#it's late so i'll post em later !
ace-trainguys · 2 years
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Whumptober day 31 - prompt is comfort.
And with a reunion, I’ve done 31 prompts for 31 days - that’s a complete month of whumptober! 
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honeyrine · 1 year
drew orion sketches AND colored them in like 6hrs😭😭😭 love this man
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bellflower-goat · 2 years
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stevetown · 2 years
A Tumblr Quick Start Guide
A year ago, I realized that every time I logged onto Twitter, I felt my blood pressure rise. It's a platform that runs on anger and outrage, and I wanted someplace better to spend my screen time. In my almost-year on Tumblr, I now realize I log on here and get one or two good laughs every time I check my dashboard.
Tumblr has given me a lot lately, but it is a bit different than other platforms. I'd like to give back a little and provide a quick-start guide on how being new to Tumblr worked for me.
Finding Things to Follow
The biggest thing I had to get used to was realizing that on Tumblr, you don't necessarily follow people or celebrities or politicians. You follow your interests. In fact, it's pretty common to follow only strangers that post things you like. That can make your empty dash daunting to fill! Let's fill it with things you love and make you happy.
Make a list, mental or otherwise, of things you're interested in. Be both broad and specific! Board Games. Magic The Gathering. Supernatural. Marvel. Video Games. 8-Bit. Urban planning. Any and all things that you like!
Pick one of your interests and search for that tag. Flip between "Latest" and "Top" and browse around to see what kind of content is in that tag. You'll notice images, art, gif sets, TikToks, videos, essays - all sorts of things!
If you see a lot of things you like, cool! Click the button to Follow that tag if you want to keep up to date on it and find things later (we'll come back to this).
If you see a post you love, check out who posted or reblogged it. Scroll around on their blog. Do they post similar stuff? Are there other things you like here? Are they posting often? If you like what they post, follow the blog! Congrats, you've followed your first blog!
Take some time and check out some other tags and follow the same process - follow tags you like and blogs you might be interested in. It's not possible to over-follow! You can always curate your list later. This isn't Twitter - no one cares if you unfollow someone. Find what makes you happy.
Go back to your main dashboard - how are things looking? Filled with things you're interested in? Excellent. If things don't work for you, don't be afraid to unfollow blogs.
Want to follow more blogs? New episode of Andor drop? Go to the "Your Tags" header and scroll around to find some more juicy content. Check out blogs you like, follow 'em if you like em, rinse and repeat! That's curating your dash!
Your Blog is Your House
Okay, so you have a dashboard of content that you like - but what do you do with it all? Someone once described a Tumblr blog to me like your little house that you can fill with all the things you like. There is no rhyme or reason, and you don't need an excuse to reblog something other than the fact that you liked it!
If you see something you like, reblog it! To me, I reblog things when I say "I like this and I want it to live in my house so other people can see it when they come visit"
Reblogging is like passing a message along to other people. You can just reblog it on its own to amplify it, or you can add your own tags, or if you have a funny reaction gif/thought/video/thousand-word-essay, add to it when you reblog!
Use tags. People actually find posts through tags here. Use them to help people discover that really cool reblog you found! You can also search for tags on specific blogs. This makes them great for categorizing posts on your own blog. For example, I use #2022 Game Journal when I blog about whatever game I'm playing so I can do a year-end review later and find all the posts later.
Like things too. Likes don't amplify posts, but they're nice to let a poster know you appreciated it! I also use likes a bookmark. Sometimes I don't have time to watch that TikTok, so I'll like it as a reminder to come back to it later.
Be Weird. You can have sideblogs to hold more specific content, but don't be afraid to just scoop up anything you like and put it in your house! Reblogging is how content gets passed around.
Random Blog Tips
Wow nice job, your blog's looking great! Before you know it, someone will find it, check out your posts, and maybe give you a follow if they like what you've made or what your reblog! The last thing I'll touch on here are some nitty-gritty tips that can help you think about all the meta stuff about Tumblr:
Tumblr is the most anonymous social media platform. No one has to know who you are. Take advantage of all the privacy options.
You can also hide likes and who you follow from public view - that's no one else's business! Turn off asks too if you want.
Play around with your settings in general - there are lots of customization options and other dash tabs that you can use to find new content. You can also turn on timestamps so you know if a post you see is a "heritage post," as they say. Content is evergreen here and I personally like to see that in action.
You can filter and hide tags that you don't want to see.
Just block people liberally, it's cool.
You can pay to remove ads (nice), but you can also leave the option to see Blazed posts on. Blazed posts are ones that people pay for impressions for - and any post can be Blazed. The kicker is, there's no ad targeting. It can be quite funny or quite annoying depending on what you want.
When viewing the notes on a post, you'll see comments, reblogs, and likes. For the reblogs section, I like to filter by "Comments only" to find what people have added to the post.
Like all social media sites, there are dark corners here. I think Tumblr more than most puts you in control to curate your Dashboard to only see what you want. Block a user, hide a post, and move on.
That should be quite enough to get started! Tumblr can take a little more time to "get" compared to other social media platforms (and get in on the long-running jokes!), but trust me, after a week, you'll notice the difference between checking your Tumblr dashboard and checking your Twitter timeline.
Your blood pressure will thank you.
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tj-dragonblade · 4 months
[FIC] Chaos and Calm
Fandom: The Sandman Pairing: Dreamling Rated: G Word Count: 1551 Tags: fluff, domesticity, single dads, pre-relationship, outings in the park, feeding the ducks, rain
Notes: For Day 1 of Dreamling Week 2024 as organized by @mr-sadman, for the prompt 'hunt'. Also dedicated to the wonderful @chaosheadspace, whose single-dads AU Castle in the Sand rotates in the back of my head quite often - I meant to have this coincide with your birthday but didn't quite make it, alas.
