#it's a frog with 7 legs right?
gotham-response · 1 year
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devildomwriter · 3 months
Obey Me As Tumblr #24
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Diavolo: I think we as a species should go back to saying “alas”
Leviathan: It’s like “yikes”… but with culture
Simeon: Yikes, poor yorick!
Leviathan: Guys I just realized the last supper was the first murder mystery dinner!
MC: My Roman Catholic parents did not find this as funny and thought provoking as I did
Solomon: I will cast a spell to make you have a good day
It is done
Raphael: Burn the witch
Solomon: There are five frogs staring at me right now
Asmodeus: But only one can be America’s next top model
MC: Bone massage…I want soft bones
Thirteen: No you don’t, bitch
MC: *jiggles and flops towards you* what? Huh?
Asmodeus: I have HRE (Hopeless Romantic Energy)
Solomon: I have HRE (Holy Roman Empire)
Beelzebub: Hambu Rg Er
Luke: Um u “like classical music” but you can’t even name any 2012 one direction songs? Okay
Mammon: This post physically hurts
Leviathan: Looks like we got a fake fan here fellas
Raphael: *sighs* should we exorcise them or just simply baptise them?
Leviathan: Are you calling me fat?
Mammon: You know what? I like you guys
Luke: Hey thanks! Can’t say the same for you
Mammon: I will chew the legs off your chair
Leviathan: I can’t be trusted with a large stick
Lucifer: You simply aren’t strong enough to handle the power of the stick
Leviathan: The power of the stick corrupts my mind with thoughts of bonk
MC: I swear to god middle school is a terrible concept. You trap all the angriest, most hormonal teens at their angriest age in a box and let them fight to the death and then Ms. Allen, the bitch makes you learn MATH, right after you got done watching two kids shank each other in the bathroom, like I can’t focus on this is just saw to kids go gladiatorial combat in front of people pissing
Diavolo: You live in the US don’t you
Leviathan: Imagine if we all just started ignoring celebrities tho
Solomon: I can’t stop thinking about how funny this would be. Imagine Kylie Jenner posting a selfie n it gets 12 likes
Mammon: Country road
Leviathan: Let’s-a-go
Solomon: It’s-a-me
Luke: Mario
Satan: I admire and hate this simultaneously
Belphegor: Mamma miaaaaaaaa
Belphegor: Sometimes I think it would be beneficial to my self-growth to get lost in a cave for 7 days, surviving on moisture algae and my own thoughts until I find a dim light against the black stone and make my escape. I think I’d figure some shit out in a cave like that.
Mammon: That is WEIRDLY specific
Diavolo: I can arrange this
Leviathan: I don’t understand, are are you implying being trans in better than being a Kpop star?
Asmodeus: I’m not implying it, I’m saying it explicitly
Satan: This post feels like when you’re walking down a street and catch a glimpse of a conversation. What the fuck lead up to this?
MC: Behind every girl boss is another bigger girl boss
Leviathan: They call this a pyramid scheme I think
Mammon: I think they prefer the term MLM
Asmodeus: I think you’re thinking of wlw
Mephistopheles: Wulti level Warketing scheme
Thirteen: Good work, gals
Last • Next
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shiny-crocodile · 3 months
the best person i’ve ever met
lucy bronze x ona batlle
lucy and ona origin story; semi-slow burn, semi-quick; multi chapters that will get a little smutty
chapter 1, chapter 2, chapter 3, chapter 4, chapter 5, chapter 6, chapter 7, chapter 8, chapter 9, chapter 10
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Chapter summary: disguises, scarves and a photobooth
Notes: first time writing smut so would love to get feedback (good or bad)
Over the next few weeks Ona did everything she could to keep the flirting to a minimum, showing real will power to not answer Lucy’s late night face times, knowing if she saw her wrapped up in bed she would not be able to keep up her friendship rule.
The English girl would send sweaty gym selfies, knowing exactly what she was doing. Ona was completely floored every time she saw a new one sent through.
Like how could someone be that attractive? Lucy was regularly in just a sports bra and some short shorts, dripping in sweat that made her baby hairs curl slightly and her face flush in the most cute but sexy way. But it was the ice bath videos that really got Ona. Lucy would send her videos of her entering the tub, abs on full display as she submerged herself in a way that gave Ona all the butterflies.
The Spanish girl often rewatched the videos or zoomed in on the gym photos as she had her “me time” on an evening, imagining it was Lucy’s hands on her.
So of course it would be rude to use Lucy like this and not give anything back. That was true friendship, right?
Lucy never had to know about how Ona used what she sent her, just like Ona never had to know that Lucy regularly found herself with her hand between her legs at the photos she got in return and even just the thoughts of Ona, their kisses on that date replaying over and over in her head.
Lucy loved the chase, she loved slowly bringing down Ona’s walls. But 2 months had passed and she desperately needed more. She finally cracked after being sent a particularly mouth watering selfie of Ona on a jog in a sports bra, the camera angled perfectly to catch her soaked, tanned abs and defined arms.
“Right,” Lucy said to Narla sat beside her on the sofa with her favourite frog toy, “we’ve gotta get out of here.”
Lucy - you look good!!! and I miss you x
Lucy - think it’s time I paid a visit back to Manchester… you free this Saturday?
Ona - Mm, apart from a little game called the Manchester derby
Lucy - ah yes, I remember those. So do you want an extra fan in the crowd?
Ona - you’d support United for me?!?! Wow, you’re down reeeeeeal bad
Lucy - Good point, will have to be something in it for me then…
Lucy - If you let me take you out after the game you have yourself a deal
Ona - well that’s not fair, you know I’d do anything to convert someone from blue to red..
Lucy jumped off the sofa, much to Narla’s alarm, walking back into the room a minute later with her old City top in hand, draping it over Narla’s reluctant head before taking a quick photo and sending it through to Ona.
Lucy - what if I sweetened the deal by adding another city fan into the mix?
Ona - done deal, signing on the dotted line now. I’ll see you Saturday!
Lucy jumped off the sofa again and fist pumped the air, grateful there was no one around to see her embarrassing outburst of joy.
Now she had to book flights and plan. She wasn’t going to let this time be anything like the last, desperate to make sure Ona has a great time and there are zero tears.
Ona on the other hand was feeling apprehensive. Keeping it friendly over messages was one thing, she didn’t know how she was going to cope face to face with Lucy again.
As Lucy rocked up to the game she was geared up in her best undercover look. Black cap pulled low, wide black sunglasses covering half her face, and a black hoodie to match. She looked more like a bank robber than a football fan, but at least she’d go unnoticed.
She didn’t particularly mind fans seeing her or asking for a photo, but she didn’t want to take the attention off the girls or the game today.
She glided through security and made her way up to the concourse before she heard a shout from behind her.
“Lucy Bronze is that you?��� Yelled a Dutch accent, and Lucy turned around quickly to see Sarina walking towards her, so much for her amazing disguise.
“Hi Sarina, Hi Anton,” she said, giving her England manager and coach quick hugs in greeting.
“What are you wearing and what are you doing here?” Sarina asked bluntly, in typical Dutch style.
Lucy removed her sunglasses, they seemed silly now she was inside and had been exposed. “Well I thought I’d try go under the radar, and I played yesterday so thought I’d use the weekend to come watch my old team,” Lucy said, her answer seeming rehearsed.
Sarina smiled, knowing all too well that female footballers rarely flew to other countries on their days off just to watch ‘friends’ or ‘old teams’.
“Well I’m sorry for blowing your cover, I’m going to go one further though,” Sarina asserted, “you’ll have to come sit with us, we want to get your thoughts on the players.”
Lucy wanted nothing less than a camera inevitably being pointed at her for 90 mins, but she could never say no to Sarina. She also loved chatting football with Sarina so maybe she would have some fun despite the attention.
As the game kicked off, Lucy had her eyes glued to one player and one player only, even when she was nowhere near the ball, she couldn’t help it. She looked perfect as she moved around the pitch, switching from sprint to jog, everything she did was mesmerising and she was having an amazing game.
Sarina would ask her questions and Lucy would do her best to answer but the answers about her England teammates were pretty generic, as she was hardly watching them.
Midway through the second half, Ona pulled off an incredible sliding tackle on Lauren Hemp, forcing Lucy to clap aggressively loudly. She saw Sarina nudge her assistant manager and say, “so that’s the one then.”
Lucy ignored her, smiling a cheesy grin as she watched Ona’s teammates congratulate her for the tackle.
The English girl loved watching football, she had to watch a lot of it of course, but watching Ona was a whole different experience. She was honestly gutted when the 90 mins were up, until she realised this meant she could go and see the Spanish girl.
Ona collected her Player of the match award and looked over to the seats where Lucy was meant to be sat, but had no luck in finding her.
Lucy felt a warm fuzzy feeling watching Ona look for her, with her confused and searching facial expression. She knew Ona wouldn’t see her thanks to Sarina abducting her, and she watched the Man U player trudge off the pitch to the changing rooms.
Ona picked up her phone as soon as she got back into the changing room, something she usually saves until after the showers.
Ona - did you come?
Lucy - thought you’d save that question for later 😉
Lucy - oh god I’m sorry that was too much 🤦‍♀️ 😂
Lucy - I’m here, want to meet me in the car park? Unless you need help carrying that player of the match award? X
Ona - you are way too much. I’ll see you in the car park in 20mins, just need a shower x
Lucy - yeah, no smelly girls in my rental car thank you. See you in 20 x
Ona laughed as she placed her phone back down and headed towards the showers, trying to make this the quickest turnaround ever so she could go and greet her visitor.
“You coming for celebratory drinks, Ona?” Tooney asked as Ona finished getting dressed.
“Not today, sorry Tooney,” Ona said, picking up her things before heading towards the door, “I’m seeing a friend visiting from Spain.”
Technically it wasn’t a lie, Ona thought as she left the room, saying goodbye to everyone on her way out, as they gave her another congratulation.
As she made her way to the car park in the lift Ona gave herself a pep talk on the descent. She was determined to keep this PG. She obviously fancied Lucy but she wanted to take this extra slow, wanting to make sure Lucy was 100% over the ex and 100% focused on her before pursuing anything.
The pep talk was all for nothing when the lift doors opened to show Lucy leaning against the side of a car, on her phone like something out of a movie. Ona had to catch her breath, she looked insanely good.
Lucy had ditched the hoodie to reveal a well fitted white t-shirt, not too tight but tight enough to show off her torso and chest. To top the outfit off she had a half and half scarf. Half Man United, Half Man City.
“What the hell is that?” Ona called over, giggling away at the sight of the girl at the end of the car park.
Lucy looked up quickly to see the Spanish girl. She could listen to that giggle all day and she wouldn’t mind looking at the wet haired girl all day either, she looked beautiful, even after a 90 minute match for Man U. ( 😉)
“Do you like it?” Lucy asked, taking it off to start waving it above her head, making Ona laugh harder. She started walking towards Ona now to meet her in the middle.
“Not sure about the blue part.”
“It’s the best I can offer, even if it is a footballing sin.”
The girls finally came within a meter of each other.
“Hey,” Lucy said sweetly, tilting her head to the side.
“Hey,” Ona responded, stepping up to Lucy and wrapping her in a tight hug. Lucy smelt as good as she looked and Ona didn’t want to let go, breathing in the floral but woody scent.
Lucy was doing the same to Ona as she was overwhelmed with the smell of peach conditioner. Lucy couldn’t help herself from saying, “you smell so good.”
She felt a bit embarrassed, letting that thought loose.
“I was thinking the same about you,” Ona said, always finding a way to put the northern girl at ease and remove any awkwardness.
They stood back from the hug and Lucy took Ona’s bags from her and slung them over her left shoulder, wrapping her right arm around the smaller girl as they made their way to the car.
“So what do you have planned?” Ona asked as they drove away from the stadium, having no idea what the older girl had arranged.
“Well dinner didn’t go to plan last time so I thought I’d do a 360 and booked an activity bar,” Lucy said, deciding to make light of the last date early into the evening.
Ona laughed, thankfully for Lucy, “Ooo fun, little bit of competition!”
“I know, brave move competing against the best player in Manchester,” Lucy said playfully, smiling over at the girl in the passenger seat. She nearly swerved off the road, unable to take her eyes off Ona as golden hour had well and truly arrived, setting a glow on the Spaniard’s face.
Ona grabbed Lucy’s chin and turned her face back to the road, “killing the competition feels slightly like cheating,” she joked, drawing a belly laugh from Lucy, eyes firmly back on the road.
By the time they parked up at the bar Ona’s hair had pretty much dried. Lucy jumped out quickly to run round to Ona’s side and open the car door, in serious grafting mode as Ona chuckled at her keenness.
The bar had loads going on, from mini golf to arcade games, there was plenty of opportunities for the girls’ competitive sides to come out.
Lucy quickly decided that she would leave the car to pick up tomorrow, in favour of joining Ona on the drinks. They had to celebrate after all and Lucy was told she was extra charming with a bit of liquid confidence, so she headed to the bar and got them two mojitos.
“What’s first then?” Ona asked, looking around at all the options.
“Axe throwing?” Lucy offered.
Ona looked round at her, “got some anger to get out?” She asked, thinking the Keira-Lola situation might still be on her mind.
“Not at all,” Lucy said, because she honestly didn’t, “they don’t let us play that one after our second drink as it’s a deadly weapon. Also I’m good at it and you won’t be able to cope seeing me with an axe in hand.”
Ona laughed, “that sounds like a threat.” She felt slightly scared of the amount of willpower it might take her to resist Lucy for this round.
The younger player was right to be scared. This version of Lucy was proving impossible to resist. The English girl placed her half half scarf around Ona’s neck, now fully showcasing how good she looked in that white t-shirt, the tightness meaning her shoulder and back muscles were now also on full display. Ona’s mouth watered as Lucy threw the first axe, it landing perfectly in the middle, of course it did.
Ona was as competitive as Lucy and she groaned seeing how good Lucy was at this on her first throw. Although she knew losing might not be so hard when she got to drool over Lucy looking that good.
As the Spaniard stepped up to the plate, her first throw went embarrassingly wide, and she turned away in frustration, making Lucy chuckle at her cute annoyed face.
“Here, let’s try another, I’ll show you,” Lucy said, picking up another axe and handing it to Ona.
“No, no, no, I don’t need help,” Ona resisted, “it’s your turn.”
The younger brunette was firstly too stubborn and competitive to receive help, she couldn’t give Lucy that satisfaction. Secondly, she knew that Lucy would make the demonstration as sexy as possible and that would seriously mess with her promise to herself of keeping this PG.
“Suit yourself,” Lucy said, stepping up to the plate to take her second shot, another great one. Ona avoided staring at her this time, instead playing with her straw to occupy the mind.
A few more turns and Ona still wasn’t getting it, getting frustrated with herself while Lucy was keeping up her excellent tally. The older girl leaned herself against the side wall with a cheeky smile as Ona lifted her 6th axe.
“You sure you still don’t want to take me up on that offer?” Lucy asked with a teasing tone.
“Fine,” Ona said, fed up of not being good at this, “but you can instruct from over there.” She wasn’t going to make it that easy for Lucy and needed to keep some distance for her own sake.
Lucy chuckled at the girl’s continued stubbornness, but did her best to direct her from the side.
Ona still wasn’t getting it and her shot still went wide.
“Come on, let me show you,” Lucy insisted.
