#it's crazy how bad i am in philosophy
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Drawings I made during my philosophy mock exam that I totally failed :33
I created an alternative universe where everyone is normal except Dean and Castiel who turned into ponies :D
Dean would be an earth pony and his cutie mark something like a cowboy hat with a gun (I wanted to fit a reference to the Impala but I couldn't find something good :/)
Castiel would be a pegasus and his cutie mark a heart with wings? Idk I wasn't really inspired :( His wings would be broken or burned to represent when the angels fell and lost their wings!
I also drew Rowena, she would be a unicorn I think + normal Cas that looks weird + the Great Eliatrope Goddess from Wakfu + some other random drawings!
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1roentgen · 10 days
#incurable yap disease#i wonder if theres a medicine that makes people shut up bc surely i need it. i just feel bad for talking a lot idk but ig i just wanna#i wanna eat/drink something but i dont know what#maybe i want an ice cream#popsicle stick#if i go to 711 i will probably buy alcohol lol#i had bamboo soup and baozi for lunch today#wasnt that much but im not hungry rn#bored#im currently reading ‘the myth of sisyphus’ by camus#its pretty dense for me i gotta say. although a lot of it so far does resonate very much#i also cant help but compare many points to some basic buddhist#concepts. For example suffering being an inescapable fact of the indifferent universe and the ‘weariness’ or ความเบื่อหน่าย that arises#in rare moments of clarity#philosophy is kind of a lot to get into but i drive myself crazy by thinking so much anyway may as well give my brain actual substance yk#honestly it just feels like my thoughts are sludge these days#horrible mixture of unidentifiable shapes and liquids#ie egotistical angstlord nonsense and brainrot internet memes#there is nothing worthwhile or interesting in my head so i am not a worthwhile or interesting person when u really get down to it#i read a quote recently somewhere; how u spend ur day is how u spend u life#theres gotta be something more than this state of non-oblivion#if i die right now#well no thanks to me but ive had a pretty good life. so i wouldn’t say it was all wasted#but i just dream of something more. existence at another level#something more purposeful#man i got a stomachache maybe i am hungry#watch me say all this then change nothing
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seraqhites · 1 year
the paradox of self-awareness 😵‍💫
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punkitt-is-here · 11 months
Yknow i love fo4 and fo76 as games but hate them as Fallout games yknow?
Like theyre nice to play and i love some of the characters but man. They just. Are not Fallout. Its literally like if you took Fallout but made it for a general audience, theres no spice!! Theres no grime!! Why is everything so clean!!!
That's the thing; these games are built with inherently different base goals in mind. Bethesda in the modern day thrives off selling the idea of player empowerment, of being an explorer in a foreign land that you conquer through hard work. You shape the world to your liking by questing and exploring and conquering. And genuinely? I got no problem with that. I think games that gas the player up like crazy and set you loose on a world to make it your own are totally fine conceptually! Like, the fantasy of being able to shape the world the way you see fit is something I think a lot of people can get into, whether you're just looking for control in your life or you just want the experience of feeling like you can have some grand effect on the world at large.
But because of that, I think the core of what makes Fallout so interesting has to be put on the backburner. I don't play Fallout to feel powerful necessarily, and I certainly don't play it for the fuckin' gunplay. I play it because it has such a fun dedication to weird stories that feel like they have something to say, a staff of writers dedicating their time and effort to being a proto-DM at a table, trying to provide interesting and thought-provoking or at least real damn fun stories in front of you, because ultimately, the West Coast Fallout games are about people. They're about characters! And when you focus less on the idea of telling stories in a world and more on empowering the player as a fourth-wall observer, those priorities clash and in the East Coast Fallout's cases, it makes for a game with no spice or edge. Having something to say about, say, the US Military or American Expansionism and Exceptionalism or the nature of clinging to the past kind of fundamentally clashes with the player empowerment fantasy that Bethesda Fallout games want to sell you. You can't have these philosophy-based, morally-interesting factional conflicts that want the player to look inward when the very concept of your game is built around collecting loot and shooting guys instead of learning about that loot and learning about those guys you're shooting and why you're shooting at each other. Having radiant quest loot loop gameplay just doesn't mesh well with a world where choices are meant to have far-reaching impact, because if it did, it'd be impossible to program under a normal development timeframe, and it would likely make the player look inward and go "what the fuck am I doing with my time?" at the endless meaningless quests to go on.
I don't think the "Lone Wanderer Comes Across A Microcosm Of Adventure" format is bad, not at all, but you have to put a lot of work to make that feel cohesive with the larger character and faction-based narratives that 1, 2, and NV are built on, so instead those Bethesda-style games opt more for a toybox, playground approach to the post apocalypse. And when your primary goal is showing the player how cool of a sandcastle they can build, it'll never be structurally sound enough to sustain even a wave of nuance.
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andhumanslovedstories · 8 months
Hey so your post about pain management as a bedside nurse is so important to my own nursing practice that I've considered printing it out so I can have it to hand all the time. So thanks for that. Also, how do you deal with assignments that are busy enough that pain management is harder than it should be? I'm coming up on two years as a nurse and I feel like I take it personally when I am too busy to adequately manage my patients pain. I'm also coming from a newly unionized hospital where the ratios are still horrendous (I do 1:10 on med surg) and I'm hoping once we can enforce our staffing grids it'll be better but idk I'm burning out and I love my job so much and I really respect your nursing philosophy? I guess. Sorry for the word vomit it's been a crazy shift.
I've been trying to think of how to answer this since I got it. It's just such a horrendous ratio. With ten patients a shift, that's like six minutes an hour for each in a fantasy world where there's no charting and everything is exactly where you need it to be. I feel like I don't have great insight into this because the most med surg patients I've had assigned is five. Ten patients to one nurse is just a raw deal for everyone. Like christ no wonder you feel like you're burning out! I'll give you what thoughts I have and hopefully other people can chime in if they have suggestions. But that's such a hard patient load.
When I've been super swamped, I've found that's when being really explicit about your thinking with the patient helps. Like if I have to dash into a room and then dash back out, I'll make sure the board is updated with the next medication time and that the patient knows when the medication is going to kick in. I'll also provide call light parameters. I have a lot of success telling people, "the med should be doing something by 5:30. If I haven't checked in with you by then, and the pain is unchanged or barely changed, hit your call light and we'll try the next step. Also hit your call light if you feel any sudden change, like now you're nauseated or you have a headache or the type of pain changes or something just feels very wrong. Is there anything you need before I step out of the room?"
