#it's kinda funny that they're the only ones who were not invited to join the polycule lmao
unknown-limes · 4 months
This is the farmer and his husband, Sam, and his husband's boyfriend Sebastian, and his husband's boyfriend's girlfriend Abigail, and his husband's girlfriend Penny, and his husband's girlfriend's girlfriend Maru, and his husband's girlfriend's girlfriend's boyfriend Harvey. Also, the farmer has something going on with this little freak in the sewers, not sure what that's all about but Krobus seems pleasant.
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findafight · 1 year
Oh yeah, in my head Robin’s coming out swiftly derails into an argument between her and her Mom because “you would disown me, don’t even try to pretend-“
I love the idea of Steve discovering she’s a Summer of love baby and uttering the phrase (or mimicking Melissa calling her a “love child”) when he wants to to shut up.
I also like to imagine, that as exams are coming up, Steve starts coming over and doing Robin’s chores for her in an effort to maximise the time they can spend together. Robin’s parents are convinced that she has bullied him into this somehow and, while initially impressed with her, are getting sick of coming into the kitchen to see Steve trying to pretend he wasn’t washing dishes two seconds ago.
Also, I know you’re a fan of Hop adopting Steve, but hear me out; Robin’s parents occasionally stand in for Steve’s (hospital etc) and Richard amuses himself by telling people they’re Irish twins (he makes himself laugh and that’s what matters). A couple of times he refers to them as “the twins” to Melissa, but it’s when he refers to them as “my twins” in conversation with someone that knows he only has one kid he realises - they kinda have two kid now.
Alternatively, they’re eating dinner, there’s an argument and when Steve buts in at the wrong moment Melissa or Robert automatically (bc they were expecting it to be Robin who was going to argue back) snap “go to your room!”
And Steve, looking out upon, gathers his plate and his glass and without hesitating takes his dinner to eat in Robin’s room (or the guest room, is their house is big enough).
Robin’s only reaction to yell “You’re 19 you Dingus, they can’t boss you around like that anymore!”
Robin arguing with her mom that she would hav totally disowned her and Melissa going "I'd only disown you if you joined the military and committed more war crimes that normal!! and even then it's iffy!! We just wanted you to feel safe!!" while Steve (moral support for Robin) and Mr. Buckley stand off to the side.
Mr. Buckley walking in of Steve looking like he got caught with his hand in the cookie jar but he's actually vacuuming the drapes(have never been vacuumed before bc that's a rich people thing to do) is so funny. when asked why he's doing them for her if she didn't blackmail him or something he says "because if I do them when she's at school then she doesn't have to do them and we have more time to hang out 🥺" a la patrick "wait fo you to get back" star.
Listen okay. I am actually a fan of a cold war happening in Hawkins between a select group of adult who are all vying for being seen as parental figures to steve. Hop, Claudia Henderson and the Sinclairs (they're a team), and the Buckleys are all glaring at each other and inviting Steve for dinner and asking if he needs anything. they all think they have the Most Claim over the role lol. Steve is unaware of why everytime he says he's having dinner with Hop Mrs. Henderson invites him over a few days later, or that he says Mrs. Buckley showed hi how to troubleshoot a clogged or leaky sink Hop suggests they go fishing the next weekend, or why Richard Buckley offered to teach him his Nonna's tiramisu recipe when told Sue Sinclair baked date squares with him....
I don't really think steve and robin having a very sibling-like relationship but a few people half-jokingly calling them the twins is funny. like it's their Team Name. they aren't siblings but they're twins do you see this. Will and El are THEE Wonder Twins but Steve and robin are the ""wonder twins"" am i making sense.
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moonswolfie · 1 year
Kageyama-kun from class 1-3
Kageyama x fem!reader
YOOHOOO so this is a short fic based off the extra chapter "Class 1-3's Kageyama-kun" in Volume 8 of the manga.
It's sort of like a prequel to something i'm working on right now (wink wink) but both of them can be read as individual works.
I'm writing for Kageyama again !!!
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"Hey, have you seen Kageyama-kun before? He's from class 1-3." your friend said, looking over at the group of girls.
This was a regular occurence for your friend group. Your friends bring up a guy they think is hot at the moment and gush over him all day. Sometimes you participate in their conversations, but none of the guys they talk about really caught your mind.
"Oh my god, yessss. He is so hot!" another said. This Kageyama guy was someone you've never heard of before. Maybe you have seen him, but you just didn't know he was Kageyama.
"Isn't he like, the ace or something?" the last one asked. "That is so cool!"
"What is an ace?" you asked, having no clue about what they were even talking about.
"Isn't that the player who scores the most during games?" one offered, the other two agreeing. "Honestly, I thought you would know by now, considering all the sportboys we crush on."
"Oh... Well, I know now." you smiled awkwardly, continuing to walk with them down the hallway. Should you be embarrased for not knowing?
"And he looks so smart too!" a friend squealed, another adding "Yesss, he could lecture me and I would like it...!" You always found comments like those strange. Why would anyone want to be scolded or lectured by their crush?
Your friends stopped close to a classroom all of a sudden.
"Ooh, there he is!"
"That's Kageyama-kun!"
They said excitedly as they look at someone in the... make-up class? But your friends just said he was smart?
"He's the one sitting in the front desk with the black hair." your friend guided you since she knew you probably didn't know who he was.
"Make-up class? I guess he's not any good at studying..." your friend said quietly so he wouldn't hear. Or maybe she just didn't want to be heard bashing her crush.
"But that's still kinda cute though... Imagine the study dates..!!" the other responded quietly.
"Let's go closer, let's see what they're studying!" your friend grabbed your hand and started dragging you along with her. You kinda wished you could be eating lunch right now.
"Hahaha! His eyes are all rolled back!" "Take pics! Take pics!!!"
You heard the boisterous yelling of teenage boys inside the classroom, and sure enough, Kageyama was asleep sitting back with his eyes rolled back while the guys behind him were taking pictures.
Your friends exchanged bewildered glances, but you didn't join them.
"You haven't even been here for two minutes!! Wake up!!" the teacher scolded him, though it didn't seem to you like he heard it at all. Was it even possible to fall in such deep sleep at school? You were never successful, at least.
Dissapointed glances were passed around your friend group, but they didn't reach you.
Kageyama-kun... The way he slept was funny, and you supressed a giggle, only a small huff coming out.
"Hey, ummm... Don't you think that Hattori-san from the soccer club is kinda hot?" your friend changed the subject and turned away, silently inviting the rest of the group to walk away.
You find yourself wanting to keep looking at his face, even if just for a bit longer. With twinkling eyes, you stare at him as the friend group starts leaving.
"Oi, aren't you coming?" one called out to you, everyone stopping and turning back to see you leaning closer to the door to get a better look at Kageyama.
"Don't tell me..." one of them looked at the others with a worried expression.
"Do you think she likes Kageyama?"
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writingkeepsmewhole · 8 months
Loud and Heavy
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This is part 1 of my why choose Teen Wolf Fic.
Fic Summery: Harper McCall falls for both Stiles and Derek and has to choose one. Or dose she?
Part Summery: Harper goes with Stiles and Scott to find a body in the woods. What happens when she gets separated and bitten by something.
Warnings: None?
Let me know if you wanna be tagged.
I stood in my bedroom soft music playing from the computer as I tried to pick out what to wear tomorrow. It was the first day of school. The first day of the rest of my life. Both me and my brother Scott decided that we were going to be who we wanted to be in school this year.
He was going to play lacrosse and I was going to do well…something.
Problem with me: I had no idea who I wanted to be. No big dream I wanted to have in high school. This was my last year to live the high school dream but what even was that?
Be asked to prom? I don’t know, haha. Parties. I always wanted to be invited to one of the parties more for curious sake than hanging out with a bunch of drunk teenagers.
I guess me and Scott were different. Well I was. I wasn’t the girly girl, or the nerdy goth. Sweet and shy or bubbly and outgoing. No, I was always in the middle, always being pulled in two different directions.
So here I stood staring at my bed trying to decide what style I was going to wear. Who was I going to become?
Why was I worried about my clothes so much? Because I had to have something that told others who I was.
I was just as much in the middle on the outside I was on the inside.
Everything about me was average. Average height. 5’4, average weight at 170. I have brown eyes only a few shades lighter than my brothers. Brown medium length hair that has just enough body it wouldn't stay straight and not enough waves to hold a curl. Like I said I was average.
My thoughts were cut off by a strange sound coming from outside. Glancing out the window I didn't see anything making me leave to go find Scott.
I jumped, seeing him in the hallway holding a bat.
“Did you hear something outside?” Both of us ask at the same time, making me giggle and Scott look unamused.
“Let's go check it out. I'm right behind you.” I say, holding on to his hoodie.
He smiles and shakes his head at the thing I've done since we were toddlers and starts walking towards the front door and outside.
Rounding the corner of the house my heart nearly stops when someone hangs from the roof Scott yelling along with the culprit until we all realize it's Stiles.
“What the hell are you doing here?” Scott says, sounding annoyed as he puts his bat down.
“You weren't answering your phone. Why do you have a bat?” 
“I thought you were a predator.”
“A pre…what?” Stiles says, the look of confusion and shock on his face makes me giggle.
“Hey Harper.” He says smiling at me.
“Hi.” I say, tucking my hair behind my ear and smiling back.
I'm sure it was no surprise that I had a crush on my brother's best friend but it was kinda hard not to. He was funny and just the sweetest person.
“Look, I know it's late, but you gotta hear this. I saw my dad leave twenty minutes ago. Dispatch called-- they're bringing in every officer from the Beacon Department, and even state police.”
“For what?” Both me and Scott say that at the same time but with opposite reactions.
Where Scott had a frown on his face I had a look of curiosity. I guess you could say I got my rambunctiousness from Stiles, us always getting into trouble together.
“Two joggers found a body in the woods.” Stiles says, the glee of mischievous clear in his eyes.
Stiles lifts himself untangling from the trellis and drops to his feet in front of us. 
“Like a dead body?” Scott asked, confused and horrified.
Stiles moves to lean on the railing of the porch looking at Scott like he's dump.
“No, a body of water.” He says, sarcastically, making me snort out a laugh which he smiles at making me look down to hide my blush.
“Yes, dumbass a dead body.” He says rolling his eyes and climbs over the railing to join us on the porch.
“Were they murdered?” I ask, the nosy side of me coming out.
“Nobody knows yet. Just that it was a girl, probably in her twenties.”
“That's horrible.” I say, frowning. 
“Hold on.” Scott says, both of us looking at him.
“If they found the body, then what are they looking for?”
Stiles practically grins, tickled with the drama of the night.
“That's the best part- They only found half.” He says, his face growing serious.
“We're going.”
“I'll grab my shoes.” I say turning towards the house.
“What? No you're not going and neither am I. I have tryouts tomorrow.” Scott says grabbing my arm to stop me.
“Oh come on Scott it's the last night of summer break let's do something fun.” I pout, sticking out my bottom lip.