Ona agreed reluctantly, fully aware of what she was letting herself in for while Lucy bounced over with a spring in her step.
Lucy started the training by working on Ona’s standing position. She moved Ona’s legs, one at a time into a stance that put them level with each other and shoulder width apart, before moving round the back of Ona to work on her posture.
Obviously for this part it was absolutely necessary for Lucy to push her front into Ona’s backside, not being able to see Ona roll her eyes at how obvious she was being, but of course the Spaniard didn’t stop her.
The older girl slowly ran her hands up Ona’s side, from the outer thigh, making her giggle as she went over her armpits to get to the upper arms where she gently lifted Ona’s arms above her head.
Ona was heating up with all this touching and pressing, feeling Lucy’s breath on her neck, nose brushing against her ear as the English girl left a tender kiss on the side of Ona’s neck. “Perfect,” Lucy said, Ona unable to respond and forced to bite her lip at the praise.
Lucy moved around Ona to face her now, not missing how flustered the younger girl looked. She moved Ona’s body as she instructed her. “Right, bring the axe back now and I want you to eye up the mark just above the target rather than the target itself. Then give it what you’ve got, extend your arm half way and release once your elbows pass your ears.”
If Ona was thinking straight she would have admired how Lucy could turn down the flirting for a moment to actually give her decent instructions, but she could still feel Lucy’s mouth on her neck from a few moments ago so she wasn’t thinking straight at all.
Despite that, she followed Lucy’s steps and somehow managed to hit the target!
“MVP! MVP!” Lucy exclaimed as she picked Ona’s lighter frame up and spun her around.
Ona was so happy to hit the target that she just wrapped her legs round Lucy, allowing herself to be lifted before Lucy slowly lowered Ona, the distance between their faces now about 10 centimetres.
“About time,” Ona said, relieved to finally get a point on the board. She stepped back to reestablish the distance between herself and the English player.
They finished their round, Ona never missing now and Lucy looking on as proud as punch before returning to the bar for another drink and looking around to decide their next activity.
They moved from mini golf, to basketball hoops, to shuffle board, Lucy taking any opportunity to get close to and touch Ona. At some point the spaniard stopped even trying to warn Lucy off, the alcohol making it harder and harder.
“Let’s go take some photos in the photo booth,” Ona said, dragging Lucy by the hand to the booth in the corner of the room, both sliding in as Lucy pulled the curtain behind them.
They took some shots in different silly positions before the last couple where Lucy tilted Ona’s face towards her, leaning in extra slowly to give Ona the opportunity to say stop or push her away.
Ona gave a small nod and Lucy took her signal, attaching her lips to the younger girl’s. They both deepened the kiss as the shutter went off for the final photo.
They continued through the sound of the printer, not halted by their time in the booth being over, it wasn’t like there was a queue or anything.
The English girl was the first to slip her tongue in. This kiss was nowhere near as gentle as their first, both feeling equally desperate after the weeks of flirting and working each other up.
It was hot and heavy as the curtain shielded them from the rest of the bar, offering some privacy to let their hands roam.
Lucy bit on Ona’s lip, drawing a moan from the younger girl that Lucy was desperate to hear again and again and again.
She sat back on the seat, gripping the back of Ona’s thighs as she lifted her into her lap so the Spaniard could straddle her. The older girl ran her hands up Ona’s back, removing her top over her head, discarding it along with Lucy’s jacket onto the floor of the booth, leaving Ona in her bra.
Lucy looked up and down the girl in front of her, biting her lip.
As the kissing got steamier both girls were now so wet for the other.
Ona started grinding down on Lucy’s lap, desperate to take this further and find some kind of friction.
The desperation not going unnoticed, Lucy moved Ona’s head to the side and attached her mouth to the younger player’s neck, open mouthed kissing and sucking as Ona let out another moan, louder this time.
“Holy shit,” Ona whispered, she couldn’t get enough of Lucy who hushed her moans while pulling down Ona’s cargo trousers to sit mid-thigh, moving her hand over Ona’s clothed pussy.
While keeping up the attack on Ona’s neck, Lucy slipped her fingers into the Spaniard’s knickers. “You’re so wet,” Lucy whispered, the roughness in her voice only making the younger girl wetter.
“Can you blame me?” Ona asked, gasping as Lucy’s fingers brushed through her folds and up to her throbbing clit.
Both girls were on cloud 9, Ona couldn’t believe she’d gone from a promise of friendship to having Lucy’s hands between her legs in a photo booth in the middle of a bar. But she felt way too good to care.
The Spaniard let out her loudest moan yet as Lucy pushed a finger inside Ona with little resistance and started gently pumping. Lucy halted, remembering they were in a public place and not wanting Ona to be embarrassed later over the sounds she was making. She grabbed the half-half scarf and pushed it into Ona’s mouth to muffle the moans, the taking of control making Ona’s pussy ache.
Ona threw her head back as Lucy picked back up the pace, slipping in the second finger, feeling the tightness this time, Ona’s walls clenching around her.
“You look so fucking good right now, I’m so obsessed with you,” Lucy said, her words making Ona’s head spin and pushing her further to her peak.
Lucy saw the effect her words were having on the younger girl, continuing, “my MVP on the pitch and now in the booth, you’ll never know how perfect you are.”
“Feels so good” Ona mumbled through the scarf as she was hurtling towards her high now, hips bucking as she pushed herself deeper onto Lucy’s hand, but she needed more. She temporarily moved the scarf out of her mouth.
“Lucy, please more, my clit, please.”
So turned on by Ona’s begging, the older girl’s the wet patch was growing between her legs and giving her no choice but to comply. She used her thumb to rub circles around Ona’s clit, applying the perfect amount of pressure.
Ona moaned into the scarf, Lucy could feel how close she was and moved her hand from the younger girls waist and up to her chest, massaging her left boob through the bra as she began sucking on the right.
That was it, Ona was done for. Her head flew back a final time, cries muffled as Lucy helped her ride out her high.
Spitting the scarf out of her mouth, she wrapped herself around Lucy. The English girl slowly removed her fingers while the younger player nuzzled into her neck as they both caught their breath.
“I’m obsessed with you too by the way,” Ona said once she regained a little composure, kissing different areas of Lucy’s face and shoulders in gratitude.
“Yeah?” Lucy asked, a rare moment of self doubt, needing extra reassurance after being the one to do the chasing recently.
Ona brushed the older girl’s hair out of her face as she kissed her lips lovingly.
“Oh completely,” Ona admitted, wanting to make the English girl feel appreciated after the beautiful orgasm she’d just given her, “I so wanted and tried to keep this friendly but it’s kind of impossible when you’re you and I feel like this about you.”
Ona gave Lucy a final kiss on the forehead before removing herself slowly from Lucy’s lap, still feeling sensitive.
Lucy leaned down to give the front of Ona’s knickers a soft kiss before pulling up her cargo pants.
The tenderness didn’t stop there, Lucy helping to put Ona’s top back on, again giving Ona all the butterflies at just how caring the English girl was in everything she did.
The Spaniard took the photos from the tray and laughed, turning them to show Lucy, “I mean I think it’s pretty safe to say from these that we’re both equally obsessed.”
The photos were 1 of them facing the camera, 4 of them taking turns to look at each other lovingly as the other did something silly, 1 of them looking deep into each others eyes, and the final was of course of the kiss.
Lucy whipped her phone out to take a photo of them, smiling like a cheshire cat. “These are amazing,” she said, Ona nodding in agreement.
The taller girl leaned down to give Ona another kiss before taking her by the hand and leaving the photo booth.
As they walked away Ona stopped, remembering something.
“Wait,” Ona said as she turned back to the booth, returning with the scarf. “We’ll need this for later,” she teased, winking at Lucy as she rejoined her and walked them over to the bar.
“Food?” Ona asked, picking up a menu from the bar.
Lucy agreed looking over Ona’s shoulder at the menu, “it’s needed.”
As they perused the menu, neither girl was wowed by the options. “This is all a bit boring, should we go back to mine and get a takeaway?” Ona suggested, “maybe we could try sushi again.”
Lucy chuckled, “yeah let’s do that. Let me just grab my bag out of the car.”
Ona raised her eyebrows, “overnight bag in the car? Pretty presumptuous no? Someone was confident they’d break down these walls.”
“I mean I had hoped so,” Lucy said between laughs, “but I just didn’t have time before the game to drop it at the hotel I’ve booked. Is it good if we swing by there first and I can drop it off?”
Ona shoved her playfully, “don’t be stupid, bring it to mine.”
Lucy couldn’t hide her delight. She was telling the truth about not having time to leave it at the hotel, but was obviously beyond thrilled that she would not have to use that room at all.
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fanfictionvibesworld · 8 months
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(A/n: Your wish is my command 😊. sorry for the long wait This kept deleting on its own.)
Words: 1.7k
So different but eerily so similar
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Warning: some blood and violence
That is all what seems to happen often these days, well mostly today and even a couple days before that.
Why were you running? people may ask. Well.... How are you supposed to explain to people that currently you, your friend sister Irene, and father Burke are currently running away and trying to defeat a 7 foot tall demonic nun that was in the first place called from the monastery itself calling uponit?
That's what I thought
The air was cold but heavy. it was to the point that anywhere in the monastery seemed to suffocate you which to be honest, it probably is. But all of this didn't stop sister Irene, father Burke, nor me from giving up so easily. To be honest when sister Irene was comfortable enough with me and told me about her sightings with this demonic nun I couldn't help but be curious about the creature, since I have never heard of such a thing, but.... I felt a feeling of familiarity with the title "demonic nun". Ever since was little my family was always so skittish nuns or anything that included religious which always puzzled me but I didn’t speak much of it.
When I told my family that I was to become a nun I can definitely tell the air around them intensified. It's like they know something I don't...... I seem to be the only person who doesn't know....
I ran as fast as my legs could carry me as the wind was whipping past me. I somehow end up outside the monastery in the cemetery, alone. I started to slow down as l've actually never been in this part of the monastery from the outside.
My thoughts were running with how I could help defeat this demonic entity as the overwhelming of the situation as well as the seriousness, on what could happen, or the situations that will come more with it could make anyone pull there hair out. I was now just walking the cobblestone path as I looked around the cemetery taking in the surroundings. I saw that there was a rundown fountain in the middle of the cemetery.
It wasn't too big, nor small as it stood straight and tall. If you looked close enough, you could see verv intricate details that you couldn't see if you w farther away, As there was of course some baby angels on it. angel statues on it. I walk over to it. I saw the water was green and cloudy to to the point we're you couldn't see the bottom of the fountain floor which indicated that it hasn't been running for a while. I decide to take a seat at the fountain flat edge as I was trying to think of my next move to make.
I was deep in thought when suddenly I heard a noise of low splashing coming from the fountain water behind me. This made my heart beat go fast as I felt once again like I was being suffocated.
I slowly turn my head as I looked back down at the water. There was nothing. I then turn my upper body as I now put both of my hands on the cement edge of the fountain, leaning over to look even closer at the water to see if anything could be in there. I felt the air electrified as l did this even though I was outside in the open. My nerves started to get to me as my breath quickened. I leaned even closer to the water. The silence was becoming unbearable.
In the cloudy green water I saw a small black shadow that was slowly coming to the surface. The object got closer and closer to the surface as my heart was racing faster.
As the small black object fully came up to the surface........was only a frog. As I see this and let out a sigh in relief as i thought it was something else entirely. I backed my face away from the water being glad how the outcome came as I sat up right again. But..... immediately a very large pitch black arm reached out from the fountain water The arm tactically grabbed the ends of my hair that was close to the water and harshly pulled me in the water. I let out a scream from this but it wasn't heard from me being dragged in the fountain water so quickly.
My heart was now jumping out of my chest as fear consumed me whole at this point. I start to struggle, thrashing around like a fish out of water. The grip that was on my hair tightened more and pulled even harsher. With every breath of air that I could get. I was now fully submerged in the water. Holdings my breath as I continue to thrash, all I could hear now is the Luke warm water moving from my thrashing and my heartbeat in my ears. I opened my eyes at some point as I saw clear from the green and cloudy water was just two inhuman like still beady yellow eyes staring right back at me.
My eyes and the yellow ones never flatter from each other as l knew...... this was the demon. But what caught my attention was the look of familiarity on both of our parts when looking at each this long enough. At that split second I was then harshly thrown out of the water to a cobblestone wall of the monastery. I gasped for air as I finally was out of water and start coughing from being underwater for that much time. I groaned lowly from the throw like I was some rag doll.
I touched the spot on my head softly where its was pulling my hair, there was definitely a big that will be left there. I touched the spot on my head softly where its hand was pulling my hair, there was definitely a big bruise that will be left there. I realized just then that my nun veil was gone as my hair and face was more exposed in the opened. It was all wet from the water like the rest of my nun gown
I slowly got up in a daze as l gather my thoughts on what just happened only mere seconds ago. I looked around and saw I was actually back into the monastery but specifically in the basement. I quickly stood up, though which I almost fell back down but I kept my control and balance. I looked at the new scenery that this thing took me to. My eyes widened as I looked at one specific corner wall of the room. I couldn't believe my eyes what l was seeing, my eyes was filled with fright.
father Burke and sister Irene who was both was sitting on the cobblestone floor and leaning there upper bodies back on the cobblestone wall propped up. There bodies was stained with blood making it looking more gruesome. I also notice that the blood of Jesus that we planed to use which it would work like the first time we used it , its bottle was shattered but… The blood was gone.
I felt like I was going to throw up and cry in the time instantly at the sight. They both were alive minutes ago, but now there dead. I start to slowly step back as I had a hand over mouth when I continue to look at the scene. I walk back 3 steps until my back suddenly hit against something. I froze immediately in fear that I couldn't hide anymore of. It has won and knows it. the powerful demonic presence was more presents than ever in here as instead of feeling cold, it started to feel hot.
I slowly turn around slowly as the tension in the air once again intensified as I was now fully turned around and cranked my neck to look up. It was the demon again....just staying down at me, almost piercing through my soul. I started to shut my eyes tightly as I didn't wanna see what it was gonna do to me next.
But, surprisingly, and unbelievably they weren't doing anything other then just looking at me. My eyes were still close as I preparing myself for any minute now that it would kill me in the same way it did to father Burke and sister Irene.
Nothing was happing though other than the intense stare down from it, the powerful presence was getting overwhelming. It did something shocking as it spoke for the first time and it seemed like it ha talked to any humans in a LONG while. The sly evil smirk permanently look in place on its face
" So we meet again...Agnes..... My little viper....”
Their voice was truly deep. So deep that it almost felt like the floor shook and sounded like an echo of different kinds of voices in the background of its own voice.
My eyes slowly opened as I looked up at them. I was filled with all different sorts of emotions but there were three that was more going on in me then most.
Fear, confusion, and disbelief at this situation. That wasn't my name, that's my...... great, great grandmother. My family talked about her once in a while but never got into detail about her like my other ancestors. I push pass my nerves as i replied, not taking my eyes away from its own
“....My names not Agnes It's Y/n.... How do you know m—“
I said shakingly as it spoke again immediately after what I said, cutting me off in the process but this time in a more malicious then the last
“I know that. I know a lot of things Y/n, ALC your her descendant and rightfully so...... I will drag you down the same rabbit hole like I did to HER all those years ago...... My little viper in training..."
