#it's more of just. I'm sorry. I know my mood is fluctuating and I'm very slow lately.
spaceratprodigy · 4 months
sorry for how slow and sparse I've been getting around to everyone. I'm doing my best but genuinely rn I desperately need to take care of myself instead of always putting others first.
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AITA for being complicit in my friend's situationship? (NSFW, and sorry, it's long, but at least it's dramatic.)
I had a friend (I will refer to as Kate), who I no longer speak to for reasons unrelated to this scenario. We dated on and off for a couple years and broke up permanently about a year before these events, but remained as roommates. Everyone in the story was in their 20s.
Kate went to a trade school and met a man (I will refer to as Andrew) who flirted with her despite mentioning before that he had a girlfriend. Kate was attracted to Andrew but told him that she wouldn't get involved with him unless he broke up with his girlfriend. He then told her that his girlfriend was distant to the point that they hadn't slept together in years, they basically were just friends that lived together, but she wouldn't let him officially break up with her, and he couldn't afford to move out on his own.
Kate told me about this, sometimes asking what I thought, and though I had some doubts about whether that information was true, I didn't give any real advice in any direction. Obviously I was in a weird situation, but didn't want to discourage her, or she might have thought I was jealous. She wasn't happy when I went on a date during this time. She also accused me of emotionally cheating while we were dating, so I was not about to tell her how to define cheating. That's a whole other story, but I say "accused" bc it basically boiled down to me still being friends with someone I previously had feelings for, and Kate believed I was more attracted to the old friend than her. That remained a sore spot for the whole time we knew each other, although I cut off the old friend a year after Kate and I started dating.
A few months went by, and they spent more time together at the school, and her car, hooking up at both. They never went to his place. He also asked her not to initiate text conversations, in case his girlfriend saw his phone. He came over to our place twice, and both times she texted me out of the room so they could be alone. Kate acted very happy talking about him, occasionally guilty or suspicious, but said she thought she loved him. Her moods fluctuated a lot, as she experiences manic and depressive episodes, and I was trying to comfort her through the bad times.
When they were about to graduate, Kate told Andrew that since they wouldn't see one another at school together anymore, she would stop talking until he broke up with his girlfriend. Then Kate saw his girlfriend show up at their school acting, well, like his girlfriend. So she became suspicious. Andrew also started flirting with another woman at their school, who flirtaciously messaged Kate. Kate thought Andrew was trying to set up a threeway, even after breaking off their situation. This ended with a lot of angry texts to Andrew from Kate, demanding that he tell his girlfriend everything. Andrew claimed he did, and then the conversation ended.
Many months later, Kate doubted Andrew told his girlfriend, so Kate asked me to make a burner account to message her, and I did. She didn't seem to be aware of any of it. At this point, Kate felt that Andrew had exploited her, but as far as I know, all of their interactions were consensual. I think she was trying to deal with her own guilt by leaving all the blame on him, but I never dared to tell her she'd done any wrong here. I also felt complicit in that I probably should have guessed that she was manic during this and given better advice.
I know this was a lot of info, but it could have been a lot longer. I'm just wondering now, a long time later, was ITA for not telling my friend flat out to stop the situation, or that she was doing something wrong?
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rachi-roo · 2 years
Your writing is so cute 💕 How about a fic with Ler Kurogiri and Lee Shigaraki ❤️ like Tomura is pouting about something and just being an overall brat and Kurogiri steps in and puts him in his place. This fandom is so starved for wholesome Shiggy content it’s insane.
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My Hero Academia: Sulk no More.
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ANON IM SO SORRY!!! This one got buried so fast I missed it 😭 I'm not very confident with writing Tomura yet, but I felt I had to try after missing your ask! I hope this is somewhat what you were after!
Summary: Tomura hasn't left his room all day, so it's up to father-like Kurogiri to sort the grump out!
Tw: None
Lee!Tomura, Ler!Kurogiri
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"Has anyone seen Shigaraki today? He never showed up for lunch." The resident father figure of the League of Villains, Kurogiri, asked as he peered into the lounge where the rest of the gang were relaxing together.
Spinner looked over his shoulder at the smoggy man, shaking his head. "I went to check on him earlier, but he just told me to go away. Figured it might just be one of those days for him so I let him be."
Kurogiri sighed. These days were becoming far too frequent. It was bad for Tomura's health to spend so much time moping in the dark. "Right. Thank you, Spinner." With that, Kurogiri headed to the dry boys room, knocking on the door a few times.
"Go away..." A husk voice answered. He wasn't even going to find out who it was knocking.
"Shigaraki, it's me. May I come in?"
"You deaf? I said go away."
The rude comment made Kurogiri's temper fluctuate slightly, but he took a deep breath, managing to calm himself. There's no use in getting rowdy with him, it would only make things worse. "I'm coming in, make sure you're covered."
Carefully, he pushed the door open, seeing nothing but darkness and the faint silhouette of Tomuras bed frame, a bundle of blankets upon the mattress. About Shigaraki sized.
"Shigaraki, please come and eat something. You'll get sick otherwise." He coaxed, switching the light on, earning a grumpy hiss from the boy as he pulled his duvet over his head.
"Not hungry." On que, his stomach growled.
Kurogiri gave an amused chuckle, sitting on the edge of the bed, and placing a reassuring hand on the pile of duvet. "Why don't you tell me what's bothering you? Maybe I can-"
"I said no! Geez, you're so clingy. Just go away already."
Once again, Kurogiri's blood raced. Why did he have to put up with Tomura's childish behavior and rude comments whenever he's in a mood? He shouldn't have to put up with it. "You know what, Tomura? I've had enough of this. We all have bad days, I know, but you don't have to be so cold towards us."
"Uuuuh!" Tomura let out a loud huff, tossing his quilt back. He was wearing his pyjama trousers and a big hoodie, along with his special three fingered-gloves. "I just don't want to hear anyone's voice right now. Okay? I don't know why. And I don't care either. So just piss off!" He glared at Kurogiri, hoping that was enough to make him leave.
"Tomura... I have had it!" The smoke exclaimed. "I'm sick of you talking down on me like this! You need to remember your place." He grabbed Shigarakis waist, suddenly, spidering his fingers up and down his skinny frame.
"Urk! K-Kurogihihiri! Get off!" The boy tried to remain tough, gritting his teeth as he attempted to fight off his friend's attack. "Cut it out!"
"Apologise for speaking to us in such a way, and I'll consider stopping." Kurogiri smiled, he never really intended to harm the boy. He knew scolding him normally wouldn't fix anything.
The skittering fingers shifted upwards, digging into Shigaraki's underarms. "AH! No-!" He bit his lip as his arms slammed to his sides, holding his breath. He wasn't going to break easily. This only made Kurogiri more determined.
"Oh, so we're playing the waiting game are we?"
"Mhm!" Shigaraki shook his head, squeezing his eyes shut and curling in on himself.
"Very well. Let's try this." Kurogiri retracted a hand, quickly squeezing just above Tomuras knee making him jerk away and let out a flurry of giggling.
"Hehey! Don't- Ahahaha!" The tickling attack continued once his defences were opened up, with Kurogiri switching between squeezing his hips and knees.
"Stahahap! Stop ihit! I-I mehehean it! Kurogiriii!" His hands grappled with his attackers, not sure which tickled more or which to stop.
"Heh, still very sensitive aren't we?" Kurogiri teased, looking at Tomura's scrunched expression as he laughed freely. "Hehe, tickle, tickle, tickle~ I remember you always liked when I tease you." He chuckled, watching the villain's cheeks and ears heat up to a rosey pink.
"Shuhut up! D-Don't say th-AH!" Whilst he was distracted by the tickling, Kurogiri quickly swiped up Shigaraki's wrists, pushing him onto his back and pinning his arms over his head. "Woah! Hey! Nonono! Kurogiri I'm not kidding- Ah! Don't you dare!"
"Here we go, now, are you going to come and eat?" Kurogiri asked, straddling the boy's waist, wriggling fingers poised to attack.
