#it's like autopilot takes over i'm serious
gladiatorcunt · 7 months
Feral feral Anakin fucking you every second of the day because he can’t get enough of you and is overly obsessed
send me coryo, luke castellan, or anakin asks (this is a threat)
implied canon compliant prequels and childhood friend afab royalty reader (basically in padme's place) based on an upcoming fic
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This is canon Anakin behavior actually, he's like a big dog with his favorite chew toy. The dog obviously loves the toy a lot but it's because of his love that the toy becomes well used. No matter how tattered it becomes, the dog will still curl around it and spend its days licking the hell out of it until it withers away.
I think that because of how he grew up, just a little boy on some ball of sand whose life really didn't belong to him, as soon as he's free from that he just unravels. I love Anakin being written as more unhinged or even slightly like an eldritch horror, because suddenly he has this big destiny laid out in front of him and the tethers holding his soul together inevitably come unhooked. I think that he's wired like that from the beginning, very passionate but without a means to express it.
So, when he meets you, little royal heir with all the stars of the galaxy in your eyes, he tells a familiar story about an angel and from then on, it's over for him. Every moment of his life orbits around the sun in his solar system, you.
The first think he thinks when he sees you again, is how your moans would echo off the windows when he eats you out on one of the couches. Then he imagines your perfectly manicured hands clawing delicious ribbons down his back while he rabidly pounds your sopping wet pussy against the wall of your huge walk-in closet in your apartment. He'd have to hold a hand over your mouth, but he wouldn't do a thing to clean up the slicks that drips out of your pussy onto the floor. You'd pout as you'd rush to get ready before Obi-Wan came back, and all he'd be able to do in response is hook his chin over your shoulder and smile.
"No, it's because I'm so in love with you."
You're leaning against a balcony overlooking a lake in Naboo and all he can think about as he strokes a shy finger down your back is hiking your dress up and bending you over it. You're chained to a pillar in between him and Obi-Wan, and when all is said and done, he wishes he killed everybody that was relishing in your suffering in that arena and fucked you with their blood coating his body. He could go on forever until the last grain of sand on Tatooine flies away. He'd have gotten you barefoot and pregnant immediately if the leash around his neck was any looser.
No matter the fantasy or the moment, you always have at least one mark on you. He's not patient enough for hickies and his fingers move too quickly for any serious bruises to form on your body. He favors bite marks, near perfect impressions of his teeth etched in your soft skin. He doesn't bite to tear, just does his repeated 'chomp!'s without a single thought in his head; your thighs bear the brunt of it. Anakin likes when drops of blood bead at the surface of the bites, because then he can lick the bites soothingly. You usually have to run your fingers through his hair to get him to come back to himself when he starts doing it on autopilot with his eyes rolled back.
"Yes, yes, yessssss.... love fucking my cunt, missed making love to my sloppy pussy. Taking my dick so well, keep breathing with me, my love. That's it, just like that."
His way of saying good morning is languid strokes deep in your guts. His way of saying good night is crazed thrusts that have him putting it back it when his frenzied pace causes his length to slip out. He has is so hard sometimes, determined to carry the entire galaxy on his shoulders with you on top of it. You can the rising anger that builds within him when everything he does to prove himself goes unrecognized. The best way he has to ignore all of that outside responsibility is knocking your sweaty body up the bed while you're clutching the headboard for dear life.
Anakin's emotions bleed from him so openly, and all you have to do is drink them in. Because even though he wasn't free when he met you, you owned him them with his gift around your neck. You own him now, your cervix kissing his mushroom tip in its own display of affection. He is supposed to live his life with the intention to be the force's son, but he is burning to ash faster than he is fulfilling his destiny; at least he can keep you and your future children warm.
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firewasabeast · 11 days
can you do a fic based on the idea that athena and tommy will team up to fly the plane to safety? idk if it doesn't really happen in the show, I'd love a fic version!
disclaimer: I know nothing about planes, nor do I pretend to. we're all just going to smile and nod as we read through this, just like we do when we watch 911. the idea for this fic comes from @mannafromtevan's theory, which is incredible and I hope is true! Also, while looking for the link to this theory, I saw where @bibuckkinard already wrote a fic based on this theory as well. I haven't read it yet, but everything they write is incredible and will definitely be better than this. Anyway, enjoy!
A small aircraft hit the plane. Co-pilot was ejected. The pilot enabled autopilot, but she's unconscious. There's no one to fly the plane!
That was the call that Athena had with air traffic control just after the incident. It had sent more than half of LA's emergency personnel to the nearest airport, the 217 taking lead on the operation.
Everyone was hovered around, listening as Tommy spoke to Athena and tried to get as much information as he could in what little amount of time they had.
“And you said a window was blown out?” Tommy asked.
“Yes. A window and then some.”
“Wide enough for a person to fit through?”
“The co-pilot did.”
Tommy was quiet for a moment. Long enough for Athena to come back over the radio. “Tommy? Are you still there?”
“I'm here, Athena. I'm thinking. Just hang on a sec.”
“Oh, sure,” she answered, the sarcasm in her tone was clear. “I've got nowhere else to be.”
Jameson, a pilot who'd been working with Tommy for nearly five years now, stared at him. He knew that face. “You have an idea.” It wasn't a question.
“Yeah, I do.”
“How stupid is it?”
“It has potential.”
“To work?”
Tommy shook his head. “To be the dumbest thing I've ever done.”
“You cannot be serious right now!” Buck exclaimed as Tommy strapped on his gear. The rest of the crew was working on the helicopter behind him, getting it ready to go as quickly as possible. Hen, Chim, and Eddie were there too, standing back while Tommy and Buck spoke.
“It's the best plan we're gonna get. It's the only plan we're gonna get.”
“It's not even a plan! It's a death sentence.”
“Not if I succeed it's not.”
“We've done crazier things, Evan. Like flying through a hurricane.”
“Intermittent showers,” Buck corrected. “And I'd say repelling from a helicopter and into a torn apart jet to try and land the thing when half the controls aren't working is a little crazier than flying through bad weather!”
Tommy placed his hands on Buck's shoulders. “Breathe, Evan. The rescue mission was fully approved by all proper authorities.”
“You sure you didn't fake mouth static your way into approval?”
Tommy gave him a look. “There might've been a few omissions. I cannot confirm or deny that though.”
“Hey, what's our motto?” he said, looking past Buck and pointing to the rest of the 118.
“Who cares?!” They chanted.
“Me!” Buck exclaimed. “I care!” He followed behind Tommy as he headed for the chopper. “Tommy, please don't-”
Tommy turned on his heels, nearly running straight into Buck as he did so. “Evan,” he started, his voice calm and assured, “If you knew how to fly, you'd already be up there.”
“Am I wrong?”
Buck pursed his lips, eying Tommy closely before replying. “No.”
“I've gotta go. I will do my best to make it back to you, Evan. I promise that.”
That was it for Buck. He didn't care who was around. He tugged Tommy by his gear, and pulled him in for a kiss. “Be safe.”
Tommy nodded, giving Buck's hand a squeeze before running to the helicopter. Buck took a deep breath, holding back his tears as he watched them take off.
It took time, and a lot of precision, for Tommy to finally reach the opening of the plane. There were a few close calls along the way, but once Athena had ahold of his legs, he allowed himself to relax a little.
“Good to see you, Athena,” Tommy said with a smile once he had successfully made it inside the plane.
“I'm not sure if good is the correct word to be using right now,” Athena replied. “But I am glad you're here.”
“Happy to be here.” Tommy disconnected himself from all the wiring he was attached to, guiding it back out of the hole so the helicopter could return to base.
Athena moved some debris out of the way, making room for Tommy to sit in pilot's seat. There were lights flashing everywhere, some repetitive beeping from alarms, not to mention the giant hole that was allowing wind to whip through the cockpit.
“What do you think?” Athena asked as he pressed some buttons, his face scrunched up tight.
He flipped a switch on one of the control panels, which caused the entire thing to fall off the dash.
“Well, that's not helpful,” he said, tossing it aside. “So, got any plans this weekend?”
She glared over at him. “Wasn't really thinking that far ahead.”
“I was thinking about taking Evan for a helicopter tour around the city... May be in bad taste now though.”
Athena sat beside him, a light sheen of sweat across her forehead. “Tommy, give it to me straight here. How screwed are we?”
He shrugged, keeping his focus on the controls that were still connected to the plane. “You believe in God?”
“I do.”
“Mind praying for us both then?”
“That bad?”
Before Tommy could respond, his captain's voice was coming over the radio in his helmet. “Give me a rundown, Kinard. What's going on?”
Athena listened as Tommy went through a (very long) list of everything wrong with the plane. He went over controls that were damaged, and the very few that weren't. She heard something about autopilot still working well, and something else about a manual landing, but most of it made no sense to her.
“I'm gonna need you to repeat all of that,” Athena said once he was finished, “but in a way I'll actually understand.”
He glanced over at her briefly, the plane jumping with sudden turbulence. Athena grabbed onto the the broken panel in front of her and Tommy focused his eyes back on the controls. “We're running low on fuel. We're gonna have to try to land after the next turn, and we'll end up dropping pretty fast. Basically, I can land us manually, but I can't promise the breaks will work.”
“That seems like a pretty important part of landing,” she deadpanned.
“I'd definitely say it's a favorite of mine.”
Athena took a deep breath before asking her next question. “And if the breaks don't work? What happens then?”
“There's a very high chance this thing will blow up if we can't stop by the end of the runway.”
“Oh dear God.”
“There is good news though.”
“Hm.” She eyed him skeptically. “What's that?”
“We won't feel a thing.”
“Oh, well, that's a relief. Don't know what I was ever worried about in the first place,” she replied sarcastically. “How much time do we have before you land her?”
“About ten minutes. Intercom system is out, right?”
“Can you go make sure everyone has their seatbelts fastened?”
Athena headed back to the passengers. Tommy took the moment alone to breathe deeply and steal himself for whatever was about to happen. Part of being a pilot required confidence and, even if he didn't have much of it at the moment, he knew how to play the part.
Fake it til you make it.
He'd done that a lot over the years. It worked in a professional sense, not so much in a personal one.
A couple minutes later, Athena returned. “All buckled in,” she informed him as she went to sit in the co-pilot's seat again.
“It's actually probably better if you sit in the jump seat behind me,” Tommy said.
“Why? So when we explode my arm doesn't knock you upside the head for getting me killed? Nah, I'm good here.”
Tommy smirked. Even after working with Athena on and off for over twenty years, he'd never spent much time with her. The few dinners he and Evan had with her and Bobby didn't give them much time to banter back and forth. He'd have to make sure and change that once they were on solid ground. “Suit yourself.”
“Can I borrow your helmet for a second?” she asked.
“Sure.” He handed it over and she put it on, clearing her throat.
“Can I speak to Hen Wilson from the 118, please?” she asked over the radio.
A few seconds later, Hen was on the line. “I'm here, Athena. You're on an open channel.”
“Hen, Bobby isn't at the airport, is he?”
“No. He's on his way, but he hasn't made it yet. You want me to put him on with you?”
“No, no!” Athena answered quickly. “No. What I need to say, I can say to you.”
Tommy focused on keeping the plane steady while Athena spoke. It felt wrong to listen in to something as personal as a possible goodbye.
He took the time to think about Evan. The short but wonderful time he'd had with him over the past few months. They'd been the best of his life.
He briefly wondered if he should tell Evan that before he attempted to land, but he decided against it. Evan wouldn't need those thoughts running through his head for the rest of his life if they didn't make it out of this.
“Hey,” Athena's voice brought him out of his thoughts. She nudged his shoulder with the helmet. “Someone wants to talk to you.”
Tommy paused before taking the helmet back. “Go for Kinard.”
“Kinard, this is Buckley of the 118.” Tommy smiled at the sound of Evan's voice, even though he could hear it breaking ever so slightly.
“I hear you, Buckley.”
“I just, um, I wanted you to, um. Tommy.” He cleared his throat. “You've got this, okay? We're all down here waiting. N- Not a single doubt.”
“Good to know. No doubts up here either.”
He ignored the raised eyebrow look from Athena.
“Good. Um, Tommy?”
“Yeah, Evan?”
“I love you.” The words escaped him quickly, but with a confidence that wasn't there before.
Tommy smiled, his heart fluttering. He didn't realize he hadn't spoken until Evan's voice came over the radio again.
“T- Tommy?”
Tommy shook his head, blinking to rid himself of the tears in his eyes. “Chschschsch,” he said, bringing back his renowned fake mouth static, thank you very much. Athena stared over at him in confusion. “Sorry, Buckley, you're cutting out on me. You'll have to repeat that last sentence when I'm on the ground, okay?”
“Yeah,” Evan answered, and Tommy was sure there was a faint smile in his voice. “Yeah, o- okay.”
About a minute later, Tommy was in position and ready to land. He got in contact with everyone on the ground, letting them know where and when he'd be landing. They were all getting into position near the runway, ready to help no matter the outcome.
“You ready?” Tommy asked as Athena tightened her seatbelt.
“Let's land this bastard.”
“Coming in for a landing.”
The closer they got to the ground, the shakier things got. Tommy held tightly onto the controls, trying to ignore the burning in his eyes from all the wind coming in through the hole.
They dropped rapidly, just as he expected they would. Athena kept quiet, and Tommy wondered if she was praying.
A part of him hoped she was.
As the runway got closer and closer into view, Tommy could feel every muscle in his body tightening. “Brace yourself,” he said a few seconds before they hit the ground with a thud.
Screams could be heard coming from the passengers, many of them crying or calling out to whatever god they believed in.
“We're going too fast.” Athena watched as they flew past all the emergency vehicles waiting for them.
“We're okay,” Tommy replied. Fake it til you make it.
They started to slow down, but the end of the runway was drawing near and it was becoming clear they would not be able to stop in time.
“We're okay,” he repeated, although it sounded more like a demand.
Athena could see the details of the signs at the end of the runway. “Tommy!”
Suddenly, Tommy turned the plane to loop around to the next runway. As he did, the wing hit a sign that flung backwards, eliciting more yells from the passengers.
The plan, or lack thereof, seemed to work. The plane slowed until it came to a stop.
They were alive.
They were actually alive.
Before he even had time to let it fully sink in, Athena was next to him, wrapping him in an unexpected, but very needed, hug.
“You might be clinically insane,” she said, both of them laughing from all the adrenaline coursing through their bodies. “But I'm so damn glad you are.”
“Why don't we get everyone off this plane?” he asked. “Then go see our guys.”
“I like the sound of that.”
Athena and Tommy made sure they were the last ones off the plane. Athena spotted Bobby first. He had apparently arrived just before the landing and saw the whole thing. Tommy watched them reunite as his eyes darted around looking for his own person.
“It's been decided that I have the coolest, most badass boyfriend in the entire world,” a voice said from behind him.
Tommy whipped around to Evan standing there, arms already open wide, a bright smile on his face. Tommy practically fell into him. They held onto one another so tight that Tommy could have sworn they were melding into one.
“I was so worried,” Buck breathed out, his face pressed into Tommy's neck.
“I thought you had no doubts?” Tommy's voice was muffled against Buck's turnouts. He made no effort to move.
“Like you believed that for a second.”
After holding onto each other a little longer, Tommy pulled back just enough to look Buck in the eyes. “If I remember correctly, you were in the middle of telling me something when my radio started to go out,” he said with a smirk on his face.
Buck brought his hands to Tommy's face, his thumbs stroking Tommy's cheeks. “I love you, Tommy,” he said, and that confidence was back in his voice. “I really, really love you.”
“I love you too, Evan.” He pulled Buck in for a kiss, deep and passionate and filled with all the love they'd been keeping to themselves for the last few months.
The sound of a throat clearing had them, reluctantly, separating from one another. Bobby and Athena were walking up behind them, smiles on both of their faces.
“Athena!” Buck exclaimed, immediately going to her for a hug. “Are you okay?”
“All good,” she answered, “thanks to your man.”
“Thank you, Tommy,” Bobby said, bypassing a handshake and going in for a hug. “You saved a lot of lives tonight.”