Summary: Searching for rain boots and meeting friends in the park. No real plot, just meandering domestic parenting vibes.
On AO3
"Robyn! You 'bout ready, kiddo?"
Hob winces at the sound of something heavy thudding on the floor above, and then his son appears at the top of the stairs. "I can't find my boots!"
Hob suppresses the urge to sigh. "Do you remember where you had them last?"
Robyn's brow furrows. "Maybe? They might be in the cupboard? But I think I might have used 'em as astronaut boots and forgot to put 'em back."
"Did you check by the washing machine?"
"Not yet."
"Okay. You keep looking in your room; I'll check down here and then come help you look if I don't find them."
"'Kay." Robyn scrambles back up from where he'd started down the stairs and dashes back to his room, and Hob heads to check the coat cupboard in the front hallway.
They're meant to be meeting Dream and Orpheus at the park in fifteen minutes. The day has turned out to be dreary and grey, light rain off and on keeping it misty and damp and a raincoat plus wellies are definitely called for.
If only he or his son could be relied upon to consistently put things back in their expected places. Ellie had always scolded them about it, gently, and for all the years since she's been gone Hob has kept trying to do better, but it's not always top of his mind and they're both surviving okay, despite the current inconvenience.
He checks the bottom of the coat cupboard; no boots.
He lets the sigh out this time, since Robyn's not there to see the frustration. He checks the utility room next, where last year's too-small snow boots are still sitting next to this year's because Hob hasn't gotten round to dropping them off at the charity shop yet. This year's snow boots will have to do if they can't find the wellies, but he's not giving up yet.
He's not going to tear the house apart looking, either, though; he's eager to get going. Letting Robyn spend time with his best friend is important, but also. Hob really looks forward to seeing Dream, for—well. For lots of reasons, that he's comfortably aware of but cautious about acting on because the kids would be caught in the middle if it didn't work out and that's the last thing he wants. Right now he just wants to let himself enjoy the possibilities. Hanging out, conversations while the kids play, watching Dream's pretty face go soft and expressive as they talk.
So. Best check all the likely spots in this comfortably-cluttered chaos he lives in, then, so they can find the boots and get going. It would certainly be easier if his home was less messy, but he's a single dad with a very active kid, he teaches secondary school, and taking the time to make his home look like a magazine spread is just not on his agenda. And sure sometimes it bites him in the arse, like now, but most times the chaos is of a manageable level and more importantly, it works for them.
Just. Not today, apparently.
He pulls his phone from his pocket, fires off a quick text to Dream.
May be a few minutes late We've a crisis of missing wellies over here Keep you posted
Dream's response comes through almost instantly.
I wish you luck in your hunt, then. We will wait.
Hob smiles, tucks the phone back in his pocket and heads up the stairs to join the search.
Robyn's room is a little bit of a disaster zone, as he's been throwing things around in his haste, and Hob kneels to crawl around the floor and help him look. He'll help him straighten up later, too, but for now they're boot-hunting.
Robyn is a little worried, as it turns out. "What if Orpheus and his dad leave before we get there? What if they think we're not coming because I can't find my stupid boots?"
Hob laughs, a small laugh full of kindness. "They wouldn't," he assures, pulling his kid into a one-armed hug as they sit on the floor. "And besides—I texted Orpheus's dad so they know we're running late." He drops a kiss in Robyn's hair. "Now let's find those blasted wellies so we can get going, yeah?"
The boots are not under the bed, or the desk in the corner; they're not in the toy chest, nor the basket for Robyn's dirty laundry, nor under the laundry that hasn't quite made it into the basket. Hob helps that last category get to where it was meant to be and sits back with a sigh, making a mental note—and hopefully he'll remember later—to be sure to run a load of Robyn's clothes.
"Alright, kiddo, is there anywhere you haven't looked yet?"
Robyn ponders for a moment, face scrunched in thought, and then lights up. "Oh!" He scrambles off the floor and over to the wardrobe, yanks it open. Hob would have thought that would be the first place to check, so he hadn't looked himself but obviously he should have, because Robyn dives into it with a little yell of victory and emerges with a boot held high in either hand and triumph radiating from his grin.
~ They're only a little bit late to the park; Robyn and Orpheus spot each other at the same instant and yell in excited unison, charging across the wet grass and crashing into a hug that also involves a lot of jumping up and down. Hob grins at their enthusiasm, eyes searching beyond them to find Dream looking for him as well; the smile that blooms on Dream's face, visible even at this distance, makes Hob's heart do a pleasant little flop in his chest.
"Your hunt was successful, I see," Dream says, when they are close enough for speaking; they are trailing after the boys, who are cavorting in the general direction of the duck pond, splashing in collected puddles on the path. Dream's got his umbrella up, even though it's not raining right this moment, which somehow just enhances his general goth vibe.
Hob stuffs his hands in his pockets. "Yeah, time to do a major cleaning. His room's a bit of a mess but we finally found his wellies in the wardrobe. Which honestly would have been the first place I checked if I'd realized he hadn't. Kid brains work on different logic, I suppose."
"True." Dream shifts a little, casts a glance sideways at Hob. "Robyn is fortunate to have a father so skilled at finding lost items."
"Got a lot of experience misplacing my own crap," Hob offers, laughing to cover the flustery warmth seeping into his chest at Dream's simple compliment. "And he found the boots himself, just needed some help thinking it through."
"As I said. He is fortunate to have your guidance," Dream reiterates, and Hob is saved from having to respond when Robyn comes running back to where the two of them have stopped at the path's edge. Orpheus is over by the pond, bending down to peer between the rails of the short wooden fence that surrounds it as several ducks swim toward him.
"Dad! Did you bring the peas? The ducks're hungry!" There's eager excitement in Robyn's voice and Hob smiles.