"No! I'm not hungr-IHIHI! NOOO! AHAHAHA!" Tomura cried out as Kurogiri attacked his worst spot, scribbling and poking at his now vulnerable underarms. He arched his back, kicking his legs wildly.
"Stahahap! Damn ihihit! You f-AHAHA! Get OHOFF! GAHAHAAAA!"
"What do you want for dinner? Hmm?"
"I-I dohon't AHAHA! PLEHEHEASE! *snort* aaaAAAHAHA!"
Kurogiri paused, shocked by the sound. His eyes smiled. "Well that was amusing."
"Plehease, no more- GAHA! No!" His head flung backwards, burying into his pillow as Kurogiri attacked again, clawing at his belly.
"Go on, one more snort and we're finished."
"I-I cahan't control it! Ehehe! That's nohot fahahir!"
He was so embarrassed by this weakness of his. He'd never hear the end of it if the rest of the group found out.
"ALRIGHT! Okahahay! Stahap! Plehe- *snort* Oh shihihit!"
And just like that, the tickling hands retreated and Kurogiri removed himself from Tomuras lap, sitting beside him instead. "Feeling better now?"
Shigaraki reluctantly gave a nod, not daring to look at him in fear of looking silly. "Guess I am hungry now..."
Kurogiri chuckled, petting his boy's head. "Alright. Come to the kitchen whenever you're ready. I'll whip up something good."
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ley-med · 9 months
Hey! I want to apologise in advance because well I'm going to cry about my life in your asks and ruin your mood. I'm a second year? First year student? I'm not sure anymore. I had my first year final exams and got my results 2 days ago. I failed anatomy. Not by just a bit but by 18 marks. People who have not studied even a single day the whole year somehow passed. I was blaming the system, the checkers and what not but my mom kinda said that your failure is your fault more than anyone else's and she's not wrong. I always dreaded studying anatomy, I hated it cuz it was hard, maybe? Idk on the other hand i scored pretty good in biochemistry and physiology. I have a month roughly to prepare for my supplementry exams that are in February and if I pass I can rejoin my batch , I'll be with my friends again. But to study alone this month feels so difficult, fomo as my friends and classmates go to clinics and OT's constantly makes me anxious. My parents are very supportive, they were very positive and that I have gotten a chance to resolve my fear. My mental health is fluctuating so bad, a moment I'm so motivated that I can do it! And the next minute I'm in pits of sadness and dispair. Idk why im sharing all this but as a fellow in medical field I hope maybe i could have a word of encouragement or maybe a reality check. My friends believe hundred percent that I'll pass and I'm hopeful too but my anxiety does not rest. If I fail I'd have to repeat the year and be with my junior batch. Thank you for listening and I'm sorry again.
Oh sweetheart, I'm so sorry, I feel your pain!
Do you know how many times I failed anatomy? Well I won't say the exact number because that's frankly embarrassing, but I'm probably on some sort of list of "worst students to ever disgrace the halls of the anatomy department"... I failed anatomy and biochemistry and had to repeat first year. Then I failed anatomy and physiology and had to retake second year too... Shit happens.
Do you know why they say med school is hard? It's because it is damn hard. Most students will fail some exams here or there, some will fail more than just a few exams, and very few will pass all of theirs. (Even those who don't study and somehow seem to always pass? Even their luck runs out sometimes). Sometimes it's unfair, and sometimes it's our fault.
Your exam results has nothing to do with how good of a doctor you will become! It's just school, nothing more, nothing less. See me, I was so bad at med school, just terrible at it, and now that I'm a doctor, I might not be the best ever out there, but I'm good at my job.
I know this sucks now, it sucks to fail, and it sucks to study again when you could be doing something else. But it's just an exam, not the end of the world. You cry, then you dry your tears, sit back, and study as hard as you can.
And there is no guarantee you will pass the next time either, passing is never ever guaranteed! You just study and hope for the best. And if you fail again, you cry some more, then realise that maybe your "study as hard as you can" wasn't really your hardest, or you realise you aren't studying effectively and you need to find a way of studying that better suits you. We all have to learn how to study...
And sometimes you just say, fuck it, and pass purely out of spite.
Anyways. Don't compare yourself to others. You live your life, not theirs. And unfortunately, yours now includes some more exams and studying... Allow yourself some time to wallow in despair, you absolutely deserve that relief, but after that, give yourself a pep talk sweetheart and get back to studying. And do something fun, and have some treats! You deserve that too!
And hey? You can do this! I believe in you, anon, you absolutely got this. Just be patient with yourself :)
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toomanyroleplays · 6 months
Hey Gang
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So to say the least I am ever so bored and looking to get some new roleplays up and running. First off the very most important thing to know about me is I'm 25 coming to you from the Cringy One Direction Roleplay era. So please please please be at least 18 but I would prefer 20 and up in a perfect world. I ONLY write on Discord in the third person. My minimum is two paragraphs and my max well she's all over the place typically around five paragraphs. I'm ghost and cringe-friendly. I love building playlists and interest boards for RPs and world-building and just all the OOC chit-chat you could dream of. I'm looking for romance and if all parties are comfy some spice in the plot along with everything else we could ever dream up within reason. I'm open to writing all pairing types and OCxCC or CCxCC but no OCxOC sorry! But I double! :) Fandoms and a little more about what I'm looking for in each one. Marvel/MCU/Comics: I am a die-hard Phlint shipper and I am always down to write them. I have hardcore missed this pair so damn much since Omegle left us. There are other canon ships I'm down to write as well the list is hella long and fluctuates with my mood so please ask and I'll happily supply you with that list and whom I write. I am also always down to write OCxCC for Marvel. I'm open to ABO and BDSM AU's in this fandom as well. Hobbit: I've kinda got a half assed OC/fan species idea but like fuck if I know. So like while I wanna say I would be down to write OCxCC I'm probably gonna lean towards CCxCC but you never know I might be in the mood to bust that sucker out. I'm all for Thilbo always have been. Have you read An Unexpected Addition by karategal on AO3? I've basically taken it as canon now. Anywho other ships also include Dworin, Dwori, and Boffins. WWE It's cringe I know but shit dude I love that silly wrestling. Ask me about it in the DM's if you're interested. We can work literally anything out. I love it all. Criminal Minds bring on the OCxCC or CCxCC would love to do a Marvel CCxCC crossover though I could be talked into an OCxCC cross over. Ships I kinda love em all for the sake of not making this post any longer I'll put in my top four but feel free to ask about others. Hotchgan, Demily, Morcia and Moreid Harry Potter Golden Trio I'm looking for OCxCC please don't ask me to play Voldy or like any Malfoy. Characters are 18+ so no Hogwarts sorry fam. Uh plots all I can say is buckle up I'm a little bit of a goblin. Marauders era OCxCC or CCxCC looking for alternate war endings. Rare pairs, and heavy world-building. Please do not ask me to write snape I can't go there.
Ok OK so last one and like this shit is hella specific so don't mind me I'm just being hopeful. Percy Jackson (TV series) I read book one years ago gonna start a read-through soon. I am Specifically looking for an AresxF OC of mine. I'm hoping to find someone flexible and willing to help me make sense of this cracked-out plot I've had bouncing around in my brain for weeks.
If any of this interests you please feel free to shoot me a message on Discord or interact with the post and I'll reach out.
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themistressdomme · 5 months
hi mommy. it's been a while since i've sent anything. i was craving more soft romantic intimacy than just sex. sometimes i fluctuate so much with my horniness. sometimes it's like i'm almost sex repulsed, and i can be that way for weeks or even months. then suddenly, for like a week, i just have such a deep need to be filled and bred and used. then the cycle repeats. do you think that's weird? sometimes i worry about ever having a partner because of how my want for sex changes like that. i feel dumb about it a lot..
on a different note, i'm going on a mini vacation with my parents for 2 nights and i'm very excited because we got separate rooms that are down the hall from each other, so i can maybe touch myself and try to moan for once. 🤭 i keep imagining meeting you there in secret and you making sure the whole hotel knows your name, then me going to see my parents at breakfast and feigning innocence. but you know the truth, right, mommy? you know how i was begging just a few hours ago for you to fill me
~ your needy plaything
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Hi angel!