“I got this. Go get your shoes.” Stiles says placing a hand on each of our shoulders.
“Thank you.” I say, moving back into the house.
I jog up the steps not worried about the noise. Mom was working tonight so there wasn't anymore in the house.
Ignoring the tightening of my asthmatic lungs I start to grab my shoes until I see myself in the mirror.
I was in pajamas. No makeup, not even a bra on.
Blushing, realizing Stiles saw me like that I quickly moved to my bed to fix the situation.
I grab the first thing my hand touches and get dressed. I didn't really care about the no makeup thing but I at least needed a bra on.
Pulling on my shoes I grab my inhaler and rush back downstairs seeing the boys getting in Stiles' jeep.
“Wait for me.” I call out to them, my lungs already bothering me.
“You okay?” Stiles asks, looking me up and down.
“Fine. Just outta shape.” I laugh climbing into the back of his jeep and taking a puff of my inhaler.
Getting inside Stiles starts the engine and away we go.
Pulling up outside of the beacon hills preserve Stiles stops the car tuning it off.
“Are we seriously doing this?” Scott asks, looking over at his best friend.
“Come on brother, live a little.” I say grabbing his shoulders and shaking him.
“How many energy drinks did you have today?” He asks, looking back at me.
“Umm three why?” I ask, holding up three fingers.
“I told you I planned on pulling an all-nighter so I could work on my style.” I say, waving my hands down myself.
“I think you look great.” Stiles says, giving me a once over then turning back to my brother.
“Of course we are doing this. You're the one that's always bitching that nothing ever happens in this town.” He says but I'm not really listening.
My heart flutters my cheeks hot as I look at what I'm wearing.
I was in jeans, a T-shirt and a flannel. My hair was in a messy bun. A few stray hairs fell around my face and I had on my glasses instead of my contacts.
I was definitely rocking the nerdy look at the moment but plus one for it if Stiles liked it.
“I was trying to get a good night's sleep before practice tomorrow.” Scott says pulling me back to the convention.
“Right, 'cause sitting on the bench is such a grueling effort.” Stiles says, almost rolling his eyes.
“No, because I'm playing this year. In fact, I'm making first line.”
Stiles looks at Scott in disbelief then turns to look at me. Him asking if he's serious with his gaze.
I blush and shrug not knowing what to say 
“Hey, that's the spirit! Everyone should have a dream, even a pathetically unrealistic one.” He says smacking Scott on the shoulder and turning to open the car door.
“We're going to get in so much trouble.” Scott says, looking at me.
“It'll be fun, come on.” I say, turning to hop out of the Jeep and head towards the woods.
We all three walked in silence for a little while. It was a clear night letting us see how to move through the woods without tripping over our own two feet.
“Just out of curiosity, what half of the body are we looking for?” Scott asks, mimicking Stiles' sarcastic tone from before.
“Huh? I didn’t even think about that.” Stiles says, glancing at me with a sheepish look on his face.
“And Uh…What if whoever killed the body is still out here.”
“Also something I didn’t think about.” Stiles says flat out embarrassed.
“You two are going to get me killed.” I say looking at them.
“Me? You were the one who wanted to live a little.” Scott says.
“Well yeah, but…” I trail off not having an answer. We were also starting to climb up a hill. No way would I be able to talk and climb at the same time.
“It’s comforting to know you planned this out with your unusual attention to detail.”
“I know.” Stiles says through labored breathing.
Reaching the top of the hill I bend over holding my knees, my ears ringing as if I've been holding my breath for too long.
I close my eyes not listening to the other two, just focusing on my breathing.
When I lift my head I’m alone. Looking around I see no flash light and I don’t hear anything other than my ragged breathing.
“Guys?” I question, walking forward to catch up with them.
“Scott? Stiles?” I call out my heart rate starting to pick up at the thought of being alone out here.
Hearing a snapping twig I turn to head towards the noise knowing they can’t be too far away from me.
Walking around a large tree I freeze when I see something glowing red in the distance.
Thinking it’s a police car I duck behind a tree not wanting to get in trouble. Stiles Dad would know I was out here with him if he caught me.
I blush at the thought of having to explain that to him.
Hearing rustling leaves I stay perfectly still scared of being found. When the sound stops I let go of the breath I was holding.
Peaking around the tree I see the same red glow yet it’s closer. Right in front of my face and its eyes. A pair of glowing red eyes are only inches from my face.
Them set into the face of a very large animal. I don’t get a chance to look at it before it lunges at me. 
I scream as it tears into my skin biting down hard into my shoulder. I try to pull away from it, hitting it as hard as I can.
It lets go and takes off running leaving me there. I jumped up and pushed myself in the opposite direction, scared that whatever it was would come back and finish the job.
I go as fast as I can ignoring my burning lungs scared the thing was right behind me. I don’t slow down even when it starts to rain.
Fear piping through me drives me forward. I don’t stop until I run out into the road the sound of screeching tires and a horn fills the air.
Headlights blinding me as a car stops inches from hitting me. I stand there shaking as the driver door opens and someone walks up to me.
“Are you okay?” Asks the man who got out.
He is taller than me, his broad shoulders making him seem a lot bigger than me as well.
“I…It..something is out there.” I say my eyes burning as tears start to run down my cheeks.
He doesn't say anything, his eyes jumping to my shoulder. I could feel the warm trail of blood running down my back. 
I let out a hiss when he lifts what’s left of my ripped flannel off my shoulder.
“What happened?” He asks, looking at me, his jaw clenched.
“I don’t know. Something bit me.” I sniffle out.
“Okay. Come one I’ll give you a ride home.” He says, wrapping his arm around me.
I let him, feeling scared but not as scared as I was in those woods moments ago. He opens the passenger door and helps me get in.
I wrap my arms around myself as he jogs around the front of the car and gets behind the wheel.
We don’t speak as we drive back towards town. I sit there shaking the heat cranked up.
“Do you, uh, want to talk about it?” He says, clearly not used to comforting people by the tone in his voice.
“I don’t even know what happened.” I say, staring at the dash.
He didn't say anything, the ride to my house was silent after I told him the address. I should have gone to the hospital but I didn’t want to worry my mom or get any one in trouble.
I get out of his car when he pulls up the crack of thunder sounding overhead, the rain only increasing.
Wrapping my arms around myself I head towards the door surprised when he gets out.
“Thank you.” I say looking at him.
He nods, handing me a paper with scribbled numbers on it.
“I’m Derek.”
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irithnova · 10 months
Inner mongolia headcanons? :3
He seems somewhat spacey if that's the right word? Like his mind is often thinking about something else
Also I think his name would be Batbold 🐱 I think Baatar (Mongolia) and Batbold (Inner Mongolia) sound cute together LZKQAK
Because many different ethnic groups live within him (I mean, he's straight up outnumbered by Han Chinese), he is more sensitive of other people's cultural norms to say the least compared to his brother in the North. Also has a better alarm for what not to say out loud
Wears his hair in two braids, has a bit of facial hair. I'd like to think he's around the same height as Mongolia, if not slightly shorter?
He tolerates Manchuria better than Mongolia does seeing as they live so close together and there are many Manchurians living in Inner Mongolia. What would really annoy Mongolia would probably only illicit a sigh from him.
On Manchuria again: They sort of have a weird relationship. For Mongolia, it's easy for him to dislike Manchuria or to be easily annoyed by Manchuria. But for Inner Mongolia, because both of them live under China , he came to the conclusion that there's really no point spending time on being angry at him all the time when they're kinda in the same boat now.
That doesn't mean that he doesn't get passive aggressive or annoyed towards Manchuria at times or has completely let go of his feelings towards what happened but Manchuria isn't exactly a threat to him anymore and if anything, is in a worse position than he is, so.
So yes. That combined with the Manchurian population in Inner Mongolia means that inner Mongolia does in fact invite him over for celebrations and trips and whatnot (Northerner solidarity finally real?).
Even if this annoys Mongolia when he comes over and visits. He finds it kind of funny anyways
Touching back on a previous point: I see inner Mongolia being a brother to Mongolia rather than being his like, child or something. This is because inner Mongolia was originally Southern Mongolia and a distinction between Northern and Southern Mongolia was only really prevalent during I guess the late 16th century or even mid during Ligdan Khan's reign?
Inner Mongolia (previously Southern Mongolia) was colonised by the Qing (Manchuria 🐱) in 1636 and Outer Mongolia (Mongolia) joined a few decades later in 1691
Between Northern and Southern/Inner Mongolia, there were some differences in the ruling families and Mongolic peoples populating each. This is kind of complicated but outer Mongolia (iirc) consisted of mainly Khalkha, Buryat, Uriankhai (umbrella term for the likes of Tuvans) groups and Inner Mongolia also had Khalkha and also Tumet and Chahar Mongol groups. There are a number of other Tumens/factions that are a part of this shitshow but I'm simplifying it for now
Despite these differences, this did not make Northern and Southern Mongolia two different entities. At least for a while
These groups, such as the Khalkha and Chahar, were Chinggisid (Genghisid), so of/loyal to the Chinggisid royal bloodline. It was under Dayan Khan that these groups were reunited after defeating the Oirats, and it was established that they were a Chinggisid people once more.
It was a strict rule in Mongolia that only those of the Chinggisid line could be Khan. Side note: the rule of Chinggisid leaders only being legitimate was so widespread throughout Central Asia which is why Timur of the Timurid Empire wanted to prove that he was Chinggisid so much, and even married a woman who was a descendant of Chagatay Khan (one of his sons).
Because of this Chinggisid heritage ordeal iirc this is why the Qing carefully planned intermarriages with inner Mongolian ruling groups so they could, in some convoluted way, claim legitimacy. Inner Mongolian nobles married with Manchurian nobles pretty extensively
So yes relationship with Manchuria can be kinda weird considering this past LMAO but he tolerates him now because. Same boat™
I make his birth date being in the late-ish 16th century because there already was a difference in the kind of factions inhabiting inner and outer Mongolia but I don't want to make him be born too early as that might be seem as legitimising Qing Imperialism/ legitimising Inner Mongolia being separated from Mongolia.
As stated previously, the difference between them can be seen in Ligdan Khan's reign. The Khalkha and Oirat factions by the early/mid 17th century were already going against Ligdan's rule, and he really only had the Chahar Mongol faction on his side
Inner Mongolia was officially annexed to the Qing in 1636 after Ligdan Khan died. His son, Ejei, was the final ruler of the Northern Yuan dynasty (Mongolia - he was coping and seething with the Yuan ending so called his territory the "Northern Yuan" lol) before the Qing finally put an end to it when Ejei was defeated in a surprise attack in 1635 and subsequently handed over the Northern Yuan imperial seal to the Qing, which was the first step to legitimising their rule before the extensive intermarriage with inner Mongolian nobility.
Inner/Southern Mongolia was the first to be annexed, Northern Mongolia held on for a bit longer but ultimately fell to the Qing too.