He took a deep breath. “All part of the job, right?”
“I think you went far above and beyond the job tonight,” Bobby replied. "Probably have another medal in your future."
Buck's proudly returned to Tommy's side, their arms wrapping around each other's waist.
“You've got a good one here, Buck,” Athena said, patting Tommy on the shoulder. “You should keep him.”
Buck smiled, leaning in for another kiss. “That's the plan.”
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Chain Reaction
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Jake Lockley x F!Reader • Rating: 18+ pals Masterlist• ao3• want to be tagged? | request info • Kinktober 2023 Masterlist • Day 21: Piercings
Summary: Jake has a surprise for you.
A/N: Don't look at me. (The title amused me, I'm so sorry.) Huge thank you to @lonelyisamyw-0love for listening to my crazed panic and being so reassuring! 💚 Also I have written this is such a mess, and I'm sure there are more typos than normal.
Warnings: TITS. nipple piercings, nipple sucking, oral (both m & f) p in v sex, cream pie, one of those chain things that connect the nipple piercings, typos, please let me know if I have missed a warning!
Word Count: 2524
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You stared at Jake’s chest. Even if you couldn’t already tell Marc, Steven and Jake apart from the way they held their body and face, you’d be able to tell it was Jake by the choice of clothing. He was wearing a far too tight t-shirt, with a faded picture of a cartoon frog. 
The animal was comically stretched across his pecks, but that wasn’t the reason why you were staring. 
“You okay there?” He asked, after giving you a minute to get a good eyeful. 
“I… erm…”
He smiled wolfishly as he held the front door open for you. “You gonna come in?” 
You walked inside on autopilot, still staring at his chest.
“My eyes are up here you know, sweetheart.” 
You snap your gaze up to his face, but can’t help yourself and after a couple of seconds your line of sight begins to drift downwards again.
You swallow, your mouth dry. “Since when do you…?”
He crosses his arms over his chest, just below his tits to obviously highlight them. “Since when do I what?” He grins, very much enjoying your attention. 
You haven’t known Jake quite as long as Steven or Marc, and while he was very upfront and open about some things he was surprisingly secretive about others. (Usually what information fell into which category seemed completely random.) 
“Have piercings there?” You gestured vaguely. 
Jake smiled and raised an eyebrow. “Where?” 
“On your tits.” 
Jake burst out laughing, the sound alone enough to brighten your mood to the highest altitudes. 
“I was not expecting you to say that.” He grinned and composed himself. This time with his hands on his hip, his chest puffed out and jutted towards you oh so unsubtly. “Since this morning.” 
“Since this morning?” 
“Right, so,” he took on a mock-serious expression, “there’s this thing called ‘time’, you see, many years ago humans thought it would be best if we kept track of it-”
You waved a hand at his face and he laughed. “You know what I mean.” You said exasperatedly, but still enjoying his gentle teasing. 
“Since this morning.” He repeated.
“Do Marc and Steven know?”
He looked around like he was searching for something. “Is there an echo in here or?” 
He grinned. “They never know.”
“Don’t make me repeat that too. Just…” you gestured with your hands, “explain? Please?” 
He smirked for a moment and then beamed, “Oh, all right, just because it’s you, and you asked nicely. But you owe me a favour.” 
He danced a little closer to you. “A good favour, I promise.” 
“Hmm.” Bartering favours with Jake was never a good idea.
“Is that a yes?” He grinned in a sing-song voice. 
“A maybe.” 
“Aww,” he gave you a mock look of hurt. “Not good enough.” He took a step closer to you, putting his hands gently on your waist and giving you a few seconds to move out of his grasp or tell him to stop before he pressed his body up against yours. 
You watched him carefully, trying to judge his next move. 
“You like them don’t you?” He whispered in your ear, slowly taking your hand in his and pressing your fingers against his chest. 
You swallow. The action makes a painfully loud gulp and you glare fruitlessly at Jake as an even bigger grin breaks out on his face. 
"Ohhh, you do." He teased. 
You gave him a light shove, not enough to make him move. "Jake-"
"Admit you like them and I'll tell you."
You sighed and in your best deadpan voice said, "I like them."
Jake pouted playfully. "Aw, come on," he leaned close to you again, just ghosting his lips over your neck. "You can do better than that."
"Jake." You growled, just managing to suppress the shiver that threatened to undermine you. 
He chuckled at your expression, "all right, all right, so the others don't know because I pierce them-"
"You pierce them yourself?"
He gave you a look. "Do you want me to tell you, or do you want to keep interrupting?" 
You made a show of closing your mouth and inclined your head in apology. 
He smiled and nodded. "Thank you. Anyway, yes, I pierce them. Had them done professionally a few times and then I thought, fuck it I'll just do it myself and bought a piercing kit."
Other questions bubble up in your mind but you fight the urge to interrupt and stay quiet. 
"So, I pierce them, put on the suit. Healing powers." he gestures to his chest, "As long as I've got the piercings in," he lightly touches the metal on his right nipple, "then wham, bam, thank you god of the moon, it all heals up as if I've had them pierced for years. Then I go about my 'day'," every so often Jake would have a planned 'day' where he asked if he could front solo, a 'Jake Care Day' as he called it. "Before bed, take the piercings out, suit, thank you god of the moon, it’s the only thing you’re good for.” 
You giggle at the little Khonshu dig.
“And," he gestured to his chest dramatically, "it's like none of it ever happened."
You stared at him for a moment. "That's very clever."
Jake grinned at your praise, puffing his chest out once more.
"I have two questions."
"Of course."
"Why don't you tell Marc and Steven?"
Jake shrugged, "It's my thing… I don't have to tell them everything." 
You nod.
"Second question?"
"It's not a Jake Care Day today."
His grin widened, a dangerous glint in his eyes. "No, it's not."
"And you knew I was coming over today."
"Yes," he presses his lips against yours. "I did." 
You chuckle as he kisses you, wrapping your arms around his shoulders and pressing your body close to his. You purposefully make sure that the piercing presses against your chest. “So,” you say between slow kisses, “you wanted me to see them.” 
He hums a conformation into your mouth. “Thought you’d like them.” 
“And what gave you that impression?” You try to put a level of indignation into your tone to tease but fail spectacularly. 
Jake chuckles and nips at your lip. “You’re kinky like that.” 
It’s your turn to laugh. “I’m kinky?” 
He hums again, licking into your mouth and starts to walk you back across the flat and towards the bed. “You are.” 
You sink your fingers into his hair, pulling lightly at his soft curls. “You’re the one with the piercings in the first place.”
“I never said I wasn’t kinky.”
“Oh,” you pause for a second and smile. “Alright then.” 
He stops just as the back of your legs hit the side of the bed. “I do have something else… that goes with them.” He raises his eyebrows a little at the end. 
You pause, trying to fight the excitement that grows in your belly. “Do you?” 
“Hmm.” He nods, “I can show you if you’d like?” 
“Go on.” You say as calmly as you can manage and sit down on the edge of the bed. 
He grins and gives you a quick kiss before practically bouncing towards the bathroom. 
You chuckle to yourself at how absolutely apparent it is that Jake had thought about and planned the whole thing. It makes a little twist of warmth grow in your chest. 
However when he comes out, leaning against the door frame for you to get a proper look, your breathing stills. And, for a moment, you forget that your lungs need air. 
He had taken off his frog t-shirt and was now wearing a silver metal chain connecting the two piercings. 
Your mouth went dry.
He raised his shoulders ever so slightly. “You like?” 
You nodded your head rapidly, “You better come over here or I’m going to fuck you on the floor.” 
Jake laughed. “Promises, promises.” But he made a show of coming towards you when you motioned to stand. 
He kissed your lips then your cheek, nuzzling against your jaw and neck. “Do you really like it?” He whispered, the smallest hint of self-consciousness in his voice. Something you hadn’t heard from Jake before. 
“I love it.” Lightly, you ran the tips of your fingers over his left nipple, the metal was warm. Unsurprising considering it was right up against Jake’s skin, but it still amused you. 
Jake shivered under your touch. 
“Are they sensitive?” You asked. 
“Hmm,” he nodded, leaning closer to you and slowly pushing you back onto the bed. “Yeah, in a good way.” 
You flicked the metal and he gasped, biting his lip a little as he wriggled between your heads and ground his growing erection against your core. 
The look on his face made heat pool in your stomach. You pinched around his nipples more firmly this time, and when he closed his eyes and let out a soft moan you dipped down just a little and flicked your tongue over his left piercing. 
“Oh shit.” He groaned low in his throat, bucking instinctively up into your clothed heat. 
You smiled widely and did it again, swirling your tongue around the tip before sucking his nipple and piercing between your lips.
“Fuck, fuck, fuck, oh god, yes!” He pressed closer to your warm, wet mouth, bucking unthinkingly as he grinds his cock against your clit. 
You let go with a pop and his whines of protest are quickly silenced as you flip him over onto his back and straddle his thighs. 
His skin is lightly flushed, a red mark quickly forming where you had sucked. 
You quickly shimmer down between his legs and pull off his trousers and underwear as Jake watches you with adoring eyes. 
He squirms a little under your touch as you lightly trace the large vein on the underside of his cock, slipping down to massage his heavy balls. The muscles in his thighs jumping under your attention. 
You waste little time and quickly take him into your mouth, moaning as the salty precum hits your tongue. 
Jake arches his back, crying out a string of expletives as you bob up and down and fisting the bed covers as he tries to keep himself together. 
“Fuckfuckfuckfuckfuck,” he groans loudly, thrusting shallowly up into your mouth, “please, yeah, like that,” his eyes are screwed shut, his eyebrows pinched together as he moans. 
You sink lower, sucking hard and revelling in the sharp cry that escapes Jake’s lungs.
He bucks up twice before his hands are on your jaw, firmly pulling you off him. You don’t get a chance to question him, as he leans up and covers your mouth with kisses and pulls at your clothes. 
He moves away just long enough to get your top over your head. “Sit on my face.” He demands, his lips swollen and pink. 
When you nod he eagerly rids you of the rest of your clothing and helps to manoeuvre your thighs to either side of his face. You wiggle a little as you get comfortable, facing towards his legs.
Jake guides you down with his strong hands on your hips, leaning up eagerly to swipe his tongue through your soaking folds and groaning happily. 
You sigh, closing your eyes for a second as he slips deliciously inside. Then, a small thought comes into your mind and you lean a little forward. Carefully you take hold of the chain connecting his piercings, Jake doesn’t notice at first, too preoccupied with the taste of you to care about anything else. 
That is, until you give the chain a gentle tug and he moans loudly into your aching pussy, his dick twitching desperately against his stomach. 
“Ugh,” he pulls his mouth away just far enough to get his words out clearly but snakes his hand around so that he can circle your clit softly. “Do that again.” 
You don't need to be told twice. 
This time you tug harder, but make sure that the force isn’t too much to cause any actual damage. He whines against your cunt, thrusting his tongue in deep and sending the reverberations of the sound across your pussy. 
Pleasure sparks up your spine and you grind down onto him in earnest, your own cries getting louder as he devours you like a man starved. 
You keep pulling at the chain, jerking it like the reins of a horse at gallop. 
His hips buck up, his dick desperately searching for something to help to relieve the mind-numbing ache in his stomach. 
You have just enough coherent thoughts to reach down with your free hand and caress the tip, smearing his precum down his shaft before you start to pump him. 
Jake moans loudly, losing himself in the sensation for a moment before pulling his mouth away. “Baby, wait, if you keep doing that I’m gonna cum. Let me fuck you please.”
You let go of him and the chain, the soft desperate whine in his voice sending a sharp thrill through you. 
He quickly moves and pulls you into his lap. You don’t need any further instruction and take hold of his throbbing cock in your hand and slowly begin to sink down. 
He swears, burying his face into your neck and huffing his hot breath over your skin as he moans. “Fuck yessss.” 
He wants to sob at the relief of finally being in you, finally being surrounded by your tight, wet heat. 
You barely give him a second to adjust as he bottoms out before you're moving again, grinding up and down on his thick cock as he hits so deeply at that perfect spot inside. With one hand on his shoulder and the other lightly pulling at the chain you begin to pick up speed, your own orgasm growing and growing in your belly. 
“Fuck, baby, yes, you love it, don’t you? Love pulling on my chain, gonna-fuck, gonna pull me around like I’m your little slut aren’t you? Gonna cum on my cock and-shit!” He groaned deeply as you whined and clenched around him. “Gonna make me cum,” he sobbed. 
“Yeah?” You managed to say through your lust-hazed brain. 
He nodded desperately. 
“What if I don’t let you?” 
“No.” He sobbed, looking up at you desperately. “Please, please- fuck, been thinking about it all day, please!”
You moaned and kissed him hard, your hips starting to get sloppy and lose their rhythm as you neared your peak. 
Jake bucked up against you, grabbing hold of your waist and guiding you so that you could chase your orgasm. 
You bit your lip hard as it neared, digging your hands into his shoulders, “cum in me Jake, please.” You moaned just as your orgasm crested.
“Fuck!” He hissed, thrusting wildly as you gave the chain a sharp pull, retching his own climax from his body. 
He spurted hot and deep inside, his hips bucking wildly as pleasure overtook his nerves and thoughts. 
You moaned with him as pleasure washed over your body and left you weak. 
As you both breathed hard and relaxed, Jake fell back onto the mattress, pulling you down on top of him. He grinned happily as he looked up at you and kissed you softly. 
Thank you for reading! (Using a different tag list for kinktober so I don't overwhelm anyone.)
@flightlessangelwings @steven-grants-world @lonelyisamyw-0love @eyelessfaces @angel-of-the-moonss @campingwiththecharmings @minigirl87 @whatthefishh
If you'd like to be taken off the tag list please let me know here
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its-all-papaya · 2 months
wait i have to add: "I'll write that injury landoscar for you down the road as an apology" NO IT WAS PERFECT THANK YOU !!! but i won't say no to injury landoscar so if you want to write it 👀 (i would be happy!) that's an ask i'd like for the I wish you would write a fic where... ask game tbh!
maybe like. one of them hears that the other crashed or sees it happen and finishes the race on autopilot, frantically asking if the other is okay over the radio and not getting a straight answer (like ferrari: we are checking) and after the race not giving a SHIT, running directly to where he's told by someone the other is although maybe having a podium finish? or media duties?, ignoring everyone on the way there and then seeing they're alright and just. taking the biggest breath ever known. and being overwhelmed? and then just. kissing him in front of the medics? idk. but! it could also be soft, finding the other after all the media duties and after the other was cleared for visitors and they're sitting there under shitty hospital lighting, one of them cracking jokes about being not life-threateningly injured and the other just shaking because he could've LOST him and it all suddenly shifts and makes sense in his head and there's never been a world in which losing the other wouldn't break him. and then it's the most important thing in the world to be able to taste the breath in the other person's lungs and feel his heartbeat quicken and have PROOF that he's alive and warm and not dead. is this too much? probably. but i'm DYING to hear your thoughts on how YOU would write it PLEASE!!
Okay, yeah, Landoscar injury fic lfg, let's do this. Here's how I'd do it:
The thing about me is I always have to have An Angle. I can't write straight-up fluffy comfort, I've gotta make the characters THINK first. So this is kind of not the exact same as your description, but I think I'd write it from the POV of injured Oscar. Hear me out, hang on.
tell me what you wish I'd write
So Oscar gets hurts in a crash and he's sent to the hospital, obviously. The whole way out of the car and on the way, he's like... not panicking, but not feeling well at all. Nothing makes rational sense in an ambulance, everything feels high-stakes and scary and serious and the shock is still setting in, so he can't process that well. Oscar obviously isn't very open about how he's feeling, usually, either, so being noticeably affected by things is just more stress on top as he fights to keep the cool, calm demeanor people expect out of him.
See, generally, Oscar tries not to need too much from anybody. But he's hurt and a little scared and lonely and the lingering shock combined with whatever's in his IV drip is making his emotions stronger and closer and not anywhere near as manageable as normal. Kim is there, but Oscar wants Lando telling him jokes and giving him soft eyes and holding his hand and telling him it's going to be okay, because Lando always knows how to handle new situations Oscar hasn't been in yet. And Oscar's trying so so hard to be normal about it all, but he's actually Not Okay.
