#I know a decent amount of spanish; not italian
potential-fate · 4 months
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Gio shook his head slightly toward her, “Sarò dentro tra un momento” 
He looked back at Abraham, an apologetic look in place, “Apologies, Abraham. Elle has reminded me that my other children will be home shortly. It seems we’ll have to pick this up later.” 
Abraham followed the other man as he stood and handed him his empty glass. 
“Elle,” He gave her a slight nod as she moved out of the doorway to let him through, “It is nice seeing you again.”  
Abraham noted as Giovanni passed her, he let his fingers touch her elbow lightly, an unspoken thank you. 
Abraham would find out the truth, one way or another. 
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mannap · 2 months
Is it just me or does anyone else get the irrational urge to... learn every F1 driver's native language even if I would probably never use it irl😭😂
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I'm going to assume you know a decent amount the Winclair fandom, I'm curious why so many fanfic writers have Wednesday speaking Italian instead of Spanish, considering Netflix Wednesday is pretty firmly considered Latina?
Interesting question. I don’t know for certain, obviously fandom is a community and therefore there are various different perspectives taken when creating fan-content that kind of just amalgamates into various levels of popular and unpopular fanon. So in all honesty I don’t actually know.
But having said that, if I had to wager an educated guess it’s probably a mixture of a few things.
The first being that Wednesday, though Latina in heritage through her father, is also canonically multilingual and Italian is one of the languages she is fluent in. We find this out during her first meeting with Tyler when she fixes the espresso machine.
And though we’ve seen her almost get into a romantic relationship, again with Tyler, that ends almost as soon as it begins when she finds out he’s the Hyde during their first kiss. And so we haven’t yet seen Wednesday take that final step and actually be in a romantic relationship which is where I find most of the Italian comes out in Wenclair fanfic.
One of the more popular fanon concepts is ‘the Gomezification of Wednesday Addams’ which is just Wednesday being as openly affectionate and insanely in love with Enid as Gomez is with Morticia. Sometimes to it’s full extent, though more often than not it’s a more subdued and private version where it tends to stay just between her and Enid and it’s all very cute and romantic.
Obviously as she is multilingual Wednesday and fic authors are then able to take their pick of the more romantic languages she knows when talking to/about Enid. Italian, French and Spanish being the main three that I’ve noticed.
Why Italian is the favoured choice of the three is probably also due to Gomez within previous Addams Family media. Though my favourite will always be the 60’s show most people will be more familiar with the 90’s movies in which Gomez refers to Morticia as Cara Mia (Italian for my beloved) quite frequently.
Though speaking of the 60’s show Gomez is more prone to Querida (Spanish for darling or beloved) in that iteration. So at the end of the day it’s a matter of preference for the author and also likely to them being unfamiliar with the romantic languages and going off of other Wenclair authors and/or using previous Addams Family media in which Italian is often used and spiralling onwards.
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ros3ybabe · 3 months
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Daily Check-in:
July 2nd, 2024 🎀
Hello! I'm backkkkk! Now that I'm finally doing stuff again, I figured I'd start my daily check ins again and keep myself motivated and accountable with doing productive stuff daily! no challenges, no pressure, just an understanding that something is better than nothing!
🩷 What I Accomplished:
took a 2.5 hour nap in the morning (had an anxiety attack randomly that left ne absolutely exhausted but the nap was so nice)
reviewed a few Spanish lessons on Busuu
completed 2 new Spanish lessons on Busuu
completed 2 Korean Hangul lessons on Busuu
booked an Italki Spanish lesson for July 15th
booked an Italki trial lesson in Korean for July 24th (pushing myself to learn the alphabet and study as much as possible til then so I won't be an absolute absolute beginner, hopefully)
reached out to a tattoo/piercing shop about some piercings my friends and I want to maybe get while in Colorado
bought a margarita pizza from a little Italian pizza shop and it was DELICIOUS
journaled in the morning
did my night time skincare (I needed it, my face was dry and flaky)
drank ~40oz of water (definitely should've drank more)
reached out to an online health and fitness coach, so we'll see how that goes, if it goes anywhere
💔 What Could've Gone Better:
random anxiety attack stopped me from going to workout so I stayed in bed most of the day, exhausted
didn't get many steps in or do much in general
ate 4 out of the 6 slices of pizza (it was comforting, idk. it happens, so I won't beat myself up. saved those 2 slices for my roommates if she wants them!)
could've definitely spent less time on tiktok and more time studying the languages I'm trying to learn
might even broken my middle toe on my left foot after slamming it into the side of a bottom drawer that I didn't know was open
💗 Stuff For Tomorrow (July 3rd)
make all necessary payments (rent, new apartment, credit cards, etc)
study Spanish a bit (~1 hour or more)
study Korean Hangul a decent amount (~1 hour, or more, preferably)
try to workout or at least keep my steps up
do laundry
wash our towels (housekeeping here in seriously not the best)
find somewhere to buy Tylenol and tape for my (most likely) broken toe
try not to spend too much money eating out today, since I got paid
do not forget to take my medications!