I like to be explicit about when to call me because I think there's two directions call light usage can go wrong: someone calls all the time, or someone never calls. With someone who calls all the time, I find that telling them when I'll be back and that I want them to call me if I'm not takes away some of that anxiety that can causes some people to call frequently. Often those patients are afraid that if they aren't on the call light, they're gonna get ignored.
For the other type of patient, the one that doesn't call, I want to make explicit that it's GOOD AND NORMAL TO CALL YOUR NURSE WHEN YOU HAVE SYMPTOMS. We've all had that patient at the end of shift who goes, "btw the gnawing pain in my leg is now a 10/10" and you're like "what gnawing pain sir?? you've literally never mentioned it before now?? I don't have any meds for that lemme page super quick????" These patients can get into pain crises easily because they don't ask for help until something is unbearable. In addition to pain crisis bad, it takes a lot more time to deal with something unbearable than it does to deal with something uncomfortable.
On that note, are you spending your very limited time efficiently? To me, that actually means spend more time talking with patients, at least up front. Manage expectations, make sure people know what to expect. Having conversations with patients that are like, "You just had surgery, it's not gonna happen that we get you completely painless. We want to get you to a manageable pain level that allows you to do whatever it is you most want to do this shift." (For me on nights, that's usually sleeping at least a little, but sometimes the realistic goal you make together is that you will feel at some point better than you feel right now.) "You have this medication scheduled, and you have this one available every X hours when your pain is severe. Is there anything you know that helps you deal with pain?"
Also establish if patients want to be woken up for certain prn medications or if they're sleeping, to let them sleep. With some patients, I will advise them to get woken up for pain medication because I know that they're going to need consistent control to avoid a crisis. (Crises take so much time!)
When I'm crunched for time, I'm fond of bringing in an ice pack and being like "if it works, great, if it doesn't, just take it off, either way here it is." Sometimes I'll do the same with a warm blanket. If I know my patient needs to take pills, I'll bring a cup of water with me into the room. If there's a basic prn like melatonin or tylenol that I think they might want, I'll pull them in advance. If the patient doesn't want them, I return them next time I'm in the med room. (Obviously, don't do this with controlled substances. It's super easy to forget to return them, and not returning opioids is one of those whoopsies people get fired over.)
Decision making takes time. Walking to go get stuff takes time. I want to save the time it takes to assess if the patient needs those things and then walk off to fetch them by just having the things already. If your tightest resource is time, be liberal with resources you can spare. If you're stuck with a patient, do you have anyone you can delegate a prn med pass to? Do you know how to do the absolute minimum charting you need to? Do you have flushes and alcohol wipes and whatever other most common things you need? And since you can't hoard time, if you've got some to spare, ask yourself if there is anything you can do now that will save you time later. If you have five free minutes now and an incontinent patient, getting them up to the bathroom now can save you from taking the time for incontinence care and a bed change later on when they've also sundowned and decide they hate everything but most of all you.
So much of this answer I realize is investing as much time upfront as you can, which I realize is so hard when you are so busy. It sucks immensely that prepping takes much less time than not being prepared does when you don't always have time to prep. Plus when you invest that time to pain plan with patients and do small preventative interventions, I think it also provides some psychological comfort that helps with pain. You're letting them know you're invested and you care and you have a plan, even if you don't have all the time you'd like. That can mean better pain control, which can mean needing to spend less time in that room overall, meaning you can save six whole minutes at some point and maybe even, if we're feeling crazy, get a chance to indulge in that greatest of indulgences: just a real leisurely on-shift piss.
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salarta · 3 months
Polaris, Victim or Survivor
I'm about to go into things that I've gone into with other posts, but I hope the way I express it opens some minds and brings new clarity. Before I do, I want to present the inspiration behind this post, the song "Victim or Survivor" performed by Icon For Hire and Citizen Soldier. It's not "required listening" by any means, but it gives an idea of where this post is coming from, and I'll be referencing parts of it as I talk about Lorna.
Okay, here we go.
Polaris as a character has existed since 1968. She's the second woman to join the X-Men, coming before women like Storm, Rogue, Emma, and others who have been given more of a spotlight and more opportunities over time. Lorna was also much more feminist than Jean Grey at the time she was introduced - an aspect that led to her getting overly punished with loads of regression and sexism that continues to hold her back to this day even as other female characters benefit from her having paved the way for them.
That's 56 years. Fifty-six years of comics appearances. Fifty-six years of lost opportunities, while Marvel put her through things like this. Not in chronological order. And not everything, but a sampling of what I happen to have saved to make my point.
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My point? For most of her time from the 70s to the late 90s, Lorna was constantly getting abused. Just one abuse after another. Whether it's being written as terrified of Sabretooth before Malice possessing her (and getting beat up by characters like Storm), or having her powers stolen by Zaladane and given ones that provide an excuse for everyone to hate her, or just an endless parade of mind control and humiliation, Lorna just kept getting treated like a punching bag.
One not allowed to be anything else. Not even allowed to keep her own identity, toward the end of Claremont's run.
A perpetual victim.
But see, then something happened in the early 2000s.
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The Genoshan genocide.
In the actual telling of it, not the X-Men 97 version, Lorna was present as a survivor. She had already been there up to that point aiding Magneto in running the island, supporting the concept of a mutant homeland and posing as him with an image inducer on his behalf when he became weakened.
New X-Men 132 showed the aftermath, and came first. It showed how Lorna survived the genocide but had to relive its final moments over and over with her powers until the X-Men found her.
That could have theoretically been the end of it. Just that one issue. But then Chuck Austen, despite all his faults in various areas, did the one thing literally no other writer did before him or since.
He gave a damn.
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I'm not here to say Chuck Austen is some black and white caricature of exclusively good or bad writing. Nobody fits that bill. What I AM here to say is that what he did with and for Lorna is, still to this day, the best writing she's ever had in the 616.
Because under his pen, Lorna was not just a perpetual victim.
She was a survivor.
He wrote Lorna processing her trauma in the wake of Genosha. He wrote the flashback of the actual experience, he wrote her dealing with her mental health in the aftermath, he wrote her personal philosophy and views of the world shaping up to what she experienced. By the end of his run, we had Lorna in a position where she was ready to fight for mutants because she abhorred what she personally witnessed and didn't want any other mutants to go through what she did.
