#its a little early but I also just started building her in my game
fiery-emblems · 5 months
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It's Your Super BunBun Pal, Sharena!
One of my number one favorite designs in FEH! This is pretty much my CYL propaganda for this year so, vote for Sharena!
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puppyeared · 2 months
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i like him
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ktaerssoi · 1 month
cheering for us
summary: cheering through an oddly hard game for kate.
kate martin x cheerleader!reader
as soon as first quarter had started you saw kate falter a little, something was off today. she was playing well, yes, but not nearly as well as usual. not only had kate herself realized, but the coaches and commentators as well.
you could tell she was overthinking in her head, she had tried to block someone but ended up almost tripping instead. you knew she wasn't going to have fun talking to the coaches, and really wanted nothing more then to just talk to her and let her know that this game doesn't define her career.
at halftime you and the cheer team were to do a routine you guys had been practicing, and you guys had done it quite successfully. Iowa was down by 7, but after the little performance spirit seemed to be high.
before you returned to you spot by the side of the court you had an opportunity to talk to kate. "hey, k, you're doing good okay? this game isn't the end of the world anyway, just relax okay?" she nodded at your words and tried to shake out some tension as she watched you walk away
the game had ended with Iowa winning by 12 points, kate scored a 3-pointer in the fourth quarter. you guys were on your way back to your guys' apartment when she brought up her early performance.
"y/n you have to admit i wasn't doing good in the first half," she turned to you for a second, before quickly focusing back on the road. "kate im not going to lie to you and tell you were doing bad." you shook your head, a smile on your face as your arm rested on the inside of the car door.
"but you wouldn't be lying!" kate was smiling, her mood had improved from half time, clearly. "okay well even if you were doing bad, what do you think caused it? reflect on that if you really want to improve."
"so you do think i could improve!" she rolls her eyes as we pull into the complex building's car park. "but i think it was probably you and that other girl on the cheerleading team." you narrow your eyes, confused what she meant.
"what other girl?" you asked as you guys rounded the back of the car to grab your bags from the trunk and bring your stuff upstairs. "the one with the blonde hair, you were like, dying laughing at something she said. i was jealous." she shrugged, and you were a little stunned.
"kate, babe, that girl was telling me about some story about her boyfriend. trust me we are not like that." you smile a little as the tips of her ears go red with embarrassment. "oh,"
the two of you were on the couch watching some sports thing, your head resting on kate's shoulder as you read a book.
a commercial break comes on, and kate lets out a little sigh, shifting under you. "can we talk about how good that halftime routine was? seriously, you looked so good babe." you smiled a little, trying to hide your flustered state.
you put you book down, moving over even more, trying to get as close as possible. "you looked pretty good out there two k, i mean seriously, i was struggling to focus." you smirked as you saw her face goes pinkish again, you sit up a little, kissing her cheek quickly.
"you seriously need to get a headband or something, those flyaways are not flattering." you smile, leaning back as you listen to kate's defense for why she can't wear a headband for the 37th time.
"it messes up the look"
okay chat its offical, i hate everything i write and im quitting 🥰🥰 jk i wish..actually though i suck at writing for requests like this is actually SO FLIPPING BAD IM SOBBING. its also 3pm and the brownies r bomb. anyway, not proofreade dont come for me! also this was weird to write because my name is - kate (see what i did?)
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As If Destiny
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A/N: I too have fallen ill to the widespread disease that is young snow 😮‍💨 like him being so fine is so unnecessary. Some quick notes: I've never actually written a fic on here nor a reader one in general so please deal with me! Also I wrote out this whole thing, posted it, then it went into oblivion and I had to rewrite it completely so I apologize! Please let me know if I should add anything or am missing certain details that seem necessary. Any feedback would be greatly appreciated, thank you loves❤️
Summary: You've always been kind hearted yet admirably defiant. Or that is at least one of the ways Coriolanus Snow would describe you. Ever since grade school, you have always been on the same level as him in academics and one of his few competitors for the Plinth Prize. But as tragedy struck your family, Coriolanus thought you would fall away from his life, but instead, you got even more intertwined (not to mention the complicated past knots tying your families together).
Warnings: Terminal illness, parent death, death and brutality (it is the hunger games after all) characters may be ooc. I read the book a while ago but don't really remember much of Snows way of thinking (I mean I know its toxic and insane but yk the other things) so I will mostly be basing off the film and my own thoughts. Also I can't spell for the life of me so be prepared for bad spelling and grammar. Enjoy loves!
Blood just kept on coming. And coming. And coming. Every violent cough shaking your mother's body was followed by spatters of hot, deep red blood. You quickly tried to clean it up as soon as it came out to protect your mother's dignity and to make sure she didn't choke. It took a few minutes, but the coughing session passed and your mother took deep gulps of water, fighting off your attempt to get her to slow down.
With her engrossed in her cup, you steal a glance at the clock on the wall. As the time for the start of classes nears, the more axinety builds in your chest. Your mother follows your gaze and smiles warmly.
"Run along my little scholar. I will be fine and even better knowing you are sticking your nose in every textbook you can find."
She says in a hoarse voice. You smile slightly and lightly laugh. "That's not how school works, mom. I stick my nose into tissues because of how many textbooks I have to read ."
She rolls her eyes at your little comment and does a little motion gesturing you should be on your way. Shaking your head, you retorted "I still have half an hour till classes begin and I have plenty of time for Rhayen (your driver) to take me to the academy."
You attempt to assure her. Though, it was now your mother's turn to shake her head.
"I know you prefer walking there, don't try to fool me now. You will come back after school and I will be fine. Don't worry, darling."
With a sigh, you stand up and dust off your rouge colored academy uniform and grab your bag. You give your mother a soft kiss on her temple and steal one more glance at the clock. You rush through the halls and down the stairs of your luxurious apartment. The academy wasn't too far from your home, so you could enjoy the walk and the early spring air ruffling your hair.
You tried to smile and nod at the strangers walking past. You needed to clear your mind (distract yourself) so you examined every part of the high class society. Their eyes, faces, hair, clothing, and whatever else you could analyze. With this strategy, it doesn't take long untill the grand structure of the Capital academy to come into view.
As you near the school, you notice a certain curly haired boy sitting on the steps. You feel a sense of relief and pick up your pace. You stop infront of the boy, who seemed too engrossed into his book to notice your sudden appearance.
"Are you behind on the reading or are you being a bookworm?" You question.
He snaps his head up with his familiar smile. "Had some extra time and motivation, so thought I would trudge through this absolute -"
You nudge him with your shoulder to motion to stop talking.
"Yeah yeah I know but be careful: Professor Rhaen always spawns out of nowhere and I would personally prefer if you were not on the receiving end of one of his lectures."
Everyone knew how hard it was to please your professor and how strict your he was. Especially with Sejanus.
He didn't care about his money: professor Rhaen still felt Sejanus was lesser because he was born in the districts.
That sentiment is widely shared with your classmates. From the first day, when little kind hearted Sejanus came to the capital, he was met with stares and whispers. You specifically remember Arachne snubbing the boy. But when lunch came and he sat all alone, seemingly dejected, you sauntered over to his table. Then, just like now, his brown eyes widened in surprise. You smiled and sat down in the chair across from him.
"What's your favorite smell?"
He just stared at you for a while. who asks that. The silence continued untill you got too impatient, a trait you still struggle with, and answer your own question.
"Mine is vanilla because it smells like the sweet cakes my mom makes on special occasions or even sometimes when she is in a really good mood."
A smell that has slowly been creeping its way back into your life after the war. He laughed at your confession and replied that his was lavender, the smell of his mother, or as he calls her, ma.
He was still warry as why you were sitting with him. It was clear you were well liked by your peers and teachers and always seemed to posses the right answers, exemplified in your shared morning classes. But as you both continued your meal and conversation, he felt as if he had been sent an angel that day.
"There's that smile, I've missed it." Sejanus says, breaking you out of your reminiscence.
You duck your head down in some sort of embarrassment and shame. It felt wrong to be smiling and laughing nowadays, especially with the worsening of your mother's condition.
Noticing your reaction and following your train of thought, Sejanus tried to backtrack.
"I didn't mean it like that, Y/N! I'm sorry, you've been suffering and here I am saying stuff like that. I- I- wow I'm such an idiot! I'm truly sorry."
You look up to his genuinely defated and apolgetic face. "You have no reason to be sorry, it's okay. And it's not like I'm the one suffering. I can walk, talk normally, and am not coughing up blood while my face pales and hollows." You say solemnly.
Sejanus opened his mouth to question but was cut off as you both reached your destination. It was best not to discuss your mother's condition around your gossip privy peers around.
You walk to your desks and switch to the topic of later tonight, which you would be having dinner with the Plinths, an occurrence that is becoming more and more often. The last few of your classmates filled in, including Arachne, Clemensia, Festus, and Felix.
