#it's still before midnight here yay i got to post this in time <3
cynamonowo · 1 year
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10k, a&b route spoilers, Not Happy At All, ao3
happy birthday do-yoon! you're getting put in the blender <3
next chapter drops in the notes ✌️
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jessiarts · 6 months
My theories on why the boop-o-meter is still here:
So, it was pointed out by @frankencanon that Tumblr runs on EST (or EDT now), And their reset time for everything like post limits/etc. is 12:00am EST. Which would mean, at Tumblr, April Fools has been over for two hours at the writing of this post.
So, I thought it'd be fun to come up with some theories as to why we are still being graced with the ability to boop with abandon
Theory 1: Tumblr just forgot to shut it off (Funny, but unlikely. Surely they would have coded a sunset time on it?)
Theory 2: We're getting a second day of boops! (Yay! But why? Suspicious)
Theory 3: The feature is now permanent by popular demand (least likely) Theory 3a: The feature was always going to be permanent, and the assumption that it was only for one day was the prank. (Still unlikely, but also funny)
Theory 4: Staff actually have their own 'global' boop-goal, and the boop feature will stay until we meet it and unlock whatever surprise awaits the meeting of said global goal (Probably not- but would be fun. Maybe it'll rain kitties lol)
Theory 5: Tumblr knows that it's users, while happy the feature remains, would get suspicious when the feature didn't disappear after midnight, and so they're leaving it on just long enough to mess with us before they rip it away at a random time (Doubtful, but still- sorta funny. Not mad at it lol)
Or Theory 6: Something went awry and they can't shut it off. (I can't imagine what that would be, but it's the most funny option to me)
Anyway that's all I got for now. Feel free to add your own!
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spiked-mall-goth · 6 months
oh my godddd i forgot to give you all the stupid silly life updates after i came backkkkk ugh okay long post now.
these are out of order and i do not care.
went to my favorite used bookstore and came out with some really fun stuff! the lady at the counter is kinda new there and she is just so sweet i love her.
same day i went to half price books and got the first season of the muppet show on dvd!!! i was so excited abt that. i took it up to the counter and the guy working there was like 'shucks, i knew i should have bought it earlier lol. i want to get the whole show on dvd' and i may or may not have autism blasted this poor man with my extensive knowledge of the muppet show dvd releases. he was certainly not expecting me to go on for like two full minutes but he was nice about it :3 (i was killing myself forever for like two days bc whhyyyyyy cant i just be normal to people)
flea market!
very nice lady invited us out to her storage shed bc she recognized me and my brother, and asked if we wanted to go look at her old electronics before she put them out in the front of the store. guess what? i finally got a new vcr dvd combo playyerrrrrr!!!!!!!!! FUCKING YAY. the one in my room has been down since last JULY. so i am no longer menace in the living room!! it was for sure a gamble bc she said she had no idea if it worked or not, but thankfully it did and i got it for ten bucks!
was at my usual dvd store and got a good handful of movies! he recently started selling other things too, like old collectables and shit, so he has a nice glass counter set up. so i go up to the counter to pay and i look down to see an elvira midnight madness giant gila monter tape. so i was like uhhhhhmmm.. how much is she.? and he was like four dollars you interested? and i was like um yea yes please. problem is i always pay in quarters and i need to get some bills out of my wallet. so i just kinda plop my handful of quarters (like five dollars worth) on the counter like sorry about the quarters... and as i was pulling out my wallet he goes 'oh no i dont mind. they all spend. besides i put all of ur quarters in a jar back here' AND THEN PULLED OUT ONE OF THOSE BIG ASS MASON JARSSSSSS. OH MY GOD. anyways... he also started telling me about the two SEPARATE times hes met cassendra peterson.
also i got a coca cola drinking glass. this is not really exciting but it is to me so im mentioning it.
i went to go see the new ghostbusters in theaters! it sucked really badly! also i forgot that ghostbusters is just always lying dormant in my autism brain. please help i am drowning in ghostbusters rn
speaking of hellraiser iii, my older brother is going to help me digitize my vhs tape so i can then burn it on a cd so i can watch it forever!! i cannot handle the concept of my tape wearing down and losing my special version forever. so i would like to have him preserved b4 it gets to that point.
had birthday dinner last night lol. (my birthday was in january). but it was good!! i went to this little china cafe i grew up eating at, and then we went to the most specialist grocery store!! yayyyyy!!! i got a donut that im eating tonight and a cherry coke and it was so much fun <3 <3. i came home and finished btvs s5 while eating my left over cream cheese rangoons. it was such a good night <3 <3
while i was out last night we went to the dollar store (to purchase said cherry coke) and there were these two sisters in line with their mom, doing sisterly things making fun of each other yada yada. i really wasnt paying attention i was waiting for my younger brother to meet me upfront so i could pay. and then i hear 'noooo!! its not emo!! shes a goth!!' and the older sister is like 'its all the same!' and then younger one was like 'NO ITS NOT!!! i know shes a goth i know it!!!!'. it was so funny i started like laughing in the store, they were like 10-14 and possibly making fun of me but idc. made my day
at one of my favorite thriftstores, they have a new employee. the first time i met her i wasnt quite ready for her to just walk up to me and be like. 'your cool i can tell, i saw a pair of shoes earlier i think you might like' and then walked me over to show me these like fucking gorgeous black studded boots and i was like mouth agap like nooooooooo i wear a size TWELVE in womens shoes :(( and she was like ugh me toooooo i woudlve bought them myself but i wouldve had to remove a few toes lol. and then just walked off ?? i am getting better about talking to strangers in public, but i am still never like ready for it. so anyways, i come back a few weeks later and she sees me and is like HEY! and came over and started chit chatting with me, sh ewas telling me how she used to dress like me in the 80s and how much fun she had and stuff. and im just sitting there looking at this like 50yo christian woman like 'hwuh' bc i cannot stress to you enough that this woman talks faster than light and is so full of energy. and she was telling me about all of her old favorite clothes diys because 'you look like you make your own clothes' and all this stuff. and then she walked off and a few minutes later she came back with her phone and showed me a picture of her in like a full steampunk get up???? like corset and goggles and hat and very large hair and makeup and was like 'yeah this is what i dress like in my spare time, cant commit to full time dress anymore'. idk i just want to all to know that i love this woman so much shes the best.
far less fun my depression nest is back :(( i wanna clean it out but OUCH my legs have been hurting for like eveeerrrr
house sat :Db !! was locked up in a house by myself with a bottle of wine, half a bottle of tequila, a flask of whiskey, a vibrator, and tubi.com . i had a very good time! (also i got paid $130 and food for my four day total stay)
uuhhmmm trying to think if anything else fun happened while i was gone...
i had tacos for dinner! mmm yum!!
OH YEAH I HATE LIVING IN THE SOUTH WHAT THE FUCK. our sink water has smelled and tasted like wet dog for almost a month now. we have a water filter that at least makes the water not smell or taste but there is no WAY that is safe to drink. we had to buy on of those big ass water jugs to wash our dishes with. showers have to be kept to a minimum and we've been relying on hand sanitizer to keep our hand as clean as possible. yes we have called the water company MULTIPLE times. they insist our water is fine <3
i finally got new glasses!!!! i can see now! my prescription doubled in my right eye only! my left literally went up just enough to need a new lens.
okay i think thats long enough lol. love yooouuu mwah mwah mwah
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seraphdarlimg · 4 years
wish I were...
after Harry kisses reader, she watches him mesmerized as his ex walks by
‘heather’ by conan gray WARNINGS - ANGST. WORD COUNT - 2,109
A/N: this is the first imagine I’ve ever posted on here hehe. but this most likely will be a 2-3 part mini series of pure angst...so yay!
   "My goodness, I can't believe it's been a year and this is how we're celebrating it? " I take a sip from my wine glass with a raised brow towards Harry. We were sat on the floor at the recording studio, having a makeshift little picnic to celebrate a year. A whole year of a beautiful friendship. "Well I thought it'd be fitting, ya know this is where we met and stuff. Look, I even got those Korean chips that you snacked on that day!" I laugh as he comically picks up a chip and places it in his mouth, followed by an exaggerated moan. I try to hide the blush rapidly heating up my face at how much effort he put into this silly thing. It started as a little joke I brought up to him one day when we were having a lazy day, and of course Harry would take it seriously. He planned the little picnic basket after a day in the studio when everyone else left and he had asked me to stay a little longer to help him with lyrics and whatnot. It was a complete surprise and I couldn't help but adore how happy and proud he was setting this up. 
"Alright I gotta give it to ya H, you are the bestest friend anyone could ever ask for. I'm just happy that you didn't include those disgusting kale chips of yours." The smile that hasn't left his face drops into a shocked and offended look. 
"Hey, you said you wouldn't make fun of my addiction anymore." He scoots closer to me, gently poking my rib to which I immediately jump and swat his hand away. "I'm sorry- I'm sorry!" I giggled when he makes himself comfty sat right next to me. 
Subconsciously, I move closer till his shoulder touched mine. "I like this sweater, it's fluffy and keeps people warm." I say, huddling into the fabric that Harry gave me to wear when it got colder. "You know what, I like all your sweaters H, they're all impeccable."   He chuckles, "really? It looks better on you than me, bubs." I smile, using the over-sized sleeves to cover my face and faking a groan. "Oh you would with that cliché ass line."  "It's true! Beautiful in m'clothes." He mumbles and I had to only respond with gratefully lending my shoulder as a resting spot for his head. Considering he literally had to bend his whole body to do so every time he does this, I never understood how he found this comfortable. We shared a comfortable silence for a minute, sipping on our wine, the bottle nearly finished. The courage coming from it is telling me this would be the perfect time. It's the right setting to finally tell him that my feelings go beyond friendship and that it has been since the first month. The thought made me nervous at first, but there had been so many signs from him that had me thinking he's feeling the same way. Maybe those were just my expectations and how loving Harry is, but every time I look at him, I'm mesmerized. "Honestly don't know what I'd do without you bubs." Harry suddenly says and I snap out of my thoughts to glance down at him staring at his empty glass. My heart started beating fast and my breathe hitched when he pulls away only a few inches away to look back at me "This was a tough year and you've been there with me through it all, haven't been this close to someone in that short of time." He says lowly, looking right into my eyes. I take his hand in my small ones and play with his fingers in comfort, as we reflected on how this was both the best and worst year for him. While he became such a successful solo artist after the band and created the best relationships in his life, he reached a mental low dealing with his own insecurities and went through a breakup that took a major toll on him. They ended on good terms, but Harry went through the aftermath of a loss alone. I came in a month after his break up, hired as a lyricist to help him get out of this creative block but also to help him realize how much he was really worth as a person. It was a gradual slow process of friendship at the start, but it quickly blossomed into becoming best friends, growing feelings in between for me. "You're so good to me, I don't deserve it." He was so close and I couldn't tell if I was leaning in or not. My chest feels like it's bursting. "Harry, you've done so much for me, don't put yourself down like that. You deserve my love, mkay?" He looked so vulnerable, staring into my eyes as I couldn't pinpoint what emotion he was feeling right now. I was always able to read Harry easily, but maybe it was the wine that made it harder to understand what was racing through his mind. I couldn't register it. His lips on mine were foreign but felt right, like they fit perfectly. His hands cupping my face gently made me realize this was actually happening. My best friend who I've loved for so long was finally kissing me. "You absolutely deserve mine... "                                                        ***    My anxiety was getting the best of me. The party wasn't like any other rowdy and crowded New Year's Eve celebration. It was a gathering of close friends and mutual at a penthouse with just enough drinking and fun shenanigans. I knew all these people and they knew me, yet it wasn't easy to breathe regularly for some reason. I smiled and laughed along with the conversation among the circle of friends I situated myself in with Harry standing to my right, two people in-between us. I anxiously played with my fingers wrapped around a bulbous wine glass, zoned out but somewhat participating with the group. I caught his eyes, both of us giving a smile when he shot me a quick goofy face. His eyes trailed down to my hands, an obvious tell. I respond with a reassuring smile, placing my hand on my chest to which he steps outside and moves to stand next to me. I soften as he places a hand casually on my back, rubbing up and down. The nerves die down a bit. Usually, I would of been full comfortable but it was different now. After the kiss Harry and I shared, nothing had changed as much as I wanted it too. There was still the casual flirting and touchy gestures, but other than that, Harry never brought it up. "Soo, what now?" I had asked him when he dropped me off at my apartment. He gives me a tight smile and takes my hand in his, bringing it to his lips. "Still my best girl." I was confused afterwards, not fully understanding how he felt towards me. "Hey, I kind of wanted to talk to you about yesterday... " I approached him in the studio, his sweater keeping me warm that morning. "Oh yeah, you never told me what you wanted for Christmas. And by the way, I'm gonna need that sweater back sooner or later." He chuckles, going back to writing down chord progressions. Him avoiding the subject made me think he didn't want to talk about it, so I stopped trying. It made me insecure a bit to show him any type of affection back, but I didn't have it in me to tell him when I'm engulfed in his huge frame, feeling safe and happy at the moment. What made me snap out of my thoughts was his hand leaving my back and slipping into his jacket pocket. He then started being part of the funny story Mitch was telling, including his own side and little comedic comments that made the group laugh. As much as it brought a smile to my face, there was nothing more I wanted to do than take his arm, wrap it around me and kiss his cheek before laying my head on his chest. He took a second here and there to glance at me, probably aware how tired i was getting even though it was only a few minutes before midnight. The kiss defiantly affected something here, as much as Harry was trying to show that it hasn't, I can at least appreciate the acknowledgment that he shared similar feelings towards me. Maybe this was him thinking about the possibilities afterwards, knowing Harry wasn't very much a confrontational person and has taken time to learn to process things more logically rather than pure emotional instinct. When he catches me staring and throws a knowing smirk followed by a wink, I melt right on the spot but at the same time, holding back from rolling my eyes. I felt his stare kept on me when I looked away, feeling less frustrated and more understanding of his situation. Maybe I do just need to give him time... When I looked back at him, he was now looking away at something else apart from the group. I didn't give it a second glance till I noticed he was fully distracted before Mitch kept calling his name but getting no response back. Harry was in deep trance at something more fascinating than his friend's story, and when I caught sight of what was distracting him, I fully understood why. She stood out, so it wasn't to hard to point her out. But of course she would, she looks stunning in that dress that happens to only be a different shade of color from mine. The natural glam and brightening smile on her face as she talked to mutual friends perfected her look, but it was the sound of her melodic voice that just set the deal. It was her laughter from across the room that caught his attention first, what made him break his gaze on me to her. My first thought was concern for Harry and if he was suddenly feeling overwhelmed or distraught by her presence after a breakup. But then I looked back at him and only saw longing and adoration. It was a look I only was recently familiarized with. I purse my lips to hide the frown set on my face while I felt my heart beat much faster initially, watching him mesmerized as she walks across the floor to greet more party guests. Her blue eyes wide and shining, most likely something Harry was dying to see once again as he hoped she would turn his way. Is this what hopelessness feels like? Mitch gave up on trying to catch his attention as soon as he realized who Harry was looking at, and so did the rest of the group. But here I was, desperately looking up at him in hopes that he would suddenly break away and meet my own eyes that stood right next to him. "Guys! The count downs about to start!" Someone called out, followed by cheers and applause as everyone slowly started gathering towards the balcony to see the firework show and celebration of the city below. She moves away from the crowd though, choosing to be semi alone next to the aquarium with a glass of martini in her hand. More people started crowding around us, the group disintegrated into a whole, but my focus was on Harry. As much as my anxiety and tiredness was getting worse, it couldn't compare to the ache in my chest when he takes a hesitant step towards her direction. In a second, my hand flies towards his and gently tugs to me in a last ditch of desperation while I softly call out his name. Maybe it was the way he stopped and turned his head slightly before completely pulling away and walking towards her, leaving me engulfed with the crowd alone. Or that I could picture the loving look on his face when she finally sees him approaching and gives him a welcoming smile while the sound of people counting down from 20 is muddled into the background. All I could imagine to hear was his small 'hi' and compliment for how beautiful she looks, knowing how nervous he would be. "3, 2, 1! Happy New Years!" The celebration of those around me drowned out my glossy eyes as I see Heather take Harry's hand in hers, sharing that same complete adoration look on her face that I was only just becoming familiar with.
part 2 A/N: feedback would greatly be appreciated :) 
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heretherebedork · 3 years
I am here to hurt myself by watching WBL2. I know it ends in a reward but the beginning is nothing but agony and why I haven't watched it before. I am already in pain just from watching any tiny amount of pain of these boys.
lol I am literally refering to this as my day of atonement.
