve got that for you.” Leonie popped the cap off with a bottle opener and handed it to Matteo. Where had that bottle opener come from?
“Thanks,” he managed, passing Sara over to Leonie and leaning back against the counter. He took a pull from the beer. Probably terrible, but he was too high to really care. He remembered the joint in his other hand. Damn. It had gone out. He set the beer on the counter behind him and fished the lighter out of his pocket, relighting the joint and taking a drag. He held it in the direction of Leonie and Sara, an offering.
Sara beamed and took it from him, but Leonie plucked it out of her hand and took a drag. Sara pouted but the look on her face melted into a dopey smile when Leonie gave her a small smile of her own. Matteo picked up his beer and swallowed some down. He was definitely smiling like an idiot at Sara and Leonie, but what was he supposed to do? Fuck, he was happy. The people he cared about were happy, and he wasn’t lying or hiding anymore. He had a fucking boyfriend.
As if he had been sent by God Himself, David breezed into the kitchen at that moment. Matteo felt his mouth go slack. Fucking hell, David looked devastatingly good. His face was flushed and his skin shone with perspiration from dancing. His hair was more unruly than normal, looking like David had raked his hand through it at least a couple times. Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck, thought Matteo. He wanted to lick David’s neck and taste the sweat there, wanted to push his hands through David’s hair and pull. He was fucking gone for this boy.
“Hey, there you are,” David said, beaming. Matteo felt his insides melt. As hot as David was, David’s smile always toggled the “love-struck” switch inside Matteo. His smile was fucking cute, okay? The boys had made fun of his “heart eyes” on many occasions, but Matteo didn’t give a shit.
“The boys sent me to look for you. They said they sent you for beer but that you probably forgot since you’re fucking baked,” David said as he walked over, smirking. He eyed Matteo up and down, one eyebrow raised. Matteo’s body felt like it was on fire and he felt his heart rate pick up. Unintentionally, he reached out toward David, who stepped into his space and slid his hands to Matteo’s waist.
“Hi,” David said, softer, still smirking, when Matteo just continued to stare. “Hi,” Matteo breathed out. David’s eyes were dark, and sparkling, and Matteo could not make any fucking sense of the world while he was staring into them. This gorgeous boy was his boyfriend? What the fuck?
“You’re crossed, aren’t you?” David asked while chuckling. Matteo blinked.
“No? Or… maybe?” Matteo pulled David closer so they were pressed chest to chest, Matteo still leaning back against the counter. David plucked the beer from his hand and placed it on the counter behind him. Matteo took the opportunity to smooth his hands up David’s chest, up over his shoulders, letting his arms hang loosely around David’s neck.
David was warm against him, almost too hot from dancing and drinking. Matteo dipped his head forward and rubbed his nose along David’s, foreheads touching, and then moved to nuzzle against David’s cheek. David let out a shaky exhale.
“Fuck, you get so cute when you’re crossed.”
“‘M not cute,” Matteo mumbled, tracing his nose along David’s jaw. “And ‘m probably not crossed.”
“Yeah, whatever,” David breathed. His hands slid up from Matteo’s waist to hold him around his ribs. David’s hands kept sliding around to his back and then returning to their original position, pulling Matteo into him with each pass.
Matteo closed his eyes and pressed his nose into David’s neck and inhaled. He pressed his mouth to the skin there, lingering. One of David’s hands made its way up to Matteo’s hair, raking up the back of it, pulling gently. Matteo abruptly remembered his desire to lick David’s neck and grinned. He licked a stripe up David’s neck from the juncture with his shoulder to the spot behind his ear, exhaling into his ear. David’s hand tightened in his hair and he let out a harsh breath through his nose. Matteo licked beneath his ear again, pressed an open mouthed kiss to his neck, lightly scraping his teeth and just barely sucking.
“Matteo,” David said with a hint of warning in his voice. Matteo hummed as he took David’s earlobe into his mouth. David jerked on his hair, bringing Matteo back so they could look at each other. Matteo whined and leaned back enough to see that David’s eyes were closed, his brow furrowed. David opened his eyes and Matteo felt his world snap into focus on David’s face. His pupil were blown wide, eyes dark; his lips were parted and there was a different flush on his cheeks than before.
Matteo tried to reel him in again, but David put a hand on his chest. David’s eyelids lowered, and oh fuck, if those weren’t bedroom eyes Matteo didn’t know what would be. With the hand on Matteo’s chest controlling the motion, pinning Matteo in place, David slowly leaned in and pressed a kiss near the hinge of his jaw. “Baby,” David breathed into his ear. Matteo felt his knees buckle. “Maybe we should save this for home.”
“What?” Matteo asked. He wasn’t even sure what he was asking about, but his head was spinning. He was intoxicated but it was because of David more than anything else. David had never called him baby before. Fuck, they needed to leave before things got embarrassing for Matteo. He wasn’t sure he could get hard since he was so fucked up, but at this rate he was pretty sure it would happen.
David was looking at him with those bedroom eyes again, and Matteo had to close his eyes for a minute, tipping his head back slightly and inhaling deeply to gather himself. He almost jumped when he felt David press an open-mouthed kiss to his throat, and fuck. FUCK.
“Come on, baby,” David whispered again, this time pulling Matteo more forcefully out of his leaning position. Matteo swayed on his feet.
“You’re going to have to stop that,” Matteo finally said, and wow his voice was rough. David, that fucking prick, lifted a fucking perfect brow at him.
“Stop what?”
“Calling me baby,” Matteo groaned. David flashed him a smile.
“I agree to hold off until we get home.”
Matteo’s mouth quirked into a smile, too. “Deal.”
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🛏 sleepy Sal x reader, and kissing his scars 💋
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I excitedly walked around my apartment double checking everything one last time. Pizza, video games, movies, snacks, soda, and music. Perfect. I wanted tonight to be perfect. My best friends Sal and Larry were coming over tonight for a sleepover and I couldn't wait.
My parents had gone away for the night so I told him and Larry to come eat pizza with me. Being as our building was known to have some issues (like the paranormal Kind) Larry suggested someone stay over with me. He was always like an older protective brother to me. Larry also knew about my feelings for Sal and was trying to onvince me to do something about it. Larry also thought Sal was having some trouble sleeping so I thought I'd see what was up.
A sudden knocking at the door caught my attention. I practically skipped over almost tripping over my own feet. When I opened the door Larry and Sal were both stood. Larry had one of his goofy smiles on and it looked like Sal was blushing a small bit from the color of his ears.
"Hey ya (y/n)!" Larry cheered as the two entered my apartment. "Hey Larry Hey Sal!" I exclaimed hugging them both. "You can set your stuff down I'll go get the plates and drinks!" I instructed running into the kitchen. Larry entered the kitchen a few moments later. "Hes definitely not sleeping well lately dude hes been practically falling asleep all day." Larry informed me. I looked up at him concerned. "Hopefully I can get him to sleep tonight." I said worried about my crush. "Just so you know it's just gonna be the two of you tonight." Larry informed me. I whipped around to face him again. "W-What? You're not staying?" I stuttered nervously. "Nah I'm not into third wheeling." He chuckled with a wink.
       "I really think you should go for it tonight. Just take it easy on Sal. He's a great guy but he's very new to having a girl like him." Larry pointed out Seriously. I nodded understanding walking out and setting the stuff on the table with the pizza. Both boys made their way over grabbing plates. We sat on the couch eating pizza and listening to Sanity's Fall for a couple hours. I had completely forgotten about the nerves in my stomach till Larry informed us that his mom wanted him home and he left.
        "So... Just us I guess." I laughed nervously scratching the back of my neck. "Yeah guess so." He chuckled staring at the floor. "I'm gonna go get my pajamas on." I said awkwardly excusing myself. As soon as I was in my room I pressed my back against the door running a hand through my hair.
This has to be the night I can't hold it in anymore. Besides Larry said if I didn't say something tonight he'd make us play truth or dare or something. I took a deep breath before pulling on my pajamas which consisted of an over sized Sanity's Fall shirt and short shorts.
I made my way back out into the living room to see Sal had changed into his pajama pants already and not wearing a shirt. The two of us were watching a movie and Iciuld practically see his head bobbing to the side every time he began to doze off. "You ok Sal?" I asked concerned. "Hm oh yeah I just need another refill and I'll be fine." He smiled reaching for his soda. I grabbed his wrist stopping him. "I think maybe you should get some sleep come on." I said pulling him up with me. I shut off the tv making my way into my room.
I hopped up onto my bed patting the space next to me. "O-Oh I uh. I um don't think that's appropriate but I can sleep on the floor next to your bed if you'd like." He offered nervously. I had to admit him being so adamant about it stung. "O-oh ok blankets are in that closet there." I said pointing to my closet. He nodded making his way over to open it. "Sal if you're that uncomfortable around me I can sleep on the couch and you can sleep here but I really think you should get some sleep in a real bed. You're eyes are starting to look more like a raccoon than Larry's." I blurted out making him freeze in his tracks immediately turning to face me. "N-no that's not it it's just.. it's not you it's... uh." he stuttered out shaking his head. "What Sal?" I asked confused by his behavior.
He sighed wrapping his arms around himself. "It's my face. I don't want you seeing my face. And I have really bad nightmares I'd probably keep you up anyhow with how bad they've been lately." Sal explained. It was then I remembered how scarred he said his face was. I crawled forwards wrapping my arms around his small body.
"Sal I'm so sorry I didn't even realize. You're more than welcome to sleep wherever you want. However if you chose in bed with me I promise to not judge or make you uncomfortable." I whispered placing a kiss on the cheek of his prosthetic. He turned towards me hugging me tightly. After a few minutes of the embrace I pulled away and crawled back up to my pillow. I pulled the light switch and got comfortable under the covers.
"You deserve a good nights sleep. If you'd like you can come up here and be the little spoon and I'll take the nightmares away. Otherwise like I said there's blankets in the closet use as many as you need. I know you get cold." I told him silently hoping he'd take my offer. After a few minutes he moved next to me facing away. I pulled the covers up and over his small form. "Want me to take out your pigtails?" I asked in a whisper. He nodded his head mumbling a shaky please.