morning journaling and night journaling
doing my skincare in the morning and at night
keeping up with my hygiene in general, like brushing teeth, shower exfoliation, Shaving, etc (kinds like having a self care maintenance day)
💕 Song of The Day: Girls Never Die - tripleS
this is my favorite song to listen to on the bus home from work at the moment
not much left to say, but today will definitely be a good day for me! I'll make sure of it
til next time lovelies 🩷
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annawayne · 5 months
💕if you get this, answer w/ three random facts about yourself and send it to the last seven blogs in your notifs. anon or not, doesn’t matter, let’s get to know the person behind the blog!
Cris, hi!
Thank you so much for asking (⁠灬⁠º⁠‿⁠º⁠灬⁠)⁠♡
Well... It's getting difficult, but let's try!
1. I speak English, French and German languages, + my native one, Ukrainian. By speaking I mean writing/reading/actually speaking/watching movies/videos in original. I also can read and understand (meaning watching videos/movies) Polish, Chezch, Italian and Spanish, was learning Japanese (actually, I can understand the decent amount+ kanji) and Icelandic.
In general, I think, my mind works not bad in linguistic connections and that allows me to build understanding of languages from the start if they belong +- to one linguistic group (that's why, for example, I understand Slovenian or Dutch pretty well, not even learning them)
2. I'm a HUUUGE ethnographic enthusiast.
3. I started writing +- at the same time I started drawing digitally, so around 1 year and 5 months. By that time, I have 3 oneshots (which is one present for my dear friend) and 2 multi chapters, Bury Me in the Shadows of Spring (which is now on hiatus, but will be resumed; and it's my ever first fic) and My Yellow Light in Your Soft Whisper, on which I'm currently working.
It's my first fics written in English and in general, because I had only one story before it and it was quite cringe and it never saw a light :D
Thank you so much Cris for your ask! 🫶
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girl-named-matty · 1 year
Imelda headcanons?❤️
Gonna try my best for her 💚
Imelda Reyes headcanons by me!
Time for this feisty Slytherin girl 
Grew up in a family that was huge on quidditch, hence her love for it. 
She’s the most competitive person in school. She completely engulfs Leander or Sebastian’s competitiveness with her own but unlike Sebastian, admitting she’s lost or is wrong is a bit harder to do but she will come to terms with it. 
She has a few close friends but outside of that, she’s not huge on having a big friend group. 
Became Slytherin quidditch captain in her fourth year. 
Her family background could possibly be from Spain or Italy since both the name “Imelda” and “Reyes” names are Spanish/italian names. (this is also suggested in her wiki)
She’s not that big of a troublemaker actually. She did cause more trouble in her earlier years but after Kogawa threatened her by telling her she wouldn’t be able to play in quidditch games after she got in trouble a certain amount of times, she made sure to keep herself out of trouble. 
I feel like she and Anne would’ve been decent friends when Anne was in school. 
She LOVES trash talking but I mean, who doesn’t? (lol) 
She gets jealous pretty easily but she’s good at containing it.
Everett 100% has a crush on this girl. She’s pretty, confident, and has amazing broom skills. 
And she 100% knows he does. 
Her favorite Professor is definitely Madam Kogowa without a doubt but she does like Professor Sharp a lot.
I’d say she’s either a half-blood or a pureblood, most likely a pureblood. 
She has a love-hate relationship with Sebastian. They’re both Slytherins with huge egos and both are very competitive but they do enjoy being around each other. 
Now Imelda and Leander? You’re never gonna hear the end of that rivalry. 
She’s a slytherin, he’s a gryffindor, that’s big enough right there. Not to mention both of them won’t admit to being wrong when it comes to each other and both definitely DO NOT like admitting when they’ve lost to either parties. Leander always insists he’s better at flying than her and then she’ll tell him to sleep with one eye open. 
When it comes to her job as Captain of the Slytherin quidditch team, she’s very serious about it. 
Everybody better be at practice on time. Practice almost every day and if you don’t have a good excuse to not be there, she’ll talk your ear off about it.
But all of that has paid off because Slytherin’s quidditch team is great all thanks to her and the good players. 
She’s an expert at Wizarding chess. 
Really good at reading people’s faces and body language. 
Not much gets past her. Whether it's school gossip or whatever, she’ll know about it. (And immediately take it to Ominis to talk to him about it lol)
A good friend to have if you need a loyal and spitfire friend who will stand up for you.
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Some Alfred and Alexia Ashford headcanons, but not related to twincest.