First, no, that is not weird at all! Don't ever feel dumb for/about it, love! You might be on the asexual spectrum! Aspec is a beautiful and complex thing, and you should never be ashamed because of that 🥰 When you get a partner, just be upfront about it! It may be difficult to navigate, especially if they have a high libido, but if they're right for you, they will understand and love you no matter what. Never let yourself get disrespected, or pushed into doing something when you don't feel like doing it!
Second, wow, a mini-vacation sounds like so much fun! I'd definitely make it my personal mission to make my pretty little thing scream and moan. It'll definitely be a night to remember, sweet angel 😘 Oh my, you'd be a blushing little mess at breakfast, won't you? I'll keep glancing over, smirking at you, and watch you look away hurriedly and hide your face. You'll look so pretty when you're all shy. 😉
Oh, darling, I'm so sorry about that 😞 But! You should check how soundproof the hotel room is! Some hotels are quite soundproof 😉 Maybe try shouting for your parents whilst you're in your room, then casually go into theirs and ask if they heard you 😘 Don't let it ruin your mood, angel!
-your needy plaything
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ccaptain · 6 months
☀ What’s your rp pet peeve?
kisses ur typing hands for sending me one ♥ -- @resolutepath
I will take a little pebble out of my shoe and admit that being put on the backburner, under very specific circumstances, really puts me in the mood to simply wanting to put my muse(s) in a little backpack and move on.
This usually happens when we get hyper comfortable and there's no longer the need to instantly reply to what I sent, or sending me unprompted ask to develope two or more muses. It's heaven! It's a very good point we can reach. The relationship between two muses, be it romantical or platonic, is developed, so we can take it slower and chill out while we do our own things and they just run in the background like a Windows program.
While I'm sure that it's due to the comfortableness and people being comfortable with me makes me happy and just as comfortable with them, I have my little pet peeves about this state of things:
- We go from 100% to barely 5% in regards to talking about our muses. If the level fluctuates and it still happens sometimes, that's great! I appreciate the effort! I should disclose that changes, expecially if employed abruptly like this, put me in a very tense state of mind. It's something that I'm constantly working on, but that I would prefer a warning instead of a day/night change. - A complete lack of engagement with the things that I'm posting about my muse. No more likes, or even a single aknowledgement to anything, which includes: OOC posts (understandable), headcanons (which contain useful informations, expecially for my muses partner(s)/familiar relationships, developing or not, so they're... kind of a big deal?), no longer sending any sort of memes, or very rarely doing so. I... really can't call this behavior anything other than a loss of interest, I'm sorry. Perhaps there's another kind of explanation for that, but until I'm explained why this happens and what else to call it, I will have to call it with a term that I know about. - If, while this is happening, the same problem that is happening towards me and my muse(s) doesn't seem to extend to ANY of your other roleplay partners with close situationships, aka you're sending asks, even umprompted without any memes, and paying close attention to their stuff... well, it's not a very good feeling.
While I don't mind if it happens much, because attention spans shift and I'm understanding as I can be about that, if this happens a bit too much I would appreciate some reassurance, every once in a while, that the relatonship/friendship/familyship between our muse hasn't dwindled down to almost nothing- or to be straight up told that yes, the vibe is gone and it's better if our muses part ways.
If you ever catch yourself doing this, I strongly encourage you to go and have a chat with the person, and see how they're feeling about it and if it's somehow hurting them or if they understand what's happening and they're alright with it. If they're not, work around a solution that puts them back at ease, and be honest if it's not possible for you to compromise at the moment.
All of these are big changes in how a person interacts with you. You're allowed to be bummed about it, be it intentional or not.
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phlve · 1 year
IT(N) — Introverted Thinking supported by Intuition
Analytical, interested primarily in the underlying principles, organized in relation to concepts and imagination. Perceptive, not dominating, decisiveness of thinking only shows within intellectual matters. Quiet, reserved, detached and usually aloof. Inclined towards shyness. Won't be convinced by anything except intellect - reasoning, explanation and theoretical logic. Serious and usually focused on the dark, sad side of life. Pessimism can achieve a state of reactive depression. the idea of working in a slowed. in conversations almost does not participate. occasionally interiects. serious mood. serious ethical position. Passivity in activities related to the charges seriously, timidity, indecisiveness, no carelessness and gaiety, a strong perception of heavy experiences, sometimes tearfulness. A sense of inferiority, fluctuations in the choice of fields of activity, passive in life, calm, apathetic, lack of energy and activity, honesty, kindness, slowness, clumsiness, not laughs heartily, neat clothing, difficulty in making decisions. Tries to see and create from everything a system of some core level natural laws and patterns, frameworks and structures of directed thinking, impersonal rationality. Has many interests and much knowledge, but don't like to advertise this fact and be in the center of attention. In their essence, they are precise and pedantic, not only in the way of thinking but also in how they relate to the world around them. You will scarcely meet a person believing in miracles and trusting in luck among representatives of this type. Consistency, reliability, ability to stick to their word - all of these are typical of representatives of this type. Generally excessively extensive knowledge of most philosophical principles, mathematical logic and theories, formulas etc. He knows how to dig to the essence of things, to reveal their internal structure. He sets for himself very high requirements, specific orders and devotion to an idea or a set of rules, varies on manifestation. Unless somebody else takes care of him, he can easily drive himself to starvation. Usually he even does not notice the quality of his clothing. He does not tolerate orders. He does not show much initiative, is reclusive and silent. "Sorry, I'm too scattered to learn about politics. I just learn about math/engineering.". This type often carries around a childish, autistic personality. "The world is the way I see it. If you have evidence that it's not the way I see it, too bad for the world. Anyway it is not my business; just keep your opinion to yourself. I think the world should be exactly how I see it".
Many idiosyncrasies, distinct lack of emotional maturity; he can only love or hate, his feeling doesn't come with nuances. Fails to understand social interactions, disconnected from ambients - social ineptitude. Eccentric, may have problems understanding the law, the common sense. Some manifestations of the type are more immature, more bizarre. Can be stubborn, won't stand being interrupted, hates when people argue with each other, can't live in a place where people are always discussing. "I won't perform plebeian tasks such as driving!"; extremely "anti-social" in a sense. Doesn't realize at all how he affects other people, thinks that he is always right, that he has a right to do what he might do. Assumes things about people, accuses people and expresses "anti-mainstream" preferences. Geeky, nerdy, not very adult, more like a teenager or a kid. Uses difficult, complicated language, tries to explain things in very solid and tangible terms, tries to show the structures and principles, oriented to dissect all multiplicities; creator of concepts, philosophical, a person of many ideas, theories. Carries with him personal conclusions able to explain and analyse the world. His logic is one of identifying order in apparent chaos, a parallel, polymorphic, multi-leveled logic, logic of contradictions and paradoxes, explaining the complicated. Justifications and assumptions from different viewpoints. Points out differences and inconsistencies in everything. Anxious, paranoid indecisiveness, prone to overthinking. Intolerance of uncertainty, black and white thinking. Focuses on probability, tries to isolate, abstract, the pure substance of things; won't accept changes in his behaviour or world. He sharply reacts to reprimands, but sometimes hides his irritation under an artificial smile. Does not second-guess, his decisions aren't based on intuitions, tries to avoid using faith. Uses premises. intellect, a set of forms of reasonings, logic. "My state is always adequate to the external world, and my inner person is standard." "Why bother studying your inner self if building a world of harmony is so much more interesting and acute?", he typically chooses one of his standard states and dwells in it most of the time. The "inner core" is made by ethical norms and principles, which secure the integrity of their internal world. Likes puzzles and riddles, axiomatic work. Many manifestations of this type will seem robotic, have problems with social adaptation, social relationships, sexual relations and intimacy. Fears human contact, struggles with duty and jobs, washes his hands as often as he can, out of phobia concerned with sensations. Worried about the food he eats, wonders if something's healthy or not. Very inclined to hypochondriasis or immoderation; he doesn't know how much to eat, needs to rely on logic and systematization.