This (1) of the many reasons why Mongolia has a huge complex about inner Mongolia and what went down because uh. It's used to justify "Inner Mongolia is the real Mongolia" rhetoric
Because of this Mongolia is extremely fussy over inner Mongolia which does kind of annoy the latter
Once inner Mongolia and the Imperial seal was taken, this meant that the still independent Mongols in the North needed to find a new authority. Thus they turned to Tibetan Buddhism and established a new spiritual leader, Jebtsundamba Khutuktu, in 1639 (mfw tibmon real because Tibet helped Mongolia regain control of himself and a will to live once inner Mongolia was taken -)
But didn't last long lol as the Qing would install their own lamas into Mongolian monasteries so.
He is pretty chill on the surface, he's not very outwardly fussy about things and is pretty easy to talk to about whatever. Doesn't really involve himself in drama and whatnot
However he does have some. Deep seated complexes and problems that he never brings to the surface and are really hard to gage.
Mongolia however uh. Can sense them. I've already talked about this hc before but I think Mongolia has problems with anything to do with understanding mental health and doesn't show empathy easily but he's very different when it comes to inner Mongolia. He catches onto when he's upset or not feeling okay and like. Shows genuine concern.
I've said previously that Inner Mongolia gets kind of annoyed with Mongolia when Mongolia becomes too fussy about him... Mfw Inner Mongolia orders takeout for them in Mandarin when Mongolia visits and he looks up and Mongolia looks like he's seen a ghost -
I think sometimes they bicker about wrestling rules LMAO. Inner Mongolian and Outer Mongolian wrestling rules slightly differ. For example, in Inner Mongolia, you're not allowed to grab your opponents legs, whereas in outer Mongolia it's completely permissible.
Inner Mongolia also rubs in how much fancier inner Mongolian wrestling outfits are compared to outer Mongolian.
Mongolia in turn makes fun of the "Jangga" tradition in Inner Mongolia. In Inner Mongolian wrestling, some wrestlers wear a colourful ribbon necklace around their neck to signify that they're a good wrestler, as its often gained through winning many matches. But you can also acquire it if a retiring wrestler just decides to give it to you, regardless of your skill.
Mongolia voice: Isn't that just cheating lol
I think he has a good relationship with Daur. Many Daur live in Inner Mongolia and I see her being quite. Cheerful? So he likes being around her. She tries to teach him hockey :3
Really likes Uyghur food. I read that inner Mongolians often go to Uyghur restaurants when they eat out and take their (Outer) Mongolian friends there.
About Mr Uyghur again: I see them having a good bond. Love for lamb and wrestling etc lol some very similar interests but also it's a minzu to minzu thing and shared experiences of living under China.
Also because of the history between Uyghurs and Mongols but when it comes to overall history in particular, Uyghur is more familiar with Mongolia because well, he was around for longer lol
His and Mongolia's relationship isn't always good and there are definitely problems. In 1919 when China attempted to occupy outer Mongolia, a lot of the troops where Chahar Mongols from inner Mongolia 🤒
I also think inner Mongolia can get quite passive aggressive towards Mongolia when he's annoyed with him. Like the whole "well we retained our culture unlike you who uses the cyrillic script now instead of the original Mongol script"
Adding onto this and harking back to some points earlier, inner Mongolia does kind of have a superiority complex towards Mongolia because of the "Inner Mongolia is the real Mongolia" fiasco and Ejei Khan giving the Imperial seal to the Qing which lead to inner Mongolia being annexed etc etc and Northern/Outer Mongolia having to find a new authority to have a stabilised sense of identity again.
Also because he's simply a lot wealthier than Mongolia and I've heard that apparently some Mongols travel to inner Mongolia for certain healthcare?
Inner Mongolia also really. Dislikes it when Mongolia puts him on a pedestal and Mongolia often finds himself bitterly disappointed when he visits inner Mongolia and he does not act like the idealised version of himself he has in head🤒
It's ok though they do still love and care about each other KXKSKS just. Family issues I guess
Positive relationship with Tibet but kinda reels at how Mongolia and Tibet act around each other LMAO.
Ending on a more positive note, I think it's funny how it's inner Mongolia who goes around with facial hair and Mongolia who decides to be clean shaven lol
Also thank yew because you helped me out with parts of this post teehee :3
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Are the wonders in your crown found in thorns au?
If so are they still immortals? ALSO also since brutalia are together did they adopt the children together or did each just.. adopt a child, ex:
Bruce adopting young Richard while Talia adopted Jason
Beside Richard's and Bruce's reaction, how did the other batfam react to damian's near death experience?
Thats all my questions, now on to hc!
Tim and Damian was the most dangerous duo back in the day and since damian was tim's first and only little brother he spoiled the CRAP out of em
Jon consulted to Conner on his crush on damian and was actually the first person jon told about it
Talia and Lois are friends and 100% gossip about their husbands they sometime invite Alfred if hes making tea
Probably not even close to ever happening but still funny in mind:
Alfred and Ra's have a one's a month tea session, it both a disguise to gain info (both lie.) But to also hang out because the grandpas group up to talk about their dumb children/grandchildren (Alfred in /pos while Ra's is in maybe /neg?)
Tim not really knowing why but he has the urge to just punch Jon and hates him ablot for some reason (not even himself knows why)
Kon and Tim being friends but have no f*cking clue on each others background when they were young, Tim even gains a crush on em and they sorta kinda not really date for a bit until Kon left him. This also became the reason for his resent me on the above point
All the batkids experience at least at one point a slight panic when the news of damian came to be but their emotions constantly did sumersaults about their thoughts about it. They were excited at first but panicked for the next 5 months on their position on the family and grew ecstatic again. And then panicked again. (The only ones who only panicked once were Richard and Cass) Until damian was born and all the panic instantly disappeared as they were all smitten for this smol baby
mmm the Wonders are probably there somewhere, but I don't plan on writing them haha.
I said it somewhere before, but I don't remember if it was in an ask or in story. But Bruce adopted Dick, Talia adopted Jason and then after they got together they adopted Cass and Tim. Damian was an accident.
When the incident happened, all the middle kids were rushed back into the castle and hidden away when it was determined Damian was missing. Dick probably would have been as well, but as a stubborn teenager/the eldest, he threw a tantrum until it was agreed he could join the search - but with Alfred, not alone.
When Damian was found and brought back, the siblings were all kinda of kept away/talk of Damian was hush-hush. Jason and Cass were angry, though, because they heard the whispers that not only had someone done this to their brother, but that it was probably done on purpose. Tim was more upset/scared of losing his kid brother, and probably threw himself into studies and research to not think about it.
as for your headcanons...they're mostly incorrect haha. Ra's is the bad guy in this story, and Talia and Lois have not met (yet), nor Tim and Kon haha sorry.
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timothylawrence · 2 years
finished the Handsome Jackpot, thoughts below!
-by far one of the most lovingly piece of borderlands content i've seen from the devs since tftbl. from the story to the characters to the dialogue, it's all so wonderfully woven together that I couldn't help but hope it never ended! which is saying a lot considering how the main campaign went!!!
-to start, all the characters are so wonderfully written and feel so real. Ember stood out to me as not another femme fatale or Girlboss(TM), but a real woman who's fighting for better things, for her friends, and for freedom. She has a cute quirk with fire and frankly her whole personality is amazing. Freddie, my god, he was so funny and cheeky. I knew he was going to betray us by the pretty boy's one line but i really hoped he wouldn't! he was written with so much personality and quirks, i actually felt for his robots :(. pretty boy is a funny type with sick intentions that only got worse as time went on and the mayor of Trashapolis (???) was SO COOL. i loved his design, just wish we got a name! Getting to FINALLY interact with Moxxi on a more personal level... ugh i love her so much. she's so human and funny and her revenge is justified, you go girl! I missed her proximity to the main campaign so it was nice to get level with her :(( Everyone in this dlc is a victim in one way or another and I think that's what makes everyone's dynamics work so well together.
-onto timothy, since that's one of the main points you guys are probably looking for LOL, his dynamic with all these characters is truly what makes him so... alive? the way he talks about his regret with Ember, his "im not as weird as Freddie" process, and his overall pining crush on Moxxi is just. so good. He feels 3D and isn't just a "sad, pathetic meow meow" as fandom portrays him to be. He's crass and rude and frankly selfish at points, but then he has moments where he is so, so sad and you realize that behind the mask (sorry), there's another victim of Handsome Jack's that you get to help. Just like Moxxi. Seeing him juggle between himself and jack is also so unique to him and frankly, it tugs at the heart :(
-Man. the story. this DLC is exactly what BL3 was missing all along. A sense of fucking connection. This whole story you're jumping from one character to another but they're all connected in such intricate ways. You hear Moxxi talk about her trauma from Jack and you feel sympathy, you find out Timothy thinks about her still and then you meet Ember, who despite being burned (sorry again) by Timothy, comes through to help him. Freddie, albeit a "new" addition, is just as much a victim to everyone else. The scene where they're all standing at the table coming up with a plan felt so, so good. I felt like we actually played a purpose in the story and getting to see everyone together like that? it was a genuine connection between the player and the story. It felt like we were back in Sanctuary standing beside Roland, Lilith, Brick and Mordecai. The characters made the story for sure, but being able to see everyone gathered like that? brought together for a good cause and better loot? that's what borderlands is fucking about. When you spend the entire main campaign forgetting the point of a mission, running from one place to another, never actually being together, it just... feels empty. and this DLC rectifies that so, so well. There's no more "talk to lilith on the bridge".
-the narrated plan scene has got to be one of the best scenes i've ever played. i laughed and it was still action packed and it was just, so, so good. instead of idly sitting back watching a character make a dumb decision, or being mocked, the player is IN on the game, invited to join and actually feel like a part of the plan!
-The UI deserves a praise for the dumb mission names, the silly names of the parts of the map, freaking casa de Timothy made me laugh. It's the silly humor that kinda tied a nice little wrap on a good story and great characters.
-The bosses, oh my god, that was SO FUN!!!! the claptrap revenge/zombie thing literally threw me back to COD zombies days, the JACKBOT was SUCH a cool multi-level boss- even Freddie was great! Just like Krieg's DLC, there was a lot of fun with these levels.
-The design of the Jackpot frankly felt like we were back in BL2 Pandora, which was such a nice refresher sorry! I really enjoyed running through what felt like opportunity again :,). all the jack stuff was CREEPY! I didnt realize the jack tower moved and then it did and i was like OH.
-bugs of course put a tamper on the fun, had to restart twice 'cause the audio bugged and then Timothy just... didn't show up to hack the forcefield LOL . Not exactly the DLCs fault.
-the ending music was the bow on the masterpiece, sorry!