"'Course I did, kiddo, here." He rummages in the bag at his hip, slung comfortably across his chest, and hands over the snack-size freezer bag of peas; Robyn thanks him and dashes back over to Orpheus. Whether or not the ducks are 'hungry' is arguable, but Hob won't deny his kid the human joy of personifying the world around him nor of feeding the ducks, which is generally their purpose in coming to this park. He glances sideways at Dream—who is Hob's own private secondary reason for any of the activities they do together with their kids—and finds him watching the boys with the softest little smile crinkling the corners of his eyes.
He's so beautiful.
It starts raining, then, just a light misty sprinkle. The boys put up the hoods on their raincoats and carry on tossing peas to the eager birds who've gathered for the feast; Hob is about to dig his own umbrella out of his bag but Dream steps closer and shifts his own broad umbrella over Hob as well. His arm presses up against Hob's, from shoulder to elbow, and Hob swallows the urge to lift his arm and put it around Dream's shoulders, leans solidly into the touch instead. It's nice.
It's so, so nice, and Hob revels in the imagined warmth he can feel seeping into the contact despite the layers between them, the way that seconds turn to minutes and neither of them moves away, how they both watch their boys in comfortable silence. Hob's thoughts and emotions often feel chaotic and jumbled up in the same way his house manages to be a mild-but-functional disaster zone but this—sharing an everyday domestic moment with Dream, the casual unremarked closeness between them—it quiets something in his head, makes anything and everything seem gloriously possible.
This, this is a feeling worth finding, a feeling he did not even realize he was searching for.
He is still entirely grateful to have found it.
= Started: 6/2/24 Drafted: 6/3/24 Posted: 6/3/24
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angelpuns · 1 year
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Drew some Halloween Turtle Tots!!!
There are some sizing issues and I forgot some details, but I'll fix em later <3
I think I will open a shop and get some new stuff ( these included ) printed, but it might be a bit before its up and running cause I need to go through all my old stuff, get new stuff printed and all that stuff. ( I love that kinda stuff tho so it'll be a field day for me)
I've got some other ideas I wanna draw too, so I'll post those when they're done!
In the meantime I'll still be working on my usual stuff, since things like this don't take as long and kinda work as a nice mental break from making comics ( I think these all took a total of like 2 or 3 hours max?)
Also: Mikey is a Clown Ballerina :)
Donnie is an evil scientist, but Leo keeps telling him he looks like a Dentist :/
( sorry this is so late posting btw, I was just too excited to wait til the morning!!)
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TL;DR: AITA for using slurs to try and take them back?
Kindly asking people who arent queer or have autism/adhd ect not to vote
I have autism, Adhd, BPD and am a lesbian genderfluid person. I found out a while ago that theres people who actually try and take back words so they can't really be used against the people it was used against anymore. For example. The r word and the f word (not fuck, The other one)
I've been using them more lately to try and take em back, Yknow? I don't see anything wrong with it since I myself am autistic and apart of the lgbtq. I use it in arguments, I use it against my friends when we're playing around and pretending to be mad, And I even use it against myself at times calling myself yknow, A f and r word. I don't wanna say the actual things here incase it triggers anyone reading.
I always tag it correctly if its online or public, And I don't use them in every argument, Only if they started using stuff like that first. It's never been a problem, Until as of late. We made a new friend and they told me that I have no right to use those words, And that I'm hurting real autistic people and gay people [I don't know if they were implying I'm faking? I've been diagnosed by multiple doctors when I was little for the nerodivergency, And I've always liked using different pronouns and women since I remember]
It's begun to kinda tear our friend group apart. I'm not trying to hurt anyone, I'm trying to take it back so it can be come as useless as any insult like stupid or ugly. I want to make it more normalized so it cant hurt anyone anymore
Some still agree that I'm not really hurting anyone but now a few of my friends say until I stop they want nothing to do with me. I'm fine with not saying it around them if it makes them uncomfortable, But they say I need to stop for good.
AITA for saying these, And WIBTA for not stopping in general instead of just around them?
I'll put the word to search here incase I want this deleted
Just a note about that last line: please do not submit things intending to have them deleted later. Deleting posts is a courtesy I offer in case it becomes too dangerous or painful to have up, not something you should be planning for when you submit it.
What are these acronyms?
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emerxshiu · 6 months
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im so back.
If only my artstyle wouldnt keep changing everytime i try out a new brush.
I've been drawing non-stop for like these past two weeks i think and now my wrist hurts dammit. so basically i have two notebooks worth of drawings to post but im too lazy to do that now so expect a doodle dump some days later when i feel like it
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ugh the quality went down i think aaaaa
Welp time to talk abt the drawing, honestly just a silly idea i had to draw elfilin and fecto forgo togheter but i fucked up forgo so i only did elfilin
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i keep going back and forth with my design for elfilin, i'll have to settle down on one of em at some point, but right now, i think this iteration of the gijinka is kinda cute.
i didnt wanna draw a background so i just pulled the old reliable of grabbing the most random pics i have and distorting them into oblivion and forcefully meshing them. and honestly i think the backgroung goes a bit hard ngl
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btw happy birthday meta knight, i didnt drawn anything for him sadly.
Also, you can consider this an early drawing for katfl anniversary, im planning to making an actual drawing for that but just in case i dont have enough time or cant do it or i post it way too late, this one can take the place
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circeyoru · 6 months
have you listened to the song "Partner in Crime" by Madilyn Mei? If not, I strongly recommend it because it makes me think of Unwanted Souls!Alastor. Specifically early days of when the reader tries to push him away
This is for {Unwanted Soul} , check MASTERLIST for the work
The one I listened to is Partners in Crime by Set it Off. But I gave this a listen and omg the lyrics are quite in sync with the story!!
Let me go on a song tangant. Stay if you wanna read.