A few paces later comes in the charming and handsome Coriolanus Snow. You wouldn't be embarrassed to admit that description, any girl with eyes would agree. With that ever plastered, neutral yet calculated expression on his face, he quickly made his way to his seat, on the other side of you.
He wasn't necessarily friends with you or even Sejanus, but he was far kinder to him than the others were. That's probably one of the many aspects that makes him more appealing. You definitely didn't have a crush on him, but you have zoned out on his side profile once or twice.
Hey, you can't blame a girl!
Well that was your excuse to Sejanus, who caught you seconds in on staring at the blonde. But that was a long time ago. Now you were always zoned out on her.
That's exactly where your mind drifted to as Professor Rhaen began his lecture on the reading assigned. And it stayed there untill the sound of a pen hitting the marble floor brought you back.
You thought it could have been you, especially in your state of hazy focus and sleep deprivation. But taking a quick look at your feet, it was Coriolanus's.
Perfect and proper Coriolanus. Huh.
You hastily grab it and give it back to him, which he accepts with a small greatful smile. A smile that quickly turns into a look of concern.
He grabs your wrist and began examining it. You were stunned and curious what he was looking at until you noticed the deep and clear blood on your wrist, clear even on your deep red uniform.
You must have gotten it when taking care of your mother! You were mentally kicking yourself for being so careless.
"Your bleeding!" He states worridly. He quickly grabs a handkerchief from his bag and attempts to put it on your wrist, but you snap it away from his hold.
You noticed the initials on the white handkerchief. It was his father's. You certainly weren't going to stain such an item of sentiment with blood that wasn't even yours. Her blood.
He was moving to grab your wrist once again but was interrupted by the clear nosies of irritation and frustration of your classmates.
While you and Snow were having your little debacle, Professor Rhaen assigned an extensive research paper that will be due in two months. You understood your peers frustration, the longer you had in this class for an assignment, the more work and harsher the grading will be. But you were greatful for this assignment. It would be a wonderful distraction.
You took a quick look around to gage their reactions and saw Arachne's scowl which made you inwardly chuckle at her expression. But when you came back around to Coriolanus, you saw him still staring at with you a questioning expression.
Questions he would be unable to voice as the bell rang to signal the end of the first period. He tried to stop you or slow you down, but you were extremely focused on getting your materials in your bag and getting out of the intense stare of the blonde.
Sejanus noticed your haste and helped you out, while Snow was attempting to catch up, handkerchief still in hand. But you sped out and straight to the bathroom to wash off the blood covering your hands.
A/N: Sorry to cut it off here! I felt this was already so long (future me after doing some revisions and having some actual writing under my belt - no it's not.), but don't worry I plan on posting again soon! I am excited to see where this is going I hope you all are too!
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fuxuannie · 1 year
Hii! Do you mind doing headcanons of jing yuan, blade and yanqing (platonically please maybe older sister/mother figure) with a sweet and optimistic s/o like they're not overbearing just affectionate and a ball of sunshine and positivity, making treats for everyone and want to make everyone feel comfortable and included(kinda like a mix of nilou and amber my favorite precious girls I love them so much 😭💕🤍) thank you so so much in advance and I hope you have a wonderful day 🥰💌
* pairing(s) : blade + jing yuan x fem reader
* prompt : request
* authors note : i wanted to do this really quickly, and its kind of (very,,) off track of the original request but kind of wanted to try something new! (part 2 will be written if asked by requester ♡)
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In your workplace, it wasn't uncommon for different ceos from several other companies to come visit your boss. Jing Yuan, one of the most famous ceo's, was a name you'd want to have sign a contract of yours. You were his assistant, but only ever to run simple errands while he was busy with his schedule. Not only that, but you were also Yanqing's older sister. Yanqing worked in the same office, but with a much higher position. (In which you were proud of him, but also veeery confused.)
When he told you about a meeting in which another CEO would be visiting the building, a small lightbulb popped in your head and you thanked your brother, a small kiss on his forehead as you went to Jing Yuan directly for this idea. "I hope you do not mind, sir. But I'll be happy to make a few treats for the guest tomorrow, however, I'd have to start early and leave at this moments notice.. I know that-"
"I'll be happy to let you."
Your eyes widen slightly, which he notices and chuckles. "Your idea is very cute, I'll be happy to entertain it and I'm sure our guests will greatly appreciate it." You feel a warm sensation on your cheeks, but bow to your boss and thank him for his time before walking out while covering your face in small embarassment.
He leans his head on his hand, smiling a little at your fluster. "Cute."
On the day of the visit, you weren't exactly informed of who it was. But just knew that the three visiting Jing Yuan's office were a big deal. You stood on his right, and Yanqing on his left, a tray of sweets on the table right infront of you as you waited quietly.
The first person who walked in was a woman who clearly walked with confidence and pride, her hair tied up in a neat bun as a much shorter silver haired girl followed after her. She was playing games on what seemed to be a nintendo switch as she immediately took a seat and focused on her game.
Lastly was a man, his presence slightly intimidated you as you immediately recognized him. His wealth was insane, being one of the richest people within your country, and so that alone made his aura unintentionally (or intentionally) intimidating.
You looked down, but don't notice how that action alone caught his attention. It makes him pause, which Jing Yuan immediately noticed. He clears his throat loudly, which makes Blade snap out of his trance and look at him. "Greetings, Jing Yuan." He greets, bowing slightly with a hand to his chest.
Your boss nods in acknowledgement, standing up as you and Yanqing both straighten yourselves and greet with him. "Welcome." He turns his head to you, then the biscuits you made last night and smiles.
"My assistant made you all snacks to enjoy during our meeting, please, help yourself." You swiftly pick up the tray and walk to the woman now recognizable as Kafka once she took off her glasses. "Thank you, dearest." Next was Silverwolf due to the iconic jacket she wore a little loosely on her shoulders, she grabs one that was slipping off the plate with her mouth without taking her eyes off her game. (A small muffle of approval from her end.)
Lastly was Blade, who smiled at you when you approached. You thought it would be the iconic smirk, the one with 500 edits of and plastered everywhere on billboards and magazines but something about it felt genuine. He took a cookie and thanked you for your kindness, and as you returned to Jing Yuan's side, that smile of his was engraved into your mind.
But seems like you're on a clueless streak, as Jing Yuan and Blade have a glaring contest from across the table after that small interaction. Blade was well aware of how fond your boss secretly was of you, how he knew is beyond him, but it was certainly pissing him off with the unnoticable advances Blade was making.
"(name), would you mind fetching our guests a glass of water? I'm sure they'll need it, as there's plenty more to have." He smiles when you nod and leave the room, as obedient as always.
"I believe our intention was to keep this purely business, old friend." Blade smirked, crossing his arms as Jing Yuan interlocks his fingers, keeps them near his lips and rests his arms on his desk.
"It was my intention, then you looked at my assistant."
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cyberbun · 8 months
Sell me on love with the villainess if you like it so much
What starts as a silly romantic comedy about a girl trying to romance her favorite side-character from an otome game gives way to one of the most beautifully written romances I've read in my entire life, about two people learning to find worth within themselves through each other and fighting the world to love one another.
It's a story, fundamentally, about healing from the damage the world does to you through love - for one is healing from the trauma of being abandoned and never getting to say goodbye to someone you love, for the other from bigotry. It's about finding oneself in another and building something greater than the sum of its parts. Once it stops being a horny comedy it just hits you back to back with some of the most heartwrenching romantic narratives I've read without going full into tragedy territory.
It also helps that Rei and Claire are some of my favorite romantic leads ever, even if it takes a good chunk of the story for their romance to really kick off for good. The manga does a better job of giving them some more romantic development before they get together for good at the end of the second novel, but either way, I'm just such a sucker for undying devotion like that. Rei's early characterization of just being surrendered to ensuring her beloved is happy, even if she is not, just hits such a strong chord with me personally.
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The manga does a good job of showing the growth of their relationship a little bit less one-sidedly, compared to the light novel. There's some wonderful moments that are added or mixed in just through aonoshimo's wonderful art excellent facial expressions communicating a lot of internality for both characters.
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Definitely read the manga, but also check out the light novels - the first two are fantastic, third is my favorite, four is kind of mediocre but still fun, five is the author choosing to take a silly isekai premise and see how far she can run with it, such as "let's make it so it's not an isekai anymore".
The anime, so far, is really surpassing my expectations, especially with its visual direction. I fully expected it to be kind of a throwaway project, but they're really putting everything into it! They even condensed the worst parts of the story into just one episode this week.
Oh also the story also constantly grapples with the inherent maliciousness of capitalism and provides some pretty scathing commentary on being gay and trans in japan - nothing new, but it's refreshing to see something this mainstream get so overtly into the topic. Next week's episode, if they don't coward out of it, should be the one where they have one of the most iconic conversations of the story regarding the latter.
I hope this rambling mess of an answer is what you wanted, anon.