Overall, this DLC nearly makes up for the awfulness that was the main campaign. there was heart to be found in every corner, love crafted in every piece of dialogue, and genuine FUN in each mission. I almost wished i didn't play 'cause now im longing for another GOOD BL thing to play. open to talking about it as always hehe <3
surprising from me, a peak 10/10
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puppyluver256 · 2 years
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[Image Description: A woman resembling the Pokemon Mismagius, sitting on a blue wall in front of three surprised-looking marble statues of men resembling Raichu, Lucario, and Umbreon. The woman has light skin, short purple and pink hair, and red eyes with yellow sclera. She is wearing a long-sleeved violet dress, a long purple vest with pink accents, a purple witch's hat with pink accents, and a pink belt with three red jewels attached. She has one arm over her lap and the other is motioning toward the statues. The left one (Raichu) is yellow marble and has short fluffy hair. It is wearing a short-sleeved jacket, a t-shirt and pants, gloves, and a pendant made from a green Thunder Stone. The center one (Lucario) is blue marble and has shoulder-length hair. It is wearing a jacket, choker collar, t-shirt, pants, and a silver spike pendant. The right one (Umbreon) is black marble and has short hair. It is wearing a collared dress shirt, a vest, slacks, and a red and gold tie clip. The background is a room with green walls and a purple carpeted floor. There is a large window displaying a dazzling starry night sky, and there is a red curtain draped over its left side. End ID.]
Oh, what's this? It looks like Renee has become a Mismagius and has taken advantage of her newfound power in a rather interesting way! She seems to have found some attractive-looking gentlemen and has invited them to stay with her in this bizarre mansion with her...permanently! I'm sure they're totally cool with it, the expressions and poses they've taken on for an indefinite period of time are probably just for show! And she seems to be beckoning to you as well, question is whether she's offering you to admire her collection--I mean guests--or if she's offering you to join with them...guy or gal, she's cool with either one as well as anything outside of that tbh. Unfortunately for her little momentary fantasy, before any more "guests" can arrive, she wakes up from the very odd dream she was having. And for a good few hours after, she can't help but wonder how he would look frozen in marble too...
So yeah, this isn't canon, just a fun lil thing I thought I'd do hehe. Honestly, iirc the only ones in this pic that actually meet in my canon Pokejinka storyline at present are Spark and Lunes, because I have Verdantia (my Leaf Green team) standing in for the Red encounter in the HGSS portion of the story. That and Renee doesn't evolve into Mismagius until after the Colosseum story segment, for obvious it's-gen-3-so-Mismagius-doesn't-exist-yet reasons, same as why my XD Mawile is pure steel instead of steel/fairy. ...there really is no significance to who got statue'd here, they were chosen via rng with my only rerolls being to make sure they were from different 'jinka teams, though it is kinda funny (in a good way) that 2/3 of them are trans men when Renee's eventual canon love interest is also a trans man. Renee abso-lutely says trans rights >:3
💖🐶 Check out my pinned post for ways to support my artwork, among other things! 🐶💖
~Likes are appreciated, but reblogs are greatly preferred as they let more people see my content! If you have something to say, feel free to give feedback in tags/comments/replies as well!~
Mismagius, Raichu, Lucario, Umbreon, and other Pokemon concepts © Nintendo/GameFreak Renee Houston (any form), Spark Carlisle, Ruka Auron, Bebe "Lunes" Voss, and artwork © PuppyLuver Studios
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twpsyn-who · 2 years
I have two posts about an Youtuber Stranger Things AU in my draft, but I kinda need to make this post first to give people some CONTEXT so here we are.
[They're aged up, so that the kids are 18 now]
- The Hellfire Club is formed of Eddie, Jeff, Gareth and Ben (because that's usually the name I use for the unnamed freak) ; four best friends who has been to school together and choose to live in the same house after graduating. They were initially doing that to keep the band together, but Ben and Jeff got into gaming + streaming in their free time and somehow they got Gareth and Eddie into it. By the time Among Us got popular they already had a strong fan base : both for their careers as streamers and musical artists who are recording shit from their house's basement. The name of their group is the same as the one of their DnD Club in high school.
- The Party is formed of Mike, Dustin, Will and Lucas. They started by playing Minecraft at 16 ; at first it was only clips on YouTube that the kids thought were funny and after they got a bit of attention they got into streaming.
- Steve Harrington is not a gamer. He streams the places he's traveling to ; it started as Steve wishing to share the experience with Robin and ended up with him streaming it so he wouldn't feel so alone while visiting the world. Everyone could tell he got happier once the kids got into his streams.
- Nancy Wheeler is also not a gamer. She makes videos on YouTube of criminal cases either solved or unsolved. Jonathan helps with the visuals of the video and the editing. Is a hobby more than anything for them. They only play Among Us from time to time, when the kids don't have enough players for a lobby (thought you might find Nancy playing scary games from time to time, thought she usually doesn't stream it ; you can see her in other's streams)
- Robin sometimes shows up in Steve's videos. Some still think they are dating despite Robin's big ass lesbian pin on her clothes.
They all meet via Among Us, when Eddie made a lobby with the Hellfire Club and invited the Party to their lobby because he thought they would get along. And they did. There were many disscussions online of them joining the Hellfire Club, but there were two criteria for joining : playing DnD (which the kids did and they were very excited to get to play with the Hellfire guys) and being metalheads (which neither of them was and only Mike gave any indication of liking that kind of music). Eddie commented during stream once that he would have liked for them to join, but the rules are the rules (which were made specially to stop Eddie from inviting his crushes in their group)
Little fun facts from the Among Us games :
× At the beginning Will used to cover for Mike A LOT during games. That's how the whole simping thing began.
× Mike is the worst impostor.
× One game Dustin got impostor five times in a row and won all the games (he got carried in two of them by Will and Jeff respectively, but a win is a win)
× The first time they played together, Eddie made sure to always kill Steve first. He thought it was funny and it was a little payment for stealing Dustin. It made Steve really sad and it was a big drama over it until Eddie discord called the dude and explained himself. Now they are simping for each other every game and everyone (loves) hates it.
× Nancy always got the impostors right, but she usually keeps quite useless asked for information as to not steal the fun of the game
× Jonathan is a really good impostor, which makes him the first suspect every game. God knows how many times they voted him off thinking he was playing them when he actually was chilling doing wires the whole game.
× You guys know that game were Sykkuno got impostor and Dream & Corpse simped for him? (Link here for visuals) That but it was Steve and Eddie simping for Dustin.
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rp-repliforce · 2 years
How would your main muses react to discovering Cybertronians? Is their opinion at all affected by the historical records of Stardroids?
That's a good question!
Well, to be honest, I can't decide if historical records of the classic timeline were destroyed or not, so it's hard to say how that would affect my muses' perception of cybertronians. I just... kinda sweep it under the rug and leave it ambiguous. 😅
The funny thing is that me and my sister once did a Mega Man X + Transformers Prime crossover RP years ago, but... I don't really recall how my muses reacted to the existence of cybertronians in the beginning. What I DO remember though is the time her Decepticon OC got in a fight with Colonel and threw and entire cactus at him. The same OC also got into a massive fight with General and nearly killed him. But to be fair, that older version of General is actually weaker than he is now. Repliforce and the Maverick Hunters allied with Optimus Prime's team pretty quickly though.
Anyways, I'll write for each character separately, and kinda assume that my muses are encountering the Autobots first.
I think he would be intrigued by the existence of cybertronians, and upon meeting the Autobots, would quickly take their side. He would strongly agree with their goal to protect living things and their freedoms.I think he would get along really well with Optimus, since the two seem to have a lot in common. However, Optimus is WAY older than he is, so General could certainly learn a thing or two from his experience. I can see him also adopting his quote: “Freedom is the right of all sentient beings.“
Although General wouldn't intend to permanently join the Autobots in their war with the Decepticons, he'd still lend them his aid if they ever needed it. He might even let them stay in an empty Repliforce airship hangar.
This also might sound kind of funny, but I think that Cybertronian women would appeal to General. They're at a decent size (in comparison to himself), have lived long enough to be pretty mature, have likely served in the military, and of course - a lot of them are beautiful too. He may just find his soulmate among them. 😊 But the question is: will she stay on Earth with him?
I think that he would be most likely to discover the Cybertronians first, due to him being out on the field more often.
He would cooly stand his ground in the midst of these unknown giant robots, his saber drawn, but held low. He's not interested in a fight, but he’s prepared to defend himself if he has to. If they’re willing to talk, he’d try to ask them who they are, where they come from, and why they’re here. Depending on the verse (and therefore their general appearance), they might actually have to convince Colonel that they’re not from Earth. I don’t think he’d quite believe them at first.
She would probably only be meeting the Autobots once General has invited them to his headquarters (the hallways and rooms are plenty big enough to accommodate them). Since both Colonel & General would trust them by now, Iris would be pretty friendly towards their guests. She’d offer to help in any way she can, and might even show them around some of the other areas of the base later. She wouldn’t be very intimidated by their size, since she’s already used to hanging around General.
Commander Signas (who I now consider a main muse)
Upon first seeing the cybertronians, Signas would be most intrigued by how human-like they are, despite being aliens. He'd have a million questions, but one of his first ones would be: "Who created you?"
He'd very carefully try to work out the Cybertronians' true intentions as well, because he's well aware that there’s no guarantee any visiting aliens will be friendly. Still, in his negotiations, he'd find it fascinating how he can reason with a cybertronian EXACTLY like he can with any other human or reploid.
If he ever had to strategize against the Decepticons, he'd be able to use similar tactics to try and outsmart them like he would with the mavericks. He’d have to account for some very different ‘units,‘ of course. I also think that an enemy like Starscream would be a good strategic rival to Signas, but he might make the grave mistake of underestimating this “primitive Earth-robot” in the beginning though. Wouldn’t it be hilarious if Signas could take advantage of Starscream’s pride to lure him into a trap and CAPTURE HIM? 🤣
He also might not visit the Autobots in-person until Optimus Prime has earned his full trust, but that probably wouldn’t take long. I think the Hunters would ally with the Autobots as well.
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send me an "🖊️" for me to talk about my ocs
OKAY SO TEEHEE. doing three topics since u sent three pens :3c
Klara looooooves picnics or brunches, especially if it's with her close friends. Most of them use a digital calendar that can be shared w others (one where u can write where you probably are at that point, and events stay private and only visible to you, but it will show the others that you aren't free at that moment), and tries to plan a brunch/picnic meetup at least once in two months hehe <3 She also loved to take charge of all the food prep and shopping for different events they hosted in their sustainability student organization thing. Klara's also often taking care of the food side of events at her work, too. Her "must haves" at events like these r fruits and vegetables (she's a fan of apples, oranges and grapes but also loves to have cucumbers, bell peppers, tomatoes. also allows others to bring their own), different kinds of bread, some candy, crackers and hummus. If it's a work event, she'll also add some kind of fancy cake thing. If it's a friend event she'll also have cereal, cinnamon rolls or french toast and pierogi. I think being good at brunches kinda creates balance w the fact that she can't cook very well skfkkfkfkxkxkfkfkkfk
Toby sucks at hugging anyone who's not Klara bc he allows someone to hug him v rarely (for example, after not seeing his friends for a very long time or if someone's feeling sad) and it just looks somewhat clumsy? Like he doesn't notice the person's position on time so he enfs up on the "wrong side", doesn't really ever squeeze during a hug & honestly looks a bit uncomfortable. But he does enjoy them a lot!!