... I did make a very nice Rosh Hashanah post but that doesn't make me particularly religious, tbh. Cultural Judaism, yo.
Also, pain. Hi pain.
Ugh, I avoided this pain for so long. Now I'm here for it. One post. I'm only making this one post. @absolutebl I'm doing it! I know how much you love this, though.
Oh, fuck it, if I'm trying to limit all my rambling to one post I might as well read more it. I ramble so much.
Ep 1:
Oh look pain. Pain. And more pain. Yup. Yup. I hate this kind of plot even if I know it resolves well. At least it's not cheating but STILL hi dying. Shu Yi is a darling boy who deserved better than five years of nothing for any reason and Gao Shi De should have been better than that. Even knowing it ends well doesn't make this easier. dgkldf GODDAMN IT SELF. Just watch the show and stop being a baby about emotional pain.
Awww, the matching ties! I've seen that post a dozen times and love it every time and it's good to see.
The fucking way Gao Shi De just tries to walk back into his life without a second word or hesitation or thought makes me SO DAMN TWITCHY. Poor Shu Yi. Also, Gao Shi De deserves every punch and slap and uuughhh this show was designed to hurt me. I HATE relationships falling apart. Absolutely my least favorite trope/plot point of practically all time.I hate it I hate iiiit I hate it so muuuuuch.
I mean, damn, the acting here is amazing beyond words, obviously. But that just makes it hurt more. Especially Shu Yi's pain that he's put behind so much anger and work just to keep himself functional and it's damn gorgeous DAMNit.
Ep 2:
Darling Shu Yi deserved so much better. Even though Gao Shi De wasn't cheating on him, he deserved better than the silence and disappearance and he deserves the goddamn world. Ugh literally like a minute into the episode and already there is so much pain. I know they end up happy but I almost want to just tell Shu Yi to tell Gao Shi De to fuck off forever.
Nope, Gao Shi De, you deserve the pain. Shu Yi does't, you do, your upset doesn't get me upset. Shu Yi's pain is the only one I regret in this show. But, seriously, doing all this in front of the whole company is such a bastard move in his part honestly. Poor Shu Yi, seriously.
I do love my tiny obviously favorite character, though, and his tiny inability to sit and his tiny double hands for everything and I adore him beyond measure.
Ugh, Shu Yi choosing to fake the return of trust and friendship and love and I am proud of him for doing that and no, I don't care, Gao Shi De deserves it. I mean, it's not a good or healthy choice but, you know what, I'm okay with that.
But seriously. Poor Shu Yi. Has to deal with being ghosted and then Gao Shi De's return and then an extremely drunk ex crying on him when he's just trying to go to work... at midnight, okay, maybe not healthy either.
Ep 3:
Oh, Gao Shi De. You're an idiot. I mean that... only with a tiny bit of affection and mostly with me rolling my eyes. Making a promise to his dad wasn't bright of you. I mean, seriously, 5 years without contacting him, telling him what happened and on the condition that Shu Yi doesn't try to move on in five years of being completely ghosted. That's just dumb to an astonishingly level of dumb.
Ugh, poor Shu Yi. Your dad and your ex are both idiots and they deserve to get away from you just like you want. Seriously. You poor young man. You deserved so much better from the people you love.
But seriously fuck Gao Shi De and Shu Yi's dad. You're both idiots who don't deserve him. Especially his dad. But also especially Gao Shi De. Seriously. This is why we talk to people, damnit. Poor Shu Yi.
Why, yes, that's my main take away from this show. Shu Yi deserved so much better. Gao Shi De's need to constantly solve everything by himself is the biggest problem in the show, oy vey.
OF COURSE he wants to go back to that time. He was loved and loved and trusted you and happy and comfortable and who wouldn't want to go back to that?
Yu Zhen Xuan is my darling, obviously, and Pei Shou Yi's wanting to take care of him but also to stay away from him for his own sake. Oh, boys.
Ep 4:
I know they get better at some point. I really do. Shu Yi is still breaking my heart, though. I just want to see the poor darling smile and not in a flashback.
Oh, Shu Yi. You deserve the world, seriously. I mean, I'm glad you've managed to come back around to trying to believe in Gao Shi De. I really am. But man he doesn't deserve it. But also ugh, this embrace, utterly fantastic. Darling Shu Yi is finally smiling!
And poor Yu Zhen Xuan trying to ask about Pei Shou Yi so deseperately and being denied everything... ugh, I love him so much. But mostly just Yu Zhen Xuan wanting that connection so badly but always, again and again, denied and I just want to comfort him so badly. Yes, he's coming to you but, I mean, what is friendship but going to other people for comfort? Awww, the two ramens. The BABY.
But also darling Shu Yi is finally smiling and Gao Shi De does bring him comfort and love and they're genuinely good to and for each other, at least, once they're together. Now they just need to actually talk to each other about what happened.
The simultaneous "DAD" was gorgeous. Okay, that was really good.
Ep 5:
Ah, my long awaited darling boy's backstory that I know and love. The tiny panic and fear and the way he jumps and fights back at the tiniest thing... I love this feral teenager SO MUCH and then he grows up into a CTO for a major company and it's even better.
Plus, Pei Shou Yi looking for him after telling him not to come back because the mug got returned? Ugh, heartbreaking but in like a sad, small kind of way.
And the darling CEOs teasing each other in front of their employees while also in suits and being uplifting and good at supporting them? A+ how does one go about getting bosses like that? Also, how Shu Yi looks at Gao Shi De when he's being a good boss? Also A+.
Okay, yes, they're adorable and tiny and the piggyback ride while also in suits and looking fine is simple the best of the best and Gao Shi De taking care of Shu Yi while also confronting his father is frankly amazing. Oh, darling boys.
Gao Shi De, he already admitted that he did this entirely to trick you and Shu Yi is perfectly willing to take a stand against his father. Stop trying to win him over. Let Shu Yi handle his family. His dad's an idiot and he's not gonna listen to you.
Ep 6:
More backstory for my darling feral teenager and the doctor who took care of him at his lowest. I love them both so much. I wish they'd gotten more of a story but I'm not entirely sure I want a third season about them either.
Portable boyfriend! Well! Portable boy... friend...
Also, Shu Yi and Gao Shi De, you have no right to talk about them not communicating, seriously boys, love you to death but seriously communication... actually, honestly, Shu Yi is great at communication. He can criticize them. Gao Shi De has no right.
Pei Shou Yi, seriously, you say these things about not having any emotion but you also admit that you knew he evoked a response from you. You definitely remembered and had feelings about him when you were separated. I mean, you even saved the ramen that was his favorite. You looked for him. I know it's scary but that's okay.
Shu Yi is just so adorable about meeting the in-laws and being all awkward and adorable and it's beyond cute and then the talk about his dad and family and they're just adorable and domestic and sweet and how dare they.
Literally, Shu Yi is the best person in the world and the two people who love him most can learn a lot from him.
Ugh, Yu Zhen Xuan is my baby and I love him so much and he's just doing his best to be his best and he wants to love and be loved but he's trying so hard and I love him so much. He's just such a darling and he also deserves the world and to be loved just as he loves.
And we had to have another pool kiss, of course, what darlings.
Pei Shou Yei: I don't experience emotions... except the ones involved in protect Yu Zhen Xuan because those aren't emotions, those are just natural urges and don't count.
Awww, proposals are always adorable and sweet.
I did it! I've finally watched the whole thing, between dramacool and dailymotion I've managed to watch this show. Yay for me!
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jaehyunhour · 4 years
i love you so | huang renjun
summary: after knowing renjun for so long, you decide to finally confess your feelings to him. (requested, but the request was too long to post otherwise it would give the whole au away!)
warnings: none.
2.6k words.
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you glance briefly at the clock, noticing it’s already 11:50 and jump out of bed. it’s almost renjun’s birthday, and you want to call him right at midnight to sing happy birthday, but the macarons are in the freezer and you need to defrost them so they’re ready to eat right when the clock strikes twelve. you take three out, carefully plating them in the middle of a small plate, one on top of the other two, and you place a candle in the center of the top one. you’ve liked renjun for as long as you can remember, quickly falling for the way he cared for you when it felt like no one else did. although your heart physically aches at the thought of being rejected by him, a sharp pain shooting through your chest at the mere thought of losing him, your feelings are too strong to hide now. you decide you’re going to confess to him after wishing him a happy birthday.
by the time the desert is set, you’ve slipped on a party hat and set up your phone for your facetime call to renjun. right as the clock strikes twelve, you dial his number and wait for him to pickup. within fifteen seconds, you’re met with renjun’s face and feel a warm fuzzy feeling overtake your body. your cheeks flush pink, and you smile at renjun as if it’s the first time you’re seeing his face. before he can say anything, you light the candle and hold the plate out for him while singing happy birthday.
an ear to ear smile forms on renjun’s face at the sound of your soft voice singing and the look of the slightly askew party had sitting on your head. as you reach the end of the birthday tune, you hold the plate closer to the camera and say: “make a wish, injunnie!” renjun pretends to blow the candle out and you slightly blow without him seeing, so it seems like he actually blows it out. you clap loudly after setting the plate down, and pop a macaron into your mouth.
“happy birthday junnie! what did you wish for?”
“i wished for a big plate of those lemon macarons you make so well,” renjun says before pausing. “and for you to come spend my birthday with me.”
“you want me to come spend the day with you?” you ask, eyes slightly wide and glossy. it’s nothing new for renjun to want to spend time with you, but your heart races every time he asks like you’re a puppy in love.
“yeah, you and the dreamies! they have a few things planned for me, i imagine you can’t make it for breakfast but you could get on the train in the morning and make it in the afternoon, yeah? does that work for you?”
you think for a second, before nodding your head. you had recently accepted a higher paying teaching job in busan, moving you a 3 hour train ride from seoul and, more importantly, renjun. “yeah! i can get on the train around noon, and get there in the afternoon if that’s okay with you? i don’t have any lessons tomorrow but i still need to go into the school in the morning and do some lesson planning, but i will be done by eleven.”
renjun cheers at your answer. “yay, i can’t wait to see you! okay, i’ll let you sleep then so you can get enough rest before going to work in the morning. see you soon, love you.”
“happy birthday again! love you, see you tomorrow.”
renjun waves before ending the call, and you groan loudly as soon as you realize that confessing is going to be harder than you originally thought. while your first plan to confess fails, you decide that you will just write him a letter and get it done with. the train ride will give you a chance to write the letter, and also finish your present for renjun.
as expected, you are able to quickly finish your lesson planning and hop onto the noon train heading out of busan to seoul. you sit next to the window, enjoying the sunlight shining in as you continue your present for renjun. a few months ago, renjun mentioned he enjoyed the look of embroidered sweaters, so you took it upon yourself to learn how to embroider. it took a lot of practicing, but you were finally at a place in your embroidery journey where you felt confident enough to show others your work. for his birthday, you’ve decided to make renjun an embroidered sweater with an outline of your favorite photo of him and the dreamies.
the stitch works comes quickly to you, and halfway through the ride you are done with the sweater. you smile, looking down at the sweater proudly. you fold it neatly, putting it into the gift bag you brought with you, and setting the bag down next to the cooler with the homemade macarons. you pull out the daiso stationary you’ve brought from home, using the top of the cooler as a hard surface to write your letter to renjun. by the time you have perfected everything you want to say to him, there is only thirty minutes left of the train ride. as you stare out the window, the scenery becomes all too familiar and you feel your body warm at the thought of finally being back in seoul. it wasn’t often that you were able to come back to visit, but every time felt like the first. and the thought of seeing renjun sends a bolt of electricity through your body, you stand up in the aisle of the train and jump slightly, ignoring the weird looks from other passengers as you rid yourself of the pre-seeing-the-boy-you’re-stupidly-in-love-with jitters.
once off the train, you’re met with johnny. you didn’t know him very well, only having spoken to him on a few occasions, but you figure he’s here for you. he pulls you into an awkward side hug as you come up to him, and pats your head.
“sorry, i know you’re probably expecting renjun, but he’s still a little busy with his morning birthday activities,” johnny says, taking the cooler from your arms and leading you to his car.
“no, that’s okay, don’t worry! i honestly thought one of the other dreamies would come, but it doesn’t matter as long as i get to renjun!” you assure him.
“yeah, honestly,” johnny says, starting the car. “i’m just doing a favor for mark, who’s doing a favor for one of the other dreamies. i think jeno was supposed to come get you, but he couldn’t so he asked mark, you get the gist.”
you nod slightly, getting into the passenger’s seat of the car. the car ride is comfortably silent, the only noise is the sound of johnny’s breathing and your music playing lowly in the car’s speakers. although it’s only a fifteen minute drive from the station to the dorms, johnny insisted on letting you play your music. once you arrive at the dorm, johnny sends you off with another pat on the head. you thank him softly, taking the cooler back into your arms and making the trek up to the floor the dreamies live on.
the inside of the dorm is absolute chaos. there is confetti everywhere, streamers, a huge banner that reads “happy birthday injoon!” in korean, and a 4 tier birthday cake. no one notices you come in until you scream at the sight in front of you.
“this is an absolute nightmare, oh my fucking god,” you say, almost dropping everything in your arms in shock.
jaemin, the most sane one in that room, quickly meets you at the door and takes everything from your arms as you stare in shock. once your hands are free, renjun runs up to you and pulls you into a hug. one of his hands rests on your back, right between your shoulder blades, and the other is holding your head. he holds you tight as you nuzzle your face in his chest, wrapping your arms around his waist and inhaling his scent.
“i missed you so much,” renjun says, pressing a kiss to the top of your head.
“i missed you so much more,” you respond, pressing a kiss to his chest. nothing new.
renjun pulls back, holding your face in his hands and squishing your cheeks. “i’m so excited you’re here, thank you for coming. how was the train?”
“it was okay, not too bad. i’m a little sad you didn’t come get me at the train station, though.”
renjun sighs, “i know, i know, i wanted to try and get this place cleaned up before you got here, but it wasn’t enough time.”
“you’re telling me this place was worse earlier?”
“unfortunately, yes. will you help us clean, please?”
“you’re lucky it’s your birthday, junnie.” you stick your tongue out at him, before taking your jacket off and hanging it on the coatrack by the door and getting to work.
between you, renjun, and jaemin it takes you hours to clean the apartment. jeno took chenle and jisung out while you cleaned, figuring that they would just make the issue worse instead of helping. you’re done right as the sun begins setting, and you go up to the roof with renjun to watch the sunset.
“the city always looks so pretty from up here,” you say to renjun, resting your head on his shoulder.
“i bet it doesn’t get as pretty as this in busan,” renjun responds.
“it’s pretty there in a different way, but it could never be as good as seoul. there’s no huang renjun in busan,” you pause. “have you had a nice birthday?”
“it’s definitely been interesting,” renjun starts. “the dreamies woke me up with breakfast in bed, and they took me to the company to practice a bit around noon. i had a vocal lesson and when i got back to the dorm, it was an absolute wreck. i was so stressed, but when i saw you… i felt the stress just leave my body. thank you again for coming.”
you pull yourself off of him, turning to look at him. you grab the gift bag off the floor in front of you and place it in renjun’s lap. “i made you something, i actually barely finished it on the train ride here.”
he pulls the sweater out of the bag, and audibly gasps when he sees it. his fingertips run over the stitching, and he feels himself getting teary eyed as his heart swells.
