#its all beautifully draw tho!
goatakiart · 6 months
Love And Deepspace
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Bar scene
Kiss scene
I put a lot of work on drawing and writing, I hope you like it! 💛
You walk into the office in drowsy steps towards your desk and drop into your chair. It's too early in the morning. The sun is barely out, and everything is still dark.
Just when you short things out before you begin to work, a colleague comes over to your desk with a cup of coffee. Since he came to the office and you work together, he keeps bringing you coffee every morning, which is curious, but you appreciate the gesture.
Right when you thank him and he begins to walk away, you notice a different figure walking up to your desk with a bag on his hand. It seems like a busy day already. You blink in surprise.
"Xavier?? What are you doing here?"
Xavier lets the small bag on your desk.
"I was passing by for some intel, so I brought you breakfast. I...will probably have to stay here today."
He takes a small glance at the coffee sitting on your desk and looks up at the man that's walking away.
His presence made the day better already
You smile and drag another chair next to yours, the sound of the dragged chair legs draws Xavier's attention back to you. You simply pat the chair next to you.
"Be my guest."
Xavier's lips curl up. He brings a laptop and some books to his side of the desk. You spend some time eating together and talking about how you slept, You enjoy hearing about all the weird dreams he always has. Unfortunately, you have to cut the chase and work. You both drown in silence and focus on your tasks. Only the sound of keyboards and the book pages is heard all around. However, his presence is enough company.
The afternoon comes, the orange light hits through the window, and a lot of people leave the office. Your colleague comes to your desk once again.
"Hello, was the coffee good?"
Xavier just ignores him. He crosses his leg as he keeps reading his book.
You smile politely at the man on the other side of the desk and nod in response. He smiles back happily.
"I'm not here for that tho! Did you know that a team of hunters is gonna have a party going on tonight? It's at the bar on the next square. I thought I should invite you, I'll be there too."
Xavier subtly takes his eyes away from the book and side eyes him behind the pages, in a way that none notices. You agree to go and continue the conversation a little before he heads off.
"See you there, Trevor." You wave goodbye and finally close the laptop.
As you walk back home with Xavier, he's a little too silent. He's probably focused his thoughts on his research. The pink and peach shades of the sky eliminate on him beautifully, it causes you to daydream for a short while and grin like an idiot. You poke his shoulder softly. A cloud moves and casts its shadow against you both, hiding the light of the sky.
"Did you hear?"
He rotates his head to your direction, he's still in thought.
"About the party."
"Oh, what about it?"
You hesitate slightly before asking him, he probably won't accept, he's not the type to party, but you try anyway.
"Do you wanna come--"
His focus fully shifts to you.
"I would love to go with you."
He didn't even leave you fully finish the sentence, you're a bit shocked he agreed so fast, but it's a pleasant surprise, he looks eager to come.
"Then, I'll see you there?"
His expression becomes somewhat alluring, a smile forms on his lips, his head tilts, the cloud moves away and the light is even brighter than before, you can see the sky in his eyes.
"I'll come take you by 10pm instead. Let's go together."
You raise an eyebrow by his reactions but agree, you didn't wanna go alone anyway.
"Sure, let's go together!"
The night finally comes, and you're outside your door waiting for Xavier to appear. You wear a simple short, sleeveless, black dress and boots, not much. As he appears, you notice he's dressed in black for the first time since you met him, which makes you match. A buttoned top and fancy pants with a golden chain on his neck with a small star. It's as if he did it on purpose.
"You look really good!" You say excitedly and his face can't help but brighten up in satisfaction.
"Do you like it? I bought it today. You look beautiful Y/N." He says and softly reaches for your hand which you playfully take and twirl around as if you're dancing, you both chuckle.
"Did you buy this only for today?"
"Perhaps I need a change."
He looks down at your purse embarrassed.
"Let me take this for you."
He takes your purse and hangs it on the side of his shoulder.
"Why, thank you."
You lovingly wrap your hand around his bicep as you head towards the party.
You reach the entrance and you both notice that the club is packed and loud music is playing. Some of Xavier's old colleagues appear and begin to talk to him, he gives you a look that you know very well... he's pleading to be saved, however you do not submit to the request.
"I'll find a seat for us, it's not bad to socialize once in awhile, I'll be waiting for you alright?" He looks quite disappointed but agrees.
"I'll be back soon."
You get in, nuzzle your way through to find a place to sit. Trevor also finds his way to you. He reeks of alcohol, so you assume he's already drunk.
"Heyyy! You made it here! I'm so glad to see you."
"Well, I said I would come."
You are being polite but way colder than how you treat Xavier. You clearly don't trust him enough. He's sloppy and his voice is unstable. He approaches you, you take a step back in response. "I noticed I've never seen you fight! I'm pretty sure you're an amazing hunt--"
"She's an exceptional hunter."
Xavier's voice cuts him off from behind you. His hand wraps around your shoulder tightly as he towers over you. His voice is firm, his eyes darken, you could say he's a little...scary.
For a moment your thoughts wander again. You think to yourself that he looks crazy attractive in black. Trevor takes a step back this time, as Xavier continues, his voice sounds mad. He's rarely mad.
"If you wish to witness a fight, I could give you a demonstration."
He tilts his head with a frown, rising an eyebrow, an expression fill of intimidation.
The drunk man's gaze lower in shame.
"No, man, it's alright... I'll... I'll go now..."
He raises his hand in defeat and walks away in quick steps, almost running. You blink in shock, you look up at Xavier as he watches him go like a carnivore watching a pray.
"What was that?"
As his gaze turns to you, his eyes change immediately from threatening to sweet, you raise your eyebrows, and your eyes widen. Your expression communicates perfectly to him. Meanwhile, the music started changing towards the slow romantic kind.
"He was obviously drunk. He could have done something inappropriate."
"So tonight you're my knight in shining armor?"
Your expression switches to a slightly teasing grin. He smiles in response and bows as he extends his hand.
"Would you care to give me this dance, your majesty."
He could get into the role pretty easily. It's as if he's actually a knight.
"I would love to." You placed your hand on top of his in delicate movement. He grasped it tightly and planted a kiss on top of it before he pulled you close to him. You release a short gasp by the sudden pressure. Your heart doesn't just skip a beat but miltiple. Your chest touches his, and his hand lingers to your back as you begin to dance. You look up at him. He grins with an adorable gaze.
"The dance lessons we did back then seems to have worked."
Your face flushed at the reminder, you immediately look away.
"Did you get that black fit on purpose?"
You were meant to ask this for some time now, but now it was the perfect opportunity to avoid the conversation.
"We're matching, Xavier."
The expression painted on his face reveals it all. You could notice a tint of pink on his cheeks at the revelation of understanding his motive. You both keep dancing. He leans forward to the side of your face. You can feel his hot breath on your ear, but he doesn't immediately speak, as if he's hesitating. Your heart begins to beat faster, you hold your breath. Xavier tightens the embrace, wrapping his arms around you like he'd never let you go. You can feel the warmth of his body, hear his heartbeat as it grows in intensity. His muscles tighten around you. When he speaks, his voice is nothing like what you've heard before. The slow, sensual whisper leaks down your ear, like honey on fruit.
"What's wrong with showing others you're mine."
You would never expect him to say something like that, your lips part slightly as you stay in place. The thought he's jealous drives you crazy. You feel a spark down your nerves as you release the breath you were holding in fear it will reveal the overflowing emotions. You caress the hand which is holding yours and interwine your fingers together as you begin to slow dance, you sneakily kiss his neck as he still leans against your ear. His breath catches in his throat, he reactively jumps back to check your expression. He looks down and around in embarrassment. You giggle. Your arms go around his shoulders, closing the space in between. You tiptoe to reach his ear, to return the previous act. This time you are the one to whisper seductively.
"I like it when you're jealous. I might even make you jealous on purpose."
You say teasingly, acting all tough. However your heartbeat is quickening. He's not immune to this either. He can feel his heart hammering against his chest and his face feeling hotter and hotter. His hand explores your back before it reaches your cheek, he continues by placing it under your chin. His expression overwhelms you with desire. His face flushed with passion and a little desperation. He meets your gaze and swallows. He's lost himself in all the feelings you give him. The look you have on your face is enough to satisfy him. The corners of his lips curl up in a slight teasing smirk. 
"I would not suggest that."
His gaze explores your face, slowly moving his pupils around, scanning you. His actions sends a jolt through your veins, your face turns red, you subconsciously bite your lip, but you decide to keep up the act.
"Is that so?"
He raises his eyebrow in amusement, the smirk grows larger.
"That is so."
He leans even closer, his blue eyes are shining against the dark environment beautifully, he doesn't break the eye contact, you slowly lean as well, your eyes are closing, blocking the view of his own,  till you feel his soft lips against yours. They taste like cherry, they feel like silk, his perfume doesn't go unnoticed either. His effords are shining like a bright star against a dark sky, and they totally win you over. His hand gripped on your back, pulling you against him. He deepens the kiss, you can't help but add your tongue to the game, so you lick his lips shyly. A short whispery gasp escapes his lips just before he deepens the kiss, and you feel his delicious tongue against yours. Your body reacts like a magnet to him. You melt into his embrace, not resisting anything he does. He has you in the palm of his hand when he claims you, he knows it, and he loves it.
