#it's all very 'gay or european' from the legally blonde musical
patolemus · 5 months
I've been thinking the past few days about how, after the scene in s2 where these huge chains fall from Stiles' locker, everyone in school thinks he's either in a gang or into some very deep BSDM, and there's like this tally that goes around where people annotate things they've heard him say and debate over why it points to one or the other.
I mean, someone will hear him say human sacrifices and they'll immediately go 'alright so this guy is roleplaying some very hardcore stuff', but then someone else will hear him say something like we gotta find the bodies and then it's like... maybe not roleplaying?
Werewolf? Depending on the context, it's a code word or the name of a rival gang (his gang??), or like some weird kink no one's sure they want to know much about.
Also, Derek Hale is definitely involved somehow, but this doesn't help clarify whether Stiles is in a gang or if he and Derek are just into some very kinky shit. There's a tally on that, too.
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salty-an-disco · 6 months
Hey bud! If you had to give your favorite voice a favorite movie, what would it be? And would their matching vessel like or dislike it?
I know this wasn’t the assigned task, but I couldn’t resist–
Here’s me headcanoing a fave film for every single voice and their respective princess’ opnion on it–
Hero: Shrek 2. No it is NOT just because of the Holding Out For a Hero scene, tho that is a very nice scene that always makes him start bouncing on his seat the moment it starts playing. It isn’t Default Princess’ favorite (she prefers Shrek 1), but she still appreciates the satire and subversion of common fairy tale tropes and the exploration of Shrek’s character here.
Contrarian: The Emperor’s New Groove. It’s memeable, it’s funny, it has such iconic characters, what else could he ask for? Stranger likes what they saw of it well enough, but they can’t really bring themselves to focus on a movie for the entirety of it. Would rather be doing something that requires them to be proactive.
Cheated: Fight Club. I haven’t watched Fight Club myself, but from what I hear from it, sounds like something Cheated might enjoy. Razor isn’t allowed anywhere near a TV.
Cold: Inside Out. Am I projecting? Yes. Do I care? Absolutely not. She watches Inside Out over and over again, imagining those little emotion guys as some of its friend, and getting a weird tight feeling in its chest when the control panel starts going gray because of Riley’s increasingly depressive state. Spectre likes the movie :)
Paranoid: Paranorman (I didn’t realize how similar those names are, but holy shit that’s funny), she finds Norman’s struggles to fit in and being seen as a ‘weirdo’ relatable and finds the way he’s fascinated with horror weirdly compelling. Both the fact it’s a stop-motion movie, and that it’s ‘children’s horror’ helps Paranoid feel safe watching it, and she doesn’t even jerks her arms once! Nightmare finds the zombies funny and gets… weirdly emotional during reveal at the end.
Hunted: The Lion King. It’s pretty, it’s colorful, the scenery and characters makes it feel at home, and it’s really compelled by the lion hamlet storyline. Beast tries to paw at every animal on screen and starts howling sadly when Mufasa dies.
Opportunist: Says it’s The Devil Wears Prada, but actually, it’s Legally Blond. The musical, specifically. Constantly has ‘Gay or European?’ playing in his head. Witch also loves The Legally Blond musical and is constantly grumpy that it’s also Oppy’s favorite.
Stubborn: Kung Fu Panda. It has FIGHTS, it has a panda struggle to become stronger, it has a compelling emotional core, he loves that shit! Adversary prefers John Wick, personally, but she’s also cheering for that white leopard guy every time he’s on screen (yeah, she knows he’s the villain, so what?).
Broken: Winnie the Pooh. It’s comforting and so nice to watch! It always makes them feel better. Tower doesn’t concern herself with this kind of leisure.
Smitten: The Princess Bride. Do I need to explain this one? Damsel also likes it, though she prefers Enchanted; especially the animated bits, she finds animation much more compelling than live action. :D
Skeptic: Knives Out. The mystery is compelling, the characters are engaging, and the set design! Skeptic could spend hours dissecting every frame of this movie and he did. Prisoner thought the culprit was too easy to figure out.
Long Quiet is very fond of the Rio movie, while Shifty really likes Everything, Everywhere, All at Once (she’s also fond of The Lego Movie :))
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iiikaruz · 1 year
New CH episodes have made me officially decide to stop caring about the actual cast of the show </3 (/hj but i wish it was /j)
Anyway would you like to share some of your headcanons/scenarios for the side/minor characters ? It always makes my day 💚💖(/nf)
dude i feel you on these new episodes. wtf is going on over there. anyways, i’ll gladly dump this 10 ton stack of headcanons on you that i wrote down!! Marie Antoinette: 
loves hyperpop and 90s house music. she’s so slay (i have a playlist lol)
into european weirdo cinema like Gaspar Noe’s but she also likes chick flicks (her fave films are Climax (2018), Daisies (1966), and But I’m A Cheerleader (1999).)
frequents on lolita forums and goes to really shady places just to get cute lolita items.
has absolutely mastered voguing. super into ballroom culture.
has a pet borzoi (those groovy long-nosed dogs.) her name is “Vanille” and Marie loves her dearly.
wants to study fashion. she especially loves Vivienne Westwood and Moschino.
Jesús Cristo:
is a juggalo, and he indoctrinated Van Gogh into it as well.
says “it is what it is” at any minor inconvenience.
had a mental crisis at 13 as a product to the stress of living up to his clone father. similar to joan’s breakdown in s1e3 but 10x worse. he tries to ignore it when people bring it up.
designated driver on any road trip. for some reason.
into bands like The Cure whilst also bopping to Cypress Hill.
his fave video game is Parappa the Rapper.
accidentally punching holes/nails into his hand is a common occurrence. seems like it just keeps happening, so he’s learned to just roll with it. he’s also a pretty good nurse bc of it.
Marilyn Monroe:
is always down for the school play. BUT she usually just does script-writing and tech. 
into conspiracy theories and video essays. (all gorgeous gorgeous girls love video essays).
is a dedicated Britney Spears and Gwen Stefani stan.
SO “COQUETTE LIZZY GRANT DIOR RETRO” in her fashion choice.
she also gives “elle woods from legally blonde” vibes. straight A student right here.
Thomas Edison:
is obsessed with American Psycho (2000). he has a poster in his room and he’s weirdly obsessed with Christian Bale (very 🍎🍉🍊 of him, but he always excuses it with “oh no, i just idolize and worship him. there’s absolutely nothing gay ab it.” he’s lying.)
also he’s SUCH a pretentious film bro. he has a whole library of stupid film facts shoved in the back of his mind (im totally not projecting).
he only listens to: 80s new-wave stuff like New Order, Oingo Boingo, Beastie Boys, & Talking Heads OR Lana del Rey. There is no in between.
he worked (past-tense bc that shit is GONE in 2023) at a blockbuster video store next to the mall and he liked being a total bitch to people about it (example: “you really rented this shit? this movie sucks, dude”)
after getting unfreezed, he was ECSTATIC over how easy pirating movies is nowadays.
Napoleon Bonaparte:
member of the speech/debate club and he is THE WORST TO BE PAIRED WITH. he’s foaming at the mouth the moment someone gives a rebuttal he didn’t think of. some meetings end in him trying to beat up someone. 
into 80s rock like Metallica and Black Sabbath. he has an electric guitar. he also FUCKING LOVES ABBA AND JAMIROQUAI. like… too much.
unlawfully good at Just Dance. he absolutely fucks it up on the dance floor.
adores fantasy films like Conan (1982) and The Never-Ending Story(1984). he’s so lame/ pos.
he bakes really well. that’s all he’s got going for him.
he either found his napoleonic military uniform at party city or at a thrift store with Marie Antoinette; his story changes depending on who he’s talking to.
he cut his own hair when he was 14. the following conversation after he did so was with caesar, and it was just the haircut scene from fleabag . he then continued to keep his stupid haircut to what it is now.
is a hopeless romantic. he can make up entire love poems & sonnets in his head about a girl he’s crushing on, but literally cannot talk to people without sounding like a douchebag unless he’s super comfortable w/ them.