“oh wow,” he whispers. “you’ve really outdone yourself this time, y/n.” one of renjun’s hands reaches over for yours, and he intertwines your fingers. your palm begins to sweat, heart beating faster than you’ve ever felt before, and you just hope renjun can’t hear it.
“you like it?”
renjun’s other hand comes up to wipe the tears that threaten to fall from his eyes as he turns to face you. “are you kidding me? i love it.”
renjun locks eyes with you and gives you a slight smile, and you smile back. for a split second, renjun’s eyes flicker down to your lips, and you are convinced he’s going to lean in and kiss you — when his phone starts ringing. he pulls it out of his pocket and sighs when he sees the caller id.
“it’s jaemin, we should go back to watch the movie,” renjun says quietly. you nod and stand up to go back, but renjun quickly pulls you into a hug. “thank you,” he presses a kiss to your forehead and you return together to the dorm.
the dreamies are busy trying to figure out how to set up the projector they’ve boughten specifically for this occasion, wanting to watch a movie to end renjun’s birthday celebrations. as they are struggling, the food they’ve ordered arrives and you decide to go wash up before eating. in the bathroom, you wash your hands and stare at yourself in the mirror.
“you got this, y/n,” you say to your reflection. “all you have to do is give him the letter, and that’s it. then you’re home free, that’s all.” you pull your phone out, quickly asking renjun to meet you in the hallway because you have one final gift for him. you step outside of the bathroom, waiting nervously for renjun to arrive. a few minutes pass before he meets you in the hallway, slight concerned etched on his face.
“hey, you said you had something for me?” renjun asks. you had a tiny speech prepared, but as soon as he stepped in front of you, and you saw the way his hair fell in front of his eyes and the way he licked his lips as he waited for a response, your mind went blank. all you could do was pull the letter out of your pocket, shove it into his hand, and place a kiss on his cheek before going into the living room to help the dreamies set up, effectively leaving renjun stunned in the hallway.
happy birthday, renjun! wow, you’re getting old, huh? i hope you love the sweater that i made for you, and enjoy the homemade lemon macarons. you better make them last because i can’t come back to seoul every week to bring you more! not to be sentimental, but i am so glad that i have you in my life. you are so incredibly talented, and treat everyone as if they’re one of your own, and for that i admire you so much. thank you for letting me know you all these years, and letting me celebrate every moment of your life. you are incredible, and i wish i could scream it to the world! renjun day is every day in my heart. i don’t know what i would do without you in my life. you are my best friend, the only person i wholeheartedly trust, and i can’t imagine what my life would be like without you in it. which makes what i’m about to say so hard.
this is really difficult for me, because you know how badly i fear rejection, but it’s something that must be said. junnie, i can’t remember a day where i haven’t been in love with you. for as long as i can remember — as long as i have known you — i have had feelings for you, and i’m afraid that it’s too much for me to keep locked inside. you cared for me when it felt like no one else did, encouraged me to follow my dreams, offered a shoulder when i needed one, and even held my hair back when i threw up after the sm halloween party that one year. and for all of those things and more, i have fallen for you. thank you for making me feel special always.
sorry i had to do this on your birthday, but i truly couldn’t wait another day to tell you how i feel. it’s been eating me alive for all this time, and it feels so good to get it off my chest. if you don’t like me back, though, can we pretend this never happened? if you don’t like me back… let’s just pretend this never happened. i would rather pretend this never happened than hear you reject me to my face. happy birthday again, junnie.
i love you so.
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i-am-ironic · 4 years
Daminette betrothed au part 4
It still doesn't want to post property so if you see this if you could reblog it that would be great but if you don't want to you don't have to. Anyway so this will be the second update to this story today,( i hope I can get this out before midnight, its almost 11 now 😅) well let's get started.
Bruce watched the door the girl had just gone through before turning to his son,"who is she damian? Why did she say her name was marinette dupan-chang al Ghul Wayne?"
"Father i will explain everything when she gets back i don't know how much of her past she will want to share with you. She might not trust you at first. The only family of mine she has met has been Talia so be careful of what you say."
"Dose she have anything to do with you going missing for 6 months three years ago?"
"I trust her, father... she,"he paused trying to decide how to phrase his next words, "she knows I'm robin."
Bruce whipped his head around to face damian, "she knows what?" His words were as cold as ice as her stared down his son.
"Im back!" Called the girl in question closing the door behind her before noticing the tence atmosphere. She walked behind damian and looked questioningly at him.
"I only told him that you had something to do with me disappearing three years ago... and that you know I'm robin." He said not taking his eyes off his father.
"I see," she said thoughtfully. "We can dessus that while we wait, I have someone I want you to meet dames. he should be here in about ten minutes."
Now damian looked at her questingly right as his father asked her the first question. "How did you meet damian?"
"I was kidnapped by the league and taken to a base were damian was taken not long after. We met kneeling at an alter moments before we were married."
Bruse raised his eyebrows, "alright then why would they choose you of all people?"
"I was the hero of Paris, the ladybug. I suppose they thought I was strong enough to be worthy of their prince."
"I am truly sorry we couldn't help with the Paris situation, but its out of our jurisdiction and we didn't want to make things any worse then they already were."
"Its much better that you weren't involved," she shuddered at the thought. "If one of you.... well I wasn't ladybug for awhile after I got home anyway."
Now it was damian's turn to ask a question, "why weren't you ladybug?"
"Its kind of a long story actually, um well it will be easier to explain when my guest arrives." Just then the intercom beeped and the lady on the other side said "sir there is a man here says his name is Luka and he is here to see the young lady who came in a minute ago, should I let him in?"
Marinette nodded, which prompted Bruse to say "yes marg let him in."
When the door opened damian saw a tall man with blue-green dyed hair, he was holding a tablet in one hand. Marinette went over to great him and daimen felt a pang in his heart. Had Marinette moved on from him? But before he could think about it for too long Marinette was heading back toward him, in her arms was what appeared to be a child.
"Damien I would like you to meet our son Xander dupan-chang al Ghul Wayne."
Damian just stared at her dumb founded. He had a son? This was his son? The little boy looked at him with a board expression before marinette started talking to him in French.
"This is your father Xander he has wanted to meet you for so long!" She looked up at damian hopefully.
"I have a son?" Damien said as the boy struggled to get out of his mothers arms to see his father for the first time.
Damien took him as marinette explained "he doesn't understand English that well yet but he is very good at speaking French."
As damian spoke to his son in French marinette explained the everything to Bruse but didn't say anything that would give away his identity with Lika in the room. she wasn't sure if he would be comfortable with Luka knowing. Once everything was explained Bruse ordered a test to prove that Xander was damian's son, not because he didn't believe marinette but so that it would be official and if anything was to happen to marinette then Damien would have custody of their son.
Damian was so excited! He had a son! Now how to keep Xander and marinette away from his brothers? He would have to think about that but he would have time. Marinette told him she had an apartment in the nicer part of town. That was good. They couldn't just jump right back into a relationship. they hadn't seen each other in three years and it would take time. if they tried to force anything then they might just grow even further apart and they wanted to be together for their son, and because even after all this time they still loved each other.
They decided to take things slow for now and go on some dates with Luka babysitting. The first date would be to the gatham art museum on Saturday.
This isn't the best chapter I've ever written but I think it will work. The next chapter will be damian' brothers finding out about marinette and Xander i already have an idea of how Jason and Tim find out but if you have in idea for Dick or the girls tell me! I'm also thinking that some fluff with damian and marinette going on some dates would be fun. And i wrote this chapter in uner an hour yay!
If anyone else wants to be tagged tell me and I'll tag you.
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Happy @naraweek  my deers!  I was going to wait till day 7 to post this but uh it kind of works for today's prompt too!  Yay!!!  I've never done one of those 5 + 1 things so I hope that you enjoy it! 
A Nara's hair was a known and familiar symbol.
Prompt: Timeskip
1- Shikaku/Yoshino 
“I got you!”  Shikaku announced proudly.  He might be considered a genius and excellent strategist but Yoshino managed to always demand the best out of him when they sparred. Ever since they were younger she was always one of the best at evading him and managing to just escape his shadow possession. Whenever he did catch her it was cause for celebration.
Yoshino frowned, annoyed at being caught. She may not have plans to become some great shinobi like him but she always pushed him hard during training. This was to help calm her worries for when he left on missions. Knowing that he was at his absolute best, ready for anything helped quell some of the fear.
Her frown turned into a grin as she looked at him curiously.
“What?”  He asked aloud seeing the change in her expression.
Her hand reached up to trail her fingers along his cheek and up to his hairline.  Her nails scored across his scalp sending shivers along his spine.
“Your hair.”
“My hair?”  He asked curiously, reaching up to touch at his head. 
“It must have gotten caught, your ponytail is coming undone.”  She explained her hands working gently to remove the tie from his hair. Midnight locks fell through her hands and around his shoulders. 
Shikaku just stared as her fingers played through the strands her eyes filled with amusement.
“What’s with the fascination with my hair?”
“Don’t act surprised it's been like this since we were kids.”  She’d only seen his hair down a handful of times and just like now she became enchanted by it. 
The dark locks gave his sharp features a sort of softness. She knew that a Naras’ hair was a familiar and known symbol of their family. It reminded her of the antlers of the deer that they cared for. His hair was strong and healthy. Very much like its owner.  It annoyed her that her own hair wasn’t as well taken care of. Perhaps when she officially became a Nara she’d learn their hair care secrets. 
“I’m just not used to seeing it down.  You look very handsome like this.”  She shrugged but smiled at the blush across his cheeks.  
He caught her hand placing kisses on her palm. “Didn't realize how much you like it.  Okay, for you I’ll leave it down more often.” She grinned biting her lip wondering if he knew how sweet the gesture was.  Not just anyone got to see him like this. 
Her hands tangled themselves in his hair to pull him down for a kiss.  The strands acting like a curtain around them.
Just another day with her Love.  
2- Shikamaru & Temari
The first time Temari saw Shikamaru’s hair down she stomped off in a rush leaving him standing there perplexed. It was early morning and she’d arrived at his home with little warning or notice. He answered the door with sleep still in his eyes and his hair loose around him. 
The view rendered her still and speechless causing her to forget just why she’d come by in the first place. 
“What’s going on Tem?”  Shikamaru asked with a yawn scratching at his scalp. 
She felt her face heat up and looked away.  “Uh..nothing I’ll see you later!”
He just watched confused as she ran off into the distance. He shrugged hoping that this wasn’t something he’d be punished for in the future. 
Temari couldn’t believe her reaction. It was just some hair. Why did it matter that it made the already attractive Nara even more so? Just because she could easily see herself running her fingers through those loose locks wasn’t a reason to react that way. 
She groaned shaking away images of sweat matted hair that fell around her as they kissed-
‘Stupid not so pineapple head ninja.’
3- Shika & Tem
“Damn it!  Can’t you tie your hair up?”  Temari demanded slamming her hands against the desk.  
Shikamaru looked up startled, pushing the long strands back.   “What? Why? Does it bother you?”
“Yes, I’m not used to it down! It’s distracting.”
“My hair is distracting?”
Realizing what she admitted she stood up and gathered her things “Ugh, never mind.”  She grumbled before she wrenched the ties from her own hair and dropped them in front of him. 
“I’m going to work from home today.”  Shikamaru stared at her retreating form a soft grin across his lips. 
The next day he found a pack of hair ties on his desk. 
4- ShikaTema
Temari smiled to herself, tucking her head into Shikamaru’s neck. Soft strands of hair tickling her cheek. 
“Have I ever told you that I love your hair down?”  She asked curiously her hands gently brushing stray hairs from his eyes. 
“Do you?”  He asked with a grin. 
“Yes as much as I hate to admit it.  You’re annoyingly attractive on most days but when your hair is down you’re pretty irresistible.”  He just grinned in response before placing a warm kiss against her forehead. 
“I kind of had a feeling.”  He admitted drawing her closer. His own face moving into blonde wisps. 
“Really?”  She asked with an amused expression.
“You could barely look at me if it was down. It was kind of fun seeing you so flustered.” 
“You didn’t notice that I was wearing it untied more often?”  Temari pouted, annoyed and embarrassed that he’d noticed. The soft kiss against her shoulder shifted her thoughts. 
Now that their relationship had changed she had unfettered access. She was the only one that would get to play with the strands and know the feeling of them through her fingers. 
“Fine, you caught me. No more wearing it down in the village when I’m not here.”  She demanded pushing a finger against his chest. 
Shikamaru just chuckled, pulling her in closer. “Same for you my love.”
5- Shikadai
“Ow. Mom it hurts.”
“Well if you could do it yourself correctly then I wouldn’t have to.”  Temari explained and despite what Shikadai thought she was running the brush through as gently as possible. Her son's hair was naturally very thick and easily became tangled. She had to get hair care tips from Yoshino when she found out that she was pregnant. Knowing she would have to help her son with keeping up the tradition. 
Shikadai would prefer to keep it loose rather than tied up so tightly. It was boring and troublesome but he was sure that one day he’d miss having his mom brush his hair. 
“You have to keep your hair neat. A Nara’s hair-“
“Is a symbol of our clan and family.”  He finished with a bored expression. 
“Yes but you, my little fawn, have the added title of being our prince. So your hair is like wearing a crown on your head. It represents the role you’ll one day step into as the Nara heir as well as the role you'll play in Suna.  Wear it proudly son.” 
5+ 1- Naras
Temari leaned her head back enjoying the warm water that cascaded through her blonde locks. Shikamaru was sitting behind her and worked the shampoo into her hair massaging her scalp as he moved. The action caused her toes to curl beneath the water. 
“Mm… this feels amazing.”  She sighed, sinking further into the water. Once her hair was thoroughly shampooed he began pouring the water back over. He watched as the rivulets trailed down along her neck, shoulders then down her spine.  It created a golden waterfall along her back. 
Like him, she rarely wore her hair down in public.  Even at home it would often be tied up or pulled away from her face. When it flowed down her shoulders so gently it always did something to him. 
He settled next to her in the bath before pulling her into his arms. Both of them with their hair wet and loose around them. 
She’d found a silver strand amongst raven tresses the other day. It was a stark reminder that they were older now.  Neither of them lamented that fact.  Rather they were thankful that they were able to grow old together.    
Temari’s fingers curled around a dark lock. Just as fascinated as she had been the first time she’d run her fingers through those strands. 
Shikamaru gazed at her affectionately layering kisses along the crown of her head.  Those precious locks tangled in his fingers. 
“I love you Tem.”  Her heart fluttered in a familiar beat.  Through the trials and miracles of life their love endured.  It would continue to do so even when all those threads turned silver.  
“I love you too Shikamaru.” 
Hope that you liked it! I've been obsessed with the idea of hair down Shikaku ...ugh....and also Shikamaru one day being a silver fox! :D  I have one more ficlet I could use for tomorrow and I don't know I have an idea for Shikamaru's bday but I don't know that I will be able to get it out in time.  Either way, thank you all for reading my sweet fawns!  Love you babeys! 
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bellasharifuddin · 3 years
The Day I Became a Mother
It’s been a while since I last post anything here, typing feels awkward as well. But this has always been a thing that I wanted to do since the day I’ve given birth, to document and blog about my pregnancy and my birth journey, so in 4-5 years to come when my memories fade, I can always come back to reminisce every detail that I keep here, like a memory capsule. 
The Day I Found Out I Was Pregnant. 
You know, when people say that when you have a strong intuition about something, trust your gut feeling, because it’s often true. Mirin and I have always talked about having kids, me wanting a baby so much within months after we got married, however, Mirin having second thoughts about it. We were both married for less than a year, sleeping on a toto without a mattress or a bed, living in the deep slum of Wangsa Maju area where the rats are larger than the cats. Hahaha. Naturally, given our circumstances, he’d want to take things slow. 
Fast forward to a couple of months, we went out for some steaks and karaoke on a weekend night. I told mirin to stop by Watsons, for me to buy a pregnancy test kit. Mirin didn’t question much, because occasionally I would randomly buy one, just for fun. But this time, I didnt just get one. I ended up buying three. Why? Because somehow, I had a strong feeling this time. I just felt... weird. It was a feeling that I can’t put it into words. 