I gently pulled the hair ties from his electric blue hair setting them on my night stand. "If you wanna take off your mask you can, I promise not to look. Tonight I just want you to sleep." I smiled playing with his hair. "I don't wanna scare you away." He said with his voice riddled with pain. "Sal that's not gonna happen. Truth is I really like you and-" before I could finish my sentence he sat straight up facing me. "You like me like you have feelings for me?" He asked shocked.
I giggled shaking my head before flipping the light back on. "Sal I've had a crush on you for a while now. And trust me whatever's under there isn't scaring me away. At least lift it up a little." I reassured him moving my hands up to cup his head. He let out a breath before moving his hands up to undo the bottom buckle. He lifted the mask neither to reveal his lips and chin.
There was bad scars and indents showing. A big chunk was missing above his upper lip. The scar tissue seemed to create a resting look of sorrow on his face. I used the pad of my thumb to caress the small portion of his cheek that was visible. "C-can I kiss you?" He asked making my heart leap out of its chest.
I nodded quickly and he wasted no time in pressing his soft slightly chapped lips against mine. The second our lips connected it was like fireworks were going off in my chest. We pulled away for air leaving us both smiling. "What do you say can I take it off?" I asked in a quiet tone. He nodded biting his bottom lip. I carefully reached around to unbuckle his mask. I pulled it from his face setting it near the hair ties.
 I couldn't help the tears that formed in my eyes. Despite his broken skin he was absolutely beautiful. I let my finger tips wonder his skin. His icy blue eye watched me fearfully. He was so scared I was gonna reject him. "Sal you're so beautiful." I said smiling widely. "W-what?" He asked clearly taken back. "You're so perfect." I whispered. I leaned in and carefully and gently pressed a kiss to each and every scar that littered his face.
       Something seemed to cloud over Sal's eyes as he pulled me into his lap connecting our lips again. His hands rested on my hips still slightly shaking while my hands made their way to to his hair.  Our mouths collided passionately for a good while til Sal pulled away and buried his face in my shoulder holding me tight 
      "Thank you (y/n)." He mumbled with a small sniffle. "Your welcome Sally Face. Now let's get some sleep Yeah?" I asked laying down holding my arms out. He smiled cuddling into my chest wrapping his arms around me. And we drifted off just like that.
       I woke up to see Sal still cuddling with me his breathing still and steady. It honestly felt so right to just be laying in his arms. I ran my hands gently through his hair. He let out a few mumbles as he snuggled into me more. I couldn't help but giggle at the adorable sight.
       I felt him move again and I could tell he was waking up. "Morning handsome." I beamed moving his hair away from his face. He sat up a bit leaning on his elbow to face me. "Morning Beautiful/handsome." He yawned a small grin on his face. I stared at him in adoration reaching out to caress his face. He leaned into my touch closing his eyes. I kinda had him pegged as someone who was touch deprived and I guess I was right.
        "You're really not scared or grossed out?" He asked opening his eyes. I shook my head smiling before placing a quick kiss on his cheek. He smiled widely before his facial expression changed and he crooked his head to the side. "You know I actually didn't have any nightmares last night." He pointed out still smiling. "Sal that's great I'm happy you got a good nights sleep." I cheered happily. He reached down to his bag and pulling out a phone. "Come here." He said sitting up and motioning to the space in front of him. I slid over in front of him and he wrapped his arms around me handing me his phone. "Can you take a picture of us for me? I wanna send it to Larry." He asked a small blush on his cheeks.
        I took the phone and gently kissing his cheek again. He buried his face in my neck so I angled the phone and snapped a picture of the two of us. "Perfect!" He exclaimed grabbing the phone and sending both Larry and I a copy. "Now he'll shut up about me asking you out finally." He chuckled pulling us both down so I was laying on his chest. He turned to me like he had a sudden realization.
       "(Y/n) um. Did you uh want to be my girlfriend?" He asked nervously. "Yes Sal of course." I smiled kissing his chin. Sal's phone dinged with a notification so he picked it up letting out a small chuckle. "Larry says we make a cute couple." He grinned showing me the message. I smiled happily kissing him again.
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A love like silk// Han Jisung pt 6
Bad boy!Jisung
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Genre: Angst/ Fluff
Summary: Silk, one of the softest fabrics on the planet. It’s breathable and comfortable. Just like how he was to you. He gave you space to breath. He always made sure you were okay. Yet why, do people say he’s bad to you? He gave you a love that’s soft and tender. A love that involves soft touches, tight hugs for comfort and sweet talk, smooth like silk.
Word count: 2,6k
Warnings: Swearing, themes of bullying, themes of depression.
After the day that Felix had saved Y/n from the crowd that was made of ‘admirers’, the two had been hanging out quite a lot and Jeongin would tag along most of the time as well. Through the weeks of them being together, the two boys had figured out Y/n’s crush on Jisung.
“Why don’t you tell him you like him?” “I’m not his type anyway, besides he’s with Jiyeon,” she’d whisper sadly. The two boys shared a look and groaned in frustration. ‘If only she knew,’ they both thought. They wanted to tell her so badly, how much Jisung feels for her, how smitten he actually was for her. But, they promised Jisung that they wouldn’t tell her and they kept their promise.
They noticed Y/n’s behaviour, which was much more different from other times. After her parents let the two inside, they noticed Y/n on her bed, staring at her ceiling. She had greeted them softly, facing them out of politeness. She had been down for the past couple of days and the boys decided to cheer her up.
They hated to see her in this state, so they dragged her out of her bed. “No, I don’t want to leave-“ “Y/n’s mom and dad! We’re taking Y/n out! We will be back in time!” Jeongin would yell as they dragged Y/n by her arm. They would just chuckle, knowing their intention was well.
“Why have you taken me here?” She asks when they arrived at Lotte World. “You really needed to be cheered up, so let’s have some fun!” Felix yells excited, as they ran inside. “Let’s go do that- Oh! I want to ride that one it has a big drop!” Jeongin would yell, dragging the other two along with him. “Innie, calm down. We have all day. Let’s start with that one.” Y/n laughed, secretly happy that they had dragged her along.
It surely was going to be a fun day.
“I’m hungry!” Jeongin would yell after a couple of hours in Lotte World. “Let’s go get something to eat then? It’s on me-“ “No, we can’t do that Y/n.” “No, I insist. I want to thank you guys for dragged me out of my bed. I really needed it.” She admitted as she paid for their food, that Jeongin in the meantime had ordered. Felix smiled at her, but it fell down quickly. “Do you want to talk about it?” He offered quietly. She smiled back at him as she turned down his offer. He returned the small smile, before they started digging into their food.
Meanwhile, Jisung was out with Jiyeon, who insisted all Jisung’s attention and time nowadays. Ever since Jisung had seen Felix and Y/n together, he had been acting cold and distant towards her. He felt bad for neglecting her, but he just didn’t know how he felt towards her. The feeling of jealousy hit him like a piano fell from the sky as if it was a cartoon. He was in such a dilemma with himself, his pride, his heart and his mind. He cared too much about the image he had accepted through the years, he felt like she was changing him and that scared the living daylight out of him.
As time passed by, he felt an urge to meet her again. The feeling became so strong, he wanted to see her again. He started to talk about her out of nowhere too. “Ji, look at this! Isn’t it cute? It would look great on you!” Jiyeon yells, pushing the shirt in Jisung’s hand as they went shopping. “Y/n would love this, I remember her wearing something like this.”
Not to mention, Jiyeon hated it when Y/n was even mentioned. Jealousy would fill her guts, before she knew it was she talking shit about her ‘competition’.
Jisung didn’t believe her at first, still defending his crush, but as time went by he didn’t know what to believe anymore.
One day, Jisung would be out with Jiyeon, since she insisted his attention once again. They would be walking down the Han River, hand in hand, something Jiyeon also wanted. Jisung just let her and didn’t think too much about it. He was minding his own business, looking around as they stumbled through the park. Suddenly a familiar laughter caught his ears. His head shot to his right to see Y/n and Felix playing in the park. They were attempting to play badminton. “Felix you suck at this sport!” Y/n yelled, as she held his stomach whilst laughing. “Next time we’re doing Taekwondo okay, this isn’t exactly something where I could show off my skills, you know Y/n?” Jisung heard him say. “That’s a deal!”
Jisung turned his face away from them, not able to handle the feeling of his chest tightening. Jiyeon smirked when she saw Jisung’s reaction. “I told you so,” she started. He didn’t respond and just shot her a confused gaze. “That girl just used you, to get closer to you oh-so-called friend. She’s a little liar.” “T-that’s not true.” Jisung muttered, looking away from her. “Then why is she with him and not with you?”
Jisung looked at Felix and Y/n, who were now in the middle of an embrace. He clenched his free hand in a tight fist, anger and pain taking over his heart.
‘Was Jiyeon right?’ He asked himself. He thought back, was it true?
“Just look at them Jisung, you can’t tell me they aren’t together. Or at least interested in each other.” Jiyeon pushed. “They would be cute together, they really should date.” “Alright, whatever. Let’s go.” Jisung growls, wrapping his arm around her waist and dragging her away from the scene. He didn’t know if it was his anger and pain speaking to him, which rested in his heart, but he believed her. Every single word.
When it came to school, Jisung ignored Y/n completely. He would be too busy with his public display of affection with his girlfriend. He would wrap his arms around her, also pulling her onto his lap. He even kisses her voluntary, almost enjoying it. Yet, he wasn’t sure what he enjoyed. The feeling of Jiyeon’s lips on his? Or the fact that Y/n’s heart might get a little jealous, that it might hurt just a little bit, hoping that she’d feel the pain she had caused him.
Y/n had noticed the distant behaviour Jisung was giving her. She talked about it to Felix and he had gotten frustrated and confused on why his friend would suddenly be acting like that. “First, he gives you all his attention and time. Now he doesn’t even speak to you anymore. I don’t understand this guy!” Felix yells in frustration as they had their lunchbreak in an empty classroom.
“Talk to me about it. I-I really thought he cared about me.” She muttered under her breath. Unfortunately, for her, Felix heard her. His heard broke. “He does care for you Y/n-“ “Then why is he acting like this? I just don’t understand! Why is this happening?” She cried out.