His deficiency Is human relationships, which sometimes results in uncertainty and sadness in emotional evaluations o other people. This becomes especially evident in unfamiliar circumstances. Watching others, he tries to understand what is accepted in this company, what is favored, and what is rejected. But he cannot always adapt to other people and to new social situations. He may be cheerful or sullen out of place. Due to his weakness in differentiating emotional nuances, representatives of this type often see people in black and white colors: good or bad, kind or unkind, friend or foe. They are also sometimes viewed as stubborn and hard to persuade. They cannot stand untruth and falsity, and can be very firm and solid like a rock in matters of principle to them. Some versions may have a lack of genuine identity - they do not know themselves, everything "depends". Context is always important, they need all the details and information. Would answer 'neutral' or 'I do not know many times if asked about his own personality and character. "I understand everything better than others" - some manifestations think too much of themselves, egomaniac, may argue about intelligence (IQ, mathematics etc) and demonstrate to people his intellect, "intellectual superiority", tries to correct people's illogical behaviour. He loves positive emotions of other people, as if they charged. Moves towards the reigning "most positive" emotions, positive emotions and avoid places of high concentration of negative. He dislikes situations of intrigue, scandal-mongering, since in such a situation can become a victim of their own. Therefore it is always bad refers to the "whispering a secret", seeing it as evil intentions. The relationship people always have to be open, honest, kind. Word about the relationship must always coincide with the chores, or - there is something wrong. Saying that you love a person - this has to be seen and, in fact, and if in fact it is not visible - it means it's not true. Very suspicious in regard to himself and others, suspecting some "zapodlo", even if it's some tiny little thing, already strives either immediately break off relations, or exclude a person from the number of "friends", relatives of people currently, reducing contact with him to a minimum. Therefore, it may sometimes be known as a traitor, finding those who belong to it better is out there and to relocate, considering it is a strong argument for changing the "range". It may become a victim of "sycophants".
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battleangel · 2 years
Bray Wyatt The Cult Leader - Part 1
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Week 4 Analysis
Bray Wyatt - In-ring Promo
“I could really get used to that. Do you feel that? Oh my god! Like pain and adrenaline.” *manic laughter* “When you start doing stuff like that, I start feeling like I'm invulnerable.”
This is very Tony Robbins-esque and exactly what cult leaders do. They get into the audience’s liminal space. He could get used to them making him feel like he’s invulnerable. Invincible. Like he’s a god. Like he’s their god.
“No mask, no smoke and mirrors. Just me and you.”
“Just me and you” is very emotionally manipulative. More importantly, it’s a total lie. He’s addressing an audience yet he is acting like he is speaking to an intimate audience of one, instead of millions. This is what cult leaders do, they make their followers feel special, like they are the only cult member, that they are the only one. This is done to create a false connection of intimacy.
“This is Bray Wyatt, the real man.” 
Who exactly is the real man? Is this Bray speaking to us right now or one of his other personalities using Bray as the vessel?
“The best version of me that will ever be.” 
Is it the best version though? Is Bray Wyatt/Real Bray really the best? Or his one of his other personalities the best? Is Uncle Howdy the best?
“My emotions don’t work. Sometimes, they can send me to a very dark place. Other times, no matter how hard I try, I dont feel anything at all. I think thats part of what makes me, me right?” 
Along with Bray’s MPD and ASPD, Bray also seems to suffer from emotional dysregulation which is an emotional response that is poorly regulated and does not fall within the traditionally accepted range of emotional reaction. It may also be referred to as marked fluctuation of mood, mood swings, or labile mood.
“For me to get where I have gotten, I’ve had to do some really horrible things. And there’s a part of me that really likes that I’m not afraid to do horrible things.”  *laughter* 
This is a call back to last week (Week 3) where Bray said that “along this journey” he is going to do “some horrible, horrible things” and he will “never be sorry for them”. This week, Bray admits to even be where he is now, he has already had to do “some really horrible things” and that “there’s a part of me that really likes that I’m not afraid to do horrible things.” So, not only is Bray never going to be sorry for doing horrible things, he likes that he isn’t afraid to do horrible things.
“And I know there will come another time when I'm faced with some adversity and I will be asked to do something completely horrible -" 
Asked by whom? By another one of his personalities? By Uncle Howdy? And ofcourse, that is exactly who cuts Bray off before he can even complete his sentence.
Uncle Howdy - Jumbotron Segment
“Who Who Who Who Who Who am I? I’m just a ghost of the man who sold the world ofcourse.” 
This is a reference to the David Bowie song, “The Man Who Sold The World:, which was referenced last week (Week 3). Some of the lyrics to the song were spoken when you dialed the phone number on the Psych Eval form that came up with last week’s (Week 3) QR Code.
“You You You are a fool. You you you you own the world. You you killed the world. Killed the world. You sent him away.”
As Bray Wyatt used to always sing to us, he’s got the whoooole world in his hands. He has us, his fireflies, in his hand and eating out of the palm of his hand hanging on his every single word. Then Bray killed the world according to Uncle Howdy. When Uncle Howdy says, “You sent him away”, an image of the Fiend flashes across the screen. So, one of Bray’s alter personalities, the Fiend, killed the world and Bray sent him away as a result.
“And now they're the reason why you're just a shell of what you once were.” 
Who is they? If Bray as the Fiend killed the world, who is Uncle Howdy referring to? Is he referring to the fact that Bray – and perhaps some of his other personalities – came together to send the Fiend away and, in doing so, he became “just a shell” of who he once was?
“And I say to revel in what you are.” 
As always, Uncle Howdy encourages Bray to embrace and revel in his dark side, his evil side. At the same time, Bray has said he will do “horrible things” “along this journey” and that he has already had to do horrible things just to get to where he is now. Bray’s also said he will never be sorry for doing these horrible things and that a part of him likes that he isn’t afraid of doing horrible things. Couldn’t it be argued that Bray is already reveling in what he is? Then again, he did send the Fiend away. So, maybe he is in a way and maybe he isn’t.
“But, you sir, you are a liar. You're a liar. You claim you don't wear a mask. You don't wear a mask. We both know that's not true, don't we.” 
The audience also knows Bray is a liar and that he wears a mask. We saw him wear the Uncle Howdy mask before removing it when he returned at Extreme Rules. Bray presents himself to the audience as, alternatively, a victim (of his depression, his circumstances, his suicidal ideation), someone who his “fireflies” saved, a best friend who “loves” them, someone they can relate to (“Do you feel that?”) and “the real me” aka just plain old Bray yet he constantly wears the mask of all of his various personalities that are inside of him and are him.
 “I can see you. You'll never be able to hide from me. Your Uncle Howdy.” 
Towards the end of the segment, the mask of Uncle Howdy was shown with red contacts (same eye color as the Fiend). Since Bray is all of these personalities, including Uncle Howdy, that also means that Uncle Howdy is the Fiend and Bray is the Fiend – so, did Bray really put the Fiend away? 
Images in the Uncle Howdy Segment (Timestamps)
Firefly (:39)
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A colorful firefly with green and yellow wings.
QR Code (:40)
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Uncle Howdy believes that Bray is a liar. Uncle Howdy can see Bray but Bray can’t see him which is why his eyes are crossed out with red x’s. If you look closely in the pictire of Bray near the word "Liar", you will see John 8:32 -
"Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free."
Uncle Howdy repeatedly called Bray a liar in his segment tonight, a liar about not wearing a mask and a liar who straight up just lies. If Bray would just tell the truth to his fireflies instead of hiding behind the facade of an ever suffering Christ-like figure who has now resurrected himself to lead his fireflies, if he would just revel in and embrace who he is, it would set him free.