Sure! And you know what? I wanted to do some general headcanons for a while anyway.
His full name is Alfred Edward Arthur Hamish Ashford.
Alfred’s IQ as an adult is high enough to be considered a genius.
Alfred likes his coffee black with a bit of sugar. He prefers tea to coffee, though.
He’s an early bird, he likes to get up early and go to bed early. However, in reality, Alfred usually gets up early, goes to bed late, and is often somewhat sleep deprived. Sometimes, he takes a nap in his office when he is too tired.
He tried to grow a beard once, which ended after a couple of weeks with some stubbles here and there. Nothing you could consider a beard. He has very little body hair in general.
He studied business administration and graduated as the best student of the year.
He’s a walking war and military history book.
Alfred owns a massive WWI and WWII-themed collection, which includes various models and original pieces from all parties. He has collectibles from other eras too. The models are from tanks, planes, armored vehicles, ships, larger weapons, and so on. Good amounts of them are self-made scale models. Alfred is very skilled in this regard. One of his maids kind of gained a friendship status by asking him frequently about the history of his collectibles.
Alfred is a decent pianist. He never had any lessons, everything is self-taught. There is still a lot of room for improvement, though.
Alfred speaks 12 languages besides English (Italian, French, Spanish, Portuguese, German, Japanese, Mandarin, Russian, Arabic, Indian, Polish, Swedish) more or less well, some even on the level of a native speaker and almost accent-free. He can’t write and read all of them, but at least he understands them and has a rather broad vocabulary and some basic grammar skills. His favorite language is Italian. Learning them resulted partially from his own interest, partially it was work-related, and partially he picked them up from the mercenaries. Learning new languages was always easy for him.
Harman cared for Alfred like his own son after Alexia went to her cryogenic sleep. Alfred appreciated his kindness even though he never saw him as a father figure. Still, he treated Harman a lot better than he treated his other employees. Harman was even allowed to criticize Alfred openly without fearing for his life.
Harman hated what kind of monster Alfred had become over the years, even though he never saw the worst of Alfred. He partially blamed himself for it.
Alfred did not immediately develop his split personality after Alexia was gone. It started when he was around 20. At first, it was less frequent and less intense, but later it happened more often. The intensity increased too. Most of the time, he was still there, more or less, even when he wasn’t in control. Later he sometimes had total blackouts for minutes to hours when he switched completely to “Alexia”. After Alexia returned and he started visiting a therapist, his condition improved significantly. He still has it occasionally, especially when he is stressed, and it will probably stay forever to some extent, but at least the blackouts are gone.
He has problems distinguishing between the real Alexia and his alter ego.
Alfred is quite popular among the UBCS soldiers. Despite the intense training, they have a rather good life on Rockfort Island because he invests a lot of money to fulfill their basic desires. (Actually, it’s not his money, it’s Umbrella’s money, Alfred is just good at bargaining.) The only requirement is that the soldiers follow his rules. And since Alfred loves collective punishments, that’s not too hard to enforce. The soldiers keep each other in check.
Alfred rarely interacts with the lower-ranking soldier unless he has to. It is below him. Some have never even seen him the entire time they were on Rockfort Island. However, he is less aloof with the higher-ranking soldiers. When he’s in a good mood, he even has a few drinks with them.
The giant worm is his pet. Umbrella had little interest in this BOW, too impractical for broader use. They said Alfred could have it if he wanted it. No one knows how Alfred tamed it, but it is friendly toward him and even follows simple orders.
And because Alfred is a sick fuck, have some darker headcanons too.
Most prisoners on Rockfort Island are there for interrogation. Once this is over, Umbrella doesn’t need them anymore. Obviously, they can’t let them go, so they often become test subjects, or the UBCS can use them for training. As long as they die, Umbrella doesn’t care too much about how it happens. This means Alfred can do whatever he wants with most of the prisoners.
Watching Alexander suffer after Alexia infected him filled Alfred with joy. He could have watched this for hours while smiling from ear to ear. At first, he thought it was because he finally got his revenge, but the warm feeling returned when a worker had a fatal accident in front of him.
He tortured and killed a couple of prisoners himself. It was messy, and he realized that he preferred watching rather than doing it. Then he started using other prisoners for it. He promised to let them go if they would do what he said. A lie, obviously, but they often fell for it. Or he paid the mercenaries. Most have little to no morals anyway, and it is easy work for good money. This went on until he found Enoch Stoker (the anatomist). The guy clearly wasn’t right in his head, but he was intelligent, well-educated, and most importantly, he did everything Alfred wanted. Not only that he enjoyed it. The two even became something like friends.
Alfred sometimes recorded everything, but these snuff movies never gave him the same satisfaction as live performances.