Ivan the Terrible:
is an avid deftones, sewerslvt, & duster listener (i, unfortunately, ALSO have a playlist.)
spends his nights scrolling on 4chan and arguing w/ people. him & topher have accidentally argued w/ each other AT LEAST 5 times.
literally refuses to take off his ushanka in any weather. it doesn’t matter to him if it’s 90 degrees, that thing is staying ON.
kins Travis Bickle and Shinji Ikari. i mean, just look at this dude and how he presents himself. average NGE & Taxi Driver enjoyer/ hj.
fave video games are Postal 2 and osu!. he plays osu! phenomenally, to the point where it’s impressive. (pls put that energy into a job or something).
and yea that’s all the energy i have to write this down :]
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Fandom song animatic tournament: Bracket 2 Side B Round 2
The Moon Will Sing - The Crane Wives
"The moon will sing a song for me I loved you like the sun Bore the shadows that you made With no light of my own I shine only with the light you gave me"
There! Right there! (Is [blank] Gay or European?) - Legally Blonde the Musical
"Gay or European? It's hard to guarantee Is he gay or European? Well, hey, don't look at me! You see, they bring their boys up different In those charming foreign ports They play peculiar sports In shiny shirts and tiny shorts"
Remember that we're voting on how Iconic they are for ANIMATICS, not for the song itself. In order to make things fair, the tone and mood of the song should not affect how iconic it is (for example, a serious song should not be considered more iconic than a joke song just because it's serious)
Propaganda and animatic links of the songs under the cut:
The Moon Will Sing - The Crane Wives
No Propaganda Submitted
Animatics with the song:
The Owl House
Unus Annus Ikea AU
The Owl House
There! Right there! (Is [blank] Gay or European?) - Legally Blonde the Musical
I promise you that any anime (or other show but I swear it is mainly animes) with two or more male characters will have an animatic for this song. It just will, of is the natural part of the process of a fandom becoming popular. People know this song even if they think they don't know this song. It is so catchy it eats you from the inside out.
It's legally blonde and a musical which is prine queer culture. Fandom is queer culture. Plus it's a banger song with a lot of fun animatics. A lot of other "fandom" songs are kinda really sad (Two Birds cough cough) and this one is just silly goofy. It's also just the right decision.
There were SO MANY of these back in the day like i swear no m/m fandom ship was immune. Extra points if the character was actually european
look, it's a classic. try and find a fandom without an animatic to gay or european. you could find one for nearly any fandom for multiple characters even. the "i thought you said...best friend" set of lines is used in incorrect quote posts to this day. it's iconic, it's a classic, we all know and love it
Every piece of media has at least one (1) character who is very gay (usually for another) and this song shows that through desperate self denial but they get there eventually. Even now I see new animatics with this song I love so dearly, demonstrating the power of this song and icon Elle Woods. You search up “is __ gay or European” on YouTube and videos from years past and mere moments ago will cover your page.
Animatics with the song:
Demon Slayer Giyuu
Room of Swords
Ace Attorney Miles Edgeworth
Revolutionary Girl Utena
Genshin Impact Pantalone
Please be cautious and read the title, description and warning cards on the animatic videos if you decide to watch them. If you've got specific triggers I'd recommend even more caution when watching animatics of fandoms you don't know, since sometimes canon-typical themes don't get warnings.
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i would LOVE to know your thoughts on legally blonde movie vs musical!!!!!!!
Ooh boy where to start dude.
Firstly, I personally prefer the musical but that’s because I like musicals. I also think that song is a great way to convey character and theme. Love me a reprise. So this’ll be a little biased towards the musical. Also Imma focus a lot on character because that’s my favourite part of any media.
I think one of the biggest changes that interests me is with Callahan's whole deal and the repercussions of it. The decision to change the scene in the film into actual physical assault I think was a good choice because it raised the stakes and made Warner and Callahan look like bigger assholes. I also think that moment where Vivian recognises what has happened and shuts Warner up really enforces the idea that women have to stick together in male dominated fields like law and in some way it replaces the scene in the film where the female professor encourages Elle. I like the musical direction to have Vivian be the one to bring Elle back to law but I think it's important that in the film its an older woman in some position of power who is telling Elle to stick with it. There's a feeling of "this is a woman who has fought her way through" and her being rude to Elle earlier makes her encouragement hit even harder. Like I said I do like that Vivian takes her place and I understand why that female professor was taken out of the musical what with casting and time frame.
I overwhelmingly prefer Emmett in the musical. I think most people do because he gets so much more character development. I like the dichotomy emphasised in their backgrounds and I think it's important to acknowledge Elle's privilege. Yes she got the grades for Harvard because of hard work but her dad's still footing the bill. Not only that but she can drop out at any time and still have that money to fall back on. I think Emmett is one of those situations where the love interest and main character better each other. Obviously Elle is humbled by Emmett's backstory and learns to take things more seriously but Emmett also develops from his relationship to Elle. I think the scene in the store is very important- this is Elle making him up, giving the confidence he needs through the medium she understands: fashion. She hypes him up by making him look hot where before Emmett had hyped her up by showing her how smart she was. Both of them lift each other up and help them see the best of themselves.
When it comes to the trial I have mixed thoughts. I think "Legally Blonde" does the assault and aftermath with more emotion but I've always been of the opinion that music makes everything bigger emotionally. Obviously there's also the homophobia but I think that can be overlooked more in the musical because gay or European is such a banger. Not to mention how many queers adore legally blonde in all of its forms (me included). When we focus on the gay aspect I prefer the musical but I think when it comes to the trial overall I may prefer the way the film does it. I like the awkwardness of Elles trial, it really feels like her first time and we're nervous along with her. When she finally realises that Chutney killed him we get excited with her in a way that I feel is different to the musical. In the musical we know she's going to win because she goes in with so much confidence and the build up is entirely different and I think the payoff is so much better. Another point is the trial is less played for laughs like, there's a lot more comedy with the whole cutaway to the crime but the film plays the murder more seriously, especially with Chutney like, I really feel for her in the film, especially that line of "She's my age".
In conclusion I love both iterations of the musical for separate reasons, I love the soundtrack of the musical but I also appreciate the original text and the foundations it set. I mean, the musical has the advantage of being an ever evolving thing and we've seen more diversity and small changes in recent years whereas Legally Blonde the film is sort of stuck in 2001 and the culture of that year and it's aged a bit in some places. I still hold it as one of the most important films of all time, right up there with stuff like Psycho, Casablanca and The Godfather. Legally Blonde is my Godfather.
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jamiscrazy4krerdly · 2 years
So I take it your a musical fan? If so what’s your favorite musical??? -Yarn
Hi again Yarn!! ‘w’ I’ve actually been in multiple play musicals myself during summer programs, including Annie (listening to “Tomorrow” was my morning routine for like a month in Freshman Year) and Legally Blonde (surprise surprise I listened to Gay or European to all hell)!! Then I didn’t go to that Theatre thing for a year because of mental health issues (totally ruined my 6 year streak, they were doing Matilda) but I did go to watch the actual performance and I was fucking BEAMING!! Also these two people complimented my outfit and I complimented them back and omg wow I was all flustered and shit I should’ve exchanged like numbers or something and became their friends but I didn’t like an absolute goon!! UGH!
