#it's meant to say something along the lines of
capricornlevi · 2 days
mdni / nsfw
it was just a stupid joke, toji huffs to himself, shrugging off his bloodied shirt before stepping into the cold motel shower. you hadn't meant it seriously, of course. it was just a silly little jab you'd made after sex, trying to wind him up and make him laugh.
and it had made him laugh, truly. it was just the sort of thing you'd say to cut through his callous demeanour.
you'd said it just last night, after the third round, right as you slid off your plush mattress and balanced yourself on shaky legs, searching in the half-light for your t-shirt and wherever the hell you'd thrown your underwear. after a few seconds of trying in vain and well aware he was still eyeing your naked frame, you'd turned and looked at him over your shoulder, giving him that barely-there grin that drives him crazy.
"no touching yourself while you're gone, right?"
he'd huffed out something along the lines of 'for fuck's sake', chuckling low in his chest as he thought ahead to the four-day journey to his next job, and how he'd much rather spend it with you in your cute little apartment, fucking you until your voice goes all high-pitched and raspy.
but now he's here, alone, in an empty grey-tiled bathroom that has none of your fancy soaps or lotions decorating the surfaces, and he feels that familiar heat coil in his gut, the one that starts to surface at even the most fleeting thought of you.
your soft skin, the way his hands fit around your curves --
you didn't mean it, right? surely you didn't expect him to last four days without picturing you perched on top of him, grinding against his abs as he plays with your --
even though he doesn't need to, he glances down and sees the effect you're already having on him even though you're hundreds of miles away.
frustrated, he shuts off the water with a flick of his hand. wrapping a towel around his waist and ignoring the way the fabric rests on his hips, he grabs his phone from where he set it down on the counter just moments ago and hits dial next to your number.
as he hears the call tone, he bites down on his lower lip to the point it could draw blood -- surely it must have been a meaningless joke.
you're not that cruel, right?
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How would Alejandro react to Assistant Noah complimenting the charmer for manipulating Sierra WITHOUT flirting with her + for tricking Sierra into embarrassing his boss (Chris Mclean)? 😎
Well. If Noah's complimenting Alejandro for his sabotage of Sierra in New York, the first thing he'd try to do is deny it entirely.
Despite being proud of his skills in manipulation, a lot of Alejandro's gameplan rides on him being seen as genuine and trustworthy by those around him - straight up admitting that he tricked Sierra into falling out of Chris' good graces would be a blow to the manifacutred image of a chivalrous and good-spirited Alejandro, which is what he presents himself in the early competition.
He does something along these lines to Heather when she calls him out for exactly this in the episode. Though, it's less outright denial and moreso redirection of her attention... via flirting... Speaking of Heather, the only reason Alejandro is fine with her suspicion/antagonism is because he knows that no one else is going to listen to her. If anything, Heather's "dislike" of him lends credence to his act - since any enemy of Heather's is automatically a friend of pretty much the rest of the cast.
Of course, Noah would see straight through the paper-thin lies, because he's got the same perspective as the audience (that is to say, he's got a third party perspective of the competiton and can easily recognise Alejandro as the season's main "villain", plus he's seen the confessionals) and, in all likelihood, had a hand in casting Alejandro in the first place to be the antagonist; of course he knows Alejandro's true colours.
So Alejandro would be met with a conflict of interests here; on the one hand, he's been given the perfect oppertunity to build a rapport with Chris' personal assistant, potentially ensuring himself some insider help for the competition at hand and - if he plays his cards right - knowledge and blackmail material on his competitors.
On the other hand, he'd have to drop his act to do so, which could be disasterous should any of his other castmates see and/or overhear.
Plus, Noah specifying that he's impressed that Alejandro can manipulate people without flirting would be a point of contention between the two, or at least a percieved jab at Alejandro. He's a very capable and very prideful person by nature, and Noah implying that he had previously assumed Alejandro only knew how to exploit people via seduction/flirting would absolutely be taken as an insult, even if it wasn't meant to be.
Though I doubt Alejandro would put two and two together in this instance and realise that it's just a round-about way of Noah asking him if all of the flirting he'd done towards Noah himself was an attempt at manipulation or not.
Personally I see this whole scenario being a poorly worded olive branch on Noah's part which Alejandro unintentionally snubs, thus cementing Noah's initial "dislike" and distrust of Alejandro.