War isn’t the only topic he has a lot of knowledge about. He’s also an expert in historic torture methods and outdated medical procedures from all around the world. Alfred is aware that he probably can’t replicate all of them, but he can try.
He tried to get into big-game and trophy hunting. The animals in his mansion are his kills. Soon Alfred realized that animals don’t do it for him. He preferred prey that was more intelligent. Alfred has a private hunting ground on Rockfort Island. Stronger prisoners have a good chance of visiting it instead of his torture chamber. (His aim is a lot better when he has slept well.) He owns a mare, which he often rides while hunting.
Her full name is Alexia Veronica Elisabeth Nora Ashford.
The cryogenic sleep made her age slower. Physically she’s about 20 years old, not 27. Mentally she obviously didn’t age during that time.
Due to the mutations from the virus, Alexia can lift 40 times her body weight like an ant.
The twins have a cook, but when Alexia has time for it, she likes doing it herself. It reminds her a bit of working in a lab. She always wears safety glasses while cooking, possible helpers must wear them too. Her cooking is pretty good.
She doesn’t like sweets particularly. Sometimes it’s ok, but most of the time, she requests fruits as dessert.
Caffeine junkie. She likes her coffee with milk and without sugar.
Alexia loves opera, musicals, ballet, and concerts. She’s a good singer herself.
She is a night owl. Her sleeping schedule is slightly better than her brother’s, but not by much. She often stays up way too long and regrets it in the morning.
Alexia loves invertebrates. Ants are her favorites, but she loves other ones too. She has a large room where she keeps various species of invertebrates as pets in hundreds of enclosures. Alexia also has some beehives and started making her own honey.
She has collected porcelain dolls since childhood but has never played with them. Some are very old and rare. Her first doll was a gift from her surrogate mother. Alexia only knows this because Alexander told her so.
Alexia thought about getting into wine growing. Alfred loves wine, she loves wine, and she is generally interested in the process. So why not buy a suitable piece of land and hire some people to grow her own wine?
Alexia completed her studies mainly by distance learning. She attended the university only for exams and other events where she had to be present in person. The practical work was done in a lab in Antarctica that Alexander had built specifically for this purpose. She was still too small to work in a regular lab. After some inspections, the university allowed it. Alexia finished her Ph.D. with an A+. Her examiner didn’t go easy on her, but the defense was a breeze for Alexia regardless.
She secretly admired William Birkin. His achievements impressed her and gave her more motivation to work harder and outdo him. Alexia only met him once in person at an Umbrella intern conference shortly after she started working for them. He wasn’t very friendly, but they still debated until 4 a.m. (Alexander wasn’t with her). Both enjoyed it. Birkin would never admit it, though.
Alexia hoped Birkin would get along better with her, but she would never ingratiate herself. If he hates her, then so be it. Apparently, it doesn’t stop him from having elaborate conversations with her.
The last time she cried was when she was a baby.
She lacks a bit sense of shame. She is also uncomfortably direct in conversations, no sugarcoating, no lies to not hurt someone’s feelings.
She likes to try out new things. Even if she doesn’t like them in the end, the experience is still worth it.
Alexia has started to act more and more childish at times around people she is familiar with. As a child, she was dead serious. That’s how she was brought up, that’s what people expected of her. But now, she’s an adult, rich, and can do whatever she wants. And if necessary, Alexia can switch back to serious in a matter of seconds.
Alexia is fascinated by mundane things, like supermarkets. She never had these in Antarctica, and during the rare occasions Alexander took her somewhere else, they stayed far away from such places.
Alfred was born first, Alexia 7 min later. Their birthday is the 27th of January, 1971.
Alexander took the DNA from Edward and Veronica to create the twins. That’s also where their second names are coming from.
They have platinum blonde hair and pale blue eyes. The twins resemble Edward more than Veronica.
They can read the other one so well that they can’t lie to each other. Sometimes it works for minor things, usually, it doesn’t.
Harman started his own investigations after Alexander’s disappearance. He found out what the twins did to him but never said anything. Harman thought it was unnecessarily cruel, and still, he could somewhat understand them. Despite his good intentions and all that he provided for them, Alexander was a terrible father. Harman felt sorry for the twins most of the time.
They tend to talk about other people who are right in front of them as if they are not there. They don’t mind if these people find it unpleased.
In any kind of competition, the twins never let the other win. They consider it disrespectful not to give 100%.
The twins often play chess together. When they were children, Alexia used to win all the time. Alfred improved a lot over the years, but he could never defeat her. As adults, it’s the opposite. Alexia tried many strategies, but she wasn’t able to beat Alfred once.
Alfred and Alexia started fencing as a hobby. Both are equally good. Often, they use the floret. Sometimes, they also try rapiers or sabers.