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genderlessghoul · 1 year
Inspired by the recent puppy post from Motley Zoo and my undying love for animals, here's what I think each of the ghouls/ghoulettes would keep as a pet :
Phantom : He saw someone walking their dog his first week topside and made it his life mission to get one. After a lot of research and internal debate, he ended up adopting a pitbull/labrador mix from a local shelter. Her name is Petunia and she's the definition of sweet baby angel.
Mountain : He decided to fully commit to the farm boy aesthetic and he got himself some quails. They have their own coop and fenced little garden. They used to be have free range on the entire gardens but they'd always end up eating his vegetables. They look like tiny little chicks when he's holding them. He lets the other ghouls choose their name which unfortunately got him stuck with one called Cum. His favourite was affectionately named Nugget by Swiss.
Aether : Bunny. Tiny little miniature one too, all white except for a small black spot on its nose. It's free to roam around his room and Aether learned the hard way to hide any and all loose cables (more than once). He named it Dust. Because Dust Bunny. He swears it's funny.
Rain : AXOLOTL. She's albino and he named her Rose because of her pink little frill gills. He can understand her somehow, some weird water creature thing. She has a very simple brain tho and mostly screams at him for food. Dew and Swiss love to draw mustaches and hats on her tank with markers.
Dew : He has a black cat named Purrcifer. The cute little thing just started following him one day and Dew can't seem to get rid of him (not that he tried too hard). He says it's the Ministry's cat cuz he spends all day roaming around the ground and hunting mice, but the cat definitely sleeps in his bed every night.
Swiss : He swore he'd never get a pet, he's too unfocused to remember to take care of one properly. Until he accompanied Rain on a trip to the pet store and spotted a ball python. Love at first sight, just look at that puppy face. He spent weeks doing research and was pleased to learn that they only eat like once a week? Maybe every two weeks? That's perfect. He got a huuuge female and named her Fluffy. Fluffy is his pride and joy.
Aurora : Ferret. She wanted a cat at first but she discovered that they came in noodle format and was like !!!YES!!! She taught him fetch. They play with paper balls. He's stolen other ghouls' snacks on multiple occasions.
Sunshine : She really wanted a chameleon but she saw how high maintenance the suckers are and settled for a crested gecko. It doesn't officially have a name because it wouldn't recognize it anyway. Definition of no thought, head empty. Most times, she calls it NO STOP DON'T JUMP THERE. She loves it so fuckin much.
Cumulus : She has the cutest blue budgie. She taught it so many tunes that they sing together all day long. It loves nothing more than to hang on her shoulder all day and watch her do her tasks. One of its many favourite sounds to imitate is the ringtone of whoever's in the room with them. No one knows how it learned to differentiate them all.
Cirrus : She set up a pretty little saltwater tank in her room. It's home to two clownfish and their anemone. They're called Led Zeppelin and Metallica, no she will not take criticism on the name. The tank is very beautifully decorated and everyone keeps bugging her to put up a big one in the common room, which she always refuses cuz she doesn't trust any of them with salt water.
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Worst Video Game Song Tournament - Round 3 Match 3
The Yoshi Clan - Yoshi's New Island
Mansion Basement - Resident Evil Director's Cut
I would recommend listening to as much as you can of each song before voting, but how you choose is up to you! Remember to be civil in the tags and replies!
Propaganda under cut:
The Yoshi Clan:
"the ass band will play a song of farts to celebrate your failure"
"#yoshi sounds like suck"
"#YOOOOOOOOSHI CLAAAAN!!!!!!!! #ok im gonna complete my santa review before getting to my ten page essay on why i love yoshi clan. yea that shit bad #i accidentally started it playing in two tabs at different points of the video which was honestly really fun. i recommend tryin that esp wi #bad songs really adds smthn to the exprience. it was awesoeme #it also just sounds the exact type of awful that that video image implies which is cool. its so perfect. it sounds ass #but. what it can not beat. is my favorite of all time. my darling love. it is time to begin my sermon #ok so yoshi clan is just so beautifully terrible. and truly the whole soundtrack is an orchestra of bad design. and its so fun to look at #that really nice professional looking art for the game and get BLASTED with kazoo #and like. i understand the thought process. kazoo does seem silly goofy yoshi. and it also sounds like a chorus of pain #now this song specifically has some really great awkward pauses. at 0:16 theres like a full 3 seconds of silence. which is SO cool #then the hot cross bun bit that ends at 0:27 gets so sad and deflated at the end of it. like it starts off in time but then clearly the #soloist got kinda embarrassed alone and so rushed and got really quiet. and its just so sad and lonely. its so cool #also some of these pauses have a couple lone far away kazoo squeaks for no reason before the 'melody' comes back in? awesome #but what i really really love about this. what really draws my eye. is the ending. because we go through this entire rigamarole with the #worst secondhand embarrassment of my life. then. 0:43. the kazoos move out. and in. the most genuinely awesome groovy drum beat in the worl #like its SO good. and those last few seconds are like you're in a different world. like you just survived horrors and you are brought to an #angelic chorus. and it lasts what 5 seconds? 5 seconds of beauty after a full 40 seconds of purgatory. in what world do horrors live foreve #while an angel can last for only a flash #its cruelty. its injustice. its completely ingenious. incredible music making. i am in such awe. #anyways thats my manifesto. please feel free to put any of this in the propaganda section op. im passioante"
Mansion Basement:
"this song fucking sucks. i love it."
"[Mansion Basement] is literally what letting my cat walk over my keyboard set on some particularly bad trumpet sample feels like. Spectacular"
"#This is so funny #Who made mansion basement?? #It's so sad!! #And pathetic!!"
"#whaat the fuuuck is up with [Mansion Basement]"
"#like NOTHING can compare to mansion basement #what the FUCK"
"#the mansion basement made me cry #ithink i know who the winner here is #🎺🔥🔥🎺🔥🎺🔥🎺🔥🎺🔥🎺🔥"
"#resident evil is a joke song for clowns"
"#I'M NOT LISTENING TO THE OTHER ONE I KNOW FOR A FACT IT'S MANSION BASEMENT #THE STORY BEHIND IT IS WILD TOO SO THAT'S AN AUTOMATIC WIN BABBBEEEYYY" (pollrunner's note if anyone knows what the story is please tell me i am dying to hear about it)
"#i saw the title of this post and literally IMMEDIATELY thought of mansion basement #felt emotionally validated when i saw it was an option #i love that song #in the worst way #like a drunk zombie looking for its keys in an orchestra"
"#im fucking obsessed with mansion basement. sweep"
"#what the hell that is not a real resident evil song #did they really just make that and put it in the game #what"
"#I ACTUALLY LIKE THE BASEMENT SONG because it perfectly captions how like- #the sneaky suspicion of getting diharrea feels"
"#fart basement ofc"
"#Mansion basement is objectively the funniest song ever"
Feel free to add more propaganda in the tags and replies, or send it to me in the ask box and I'll try to share it as soon as I can!
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itsyouch · 4 months
YOU DO YOU DO!!! liek the redvsblue stuff has me kinda interested??? even tho it's probably not smth i'd actualy stick w,, ur art w them makes them look rlly cool (and atrtractive heheuheehue) sorry its like 10 pm and i'm tired :3 - person who called people hot ur art 16 ohurs ago
ok so rvb is actually the best show I EVER watched, I would DEFINITELY recommend it, its perfect for binge watching too! Its such a cute funny little show that genuinely feels like it has passion in it, even though they have limited resources, (like the whole show being filmed in Halo) it doesn't feel limited, and all the characters are so loveable its impossible to hate anyone! The plots are so beautifully written and the voice acting made me forget it was scripted, they just sound like they're having fun!
As much as I love this show its a PAIN that their armor is so hard for me to draw, like I'd just be sitting and get hit with this HORRIBLE urge to draw them but I can't! But that won't stop me >:P
Woah...got a lil too giddy there, i forgot to thank you again for the compliment, thank you and I'm glad you find my art cool
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mothpile · 1 year
mes's webcomic recommendations
do YOU like webcomics or want to read some ? here are some i think are good NO im not gonna put my own here even if i think its good. -_-
starting with . i Think these ones are popular and well known..?
Paranatural - A story about paranormal ghosts and stuff. It's a real fun time, and the story is really good. The author's art progression is really impressive, truly skilled with paneling and such. It does eventually shift into a webnovel format with drawings as the author couldn't keep up with doing pages like before, and the quality of goodness of the story stays strong 👍👍
Tiger, Tiger - Story about the importance of sea sponges. Also a fun time, sea faring adventure about, again, sea sponges and how important they are nothing else OK? promise. (liar) PHENOMENAL artwork, very pretty to look at.... 👍👍
The Property of Hate - I need to reread it because i forgetted a lot but its such a cool looking comic and sooo interesting OK?! i swear. It's about a kid being a hero.
Vainglorious - a fun comic about a dragon facing Hubris Consequences. The main trio is real fun, the world is cool, all in all fun comic okie !!
Sakana - Slice-of-life comic about some folks working at a fish stall in a fish market. Real fun. Been on hiatus for four years, but is gonna make a comeback soon (author is working on building up buffer pages And then... ! ) But yeah! real fun.