BUT TO ANSWER YOUR QUESTION!! Heathers. By like a mile. I don’t know how to describe it but like, it changed me, I think. Or like, made me realize how much I’ve changed? Very important moment in my life. Candy Store is everlasting. But so is Meant To Be Yours. For different reasons. Awesome. Please imagine me jamming out to Heathers songs in my room at full volume with my earbuds in because that’s what I’m going to be doing right after this.
I could get back into musicals probably, I still totally need to see Bettlejuice and maybe even Waitress!! They’ve got some good songs and it very much intrigues me… you should totally tell me your own favorite musical though!! 7v7
PERHAPS!! It is time I return to my primal form… (replacing characters in various musicals with characters from the media I’m obsessed with)
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pennyngram · 2 years
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The “Greek looking thing” is called Valle dei Templi and it’s in Sicily. In case the UK viewers are wondering.
19 notes - Posted May 14, 2022
"Tell your friend that when that time you suck from my wound so swiftly the poison of the gangrene from that knife that our other friend, too nervous, let slip"
Excuse me what.
23 notes - Posted September 2, 2022
My latest obsession is Legally Blonde and I’ve been reading a lot of comments under the song “Gay or European” from the musical arguing that this song erases bisexuality. So I thought about it and:
The fact that the *bend and snap* didn’t work on Mr Argitakos implies that he is not attracted to women, therefore he cannot be bisexual. But at the same time it doesn’t imply that he is attracted to men.
Dear readers, this song does not erase bisexuality but rather asexuality. And what I find ironic is that the whole “bi erasure” discourse further erases ace people instead.
Now, listen. We can all agree that while the song is a bop, its depiction of queerness is completely centered on stupid stereotypes and a product of its times. It will be very interesting how they will deal with that once they inevitably make a mediocre remake of the movie but in the meantime we can’t change the bulk of the story.
But we can change a small detail of “Gay or European” to, in my opinion, avoid ace erasure in future productions:
having Emmett perform the *bend and snap* during the interrogation to both confirm that Mr Argitakos is actually gay and distract him before dropping the “and your boyfriend’s name is” question.
Just like tike they did in this Coastal Carolina University production of the musical:
74 notes - Posted May 9, 2022
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love-an-ood · 3 years
Gay or Just Attolian, a parody of Gay or European from Legally Blonde the musical, written by @eeddis and performed by me, @eeddis, @goddessofgentlerain, @sounisiangutter, @cartograffiti, @artfrostedleaf, @huilian, @storieswelove, and @worldsentwined!
(feel free to join us in the queen’s thief discord server for more shenanigans like this)
my queen’s thief music tag
lyrics under the cut:
There! Right There!
Look at that tanned, well-tended skin
Look at the killer shape he’s in
Look at that slightly stubbly chin
Oh please he’s gay, totally gay
I’m not about to celebrate
Every trait could indicate
A totally straight expatriate.
This guy’s not gay, I say not gay
It’s very true he could be queer
but in this context it’s not clear
that a man with his ear pierced
is automatically radically fay
But look at his coiffed and flowing locks
Look at his muscles, like an ox
That’s the eternal paradox
Look what we’re seeing
What are we seeing?
Is he gay?
Of course he’s gay!
Or just Attolian?
Gay or just Attolian?
It’s hard to guarantee
Is he gay or an Attolian?
Well hey don’t look at me!
You see they bring their boys up different
In those squalid foreign ports
They play peculiar sports
In shiny mail or tiny shorts
Gay or foreign fellow?
The answer could take weeks
They will say things like “so, so, so”
While they kiss you on both cheeks
Oh please
Gay or just Attolian?
So many shades of grey
Depending on the time of day
Ferrians go either way
Is he gay or just Attolian?
There! Right there!
Look at that confused and empty stare
Seen it on every guard out there
That is a meathead uptight square
That guy’s not gay I say no way!
That is the elephant in the room
Well is it relevant to presume
That a hottie in that costume
Is automatically, radically
Ironically, chronically
Certainly, flirtingly
Genetically, medically
Officially gay!
Officially gay, gay, gay, gay!
Gay or just Attolian?
So stylish and polite
Is he gay or an Attolian?
I think he’s not that bright
But they bring their boys up different 
Some of them can’t even read
It’s not like he’s a Mede
It’s a difficult question indeed
Gay or just a rustic?
I still can’t even tell
Yet his muscles are fantastic
Gives me feelings I can’t quell
Gay or just Attolian?  
So many shades of grey
But if he turns out straight
I’m free at eight on Saturday
Is he gay or just Attolian?
Gay or an Attolian?
Gay or just–
Wait a minute!
Give me a chance to crack this guy
I have an idea I’d like to try
The floor is yours.
So, Mr. Ormentiedes
This alleged affair with Lady Heiro
Has been going on for…?
Two years.
And your first name again is?
And your boyfriend’s name is…?
I’m sorry!  I misunderstood
You say boyfriend
I thought you said best friend
Aris is my best friend
You bastard!
You lying bastard!
That’s it
I won’t cover for you any more!!
People, I have a big announcement
This man is gay and an Attolian! 
And neither is disgrace
You’ve got to stop your being
A completely closet case
It’s me, not her, he’s seeing
No matter what he’ll say
I swear he almost never ever swings the other way
You are so gay
Come out today
Right now, don’t throw your chance away
I’m straight!
You were not yesterday
So if I may, I’m proud to say
He’s gay!
And an Attolian!
He’s gay!
And an Attolian!
He’s gay!
And an Attolian and gay!
Costis + Aris:
Fine, okay, we’re gay
Actually I’m bi
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songweretson · 3 years
I keep thinking about a YouTube review I saw for the Legally Blonde musical I saw awhile ago.
One thing the reviewer complained about was that the show used gay stereotypes. And I get why that can be a sensitive subject... But I think that's kind of the point.
Legally Blonde is a story that is absolutely built on stereotypes. Not even tropes - straight up stereotypes.
You have the sorority girls who party all through college, and obsess over silly things.
You have the idiot guy from a rich family who coasts by on his money and name.
You have the trailer trash beautician. The sexist law professor. The bitchy brunette. The angry ex-wife. The flamboyant gay guy.
Elle's classmates are a geeky, socially awkward guy who thought getting into law school would make him cool. An angry feminist lesbian. In the movie there's the guy who claims to be a genius with obvious lies, but in the musical he was replaced by a deposed tyrannical middle eastern prince.
The only characters who kind of escape their stereotypes are the blondes. Elle, obviously. Brooke breaks the mold a bit, and like Paulette is definitely given some preferential treatment.
Which makes sense, because the whole point of the story is basically a "dumb blonde" power fantasy.
To be clear, I LOVE Legally Blonde. Both the movie, and the musical.
The characters maybe a bit thin, but they're used very well.
So, while I can see how people might find the "Gay or European" number questionable, I think that kind of fails to understand the show. It's not like they're signaling out a particular group to mock - this show mocks everyone who isn't blonde.
Except for redheads, who don't even warrant a feature. (*cries in neglected ginger*) But we do kind of steal the show, don't we? 😘
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asknarashikari · 3 years
All the Kyoryugers (except Souji, he's blushing too hard) gang up on Ian and sing "There Right There", otherwise known as the Gay or European song. Other senshi are welcome to join in. What ends up happening? (Minific)
Honestly... it isn’t all that interesting lmao
Ian rolled about on the floor, laughing so hard that he was clutching his stomach and crying tears of joy. “You really thought- I would- hahahahahaha!” he chortled, pointing at his teammates’ crestfallen faces. Ian managed to get onto his knees, wiping his tears as he supported himself by leaning on the seat of a chair. “That’s hilarious.” Ian giggled. “You guys should sing like that more often, and then let me record it too!”