Continuing with these both bc they're in my head most of the time NFNNFBXKFXKXK I think it's funny how back when they met, Tobias basically was invited by their mutual friend Leon to come help out with this one event thing and maybe stay as an admin in that student organization/club bc he seems to have skills for that. So Leon basically takes Toby to their meeting where they're talking about things, and then Klara comes a bit late bc of her work, sees Toby and goes "who tf is this", which is funny bc she Did know who it is, clearly meaning to ask what he's doing here. How did she know him already? There was this one skincare startup she loved very much bc their products were sensitive skin friendly and didn't have any strong scents. (A bit miserable and "doing this bc i'm a people pleaser") co-founder of that start up? Toby. Back when he was finishing his bachelors (when he was 17) he and his friends were attending this specific skincare chemistry workshop course and got an idea for different products. Fast forward four and a half years later, his friends r inviting him to join their start up idea centering around these products. He had a quite miserable time there let's be honest and left after 6 months, paying off his university debt and donating tons of money to charity, and also saving for the master's degree he was going to finally get. Klara didn't mention this to anyone though, and two days later when she accidentally met him in a cafe she's like "Hey were you that..." and at that moment Toby basically freezes and goes "yes i am that figure skater no i don't want to talk about it, to which Klara's like "The What. No I meant a co founder of that skincare thing," which made Toby relax a bit and he says "oh yeah that's me, you're like the first one who noticed. how cool". They didn't really talk that much for the first weeks of knowing each other tho, until Klara got this one job task and after asking Leon to help with this one thing he's like, "well idk about this but i heard that's toby's speciality" so she kinda had to go and ask him for help. And then something happens and now they're both helping each other out. yay. i need to plan out that part more teehee.
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bellarosethefangirl · 2 years
hello! i hope you’re doing well so far ❤️ i was wondering if i could have some headcanons of the bucci gang with their fem! crush who’s usually on the reserved side when she joins the team but they later find out she’s actually not as reserved? for context, let’s say the reader was hanging out with some of her close friends on one of her days of (i doubt this could happen on a regular basis considering how being in the mafia is time consuming) and when she sees the bucci gang also out in public, she invites them to join the group. the bucci gang initially assume that this hangout with the reader and her friends is gonna be chill and reserved, but NOPE THEY THOUGHT WRONG. they don’t cause major trouble in public, but the reader and her friend group is just a bit…chaotic. at one point, the reader and one of their friends hears their favorite song playing in pubic, and they full on dance to it, not caring if anyone was watching. if they’re out in some parking garage (or a place where there’s barely any people, the group will pretend to make moaning noises (LMAO 😭). and in those apple stores (let’s just pretend this all takes place in the modern world instead of 2001 😂), the reader and her friend group will just go out and change all the computers, phones, ipads, etc. backgrounds into cursed image while laughing about it. yeah, just overall, the bucci gang finding out the reader is secretly hella chaotic (and the only reason she was just reserved was due to how serious being in the mafia is). btw, i kid you not, some of things i listed here were actual things me, my cousins, and some friends did when we hung out. we were at the mall and in the parking garage, for a few minutes, we made fake moaning noises, and we went into an apple store and we changed some of the backgrounds into cursed photos 😂💀 sorry if this is a bit too long haha. ty!!
Author Note: Thanks I'm doing okay, not the best week for me unfortunately. I appreciate your patience I know it took me a while. So this request is fun. I adored this request. Please send more 🤣 Also none of them are allowed to make room for judgement when they're all pretty chaotic themselves. Hope you enjoy the scenarios with each of the members. I decided to do separate headcanons with each of their reactions. For the scene w/ the garage I tweaked it for story purposes but reader and her friends are still going to be moaning lol I found that funny I used to do stuff like that with my friends too.
One more thing. You and your friends kinda reminded me of Mei Lee and her friends from turning red which I loved.
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Bucci gang x Crush! Reader who turns out to be surprisingly outgoing & carefree (Modern AU)
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Giorno Giovanna
Giorno thinks you’re a perfect addition to the gang. You’re helpful and understanding of him. Giorno is also reserved so he likes to stay by your side a lot of the time.
He developed a crush on you over time as you were put on missions with each other. He got to know you very well. 
One day you asked if he would like to join you and your friends at the mall then a movie after at your friends. Not missing this opportunity to spend more time with you he agrees.
Giorno wore a different colored suit seeing as his usual one was bloodied from today’s mafia work. He wore your favorite color not that you noticed he did.
At the mall you and Giorno headed toward your friend group. He was happy for you because he saw how excited they were to see you. When you introduced him he thought it was nice that they each introduced themselves.
While you’re all wondering the mall you and your friends realize your favorite song is playing and all sing along to it excitedly. You begin dancing along with them. Giorno will give a small smile and he’ll give you a smile when you pull him along to dance. He’ll gladly join.
Your friend needed a charger and decided to buy one from the apple store. More hilarity ensues when you all decide to change all the computers, phones, ipads, and backgrounds into cursed images while laughing about it. Giorno was both curious and amused. I think he’d lightly chuckle about it. He wouldn’t expect the image you all chose but he’s definitely laughing at the scene.
Giorno was surprised by the moaning noises you and your friends made at the empty parking lot. You’re all so carefree and fun. His eyes widened upon hearing your false moans he blushed a bit about it and his mouth is agap (Like this👇) he’ll be thankful no one saw
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All in all Giorno is very surprised by some of the actions of you and your friends. He’ll admire how much fun you and your friends have together. He’s going to think it was fun when you all started dancing. He’ll think your singing is cute.
As for his thoughts on you he’ll think that its nice you’ve got a carefree and extroverted side. He wasn’t expecting some of it. He’ll be embarrassed about your false moans and blushes when he thinks about it after today. He hopes you’ll continue to be carefree and extroverted around him.
Bruno Bucciarati
Bruno respects your hard work you display while on the job with him. He is thankful having another companion such as yourself. Your introverted side doesn’t bother him in the slightest he thinks it’s admirable. 
He develops a crush on you since he enjoys all his conversations with you. He admires your personality and your hard work ethic.
You invite Bruno along with you and your friends to a shopping trip. He had free time on his hands so he gladly accepted. He couldn’t wait to spend more time with you. He’ll be sure to make a good impression on your friends while he’s at it.
He’s happy to see how joyous you and your friends are being together again. They greet Bruno with a carefree, “Hi” or “Hey!”. He greeted them like such a gentlemen they were all taken back a bit but smiled nonetheless.
Bruno was looking at watches while you and your friends were looking at clothing nearby. When a particular song plays in the store you and your friends immediately sing and dance together. Bruno was surprised but he’ll laugh and smile. He thought nothing of it. He’s used to Mista and Narancia doing the same.
At the apple store Bruno didn’t realize you and your friends were switching out the background photos on all the devices. Not his humor but he is smiling at the shenanigans. Nothing new for him. He’s thinking about Narancia about now as he is watching with an amused smile.
At the parking lot with no people around he enjoyed the peaceful atmosphere so when you and your friends loudly moan then laugh afterwards, he’s very shocked. His blue eyes are huge. He was surely surprised by your actions as well as your friends. After the shock he’s going to smile at the fun you’re having. As long as you’re happy he is too. 
Bruno wasn’t expecting your actions today. He’ll make a teasing comment but its light hearted. He will like to see more of your extroverted side in the near future. The fact that you’re so carefree really makes him happy for you. It’s all he desires for his dearest crush.
Narancia Ghirga
Narancia thinks you’re a lot of fun to be around. He will think as a team mate you’re reliable and he’s always glad to be paired with you. Your introverted side is very much the opposite of him so he’s liking the dynamic you both have. Your conversations are a lot of fun because of this.
He has such a big crush on you because you’re understanding and patient with him. You’re kind and ready to help. He finds you to be so admirable.
When you invite him with your friends to the mall he’s beaming with delight. He’ll be so excited and gladly accept your invitation. He hopes he’ll get to spend more time with you.
You’re all chatting about when you and your friends pause realizing what song is playing. Narancia is understandablely confused until and of you break out in song and dance.
Narancia will be very impressed he’s going to be joining with his own impressive dance moves. He’ll even do the torture dance to which you and the others are begging him to teach. He happily obliged and teaches everyone outside of the store.
After learning the torture dance you’re all in the Apple store now. Narancia was bored until he heard you and your friends giggling. He notices what is going on and joins in laughter. He’s going to want to help all of you change the background photos of all the devices in the store to cursed images.
Everyone is laughing hard afterwards before leaving the store where the poor apple employees are left with said images on the devices in the place.
At the empty parking lot Narancia is lightly dancing as he’s following behind since he has a song stuck in his head. He does a double take when you and your friends make loud false moans. He finds it absolutely hilarious and is joining in. You and your friends are commending him. They compliment his dancing and hope to see him again.
Narancia is thinking how awesome you are as well as your friends. His crush for you grows deeper and he believes you two would make the perfect couple. He’s brewing up a couple ways to ask you out after today. However he is surprised you’re more laid back and fun than he thought you were. After thinking it over it made since why you’re more serious at work. He’s incredibly happy learning you’re as carefree as himself. He finds it very attractive.
Guido Mista
He’s thinking you’re pretty attractive and bad ass. He’s thankful you’re a good team mate and not some dirt bag mafioso. He’s also super thankful you’re paired with him on missions many times because he gets to flirt with you and tries impressing you. Your fast friends but he also grew a fat crush on you.
Mista grew a crush on you because you’re dedicated to him and the others. You’ll do whatever you can to help. You’re also protective so he finds all these qualities attractive.
You invite Mista with you and your friends to the mall so he’s looking forward to it. He’s going to try impressing you at all costs. He’s also going to make a flirting comment wondering if it’s a date. You don’t think much of it and laugh it off. You explain the plan to him.
At the mall Mista is pretty happy for you. He’s thinking you and all your friends make a wonderful group. He wasn’t expecting it from you or your friend group but you’re all pretty carefree. When they introduce themselves to him they each compliment his outfit. Expressing how they like fashion because it isn’t mainstream. Something he was grinning about since most people mock his fashion sense.
Mista is having a blast especially when he joins in on the dancing when you and your friends randomly decide to do so. Afterwards when you complimented his dancing he offered to teach you the torture dance. You agreed and Mista set up a time with you for a different day together.
At the Apple store Mista is thinking how boring it is until he notices you giggling. When he asks, you explain how your friends decided to put cursed images on all the photo backgrounds of devices in the store. Mista wasn’t expecting it. If the image is funny he’s laughing but if it isn’t his humor he’ll simply say he likes the act in itself and approves.
When you’re all leaving the mall and notice how empty the parking lot is your friends are taking advantage of it including yourself. Mista’s mouth drops at hearing all of your fake moans. He’s particularly flabbergasted by your fake moans. He’s not sure what to say but he does find it funny. He’ll laugh about it later but at the moment he’s stunned. This was the last thing he’d ever expect from you.
