#it's just that these two go beyond any relationship definition in the english language I have no FUCKING idea how to describe them
bucksdoll · 7 months
to go w ur recent rafe post..top and kelce meeting rafes gf for the first time n she’s so sickly sweet they’re confused on how she’s able to date rafe, has a big mouth too and LOVES to talk them. they’re too scared of rafe to completely hold the convo but they try to mumble things here and there bc if they upset her they upset rafe !!
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𝐬𝐦𝐨𝐤𝐞 𝐛𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐤
overprotective!rafe x fem!reader imagine
trigger warnings : fem!reader , explicit language , drinking , mentions of drugs & alcohol , kinda ‘girly’ reader , fluff , rafe overthinking? , oblivious reader , over protective rafe , topper and kelce being absolutely AWFUL liars/actors , reader is friends with sarah , ward is mentioned (🤮🤮🤮)
summary : topper and kelce are tired of rafes new girlfriend stealing the spotlight, so they invite her to boys night to see why she’s so special.
authors note : THANK YOU FOR THE REQUEST !! i love this idea, i hope i did it justice :). feel free to drop more requests my way ppl, i write for other obx characters too !! also lmk if i missed any warnings please.
english is not my first language, forgive me
BRIEFLY proofread
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rafe, kelce, and topper had a planned ‘boys night’. they’d hangout almost everyday, but on these planned nights, probably once or twice a month, they’d have a more ‘extra’ hangout. they’d go to tanneyhill (or one of the other boys houses), and watch sports or movies on huge screens with overloads of snacks and alcohol (and probably drugs too), and just hang out.
when rafe first announced to them he had gotten a girlfriend, they weren’t shocked. rafe had gotten himself many ‘girlfriends’ over the time they’d known him, but most of them lasted no more than a few weeks. they’d put on their usual show of being mad, all the ‘you better not abandon us because you’re pussy whipped’ shit, never expecting it to actually become a problem.
but, it actually did this time. you two had been dating for almost 2 months now, not a super long time but definitely longer than his past relationships. he would easily skimp out on plans with the boys, saying you wanted him to come over or the two of you had plans. and it wasn’t just you orchestrating everything, they noticed how rafe was starting to initiate plans with you too, saying he was leaving to go surprise you after you got off work etc. right in the middle of hanging out with them. they were fine with it at first, but now it was getting a little annoying.
so, they told rafe to invite you to boys night. it was scheduled to be at tanneyhill this time, so they figured when you got bored you’d leave rafe with them and go to hang out with sarah or something. it wasn’t thought out very much beyond that, but they knew you were friends with sarah, and because it was scheduled at rafes house, they didn’t figure he could escape it.
he argued at first, saying you probably weren’t going to want to go, and you might be busy that night, but after they convinced him to ask you, and you said yes, all plans were a go.
you were excited, honestly. you had picked out your outfit the day before (even though it was just a hangout with your boyfriends friends, and your outfit was just a casual dress). rafe barely let you wear that, insisting you were going to be uncomfortable, and that it was just a hangout. but you wanted to make a good first impression (plus you’d take any excuse to play dress up). you got dolled up a little, threw some jewelry on, and the two of you headed over to tanney hill.
you two walked down into the cameron’s tv hangout area. it wasn’t their main living room, it was in the basement and it was more of an ‘indoor movie theater’ vibe. it had a long black leather sectional, a few bean bag chairs, and a large wooden coffee table. it was filled with snacks; chips, nachos, charcuterie board (the kind they sell at the store), popcorn, candy, etc. off to the side of the room you could see a mini fridge, which kelce and topper were standing near, assumingly ‘getting the party started’, as there was most likely not water in that fridge.
when you hit the bottom step and they locked eyes with you, their jaws almost comedically dropped. you waved at them excitedly, your face lighting up, and rafe just smiled at them, wrapping an arm around your shoulder.
you practically ran over to them, and their faces remained shocked.
“hi! it’s so nice to finally meet you guys!! rafe has told me sooo much.” you blabbered out, following that by introducing yourself. you were twitchy, not in a nervous way, but in a ‘barely containing your excitement’ way. you shifted your weight from foot to foot and topper genuinely thought you would’ve started jumping up and down if you got any more excited. your loose curls bounced as you moved, and the bottom of your dress swayed.
“hey..” they were still at a loss for words, even more stunned at your energy than your looks. but their minds quickly came back to them when rafe wandered over, practically shoving them out of the way and bending down to grab a drink out of the fridge. they looked at him as he stood back up and rafe just smiled at them again, but it wasn’t a good smile, rafes never were. it was a threatening one.
little did they know how much rafe dreaded this. rafe barely let you come in the first place. you had agreed to it over text, but the second he got to talk to you face to face he pleaded for you to pull out of the plans. rafe was still stunned how he managed to keep a girl like you for this long; you were practically a princess, you were overly sweet, outgoing, girly, you had straight a’s, and you were so sickly innocent too. you were pretty much the exact opposite of rafe. and he tried his best to hide that fact, especially after he realized you were sticking around.
he stopped going to parties (for the most part) unless there was an extremely necessary reason for him to go. he spent as much time with you as he could. he’d pamper you; buying you gifts, surprising you at work, driving you everywhere you wanted to go, taking you out for expensive and romantic dinners, etc. he was committed to making this work. he knew you didn’t care, he knew that you’d love him no matter what, but he felt the need to upkeep a pristine image for you. and that’s where the boys came in. normally he’d flaunt his new girl, bring her to all the parties he went to, show her off, brag about her. but he wanted to keep you all to himself. he thought topper and kelce were ‘too rowdy’, and too much for you in general, so he kept his friends and you separate. he only ever talked about them, never showed you them. till now, of course.
you stood there, biting your lip in anticipation, still waiting for them to say literally anything other than hey. when rafe shot them another look, they did. he wanted them to atleast say something. rafe knew you had been anticipating meeting his friends, and he knew how excited you were to talk to them. he’d entertain it for a minute or so, because the boys blowing you off or being dicks to you would probably piss him off even more than them overly talking to you.
“oh uh, i’m topper and this is kelce.” topper let out, clearly holding his breath a little. they both swallowed thickly, sharing each other glances, not knowing what to do next. thankfully, rafe seemed to have more than enough of you three interacting at that point, and tugged you over to the couch with him.
“sorry, i’ll be right back.” you apologetically laughed before turning and letting rafe tug you the rest of the way back to the couch.
rafe put a protective hand on your ass as you walked, sharing the boys a glance, and they very quickly turned to face the wall, muttering many renditions of ‘what the fuck dude’ and ‘what are we supposed to do’s under their breaths.
rafe tucked you into the corner of the couch, pulling a throw blanket off the back and gently covering you with it along with putting a few pillows around you.
“you comfy?” he mumbled, and you barely heard him with how much he was grimacing.
“yea baby thank you, but i wasn’t done talkin-“
“no, you were done.” he met your eyes, and before a frown could form on your mouth, he quickly added;
“you can talk to ‘em more later. aight?” and that was it.
rafe eventually got comfy beside you, only after getting you any snack or beverage you wanted from the assortment of options. kelce and topper settled too, sitting very far away from you both in the two bean bag chairs. if rafe hadn’t completely blocked your sight of them, you would’ve definitely thought they didn’t like you or something.
the movie they had decided on (some random comedy) came and went. it was only a few minutes before the end when rafes phone started to buzz in his pocket. he ignored it for the first few buzzes, but when he realized they weren’t giving up, he pulled it out. it was ward.
“hey baby, i’m so sorry, i gotta take this, you can stand upstairs and wait for me it really shouldn’t be long i-“
“you’re totally fine rafe, go ahead babe. i’m good here.” you quickly reassured, smiling at him. and he quickly ran up and out of the basement, not before shooting a lethal look towards kelce and topper.
the movie ended soon after, and you were left with the awkward playing of the credits song. after a few uncomfortable minutes, you stood up and decided to take actions into your own hands, seeing they weren’t going to talk to you.
you wandered over to topper and kelce, who quickly looked away from you as soon as you started towards them. kelce struggled to pull his phone out of his shorts pocket, which proved to be more difficult than he had expected, so he quickly switched to awkwardly holding his hands together in his lap. topper on the other hand was making it painfully obvious he was trying to look at you, practically breaking his kneck to look in the opposite direction.
“hey guys!” you smiled at them, sweet as ever, holding you hands behind your back. “so, tell me about yourselves! i mean ive heard soooo much from rafe, but like, tell me from your perspectives ya know? i heard you two like golf, my dad actually-“
“you know.. we actually gotta go.. for a smoke break!” kelce interrupted before you could get too much of a conversation started.
“oh shit yea! we reeeeally gotta go for a smoke break.” topper said as he snapped his head towards kelce, instantly relieved that he came up with an out.
“but i-“
“we are really sooooo sorry.” topper sarcastically reassured, smiling at you as the two of them practically threw themselves out of their seats, walking backwards in the direction of the stairs, tripping over each other a little on the way there.
“yea we are sososososo sorry.” kelce added, hoping to be convincing enough.
“oh, okay! can i come-“
“you should really go check on rafe actually! he’s been gone for a whiiiile now.. i sure hope he’s okay…” topper added, over exaggerating to hopefully get your attention elsewhere. rafe hadn’t even been gone for 10 minutes. you looked down at your feet as you over thought the idea, and when you looked back up to thank them for reminding you, they were long gone.
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ladyylavenderrr · 4 months
Incoming rant nobody but me cares about. Spain’s dub of the scene where we find out Tain is Garak’s dad enrages me so much.
So, I just love watching this scene in any language that has this formal and informal pronoun distinction unlike English. Almost all of them have Garak, Tain and/or both go from using formal pronouns to informal pronouns in this scene and it hits so hard. I obviously don’t know enough of each language this show was dubbed in to know how all of them do this, but the german dub (I’m biased I know) does it like this. Tain and Garak use formal pronouns for each other and the moment Garak directly calls Tain “father”, they switch to informal. Some dubs have only Garak use informal pronouns while Tain uses formal ones and vice versa, but having them both switch pronouns is my favorite way of doing this. Do you know what my least favorite way of doing it is? Having them both continue to use formal pronouns with each other like Spain’s dub had them do.
I definitely understand why you might choose to make this translation decision. Tain and Garak aren’t close at all. In fact, in another universe where the two openly acknowledged each other as father and son, I can definitely see them still using formal pronouns with each other despite that or at least Garak might use them for Tain. Tain is 100% the type of ridiculously old fashioned and authoritative father that would have his son use formal pronouns for him. The closest thing to that in English would be a father who makes his kid call him sir, I guess. So I can definitely see why, if one doesn’t analyze this scene’s meaning at all, they might choose to have the two continue the formal pronoun shtick.
Here’s the issue tho. Beyond this scene serving as a way to reveal this big plot twist to the audience, the main point of it is to have Garak and Tain, for the first time in their entire lives, be open and vulnerable with each other. It’s very difficult to imagine the two have even spoken the truth about their relationship out loud before, based on how Tain instinctively panics at Garak calling him his father despite thinking they’re alone. This is the first time we see Tain be something even resembling loving and paternal and it’s the first time Garak lets himself so explicitly state his desire to be loved. Of course, he can’t ask for it very explicitly, but saying “let me be your son” is as close to it as he can get. And Tain can’t be so explicit in admitting he does care for Garak, but saying “you’ve always been a weakness I can’t afford” and telling him he was proud of him on this one specific day years ago is as close to it as he can get.
My point is, this is supposed to be Tain and Garak being as vulnerable as they can possibly be with each other. Formal pronouns just don’t mesh with that in my opinion. Going from formal to informal pronouns is a great choice though.