I wasn't around for Vegas '23 (ironic because I was accidentally in Vegas hours after the GP, but I didn't follow F1 yet, so) but I've read a lot of post-vegas fic and it's all cute and needy Lando, which is a great genre. But I think I'd set that as Oscar's mental backdrop for this. Because they weren't even them yet in Vegas, weren't like they are now, and even still Lando asked for Oscar in the hospital and had no problem reeling him in by the hand and taking comfort from him when he needed it. And they're much closer now! Lando definitely cares a lot about him! Oscar knows that! So why is he so nervous to just ask for him?
Oscar would spend a decent amount of time trying to figure out how to ask Kim to get Lando there: thinking up excuses for why he needs Lando for something specific, reasons it makes sense, or why it might benefit everyone, but when he finally gets up the nerve to just ask, Kim is like "?? yes? Lol. Obviously Lando is coming. He's been asking about you nonstop, drove both Will and his press officer up a wall asking for updates every five seconds. He's texted me 400 times in the last 20 minutes. Lando is for sure coming, you actually don't really get a say in that one. Silly goose."
Oscar is usually so unbothered, but as soon as Lando shows up, he knows it's going to be a struggle not to lose it, because like... Lando's in the door looking adorable and concerned and Oscar NEEDS Lando so much closer. Immediately. He needs Lando holding his hand and petting his hair and whispering to him even though they don't even really do those things normally.
And Lando's worried, so he gets to Oscar's bedside and is restless. Hand on the covers, eyebrows pulled together, trying to straighten things and fluff pillows and asking about Oscar's pain levels and where he's hurt and eventually he just goes "Fuck, Oscar, can I just- I need to hug you. Please. Is that okay?"
Lando's so gentle with it, trying not to hurt his boy, but Oscar like... cannot hold it together. And so he starts breathing a little funny in his effort not to cry or do anything to show how everything is hitting at once, how he wants Lando, but Lando of course notices that something is wrong. Probably assumes he's hurting Oscar, so he pulls back, but that's the opposite of what Oscar wants. So suddenly, horrifyingly, he's tearing up, and that makes Lando panic more because he's probably never seen Oscar cry. Didn't think that was a thing Oscar did. And Oscar's shaking his head, and his heart rate monitor does not sound normal, and Lando's like "...shit. Fuck. Do you need me to call the nurse?" and Oscar is like "no, just come back. please, lando."
Lando goes, obviously, sits on the side of Oscar's bed and picks up Oscar's hand in both of his own and starts rubbing his wrist a little and saying "hey, it's okay, buddy, I've got you, I'm right here. Deep breaths, you're gonna be okay, I'm not going anywhere."
It should feel patronizing, being talked to like that, but instead it takes the anxiety back down a few notches, outside the range of imminent panic. Oscar feels like a little child again, needing to be held after scraping his knee, but he does. Need to be held, that is. So he's fighting this internal battle between needing comfort and wanting to be good and normal about the situation, and his control is softened by his pain meds so he can't school his expressions as well as normal, and soon Lando’s asking “What is it? You need more pain meds? Kim? What do you need, Osc?”
Oscar can’t look at Lando when he says it, but he finally manages to mumble “can you come lay with me?” at the ceiling. Lando doesn't spare him a moment to second-guess before he's kicking off his shoes and climbing up, arranging Oscar's limbs a little so they’ll both fit. His arm’s around Oscar’s shoulders in a blink, and everything’s a little less overwhelming when Oscar can turn his chin just a little and smell Lando’s body wash, can twitch his fingers and touch the soft hem of Lando’s sweatshirt. Reality gets a little more tangible again, and Oscar thinks it's funny, how he feels a fraction more himself when he's pressed to Lando's side.
The beep of the heart-rate monitor fades back into ambient noise as it settles towards normal. Or normal for them, Oscar supposes. In the middle of his contemplating, Lando starts tracing the vein on the soft side of Oscar's arm, wrist to the crook of his elbow. Two fingers, one on either side, raising goosebumps across the exposed skin. The disconnect the crash had rattled into Oscar's brain shifts a little under Lando's attention, gets a little floatier and a little less disorienting. He's getting sleepier, and it's probably the last of the IV bag dripping steadily through the back of his hand, but it's nicer to believe it's Lando, chasing the drugs up towards his heart with those same two fingers. Oscar gives up one more piece, a little more control, as he snuggles a little deeper into Lando's side. He's allowed to, he thinks. Here. Like this. Lando must agree, because he hums happily at the movement and hugs Oscar even closer. Through the fog in his brain, Oscar thinks he feels lips at his temple.
"Thank you," he mumbles into the collar of Lando's t-shirt.
"Of course," Lando says, and "thank you. It's nice. To lay like this. Was worried about you."
And then, after a long moment of silence, "It's okay to need things, Osc. From anybody, but especially from me. There's not a lot I wouldn't do for you. Okay? You can always ask."
Oscar frowns, because "I don't need anything, it's not like that." His forehead wrinkles as he bats the exhaustion back. The excuse is sitting at the tip of his tongue, but he can't quite feel it out.
Lando gives him a second, then takes over again. It's a reversal, Lando finding Oscar's words for him, thumbing worries away like sweaty hair from his temple.
"It's also okay to want things, Oscar."
Oscar, feeling a little braver or maybe just a little less afraid, palms his way across Lando's stomach, curls his hand around Lando's side, taps his fingers against the warm space below Lando's ribs.
"What do you want, baby?" Lando asks into the skin above his ear.
Oscar lifts his head a little, blinks through his lashes up at his teammate. He's hallucinating, or the concussion is worse than they thought, because there's no way that those words are coming out of Lando's mouth in that tone with nobody to hear them but Oscar himself. Lando's fingers drag a bit firmer against his wrist, the catch of nails sending little shivers through Oscar's limbs.
Oscar remembers Las Vegas, remembers how the same fingernails had left little white half-moons in the back of his hand, how they had taken hours to fade, and he gets it, finally.
Lando's fingers come to rest in the middle of Oscar's wrist, right over his pulse.
"Stay? Please?" Oscar says. The lips on his temple are firmer this time, impossible to explain away. "Until I can go," he adds. Lando's still pressing little kisses down the side of his face, so Oscar sums up the rest of his courage and finishes with, "And tonight." He doesn't say forever, but it's only a breath away.
And then Lando takes him home and takes care of him and it's soft and cute and Lando falls asleep listening to Oscar's heartbeat and kisses him awake in the morning and makes sure he takes his pills and he heals up and they become boyfriends the end <3
Thank you for the ask !! And for the compliments in general !! Hope this was nice for you even though it was STILL not desperate. I'm too Soft (TM).
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slayfics · 10 months
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Denki forces you to take a day off.
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You lazily brushed your hair and went through your normal morning routine on autopilot. Everything was taking you twice as long as your head felt hazy and your throat raspy.
The smell of coffee alerted Denki that you were awake and attempting to get ready for the day.
Denki gently pushed the bathroom door open, his eyes locking with yours in the mirror as you continued to brush your hair.
"What are you doing?" He asked in a sing-songy voice.
"What does it look like? I'm getting ready for work," you said, not recognizing your own voice that was hoarse and laced with sickness.
"Oh no- no way I'm letting you step outside of this house like this. Get your cute ass back to bed," he said leaning against the door frame.
"I don't even feel that bad, I can push through it for one day," You said, setting your brush down and making your way over to him. Denki stayed firmly planted in the doorway.
"Move, I got to get my coffee," You said stubbornly.
"Make me," He chuckled, enticing you to push him out of the way. "Hey, hey relax!" He said, raising his arms as you tried to move him. But you were relentless and kept trying to push past him.
"Careful, I'll zap you," He chuckled at your weakened strength. "I can tell you're not feeling good, you're abnormally weaker than me today."
"I'm fine! Just a little under the weather, nothing I can't ignore." You said, giving up on pushing him out of the way.
"You work wayyyyy too hard, you know that?" He said, looking down at you with a playful smile still on his face. You knew this argument was far from over.
"And you don't take work seriously enough," You said, irritated at him slowing down your morning routine.
"Yeah, that's why we have each other. We balance each other out. Now come here," He said, gently placing the back of his hand against your forehead. "Holy shit- you're actually burning up. I'm not joking anymore, go back to bed babe," he said, his demeanor changing from playful to serious.
"I told you I'll be fine. I can't just not go. I have a lot of people counting on me," you said, still not giving in to calling out sick.
"Yeah, they are counting on you not to get them sick!" He responded, making you look down, averting his gaze. You knew he had a good point, but you still couldn't accept it. "Hey, come here," He said, wrapping his arms around you and bringing you into a hug. "You work soooo hard, and hardly ever call out. Believe me, everyone will be ok for a day. You need to rest," he spoke and placed a kiss on the top of your head.
You let out a heavy sigh and allowed yourself to melt into his chest.
"Fine, but just for today. I'm going back tomorrow no matter what you say!" You spoke stubbornly in your strained voice
Denki laughed, "One day at a time ok? I can't lie though, you do kind of sound adorable all sick like that," he teased.
"Shut up," you said, smacking his arm playfully.
"Fine fine, back to bed though ok," He said finally moving from the door frame and following you back to your shared bedroom.
You crawled back into bed and sent a text to your work. "There it's all taken care of. Happy?" You asked him as he wiggled into bed next to you.
"Extremely," he said, cuddling you.
"What are you doing? You still have to go to work," You said, trying to shove him out of the bed a bit.
"No way, gonna stay home and take care of you," He said, kissing the top of your head again.
"You're going to get yourself sick," you warned him.
"Then we'll be sick together. We'll take a nice little nap, and I'll make some tea and breakfast when we get up. Then I'm forcing you to take it easy. We can watch some movies or something."
"You're more stubborn than me, you know that?" You laughed and gave in to his cuddles.
"I got to be, to make sure you take the breaks you deserve. Now get some sleep, I'll be right here when you wake up," He said, squeezing you just a bit tighter as you dozed back off into sleep.
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Wrote this when I had to stay home with a silly cold. I just wanted Denki to take care of me 😩~ (I am healthy now)
Tags: @unofficialmuilover
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yearningaces · 11 months
Coming in With another Asexual reader story but this time something different:D
It had been a fun day, both you and Helios had wandered to the next town over, taking in the different restaurants and small shops, getting worn out soon after and making the long drive home. But the driving was always the most fun. Helios had his own star cruiser after all, being a creature from off world and from a more space faring species, he had little things like that.
Though he'd swear up and down that the autopilot was a scam and untrustworthy... That meant you could lounge either in the small sleeping pod with the side open so you could still see and speak with Helios as he piloted, and appreciate the otherworldly image of him.
Deep purple skin, darker runes running along both sets of arms up to his neck. His back legs always made you think of a rabbit but he swore they resembled the Ka'hnr from his home world. An apex predator apparently.
Even his two sets of eyes always caught your attention, a color you couldn't name but to you it seemed blue... Then again there are many colors humans can't see.
You watched his feather tipped tail flicking lazily as he sat at the pilots seat, watching the sky ahead and passing by another flock of birds.
"Heli?" You finally called out after some time, dropping from the sleeping pod and settling in the co-pilot seat you usually were in.
Helios ear twitches towards you as his attention refocuses. "Yes, galaxy?" His voice was as soft as always, focused and gentle.
You ponder for a moment, trying to understand what exactly you had in mind and settling on something you've been thinking about for a while. "I'm trying to decide if there's a difference because of species, or mentality between us." The remark is a warning the conversation might be serious, or humerus. Such conversations tended to be.
As such, you saw Helios's ears both perk up, his tail curling upwards in attention, inquisitively listening to your words. "What exactly would that be this time?"
"You know as far as relationships go along humans, I'm a bit of an outlier in some aspects."
Your words are sincere enough that it gives Helios a pause. To him, you're the only human if not creature he's ever been with, so he's not quite certain to your meaning. "My galaxy, I'm not understanding completely. Whatever differences you notice I'm unaware of but adore you exactly as you are."
And it's just genuine enough to make your cheeks heat up just slightly. "Sweet words, but there really isn't anything missing in your eyes?"
His maw shakes 'no' innocently. "What would I be missing when you are right here?"
"Intercourse?" You supply, something neither of you have done, attempted, or even spoken of.
Helios four eyes blink slowly and he waits a few moments. "Enter what?"
"Is that like a food?"
"Yeah, like the human food, 'Sneks'."
"... Snacks?"
"Yeah! Those!"
"Snacks doesn't sound at all like sex?"
"Says the native human speaker."
That earns you a small chuckle. "Fair enough, but you don't know what that is? You know the reproduction process? Most humans see it as vital to a relationship or life." Your explanatory tone drops into something almost bitter, and it doesn't miss Helios attention for a moment.
"So what?" He begins, trying to both lighten the mood and understand exactly what's going on. "I can't think of anything else I'd want to do with you than what we do ... Well, that's a lie. Eventually we're going to have our bonding ceremony and be a bonded pair -and that I'm looking forward to. Maybe taking in a few Starspecks to raise. You know, the little lights that fall from stars? That's all I want with you."
It takes a few moments for his words to register in your mind. "Really? You don't think I'm like... Withholding-?"
Before you can finish he interrupts gently, his lower left arm reaching out to grab yours. "Really. Besides I think I understand what you're referencing and it's something that -while not exclusive to your planet- isn't something every species deals with. I believe the human term for my sort is 'reproduces asexually' and that's if we reproduce at all. Young ones are rare. I'd much prefer Starspecks."
You grip his hand tighter. The realization settling in and leaving you so relaxed and comfortable. You'd never allow yourself to be pressured into that uncomfortable situation but it felt so much better knowing Helios was the same as you, in his own way.
"Would that be alright?" He asks at your silence.
"Yeah." Your voice is quiet enough for him to pull your seat closer so he can wrap both of his left arms wrap around you as you continue. "Yeah, that's alright with me."
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afewproblems · 1 year
and there you go hurtin' me so good again with the continuation of your cheating!Eddie steddie fic.. thank you! <3
Based on Part One, and this Ask here,
I was chatting with @samcoxramblings yesterday about this and I think maybe there should be some Steve POV, as a treat.
If Steve thought about the last few weeks of his life alongside every other instant of sorrow and pain he'd experienced, his relationship with Nancy, the Upside Down, the death of Barb, his parents, he'd say he should be used to this sort of thing by now.
But perhaps he'd been spoiled.
He'd had more than twenty years of happiness, contentedness, with Eddie and their life together. He'd relaxed too much, and here was the other shoe crashing down.
The home phone line in their apartment has been ringing off the hook, reporters have been trying to get ahold of him to see his side of things, leaving messages and one bold enough to come to their apartment leaves a letter taped to their door.
Steve disconnectes the phone and installs another lock after that.
And speaking of letters, there have been a mix delivered to their shared PO Box, some in support of Steve, sympathetic to the situation, others are ecstatic --seeing it as their chance to wedge their way into his marriage just like the last person, that they've always hated Steve and can't wait to see him gone.
He only reads a few letters before letting them pile up on the side table by the door.
All because of that stupid photo.
There was no discernable face in the photo, or photos, that ended up online.
Just Eddie talking animatedly to someone facing away from the camera view. It pieces together the evening, a meet cute, a conversation, walking out of the bar together, and a passionate kiss before getting into a taxi.
Eddie confirms it, and it's like his heart breaks in two.
There are a million questions rattling around in his head.
How many times has this happened? How long has Eddie been lying to him, was this a one time thing or have they been secretly meeting one another for multiple tours? Does the band know? Have they been lying to his face as well?
Steve feels as though he's been on autopilot, walking around in a fog while at home, and mechanically moving through his lesson plans while at school.
To make matters worse, his principal calls him at home after the news breaks.
"Steve, how are you doing? I'm so sorry to hear," she tells him solemnly over the line, "if there is anything we can do please let us know".
