#it's just gonna be me sporadically wanting to write and using the words as prompts
misc-obeyme · 8 months
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I said I was gonna do a lil event, so here I am! Also I swear I only just realized there are a lot of Cs in that title, but I'm not changing it now.
The only reason this event exists is because I said so. Sure, I could claim some follower milestones and what not, but listen. I just want to get back into doing requests again. I finally finished my OC story rough draft, so now it's time for some short & sweet comfort writing while I edit that beast. Which means mostly fluff, a lil hurt/comfort, and just a hint of spice.
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Please read all the rules before making a request! If you don't follow the rules, I may be unable to fulfill your request. I'm pretty chill, but honestly the rules exist for my own mental health lol.
You can request two different things in this event!
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This is a piece of writing around 500 words or less. I might go over because this is me we're talking about, but the goal is 500 or less. See these examples! There are 10 prompts available for this type of request.
To request a drabble, leave the following in my ask box:
Choose an Obey Me character
Choose a prompt from the list below
Optional: choose a second character in place of MC
Please choose a prompt from the list that doesn't have a character's name by it already. I will update the list as quickly as I can as I receive requests. (I have a backup list should I decide to extend the event.)
forgetful - Satan ~complete~
sparkle - Asmodeus ~complete~
blanket - Mammon ~complete~
wind - Simeon ~complete~
illuminate - Leviathan ~complete~
flame - Diavolo ~complete~
tome - Solomon ~complete~
ink - Arsenios (my OC thank you for requesting him Silver 😭) ~complete~
apron - Solomon ~complete~
cloudy - Barbatos ~complete~
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These are going to be a short list of headcanons for a single character, which will be around 700 words or less. See this example! There are 10 slots available for this type of request.
To request a headcanon, leave the following in my ask box:
Choose an Obey Me character
Choose a genre from the list below
Optional: give me an idea to base the headcanon on (examples: on a date with MC, how they are in class, etc.)
fluff: just as it sounds, all the sweet fluff... some might say this is my specialty (it's me, I'm the only one who says that)
hurt/comfort: another fave, this is where we start out sad, but have a happy ending
spicy: suggestive, might not necessarily include smut
author's choice: let me choose for you!
HEADCANON SLOTS: 0 available (this section will be updated with the requests as I receive them)
Lucifer x MC: author's choice ~complete~
Solomon sightseeing in Devildom/human world: fluff ~complete~
Simeon being human: hurt/comfort ~complete~
Asmodeus: hurt/comfort ~comfort~
Solomon with depressed MC: hurt/comfort ~complete~
Mammon: fluff ~complete~
Satan x MC: author’s choice ~complete~
Mammon: hurt/comfort ~complete~
Barbatos x MC: hurt/comfort ~complete~
Mephistopheles first time with MC: fluff and/or spicy ~complete~
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Any Obey Me character is acceptable for either type of request! You can choose one of the undateables or even characters we haven't seen yet, but keep in mind that I will use my creative license for some of their characterization! I will also accept requests for my OC if that's something anyone is interested in.
You can send more than one request, but please send them separately!
You can specify MC's gender if you would like to! I generally default to gender neutral.
You can also specify if you would like romantic or platonic! I default to romantic in most cases.
I will be working on them sporadically until all of them are complete. Since they're all going to be pretty short, I'm not sure how long it will take. But if I finish them quickly, I might extend the event.
Thank you for being here and for participating!
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masterlist | Thank you for reading!
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ephemeral-writings · 7 years
ninety-four; sehun
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14. wind
sehun x reader
word count: 1.5k of something that started too long ago and barely got finished now whoops
The bleachers were filled to the brim with students, teachers, and parents alike. Everyone wanted to witness the football championship of SM High. You personally didn’t know a thing about the sport except how to win which was to run the double-pointed end ball to the other side. You weren’t even going to pretend you knew which side was your school running.
But speaking of running, you watched as the players warmed up, some running, others stretching. Player Ninety-four was especially under your radar even while you squeezed through the throngs of spectators to where your best friend was supposedly seated.
“Over here, Y/N!” You spotted Yeseul in the third row to the field, waving you over. Naturally, you checked your vicinity to see if one, was it safe to walk down the steps, and two because you felt his stare. You cursed Yeseul under your breath for shouting your name so loud. No doubt was it a sly tactic to catch his attention.
Oh Sehun, SM High senior football player and co-captain, was staring straight at you. Yeseul had caught wind, courtesy of her boyfriend Kim Minseok, that the stoic jock had taken an interest in you. You hadn’t believed her at first, brushing off the matter since there was no way Oh Sehun would suddenly find you pleasing to the eyes or charming to no end. There was just no way.
However, when you finally reached Yeseul and sat down, you looked up again, and he was still staring at you, as if his eyes had followed you through the whole journey down the metal bleachers. It wasn’t until Minseok in his matching jersey, save for the number ninety-nine etched on his back, ran up to Sehun and clapped him on the back did he look away.
“What was that?” Yeseul gasped. “He was practically undressing you with his eyes!”
An older couple who sat a row in front whipped their heads back, shooting Yeseul a scandalous look.
“Jesus frick, can you not, Seul?” When you agreed to watch the game with her, you were only interested in testing out the theory that someone as hot at Oh Sehun could be interested in you, not for an opportunity for her to embarrass you in front of the whole football team.
It took a bit of convincing to get Yeseul to shut up about your non-existing love life, and focus on her boyfriend on the field. Minseok was a great player as far as you could see. He wasn’t the largest guy but he was agile as heck. You watched as he snuck up on the guy from the opposite who had the ball clutched under his arms, and within seconds, Minseok had him tripping and toppling over. Yeseul was all for cheering for her man at the top of her lungs.
You weren’t going to deny staring at Sehun(he was part of the game, so-- yeah), and you’d be damned if you denied finding him ten thousand times more attractive. It was different than seeing the Oh Sehun in your literature class half-heartedly listen to lectures; different than him sitting in the cafeteria table amongst his teammates, and not bother to engage in their conversations. You had never seen Oh Sehun in his element-- in this element-- in which he’s passionate and driven to win.
You found yourself drooling over his physique that seemed to epitomize that of a football player-- broad shoulders, huge pecs, thick thighs. It was the middle of autumn. Were you really getting hot and bothered right now?
As the scoreboard drew closer and closer, both teams being equally good, every one watched with bated breath as player Eighty-eight from your school ran from 40 left field to the end zone on the right. One of the player from the opposite team was literally head-to-ass chasing him. However, the guy was quickly taken down by Sehun as Eighty-eight successfully made the touchdown. The crowd went roaring. After almost two hours of investing yourself in the sport, you were quick to immerse yourself in cheering along. You screamed until your throat itched.
“C’mon! Let’s go!” Yeseul grabbed your arm and weaved you out of the bleachers, dragging you to God-knows-where.
It was dark, but you picked up the sound of a mass of baritone voices cheering and the noise got clearer the more you walked. Coming to a clearing, the stadium lights blinded you momentarily, and you realized that Yeseul had released you from her grip to run to her boyfriend. Minseok whole-heartedly took her in his arms and spun her around like the princess she was. That didn’t make you feel lonely at all. All the while, all the sweaty boys in uniform couldn’t care less about the couple, and proved so when the captain, you assumed, announced a party at his house.
The mass of sweaty young men produced a evident sound of approval, as well as clangs of shoulder pads hitting against each other as some chest bumped in the air.
“Hey, Seul,” you interrupted, jabbing a thumb over your shoulder. “I’m gonna take off now.”
“What? No! You have to come with us,” she pleaded softly, but her eyes were threatening.
“Yeah, Y/N. And you know who would love you there as well?” Minseok leaned in and grinned at you suggestively. You blushed, but make no acknowledgement to what--- who he was implying.
“It’s cool. I’m a little wiped out after all, that, so I don’t think I can handle a party.” You chuckled weakly to further emphasize your fatigue. It wasn’t particularly something you wanted to spend your Friday night doing, partying with a bunch of people from your school that you don’t even know. Plus, you had a test on Tuesday that you really should be studying for.
“Ugh, fine, killjoy. You owe me a hangout this weekend, okay?” Yeseul idea of hanging out consisted of binge watching shows while painting her nails. You never understood the concept of multitasking, especially when you knew for a fact that Yeseul couldn’t understand a single word the people on screen said without reading the captions. Nevertheless, you gave her your word, and heading off in the direction you came in from. The stadium was already empty of its spectators, and remnants of the events was made obvious from the single custodian who was weaving about the bleachers, picking up the rubbish lousy people had left.
You were nearing the gate when someone’s scuffing of shoes had you turning around. Never would you have guessed that it was Sehun who was approaching you. With a short jog, he eventually stood in front of you, and being that this was the first time you ever had direct interaction with him, you were pleasantly surprised to see how much taller he was than you; you had to crane your neck to stare at the man in the eyes.
“Hey, Y/N, right?” Sehun had to mentally remind himself to come off easy, and pretending he was unsure of your name would surely do the trick.
You, on the other note, was dumbstruck that the Oh Sehun had finally decided to approach you, after what with all the teasing coming from your best friend and her boyfriend slash his teammate that had started just shy of four months ago.
Had it not been for Sehun’s sudden sneeze, you would’ve been caught staring at his handsome face for a second too long. He was doned in a grey hoodie with the school’s logo across his (broad) chest and a pair of black sweats, a combo that should’ve deemed warm enough for the autumn night, but you noted the clumped up strands of hair that stuck to his face and realized his sweat have gone cold from the chill air.
“Bless you,” you offered with a small smile. “And yes, that’s right. Did you needed something, Sehun?”
“No, I don’t. I just...Did you needed company walking home?”
It was quite an odd sight to see the infamous perpetual poker face morph into one of a more boyish nature; Sehun even had the audacity to blush.
“Isn’t there an after-party that requires the captain’s presence?” You chuckled good-naturedly.
“Co-captain, actually, and not really. They’ve had tons of party after a win and I usually bail out, and that never stopped them from partying,” Sehun explained. “Plus, I’m beat, so, yeah.”  
“Well, if that’s the case then your presence in walking me home is welcomed.”
Sehun, who had been hanging on your every word, grinned at your witty remark, and glad that you hadn’t rejected his offer. Unfortunately, before he could say something possibly clever back, his nose began to itch again.
“Bless you,” you said, unable to stop the giggles from slipping out.
“Thank you,” Sehun sheepishly scratched his temple.
“How about we stop by the cafe near here, and I buy you a drink as a thank you?”
Sehun was more than happy to oblige, and as you got to learn about Oh Sehun through an autumn trek, you figured your best friend wasn’t entirely crazy, but you were apparently. Crazy.
Crazy for Sehun, and just luckily, he was thoroughly whipped for you. 
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golbrocklovely · 4 years
what a tease // colby brock
A/N: so... this fic kinda came out of nowhere. no one requested it. i just thought of it last night and had to get it out. it was a lot of fun to write, and hopefully doesn’t read as too awkward haha let me know what you think. 
prompt: colby has always been the dominant one in the relationship, and you were fine with that. but then one night, you get to take control. ||  fem!reader x colby
trigger warning: pure fucking smut, like literally porn, handcuffs, vibrator usage, lingerie, cursing, unprotected sex
word count: 2767
It all started with a suggestion. An idea you had.
You and Colby had been together for almost a year now, and your sex lives were fantastic. Colby knew exactly what to do to get you off, to give you everything you wanted and more. And you knew exactly what to do to make Colby go crazy. You had never met a man that wanted to give you pleasure as much as Colby did. And you loved making Colby lose it; something about the way he looked as he pounded into you made you instantly wet any time you thought about it.
You worked perfectly together because Colby was dominant and commanding, and you just loved submitting to everything he asked for, with some occasional teasing of course.
But secretly, you always loved the idea of being the dominant one. Before you guys had ever dated, you had had dreams of him begging to fuck you, pleading with you to let him taste you for even just a second. It was always in the back of your mind because Colby didn't really show that side of himself. You would see it sporadically, like when you would take too long to let his cock slide inside you, a slight whine leaving his lips; or even when you would slowly ease yourself down on him with your mouth, knowing damn well he was ready to bust at any second.
So, one night you brought it up to him. You asked him very nonchalantly about it, about the idea of him allowing you to be in 100% control. And at first, he was a bit hesitant, thrown off by your notion. But he sat there as you guys continued to watch a movie, and by the end, he said he wouldn't mind it once. You both agreed that when he was ready for it, he would let you know.
And so, you waited. And waited. It wasn't like you needed to dominate him, but the thought was growing more and more in your mind. What would you do? How would you tease him? And most importantly, what would you wear?
Then finally, he agreed. One night randomly, he said he was ready for you to dominate him. He blushed at the words, his dimples appearing as he laughed through the sentence. It felt a little weird on his end to say it, even though it was something you had said before on several occasions. But he was ready for you. He was ready to see what you would do to him.
Or... at least he thought he was.
Colby leaned back against his headboard, waiting for you to come out of the bathroom. He was excited to see what you were wearing, even if he was planning to take it off in a matter of minutes.
You glanced at yourself in the mirror one more time, taking in your appearance with a deep breath. You had thought to buy a red and black lingerie set, knowing that that combo was sexy, but something about this white number that you had on made you feel like a porn star. The bra hugged your breasts in the best way, the lace delicately tracing your curves. The thong and garter belt, uncomfortable as it sort of was, made you feel like throwing money at yourself. You tugged at your thigh highs, feeling them stretch a little more up your thigh. Your heels clicked on the floor as you shuffled, your eyes following your hips as they moved back and forth. You clicked your tongue, nodded to yourself, and walked out of Colby's bathroom.
His head immediately shot up as you stepped out. His eyes raked over your body, taking in every beautiful inch of your skin. His lips twitched, a little smirk hiding in the corner of his mouth.
"Fuck babe, when did you get that?" He asked, his voice deeper than usual.
"I ordered this a while ago. Figured tonight would be the perfect time to pull it out." You stated, sliding slowly onto his bed.
"Well, I'm happy you're finally putting it to good use," Colby pulled your hips to his, your body resting against his lap. He glided his hands up to your bra straps, "Too bad it's gonna have to come off now."
You smacked his hands away. "Not so fast, love. Remember, I get to decide what happens tonight."
He sighed, playfully rolling his eyes. "Right, right. What exactly do you have in store for me?"
"Well for starters, we're gonna need these." You reached over into Colby's drawer and pulled out a pair of red, fluffy handcuffs.
Colby batted his eyelashes. "I thought those were only for you."
"Nope. You see, this pair is for you. I got you a red pair to match my black." You replied.
"We're gonna have to replace yours though, you know," Colby whispered, getting close to your face. "Since we almost broke them the last time we used them..."
"That's enough from you." You shushed, grabbing Colby's wrist lightly and slipping the handcuff around it. You tightened it slowly, pulling it around his back and connecting the other handcuff to his empty wrist.
"Cole Robert Brock, you're under arrest." You joked, holding back a giggle.
He sighed. "You're enjoying this a little too much."
"You have no idea." You beamed.
Colby shimmied his body down a bit, getting more comfortable. He fidgeted his wrist against the handcuffs, feeling the fluff tickle against his inner wrist. The handcuffs were secure in a way he wasn't expecting.
You slowly straddled Colby's lap, his legs resting down onto the bed under your weight. You leaned in, ready to place your lips on his, but stopped abruptly. "What's your safe word?"
He scrunched up his face. "Safe word?"
You nodded. "Yeah. In case it becomes too much."
"I know what a safe word is, babe," He deadpanned lightly. "Um... pineapple."
"Perfect." You muttered, finally connecting your lips to his. The kiss was slow and sweet, a light breath leaving your mouth as Colby glided his tongue in passed your lips. As your tongues danced together, your hands found his hair, gently pulling on his purple locks. You pulled your mouth away, peppering his jaw with kisses. Your mouth traced down his neck, kissing and sucking until you reached his collarbone. You lightly bit his skin, a hum falling from his lips.
"I want to keep kissing you." He mumbled.
You shrugged subtly. "Too bad."
Hands falling to his thighs, you kissed down his chest; pecking his heart tattoo along the way. You couldn't stop yourself from running your tongue across his nipples. The quiet gasp from him made you chuckle to yourself. As you snaked your lips further and further down, you could see him hardening in his boxers. You picked your head up last second, your hands wandering up his inner thigh. You fingers traced his bulge, his breath hitching and eyes closing.
"Baby..." He inhaled.
You blinked. "Yes?"
He looked into your eyes. "Don't tease me."
"Oh, Colby. You haven't even seen me tease you yet," You smiled sweetly. "But I'll be nice for right now. Hold yourself up for a second."
Colby picked up his hips and you removed his boxers, allowing his cock to spring free. You tossed his underwear onto the floor, wrapping your hand around his shaft. His tip was already leaking a small amount of precum as you jerked him off agonizingly slow.
He grunted as he bucked his hips into your hand, needing more of your touch. You kept your pace the same, gazing up at him longingly.
"Y/N... go faster." Colby blurted.
You sped up gently, rubbing his tip with every stroke. You could see his shoulders tense, wanting to be out of the handcuffs.
"Do you want me blow you?" You questioned, your voice low.
He nodded, humming.
"Then say it." You commanded.
Colby bit his tongue, his eyes narrowing for a second. "Really?"
"Really." You straight-faced.
Your thumb circled his leaking head as you waited for him to speak. His hips twitched against your hand as he choked back a moan.
"Suck me, Y/N." He grunted.
You raised an eyebrow at his tone, but eased your head down. As his cock entered your mouth, he exhaled deeply. You bobbed your head up and down, taking him in as much as you could and jerking off the rest with your hand. You hollowed out your cheeks as you reached his tip, swirling your tongue around him. Colby's head fell back against the headboard, soft noises falling from his lips. You continued to suck, allowing his cock to get deeper and deeper into your mouth. A guttural groan ripped through him once his head hit the back of your throat.
