#it's only if you're interesting in some way that he'll really bother talking a bunch
beforecreation · 1 year
The hardest part of finding ask prompts for Beerus is that his responses can usually be summed as "That's rough buddy" or "Would you like to talk about your emotions Tien" "No"
So I'd have to think about using as many synonyms as I could to spice his responses up.
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pro-memoriia · 29 days
Post arguments comfort HCs for the IMPERA ghouls. <3
If he agrees with you, he won't shut up about it. He'll go on and on about how even if you didn't win the argument, you were right and you were the bigger person.
However, if he disagrees, he's way quieter. He's trying to comfort you, not make you feel worse. Maybe he subtly break it to you later, but definitely not right after.
Not a shit talker, but a shit listener. He loves hearing gossip.
If you end up crying, he'll cradle your face and kiss away your tears. He doesn't like seeing you sad.
He'll try and distract you from conflict by taking you out or giving you gifts and joking around and stuff. He tries his best to avoid any issues and keeps you steered away from any more fights.
He's such a bitch, but he's softer about it. He'll probably go off about the person you were arguing with, insulting them in creative ways while keeping the sweetest, calm tone.
If you vent to him and you start talking shit, he'll smile and nod along. If you're venting and crying, he'll give you a sympathetic look and rub your knee or back to try and comfort you.
Tries to give you space to cook off for a bit before he approaches you. He doesn't wanna immediately bombard you after a stressful situation like that, and he especially doesn't wanna get snapped at.
If you're sad, he'll pull you in for a hug and leave consistent soft kisses on your head and won't let go until you do. He'll whisper sweet praises and reassure you that the fight wasn't your fault.
If he disagrees with you, he doesn't say a word. He just comforts you the same way. His intent would never be to upset you further.
If you are angry, he's treading on ice because he's terrified of getting snapped at. Like Rain, that'll probably lead to him giving you time and space to cool off before approaching.
Doesn't really speak out if he agrees with you or not. He's mostly just there to listen and maybe ask questions. He'll kinda just sit with his chin resting against something as he listens to you rant.
Hugs, if you let him. Lots of hugs. If you don't wanna talk, or when you get done talking, he will wrap you up in the sweetest embrace. He'll probably use his element to cool down your mood a little while cuddling.
Tries to cheer you up by distracting you. Movies, video games, instruments, vinyls, dress up, etc. He's just doing a bunch of stuff to lift your spirits.
Probably spends some time on his own thinking about it. After you talk, he'll just kinda sit and contemplate what the argument was about and why it happened, stuff like that. He finds it interesting, but he'll never tell you that.
Biggest hype man there is. He is on your side, no matter what. He's sticking to you. He will tell you how right you are and talk about the opposite person being an asshole and stuff. Just very loyal and knows where his priorities lie.
#1 shit talker. Shit talk and gossip with him, he loves it so much. He likes being mean about people he doesn't like and he likes being the only one to know a secret.
Will talk to you about it. He acts like it's because he's interested in the fight and stuff, but secretly, he's just worried about you and wants to know you're okay.
If you're sad, he'll take you to his best with some snacks and just curl up with you in that secluded space for a bit, purring to try and relax you more.
He's defensive. If he's there for the argument or he sees the person afterwards, he'll get aggressive. But if you ask him nicely to stay down then he'll just kinda grumble and drag you away from the situation. However, if you let him defend you, that person will never bother you again.
He's getting ready for a long talk session. He'll bring you to the garden or kitchen or somewhere where you can sit at a table together. He'll make some tea and listen as you rant or explain and what not. He's a very good listener.
He gives advice. Mount is very reasonable and wants to help your mental health and relationships, if possible. He'll tell you how to make up with someone, or if you should rip them, or what. And he thinks you're in the wrong, he'll let you down gently and politely while explaining why.
If you cry he'll hold you. He'll just pull you into his chest and wrap his whole top part of his body around you to comfort you while telling you things are okay.
If you don't wanna talk about it, he'll distract you by taking you out on a date. Just a walk around the garden while teaching you about different flowers, a walk through the hallways with talk about the church's architecture... He has plenty of interesting things to ramble about to take your mind off the conflict.
Bakes with you. If he thinks you and the person should make up, he might even encourage you to bring them some cookies or something. Even if not, he thinks it's a good way to destress and he likes the quality time with you.
Another level-headed ghoul with great advice. Just like Mountain, he'll nicely and thoroughly explain to you why you might be in the wrong. If he agrees, he'll let you know. He tells you the person's red or green flags and might even crack a few rude jokes if he doesn't like them.
If you aren't in the wrong, he's not really angry but he is sort of upset for you. As you explain the fight, you can tell by some comments and his tone that he's getting a little passive aggressive about it.
Tightest hugs and softest forehead kisses if you're feeling down. He won't let go of you and will probably litter kisses over your face and spoil you with affection until you smile.