Your friends enjoyed his presence and expressed it to him before leaving. They also compliment his dancing. Mista’s ego is definitely boosted.
All in all Mista is pleasantly surprised by your carefree side. It makes his crush for you deepen. He’s wanting to see more of it. He hopes he can get you to be like that more often. He’s looking forward to more dancing with you as well.
Leone Abbacchio
He thinks you’re a blessing to have in the gang because you’re not annoying and get the job done. Your no nonsense attitude is also a plus and he also finds it attractive.
He grew a crush on you when you showed him exactly how you get the job done no questions asked. He also admires your care for him. It’s your best quality yet and he won’t let it go unappreciated though he is a tsundere at times so he’s not going to outright express his feelings to you.
He’s pleased when you invite him with your friends. He’ll simply give you a small grin and a “sure”. He wants to be around you more so this is his opportunity.
When he meets your friends they weren’t what he was expecting. They’re carefree and are giving you a group hug. He thinks it’s nice that you’ve got a group of friends outside of Passione.
He is wondering how you met a bunch of carefree individuals when he notices they’re all looking at him. They introduce themselves with such kindness. It’s very nice.
Inside the mall you’re all looking over a bargain bin while Abbacchio is looking at CD’s nearby. A new song is playing in the store causing you and your friends to gush then dance. Abbacchio is thinking how cute you look dancing but he’s pleasantly surprised by it. He’s blushing about it a bit.
At the Apple store your friends snicker while changing the photo backgrounds to cursed images. You join along upon realizing what they’re up to. Meanwhile Abbacchio is thinking what you’re all up to. He stood behind all of you and figures it out immediately. He simply huffs and leans against the wall. He’ll begin listening to music until you’re done. When he glances up he realizes how fun you’re all having and lightly smiles. When you all notice him you drag him to another store. He’s never been dragged like this before. He’s allowing it because you’re holding his hand.
In the quiet parking lot Abbacchio raises a brow upon witnessing you and your friends making loud fake moaning noises then laughing about it. He’ll be a stick in the mud about it for sure but he’s secretly flustered about hearing the noises you made. He’s excellent at hiding it though.
Your friends tell him they hope to see him again and how happy they were spending time with you as well. Abbacchio thought it was a nice sight seeing you and your friends in a group hug.
All in all he thinks you and your friends are immature but he’s kinda used to it. He did get annoyed when all of you made fake noises but he can easily let it go. However he does think it’s nice you’re all enjoying yourselves. It reminds him of his friends so it’s nice to him too.
He’s surprised you’re so carefree and outgoing a revelation that makes him hope you’ll show that side more around him. He’s wanting to learn everything there is about you. He understands working for Passione can be shitty which is why you’re so serious. It made sense to him and he would like to see more of your true self whenever he can. He’s also not going to stop thinking about how you held his hand.
Fugo Panacotta
Fugo admires your effortless work you do when getting a job done. You’re reliable, loyal, and easy to get along with.
He easily grew a crush on you for all your admirable qualities. He also enjoys being around you.
Fugo was surprised you’d invite him with you and your friends to the mall. He thought it would be a nice trip. Though he would never be prepared for all the chaos that would ensue.
He is sure to shake all their hands and get their names upon meeting them. It was so formal that your friends will be a bit stunned but accept it immediately after.
Fugo thinks it’s sweet how excited they were seeing you. They gave you a group hug. You even held some of their hands.
In one of the stores a song plays and all of you begin dancing to it. Fugo will smile and chuckle when he sees you dancing. You invite him over ready to witness his dance moves. He surprises all of you by being a good dancer. He thought it was a lot of dancing with all of you.
In the Apple store he’ll simply roll his eyes playfully but he won’t say a word simply nod your direction while you and your friends change the backgrounds to all the devices. The cursed images made for a funny site to see. All of you were laughing. Fugo thought it was nice to see you so carefree and extroverted. He never got to see that from you before. He’ll smile despite how ridiculous he thinks the situation is.
Later on in the parking lot your friends start letting out fake moans and you join in and do the same. Your laughter made him blush but your false moans turned his face into a red hue.
Fugo never suspected you to be this carefree it’s fun but also a pleasant one. He’s not sure how to react at first but after he collects his thoughts it’s admirable to him despite not having the same humor. Your friends give him goodbyes before leaving. Fugo kindly returns the goodbye.
All in all Fugo will think it’s nice you’re carefree and outgoing as you are. He wished he knew sooner so he could dance with you more. He will work on bringing that more out of you. He wants you to express yourself always and is ready to support it.
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moemoemammon · 3 years
(Two things, 1. This is my first time requesting so I'm sorry if this is not the thing to do it, and 2. Sorry if somethings is misspelled or grammatically incorrect, eng is not my first language:p)
May I request some of the bros, specially Mammon, Luci and Satan, with a MC who's similar to Lucifer in some aspects (like, some of their manners are the same as his and sometimes they're little bit too strict) and after a while they discover that its bc MC is also an older sibling. And (only if you want) meeting their younger sibling, please 🙏
Btw love your works ♡♡♡
Lucifer Number 2~
(Feat. GN!MC and the Demon Bros)
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It doesn't occur to Lucifer how similar the two of you are, but the first thing he realizes is how pleasant conversations with you can be. You both share common interests, your tastes suit his own, and you seem to be the only competent person in this house.
You're the responsible type, and he likes it. He'll sometimes find you scolding his brothers for their behavior too, and as amusing of a sight as that may be, he doesn't want you to be burdened with their idiocy.
AND you're the eldest sibling in your household? Cheers to that. You too know the weight of being the responsible oldest, and the role one must take to ensure their siblings grow up well. You too know that you'd rather your siblings have things easier than you did.
But there's one thing he finds annoying... You can NEVER speak your feelings, and act as if it’d kill you to do so. He can respect secrecy when it's appropriate, but Lucifer would like to know what's on your mind. Not only that, but you can be HORRIBLY headstrong. There's nothing that can stray you away from what you've already decided.
"MC, I request that you take a few days off from school to do as you please. I've already spoken with Diavolo and your professors, and you've been given an excuse. I know you'll study anyway, so I've dropped off your assignments in your room. But... you should rest. It isn't good for you to be pushing yourself so hard. Hm? You're calling me a hypocrite?"
As if one Lucifer wasn't enough. Now there's TWO of em?! Why's his luck gotta be so lousy!
Definitely the first to realize how much like Lucifer you are, and was SHOOK. Seriously, what gives?! What horrors exist in the human world that could've made you like THAT..?
Ever since you showed up, it's been impossible to get away with anything! He can't sneak out of the house because you're always there somehow, you tattle on him when you catch him leaving anyone's room, and you won't even let him copy your homework! What gives?!
Avoids you like the plague. You're no fun! There's only rare moments when you're kinda okay, and he likes those the best. The times when you're kinda sensitive and you'll drop the high and mighty act. But then you're back to being a pest!
"For the billionth time, I ain't got time to study! There's money to be made, and a guy like me ain't gonna waste a second lookin' at a dumb book when I could be- H-Huh?! You're gonna call Lucifer?! N-now, there's no need to be so hasty, right? Oi!! I'm sorry, damn it-!"
What's the deal with Lucifer number two? As comedic of a trope as that may be, Levi doesn't really care for having two nagging types in the house. Especially a human...
When you're in his room, all you do is nitpick about how he should tidy up and open a window! Don't you know that an otaku's room is his pride and joy?! It's a sacred space not to be trampled on by the opinions of a normie!!!
But still... he has to admit that even if you don't get all the stuff he's talking about, you at least try to understand it. And there are even some of his interests that you're genuinely invested in!
You might be a pain in the neck and harass him about annoying things, but he guesses he can deal with it if you'll actually sit through a TSL marathon with him...
"I-I'll lend you this manga, so make sure you read it! And when you're finished with that, I'll lend you the spin-off series by the author's brother! I know you'll like it, since you're interested in gritty stuff. Oh, and- Huh? My laundry? Y-yeah.... I'll do that.."
You are... surprisingly good company. Satan enjoys talking to you over afternoon tea, and the two of you share stories between one another.
But still, he can't shake the feeling that there's something... unpleasantly familiar about your personality. It isn't until you say something that sounds suspiciously similar to what Lucifer would say that he realizes who you remind him of. And oh, he hates it.
Tries playing pranks on you, but somehow they never go to plan. How that is is beyond him, but you never fall for anything! No matter how sweet his smile, you're always rightfully suspicious. You're annoyingly meticulous about checking your surroundings, and you're so aware of yourself that it's troublesome! Be more gullible!!
The king of petty has decided that its now his life goal to make you fall for at least one of his pranks. He doesn't care how elaborate he has to make it, or how unrewarding the payoff may be. He'll make you pay for seeing his brother in two places at once.
"MC, would you like to join me this afternoon for a book reading? Though, I'd love it if you could read this book in particular. I think you'll find it very-.... Hm? 'Isn't this the cursed book that makes you grow hair all over your body', you ask? Ahaha.... tch."
Come now, there can't be TWO killjoys in the house! That's way too depressing!! It was funny at first to see that there's someone who can match the scary Lucifer's energy, but now it's becoming a nuisance!
You won't even go to the countless parties he's invited you to! Hell, you barely even give yourself room to mess around a little? Isn't it boring being so tightly wound? You're in luck, because the adorable Asmo-chan knows the PERFECT way to let loose~
You'll RARELY let him close to you, and that's usually when you're tired of him harassing you. Then he gets the honor of playing with your hair while you've got no energy to fight back! He'll style it wonderfully for you!
Also nags you to take better care of yourself. You're not a demon, so you have to care for your health! These late night study sessions are giving you bags under your eyes! And stop taking on so many extracurricular activities!
"Geez, MC! I didn't think you'd die from overworking, but that's the path you're headed on! You really are like Lucifer, you know? That being said, I'll do my best to make sure you relax! Shall we begin~?"
Beel may not be too bothered by Lucifer's strictness, but that doesn't mean he's immune to it. To think that even a human can be like that...
It's nice to see that you can take care of yourself, but aren't you working too hard? Your grades are good and you've got many interesting talents, but you also have to properly rest.
Has started bringing you snacks on the regular. And don't even think about skipping meals, because he won't allow it. He'll literally pick you up and bring you to the table if he has to. And if you're staying up late to study? He'll carry you to bed. Don't try to protest.
Beel is your babysitter now and there's nothing you can do about it. It's good to be responsible, but don't think about trying to take care of everyone else if you can't care for yourself. Now eat these twelve meat buns he bought for you.
"MC, let's eat lunch together. I know you were going to skip because I heard you talking to Solomon earlier, and I won't let you. Ah, don't worry about not having money, because I've already bought you some lunch. Let's eat in the courtyard."
You're such a drag. You harass him to attend student council meetings, but him about his studies, and won't let him avoid a single obligation he has. What are you, his mother?