"Thank you Liz, I, I really appreciate it," Steve hums, his voice much more level than it has been in awhile, "I'll take Spring break to finish up my marking and get my head on straight before we're back--"
"Steve, I'm sorry, I think," she hesitates, Steve can hear her pace around her office, her signature kitten heels click against the tiled floor, "I think it would be best if you take a little longer than Spring Break".
He feels his stomach drop into his shoes, no, no, they can't...
"What, what are you talking about, are you--"
"No, no, of course not," her voice shrill, panicked and tinny, over the line as she backpeddles, "no, we just think it would be better for you and the kids if you took some time away. We have a sub lined up and this wouldn't be permanent, just until it dies down".
"You can't be serious Liz, come on, their finals are coming up at the end of the month and I've never let my personal life affect my job before and I'm not about to start now, I don't need a leave of absence, I'm fine," he lies.
It has been difficult to get through class, to ignore the whispers from the kids during break or while they work in groups. He can feel curious eyes follow him in between the desks as he walks around for questions.
Liz sighs into the line and all at once knows the conversation is over, that it was never a conversation to begin with.
"Look, you're the best department head we've had in a long time Steve, and I want you back, fresh, for the kids. I can't imagine how you're feeling right now and I know this isn't what you wanted but I think it will be for the best".
"How long?" Steve manages to say, so softly that Liz asks him to repeat himself.
"Excluding the break, I'll say three weeks, so you can be back to see them through their exams," she sighs again, "the school year isn't over yet Steve, you'll still have lots of time with them".
Steve raises a shaking hand to his hair, running his fingers through it from root to tip. It could be good to take that time, Robin had asked him if he would when they initially spoke. It could give him a chance to think about what to do.
But, at this point, he worries if he stops moving, if he slows down, he won't be able to stop the grief he can feel, knocking at his window.
"Okay, okay, Liz, I'll take some time".
Steve finishes his marking in record time, but perhaps it's easy when one doesn't sleep.
He reorganizes the pantry twice, deep cleans all the storage closets, he throws every piece of clothing in the house into the laundry, including Eddie's, drops off the dry cleaning, and washes the walls.
He moves the furniture around and finds himself looking at rentable scaffolding to see about finally starting that painting project he's been thinking about.
It's only Wednesday.
One by one his family begin to reach out as the news begins to circulate more prominently in the regular entertainment news outlets. Hopper and Joyce call, Joyce asks Steve if he wants to come back to Hawkins for a bit, that their door is always open for him, just as it was when he was in his twenties. Hopper tells him all Steve needs to do is give him the word and he'll be in Chicago with a shovel, no questions asked.
Steve thanks Joyce and gives Hopper an emphatic, 'NO,' but he appreciates them all the same.
Dustin innocently brings up that he'll be in Chicago for a few days the following week, that Robin offered Steve's guest room to him, and Steve finds himself smiling while shaking his head at the co-conspirators.
All of the kids call at least once, but they are busy themselves, none of them are on a leave of absence after all, he thinks bitterly to himself.
Thursday afternoon there's a knock at his door, Steve is in the middle of changing out the old washer from the kitchen sink -finally getting around to fixing the small leak, he freezes at the sound.
He's not expecting anyone and even though he and Robin are nearly joined at the hip she still has the decency to call before showing up at his door.
Steve climbs out from under the sink and wipes his hands on the nearest towel before slowly walking towards the door. All the locks are still bolted from the night before, so he feels safer leaning in to peer through the peephole.
It's Wayne?
Steve feels his heart begin to race, what on earth was Wayne doing here? Was Eddie with him? Corroded Coffin was still on tour, he couldn't be.
He hazards another glance through the peephole but he can't tell if there is anyone else in the hall.
Wayne knocks again making Steve jump at the sudden noise.
Steve breathes in deeply through his nose and out through his mouth once, twice, before he unlocks both bolts and the chain with shaking hands, he opens the door a fraction.
"Wayne? What are you doing here?" Steve says softly, he steps aside to let the man through.
"I came to check on you," Wayne says after a beat, he wipes his feet on the second mat inside and shrugs off his red windbreaker. Steve tries to take the jacket to hang it up but raises his hands in surrender as Wayne waves him off and opens the closet to hang it up himself.
Steve takes him into the kitchen and puts on a pot of coffee, they never did invest in one of those single serve coffee machines, Eddie drank so much coffee when he was home that it made no sense and, 'brewed coffee just tates better Stevie'.
Steve shakes the memory away and grabs two mugs from the cupboard, "Just sugar right?"
He reaches for the empty sugar bowl as Wayne nods, he hovers awkwardly as Steve flits around the kitchen.
Steve grabs the sugar from their pantry and fills up the bowl before placing it on the table with a spoon.
"So," Steve sighs as he leans against the counter next to the coffee maker, it hisses and bubbles filling the air with the smell of brewing coffee, "Eddie put you up to this, huh?"
Wayne frowns but nods, "Call it the first good decision that dumb-ass has made in the last few weeks," he scratches the graying scruff on his cheeks and steps closer, "how are you doing son?
Steve wants to tell him about how he hasn't let himself even think about the future. How he told Eddie he couldn't come home yet, how he's so achingly lonely despite the number of people that have reached out. How he doesn't want to think about a life without Eddie, but that he also can't imagine being in the same room as him for more that a minute without wanting to just scream at him.
How, Steve firmly believed that he would lose the man standing in his doorway, how his friendship with Gareth and Chrissy would inevitably fracture over Eddie, and once again Steve would be alone, picking up the pieces of his life to start again.
Instead, he manages to say, "I'm so glad you're here," before stepping into Wayne's arms, and allowing himself to be held as he finally, finally cries.
Wayne's arms come around him firmly, he reaches one hand up to cradle Steve's head while the other rubs his back, "its okay son, I gotcha," he whispers as Steves shoulders shake and his chest stutters.
"I gotcha".
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generalllimaginesss · 11 months
The End of Things as We Know it
Pt. twoooo
part 1 is here
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The 4 months between the time that Y/N had left Quinn and the present day had resulted in him being in a constant state of autopilot. It felt like everything he did was out of instinct, like he was doing everything he could to just survive. Quinn was fully capable of taking care of himself without Y/N, or any girl for that matter, but the way Y/N had gone about leaving him was as if the rug that he was standing on had been pulled out from underneath him, knocking the breath out of him and struggling to get back up.
When you share your life with somebody for 6 years, fully expecting to marry them one day, their sudden absence hurts like hell. One minute Quinn caught himself going to text her number about something funny that Elias had told him, but the next he wanted to delete her number, block her on everything, and never look back. He could never bring himself to actually do it, hoping that one random morning he'd wake up with a text explaining how it was a mistake and she decided she wanted to move with him to Vancouver. Very unrealistic, but he held out hope for it.
It felt like the days were meshing together, the line between yesterday, today, and tomorrow running thin. His teammates had tried to help him get over this slump, and their attempts worked sometimes. But they only ever lasted temporarily. They set up dates for him, but Quinn could never commit to a second date. He found that no girl stood a chance to take Y/N's spot. They were all plastic, all the same with a personality that was mediocre, at best, when compared to Y/N.
"Q, you ready?" Petey nudged him with his shoulder, hoping to bring him out of his trance and back to boarding the plane for their game in Florida. Petey knew this would be a rough game, seeing as it would be the closest that Quinn had been to Y/N since they had broke up, and he was still three and a half hours away from her.
"Yeah, sorry," Quinn gathered his backpack and loaded onto the plane, sitting between Elias and the window.
After that first very awkward meeting with Matthew and Y/N, they hit it off pretty quickly. When Y/N had explained how she was Quinn Hughes' ex, he wished she would have been anybody else's ex girlfriend in the NHL. He felt guilty at first, not wanting to hurt Quinn even more than he probably was. He kept Quinn in the back of his mind for the first month that him and Y/N were talking, trying to talk himself out of falling for the girl, but he soon realized that trying to push those feeling to the back of his mind made him pine after her even more.
Y/N was a little hesitant at first, knowing that the Tkachuks and Hughes family were fairly close. As time went by though, she confided in Matthew more and more. Not only did she explain to Matthew why she broke up with Quinn, she assured him that Quinn was the best boyfriend, and only serious one that she had ever had.
Instead of feeling threatened or jealous of this, Matthew respected it. However, it made falling for Y/N even worse. He wished like hell that they had left on bad terms, that way he wouldn't feel like he was stealing Y/N and he would feel slightly less guilty for the feelings that he harbored concerning the girl.
"I'm packing my bag and then I'm headed to Matt's," The phone was pressed against Y/N's ear using her shoulder as she folded a few pairs of pants and shirts to place into her bag.
"Oh, okay Miss Ma'am...does this make this, what, the fourth time you spend the weekend with him?" Y/N didn't have to be face to face with Collins to know that she was wearing a smirk and a suggestive eyebrow.
"Something like that," Y/N mumbled, but couldn't fight the smile that was creeping onto her face.
"You know they're playing Vancouver though, right?" Collins was worried for her friend. She had seen Y/N go through the heartbreak after her relationship with Quinn, but watching her personality blossom with Matt had given her hope that Y/N was over the Canuck's player.
"The way I see it is that there are so many places to go in Miami that there's no way me and Matt will run into him. Even if we do, it wouldn't kill me to see him. I'm in a really good place right now, with a really good job. I'm a quarter of the way done with my Master's degree and I have a boyfriend that's loving and easy on the eyes," Y/N explained, but she wondered if she was trying to convince herself, more or less, of these things. She was happy, sure, but her memories with Quinn were like a scar on her heart. As long as she didn't pick at it, it wouldn't bleed and would heal.
"Ok, well Jackson is about to have a fit because we're running late for a dinner reservation. Call me if you need anything at all, Y/N. I mean it-"
"Alright, Mom," Y/N laughed as she heard Jackson intensely encourage Collins to get in the car, strung together with a few profanities.
"Love ya, girlie," Collins smiled as she hung up the phone.
Y/N was extremely blessed with the support system that she had gained in Orlando. In the 4 months that she had been down here, her and Collins had an unbreakable bond. She was the sister that Y/N had always wanted, always up for a drink and some gossip. It was crazy to think that it took such a short amount of time to find her platonic soulmate.
Y/N threw some toiletries and a phone charger into her bag before sending Matt a quick text letting him know that she was about to be on her way. He sent her a "drive safe" text, along with a heart emoji.
The three and a half hour drive wasn't terrible to Y/N. She loved just jamming out to all kinds of music, occasionally having to yell at some idiot that forgot to use a blinker or cut her off. She found that it was therapeutic almost. It helped her take her mind off of work and school and just feel free.
The drive felt short, but as she pulled into Matt's driveway she found herself smiling like a schoolgirl. Matt was already waiting on the front porch, ready to grab her bags and give her a bear hug.
"Matty!" Y/N squealed as she skipped to the man that was barefoot in the driveway, patiently waiting on her.
"If it isn't the most amazing girl in the world pulling up in my driveway..." He kissed her on the cheek, picking her up and giving her a spin before setting her back down. A string of giggles followed, Y/N immediately feeling the butterflies fluttering in the pit of her stomach.
Matthew helped her get her bags, barely closing the door and dropping the bag when he trapped Y/N against the wall, attaching their lips together.
The first time that the two kissed, Y/N felt icky. Even though she broke up with Quinn, she couldn't help but feel like she was cheating on him. It was a shock to kiss somebody new after kissing the same boy for six years. However, she began to let herself just live. When she began to dwell on Quinn, Matthew somehow interrupted her thoughts, whether it was with a phone call, FaceTime, text or kiss.
Matthew broke the kiss off in dire need of a breath, but he placed one last peck on her lips before taking her bags to his room and returning to her sprawled out on the couch. He smiled, wondering what in the world he managed to do right in order to have someone as perfect as her in his life, let alone on his couch.
"How was the drive?" He called to her from the kitchen, grabbing two Michelob Ultra's, one for him and one for her, and returning to the couch. Hockey replays were blaring from the tv, so he hit mute and handed the beer to Y/N.
"You know...my own private concert mixed in with a couple of dumbasses that should not have gotten their driver's license," She opened the can while placing her feet in Matthew's lap. He instinctively began rubbing them with his free hand and sipped on his drink with the other.
"I think you should give me a concert. Who knows, you might be the next Beyonce or Taylor Swift and I would never know..." He poked her in the side, watching her squirm from him, careful not to spill her drink.
"Trust me, if I was the next Taylor Swift or Beyonce I would not be working the job I am right now," She watched as he never tore his attention away from her. He managed to make her feel like the most important person wherever they were. They could be walking down the street and she would still have his undivided attention.
“So school’s coming along ok?” Matt drew circles on the top of her leg as he waited for her response.
Y/N groaned, tired of being so overwhelmed with the projects and assignments, “I’ve got three and a half more semesters and then I’ll be done. I’ve got to look at it like that so I feel motivated to finish.”
Matthew took a sip of his drink, his index subconsciously tapping Y/N's leg, "Don't take it for granted. Sometimes I wish I would've just went to college and then focused on the NHL."
Y/N flashed a soft smile at the boy that sat beside her, "And what would you have studied, Mr. Tkachuk?"
He sat for a few seconds, playing out his life had he not made one of the most important decisions he possibly would ever make. He honestly had only planned for the NHL. The only reason he would have went to Notre Dame would be to prepare himself more for the draft.
"Probably like sports medicine, maybe Kinesiology...I don't know though, never really gave it much thought," He watched as Y/N's face fell slightly. He was confused at this until she spoke up.
"That's what Quinn wanted to do," She tried to lift the corners of her mouth to produce a smile, but the more she did that she wanted to cry. She settled for a sigh instead, trying to ignore the memories of Quinn and her freaking out when they both got accepted into Michigan.
"I know this weekend is going to be hard for you. If you need closure or anything from him, it won't hurt my feelings at all if you need to have a conversation with him. Sometimes it makes things easier to get over just seeing that the other person is ok," Matthew offered his advice, not wanting things to turn awkward.
Y/N hummed in response, appreciating him trying to help, but she didn't think that he had any idea how deep Quinn's and hers relationship went. Things wouldn't be ok just from having a simple conversation. She appreciated the thought though.
"I don't know. I told Collins it wouldn't kill me to have to speak to him, but we're going to keep it to a minimum. I highly doubt we run into each other anyway," Y/N felt herself becoming smaller, like the day she had broken up with Quinn. This feeling never completely went away, resurfacing every now and then, especially when Quinn was the topic of conversation.
"Brady doesn't know about us, so there's a slim chance that Quinn does. That may make you feel a little better,” Matthew was confident enough in the budding relationship he had with Y/N, so he recognized that Y/N would feel hurt seeing Quinn for the first time since their breakup. He’d never had a relationship last 2 years, let along 6. He couldn’t imagine how hard it must be moving on from that. All he could do was be there for Y/N. In the short time that they’ve been together, he’s realized that Y/N is one of a kind. She loves hard, plays hard, but at the end of the day she wears her heart on her sleeve and cares deeply for those around her. No matter how much he wanted her not to hurt, seeing Quinn would do something to her, so he just had to accept that.
“You’re thinking really hard there Mister,” Y/N poked him in the stomach with her big toe. He gave it a playful pat, releasing a breath that he didn’t realize he was holding.
“Just thinking about how much I love you,” He said it before realizing the magnitude of it. When he saw the slight shock on Y/N’s face, he wanted to take it back. Not that he didn’t mean it, he meant it 100%, but he could tell she wasn’t quite there yet.
“Oh,” Was all that Y/N had managed to voice. She wanted to say it back so bad, but something inside of her was fighting it.
“Don’t feel obligated to say it yet. I want you to say it when you feel ready,” Matthew squeezed her calf and got up, getting ready to prepare dinner.
“How do you like your steak?” Matthew changed the subject as he laid out the utensils he would need for the grill.
“Medium rare, more on the medium side though,” She replied, but she couldn’t help but think that Quinn already knew that. Did he still remember it? Was he going out on dates and did he bring her up?
“Alright, I’ll be back in a few,” Matthew announced as he walked out the back door. Y/N could hear the rustling of the grill as he situated everything. She didn’t like talking about Quinn, but sometimes she just couldn’t stop herself.