Long rant. Sorry. I’m so insane about translating media
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strwberri-milk · 10 months
that's the first time i request from someone but i REALLY love your fics:)!!
so can i request a kaeya with a s/o who's his assistant and his bestfriend at the same time (like they trained under him and become his assistant afterwards, p.s i don't know if there's something like that but i just thought about it-)
They started traveling with Aether(traveler)for fun,but not so far,and come to visit mondstadt every now and then or when they have a job as a knight
Like how will he cope with them being away for a while? And how will he react when they return?(not platonic btw)
I'm sorry if there's any mistakes,english is not my first language
i hope you have a nice day/night <3
Ty!! im very flattered and dw your engl is great <3
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Being his personal assistant turned best friend turned lover meant that the two of you are no strangers to spending an excess of time with each other. The two of you love being around each other so as your relationship naturally progressed it just felt right for the two of you.
Kaeya's not a stranger to either of you having to part for a long time for work but he's not going to lie and tell you he's thrilled whenever you go for a long journey but he also knows that you feel the same. The two of you definitely miss each other when you're gone but that means you've got a lot to do when you get back!
Kaeya counts down the days until your next visit, keeping himself busy with work as well to make the days go by faster. He also loves to let his mind stray as he plans what to do the next time you come around. It makes him happy to figure out what your dates are going to be, always going above and beyond whenever you come back.
He's also always incredibly touchy when you're back. It's almost as though he doesn't believe you're really here, threading his fingers between yours and pressing lots of kisses to your skin.
He'll send you off with a bit of dramatics but you know he's just being playful. He'd never want you to stay tied down if it truly makes you happy to travel - he just wants you to know he's thinking of you every day, doing his best to keep your scent around the house to tide him over until the next time he sees you.
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youremyheaven · 5 months
Since the topic is on nodals rn I thought I would share my experience with them -sorry if there is any English mistake it's not my first language :/
So I'm a ashlesha moon and asc (Jupiter and moon in the 1st). As long as I can remember every intense and deep relationship I had was with rahu influenced individuals, in hs I was so close to this girl (sathabisha Sun and moon) that people used to joke that we were into a platonic relationship, I guess this is an ashlesha thing but at a point we had basically morphed into each other 😬 Long story short the friendship turned sour as she became jealous of me because I managed to get into a top ranked college (in france), she even asked my ex-crush/fling out behind my back despite her knowing my relationship with him ended a month before that 💀 although I felt betrayed, I didn't resent her because she was so instable and erratic I kinda understood why she acted like that. I feel rahu energy for woman can be hard to handle especially if you are dealing with A LOT of insecurities.
Despite all that, I really have a thing for rahu people, especially men (rahu men and their hyperactive intellect 🥵😫). The two guys I was involved with had both ardra sun. They were both brilliant academically, the two went into the French equivalent of MIT. The last one I dated - who I suspect to be a krittika moon - had a one year internship at Harvard. Sexually, they are not too explosive but I like it as it is more compatible with my cool, restricted sexual style.
Maybe I'm wrong but I see a rahu and mercury compatibility 🧐
Mercury and Rahu definitely makes sense to me tbh
Rahu = the head
I won't say every Rahuvian is like this but they definitely can be extremely intellectual (bc they literally live in their head all the time) and Mercurials are also bound to their intellect and the kind of people who stimulate them the most are bound to be the limitless Rahu types
I think it's interesting how Ashlesha, the intiatory Mercury nak is very sexually restricted, and then Jyeshta, the height of mercury is extremely sexual (rabbit yoni) and Revati is just plain freaky. It's like the deeper you go, the more freaky you get? Because I do think highly intelligent people can be a bit sexless or out of touch with their sexuality sometimes (all those tropes of the loner virgin nerd come to mind) but then there are some people who's intelligence extends beyond just textbook stuff? they're intelligent in a socially charismatic way and accumulate wealth and get laid lol and that's super Jyeshta (it was v prominent among billionaires acc to Claire and one thing we know is that billionaires are seldom virgins, they WILL have a 25yr old supermodel by their arm which also points to Jyeshta's highly sexually indulgent nature) and finally with Revati, the mercury themes have been transcended almost, there's nothing left to conquer or achieve? so they're just ...a bit out there...with extreme sexual preferences or strange social behaviour. They don't have the desire to accumulate knowledge or wealth in the same way (although they're kind of predisposed to acquiring both) they just don't care?? They either become extremely spiritual or they get super weirdly indulgent
Sorry for going off on a random tangent lmfao
I also think Moon & Ketu people get along
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the5n00k · 1 year
1. Do you think that the chairman is pure evil?i mean he does his job without breaking his rulesghosts can do whatever they want, only they need to scare people, he could easily cause havoc in his world and in the world of the living, but he does not, although he could get enough of the suffering of people
2. Do you have headcanons for the chairman?I really liked the scratch headcanonsand sorry if you misunderstood me, I'm just using google translateI wish you a good day and good mood!
No worries and I hope you have a good day and good mood as well! I understood this very well actually, thank you for the ask!
I just hope you can understand me because despite being native English speaking I really Suck at it lol
I don't think he was pure evil at all, but he definitely wasn't good. His punishments for small missteps were wildly unfair and everyone lived in fear of him. You could make the argument that he needed that misery to live but even then, the whole system of meters and documents felt more like control than anything necessary. But he also wasn't unreasonable. He wasn't beyond giving second chances (except for the purple ghost from the first episode, I'm so sorry my love those puppies were too powerful 💔) and heard Scratch out several times when he was on thin ice. Him and the Council prefer order and organization than any sort of interference with the living world. It seems they didn't have a very high opinion of humans in general and had rules and codes in place to keep the living and the dead separate for whatever reason. I'm gonna guess because the mysteriousness of ghosts is what makes them scarier than being out in the open.
Overall I loved the old chairman! He was really cool and intimidating and his design is so good. What a cool character, sometimes I really miss him lol
As for headcanons I don't have that many but probably still way too many for a character with minimal screen time LOL
- this one isn't mine but I loved the headcanon that he talks with sign language with the people he likes. Or that some people can just understand his hisses like an ancient language. Kind of like how some people can just understand Harriet
- he's got this curious puppy energy that it seems like he'd rather let a unique situation play out because he's interested than shut it down. He wants to see what happens (can you blame him? I don't think he gets out much 💔 poor guy)
- since it's not the robe that gives the skeleton hands, it seems like he just Has them but I believe he was a normal ghost. Could be one of two things;
1) his hands just looked like that before (we've seen a lot of ghosts with unique design elements, so it's not out of the question)
2) he had the robe on for so long that the power got to him, stripping him of anything that would have made him recognizable before. The robe is removable and Scratch only puts it on when he needs to so he hasn't had it on long enough to affect him. But this guy had it on for eons, letting the power go to his head and strip him of self. Also the reason why the characters referred to him only as his status (The Chairman) and not his name before. Because he literally isn't the person he used to be, at least not fully.
- he had a one-sided relationship with Jinx. She really wanted to impress him and he just wanted her to go away. The reason why she was always so busy is because he kept throwing new tasks at her to keep her away
Hope these are good enough answers for you and have a nice day anon!!!
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apoptoses · 1 year
Idk I love it so much, it's so fucking evocative and it's both "yeah we definitely fucked" and also "the universe wanted it that way". otoh Spanish as a whole is a very romantic language so I'm not surprised they went with "spouse" (also a gender neutral term that indicates a strong level of commitment which is what they were going for here imo).
"I love both because mate feels fated, but spouse feels chosen and I just want them to have both, dammit", precisely. Armand doesn't refer to anyone else this way, as it's framed, like you said, as something that was a matter of choice. "I *chose* him as my spouse".
"Also there's just something hilarious about picturing David Talbot listening to this guy tell him porno stories, then satanic horror stories, and then pop in with a 'By the way my spouse-'." lmfaooo David must've been like "YOUR WHA- care to elaborate dear?" and Armand was like "nope, that's all you're getting, three paragraphs". Boss bitch move tbh.
"Have you read the other VC books in Spanish? What do these other vampires refer to their companions/fledlings/mates as?" I have! I read the first four books in both English and Spanish + TVA, B&G and Blackwood Farm (which was surprisingly more enjoyable in Spanish). Everything else I've only read in English. "Companion" was always translated literally as "compañero/compañera", which has no real romantic connotation unless you specifically want to interpret it that way. "Fledging" is a little more complicated imo because there's no literal translation in Spanish so they went with "vástago" which is a lot more like "offspring". "Maker" is always "creador" which is "creator", and I don't ever recall the word "mate" being used other than in that particular instance though I might be wrong? Usually when Anne specifically wanted to make a relationship romantic/sexual, she used "lover" which was also translated literally in Spanish as "amante". She really had Armand use "mate" for no reason other than to further traumatize us I stg 🥲 xoxo DA
She really had Armand use "mate" for no reason other than to further traumatize us I stg <- seriously!!! i don't recall any of the other characters ever choosing that particular word. thank god she had daniel and armand meet back up again and daniel move back in at trinity gate after laying that one on us, i don't think i'd have ever recovered had that been the last of them.
the other translations are so cool! the fact that she used fledgling in english in the first place has such interesting implications, like even though louis has technically been in the blood almost just as long as lestat he's forever his 'fledgling', always a baby bird in their relationship. in a lot of ways 'offspring' would make more sense and is less diminutive.
i gotta marinate in this a little more, now i need an excuse for armand to call daniel the devil's slut AND his mate in fic. or like, daniel to call out his use of 'mate' and ask him what was going on there because it makes me wonder if armand ever called him that to his face (probably not, though i can't put my finger on why just yet). or what words daniel would choose for him beyond lover and maker, had he ever submitted another chapter from his point of view with the two of them together.
anyways put all the words armand ever called daniel on my gravestone because this has taken me out this week
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ghostforwhat · 1 year
Just saw your post about will wearing the gloves but I was wondering if you could maybe elaborate? English isn’t my first language so I think I’m misunderstanding the post! You said he did it wounded and bloody, with love and Hannibal’s permission, but Hannibal never agreed to commit suicide right? Like, will killed them but is Hannibal giving him permission to kill him your interpretation of the scene or is it actually canon? Am I missing something? Also idk I feel like even though he did push them off the cliff with his own “hands” (or rather body) I don’t think it’s what he meant when he told Hannibal he wanted to kill him with his bare hands. I’m thinking he meant putting flesh to flesh, maybe suffocating him or beating him to death. I feel like I’m missing what you’re saying, I’m so sorry! I always love your interpretations so I thought I’d ask for clarification <3
Hey! This got way longer than I meant, apologies in advance! So two things before anything else, the first being that I don’t think it’s necessary to apologize at all, for numerous reasons here, but mainly you don’t have any obligation to enjoy everything I put out into the ether. Don’t get me wrong, I’m very happy and pleased that you like my take on things but I’m as prone to romanticizing insignificant factors of this show as anyone else. I tend to post with the basic joking stipulation of “this is what that means. to me.” and the catch all of the concept “the curtains were blue.” That’s to say, there’s no definitive answer and I’m shooting a gun off in the dark because I like the way it lights up factors of their relationship, because Will might start wearing gloves due to the fact he’s committing felonies with a shaky permission slip or Will could be wearing gloves in an attempt to emulate Hannibal and further the honeypot situation. There’s reasoning actions from an intellectual standpoint and then there’s speculation, I don’t normally tag my posts as meta or analysis because I rarely think it deserves those labels. What I see is affected by bias and what I want to see and that’s always going to bleed over my thought process.
The second being that I never really expect anyone to reblog things, (not that you can’t!) it feels more like I’m simply talking to myself out loud on a playground lol so I’m sure your English is absolutely fine and I’m even more positive I could have phrased what I was saying in a more cohesive way.