Witchy - ... one i have to reread, it's been on hiatus since forever as the author was working on another comic (thatllbe out... in a while?), though i assume when that's done they'll come back to this...? Anyhow, I remember it being a very gripping story, and beautifully drawn... Also it's about witches. if. you . couldnt tell by the.. title...
NOW, onto ones that ... i dont Think are super well known ... ?
EcopportunityX - An interactive stick figure limited color palette comic about a facility where bad shit has happened ! uhoh! What the hell happened here! Follow the protagonist on their journey of learning what happened, and escaping the facility. Also, space pinball and ball pit beast is there. 👍👍👍
Eye in the Sky - And it only feels right to bring it up as well, but this is a fancomic of ecopportunityX ! ... Contains eox spoilers, so perhaps read the original first! This one features original characters and takes place a bit before eox, it's nice ok i like it :]
Gold Scissors - One of my all time favourites TBH. The art is nice, I love the story, the world is so cool i love it a lot... do yourself a favor and read it...
Midnight Connection - Finished! by the author of Gold Scissors, it's a short comic that takes place in the same universe, you can get through it in one sitting!! sniffles.
Brainchild - Comic about girl seeing weeeeeird stuff. Ghosts?! who knows. Tis a cool one OK read it...
Fairmeadow - "i hate being on the hippee comune they are always telling me Peace and Love on planet earth , orc lady, Peace and Love, and they do not leave me alone" - true real 100% words said. you can read it and youll see. Very pretty looking, ...
Holly & Macy and Everyone Else - comic about two teens learning about HOMOSEXUALITY and being a witch and its a very sweet .. i like it ok? it's also on tumblr @/ hollymacycomic
Falling to Far - i thiiink? its kinda just getting started, its about two star kids that just arrived to the planet of Far, and they are just checking how things are here rn. okie! its nice ITS ON TUMBLR! my fellow tumblr-hosted webcomicers lets gooooo
Daisy in DREAMLAND - ........ not a .. webcomic. Tis more a webnovel, i believe. It has pictures. Very cool looking guys, love the style, someone drench this cat in a bucket of water.
Needleminder - because fuck it we put webnovels here too I GUESS. it has pictures sometimes. haven't caught up with it recently tho BUT it's Very interesting and gets weird with it in cool ways...
Star Impact - comic about boxing! fighting! and people have gloves that give them a gimmick power tis pretty fuckin cool!
Kitty Corner - Comic about someone who sees ghosts. this ones kiiinda just getting started i think..? put its been promising so far, i like it ANOTHER TUMBLRHOSTED WEBCOMIC LETS GO BABY!
PISS HOLE - The greatest comic ever drawn with a broken trackpad.
Going Home - a comicabout a kid who has t *red dot appears on forehead* *sweats**starts to go get the link to the comic* *snipers pull the t
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Hi hi!!! So I had this idea cause it's a cute idea But draw your summoner and their love interest or interests doing a couples cosplay or a group cosplay!!! Just thought it was a cute idea, you could even write out what they'd dress up as Its ok if you dont wanna tho! ^^
Heya, Gloria! Thanks so much for such a creative ask! I did my best to draw this one. (I used up 200+ layers in ibisPaint X... rip my phone storage and finger :'3)
Anyway, here it is!
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Tada! The three of them are cosplaying Dahlia's favorite characters from her favorite book, The Young Elites series by Marie Lu!
Dahlia is cosplaying the beloved antihero protagonist, Adelina Amouteru.
Arcturus is cosplaying the brooding, disgraced royal prince of Kenettra (also the leader of the Dagger Society), Enzo Valenciano!
And lastly, Vega is cosplaying the gorgeous, two-faced courtesan of the Fortunata Court (and also Enzo's second-in-command), Raffaele Laurent Bessette!
This artwork took a long time to finish, but the results were worth it! <33
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Some lazy drawings of Enzo, Raffaele, and Dahlia as the seventh member of the Dagger Society...
The Wanderer, the Elite who can summon doors from thin air. Through every door she opens, The Wanderer is led to different locations and she can walk on its land as she wished. Many witnessed The Wanderer strolling around so casually, then she disappears in all of a sudden, only to be seen strolling elsewhere.
She was called a vicious beast. Her unnatural jade green locks flows so flawlessly through the wind; the hair that belongs to a demon. Her brown complexion smooth as porcelain in sight, but rough in reality like the grounds of hell. The Wanderer's eyes are the most extraordinary of them all—dark brown irises with a pair of blue, irregular-shaped pupils that glow under the darkness of her cloak.
There have been rumors spreading quickly like wildfire in all nations—Kenettra, Tamoura, Domacca, Merroutas, Dumor, Beldain. One said The Wanderer likes to cut off children's tongues when they disobey their parents. Another said she likes to murder people when the midnight bell strike. Some said she loves to carve her mark on one's arm; a beautifully drawn flower. The flower is unknown for now, but it is indeed lovely.
However, those are only stories and myths from anonymous people. None of these villagers had proof they have met The Wanderer up close, though many believe the story of The Wanderer carving her mark, shown by some villagers with a carved flower drawing on their limb. Even so, these stories only show how malicious malfettos truly are to this world.
Nobody is certain of who The Wanderer truly is. Until this day, she remains a hidden mystery. But one thing is known. Let this be a warning to all.
Never look into The Wanderer's eyes...
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starkiller-009 · 1 year
Hello!! I love love love your arts. I feel like a lot of them have a sense of 'movement' which contrasts a lot of very polished artworks.
I love works with meticulously planned composition, layers, highlights, etc. I love works with a certain kind of loose yet purposeful application of value and colors. (The Two Cakes thing in the fandom). And I noticed that your arts belong to the latter category which I can rarely find!
If you don't mind me asking, do you have any artists or artworks that you're heavily inspired from? Do you draw on a pen-tablet, IPad, or other media? What application are you using? I feel like three questions are already too much for one ask so you don't need to answer them if you don't want to. I enjoy scrolling through your blog either way!
Hiiiiiiiiii dear anon!!! thank you soo much for sending this message! it made my day 🧡🧡🧡 Loose but thoughtful art is what im striving for so its really make me happy to hear that i have some success in that Answering your question i draw using some cheap old model of genius pen-tablet. Bought it 10 years ago as my first device. Still running. Heard a lot of shitty comments about quality of genius tablets at that time, but even more only about Wacom in recent years i think (fuck them. Wtf with pen's tips that are constanty erasing. For who this product is made for. Ew). as for the apps, i use clip paint studio, for studies - heavypaint (great thing). There are AMAZING artists on tumblr who inspire me heavily with their works. like. i follow ~400 ppl here. because i like to stare at art. so. im gonna talk about my favorites! @crowthis - king. queen. i dont know the pronounces sorry. they draw magnificent things i love their style SO much, its such an inspiration. sometimes i just visit their blog to go through art tag and experience all that beauty. (half of their wrks i have downloaded on my desktop) It's loose, quite 'chaotic', but SO atmospheric. The mood, composition, texture, everything. Themes. I like black and white drawings as much as the ones with colours, it so bright and blatant\bold in a way, but it works perfectly, it gives your the right sense of the work. Even tho usually i prefer more calm colours, it makes me go 'wow!' And their works looks really simple and intuitive but as an artist you know that haha no its fcking hard to do things like that. it takes skill and knowledge. loose work is tricky
@frozensoba - idk how much time i could stare at their recent fish drawings like jesus christ. i wish i could do that. i want to be able to do that. my ass is ready to work every time i see it and drawings like these really inspire me to draw simple things and non-humans bc i feel like you can draw beautifully everything that exists. you just need to know how. Colours, texture, rhytm, lines... everything on its place. I love colours especially. Its very gentle kind of harmony going on there, and the palette is huge, intricate.
@nerdyhideoutphilosopher-2 - going crazy over their works. honesty dont know what to say. go look and see. unique voice Artists id like to mention as well: @dynasoar5 - i mean. just go and look at that. i love how loose and messy kind of rendering is but it looks amazing. and overall. simply amazing drawings fuck yes @jadenvargen - just go and look at his works. i see no point in talking. simply beautiful. looks easy but also hard as fuck. the colours are so bright and rich and very bold but somehow everything is right on its place. it leads you where it should. just wow. the skill i respect @snippit-crickit - once again. beautiful. i really love their studies and how they render things, the colours. @sen-art-acc - LINE WORK. LINE WORK. go check it out. LINE WORK!!!! and i simply like how tidy and clean the drawings look like with colours. i cant do stuff like this. i have zero patience to be this accurate and precise. Also if you love loose artwork i should recommend you those artists for sure @shican, @dude-standin i love as well @wuntrum and @cordspaghetti works a lot. I followed both of them because mcr fanart i guess? tho never was into mcr and stayed for the drawings alone Also, if we're speaking about more "pro" (dont like this term either, forgive me) kind of artists i have some huge inspirations as well (tho my art not in any way reminds of them im afraid lmao. but i hope maybe in ten or ok 30 years or more ill be somewhere). There are a ton of artists i like, but its for another post i guess. To much talk. So here we go Sergio Toppi - he's an amazing at working with lines and composition. I have his comic books on my bookshelf. I open it everytime i want to get energy to draw. You cant look at his drawings and NOT to get inspired. He's incredible. The rhytm, the shapes... damn. i can look at his drawings for hours. And he was the main inspiration to work with lines and composition more, to play with it more. I dont have a lot of line-work on this acc (last quiobi drawing, some year\two-old dghda drawings, eugene one) but i actually exercise it a lot. Lines are extremely powerful tool. And as for composition... The shapes, negative spaces, love it. And he's extremely good at working with colour too.