As a result, Alejandro would fail to react at all, too overcome with indecision to reply in time before Noah's interest/investment in the conversation wavers and he walks away. Leaving Alejandro to stand there dumbly, wondering how Noah could so easily pick up on his schemes when everyone else (sans Heather) is clueless.
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The Damned Pt.7
Toji Zenin x fem!reader
Synopsis: forced to get in with the Zenin clan by your parents as a servant, Toji Zenin seemed to damn you more than himself….
hi guys i’m back :3 sorry for not updating. i have so many ideas for this fic, pls go back and reread if ur confusedddd. chap is coming after the sexy times that have just ensued :33
blood, sexy stuff, pillowtalk, violence, typical Toji stuff
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Toji cleaned you up in the bath after such a passionate night. You were both silent. He dried your hair, dried your body. His gaze didn't align with his soft touch... so he could be gentle?
He was never this attentive to women, but this was something he wanted to do. Toji should have thrown you out right after, he should have been at his wits end and come to his senses- realizing that this was a mistake, a line he shouldn't have crossed.
He laid you on the bed, both of your clothes strewn all over the floor, you flushed at the sight of him.
“Stay with me.” Toji muttered, hoping to God that you wouldn't hear him, but he might as well hold a megaphone to your ear and say it- you listened to him as per usual. You immediately curled into him, resting your head on his chest, Toji was stunned, he didn't know where to put his hands, or what to do with his fingers. He hadn't cuddled before. The revelation was stunting him, he didn't know what to do, any of his upcoming actions were on instinct and should be considered pure, right? Toji reluctantly put his arms around you and brought you tighter to his chest, he hesitantly stroked your hair, enjoying the way such softness felt under his calloused fingers.
“Just for tonight. But that's all, I'm throwing you out in the morning." He said gruffly, he was contemplating the risks right now but he just wanted to feel a body without it hurting him.
You nod reluctantly as you agree. He was right and you loathed it, but this stolen moment would be something to be cherished along the twisted path borne of Zenin hate. “Can I ask you something?” You whisper softly. Your soft padded fingertips traced the little scars littered on Toji's chest.
He couldn't help his eyes widen as you so casually yet so intently thumbed at his scars. This was the first time in a long time that someone had asked about his scars. Normal people within the clan, the chambermaids, the gardeners, the cooks were afraid to even look because of the fear of being reprimanded by him. But you...you weren't scared. You were curious, he liked that about you. But he knows that you'll die because of it. “Ask away...” He said lazily.
“Do you have the same nightmare every night?” You mutter, your solemn tone pierced his ears as your words hang in the air. You were obviously referring to last night when you found him thrashing in his bed, he almost broke your hand because of it, the purple stain on your skin meant nothing to the stain you wished to know- the one burdening his mind. You wondered if he went through the same torment every night.
Suddenly he glared at you with cold steely eyes and gripped your wrists to stop you from touching his scars. “Don't.” Toji said firmly.
You were mortified. “I'm...I'm sorry. I didn't mean to pry.” You murmur under your breath, he could tell it wasn't on purpose but he still felt agitated because of it. He watched as your face flinched, he had to take a minute to process things and in the end, he finally spoke.
“It's fine.. Just don't touch them again. Never. Do you understand?”
“I'm sorry.” I understand. You whisper, you knew he was protecting himself from you, he doesn't want toopen up and you understood that. But it was difficult for you to let go. He looked so scared that night, he grabbed your wrist so hard that the bruise was still in full bloom. Your eyes flit to your wrists to inspect it as you remember the event. "You were so scared... I've never seen you that scared before.” You mumbled as concern etched over every perfect feature.
Toji tensed up. He was ashamed of what he had done, the way he had acted, the fact he still had fears at all. He had never felt guilt in this way before, it seemed like you were guiding him through multiple firsts. “I'm sorry... for hurting you.”
"No!" You blurted absentmindedly. You clear your throat as your eyes lock with his. “No. It's not your fault at all.” Toji hated it, hated how you said such meaningful things as if it was a casual thing. It wasn't. Your mind reeled to what else he could have done last night, he could have killed you.
Toji's hands wrapped around your sides to keep your body pressed against him. He felt quite protective of you at the moment and he was becoming more and more confused, more and more unravelled by every passing minute. He couldn't explain it but it felt too comfortable. “Don't feel scared when you're with me…stop trembling…it’s pathetic..”