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hellfirenacht · 1 month
Wing Man: End Credit Scene
Fic Summary: Steve ‘the Hair’ Harrington is your best friend, and is constantly striking out. Sick of this, you two make a deal; you’ll wing man for each other. Hooking Steve up with dates is easy, but he finds himself struggling to find you a date. At least, until Dustin starts talking about his new cool friend Eddie.
Chapter Summary: Post Credit Scene
Words: 786
(Master List 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Epilogue Post Credit)
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A young boy with short and unruly curls stares at the vending machines. He has very limited pocket money, having spent the morning poking through every payphone and looking under every couch cushion for the last quarter to allow him to buy a bag of chips and a TAB. 
He punches in the code for the soda, double and triple checking to make sure he’s going to get his desired treat. With success, the soda falls with a satisfying THUNK and he carefully tucks it into his coat pocket. 
Now he moves to the snack machine and punches in the number for the chips, again double checking that it is correct. The machine makes a noise, and the swirly metal that holds the chips shakes for a moment and then... nothing. 
No satisfying fall of the chips, just a mechanical hum and then silence. 
The boy frowns and reached out to push the coin return button. 
Nothing happens. 
He pushes it again, a few more times in a row, and is still met with a stillness. 
He gives the machine a shake and a smack before letting out a defeated sigh. He leans against the machine, and tries to remind himself that at least he got his soda, which is more than he could normally say. The thought that he could ask a teacher or the principal for a refund crosses his mind, but that’s quickly shut down by common sense. No one would give a shit about letting the poor freak get his quarter back. 
“Is it broken again?” Someone asks him, and he looks up to see a girl about his age. She’s holding a library book and a few sheets of loose paper. 
The boy nods. “Yeah, it ate my quarter.” He says. 
The girl moves next to him, and he’s unsure how to feel about someone so close to him. Ever since middle school started, most people avoided him like the plague but this girl seems more concerned about the vending machine. 
She digs into her pocket and pulls out her own shiny set of quarters and drops one. Both kids reach down to pick the coins up but end up bumping their heads together and laughing awkwardly. The boy picks up the quarter while the girl rubs her forehead. 
The girl takes the quarter and looks at the machine. “Which one screwed you?”
“B3.” The boy replies. 
She looks at the vending machine and pokes at the 3 button a few times before handing over her library book to him. He looks down at the cover, it’s a book on how to do origami which seems pretty random to him. The girl pulls out a folded piece of paper (is that supposed to be a fish or a frog?) and starts rubbing the folded seam between the buttons. 
“3 sticks.” she said. “That’s what someone told me at least.” 
She pushes B3 again. Nothing happens. 
“They might have also been full of shit.” she shrugs and the boy laughs at the bluntness. “Is there a different one you want?” 
He looks at the options and settles on a candy bar at the bottom. “That one.”
She pushes the buttons, and this time, it falls successfully. The boy pulls it out and quickly unwraps it. 
“Here.” he says and snaps it in half, handing it over to the girl who takes it, along with her book. 
“Are you sure?” she asks, and he nods. 
The bell rings, signaling that they have about 30 seconds to get to home room before either of them would be in trouble. The girl hands over the piece of paper she had tried to use to help him. (Maybe it’s a car? No, cars don’t have legs but neither do fish... this has to be a fish, right?)
“Trade you.” She says with a smile and quickly runs off towards her class. The boy awkwardly waves before turning and hurrying towards his own homeroom. 
The alleged frog would eventually get covered in chocolate and tossed with other garbage at the end of the week. The half of the girls candy bar would be eaten in three bites and forgotten about. Ultimately, this interaction that only lasted three minutes at most shouldn’t mean anything. 
Most meetings are rarely memorable or dramatic. Sometimes, you meet someone once and never see them again. Sometimes, you’re lucky enough to meet someone for the first time over and over. 
Eddie Munson never thought of himself as lucky. You never thought of yourself as much of anything. 
It’s a good thing that it never mattered, as the two of you met over and over until there were no more firsts and only continuations.
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I've never finished a fic that was more than 3 chapters. Say something nice to me, please 💜
Dividers by: @strangergraphics
Tag List @k8loo @terrormonster55 @sp1dyb0y1008 @crocwork-clockodile @ali-r3n
@mxcheese @josephquinnschesthair @gagasbee @peaches-roses-sins @witchwolflea
@vintagehellfire @royale1803 @cumslutforaemond @prestinalove @browneyedgirly93
@perpetualmessmachine @thebook-hobbit @cultish-corner @grishaversecaptivated @sortagaysortahigh
@siriuslysmoking @huffledor-able541 @pookiesnatcher @eddiesguitarskills @browneyes-8288
@sheneedsrocknroll92 @kores-mun-son-n-more @eddiebuttcheeks @kirsteng42 @dreamerjj
@moonisu @em022O @cosmorant @kurdtbean
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ateotd-izzy · 10 months
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anti-hero | joel dawson x fem!reader
“i wake up screaming from dreaming one day i’ll watch as you’re leaving and life will lose all its meaning”
after everything that had happened to you over the last 7 years in the literal apocalypse, you’ve developed some serious issues with trust.
“it’s me, hi, i’m the problem, it’s me”
and maybe a few insecurities too. but that could just be your fault.
“at tea time everybody agrees”
so when you and your boyfriend joel go out to the surface to find his ex-girlfriend aimee, the only person left from his old life, you start feeling like, well, a problem.
“i’ll stare directly at the sun, but never in the mirror”
warnings: insecure reader?? idk none really
“it must be exhausting always rooting for the anti-hero”
you followed behind joel as he walked ahead, looking down at the map your colony had given the two of you.
he was so dead-set on going to find aimee and her colony that you only went with him because you knew there was a chance that if you didn’t, you would never see him again.
but there he was, happy and oblivious as he walked down the overgrown street.
what if he didn’t want you there? what if he just wanted to go alone to get away from you? what if he wanted to leave you behind? what if he still liked aimee? what if-
you looked up to see joel staring back at you expectantly. he had stopped walking and was now looking back at you.
“i asked if you’re okay.” he repeated, taking a few steps over to you. “are you?”
“yeah, joel, i’m fine.” you smile at him and he smiles back.
“you sure?” he asked, pushing a bit of hair away from your eyes.
“yes, i’m sure.”
“good.” he pecked your lips before taking your hand in his. “come on.”
he seemed like he still loved you, but what if he was just pretending because you were there and he didn’t want to hurt your feelings? what if he’s just a really good actor?
you tried to push those thoughts from your head. at least for the time being.
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the more your trip had gone on, the worse you felt.
you had major anxiety over the entire situation, and you felt horrible because the closer you got to the beach meant the closer you were to aimee.
and you could not stop thinking about how either of you could die at any moment, even with the help of two strangers you had met.
joel seemed over the moon the closer you got to the beach and he would keep on talking about aimee as you walked.
“you know, she actually got me these pencils.” joel told you as he drew the large frog-like creature the two of you had encountered just a few days earlier into his book.
the dog you had found, boy, was curled up by your leg as you ate.
clyde and minnow, the two strangers who had been helping the two of you survive for the last day or so, were sat on the opposite side of the fire.
“yeah, you mentioned that already, kid.” clyde mumbled, his mouth full of the beans he was eating. “i think your girlfriend’s getting sick of it.”
your head shot up, scaring boy for a moment, while joel’s turned to look at you.
“i’m fine. i don’t know what you’re talking about.” you shrugged it off, even if it were true.
you didn’t need joel to know about your worries or insecurities when it came to aimee.
he just seemed so excited and you felt like maybe you were the one thing that was stopping him from feeling happy.
so instead you focused on the dog in your lap, stroking and playing with boy until your small group had to leave.
as clyde and minnow led, boy running circles around the young girl, joel fell back to walk beside you.
“what’s going on with you?” he asked softly. “you okay?”
you nodded and joel gave you a look.
“i’m fine.” you insisted.
“you know you can talk to me… right?”
his words sounded genuine, and his facial expression was easily readable. he looked concerned.
“yeah, of course.” you put on a smile. “don’t worry, joel.”
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you were no longer with clyde and minnow when you and joel reached the old broken down motel you decided to stay at for the night.
it was storming outside as you, your boyfriend, and your dog ran for shelter.
joel had been extra happy since he had killed one of the monsters and saved boy.
“wow.” joel breathed out, looking at the rain, and you tore your eyes away from him to look out at the sky.
rain was something you had missed from the outside world.
“you know, i haven’t felt the rain in seven years.” joel said to boy and you just kept watching the storm. “pretty cool. pretty cool.”
joel then wrapped his arms around your body and sat his chin on your shoulder. he pressed a short kiss to your neck, and you didn’t move.
your attention was entirely focused on the rain. you had forgotten how much you had loved it.
back when you were a teenager, you used to sit by your window whenever it would storm and just watch the rain, soft music playing from your headphones.
it was your favorite weather.
“how’re you doing?” joel asked quietly and you turned your head a little.
“i’m fine.” you responded, ignoring the few tears that had pricked in your eyes due to all the emotions you had been feeling.
“hello.” a sudden robotic voice spoke from behind you and joel spun around, letting his arms fall from your waist.
joel started walking inside, towards the voice, and you sat down, watching the rain fall.
you could hear some kind of electronic whirring, but didn’t turn your head.
“holy shit. you’re alive.” joel’s voice came from behind you. “i mean… you’re on.”
“i have 51 minutes of power left. what is your name?”
“uh, i’m joel. my name is joel.”
after he introduced himself, you turned your head. boy came and curled himself up on your lap, letting you pet him.
you didn’t listen to what was going on behind you until joel called your name.
“y/n, you gotta come in here.” he chuckled. “it’s… it’s a real mav1s.”
you stood up, being careful not to hurt boy as you did so, and walked inside, sitting beside joel on the springy mattress.
“mav1s, this is my girlfriend, y/n.” joel introduced with a smile.
“hello, y/n.”
“hi.” you mumbled.
“joel, besides conversing with me, for which i am eternally grateful, may i ask what you are doing outside of your colony?”
“yeah, um…”
“did you steal food?” the mav1s’s eyes narrowed.
“no. no, i didn’t steal any food.” joel responded and you couldn’t help but snicker at his tone.
joel looked at you, noticing the fact that he hadn’t heard you laugh in quite a while.
he then looked back at the mav1s. “y/n and i are actually… on a quest. to find a girl. um, an old friend of mine, actually.”
“how lovely! what is her name?”
“uh, aimee. with one i and two e’s.”
you kissed joel’s cheek and walked outside again. you sat on the ground, right on the edge of the concrete so the rain would fall against your head.
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you hadn’t realized just how long you had zoned out for until you heard joel bringing mav1s outside and sitting her on the couch.
“i, uh, i need to pee.” joel picked up his crossbow and started walking away. “i’ll be back.”
was he leaving? oh, my god, was he ditching you?
“is something troubling you, y/n?” mav1s asked as you watched joel walk inside. “you can tell me anything, as i am an empathetic listener.”
you stood up as the rain slowed down and sat beside the mav1s on the old couch.
“also, my memory banks will be permanently erased in 14 minutes.”
you sat quietly for a moment before looking at the robot.
“did joel talk to you about aimee much?”
“only for a moment. he talked to her on his radio. why do you ask?”
“do you think he… likes her?” you asked.
“yes, i do think he likes his friend, as he-”
“no, no. no, mav1s, i meant, like… do you think he has, like, romantic feelings for her?”
“what makes you ask that?”
“before everything that happened, and before he met me in our colony, joel and aimee were together. aimee was his girlfriend before i was.” you sighed and leaned back in your seat. “i just… do you think he’s gonna leave me for her?”
“while he was talking to aimee on his radio, joel spoke very fondly of you.”
“am i crazy to be totally freaking out that joel’s gonna leave me forever?”
“what?” joel asked as he approached you again. you hadn’t even noticed him appear.
you went quiet. “nothing. it doesn’t matter.”
he sat himself beside you. “y/n, i’m never gonna leave you. why would you even think that?”
you looked down at your lap and shrugged. he crouched in front of you to meet your eyes.
you sighed at the confused look on his face. joel was always so clueless.
“aimee.” you answered.
“do you still have feelings for her?”
joel was silent for a moment, staring into your eyes. worry took over your features as you searched his face for some kind of answer to your question.
then a smile grew on joel’s face, which turned into a chuckle.
“what?” you asked and joel shook his head.
“nothing, you’re just funny.”
“joel, i’m being serious. why are you coming all this way for her? do you still have feelings for her?” you stared down at him and he rested his hands on your shoulders.
“y/n, i only have feelings for you. i swear.” his smile had softened as he spoke. “aimee’s someone from my past. yes, i dated her when i was 17, but that’s different now. i only want you. not aimee, not anybody.”
“then why..?”
“she’s my friend, and it’s been like 7 years. i just wanted to see what it’s like out here, and i haven’t seen anyone i knew before all this in over half a decade.”
joel frowned and put a hand on your cheek.
“i guess i just got excited. i forgot to ask if you were even okay with all this.”
a smile tugged on your lips. “it’s fine, joel.”
“i love you, okay?” he told you, his voice honest. “i love you.”
“i love you too.” you whispered out and leant forward to wrap your arms around his neck.
he hugged you tight and pulled you to your feet.
as he held you, he slowly rocked the two of you back and forth.
music slowly started to play, coming from mav1s, and joel smiled before spinning you around.
it was raining more, and joel pulled you out from under the shelter and into the rain.
his hair stuck to his face as he smiled, leaning forward and pecking you on the lips.
“you’re the only one for me, okay? don’t you ever doubt that for a second.” he mumbled into your ear as the two of you danced. “you’re my girl.”
you smiled and lifted your hand from his shoulder to push his hair from his eyes.
the two of you danced in the rain until mav1s’ power ran out and the music abruptly stopped.
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taglist: @brvceyamada
a/n: how has this been in my drafts since june…
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rosypenguins · 1 month
Day 13! Jomies Headcanons! (I got quite a few!)
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💛Unironically listens to boy bands.
💛Has Spotify open 24/7. Is always looking for new artists and songs, and probably has over 3000 songs liked.
💛He’ll listen to any song of any genre, but tends to lean more towards alt-rock.
💛Used to listen to Billie Eilish in Middle School.
💛Whenever it’s too quiet, he’ll either hum to himself or make random noises with his mouth.
💛Physically incapable of standing still.
💛Probably ate an eraser as a kid.
💛Does not believe in closets. Keeps his clothes either on the floor or in his chair. (If it’s in his closet he’ll genuinely forget he even owns the item.)
💛”Processing your emotions? What the hell’s that?”
💛Oh yeah, he definitely has ADHD.
🖤Really likes FPS games.
🖤Always has to have his weight shifted on one leg. He cannot stand up straight to save his life. (Heh cuz he’s gay-)
🖤Small waist. (He’s a twink in my eyes.)
🖤Could probably be picked up by the other Jomies. (Has yet to be tested due to safety concerns.) (The concerns being Drew beating the shit out of them.
🖤Doesn’t like black coffee but drinks it anyways. (Why? We don’t know.)
🖤TERRIBLE eating habits. He’ll literally just have a piece of toast and be like “welp that’ll last me for the next 48 hours.”
🖤Those hot-pink girly desserts are his guilty pleasure.
🖤Listens to a lot of rap music. Mostly emo rap. He says it’s cuz it sounds cooler but it’s actually because he finds the lyrics relatable.