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Bray Wyatt’s QR code leads to wwwe.com/fregObNcHC8. If you google fregObNcHC8, you get the Youtube link for Nirvana’s cover of David Bowie’s “The Man Who Sold the World”. 
Conjoined Twins (:43)
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This is how Bray feels regarding Uncle Howdy – conjoined and stuck to him and with him, two separate minds unwillingly sharing the same body.
White Mask w/ Eye (:44)
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It seems like the person behind this mask is vulnerable and afraid just looking at their eye and what is visible of their facial expression. Very different from the eyes of the Fiend and Uncle Howdy.
Figure In Gown (:47)
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There is an unidentified figure standing in a room bathed in blue light with purple light pouring into it.
Figure in Gown in Crucifixion Pose (:47)
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The same figure in gown is then shown in the next frame in a crucifixion pose.
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ashers-transition · 2 years
1 Month T Update (January 13, 2023)
Here's my one month update for being on testosterone! (Sorry it's a bit late, life got ahead of me).
So far I have noticed no physical changes, so I will be skipping over those portions instead of just saying "no changes" over and over, and instead I'll just include the changes I have noticed.
Please check my pinned post for more info about me and why I started this blog! CWs: eye contact (in video), discussion of menstruation, discussion of appetite and disordered eating. (If I've missed any content warnings that I should include, please let me know and I will add them in).
Menstrual Cycle
So far I have only gotten my period once since starting testosterone, since this is only my one month update. In my pre T post, I mention that I struggle with chronic pain, and that I get a flare whenever I get my period, with the first day being the worst. I started a new pain medication around three months ago that has lessened those flares enough for me to be functional during them.
This month, the first day of my period was absolutely awful. Previously, if I could tell that I was about to get my period I would take some as-needed pain meds the night before to help lessen the flare, but with my new daily pain meds helping so much I stopped doing that for my more recent periods and had been fine so far.
This time, the flare was so bad that I once again was not able to function. My cramps and overall pain were so bad I could barely move, and I honestly felt like crying. I also almost passed out at one point while sitting down (my POTS is decently mild, so this is not normal for me).
I am unable to say whether this is due to the testosterone, or if it's just that my fibromyaligia and POTS decided to flare around the same time I got my period by coincidence. I'm hoping this won't be a trend, cause holy shit that sucked.
I have noticed a slight increase in acne. It hasn't gotten too bad* yet though, it's basically just like the minor breakouts I get whenever my period starts but all the time.
(*note: I fully believe that acne is a neutral feature and is not inherently bad. It only becomes an issue if it starts negatively affecting you; for example, if it becomes painful. I personally struggle with BFRBs, and acne can be a trigger for me).
I have noticed a slight increase in my appetite. I still eat around 2-3 meals a day, but I have begun snacking more in between.
I personally haven't noticed a difference in my voice, though there does seem to be a difference between my pre T video and this one. I think it's more to do with the fact that I just naturally have a fluctuation pitch depending on how much energy I have to put into trying to lower my voice. I also have not had anyone else notice a change in my voice, including both those that I have told I'm going on T and those I haven't.
[Video description: A waist high video of Asher talking to the camera. End video description.]
[Video transcript: "Hi, my name is Asher, and this is my voice one month on T."]
I mentioned previously that I was going to start taking testosterone gel, due to my BPD and ADHD making me worried about mood swings and forgetting a weekly shot. I still think this would be my ideal method of taking T, however I did end up having a mild reaction to the gel. The pictures are difficult to see, but the gel was very very drying. I knew this could be an issue because the gel is alcohol based, but it was so drying for me that the skin in the area became super rough and even started flaking. (Image one)
The are also gets red and itchy after application, and sometimes it even feels like it's burning a little. (Image two)
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Due to this, I will be switching over to taking testosterone through injections, starting at the three month mark. (I paid good money for the gel so I'm going to use it all before switching lol. In the meantime I will be rotating the application area more than I have been).
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:>! Hello! I would like to request something!
So like... Trumpet and Twice. They satisfy my daddy issues, big boy complex, and they kinda goofy so I'm in love obvi.
Could I request Trumpet, Twice, Skeptic, Nine, and Spinner with an S/O who is a very high sex drive? And a daddy kink? Reader would be like 20-22 (this is basically projecting don't mind it)?
If it's not too much trouble ofc-
(Oh God...If I could handle re-reading my own stuff I'd eat this tf up in a heartbeat. Anyway, I don't think I'd specify the age in this one too much so PLEASE do not kill me or be mad about that one lol. I'll personally do my best at this one, wish me luck!)
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~Trumpet/Twice/Skeptic/Nine's S/O with a High Drive~
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-Oh well he was trying to play it cool with you. He was trying to be a gentleman, suave and relaxed. He wanted it bad but he was going to be a little coy with it. That went out the window when you effortlessly seduced him the first time you decided it was time to stop holding back. By the time you were done with him his mind was blown. His drive tends to be high for his age and that's good...but it's nothing compared to you. You could keep going and going for hours. That (to him) was a dream come true. Sometimes he had a hard time catching up to you so keep in mind this 35-40 something year old man needed a water break in between sometimes. When you showed him just how much you could take his cock, he took advantage of it gladly. Throw the word daddy around in there and it's history. You had him going to work with his shirt inside out and hickies riddled along his neck. He always tried to gently scold you about his public appearance but you only stared at him with that damned look in your eyes. He chuckled and began to sweat a bit. "Oh I have the feeling you aren't even listening right now are you?" He teased as you leaned to whisper in his ears. "I'm sorry Hanabata. Why don't you punish me since I've upset you?" He chuckled and loosened his tie. "Just might have to take you up on that offer."
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-Believe it or not, he didn't have a high drive. It wasn't low, but it wasn't super high either. I'd say it fluctuates evenly. So when you got him in the bedroom and fucked him until he felt stupid he realized you were NOT a game. Sometimes he was down for challenging you. Letting daddy fly, lots of rough biting and pulling, sometimes even spanking. Then other times he was more mellowed out, slow love making and lots of eye contact. Whatever he chose didn't matter as long as you could have his cock buried deep inside of you. I think your main way of getting him since he was away with the League doing his thing, is by sexting with him. I suspect he has to clear out his gallery ever so often considering some of the others (you know who) likes to go through his phone as a joke. Although he wasn't always down for you, he still wanted to let you know how hot and bothered you make him. If ever a time came that your drive EVER slowed down, he'd pick it up for you and carry the weight of all that entails;)
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-You've got mismatched drives for sure. His is not as high as yours. Hell it's barely high at all, but this doesn't mean he doesn't want you real bad sometimes. He often tortures both himself and you. He keeps from taking part in the pleasure as he exchanges that time for hard work at Feel Good. He's a bit of a tease and very good at denying your advances. Nice try when you sent him those scandalous pics but he's not leaping at the chance just yet. No, he likes holding off and making you hold it too. That makes you go all the more crazy when he finally grants you what the two of you want so badly. And he lets you go again, and again, and again. Go on, drive him wild. You waited and you earned it. He'll tell you himself to milk his cock dry of every last drop you can take. Sometimes when he's not in the mood he likes to watch you take care of yourself. If you're really freaky then you know he wants to record it. He might want to build up his own little collection dedicated to you only. (as far as Daddy eh...you might have to collab on that with him. He's not opposed to it, but he's into other stuff more)
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-Before he got sick I'm sure his drive was high honestly. Now it's more moderate these days. But the thing with him is that he's a pleaser. He seeks to please you and make sure you're fulfilled in every aspect of the relationship. If he can't fill you with his cock then he'll quickly put his mouth to work instead. He takes his time with you, opting for long drawn out love making sessions rather than rapid-fire fucking. But now that being said, don't think for a second he lacks the ability/potential to fuck you crazy. With him it's one of those rare things you have to wait on. He will say anything and do anything to make sure you cum under his ministrations. If the daddy kink is involved then he's good with it. It doesn't matter if there's ropes or chains or feathers or oil, whatever you name it. It's all in the name of love for you. Plus let's be real here, I feel like he's got a few kinks he's going to be into after he explores them for a bit.
