#also highkey i didn’t know how to end it
burninlovebutler · 1 year
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pairing: austin x fem!reader - word count: 2.2k
warnings: obsessive-possesive!austin, breakup hookup??, oral (f recieving), squirting, alcohol/drunkenness, coercion?, hints at emotional manipulation (no details or descriptions included), 18+, MDNI
summary: you’re awoken by a knock at your door way past midnight. you find your ‘crazy’ ex, the one you almost placed a restraining order against, begging for a second chance. you decide to take advantage of the situation and give in to his wish to worship you.
see masterlist for the rest of my fics💗
this is my (late as fuck) secret santa fic for @foreverdolly - i'm not sure if this exactly what you wanted but since it was kinda out of my wheelhouse of abilities 😅 bc of that i’m not the most confident so pls don’t judge my writing 🫣🫣 i love you dolly, merry (late) christmas 🥰 im so sorry this is so late & sorry you got shitty me for secret santa, you talented goddess lol - also sorry it was already written very christmas-y bc it was intended to go up before christmas 😭
“loving you is a losing game”
You were fast asleep when jarring abrupt knocking fell over the air in your house. Groggy and confused you turned over and fumbled to unlock your phone to check the doorbell security camera. There stood your obviously unwell ex behind fuzzy camera quality.
Once your sheets were reluctantly pulled from yourself, a coarse chill ran over your skin reminding you just how little you had on, prompting you to pull a silk robe over your night slip. You shuffled across the cold tiles and stood up on your tippy toes to double check that it was actually Austin and not just some random creep.
You sighed as soon as the open door revealed the disheveled, clearly unkempt man. Deep dark bags lined his droopy glossed eyes. “What the fuck are you doing here Austin?”
“Where is he?” He slurred accusingly, hand motions erratic but laggy.
“What the hell are you talking about-“ He rudely pushed past you and through the front door. Your fingertips dug into your now aching temples, it was going to be one of those nights. It was on those nights in which the idea of a restraining order was heavily entertained.
A foot helped propel you forward from the door and pace behind him as he hastily peaked into every room. “Where is he, I know he’s here.”
“Is who here?” You groaned at his dramatics.
He spun to face you, brows lowered, and eyes tainted with jealousy, “Oh don’t play dumb darlin’.” With every step forward he took you copied in the opposite direction. “I know your little boyfriend is here.” He hissed.
An uptick in your already rapid heartrate made you wonder which one of your ‘friends’ ratted you out. You went on one date and never spoke again, but you knew that if the information had reached Austin, he’d react… well, exactly like this.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” Lying straight through your teeth as you analyzed the anger swirling in his eyes.
“Don’t ya think we’re past this? Where is he y/n.” He squinted down at you, voice deep and rumbly.
You exhaled a breath you didn’t know you were holding, “He’s not here Aus, he’s not my boyfriend. Can you please just fucking leave?” Dropping an arm to your side.
“Are you serious? You really think I’m stupid enough to-” His words slurring together. “You think I’m dumb enough to believe your ‘boyfriend’ wouldn’t be here on Christmas eve?”
“It-“ Suddenly, the realization that the holiday indeed was tomorrow. Between the breakup, the fighting and the holiday rush at your job, you must’ve been in autopilot and the days strung together. Your eyes fell at the dawning awareness of a lonely Christmas. “No, he’s not here Austin.”
His gaze softened perhaps he was finally believing you. He stepped back and took in your home, seemingly searching for something, probably for any hint of holiday decorations. “He’s really not here? On Christmas?”
You scratched the back of your opposite arm and the previous pride of ‘doing better than your ex’ faded. Maybe you were almost as sad and pathetic as him.
“No. And I don’t want him here. We aren’t together. And I just want to be fucking alone, please leave.” You plead once more through the strain in your voice.
“But Christmas is your favorite?” He questioned softly, a stark contrast to the raging asshole that had stormed in. But that’s exactly what got you here in the first place wasn’t it? One minute he’d be cruel and the next he was the sweetest man you’d ever met. In those moments that’s what you’d cling to, convincing yourself he did love you.
You sighed, “Yes, but- I just haven’t been in the Christmas-y mood, okay?”
His hands slid down the back of your arms, sending a chill through your veins, “Well I don’t think my darlin’ should be lonely on her favorite holiday.”
You wanted to rip from his grasp, but it was like your body was refusing to listen, “I’m not your darlin’, I’m not your baby.” The terror of what your words would instigate caused every muscle tense beneath his grasp.
But he stayed calm, even when your back landed on the wall behind you. “Sure ya are,” He looked down at you with such a softness in his eyes, you’d think he was observing a delicate marble statue. “You’ll always be my darlin’.”
You exhaled at his sugar-y sweet words that always seemed to break through your walls. “Aus- please you know that isn’t true, we’re over. We’ve been over.”
“Just because we’re over doesn’t mean you’re not mine.” His hushed voice almost hid the prevalent slur of his words.
You squeezed your eyes closed. Maybe if you couldn’t look at him, he’d have no power over you. “Yes, Austin, it does.” Every bit of self-control aided you in a futile attempt at pushing him off you. He only pressed up against you further, flattening you against the wall. Wandering hands made their way across your silk-covered sides, taking their time to absorb every inch of you.
“I miss you every fucking day baby.” He whispered pressing his forehead against your own. “All I ever fucking think about is you.”
His claims made your tummy spin and flip like a washing machine, but you knew you shouldn’t give in. He wasn’t good to you, no matter how special he made you feel. “Austin please-“
“Darlin’,” His tone still in a low rumble, “Just let me fucking worship you. All I want is you, all I’ve ever wanted is you.” He pulled back just a bit and hooked an index beneath your jaw, “Look at me - I’m a goddamn mess without you. I can’t survive one more day without you.”
“Austin please, you can’t be fucking showing up here just because you think I’m seeing someone new.” You snapped, your arm flung out, emphasizing the statement.
“I fucking knew this was about him,” The lines around his eyes made themselves prevalent as he narrowed his eyes on you like prey, his demeanor shifting yet again.
“Augh there is no him Austin I-“ A stronger attempt at escape was met with an even firmer grip on your arms, keeping you in place. “You’re fucking delusional, that is why we didn’t work out. You are the reason we aren’t together.” The words spilled from your lips before you could stop them. The twist of Austin’s already scrunched face indicated that you’d made a grave mistake.
His fingertips dung into your biceps, anger piped in him. You could see his restraint churn behind menacing cobalt eyes. He wouldn’t get mean though, not when he was after something. That exact realization must’ve hit him when his digits softened on your skin. “Baby please.” His forehead pressed against yours again and kept his gaze on you. “Let me give you a Christmas present, let me be here for you, let me worship you.”
You processed his words, running a tongue between your lips. A sliver of confidence glimmered in the pit of your stomach. He was there, he wanted something, he hurt you and you wanted control of it. “Beg then.” You straightened up and balled up your fists at your sides to feign assertion.
A wash of surprise and confusion covered his face, obviously not expecting your rebuttal. “What?” He stuttered.
“You heard me.” Clearing your throat. “If that’s what you want. Beg for it.” You propped up a brow and looked over him like he was nothing but a conquest.
Much to your surprise it only took that much for him to give in. Without another word, he lowered down to just below your ear, starting with a simple kiss. Then another, his plump lips taking their time in claiming ownership of your neck. “I love you.” He whispered softly before pulling your skin into his lips with a suck. Your eyes fluttered closed at his touch, his attentive kisses always made you weak, trickling a pulse down between your legs. “I’ll always love you darlin’.” Now making his way to your collarbones, leaving a trail of dark purple marks behind. Any other day this would’ve made you furious, leaving proof of him on your body for everyone to see but tonight, you couldn’t argue with the throbbing in your core.
A part of you wanted to reciprocate his claims of love but the words refused to leave your mouth. You were ripped from the tumbling thoughts when his kisses landed on your hardened nipple under your night slip, every kiss so delicate, so intentional. “Austin-“ His tongue ran over the covered nub causing a sharp gasp to slip from your throat.
“I love you.” He repeated. “Please let me show you.”
Every single cell in your body was on fire and begging you to touch him, feel him, kiss him, hold him but he had atonement to pay. You stayed completely still and silent as he drifted down your body and before you knew it, he was on his knees before you, looking up with big sky blue eyes. “Baby please.” His hands trailing up the backside of your legs, goosebumps following his touch. “I’m literally on my knees for you, let me love you. Let me show you how much.” He always had a knack of perfecting the puppy dog eyes that made you weak to any demand.
Following his previous actions, his lips started at your knee and trailed their way up. The sheer proximity of his lips and fingers to your pussy was driving you mad and had you leaking into your panties. His fingers delicately pushed the slip up above your hips, taking a moment to take you in, his gaze trailing up from your core to your expectant eyes. “You’re so fucking gorgeous,” A sloppy kiss to your hipbone and a curl of his fingers into your thighs, easily spreading them apart. “You’re a goddess, let me worship you.” His eyes locked on yours when his lips reached your panty-covered center, pressing a soft kiss just over your throbbing clit. And that was it, how could you possibly stop him. You gave a quick nod signaling him the green light.
Without hesitation, his finger hooked onto your thin panties and tugged them aside, slowly sliding between your folds. A rumble came from his chest once he tasted you.
“Fuck.” You breathed out, resting your head on the wall behind you. His tongue continued its plight, swirling over your nub, starting a pit in your stomach. “Aust.”
Your responses had no effect on his actions, only fueling him. His tongue flattening between your lips, rounding your clit and finding its way into your dripping entrance. He ate you like a gourmet meal, savoring every taste. Your hand slithered its way down, tangling into his soft golden locks pushing him further where you needed him.
A slight yelp escaped when in one fail swoop he managed to prop your thighs on his shoulder and around his head, his tongue never leaving your heat. You were glued to the wall, only his shoulders and arms keeping you suspended. You were concerned with your weight on him, but he didn’t seem to struggle, effortlessly holding you in place as he devoured you.
Austin looked up wanting to fully immerse himself in what he was doing to you, his eyes glinting in the dim light of the living room as you melted in his mouth. Your hips rolled into his tongue as it tended to your swollen clit. “Fuck Austin.” You breathed out, squeezing your eyes shut and lulling your head back taking in each delicious moment. “Fuck Aus I’m gonna cum.”
He replied only with his blues locking on you more determined than ever, quickening his actions ever so slightly to help you cross your finish line. You began to unravel when his tongue rolled precisely against your pulsing clit causing your grip in his hair to tighten, letting out a loud moan. It was like every bit of anger and resentment channeled into the guttural screams that left your mouth as blinding euphoria washed over you. The orgasm seemed to last longer than normal, and you felt yourself release into his mouth. Immediately embarrassed by an action you had no idea you could achieve thinking he might be disgusted but when you looked down, his stare even more ravenous than before. He drank every last drop of you insatiably, lapping your cum from your core.
Finally, when he could tell you were spent, he gently pulled off you and carefully set you down on your now wobbly legs. “Fuck.” You breathed out in a pant, pressing your hand against the wall for stability. “I did miss that.”
Austin stood up and gave a small grin, “I could tell.” Wiping the remnants of you off his mouth.
In a natural reflex you went to hook fingers into his jeans to return the favor, but he stopped your wrist, “No.” He said simply. It was confusing, how did your ex-boyfriend show up to your house in the middle of the night claiming to miss you so much, eat you out and then stop you from reciprocating?
With his dry hand he tilted your chin up by his knuckle, “I wanted to worship you remember? This isn’t about me.”
“But I-“ You began before he cut you off.
“That was as much a Christmas gift for you as it was for me, okay?” He reassured softly. “I don’t need you to anything for me, I just wanted to take care of you. I missed the way you taste.” He nudged his nose against yours, “I missed you.”
His words twisted your stomach, you’d be lying if you said you didn’t miss him too. “Ditto.” You replied quietly, bringing timid fingers up to his cheek and meeting his eyes. “Thanks for my present.”
And with a hum he placed a tender kiss on your lips, “Of course. I love you.”
An internal battle ensued at how you felt about that statement, but something told you maybe this Christmas wouldn’t turn out so bad after all.
taglist: @lindszeppelin @powerofelvis @cryingabtab @slowsweetlove @purejasmine @ab4eva @infatuatedharleys @navsblog @feverdreamcaoilainn @pennyroyalcreep
thank you for reading! if you enjoyed this story/my writing pls consider giving my main fic, Forever Winter, a read - if you like slow burn angsty sad smut you’ll probably like it lol xx
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rapunzelbro · 4 months
Imagine; Lucifer meeting one of Charlie's hotel members who's real heckin' tall and falling for them
Imagine Lucifer Falling for A Tall AF Member of The Hazbin Hotel
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I know this is sorta similar to my other one I wrote so I tried my best to make it different
Masterlist Taglist
It’s not a shock when he comes to the hotel for his daughter and sees you, dudes practically drooling
He keeps his cool but holy shit your tall and stunning and Lowkey intimidating but he loves it
He DEFINITELY has a thing for people being taller than him and Angel dust definitely called his ass out for it
“You have a thing for Y/N~”
“It’s not that obvious is it?”
It is that obvious.
Alastor being annoying blowing Lucifer’s attempts to talk to you
“This. Bitch”
When he finally does get to talking to you you’re helping with cleaning the hard to reach areas that Nifty can’t get to
Offers help just to get closer to you and it puts you off but don’t mind the company so you allow him to
Except uh the problem is dude is so short he can’t reach half the stuff and ends up not being as helpful but you figured it would end up that way
You two end up talking as you do you the cleaning and hit it off
Charlie is lowkey highkey spying on you two because she honestly didn’t expect you two to hit it off
She also kinda did? She knows her dad likes taller people for some reason. She’d never ask
Lucifer would probably try to reach something and out of reflex and you pick his ass up and help him only to quickly put him down and apologize profusely
He did not mind it and wanted to stay that way
He laughs it off and mentions how he could’ve used his wings to get up
Made you 1000% more embarrassed 💀
You two joke about it and when he has to leave, you two exchange numbers
“Here’s my number incase I need someone to help with my ducks on the top shelves”
“Mhm, so What happened to ‘I could’ve used my wings to get up there?’”
He shrugs it off before taking you hand and kissing your knuckles
“Until next time mademoiselle”
Leaves you a blushing confused ass mess with Charlie practically screaming in excitement
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httpsserene · 3 months
Oscar saying”touch grass and find someone that will fuck you cause it sure as hell won’t be me” and also “in Vegas everyone of you that was rude WILL be going up to my sweet lovely beautiful smart girlfriend and you WILL be apologizing.”
Can you imagine if he ever finds out about the one that burned her with coffee? Oooff she’s done for
𝐮𝐩𝐭𝐨𝐰𝐧 𝐨𝐩.𝟖𝟏
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𝘄𝗼𝗿𝗱 𝗰𝗼𝘂𝗻𝘁: 1.2k words 𝗽𝗮𝗶𝗿𝗶𝗻𝗴: oscar piastri x fem!black!reader 𝗴𝗲𝗻𝗿𝗲: blurb. part two to a prev. fic.
✧*̣̩⋆̩☽⋆゜omggg i wish i got to this lil addition sooner !!! i was sitting here like lowkey like, how out of pocket would oscar be after he learned that a delusional fan intentionally burned his girl??? but here’s how i think it would exactly go down! this starts pretty much directly after best i ever had ends, like post-bath sex and everything. ✧*̣̩⋆̩☽⋆゜
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your skin is warm, your muscles relaxed, and your legs feel unstable. the phantom weight of oscar resides between your legs from minutes past when he helped you ride him to an orgasm in the bath. to think that if you managed to convince him to break up with you, you’d never have the best sex of your life again. 
you’re sitting on the countertop next to the sink, towel slipping down around your waist as oscar massages lotion into your brown skin, when you tell him that exact thought. he’s standing between your legs (his towel securely tucked around his tiny ass waist), wet hair curled on his forehead and he hums in dissent, 
“there wasn’t a single time this past month where i even thought about breaking up with you.” your breath catches at his words and there’s not an ounce of a lie in his tone. after the pampering events of tonight, you didn’t think you needed anymore reassurance that he’s not going anywhere but it’s incredibly nice to hear it. you pause trying to think of the word to express just how sweet oscar is, but he speaks before you.
“woah, wait a minute,” oscar’s brow is furrowed, gaze focused on the back of your left hand, where there’s a slightly inflamed patch of skin, “babe, did you burn yourself? when did this happen?”
he gently brushes his thumb over the spot to gauge how sore the spot is and frowns when you wince and slip your hand out of his grasp. you cradle your hand to your chest and shrug dismissively, “happened earlier t’day at the shop; some girl dumped her coffee on me.”
“what?” oscar stares at you, puzzled, “she purposefully dropped hot coffee on your hand?”
“mmm, well i can’t say that she did it ‘on purpose,’” you sigh, “but, she was wearing an oscar piastri mclaren hoodie and she did laugh about it with her friends afterwards.”
“you’re being serious? a fan dumped a literally burning hot cup of coffee on you,” oscar attempted to clarify, like he can’t believe it. 
you miss how his expression is growing stormier and keep rambling on about your experience, “oh, i’m dead serious ‘roo. most of your fangirls have decided that i’m the spawn of satan because i can’t physically be by your side at all of your races. i mean–do they really think i would rather be learning about thermodynamics when i could be on the pitwall?”
“you know, at the end of the day i’m surprised at the fact that she had the balls to do it,” you continue (the aussie looks less impressed the more you keep talking), “highkey, i was getting sick and tired of all the girls who would come up and tell me i made their order wrong–when i most definitely did not!--and i had to remake their drink. so, props to her for changing it up on me, i was not expecting that.”
oscar rubs at his forehead for a few seconds before he purses his lips and cocks his head at the side to look at you, and then it dawns on you…maybe he doesn’t find this as amusing as you did.
“kanga, baby–she burned you. she intentionally harmed you, you could sue her, i think. you should sue her! i, personally, want to ruin her life,” oscar states, dead serious.
you shrug, “it’s not that serious to me. i’ll just put some ointment on it and it’ll be gone in a few weeks. and, she can be as jealous as she wants—you’re still here in between my legs, rubbing lotion into my skin after you just fucked me until my legs were jello. i really could not give a fuck about her, trust that.”
oscar grumbles unhappily, “well, i give a fuck. nobody should think that they can get away with hurting you, regardless of how serious the injury is. where’s the ointment?”
you lean forward, pressing kisses to oscar’s pout, “‘s in the medicine cabinet, ‘roo. if you want to address it, i won’t stop you, you can handle it how you like. as long as it doesn’t get you in trouble with the pr team, i’m fine with it.”
and that’s when you find out just how fine mclaren is with having oscar publicly call his fans crazy. 
it’s race weekend in las vegas, and fp2 has been delayed. you were falling asleep on your feet in the garage, so oscar had tucked you into bed in his motorhome, letting you take a nap while he went to do some interviews.
he’s caught by ted kravitz from sky sports and the best opportunity that oscar has ever had falls directly into his lap.
“oscar! how are you feeling, mate?” ted starts, “you certainly had an interesting break leading up to this race, and, you’ve managed to take the world of formula one on another spin with your tweet defending your girlfriend—would you care to expand on that?”
oscar smiles, “i would love to talk about it actually.”
“oh,” ted looks baffled, looking at the camera in shock, before he gestures for oscar to speak.
“well. i stand by what i said,” oscar states, “if anybody thought i was being rude, i really don’t care. what i do find rude, however, is the fact that my girlfriend was being harassed at her job by people who call themselves my fans.”
“oh, mate, i thought you were being rather nice about the situation,” ted offers, “but, you’re saying fans have gone to lengths to ‘harass’ your lovely girlfriend in person?”
“unfortunately, i’m telling the truth. it got to a point where a fan was bold enough to burn her with boiling hot coffee.”
“no!” ted gasps, aghast.
“yes! as soon as she told me, i told her that she should press charges, but she didn’t want to. i guess she’s a lot nicer than me,” oscar scratches at his jaw.
“well, i’m pretty sure that’s at least an assault or injury claim right? i think that fan should be taught a lesson. it’s wild to think that someone who calls themselves a ‘fan’ would hurt one of the best WAG’s,” ted looks disgusted.
“yeah, well–i hope that woman knows the whole interaction was caught on camera and that my girlfriend is well within her rights to press charges. it would suck that an act you committed out of jealousy and envy has the chance to give you a lifelong criminal record, huh?” oscar’s eyes shine with a threatening twinkle, “i can’t imagine being so obsessed with a man you never had and never will have, and you proceed to take it out on his beautiful, intelligent, ambitious, loving, and extremely supportive girlfriend. it kind of seems…” he pauses for effect, searching for just the right word, “...desperate—doesn’t it, ted?”
“it seems absolutely demented, oscar.”
the clip hits three million views in four hours and trends for weeks.
taglist: @saintslewis @cherry2stems @lorarri @inloveallthetime @mindless-rock @biancathecool @barnestatic @my-ylenia @katekipshidze @darleneslane @lovingaphroditesworld @smoothopz @vetteltea @tallrock35 @iloveyou3000morgan @smartstupyd @spideybv28 @loomiscorpse
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© httpsserene2023
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eveningepiphany · 1 year
reconnect | h.s oneshot
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my masterlist
summary: lockdown is tough on both you and harry. you miss the feeling of physical touch so much you start chasing to fill that void in one another.
warnings: sweet and dirty smut, unprotected sex, fingering (fem rec), spitting, deep conversation, lil bit emotional, touch starved harry & y/n, lockdown and covid mentions.
a/n: something hot and sweet for y’all ily!! highkey wish I had harry during my lockdown era writing this, my god.
You felt entirely numb as you heard the familiar news reporter say the words you had been dreading of hearing. Tahnee was was always on at this time of the day— you didn’t even know her name however many months ago.
Restrictions had been easing just a week or so ago.
Her voice continued to echo through the lounge room as you cupped your face in your hands with a sigh.
“—we understand the effect this news may have on viewers at home. In these unprecedented times we must stick together as much as we can. Look after yourself everyone… we’ll see you next with our sporting updates after the ad break.”
She sounded glum, like she hated being the one to deliver the news to people. In the end, she too has to go home and cope with the numerous amounts of restrictions on her life.
You reached for the remote, turning off the tv and throwing it back into the duvet that now permanently lived on the couch, good for the cold nights and binge watching TV shows because you had nothing better to do.
Other than ignore your upcoming college assignments. Which you’re going to continue to do. And procrastinate finishing them and how much you hate the pressure of online schooling.
You had other shit to dwell on too.
You miss your family. You miss your friends.
You’re sick of living out birthdays and your college life on video calls.
You missed being hugged, and kissed and touched.
You were so grateful to have your best friend of all people stuck with you. But you still craved so many kinds of social interaction.
Now you just wanted to cry.
You stood up, knowing harry wouldn’t know yet. Probably in bed on his phone, and you just needed his company.
You quickly went to escape the silence of the lounge room, padding down the hallway in your sweatpants and a baggy tshirt you know for a fact you stole from your dad.
His door was only half shut, and you gently said his name.
“Harry…?” Your voice wavers.
“Yea, love?” His voice is soft, welcoming as it always is.
You push through the door to see him laying in bed, also in sweatpants and a rolled up long sleeve.
He looks at you and tears immediately start to spill over your waterline without you even realising.
He props himself up, “y/n, what’s wrong?”
You invite yourself over to his bed, and his arms pull you into his chest the moment you’re close enough.
A gesture that is just too much given the circumstances, and although the sweetest, it tips you over the edge.
You feel the tightness in your throat as his hands move to caress your back. Before you know it, your chest is rattled with a sob. You felt so dramatic but you needed to let it out.
He waited no time to wrap you straight into his tightest hug, trailing his hands up to your the back of your neck, stroking the skin there with his thumb.
“Darling.” He whispered, concerned of what had happened, but not wanting to push you to tell him. Just letting you cry.
Eventually it wracked out of you,
“We’re— we’re going back into stage four restrictions.” Your reasoning came out with a shaky voice.
You felt his intake of breath once you’d said it, and it got held in his chest for a few seconds before getting let go all at once.
“Fuck.” He cursed out defeatedly.
You sit in silence, but not once does his grasp on you loosen.
“I just want to see my family outside of a fucking FaceTime.” You whisper.
“I do too…” he closes his eyes, “I wish there was something I could do to make it better, y/n. I’m sorry.”
He grabs your hand, amending what he said before.
“I know this is shit, but we’ll get through it. We get through everything together.” He smiles, it doesn’t quite crinkle the corners of his eyes like it usually does, but it’s an attempt at the least.
“I’m so sick of feeling so alone, Harry. I’m glad i have you here, but it’s so lonely at the same time with just us.” You say quietly, hoping not to offend him.
He nods against your head, which is tucked into his shoulder, letting you vent without interruption.
“We can’t do anything. We can’t see anyone. I havent felt another persons touch outside of yours in weeks.”
He doesn’t get offended, he understands exactly where you’re coming from and you’re so grateful for that.
He just plays with your hair as you talk.
“Same here, baby.”
“I don’t mean it in a rude way, you’re very affectionate given our circumstances, but I just…”
Your sentences falls off short, and you shrug. You missed romantic touch too.
“Y’miss being touched.” He enunciates the word in a more suggestive way.
You nod, “not to sound… gross or anything. But I do miss being touched, and held, and kissed.”
He pulls you in a little closer as you speak, almost without realising he was doing it. Absentmindedly ready to do any thing to make you feel a bit better. A bit more connected.
“It’s not gross. It’s normal.” He frowns, “We have gone months without seeing our own family. I can only guess neither of us have had anything romantic going for us. Nothing wrong with missing that.”
“It seems kind of— i don’t know— weird to miss in comparison to the other things.”