**Heavy spoiler if you haven't caught up with this series!!!!!
You're right; this matches well in the beginning when Reader/you are trying to push Alastor away so you can go back to your little world of self-indulgence. But what happened afterwards is Alastor staying and showing you care and devotion you never had.
Now, if you keep up with everything I posted about {Unwanted Soul}, you'll know that I never planned for this oneshot to end up as a series with this much background and connections for you. So, in Part 1, it was entirely matched with the request and that long to avoid a continuation. But then you saw the results, hahahahaha~
Anyways. Part 1 never mentioned anything of a dilemma of you pushing Alastor away yet wanting him near you, the later parts did. If you piece back everything, you'll see what I mean with this song.
When you're gone I feel alone again The voices cannot hold my hand They keep me company at very best Distract me from my loneliness
Here, this is a reference to when you had that breakdown when Alastor was more than late for that grocery shopping. You hoped it work, but when it did, you just feel so lonely. Everywhere you see in the apartment, especially the living room since that's where Alastor always was. So you retreated into your room, where he barely had permission to enter. With low self-esteem and self-harming thoughts, you conjured a knife and just stabbed yourself to distract yourself from the mental pain.
Maybe I'm just an anomaly Even my demons have their families Truly something must be wrong with me To need you as much as I do
Naturally, this is a reference to your living years. You felt alienated in your life and among the people that surrounds you. Yes, you're stable and successful to the point that you don't have to worry about getting hungry or not having a house to return to. But you felt so empty with what you're doing. You wanted companionship that you can lean on. Then Alastor comes along and you tell yourself it's too good to be true and pushed him away to protect yourself from a heartache.
I was never meant to win I was never meant to win I was never meant to win Shut up!
Sidetracking, this is referring to you quitting your job as an informant for Lucifer. It's some time after you mastered the two powers you had but never used. You think it's too powerful and you're not worthy of it, so you hide it away. Then it went to thinking you're not fit to work for Lucifer, the King of Hell. Worse when you come to see him as a friend instead of your employer and superior being. It was easy to put a stop to it since Lucifer wasn't as persistent with keeping you by his side than Alastor. (haha this explained why I never put Lucifer as a love interest or show competition between him and Alastor)
Here's the reigns Take ahold of me Please don't let me go You do the talking Sew up my mouth if I can't keep it closed
This is where you basically accepted that Alastor was a yandere for you and let it progress. You know how it is with this type of character. You were just too damaged and desperate for something you longed for that you didn't care anymore. It was a good thing that Alastor saw how damaged you are by that self-harm you inflicted on yourself, better now than later when you were more firm with your feelings for him.
There's a dog barking right around the block And a big ol' whistle blow Run for it I'll keep em occupied for you Cause I love you, I love you so Left me hangin at the station But you'll be back for me soon
I'll switch the narrative here. This matches more for Alastor. This talks about the time when you sent him to the hotel to work (and leave you alone). A little interest that shouldn't be explored for or for you to personally be involved with. So Alastor does his best to keep the hotel matters at the hotel, never needing you to leave your home to investigate anything. Alastor knows you moved him out because you were caring too much and you're trying to stop it. He doesn't care, he wants you. But he'll be patient and give you time, he knows you'll be back for him. And boy was the wait worth it when he saw you fight for him.
Something tells me you aren't coming Guess that I'm truly doomed
When Alastor was nearly brought down by Adam and realized that his power wasn't enough (since it was limited by you). That moment, he was fully prepared to just teleport back to your apartment and stay there.
I'm 'bout to die Yet the only thing I find I'm worried about is you I'm 'bout to die Yet the thing on my mind seems to nearly be nothing but you
This is when, moments before your slumber, you told Alastor that you missed him and removed the rule that blocks his connection with you. You know you're not dying, maybe, but there was that slim chance. You also know that wouldn't be what Alastor thinks, and in a way, you reassure him.
I'm just a pawn in your game Not your partner in crime
You used to think that Alastor was using you for something. In fact, you looked for evidence to prove your theory. But the battles he started for you, the demons he killed for you, and the words that made up deovtion and promise to you, it all pointed against that. Isn't it all so weird?
You're slowly killing me And yet I don't mind (You were never meant to win) You're slowly killing me But please take your time
This is where you accepted that you're not gonna be able to push away Alastor anymore. So you take a back seat and let it happen. You were never meant to win against Alastor's love for you, you were never meant to push him out of your life. What Alastor's killing is the doubts and reason you have to push him away, it takes time to heal and for Alsator to find out about your past. So... You want him to take his time.
"Hey, Alastor." You smiled as you waved your hand at him to beckon him over.
"Yes, My Love?" Alastor skipped over, throwing away a demon's limb behind him comically which earned him a burst of carefree laughter from you.
In a swoft move, you pulled him to your level and gave him a butterfly kiss on the lips then stared into his eyes, "I love you, so dearly. Never leave me."
Alastor felt himself melting from your words and the plead he saw as his order to keep you forever. What ever were you thinking to suddenly say this? He won't question since you ended up demanding his attention and presence. So he smiled and nodded, "Of course. I'll never dream of leaving you. I love you too much for that to ever happen, My Beloved."
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luvvyouforever · 7 months
Hello!! I saw that your requests were open. Could you possibly do another Modern AU! Rhysand x College Student! reader fic? I loved the first one you posted and definitely gave me some comfort with how stressful college is 😭
I always liked imagining the ACOTAR universe in a modern au. Especially Velaris in a modern setting.
Hope you are doing well and taking care of yourself💜💜
hi! absolutely dear <3 i tried to include more velaris in this!
comfort on the bridge - modern au!rhysand x college student!reader
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↳ a night out in velaris ought to clear your worries about upcoming exams. does it actually, though?