We came home at midnight, I went to the bathroom too “pee on the stick”. Then I saw the first line... a few seconds later comes the second one. Oh my god. Okay. I knew Mirin was standing outside the toilet door, waiting. Eventually, I had to break the news to him. When I showed to Mirin, we both ended up hugging and crying. Was I happy? Was I in shock? Was I sad? Yes, a little bit of everything. Its funny that all you’ve wanted was a baby, then when it actually happens, suddenly you’re freaked out. Happy that its a blessing. Sad that it hits you without a warning. 
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When the morning sickness finally kicked in, I knew we couldn’t live in the current house. Its not the best place to raise a child. And the next-door neighbor was having major renovation that was super loud and noisy. After sleepless nights and searching for a new place, we eventually moved out. Bought our first bed, bought our first dining table, bought our first gas stove. A many of firsts. Soon we finally bought a baby cot from Ikea. We bought it too early. Although it was too early to put it up, but Mirin assembled it anyways. I could tell that he was excited. It was such a fun and exciting moment, for the both of us.
But those were the fun part. Like most pregnancies, the not so fun part about being pregnant was me being diagnosed with Pregnancy Hypertension during my 36th week of pregnancy. My blood pressure spiked up to 140/100 on two consecutive readings, and the next thing I know, that I’m sitting in an ambulance, on my way to Hospital Kuala Lumpur’s emergency building. 
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                     At Hospital Kuala Lumpur. Waiting for an available bed
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                  Mirin bought me the entire family mart food available xD
I spent 3 nights in their maternity wards, finally discharged after the doctor told me that I was clear to go. While I was in the hospital, it pains me to see new mothers struggling during the COVID19 pandemic. Throughout your stay, no visitations were allowed from anyone including your husband. If your baby cries or if you’re in pain, you’d have figure it out yourself. I remember praying to god while crying that I do not want to be induced there. The ward was stuffy and hot. There were too many people crammed in a room. It was hell. 
The Day That I Give Birth
One week after my discharge, we both went for my monthly checkup with my OBGYN at Pantai. Again, my doctor advised me to be induced tomorrow, since my blood pressure spiked again, and I was almost full term (38 weeks) so it was okay to go. She told me that “It’s best to get the baby out or else you boleh kena sawan” OMG Okay okay. So we packed our bags, ate sushi for dinner, slept soundly for the very last time, and headed to the hospital again at 9 am the next morning. 
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                         Induction day. We definitely overpacked haha
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       Arrived at the hospital lobby, did a mandatory swab test before entering
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Appointment card. Booked and paid for the accommodations prior to checking in
I was told to change into my labor robe (I’m not too sure what it’s called), and waited. When my doctor finally arrived, she then began to insert some sort of a plastic strip deeeeeep into my cervix. Ouch, that hurts. Okay, so that’s how induction works eh? Then I was given antibiotics into my IV drip too, since I was GBS (Group-B Strep) Positive as well. 
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                                Toilet selfie! Calm before the storm
After an hour, I felt the contraction. Initially it was uncomfortable, then it hurts like hell. The contractions felt like period pain but like a million times worse. Occasionally, Doctor Haslinda would come and check on my “bukaan”. Hours passed. 1cm... 2cm... 3cm.... when I finally said:
“Omg sakit sangat dah tak tahan, I want an epidural!“
Ok no, that was a lie. I initially didn’t want to take an epidural. I wanted to try and bear with the pain, but Mirin convinced me to take it, so after tossing and turning like a dying fish I finally said okay. 
The anesthesiologist came after what felt like an eternity, and asked me to sign a consent form. I’m not really sure what was written in that. Siapa je ada masa nak baca terms and conditions panjang panjang bila tengah contractions??? 
He told me to sit on the edge of the bed, while hugging a pillow. I remembered him injecting some numbing spray, then I felt the BIG NEEDLE poking through my spine. Then.. that was it. It was so fast. The entire process took only 5 mins. Was it painful as I thought it would be? No. Was it still scary tho? Yep hahaha.
Soon after, Dr Haslinda pecahkan air ketuban when I was 4cm dilated. It didnt hurt because I was on epidural, but I felt so much warm liquid flowing out non-stop. So bizarre. 
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Once you’re on epidural, you’re basically bed-ridden. No bathroom trips anymore, my legs feel like jelly. Sometimes the nurse will come to empty my bladder with a catheter. When the epidural kicked in, I could finally sleep. I slept like a baby. I slept for hours. Painless. No more feeling like a dying fish. And so I thought.............
3am. I woke up with INTENSE CONTRACTION PAIN. Why is it so painful? I thought I’m on epidural? I called the nurse straight away. Turned out the epidural drug ran out. It was sooo stressful because the nurse that was on duty that night didn’t know how to topap balik the epidural drug into the machine. She called her colleague, then the colleague also tak tahu. Then both of them spent like forever to troubleshoot how to use the machine, sampai lastly kena call doctor tanya. YA ALLAH, rasa macam nak maki je. 
7am the next day. Bukaan baru 7-8cm. Doctor decided to use another form of induction to speed up the process. It’s called pitocin, and injected through my IV drip. Within MINUTES, I could feel very intense and painful contractions, that the epidural can’t even help. So throughout the remaining 7cm to 10cm, I felt every inch of real labor pain. I clenched Mirin’s hand. So tightly that I think it got bruised. A minute felt like an hour, and an hour felt like years. It was soo bad that my memory was so fuzzy. 
Finally, it was 10cm. Time to go. They put both of my legs up, macam gambar bawah ni haha: 
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                                      Picture courtesy from Google
There were two nurses, one small cute Malay nurse, one pregnant Indian nurse, and my OBGYN, Dr Haslinda. I love them all, they were so supportive and nice to me throughout my labor process. My doctor taught me how to push correctly:
“Take a deeeeeeep breath then tahan, clench your fists, chin down and teran macam nak berak sekuat-kuat hati“
I was so determined to get the baby out. I just wanted the contraction pain to end. I did everything they told me to do. I hold on to Mirin’s hand, and PUSHHHHHHHEDDDDDD! I could hear Mirin saying “You’re doing great sayang!” After several pushes, and some sips of water breaks, the baby’s head is almost out. The head was the hardest to push. Besar! I literally felt like my down there was stretching to its limit. Once the head is out, I did another small push, and the rest of the baby’s body macam keluar instantly macam super slimy like that haha. 
Finally the baby is out! 8.26AM! The contractions stopped immediately. I instantly feel like I wasn’t pregnant anymore. The doctor then injected something on my thigh, then my uri just popped right out haha. My body felt so tired, but so so light. Lega, yay no longer pregnant haha. I ended up having second degree perineal tear without an episiotomy, and was stitched. I felt the benang, ngilu. I felt the needle pierced through my muscles too. But it didnt hurt so it wasn’t too bad. 
The baby gets cleaned up. Then soon all of the nurses left the labor room, it was just me, Mirin and our baby. Mirin picked her up, and azankan. Mirin started crying, I cried too. It was magical :’)
We did skin to skin and tried breastfeeding for the first time. As I look at her, hair was so thick. Her cute little fingers. Her beautiful face. She’s perfect. 
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                            I slept for 5 hours straight after the labor
Thinking back, I have no idea how I managed to muster such courage to go through all these. Mirin even told me that during the active labor stage, when I was pushing, at one point I pushed so hard that my entire face turned blue. Talk about adrenaline.
Do I want to have another baby? Well, lets keep a rain check on that question for another few more years to come xD
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ruffiorocks · 5 years
Supergirl Season 5 premiere review!
Ok!! So there's a lot to process here but first off WOW! Bravo! 👏👏 as season premieres go that was probably one of if not the best.
Ok... So opening scene, you could so tell that was a simulation from the way Kara talked. I should also like to give a big 🖕🖕 to all those that were dragging Lena saying she either:
1. Gave herself super powers
2. Used Kryptonite
3. Punched Kara in front of some school kids.
Is it just me, or does Hope the AI give off an "I'm going to become sentient and be a massive pain in the ass?" Vibe? 🤔🤔
My poor baby Lena, how awful must it be to believe that everyone you know has betrayed you, that you can't trust them and you have no one to talk to? So you create your own personal AI that won't (probably will ) betray you, oh and you bring someone (Andrea ) back into your life when clearly things haven't always been smooth sailing? Poor Lena!
Ugh..Must they throw out politics less that 3 minutes into the show? We have Kara talking about registering to vote?
Ok, so everyone is praising Kara, she's talking about having her work recognised, Baker and Lex being taken down, but yet again there is NO mention of the fact that it was Lena who figured out where Lex was, Lena who helped Kara/Supergirl etc. Oh that's right I forgot, the show doesn't like to acknowledge when things couldn't have been done without Lena 😤😤
Naww Alex and Kelly are so cute.
Kara suddenly has a dislike for technology?? Random and purely there for plot convenience.
Not going to lie but Jonn is kind of boring this episode.
Ok... So here we go again, Kara using stupid excuses to not tell Lena. Ugh.... this is getting so old and cliche to the point it isn't even funny anymore.
Yes!! They have Kara acknowledging that lying to Lena for so long while being all about 'truth' wasn't fair.
Yes Alex the voice of reason Danvers!! She can tell Kara off essentially while still praising her and letting her know she is good. I'm loving how it's ALEX who is saying Lena needs to know!
😂 Miranda Priestly, yes Brainy I quite agree! Id rather face Hannibal Lector than her. Oh bring back Cat Grant!!
😂😂 omg that handshake! I'm willing to bet that Alex's laugh was just Chyler not being able to keep a straight face and they kept it.
James is boring.
Strangely turned on by the way Andrea says her name 😅
James is boring.
Not going to lie, I know Lena wanted Andrea to keep the sale of Cat Co a secret, but I'm actually glad we got to see Kara's shock at not being kept in the loop. Humble pie much??
Ok the exhibit is funny.
Did they have a casting call for a creepy kid?
Katie is so good at the whole pretending to be happy and friendly whilst plotting face 🤣. Morgana much?
Oh.... Kara is being indignant Lena did something without telling them all?? Another bite of pie Kara?
Hahahaha 🖕 to all those that said Lena didn't buy Cat Co for Kara. (I know she might be saying that to explain the sale away, but it's been said so it's canon!)
Oooh Lena is really making it obvious she knows 🤣🤣 awkward much lol
Karas cape is more important than a bomb to Brainy 😂
Ooh here that's scene at Cat Co. I stand by my last post, James and Kara are incredibly rude to their new boss and have zero right to speak to her that way. James and Kara used all of the staff to gang up on Andrea and it's just not on! I love how Andrea roasted James though!!
Does anyone here ever read a contract before signing it?
Am I the only one thought Andrea was Lenas ex when she said "relationship"?? 😅😅 false alarm lol
Why is Kara still flying with a crap cape? She doesn't need one to fly.
Midnight isn't all that exciting.
Oh so Jonn remembers Manchester Black, but i take it no one wants to acknowledge his blatant MURDER Of the disarmed non powered human? Ok writers you can forget it all you want, but I'm not going to!
😂 Brainy! It is great fun to watch Jonn shift into Kara!
Oh Alex you angel and voice of reason.
Yay Kelly!! Lovely advice, love how she's the one who convinced James to leave! Kelly just got a massive boost in my eyes!
William is hilariously obnoxious!!
Erm... Did Kara just FULL ON verbally attack her new boss? Threatening to fight her boss on everything? Dictating what Andrea can and can not do? Giving out demands? Jesus Christ, Andrea I know you said you're not going to fire her but man I would have on the spot!! Kara is waaaay out of order and getting way to big for her super boots!
I don't think William and Kara are going to be a couple, that's the exact same story as Mon El and Kara. No one wants to watch that again.
Ok so now Kara is bragging to Alex that she verbally attacked her new boss, telling her what SHE will and will not tolerate? Omg Kara get a grip!
Alex?? You're encouraging this? You were supposed to be the voice of reason!
Naww Alex and Kelly are cute!
Ooh Brainy is so funny! "To small to be perceived". He made her a new suit!
Holy s**t!! Kara just out right came out to Lena!! I really thought she would drag this out start rambling and not actually do it So Lena sees her change instead. But good for her, about bloody time!!
Lena genuinely looks shocked! She didn't expect Kara to come clean! Puts a spanner in Lena's revenge plot there lol
Jesus the acting of these two!! The facial expressions and the tears! Mel is really selling it! Bravo 👏👏
I'm loving how Kara is acknowledging all the things we've been saying, how her reasons for keeping the secret were dumb!
Oh I don't trust this Hope AI at all! She's encouraging Lena to hate on Kara.
Oh the speech, and Alex's awkward look!
No way was Lena going to immediately forgive Kara, I know we wanted to think it but Nooo! Far to soon lol
Omg!! It was Lena Kara activated her new suit infront of!! I'm living for that!
HOLY SH*T MUSE!!! Yesssss!!! What a sound track to use!!
Alex "how do you guys change so fast?!" 🤣🤣
Oh.. ... look...... Guardian is there.....Hopefully for his last appearance
Fight itself isn't all that exciting, and I feel like we didn't even get to know Midnight, that was way to quick.
James quit, good! Leave!! Seems a bit stupid he doesn't care about never being a journalist again though. But I won't dwell, because I genuinely don't care.
Alex and Kelly! Oh my heart!
Oh so Brainy has had A LOT of romantic experience then? 😏
Aww he loves her!!
I'm glad they had Brainy acknowledge his feeling at having been dark for that short time.
Nawwww a kiss!
That little girl is way creepy!
Oh so Jonn doesn't know he has a brother? 🤔 interesting.
Oh look Lena gets a super watch, ABOUT BLOODY TIME!! That could have prevented so many problems! Straight out of a fan fic lol
Oh yes, I don't trust this AI Hope!!
Lena no! You are NOT a Luthor!
Ok... so all in all a fab episode, nothing was dragged out thank RAO! I don't hate Lena for wanting to expose Kara, it makes sense from a comic point of view and from the pain she feels. The important thing is she didn't do it. People are allowed to feel like they are going to lash out when they are hurt.
I quite like Andrea, she's a breath of fresh air! Plus she isn't wrong in her ideas, just because it's something Kara, Nia and James don't like doesn't mean it's wrong. I think she was treated horribly and despicably by Kara and James though. Especially Kara! That was way to much and she should have been sacked. I'm really happy someone is at Cat Co now that is challenging her and not doing whatever she says, I think the days of Karaolsen magazine and Kara running out whatever she wants are done. But this is good!
Nia is adorable but didn't get to do much.
Jonn was pretty boring this ep considering the villain was out to get him.
James sucks!
Brainy is sooo cute and funny!
Alex and Kelly are the best!
Alex being the voice of reason is what I'm here for, now I want her to go see Lena.
Hahaha Kelly is the one to thank for ridding me of James.
The acting between Mel and Katie here was brilliant, the emotions the tears, the deception? Wonderfully done.
Lena didn't create any VR tech so take that haters!!
Kara's war on tech sounds like it's going to be for boring reasons.
I don't trust this Hope AI!
Lena isn't done for yet, "a fight for Lena's soul!" We can all find our way back to the light!
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royvelasco · 4 years
Top Things To Do In Chiang Mai
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Just like most of the South East Asian Cities on the tourist route, Chiang Mai offers limitless Buddhist temples spread throughout the city. But what really stands out with this popular city north of Thailand is its rich history and colorful culture that still blend into the modern time.
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If you’re already tired with the hustle and bustle of Bangkok, Chiang Mai might be the place for you. It can still give you the hyper vibe Bangkok has but with a more laid-back feeling into it. It is still a province and far off from the capital, so expect to get a rustic, slow-paced, stress-free environment from time to time, which is actually a good thing!
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I can actually compare it to Bali. You can party yet find relaxation at the same time. Though instead of beaches, you’ll be on the mountains here in Chiang Mai.
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How To Get To Chiang Mai?