To distract you, he'll probably either get out his guitar, his record player, or he'll bake. Like Mountain, he thinks baking is a good stress reliever. But if you don't wanna be in the kitchen, he can sit you in his lap and teach you Bowie songs and sing to you or put on a record and start info dumping on how the band came to be.
He tries to keep you away from the other person you argued with for a while. He doesn't want any more fights ensuing or you getting upset. If he sees them, he'll try to hide you behind him or just push you away before you can notice.
Just like Dew, there is no possible "you're in the wrong". She is on your side and only your side. She makes sure you know she agrees with you and she will defend you very passionately. Or a little too simply ("Satan forbid", " they're just a ___", gaslighting).
If you don't wanna talk about it, that's okay. But if you offer, she is asking for every little detail while giving you or herself a manipedi. A lot of dramatic gasps and curses.
Sympathetic when you cry. She'll lay a hand on your shoulder and reassure you things are okay and it wasn't your fault. She'll give you Eskimo kisses.
Keeps you away from the person you argued with for a while. A week, at least. Asks you to block them on socials, don't even look at them in public, etc. It might be a little bad, but she's just worried. She doesn't want you getting upset again.
Not really a baker like the others, but she likes going out. You two can rant together about the person and the argument or really anything else while getting ice cream at the mall.
Another bitch. If you let her, she goes off strong about the other person. One minute she'll be swearing in an angry tone and the next she'll be cooing at you in a sweet tone.
Defensive about everything. Keep you out of anything that could potentially lead to conflict. If they try to argue, she'll back you up.
Doesn't like to stay on the issue for too long because it makes her angry and it upsets you. Because of that, she lets you talk about all you need to and then tries to distract you.
Spoils you to lift your spirits. She'll buy you sweet treats and flowers and shower you with praise and go on and on about how that's how you deserve to be treated — not fought and disagreed with.
She's basically just like a personal knight in shining armor. Utmost respect, agreeing with you on everything, spoiling you, princess treatment, etc. Because in her eyes, you don't deserve to be yelled at or fought or anything.
Weary of what she says after the conflict. She doesn't really wanna get too involved, but she's still gonna be there for you. She's just careful.
Asks questions to make sure she understands what exactly happened. It's upsetting for her because she doesn't like seeing you sad or angry.
She'll give you a side hug and some head kisses and reassure you it wasn't your fault. She just talks a lot of sweet praises and rubs your back or shoulder. Hand squeezing too.
Great at distractions because she doesn't care what you do. You could go golfing or paint balling for all she cares. As long as she cheers you up, it's fine.
If you don't wanna go out, she'll be similar to Dew. She'll make a right (or big), cozy nest with all your favorite bedding textures and get a bunch of your favorite snacks and something warm to drink so you can curl up together. She'll listen intently while you vent or help you when you cry.
The sweetest. She's so comforting about it. She'll get you to a quieter, calmer area and just listen to whatever you have to say.
She'll hug you so tight and kiss your knuckles and check on you to make sure everything is okay.
Gives advice for the moment instead of in the long run. She'll suggest temporarily blocking the person, taking a few days for self care, distancing yourself a bit, etc. She wants you to maintain your relationships because she knows they're important.
Makes some tea and cookies for a long discussion about whatever you want at all.
Avoids conflict very politely. If the person tries to fight again, she'll nicely make them back off and leave you alone. She's defensive, but not aggressive.
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yakuzacanons · 1 year
I'm not sure if it's been requested before, I really hope not. I wanna request some jealousy headcanons, like how they deal with seeing their partner be all friendly with another person, maybe a coworker (not necessarily on purpose) and how it affects them. If they confront their partners and stuff like that. Thank you boo 😘
Hehehe tiny angst moment. Thanks a bunch for ur patience btw, I know this one was sitting in the inbox for a bit. Headcanons below the cut, as per usual.
Kazuma Kiryu
Kiryu almost never gets jealous, and whenever he does feel that way he's great at masking it. Out of all of the boys, he's the least likely to assume the worst. He won't outright confront you but he'd definitely say something like "Ah, who was that?" because he can likely divulge any information he's interested in from your answer. In more extreme cases of jealousy, he actually blushes and tends to look at the ground. He just gets shy mostly as he feels kind of embarassed for getting jealous at all.
Majima Goro
Majima doesn't get jealous in the traditional sense. He has pretty solid trust in your relationship, so it's more so like he wants to show everyone how close the two of you are. He's the type of guy to walk up and greet you with a kiss on the cheek and put his arm around you before saying "Oh? Who're ya talkin' to?" without even introducing himself to the other person. He just kind of inserts himself into the situation more than anything.
Saejima Taiga
If he sees you being particularly friendly with someone, he just gets kind of quiet. Like Kiryu, he feels embarassed about being jealous as he feels it would imply he doesn't trust you, which isn't true at all. Saejima's also worried about saying the wrong thing or hurting your feelings, thus making the whole thing worse. Chances are he would eventually mention it though, not in a confrontational way though. It's more like he just wants to be honest with you about how he felt.