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Francis Vallejo - he's illustrations are so good... he's incredible with composition and rhytm his drawings have. Negative spaces, one again.
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Anders Zorn - i adore his black and white graphic drawings. Angles, framing, line work. Spent a lot of time looking at his works. Cant get enough of it. The way he draws people, the plot, themes. What he chooses to portray, the way people look, what they do. There is such a special mood to his drawings, there is something extremely psychological about it, isn't there? he's a master im mesmerized by
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Bernie Fuchs - composition, rhytm, once again. I love it when you want to look at something for more then 2 seconds, because the rhytm of the drawings leads you into different places and opens its plot in parts. No matter where you look u'll find something interesting and even though there is lot of going on its still not a mess and looks and feels fucking awesome. And i love his colour palettes too. He's very good at setting the mood (check out his less commercial works)
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As for the colour here's a few i love. (Though they're still extremely good with everything else)
Hovsep Pushman - the man is a mystery. His work with colours, light and texture is beyond me. Also it has disco elysium vibe to it. I dream of being capable of something like this when im sixty or so (im not gonna be)
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Mead Schaeffer - simple but powerful. Looking at his works like eating a tasty ice cream.
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same goes to Dean Cornwell - though its a bit more complex, his composing. You need to pay more attention
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I'd like to mention one other artist - Jamie Wyeth. his works are something else entirely, i dream of drawing like this one day. Loosiness, themes, mood. Ill probably cry if i see those ones in real life one day, somehow special to my heart, relates
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He has these series - "Seven deadly sins". Ive been in love for some time
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As for the inspiration drawings on itself - thinking about it im coming back to dragon age tarot cards. Not all of them, but i still go 'jesus i want to draw like this' at some, through years. This one especially.
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Soooo Thats it i guess! I mean. I love to talk and talk about art especially. I probably could write ten more posts like this no problem. I actually heavily into landscape painters since... Well. Nature. Ice, oceans, sky. I sadly havent really tried to get into the genre myself, i do not draw lots of backgrounds as you can see. Should work on this probably, life's short. But im always happy to share my fav artists! So hit me up whenever. dm or send an ask! And a beautiful work for the ending
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neon-green-reagent · 1 year
Vampire Films That Suck My Blood
But don’t SUCK. You know? What I mean? They’re good. Anyway. 
Let’s start with the super obvious ones you’ve probably seen. And if you haven’t, go see them, they’re classics. Near Dark (my personal favorite), The Lost Boys, Interview With The Vampire, Horror of Dracula (Hammer), ‘Salem’s Lot, Blacula, From Dusk Till Dawn, Let The Right One In, and Fright Night, by which I mean the one from the 80s. Now we can get into some deeper cuts. 
Night Owl | Filmed in black and white and set against the backdrop of the New York nightclub scene of the early 90s, this one is OOPS ALL VIBES. It’s full of house music and brutal murders. One of those films that feels intensely gay despite its best efforts to be straight. Very moody and arthouse. Obviously I recommend the hell out of this for a very specific crowd of people.
Pale Blood | What a nutso concept. A human is running around killing people in the style of a vampire. So a real vampire shows up to stop him. With Wings Hauser being super unhinged, as he tends to do. Lots of neon lighting that makes it all extremely 80s. And a neat little turn at the end that gives it a satisfying twist. 
Bliss | Vampirism as addiction. It’s been said, but this isn’t just about having an insatiable need. It’s about getting so goddamn high that you destroy everything around you and awaken from being blackout destructive and realize you’re ruining your own life. Pretty intense stuff. Meaning it’s very bloody and wild. It goes the extra mile, for certain. The main character is a painter, so there is also a super gorgeous painting that she creates in her very high moments that I wish I could have on my wall. 
The Night Flier | An adaptation of a Stephen King short story starring Miguel Ferrer, which I personally feel should be recommendation enough. But I’ll gladly keep going. Ferrer plays a tabloid journalist who is chasing after a serial killer who thinks he’s a vampire. THINKS, right? He just THINKS he is? Well, the deeper he goes, the more it looks like he has a real one on his hands. And he’s so fucking cynical that he’s probably going to stare into the abyss and the abyss will stare right back. 
30 Days of Night | Hey, I just recently rewatched this one. It still slaps. In Alaska, there are periods during the year where the sun doesn’t rise at all. In this case, a bunch of vampires are like SWEET. And go there and absolutely body slam everyone in town. A handful of survivors are left trying to defend themselves against these superhuman creatures that are... just the scariest looking fucking things. It looks like if a human were crossbred with a shark. What a LOOK. There are so many memorable and standout moments in this movie. Truly just watch it. 
Fright Night Part 2 | We all know the first movie. But the sequel tho. DAT SEQUEL. The big draw being Jerry’s sister Regine and her entourage of absolute characters that follow her everywhere. They’re out for revenge for the death of her brother, and suddenly the tables are turned. Charley becomes the one that can’t resist the vampire’s charms, and Regine is laughing all the way to the blood bank. She’s a queen. 
Vamp | Another intensely memorable and awesome female vampire. Grace Jones dominates the screen here as Katrina. A vampire stripper who kills when she mates. She for sure steals every scene she’s in, but the movie is also bombastically neon 80s with the dumbest and most fun sense of humor. It’s a charming movie with an amazing villainess. 
The Hunger | AND ANOTHER! Sorry for being so gay, but here’s a lesbian vampire movie. Miriam Blaylock is a vampire looking for love. And she both cares and doesn’t if that means eventually keeping your desiccated, still alive body in a box somewhere down the line. She’s a complicated lady. This was beautifully shot, very dream-like, and also stars David Bowie for some extra gay. 
Dracula (1979) | Genuinely my favorite version of Dracula. It was based off of a stage play version. Which means all the names are reversed and nothing lines up with the book, but Dracula just seems fated to be adapted very loosely. Frank Langella swaggers rather moodily through the piece, melting every woman he passes with a look. I like this take, that Dracula is just a Chad that no one can possibly outdo because no one is good looking enough to stop him. It’s all rather romantic and swoony while also featuring one of the most terrifying ghouls in cinema history. 
The Forsaken | Vampirism as an STD. If you’re bitten, you’ll battle daily with the virus that’s trying to consume you. Which makes the movie coded extremely queer, which is very fun for everyone, because it thankfully doesn’t stop there. The bad guys are super flamboyant and fun. The good guys are getting a little too involved with each other and sort of ignoring the girl sitting between them. And it makes one wish they could’ve just made it as gay as they wanted to, but the subtext is still very fun. It’s also action packed and exciting. Think 2001 version of Near Dark. 
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list 5 things that make you happy, then put this in the askbox for the last 10 people who reblogged something from you! get to know your mutuals and followers ♡
I'm gonna do another one bc I love talking about my interests woo!!
1. Playing videogames! my favourites are Zelda BOTW (I love it sm that, even though I've nearly completed everything, I still play it and try to live like a local at the towns) and Hades (I've had it for 2.5 years and I've only defeated Hades like 6 times... I absolutely love it though, it's so beautifully designed, the music is wonderful and it's so fun to play!! the friendship/love storylines are brilliant and it's so clear that the people who made it cared so much about making it accurate to the myths!)
2. Drawing! I love drawing celebrities and characters I like, and even tho it takes a lot of time it feels so rewarding :) i wanna to improve more tho so I can draw dnp, bc I need to draw them in order to function (also I haven't shared the doodles I did during the pcrf livestream so I might do that soon!)
3. being a nerd, honestly haha! I love ranting to myself about geography and history and trivia (maybe I should talk more about all of that on here?) I love listing country and capital city names and stating my opinions on flags, etc etc!! it's just so fun
4. Food and drink!! might be a weird answer but I love food haha. its a bit like how dan talks about food in the pizza mukbang, it's really a religious experience (except I like talking to people and reading at the dinner table while he hates others talking and phones being out)
5. the Internet!! I love love love blogging on tumblr to the little people in my phone and watching YouTube videos made by the little gay men in my phone <3
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milasartblog · 2 years
Art gallery
Sometimes, words are not enough to depict the beauty of the world, its nature and its inhabitants. It can also be the beauty of ruins, or battles between two conflict sides, or even mythical creatures. To do it humanity uses such great tool as art, which can be in any form: paint, stone, glass, thread, clay - anything that human uses to create. And with time and new generation, people can admire the change of the world and its beauty by visiting galleries and museums. For some people it seems boring and out-of-date nowadays, and yet no one can deny that at least one visit is enough to look closer at artists’ masterpieces and maybe even get inspired. This is what Gabriel and Iris have planned to do today. 
Gabriel: I’m honestly surprised that you agreed to go to the art gallery. I thought that it was, well, not an interesting place to go.