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breakbeatbun · 8 months
i did a lot of "boy things" as a kid and I've always felt less "girl" because of it, i never played with stuff that was considered feminine, partly because i was afraid of judgment, but also i found "boy stuff" more appealing. it's tough not relating to one's peers in a binary way. i would love to play cars
tags on this post for context
i was raised by a mechanic and carpenter so a lot of my early free time was spent in a barn full of tools, machines, welding masks, piles of cut-up BMX bikes we'd find in the garbage, stripped-bare sandrails and their engines, couple rifles or compound bows here or there, probably listening to whatever crusty old rock music my dad put on. hell, i was rowing through the gears of my mom's old square body S10 while she drove us to the store before i was barely tall enough to see over the dash. "hanging out with friends" was playing Guitar Hero or Racing & Skateboarding Video Games, or riding our bikes and skinning our knees. "hanging out with dad" was often target shooting in the backyard or building something; I rarely ever held the flashlight, i had the tools in my hands and grease under my fingernails.
that's a lot of exposition but i'm trying to paint the most specific picture i can! TL;DR, a lot of arguably "boy things" in my upbringing, and i fit right into it, lot of fondness in my heart for it still!
around the time i had my big Gender Awakening at the tail-end of high school i had already been Online for a bit - hell i learned what it meant to feel non-binary from this very website circa 2013 - but it wouldn't be until maybe 2019 or so when i moved out that i really started making other queer and trans friends, and it was pretty immediately obvious that i was extremely different from the rest of my community, both online and offline. of course, nobody was rude about it, everybody was VERY respectful of my name and my pronouns and my identity, but it was still really easy for me to feel "othered" because our shared experiences didn't line up at all; At most maybe i got made fun of for having long hair. it made it really easy to feel like i wasn't doing enough work to justify my queerness.
at the other end of that spectrum, i recently tried on she/her pronouns at the front of my bio, just to see if i was missing something, and i was quickly met with an IMMEDIATE outpour of support from friends and community alike. SO many people were loud about being So Proud of me, Knew i Had It In Me, i had multiple friends message me privately to offer information and easy routes to HRT "just in case ;)" i was thinking about it! and, yeah, it's nice to have that kinda support, i'll admit! but it was hard not to feel a little invalidated in not wanting to change. it really felt like a lot of people, close friends even, just kinda saw me as a trans woman waiting to have a bigger realization, as though being non-binary was just a meaningless stepping-stone to something greater. and i mean, i can't blame them, they just wanted to help!!
today i'm pretty firmly Queer/non-binary (with a little bit of Girl on the side when it's either Appropriate or Funny), and my body and voice are very much unaltered from the ones i was born with. virtually indistinguishable from a cishet version of myself, just with the he/him lopped off and they/she sloppily appended in its place; simply because i don't have the energy or don't care to put much effort into change, and that's very much fine for me. I know damn well i don't owe it to anybody but myself anyway, granted none of it tends to matter much when you present as a rabbit girl on the internet LOL. I'm thankful to have built myself a little space where i can engage with others like me, or where other queers feel welcome to express interest in the things that I'M all about! even if it's a little few and far between. still struggle with feeling like i fit in with The Girls tho LMAO.
IDK! this post is my half-baked love letter to my fellow AMAB NB folks who get treated like Cis Men, Trans Women who don't "put the effort in," or Anyone who can Otherwise Relate in the same, or even an opposite sort of way. we are playing cars together
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lchufflepuffcorn · 5 months
Meeting you pt. 7
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(Not my gif, credits go to its owner/creator)
Author's note: Hi !! I think it's been like a year or so since I posted anything about this series... It's been worked on, don't worry, I'm just awful at being consistent.
Words: 2716
Warning: None... longing... badly written emotions... all other warnings from this series...
Masterlist OGW Masterlist
Serie Masterlist
Part one Part two, Part three, Part four, Part five, Part six, Part seven.
Spotify link
In the night's secret
No sound but the wind- Editors
↺͏͏         ◁◁͏͏        ll       ▷▷        ⋮≡
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It took a little while for the three vampires to plan the perfect cover story for their situationship. Philadelphia was really the town of miracles for Alice's imagination. She'd come up with the story that Jasper was her brother and that (Y/N) was her sister-in-law. It always bothered (Y/N) that the short girl with her was so good at covering up the truth. But this time, the story was adequate and sensible for humans to understand. 
Soon after leaving Philadelphia, the trio stayed in Toronto for a short time. The trio resided in a two-story building owned by a lovely older couple, who took them in without asking many questions. 
"My brother doesn't talk much." Or "My sister-in-law is so discreet." Would say Alice when they were shown the apartment. The lovely -but quite nosy- Mrs. Grant quieted down after that. And (Y/N) remembered why she disliked living with humans all over again. Because the biting envy and bubbling thirst (Y/N) felt from Jasper was one thing, combining it with Alice's and the poignant curiosity from their neighbours was nothing short of unbearable. 
Jasper was not much of a talker, and added to what (Y/N) knew from Alice's vision was not helping her communicate with the man. But the crisp and cold waves of nervousness she could feel wave off of him each time they talked weren't either. 
Every time. (Y/N) knew that the conversations he forced on them were out of duty and under the encouragement given by Alice more than anything else. 
It usually looked like this: 
“It was nice today.” 
"Hmm. Yes, the wind wasn’t as bad as yesterday.” 
“What did you buy at the market?” 
“Oh, just some clothes. You really need some new ones too…” 
But slowly, the cold, shaky feeling echoing in her chest melted into a sparkling and lukewarm wind behind the skin of her neck, and the conversations started to center around things they both liked. 
 And then, after some months, (Y/N), Jasper, and Alice went to Alberta, where they had no trouble constructing their own small house not too far from the Slave River. It was hidden from society, perfect for the diet (Y/N) was trying to convert the other two. 
And then, after some months, (Y/N), Jasper, and Alice went to Alberta, where they had no trouble constructing their own cabin. Situating it not far from the Slave River to add to the illusion of their rustic lifestyle. It was mostly hidden from society, perfect for the diet in which (Y/N) tried to convert the other two. It was also less complicated for Jasper to control his thirst for human blood if no humans were around. Plus, the surroundings were beautiful. (Y/N) liked hearing the birds in the early morning and having water run nearby. 
''East from here, there's three of 'em.'' Jasper's voice said, floating in the wind and through the bushes around them. 
The three of them were running in the forest, searching for prey. Jasper had smelled some moose earlier, but now they were chasing a bear and her cubs. (Y/N) did not hunt with the others often. She preferred to do it alone. But it was always fun to see how Alice and Jasper would try and compete for the first kill every time. While she didn't participate in their games, she liked watching them. It brought life to their undead lifestyle. 
Running through the tall grass and between the tree's roots easily, (Y/N) spotted a rabbit. She lounged at it with ease. It didn't bother her that the animal was little. Smaller animals were more accessible for her to catch without butchering her clothes. (Y/N) didn't like to get dirt on her. Plus, rabbits never travelled alone. She would have plenty to feel full at the end of the hunt, and she wasn't in a hunting mood today, so it played in her favour. 
It had been months since Jasper joined Alice's and (Y/N)'s little clan. He'd been charming and kind and helpful. Even if he thought it hard to change his diet -he often complained about how the animal blood tasted- he still tried his best. It was January seventeen now. A new year had started, yet Alice was deflating each day more to see that neither of her companions wasn't getting any closer. She found it infuriating.
Alice had seen hopeful moments, like when Jasper renovated the cabin. He'd taken (Y/N) words and requests to heart. Or when (Y/N) had consoled Jasper about one of his slip-ups, her hands brushing through his hair as he cursed himself in low growls. (Y/N) had nothing but encouraging words to give him. Then, of course, she gave him a stern talk about how she controlled herself by thinking about things humans did when she couldn't see them. Or again, when he was reading on the porch and (Y/N) was lost in her world, humming a melody only she knew. Alice had to confess that she'd never seen Jasper smile so softly before that afternoon.
(Y/N) liked to think that Jasper took his time to court her. She liked it that way. They had all the time in the world anyway. As she caught a second bunny, plunging her sharp teeth through the fur and into the skin until its still-warm blood flowed into her mouth, (Y/N) got a glimpse of the naked ring finger on her left hand. The familiar shine hadn't caught her eyes as it would usually have.
She'd removed the enormous wedding ring from her finger two months ago, preferring to wear it around the chain on her neck, where too rested a medallion with the triplet's picture.
''Ahah! You owe me ten dollars, Whitlock.''
Alice's laugh took (Y/N) out of her reverie. She looked in the direction her voice came from. The vampire couldn't see them anymore, but she knew they would come back in her direction soon enough. She let go of the now-empty rabbit she was still holding.
Raising from her spot on a tree root, she patted her dress to remove whatever could still stick to the fabric. Jasper's head popped out from behind the bushes. An amused smile lit up his face as he looked over the pixie-like vampire. The blond man stopped as he reached (Y/N)'s height, offering her his arm.