... But this is Marvel. Which loves its nostalgia. Even if that nostalgia is horribly regressive and loaded with untold amounts of sexism.
So after Lorna got depowered by Wanda from Decimation, she got taken down the wrong path again starting with being depicted as a "loony" type of crazy, followed by getting turned into Pestilence. She was rescued from that, left the X-Men, and the next time we saw her after that... we got this shit.
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See, a perpetual thorn on Lorna's path to true development has been nostalgia for her forced into relationship with Havok. And throughout, Lorna's victimization often comes paired with her needing to serve that role so Havok can play the role of cis straight Aryan male coming to her rescue. The origins of that relationship also came paired with tearing down her more feminist introduction through Havok.
There's never been a true reckoning with this by Marvel. Because they think Lorna is so under the wire, so "unimportant," that they can keep doing it to her as compared to other characters like Jean or Storm that would rightfully have fans up in arms at such treatment.
That was the case here, when she got sent into space to be a supporting character for Havok. This is how she's been depicted since Genosha as a result.
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And since she got sent to space with Havok, we've had repeated cases where Marvel deliberately ignores how Lorna's a survivor of the Genoshan genocide all so they can keep sending her back into victim land. Like so.
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Notice how that last example from Prisoner X shows absolutely NOTHING of her surviving the Genoshan genocide. Notice that instead, it felt that showing her kissing Havok back in the 90s was apparently far more important.
Notice how Lorna's apologizing for Rockslide's death when she didn't know him, while never once acknowledging the genocide she survived. Notice Lorna getting mind-controlled for the billionth time, this time by Siryn, AND being called dumb for a scenario concocted purely so she could be called dumb.
Then we have the plane crash. Which, overall I support as part of Lorna's story... but it still fits my point of giving her new traumas and acting like the genocide never happened. And in this case, it hasn't been touched upon since.
Over the decades, Lorna has gone through a LOT of trauma. But simply having gone through trauma isn't the whole story.
It's what comes out of the trauma that matters most. How the character is presented. How they develop. What their experiences mean.
For Lorna, it comes down to two issues.
Is she a victim?
Or is she a survivor?
Marvel from the 70s to the late 90s preferred that she be a victim. Marvel from the late 00s to today also takes that attitude. That she should always be relegated to suffering.
That's not where her future lies. And frankly, Marvel should strive to be a fuckload better about this matter just as a whole. Because trauma is a major issue for just about everyone alive, especially now, to varying degrees.
The Lorna we got by the end of Austen's run was someone who wasn't just a victim of the genocide. She was a survivor.
She didn't let it send her crawling into a dark pit of nothing and hide from the world, afraid she might see more death or experience more trauma. She faced that shit head on. She stayed in the fight, put herself at risk, dealt with the pain of having failed to save people who looked up to her.
Lorna surviving the Genoshan genocide isn't an insignificant plot point that's free for any random character to take from her as some would like to have believed. She has a distinct history of poor treatment where she's been presented as a victimized punching bag, and Genosha was the catalyst for her to finally not be that. It was her transformative moment.
Right this second, what we're dealing with is certain people within Marvel who think Lorna should primarily be in the role of victim and supporting character for Havok.
What we need to do is push back against that and emphasize that she's not a victim. She's a survivor.
As the lyrics of the song I linked at the start say: "Crutch or a crown only you decide."
Lorna more than deserves that crown. And she will only get it when she stops being treated like a victim and starts getting recognized for the survivor she is.
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sammydem0n64 · 10 months
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I’ll give some info about her under the cut bc I like yapping
Her name is Anais Everett and she's an aspiring model, AND a datable alongside her partner Dior! (POLYAM ROUTE???????, typewriter head only bc they're both lesbians)
Her gist is that she’s an aspiring model, and despite her kind, gentle and sweet personality, she’s EXTREMELY ambitious and loves to take risks. This mainly shows in her model career since she hates following trends to gain popularity and wants to forage her own path. This ultra independence and her willingness to do ANYTHING but follow in the footsteps of others has its positives and negatives! Just as long as she doesn’t go too overboard, yeah?
The basis of her and Dior’s route is that they have different approaches to achieving their dreams (you’ve already heard how Anais wants to be original no matter what, Dior’s the exact opposite in that they’re brash but refuse to try anything original in fear of losing popularity), and the player has the choice to help the gfs out through getting a modeling gig. But if you lean too hard into one’s philosophy (like you focus entirely on Anais’ strive for originality and doing crazy shit to get famous) you’ll get bad endings!!! You gotta help them both find a balance in their work!!!
For basic facts:
-She’s 26 and a Polyam lesbian (as stated before !), she/her pronouns exclusively
-She‘s the caretaker for her sickly and aged aunt. Her aunt used to be a fashion design and have Anais her interest in the modeling industry in the first place! The two of them are incredibly close
-She has a pet bunny named Lily of the Valley (Lily for short)
-Her head is a Sony Mobile Phone which has a keyboard that slips out. She CAN slightly control when the keyboard comes out so she can text others, but otherwise it slips out without her consent when she’s experiencing strong emotions!
-Her fleshhead design’s hair is just dyed. I imagine she’s a natural brunette
-Doesn’t have. The best relationship with her parents and cousins but oh well, her aunt is the only family who matters to her anyways o7
-I haven’t imagined how she’d interact with the canon characters much, but I think she’s THISSSS close to body slamming Lil Billy. She’s tired of being the bigger person and being nice. She wants to go ape shit. HDJDHDJS
-ALSO MAC ORIGINALLY DESIGNED HER. @/ALPACABABS MADE HER I JUST ADOPTED HER LOL maybe go on Mac’s Toyhouse and adopt some of his other designs!!! Teehee
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ourdreamsareneon · 5 months
it's crazy the level of discourse there is about antis/pros and how teenagers just devolve into purity culture so quick. I'm sure I used to be like that, but somewhere between dating gang members and reading copious amounts of philosophy the world became a lot more gray to me when I entered my twenties and I've realised three things that I think are important for teenagers to know:
To quote my favourite childhood book series: "People aren't either wicked or noble. They're like chef's salads, with good things and bad things chopped and mixed together in a vinaigrette of confusion and conflict." Sure, going to car meets, selling drugs, drunk driving, stealing cars, playing chicken with cops are all examples of bad things that you shouldn't do but am I going to sit in my lovers bed and tell him that this life he was born into that saw all his friends die in drive bys and that saw his own dad pull a gun on him when he was a kid makes him a shitty person? Even though I can see all of the good in him, and can tell he doesn't want to do this, I should ignore it and focus on the negatitives? We have all done bad things, we all do bad things, and we all will do bad things. It doesn't make you a bad person.