You frown at his words, why was he making this an uphill battle. A war waged on no-one? You sigh and roll over to your side, facing away from him.
“ I'm not scared...I'm just cold.” You reply firmly, growing abit tired and confused at all of this. Tonight was overwhelming to say the least.
Toji groaned in irritation, not wanting to deal with this little huff. “What are you so scared of? You're shaking like you're trying not to freeze to death. Are you...are you that afraid of me?” For a split second moment, a small hole pierced through his heart: Are you scared of him? Are you pretending not be?
“No. I'm not afraid.” You say simply, yet you weren't giving your thoughts away in the process. Toji was getting more and more irritated at the fact that you were making this difficult for him. He sighed and put his palm on your back. "If you're not afraid of me, I want you to look me in the eyes and tell me... I want to see the truth."
Your ears perked up at the sudden declaration, you turned your head to look him in the eyes, almost as if you were challenging him. “Do you want me to be afraid of you? Is that it?” You say softly, sadness dampening your features, you weren't scared, you were sad.
“If you want me to give you a reason to be afraid of me, I can do just that.” His jaw clenched, his hands flexed and it's obvious that he wasn't lying-
You turn back over to face him and after a few moments of silence and deep pondering, you sighed, a serious look covering your face. “ I'm trying to understand you. All I want is to be close to you, but you're making that really difficult when you keep pushing me away like this.”
His eyes widened slightly and the stern expression on his face softened just a bit. You hit him in just the tender spot and he didn't like how he was acting, he was ashamed of it. Toji didn't understand what he was feeling so he reverted to the only thing he could comprehend other than violence and hatred, he pushed you away. “Right...” He said lowly.
You avert your gaze from his, trying to figure out what to see to get through the cold exterior of his bloodied heart. You sigh, he didn't need to be reprimanded, he needed warmth. "I'm sorry I pushed you." You whisper. We don't have to talk about this. This is the only night we can spend together... So can I hold you?" You compromise, why should you waste a night in bed arguing? You wanted to hold him, one last time.
Toji let out a groan, your body was like velvet under his scarred fingers, your lips like rose petals. He won't ever have this ever again. He won't ever have you ever again, so why should you both argue? Toji didn't want to get too attached to you in a short amount of time... but it seemed that he really didn't have that much of a choice, and he could tell that his heart wasn't listening to his brain...he didn't want to let go of you at all. “Please….Just don't touch my scars.” His voice was almost desperate, pleading.
Toji looked gorgeous right now, his dark hair ruffled, his chest rippling, the pale moonlight dimly exposing every chiselled feature on his perfectly sculpted face, his scar quirking with every move of the lips you so passionately kissed. He pulled you close when he noticed your probing, that curious look on your face he couldn't deny. He wondered what it would be like to fuck your face, the thought was certainly intoxicating, yet he couldn't have it. The atmosphere was far too sensually charged for something as vulgar as that. You looked like an angel, it disgusted him. You rest your chin on his bare chest, refraining from touching any of his scars. You sigh softly and lean into his jaw. “I really enjoyed tonight...” You whisper.
Toji let out a husky grunt, your sweet breath tickled his skin. "You're getting pretty close...C’mere...let me kiss you.”
You pressed your fingers against his lips, softly stroking his lips, carefully avoiding the scar on his lip. "I like the way you press up against me...” He muttered against your fingertips, he fell so deeply into your eyes, he felt like he was protecting you from the whole world in his arms- like he's the only one that can protect you.
He moved your hand from his lips and immediately grabbed you by the nape of your neck. Toji put his mouth to yours, a sensual and deep kiss that stole the air out of your lungs. His hands buried into your hair, his face scrunched up in desperation, like your kiss was the breath of life in his world of death, your tongues melded into one. He pulled you onto his lap, Toji's warm palms lifted up his shirt that you were wearing. Your skin was like heaven, he kissed your neck and collarbone, he sucked on your breasts and nipples as your hands raked through his hair.
“Toji….hah…” You gasp softly, his passion was unrelenting. He pulled back and searched your eyes for an answer, a sign, to find something that he couldn't find within himself. “What are you doing to me?" He said through a strained breath, his words hung heavy in the air.
What were you doing to him...
He was weak for it
He hated it.