''If I could have the pleasure, miss.'' He said with a smile on the corner of his smile. (Y/N) responded to his smile with one of her own.
''If I must.'' (Y/N) teased the man, accepting his arm by wrapping her own around it. 
The comfortable warmth of the calm he feels, yet a subtle hint of burning cold passion that resists in the pit of his stomach, made her eyes shine. The group walked back to their cabin. Their slow pace is now a sharp contrast to their earlier race. 
''We'll have to get new shoes; you can't be comfortable in those old things,'' Alice called, referring to the boots (Y/N) wore. They were from her time as a nurse for the Second World War. Those boots were still in perfect condition. The older woman wasn't letting her things get hideous or unwearable. Still, she obliged at Alice's request.
''I think we could go in town this week.'' (Y/N)'s butterflies now associated with Alice exploded in her stomach as the girl's face illuminated with a smile. The tiny vampire held onto the other girl's hand before stopping all of her movement.
(Y/N) stopped walking to ensure that Alice wouldn't tumble over the snowy ground. Jasper stopped, too, getting closer to the girl in alarm. He was still getting used to Alice's gift. One of his hands met the small of (Y/N)'s back to help walk over some roots, but Jasper's attention was on Alice too. 
''It's alright.'' She assured, starting to walk again.
''What is it?'' (Y/N)'s tone was worried. Since the other girl had revealed to Jasper and her that they were mates, (Y/N) had asked Alice not to hold secrets about her visions anymore. Especially if it concerned other people. But Alice only smiled at her, walking to the cabin. Jasper, ever the gentleman, held the door of the cabin open for both girls to enter it. He closed and locked the door behind him after following them inside. 
 Jasper was never much of a talker. So the girls had come to realize. But it was alright. His actions spoke louder than every word he could have said. The man walked to where both the girls were seated, but he stayed back a little. On the table was resting the piece of a rocking chair he was building at the moment; he took place behind it.
''We'll have a visitor soon.'' Said Alice before (Y/N) could reiterate her question.
''Visitor?'' Quipped Jasper, ''in this part of the woods?'' Alice shot him a smile.
''(Y/N)'s old friend, my mate, I think.'' This got (Y/N)'s attention. She, too, was wondering why they'd have a visitor so far from civilization. There were only two people who knew their location, and those people were Thade and Esther. The older vampire's face darkened with a frown.
''Which friend?'' She asked. Her hand went to the necklace she wore, holding onto the locket hiding the triplet's picture. Not all of her friends were recommendable frequentations. But Alice only smiled and rose to leave the room. (Y/N) sighed but couldn't ask anything more.
The cabin was somewhat small. Not that the vampires minded it. It was big enough to maintain purpose: not living outside like homeless people. They might not be in any states now, but they could still live comfortably. It had one large room and two smaller ones behind the wall. It gave them the chance to have their place if need be.
Her ring finger slipped into the wedding monument she still had, then back out. A comforting habit (Y/N) took since she started wearing it around her neck. 
So it couldn't be Thade, that was for sure. But, on the other hand, Thade has been married to Esther ever since (Y/N) could remember meeting both of them. So maybe it was Gabriel. Last she'd heard of him, he was somewhere in France teaching history at a university. So that left – in the reasonable choices of friends (Y/N) would leave Alice with – either Gregory or Elliot. But would Gregory come to visit her out there in the woods? Esther, she knew the man was still bitter from their encounter during the First World War, as she was on the Allies' side, and he was on the Nazis.
That only left Elliot.
''What are yeh thinkin' about?'' Asked Jasper from his seat. He could feel her doubt just as she could feel his concern for her. (Y/N) turned her gaze to the man. He was still working on the rocking chair's part. Jasper's eyes shot up in her direction, staying for a second before wandering away. 
''I wondered which of my friends was to be Alice's mate.'' She answered honestly.
The man hummed.
Jasper's hair seemed more strawberry blond in the candle's light than the honey colour they had in the sunlight. His frozen features, kinder in the natural glow, were darkened by the dancing shadow of the flame. The now yellowish eyes he now had matched his hair. (Y/N) could only imagine just what the man's past was to make his face so stoic and emotionless while she could feel every change in Jasper's humour. Even from where she sat, the woman could see on his arm -uncovered as he worked, littered with bite marks. (Y/N) never asked about it, just like neither of the vampires with her wondered about her story. They didn't know about Alice. She could not remember anything from her past except for her first name.
''I meant to ask,'' continued the man after a short silence. ''What's in the locket? You always play with it.''
''Old memories.'' (Y/N) rose from her seat and walked to the table, taking place in the chair facing Jasper.
Usually, the seemingly young woman had no trouble talking about her experience and life. Some things were too hard to speak about, and nobody had ever asked. 
(Y/N) wasn't proud enough to assume her story could interest him more than any other. Tugging the long gold chain gently from her dress to present the locket better to the man in front of her, (Y/N) opened the locket to show the picture inside.
Alice shuffled closer to the both of them. 
Three small boys were staring at Jasper and Alice now, a serious expression on their juvenile faces. The man thought they couldn't be much older than eight or nine years old. He guessed that it had been taken late in the eighteen-fifties, early sixties, from the black and white picture and their clothes.
"The first boy on the right is John, the second, the one with the hat's George, and the last one on the left is Lowett." (Y/N) let Jasper take the locket in his and, it wasn't to see any better the photos, but more like a reflex.
"Were they yours?" He asked. The man could see little resemblance between the triplets and the woman sitting before her in the rocking chair. But there was still something in the expression and the posture that reminded him of her.
''In a way,'' (Y/N) answered. "I didn't birth them or bite them, but they were my children nonetheless." 
Jasper's eyes met hers. Alice smiled and got up. She silently walked to one of the other rooms, closing the door. She knew of this story and didn't want to put (Y/N) in more stress with her emotions in the room again. 
''They were vampires?'' (Y/N) smiled at Jasper's expression. But, then, his incertitude swung in her throat like a monkey to a branch. She shook her head.
''They didn't live long. And brought my creator's death with theirs.'' Jasper's expression didn't change. He looked conflicted. (Y/N) continued, shrugging. ''It doesn't matter now. It was a long time ago.'' 
''And the ring?''
(Y/N)'s smile faltered a little at his question. Then, from the other room, they heard Alice sigh. Her disappointment was bitter in the other girl's throat. ''It was my wedding ring when I was still human.''
Jasper went quiet after that, concentrating back on the rocking chair part. (Y/N)'s eyes followed his movement; she tucked the neckless back into the collar of her dress. Outside, the sun was already setting, and from the windows, the woman could see the timid shine of the slow rising of the moon in the sky. 
She suddenly felt the nip of boredom in the back of her chest. Like she was dragging the world around with her. It made her realize just how cruelly their house missed books, games, and music. If only she'd asked Esther to send her the harp she'd left in her care. But it was too late now. Her friend and Thade were travelling the world in search of his past. The man had felt the need to reconnect with his civilization now that the Second World War had ended. 
Maybe they could buy a radio once they'd gone to town. But, then, the music would fill the house at every hour of the day. (Y/N) missed the time when giggles would fill the homes she was in. She missed her son. 
Cocking her head slightly to the side, her hands resting on the table. The woman's eyes slowly clouded; Jasper recognized the look for when he'd meet her dazing out outside the house. He decided not to push his questioning further and worked silently on the rocking chair again. Alice came out of the room, her gaze unfocused but lucid enough to walk. When she didn't have full-blown visions, she would sometimes lose herself in the pathways of many shifting decisions of the people around her. 
In the silence, (Y/N) isn't aware that she started humming. Her finger played with the locket she'd tucked in her collar. It was a habit she couldn't seem to lose now. She hums the song Alice heard her sing to Esther years ago, and the girl can't help but sigh. 
Jasper just smiled. 