They like to travel and do sightseeing. Alexander rarely took them anywhere, and there wasn’t much to see in Antarctica.
Both work a lot. Alexia thought they could need more time to relax, so she introduced a spa day for them once a month. She also hoped that it would have a positive effect on Alfred’s mental health.
Alexia drags Alfred into everything that sparks her interest, like museums or theaters, and, to his dismay, into amusement parks, shopping malls, or supermarkets as well. Sometimes he can convince her not to go there, but not very often. If she really wants it, he gives in and accompanies her. Alfred’s worst experience so far was when Alexia dragged him into a strip club.
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metroid-fusion · 2 years
a while ago i was looking at mspfa which, if you dont know, is a site that it is very easy to find small comics on because of the "recently updated" and "random" sections real big on the front page. so if you update regularly youll probably get a decent amount of people who fav your comic bc of visibility, like 15-20 favs after your first 50 pages or so.
when i was browsing thru mspfa i found a comic with. five. thousand. pages that's 5000 pages. and 19 favorites
it's called "crystal caverns" and it's a steven universe undertale crossover comic. FIVE THOUSAND PAGES. and 19 likes. on it's the fifth longest thing on mspfa, only next to "homestuck itself, translated into spanish," "homestuck itself, unedited and reuploaded for goofs," "homestuck itself, translated into italian," and a scifi comic with 400 favs. but because of what it is, even though it's got some of the most work put into it on literally the entire website by sheer number, it has 19 likes
i just, noticed while grabbing the link, that it has original background music throughout it. like?? surely this deserves more than 19 favs
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flockofdoves · 8 months
im going fucking cuckoo bananas. why is it so hard to fill my schedule to be a full time student for my last semester when i am infamously the type of person who wants to learn about everything ever and jumps at any opportunity to take random classes
have really really really wanted to take advanced spanish grammar for so long but every fucking semester i have a necessary class during that time (due to the epidemic of every class in the world being in late morning on tuesday/thursday) and this semester my One Singular Class I Absolutely Need To Graduate is at that time
so then i was like. oh well. i'll take italian 1 instead since my grandfather has been trying to plan one last trip to where his family is from and if i get to go it will be good to practice italian in a formal context
but then that trip fell through and i just really really want to improve my spanish so i emailed a class for heritage speakers to see if it would be appropriate for me and the professor got back to me and said i was welcome to come to the first class and try it out
and so today i went to the spanish for heritage speakers class and it made me so so excited to be immersed in spanish again and going over the content of the course, with the exception of how i don't really need much writing help since when i was learning all the basics of how to read and write i did that as much in spanish as i did english, all the grammar topics were exactly what i needed and the idea of a class where everyone talks at a high level and theres no english but you still get into the basics of explaining different grammar topics is so so refreshing!!!
and at the end of class the professor was like your spanish is at a high enough level for this class so if you want to take it then see you monday! and it got me so excited
and then the italian class was just really extremely basic. i understand basically anything said to me in italian and know a decent amount of vocab i just have trouble speaking but throughout my life i have at least studied basics like past and present tense and articles and stuff. so my goals were to learn more grammar and make my pronunciation better (i always pronounce everything so spanish and dont have a good sense for what words have which e or o sound)
but this professor was like yeah basically this whole course is just present tense and well learn the sinple past tense right at the end. but i already know that!!! and also unfortunately she has a noticeable american accent while speaking so thats not much help for improving my accent either
so i was like well whatever that makes my decision easy ill drop italian and take the spanish class. but still just in case i asked her about if i could take an italian placement test (was nervous about that originally because the next level up was during my necessary class again) and she was like yeah ive never had to do that before but i can figure that out for next week. which is a little nervewracking bc add/drop ends on wednesday. but whatever i was excited about taking spanish now
but then when i got home today i saw an email from the spanish professor (technically a grad student) like ‘i talked to my colleagues and even if your spanish level is high enough since you are not a heritage speaker here are some classes better suited for you [classes where you write huge essays in spanish which i do not have the time or desire for rn]’
and that was upsetting because i just really most of anything wanted to take a spanish class but then i was feeling a bit better because it turned out there was a new section added of the italian 2 class that fit my schedule and looking through that classes textbook it seemed the exact mix of easy but not boring because ill still actually be learning stuff that i needed. and i even called my mom (who used to be an italian language professor) and read the textbook units and she agreed it seemed exactly right for me
so i went to start writing an email to that professor to be proactive even before taking the placement test but in the fucking half hour since i had last checked the page rhat section of the class filled up with no waitlist
so i looked through the entire search of classes in a certain block of time not on tuesday thursday for my giant university and literally rhe only thing that seemed both manageable and interesting was an intro to japanese class. and i was excited like wow! how did i miss this when i was first searching for classes! only to click on it and remember i did see it and the reason it wasnt on my backup class list was because it doesnt allow seniors to take it
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jessicaloons · 8 months
I love your fic but I have a question. How many languages does lizzie speak? and what language does she speak with Charles usually? I know you sometimes write when they spoke French to not let anyone know what they were saying. Does that mean they usually speak English?and also you mentioned that she and her therapist (who’s pretty cool by the way) were speaking ‘swabian’? What is that? From what country?