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Your best bet in getting to Chiang Mai is flying in to Bangkok. Numerous international airports fly in to Thailand’s capital so that wouldn’t be a big issue.
Once you’ve stepped in to Bangkok, either you can stay for a few nights (recommended!) or go straight to your destination. Taking the night bus or train is the most famous option for budget travelers, yet flying in to Chiang Mai can also be cheap. Take note that the bus and train can take between 11 and 14 hours of travel. Make sure to check airlines like Thai AirAsia, Thai Lion Air, & Nok Air as well as they offer cheap flights domestically.
How To Get Out Of The Airport (Chiang Mai International Airport)?
I actually had done enough research on how to take the public transportation from the airport to the Old City, where most of the attractions and accommodations are. There is an option which looks like the most local one called Songthaew or a shared pick-up taxi (usually red in color) available once you exit the arrival hall. I’ve also bumped into an article online mentioning about airport shuttle vans with designated stops in the Old City. And of course, your “trustworthy” airport taxis ready for your service for a steeper price.
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Despite of these options I got, I hadn’t taken any of them since good thing, Grab is available in Chiang Mai. Grab has always been a reliable travel app here in South East Asia. It works like Uber that has reasonable pricing and you’ll most likely get a safe and comfortable ride.
Well to be honest, I was rooting for the Songthaew but I was unsure on how to take them. LOL! I was seeing a lot passing by but it looked like some were privately hired. It was not clear to me which one to take and what to do next once I’ve hoped in. I also didn’t see any airport shuttle vans or at least a counter or a queue for them. I was just grateful that Grab was available. :D
What To Do In Chiang Mai?
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Chiang Mai is known to be the most visited city in northern Thailand. Most activities in this part of the country can be seen here that’s why you’ll certainly never run out of things to do in Chiang Mai. My 3 days of stay in this beautiful city might be a quick one yet I can say that I had witness most of its beauty. Listed below are the top things I didn’t miss out on this amazing place.
1. Do Temple-Hopping
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You might already be templed-out if you have been traveling to Indochina for quite some time now. I’m pretty sure that you have seen countless similar looking temples throughout your trip and the last thing you want to see is another temple.
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Chiang Mai might be an exception. I have checked out some of their famous temples and I can say that they differ from one another. Unlike the temples in Siem Reap, Cambodia (which are great by the way), temples here in Chiang Mai feels homely and simpler in structure. They are way less intimidating despite of the golden Buddhas and other statues all around.
Below are some of the cool temples I was able to visit:
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Wat Chiang Man
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Wat Chedi Luang
This temple is my favorite in Chiang Mai as it has an impressive ruin chedi (pagoda) at the center of the temple ground.
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Wat Phan Tao
This temple was not listed on my itinerary but I was able to visit this on my way to Wat Chedi Luang.
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Wat Lok Molee
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Wat Phra Singh
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Wat Sri Suphan (Silver Temple)
Make sure to visit this temple at night to witness its illuminating beauty.
Situated up in the mountain with an astonishing view of the province, Wat Phra That Doi Suthep is considered to be the most popular for tourists. Unfortunately, I was unable to visit this temple as it is quite far off from the Old City.
2. Experience The Night Market
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There are a few amazing night markets to choose from when you’re here in Chiang Mai but the most popular would be the Sunday Night Market or also known as the Walking Street along Ratchadamnoen Rd. It’s a kilometer stretch of delectable cuisine, artsy souvenirs, and cool local events.
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Evidently, this only takes place every Sunday from 4PM until around midnight.
  3. Learn How To Cook Thai Cuisine
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I’ve always been eager to try a cooking class ever since I started traveling. Food has always been a big part of all my travels and what better way to know more of the local cuisine than trying to make them by yourself!
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I almost had the chance when I was in Penang, Malaysia but was out of time. I found the cooking courses in Luang Prabang, Laos quite expensive on the other hand. The perfect moment came when I visited Chiang Mai!
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Thailand definitely is the best place to savor on a gastronomical experience. I was able to enroll for a 3 Dishes - Half Day Course for a reasonable price (the cheapest I saw online) under Mama Noi Thai Cookery School. This activity is available online via Klook and Kkday. If you’re new to Klook, make sure to sign up HERE to get a Php150 reward!
  4. Eat A Lot!
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Thai cuisine has always been one of my favorites ever since. No trip to Thailand is complete without trying their authentic food choices.
If Pad Thai is screaming in and out of Bangkok, you might need to ditch that delectable plate for now and focus more on another local noodle dish made popular up here in the north.
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Unlike Pad Thai that is dry, Khao Soi is another noodle dish served with a creamy spicy curry-like coconut broth.
Khao Soi Khun Yai is one of the popular stalls in the area that sells Khao Soi. I actually had my lunch here before I went to Wat Lok Molee which is just across the road.
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I had this sweet Longan Juice to pair with my spicy Khao Soi.
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Tip: Make sure to go here early as they only run from 11:00AM to 2:00PM and usually sell out quickly.
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  Some travelers even continue their journey way up further to places like Pai, Chiang Rai, and even Luang Prabang in Laos. But Chiang Mai indeed has these countless attractions your eyes can enjoy. I could also say that this is a great place to retire. No doubt a lot of digital nomads has found a home in this charming ancient city with a modern twist. I can describe Chiang Mai as a city away from the hustle. Despite of the city thriving its way, Chiang Mai still manages to hold its tradition making it an authentic city that catches every traveler’s heart.    
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DISCLAIMER: Information above is based on my actual experience during my visit on March 2018. Details like prices, contact information, etc. may change due to different factors. Feel free to comment down below for updates. The conversion rates are estimated and current as of writing.
NOTE: I own all the images used on this blog post unless otherwise stated. Please don’t use these for any purposes, unless you acknowledge the owner. Thank you.
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migleefulmoments · 5 years
Abby is the 1 who needs a reading comprehension lesson. An anonymous person said 'You're a narrow-minded fool if you actually put any stock in whether or not a married man is wearing his ring.' Abby's reply was 'Never once did I or anyone I know say that a married person has to wear a ring.' Am I crazy or is that totally 2 different things? Sometimes Abby is so blind it makes me crazy. Also, if u could do a follow up to her blatherings re her post it would be great. I'm just gobsmacked over it.
I see you wrote another post clarifying it was Cassie who made the comments you quoted but the entire coven’s comments after Cassie just get more ridiculous- “fact” after “fact” of lies and nonsense comparisons.  It’s batty that they believe any of the lies- but they believe them all! 
Anonymous asked: My grandpa doesn't wear his wedding ring because he used to work as an AC/heating repair man (he even taught college courses on fixing heaters at one point) and then was just not in the habit when he retired. That doesn't make his and grandma's marriage less valid. Rings are a symbolic thing that most cultures don't even do. You're a narrow-minded fool if you actually put any stock in whether or not a married man is wearing his ring.
cassie1022 answered: Oh yay, fun. (Cassie -always so charming)  My dear Nonnie, once again, reading comprehension eludes someone that believes in the Miarren myth. Never once did I or anyone I know say that a married person has to wear a ring (and yet Abby pops in below to claim the same but then argue that it IS the ring coming and going that looks suspicious. Let’s pretend that cc rings were real- he didn’t wear them every day regardless of what Abby claims.). Some people don’t wear them because they work with their hands, like your grandpa, and some just don’t feel comfortable wearing them. Let’s be real though. D has never shown an aversion to wearing rings. He’s worn them quite often, even while playing a show (yes, but he also took them off.  It’s his prerogative.  Until he says he’s getting divorced, it’s none of our business). There was a time when the only time he DIDN’T have a ring on was while he was in character (so what? He has had his wedding ring on most times we’ve seen him. You are counting individual photos as entire days and that isn’t accurate)
That being said, let’s examine. When was the last time you think D fixed a car, operated heavy machinery, or, like your grandpa, fixed an AC unit or heater?  (You have no idea what he does in his spare time.  This is a gross comment-some people do things with their hands -build things- because they enjoy it)  (Maybe if he could do that, people wouldn’t be making their own sweat gravy when they go to TSG.)(So now we start with the lies and mischaracterizations. FUN. There are two comments from TSG claiming A/C was broken. Since likely Mia doesn’t own the building, she has no control over the A/C being broken). 
As I’ve already said, rings aren’t for everyone, but I’ve also pointed out that D has been an avid ring wearer most of his life, and there is more than enough photographic evidence to support this. Also, most couples that exchange rings don’t usually stop wearing them in the first year of marriage.(And he hasn’t stopped wearing his now has he?) That’s when it’s usually a point of pride and you want the world to know you are someone’s spouse. (Does Darren seem like the kind of person who is worried about “the world knowing he’s someone’s spouse”? He’s pretty open about his relationship and taking his ring off for an hour or two isn’t indicative of anything).
You know what DOES make a marriage less valid? No legitimate officiant.(LIE)  There are only a handful of states where you can officiate your own marriage, and guess what? Louisiana isn’t one of them.(He didn’t, Joe did)  You need an ordained minister and in addition to that, the minister must register in the parish where the marriage is taking place.
So, if this makes me a “narrow-minded fool,” so be it. I’ve been called worse. (It definitely does).  
ajw720 I needed to laugh this morning, thank you nonnie.(I would imagine you need to laugh a hell of a lot more than you do Abby)  You people really don’t get it (Oh lord).  Also, it isn’t JUST the ring (which is very suspicious especially as he deliberately takes it off at random times, there one minute gone the next) (Here abby argues it isn’t the ring.... except it is the ring) , it is as @cassie1022 pointed out, no officiant (LIE) , weird wedding algorithm (the fact that Abby truly believes there was a guest algorithm says everything there is to say about Abby’s judgment and the cc nonsense)  is FAMILY HONEYMOON (a joke)  constant babysitters (LIE) d’s complete lack of enthusiasm (he practically said he was bored and realized at the last moment that that was bad) (Desperate Abby, you're so desperate) , talked about pooping exes as opposed to how life changed with his bride (and you don’t get that this is was keep from speaking about his personal life? How long have you been a fan? Joking about something to distract from having to answer something private is spot-on Darren), speaks more passionately about his jacket then his wedding (we done got hitched) (This means nothing Abby...NOTHING. He wrote a boring post about his jacket and you’ve been losing your shit over it ever since. IT meant nothing...it was a coat he wore to an event. You only like it because he was boring and serious. It was the farthest thing from Darren I’ve ever read.), announced the engagement using a reference to the wrong freaking franchise (I can’t...this is one of your dumbest arguments out of a lot of arguments. It was a JOKE Abby, a joke.  He used the franchise that made the joke funny. Darren doesnt’ own a franchise)   , FIVE FUCKING encagement rings (LIE), the last of which is an advertisement that she is paid to wear and they haven’t even tried to hide this fact (LIE), utter lack of chemistry (again desperate Abby) , the weirdness with his non-relationship but clear friendship of sorts with his ex co-star (It’s not “weirdness” it’s a nonrelationship-you said it yourself). , the way she is promoted that is beyond excessive for someone who isn’t famous (This entire rant is unhinged. Nobody is promoting her, he’s living his life with her.  Like we expect he would with his wife. There is nothing untoward with their behavior together.  The fact that you have to label it “promotion” says that it worries you a lot). the fact that the sold their entire wedding to about 100 sponsors )(LIE) (I am sure there are more than we even realize), the clear references to fandom at the sham mockery (OMG Abby, give it up. Nobody cares about you), and that this allegedly private couple also released 85% of their wedding for public consumption (They released 27 photos. That is HARDLY 85% of their wedding. You saw a lot of the same photos posted by their friends and it upset you but they didn’t release 85% of their wedding. It was a 4-day event and the wedding events started at around 3 pm and lasted until after midnight -27 is not 85% of 10-ish hours of celebration).  
If it was ONLY that he randomly took his ring off depending on how the wind is blowing, fine, that is evidence alone of nothing.  All of these things, and hundred and hundreds of other facts (which are ALL LIES). (inconsistent timelines (Darren doesn’t owe you a “consistent timeline” that’s asinine)   they don’t know where they met each other RC handshakes (You know that isn’t a handshake- they were photographed together right before the “handshake’ you won’t let go of and he’s heard introducing her as his girlfriend ), D running from her every moment he can, etc, etc)(Whatever you tell yourself to sleep at night), are clear evidence it is fake that is beyond a reasonable doubt (Bwahahahahaha you are conning yourself Abby) .  Him kissing her in her bar is his job.  I suggest nonnie you pay attention to the details (Which ones- your lies or the real details?) And please pay attention to the captain, he hasn’t even been subtle lately, he has been fairly blatant (Le sigh, he isn’t the captain.  He’s a dude who loves his boyfriend Will and writes children’s books that are not cc Bibles) .
Happy Thanksgiving Nonnie!  I hope you can tear yourself away from reading blogs you disagree with long enough to enjoy your friends and family! Cheers!
notes-from-nowhere What love are you talking about, anon? M doesn’t love D and she makes this clear every chance she get (LIE- there is nothing that suggests MIa isn’t in love with Darren). Do I have to remind you how she denied to D’s mom one red carpet to celebrate her son? (LIE Abby fabricated)  Or to D’s dad to be honored for his military past?(another LIE Abby fabricated)  But why listing all of her actions when you know very well this is only the surface.
Btw, I still have to know a singer/actor lost a finger because of a wedding band. Anon, try again, this attempt failed. (SMH)
leka-1998 You know what I like about this instance in particular? Apart from the fact that the ring isn’t off the whole time, he’s still wearing the other one here.
After 284719 years, she should also know what the language D’s mom speaks is called. Seems she doesn’t care enough. (Another LIE that Abby fabricated) 
Also, former platonic roomie says hello. (LIE) 
They still can’t explain away B/enny, the man D just praised for his new album yet D hasn’t even mentioned his brother’s (I can’t explain it but it has nothing to do with Darren and Mia.  You’re the one making it a problem) .  The man that mocked fandom on his IG by referring to M/oulin R/ouge when posting about the fraud in NOLA (Nobody-especially Ben Hudson- gives a shit about fandom Abby. You’re a nobody)  The man who seemingly officiated the wedding (Again a LIE)  And the one who appears to have a dog (yes he does, he lives with his girlfriend, Joanna, and their two dogs) . Hey remember just a few weeks ago when PBB dropped her teeth in the dog’s bowl? Funny as we know she and D don’t have a dog (Nope, they clearly don’t- stop trying so hard).…
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achildoftheivy-blog · 5 years
Chapter 11: Flower Moon
The morning after your first Vampire Weekend concert is an amazing feeling.  If you’re not familiar with Vampire Weekend, they are a rock band from New York, forming in 2006. They are heavily influenced by African and World music with some nice Paul Simon and Peter Gabriel vibes. I’ve been avidly listening to them since 2006 and last night was the first time I was able to see them live. It was also their first time performing in Charlotte. Suffice to say, they don’t come to my neck of the woods that much.
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So for them being one of my bucket list bands, I was entirely prepared to not even go see them. When the fan club presale tickets went on sale a handful of months ago, I had them in my cart, but for whatever reason I said no and didn’t buy them. I must have been in a mood and the steep price didn’t sway me. BUT this is a bucket list band! A list that incorporates bands I’ve mostly been listening since their formation and have made an incredible impact on my life. How could I just pass this opportunity up?
That’s what I asked myself on Friday morning, the day before the concert. They had just released some more tickets in the PIT section, my favorite section right up on the stage. I also saw where they were playing in Raleigh Friday night, so I could have gone there also. I had an opportunity in front of me to experience a potentially good time and I’ve been trying to put more of an effort to chase those experiences.
I bit the bullet and bought the Charlotte PIT ticket along with a Fast Pass ticket. FYI, if you can purchase a Fast Pass ticket and you are in a situation where the concert is first come, first serve on standing position, it’s no doubt worth every extra penny to get one.
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So yay, I got the ticket and I was looking forward to a nice time. I felt I should have been more hyped, but maybe it was because I saw the weather forecast and it was calling for severe storms. 
