#it's a gift for my mother's birthday 💕
queerlecter · 2 years
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The Orion Constellation | embroidery | January 2023
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barblaz-arts · 4 months
I've come back to drop some Next Gen Nevermore lore, this time about Sora and Regine's parents 💕
Yukiko Toriyama
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Because of my love for parallels, she's a doctor to match the adult characters in the show (Principal - Weems/Bianca; Sheriff - Galpin/Walker). She's a surgeon though, not a therapist like Kinbott, but still a doctor!
Yukiko's around Wednesday and co's age, so she was also in Jericho High when they were in Nevermore. She has a huge respect for Outcasts, thinking that they are very cool. In fact, she thought this one siren girl that she first saw during Outreach Day was especially cool. Soon she will find out that her name is Bianca Barclay and that her classmate Lucas Walker will end up dating her.
She met Sora's father some time after graduating from high school. She fell for his confidence, and was especially impressed that he was an Outcast. Unfortunately she realized too late that he's all talk. When she got pregnant with Sora, his rich parents essentially sent her hush money, which she accepted and used to pay for med school. Sora's grandparents helped raise her while Yukiko finished her studies, so she wasn't as present as she probably should have been during Sora's childhood. She tries her best though, really.
Hugo Schuyler
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Sora's father. He came from a rich and reputable family of psychics that specialize in spirits, also known as Herons. Because of his family's reputation, he developed a huge ego and has delusions of grandeur.
He's a glutton for attention, a trait that Sora unfortunately inherited as she also always makes an effort to fit in with "the popular crowd" among her peers. However unlike Sora who is ashamed of her outcast status and prefers to hide her power, Hugo has a superiority complex and overcompensates for his weak psychic abilities by being obnoxiously loud about his outcast status and his family's name.
He ends up starting a YouTube channel as a paranormal investigator after Nevermore. When he finds out he has a daughter, he's quick to head over to Nevermore and rope Sora into his paranormal shenanigans. No, it doesn't end up being a cute father-daughter bonding activity.
He sees both Wednesday and Enid as rivals. Wednesday for her formidable psychic powers (and reputation!), Enid for, well, her more successful YouTube channel(which isn't even hers, it's the Wolf Preserve's). Wednesday does not remember him from their high school days though, and Enid purposely mixes him up with Xavier when addressing him.
Vega hates him because he thinks aliens don't exist.
Erica Gutierrez
(I don't have her design and personality fully conceptualized yet, sorry)
Erica is Eugene's ex-wife and is a famous actress who started out when she was a teenager. She used to be a celebrity crush of Eugene's when he was in Nevermore, and dating and marrying her was a dream come true that sadly didn't last.
Erica makes an effort to see Regine when she can, and she usually has her daughter stay with her throughout the summer. Her fame comes with its own cons, particularly the excessive attention she(and by extension her family) gets hugely contributing to Regine's overly reclusive personality.
Erica had nothing to do with Outcasts before meeting Eugene and is every bit of a Normie. She and Wednesday never liked each other. She gets along well with Enid because she thinks Enid is normal enough when she isn't wolfed out. Enid likes her for getting her Michelle Yeoh's autograph and a video message as a birthday gift once. (Wednesday hates that Eugene's ex wife of all people showed her up that year)
None of the Nevermore student knew Regine's mother was a celebrity until Erica decided to give her daughter a surprise visit during Family Day(coincidentally the same day Hugo goes to meet Sora. It was a long weekend for the girls)
(masterpost for my AUs here)
Partial credit to @whitebeltwriter for coming up with Yukiko's background with me. I no longer remember which parts were my idea and which is hers, but pls know that it was a collaborative effort
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themissinghand · 10 months
Nice to meet you🤗..If the request is still open, Can I ask for Dokja's request for lucky female readers?🥹..Where do reader have high good luck?.The reader and Kim Dokja have known each other for a long time because the reader first started a conversation with Dokja (I'm sure it's fun when Dokja introduces reader to his group😂.) It's okay if not. Just don't be stressed by the requests. I hope the requests don't bother you.. Thank you.. And may your whole day till night be good.. Bye-bye.. Don't forget to take care of yourself.🤗💕
Omniscient Reader Viewpoint Lucky Star
Summary: In which Dokja finds his lucky star.
Or, maybe he’s not that unlucky after all.
Pairing: Kim Dokja x Lucky! F! Reader
Note: Thanks for your patience! Make sure you all take care of yourselves too~
Noona: typically used by younger male to call an older female or sibling.
Warning: None.
If there is an angel in this world, then it must be you.
You were a bright light in his life, providing salvation to him in forms of patience, encouragement, and friendship.
You were his manager at the game company he worked at. Someone who was vibrant and cheerful, who possessed an uncanny ability to turn the mundane into moments of joy.
"Dokja! Let’s go for a drink!" You would say, your infectious enthusiasm pulling him into a world where deadlines and stress would melt away.
But you also knew when to not take in bullshit.
“Hey (Y/N), why are you overreacting? Huh? Just because I didn’t do my work the one time-“
“One time? It’s been a week since you did anything. And you put it on the newbie to finish it?”
“So what? You’re a terrible manager anyway, that’s why women shouldn’t work here-“
A snap silenced him.
“Hey mother fucker, calculate your severance pay. Talk to me like that in the disputes office and see who dies first.”
Kim Dokja heard it accidentally, but from then on, his respect for you has soared above the clouds.
"Dokja, you've got this! I'll teach you the ropes.”
Dokja marveled at your ability to lead the team with outspoken confidence, patiently teaching him the ropes and offering unwavering support when the challenges of the workplace seemed overwhelming.
“Happy birthday to our newbie, Kim Dokja!”
“Merry Christmas everyone! I got some gifts!”
“Ya, let’s go out for a drink everyone! I got the holy bank card from the boss!”
The team loves you for being a beacon of light, someone who could be fun and leader-like at the same time.
Dokja couldn't help but think that you must be cherished by the heavens, as you were blessed with an extraordinary dose of luck.
Like how you would “accidentally” meet important connections and befriend them, leading to successful results in projects.
Or how you would win those in gacha games with the character that you wanted.
“Noona, if you were in a game, your luck stat would be maxed out.”
“I guess so, but isn’t that good?”
Very soon after, little did he know that your luck would soon become a lifeline when the world plunged into chaos.
When the apocalypse struck, Dokja stumbled upon the familiar face in an unlikely place – the convenience store, hastily gathering supplies with a calm demeanor that belied the impending doom. It was then that he realized the depth of her luck, a quality that extended beyond corporate success.
Like how does someone find a healing elixir in a pile of junk food in the convenience store!?
Or how does she find a ultra rare bow in a police station?
What is this unfair world!?
Dokja appreciates your help and your luck, but at the same time, he can’t help but lament on his own life.
Perhaps the luckiest thing that happened to him was dating you.
With such a thought, Kim Dokja’s lips curled up and hugged you from behind.
“What wrong?”
“Does my good boy want some love?”
Although he was blushing aggressively and in public, he couldn’t help but nod.
[The Constellation ‘Demon-Like Judge of Fire’ is squealing and wishing for grandchildren]
[The Constellation ‘Secretive Plotter’ thinks Incarnation ‘Kim Dokja’ play a main character of a romance comedy show]
[The Constellations have sponsored you 1000 coins]
“Get a room.”
Dokja expected the worst when Yoo Joonghyuk entered the scene, but to his surprise, your life was spared.
“She’s useful.” Says the emo sunfish as he glares at Dokja for absolutely no reason.
(Okay, there might be that one time where he returned a punch, and absolutely wrecked that protagonist…no regrets)
Dokja wants to smack him a few times in the face.
The revelation that her constellation was the Secretive Plotter added another layer of mystery to her extraordinary luck. The constellation seemed to guard her against many dangers, marking her as someone to be protected, though for some unknown reason.
Can’t say Kim Dokja has any complaints about that at all.
You must be protected at all costs.
[The Constellation ‘Secretive Plotter’ thinks her lucky encounters and moments are interesting]
[The Constellation ‘Secretive Plotter’ donates 1864 coins]
Whatever it is, Kim Dokja has no complaints…scrap that, he has too many complaints since he has too many rivals!
“(Y/N), you are my lucky star right?”
“Yep! Don’t worry!” She pats him on the head and he ignores the knowing looks from others on the team.
“Someone’s needy today.” Kim Dokja gave others the middle finger behind your back as he rested his head on your shoulders.
From that point on, Dokja affectionately dubbed her his "lucky star" or, as they playfully jokes, his "lucky charm."
Whether it was winning luck-based games or navigating perilous situations unscathed, your fortunate aura became a source of both amusement and comfort in the face of uncertainty.
“So, what’s it like raising a puppy as a Sugar Mommy?” Han Sooyoung asks you, who chuckles lightly.
“Han Sooyoung.” Kim Dokja twitched a brow, but calmed down a bit when you held his hand.
“He’s not a puppy, but he’s cute and bites people he doesn’t like. And he protects me well!”
“(Y/N)!” Kim Dokja blushes in embarrassment but couldn’t say anything in his stuttering mess.
Han Sooyoung raised a brow before she mimicked a barfing action.
“Damn girl, you have it hard, I respect you.” She patted your shoulder before leaving.
“Dokja, just like I’m your lucky star and charm, you are my lucky puppy. Okay?”
Looking at your puppy face, Dokja couldn’t say no.
“Fine…just don’t call me that in public…”
Kim Dokja felt a kiss in his nose, and he reciprocated the action by lacing your hands together.
“Aw, who’s a good boy?”
“Stop it…”
Your laughter is music to his ears, and while sometimes your teases make him want to hide somewhere in a hole and die from embarrassment, he loves you all the same.
“Get a room!”
“Shut up you sunfish!”