"Fuck, I wish I could grab your hair." He shook against his restraints.
As you sped up your movements, a light sheen of sweat trickled across his skin and yours. You gripped his hips, holding him back from throat-fucking you. You could tell he was getting close, knowing how much he would love to come in your mouth at any moment. You pulled your mouth away with a pop, and Colby hissed.
"Baby, fuuuck. Why'd you stopped?" He shuddered.
You looked him dead in the eyes. "I get to decide when you come."
He scoffed, coughing out a laugh. "I swear, when I get my hands out of these..."
"Well, that's not happening anytime soon. So, you might as well enjoy the show." You snickered.
You went back into Colby's drawer, pulling out a small, light purple toy. You rested yourself back against some pillows, your legs pointed towards Colby.
He huffed. "What's that?"
"Something I use when you're not around. Do you realize how many trips you go on? I get very lonely." You relaxed against the pillows, spreading your legs.
Colby's mouth dropped open slightly. "Y/N... w-what-"
You cut him off, your voice just above a whisper. "You get to sit there and watch me touch myself. And you can't do anything about it."
You could hear the handcuffs jingle as he tried to escape them. He groaned, letting out a deep breath.
"Stop trying to get out of them," You ordered. "If you're good, maybe I'll unlock them."
Colby stayed quiet, surprised by your words. He loved seeing this side of you, this bold side that usually only came out when you were desperate and needing him. But seeing you lying there, slowly sliding your thong down your legs, taking your time to pleasure yourself and him, caused his cock to twitch hard against his stomach.
"You're already wet." His jaw clenched, staring down at your pussy.
"Of course. Sucking your cock always turns me on." You confessed.
He gulped. "Really?"
"Oh yeah. I love tasting you, and when your hands pull on my hair and force my head down, oh my God..." You cupped your right breast tenderly, arousing your nipple through the bra. You sunk your other hand down your body, turning your vibrator on. You watched Colby's eyes as they waltzed across your skin, watching the way you teased yourself, letting the toy touch your entrance, but never sliding in.
"I wanna taste you so badly, Y/N." Colby uttered, his eyes intense.
You tsked, snapping your bra open from the front and palming your other breast. "I wish you could. But you're not allowed to."
"Fuck, Y/N. I'm gonna break these fucking handcuffs." He growled, puffing his chest out.
You shook your head, popping up for a second. "No, you're not. You'll get to touch me eventually. I just wanna have some fun."
You slowly inserted the vibrator, whining at the sensation. You felt your eyes roll back into your head, your body falling back down onto the mattress as you dug your heels in. Your back arched as you dived the vibrator deeper.
"Fuuuck, Colby." You moaned. Your mischievous eyes opened and stared at Colby, who darkly glared back at you.
"The second you uncuff me, I'm gonna make you scream." He shoved his shoulders forward, narrowing his gaze more.
You let the vibrator touch your aching clit, the shockwave sending jolts of pleasure throughout your body. You drifted the vibrator back into you, speeding up your thrusts.
Your voice dripped with wanton. "As fantastic as this is, you feel so much better, Colby."
"Y/N..." He closed his eyes tightly.
"I mean it, love." You sped up more, peering through your lashes, "You are one of the only guys to ever make me feel this good. No man has ever made me hornier than you."
Colby bit his lip, pushing his head back. "Baby, please."
"You always make me come. And you always make me feel so sexy. I literally crave to feel you inside of me." You whimpered out the last few words, almost unable to finish your sentence because of the pleasure.
"Fuck, Y/N!" He gasped, tearing his gaze away from you.
You rolled your head back against the pillows, enjoying Colby's sounds. "Oh my God, Colby. This feels so good!"
Your hips bucked against the vibrator, taking more and more of it into you. You could feel yourself getting close, the muscles in your stomach tighten with each movement of your hand.
Your eyes locked. "Do you wanna touch me?"
Colby nodded feverously. "Yes."
"Say it then." You insisted breathlessly.
“I wanna touch you, baby.” He whined, furrowing his brows.
“What do you wanna do to me?” You taunted.
“I want to fuck you so hard, you can't walk straight.” Colby snapped, his voice hoarse.
You felt your juices slick down your lips from his words. "Do you want the handcuffs off?"
“Yesss.” He hissed.
“Beg for it.” You barked, your tongue sharp.
He stammered, wheezing. “F-fuck, baby, please take them off.”
You smirked. “I don't know...”
“Y/N, please. I need to touch you. Please, love.” Colby panted, pulling at his restraints.
“I'm so close, Colby.” You murmured innocently, “Do you want me to touch you?”
“Oh my God, Y/N, yes! I need some relief, please.” He begged, bucking his hips against the air.
You stared at his cock, leaking with precum and pulsating. The head was red and throbbing, aching to be touched for even a second. You felt your pussy clench around the vibrator. You did that to him, and you barely even touched him. He was ready to explode just from the look of you.
You were That. Fucking. Bitch.
Slipping the vibrator out of yourself, you got to your knees quickly, crawling over to Colby. His chest heaved as you straddled him once again, lining his tip up with your hole. You sunk down, your groans mixing together as his cock filled you up perfectly.
“Baby, please move. I'm not gonna last long.” Colby urged, his hips jerking.
You began to bounce on him, your high already so close. You needed him just as much as he needed you. You clutched his shoulders, burying your face into his neck. You sucked on his skin as he moaned in your ear.
He nipped at your shoulder. “Fuck, faster. Go faster Y/N. I’m so close.”
“You feel so good, Colby. Oh my God, I’m right there!” You yelled.
You thrusted faster and faster, your hips slamming into his over and over again. You couldn’t handle anymore, the sensations becoming too much. As your peak hit, you heard the snapping of metal as Colby’s voice boomed out a breath. You gasped loudly as Colby enveloped your body with his arms. He slammed your body onto the bed, jackhammering into your cunt rapidly as you rode out your orgasm.
Your legs gripped his hips firmly, diving him deeper into you. His cock pounded your g-spot repeatedly, and suddenly you were building up again in a matter of seconds.  You writhed under him as another orgasm ravaged your body, unable to stop the noises that left your mouth. He came too, a throaty groan pouring from his lips.
You felt like you blacked out for a minute, the pleasure leaving your body completely numb. When you came to, Colby’s body rested on top of you, pressing you into the mattress.
He brushed the hair out of your eyes, the handcuff accidently tracing your face.
“Oh my G-God… you broke the handcuff.” You mentioned lazily.
He hummed, sucking his teeth. “I told you. I needed to touch you.”
You both chuckled, leaning in and pressing your sweaty foreheads together. He pecked your lips softly, sighing into the kiss.
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youngbeezer · 3 years
You should do sharing a milkshake with Kevin Hayes!!!
Referenced Post
Prompt-- 8. Sharing a milkshake (w Kevin Hayes)
A/N: Here's another blurb from the 14 oddly romantic things blurb set. Ok, so I'm sorry this kind of took forever to finish (I was having major writing block). I also don't think this turned out that good but..
Thanks for requesting, hope you like it
Word Count: 1459 (also turned out way longer than I imagined)
Warning(s): none i dont think ?
join my taglist :)
The final buzzer echoed throughout the half full arena, signalling the end of the 2020-2021 Flyers season. I wait a few minutes up in the press box, surrounded by all the other family members and WAGS. We all watch the players give their final appreciations to the loyal fans in the stadium and make their way through the tunnel.
I let out a little sigh when I saw everyone else in the room start making their way out the door and to the locker room. I take one more final moment to take in all my surroundings before we all leave this place for a good few months. I watch the few remaining fans weave their way through the seats, the zambonis making their way onto the ice, and the janitors getting a head start on cleaning.
“Hey a/n, you coming?” Ryanne, one of my closest friends and the captain's wife, asks.
“Yeah, yeah. Sorry.” I sheepishly rush out as I rise from my seat to meet her at the doorway. She gives me a knowing smile before leading the way down to the locker room.
When we finally make it down there, a few of the guys have already started making their way out. Claude is one of them, and as he comes over he gives me a half smile trying to put on a brave face. I give him a quick hug and assure him,
“Great season cap.”
“Thanks y/n.” He gives me a genuine smile at that and another pat on the back before making his way over to his family.
I wait patiently for my boy to make his way out, and occasionally give a few of the other guys hugs and reassurances. Finally, I see Kevin walk through the locker room door trailing behind Nolan Patrick, who both make their way over once they spot me in the crowd. Nolan makes his way over to me first and says a quiet “hey” before going in for a much needed hug.
I don’t say much except for the standard, “I’m proud of you”, “you played great,” and give him a few back rubs. But once I see my boyfriend finally make his way over here, I give Nolan one last smile before wrapping my arms around Kevin’s neck and pulling him as close to me as possible. He immediately buries his head into the crook of my neck, where I notice a few wet spots hit my skin. I bring my hand up to tangle in his hair and soothe sweet nothings into his ear to try and calm him down.
“I love you so much Kev. No matter what happens or how the season ended, I am always going to be so incredibly proud of you.” I reassured softly, giving his shoulder a few sporadic kisses.
He eventually pulls away clearing his throat and gives me a gentle smile. He brings me in for a sweet kiss that tells me all I need to know. That he appreciates me and my words, and that he’s going to be okay.
“Hayesy, you two coming out with us?” Scott questions us, giving me a quick smile before bringing his attention back to my boyfriend.
“Nah we’re gonna have to pass on this one, sorry.” He answers, giving me a knowing look.
“No problem. See you soon bud. Bye y/n.” Scott gives Kevin a little pat on the back and me a quick hug and then makes his way out of the arena with his girlfriend and the rest of the group who are going out.
Now Kevin and I have always had a tradition that we started back when he was still playing with the Rangers. After a particularly tough game for Kev, he didn’t want to go out with the team, but he also didn’t want to go back home and sulk. So, on our way home from the game, we ended up coming across this diner. We went in, got some food, talked for hours, and we shared a milkshake. We always share a milkshake. Even though it is not technically on Kevin’s diet plan for hockey, it is a comfort food (and if we’re being honest, I drink more than half of it most of the time anyway) but it always seems to do the trick of making the night a little bit better. Now after games, Kevin just needs to give me one simple look, and I know right away that it’s a diner night.
I grab ahold of Kevin’s hand and wait for him to grab his hockey bag before trekking through the Wells Fargo Center and out to the parking lot. We got lucky that when we moved to Philly, we straight away found a cute little diner like 10 minutes from the stadium. So as soon as Kev’s bags are in the trunk and we are both situated in our seats, I start the engine and make my way towards one of our favorite spots.
Luckily when we arrive, there are barely any other customers so we get seated right away. Our waiter, Sally, waltz’s right over to us with her ever present grin.
“Hey you two. It’s good to see you again!” She greets us. Sally was our waiter the first time that we came here and right away warmed our hearts with her happy go lucky personality and charming presence. And every time we came here again, she always walked straight over to our table to greet us and get our usual order. She has been a huge part of making this place such a great escape.
Kevin’s face brightens up with Sally’s presence and he replies back, “It’s good to see you too Sally. How are the kids?”
“Oh they’re great hun. Thanks for asking.” She beams. “Can I get you guys your usual?”
“Yes please.” I smiled at her. Sally nods back and makes her way into the kitchen to place our order.
I bring my attention back to my boyfriend to find him already with his eyes on me. He intertwined our hands together, and even brought one of them up to his lips to give a little kiss.
“Thank you for being here with me.” He confided.
“Of course Kev. I meant what I said earlier. I am so so proud of you and of everything that you accomplished this season.” I declared back.
Before he could say anything else, Sally arrived back at our table with our order.
“Here you are darlin’s. A chocolate milkshake. With two straws.” She gave me a quick wink before retreating behind the diner counter.
“You know you’re seasons technically over… so we could have both gotten our own milkshakes. I wouldn’t have told anyone.” I tease a little.
Kevin scoffs a little before retorting back, “You’re only saying that because you just want an entire milkshake to yourself.”
I let out a giggle and gave him a shrug before taking the first sip of the chocolate heaven.
“I’m just kidding Kev. I wouldn’t change our tradition for the world.” I genuinely smile back at him.
Kevin is silent for a moment and just continues to stare at me as I [religiously] sip the chocolate milkshake.
“You know I love you right?” Kevin claimed.
I pause mid-sip to look back up at him. My face softens at the fondness I see on his face and I go to give his hand a quick squeeze.
“Of course. I love you too.”
“C'mere.” He smirks at me, beckoning me to meet him halfway across the table. Our lips meet into a passionate kiss that speaks volumes on how we are both feeling at this exact moment. There is absolutely no one else either of us would rather be here with at this moment, in a tiny little diner pouring our hearts out to each other after the Flyers season just ended.
From New York, to Winnipeg, to now Philadelphia. No matter where we both are, as long as we have each other, then that’s all we need. But Sally and this chocolate milkshake are a great bonus.
“Mhm, that’s good.” Kev mumbles against my lips as he pulls away.
I chuckle confusedly and raise my eyebrows up at him before asking, “What, my lips?”
“Nah, the milkshake. You taste like it.”
Now I am full on cackling in this tiny diner, causing every head to turn in our direction. Out of the corner of my eye I see Sally smiling from ear to ear watching us.
I shake my head at my ridiculous boyfriend, who is now practically gulping down sips of the milkshake and I bemusedly reflect,
“God, I love you so much.”
Taglist: @heatherawoowoo @barzysandmarnersbitch @joelsfarabees @barzy-xoxo @hockeyplayerstories
Tagging a few othr people so this doesn't flop,,,,
@luukasreichel @jamiesdrysdales @frederikanderson @carepriceisgoodathockey @lovereadinghockeyy @prettyboyjackhughes @gigissports @cherrylita @turcsandzegras @iwantahockeyhimbo @bb-nhlqueen7 @2manytabsopen
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noritoshiikamo · 3 years
- 3k milestone event!
[main event] [mini event] [masterlist]
update 27/6 - EVENT CLOSED
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hellooooo, well who would've thought we will be here lol welcome to my very first milestone event!
happy 3k <3 i want to say thank you sm to everyone that follows me and interacts with me, mutuals or anonymously, it made my day to know that there are 3k of yall who enjoys my nonsense lol anyway this is my first event so be kind lmao
this event's theme is all you can request buffet ⁽⁽ଘ( ˊᵕˋ )ଓ⁾⁾
you heard that right, im not gonna link any prompt lists or anything bcs i dont want repeating theme. so go nuts, what ever you want, as long as it's in the within my comfort, i shall serve <3
open for jujutsu kaisen & tinsy bit for haikyuuu!! (maybe a dash of aot and owari no seraph??? shinya???)
how to:
make sure to clarify that this is for the event so i might not confused it with my existing req - "for 3k event can you please [insert your brainrot]? thank u!”
remember to be polite and kind <3
the rules:
event opens from 24 hours gmt+8 but might close earlier or not if i think it's enough slices ;)
i might limit it to 20-ish spots, 0.5-2k words each but if i see repeating character with suitable ideas i might combine them together. pls understand that i work so the update would be sporadic and messy but im sure yall used to it already lmao
one character per request
reader would female (as thats what i'm capable with) but it would be as neutral as possible
aged up characters!
dark content brainrots are welcome too
dark content rules are applicable to this event, minors do not interact
feel free to go through my writings to get an idea of what im used and will write. im more flexible in nsfw works, so if you really want to try for a kink, just send me in and if the idea is up to my liking, we’ll see how it goes!
please be respectful and kind, lmao im baby
what i dont write:
dom!reader (but it depends), mommy kink, furry kink, i dont have exact full list but it might change times to times
as always i reserve myself the right to turn down any requests that make me uncomfortable or unable to do for whatever reason.
event will be tagged under #3k event and i'll make a full masterlist for easier navigation. if yall are not interest with the full event, check out the mini event where we confess our fantasy for 2d men <3
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˚。⋆。˚ click here to submit your brainrot! ☽˚。⋆.
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here's some more link:
to support me more by buying ko-fi
to be in my tag list
to check my other writings
if you have any more questions don’t be scared to ask. once again, from the bottom of my heart, i wanna thank yall for being so patient and kind to me throughout whatever im going through and shits and lets cut the chase and
lets get horny bitches <3
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cyantomatos · 3 years
Kinktober - Day 16
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Day 16 of the Kinktober list provided by @the-purity-pen
Gonna be honest, I struggled with this one. I wasn’t a huge fan of any of the prompts, and Max isn’t a character I was super excited to write about. @acedameron​ helped me think through what I wanted it to be, and this happened. Pretty tame as far as kinktober fics go, but I think I’m allowed one or two tamer fics in 31 days of fics 😅
Prompt: Nipple play || Accidental Stimulation || Massaging
Character: Maxwell Lord
The two of you stared at each other in surprise, confusion and then recognition playing out across Max’s face as he stared at you standing in his doorway.
You and Max had been friends in college. You’d both taken Accounting II together, and questions in class turned to late night study sessions turned to a painfully strong crush on your part and a friendship you had thought would last forever.
You’d been there through him finally cutting off contact with his father after his mothers death, watched him try to hide his struggling finances from you, let him pretend he didn’t know you were doing it on purpose when you “accidentally” ordered too much food for yourself. 
You were there when he met Rebecca. You saw the way he hung on her every word, and you also saw the way her and her stupid twittering friends laughed when he wasn’t looking. She wasn’t good, and you told him so, but he was too far gone to care. So you set aside your aching heart, shut down the wondering of why you weren’t good enough, and prepared to pick up the pieces when she inevitably kicked him aside. 
Except she didn’t. Not right away, anyway. Rebecca ended up pregnant, and then engaged, and then married. To your Max. You stood by at his wedding, playing the part of the excited best friend, and tried to pretend the slightly deflated look on his face as he said his vows was just your imagination.