Akiyama Shun
Pretends to be immune to jealousy but is just actually great at masking it. Akiyama's good at keeping up appearances, so you won't notice at first glance that he's feeling jealous. In reality, he's having war flashbacks of his big breakup from before he founded Sky Finance. It's not that he thinks you're like that; he's just scared of having to go through that again in general but it's not personal to you specifically. He'd bring it up slyly, saying something like "So... you seemed to be having a good time over there" and from there it's pretty obvious what's up.
Tanimura Masayoshi
Is actually immune to jealousy. Perhaps the only one of the boys to be immune to it. This isn't to say he's incapable of feeling jealous. It's just that he doesn't let it fester and he won't dwell on it. If anyone understands that everyone has their own life with so many things, places, and people in it, it's Tanimura. If he's genuinely that bothered, he'll just talk to you about it outright.
Ryuji Goda
Horrid when it comes to jealousy. He's like Majima only scarier. Type of guy to be like "Ya seem to be gettin' awful cozy to my lover here" as most of his angst is actually directed at whoever he perceives to be getting too comfortable around you. He never places blame on you and sees it more as other people trying to use you. Mostly just gets protective more than anything, which you find amusing and tease him about.
Nishikiyama Akira
Bad at masking it and he knows it. Just gets nervous for the most part. Nishiki won't even try to hide it or process it by himself, he'll just ask you outright as soon as he gets the chance what was going on. However, if it's someone he recognizes, he doesn't really worry. He only really gets jealous if he sees you getting particularly cozy with someone he doesn't know well or that he hasn't met.
Daigo Dojima
Jealousy is mostly an early relationship thing for Daigo. It's likely due to his lack of experience with serious romantic relationships. In the initial phases, it's just that he has some trouble distinguishing with being very friendly and flirting. Doesn't really confront you, just mostly observes. Eventually, the feeling subsides completely.
Mine Yoshitaka
Honestly, you feel bad for anyone that Mine gets jealous of. Mine never lets his facade crack so you won't be able to read jealousy on his face or in his body language. However, he's very much the type of guy to come up and say something like "There you are, darling. I was looking for you." and just giving a casual sideye to whoever is trying to cozy up to you. More of a one-liner guy than anything.
Tatsuo Shinada
Average amount of jealousy. It's not super common since he feels he has no right to get jealous, given his work reporting on night life in Nagoya. When he is jealous, he just casually talks about it as he's not one to just keep that sort of thing to himself. If anything, he just feels silly for getting all worked up to begin with and usually says something like "Ah, that was silly of me, wasn't it? Heh, I'm sorry."
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behaeil · 1 year
hi! i'm haeil mun, i use they/them pronouns. very excited to bring my brain child here. he holds a very special spot in my heart, and i hope you all enjoy him just as much as i do! you can find his profile right here, and his biography linked here as well! i don't have a plots page, i prefer to brainstorm and get some connections happening naturally through discussion and/writing; so if you're interested in plotting please give this post a little heart, i'll come hit you up through dms! if you ever prefer using discord, let me know and i'll send you my handle ₊˚⊹♡ you can all find some facts about my boy down below the cut! ‹𝟹
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he was born in south korea, but raised in perth, australia, and is fluent in english and korean despite having a strong accent when speaking both
born hard of hearing, he needs his hearing aids at all times for normal day to day life experiences and happenings, he only takes them off when he wants to be alone or be in silence, it is also his universal sign to not be bothered when in that state
knows how to communicate in australian, american and korean sign language; he is a big advocate when it comes to understanding and supporting those who are born with disabilities, and wants to be able to live in a world where everyone can treat each other with kindness
big cat dad; he has three service cats that are almost like his children or younger siblings, he enjoys volunteering at animal shelters and can be found taking care of and feeding stray cats
one of his biggest passions is dance, he loves dancing and finds it the perfect medium when it comes to expressing his feelings, whenever he's feeling any type of way, there's nothing a good dance session won't fix
extremely studious and a bit of an overachiever, he double majors in dance and literature with a minor in psychology; one of his dreams when growing up was to become a dance therapist, and help those in need find solstice and comfort in moving their bodies
a bit of a clean freak, his room can be seen as perfectly pristine and spotless
he can be seen as unapproachable and distant at first, but really, underneath it all, he is a very warm and caring person, he just needs to be treated with a little bit of patience and kindness
a huge anime and manga nerd, he's currently hyper-fixated on bleach and the a thousand-blood year war arc; he would be happy to prattle on about ichigo and his zanpakuto.
enjoys playing video games, a huge fan of management games like sims, stardew and civilization, also likes to play rpgs like pokemon and digimon
loves to cook, one of his love languages is acts of service, if he offers you to taste test, of gives you a tupperware filled with food, it means he likes you
extremely active, can be seen running in the morning or doing his daily yoga / pilates routine; tends work out his anger away or feelings away when he's stuck in his head
loves to learn new hobbies no matter how unconventional they are, he's been currently watching a bunch of slime asmr, and eyeing tutorials how to make them; maybe down the line he'll make his own
adopted and not ashamed of it, he's very close to his adoptive parents and loves to talk about them; they moved with him to south korea, and whenever he's not busy or at school, he can be found hanging out with them
strongly believes that cats are the superior species
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6afurah · 1 year
On the future
So today ismail's vinyl came in. I'm going to hop over to amcorp on the weekends to see if i can find a good turntable for cheap. I think it'll be a nice gift ( also i kinda want one for myself and im sure he'll let me use it too lol ) The vinyl i got him even comes with a poster i am 100% he'll love it.