“Y/n, tell me you’re not feeling guilty for missing getting kissed. Or laid.”
“I’m…” you sigh as you realise you can’t even pretend you’re not, and he rolls his eyes lightly.
“Jesus.” He let’s out a breathy laugh.
“It’s not just that, atleast, that I miss.” You shake your head, still feeling a little embarrassed.
“I miss the connection. The feeling of it.”
His facial expressions quickly get more serious as you talk. All of the words coming from your mouth can be interpreted in varying ways, but his mind can’t help but veer towards the more sexual aspect of it. Especially since you didn’t deny you missed getting laid.
“I get it. I miss having the opportunity to want someone.” He nods again, watching your reaction to what he says like a hawk.
You look away, almost shy, “To really want it.”
“Yea…” he glances at your lips without realising he’s doing it, and the feeling you’re both discussing at this very moment is welling in the pit of his stomach.
His hands reach out to wipe away the damp glaze on your cheeks from your tears.
“I’m proud of you.” He sighs.
“What— Why?”
“Because. You may think you’re not, but you’re doing so well.” He looks utterly sincere as he says it.
“Harry…” you shake your head as his name slips past your tongue, and you bury your face further into the crook of his neck, breathing in his scent, lips accidentally brushing the base of his neck.
This has him tingling, your soft mouth so close to his pulse point, he wonders if you can feel it racing.
“Y/n.” He squeezes your hip, “If you want me to kiss you, just know all you have to do is say the words.”
He swallows as you still, processing the offer he’s just put on the table.
“I miss it too. The really wanting it.” He caresses the soft skin of your waist with the hand that’s now slid underneath your shirt.
You go quiet, suddenly the air so thick with tension you couldn’t breathe.
“If you want anything from me, I’ll give it to you.” He whispers, so softly. Like he wants you to hear him, but also not at the same time.
You’re not sure how to even react.
You’re horny. Emotional. And frankly a little bit too infatuated with his lips to breach into the territory of being able to touch them with your own.
“Harry.” You repeat, sounding unsure.
“Baby, if you wanted it, I would do it.”
He scratches his fingers down your spine, noting the absence of a bra strap.
You shudder at the sensation. Realising no one has made you feel like this in so long.
“Very sudden.” You blurt, trying not to push forward with you hips whatsoever, despite the ache that’s quickly conjured between your legs.
You fear that if you feel him, all sense of rationality will be gone.
“I know.” He says, lips dragging down your temple.
“M’beginning to realise, y/n, that i would do just about anything to keep you happy.”
Your heart pangs and you indulge a little, hands coming up to weave through his hair and pull on it gently.
And he groans, sounding so pretty.
“You deserve this too.” You carefully say. You’re not even sure where the line is between the two of you. But you continue talking anyway,
“Always so sweet… so giving. Who would I be to not make you feel loved on too.”
“Christ.” He whispers as you tug on his brown curls again, which slide against your fingers like silk.
“How far is this gonna go, H.” You ask, needing clarification before you go insane.
“Far as you want it.”
“I need specifications.” Your hands come to his cheeks, “I don’t want to be making any assumptions here.”
“Angel, If you asked me for my mouth on your pussy, I would give it. Want my cock? It’s yours. Use me, touch me, anything you want you already have.”
You feel yourself melt at the words.
You cave, leaning forward and capture his perfect lips, feeling their shape slot against yours like an art piece.
His lips feel heavenly, and you nearly black out at the sensation that overtakes your body.
“Fuck, that feels so good love.” Harry says against your mouth, his tongue jutting out to swipe over your bottom lip.
You hum in the back of your throat, and he tugs your hips so you’re properly seated into his lap.
You can’t miss his erection underneath your core. His clothed length is pressing into you and a moan slips out of you before you can even stop it.
“Need it. Please.” You start to beg, no matter how desperate it comes across.
His hand comes to your waistband, “you’re sure you want me to touch you?”
“Yes, yes.”
It dips underneath the fabric, finding you without underwear and almost dripping you were that wet.
The thing is, going so long with just your hand and a vibrator, the second any kind of prospect of getting dicked down is there— you’re immediately slick with arousal.
“Jesus fuck, y/n.” He drags his middle finger through your cunt, feeling the wetness along his finger tip. “You’re soaked.”
“Harry— oh my god—“ he slid it back down, teasing your entrance with his fingertip.
“Been that long huh. Just the thought of it works you up this much?” He chuckles.
Your hands fly to the collar of his shirt, tugging at the soft material, gripping it in your fists.
You hum in agreement. “More, please.”
“Mm, so glad you’re letting me do this.”
He pushes in further, and just his one long finger is touching places that has you clenching around him.
“Thank you, thank you, thank you.” Praise is spilling from your lips as he curls his digit in you.
You slouch into his strong frame, hand slipping down between the two of you, palming over his erection.
He peppers your neck in open mouthed kisses, moaning at the feeling of you squeezing his clothed cock.
“Can I— fuck— get you out.” You ask, reaching to dip under his sweatpants.
“Yes. Don’t even have t’ask, pretty.”
You flush, hand moving underneath his waistband, finding him also without underwear.
Relief flooded you as you got your hands on the smooth skin of his cock.
He moaned at the contact, “Shittt. That feels amazing. S’much better than my own hand…”
He slides another finger into as you begin stroking along his length.
You both begin to move in sync with one another, the sound of your pleasure beginning to echo around the room.
“Can hear how wet you are.” Harry grunts, fingers curling inside you.
Your hand squeezes around his cock as he does that, causing you both to moan.
“Harry. I need you inside me… please.” His fingers were already close enough to making you come and you weren’t sure how he’d react if you came before he even got close to being in you.
“Can I make you come first? Want you to feel good, baby. If you can handle more than one orgasm, please?”
He wants you to feel good.
Before himself.
You realise this man in genuinely a saint. Like more than you ever could have imagined.
“Seriously?” You still don’t even believe he means it. Maybe he’s just saying it to be nice, and actually wants you to say no?
“What do you mean?” He looks a little confused, slowing down the kisses he was placing along your neck.
“I— sorry. I’m just not used to being so… looked after, I guess?”
“Have other guys not made you come first…?” He looks shocked.
“No… not usually? Occasionally, if I’m really horny and it wouldn’t take long.”
“I know there’s some scumbags out there, but with a pussy like yours… they should be begging to please you.” He shakes his head, not finished talking.
“For the record, lovie, if you weren’t so adamant in getting filled with my cock, I’d be making you come atleast twice before I fuck you.”
He pulls his hand entirely away from your cunt, allowing you to feel his absence as he talks. “Then I’d edge you with my fingers to the brink of your third. Until you’re begging me to stretch you out.”
He delivers a gentle slap over the hood of your clit once he’s done talking. Sliding his middle and pointer finger back down into your entrance to gather the arousal there, and slip it up to your clit.
“Oh.” You breathed out. A whiney noise following from your throat shortly after.
You were surprised. Not because it was Harry, if anyone would be like this it would be him. But you’re used to being a second thought sometimes. Just an aid to an end goal.
You’d become accustomed to it. Now there’s a man in front of you, who wants to please you because it seems to make him happy.
He reaffirms that thought, “I don’t think you’re aware how happy I’m gonna feel when your cunt is pulsating around my fingers in a few minutes.”
With saying that, he pinches and rolls your clit between his fingers and you struggle to find words to respond to what he said.
“Fuck— I— thank you.” You’re shaking a little as he increases the speed as he works over your clit.
“Nono. Thank you. You’re so nice under my fingers. So wet and warm.” He hums as you begin to squirm against his touch.
Your hand movements around his hard cock have gone to a lax and languid stroke, and almost stop all together when he dives his fingers back into your hole.
“Mhm— Harry!” You gasp, quickly starting to lose all your sense of self as he plays with you.
“That’s it, Y/n. Let me take care of you.”
He works you expertly, and your cunt is so unprepared for the attention from someone other than yourself. Its making it hard to hold yourself together.
You’re clenching around his fingers, and the tension in your stomach is quickly building.
“I’m gonna… fuck I’m gonna come soon, H.” You moan, followed by another curse of his name as he flicks your clit with his thumb.
Your pushing your hips against his hand, grinding into every movement. Chasing that explosion of pleasure in your abdomen.
“Wanna feel it. Come on, let it all go f’me.” He coos, keeping a hard and fast pace with his hand.
You cry out his name, nails scraping down his skin as you beg for the final push, which comes quickly.
A curl of his thrusting fingers and your movement lapses immediately, jaw going slack as you come around his hand.
It’s better than he could ever imagine, the noises coming from your lips are sinful, and you lean forward, open mouth panting over his cheek.
Hot breath fanning across his face while you’re still clenching around him.
He moves to bite your bottom lip, earning a jerk of your hips and another moan from you.
After your heart rate slows, he gently removes his fingers out of you.
“Good girl. Took it so well.” He pecks your nose with his lips.
“Can take your cock better.” You let out a breathy laugh.
He smiles, dimples popping out.
“Little minx. C’mere.”
He draws you into a hug, pulling your middle flush to his chest.
“D’ya need a minute, or no?” He asks gently, voice close to you ear.
“No, I’m ok, I’m good.” You blush.
“S’it too much to ask to take your shirt off?” His hand pulls at the hem of your tshirt.
“Can yours come off too?” You chuckle, leaning back to settle your eyes on the long sleeve covering his chest.
He nods, still smiling as he lets you take his off first. Revealing his toned chest and inked skin.
You run your hands along the ridges of his abs as he reaches for to pull off your own shirt.
Lifting your arms, you hear his little intake of breath as he remembers you don’t have a bra on.
The shirt gets tossed elsewhere as he is focused solely on your chest.
He looks transfixed as he trails a hand up to ghost over the skin on the side of your breast.
“Fuckin’ hell. Look at you, Angel. Got the prettiest tits.” He says it with such endearment.
You squirm with pleasure as he cups you in his hand, bringing your nipple to his mouth. His hot, velvety tongue slicking over the sensitive skin there.
Your back arches immediately, a moan sounding from you.
“Fuckkk…” you drawl out, letting him suck it into his mouth.
The sensation is enough to have you a mess in his hands again. The way he works his mouth over you like it’s nothing.
You take his cock back into your grip— having momentarily let go during the haze of your orgasm— and run the head of him through your folds.
His mouth falls open around you, moaning, letting his breath fan over your sensitive nipple.
“Jesus Christ, Y/n.” He groans against you.
“So hard…” you whisper, rubbing his tip over your clit.
He lifts his head away from your chest, glancing down to see the connection between the two of you.
And he moves a hand down, lacing it over the top of yours.
You felt so connected with him. Just with his hand now over yours, and his length pressed into your clit.
You can’t even imagine the state you’ll be put in when he’s inside of you.
“Harry… need you.” You plead again, without care of if he’s sick of hearing it.
You need him. Need him so bad it’s consuming you. All you can think about is him. Not even in the sense that all you want his cock.
You just need to feel like you’re close as you possible can be to him.
“I know baby, I know.” He kisses your cheek, “Y’want me to use a condom?”
“Only if you want to. I’m clean and still on the pill.”
“I trust you. If that’s what you want.” He reaffirms with you.
“H, I have to feel you. Just need to be close to you.” You lean into his neck, kissing the skin there.
“And s’this position comfortable for you?”
“Yes, yes. I’ll take you anyway, any position. Whether you want me on top, under you, bent over… don’t care. Just want you.”
“God, you’re such a good girl. So amazing f’me.”
You let him guide your hand to the base of his length. And then slowly, with his hand interlocked over yours, drag his tip to your entrance.
Your already letting out whines, free arm coming to lace into the hair at the nape of his neck.
You lower your hips down on him, feeling the head of his cock slip up into you.
You both let out a moan at the sensation, whispers of each others names falling from your lips. Gently you keep sliding him in further, soaking in every second you feel him stretch you out.
This was what you missed. The feeling of connecting with someone. Not necessarily with just the sex. But feeling intertwined. Like you couldn’t tell where your body ended and his begun.
“You’re better than I could’ve dreamed, lovely.” He praised, earning a clench of your cunt. One he wasn’t expecting, that had him moaning into the shell of your ear.
He sounded perfect. Like an Angel. And you melted further into him at the sound.
“This is perfect, Harry. Needed it so bad.” You stroked his hair as you spoke.
He removed his hand from over yours, coming to rest both of them on your hips, guiding you down further.
Once you moved your own, you could let him slide you all the way. Your clit brushing over his pubic bone once you reached the base.
“Clenching ‘round me like that—“ he hisses, “gon’ make me come too fast, darling.”
“Let me feel you for a second.” He holds you in place, letting you sit still over his thick cock.
“So wet, so warm. Made to fit my cock, hm?” He squeezes the skin of your waist.
He bucks his pelvis up to you after you moan out an agreement, “Made just for you, Harry.”
And he’s starting to thrust slowly in and out, guiding your hips through the movements.
“Lay on me.” He rearranges himself so you can lay your chest onto his, and rest your head next to his cheek.
Your breasts press up against him, and clit is now being stimulated even more by his front.
“Need you close to me.” He whispers, and you start to bounce onto his cock gently. Bum slapping on the strength of his thighs.
“Me too, H. Have to feel every part of you.” You moaned, circling yourself on him. Each rotation hitting your clit, causing you to moan.
He also is in shock at the sensation of being inside of you. It almost like a surprise to his entire nervous system.
He draws his fern-adorning hips back, only to snap them back upwards. Skin slapping at the movement.
Not to mention the sound of your wetness gliding along his cock each time you got thrusted into, which was echoing through the room.
“Listen to how wet you are. All for me.” He groans, picking up the pace.
Your lips find a spot to suck below his ear as he talks, nipping at the skin.
“I’m so… you make me so wet.” You agree, pussy pulsating around his bare cock.
“Love it. Don’t you? Us using each other like this.”
He says it, knowing the dirty talk in turning you on even more. But you both know it goes beyond getting a quick fuck.
This is everything to you both. Feeling like, for the first time in so long, you are truly not alone.
“Want you to use me, Harry.” You roll your cunt, pushing your clit onto any part of him it reaches, still clenching at the contact.
“Dirty Girl. So fucking desperate.” He laughs, kissing your hair.
“Who would I be to talk, though.” He grabs at your ass, “I’d beg you for this everyday. This sweet cunt around me. For you to touch me. Anything.”
He admits it with a moan following after it, your pussy fluttering.
You feel it building it inside the pit of your stomach.
“Want you to fill me up.” You state, panting as your thighs start to shake, and you realise in a few minutes your going to come. And hard.
“With my come, huh? Want me to put it deep inside y’baby?” He asks you, hips bucking excitedly at the prospect.
“Yes! Fill me with your warm come, Harry.” You’re starting to go delusional.
Filthy fucking words flying from your mouth as your arousal overtakes every rational part of your brain.
“Shit—“ He is pressing you flush to his body, holding you as close as he possibly can. The pace of his cock slapping into you increasing by the second.
“I wanna see it drip out of you, Y/N.” He groans, fucking into you hard and fast.
You feel amazing, your heart racing in your chest, and your whole body vibrating. You’re being stimulated in so many places. Your nipples pressed up to his toned chest, clit being rubbed by his pubic bone, god— and his cock fucking you.
“Thankyouthankyou—“ your mind is quickly turning to a mess with him swallowing you up like this.
You feel your orgasm approaching with a tension in the pit of your stomach. It’s quickly becoming the only sensation you can feel outside of the harsh thrusts Harry is giving you.
“Good little slut.” He grabs your face, lust taking over the both of you like you’re teenagers.
His pace doesn’t let up, and he stares at you with half lidded eyes.
“Spit in my mouth.” You beg, not even sure where the fucking thought was from before it came out of your lips.
“God… fuck— open your mouth.” He grunts, tilting his head to angle his lips to yours.
You open it, sticking your tongue out a little past your bottom lip, ready to catch anything that would drip given the fact you’re still on top of him.
He purses his lips, gathering up his saliva and dropping it down onto your tongue.
It was fucking feral, and you loved every second of it.
It tasted of him, and you swallowed it without even being asked.
Just watching that happen had him fucking you like it was his sole purpose in life. His thrusts became despeate for you.
You shook with anticipation, “I’m— I’m gonna come!”
“Yes… fuck yes. Come on, baby, finish all over my cock.”
His words were your breaking point, your cunt clenching so hard around him that he groaned aloud.
“Fuckfuckfuck— make me come, Y/N.” before he started to pulsate in you, putting his load deep into your pussy.
Having it happen almost all at once prolonged your orgasm, making you continue to moan and writhe in his grip for what felt like forever. Squeezing him until he had nothing left to give you.
Once you slowly both regained your awarenesses, you stayed on top of him. Sweaty and sticky, but you stayed close as possible to him.
You couldn’t fathom that just happened.
“Harry…” you whispered, and he hummed to the quiet chant of his name.
“Thank you. Thank you so much.”
“Stop thanking me baby. You did just as much for me.” He smiles into your cheek.
He brought his arms up to cage you to his chest, “and it’s so nice to be holding you.”
You move to kiss his lips, gently sucking his bottom one into your mouth. Lulling your tongue over it, letting it go with a pop.
“I haven’t felt this present in… in months.” You say quietly.
“Neither have I. Y’make me feel safe. Which might sound odd, but s’true.” He glances at you, watching you smile at his words.
“Im so glad we did that.” You make sure he knows you don’t have a single regret in following through with everything.
“Once we’re showered, gonna have a serious conversation about the fact you asked me to spit in your mouth.” He chuckles.
You flushed, not sure whether to be embarrassed about it or not.
“Got a little uhm.. carried away.” You tried to justify.
“Don’t worry, don’t worry,” he laughs, indicating he was just teasing, “thought it was so hot. Just never would have expected it.”
“I wanna know what else you’re into, yknow.” He licks his lips.
“What other dirty little secrets your hiding up in that head of yours.”
You shake your head, “shut up.”
“M’serious. We’ve got a lot of time to kill.” He’s still chuckling, hand coming to stroke through your hair.
“And I loved that. Loved feeling you so close. You’re a dream.” He pecks your cheek again.
“Make me some of your good cooking and I’ll think about it.” You joke.
“But really…” you pause, “thank you too, H. That meant everything to me.”
He didn’t reply with words, they wouldn’t be enough, so he just kissed you. Kissed you with every ounce of his being.
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ham-st4r · 7 months
𝓳𝓾𝓼𝓽 𝓪 𝓬𝓪𝓵𝓵 𝓪𝔀𝓪𝔂 𝓹𝓽.3 - 𝓛. 𝓗𝓮𝓮𝓼𝓮𝓾𝓷𝓰
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📞 Pairing: heeseung + female reader!
Warnings: smut, phone sex, mutual masturbation, dirty talk, cursing.
Genre: PSO (phone sex operator) heeseung.
Summary: too lazy to make one honestly :/ but y’all know the drill probably a couple errors in here too my bad 😣
Number of words: 1,981k
Feel like this is turning into my other work “cyber sex” and I’m highkey disappointed but I hope y’all will still like it
Pt.1 pt.2
Find your way around!
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“You always make me feel so good, angel.” You hear Ethan panting on the other end after what had been nearly two hours of being on the phone doing and saying things that you never even dreamt of until you found him.
Despite your initial plans of not calling him back, you found yourself coming home from school the very next day and doing just that. You felt pathetic about it, using what little money you had scraped up from your part-time job just to have phone sex with a guy that was probably millions of miles away, and to top it off, he was probably also laughing all the way to the bank with the ridiculous amount of money you had already spent on these risque calls.
You shifted uncomfortably on your bed, pulling up your soaked panties and fixing your disheveled skirt.
“You had a good time, too, right?” He asks a bit hesitantly because of your sudden silence. He knew it always got a little awkward after you both came together, but you’ve never been this quiet after.
“Yes, Ethan. It always is,” you reply quietly, and he smiles from ear to ear on the other end, happy that you’re just as satisfied as him. You cleared your throat softly before speaking again. “Ethan, you don’t always have to pretend that you’re into it too. I’m fine with you just guiding me,” you say shyly, but it was the truth. You didn’t want him pretending that he was enjoying himself when he clearly wasn’t.
“W-what?” He asks, completely and utterly puzzled by your statement.
You giggle softly, finding it amusing how he tried to act like he didn’t know what you were saying, but it didn’t surprise you cause he’d always been professional at his job. “Ethan, I know you’re not really enjoying it, and that’s fine.”
He just laughs on the other end. “Angel, I think enjoying would be an understatement. I fucking love it when you call me. Love how sweet your moans sound in my ear, and you know what I love most?”
Your face feels hot from his words alone, but you’re still not convinced he’s telling you the truth, especially cause his job was all about pleasing people. He was probably just saying what you wanted to hear. “What, Ethan?” You ask him.
“Love hearing you cum for me,” he sighed softly, looking at the mess of cum all over his chest and stomach. “More than you know,” he whispers.
“Ethan, It’s fine if you do-“
“Angel, let me prove it to you, yeah?” He cuts your words, his voice sounding a little desperate to get you to believe him.
“How?” You question, not taking a moment to stop and even process what exactly is happening, only curious to figure out how he’s gonna prove to you that he’s telling you the truth.
“Do you have any socials? I would ask for your number, but I don’t want to make you uncomfortable.” he chews on his biting lip, hoping he wasn’t coming off as some type of creep, but this is the only way he could think of to prove it to you.
Your heart rate picks up as you mutter your social to him, hoping it wasn’t a mistake giving your account to some random stranger. Well, not exactly random, but a stranger nevertheless.
“That’s my Angel,” he said softly and quickly typed in your account, following you at light speed.
Without thinking rationally, you immediately accept his follow request and open up a DM from him, anxious to see what it says.
Ethan: Hi angel!
You smiled when you saw what he sent. It was a picture of his palm that read angel on it with a little heart drawn next to it.
But before you swooned over him too hard, that could have been anyone’s hand, so you weren’t so quick to believe him just yet.
You: 🤨.
You typed out your reply, and you hear him laughing softly on the other end.
“Still not convinced, huh, angel? Fine, tell me what you want. I’ll do anything to prove it to you. You have every right to be apprehensive.” Your timidness wasn’t at all surprising by now. After a few calls with you, he was well aware that he had to take things slow, which was fine by him.
“Uhh, maybe a picture of your face?” You say more like a question, and it comes out sounding more than offensive. “I-I mean, n-not like- I wasn’t trying to be rude or anything, it’s just- ” you sigh, deciding to just give up on trying to explain yourself, and you hear him laugh once again as you whine in defeat.
“You’re so cute. Fine angel, my face you shall get” he opened his front-facing camera and put his hand in front of his mouth, palm open so you could see the word that he had written prior, and what better way to prove that he was l telling the truth than to show the residual cum coating his upper body from your guys not so quick session earlier.
Your breath hitched the moment you saw it, and your hands fumbled on your phone, trying to exit the screen, shocked by the image you saw. It’s not that you didn’t like it, but it was so unexpected.
So unexpected that not only did you accidentally screenshot it, but you hung up on him as well.
He heard the rustling on your end before everything went silent. “Angel?” He peeked at his phone, seeing that the call had been disconnected. He almost had a heart attack before he realized he could quickly get a hold of you because of your shared socials.
Ethan: Hope I didn’t scare you off ☹️
He anxiously awaited your text. Minutes passed, and you still hadn’t replied. He wanted to say something, but he didn’t want to pressure you into responding if you didn’t want to.
You clutched your chest, face completely on fire from the picture he sent, and you shamelessly eyed every single last inch of his body that was in the frame, and he looked so hot.
While you were having your fun, he was having a complete meltdown, especially cause he saw that you had saved the picture.
Were you sending it to your friends? Were you laughing at him because he looked stupid? Did you find it disgusting?
You probably did. Why did he think sending you a picture of him covered in his cum would be attractive?
Speaking of, he got up and went to the bathroom, wiping himself completely clean. Hopefully, by the time he was finished, you would have responded.
That was wishful thinking cause when he looked at his phone, he could see that his message was left on read.
He had the right mind to just block you and save himself the embarrassment, but it kinda was too late for that already.
Ethan: You there? 😬
The ding on your phone finally brought you back to reality, and you quickly typed a reply.
You: Yes
You felt bad you just left him waiting, but how could you be calm and collected enough to type a coherent reply after what he had just sent you?
He sighed in relief now that you had finally replied.
Ethan: So, is that proof enough that I’m not faking it?👀
You cupped your mouth, head hanging low in embarrassment because you practically called him a liar earlier.
You: Yes, sorry for not believing you 😞
Ethan: It’s okay, my angel girl 😘 so I saw you took a screenshot of the picture.. does that mean you liked it👀
You: Screenshot?
You reply confused
Ethan: Angel, you don’t have to pretend you didn’t. It’s fine
Your eyes nearly bulged from your sockets when you saw his reply because you didn’t screenshot anything.
You: Ethan, I didn’t
You told the truth you’d never screenshot anything without his consent.
Ethan: You sure? 🤨📸
He took a screenshot of his screen, clearly showing the part where it said you had taken a screenshot.
You: No…
Ethan: 🤥 yes
He sent back, laughing hysterically because why were you lying over something so trivial? Sure, if anyone else had taken a screenshot, he would have minded, but it was just you, so he wasn’t mad about it. He even thought it was kinda cute, in a way.
You: You calling me a liar? 🧐
Ethan: I never said that. I said, “🤥”
You: That’s the same thing!!?
Ethan: No, it’s just 🤥
You: I didn’t.
You stood your ground, but that screenshot of you clearly saving the picture was not helping your case. It was clear evidence.
You: You know what? fine, I’ll screenshot my gallery and send it to you.
Ethan: K 😌 I’ll give you time to delete it.
You ignored him and went into your gallery, and low and behold, that picture was the most recent one, and the pieces slowly came together.
