#it's my life source at this point
fearandhatred · 7 months
kinda don't want to finish my fic because then what am i gonna do
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wizard0rb · 2 months
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cowboys and aliens
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pianokantzart · 6 months
Not me thinking thinking about how good of a brother Mario is and how there's literally nobody better that Luigi could've clung to while he sorts out his own anxiety.
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Mario acknowledges that Luigi is a fearful person, but doesn't think any less of him for being scared. He doesn't see Luigi's bad luck as a burden, even when he tries to make sure he's safe and protected at every turn. Mario gets annoyed by his brother on occasion, but doesn't degrade or talk down to him– not even jokingly. He just puts up with it and forges ahead without drawing attention his brother's mistakes. Then when it comes to Luigi's victories, even small ones, he dwells on them and gets excited without an ounce of insincerity or exaggeration.
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The worst thing Mario does is get a little too caught up in his impulses and emotions to listen, but otherwise he's so rock solid, even apart from his three-day adventure solely focused on saving Luigi's life.
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kimaisalloren · 1 year
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Redraw of my favorite chapter art. Except I wanted a creepy vibe and to make it look like inkwash. Original here owo: 👇
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ahollowgrave · 4 months
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-- sweet & gentle death.
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kirby-the-gorb · 6 months
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bsptourist · 6 months
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created by p'nk black
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womp-womp-waa · 1 month
It was a beautiful day. The sun shining, not a cloud to be seen. Tree-kun was out buying a birthday present for Ceiling-chan, her birthday was just around the corner and he couldn't wait for it. He had so much stuff planned for them. But first he needs to buy her an amazing gift. Walking around the corner, he scanned for a good shop to buy the gift. Ceiling-chan loves Stardew Valley (he's never played the game himself, but she keeps on begging him to get it) maybe he could get her something related to-
Wait. Who's that? Is that Tyler? And who was that boy he was with? Hang on, are they... holding hands?!
He couldn't help but stare in shock at the happy couple. What should he do? Deep down he knew that he should just walk pass them, Tyler isn't a part of his life anymore he doesn't matter. But... what would happen if he talked to them? He could learn more about this new boy that Tyler's talking to. Maybe he could warn him about Tyler leaving him. The blonde looked like he was shy, yeah he's gotta help him.
Luckily, Tyler wondered off most likely to get food but Tree-kun couldn't help but be reminded of how Tyler left him. Standing by himself, alone. He wouldn't let this boy suffer the same heart break.
"Hey there!" He made his way over to the boy who now stared at him confused, did Tyler not tell him about Tree-kun? Okay... that's fine. It's not like it matters anyways. "I'm Tree-kun, Tyler's ex." The last part was spat out bitterly. The boys eyes widen in surprise before looking blankly at him.
"I'm Logan, Tyler's boyfriend." While saying this a smirk was plastered on Logan's lips. Is he... proud to be Tyler's boyfriend? It's so clear that the poor boy doesn't know what's coming and he probably won't know how to deal with the breakup. "Is there a reason why you came over."
Clearing his throat he started to speak slowly as he tries to convey that he only wants to help him and he's not trying to ruin their relationship (not like he would have to do something anyways). "I'm just here to warn you" Logan raises an eyebrow questioningly "about Tyler." He clarifies, feeling Logan's judgemental eyes digging into him, he tries to carry on his speak (hopefully) maintaining the confidence he started this conversation with. "He's not a good guy. Tyler he can easily leave you whenever he wants to. A-And he won't give a shit about your feelings. I think that you should... breakup with him and find someone better so he won't hurt you."
Tree-kun expected to have to comfort the blonde about this revelation, but instead all he was greeted with was laughter. W-Was he laughing at him?! Immediately he felt self-conscious, hugging himself slightly he waited for Logan to finish his laughing fit. "Please tell me your joking." Logan manages to say between laughs. "Maybe you just had that experience because he never actually liked you."
"W-What do you m-mean?" He was stuttering, feeling his face burn with shame and embarrassment. Was his and Tyler's whole relationship nothing but a joke? Something to entertain Tyler? "W-Well if he never liked me then he definitely doesn't like you!"
A small chuckle escapes Logan "Yeah and what evidence do you have to base this on."
"I-I, um, listen I-" logan raises a hand quickly silencing Tree-kun.
"It's clear the reason why you're doing this. It's because you're jealous that Tyler moved on from you so quickly, but the truth is Tyler never liked you. He never wanted to spend time with you. You two only known eachother for what, a night? And then he left you." Logan's stare is cold and hard "He couldn't even bare to spend anymore time with you. Yet he never seems to have this problem with me, so maybe you're the problem"
Tree-kun quickly tried to defend himself "It didn't matter that it was just one night, we were in love!"
Logan scoffed "In love? You can't fall in love in just one night. And how was your relationship love? From what I've been told all you ever did was talk." Tree-kun was about to interrupt Logan's cruel accusations, but the shorter boy carried on. "Thank you for the meaningless warning, but why don't you leave before you embarrass yourself even more."