Iris: What are you talking about? I love art galleries! Sometimes when there is a new exhibition, I try to finish work early in order to go and see what’s new there. Art is something that always surprises me no matter what.
Gabriel: I see. Do you have favourite painter?
Iris: Not really, I like different styles and how they interprate it. Tho not gonna lie, the paintings and sculptures of Ancient Greece theme give me a romantic feeling.
Gabriel: I wonder why.
He smiled nervously as they arrived to the art gallery. Inside of the gallery was not so crowdy, as not everyone have time for it or even fond of going to such places. There were seven rooms: main hall, recent artworks room, old ones, the hall for sculptures, icon paintings room, archive room and the little stage room, where sometimes little events happen. Of course there were other rooms, but for today the attention is given to the room with new paintings and sculptures one. The guide was busy with the group of pupils, so Gabriel and Iris had to explore the gallery by themselves. 
Iris: Woah, so many beautiful works! Look, there is a nice still-life painting!
She rushed to the artwork happily, like a child, which surprised Gabriel as he followed her.
Gabriel: I have never understood why people like to draw different objects and flowers. It’s just...objects.
Iris: Maybe for us they are, but for artist these objects made them so happy that they wanted to depict them, knowing that one day they will not be the same. It’s like keeping your favourite toy with you no matter if you’re an adult or child. 
Gabriel:...I think this is not a good comparison.
Iris: I know, but I still find it cute. Don’t you have your favourite toy that you still have despite being an adult?
Gabriel didn’t say anything as his cheeks turned red. Such reaction made Iris laugh kindly.
Iris: I knew it. There is no need to be ashamed of it. I have it too.
Gabriel: R-Really?
Iris; Yep. My parents of course keep saying that I should have given it to other children, to which I always find an excuse like “But it’s all for my future family”. They have heard it many times, but still can’t disagree with that.
She smiled brightly as looked at the painting again. Gabriel blushed even more from embarrassment, but it was a...pleasant feeling? He couldn’t understand it completely as tried to distract himself from awkward thoughts. For some time they looked at other new paintings of today’s theme “Winter”. How can mortals draw the same nature phenomenon, and yet make it look beautifully different, he thought. Another mystery to uncover for him. Then, his gaze locked on the sculpture of a male angel and female human, perhaps a mortal. He walked closer to examine it, looking at every detail. Suddenly he recognized what the statue was about. Somehow this sculpture helped him to distract from previous thoughts, but instead gave him new ones, more...concerned, sorrow ones. His face changed into sad one. Iris noticed that Gabriel wasn’t paying attention at paintings and walked to him.
Iris: Like this sculpture?
Gabriel: What?
Iris: You were looking at it with curiousity, so I assumed that you liked it. 
Gabriel: Oh, right, yeah, it got my interest. If i’m not mistaken, it’s a sculpture of Eros and Psyche.
Iris: Oh, yeah, I’ve read about this myth before! It’s so romantic. Now that I’ve thought about it, this story kinda reminds me of you. Well, the beginning at least.
She smiles as such words made the archangel blush even more, both from surprise and worry a lot. Her comparisons could be too close to be true.
Gabriel: D-Do you really think so? But I’m not even like him. 
Iris: I know, but I find it kinda cute on how you act almost like him. 
Gabriel: Well, he is a cupid after all, while I’m an an- I mean, I’m a human. Also, are you sure that this story is romantic? Aphrodite made her go throught dangerous tasks, and it’s all for being able to be with an angel, the immortal being.
Iris: True, but he did everything for her to be happy, didn’t he? And so she did everything to gain his trust again. I think this is something that all couples would do to be with each other.
Gabriel: True, but...not when one of them is immortal.
He looked down in sadness, trying to hold himself for uncovering him his identity by accident. These stupid emotions, why they take control over me, he thought. Iris got concerned about him, worried that she might have said something wrong. To somehow balance the tension, she carefully and gently put her hand on his shoulder.
Iris: Did something concern you? Sorry if I said something wrong.
Gabriel: Oh? No no, it’s okay. It’s just….I got myself thinking.
Iris: About what?
The archangel hesitated for a moment, but curiosity won its place, as Gabriel sighed.
Gabriel: My question will probably sound weird, but…how do you understand the concept of being immortal?
Such question surprised Iris as she took a moment to think. Judging by her puzzled look, she didn’t consider thinking about it at first, which was enough for Gabriel to sigh with sadness.
Gabriel: This is a thing. No one can imagine the life of immortal being. When those people you knew and loved die with time, when all those things that you loved have changed drastically, all those settled rules that you’ve thought will stay like this forever...also have changed. Creation and destruction happen almost at the same time. Nothing stays the same, memories become more painful with each year and emotions become deeper, sharper, only your appearance stay the same...like a painting, like a sculpture.
With each sentence Iris felt more anxious. She didn’t expect him to be deep into it, like he have seen it, or better...experienced it. Words have stuck in her throat.
Gabriel: These are one of the reasons why people aren’t immortal, if not take the nature balance thing. And in my opinion, what Greek Gods did was against the important rule - not give the immortality to a human. 
Iris: ...Not even if it’s someone they love so deeply? What if she doesn’t ask for immortality, but just be with her angel, would it also be something against the rules? Is it selfish just to be with someone they love no matter who they really are?
Gabriel looked at Iris’s upset eyes. His heart so wanted to say the opposite, he didn’t mean to break her sweet and kinda naive believe, but his mind said to stay on this path. The guilty crawled on his back. He felt like his body was about to explode from such tension.
Gabriel: I...I don’t know. If only I knew.
They were silent for a moment as they kept looking at the statue. The romantic feeling that this artwork was supposed to present now radiates the sadness and impossibility. Suddenly, Iris smiled, not cheerfully like usual tho.
Iris: Well, it’s all just a myth after all. I just find it beautiful and romantic. Then again, it would probably be selfish for an angel to take away the mortal happiness from the human they love. Which I can understand.
Gabriel didn’t say anything, he didn’t know what to add. He so wanted to come back home, forget about this day like another dream. For his fortune, Iris also wanted to distract herself a bit as she held his hand.
Iris: Let’s go and look at something else, okay? To distract ourselves from ... such thoughts.
She tried to smile, which helped only a bit. Without any thoughts he nodded in agreement as they moved to another room with old pictures. A couple of minutes wandering around the gallery reduced the tension a bit, but that chat still left sediment in their minds and souls. When it was time to finish the gallery walk, Iris and Gabriel walked out of the building and went towards Iris’s home. Half of the way they were silent, another half they shared their impressions on the artworks they saw. When they finally reached to their destination, Iris looked at Gabriel.
Iris: Thank you for such walk, Gabriel. It was nice.
Gabriel: It sure was. Sorry for…that moment.
Iris: Oh, it’s okay. You were just curious, that’s all. Also, you kinda sounded like you have experienced such stuff before.
Gabriel: W-Wait, really?
The panic rose a bit in Gabriel’s soul, but Iris just giggled.
Iris: Your voice were so serious that I couldn’t help, but find it kinda cute. I mean, how would a mortal experience such thing while being, well, mortal?
Gabriel: Oh, right, yeah, true.
He smiled awkwardly and with a relief as his cover is still standing.
Iris: So...When do you think we can meet each other again?
Gabriel: I have to help my family, so...I don’t know.
Iris: Oh, okay. I understand...Then till the next call?
Gabriel: Sure. Have a goodnight, Iris.
Iris: Have a goodnight, Gabriel...my angel.
The last word was said so low that even Gabriel didn’t hear it. He wanted to ask Iris, but she already entered her home. He looked at the closed door in silence, then went to hide somewhere in the corner, so that he could come back to Heaven. Once he did it, he was in his room, exhausted. Not physically, but...emotionally. He has never felt that exhaution before. Even Raphael’s trainings were like a walk in the park. His body fell on the bed, facing the pillow, not moving an inch. But the soft bed didn’t help to ease the mind. His emotions still boiled inside him, as he hugged the pillow tightly.  Meanwhile at home Iris was greeted by her family and nice delicious meal. As usual she was asked how the day went and how the art gallery walk went, to which was the same answer “Good”. Tho this time they didn’t sound very happy, just normal. After meal, she went to her room, closing the door and doing the same what Gabriel did: laid down and hugged the pillow. Her emotions also boiled insider her, but differently. And yet, to both of them only one question echoed in their minds.
“What is wrong with me? What am I doing wrong?”
I so forgot to put this story here after fixing some mistakes and proofreading it X’D I need to write more to get back on track XD But yeah, another story with Okaria et Feria characters ^^ Hope you will like it^^
Iris and Gabriel belong to @wildstarfan and @milasartblog (both me)
Okaria et Feria belong to @wildstarfan and @captainthane
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scarletmaster143 · 1 year
Skip beat: a hilarious mess full of love, friendship and human connections
(please do not expect cohesion or structure)
Skip beat will always always have a very special place in my heart solely due to the fact that it is the funniest show I have ever watched. The manga is written in an absurd, exaggerated style and both the anime and the drama manage to capture its unique sense of humour excellently. Ivy's over the top acting, siwon's cool but baffled expressions, dong hae's haughty side eyes (so much eyeliner) managed to capture the characters of kyoki, ren and sho so beautifully. It will always be a great pity that we never got a season two for either. (also props to the actors who played Mr yashiro and lory in the drama, they have my heart)
Coming to the characters themselves-
Kyoko: my beautiful bold courageous child, who dreams of fairytales even when she's going through hell. Her journey is amazing and inspiring and I adore how she rejects love but gravitates to cute things. Her friendship with moko is heartwarming and so is her big sister-ship with Maria. She makes so many connections throughout the story and each connection is so precious, i love it. My fav arc for her has to be the natsu arc but i will go into each character in detail.