This was a sign to Felix that Y/n’s depression was creeping up on her again. About a week ago, Felix had found her in her room crying, when he came over to surprise her. Her hair was messy, her eyes were puffy and her clothes were wet and stained. She couldn’t help it and told Felix about her depression. From how it all started to where she was right now and in what state of mind she was. He comforted her that day and managed to be continuing doing it.
When Y/n had arrived at school, Felix would be waiting for her at the spot where Jisung used to be wait. Everybody in the school would be confused at first when they saw how Jisung and Y/n started to ignore each other, like their relationship or friendship had never existed in the first place. The whispers through the halls were loud as they walked down.
‘Her wounds has disappeared and now she’s already looking for a different way to get attention.’ ‘Is she already after Felix? What a slut.’ ‘I heard she used Jisung to get to Felix.’ ‘Ugh, I knew she was bad news.’
Y/n’s head was set to the ground. Her mood was moving its way in a depressing spiral. Felix wrapped an arm around her shoulder, trying to comfort he as he rushed her through the halls, passing Jisung. Jisung noticed Y/n’s present when she passed him, also noticing the arm that was rested around her. And sadly, that’s all what Jisung noticed. He didn’t hear the whispers. He didn’t see her expression fall when she heard the harsh whispers.
“She how she has moved on already, the little bitch has used you Jisung. You’re better off without her.” Jiyeon says as she rested her chin on his shoulder, making her boyfriend sigh. “I guess you’re right baby.”
After school, Y/n went with Felix to their place for a cheer-up session. Jeongin had prepared a big sorbet, while Felix had prepared some video games they loved to play together. She sat on their couch; no expression was to be found on her face. When Jeongin walked into the room, he whined her name, telling her in the same voice to smile a little. Jisung was also home and that bothered Y/n. And she wasn’t even going to lie. “Don’t worry, he’s going on a date soon.” “Way to make me feel better Jeongin.” Y/n muttered whilst chuckling. “N-no, I didn’t mean it like that-“ “It’s alright, Innie.” She smiled at the panicked boy.
Meanwhile, was Jisung in his room preparing for his date. He had seen her and he finally noticed how she has been acting. She wasn’t smiling like she used to. The glow on her face has faded and her eyes weren’t glistening anymore.
He felt a stabbing feeling in his chest, but he didn’t know how to talk to her. ‘She doesn’t even deserve to be around you.’ Jiyeon had told him. ‘She’s toxic, you should leave toxic people out of your life. Especially those who use you.’
Jisung sighed before he stepped out of his room, ready to leave. He looked to his side, where the three were sitting on the couch. After a quick glance, he noticed her skin tone, even that had faded to a paler shade. Her eyes had dark circles under them. He stood there in shock, not expecting her to look this bad, but he pushed his feelings aside and moved along. He wanted to talk to her, but she ignored him when he walked in. She was in too much pain to even look at him, she just couldn’t.
He went into the kitchen where Minho and Changbin were. “What’s going on with Y/n?” He asks softly to them. “Since when do you care?” He heard a deep voice say behind him. It was Felix. “I-I was just wondering, she doesn’t look the same.” Jisung states, obviously taken back by Felix’s comment. “Why should we tell you?” Felix asked in a harsh tone. “Why wouldn’t you?” Jisung asked confused. “You should think about that, by yourself.” Felix growled, before he was about to disappear again.
“What the fuck do you mean Lee?” “You know what I’m talking about.” “No I don’t. And why are you even acting like this? Are you like her boyfriend or something?” Jisung yelled. Felix smirked and stoked the fire that had started by saying: “I’d be so much better of a boyfriend, than you even will be.
Jisung grew furious and started to throw fists at Felix. The older boys ran to them, trying to prevent them from hurting each other even more. “Stop it! Stop it you two!” Chan would yell who ran into the scene.
“What the hell is going on here?” He yells as the two angered boys had calmed down. “It’s nothing Chan.” Jisung muttered. “Let’s just say Jisung had been a dick to Y/n.” Felix snapped. Jisung couldn’t take it any longer, something had snapped inside of him.
“Well, I’m sorry but she has broken my heart! I wanted to give her my all, but if you break my heart, stealing it away from me before I was even ready. I can’t take it okay. I- my feelings for her are just too much at the moment.” Jisung admitted softly, not wanting her to hear. The boys in the room were shocked by his sudden confession.
Minho felt guilty once again, thinking he was the cause of all of this. He felt like he never should had set up Jisung and Jiyeon, then this wouldn’t had happen, but they assured him that he couldn’t know. “I should have. I’m your friend. I should’ve seen it.” 
Meanwhile had Jisung called his date off, not feeling like seeing his girlfriend in a bad mood. So, he just went to bed. Suddenly Chan walks in.
“How are you feeling?” Chan asks the boy, handing him an ice bag for his black eye. “I could’ve been better.” He responded under his breath. Chan had sat down on the bed where Jisung was laying. Jisung spilled his heart to Chan, about his feelings for Y/n and how he was feeling about Jiyeon, who he thought he started to like. Leaving out the fact that she and him has been shit talking about Y/n. He talked to Chan about how he felt in general.
He had always been so grateful for having him, he was one of those people who would listen to you whenever you needed them. He appreciated him so much.
“Listen Jisung, you should take some time to think about all of this. I understand that this could frustrate and overwhelm you. But, think about her feelings too. I know you don’t know her side of the story, but try and be the ‘higher’ person and to stand above this. If she really used you, it would suck and I understand that you want to avoid her, but I’ve been hanging out with Y/n as well these past weeks and I feel like there’s something more behind this. Something is not right. You should find out what it is before you make any decisions.” Chan tells him. “I really hope you can work this out, I start to like her. She’s a good person to be around with and somebody who you should appreciate. Be careful with making your decisions, aright?”
Jisung sighed for the millionth time that day. He knew Chan was right. He was surprised to hear that Chan was happy to have an addition to the group. Chan was usually the kind of person who only trusted his team and nobody else. She must be somebody special to him them.
How could Jisung blame her? She was just too lovable. Her caring persona, her glistening eyes and bright smile could captivate anybody in just a second. Jisung was one of them.
Jisung closed his eyes, too tired to process his whole day. It was too overwhelming for him. As he had his eyes closed, he hoped that when he fell asleep, he’d be taken to a dream, where everything would be just right.
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A Million (Mochi) Miles Away
Nanowrimo day 24 Featuring Beatrix LeBeau and Mochi Miles Sci-fi Slime Rancher, implied pining/crushing Finished and unedited
When the comm unit in my little ranch home chirruped, I had only just opened my eyes, the sun’s first rays peeking up over the horizon. Today was my “sleep-in” day. I had dubbed it Saturday, because time on the Far Far Range didn’t move the same as it had on earth. That wasn’t surprising, of course, but it still jarred me, even after all this time. I disentangled myself from my sheets and shoved misplaced hair out of my face; it was laying in tangles and would need a thorough brushing to fix. Fortunately, I lived in the middle of nowhere with nothing but slimes and chickens for company. They didn’t much care how I looked, so rather than fussing, I stuffed all my hair into what someone, somewhere might have called a bun and answered the comm.
“Yup?” My eyes were blearily half-open and I knew I looked like a slob, but that’s what they got for calling me on my sleep in day—my Saturday. The comms were video or audio; I had mine set to video most of the time because I liked seeing the person on the other end… even bOB, who baffled me greatly, but who also made good on his payments, so I never asked questions. The instant the comm video stirred, I regretted not spending a little more time on my face. It was Mochi Miles, the multibillionaire daughter of another multibillionaire whom I was just about certain sent her out to the most remote region of the galaxy to get her out of his hair. That wasn’t a nice thought, but given her abrasive mannerisms, I could hardly have blamed her father—still… one had to wonder.
“Beatrix,” she said, “did I wake you? Well—you should know better than to sleep in on the Far Far Range; there is way to much money to be earned, too many discoveries to be made to have bed-head.” Her tone was mocking, sharp, and nothing out of the ordinary. I was hardly dead-set on impressing her, but something about her jeering mockery rubbed me raw and made me want to show her up in as many ways as possible. To those not in the know, she made her fortune with her patented quicksilver slime collection attachment for standard Vac-Packs and her family owned the largest quicksilver slime preserves in existence (so far). I had been to a couple of them, mostly doing favors for Mochi who, despite her sharp nature, paid very well, and could not help being impressed with it. Still, how badass could she be if she had simply inherited it all? I guess that wasn’t nice either.
She was one of those people who had to let you know she was “HBIC”, which was old earth slang for “head bitch in charge”. I wasn’t certain if the Far Far Range had slang, or even a set language. Slimes were not terribly rousing conversationalists. Mostly, they cooed, growled, giggled, and sometimes sang. If they had slang, it was beyond me. Anyhow, Mochi was once again displaying her superiority with her perfectly coiffed hair, her immaculately plucked eyebrows, her flawlessly applied makeup, and what I could only assume was the galaxy’s latest fashion.
“Mochi,” I responded. Fortunately, we passed the “miss Miles” phase of our relationship months ago, when Mochi herself had bestowed the mantle of friendship upon my unworthy shoulders. So… yeah, I guess I was friends with Mochi Miles. I did not feel much warmth toward her—and maybe even a little pity. Neither of those things were symptoms of friendship, I thought, unless friendship was also done differently out here. From what I gathered, however, with people like Ogden, Vik Humphries, and Thora, it was not and Mochi was an outlier even here. Maybe she sensed this too and that was why she had extended a proverbial olive branch. We had never been at odds, per se, but with her friendship came the unspoken promise that she would be kinder. I had not seen a whole lot of that. She had moments, here and there, but mostly it was business as usual. “It’s Saturday, remember?”
“Of course not! You keeping earth days and weeks is totally crazy! How am I supposed to—”
“Mochi,” I cut her off, “remember, I haven’t been out here as long as you, okay? Keeping those days, even on the weird Far Far Range cycles, keeps me… I dunno, sane, I guess.”
“Right,” she said, her eyes darting off to one side. “S… s… I forgot.”