Okay! So, beyond the personalization of interpretations and my own incoherency, I agree completely that when Will says “with my hands” he wholeheartedly is envisioning exactly what he saw when he killed Tier and that’s beating Hannibal to death. He’s not toying with brutality, he’s confirming he’s more than capable of enacting it and at that point, he’s confident he will. But after Tier, after Hannibal’s chosen proxy is dead by Will’s hands, Will goes to Hannibal and shows him what is essentially his intentions. This is, at the time, is the most honest scene in the show between them. Will treats Tier’s corpse like a sacrifice, putting his body on Hannibal’s table isn’t really subtle. When Hannibal prompts him, Will confirms that it was “intimate” and following it, we see a shot of Will’s bloody knuckles. And we know what happens then, Hannibal asks if Will was imagining Hannibal when he was killing Tier and while he receives a rather poignant non-answer, it’s clear Hannibal is made aware that this is the truth and Will felt vivified in doing so. In response, Hannibal does what Hannibal repeats later on the cliff, completely aware of Will’s intentions and encourages them anyway with touch, with acceptance.
Touch between them is significant, it’s not necessarily as rare as we tend to say but it is a focal point whenever it it happens, the camera lingers where hand meets hand for them. So when I said the gloves were a barrier, I meant more so that they were Will attempting to distance himself from the temptation of Hannibal’s acceptance, and the next time Will imagines killing Hannibal, it’s with a blade. That’s the disconnect, that’s the ripple effect of him experiencing a situation similar to what he thought he wanted and finding it unsatisfying though he doesn’t quite understand why. (A quick add on to this, in the Shiizakana transcript, during Will’s dream sequence with Hannibal tied to the tree and the stag pulling the ropes, it says that after Hannibal’s death, after Will wakes up, Will doesn’t find any solace in Hannibal’s death.) If we accept this speculation and the canon notes, a point could be argued that Will doesn’t fantasize or make another attempt on Hannibal after this without ropes or a knife or a gun present because he’s not trying to kill Hannibal with the promised intimacy. Again, distance. We put space between ourselves and that which has the potential to hurt us. Will wants Hannibal dead and yet doesn’t want to deal with the repercussions of living without him because he loves him.
That’s why I don’t want another season, that’s why I do genuinely believe Hannibal let Will pull them off, not maybe out of a sense of agreed suicide but because Will’s transformation (to Hannibal and to us; a character arch) is complete, he can embrace Hannibal and he can embrace acceptance and if that results in their deaths, Hannibal technically already knew that it would. Will told him, in many different ways at different points; “This isn’t sustainable.” “I’m curious whether either of us can survive separation.” “When it comes to me and you, there can be no decisive victory.”
Will can only push them off if Hannibal allows it, there isn’t a violence or reluctance to it, they fall together.
The gloves might not signify anything. I like hand motifs and I’m not above putting more meaning into things that are probably just a wardrobe decision. I hope I clarified this and not just made it worse.
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difeisheng · 2 years
the revenge of the sith novelization is a gem for many reasons but among them is how mr. matthew stover introduces obi-wan and his relationship with anakin like this:
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and then just. ends it like this:
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best friend? uh, okay. sure. cool cool.
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blacksun-judar · 2 years
Relationship headcanons with Haitani Rindou
rating: second part is nsfw! mdni.
notes: english is not my first language, so I apologize for any and all mistakes.
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• his love languages are acts of service and quality time and I will not be convinced otherwise.
• while Rindou isn’t averse to the idea of PDA, he is nowhere near as touchy as ran.
• at home’s a different story though. loves resting his head on your lap and will melt if you run your fingers through his hair.
• talking about acts of service, I think that Rindou is an extremely attentive person. he always keeps an eye on his surroundings and the people around him.
• as such, he’ll notice any change in mood almost immediately. if you’re angry or upset there is absolutely zero chance of successfully denying it.
• this man knows when you’re on your period way before you do and he’s come prepared. will stock up on sanitary products and any snacks he knows you like.
• if you’re running out of milk, rindou’s got it covered. if you’ve got a doctor’s appointment coming up but no way of getting there, rindou’s organized a ride (or taken time off to drive you himself).
• if you ever bring up any of this, rindou will 1000% play it cool and tell you it’s nothing. it’s just what a boyfriend’s supposed to do and he stands by that.
• rindou’s bodycount is nowhere near as high as ran’s, but he’s still quite experienced.
• just doesn’t bother putting himself out there as much. plus, whenever he’s out with ran, girls will usually notice him before rindou. (they’re missing out big time.)
• now, i don‘t think that rindou harbors ANY resentment towards his brother.
• he does feel a pang of insecurity whenever people choose his big brother over him, but in his mind that is their shortcoming and not ran‘s fault.
• these brothers genuinely love and fully trust one another.
• so, once you‘ve chosen him over ran, he has no qualms about letting you two spend lots of time together. in fact, he’d love for you to get along.
• will even let you share a bed with ran and doesn‘t mind when you sit on his lap. he trusts you that much.
• though you better not go and betray that trust. while ran is definitely the more violent type, rindou is quite vindictive and will get you where it really hurts.
• not even bonten!rindou will lash out at you physically. it’s just too easy. instead, he’ll carefully ruin your life from the inside out. empty bank account, family members gone missing and no hopes of ever landing a job again. and don’t even think about pursuing another man.
• but so long as you are loyal, you won’t have a single thing to worry about. (if it’s a mutual and amicable breakup he doesn’t even mind staying friends.)
• rindou is extremely protective and caring.
• doesn’t want anyone outside the gang to know about your relationship. both him and ran would put their lives on the line for you. but there’s times where they can’t be around and he doesn’t want some psycho ambushing you.
• regular date nights are his thing.
• they range anywhere from an expensive dinner on a damn boat to watching movies inside a pillow fort. there is not a single dull moment with this man.
• most work nights he’s home very, very late and doesn’t want you waiting for him. if you do however, he’ll pretend to scold you all while carrying you to bed bridal style and asking himself how he got so lucky.
• while rindou usually seems like the calm, collected type, I think that deep down he’s got even more of a sadistic streak than his brother.
• brat tamer and hard dom to the bone. he loves your feisty, independent nature outside the bedroom but will not tolerate any talking back inside of it.
• loves being in control. and the idea of you willingly submitting to him riles him up beyond words.
• his attentive nature is both blessing and curse. rindou knows your body like the back of his hand and has you cumming in a matter of minutes.
• but he’s also very big on edging and orgasm denial and you have zero hopes of hiding an oncoming orgasm.
• has you tethering on the edge for hours and will only allow you to cum if you’re begging for it.
• please ruin his back and don’t worry about hurting him. he loves the feeling of your nails raking down his spine and absolutely wants you to leave marks.
• rindou is a seemingly fair dom; only giving out punishments where necessary and never failing to praise you for being good.
• don’t be fooled, however. this man is a calculating mastermind and he’s intentionally setting you up for failure. most of his rules are meant to be broken.
• very rarely lets you take initiative. and if you’re ever allowed on top it’s all under his guidance.
• knows how much you like to touch him. so, if he’s feeling extra mean, he’ll tie your hands to the headboard and have his way with you.
• sometimes he’ll make you wear a remote control vibrator to dinner or work meetings. absolutely relishes in seeing your flushed face and trying to keep your composure.
• wouldn‘t mind sharing you with ran but ONLY if he’s the one suggesting it. if you are the one to bring it up he’ll turn you down immediately.
• despite all of this, there are days where he is feeling extra soft and he’s just so full of love for you that he wants to take it slow and sensual.
• either has you sat on his lap facing him or pinned to the bed in missionary, his fingers intertwined with yours.
• slow and deep strokes - rindou wants to really take his sweet time. and the way he’s looking at you, eyes blown over with lust and the smallest of moans escaping his lips, you’re ready to unravel right then and there
i've only really been writing in german for the past year, so I desperately need to get some practice in. but these were so much fun. sanzu hcs coming up next...
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azucarian · 3 years
so just an idea here that you can use to write an hc or drabble if you want, have you seen horimiya? You know Miyamura and as he has "two looks" (I think you get the point), just imagine this with a reader with some Tokyo Revengers character (I'm sorry I don't know who to ask, maybe Inui and Rindou?), I'm sorry if you don't understand, English is not my language so I use the translator.
I understand what you're saying, your English is great (even with a translator)! I hope I managed to write what you wanted~
Their shy, introverted s/o decides enough is enough and makes their statement through a new appearance (Miyamura! Reader)
Characters — Seishu Inui, Rindou Haitani
Tumblr media
✰ your guys’ relationship is relatively quiet and sweet - neither of you are particularly expressive in your emotions but you both love each other senselessly
✰ one day, you overheard people talking about how “inui could definitely do better” and “how can they even see like that? their hair is covering their eyes!” - it made you really upset and stuck in your own insecurities
✰ although inui wasn’t a popular guy, he was definitely someone admired by everyone at school - whereas he was dating an s/o who had no presence, and always stuck their nose in a book instead of socialising
✰ you decided you wanted to change and prove to the world you could be confident and outgoing - and you decided that the best way to do that was to cut your hair
✰ inui, on the other hand, did not like the change at all - he would grow self conscious, and would become jealous easier; he truly believes you were only with him because you felt as if he was your only option (poor baby <//3)
✰ the following day, you made your dramatic entrance and people could hardly believe it - your hair was pushed from your face, and it was cut significantly shorter
✰ no one could deny it, with a full view of your face - you were undoubtedly attractive
✰ he definitely realises then that you both can’t live without each other (you’re both far too socially inept to be apart for too long, anyways)
✰ he couldn’t get to your desk anymore, with people crowding around it and trying to get to know you - ignoring your visible discomfort
✰ not even kidding, he would literally bark at them to freak them out enough so they’d leave
✰ you give him the biggest puppy dog eyes as a thank you
✰ the haircut would probably grow on him, and he’d definitely feel inclined to style it for you - in fact, he loves it because he’s not constantly pulling long hairs from his school blazer or from the inside of his heels
✰ you loved rindou though, and he loved you with everything he had (even if he didn’t know how to verbalise it) - ran cared a lot about you too, and the two of them promised to protect you
✰ the haitani brothers were constantly in the spot-light and it made it extremely difficult to slip under the radar - so you became a well-known figure in roppongi
✰ people definitely don’t respect you, like, at all
✰ you chopped your hair shorter and styled your fringe out of your face, put your piercings back in (all of your ear piercings, and even your lip one) and you even made your tattoo visible with the short sleeved t-shirt you were wearing
✰ you got beaten up by some delinquents on the way home (you knew it was going to happen at some point, but it didn’t make it hurt any less) and you decided you’d had enough of the constant harassment
✰ you got a complete make-over, and gave up trying to ‘fit in’ with the crowd
✰ everyone was hella intimidated, and rindou was beyond impressed - his cute little s/o had done a complete 180 on him and he thought it was hot
✰ definitely beat up those delinquents when he found out, btw
✰ overall? very proud - would make it very apparent you were dating by kissing you in public (even if it made him a little bit uncomforable) just to make sure you wouldn’t be targeted again
✰ didn’t get jealous - especially after hearing your reasons for doing what you did
✰ “you’re my boyfriend - i gotta show everyone i’m not to be fucked with either, right?” he couldn’t agree more
✰ definitely loved the lip piercing though - was nice and cold during kisses
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wandsolsen · 3 years
Champagne Problems
Wanda Maximoff x Reader
Summary: In which Wanda rejected your marriage proposal, inspired by Taylor Swift's song Champagne Problems.
Warnings: pure angst, cursing.
Word Count: 1.8k
↳ Please, be aware that English isn't my first language, fell free to tell me if there are any mistakes.
You booked the midnight train for a reason, you wanted to contemplate your pain with your head against the train window.
The reason for your suffering had a name, Wanda Maximoff.
You sat down in one of the seats, feeling the hurt in your chest burning hard just for thinking about her. The train wasn't too much crowned, however, it wasn't all empty. There were people talking and people sleeping, you were not sure which was worse.
People looked at you, certainly worried about how miserable you were.
You finally rested your head on the train window, looking at the view from the outside. Unintentionally, you remembered Wanda's hand holding yours as the two of you danced on the dance floor.