“Aw, no fair! Why weren’t you affected at all?!” Amy exclaimed with a pout. “I was sure it was gonna work...”
“Amy, Amy, Amy...” Ian shook his head, managing to calm himself enough to get back onto his feet. He put a hand on Amy’s shoulder. “Of course it wasn’t gonna work on me. For one thing... I knew about the song for a while now. Because several of my girlfriends sent it to me already, making that very accusation of me.”
“Several of- Must you be such a-” Utchy made to raise his sword, prompting Nossan and King to throw themselves at him to prevent a possible murder. “Ian-dono, your shamelessness knows no bounds!”
“Utchy, calm down! We don’t need to resort to murder to prove a point!” King exclaimed, trying to soothe the samurai.
“Secondly...” Ian said, pointedly ignoring Utchy’s outburst. “I don’t know why you guys would even think I’d be affected by it when this-” He waved at himself- “is the farthest thing from looking gay or European. Let alone both!” he chuckled. “The fact I have so many girlfriends disproves the former. And for the latter... Some people don’t even believe me when I say I’m from England! Or that my last name really is Yorkland!”
“Hmm... yeah, he got us there, I guess.” Nossan sighed in acceptance.
“And most importantly... The Legally Blonde musical is the shit, and using it to slander me is just low, you guys.” Ian stated in a mock-disappointed tone. “Actually, since you guys reminded me of it... I’m going to go see if one of the girls is interested in seeing it with me. Ciao~”
And with that, Ian flounced off, disappearing thru the Spirit Portal as he dialled on his phone, leaving his flabbergasted and disappointed teammates behind.
“I told you it wouldn’t work on him,” Souji sighed, sipping on his melon soda while giving shaking his head disgustedly. “He really has no sense of shame whatsoever.”
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sacred-algae · 4 years
Nights Like These
It's no secret that Todd is bad at feelings. Bad at expressing them, bad at handling them. Really bad at handling them. Because Dirk has a boyfriend. A boyfriend who isn't Todd. And it tears him apart. All he ever feels any more is hopelessness. And tonight was no different. Until it was. It was about to be VERY different.
Rating: Teen
Word Count: 2,851
       It was nights like these where Todd didn’t like to think. He wished he was incapable of thinking. Screw that, he wished he didn’t love him. 
       He’d never been in love before and oh how he wishes he wasn’t right now. 
       Because this sucked. It hurt like hell. 
       Having to see him every day. See his beautiful smile and perfect eyes and know that he didn’t love him back.
       Being in love with Dirk was one thing a month ago. 
       He always knew he liked him, well, not always, but when he realized he was in love with him… That was another story. 
       He felt like he was walking on air when he realized it. He realized how lucky he was to have him in his life and how happy he made him.
       He even started flirting with him, to no avail but he still did.
       And it felt right. One day he would get the courage to ask him out. 
        But before that day came… the worst day of his life came. 
       He got a boyfriend.
       A boyfriend that wasn’t Todd.
       And ever since then it’s been “Brett this, Brett that,” and he wanted to punch that bastard right in the nose!
       … But he made Dirk happy. And so Todd was happy if he was happy.
       Scratch that. Todd was very unhappy. 
       He wanted to die every time Brett kissed Dirk, he wanted to cry every time he saw them holding hands, he wanted to punch the wall when he heard the exchange of pet-names, he wanted to scream every time smiled at his phone after getting a text from him.
       He was miserable. He had gone from being depressed before Dirk to being the happiest in his life to being happier to being even more depressed and it was horrible.
        So yes, he thought about this every night. What made this night worse than the other nights, what made this night “nights like these”?
       It was date night. 
       The night of the week where he wanted to curl up in a ball and cry. 
       So he did. 
       And he sobbed.
        And to make matters worse, his episodes have always been more emotionally fueled so “date night” was always a reliable alarm clock for his body to betray him. 
       And to make matters even worse, it was their one month anniversary, and Dirk was all excited about their big date.
       So he had to buckle up for a long, sleepless, painful, night.
        And his first attack of the night was over.
       He sat on the bathroom floor, huddled in the corner between the sink cabinet and the wall, shaking violently as his post-attack nerves calmed down. Breathing heavily as tears streamed down his hot face, head whirring.
       And it was only 10:00.
        It was only 10:00 when he heard a knock on his door. 
        Stumbling, he stood up and wiped his eyes on his flannel sleeve as he approached the door.
       And he was ready to kill a bitch when he saw who was on the other side of the door, sobbing.
       “Oh my god, Dirk what happened? Are you ok?” 
       He flung himself into Todd’s arms. “He pulled a Warner, Todd,” he choked between tears.
       “He pulled a what?” Todd stood flabbergasted, not quite sure on whether or not he should return the hug, but then he did, Dirk needed him.
       “Like that musical, Pink Lawyer.”
       “Oh, you mean Legally Blonde? And that was a movie before it was a musical.”
       “But I like the musical better. I like the song 'Gay or European', it's like a song about me.”
       “Whatever you say, Dirk. What happened, what do you mean he pulled a Warner?” And then it hit him, “Oh my god, he didn’t!”
       “Mmhmm,” Dirk gave a sad, affirmative hum and nodded into Todd’s shoulder.
       “On your anniversary?! THAT DICK!”
       Dirk laughed slightly.
       “What-” Todd wasn’t good at this, in fact, he was very bad at this. “What do you need?”
       Dirk pulled back and looked at Todd confused. His eyes red, swollen, and glossy. He hated seeing him like this. He wanted to hold him until the end of time and make sure he was never upset again. The things he was going to say to Brett- but he needed to focus on Dirk right now.
       “I mean, you came to me for a reason, right? What do you need?”
       He stood silent for a moment, not really understanding the question. In all honesty, his brain couldn’t process much at the moment. “Right, why I’m here, um, yes! I-” he sighed, “I don’t know. Universe said I should come here.”
       Damn you universe,  Todd thought. 
       “Ok.” His mind shuffled around the possible answers to this. In the past he would have made some flirty joke like, “oh, the universe wanted you to be here, huh?” or something or other but he wasn’t past Todd. He was present Todd and he would be there for Dirk. And he doubted the universe actually wanted that to be honest. He would always just be friends with Dirk. Hopelessly and endlessly. “Come in then, want to talk?”
       “Maybe,” he sniffed as he walked in. “I don’t know. I just want to be here.” He paused for a moment. “Do you have any tea?”
       Todd smiled, “Always.” He walked over to the kitchenette and dug through the pantries as Dirk sat down. “What type?”
       Dirk beamed, “You have more than one type? You don’t even like tea.”
       Todd had started keeping tea around in case of situations like these. Not break-ups specifically, he hadn’t planned for those, but any situation where Dirk needed some comfort. And he didn’t know what Dirk preferred so he just bought a lot of different types.
       “Yeah, what type?”
       “I don’t know. Do you have lemon? Sour tea to fit my sour mood.” He sunk into the sofa. 
       “Don’t be like that, Dirk.” He heated up a mug of water in the microwave, receiving a wince from Dirk but he was just happy Todd was trying. “I’m assuming you want milk and sugar in it?”
       “Yes, please.” Todd chuckled. 
       He put the teabag in the mug and grabbed the milk carton, a spoon, and the sugar and clumsily carried it all back to the couch. 
       “Thank you, Todd.” He smiled through his pooling grey-blue eyes.
       They sat like that for a while. Staring at the wall. A million thoughts flooding through their heads.
       The main one in Todd’s head? He was going to fucking kill Brett. He should have fucking known, with a name like Brett. And his stupid books, and his stupid sweater vests, and his stupid perfect hair, and his stupid collection of snobby tea. Now that he thinks about it he was really perfect for Dirk, Dirk didn’t want some punk-reject. He wanted an elegant refined man, not a scrumpy hobbit asshole of a man. NO! Brett was a dick. An absolute dick and he hurt Dirk. No one hurts Dirk on Todd’s watch. Not unless they want to get killed. 