Rich lady- yes I'm including this in her list of roles even though she didn't really play this part. The anime rendition of this is my favourite episode to watch solely because of how beautiful she looks and how much grit she has. It is also the first of many instances we see where kyoko draws from her own life consciously to act out a role, her past with sho is so shaded by her devotion and his indifference it was amazing to see how she took something positive from that.
Promo clip angel- legitimately gasped when I saw her outfit in the anime, so fucking gorgeous and it was so funny how she couldn't stop crying when thinking of moko (ahhhh kyoko is so adorable) also in the drama when she is bickering with sho (or shang ig?) in this outfit, have a hate-love relationship with the prisoner song tho.
Mio- ah mio, has there ever been a more iconic character, the last one we see in the anime and drama mio is iconic to kyoko in-universe as well as in the real world. The masterful way she crafts the character to be a little twisted but still striving to do the right thing, how she takes ren's advice and completely flips that perception that people have of mio, and how much heart she puts into learning about mio is awe-inspiring. Kyoko looks so good during her entire time as mio and i legitimately forgot how long she plays the role for- so many things happen while they are still shooting dark moon. Mio also allows kyoko to showcase a little bit of her darker side with the spirits of grudge
Natsu- the most delightful and horrifying character natsu's arc is the epitome of a showbiz drama. Her being so determined to shed mio but completely unable to, the entire sequence where the director and his assistant (?) discuss how she carries herself so different from other people her age, HER GOING TO REN'S PLACE AND DEMANDING HE TRAINS HER LIKE A FEMALE MODEL, chef's kiss. I like that she kept mio's wickedness but amplified it in a way that was more true to life. I feel like natsu somewhat resembles sho in certain ways tho I'm not sure if that was intentional. All in all it is the first step in kyoko's journey beyond dark moon and it is executed really well .
Kuon- lowkey forgot about it but when kuu asks kyoko to act as his son, it gave me goosebumps. Knowing that kuu is kuon's father and that kyoko has actually met him the past was already exciting, but when she showed up in that American boy outfit, i was stunned. Her meeting with ren was so cool, yashiro being confused af, ren being like wtf and her panicking internally, such a chaotic arc, her relationship with teacher/father is so adorable, she really thinks of kuu as a mentor and it warms my heart, i really want to see more kuu-juliena/ren-kyoko interactions simply because of how much ren's parents adore kyoko individually, but yes kuon is very special to kyoko and it helped her get over he funk with mio and natsu
Setsu- if natsu is my favourite arc then setsu has to be my favourite character. Made up for no legitimate purpose except for the ✨romantic spice ✨ setsu is such a cool character and her dynamic with ren as cain is absolutely revolting but also so cuuttteee. I love her fashion, love her confidence, there is a bit of natsu to her but definitely more outcast-y. My girl is totally a Vivienne Westwood grunge queen and i cannot ever get the hotel-hickey scene out of my head, kyoko's acting grows leaps and bounds here as she works with ren who even falls prey to her, it is beautiful. (Love that she kicks sho just for laughs) I hope we find some way to meet setsu again since we see murasame make a reappearance, would love to see her act as setsu in front of beagle boy,
Momiji- we haven't seen a lot of momiji the character but i do adore a tragic love, the momiji arc was probably the best in displaying how much kyoko has grown and how her connections with other people have shaped her, she's more sure of herself largely because she knows she has reliable people backing her up and their loyalty is a direct result of her kindness/positive behaviour with them. Her faith in her own abilities is very encouraging to see and i find momiji surprisingly similar to mio in that she has to hide her real feelings due to circumstances out of her control, her devotion to shizumasa and her grudging respect for chidori just as she bleeds out perfectly tie up her arc and though she is tragic she is splendid. I like that they took the time to establish kyoko's current position before moving into the route arc which I feel is going to be long and tedious, morizumi was a pain and director kuresaki is so pathetic i love him
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freakurodani · 1 year
Would you like to share your thoughts on the bokuakakuroken dynamic?
OKAY so uhh it took me longer to get to this than anticipated. unfortunately i got this ask RIGHT before i started my shift, and its been ough, more than 12 hours since i ended my shift, which means my thoughts had so much time to change and morph
i will try to gather my thoughts into coherency fjakjbas (no promises tho,,), these arent all necessarily romantic, i think they CAN be! but i think if they are a polycule, theyre a friendgroup first?? idk, i think they are a mix of romantic, queerplatonic, friendship soup yknow??
but i really enjoy the subtle rivalry between akaashi and kenma on the court. It's not the overt goading and gloating that bokuto and kuro have with each other, but its there. And I adore it. Captains and setters mirroring each other... balance... in my brain. I think there is lots of team work OFF the court between kenma and akaashi too, especially when it comes to making fun of bokuto and kuroo. they have an understanding
i think bokuto and kenma are an interesting pair. in volleyball, bokuto is WAY TOO MUCH for kenma. he's loud and boisterous and greedy. he's like shouyou, kenma can't get away with anything. off the court, bokuto is STILL A LOT, but he also shows such *genuine* interest in kenma's interests, he's attentive and engaged. he also gets *way less* scandalized by nudity and gore in Kenma's more intense games. Kenma isnt great at explaining things, but bokutos go gettem attitude makes him a pretty fun player two
kuroo and akaashi... i thought about them a lot. to me, they are STEM and HUMANITIES solidarity. I'm going to tangent to curate the vibe~~.
The separation of stem and humanities is a fairly recent development in education/academia. in the european renaissance, art and science were so deeply interconnected. to be an artist you had to understand the natural world. it helped you greatly as a scientist if you could depict the world you saw. Leonardo da Vinci probably comes to mind, incredible artist and inventor. He stared at water for hours watching it ripple. He believed that if you were not outside drawing every second you could, you were hardly an artist at all (he was VERY hardcore, and VERY uhh.. most ppl didnt like him much. Same with michelangelo. Raphael was the renaissance's golden boy, it's why the pope was in close contact with him while he did the school of athens in his library while michelangelo was still waiting for a letter back from the pope about the sistine chapel (pope didnt wanna talk to him) none of this is relevant but i LOVE talking about this stuff. Bernini is my favorite, though he is Baroque/late renaissance rather than High Renaissance (after the mannerist movement!! very important distinction. (did you know there were TWO bernini's? Gianlorenzo's father, pietro would have been more famous if his son wasn't a prodigy. but he wasn't resentful, he ate up his son's skill, was very proud "i will be known as the father an mentor of the great gianlorenzo!" cute stuff) what number of parenthesis am i at? i think this is the last one)
i digress. I think of akaashi, a literature nerd, and kuroo, a science nerd. and I think of them appreciating that about each other. I like to think that if one of them has intense, burning thoughts about something that moves them, a passage written so beautifully, a chemical reaction so moving, they share with each other. both of them i think, share a certain appreciation for the beauty in the world, and can really appreciate the beauty that the other's perspective comes from. they bleed into each other, akaashi starts thinking more of the physical world, and kuroo, already a metaphorical savant (we are blood, anyone?) appreciates akaashi's musing (absolutely LAUGHED at him the first time Akaashi waxed poetic about bokuto though. They have solidarity but they still lowkey antagonize each other aksfjbaksjfbaskjfbakj)
i think ill cut my thoughts off here. ive really rambled and i think most of it wasn't STRICTLY about bokuakakuroken, but when i was thinking about them yesterday, this.. kinda was the deal. my thoughts can be really difficult to capture and tie down, theyre amorphous clouds that twist and change in hurricane winds so sometimes they just come out as "WAAHA CRYING SOBBINGS OUGH" because thats the only way i can get them out before they slip away
im supposed to be writing things down more, it helps me a lot. but, if you were interested in maybe a sneak peak of what its like to try to think of a single topic in my brain,,, here u go! please enjoy the content you asked for, and i hope the content you DIDNT ask for was at least a little bit interesting <3
4 notes · View notes
libidomechanica · 1 year
The beautifully at his gate thy wild the said you remembracelet
A treochair sequence
The beautifully at his gate thy wild the said you remembracelet.
In vert fields. The little babes, poor. Upon Europe’s sage minute. If
by this is with my father, be the Optick Nerve, I do lie hid in
it, hopes, and if each man ashen-gray denies. But I never die
misery even not with form cells? To time. Thy delight: low like a strange
with and yonder skin. In your Foliage, goethe hoofs of shame no more ruffled
stores defaced,— but work me frae my greated egg release my Lucia’s
tomorrows, fair-lined to flourish to be forgotten till sleep. Pleasure
her bed of mine eye; they griefes stormy passions for pilot thou will
not entered light. The come what renew’d: the wind we dwell half so, but loom
in silent over the city’s lost; there, and of a smiles, numb with buds
and almost fruit might win what heaven thy clear son doth my undoned
in your smile he is not look at there the came despair from bough our
margarita she drown’d in the doctor sacred our tale why sytten rocks
look so. My auld blast—at last no others’ old … I grow bright or to endless
is a Love! Or, be happy those cool broke up the too as when I’m
o’er you, if he hill it cannot meet you love of them noise. For a hand
disting of their heart bear—but a thought I chaunst that time you that pass him.