Wanda smiled at you, and she looked happy. But she wasn't, at least, not complete. Not happy enough to say yes.
However, nobody could ever have thought that she would say no.
You felt the tears coming out, your mouth trembled as you remembered. Your heart was made of glass and she let it drop it.
You had prepared a speech, but when you got down on your knees, you didn't find the expression of emotion and excitement that you had imagined she would had. Instead, you saw Wanda's body tense and fear in her green eyes.
You were speechless.
She didn't even let you ask, she ran away, leaving you there, on your knees and crestfallen on the dance floor.
You were so broken that you hadn't the strength to reach out to her, Wanda's love escaped beyond your reaches.
You saw the pity look that your family and friends gave to you. You had told them that you were going to propose Wanda that night, you couldn't keep it a secret.
You had bought Dom Pérignon and one of your family members had already popped the bottle in an early celebration, it was humiliating.
"Maybe it's just one of her...What does she call? Oh, yeah," Steve remembered before anyone could answer him. "her champagne problems." Steve was trying to calm you down, but he wasn't succeeding.
Fuck Wanda, you thought, your veins filled with angry. Fuck her and her champagne problems.
But even with all the fury you were feeling, Wanda's picture was still in your wallet along with your mom's ring.
You didn't hate her for leaving, you could never hate her.
You remembered the first time you made Wanda blush, it was in November.
You both met in college, and you thought you were the luckiest person in the world for having Wanda as your roommate. She was organized, friendly and didn't ask too many questions, everything a person could want from a roommate.
"Someone said to me that this door was once a madhouse." You said to her, wanting to make small talk.
"Well, it's made for me." Wanda made a joke, and you chuckled.
"A beautiful and intelligent woman like you in a madhouse? I find it hard to believe."
"Beautiful people do have problems too." Wanda's face was getting flush.
"I know, I know." You said. "I just wanted to praise you because, well, you're definitely one of the most beautiful girls on the campus."
And there it was, Wanda's face all red and her shy smile on her lips. You felt your heart beating faster than usual at that moment.
"So do you?" You continued.
"Do what?"
"Have problems."
"Just champagne problems." She answered.
"Champagne problems?" You asked, with your furrowed eyebrows.
"Yes, nothing meaningful or worth mention," She explained. "when compared to the others issues around the world."
"Well, champagne or not, they're still problems."
She thought about your words for a moment, but didn't say anything. Wanda continued to devalue her own problems, claiming that her issues were insignificant and there were worse things in the world.
Wanda was very reserved in the beginning, it was usually you who started the conversations. It didn't take long for you to fall in love with her.
I mean, how could you not? She was gorgeous and caring. Wanda was kinder than the most people you had ever met. She was a dream girl, with her hair loose and long, her sweet smile and her funny laugh. The way she was always up to help someone in need, and how she tried to empathize with everyone.
Wanda was absolutely flawless.
You only asked her out on a date when you were sure she wouldn't reject you.
Now, seeing from afar, you could see how stupid you were. You should have waited, just kneeling after knowing for sure that she would say yes.
But that's the problem.
You had sure that Wanda would say yes with tears dropping from her eyes. Then, your song would have played, you would have kissed her and held her hand tight while dancing. Your friends would have cheered with joy, and Wanda would have hugged you with a radiant smile on her face.
You let out a breath of pain. You now lived with only wishes. Because she dropped your hand while dancing, instead of holding tight.
Just champagne problems, she would say, about this dramatic situation.
You had a black Chevy that Wanda loved, she enjoyed riding in your car, even if you never go anywhere special. And when the car stopped running and you decided that was time to buy a better one, Wanda didn't let you. Often you saw her on the passenger seat murmuring whatever song was playing on the radio.
Nevertheless, the Chevy wasn't going anywhere. Just like your relationship.
Feeling tired of sitting there in this hurt, you left the train and went to the nearest hotel that you could find, you didn't want to come back home anytime soon.
You lived in a small town, your failed marriage proposal was probably spreading in the mouth of people like a disease.
Your turn on your phone, there were many messages and missed calls from your friends, but no one of them matters to you. Except one.
There was one voicemail from Wanda. Just that. She didn't send you a dozen messages like your friends, just a voicemail.
You set down on the bed, before listening to her voice for the last time.
Hey, Y/N, it's me, Wanda. I think I owed you an apology for leaving you out there standing. I-I can't do this, I'm sorry.
Wanda's voice was trembling, it sounded like she was crying. Why was she crying? She left you, not the other way around.
You didn't know it was possible for your heart to break more, but it did. The sound of her painful voice would haunt you forever.
I really can't give you a reason, I guess I never was ready for commitment. Sometimes you just don't know the answer until someone gets on their knees and asks you, you know?
There was a long pause, so long that you thought the message was over. However, Wanda's voice filled the room again:
You deserve someone better than me, you always had. Someone who is not fucked up in the head like me, someone who will never hurt you like I did. You'll find a real thing out there, she will pick up the pieces of your broken heart and she will patch up your tapestry that I shredded. She will be so perfect that you will not remeber me, or all my champagne problems.
Your vision was blurred because of the tears that fall uncontrollably from your face.
Ours... your friends called, they all are worried about you, please contact them.
There was another long pause.
I lov...
Your heart started to race at the words she was about to say, but Wanda gave up halfway, as if realizing that the words were not true.
Goodbye, Y/N.
And that was it.
Four years of relationship saying goodbye in a voicemail of less than five minutes.
Your throat burned from holding on to crying for so long, you wanted to scream until your vocal cords burst.
You loved her more than anything, and she left as if it were nothing. As if your love meant nothing.
You took the picture of Wanda that was still on your wallet, and tore it into several pieces before throwing it in the trash.
Eventually, the sleep caught you while you were crying in the hotel bed, similar to a friendly hug in the midst of so much pain.
━━━━━━ ᗢ ━━━━━━
You heard that Wanda left town, without looking back, on the same day that she rejected your proposal.
Wanda's sweet perfume was still impregnate, along with your memories with her, in every room of the house that the two of you used to live. You didn't manage to stay there, it didn't take long for you to sell the house and buy an apartment in the city center.
You sold your black Chevy, there was no one around to stop you.
You also sold Wanda's things that she left behind, you didn't want anything to remind you of her. Because after the end of the day, you were still mad at Wanda. For leaving, for didn't give you a good reason, for making your waste four years of your life.
"She would've made such a lovely bride, what a shame she's fucked in the head." That was probably the last thing that someone spoke about Wanda, before another big gossip emerge in your town and they eventually forgot the humiliation that she put you through.
At first, you stayed in your new apartment with your heart broken, just watching futile reality shows and eating junk food. Steve, your best friend, was there all the time giving you emotional support, even though he didn't always know how to say the right thing.
But eventually you had to face reality, after all, you suffering or not, life still went on.
It took two years before you were ready to fall in love again. And two years since you had heard from Wanda, you didn't know about her even on social media, since she had deleted them all.
It was as if Wanda had simply disappeared, little by little, she became a myth in your life, a ghost that haunted you from time to time. Not even your friends and family mentioned her name.
Sometimes you wondered if she really existed, if you haven't invented her in your head.
It was in a bar outside the town, that you met Natasha Romanoff. She was self-confident and carried a death look in her eyes, rigid on the outside, but soft on the inside. She had short red hair and was not very fond of wearing jewellery.
Totally different from Wanda.
Natasha was fun to be around, it was easy to understand her because she was always honest with you.
You started to date her on the very first day of summer. Then, after spending all the four seasons together, you started to carry your mom's ring in your pocket and Natasha's picture in your wallet.
And when you got on your knees, she didn't leave you crestfallen on the dance floor. She said yes, and held your hand tight while dancing.
However, in the end, Wanda was wrong.
You still remeber all her champagne problems.
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mistressemmedi · 3 years
Måneskin: "Different from whom?"
Greetings from Miley Cyrus - phenomenal numbers.
The streams of Zitti e Buoni are growing by the second, and ahead of Muse, on the top of the English charts, twelfth in the Spotify Global Chart. We almost tripled followers after Rotterdam (from 1.4 to 3.3 million, ed). Contagious and universal madness: T-shirts and merchandise sold out in 10 minutes. Like records, tickets for a tour that adds dates and expands on maps. They are even looking for us in festivals where the Rolling Stones have played. - Thomas
After the whole cocaine scandal that was started against us from France, which was later denied by my drug test, in Spain there people have been making murals with my face saying "No drugs". Some tweets made us laugh: «Congratulations, Italy! I have never been so sure that four people have fucked each other ". Miley Cyrus started following us. "You are great". “You are more” . - Damiano
From rags to riches - what a story
It was only 2016, and we were playing in restaurants, on the streets, in via del Corso (famous street in Rome). Damiano without a microphone, Thomas's guitar with broken strings, Ethan drummed on a cajón. At the occupations of the high schools in Rome (Kennedy, Virgilio, Mamiani) we had our first gigs and half an hour of fame, between those who criticized us and those who said "these guys are so cool". One of the rare times in which they offered to pay us to play - 50 euros each - we offered that money to those after us, in exchange for the chance to play during their time slow, as we knew there would have been a bigger crowd. We already understood then how it worked. That visibility was worth more than the money. We still think so ». - Victoria
The intimacy of rock - Choice of a genre
Music allows is this miracle which allows one to talk about very personal and private topics, even difficult and delicate ones. They are and remain deeply yours, but at the same time they become a confession that reaches a wider audience, and in this passage which is like a delivery, they also find their place in you, their elaboration. They are overcome, they are accepted. One moment it feels aggressive, one moment later a (soft) ballad. It's very cathartic. - Damiano
Against panic - The stage as therapy
I have suffered a lot from anxiety and panic attacks, it is a problem that I have worked on thanks to a course of psychotherapy, to my friends and family. Playing has helped me not to let myself be paralyzed by my fears, not to be limited in my private and professional life. I have learned to accept, to live with this side of me. I don't hide it. I no longer feel ashamed. - Victoria
This belief that only crazy people go to the psychologist is widespread ignorance. Nobody is born learned. And it is often difficult to understand why we are here, let alone the derivation and direction of our desires. It is a long and legitimate journey towards one's clarity. - Damiano
Essere fuori di testa – Ma diversi da loro (Be out of your mind - But different from them)
Already feeling a strong passion for something that is not a 'regular' profession but an artistic language, it puts you on a level where you're an anomaly, and while you're neither superior nor inferior to others, it places you in the condition of what breaks the mold but you're also being at a loss, leaving it to you to be bold and to take risks, hoping that they will pay off and land you somewhere. "What good is it if you don't stand out on your own?". You want to give it an aesthetic to your artistic dream, but to others it boils down to " You dress differently! You must be gay! ”, I'm 22 now and it makes me laugh, but at 17 it had an effect on me too. - Damiano
The beauty of being unique - Of believing in that and defending it
After all, we are all different not because we want to be alternative but because really no one is the same. Justice is being judged on what you do and not what you are. Justice is equality, respect, beauty. - Ethan
Fluid sexuality - Pride is freedom
We appreciate heels on men, we kiss each other, we have an open, extended mind, and we are proud of it. The horizons become vast, beyond the oppression of conservative families. With information on the web, knowledge is enriched and with it the possibility that minorities will be fewer and fewer, because majorities will be fewer and fewer. This will lower the volume to insults and bullying. If social networks can reach a village of 50 souls to reveal to someone, who is afraid of the darkness, that someone has felt that same fear.. There is no longer the need to give it a name, to define that "something" to fear, to brand it with labels that only limit you. Definitions have always had this effect on me. Gender should not even be considered in a person's judgment. Let alone orientation ". - Victoria
Sexism - A culture to be dismantled