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rayslittlekitten · 3 years
Tumblr Writer Q&A
Written by @make-me-imagine tagged by @a-reader-and-a-writer and @green-socks. Thanks for the tag!
1) How many complete fics/one shots do you have(that you have not published (Yet)? Lol none.
2) How many WIPS do you have right now? Uhh... too many. I would say about 18 active WIPs that I've been juggling and rotating and like 10-15 other ones where I've temporarily abandoned or have only written out or fleshed out the idea but haven't quite started actually writing yet.
3) Do you take writing requests or write original ideas, or both? I mostly only write original ideas. I've taken requests before on and have delivered some. I still have like two requests I got ages ago and I am so so sorry for the people who sent in those requests. Inspiration for them still has not hit.
4) If you do take requests, how many do you currently have? I think two.
5) How many fandoms do you write for? Mainly Charlie Hunnam, but specifically Sons of Anarchy, The Gentleman and Triple Frontier. I've sort of dabbled in some of his other projects in like drabble form. I've generally written for Triple Frontier (specifically for Benny and Frankie). I am open to other fandoms as long as I feel familiar enough with it and comfortable.
6) Are there any fandoms you wrote for in the past that you no longer write for? I use to write Backstreet Boys and The Fast and Furious fandom a long long time ago.
7) Do you write for ships, reader inserts or other? Back in the day I wrote for ships and OCs. Reader inserts weren't a thing back then (yes, I'm old AF) and since coming back to the fanfic scene, I've learned reader inserts are more popular so I had adjusted to it and now like 95% of the stuff I write are reader inserts, but I think I'm going to convert back to third person with OCs, particularly with series. Hindsight is 20/20 and there are many fics where I realized too late that reader insert should have been an OC.
8) Niche fandoms/characters you write for? I don't particularly have any. I mean, I guess the oddest one I've technically written for is "Kitchen Confidential" but that was a drabble request.
9) Do you read fics as well as write them? Yes! It's actually how I got back into the fanfic world. I was looking for some very specific kinds of fics and did a google search and stumbled upon @hotdamnhunnam and I hit gold. At the time I had started writing again for myself especially since I couldn't quite find exactly what I was looking for and I was inspired to start posting my own fics.
10) What is your favorite genre to write for? I can't really say I have a favorite. I kind of fluctuate between smut, fluff, comfort and angst. A good chunk of my stuff are smutty, but I need a balance and I just go with where my mood takes me.
11) What is your favorite trope (to read/write)? I've recently realized I write a lot of friends to lovers. I don't know if it's a trope, but I also write and read fics with BDSM elements.
12) What do you do to get motivated to write? I don't really get myself motivated to write. It's when I'm in the mood, then I write. Sometimes I do need a bit of a boost and rely a lot on music especially if there is a particular song that inspired an idea.
13) Is there a trope/genre you like to read, but not write? I can't think of any off the top of my head. Well, actually, I don't particularly look for mlm fics, but I'll read it. However, I don't feel comfortable enough to write it. I just don't think I'd ever do it any justice. There's this Brothel Boy Arthur fic idea I've had for a while involving Arthur and a male John, but I'm not very confident it will come out well.
14) Any characters/fandoms you want to write for that are never requested? No. If there is something/someone I really want to write for, I just write it.
15) How long have you been writing fan fiction? Like since the very first time I've eve written fanfic no matter how terrible it was? Probably since... 1998? But I had like a near 20 year hiatus and started back Spring of 2021.
16) Did you read fan fiction before you started writing? No. I actually started writing fanfiction before I knew what fanfiction was. Pen and paper and shared it with my cousin. We would co-write.
17) Do you only post on Tumblr, or any other sites as well? My current stuff I also post on AO3. My The Fast and the Furious stuff is living on FFN.
18) What do you personally consider the work counts of "Drabble", "One shots" and "fics"? My understanding of a drabble is exactly 100 words. Some people classify it differently, like a short snippet, which is fine. One shots to me are just literally one shot. There's no sequel, prequel or spin off. One time thing. Fics to me encompass all types of writing.
19) Which do you prefer to write more? HC, drabbles, oneshots/fics, multi chapter stories, other? I have found a new appreciation for drabbles lately (even though they are longer than they should be 😬). Most of my stories start as one-shots, but after I post them, I either get requests to continue it or I get another idea and they turn into multi-chapter fics. Only one or two of my multi-chapter fics were started with multiple parts in mind.
20) Are there any stories you have discontinued? If so, why? Even the stories I've wrapped up, it's never truly discontinued. You never know, an inspiration might hit and I continue it or write a little snippet from that story.
21) What is one of your main "pet-peeves" as a writer on Tumblr? Feedback is much appreciated but when it's criticism that's not constructive, I don't see the point.
"This character is flawed!" Okay, yes, they are supposed to be. Thank you for pointing that out the obvious?
"This smut reads like it's written by a 14 year old virgin." Smut is not easy to write and it might actually be a 14 year old virgin writing it (which obviously they shouldn't be), but I've been that 14 year old virgin attempting to write really bad smut before, but we all start somewhere, right? It doesn't hurt to be kind.
(Also just FYI, none of those examples above were things said to me)
Also policing what people write is problematic. People have their reasons to write what they write regardless of how uncomfortable it may make you and they don't own you any explanation. You have the ability to curate your of feed and block certain tags or people so you don't see that kind of content. I'm not sure what shaming people for what they write would accomplish other than wasting their time.
22) Do you write a particular time of day? Nope. Just whenever inspiration hits.
23) Do you listen to music, ambiance/noise, etc to write or do you need silence? It depends on the fic but music helps me a lot.
24) Do you outline your fics at all before writing? Sometimes I do especially if it's a bit more elaborate.
25) Do you post your writing as soon as you finish it, or do you schedule it to come out at a specific time/day? Basically as soon as I finish it because I'm impatient but I've been trying to be better about it. The TF Xmas series was the only one where I wrote the entire thing and waited and scheduled it to release it spread out during December.
I won't tag anyone but whoever wants to do this can.
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filmnoirsbian · 3 years
Hi Tierney, feel free to ignore this if it feels too personal. I've followed you for a while and I love your poetry, and it's so inspiring to see your posts about being bipolar and how you cope with it. I've recently come to suspect I might be bipolar (likely bipolar 2) and I've been experiencing a lot of very distinct fluctuating moods over the past while which has been disconcerting but almost a relief to spot patterns (I'm speaking to my doctor about it next week, don't worry!) I was just wondering what it feels like for you during a switch? I've struggled to find anyone describing that particular moment, so to speak, and I'm curious because recently I went from being deeply depressed for weeks to the point I couldn't get out of bed, to actually feeling the moment when that fog cleared away, like almost as instantaneously as a switch being flipped and then not even ten minutes later I was feeling euphoric and giddy like none of the bad thoughts I'd been having even mattered and it was very disconcerting 😅 until then most of the time I couldn't identify the exact moment it switched over. I was just wondering if that sort of sudden switch is familiar to you or if it's more a subtle process?
I'm sorry for the essay, I'm still trying to wrap my head around all of this and if appreciate any insight you could offer, but if its something you'd prefer not to talk about, that's completely alright as well, of course! I don't know anybody who has been through this and it's all very new to me. Thank you for your time if you managed to read all of this! x
Hi honey. First, I know it can be overwhelming and intimidating to experience this sort of thing, so I hope you don't have to go it alone. Second, no, I don't think I've ever consciously noticed the shift in my moods. Typically I'll wake up one day with a change in mindset but I won't notice for a few days that I'm behaving and feeling wildly different than I was just the week before. A lot of times, when I'm manic, I don't notice until someone else points out how hyper or erratic I'm being. My first couple of days in a depressive episode I'll often just spend in bed the whole time. But I also know that for people with bipolar 2, mood swings usually don't last as long and aren't as intense, so that may be a factor. Just because I and other bipolar people don't experience symptoms the same way doesn't mean that isn't what's happening for you. However things turn out, I hope you get the support that you need and I wish you the best 💗
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yanderememes · 3 years
(1)Okay so one of matchup anons here! I'm 163 cm. tall bi woman, i have asian facial features (but im polish), short brown hair and I'm INFP virgo. My style is mainly Indie, or homeless man. Often im just or sad/without any energy, and on the other times im enegrgetic and happy. My mood changes very quickly. I'm agressive, and i mean really.