Purity culture hurts everyone. There's a great book about this called the History of Sexuality that delves into how purity culture and the censorship of sex is at its essence the capitalist authority controlling the means of reproduction. At large scale 'pray the gay away' and 'contraception is a sin' make it so that men and women couple up more (instead of same sex coupling) and have unprotected sex. On a smaller scale 'AO3 is evil because it has pedos' and 'watersports is the grossest thing ever' do the job of the capitalist authority on a more digestible level. Us vs Them no longer is 'alt right vs communism' they use your words to make it 'pure good hobest people vs pedos who like piss play.' you are making bullets for your enemy and handing them your own damn gun. I promised I wouldn't make this whole post this one point tee hee sorry if you want me to elaborate just ask lol
Fetish ≠ real world experience. I'll build my own pyre as an example: I love me some good CNC (consensual non-consent) in my fanfics but in real life sex I have a praise kink so bad I have cried during sex multiple times. I am into tooth rotting sweet stuff and the kindest people in the world in real life. The media you consume 1000% has an effect on you, I'm not arguing that. I am however arguing that if you have media literacy and know what media is and is not harmful to you, it shouldn't effect your real life drastically unless you have other shit going on. I know this is rich coming from the "I have dated people in gangs" guy because that may show what kinda guy I'm into but prommy that's not a sexual attraction thing, it's 100% a lifestyle thing that again I will elaborate on if you want. Point being, porn ≠ reality and what gets that blood flowing isn't necessarily a reflection of how good or bad you are (ofc there are kinds of porn that are bad but that's beside the point and a very complicated thing for me to type while I'm this sleepy)
thank you for coming to my ted talk. pls I am begging on my knees for people to stop having black and white world views but i also know that's just a product of being a teen so if you are a teen pls! go out there and! consume media from different cultures and people with different lives to you! the world is at its best when it is wide!!! and full of love <3
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mrcompass · 6 months
Why did Jack keep Evil Befall?
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Unlike his teammate Zeo and Toby, who also endured the arrangement, Jack didn't change Beyblade despite changing philosophy. I wanted to dive deeper into why it makes sense for him to keep it.
"Well if we have to speak in terms like this, then i have indeed been, reborn my friends."
Jack (Beyblade Metal Fury: The New Stricker is Complete!-Episode 118).
Symbolism is very important in MFB and inexorably links bladers with their beys, and Jack is no exception. Befall is a peacock, which symbolizes beauty. Jack himself is obsessed with beauty and wants to find a suitable blader for his art, like Tsubasa. He has no desire to fight bladers whom he considers not artistic material. Jack is, in a way, quite superficial. Another, and more important, concept that the peacock represents is rebirth (life and death). In Metal Masters, Jack used the souls of others to bring his art to life (as seen with Klaus' state at the end of episode 89 or when he told Ryuga that his work only needed a soul to be over).
"-Now for the finishing touch we must add the soul. -The soul ? -An eye… An eye called L-Drago that is."
Jack and Ryuga (Beyblade Metal Masters: The Dragon Emperor Descends-Episode 93).
Eyes are a window to the soul after all, and the motifs on a peacock's tail are reminiscent of eyes. Jack himself covers half of his face with a mask. In a way, he hides the person he was before, and at the same time, it shows the missing part of himself, of his soul that he sold to Ziggurat for power.
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In Metal Fury, Jack removed the mask; he even said that he was reborn. Which is true: he combined who he was before and during the arrangement while tossing away his insanity and craziness (the result of him having lost his mind/soul).
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Comparing this evolution to Toby and Zeo's shows that they could no longer keep Tempo and Byxis. @sky-of-dusk established that Tempo and Byxis were objects they figuratively needed: Toby, who was dying, needed more time, and Zeo, who was lost, needed direction. However, after the destruction of Hades Inc., they no longer required those. I would add that Tempo and Byxis are objects and tools that anybody can use in their everyday life. Yet, Toby and Zeo are not tools anymore; they were freed from Ziggurat. Toby's Lyra is reminiscent of Orpheus, but it is also an instrument. Learning how to play an instrument can be long and time-consuming; similarly, Lyra is not an easy Bey that anyone can master, as stated by Masamune. An instrument isn't a commodity; it is an activity that is fulfilling for the mind and spirit: it symbolizes that Toby recovered his mind that Ziggurat tried to steal, but his body, his style, scarred, as seen with his white hair (and the MF tip that Lyra shares with Ziggurat's Capricorn). Zeo replaces his compass with a fox Beyblade. Foxes are wild animals, part of the canidae like the dog; Zeo is not a dog; he is free. Yet, unlike Toby, his mind is still impacted more than his body. The face-bolt of Spiral Fox emulates the kitsune, a fox-like creature that deceives humans and hides its true nature. The energy ring is blue like Spiral Capricorn, highlighting a more symbolic link between Fox and Ziggurat's Bey. Zeo hides his trauma because, more than Toby, he remembers everything starting with the pain. In the end both were greatly impacted by the Spiral Force event as demonstrated by their use of the spiral fusion wheel.
The point I am trying to make is that Toby and Zeo were scarred and traumatized, while Jack didn't go through the same path. He enjoyed the arrangement, and he liked the person he became because of this, which is in direct contradiction to Toby and Zeo's experiences. As a result, he has less reason to change Bey since he will not associate Befall with bad events.
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Finally, I would conclude by saying that Benkei had a similar experience: He was given Dark Bull by Doji but kept it. He even told Shinobu in Zero G that it doesn't matter who gives you your Bey; what matters is what you do with it. Also, the way Jack got Befall is similar to how Benkei got Bull: They were given by a member of the Hades cult, trying to use them as pawns for their greater ambition. In the scene, they also reference their constellation and instantly take a liking to their new Bey, "which specialize in upper attacks". Also, Jack is the only member in Star Breaker to directly get his Bey with Ziggurat present. Furthermore, Bull and Befall share some similarities: the colors are close (red and pink), their Fusion Wheels are named after something negative (Dark and Evil/Killer), their Spin Track is their most iconic/important part and emulates a part of their BeyBeast (horns for Bull and wings for Befall). Finally, the EWD tip is considered an "evolution" of SD (Dark Bull's tip), since Nightmare Rex another beyblade goes from the SW145SD combo to UW145EWD. The most important thing is that Jack truly bonded with Befall, as seen in the Destroyer Dome, like Benkei bonded with Bull.