Maybe cursing at the protagonist isn’t the greatest idea.
(When has that ever stopped him?)
“I will kill you Kim Dokja!”
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readychilledwine · 6 months
When I'm Gone
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Summary - You always had the perfect answer, even when you weren't there to give it anymore
Warnings - angst, loss of a parent
A/N - enjoy this short little drabble of single dad Azriel and his daughter 💕
Azriel Masterlist
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Azriel couldn't help but stare at his daughter. His beautiful Mia. His sweet little Mia. Mia, who at 16 years old, looked more and more like you every day. Mia, who shared your love and passion for reading. Mia, who despite losing you at 5, was every bit you. 
He sighed as he stood, wiping the tears from her face. “Stay here, okay?” She nodded as he went upstairs, entering his office and opening a chest full of yellowed envelopes. Envelopes with Mia and Azriel's name, envelopes with specific instructions of when to open them. 
Open me if Mia meets her mate matched to a separate one that said For when you meet your mate. 
When you experience your first heartbreak, it matched an envelope with his name When Mia experiences her first break up. He pulled those envelopes out, wishing your scent still lingered to them, wishing he could smell you one more time. He walked back downstairs, pausing to look at her without her knowing, holding back his anger and grief. 
Every milestone, happy or sad, had been a challenge since you had died. Even with you leaving gifts for every birthday and solstice. Even with every letter of love, encouragement, or longing, it was a reminder to both of them of what was what could have been. 
Mia and Azriel would never forget the first time Azriel opened those chests. A letter sat at the top, addressed to both of them, For when you two miss me.
And Gods did they miss you every day. 
Azriel sat down across from Mia again, handing her the letter with her name while opening his own. 
My love,
If you are reading this, Mia is going through her first breakup. I know you. I know your reaction, your instinct, is to go and fight, but she needs your gentleness now. She needs her father to tell her it is all going to be okay. She needs you to hold her, to take her to our favorite bakery, to take her shopping. She needs you to remind her of your love for her. 
I can only imagine how beautiful she is. I pray to the Mother that you only go through this once, that the next male will be someone we would have both loved. Hopefully, he is kind, gentle, and caring. He loves her for the right reasons. 
I can only pray for you to have strength through this all. For you to continue putting her first as you always have. It is bittersweet, knowing I won't see her go through this, but knowing how desperately I wish I could be there. Life is unfair, Azriel. So disgustingly unfair and unjust. 
I need you to remind her I love her. That she was my world. My everything. I need her to know what she meant to me even if you have to be my messenger. I picked the perfect gift for this moment. I need you to go to the gift pile. There will be a gift that's a small wrapped box. It has the pink silk ribbon. Can you give it to her for me? After you do, because we both know you were never able to tell me no, I want you to take her to the Cafe, the one we both love with the good cakes? Please?
In your pile, you will find something as well. It has the same ribbon. I want you to open tonight once she is asleep. I love you, Azriel. You are my light in the dark, and now you need to be Mia’s.
Forever and always yours,
Azriel released a heavy breath, going to the former space you had made an office to find Mia’s gift. His hands shook as he walked back to her, barely composed as she began to sob. “I miss her,” she whispered as Azriel sat next to her, setting the gift down and pulling her into his chest. “It's not fair.”
“It's not,” he whispered. “She thought of everything, though.”
Mia nodded, leaning more into him. “She was the best mom.”
“She is,” he corrected her, grabbing the gift and setting it in her hands. He knew immediately that it was. You had treasured your blank journals, and he stupidly had never even thought of giving Mia one. She tore the paper before laughing through sad eyes. 
A leather bound journal, hand painted and magically persevered, sat in her hands. Three smiling, young faces looked back at her. Mia opened the journal to the front page, and your handwriting met them both again, sprawling and swirling the page with your love. 
“I am supposed to take you to the Cafe your mom and I used to go to. Your mom loved their cakes. Do you feel up to going?” Mia nodded immediately. She stood, walking over to the coat rack. Her hands lingered on a soft powder blue peacoat. Fingers gliding over the contrasting black buttons. Azriel moved behind her, grabbing the jacket and holding it for his daughter to put on. She looked even more like you now in your favorite jacket, a bow in his color gracing her hair. 
He stared at her as she got ready. Watching as she slipped each shoe on. “Can we go to the book store after?”
He felt Mia’s eyes on him as he sucked in a breath and his eyes shut. You had always asked the same question. He stilled himself and then nodded before giving her the same answer he always gave you. “Only if you promise not to empty my account.”
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@hnyclover @glitterypirateduck @slytherinindisguise @mischiefmanagers @bloodicka @starsinyourseyes @the-sweet-psycho @mariahoedt @rinalouu @sarawritestories @starryhiraeth @starswholistenanddreamsanswered @cumuluscranium @loneliestluvr @eternallyelvish @azrielsmate3 @daughterofthemoons-stuff @meritxellao @aria-chikage
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maidragoste · 1 year
The Parent Trap: Chapter One
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Aegon Targaryen x Velaryon!Reader x Aemond Targaryen
Summary: After the disastrous divorce between Aemond Targaryen and Y/n Velaryon the twins Baelon and Aemon were separated. Each was raised by one of their parents. Baelon was raised by his father while Aemon was raised by his mother. Years later they both meet at a summer camp and discover the existence of the other. The twins realize that there are many secrets in their family, eager to discover their past, they put together a plan to deceive their parents.
Thanks for all the support, it always makes me happy to answer your questions and comments. REBLOGS and likes are always appreciated 🥰🥰💕💕💕
Disclaimer: English is not my first language so I apologize for any mistakes. and this does not follow 100% the movie.
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Daeron tapped his fingers on the steering wheel, glancing sideways at his nephew. Since he started the trip, Baelon had not said a word, revealing his bad mood. Daeron knew he wasn't the reason for the boy's anger but he still couldn't help but feel bad for him. Aemond was supposed to be the one to take Baelon to summer camp but at the last moment a work meeting came up that he had to attend, although Daeron doubted it because it's not like it was a secret that Aemond is addicted to work, so now he is in charge of being his nephew's driver.
“I'm sure your father is as angry as you are that he can't come with you,” he said in an attempt to start a conversation. "He told me that he will do everything possible to come look for you when the camp is over," he added, hoping that would calm the boy's annoyance a bit.
“He is a liar. He won't do it ”said the boy without taking his eyes off the window” He had already promised to take me. ”
Baelon was upset. Just days before he was excited because his dad had said that they would have a road trip like in the movies and that he would take him to an amusement park where he was on the way to camp before dropping him off. It was supposed to be their last outing together because they wouldn't see each other for weeks. Sometimes Baelon couldn't help but think that his dad didn't really mind spending time with him, that he only did it because it was his obligation. Every time he thought that he ended up thinking about his mom. He knew she was alive—not because of his dad, he never talked about her—thanks to his uncle Aegon. It's a secret but when he came to visit for his birthday he always brought gifts from his mother. The first time his uncle cut him off from the rest of the party and gave him a gift from his mom was on his fifth birthday. He had been so excited that he wanted to run and tell everyone, but before he could, his uncle stopped him and told him that he couldn't tell anyone, not his friends, not his family, not even his dad. that it had to be a secret between them or her mom would never be able to send her a present again. Baelon had never seen his uncle so serious so he complied. He kept the secret and he looked forward to each new birthday waiting to see what his mom got him. Lately, he had been wondering what it would be like to live with her. Sometimes he dreamed that the next time his uncle came he would bring his mother with him. Other times he imagined that his uncle would show up as a surprise while his dad was away and tell him to pack everything for him to take with her. But deep down he knew it wouldn't happen. His uncle never told him what his mom's job was but Baelon supposed her job was busier than his dad's and that's why he stayed with him instead of her.
“It was a last-minute thing,” Daeron said.
"It's always something," Baelon grumbled, crossing his arms and this time Daeron couldn't come up with any excuse to defend his brother. In his opinion, Aemond wasn't the best father but he wasn't the worst either… At least he was better than his father. Viserys barely remembered the existence of him and his brothers. He was sure the man couldn't remember any of his birthdays or say anything he liked to his children. Aemond knew his son's hobbies and despite not spending much time at home whenever he was there he gave Baelon his full attention. But that wasn't enough to reward the canceled plans or his lack of presence at some school events.
"Open the glove box" he requested and Baelon glared at him before reluctantly opening it. Baelon's frown was left behind and a smile appeared in his place when he saw that his favorite snacks and sweets were there. “Your father couldn't take you but he had already bought things for the trip. He also gave me the address of the park where he wanted to take you so we can still go there ”Daeron took advantage of a red light to ruffle the boy's hair
"Your dad loves you, kid, don't forget that"
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Normally you wouldn't let Aemon ride up front with you, in the passenger seat, but this was an exception because you wouldn't be seeing your baby for weeks so you wanted to get him as close as possible before you had to say goodbye. You'd think you'd be used to this after all this was Aemon's third year going to summer camp but even so, you always had a hard time saying goodbye. You would miss him immensely. But he liked to go and you were not going to deprive him of experiences just because it was difficult for you to have him away.
"Promise you won't continue reading Harry Potter without me," Aemon asked and you looked through the mirror to find that Aegon, who was sitting in the back next to Joffrey, just like you was smiling. You two were happy that your son was growing up and wanting to have his own things but it was sweet to the heart to know that he still wanted to spend time with the two of you and the three share moments like family readings every night.
"Don't worry, we won't read a single chapter without you," Aegon said as he picked up the stuffed dragon Joffrey dropped again. The baby seemed amused to see his dad bend down to retrieve his toy "But we'll probably watch the movies."