(2) I can scream at someone bc they ate my fav cookies, and then go to cry :((. Im also very, very caring and loving person. By most of the time im just childlish, making some old jokes and being just stupid. Thank you sm! Have a good day/night <33
I ship you with Polnareff, Kira, and Koichi!
He would be able to keep up with your fluctuating moods because he's the same way tbh, so he's sympathetic
When you're down, he'll try to cheer you up through his humor or dragging you to go out and do fun activities
Doesn't mind that you're childish because he also has a youthful personality too. Together, the two of you just have fun with life
He'll admire your authenticity because he values that in people.
I personally think Kira would be your best match out of the 3 I listed lol but let me explain (sorry if you weren't looking for a serial killer 😅)
This man is super patient, always calm even when under stress/pressure, and can regulate his emotions. Kira would be patient with your mood swings and overtime, you learn to regulate your emotions thanks to being around Kira all the time who has control over his
Even if you're aggressive or upset over something, Kira would know to leave you alone to calm down. While you're calming down, he'd do something nice for you. Like preparing dinner or taking over the chores so that you won't have to worry about them later.
His stoic and uptight personality complements your youthful one. He's your rock and he also learns to be more relaxed
Koichi has such a sweet personality which is why I think he would be great for you
He would know when and how to validate your feelings cuz he can get quite emotional too
He wouldn't want you to change. He loves you for you. You don't have to pretend to be someone you're not when around Koichi
While Koichi can have a somewhat childish personality as well, he knows when to be serious and take care of things for you. Like Jotaro said, he's just such a reliable guy.
I hope you're having a wonderful day as well, anon! 💕 Thank you for the match-up request 🥰 it was a lot of fun to do!
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aresrl · 3 years
I hihi I am!!! A little nervous w/ doing this bc I've never done this b4 so please bear🐻 w// me💦 May I request a match up? A vision, a romantic partner and maybe a friend and/or enemy? If that's too much feel free to just assign me a vision + partner, ehe/// Preferably male for a romantic match-up, but either gender is fine with a friend and enemy match-up^^ I tried to be as detailed as possible but I think I ended up just ranting, so im v v sorry if it's long! I sort of fluctuate when it comes to being an introvert/extroverted. W// strangers and irl, I'm very introverted and shy!! Rarely speak and if I do it's just the usual "Hi how are you? That's good. I'm good too, thank you for asking:)" yeayea I'm not too. Keen on social interaction irl. But I always do my best to be very nice!! I never wanna come off as mean bc wow what a bad first impression that would be. But with friends / ppl ik online?? Whew I am very very friendly n chatty ^^ Either very high energy or very chill, there's rarely any inbetween. Sometimes I like to jokingly tease my friends but I'd never go too far / make them uncomfortable!! And if I do I always apologize right away!! I like to say that I'm affectionate?? My strongest love language is def physical affection, if not quality time. Idk man there's just something about vibing with someone or hugging them that just aaaaa/// Although I usually display affection w// words of affection bc. Literally most of my friends are online friends so I can't actually hug them, sad times. Idk if this is needed/important info but I just remembered: I'm 5'6 around??? Need glasses bc. Whew i am blind (near sighted), I'm poc (specifically black) anndd, hm. Actually I think thats it for this section, aha. As you can see I'm, not really all that organized. Also I don't have the best attention span - while writing this I'm circling between 4 different apps - and I'm a bit of a mess. And also a little stupid. Just a smidge dumb. But I have my moments - I solved like. 2 puzzles in Inazuma by myself so I think that counts for something. I also find that I tend to talk a whole lot when I have an idea or smthn to say abt a thing I'm super interested in!! That's info-dumping. I info dump. Yes. I also really like to listen to other people talk abt things they like!!!! Its so nice :) I'm protective over people I care about!! I've never done it but 100% would bark at someone who messed with someone close to be. Arf arf yaknow. I tend to he impulsive. I'll do something, and be all "YEAH>:D" and then regret it later. And then I'll do it all over again in a fun little cycle :) I consider myself an optimist, but quickly turn into a pessimist whenever it concerns myself. Fun funfun. Should probably mention that I am. A very insecure person w/ dangerously low self esteem, which is super fun esp when you mix that with the fact that I'm rarely ever motivated to improve. Yayayay Also sort of a pushover?? Like most often than not I'll be convinced to do something, even if I'm not too keen on doing it. Also afraid of confrontation when it comes to my friends and strangers (that is, if it's concerning me!! I'll order smthn for my friend but if I need to order for myself?? uhh stutter time aha). I'm also a mega simp ahah! Srsly though if I fall for someone/get infatuated with someone I. Will be so obvious abt it even though I try very hard not to be. Would gush over that person probably. I don't really like mean people tbh. Like yes I'll be nice and civil with them but!!! I cannot stand!!! Rude people!!! Esp when they're mean for no reason like sir??? maam??? homie??? chill pls ty<3 People who aren't necessarily mean, but moreso have bastard energy and are just really "hehe>:D" but playfully are p poggers tho!!! I think I get along with kids!! I have a little sister,, around like. Nine? And we get along really well!! I also try and match a kid's energy whenever I'm tasked with looking after them. I take pride in the fact that kids like me >:].... even if they sometimes scare me-- Ok, interest time!!
I like art!! Quite a bit!! Less of a realistic artist and more of a cartoonist!! Idk there's just something fun abt drawing cartoons, hehe. I also like self ships - I have quite a bit of them, actually ! Idk its comforting drawings your fictional crushes loving you idkidk. I like writing too! Both original stories, and one-shots or personal fics that are associated with already created media!! Writing character backstories and personalities and stuff is also fun too! I've even made my own fictional world with a full fledged backstory n everything! It's very fun to think about. I'm a day dreamer!!! Yea remember when I said I write stories? I day dream abt potential stories even more. Mmm daydream world so nice so warm so fun I read aswell!! Mostly fantasy books, or stories where animals are the protagonists. Think Warrior Cats. But my favorite book series has got to be Guardians of Ga'Hoole. Fantasy owl books, anyway! X Readers are also things I enjoy reading :) Again, s I m p Also gaming!!! Is something fun I do sometimes!!! Although it's usually Genshin Impact, or Wii Sports/Resort w// my little sister. Oh, also pokemon! I rlly like Primarina, Vaporeon, Sylveon and Vulpix/Ninetails! I absolutely adore sweet foods, and baking is smthn I'm def interested in! Don't like foods w// weird textures though, like beans or mashed potatoes. Also I. Love spice so much. Mmm love it when my mouth burns so bad. Don't have a favorite animal but I've had three cats in my lifetime (btw not important but my current cat is named Sylvester and. He's my baby boy) so I am. A very big cat fan. Probably not needed but I really like sword and claymore characters. Literally all of the characters I main are either sword or claymore users. Although I did get Diona, so I miiight start forcing myself to learn how to aimmm. I see that I tend to like people/characters that are a little more extroverted than me. Upbeat, happy type beat!!! Nice sunshine babies, :) I think thats it! I hope this was good enough? Again, first time doing this (at 2am nonetheless) so forgive me if I got too rambly or did anything wrong ^^ Thank you for taking the time out of your day to read this! And I hope your day is good / you had a good day, depending on when you read this, ehe!
Hey! Sorry if the wait has been long! I also love Warrior Cats (I promise myself, one day I'll finish it.)