🖤Stalks Jake’s instagram for purely platonic reasons.
🖤Doesn’t know how to show affection so he’ll sometimes just randomly punch Jake in the arm. No warning, no explanation.
🖤Cat person. Doesn’t really like dogs. (Terrified of Oreo but would rather die than admit it.)
🖤Bullies cats relentlessly, but will also meow back at them if he thinks no one’s around.
🖤Likes being cuddled way more than he’d like to admit.
🖤Having his hair played with puts him right to sleep.
🖤Struggled to make friends in Elementary school due to his temper. (His lack of attention at home led to him lashing out a lot.) Other kids found him to be intimidating so Drew didn’t really have any friends until Middle School.
🖤Was put in time-out a LOT in Kindergarten so it basically just became Drew’s Corner.
🖤IPad kid. Definitely had a mascot-horror phase when he was 10.
🖤“Processing your emotions? What the hell’s that?”
🖤Oh yeah, BPD. He has BPD.
❤️Hands are always fucking clammy it cannot be helped.
❤️Definitely listens to Breakcore.
❤️Has a bunch of those weird, perverted anime stickers somewhere in his desk drawer because he thinks they’re funny. (They were included in a random anime sticker pack Henry bought online.)
❤️Had a super edgy werewolf OC back in Middle School. Drawings of it still exist in that same drawer.
❤️Lets Henry play with his hair when they’re alone together.
❤️Refuses to use chairs properly.
❤️Has so many 0.5 photos of the Jomies. (Except Drew because Drew threatened to break his phone if he ever took one of him. But Liam still managed to sneak a few bad photos of Drew as well.)
❤️Type of guy to moan when someone’s on the phone with their parent.
❤️Knows how to drive a manual. (I imagine his mom’s car is an older one soooooo if Liam wanted to drive around he had to learn.)
💚Baby face. (Liam likes to hold his face.)
💚Wears anime merch with pride.
💚Pretends to be a girl online sometimes so people give him free shit.
💚Almost always hits Drew with the 🤓 emoji anytime he says something smart/logical in their group chat.
💚Would definitely like matcha because it tastes like g r a s s.
💚He ate grass as a kid. And leaves. And dirt.
💚The type of kid that always had to be the dog in any game he played.
💚Really likes bunnies. He held one once and felt his life was complete.
💚Oh, and frogs too. He loves frogs.
💚Typically takes the role of mediator during fights, even if he has no context on the situation.
💚Relies way too much on being funny. If a joke doesn’t land he genuinely hates himself for a couple seconds.
💚Sensitive to loud noise. (Unless the loud noise is on his terms.) (Like, he’ll have his music on full blast and shout at his friends standing right next to him and be completely fine, but if a balloon were to suddenly pop right beside him, it’d startle him quite a bit.)
💚Drew glaring at him and telling him to shut up hurts a little more than he’d like to admit.
💚Probably also has ADHD.
🩷This bitch knows how to steal shit. You got a necklace she likes she will find a way to take it.
🩷Can and will find a way to make everything said against her about her gender.
🩷“Oh my God, I am LITERALLY just a girl.”
🩷Definitely took dance for a P.E credit.
🩷Almost everything she owns is covered in flowers.
🩷Everything has to be aesthetic.
🩷Always had to initiate any sort of affection between her and Drew. She was always the one asking him out. Always the one to kiss him first, or reach for his hand. (Whereas Drew never really thought about that sort of stuff.)
🩷Her views on relationships were also very different from Drew’s. She wanted excitement and fun. She wanted to go out and do things. And whenever they were home alone, she wanted to make out with him and stuff, meanwhile, all Drew wanted to do was cuddle and watch stupid videos on his phone with her. (But she just found that boring.)
🩷Honestly, their best dates were their at-home ones. Where they’d watch movies together and Zoey would bring some face masks and they’d pamper each other and cuddle and whatnot. (Fun for Zoey and relaxing for Drew.)
🩷And because of their height difference, Zoey would sometimes grab Drew’s collar and pull him down to her level to kiss him. (And this definitely never once flustered Drew.)
🩷Probably knew Drew cared more about Jake than he did her and that pissed her off.
💜Big fan of Olivia Rodrigo. (And one time, while her and Drew were waiting for the others after school, she was listening to one of her songs and singing along, and Drew ended up correcting her on a lyric, causing her to realize he ALSO listens to her music, and he was super embarrassed about it afterwards and made her promise not to tell anyone.)
💜So anyways Lia now wants to take Drew to an Olivia Rodrigo concert.
💜She’s also a big fan of Nessa Barrett.
💜Surprisingly really good at singing. She never took lessons or anything, she just sings in the shower a lot.
💜Sprays perfume on herself like 50 times in a day.
💜Always comparing herself to people online.
💜“Self-esteem? What’s that?”
💜Genuinely could not describe herself if she was asked to. She’s so used to changing herself for others she doesn’t even know who she is or what she wants to be.
💜Imposter Syndrome 100%
💜Had a huge crush on Hailey in Middle School but didn’t even know being gay was a thing so she didn’t really know how to explain her feelings at all.
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azsazz · 3 months
SJM Ask Game
Thank you for the tag @daydreaming-nerd !! 💙💙 (I do want to hear those redacted answers for where you put tharion lol) I feel like it's been so long since I've been on tumblr or even done one of these but I'm excited💙
1) What’s your favourite SJM book?
Hmmmm I'm gonna say ACOMAF because that's when I was first introduced to Azzy and the obsession began 💙😈
2) Which is your favourite series (tog, acotar or cc)
If you don't know me, CC is one of the worst books I've ever read. It's hard to choose between ACOTAR and TOG tho because they were both really good....
3) Who is your favourite character? (And why?)
Hehehehehehehehe. Az obviously 🥰
4) Do you have a favourite quote from one of the books?
Hmmmm...tbh not really...the ones that stay stuck in my head are the cringey ones...BUT, let's go with "Cassian shot him a glare. 'I don't see you spouting poetry, brother.' Azriel crossed his arms, still smiling faintly, 'I don't need to resort to it.'" THAT'S GODDAMN RIGHT BBY YOU DONT 💙💙 legs spread for mah boi
5) Favourite ship?
Azris frfr
6) Elriel or Gwynriel? Or neither?
Azris frfr
7) Who’s the most underrated SJM character?
Oooof there's so many. Fenrys. I've never gotten enough of him.
8) Which character do you wish to learn more about?
Azris frfr. I want both of their backstories rn
9) Are there any characters you don’t like?
Bryce Quinlan and Danika Fendyr
10) Favourite bat boy?
My king azriel 💙💙
11) Favourite court?/ Which one would you most like to live in?
Honestly I'd probably either live in Autumn or Night tbh.
12) Favourite SJM villain?
Does Tamlin count? lol.
13) If you could change one thing in any of the books what would it be?
That CC never happened
14) Favourite SJM theory?
Azris frfr
15) Favourite Archeron sister?
Prob Ness
16) A character you feel is over-hated/ underrated:
over-rated: bryce quinlan
under-rated: chaol 💙
17) Aelin, Bryce, or Feyre?
18) What’s your favourite character from each series?
Fenrys, Azriel, Ruhn
19) If you wrote an acotar book what would you call it?
A Court of Smoke and Cinders? (azris frfr)
20) Who is your favourite acotar blogger?
nah there's literally too many to choose from
21)What fics would you recommend to people who love the series?
The Serpent and the Wings of Night
Questions for writers
22) Easiest character to write for?
Azzy because i built him brick by brick
23) Hardest character to write for?
24) What’s a character you’d like to write for but haven’t yet?
lol who haven't i written for? hmmmm...maybe fenrys, aedion, or hunt?
25) What’s a court you’d like to write about more?
26) What’s a character you won’t write for and why?
hmmm...idk I'd like to say that I'd try anything once...
27) If you could only write for one character ever again, who would you pick?
azzy. nobody compares to him
28) Whats your favourite trope to write about when it comes to Azriel?
right now i think modern aus...in any sort. or anything that involves angst i love putting everyone thru some shit
29) What do you think is the best/favourite acotar fic you’ve written?
hmmmm...i feel like this is impossible to choose
30) Who are your favourite friendships to write about?
eris x anyone because this man needs a friend
31) For first time readers to your blog, which three fics would you recommend they read?
LMAO ummm...I'll list at least one for. every character
Az: Cupid's Chokehold or Midnight Muse
Cass: In Storm or Dial Drunk or Better Men Have Hit Their Knees and Bigger Men Have Died
Eris: You Know I Always Liked Playing with Fire or Hide
Rhys: Clandestine Love or Dioxazine
Lucien: The Other Woman or My Happy Ending
or literally any poly can't go wrong with those tbh
No pressure tags: @writingsbychlo @acourtofwhatthefuck @i-am-a-lost-girl16 @azrielhours @a-frog-with-a-laptop or anyone else who wants to participate!
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kylobith · 1 month
Little Town Tails
Chapter 7: A Frog in his Throat
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Summary: Halsin investigates Gortash's interest in Heawick but finds himself confronted with a rather disappointing thought instead.
Ship/Pairing: Halsin x Fem!Tav
Trope: Modern AU, Meet-cute, Little countryside town, Cosy
Word count: 4,418
Read it on Ao3 here
Listen to the dedicated playlist on Spotify here
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‘This is bad news, I’m telling you!’
Melly stands by the bakery’s door, wrapped up in a colourful cardigan whose hems she tucks under her arms. Disgruntled by the mention of Gortash, she readjusts her pink glasses on her wrinkled nose.
‘I’ve read about him and his kind,’ she continues without waiting for Halsin to respond, ‘all they want is to deface our villages to bring hordes of tourists that will thrash the place! No more little shops and old markets! It’ll be the same thing a hundred times over in case one milks the cash cow less than the next!’
‘Do you know if anything has been sold to him?’ he asks with a tremor in his voice, settling himself by petting Scratch’s head behind the ears. In an instant, the white dog leans against his leg, as though to bring him some much needed comfort.
The elderly lady merely gives him a shrug.
‘That, I do not know. He came here the other day too, probably when you told him off. My son, that people pleaser, didn't dare kick the man out. I had to do it for him! Good thing that I’m still overlooking things, otherwise he would have sold the bakery there and then!’
A nervous grin crosses his face, but his mind is not at rest. How could it be, when his practice, his cherished project he has put so much passion into, might potentially be threatened? Ever since Karlach showed him articles about Gortash, he has been struggling to sleep at night. He tosses and turns, wondering what he could do to protect Emerald Grove from being sold. More than once, as soon as his eyes grow weary and his lids heavy, the first thing he sees is his keys being wrestled out of his hands and the animals thrown out onto the street. That wakes him up instantly in a cold sweat.
Apparently, this same anguish must be haunting his traits again, because Melly gently squeezes his arm — at least what she can grab of it.
‘Now, do not worry yourself so much, Halsin. Nothing’s settled. That cockroach was merely lurking around but maybe he hasn’t found anything worth chewing on.’
‘I just…’ The veterinarian lets out a heavy sigh and rubs his large palm over his face.
‘I do not want to lose my practice, I have only just opened! I saved every coin I could for years to fulfil this dream. I have no intention to let the big corporation seize it away for their own gain when I know that I am helping the community.’
‘Oh love, they will not. The community will not let them, I am sure!’
Before Halsin can protest or voice his concern further, Melly raises a finger and disappears inside the bakery for a moment, leaving the veterinarian and his dog standing by the queue of hungry locals taking a break from the market. Noticing that he is tapping his foot and clenching his jaw hard enough that the hint of a cramp seizes him, he forces himself to relax and crouches to hug Scratch. Absolutely elated, the dog wags his tail enthusiastically and sniffs the man’s cheek, giving it some playful licks which bring a genuine smile back to his lips.
Perhaps Melly is right. There is no need for him to get himself in such a state as long as no shop or space has been sold to Gortash or anyone of his kind. Heawick is still what it is, authentic and tranquil, unbothered by the bustling crowds. Those who come usually know the place already or know a bunch of souls that have claimed it as their home. Names are easily remembered and recognised, shouted with excitement at one’s sight, accompanied by warm greetings and small talk. Surely, nobody would allow this haven to turn decrepit under the malicious fingers of a business mogul.
As Scratch licks Halsin’s chin, triggering a gentle chuckle from the man, Melly emerges from inside the bakery with a small paper bag she hands over to him. With a quizzical glance, he peers inside and sees four of his favourite pastries carefully nestled at the bottom. He instantly pats his pocket in search of his wallet.
‘How kind of you! Let me see… How much do I owe you?’
‘Oh, love, nothing!’
Melly pats his hand cradling the bag and grants him a reassuring grin, typical of a coddling grandmother.
‘You’re pale and tense, darling,’ she continues, ‘you must eat something, at least for comfort. Perhaps you should clear your mind by taking a walk with Scratch?’
Halsin sighs and ends up mirroring her smile. She is right, there is no use dwelling over this. There is no certainty that Gortash and his plans are a threat to Heawick just yet. Unless one of the shops is sold, the thought of which he is sure the owners would not entertain, there is no worry to be had. Besides, as Melly and Arfer often remind him, there had been a dire need for a veterinarian’s office in the area before Emerald Grove opened. Until then, even for emergencies, owners had to drive their pets at least half an hour to the city to receive care for them. Emerald Grove is a valued place in the neighbouring villages, perhaps this alone could put his mind at rest.
‘Good idea,’ he sighs, eyeing the pastries a second time. ‘Nothing like a long walk in nature to clear your mind.’
‘Good boy!’
Her validation tugs at his lips and lights up his gloomy eyes. They exchange a few pleasantries, then Scratch nudges his owner, having understood that a walk was in order. Munching on one of the little fruit pastries, he returns home to fetch the dog’s leash, treats, and a roll of small bags to clean up after Scratch should he relieve himself before they reach the forest. He tucks the rest of the pastries away in a cool corner of his kitchen to keep them fresh until his return and sits down on the edge of his sofa to slip into more comfortable shoes to walk in the woods.
As he ties up his shoelaces, his mind inevitably wanders to the one memory that brings him any solace in the storm of anxiety.
He could not explain why his mind is filled with images of her, of her smile and the slight blush peppering the bridge of her nose whenever she looks at him. He thinks nothing of it, of course. Why should he? She is merely a patient’s owner, and he is certain that once Beaky’s paw is healed, she will no longer seek his help. Yet, despite his best effort, he cannot help but let her invade and haunt his mind. The phantom of her presence, albeit not as satisfying as seeing her in the flesh can be, remains quite soothing to his soul. It is harmless, after all, isn’t it? He is not acting upon anything. No need to question his ethics, there is no ill intent behind any of this daydreaming, and his reflections are nothing but respectful to her.
When he and Scratch reach the edge of the forest, they come across Minsc and stay for a minute or two to talk. Seeing how committed the ranger is to the forest — and to Jaheira’s flower shop — Halsin guesses that the gentle giant is blissfully unaware of Gortash and decides against telling him about it. No need to trouble him. He would probably ignore the situation anyway or misunderstand his worries. Should anything happen, the ranger would eventually be informed of it.
Once Minsc walks away to his office, waving vigorously at the veterinarian and Scratch, the dog pulls his owner towards the forest, eager to continue their stroll.