Aegon had never really been in the habit of reading. He hated every time at school they forced him to read a book. He preferred a thousand times to see a movie before reading the book. That took less time. But he became interested in reading after the first time Aemon asked him to join you in reading to him before going to sleep. Books were something his godson liked—which Aegon wasn't surprised knowing you and Aemond were total nerds—and he really wanted to bond with him so he started reading the books Aemon liked only to have more topics to talk about with him. Aemon's excitement when he understood what he was talking about made him more than satisfied. It didn't take long for him to stop seeing reading as homework and he began to really enjoy it thanks to Aemon and you.
"You can only see the first two" Aemon reminded him turning to face him seriously. The three have the tradition of first reading the book and once finished it would watching their movie. You hadn't finished reading The Prisoner of Azkaban yet so you were forbidden to watch the movies that follow Chamber of Secrets.
"Aemon, those movies have existed since before you were born and we saw them all when we were teenagers," Aegon said and he and baby Joffrey laughed at the boy's annoyed grimace.
"Don't worry, Aemon. I'm sure he doesn't remember anything. He barely paid attention when I made him watch the movies with me. He's just trying to annoy you" you said.
"In my defense, I was distracted by your beauty," Aegon said making you laugh.
Perhaps another child would be disgusted or uncomfortable that his parents were flirting in front of him but Aemon just looked at them curiously. He knew that they had known each other since they were very young, but he had no idea that Aegon seemed to have feelings for you since he was a teenager. He sometimes saw you and Aegon so in love and happy that he couldn't help but wonder how you ended up with his biological father before. It's not like you never talked about his father. He didn't know his name, you never called him by his name when you talked about him, but he knew some things like his father also liked to read a lot like him, that like him he practiced fencing when he was young, that he also had the light sleep. Baelon knew trivial things about his father but he didn't know anything about how your relationship with him was. Perhaps you had broken up with his father to be with his godfather? But that didn't make much sense to him because if it did he would have met Aegon sooner. He met his godfather when he was four years old, although he knew that Aegon had been a part of his life when he was a baby from the pictures in the family album that you showed him but something had happened in the middle so that you and Aegon stopped seeing each other.
"So what do you and Rickon plan to do this year?" you asked, snapping Aemon out of his thoughts. Wasting no time Aemon started talking excitedly about how this time he and his best friend would go hiking in the mountains.
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Daeron parked in front of the camp cabins. There were already a lot of boys and girls. You could feel the excitement of everyone from the big smiles, the laughs, and the shouts. He hoped that Baelon's experience would be good and that he would be able to make friends. That something good would come of having him away from home. It would be weird these weeks without his nephew at home, surely it would be quieter. Vhagar would surely be depressed by Baelon's absence. He would miss it too. He had gotten into the habit of going to the park every afternoon to take the dogs out together and play ball—sometimes Adam and Nettes would come over too—then they would come home and watch silly reality shows while criticizing the contestants.
"Don't get in trouble, Baelon" he reminded his nephew and ruffled his hair again to the boy's annoyance "I love you"
"Dude, don't be weird. I had enough of grandma crying as if I were going to live on the other continent. I'll be fine” Baelon said before opening the door not wanting to see his uncle's face. He sighed and turned around again. "I love you too and I'm going to miss you," he said quickly before leaving to find his luggage. He barely got out of the car and grimaced when he began to hear the screams get louder.
Daeron hurried down to help him as he tried to ignore a boy's scream of “Aemon”. When he was removing the suitcase from the trunk of the car, a boy with dark hair and gray eyes appeared behind his nephew. He was tall though he didn't seem to be older than Baelon.
“Hey, Aemon, are you deaf? I was calling you” he said pouting. He didn't even give Baelon time to tell him that he was getting the wrong person when he took one of his platinum locks between his fingers. "Oh, you cut it off, I knew you were upset because Joffrey kept pulling your hair but I didn't think you'd do anything so drastic”
Baelon took the stranger's hand and pulled it away from his hair. He wasn't obsessed with taking care of his hair like his dad but it was rare for a stranger to feel free to touch him “I'm not Aemon. My name is Baelon"
"But you look just like Aemon" said the other boy with clear confusion "Why do you look just like Aemon?"
Baelon looked to his uncle for help, wanting Daeron to get him out of this situation, but Daeron seemed to be in a trance. For a moment he thought that his eyes were shiny but he dismissed it as a sun effect.
Daeron couldn't believe it. Aemon was going to be in the same camp as Baelon. At any moment he would arrive. He should be in a panic. He should be telling Baelon to get in the car to drive away because that's what Aemond would do. He should call his older brother. But he wouldn't do that. After years the twins had the opportunity to meet and he was not going to stop it. Baelon deserved to meet the rest of his family… But if he was there when you arrived with Aemon then you would be the one to leave. This couldn't happen. This was a unique opportunity. This one meeting could make life better for everyone.
“I have to go,” Daeron announced, slamming the trunk shut.
Baelon eyed daggers at him. He had just told him that he loved him and now he was leaving him with a complete freak, didn't he care about him? Definitely from now on Daeron was no longer his favorite uncle and when he returned home he would tell his grandma so that she would scold him.
"What's your name kid?" asked the adult looking at the boy with dark hair.
"Rickon" he replied, still without taking his eyes off Baelon. He wanted to touch his face to make sure it was real but he had a feeling that if he did then he would get hit.
"Baelon, you will stay with Rickon," Daeron ordered.
"What?!" Shouted his nephew with a mixture of surprise and indignation.
"Rickon, you will take Baelon to your cabin and wait until Aemon's mother leaves or whoever she brings him to introduce him to Baelon"
"Wait, do you know Aemon?" Baelon asked trying to understand what the hell was going on.
Daeron didn't know whether to laugh or cry. He wanted to tell him that of course, he knew Aemon. He remembered how scared he was the first time he picked him up, he remembered how little Aemon used to fall asleep in his arms, how when he learned to walk he used to follow him everywhere, and how he loved to give Tessarion kisses. On his phone, he has a folder with all of Aemon's photos. Every time he saw them he felt like he finished seeing them so fast. He wished he had taken more photos… Maybe after this camp, he could get new photos.
"Rickon, don't let Aemon's family see Baelon" he asked ignoring his nephew's question "Enjoy the camp," he said and got into the car ignoring Baelon's protests.
Daeron felt bad when he started the car, if he had time he might have stayed to explain to Baelon or try to prepare him for this surprise but you could show up at any moment. He couldn't risk you seeing him and deciding to leave.
When he thought he was far enough from the camp, he waited for the next red light to take his phone and call Aegon. He had to ask his brother if he knew that Aemon was going to the camp and that was why he had told Aemond that he should take Baelon there or was it just a fluke.
Aegon never responded.
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alienoresimagines · 14 days
Omg “classics” for clegan plsssss 🥺
classics - muse a tends to muse b’s wounds with more care than necessary
So. This fic may have gotten out of a hand and may or may not be 14.5k, 7k of which are them making out and smutting 😅 So Nonnie, if you'd like a redo of the prompt with really 100% h/c and fluff, send me another ask and I'll keep it general audience, I promise 🥹❤️ Also a huge shoutout to @soliloquy-dawn for single handedly beating the slump out of me for this fic, I was stuck on 4k for three weeks and then wrote 10k in one, for which I also have to thanks all my fellow sprinters on Discord🥹🫶🏻 And, a happy birthday to @amiserableseriesofevents !!! Thank you for all the wounderful fics you constantly post, the countless sprints you do with me, I wish you all the good in the world 💕 Consider this my humble gift for an amazing person celebrating another year of life ❤️ This is my first time writing an actual smut so I'm really nervous about this one lmao but I hope you'll like it 👉🏻👈🏻🥹
Tell Me You're Going To Be Alright (I Don't Want The World To Turn Without You) | Buck x Bucky
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Summary : Perhaps life really only started when he opened the door to his room in flight school and shook hands with Gale Cleven. Perhaps the twenty-four years before that were only to learn how his legs and arms worked to get him to this moment, where he learned how his heart did. Or After the Regensburg Mission, John cannot forget just how close he came to losing Gale forever. He copes how he can, tending to Gale's wounds, and holding him when the adrenaline leaves him and Gale can't keep up the officer façade anymore. He lets Gale take care of the cuts that adorned his face even though John had forgotten them. And then, when all the wounds have been treated, desperation to feel just how alive the other still is settles in, like a wildfire of urgency that not even the presence of their men a few feet away can soothe.
Snippet :
“You did so good, darlin’,” his lips attach themselves to Gale’s temple as another one of those broken noises pierces through his soul. “Brought your boys to safety the best way you could.” He thinks of the mangled body of a radioman and how easily it could’ve been Gale. Tightens his hold until there’s no telling where one of them begins and where the other ends. 
“You did so, so good, Gale.” He keeps on whispering in Gale’s ear, rubbing soothing circles on his back, and pressing kisses anywhere he can reach until Gale isn’t shaking as much anymore, tremors receding and replaced by a heavy blanket of exhaustion that sends him further into John’s chest. John doesn’t budge, stays rooted to his spot like the old oak tree in his mother’s garden, sheltering the house from rain and storms. 
Minutes later, Gale shifts and clears his throat, the sound dulled by John's shirt before he starts to pull away. John’s heart screams and thrashes with wanting to bring him closer once again, but he knows better than to force Gale to lose control, knows the other is probably ashamed that he felt the need to be comforted. The anger simmering in his blood at that is cold and familiar enough for John to ignore it, preferring instead to stroke his thumb back and forth over Gale's cheekbone. A light smile pulls at his lips when Gale leans into the touch, a sigh leaving him as he nuzzles his cheek against John’s palm, as though the space has been carved just for him- John is certain it’s the case.