Toji could feel your body relaxingin his arms as it slowly made its way to laying on his chest. You nuzzled into his neck and you were pretty much fully exhausted and ready to go to sleep. Toji let out a hesitant deep breath as he let his eyes close. He had you in his arms, there was this overwhelming urge to keep you safe, he always wanted to protect you, this was his way of showing you that he had never felt his satisfied with himself.
Yet his love for killing was your toughest opponent in comparison.
The night chill was lulling his body, the soft whisps of wind flowed through the slightly creaked balcony door. The stars twinkled across the compound lake, the garden flowers fluttered in the breeze and the owls cooed. Everything was peaceful, serene, and quiet, but alas...nothing goes right too long for Toji.
Sweat soaked Toji's forehead, his heart thumped in his ribcage, his hands flexed his hands, his knuckles turned white, his jaw clenched.
That shouldn't be happening-
You're there.
You shouldn't be there.
“Toji. Wake up. Hey, hey....it's okay...just please wake up!'”
Toji shot up and awoken suddenly from his sleep when he felt you place your hand on his shoulder. The cold sweat was dripping down his forehead, a mere trickle that spurred on a consecutive series of horrifying events conjured up in his own head. His hands trembled, eyes narrowing into mere slits.
Fuck, fuck, fuck...
The Zenin's didn't exist.
He was making love to you, such sweet love.
You were happy.
He was happy.
“Toji. You were having another nightmare…it's okay. I'm here, you're fine.” You whisper, his face was pale, his heart was clenching, he felt like he was being strangled slowly. He saw you there, and he immediately grabbed you by the shoulders and stared directly into your eyes.
“Don't... You need to stay away from me...” He gritted out through clenched teeth. “I could hurt you..”
You sighed out deeply, a little frustrated about this undying conviction for him to push you away right now when this was the only night you would have together. "Hey.” You said firmly this time, tilting his chin up and holding his face softly so he could look up at you; deep, sad, distant eyes met yours. “It's just us - just you and me right now. No one else. I'm here, okay? I'm not leaving.” You lean in and give him a gentle kiss on the lips and pull away caressing his scalp slightly.
The words that spilled from your lips were like a soothing balm, and the simple touch of your fingers felt like the touch of an angel. Toji's narrow eyes softened the tiniest bit, that small kiss...
Your kiss. -
“You’re so gentle...” He muttered, his tone bittersweet.
In that nightmare, you were there. Caked in blood as he loomed over you. It was in your hair, on your face, your body…..Your throat slashed. A trademark Zenin cut.
the angst and the smut i have planned is diabolical.
Taglist (mwah!) @wo-ming-bai @xduskydollx @chilichopsticks @maskedpacific @kaizxnx @gojoslefttoenail @idreamitski @miraes-world @misscats-mha @niss2mpm @taylorazureeee @sweetteez @21aurora
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mechanic - @jegulus-microfic - words: 647
If James is to be honest, he’s not the best driver. It’s most likely an attention problem and perhaps also a spacial awareness problem. Not necessarily a lack of skill, just...trouble with not getting distracted.
When James accidentally drives up a tree (hey, it’s dark, and it’s the tree’s fault for being in the middle of the road), he has to take his car off to the mechanic’s with his tail between his legs. He is just grateful that his mechanic is one Sirius Black, because Sirius gets it. He won’t judge. Sure, he’ll give James absolute shit for being conquered by a tree, but the judgement won’t be there. James can handle a little bit of friendly ribbing.
Getting to Sirius’s shop is a task and a half as his car won’t drive in a straight line anymore. So he steers for the most part to the left and eventually arrives in one piece, albeit with a possible hit out on his life because he’s pissed off a lot of people along the way. James is fully prepared for the barrage of questions he’ll have to answer from a bewildered Sirius Black, when someone in a greasy white shirt and dark-grey overalls steps out. 
Someone who isn’t Sirius.
‘Regulus?’ James asks hesitantly, wishing for all the world that the ground would open and swallow him up whole, because he has had the absolute shittest of days and does not want to have to deal with this. ‘What are you doing here?’
‘Grocery shopping,’ Regulus says flatly. ‘What does it look like I’m doing here?’ He’s staring at James like James is stupid. 
James cringes and feels heat fill his cheeks. Whether it’s heat from embarrassment or a flush of delight from how wonderful Regulus looks in those overalls, a little bit smeared with grease, his hair silky black curls tousled from working around cars all day…
‘What do you need?’ Regulus sighs. He moves closer to inspect the car James has pulled into Sirius’s shop. 