Y/N was glad that she woke up to Matthew gone to practice because she felt sick. It wasn't because of her stomach or head, but she just felt like something wasn't quite right with her. Just off. She didn't know how to fix it because she didn't know what was wrong, so she just made a cup of hot peppermint tea and began getting ready for the day.
She helped Matthew out by washing some of his clothes and unloading the dishwasher from the night before. This is how her day went up until she had to get ready for the game, looking for things to keep her busy so that her mind wouldn't get the best of her. She succeeded for the most part until her phone dinged and the name that belonged to the text scorched a hole right through her heart, the sickly feeling she had when she woke up returned worse and she felt like she was going to throw up every substance in her stomach.
Message from Q<3
I know you're not expecting this, but I'm in Miami. We play the Panthers tonight, and I know it's last minute, but would you want to grab a snack after the game? It's fine if not, just didn't want to be rude and not let you know I'm close by. Or at least as close as I'll probably be to you.
Quinn was right, Y/N wasn't expecting the message. She wished like hell she would've blocked him or something because all of the work she had done for the past 4 months had been for nothing. He sent her back to square one of trying to get over their relationship. She couldn't though. Matthew had just told her that he loved her and it wouldn't be fair to stream both guys along.
She decided the best thing to do was not respond. As much as she told herself that she would be fine talking to him, the fact that a simple text sent her into such a deep spiral so quickly proved she wasn't ready yet. She didn't know if she ever would be. Everything in her screamed and cried to just respond, but she just couldn't. If she allowed him back in her life, even just for small talk, she was afraid that she would drop everything and go back to him. She simply took that option away from herself. Everything was so perfect in her life right now, and she didn't want to mess that up.
Time seemed to speed up, so she got ready for the game, throwing her hair into a claw clip, wearing a light face of makeup, and throwing one of Matt's Panther's shirt that he had gotten for her with some black ripped mom jeans. It wasn't like she was trying to impress anybody. Matthew sure didn't care, and that was good enough for her.
She got into her vehicle and began to drive to the stadium, getting there in just a few minutes. Matthew had given her a ticket, one in the same spot that she had been sitting in for the past few home games. As happy as she was to be sitting close to the Panther's bench, she had a clear view of the visitor bench. She had a few minutes before the players were going to start warming up, so she busied herself with her phone, not wanting to look up in case she saw Quinn.
It was no use though, seeing as when she heard the first skate go across the ice she looked up. It was as if whoever was in charge of her life couldn't just let them ignore each other.
Quinn was the first one to hit the ice, ready to warm up before the game. He skated from the visitor's bench all the way to the penalty box, looping around and checking the arena out. As soon as he looked toward the Panther's bench he noticed her in the stands. It was like some magnet forced his eyes to gravitate towards her. They made eye contact for a split second before she broke it by looking back at her phone. He noticed the Panther's t-shirt, finding it odd that she had only been here for a few months and suddenly she had found a new team to root for.
He tried to shake her from his thoughts, making eye contact with Petey who immediately connected the dots. Petey skated over to him to see what kind of mindset he was in.
"You ok?" Peter cocked an eyebrow at the messy-haired defensemen. Quinn nodded, but didn't speak. He was past speaking, he had to focus on the task at hand, no matter what. His team needed him a whole lot more than the girl in the stands.
The game was going in favor of the Panthers, with just a couple of minutes left on the ice they were up 5-1. The clock ran out and the horn signaled the end of the game. As Y/N was about to make her way to her car to wait on Matthew, she saw Quinn out of the corner of her eye. She could have just walked away, she probably should have, but she froze. He was skating closer to her, right back on the visitor's bench. He motioned for her to come over, to which Y/N listened. She really didn't know if she could have stopped herself if she wanted to. This force lulled her into the presence of Quinn.
His hair was a mess and damp from sweat and melted ice, but Y/N thought he looked like the same perfect Quinn. The one she had fallen in love with all those years ago playing dodgeball. In a perfect life, Quinn would be walking up to her smiling, asking her to go out to eat and go back home to Vancouver with him. This wasn't a perfect life though, and the circumstance that the two were in sucked.
"I didn't know you were a fan," Quinn gestured to Y/N's shirt, causing the girl to look down at it out of instinct. In her perfect world she would still be wearing Quinn's jersey.
"Things change. Decided I wanted to support local since I live near and all," The pit at the base of Y/N's throat was threatening to close her airway off, anxiety beginning to creep up.
"Things do change," Quinn shifted his weight from his right skate to his left, readjusting the gloves in his hands.
"I told myself that if you wanted to text me back then you would," He admitted, not wanting to tear his eyes from Y/N's in fear he would miss them when he left.
"So why did you call me over?" It took everything in Y/N to muster up the words.
"I don't know. I can't remember there being a time where we have gone this long without talking," Quinn wanted to tell her it was because he needed to hear her voice, had to know that she was ok.
"Because we haven't," Y/N whispered, but Quinn heard.
"I think I'm going to grab some ice cream or something after this. Did you want to come with me?" Quinn prayed that she would. He needed more time with her, craved it.
"I have plans. I'm coming home for Christmas though...if you're going to be in Michigan maybe we can meet for coffee sometime," Y/N knew it was a dangerous offer, the comfort of home could bring back all of the memories of being in love with him. She thought she should take her chances though.
"Yeah, that sounds good," He said, distracted for a second as Petey was whistling for him from the tunnel.
"I should get going. You know how impatient Petey gets when somebody keeps him waiting," Quinn chuckled, but only earned a half-hearted smile from Y/N.
"Bye, Quinn," Y/N was eager to leave, not wanting herself to fall into the trap that this conversation is anything more than an old lover checking on the other.
"See you later, Y/N," He watched her walk away, hearing her make her way up the arena stairs before she disappeared. A little piece of his heart continuing to go with her.
Although anger consumed him when they first broke up, in this instance he felt like finding a small corner and just bawling like a baby. He never allowed himself to feel that since they broke up, so he thought that maybe now was an appropriate time. He could feel the tears brimming, but he'd save them until he went to sleep back at the hotel room.
Maybe it was time to let her go. Maybe this was the start to that.
soooo this went in a completely different direction than originally planned, but what you see is what you get. I slightly proofread it, but I make no promises that it's any good. I've been simultaneously working on part three to the Trevor and Hatton AU. Whatever matches my mood is what I tend to work on, but keep an eye out for it soon! Leave feedback, or if you have any requests send them my way. As always, thanks for reading!!
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burninlovebutler · 2 years
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pairing: austin x fem!reader - word count: 2.2k
warnings: obsessive-possesive!austin, breakup hookup??, oral (f recieving), squirting, alcohol/drunkenness, coercion?, hints at emotional manipulation (no details or descriptions included), 18+, MDNI
summary: you’re awoken by a knock at your door way past midnight. you find your ‘crazy’ ex, the one you almost placed a restraining order against, begging for a second chance. you decide to take advantage of the situation and give in to his wish to worship you.
see masterlist for the rest of my fics💗
this is my (late as fuck) secret santa fic for @foreverdolly - i'm not sure if this exactly what you wanted but since it was kinda out of my wheelhouse of abilities 😅 bc of that i’m not the most confident so pls don’t judge my writing 🫣🫣 i love you dolly, merry (late) christmas 🥰 im so sorry this is so late & sorry you got shitty me for secret santa, you talented goddess lol - also sorry it was already written very christmas-y bc it was intended to go up before christmas 😭
“loving you is a losing game”
You were fast asleep when jarring abrupt knocking fell over the air in your house. Groggy and confused you turned over and fumbled to unlock your phone to check the doorbell security camera. There stood your obviously unwell ex behind fuzzy camera quality.
Once your sheets were reluctantly pulled from yourself, a coarse chill ran over your skin reminding you just how little you had on, prompting you to pull a silk robe over your night slip. You shuffled across the cold tiles and stood up on your tippy toes to double check that it was actually Austin and not just some random creep.
You sighed as soon as the open door revealed the disheveled, clearly unkempt man. Deep dark bags lined his droopy glossed eyes. “What the fuck are you doing here Austin?”
“Where is he?” He slurred accusingly, hand motions erratic but laggy.
“What the hell are you talking about-“ He rudely pushed past you and through the front door. Your fingertips dug into your now aching temples, it was going to be one of those nights. It was on those nights in which the idea of a restraining order was heavily entertained.
A foot helped propel you forward from the door and pace behind him as he hastily peaked into every room. “Where is he, I know he’s here.”
“Is who here?” You groaned at his dramatics.
He spun to face you, brows lowered, and eyes tainted with jealousy, “Oh don’t play dumb darlin’.” With every step forward he took you copied in the opposite direction. “I know your little boyfriend is here.” He hissed.
An uptick in your already rapid heartrate made you wonder which one of your ‘friends’ ratted you out. You went on one date and never spoke again, but you knew that if the information had reached Austin, he’d react… well, exactly like this.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” Lying straight through your teeth as you analyzed the anger swirling in his eyes.
“Don’t ya think we’re past this? Where is he y/n.” He squinted down at you, voice deep and rumbly.
You exhaled a breath you didn’t know you were holding, “He’s not here Aus, he’s not my boyfriend. Can you please just fucking leave?” Dropping an arm to your side.
“Are you serious? You really think I’m stupid enough to-” His words slurring together. “You think I’m dumb enough to believe your ‘boyfriend’ wouldn’t be here on Christmas eve?”
“It-“ Suddenly, the realization that the holiday indeed was tomorrow. Between the breakup, the fighting and the holiday rush at your job, you must’ve been in autopilot and the days strung together. Your eyes fell at the dawning awareness of a lonely Christmas. “No, he’s not here Austin.”
His gaze softened perhaps he was finally believing you. He stepped back and took in your home, seemingly searching for something, probably for any hint of holiday decorations. “He’s really not here? On Christmas?”
You scratched the back of your opposite arm and the previous pride of ‘doing better than your ex’ faded. Maybe you were almost as sad and pathetic as him.
“No. And I don’t want him here. We aren’t together. And I just want to be fucking alone, please leave.” You plead once more through the strain in your voice.
“But Christmas is your favorite?” He questioned softly, a stark contrast to the raging asshole that had stormed in. But that’s exactly what got you here in the first place wasn’t it? One minute he’d be cruel and the next he was the sweetest man you’d ever met. In those moments that’s what you’d cling to, convincing yourself he did love you.
You sighed, “Yes, but- I just haven’t been in the Christmas-y mood, okay?”
His hands slid down the back of your arms, sending a chill through your veins, “Well I don’t think my darlin’ should be lonely on her favorite holiday.”
You wanted to rip from his grasp, but it was like your body was refusing to listen, “I’m not your darlin’, I’m not your baby.” The terror of what your words would instigate caused every muscle tense beneath his grasp.
But he stayed calm, even when your back landed on the wall behind you. “Sure ya are,” He looked down at you with such a softness in his eyes, you’d think he was observing a delicate marble statue. “You’ll always be my darlin’.”
You exhaled at his sugar-y sweet words that always seemed to break through your walls. “Aus- please you know that isn’t true, we’re over. We’ve been over.”
“Just because we’re over doesn’t mean you’re not mine.” His hushed voice almost hid the prevalent slur of his words.
You squeezed your eyes closed. Maybe if you couldn’t look at him, he’d have no power over you. “Yes, Austin, it does.” Every bit of self-control aided you in a futile attempt at pushing him off you. He only pressed up against you further, flattening you against the wall. Wandering hands made their way across your silk-covered sides, taking their time to absorb every inch of you.
“I miss you every fucking day baby.” He whispered pressing his forehead against your own. “All I ever fucking think about is you.”
His claims made your tummy spin and flip like a washing machine, but you knew you shouldn’t give in. He wasn’t good to you, no matter how special he made you feel. “Austin please-“
“Darlin’,” His tone still in a low rumble, “Just let me fucking worship you. All I want is you, all I’ve ever wanted is you.” He pulled back just a bit and hooked an index beneath your jaw, “Look at me - I’m a goddamn mess without you. I can’t survive one more day without you.”
“Austin please, you can’t be fucking showing up here just because you think I’m seeing someone new.” You snapped, your arm flung out, emphasizing the statement.
“I fucking knew this was about him,” The lines around his eyes made themselves prevalent as he narrowed his eyes on you like prey, his demeanor shifting yet again.
“Augh there is no him Austin I-“ A stronger attempt at escape was met with an even firmer grip on your arms, keeping you in place. “You’re fucking delusional, that is why we didn’t work out. You are the reason we aren’t together.” The words spilled from your lips before you could stop them. The twist of Austin’s already scrunched face indicated that you’d made a grave mistake.
His fingertips dung into your biceps, anger piped in him. You could see his restraint churn behind menacing cobalt eyes. He wouldn’t get mean though, not when he was after something. That exact realization must’ve hit him when his digits softened on your skin. “Baby please.” His forehead pressed against yours again and kept his gaze on you. “Let me give you a Christmas present, let me be here for you, let me worship you.”
You processed his words, running a tongue between your lips. A sliver of confidence glimmered in the pit of your stomach. He was there, he wanted something, he hurt you and you wanted control of it. “Beg then.” You straightened up and balled up your fists at your sides to feign assertion.
A wash of surprise and confusion covered his face, obviously not expecting your rebuttal. “What?” He stuttered.
“You heard me.” Clearing your throat. “If that’s what you want. Beg for it.” You propped up a brow and looked over him like he was nothing but a conquest.
Much to your surprise it only took that much for him to give in. Without another word, he lowered down to just below your ear, starting with a simple kiss. Then another, his plump lips taking their time in claiming ownership of your neck. “I love you.” He whispered softly before pulling your skin into his lips with a suck. Your eyes fluttered closed at his touch, his attentive kisses always made you weak, trickling a pulse down between your legs. “I’ll always love you darlin’.” Now making his way to your collarbones, leaving a trail of dark purple marks behind. Any other day this would’ve made you furious, leaving proof of him on your body for everyone to see but tonight, you couldn’t argue with the throbbing in your core.
A part of you wanted to reciprocate his claims of love but the words refused to leave your mouth. You were ripped from the tumbling thoughts when his kisses landed on your hardened nipple under your night slip, every kiss so delicate, so intentional. “Austin-“ His tongue ran over the covered nub causing a sharp gasp to slip from your throat.
“I love you.” He repeated. “Please let me show you.”
Every single cell in your body was on fire and begging you to touch him, feel him, kiss him, hold him but he had atonement to pay. You stayed completely still and silent as he drifted down your body and before you knew it, he was on his knees before you, looking up with big sky blue eyes. “Baby please.” His hands trailing up the backside of your legs, goosebumps following his touch. “I’m literally on my knees for you, let me love you. Let me show you how much.” He always had a knack of perfecting the puppy dog eyes that made you weak to any demand.
Following his previous actions, his lips started at your knee and trailed their way up. The sheer proximity of his lips and fingers to your pussy was driving you mad and had you leaking into your panties. His fingers delicately pushed the slip up above your hips, taking a moment to take you in, his gaze trailing up from your core to your expectant eyes. “You’re so fucking gorgeous,” A sloppy kiss to your hipbone and a curl of his fingers into your thighs, easily spreading them apart. “You’re a goddess, let me worship you.” His eyes locked on yours when his lips reached your panty-covered center, pressing a soft kiss just over your throbbing clit. And that was it, how could you possibly stop him. You gave a quick nod signaling him the green light.
Without hesitation, his finger hooked onto your thin panties and tugged them aside, slowly sliding between your folds. A rumble came from his chest once he tasted you.
“Fuck.” You breathed out, resting your head on the wall behind you. His tongue continued its plight, swirling over your nub, starting a pit in your stomach. “Aust.”
Your responses had no effect on his actions, only fueling him. His tongue flattening between your lips, rounding your clit and finding its way into your dripping entrance. He ate you like a gourmet meal, savoring every taste. Your hand slithered its way down, tangling into his soft golden locks pushing him further where you needed him.
A slight yelp escaped when in one fail swoop he managed to prop your thighs on his shoulder and around his head, his tongue never leaving your heat. You were glued to the wall, only his shoulders and arms keeping you suspended. You were concerned with your weight on him, but he didn’t seem to struggle, effortlessly holding you in place as he devoured you.