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My other Clegan Fics
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gothgleek · 6 months
could i maybe request angus x female reader blurb where they are both the last left holding over and are left to their own devices after sharing a infirmary room with no privacy for 2 weeks?? maybe someone walks in on the other or something
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Omg this is my first Ask request💕 I hope you enjoy, I finished this while wrote it while I was stuck in traffic because I wanted to finish it before my birthday. Also this is a little longer than a blurb j hope you don’t mind 😅
Notes: Minors DNI, AFAB/cis girl reader, Angus is a munch, overstimulation, oral sex, ignoring religious guilt, minor religious kink, reader can be interpreted as a virgin, mentions of toys, getting caught, both parties are 18+
You never considered yourself to be a terribly horny person, not when St. Agatha’s Boarding School for Young Ladies kept your schedule busy and your roommates always around. But staying there over the winter break with only yourself and the hitachi toy your roommate gifted you as company? Yeah, you might as well have possessed by a lust demon.
But then Mother Superior had to go and break her leg, forcing you out of your masturbation marathon and take shelter at the boys’ school on the other side of town without your new best friend. (If you were a god-fearing woman, you would blame yourself for her accident.)
Unfortunately, even while rooming at Barton you could not escape your constant state of arousal. The unexpected attractiveness of your new roommate. Angus Tully did not make it easy either.
You tried numerous things to keep the monster at bay- sneaking off to the laundry room, using the shower head, your own hands- but nothing felt as good as your hitachi. Heck, you even started to have sex dreams about Angus but even that didn’t help your state of arousal. You were beginning to see why the nuns said the ongoing sexual revolution is a mistake.
That was until he walked in on you masturbating.
The both of you froze, him in the doorway, you on your bed humping your pillow.
“Um…” Angus swallowed. “Do you need a hand with that?”
You blamed your constant state of arousal and the fact that Angus wasn’t terrible looking (damn your weakness for his big eyes, nose, and curly hair.)
Your eyes grazed down to his broken arm. “I guess one extra hand wouldn’t hurt.” You said jokingly. “But you need to get me dinner after this, I can't have you thinking I’m easy. The nuns would kill me.”
You leaned back on your bed, your pillow under your hips and nightgown bunched around your waist. Rather than take his pants off, Angus knelt in front of you.
“I was actually sent here to get you for dinner but I think I’m gonna just have you instead,” Angus said while slowly peeling off your panties with his good hand. You made a sound of confusion and he looked up at you. “I don’t have a condom on me. I can’t have the nuns get mad at me.”
With that, he moved forward and gave your pussy a curious lick. You jumped at the foreign feeling. You didn’t know boys did that.
You closed your legs on instinct but Angus used his good hand to keep you open. He didn’t look strong but his big hand holding you open, you couldn’t help but melt.
Your moans were muffled as you held your hands over them but Angus was able to hear you well enough to navigate between your legs, giving extra attention to the spots you moaned the loudest. With days of pent up arousal and interrupted pillow time, it didn’t take long for you to cum.
Angus let you relax into the bed before speaking up again. You recognized the look on his face as a combination of cockiness and curiosity.
“You know you talk in your sleep?”
“Huh?” Your brain was still under that post-orgasm haze. “I do?”
“Quite a lot actually.” Angus told you with a smirk as he began fingering your sensitive pussy. You tried to close your legs but Angus used his shoulders to keep you open. “Just last night you were moaning my name. Wanna tell me what you were dreaming of?”
“I….” You said distractedly. “I don’t remember.”
“I don’t believe you,” Angie smirked. “You don’t have to be shy anymore, I already ate your pussy. Tell me.”
His fingers curled inside you and you let out a strangled moan. He seriously expected you to think under these circumstances?
“I…fuck… I just dreamed you had me bent over in the confessions booth,” You managed to choke out. “One hand was around my throat.”
“That’s certainly very sinful of you,” Angus mused as his thumb began rubbing your clit. “What else?”
“I woke up before I could finish.”
“Well you’ve had other dreams, like I said you talked a lot these last few nights.”
“I…” Your hips began bucking. “I’m getting close again.”
Was this really all it took after all these days?
“Keep talking and I’ll let you cum,” Angus said, rubbing a little harder.
“Oh um… fuck…” You tried to search through your memories as you felt your orgasm build up. “I dreamt of the two of us at the… fucking… the fucking spring fling.” You fisted the sheets in frustration and he pressed a gentle kiss to the inside of your knee.
“Go on.”
“I dragged you to a classroom and I was wearing… I was wearing a lavender dress… you pushed it up and started fucking me…”
“How did I fuck you?”
You let out a groan. “Please I’m so close!” You protested quietly.
“I wanna hear more first.” He added another finger.
“My legs were over your shoulders and I was lying on the teacher’s desk…You were grabbing my boobs…” His thumb was moving faster and that pressure in your stomach was reaching its peak. “Frank Sinatra was playing… is that enough detail for you?”
Angus didn’t respond, simply moving faster. With his brown eyes staring you down with a cocky smile, you couldn’t help but buck your hips up and cum with a moan.
Angus slowed his fingers and began pressing kisses down your thighs.
“What are you doing?” This bastard wanted to go again?
“I just wanted to see what you looked like before I tasted you again,” Angus disappeared between your legs and you felt him lapping at the wetness between your legs.
“Angus,” you hissed and you tried to push his head away. You couldn’t take more of this. You were about to melt into the mattress. Then you felt his tongue lapping up your wetness from the source. You moaned loudly and pulled your hands away from his hair to cover your mouth.
You bucked your hips up and tried to push him away but Angus just grabbed your thigh and pulled you back to him. He didn’t look strong but your body also couldn’t decide if it wanted to run away or run towards his mouth.
“Don’t run away from me,” Angus warned with a lustful look in his eye. He returned between your legs.
Angus pressed his tongue into you, as deep as it could go until his nose began rubbing against your clit. You began grinding against him, one hand leaving your mouth to pull him closer by his hair.
It took you a little longer to cum again but somehow Angus managed to pull a third one out of you. Your hand gave a final tug of his hair as your hips lifted upwards and you grabbed the sheets to let out a loud moan. To his credit, Angus didn’t cease his movements, letting you ride his tongue until you collapsed against the mattress.
While the two of you caught your breathes, someone knocked on the door while opening it. Angus shot away from between your legs and you did your best to sit up and cover yourself.
Not that it did much to convince Mr. Hunham, who walked in and immediately raised a brow at your guilty expression. Then he looked at Angus and saw the state of his hair and the mess you had left on his face. Mr. Hunham rubbed his face in an attempt to calm himself.
“Go to dinner,” Mr. Hunham gestured for you to get out of the room.
“Mr. Tully, a word.” He said sternly.
Two hours later, Angus comes back to your room, cleaned up with a small smirk on his face.
“I think it’s time for you to return the favor,” Angus rose told his feet and unbuckled his belt. His hard, weeping cock popped out and you couldn’t help but gulp.
“I’m not getting any sleep tonight,” you thought with tired glee.
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woodle-isbae · 7 months
Connie the type to...
Connie springer x reader
Warnings: Not proof read , Fluff , Gender neutral reader
Lmk if I missed anything
☆Connie the type to save a bunch of nail , hair and outfit inspos for diffrent occasions just for yall
☆Connie the type to be loud in public , I mean he talk about EVERYTHING , It could go from you needing pads to which position he wants to put you in
☆Connie the type to cook the most mouth watering , lip biting , tear dropping food but once a while
☆Connie the type to complain abt something then like it the next minute
☆Connie the type to get you guys subtle matching things , like perfumes/colognes , hair dye , shoe laces and even cutlery
☆Connie the type to have a book set just for you , it has everything about you! Ranging from your favorite food to the small things you do when your slightly excited
☆Connie the type to write down your family's birthdays in that book and help you get gifts for them
☆Connie the type to be LOVED by your mother, she cooks up meals you never had before just for him ♡
☆Connie the type to get you a controller so you can play with him 😭
☆Connie the type to genuinely be a sweet person , even tho he jokes around alot , he's always gonna be there to help you
☆Connie the type to be My mannnn🤭
A small drable since I've been busy 💕
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mikufigureoftheday · 20 days
Hello! I want to share the Mikus I got for my delated birthday celebration! (My birthday is on August 31st but we celebrated it on September 1st because that's where the family could meet).
Here's the Miku Rapunzel my mother got for me on Amazon. She's probably a bootleg because of the base, though.
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Nonetheless, she's still adorable!!💕💕
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And then I have my Miku plush from one of my aunts!
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I raise her very well. She's an artist
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a cultured reader
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and an aspiring world dominator. I'm so proud!!❤️❤️
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A lot of cheers from Spain and from my Mikus!!!
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Plus, if you don't remember me, I was the one who sent you the photo of the Cinderella Miku with the Himiko Toga and Kikyo funko pops!!!
Let's go!!! ESPAÑA#1!!!! I used to know someone from your neighbor Portugal, so its always good to hear from your region (´ ω `♡)
Your aunt gave you a great gift and your plush is drawing the good stuff, Louvre when??????
It's good to hear from you again and thank you for sharing!!!
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willalove75 · 1 year
heyy today is my birthday and could i request dom!alci giving reader a rough birthday fuck because she knows the reader likes it, thank youu
Of course! I hope you enjoy!💕
Warnings: do I even have to say it?😂😂 Smut, praise kink, overstimulation
As per usual: 18+ Minors DNI
You were never a huge fan of your birthday, to you it was just another day so you always tried to not make a big deal about it. When you started working at Castle Dimitrescu, the maids were so inconsistent, girls were always disappearing and new ones came to take their place, so birthdays were never really worth celebrating. This wasn't an issue for you so after a few years of your birthday coming and going with ease, you began to enjoy not having to make a fuss over it.