But on the topic of his birthday next week,
it's really got me thinking a bunch,
I honestly know he loves me and all that. Without a doubt, in terms of love u know. but i don't know, something feels off, aside from the love thing. could just be me being idk you know paranoid me. Yesterday we discussed about what music we wanna make, and started a playlist for it too.
he's really great, i honestly just feel less alone with this person because we love and want the same things, i've honestly never felt that way about anyone before like that, ive loved other people but i dont think ive really felt what it is im feeling for ismail.
i don't know, maybe it was just the whole marriage thing, He was supposed to marry salma and she's getting engaged, He also met someone else after me, but it didnt work out bcs apparently something something tak sama vision la entah aku pun tak tahu lmfao
I guess it just
annoys me i'm not a girlfriend yet, and even when i am a girlfriend,
why do i get the feeling that this person has no want to marry me at all. He probably doesnt, and i guess it makes sense since we're only on good terms now, 3/4 months
but we've known eachother for a while now, this all doesn't bother me that much to be honest, its just upsetting how my parents don't like him anymore n his parents dont even know i exist
like it all just got thrown out, it feels good writing this down i guess. I dont feel like talking to him about it bcs tbh If he wants to do something about us or make it proper, he has his chance to do so, I'll give him time but honestly, I hate how if someone came along and offered something more concrete that i'd consider it. i love him like on god, dont get me wrong, and tbh i probably wouldnt even budge if someone else wanted me, but i think I just want to be a part of his life again and vice versa, not some weird secret where it's just the two of us.
Whatever, thinking about this just makes me angry.
my birthday happened a few days back, being 22 is not relieving at all. I always feel relief when i get older but now it's just replaced with this weird sense of dread tbh
i missed therapy roday i totally forgot about it. also my left eye hurts and idk why but maybe i need to take a break on the whole eyelash extension thing kejap lololol
if it still feels weird ill get them removed.
i also feel like taking a break from social media, no particular reason, i think its just a thing i feel from time to time.
working at an office i realize, you're just sort of
waiting for stuff to happen most of the time and it gets really boring.
oh i also gained so much weight, like 8 kg idk how i did that but i'm hoping to lose the weight soon. I'm on a calorie deficit right now, but its sort of hard to be consistent since i eat out with people and not eating a normal amount kinda weird people out and i kinda dont wanna weird people out u know???
I wonder when gjie is going to come back to office,
i really suck at scripting radio ads lololol Idk its surprisingly kinda hard to do, and i think its because i dont know how to make something not too formal and not too casual.
I wish my radio station was a little more relaxed. Maybe one day, i'll make my own radio station. Idk its just a funny idea, but it would be cool i think. Just me and myself.
I dont think anyone would listen to it though,
i like to think i'm interesting as a person
but i think i'm not so great nowadays, i'm not as interesting as i thought i was. I also kind of miss my long hair. Its nice having less weight on your hair but , I miss the comfort of long hair, just made me feel protected
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apompkwrites · 3 years
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love in their own way || albedo, childe, xiao, zhongli
masterlist characters: albedo, childe, xiao, zhongli genre: fluff summary: in which their s/o's aren't as forward about their emotions, but still manage to have their little tells that express their love. notes: i hope this meets the request! i had a lot of fun writing this! i just want the boys to be happy :)
albedo -
i like to think albedo is secretly clingy but doesn't allow himself to show it to anyone.
naturally, it's just because he's always holed up with his work.
when he consciously does it... it's because he's nervous.
remember the end of his quest when he's talking to himself at dragonspine?
that's why he's nervous.
he's not too bothered by the fact that you're more reserved.
he has a lot of work so he can't really dwell on the idea for too long.
just you being there when he's working is good enough for him :D
as we all know, this boy is very into experimentation and learning.
so trying to decipher your minuscule facial changes is actually really interesting to him!
he has a bunch of notes just on the little details he can find about you.
and since he's so observant, it doesn't take him long to realize that there are certain signs that only appear around him.
he'll notice them when he's painting you.
whenever he's waiting for results, he'll use the time to draw you <3
because he's done this, he practically has you memorized.
so imagine his surprise when he sees your expression change whenever he leaves your sight.