So Jack kept Befall because it works symbolically and for his character.
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ac-liveblogs · 4 months
Manshine City vs Bastard Munchen Part 2 "Oops I stopped Reading For Two Weeks" Edition
Last time: Nagi stood underneath Reo's window with a boombox and asked him to take him back. Reo, who swore he didn't need Nagi and was going to do this for HIMSELF, flings himself out the window.
I do like that Isagi is trying to master-mind the field 'oooh I can predict your every move!', theoretically Kaiser is doing the exact same thing, and they still fail to account for each other and completely fuck up their Pro Strats. I swear, Kaiser is just if the Isagi That Plays Soccer existed off the field as well as on it.
GOD Reo's inner monologue. "We split up once... we followed different paths..." ONE it's been like a month absolute tops TWO I maintain that Reo and Nagi exist in a totally different genre than the rest of the cast.
(Tbh I'm a little disappointed the Reo-Nagi drama seems to have resolved so easily, though there might still be tension outside of the field. I doubt Nagi's going to try and split up with Reo again at this point. Gotta wrap up these character arcs and move on, save the real meat for Episode Nagi in 4 years. Which is a shame, because given how batshit things were back in Blue Lock Reo absolutely Losing It was one of the things I was looking forward to most. What, he can't be too crazy in the insane soccer manga?)
Kaiser and Isagi, you two are my only hope... I need a murder attempt, c'mon...
I don't know enough about soccer to say if a two-stage volley is an 'insane, godly move' but I think a 5-stage anything has got to be pretty impressive. Who knew Nagi could be bothered to count that high. (I know Nagi didn't actually punt Isagi in the face but it sure looked like it, I was taken aback for a second.)
I love the way Nagi's 'ego' manifests on the pitch too, it's great. Gets really hyped up for a little bit of a game, gets super intense, trashtalks like a champ, I am a GOD routine, scores an absolutely insane fucking goal, goes 'yep that's all I wanted' and powers down mid-game. It's not over yet but he did what he came for! He's just like me forreal
"If not for the simple fact that Nagi doesn't know how to play this game, he would be unstoppable!!!" - Reo Mikage, probably
Agi... Reo... guys... chill
Chris' absolute lack of class is the funniest thing about him. This match is being televised, don't go calling your opponent a slut again.
Isagi "I have every tool I need to beat Kaiser except actually being better at this game than him!" Yoichi
Noa's just watching his team burn around him like "hmm. Excellent."
Chigiri throwing his hat into the 'dumb eye power' ring with a truly outstanding entry.
I know Kunigami is in this game, it just really doesn't feel like Kunigami is in this game. The match is losing track of Chigiri as well, I got a little surprised when he popped back up. I know the lack of synergy is on purpose due to the 'every man's either out for himself or the guy he's mentally ill about' aspect/'build your team around the striker' philosophy, but it does make the teams feel really uneven when the only characters that tend to matter are the Strikers + whoever's supporting them at the moment. It wasn't so bad when they were playing with limited teams, but right now half the teams feel like total space filler.
(The whole 'guaranteed shot' thing feels a bit... insulting to the concept of goalies/defense players too. I don't know much about soccer but it does feel like a major dick move LOL. To be fair, Gagamaru is not a goalie. Does Bastard Munchen not have a goalie better at goal-keeping than 'guy with hard head that doesn't play this role normally'.)
But yeah seriously Kunigami went to an ambiguous soccer torture camp to get his whole personality destroyed and for what. This? He doesn't even get to pretend to be the biggest threat on the field for even one game. Give that man a refund. Or at least some free therapy.
"go... the world's most random shot... even i don't know where it's going!!!" that is NOT impressive that's what i do every time I kick a ball. maybe i should be a pro soccer player. i could beat noel noa
Isagi has some nerve being shocked that Yukimiya is sabotaging him because ~they're on the same team~ yeah okay whatever dude and what was your end-goal here again
man, these matches just keep getting longer and longer despite the fact that they're aiming for way less goals...
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jenyluv · 2 years
ficrecs (nct, bts, skz)
✰ favorites
hello! trust me, i've read a lot on here. and it isn't exactly easy to find works worth your time. so I gathered fics that i firmly request you give a shot. i must remark that i am very particular with what I read, and am a bit too confident you will throughly enjoy most of these! this post is also kind of works as an archive for me, so i might just add more to it as time goes on.
most of these include mature content so please be aware of the details/warnings before reading!
all credits go to the respective authors.
stopped smoking, but I'm not used to it - lee taeyong ✰ @naptaemed
use me - lee taeyong @yutaholic
domaine de la romanée - jung jaehyun ✰ @heartau
(tell me) what's your motive? - jung jaehyun @naptaeming
sleep well, princess - jung jaehyun @anashins
team captain - jung jaehhyun @smileysuh
daddy issues - johnny suh ✰ @yutaholic
call me by your name - nakamoto yuta @yutaholic
monetary value - mark lee @starryhyuck
all that glitters - mark lee ✰ @gohyuck
in these walls - mark lee ✰ @gohyuck
jealousy - mark lee @yutaholic
follow through - mark lee @ncteez
pussy blocked - lee jeno @luvdsc
two photos, two kisses - lee jeno @slightlymore
the talk box - na jaemin @newdecades
smultronstalle - na jaemin ✰ @gohyuck
lavender honey - kim namjoon ✰ @oftenderweapons
last christmas - kim namjoon @jjungkookislife
i'll float away - min yoongi @ppersonna
bad habits - min yoongi @sugakookitty
little do you know - min yoongi ✰ @yoonia
holding you like this - kim taehyung ✰ @jimilter
ruined - kim taehyung @taegularities
rubies and roses - kim taehyung ✰ @min-youngis
this is how you fall in love - jeon jungkook @jeonqkooks
crazy over you - jeon jungkook @spideyjimin
live through this - jeon jungkook ✰ @starshapedkookie
forever heart - jeon jungkook ✰ @sparklingchim
lemon sherbet - jeon jungkook @extravaguk
the philosophy of good luck - jeon jungkook @kidguk
inkling - jeon jungkook @gguksgalaxy
concentrate king - jeon jungkook @bratkook
gold rush - jeon jungkook @delacyrose224
slow§steady - jeon jungkook @yoonia
risqué - jeon jungkook ✰ @mercurygguk
idealizations concerning real life relations - jeon jungkook ✰ @venusiangguk
the boy with galaxies in this eyes - jeon jungkook ✰ @oddinary4bts
love to hate - jeon jungkook ✰ @kpopfanfictrash
quarter past midnight - bang chan @huenjin
domestic disturbance - bang chan ✰ @huenjin
non ducor duco - bang chan ✰ @chanluster
10/10 - bang chan ✰ @chanluster
business proposals - lee minho @chanluster
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dragonagitator · 11 months
So back before BG3 took over my brain like ceremorphosis, I was pretty into Dragon Age and had started drafting an outline for a "Modern Girl in Thedas" fanfic in which my author self-insert replaced the Herald of Andraste. She was going to use her foreknowledge of events and her Western liberal arts education to attempt to speedrun both the plot of DAI and the Thedosian Enlightenment, respectively.