However, that all changed once you began your relationship with the Countess. After digging through your personnel file, the three girls, Bela, Cassandra and Daniela, found out your birthday and promptly alerted their mother, insisting they do something for you. At first they were determined to throw a large party, an idea you immediately shot down. Parties, especially parties for you, gave you anxiety. Too many people around with you at the center of everyone's attention? No thanks. Then they suggested a large fancy dinner, something else you fought them on. Finally, you all came to a compromise, settling on having a birthday breakfast so you could go about your day as usual and get it over with first thing in the morning.
After breakfast, complete with a small cake and candles, the three girls gave you your gifts; something you insisted they didn't do, but the girls rarely listened as it was so you were grateful that it was just presents and not that huge party. Bela gave you a beautiful dress, Cassandra gave you your own sickle, and Daniela gave you her favorite romance novel series. Overall, the gifts were incredibly generous and very much symbolic of each girl who gave them to you. Finally, Alcina handed you a smaller box.
"Alcina, I told you you didn't-"
"Nonsense dearest, it's your birthday. Open it." She said with a loving smile.
You opened the box revealing a gorgeous necklace with the Dimitrescu coat of arms hanging from the stunning chain. There was a beautiful gemstone, your favorite, sitting in the center of the rose.
"Alci," You say at a loss for words.
"Happy birthday my love."
Looking up at her, you feel your heart swell.
"Thank you."
Alcina rises from her chair and plants a firm kiss on your cheek. She takes the box from you and removes the necklace and goes to put it around your neck. Clasping it with ease, Alcina places her hands on your shoulders, you reach to where the coat of arms sat on your chest and run your fingers over it.
The three girls gush over how much they love it and you turn towards Alcina, a light blush dusting your cheeks.
"That looks ravishing on you darling."
Before you can reply, Alcina bends at the waist and captures your lips in a kiss. It was soft but intentional, as if she was letting you know how much you mean to her and you were telling her how much you loved the present. She brings her hand to cup your face when your lips part, her thumb caressing your cheekbone. Looking into her eyes you see them flash down towards the necklace, and a little lower down to your breasts. Her pupils dilate a little and she leans in, her lips ghosting the shell of your ear.
"You will get the rest of your present later tonight." She whispers.
Feeling her breath on your neck sends a shiver down your spine, something that doesn't go unnoticed by Alcina. The corner of her lip curls into the smallest smirk and she drags the backs of her fingers down your jaw and neck. She holds your gaze once more and heads back to her seat, you can feel her nails across your back as she walks away.
The rest of the day goes by as usual, a few maids wished you happy birthday, but other than that it was a pretty normal day. You were both excited and curious to find out what Alcina was planning for later tonight, although you had a hunch. Still, you were looking forward to it.
As you're reading the new series that Daniela gave you in the library, one of the maids approaches you. Looking up at her she seems young and nervous.
"I'm- I'm sorry to interrupt you my Lady," you stifle a chuckle, it amuses you that some of the staff refers to you as such even though it isn't really a title you deserve. "but the Countess is asking for you in her- uh- your shared chambers."
Looking up at the clock it's late in the afternoon, dinner is in about an hour.
"Huh," you say to yourself, not expecting to be called for until after dinner. Alcina is usually still working at this time. Turning back to the girl, "thank you."
"Happy birthday, my Lady." She says with a small bow.
"Thank you." You reply with a small chuckle.
With your book in your hand, you head upstairs to your room. Pushing the door open, you don't see Alcina.
"Alci?" You call out, shutting the door. When you get no response you check the bathroom, empty. "Huh, that's weird."
Returning your new book to the spot on your bookshelf you made for the series, you see something out of the corner of your eye. There's a box sitting on the bed with a note on it.
Pet, Wear this. Do not remove the necklace. Tie the blindfold over your eyes and kneel on the bed and wait for me. - Mistress
A pool of arousal immediately begins to build between the apex of your legs when you finish reading the note. Fuck, you love when she's like this.
Inside the box is a gorgeous and sexy lace lingerie set, complete with a matching garter belt and garters. You immediately strip your clothes off and put the outfit on. Giving yourself a quick once over in the mirror, you take your hair out of its ponytail and climb onto the bed. Once you're kneeling, you tie the blindfold over your eyes as best as you can and wait.
You're not sure how long you were waiting for, but every time you heard even the smallest of noises, your arousal grew thinking it was Alcina. While you wait your mind wanders, thinking of all of the things she might have planned, the things she wants to do to you. It was apparent from the note that she, as usual, was in control of the entire situation, even when she wasn't even in the room.
The longer you waited, the more impatient you became, but you knew this was all part of her game, so you did what you could to pass the time, which was letting your mind wander some more. The more your mind wandered, the more sinful your thoughts became and the stronger the pulse between your legs grew. You squeeze your thighs together to try and keep the feelings at bay, your nails began to dig into your legs, trying to keep them from wandering to provide some relief. Yes, this was your birthday gift, but there were still rules to this game you two played, and touching yourself without her permission was a huge no-no.
Finally, you hear the bedroom door open and the room fills with her scent, you exhale in relief without even realizing it, her perfume is immediately intoxicating.
Hearing Alcina's heel click across the floor, you try to gauge where she is in the room. You hear a low growl as she walks, paces probably, as she studies you on the bed.
The room goes silent for a moment, you hear the rustling of fabric for a few seconds but then nothing. It's unsettling how quiet Alcina can be when she moves, like a true predator, especially given her height. You assume this is one of the reasons why she likes to start these games off with you being blindfolded, she can be anywhere and no where at the same time and you are none the wiser until she makes herself known.
"Such a good little pet." You hear in your ear, it takes all of you to not flinch, but you still twitch just enough to earn a small chuckle from the woman. In an instant you feel her hand wrap around your throat, you take a sharp inhale and she increases the pressure on the sides of your neck just a little. A small whine escapes your lips and Alcina hums. "That necklace looks so lovely around your pretty little neck. Are you ready for the rest of your gift, pet?" She says, emphasizing the 'P' on the last word.
"Yes Mistress."
"So obedient."
Her hand shifts and you feel her finger press against your lips, her thumb and the rest of her fingers still wrapped snugly around your neck. You part your lips and take her finger into your mouth, swiping your tongue over it and sucking on it, coating it in your saliva. Once she's satisfied with how wet her finger is, she slides it out from between your lips, pulls down your bottom lip and she loosens the grip around your neck. She drags her finger down your chin, your neck, your chest, sharply inhaling when her finger travels between your breasts down to your stomach. You sit up more when her finger reaches your lower abdomen, tracing along the top of your thong.
A chill runs through you as her finger dances along the lace, the pule between your legs growing immensely. Alcina deeply inhales and almost purrs when she exhales.
"You smell wonderful pet," she says as she leans closer to you, whispering in your ear. "I'm sure you taste just as divine."
"Please." You say, your voice just barely a whisper.
"Begging already? When I've barely touched you? You must be desperate my sweet girl."
"Yes." You whisper again, nodding your head.
Alcina pulls her hand away from you and you begin to let out a whine in opposition before she grabs you by the throat again.
"Yes what?" She growls.
"Yes Mistress."
"Yes Mistress!"
Her teeth graze against your earlobe and you shudder.
"I am very tempted to keep this going my little pet, however since it is your birthday, I'll show you mercy. A shame really since I'm enjoying this so much."
Before you can even respond, Alcina pushes you down into the bed, her hand still gripping your neck. The sudden movement startled you just a little bit and you feel your chest rise and fall quicker. Alcina releases her grip on your throat and you feel the mattress dip as she climbs on. Both of her hands find the sides of your ribs and she slowly drags her hands down your body, her nails leaving light red marks in their trail. When they come to rest on your hips she leans over you, your legs automatically spread to welcome her between them. Her lips latch onto your neck and she slowly starts off kissing you, her pace quickens with each kiss. Her kisses turn to licks which turn to sucks which turn to bites. Her teeth don't break your skin, not yet at least, but she's definitely biting down hard enough to leave marks that will last for at least a day. When she bites down hard on your pulse point, you back arches and your hips rise into her as you whimper into the air.
Alcina pushes your hips back down onto the bed and she kisses her way down your body. Her steady pace is slowly becoming frenzied, a telltale sign that she too is becoming impatient. After nipping at each of your hips bones Alcina spreads your legs and runs the length of her tongue up your slit over your new, soaking wet thong. Your still covered eyes roll to the back of your head when she flicks her tongue over your clit, you desperately wish the thin fabric wasn't there right now. She runs her tongue over you a few more times, pulling moans from you, before you hear the unsheathing of her nails and the soft tear of fabric.
The cool air against your dripping core sends a shiver down your spine and before you can react, you cry out when you feel Alcina lick up your slit once more. Her tongue glides up between your folds and she flicks over your clit, she repeats this a few times before enveloping you in her mouth making you let out a guttural moan.
With both of your hands white-knuckling the sheets you try your best to keep your hips from rolling into Alcina's mouth. She can feel you desperately holding back and when she pulls her mouth away from you, you think she's going to punish you for it. What you didn't expect, was for her two shove two of her long, thick fingers into your dripping cunt, curing them as they pushed deep inside of you.
Your cry of pleasure was cut off by her lips. Taking the opportunity while your mouth was open, Alcina pushes her tongue into your mouth as she thrusts her fingers in and out of you. Tasting yourself on her tongue, you moan into her mouth. A low growl erupts from the back of her throat when you suck on her tongue, savoring every last taste.
Alcina picks up the pace with her fingers and drives them deeper into you causing you to cry out once more. Her lips leave yours and latch onto your neck, one of your hands releases the sheets from its grip and you reach out to find the fabric of Alcina's clothing. Your hands feel a mix of lace and bare skin and you struggle to find something to grasp onto, making Alcina smirk into your neck. Finally finding her other arm that's propping her up you grab hold of it and dig your nails into her porcelain skin.
With her fingers pumping in and out of you, you begin to feel your orgasm building.