It wasn’t an apology proper, but I would take it. She was not warm, not yet, but she was… sort of improving. I understood that she had quite a bit of stress regarding her father (and I’m sure he had plenty regarding her), and she certainly felt the need to prove herself to him, but that did not mean I had to be subjected to poor treatment. Her issues were hers, not mine. Drawing lines between myself and others had always been my greatest weakness. Only coming all the way out her, to the Far Far Range, had allowed me to start learning how, precisely to do that. I was not a cold person, but I was a person who needed her space.
“So, what did you need?” I assumed she had something for me to do at her quicksilver slime “mines”—they were quick buggers and hard to drive out of their caves and catch, but a large enough electrical charge did the trick and that was precisely how Mochi had designed the place. That part, at least, was brilliant. She may have inherited the mines from her father, but the enhancements she had made to them were all her own. I guess it wasn’t totally fair to say she had been handed everything, just a whole lot more than most folks. That did not make her a bad guy. I had long ago decided to give her a chance, after a long talk with Thora, who knew much more about the situation than I had.
“Well I’m glad you asked,” she said, leading in like a saleswoman with an amazing pitch. Of course I was going to ask. She had awoken me out of a sound sleep and pleasant dreams. I deserved to know why. “Next week, my father is hosting a gala on an orbital platform above the quicksilver mines; he specifically requested my venue—he must want to show off my achievements to his investors!”
“And you need me to… what, help you clean it?” Maybe I jumped the gun a little bit, but I really had no idea what she could have needed me for, in this context especially.
“N-no!” I could see the blush even through the semi-fuzzy vid screen. “I… well I needed a date and I wanted to ask if you were free.” Her face went from red to white as the words spilled out in an almost uncontrolled torrent. Her eyes widened and I could just about imagine the sheen of sweat as she realized what she had just said, despite the one having SAID it.
I considered her statement for a long moment, deciding whether I should just answer and have done with it, or let her squirm a little longer. I knew I should be kind to her, polite, but she had put me through the wringer during my first few months on the Far Far Range and, though it had all turned out, I was still just a little sore about it. I could feign busyness, but I knew Thora would come and check on my slimes for one night. I could say I had plans, but what plans did a girl with four friends within about a gazillion lightyears actually have? Mochi was cute; I would have been a fool not to see that. Besides, it would be a good opportunity to meet some of the rich muckety mucks her father rubbed elbows with daily and see what the wealth of other worlds was like. It was one night and even then, probably only a few hours. It wasn’t as if she was asking me to marry her. Anyway, it had been a while since I had been on a date.
“Sure, Mochi, I’ll do it. What time?”
It appeared to me that Mochi Miles had not anticipated my agreement to her solicitation, that she had anticipated having to convince me. In fact, I thought for sure she had note cards, stashed somewhere behind the transmitter camera on her comm unit. 
“Mochi?” I repeated this gently, with an upward inflection as if to ask “are you all right”, but without saying the actual words. Something told me she would not respond to those the way most folks might. It was a rocky journey, being her acquaintance (subordinate) and then reluctant friend. The reluctance, ironically, was from her end. While she was abrasive and somewhat rude, I found nothing about her to be totally abhorrent and, given the extreme lack of sentient beings out here, would have been very happy to be her friend either way. Mochi was the one who seemed to be having difficulty processing this whole “friendship” idea. 
Or maybe it was something else.
She gathered herself with remarkable speed. Maybe that was part of her upbringing too, poise in all things. I had never met her father, but I assumed he was an iron-handed parent, which would explain more than a few things about Mochi herself. That might have been more than a little judgmental on my part, but it definitely would have clarified a bit about her mannerisms. I was just starting to wade into the quagmire that was the mind of Mochi Miles, after all; I needed all the help I could get and she wasn’t likely to be throwing me any liferafts. 
“The gala begins at seven, which means I will make my grand entrance at eight,” she informed me. I cleared my throat and I could have sworn I saw her blush again. I was two for two today. “That is, we will. Wear something nice. Later, tater.” 
She hung up without another word and I was left wondering where in blue blazes I’d get a proper gala gown with only a week to go. Mochi was a whirlwind, that was for certain and I wasn’t entirely sure why I had agreed to this, why I was putting forth the extra effort. It just seemed like the right thing to do and maybe just a little bit fun. 
That’s what it was. Fun.
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daringyounggrayson · 5 years
Family Dinners
Ok so @flashhwing has this really cute headcanon that Dick and Wally have dinner together every night. They were also kind enough to let me take that sweet headcanon and angst it up a little bit
Warnings: Mentions of past abuse, character injuries and intubation
Wally always loved the idea of family dinners. He remembers being very little—maybe six or seven—and going over to his friend Jeremy’s house one day after school. He had stayed for dinner and Jeremy’s whole family was there. Both of his parents and his younger brother. It wasn’t this magical moment straight out of a movie, but it was . . . nice. And so, so different from the few family dinners he’s had. He doesn’t remember what they ate, but he remembers the atmosphere of the room. They were relaxed and the parents asked all of them about their day and they listened. There was no yelling or tenseness, just a family eating dinner together.
Jeremy didn’t see the novelty and kept asking to be excused so they could play outside before Wally had to go home. Wally remembers feeling nervous as he waited for the inevitable yelling, but it never came. Instead, Jeremy’s dad was smiling and shaking his head in what seemed like amusement, assuring Jeremy that there would still be time to play after dinner. After the second or third time, Jeremy’s mom pursed her lips and took a look at his plate, then told him to take three more bites.
Jeremy shoveled the forkfuls into his mouth and then they ran outside to play, Wally offering a quick thank you to Mr. and Mrs. Whoever as he went. Later, he saw the couple talking quietly as they did the dishes and put away the leftovers together. They both had soft smiles as they caught up and listened to music—and Wally knew right then that he wanted that. He wanted the family dinners, wanted the shared clean up as soft music played in the background. He wanted the normalcy of happy, comfortable family dinners.
He didn’t really think about how he didn’t have family dinners until that night. A lot changed that year, though. He started to realize that his family wasn’t normal. He realized that other dads didn’t hit their kids and threaten their moms. He realized that family dinners that ended in broken glass and tears weren’t normal, and fuck, he just wanted a little piece of normal.
When Aunt Iris started dating the guy who would soon become Uncle Barry, he got to see that little piece of normal more often. He spent a lot of time over there. They had happy family dinners and routine clean up with soft music playing in the background just like Jeremy’s family. Wally knew that those dinners didn’t happen every night, but they always happened when Wally was around, and he got the feeling that they happened a few nights a week even when he wasn’t there.
Dick had family dinners, too. Alfred made them dinner every night, and Bruce was there almost always. Dick used to joke that Alfred forced him into it and that if Dick hadn’t been there waiting, Bruce wouldn’t leave his study. Wally would laugh, never once bringing up how much he wanted that. Wanted family dinners, wanted a dad who would force himself to do things just because his kid would be there.
He never got them, and he’s still working on accepting the fact that he never will.
He’ll never forget that first family dinner he was invited to. He and Dick had just been kids back then, far too young for dating. It had been intimidating, eating chicken across the table from the Batman, but Dick brought that feeling of comfort and normalcy Wally’s come to associate with other people’s family dinners. He talked about his day and traded dumb jokes with Wally that made Bruce’s lips twitch, but mostly they ate and sat in each other’s company.
He had a lot of family dinners at Dick’s after that. The first time after they started dating had been weirdly anxiety-inducing, but Dick had later assured Wally that it was just him and that Bruce didn’t hate him. Though, looking back, it had still had those key components of family dinners. Maybe even more so with Bruce acting as a protective father. (Another thing Wally would never get.)
Now that he’s older, he thinks about family dinners a little differently. He still looks at them with this sense of longing, but he’s also able to step back and analyze why he feels the way he does about them. Where it’s all coming from. And yeah, he knows those dinners won’t make every night magical or ensure that he’ll have a happy (healthy, safe) relationship, but getting to spend every evening catching up with and just being with someone he loves sounds amazing.
When he and Dick decide to move in together, it dawns on him that he’s now in a position where he can have that if he wants. And he does.
The two of them just finished dinner and are currently doing the dishes—that soft music playing in the background and those small smiles pinned on their faces—when he lets it slip. “I really like getting to spend time with you like this. We should do dinners together every night.”
“Aww, babe that’s really sweet,” Dick says, drying off a pan with a towel. “We should definitely do it as often as we can.”
“No.” Wally shakes his head firmly. “Every night. I mean it.”
“Look, I just don’t think it will work realistically. I mean, we’re vigilantes. We both have day jobs, you have school. It just won’t happen every night. Maybe we move our goal to twice a week?” Dick tries to comprise.
Wally wraps his arms around him, pulling Dick close against his chest with still damp hands. “You eat dinner every night, right?”
Dick huffs out a laugh. “Yeah, usually.”
“Then I’ll just eat whenever you eat dinner. I don’t care if it’s six p.m. or three a.m., I want to make time for this.”
“Wally,” Dick starts with a sigh.
“Look, relationships take time and work, and I know how both of us can get; if we don’t make it a priority, we’ll push it off until we solve all of the world’s problems. Dinners are just one way to prioritize us, and we are so worth the effort.” Wally turns Dick around and leans his forehead against his. He ends his speech in a quieter voice, saying, “Plus, I really like knowing I’m going to get to be with you at the end of the day.”
Dick tilts his head up and catches Wally’s lips in a kiss. When he breaks, he nods and says, “Okay. We’ll make time for it.”
And they do. They don’t even miss when Dick is in space for three days (thank you video chat). It’s hard, and sometimes they eat dinner from hospital beds or rooftops. Dinner schedules are weird, and what food counts as dinner really cut it close some nights, but they do it anyway. They catch up, talk about whatever’s on their minds. Some nights they’re too tired to talk, but even just sitting with each other is enough to give Wally that now-familiar sense of warmth and calm.
Wally also learns a lot about Dick during those dinners. The third week into it, Dick had actually thanked him for talking him into it. Apparently, it reminds Dick of his parents; they had always made sure they ate dinner together, too. Even with their crazy performance schedules, they would find time to eat together, even if it was cold spaghetti on the porch at two in the morning with Dick fed and tucked into bed hours earlier.