Secluded from the bustling marketplace, the forest seems more appealing than ever to him. The sun’s rays sparkle upon the lofty branches of the oak trees and filter through the green leaves. Dancing haloes illuminate the roots protruding from the cool earth, revealing the hundreds of tiny insects fluttering about. Beds of foxgloves and poppies surround and dot the woodland, adding bright colours to compliment the green of the leaves and the browns of the barks. Beyond the opposite fringe, the fields constituting the typical landscape of the region roll towards the horizon, with their crops finally reaching out towards the sky, readying themselves for blooming and reaping.
Scratch dashes between the trees, his tongue lolling out happily as he hops over the roots and taps his paws on the dead leaves and plants coating the ground as he waits for his owner to catch up with him. Halsin, with his hands resting against the small of his back, ambles behind with the leash rolled loosely around his wrist and whistling an old tune. As soon as he finds himself beside the dog, he grants him a small tasty treat.
When they near a clearing, some loose tresses of his brown mane flutter in the light breeze reaching him. Closing his eyes and smiling to himself, he hums and tilts his chin up, welcoming the fresh air embracing his face. The past few days have been rather warm for spring, a little gust always makes a difference, even for a fleeting second.
A nudge against his calf alerts him that Scratch is eager to move on. Halsin eyes the grass and hums with satisfaction when he finds a sturdy piece of a broken branch between the blades. He picks it up, throws it ahead, and laughs when the pup sprints to fetch it.
As Halsin watches him gnaw at the wood, he realises how ideal his life has come to be. Back in other villages and towns, life was not nearly as sweet. Too many circumstances and hostile environments smothered him and prevented him from living his life as he wished to. But now that the practice is open and that he has moved into a beautiful quaint house in a friendly community, he feels that he can be himself more than ever. Not that he let outsiders influence his personality much, but he did feel hindered by the norms and expectations of the people who surrounded him back then.
Now, he has built a little world within the confines of his house and practice, and he finally gets to set his own rules and conventions. They are not meant to impede on the well-being of his friends and visitors, but rather to let everyone be who they are without being confined to a precise etiquette. To him, it is rather simple: if you intend to do well by others and nature, then you are most welcome into his world and you can be whoever you are without being shamed for it. If not, then he will do his best to help you, but he will put his foot down and exclude you should your actions cause any harm to anyone.
In a way, that might be why his weariness of Astarion lingers. While his new recruit has not openly done anything to wrong him or any of his neighbours, his professional ‘accomplishments’ and the reason that pushed him into community service certainly do not help Halsin’s perception of him. Neither does his tendency to gossip. However, due to Karlach’s undying loyalty and constant praise of Astarion’s qualities, he keeps his heart open to the vampire. Whether the latter decides to seize the chance is up to him and him alone. Should he refuse and merely complete the hours of community service required to lift his suspension is also fine by him.
Overall, Halsin remains satisfied with his choice to move to Heawick. The open spaces and community have been nothing but warm to him and his beloved Scratch. How else could he repay them than by offering his help to the people in return, at the very least?
Long minutes of solemn contemplation later, Halsin takes the stick from the dog and raises his arm. Just as he readies himself to throw it, the laughter of a child interrupts him. He instantly whistles for Scratch to come at his feet so he can attach the leash to the dog’s collar. Clutching the colourful rope, he straightens up and sweeps the forest to look for the child he heard earlier and make sure to keep his distance if Scratch’s presence triggers any fear within them.
A moment later, a githyanki child emerges from between the trees, flushed from running through the woods. A large smile digs little dimples into his green cheeks dotted with black spots. His curious yellow eyes admire the height of the treetops and a gasp escapes the little boy as he spins around, as if to capture it from different angles.
The boy’s elation comes to a sharp halt as he realises that he is not alone. Sheepishness instantly seizes him and causes him to take a few steps back. His heel catches into a small rock and the child topples over, landing heavily on his buttocks in a loud thump and crunch of the leaves. Wasting no time to intervene, Halsin attaches Scratch’s leash around a low-hanging branch and rushes by the child’s side.
Tears flood the gith’s almond-shaped eyes and start to pour down his face as he lets out a howl of pain and shock. Halsin inspects his legs for any wound, but sees nothing.
‘Did your elbows hit the rock, child?’
Sniffling heavily, the child shakes his head and responds with heavy sobs. Since he sees no scrape or injury, Halsin helps the child up, gently lifting him off the ground and making sure that there is no discomfort as he moves.
‘Everything seems alright. More fear than harm,’ he attempts to reassure the child, patting his back to rid his jacket from dry leaves and dirt.
Right as he does so, hurried footsteps resound and a heavy breath fills the air, accompanied by the panicked shrill of a woman.
Halsin’s heart stops. He recognises the voice. A lump forms in his throat as he waves his hand in the air, trying to force a shout back.
‘Over here!’
Just as he suspected, Tav appears in turn and gasps at the sight of the crying child. Halsin steps back and lets her kneel by him, frantically investigating for wounds.
‘Trith, how many times must I tell you not to run off like that?!’ she scolds the boy, clutching him by the arms but demonstrating no hostility or aggression towards him. Before the child can answer, she pulls him into her arms and cradles the back of his head with a heavy sigh. ‘You scared me, darling.’
His sniffles and cries muffled by the fabric of her shirt soon die down as her presence soothes his anguish. Tav looks up and smiles at Halsin. The blush he pictured in his mind earlier expands to her whole face.
‘My apologies, Doctor Silverbough, I didn’t mean to put you in this position.’
‘No harm done, Miss Ashguard. He is safe, that is what matters.’
Tav nods slowly and pulls out a tissue to dry the boy’s tears.
‘Now, what happened, love?’
‘I fell. Tripped on the rock,’ Trith hiccups.
‘I must have surprised him,’ Halsin adds with a sorry expression, ‘I made sure to put Scratch on his leash as soon as I heard the child, but it seems that he was still taken aback that I stood here.’
Letting out a brief chuckle, she pulls out a crumpled bucket hat from her back pocket and screws it on Trith’s head, despite his weak protesting. Tav then faces Halsin again, picking up the boy and letting him rest his head on her shoulder as she tilts her hip to prop him up against her chest.
The sight unsettles Halsin. He could not explain why nor how. There is an alien sensation snaking into his veins and spreading throughout his body, numbing his fingertips with a dull pain. It is as though his heart is darkening at once, yet without resentment. The lump in his throat grows heavier, nearly choking him.
Children. Something he has considered for a long time, but never truly envisioned for himself. His career has always occupied a primary position in his life, one that he could not easily change. His projects for Emerald Grove constantly flooded his mind, which flourished with new ideas with almost every conversation he held. Little did he think about his own meals, let alone a family.
Besides, his plan to drastically change his life and environment would not have been ideal for a child. Uprooting a child, right when they are in their formative years, always resembled cruelty to him. Not if their parents could not help it, of course, every situation is different and he does not blame anybody for it. But as a conscious choice, which could only benefit the parents without any regard to whether the child would blossom into this new setting, Halsin could not fully support it. Perhaps he is old-fashioned in this way. After all, he catches himself reflecting, he knows next to nothing about raising children.
Could it be that the sight of Tav with her child suddenly makes him wish that he had settled down at some point and founded a family of his own? He loves the idea of a family, but as it happens with many others, he probably told himself that he had time for much too long. There he is, in his mid-forties, wondering about having children now that his situation is stable and his goals are met.
No. That is not it. In a way, it is, but it is not.
Is it regret? The venom of the idea that he might have missed out on life? Is it… envy? Then, as he is about to speak to break the awkward silence setting in, he sees her cupping her stomach with her free hand. The pain now rages in his chest and his fingertips.
All tender notions he had created for her vanish in an instant. Of all things he has considered, such as the moral dilemma of texting her out of the blue or even the mere idea of thinking about her, the fact that she might be taken was a criterion he overlooked. Not only taken, it seems. She is a mother, and this simple, gentle gesture towards her midriff hints at the fact that she might be pregnant again, only not showing just yet.
Good for her, he tells himself. She has got what he seems to have neglected in his life.
Halsin forces himself to smile at her and unties Scratch’s leash from the branch, bringing the dog over with him.
‘So, how is Beaky healing?’ he simply asks.
‘Rather well! Actually, I should hear about the conclusion of the lawsuit around our appointment.’
‘Should I set aside a bottle of bubbly wine to celebrate?’ Halsin teases in good humour.
‘Or to drown our sorrow,’ Tav jests in return, completely oblivious to the veterinarian’s inner turmoil. ‘I might bring one to the appointment.’
‘I will hold you to it, then!’
Her laughter resonates under the canopy of the leaves sheltering them from the rest of the world. For a moment, if not for Trith falling asleep on her shoulder for seemingly running around too long, he is happy here. But he cannot afford to feed himself illusions. He must maintain some professionalism between the two of them.
Tav places a kiss on the child’s forehead and pats his back.
‘I believe it’s time for us to head home,’ she whispers with a grin. ‘He needs a nap.’
‘You have yourselves a wonderful day, Miss Ashguard and Trith. I apologise for scaring the boy earlier.’
‘Oh, don’t apologise, doctor! He will be alright. Have a nice day yourself, and I will see you next week for the appointment.’
‘See you then, Miss Ashguard!’
Halsin nods at Tav and her son and turns around with Scratch at his feet, tossing a treat at the dog. Lost in thought, he hardly notices that he has reached Heawick until he stands in the middle of the pavement and nearly shoulders somebody. He shakes his head and takes a deep breath. It is time for him to let go of whatever is clouding his perception.
Instead of moping around, he shrugs the issue off and walks towards the market, reminding himself that he would like some fresh vegetables to make a delicious soup for himself in the evening. As he peruses the stalls and greets the sellers he already knows, a familiar silhouette appears in the corner of his eye.
Dressed down compared to his usual tweed suits and academic demeanour, Gale sings a tune under his breath while filling a net bag with nectarines and peaches. His plum-coloured polo shirt, left unbuttoned at the top, lets his chest hair peek out from underneath the fabric, and Halsin purses his lips, curious whether such a style would suit him as well outside of work.
Gale catches a glimpse of the veterinarian from above his sunglasses and he instantly lights up.
‘Halsin! What a pleasure to see you here! Enjoying the market as well, I see?’
The professor instantly holds out his hand and Halsin shakes it with equal enthusiasm.
‘I am, indeed! It seems that you are, too.’
Gale nods with a laugh and crouches to pet Scratch. A few groans escape him as he hears his knees cracking from the sole movement and from standing up again. He stretches his back with his hands on the back of his hips.
‘Oof, yet another reminder that my youth is fleeting away!’ he jokes. ‘So, how’s the practice doing? Do you manage to keep busy despite having just moved here?’
‘So far every day has been satisfying one way or another,’ Halsin reflects. ‘I could hope to see more patients coming in, but I suppose that fewer of them rushing to my office is a good sign.’
‘Hah, I suppose! Have you been able to use any of the shirts that Astarion’s been sewing?’
‘Plenty, in fact! Families find it soothing to be able to pick certain patterns. It alleviates their concerns, it seems. I can only salute Astarion’s idea to implement various fabrics into his work.’
A gleam of pride shines in the younger man’s eyes.
‘Astarion does have a good eye for such things. He’s quite talented!’
‘That he is.’
Gale readjusts his bag over his shoulder and crosses his arms, leaning in as if to speak in confidence.
‘But, tell me, is everything going well with him? Work-wise? You’re probably aware that he’s refused to do community service in many other places and that some of them rejected him altogether. I can’t help but worry that he might be reluctant to do his hours again. He has a tendency to self-sabotage sometimes.’
Halsin tilts his head, not having expected Gale’s sudden change in the conversation. But how could he blame him? Astarion’s file was not brilliant, and his temper seemed to linger on the short side.
‘Everything is going well. Astarion is a great asset in our team. He even took over Karlach’s desk once!’
‘He did?’ the professor gasps. ‘Well, I would not have expected it from him!’
‘I am very satisfied with his work, do not trouble yourself. Of course, I wish that I could connect with him a little bit more, but it is obviously something he is not interested in. Fine by me.’
Sighing in relief, Gale places a hand over his chest, letting his wedding ring reflect the sunlight.
‘I can sleep at night again, hah! I could trust Astarion’s word, but I know that he would either snap or embellish things to shut me up.’
The two men amble around the market together, making small talk and inspecting the vegetables from old Almorn, who busies himself weighing vegetables while his wife Breeza shares ideas with a customer to use the vegetables in their hands. Halsin buys what he needs for dinner, overhearing a drool-inducing recipe, and feels Gale gently nudging him as they greet the gnomish couple and walk away.
‘By the way, I heard from Astarion that someone was looking to buy your practice?’
Ah. This subject again.
‘Yes, a man visited and asked if I had the intention to sell the place. I will decline any offer coming my way, if it should happen.’
‘Good, good. He told me that the man owned several coffee shop chains and such. Well, I certainly hope that it’s nothing but a false alarm. I’ve seen how gentrification defaced Waterdeep, and it hurts my heart whenever I visit my mother. Everything that made the city what it was, all that constituted its identity, it’s all trampled by the crowds. I mean, back in the days, I would have loved to see Waterdeep be appreciated by others, not only by locals, but this… This is no longer my Waterdeep. That’s why Astarion and I moved here instead.’
Halsin adjusts his grip on his bag and pets Scratch’s head.
‘I was not aware that you were Waterdhavian, although the accent should have given me a clue.’
‘Ah, it does resurface every so often, doesn’t it?’
‘Indeed, it does.’
As they eye a cheese stand, the veterinarian’s brow furrows. He cannot prevent his mind from wandering back to Tav and the githyanki boy.
‘You and Astarion live in Combury, do you not?’
‘Mh? Oh, yes, we do. Why?’
Reddish hues tint Halsin’s complexion as he realises that he spoke without thinking. He finds himself speechless for a moment. He does not even know what he meant to ask Gale.
‘Well, um… I was wondering, are there any githyanki in Combury?’
‘Oh, yes. Two. A mother and her son.’
The professor’s answer piques his interest in an instant.
‘The child’s mother is a githyanki?’
‘Well, the child has two mothers. A githyanki and an elf. Astarion knows them well, especially the elf, but I forgot their names. Why are you asking?’
‘Oh,’ Halsin responds, the ache returning to his heart. ‘Scratch and I have just come across the boy with his mother in the forest. It… It occurred to me that it is rare to see githyanki in the region.’
‘Ah, yes. But they are lovely people.’
‘They are.’
He sighs.
‘They are, indeed.’
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Taglist: @emmanuellececchi @reignydays @cakenpiewhyohmy @beardedladyqueen @carmsgarms
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searchingsomewhere · 4 months
All Too Well, Part 6
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 7
CW: Blood, graphic violence.
Geto/Miho vs. Kenta
Miho's breathing was loud in her own head. Her vision shook, the tip of the blade shuttering and warping in time to her panicked breaths.
What- what the fuck-
A weight pressed against her back. Suguru grunted painfully behind her. The blade passed through his clasped hands, as if he had tried to catch it, piercing his chest and her back.
The man facing him was tall and thin. The katana he so casually skewered these teenagers with was long, nearly twice the length of a normal blade. The man was dressed in a strange uniform, somewhere between military and police. Suguru had never seen it before.
"Miho-" Suguru began.
"The Sealing Sorcerer, huh?" The man said lazily, "Didn't think it'd be this easy to-"
Suguru reached down and hooked his arms with Miho's. She sucked in a breath and bent over, gritting her teeth through the pain of the blade slicing further into her, pushing with her legs to pull Suguru up and over her back. He raised his foot as he moved, kicking back against the man with enough force to knock him away.