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Okay let’s start with how many languages Lizzie speaks:
German, English, French = fluently;
Italian = pretty good;
(Spanish = good, although I’m not sure it’s mentioned before 🤔 but there will come a situation where it comes up)
Next, what language Lizzie and Charles speak to each other, so in my head they speak a mix of all languages, as Charles also speaks a decent amount of German here, I think they have their own little language where they use English, French, German and Italian. In public of course mostly English but then again, like you said when they don’t want everyone to know what they’re talking about they switch to French;
And last but not least: SWABIAN 😂♥️ it’s the dialect of the area of Germany where Lizzie is from; the area I’m from; so we speak German but with a different dialect, but it’s not an actual different language. I’ve been told a lot of times by non Swabian speakers that when I talk really fast, they don’t understand me; so it’s almost like a foreign language 😅 but to me it sounds lovely and I just had to mention it somehow 🥰
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potential-fate · 4 months
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“Oh!--” Elle-Emelia pulled a hand to her chest, looking too startled for it to be genuine, “Abraham. I didn’t realize you were here.” 
“Indeed.” Abraham said coolly. There was little chance that she didn’t know exactly where he’d been for the last two hours. Emelia’s timing was too perfect. She’d shown up as soon as he’d breached the topic he’d came for, and it left him unable to ask more questions of Giovanni, and his supposed plot to fake his wife’s death without losing her. He’d give the man credit. Faking an embarrassing and scandalous romance with a lookalike was a unique plan. But said lookalike’s sudden appearance had him narrowing his eyes in annoyance. 
“Gio, amore mio.” She hummed quietly, “è ora noi siamo di sbarazzarsi di lui?”
Abraham clasped his hands quietly in his lap, keeping his face carefully neutral. He would not let the twitch in his jaw give away that his lack of understanding infuriated him.  
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laindtt · 1 year
14 questions 14 people
Thank you so much @deputyash for tagging me ♥
Tagging (if you’re interested and haven’t done it yet ; if any other mutual is interested, feel free to answer the quizz!): @veinereastath @purplehairsecretlair @strafethesesinners @saintemarvel @ratisshortforratalia @teamhawkeye @passinoutpieces  @schoute @strangefable @adelaidedrubman @socially-awkward-skeleton @kaidansalenkos @miasmat @derelictheretic
Nickname: Marinette, mostly used by my mom ; it’s like a French version of “Little Marie”
Sign: Sagittarius
Height: 1m72
Last thing I googled: My local post office schedules.
Song stuck in my head: So many ones, sometimes several per day! Right now, it’s the Jurassic Park theme, thanks to a small movie marathon with my mother.
Amount of Sleep: Ten hours is perfect for me, but for some time it’s “only” nine and I don’t know if I’ll manage to get used to it (= force my body to adjust) or just be a zombie til I’m getting reasonable again and go back to bed earlier 🤷‍♀️
Dream Job: At some point, writter, but tbh now it’s more about just finding something that could leave me enought energy and free time to enjoy life while having a decent wage/pension.
Wearing: Blue jeans, a t-shirt and a grey fleece.
Movies/Books/Media that Summarize You: I’ll go with my favorite media of all time: Far Cry 5, Pirates of the Caribbean (first trilogy), the Jurassic Park trilogy, The Goonies, Papy fait de la Résistance, “Pride and Prejudice” by Jane Austen
Favorite Song: Oh God, I can’t choose!
Instrument: I don’t play any instruments, and did not show any talent during music classes at school ; I like listening to any type of instrument... Maybe to piano more than others?
Aesthetic: ... Academia...? I’m not familiar with the different categories.
Favorite Author: Stephen King. Absolute king indeed.
Random Fun Fact: I have Corsican, Italian and Spanish roots.
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plangentia · 9 months
1, 11, and 23 for end of year asks?
1) Song of the year?
oooh that's a toss up between new york city by cub and god and the government by leanna firestone!
11) Something you want to do again next year?
learn a new language!! i learnt a decent-ish amount of italian this summer to the extent that i can read/guess most things! i'd either like to continue italian or icelandic or maybe try my hand at spanish!
23) If you could send a message to yourself back on the first day of the year, what would it be?
everything will be okay!! you get some unexpected and expected rejections that seemingly alter everything you planned for yourself, but you also get some pretty good and unexpected things!! you make new friends, you start dating someone, you get to work on an archaeological dig, and you get to do a bunch of travelling that you didn't know was coming. life is genuinely good at the end of this year and i can't wait for next year!