James smiles sheepishly and scratches the back of his neck. ‘Oh, nothing. Just, you know, looking for Sirius. Was going to ask him if he…wants lunch? Or something. Because I’m such a kind, generous friend.’
‘Sure.’ Regulus doesn’t look convinced. ‘What happened to your car?’
Perhaps, James thinks, he’s noticed how dinted the front of James’s car is from his run in with the tree. Regulus isn’t stupid, after all. James is the stupid one. Stupid, because how is he meant to woo Regulus and convince Regulus to go out with him when he has to explain how he drove, quite literally, up a tree?
So James goes with, ‘I didn’t know you’re a qualified mechanic. Are you licensed?’ and then bemoans the fact that the ground has yet to swallow him up, because he’s been working towards asking Regulus out for weeks now, and here is accusing the guy of his dreams of practising as an unlicensed mechanic.
‘Am I licensed?’ Regulus repeats, raising a single eyebrow and managing to look so wonderfully elegant while doing so. ‘What happened to your car, James?’ 
Cringing, James tips his head to the side and scratches the back of his neck awkwardly. He’d been prepared to tell Sirius, because Sirius is his best friend, his adoptive brother, and Sirius won’t judge. Regulus, however. Regulus will judge and he will judge hard and shamelessly. He already looks ready to judge with that crooked, amused smile of his. 
This will set James’s plan of wooing and romancing Regulus Black back a few steps. He had planned on coming off confident and competent, because this is Regulus Black he’s trying to win over. But hey, maybe Regulus will find this all so adorable. Maybe it’ll be one of the quirks that makes him unique?
‘Well,’ James begins. ‘It was dark, see…and there was this tree…’
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I found it really weird when Marinette said she stopped stalking Adrien (or something along those lines) because it was wrong, and Adrien being next to her said nothing about it, just simply continued smiling
+ this feels like the writers saying "see!? Marinette stopped stalking Adrien! they are a healthy couple!" or "look! there's actually character development! now stop bitching about it in twitter!"
It sounds more like a draft for some dialogue that was meant to be changed later on, but it was left in for some reason.
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potential-fate · 1 month
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“Oh!--” Elle-Emelia pulled a hand to her chest, looking too startled for it to be genuine, “Abraham. I didn’t realize you were here.” 
“Indeed.” Abraham said coolly. There was little chance that she didn’t know exactly where he’d been for the last two hours. Emelia’s timing was too perfect. She’d shown up as soon as he’d breached the topic he’d came for, and it left him unable to ask more questions of Giovanni, and his supposed plot to fake his wife’s death without losing her. He’d give the man credit. Faking an embarrassing and scandalous romance with a lookalike was a unique plan. But said lookalike’s sudden appearance had him narrowing his eyes in annoyance. 
“Gio, amore mio.” She hummed quietly, “è ora noi siamo di sbarazzarsi di lui?”
Abraham clasped his hands quietly in his lap, keeping his face carefully neutral. He would not let the twitch in his jaw give away that his lack of understanding infuriated him.  
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homestuckconfession · 4 months
i think it’s okay that most of the characters say the r slur because 90% percent of them are super autistic, especially karkat
nobody is as autistic about troll romance as karkat and i appreciate that deeply
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statementlou · 8 months
the funniest thing about the chicken thing it's that the girl didn't even meant it like that, she was high and thought it would be funny to ask for a recipe since he's not the best cook, like bro you made the association, it's all on you baby
funniest possible scenario would have been if she just wanted a recipe and Louis was just referring to this
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and it was just
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all around....
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thecrownofflames · 2 months
Convo with the homies that went awry
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i love when i (a woman) tell men that i'm a gamer and there's this shift, like, i can see that they're about to be condescending af to me by asking "oh, what do you play?" like that matters at all, like playing a game they don't deem "worthy" makes me any less of a gamer lol.