Austin looked up wanting to fully immerse himself in what he was doing to you, his eyes glinting in the dim light of the living room as you melted in his mouth. Your hips rolled into his tongue as it tended to your swollen clit. “Fuck Austin.” You breathed out, squeezing your eyes shut and lulling your head back taking in each delicious moment. “Fuck Aus I’m gonna cum.”
He replied only with his blues locking on you more determined than ever, quickening his actions ever so slightly to help you cross your finish line. You began to unravel when his tongue rolled precisely against your pulsing clit causing your grip in his hair to tighten, letting out a loud moan. It was like every bit of anger and resentment channeled into the guttural screams that left your mouth as blinding euphoria washed over you. The orgasm seemed to last longer than normal, and you felt yourself release into his mouth. Immediately embarrassed by an action you had no idea you could achieve thinking he might be disgusted but when you looked down, his stare even more ravenous than before. He drank every last drop of you insatiably, lapping your cum from your core.
Finally, when he could tell you were spent, he gently pulled off you and carefully set you down on your now wobbly legs. “Fuck.” You breathed out in a pant, pressing your hand against the wall for stability. “I did miss that.”
Austin stood up and gave a small grin, “I could tell.” Wiping the remnants of you off his mouth.
In a natural reflex you went to hook fingers into his jeans to return the favor, but he stopped your wrist, “No.” He said simply. It was confusing, how did your ex-boyfriend show up to your house in the middle of the night claiming to miss you so much, eat you out and then stop you from reciprocating?
With his dry hand he tilted your chin up by his knuckle, “I wanted to worship you remember? This isn’t about me.”
“But I-“ You began before he cut you off.
“That was as much a Christmas gift for you as it was for me, okay?” He reassured softly. “I don’t need you to anything for me, I just wanted to take care of you. I missed the way you taste.” He nudged his nose against yours, “I missed you.”
His words twisted your stomach, you’d be lying if you said you didn’t miss him too. “Ditto.” You replied quietly, bringing timid fingers up to his cheek and meeting his eyes. “Thanks for my present.”
And with a hum he placed a tender kiss on your lips, “Of course. I love you.”
An internal battle ensued at how you felt about that statement, but something told you maybe this Christmas wouldn’t turn out so bad after all.
taglist: @lindszeppelin @powerofelvis @cryingabtab @slowsweetlove @purejasmine @ab4eva @infatuatedharleys @navsblog @feverdreamcaoilainn @pennyroyalcreep
thank you for reading! if you enjoyed this story/my writing pls consider giving my main fic, Forever Winter, a read - if you like slow burn angsty sad smut you’ll probably like it lol xx
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penvisions · 11 months
return the favor {chapter 17}
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Pairing: Joel Miller x Reader
Summary: Bad luck seems to be attracted to you as your little trio travels West. Things seem to begin looking up despite the weather change in the ways of trees shedding their leaves and the air chilling.
Word Count: 5.1k
Warnings: canon typical violence, fighting, survival skills, ptsd, mentions of injuries (brief), panic attack, depression, confessions, revealing past traumas, talk of past partners, animal violence, blood, gore, spiraling thoughts for both reader and joel, intense emotions of failure, memory issues, loss of short term memory, mentions of past pregnancy (brief), allusions to miscarriage (brief)
A/N: this dives a little into some hardships before it turns things around. please bear with me, the angst and tension will be high just as it progressed during the show. but i'm trying to sprinkle in some good things with the time skip between kansas city and jackson.
also!! this story has hit over 100k in words! i'm so so proud of myself for sticking with this despite the personal issues i've had and the way i've tended to push this to the back burner in order to pursue other, lighter fics. but i did it! and i hope ya'll like this new installment ♡ 
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It was quiet as your trio made their way alongside a thick swath of buildings that made up what was once a town in the middle of nowhere, Nebraska. You were in a weird fog of instincts and antibiotics, your body on autopilot as it trudged on, a small figure in front of you and a large one in front of it. The sun was waning, dusk beginning to take over and shelter was needed.
“Are we gonna stop and check anything out?”
“Not today. Too quiet, haven’t seen so much as a bird within five miles.”
You remained quiet, your entire left arm aching in a way that only broken and growing bones could. It was torture, not having enough pain medication to take it regularly enough to stave off the feeling. The need to save it instilled deep into your psyche at this point. Save, hoard, hold, keep. For more serious things, for those you travelled with. For those you cared about.
“Don’t you want to stop? See if there’s anything we need or to sleep inside. It’s been forever.” Ellie turned around to face you, but her questioning halted as she took in the way you were barely picking up your feet, the slight sway to your head as you kept your eyes wandering to take in your surroundings. As she took in the blank look and the touch of suppressed pain behind your sharp eyes. She was whirling back around to face Joel’s back so fast that her hair swung and the sight of it made you a little dizzy and certainly a little nauseous.
“No, Ellie, no quit askin’,” He turned his head to the side to aim a mild glare at her, not wanting to do this for the umpteenth time since leaving Kansas City. She had been quiet that first week, though she seemed to be coming back into herself more. “It’s dangerous here and the sooner you understand that, the sooner we can-“
His words trailed off as her own had done when he caught sight of you. The exhaustion clear even at a glance over his shoulder. You were up and walking, your eyes taking in the scene but there was the air of something that unnerved him surrounding you. You were sweating, the damp ring around the collar of your shirt a little too dark for the chill that permeated the days and even more so at night. Your skin looked sallow, almost waxy even from the distance he was at. He called your name and your eyes snapped to him, though he had a feeling it was more instinct that was driving you than actual awareness.
“You don’t-
“I know.”
“Maybe we should stop-“
“No, keep going.”
“Keep. Going.” You frowned at him, the pull of your lips downward urging him to turn his head back around and focus on picking his way through the trees. “Get us away from the town, it’s obvious there’s people holed up somewhere around here. Seen traps strung up all around.”
“Next town.” Was all the man said as he continued on, pulling a map out from the inside pocket of his jacket. “It’s another twenty miles. We settle tomorrow. Take stock of things.”
“Go another hour and then we stop for the night.” You looked over your shoulder at the hush of something moving around in trees, moving around you. Your eyes landed on a wire, the leaves of a low hanging limb brushing against it in the slight breeze. “Fast.”
Joel picked up on the way your words had hardened, though had been spoken in a lower tone. He turned and his eyes followed to where yours were trained as you stayed right behind Ellie. The wire was easy to spot, to him at least and to you. It was a trip wire, low to the ground. His steps picked up and he kept an alert attention on the area in front of him, on the area he was leading you both through.
“Ellie, please be quiet until then.” You didn’t address her harshly or with any venom in your words. It was a whispered plea. She nodded, staying in her place between you and Joel as she continued to follow the man through the foliage.
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No fire was lit that night.
Protein bars were scarfed down despite the heaviness and grittiness of them.
You didn’t sleep and neither did Joel, both of you too anxious to do so. You had traveled another two hours instead of one, worried about a tail. Joel had done his best to cover your traps and you both had the same idea to make obvious tracks leading in the opposite direction of where you intended to camp for the night.
Come morning, you had finally felt the stress of yesterday wash over you. You were tempted to unwrap the bandages and check on your stitches but there was a pull on them that told you the scabbing was just right and would be okay for another day. You had sweat all through your underlayers as you sat up against the bark of a tree trunk. It was concerning the flashes of heat that worked over your body despite the chills that pebbled your skin. Fever. You made sure to take your next dose of antibiotics on time, eating a can of soup to help settle the heaving feeling that had settled over you.
No one asked for anything other than protein bars but hadn’t protested when you opened a can of something for yourself.
The day was slow, your feet dragging and heavy despite trying to overcome the lag you felt settling into your muscles. You and Ellie were currently waiting on the tree line on the outskirts of a gas station nestled on a dirt road that had been overgrown with kudzu. The plant was already such an invasive species and even more so now in the wake of everything. The thick, lush leaves of it a rich green as everything else began its annual deterioration. Autumn was here, the days shorter and the sun not as hot. Both a relief and a concern.
Once Joel deemed it safe enough, he waved you both over.
You found yourself being ushered inside, there was a cot in the back storage part of the store. Your pack was being pulled from your shoulders and the machete in your grip was being gently pried from you. You felt wide palms guide you down onto the cot, Joel kneeled down and place his hands on the top of your thighs. He caught your gaze and his brow furrowed, mouth frowning as he took in the state you were in.
“Darlin’, you really don’t look too good.”
“Fever. Antibiotics are doing the best they can but with this kind of break it’s a lot on the body.” You wanted to melt into his warmth, chills trailing down your back. You wanted to bury your face in the denseness of his chest, cradle your hands in the softness of his middle. To just lay atop him as if it was an easy, lazy Sunday morning in the time of Before. But that was a luxury you would never get to indulge in.
You could almost cry for the loss of it. For the opportunity that didn’t exist. For the softness that could be in the world as it was.
“I’ll go hunt, you need some protein to help. Ellie will keep watch, just rest.” He leaned forward and placed his chapped lips to your forehead in a comforting move. He looked as if he didn’t want to leave you side, his big brown eyes roving over you as you struggled to keep your head up. “I won’t be long and then you can sleep. I’ll come back to you, darlin’.”
“Copy that.” You whispered as you notched your head froward to place a kiss of your own to the corner of his mouth. He placed a parting kiss to the crown of your head, and you laid down atop the bed he had cleared of dust.
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You could hear Ellie’s small voice wavering in and out of your addled mind, spiking high in some instances but remaining at its typical volume, it was paired with the deep rumbling of Joel’s every so often. You weren’t sure what day or time it was, body caught in in fighting off the alternating heat that overwhelmed you and the chills that pebbled your skin. You were sweating profusely and your entire body was one big ache as your muscles tried to combat it. You felt your lungs burn as you panted, mouth parted as you tried to regulate some part of any of it, to no avail.
Everything was a blur for the next few days, colors and vision fading in and out, voices doing so as well.
That was when you heard the terrifying snarl that jarred you from the edge of your semi-consciousness.
It wasn’t human. It wasn’t even Infected.
“BEAR!” Joel’s shout shook through your entire body, your bones hurting from the fear that slammed into you. You were rushing to your feet before you could even think, stuffing what little had been removed from your bag back into the fabric and you pulled it tight, good arm yanking back with the force of the movement and stinging as the muscles flexed.
The sheathed machete found its rightful spot on your belt and you were out the door in a matter of moments, eyes desperately sweeping over open space in front of the gas station. Joel was nowhere to be seen but Ellie was just now breaking through the tree line and rushing toward you. Her expression was panicked and there was a bright flush to her face as she panted heavily. Her gun was in her hand but she wasn’t firing it or keeping it at chest height ready to aim if she needed to.
“Old man’s okay. Snares were full and the fuckin’ thing came outta nowhere. He slammed into me and told me to get back to you.”
“Joel!” The fear in your voice was masked by the sheer volume of it. Your shout carrying over the dilapidated expanse of the road that was clinging to its former life. Ellie flinched beside you, the sudden volume catching her off guard and startling her badly.
“I’m sorry, gremlin.” Your good hand was going around her shoulder and pulling her to you in a loose embrace. Her hands slowly lowered from where she had raised them to cover her ears. “What direction did you come from?”
She was about to answer, her entire body buzzing as the adrenaline still washed over her in heavy waves but the loud rustling and sound of breaking tree branches had you both whipping around to face the trees to the right of the small clearing. Joel had barely made it past the last trees before he was knocked to the ground. His knees collided hard with the broken asphalt of the ground but he quickly tucked his body as small as it would go and he turned to aim his gun at the large shadow a brown bear was making over him. He fired two shots, but the bear swiped at him, and the gun went flying from his grip.
“RUN!” He didn’t dare chance a look over his shoulder as he scrambled to his feet, the bear being slowed down only minimally with its own instincts taking over. “Don’t even think of steppin’ in!”
Your heart was beating fast in your ribcage, body numb and on autopilot as you watched Joel stand to his full height. He chanced a glance over his shoulder as he scrambled after his thrown gun. The bear slumped to all fours, panting heavily as bubbles of blood fell from its mouth, saliva hanging down in long drooling lines. The bright red jarring.
Joel didn’t pause once the gun was picked back up, he fired another shot, but it seemed to anger the struggling predator and you were ushering Ellie ahead of you, Joel close on your heels. The trees rustled around your little trio as you ran as fast as you could. Ellie shouted out in surprise when the crashing of the bear sounded behind all three of you, with ear splitting growls and snarls.
Ellie’s sneaker caught on a root, and she started to fall, her hands shooting out in front of her to try and catch herself. You scrambled with your one good hand to grab the back of her jacket, but it pulled off from her shoulders and you let it go, not wanting it to come off her altogether without her pack on both shoulders.
“Fuck, Joel, I can’t help her!” You shouted, angry at yourself for not being able, for being injured and unable to provide anything for the group except extra work. She was trying to push herself back up but started whimpering as she did so. Joel ran past you and scooped her up into his arms with a worried look back at you, the crashing of trees getting louder as the bear closed the head start you had gotten.
“Just get her safe!” You shouted as you stood your ground and pulled your colt from the holster at your side. You started firing the second the bears dark color could be seen between the trees. It snarled at you as it continued to race toward you and you were switching the handle of the colt to the hand of your slung up arm, reaching for your machete and raising it high as you rushed toward the boulder that Ellie nearly hurdled into, getting a little more height to swing the blade down hard into the neck of the hurtling beast. It severed muscles and hit bone and the blade settled deep into the animal as it began to thrash in an attempt to loosen it.
It roared, the sound waning off into a choking gurgle as blood spewed everywhere. The drops that hit your skin were warm and it made your stomach roll. It fell to the ground, the weight of it kicking up dust and its paws twitched toward you as it took its final, wheezing breaths. The gun fell from your hand, the machete still embedded into the neck of the now dead bear in front of you. Your vision blurred, mind hazy as you realized how far in the trees you were and utterly alone.
You fell to your knees after stepping from the boulder. Breath coming out hard and fast, hurting as it pushed past your lips. You looked down at your injured arm, slung up with cloth tied around your shoulder.
Pain was searing and throbbing from a long scratch, a swipe from the bear you hadn’t even realized had made contact, too focused with burying your blade into the thing’s neck. It didn’t appear to be too deep, but it would take a while to heal, the sleeves of your shirt and jacket shredded. Suddenly your vision was filled with a blurry face. His brown eyes were glittering, and his face was moving as if he was talking to you but you couldn’t hear anything over the ringing in your ears.
You blinked a few times, trying to focus but realized it was because of tears that you couldn’t see properly, and you hiccupped as your breath stalled. You reached for him, with both hands, crying out at the pain that seared in your left arm with the action.
“Taylor, I’m so sorry. I don’t- it- it- I had to! I’m sorry I left the cabin-“ The hands you could feel on your shoulders stilled, the man in front of you freezing at your slurred words. Ears still ringing and tears still falling, you tried to catch your breath, but it was harder and harder to. The edges of your vision grayed out, your entire body feeling like a limb that had fallen asleep and suddenly you were falling to the ground as unconsciousness tugged you down. You couldn’t feel the arms that were helping to guide you gently to the ground.
“Uh, what the fuck?” Ellie reached out for Joel’s arm, spooked by literally everything that had happened today. Her emotions crested and she was tugging at his arm, shaking it to get the man’s attention. The look on her face was a mixture of so many things, but fear. Fear was the one he could see the most, so fresh. So easily identifiable because he had seen it merely a week before for the first time in such a glaring way that he could pick it out of her smallest ticks and facials twitches now. “Joel, what the actual fuck?”
“I-I don’t know.” He stuttered and felt like a damn fool for it. Feelings of failure bubbling up in his middle, threatening to take over his mind and his body, take him away to a plane of existence that was debilitating thoughts and emotions too much for him to handle. It was all encompassing, to be on that that plane, so far away from it all but his body remained in a world of death and destruction, of failure, of repeated scenarios that he could never make the right decisions in.
“She called you Taylor. Was she hallucinating?”