Dick still has his family dinners at Wayne manor, too. A few times a month they go over and have dinner with everyone. It’s usually fine, but every so often, Dick and Bruce get into a fight. The first time it happens, it makes Wally unreasonably angry, like they were ruining something sacred. It isn’t until a few weeks after the second one that he realizes it’s because it reminds him of his own family dinners, the ones with his dad.
Dick found him crying in the living room that night. He tells him about the secret “family” dinners he never told anyone about. Dick holds him tight and listens and whispers loving promises to him that Wally clings to. Wally never said anything back when they were kids, but he’s sure Dick had suspected; that night on the floor was just confirmation. And it feels good to finally acknowledge it out loud. It’s out there and real now, and Dick is still here. Things are going to be okay, and now Wally is getting those family dinners that Dick tells him he always deserved.
One night, Wally is at the library with a few classmates, trying to finish up a group project. It’s mostly finished, but it’s due in two hours—so cutting it close. He and Dick haven’t eaten yet, and it’s looking like it will end up being a too-tired-to-talk kind of dinner.
Wally’s phone buzzes. He drags his eyes away from the laptop and slides his phone off the table to check it. He knows it’s going to be a message from Dick, and really, Wally is just expecting a picture of something funny he found on patrol. He usually does that when Wally is stressed with school and stuck in the library. Sometimes he’ll also send pictures of a finished dinner that will be waiting to be reheated when Wally gets back, but it’s still a little early for that.
He doesn’t get a picture tonight, though. Instead, what he gets two words: Home early
Those two words alone are code for “Something bad happened and you need to get to the cave now.” It’s so that, if something happens on patrol, they can get ahold of each other’s civilian identities without drawing attention to themselves. But Wally still knows what it means. He knows it means Dick is hurt. Badly.
Wally feels dizzy. “I need to go.” His voice sounds weird and his mouth is dry. He swallows and starts packing up his stuff.
“What do you mean? We still have like an hour left on this.”
“It’s fine.” Where are his keys? He knows he put them in the front pocket—where did they go?
“Is everything okay?”
“Don’t go, you’re the only one who knows what we’re doing.”
Screw the keys, he’ll leave his car here. Not that he was actually planning on driving all the way to Gotham anyway. “See you Tuesday.”
“Shit, he is actually leaving right now.”
He’s gone.
He calls Dick’s cell, but, unsurprisingly, no one answers. He tries one of his comms, but no one is on. Calling the cave is no good either. When he comes racing into the Cave, he finds Tim sitting on some sparring mats, hands gripping his hair like that alone is keeping him together. His Robin uniform is torn and covered in blood.
He should ask if Tim’s okay, he should make sure the kid’s okay. “Dick?” is all Wally can manage to croak.
Tim’s lip quivers. “I don’t—it happened so fast, I—” he shakes his head and his eyes are staring at a memory Wally can’t see. He sits on the mats next to Tim and they wait in silence.
He doesn’t know how long he and Tim sit there like that. Long enough for the adrenaline to start tapering off and make Wally yawn.
When Alfred comes out of the makeshift OR, Tim immediately tries to run past him and toward Dick, but Alfred grabs him by the shoulders and says something to make Tim head toward the showers instead. Then Alfred is walking toward Wally, but Wally can’t bring himself to stand and meet him halfway.
“Has Master Tim told you anything?” Alfred asks.
“No.” He couldn’t bring himself to ask. He didn’t even know Dick was going to be in Gotham tonight, and after getting a look at Alfred, he’s wondering what Dick’s chances of ever leaving Gotham again are.
“Alright then.” Alfred sits down next to him on the mats and fills him in.
Apparently, they had been breaking up an underground auction, but comms went down. Dick had gone to find Tim, but when he did, Tim was caught in a losing fight. Dick got him out, but not before a bigger group had gotten Dick down. Tim left to get Bruce’s help, and by the time they got back and found Dick, he was beaten unconscious and being auctioned off. He hadn’t been breathing when they got him back to the cave.
As far as injuries went, recovery would be long. One kidney had been hit so badly they had almost needed to remove it. On top of that, he had a bruised liver, a broken femur, a linear skull fracture, blood loss, a crushed left hand that might require more surgery later on, and then too many bruises and cuts to count. His chest got the worst of it, though: significant bruising, multiple rib fractures, flail chest, one punctured lung, and pulmonary contusions. He has a chest tube in and is intubated, and probably would be for the next few days.
And now Wally has to go in and see it.
Alfred had made sandwiches at some point, and somehow one has been pushed onto his lap. He has one of Dick’s hands trapped within his own, rubbing it with his thumb like that back and forth motion will remind Dick’s heart to keep beating.
He hasn’t eaten for hours and his stomach is starting to feel like it’s collapsing in on him. He rips off a piece of the sandwich and pops it into his mouth. He eats his dinner next to his boyfriend, but they don’t catch up and the silence is far from comfortable. He doesn’t really taste the food, just rips, chews, and swallows. Then repeats that mechanical process until it’s gone and his stomach is temporally silenced.
This is the worst family dinner he’s ever had. And he’s had a lot of bad ones.
“How’s your IV?” Wally asks the body lying in front of him. “Does it taste nutritious?”
It’s just him right now. Him and Dick. Bruce and Tim are on patrol, and Alfred is manning the comms. It’s day three of this, and Wally just misses him.
“Oh, mine is okay. Some kind of vegetable soup and bread with what you would think is too much butter. But really, is there such a thing?”
The monitors beep and Dick doesn’t smile around the tube.
Wally sets the empty bowl down on the table, then leans forward onto the bed, right next to Dick’s head. “You know, you promised me family dinners. You’re really going to quit, what, four months in? That’s not like you.”
The monitors beep and Dick stays still.
“I know you’ll be okay and you’ll get through this, ‘cause you’re you and I personally think you have some kind of contract with Gotham where in exchange for protecting her she protects you, but that’s not the point. The point is that I’m going to be here no longer how long it takes. We’re a team now.”
He looks over his shoulder, not quite sure why. Whatever he finds or doesn’t, he decides it’s safe to climb up onto the cot. He pushes himself close to Dick sets his hand on top of Dick’s hair. He reaches for his phone with his other hand and pulls up some music. He turns the volume down low, then settles the phone between their ears. He relaxes against Dick again, stares at him until a small albeit pained smile comes to his face.
“You’ll never guess what I found in the library earlier.”
Dick is on the ventilator for five days. Wally doesn’t leave the manor during that time, and Wally eats all of his dinners down there right next to Dick for every single one. He spends most of his time there with Dick, dinner or not, but he always makes sure to be there for dinner. He knows it must be ridiculous, but it’s habit. He finds he can’t eat dinner without Dick anymore. And maybe the routine will help Dick heal. Talking is supposed to help, right?
This has been the first time that talking to Dick hasn’t been easy. Part of that is that most of the time someone else is down there with them, the exception being dinner; everyone has caught on that that’s Wally’s time. Wally doesn’t know why it surprised him—house of detectives and all that. Everyone has carved out their own alone time with Dick, and everyone respects it. But being apart from Dick is hard, being with Dick is hard. It all comes down to the fact that while Dick’s body is there, Dick isn’t. And that’s what’s putting everyone on edge.
Needless to say, he doesn’t even have the energy to think or worry about the lectures he’s missing. He’s sure he received an angry email from his classmates about their project, but that’s for later-Wally to deal with. Right-now-Wally is watching his unconscious and unbreathing boyfriend.
That last part should change soon, though. Alfred started weaning Dick off the ventilator yesterday afternoon, just a few hours after he removed the chest tube. Dick’s lungs have been doing really well, too, so Alfred has decided it’s safe for him to come off of it.
“All right,” Alfred says as he puts on a pair of gloves. “Will you be staying for this, Master Wally?”
Wally nods and squeezes Dick’s hand a little harder. “Uh-huh.”
“Very well.” He turns to Bruce, tells him, “You can suction now.”
The procedure doesn’t take long, and Wally can’t help but grimace when they finally pull the tube from Dick’s throat. They put an oxygen mask on him and adjust the medication (again) so that it will be easier for him to wake up. The fingers on his right hand start twitching not even an hour later, but he’s still nowhere near consciousness. Wally sits and waits in a tense silence, Bruce and Alfred right across from him. They have no idea what to expect when Dick wakes up. He could be fine, there could be serious deficits, he could be vegetative.
These facts swirl around Wally’s head, but they don’t seem to have an effect on him. None of it will be real until it’s happened, and right now, Dick is just sleeping. (Just sleeping.)
Wally has switched to petting Dick’s hair when Dick’s arm suddenly jerks and his head turns to the side. Wally straightens and takes his hand away while Bruce leans forward, his chair squeaking against the floor in his haste.
“Dick?” Bruce asks, and he’s rubbing his thumb into the side of Dick’s wrist. “Dick, if you can hear me, open your eyes.”
“Nngh,” Dick mumbles through half-closed lips.
“Dick,” Bruce says, louder and firmer than before. “C’mon, chum, you need to wake up now.”
Dick’s eyes peek open, then fall again before rising again and focusing on the face in front of him. “Hhh.”
“Shh.” Bruce pushes Dick’s hair back. Tells him, “You’re alright. Does your throat hurt?”
Dick nods.
“You had a tube in for a few days. But you’re okay now.”
“Breathing hurts,” Dick insists, closing his eyes again and bringing his hands to hover shakily over his chest. And his voice, fuck, his voice is so quiet and barely there. Like it hurts too much to breathe deep enough to talk.
“Your chest took most of the damage. Broken ribs, flail chest, pneumothorax, bruised liver,” Bruce lists off. His eyes flick to his watch, then he stands. “I’ll get you something to help the pain.” He rests his hand in his hair for a moment, then Bruce looks over at Wally, saying, “Wally’s here.”
Dick follows his gaze and finds Wally. He reaches out his hand. “Waa.”
Wally just buries his face in Dick’s offered hand, kissing it gently and never letting go. “Thank god.”
Alfred checks Dick over, eases their worries by confirming that there are no signs of brain damage. The biggest problem will be preventing pneumonia, but with everything Dick’s chest has been through, there’s not much else they can do but wait and see. (And by see, Wally thinks they mean start treatment as soon as something looks suspicious.)