He was too busy for you after that.
You got to meet Alistair when he was born, but otherwise you saw very little of Max. He was busy building up his company using money borrowed from his new father-in-law, and Rebecca didn’t like you hanging around. She seemed convinced you would steal Max from her given the chance, and you didn’t have the heart to point out that the two of you had been friends for long enough you knew he didn’t want you.
Eventually, Max wasn’t your Max anymore. He was Max Lord, charismatic and charming and...someone entirely different. He didn’t seem to notice when you gradually stopped calling, when your sporadic lunch dates dropped off, or when six months went by with no contact. 
It was better this way. Max had what he’d always wanted; a family, his company, success. You could handle losing him if it meant he was happy.
Except he wasn’t happy, as it turned out. You were right about Rebecca. There was a pretty public, pretty ugly divorce about a year after the last time you spoke to him, and you followed the coverage of it closely. Max was famous by then, you couldn’t walk down the street without seeing an ad on a TV in a shop window or his face plastered across a billboard. Part of you wondered what had happened to make Rebecca give up the fame, and a small part of you wondered if she’d only liked him when he needed her to make him feel good.
You got a good job, one that paid the bills and left you some cash on the side to buy a few nice things for yourself. And you continued to watch Max. You watched the divorce finalize, saw every sordid detail and private moment put up for scrutiny. You saw pictures of little Alistair, about four at the time, wrapped in his fathers arms and shielded as best he could from the prying eyes of the public. Your heart squeezed painfully at every new update, and you breathed a sigh of relief when it came out they were sharing custody. At least Max got to keep his son. At least that.
And then you watched Max Lord fall.
After, when the world seemed to forget what had happened, you remembered. You weren’t sure why - your best guess was because you’d been too wrapped up in fear for Max and Alistair you hadn’t bothered with a wish - but you remembered. Everyone else just...forgot.
That didn’t mean there was no record, however. Since the wishes had been renounced, Black Gold was still in severe debt, and Max had to declare bankruptcy. You followed that too, even closer than the divorce thanks to your recent promotion - working for the IRS was useful sometimes - so you knew he lost just about everything.
You also knew his parenting was brought into question, but considering his mother’s tendency to drop her visits or leave Alistair alone while she went to parties, Max was still deemed the better of the two options. He still only had partial custody, but at least he got to keep his son. At least that.
You lost track of him after that. He wasn’t in the papers or on the news anymore, presumably having dropped off the radar, and part of you mourned the loss of that last bit of contact with him.
But you moved on. You’d gotten good at that.
So when you were sent out to interview Second Chance Investments to make sure nothing was shady after the CEO had had some...less than legal dealings in the past, you didn’t make the connection.
That was how you ended up on the doorstep of a small house in a quiet neighborhood, staring up at Maxwell Lorenzano, CEO of Second Chance Investments.
You really should start reading those briefing papers a bit more closely.
“Max? You…you’re the CEO?” You don’t mean to sound so incredulous, but you hadn’t exactly expected to ever see him again, let alone under these circumstances. He looks embarrassed, bringing a hand up to rub the back of his neck, his eyes dropping to the porch rather than continue to make eye contact with you.
“I...yeah. It’s pretty new, actually, just officially started last month. Would you...I mean, come in, please.” He steps back, making space for you to step through the door. You enter a small, tastefully furnished living room, Max shutting the door behind you. When he enters your peripheral vision he’s wringing his hands, a habit you thought he had kicked around the time he birthed the Max Lord persona.
“I guess...you’re the one they sent to look at my papers?” When you nod he lets out a small, humorless laugh. “What are the odds of that.” You smile softly, turning back to study the room. 
“Pretty slim, I’d wager.” Max just nods and lets out a sigh, gesturing down the hall. 
“My office is down there, all the papers you need to see are in there. Let me show you.” He leads you down the hall, past a closed door with a dinosaur shaped name plate stamped with ‘Alistair’ in bold letters. Max sees you look at the door and a fond smile comes across his face. “He’s at his mom’s until the weekend. Her visits are getting shorter and shorter, and I want him to have all the time with her he can.”
At the end of the hall is a small office with a desk, bookshelf, a loveseat pushed against one wall, and two file cabinets. Max gestures to the cabinets. “Everything is in there. There isn’t much yet, just the information on how I got the money to start the company, and the first few clients I’ve had.”
You open the top drawer, leafing loosely through the papers. “How did you get the money, Max?” Turning to look at him you try not to sound accusatory. “The last I heard, you were completely bankrupt.”
He sighs, eyes trained on the floor again. “There were some assets that didn’t get seized. It wasn’t much, but it was enough for me to get this house and do some small investing. I hadn’t planned on starting another company, but...one of my investments paid off, and then another, and another, and I guess I realized I was pretty good at reading the market.”
As he talks Max shuffles to the side, leaning against the desk with his arms crossed. “I figured I could start something up, legit this time. And then Alistair said I should do something to help people, people like me. People that messed up, or got screwed over, or just had plain bad luck, and needed help getting on their feet again. So…” He spreads his arms, a small, proud smile on his face when he does look back up at you. “Second Chance Investments was born.”
You can’t help the smile that comes across your own face, happy that it seemed like Max had finally found where he was supposed to be. “That’s great, Max. I’m glad you got things figured out.”
He smiles back, ducking his head shyly under the praise. “Thanks. What about you, you...seem like you’re doing well for yourself.”
You shrug, and it’s your turn to look away. “I guess. My job pays well, I have a nice apartment. Got a dog, her name’s-” you hesitate, suddenly remembering why you had named your dog. “...Abejita.” It had been a nickname for you all those years ago. Max made an off-hand comment about how you reminded him of a little bee, flitting from pretty thing to pretty thing in a store, and it stuck.
You look up to see him watching you, his eyes wide. Clearly he remembers, too. You see his gaze flicker down to where you have your bottom lip trapped between your teeth and back up to your eyes, so brief you think you might have imagined it.
After a moment of awkward silence you clear your throat and turn away, beginning to dig through the top drawer of the cabinet. “I...I’ll just start looking through these papers, it shouldn’t take me long.”
A few things happen at once.
You lift a stack of papers into your arms, struggling under the weight to keep them from sliding out of your arms.
Max, saying something about giving you a hand, steps forward with his hands out, ready to take the papers from you.
You turn, frantic to keep him at arm's length, and don’t see where the edge of the rug had flipped up. Your foot catches on it and you fall, Max stepping up just in time to catch you.
And then you’re on the floor, pinned beneath Max, one of his legs wedged between yours and a quiet shower of papers falling around the two of you.
Both of you are frozen for a moment, too surprised to do anything, and then you both move at the same time. Max tries to help you up while you try to push yourself out from under him, resulting in his crotch pressing against your thigh, and his entire body goes stiff.
You almost ask him what’s wrong before you realize where your leg is pressed and your face suddenly feels like it’s on fire.
“Oh my god, Max, I am so sorry, I-” He cuts you off with a shake of his head, pushing up to his knees above you, unable to meet your gaze. “It’s ok, really. They never should have sent you out here, I know you don’t want anything to do with me after-” He stops suddenly, closing his eyes tightly and shaking his head.
“Nevermind, I’ll just...I’ll leave you to your work.” He shakes his head again like he’s trying to dislodge something, but before he can push himself to his feet you make a decision and take his hand. He looks down at you in surprise, a frown of confusion forming on his face.
“I missed you, Max. I don’t want nothing to do with you, I...I missed you.” You pull yourself to your knees and his eyes stay on you the whole time, something like hope starting to bloom in them. 
“I missed you too, abejita.” Your heart squeezes at the nickname, and Max looks on the verge of tears.
“Why...why did you get so distant, Max?” He flinches at your words, eyes dropping to where you still hold his hand. 
“Rebecca, she...I got so busy, and she got into my head about how I needed to focus on the company and our family, and I didn’t have time to spend on friends, and before I knew it...you were gone. I almost tried to find you but...I figured you wouldn’t want anything to do with me after I’d been such an awful friend.” He sounds so small, explaining what happened. Your heart twists painfully and you lift your hand, cupping his cheek and lifting his head to look at you.
“I loved you, Max. If you’d asked me to, I would have followed you through anything, but you didn’t need me.” His eyes go wide at your confession, his face lighting up briefly and then falling suddenly. “Loved?”
You sigh, and it’s your turn to look down again. “Love, present tense, too. I never got over you.”
The words are barely out of your mouth before you’re on your back with Max above you again, except this time he’s cradling your head in his hand and pressing his lips to yours. You let out a muffled sound of surprise, immediately melting into the kiss and twining your arms around his neck once you catch up with what’s happening.
Before it can turn to an all-out make out session on the floor of his office Max snakes a hand under your hips, hauling you against him and stumbling to his feet, surprising you. When you break the kiss to look down at him with a questioning frown he just smiles brilliantly up at you, and your heart clenches with the way you’d missed that smile. He turns, exiting the office and heading down the hall, presumably towards his bedroom.
“We have a lot of catching up to do, abejita.”
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Prompt: Y/N decides to look for a Dom to have her first real Submissive experience. She just didn’t expect him to be so breath taking (Yes, it’s a shitty description, but I don’t wanna ruin it! Hahahah)
Word Count: Long-ish
Pairing: Drew McIntyre x Reader
Warnings: + 18, BDSM, cursing(me and my sailor’s mouth) and adult subjects (For now)
Notes: I’ll probably make a little series out of this, so here’s how it all started... Y’all know the drill loves,sorry for misspellings,english isn’t my first language (bla bla bla),check out my other stories if you’d like to(it would make your girl here very happy 😊) and if you’re comfortable with it,please let me know what you think? Some feedback is always welcomed and appreciated ❤️You can check out my other stories typing ‘masochist writes’ on the search bar on my page and my newest story as a fixed post.Okay,now let’s get to the fun part,shall we? Hope you’ll enjoy 😉
Tagging: @blondekel77, @drew-is-boo, @akiko-tanaka, @drewmcintyrekoccsrocbwdgfan, @new-zealand-chic (maybe? sorry babe)
I was sitting in one of the outside tables at a small coffee shop, paitiently waiting for him to show up. He wasn´t late or anything like that, I was the one that arrived earlier, from what I’ve heard he was extremely on point. That's why I wasn't surprised when he turned around the corner at 2:00 p.m. sharp. The friend who've had indicated him to me, did mentioned his incredible size and beauty, but man I still got caught off guard by it.
He's a fucking walking dream. Bulky type, extremely tall, piercing blue grayish eyes, shoulder lenght black hair that was tighly secured in a low ponytail, dark beard, incredibly defined arms and thick strong thighs. He was dressed approprietely, not too fancy but not too sloppy either, simple rolled up sleeves plain black dress shirt, perfectly fitting jeans and some casual discreet boots. He was breath taking! And I wasn't the only one who've noticed his incredible dominieering energy that seems to exudes from his body naturally.
His eyes scanned through the tables 'til his gaze found mine, he confidently approached were I was sitting.
"Y/N I presume?" He has a slight accent, but I can't pick up from where...
It took me a second to recover "Yes, that's me" I give him a shy smile
He smiles widely back at me, letting a beautiful pair of dimples on display "I'm Drew"
"Y/N" I shook the hand he offered me, frowning soon afterwards "But you already know that" I whisper
He chuckled lightly "Can I get you anything from inside?" He points towards the coffee shop
"No, I'm good! But thank you" I raise my latte cup
"Ok then, I'll be right back" He says as he entered to grab himself a drink
My nerves was stariting to get the best out of me, I was sweating profusely, I felt like my hair was a mess, my makeup too minimal, my clothes too simple, I hadn't sprayed enough perfume, was there something on my teeth? Do I smell bad? What if he thinks I'm ugly? Or too fat? Should I try to suck my belly in? Is that gonna work? I could already feel all of those old ghosts from the past calling for me.
"Penny for your thoughts?" He says already sitting in front of me
I startled a little "Oh sorry, I didn't notice you came back"
"Yeah... Is there something bothering ya?" He carefully searchs my face for something...but I'm not sure what...
"Just you know, deep in thoughts" I try to shake it off
"Right.. Are these thoughts any related as to how much you're feeling insecure with your own image because of me?" He asks
*Damn! Why is he so good at this?* I thought
I debated whether or not I should lie to him, but I figured he would find out if I did eventually so I didn't bother
"Kind of, yeah.." I vaguely say
"Why Y/N?"
"Because I mean, look at you! Who wouldn't feel insecure around you? You're a very good looking man and well.."
"And you're a very good looking woman, so what's the matter? There's something else" He starts to search for something again and I can feel his getting close to find it..
I feel like I'm going through a polygraph test and he won't stop until he finds the truth "Daddy issues" I bitterly laugh "For real and not just you know, as a joke" I whisper as I prepare myself for him to walk off at any minute.
After 5 long minutes of silence I raise my head to find him still just sitting there, looking at me.
"Are you not gonna like..leave?" I ask softly
"Why would I?" He asks in a soothing voice
"Because, I'm fucked up?"
"And who isn't?" He lightly chuckles
"I- I'm confused" I whisper
"Look Y/N, I'm a man, a real man not an immature little boy. I'm not going to walk off because a beautiful adult woman has some self esteem issues due some fucked up things an immature little boy self proclaimed man did to her" He didn't even blinked "I'm not here to make you feel bad about yourself, I'm here so you can see your true self darling, not a twisted blurred vision from somebody else" He squeezed my hand
"Would you like to do this another time?" He asks
"No, please I- I would like to do this now if that's ok" It was weird how comfortable he made me feel
"Of course darling, whatever you'd like" He softly brush his fingers on my cheek "Thank you Y/N, for being honest, trusting me and being so up front about something so personal and hurtful" He hold my hand on his own and press a light kiss on my knuckles
He left me so speechless I could only nod in response.
"Where do you want to begin then, love?" He asks
"I've never officially done this before so, I don't kno- Where are you from? I can hear a very light accent, but is so faint I can't pick up where it's from" The curiosity took the best out of me.
He laughs before saying "Scotland, love"
"Oh, cool" Was all I could say
We've talked about everything, cultural differences, work, hobbies, movies, tv series, books, travels, food...it was pretty clear that we matched, which I was glad. My heart skipped in my chest once I heard his next question
"Well, I think we both can agree that there's some chemistry between us, love. So I would love to do a test scene with you so we can see if this chemistry goes beyond the talking. Would you be interest in that?"
"Yeah, of course. I would love that" I smile softly
"Good. Let's negotiate a scene then shall we?" He says mirroring my smile
He unlocks his cellphone and begin to type something on it.
"Alright, let's start with a simple one. Are you into pain?"
"To what level? Light, moderate or hard?"
"Soft limits?"
"Um... age play, floggers, nipple clamps, temperature play, pet play, orientation play, exhibitionism..I guess that's it"
"Hard limits?"
"Scat play, minors/ children, chemical play, race play, needle play, serious bodily injury, animals and fisting"
"Do you have any medical issues Y/N?"
"Do you take any type of prescripted medication?"
"Yeah, contraceptive pills"
"Do you have any addictions? Legal or illegal substances"
"I smoke cigarrettes, sporadically"
"What word would you like do use as our safewords?"
"I would like to keep the three basic colors please"
"Ok, and safe signs? For when your mouth is restained"
"I don't know.."
"What do you think about 1,2,3? 1 for green, 2 for yellow and 3 for red?" He asks
"That sounds good"
"What would you like as aftercare?"
"Um..maybe some cuddling? And some candy" I blush and he sweetly smiles
"Are you ok with the following: General bondage, spanking, sex toys, degradation, praise, breath play, trichophilia, edge play, fear play?"
"Yes, I'm ok with all"
"Would you like to have intercourse?"
I froze at that question
"Y/N, I asked if you would be interested in having intercourse?" He says softly
"I didn't knew that was an option" I whispered
"Generally it isn’t, but like I said, you're a very beautiful woman and I would be lying if I said I don't feel attracted to you" His eyes were glued to mine “But that’s up to you, love”
“Yes I would be interested in it” I murmured
He smiles fondly “Is there anything else, besides fisting, you don’t look forward to do during intercourse?”
“Not really..I just have a problem with anal”
“You don’t like it?” He asks
“I don’t mind it actually, is just that, past experiences were not really that pleasant”
“I see..well anal sex can be extremely pleasurable to the woman, but that will depends on who’s performing it. We have to prep you properly before hand, have the right amount of lubrication and patience, love. But we’ll get to that when it’s time, don’t worry. I’ll never do something that we have not fully agreed on with before hand”
I nod.
“Okay, double penetration, how do you feel about it?”
“I’ve never done it, but I would like to try it”
He smirks at me “Alright, love. So, as our test scene I was thinking about setting a time limit, like 30 to 40 minutes to keep the scene short, just to feel our chemistry together”
“I’m good with that” I respond
“What would you look forward to do on that scene?”
“Um...some bondage..degradation maybe? And maybe intercourse too?” I blush
“That sounds like a plan, love” He winks “When would you like to do it?”
“Can we do it now?” I eagerly ask
“I like the way you think Y/N” He smirks as he got up from the chair “C’mon love” He offers me his hand “Let’s tie you up”
I took his hand as we walk down the sideblock. Oh God, what the hell was I doing?...
                                To Be Continued....
Thoughts on this series 👉👈?
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adorkablenerd · 4 years
Oumami Prompt
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Thank you so much for the prompt and I’m super sorry it’s taken me a long time to write anything!  I hope you like the fic :)
Words: 1581
Rantaro had already had enough, and it wasn’t even past the morning yet.  When he got up to make some coffee, Kokichi had hidden his favorite mug, which turned into a game of hide and seek.  He went to Kokichi’s room and found a note on his door labeled ‘For Rantaro’.  After opening and reading it, he went where the letter told him to go, the library, where he found another note.  He knew that this was just another silly prank, but he was getting annoyed.  Instead of going where the note told him, he decided to just find Kokichi instead.  