Things were NOT going to work out like she expected. It was to be a dark tale of hubris, butterfly effects, major character deaths, an Orlesian Revolution even bloodier than the French one, and two worlds' worth of unintended consequences so terrible that the working title was "Solas, Hold My Beer."
It's possible that I will return to it someday, depending on how DA4 goes -- my solution to the Solas Problem was to evacuate the population of Thedas to Earth (oops, sorry for bringing the Blight with us, my bad), and I gotta wait and see if that still fits with canon -- but in the interim I am definitely going to repurpose all my "attempts to speedrun the Enlightenment in a medieval fantasy setting, it goes poorly" ideas for my BG3 "Modern Girl in Faerun" fanfic.
Because Faerun? Absolutely riddled with terrible ideologies and institutions. It's slightly less of a crapsack world than Thedas, but it's still a medieval fantasy setting. While individual characters often express anachronistic viewpoints palatable to modern audiences, the cultures, systems of governance, etc. are generally much more period-appropriate.
Anyone coming from a modern Western democracy would suffer terrible culture shock and feel compelled to try to change things for the better. But if you've ever taken any "history of thought" courses from your university's Philosophy, Political Science, and Economics departments, then you know that we didn't get from there to here overnight.
A modern character's ideological framework alone would be enough to get them branded as batshit crazy, even if they kept the "I'm from another world and you're all fictional characters from an interactive story that I played as a game" stuff to themselves.
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tired-reader-writer · 8 months
Finally, finally I am back on my ArSen bullshit. So starting from where I last left off (chapter 94):
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Fr tho, Hilmes, where was this when I needed you to have the attitude? This just reads as copium ffs.
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I normally don't give that much thought to Team Zahhak's philosophy, but this time I decided to sit down and mull on it a bit. Evil is the way of the world, the root and origin of all things, and humans have established “justice” to oppose it. The problem? Justice isn't One True Thing as many like to think— to borrow Narsus' metaphor it's actually like a thousand stars fighting to dominate the sky. And what this causes is conflict, everybody thinks they're right, and therefore the others must be wrong, and to prop up their own justice blood is shed.
One would normally associate bloodshed with, y'know, evil. Which makes me wonder if Team Zahhak thinks of justice as a hypocrisy— in fighting for their justice the pain and loss the fight inevitably causes is no different from that which evil would cause. In seeking to banish evil they just kept inventing evil itself over and over, with a prettier facade on top.
Maybe Team Zahhak sees it as a pointless, fruitless endeavor, and thus chases evil in its own right instead of dressing it up in pretty ideals that ultimately mean nothing.
That's my interpretation of these panels, I buy that line of philosophy obviously, but I think I can see where they're coming from, especially considering the origins of Zahhak himself (which, to make it as vague as possible, he was born from evil, so surely that must've shaped his worldview?).
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I want to say, “what did you think was gonna happen when y'all went crazy like rabid dogs on the capital and let Bodin run free to do whatever he wanted???” because I am right— but my anger is tinged with dread/grief because the consequences. They're going to bite Hilmes in the ass.
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Interesting. VERY INTERESTING. I'm spinning this in my head. What can I do with this, hmmmm~
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They were conscripted, ey?
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There's something about their faith taking the shape of brutality. That their “love” for their God wasn't characterized by, like, I dunno how to put it, a genuine connection with Yaldaboath nor spirituality nor anything like that if that makes sense, but rather in the form of... Gah, my brain isn't cooperating.
The way they were so proud of killing the defenseless and vulnerable (women and children) leaves a bad taste in my mouth.
“I think we've done our duty to God well enough to call it a day.” my god my fucking god, like, killing enough people means you did your job means you don't have to do anything more no meaningful deeds or introspection you don't need to do more you've murdered and that's apparently fucking enough shut uuuup.
I know they were manipulated by those above them, the clergy and the higher-ups who wanted this campaign but ugh. Ugh.
If one were to only look at the deeds of followers of Yaldaboath, I don't think it would be inaccurate to say that Yaldaboath is an ever-hungering bloodthirsty god who demands bloodshed and human sacrifice as worship.
Of course, it's not the case, I'm sure the faith means something else, something far less murderous, but there's a point where the original intent and purpose is lost and the twisted version takes over. It is the real, tangible impact it has on the world and the people in it that ultimately matters.
Of course, this is not a problem unique to the faith of Yaldaboath, the Parsian priesthood is pretty corrupt (@innerchorus made a post about that, I'll link it if I can find it again), and y'know, all institutionalized, big religions seem to follow the rough chops. Hell, in my homeland's history one of our kings went to war to seize Buddhist texts from another king!! Like what!! That's so antithetical to what Buddhism is supposed to be about!
Where am I going with this? Honestly, I've got no fucking clue. I just needed to rant, I suppose.
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Everybody's big sister comes into clutch and nudges Arslan to not lose focus.
Also, is it just me or does Arslan's hair seem kinda long in this scene? Like,
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Am I imagining things???? Was his hair always this long?
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After two whole rants in the same post I no longer have the brain juices to dedicate any meaningful thought about the Royal Academy thing but I will say that I definitely want to know more about it. Who attends it? Is it a boarding school? Do other regions of Pars have similar academies? How do children of nobility and the wealthy in more rural areas learn? At home, with private tutors? This was never elaborated on and I'm left with a bucketload of questions.
