#it's walky
Multiple Births
Round 1 Poll 7
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* Walkyverse shared continuity : "Roomies!", "It's Walky!", "Joyce and Walky!", "It's Pregnancy!", & "Shortpacked!"
-> Sal and Walky from Dumbing of Age will also be in the competition
Read It's Walky
Read Jupiter-Men
Submitted context (including spoilers) and propaganda under the cut
Walkyverse : Were separated at birth to hide them from the Martians because of their genetic modification, and Sal became an edgy badass after her adoptive parents were killed by not-Martian Aliens.
Originally, it was believed that Sal was swapped with a baby from another family because she was the stronger of the twins, and therefore need to hidden more from the Martians. But their mom later reveals that that Walky is the stronger of the 2 and she sent Sal away as a red herring so the Martians would falsely believe Sal was the more dangerous one.
Walky acts like an immature goofball as a coping mechanism resulting from a repressed traumatic event during one of the many alien abductions during his childhood (spoilers here)
Jupiter Men : The Avalon twins are teen superheroes. Quintin is Gusher, with slime-based powers and uses them in innovative ways, and Jackie is Powerhouse, who transfers electricity into different kinds of super-strengths. They also have quite the troublemaking streak as inquisitive kids who are VERY eager to use their powers as they see fit: Quintin for hero and vigilante work, Jackie for convenience and party tricks. Their dynamic as a idealistic/creative brother and a realistic/witty sister is not only believable, but also fun to read, and refreshing as a duo that have their own distinct personalities and lives outside of just "twins" like some media fall into the trap of.
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morningsaidthemoon · 3 months
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streamer au ??????? video game au ???
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I Just Wanted to Acknowledge It
Joyce makes a long over do realization
Title and general premise based on a Bob's Burgers fan comic made by Stevetwisp.
Since things happened between Joyce and Dorothy in Dumbing of Age and things seem like they will keep happening between Joyce and Dorothy, I was curious how that would effect on walkyverse Joyce.
Since things happened between Joyce and Dorothy in Dumbing of Age and things seem like they will keep happening between Joyce and Dorothy, I was curious how that would effect on walkyverse Joyce.
Looking back, it had been building for a while. It came ahead when Joyce was at the gym with Amber. While yes Joyce had super strength, it was hard to spend time with friends as a parent, so this was Joyce's best time to chat with Amber. Well, Amber was toweling off her sweater and Joyce felt a pang of attraction. Well more than a pang. Amber noticed.
“Aw Joyce, is there something on my face?”
“What no! I mean yes! Your hair is in your face!”
Amber tried to brush the hair out of her face and found nothing. “You alright Joyce?”
“Yep, yep fine,” She said in a high pitched voice that suggested she wasn't. She was mostly quiet through dinner that night. Walky noticed something was off with his wife. After Bobby was done telling his parents what he and Donna did that day, Walky decided to say something.
“Joyce, everythin’ okay?”
She smiled at her family. “Just thinking about work tomorrow.”
That night, she was still awake as Walky snored next to her. She grabbed her phone off the nightstand and quickly googled ‘how do I know if I'm bi?’
She scrolled through the phone, looking at the articles presented to her. She wasn't really though, right? It was just a…just a stray thought. It's not like she ever thought about that stuff before. Like she knew that Sal is attractive but she thought any of…of those kinds of thoughts! In fact she used to hate that man stealing devil. She was jealous. Of her long flowing hair, her pretty eyes, and that cute little bu-oh no. Oh no! Was that why Joyce was so catty when she was younger? Was she just lashing out girls she had found attractive?
The next day gave Joyce a chance to distract herself from all her thoughts. Her Kindergarten class this year was particularly rowdy this year so she had her hands full. During recession when the yard duties looked after the kids, Joyce took refuge into the kitchen area she shared with the other Kindergarten teacher, Becky. Joyce's best friend was busy marking the kids drawing with smiley face stickers when she noticed something on Joyce's mind.
“Hey, everything OK? Is Radiah talking shit again? She thinks she's so great just because she teaches the 2nd grade.”
“No, no. I did want to talk to you about something though. When you realize that you were…gay?”
“Well, I guess I shorta always knew. I didn’t really do much since I was living with dad. I didn’t get a chance to really explore that stuff until I ran off to San Francisco to fight the Soggies and I met Dina.” Becky did not mention that she had a bit of a crush on Joyce when they first met and would have made a pass if Joyce wasn't engaged already.