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monstress · 1 year
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                        Favorite 2022 Korean Album Releases
khamat — hunjiya
this album is sonically so so beautiful! the r&b-pop hybrid is trendy (which can be a strength and a weakness) but this album has amazing build up that i cannot ignore. the narrative of zillennial’s blustery self-assuredness with the tracks all in capital letters - ending with last month’s rent in lowercase as the dawning realization of adulthood and growing out of friends and your childhood home. yeah...i’ll drink to that. the best engineered album of the year.
neap paradise — shin hae gyeong
one of my faveeee rock releases of the year. the arrangement of this album is so pleasing as you delve longer and longer in its psychedelic soundscape. it’s also a little reminiscent of korean indie sounds in the early 2010s which mayhaps colored my bias to this album. in addition, there are sooo many individual hooks across this album: when the guitar solo ripssss in Vandalism? the toy laugh at the end of Kaleidoscope? the descending chords in My Chronos? *chefs kiss*
piece of space — kaiavant
this album is soooo sexy...like how can you make marimba in the opening track sound alluring? she did it though! speaking about a shattered, unstable relationship, this alt-r&b is splendidly built and shows so much potential for kaiavant. the track woo hoo (feat. kid milli) is a star. if you’re a fan of bibi’s sound, do check her out!
evergray — jiwoo
his previous album ‘esprit’ got him on my to watch list and he delivered this year!! moody, introspective, and downbeat, this album is wonderful for those searching for a slow night and jiwoo’s voice perfectly emulates the toxicity of lust, love, and breakups. like a dark curtain of rain, it ensconced you in the melodrama if you let it.
nameless things — xeuda
decided to check this album since it was co-produced by cacophony and it didn’t disappoint! if you decide to listen to this album in one sitting, it’s so artful at how it slowly unravels from being defensive in sharing to you the true nature of its artist (her anxiety) and slowly opens up to a crescendo of a frenzy and ends like a grey cast in the aftermath of a storm.
life goes on — orange flavored cigarettes
might be a ~vibey entry to the list but the funk production flares (the underwater effect in kontrast, the reverb in that’s all i want) makes it distinct against its similar bands. this was in constant rotation for the summer for the slow summer nights with its ambient vocals. highly rec check out their other 2022 singles, especially noah.
a.k.a YAYA — yaya kim
this is an insaneeeee album from start to finish. with 33 tracks (yes that’s right!!!!), this album is indulgent, effusive, and operatic in its splendor. it’s magnificent, dark, and seductive which completely matches yaya kim’s husky voice. a concept album for a noir film that doesn’t exist, if you will. from the opening track, it asks you to let down your apprehension and enjoy the velvet-textured, wonderfully performed ride to its completion.
damage — kim doeon
i do love me some experimental albums and this album introduced me to the delightful name of the genre ‘folktronica’. while it’s more ambient than what i prefer, i’ve had this album on replay to able to parse something new with each listen. it’s soooo funky, fresh, and pleasant and it’s production is very evocative of a charming indie pixel game. Green Screen is my fave track of the year.
ㅠㅠ — gonggonggoo009
when this album starts, it does not let up! it’s 40 mins long album and uses it  expeditiously and excellently. the tracks are delightfully groovy at times, addictive in a few, and GOES HARD that you will not fatigued by the end of the runtime. and i know the man has become persona non grata (for good, good reasons) but it will be remiss not to mention the influence of kanye’s my beautiful dark twisted fantasy in this album’s production (the tracks monster, walk and polar bear are pretty obvious - and no, it’s not just because of the autotune). however, as the album goes on it does evolve to take on more of kendrick’s work (concentration is the best track imo). fave khh album of the year, don’t miss out.
♡ ♡ ♡ 
honorable mentions: all of ive’s singles, conch’s hurry up!, kwon eun bi’s lethality, slom’s weather report, rocket punch’s flash, bibi’s lowlife princess: noir, youha’s love you more, newjeans’ hype boy, baek yerin’s pisces, lucid fall’s voice beside guitar, dpr ian’s moodswings in to order
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gamergirlshelby · 7 months
Alright I just finished Chapter 1 of Rejuvenation 13.5 and I have many thoughts I want to ramble about.
I want to note that I have done 100% playthrough of version 13.0 a few months after it had initially released, so although my memory is a bit rusty, I will be talking a bit about some of the changes between the versions (i want to note that they're all positive imo)
Also should note that be wary of spoilers for new content for 13.5 as well as spoilers for story stuff since I want to talk about how good the writing in this game is. I've taken a lot of screenshots and will be adding them when i think they fit in my little rambles and stuff.
Without further ado my ramblings are under the read more!
To start things off I wanna just gloss over the beginning scene with Maria and the prologue on the SS Oceana. From what I can remember nothing really changed between those two sections but honestly I think they are as close to perfect if not as perfect as they can be. They give just the right amount of information to set up some of the first main mysteries and plot threads, and I think they do amazingly at setting the tone for the game.
Next I want to talk about how East Gearen has changed, having made some small adjustments to the city to help make traveling through it all the more easier. I'm happy that the changes were minimal enough that walking through the city I still knew where everything was, so everything felt familiar but it had been different enough where seeing everything game me the same sort of wonder and comfort that it had in my first playthroughs.
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I think the biggest changes being to the designs for the Gearen lab and the Gearen Help Center (I haven't made it to Sheridan yet so I'm not sure if all of the help centers have been changed to be the same sort of layout, or if they all have a unique sort of look to them). The only change I'm not the biggest fan of is the starters all being lined up in rows as shown above. It definitely makes choosing the starter easier since they're all in one space, but having them all in their own little enclosures had this quaint sort of feeling to it. Still I do think that it was a good change overall, it just doesn't pander to me specifically.
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Next change that I want to point out is the ability to take on quests right when you see the npc and not needing to go to the help center. Overall I think everything about quests has been changed to be much easier and more streamlined. The little quest notification does a lot in making finding the details for quests and even just finding quests a lot easier. Overall I'm a big fan.
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I also adore the additions of finding some relevant story npcs out in the world outside of big story events and areas. It just adds so much to the world and helps make the world feel more alive, like its really worth saving. Whether its just small dialogue that doesn't impact anything, a conversation that can build up on your relationships with characters, or even having a quick battle, I love these small changes.
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Next on the list is the completely new content, with the most notable being Mr. Luck's tent. I'm gonna be honest I am a big fan of him, I love this character archetype of just these mischievous tricksters (probably a more common term for this trope but. y'know the sort of characters I'm probably thinking of) Honestly the whole quest introducing Prism Pokemon was very fun! Melia also explains them later on during the Goldenwood Forest section with the fight with the Prism Nidorino, but I think being able to learn about it early through the quest is fun. Also I am just a huge fan of the contracts and items you can trade in. I'm gonna save a bit though for some of the more expensive items though, at least for now. If I can find a way to grind for the Black Prisms easily I'll probably grind for that ??? contract, but I have no idea what it could be (also 999 is a lot,,,).
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Next up I want to talk about the update to Venam's gym! It definitely feels a lot more her than the last one, but I do think there was a bit of charm to the idea that she didn't really get a say in what her gym was like, to the point she made a gym grave yard to help preserve those old gyms. The factory is still there and I'm gonna be honest I kinda just walked there first when it was time to challenge Venam and I was very confused-- Not complaining just a silly thing I thought I'd mention.
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Next I want to talk about the Zygarde quest. I think introducing it during the main story instead of pushing it to the side in the help center was a smart move, but I did not realize who Ayuda was at first when I saw him in Venam's gym. I'm gonna be honest though, I don't see myself going out of my way to work on completing the Zygarde quest this playthrough, mostly just cause I'm not the biggest Zygarde fan, but also its just very tedious to look for all of them.
Next I wanna talk about the Goldenwood Forest Section and I just. Wow I think how it was reworked was phenomenal. First I absolutely ADORE how instead of having it be a cutscene you can help out everyone in Goldenwood made the trip feel a lot more impactful. I adored that original cutscene but honestly I think having a few quick quests to help everyone in the area made what was once gonna be one of the best days ever into the worst day ever feel a lot more... real if that makes sense, telling a story through gameplay and not just cutscenes, something Rejuvenation never had a problem with, but I'm glad they made the change here.
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Also the fishing quest. Oh my goodness the fishing quest. The mechanical Lairon encounter hinting towards the future mechanical Pokemon you have to fight later on even more intense cause like. This rusty old one can give you trouble if you're not prepared for it, and and the fully functional mechanical Pokemon found later on in the game can be pretty rough, especially since there are so many of them in some sections like in the pearl route of chapter 15. That said there was something really funny to me about the idea of this fisherman having the hardest time trying to get a Magikarp haha.
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Next I love the information Melia gives about the mural, how she talks about how the squares couldn't be buildings, since the Garufans hadn't been very technologically advanced. Honestly there being so many differing interpretations for the Garufans and how they handled things is so cool to me, cause I feel like its just like how people who research ancient civilizations are in real life, especially when there isn't a lot of information available. This might be partly because I have this stuff on my mind because I am taking a World Civilizations class rn for my college classes. Karen talking about in the Missing Starly quest that the Garufa were a nomadic tribe that harvested the powers from Pokemon's souls to be able to cast magic. Then in the Hidden Library quest we learn that they hated Pokemon, seeing them as vile pests. Even the idea that their technology was undeveloped is something that gets disproved later on in the story. I just find it fascinating that nobody can seem to agree on what the Garufa were like. I may be pulling at straws here though I just think its cool.
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Next is the whole redesign for the Silent Grove. First I think the name itself is new but tbh I may just be forgetting and I don't feel like looking up an old playthrough to check (tbh thats just me being lazy tho). I personally was a big fan of the grove being a small secluded area, but I think the big castle builds on the lore that was first established in the Goomy Kingdom quest, that being what the world was like all the way back before the calamity decades ago, and showing that there where even more castles. Also it just makes more sense that this would lead to the secret Garufa settlement that we explore in the Pearl Route for Chapter 15. Also I love the new statue design being based on the Ranger sprite for Arceus.