Pain spiked through her chest as the sword exited her body. Focus your energy. Stop the bleeding, she thought, feeling her tights tear at the knee as she bent closer to the ground. Suguru's arms slipped from hers as he launched off her back. Just as he passed over her, she felt the cold air of his Curse as he summoned one to their plane.
A large frog-shaped curse blocked the path between the students and the curse user in front of them. Miho shrugged off her school jacket and tossed it to the side, moving to face the man.
He was frowning.
"No one told me she'd have protection detail," he groaned.
"Who are you?" Suguru demanded.
"I'll go ahead and tell you, since you survived my attack. My name is Kenta," the man said boastfully.
"What, you just go around attacking teenagers?" Miho spat.
Another blast of cold air and Suguru was handing her a pole arm. Not any pole arm. It was Dawn of Justice, one of the cursed tools she had been training with. Standing at just barely taller than her, Dawn of Justice's dark navy staff contrasted with its short, curved blade. It's weight was familiar and comforting in her hand. Even though he had gotten the upper hand before, Miho could see this man wasn't very strong.
"Silence, Vessel," Kenta said, "Now die!"
The frog curse shot it's tongue out, covering the length of the alley in seconds. Kenta jumped to the side to avoid the attack.
"Curse Manipulation, hmm? Too bad you can't fight close range- huh?"
Suguru was behind him in seconds, landing several strikes to his abdomen. Kenta doubled over, crying out. Miho slid in right under his nose, stabbing the pole arm into the ground. She swung her body around, using the momentum of her slide to send her foot into his face.
Kenta stumbled back and regained his footing. Miho and Suguru were both on the move, running in from different angles. He clearly wasn't expecting either their speed or strength. Miho jumped up, riding the tongue of the frog curse as it shot out once more. Kenta thrusted his sword-
The sword clattered against the ground. Kenta looked at his hand. Or where his hand would have been, had it been attached. Instead it lay on the ground, still holding the handle of his katana.
A hand pressed against his back. Kenta turned.
Miho stood behind him, green eyes wide.
"Simple Seal," she said, "Restraint."
The talisman wedged between her hand his back burned a shadowy blue. Kenta's scream was lost in the wind as his body began to warp and twist, collapsing in on itself until he disappeared into the paper. Miho leaned against her bloody pole arm, inspecting the talisman. Just as she had thought, sealing him took no effort. He really wasn't that strong.
"Miho, you're bleeding," Suguru said urgently.
"You are too," she said, pressing her hand against the hole in her chest. Blood poured between her fingers and splattered on the ground. "Guess we should head back, huh?"
As it turns out, stab wounds were quite difficult to treat. And quite painful. Miho found that out shortly after being rushed back to campus. She delivered her talisman to Yaga, who thanked her and promptly took the captured Sorcerer to be interrogated.
Suguru sat at the end of her infirmary bed. He was dressed in sweat pants and an oversized sweatshirt. She had never seen him with his hair down before. He hadn't put it up since they had returned.
"He called you 'vessel'. Any idea what that's about?" Suguru asked.
"He thought I was the Star Plasma Vessel," Miho said, shaking her head. "Yaga said he talked as soon as they released the seal. He's a member of Q."
"Star Plasma Vessel?"
"It's...a whole thing. I guess Q thought that's who I was because of my technique. But administration already knows who the real vessel is. I guess it's better they targeted me than her."
She pulled the sleeves of her t-shirt over her hands and looked out the window. Had the real Star Plasma Vessel been targeted...She didn't want to know the ramifications of that.
"I wouldn't say that. I'd rather them target her than you," Suguru said quietly.
His hand reached over slowly, inching over the bed comforter. His fingers shyly wove between hers. Warmth spread through her arm at the touch. It suddenly occurred to her that she never got the chance to answer him.
"About what you said yesterday," Miho said. Suguru looked at her and her face began to burn. She couldn't hold his hazel gaze. Instead, her green eyes dropped to her hands. She nervously tucked a lock of hair behind her ear. "Um, I...I'd really like to go out. Just us."
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anonymouspuzzler · 2 years
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oh boy it's a BIG SFM doodle post!!! i call this compilation: Old Man Tweets A Lot
bonus close-ups on those little non-tweet doodles, too!
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(detailed image descriptions under cut!)
[Image 1: A large compilation of several black-and-white illustrated Dr. Habit tweets, plus additional miscellaneous Smile For Me doodles. Each tweet and doodle is cut out and showcased individually in more detail in the rest of the post, with detailed descriptions below.]
[Image 2: A black-and-white illustrated version of the Habit tweet (transcribed minus spelling errors) "But soft! What rock through yonder window breaks oh no Putunia stop right there put the rocks away", which is screenshotted at the top left of the image. The drawing shows Habit, wearing a ringer t-shirt with the sleeves rolled up and jeans, is smiling with one eye cracked open to look down nervously at Putunia, who is grinning mischievously with a rock held up in her right hand, prepared to throw. Habit is sweating and cautiously reaching up both hands near the rock as if preparing to grab it.]
[Image 3: A black-and-white illustrated version of the Habit tweet (transcribed minus spelling errors) "Tip-tapping around the room WITH a little cape on, like a gosh-darn vampire", which is screenshotted towards the right side of the image. The drawing shows Habit in a long-sleeved button-up, black pants and heeled boots, wearing Putunia's cape, which is comically tiny on him. He is grinning mischievously, tip-toing and holding up his hands in mimicry of a stereotypical vampire. Putunia is chasing behind him, hands in the air, shouting.]
[Image 4: A black-and-white illustrated version of the Habit tweet (transcribed minus spelling errors) "VERY small girl with a cape, just called me a 'walking cringe compilation'", which is screenshotted at the top left of the image. The drawing shows Habit, in a short sleeved button-up with a chest pocket and rolled-up sleeves, long pants and a belt with an oval buckle, standing with one hand on his hip and the other gesturing down at Putunia to his left, who smirking mischievously with her tongue sticking out. Habit looks lightly irritated, visibly blushing. In front of them both in the foreground is Kamal, looking down at Putunia and visibly trying to restrain laughter.]
[Image 5: A black-and-white illustrated version of the Habit tweet (transcribed minus spelling errors) "Oh okay so when a princess kisses a frog it's 'a charming film' but when I do it I'm 'ruining our day at the petting zoo?' How is that fair to me?", which is screenshotted at the top left of the image. In the drawing Habit, wearing an open jacket with fluffy collar and sleeves over a sweater, hair in a ponytail, is gesturing wildly with one hand and the other on his hip, shouting indignantly. Kamal, to his right, wearing an open hoodie over a sweater, is covering his face with both hands, looking flustered and embarrassed. To Habit's right is Putunia, in a cute little cardigan, grimacing and sticking out of her tongue at Habit, holding a mildly alarmed-looking frog in her hands.]
[Image 6: A black-and-white illustrated version of the Habit tweet (transcribed minus spelling errors) "Watch this backflip! *does not successfully backflip*", which is screenshotted at the top right of the image. There are two drawings of Habit, both wearing a ringer t-shirt with rolled-up sleeves, flared jeans, and heeled boots. The first, on the left, shows him smiling and shouting, stance wide, gesturing at himself with both thumbs. The second shows him having resolutely failed to land a backflip, slamming onto his upper back, legs still flying in the air and visibly shaking with the impact, shirt riding up on his torso and hair flying everywhere.]
[Image 7: A black-and-white illustrated version of the Habit tweet (transcribed minus spelling errors) "I just wanted free lasagna and now I have a computer virus?? Why am I being punished", which is screenshotted at the top left of the image. The drawing shows Habit, in a ringer t-shirt with rolled-up sleeves, looking extremely worried and yelling, with tears in his right eye. He is clutching a 90s-era computer monitor to his chest with both hands, the screen facing out, showing numerous pop-up and error windows.]
[Image 8: A black-and-white illustrated version of the Habit tweet (transcribed minus spelling errors) "40+ singles in MY area? Looking for love?", screenshotted towards the top-left of the image, then, cut off and screenshotted towards the right, "Well that's nice I hope they find it (smiley face)". There are two drawings for each part of the tweet - the first, to the left, shows Habit in a collared button-up under a sweater, sitting at a computer looking at the monitor in confusion, head tilted and right pointer finger lifted towards his face. Kamal is walking by in the background, looking startled. The second drawing flips perspectives to show Habit from behind, smiling happily, while in the foreground Kamal walks away, blushing and looking somewhat haunted, with an arrow pointing to him reading "suddenly remembering to clear search history".]
[Image 9: A black-and-white illustrated version of the Habit tweet (transcribed minus spelling errors) "Why... Yes I WOULD like to put on our silly little outfits to go to the grocery store and look at lobsters", which is screenshotted at the top right of the image. The drawing shows Kamal, wearing a baggy t-shirt, holding a notepad in his left hand and a pen in the other. Habit, wearing a t-shirt with the sleeves rolled up, is behind him, with his right hand on Kamal's shoulder and the left cradling his face. He is bent over so the side of his face rests on top of Kamal's head, with a relaxed, closed-eye smile. Kamal is looking up at him and smiling back.]
[Image 10: A black-and-white illustrated version of the Habit tweet (transcribed minus spelling errors) "due to personal reasons I'm hand stuck in the mayonnaise jar", which is screenshotted at the top right of the image. The drawing shows Kamal in the foreground, turning around to see Habit, wearing a ringer t-shirt with the sleeves rolled up, left hand stuck in a mayonnaise jar, with the other hand on his chest and expression serious, as if he were making an important announcement.]
[Image 11: A black-and-white illustrated version of the Habit tweet (transcribed minus spelling errors) "'Just stretching my legs!!' I lie, embarrassed that you've discovered me stuck in the washing machine once again", which is screenshotted at the top of the image. The drawing shows Kamal, wearing a ringer t-shirt, in the foreground with his back facing the camera, holding a basket of laundry. In front of him is Habit, also wearing a ringer t-shirt, apparently stuck in the laundry machine, sticking out of the round front-facing door from the waist up. He has a slightly manic grin as if desperately trying to act natural, posing with one elbow on the ground, hand behind his head, and the other bent to rest on his hip.]
[Image 12: A black-and-white illustrated version of the Habit tweet (transcribed minus spelling errors) "*slipping the waiter a four dollar bill* Mix my salad WITH my coffee thank you very much". The drawing shows Kamal (left, sitting in a chair) and Habit (right, sitting in a booth seat) at a table, apparently at a restaurant. There is a waiter standing between them, writing on a notepad held in their left hand; they are wearing a vest and long-sleeved button-up and have a short haircut with long bangs on the right side of their face. Habit, wearing a long-sleeved button-up, is smiling confidently at the waiter, tongue sticking out, as he slides a bill across the table towards the waiter. Kamal, visibly flustered, is hiding behind a menu held in both hands, with his elbows propped up on the table.]
[Image 13: A black-and-white illustrated version of the Habit tweet (transcribed minus spelling errors) "What's your favorite thing about me don't lie (angry frowny face)", which is screenshotted at the top right of the image. The drawing shows Kamal, wearing a t-shirt and holding a toothbrush in his left hand, looking startled as shadow-Habit suddenly looms up behind him.]
[Image 14: A black-and-white illustrated version of the Habit tweet (transcribed minus spelling errors) "Pilot the Puppet, Kamal. Or Boris will have to do it again.", which is screenshotted at the top left of the image. The drawing shows Habit, wearing a bulky sweater, flared pants and heeled boots, lying back on a couch with his legs over one of the arms. His left arm is folded over his torso while the right holds up puppet-Habit; he has his head turned away into the sofa, left eye cracked open, apparently "playing dead". Kamal is standing behind the couch, staring down at Habit with an amused expression as puppet-Habit caresses his cheek.]
[Image 15: A black-and-white illustrated version of the Habit tweets (transcribed minus spelling errors) "Anyone else eat their smoothie by dipping their entire hand in the cup and licking it off?", screenshotted on the top left of the image, and the follow-up "The people love when I post Relatable Content", screenshotted towards the right. There is a drawing for each tweet; the first shows Habit, hair in a ponytail and wearing a frilly tank top that exposes his stomach, speaking nonchalantly into a flip phone in his right hand, dunking his left into a smoothie held in Kamal's right hand. Kamal, also wearing a tank top and holding a second smoothie in his left, stares at this in horror. The second drawing shows Habit licking the smoothie off his hand with a smug grin, with a speech bubble coming out of the phone showing a bunch of heart symbols and smiley faces. Kamal, still holding both smoothies, just looks up at Habit in continued horror and disbelief.]
[Image 16: A black-and-white illustrated version of the Habit tweets (transcribed minus spelling errors) "At the parent teacher conference. Trying to keep a straight face and not to let on that I have a half-dozen angry squirrels nesting in my hair", screenshotted towards the top left of the image, and the follow-up, "It's not my fault that I am naturally charismatic and also I style my hair with peanut oil", screenshotted towards the right. There is a drawing for each tweet; the first shows Habit, left, and Kamal, right, both sitting in front of a teacher's desk in the foreground. Habit is wearing a short-sleeved button-up with a large tie, flared pants and heeled boots, sitting with right leg crossed over his left and hands clasped tightly over his knee. He has a tight smile and nervous expression, visibly shaking, with a few squirrels peeking out of his hair. Kamal is wearing a short-sleeved button-up under an argyle sweater vest, with baggy pants and sneakers. He is holding a paper in his right hand, the left resting on his knee, and looking over at Habit in concern. The second image shows a frustrated-looking Kamal shoving both arms into Habit's hair to try and shake out the squirrels, who are jumping out in all directions. Habit is flailing his limbs and yelling as this happens.]
[Image 17: A colored, illustrated version of the Habit tweet (transcribed minus spelling errors) "I care about you and. I hope you can tell", which is screenshotted at the top left of the image. The drawing shows Habit, seen from behind, wearing a light-blue long-sleeve button up and dark pants, crouched over Kamal, who has fallen asleep on the couch. Kamal is wearing a baggy green t-shirt and is lying on his stomach, left arm dangling off the couch holding a stack of papers, the right partially underneath him, bent at the elbow, hand resting limply over his face. There is a blue pillow behind him on the sofa. Habit is gently drawing a dark blue blanket over him, looking down at his peacefully slumbering expression.]
[Bonus 1: A black and white drawing of Kamal and Habit, both from roughly the shoulders-up. Habit, on the right, has Kamal in a tight embrace and is kissing him gently on the cheek. Kamal looks utterly lovestruck, with a wobbly smile, the eye closest to Habit closed and the other blown open with a big heart-shaped pupil, and two big heart symbols coming off him in the background.]
[Bonus 2: A black and white drawing of Kamal, wearing a short-sleeved button-up and smiling mildly anxiously, glancing off to his left side, standing with his mom to his right. Kamal-mom has an identical face-shape and nose and a similar build, though she stands about an inch or two taller than her son. She has long, wavy grey hair in a braid that falls over her right shoulder, with bangs on the left side of her face. She is wearing large cat-eye glasses that hide her eyes, a turtleneck sweater, and an open sleeveless cardigan over the sweater. She has simple round earrings, a necklace with two round charms, and a simple nose stud. She has a neutral smile with wrinkles visible around the edges and under her eyes.]