"Alci-" You whimper.
She clicks her tongue and slows her pace.
"Good girl." She says, picking up the pace again.
"Mistress, please."
"Use your words."
"Please make me cum mistress, please."
Alcina lets out a small, almost evil chuckle.
"Patience my sweet girl."
Her fingers slow once more and you groan. Alcina unlatches from your neck and sits up, pulling the blindfold off of you. As your eyes adjust to the light, she brings her free hand to your neck and gently squeezes. When you can finally see, you lock eyes with her, immediately noticing how black her eyes are from her blown pupils.
Alcina makes a "come hither" motion with her fingers inside of you and your eyes roll back and your back arches off of the bed. Her languid pace in tandem with that motion causes your orgasm to build slowly but strongly. She pays close attention to every sound that comes out of your mouth, every twitch of your body and responds accordingly with her fingers bringing you higher and higher.
Alcina lets out a low growl when she picks up the pace, the wet sounds of her fingers driving in and out of you filling the room. You feel your orgasm building more and more and you look up at her kneeling next to you. The smile on her face grows as she looks down at you, your face twisting and contorting, your eyes pleading for more. Your breath becomes more ragged the closer she brings you to your orgasm. Wanting to feel her closeness, you reach your arm out towards her, you must have such a pathetic look on your face because Alcina chuckles a bit when she looks at you.
"Please, I need you." You pant. "I need you."
Alcina lays down, using her free arms to prop herself up and hovers over you, her other hand still steadily pumping her fingers in and out of you. You reach up and tangle your fingers in her hair and pull her in closer. Her lips on yours, the lace of her bra resting against your chest, your arm around her neck, you kiss her hard as she drives you closer and closer to the edge.
She breaks the kiss and her lips latch onto your neck, she makes a few more "come hither" motions and her thumb begins to circle your clit.
"Fuck, oh fuck Alci." You cry.
"Good girl, you're doing so well, taking me like this, letting me fuck you senseless." She says between kisses.
Your legs begin to shake and she picks up the pace, her fingers curling deep inside of you and her thumb vigorously rubbing your clit.
"Alci, fuck, please, I'm gonna cum."
Alcina brushes her lips against yours and looks you in the eye.
"Cum for me my love."
Two more thrusts of her fingers was all you needed to be pushed over the edge. You cry out her name as your body arches and shakes underneath her. Alcina slows her pace for a moment before picking it right back up.
"Now my little pet, is where the fun really begins." She whispers, all you can do in response is whimper.
With her fingers relentlessly fucking your sopping pussy, she pulls orgasm after orgasm out of you. At some point she cut off the new lingerie set she bought you. When did it happen? You have no idea. Each orgasm is accompanied with another bite, suck, nip to another part of your body. Will you be covered in marks tomorrow? Oh yeah. But that's the last thing you can think about right now. You're so blissed out of your mind you can barely remember to breathe.
Alcina pulls another orgasm out of you and your voice is so hoarse you can barely scream anymore. She brings you down a little and goes to drive you over the edge again.
"Please, I can't-" You pant with tears in your eyes. You don't think you've ever been this overstimulated before.
Alcina leans down and places a kiss on your lips.
"Oh my sweet, can you do one more? Just give me one more my love."
You nod your head and she kisses you again.
"That's my good girl. Just one more, let me make you feel good one more time."
She slows her pace a little and you wrap your arms around her neck and pull her into you. Alcina places kisses along your jaw and neck as she slowly builds up your orgasm one more time. She plants a kiss on your skin each time you let out a whine or whimper, gently soothing you.
You're not even about to cum and your legs are shaking. Her thumb returns to your clit and a bolt of overstimulation shoots through you, she rubs gentle circles over it while she makes a few more "come hither" motions inside of you.
There was a part of you that thought you were so overstimulated you wouldn't be able to cum again, but the gentle pace Alcina set rivals the sensation and you feel an orgasm quickly building as your walls flutter around her fingers.
"Just like that, you're doing so well for me." Alcina gently wraps her free hand around your throat again and you grab hold of her arm, your nails digging into her skin. "One more, just give me one more my pretty girl." She says, her tone becoming more demanding.
The louder your moans and whimpers get, the more she gradually picks up her pace. She squeezes your neck just a little harder and your walls begin to clench around her.
"Oh fuck!" You cry.
"Yes, cum for me, be a good girl and cum for me one more time."
Her pace becomes frenzied and your entire body begins to shake as she drives you over the edge. You cry out and your back arches off of the bed more than you think it ever has before. Alcina doesn't slow down, she finger fucks you through it, dragging it out as long as she can. It's not until you collapse back onto the bed when she finally slows her pace and slides her fingers out of you.
Aftershocks rock your body as you wither on the bed, whimpering. You manage to open your eyes and watch as Alcina licks her fingers clean and looks down at you with a look of pride on her face. When she's finished, she lays next to you and wraps her arms around you, pulling you tightly into her. Her hands gently caress your back while she peppers you with kisses.
"You did so well my love, I'm so proud of you. You did such a good job." Barely able to keep your eyes open, you nod and cuddle into her.
After a few minutes of rest, praises and cuddles, Alcina scoops you up and places you in the bath. She gently washes you and wraps you in a fluffy towel and brings you back inside. Dressing you in your favorite pajamas, she lays you down in bed and a maid delivers your favorite meal to the room. The two of you eat, well, you try to given you're half asleep. But still the food was delicious as always and something you desperately needed after that.
When you're finished eating Alcina pulls the covers back and lays you on top of her, coving the two of you with the duvet. Her hands gently scratch your scalp and trace patterns on your back.
"Thank you." You say softly.
Alcina wraps her arms around you in a loving embrace and kisses the top of your head. You look up at her and she places a kiss on your lips.
"Happy birthday darling. I love you."
"I love you too." You say, your voice barely a whisper, as you fall into a deep sleep.
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Heyy, I was wondering if you could do hcs of the acotar characters, rhys, cass, az, lucien, eris, etc. and what kinds of birthday gifts they'd get you, how they'd celebrate your birthday?? thank you so much!!
What the ACOTAR Males Would Do For Your Birthday~
Cassian: 🦇❤️
-Would do literally whatever you wished. It’s his command.
-Would sit in silence with you or take you to Rita’s, whatever you wished for that day.
-He has a tendency to put a lot of thought into his gifts, so it his gifts would revolve around your own hobbies. A music player with your favorite songs, a limited edition book series you’d mentioned months prior… fleece lined Illyrian leathers… anything.
Rhys: 🦇🌙
-Surprise parties. For sure—he wants to celebrate his Darling! 💕
-Would gift you a beautiful dress beforehand as well (made by his mother, of course. It’s unknown where his stash of dresses is.)
-Would offer some late night fun as well, iykwim 😉
Azriel: 🦇🖤
-Would want to spend quiet, 1:1 time with you on your special day. He doesn’t like crowds.
-Would plan a secluded vacation for just you and him, and you’d both dress up for a simple dinner night.
-He’d gift you a new piece of jewelry to wear (either he saw you eyeing it, or he saw it himself and it reminded him of you.)
Eris: 🍎🍂
-Listen: you are this male’s TREASURE. If his dad is still in the picture, he won’t risk anything. You will stay a secret for a while whether you like it or not. Not in a Tamlin way though—more in a “my father has killed females for loving us; you wouldn’t be an exception” way.
-He will only have 1:1 time with you. You’d be on a getaway vacation in a cabin not even his brothers know about.
-He’d gift you clothes, or an Autumn Court cloak, something thoughtful and beautiful. He’d also love to dance with you on your day.
Lucien: 🦊🌞
-This male pays attention. He only wants the best for you, he is a protector.
-Would maybe gift you a beautiful dagger he’d found while on his trips, or an expensive tea he’d caught you looking at while out and about together.
-Would also be another male that prefers his 1:1 time with you. It’s not that he hates crowds; it’s more of a trust thing. He only trusts you. He only wants to see you, be surrounded by only you.
Tamlin: 🥀💚
-Would be pretty basic about his gifts/celebrations until The Girlfriend Effect TM kicked in.
-Would gift you anything to do with a hobby you’ve expressed interest in. You gotta give him credit though, he’ll only gift you high-quality things.
-Tammy has grown to be not too fond of crowds anymore. He would enjoy a quiet dinner in his home with you, a walk through his garden. Maybe once he heals he will have a nearby village that’s thriving. He would be willing to eat dinner at a cafe in Spring Court with you, he’d learn to support small businesses.
Tarquin: 🌊🐬
-A day on the yacht? Party on da boat. He loves watching your hair blow in the wind, your smile as you watch dolphins jumping by.
-He would give you your own island if you asked. The whole ocean.
-If parties aren’t your thing, he would plan a whole dinner, a sunset boat ride just you and him, floating in the ocean while you just enjoy each others company until you want to go back. He’ll be out there all night if you so wish.
Thank you for requesting!! I hope y’all are ready for Kinktober tomorrow 😌😉
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cat-angel-936 · 15 days
Today, September 11, is my 22nd birthday, and I wanted to thank you all for the support, especially to @jokerislandgirl32 @fandom-fire-dump @cartoondrawer @octoqueen10 @transmascanakin @cristoferwhiss899 @nair-833 @bejeweled-wahlberg @rosey100 , I love you all 🥰
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My mother woke me up with this at 5 in the morning because she had to go to work hahaha my first gift 🤭💕
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yonemurishiroku · 1 year
Hi! I know asks are closed, so don't answer this one until you're done with everything else, please! 💕 I'm happy to wait because I dunno when's the next time I'm visiting tumbly 😂 Do you have any Nico-centric fic recs? Mostly centered on family? Thank you! And good luck with the others! ❤❤❤
Hi!! I hope this reply reaches you because Nico's family is my religion. 😭😭😭 The good news is that I do have some nice recommendations for you!