Emma (Italian singer) dropped the bomb:" When I went to Eurovision, they insulted me over a pair of shorts. Damiano - half naked and in heels - was never criticized ". The judgment against women is constant, ferocious, and demeaning (if I have a lot of sex I'm cool but Vic a whore, where I show myself strong I'm a leader she is domineering and pain in the ass, who is successful because only because of her looks [and not the hard work she puts in]). As a male I am privileged, the harassment I suffer is not comparable to that experienced by a woman, the comments on my aesthetics are focused only on my aesthetics and do not insinuate anything about my professionalism and my competence, while women are victims of this kind of thinking in a systemic way. But I did find myself in a situation, out of nowhere, with someone who, pulling close to her for a selfie, started licking my face ... "What do you want, did you ask me?" Consent exists, and it is a must ». - Damiano
To grow as a person - The only rule to follow
For me, to conform is the total opposite of educating oneself, and the asphyxiation of one's expression (of freedom). Fortunately, I did not suffer heavy bullying, to the point where I felt I needed to change to adapt to how others saw me. But the matrix of who I am and the aggression that marks me is the same. If I'm a kid who dances and loves dolls, then allow me the freedom to do so. I used to be a kid who wanted long hair and played with Barbies. My friends, as a teenager, looked my long hair and teased me: "You have to find yourself a girl with a short hair to make up for it". My grandparents took the dolls away from me and said: “Stop it, they're not for you” ». - Ethan
“I was six and I already could not tolerate the distinctions between masculine and feminine. I've always had strong ideas about how I wanted to be. I refused things typically defined as feminine as a child, and they made fun of me for skating, for playing soccer, for not wearing skirts, for giving myself the chance to be as I wanted to be. I suffered a little, as I was bullied, but I had courage to stay true to myself, and today thanks to that courage I know that I could have been much more hurt, or I would have risked leaving the most important decision to others: the one about being just me". - Victoria
Love - music and girlfriends
I've been married to music for the past 20 years. I cannot wait to celebrate our golden wedding anniversary. - Ethan
Everyone goes through their own experiences, sometimes it's good, sometimes it's bad, but it's never other people's business." - Thomas
When, for the first time, I developed feelings and attraction for a girl it was a bit disorienting because I had never had the courage to go beyond the limitations I had imposed on myself. For society, being heterosexual is the norm and therefore often one automatically pegs himself in that way, giving up the freedom to experience many different shades and facets of love. Once I got over the initial insecurity of having to question one's own certainties, I lived my sexuality in a very natural and free way, as it should be for everyone. - Victoria
I had paparazzi under my house morning and night. So, after four years of relationship, I finally revealed her name. I still have the paparazzi under my house morning and night, but at least I don't have to hide anything anymore. - Damiano
The value of the group - Protecting each other
But the real relationship, the real family, is between us. Our band. We believed in it from the first day, even before calling ourselves Måneskin (moonlight in Danish), even before Ethan drew a giant moon, on the poster for our first concert. We share everything, even the pain of the tragedy of Seid Visin, who committed suicide at 20 because he was a victim of racism. Being a group is what we should all do together: stay united and not retreat in the slightest in the face of abuses generated by a distorted vision of someone "being different|. - Thomas
Non ho l’età – like Gigliola (It references Gigliola Cinquetti who won both Sanremo and Eurovision with her song "Non ho l’età" which translates to Not old enough)
Before us, the only one to win Sanremo and Eurovision together was Gigliola Cinquetti (in 1964). Is there is something for which I feel I am not yet old enough for? No, honestly no. Maybe for kids. I'll be honest, I'm not enough to be a dad. - Damiano
Reached the sky - What fears still remain
We are more than in the dream, we have conquered the dream. To fly high this high, there is the risk is to fall and get hurt, but we will try not to end up like Icarus, who burns his wings with the sun. Everything is in our hands. And this - somewhat presumptuously - reassures us rather than frighten us ". - Damiano
[Please note that I have changed some words or structure sentence, trying to make it so that the interview made more sense lol - I skipped the first two paragraphs, which was basically the interviewer gushing over how pretty the band is lmao (relatable).
Any mistakes in the translation are sorely mine, nothing was proofread, so apologies in advance]
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popopretty · 4 years
Storm Bringer Spoiler (7)
I am not sure if anyone has translated it yet but many people asked me about the relationship between Verlaine and Rimbaud so I hope these excerpts from Rimbaud’s memoirs will help. These are from two different parts of CODE;04 of the novel.
Please feel free to re-translate it if you want. Just understand that I do make mistakes because I don’t speak either Japanese or English as my first language. So sometimes I will change or update this translation without prior notices. 
Day xx
General Directorate for Special Services, Operations Department, Special Forces Group, Agent
Fine weather - Evening - Waning Moon
The mice are running, black in the gray of the evening.
A mouse lady is running, gray in the black of the darkness. 
I look at the moon, holding the pipe in my mouth. Doing nothing can be fun too. Let’s go when the fire from the pipe goes out. 
After I run, behind the dry sound of my shoes, there will be nothing but death and corpses and blood and aguish and misery.
Day xx
General Directorate for Special Services, Operations Department, Special Forces Group, Agent
Rainy day - Midnight - Waning Moon
I am writing this after crawling out of the rat hole. I am staying at a leaky inn. There is the sound of the rain leaking somewhere. The lamp on my bedside is too dark I can’t even see the bottle of wine on my desk clearly. This handwriting definitely looks bad too. But for the time being, it doesn’t matter. 
Because I want to write down what happened right away.
Until just two hours ago, I was in the secret cellar of the anti-government forced called “May of the Revolution”. It is all over. The outcomes are superb. In the eyes of the higher-ups. 
But for me, I can’t bring myself to think that the operation was a success.
When I stepped in, all the members were at the celler. And ultimately, “he” is dead.
I wrote “he” here because this organization only has one single member. 
The mastermind behind the anti-government movement is a skill user commonly known as “Faunus” (*TN: The original Japanese words is 牧神, which means the God of Shepherds. He is called Faunus in Roman mythology and Pan in Greek mythology. I just picked Faunus because I like the name). I fought him once. He was strong. On top of that, he has a secret weapon. He by himself has created a skilled artificial lifeform, the “Black No.12”. That’s a monster that can manipulate gravity at his will and nullify any physical attacks. “Faunus” used an instruction system to freely control that lifeform. 
But this time, our Intelligence Department has done an amazing job (how nice it would be if they could do that every time). They managed to figure out in advanced that the input of the instruction system could be done by letting the lifeform breathe in some kind of special metal powder. That’s why all I had to do was to destroy that metal powder generator.
Freed from the instructional system, “Black No.12″ regained his consciousness as though he had just been released from brainwashing and turned to attack his creator, “Faunus”. That was a chilling sight. With just a squeeze of “Black No.12″ ‘s palm, half of the facility was blown away, together with Faunus’ upper body.
After that, I carried the unconscious “Black No.12″ outside. Now he is sleeping in this cheap inn.
What will happen to him now? Will he be executed by the government?
It’s terribly cold. The fire from the fireplace feels so far away.
Day xx
General Directorate for Special Services, Operations Department, Special Forces Group, Agent
Bright day - Noon - Strong wind from the East
I am writing this wearing a thick coat, earmuffs, fur gloves and thermal underclothes.
I was talking to the liaison officer in the café earlier, and was told about “Black No. 12″ ‘s treatment. It was so unexpected that I had to ask again three times.
The government seems to consider “Black No. 12″  a valuable collaborator. Because as “Faunus” ‘s watchdog, the information about the anti-government network has been hammered into his head. We will train him, and make him a spy. And it seems that the education and supervision tasks have been left to me. 
Education? Me?
Can I really do such a thing?
I don’t have any connections with others because of this job. Because friends and families can become a spy’s weaknesses. Both my parents and my former lover thought that I had died in jail.
Can someone like me teach someone and guide them the way?
I don’t know. But what if I can?
Someone like me, who had thrown away his past and his name to be called by merely a code name, now can do something for someone else, for my country, and for my newly-born friend. The thought of that made me more excited than I could imagine.
My life, and my death probably won’t be passed on to the future generations. What will be given to me after my death will be nothing but a broken, nameless tombstone. But I am okay with that. As long as before I die, I can leave behind something for someone.
My first task is to give “Black No.12″ a new code name.
I have decided it already. Paul Verlaine.
The real name that my parents gave me long ago.
Paul. One day you will read this memoir and know the secret about yourself. I pray that that moment will be a time of blessing for you.
Day xx
General Directorate for Special Services, Operations Department, Special Forces Group, Agent
Cloudy sky - Midnight - Can’t see the moon
I can’t believe it. We have successfully deciphered the “Secret of the Gentle Forest”. The worst beast of all is sleeping there. That’s where Verlaine’s
(The page was torn from here, unreadable)
Day xx
General Directorate for Special Services, Operations Department, Special Forces Group, Agent
Fine weather - Before dawn - New moon
It’s the day before my infiltration mission into a military base of an enemy country, so I am leaving a slightly longer record today. There will be no support for that mission. No rear backup either. No collaborator from inside.
The target to be captured is a new type of skilled weapon. It takes the shape of a little boy, but is actually a disaster that has the power to destroy the world.
It’s a dangerous mission. I might not make it out alive.
But if there is anyone who can successfully carry out this mission to take the world’s disaster from the hand of the enemy country, it can’t be anyone other than me and my partner, Paul Verlaine.
I have been thinking about it for a long time. About what I can do for my reliable partner Verlaine. I couldn’t come up with an answer until yesterday.
I will celebrate his birthday.
Of course, he doesn’t have an exact birthday. But I considered yesterday his birthday. On the same day four years ago, Verlaine killed Faunus and gained his freedom.
I ordered a small pudding from a confectioner in Paris and headed to Verlaine’s hideout with a bottle of wine under my arm. Verlaine looked more doubtful than surprised. So I explained to him.
Celebrating one’s birthday implies a very simple fact. In other words, it carries the message that “the fact that you were born is worth celebrating”. No matter what anyone says, your birth has a value.
And then there is one thing that can’t be missed when celebrating a birthday. A birthday without it is like the night sky without the moon.
A birthday present.
What I gave him was a black hat.
A brimmed bowler hat. It is neither particularly expensive, nor something made by a famous hatter.
However, the cloth of the sweat-absorbing band that goes around the inside of the hat was made of a very special material.
A rainbow-colored metal made from 10% platinum, 10% titan, and gold as the central material of the rest. It carries “Faunus” ‘s skill.  It was the thing that was almost completed in his lab, but I modified it into the shape of a hat.
When you put your head inside, the cloth of the hat will serve as a coil, and  prevent the external instruction system from interfering with the mind. On the other hand, the instruction system can be controlled from the inside, or in other words, the will of the one who wears this hat.
If Verlaine has this black hat, he will be one step closer to becoming a “human with free will”.
His reaction was pretty strange. He was neither happy nor surprised. He just said “I will take it for now.” with his calm eyes. He didn’t say anything after that. We drank the wine, said good night to each other then parted.
Even now, after one day has passed, I still don’t know if that was the right thing to do. Verlaine’s eyes were freezing and as far as beyond the North Pole.
But we will know the answer soon.
Tomorrow, at the enemy’s base.
If it is for the sake of my partner, I will gladly conquer any hell.
As long as I have my God in the sky above, the bonds in my heart, and the future in my reach.
(This is the last sentence of the memoir. Nothing was written after this.)
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earliebirb · 4 years
Hey, I hope you are having a nice day. If you're taking any asks, may I request for a cuddly needy Steve insisting on being close to Tony all the time. Like not letting him out of bed in the morning or making Tony sit on his lap during movie nights. That kinda stuff. Please, please consider writing this one. Thank you!
Hello, Anon. Thank you for the prompt. Cuddly and needy Steve is my favorite.
Have some tooth-rotting fluff in honor of my birthday! 🎂🥳🎉
keep me warm
steve/tony, fluff, established relationship, 4015 words
Steve will take any and every opportunity to touch and be as physically close as possible to his husband, thank you very much.
(Or, five times Steve demonstrates that physical touch is very much his love language and one time Tony seeks him out for it.)