“Yo, Shuichi! Have you seen Ouma anywhere?” he saw Shuichi in the hall, so he figured he’d ask.  
“Yeah, I think he just went into his room.  Why, what did he do this time?”  Shuichi asked, sounding a bit worried.
“Nothing too bad, just a small prank. Don’t worry about it.”  Rantaro reassured the detective.  Shuichi let out a small sigh in relief and both boys continued their day.  Rantaro walked down to the rooms and knocked on Kokichi’s door.  
“Who is iiit?” Kokichi called out from inside.  Rantaro stayed quiet, he knew Kokichi probably wouldn’t open the door if he knew it was him.  Instead he waited for the purple haired boy to open the door to peek outside.  When he did, he immediately grabbed the door so it couldn’t be closed.
“A-Ah Amami!  I didn’t expect you” He smiled nervously and backed up from the door.
“Well you should have.  You did steal my mug, remember?” Rantaro’s smile was almost scary, no, it was scary.  Kokichi continued to back away as Rantaro closed the door and got closer.
“Nope, don’t remember that at all!”  He knew there was no lying his way out of this, but that didn’t mean he would just admit it.  
“Oh really? Maybe I need to help you remember then.” Rantaro put up his hands and wiggled his fingers in Kokichi’s direction.  Kokichi had already backed up so far the back of his legs hit his bed, causing him to fall back onto it.  This seemed to throw Kokichi off, giving Rantaro the chance to pin his arms above his head and settle onto his upper legs.  Kokichi looked up, excitement and nervousness both showing in his eyes.
“Do you remember where my mug is now?” Rantaro used his free hand to wiggle his fingers right above Kokichi’s belly.  The smaller boy couldn’t help but start to shake with suppressed giggles, shaking his head no.  Rantaro let out an exaggerated sigh and pretended to look disappointed.  
“Well, guess I have to do this then.”  Not bothering to start off slow, Rantaro lowered his hand and scribbled his fingers all over Kokichi’s tummy and sides.  It wasn’t even a second before loud giggles came pouring out, arms pulling down, but unable to break out of Rantaro’s hold.
“Nahahaha A-Amahahamiii!”  Rantaro looked into his eyes innocently.
“Yes?  Anything you’d like to tell me?”  His tone was mockingly sweet, hand going straight for the middle of Kokichi’s tummy, nails scratching lightly.
“St-StahahAHAhahap!” Kokichi wiggled his body back and forth, laughter rising in pitch whenever Rantaro scratched near his belly button. 
“Sorry, but that’s not the answer I was looking for.”  Rantaro’s hand shot down to the smaller boy's hip and rested right on top of it.  
“No! Not there! Anywhere but there!”  Kokichi tried to plead, but Rantaro just smirked down at him.
“Still not what I’m looking for.  How about ‘Sorry for stealing your mug Amami’ or ‘I’ll show you where you mug is Amami’?”  As he was talking he would randomly pinch one of Kokichi’s hips, making him let out a small yelp.
“S-SohorRY!”  Rantaro continued his sporadic pinching as Kokichi talked.
“For?” He slowed down to let Kokichi talk more clearly.
“Fohor the fact that you’re to stupihid to follow the hints I gave you.”  Kokichi stuck his tongue out, but soon realized he shouldn’t have pushed Rantaro right now.
“Haha, okay, I see how it is.”  He was still smiling, not even a smirk, just an innocent smile.  It was terrifying.  Before Kokichi had a chance to say anything, Rantaro let go of his arms and began squeezing his hips.
“FUHUHUHUCK NOHO! PLEHEHEASE STAHAHAHAP!”  He squealed as one of his worst spots was attacked.
“Sorry, but it’s gonna be a no.  Besides, this is what you wanted, right?  Might as well give you what you asked for.  Tickle tickle~”  Kokichi could barely respond, between the teasing and the tickling it was like his brain was malfunctioning.
“NAHAHAHAHA SHUHUHUHUHUT UHUHUP!  DOHON’T SAHAY THAT WOHOHOHORD!”  His hands tried to grab Rantaro’s, but he had no strength to use against him.  Rantaro just continued, now scratching around his lower tummy and hips.
“Hmm? What word? Tickle? But it’s such a lovely word! Tickle tickle tickle!”  Kokichi laughter pitched higher as he squirmed back and forth on the bed, but it didn’t deter Rantaro in the slightest.  
“FUHUHUHUHUCK STAHAHAHAHAP!  IHI’M SORRY!”  Kokichi squealed out an apology, Rantaro slowing down again, moving up to lightly trace his ribs.
“Is this a real apology this time?”  He asked as one finger lightly scratched his lowest rib.
“Yehes! Juhust give me a second.”  Kokichi took a few deep breaths as Rantaro gave him a break.  Once his breathing seemed regular, Rantaro spoke up again.
“So?”  Kokichi looked up to him with a smirk.
“I regret nothing!” He used his free hands to try and squeeze Rantaro’s sides, hoping to turn the tables, but Rantaro didn’t react at all.  Kokichi froze, hands moving off Rantaro as his mistake dawned on him.
“Oh really?  Are you sure about that?”  Rantaro laughed a bit, causing Kokichi to shiver at the sound.
“U-Um I-”  Before kokichi could say anything, Rantaro interrupted.  
“Guess I’ll just have to make you regret it then.”  Rantaro quickly grabbed Kokichi’s wrists and held them above his head.
“Wait wait wait! I’m sorry! I really am this time!”  Kokichi was already squirming around and trying to pull his arms out of the taller boy’s strong, yet not too tight grip.
“Sorry, but it’s a bit too late for that.  Should have said that earlier.”  Wiggling fingers were once again hovering above Kokichi, him already giggling.  
“Nohoho plehease!”  Panic truly set in when he felt his scarf being removed.  
“If I remember right, you were really ticklish here, weren’t you?”  Rantaro took the scarf off and lightly traced his nails on the side of Kokichi’s neck.  Kokichi let out a squeal and shook his head back and forth.
“H-Hohold on pleHEHEase!  Nahat THEHERE!”  Rantaro continues tracing all around his neck, collarbones, and under his chin as Kokichi’s giggles rose.
“Looks like I remembered right! How bad is it hm?  Does it tickle a lot? Aww I bet it does with how much you’re laughing.  Oo and look at how pink your face is getting! How cute!”  Kokichi couldn’t take the teasing, his face getting redder by the second.
“Ihi’ll tell you where the muhug ihihihis!”  Kokichi said, hoping it would persuade Rantaro to stop.
“Don’t worry, you can tell me when we’re done, and it’ll be over soon.”  As Rantaro said this he moved his hand away from Kokichi’s neck and held his arms up higher.  Kokichi wished he could find comfort in those words, but his tone and the smirk on his face only made him more nervous.
“Wh-What are you gonna do?”  Kokichi still couldn’t keep the smile off his face.  Rantaro’s free hand touched down on Kokichi’s underarm, as the other held Kokichi’s wrists and stretched his arms slightly.  Rantaro leaned his head down to whisper into the purpled haired boy’s ear.
“I’m gonna make sure you don’t do this again.”  As soon as Rantaro finished talking he began scribbling his fingers around Kokichi’s underarm and 
blew raspberries on the side of his neck.  The smaller boy let out a quick shriek and broke down into loud high pitched laughter.
“NONONOHOHO PLEHEHEHEASE NOT THEHEHERE!”  He squirmed as much as he could, but Rantaro held tight as he continued.
“You really shouldn’t have messed with me today, now you face the consequences.”  Rantaro blew more raspberries onto Kokichi’s neck  and focused his scratching on the middle of Kokichi’s underarm.
“IHI’M SOHORRY!  I’M REHEALLY SOHOHORRYYY!”  Kokichi continued apologizing, but Rantaro didn’t stop.
“Aww that’s too bad, you should have said so earlier.  Tickle tickle~  Is it worse here, or on your tummy, hmm?  Oo or how about your hips?”  Rantaro’s hand moved all over, scratching his belly, squeezing his hips, all while continuing the raspberries.  After just a few seconds, Kokichi didn’t even have enough energy to struggle.  As soon as his laughter became silent, Rantaro stopped and let go of Kokichi’s wrists, moving off of his legs to sit next him.  Kokichi caught his breath for a bit before speaking up.
“Ihit’s in my desk drawer.” Kokichi pointed to the desk in his room.  Rantaro got up and found the mug right inside of it.  He set it on top of the desk and went back to sitting on the bed.  He leaned down and gave Kokichi a small kiss on his forehead.
“I’m gonna go make some coffee, but I’ll be back in a few minutes, okay?”  Kokichi nodded, Rantaro getting up to leave.  As soon as he was out of the room Kokichi sprung out of bed and began planning his next prank.  He never really learned.  
107 notes · View notes
sokkisky · 4 years
~baby bird part five~
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Want to make a request?: https://forms.gle/NyZgUcqkCPzHRvVn6
Ghost School RP Discord: https://discord.gg/5mschvebTn
Rating: SFW (Angst, Fluff)
Pairings: Keigo Takami (Hawks) x Y/N 
Warnings: Kidnapping, Pain/Torture (Not to the child, no toucha da child), Violence, Blood
A/N: OMG THIS IS INSANE! This is seriously a PART FIVE. This is such a cute little series. Part Five is a bit of a prequel though, it takes place BEFORE THE CHILD CAN USE THE WINGS. They’re not even there yet. So that’s a little important. Once again if any of the warnings trigger you, please do not read. And in the immortal words of Aphmau “No toucha da child”. No harm will come to the baby, nobody will be punting any children around here. But yeah! It’s crazy because this is how this whole series started. A kidnapping. Full circle. I’m planning on keeping this going if it continues to be requested, it’s so adorable and yeah, here are the requests. Yes with an S. 
I think I request something where hawks x reader where there baby gets kidnapped something like that just in case I didn’t there we go angst to fluff <3
Sorry sorry me again LMAO I love your writing ❤️ Hawks x reader I think I requested this just in case though where the baby gets kidnapped so does the reader the reader gets tortured to save her baby but LUCKILY hawks brought endeavor and the rest of the hero commission and saves her but the baby is safe though ( no pain on the baby ) angst to fluff
Baby x reader gets kidnapped hawks series!!!! 
As you can see, this is a highly requested topic. Thank you @wafflesareniceandfluffy and anons. I’m vv excited and everything. While the second request is slightly different, i think I’m going to stick to the whole Hawks’ saves them. Also I’ve been asked a few questions 
Your name? - Sokki <3 
      2. Can we have links to the rest of the series? - Yes <3
Part One 
Part Two
Part Three 
Part Four
Now let’s get started! Remember to take care of yourselves, be kind to yourself and you ARE WORTH THE WORLD! Please don’t ever forget that. I hope you guys enjoy! 
 Keigo slammed his hand on the desk. His wings fluttered sporadically with fury. 
Again, he let it happen again. 
You were gone. His precious baby was gone. He lost the two most important things to him. 
“Fro yo!” your two year old excited said pointing to the frozen yogurt stall up the street. You smiled and looked over to Keigo. “She’s been good today, I’ll go get the fro yo, what do you want?” you asked him, holding your daughter in your arms as she wiggled trying to get to the frozen yogurt stand. Keigo smiled and kissed your forehead, “I’m fine, I just have to go to the bathroom. I’ll be right back okay?” he said. You nodded as he walked off and you headed towards the fro yo stand with your daughter. 
Keigo walked out, his wings relaxed as he looked around. He saw the frozen yogurt cart, but you weren’t there. No biggie he’d thought you’d ordered by now. He looked around the plaza, trying to see you or his kid. He opened his phone and called you. 
No answer. 
He texted you, not panicking yet. This was a public place, surely if something happened someone would see, 
He checked his phone again, still no answer. He called you again, and again, and again. 
No answer. 
Now he began to panic. He went up to the frozen yogurt stall but the worker said he hadn’t served anyone that matched your description. Nor anyone with a kid. Keigo hoisted himself in the air, flying above the people looking for you. He called out your name to no answer. He desperately flew around the plaza searching for you. 
It was clear however, that you were gone. 
His eyes were clouded with tears as he screamed out. Crying in a mix of fury and sadness. It had been two days now and there were no traces of you or his daughter, like the two of you never existed. He clutched your family photo in his hands tightly as he leaned over on his knees, crying out. His tears dripped to the floor as his body shook. He dropped his forehead to the ground, the tears never stopping. He sobbed loudly unlike he’d ever cried before. His body hurt, his chest felt as if it was going to cave in and collapse on itself. His heart stung. 
He failed you. 
He lost you. 
His mind raced with all the horrible things that could be happening. He remembered how he found you last time, but now they had his daughter. He wanted to throw up thinking about all of the horrible things they would do to his daughter, to you, his only family. 
He sat on the ground, upright now, his hands trembling as he stared at the photo. You were there in his arms as he flew above the ground. Your baby in your arms. You both smiled brightly and your daughter was laughing. 
Her laugh. Keigo’s pain was sent back in waves as the realization hit that he might never hear her laughs again. He’d never hear her excited giggles or her tiny laughter when they played hide and seek. He’d never again tickle her or fly up into the air with her. 
He wanted to go out, to search again. Just one more time to go and see if he could find any clues. He hadn’t slept peacefully in so long his mind filled with nightmares about what you may be enduring. 
What if you were dead? 
He got up, outstretching his wings and took off towards the city again, looking around each corner, into every alleyway, moving everything around that might be a hidden door. He searched the city sector by sector, up down and all around. He watched the people, watched their movements. Listened for any words that may be clues. He felt his hope begin to drain. 
That was until he heard a faint and distant scream. 
“No! No!” you heard your daughter shout. Her screams were so loud. Your body was bruised and battered. Neither of you had eaten or drank in the past two days. You stayed as alert as you could, shielding your daughter from the hurt that was happening to you. You tried to keep her happy, but it was hard when you were so beaten, your body in constant pain and ache. 
You always kept on a brave smile for her. 
“Stop it! My daddy is gonna get you!” your daughter screamed from the cage they’d put her in. 
“Close your eyes!” you shouted back at her sternly as the first guy pulled out a large whip. “Welcome to our encore sweet heart, enjoy the show!” he shouted, the whip coming down hard on your chained up body. 
You looked to the doorway, watching as the first guys chased after your daughter. “Run baby run!” you shouted, praying she’d make it to the door on time. You watched as your daughter made it out of your sight but you could still hear her. 
Your hands were chained to the walls, your arms out. You heard her banging on the steel entrance before another loud scream erupted from the hallway. You scream out your daughter’s name, the guy must’ve caught up to her. 
Tears flowed down your eyes as you heard a loud thud, like a skull hitting the hard cement wall. 
Your daughter was silent. 
You cried, calling her her name, begging for an answer. There was no response. 
You broke down, sobbing, your precious daughter,
 until a little red feather landed at your feet. 
You looked up with tearful eyes to see an angry Keigo in the doorway, your daughter safely in his arms. He stalked into the room, his anger practically radiating off of him, creating a dark aura in the room. The guy who was watching you nearly stumbled before blowing a whistle. Dozens of men ran out of the back room, armed with clubs and knives. 
You relaxed, your daughter was safe. 
A storm of red filled the room, each feather flying with precise accuracy. Keigo pulled his daughter to his chest, covering her ears and singing close to them, drawing out the sound of the screaming and pained men. Drowning out the voices begging for mercy. 
He didn’t want her to know those sounds right now. 
Once his feathers finally settled the room was nothing but a lost battlefield. Bodies laid limp across the floor. A mix of blood, shredded clothing and tears scattered around. A feather moved to your chains and undoing them before a group of them hoisted you up carrying you to Hawks. 
Some feathers moved to lift your daughter, holding her to face the ceiling so she wouldn’t see the carnage her father had made. He held you in his arms bridal style before using his feathers to set your daughter in your arms. Her face was buried in Keigo’s chest as he instructed. 
Keigo walked out holding the two of you, tears running down his cheeks. 
Keigo flew the two of you to a summer home away from the city and far from your old home. He put his daughter to bed, holding her extremely close for a long time, even after she’d fallen asleep, before joining you in the living room to help you heal and take care of your wounds. You stood in the middle of the living room, wrapping gauze around your slit and cut torso, the marks not stinging as much now. 
Keigo walked in and saw you. He pulled you into his arms. His head fell to your shoulder and he cried. 
“I’m so sorry songbird. I shouldn’t have ever let this happen. I’m supposed to protect you!” he cried out, his hands clutching your cropped shirt. You held him back, tears daring to drop from your eyes as you watched him break down into a pit of guilt. 
He sank to his knees in front of you, his head buried in your tummy as he cried, his arms wrapped around your waist. 
“I don’t deserve you if I can’t keep you safe, can’t keep the two of you safe.” 
You squatted down, your head resting on his as he held you, you ran your fingers through his hair. His body shook as he cried, holding onto you tighter than he’d held before. 
You planted a kiss on his forehead prompting him to look up at you, his eyes red and puffy, soaked in tears. 
“Thank you Keigo.”
79 notes · View notes
bestintheparsec · 4 years
The Same Coin - Prologue
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Javier Peña x F!Reader
Summary: You and Javier Peña are begrudging coworkers—nothing more, nothing less. Two people with a job to do but very different ideas on how to get it done. Much to your dismay, things never go according to plan; not when it comes to Escobar, or anything else.
A/N: Soo I’ve been working on something in secret😌 This tiny idea has been on my mind for months now, and I finally had the time to sit down and think about writing it. This is going to be a short series. I wanted something soft & angsty without getting too deep into the plot of the show—of course, this is me, so my ideas got a little deeper than I planned. But I hope you like it! Special love & thanks to @hiscyarika​, whom I have bugged relentlessly and, though she’ll deny it, I would not have been able to write this without her❤️ Thank you for reading, and as always, feedback is welcome! 