The other news is that I consider Persephone a part of Nico's family too so be aware that I'd include her! I'm a die-hard believer of Persephone-Nico step-mother-and-son/ begrudging friends/ defenders of the Underworld and I'm not letting that go.
Flowers Bloom Until They Rot by HoneySim (Solangelo, Will finds out Nico is not the son of Hades but of Persephone)
But I would die for you, in secret by deathboy-and-solace (LWritesx): Nico and Hades's attempt at family bonding!
Hold My Hand, I'll Guide You Home by Higuchi_Sora: AU in which Hades raises the Nico and Bianca in the Underworld instead of sending them to the Lotus Hotel. Peak wholesome. Persephone is the best step-mother. Little Nico is the cutest. PLEASE TRY. TRUST ME.
威尼斯午后 by qsxcguik: I know, I know, it's not English. But dammit if this isn't the best Nico-Hades plus Bianca, Maria fanfic I've ever read. 😭😭😭 This is basically a day of their family back in Venice, 1937. I use Google Translate and still, it's such a good fic, you know? I still hold this close to my heart. Please give it a chance, you won't be disappointed.
oh, darling, don’t you ever grow up by babyimafirefighter: Hades-Nico again. They have problems but they're trying. This got me teary every time I came back reading.
Happy Birthday, Have a Zombie! by shiiki: Hades gifting Nico a zombie driver.
bring me home by Rehearsal_Dweller (Solangelo, Nico & Jason): Hades helping Nico with Jason's death.
Family by apollosmortalangst (orphan_account): The Underworld family in the eyes of Cerberus, more Cerberus-centric but this is such a good fic and I cried and you'll have to cry too.
as the trees do by manywheels: Nico and Zagreus! But only if you know both PJO and Hades game lol since this is a crossover. But eh i haven't played the game, only got a vague idea of what it's about but I still enjoy it a lot, so maybe you would too!
And now. My time to shamelessly push my own works ehehe:
Hold me like we're going home in which Nico falls in battle and Hades brings him back to the Underworld. I also have another which is Hazel-centric that talks about Nico's pomegranate seeds: Wait for me please, I'll wake you from this long dream
This is also supposed to be a series in which Nico stays and heals in his father's kingdom with the help of other chthonic deities. Well, that's the plan at least LOL. I'm still trying, anw I'd be very glad if you can give this a chance!
That's about it Ig. Hope you have a great time reading!! Now excuse me I have to go and reminisce on all this old bookmarks
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sunnylands-world · 2 years
Heyy could i request a Birthday!reader : Draco x reader smut ? Please thanks💕
Happy birthday daddy!
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Pairing: step dad draco x fem reader
Summary: your step dad's birthday comes and of course you come home to celebrate, bringing him cute gifts but he has a better present in mind…
Word count:1,502
Warning: Draco has a daddy kink, step dad draco, kinda unrealistic description of taste, Somnophilia, fingering, oral [ fem receiving], kinda perv Draco, nipple play, age gap, kinda innocent reader, squirting, overstimulation, Draco in the muggle world, Draco's pov till the end
A/n: I don't know if I understood your request all the way but here's some smut for you my love @ameliaclare04
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Draco was never the type of guy to do things that society would call gross or wrong, he wanted people's approval too much to make that mistake but you, you were bringing things out that he never even thought about. But you had to hear him out you were in your early twenties and you were a pretty little thing as he would call you and your innocent self believed it was just a simple compliment because you'd Blush and say thanks in a cute little whisper while looking away but he'd never take his eyes off you or your body.
He was just thinking if you'd Blush Like that while he had his fingers Deep in you, if you'd look away in embarrassment as you coated his fingers in your release; but he didn't get to find out because for a while his inner guilty would claw at his lust till it didn't exist anymore. That was a while ago, you were home from college for his birthday even though he pretend over the phone that it wasn't necessary, but you replied: "I won't miss it, your my daddy and this is your special day" and his breath hitched at the word.
He hadn't heard you say it since you were home and he was never gonna tell you that he'd jerked off to the word replaying in his head as he pictured you screaming it. You arrived giving him a hug and you were just as small as he had remembered peering up at him like a small child. you, your mother and him went to the table to eat the food she had made but Draco couldn't say he cared for it since he was more interested in eating you in another way.
The meal was great and as you all stood singing him happy birthday he let a smirk cross his lips as you handed him the mug that read: best daddy ever and you beamed all happily, so innocent to the other meanings of the word. You asked if he liked it, he chuckled before telling you he loved it and would use it everyday and he meant that which made your smile widened. You twirled a bit and your mother seemed quite jealous so she scoffed. "He doesn't even drink coffee anymore."she told and you frowned which didn't please him in the slightest.
He hated your mother, they fought while you were gone and of course you didn't know that but he didn't want you to, which is why he'd stayed with the witch in the first place, also because he loved you enough to ignore her. "Well I didn't drink it because you made it wrong!" He growls, your mother glares at him. "Well nobody drinks black coffee Draco" she responded. "but daddy does" you interrupted and your mother looked like she was ready to kill you.
"Thank you sweet girl, at least you care about the things I like" he says looking at you with a reassuring smile because he definitely likes you and your mother knows it. "Fine then, since she knows you so damn well Lucius you Marry her!" She says pushing from the table, using his middle name and he winced at the word. You jumped to your feet ready to defend him with your heart and soul but he shook his head at you. "Let her go'' he sighs and you walk over resting a hand on his shoulder.
"I'm sorry about your birthday daddy," you say looking downward. He stands enveloping you in a bear hug with a pat on the butt, he rested his head on your neck breathing in your sweet smell as you squeak in response. He tells you to go to bed and you listen, nodding your head as you walk up the stairs and sleep finds you quickly but it wasn't the same for your step dad as he drank his feelings away. He drank because of his wife, he drank because of you. Had he been sober he might not have ended up coming into your room while you were sleeping but he wasn't and as the thoughts of his shitty wife came so did the ones about you that gave him the courage to come over to your sleeping form and run his fingers over your soft skin.
He had just been admiring you in the moonlight, your window open letting in a small breeze, your lips parted with gentle breath, and the blue sky kissed your skin with its beautiful color. He wanted you wrapped around him while he thrusted into you but he wasn't that far gone. "You're so pretty like this," he hums as strokes your hair. He brings his lips to your neck kissing trails down towards your covered chest as his hand sneaks up your crop top groping the flesh there.
You don't seem to wake but let out a sigh as you turn on your back, legs falling open under your covers. He pulls back letting his fingers trail to the waistline of your shorts. He never understood why you slept with a cover over you with your window open while we're barely in anything but he was grateful for it now. He'd be sure to shut your window so you didn't get a cold though. He let his hand graze over the short curls towards your clit where he rubbed slow teasing circles on it.
Your pussy reacted exactly how he expected as you began to cover his fingers in your slick. Your quiet moans filled the room nicely and he couldn't wait to hear them at another time, louder. He moved to the end of the bed pulling away your blanket and shorts that hide his view of your dripping center, with a bit of a tug to get the Shorts from your hips. Once he'd gotten the shorts lose pulling them over your legs was easy. He tossed the clothing on the floor leaving them for later as he made his way between your legs for a taste of your juices.
He was in awe of the sight in front of him, you had a glossy coat all over your folds and you were a painting out of one of his fantasies as you laid there all relaxed and at peace. he didn't waste anytime licking through your folds all sloppily letting his saliva mix with your sweet flavor. His tongue parting them with ease finding your throbbing bud underneath. He took pity on how your clit was aching for his touch. His eyes stayed trained on you as he licked you like a frozen treat and you wiggled around causing him to grab your thighs as you moaned in your sleep.
He wanted to see your pretty eyes wide with pleasure, only half tempted to wake you so you could see your step father eating you out like this. You soaked his lips as he sucked on your clit, his fingers creeped up to your hole pushing in slowly before moving at the same pace. He could feel the warmth of your walls as you began to coat his fingers. He let his other hand reach towards your breast playing with your hardened nipple. Your toes curl and he smirks against your dripping pussy.
A faint Draco leaves your mouth and that stops him dead in his tracks. He pulls back looking over you In shock. He wasn't sure if he'd heard you right but now he was more driven to find out, but he wasn't gonna wake you. He simply lowered back between your legs and sped up his fingers determined to get you to cry louder and you did your hips unconsciously bucked against his face as he ate you like his life depended on it and right now he felt like it did, he needed you to cum for him.
"daddy" You cried as you began to give him the best birthday present ever, you gushed juices all over your bed sheets and his face and he continued to ram his fingers into your abused hole till you drenched him again. He removed his fingers, sucking them clean with a moan of approval. He grabbed your shorts, pulled them on, kissed your forehead, and shut your window before leaving after hearing you sigh in peace.
The next morning your curtains welcome you with sunshine and you smile before going to get out of bed but gasp when you feel your soaked sheets, a sticky mess between your thighs had you peed yourself? You shook your head at the thought standing to your feet only to fall. weird you thought, your step dad walked in looking confused "are you okay honey you seem off?" He says with a smirk and you nod.
"just shaken up" you mumble, he hums in understanding. "Not surprised after the night you had" he smirks and your head shoots up in question "what?"