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Lastly I just wanted to say I think the battle with Zetta being changed to take place in a crater instead of the lake front just makes sense. It didn't make sense to me that the park had been closed off for so long after the Rift Gyrados was dealt with. I know it's because the Gyrados wasn't completely gotten rid of, but before it was just overgrown, but still manageable. This level of damage I could see needing to have a full quest line repairing.
Anyways that's it for my thoughts on Chapter 1 and the Prologue for version 13.5 of Rejuvenation. Hope you enjoyed my rambles and thank you again for reading all of them :D
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notamothanymore · 16 days
Around 3 months ago i tried starting a big RimWorld playthrough where i would work on overthrowing and starting a brand new empire while keeping a bloodthirsty sanguophage royal with a hair trigger happy so she doesn't rip everyone that serves her to shreds.
Unfortunately for me having around 500 mods broke the save at one point (kind of fortunately) early in the playthrough.
To make matters worse for me i have already ended a previous playthrough early for the sake of this one since i just had to try it.
But yeah, unfortunately this is all thats left. i will try to showcase what i have from the w.i.p screenshots of characters and ideology i was sending my girlfriend when just telling her what fucked up things i will need to do <3
Starting off with the most important person in the colony
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Luna Vayonor (unfortunately with a default random nickname)
I spent SO MUCH time in the character editor and im still very proud of the result, i often spend alot of time making those characters unique.
I decided to make Luna the best leader i could think of, that being "do as i will or i will kill you and if i have to sleep in a shed for 5 more seconds i AM executing you! You worthlessness pice of- *mental breakdown*"
To offset her specific and exaggerated needs for survival i did make her very powerful by giving her very good traits, skills and skills for the start of the game.
Although i ofc gave her lots of bad ones for character reasons:
- Jealous for alot of negative mood effects if someone has anything better than her (she deserves the best)
- Abrasive is self explanatory she will insult people and has little to no restraint when it comes to saying what she thinks
- Snob was just perfect while creating her. I didn't know it was a trait but here it is! For creating a spoiled royal its just way to perfect
and finally the double edged sword from the traits is quick sleeper believe it or not
Sure it cuts the sleeping time wich is super useful and makes pawns just do more work, but when a pawn is sleeping, theyre not affected by any mood effects. So technically she can have more mental breakdowns that i will explain a bit later cuz they're also special
i actually forgot what everchosen was though
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Next we have the xenotype wich was supposed to be a Modified sanguophage one but i forgot a few of thier genomes lol
i went for a mix of combat focused genes and character building ish genes (appearance and personality)
The most important thing? Epsilon psyker and sanguophage thingys
it was the best choice for making Luna psychic while also (like everything else here lol) having a bad side to it since its a permanent negative mood effect! Another thing about psykers is that EVERY mental breakdown they have is violent, this is why everyone needs to keep her happy, she will kill someone otherwise
oh and since shes a ruler thingy i also gave her a mech link and some cool buffs for it.
Also oh my god blood vomit is such a cool thing for them since they loose hemogen so if they est something bad its x3 as bad for them (1. they get negative mood. 2. in most cases food poisoning. 3. loose hemogen. everything giving mood and stat debuffs? why? because fuck me thats why im not allowed to have fun, Loosing is fun!)
Oh btw i didn't mean to give her long ears,.i thought they were horns cuz i was clicking through the appearance genomes to find cool ass horns.
i picked Low immunity and survival to balance things out and not make her eat 24/7 and underdeveloped teeth for the same reason.
Volatile is just fun and makes things a bit harder and easier at the same time so thats that i guess.
rest is just stats and telekinesis cuz thats cool and fits with a psyker ruler thingy.
and yeah thats about it for Luna Vayonor.
Her name obviously means Moon but i just named her after my old dog i had since i was very little, she was a golden retriever but like, she was the whitest one out there, her fur was almost completely white nit like other golden retriever. Fun fact about her! she used to kind of smile by showing her upper teeth and just sniff like that it was so funny looking and she really tried smiling too! (it was a bit annoying explaining it to people that were afraid but yeah!!! it was silly)
The other character i made for this playthrough is this jackofalltraits ball of anxiety
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again a wip screenshot but he was almost done!
unfortunately i dont have the xenotype but basically a perfect servant for sangophages.
Honestly not much to say about them anyway. Just wanted to have a actual useful colonist.
They have just a name too since its a servant
Oh and my head cannon was thst they were inlove with Luna but ofc she would never love him back (why would she?)
So yeah thats all i have
i looks like i lost the ideology but hell who knows i may find something when im back home
Oh and thank you @out-of-context-rimworld for choosing Luna's name, happy to see that the character will live on in someone's playthrough. It does fit too since they have a lucyferium need.
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kald-dal-write · 17 days
i agree that mentors definitely dont just throw newbies into action (your headcannon with mentoring your first tribute with someone is great i think that is the closest to truth that we can get)
i feel like it should depend on the district? like some district may not have a choice (like haymitch wouldn't have if he get only katniss). so you get your first victor and they immediately join you as mentor for second tribute. in that case it is make sense to share them as boy-boy girl-girl.
also now when i think about it it may be even important to be mentor in your first year, like you would definitely get a lot attention, and everyone would want to know how you would do in your new job... Tho again in case of a careers district they probably more work for a result, like.. you know in some sports like football trainers can become popular as trainers not as players? And for them it may be a real career like you just do new victors for a living and collect them like funkopops. the whole career system made its hard for victors from poor district to ...happen (?), so those victors quickly get a lot attention and everyone want to know how good they at their new job. like for careers its more interesting how the old mentors can create a new victors, and for everyone else its more interesting how new stars can handle their new job.
also yes katniss couldn't possibly know everything but she mention that there is many commentators in the games, they invite guests to discuss the tactics of tributes, she knows some stylist (like she told that she saw Tigress a lot in early games and she told Cinna thats he new here) and mentors are something like celebritys in Capitol (and haymitch despite having 0 victors is something as an old friend for the viewers (not direct quote)), so i think process like mentoring may be actually be at least a little open and known? again katniss wasn't surprised about many things in games process so i kinda trust most things she say.
like for me her note about names in districts for launching rooms was a little bit weird cause the rooms looks like TOO behind the scenes places to have knowledge about. like I don't even see the point of filming them? like yeah you could know that ther are some starting rooms but katniss doesn't react to them. there is no "oh now i know how they look" or something.
i may be bad at explaining but i hope you see my vision 😅
also in tbosas (i feel like snow is a mentor there as an answer to fandoms questions about mentorship) they do film mentors in process (when they speaking about actions in games and when tributes dies) and in movie (tho i personally dont like tbosas-movies take ob many book things) they film the process of sending gifts.
The point is i do think that katniss is more trustful (?) that you think cause she kinda implied that they show a lot on tv
damn i write a lot 😅
sorry about that .... my brain just go brrrr when i think about hunger games system and i haven't actually found anyone to talk about it so its just exist in my head
if its hard to read or you dont want to discuss such things please let me know and i stop ✋🏻
Currently on my reread of the series so can report back when I get further in my reread haha
But like seeing how Katniss doesn’t even know the names of like half the Victors during the Quell and some of them she only learns them during the games/build up the games, you can argue how well known the other Victors/mentors are to District people.
As far as I remember she doesn’t know the names/who Beetee, Wiress, Cecelia, Seeder, Woof or Blight are until the games. (Might be wrong, but as far as I remember this was a thing). All she knows about the D6 Victors is that they are Morphling addicts and never learns their names. She recognises Chaff but that’s because he’s good friend with Haymitch and they are often seen together. Like as far as I remember she doesn’t seem to know the other Victors that well.
The only Victors she seems to know anything about are people she was old enough to witness their Victory for. (Cashmere, Gloss, Finnick, Johanna and Annie).
So either that means they are not shown too much or Katniss does not care/pay attention to that specifically.
(Side note love that it isn’t until Haymitch points out to Katniss never got to meet any Victor after her games/on the tour she is like “Oh yeah that is weird 🤔” jkldjhjsajfh)
Thanks for liking my headcanon around first year mentoring, like it made sense to me. And yes because didn’t have a chance to touch upon it, don’t think you would have the same set up if you are the second Victor of your District, then you are just thrown into it with no “training”
Like make a semi point with it in TOFS seeing as Maureen’s first year was the second Quell so she had to do it alone, because there were only 3 Victors from D6 between 4 tributes so yeah.
Can also definitely see the difference between how people react to Career!Mentors vs Non-Career!Mentors. Like definitley think the Career mentors take it way more seriously, have proper Sponsors they always hit up, like a massive network of them. As you mentioned, have mentors who has worked for years and have many Victors under their belt.