You received... A Pyro vision! Optimistic, enthusiastic, impulsive, reckless, and a lot of energy are the general characteristics held by the Pyro vision. • I hesitated between the Pyro and Hydro vision, but your energy distinguishes you from the Hydro vision. • You said you were impulsive, always doing something you might regret later but still doing it. • You react quickly: as you said, if somebody hurt someone you love, you won't think twice before barking. Your partner would be... Xingqiu! “This feeling was unexpected.” • At first, you were just friends, and Xingqiu really loved to tease you. Actually, you both teased each other. But eventually, a feeling of love towards you grew into Xingqiu. And that was reciprocated. • Your relationship is filled with teases, jokes, and good/funny moments where you mostly share what you commonly appreciate. • He also knows when to get serious: for example, he does everything to support you during your moments of struggle concerning your self-esteem. Your friend would be... Childe! “Luckily, I'm here!” • You two also share funny moments, especially during situations where your “stupidity” is overtaken by his insight. • Sometimes, he finds you cute. • He likes the fact that you get along well with kids. It leads you to great moments with him and his siblings. • You're quite the opposite in terms of self-esteem. I think it's a good thing because it makes you complementary. Your enemy would be... Albedo! A misunderstanding. • You wouldn't hate each other, but I think Albedo wouldn't like the way you use your energy, and when you're more in a chill mood (meaning you're more available for him to talk), he could get pissed at how much times he'd have to repeat himself for you to understand something. • He's very patient, but he understood quickly that his interests would maybe not be within your reach. • You would just be too different. Worth to mention • You and Venti are like drama queens in Mondstadt. You are good friends. But you both know that you can't be more, as it would eventually both drag you down (because of similar problems). • Klee is also your best friend: both of you share decisions that you definitely will regret later. Or maybe not. • Hu tao and you are kinds of silently competing over who's the best tease, and she beats you. My goal is definitely not achieved. I hope I can catch up tomorrow. And don't worry, it was surprisingly good for a first description!
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Don't ignore me
|| 707 route when he pushes MC away ||
You didn't like how Seven ignored you. You thought him saving you from his brother would have brought you two closer. Or that him staying with you in that apartment with the bomb would have allowed him to be more open with you.
You hoped that it would have. But it wasn't the case.
You got out of bed, ready to face another silent filled day with Seven and his memories.
"Did you sleep well?" You walked into the kitchen where Seven was grabbing a soda from the fridge.
He didn't respond and you just nodded, making your way to get coffee, not in the mood for food.
"You should eat something MC," Seven pointed the stove where eggs and bacon were already made.
"Thanks," you nonchalantly said, feeling yourself go into one of your moods before having met the RFA.
The silence that clung to the early morning was disrupted by Seven's phone ringing. And like that the morning went by. Seven left to work in his corner, and you left to the bed where you slept.
707 entered the chatroom.
Jumin: How is MC? Any progress with the security?
707: I am almost done. MC is probably sleeping again...
Jumin: Are you two fighting?
707: ... No. But it's for the best. If MC gets too involved with me, danger will always follow them. I can't allow that. So. It is good.
Jumin: If it's what's best for MC.
Zen entered the chatroom.
707: Oh, MC just woke up. I'll talk to you guys later with updates!
707 left the chatroom.
It was for the best. He told himself that as long as MC was safe, none of the rest mattered.
But he began to notice a pattern in MC. The odd hours of sleep, the odd eating schedule, and the odd times MC would disappear with whispers.
At first he thought it was because MC would talk in the chat and that the chat was the cause of MCs odd habits.
Until he caught MC in conversation.
"No, everything is good. The semester doesn't start for a few more weeks and I found a good apartment. It's not too far from the university... no, you don't have to worry. All is good! Yes. I scheduled an appointment for that. And that too. Okay, love you. Bye."
It wasn't in MCs regular tone of voice. But maybe MC too had demons they haven't dealt with.
707 continue with cooking food for MC, stocking the fridge with fruits and healthy snacks, and even making MC coffee before they'd wake up.
But no matter what, MC wouldn't budge. They'd budge when trying to get him to eat and take a break or maybe to even talk, but the more he pushed MC away, the more MC tried.
Until MC stopped trying.
Maybe it was when he said he wished MC never downloaded the app, or when MC saw him breaking the robot, or by avoiding conversation. But MC stopped trying too.
MC would still remind him to eat, take a break, relax, and even leave him food. But it was the lack of sticky notes that worries him.
"Everything is great! I sat in one of those dog cafes and it was the greatest! Oh he is? That's great. I miss him so much, he has no idea... yeah. Don't forget to take him walking! Okay, bye."
He noticed MCs voice fluctuation when they lied. When they were sad. When they were done.
"Do you have a dog?" He found himself asking before he could stop it.
"Sure. Yep. I'm sorry, I'm so tired. I'll use the bathroom first, I hope you don't mind." MC said in regular MC voice. It made him wonder how much else he didn't know about MC.
MC entered the chatroom.
Yoonsung☆: MC! How is everything?
Zen: Is Seven being a gentleman? Tell me if I need to call and yell at him.
MC: ^^ everything is good! Seven has been so nice. Honestly, he's such an honest fellow~
Yoonsung☆: Still, I'm so jealous he gets to see you first!
MC: Should I send a picture? ^o^
Zen: YES.
MC: *picture of 707 in another wig*
Yoonsung☆: Wuah! I am really jealous now!
Jaehee: Honestly, you and Seven have an odd sense of humor.
Zen left the chatroom.
Zen entered the chatroom.
Zen: Ha ha. Very funny. I'm going to practice some lines.
Jaehee: Good luck!
MC: ^^
707 entered the chatroom.
707: That was my favorite picture!
MC: ... Yes, well it was fun! But I am tired guys, I should go to sleep. Sleep well everyone! ^^
MC left the chatroom.
You didn't try to be awkward or anything, but you didn't know what else to do. It was obvious Seven didn't want you around.
So you did your own digging.
You thought that if you could do your own research, it would make Seven feel less stress and maybe even be less avoidant.
You talked to a few of the guests, asking for nonchalant questions of previous RFA parties, going through the drawers of papers, and even getting into Rika's email.
And what you found was astonishing. Times 10.
Through he files there were coordinates, pictures of Seven and his brother, of everyone in the RFA crossed off, and of her manifesto.
"Crap." You didn't know what to do with this information. Should you go there yourself? Or should you tell someone? Should it be Seven? What if you called Jumin? Maybe Zen?
"What're you doing?" You closed the laptop quickly and took your glasses off, facing Seven at the door of the room.
"Research." You technically didn't lie. You knew he'd look into the web searches later.
"On what?"
"Previous RFA parties. I don't want to mess this up. You've all been so helpful and if this does a lot of good, I want to do it better." Again, not really a lie.
"Oh. Well. It's late. Go to sleep, I'll see you in the morning."
"Wait!" You stopped him before he closed the door, building that barrier again.
"I'm safe to leave the apartment, right? I mean. You're hiding from the agency so it isn't safe for you. But say I wanted to go to the library for some books or to get some snacks, I'm free to go, right?"
Seven thought about and then nodded.
"Yeah, just don't go with any strangers and stay in the chatroom so we know you're okay. Better yet, here. Give me your phone and I'll add a tracker."
"No." You say quickly and add, "You don't trust me? And besides, you already put a tracker in my jackets after I left that one time."
"It's not about trust but your protection. Someone is still after you and if we know where you're at, it would be useful."
You hand him your phone, scared that he'll go through things you never told anyone.
"I promise I won't go through anything."
And like that he left you with your thoughts at night.
MC was at the library, which meant that he could have a few hours of snooping
He's happy MC took his advice to ignore him but he didn't think he'd feel worse than before about it
Not like this.
He decided now would be the perfect time to go digging into MC's background.
He promised he wouldn't but he needed to make sure they were not already from a bad situation
He read about their life, their family, their situation, and their reason for leaving
"OH shit."
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