Just coming out of sedatives, Dick isn’t really with it. He’s in a lot of pain, though, and he falls asleep again pretty quickly. After his vitals remain stable for three hours, he gets switched over to a nasal cannula and Alfred says it’s okay to move him up to his bedroom. Wally couldn’t anticipate how relieving that little change in scenery would be.
Late that afternoon, Wally is just starting to doze off when he hears the sheets rustling.
He pushes himself off of the arm of his chair and sees Dick’s blue eyes scanning the room. “Babe, hey.”
“Hey,” Dick says with a smile, eyes focusing on Wally. His voice is still quiet and soft, both from exhaustion and the pain Dick must be in whenever he inhales.
Something makes Dick frown. “Did I miss dinner?”
“You’ve been out for almost a week, babe.” Wally frowns and blinks at him, thrown and concerned by the question. He woke up during Bruce’s designated time, and while he had still been in a lot of pain, Bruce had said he was coherent. Had things changed? Is something wrong? Where’s Alfred?
“I meant tonight,” Dick clarifies, nodding over at a tray where Wally’s dirty dishes are still sitting. Wally lets out a relieved breath as discreetly as he can. “But, yeah, I guess I missed a lot of dinners. Sorry about that.” He brings his hand up to rub at his throat.
“Don’t worry about it.” Wally pushes a strand of Dick’s hair back. “But—and this is just for the record—I ate dinner next to you every night, so, technically, our streak is still going. And you didn’t miss tonight’s dinner; that was just from lunch. Well, second lunch.”
Dick breathes a laugh through his nose, but it still makes him wince.
“Do you need anything?” Wally asks. “I can go find Alfred if you need more meds.”
“No,” Dick is quick to assure.
“Are you hungry?” Wally asks.
“I don’t know. I guess I should be.” Dick rubs his forehead with his non-broken hand. “Definitely nauseous, though. Morphine?”
“Think so,” Wally answers, peering over at the bags. “Alfred gave you some anti-nausea stuff. I take it it’s not doing anything?”
Dick is biting his lip and staring into space; Wally knows he’s not really listening anymore. “It was bad this time, yeah?”
“Yeah. Recovery is going to be a few months, and I don’t think Alfred is going to let you out of the manor anytime soon.”
Dick closes his eyes, shakes his head slowly instead of speaking.
“Do you want to rest some more?”
Dick shakes his head again.
“We could watch something, or—”
A knock on the door and Alfred steps in.
“Good afternoon, Master Dick. How are we feeling?” Alfred asks, a tray in his hand.
Dick looks over at him, shakes his head and mumbles something too quiet to make out.
“I know it hurts, sir, but you must try to take deep breaths.” Alfred inclines the bed a little more and then hands Dick a pillow. “Try placing this over your chest while you take some deep breaths; it will help with the pain.”
Dick does as he’s told, and while it doesn’t make him wince, it doesn’t look comfortable.
“Has the pain been tolerable?” Alfred asks. “It’s about time for your next dose, so now would be a good time to adjust it.”
“What you gave me last time was fine,” Dick says. Wally was told he asked for more when he woke up with Bruce, and that in itself says something. “Talking just hurts.”
“Yes, between your chest and the intubation, it likely will for a while longer. Is it in your throat or your chest?”
“Both, but more here.” Dick points to his chest, which the pillow is still covering.
“I brought up some ice chips and a throat spray. Would you like those now, too?” Alfred asks.
“Uh,” Dick looks over at the tray. “Just the ice, thanks.”
Alfred nods and starts checking Dick over while Dick soothes his throat with the cool ice. When Alfred finishes, he starts stacking Wally’s dishes onto the other tray and hands Dick his lunch. “Anything else?”
“Is Tim back yet?” Dick asks. He stayed home for school on Thursday and Friday, but Bruce has been forcing him to go since Monday. Dick hasn’t seen him yet, and the last time he did see him, he was pulling him out of a mob. So, understandably, he’s been a little anxious.
“Master Bruce should be back with him in less than twenty minutes.”
Dick nods, checks the clock.
“I’ll be back in an hour. Do call if you need anything.” And then the man is gone.
They end up putting on some nature documentary, and Dick does his best to eat a sufficient amount of food while breaking for the occasional deep breath. When Tim comes home, Bruce pops in to check on Dick and then he and Wally excuse themselves to give them some space. After that, it’s Alfred’s turn, and by the time everyone else comes back in, Dick’s sleeping again. He sleeps through the regular dinner time, so Wally snacks on an apple to tide himself over.
The others are having a pre-patrol nap and Wally is finishing up some reading for tomorrow’s class when Dick finally wakes up.
“Hungry?” Wally asks, snapping his book shut with a grin on his face.
Dick smiles back. “Starving.”
Alfred made some kind of noodle casserole for dinner. Easy to swallow and absolutely delicious. Seeing as Dick can’t really focus on breathing, eating, and a conversation right now, it’s one of those quiet dinners where they mostly just enjoy the other’s company. But it doesn’t matter, the shared dinner still makes Wally feel all warm and like Dick’s finally home.
When they’re done, Dick asks him to put on some music. Wally does, then he puts their dishes on the side table and lies down next to Dick. Wally tells him about all the weird things his family did while he was out, and Dick makes a comment every now and then, but mostly just listens to Wally talk. When he runs out of things to say, he pulls Dick a little closer and they just listen to the music and take each other in.
They have full bellies, small smiles, and soft music. For the first time in days, Dick is truly here and Wally is truly happy. Everything is as it should be.
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allthe-queens-men · 5 years
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Day Three - Wedding
Joanna and Rog are getting married!
How They Met
·       The two meet when Rog is interested in getting Joanna to audition for her band. Rog is working as a cosmetologist and running a fashion boutique with best friend Melina. Jo does contracted electronics repairs, and makes a fairly good living doing so. Jo isn’t impressed with the band at first, but she does like the girls in the band, so she decides to give it a shot and make a hobby of it.
·       She never imagined it’d become as big as it does, or that she’d fall in love along the way. (Rog, for her part, at least knew the former would happen.)
The Engagement
·       Jo is the first to broach the subject of marriage. Rog thinks she’s joking at first, and makes the mistake of laughing. But when she realizes her girlfriend really does want this, she apologizes and takes it into consideration.
·       It was never that Rog didn’t want to be with Jo for the rest of her life –she does. But she’s never been too fond of the institution of marriage (she doesn’t exactly have good examples to draw on), so it was never something she believed they needed.
·       But Jo really wants it. And Rog is instinctively indifferent to the idea, and wants so much to make Jo happy in any way she can.
·       And she loves to throw big parties.
·       So she says ‘yes, let’s get married!’ And Jo is so happy she could cry (which she does).
·       But then Rog feels a little bad that it wasn’t some Big Romantic Gesture, and starts to make a plan to really blow her girlfriend (fiancée?) away!
·       Mel and Brianna are out doing “Love of My Life,” and as it draws to the end of the song Jo and Rog come back out into the shadows. All like normal so far. But then the lights come up toward the very end of the song, and Jo’s wondering like, ‘did they forget the cue or..?’
·       And then Rog comes down from the riser with a little box in her hand, and Mel hands her the mic. Jo is staring at her in shock, and everyone in the crowd is confused but also super excited to see what’s going on!
·       “I’ve never been one for subtlety, and a love this big deserves an equally big gesture.”
·       And she drops to one knee with the biggest smile on her face and Jo’s covering her mouth in shock and the audience goes wild!! And Rog puts the ring on her fiancée’s finger and they hug tight.
·       Mel grabs the mic back and teasingly begs them to get a room, and less than a minute later they’re back on track with the show, all happier than ever.
·       The wedding is scheduled for April 27th, giving the couple approximately nine months to plan their wedding between studio sessions and interviews and press releases. Rog is stressed out by the process but takes it in stride, only really losing her temper twice during the process. Jo actually finds it very relaxing! She likes organization and details and budgets.
·       They have a fairytale princess theme. (Not Disney, more ethereal and fantastical). Appropriate for two members of a band called King, but they both insist it’s a coincidence!
·       It’s really a fairytale ending for them. Jo grew up in a very conservative household, and only very few in her family are open-minded enough that she even dares to invite them to the wedding. She never thought she’d be able to happily marry the woman of her dreams, but that day is coming, soon, and she’s so incredibly excited.
·       The color scheme is white and pink with gold accents. Very light and regal.
·       They get married at a castle, as any princesses should! The reception is held under a tent on the estate lawn.
Guest List
·       The guests are mostly friends, new and old. They do have some family coming, too, but they’re both much happier sharing this day with friends that love and support them than family that doesn’t.
·       In total the headcount comes to about 50 for the ceremony and 200 for the reception.
Wedding Party
·       The wedding party consists only of their sisters, Melina, and Brianna. Melina is Rog’s maid of honor and Brianna is Jo’s, but Mel is by far most involved in the planning process with them.
Photography & Videography
·       It’s very important to them that the wedding photos and videos capture their incredible joy and love for each other. They go for a photographer whose style is very light and airy, almost fairy-like.
·       They make a list of all the important moments they want their photographer and videographer to capture. It’s a long list.
DJ & Band
·       They have a DJ for the ceremony audio and most of the reception. But they’re in the music industry, and are friends with some big names in the industry, so they call in a few favors to have some great live entertainment.
·       They’re very serious about only having love songs and fun songs play –no breakup, heartbreak, or other sad songs. Rog is firmly of the belief that those songs have no place at a wedding, “at least not a happy one.”
·       Mel and Brianna go up on stage to sing “You’re My Best Friend.”
·       Lots of pink and white peonies, mixed with some dark greenery. Jo carries a bouquet; Rog wears a matching flower in her hair.
Dinner, Drinks, & Desserts
·       They want to have a wide range of food options for all tastes and dietary needs, and they have enough space to have stations spread out around the dining area. Jo goes for steak and potatoes; Rog beelines for the hibachi grill.
·       They splurge on booze, but neither of them plan to get very drunk that night. They want to be sure to remember it all.
·       Rog has a sweet tooth, so dessert is very important. Instead of a big wedding cake, they opt for a diverse dessert table, just getting a cute little cake for the sake of cutting (they both really want to shove it in the other’s face.)