Ethan: I’m waiting 🤥
You: Umm… so about that
Ethan: You did, and it’s fine, Angel. I’m not mad. I’m glad you liked it enough to want to keep it forever 🙈
You: Hear me out, I took it on an accident.
Ethan: 🥱🤥
You: STOP 😩 When you sent the picture, I was fumbling with my phone and accidentally took it. It was never my intention to save it. I’d never save a picture of you.
Ethan: Never? OUCH 😔
You: No, no, no, that’s not what I meant. I meant without your consent, of course.
Ethan: So you would? 😃
You: Yesn't?
Ethan: Yes or no?
You: I mean, I wouldn’t be opposed to it…👀
Ethan: So yes? Okay then!
Before you could reply, he had already sent you another attachment, one that made your face heat up by a thousand degrees.
Ethan: You can save that one, too, angel. I like the idea of you having me in your phone 🥰
You hesitated for all of a second to save it, not thinking about the fact that you’d have a random bulge pic in your gallery, but who cares? That would only be between you and him.
Ethan: That was fast. You’re making me blush🤭
You: And you’re turning me on 😶
Heeseung had to look at his screen again, a blank look on his face as he blinked a few times to make sure he was reading that correctly. That wasn’t the angel he knew. How the heck were you so shy over the phone and so bold over text?
Ethan: I can show you more, you know? That’s if you want it.
He’d be lying if he said his boxers weren’t becoming taut. He’d also be lying if he said his heart wasn’t racing in his chest cause it most definitely was cause he was literally about to bare it all to you.
You: More of what?🫣
Ethan: More of this
He took another pic. This time, his underwear around his thighs, his semi-hard cock resting in his palm while he turned the flash on so you could see the scribble of your nickname next to his cock, which had already grown more than an inch.
You: 😳
Ethan: Don’t get shy now. That’s exactly what you wanted, and we both know it, Angel.
You: I know, it’s just so….
You can’t believe a single picture of his cock could have you so turned on. You were heating up down there, and the faint pulse between your legs only amplified the longer you stared at it. He was so big and thick you nearly drooled at the sight on your phone screen.
Ethan: So???
He pulled his underwear back up while waiting for your reply.
You: Big 🫣
He smirked reading your text, and he swears you were the cutest little thing ever, so shy yet so bold he liked that about you a lot.
Ethan: That’s not even as big as it gets 🤫
You: Oh? So, just how big does it get, Ethan? 😝
Ethan: FaceTime me and find out 👀
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Thank you for reading. Please reblog and leave feedback. - 🐹
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aloesarchives · 3 months
The Echoes from Yesterday: "The Ghost of His Yesterday: Her" (Toji Fushiguro x Fem!Reader) (1/3)
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TW/Warnings: Female Reader/Pronouns, Profanity, Pure Angst, Angst No Happy Ending, Minor Character Death Mentioned, Toji cannot cope, Reader Highkey Hurting
Pairing: Toji x Fem!Reader, Megumi x Fem!Reader(Platonic/Parental)
Reader/Pronouns: She/Her
Word Count: 9.09k words
[!!Edited and Proofread as of 3/13/2024 6:35 pm CST!!]
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Love isn’t the easiest thing in the world. 
But you were unaware how loving a broken man would be onerous. A decision that would lead to an immense heartache, something you failed to realize until it was too late.
You knew he was still mourning her, and rightfully so. She was his first and only love, the only woman he ever gave his heart towards. 
You weren’t asking for much. You didn’t want to replace her. No, never in a million years. You only hoped wished Toji would allow you to love him. To make space in his heart. To have a chance of slowly laying his heart open like he had done before with her.
Unfortunately it never came, not once during the duration of five years being together. 
You meet Toji by chance at the supermarket store not too far from your residence. You never paid much attention to him until he brought a 5 month old baby boy. He was a silent but curious little one with his green eyes looking at anything.
Funny enough, the baby boy named Megumi was the reason you and his father even interacted. It was a random day where you were in the fresh meat section, looking at the deals they had for the day. You were focused on finding what you needed when a small gurgle snapped you out of your trance. 
You glanced over to the little cherub looking up at you, smiling with his two bottom teeth barely showing. You gave a warm smile with a small wave his way. This made Megumi more giddy and vocal as he let out a few babbling giggles. You let out a soft chuckle seeing him bouncing in his seat while flailing his arms. The jingle of his teething ring followed his movements until it slipped out of his chubby hands. You were quick to catch it, hating to see him sad.
Handing it back to him, you were caught off-guard when he grabbed your hand. His attention was now off the toy and onto you. Megumi held onto you as he smiled like the little cherub he was. You, however, were a little concerned when realizing his father was out of sight. As cute as Megumi was, you didn’t want to cause trouble with his dad for interacting with you. Just as Megumi loosen his grip, you heard a low chuckle behind you.
“Megumi, you’re in a better mood now than earlier. Is it because you’re bothering her?”
That’s when you meet him, the towering man who also was the father of the little baby that caught your attention. His eyes met yours and something in your heart flickered. He was attractive, a glaring observation. But the way his grin highlighted the scar on his right side of his lips caught your attention. 
“Sorry about my son, Miss. He’s a little troublemaker and a rascal.”
You playfully snickered at his harmless insult for Megumi.
“It’s fine. He’s quite the cute baby. I don’t mind the trouble at all.”
You don’t remember the details of that small interaction. But you knew you would see both of them again. Surprisingly, Toji walked you to your car. Although you thanked him, your wandering eyes caught a glimpse of gold on his left finger.
You knew better than to mess with marriages and have affairs. But you felt disappointed knowing Toji is married. But hey, he treated you nicely and respectfully. So maybe you could be an acquaintance or even a friend if you’re lucky. It was a weekly encounter with the man and his son, always having small talk while you entertained Megumi. Weeks turned into a month, then a month became six months.
After some time, you grew comfortable around them as you always looked forward to seeing them each week. But you noticed a key detail that felt off: where’s Toji’s wife? The mother of Megumi, where is she?
You thought she was working or a very busy woman. So during one of your weekly interactions, you asked Toji about the whereabouts of his wife. The question was meant to be harmless, you didn’t mean to pry. But the change in Toji’s face and his body going stiff showed you’ve crossed a line.
“Oh, I’m sorry, Toji! I didn’t mean to be nosy about your personal life! If it’s a sensitive topic, you can drop it and I’ll never bring it up again.”
Toji knew it was the only matter of time before you asked the question. More so, he’s anticipating your reaction to his answer more than your question itself. The guilt washing over you seeing the tall well-built man deflate in front of you. His callous hand slowly rubbed his face, pondering at the question that you threw into the open. He sighs before facing you, seeing your face full of shame and embarrassment.
“Toji, you don’t have to. I was out of line for–”
“No…No it’s fine, (Y/N). It’s just…I can’t really talk about something like that here. If we were in private, I can give the answer to your question. You free tomorrow?”
As much as shutting down Toji’s invitation would’ve brought your dignity back, something inside told you to go through with it. And so you agreed to it.
“I am, are you okay with noon? The weather is doable around that time and I don’t want to make Megumi sick. There’s this cafe where we can meet up. It's hidden in one of the side streets and has privacy booths if that's okay with you. You want me to send the address to you?”
“Yeah… That’ll be great, (Y/N).”
He relaxes in your gaze but it feels like you trespassed onto treacherous waters. The next day, you waited for Toji outside the cafe. Frequently looking between your phones and the busy street of people to see any sign of the duo. Before you dial his number, you spotted the familiar gray jacket and a stroller heading your way.
You waved in his direction to catch his attention which worked because his gaze connected with yours. You smiled at him as he made his way over before peaking in the stroller to see a baby Megumi sleeping, covered in his puppy baby blanket. You walk inside and a server already takes you to a secluded booth. You ordered your drinks ahead of time and they were ready once you sat down. Toji’s drink is easy, straight up black coffee with no sugar or creamer. 
The two of you talked for a bit. Well, you were beating around the bush from yesterday's topic. Taking your anxiety by the throat, you finally had the guts to repeat your question from yesterday. Your abruptness didn’t startle Toji as he took a good sip. His answer was unexpected, one which was dreadful than his assumed replies you thought of.
“My wife died last year…She had an unknown illness the doctors couldn’t figure out even though they tried everything. But it was catching up to her faster than the doctors could work. Megumi was only barely 3 months old when she passed away…”
You didn’t know what to do. Yes, you wanted to comfort Toji but you didn’t know what to say. By the looks of things, it’s just him and his son. He has no other support from families on both sides. No friends either to lean on. You're probably his only friend he’s ever made. He was a single dad trying to take care of his son after the sudden death of his wife. But you were empathetic to him, Megumi, and their situation. You offered to help him out with Megumi, not out of pity but out of compassion.
“If it’s okay with you, I can help you out with Megumi. My work hours are short and early in the morning. That’s why I’m always available after 12:00 pm. I’m off during the weekends too. It wouldn’t be much of an inconvenience to me at all…You need help raising Megumi, Toji…”
His lips form into a sneer momentarily before returning to a straight line.
“Was it that obvious, (Y/N)?”
Carefully, you selected your words to not sound patronizing towards him.
“No…It wasn’t, at first. But after what you just told me…I think you need some extra hands to deal with this. It wouldn’t hurt to ask for help, Toji…”
He really didn’t want to…He knew you’re a kind individual when he laid eyes on you. You were different to him, being good-natured…something that was awfully similar to how his late wife was like, especially how you treated him when you two first met. He couldn’t let you be dragged into his own shortcomings as a father. You were young, 23 to be precise. You had a future ahead of you, you couldn’t slow it down for a single dad and his kid. Yet here you are, offering your help to him with no form of repayment whatsoever. It was genuine too, he could feel it when you offered a soft tender smile towards him. 
He grins and allows you to help him and his son out. Though your smile didn’t change, he felt his heart rate doubled when your eyes became soft like your smile. You two left the cafe and walked along the city. Cutting through a nearby park, the two of you were in a conversation as the park’s flora were in the early stage of blossoming. You two didn’t get far as you heard some rustling coming from the stroller. Pausing your conversation, you and Toji looked inside to see Megumi stir himself awake. He slowly rubs his eyes as he sits up. Still rubbing the sleep out his eyes, he let out a whine causing Toji to stop. You raise an eyebrow observing Toji as he picks up Megumi. Then, from a whine came a small sniffle, the sniffle turned into a small sob. You watched Toji comfort a crying Megumi. Rocking him in his arms and rubbing his head gently. 
Yet nothing was working to calm Megumi. By instinct alone, you wanted to comfort Megumi. Yet, you felt hesitation take over. Reeling back and forth between your two emotions, you decided to step in and hold out your hands towards Toji. The man gave you a strange look before slowly handing you his son. Once in your arms, Megumi’s crying had slowed to a stop. As you held him in your arms, you slowly rubbed his back while humming. Toji never admitted out loud but seeing how his son calmed down in your arms made his heart erupt into a feeling he wasn’t so used to.
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From then on, you helped Toji out with raising Megumi. It was some work but you didn’t mind it at. Picking up Megumi from school, watching him when Toji was away or busy, running errands for Toji, and helping around their apartment, etc. You soon learned he was a quiet baby. Besides the occasional crying, he was silent for the most part when he wasn’t excited. You also noticed he’s only happy when he’s around either you or Toji. Showing it through his little baby ways, making you become attached and affectionate of Megumi. It only grew as you watched Megumi grow up.
Over time, taking care of Megumi became a part of your routine and eventually life. You grew fond and close with him. Though it was unofficial, it felt as if he was your own son. During that time, you and Toji grew close as well. A year into your involvement in his and his son’s life, you ask Toji if he liked you. To which he responded with “Yeah…Actually, I like you a lot, (Y/N)...” At the time, you felt relieved that your feelings were mutual. Seemingly the next 5 years with him and Megumi would be bliss. But that should’ve been the first sign something was up.
Although you’re not one for paranoia, you felt things between you and Toji were off as the years passed. There were little things here and there like not always holding your hand outside, lack of nicknames, and curt answers when you ask him about his day when he comes home. But you concluded it was your tendency to overthink.
However, everything changed when Megumi called you Mama. He had just turned four when he said it. Normally, he would call you “(Y/N)-san” when he’s with you. You were waiting for him as usual on the day it happened. And on the dot, you see Megumi come out with his teacher with a piece of paper in his hand. You walk up to them to retrieve Megumi from his teacher but Megumi starts to fiddle with his paper, which worries you a bit.
“Megumi, why don’t you show her what you made today in class? I think she would love it.”
His teacher gave him an encouraging smile that pushed Megumi to show you what he drew. It was a picture of three stick figures. One had a scar on the line that you assumed was the lips, a smaller one that looks like Megumi, then another that looked like you. 
“Aw, Megumi. Did you draw us?”
“Yeah, because you’re Mama, (Y/N)!”
You didn’t know a child could bring such warmth and a feeling of belonging, but Megumi did. You open your arms and he goes in without hesitation. You hug him tightly before patting his head.
“Thank you, Megumi. I love it. Let’s go home now, we have to get groceries for dinner.”
Megumi nods before saying bye to his teacher. You allowed him to talk your ear off as you got ingredients for dinner. You were in a good mood, indulging him as he talked about what he did in school. Coming to their home, you got to work with dinner while Megumi did his homework on the living room table. Once Toji’s home, dinner was ready and Megumi put his school bag away, leaving out his drawing. After eating and cleaning up, you finish washing the dishes when Toji comes into the kitchen looking at the paper in his hand. It was Megumi’s drawing from school.
“Megumi drew this, (Y/N)?”
“Yeah, he drew it during school. He showed it to me when he picked it up. It’s pretty sweet of him. He was so excited to show me.”
Drying your hands on the towel nearby, the kitchen became awfully silent. You turned to Toji and see him still looking down at Megumi’s drawing. Yet, his hand started crippling the paper. Sensing his change in mood, you went up to him to see if everything was okay. You placed a comforting hand on his arm but he jolted his arm to move it off. Surprised by his action, you tried to meet his eyes. Once he did, they were filled with anger. He looks back and forth between you and his son’s drawing. It looked as if he wanted to say something but his clenched teeth prevented anything from coming out. He lets go of the drawing, letting it fall on the ground before turning on his heels to go into his bedroom.
“I need to calm down, (Y/N)...I had a rough day… Just give me space and don’t come into my room.”
You would've protested, but he was fast and left the kitchen instantly. You slowly kneeled to look at Megumi’s picture, a pain throbbed inside your heart when you saw how much the paper was crumpled by Toji’s death grip. Your pain continues with a mix of worry as Megumi’s drawing of you with the title of ‘Mama’ above was creased the most. You calmed yourself down by taking a deep breath, unconsciously holding the picture close. You made sure the kitchen was clean before going into Megumi’s room. The moonlight peaking through the blinds of his window, you can see he was knocked out cold. Placing his drawing on his night stand, you pet his hair before kissing his forehead goodnight and closing his door gently. You went to Toji’s room, knocking on it to make your presence known. When you didn’t hear anything, you let out a sigh before telling him you were leaving with a goodnight following afterwards.
Once you closed their apartment door and sat in your car, a sinking feeling began to creep into your stomach. Though not painful, it wasn't going away no matter how hard you tried to calm down. Not understanding why you felt the sudden rush of anxiety. You didn’t know it back then but perhaps it was your gut feeling warning you something bad would happen. But you would have never thought it was be the downfall of your relationship with Toji.
That’s when the arguments started happening. Well, they weren’t arguments if Toji was the only one yelling.  You tried diffusing the situation while not getting emotional yourself. All for the sake of not disturbing Megumi. You tried your best to calm him down, asking what made him feel this way. That he can talk about anything that’s bothering him and you can help him. 
But how can Toji say what’s bothering him when it’s you. 
Nonetheless, you already knew it had to do something with you. Even if it wasn’t spoken out loud, the strain between you and Toji involved you in some way shape or form. But to know it was because of people around you two, specifically Megumi, seeing your dynamic in the relationship. You couldn’t help but feel hurt knowing Toji was rejecting you, let alone being mad at you for being involved in his and Megumi’s life.
Out of respect for Toji, you would correct anyone and everyone when they see you in public with Megumi. Especially when Toji is with you two. Unfortunately, some of the ‘arguments’ happen because someone commented how you cared for Megumi or the cute little family you three are.
While you would've been content with the compliment, you knew you had to shut it down because you weren’t Megumi’s biological real mother, nor Toji’s wife. Saying you were a close friend rather than girlfriend since it didn’t feel right either. You even corrected Megumi’s school teacher too. 
“Actually, I’m not Megumi’s biological mother. I’m just a friend of his father that helps out. That’s all.” As you left with Megumi, his teacher felt confused and melancholic by your answer. To her, you were his mother from the way he talks about you in class. 
You begin to correct Megumi whenever he tries to call you Mama. It didn’t matter where it was, you tried making it a habit for Megumi to just call you by your name. At first, Megumi followed along with it. But as time went on, there were slip ups. To a point Megumi didn’t want to refer to you as (Y/N), he wanted to call you Mama. You’ve now understood why Megumi calls you Mama because you acted like one. The only one he’s ever known. The aching pain you felt when you forced yourself to correct him grew. For a child not of your blood to call you his mother, it's an honor and blessing. However, you don’t think Toji would agree.
You had a feeling there was something else you were unaware of that’s got him like this. And it wouldn’t be until your recent ‘argument’ with him is when everything clicked. While carrying the laundry basket of freshly folded towels, you accidentally bumped into one of the photos and knocked it to the floor. The glass covering shattered and pieces of it fell out. It wasn’t a loud smash but loud enough for Toji to come and see you trying to clean up the pieces.
“What are you doing, (Y/N)?”
You flinched at how dangerously low his voice sounded, teetering on frustration. Still kneeling on the floor, you slowly look up and see Toji towering over you. You could never forget how huge and daunting he appeared, or his eyes as he looked down at you.
“I accidentally knocked the picture frame over and it broke. I’ll clean it up, Toji. I promise–”
“No…Let me do it…”
“But Toji, I was the one who made the mess. At least let me–”
That was the loudest you’ve heard Toji yelled, louder than he spoke to you before. Scrambling to your feet, you grabbed the laundry basket and scurried away into the hall. Though you looked over your shoulder for a split second, you saw Toji crouching down to pick up the broken frame. Then, you caught the glimpse of which photo you accidentally broke. It was a solo picture of his late wife, smiling brightly in a field of sunflowers. The truth began to resurface no matter how much you tried to suppress it. Biting your inner bottom lip to not let a single whimper escape, your eyes glazing over with tears. As you walked further away, you didn’t miss the sniffle from the other direction. Or how Toji didn’t ask if you were okay or hurt when he came to check it out.
As you busy yourself with your chore, everything started to fall into place.
His lingering eyes whenever he saw a small family together or a mother with her baby. The way his gaze had a hard time tearing themselves away from a married couple enjoying their day together. His eyes were full of frustrated longing and desperate yearning. You never dwelled on it thinking he zoned out. Now, your memories become crystal clear that he always had sad eyes. You noticed because he had them when Megumi took his first steps towards you. Smiling and giggling as you coaxed him to continue walking until you caught him in your arms. You were so happy, proud of this milestone of Megumi’s. Then looking over at Toji, you saw his smile but his eyes told a different story as he replayed the video he recorded on his phone.
They were always there, right in front of you for the past three years.
Then came the distancing, his spontaneous rage, lack of intimacy, and the prevalent resistance in allowing Megumi to accept you as his mother.
Now you know, after piecing everything together…
Toji’s longing was wishing his beloved was there with him. It should be her playing and caring for Megumi, not you. It should’ve been her with him and his son, their complete family. But she was gone and you were here instead.
It all went back to her. His late wife and Megumi’s mother…
You didn’t know when it started but you knew your exact feelings when it did. Every time you look at her in the multitude of photos around the apartment, a wave of bitterness and jealousy envelopes your heart like a suffocating hug. 
With it came resentment. Then hate, hatred towards her, his wife and only love. Oh how you wished you were Megumi’s mom instead of her. Longing to be her in order for Toji to love you. So you can be loved by him…
That’s when you caught yourself and the fresh thought that left your mind. Once you grasped that thought of yours and the feelings behind it, you were mortified with yourself. How could you ever think like that about someone? Someone who’s life was cut too short and unfairly when it was just getting started? Towards the deceased wife of the man you love and mother of the boy you grew to love as your son?
‘What’s wrong with me…WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK IS WRONG WITH ME!?!?’
Never in your life have you felt disgust for yourself until now. Ashamed of how you allowed these deprave emotions to fester from within for so long. This was beyond unhealthy, almost demented to feel towards someone you have never met before. Not only was this detrimental to your relationship with Toji and Megumi, it was detrimental to yourself to harbor feelings that would eventually corrupt you.
But another thought popped up in your head, a realization that completely shatters your heart.
There were barely any photos of you with Toji and Megumi. Let alone any pictures of you around their home, no traces of you. It was like pouring salt in a gaping fresh wound. That’s when you knew Toji didn’t love you. Nor was he ready to love again. The distance he kept no matter how much you gave yourself to him, helped him, or opened up to him. The walls you tried so desperately to break stood tall and thick, your hands bleeding the more you clawed at it. Your attempts weren't taking you anywhere.
No matter what you did, Toji always kept you at a distance. That after five years of being with him and Megumi, nothing has changed or is willing to.
For it to take three years to have this realization, you bitterly laughed at yourself for staying so wistfully blind to the writings on the wall. 
The situation was complicated. This was complicated. You don’t blame Toji for mourning the loss of his first and only love. But it had been almost five years since then. You understand everyone mourns differently and in their own way. Grief never truly goes away, you only learn to coexist with it. But Toji’s grief cuts deep and runs long, making his yearning for his late wife strong. Stronger than what he has with you. To his credit, however, Toji doesn’t hate nor is meant to be hostile toward you. In fact, he deeply cares about you. Yet, he fears by letting you in like he did with his first wife meant he would be replacing her. To forget her and what they had together, moving on from her. Toji was a man with very few fears, but this was one of them and it terrified him to no end.
And yet, here he was. Self-sabotaging himself because of longing, fear, and grief.
Toji knew the reason why your relationship is at its current stage is because it was his fault. He knew he was pushing you away, keeping you afar but within reach. This was all his doing, and yet he can’t bring himself to fix it. No action, no fight, no attempts of saving what will become of your relationship.
It is selfish of you. You never made it your mission to replace Toji’s first wife and the mother of Megumi in their lives. But you wished Toji would give himself a chance to love you as you already did for him. In the end, you couldn’t force Toji into something he wasn’t ready for which pains you immensely.
You couldn’t stay with him, continue being with Toji. Not when this is what you and Toji’s relationship has become. Unlike any sane person, you were reluctant to leave because it meant leaving Megumi behind. You have grown so attached to him, treating him so fondly and tenderly. Of course you did! You watched this kid grow up for the past five years! You remember when Megumi was a baby with no teeth, now he’s a growing toddler who can speak full sentences. Megumi was in a fraction of your life, but you were there for all of his. Then the thought of you, the only mother figure he’s known his entire life, to suddenly leave and never return made your soul howl in agony and anguish. Megumi shouldn’t be caught up in this but he was right in the middle.
You soon left once you were done, your heart bearing an excruciating weight with each passing minute. This wasn’t good for you, neither is it for Toji or Megumi. So you had to make a decision, a devastating one that would befall on everyone involved. But it was the only way to not hurt yourself and put you through hell anymore. As you drive home, you recall a crucial conversation with your best friend. The memory grows stronger as you deal with this relationship.
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‘‘WHAT?!? Excuse me, (Y/N). But can you please run it back for me one more time?’’
You were having a hangout with (Best Friend’s Name). Due to lack of align schedules, you haven’t been able to physically fill her in on your personal life. Though when an availability arised, you didn’t expect the hangout to go this route. Then again, it shouldn’t be a surprise to you.
‘‘Okay, okay, okay. Let me get this straight, (Y/N). After almost five years of being together, Toji still hasn’t moved on from his late wife? Doesn’t want Megumi refer to you as his mom even though his own dad doesn’t say anything about the kid’s own biological mother to him? Then blows up on you for the smallest things even though you’re genuinely trying to help?’’
Your silence was everything she needed for an answer. A sigh was evoked from her as she took a deep sip of her espresso latte.
‘‘(Y/N), I love you to hell and back but you need to get out of this relationship. I haven’t met Toji myself so I can’t jump to conclusions. However, I do know his hurting is becoming yours. It’s seeping into you, (Y/N). You’re only trying to be by his side, nothing more and nothing less. But this isn’t good for you, (Y/N). Both for your physical and mental health. I can tell that you are stressed by how tense your posture is, and I know you long enough to know you’re not so rigid.’’
You sat there stunned, was it that noticeable? (Bsf/n)’s eyes look at you through her cup, unchanging by your shocked expression. She inhales deeply, feeling the gravity of the situation before you did. 
‘‘I…just didn’t even notice, (Bsf/N).’’
‘‘Well you should. As your best friend and sister by bond, I’m just looking out for you. Meaning, you deserve better, (Y/N). This is unhealthy and you know it yourself. You deserve someone who will love you for you, not hold you to a standard of their previous lovers. Someone who values what they have together with you, not endlessly yearning for something of the past.’’
‘‘(Bsf/N), please—’’
‘‘(Y/N), I’m being serious. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not shitting on Toji for grieving over his losses. But if he’s not willing to accept your help and presence, then he never will, no matter how much you wait. If Toji is stuck in the past and can’t be here in the present with you and his OWN son, he’s going to stay in the past. It sucks that you are suffering from this when you did nothing wrong… And Megumi… Fuck, (Y/N). He’s suffering too, this isn’t going to be easy if you fall through with it. But I need you to know that your health is your top priority and I will have your back one hundred percent. If you even needed, you could live with me. I’m just a call away, (Y/N). Remember that, please.’’