       It wasn’t like he couldn’t do it. He could blame it on a holistic situation next case. Yes, brilliant. He would find some way to drag him into it push him into the danger. It was perfect, foolproof, and oh my fucking god was he really plotting a murder right now? He needed to focus on Dirk. Who had just started crying again, oh god he was bad at this. 
       Todd looked over to him. He sat rigidly. The warm mug in his hands, somewhat of a grounding stim, his head tucked into his chest as his tears fell. 
       He cleared his throat and nervously spoke up. “Need to talk about it? Sometimes venting helps.”
       Dirk bit his lip and wordlessly nodded before turning to Todd.
       “It was a stupid reason, really,” he sniffled.
       “Any reason to break up with someone as amazing as you is stupid in my books.” Dirk smiled. Smiling was good.
       “No. There are plenty of good reasons. I’m annoying, I talk too much, I’m dangerous, I’m an idiotic fool-”
       “Stop with all the negative talk,” Todd said sternly.
       “But it really was a stupidly stupid reason. I… I was telling him the story of our cases-”
       “Ooo which one?”
       “The Coconut Caper.” He set the mug down on the coffee table with the rest of the stuff Todd had brought out.
       “That was a fun one,” They laughed for a moment reminiscing on it. The Coconut Caper was one of their more… well… heated cases. There was a lot of tension there on both their parts, but both of them only recognized his own feelings and was completely oblivious as to the other’s.
       “So I was telling him the story and out of nowhere, he got mad! He said… he said he was tired of hearing about you.”
       “That it’s always ‘Todd, this and Todd, that’ and he was sick of it. And- and,” he stuttered to get the words out. “And said he was sick of it, and that it was all I ever talked about and- and,” He fell into Todd’s shoulder, covering his face with his hands. Regretting what he was about to say before he even said it, but Todd asked so he would say it. He would play it off as if it wasn’t true. “He said he thought I was in love with you… and then he dumped me!”
       A question burned into the back of Todd’s mind. A question he knew he shouldn’t ask for fear of losing everything, and pushing Dirk farther than he needed tonight... But the question remained, it refused to leave. It wasn’t going to go away unless he asked. 
       So Todd made the rash decision to ask said question, a decision he knew as the sentence formed out of his mouth he would later regret as he already knew the answer but something told him he didn’t know the full truth. He needed the full truth. He needed all of it. 
       And so he asked the question.
       “Dirk, do you love me?” His voice shook like the after-shock in a house seated across the street from a quarry. His face burning hot, his own eyes filling with salty betrayal. 
       “Uh-buh-buh-buh,” He sat up abruptly, straightening himself out, his mouth flapped like a fish. “What an odd question, Todd.” Dirk sat back up with a very bad look of hiding the truth. Todd almost let the corners of his mouth upturn. He thought he knew the answer, and he thought it might be the one he wanted after all of this time. 
       “Dirk, answer the question.” His voice slowly losing its tough persona.
       “You see, it’s a very complex answer, that question, Todd.”
       “Answer the goddamn question!”
       “Ok fine. You want the truth? Here’s the truth! I’m in love with you... I always have been but I know you don’t love me and so that’s why I started dating Brett.” 
       “Dirk-” His voice even softer now, a pang in his chest, heartbreaking at the thought of Dirk not knowing and feeling the way he did, knowing Dirk felt all of the pain Todd did.
       “LET ME FINISH. I thought if I dated someone else I would forget about you and stop loving you but the truth is I can’t.” He started crying, again. “I can’t forget you. I can’t, Todd. I’m sorry-”
       “Dirk-” More insistent.
       “SHUT UP FOR ONE BLOODY FUCKING MINUTE AND LET ME FUCKING GET THIS OVER WITH BECAUSE THIS IS FUCKING HARD!” Woah. He shouted at the top of his lungs before returning to normal, “I’m sorry, I’m sorry.” Half apologizing for freaking out and half apologizing for his feelings. “I am. I can’t help it, I can’t help that I love you but I do.”
       He sped up almost incoherently, vomiting out words, not caring if he was repeating himself or saying things that didn’t make sense. Let him choose his words and tone for this ok? Like he said, this was hard. “Just promise me, promise me you won’t leave because I don’t think I could take it because honestly you saved my life in so many ways not only physical and I couldn’t bear if you left so promise me you won't leave and I don’t care if you aren’t my best friend anymore just don’t drop off the face of the earth and promise me-”
       “SHUT UP, TODD.”
       “I LOVE YOU!”
        Dirk jolted back, not quite sure if he heard Todd right. If his mind was playing tricks on him, if Todd was playing tricks on him.
       “Oh, now you’re just being cruel.” His voice accusatory.
       “No, I do!” His voice defensive.
       “You’re just saying that to shut me up. Because I’m annoying and stupid and-”
       “What did I say about saying that about yourself?” 
       “Not to.” He pouted, “But you don’t. I think I would have figured that out by now.”
       “I didn’t figure it out”
       “Yes, but you’re just saying that. How do I know you love me?”
       Todd smiled. The first time he smiled that night. 
        “Because I do. Because you changed me. You made me a better person. And my life was boring before I knew you. And it sucked. And I know that doesn’t mean much but this does. And I wish you could see yourself like I do. The amazing, kind, wonderfully-crazy, funny and, not going to lie, sexy man you are.” Dirk chuckled and hid his face. “I want you to know that you make my life better. You give me a meaning and purpose I didn’t have before. You make me happy, Dirk. You make me so happy. And I hope that’s enough for you to know that I do love you and I’m not just ‘saying it’.”
        “I’m sorry, Todd.” He looked up, holding back more tears. This was a night very much filled with tears.
       Todd shook his head confused, “For what?”
       “For yelling, and assuming you were lying.”
       “Nah, I get it. I’m an asshole. I wouldn’t believe me either.”
       “Ok, if I’m not allowed to say I’m stupid and annoying you  definitely  aren’t allowed to call yourself an asshole. We both know how I feel about you calling yourself that.”
       “Ok, how about dickhead?” He laughed and Dirk playfully shoved him. 
       “That might be worse.”
       All of the anxiety was slowly wearing off, and it left them in a quiet moment. 
       A very quiet moment.
       Too quiet.
       They stared at each other, smiling. Heat rising to their faces, ok maybe they were just too angry and sad to notice it earlier but they were both made suddenly aware of their red faces. 
       “God, this is awkward,” Dirk mumbled as he twiddled with his thumbs. 
       “Yep,” Todd replied.
       Silent again. 
       How did they manage that?
       And then Dirk realized something. 
       Something big.
       His eyes widened and Todd immediately recognized the expression. Dirk had figured something out. Something holistic.
       And before Todd had any time to respond. Any time to process…
        Dirk’s mouth was on his.
        He leapt forward, not thinking, much like he did with everything in his life. He never thought. Ever. It was quite relaxing actually. 
       Unaware of his brute force, that combined with Todd’s shock had sent them spiraling backwards into the couch. Todd’s eyes wide.
       And all he could think, well, no, he couldn’t think. All he could  feel  was, “Oh my god this is actually happening! Is this happening? It better be fucking happening, and holy shit his lips are soft- ” Soft despite the fact that the kiss was awkwardly aggressive and very quick. It all happened in about a second. One second before Dirk realized what he had done.
       He pulled back extremely suddenly, but still hovering over Todd as the couch swallowed him whole, cheeks fire-engine red, spilling out his words in a perfectly Dirk-y way. 