Dresses & Other Attire
·       They try to match their dresses fairly well, even though they’re going for very different silhouettes –and not seeing each other in their dresses for their wedding days. It requires a lot of coordination between Mel and Brianna to figure out whether their choices will work well together without letting on to Rog or Jo what the other might be wearing. It’s an exhausting arrangement but well worth it.
·       Thin and tall Jo decides on a column shape, letting the satin flow from her shoulders down to the floor. It’s very simple but she feels so pretty and elegant, and after trying out several other styles she’s quite certain this is the one for her. It takes some alterations, but by the big day it fits her perfectly and she cries when she sees herself.
·       She wears simple white Mary-Jane shoes, and a silver chain choker.
·       Rog, to fit the princess theme, goes for an A-line ball gown. It brings all the attention to her and she kind of loves that. It’s also satin with lace trim, and a layer of tulle over her large skirt. It’s one of the first dresses she tried on –Mel found it and knew she would absolutely love it, which she did. Even though she tries on other gowns, it she remains fairly sure she’ll go back to that one, which of course she does.
·       Rog wears silver and shear T-strap heels, a diamond choker and matching bracelets.
·       The rings are identical silver bands with shimmering opal insets, and “Always & Forever” inscribed on the insides.
Hair & Makeup
·       Rog wears her hair in a half-updo. Jo wears hers down. Both of their makeup is elegant and just dramatic enough to show up on camera, Jo’s a bit more natural than Rog’s.
Gift Registry
·       Because they don’t need anything, and have more than enough to buy anything they could want, they decide instead to ask guests to donate to one (or all) of their selected favorite charities in place of bringing a gift.
Bridesmaid Attire
·       The bridesmaid dresses are rose gold silk. Of course, Mel picked them out. The styles are flat silhouettes but cut is up to the woman’s preferences.
Bachelorette Party
·       They have a joint bachelorette party with their bridal party and a few other friends. They go to New York City for a long weekend and just have a crazy time together, shopping and bar-hopping and clubbing in all the best places in the city.
·       They’re very glad they did this a week before the wedding, though, because everyone is so horribly hungover half the weekend.
·       R: “I never wanted to get married, and then I met you. You’ve brought such joy and light to my life that I can’t imagine ever giving you up, and so –maybe it was selfish of me— but I knew early on I had to have you forever. You make me want to be the best version of myself just so I can pretend I deserve someone as kind and brave and clever as you. I will cherish you forever and ever. Thank you for wanting to be my wife. I love you.”
·       J: “I’ve been dreaming of my wedding day since I was seven years old. It took almost ten more years to realize I didn’t want to marry a man, but another woman, and my fantasy was dashed to pieces. For many years I accepted that it would just never be true –that I would never get to celebrate my love with the woman of my dreams, and decided that maybe I could be happy without ever finding love like I dreamed of. But then I found the greatest love when I wasn’t looking, in a college dive bar. Fate was good to me that day, and I haven’t ever taken it for granted. You’re an incredible woman. You make me feel loved, you make me laugh, and you make me want to be the best that I can be. I’m rambling now because I love you more than words could ever say. So I’ll leave it at this: I love you, Rog. I will love you and care for you and stand by your side from now until the end of time, and am so blessed to receive your love in return.”
·       Rog surprises Jo on their wedding night with lacy white lingerie under her gown.
·       They go to Fiji for their honeymoon and have an amazing time. They have the rest of their lives together, and things couldn’t be more perfect.
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yungfrieda · 5 years
also known as - things i’ve learned about myself and the world around me as this year comes to a close. 
first before i get into the #content i just want to say RIP to communities centered around long-form written content!! i really miss tumblr and the community around it, i suppose i could easily go to Reddit or something if i wanted to write long posts about my life but i really liked how everyone’s blog was their own platform to curate and didn’t have to be hyper glossy & filtered imgs of a curated idealistic life. (can you tell i’m not a big fan of instagram?)
ok moving on. this year threw me for a loop. in this one year of 2019 i’ve had 3 different jobs. spent a month just straight up unemployed with nothing to do. tried to break into concert production and kinda fell on my face for circumstances out of my control. this year taught me that if you don’t have a backup plan.... you gotta be quick enough on your feet to come up w one because things can get bad very quickly. 
but i learned so many other things that don’t have to do with survival and disaster planning mode and i’d like to share at least 5 of them.
1. i learned how to really sit down and take an audit of my emotions. this is really all thanks to working with my therapist Emily who i am quite certain i would not still be here without. days are really, really tough sometimes and in moments where i have a lot going on, i tend to shove my emotions and needs into a dark corner of my brain so i can stay productive. 
this is only sustainable for a verrrry short amount of time and the consequences are usually a breakdown. i’ve been telling people that my emotions are like toddlers. toddlers cannot and should not be abandoned for long periods of time and do deserve to have their needs met by the person who is supposed to care for them. and we all know caring for a toddler is a lot of fuckin work. but the results are that the toddler grows up healthy and ends up thanking their parents in the long run. i want to be able to thank myself for taking care of me, so i’ve gotta put in the work. 
2. i’ve learned that a lot of my relationships are not reciprocal. this was a hard one. i find myself soooo frustrated with a lot of my most favorite people because the boundaries that i’ve set in our relationship are either extremely flimsy or non-existent. i’m happy i’m realizing this now because its a sign of growth. I’m beginning to question the structures in my life and the roles people play, wondering what sparks joy like an emotional Marie Kondo. it’s badass, but the hard part comes in when i’ve got to put some action behind these new observations and change things. i’m not super good at this just yet but working with my therapist has really helped me turn my relationship with my boyfriend around so i’m confident i’ll figure it out. 
3. i’ve learned just how shitty lifestyle creep can be. in a way that isn’t really my fault! the one big purchase i’ve made since getting this new job is purchasing a nintendo switch for myself. other than that, i’ve been booked for a month straight for some intensive dental work, booked doctor’s appointments, and have been spending a lot more on transportation due to work. my money has been fucked up since i started making a higher salary, one that i consider “liveable”. i really hope that certain changes will make it easier to adjust and safe, make budgets for the shit i actually want to be spending on, and all around just being smarter with my money.
4. i’ve learned that my career just ain’t gonna get easier. this is another tough one to accept. i’m a person who really likes to be challenged, and unfortunately i’ve found that a bit of those “go-getter” and scrappy characteristics i’ve loved about myself have been damaged because of some uncomfortable work environments. i’m learning how to restore those entrepreneurial values that i had where i’d make a way if i couldn’t easily find one and would be so happy to roll up my sleeves and make shit happen without a second thought. 
BUT what i’m trying to say is, the more i pursue roles that take me out of my comfort zone, challenge me to grow, and give me more responsibility, the harder it’s going to get to find shit like “work/life balance” and days where i can just coast under the radar. those days are long gone, unfortunately (and fortunately!) because there’s a way to mediate the bullshit while i’m making my way to the top. i just have to actively enforce boundaries for balance. i’m saying it like it’s so easy, but i know that’s the key to keeping my sanity while also keeping a challenging job. i’m sure there are days where i’ll have to work extra long hours or put my brain’s petal to the metal, but it can’t be the norm or else i’m going to ultimately set myself up for burnout. 
no matter who is uncomfortable with it, i’ve got to make the space and time to take care of myself - no questions asked. because no one is gonna do it for me. 
5. i’ve been reminded that love is not glossy and glamorous. not that i’ve ever been that type of person anyway. it’s been a long time since Ian and I have been in “sweep you off your feet” mode and that’s ok. i’m more of a “steady-state” type of partner anyway where i can really be supportive on a day-to-day level instead of blowing someone away with grand gestures that can only be done once in a blue moon. but what i want to say with this is that i think a lot of people hope to find their soulmate who will make their life complete, rid them of all of their problems, and then they can ride off into the sunset together.
that’s not how it happens. ian and i will never be that to each other and it’s ok. we make a good couple by way of being super understanding with each other and truly being invested in one-another’s happiness and needs which is something i’m grateful for. he’s really the most reliable person i’ve got in my life and i hope to be the same way for him. but we’ve gotten into some fights every now and again, or have both been cranky on the same day at the same time and been kind of venomous to each other. i learned in those times that it’s easier to unpack someone’s behavior and why his perceptions of priorities like communication are different than mine, instead of just throwing in the towel because we’re just too different. 
in another instance, we just had a weekend where neither of us even touched each other after a few months of not even being face-to-face for awhile and just sat next to eachother all day and night and played video games in our pajamas. i’ll admit, i sometimes fall victim to wanting us to make every moment count and when we’re together just sitting and doing nothing can kind of drive me nuts, but i knew we both needed to rest and it was nice to just pretend to be roommates for a few days. 
while i do like getting cute and spending days together with Ian when we hit the city and do some fun stuff, we just can’t do it all the time. he’s still a college student and i’m a walking dental construction site. we’ve got a lot going on that makes it hard to make every moment we see each other “stellar” but i love that and i love him and i wouldn’t want it any other way.
this post ended up a little longer than i wanted it to so i’ll leave you by saying i’m still sad. i hate the upcoming season so much and the lack of sunlight in the winter makes my brain very sad. but this year was a fruitful one. it’s been a lot of confusion, honestly. lots of things that i’m still a little fuzzy on but just like mentioned above, it’s all about having that plan b and not always about sticking around to pick up the pieces. when ya gotta move on, it’s time to move on.
i’m ready to move into 2020 hoping that all of the things i’ve learned in the past few years will start to pay off. i’ve got to remember and retain this info because it’s valuable and i KNOW i’m gonna need it again. it’s so much easier when you don’t have to re-learn shit because you kept the notes. 
i want to finish off this year strong and go into the next feeling confident.
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jpgluke · 6 years
The vow part two // C.H
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Summary: calum is trying everything he can to regain your memory
A/n: hi I love this series it’s gonna be crazy I have so many more ideas ahhhhhhhh I hope y’all don’t hate me hehe love y’all feedback is always welcome!!!!!! :^)
part one              want to be on my taglist?
When you arrived back to what you assumed was your and calums house a small dog greeted you both bouncing up your leg until you picked him up. “Aw you’re so cute! What’s his name” you turned to the boy who’s face was still puffy. “That’s Duke. We’ve had him for a few years now.” Calum swallowed hard as he realized this was going to be his life for awhile. Just explaining the small little things to you again. 