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Megumi knew something was off when he saw you two were waiting for him. The gap between you two that was once miniscule has become wide and spacious. Other’s assumed it was to make room for Megumi himself. But the kid knew something was amiss when your smile was paired with dimmed eyes, sad eyes. He’s never seen eyes like that before, and frankly, it was scaring him.
Megumi is intelligent for his age, too intelligent for his liking. He knows that his dad has changed around you within the past few years. Honestly, he hated it because he saw more frequently you were lost in thought. Absentmindedly doing chores but your body devoid of your loving aura.
Unfortunately, this was causing the young boy to become frustrated with his father. Especially when he hears Toji’s yelling at night, the walls muffling the true volume of Toji’s voice. Knowing you were the one it was being directed towards. It got worse when Toji told him you weren’t his mom. 
Wasn't his mom? Who was then? The smiling lady in the numerous photos around the apartment? “Okay, yeah sure, Dad,” Megumi thought.
He knows of the woman in the photos, but Megumi doesn’t know her. He doesn’t believe that’s his mama when you have taken care of him his entire life. Genetically, he doesn’t have anything from you. But you treated him like the moms of his classmates. Therefore, you were a mom, his mom.
He doesn’t like the fact his dad is denying it, seeing how it’s starting to take its toll on you. But the poor boy didn’t know how much damage had already been done. For that reason, his gut feeling told him to hold you close for dear life. He couldn’t explain it as his vernacular being limited for his age. 
So he breaks out in a sprint towards you, not his dad. You blinked a few times before looking down at Megumi hugging your knees tightly. You and Toji gave each other a look before you crouched down to be at Megumi’s level. 
“Megumi, what’s wrong?”
He shakes his head as you rub his back softly to coax him into saying something. He was not budging and you gave Toji a concerned look. Toji sighs before proceeding to pick up Megumi.
“Come on, kid. Time to go home.”
But as soon as Toji’s hands were a few millimeters away from his son’s body, they were immediately smacked away. He stares with wide eyes at what just happened. Megumi didn’t care as he clung to your neck for dear life. Knowing Megumi was going to throw a tantrum, you and Toji decided it would be best for you to hold him.
On the walk home, Megumi’s answers were curt. A simple yes or no. You ruled it as him being cranking with a needed nap. Once home, you put Megumi down but he was glued to your bottom clothing for dear life. He never left you alone for a second. If you went to the bathroom, he’ll simply wait outside the door for you. Megumi also didn’t spare Toji one glance or spoke to him at all. It lasted up to dinner too. Megumi only answered and spoke to you only. If Toji did ask him something, he gave a plain answer.
Toji thought Megumi had a bad day so he let it slide. After putting in Megumi for the night, Toji sat at the table reading the newspaper while you washed the dishes. Tension wasn’t thick but it was there. Present enough that a rug couldn’t hide it. The both of you knew what the tension was about, it was who will be the one to bring it up first. The standoff lasted a few minutes when the first voice spoke, your voice.
“I don’t think we can continue on like this, Toji…”
Your words falling like dominos, setting off the inevitable confrontation.
“I can’t…I can’t have this relationship with you anymore, Toji.”
Although the man in question knew this was bound to happen, it didn’t stop him feeling a pinch of fear and guilt once it came.
“(Y/N), don't be like that. We can work this out–”
“Can we, Toji? Because every time we did, it always ended in an argument. The ones where you’re the only one yelling while I just take it…”
Once mentioned, Toji’s shame slowly took over his body. He was aware he always yelled at you, putting you through pain when you don’t deserve it. You never deserve any of it really. But Toji couldn’t bring it to him to apologize and make it up to you. Was it because he knew you would forgive him every time? Or was it because you allowed it to happen for the sake of keeping him and Megumi happy? He took you for granted, now he was facing the brute force of his consequences.
“Toji,” You paused before sighing. “I’ve been with you for five years yet our relationship hasn’t changed. I don’t know what I’m even to you… This has been the most confused and lonely I’ve felt. I know you stopped loving me, Toji…If you even loved me at all.”
Toji grunts and clears his throat, placing his paper down before looking at you.
“(Y/N), it’s not like that.”
“Then what is, Toji? Tell me, be honest and open your heart to me just this once. Tell me, truthfully, what this is to you? What am I to you?”
“I care about you, (Y/N). I like you a lot. I really do”
There, that was it for you. The nail in the coffin. This wasn’t the last straw that broke the camel’s back, but it confirmed everything that was already there. All telling of how Toji felt and saw you. You didn’t let it surface but you would have winced at the last part of his answer. ‘Like’, he’s always said that. Not once has an “I love you, (Y/N)” has left Toji for the past five years. Now knowing it will never come. It was decided from the start.
“Then I guess this is it for us, Toji.”
Before Toji could ask you what you meant, a muffled crying could be heard from Megumi’s room. You inhaled deeply and exhaled some of the weight off your chest before hanging the drying rag by the sink. You look at Toji with somber eyes before heading off to his son’s room.
“We’ll finish this in the morning, Toji.”
You peaked your head into Megumi’s room seeing the boy sniffle as he closely clutched his stuffed dog you got him. You closed the door softly and kneeled down by Megumi’s bedside. Making your presence known, Megumi looked up and jumped into your arms. You hugged him close, patting his back.
“I wanna sleep with Mama.”
Your breath hitched at the word. You loved when Megumi called you mama, but you weren’t her.
“You wanna sleep with Papa instead of (Y/N), Megumi—?”
“No! I wanna sleep with Mama!”
While you were a bit blown away by the kid’s declaration, you honored it as it would be the last time you get to hold him like this.
“Okay, I’ll sleep with you, Megumi.”
You set up a spare futon from Megumi’s closet and placed it on the floor. Tucking both of you in, you kissed his forehead as you held him close.
“Goodnight Megumi…I love you…”
“G’night, Mama…I love you too…”
Toji finds the two of you asleep. He could go sleep in his own bed but decided not to. Not tonight, at least, because he didn’t want to be alone. You stopped sleeping in his bed a year ago but Toji still didn’t get used to your absence in his bed. Even if he was the reason why you stopped.
He joins the two of you on the floor. Megumi on your right as you lay on your side, back turned towards the empty space Toji decided to occupy. His fingers and arm itched to pull you close, to hold you tightly against his chest. While battling his temptation, an image flashed in Toji’s mind. It was fast but Toji can make out what it was showing him.
Megumi was laying on your chest, snoozing away as you slept peacefully. Then the next image shows Toji with a gentle smile as he caresses your cheek then his hand moves to pat Megumi’s hair. Oddly enough, he didn’t hate his mind for conjuring up that imagination. He welcomed it earnestly.
He satisfied his itch by loosely draping his arm over your side. To him, this would suffice his need to be close, to be near you. To hold you in a somewhat intimate way before you disappear from his life.
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For a kid his age, Megumi has impeccable social awareness and perception. But with that, he struggles to properly describe the situation with his limited vocabulary. It’s morning of the next day, and he notices you still hold the same eyes from yesterday. During the morning, he constantly asked if you were okay, if you needed something, checking up on you any way a child can. However, you replied you were just tired and under the weather, always sending Megumi a smile every time he asked. You didn’t want to worry the young boy for the truth will traumatize him and shatter his innocent reality. 
Toji knows the evitable will happen as he hears Megumi be concerned for you. Even so, for you to not involve his son is something he’ll silently be grateful for. As Megumi plays on the floor by the coffee table, you and Toji finish off the conversation from last night.
“(Y/N), we’ve been together for five years. You can’t simply throw it away.”
“Five years doesn’t mean anything, Toji, if the relationship doesn’t change or grow. Also, how can you say that I am throwing all of this away when it became one-sided for half of it. I wouldn’t be surprised if it was like that from the start.”
Toji’s eyes closed in on you as you stood your ground. You were leaning on the counter while he was sitting at the table. You looked at him exhausted and defeated. How come Toji is so adamant on keeping this alive when he was the main reason you made your decision? Was it guilt? Loneliness? Manipulation? It could be all three but you didn’t have enough in you to question it. 
“Fine then, I’ll admit I haven’t been treating you the best lately. I shouldn’t have exploded on you like the way I have for the past few months.”
“You have been doing it for almost a year, Toji. Not a few months.” You stoically corrected Toji.
Toji sighs once again, but it wasn’t out of frustration. Rather it was out of acknowledgement.
“Then I apologize for it. I knew what I was doing but I was stubborn to say sorry. But we can’t end like this, (Y/N).”
“No, Toji. That’s not how that works. Even your apologies won’t fix this. ”
“Then say it, (Y/N). Why are you breaking up with me after being together for five years—?” Toji says as he gets up and slowly walks towards you. Aware how he uses his size to intimidate and coax answers from people, you got used to his antics.
“Because Toji, you’re not ready. Even after me being by your side and through everything, you are still not ready to be in a serious committed relationship.”
Toji raises an eyebrow and squints his eyes at you. His action doesn’t phase you, as you stare back with unshaken eyes.
“What makes you say that, (Y/N)? How are you so sure about me not being ready–.”
“Then tell me, Toji Zen’in, you love me. I have been saying I love you to you since the second year out of the five. I know I loved you, Toji, and no one else. If you say it back to me and truly mean it, then I will get down on my knees and formally apologize for my assumptions and accusations towards you.” You spoke unwavering and firm, no sign of tremble or stutter as your eyes held the same expression.
Like a deer in headlights, Toji stood frozen with wide eyes. He was caught off guard by your statement. To say he loves you wasn’t such a hard statement but it held so much significance. The last time he said those words with utmost conviction was towards his late wife. Now he had to say those words in order for you to stay. Toji deeply cares and looks out for you in ways you aren’t aware of. But for you two to have this conversation meant he wasn’t fulfilling his role and promises to you. He let his fear of love and vulnerability hold him back in your relationship and you suffered from it. His throat snapped shut when he tried to fill the air with words to buy himself time. Toji’s mouth was open but nothing came out, not the fabled three words to make you stay. 
Seeing his mouth open but devoid of an answer, the door you kept open for so long now quietly shuts itself. Locking out whoever it was available for, purposefully locking Toji…and Megumi…out of your life. With a crestfallen smile, the stare you held softened as you shook your head.
“I’ll see myself out then, Zen’in-san. It’s unfortunate what we have had to end like this. But do know I don’t regret this or my love for you and Megumi.”
Megumi is standing by Toji as you say goodbye. You hugged Megumi tight, soaking in the warmth of the kind child one last time before you walked out of his life forever.
“Megumi, promise me you will be a good and kind boy, listening to your papa?”
Megumi nods while being pressed to your shoulder.
“I have to go, Megumi… I love you…”
Megumi breaks away to look up at you, staring into your eyes. There was a slight warmth to them making him break into a small smile.
“I love you too, Mama…”
You smile warmly to him one last time, memorizing him so he wouldn’t fade from your memories. You kissed his forehead before entering your car and driving off. Toji didn’t get angry at what you said to Megumi. Nor did he when Megumi referred to you as mama. He was feeling too downhearted at your departure, his son waving at your fading car in the distance. Unknowingly that would be the last time Megumi would ever see you.
Megumi waited for you the next day, asking for you. Toji thought he could avoid giving Megumi the truth but he caved in when he started to miss your presence. 
“She’s gone, Megumi…(Y/N) won't be here anymore…Mama’s not coming back to us anymore…”
Then a loud sob escaped the child, his voice shrill and full of heartbreak. Megumi’s tears were endless and no amount of comfort from Toji could calm him down. Toji can hear his son cry out your name and ‘Mama’ during breaks from his wailing. Megumi’s wailing only stopped because he completely cried himself to exhaustion. Even when Toji tucks him into bed, Megumi’s whimpers for you in his sleep. Toji closes his eyes as he sits at the kitchen table alone and cold. His face in his hands as his reality comes crashing down on him. He should’ve fought you to stay, fought to keep the relationship, to make it up to you so you wouldn’t leave them. To leave him alone with his son. 
Fully dawning on him that he misses you, your smile, your laugh, the sound of your voice, your kindness and compassion. He laughs at how ironic the situation is. He has the audacity to take you for granted after everything you’ve done for him and Megumi. Took your love and loyalty for granted after being with him for five years. Then now you rightfully leave and he gets all depressed and heart-broken even though it’s all his fault. Toji lets his tears freely fall from his face as he lost another person in his life. But why does your departure leave a huge hole in his heart? More gut-wrenching and devastating than of his late wife’s passing?
He ponders on it as he sits with his lonesome pathetic self. Not realizing the spot he sat in was your designated seat at the kitchen table.
This wasn't easier on you either. As you drove away, your eyes kept flickering between the road and the rearview mirror. Forcing yourself to catch Megumi’s wave as he and Toji become specks in the background. The drive wasn’t long but it felt like an eternity getting to your place. Becoming agonizingly slow due to sensing your breaking composure and the dam of tears cracking as the minutes past. Parking in front of your place, you let everything loose. You didn’t stop the rush of tears nor held in your sobs any longer. You cried your heart out inside your car, not finding enough energy to do it in the confines of your apartment. You didn’t care how crazy and pitiful you looked to any passersby. You needed this out of your system because the pressure of your emotions became too much. After a good 30 minute crying session, you take a deep breath while sitting in the car. 
You fished for your phone and dialed a phone number, wiping your tears away with a sniffle. The phone rings three times before the call goes through.
“(Y/N)? Is everything okay?”
“(Bsf/N)…Remember what you said a while back? I hope you can honor it…Because now’s a good time for it…”
“Hold on, (Y/N)…I’m coming over. Give me seven minutes, hang in there for me.”
The call ends as you stare up at your sunroof, seeing blue hues of the sky bleeding into orange. You laid back into your seat. Focusing on your breathing as your arm draped over your eyes. Your body ached and stung everywhere. Though you were done crying, your heart was in a million pieces and lost all of its warmth. You mumbled out something as you waited.
“I’m so sorry, Megumi…Mama is so sorry…”
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A week later, Toji goes to your apartment complex to attempt any possibility of trying again. He walks up to your door and knocks. Around this time, you would usually be home and decompressing from the day. He didn’t see your car but it’s probably getting an oil change. You did talk about getting one soon in the upcoming weeks. He would have knocked again if it wasn’t for one of the neighboring tenants.
“Hi, um, sorry to bother you, sir. Are you friends with (Y/N)?”
Toji’s fist froze mid knock as he turned to the young woman who addressed him.
“I am, actually. I just needed to talk to her.”
“Oh, I see. Excuse me for intruding but unfortunately (Y/N) doesn’t live here anymore.”
Toji’s breath got caught in his chest along with his heart to a standstill. The only thing Toji could feel was the light breeze that passed by. He slowly pivoted his body to face the tenant, looking at her with a strained expression. 
“I’m sorry. What do you mean she doesn’t live here anymore?”
“Some time last week, she sold her space and moved out. All within a day too. No one knew she was leaving, but it didn’t look like she was rushing to leave. I ran into her actually after she turned in her keys. I asked her why she was moving. Her answer was she found a place for a good deal and it was closer to her work so she took it. It’s a shame, she was a really good neighbor too. Everyone in the complex loved her.”
Toji felt his blood freeze over and his hand became clammy. Last week was when you broke up with him but he didn’t know about this. You never mentioned moving or finding a new place when together. He mentally curses himself at how fast you were slipping away.
“Thank you for the information, Miss. Did she mention where she was moving by any chance?”
The woman thought about it but shook her head.
“Sorry, but she didn’t say where. I would assume the heart of the city but that’s me guessing. Sorry that this isn’t much.”
“No, it's fine. Thank you for your help, I appreciate it. I’ll leave now so I’m not trespassing here.”
Toji goes to leave but the tenant remembers something.
“Wait! Excuse me again, but I just remembered something else. When I was talking to her last week, I couldn’t help but notice her usual smile doesn’t reach her eyes. Her eyes felt sad like they lost some sort of warmth to them. I didn’t want to be rude but I can tell she was dealing with something painful. If you manage to run into her, please make sure she’s alright.”
Toji’s heart starts to bleed at her observation. He really fucked up, didn’t he? So bad that people are starting to notice it. He could’ve had a good life with you and his son, he looks back on it now. He could have had it all but he self-sabotage himself, ruined everything for him, for you, and even for his son who his late wife asked to take care of as her dying wish.
After thanking the tenant, Toji books it to the heart of Tokyo. He tried calling you but an automated voice told him the number he dialed was currently out of service. You changed your phone number too? He searches through the crowds, hoping to find you in the raging sea of people. Any sign of you, just anything for him to know you were here. But you were gone without trace, just as he did with you in his apartment. With no chance of seeing you in sight, Toji curses himself once again at his undeserving nature and carelessness. He goes back home defeated, wondering what life will be like now without you in it.
Looking out the window, your eyes wandered to the busy streets below. Your mind is wondering about what Toji and Megumi are up to. It was a painful relationship, no doubt about it. But you couldn’t deny the warm memories with Megumi or how Toji treated you early on. Though they can’t be with you anymore, you could never forget those two no matter how much time passes.
You desired for things to have gone differently and worked out in the end. Unfortunately, you can’t change what has already happened. 
This was your new life. 
You wish things didn’t turn out this way but life goes on, even without them in the picture.
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304 notes · View notes
alaskasmonsters · 1 year
𝖘𝖜𝖊𝖊𝖙 𝖓𝖔𝖙𝖍𝖎𝖓𝖌𝖘 (michael kaiser)
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pairing: michael kaiser x gn!reader
contents: flirting, foreign language (german), teasing, petnames, enemies to lovers, mistaking attraction for hatred, reader has anger issues
w/c: 2.486 (istg this was meant to be short,,,)
summary: kaiser is infuriating. there is just something about him that made your blood boil. and when the boy started teasing you in german, knowing damn well you had no idea what he was saying you could only imagine what type of things he was saying about you.
a/n: oh look it’s my favourite trope. mistaking attraction for hatred. <3 kaiser speaks german in this one because *looks at hand* i do what i want :)) you’ll find the translations for what he says at the bottom of the post. they are pulled from my own brain (this is me trying to say i am in fact fluent in german shshshhs) also writing some of kaiser’s lines made me cringe bdhdh ngl he thinks he’s so hot 🙄🙄 and he is also the title is lowkey highkey misleading hahaha
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Kaiser got under your skin like no one else did. He always had that particular skill. No matter what he did, no matter what he said, the boy infuriated you to no end.
Everything about him down to his stupid smirk, his playful tone, his insufferable confidence and sometimes even just the way he would look at you… there was nothing in the world that managed to rile you up as much as being stuck in the same room as that boy.
Unfortunately, this was something that happened quite often. Kaiser and you being forced upon each other, like the universe was playing some twisted game, waiting to see who of you would break first and go at each other’s throat.
And you were pretty sure you were losing.
If getting the chance to choke Kaiser could be classified as a loss, that was. Maybe it would be a blessing. Maybe you shouldn’t look a gifted horse in the mouth. Maybe you should just wipe that arrogant smirk off his smug face forever and call it a day. Then you’d be rid of the pest called Michael Kaiser.
The boy who managed to bring out the ugliest side of you. An angry side, a spiteful side, a childish side. A side you did not like about yourself. A side you’d rather ignore, push deep deep down to the depths of your subconsciousness and never let see the light of day again.
You had no idea what you did to deserve this. Why the universe decided to punish you specifically was beyond your comprehension. Haven’t you always been an upstanding citizen? Haven’t you always tried your best to not be an asshole, to not let your anger get the best of you? And yet, and yet, here you were once again, standing in front of Kaiser, who was regarding you with one of his trademark smirks, while you were struggling to keep your cool.
The boy knew exactly how to push your buttons and he never held back. No, he seemed to bathe in your attention, all satisfied smirks and gleaming eyes, and your anger only spurring him on in his mission to be the most infuriating man on the planet.
You didn’t even know who started it this time but you were blaming Kaiser anyway. After all he was usually the one breaking the unspoken rule that was put in place for the two of you that said you were not allowed to interact. Because of how little you got along you were also advised to avoid each other as much as possible.
Regardless of who was the initiator today, it didn’t matter. The damage was already done. The “damage” being you, standing here, chest swirling with burning hot anger and Kaiser, who had nothing better to do than make it worse.
Like fucking always.
You hated Kaiser, and most days you were sure he hated you, too. Still, it was always you who got upset with him and it was always he who liked to make a joke out of the whole situation. Probably because he knew it would only infuriate you more.
The boy loved pushing your buttons.
“Weißt du, du bist echt süß,” Kaiser purred, tilting his head to the side as he regarded you, “Einfach zum Anbeißen.”
You frowned, jaw clenching in irritation as you glared at his smug face, the mocking tone of his voice not going past you.
Even when he was speaking another language. Despite knowing full well you couldn’t understand him and that you hated it. He loved it, though. Speaking German when you were already angry, knowing it only made it worse.
Whatever insults he spout at you or names he called you in the other language, with a fake smile in place, you couldn’t possibly know. But you expected the worst.
“Michael,” you warned.
His eyebrow ticked up at the usage of his first name.
That was only a small triumph. He preferred being called by his last name, especially by you. He was a weirdo who got off being addressed with the title of an emperor, and you weren’t an exception. You knew it made his skin buzz, could see it in the way he’d lit up.
Kaiser nodded, seemingly to himself as he leaned his shoulder against one of the lockers of the dressing room. Why you were even in here was beyond you. Maybe today was the day of bad decisions.
“Und dann ist es noch so einfach, dich sauer zu machen, fast schon witzig,” he continued, not dropping his smirk.
His eyes narrowed at you mockingly, hands pushed deep into his pants pockets. He seemed to look relaxed but you knew he was watching you like a hawk, waiting for what you’d do next. If you’d leave, like you did many times, storm out and slam the door shut behind you or if you’d talk back, something you often couldn’t resist either.
Your jaw ticked. Knowing that Kaiser was well aware of how easy you were to anger and provoking you anyways was something that got your blood boiling like nothing else. Your heart was already thumping wildly in your chest, the sound of it rushing to your ears. Adrenaline was coursing through your veins, spurting you to act, to run or to argue or maybe to punch him. And worst of all, you could already feel the onset of shivers.
It was such a nasty betrayal of your body.
Whenever you got upset, you started shaking. It was most likely the adrenaline but if driven to a certain point of anger it’s something you couldn’t help. Your hands and your shoulders and your legs would start shaking and you’d stand there looking like a stupid chihuahua — at least Kaiser loved to compare you to one of those.
He loved to make fun of you for it. He loved to make fun of you for a lot of things…
Your body moved before you could think.
“You’re a fucking jerk,” you hissed, stepping closer until you were stood right in front of him and digging your finger into his chest.
Kaiser didn’t appear appalled or the slightest bit worried about your trembling form. His grin was sharp, eyes narrowed with a dangerous gleam in his eyes. Your anger, like so often, only seemed to spur him on.
He leant forward, pushing off the wall, weight against your finger on his chest increasing as he came face to face with you. Before you knew it his hand was on your face. His fingers found your chin, pointer finger gently lifting it as his thumbs graced your cheeks.
You froze, heart skipping a beat in disbelief at the audacity of this man. Your face flushed, you could feel the anger in your cheeks now.
“Wenn du meinst, Schatz,” Kaiser mused, emphasizing the last word and leant closer, your noses barely a breath apart.
Your hands tightened into fists by your side. You should move. You should push him away, maybe slap him while you were at it but you found yourself frozen, completely shocked by the intrusion of personal space. That was unfair. He couldn’t do that when you were angry.
Wait, no! He couldn’t do that at all!
Kaiser hummed, watching the conflict wash across your face with interest, lifting your chin up higher and dipping his head lower.
That was the moment your brain decided to bid its goodbye, your brain cells frying with its departure.
You had no idea what was happening. Whether Kaiser had just seen something on your face and gracefully decided to take it upon himself to remove it with his lips, or if he had finally thrown his last bit of dignity out of the window and was planning to bite you.
Which didn’t make much sense, because out of the two of you you were certainly the one struggling to keep yourself from being violent with him. He had never even come close, unless he was as good at hiding it as you would like to hope you were.
Kaiser’s face was still moving closer.
Your breath hitched in your throat as you realized what the only logical follow up to this action was and you stopped, not moving away when you easily could have, waiting for Kaiser to seal your lips with his.
But before it could come to that Kaiser stopped, waiting a moment, before drawing back, observing you out of hooded eyes and taking in your…whatever expression you must be making that moment.
If you had to guess it was probably similar to whatever a crashing Windows would be looking like.
“You look like you really want this ‘jerk’ to kiss you, though,” he murmured, still only centimeters away from your lips.
Before you could decide to do anything, like actually push him away or maybe pull him closer or any other insane thing, Kaiser giggled, fucking giggled, before pulling back. He didn’t withdraw without planting a kiss against your forehead, though, making you flinch.
What the-
You gaped at him, blinking. Then you realized what just happened.
You had almost let Kaiser kiss you.
You. had. almost. let. Kaiser. kiss. you.
You had almost let Kaiser kiss you!
No, wait, this wasn’t even all there was.
Kaiser had almost kissed you!
Kaiser, the most infuriating man on the planet, the asshole that got off on fighting with you, had almost kissed you. No, he did kiss you! On the forehead. He had planted his lips there, acting like it was the most normal thing in the world. Which it wasn’t!
Who even did that? Who kissed their…their…enemy anywhere?
Your hand touched the space above your brows his lips had touched, as you stared at him. He gave you a challenging look.
“You’re….you’re so? You’re unbelievable!” You stuttered, completely out of your depth.
The both of you had entered new territory with this action of his and you had no idea how to act.
“Oh? Am I?” he asked unconcerned.