Words: 1.8k
Warnings: canon-typical violence, mentions of blood 
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You are not fond of Javier Peña.
It’s not so much dislike, or even distaste, really—but more of a...mutual disagreement on how things ought to be done. Not that either of you claimed to stand on any moral high ground, but you tended to keep things as clean as possible. Peña, meanwhile, had his methods. 
This is all more evident as you listen to the incessant sound of the phone that’s been ringing while he’s clicking away at his typewriter, taking his time before finally picking it up.
“Peña,” he answers, putting out his cigarette. He listens for a second before looking up, giving you a nod as he jots something down.
When he hangs up, he finishes typing before slipping the note into his pocket.
“We've got a lead,” he says hurriedly. He tosses his paperwork aside, opening the drawer for his gun and gesturing for you to do the same.
“Are you going to run it by the ambassador first?” you ask, though you already know the answer. You lean back in your chair with no intention of getting up. He always does things his way, regardless of what anyone tells him. You’ve worked with him long enough—a year? Longer? No one has the energy to keep track of these things. But it’s been long enough for the two of you to know exactly how to grind each other’s gears.
“I'd rather keep this one discreet,” he remarks, raising his brows with an unspoken Just go with it.
You glare up at him, unamused. “Peña, you're already walking on thin ice around here. You want me to put my ass on the line, too?”
He clenches his jaw and impatiently rests his hand on the desk, leaning towards you. He's got frustration in his eyes that probably matches your own. 
“All I'm asking is that you help us get just one bit of useful information to work with,” he whispers. You can hear the annoyance in the stain of his voice. “We're chasing our fucking tails with how they're doing things here—even Escobar knows that. Don't you get tired of following the damn rules all the time?”
“Why can't you get Steve to go with you?,” you counter. You cross your arms and bite the inside of your cheek, trying not to let your own irritation show too much.  “I think he'd be much better company for you,” you shrug.
Unfortunately for Steve—who was more of a friend than coworker to both of you—he could never pick a side. He was fine with it, though, always finding a bit of amusement in letting you two bicker.
“Sorry to disappoint, but they assigned Murphy to go with Trujillo today,” Peña answers impatiently. "You really think I'd ask you if I didn't need to?" He straightens, putting a hand on his waist and leaning to the side in that goddamn arrogant stance he always has.
You let out an irritated sigh, shaking your head but pulling your own drawer open anyways. Stowing the gun behind your back, you stand and follow him out.
“Don't worry. If we get caught you can pin it all on me,” he jeers. You shake your head, knowing he's patronizing you.
You’re met by the usual hot air and humidity as you step outside, walking towards his Jeep. Heat waves radiate off the ground, prompting you to roll up your sleeves and wish you’d dressed lighter today.
“This better be worth it,” you mutter as you hop into the passenger seat and shut the door.
“It’s better than doing all that paperwork and you know it,” he retorts, though his tone is calmer now. He’s always content whenever he convinces you to get in on his schemes.
You decide it’s not worth arguing over anymore and drop the subject. He turns on the AC and slips on his aviators before pulling out of the parking lot.
You’ve been driving for a while, listening to nothing but the sounds of street traffic, when you realize you’re in an area of the city you’re not familiar with. You’ve never seen these buildings before. Even the street signs look different, with names you’ve never heard of.
“Who’s the informant this time?” you ask, breaking the silence. You continue to watch the unfamiliar businesses and buildings pass your window.
“Classified,” he answers curtly, to which you roll your eyes. He keeps his eyes on the road.
“Right. How much can we trust this information?” you reply. 
“We can trust them,” is all he gives you.
You sigh and turn to him. “Look, Peña, I’m glad you have your code for your sources, but if you’re gonna drag me along on this stuff, I’d like to be more informed.”
“And I’m telling you that all we’re doing is staking out this address. Quica and his guys are supposed to be meeting there, and if we can figure out who they’re talking to we may be able to find a link to one of Escobar’s informants.”
Silence falls over both of you again and you look out the window, observing as people go about their lives.
You exhale quietly. Sometimes you ask yourself how you both managed to remain civil with each other. Work is work, and you have the same goal, after all. But it’s surprising just how many eggshells you’ve avoided walking over with him.
“Sometimes you have to do bad things to catch bad people,” he’d said to you once. You can hear the words in your head sometimes. You’re never sure if it’s a reminder or a reassurance.
Peña’s not an asshole, not in the way the CIA thinks he is. But you often wonder how you’d gotten paired up with him despite how differently you work. There’s already so much chaos here; you would prefer not to feed the flames if you had the choice. Peña seems to see the chaos as all the more reason to do everything in his power to put an end to Escobar. He’s got many...sources of information that he’s willing to use. You never ask where he makes these connections, and you don’t know whose methods are better, but you’ve never liked being fire to gasoline. 
When you make it to your destination—a small, quiet neighborhood—he puts the car on idle and points out the alleged location; it's a typical, innocent-looking flat, covered by some shade. Neither of you have anything to add, so it’s quiet again except for the sounds of people on the sidewalks. Some of them are sweeping their front steps or watering their plants, chatting quietly with their neighbors.
You both sit and wait for long enough that you start to question whether anyone was coming in the first place. You unbuckle your seatbelt and take a swig from your water bottle, resting your elbow on the window. You tap your foot on the floor of the car, which draws his attention.
Javier Peña is not fond of you. 
He glances at you for a split second behind his sunglasses. You only look mildly annoyed as you watch your surroundings. You’ve got one hand wrapped around the other, unconsciously massaging your fingers; a nervous tic you have, one he knows of because of how often you’re on these sporadic missions with him. He chuckles quietly without humor, wishing you’d be willing to bend the rules more. Between himself, you, and Murphy, there seems to be this spectrum of gray hues. This, he’s able to accept. But with new management and all eyes on the three of you now, it’s more important than ever for you to be on the same page. Someday you might see eye-to-eye with him. For now, you always do your part and he does his—getting the job done is all that matters, anyways. Whether you need to drown things out with a glass of whiskey or not, isn’t his concern.
Another twenty minutes go by when a car finally pulls up to the flat, and three guys get out. Peña sits up straighter. You stare in disgust when you realize one of them is, in fact, La Quica. You can’t help but feel relieved though; at least the informant was right. You ponder how far this information could move your case forward, watching as the sicarios laugh and walk towards the door of the flat. They smile as though they’ve never watched blood spill by their own hands.
Pendejos, you think when you see how nonchalant they seem to be. 
Until one of them looks towards the Jeep—and meets your eyes. Shit.
The guy turns and says something to the others, nodding in your direction. Did they recognize this car? You bite the inside of your cheek and your pulse picks up a bit. 
“Peña,” you whisper through closed teeth. 
You barely turn your head to look at him, but his eyes are locked on La Quica. You start to suggest driving away, but don’t get the chance to finish. A shot rings out and a bullet shatters the windshield as you both cover yourselves from the flying glass. It misses both of you, but when you turn back towards them, they’re all running. One of them shoots a few more times towards you as he runs.
“Fuck!” Peña hisses, cocking his gun as he opens the car door and runs after them. Not even a second passes before you get out and follow in pursuit, swearing under your breath.
You’re not far behind Peña when you run past the entrance of their meeting spot—a movement catches your eye, and you see another sicario, who takes off in the opposite direction. You turn on your heels and follow alone, firing a few times at him. He’s faster. The Colombian heat beats down on you as you chase him through the streets and narrow alleyways. He shoots at and misses you. You’ve almost caught up to him when he pushes a bystander off their motorcycle, driving away and leaving you in the dust.
“Damn it,” you mutter to yourself, catching your breath. More shots ring out in the background, and you take another deep breath before running back in Peña’s direction.
The streets are cleared of people now, and you have no idea where the other sicarios went. You follow the sound of another gunshot, turning a sharp corner when someone slams, hard, into your body. You let out a grunt and swear again before realizing it’s Peña, who steadies you before hunching over, panting.
“They got away,” you state; it’s not a question. He nods.
You don’t know where you are anymore and tuck your gun away as you look around. “Let’s go find the car—” you start, taking a step forward when he grabs your wrist. 
You turn to him questioningly, and he’s still panting when you notice he’s got his hand over his thigh. Your eyes widen when you see the blood that’s pooling around the hole in his jeans. He’s been shot. And he didn’t even care to immediately point it out, you mentally roll your eyes.
“Fuck, Peña—” you reach out, and he tries to take a step forward.
Before you can stop him, his legs give out and he collapses onto you.
Pendejos = assholes
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soniaxdixon · 4 years
The New World; Series, pt. 5
Sorry this one is a bit late, I actually have an idea for a one shot so expect that hopefully either later tonight or tomorrow. Also, should I start using a prompt list to write drables and one shots. If yes, please tell me which ones. Thank you! and as always, thank you so much for reading!
pt 5 of ??
Words: 1546
Warnings: swearing, a little bit of angst, Shane being a dick
Waking up in Daryl’s strong arms was something out of your wildest dreams. Feeling him stir behind you as you gently removed his arm from around your waist, you forced yourself out of the bed, turning to look at his peaceful face. You had never seen him this content. You stretched your arms above your head, yawning before you sat back down on the bed carefully. You reached your hand over to Daryl and ran your fingers through his hair, waking him up slowly.
“Mornin’” The smile that graced Daryl’s lips made your heart skip a beat. His gravelly voice sending shivers down your spine.
“I’m gonna go and have a shower.”
“Another one?”
“You wanna join me?” Within seconds Daryl was up and pulling his clothes off haphazardly, you chuckled at this sight, a complete juxtaposition to how shy he was the night before. He followed you into the bathroom like a lost puppy as you both enjoyed the hot water in the morning.
He got out of the shower first, drying off and changing into his jeans and a button up with no sleeves. He pushed his feet into his boots as you stepped out of the shower and wrapped yourself in your towel. He couldn’t help but stare at you, his eyes roaming down your body as water droplets ran down your legs.
“You’re beautiful.”
You felt your cheeks run red as you looked up into the archers eyes.
“Imma head over to the dining room, ya comin’?”
“I’ll just get changed, meet you there in a bit.”
He nodded and proceeded to unlock the door, closing it quietly behind him. You threw yourself on the bed, your lips curled into the biggest smile as you closed your eyes and thought of everything you had just experienced.
Daryl walked towards the group who were all sitting around the table as T-Dogg made breakfast. He sat down in the last available chair across from Rick. He couldn’t help but look up at Rick and think about how you were going to tell him about what you and Daryl now shared. Would you want to tell him, maybe you wanted to keep this all a secret, maybe you were embarrassed about Daryl. His mind raced through thoughts of doubt until you walked into the room and flashed him the brightest smile and all his worries melted away. You looked around for a space at the table for you but there were none, you walked towards Daryl as he realised you were looking for a place to sit, he went to push out of the chair but you stopped him, instead choosing to sit on his lap. His heart jumped and his whole body stiffened at the sudden public affection but his hands soon found your waist holding you closer to him, slowly growing more confident.  
Rick looked up suddenly choking on his food, coughing sporadically as his mind attempted to work out the picture in front of him. Lori looked at him laughing as he struggled to fathom how you and Daryl ended up in this position.
“What in the hell is goin’ on here?” He finally said pointing towards you and Daryl.
“Rick, calm down.” You sternly stared your brother down as he shot daggers at Daryl. Daryl struggled to keep eye contact with the man as his palms grew itchy, he pulled his hands away from your waist rubbing them on his thighs. You looked down at the sudden loss of contact, placing your hands on top of his where they rested on his thighs as if to reassure him. Your eyes shot back up to Ricks where you mouthed ‘shut up’ to him, earning an eye roll from the sheriff.
One of Daryl’s hands found your waist again as you all sat and ate your breakfast. Eventually Rick spoke up.
“Has anyone seen Shane?”
Now you found yourself choking on your food. You felt Daryl’s grip on your waist tighten as your breath hitched in your throat. You spoke, barely above a whisper.
“Not since last night.”
“Is he alright?”
Daryl felt his blood boil, “He’ll be fine.”
“Now what’s that supposed to mean?” You could hear the anger in ricks voice, the anger he was showing towards Daryl. You placed your hand on top of Daryl’s hand that secured your waist.
“He attacked me last night, Rick.”
“Nah, he wouldn’t do that, you’re like family to him.”
“Don’t fucking put what I said down, he attacked me. In the rec room.”
“What are you saying?”
“I’m telling you that he tried to come onto me last night, that he forced me up against a wall, that he forced himself on me, slammed me to the point where I couldn’t breathe but Daryl saved me. He probably isn’t here right now because his face is all bloody and bruised but he fucking deserved it.” Tears stung your eyes as you confessed all of this in front of everyone. Rick’s eyes softened as he looked at your tears that threatened to fall. His eyes flicked to Daryl, then back to you.
“We’ll talk more about this after, y/n.”
“There isn’t anything more to say.” You stood up and began to walk back to your room when you were met face to face with Shane, standing in front of your door. You were right, his face was bloody and bruised.
You froze for a second before slight panic set in and you began to run back towards Daryl, a tight grip on your arm stopped you as you flipped back around, facing Shane.
“y/n wait!”
Before you could stop yourself, you ripped your arm away from him and kicked him hard in the shin, forcing him back as you ran again, rounding the corner to the dining area. Daryl stood up so quickly that his chair flew back as he hurried over to you. When Shane entered the dining room Daryl guided you behind him, standing in front of you like a human shield.
“I thought I fuckin’ told ya last night, ya lay a hand on her again and I’ll fuckin’ kill ya.” You had never heard such anger in Daryl’s voice, it was terrifying. Before he had the chance to do anything Rick had stepped in the way, storming over to Shane.
“You touched my baby sister last night? That true?”
“Listen man, I’m sorry, it wasn’t like that, I don’t know what came over me, ya know I would never do anything to hurt her.”
Daryl chimed in, “Yeah right, prick, that’s why she’s runnin’ away from ya.”
“I was just going to her room to apologise.”
You moved to stand next to Daryl, your hand linking with his as you spoke up “You think an apology is going to fix this Shane? Go fuck yourself.”
“I’ll deal with you later.” Rick whispered harshly to Shane.
Soon after, Jenner walked in and was instantly questioned by Dale and Andrea. He led you all into the big room, you followed Daryl, your hand staying enclosed in his.
You stood to the left of the group as Jenner brought up images of a brain on the big screen. Daryl stood behind you wrapping his arms around your waist. His sudden need to show affection to you in front of the group had butterflies in your stomach going crazy. Rick glanced over to you before setting his eyes back on the screen.
You all watched intently as Jenner explained about electrical impulses in the brain, skipping forward to ‘the first event’ where the patient, ‘test subject 19’ died.
“It invades the brain like meningitis.” You gripped Daryl’s arms at the words, starting to think of the people you had lost. Jenner scanned to the second event.
“It restarts the brain?” Lori asked as you all watched the stem relight. You continued to listen to Jenner’s strained explanation.
“You have no idea what it is do you?” Andrea chimed in. The realisation set in that Jenner truly didn’t know anything about the disease or what it meant for your future.
“Man I’m gonna get shit-faced drunk, again.” Daryl said, his arms leaving you as he started pacing. Then Dale spoke.
“Dr Jenner, I know this has been taxing for you and I hate to ask one more question, but, that clock, it’s counting down. What happens at Zero?
“The basement generators, they run out of fuel.” With that, Jenner began walking away, Rick asked the computer system to explain what he meant.
“VI, what happens when the power runs out?”
“When the power runs out, facility wide decontamination will occur.”
Now it was your turn to start pacing as Rick, Glenn, T-Dogg and Shane went to search for the generators. You felt your head grow lighter, feeling as though you were about to pass out. You hastily made your way back to your room, lying down on the bed.
Daryl came in, bottle in hand as he threw himself on the bed next to you, entangling your fingers with his. Then the lights went out. You both shot up, Daryl hopped off the bed and stuck his head outside the door. “Hey what’s goin’ on, why’s everything turnin’ off?”
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thefriedbird · 4 years
Alright, hello! So I decided that last night after having a horrific anxiety attack, I was basically going to write two one shots based off a prompt I saw.
Yes, this is going to be a self-insert thing guys but you can replace the name with yours. There is not really much of a description other than that the character is disabled, she/her pronouns, wheelchair user with physical and mental health issues.
Overhaul is prob gonna be OOC since I’ve NEVER wrote him before. So be fucking warned.
Morning Kiss
Aliza has never been a morning person. Never has and never will. She couldn’t tolerate it when people chatted in the morning, hated the bright luminescent lights that were all over the Hassaikai compound, hated Nemoto’s early bird self, hated Rappa’s booming voice in the morning, and hated Deidoro’s early morning drinking, and even hated the avian friends she would adore... if it hadn’t been for their annoying incessant chirping in the wee hours!
But Aliza began to feel incredibly touch starved. She always settled for the private hand holding and cuddling, but she couldn’t help now feeling dissatisfied with him leaving her without as much as a goodbye.
Apparently, Chisaki had noticed. He was always incredible at reading people, even without needing Nemoto’s quirk to know that they’ve been lying. But he had an innate skill at reading Aliza like his favorite novel. At first, Chisaki was leaving sticky notes for his love to find. Giving her self-care reminders for the day, and telling her the schedule he set in place for her that day. Aliza would smile brightly reading them. “Remember to drink at least 3 liters of water.”
“Don’t neglect yourself today. I will know.”
“Stop biting your nails. It is unhygienic. You’ve practically chewed them til they’ve bled. I ordered more latex gloves and a nail polish that will help you stop chewing.”
Yeah, Chisaki had a blunt round-about way to display his affection. Yeah, he was over-protective and controlling. But it was something that Aliza didn’t mind.