       And Todd just smiled and grabbed the sides of his jacket, pulling his face back down to his, and he kissed him. This time properly. 
       And Dirk melted at the touch. This was nothing like kissing Brett, this felt right, safe, home. Like the entire universe had been preparing for this moment. 
       It started soft and slow, meant to show Dirk how much he meant everything he said, how much he loved him. And then he started to realize that it was finally happening, and he hungered for more, and Dirk obliged, sending their kiss deeper and deeper. Fully enveloping themselves in each other, in this perfect kiss, this perfect moment. This moment where everything was as it was supposed to be for once. 
       All they could think of was each other and how for the love of God had they not done this sooner.
       Breathless, Todd pulled back and moved his arms around Dirk’s neck, and looked fondly into his eyes.
       “I-I think… I think I know why the universe wanted me to come here.” Dirk breathed with a wide smile brandishing his swollen, pink lips.
       Todd laughed, “You think?”
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ending-tune · 3 years
8 Songs, 8 People
Rules: answer the 8 prompts and then tag 8 people
tagged by @philippcarlyle :DD
1. Favorite song at the moment:
i’d say... whoa (mind in awe) by XXXTENTACION,  혼술 (Honsool) by Agust D, Crazy by Gnarles Barkley, Human by Of Monsters and Men
very incomplete list, but no need to overwhelm on the first question  
2. A song you associate with your favorite ship: 
i don’t rlly have a ship or a favourite ship but you can have Blue Side by j-hope and Beggin’ by Måneskin here cuz i like them, i guess 
3. A song that could be about you:
Broken Crown by Mumford & Sons
4. A song you think is overrated:
iunno honestly, i listen to what i like and don’t really get into other people’s business 
5. A song that reminds you of a good memory:
any song by Toše Proeski (some of them are Igra bez granica, Soba za tugu, Pratim te, Poljsko cvijeće, and personal favourite Još i danas zamiriše trešnja) and Molitva by Marija Šerifović cuz my mother used to listen to these when i was younger so they remind me of her
6. The last song you listened to:
Fault by MYRNE & Grant
7. A song that makes you laugh:
that Gay or European thing from the musical Legally Blonde, love it
8. A song you want your mutuals to listen to:
so...  佳人  by Lexie Liu, Persephone by Tamino, Охота на лисицу by Green Apelsin, Gooey and It's All So Incredibly Loud and Youth by Glass Animals, Spit it out by SOLAR,  Maria by HWASA, AYA and Egotistic by MAMAMOO, Your Bones by Of Monsters and Men, Demons (Philosophical Sessions) by Jacob Lee, Coraline by Måneskin, Огни by Bicycles for Afghanistan, Paradise by Moxura, Daydream by j-hope
i think that’s enough before i overdo it lol
Taggin’ @theempressofgummybears, @polterh31st, @its-pie-time-3-141592, @moripartylove, @smundjerbomb, @jtxlx, @but-who-saves-you and whoever else might wanna do this (it ain’t a must-do for the ppl tagged, obvoiusly, tho i would like some recs)
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sybright · 4 years
Self-Indulgent Legally Blonde the Musical AU Because I Can
Yes I’m doing this, and no you can’t stop me. This is specifically for Legally Blonde the Musical, not the movie. The characters in the musical are a little different from the movie, so my choices here may not be the same for the film. Also, my choices are all heavily affected by my personal Cats headcanons and ships. Basically, I’m very biased and these might not be the roles most people in the fandom would assign to these characters. Please assume all kitten characters are aged up for this au. 
Elle Woods - Victoria
Enid Hoopes - Rumpleteazer
Emmett Forrest - Plato
-I don’t think I need to explain why Plato is Emmett, that’s pretty self-explanatory. Tori is Elle because the colors work and it just makes sense to me. Although, ngl Teazer could also make a good Elle since she’s a chaos child who probably wouldn’t give a flying fuck about law, but I think Tori suits the role better. Teazer is Enid because lesbian, and Enid is also implied to have a crush on Elle. A big change in this au is giving Enid a much more prominent role in the show. Why is this? Because I’m going to make Platoriateazer HAPPEN damn it. 
-My idea here is that Teazer/Enid now comes from a similar background as Plato/Emmett, and the two of them bonded over this and became inseparable prior to coming to Harvard. They’re besties right off the bat when we get introduced to them. Teazer/Enid is now present for all of the bonding moments, like “Chip On My Shoulder” because she has a similar background as Plato/Emmett now. She’s there to help Tori study alongside Plato, and also gets transformed by Tori in “Take It Like a Man” (she gets a suit too because what else would Teazer wear?) and of course she’s there to provide comfort in “Legally Blonde.” Basically, her involvement and role in the show is almost identical to Plato’s/Emmett’s. At the end of the show both her and Plato get proposed to by Tori.
Callahan - Macavity
Warner Huntington III - Alonzo
Vivienne Kensington - Cassandra
-Macavity as Callahan is self-explanatory. However, I’m so sorry I made Alonzo Warner, I’m really doing him dirty here, but like, he makes the most sense for that role. You could argue that Tugger could be Warner, but on what planet would Tugger go to law school? Or get a “serious” girlfriend for that matter? I just can’t see it. And for the record, musical Warner is a lot less of an asshole than movie Warner, he actually gets redeemed a little bit, receives a happy ending, and remains friends with Elle after everything, well, they hug it out at least, which signals to me that they stayed friends. Do I even need to explain why Cass is Vivienne? That one’s also self-explanatory. Similar to Warner, Vivienne is less of an asshole in the musical than in the movie.
Paulette Buonufonte - Asparagus Jr. or Munkustrap
Kyle - Skimbleshanks
Brooke Wyndham - Bombalurina
Chutney Wyndham - Admetus 
-Okay, I know Jennyanydots would make more sense for Paulette (in fact this could work really well with Bustopher as Kyle and Jenny as Paulette), but HEAR ME OUT, imagine Asparagus Jr. or Munk doing the bend and snap, you’re welcome. For real though, the reason I made it like this is because I’m not fond of the Skimbledots or Jennypher ships, I just don’t like them personally, and I did say I was going to be biased in this. Skimble is Kyle because Kyle is the package delivery guy, and Skimble runs the midnight mail train, they both deliver mail therefore they are the same character. Also, if we’re taking into account 2019 Skimble, who is definitely Kyle materiel, then I don’t think I need to explain myself further. Bomba as Brooke is self-explanatory. I didn’t have the heart to make any canon characters Chutney, so I’m using expendable, vague Admetus, female version probably. 
Kate (Delta Nu girl) - Jemima/Sillabub
Margot (Delta Nu girl) - Etcetera
Pilar (Delta Nu girl) - Electra
Serena (Delta Nu girl) - Tantomile
-Jemima/Sillabub is Kate because I can see her being the one who helps Tori study. Etcetera as Margot is self-explanatory. Electra as Pilar and Tantomile as Serena don’t really have any reasoning behind them, I just knew I needed to make then Delta Nu girls in some way. 
Aaron Schultz - Coricopat 
Court Judge - Demeter
Elle’s father (uncle in this scenario, we’re cutting the mother character) - Bustopher Jones
Beer Bash guy (the one who sings “whatchya want, you wanna be”) - Mungojerrie without a SHADOW of a doubt.
Dewey - ?
-Cori would definitely be a law student, so he’s here as Aaron. I wanted to get Demeter in here somehow so I made her the court judge, because she would be a court judge. Bustopher as Elle’s uncle/father character is self-explanatory. Jerrie as the beer bash guy? Very self-explanatory. I don’t have anyone down for Dewey because I already used my evil character (Macavity) and I already used my expendable character (Admetus) sooooooo, I mean Dewey is only in one scene anyway so he can be some generic character maybe.