You glared at him, raising your finger then changed your mind. Instead you turned around and started stomping towards the door. You could not be dealing with this right now.
You simply refused.
Kaiser chuckled, snatching your wrist. “Come on, don’t be like that. If you wanted me to kiss you you should have just said so.”
You clenched your jaw, somehow managed to talk yourself out of actually hitting him and instead only ripped your wrist from his grip.
“I didn’t !”
“I didn’t want you to kiss me, you asshole,” you bit out, turning to look back at him over your shoulder, face lowered and eyes narrowed to give him your best glare.
Kaiser looked unimpressed.
“Is that so?” He tilted his head to the side, grin cheeky.
“Oh now you can speak a language I understand,” you growled, winning the inner fight against your voice of reason and facing him again.
“Magst du es nicht, wenn ich deutsch für dich spreche?” He feigned hurt, placing his hand over his heart. “Das verletzt mich echt.”
You wanted to bury your face in your hands and scream. But you didn’t. Because you were strong. So, so strong. And so brave about it.
“You know I hate that. Stop being so fucking infuriating.”
He snickered. “Why are you even so mad at me all the time?“
“Because you’re infuriating!” You deadpanned.
“And yet you find me irresistible.”
“Irresistible not to beat up.”
“How crude.”
“Shut up, already?”
With every moment the urge to wipe that self-satisfied grin from his face became stronger and with it your resolve to hold back slowly started to crumble.
Kaiser seemed to notice. Just like a shark who smelt blood he could always detect your weaknesses.
“Or what?” The challenged, stepping closer, voice lowering into a murmur, “You know, if you don’t stop being so rude I might actually have to kiss you to shut you up.”
You gaped at him, trying to step back and gain more distance between you when he took another step forward but your feet were rooted to the spot.
Was it really so easy to catch you off guard? Was Kaiser really capable of reducing you to such a mess with the threat of a kiss?
The boy laughed softly, enjoying whatever expression you must be making with your face right now. Maybe this time it was similar to a cornered animal.
“I said shut up,” you repeated, but your words had lost their heat and your face wasn’t just flushed from anger anymore.
A few moments ago you had fantasized of punching Kaiser in the face, and now…now he was saying those confusing things like they had been on his mind for a while now and you were unable to shift your focus anywhere but his slowly approaching lips.
Why did he even think of kissing you? You hated him. He hated you. What kind of fucked up game was this?
Kaiser bent forward again, suddenly directly in front of your face. How he had managed to get so close again was a mystery to you.
“Make me,” he murmured, a challenge visible in his eye.
You snarled, your anger finally taking the upper hand as your arm shot forward, fingers burying themselves in the fabric of Kaiser’s collar. You considered pushing him away, forcing him to give you space. Instead, and for no reason you were able to understand you pulled, yanking him down. Then you pressed your lips to his.
Kaiser‘s mouth felt warm against yours, lips both chapped and soft, the hand now on your waist firm. He pulled you closer, returning the kiss with fierce
You shouldn‘t question this. Not right now…maybe never. Yeah, never was probably for the best.
“Maybe you don’t hate me as much as you pretend you do,” Kaiser hummed against your lips.
The words managed to bring you back to your senses. At least partly. At least enough for you to realize what you were doing. And what you were doing was kissing Kaiser, you, who had been given a chance and still chose.
Had you actually just done this?
“You! I- Fuck you!” You hissed.
This was…You hated Kaiser. You hated him. He made you angry. On purpose! What were you doing here…kissing him?
You loosened your grip around Kaiser‘s shirt and used your flat palm to push him away. The boy didn‘t stumble, barely took a step back when you had already turned around, ready to run off.
Kaiser‘s amused laughter followed you as you pushed through the door and rushed down the corridor. His last shouted words, “Bye Schatz!” accompanying you as you disappeared behind the next corner.
You couldn‘t believe what had just happened.
You had kissed Kaiser. And the worst part about it? You kinda wanted to do it again.
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“You know, you’re really cute. I could eat you right up.”
“Not to mention how easy it is to rile you up, it’s almost funny.”
“If you say so, honey (=verbatim ‘treasure’).”
“Don’t you like it when i speak german for you? That hurts me.”
“Bye honey (=verbatim ‘treasure’)”
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taglist: @crystal-lilac @duf3h6237 @hufflefluffslytherin @chucky-26o1 @lordbugs
2K notes · View notes
torialefay · 5 months
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🗡️ The Eaten Heart🍷
bangchan x fem!reader (smut) 🔞
〰️summary: chan loves you to death. no, literally, he would die pleasing you. a ritual to unite the two of you tries to keep you both satisfied.
〰️ warnings: intense emotional sex, ritual play, breath play, blood play, lowkey highkey sacrilegious, genuinely just imagine all the warnings possible bc this is literally ur fault now if u read it so don’t blame me 🦇
〰️author’s note: this work definitely contains sacrilegious elements. no disrespect was intended through this writing. please do not continue reading if this offends you.
〰️wc: 6.5k
〰️please god minors DNI!!! 🔞
〰️check out my masterlist if you want to see more!
“Are you ready, my love?” Chan held out his hand, waiting calmly for you to take ahold of it. The black button up he had been wearing was now rolled up to his elbows. You noticed the tiny outline of a packet resting in the chest pocket.
“Always.” You gently took hold of his hand, as he began to lead you down the corridor and opened the black, heavy vaulted door at the end. Opening it slowly revealed the the narrowed, twisting set of steps that resided inside. No matter how many times you’d seen this view, the daunting beauty of it in all of its darkness, you were always overwhelmed at the sullen energy that was trapped inside.
The usual paleness of Chan’s skin now turned slightly warmer as he took a step inside to be illuminated by the seeping black candles held on the wall sconces. They gave warmth to a tiny path, leading up the dark stairs.
Holding tightly to your grip once more, Chan began to slowly ascend the steps, one level at a time. He paused carefully between each step, making sure that the fabric of the long, pillowy, dark wine-colored chiffon dress you were holding wasn’t hindering you in any way. You each took your time, enjoying the dual thrill and serenity of this moment together. Both knowing full well what you were about to do. The gentle ascension also allowed more time for you to study Chan’s face. The lust in his eyes was almost incomparable. The usually chirp nature of his personality all but gone. These moments with you were taken seriously by him. This was, for both of you, the time that you could fully be with each other- blocked out from the rest of the world and its mundane superficiality. In this world, it was just the two of you.
Greeted now by the last step, Chan used both hands to hold tightly to your arm, making sure that you were secure in the final and largest step in the series. Once you were settled on the steady floor, he took advantage of his grip to lovingly pull you closer, bringing your hand to his chest and resting it over his beating heart. The beats were so strong, so pronounced, that you could feel it rippling through his entire body.
“I want to feel you fully tonight. Okay?” he questioned, leaning his forehead down to touch yours. ‘My beautiful, beautiful girl,’ he thought.
You looked up at him, gently bringing your other hand to cup the side of his face. “Of course, my love. I wouldn’t have you any other way.” You went in for a short, sweet kiss before pulling away. Suddenly, Chan forced your hand down, off of his chest, rotating your arm until you repositioned your body to face forward.
One hand intertwined with his, the other now latching onto his bicep, you followed just behind him as he led you farther into the beautiful, almost ominous room. It was taunting in a way.
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You always got nervous at this point. Nerves, butterflies, what have you. It didn’t matter how many times you’d gone through this with Chan, each ritual brought on new emotions, so overwhelming that you felt totally and completely consumed. ‘That is the point,’ you reminded yourself. ‘And ultimately, there is no better feeling in the world.’
You made a mental note of Chan’s expression- stoic and unwavering. His eyes were set only on the stained-glass window ahead. Much like him, and now much like you, the glass was adorned only in various shades of blacks, greys, and the occasional white. It let in the faintest beams of light, which was the only source of illumination excluding three white candles, not yet lit, sitting to the side of the window sill.
Now seeing Chan with the streaks of moonlight shining down on his face, you had reached the edge of the room. You both stood there for a moment, basking in the beauty shining out in front of you before turning to each other, Chan now taking both of your hands into his.
The love in your eyes while looking at Chan could not be hidden in the room. It sparked his heart up every time he saw the faintest reminder of it. His eyes trailed down to your lips- perfect and bare for him, as you’d known to do by this point. He saw you for your raw nature. For the humanness that you possessed, only a vessel to contain your inescapable soul. It wasn’t as if Chan wanted this, nor that he needed this. You were simply his fate. THIS was simply his fate. You had full control over him and he over you because you were one. Together, you made one full person.
He turned his head toward the window to face the moon in all its solemnity. You were always in his stars. The two bodies were simply one.
‘I can’t believe the luck I’ve been given in this life,’ he thought.
Piercing his eyes into yours, he began. “You are my one true love and my soul eternal. Nothing will ever be a part of me as much as you. Isn’t that right?”
Your head spun into his words, locking in every syllable. “That’s right, my love.”
“And I am your one true love and your soul eternal. Nothing will ever be a part of you as much as me. Is that correct?”
“Of course, my love,” you whispered, getting closer to his mouth. You came tantilizingly close, just lingering over his lips with a slight smirk. You knew what you were doing to him. You felt it every time in the way that his heart started to once again beat out of his chest. You took your hand from his, slowly, working your way onto his sculptured torso. You used two fingers to start walking up toward his chest, smiling at him daringly as you went. ‘I know this is driving you crazy, darling,’ you thought to yourself.
You stopped your fingers just over the spot you could feel his heart beating the strongest. You left them there for a second, lightly scratching the skin residing overtop with the tips of your nails. You contemplated for a moment, then proceeded to lunge your nails slightly into him, scratching down to leave deep red marks.
Chan hissed, leaning his head back. He allowed himself to fully feel the sting of your touch. The things you made him feel were like none other. He felt himself hardening underneath his black pants. Bringing his head back up slowly, he was met with your sensual gaze, smirk mocking him spread across your face. ‘Stop being such a fucking tease,’ he thought to himself, intense desire now building up.
He ran his tongue along his teeth, letting it out with a pop. Smiling down at you now, he leaned closer and whispered, “Then let’s play. Let’s worship.”
He suddenly grabbed the top of your dress and ripped downward, pulling the light chiffon apart as if it were never there to begin with. ‘Just like l wanted,’ he thought as he looked to your fully naked chest with no garments over top. He bent down to the level of the rip, continuing his force onto it. Eye level with your breasts, he bit down hard, getting a soft screech from you.
He smiled, obviously loving the reaction and kept working his way down.
*Rip. A bite into your stomach.
*Rip. A bite into your thigh.
*Rip. A bite into the side of your leg.
*Rip. A bite over the top of your foot.
He quickly took the dark fabric of the dress and threw it onto the alcove under the window. Now bent down onto one knee, he took one of your hands into both of his, kissing the top of it ever so slowly, then fully rotating to place a kiss into your palm. He lingered there more just a moment, pressing your hand onto his face to smell the sweetness of your skin. God how he wanted to consume you.
He kissed up the rest of your arm as he worked his way back up to standing. He slowly walked you back until your knees were resting against the alcove. In a swift motion, he pushed you back into the soft padding of the dress, just quickly enough to make you lose your footing but gently enough to make sure you wouldn’t get hurt and hit the three candles placed along the window.
‘My princess, so fucking beautiful for me,’ he thought, staring down at you. ‘This is all mine. I will have all of you.’ He launched himself down on top of you, throwing one of your legs around his waist as he leaned down to plant a hungry kiss to your mouth. He was straight to the point, biting onto you and swirling his tongue around yours. He began rutting his hips into you, taking full charge. He rubbed them up and down quickly, not giving you time to ease into anything. You could feel yourself growing wetter along the material of his pants. The way he put just the right amount of pressure, focusing it right along your clit, was almost too much to handle so rapidly. His body was so in tuned to yours, it was second nature. He continued to grind, unrelenting until a long moan escaped your mouth.
“Yes baby, that’s right. Keep going for me,” he instructed, unlatching his lips only long enough to get the words out. He was right back on them as quickly as he’d pulled off. As he steadily pushed his hips into you, he forced his tongue down into your throat, almost making you choke. He made deep strokes now, matching up his tongue movements to the thrusts of his hips.
You tried to let out more moans, but they were blocked. The vibrations that Chan felt on his tongue from it sent him into overdrive. He brought his hand up, sloppily pushing it into your face, then using two fingers to push into your mouth and join his tongue in your throat.
You gagged around the pressure. You couldn’t help it. You almost felt yourself suffocating underneath him.
“That’s right, so fucking beautiful for me. I know you can take it,” he spat out, eyes locked onto your every reaction.
You continued to choke while moaning and whining for air. You slowly tried to get deep breaths in and out of your nose, but they were far and few between. The combination of the clit stimulation and the aggressive strokes down your mouth overwhelmed you in the deepest sense of the word. You felt yourself losing oxygen, slowly letting your brain go fuzzy. You let out small tears and started to full-on scream. Muffled screams of course. At first, Chan couldn’t make it out. He reveled in the fact that he had full control over your body. Full control over your life at this point.
“Chris!!!” He felt you vibrate across his fingers. He quickly pulled his tongue and fingers out of your mouth, letting you choke and gasp for air. Tears were still streaming from your eyes, and Chris was sure this was the most beautiful he’d ever seen you.
You couldn’t help but continue to cry as you felt the oxygen rush back into your brain, helping you to finally feel alive again. Tears and tears and tears started flooding off of you.
“You did such a good job, pretty girl,” he cooed into you, still motioning his hips against your clit. “I’m so so proud of you,” he smiled. “But now,” he lifted his face up over top of yours- “Now, I need you to let go and come for me. You can do that for me, can’t you baby?” His eyes locked onto yours. You could barely see his face from the water covering your vision, but you went through with nodding your head as the breaths now came easier.
You focused on the deep strokes he was making on top of you, feeling your clit become engorged from how perfectly he was hitting you. You leaned your head back, mouthing “Fuck” as best as you could. Chan must have liked the reaction, as he pushed himself even harder into you, his thigh now adding more pressure. You were sure you couldn’t contain yourself much longer.
You gazed up to see Chan’s face hanging right over yours, watching intently as your began to writhe underneath him. He loved the power. He loved the thought of controlling the most vulnerable part of you. He looked like he wanted to fucking eat you.
You continued to focus on his face as the warm feeling of release started to come over you. Chan knew it too. He smirked, leaning down again to be closer to your face.
“Is my girl gonna cum for me?” he laughed, grinding as hard as he possibly could.
That was it. It sent you over the edge.
You felt your body start to convulse around you, desperately grappling for a bit of the dress fabric to hold onto while you rode it out. A zap went into your brain, healing any residual loss of oxygen that could have been felt. Chris smiled into your neck, then took both arms to hold your own down. He held your body down with his own, making you continue to take his hips grinding into you.
You were officially overstimulated, not able to fight back under Chan’s body weight. You cried, “Chris, Chris stop. I’m done. I’m done. Holy shit,” you cried, feeling another bolt shoot down your legs. “Ahh! I’m done!” You started panting, trying to catch your breath as quickly as you could as Chan lifted himself off of you slowly. The smile on his face quickly tilted down to press a gentle kiss to your forehead.
“I knew you could do it.” He continued to press kisses along the entirety of your face until your breathing started to normalize. Once you had calmed down. He took your hand in his and planted slow kisses into the side of your neck. He pulled back up to wipe a few leftover tears before smiling down. “Time to offer our bodies, yeah?” he spoke gently.
You nodded with a deep breath out and a look of determination and slight excitement on your face.
Chan raised his body over yours, then leaned down to cup your back and help you raise up. He stepped off of the platform to remove his pants and unbutton his top, grabbing a few small items from the pocket before removing it fully. You watched as he let the clothes hit the floor and leaned over your body to set the items gently behind one of the three candles resting beside you.
He twisted your body around with his arms so he could now sit down, taking the placement you once had. “Ready?”, he asked, reaching up to laze his hand along the back of your neck.
You didn’t bother replying. Slowly, you crawled on top of his lap, running your hands into his hair, settling to rest over each side of his head for stability. Slowly, you lowered yourself onto his hardened cock, making sure to take it inch by inch. His hands slowly trailed from your neck and down your back, until he was holding just above your waist. He breathed heavily as you lowered yourself onto him, letting out a small hiss each time you moved.
Moving his eyes up, he watched your face as you took in more of him. The way you scrunched your eyes at the light but delicious pain of having him inside of you. ‘All fucking mine now,’ he thought, letting his head roll back as you had fully taken him in. He gyrated his hips the slightest bit to feel around inside of you. How tight you were for him and how he filled you up all the way to your cervix.
“Time for worship,” he breathed out.
He smoothly swiped his hands along and off of your body to reach for one of the items hidden behind a candle. A small lighter rested softly in his hand. He made quick work to bring it back in front of you, right between each of your face. He looked into your eyes for permission before lighting it. A small, warm, meaningful flame sparked up as he dragged his thumb across it. He smiled at you lovingly, ready for what was about to begin.
“The body, the blood, and the spirit,” he whispered into the flame. The words moved past the flame to hit your own lips, sending a cool rush into your body.
You moved closer to the glowing burn. You stared first at it, then down to Chan’s lips.
You repeated after him. “The body, the blood, and the spirit.” You looked at each other, silently counting down before taking a deep breath to simultaneously blow out the flame. You smiled into each other, reciprocally grabbing faces for a quick kiss. This one was full of passion- unlike any kiss you’d had before.
Chan suddenly pulled away, carefully guiding the lighter up and away from the both of you. He extended both arms as far as they could reach, stabilizing with one hand and pushing into the lighter with the other.
With that, he lit the first candle:
“The Body”
Returning his attention back to you, he let himself take a moment to memorize the feeling of being inside of you. How wet you were for him and how tense you felt around him. How you contoured yourself perfectly around him, letting him fill you up like a mould.
“This pussy was made for me. Only me,” he breathed out, slipping his hands down to your waist. He started massaging your waist back and forth, slowly at first to warm himself up inside of you. He was gentle, but started picking up speed steadily.
“Come down here, I need to feel you,” he instructed, moving his hands up to your back and pulling your body down on top of his. Sitting now, chest to chest, you wrapped your hands around his neck as you continued to ride him, slowly, back and forth. You kept pulling his body closer as you picked up the pace. Your arms now completely crossed over each other with your face in the crook of his neck.
Chan took the opportunity to relax his head back a little, just enjoying the feeling of you giving into him. He turned his head to the side, planting kisses from the top to the bottom of your neck. You felt yourself gasp once he had gotten to the end.
He bit down. Hard. ‘Fuck,’ you thought. He continued relentlessly biting in. He wouldn’t let you out of his bite. Your first instinct was to start moving faster on top of him, almost ballistically as if to pull away. But he wasn’t having it.
He gripped onto your hips now, pushing and pulling you quickly around him. He didn’t bother with being gentle anymore. He would make sure you had marks on both your neck and hips by the time this was done.
With his teeth sunken in as far are they could go, he swirled his tongue around the fresh-forming bruise. He quickly took a harsh handful of your ass, hauling it backward and forward, backward and forward.
“Chrissss,” you hissed out, not knowing how else to express yourself in this moment. “Fuck,” you let your head roll down. “Chris holy shit.”
He finally pulled off of your neck. “Say my name again,” he gritted.
“Fuckkk, Chris,” was all you could manage to get out, breath getting heavy.
“Louder.” He was violently moving your hips now, adding sloppy thrusts where he was able. He stared into you, looking animalistic.
“Christopher, please!” You breathed out hard now. You weren’t going to be able to take much more of this.
“CHRISTOPHER BANG HOLY SHIT. PLEASE GOD,” you now yelled out as loud as you could. You just needed him to finish you.
He smirked up at you, loving the sight of what he’d done to you. You’d do anything for him and he knew it. Any. Fucking. Thing. He could and would make you do anything he said. And he would do anything for you. This moment is how it was supposed to be forever.
“God?,” he tauntingly laughed. “No baby, I am your god. I am all you will ever fucking need,” he barked out through gritted teeth. One hand had moved up to grab your hair as the other kept slamming your ass into him.
“You will worship me the same that I will worship you.” He was yelling at this point. Suddenly, he laid his body back on the ground, pulling you down with him. Your face now only an inch from his.
He looked deeply into your eyes and grinned. “Now you better pray to me that I don’t destroy you.”
His hand in your hair now pulled all the way back, lifting your head up to the sky. His grip on you didn’t fade, but he stopped pushing you and instead started ramming his cock into you as quickly as he could. He was relentless, pushing deeper with every thrust. You couldn’t even describe the pleasure mixed with the pain.
“Christopher, OH MY GOD. Fuck.. fuck.. FUCK!” you yelled at the sky. A smirk came across his face at the sight of you looking up. Looking like you were praying to him.
‘My good fucking girl,’ he thought. ‘It’s just me and you now.’
He kept thrusting harder and harder, until you thought for sure something inside of you was going to rip. You felt like everything inside of you was being shifted. He was rearranging you from the inside out.
“You’re going to fucking rearrange me, Christopher,” you spat out, about to begin crying again.
“See,” he grabbed your hair even tighter, bringing the first tear out. “I’m making you into my own perfect creation.” He bucked his hips into you three more times, each leaving you feeling breathless and helpless.
Suddenly, he stopped. He dropped his grip on your hair, letting your head fall softly to his chest. You could hear his heart going a million miles an hour. He put his hand over top of yours to feel it doing the same.
As much as you needed the release, you knew neither of you could have it yet. That’s not how this worked. You had to be patient.
As you moved one hand to gently hold the side of his face, he moved his free arm around your back as he sat up again. The moonlight surrounding you showed the sweat along his forehead and hairline, only making him look sexier.
He quietly reached over yet again for the lighter and to grasp onto another candle. He swiftly made a motion over top of it to turn the pure white wick into a newly charing flame. Before turning to face you he grabbed the other item he had previously thrown down. A small silver dagger adorned with beautiful carving into the handle.
There it was, seemingly quicker than the times before. The lighting of the second candle.
“The Blood”
Chan gripped tightly to the knife and gently placed it in your hand, being careful not to let it hurt you. He looked in your eyes as if to wait for your nod of approval. You were always a little scared, yes, but you wanted this more than anything in the world. The feeling was indescribable. To pledge your loyalty to him and him to you.
You firmly grasped the dagger into your hand. Chan felt along your chest, resting his palm over top of where your heart laid. He delicately clasped his other hand on top of yours, leading the knife to the area above your chest. He softly removed his marking hand to expose your skin underneath.
Ever so slowly, he led your hand down, along with the knife until the tip was grazing the top of your skin. He made sure to directly line it up over the top of your heart. Each breath you took made it prod the tiniest bit into you.
“You’re mine, my love,” he held the hand tightly and leaned forward to kiss you forehead. When he pulled back, he looked directly into you and squeezed your hand. A signal to begin.
His had hovered over top of yours as you started to move the knife painstakingly slow, just deep enough so that it would penetrate your skin. As soon as you felt it make the first scratch, you winced a tiny bit at the pain. It was by no means unbearable. Just enough to make you notice the uncomfortability of it all.
Chris stared at your hand, still resting his own gently over top as you moved. Your eyes shut, and you breathed out heavily, focusing all of your effort into your hand. You slowly moved it, little by little, leaving a shallow imprint across the skin. You swooped it down, following a steady curve until it could be brought back up.
Chris smiled, knowing you were done. He took a tighter grip on the knife, pulling it back to reveal your handiwork.
There, now carved into you, a lone letter “C”. A few drops of blood were trickling down.
All Chris could do was grin, leaning his face in to plant a small kiss in the middle of the “C”, making sure not to ruin the tiny bit of blood that had been let out.
He softly grabbed the knife out of your hand and held it with his own. He motioned with his eyes down to his chest, cueing you to find where his heartbeat was strongest. Once you settled your palm against his skin, he extended the dagger slowly for you to grab over top of where his fist was holding it.
You easily took it. Not hard, but barely resting over top.
He put a smirk on his face before bringing the knife down to where your hand lay. You slowly removed it, losing contact with the pulse of the heart beating below. He made quick work to push the knife into his chest, definitely with more power and aggression, deeper than what you had done.
Your instinct was to pull his hand back, but to no avail. He was gripping at the knife too tightly for your touch to do anything.
“This is good, baby,” he assured you.
You nodded, taking a deep breath before stabilizing your hand over his one again. You followed along with the curve of his hand, as you watched him carve your initial into his skin.
He had gone so much deeper, blood was trickling down fast. Not enough to be worried, but enough to silently think he was crazy. Crazy for you.
Once he reached the last stroke of your initial, you went to take your hand off of his. Instead of pulling back, he gently pushed in on the knife a little deeper, almost solidifying the engraving into his chest.
“Stop it Chan!” you screamed, returning your hand to his, to try and slowly back it up. You struggled, but he didn’t give in. He looked you dead in the face. His eyes were black now. It was as if something otherworldly had taken over him.
He didn’t respond, just held the knife in place, using his other hand to reach up and grab your face. He left a few gentle strokes along your cheek before settling into your hair, smirk wide across his face.
“Give me a kiss first,” he whispered.
“No Christopher! You’re too deep! Take it out right now!” you yelled, truly worried. You grasped his hand even tighter, trying to tug on it. To no avail. He was staying there if it was the last thing he did.
By the look on his face, you knew you’d set him off. His nostrils started to flare and he eyed you down. His jaw locked in place so tightly you thought he’d never be able to open it again.
“I want to give you my heart, y/n,” he spoke initially. “I want to give you my fucking heart,” his tone raised, face visibly mad. “I want to fucking rip it out right now for you to have!” he finally started screaming. “It’s yours anyway. It doesn’t belong to me. It belongs to you goddamn it, now fucking take it!” he yelled at you, his hot breath hitting you in the face. He could say what he wanted, but he was in pain. You gave him a few seconds to calm himself.