it takes him a while to actually be able to see this, but i'm sure it's because of timaeus and sucrose.
after all, they're around you a lot whenever albedo is busy.
they probably take a picture to show him something they did while he was gone and that's when he notices.
he doesn't even have to look at a different picture of you.
he can just tell you look different.
the little crinkle next to your eyes was gone.
your lips were more pursed than usual.
you now had a crease in between your brows you didn't have before.
the next time he sees you, he'll hold up the picture next to your face to confirm they're different.
he wants to ask why there's a "clear" difference in your appearance but he already knows why.
he'll ask you just to be sure, though--
your cheeks get a tiny tiny bit darker when you answer wholeheartedly.
it does make him chuckle when he hears that you're so smitten for him in your monotonous voice.
the picture sucrose and timaeus took isn't his favorite of you, so he ends up taking a new one when you two are both exploring dragonspine.
it's a reminder of how much you really love him <3
childe -
out of the four boys here, he's definitely (in my opinion) the most affectionate.
like, this boy will take whatever he can get to just hold you for a second.
especially if you're also from snezhnaya but came all the way to liyue to keep him company.
he's very family-oriented as we've seen, so he treasures these relationships.
now, with an unaffectionate s/o?
honestly, i don't think he'd be too upset about it.
like i said, he really treasures these familial relationships.
because of this, it's his top priority to make sure you feel comfortable in the relationship.
he won't necessarily keep his distance, but he won't be too clingy either.
he'll stand right beside you, enough to where you can almost feel his skin touching yours.
as for your expressionlessness...
it'll take him a bit to really understand how you're feeling.
it's a lot of communication because he doesn't want to mess anything up.
near the beginning of the relationship, he'd ask how you're feeling and if there's anything bothering you.
but once he finally notices the subtle differences in your face, such as a slight eyebrow raise or a tilt of the head, he'll be able to read you easier.
nothing too complex, but just enough for him to tell your emotions.
there is one subtle change that he always looks for, however.
he's realized, with the help of zhongli of course, that there is a specific characteristic that only happens when he's in your line of sight.
your lips are normally pressed in a fine line.
however, around him, the corners lift up ever-so-slightly.
the only reason he's able to see it is that he'll catch himself staring at your lips because he wants a kiss :)
once he sees that, he starts noticing your little quirks whenever you're around him.
you'll lean closer to him as you're walking through liyue harbor.
your eyes start to soften as he talks on and on about his day (and complains about scaramouche--).
he loves the idea that all of these little details about you only happen around him,
it makes him feel... important.
and loved.
even if he holds back from touching you, he'll settle for seeing your cold exterior melt around him.
xiao -
he's not too well versed in affection...
i mean, he's the vigilant yaksha that is known for being stoic just like you are.
you two are basically carbon copies of each other.
no affection and no clear expressions of love.
people (who know both you and xiao) often forget that you two are actually together.
like, they just think you two sit in silence when you're both tired of dealing with people.
they... aren't necessarily wrong.
the two of you are often found sitting at the balcony looking over liyue.
sometimes you bring him almond tofu to share :)
it's very rare for the two of you to actively show your love for each other, mainly because you both know your feelings.
although... xiao does have those moments.
it's not like he's completely oblivious to the whispers about you two.
and on the days where his karma acts up, he gets insecure.
he's... really scared that one day you'll leave just like the others.
it doesn't matter if you're a mortal or an adeptus, he's scared that one day he'll wake up and you'll be gone.
and if that ever comes, he's scared you'll pass on either doubting your feelings or his.
it doesn't help when he notices the difference in your attitude and appearance when he's around.
his first instinct is that he's doing something bad.
either you're angry or upset at his mere existence...
verr goldet's the one who has to explain why you seem different.
she's quite observant on her own, especially because you're the first person that xiao actively enjoys being around.
she'll be the one to tell him that it isn't because you're mad at him.
you have minuscule changes because that's how xiao makes you feel.
you're so soft around him and she can tell just from the small interactions she's seen of you.
for example, when you're talking to the chef downstairs, you have the same expression that xiao has when he's talking to people.
you're annoyed but you know how to handle it.
but when you're around xiao, it's like everything that bothers you disappears.
it's like you're in your own domain whenever he's around.
nothing else matters except for him.
and even if she's relying on small observations and pure intuition, she can tell that the changes are good.
your eyes that seem to look anywhere besides the person you are talking to are completely different from the ones that seem to only focus on xiao.
your normally stiff body relaxes every time you summon xiao at the balcony.
the tiny smile that graces your lips when you disappear to the top of the inn for hours on end.
verr goldet's explanation calms his heart.
his worries seem to disappear and the next time he sees you...
this is the one thing his karma can't take away. he'll be sure of it.
zhongli -
zhongli is also another person who isn't well versed in relationships.
although he isn't as inexperienced as xiao, it'll take some time for him to figure it out.
he's not someone who craves affection like it's the only thing keeping him alive.