↳ modern portrayal of velaris, mentions of self doubt and stress, reader is studying to be a teacher but it could be replaced with any major/focus. this isn't my best work, i'll admit, and it did take me like two weeks to completely finish but here you go!
↳ divider art from @firefly-graphics
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usually, there was nothing better than a night out on the town in velaris, surrounded by the inner circle and your loving partner, rhysand. very little made you more excited than getting dressed up with mor, pregaming with cassian, and flooding the dance floor of rita's. tonight, however, it was the last thing you wanted to do.
rhysand could sense your hesitance about going out, feeling the bond between you two grow shaky and antsy but there was no way you could bring yourself to say no to them. you were just more stressed out than you imagined possible and so much more was in your mind than getting drunk and dancing to fae pop music.
mortal college was more than you had anticipated. it was always your goal, far before your ears grew pointy and you became a part of the night court's defenders, to go to college and make something of yourself. rhysand encouraged you wholeheartedly, telling you over and over that it was a good idea, that velaris needed more teachers, that you could accomplish it.
and now, your college career was coming to a close which only meant certifications, exams, and papers that all required more of you than you could give. you could only remind yourself of the shining new generation of fae being born in velaris that needed teaching so many times.
all of those worries and deadlines could not be suppressed by the strong liquor going down your throat, leaving a harsh burn in its wake. nevertheless, you took every shot cassian offered and with everyone one of them, rhysand grew more worried.
"you're putting 'em down tonight, y/n!" cassian cheered as the clink of the shot glass hitting the bar rang through the room. "you want another one?"
"yeah, i'd lo-"
"darling, i really don't think you should have another drink. you'll feel terrible later," rhysand's deep voice sent shivers down your spine as his large chest came up behind you. instinctively, you leaned back into his warmth.
"no! we gotta have fun tonight! i can't let anyone down!" you rebutted. your hand reached for the drink on the bar but your hand was trapped by rhysand's before you could. "hey!"
without a response or argument, rhysand began to tug and you didn't put up much of a fight (you were positive that one wrong move and your lack of coordination would land you on your butt on the floor). cassian looked at the two of you, making brief eye contact with rhysand and he nodded in understanding. something was wrong.
"where are we going?" you asked your partner after you stepped into the fresh air of velaris. despite it being so late, the city was quite alive with people, bikes, lights, music, and sounds. it was a beautiful sight, one that usually caught your breath, but there were more pressing matters. like why did rhysand take you away from your fun? the worries were just now being forgotten!
rhysand didn't answer your pestering but instead led you down some streets, up one incline, and landed at an old steel bridge that was at a high enough point to overlook the streets below. it was a spot you frequented when stressed but you didn't know that anyone knew. of course rhysand knew.
without having to say anything, you both perched on the edge of the bridge, wrapping your legs around the posts. your arms brushed against each other and with a few deep breaths, you felt the alcohol begin to leave your system as quickly as it came in.
"what's going on? you're drinking a lot, you seem stressed. i feel it. i don't even have to look in your mind to tell," rhysand said softly. his violet eyes shined in the night and though his gaze was strong, you couldn't help but fall into it.
you sighed and leaned your forehead against the cool metal of the bridge. the sounds of your city flooded your ears and it washed you with some calm that you were searching for. "i'm just stressed. there's so much on my plate, so much coming up, and i don't feel smart enough or good enough for any of it." just speaking the words out loud felt like a weight being taken off of your body. surgically removed and thrown hundreds of miles away.
"tell me about it," your partner said. he wouldn't get it, necessarily, but sharing the weight would help.
"there's three certification tests i have to take, all of which are unnecessarily hard. and that's just so i can get my license to teach. i still have four exams, all worth well over a hundred points, and i feel grossly underprepared for each and everyone one of them. then there's this theory class that's all about best practices in education and research and i feel like i'm picking up none of it," you expressed. "i don't feel like i am going to be the best i can be for velaris. i want to teach them but i'm struggling to pass my class. how am i supposed to impart all of this amazing knowledge on them when i don't even know it?"
your head fell forward onto the bar again and you relished in the soothing feeling of it. down below, music and laughter erupted from a rooftop bar. you wished you could know what rhysand was thinking.
"you know...i think you're the most intelligent person i ever met-"
"that's not-"
"ah! ah! no arguing," rhysand cut you off. "as i was saying...you are the most intelligent person i ever met. the capabilities you have far exceed anyone in the spring court and hewn city combined. the passion you have for our city and its education is so admirable, y/n. everyone will be so lucky to have you as their teacher. the fact that you committed to going to mortal college just to provide the small number of velaris children with a proper education proves to me that the cauldron picked the most perfect person to be my mate."
looking at onto your city, rhysand's words sunk in. somewhere in a back yard, high fae children laughed cheerfully, clearly excited to be up later than what would usually be allowed. it was hard work but work that you were more than excited to be doing.
with a sigh, you leaned into rhysand's side, grateful for him being your rock. "will you help me study for the praxis?" you asked quietly.
rhysand's head dipped down and planted a soft kiss on your forehead. "me and all of velaris will help you through whatever you need, darling. and we will be there at your graduation, glamoured and cheering."
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fruityhoon · 8 months
bf!heeseung x fem!reader
a short drabble to which heeseung is just in love with your new perfume
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-you were getting ready to go have lunch with your friends, wearing a cute black top with denim jeans. to top it all off, you sprayed a perfume you recently got that had been in your list to buy for weeks
-when you left the room, you saw heeseung on his pc playing league of legends, eyes focused on the screen, eyebrows furrowed
-carefully approaching him from behind, you placed both your hands on his shoulders and leaned down, placing a kiss on the right side of his cheek
-"im going out now, see you later baby" you said in his ear
-he was quick to turn his head to you as he smelt something foreign and asked for a peck on the lips
-you gave him a peck and started making your way towards the door, but heeseung was quick to leave the match he was in and got up from his gaming chair to catch up with you
-the only thing that was going through his mind was your scent, how sweet you smelled when you were leaning down on him
-approaching you, hee placed his head on the crook of your neck, placing both his hands on your lower back and hugging you as if his life depended on it
-confused, you caressed his head and asked him "hey whats going on?"