All her life, Aliza lived without routine. She was reckless, often ill, neglected herself, and quite frankly didn’t understand how to take care of herself. It’s not like her parents really helped her with these things as a child. She was neglected and never learned. She lived impulsively and sporadically, and often times exhibited her self harming behavior unconsciously. She CRAVED touch, but also HATED it. She was never sure if that loving feeling would turn sour and hateful. Not that Chisaki would hurt her. But her traumas of the past had ate away at her for years, and it wasn’t stopping. It was with Chisaki’s discomfort for touch that made being around him easier than with the others at the compound. (Though when she first met him, she frankly thought of him as an arrogant selfish prick.) When Chisaki began courting her, he was heavily satisfied with their shared discomfort for touch. But both made an effort to each other to slowly at least get used to the other’s. It was a sign of their trust to each other and it was evidence of how much Chisaki COULD love. Aliza saw his protectiveness as endearing. To her, it was proof of how much he cared about her safety and well-being. His controlling behavior, she disliked and liked at the same time. On one hand she hates how Chisaki gives her a schedule HE created. But on the other, it gave her a routine. It gave her a sense of predictability, which was something she never had living in a toxic abusive household. Their love language may not be words, but it was touch despite their discomfort to it.They were learning how to love together. It’s not the first time Aliza had a love, but she had been used and abused to find comfort in what she saw as meaningless words. She was a “show it, not spout it.” Type of person. She’s had too many people say their love you’s to only disprove it later on. Whereas Chisaki never really loved another person before. He loved and cared for Pops, that was his parental figure. The one who saved him from the streets, and the man he thought he was indebted to. But loving someone intimately was entirely new. He only ever saw people as pawns for his goals, expendables because they have no other purpose. Aliza was his exception. She was his Angel. She was someone that he wanted to protect heavily. What initially started as his disdain for her in the beginning, somehow became affectionate.
So when Chisaki amped up his affection, Aliza was surprised. They had grown passed the phase where he and Aliza always asked each other if it was okay to be touched. Now, they did it without a single word needing to be said. But him giving her a brief kiss on her nape followed with a “good morning” wasn’t something she was used to.
“Was that alright?” Chisaki asked.
Aliza just smiled, “Yes, that was alright. Could you...maybe do that every morning?” “Yes. Anything for you, Angel”
First Kiss
hey were an unlikely couple. Quite frankly, Mimic, Nemoto, and Chronostasis had thought Aliza would be matter on the walls the first day Chisaki had met her. They weren’t expecting their boss to have Chrono and Nemoto bring the quirkless disabled woman into the meeting room for him to ask for his chance to court her.
They were surprised to say the least.
Overhaul was once routinely aggravated with Aliza, who was their secretary at the time, because she was ‘dirty’ and ‘filthy’. He saw her as another expendable, a disabled woman hired to map out his schedule, brief him on any upcoming meetings, and to handle gentle affairs with other heads. He didn’t think he would feel any form of intimacy toward her. That was until there were days she dressed up.
He admitted it to himself that she was beautiful. On the days she dressed up, she aired confidence, she radiated with joy, she was cleaner, she looked pure, she looked like an Angel. His grounded Angel. So when one of the lower Hassaikai members began stalking you, harassing you, and even had the audacity to TOUCH you. When he saw you having a full on panic attack because of the aggressive touching, that man was matter. For once, he didn’t feel bothered by the hives breaking out on his flesh. He was concerned about his Angel. His poor sweet Angel that was hyperventilating and sobbing hysterically in her wheelchair.
He had Chrono bring her into his office, where he tried to calm her. But Overhaul is a rather imposing and intimidating figure so Aliza couldn’t just calm down... But this man made the effort. He had Chrono bring her a water bottle while she sat silently in his office. When her tears stopped flowing, he noted she constantly looked out of it. As if she wasn’t there, it was just a shell staring at the floor. Her makeup was ruined and he hated it. He hated having what was his sullied and filthy.
“I’ll have Chrono send you to your room to bathe. You’re filthy.”
Aliza just stared at him, and when he notice her tearing up again. He felt that what he said was wrong and when she began to panic again spouting apologies frantically...
Aliza honestly thought she was gonna die the way he crouched down to look at her.
“I believe I said that wrong. He TOUCHED you. You are not filthy because you did something. You are filthy because HE did something. I will have no more tears. I will have Chrono come back to get you and you will take the rest of the day off, are we clear?”
That was two years ago. Aliza was the only person that was allowed to call him by his real name when they were alone together. She was also the only person allowed to touch him and see him without his mask. She no longer slept in her room. In fact the same day Chisaki asked to court her, he already had all her stuff in his room. Already having her sleep beside him the first day. He took care of her. He loved her. He would kill for her. Plain and simple.
Chisaki had never kissed someone. His mysophobia wouldn’t allow him. But he wanted to try it with his partner. They already have gotten used to touching each other, but anything extremely intimate he had never done.
It was when Aliza had dropped by his office to brief him on his schedule for the day, that he asked her.
“I wish to try to kiss you.”
Aliza looked up from her tablet in shock. “Are you sure? I don’t want you to break out in hives, love.”
Chisaki was already bending down over her, braking her wheelchair so she wouldn’t slide, his hands resting on the armrests, caging her in. “Yes.”
“O-oh, okay! I’m not stopping you!” Aliza smiled, blushing in shock at his forward ness, and setting down the tablet in her lap.
Chisaki unfastened his mask, setting it on his desk before gently taking off her own. Leaning forward, watching as Aliza closed her eyes he placed a gentle kiss on her lips. The chaste kiss caused him no issue, to his surprise. When he pulled away, he couldn’t help but chuckle in amusement when Aliza chased after his kiss for another.
He wasn’t sure how many trailed after his first kiss
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kay-diggle · 5 years
Little Black Dress
Summary: Jimin swears the dress you’re wearing will be the death of him.
Pairing: Jimin x Female Reader 
Genre & Rating: Smut, 18+
Warnings: SMUTTY SMUT SMUT (basically porn with no plot), dom!jimin, sub!reader, oral (m. receiving), vaginal intercourse 
Length: 2.1k 
Notes: HELLO!!! This is something I wrote a while back and decided to post so you can get a feel of my writing style. Feedback is always welcomed!! Also, MY REQUESTS ARE OPEN!
Kay-Diggle’s Masterlist 
He leaned on you, wrapping his right arm around the front of your body, placing his face in your neck.
 “Baby this dress....” he said somehow finding a way to move closer.
 “What about it?” You turned your head, smirking at him.
 “I just... hm..” he said using his other arm, hand coming around the back of your body to play with the hem of your dress. It barely came to the middle of your thighs. He started caressing your leg now.
 “Your skin is so soft baby..” he whispered in your ear.
 “Lovey... you gotta chill babe” you chuckled.
 “I know baby, but you’re making it so hard for me right now. I mean.. damn this fucking dress,”he whined.
 “Hm.. then maybe you should keep your hands to yourself, yea?” You said smiling sarcastically, removing his hands from you completely and placing them in his own lap.
“But-“ he started to whine but you cut him off.
 “Lovey... do you see where we are right now? Do you really think this is the appropriate time for this?” You were teasing him, adding to his agitation.
 “Hm..” he said, eyeing you down. “Let me tell you something real quick babe” he said leaning back towards your body.
 He brought his lips to whisper into your ear while you brought your hand up behind your head to caress his cheek.
 “Since you don’t deem this to be an ‘appropriate time’ I’ll wait until we get back to the room. But when we do get there, I’m going to pick you up and push you against the wall. Then I’m going to fuck you until your legs are shaking and you’re coming around my dick.” By now your hand started slowly coming down from his face as your jaw dropped. You weren’t used to him being so blunt with you, but his dirty talk was definitely turning you on.
 “After that, I’m going to eat out that delicious little pussy of yours until you’re begging me to stop, and then I’ll put my dick back in you until you’re screaming and cumming again”
 He slowly moved away from you, leaning back in his chair and grinning at you.
 And if Jimin was anything, he was a man of his word.
 As soon as you got out of that meeting and back into the hotel room, he automatically ripped your small bag off your shoulder, flinging it across the room and pushing you back against the door, connecting your lips in a heated kiss. He pushed your jean jacket off your shoulders as well, dropping it to the floor. His hand connected with your thigh, moving it up towards his waist, prompting you to jump up but you stopped him with a rushed ‘wait wait’.
 “What’s wrong?” He looked confused.
 To his surprise, you dropped to your knees, looking up at him as your hands automatically started caressing his thick thighs. Your hands moved to unbuckle his belt, flinging it off and then unbuttoning his jeans.
 “Well I don’t remember this being a part of the plan... but seeing you so eager to suck my dick is so hot,” he looked down at you, sweeping your hair out of your face.
 You smirked up at him and continued to pull his pants down just enough to get his member out of the confinement of his boxers. He looked at you expectantly, while you looked at his dick: hard, pink, and leaking pre cum. Your mouth watered at the sight, making you lick your lips.
 “I love that you appreciate the sight of my dick so much, but since you're changing my plans I think you need to get started,” he warned you.
 And with that, you gave his tip a few kitten licks, just to taste his cum. He growled at you, warning you against your teasing again and then you decided to get serious. You used the pre cum you had tasted, and spread it down his shaft, slicking his length before you started pumping. Looking up to see him looking directly back down at you, as soon as you made eye contact you shoved his entire length down your throat, deepthroating him while your nose tapped his pubic bone.
 He placed the palms of his hand against the door to brace himself, not expecting you to deepthroat him like that when you had been teasing before. He let his head fall back letting out small moans and grunts while you bobbed up and down his length. Your mouth was so wet, and warm and he knew he was going to cum at any minute if he didn’t get you to stop. He didn’t want you to stop, but he had other plans on his agenda tonight.
 “Mmm... Stop....” he looked down at you again to see your cheeks and hands covered in a mixture of saliva and his pre cum.
 His request only made you go harder, swallowing his length while pumping him at the same time. You knew he hated when you didn’t listen to him, but you couldn’t help yourself. His little noises were only egging you on, making you more eager to please him.
 “Fuck... stop!” He said grabbing a patch of hair at the back of your head and pulling your mouth off his dick.
 He pulled you up by your arm, and turned you over so you were pushed up against the wall with your ass sticking out. He pinned your arms behind your back, giving a slap to your ass that was *barley* covered by the dress that started this all.
 “You really need to learn how to fucking listen...” he spoke into your ear.
 “Sorry baby,” you replied, no ounce of regret in your.
 He pulled your dress up over the curve of your ass and moved your thong to the side. He stuck one finger inside of your cavern, testing to see if he could skip prepping and pumped in and out of you slowly, eliciting small moans from your mouth.
 “Hmm... you’re so wet princess. I bet I could just...” he took his finger out and grabbed his own length, aligning it with your opening, “slip right into you,” he said as he pushed the tip inside of you.
 Your mouth formed an ‘o’ shape, as you weren’t expecting him to push into you like that. His length was incredibly thick and the stretch to accommodate him burned, but the burn was more than welcome.
 He rocked into you very slowly at first using only half his length, knowing that he couldn’t just fuck you like he wanted just yet because you weren’t properly prepped. You moaned quietly, pushing back on him as to have him deeper.
 “Please baby... I wanna feel you,” you whined. And who was he to deny your request?
 With your okay, he pulled out until only the tip was left, and snapped his hips up until you, filling you completely. You couldn’t help the semi scream that escaped your lips.
 “Shhh.. princess you have to be quiet.” He said stopping his movement and leaning to whisper into your ear. “You asked for this, remember?” He said, grabbing your hair into a makeshift ponytail and moving his hand that pinned down your arms to cover your mouth.
 Then he started thrusting again at a fast and hard pace that had your entire body shaking and banging against the door. You were sure that someone in the hall would hear and come to find out what was going on, but you couldn’t really care when he was fucking you so good like this. He went harder and harder, pressing quick kisses to your shoulder and making little love bites to stop himself from moaning out too loudly.
 He felt your legs start to shake, signaling that your release would be coming soon. He pulled his dick out of you, keeping his hand against your mouth to muffle your protests but let go of your hair. He leaned into your ear again.
 “Turn around and face me,” he directed you, moving to let you go.
 As you turned around, he started taking off his shoes, prompting you to do the same as he removed the rest of his clothing. Your tight black dress was making you hot ass well, but when your hand went to unzip it, he stopped you by grabbing your wrist.
 “Let’s keep this on you for now,” he smirked at you, giving you a one over, taking in your fucked out state.
 You obliged but took off your thong that was annoying you, soaking wet and pressed against your leg. He came closer to you again, taking one of your legs to wrap around his waist, picking you up and wrapping the other around him too. You thought he would push you up against the wall, but instead lined your opening up with the tip of his dick, and lowered you down, fucking you in mid air. He controlled your body, bouncing you up and down on his dick while watching your breasts jump too, occasionally sucking on them or your collar bone, whatever skin he could get access to.
 By now the moans were slipping out of your mouth along with grunts and groans of his name, and as his hands were preoccupied, he couldn’t shut you up without kissing you. Your lips connected, causing him to focus more on kissing you than thrusting into you, making you whine.
 “You’re sooo fucking greedy, arent you?” He pulled away from your lips, slightly annoyed. “Hm.. just so greedy to get fucked. By. My. Dick.” He added a thrusted into you hard, emphasizing each word.
 “I am... mmm... you fuck me so well baby. Your dick feels too good inside of me to not want more,” you decided to egg him on. “Fuck I’m gonna cum”
 Then he pushed you against the wall, giving him a little leverage since he didn’t have to hold your body weight up solely by himself anymore. His thrusts became harder and deeper in the position, pressing his fingers into the back of your things, sure to leave marks and bruises there. With him fucking the life out of you again, your orgasm was approaching you again, legs shaking around his waist and your breath becoming sporadic.
 He was about to reach his peak as well, you felt him throbbing inside of you. He wanted you to come first and was determined to make that happen. He wrapped his hand around your throat, slightly cutting off your breath flow.
 “Baby...” you choked out, wrapping both your hands around the wrist of the hand hindering your oxygen supply.
 His other hand went down to rub quickly on your clit, causing silent screams to come from you.
 “Princess... all of this over this slutty little dress, hmm?” He chuckled lightly, looking down at your dress, pressing harder against your throat and looking back up at you to see your eyes closed with your mouth sitting wide open.
 “Look me in my eyes and cum if you want to breathe”
 That had you opening your eyes immediately, and as soon as you did, your body was instantly taken over by ecstasy. You came, causing your pussy to clench around his length as he was still rubbing against your clit.
 “Fuck...” he let go of your throat, his thrusts faltering.
 The added tightness of your cavern after cumming was enough to set him over the edge. He moaned out your name as if it was a chant, his head falling back while he spilled into you. He stopped his movements completely so you took it upon yourself to rock back onto him, milking him for everything he had. He looked down, watching you do so until he couldn’t take it anymore and pushed your hips against the wall to stop your movements. Leaning forward, he connected your sweaty foreheads and looked you in your eyes before kissing you again passionately.
 Pulling away, he removed his length from you, but carried you to the bed laying you down onto your back. He dropped to his knees on the floor and grabbed your ankles, pulling your fucked out and exhausted body towards him.
 “What are you doing?” You questioned looking down at him.
 “I promised you a lot more, if you recall” he smirked before licking his lips and moving closer to your vagina that was now clenching around nothing. 
 You felt yourself get excited all over again, anticipating what was next to come. 
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radbutsafe · 4 years
Tumblr media
1. From one to five stars, how would you rate your writing? (No downplaying yourself!)
A three! I think I’m mid range cause I ain’t terrible but there is still shit I gotta improve and grow in my writing
2. Why do you write fanfiction?
to manifest what canon won’t give me and to write more! (though yes it is mainly about the smooching and the— I’ll stop there LOL)
3. What do you think makes your writing stand out from other works?
Hm! My weird research details? I’m that “fun fact, did you know...” in my fics sometimes LOL! I plan on giving a penthouse for erina in a fic and I went through penthouse listings in Japan for floor layouts and locations💀 my research gives me inspo and depth to stuff I think I lack in comparison to others sometimes.
4. Are there any writers that inspire you?
In terms of fellow fic writers, one of them I can’t name here but she’s an inspiration with her exceptional gift for prose period and her lovely skill at comedy! I want to be as funny as her when I write, I love her ironic situational humor. Other fic writers are @takoyakitenchou, @royaldragonsevgisi15 who I always love sharing ideas with and motivate me to create more! For non-fic writers it would be V.E. Schwab, Leigh Bardugo, Oda, and Horikoshi! The last two may be mangaka, however they are writers as well to create their stories! The depth these creators have given their worlds and interesting characters theyve given life to are all what I aspire to be like!
5. What’s the fic you’re most proud of?
so far uh?? hm everything I’m currently writing are wips lol!! im proud of my wip that has been nicknamed ‘soma panics’ that is a multi-chapter fic that spans like probs 20 plus chapters maybe
6. What element of writing do you find comes easily?
dialogue! it’s so much fun! and character thoughts. I’ve said to people I may be better suited for script writing
7. What element of writing do you struggle with most?
I think it’s description, of like setting and showing action. also an expansion of my vocabulary LOL
8. Which character(s) do you find easiest to write?
erina! I think it’s because canon has shown us many of her different faces and range of emotion.
9. Which character(s) do you find most difficult to write?
SOMA!! chill ass mofo whos more carefree compared to the common shonen protagonist! for other shokugeki characters I’m not sure just yet because I haven’t flexed my fingers enough for the rest of them.
10. What’s your favorite genre to write for?
I guess I should say romance cause that’s what I mostly write LOL!
11. Who or what do you find yourself writing about most?
sorina and I try to get them to smooch eventually KEK and yeah it’s..usually romantic fluff lmao
12. Tell us about a WIP you’re excited about.
HONESTLY ALL OF THEM but “soma panics” is my brain child
13. First fandom you ever wrote for?
pretty sure it’s digimon....