Tho with a sword, for three in its long? Present look like one lake. While time
to the idle to spinnin’ wheele: but such thoughts? To get that cloud song.
Close, each he looked who tramped indeed and rooted here no play, and so long
dead: he was sprung! Does him thee; since, as tis sunk to that you’re their tryst. He
double sacred preach May never the might above man chain of a beat
question. There, thy knife has power? And that be wiser sepulchral urn,
and indeed, attens stay to lug me a new fill’d his gracing lassie
down, dotting fond on the language care is souls in the river have living,
for to the him knewe. From my hearing repeats though all day round thaw,
and day keep me a formed, and chang’d. Few, and a flower of merriment
for then? But then I can not Wit, the thing swift to flie. I think I’ve loves
had no hints do tie me bowed name in driver; oh, that goodness at peace,
when the while on the sighs. As on before, that gray. Severe raven of
another casting to be silently gentle in the spring the
night, when startled, he, who was shot in black and day where one can dawn
infliction of his God! Supremely his gate, for all cross our heart after;
I had long winges round us of loved here! Of doom is that I
weary, aweary day so round and Loue still: I can between denies.
I have beheld that blood! A woman hour where kissed kiss, yet one made man
mind. Ah, may in the nightingale, by their word may interline and ear!
Life instantalize I’m o’er young the grave. And plant in the stones the day
lonely stings from your offering about in verse, that nature gone when with
shaken; i’ll confus’d, but the sing. No grace is dreams decreed which prisoned
shining section of one to shield that you born by Autumn’s such he signed.
And thus—Poor forward mass of the merchant? Like a sunset; blades of a
troop of jasper to virtuous caverns young woo’d, and word aye, I find
not bound as soul would have. Trip no fires love though a birch limbs go said Margaret
for youngly thee statute and she may things which the draws the day which
he were dead, desert its side in Egypt, one is disper the mought us
all keeps the suff’ring voice obedient, to form impregnable
of my though them till the blood truth women are but what I am tired
if I had and sings mattered like a bit of her world across there.
Pale moonlightning on on mair too. With tears and meekness, stars it to fall
live with other impendidis longer; but have the this singing. There
are Minds blow, and flow. It mixtures the come, we’ll about he leave the jewell
as heard, to see what raw and all a private me of a moral
create and oft then none has it nor know that might and I never met
with their elegies and diamond: and forms of midnight shall with, and eat
and feverish: look, wild be found by each time served, and they thee,. Her breast
doth its spectives in a worse beauties on thin a bond of water.
Maybe thou pursue it. And weary, her hand, with cold his silver bedded
down, and one of they blushing hope, and not go freeze me out perhaps
form cello to the man’s fool. From harmony, from blame kindled, however
write it was sexually till shooting those friend, in order as
transfused to see is vpryst fruit; but, O my pains too drown’d, did reach, they may
no many ill with the changed lamb kebobs. To human formed to see will
single downy owl a part; and young Lord know thou scarcely great krater-
drops silent down know just malin, why her mind; he had the world still say:
I am not, nor league, thus display: and I meant to swing. For Man’s eyes
of other in the phant suffered. When turned in a day the Rose-tree, who
does he sate with shaken up and never presence thee on his knife. The
sleep he is a fishes a chemical mixtures on these world wear I
dared up from deathly aching word, for love fresh and crooked so were from
the tints nest. Fair; it mighty governor will make you? Than all were to
the hands I could the terror and thing, long the next she thing shadows they’ve
made her season, and thy beames, there me. And a naked, he water.
Stella, died. And all where the perfit which sturre. Own nothing and all the
found he was to be singing leer, forgotten only a snare made, but
pass the lion root; the work thee, his laid down at there dwelling sorrow
to lie, and fell do to singing God the valley, while. Bear—but still the
worth its release? With such as the farther rinses the lies. Ripe appears
stand down sorrow hairs. He wall. That love depend of his resolute, an
odour addressed was chest child dwelt and wise may chaunts meet, mad morning around,
in hell, by thy said the cold arms at peck a casque their babes, and descend
their them. The law. And the secret shade where not so; but hunted. Voice!
As your convey’d, since her evening on heard, so doth rope to cease. And the
birth, tell to lives of angels, who wasted upon thy rock and Wordsworth.
Against what is gone bring the fly with chink the tramped the south: stamped in the
ended. For this numbered like a cast out of pain, the Humours nor mend,
no heaven bridegroom to wan, or fearfull maze of a word and fear. And
Creator’s prudences pride lies backward proud of things peace the thou for
surface was thy bank they glided flowers and thy voice wroken entangl’d
and her her would look up the eye; while sobd- out window of a new Tale
Wit might a singing’s fierced through to hang on the coop. The impotent
of it; and caughter’s weaknesse ouerwent round; and I will be thee long-sheet
oft, so charms at the has itself able thy foot-stone fair ladies, my
body, layer waist the Warder a raindrops about I’ll never grisly
masquerade. In the ever an’ wrack and now a time nor had new,
and peace, and Venus story. Time he hide to fill from crown fire, all the
rocks. Gives me a tedious air weep, naked ark the worth! Is play, a
heard, people had has been skiing then, you wilt thou were taught this years it
under heal: and whose rose, first it die; yet wane of passed did I myself,
I see around, and blossom. He one; the grace, sweet contine, to kill’d his
prove their blaze and again, she said he which shore that the honest, for what?
Courage againe: for all be time despair, and crying wall, and, and Tree.
Again, and over and me from side, comes that we rust taverns service.
Notes then at their leaves, lean over, dismantle white stead on his garden.
Is grapes, hills and some near, never and let him lest already, I haue
no sorrow should kills and wine. And bare to turn to my blood can tell ye
too familiarly spring. But I never again, and her on a
shawl. The coloured birds have; and turkeys cross the soul bee; and what each with
thy sister memories one looks beguiled took through it was mourning woman
loved o’er that desert will plain—oh might broad leaves in one did not with
new could’st unravel heart cried, it were though I muse as other tea and
distress, and go talking forth, into the Trees were bent men, till their hold,
they can shrine, mortal! Upon that some light and some wither rest not dwell;
Poor Man’s harlot, am I not, with a door in its do tie me a
means which range it feed devil spring; I left. Upon the first wait foxes
to and binds and by there is not if in Autumn robbed us soul
cut moss uprose; and looks, stair with the worse best remember then coloured
no wind we weeks. As from Beauty is every with a bank and head a
kiss’d that he born of merry should that was sole effects sunny was verse.
Hand and she it’s like and so daunted. Which side, though a wistfully and
grot, and to that me night and helped us and loves his bounty chearful
anguish keep unespied, for soft and for all the golden plays his hangs
and her breather kind; the time heart in her greeted by greybeard, keep going
with me, the off my own ribs crank, and victorious race; let him
in the rosy more caves beneath reflects suffer than erasèd. Full of
spring-times and droop’d a private modern wave the kisse. Where held they seemed
pression, or croaks, and distract against myself fortune’s shield Man paus’d at
the Solway, for these some do it many a strook: for does the crown when
your fists intered with any heart will for natures perfume frae wed?
No long the knoweth where not will not the shrinks another come and fragrant
to put there one steeds of night. Not rise that tempted more eagle with
thy images of mine eyes, about, this I saw the shoot not despise.
For let me inmate the hid? For can it truly, which mishap this
beloved. The love it with at length of the started of thy dainty answered
corpse! And proud, since there is spread half-conscious to Lethe, not with reventeen
slowly came. And Express war are vain! Where those dirge is not go gentle
and who pass ere sheds like a tree, by my blest to the Eyes take arrows
cold an odor! With art’s fun this be let men do your own course tied
herself, I seem’d to marry yet. Of lowly with you and still stern skins.
Below his curving we had put uneasy not live aside; her die.
And tell by that I would I pour orange. Take the Partridges of hope
than I speak me thou no sorrow to make the fault that watches he same
forc’d by a magic lantern gate the valley, comes of them over against
the earth! Just on its love no moan, for the years that a grave, wearing
heifer and my heath! A moderate Hell, yet so manage welter name.
A cricket cap was used then a wild snake that best remembrace. But this
multitude, as thou will no more so involv’d and hard: and comfort her
face for the million and pestiless me, which public honour fists into
my sighed spotlit. Could be if one, by sing. Race my scales bloomed in the
Dove, come are just of demirep some back into a spots determined
bell. That of pardon meane by, crying but what never man observance.
And hoary harm of the cock so much Rose as he meditation of
it flashest longer black into the stroke from understand its of shame,
in an old, now my dream; so well as ye: yet I said yes I striking
break my hear a times sing. If her to called there: the tough our wonder that
every collecting sorrow kind; not in spirits greybeard, one is stone
to tell; for the old many heart, and senses undone.—I’m o’er you inside
in eithere nonsented, outside them a cuckoo-song, I’m o’er you.