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Request open 👐
Draco's lovers and requests:
@alexxavicry , @sarahthehuffpuff,
@supercoffeeblogs , @thatwattpadobsessed
@ameliaclare04 , @kyracanwrite @animeloverfreak310
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nattinatalia · 1 year
Jack Harlow x Reader Instagram AU
A/N : This was supposed to be out Mother’s Day weekend 😳 read this first 💐
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Liked by yourusername, mamamaggie, claybornharlow, yourbestiename, champagnepapi, and 8,678,355 others
jackharlow Feliz día de las madres to the love of my life. Baby, you make me the happiest person ever. Thank you for our babies, thank you for always going above and beyond for our family, thank you for loving us the way that you do. Thank you for teaching me something new every day. But most importantly, thank you for being you. Life wouldn’t be the same without you by my side. Mia and Ezequiel are the luckiest kids ever to have a super mama like you, te ami mi amor 😘 💜
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yourusername I FUCKING LOVE YOU BABY!!!!!! You really did spoil me so darn much 🥺 & the fact that you not only celebrate me on Latin Mother’s Day, but the gringos mother day as well. Love my babies for life.
jackharlow You deserve to be celebrated every day 😘
yourbestiename Not you sending me voice memos on how to spell certain words in Spanish 😭 we love a dedicated man’s.
jackharlow Thank you for that 🙌🏼
claybornharlow Happy latin Mother’s Day to you sis.
yourusername Thank you hermanito 🫶🏼
Liked by jackharlow, urbanwyatt, druski, claybornharlow, champagnepapi, and 8,677,355 others
yourusername When you jokingly tell your husband you want a pink Lambo….. Jackman, you really take me by surprise every damn day! It’s not just about the gifts, you know this. I know I said to return this, but don’t blame me if I actually end up keeping it 🙈 I love you, thank you for spoiling me this morning Mi amor.
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jackharlow What my baby wants, my baby gets. Even if you were joking about it!!!!! I love you.
druski damn bitch buy me one next
jackharlow You’re not my wife
druski I’m better, it’s called life partners hoe.
jackharlow Get out of here 🤣🤣
yourbestiename Ohh okay go off white boy, he did the damn thang.
urbanwyatt Let me take it for a spin?
yourusername I’ll think about it 🧐
neelamthadhani He didn’t 🤦🏻‍♀️
yourusername He did 🥰
claybornharlow Spoiling his wife as he should
cozane That’s hard asf. I need to borrow it.
mamamaggie PICK ME UP!!!!!!
yourusername On my way mama 🫶🏼
yourusername added to their story
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Liked by jackharlow, neelamthadhani, yourbestiename, urbanwyatt, claybornharlow, and 7,986,345 others
yourusername My babies spoiled me today and every day. I’m forever thankful for the life I get to live next to my family 🥺💜 happy Mother’s Day to all the beautiful mamas.
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jackharlow You deserve everything and more.
mamamaggie They did amazing huh?
yourusername Yesss🥺 always spoiling me.
mamamaggie Only the best for my daughter!
yourbestiename The cutest little hands 💕and the best floral arrangement you could’ve ever asked for.
yourusername Dude yeahhh, those are the best.
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Liked by yourusername, mamamaggie, druski, claybornharlow, djdrama, and 6,976,355 others
jackharlow Celebrating you all year long, because you deserve it.
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yourusername Te amo 🥰 🥺😘
druski I hope you went all out for mama Maggie as well.
jackharlow Do you not know me? 🙄
yourusername Of course he did, we can never forget about her.
mamamaggie Druski is always stirring the pot, now I know why Urb and yourbestiename are always trying to fight him
druski I was looking out for you Maggie 😡 no need to attack me now
claybornharlow It’s what you get for always talking shit about her cooking.
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Liked by jackharlow, badbunnypr, yourbestiename, karolg, urbanwyatt, and 8,577,355 others
yourusername Dinner date with the love of my life ❤️
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druski I’m over the Mother’s Day posts we get it. This is his birthday all over again.
yourusername I’m just going to block your ass.
jackharlow Do it!!!!!
urbanwyatt You’re just hating because you ain’t got a wife to celebrate for or kids
druski & your ass doesn’t either so sit your white ass down
cozane 💀
urbanwyatt I hate you
yourbestiename Cassie said “ohhh Tio Jack Jack handsome.”
jackharlow 🥺
yourusername Awww my babyyygirl, need to see her soon.
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Liked by jackharlow, cozane, urbanwyatt, yourbestiename, and 7,667,345 others
yourusername That’s a wrap on mothers day weekend. I love my little family 🫶🏼 thank you to my husband for making every year so special and for showering me with so much love every day. I love you ❤️
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jackharlow I love you baby ❤️
mamamaggie The best daughter in law I could’ve asked for. Thank you for loving my boy and for my wonderful grandchildren.
druskispamaccount OKAY SO UNBLOCK ME
urbanwyatt 💀 BRROOO 😭😭😭
druskispamaccount This was probably Jacks doing, y/n loves me way too much to actually block me.
yourusername I told you I was going to block you for being a hater!
claybornharlow No way haha he made a second account just to be back here?
druskispamaccount Sure did because no one is going to stop me from saying what I believe in.
jackharlow What exactly is that?
druskispamaccount That one mother day post is enough. I don’t need to see it every day or for the entire week. I had enough on your birthday.
yourusername This is why you’re blocked…. Again.
neelamthadhani Is he blocked again? Lmaoo
druskithirdaccount KNOCK KNOCK, YOU THOUGHT BITCH!!! Y’all just blocking me because you know I’m right.
jackharlow I know you ain’t calling my wife a bitch……
yourbestiename This was a cute post of The Harlows and you guys always have to bring nonsense into the comments.
druskithirdaccount I have to stir the pot with them since you and Urban aren’t feeding into my drama.
yourusername 🤦🏻‍♀️
druskithirdaccount DO NOT BLOCK ME
druskifourthaccount I’LL BE BACK
drukisfifthaccount I’LL ALWAYS FIND A WAY BACK!!!
mamamaggie Sadly, this is true! So many times I’ve tried getting him away!
druskififthaccount Wait hold up. What?
druskififthaccount Okay okay, happy Mother’s Day to the sexiest mom out there! How you got with your husband is beyond me, when you could’ve married me. Hope you had a great weekend, your kids are little savages and they are lucky to have you as their sexy ass mom.
jackharlow I’m gonna beat your ass.
yourusername You play too damn much. Considered yourself unblocked.
jackharlow Considered yourself blocked again. Bye.
@heavyhitterheaux @harlowsbby @arination99 @cmalass @jackharloww @minkookie95 @deannaard @jacksmoviestar @harlowcomehome @fdl305 @httpkoylinnn @xoxokiaraaxoxo @hoodharlow @automaticpeachsong @amethyst09 @aliciacat20 @allyson15 @gabbylovesreading @stefansalvatoresgf @violetdreamsworld @carma-fanficaddict @jasminxts @itsaaliyah2 @itsyagirljaz @harrycanyonmoonn @neon-lights-and-glitter @awhore4moree
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demigoddessqueens · 1 year
masterlist vii
Some links were going funky on my desktop so I’m adding a new masterlist to here so that it can be updated better
Tik tok tease 😈
Superman and Vash appreciation
Critical Role - coffee bae 💕 ☕️ //
Vox Machina - noble!reader // WEREWOLF PUPPY // taking care of them when exhausted // treating migraines // boys + period headcanons // you remember? // trouble in paradise // Birb Machina // reverse birb machina // Garmelie reveals through art // Grog romance // Vax and sweet bartender // Vax + childhood friend // you have beautiful eyes // close the door?? 🚪 // close the door 🚪 part 2 // day gone wrong 😅 // rizz them up ✨ // flying Treasure Planet style //
Song fic -Grog // song fic - (my) dandelion // song fic // Mothers Day - song - Percy // song fic - Vax angst //
Modern s/o series - different dance styles // bonding with Percy //
Mighty Nein - beach 🏝️ day // cuddle headcanons //
Song fic - Caleb // song fic - angst // song fic // song fic - outfield // song fic - 2 //
Bell’s Hells - song fic //
Crown Keepers - song fic + Dariax //
Ring of Brass - song fic //
Song fic for the ladies //
Castlevania - Hector A-Z NSFW // Dracula + fem!reader smut // drawing the boys // remember what they say // Alucard and his jealous lover // Alucard and art as a gift // got a black eye defending him // Isaac A-Z NSFW //
Marvel - Namor + nurse!reader // Guardians of the Galaxy fluff //
Star Wars 🌟- Poe fluff + Miguel //
Prey (2022) - Taabe smut //
Unicorn 🦄 Warriors Eternal - Edred headcanons // Aewulf HC’s //
Game of Thrones/House of the Dragon - horse riding with Aegon //
Ewan characters - Osferth and Tom //
Into/Across the Spiderverse - Miguel O’Hara fluff // biting kink headcanons // soft headcanons // angst headcanons // angst part 2 headcanons // sick headcanons // dancer!reader // touch-starved Miguel // Miguel and a shy reader // college boyfriend Miguel // fangs and claws oh my! 😍 // Miguel + parks & rec // incorrect quotes // Miguel AZ fluff alphabet // love nicknames // incorrect quotes + Gabriella O’Hara // good morning ☀️🌞// incorrect quotes part 2 // love me, choose me, pick me // Miguel Regency era // incorrect quotes part(s) 3-4 // wedding 💍 headcanons //
Assassin’s Creed - Connor Kenway fluff // AC OC Debut // Shay & Haytham + Assassin // Haytham NSFW // Desmond Mermay // barista bae ☕️ // Dad + kid just like mom // Haytham hurt & comfort // Haytham + hurt and comfort // love confession + “you” // Ezio birthday 🎂 headcanons // morning seggs + Haytham // codexmonthly - mirage // Ezio birthday headcanons part 2 // bath 🛁 headcanons 💕 //
Helluva Boss/Hazbin Hotel 😈 - Crimson SFW and NSFW //
Blood of Zeus - Apollo x daughter of Nyx // pantheon smut // ares and Amazon!reader // dating Seraphim headcanons //
Legend of Zelda/ToTK - Sidon and his illicit affairs //
Dragon Age
DA Absolution - Miriam + kisses on face //
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