he definitely would appreciate it but he completely understands that it isn't something you tend to give.
so instead, he'll show his love in the smaller things.
such as telling you stories, sharing tea, going out on walks, etc.
he's another person who is very observant, especially in people close to him.
his storytelling friends often ask him about your relationship with one another.
they try to bring it to his attention that you may not be as interested as he thinks you are.
of course, he'll simply laugh them off and tell them that they should listen to the person who knows you best.
he'll turn those questions into a big story and explain how they're mistaken about you.
he's never actively told anyone this, save for hu tao who tries to bug him into telling her, but he'll tell them about all of the tiny details that tell him your feelings.
when you're feeling upset, you puff out your cheeks a small bit.
when you're angry, your glare hardens at whatever is making you mad.
when you're happy, your lips part slightly.
when you're in love... well, that's a detail he'll keep for himself.
he's quick to say goodbye to his peers, practically rushing back to your shared home.
he's greeted by you as soon as he opens the door.
your stoic expressions... would be exactly the same to anyone else.
but to him, it's like you've lit up like a small puppy seeing their human parents come home after years.
you don't run up to him, but you turn to look at him and away from the book on the table.
he'll greet you with a quiet nod, pulling out the chair and sitting next to you.
he'll take the book from you, taking in your appearance for a moment.
your shoulders relax by a hair and you move your chair an inch closer to his.
you don't lean your head on his shoulder but you lean towards him as if you were about to.
it's these moments that make everything worth it to zhongli.
here, in your home and in your life, he's simply zhongli.
the man you fell in love with and allowed your reserved self to open up to.
and he would trade anything just to have these moments with you.
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ambivalent-anarchy · 4 years
Spidey Squad (Boys) Suspicious Texting/Insecure - Headcanon
Anon asked - can I get a headcanon of the spidey squad boys reacting to their s/o's phone blowing up (in the texting way) and they think it might be a guy? Thanks XD
A/N: Lol I think I get what you're saying. Also thanks for the headcanon!!! I love making them. I gave Peter a blurb cuz, well, he's Peter. Enjoy!
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Peter's not a super jealous guy, especially if he's already got you (as his girlfriend/boyfriend)
He trusts you so he's never in some constant state of awareness or fear about the state of the relationship or watching for anyone coming against it
Sometimes maybe too unaware
But that's for a different headcanon
So you two are sitting probably watching a movie or something
And your phone is ON FIRE
Idk who's texting you but BOY have they got alot to say!
And it doesn't bother Peter at first
But like
And at this point idk if he's just upset with getting distracted from the movie or from thinking some idiot's hitting on you
(Cuz he's a boy and boys gotta jump to irrational conclusions sometimes)
So he hits you with a quick "so who's texting us, babe?"
(Cuz ya gotta love sassy petey, I mean c'mon)
You either tell him who you're talking to and he calms down (but he will talk to Ned about people he suspects trying to flirt with you later) or "what the fuck you mean 'us'? They're texting me, Petey."
But overall it's just a minor, little, easily forgotten thing
Unless of course, you tease him
"I love you, Metroman!"
"And I love you, random citizen!"
That was the fifth text. The fifth ding in the last two mintues. Peter watched you. You'd been reading them, only responding to some.
He shook his head slightly and turned back towards the t.v. set. 'You're just being insecure, Peter,' he told himself with a small chuckle. 'Don't say anything, don't be that guy.'
'So she's POPULAR today? That's new... that's interesting...'
The last series of noises caused Peter to let out a nervous laugh. You looked up at him curiously. "You alright, Pete?"
He nodded frantically as he paused the movie. "Heh, so... um, who's texting us, babe?"
Your jaw dropped. "Us?," you laughed. Peter Parker was feeling threatened? So he was as dumb as the average teenage guy after all. 'Okay then,' you thought before saying the name you'd knew would get him riled.
"Oh no-one. It's just Brad trying to flirt."
He scoffed and looked back at the t.v. "Brad trying to flirt..." he mumbled. Then it dawned on him. "Wait, Brad trying to-what?!"
Peter leaned, no, practically lunged over, trying to catch a glimpse of the messages. He frowned when you turned the screen off. "No no, turn it back on. What the hell is he saying to you?"
You couldn't contain your laughter as you turned your phone towards him and turned it on, only for him to see that the person who'd been texting was your best friend.
Peter immediately turned quiet and blushed as he sat back down. "I-i... I'm sorry."
"No, it was funny!," you teased. You reached over and kissed his cheek. "Guess you're a regular dumb teenage boy after all."
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Oh, Flash doesn't even TRY to hide it.
He's not a bad person but he is a narcissistic little prick let's be honest
So he wants undivided attention when he talks
Anyway he's probably just talking a bunch
About literally whatever
And like halfway through he notices that you're not really listening
Or you start to laugh, but not at a joke he made
Your eyes are glued to your phone
So in the most Flash way possible, he just scoffs and says "hey tell your side-chick that you're home now."