[Bonus 3: A black and white drawing of Habit holding up Putunia with both hands. Habit is wearing a long-sleeved button-up and has a big, slightly worried smile, exposing the gaps and chips in his teeth. Putunia is kicking her legs out and holding up both fists, and has a delighted, open-mouthed grin, exposing her own missing teeth.]
[Bonus 4: A black and white drawing of Kamal, posing with one hand on his hip and the other on his chin, one knee slightly bent, smirking confidently. He is wearing suit pants and a matching, open jacket with only his binder underneath, as well as heeled boots. The pants have flared, frilly edges and a belt with a round decorative buckle, with the jacket has embroidered cuffs and hem.]
[Bonus 5: A black and white drawing of Kamal with his hair in a ponytail, tilting his head to one side with a wide, silly smile, sticking his tongue out. He is wearing a v-neck shirt with the sleeves rolled up past the elbow, with the cut low enough to expose a bit of chest hair.]
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writersmilex · 1 year
Slipknot Masterlist:
I have decided to finally make the masterlists. Here, are the collections of my Slipknot X Reader Insert stories. Both Imagines and Headcanons. Neatly organized and labeled, WITH the summaries this time. 
0# Sid Wilson___________________________
Look At Me!:  Sid is unhappy and jealous that Chris and Mick get more attention from (Y/n) than him. He will do anything to get it.
Hype Out!:  Sid meets the energetic drummer of a new-comer band at a festival, (Y/n) has enough energy to keep up with him.
1# Joey Jordison________________________
Raw Flesh:  taking care of Joey's wounded hands for him.
The Fuzz Illness:  Joey hasn't been seen in a while. He says he sick. So (Y/n) visits to check on him. And describes something strange.
Feline VS Canine:  Joey and (Y/n) having a debate over cats and dogs.
Neighbours Treat: (Y/n)'s neighbor Joey shows up at their door one evening with a homemade Lasagna.     
Stubbornness aside:  Joey is sick and denies it. (Y/n) knows better and takes are of him.
So Many Cats!:  In Japan, Joey and (Y/n) visit a cat cafe and it's cuter than they imagined.
Cattitude:  Cat boy Joey. Behaving like your typical crackhead cat.  
Not Fragile:  Joey's leg has broken off. And Mage (Y/n) helps to fix him up.
Fance Tangle:  Joey's braids (Y/n)'s hair as they're distracted.
Headcanon: Teenage sibling
Headcanon: Reassuring Joey
1.2# Jay Weinberg_______________________
2# Paul Gray___________________________
Bad Jobs:  (Y/n) has trouble on their new job and Paul helps them with it.
Raggedy:  (Y/n) has a hobby they're ashamed of. Paul eventually finds out.
Headcanon: Bassplayer | Reader
2.2# Alessandro Venturella________________
3# Chris Fehn__________________________
3.2# Tortilla Man________________________
4# Jim Root____________________________
Lucky Number:  (Y/n) gives Jim many good-luck charms, as they believe in the unlucky number 4. Jim thinks it's something else.
Guitar Lesson Rival: (Y/n) is wants to learn guitar and asks the two guitarists for help. Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3
There, There:  Jim is having a tough time dealing with the pressure , (Y/n) visits at the right time.
The Fuzz Illness:  Jim doesn't notice the changes until (Y/n) points it out.
Slimy Creature For Show: (Y/n) finds a cool frog and shows it off to everybody. Only Mick and Jim seem to care.  
~~~~ Headcanon: Cute Jim Root
5# Craig Jones_________________________
One-Sided Chatter:  chatterbox (Y/n) having a one-sided conversation with Craig.
Spike Wall:  At a Meet and Greet event, (Y/n) gets a little uncomfortable with fans getting so close. Luckily Craig is there to assist.
6# Shawn Crahan_______________________
Beautiful mind:  Shawn admires (Y/n)'s sense of creativity and artistic views. Once time (Y/n) has an artist-block and he helps them with that.
7# Mick Thompson______________________
Guitar Lesson Rival: (Y/n) is wants to learn guitar and asks the two guitarists for help. Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3
Slimy Creature For Show:  (Y/n) finds a cool frog and shows it off to everybody. Only Mick and Jim seem to care.
Practice Makes Masters:  Mick and (Y/n) play video games together. Mick let's them win a round because they suck at the game.   
Provoke Me?:  (Y/n) and Mick are out on a date. A fan dares to flatter (Y/n) in front of Mick.
Bearable Hug:  Mick Comforts (Y/n) after they wake up from a bad dream.    
Big Cat:  A Day in the life of (Y/n) and their Maine Coon cat; Mick.  
8# Corey Taylor_________________________
Midnight With Corey:  (Y/n) has a nightmare and goes to the kitchen to get a drink and calm down. They meet Corey there too.
~~~~ Clever Route:  (Y/n) feels unsafe when walking home one day and calls Corey up for help.
All Of\ Or Some of Them_________________
Time-Bomb:  slipknot is dealing with an aggressive, short tempered (Y/n).
Party Lower:  Mick, Chris and Jim are called to pick up their close and drunk friend, (Y/n)
Fall Flat!:  (Y/n) is overworked from working in the summer heat and nearly faints when going home. (loosely based with a personal experience of fainting)
The Supporter:  at an interview. (Y/n) recalls their time with the band over the years.
Talented Hobbies:  (Y/n), from another band has a secret hobby, but Slipknot finds out anyway.
Slipknot As Cats
Offensive Humour
Slipknot and Hugs
Slipknot and Teenage Child
You are number 10#
First Kiss
I don’t really write for Slipknot anymore, but these are still around and everyone is free to read them if you’re into this kind of stuff. 
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sheepiemc · 1 year
Seven Stupid Reasons to Summon a Demon
Reason #7: can't sleep
You wake with a start. 
The first thing you register is the sound of blood rushing in your ears. Your heart is beating wildly and you don’t know what happened or where you are. It's not an unfamiliar feeling but it has been quite a while since you felt this way. Your breathing is shallow, no matter how hard you try, you can't take in enough air. You press a hand to your chest as if that will calm it down. 
You take in a deep breath… and release it slowly… 
It was just a dream — of course it was. That would never happen in real life… at least, you hope it wouldn’t. You take one final deep breath and sigh. 
You look at the clock: 3:47 a.m. 
Your cat stares at you from the windowsill, eyes reflecting green and gold back at you. He hops down from the sill and crawls into your lap. You give him a scratch under his chin, just like you know he likes. 
You hate when this happens. 
It’s so hard for you to fall asleep when you’ve been woken up. You’ve been working all week and today was your first full day off in a long time. Normally, you would just resign yourself to your fate and get up — do something, anything — instead of lying awake in bed. But this time, you were determined to go back to sleep. You‘ve earned it, dammit! 
You flop back onto the pillows. You take a deep breath and close your eyes. You try “counting sheep” but you never make it past 30 before you get confused and start imagining things other than sheep. Or asking questions like, why do we count sheep in the first place? Could’ve been frogs or elephants, even! Why sheep? Who decided sheep were associated with sleep anyway? 
See, now your mind is racing with questions. 
You shift positions, laying on your side, pushing sheep thoughts from your mind. Think of nothing, you tell yourself. Nothing at all… You hear the soft pitter-patter of rain hit your window and feel yourself start to drift off to sleep — when a loud crack of thunder rouses you from your almost-slumber. You swear you can feel the bags forming underneath your eyes as the wind howls and the gentle tapping becomes hard knocks against the pane of glass. 
Of course. This might as well happen. 
It’ll pass soon, sure, but it HAD to pass when you were struggling to fall asleep? You groan in frustration. Your cat bolted when the lightning hit so you feel no guilt throwing the sheets off your sweaty legs. You start to head off towards the kitchen — before you return for your blanket, wrapping it around your shoulders because you feel naked without its protection. 
You know what you need? Tea. Something mild, something sleepy. You pull out a blend of chamomile and butterfly pea tea. Sure, you could use the normal chamomile tea, but you love to add color to your life when you can. Plus, it doesn’t change the taste, not really. That’s what you add the honey and lemon for. 
The lemon really does give it a lovely hue, you think as you stir your tea. It’s a hue that always reminds you of a certain someone... 
You furrow your brow. 
A certain someone who has the easiest solution to your problem right at his fingertips. 
You almost smack your head for not thinking of him sooner as you concentrate on a star that doesn’t exist in your night sky. You don’t even bother walking up to your window to imagine it because the rain clouds are covering any glimpse you would have of the stars in your city. 
You kick yourself and concentrate when a soft purple light floods your dark kitchen — you didn’t even bother to turn on the lights for fear it would ruin your sleepy vibes. Before you stands just the demon you wanted to see, his purple eyes almost glowing in the dark. 
“MC.” He almost purrs. 
“Belphie.” Your voice sounds rough. You blame your interrupted respite. 
You blink at each other a few times. When you don’t immediately offer an explanation, he looks you fully up and down. 
No shoes, clearly wearing pajamas, mug of tea in hand, blanket wrapped cozily around you, faint bags under your eyes. Even though it’s dark, you swear you can still see him smirk at you as he says, “Can’t sleep?” 
You shake your head. “Can’t sleep.” 
“Well,” he says, “You’ve come to the right demon.” He nods to the tea. “Bring me some, I’ll meet you inside.” He heads off to your room. 
You shake your head and smile incredulously. You pour some tea into the mug you save just for him. Sugar instead of honey, two spoons. No lemon keeps it blue but half-n-half makes the tea a soft, milky sky blue. 
When you make your way back to your room, you can see he’s made quick work crafting a cozy space out of your bed. “The environment is a key factor, not a lot of people know that.” 
You shake your head again and chuckle this time. “I’m not gonna question the master.” 
You hand him his cup of tea. He takes a sip and smiles at what he tastes — a smile that says just the way I like it. “Thank you kindly.” 
“Wow, so polite.” 
“Of course,” he says, “What kind of demon would I be if I didn’t treat my pact-holder with the utmost respect.” 
“Cute,” you smile sweetly. Then, your voice flattens. “What do you want?” 
“Clever human,” He puts the mug down on the bedside table and places his hands behind his head — lounging, the very definition of relaxed (and lazy). “I wanted to discuss the terms of my service.” 
“Excuse me?” 
“Well, what am I getting out of this deal?” 
You scoff. “Seriously?” You take a sip of your tea. 
“I mean, if I’m gonna put the effort into this, I should get something for it.” 
You hold your tea up to the side of your face and tilt your head to that side, the picture of innocent cuteness. “You get to be with little ol’ me for a few hours.” 
“Well that’s no fun — you’ll be sleeping.” He’s not even looking at you — he’s already closed his eyes, as if this is a done deal. Smug bastard. 
You grit your teeth. You didn’t think he would be difficult about this but maybe you should’ve known better. Honestly, it's 4 a.m. now and you don’t have the patience for his games right now. 
“Well, if you’re gonna be stingy about it, maybe I don’t need y-” 
You turn to leave your room, ready to abandon your bed for the couch if it comes for a price, when he quickly grabs onto you.  
He sits up from his lounging position. You look down at where he holds your wrist in his hand, firm but still gentle, then look into his eyes. You know he has more strength in his little finger than you do in your entire body but when you pull your arm out of his grip, there is no resistance. 
You see the hurt creep around his eyes and you already feel bad but you steel yourself and say, “I’m tired, Belphie. A nightmare woke me up tonight and I just want to get back to sleep.” 
He looks at you for a long time without saying anything. For a moment, you wonder if he heard you, or if you even said anything out loud. Then he asks, "Do you wanna talk about it?" 
The question catches you off guard ...Talk about the dream? The details are already beginning to fade but you do remember the fear. 
Belphegor watches you ponder the question and wordlessly pats your bed. You sit next to him and look down at your tea in your hands. “I… don't really remember where I was or what I was doing. All I can remember is that I was watching something terrible happen and I was powerless to stop it.” 
“You know, MC. I’m a dream demon. I’m used to wading around through people’s subconscious and seeing the absolute worst things they can imagine. Hell, I’ve sometimes even put some truly awful things in their minds. But you know, no matter how visceral it feels, how much it scares you, how much it hurts — it will never be real. It can’t hurt you out here.” He puts a hand on your knee, next to where your hands lay in your lap. 
You look up at him and see sincerity, a rare expression on his usually mischievous face. 
You smile softly at him before scoffing. 
Not the reaction he was expecting, he gives you a sassy look and rests his cheek on his fist. “What?”
“I just feel like I’ve had this exact conversation before… Y’know, when I was, like, five?” You try to take a sip of your tea but you can’t stop smiling.
Belphie lets out an involuntary bark of laughter. It makes you giggle, too. “Well then, I guess you never learn, do you?” 
You both end up in a fit of laughter. 
You're not really sure why — it wasn’t that funny to begin with. But it is almost 4:30 a.m. and you’re probably more than a little hysterical. Belphie takes the mug of tea from your hands before you end up spilling it everywhere. 
As you gasp for breath, coming down from your giggle delirium, you say, "It's kinda funny, actually… How when you're a kid, your nightmares are about monsters and scary things that aren't real but as you get older, your nightmares are about real life tragedies that could happen to you tomorrow." 
He chuckles to himself. 
You push him with your shoulder. "What?" 
"Nothing. Just…” He looks down at his hands resting in his lap.
“What would kid-you say now that the monster wasn't under your bed, but in it?" He's smiling but it's more rueful than joyful. 
You look at him and say, "You're not a monster, Belphie." 
He looks at you and raises an eyebrow. "MC, I'm literally a demon. I just told you I give people nightmares. Like for fun." 
You know what else he’s thinking about — what always goes unsaid but is always at the back of his mind, always hanging in the air between you. You give him a flat look. 
He narrows his eyes at you slightly, so slight you almost convince yourself he didn’t. And yet, faster than you can blink, you’re on your back. He hovers his body over yours, with both his hands on either side of your face — caging you in. He looks down at you. You look up at him. Where you would normally see a mischievous glint in his eyes, you only see hard emotion. 
You’ve gotten good at communicating non-verbally with both Belphie and his twin but when he puts up a wall like this, he is impossible to read. 
“You should be afraid of me.” His voice sounds raw with emotion, like he’s been screaming for hours. 
You just look at him. After what feels like an eternity of neither of you saying anything, he hesitantly lifts one hand and places it gently on your neck. His touch is so featherlight, you can barely feel it. But you do feel it there, trembling slightly. 
“You know I’m not.” And it’s true. You know he would never hurt you. Not like that, not again. And not just because you could stop him with your pact. You know he hasn’t forgiven himself for what he did and you aren’t sure you fully have either. It’s times like these where you both get to reflect on your relationship, that defining event, and where you are now. 
“And I never will be.” You slip your hands behind his neck and card your finger through his soft hair. You see his eyes flutter for a moment before he remembers he's supposed to be intimidating you. 
Before you can react, his head dips low to the crook of your neck. He lets his body weight fall on top of you. You grunt from the sudden impact and it makes you laugh. In the quiet, you hear him gently murmur into your neck, “I don’t deserve you.” 
You hum and continue to card your fingers through his hair. “I thought you were the one who was supposed to comfort me.” 
“Well, if you want me to help you out, I did say you would have to do something for me.” 
You laugh. Of course — he’s just as stubborn as you are. “Can I at least get into a more comfortable position?” 