You leaned down to return to him what he’d done to you prior. You whispered in a low breath “No,” before kissing his forehead. You pulled back to rest your face on the same plane as his, only inches apart. You grasped his hand over top of the knife. “Not today, my love. Today, I need you here with me. And I need you here to be a part of me.” You kissed his cheek.
You could feel his hand relax a little, and you let yours tighten. Going as slowly as possible, he allowed you to remove the dagger, a quarter of a centimeter at a time. You both looked down as it inched out, admiring the perfect initial he had carved. A few areas streamed blood down them, but nothing more than he’d had before. Once the knife was fully out, he gently held it in front of him, covered in blood that ran down the palm of his hand. Your hand still around his felt the tiny trickles of blood onto it too.
He slowly let you direct the knife back to your own skin. You rested it just along your own engravement, making sure to get the small amount of your blood from your chest and onto each side of the knife.
You both looked intently as you guided the knife back to the center and handed it off to Chan. You slid your hand down to grasp onto and stabilize his wrist.
You both sat for a minute, looking at each other like you weren’t sure who should start. Chan leaned in leisurely, bringing his face down to the the level of the knife. He stuck his tongue out to bring it straight down, along the middle of the blade. As he pulled back, he closed his mouth and licked his lips- a shade of red now covering them.
You mirrored his example and gently took a swipe of blood in your mouth. You never really got used to it- the taste of the iron. But knowing that it was now mixed blood, that of you and your soulmate, you cherished every last drop.
Chan placed the dagger back behind the candle before leaning in to steal a quick kiss. Your mouths were now wet with each other, but in the most perfect way. A tiny part of him, even if just a cell, would now live in you. It made you just that bit perfect, but that was enough for you.
It was not enough for Chan. He needed to devour you in every sense. ‘It’s time to finish you,’ he thought.
He rushed to find the lighter again, scrambling his blood-covered thumb over the top to light it up.
The lighting of the third candle.
“The Spirit”
He quickly wiped the blood of his hands off onto the remainder of the dress lying beneath him. He laid you down again onto your back, throwing your legs over his lower back as he went. He made sure to press his chest all the way down into you, letting your blood intermingle and soak into the initial he had so happy etched into himself.
He looked at you in adoration. ‘God this man.’ He made you feel so loved. So seen. How could this gentle being be the same man who was ramming into you 10 minutes ago? The man that was fully insistent on ripping his heart out to present to you because nothing else could fulfill his need to give you himself? This man loved you. In the full sense of the word. He would die for you. He would sacrifice his own soul to save yours. He would crawl through the depths of hell if he knew it would keep you safe. Chan was the only person you would ever need, and he made sure you knew that.
“It might feel tight, baby,” he whispered, laying his head down into your hair, right beside your neck. He slowly let his length move inside of you. He proceeded slowly, only pushing in slightly more when he felt you relax around him.
Once you had fully adjusted, he began with slow, loving strokes. You suddenly felt warm with this fullness inside of you. Like this is what you had been missing all along. And with it, you were finally whole.
Chan felt the same way, and he made it known to you.
“You feel so good baby,” he whispered into your ear. “My match made in heaven.” He kissed your ear. He continued slowly, making sure to rub along the outside of you.
He let his hands wonder down until they were pressing into the bottom of your stomach. You could feel so much more with the new pressure. You felt every inch of him slowly pulling into and out of you. Every stroke felt like it reached a deeper part. He angled his body slightly lower so that he could angle himself up into you. Right to the sweet spot.
“Fuck,” you breathed out, smile shining on your face. “Fuck baby, that felt good.” You let your head relax back.
“Yeah?” he asked, hovering his face over yours. He didn’t want to miss a single look on your beautiful face.
“Yes, Channie,” you smiled again, taking a sharp breath in.
‘God that fucking nickname’ he thought. His heart turned into putty every time you used it. ‘So soft and so gentle for me… For Channie.’ He smiled, using one hand to stroke along the top of your head, maintaining the pressure on your stomach with the other.
He thrust into you harder now. Not necessarily faster, but using more force. The look on your face was all the reassurance he needed to keep it up.
He watched how your mouth dropped open, like you watched to scream something out but you couldn’t. How your eyes squeezed shut to focus on the feeling he was giving you. How your breathing started to pick up the more that he moved.
Feeling himself inside you got him hard, yes. But watching you- with all of your perfection- loving the way that he made love to you, got him rock hard. Suddenly, his tip became more sensitive. It crept and crept up until it started to drive him wild.
He started to place sloppy kisses along your mouth as he slammed his hips in. He kept a steady pace, just enough to keep your heart rate up.
You moaned as his hand pressed even harder into you. You could feel his cock hitting up and into the palm of his hand. Time and time again, you felt him hit into just the right spot to make your toes curl. Everything in your body froze up, then went warm. He kept going and going until it was going to send you over the edge.
“Channie?” you whined, breathing heavily through your mouth.
“Yes, my love?” He detached himself from your face to look at you. God, he could get off by looking at that face alone.
He smirked. “Does my baby need to cum?”
“Fuck yes,” you said, reaching around his neck to bring his lips down to yours. You felt like you were being elevated from your body.
No, resurrected.
Chan was going to bring you back to life.
Hard, stiff thrusts now poured out of him uncontrollably.
His breathing quickened too all of a sudden. He let out a sharp moan.
“Ughhh,” he drew a breath in. His voice was shaking. “I’m going to cum baby. Cum with me, yeah? Let’s tie ourself together now, okay?” He could hardly get his words out.
You knew he was barely holding on. So vulnerable for you.
Swiftly, he released the pressure off your stomach, making you gasp at the sudden loss of weight. Instead, he brought his hand down to your clit, and rubbed light circles. He went just in tune with the thrusts, throwing you over the edge.
“Oh God, Oh God, Oh God, Oh God,” you screamed out, feeling the beginning of the orgasm take over your entire body.
That’s all Chan needed. He took long thrusts to push himself over the edge with you. He shut his eyes tight, picturing just your face, your soul, holding his heart.
No, EATING his heart. It's all he could ever ask for and you would be the one to give it to him.
“TAKE.” Thrust.
“IT.” Thrust.
“ALL.” Thrust.
“UGHHH,” he yelled out, throwing himself into you with the most force you’d felt all night.
Your vision went white, jolts being sent through your body in every direction. Your body stiffened, head throwing itself back and body arching up off the ground. You felt Chan’s cock twitch inside of you, followed by a warm feeling that almost filled you more than you could take.
He continued to give you a few more wild thrusts. He bit down onto your ear. “Take it baby. Take my spirit and give me yours.”
Your body let out one final jolt before Chan slowed down and grabbed your face, cupping it in both hands.
You kissed him like you’d never tasted him before. Like everything about him was new and you were ready to explore.
You had just dedicated your entire being to him, but everything felt so irrepressible in this moment.
As he brought himself to a complete stop, he pulled his face from yours, panting. He decided to lay there for a few moments, letting himself rest inside you. It only felt natural to be this close to you. To finally feel like he could be a part of you.
His eyes fell down to your chest underneath him- both of you stained from the dark red show of your love for each other.
He made sure you were looking at him. He wanted itnto be a show. He then took the palm of his hand to his mouth, giving it a soft kiss. He placed the hand over your heart, where his initial had been etched in.
“I’ll always be with you, yeah?” he smiled down.
“Always and forever, my Channie.”
If you enjoyed, please consider liking or reblogging <3
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crazyco0tz · 6 months
can you write Stray kid’s reaction to a s/o that is really good at flustering them? Be it with teasing words and actions, chuckling and calling them adorable when they blush, or even soft loving words as they’re all lovey dovey.
thank you ❤️!
Say less😍
{Stray kids with a teasing S/O }
Hyung line!
Warnings: suggestive, cussing, not proof read
(:̲̅:̲̅:̲̅[̲̅:♡:]̲̅:̲̅:̲̅:̲̅) (:̲̅:̲̅:̲̅[̲̅:♡:]̲̅:̲̅:̲̅:̲̅) (:̲̅:̲̅:̲̅[̲̅:♡:]̲̅:̲̅:̲̅:̲̅)
*at first he was the one who liked to tease but the day you retaliated he was even more in love, later on he told you that he was “glady he didn’t shut his mouth”
*the day started normal, waking up to Chan being lovey dovey, making breakfast while Chan was trying to get attention, then finally you both headed out to the practice studio, you normally watch the boy practice when you have free time.
*you got there and greeted the boys, then proceeded to sit in the corner to watch but for some reason Chan had the same idea. He sat down right next to you. “Why aren’t you leading huh?” You say in a joking tone ofc. “Well I’d rather do this..” he whispered, right before he leans in to start kissing your neck
* “who does he think he is!?” You thought, you stay silent as to not draw attention and it was working until Chan started to giggle, he lifted his head from your neck just to be met with a serious glare from you. A little “oh” slipped from his lips as he realized teasing you wasn’t a good idea, “I was just joking..heh” he try’s to explain further but was stopped by your hand wrapped around his mouth. “Who do you think your messing with huh?” You spat as softly as you could still not wanting the attention, but you couldn’t let that slide.
*of course no response came out of him, not because of you hand but because the second your teasing sentence ended he dived right into his shirt trying to hide his red face from your actions. “Aw what you’re shy now?” You chuckle, “hmmg…sorry” He mumbled through his shirt, you can’t give up now, “what was that?? Couldn’t hear you~” “I’m sOrrY” he croaked out while he slowly got up to walk to the other boys, praying his redness went away while he walked over to them.
* “what’s up with your face Chan?” “HA” you didn’t expect the Ha to come out of your mouth but it did, which made chans embarrassment worse. But he loved it tho and definitely let you know, everytime you pull out a “Aw” or a “poor thing” he melts.
* another one who teased first, but he did not stop when you warned him, good thing you weren’t in public.
* he loves being snarky and bratty to you in the comfort of your own home, and the only reason he does is to get you to tease him back but 10x worse.
*you both were just watching a movie, Minho laying on top of you while resting his head on your chest, but he quickly got bored of the movie. “Ugh can we do something more fun..?” You Look down at the boy just to roll your eyes at him, “you always say that, what else would your lazy ass be willing to do?” You question while keeping your eyes locked in the Tv, but they soon returned to your boyfriend when you feel something hot and wet latching onto your collar bone.
*you quickly look down just to be met with a smug smile on his face, “and what do you think your doing?” You say in a monotones voice, he released his latch to respond with a quick “what im bored?” He looked back down at the spot he was nibbling on, he tried reconnecting with your collar bone but was stop by your finger on his forehead, he slowly looks back up at you and lets out a small gulp, you both knew how much power you had with just your finger, and he loved everytime u took advantage of it.
* you both returned to the TV after you threatened him a bit which only made him more hyper, but he stopped for you, and you promised him cuddles if he did. But all in all he Highkey lowkey loved when you threatened and intimidate him, not just because it could fluster him easily but also because he knows your not joking.
* he knew u were the teasing type when he first started dating you, at first he seemed uncomfortable when you teased him or anything like that, but later on he explained that he likes it but didn’t know how to express it.
* you slowly started pulling back of your teasing and comments since u didn’t want to make him uncomfortable at all, but he noticed and thought u didn’t like him anymore, which caused a bit of tears and a very long explanation
* “do you not love me anymore..” Changbin pouted from the couch you shared, you were still loving to him, kissing him, hugging him, you just held back in the remarks and jokes. “What do u mean binnie? No I love you so much? Is something wrong?” You responded while glancing over to him just to be met with teary eyes. “Then why don’t you…” he paused half way through the sentence wondering if he should continue or not, “then why don’t you…mess with me anymore” he said slightly cringing but he didn’t know how else to word it, “mess with you? Do you mean how I use to tease you just to make you blush, I thought you hated when I did that?” You explain with a confused look while Changbin stares at his feet… “n-no I didn’t hate it, it made me feel wanted… and it was nice knowing I could be… venerable, why did you stop.” He slowly looked up to meet your eyes with a sad expression plastered on his face
* you took a moment to think before saying “you seemed so uncomfortable when I did, I must have token it the wrong way, but now that I know you liked it-“ you paused to shuffle over to Changbin, leaning into his ear to whisper “-you can’t stop me~” then proceeded to kiss his ear softly, which in return made him giggle and look away.
* after that small hiccup you gradually when back to teasing Changbin anytime you wanted, wether it be kissing his neck or making snarky jokes about how cute he his, you never failed to fluster him.
*here is yet another brat, he likes getting into things he thinks he can win, (he never wins) like he thought it was a smart idea to make a bet with you, if he could go All day without reacting to any of your torment then you have to give him a message, simple right? No he regretted it almost instantly he was lucky that it was a “stay home” day
* you started of soft, softly tickling his waist, kissing his cheek, scratching his back. But eventually you got bored, it was time to amp it up.
* “jinnie baby!! Do you want to watch a show for a bit!” You yell from your place on the couch. He walked into the living room to slowly sit down onto the couch far away from you “sure… but stay away!” He huffed before crossing his legs and arms to minimize space. “Hm we’ll see” you taunt before reaching for the remote to open Netflix so you can choose a show, after a few moments you found a good enough show. Once u put it on you say up straight to make it easier to move, you had a plan and he knew it.
* 30 minutes into the show you decided to launch your plan, you start to very slowly nudge over to Hyunjin which he noticed immediately, “I can see you!!” You giggle “what are you gunna do about it?” He stops for a moment “…nothing” he sighs in defeat then looks back at the tv, you continue nudging your way over to him until you are basically shoulder to shoulder
* leaning over to his neck, not making contact but close enough for him to feel your breath on him, you could see goosebumps form slowly on his neck which made him shiver, you chuckle and softly say “your not gunna win this” You proceed to bite softly onto his neck while slowly snacking your arm around him so he can’t move, but his still started to twitch ever so slightly. He opened his mouth to pant slowly, trying to not react in any noticeable way but that didn’t last long, after 2 minutes of you bite down on his neck gently you knew his neck was now sensitive and all u needed to do was start a hickey and that’ll surly break him. Spoiler alert it did
* the second he felt your tongue on his neck he let out the smallest groan, which you hear. Pulling away to taunt his about your victory he immediately denied it, “s-stop I didn’t make a single noise!” “You just want to win so your lying” “it was my stomach” blah blah blah, but you both know it was him. After proving that it was him he groaned again but this time in defeat. “FINE it was me… you win” you laugh at his pout “Aw you don’t have to be sad~ I’ll give u a massage anyways~” he popped up the second those words left your lips “REALLY?!” “YES?!” He squealed before hugging you, but little did he know you weren’t planning on stopping your teasing.
* long story short he likes to think he doesn’t like it but in reality he could never stop himself, there is also this one time you did the opposite by not teasing him at all, by the end of the day he was begging for the attention again
Part one of this request is DONEEEE🗣️🗣️
Part two coming soon I swear🫰
Bye sweeties
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rosalinesurvived · 2 months
I think another reason why I don’t like or trust Natsume is highkey lowkey because Fukuzawa did not agree to the whole Tripartide Plan beforehand. He didnt agree to becoming the opposite to the Mafia, something that could’ve been fatal for them both, Natsume decided that for him.
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God knows how Mori met Natsume or why he decided that a murderous underground doctor with that ability was the perfect person to overthrow the notoriously dangerous Mafia but it wasn’t Mori’s plan.
Fukuzawa and Ranpo had their detective thing before they met Natsume and it was him that directed Fukuzawa to Mori. I’m of the opinion that Fukuzawa didn’t know that Natsume and Mori were planning for the latter to because the PM head until later on when Yosano comes into the picture when Mori’s already a member of the mafia.
In the chapter/flashback above he’s a quack doctor, 4 years after the Great War ends he’s officially in the Mafia, the ADA is official and Fukuzawa knows about the Tripartide, but he fiercely opposes the immortal regiment idea.
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Sidenote: Somebody told Fukuzawa about Yosano’s whereabouts and what Mori was going to do with her. It was Mori who got her out of the room, it was Fukuzawa and Ranpo who intercepted them on the roof. Might’ve been Fukuchi, but that’s not been revealed and now he’s dead. My money’s on Taneda
Can you fucking imagine going to someone for a permission slip to run your detective business and the dude up and decides that you and your sixteen year old are the *perfect* people to oppose the Mafia in quasi-alignment with the government (who you previously killed for???)?????
Its likely that Natsume sent Fukuzawa to Mori bc he wanted the future ADA president and the future PM boss to have some idea of each other’s bloodlusts, strengths, personalities, convictions. But that makes him even shadier because its clear he knows Fukuzawa’s assassin past and whatever’s up with Mori. Also, why? Why make them go through the fake kidnapping thing together? Unless he was trying to forge some bond that would make it hard for them to go at each other’s throats in the future, eg: when Fukuzawa learns what Mori plans to use Yosano for. Because a diamond polishes a diamond.
The whole Tripartite Plan makes it so that the ADA, the government and the PM are in a permanent standstill because none of them can kill the other for fear of what would come next and Natsume executed it perfectly and shoved it onto Mori and Fukuzawa, the latter of whom this came straight out of left-wing and hit him like a freight train
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tiredmamaissy · 1 year
Handle Me
Read Part II
🔞 minors, do not interact 🔞
Characters: Lo’ak Sully (19) x Omatikaya Reader (20)
Warnings: extreme nsfw, 100% smut, dom lo’ak, profanity, slight age gap, rough [brief] oral sex, degradation, rough sex, edging, breeding kink/creampie, slapping/smacking?
Word Count: 3.5
Requested: Yes || No
Author’s Note: highkey  lowkey wanted to make him knot her but ya know :’) can’t overuse it. Sorry for the quick ending, btw. Hope you like this, anon[s]. <3 i also ended up changing the title for this lol
Synopsis: Neteyam is your best friend. His baby brother, Lo’ak, has been hot and bothered for you for some time. You always decline his obvious advances because of the age gap – and the fact that he could never handle you. Until one day, you find yourselves alone in a tent, and he takes you on his own terms.
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You visit your best friend, Neteyam, in his tent to give him some supplies before he embarks on a hunting trip. Behind him, you see his baby brother, Lo’ak, with his arms crossed over his chest, looking you up and down with a grin on his face. He always looked at you like you were something to devour – something to fuck. Neteyam would always encourage you to give his ‘baby bro’ a chance, but it never interested you. Knowing that he’s ‘hot and bothered’ – as he would call it – for you gives you the ick. He’s simply too young, even if it’s just by a year. In a rush, Neteyam snatches the pouch out of your hands, and gives you a friendly pat on the back before hurrying out of the tent – leaving you and his brother alone.
“Oh, princess. I’d never be so quick to leave you.” Lo’ak smirks, shifting his weight from one leg to the other, arms still crossed over his chest.
You take a few brisk steps towards him, ready to get this over with so you can go back to your usual daily activities.
“Lo’ak. How many times do I need to tell you before you get it through this thick head of yours?” You say, poking two digits into his temple. “You’re too young for me.”
“By what? A year? C’mon baby. We’d be so good together.” He laughs with you, grabbing the fingers that poke his temple to brush them to against his lips.
Ripping your hand from his grip, you take a step back and shake your head.
“I’m serious, Lo’ak. If you made me choose between you and your brother...” you grimace at the thought – Neteyam is like your own blood. “...I’d fuck Neteyam over you any day.” You almost gag as the words come out your mouth.
“Besides. You wouldn’t be able handle me.” You turn around to leave the tent.
Lo’ak grabs your arm, pulling you back in to face him.  
“Oh, yeah? How do you know I can’t handle you? You don’t look like much to handle, y/n.” he looks up and down at your tiny frame.
“Because you’re too young. I only go for guys my age or older... much older. Like your daddy older.” You smirk, thinking about the Olo’eyktan fucking you senseless.
Lo’ak didn’t take this well. First, you speak about fucking his brother – right in front of his face. Then, you insult him because he’s a year younger than you. And now, you’re daydreaming about fucking his father?
“Enough.” Lo’ak growls, towering over you.  
You can’t deny it, his growl made your stomach flutter and your heart skip a beat. You can see how much your remarks are driving him over the edge – making him angry. You want to see exactly how far you can push him.
“Or what? Gonna ‘put me in my place’?” you pout, teasing him.
Lo’ak takes a step closer to you, and fists the hair at the back of your head, using it as leverage to pull you on the tips of your toes. Lo’ak smiles – a menacing one at that. It shakes you to your core, to see him so riled up.
“Do you want me to put you in your place?” he drops his smile, leaning down to inch his face closer to yours.
His rough touches make your thighs rub against one another, denying your cunt the pleasure to respond to him. You stare up at him, looking deeply into his dark, yet sultry eyes, searching for his pathetic, little bluff. All you see is his stern, sombre appearance.
You didn’t even notice how strong this boy was. You always looked down at him as Neteyam’s baby brother – feeble and childish, always getting into trouble. But the grip he has on you is so tight you’re afraid he might rip your hair out.
And you fucking love it.
A little part of you wants to take him on. To see if he can really handle you. But a bigger part of you really doubts it – really doubts that he could make you feel good the way an older man could.
You smile innocently, batting your eyes a few times. Titling your chin up to him, you graze your bottom lip against his.
“I’d like to see you try.” You whisper into his mouth.
A sinister smile plasters his face, as he takes this as your consent to obliterate your tiny physique. His grip immediately moves to the base of your queue – earning him a high pitched whine from you. He uses it as leverage to bring you to your knees, pressing your face against the warm, stiff bulge in his loincloth.
“Take it off.” He commands, shoving your face a little closer into his crotch.
You can’t help but scoff at him. Is this what he really thought ‘putting you in your place’ would be like? Dropping you to your knees and demanding a blowjob?
“Did I fucking stutter?” he growls, gripping your queue even tighter and forcing your face against his bulge. “I said. Take. It. Off.”
This warning did a little more for you, making your thighs rub against one another once more. Not to prevent your body from responding to his touch, but to give your throbbing clit the attention it’s begging for.
“Fuck.” You mutter, hooking your fingers under the band of his loincloth before tugging them down his legs.
Nothing surprised you more than his massive, 13 inch cock slapping against your cheek as it breaks free from it’s restraints. He’s the biggest you’ve ever seen – the biggest you’ve ever had. You stare at it wide-eyed, admiring its blue strips and mushroomy head, beads of precum already oozing from it.
“See? Not so hard to listen, is it?” Lo’ak looks down at you, a grin now on his face, proud to see your bewildered expression.
Still in awe, the only thing that makes its way through your parted lips are light pants, as you stare at the thick, veiny cock in front of your face.
“Is it?!” He shouts, pinching the base of your queue.
“Sst! Shit. Yes.” You yelp out from the shooting pain running through the length of your queue.
“Good. I don’t like repeating myself, little one.” He has a smug look on his face, taking joy in call you little. “Now. Make me feel good.”
As much as you didn’t want to give him the pleasure, there was no denying that this is what your body wanted. Your face was already rubbing against his base of his cock, breathing in the musky scent of his swollen balls.
Lo’ak gives your cheek a light smack before gripping your jaw with his free hand, burrowing his thumb in between your jaw bones – forcing your mouth open.
“What did I just fucking say about repeating myself?” he shouts, using his grip on your queue to move your mouth onto the head of his cock, as if you were a fuck toy.
“I – I’m sorry.” You spit, looking away from him all together.
Another smack. “Say that again. Properly.”
“Fuck.” You pant on his throbbing head, “I’m sorry, Lo’ak!”
“Sir.” He says sternly, letting go of your face to tuck a loose strand of hair behind your ear.
“I- I’m sorry... sir.” Your voice is shaky from the heat pooling in your cunt.
“There we go.” He chuckles breathily, before dropping his smile once more. “Now, make me feel good.” He growls, using his tip to coat your lips in a layer of his precum.
You look up at him through pinched brows, panting hot breaths onto his oozing cockhead. You see him glowering down at you, already getting pissed off that you’re taking so long to suck him off. You hurry, using your slick coated lips to slide his mushroomy head in easily.  
The corners of your mouth sting when only half of his length goes down your throat – making your eyes pool with tears. You already feel like your jaw is locked into place, that it can’t open anymore to accommodate the sheer thickness of his cock.
Little throaty grunts vibrate against his tip as you try to take more of him – but your attempts prove to be useless, he’s too big.
You hear a deep chuckle above you. “Not so little now, am I?”
He moves his hand from your queue to cup your cheek, caressing your full cheek with his thumb. He briefly pets your head with his free hand before using it to gently cup your other cheek.
“Such pretty eyes.” He admires them, staring down at you. “Keep them on me.” he says sternly.
Before you know it, he’s tightened his grip on your cheeks, using it to forcefully shove his cock all the way down your throat.
“Oh – oh shit. Just like I imagined.” He flings his head back in pleasure.
He quickly moves a hand to pinch your nose shut – cutting off your only source of air. He’s so deep down your throat that you squeeze your eyes shut to focus on not gagging. You feel a sudden, but firm tap on the back of your neck.
“Eyes on me.” He reminds.
You will yourself to look up at him, even though stars are now clouding your vision. A fire sets in your lungs, as they scream for a breath of air. With your airway restricted and his cock buried in your throat, all you can do is gag and slap his thigh, silently asking him to let up.
“Uh, fuck. If you keep gagging, I’ll cum down your throat. Stop.” He groans, tapping the back of your neck again.
The stars in your vision are becoming brighter and brighter – bigger and bigger, nearly clouding your vision completely. Regardless, you continue to look up at him through lidded eyes, tears now streaming down your cheeks.
“Don’t pass out on me now, sweet thing.” He laughs, giving you two, hard taps at the back of your head, waking you up.
You slap his thigh even harder, muffled screams vibrating from your throat against his shaft. He lets go of your nose and pushes you off his cock, hard enough for you land flat on your stomach.