Seeing as how you're with Flash, you wouldn't be a sensitive person
You just laugh it off
You finish the text and set your phone down probably shooting him a snarky remark while you're at it
He resumes talking
But even still, your phone is blowing up
And like he's talking but it's just
"So anyway-" *Ding*
"I was trying to-" *Ding*
"..to-" *Ding*
"Holy fuck, what- is that your other boyfriend?"
Might even pick up the phone and call whoever's texting you and just snicker "Get a hobby!," and pass the phone back to you
Yeah. He's that guy.
We still love him tho it's fine.
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Ah, the sweetheart that is Ned Leeds
Let's be real he's not gonna jump to conclusions
And seriously, he probably won't even care who you're texting or that you're texting at all
He just wants your company
But if it gets really excessive
Like really REALLY excessive to the point where you're not even acknowledging him being in the room with you
He's probably just gonna shift over a bit to maybe see who's texting you so much
And throws out a little "wow, you're really popular today, huh?"
Then awkward silence
And awkward staring
And just plain awkwardness
Cuz like he WANTS your attention but he doesn't want to be rude about it
And if you STILL don't get it, he'll just tap you on the shoulder and be like "hey.. remember me.. your boyfriend?"
We all get needy sometimes😬😗
Tagging mutuals: @allegra-writes, @yumings, @hey-its-grey, @spideyyeet, @sunkissedspidey, @tommyunderoos, @chaoticpete, @spidey-reids-2003, @thesherlockianavenger, @bubblebucky, @kelieah
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greensungnostic · 5 years
Checking in with Grandpa
It's been a while since you visited the old man. You figure you've left him hanging long enough. He'd probably love to hear from you, what's been going on in his granddaughter's life. You head quietly through the halls of the lower floors, still and calm and differently decorated than the upper floors where you live. You stop in front of an old oak door with a brass knob and a plaque on its face, and slowly turn the handle. You peek your head in slowly, looking into Grandpa's study. It's always dim in here, the fug of cologne and gunpowder and cognac baked into the room's very soul. He stands there in the dim, facing the ornate marble fireplace, which -
- ignites dramatically into a warmly crackling blaze as you settle your gaze on it. There he goes - The old man, "Hass" "The Flame" Harley, always with such a flare for the bombastic. Your Grandpa stands Stout and Resolute in front of the mantle, seeming to gaze long and hard into the flames. You take his dramatics as consent to enter, and you stand a few paces behind him, nervously tenting your hands. He's always been so tall, so imposing, and you've barely gained an inch since your session began. You're basically still the same dorky kid as ever, eternally youthful. You hesitate, waiting a reasonably long moment, then finally speak.
hi grandpa! sorry to bother you, i know you probably have a lot of work to do! but i wanted to come visit you in here and say hi! ...sorry i havent come down in a couple of weeks or uhm... months. i got all caught up in my work and in my head and kinda stayed cooped up in my lab up there below the greenhouse. huh? yes! before you ask, ive got three computers with me including the ones in my head and my glasses, and i do think the caliber of my current rifle is plenty sufficient! no i dont need to borrow the blunderbuss but thank you anyway! i will let you know when i need it okay? its overkill for anything but bosses!
You sigh heavily. He's always such a worrywart, hassling you over your preparedness and the bore of your firearms! You huff your trademark Harley Huff, then sigh and deflate a little. You know his hounding you is just how he shows that he cares, in his weird way.
i just wanted to let you know about some of the stuff thats been going on, though im sure youve seen hints of it here and there, mister wise and cunning hunter! first off, take a look at these babies!
You round the quiet old man to stand just past the fireplace on the far side, showing off the fluffy white fur and canine shape of your legs from the thighs down. You lift up one footpaw, showing him the glowing green footpads beneath, and wiggle your toes. The luminous glint of green reflects in your Grandpa's eyes, along with - is that interest, or pride, or just confusion? He's always been so hard to read. You'll opt for confused pride, shy of any context otherwise. You plop yourself into the dusty armchair beside the fire so you can wave your paws idly through the air for his approval, and continue your conversation face to face.
i know, i know, you never quite got all this furry stuff, but think of it this way! i am a little bit better of a huntress now, i can run around all quiet-like like bec! plus it gives my tail a reason to - huh? boots? yeah i guess i could use a custom fit pair, for like lohac or lofaf when its extra cold... if you insist we can find a cobbler, sure! cool digitigrade boots do look cool on cartoon furries... hee... uhmm lets see, what else is on the agenda?
You stroke your chin thoughtfully, then smile sheepishly at him.
so... do you remember rose? yeah, yeah the one ive always talked about! uh-huh, the one from movie nights. the squiddle one! my best friend. the one i... always had a crush on, yeah. well, as you know weve been looking around for everyone from our timeline and...