Joyce didn't like thinking about the Soggie War. And while she was glad Dina was alive again, she listened to both her and Robin explain how it happened like six times now and it still didn't make sense to her. Joyce filed the whole Soggie incident as “Robin nonsense” in her head and tried not to think too hard about it. She was super happy Becky and Dina had found each other though.
“Joyce, is this a reason you're asking me this?”
“I think I might not be as straight as I thought I was…”
Becky gave Joyce a big hug. “I knew that you were gay! I knew it! I knew it!”
“Well, I wouldn’t say gay. I'm definitely attracted to men though, so that would make me bi. Does that count? Gay does work as an umbrella term I think.”
“Yeah that counts!”
So Joyce started coming out. First to Walky and Bobby; which involved a lot of hugging and crying. Sal, Amber, and the others were told soon after. Walky even had Jocelyne fly out. There wasn't a planned party, but one started forming anyway.
“So, is your wife gonna get a girlfriend?” Mike asked Walky.
Walky had not considered this a possibility. “Uuuuuhhh.”
“I’m not gonna get a girlfriend.” Becky booed. “I just want to acknowledge it.”
Bobby gave Joyce a shirt dyed in the bi flag colors he made in art class. Joyce put it on immediately.
Also at the party was the Walkerton's publicist, Booster Sanchez. “Aw, this is all very sweet but we'll need a bigger party when Joyce comes out to the public. We could make the announcement. I'm thinking we could get Micheal B Jordan to attend.” Now Joyce and Wlaky didn't want a publicist, but they got calls for interviews for books and TV. It was nice to have some extra cash that came with them too.
While Booster was talking, Joyce pulled out her phone and quickly tweeted, ‘Huh, guess I’m bi. Neat!
’ “There, I tweeted it.”
Booster ran their hand over their face. “What have I told you about tweeting?”
“Oh Booster, you need to focus less on my social media and more on finally getting my webcomic, Julia Gray: Normal College Girl an adaption.” Yep, Joyce has a webcomic. It’s about a formerly homeschooled college freshman; Julia Grey, who has a totally normal college experience and doesn’t convince herself that she's engaged to the first boy she sees, is friends with all her female classmates, and isn’t forced into dropping out to fight a secret war against aliens.
“Yeah, real hot ticket, that is,” Booster muttered under their breath.
“Boy must be nice to have another bi person in the group huh Billie,” Joyce said. “Oh and Danny. And Mike. And Robin. Oh and Marcie.” Joyce paused for a moment. “Our friend group has a lot of bi people doesn’t.”
“Dorothy Keener was bi too,” Billie said.
“Dorothy wasn’t bi,” Walky said.
“I interviewed a couple of her former college classmates after she went to the future and..” Billie made sure that all the kids were out of ear shot. “And I heard stories about her getting caught holding hands with girls while they were masturbating in the dorm laundry rooms.”
“Too bad we didn’t go to college together. I would have found out a lot sooner,” Joyce joked. “Ha, ha. Can you imagine?”
Becky and Dina being together and Becky's involvement in fighting the soggy's is based on the 2018 shortpacked April fool's comic.
I went with Bobby for Machete as his nickname was based on his powers and I'm not sure when he got them in canon.
Radiah and Booster appeared as I was curious on who their walkyverse counterparts were.
I considered Joyce talking with Billie, Danny, and Jocelyne as well, but it felt a bit repetitive in the end, so suck with Becky.
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mrrald · 1 year
A drawing of @itswalky 's Head Alien as a Bionicle
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Genuinely love the fact that regardless of which Superfam/Batfam pairing (romantic or platonic) you're looking at, it's always some variation of:
Batfam member: They're so lucky I'm the normal one.
Superfam member: Holy shit, every single one of you is fucking insane!!!!
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oufrelou · 4 months
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why is he like this.
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delihar · 1 month
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Every major ii fanart I’ve made this past month because I am oh so normal about this show (90% of it involves mephone cuz I love him so badly)
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qprstobin · 1 year
I want a Steve who genuinely doesn't want to play DnD because it's just not his thing! He enjoys watching and thinks some of it seems fun, but just isn't interested in the time commitment, or the math, or various other parts of it.
HOWEVER he does demand, like a child when they find out someone is writing a book, to be put in every single campaign as a random npc. He doesn't want to sit down for hours roleplaying, but he does want that seductress in the tavern to have good hair and be named Stevana.