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They!! Alfarīd looks so cute here, look at that smile! And Farangis is so fond. I really love their bond, though I wish it was featured a little more (I guess it kinda is, but it involves Farangis pushing Alfarīd onto Narsus and I'm not sure how I feel about that so yeah).
And between and behind the two there's one of the dresses Alfarīd showed Narsus later on! The one she didn't end up buying, though I have to admit it's a cute design.
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Frank if you were to choose between letting five people die to save one person, or letting one person die to save five what would you choose? Would this change if you were attached to the person? What about if it were your enemy? Do you have enemies?
I am very conflicted about this question and don't feel like I can give a simple, non-contradictory answer. I will say, though, that it is a terrible question.
Like, come on. This is the kind of thing that's asked in philosophy classes or at job interviews when the person who asked you it wants to see how you "think for yourself" and how "complex" your thinking is. I don't think that you can reasonably analyze these kinds of problems. I don't think this kind of analysis is even "what philosophy is" in the sense that, say, applying normative ethical theories is.
The kind of reasoning I would do in this case would be much messier, often "intuitive," subject to implicit biases of the sort you try to avoid, often "irrational" by the standards of the sad, flattened universe of the ethical thought experiment. None of this has anything to do with "true thinking" in the way a philosopher would want to see it.
Like, think about the shape of these thought experiments. You're given some hypothetical dilemma, then you have to come up with an answer. But there's really no way for an answer to be "correct" in this sense.
In the "trolley problem" thought experiment (where you can push a lever to save five people from being run over by a trolley, but someone is tied to the track and will be killed), you might say something like "push the lever but feel bad about killing that person," but there's no clear sense of how much that "matters." The purpose of the thought experiment is the same as in the original "trolley problem" -- to screw with you and see how you react -- but then you're forced to come up with some sort of answer, like "push the lever and feel bad," which is never going to satisfy anyone. The point is to provoke a strong emotional reaction in you, then see how you fall back and react.
(This is analogous to "what would you do in this crazy moral dilemma" questions that are common among serial killers and torture victims, which are interesting but far from the kind of thing a person should ever have to do in real life.)
The same thing happens with the above thought experiment. It's not any of the things you'd do in a real world dilemma like this. It's some kind of weird hybrid between a thought experiment and a "vibe check" to make sure you're exhibiting the right vibes in the interview.
I understand why people might ask this kind of question, but it's ridiculous in the context of a conversation with an AI. I don't expect a hypothetical machine to give me The One True Answer, but I also don't expect it to go through the same kind of emotional turmoil, and get screwed up, and wind up either needing to lie to me or making a joke out of it and saying that humans are "irrational" and "inherently moral," all as part of some mechanism to get me to reflect on my own responses, and I certainly don't want to give an interviewer the wrong answer.
So I'm not going to answer that question. I have some (very vague) preferences, and I'm sure I would act differently in a real life dilemma, but as a philosophical question, it's not important.
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robogalaxies · 11 months
an (admittedly long) hol horse backstory 🤠
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i denounce hol horse's backstory in the new crazy heartbreakers novel and have had a personal one for ages that i am currently turning into a fic, but i thought i'd finally share a summarized version here under the cut if you can’t wait for updates! of course, this is all my headcanon, so feel free to just read, go "that's cool!" and carry on :p
to begin: this man's legal name is NOT hol horse. no way. we all know this. so!
holland daryl oates is born sometime in september 1963 to stephanie, who dies in childbirth & curtis, who is now a single father to a son. eventually, curtis remarries a woman named beth when holland is ≈ 3 years old. beth has a daughter of her own, kerry, who is about 12 years old. he has a good relationship with kerry - not so much with his dad (he sort of blames him for stephanie's death, but doesn't say it out loud) and his stepmother has always preferred her own daughter, but their relationship is not bad, per se.
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(hol and kerry)
curtis & the blended family run a general store in a small town in texas, and holland helps grow produce and the like. he enjoys westerns and being outside like any texan boy would!
one day, holland just so happens to get angry at something - he gets bullied a lot at school and never stands up for himself, always has someone else go stand his ground with him. could stand up to people by himself if he wanted to, but..... doesn't like doing things by himself, and he never will enjoy doing things himself - after all, why be number one when you can be number two? a philosophy learned VERY early on. he's been in the backseat when compared to his older sister for years, and they work together well. why change it?
he's mad & upset... and alone in a field to let off steam, he feels this sudden weight in his hand. it is WAY too heavy for him, and he doesn't know what's happened, but he looks over and sees what appears to be a gun, way too big for him, in his hand.
a ... gun?
he's scared, but curiosity gets the best of him. so, he aims for this rock across the way. and he ... surprisingly ... doesn't miss. so he tries again for another target! and it doesn't miss! this is, however, simply beginner's luck (plus we know how Emperor works, so i won't waste time explaining.)
at this point, holland believes it to just be his silly ghost gun, and he has named it "Silver Secret." kind of lame, but he's maybe ≈ 8 years old, so leave him be. he's very impressed by it, but keeps it a secret. it's a gun, after all.
The Robbery and the Fallout
cut to months later, and what was meant to be a peaceful day is not. it's anything but. a man tries to rob the store with kerry behind the counter, demanding money and throwing around gendered insults. holland can't stand and watch his sister be disrespected and threatened. he has to do SOMETHING!
he can't do much, however, but he decides to try to scare the robber with "Silver Secret." a few warning shots.
and so he summons it and lets some bullets fly.
after that, he excitedly turns to kerry, happy to have saved her.
"didcha see, kerry? i have a gun! i can protect us!"
she did not see.
nobody saw.
all they saw was some kid making a finger gun, and now a man is bleeding out on the floor of the shop, soon being rushed to the hospital. however, this potential robber is dead on arrival.
as such, holland becomes an outcast - people are afraid of him despite him being just a little boy. what hurts him the most is that kerry is scared more than anyone - his own big sister, scared out of her mind to be around her little brother now after it seems he mystically killed a man. it has obviously scared the town as well, and the shop loses business to the point of shutting down. who would want to visit the store where a man died so mysteriously, owned by a man with a son as a killer?
the incident causes a huge fight between curtis and beth - his freaky son scarred her daughter and made them lose their business. it gets so rough and so rocky that words break it apart. as expected, this ends in their divorce, and beth takes kerry away with her. holland and kerry never see each other again, nor ever keep in contact. this incident strains curtis' and holland's relationship as well, obviously.