-inhaling your scent and leaving small kisses on your neck, he whispered "you smell so good princess, did u get new perfume?"
-you let out a small chuckle, finding it funny seeing your boyfriend like this just because of some perfume you bought
-"yeah i bought it yesterday, you like it?"
-"love it very much" he continued rubbing himself on you, trying to make your scent stick on him
-"thank you heeseung but i really have to go now im gonna be late, go back to playing and i'll be home before you know it okay?" you slowly backed off and gave him another peck on his forehead and grabbed your shoes
-all he could do was stand there and pout, "how long do i have to wait?"
-you were done putting on your shoes and you opened the door, smiling as you were taking one last look at the boy and said "dont be silly, i'll be home soon, love you hee" you said as you left and shut the door
yeah heeseung would def make sure you'd wear that perfume 24/7 just bcz he loves it sm 😭
a/n: sorry i went mia for 8 months 😪 i was busy but i'll try and post my drafts soon i just needa finish em up (also dont forget to leave a note if you enjoyed hehe)
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arenabreadandbiscuits · 3 months
I took a nap earlier but now that it's so late I gotta go back to sleep so I don't feel like crap in the morning lolol
But before I disappear for the night.
Here's another Adamsapple wip!:
Imagine: Adam is such a brat but when Lucifer shape shifts and uses his powers to further dominate Adam.
Adam: That's why you're short as shit...
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Lucifer: OH! but am I really???~~~ tell me more Kitten.
Ahem, here's the pic. Under the click! ✨✨✨
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👀🚶🏾🧎🏾 I'll do the lineart later I promise 😩😩😩 for the night this my last post. Also 20+ followers rn for plus size Adam twerking vid. 50+ for Skinny Adam 🤭😚
(psst Adam's nipples got hard smh, he a horn dog fr he just don't wanna admit it out loud. Lucifer tryna suck on em fr though but Everytime he's tried Adam yells at him 🥺)
EDIT: finished! Well almost maybe? I wanted to go over the lineart one more good time ^^`
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kriimhild · 5 months
Hello! Ive been so obsessed with your DCA AU! It’s so amazing! But I’m having a hard time putting some pieces together in your story line, cuz i got here kinda late :,) is there anywhere i can go to find a summery of everything you’ve revealed up to this point?
Well, for small pieces and fragments, sometimes spoilers, you can check my #dd asks here, but I get that it's a lot ^^
Besides that, I think my pinned post have all the links, I'll check later, but til then I give you all I have.
A few chapters to the fic itself, but I kinda start giving up to finish the writing, I'm way more faster in webcomics. Daily Daycare's main storyline is finished since months, just waiting to be drawn :)
The fic will be here!
My webcomics are up on Webtoon (except LMMA)
If you are in the mood to watch some videos with va dub, check Supershadic's yt channel! Videos are here 👉 (1 2 3 4 5)
And this one was from the era when i couldn't decide if i'd like to show em as bros or lovers so i stayed with bros then. It changed to lovers and it's permanent, Shadic was such a sweety and re-write the title. So there's Leave my brother Moondrop alone
Cougar McDowall did a dub for WGTF as well! It's the same comic but different VAs :) Here!
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barrenclan · 4 months
Got a heartbreaking one for you: I Will Follow You into the Dark by Death Cab for Cutie.
This one works well for a Rainhaze and Slugpelt song, pre-defiance. It comes from their differing views of death we’re shown, how Slugpelt sees it as hopeless and desolate while Rainhaze sees it as comforting and warm.
Especially this one verse here
In Catholic school / As vicious as Roman rule / I got my knuckles bruised / By a lady in black / And I held my tongue / As she told me, "Son Fear is the heart of love" / So I never went back
In my mind I can see this with the younger siblings. Dustfeather being awful to Slugpaw, then later coming to Rainpaw and explaining that this was how love was supposed to be, for her, and Rainpaw severely doubts her. (Cut to the last line “so I never went back”, with Rainhaze leading Dustfeather into the territory late at night).
The very last chorus could be once Ranger reveals Rainhaze to his old clan, and Rainhaze tries to explain to them that death isn’t just something that shouldn’t be dreaded, but something benevolent, the best option. And then Slugpelt can go and Dustfeather him to close it off. (This ask was sent post issue 36, cannot guarantee any of this will happen. Fingers crossed though!!)
Oh yes, I remember this song! I like your analysis on it.
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Vocaloid's not really my thing but I take your word for it. The Defiance attack is very apocalyptic for the BarrenClan cats.
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Any songs about women doing murder and being hot and excited about it is a perfect Spike song!
Oh, you like me now? Bad bitch on the prowl Straight dudes, big dogs Lock 'em up chow (ciao) Pink tag wrapped around his big toe Put the scum in a bag, let his wife know
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It doesn't seem like anyone has suggested it yet, or at least it was long enough ago that my YouTube doesn't remember it. I don't listen to much Will Wood but I like these lyrics with him!
Have you ever died in a nightmare? Woke up surprised you hadn’t earned your fate? Have you ever felt like Atlas, threw your back out on the axis And collapsed and threw the planet away?
Ooh, whatever you think of me (It’s the norm for chemicals, it’s the norm for particles) If you were in my shoes, you’d walk the same damn miles I do (Yes, it’s only natural)
You, could you take a look at me? (You could break an angel’s fall, and ignore the Devil’s call) Am I bad, am I bad, am I bad, am I really that bad? (Still forsaken shoulders fall silent now)
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SO Rainhaze coded. The Ashfur MAP is one of my all time favorites too.