“Ellie, please. Let’s get her back to the building and we’ll talk.” He stood from his position where he had slid to his knees in front of you. Worry had him placing Ellie down without so much as a glance at the now dead threat before focusing on your shocked form. He leaned down and picked you up as best he could, but with a pinched expression he turned back to her. “Can-“
“I can stumble well enough, she’s unconscious, she needs more help.”
“I’m sorry, Ellie.”
“For carrying me away from an attacking bear when I tripped?”
“For…for not hearin’ it get close to us in the first place.”
“I didn’t hear it either,” She fumbled with the knife in her hands, unsure of what to do with the man’s undivided and sincere attention on her.
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You woke suddenly, with a deep gasp of air that startled both of your companions, who had just settled for the night. It was dark, but a lantern on the floor between them was enough to tell you they were okay.
“You’re okay, we’re okay. You did-“ He was up on his feet, standing beside the cot but looking for all the world as if he was afraid to reach toward you. His hands balling up into fists at his sides as he looked you over. “You did such a good job today, you protected us.”
“…the bear?”
The silence that fell in the small room was heavy, weighted. You looked from Joel to Ellie, their eyes watching you. You took mental stock of how your body felt sluggish, your head a little dizzy, your left arm hurting from the very top to the very bottom, the entire length of it throbbing dully.
“Shit.” Ellie’s worry was wrapped up all in that single word.
Your name in the air snapped you back to attention a little bit.
“Bear. Dream. Bad dream.”
“No, no, darlin’, that-“ Joel finally reached out to you, bringing your good hand between his own and you felt the warmth of his palms. “That was real. You don’t…you don’t remember?”
“It was real?” Joel didn’t like the realization that you had been so overcome by adrenaline and instinct that you don’t remember jolting from your sick bed and defending them in one of the most intense chain of events and didn’t even remember it. The devotion struck him close to his heart and all he wanted to do was pull you to him and hold you. Tell you what a good job you did, how sorry he was for forcing that out of you. For not being able to protect you in your most vulnerable state.
“I came running to you, do you remember that?” Ellie moved closer, standing from her sleeping bag she had been tucked into with a comic book. You watched as she limped toward you, the memory and phantom motions of reaching for her as she stumbled in front of you flashing through your mind and body. She reached her own hand out and placed it atop your knee. Comforting you in what ways she could. Joel guided the hand he held toward her own and he laid it atop her smaller one for you. He moved off to the side and retrieved his water bottle and set it in your lap.
“I- yes.” You gripped her hand tight in your own, fingers tangling with her smaller ones. “Joel carried you away because I couldn’t.”
“But you killed it.”
“Killed what?”
“…the bear?” Ellie tried again, to clear the fog in your mind.
“I’m not strong enough to kill a bear.” You huffed, getting annoyed at the merry go round of this conversation. “Not even strong enough to stand up without getting’ dizzy.”
“You shouldn’t be, but you did. You took care of us, and now we’re takin’ care of you, returnin’ the favor.” Joel stepped back into the conversation, seeing and sensing the confusion and annoyance flaring up in both of you as the conversation drew on.
“I didn’t kill a bear.”
“You did!” Ellie shouted, loud enough to startle you. She tore her hand from your own and went back to her sleeping bag. She rustled around for a second before coming back over to you and placed a giant fang in your hand. A bear canine. “You woke up out of whatever is goin’ on with you and you protected me, you protected Joel.”
“Oh.” Like it wasn’t the most important thing to happen today, like it didn’t mean everything.
Joel murmured quietly that you should eat, take another round of medication, and everyone should sleep. An hour later, food in your stomach that you still weren’t quite convinced was the bear you had killed earlier, and medicine dulling the pain and haze of your mind, you were back asleep with even breaths.
Joel and Ellie were quiet, the events of the day exhausting them but also worrying them.
“She-she called you Taylor.”
“She did, must’ve been in her mind.”
“But…you don’t look anything like him.”
“I – what?” Joel’s eyes snapped up to see her already looking at him, her small face scrunched up in confusion. “You been around this Taylor? He from the QZ?”
“He’s from the photos in her pack.”
“Ellie, you shouldn’t be snooping in people’s packs. What they keep in there is private.”
“She let me see! They fell out back in-in-“ She swallowed her words and took a shuddering breath. It took a moment for her to calm down. “When you were takin’ care of her nose bleed, they fell out of her pack and she let me see them.”
“Nosebleed…” A grunt sounded from him when he recalled the rather alarming moment back in Kansas City, as you all traveled underneath the city toward the hope of safety.
“He…he was important to her. She saw him in you.”
Such a simple statement, one that she had no idea of knowing would cause the beginning of the chain of events that it did.
“Everyone has someone that was important to them.”
“Like Tess?” She whispered, as if afraid to speak the name at normal volume.
“Like Tess.” He tried not to bark the words out, but they hurt his throat all the same. “Now sleep.”
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It was early morning and Joel found himself rustling through your pack for the first aid kit. He had sliced along his hand as he tried to carve more of the bear for a decent breakfast. He would kill for some eggs to go along with the meat, but he hadn’t had them in so long he was sure they would upset his stomach.
The photos Ellie kept talking about crinkled with his digging efforts and he ignored the allure of fishing them out. It was your business, it was your past, it was your…trauma. He had no business looking upon them until you wanted him to, and even then, he wasn’t sure he was brave enough to. Had the right to.
They flitted out, taunting him. He was staring at the backs of them as they laid out on the floor where he was kneeled beside the pack. The faded blood splatter bright to his eyes despite the age, he could only imagine how much havoc must’ve been happening for something as small as an instant photo to get covered.
“You can look at them.”
The man startled at your words, you hadn’t been completely asleep for a while now. Waiting quietly in the waning darkness of the room, watching as the sun began to rise and send faint light into the abandoned building. It was colder than it had been recently, the chill in the air only a taste of the winter to come.
He looked over to you, frozen in place with his hands deep in your pack and his shoulders tense.
“’s not my place.”
“Joel, if you want to, you can. I’m not forcing you but I’m not tearing them out of your sight either.”
“Darlin’, you’ve been through a lot the past few days. Don’t want to add to it by being nosy.”
“But you want to.”
“That’s not the point.”
“I carry things, same way you do.” You fiddled with your hands in your lap as you moved your legs slowly to dangle over the edge of the cot, feet on the ground. “It helps me to talk about them, sometimes. But I’m not asking the same from you. I would never make you face something you don’t want to.”
He reached out to take the photos from your hand, an offering. His hands shook as he did so, not sure why he was so afraid of the flimsy, worn film. When he turned them over, his heart stuttered in his chest and his fingers gripped them tightly. The bump of your stomach through the dress panging in a way he hadn’t anticipated. You looked so happy, just like he was sure he did in the photos he had left behind in his house all those years ago. More focused on the girl in his care, the life he had to protect at all costs, his whole life in the bright smile she would beam at him even if he felt like he didn’t deserve it.
“Raiders.” Was all you said as he shuffled through them. He felt guilt again at not being able to help Tess, to give her something good to reflect on. Surely he had brought something to her life, for her to have stuck with him all those years. Surely she would have remembered him fondly and not just the hardships and haze of drugs and the struggle of power they had been fighting both before and inside the QZ. He felt a lump form in his throat, emotions getting the better of him.
“I…it was my fault. I hadn’t covered up my tracks well enough one day. They found our cabin and they came at us with everything they had, for everything we had. I carry the same things you do.” Your whispered words had him carefully placing the photos back into your pack and reaching for your empty hands. He gave them a squeeze before asking for your help at patching up his injured hand.
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Snow had fallen during the night, prompting you to insist it was time to move far earlier than you normally would have. Busing yourself with setting up the small compact moka pot from your pack, you dug out the ash from the fire the night before. Joel had taken watch until around midnight, you taking over the second his head had hit the pillow and his even breathing sounded in the air alongside Ellie’s. She had insisted on being a part of the rotation, but you both vetoed it until further notice. She was still having nightmares, scrambling up at random times during the night with frantic movements to push someone who no longer existed off of her. Fighting, muttering under her breath, scared. Scarred.
Your ears took in the sounds of the crips morning, eyes tracking the pristine ground around your small set up. Joel and Ellie had instinctually moved toward one another in your absence from the sandwich you had created around her to keep her warm. You had donned a black beanie, giving her your other one that was a dark blue. They were insulated on the inside, lined with a once soft sherpa but it still did it’s job. Apologies had fallen from your lips at not having another for Joel but his hands intertwining with yours had been his way of calming you down, telling you he would be okay. That he wanted you both to be warm and he could go without until something came along.
You rinsed out the two thermos basins as best you could with snow, letting it melt inside over the fire before pouring it out off to the side. The splatter of hot water sizzling in the dusting that had begun to stick. Tearing open a packet of hot chocolate that had been hidden deep in your pack, you poured it into the chamber on the moka pot and placed it atop the makeshift frame over the fire. As soon as it began to rattle and bubble you poured it into Ellie’s thermos and moved on to put some of the ground coffee into the chamber, using your gloves as protection from the heated metal.
The two figures asleep behind you began to rouse, with little interaction, everything was packed up and they sat around the small fire to warm a bit before it was time to start the days trek.
Off in the distance, a log cabin sat on the frosty edge of the lake. It was the first sign of any type of human existence your trio had seen for days.
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someone1348 · 2 years
hi, if the requests are still open it would be really cool if we could have a Lee! mikey probably with Leer! donnie, the situation could be that Mikey wants his brother's attention and starts bothering him while donnie works on some invention, it wouldn't be very nice
I can absolutely do this! Thank you for the request and I apologize for the lateness of it!
The people in this: Ler!Donnie, Lee!Mikey
Tw: none! This is so cute!
I can't wait! I love smarts and crafts so much!
With all of that being said! Enjoyyy! :]
-K ____________~☆°♡°☆°♡°☆~_____________
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Fami-Lee! (Family hehe get it!)
Now! Mikey would never ever want to bother his big brother, especially not while he was working! He had so much respect for the guy that taking his attention away from his work is just something he couldn't do,,,,on a normal day, today was NOT a normal day!
Mikey craved attention and he needed it NOW! He was understimulated and needed someone's eyes on him to jog his systems up again. The problem was EVERYONE was busy. Leo was in the middle of an intense, solo, skateboarding session, Raph was out on patrol and Donnie was working. He thought about his options before his legs walked themselves on autopilot to his older brothers lab.
'Here we go' he thought to himself before gently knocking on the door "D? Can I come in please?" He politely waited for an answer before going in.
"What is it, Michael?" His voice was flat but not rude, just focused as he kept his eyes on the new prototype he was working on. Mikey took that as the go-ahead to come in, so he stepped inside the purple lit lab, shutting the door gently behind him,
"Heyyyy broo! you've been in there quite a lot, would you maybe want to take a break and go hang out with your familyy?" He asked in his normal expressive attitude as he inched closer and closer to the purple clad turtle.
Donnie lightly chuckled at that "Ahand I thought I was the funny one!" When he got no response Donnie continued his speech. "Oh you were being serious? Yeah sorry Mikey but I would much rather be here and,, by myself, sooo is this important? I'm dealing with dangerous cemecials here and I don't want you to get hurt" He was being genuine as Mikey sighed,
"Yes, D! I am serious! I haven't seen you once this whole day! Your family loves you, and breaks are so important!" He smiled as he wrapped an arm around his big brother, which caused an annoyed look from the said turtle.
"You're seeing me right now Mikey"
"Uh- th-that doesn't cohohount! I mean outside your lab all day!" Mikey giggled which caused Donnie to quickly smile before he sighed again
"Listen I love you too and I love this family too but I do not want to see them, I just want to work alone in my comfort space, so if you would please let me do that I would greatly appreciate it"
Mikey was about to cave right then and there and go back to his room, but his body refused to let that happen. 'I'm sorry in advance D!' He thought to himself before he poked his cheek
"Michael." He gave him a warning before Mikey did it again poking his cheek, his arm, anywhere his fingers could reach before he grabbed Mikeys hand gently "Poke me again, go on, see what happens." Donnie looked at him dead in the eyes as he spoke through his teeth, a wobbly smile graced Mikeys features before he smirked and booped his nose.
"I warned you" the tech wizz smirked as he grabbed his little brother, crashing him down into his lap as he scribbled all over his stomach.
"DOhOhOhonnIEhHE!" Mikey giggled like a little kid and curled up on his lap
"What's the matter Mikey? I don't understand what's so funny?~" His smirk grew as he blew a raspberry to his stomach and nuzzled into it to make it tickle more. Making Mikeys sweet giggles go up an octave in pitch with a small snort
"DEHEhhehe!" He smiled lightly pushing at his head trying to "fight him off" but making no real efforts too.
"Ohhh I see now, you're just incredibly ticklish, now that makes more scientific sense, I was gonna say I know I'm hilarious but I'm not THAT funny" he giggled before his eyes caught attention to his knee pads.
"Now, what are THESE doing on still? Trying to hide your worst spot from the tickle monster, are you? No no no that's a no-no, Angelo~" he tapped his knee pads before un-hooking the velcro straps that hold them together.
Mikey squeaked in giggly panic as he tried to get away "NOhoho nonono! Dohohonnie DOHon't-"
"Don't what Angelo?"
"TIhihickle mEhe!"
"Tickle you!" He smiled before un-hooking the final strap "Well if you insist giggles~ Tickletickletickletickletickle~" he scribbled quickly underneath his knees as Mikey chirped loudly and threw his head back laughing
Donnie melted at his youngest brother's antics blowing a raspberry into to back of his knees "You're too adorable for your own good little brother, I mean what if a villain found out about this little tickle spot here! You'd be doomed!" He smirked at him as he continued "Oh wait! One already did! Me! Coochie Coochie Coo little MikeLee~"
The older smiled as he watched foundly as the younger flapped his hands, happily stimming at Donnies actions
"More tickles? Someone reallly wanted my attention today huh?" He smiled lightly scribbling against his sides
"WAhahait! Ihihi- hehe!"
"Okahay okay, you're free to go now giggles~" he rubbed away the ghost tickles as Mikey caught his breath
"Thahanks D!"
"Anytime Angelo Anytime, I'll be out soon okay? We'll have a movie night, just us"
Mikey smiled brightly at him "Sounds good! I'll see you soon big bro!"
Maybe trying to drag the scientist out of his chair every once and a while wasn't such a bad thing! After all at the end of the day they were his family and D loved all of them just as much as Mikey does!
He did a happy dance before running out of the lab, causing Donnie to crack another smile
"This can wait" He gently patted the prototype he was working on and got up to join his family well fami-lee that is!
I loved writing this! I hope you all enjoyed! I am so incredibly proud of each and every one of you for getting up today and for existing! You are loved, you are valid, you are valued and you deserve the universe no matter what! /p /gen /pos
-K :]
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kill-your-fics · 1 year
I don't know if you "do" prompts or whatever, but I thought you could do more with this idea than me.
Wilson is working on something and being Very Focused, and a bored Willow is talking is ear off, trying to distract him. After being ignored for a while, she says something like "Come on, nerdy boy, I know you like me" and Wilson, because he's Very Focused on his work, his mouth runs on autopilot and says something like "Yes, I find you very attractive" and Willow is just left completely blindsided and flustered, while he hasn't even realized what he said.
I can't promise to write something for every prompt because I'm not always a very inspired writer but I always welcome suggestions! Idk if this is what you wanted but I tried lololol. WITHOUT FURTHER ADO..... ur ficlet.
There was nothing much to do around camp today, Willow decided. It was too warm to start a regular fire just because she felt like it- Wilson would surely complain, the man suffered worse in summer than in winter, if it was possible- and it was too bright to sleep.
"What'cha up to over here?" No response, which meant he was deep in Science Mode(tm). She peeked over Wilson's shoulder, glancing at the prototypical diagram he had spread out in front of him. He had been talking earlier about an invention, some sort of clothing that would actively cool the wearer rather than just slow their increase in temperature. The current drawing looked, to Willow, an awful lot like a giant ice cube strapped to the user's head. Now, she wasn't saying Wilson never had any good ideas, but perhaps the heat really had cooked his brain today. Having concluded that whatever he was doing wasn't of dire importance, she decided to continue pestering him.