Nikos - Rum Tum Tugger (yes this is going based off that amv, sue me) GAY OR EUROPEAN?
Carlos - Mr. Mistoffelees (also from that amv) GAY ANNNNNNND EUROPEAN.
For generic roles (like the people at the beer bash or the people at the salon) - Pouncival, Tumblebrutus, George, Jellylorum, and Grizabella.
Unfortunately I couldn’t manage to get Old Deut or Gus in here, one of them could have been the court judge but I really wanted Demeter in this. They could probably be in generic roles, maybe hang out at the salon, or be generic professors at Harvard idk. 
So this is the au, it is my baby, you may do with it what you will.
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Fandom song animatic tournament: Bracket 2 Side B
What is This Feeling? - Wicked Musical
"What is this feeling? Fervid as a flame Does it have a name? Yes! Loathing Unadulterated loathing For your face Your voice Your clothing Let's just say, I loathe it all!"
There! Right there! (Is [blank] Gay or European?) - Legally Blonde the Musical
"Gay or European? It's hard to guarantee Is he gay or European? Well, hey, don't look at me! You see, they bring their boys up different In those charming foreign ports They play peculiar sports In shiny shirts and tiny shorts"
Remember that we're voting on how Iconic they are for ANIMATICS, not for the song itself. In order to make things fair, the tone and mood of the song should not affect how iconic it is (for example, a serious song should not be considered more iconic than a joke song just because it's serious)
Propaganda and animatic links of the songs under the cut:
What is This Feeling? - Wicked Musical
it is PEAK enemies to lovers material. doesn’t even need to be lovers, it can be friends, whatever it doesn’t matter cause this song works so well and it’s so good urg
i just think it's neat
Animatics with the song:
Good Omens Ineffable Wives
MDZS Wangxian
Danganronpa V3
SVSSS liujiu
There! Right there! (Is [blank] Gay or European?) - Legally Blonde the Musical
I promise you that any anime (or other show but I swear it is mainly animes) with two or more male characters will have an animatic for this song. It just will, of is the natural part of the process of a fandom becoming popular. People know this song even if they think they don't know this song. It is so catchy it eats you from the inside out.
It's legally blonde and a musical which is prine queer culture. Fandom is queer culture. Plus it's a banger song with a lot of fun animatics. A lot of other "fandom" songs are kinda really sad (Two Birds cough cough) and this one is just silly goofy. It's also just the right decision.
There were SO MANY of these back in the day like i swear no m/m fandom ship was immune. Extra points if the character was actually european
look, it's a classic. try and find a fandom without an animatic to gay or european. you could find one for nearly any fandom for multiple characters even. the "i thought you said...best friend" set of lines is used in incorrect quote posts to this day. it's iconic, it's a classic, we all know and love it
Every piece of media has at least one (1) character who is very gay (usually for another) and this song shows that through desperate self denial but they get there eventually. Even now I see new animatics with this song I love so dearly, demonstrating the power of this song and icon Elle Woods. You search up “is __ gay or European” on YouTube and videos from years past and mere moments ago will cover your page.
Animatics with the song:
Demon Slayer Giyuu
Room of Swords
Ace Attorney Miles Edgeworth
Revolutionary Girl Utena
Genshin Impact Pantalone
Please be cautious and read the title, description and warning cards on the animatic videos if you decide to watch them. If you've got specific triggers I'd recommend even more caution when watching animatics of fandoms you don't know, since sometimes canon-typical themes don't get warnings.
Please keep in mind that I don't know all the media and fandoms of the animatics provided as examples and I don't have the time (nor the will) to research them all. Don't come into my notes or my ask box complaining about them being included, I will simply block you. If a ship animatic included is about an adult and a minor, do tell me and I'll take it out of the post
ALSO keep in mind that I don't know all the artists submitted; in fact, even if I do know them I do not know absolutely nothing about them as people (I do not have twitter nor tiktok) and I could not POSSIBLY have the time to research ALL of the artists' controversies and what came of them so PLEASE don't flood my inbox with the artists' entire crime list.
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rockinrpmemes · 5 years
❝Legally Blonde ( the musical ) ❞ [ meme ]
 Change to fit your muse however!
“Oh my God! Omigod you guys!” “I’m gonna cry, I got tears coming out of my nose!” “If there ever were a perfect couple, this one qualifies!” “They’re just like that couple from Titanic, except no one dies.” “Every time he looks at me it’s totally proposal eyes!” “I may be in love, but I’m not stupid.” “I’ve got my future all planned; it’s time to get serious.” “If I’m going to be a senator by the time I’m 30, I’m going to need someone serious.” “I need less of a Marylin, more of a Jackie--someone classy and not too tacky.” “My future's all planned, I've got some dreams to make true.” “What you want is right in front of you!”  “Law school is for boring, ugly, serious people!” “The east coast is foreign; there’s no film studios, its cold and dark, no valet parking!” “Hey everybody! It’s Spring Fling Beer Bash Extreeeeeeme!” “This is Harvard Law school, not Match.com.” “Exhibit A! Time for my cross! I object! May I approach!” “I won a Fullbright and a Rhodes.” “I write financial software codes, but that's a challenge I've outgrown.” “How many yachts can one man own?” “Some say that I'm a pompous creep.” “I did the Peace Corps overseas inoculating refugees.” “I'm on the legal track because this country's out of whack!” “Only some of you will turn out sharks. The rest are chum.” “You’re nothing until the thrill of the kill becomes your only love.” “Only spineless snobs would quarrel with the morally dubious jobs.” “It seems my comment has offended! Hard to argue when you’re too mad to speak.” “Your employment will be very quickly ended when they see that your emotions make you weak.” “You're not losing him to that! Both her hair and shoes are flat.” “Why is she so rude?” “Show him you are way more fun, bust out the lap dance and you’ve won!” “How is this helping? He's not even here!! He left while we were shaking junk!!” “Isn't that relaxing? It's called CELTIC MOODS!” “When I'm lonely or feeling dejected, I play this and it never fails.” “I pretend like I'm in Ireland, with Enya and the whales.” “In bar once I met this guy, and he bought me like, fourteen beers.” “He dumped me for some slut named Kayla! Took my trailer, and took my dog.” “We were like Gods back then, walking among common men.” “I'm flunking out of school, a total laughing stock!” “I’m just someone he & his friends can just mock!” "So go on, here's my head. Just hit it with a rock.” “I got through law school by busting my ass.” “I worked 2 jobs in addition to class so forgive me for not weeping at your tale.” “With the chance I've been given, I’m gonna be driven as hell.” “Though I can't take the day off, I just think of the pay off.” “If you're going for mediocre, you've done great!” “Look, they laughed at me like they're laughing at you.” “We can't win if we don't follow through!” “I've been smiling and sweet and thoroughly beaten, blowing my chance!” “I have turned my whole world upside down, trying not to let you go.” “WOW! I feel so much better than before!” “Hey remember when we spent spring break in the hot tub every night?” “You thought I was dumb, but I think that somebody's judgment was poor.” “Maybe she's what you prefer, but hey, last year I was her.” “I don't have the time to cry, I'm too busy loving my name up on that list!” “Do you want an easy miracle? Do you wanna lose a pound or two?” “I’m talking to the woman who wants it all: gotta pay for what you get.” “I want you whipped into shape! When I say “jump” say ‘how high?’” “You know you’re doin’ it right when you start to cry!” “Happily married, so she swears, to her sixty-year-old stud …” “What does not kill us makes us hotter!” “Feel all those halogens warming your skin, smell how they pump in pure oxygen.” “Here you’ll become what you’re supposed to be, you think you can’t but you can.” “Why can’t we keep thing the way that they were?” “Why can I never say ‘no’ to her?” “God, I love shopping for guys! They walk in a two, they come out a ten!” “This is no gift, it’s payment in kind.” “Gay or European? It's hard to guarantee?” “Look at that condescending smirk!” “I’ve seen it on every guy at work! That is a metro het'ro jerk!” “His accent is hypnotic, but his shoes are pointy-toed.” “You bastard! You lying bastard! That is it! I no cover for you NO MORE!” “You gotta stop! You’re being a completely closet case!” “Laugh with my friends when I arrive... we'll drop the top and just drive.” “He kissed me, he fired me, there's no reason for me to stay.” “Just lay on the beach, dream within reach, don't stray beyond.” “Some girls fight hard, some face the trial, some girls were just meant to... smile.” “If you can hear, can I just say, how much I want you to stay?” “I used to pray for the day you'd leave. Swore up and down you did not belong.” “I see no end to what you'll achieve, that's only if you don't turn and run.” “I see a star! You're my new muse!” “I learned I could be more than this; and you know, in a way I owe it all to you.” “I thought losing your love was a blow I could never withstand.” “The day you broke my heart, you handed me the chance.”