#like sir i don't have anything to prove to you okay?#kindly fuck off#now i will say 'not all men' bc this is true#i have plenty of guy friends who i can talk to about games that aren't asshats#but unfortunately this does not seem to be the norm#i still remember this one time these dudes i worked with were talking about gaming#i think it was like one of those basketball games or something like NBA 2K[insert year]#and i don't play those games because they don't interest me#but i remember they said something along the lines of 'oh what do you play'#and the guy that asked wasn't being a dick he was genuinely interested#so i tell him 'oh i tend to prefer games with a narrative'#and this one ass hole is just like '*laughs condescendingly* games with a narrative? what does that even mean?'#and he's trying to get the other guys to laugh with him#at me#and i just smile at him coldly and go 'you know games that have a story? a plot? like assassin's creed & call of duty & legend of zelda?'#and i genuinely think he did not know what the word narrative meant#that or he is one of those people that just plays sports games or if they play COD it's just like the multiplayer mode#which is totally fine like fr idgaf#play however you want. however makes you happy.#but don't act like idk what i'm talking about when i've been playing video games since i was 9 fucking yo#so anyway#this dude just laughs awkwardly to himself and changes the subject without even acknowledging my response#bc he wanted to make me look stupid and he didn't#and he just goes on to talk about something else#but like#i still remember that#and it still pisses me tf off#anyway this almost happened to me again the other day#but luckily our conversation got cut short lol#ignore me
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charlataninred · 1 year
At the request of @kittykatlesbian and @resident-nickname-collector, I shall be telling the tale of Accordion Man.
So this was a year or two ago. I had signed up for a 4-day field trip to Washington DC with my US government class. There were about 12 of us, but only a few are relevant to this tale.
Part of the fees to be on the trip was an allowance, which they’d give back to us on the first day to buy meals. They’d essentially drop us off in the city, give us our parameters, and tell us to be back at the buses by a certain time.
On one such occasion, there was a street blocked off from cars with a bunch of restaurants down it. About 5 of us decided to pool our money and buy a large pizza because a few of us wanted one and hey, cheaper for all of us.
On this street, there was a busker playing an accordion. We paused on the way to the pizzeria to listen because the tune he way playing was familiar. It took us a few seconds, but then I realized: it was that annoying yet catchy Gummy Bear song that was everywhere in the early 2010s. We had a good laugh, my friend gave him some money (to “buy his silence”) and we continued on our way.
Anyway, we ordered our pizza and decided to go get some ice cream at a place we saw on our way over while we waited. Accordion Man was still there, this time playing that song that goes “when the moon hits your eyes like a big pizza pie, that’s amore.” We had another laugh, gave him some more money, and continued on our way.
When we came back, there he was still, this time playing Kass’ theme from BOTW. We stopped to listen, went to get our pizza, and when we came back, he was packing up.
One of my friends, apparently having no social anxiety, goes straight up to him and starts talking in a British accent. I don’t know why. They aren’t British. I can’t remember what exactly they said, but I think they were complimenting him. Accordion Man proceeds to answer ALSO IN A BRITISH ACCENT. My friend told me later “I was like ‘oh shit, and actual British person, I can’t drop it now.’” So we chatted with him for a bit before one of my other friends said “I like your accent!”
This man. Looks the friend who was speaking britishly DEAD IN THE EYES and goes in a 100% American accent, “Thanks, it’s fake.”
My friend then decided to switch to a Southern accent, to which Accordion Man switches to a more Scottish accent. Eventually we had to part to actually have dinner before we needed to head to the bus.
You’d think that would be the end of the story, but no. There we were, sitting in an empty water fountain (it was February so there was no water, and we thought it would be a fun place to eat) when we hear someone yell “TA TA!” On this singsong voice. We look up, and there he is, Accordion Man, speeding away on a bicycle waving to us. Naturally, we all shouted back “TA TA!” As well.
Anyway I think about him at least once a week. Accordion Man, if you’re out there, I love you so much
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bitchfitch · 1 year
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anyways that last thing was long, this is the only important part of it.
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paperlovesadness · 1 year
Now why do I find using the word "adjacent" so hot.
(yes I did indeed rewatch the ghost cookies story)
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13eyond13 · 2 years
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ectoplasmer · 1 year
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potential-fate · 1 month
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Gio shook his head slightly toward her, “Sarò dentro tra un momento” 
He looked back at Abraham, an apologetic look in place, “Apologies, Abraham. Elle has reminded me that my other children will be home shortly. It seems we’ll have to pick this up later.” 
Abraham followed the other man as he stood and handed him his empty glass. 
“Elle,” He gave her a slight nod as she moved out of the doorway to let him through, “It is nice seeing you again.”  
Abraham noted as Giovanni passed her, he let his fingers touch her elbow lightly, an unspoken thank you. 
Abraham would find out the truth, one way or another. 
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