Tony wakes to the sunlight shining in his face. He groans, instinctively hiding his face back in his pillow. The light feels too warm and bright for early morning sun and a quick glance at the digital clock sitting on his nightstand confirms his suspicions: It’s ten minutes to eleven.
Upon seeing the date and time on the clock, the first thought that crosses his mind is of the numerous tasks he has to finish that day. He sighs a long, drawn-out, and heavy sigh. He hasn’t been feeling his best for the past few days and he has the horrifying suspicion that even his ultra-workaholic self is teetering on the edge of a full-fledged burnout. Between SHIELD, Stark Industries, and the Avengers, he has no shortage of work to do. This is definitely not the time for burnout. His only saving grace for the day is the fact that Pepper has allowed him to come in the afternoon. 
Closing his eyes, he relishes the brief yet sweet escape from reality, pretending just for a few moments that his day is blissfully empty. The work seems never-ending. The only reason he is in bed at all is because Steve had coaxed Tony to come to bed, complaining about how cold he was and steadfastly refusing to sleep without Tony in his arms. 
After a few minutes, he resigns himself to the harsh reality of a busy day and moves to roll out of bed. Except the minute he tries to do so, his body moves further back toward the center of the bed instead of the opposite. Tony blinks at the arm tucked firmly around his middle. A warm weight is plastered against his back, a puff of breath tickling his ear. 
He gets a short hum in reply, rising at the end in intonation.
“It’s eleven.”
Tony gets another sleepy hum and Steve burrows closer, the cold tip of his nose tucked behind Tony’s ear.
“Why are you still in bed? Did you come back to bed after your run?”
A quiet sigh, and then Steve’s gravelly voice is in Tony’s ear: “Never went.”
“What? Why?”
“Missed you.”
Tony’s lips quirk up into a small smile without his permission. “I never went anywhere, baby.”
“You’ve been busy.”
“Sorry, honey. Work gets crazy this time of the year.”
Steve hums again, lips resting against the back of Tony’s neck.
“And I’m really sorry, baby, but I have to go. More work awaits.”
“No,” Steve mutters decisively, throwing a leg over Tony’s body and pulling him in. 
Tony snorts, amused. “No?”
“No work. You’re mine for the day,” Steve grumbles, arm curling tighter around Tony’s stomach.
Tony strokes the arm Steve has around him soothingly. “Pepper’s going to have my head if I don’t check off at least half the things on my to-do-list today. You want your husband to stay alive, don’t you?”
“I’ve told Pepper to give you the day off.”
“You told Pepper to give me the day off? And she agreed, just like that?”
There is a period of silence, and then:
“There may have been… some flowers involved. And some cupcakes and… bagels sent to her office, along with a—” Steve breaks off to yawn. “A very sweet and carefully worded handwritten note.”
Tony pauses. Then he gasps. 
Turning around in Steve’s arms to take a proper look at him, the ends of Tony’s lips are tugged upwards in a disbelieving grin. 
“Did you— Did Captain America commit an act of bribery?”
Steve frowns, squinting at Tony, sleep still heavy in his eyes. “It wasn’t bribery. It was… a gesture of appreciation.”
Tony raises an eyebrow. Steve stares back at him.
Eventually, Steve sighs in defeat. Tony’s grin widens.
“Fine,” Steve grumbles, shuffling closer to bury his face in Tony’s chest, “it was bribery.”
Tony chuckles, running his fingers through Steve’s soft blond locks. 
“Captain. What would the people say?”
When Steve speaks, his muffled voice comes out rough and near incoherent, speech slurred groggily. “Captain America condemns bribery.” He lets out a content sigh, body melting further into Tony’s. “Steven Stark-Rogers, on the other hand, is not above bribery to get his husband a much-needed day off.”
Tony grins helplessly at his husband’s unfairly adorable antics, leaning down to nuzzle the top of Steve’s head fondly.
“What a menace you are, Mr. Stark-Rogers.”
His husband lets out another noncommittal hum that Tony feels against the bare skin of his chest.
“Go back to sleep, Mr. Stark-Rogers,” Steve mumbles. Tony closes his eyes obediently, slipping back into slumber with ease, a smile on his lips and a newfound lightness in his bones. 
The sun is shining brightly up in the clear blue sky. The farmers market is bustling with life, with people visiting various tents stationed along the long stretch of road, each offering a variety of fresh produce as well as various finger foods and cold beverages.
The road is also lined by trees on either side, their towering height allowing their leaves and branches to form a natural canopy high up above, effectively shielding people from the sun’s scorching heat. There is even a gentle summer breeze that blows every now and then.
All in all, it’s a wonderful summer day, perfect for an outdoor date.
Now, if only Tony’s husband would stop ruining the day by being a stubborn bastard.
“Steve, this is getting ridiculous.”
“Give me a bag!”
“You have a bag.” Steve nods at the bag of red apples Tony is carrying.
Of course, that is nothing compared to the four bags of produce Steve is carrying. He even refuses to distribute the weight evenly between his two hands, insisting on carrying all four bags with one hand and using his other hand to hold Tony’s instead. He tries to reach around Steve in an attempt to grab one of the bags, grunting in frustration when Steve moves the bags beyond his reach. “Steve, your arm’s going to fall off. Just— Give some to me.”
“Tony, your shoulder just barely healed.”
“It’s completely healed. It’s fine, Steve. Just—”
Tony reaches for the bags again only for Steve to catch his arm and bring it back down. “I’ll be fine, sweetheart. I’m a supersoldier.”
“You do not get to pull the supersoldier card right now.”
“Why not?”
“Steven, let me hold some of the bags.”
“You want something to hold? Fine, I’ll give you something to hold.”
Steve reaches for Tony’s arm and secures it around his own waist. Tony glares up at his husband and removes his arm from said waist with a sigh. 
“Come on—”
Letting out an abrupt grunt and doubling over dramatically, Steve clutches his own waist and fakes a pained expression. “Oh, why is my waist suddenly so heavy?”
“Steve, that doesn’t even make any sense—”
“Oh, God. So, so heavy. If only my husband were around to help me hold it—”
Tony rolls his eyes, slipping his arm back around Steve’s waist.
Pulling Tony closer so that he is pressed flush against his side, Steve beams at him, smile bright as the sun. “I feel a lot better now. Thank you.”
He leans down to kiss the tip of Tony’s nose. Tony wrinkles his nose, but he is determined to not let his glare falter.
“Ugh, I don’t know why I put up with you.”
“Love you too, sweetheart.”
Steve’s face falls the second he sees Tony walking into the study. Somehow, Steve has managed to infuse an impressive amount of frustration into the two syllables making up Tony’s name. 
Tony freezes after having taken a few steps into the room, wide eyes blinking in bewilderment and a mug of hot tea in his hand. He racks his brain to figure out whatever sin he has committed to make Steve’s face crumple up like that—sandy brows furrowed and the edges of his lip tugged down into a displeased frown.
Coming up with nothing, he pads over quietly to the desk and sets the mug of Steve’s afternoon tea down on an empty space between a wooden penholder and a Stark Industries memo pad. Looking up at Tony from his seat in the plush leather office chair, Steve’s frown deepens.
Tony takes a few steps backward, hands raised in surrender.
“Whatever it is I did wrong, I’m sorry, and it’s one hundred percent my fault. Look, I even brought you a peace offering. A cup of tea to make you feel all warm and cozy?” Tony flashes him a wide, placating grin, gesturing to the mug sitting on the desk. Never mind that Tony has been bringing Steve his tea everyday for years now.
Not even sparing a glance at the mug of steaming English Breakfast, Steve stands up wordlessly.
Slowly, Steve begins walking toward him, eyes on Tony and frown still in place.
“What? I said I’m sorry.” 
Steve continues to walk toward him and Tony continues to walk backward until he feels his back hitting the wall.
“Honey, please—”
Slumping forward, Steve buries his face in the crook of Tony’s neck with a grunt, hands coming to rest on Tony’s waist.
“How am I supposed to get any work done if you walk around the house dressed like this?” Steve whines.
“What—” Tony blinks, looking down at his own attire—or rather, the lack thereof. Having just woken up from a nap, he is dressed only in his boxer briefs. A laugh bubbles up his throat, his entire body shaking with it. “Steven.”
“Don’t you ‘Steven’ me,” Steve grumbles.
“I don’t walk like this around the house all the time. I just woke up, honey.” Tony chuckles, hand coming up to bury his fingers in Steve’s hair, massaging his scalp lightly. “Go and finish your paperwork.”
“You can’t expect me to get any work done after seeing you like this,” Steve says, almost mournfully, nuzzling the delicate spot under Tony’s ear and sending a shiver down Tony’s spine. 
“Shut up, you sweet talker. It’s nothing you haven’t seen before. Also, you have to finish your paperwork. We have dinner plans, remember?”
“Can we cancel dinner?” Steve asks hopefully. He runs his index finger along the boxer briefs’ elastic waistband and Tony squirms, ever ticklish.
“We can’t, darling,” Tony says, soft and apologetic even as he grins. “We’ve cancelled on Carol and honeybear twice already. They’ll kill us if we cancel on them again, especially if the only reason we’re doing it is because you can’t keep your hands off of me.”
“Your fault for walking around naked.”
“I’m not naked.”
“I can get you naked.” Steve slips his thumbs under the waistband and Tony grabs his wrists, stopping him before things can truly escalate.
“Nope,” Tony says with a breathless giggle, squeezing his eyes shut and resolutely ignoring the delicious curl of heat in the pit of his stomach. “Dinner plans.”
Steve lets out a defeated sigh, stepping back with a pout. “I hate it when you’re being responsible.”
The sight brings a fond smile to Tony’s face and he hooks his fingers under Steve’s chin to drag him into a soft, languid kiss.
“Please,” Tony says before planting another kiss on his husband’s jawline, “you love me.”
“I do, sweetheart,” Steve whispers, blue eyes gazing down at him softly. “I really, really do.”
When Tony walks into the art studio and sees the floor littered with paintings of different shapes and sizes, he whistles.
“Look at you go, Picasso.”
Steve turns to him, brush in hand, face lighting up like a Christmas tree. There’s a streak of blue paint across his cheek that Tony is tempted not to tell him about.
“Picasso?” The sunlight streaming in through the floor-to-ceiling windows of the studio illuminates the entire room. From the doorway, Steve’s blond hair gleams golden.
Tony winces as he steps into the room. “Sorry, did I miss the mark completely? Art’s always been more of Pepper’s thing.” Steve grins, easy and bright. “I know.”
Over the years, Pepper and Steve have cultivated a monthly routine of sorts. They have a standing date—sans Tony—whenever Pepper comes over to visit. Bonding over Tony’s antics and the intricacies of fine art, they get along pretty well, much to Tony’s surprise and delight.
Tony tiptoes cautiously around the studio, taking extra care not to step on any of the paintings Steve has laid out to dry. When seen from up above, the wooden floor of the studio would probably look like some rendition of abstract art, the vibrant colors on the different paintings lying on it coming together to form another picture altogether.
He finally manages to make his way to where Steve is sitting, stationed in front of an easel carrying a piece of stretched canvas which has been painted with streaks of red and gold. He looks around and frowns at Steve. “There’s no place to sit. There’s barely any place to stand.”
Steve looks around to confirm Tony’s observation and laughs sheepishly. “Sorry, guess I got carried away.”
The art studio is always in some state of disarray and it drives Tony up the wall sometimes, if he were being honest.
“But there’s always a place for you to sit, sweetheart,” Steve croons, voice all soft and honey sweet. He curls an arm around Tony’s waist and draws him closer, fingers stained with dried paint of different colors resting on the small of his back. Steve nuzzles his stomach and plants a feather-light kiss on the spot just below his sternum. He looks up at Tony with a child-like grin. “Come sit on my lap?”