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prentissluvr · 2 months
Rossi also joins Emily singing, but almost takes over and attempts some Pavarotti song, its not good... but it could be alot worse. And Emily tries to join in but she just makes up the tune as she doesn't really know the songs.
Oh and obviously penelope joins in but loudly asks evey two seconds what song are the singing and then breaks out into either a Disney song or an early 2000s club tune, no in-between.
So many thoughts entered my brain in such a short amount of time but I belive that I am done for now aha
- 🌨
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i’m just gonna answer these all together! i LOVE your thoughts <33
i completely agree with everything you said hehe. luke’s voice isn’t stunning or out of the ordinary, but it’s almost unexpected how nice it is!! it’s not like he goes around singing for everyone and he doesn’t necessarily strike you as the type to sing enough to have a decent voice. but it’s sort of just naturally nice!! plus us latinos spend lots of time dancing and singing and there’s no way his abuelita didn’t make him sing hymns too when he was younger lmao. i think he mostly hums classic spanish songs that he grew up listening to. cielito lindo, etc. anyways!! he actually really enjoys singing, he just doesn’t do it for other people often. ahhh and the idea of him singing to roxy is soooo so cute!! he definitely lets loose more at home!! and will totally sing for his s/o with a wide grin if they ask him to <33
and emily HAHA i have no defense for her LOL I AGREE. she’s the kind of person that you expect not to have a good singing voice and she absolutely matches those expectations HAHA. she’s not trying to be bad :,) but she’s never had a natural nice voice, is kind of tone deaf, and certainly has never actively tried to improve. she thinks of it as a special skill to annoy people when she sings!! but i 100% agree that it’s so endearing to see her let loose a little and sing her little off key songs LOL. it’s really nice to see her feel comfortable and having fun so yeah, everyone lets it happen. and garcia 100% encourages it!! she’s always trying to get emily singing because it’s so sweet to see her tipsy smile and the way it makes everyone else crack up or cringe lovingly lol. jj totally makes fun of her, but also joins in for the fun of it.
and rossi HAHA he’s the type to cringe at emily’s bad singing because he holds such a regard for the beauty of classic italian music lolol. he definitely sings those songs during parties to “show her how it’s done.” and while he’s mostly in tune, he doesn’t actually have the best voice lmao. definitely better and more practiced than emily though of course.
and back to penny! yes she’s trying to join in because it’s fun!! but the songs are kind of boring to her so she switches things up. that’s when emily will really get into it and jj and other folks will join in!!
jj knows all the disney songs and totally gets down to the club songs with the girls <33 it might turn into a sweet but sort of unhinged dance party hehe
your honor i love my cm family so much <33 tysm for sharing your thoughts bestie
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thinkin about my "Detectives" and the languages they speak...
Ruth speaks the most languages of the three (though they vary in levels of fluency). Arabic, Hebrew, French, Spanish, Hindi, Punjabi, Japanese, Korean, Latin, Old Norse, Slovak, Russian. Recognizes a lot of other languages based on what she knows of her fluent languages. She studied linguistics at university, which is how she ended up learning this many languages.
Saoirse speaks the second most. Irish Gaelic, French, Spanish, German, Russian. Pretty decent at recognizing languages that aren't the ones she speaks. Saoirse likes to talk to people, so picking up these languages was pretty easy for her.
Nell speaks the smallest amount of other languages. Spanish, Brazilian Portuguese, Italian, Latin. Nell also eventually gets Farah to teach her Echolian. Nell's languages were things she picked up growing up from family and friends.
I always pick the 'I'm confident in languages' option because all of them speak Spanish fluently and that's the only option that lets you communicate with that lady in the station clearly in Book 2 lol
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raitrolling · 2 years
(Alternian Equivalent of) Nationality + accent intensity + LOTE proficiency masterpost cuz i havent done that yet and i love copying my friends’ headcanon posts 
disclaimer - i dont base troll nationalities on regions they grew up in / have any basis in their upbringing, its just me giving a lil nod to their non-troll AU equivalents
Liiore: Korean. His accent is only slightly noticeable, as he was required to go through vocal training during his idol days that caused it to fade away. Has an intermediate knowledge of Korean, and can speak it far better than he can write it.
Katrin: English, lower-class London / ‘chav’ accent. It’s hard to tell how strong her accent is because she tends to mumble through her words, but its there. Cannot speak any languages other than Standard.
Nancor: Peruvian. Fairly strong accent, and can speak a decent amount of Spanish. 