Your smile brightens, your eyes sparkle. Grandpa waits patiently, letting you talk, green eyes flickering in the firelight.
we found her, grandpa! like the right her! skaia lit up when we came back with her, and cetus showed herself for the first time in ages. its really her, grandpa!! its so good to...so good to have her back in my life. i... you know how much i missed rose. and the best news of all? she... she likes me back. she likes me back!! we are... we are dating now! shes... my girlfriend, a-after all this time. hee, i know, i know, lots of girlfriends. but this is important to me! rose was my first crush!! or uh, second, if you dont count margaret hamilton, haha... gosh i love her. i love rose! aaaah!
Grandpa seems chuffed for you, a twinkle of mirth in those eyes, past his thick glasses. The one good thing about having read all about him on the internet - you never felt uncomfortable coming out to a man you knew was openly bi decades before it was widely accepted. You practically glow in excitement, just thinking about Rose.
oh, we also found aradia! or she found us, anyways. she is one of the trolls! this one is kinda froglike, which is cool! i did not expect her to ever show up, i thought she had run off to play psychopomp! but here she is just hanging around and i guess she can help our search! she has cool psionic powers, and is the maid of time! she kinda showed up all spooky and glowing in the dark the other night! shes slimy like a frog sometimes, but shes cool, honest. youd like her, she loves adventure. maybe ill bring her by sometime?
Grandpa is quiet here, no real feedback, but seems pleased for you. You've never really talked to him about her much, so it tracks. You're sure he'll be interested in finding out more later, though. He always lends a patient ear when you talk about your friends, and he really would like Aradia. Two peas with ghastly interests in a slightly ghoulish pod.
sooo harleytech is doing pretty well! my jadebots run most of the daily stuff for me and i do all the designing, and the special interactions! in a while im gonna do a bunch of installations for some trollian freedom fighters, rebels! thats so cool right?
He seems impressed by this one - a streak of rebellion has always been pivotal to his character as the world's most eccentric philanthropist and Renaissance Man after all, especially if it's against who you think it might be against.
lets see, what else... the garden ship has been doing really well, i just fixed up the alternian section a little! if aradia wants a slice of home, she can put it there! heheh... im still trying to think of a name for that huge maple though... the yiffdrasil is kind of dumb, and its not THAT big. do i name it after another scientist like us, grandpa? what do you think?
The old man doesn't answer, as if lost in pensive thought. It's tough to puzzle out a name for something like an ancient, time-wizened old tree, after all, especially one accelerated through time to its current state. Eventually a name occurs to you, and you clap your hands together.
hmm, maybe instead of a scientist, van winkle or something? yeah, good call! ooh, rip van maple? heheh... yeah, ill try that out for a bit! good idea, grandpa...
You sigh, tone softening, and you rise up to stand next to Grandpa. He's so tall, towering over you in presence and height alike, but you find yourself staring at his feet, the polished maple wood beneath.
youre so smart, grandpa. you always know just what to say.
You're quiet for a moment, just letting him loom over you. With a lump in your throat, you begin again.
hey grandpa? thank you for always... always being so supportive, even if we butt heads sometimes over stuff like hunting or mummies or dumb stuff like that. i know you only scold me and keep an eye on me because you wanna see me grow up to be the best me i can be! right...? always making sure i had the best of everything I needed to... to be who i wanted and needed to be. im so glad youre my grandpa, thank you for... for always being around for me.
i hope im... i hope... a-am i doing okay? am... do i make you proud, grandpa?
With a quaking lip, you look upwards at the old man, towards his serviceable pith helmet and dense, curly moustache. He doesn't say anything, his silence distinguished. Tranquil. You imagine a heavy, distantly familiar palm resting on your head, comforting and warm, but it doesn't come. Your own small hand resting between your ears while teardrops plink off the floor will have to suffice. You rest your head against your grandfather's side for comfort, sniffling softly until the tears subside.
its okay grandpa, you dont have to say anything about it. s-sorry, i just got carried away, th-thinking about what a good grandpa you are... youre right, stiff upper lip, h-haha...
You wipe your tears on your face and offer him a brave smile, seeing a twinkle of pride once more in his aged eyes. You smooth out his tear ruffled coat for him, and reach up to adjust his pith helmet. It's only polite. You hug him gently, then step towards the door. You attempt to pepper a layer of cheer into your voice.
ill let you get back to work, grandpa. thank you for talking with me today, it... it meant a lot that you took time out of your day to do that! ill come see you more often okay? i know sunday is fathers day, a-and grandpas definitely count for that! we can... we can do something special!! maybe ill show you my shooting skills!
dont work too hard and have a good night! a-and ill see you sunday if not earlier, okay!! i love you grandpa!!! byyyye!
You step hurriedly out of the Study and click the door closed behind you, standing in front of it and trying to steady your breathing. Failing that, you find yourself sliding down the front of the door to curl up and hug your legs in front of it, shoulders bobbing as you bury your face in your knees, already deeply missing the old gentleman you just finished visiting.
Grandpa was a lot easier to talk to when he was alive.
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