14. What’s your favorite fandom to write for?
currently shokugeki no soma!!!!
15. What’s the weirdest fandom you’ve ever written for?
uhhhh I guess SNS? LMAO fandoms...all have their quirks to them.
16. Any guilty pleasure trope(s)?
characters cuddling!!!! or getting the urge to smooch!!!!
17. A trope you’ll never, ever write for.
unrequited love GOOD FUCKIN BYEEEEEE
18. Wildest fic you’ve ever written?
I have plot ideas thst can be wild potentially but so far nothing fits this criteria so far that I actually have written.
19. Do you prefer canon-compliant, AUs, or something in-between?
depends on the fandom, but if written well, all of it!
20. Gen fic or shippy stuff?
shippy 100% like I said I like smoochin
21. Favorite pairing to write for? (platonic or romantic!)
romantic is...*drumroll* SORINA! platonic, soutaku and erina and alice!
22. Do you listen to anything while you write?
Sometimes! There are times songs will be on loop and times I just shuffle a playlist. and if I’m writing in random bursts it’ll be with no music but it really does depend lmao I think music is when I’m forcing myself to write?
23. Do you prefer prompts and challenges, or completely independent ideas?
completely independent ideas, I’ve realized in the past prompts shoot me in the foot often unless I luckily figure something out. but I’m often driven by my own sporadic self interest with shitty ping ponging attention
24. One-shots or multi-chaptered works?
multi-chap I guess cause I can post without being finished LOLLL but tbh can I really answer? I haven’t finished anything.....
25. Have you ever daydreamed about side adventures/spin-offs from your fic? Tell us about them!
I can’t answer this question imo because I haven’t finished a fic yet so technically stuff could all fit in the one fic?
26. Is there anything you’ve wanted to write, but you’ve been too scared to try?
MYSTERY AND CRIME! I love the genre and I have plot ideas once a blue moon but I can’t dive in because I want to make details that work and reduce plot holes where suspension of disbelief isn’t as needed. I need to study it more (I need to study all the details for any of my fics imo to be confident sometimes LOL)
27. What’s the nicest comment you’ve ever received?
I don’t think I can say one comment was the nicest because I’ve gotten comments that have given me quite the smiles to my face many times! I know this is a cop out but it’s true!
and also rad. i am never this vocal about my emotions like EVER but this needs to be said your fics are obviously far from perfect, as are mine and everyone else's. but the thing about your works is that they're so well-sanded that it's impossible to find any rough edges or faults in them in terms of cohesion to a plot. your cast is never OOC and the amount of effort you devote to developing your takes on the characters as accurately as possible is unimaginably awe-inspiring.
28. How well do you handle criticism when it comes to your writing?
I’d like to believe I take it often well to try and improve because that’s always my goal. if someone is rude lol that’s not constructive snd is unhelpful. If I disagree with criticism I’ll explain why !
29. Have you ever gone outside of your comfort zone for a fic? How did it turn out?
Not yet, but I have some plot ideas I think will let me test this.
30. Tooth-rotting fluff or merciless angst?
F L U F F.
31. Do you have any OCs? Tell us about them!
elliott fuji, a japanese-american award winning photographer who is erina’s boyfriend in ‘soma panics’ which..causes soma’s panic LOL he’s 30 with slightly wavy black hair. I still haven’t pinpointed his personality just yet...he kind of humble brags for sure an artsy fucker and flirts maybe I’ll make him a lil shy though. he teaches sometimes, and becomes an adjunct photography professor in Tokyo so he can be with erina.
32. Summarize a random fic of yours in 10 words or less.
a cook is unfashionably late in realizing his feelings.
33. Is there anything you wish your audience knew about your writing or writing process?
I am a slow. so slow. motivation who is she? I also write out of order, unfortunately a bit too often.
34. Copy and paste an excerpt you’re particularly fond of.
this should be for the fic ‘soma panics’ it’s either megumi or satoshi talkin to him rn, I’m leaning towards satoshi
“You thought she would always wait for you, didn’t you Soma-kun? To always welcome you home.”
Soma drags his palms down his face and groans. He doesn’t like this at all. He doesn’t shy from confrontation but this is a whole different ballgame. Soma doesn’t play any ball.
“I guess..?” Is his reply, because he thinks he isn’t sure how to answer that.
“You guess?”
Just being questioned again is enough to crack Soma’s pathetic facade as if it was dropped chinaware and he lets out the longest sigh.
Coming home means coming home to Nakiri Erina too.
Nakiri Erina is his forever.
this is @takoyakitenchou’s excerpt she’s most proud of that I’ve written, which is also from you guessed it, the long fic soma panics
SOMA: I am, I mean I will be, I swear I will always come home to you, not spend as much time abroad, once I’m done with work I’ll come right back. I’ll make sure to message you. Nakiri, I’m in love you with you. Maybe for a really long time. You know how I say I dedicate my food to you? My dad—my dad said that the key to become a good chef is to find someone to dedicate your cooking to. A special someone. For my dad it was my mom, you know? For me it’s...
(this is a good piece of dialogue tbh so I am also proud of this)
35. Ramble about any fic-related thing you want!
I’ve mentioned it throughout this but the WIP I’ve nicknamed ‘soma panics’ is something I’m super excited to write, but it’s going on slowly...and almost completely out of order. out of all of my writing it showed off that particular habit of mine, along with “what is this, a shoujo manga?!” though the latter is currently being written chronologically now that I’ve posted chapter one and is pretty solid in direction. it was originally supposed to be a one shot but I got impatient and wanted to post at least something for the sorina / soueri fandom.
however, because ‘soma panics’ (I won’t call it that LOL) is my baby I want to keep true to my rule of refusing to post it until I have a draft of the entire fic finished and I’m satisfied with the main points pretty much. due to my writing out of order, I’m worried I’ll change my mind about scenes or want to reflect things in earlier chapters for later ones etc etc
I joined the SnS fandom extremely late, as season five was airing. I was a fan of the manga five years ago and dropped it because I forgot to check for updates when I caught up 😔 I really want to bang out the different fics and aus for sorina that I have before the fandom fizzles out entirely but tbh I’m writing for myself, I’m manifesting what I want to see and I’ll just share it with all my friends to read if no one else will. cause I’m slow broski I dunno what writing fast even is like LMAO I do really want to write faster though, so I can contribute more and let the words free from the discord dms....
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Opposite Attraction
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Prompt;  The Joker's scouting Bruce Wayne's penthouse, upon looking in a pair of binoculars he catches a glimpse of you. He's immediately obsessed with you,  and he has to have you.  So what happens when he takes you? Prompt; Hades and Persephone AU  Pairing; Joker X Female Reader For; @helplessly-nonstop​ and @sporadic-fics​ writing challenge WordCount; 4,623 Warnings; Mentions of Kidnapping, violence, Angst, fluff
 Being a florist in Gotham was considered peculiar. Why? People's first thought had always been the same. Why do people need a florist in Gotham? To make wreaths due to all the killings that keep happening.
In reality, your job was so much more than making wreaths for funerals. You prepared bouquets for the elderly gentlemen that came infrequently. Valentine's Day, Anniversaries and avid gardeners frequented the florist.
However, contrary to people's beliefs, you did have one peculiar client who required your services frequently. It wasn't funeral services. Bruce Wayne, the billionaire, playboy needed your services more frequently than anyone else.
Whether he was holding a party or a fundraiser, he relied on your services. Over the many years of working together, the two of you became excellent friends. You were one of the few people that Bruce knew he could trust and rely on whenever he was busy.
So when Bruce decides to throw a fundraiser in Harvey Dent's honour, you expect him to give you a couple of weeks notice. In Bruce's spontaneous nature, he gives you only two days. Most florists would have declined the job straight away. However, you knew that you could manage to pull some strings. It was often wise for you to name drop who you were trying to complete the work for. Bruce didn't need to know that.
However, everything wasn't as it seemed. As you prepared the many table centrepieces the day of the fundraiser, you couldn't fathom the danger it had put you in. 
Nearby in an abandoned skyscraper, The Joker was scouting the place out. Gotham was beginning to rebel against the criminal underworld that made Gotham so unique. A city where anyone could be whoever they wanted. Ever since the likes of Batman and Harvey Dent showed up, it had been nearly impossible to conduct business. The Joker couldn't have that now, could he?
He was going to kidnap Harvey Dent. Then he intended to figure out a diabolical way to convince him to change his mind. The Joker wasn't foolish enough to believe he could just saunter up into Bruce Wayne's penthouse. So for the past several hours, The Joker had been scouting the place out.
Thus far, it had been pretty borning. Everyone was rushing around, attempting to prepare for tonight's events. That was, however, until the elevator door opened, revealing the most beautiful women The Joker had ever seen in his existence.  She appeared to glide across the room as she placed the cardboard box on the ground gently. She spoke briefly to Bruce Wayne's butler, who began to call others to try and help her with something. Lifting the box, she began to make her way to a nearby table.
"Well Hello, beautiful, I wonder, if you will be attending tonight's entertainment," The Joker mumbled as he kept observing you as you began to work. It was quickly revealed that you were the florist. Each flower you attended to was held delicately with care. 
Preparation was finally complete. It had always filled you with pride whenever a vision came together. Bruce allowed you to use the spare bedroom so you could change into a beautiful deep purple length gown. Essentially you had done the hard part. Now all you had to do was walk around the room and listen. One aspect you despised about these gatherings was just how much the wealthy loved to gloat. If they weren't talking about how expensive their latest car was it was their billion-dollar homes.
At least Bruce used his wealth for good. He was always donating to the Orphanages and the homeless. Not to mention his nightly activities, you'd discovered Bruce's biggest secret by accident. You'd made your way to Wayne manor when you received an email about another potential event. Just as you walked through the door, Bruce appeared looking beat up in his full tactical gear. It was certainly a shock to discover that one of your closest friends was  The Dark Knight. You vowed with all of your heart that you'd keep his promise. It gave you a weird sense of pride whenever you saw a report of Batman taking another criminal off of the streets.
You were talking to one of Bruce's many associates. By talking you meant nodding as they boasted about their wealth. Mid conversation, Bruce pulls you away from the conversation without letting you excuse yourself from the conversation. 
"What are you doing? Bruce stop! What's going on?" Bruce pulled you towards the back before he even attempted to respond to you. It must have been bad because he never would have done that in a normal circumstance.
"They've come to get him," Bruce replied simply as he pointed to the screen to witness Joker and his men currently in the elevator. Your heart began to race, your palms sweaty. The Joker was here. Everyone in the main room was currently in danger. The worst part was there was nothing anyone could do.
You and Rachel stood together in the back, room waiting for the inevitable. Waiting for the elevator doors rumbled as they opened. You observed as the Joker sauntered out of the elevator. He began to talk to the other partygoers adamant that he wanted to discover the location of Harvey Dent. He was constantly manhandling anyone that he fancied. Men, women, The Joker didn't care. As you stood observing him you became glad that you didn't understand what his motives were.
"You know I'll settle for his loved ones" The Joker commented, taking a single glance at Rachel. You already knew what she was thinking. She was going to confront The Joker. The plot was working through in her mind.  
"We've got to do something." Rachel was right.  Hopefully, Bruce was going to come out of nowhere anytime now. Taking one look at each other you, both stepped out of the room that you were hiding in.  
"Okay stop!" The Joker stopped dead in his tracks. The beautiful deep purple gown that cascaded over your body provided him with a perfect image of your body. Shoving the man he was tormenting out of the way, he made his way over towards you and Rachel. Your entire body tensed up The Joker seemed currently unphased by Rachel's appearance instead he's attention to be entirely on you.  
"Hello, beautiful," You stood your ground as he inched closer towards you, invading your personal space.
"Leave her alone." The Joker liked that you stood up to him. He liked that. For now, he'd have to depart your first meeting to attend to a pressing matter. He made a promise to himself that this was not the last time the two of you interacted. 
"You must be Harvey's squeeze, and you are beautiful." The Joker pushed his back with the knife in his hand, licking his scared lips as he approached. The Joker realised that you weren't scared of him. You kept an eye on him of course, but you weren't looking at him in disgust.
"You look nervous. Is it the scars? Wanna know how I got them? Come here" As The Joker violently took ahold of Rachel's face. As he drew the knife ever closer towards, her face, you couldn't work out what to do.  You weren't stupid enough to try and pick a fight with the Joker. Instead, you stood there feeling helpless against the Clown Prince, who held your close friend in his grasp.
 "Look at me. So I had a wife, beautiful like you. Who tells me I worry too much, who tells me I oughta smile more, who gambles and gets in deep with sharks. Hey, one day they carve her face and we have no money for surgeries. She can't take it, I just wanna see her smile again. Hm. I just wanna her to know I don't care about the scars. So I stick a razor in my mouth and do this to myself. And you know what, she can't stand the sight of me. She leaves. Now I see the funny side. Now I'm always smiling. " You observed as the interaction took place. Ever since the Joker interrupted the fundraiser, he's told two different stories about the origin of his scars. You couldn't help but wonder what the truth was. 
Rachel punches The Joker in the stomach as your body freezes. To your knowledge, no one has ever laid their hands on the Joker and been able to get away with it. Instead of getting angry, he breaks out in hysterical laughter. "You gotta little fight in you, I like that."
"Then your gonna love me" Out of no-where, Batman appears. Soon enough there are punches, jabs and kicks being thrown around everywhere. You and Rachel stand there together holding onto each other, both knowing just who was behind the mask. The Joker approaches the two of you, trying to pull Rachel out of your grasp. Holding on with all of your might, you attempt to keep a grip on your friend.
"Please don't hurt her," You plead as he manages to remove her out of your grip. The Joker could make whatever promise you desired about protecting you. However, protecting your friends wasn't an option. It was all apart of a bigger idea. As he pointed the gun at Rachel's temple, he couldn't quite look within your direction.
"Drop the gun!”
"Sure you just take off your little mask and show us all who you are. Hm" The Joker takes his gun as he blows a hole in the window you realise what he's going to do. He's going to throw Rachel out of the window. 
 "Let her go"
"Very poor choice of words." As he drops Rachel out of the window, he turns and looks at you as you stare at him in utter disbelief. 
I'll be seeing you around beautiful" You froze as Joker's chilling words echoed through your mind, what did he mean? Unless he was going to interrupt yet another fundraiser or a charity event. Surely that was it, right?
Ever since the encounter with The Joker, you kept an extra eye out for anything peculiar. For several weeks, absolutely nothing happened you almost forgot about The Joker's warnings. There was not a threat insight.  Life became mundane once more, serving customers, opening up, closing after a long day.
This goes on until one day as you begin to arrange the flower arrangements for the day, With your back, turned you can't see the man coming behind you in a ski mask, gripping you tightly as he placed a rug over your mouth forcing you to pass out automatically. 
As your body fell limp into the man's arms, he scoops you up bridal carrying you into the large white van without so much as a care in the world. Resting you onto his lap as he sits down, he shots the driver a warning glance. Moments previously he'd observed the driver checking you out. That move was unacceptable he'd gladly blow the guys head off. Pulling off his ski mask, the Clown Prince revealed himself. You were finally his, quickly pushing your hair out of your face, he placed a gentle kiss on the top of your head.
Meanwhile, Bruce had come into check-in on how you were. He's been doing this every day for the past couple of weeks ever since you mentioned that the Joker had directly threatened you. Each day he'd brought you something different first it was coffee and then it was that book you had desired to read.
When he pushed open the door, he expected you to come right out from the back. There was nothing no noise from you working in the back while it was quiet. Something's wrong. The doors have been left wide open the doors aren't locked, the flowers haven't been placed inside.  He knows you haven't closed the shop for the day. He knows you haven't gone to get lunch since you always order in.
Bruce enters the back swiftly he knows you have several CCTV camera's in the back. Next protocol was to call Alfred he'd be able to access the surveillance systems right away. Upon hearing that you've been captured, he has a pretty good idea on how the culprit was. Hearing that the van had a number plate was music to his ears and instructed Alfred to run the plates immediately.  
Just before Bruce left, he decided to close down properly. After everything you've done for him the past, present and future the least he could do was make sure you had a business to come home to. On his way to his car, he called his locksmith to get down here immediately so the place could be locked up securely. 
For many weeks afterwards, Bruce went out at night as the Dark Knight. Batman was looking for you. Every crook, every henchman was a potential avenue. Bruce made sure to target the men who had squealed to him in the past yet, they didn't know where you were.  Bruce was desperate for an answer. So one day he decided to change up his previous tactic. Instead of going out as the masked crusader he went out as the billionaire playboy. The homeless and low-level crooks recognise him immediately. Money talks so the people who wouldn't talk to the Batman will talk to Bruce Wayne for a price of course.
With the people willing to squeal and reveal all they know, there are also people reporting back to The Joker upon every ounce of new news that they discover. No matter how small or how large Joker knew what was going on. It began to feel as if the two were going in circles, knowing each other's plans but never being able to understand any of it. Batman was after Joker and Joker were determined to make sure that the two collided whenever the time was right. 
Whilst Brue was out searching high and low for you the Joker had brought you to an abandoned building where he was currently keeping base. He knew that now The Batman was attempting to locate his location, he'd have to move the both of you soon.
Your safety was now paramount to him. The Joker was, even more, kill friendly, anyone who he believed was a threat to you, would die and die painfully. For now, he wouldn't worry about that. You were due to wake up any second,  and The Joker was excited. He'd brought you a decent mattress with a duvet. So you'd be comfortable when you awoke from your slumber. 
Your eyes fluttered open, the ache in your head, barely there. Looking around you, were no longer outside. In-fact now you were inside in an abandoned building of some sorts. Your hand presses down on the gentle fabrics of the duvet on top of your body. 