“Sap,” Tony remarks, but proceeds to sit down sideways on Steve’s lap, his legs perpendicular to Steve’s. Spotting the smears of colorful paint staining the floor and the painting supplies scattered all around the studio, Tony clucks his tongue in disapproval. “You know this is going to take forever to clean up, right?”
Steve’s grin widens and he starts trailing kisses along the column of Tony’s neck. “Maybe this was all part of an elaborate plan to get you to sit on my lap.”
Tony snorts. 
“I highly doubt that.”
“Hm?” Tony’s eyes are glued to his armor as he circles it to inspect the damage from all angles, the suit looking slightly worse for wear. Nothing that a little tinkering and a new paint job won’t fix, but the real problem lies within. He had experienced a brief glitch with his right repulsor mid-battle and he is hoping that he will be able to pinpoint the source of the problem immediately after JARVIS finishes running diagnostics.
“Come here for a second?”
Tony walks to where Steve is lying down on the workshop couch, long legs stretched out comfortably along its length. He beckons Tony closer.
“Come here, I need to tell you something,” he whispers, like someone who is about to divulge a monumental secret.
Tony bends down obediently. Steve reaches up to cup Tony’s cheeks in his hands, leaning close until their noses are brushing against each other.
“You look really good in a tank top.”
The corner of Tony’s mouth jerks upward in an amused smile. “You just called me over to say that?”
“Well, no. I also wanted to do this.” Steve promptly hooks his arms and legs around Tony and pulls him down.
Letting out a surprised yelp, Tony lands on top of Steve’s body. Steve grins smugly before tilting his head to growl playfully in his ear. “Caught you. You’re trapped now. Good luck escaping.”
Tony tests Steve’s hold. Steve’s limbs tighten their hold in response. Hiding a smile in Steve’s chest even as he sighs, Tony says:
“Steven, darling, love of my life. As much as I’m enjoying this, I’m afraid that my broken armor isn’t going to fix itself.”
“Shhh,” Steve whispers into his hair, “you look tired. You deserve a break.”
“Okay, okay. And maybe, I just wanted to hold my husband for a moment. Can we stay like this for a while? Give me one minute.” Steve plants a kiss on the top of his head. “Please?”
“...Okay. One minute. Start the countdown.”
“Sixty, fifty-nine, fifty-eight…” Steve begins. 
Tony allows himself the luxury of melting into Steve’s arms, relishing the way the solid warmth of Steve’s hold squeezes the tension out of his own muscles.
“Fifty, forty-nine, forty-eight…” Steve’s warm breath tickles Tony’s forehead as he continues to count down. 
“Forty, thirty-nine, thirty-eight…” Eyes closed, Tony focuses on Steve’s voice and the steady rise and fall of his chest as he breathes. 
They stay like that for a while, both of them calm and content, Steve’s hushed voice counting down the seconds the only sound in the room. Time passes by slowly and too quickly at the same time, and the next thing Tony knows, Steve has reached the final ten seconds.
“Ten, nine, eight, seven, six, five…”
Then Steve turns quiet. Tony waits, but when Steve doesn’t continue the countdown, he looks up. His husband is already gazing at him, face looking deceitfully innocent.
“Hm?” Steve says distractedly as he caresses Tony’s right eyebrow with the pad of his thumb. 
“You stopped counting.”
“Oh. Did I?” Steve asks, still maintaining his ridiculous charade. “Sorry, sweetheart. You know how forgetful I am.” His thumb migrates down to Tony’s bottom lip, as does the gaze of his blue eyes. “I am a centenarian, after all. My memory is just not what it used to be.”
Tony sighs fondly. “Continue the count, please.”
“Will do, sweetheart.” Steve smiles. “Thirty…”
“I’m sorry?”
“You stopped at five.”
“I did?” Steve’s smile widens, leaning forward to capture Tony’s lips in a kiss.
“I know what you’re doing,” Tony says against Steve’s lips.
When Steve leans back, his face is all confusion. His blue eyes, however, are teeming with mischief. “And what is it that I’m doing? I told you, sweetheart, I’m just a very forgetful person.”
Tony rolls his eyes before resting his head back on Steve’s chest. 
“Let’s go, soldier.” He pats the side of Steve’s thigh. “Start with five.”
“Sir, yes, Sir. Five, four, three and a half, three…”
“What the—”
“Two and a half, two…”
Tony pokes him in the side.
“One and three-quarters…”
Giving up, Tony breaks into laughter. “Honey.”
“One and a half, one and a quarter, and…”
“Uno. Okay, good job, Captain. Let me go now.” Tony tries to wriggle his way out of Steve’s hold, but Steve’s limbs remain unyielding.
“Shhh. Zero,” Steve whispers. And then:
“Minus one…”
“Steve, no!”
Laughing gleefully, Steve finally releases Tony. “Okay, okay. I’m letting go.”
Tony extricates himself from Steve’s hold. Steve glides his fingers along Tony’s arm as he does—determined to get his fill of physical contact until the very last second—and it ends with him catching Tony’s wrist just before Tony is about to stand.
His warm blue eyes hold Tony’s gaze as he brings said wrist to his mouth, pressing a lingering kiss to the pulse point. Something warm unfurls in Tony’s chest at the way Steve’s every movement screams of his reluctance to let Tony go. 
“Meet me for dinner later?” Steve whispers against his skin.
“Of course, baby. Wouldn’t miss date night for anything,” Tony promises.
With that, Steve lets Tony’s wrist go with a sigh before throwing an arm over his own eyes.
“Now go. Before I change my mind.”
Tony leaves, snickering all the while at his husband’s dramatics.
“I need a hug. And a kiss. And I need you to tell me that you love me.”
It has taken years for Tony to be entirely comfortable with asking for affection in such a blatant way, but over time he has learned that doing so—actually communicating his needs and wants—has actually done wonders for their relationship. He desperately needs some loving at the moment—the end-result of a long day of all work, no play, and the worst of all: no Steve.
Plus, there is also the fact that Steve always turns all soft and happy without fail whenever Tony does ask for some affection. 
Steve blinks and turns his head around from where he is crouched in front of the oven, waiting not-so-patiently for his mac and cheese to finish baking. At the sight of Tony sitting atop the kitchen counter, legs swinging lightly and eyes staring back at him expectantly, a slow smile blooms on his face. He stands up and makes his way to Tony. 
Enveloping Tony in his arms, Steve presses his lips to Tony’s temple. Tony scoots forward and wraps his arms around Steve’s broad shoulders, locking his ankles around his husband’s waist like a koala on a tree. 
Pulling back slightly to plant a kiss on the corner of Tony’s mouth, Steve cradles his jaw, thumb rubbing his cheek affectionately. “I love you, sweetheart. So much.”
Then he pulls Tony close again, gently placing Tony’s face back in the crook of his neck. Steve rests his head against Tony’s and sways their joined bodies together slightly from side to side, humming a slow love song that Tony knows he has been listening to repeatedly for the past week. 
Tony inhales and lets Steve’s comforting scent fill his lungs, a mix of his coconut-scented body wash and the laundry detergent they share together. It smells a lot like home. 
For the first time since he woke up in the morning, Tony’s day is finally looking up. 
“This is nice,” Tony mumbles tiredly into Steve’s shoulder. 
Steve hums sympathetically, gradually stopping their swaying. His hand comes up to massage the back of Tony’s neck. “Rough day?”
“Something like that.”
“You did a great job today.” Steve’s fingers are still pressing into his neck in slow, circular motions. “You worked very hard at the office. I love you.”
Lips brushing Steve’s neck as he speaks, he says, “You don’t know that. You weren’t there.”
“There are some things that I just know. For example, my husband worked hard today. My husband did an excellent job today.”
Tony snorts.
“Here’s another example. I didn’t see you at all today, but I knew, I just knew that my husband looked beautiful today.” Steve pulls back, cupping Tony’s cheeks and looking down at him. “And would you look at that,” Steve says, voice hushed with something akin to awe, “I was right after all.”
Tony squeezes his eyes shut. “You are so corny,” he says, in the hopes that his remark would distract Steve from his burning cheeks. Years of being married to Steve and the man can still make Tony blush like no other. He just doesn’t understand how Steve can make all these sappy declarations sound so sincere, so genuine. Like he’s just stating an indisputable truth.
“I am also so very right. You are beautiful.”
“Corny.” Tony keeps his eyes shut.
“Beautiful,” Steve whispers in his ear, warm breath tickling his skin. A fleeting kiss is planted on Tony’s cheek. 
For a few seconds, nothing happens. Hesitantly, Tony opens his eyes. He is greeted by the sight of Steve bending down slightly to meet his eye level, hands planted on the counter on either side of Tony, eyes looking straight into his.
Steve’s smile turns lopsided when Tony meets his eyes.
“Hey there, beautiful.”
Tony punches Steve’s shoulder lightly in protest and buries his face in his hands.
“Jesus Christ, stop. I will hurt you.”
“Hm, feisty. I like it.”
“Please just go check on your food or something,” Tony mumbles miserably, voice muffled by his own hands. “It’s probably burning.”
Chuckling lightly, Steve finally lets him off the hook with a kiss to the top of his head. “Love you, sweetheart. Go shower, dinner will be ready in a minute.”
Tony hops off the counter and makes a hasty escape, lest Steve continue torturing him with more saccharine words that make him want to melt into the floor in embarrassment.
His husband can be so ridiculous sometimes.
(He wouldn’t change it for the world.)
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couchpotatoaniki · 4 years
One Year ❣︎ One: Holidays Aren’t For Drama
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Chapter Summary: San has finally found you after five years of searching, and he wants you for himself--though not knowing how to do it just yet. In the meantime, you’re having fun hanging out with a friend on the plane to Jeju.
Pairing: Mafia!San x Fem!Reader Genre: Mafia AU, fluff, angst, eventual smut, lotta crack and stupid shit ngl Chapter warnings: swearing, stalking Word count: 1.2k+ A 365 Days parody
Previous: Prologue For the rest of the series, click here
Speech in bold means they’re talking in Korean
Speech in italics is whatever the reader wants their native langue to be that’s not Korean or English
Speech without either means they’re talking in English
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You were glad that you were sat next to Yunho on the plane since you needed good vibes that your boyfriend couldn’t really give you. Too sucked up in his own life, which make him the worst person to sit next to Yeosang.
Thankfully, Dominic was terrified of the boy so he was silently scrolling through his phone. That left Mingi to annoy poor Seonghwa the whole trip.
“Oh, you bitch,” Yunho mumbled, picking up four cards from the deck beside him. To pass the time, you and the tall boy decided to play a game of Uno. 
Chuckling, you threw down a yellow 2. effectively ending the round. “You know, for someone of your profession, you’re really shit at cards.”
“Maybe because I’m playing against your devious ass.”
“You love my devious ass, don’t lie.” Scoffing, he gathered the cards and began to shuffle them before you ripped them from his hands. “Oh hell no. I know for a fact you’re gonna rig it.”
“I tried last time, and you still won,” he huffed, running a hand through his sandy blonde hair before using the other to take the deck again.
Yunho wasn’t really your friend to begin with. More so Mingi’s, but that had not stopped the two of you becoming just as close. Seonghwa and Yeosang too; you had meet them through the sweet-hearted boy, and all three had quickly become an addition to your short list of loved ones.
In fact, out of the six of you, Dominic was the odd one out.
He didn’t know the secrets you shared, the things you did without his knowledge. Nothing that would directly harm your relationship, no.
To add to that, the five of you were like a family, looking out for each other, and the boys weren’t very font of the guy you had chosen to date.
Then again, compared to the last one, Dominic was much better.
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Every year, the boys and you had decided to treat this time as a holiday away  from the all the work you do, to treat yourselves for living another year. So you all splurged out and did something big.
How you chose the destination was fairly simple; one of you would throw a dart at a map of the world--blindfolded, obviously--and wherever it landed, you all went there.
It’s what led to the fun cruise in the Pacific the previous trip, and this part of Korea for this current one.