"Do you think you could invent a flame thrower to melt all the snow in winter?"
No response.
"Maybe it could be, like, a super-torch?"
Nothing. It was time to try a different tactic.
"Ya know, if it's soooo unbearably hot today, you could just take off your shirt... Or at least that dumb vest."
Wilson hmmmed and hunched further over the table, scribbling furiously.
This was ridiculous. Not even a verbal acknowledgement she was here? "C'mon, dork! I know you like me."
"Of course, I'm quite attracted to you." Wilson agreed. He ducked down to rummage for something in the chest that sat beside the table.
"Whu-HUH?" Willow sputtered. Was this a joke? She wasn't laughing.
"Yes, I'm afraid you can be rather distracting," Wilson replied, paying her no mind as he stood up again with several small gears and the old ice box schematic. He scrutinized both.
Was he serious? No way. But he wasn't laughing, either. What? I'm quite attracted to you. You can be rather distracting. The hell did that mean? The HELL did that mean?
Several beats of studious (and stunned) silence later, Wilson spoke. "Willow?" He looked up, over at her, caught a glimpse of her reddened face. "Are you alright? Is the heat finally getting to you as well?"
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justsomewhumpee · 2 years
Thinkin about a whumpee that's undercover on a mission. They're at a gala full of important people and their job is hunting down their target- whumper, to gather intel on them. Whumpee goes as an attendee, dressed to the nines. They chat with guests and have a decent time, meeting an old friend who had also been invited.
Eventually they get to work. They find out where whumper is hanging out and make their way in that direction. As they're passing through a dark corridor they're suddenly grabbed from behind, a sharp pain ripping through them at the same time.
"Well, well.. I guess you managed to find me, huh?" Whumper hisses into their ear quietly as they continue pressing the knife into whumpee's torso.
All they can do is let out a strangled groan before whumper rapidly pulls the knife away causing them to collapse, slumped against the wall.
"Stop looking into matters that don't concern you. Next time I won't be so kind." Whumper sneers down at them before storming away.
Whumpee clutches their side, slumped in the corner on the floor. They hiss in pain before realizing that they have to get out of this mess before they jeopardize their entire mission.
They shakily come to a standing position, relying on the wall for support with one hand as their other applies pressure to the wound. They check over themselves, and realize that if they hid under the coat they had on, they could hide the injury as they escaped the party.
They button the front of their overcoat, concealing the dark splotch of blood on their shirt. After grimacing through another wave of pain, they take a deep breath before walking with purpose back towards the exit.
They manage to reach the lobby, exit in sight, before hearing their name called from behind them.
"Whumpee, hey! Where are you heading?" The old friend they had been chatting with earlier was headed their direction.
Whumpee spins around, trying to conceal that anything is wrong.
"Oh hey! I was just headed home," They begin to explain. "I'm just super tired.." Whumpee chuckles nervously.
The old friend frowns disappointedly, "Aw man, but its been forever! I was hoping we could hang out some more?"
Whumpee smiles sadly, truly appreciating the offer. "I'd love to, but-" they're cut off by their excited friend before they can finish.
"Then stay! Please? I have to tell you about the missions I've been on lately, and then show you this-" They excitedly begin a run-on sentence, obviously a little intoxicated judging by their speaking volume alone.
Whumpee goes on autopilot, the sharp pain in their side becoming an intense throbbing sensation instead that seemed to sink into their bones. They nod and smile as they listen to their friend go on about the crazy assignment they had just returned from. They were beginning to feel faint.
"...-Have the time?" Whumpee comes back to the present, having drifted into thought. Friend is staring down at them expectantly, still grinning.
"What?" Whumpee blinks at them dumbly, no longer able to think cohesive thoughts.
Friend furrows their brow in concern at their out of place confusion. "Do you... Have the time..?" they repeat.
"Oh," Whumpee shakes their head slightly with a soft chuckle as they unbutton their coat, reaching into their inner pocket for their phone. "Ah, sorry. Like I said I should get going. I'm very tired."
Friend notices their hands trembling as they undo the buttons. "Hey, are you alright? You're shaking really badl-" They cut themselves off abruptly as whumpee rummages around for their phone.
Whumpee glosses over the question as they pull out their phone.
"Yeah, It's like half past.., Uh, w-why are you looking at me like that?" Whumpee finally looks back up at their friend, who's expression had gone serious and their eyes wide.
"You're hurt. Badly." Friend mutters in a low voice, fear evident.
Whumpee stood with phone in hand and coat unfastened, revealing the dark blood stain that had spread across the front of their shirt, doubling in size since they had last seen it.
Whumpee realizes their mistake, quickly looking away as they attempt to button their coat again. They try to keep breathing through the constant pain as the sound of their friend's concerned voice becomes more distant.
Their vision starts to swim as they sway lightly on their feet. Suddenly, the ground is coming up to meet them as they collapse. They can vaguely register the sound of their friend's voice shouting their name as hands try to grab them before they hit the ground.
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gemstone-roses · 2 years
hhhh I wrote out a to do list of all the things I need to get done or check up on in all areas of my life and it's literally as long as my forearm. So I feel tight chested yada yada and I may LOOK relaxed on the outside but on the inside I'm yelling at myself to just move and get shit done and I feel so overwhelmed and I just wanna... run away. I guess for me, running away looks like sitting and staring into space, and that's what I'd tell Eddie if he asked if I was okay. Some comfort, please?👀😭
yep yep I love this your always dropping in with an idea when i need it aah ( although don't love your so stressed please take care omg)
I am SO sorry this took so long forgive me ajsksksks
Warnings: overworking, fluff. 18 plus please minors be gone!
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"hey" eddie gets no response, he's not seen you all day
you feel a squeeze on your shoulder
"darliiing" he singsong
You sigh, the knot in your chest having gotten worse since you stopped your task
"hey eds"
His voice brings you back from your daydream, staring up at his wall filled with black sabbath, your commiting each detail of the figure to memory, like you'll explode or something if you don't
"you okay?" He asks full of concern
"mhm" you say absentmindedly
Eddie knows, he knows your not he was giving you a chance to tell him what was going on.
he sees your to do list stuffed at the back of your desk, crumpled corners and scribbles. It's a long list.
"hey, look at me" he speaks low
You lean your head back off your chair to look at him
Eddie raises his eyebrows at you, smirking, causing a small, only small, barley there ghost of a smile across your face.
"you, need.a.break" eddie taps your nose playfully. Grinning down at you, but his stare is intense, concerned and serious.
"I've had a break! That's why I was staring at your poster!" It sounds ridiculous even as the words leave your mouth
Eddie knows your habits, it took him all of one afternoon to pick up on most of your routines and little things you do.
He can tell your on autopilot and Eddie knows your not stopping until every single thing on that list you wrote at stupid o clock in the morning is crossed off.
"That's a long list sweetheart" eddie kisses the top of your forehead, lingering
"I gotta get it done but-
"how long have you been staring at my wall darlin?"
"not that long!" You said as if convincing yourself it really hadn't been that long
Eddie doesent say anything but you can feel his body language shift.
Eddie puts his arm on both sides of the chair, spinning it round.
"come here" eddie pulls your arms, you follow his lead and stand up, eddie instantly pulls you into him.
smoke and weed and sweat and cologne. You breathe him in like his literal presence allows you to breathe freely again.
He holds you tight, squeezing the tension out your body.
"you know, you've done quite a bit today" he says, to reassure you, because he knows you'll feel like you've failed until its done.
"but I've still got so much to do!" You sigh, eddie sucks in his lip.
"what?" You ask
"Hang on" he grins, eddie let's go of you, makes his way to your desk.
"what are you doing?" you ask as eddie hunches over your desk.
"aha" he says, producing your to do list post it.
Eddie's barley legible scrawl at the bottom , Eddie's got the biggest smirk on his face while he watches your eyes scan the page.
-buy popcorn
-go to video store
-pick out horror movie
-bribe Steve into giving discount
- put on Eddie's hellfire shirt (the black one)
You look up from the note, smiling.
Eddie raises his eyebrows, waiting.
you turn to look one more time at the absolute mess on your desk.
"I can make another to do tomorrow" you said.
"only if its half the size as today's" eddie says, and you can tell he's not joking.
Eddie grabs his jacket, slings his arm around you.
"so, what genre of horror are we thinking tonight darlin? Eddie keeps his arm around you as you make your way to his van.
"slasher?" You ask, and Eddie's face indicates he was thinking the same thing.
"great minds darlin" he winks.
You feel the tension finally, slowly , melting away.
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medicus-felini · 11 months
"That's how it went; this little game of truth and dare.. I knew it would cause me trouble, ga ne." Mr 3 chuckles, unlike how someone else planned; he doesn't feel annoyed at all. He's hardly takes first steps and that was just a perfect cue. The artist leans over her desk, elbows over the table while facing the mink; as the dare said he should do. "We're close enough and while I know I shouldn't be that shy to talk about these things with you, Missy Linn. My heart just can't handle when I think about you that manner, specially in front of others, ga ne." He gently takes her hand, placing over his own cheek as he nuzzles it without breaking eye contact. " I'll admit I'm into wax play but it's not my main thing.... if you're ever interested. I even searched for things that wouldn't glue onto your fur—that’s more as a foreplay tool than anything." He gives a firm squeeze over her hand.
“Now about fantasy… well. I’m a simple man; doubt that would be called degenerated per say. Do you know when our hearts feel like one and we’re about to feel total bliss? There’s.. really something about if I just took it from you; that ending. I guess because I like to be in control of things; plan them. Now...If that happened.. over.. and over..and over." His lips touched her palm, kissing softly as his eyes closed for a bit. “ There’s something sublime in the total frustration and pain that is not being able to get what you want, until you feel simply miserable and just want the release of that sensation, you know.”
“Oh.. to imagine Missy Linn with pitiful eyes; begging please and then holding them closer to me as I finally allow myself to end that agony. As if our body only think on the desire than anything else.” His teeth nibble on the side of her palm, breathing deeply.
“I hope—hope.” Obviously, flustered and excited by that. He gulps down as he looks at her again. “I don’t sound like a degenerate to you, Missy Linn. By now.. I..Feels like our bodies are like extensions of each other… and I yearn to be complete so often. but I… don’t want to be a pervert in your eyes, ga ne.”
@waxgentleman `♡´ The wax question (finally)
Well, that was certainly something. Looks like this game reached Galdino, and he had to do his fair share of dares too. The doctor wouldn't call it trouble per se, though. An amused smile escapes her lips, how many times did they have problems being frank with each other? He was a gentleman through and through, always trying to keep things to himself rather than sharing them. The embarrassment was shared, Linn would physically melt down in a puddle of shame if she ever had to speak her desires out loud. They understood each other without words, which was good enough to not take it as something bad
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The wax play question has always been a light tease, accompanied by some serious interest. Mr. 3 had the ability to create wax on the spot. He had to make use of it aside from battle and art, anything else would be... weird! ❝ Oh, you actually did research about this topic...? ❞ the mink stammers, her heart sinking. That man's train of thought is so unimpeachable. ❝ You are planning through everything. You really did not have to- ❞ Well, maybe she was secretly glad he did. Ah? He was not finished yet. But that was all she was asking for as his truth in that game.
Galdino's voice feels like salve, honey around her ears, which makes them twitch with every syllable. And the lips leaning towards her hand, her palm—oh dear god, what is he doing? Linn can only listen silently, eyes big like saucers, all while a heavy blush pushes itself onto her whole face. It's bad. Very bad. The cat has to remind herself to blink every once in a while. She is on autopilot. Factory settings.
He is talking about edging. Orgasm delay. Isn't he? Quite bold to just share this with her. Was it that bold? It's not like they are still immature teens in their first week of sharing closeness. Both enjoyed their fair share of tea time. Still, the way he phrases it—wanting to see her helplessly pleading to end said ordeal... interesting indeed. Galdino was honest with her. There was not a hint of teasing, his teeth softly nibbling on her hand made her shudder.
His monologue is finished with his final self-conscious sentences. A pervert? He is so humble, so modest. It makes her heart melt even more. Her lids lower, trying to catch his glimpse, welcoming his eyes to find reassurance in her own. ❝ Is that something you are curious about? To see me truly lost and at your mercy? Hm, maybe you did have your reasons for being in prison, Mr. Galdino. ❞ She quips.
The hand, which was kissed a moment before, rests on the artist's cheek, caressing slowly over his warm skin until wandering along his jaw and finding its place on the side of his neck. Oh, how his pulse throbs against her paw-pads, adorable...
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❝ I am not one to deny a thorough session of... investigations around these fantasies.❞
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I make my own luck
“Not to insult your skills, but it’s gonna take a helluva lotta luck to pull this one off.”  “I make my own luck.”  “…You betcha, Mr. Confident.” “No, I’m serious. That’s my superpower. I make my own luck.”
"Whatever you say. I can give you 10 seconds with that computer when no one's watching. How you find the file is your problem."
Sofia got into her car and drove off. Shane did the same. Soon he was alone on a dark road through the forest.
The compound they infiltrated undercover was outside of the city. Long, relaxing drive back from work was a small pay for all the horrible things they had to do. But it will all end tomorrow.
To tell the truth, his power wasn't "making" luck. Luck can't be created. But he could take it, and put it where he needs it. To connect a pen drive to the CEO's computer, stumble across the one file with evidence they need, and download it without being noticed by the 10 people that will be in the room with him, that will take an absurd amount of luck.
"Go cry about it." Shane said to himself. "It's the price I'm willing to pay."
He got home and went to work. Future moments, like faint pictures swirled in his mind. He never could describe them, much less tell his future from looking at them. But he always knew the one key detail they represented. And he was ripping those details away.
Shane started with the big things. Now he will break that arm after falling down stairs. He won't get hired after applying for a new job someday. Cruel, but won't kill him. He'll worry about that bridge when he gets to it.
Slowly a new image began forming. Pen drive inserted the wrong way. Wrong file. It still needed refinement. Shane searched further.
Getting sick, stuck in traffic. Plenty and substantial enough. He'll manage to get to the right folder and lead a slow and sickly life afterwards. But many more people can get a chance to just lead a life. He has to search harder.
Finally he got the plan to barely work out. While Sofia will march into the meeting room and get the board's attention, Shane will reach over the desk, plug the drive, navigate the program barely seeing the screen from above, copy the right file and get seen unplugging the pen drive.
Technically they can make it. The compound is not that high, there are shrubs under the window and the board members are unarmed. But they know who they are. They will retaliate before the company's taken down. Sofia can leave the country, so does he. But Mark can't.
Shane raised his pillow and turned to see his sleeping husband's face. Then he closed his eyes again and returned to his task.
The scenario was almost done. But Shane has almost used up all of his luck. He hesitantly reached for the last swarm of moments. They weren't holding much of the luck, so he never touched them. But now he didn't need much.
Favorite song coming on the radio. A sunny day. He can live without those. Unclear pictures were passing his vision faster and faster, until suddenly Shane stopped.
Seeing a falling star with Mark. Shane gave it up on autopilot but he couldn't do that with the next one. He noticed that now, the majority of his luck was held by those small moments with his husband. Nice weather for a walk, getting a perfect steak on the grill. Shane could easily give up money and wellbeing but now he was hesitant. And then he remembered what can happen if he doesn't succeed.
More than two thirds of those little lucky moments were gone when Shane finally managed to get perfect luck on the heist. It was possible. Now he could reorganize and redistribute luck, let go of some more moments to regain those he gave up. He spent all night shuffling those, but when the alarm rang he wasn't satisfied with the result. But there was no way he could be. The most important thing was, he was making the world a miniscule amount of a better place. Just enough for hundreds of thousands. For Mark. And that was the price he was willing to pay.
Credit for the dialogue prompt (first paragraph) goes to Lynn @writing-ideas-inc on tumblr
Note: Getting back to daily writing, I gave this prompt a try to get my gears turning again. The whole thing was improvised on the spot in about an hour. A fun exercise, I know where to go if I can't find my creativity
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