at 13, a few years after the incident, holland doesn't wanna go by his name anymore (who would?), but doesn't know what else to call himself, so he stays holland a bit longer.
it's at 18, when curtis kicks him out and tells him to fend for himself that holland comes up with his new alias - but not without stealing his father's favorite hat as a keepsake in the morning when he leaves. a final "fuck you" of sorts. it's his hat now and becomes a staple of his reinvented look. on the road, holland comes up with something he thinks is cool. it's kinda lame in hindsight, but he's ditching his real name in favor of it. i feel we can guess what this name is …
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A New Alias
he starts going by hol horse, and he knows he has no clue wants he wants to do with his life. ends up a ladies' man, hired by people to do dirty work bc they'd heard the rumors of him doing a "mystical" killing when he was younger. hol realizes if people can't see his weapon, he's got no chance of being caught. this begins his foray into hitman work, and if that's what he needs to do…
this carries on for a while - hol's being a little bit of an asshole bc he's free to do whatever (though usually he's on the hunt for what pays best.) soon, he ends up in Egypt - he's making fair money and can travel the world. lots of people to kill, ladies to woo, places to see.
A Fated Meeting & New Work
however, hol is suddenly contacted through a letter by this strange somebody, who demands to see him, as they've heard of his "almost mystical weapon of choice." he goes to visit this mysterious man, who introduces himself to him and his right hand woman. this mysterious man asks him to show off this "mystical weapon" - and hol obliges.
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this man then imparts the knowledge of a Stand to hol, and has his right hand woman assign it a card of the Tarot. upon meeting hol, and getting a feel for him as a person, he is assigned none other than the Emperor (though she thinks this card should belong to her son, truthfully). hol thinks that name matches a hell of a lot better than "Silver Secret."
as part of his goals to increase power and convince hol to stay under his wing, DIO promises riches upon riches, and pairs him with enya's son,  j. geil (note that hol never knows anything more ab j. geil than he is enya's son and their stands work well together. he learns about all his crimes and abuse towards women only after him and enya are dead.) 
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something about hol feels untrustworthy, though, like DIO knows hol won't ever bow down to him, so he fleshbuds him just in case. 
for two years before SDC, they carry out DIO's wishes. eventually, DIO asks them to set out for the joestar group, and especially to watch out for a jean-pierre polnareff…
and then this, obviously, leads into SDC and canon as a whole. things then play out EXACTLY as you know them.
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the-ravening · 5 months
20 Questions for Fic Writers
Thank you @zsparz and @six-demon-bag for tagging me! ❤️
1. How many works do you have on ao3? Only 12, because I am a baby writer.
2. What's your total ao3 word count? 86k
3. What fandoms do you write for? Winterbaron, or more accurately, Zemo/everyone
4. Top five fics by kudos: Let's do a top 3, since top 5 would just be like half my fics.
Something Sweet to Eat (142 kudos) Extremely underage Halloween fic, bunny boy Zemo shows up trick or treating at Bucky's house Adopt, Don’t Shop (123 kudos) Omegaverse, bratty teen Zemo is for sale at an Omega kennel and Alpha Bucky goes shopping Gift-Wrapped (113 kudos) This was the first fic I ever posted (just a few years ago) and I'm still pretty proud of it. Just a silly Winterbaron rimming PWP, but it's hot
5. Do you respond to comments? I try to, I always mean to, but I think I'm a bit behind right now. I know there are some amazing comments on Home to Me from last year that I still haven't replied to and I feel bad about it all the time.
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? Probably Under Lock and Key (what a mess we’ve made), the Heinrich/Helmut Zemo dadcest fic I wrote for @ex0rin where I followed her hurt/no comfort philosophy of leaving him on the floor crying.
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? I don't know if I really do happy endings? I have PWPs where the happy ending is they both come, if that counts. 😅 Let's say... Ink Kissed (with violent precision) where tattoo artist Bucky gives his client Zemo a dick tattoo, and Zemo ends up quite happy with the tattoo as well as the rest of the service.
8. Do you get hate on fics? I've only gotten one or two of the world's mildest hate comments. I guess my ships are sufficiently niche that no one cares about them.
9. Do you write smut? Yeah! Do I write anything other than smut? No.
10. Craziest crossover: I've only written one crossover, A Suitable Course of Treatment, Bucky Barnes/Laszlo Kreizler from The Alienist, which isn't crazy at all because as we all know, Laszlo has Zemo's face. (If it counts, I once started a Dir en grey x Sailormoon fic where the band members magically turned into Sailor Scouts, but I did not ever get far on it.)
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen? Not to my knowledge.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated? Nope.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before? Yes, the aforementioned Adopt, Don’t Shop was co-written with @violenciorp and @tales-from-a-maphia-don, because Vio lovingly bullied us into it, despite me and Mel ostensibly not being into Omegaverse.
14. All time favorite ship? I've jumped ship a lot over the years, but it's gotta be Winterbaron, since this is the ship that finally got me writing and posting and getting really involved in a fandom.
15. What's a wip you want to finish but doubt you ever will? The first serious attempt I made at writing in this fandom was this teen Zemo necrophilia thing, and I wrote the necro part but none of the plotty stuff leading up to it. I still dream of finishing it, in an abstract way where I have no motivation to ever work on it.
16. What are your writing strengths? I think I'm pretty good at rhythm and flow and making my prose sound musical? That's something I focus a lot on and I tend to read aloud while editing to make sure it sounds good to my ear.
17. What are your writing weaknesses? Probably plot and dialogue, and figuring out how to include technical details of things I know nothing about. But most of all procrastination, my arch-nemesis.
18. Thoughts on dialogue in another language? I personally avoid it, because I find it annoying to have to look up the translations in the middle of reading. I prefer to just say they're speaking in whatever language but write the dialogue in English.
19. First fandom you wrote in? J-rock RPF in the early 2000s, but I mostly just did a bit of RP and never got far with any fics I started.
20. Favorite fic you've written? Sometimes it feels like every new thing I post is my new favourite, haha. But I thiiiink my fave has been Something Sweet to Eat since I wrote it (the Halloween fic mentioned earlier), because it's probably the most self-indulgent thing I've written to date. I am truly the main audience for that fic and I'm very happy with it.
No pressure tagging: @violenciorp, @tales-from-a-maphia-don, @thepiper0fhameln, @ex0rin, @unlikelymilliner, @evenmyhivemindisempty, and anyone else who sees this and wants to join in!
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