I’m about sick of these storms lately. They postponed my Lord Huron concert, we got a rain shortened Day 2 Gears and Guitar Music Festival, and it put a damper on my Asheville hiking excursion. The rain just needs to chill. 
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It’s already difficult enough to go to a concert by yourself. You kind of have to mentally pumped yourself up knowing that it’s just going to be you. You don’t have the luxury of someone saving your spot, going on a beer run, or just having that amazing shared experience with someone. It’s even more difficult when you are dealing with that and you are driving through dark clouds and heavy rains towards the concert. I was fighting myself to not bail on the show and just hang out in concord mills instead. But I continued forward and I was determined to go through with it and make the most of it.
I’m going to be honest with you all right now, I’m not a person who believes in destiny, karma, or stuff happens for a reason. I think life is inexplicably chaotic, unfair, and it is what it is. I believe if you rely on life or the universe to give you or someone else their karma or comeuppance you’ll be setting yourself up for disappointment. Having said that though, there is something to be said for last night, that is just a unique series of events that just made me think. 
So the rain is now at a constant hard drizzle and I go to my parking lot that I’m familiar with at this venue in Charlotte. Although now, it’s not free parking it’s paid and I have to go up to the attendant. The guy is says it’s $10 and I’m thinking no problem. I was pretty sure I had around $15 on me. I open my wallet and there is a 5 and four 1′s. 
Must’ve been a girl to take my other $6 - they tend to do that.
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I’m doing my best at holding up the line as I’m scrounging for change. I find .75 real quick and then I pull apart some interior and I find a another quarter. I’m in. PHEW.
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I park and I grab what I now discover is the world LARGEST XL poncho. I’m in one of the trendiest parts of Charlotte and I’m looking like a damn fool in my over sized clown poncho.
Whatever, I make my way towards the amphitheater to get in line. Now, when I have PIT tickets, I try to get to the venue an hour before the doors open so I get be one of the first ones in to get a spot up front. I was about 75 minutes early and thinking it’s all good. I get to the entrance and the fast pass line is completely lined up. I’ve never seen anything like this before. I’m thinking to myself, “WTF is a Fast Pass good for if everyone has gotten a Fast Pass?!?” It ruins the whole purpose of it!!!!
I’m moping hella far back in line, in the rain, inside a family tent converted poncho, and alone. I don’t want to be here. I want to leave. 
Then things start to turn. 
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When the attendants where going through the line make sure everyone was in fact a fast pass holder, there was a commotion!!! Apparently a whole group of people were at the wrong venue. There is like 3 different music venues within the same block. A crow of people in front of me left. I was back up in line in a more manageable position!
I eventually get into the venue and I go looking for the PIT area. Of course, I make a wrong turn and by the time I find out where I need to go, I’m about 10 people farther back in line than what I was when entering the PIT. I see that all the up front spots are taken, but I continue to the other side and there is a section open, but it’s a couple of security guards leaning up against the rail and no one else there. I go there and ask if this is open and they are like yeah, have it. So I ended up getting a pretty damn good spot up front and I’m able to lean against the rail. Apparently people though it was a security section, which is why people weren’t standing there. 
I got my spot, but now here lies the problem with going to a show solo. If I were to leave it and get a drink or go to the bathroom, someone else could take it. So I was hoping whoever ended up next to me could be cool enough to help me out. So that person arrives......it was the most Type A couple there could be. Loud, in your face, and just immediately not the people I would generally get along with. They were asking people to slide down and trying to get into spots that were being saved. But, I tried to feel them out a bit as I was planning my move. Eventually I just had to get a drink and I started a conversation with them and they saved my spot as I went to get a $13.50 beer!!!
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They turned out to be really cool concert neighbors and it’s way more common to get bad ones in my experience. Also around this time the rain stopped, so I ditched the industrial tarp and it was all sun’s out guns out!
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Now the show has begun and the one main aspect that I love about seeing my favorite bands live is that I get to hear songs that I’ve heard millions of times under a different light. I may hear an instrument I never was able to pick up on a studio recording, they may play an extended version of a song, or a lyric will hit you in different way and change your life. The entire night was like that and it was for one song in particular. I’ll get to that a little later. 
Vampire Weekend ended up playing around a 2 and a half hour set with all my favorite songs. That is a hefty set time, more than you would usually get at a concert. And looking at the Raleigh set list the night before, this was definitely catered just for me. I don’t know if I could have asked for a more perfectly suited set list for me. The crowd was full of energy and the band totally fed off of it. There is always a chance that a band you like could totally suck live. I’ve experienced that before and it’s a bummer. But this concert was everything I had hoped for it to be! Truly a memorable experience.
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The concert has now ended and I’m starving. I hadn’t eaten for 11.5 hours and I have a couple beers in me. I needed some sustenance if I were to make it back home. All the little food places around the venue were packed with the post concert crowd. So I decided to escape the parking lot and grab something quick and unhealthy on the road. Whatever is still open at midnight. I was looking for a Taco Bell to get my protein burrito, but apparently those are few and far between on this stretch of highway. So I was going to settle on a McDonalds too. I get to an exit that had both a Taco Bell and a McDonalds. I start to get on the exit and it hits me. This is a bullshit exit that I remember that I went off on a while back. I know that taco bell was trash and 3 miles off the exit. I was going to do that again. I then saw the Mickey D’s right off the exit so I just decided to give in and go there. I was getting woozy. 
I get in live at the drive thru and I could look inside to see that it’s only ONE PERSON handles the orders and making the food!!!!!!
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I legit was going to just leave, but I that point I was trapped inside the drive thru curb and the line. It was so slow and I was stuck with my dumb McDonalds decision. Then I noticed two huge pick up trucks hauling these immense trailers. They pull to the side of the parking lot and a few people get out. After a bit a dude comes walking towards my car and knocks on the passenger side window. I sighed because I don’t want to deal with people, but because of the person I am, I tiredly rolled down my window with the help of a healthy UUGGGHHHH.
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He tells me that they won’t be able to get their vehicles through the drive thru to order and that If I was to order for them he would pay for my meal too. I’m a super nice person, so I obviously said yes. I was also not thinking and I probably would have said yes to most things. 
So here I am in my car finally ordering and the are on the other side of my car telling me want they want as I relay the order to the cashier. It took around 40 minutes from when I get stuck in line to when I finally got the order. I gave the food to the people and they told me to keep the change on top of paying for my meal. So I made out with a little over $10! Pretty sweet. 
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Now I’ve been thinking about everything that has transpired during this evening. The push to fight myself through the storm to get to a very important experience. Being on the spot to come up with money last second. Going out in public looking like a fool. Disappointment in showing up early and still being disappointed, Dealing with making wrong turns and setting yourself back and having to interact with people you normally wouldn’t get a long with. Being in a position to open yourself up to helping people when your not fully 100% yourself. And having to make the best of what you got with instances you can’t control, like the weather. 
Last night, everything happened for a reason. Despite the bumps and annoyances in the road, I had an amazing night. And all those issues are just little irritations. I don’t think I could have handled last night as well without going through those same situations on a much larger scale the past year. Everything I have been through has allowed me to handle the same circumstances that I went through last night. And last night taught me that maybe, just maybe there might be a tiny bit of room to accept that things MIGHT happen for a reason, sometimes. Because everything that happened last night put me in a a position to have an incredible and rewarding time. 
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Within the time frame of one night, it’s easier to see that concept.  It’s a lot more difficult to see that things happen for a reason when you are waiting months or years. I guess that is just something I have to be better at looking forward to.  
Now to get back to what I mentioned before about a song hitting me a different way. The song is called Flower Moon and you can listen to it below. They opened the show with this song and the lyrics just set the whole tone for just the night, the past couple weeks, and just me in this current moment in time.
“Flower moon cursed the night 
If the sun don't make things right 
Then it's gonna take a year”
“It was the right place, wrong time 
Another night at the borderline
Another night in the sway of the flower moon 
It was the right week on a cursed day 
Another chapter was underway”
“A shift in weight 
A simple twist of fate 
Suddenly, it's much too late 
The rising tide's already lapping at the gate”
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softspideys · 6 years
Time After Time (Part XII) (Peter Parker x reader)
summary: peter parker is your worst enemy, but he’s also your soulmate. life is funny that way.
warnings: none
words: 1.7k
pairings: peter parker x reader
a/n: hello, there’s probably going to be only 3 chapters left of this if I can plan it right (key word being IF) but I’ve got some more ideas planned for the future yay
It seemed like with each passing day, the lines between you and Peter got blurrier and blurrier, and you weren’t sure how to feel about it.
School got out for winter break and you didn’t see him too much then, busy spending time with your families, but every now and then he’d swing by your window and stay the night. Sometimes he was hurt, other times he wasn’t. Either way, you were always glad to see him.
But on New Year’s Eve, he managed to coax you to the top of your apartment building, sitting on the edge with you and kicking his feet back and forth.
“Aren’t you supposed to be on duty?” you asked.
He shrugged. “Yeah, but it’s no big deal.”
“Well, I’m honored, truly, that Queens’ very own masked vigilante is choosing to spend his New Year’s Eve with me.” You fake swooned.
He rolled his eyes, knocking his shoulder against yours. You’d gotten used to seeing him in his Spider-Man suit by now, and had to admit you liked it. It made him look . . . older, somehow. All the hard lines and muscles of his body that were usually hidden beneath sweatshirts and flannels were now on display. He was becoming less of the annoying kid you used to fight with and more of . . . a hero, really.
“If you accidentally push me off this building I’m gonna kill you,” you threatened. You still hated heights, but slightly less so when he was there.
“For the millionth time, if you fall I’ll catch you,” he said. “Have a little faith.” But you noticed he put his hand behind you and leaned towards you, so his arm was almost, but not quite, around you.
For a few minutes you sat there in comfortable silence. Then you checked your phone and saw it was five minutes to midnight. “Almost the new year,” you commented.
“Yeah,” he said. “This one’s been a weird one.”
You laughed. “Yeah. It has.”
“This time next year we’ll be seniors,” he said, sounding almost in awe. “And we’ll be like, applying to colleges and stuff.”
“I know. It’s scary.”
“Do you think . . .” He hesitated. “Do you think you’ll leave New York?”
“For college?” He nodded. “I don’t know. My mom and dad really want me to apply to some Ivy Leagues, but I really love it here. So if I leave Queens, I’ll probably still stay close by. Columbia or Cornell or even Yale. What about you?”
“Yeah, same,” he said. “I mean, I still gotta be Spider-Man, and I gotta stay near Mr. Stark in case he needs me for anything.” You nodded. “And, you know, I don’t want to leave May. Or . . . or you.”
His last sentence made you look at him quickly, but he was staring straight ahead. Slowly, you smiled, and now it was your turn to bump your shoulder against his. It was a freezing cold night out, but you’d never felt warmer.
The 60-second countdown to the new year startled you both. You could hear the loud roaring and cheers from Times Square even all the way across the river, but being alone with Peter on the roof made you feel like you were separate from all of it, like you were in your own little corner of the world.
Ten . . . nine . . . eight . . .
Slowly, he turned to look at you, and the weight of his gaze made you nervous. Your faces were so close together, but neither of you moved.
Seven . . . six . . . five . . .
The air between you felt charged with electricity. You definitely didn’t miss the way Peter’s eyes flickered to your lips and then back up.
Four . . . three . . . two . . .
It was now or never.
One . . . Happy New Year!
“Happy new year,” you said quietly.
“Happy new year,” he answered.
Peter slowly started to lean in, and you did the same. The noise of everyone around you faded out until all you could hear was his soft breathing and your own heartbeat pounding in your ears.
But just as your lips were about to touch, Peter pulled back. You swallowed, feeling your throat go tight with embarrassment, but then you realized he was looking at something in the distance. A building, bathed in orange and red.
“There’s a fire,” Peter said, scrambling to stand up. You did the same. “I—” He looked at you helplessly.
“It’s fine,” you said, thankful your voice didn’t give anything away. “Go. I’ll see you later.”
“I’m sorry,” Peter said, so softly you almost didn’t hear it. Then he turned and leaped off the roof, and you waited until the sound of his webs hitting the sides of other buildings had faded away to admit just how disappointed you were.
* * *
You and Peter never discussed what happened on New Year’s Eve. There was a part of you that so desperately wanted to, but you were afraid of what the conversation would lead to.
So, you didn’t talk about it, and when school started up again, the two of acted like everything was normal.
A few weeks into January, you were having one of the worst days ever. It seemed like everything that could go wrong actually was. You’d stayed up well past midnight studying for a Spanish test, only to oversleep and miss your train to school. You barely managed to make it before the bell rang, exhausted and frazzled.
You hoped that your Spanish test would be somewhat easy and make all of this worth it, but no such luck: you sat and stared at the paper for most of the class before winging it and guessing the answers.
Your teacher, who was a notoriously fast grader, had them posted just before lunch. You checked your phone as you left your history class and groaned, wishing the floor would just open up and swallow you whole.
Farther down the hallway, you could see Peter standing by your locker, waiting for you. You trudged towards him, knowing he could probably feel the bad mood you were in.
“Hey,” he said as you approached. You didn’t answer, preferring to just fall into his chest, resting your forehead there with a sigh. You could feel yourself relaxing already, just by touching him.
“What’s wrong?” he asked, tilting his head down so his lips brushed the top of your head as he spoke. “What happened?”
“I didn’t do well on my Spanish test,” you mumbled. “At all.”
“Oh no,” Peter said, concerned. “I’m sorry. What’d you get?”
“An 81,” you said quietly.
There was a pause. You lifted your head and saw Peter was smiling at you in a bemused sort of way. “An 81?” he repeated. “That’s not even bad. That’s a B!”
“B minus,” you sniffed.
He laughed. “But that’s no big deal. I thought you meant you, like, failed or something. An 81 is great!”
“No,” you said, your voice rising a little. “It’s not great, not when I studied my ass off and thought I did really well on it. Especially since it’s one of my worst subjects.” You leaned back into him again, squeezing your eyes shut so he wouldn’t see the tears threatening to spill over. “And I’ve had such a shitty day already.”
“Oh,” Peter wrapped his arms around you, hugging you tightly. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to brush it off. You’ll do better next time, I know you will. You’re so smart. This is just a minor setback, okay?”
“Okay,” you muttered reluctantly. 
“Would it make you feel better if I bought you some hot chocolate after school?” Peter said enticingly.
“Stop trying to bribe me,” you said, but you were smiling. You looked up at him and saw he was grinning down at you, raising his eyebrows hopefully.
“You know you want it,” he said. “And so do I, so please say yes.”
You rolled your eyes, laughing. “Fine, sure.”
“Yes!” He did an over-enthusiastic fist pump, nearly clocking you in the nose. “Oh, sorry. I’ll see you after school then, okay?”
“Okay,” you agreed. Peter smiled at you, squeezing your hand for a brief moment.
“See ya.” He shouldered his backpack and walked away. You were used to the feeling of longing you got whenever he wasn’t near you, but it was still painful.
“Wow,” a voice behind you said. You turned. Your best friend was standing there, eyebrows raised.
“Would you just admit you’re in love already? It’s sickening to watch.”
“What are you talking about?” you asked.
“All that hand-holding and smiling at each other? Cheesy as fuck, by the way, and also a sign of being in love.”
You rolled your eyes. “Wrong. We’re just friends.”
“Friends. Don’t make me laugh,” she said. “The two of you should just kiss already.” You must’ve had a strange look on your face because she furrowed her eyebrows. “What?”
You reluctantly told her about the events that occurred on New Year’s Eve. When you were finished, you thought her eyes were going to pop out of her head. “Holy shit, dude! Why haven’t you guys talked about it?”
You shrugged lamely. “I don’t know. I didn’t see him for a few days after that, and then we both just sort of . . . didn’t mention it. But it’s not a big deal.”
“Oh my God.” She shook her head. “Listen, you know I love you, but you are so stupid sometimes.”
“What’s that supposed to mean?”
“You like him. A lot. And he likes you. You’re soulmates, for God’s sake! I don’t know why you won’t just admit it.”