“Fuck. Good girl. As much as I’d love to drown you with my cum...” he kneels on the ground behind you, “I’d rather fill up this tight, little pussy.” He hoists you up on all fours, denying you the chance to even catch your breath properly.
You’re gasping for air, panting heavily as you try to fill your burning lungs.
“W-wait!” you cough, sucking in a breath of air, “Please! Wait – my heat. It is coming soon.” You take another quick breath. “You’ll – you’ll get me pregnant!”
He laughs once more, finding your little pleas amusing. He tugs your soaked loincloth down your legs, exposing your glistening slit.
“Are you sure you’re not in heat now? You’re so fucking wet...” he plays with your wetness a bit, sliding in two digits and scissoring them open.
“All for me?” he yanks his fingers out of you, and gives your cunt a smack, stinging your clit. “Should’ve thought about that all those times you rejected me...” he rubs his cockhead against your quivering hole. “...talking back like a little bitch.”
“P-please... sir. Please. Don’t cum in me.” You beg weakly, feeling his tip stretch you out slowly.
“Ah. She learns manners.” He smiles to himself, pinning your face flat on the ground. “A bit too late for that, though. Don’t you think, sweetheart?” he asks innocently, “You’ll be begging for it soon enough.” he slams his entire length inside of your cunt in one quick, hard thrust.
You whine loudly, feeling every inch of him stretch you out to lengths you’ve never been stretched before. He really wasn’t the little, baby brother you thought he was. He was much, much bigger.
And he feels so fucking good.
He stays there for some time, holding his position deep inside your cunt – swollen balls pressing firmly against your stinging clit.
“Shit. So fucking tight... You feel that?” he asks, manhandling your hips as he uses them to push even deeper into you. “Feel every inch of this big fucking cock? This cock you’ve been denying yourself to pleasure to fuck, all because of what?”
You don’t answer – you couldn’t answer. You were too busy trying to adjust to his size that you couldn’t even form a proper thought.
“Hmm? because of what?” he pulls out of you, slamming his entire length back into you once more. “Because of what?!” he starts pounding relentlessly into you, unhappy that he had to repeat himself once more.
“Oh! I’m sorry, sir! Ugh – Please.” You beg, not sure what even for.
He withdraws from you suddenly, leaving your gaping hole empty and yearning for more of him. He crouches over you, mouth pressing against your ear as he uses his cockhead to rub your sore clit.
“Because. Of. What?” he whispers, slapping your clit with his cock.
“Because – because I thought you couldn’t handle me! Fuck. Please Lo’ak – I mean sir! Please fuck me!” you beg, shifting your pelvis so his cock lines up with your hole.
“That’s right.” He stuffs his cock inside you once more, setting a merciless, pitiless rhythm right off the bat. “Now, it seems like you’re the one that can’t handle me.”
All you can hear are the loud, squelching sounds his cock is fucking out of your pussy, and the slapping of his firm balls against your clit. It feels heavenly, as the heat pools deep in your pelvis. Your cunt clenches around his cock – ready to cum all over it.
“Yes! R-right there!” you scream, taking every hard thrust he gives you.
The knots in your stomach unravel quickly, sending your cunt into a frenzy – pulsating all over his cock as you near your climax. He pulls out of you, denying your orgasm.
“You think you can just cum without asking me?” he growls, giving you a hard smack on the ass.
“I’m sorry, sir!” you jolt from his rough touch, desperate for your orgasm.
He wastes no time and slides his entire length back inside of you, his mushroomy head brushing right against your g-spot.
“Oh, shit.” You mutter under your breath, biting back your moans to deny him the pleasure of knowing he’s making you feel good.
“Yeah? It’s right here, isn’t it?” he asks, thrusting right into your sweet spot once more.
“Ugh! Fuck – n-no!” you lie, hating the fact he’s making you feel this fucking good.
He gives you a hard, deep thrust. “Don’t fucking lie to me.”
A desperate, filthy noise escapes your throat, only confirming his suspicions. He laughs to himself, pounding into your little, sopping cunt, forcing out all the little whines and whimpers you’ve been trying to hold back from him.
“Moan for me, you needy little thing.” He demands.
His thrusts become insistent, demanding you moan for him – demanding you cum for him. They’re too much, too deep, too hard – too fast. You try your best to crawl away, scared for your poor, bruised cervix. All for him to just grab you by the tail and yank your back up onto all fours.  
“Stop fighting it. Take me like the good little slut you are.” He pins you down by your head. “Hmm? Thought I couldn’t handle you?” he grinds into you, pushing his pelvis even harder against the fleshiness of your behind.
“Shit! Stop! You’re too fucking deep, please!” you beg, feeling his tip pierce through your cervix.
“Too deep, or too big?” he rocks into you, maintaining his depth.
“Too big! Too big!” you whimper, tears threatening to roll down your cheeks again.
“That’s what I like to hear.” He lets loose a breathy chuckle, pounding into you once more.
Your sweet spot swells from his relentless thrusts, begging for release. He feels your cunt warm up, clenching around his cock. You try hold it, even though you want to cum so bad.
“Ask me.” He states, head dipping forward from how good your pussy feels around him.
“Please...” you moan softly.
“Please... what?” he slows his thrusts down, threatening to edge you once more.
“Let me cum... please!” you let out a sweet little cry.
“Aww, my sweetheart. Ask me to breed you, then you can cum. Okay?” he says gently, picking back up the pace.
“No – no... please.” you plead with him, on the verge of cumming.
Lo’ak clicks his tongue and pulls out of you – frustrated because he was close, too. He looks down at the sight of you squirming around beneath him, your body trying its hardest to search for the cock that was just impaling it.
“Such a pity. Let’s try this again.” he taps your thigh, signalling you to get back into position.
Positioning your self on your weak, shaky knees once more, you swoop your hand underneath you to take two fingers and spread your pussy lips for him. You can’t believe that your body is submitting to him, of all people.
“Look at you... begging me to fuck you.” he smiles to himself, positioning his tip at your entrance.
He doesn’t move, though. He lingers there, allowing just the tip to poke at your entrance. He wants you to work for it, so he can relish in the fact that you’re now the one begging to be fucked.
And you knew it.
“Fuck. Lo’ak.” You huff, frustrated that he’s practically pushing this in your face.
“Whenever you’re ready, princess.” He grins, giving you a pass for saying his name.
He watches as your cunt swallows his cock, inch by inch, all the way until the softness of your bottom presses against his pelvis once more. You rock into him languidly, feeling too weak to set a steady, and quick rhythm.
It doesn’t feel the same. Your little, tiny mewls that evade your mouth are evidence of it. You needed him to fuck you, to dominate you – to handle you. He could tell, too. But he just allows you to struggle to make yourself cum, waiting patiently for your sweet pleas.
You give up.
“Please. Fuck me, sir.” Your pleas are quiet and come out more as a whimper.
“That’s all you had to say, little one.”
He snakes his hands around your waist, slowly sliding them down to your sore hips, and grips them, tight. He angles his cock downwards, to fuck right into that swollen, abused sweet spot of yours. Teasing you, he lingers again, gentling massaging it with his tip.
It sends you over the edge.
“Good Eywa, just fuck me already!” you scream, pushing back on him.
He lets loose a loud, breathy laugh before sinking his nails into your hips and rutting into you. The sound of smacking flesh and your loud, lengthy moans fill the air, as you push against his thrusts, frantically chasing your orgasm.
He can already feel you heating up around his cock, clenching him tighter – moans becoming breathier.
“You know what you need to say, pretty girl.” His breathy words bounce at every ruthless thrust he gives you.
“’m gonna cum! Can I cum? Please...Ngh – Can I cum?” you beg, squeezing your eyes shut to focus on the growing sensation in your pelvis.
“No.” he growls, smacking your ass, leaving it stinging and red.
You knew that’s not what he wants to hear. Orgasm so near you had no other choice but to accept your fate as a vessel to carry his child. You grit your teeth, giving in to his wishes – giving into him.
Because you’re desperate.
“Fuck. Breed me! Make me into your breeding bitch! Cum inside of me, please!” you scream, unable to bite back your tongue anymore.
“That’s right. Go ahead, cum all over my cock.” His thrusts become more remorseless – deeper and shorter.
“Oh – oh fuck. C-cumming!” you cry out, body uncontrollably convulsing underneath him before going limp.  
He flings his head back, relishing in the feeling of your walls fluttering around his throbbing cock, begging for him release his essence inside of you. Giving you two hard, deep thrusts, he stays inside of you, holding your hips down on his cock as he spurts his thick, warm, ropes of cum deep inside of your womb.
“You took me so well. Sorry – I mean handled me so well.” he praises you, tapping you gently on the thigh.
He pulls out of you, only for your lifeless body to slump on the floor – passed out.
“Oh shit.” He mutters, realizing he may have taken things a bit too far with you.
He hurries to put on his loincloth before cleaning up the mess beneath him.
“What the fuck happened here?” Neteyam’s voice makes Lo’ak jump in his skin.  
Tags:@jakexneytiri @sweethoneycn @deadgirl02 @keijis-wifey @pandorxx @swiftielivvie @teyamfangirl @bl-lover-yaoi @sooebear @vanillawhale @bxnnywriting @athenachu @trashboat-the-raccoon @avaixe @itssiaaax @qweq-6802 @rodeosayu @girlpostingsposts @jakesullysbabygirl @rinloversworld @agelsully @zetey @boooogieman @jiafeimagic @eywascall @yawneneteyam @weirdomcu @pandxrastars @eichenhouseproperty @camgod78 @kibiscribbles @bedofpearls @kurtsworld096 @audrinawf @otukirey @deexdeez @c78r @bby-bo @neteyamsmate4life @wheniseeyouigogonutz @sullymenrhot @jakescumdump @erenjaegerwifee @eywaheardyou @saturnheartz @lovekeeho @afro-hispwriter @lovemyavatar @rainbowsocks @eddiesluvt @etherialblackrose @sleepilysworld @fezandashgirlfriend @kahlowy @babyymeme @lovekeeho
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yandere-sins · 2 years
Ugly Love
Vil, my beloved, I don’t feel like I can do him justice. But if anyone has to make a change to love someone, then it would be him, let’s be real :P Also I hurt myself every time I have to write Schoenheit knowing my keyboard literally has an ö-key, but that’s a german problem I guess...
Fandom: Twisted Wonderland Pairings: Vil Schoenheit x GN!Reader Warnings: Yandere, Forced Touch/Kissing, Violent Fantasies like biting and strangling mentioned, There are some mention of not being pretty because of under-eye bags or when he isn’t perfect so lowkey body issues and later reflected on the reader in comparison, Lowkey-highkey anger issues due to suppressed/unacknowledged emotions
Prompt:  @sintember Transformation - Becoming comes with pain, with loss. What skin do you shed, and what steps into new moonlight?
»»———————— ♡ ————————««    
That’s what he was—the most beautiful in the land.
At least, in Vil’s and some other eyes, he already held the title and the crown to be just like the one he aspired to be. He already had the tenacity that someone chosen to represent the dorm of the Fairest Queen should have; discipline and persistence were all traits Vil could identify with. Even if there was the occasional hiccup with his archrival Neige, no one in all of Night Raven College could have denied Vil the respect he deserved in terms of beauty and dedication.
It had taken a lot of time—years even!—to become the man he was now, guided by beauty and grace, and a lot of biting his tongue from speaking his true opinion and clenching his teeth so his costumes would always fit. He had to go through a lot to be able to afford to speak his mind and know how much and what to eat to not endure the hardships this life he chose threw at him, but it all worked out in the end.
That, already, had been a massive change for Vil.
One that he basked in every day like he was blessed by the gods themselves.
Being like this had its own price. Vil had to ignore the people talking behind his back, the whispers of envious onlookers. Every time he did anything, he had to prove himself as the figure he was made out to be, so no one could call him a monster in hiding. He woke up when the sun barely lurked from behind the horizon, already preparing himself for his day while others still slumbered. No one knew about all the experiments he had to do on himself, the constant improvements and changes he had to undergo to fit the expectations, especially the ones he put on himself. But he didn’t mind. He also thought it was best to be perceived to be effortless, adding to his charm.
Until you came along.
Vil Schoenheit needn’t impress anyone, and no one impressed him. But he did stand even a tiny bit straighter next to you, imposing, tall, so you’d have to stretch out this pretty neck of yours that he’d like to adorn in jewels, bite marks, or his hands. No one would notice his inappropriate thoughts except maybe Rook, who observed you two curiously but never intervened.
But much to everyone’s chagrin, it didn’t concern you in any way as the housewarden was trying to tempt you with his charm seeping off him. You didn’t even want to stick around to admire him after you asked your question about potions (and he graciously answered), waving your hand at him and bounding away unbothered by Vil’s posture faltering or his eyes widening in disbelief, an expression so rarely allowed on his face. He had no intention to lose his composure, and yet, if only for a split second, you brought him to his, figuratively speaking, knees.
And that’s when all his hard work went down the drain.
Suddenly, just because you were so incomprehensible rude as to not give him the attention he deserved from you, the carefully built house of cards that was his mental state collapsed. He had steeled himself for years, improved, changed, and transformed himself into perfection. In terms of humans, wasn’t he the species most remarkable? Yet, he couldn’t even keep the attention of one otherworldly visitor? Unforgivable. Absolutely despicable, and he could not stand the idea of just ignoring you.
Suddenly, things were all about you. He no longer worked out to keep his body fit; he did it to run by Ramshackle Dorm in the hope of catching your attention this way. He created the most potent poisons and best-selling potions so his face would be on every newspaper, the NRC’s homepage, and posters around the school, so you’d have to compliment him on his success eventually. Rook even noted that Vil changed the shade of his lipstick after he found out what colors you liked and cleaned out his wardrobe to make room for new things that fit your style.
Something. He just needed something that would make you go, “Oh, wow, Vil!” and he would have been satisfied. But the day never came. When he did pass you in the hallways, you’d greet him, keep up eye contact, and nod at him before letting him stew by himself. You didn’t even care about what he did for you to notice! Either you were ignoring them willingly or couldn’t be bothered, and Vil didn’t know which was worse.
It got so far that he lost sleep over it, and seeing dark circles under his eyes—a phenomenon that hadn’t occurred for a decade or so—he realized he had to take drastic measures to save himself from the shame you put on his head.
Vil couldn’t stand around and let you play with him like this. If subtle nudges didn’t work on you, he had to go into the offensive. He was the fairest of them all, damnit! It couldn’t be that one unworthy student would ruin him like this! So he put on his best clothes, did his hair, and concealed the marks of shame under his eyes with make-up, radiating elegance and class as he marched through the hallways, everyone parting and freeing up the way for him.
Ordering his entourage to stay outside your classroom, he went inside alone, his heart beating out of his chest as he suddenly felt nervous at the sight of you chatting and laughing with other students. Not noticing him at all. God, why did his heart, mind, and soul choose you when you had so little regard for his presence? When did he develop these feelings, or had they been right there from the beginning? What was even the potion you asked him about all these weeks ago?
It didn’t matter. Bellowing a loud, “Get out!” everyone jumped up before hurrying outside, and he grabbed your collar before you could slip out in the mass of students he ordered to give you two some space. Rook closed the door behind the last student, giving Vil a wink as you stood there, confusion visible on your face. Finally, he let you down again, trying to resist fixing your uniform but eventually clicking his tongue and smoothing out the wrinkles he caused, almost feeling bad.
But not so bad that he didn’t start to scold you the second he was done.
You looked at him—finally!—wide-eyed and shocked as Vil laid into you about your manners and incredible rudeness towards him. Your mouth opened and closed like a fish, and he hated you for being able to just express your emotions this freely and not thinking twice before doing anything. That’s right! What he felt for you was hate. He hated you for having all the freedoms and not caring about other opinions and doing things just because you wanted to. Eat, drink, sleep, you could do it without thinking of the consequences it had for your skin or figure and your future job or social media promotions.
He screamed this at you, repeating over and over how he hated people like you, but you especially, and you backed away, beginning to feel frightened by his anger dripping from his lips until he backed you up against a wall. Neither of you knew what was happening as his arms caged you in. His voice finally gave out as his face was inches away from yours, his heavy breaths caressing your skin, and you made the fatal mistake of looking at his lips. A look that shattered even the last boundaries between you for Vil.
Before you knew it, he was smearing lipstick all over your lips, teasing, biting at the supple flesh until you flinched. You gasped for air, pushing your hands into his chest as he leaned into you, but Vil took it as an invitation to slip his tongue across yours. Even though you grabbed his clothes and ruined his whole look with your hands, his make-up with your lips, and his heart by merely existing, Vil couldn’t care less for once. You screamed muffled words into the kiss, but he only felt his face heat up to the tips of his ears, his mind growing foggy at the intensity of the kiss.
You made him wonder if red suited him.
He’d have to see that in front of a mirror and try it again just to be sure. When he finally pulled away, both of you were breathless, silent just because neither of you knew what to say. You were obviously disgusted by the taste of his kiss, but something had changed inside Vil. It didn’t bother him so much. Looking up, he caught his reflection in the glass window and witnessed the joy shimmering in his eyes and the sensual expression on his face. All he could think about was how beautiful he was like this.
God, he was stunning.
He loved this.
Yes, he hated you. He hated the ugly noises you made, the coughing and wiping your face as you started lecturing him about how wrong it was to kiss you. He hated that you made him miserable by transforming him into someone with bags under his eyes and unashamedly losing his cool and scolding a freshman who wasn’t even in his own dorm. Logically, he knew you couldn’t be blamed for his feelings, but he still hated everything about how you made him feel and how you forced him to kiss you with that chaste glance at his lips.
Bringing a hand up to your face, you flinched as he cupped your cheek, tracing his thumb over your lips. And yet... he didn’t hate this. The sight of his lipstick smeared on your face, the same hatred shining through your eyes that he had for you, and how you shivered ever so slightly at his touch because there was still a part of you that was afraid of him.
Vil shivered too. He could feel the transformation that was occurring inside him once again. It was changing him, scurrying him up and wrenching into place, making space in his heart. A change that was so ugly, he never thought he’d go through it. One he’d never show to anyone but you. Before you could protest, he lifted you into his arms, ordered Rook to get the door from the outside, and marched off with you wiggling in his hold. However, he was much stronger, much more powerful than you after everything he did to make his dream of absolute beauty come true. You never stood a chance against him, and little did Vil know, he never did stand a chance against you either.
From the very beginning, you had captivated him, causing the change to take place long before he claimed you as his. All this time, neither of you even knew it was happening. Only true love’s kiss could unravel the truth behind his erratic behavior and actions, and open his eyes to new opportunities and a future he had never cared about. It made him want to change himself in any way possible, whether good or bad, right or wrong, and it was nothing like he had ever felt before. But Vil knew he’d rather lose himself than lose this feeling you caused inside of him, no matter how much either of you would hurt in the process.
Because, in the end, love was absolutely hideous.
And Vil had yet to learn of the depths of ugliness it would cause him to plunge into.
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darklinsblog · 1 year
Shaping a Dream | Sandman Imagine
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Summary: After his years of imprisonment Morpheus is in need of company, Lucienne suggests one of Morpheus’ creations as she has had a crush on her Lord for many eons. 
Pairing: Morpheus x Dream!Reader
Requested: Yes
Author’s note: Reader has no gender at first but then takes a female gender! P.S highkey didn’t want to post this cause it’s awful welp
The Dreaming had suffered greatly from the Lord’s absence, seeing him return gave you hope but it also hurt to see him so distressed, knowing you couldn’t do anything for him.
You were an angelic creation of his, one of his very first dreams he had ever made and for that he had always kept a particular affection for you.
It would be a lie to say you didn’t admire your creator, and with the eons, that admiration flourished onto a hushed love you kept under the rug.
Prior to the painful absence of the king, other dreams and nightmares would constantly tease you about your particular interest in the ruler.
It was so well known at one point that the librarian and right hand of the king ended up finding out centuries ago but decided to keep that piece of information to herself.
Until now.
Morpheus was over the edge, stressed, with too many things of urgent matter to handle all at once, he was rebuilding a whole kingdom and it was no easy task.
Lucienne thought about a particular idea days after the return of the king, an idea she had to be very careful to put on the table.
“My lord…” she started off saying, almost giving herself time to structure in a million ways what she was about to suggest.
The Endless turned to her and she took a quiet leap of bravery as she took a breath
“Have you thought of the idea that some… company, may be what you need?” She stopped right there, not wanting to say more, but by the look in the king’s face, he knew exactly what she was implying merely by the way she articulated the word “company”.
“I do not dispose of time to look for such company and…”
“I know who would be a fitting choice. If you wish to know, of course” Lucienne hurried up to say before her bravery went away. With this comment, the Prince of Stories seemed particularly intrigued.
“Who may this choice be?” He asked cautiously.
“Y/N, my lord. From what I’ve heard they has a unique affection for you and being a creation of your own you may alter her biology to your needs” the last bit of the sentence she explained in a bit of a hush.
The Endless would be lying if he said the idea of it being Y/N made it all much more appealing than it seemed at first.
He decided to consider the offer, keeping an eye on you, focusing so much on each little detail about you, from your hair, to your lips, down to every curve and angle possible in your figure.
If he focused enough on you, his arousal was undeniable.
His mind was made up, he had to have you. But he had to be cautious about it, he did not want to startle you by making a direct proposal. So instead, he created all sorts of “coincidences” to be around you more, to test if the rumors were actually founded.
At any chance he could get, he would look for any sort of skin contact, like grazing your hand delicately, standing close to you, touching your arm softly.
In every one of his attempts of closeness he would study your reactions, from the way you would play with your hair, the way you would twitch and blush slightly or how he would feel your eyes watching him from time to time.
That and the fact he could sense your nervousness and the way your heart would skip a beat every time he would stare at you.
Having proof of your quiet affections for him he decided to open the conversation of company with you.
He decided to invite you to the library, he requested for it to be empty, so he could talk freely, he wanted to approach this in a place where you felt comfortable.
“Y/N there was something I wished to speak about”
“Speak your mind, my lord” you said quietly, genuinely intrigued for the matter.
“You are aware of how my absence affected the Dreaming…”
“Of course” Morpheus cleared his throat
“…but it too, had an impact on myself, and regardless of the shame it evokes me to admit it, I am in need of an specific sort of companion”
You stood there, blinking a few times taking in all the information he was providing you, you were already figuring out where this was going but you needed to hear it with the exact words.
“I have being thinking that you would be the company I seek” he said directly, stepping quietly closer to you, grabbing your neck and swiftly and pulling you closer.
Finally your lips found one another an it felt like heaven. His hands wondered about your body, tempting, sensing, feeling overflowed by his arousal.
“May I do some… alterations to you, my sweet dream?” He requested you breathlessly in between kisses, having alterations was nothing new to you. Every single dream and nightmare created had had alternations over the ages, but this having merely the sexual purpose made it extremely thrilling.
“You may…” you said letting your arousal tint your voice, now his hands delicately wondered down your body, sneaking inside the fabric of your dress, creating what he was seeking for physically
Feeling the new addition to your body was foreign, it felt… sensitive and the king began expertly touching you, tempting on the new bundle of nerves.
Making you shiver and forget how to function properly, as he touched you and had you buckling to him you felt even more like one of his creations.
Like your only purpose was be there to suffice his every need and drown in the ecstasy of it all.
The look in his eyes, the infinite lust staring at you as he pleased you was driving you insane.
You could feel yourself growing wetter under his touch as you chanted the king’s name as if you were under a spell
Morpheus had never been caught up in lust like this, every touch, every sensation felt like the Endless was burning to the bone.
It wasn’t until having you trapped in his body, feeling the pleasure he was serving you that he realized how much he truly needed this sort of company.
A few days had passed ever since you were with the king, and you noticed how he was always somehow looking at you, making you feel protected.
He was particularly interested in listening to you and always kept somewhat of physical touch with you.
You hadn’t told anyone about what happened with Morpheus or what was currently happening as the atmosphere between you two changed from the minute you dived into pleasure.
This was something that had him intrigued, he could feel your admiration and affection towards him grow, but you did not allow that to come into the surface.
He was your creator and even then, he wasn’t able to solve the mystery within you, why or how did you managed to lurk into his subconscious without truly trying?
You had only satisfied him and resumed your life as normal, while he was finding himself stumbling upon the thought of you at his every move.
Had he developed some kind of deep rooted feelings towards you?
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Hello there do you have any Rantaro Amami x m!reader headcanons to spare? (Pref ones in the killing game but whatever works with you)
I have many a Rantaro headcannon to spare! I was thrilled when I saw this request, he's my favorite of the v3 characters! I hope you enjoy!