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brothermarc7theatre · 5 years
“Legally Blonde” show #799
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This past Thursday evening brought an evening with Delta Nu president, Elle Woods, and her journey to Harvard Law in pursuit of her “serious” ex-boyfriend, Warner. However, on the road to not getting him, she discovered that she had the intelligence and strength within to overcome the dreaded stereotypes and judgments that come with being a blonde. Elle Woods may be a lot of things, but she’s not “that blonde,” as demonstrated when she outsmarts: a snooty saleswoman; her pompous ex in a case study; her sleazy law professor, Prof. Callahan; her new hairdresser’s also-sleazy ex-boyfriend; a possibly gay and/or European pool boy; and a murderous daughter. All these points of wit and tenacity are demonstrated quite well in a fully-realized performance by CenterStage Clovis’ Sarah Rosenthal. Her legit vocal chops, bright smile, and understanding of what makes Elle tick on her journey to Harvard Law valedictorian are what elevates her arc to one that captures the heart of the audience.
From the start, it is clear what director Scott Hancock has set out to do with this beloved piece of fluffy musical theatre: let the audience enjoy and bop to the musical numbers, but really home in on Heather Hach’s book. As a whole, the message of Legally Blonde is effectively delivered by giving its proper attention to the comedy and romantic plot points; however, no moment is lost when portraying the, for lack of a better term, ickier side of Elle’s journey as a lawyer. Prof. Callahan is all that is wrong with males-in-power, and Mr. Hancock’s pacing of the Act Two scene with Ms. Rosenthal and Darren Tharp, playing Prof. Callahan, is what makes this production the whole package it so deserves to be. The calculated hunter, assuming his prey (Elle) is weak and defenseless when she is actually more than capable of standing up for herself, finally, is what makes the journey worth it. That being said, the acting and singing performances in this Legally Blonde are commendable and so well-suited for an evening of entertainment at the Mercedes Edwards Theater.
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(Sarah Rosenthal (Elle) holding Pennie (Bruiser); Photo source: CenterStage Clovis)
Ms. Rosenthal’s bubbly, charming demeanor is exactly what Elle should be, and her vocal chops are on exuberant display in her leadership of “What You Want,” “So Much Better,” and given a nice depth of angst and wanting in the title song, post-Callahan kiss. What makes Ms. Rosenthal’s performance so effective is that she never loses focus on what Elle really wants, which is Warner. This slow burn chemistry fizzles as Warner, played with a nice dose of pomposity and dripping cockiness by William MacDonald, is at its peak in “Serious,” the fake-out proposal song which garners laughs and insta-sympathy for Elle. As that fire gets doused, Ms. Rosenthal dishes as much as she gets from Dakota Simpson’s endearing, scene-stealing turn as Emmett, nerdy law students who is Callahan’s right hand man and eventual co-counsel on the case at hand. The rise in attraction and respect Elle and Emmett have for one another is given a logical, warm, and driven passion, making their relationship one the audience so desperately roots for. Mr. Simpson’s vocals are beautiful in storytelling nuance and musical richness in “Chip on My Shoulder” and the “Take it Like a Man.”
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(Sarah Rosenthal (Elle) and Dakota Simpson (Emmett); Photo source: CenterStage Clovis)
Mr. Tharp is a devilishly fetching Prof. Callahan, and his vocals make the often skipped song on the cast recording, “Blood in the Water,” (no offense to Michael Rupert, or Laurence O’Keefe and Nell Benjamin) a dynamite Act One almost-patter tune with a big-voiced ending which Mr. Tharp absolutely nails. But not just a presence and a voice, Mr. Tharp’s acting chops make every one of his scenes a demand for attention as a plot-pushing service culminating in his eventual exit from the courtroom. Madelyn Broach is a standout as Vivienne, Warner’s new girlfriend and law student who does not like Elle one bit, until she does. Vivienne is one of those roles written in a very unbalanced fashion in terms of musical chops versus acting turns. However, when Ms. Broach’s belt is unleashed in the “Legally Blonde (remix),” the audience’s patience is rewarded, as the notes sweep attention to where it’s due, allowing Ms. Broach to round out her journey from frigid law competitor to female empath who realizes the value of teamwork and doing the right thing. Kay Wilkins is a comedic gem of an actress as Paulette, Elle’s new hairdresser, friend, and all-around confidant. “Ireland,” and its reprise, is given the right staging and comedic inflection to allow Ms. Wilkins’ to make the ill-fitting solo a production highlight. However, it is in the energetically staged and performed “Bend and Snap,” where Ms. Wilkins really lets loose and rocks the house alongside the solid trio of Fatima Avila, Ava Tafallo, and Lexie Castellanos, playing Elle’s Greek chorus/Delta Nu sisters, Pilar, Margot, and Serena, respectively. The trio does kick off the show with an enthusiastic “Omigod You Guys,” though the sound mixing had the band overpower the majority of those opening vocals.
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(L to R: Darren Tharp (Prof. Callahan), Dakota Simpson (Emmett), Sarah Rosenthal (Elle); Photo source: CenterStage Clovis)
Musically, this is one of the best versions of the score I’ve ever heard, fabulously led by conductor, Pete Van Der Paardt. Though the orchestra does overpower in several of the all-call numbers, the tuneage and energy is felt throughout the charged O’Keefe/Benjamin score, and delivers the intimacies of “Legally Blonde” and “Chip on My Shoulder” in a manner the character’s feelings are truly felt. Erin Roberts’ choreography of “What You Want” and “Whipped into Shape” are show highlights in terms of honoring the lyrics, the dance breaks, and letting loose the hard-working ensemble in a way that gives personality to the more legit dance turns. And while we’re on it, Kelsey Coyne’s performance as Brooke Wyndham, fitness goddess and murder suspect in the case at hand, is absolutely flawless, jump rope-ography and all. It is so mean for O’Keefe and Benjamin to make the actress playing Brooke have to belt and riff after such a demanding Act Two opener, and yet, with Ms. Coyne in the part, it is an effortless (appearing), completely stellar job that is deserving of multiple rounds of applause, if not an ovation.
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(Kay Wilkins (Paulette) petting Victor E. Buldog III (Rufus); Photo source: CenterStage Clovis)
Legally Blonde closes in just two days, with three chances left to see it. It is not every production of this particular title that lends itself to more attention than is basically needed to follow the simple plot and tap your toe to the upbeat tunes. However, Mr. Hancock and company have done what is necessary to ensure that the heart and the message of this show take prominence. That is what Elle would want you to leave thinking about. That is what we audience members need to be reminded of. Go see this show!
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