At that Logan began to walk in the direction that Tyler went. Watching the two boys meet and share a quick kiss as Tyler hands Logan some food. He turned around and began speed walking away after he made eye contact with Tyler. Maybe he could buy Ceiling-chan's gift another day
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wonder-worker · 2 months
"[Matilda of Boulogne's office as Queen of England], initiated and broadly defined by the coronation ordo, gave her royal power and authority to share in governance. Her obligations and activities were shaped by custom established by previous queens and the ad hoc needs of king and realm. [...] [Matilda's] thorough integration into the governance of the realm was not repeated in [Eleanor of Aquitaine’s] years as queen of England. Eleanor's coronation followed a new model that emphasized the queen as progenitor of royal heirs and subordinate to the king rather than as sharer of royal power. Though Eleanor acted as regent in England between 1156 and 1158 and in Poitou on several occasions from 1165 on, her writs suggest delegated rather than shared royal authority. In England, her power was limited by the lack of lands assigned to her use and by the elaboration of financial and judicial administration. Whereas [Matilda of Boulogne's] inheritance allowed her to play an integral role in politics by securing the Londoners' loyalty and a steady supply of mercenaries, Eleanor's inheritance provided her with more extensive power in Poitou and Aquitaine than in England. Until 1163, Eleanor withdrew funds from the Exchequer by her own writ, but unlike her Anglo-Norman predecessors, she was not a member of its council nor did she issue judgments from the royal court. Eleanor's counsel and diplomatic activities, in contrast to Matilda's, are rarely mentioned. She did, however, encourage the 1159 Toulouse campaign and supported Henry in the Becket affair and the coronation of young Henry. Eleanor was not a prominent curialis; she rarely witnessed Henry's charters or interceded to secure the king's mercy. She did follow in Matilda's footsteps in her promotion of her sons, cultivation of dynastic goals through the Fontevraudian tombs, and patronage that reflected her family's traditions. For Matilda, to be queen encompassed a variety of functions-curialis, diplomat, judge, intercessor, and "regent." Through a combination of factors, Eleanor's role as queen was much more restricted."
-Heather J. Tanner, "Queenship: Office, Custom or Ad Hoc", Eleanor of Aquitaine: Lord and Lady (Edited by Bonnie Wheeler and John Carmi Parsons)
#this is so interesting when it comes to the gradual evolution of queenship over the years (post-Norman to early modern)#eleanor of aquitaine#matilda of boulogne#queenship tag#historicwomendaily#english history#my post#don't reblog these tags but#the irony of the 'Eleanor of Aquitaine Exceptionalism' rhetoric is that not only is it untrue#but you could actually make a much more realistic argument in the opposite direction#We know that it was during Eleanor's time as queen of France that 'the queen's name was disappearing from royal documents' (Ralph Turner)#She did not enjoy an involvement in royal governance that her mother-in-law Adelaide of Maurienne enjoyed during her time as queen#As Facinger points out 'no sources support the historical view of Eleanor as bold precocious and responsible for Louis VII's behavior'#Even as Duchess of Aquitaine she played a secondary role to Louis who appointed his own officials to the Duchy#Only four out of her seventeen ‘Aquitanian’ charters seem to have been initiated by Eleanor herself#And now it seems that even Eleanor's role as queen of England was also more restricted than her predecessors#with new coronation model that was far more gendered and 'domestic' in nature#That's not to argue that it meant a reduction in the queen's importance but it does mean that the 'importance' took on a different form#There's also the fact that Eleanor's imprisonment and forced subjugation to Henry after the rebellion till the end of her life#was probably what set the precedent for her sons' 'Lord Rules All' approach with their own wives (Berengaria and Isabella)#as Gabrielle Storey has suggested#None of this is meant to downplay Eleanor's power or the impact of her actions across Europe - both of which were extensive and spectacular#But it does mean that the myth of her exceptionalism is not just incorrect but flat-out ridiculous
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omaano · 1 year
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…. Just so we all know this is the stage from where I need to pull my little clone portraits together
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mudpuddless · 28 days
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Stablemaster and Castle Steward OCs ft. baby Halt for my King Halt AU
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jameswilsonsupremacy · 6 months
When I am sad? House MD. that is all.
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scribefindegil · 1 year
i’ve decided that post-canon Ed and Winry keep a little flock of chickens and it’s mostly a bunch of sweet hens that they and the kids dote on, but they also have a tiny yellow bantam rooster which Ed is in a FEUD with. they are NEMESES. this creature keeps escaping from the run and getting into things he shouldn’t and pecking at Ed’s ankles every chance he gets. the kids love him and ‘accidentally’ let him into the house where he causes utter chaos. Ed insists this is the most vile creature in the world. but of course everyone else who sees their altercations is just like “Ah. He has found a kindred spirit.”
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annabelle--cane · 8 months
NOOOOO I just spent a few hours writing up an answer to an ask and I tried to save it as a draft and it disappeared ;-; why does god hate me
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percabeth4life · 2 months
Thanks for the updates! I don’t want to spread misinformation so I’ll go ahead and delete the post.
I'm glad to help.
I do think playing with the possibilities of reincarnation is a lot of fun mind you, I play with it in my fics too. It just doesn't have much mythological support lol. There may be some philosophical support of course, but I'm not the *most* educated on all the various philosophers of Ancient Greece, haven't made them a focus yet beyond what I studied in rhetoric.
I do wanna talk to your professor sometime cause I'm wondering what his sources are for the Achilles stuff and Thetis mythology. I know the Metis myth fits what he claims of Thetis but no source I've read on Thetis mentions the prophecy the way he mentioned it.
Anyways, I do hope you have fun with your fic idea? I mean, idk if you plan to write it lol but if you do that would be an interesting play. I do enjoy playing with reincarnation (my fav is Pallas reincarnating as Percy).
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incorrect-hs-quotes · 2 years
Nepeta: :33 < girls love me beclaws i am cute and pawtistic
Nepeta: :33 < girls find me endearing beclaws i cant figure out social cues so theres always something off about me
Nepeta: :33 < girls are cattracted to my bizarre creature sounds i occasionally make
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