Rantaro with a boyfriend who's in the killing game
Warnings: Mentions of death and murder
Technically Male! reader but I didn’t use any pronouns
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-From the get go he was lowkey (highkey) terrified that something would happen to you, although he wouldn’t tell you that right away, and he certainly wouldn’t let anyone else figure it out either
-Rantaro is very protective of you, he’s not gonna let anything hurt you as long as he’s still able to breath. It doesn’t matter if you’re as strong as Nekamaru or as scary as someone like Mondo, he is keeping you as close to him as possible at all times
-He debated telling you to pretend that the two of you have no relationship so people can’t use it against you in the future, but that would mean he couldn’t hang around you all the time to keep you safe so he decided against it
-No matter where you are, he’s more touchy with you than he normally would be, like holding your hand all the time or doing the side hug thing. It’s his way of both telling you that he’s here for you and also telling others not to fuck with you
-He’s reluctant to let you hang around anyone by yourself, he trusts your judgement but also it’s a killing game and you can never truly know what someone’s thinking or planning
-He’s a very comforting presence during the whole ordeal, Rantaro knows how to soothe your anxieties about dying or just the murders in general
-Once a murder inevitably happens, he tries to shield you from the scene as much as possible, but if you want to investigate the body he won’t stop you, instead working with you to gather as much evidence as possible. He stays with you the entirety of the investigation just in case the murderer comes back for another round
-During the trial if your podiums are next to each other, he holds your hand throughout the ordeal, a silent reminder that he’s right there with you
-If you somehow ended up being the killer he’ll be so upset. He would never have been able to fathom you killing someone, but he can’t help but feel like it’s partially his fault for not stopping you and for not being able to convince you that there was another way out
-if you ended you ended up becoming a victim he’d be beyond devastated, he’d try so hard to investigate and be useful in the trial but it’s too much for him, he can’t handle it. He’d be even more closed off after that, barely talking to anyone for the rest of the game
-He again attempts to shield you from seeing any of the executions, but if you end up seeing them anyway he promises that he won’t let anything like that happen to you
-He asks you to let him stay with you during the night, he understands if you aren’t comfortable with it but he really wants to make sure your safe during the most dangerous time in the game
-It’s during the night he’s most vulnerable and cuddled up next to you where he tells you how much he loves you and needs you with him, borderline begging you to stay alive. to stay with him. As strong as he is, he couldn’t handle your death, so he’ll make sure he won’t have to.
-Don’t die, he needs you as much as you need him during this
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nayatarot777 · 1 year
what’s this person’s problem?
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• pile one •
this person has been broken out of their idealism. there was a tower moment that occurred due to a lot of pent up anger towards someone at home. or someone in your family (blood-related or chosen). this person is projecting their anger towards everyone and i have a feeling that you spoke up and shattered their delusion. i feel passive aggressiveness. this could be with a mother figure. this person is mad af that you can stay calm amid the chaos that they throw at you. you’re stable though, in your own way. you’re living in your own world and aren’t giving them the attention that they want so you’re balanced internally. despite the tower moment. you have inner stability and inner wealth. it’s like they’re trying to shake you out of your dreamy, manifestation-riddled dream that you’re living in. you couldn’t give less of af about this person’s tantrums and slick behaviour that they use to try to provoke you out of your peace. it’s almost like they subconsciously pick up on the fact that you’re going through a transitioning period. i’m hearing that it’s the ending of the dark knight of the soul. you’ve been going through it for a long while. but new things are coming into your life as a reward for working towards your inner stability. as within, so without, after all. and this person knows that as long as you’re in your introspective energy and viewing things from a higher perspective. they don’t know how you’re manifesting whatever you are, but they’re suspicious of you. y’all practice witchcraft or anything? this person is highkey afraid of that. they feel dumb compared to you too. perhaps because of some truths that you spoke about them - to them - and truths that they couldn’t deny. they’re afraid of your wrath for sure. they had plans to sabotage you more than they already have (if they have at all), but you shut that shit down. you’re able to protect yourself from harm from this person with ease. they can’t touch you. this person could be a witch as well as you. and i heavily feel as though they’ve put some shit onto you and they don’t want you to know. but it’s like they know that you already know. and that’s terrifying to this person. everything that they feel like you know about anything esoteric is also scary to them. it’s scary to them how tapped into the universe and the metaphysical you are. i have a feeling that this person low-key didn’t expect you to put them in their place. but you did. because you’re not dumb. and they’re mad. and scared 🤷🏾‍♀️
• pile two •
you took your power back and you’re not letting up. you realised that you don’t deserve to be treated the way that this person has been treating you and you said something about it. you stayed quiet about their behaviour for a very long time, but you eventually prioritised your own self-respect and spoke up for yourself. you being the villain from this person’s perspective is actually benefiting you. your pride and ego - understanding exactly who you are and protecting yourself from this person - is bringing in major abundance. i feel like you’re keeping yourself away from this person. they hardly see you. you’re unattainable to them in some way. it’s like you’re addicted to your own energy and this person can’t stand this. why? because you’re thriving in your time away from this person. something that you’re doing online in particular could be bringing you so much abundance. you could even be speaking the truth online. i’m seeing that if any of you are tarot readers/people who practice other forms of divination for people online, this person is lurking on your readings/content and resonating with messages that trigger them. they feel so judged by you but your judgement in general is bringing you major fortune. just like pile one, your person fears you. your ability to repel them and then build a life without any help. by yourself. you may have not spoken to this person in a while too, but they feel like you know what’s happening with them regardless. you’re deeply intuitive. you’ve turned your pain into positive self-fulfilment and because this person is unable to do this, they’re trying to evil eye you. you moved away with ease and this person was forced to move on. you move in silence too. you don’t speak out about your private business for the world to hear. they know that you’re not one to be fucked with. they could have sent you evil-eye and negative energy but that shit backfired and they’re scared. the more that their life crumbles, the more abundance you guys receive. damn, pile two. tf did this person do to you? 😭
• pile three •
i’m immediately seeing that for quite a lot of you, you’ve overcome something dark af. a time in your life that’s been full of pain and darkness. but you’ve still managed to overcome fear and chase after what you want to create for yourself. you’re under your own rulership. you know that you can look after yourself. you have enough self esteem now to trust yourself to acquire whatever you need or want. you could also have a more “taboo” belief system. this person feels like you left them behind in some way. they don’t want you to move away from them. but at the same time it feels like they’re jealous af. they don’t feel as stable and as capable of stability as you are. you could have exposed this person’s mask. now they’re having to deal with the repercussions of bringing you bs. this person could have brought you drama. i feel like this person was quite deceitful. they see you as someone conquering your fears, your goals, milestones, etc. and they want to gain from you in some way. they may also even want to give to you as an “apology” (mainly seeing materialism) but they know that whatever they could offer you would be shut down and rejected. you’ve grown cold towards this person, they feel (most likely for good reason), but it’s like they have a victim mindset that clouds their view of who they are objectively. as a person. they’re mad about your success. for some of you, they may even want revenge on you, and they could be trying to redeem themselves to get back in your life in order to fulfil this wish. they could also try to bait you with money or something that could add to your stability. it’s an act. they’re not actually sorry. this person is envious of you deep down. they want to backstab you and profit from your suffering in some way. this is a warning. pay attention 🧿🪬
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rhine-gold-archive · 2 years
Dude I LOVED your sub diluc analysis and 110% agree. If you're taking suggestions for more sub characters analysis how about our favorite malewife Thoma
Sub! Thoma x Dom! Gn Reader
Warnings: nsfw, minors please get out, edging, praise kink, service play, slight degradation, chastity cage, overstim, vibrator, oral (reader receiving), ruined orgasms. Fluff. Yes, I said fluff, and I mean it.
Wordcount: 4k
A\N: as always, filth is under the cut, don’t worry. If you’re a worldbuilding purist and vibrator bothers you, pretend it’s from Fountaine. If they already have cameras, they can manage vibrators.
Thoma is just great. He would almost be too sweet if he didn’t have another side as a problem-solving fixer or didn’t have a spine.
And he does have a spine, unarguably, he threw a spear at the face of his country’s god during her one-hit kill boob-nuke move. So when he submits to you, you know he’s doing it by choice and not because he’s a pushover, which makes it even better.
Like Diluc, he's a dedicated pyro workaholic who will not take care of his own needs or pleasure unless he’s literally forced to, but unlike Mond’s Batman, Thoma is not on 27 layers of dissociation and is actually aware of what he wants.
It’s not that he couldn’t be smth more ambitious than a housekeeper, it’s that the combination of mild OCD and people-pleasing motivation make both housekeeping and being a fixer a very rewarding occupations for him, and why be ashamed of something that makes you happy.
Thoma’s natural impulse when he sees something wrong or out of order is to fix it, and the scale doesn’t really matter - from spilled coffee, to trade deal disputes, to tyrannical government decree. And because of his indifference to the scale, he doesn’t turn this world-bettering into a grand mission or an isolating burden of responsibility, unlike SOME people, and therefore manages to have one of the healthiest mentalities out of all genshin workaholics. 
His biggest turn-on is bringing pleasure to the partner and he will always put others' satisfaction above his own, which is why he can top if that’s the best way to please his lover, but his ideal role is a service sub.
with proper encouragement, he’ll be very open and needy, but also bashful enough to be fun to tease when you want to. Literally best of both worlds.
You might not appreciate Thoma or not find him interesting compared to other, loudly flashy characters, everyone has a right to have no taste.
He might be ready for almost anything to please you after you’ve already made him yours, but he has his quiet dignity. He will not be advertising if you don’t notice first. 
He’s a bite of a fresh green apple, warm from being left in the summer sun, a tangible pleasure to sink your teeth in, with just enough tanginess to offset the sweetness. A breathy laugh, ruffled sunset-gold hair, agile body, always in motion, green-grass bright eyes, a late spring on the cusp of turning to summer, warm and sunny, but not yet stifling hot. Golden time, all yours to claim, but very easy to miss if inattentive.
Has a praise kink, obviously, but whatever he does for you, he will never ask for the compliments himself. He can be easily persuaded to beg, but not for praise - he needs to be complimented not because he asked you to, but because he’s earned it.
Also likes degradation at the same time. In the hangout event he was like “Nooo, traveler, don’t stop these authorative men from openly disparaging me, I don’t mind. Despite the fact that I have more than enough influence as both Ritou fixer and closest confidant of the Kamisato clan siblings to put an end to it myself. It just doesn’t bother me haha.”
Yeah okay, sure, whatever you say, babe.
Has a highkey oral fixation. Not only the balls-eating idle animation. But also completely unprompted, out of nowhere basically railroaded his friends into doing a weird “game” where you have to guess the unknown weird foods just by taste and texture. Brought the weirdest foods and tasted them the most for no reason until he’s literally got sick. Like, you didn’t have to go this hard, king, your friends were just sitting there confused anyway, it wasn’t even a competition.
Later brings up said event as a fun time that he’d like to repeat
Yeah okay, SURE, whatever you say, babe.
Someone please fuck this man on the mouth with a variety of differently shaped and textured dildoes to satisfy his need for interesting mouthfeels and save him from another indigestion.
Thoma’s biggest insecurity is belonging. Caught between two heritages, disconnected from Mondstadt, but always seen as an outsider in Inazuma. He found his place in the Yashiro commission, and he threw himself fully into his work for this sense of belonging, but secretly and, as he thinks, selfishly, Thoma yearns for someone to want him just for himself, not for his skills. And not just to want him, to claim him, own him fully, without stipulations, to reward or punish him as you see fit, but to know that he’s completely, undoubtedly, unquestionably yours. 
His enjoyment of chastity cage stems from both of his main preferences, first, it’s a constant, tangible proof of belonging to you, more permanent than any mark on the skin could be. Second, it appeals to his cheeky part that enjoys the thrill of having a hidden side, like  “oh, you think that i’m just a humble housekeeper, but I’m actually a resourceful influential fixer, but you’ll never know that :3”
He’s not clingy, but he blooms when given attention, like a sunflower quietly turning to the sun. He cherishes anything - from the smile and quick peck on the cheek, to slap on the ass or you dragging him into a broom closet and fucking him against the wall while he bites his handguard to stifle moans. The anticipation that you might ask for anything from him at any moment sparks deep in his belly like a small flickering candleflame.
Like any pyro, he loves a challenge, but because Thoma is like the farthest you can get from a brat, he doesn’t like challenging you, but enjoys endurance or patience tests, and the more he has to work for it, the sweeter the reward will feel.
If he’s only left one room to clean, you can order him to do it with a remotely controlled bullet vibrator in his ass and enjoy the show of him struggling to keep his composure and finish the job.
At first he tries really hard to pretend it’s not affecting him at all and go on as usual, but you notice his hitched, and then quickened breath, tensed body, his movements are stifled in comparison to his usual easy fluidity, he’s stealing quick glances at you from the half lowered eyelashes.
As it gets worse, you can see him breathing through the mouth, swallowing harshly, his hips twitching, so you ramp up the vibrator’s setting and he almost doubles over the table he was wiping, gasping from surprise. For some time, he struggles to get a hold of himself, his thighs shaking, fists clenching on the table’s surface, but then manages to get back to cleaning, his hands a little trembling, but still careful and melticiuos and you turn the intensity down. You don’t want this game to end too quickly.
Of course, you can cheat and tease him directly, starting from fleeting caresses, to stealing kisses and getting in his way and groping. He’s left with his clothing ruffled, shirt riding up from when you slid your hands under it, pants half-undone by you and hanging on hipbones. He blushes, but doesn’t fix his clothes, because you made a point of leaving them like that, and the way you watch him with obvious desire riles him up just as much as the bullet pulsing inside of him. It takes all of his willpower to not go to you, collapse at your feet and beg to touch him, fuck him, let him finish.
Finally, there’s only one bookshelf left to dust, and at this point Thoma is no longer even trying to keep up the pretenses, he’s squirming, letting out shaky gasps, lightheaded from mix of desire and ache in his aroused cock, cage feeling more and more painfully tight. He’s steeling himself, taking deep breaths, because by the archons, he’s not going to let some dusty wood planks get the best of him.  
He’s so focused on his goal that he doesn’t notice how you approach him, until you hug him from behind, so he shudders, letting out a surprised gasp, and you chuckle.
“So, how is it going, baby?” you ask with an innocent tone, but your mouth is pressed to his ear, and you feel him shiver from your warm breath.
“Great,” he manages to start out with an upbeat tone and a smile, but then you start kissing his neck and sliding your hands under his shirt, and his voice gets wobbly. “I’m… ah, I’m… so close…” you find his nipples and they harden immediately under your touch, forcing a shaky, needy moan out of him before he can continue, “Almost done… just…mmmhm… just a bookshelf…” you twist his nipples and buck your hips against his ass, and he arches in your arms, “Oh, fuck, please!”
He’s too fucking delicious, so you turn him over and press him against the wall, claiming his mouth. He’s such a good kisser, even half out of breath and out of mind like this.
“No, I can’t let you fuck the bookshelf, babe,” you tease, smiling. “That would just be a mess.”
He starts rolling his eyes at your joke, but ends up with his throat arched, your lips trailing kisses under his jaw.
“Wait, I didn’t finish…”
You smirk and pull his pants down to the thighs in one abrupt motion. “Oh, you’re definitely going to finish.”
He blushes, but meets your eyes anxiously. “You mean, like that?..”
“Yeah, with your pretty cock still caged, darling.”
He blushes even more brightly and swallows hard, but doesn’t argue, doesn’t complain, doesn’t ask you to take it off, despite how uncomfortably tight it feels, despite knowing that coming like that won’t bring him pleasure or even relief, just frustration. It’s been a few days, and he wants to finally be allowed a real orgasm so badly, but he follows your order like a good, obedient boy that he is. 
He lets the last dregs of his control go, because that’s how you want to see him, submits to your caresses, and the world drowns in a delirious, needy haze of desire. He hears his own filthy, shuddering moans without realizing it’s him making them, basks in how you rake your eyes over him in hunger, exposed, writhing against the wall under you, blushing cheeks and parted lips, shirt pulled up to the collarbones and pants pulled down to the thighs.
It’s worth the sweet, maddening torture of his aching dick and overstimmed, abused prostate for how you claim him, your hands and lips all over his body, your tongue sliding inside his mouth, it’s overwhelmingly too much and desperately not enough. He isn’t sure how much time has passed, every moment feels like stretched out, agonizing eternity, until he can’t take it anymore.
He comes with a half-choked moan, his legs going weak, and slides down against the wall, panting. You kneel down next to him, kiss his face and whisper praises as he’s trying to catch his breath, and reach between his legs to take the bullet out. 
But instead of switching it off, you press it against his cock, sending a violent jolt through his entire body.  He gasps, his bright green eyes going wide in disbelief.
“Shhh, baby, I just need you to cum one more time for me,” you tell him, kissing his cheekbones tenderly. His cage has an opening that leaves part of the cockhead exposed, it’s swollen, red and throbbing against the bullet.  
“No, please, I can’t,” he gasps for air with an open mouth like he’s drowning, presses his back against the wall in an instinctive urge to get away.
“Of course you can, baby,” you catch his chin, forcing him to look at you. “You are mine, aren't you?”
“Yes,” you can feel his throat moving under your fingers when he swallows.
“And your cock is my favorite pretty plaything. So I need you to come for me again like my good little whore.”
“It hurts,” he moans weakly and shuts his eyes, blushing brilliantly, his gasps turn into quiet whimpers. His body is twitching, nails scraping helplessly on the floor, but he still hasn’t said the safeword, so you keep the bullet pressed to his throbbing cock.
“I know, baby,” you press a gentle kiss to the corner of his parted lips. “But I want to have you whole. I want to take everything you have, sunflower, and I know you can still give me more.”
His arm springs up abruptly and for a second you think he’ll try to push you away, but instead he finds your free hand and intertwines his fingers with yours.  
“Yes,” he whimpers shakily and looks up at you, his eyes bright and glittering green from tears. “Oh, please, please…”
He looks incredible like this, luminous in combination of filthy hunger and naked tenderness, an exposed, helpless mess, writhing on his knees, trying to spread legs that are caught in half-undone pants on his thighs
his cheeks glowing bright red, he’s keening and begging, without even knowing what he begs you for, with wet parted lips, chest raising in heavy feverish breathing, cum from his first orgasm still staining his cage and stomach, the swollen, pulsing tip is leaking under your finger when you thumb his slit with the same hand that holds the bullet against it. 
Сompletely undone, unraveled, tortured and trembling, but nonetheless, he’s clutching at your hand, reaching, leaning into you with desperate need.
“You’re so fucking beautiful, baby,” you squeeze his hand, press yourself against him as he whines, and you can tell he’s close by how the muscles of his abs tighten, his thighs tense. “Show me how good you can be.”
He comes with a choked, broken sound, half-moan, half-sob. You hold him as he’s shaking, pepper his face with kisses, whisper praises as he’s trying to catch his breath. 
“Good boy. You are such a delight to have, my little treasure.” His body is full of raw-nerved, unreleased tension, but your words add a maddeningly sweet undercurrent, shiver that runs down his spine, makes the torturous frustration worth it if you’ve enjoyed him. “You’ve been so good for me, I’ll even let you choose your reward. If you want, I will take off your cage and make you cum until you lose your voice from screaming.”
His breath hitches, eyes light up in hungry anticipation, but you continue.
“Or, I’ll let you serve me. I’ll fuck your pretty mouth.”
“Let me serve you,” he answers without hesitation and you smile, because you always knew what he'd choose.
Few minutes later, he’s kneeling at your feet, already naked except for the handcuffs and the cage, the longer strands of his molten gold hair falling freely over the sculpted shoulders. He’s quiet, but he’s looking up at you in restrained anticipation.
“Are you sure, baby? You can still change your mind.”
“Yeah,” he says without hesitation, nuzzling at your knee. “I’m sure.”
“I might not let you out today at all.”
“I know,” he kisses your knee, rubs his cheek against it pleadingly, looking you in the eye. “Please… Use me.”
You smile, let him start slowly, trail a line of kisses up your thigh until he presses his mouth to your sex. It’s not the first time you use his mouth, so he knows what you like, eager lips and searching tongue. He looks up at you, watching for all signs of pleasure: heavy breath, narrowed eyes, bitten lip. You slide your hand into his hair, stroke it softly and he hums in appreciation. When your hips buck against his face, you can feel his moan reverberating against your flesh. 
Your fingers tighten in his hair, and you forcibly pull him closer, fuck his mouth as he goes slack, his eyelashes flutter, warm and willing for you to take.
You slow down a little bit, just enough to hear him make a tiny choked noise, caught deep in his throat, see him look up at you from under half-lowered lashes with glistening, dizzyingly grateful green eyes. 
When you finish, it’d be enough for him to cum if he wasn’t caged still, so when you let him go, he slumps against your leg, breathing heavily through his bruised mouth, his ragged breaths hot against your skin. 
“Thank you,” he whispers, blush on his cheeks heating up against your knee, just barely loud enough for you to catch it.
You take him to the bed, throw him on his back, and he lies sprawled helplessly in front of you, delirious from the constrained pleasure, watching you with bated breath.
“You’ve been very good, my treasure,” you whisper, looming over him, move the unruly bangs, no longer held by a headband, from his forehead. His hair is too bright and saturated for a blonde, not dark and red enough for ginger, another duality caught in between, gold and tangerines, amber and buttercups, sunflower petals in the light of the late sunset. 
“So even though you refused your reward, I’ll give you a chance to cum. If you can win a little game,” you smile, open his cage and slide it off. It goes slowly, with an effort, too tight around his swollen dick, and he shudders, sighs deeply when he’s finally free.
You press your palm against his cock and kiss the corner of his lips. “I’m afraid you’ll have to work for it, baby.”
He throws a glance at you, blushing, unsure. Is that all you’ll ask from him, to debase himself to show how much he wants it? That seems too easy for how far gone he is in his desires, but he doesn’t question you. He catches your mouth in an eager, sloppy kiss, thrusts his hips up, rubbing his cock against your hand.
You let his dick slide a few times against your palm, drink lovely, sweet moans from his lips, and then move your hand up, out of his reach. You chuckle as you watch him thrust helplessly into the air, groaning in frustration.
You only touch him again after he settles down, let him build up the rhythm, his thrusts turning quick and frantic as he’s getting closer to release. When you smirk and caress his cheekbones, he tenses, your grin is so teasing he expects a catch. 
He waits for you to move your hand away again, but instead you lean down and sweetly tell him: “Slower.”
This catches him off guard, his eyes and mouth going wide in surprise and dismay. He has to brace himself forcefully to obey against his natural instincts. He grips at the bedsheets, but manages to slow himself down to half the speed.
You watch him struggle with a smile, his chest rising in heavy panting, parted lips, fingers clutching at the sheets, involuntary arch building in his spine as he focuses all his willpower on controlling his hips. You kiss a line down the exposed column of his throat, feel him shudder and his cock twitch against your palm, he almost bucks erratically, but catches himself at the last moment.
“Good boy,” you whisper, raking your fingers through his tangled hair. He meets your eyes, pleading, at once desperate and hopeful for release.
Instead, you tell him “Stop moving.”
He lets out a loud groan that breaks into a shaky whimper as he forces himself to pin his hips down to the bed. He throws his head back and arches his back, squeezing his eyes shut, his dick twitching against your palm and his knuckles whiten from how hard he’s clenching his fists. You run your hand up the length of his painfully hard, throbbing cock, provoking a moan, gently thumb at the slit of his swollen, leaking tip. 
“Fuck, please, I’m so close, please…” he gasps for air with an open mouth, writhing under you as you kiss his jaw, slide your other hand over his body in tantalizing caresses, feel his muscles clench under your touch. You’re not so cruel to count this against him, because he does manage to keep himself from thrusting into your teasing hand as you slowly, maddeningly slowly stroke his cock, pearly string of precum dripping on his stomach. 
“Very good, sunflower,” you whisper in his ear, feel his eyelashes flutter as he’s struggling to look at you. He’s so tense he’s shaking, sweat pooling on his temples and a trembling slope of his collarbones. You kiss his parted lips, cover his clenched hand with your own. “You’ve been such a delightful, beautiful plaything today. Come for me, you’ve earned it, baby.”
He comes undone immediately, with a desperate, strangled scream that he’s too unraveled to feel ashamed about. You pump his cock, let him ride out the pleasure he’s been waiting so long for, forcefully held control finally lost completely and his mind going completely blank, watch him thrashing under you until his screams turn to whimpers and he grasps at you and pulls you close.
Later in the shower he has no strength left, so you start cleaning him up yourself, and he tries protesting, but you gently pin him to the wall. 
“Can I take care of my own little treasure, hm?” you ask him teasingly, and he laughs with both embarrassment and gratitude, melts under your touch. 
You feel quite tired yourself, looking forward to finally getting to bed and falling asleep entangled in his warmth. But when you walk into the room, he slips out of your arms and starts tearing off sheets from the bed with amount of energy that he frankly should not be able to produce in this state.
“Babe. What are you doing? Cum didn’t even get on the sheets, it’s fine.”
“I’m not going to sleep on sweat-covered bedsheets,” he throws an affronted look over his shoulder as he’s pulling a new sheet over the frame. “I wasn’t raised in a barn.”
You sigh and watch him silently, until he grabs a pillow.
“Thoma. Thoma, what did the pillows do to you? We haven’t even touched them.”
“It’s going to bother me if the sheets are fresh and pillowcases aren’t. *And* if they don’t match.”
“I’m starting to think I’m taking the handcuffs off you too early,” you say sourly, and he chuckles, blushing faintly.
“Sorry, sorry, I’m almost done. Just a minute.”
He is done pretty quickly, but then you catch him eyeing the heap of bedsheets on the floor.
“Baby, if you try to start laundry right now, I will have to knock you unconscious for your own good.”
“I was just going to put it into a basket…”
He laughs airily, lets you drag him into bed, falling down next to you.
“But you have to admit, sleeping on clean linen is so much better.”
It is pretty great, it’s fresh and cool, and smells faintly of lavender.
“It’s nice,” you concede, pulling him close. 
Thoma gives absolutely the best hugs and cuddles, firm, but not restrictive, like all pyro, he emanates warmth even when he’s not using his vision, but from him, it’s a lenient sunlight, not the aggressive heat of fire. Amber-hued protective bubble where nightmares seem stupid and everything is going to be alright, a feeling normally only achievable by months of therapy, being covered in puppies or copious amounts of drugs. 
“But you are still crazy. I’m going to fuck you over the counter in the morning instead of the bed, so you don’t change the sheets *again.*”
He makes a content little noise, something between a chuckle and a purr.
“And what would you like to have for breakfast? Other than me, of course.”
“I don’t really care. Other than you, of course. Surprise me, sunflower.”
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