The two of you had started to walk down the hallway, and you stared straight ahead as you let her words sink in. Finally, you said, “I do like him.”
“Like, a lot,” you said before you could stop yourself. “Like, I think I care about him more than anything in the world. Should it feel like that?”
She didn’t answer, and when you looked over at her she was smiling. “Yeah,” she said. “It should. And I bet he feels the same way.”
Later, as you sat across from Peter at your favorite cafe and watched him get whipped cream all over his nose and mouth, you finally allowed yourself to wonder what would’ve happened that night on the roof if he didn’t have to leave so early.
tags: @tohollandback @what-the-heck-life @curlycals @rudegrungegirlxx @dontmeanlove @hufflepuffbitch @fanboyswhereare-you @hollandroos @twentyjuanwinchesterz @space1boy @peteparke @peterp-peterq @theguildenark @ravenclawnerdfromnarnia @thisisthetragicstoryofme @peteparkly @imaginingadifferentlife @infamous-webhead @1enchantedfantasy1 @spider-quackson @draqcnheartstrinq @ariii271 @artistic22dragon @sammy-holland @5-seconds-of-sarcasmm @komunyska @acciomarvel @nycspidey @princess-shurii @avesagittarius @converseskyline @unicorn-sparkles123 @m4df4n @bluemaximoff @thebookwormfairy @hi-mishamigos @queenophelia @stephie-senpai @whystopkeepon @qtest-trash @onxybunny22 @prettygirlonatrain @im-meant-to-be-bi-myself @itsallthesame @xabihailx @4-a-m @embrel @thumper-darling @akigaskarth @lightrain-loudmind @1happygir1 @meoodle @spider-mendes @tinynlwt @rosegoldpavi @slfllester @cynicallystiles @kimcarcrashin @wallacetdog @alienadvocate @rosieredcheeks @stranger-marvel @iknowisoundcrazy @kawaii-girl-101
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courtingstars · 6 years
Notes for Storming the Castle, Chapter 9
Hello again, dear AkaFuri readers! It feels SO nice that it hasn’t been too long since I last updated. I replied to all the Ch. 8 comments on Ao3 (YAY), but I did want to mention that I’m still planning to reply to several people who left me really nice notes here on Tumblr as well. Hopefully that’ll happen later today or this weekend, so thanks for your patience! (Also I apologize for the awkwardness of replying two weeks later... Family holiday stuff last week turned out to be, uh, a lot? //laughs) On to the notes!
Most of my notes this time are brief, since I didn’t have too much in the way of cultural info or setting inspiration that I haven’t mentioned already. But in the interest of sharing, here are some things I remembered…
(Cut for my usual rambling about Akashi’s house and previous fics and mental health and also THE SPOOKY STUFF/why KnB is a supernatural story anyway...)
The “Italian velvet” reference in the pillow fight
This is a really silly note that I’m including just to demonstrate how out-of-control my Google research gets… Here are some throw pillows made from Italian silk velvet, which was the fanciest imported fabric I could come up with for the pillow fight scene. (Because of course I managed to squeeze a pillow fight scene into my super-dramatic sleepover fic, haha. XD) And in case for some reason you want to know a little bit about the super-posh history of this fabric, I’ve got you covered.
(… Seriously, why do I look up things like that?)
The Akashi Family Portrait
The huge portrait of Akashi and his parents is something that I’ve been preparing to include in the story for a while… It was inspired by those gigantic paintings you often see in super-fancy European estates, that idealize powerful members of the aristocracy. (Or royalty, in some cases!) Since the Akashi house is a Western-style mansion, the idea seemed pretty fitting, as over-the-top and surreal as it is? //laughs Over on my Pinterest inspiration board for this fic, I included a bunch of different ideas for the gown that Shiori is wearing in the portrait. I especially like the color of this one and the overall silhouette of this one but this is spectacular as well. (Her gown probably wouldn’t be as low cut as those examples, for multiple cultural reasons, but you still get the general idea?) There’s actually a lot of Shiori-related inspiration in that part of the board, including a couple KnB images!
The Traditional Tatami Room
So this one is interesting… Back in Chapter Five, you might remember that Furihata’s house—like many Japanese homes—has a traditional Japanese-style room with tatami mats on the floor. Since Akashi’s house in the anime is based on an actual Western-style mansion near Tokyo, my initial assumption was that his house wouldn’t have any traditional rooms. BUT, it turns out the actual house does have at least one room with tatami mats, as you can see in the third photo from the bottom here. (You can also see a photo of it in the first link!) So I decided to include it in Furihata’s midnight exploration of the rooms, where he discovers the Akashi family butsudan.
I’ve mentioned butsudan in the notes in Part One, but as a quick reminder, a butsudan is a family shrine that is partly used to honor relatives who are deceased.
References to Fast Train
Since it’s been a looooong time since I posted the first story of this series, I did want to mention that a few of the things that Furihata thinks about during Part Two are referring to events that happened in The Fast Train to Kyoto. Furihata’s first dream about meeting Shiori is one example. Another one, in this chapter, is when Furihata sees Akashi’s father in person for the first time, and remembers that Akashi once told him that he “was instructed to keep people at a distance.” That’s from their phone mail conversation in Chapter Seven of Fast Train.
I try to make sure that any fic in a series can be read by itself, so I usually stop to explain these references in some way, for those who didn’t read the earlier story. But that one was vague enough that I figured it deserved a nod!
Photo References for the Bedroom
I linked some of these before, but since the final scene featured Akashi’s bedroom so much, I thought I would link a few of my photo inspirations for his bed here, here and here. Also, I forgot that he wasn’t wearing the robe in the previous chapter, so here’s a few photos I picked for possible inspiration there. (Those are both a little fancier compared to what I saw in my head, but I’m okay with that? //laughs)
Furihata’s Anxiety
I won’t go into panic attacks and anxiety here, since that information is pretty readily available online… But I did think it was worth mentioning that while Furihata has panicked in front of Akashi in my fics (and in canon!), he says that until now he’s tried to avoid having an attack that severe in front of a friend. Since this series is meant to be about two people who struggle with different mental health disorders, I think it’s noteworthy that Furihata trusts Akashi enough at this point to let his new friend be around him when he’s at his most vulnerable, and to see the full extent of what he struggles with.
(And I’ll also say that this is a theme in the series that’s going to come around again. I won’t say exactly how, because of the spoiler factor, but… I bet a lot of you can figure it out! Seriously, your insight about where the story is going constantly amazes me. <3)
All The Supernatural Stuff
To be honest, I have no idea if I should be apologizing or not, for how supernatural this chapter gets? //laughs Several people have told me that they’re still reading this series because they enjoy the idea of Furihata having supernatural powers, like the ability to see auras. So, uh… I hope you enjoyed this chapter? XD
I have to admit that from the beginning of A Spark of Light, I was planning to include various elements of the supernatural. (I was foreshadowing this in Fast Train too, so, see previous note? //laughs) That’s one of my favorite things about KnB, if I’m 100% honest… I’m obsessed with all kinds of fantasy and speculative fiction, so I love all the little hints in the KnB canon that something kind of supernatural might be going on with the Generation of Miracles. Like how Kuroko has absolutely no “presence” but the GoM have really strong ones, and how they all have that weird clairaudient vision of a door opening in that one episode, and… yeah. XD Even the more subtle stuff, like all the different patterns of matching names (no kidding, almost EVERYONE has names that match in different ways, even Seirin and the Uncrowned Kings!). Plus the way the GoM are the only ones with super colorful hair, and also Akashi’s slitted pupils? (SERIOUSLY WHAT IS WITH THE CAT PUPILS, WHY DOES NOBODY IN CANON EVER ASK ABOUT THAT.)
Come to think of it, I can go ahead and mention this now… The series title, A Spark of Light, is meant at least partly as a reference Furihata’s first name! “Kouki” includes the kanji for “light,” and one translation for its full meaning is “establishes brilliance.” (Light symbolism is super important in KnB in general, for obvious reasons. XD) So the title partly refers to how during the series, Furihata’s intuitive and supernatural powers are “sparking” to life, and this affects pretty much everything that happens. (And it’s one of the reasons why he is able to get so close to Akashi in the first place.)
Side note: This is loosely related to the reoccurring thing with Furihata (or a character that represents him!) holding a small light, like a lantern/candle. I also use a lot of fire symbolism for Akashi, because fire is pretty strongly associated with the color red in Japan. So one is the “spark” while the other is the “flame,” basically? METAPHORS. //I’msocornyohgodhelp
In any case, the supernatural parts are definitely becoming more and more important to the plot! Furihata doesn’t fully accept some of what he sees in this chapter, but I can say that he’s going to have to face some of what it means for him (and for his connection to Akashi) very soon.
(And hopefully I didn’t creep anyone out too badly with the ghost stuff… I know some of you definitely saw it coming! But with any luck, the way in which it was finally introduced had an interesting twist to it… I hope?)
As always, thanks for checking out my ramble-y notes, and thanks so much for reading the fic. <3 See you again soon for the final chapter!
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hockeyandstuff91 · 6 years
How did this happen? - Part 6.5
Word count: 5,242
Players: Tyler Seguin, Alexander Radulov (mentioned), Jamie Benn (mentioned)
Other people: Katie
warning: cussing?
Authors note: Sooo part 6 was a little longer than I thought it was going to be haha oops.. So I had to split it into 2 parts. SO here is part 6.5!! Again this part is ALSO a lot longer than I thought it was going to be but hey! yay for long parts! haha xD Also I hope you guys are enjoying this story because I have a feeling this series is going to be LONG! I have so many ideas for this one and with having multiple people as characters there could be even more. I'm having more and more ideas everyday and Ashlyn also has been giving me ideas for stuff to do with her character so I hope you all are ready for that haha Love you all so much and thank you all for supporting this series I really appreciate it! I haven't forgotten about the other one I started, I just have been way more motivated to do this one because its multi leveled which as a writer gives me a lot of depth to work with, which I enjoy :) and I hope you all do too!!
Part 1    Part 2    Part 3    Part 4    Part 5   Part 6   Part 7
(Brooke's POV) (continued from part 6...)
Jamie smiled and brought Katie over, nudging Tyler who was on his phone, typing something. He finished and put his phone in his pocket before looking up, seeing me for the first time tonight in my dress.
"Wow," Tyler smiled and walked over to me, taking my arm.
"What?" I laughed softly.
"Nothing you just look... Beautiful," he smiled at me, walking me inside behind the other two couples, looking at me the whole time.
I blushed and looked down at myself and smiled back up at him. "You think so?" I asked softly.
He nodded and held the door open for me. It wasn't the reaction I was ready for. Granted Tyler had complimented me before but this was different. All of the worries and feelings I had earlier in the day went right out the window when I noticed he was still looking at me. It felt nice to be appreciated like that, especially from Tyler who meant the world to me. Maybe Katie and Ashlyn were right.
The boys escorted us girls over to the table that had our name tags at. I even had one, which surprised me. Tyler pulled the chair out for me and I smiled, a little surprised. Katie smiled at me and I sat down, Tyler sitting next to me.
"Thank you," I said. "I like your tie," I said noticing that he had matched the dress pretty well.
"Thanks. I love the dress," he smiled
"Thank you. Oh yeah!" I grabbed my wallet out of my purse and gave him back his card. "Almost forgot," I laughed and smiled.
He laughed and took the card back and slid it into his wallet.
The six of us talked to each other for a bit while we waited for the rest of the Stars and WAGs to get here. I watched as the front door opened and a number of couples made their way inside. There were two more seats open at the table but I couldn't see what the name tags said.
Ashlyn was sitting to my right, Rads next to her, Katie and Jamie across from Tyler and I. Rad nodded to the two empty spots next to Tyler and I at the round table.
"Who else we got?" He asked Tyler.
Tyler leaned over to read the place cards. "Looks like Honks and Janmark are hanging with us tonight," he said, sitting back up straight.
Just as he said that the two of them walked up, looking at the name tags of the table next to us.
"Over here," Tyler said, resting back against his chair and putting his arm over the back of mine.
"Ugh we are stuck with you?" Honka teased and laughed as he sat down.
"Not like we are excited either don't worry," Tyler responded, smirking.
"Oh calm down children," Katie said shaking her head.
Before long the rest of the tables were filled and a guy got up on the stage at the head of the room with a microphone and started to greet us. He made a speech about the children's hospital and how much they all appreciated that the Stars were here tonight to donate some things for the silent auction. I hadn't really been paying much attention to the rest of the room while talking with everyone but I now noticed that it had filled with many people I didn't recognize because none of them were apart of the team or staff.
After some food the boys headed off to go mingle with some of the other teammates and buyers for tonight where the dance floor was. It was a nice venue, and it was quiet. Not a lot of media just a few cameras here and there. It was a nice and calm start to the event world that I'm sure Tyler was going to try and talk me into going to more of with him later in the season. I imagined that at other events it was a bit more busy and less laid back than this one was, but I was happy to just relax with the girls at the table for now.
"I saw how Tyler looked at you as Jamie and I walked by," Katie smirked at me.
"Oh quit," I laughed, blushing a bit and looked down at my lap.
"I told you there was nothing to worry about," Ashlyn smiled at me and I nodded.
"Yeah you're right. You know I overthink everything though."
"Don't we all," Katie said, taking a sip of her wine.
"So is this how all events go?" Ashlyn asked Katie.
She shook her head as she set down her glass. "No this one is a bit more laid back being that its a silent auction and the boys put together a bunch of signed jerseys, sticks, and other stuff to sell. Other events can be a bit more of a party depending on what its for. And then of course there are some that are heavy with media and interviews. It just all depends, but you get use to them," She smiled.
I nodded, listening to her. Exactly what I had figured, which was okay, as long as I didn't get asked any questions that put me or Tyler in an awkward situation then I'm sure the other events would be fine.
After about half an hour of everyone walking around and talking with one another and a number of different WAGs cycling through and stopping by our table to say hi, the boys returned as the auction had started.
Jamie and Rads both kissed their girls on the cheek as they sat down, asking them how the rest of the night had been while they were away from the table.
Tyler smiled at me, resting his hand on my knee. I looked at his hand and back up at him and smiled back. My attention was drawn back to the stage as the auctioneer started with the first item.
At the end of the night the boys had managed to raise $15,000 which was amazing. I was so proud of all of them, and excited that I had gotten to be here for all of this. It was a lot less stressful of a night than I thought it was going to be. I had imaged that I was going to get weird looked from the other WAGs that didn't know who I was or why I was with Tyler, but everyone had been really sweet, and a number of them had even complimented me on my dress and asked where I had gotten it.
The six of us all got up from the table, saying goodbye to everyone else that was still left from the team and we made our way out to the valet to get the keys.
"You coming home with me?" Tyler asked.
I nodded "Unless I plan to walk home, and in these heels that's not happening," I laughed as I looked at the shoes that were on my feet. I was thankful we had sat most of the time or I knew those shoes would be in my hands right now instead of still on if we had been up the whole time.
"Yeah no that's not a good idea," Tyler laughed and grabbed my hand, interlocking his fingers with mine as he grabbed his keys from the valet and opened the door for me. I waved bye to the rest of the group as I got into the car.
Tyler got in on his side and started the car, turning down the music a bit and put down my window.
"See you two at practice in the morning. Nice seeing you ladies, you both looked great tonight. Be safe," he waved.
"Bye guys!" I smiled as they all said goodbye back and we took off towards Tyler's house.
The car ride was nice, small talk between the two of us, Tyler holding my hand again. We pulled up to the house and he parked the car in his garage and held the door open for me that lead into the house.
We were met with three very happy dogs who I hadn't seen in a few days so I was just as happy to see them. I looked at the clock on the stove and noticed that it had hit midnight. It felt so much later and I was exhausted at this point.
"I'm ready for bed what do you think?" Tyler said as he walked by me to grab a drink from the fridge.
"Yeah I think so too," I said leaning on the counter, resting my head on my hands.
He laughed, looking over at me. "Well how about we make it to bed first before you fall asleep on the counter," He said and wrapped his arm around me.