“So you can take our room. I’ll sleep in the guest room.” He walked up the stairs to show you where you would be sleeping. To give you space and time calum decided he would just head straight to bed.
As you walked around the room you examined everything. The pictures strategically placed on the dresser. All of them of you and Calum. You looked so happy. The picture in the middle in the biggest frame was you holding up your hand showing off the beautiful ring that was placed on your finger. Behind you was calum with the biggest smile on his face. Who are these people. Your head began hurting again trying to remember something from your past with calum. You found something of yours that was comfortable enough to sleep in. You walked to the attached bathroom and brushed your teeth with the pink toothbrush assuming it was yours. You heard a soft knock on the door. Opening it you find calum on the other side. “I just came to grab something to sleep in and to wash my face if that’s okay” you opened the door further and the brunette slipped in. “It’s your house too.” He smiled at the reply you gave him. He grabbed the pair of sweats on the unmade bed and went to the bathroom and closed the door. After a few minutes of being in there the door reopens and he steps out. Grey sweatpants hung low on his body. He didn’t bother to put a shirt on because he always slept very warm. You couldn’t keep your eyes off of him. His perfect body was an attention grabber.
“Goodnight y/n sleep well.” With that he closed the door. You crawled into the massive bed.
You woke up to the smell of breakfast being made. You grabbed a pair of sweatpants from the hamper near by. After walking out the door you realize the pants weren’t yours. They fit very loose but it was fine they were comfortable. When you walked into the kitchen you were welcomed by calum standing over the stove flipping pancakes. The sight of you in his sweatpants drove him crazy. It took everything in him to not pull you in for a good morning kiss. “Good you’re awake. I made breakfast for you. It’s your favorite.” He smiled as he plated the food he’d prepared. He slid you a cup of coffee your way. “Thank you. How’d you know this is my favorite...” You let the words stumble out of your mouth without thinking. “Wait don’t answer that. I know.” The smile slowly faded from calums face. “It’s okay. This most be really hard for you.” His voice fell quiet. It was hard for him too but he can’t even imagine what could be going on in your head right now.
After breakfast Calum sat you down on the couch, he put in a movie. As the film started you noticed it was a home movie.
“I know the doctor said showing you old memories might help jog your memory. If you don’t want to watch it just let me know.” You nodded your head that it was okay and he pressed play. Your face was plastered across the massive screen you could tell it was from a long time ago because you looked so young.
“Calum stop! I just woke up” your voice was so high and giggly. “What I just want to show the world my fucking beautiful girlfriend.” He turned the camera to his face as he fell down beside you in the bed. “Look at her isn’t she just perfect.” He placed a wet loud kiss on your cheek. The clip ended and started up again at a concert. “That’s my fucking baaaaaaby!” You could hear your voice through the screams of the crowd as you see calum rocking out on stage. He points to you and blows you a kiss. Another clip begins with a boy you don’t know. “I’m Ashton Irwin and I’m best friends with your parents.” “Dude this isn’t for my kids what the hell are you doing mate” calum joked behind the camera as Ashton laughed. “Okay whatever man. Hey y/n I’m here to say calum hood fucking loves you. He won’t shut the hell up about you.” Calum quickly shut of the camera. The next video was you playing with Duke in the living room of a different house. “Fuck. Look at the way you play with our son. I’m so in love with you.” He zooms I’m on your face as you smile the biggest smile. “Oh baby I love you” You wink at the camera and pick up the small dog and pose for the camera.
Calum keeps peaking looks over at you while the home movie plays on the tv. He can tell you still don’t remember anything. He doesn’t know if he should turn it off or finish it out.
“God damn my husbands fine as hell. That’s a sight I can never get tired of.” The video is focused on calum standing over the kitchen stove cooking breakfast. Similar to the view you walked down the hall to this morning. He turns around and throws pancake batter in your direction. “Oh my god knock it off what are you doing. Cal-oh my god I’m gonna kill you.” The camera drops but keeps rolling and the sound of laughter fills the room. Your heart hurts watching this. You were so in love. But you can’t even feel that way anymore. You’re not even sure of what you’re feeling at this moment. But you’re sitting on a strangers couch watching someone who looks like you fall in love with someone.
You got up to go to the bathroom you felt like you were gonna be sick. You never believed in love. So seeing that you were so happy made you super confused. You didn’t even recognize yourself in those videos. You stood in front of the mirror. “What the fuck” you whispered while putting your weight in your hands on the counter. The gut feeling came back you knelt in front of the toilet and chucked up the breakfast you had just ate. You didn’t even feel like yourself anymore. What was happening to you. A knock echoed through the small bathroom. “You okay in there?” Calum waited on the other side. “Ye-Yeah I’m fine.” You rinsed your mouth out with the water from the sink and wiped your mouth. Checked your appearance before opening the door to the concerned boy. “Y/n. I know you don’t know me. But I know you. Do you want to talk?” He ran his hands through his hair nervously. “I don’t know. I just don’t know anything anymore.” You bursted into tears and he pulled you into a tight embrace “I’m so sorry calum you don’t deserve this.” Your cries became hysterical sobs he held you tighter as your cries got louder. “I don’t even know who I really am” calum rubbed circles on your back trying to relax you. He kept whispering “it’s going to be okay” in your ear.
Once you regained your composure you and calum sat back on the couch. “How did we meet?” You looked at him. Your nose was still running from the crying and little tears kept escaping your eyes. Calum smiled as he recalled the story.
“So, I’m in a band. and we were touring and it was our last show of the tour and afterwards we all decided to go out to celebrate at this bar called Take Off. You were there with your best friend Katie dancing the night away and I saw you and I just knew I needed you in my life. I can admit I was pretty cocky that night. You didn’t want anything to do with me. You kept ignoring me. Its kinda funny to think about it.” He shifted his body to face you more straight on. You let out a soft chuckle as he continued telling the story. “Anyways your friend was like he’s cute get his number. So you did. Flash forward a couple days you text me asking who this was. And then everything just happened like magic after that. Kind of a lame story right?” You smiled at him. “Tell me more about you I don’t even know where that accent is from.” You wiped your face aggressively trying to stop the runaway tears that kept falling.
“Well I’m from Australia. Moved to London when I was 16 with my band. Moved to LA shortly after. I don’t know what else you want to know.” As his words were coming it of his mouth you remembered something.
It was a short little memory but it was on a date you were at a fancy restaurant ordering some food. And calum looked at you and said “the shrimp here sucks.”
Why was this all you could remember. Was that moment significant or something? You started laughing at the memory. Calum looked at you confused.
“What are you laughing about over there?” His smile was slightly bigger seeing you happy. “I just remembered something.” His face lit up. “Oh my gosh that’s awesome y/n what is it?” You closed your eyes. “Well we were at some restaurant and you said “the shrimp sucks here.” I don’t know why this is the only thing I can remember. Does it mean anything? Or did that place just have really shitty shrimp?” He laughed and placed his extended arm on your shoulder.
“Yeah that was our 1 year anniversary. You love shrimp and I warned you not to get it. But you still got it and ended up with food poisoning. It took all of my strength not to say I told you so.” You pushed him back playfully “you did not!” He was laughing loudly now. Waking the sleeping dog on the floor in front of you both. “How would you know you don’t remember?” He stopped as he said those words but then looked at you laughing at it. “Was that too soon?” You shook your head and assured him it was funny. You and calum spent the rest of the day on the couch watching tv shows and eating your favorite foods.
You both had been sitting in the same spots for so long you quickly drifted to sleep. You were awaken by the sound of the door bell and duke running and barking at the person on the other side. Calum got up to answer it. You could barely hear the conversation. “I don’t know if she’s up for it man. We’ve had a hard day.” You heard him whisper to the other people at the door. You got up to see who was there. As if you’d remember them.
“Hi y/n. I’m Michael” the boy with big rimmed glasses and a beanie stepped forward and stuck his hand out for you to shake it. “I’m luke.” The tall blonde one piped in. You shook his hand. “You’re Ashton. I know this one.” You looked at calum with a proud smile. “Hell Yeah im the one she remembers.” He pulled you into a big hug you decided it was okay to hug him back. “I only know you from the video Cal showed me” you let out once he released you and frowned. “Whatever it still counts.” He pushed passed you and went to the kitchen. “Alright make yourselves at home I guess.” You could sense the annoyance in calums tone. When all the boys left the room you held calums arm. “It’s okay. I think this might be good.” You reassured him that you were fine with it and you both walked into the living room area where they all sat leaving two spots open for you guys to join them. You sat on the end leaning on the arm rest while calum sat in the middle Ashton on the other side of him the others on the floor.
“We’ve had so many movie nights here. It’s crazy y/n you always sit there.” Michael said while he looked over at you. “I do?” You were shocked. Maybe your brain didn’t know anything but your body did. Muscle memory right? Calum placed his hand on your thigh for reassurance that you’re okay you put yours on top of his and then pulled it away. He quickly took his hand off your leg. You shared a look between the two of you.
“What do you guys want to watch?” Luke turned to face everyone with the remote in his hand “no y/n we will not watch one tree hill again.” You didn’t even protest because you’ve never even seen that show. “I’m sorry watch what?” Calum turned to you “It was your favorite show. You made us watch an entire season. Only me and Ashton finished it with you.” Ashton reached out to give calum a high five. “I’m sorry guys. I’m really trying to remember. It’s just so hard.” You could feel yourself choking up a little bit. You didn’t want to cry again. You stood up and headed upstairs. You were followed by calum. “Are you okay? I can tell them to leave. I knew they shouldn’t even have come. Ugh I’m- im so sorry y/n” He was pacing down and back in the hallway just spewing words at this point he wasn’t even talking to you. “Calum. It’s okay.” You placed your hands on his shoulders and turned him to face you. Out of impulse calum grabbed your face and leaned in. Once your lips connected you felt something inside you. Your heart started fluttering. You parted your lips slightly as you both deepened the kiss When you realized what was happening you pushed him off of you. “Don’t do that” you quickly rushed down the stairs and grabbed the keys that were hanging by the door and ran to the car. You just had to get away.
Taglist: @hemmomfg  @gigglyirwin @calthesensation :^)
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