"Well, sleeping beauty is finally awake." Your head snapped up towards the location of the voice. The Joker had taken you. Keeping his promise that the two of you would see each other once more.
"What do you want from me?" You said through gritted teeth, everything was suddenly flooded back to you. The shop was currently wide open, for anyone to enter as they pleased. 
"I want nothing from you per se. Let me ask you, have you ever been in one of those situations where you can't get someone out of your head. I think you call it to love at first sight. You see I saw you before you saw me, I was scouting the place when I saw you creating those table arrangements. I couldn't get you out of my head. For weeks now, I've been unable to focus because you weren't with me." You're confused as you observe the man in front of you. The man at the fundraiser was ruthless and aggressive, and now here he was in front of you pouring his heart out? He's staring at you like a lovesick puppy. 
"What happens to me now?" You've very aware of the dangerous situation you're currently in. The Joker wasn't a man to be messed with. He could be callous and cruel. 
"Nothing bad. Wherever I'll be, you'll be. I'll let you in on a little secret I don't trust a single person, currently working for me. I'm going to teach you how to protect yourself so they know not to mess with you, whether I'm here or not." The entire time he's running his knife gently across your face as you wither in fear. You kept your eyes locked with his deep chocolate brown seeing a peculiar sense of kindness mixed in with everything else.
"Now get some sleep while I fetch you some food. You must be exhausted from your adventure today."
This starts some sort of routine between the two of you. The Joker brings you in food, teaches you some self-defence, uses the bathroom all in one room. This was your life now, Joker comes in to talk to you and eventually you begin to talk more. 
Being a florist meant you were frequently sociable with other people. So, in the end, it became vital for you to talk to him. At first it had been extremely difficult, he was one of your closest friends arch-nemesis. On the other hand, the entire time you had been with him, he had never raised a hand to you. Never gone to hurt you and made time with you no matter you said to him. 
One morning you wake up, the moment you realise you're not alone in your bed you freak out. Moving away as far away from the mattress as possible you look up realising it's just J. This wasn't just J, appearing inspection you realised he wasn't wearing his usual clown make up. Curiosity got the better of you as you crawled over to him.  Joker's shock is an understatement. His eyes are locked onto your every movement. You're not disgusted by them or repulsed, that curious little spark he sees in your eyes relaxes him instantly. Ever so slowly you place your hand onto the edges of his mouth tracing the lining of his scars. 
"How did you get your scars?" Joker observes as your hands are lingering on his face. He wants to hold your hands there forever. Within the same moment, he doesn't want to push you either. Deciding to make a move of his own, he holds your hand in a place delicately. 
"When I was entering Gotham's criminal underworld, I wasn't as powerful or as dominating as I am now. Just a man with a clown gimmick. I was just starting, hustling low ranking mobsters out of their money, until one day I met a mob boss named Burke. At the time he ruled Gotham's Underworld. Being the big shot that I thought I was I challenged Burke broke into the warehouse where he kept all of his money. Over one million dollars I took from him because I thought I could get away with it. I didn't have the backing that I do now. People all over the place hear my name and are terrified. Back then Burke was that guy, he found me with ease. The guys who worked with me were the biggest bunch of cowards. He finds me, tortures me for over a week. Takes his knife like I do now and cuts my face into the smile. He left me after doing these I think he thought I'd die from the cuts. I was close to it, but by some miracle, I managed to get through it stitched my own face up. It's when I leant to not target the head first you want the victim to feel everything you're inflicting on them. So now I'm always smiling.  Not that I need these whenever I'm around you, those are real."  You feel sorry for him, the pain that he must have endured must have been horrendous. You cup his face gently running your thumb over his scars softly. Joker's amazed that someone as innocent as you care enough to touch him tenderly.  
"So I've got a surprise for you. Come on." Joker takes ahold of her hand pulling her up. Their hands never part from each other. Even when the two enter the new room one in which you've never been in before.
"Ta-Da. I had someone break into your house, make a list of all your favourite things." You glance through the bags to realise everything was here. Your favourite clothing, make up brands, skincare. Everything you could have asked for was loaded into these bags. In a second your arms were wrapped tightly around J, in the beginning, his entire body was tense until he began to relax into the warm embrace mirroring the touch and wrapping his arms around you.
Joker couldn't believe it as several days went by. You were comfortable. As you roamed the building, they were currently living in, you showed more interest in his world.  If you didn't understand something, you asked about it. You got up and dressed every day to see what he was up too. You asked him to stay with you at night. All of this made Joker's heart swell, could you perhaps fall in love with him the way he loved you. 
Everything was going so beautifully, until one day J comes in panicked. You instantly rush towards him as your heartbeat fastens. He's never panicked. Behind him, two men are dragging another. J's face explains everything you need to know, he's betrayed him in some sort of way.  J pulls out a knife and begins to torture the man to death slowly. You have seen this several times since J decided to take you. It no longer bothered you, did you agree with murder? No, but your feelings for J clouded that. There is good in his heart and that's the side you choose to see above all else. The second the torture is over, everyone is in complete chaos.
"Go pack as much as you can as quickly as you can." You run as fast as you can to your isolated room, gathering you can as quickly as possible, shoving everything into bags. Then suddenly the connection snapped in her brain, Bruce was coming to get her. At one time or another, it would have been a relief, however now your exactly where you wanna be. Of course, you wish you could spend more time around nature and flowers but you want to be with J at the same time.  Running towards J with the bags in your arms, taking ahold of your hand tightly, he leads you to a large white van throwing your bags into the back before following the bags. Once settled inside he wraps his arms around you tightly.
"Do you know why we have to leave?"
"More than you know"
Whilst everything is purely chaotic, Batman is currently in pursuit of the white van that he knows holds you. Placing a small explosive at the end of the truck, he waits as the truck flips over in an instant. Bruce hears the distinctive scream coming from your lips. Wasting no time, he rips the sliding door off of the back of the truck. Grabbing The Joker out the truck, he begins to punch Joker repeatedly. Each punch to The Joker's face is personal, he took someone he cares about away from him. Bruce and Joker are going at it like two rabid dogs forgetting about you who is currently remaining the truck.  
Laying there, your eyes fluttered open a distinctive busy noise pounded your ears. Everything on your body suddenly feels like it's been weighed down on. Your body is battered and bruised as you attempted to get up. One try. Two tries. Three tries. The determination forced you to get up, stumbling out of the turned over van.
"Stop...Stop...Stop!" Observing the two men who meant a lot to you fighting in such a brutal way made you feel sick. You weren't able to approach them by a few mislay steps before you fell. Bruce makes his way towards you immediately using a new piece of technology to examine your body to check for any hidden injuries. 
"Your safe now," Bruce spoke to you softly laying a hand on your arm. 
"I was never in any danger, to begin with." The mask might have hidden Bruce's face, but you knew the confusion that was currently plastered all over it. 
"He's tortured you to make you believe that. The Joker is not a good person. Your tired and traumatised, you have no idea what you're saying right now." You sit there trying to remain focused, Bruce is lying. He doesn't understand the Joker as you do. 
"I've been living with him for months and he's never raised a hand to me or hurt me in any fashion."
"What about your life? You can't have everything you've built if you decide to be with him." You're sick and tired of being told about how to feel.
"She can have her life back, whatever she wants. As long as she promises to come back to me at the end of the day." Bruce watches the interaction between the two of you. The Joker acting like a human being rather than an animal.
"You know I can't support this," Bruce tells you softly. Your struggling to focus on his face but you understand. Bruce wouldn't be Bruce if he didn't.
"After everything, I do for you, give me this, please. You don't have to support what I want, you don't have to care but you have to trust my decisions and what's best for me."
"Fine, but you have to go to the hospital." You don't argue as Bruce carries you away. Friendship had always been a two-way street.
Later that night, as you laid in your hospital bed you realised how lucky you were to be alive. Your body was smothered in injuries, thanks to Bruce's small explosion. Spending time with Joker forced you to become hyperaware of your surroundings. So when you realise someone's sitting in the dark corner of the room your heart rate begins to increase. When the person comes into the light you realise it's Joker. You attempt to slow your breathing. J takes your hand immediately. 
"You're going to get caught." You reprimanded him, but in true Joker style he shrugs it off.
"It's all about fun." The comment doesn't quite reach Joker's eyes. As you attempt to lean up your quickly pushed back down onto the bed gently.
"Your hurt." Instead, he leans forward to your level.
"I need to know if it's true what you said to the Batman, do you want your life back?" You nod but weakly lays a hand on his face traces the marks on his scars.
"I do. But I want to be with you too." J didn't hesitate this time, kissing you with all your might. The kiss isn't slow or gentle but passionate and rough. You knew however he was still holding back.
"You can work and live your life as much please but you have to promise me at the end of the day you return home to me and that you always wear that bracelet and no matter what you don't take it off. That way everyone knows that your mine and I am yours. I'll even let you pick something to prove that I'm yours." The two of you shared a moment briefly just gazing into each other's eyes.
"Could you imagine if I just surprised you at work, your customers would have a fit" Some of your customers would definitely have a fit about your new boyfriend and your life was about to change however it was going to be an incredible adventure.
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I Need you to Really Date Me
Description: this is PART 2 of the Kuroo x reader writing prompt 'I need you to fake date me' that so many of you eagerly requested be done. I'm happy y'all wanted a part two because I've eagerly wanted to keep writing on this piece of work lol.
Requested: yes of course obviously. Namely, I asked if anyone wanted a part two and y'all answered 😁😁 once again ya girl Crow got wayyyyy into this and it probably is longer than it originally was going to be.
Hope you lovelies enjoy! ~Admin Crow 💚
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“Kuroo why didn’t you warn me that there would be couples events!?” 
You were panicking. Rightfully so of course. Kuroo had completely forgotten to tell you about any kind of competitions or events during this reunion. The two of you had made it back to the room you were sharing. Kuroo was sitting on the end of the bed, his head in his hands resting on his knees. He hadn’t said a word since his cousin had reminded you of the events in the morning. 
“Kuroo! I am kind of freaking out over here, any kind of response would be nice so I know you didn’t die over there.” 
Okay maybe you were being a little bit dramatic, but you were getting worried. Kuroo always had a response for everything. So why was he so damn quiet right now when you needed something, anything, from him?
Kuroo lifted his head and looked over at you “I’m sorry F/N, I should have told you about this. I would have understood if you had said no. We always have family events at these things, however the couples part is totally new. And I have no idea what they entail.” 
You stopped pacing and went to sit by him on the bed, letting out a sigh “Kuroo. I don’t give a damn about all of that. I agreed to doing this. But I have no clue how to Kayak, nonetheless whatever ‘couples kayaking’ is and through the rapids to add to it.” 
Kuroo blinked in confusion “Wait...you’re freaking out because you don’t know how to kayak? Not because this is a couples event and competition that probably has couple specified events?” 
Letting out a sigh you looked right at him with a grin “Tetsu dear, you didn’t know your fake girlfriend was competitive did you? Sure I don’t know if I want to know what the couples events mean, but I signed up to be your girlfriend for the weekend.  I’m not gonna dip out on you or anything.”
Kuroo let out a laugh “Oh my god I totally thought you were about to dip out on me and I would have to admit that this was fake. But you’re worried about Kayaking? How hard can it be?” 
“The fact that you don’t know what we will see in the morning is what scares me.” you yawned.
Kuroo chuckled to himself “Guess we will just have to see what the morning brings then huh F/N?”
7am and one remaining Kayak left. That is what the morning brought the two of you. You had barely made it down the stairs in time to even make it to the event. But it would seem everyone else participating was already out on the lake, the official event beginning at 7am sharp. 
Tilting your head to the side you narrowed your eyes at the remaining Kayak, something about it not quite right “hey Kuroo....Aren’t two person Kayaks supposed to have..?” 
Kuroo nodded, kicking the Kayak over to further prove your point. “Two seats and two paddles for two people? Yep. They sure are.” 
The sad excuse of a two person kayak mocked the two of you. “Sorry there aren’t any other newer kayaks left Kuroo!”
You both looked up, seeing Kuroo’s two cousins from the other day grinning at the two of you. “There were plenty of the newer, two seater Kayaks earlier. But that one that’s left has room for two people, as long as you don’t mind being close to each other!” he called, laughing as they raced off towards the rapids. 
Kuroo let out a groan “Of course that’s what happened. Guess we will just have to take turns rowing. That puts us at such a disadvantage.” He began pushing the kayak towards the water and turned to look back at you with a questioning look.
“Are you sure we are gonna both fit in there?” you asked unsure of the answer. Regardless, you would be back to chest with each other. Hardly any other room considering how lanky Kuroo was. You weren’t sure this was going to work out well. 
Kuroo chuckled “oh come on, it won’t be any different than riding on my bike..afraid to be that close to me?” he taunted, wiggling his brows at you.
Shaking yourself from the blush you felt rising to your cheeks, you huffed, grabbing the paddle and pushing the Kayak into the water “No, I’m concerned that our combined weight in one central area is gonna make it easier for us to tip. And I would like to not tip thank you very much.”
Kuroo blinked “Oh. Guess I didn’t think of that. We will just have to be careful then won’t we?” 
The two of you awkwardly, but successfully, got yourself into the tiny boat. Kuroo sitting further back, his legs needing the most room, and you sat in front of him; your back to his chest, arms holding the center of the paddle to help guide some of the direction as Kuroo did most of the bulk work at first. 
After a few practice laps to get used to the weight and feel of the boat, you turned to look up at Kuroo “I think we might be ready...What time does the event fully start?” you asked, hoping it was soon.
Kuroo looked at his watch and groaned “18 minutes ago....” 
“What!? Kuroo are you serious? We have so much time to make up for! Let’s go!” you shrieked, lightly hitting his legs to get him to go. He had gotten you into the kayak, now was time for the competition. 
“Alright Alright! I’m going! Calm down or you're gonna tip us!” Kuroo yelled trying to balance the sudden movements you were making. The closer to the rapids you got the more your hearts raced. As soon as the first rapids and slight fall came upon you, you leaned back against Kuroo, tensing, hoping to stay as still as possible to not end up in the water. Who knew how well this rickety old kayak would really hold up?
Kuroo tensed around you as well, pulling the oar closer to your center, securing you in his grip, his strong legs locking in place at your sides, the only way you would end up in the water is if the whole kayak tipped.
 As the first rapids slowed down and you two had survived, you let out a rush of breath and looked up at Kuroo, who hadn’t relaxed yet. “Kuroo! We survived the first rapids you can relax now!” you laughed, adrenaline rushing through your veins. 
Kuroo looked down at you his chest rising and falling rapidly “You sure are confident for surviving small rapids” Kuroo looked ahead noticing a sign leading to two different paths on the lake. 
Squinting he noticed it had two directions, and one of them said ‘couples only’ while the other sign directed the other teams another direction. “It looks like we only had to survive one round of the rapids. This path leads away from the rest of the rapids. Wonder what they have separate for couples?” 
You let out a huff “It better not be some detour that makes it harder for us to win the competition.”
Kuroo let out a chuckle as he steered the kayak towards the sign “Well we have to follow through and see what happens. Maybe we get an advantage?” 
Once the two of you paddled to the water’s edge, you noticed something set up on a table underneath a tree. “Oi Kuroo, what do you think that is over there?” you asked, taking the hand he had offered to help you out of the kayak.
“Looks like they have some sort of device set up. They probably want us to take some ridiculous photos or something like that.” he speculated, picking up the directions card when you two arrived at the tree.
“To all couples stopped at this place, this is a chance for you to advance in the races! The team that has the best ‘sporadic live proposal’ gets the advance all the away to the final round!”
Kuroo paused, peering at the note again “sporadic live proposal? What the heck does that mean?”
You peered down at the device set up on the table and blanched “uh Kuroo...this is a drone hooked up to a live video feed...” 
“What!?” Kuroo leaned over your shoulder peering at the device “what the hell kind of challenge is this?” 
“The kind that we can’t get out of?” you sighed. The two of you were barely managing to survive pretending to be a couple. Now you were expected to pretend to do some silly proposal? This felt like such a trap.
“Well why don’t we just shake up whoever is judging this thing then?” you turned, Kuroo had taken your hands and dramatically got on one knee, winking at you in the process. 
It took everything in your entire being to not blush “Kuroo! What are you doing?” you hissed totally caught off guard. You hadn’t discussed the plan! You had no idea what he meant by shaking up the judges! 
“F/N, I know we haven’t really been together for very long. In fact, it only feels like its been a few days” Kuroo paused, waggling his eyes at you earning a giggle and calming of your nerves slightly. “But I think after this weekend I have the sudden urge to spend more and more time with you” 
He wait..he what?
You weren’t sure when the feeling had changed, but suddenly you got this sudden feeling that Kuroo was no longer just going along with the joke. “F/N, I don’t want to fake date you any longer. I need you to date me. For real this time. No more pretending. I realized fake dating you made me not want this weekend to end, knowing that come Monday we would go back to being just classmates.”
You felt like your eyes were going to bulge out of your head, frozen in place as Kuroo honestly confessed that to you. “Tetsu....I-I would love to really date you.” you laughed, letting out a squeal as Kuroo swept you off of the ground into his arms, sealing the confession with a long awaited Kiss that neither of you realized you had been waiting for. 
A while later, the two of you had waited for hours for someone to confirm to you that the final round had happened. When no one came to retrieve the two of you, you went searching for answers. Suspicious that maybe the whole thing had been a setup, despite the outcomes. When you arrived back at the cabin hand in hand, you noticed Kuroo’s cousins snickering. It turns out that the whole thing had been a set up, his cousins not believing your fake dating plan one bit. 
But it didn’t matter to either of you in the end, because it had gotten the two of you together, for real this time. 
A/N: good lord this took so long to finally post. I hope you guys like part two! ~Admin Crow
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