Every word that I say seems far too contrived What are your intentions? I'm ashamed by mine When I'm thinking too much, I realize I'm unkind
Pretend that I'm nicer than I'll ever be I am selfish and deluded, enjoy my hypocrisy <- och... remember this Complain that I'm bored, when being bored is a privilege Act like I'm suffering, there's no suffering in this
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Hah, yeah.
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Early BarrenClan/post-RoseClan vibes to me.
I miss the friends I had to leave behind My dad saying "I'm proud of you son" It makes me wanna go home Could I ever call this place home?
I used to dream about the other side The sun rising on the skyline And a beautiful rainbow Such a beautiful rainbow
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rubixpsyche · 6 months
What’re your headcanons for human!Vox?
Like: Name, specific nationalities, any preferences, what’s changed since he died, etc . Just !!! I love your headcanons so much I need to know more .
Asian!Vox hc
It's my lil baby ok it's my most precious hc to me. (Everything here is up to change because I have not had time to research the diaspora experience and era in which he lived in). Thanks so much for asking, I went overboard tbh this could be 3 posts by itself
Name: Without the best grasp and exposure to English names, someone cruelly suggested one as a joke when he arrived in America and he trusted them, only to find out too late to change it that it was bad, either because people could make fun of him for it, or because it was a name of a infamous figure of the time, and everytime someone made the same stupid joke about it for the rest of his career he got more and more frustrated. (I feel mean picking out an english name and saying it's a 'bad' or stupid one, so hey maybe I'll hold a vote or look up some history.) This constant fucking humiliation is what leads to him overdoing it with learning english, and why he named himself Vox in hell.
He had to live his life talked over, given a name he fucking hated. In death he would speak for himself. And for all these Sinners. This time He would be Their Voice. He'd even make them think it was their choice.
(I'll make up his traditional name later, excited to try)
Nationality: Hong Kong 🇭🇰 Hong Kong. Anyone who speaks Cantonese knows where I'm going with this HAHAHAHAAAAA. Oh I just want to make him swear so beautifully. He doesn't do it much at all in Hell, the internalized racism has him trying so hard to make people think he was white in life. Anytime he does speak canto he tries to pass it off as him having learnt the language for business. This works since he actually has learnt several more languages over the years because that fear of being misrepresented haunts him. With how technology has progressed, I think he would have learnt German, Japanese and Korean, so he could better ensnare newly deceased Sinners he knows worked in the big tech companies in life. Those NDAs don't extend here.
Sometimes he just stews because he knows he could insult someone so well, or at least in a way that will truly satisfy him, but he has to keep his trap shut and his language English. This is also why he gets so fucking flustered in Stayed Gone. He knows he could outperform Alastor EASILY if he wasn't slowed down translating himself. Also why he still uses old slang.
I can't control myself so, readmore time
Vark gets special rambling in cantonese priviledges. I think he is so (affectionately) mean to Vark. He can do that run-on insult thing for 15 minutes. Vark is just happy to be here. People think Vark is bad at listening to orders, secretly Vox has trained em to only listen to canto instructions. Anything in english just flies over his head.
Everything else: I keep just projecting people I know onto em. I think he had (and still does) a janky idea of what "Successful" people looked like, fashion-wise, and emulated it both when he was struggling to make it to now with all his success. Velvette is fucking dieing. That watch is tacky, she doesn't care how expensive it is, get rid of it. Oh my god noone wears chains like that anymore.
He pretends to like all that high-end cuisine and wines, but really he still loves proper savoury food and the cheap beers he had at home or at the places he gambled at (big gambler by the way. Not in a self-sabotaging way, but it was his only socialization outside of work, in life, where he could fucking relax and chat with all the other immigrants there) (they were milking him for all he's worth btw. My god). Everytime a proper chef lands in Hell he snaps them up in the hopes he can get really good food in his tower right at home.
Actually he's still a little bit superstitious, although sometimes he questions the point of that when they're in the Afterlife and have seen the 'answers' noone would ever get in life. It brings him some comfort though, and in some way makes him feel like he still remembers his life. He hates remembering his life but some part of it is so afraid of losing it and himself.
Preferences: To me he reads as someone that ENTIRELY misunderstood his attraction to men as just general admiration. He wanted to be those successful guys, he wanted their lives. Which was true but he was also a lil thirsty. I think he would have gotten a wife, because that was a sign of success, as would having successful/smart children. This is mostly dependant on how long he actually lived. If he died young, or if he was that dedicated to his career, he might not have courted anyone long enough to get married. They would not have been happy.
Even in death he still thought his attraction was just admiration, but he wasn't super resistant to the idea of allowing himself to 'start' getting into men when the general position of Hell changed. As in once sinners didn't give a shit and were openly all queer, he thought noone could give him shit for it, and acted as if he always knew, that he has sooo much experience. Faking it till he makes it. He just had really high standards, guys. Falls into Valentino's bed. Alright.
The 'point' of straight relationships, to him in life, was the nuclear family goal. But noone in hell can reproduce, so who cares!
I wanna nonbinary this fucker so bad but that's too much projection, perhaps, and honestly could be its own post since I would absolutely connect that to the Mechanical thing.
Oh I have/will have more next time, for now I wanna reply to this before it's been too long. Thanks again and ask me more anytime!!
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meianslo · 1 year
Too Late
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Anthony Lockwood x Fem!Reader
warning: pure angst, second option reader, asshole lockwood :'D
word count: 1.2k
disclaimer: this isn't the best one i've wrote bc i probably forgot that i even wrote it but im just gonna post it anw hueheu
(name) was walking on the pavement that leads to 35 portland row, the home of her best friend, Lockwood. Lucy had invited her to come to his house after not going there for almost a month now.