Then the Non-Career!Mentors just have to pray their tribute survive the bloodbath and just hope someone want to root/sponsor for them 😭
And I don’t mind asks like this, love sharing my THG Lore headcanons
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waywardsalt · 2 months
on my knees gripping my head hnngggg i thought abt bellumbeck too hard
tag ramblings are fun and on brand but i have too many disorganized thoughts and tags are limiting.
anyways thinking too hard abt him is an extremely good and fun thing but i cannot draw the way i wish and can't really put my thoughts into fic form so this is very much going to be a fun ramble.
bellumbeck drives me insane we all know this. he showed up in my dream last night as of writing this sentence so he is on my mind, which is surprising bc fictional stuff doesn't usually show up coherently in my dreams but there it was.
it's so incredibly fun to think about bellumbeck. he's such a black sheep of a loz final boss, there really isnt another loz final boss like him in concept or even in 1:1 tone imo. it's so fun to take bellumbeck incredibly darkly seriously.
to be fair bellumbeck is kind of objectively a fairly dark and disturbing final boss on a conceptual level, and it's not really out of nowhere since phantom hourglass has at least a little darkness running through it even if the general tone of the game doesn't really acknowledge or take advantage of it. but if you think about it hard enough even without getting into post-game speculation in regards to what happens with linebeck, bellumbeck is kind of a dark boss and it's great. full on screen demonic possession of a major character with most of the cast incapacitated and link isolated with no escape on the ruins of the ghost ship that started everything and facing a boss that is constantly facing him and both someone he's been with the whole adventure and also the creature that's captured his friends and killed who knows how many people.
it's so oooouuuugghhhh it's so much fun to think about bellumbeck even though it's such a short encounter. it's so... the mystery around bellum, the way linebeck is built up throughout the game and saves link directly before getting possessed, the fucking on-screen vaguely violent possession (i am forever obsessed with the way bellum grabs and tugs on his arms), the way ciela is captured early into the fight, too, the first companion character you meet and, if you had her equipped, it leaves you without a fairy that follows your cursor around for the first time all game, it's very... congrats you and your friends are at rock bottom! good luck getting everyone out of there alive!!!!
of course it's not quite that because this game is geared a bit more towards younger players, but still keeps those streaks of darkness and complexity just simply because they're inevitable parts of this story and it's characters. bellumbeck. i'm talking about bellumbeck. what a soulsborne-ass final boss, huh?
there's only so much a ds game can do in terms of boss animations, but i think a lot about more complicated movements and animations for bellumbeck, so, so much character can be communicated through a boss's animations. in my mind, i enjoy bellumbeck movements with an emphasis on puppet-like flourishes and mannerisms, and an emphasis on weight with how he fights. these two go very well together, and its something i love imagining.
with the latter, an emphasis on weight, would ideally focus on the sword (and im a fan of it being this huge greatsword, reading berserk got me around to liking it because you can do that really well) and how it has to be used one-handed, with bellumbeck leveraging his own weight against it and taking advantage of momentum to use it especially effectively to turn link into a little green and red smear on the wood. attacks blending into each other as he builds up momentum, and using that weight primarily against link, who is a small opponent who relies on rolling around and can’t really stack up at all in terms of brute force.
i imagine this kind of physicality and movement would lend itself very well to bellumbeck also having more puppet-like movements, being a little too tugged-along by his attacks but still retaining his footing, his free arm being just a little too limp a little too often, and his leaning away from his sword side, likely with the intention to properly balance himself out, looks off with how his head lolls unnaturally to that side. the puppetry effect lessens as the fight wears on and bellum gets the hang of the body he’s using, but never actually goes away since he’s not looking to act properly human anyways.
just like... movement flourishes and details that could add a whole lot to the overall experience of bellumbeck that i think about often.
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bashfulgnome · 2 years
10 Years of Wrecking, Week 5 – Overflow
10 Years of Wrecking
Week 5 (Nov. 26 - Dec. 2): Free Week
My friend @cr1ms0nlord shared some lovely art with me and asked if I could write a fic based on the same concept (thanks for the idea buddy!). Well, what better time to release it than on the final day of 10 Years of Wrecking?
The fic is under the cut, but I would also like to thank everyone who participated in this month-long celebration and shared their WIR art, stories, and thoughts with the fandom for the anniversary. I'll continue reblogging any more contributions that I've missed and you're free to keep creating whenever you'd like (believe me, I take a really long time to make fanworks) but a big thank you to all participants and all of my wonderful friends I've made in this fandom. You've made these past 10 years amazing and I'm so glad we've met and bonded over this awesome movie. I hope to have many more good times with you all in the future!
She'd just about finished her ramen, but he hadn’t even noticed. 
The cool early-evening breeze in the shady outdoor patio ruffled the awnings of the shops and hotels along the main street in Extreme EZ Livin' 2. Felix had told her when she met up with him that it might be a little chilly, and insisted on lending her one of his shirts for an extra layer over her tank top just in case. The little button-down uniform wasn't exactly a comfortable fit, but the thought alone warmed her up just fine. It was pretty cute that he’d forgotten the height difference, too.
Tamora watched Felix struggling with the noodles, his eyebrows furrowed in concentration, clearly unaccustomed to this kind of utensil. The chopsticks were smooth and free of splinters (a testament to the quality of the restaurant) but this didn't exactly help him grip his food. He'd spent the entire meal trying to make sure everything went perfectly. She was accustomed to chaos and disappointment–surely nothing could've SNAFU'd a lunch date that badly–but he seemed hyperfocused on making sure he didn't spill anything, or splash any hot broth, or make any noises.
Watching his consideration in overdrive merged affection and pity, how he cared about doing his best for her so much that he suppressed his little quirks and nervous habits. Not that it could've have been possible for him to even do anything in this situation that would drive her off; even when Felix was completely out of his element he always meant well.
It was something that attracted her to him, that even this early on in their relationship he tried so hard and valued what they had started building so much, but she couldn't help feeling that she was killing him somehow. Sprites passing through Game Central and hiding fearful glances, making a hole at her approach...did he sometimes see her that way too? Was he just better at hiding it?
If she stayed too long, would she erode what made him...him? The sweetness, patience, loyalty–how could he stay in one piece? He was used to such a simple life; how could she be anything other than too much? 
Tamora felt her own grip on her wrist tighten. The thought that eventually he'd be disappointed–or worse, hurt–if he got into this any deeper...burned and scratched inside her head. Just looking at him, a tenderness welled inside her chest that compelled her to keep Felix safe, to make sure his happiness wasn't wasted. She couldn't deny her own feelings for him of course, but he'd fallen hard and fast, riding higher than a past-midnight BurgerTime customer. Whatever image he had of her would have to shatter under its own weight eventually, in spite of them both. 
And still, what she’d been through tore at the scars whenever they had started to close, the cuts even deeper with the knowledge that it technically wasn't "real", never had been. That barrier was invisible but solid as any boundary at the edge of the map. It amazed her that the warmth he radiated was even able to pass through that wall, or that she'd turned out to be capable of sending any of her own back out towards him.
Maybe she was healing, the wounds opening less often and closing a little more tightly and quickly each time. Whether it was at his expense she couldn't tell.
Chancing a peek over at Felix, she noticed his cheeks had flushed from the heat of the dish. He lifted his head from the bowl, looked around, and made eye contact with her as he became reacquainted with his surroundings. 
"Still hot?"
His face went blank for a moment before he answered with a delayed startle.
"Oh yes ma'am...the ramen! The ramen's still pipin' hot! Had to take a break or I would've steamed my face right off!"
The corners of her mouth quirked into an unguarded smile. She could listen to that voice read a technical manual.
In a fit of nervous laughter Felix glanced back down at his chopsticks, still awkwardly adorned with a tangle of ramen–the broth dripping onto the table and his pants. Panicked, he took one bite and inhaled, pulling the noodles in with a loud, unintended slurp that bugged his eyes out in surprise.
Something in her chest twisted itself loose. Before she could think, a gale of laughter blew out from deep inside her. She leaned her forehead into one hand and gripped the table with the other, the crashing double-wave of that goofy visual and sound pummeling her previous train of thought and knocking her off balance.
Felix scrambled for a clump of napkins to dry his face and table before that...beautiful sound pealed in his ears. He'd heard chuckles and snorts from Tamora before, but never this lovely outburst of uninhibited happiness.
He reached out a hand to clasp over hers in affection and felt the tickle of an oncoming laugh himself. Unfortunately, he didn't make it past a sharp breath before being immediately reminded that all the spice had settled into that last mouthful of his meal.
“Tha-haaaaat” he wheezed, “wa-haaas a mistake!”
His violent coughs finally shook her out of her laughing fit as she watched him down the rest of his drink in one shot.
"Felix..." she panted, "I-I'm so sorry, the…! The sound just–I couldn't help it, are you okay?"