Has 100% joined forces with Satan to try to make you fall for many, many unsuccessful pranks. Are you curse proof or something? When he tried a '10 hour bed-head' spell on you, it just rebounded right to him! Then he found out that you'd borrowed a spell repelling amulet from Solomon and realized just how prepared you are...
When you aren't bothering his entire soul by trying to make him do things, you're actually nice to talk to. You're knowledgeable, you pay attention to the people around you, and you can always read a room. He likes to ask you for advice sometimes.
"Aren't you tired of being like that all the time? So... attentive, I mean. You should just take a nap some time. Or better yet, take the week off. Maybe I'll teach you how to properly relax? Then you might finally be able to take that stick out of your- ow... What're you hitting me for?"
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Haikyuu manager headcanons!!
Okay so these adorable teams all have the softest spot for their tiny little manager-chan, and here's how they all treat her.
[Ari's note: okay manager fics and headcanons are my absolute favourite and I love writing them]
*.` | Karasuno
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They are extremely laid back with you, compared to some of the other teams. They give you your space, at the same time listen to you when you have something to say.
Respectful simps. Similar to how they act with Kiyoko (ugh yes queen-chan) they're in tears whenever you do things to motivate them, like cheer at their practice matches or give them good luck charms.
They still have the good luck charms you fastened on their bag before one of the matches.
Tanaka and Noya would literally worship the ground which you walked on. Like wow how did they get so lucky as to have three?? Cute managers?? On their team??
Yachi and you would probably subtly simp over Kiyoko with them too ngl.
Hinata and Kags would probably see you as an older sister, eventho you're their age because you're so caring and responsible.
Suga is literally your mom and Daichi is your dad. They make sure you're all healthy and you're doing well in school.
Asahi gives you hugs whenever you're sad or upset! Fite me but I think this gentle baby gives the best hugs ever >:( he's like your comfort senpai and you'd do the same for him, especially when he's feeling insecure or down.
Yams would probably be very shy around you, but he'll warm up in time.
Ahhh the best part. Tsukki! He'd find you annoying and simply not get why you're so Mcfreaking happy at first (shut up u salty beanpole, manager-chan is just a ray of sunshine, okay?) But he soon finds it endearing and slowly gets closer to you.
You walk home with Yams and Tsukki every day since your houses are close, and Tsukki walks you to your door to make sure you're safe!
Ennoshita, Kinoshita and Narita all see you as a little sister and often help you with your managerial duties.
The team cares and respects you so much, and are so thankful you've joined them!!
Meat buns at Ukai's are your hangout spot, and everytime you see them chilling you're so thankful to have such great friends.
*.` | Aoba Johsai
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Aaah we're at the team of one of my favourite characters!! I'll start with Oikawa (can't you tell I'm so biased omg)
Oikawa absolutely adores manager-chan because although she's tiny, she's very strict, and doesn't let his fangirls near the gym when he's practicing, which he appreciates.
"yn-chan, you're so good to me, can I take you out as a thank-you?" Cue Iwa-chan's ball which comes flying at Oikawa's head. "Stop flirting with the manager, shitty-kawa"
Iwa's very fond of you too, but he doesn't let it show too often. Sometimes he picks up your favourite coffee from the vending machine and claims that he bought it by "accident". (How believable<3)
Kunimi probably sends you weird tiktok videos and tags you in funny memes. Very wholesome 10/10.
Kyotani just?? Doesn't understand you?? Like wow, she's small but the team listens to her?? Why?? He later finds out you're the manager. Mad dork here didn't know you were managing the team for the past month, and thought you just came to the gym to watch them practice. Smh.
Matsukawa and Hanamaki give you headpats and like taking selfies with you, much to Oikawa's dismay. He wants to be the only one taking pictures with you.
Like no manager-chan. Stop. Get away from them. My phone's right here I wanna take selfies with you :(
Kindaichi is cool with you. Y'all are bros and you game together sometimes.
Watari and Yahaba join too, and they're surprised to know that you're so aggressive when you game.
Cue a jealous Oikawa who struggles learning how to game just so he's invited to play with you. Simp smh.
They're all very gentle with you, and since you're their first female manager, they make sure to never make you feel uncomfortable.
You guys like grabbing ramen together and having eating contests. They really bring out your aggressive side but you love them for it.
*.` | Shiratorizawa
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Can I just say Semi bsf material? Yes? Yes. Semi Eita is best friend material.
Makes you cute little Spotify playlists and you help him write lyrics to songs occasionally. You play an instrument too and you guys can just jam out for hours on end together.
You get the idea of applying to be the manager because of him, and it all took off from there.
Goshiki loves you. You're fond of your kohāi, and you genuinely just give this touch-starved future ace a lot of hugs and cuddles, which he's SO grateful for.
Like wow, y/n-chan isn't just pretty?? She's also so sweet? And smart? And capable? Semi why have you been hiding her for so long??¿ >:(
Goshiki is just so protective of you, he'd commit murder if he had to.
You have to earn Ushiwaka's respect, yk? And slowly but surely he comes to realise how dependable and responsible you are, and treats you like an indispensable member of the team.
He's got your back. And if he ever senses you're upset, he's trying to cheer you up as best as he can.
"do not feel upset, those grades will mean nothing to you in the future. I doubt you will be able to remember what you got in your second year, third monthly test." You think he's being sweet, and yes he is (in a way), but he's also trying to be reasonable and logical.
Tendo loosens you up and you tend to play pranks on the others with him.
The funniest was when you tried to prank Ushijima by adding wasabi to his onigiri and he?? Didn't get it??
Like "y/n-chan, Tendo, why did you add wasabi to this onigiri? It would've been so much better with tuna mayo??" And he has no reaction whatsoever?¿?
Cue Goshiki who tries the onigiri because he wants to prove he has spice tolerance like Ushijima, eventhough you can low-key see him tearing up.
Shirabu is your voice of reason and you and him often study together. You also have deep and philosophical conversations at 12 a.m. over text, and it is just so wholesome.
He respects you so much, not just because you care for him, but because he finds your brain so fricking smexy.
These eagle babies bring out the best in you and you're always eager to push them forward and bring out the best in them.
*.` | Fukurodani
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First thing's first, besides Akaashi, you are the only other person who can cheer up an emo-mood Bokuto.
Just say "Hey Bo, you're gonna look so much cooler when you spike the ball like the true ace that you are" and his hair's all perking up and his eyes are shining.
Akaashi thinks you are an angel sent from heaven.
You're very soft on your baby owls, and they genuinely just love getting positive affirmations from you.
Akaashi always blushes when you compliment him on his sets. And you can hear him murmur genuine words of gratitude.
The other members do too. They're glad because sometimes people focus on Bo too much and forget to give them recognition, yk? It's easy to get overlooked :(
But thanks to manager-chan who's so attentive with all of them, and who's aware of all their quirks and moods, they're all so touched and so so happy.
You have a habit of getting cold pretty often, especially since practice finishes late and it's pretty chilly by then.
Konoha always lends you his jacket and walks you home, since your home's are the closest. There's just something about you that makes you soft.
You get along really well with Kaori and Yukie, and you'd definitely consider them your best friends, considering y'all are in this thang togetherrrr!!
The Fukurodani team are just all a bunch of crackheads, but they're your crackheads and you wouldn't trade them for the world.
You're a very tight-knit family, (like ugh I just get lots of comfortable, safe vibes from Fukurodani :(( <3)
You guys hang out at the store near your school pretty often to recharge after grueling days of practice together.
*.` | Nekoma
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My second favourite team, Nekoma!! They are precious, gentle, soft babies and I love them to bits and pieces >:(
I'll start with Kuroo. You've always had a tiny soft spot for Kuroo ever since you've become his lab partner in chemistry class.
His notes are immaculate. I mean, cmon we're all hoes for pretty notes
You think he's so incredibly smart and talented, so when he suggests you become the Nekoma manager, you just agree right away.
You guys grow closer since you've started spending more time with him, and you banter around more often than not with chemistry pickup lines.
"hey kitten, let's form a covalent bond"
He's so whipped after you retort back. Like wow she called me sodium fine and said I'm like an exothermic reaction? Permission to simp??
(Ari stfu this isn't a Kuroo fanfic)
Kenma and you definitely play animal crossing together, and he even lets you try his switch, after you guys grow closer.
Kuroo is so insulted, he's never even touched Kenma's switch before >:(
You also push Kenma to do better during practice and he starts to care more about volleyball, since you seem so enthusiastic about it.
Yamamoto isn't even subtle about his simping smh T-T unlike Kuroo, he shamelessly flirts with you, and can't wait to show you off to Tanaka and Noya at the next camp.
"we have such a gorgeous manager now, Nekoma is ThRiViNg" he says in his head with this ridiculous dopey ass smile on his face +_+
Since deep down inside, you're a huge baby, you, Lev, Shibayama, and Inuoka get along so well. They're just happy energetic kittens, and they make you feel so happy.
y'alls energy just match, yk?
Although Fukunaga is shy to tell jokes, he tells them to you, because he knows you'd never judge him, and you actually kinda enjoy laughing along :) he's so touched.
Momma Yaku!! Yaku always lends you his jacket and makes sure to carry snacks for you in his bag. He knows you care so much about the team that you often neglect your own health, which is why he's always there to make you're feeling healthy and good.
Kai and Teshiro help you with your homework and like talking about their favourite singers with you.
They're all just such amazing human beings who treat you so well, and you feel so blessed to be a part of their team. You adore them so much, and they adore you back tenfold.
*.` | Inarizaki
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[Ari's note: Ello there luvs, you've made it to the bottom of this sweet hc post and just get ready for Inarizaki :( they're my favourite team of all time, and I'm just so biased, I'm sorry ;-;]
Inarizaki's entire team just adores you so much, they think you're the light of their lives.
They're all super touch starved babies, and once you realized that, you've made sure to ensure they never feel that way.
Aran is kinda like your protective senpai, and his heart flutters ever so slightly when you call him that senpai kink oops and give him headpats, and he loves patting your head in return.
The twins are so incredibly soft for you.
Their fangirls are sometimes pretty mean, but one glare from the duo is enough to shut them up.
Osamu cooks bentos for you and gives you the warmest hugs when you ask for them, burying his head in the crook of your neck.
Your hand is almost always in Atsumu's because he's so slick?? Like y'all, this mf would be like "y/n-chan, my hand has been aching for a while now" and when you go to observe it, he just pulls your hand into his and pulls you to follow him.
His entire body heats up when you kiss his cheek after a particularly good game, and his brain literally goes "grrrr empty", when he's usually so sly.
The twins are your bodyguards, they follow you everywhere and protect you all the time.
Enter Suna Rintaro, your meme king. He definitely records funny moments that happen during practice and send them to you, just to make you laugh, or memes of the members.
He also definitely takes pictures of you when you aren't noticing, simply because he likes the way your hair looked, or because you looked so beautiful.
Like the twins, his eyes widen whenever you kiss his cheek or ruffle his hair, and it's literally like suna.exc has stopped functioning.