"Oh alright," I laughed and stood up, walking up the stairs with him.
"You can use my bathroom to get ready," he said as he opened the door to his room, the dogs running in and jumping on the bed.
"Okay," I said and walked in. I closed the bathroom door behind me and locked it. Grabbing a wash cloth out of the drawer under the sink I started to wash my face off, getting all of the makeup off. Finally I felt like my face could breath again and I smiled. I very rarely wore much makeup besides mascara or eyeliner, so tonight was different for me, but I enjoyed how it had looked. The Instagram pictures me and the girls, and the one with Tyler, had come out great and it was the first selfies I had posted in forever.
After I finished taking off my makeup I then realized that I had failed to bring any clothes with me to change into and sighed.
"Hey Ty?" I asked through the door, not wanting to open it in case he was in the middle of changing.. Okay who was I kidding? Of course I would want to open the door but to be nice I decided not to. Just in case.
"Yeah?" He called back.
"Um.. Slight issue,"
"Whats up?" He asked, I could tell he was right outside the door so I unlocked it and opened it slightly, smiling at him.
"I forgot to bring clothes to change into.." I said.
"Oh that's fine. Hold on a second," he said and turned around, walking over to his closet and came back with a shirt of his. "Here just wear this," he said handing it to me.
"Oh sure trying to get a look at my ass, I see how it is," I laughed and closed the door.
Tyler just laughed "I don't know where you would get an idea like that."
"Uh huh.." I smirked at him through the door and set the shirt on the counter.
I reached behind me looking for the zipper. I tried for a good minute to get it unzipped but I had no luck. I groaned as I looked at myself in the mirror of Tyler's bathroom. "Fuck," I mutter and I hear a laugh on the other side of the door.
"You okay in there?" Tyler asks me.
"Uh yeah.." I respond slowly.
"Whats wrong?" He asks, seeing right through my lie.
"I just.. I can't reach the zipper," I sighed and unlocked the door, opening it slightly.
"Why didn't you just ask?" He smiled.
I bit my lip and looked down. His reaction to me when he first saw me was something that was still giving me butterflies. I wasn't exactly fond of him seeing parts of me without the dress on however. Here was my self conscious side rearing its ugly head again and I couldn't help but dread him having to help me unzip my dress.
"Whats the matter?" He asks searching my face, realizing that something is bothering me.
I look up at him and smile slightly, trying to hide that tears had started to make my eyes watery.
"Brooke talk to me," He said softly, stepping closer to me.
I shake my head and look down. "It's nothing. I'm just being silly is all."
He didn't say anything he just wrapped his arms around me and held me. It wasn't something I expected for him to do but it was comforting in the moment. I was glad that we had become so close with each other that I didn't really have to say much for him to understand that something was going on, even if he didn't exactly know what it was.
I took a deep breath and stepped back from his embrace after a few moments.
"You okay?" He asked and wiped my cheek of one single tear that had escaped.
"Yeah," I said and tried to reach behind me to undo the zipper myself again but it was too far up my back.
Come on Brooke stop being stupid. Just let him help you for god sakes.
But what.. What if he...
No don't even think it. Yes you are a bigger girl and he is clearly aware of that. Just do it and get it over with because there is no way you are sleeping in this thing.
I just loved arguing with myself.. I looked back up at him and he reached out his arms.
"Please let me help?" He asked softly and I nodded.
I slowly turned around, looking down to the ground. I felt him grab the top of the dress with one hand and the zipper with the other. I closed my eyes and bit my bottom lip, trying to breath slowly. It was stupid that I was being this sensitive over this but I had just had Tyler look at me like he looked at those other girls and I didn't want my unclothed body to make him regret that choice.
Before I knew it he was done. It had taken just a second but it felt more like 20. I didn't hear him gasp, or make any weird noises. I opened my eyes, peeking out of the corner of them into the mirror to see what kind of facial expression he had on. It was fine. No disgust or anything wrong. He just looked worried more than anything. I turned around and smiled up at him and he smiled back, kissing my forehead.
"I'll leave you to change," he said and closed the door.
I took a breath, not realizing that I had been holding it this whole time, my lungs aching for oxygen. I slowly let it out and realized that yet again I was worrying over nothing. I wasn't giving Tyler much credit here and that wasn't fair. Sure I was super insecure about my body and I was trying my best to change it to be more how I wanted it to be, but why did I think that Tyler wouldn't still like me if he saw that I had some extra weight to me?
I shook my head and took off the dress and slid his t-shirt over my head.I opened the door and walked out, carrying the dress with me. Tyler was laying on his bed, scrolling through Instagram. Of course he was shirtless. Why wouldn't he be?
"Well goodnight," I said as I started to head towards the door.
"Where are you going?" He asked, setting his phone down.
"Uh.. to my old room?"
"To.. sleep?" I asked, my eyebrows furrowed questioning his questions.
"Oh. You can sleep here there's plenty of room if you want."
I looked at him, my eyes squinting, thinking that he was joking.
"What?" He laughed. "I can move the dogs to the floor, they don't need to be up here."
I slowly nodded and grabbed the hanger that was sitting on the chair in the corner of the room. I hung up the dress and put it on the hook that was on the door of the closet and walked over to his bed. The dogs moved to the floor, cash getting up on the chair to sleep.
"Why are you being all weird? Its not like we haven't cuddled before."
"I know but not in bed," I said and crawled in next to him.
Well at least I was for sure he wasn't grossed out by me or anything since he wanted me to sleep next to him so I guess I could stop worrying about that too.
Tyler reached over and pulled me closer to him. "You aren't going to sleep on the edge of the bed stop being all weird," he laughed and wrapped his arm around me, pulling the covers over us.
I relaxed into his side and rested my head on his chest where it had laid this morning, listening to his heart beat again. I smiled and wrapped my arm over his chest as he rubbed his hand up and down my back gently.
"See this isn't weird," He said softly, pushing my hair out of my face with his free hand.
I nodded and closed my eyes, my breathing matching his. It didn't take long for the two of us to fall asleep like this, and honestly it was one of the most comfortable nights of sleep I had had in a long time.
I woke up to the sound of the shower going in the other room, and the dogs were now laying on the bed again. I reached over and pet Gerry who lifted his head before putting it back down, clearly not wanting to be awake yet. I laughed softly and turned over, seeing that Tyler was walking out of the bathroom with a towel around his waist. Was he trying to kill me or what?
"Good morning," he said as he walked over to his closet.
"Morning," I smiled and watched him.
"How'd you sleep?"
"Really good actually. If I'm gonna be honest, and don't let this go to your head, it was probably the best sleep I have had in a long time."
"Sassy already this morning I see," he smirked at me over his shoulder. "Just like the normal Brooke that I know," he laughed as he grabbed some clothes.
"You got practice?" I asked and he nodded, walking back towards the bathroom.
"Yeah I'll be gone most of the day. Practice until 10 and then we are going to drop the check off at the hospital and visit some of the kids, and then I'll be back for a quick nap and then back to the AAC before the game starts," he said as he went back into the bathroom, closing the door slightly and then opening it again as he walked back out, putting his shirt on in the process. "You can hang out with the dogs until I go back later if you want. The pool just got cleaned," he said, sitting on the edge of the bed in front of me.
"Yeah that sounds nice," I smiled.
"Well you used to live here I guess I don't need to tell you where anything is," he laughed and grabbed a pair of shoes and put them on.
I laughed, shaking my head "Nope I think I remember where it all is," I smiled at him and pushed the covers off of me as I sat up.
"Alright well if we want to invite Ashlyn over if she isn't working you can, since Rad is gonna be with us all day she might be bored too," he said standing up, me following him as we walked downstairs to the kitchen.
"Yeah I'm sure she would like that," I responded and grabbed a water out of the fridge.
"Alright well I'll see you around 2," he said, reaching down to pet the dogs bye and gave me a quick hug before he walked out the door.
As soon as I heard him start the car I grabbed my phone off the kitchen table where I had left it last night and called Ashlyn, knowing she would be up already.
"Hey," Ashlyn answered.
"Hey you want to come hang at Tyler's with me today? And maybe stop by my apartment on the way and grab my game attire and a bathing suit because you love me?" I laughed.
"Oooh you stayed there last night?" She asked.
"Yes," I said, deciding to wait to tell her about where exactly I slept until I could see her facial expression in person.
"Alright I'll be right over," she said and hung up.
I had given her a key to my place and I had one for hers in the case that a situation like this happened and one of us needed something but couldn't go get it.
After about a half an hour I heard a knock at the door and the dogs start barking. I got up from the couch, turning the volume on the TV down and jogged over to the door, opening it.
"Oh well," she smirked noticing my outfit that still only consisted of Tyler's shirt since I had nothing else but what she had brought for me.
"Yeah I didn't exactly plan that well last night," I laughed and walked with her into the living room.
"Mhmm.." she smirked and followed me.
We sat on the couch and I looked over to her, not able to hold back my grin.
"What?" she asked.
"I slept in his bed last night," I said quickly.
"Excuse me?" Ashlyn said, looking at me with a surprised look.
"Nothing happened. He just wanted to cuddle," I said, almost not believing myself.
"Yeah okay," she laughed.
"No I'm serious! Believe it or not he really didn't try anything. It was really nice," I smiled.
"Aww well that's great! See you are getting closer and closer."
"Yeah.. Maybe," I said and grabbed the bathing suit from the pile of stuff she had brought me. "It's too hot of a day already to not enjoy this outside in the pool," I say as I get up and walk to the downstairs bathroom.
"Good I'm glad we are on the same page," Ashlyn laughed as she played with the dogs while I changed.
The rest of the morning was spent lounging in the pool which was nice and refreshing. We were talking about the game that was going on tonight when I heard the dogs barking again and ran inside, realizing that Tyler was probably back home.
Tyler came out the back door and smiled "Hey girls," he said taking off his shoes and shirt.
"Well hello to you too," I said and laughed. Ashlyn smirked at me and I splashed water at her. "How was practice and visiting the kids?"
"It was great," He smiled. "They were all so sweet and excited to meet us," He said as he walked over to the pool and jumped in, managing to splash me in the process.
"Hey!" I laughed as he came back up, flipping me off of my pool floaty.
I squealed and held my breath as I went under, swimming back up. "Ruuude!" I laughed and he swam over to me.
"Oh you'll live," he smiled and wrapped me in a hug. "I just wanted to come out here to say hi and take a quick dip to cool off before I head for my pregame nap," He said and let me go.
"Okay," I smiled.
"Will you be here still when I get up?" He asked as he started to get out of the pool.
"I wont be, I'm going to meet Alex for something to eat before he heads to the game," Ashlyn said.
"I'll still be here though. Do you want me to make you anything?" I asked him.
"Yeah actually that would be great. I have some chicken in the fridge-"
"Maybe with some rice and veggies?"
"Ooo that sounds good," he smiled and nodded.
"Okay I'll get that going in an hour. Go take your nap," I smiled at him as he waved to us.
"Bye Ashlyn see you at the game later," he said and closed the back door behind him after she said bye.
We lounged for another half an hour before we decided to get out of the pool and dry off. Ashlyn looked at her phone realizing she should head out to go meet Rads at the restaurant.
"I'm going to walk in with Tyler I'll meet you out by the locker room?" I asked as I hugged her goodbye.
"Yeah sounds good!" She smiled and walked out the front door. "See ya in a few hours," she said and I closed the door behind her.
I walked into the living room and grabbed the shirt that Tyler had let me wear last night and put it back on over my bathing suit, not wanting to change into my game outfit so I wouldn't get it dirty while cooking.
I went back to the kitchen and started getting the veggies chopped and started to make a sauce from scratch that I was going to put over top of everything at the end. Half an hour later I was just finishing up the chicken when Tyler walked downstairs, his hair a bit of a mess and just wearing a pair of basketball shorts.
"Hey sleepyhead," I smiled at him as I put some of the rice onto a plate for him, adding the sauteed veggies and chicken on top and putting the sauce over it last.
"Damn that looks so good," he said in his sleepy voice which I loved.
"Good," I smiled and brought the plate over to where he was sitting at the counter and grabbed a drink for him out of the fridge.
"Man I miss you living here," he said.
"You do?" I asked, looking at him as I started to plate my own food.
"Yeah its quiet without anyone else here. Plus the food is way better than anything I can make," he laughed and smiled at me as he took a bite.
"Well I can always hang out the nights that I don't have to work the next morning," I said as I sat across from him and started to eat as well.
He just nodded as he kept eating, clearly enjoying the food.
After we finished eating he went back upstairs to fix his hair and get dressed. I grabbed my clothes and went to the bathroom downstairs and changed. We both said goodbye to the dogs and fed them before we headed out to his jeep and drove to the AAC.
I met Ashlyn and Katie was there too when we showed up. We headed upstairs the to suite that we always had reserved for us for the home games and hung out there for a while before they started the pregame practice. The three of us headed down to the glass to watch them practice. I smiled as Tyler skated by, tapping on the glass to say hi to us.
"Why does the one with Jamie's jersey look so familiar?" I heard a female voice whisper to my right. I stole a glace over, my eyes going wide and I looked back to Ashlyn and shook my head.
"What?" She asked.
"Its them again," I laughed.
The two girls from the first game that Ashlyn and I had gone to when Tyler and Rads invited us to the day we met them were standing next to us. Again. It was like the universe wanted to play a stupid joke on us or them I wasn't exactly sure yet.
"Wow," she just laughed and turned back to the glass.
"And that's Ashley, Alexander's new girlfriend," one of them said.
"I think its Ashlyn," the other responded.
"Whatever. She was here that other time we were. And so was she," I could tell it was the blonde one talking, remembering her voice from last time. I looked over to them and smiled.
"Oh so very nice to see you again," I said fakely.
"Yeah... You were on Tyler's Instagram last night," the not blonde one said, stunned.
"Yeah I told you girls to remember me, you would see me again at some point," I flashed a smile and turned back to the glass.
"What are you two dating now? There's no way," the blonde one responded.
"I'm sorry who are you two?" Katie interjected.
"That's Katie," the other one said quietly.
"I know who she said. Just some fans that's all," The blonde one smiled and turned her focus back to the boys on the ice.
I rolled my eyes knowing why they were really there and looked over to Katie who had tapped me on the shoulder.
"Ignore them. They are just jealous," she whispered in my ear.
"I know," I said and watched as the boys skated back over towards us for a few minutes before waving and heading off the ice.
The rest of the game had gone super great, the guys ended up winning 5-2. We grabbed our stuff out of the suite and started to head downstairs to wait for the boys. A bunch of the other WAGs were there, remembering who Ashlyn and I were from last night they all said hi as we made our way down the hall. As we rounded the corner I saw the blonde chick cornering Tyler who had already changed back into his suit. She was putting a piece of paper into his pocket, leaning up and kissing his cheek.
I froze, watching as she looked over to me and smirked. I blinked and turned around, Katie grabbing my arm before I could walk away.
"Don't you dare let her win like that," she said and pulled me with her.
There was nothing I could do, and I wasn't really sure what Katie thought I should of done in that situation. Tyler and I weren't technically together so I really couldn't say anything. But that didn't stop her from dragging me over to Tyler and bumping the other girl out of the way.
"Oh sorry," she fake apologized and smiled at Tyler. "Hey," she said snapping her fingers in front of his face to bring his attention to her.
"Hey Katie," he responded and then saw me. He however avoided eye contact with me, which I didn't really like.
Katie looked over to the girl who was still standing there. "Um you can leave now," she said. I was glad that Katie was sticking up for me because I didn't have much to say right now.
"Whatever," she said and turned to walk out the door. "Call me whenever Ty," she said on her way out and that pissed me off. That was my nickname for him and she was the last person who was going to call him that.
I ground my teeth together to keep from saying anything though and Katie let go of my arm.
"You done ogling at the fake bitch that just walked away?" Katie asked Tyler.
"Oh stop," He said and shook his head. He looked over to me and then back down at the ground. "Do you want me to drive you home?"
"Sure." Was all I could say. This was going to be an interesting car ride home that was for sure..
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