Dismas: American. I don’t know which region specifically his accent comes from, but he does put on a more (fake) posh accent to sound cultured, so whatever it is there’s a bit of Received Pronunciation thrown in there too. Was not taught any languages other than Standard when growing up, but Maidel has been teaching him words from various languages.
Aislin: English, same accent as Katrin. Also hard to tell how strong her accent is because she rarely (if ever) speaks out loud, but it’d be stronger than one would suspect from her. Was not taught any other languages growing up, but has been teaching herself Japanese.
Eichio: French-American. His natural voice is flat and has no discernible accent, so he copies Viltau’s ‘Hollywood’ accent to sound more appealing to others (and is capable of mimicking other people’s accents if he wanted). Cannot speak any languages other than Standard.
Benrii: American. No specific region decided yet, but his accent isn’t particularly noticeable amongst his usual haughty and self-important tone of voice. Cannot speak any languages other than Standard.
Soroll: New Zealander (however in human AUs he’s Canadian by heritage, New Zealander by birth). Incredibly strong accent. Cannot speak any languages other than Standard.
Callan: Australian, specifically with the intensity of someone from Queensland. Incredibly strong accent. Cannot speak any languages other than Standard, but also prone to using slang that apparently might as well be considered its own language. /s
Somerl: Scottish, not sure what region specifically but he did grow up in a coastal area. His accent is noticeable, but not as strong as one would usually associate with stereotypical depiction of Scots. Cannot speak any languages other than Standard.
Amarys: Russian-Korean & English. No distinct accent, but she tends to pronounce words the Received Pronunciation way given her upbringing + amount of time spent around nobles. Cannot speak any languages other than Standard, but would like to learn. 
Ananta: Nationality undecided, but I can see them being either South- or Southeast Asian. They don’t have much of an accent, and cannot speak any languages other than Standard.
Rosato: Italian. Decently strong accent, especially in how he rolls his r’s. Can speak a basic amount of Italian, primarily simple everyday phrases and any terms related to winemaking.
Ashell: Hungarian. He’s lost his accent over time, but you can still hear it in the way he pronounces certain words. Can speak a small amount of Hungarian.
Vivyin: German-Korean. Fairly strong German accent, and her ‘t’ / ’ch’ sounds resemble her lusus’ chittering noises. Speaks fluent German, and wasn’t taught Korean when she was younger but she does try to study it when she has free time. Also knows a few words in Czech and Polish thanks to Glasya. 
Ariete: English, specifically from the Cumbrian region. Her accent is very noticeable, but when she’s trying to fit in with the noble castes she’ll try to put on a bit more of a RP accent. She understands a number of historical languages, including Latin, Old English, and Classical Gaelic. 
Celise: Welsh-Japanese. Their accent is not very noticeable, and leans more towards Welsh though I dunno which region specifically. Cannot speak any languages other than Standard, and has little interest in learning either Welsh or Japanese.
Velour: French-American. Has a bit of a Californian accent (or NorCal if you want to get specific) in the most YouTube-marketable way possible. He wasn’t taught any French growing up (given that he wasn’t raised by his lusus), but he’ll occasionally play into that side by dropping basic French in his videos. Just enough to make the fans go ‘when he’s bilingual 😍😍😍’. Has also started learning Japanese as well thanks to Hanabi and Jikiro.
Mikiel: Italian. Noticeable accent that becomes even stronger the angrier he gets. Speaks fluent Italian, and also knows bits and pieces of French and German.
Lusien: Icelandic. His accent would be more apparent if he spoke more than a few sentences at a time. Knows a couple Icelandic words, mostly phrases his lusus + guardian would tell him as a kid to reassure / calm him.
Sharle: Monegasque. Accent has the same intensity as his namesake, but he has a much deeper voice. Speaks fluent Monegasque, Italian, and French.
Viltau: American. Specifically has a ‘Hollywood’ accent thanks to sweeps of vocal coaching to try and get rid of both his stutter and his natural Boston accent. The Boston accent slips out when he’s angry, though. Cannot speak any languages other than Standard, but has been taught a few Japanese words by Jikiro.
Glasya: Czech. Their accent is of average intensity and doesn’t tend to fluctuate. Speaks fluent Czech and Polish.
Vallis: Singaporean. His accent is of average intensity, but is more apparent on certain words. He was taught how to speak Mandarin, but is much better at writing it than he is speaking it because he still gets tripped up on the inflections. 
Belamy: Austrian. He’s tried to tone down the accent over time because of how intense it can get, but it’s still quite noticeable. Can speak fluent German.
Linnae: Dutch. Has an American accent of some description because he was raised by Nemone. Cannot speak any languages other than Standard.
Fleure: Dutch. His accent is noticeable, but not particularly strong unless he starts speaking the language. Can speak fluent Dutch, and also has a good understanding of various languages spoken by the mages of his time.
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