"Whew…oh my land… I'm just dandy! Nothing a cold drink couldn't wash down. 'M sorry I made such a mess–"
"Don't be. Haven't laughed like that in ages." 
She put a hand across his back, letting it linger on its way, and leaned in to kiss him on the nose. Felix didn't bend, or break, or recoil. He just laid his hand atop hers on his shoulder, and leaned into her with an even redder face and contented sigh.
"I'm glad I got to hear it, Tammy."
It was such a sincere response that she couldn't bring herself to hold eye contact.
"Y'know, next time don't fuss so much. You're gonna need to save that stress for everything else I put you through."
"I'm not jokin', you have a wonderful laugh. I wanna make you do that more often."
"I'm not joking either."
Felix paused. He looked around again and lowered his voice to just above a whisper.
"This isn't about dinner, is it?" He fidgeted with his hammer, running his thumb over the head’s curve. "I know I've been a bit jumpy lately but...I just don't wanna step on any toes. You don't have to tell me anythin' if you don't want to, but I won't be goin' anywhere if you do either. I can handle it, I promise."
Tamora pulled him a little closer.
She'd eaten the stalest crackers and ugliest MREs the service had to offer, but he cooked homemade soup, chili, and pies for her anyway.
She'd show up at her game’s exit covered in blood and grime from work and gotten into some brutal fistfights, but he still politely took off his hat and kissed her hands anyway.
She'd learned to manage the lingering mental scars and nightmares, but he did his best to understand and take care of whatever he could to put her at ease anyway.
Felix may have been a lover rather than a fighter, but if he was tough enough to stay by her side...well, maybe she didn't have anything to be afraid of. All those things Tamora loved about him weren't just painted on. She couldn't wear away something that filled him from the inside out, not any more than he could ever take away the fire that'd forged her relentless spirit in everything she undertook. He'd only ever stoked it.
"I'll take that chance if you will," she finally replied with a smile. "Maybe I can return the favor."
He kissed her knuckles and gazed up into her eyes with that entranced look that always settled across his features in moments like these.
"You already have..."
That settled it. He wasn't about to be one more thing that her past would take away from her.
Tagging some of my WIR buddies: @ask-icancraft-it @ashleybenlove @sgtcalhouns @coneygoil @kittysfigurines24 @fix-it-feesh @sadboy-tristan @make-it-mavis @datamining-your-heart @scarfboyxiv @wirridrs @doodlexx
Let me know if you would like your name added to the tags for future fics!
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fumikomiyasaki · 4 months
💝 for Mellow and Vivienne (or Leroy and Fawn, your choice! :3)
A Valentines kiss (I do both)
on the neck
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Instead of focusing on his dorm work Leroy was this day too occupied with preparing things... he woke up plenty early, went to the city to let his usual crane game skill get him two cute plushies, asked Carol if she could bring some lychee tea from Louis and slowly pulled fancy ribbons that looked similar to the bands of his dorm uniform around the box... a small chuckle escaped him... but the gift wasn't his only idea for Valentines though...
He early placed it in front of Fawns room but he also had another plan... as she opened the door her eyes seemed sleepy as she took in the package into her room but Leroy used his invisibility to sneak inside... slowly moving around without making a sound as he saw her smile opening the package up happy...
Ready to strike... going visible as she saw him manifest in the mirror before her and quickly steal a kiss on her neck.
"L-leroy!" Her face deepened red feeling his lips on her neck...
"Surprise, sorry if I scared you but... I had to."
She took out one of the stuffed Rabbits and hid her face behind it.
"Huh? You want me to stay?"
"You made your way here for your gift.... we could s-spend some time together right? Or are you busy."
He showed his sharp teeth with a smile, rubbing under his nose with a blush.
"I got all the time you want today... "
"Good cause there is something I had prepared for you as gift as well."
She turned her back from him trying to get something out of a box as he noticed something... maybe his lips weren't the only thing he accidentally pressed onto her neck... a slight pint of blood... he was worried it might hurt her so he put his arms around her kissing the same spot again.
"Leroy, please I need to-"
"I am sorry I accidentally bit you so."
"Oh... don't worry about it... it will go away..."
She felt his tongue lick off a pint of it before withdrawing with a little bit of a guilty face. The warm feeling of his tongue got her slightly nerv She took out a costume out the box that made his eyes sparkle.
"You got it for me? I.... don't know what to say."
She twirled her hair.
"You love the show right so..."
"Then its settled... first i take you out to my favourite cafe and then we get back her and I get to see you in this... we have a date."
A smile escaped them both... Leroy especially seemed excited not only was his gift a sucess but he gets to see his pretty girlfriend as his favourite heroine... couldn't the day get any better.
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on the lips
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Valentines day especially made him nervous but what he held in his hands could change everything... he decided to pour his heart into one letter that confessed everything about how he felt about Vivienne as well as the drawing he finally finished but... Leroy had to push him out the dorm 3 times before he even tried to walk to her locker... what if she finds him weird after this... what if he would destroy their previous friendship.... fear build up inside him...
He clutched onto the letter slowly walking there but suddenly a voice he heard made him screech nervously.
"Mellow! What are you doing here, classes have not even started."
She walked up to him as he tried to hide the letter behind his back blushing profusely...
"J-just errands nothing else..."
But even if he tried she spotted that letter in his hand... even read her name on it.
"If you got something for me you can tell me... you don't have to hide it."
"O-okay but promise me... even if you read this... t-that you won't just walk away right... I... "
She nodded and took the letter he made for her... his heart wanted to freeze up... trying to discern her face he noticed a blush and a smile appear on her face as well, followed by a chuckle.
"Oh Mellow you could have told me sooner. I would have said yes right away... You are so sweet and kind I would gladly be with you."
"I-I couldn't, I.. didn't have the courage... I still need to be braver to be worthy of you b-but-"
"There is no worthy... you make me happy... I love spending time with you so... can you at least be brave enough to say it?"
"I love you."
"I love you too."
She took the step to press a small kiss on his lips... he tried hard not to use balance or blank out again but it still kinda felt like a fever dream instead of reality... he finally did it... the only thing that ruined the moment was Leroy giving secretly a thumbs up from the back who watched this...
But still finally he was able to get his feelings across.
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nagalias-mindscape · 4 months
When i started this thowing rock challenge for My Time at Sandrock, I went into it expecting to- you know- having to do a lot of quarrying and mining (mostly the mining). Relics are decent stat bonuses, and they provide passive relationship points to everyone who visits throughout the day. Small, yeah, but they take up so little room.
You can also donate one to the museum to get the rewards from that, and reputation points for your workshop rating. Already got the musical shotgun before the bridge was ever built. You know- that thing you get for donating 100 different items? Yeah. I have that- not that it's doing me any good, what with shotguns being a banned item this run. (Also, the phone-keyboard weapon 'Ragequit' is just... *chefs kiss* brilliant.)
What i did not expect, but really should have, was the sheer amount of data discs I'd collect and their game breaking value. 3 Gols doesn't seem like a lot, but you earn a bunch when you clear out each ruin layer of its sand and stone. And the price is pretty often closer to 4 - 5 Gols instead of 3, due to inflation. And you can sell them in a pretty decent number of places.
Blue Moon, Commerce Guild, By the Stairs, Mask Man, City Hall, Water World...
You basically hold on to Data Discs for one of three reasons alone: either you need to research something at Qi's, or you have a nasty spending habit and need to store Gols in a form that isn't easily spendable. Or you need to buy crops. I have... set myself back a bit by forgetting to buy what I need before selling them to upgrade my house and buildings.
And sure, 2k to 5k for a full stack of data discs isn't much depending on the inflation rate, but I can get near about half a stack from just a full day of mining.
Splitting my time between an A-B-C pattern of:
A: Commissions + sand fishing (dried sandacuda is OP for early game, and it's carrying me pretty well going into Gecko Station. I only need ~13 to regain full SP, and I can make waay more than that in my drying racks.
B: Commissions + Full Day Ruin Diving
C: Commissions + Side Quests + Timed Quests + Water/Fertilizer Top-up on Garden + Buying stuff in town I need (mostly water, more fertilizer, straw, and food)
I'm pretty much loaded. All throughout A-B-C, I've got items in my smelters and processing machines to make commissions easier. I've also got my garden pumping out Sandrice like there's no tomorrow- because there will be no tomorrow if I run out of sandrice and can't fish for more sandacuda.
But those data discs are basically free money, since they only get used to research crap and buy crops from burgess and zeke- which I then in turn make into even more money.
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My haul from just layers 1 & 2 of Eufaula Salvage Ruins and an entire day. I get waay more when I go into the lower layers of the ruins.
Sure, I smelt down the ore into ingots and sell those, craft them into parts and sell those, and even turn in the crafted parts for commissions, but I also sell those data discs because- what else am I using them for? Not relics- catori screwed herself out of that by giving me a relic restoration machine I still haven't 'donated' back to her.
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