She started being friends with Lockwood just a few years ago before he even started his agency. (name) was a family friend but they got to knowing, and just clicked with each other. But for her, it was more than just being friends... or best friends. He was so much more than that to her. But she knows he'll never return the feelings.
Anyways, feelings aside, (name) has become great friends with his agency's members even though she is not a part of it. She was so excited for him when he hired his first assistant. But she remember that it didn't go that well for em' but luckily, he's now ended up with George and Lucy.
Which brings us back to (name), wondering why Lucy had invited her.
Finally arriving at the house, she knocks on their door and waited for a few until George opened up the door and greeted her.
"Hi, (name). Lucy told me that she's expecting you?" she nodded at George's confusion. George knows that only Lockwood invite her most of the times but, even if someone else did invite her, it was probably Lockwood's request (it was a demand..). And Lockwood is currently out of the house. He let her in and asked her if she wanted some tea.
"Yeah sure, that'd be lovely, Georgie." She gave him a small smile of appreciation. While waiting for the tea, (name) went up to the attic to talk with Lucy.
"Lucy? You here?" (name) shouted as she's climbing the stairs before Lucy appeared behind the railings. "(name)! You came!"
"Of course I did, you asked me to, silly. What kind of friend would I be if I didn't?" (name) chuckled as she finally took the last step of the stairs. "So, what's up? Why'd you ask me to come?" Lucy took both her hand, pulled her and sat her down on her bed. This made (name) smiled and just went along with her.
The brown haired girl sighed and look down on her hand. "Lockwood just asked me out a week ago," (name) smile dropped "That's great, Luce!" (name) put her smile back but this one was more forced.
"I rejected him, (name)-"
"What? Why?" (name) was so confused, Lucy liked Lockwood back. So, why did she reject him?
"I- I don't know, I just did! I started rambling about how work is a pressure for me and all — I barely remember what I said-" Lucy sighed loudly. "I panicked.. I like him, (name). I do but, I don't know what came over me. And now, there's tension all over the house!"
As much as she wished that she's the one that's getting asked, (name) know better than that will ever happen. So, she give Lucy some courage to talk to Lockwood and explain herself.
"Lucy, you have to tell him or you'll regret it." What (name) didn't know is that she might also regret encouraging Lucy, but she knows it's for the better. "Well, I'm gonna go downstairs. George is probably done with the tea," She stood up and headed for the stairs
"Alright, I'll catch up with you later!" Lucy exhaled and lay back into the bed, chest feeling heavy.
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"So, why'd Lucy invite you over?" George questioned. He set down the cup of the in front of the girl and sat down in front of her.
(name) took a sip and pick up the pen that is Infront of her and starts doodling on the thinking cloth. "It's nothing, just Lockwood and Lucy things, y'know?" George just shrugged at what she said. They suddenly heard a noise coming from the front door, it's probably Lockwood struggling to open the door.
George just stood up and went to the hallway to open the door for Lockwood. "Hey," Lockwood greeted him and headed for the phone.
(name) peeked through the kitchen to see what's up with Lockwood especially after getting rejected. "Anthony?" she revealed her presence and Lockwood turn to her.
"(name)! I was just about to call you, guess that'll save me some time."
"What's up? Need anything?" (name) played dumb about the fact that Lucy rejected him, trying to not break his heart.
"George, can you..? Need some privacy." Lockwood smiled thinly. George just pushed up his glasses, nodding and went back to the kitchen. Lockwood walked closer to her, five feet apart from each other.
"(name).." His gaze shifted, It's not how he usually look at her. He was looking at her with much more passion and (name) realized what's gonna happen and..
"No. Lockwood, no." She blurted out and this confused him.
"What? I didn't even say anything-" He steps closer, this made (name) take a step backward.
"I know, Lucy told me."
"I like you, (name)."
"No, you don't."
She refuses this because this is not good.
"I- Please, (name)."
"Lockwood." This surprised him, because she rarely ever calls him that. "You like her, not me. Her. And I've liked you since forever but that doesn't mean I'll accept you just because I happen to be your option!" she scoffed "You decided that you like me because Lucy rejected you, right? You're being desperate and I know you're better than that. I'd rather reject you than just be a second option for you, Anthony."
The boy sighed and massaged nose bridge. He muttered. "This is my second regret, now."
"What? Are you serious? Wow, did you really just said that? Do I really just become your second regret? Be fucking serious, Lockwood." There it is again. "You're actually admitting that I'm just becoming your second everything at this point. I'm fine not being your option at all because it'd mean I wouldn't have to hope anything from you."
"(name), I didn't mean that! I'm so sorry — I'm just being dumb and-"
"Yes, you are being dumb! And I'll just let it slide because I know what you're going through." She swerved around him and went for the door. She hesitates for a second but finally reach the door's knob.
Just when she was about to turn the knob, Lucy called out to her. "(name)!" She stood at the top of the stairs. "(name)?" she repeated looking a bit more confused. Lucy bit her bottom lip and glanced at Lockwood for a second before looking back at (name).
"Lucy.." Lockwood muttered under his breath. (name) can hear how hurt he was in his voice but it didn't excused him for what he just did.
After turning around for a second to look at Lucy then Lockwood, the heavy hearted girl knows to leave them alone and let them talk it out. (name) turn her back to them again, "Thanks for the Invite, Lucy. Tell George I love the tea.." She finally turned the knob and head out of the house.
When (name) was finally far enough from the house, she sat on the kerb of the pavement. Breaking down into sobs, fingers running through her hair. She buried her head into the palm of her hands, getting them all clammy.
She didn't know whether or not this is her fault.
Because she was too late. She thought that if she had confessed sooner, maybe this wouldn't happen to her. Maybe, her heart wouldn't have to be crushed into pieces.
a/n: this almost become rusty because i forgot i have this in my draft
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