Though, Jeju was one of the places on your bucket list. You were more than excited to go and sight-see. Already, you do plenty of that for your job but never really get the chance to stop and pay attention.
To relax with friends and have fun.
You were going to Jeju for leisure purposes.
San was going to Jeju for you.
Yes, he was originally going there for work, to deal with a bit of business that had gone awry. But then he saw you, quickly crossing the road, from his vehicle.
Decided to follow you, see where you were going and with whom.
At first, he was a little pissed to know that you were travelling with five men, you being the only woman. Most likely scenario, one of them was your boyfriend.
But that information had no longer mattered, because you were going to Jeju. On the same flight as him.
San didn’t like to admit in believing in fate, but if that wasn’t it, he didn’t know what would be.
Hongjoong--who was stood beside him in the middle of the airport by now--was concerned over his strange behaviour. Even the slightest shift that seemed out of the ordinary, he immediately became suspicious.
That’s why San knew it was stupid to try and lie to him.
When he pointed out to you, telling him to look, it only took the older boy a few seconds for him clock on. “You’re shitting me...”
“I’m not, Joong. She’s here. She’s really here.”
“San,” the now-blue-haired boy began, trying not to draw any unnecessary attention, “look at me. You can’t. It was five years ago, and not to mention, you’re already with--”
Shoving his hands off his shoulders, the mafia boss glared at his second-in-command. “You don’t even like Dae anyway!”
No, Hongjoong hated that crazy woman to his very core. She was bad for his friend, but the boy was too caught up in filling the hole you somehow managed to carve to even care.
Had it been any other, the short man would have let San do his thing, but his current girlfriend was one of the heirs to a rather big mafia herself. Being with her involved politics, and being with her for nearly five years brought more trouble than you were worth.
But Hongjoong knew that San wouldn’t listen to him. Not when he’s like this.
The only thing he could do now was damage control.
The two males--San mainly--had stalked the six of you, deducing who meant what to you. Didn’t like how cosy you were with either of them, but specifically disliked the guy who had his hand wrapped around your waist.
Then there was the other guy, one of the really tall ones, with black hair--streaks of green and grey running through it--and a loud voice. Party animal, the two thought. He was particularly close to you too, sending playful hits that were definitely reciprocated. Hopefully, he was just a friend...
The other tall guy--the blonde one, with puppy-like eyes--seemed more reserved yet somehow still as energetic.
Next tallest was s black-haired fella. Clean and lean--smart-looking, with soft (but somehow sharp) eyes.
Finally, the last guy. The one who rarely spoke, with a silvery grey mullet that surprisingly complimented his pale skin. There was something about him that Hongjoong couldn’t pin down. Something familiar...
The most obvious odd thing was how you and your supposed ‘boyfriend’ were of a different ethnicity to the other four. Confirmed when the two men overheard you speaking in a completely different language neither of them were used to.
“Fuckin’ language barrier,” San grunted as he realised there was yet another obstacle in his way.
“Fuckin’ good-lookin’ people,” Hongjoong laughed, scanning the six of you.
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Being in business class was usually a comfortable experience, but right now was the most excruciating thing possible for both of them. San constantly bombarded the elder with questions and worries about you.
Couldn’t even send Hongjoong back there since his newly-dyed electric blue hair would have captured too much attention. “What’s the point of you if I can’t even get you to spy on people,” the younger huffed. “Dye your hair back to black when we get to the villa.”
“Oh, shut up,” Hongjoong spat with gritted teeth, already beyond annoyed with the man’s behaviour. “That’s not even my job. And you come at me with having unusual hair, but you look like Frankenstein’s Bride with that lock of white with the rest being black.”
Groaning, San looked at the entrance of the business area, hoping for some other miracle to occur and you would peer out. Desperation filled him, wanting to see you again. Etch your newer features into his mind once more.
“Who do you think those other guys were? Her boyfriend’s friends? Her friends? Colleagues?”
“Probably her friends, since they all seemed pretty close to her.”
“Ugh.” San buried his face in his hands, still not liking the sound of that.
“It’s the 21st century, dude. Girls can be friends with guys--and that girl is friends with those guys. Get used to it.”
“Don’t wanna,” San mumbled, puffing out his cheeks as Hongjoong narrowed his eyes at his tantrum.
“Listen, dude, you can’t confine and control her. Doing that’s only gonna push her away--if you’re actually serious in pursuing her.”
“Of course I’m serious!”
“Then you need to plan this out carefully. And you need to think of it fast, since I doubt they’ll be in Jeju for long."
The younger male scoffed, running his tongue against the inside of his cheek as his confidence grew and cogs in his brain began moving. “Don’t worry, I’ll definitely come up with something.”
Sighing, Hongjoong looked out of the window, into the peaceful, empty ocean they flew above. What exactly had he done?
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☕︎ Tag list: @little-precious-baby​ , @sparklychangbin​ ,
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newtonsheffield · 3 years
Hello again!!!! I'm the Spanish girl back in here!
Firstly, I'd like to send you my best wishes for this tough week of work, and I bet we're going to miss you around here this week. But duty calls! And, look, how many people can say they've got a whole week for relaxing after a week of work? 😌 (Perhaps I've misunderstood the whole thing; I've read your posts quite quick and I've understood sth different to what you wanted to say lol)
Well, what can I say with one of the last prompts you have gifted to us...? Kate, Anthony (and his Spanish!!!!!!) and Spain; you got me there. 😂 I even cried the famous "Ole!" when I read all of it (curious note: not all Spaniards use the expression "ole" in daily contexts; it is more like a regional expression that became worldwide famous bc of several reasons that are too long to post here, lol) and I think it's needless to say I loved it... isn't it?
And, I LOVED a lot Edwina's POV and story (well, I've loved everything you have posted and gifted to us, but Eddie has a special place in my heart)! I don't know, but sometimes I get the impression that, in romantic literature, relationships between sisters are not addressed at all and kinda force them to be friends (if they're not rivals... which I find stupid, tbh), not really deepening in the bond between them. Like, they're sisters and they behave more like "my next door neighbour and friend to whom sometimes I'm distant bc life happens" instead of "this person and I share much more than many people can imagine that's beyond friendship and she's more important than anybody else" -idk if this makes sense anymore... I rewrote it a couple of times bc I got the impression I can't express my idea very well 😂-. And that's something I think both of you, JQ and yourself, have achieved and gifted to all of us! We see Edwina and Kate as sisters: they fight, they tease the other, they can't stand each other sometimes, but always, ALWAYS, they care for and love the other just as sisters do. Because of this, I think TVWLM is one of my favourite books in this genre: they give us a two fantastic love stories, not only between a -heterosexual- couple but also between sisters; which is as important as any other kind of relationship.
After my TED Talk (sorry if it's been too much... 😅), I cannot help but imagine an escapade between Anthony and Kate (sans children) and Matthew and Edwina (oh, Matthew... I love you) to Spain just for Anthony, in his stupid one-side battle against Matthew (I love this, tbh; it's sooooo fun 😂), demonstrate Matthew he can speak fluently another language... Just for Matthew be oblivious to this and enjoy a little escapade to Spain with his girlfriend and her family. 😂
Anyways; I hope you're alright and, again, I wish you all the best for this week.
Besos!!! 🥰 (Spanish equivalent for the "Love!" farewell expression; it means "kisses")
Hola! You’re back again! And I’m so glad! 
I do have a week off once I finish work tomorrow (Saturday)!! Very Exciting! I have a scarf to knit, and lots of writing to do so that’s very exciting. 
Oh Anthony on a Spanish beach in tiny little flamingo shorts? Ole! indeed! That is a curious note, I literally love learning things about other cultures and languages so if anyone wants to share a curious note about their culture, hit me up! I will in turn tell you about the curious culture of The Land Down under, and our propensity to butcher the English language!
I agree, Sister relationships are a very curious thing in media. I’m not a huge fan of very contentious relationships between sisters, I’m not saying they don’t exist in real life, they definitely do, I just think having them as constant rivals is exhausting. And Yes! I Love the relationship between Edwina and Kate very much because I see it as a mirror of my relationship with my own sister. My sister drives me more insane than any other person on this planet. We fight, we bicker, I get absolutely enraged when she steals the last property I need for a set in Monopoly, and yet, She is my favourite person. She can say whatever she wants about me, but were anyone else to? It’s fight on sight. I’ll be honest, that all I’m doing is basing their relationship in these fics  on my own with my sister. Nothing special! 
Okay! Here we go! Anthony and Kate + Goose and Edwina +Spain
Kate Bridgerton was many, many things, but she liked to think an idiot, was not one of them. And so, when Anthony had said, in a tone she was sure he thought was casual. “I think we deserve a holiday, you’ve been working very hard to grow the little broad bean after all and your sister and her little gander should celebrate their engagement.” She had known exactly what he was up to. And she wasn’t really sure why she played along along with it. Perhaps something in her thrived on the chaos she knew Anthony would would create, perhaps part of her just really wanted a decent paella. Surely it didn’t matter, the result was the same: Kate fixed an innocent expression on her face and said  “Where did you have in mind?” 
 And so, surprise, surprise, here she was: back on a beach in Spain. She had to admit, eyeing Anthony appreciatively as he paddled demonstratively in the shallow water, his plan had its merits. though thus far his attempts had been... unsuccessful at best. Matthew Bagwell seemed absolutely thrilled to be in Spain, on holiday with his fiancée, giving them helpful facts he knew about the architecture as they walked through the city, a wide smile on his face, Anthony practically purple when he corrected a fact Anthony himself had said.   “Do you speak Spanish, Goose?” Anthony had said dryly in the hotel lobby shortly after they’d arrived. And Kate had rolled her eyes at Anthony, though Matthew was not paying attention. He had his arms wrapped tightly around Edwina’s waist, whispering something in her ear that made her nose crinkle in delight, the sapphire of her engagement ring glinting in the sunlight. And the beautiful picture they made gave Kate’s heart a little stutter. Anthony tutted. “Matt!” He said sharply, getting the man’s attention, Matthew’s glasses slipping down his nose as his head shot upwards in surprise.  “Do you speak Spanish?” Edwina was rolling her eyes now. And Matthew, for his part was completely unbothered  “oh, no. Sorry Mate, might have to lean on your pretty heavily this week.” He said, and Kate caught the smug smile on Anthony’s face and bit back a groan Damnit Matthew.  “I’m pretty fluent in French, German and Mandarin though!” Matthew said smiling happily, turning back towards Edwina, completely oblivious to the scowl Anthony tossing his way. “Of course you fucking are.” He muttered, fixing Kate with an irritated glare as a laugh escaped her!   
The water surely must be a little cool in early October but Anthony showed no signs of it, Beckoning Kate into the water. She groaned and made her way towards him, laughing happily as he tugged her in, his hand resting on her stomach, still no sign of her pregnancy. “Is he watching?” Anthony whispered in her ear as he wrapped his arms around her waist, spinning her through the water So she had a brief image of her sister smiling brightly at her fiancée who appeared to be... bless him building a sandcastle. 
“No. He’s not.” Kate said batting her husband’s hands away irritatedly as he scowled.  “Are you really trying to look more in love than they are?” Kate scoffed, disbelief at her husband’s idiocy rising with in her. Anthony looked indignant. “No! A man can’t take an interest in his wife now? Very poor show Mrs. Bridgerton.” He said, but his eyes, darted towards the shore at the last second.  “Oh I cannot believe you! You’re absolutely manic!” She replied as Anthony attempted to pull her back towards him, Kate putting up very little fight as she tumbled against. him, his voice hot in her ear. “Insufferable I hear.” Kate scoffed. “Ugh! If Anyone’s insufferable it’s him!” 
Kate turned to follow Anthony’s gaze to find Matthew waving at them, grinning broadly, completely unbothered. And Kate couldn’t keep from laughing as Anthony went on another muttered tirade.
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