Belphie groans and flops away from you. You get into your nest and adjust till you’re nice and cozy. He kneels on the bed, hovering above you, ready to pounce. He switches to his demon form, the smell of sulfur filling the room. You plug your nose and wave the stench away. “Damn, I wish that smell didn’t linger so much.” 
Belphie shrugs, “Hey, what kind of demon would I be if at least one aspect of this wasn’t unpleasant?” You roll your eyes and open your arms to him. He dives in and, to your surprise, actually maneuvers you to be on top of him now. 
You look at him, questions obvious on your face.   
He holds you close, tucking your head underneath his chin and says, “Nothing is more comforting to me than having you in my arms.” 
You feel the heat rise in your face at how unabashedly honest he is and you're grateful he can’t see your face — you wouldn’t hear the end of it. 
You tighten your arms around him, holding him close, too. “Thank you, Belphie.” 
You feel the effects of his power take hold and you lose yourself to the soft purple abyss of deep, uninterrupted sleep.
A soft, soothing voice reaches out to you through the lulling numbness. Safe. Comfort.“Sweet dreams, MC.”
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sabrondabrainrot · 6 months
I finished the 87 series as a whole (except the European vacay season like I can't find it anywhere) and want to cry!!! My boys!!! I can't believe it's done!!!
What an awesome show. I might have to rewatch it just to write down more notes and thoughts. ;)
Anyways here's some headcanons about my sweet 87 boys and some show observations:
Hopefully with this people might give the show a chance. It's so delightful and charming. You won't be disappointed.
The turtles are all basically 3-4 years old. They make tons of comments about living half their lives in a fish bowl and when Yoshi comes across them they're still babies. When they're shown mutating, they go from baby turtles to the older bipedal forms we know them by.
They're all identical sans their voices. (In the 87 show not only does April have trouble telling them apart at the beginning but so do the animators in every episode)
They all seem to possess super strength and some levels of invulnerability. Donatello in particular had a multiple story brick building dropped on him, which he just walked off. They've all shown varying skills such as bending metal with their bare hands. Raphael as a practical joke in one episode picks up a couch and hurls it at Donatello just to be smartass. Leonardo cuts metal like tinfoil.
They still think of themselves as turtles first and foremost, so they don't refer to each other as brothers. (despite the fact they're totally brothers) and simply address each other as friends. (They're brothers tho we all know the truth 💕)
Something not explained in the opening of the 3rd season, the turtles as babies, before they mutate, are shown with different shell patterns. While it's not obvious which turtle is which it is neat the artists went out of their way to animate each turtle with a unique pattern.
When you watch the show the amount of people and mutants that dislike the turtles is shocking. For a fun kids show made in the late 80's to mid 90's, it's basically a huge allegory to the civil rights movements and you can even take relevance to human rights movements of today.
Despite being so lovable they have only a small circle of friends. Most of those friends at some point have betrayed them too.
The boys have seen two different futures of themselves. (not counting their shared apocalypse nightmares) The first future is where they get old together in a mansion and they're heralded as heroes and everyone likes them. The second future doesn't show them but in the second future it's stated being a mutant is a crime punishable by death and all mutants are criminals regardless of deeds. This is before the red skies studio era of writing. That's before it's supposed to get edgy.
They all are highly intelligent. They can each pilot every vehicle ever present in the show despite none of them having a formal education, license, or understanding of the rules of the road. Michelangelo in particular seems to have a knack for US fighter jets.
In season 7 episode 11, titled "Dirk Savage: Mutant Hunter!" We meet two new mutants named Rahzar and Tokka. They're a gay couple. You don't believe me? Go watch the episode. I'm not pulling your leg. I swear. I promise. It's a good episode go watch it.
Master Splinter calls them his sons. He also calls Carter, his newest student, son occasionally too. It's his term of endearment.
The turtles in this version are known to get sick pretty regularly. (probably because of their still developing immune systems). They always get sick as a group and they totally soak up the pampering.
They in the first season share a 4 stack bunk bed and then after the bunk is destroyed in the season 1 finale they each get their own alcoves which they treat as their own rooms.
I didn't remember which Punk Frog said it, but one of them called Leonard and Michelangelo his Bubba which is a term of endearment for brother. The punk frogs call each other bubba too. So unlike the turtles they were either all frog brothers who mutated together or after mutating they just decided they're brothers and they also adopted the turtles as their brothers too.
Mondo Gecko seems older in this series because of his appearance but he's the same age as the turtles and actually mutated from the same ooze as them on the same day at the same time so he in 87 is like a mix of their brother and cousin? He's related regardless. (We all know the truth in our hearts)
Shredder and Krang act like a married couple who've been married too long and are on the cusp of a divorce but they've been together too long so they just keep tolerating eachother.
They all love the unhinged gross unholy pizza combos. Michaelangelo's stated combos are actually tame compared to some of the things they've eaten. One episode the boys committed to the bit so hard they ate lit candles just to mess with Michelangelo. They get pregnant sardine fudge pizza cravings at midnight. They put cereal on regular pizza for breakfast. They hate vegetables though. They literally gag when Splinter eats sushi. They refuse to eat bugs despite their turtle origins (interesting enough the Punk Frogs don't even like pizza at all first unlike them) but like they will eat out of the garbage. But not fresh handmade sushi.
They're so casual about being in public. Like they have disguises but sometimes they just go out in public as themselves. They also have so many elaborate disguises. In the first episode their first instinct to blend in was to throw on bright neon shoes, various bomber jackets, and start publicly beatboxing and breakdancing.
The turtles get called slurs by Shredder, Bebop, and Rocksteady. The slur in question is "Shellback" . When Donatello makes an evil clone the first thing the clone does is call him that slur. It's so funny like that's yourself. Donatello basically called himself ugly. Why is that so funny.
Shredders go to threat in the show and many other villains go to insult is to straight up threaten to eat them. Like, do none of the villains care about getting salmonella? Why do all the villains want to eat them?
Something I've noticed, they refuse to use nicknames. They only use each other's full names. It makes me wonder why? I theorize it's probably to do with the fact Master Splinter gave them their names and that's the first thing they received? It's not like they're not playful enough to use nicknames.
Despite his fatherly role in their lives, the turtle boys don't call Splinter their father and this is more than likely to do with the fact they see themselves as turtles and know they have turtle parents. (Again we know the truth)
April in this show is an adrenaline junky. She's also a child endangerer. She's helped save the day a lot but she would much rather the world burn so she can film it as her next big scoop.
The boys treat April like their mom in this show. April herself doesn't really get that. In one episode she got poison flowers and thought it was from the boys and went to "let them down gently" because she thought they romantically liked her.
April on multiple occasions reads bed time stories to them. She in one episode read the same bedtime story 4 times just because they liked it that much. She was going to read it a 5th time just for Leonardo.
When Zack, the 5th turtle, was in danger instead of helping him April shouted "What a scoop!" and filmed a child in a death trap.
Splinter believes in wholesome gaslighting in this show. He once cured three of them of permanent balloon-itis with moth balls but made up a story about how it was an ancient mythical legendary cure. Then after they were better he said it was moth balls.
April actually got fired from her job because she wouldn't badmouth the turtles on live television (also for other reasons). She focused on freelance while helping the boys on the side.
April is really bamf. She's actually saved the turtles just as much as they save her.
I just want everyone to know I love these little guys. The turtles are pure little snookie pookie baby bookies. No one knows the amount of space these silly little fictional turtles take up in my heart.
I hope maybe with more word out people might give the 1987 tmnt show a chance. It's really cute and funny. A super enjoyable time. It doesn't deserve the ragging it gets from other shows and fanbases. They're just goobers.
Thanks for reading my ramble list. :)
Also! if there's any fanfic recs please let me know I'm making a list and checking it twice ;)
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duckdoeswords · 5 months
Change of Pace Ch.7
Summary: When a scandal breaks out after her father is arrested for Electoral fraud and Tax evasion she takes this opportunity to disappear leaving Atlas for a small town in the south where her Grandfather had a small farm that had fallen into disrepair. She arrives hoping to find a better life for herself and her daughter.
Words: 36,659
Main Relationship: Weiss Schnee/Ruby Rose
Rating: M
Notes: I'm currently working on posting links to fics I forgot about to tumblr. I'm also trying a new format for posting said links. If you want to set the mood for the fic please check out the playlist for it and you can check out my ko-fi if you want.
‘Your destination is ahead on the right.’ Weiss glanced out of the right window, noticing the narrow gravel road. 
“That must be it.” Turning onto the road her car jerked slightly as she drove up toward a rustic two-story house with a familiar beat-up red pickup truck parked in the driveway. Pulling up next to it, she put her car in park unbuckling her seatbelt, looking over the seat at Ivory where she sat, playing with a stuffed rabbit, kicking her legs back and forth. “You ready?” 
“Yuh-uh!” Ivory chirped as she began to unbuckle herself. Turning off the engine, it made a clunking sound that didn’t fill Weiss with much confidence. 
“Oh, that didn’t sound good...” Gently she stroked the steering wheel before she grabbed her purse and stepped out into spring evening air. Slamming the door closed she moved around the front just as Ivory skipped into view. The blue sundress had definitely been the right choice. That and the white buckle sandals made her look like an entirely different child. If not for the frog purse she had insisted on bringing everywhere. Shaking her head Weiss blew some air out her nose. ‘If she’s happy that’s all that matters.’ 
Approaching the front porch, she watched Ivory jump up the stairs stumbling slightly. She waved her arms attempting to catch her balance. Weiss placed a hand on her back helping her keep herself upright. “You good?” 
“Yup!” Ivory nodded, jumping onto the final step. “Can I ring the doorbell?” 
“Sure,” Weiss said with a short laugh as she watched as Ivory reached up on her tiptoes just as barely managing to press the button. It rang out in the standard ‘Ding. Dong. Ding.’ 
Ivory beamed up at Weiss obviously very proud of her accomplishment. “I reached it.” 
“Yeah,” Weiss said, placing a hand on Ivory’s back. “You’ve gotten so big,” Weiss said, causing Ivory to throw her shoulders back, puffing her chest out. The doorknob rattle and turned, the door swinging open inwards revealing the one and only Ruby Rose. She wore a faded grey shirt that seemed to say Feldspar Track and Field around the same mid-howl wolf from the water tower. The sleeves had been cut off revealing toned along with a farmer’s tan. She leaned against the door, reaching down to adjust her pants, a pair of black gym shorts. Weiss looked down at her own outfit. A sheer white blouse with a faux ribbon attached to the collar was tucked into a blue A-line shirt. Weiss suddenly felt incredibly overdressed.
Ivory was practically bouncing in place and eventually, the excitement bubbled over as she jumped over to Ruby. “Ruby! Ruby! Ruby!”
“Ivory! Ivory! Ivory!” Ruby said easily matching Ivory’s energy as she placed her hands on her knees leaning down so she was level with Ivory who placed her hands behind her back, rocking back on her heels. 
“Did you know that we’re here for dinner?” 
“What!?” Ruby exclaimed, glancing up at Weiss. “Really!?” 
“Yup! Really really!”
Continued on Ao3
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crochetedblorbos · 4 months
"We'll all go and be fucking wombles, aye?"
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Character Name: Declan Buchanan
Fandom: @realmspod, Liminal London campaigns [Podcast]
Played By: Pip Gladwin
Yarn Used: Hair: CraftSmart Value - Taupe Skin: CraftSmart Value - Mushroom Antlers: CraftSmart Value - Coffee Shirt: CraftSmart Value - Grey Ombre Trousers/Soles: CraftSmart Value - Wine Shoes/Belt: CraftSmart Value - Dark Chocolate
Basic pattern here.
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Everybody’s favorite pathetic wet cat of a man depressed alcoholic fae-cursed private investigator! While I was frantically crocheting Monty to get him ready in time to hug him when he really needed it, I was not expecting Declan to need the hugs more. Damn the shiny math rocks, but holy hell, what a way to play that. Anyway, before Series 5 drops and we find out who’s going to destroy this man first, Zack or Pip, I wanted to get him done. (And I did - with a whole four days to spare! Go me!) He varies from the basic pattern as follows:
Shoes: Hey, I remembered the different colored soles again! Declan is described as tall and thin, so like with Mini, I did another round of decrease at R7 of both shoes (sc in first 7 st, inv dec 3 times, sc in next 2 sts, join) to make his legs twelve stitches around. I then did R8 as straight stitching with the shoe color before I switched to the trousers. (The other thing I did, which I should have been doing long ago, was the round before I changed color, I did the sl st to join in the color of the next row.)
Trousers: Again, tall, thin Declan. Mostly I worked his legs the same as usual, just in rounds of twelve instead of fifteen, but I also made them longer, so they went from R9 (the hdc row for hem) to R34 before I joined them together. I only used a chain of three to connect his legs, too, giving his waist a circumference of 30 stitches as opposed to the usual 38. For the belt, I went five rows above the…well…groin, switched to the belt color, and did a round of fpdc around the round two below like I did with the hem of Joseph’s hoodie. Then I switched back to the trousers color and did a round of sc in the back loop of the fpdc and front loop of the last round of trousers. For the belt loops, every four or five stitches I inserted the hook into the row below the belt, drew up a loop, and then pulled the next stitch through both that loop and the loop already on the hook. (I was kind of pleased with that, actually.)
Shirt: Hey, kids, know what the difference between variegated, self-striping, and ombre is? Ombres go FOR-FUCKING-EVER before they change color! (: Oh, well, it worked out, I guess. I didn’t really vary him all that much here except that I just went straight up with rounds of 30 (and also made his torso a bit longer) before decreasing at the shoulders.
Head: I frogged it. Several times, actually. I wasn’t happy with my stitches and I definitely wasn’t happy with my initial color choices and I also did what I consider the worst attempt at “a sort of perpetual five o’clock shadow” in the history of crochet, and the second time I accidentally added an extra round of increases and several extra rounds in between the increases and decreases - as I put it in the official Realms of Peril & Glory Discord, “He head too big for he got damn he” (remember this meme, guys?) - but eventually I got it right. (Visit his page on my website to see rejected progress pics.) I added one (1) extra round between increase and decrease in the final version as well to give him a slightly longer face, and I think it worked. For the five o’clock shadow, I just used the hair color for part of his face in a pattern that looked and felt right to me, leaving space for the mouth. Once again, I used safety eyes; the pack I bought has basically clear eyes and a bunch of discs you can put behind them to customize the colors, so I decided to give him pink eyes like they’re bloodshot.
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Hair: I tried a new technique here. For each stitch beyond the hairline, I did a two-strand puff stitch (insert hook in next st, yo, draw up loop, yo, insert hook in same st, yo, draw up loop, yo, draw through all loops on hook), and I really like the effect!
Arms: There was just enough of the next color in the ombre to make it almost all the way up both arms and I’m trying not to be annoyed about it. Anyway, I started his arms on a base of four sc instead of five, then otherwise proceeded the same way I did for Joseph and Monty’s except that I made them longer (29 rounds total, I believe).
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Antlers: I can’t share the exact pattern here because it’s copyrighted, but I used the pattern for jackalope antlers in Crochet Creatures of Myth and Legend by Megan Lapp (and if you click that link, check out her other patterns - they look AMAZING and if I wasn’t already approaching PELE I would be buying some of those). Declan usually grinds them off as soon as he wakes up, so this is just-woke-up-from-a-nap-and-can’t-find-his-angle-grinder-yet Deccy Boi.
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