Congrats manager-chan, you broke the kid -.-
Omimi might come across as stoic and cold but he's actually a huge softie, and you often give him positive affirmations.
He's also definitely a huge lover of your hugs, and looks forward to them as motivation to play well.
He'd never tell you though, he's shy™.
My baby Kita compliments you all the fricking time.
"y/n-chan, I mean this is the most sincere way, I think this hairstyle looks stunning on you"
Or "you're so capable and you work so hard, I'm so thankful to have you by my side"
And he has the most genuine expression on his face, his eyes are so earnest and shining so bright.
And when you smile at him, he's like oh shit I made her smile, depression whom? I only know serotonin.
Ginjima is usually rash but with you, he takes his time and weighs everything he says.
He doesn't wanna accidentally hurt you and regret it since he was being careless and not thinking at all.
You calm him down when he's getting too hotheaded with gentle words and he's suddenly a blushing mess.
Unlike some of the other teams that tease you a bunch, Inarizaki treats you so gently. Their little princess, as they think of you.
So mf-ing protective, like if someone looks at you wrong, you can totally bet Atsumu's going for their ankles, sangwoo style, or Osamu is trash talking them to their knees.
Would drop anything and everything to help you if ever needed.
They think you're they're entire world because you go above and beyond for them, and they genuinely love you. Like actually LOVE you to bits and pieces.
[Ari's note: AHHH so the manager fic is done this was literally such a joy to write!! I hope you enjoyed it
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Big big hugs <3 have a beautiful day, luvs!!]
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teashopwritingzz · 4 years
Your writing is so amazing!! May I request headcanons for Lilia, Ace, Riddle, and Epel with a crush on an oblivious reader? Like if someone flirts with them it just kinda goes over their head and they don't realize that they're flirting! I just thought it'd be a funny/cute situation!
AH thank you so much! I’m happy you like my writing, thank you!!
And I can definitely do that! Don’t mind me, just writing Riddle’s part first
Here’s your order! Four Cups of tea; One Spiced Black Tea, one Cherry Pie Iced Tea, one Rose Milk Tea, and one Cinnamon Apple Herbal Tea! Enjoy~!
¸,ø¤º°`°º¤ø,¸¸,ø¤º° °º¤ø,¸¸,ø¤º°`°º¤ø,¸
Lilia Vanrouge
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~ His forms of flirts come across as more childish and prank-like. Walking alone in the halls of Diasomnia? Expect to get spooked by an upside down Lilia! And when he is with you, he’ll be floating right beside you, head in his hands and smiling down at you. (or above, depends on how tall or short you are)
~ He also gives you teasing remarks, cooing about you in a sing-song voice. “Oooh, the little one needs help~? I’d be happy to assist you for a price!” He’d grin, only to be met with, “Okay, what would you like?” ... Well, that’s not what he expected.
~ But he’s not too upset! He’s lived for quite a long time and he’s seen people more innocent than you. This just meant he’d have to go all out~. Maybe you preferred more extravagant means of affection? Oh, perhaps a large bouquet, a red rainbow one, maybe~? Oh, he couldn’t wait to see your adorable reaction!
~ There you were, enjoying a nice breakfast in the cafeteria with your friends. You failed to notice the way they looked above you in shock when suddenly, a familiar voice from behind spooked you. “Guess who, dearie~.” When you turned around, you’re met with the usual upside down Lilia, a cheeky grin on his face. But this time, he’s holding something big behind his back. A... Large flower bouquet?! He giggles as he hands it to you, hoping that you’ll enjoy his present! And also hoping you’ll start getting the hint~.
Ace Trappola
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~ Lord have mercy on you
~ The second he crushes on you, he gets more playful and teasing. You thought he was bad before? He gets worse. Putting his arm around your shoulder every time he sees you in the school, grinning at you cheekily, and throwing pick-up line after pick-up line.
~ What he didn’t expect was for every one of his attempts to flush down the toilet. Ha ha, flushed ‘em down the turlet With every pick-up line, you’d just wave it off with a laugh and go about your work, Ace’s jaw dropping almost every time. Seriously?! Your naivety was both adorable yet bothersome at times like these!
~ He was too stubborn to ask for help. He wanted to do this himself! He wanted to win you over with his charming pranks and “smooth” pick-up lines! But how... That was when he had an idea. What about a prank, but this one would help with a confession! It was more upfront then pickup lines, but at this point, he was about to just scream his feelings for you. All he needed to do was set up his plan...
Riddle Rosehearts
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~ He can be a little oblivious at first when it came to romance, but he didn’t know that YOU’D be more oblivious than him! But this wouldn’t drive him away. Maybe giving you words of slight affection would get his point across?
~ His flirts are more subtle and in the form of compliments and invitations. More of “I feel more at peace when I’m with you.” or “Care to join this afternoon’s Unbirthday Party? It wouldn’t be the same without you.” He thinks they’re sweet enough but not too much.
~ Though your casual and innocent responses always disappointed him a little and he’d visibly deflate a tad bit. Were they not enough? Maybe you preferred more poetic forms of flirts, seen in romantic stories and fairytales? This was going to be harder than he thought... 
~ He’d eventually have to be more blunt and straight up tell you! But how would he build the courage for that? Well, he’ll obviously ask Trey for advice, he trusts him more than the other three. After some encouraging words and advice from Trey, he’d just have to be himself. Maybe he’ll set up a private tea time for you two, with all kinds of pastries and teas, away from Ace’s appetite and Cater’s camera. Judging from Trey’s smile and nod, that sounded like a good idea!
Epel Felmier
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~ This poor boy. He tries his best to show off to you when he gets the chance. He wants to show you his progress to being a true prince charming and even impress you! He’s not some kid or attractive “girl”, he wants to show you he’s more than that!
~ He works out more with Jack and Vil, he tried getting Leona’s help, but that grouchy lion only waved him off even after Epel’s begging. Vargas’ advice was... A bit too much for Epel. He tried it at first, but Vil refused to let him eat raw eggs for food. I mean they’re edible but still, gross
~ “Hey, look look (y/n)! I can lift 10 pound weights easier now, watch!” “Oh, sweet. Keep it up!” He’ll proceed to sulk as he continues his weight lifting. Aren’t the love interests in stories interested in muscly men who rescue them, like a true prince? Did you not want that?
~ Okay, workout methods didn’t work and showing off wasn’t enough... Maybe actually asking you out would be enough? Wait! Maybe taking you somewhere he likes! Maybe a picnic underneath the apple tree? It sounds fun, and romantic! Like a rustic fairytale. He doesn’t want Vil to know, though. The Dorm Leader will only try to change his plans and do something fancy schmancy. He just needs to find a way to make his plan a secret...
¸,ø¤º°`°º¤ø,¸¸,ø¤º° °º¤ø,¸¸,ø¤º°`°º¤ø,¸
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enluv · 3 years
types of youtubers enhypen would be !
— ot7 enhypen! (no reader)
warnings: crack fic!
coco's note: I literally thought of this while watching noel miller (my beloved <3) so yeah! enjoy :D
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I could definitely see Heeseung posting covers of songs he loves, and they're all different genres too. One day it'll be Justin Bieber and the next it could be a song by Twice. Everyone loves him too because he is the sweetest person ever. He'll post random vlogs of him practicing singing, going for cups of coffee, even just walking to the music store for supplies – and people watch it because they just love him. He thanks everyone at the end of each video and takes song requests too! 10/10 authenticity and he has the personality of an angel? Subscribed!
fashion vlogger (i'll take no criticism on this one sorry!)
He posts fashion related content okay. You know things like "get ready with me" and "10 ways to style a black cardigan" yeah those types of videos, but everyone really stays for his hilarious commentary and easy going spirit. I could see Jay being so down to earth with his subscribers, he'll probably ask them what types of clothes they wanna see and show the places he attends whistle wearing them. He'd just be really nice and I think that the job would fit him! Omg and when he hits a milestone he'll have a live where he dresses in his finest clothes and cooks dinner with his viewers and it's just so wholesome! (Subscribe right now or you'll miss it!)
layla content times 100!
You cannot tell me Jake wouldn't make those videos that are like "I ate like my dog for a day" or weird things where he just shows off how sweet Layla is to his audience. You will never not catch Layla making surprise appearances in his videos. I could also see him doing cooking videos but it's all just him baking treats for Layla and himself. His channel is based around Layla and his life as a dog dad. I'm serious this boy just wants to show her off and his viewers are absolutely okay with that. He also makes reaction videos and occasionally I think he'd post himself gaming with friends, raging here and there (Layla is sprawled across his lap). Wholesome content + a cute doggo? Yeah you're gonna subscribe.
tutorials and also maybe fashion advice
I see Sunghoon just being an absolute sweetheart omfg. People watch him because of how comfortable he makes his videos feel. He uploads cute skating tutorials for beginners and it goes to skilled level as well. His little cousins help him and act as his students when he's teaching beginner tricks! Here and there he'll post fashion inspired videos but it's a rare occurrence. He will also post dancing videos!! Mixes dances with skating moves and they're always really cool. (I'd definitely subscribe to him even if I have no interest in being a figure skater 😭)
daily life updates and personal vlogging
You know those like vsco girl vlogs...yeah well Sunoo is that but bearable. He's funny, dresses in the latest fashions, and often films with his super cute friends (thats a bonus since he's already so cute). His videos are always a nice way to relax and be entertained. Plus his fandom is the SWEETEST omfg they're so nice. Always hyping him up and giving him the best video suggestions. His highest viewed video is a blog where he celebrates his birthday by throwing a party and invites his viewers to join him through a live! Watching him kinda makes you wish you were him but you're also super proud of him and want him to continue making videos.
gaming channel but dabbles in school blog life
Two words, rich boy! Jungwon makes BANK. All the newest and hottest games can only hope and pray he will review their stuff. If you want to know if a game is worth getting just go to his channel because he'll give you an honest review. Most of his videos are based on gaming but sometimes he posts like "a day in my life" vlogs since people ask for those. All his commentary is hilarious though like he is so funny, and when he plays with friends the videos are 10 times funnier. The way he rages when he dies or misses something, yeah everyone loves him. He doesn't take sponsors from games, he believes if your game is good then you won't have to pay people to play it. This makes people love him so much more! Even if you don't game, you'll watch him cause he's so entertaining.
toy review vlogs but they're all weird af and you never know what's happening 😐
Riki has a way of editing that is just...not common. Random cut shots of people doing the weirdest things, him laughing for hours on end, and probably messy music too. It's funny though so people love it. I think him just being himself with no care in the world is really what makes you stop and think "yeah I'll subscribe". Plus the boy is sweet and his channel makes you wanna be his best friend. He also posts himself dancing (much like sunghoon)! Riki posts covers and even his own dances! Please subscribe to him, promise you won't regret it!
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coco's final note: this isn't my best work but I really liked the idea and rolled with it !! so I hope you enjoy and lmk who you'd be subscribed to!
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