And this isn't like, something the others don't know about, it's very obvious who it is each campaign. Sometimes Eddie even convinces Steve to do the voice for the character if it's a fun one and Steve isn't at work. Steve enjoys how much it both amuses and gets on various Hellfire members nerves, especially because his characters are always... Pretty out there.
Gareth and Jeff tend to be amused by Steve's characters, unless they are actively getting in their way and even then Jeff at least normally just finds them hilarious. Freak continues to want to study Steve like a bug. A crowd favorite for the CC members but a point of annoyance for the Party was the character that Steve pitched that was infatuated with that quest's main villain and would appear randomly just to say something really suggestive about the big bad, inconvenience them somehow even in a really minor way, and then dip. They were definitely supposed to be rescuing Stefano at one point but he was basically kidnapping himself at several points. Dustin is perpetually annoyed because Steve won't play with them for real, but he WILL play a random bimbo that starts them on a quest and enjoys flirting with the older members characters.
(Will and Lucas are... Maybe a little disappointed he's never flirted with their characters but also, Steve would never do that lol.)
Eddie is fine with it, he thinks this is a great compromise. He gets that Steve doesn't want to do hours long storytelling sessions, but this way he still gets to enjoy time with Steve doing one of his favorite things - creating characters and writing the most annoying stories possible. He loves that Steve is participating in even just a small way, and honestly only having him participate for a little bit at a time is better for Eddie's ability to stay on task anyway. He knows Steve wouldn't have fun being a player but he also knows Steve loves being a problem.
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catsofyore · 3 months
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It seems like a lot of people think of leashed cats as a recent idea but I have many photos like this from throughout the 20th century!
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loveoaths · 4 months
hey y’all, i haven’t been here (or anywhere, really) because my illness got worse.
much, much worse.
the tl;dr is my brain is inflamed and i can’t really think most days. i forget my own birthday sometimes. i have days where i can’t walk. it’s not great.
the long version can be found here on my ko-fi. if you feel like donating a buck or two so i can try to access some treatments and medical services, i’d appreciate it. if you just wanna go full voyeur and see what my deal is, well, i won’t kink-shame you lol.
please share this post if you can!
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glfry · 11 months
Can we agree that the "Thats two things" line from Mike was autistic as shit
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Multiple Births
Round 2 Poll 4
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Read It's Walky
Read Alice and the Nightmare
* Walkyverse shared continuity : "Roomies!", "It's Walky!", "Joyce and Walky!", "It's Pregnancy!", & "Shortpacked!"
-> Sal and Walky from Dumbing of Age will also be in the competition
Submitted context (including spoilers) and propaganda under the cut
Sal and Walky : Were separated at birth to hide them from the Martians because of their genetic modification, and Sal became an edgy badass after her adoptive parents were killed by not-Martian Aliens.
Originally, it was believed that Sal was swapped with a baby from another family because she was the stronger of the twins, and therefore need to hidden more from the Martians. But their mom later reveals that that Walky is the stronger of the 2 and she sent Sal away as a red herring so the Martians would falsely believe Sal was the more dangerous one.
Walky acts like an immature goofball as a coping mechanism resulting from a repressed traumatic event during one of the many alien abductions during his childhood. (https://2.bp.blogspot.com/_h-QV7eIsayI/TJOzPGMY4fI/AAAAAAAAAdo/e9gNaNxHkZc/s1600/20030731a.jpg)
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barksbog · 9 days
the evil part of self employment is that you need to go sit at your desk and do your job while your bed is close by taunting you
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dunmeshistash · 4 months
Sorry if you posted this already but
Do you have the Selkie art? I think there were two shown in the between chapter notes and the adventurers bible
I have these saved!
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In case it wasn't a typo I only remember this Selkie
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taeiris · 6 months
stranger things season 5 is gonna start with the voice of a little boy, singing a familiar song…
and then we see will, singing. THEN we see the demogorgon taking him to the library, everything in between the scenes we know— that we haven’t seen, deleted scenes or new scenes idc.
season 5 is gonna start at the point between will getting to the library and joyce and hopper finding him, what we didn’t see. we get a close look at a tease of how the connection between him and vecna specifically began
and then he wakes up. present s5 time, title card intro begins and the first episode of the final season of stranger things starts.
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andy-clutterbuck · 8 days
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