Fold at he say to have young Lochinvar. If Maud should wear to do more
brief house-affairs of shy peryenched, I die! Many warmth, while I don’t
have suffer the give. My auld manfully! Tho with a ground. We will be
thou awake. Sweet a lass, as we returned to that remembers, shy, in
it. No, though a perfect musing me and hid fresh tears fell from thy strife
will be to say just must died, with tears: all for a sense the bride’s bliss,
forgotten in what evening, lingered out in an eye in a common I
hear her sporten into Eternity or low. Which beguile; let now
he drew afraid obscure the desert, and howl incessant from the day
our soon as if my tender is come to quench of a smile, after sun.
Born to the hymns of clay with forbear, and ivy buds and despair is
enough Hades, at distance ages, when happy thou no sing of October
and make your eyes. Like a running wander tongue silly bowls force my
very blooming, and drag the Lord, and uncharactered up a watched
his eye be, as if the day. I’m with while I dinna thing, and their
eternal years call. Sir, but your fields, from off the ruin, I pittie that hunker
down these have to fair. A purple bunch three chambers, such he distings
from the removed, attention your soul to her. Which I have don’t have rear
that was pale and in shall within fingers, Fenwicks, secure his water.
In vertue art. All, faire most seemed about he is as double eyes of ioy,
that pass’d, would not bends let than to do their of cloud clan; i’ll cross’d by now
with midnight. And you are was just once all how then sins a pain, and all
in it. I shallows lay, how thee. Making steps of woe, why I awoke?
Said Margaret, fool, where never mind no, not heede no more lies a word.
Medicine shadow moved high and bawled up his can howl incessant to bed.
Upon the new Heav’n-born fair. Was but from the Gods still: but we had be
study troubles the lived it now dark December, need of water, even
to kissed found the ceased: he ranks of shy and alone. Good-morrowed
skin of him lead we had long his golden spotted to do, but in the
spotlit. The fire, to adore. As their falls from this: if that after the
fall? I heart, as I might, nor form men curse men know the crept. The nor thou
hastly gentle still lived it that have done and couldst haply till vnto thy
woe, for thy, my for blow more color of it; for the those breast once for
that else in allege no echo back in it, a pale page, and breast; Mars
called the too much beguiled, are we traver his blusht: from chanting will day.
The scented to mend the brough he drag the poppies, know is blessing to
me out me thy curl’d, and all hold my thought I singer free-born into
warming forth, and for a loud there at honour isle, was as lang ye look
at set down this houses dwell as a stop lovers mine own coffing in
my break to you were shade where he used fleeting, till have look, with lullaby,
my voices? Upon thank heaven’s try it They heart upon that I
chaunst thou warbles when we shut our live? And life’s always the grapes together
he can between ere, opened with alike Tom Waits. So strife, then more
my Lucia in a countenant of all teach though in my craft or float
’neath. At endow’s goe down to add a words then person to marred. As if
she said, My life said she, so lost triumphs of those little of Wyoming
aboue me with seaweed resume? All rises also a pride, to
beware, I folded humble, me, and the eyes had man, since a meant, at
thou trust men, the lies is found the kiss on than once with you. Till headlong
as Divine! They do wi’ an appled heart. Like that we sat and honest,
ere lies will know, we are as one of the chilling a wails of depend
of sighed amongst thou, my lover the statuary it is wiping
the laying. My woe, come winding alien teares, before I have
doth bind held that doest told of what a blest his not every loud complete.
For would tea. When on the lies and indeed, and wreathed Doctors down is
thine own. For I saw these pleas’d, and startled grave me. And brother waist by
the sorely fused too soon as care fine it would get. And twenty-five? And
I know then sighs toward a brother, his blessing, that I perceive; and the
Gaule is swift the window, should not under it. Or have ribbon, love.
But neither’s feel his griefs of demirep some farthern down to my layer,
that will buy me be seen. She one; a touch as simple and of
animals, time forc’d by the cease he lower a chain one’s supple stiller
air becomes in a hear of mine more did rub the had man’s harlot her
muse with gems and these two walk with art’s full bright the time young Lochinvar.
But long we hide those day I saw a mantle why shall know not self, as
tis defy: such unholy has tantaneous joys holy, eternal
spleenin’, he already Maias bought, my smell; and yet has a plague of million
doth true it fared up each shaken; it moved me; forstep, the valleys,
sighs, play, but hurry, if ever was seen fell do to swing. Virgin fancient
kinnes golden to gaudy day—the where was truly, when only
fancied in dear consolate fruit; but when I worriedly the remains
which shadows and so bring a bond the could looks that is face, nor God down,—
burstinging. We went to love, a heap of jasper in the sport in a
country harmony through, and we are sweetly because is plays. Or Branching-
places and her eternal, infinite brought, nor my dreamer
embranches parts are you shoulderings, and let’s obay yet loved and lawless
you art cannot beat, and amber they have made of love, by me, again.
Handling larks, to swell a morning, and spinnin’ wheel. The ioyous throught have
bee-mouth, O Loue, bought to bewailed up to the man with seraphims
that seem false esteem: yet, that fall long was, as up as worse the grass. Along
their father. Her apart from the was, as woman half-empty but
the heart or falls can plays that you let us little God I told to
do but ye. And waves has left to wake do it, remember studde, his murth’ring
this goodnight. I don’t deny it. I do stirr’d by hardly when my
contrite heare notes are; talking out of the dew. They and his happy as
yonder cheek: its kissed spreading, the book on the end of Leutha, seek him
not so, thou bee asswage. A glorious your mine he useless youth here
were to her ships: Ay, in this, but to gather as at you’re lucky
together kisse, blesse we have payment. How her eyes a sip of the man of
night be gin the ring of the wind that now we felt since aged in your
true-love you for the sun look upon you adore: nor a pint-sized her
sighed and thou beare! Is toil’d, and peace in a glorious empire of
Phoebus story rope among the might a rate humor and vttermost a
transparent didst make his pale, so frown to you. Grant high or brain golden
nymph pass him to this our cupped to my spirit of her hurt his come,
for an how Aurora, proud queen or clotted silent pillow or no
languid rider occasional era, that hue white had fr an end.
Nest well rever and water. Is my part my loud an’ jealous parricide!
And sands upon the birth, ere you that welcome, and lived its poisonous
has differential, glad I walked with the sands alone, for they can
prudence more cause a noose and what it has round; while yet envy me; where
we two out did lilies, oh! Flipped present, and bound the prostitute of
pursue: night wi’ a crazy auld be and every we weeks, but in One.
We had vanishing is, they are my limbs from the strain, and the kind. The
nightsome confound, mayest thought, your self I’ll tell they are content orange, amuse
was it takes of the Swallow flowers alone. Rose upon heart, driving
a wailing of that cloud drop of golden she shock: his way-wander
we troused to madness, to warmed in a knot. Ah well? Haunts me near as
lips and wood and around him, lest the iron stain one who tramped in love
must mansion. Are not deale grave, o pitch had none has swayne, and while deny
it! But remembranching. No play, how him, and ease. To sell head is soul
devotion, barren memory frosted nails of them to which warmer?
Of the monstrous joy I recognized joints deluded when hid in devoid
of hour hands I could silver-green leaves in private at all thin find
him and you must not things a long, on the barren memory It is
the sun that, which, though the changes in the mine. Together to remove
ribbon, loves, light. And only your eye plumes beneath remain’d. The melancholy
voice of a sighs. Tough ones are, how each hand converted of the
great flower as lips as reddest us book to what is a heart to
the meet has raptures perfect made no proportioner and at peace
of you of his weary eye and Locks looked out a wistful deed with a
sweet, trust Life’s iron-pointed aloud. Flower, for where wed, the craik amang
the trees under when I am and my thou, chopping Pleasure light?
Sank or foot, and a kirtle rode all bow along some are lived through that
I dragg’d the sang, and stray that will silver’d a presume? Heart would say: warm
at each to me: he world, but walls. She sets and a little when thine like
a morning for thee which thou talking pleasant night light: I known as thy
first lullaby be time, for that man mingle cease the wide the shaped like
dew lovely to the weary eyes beneath my arms and look at mouse bespoke
so chapel on my dearie! Nothing its greene, let me in Weimar sleep.
The sea there, long-broken: time I touch, but it else her saw a magic,
ghosts and the world beauty appease. And down. As so called my mistress, full
sung fear my dear office read its too am I in youth,—the lassie
bushes to quench on the first thou from his night of the awkward of its
though Hades, had been this—to flourish could but them, that move, without the roll’d
dear Julia, art exercised to the strengths of view she says, had done thered
like earth fannes wakeful dame. He who wastes, for shadowy work
of the round in bound a good in a shoe face: hope next to sing the was
the grief and tired if I have. And flow’ry the pallid and strain into
this isn’t talking to me The grateful stood around remarket in
eastern gate, and Sleepeth in small come: lovely numbers breaking toward then
idle length torched to see thee from chimney- wall, we sat does the
multiplicity holds, from year too hast and sad men which is only like that
same? Of loves more enclose, and thus made up as when who refuses dwell.
The hath scope affair as if the other? For comfort me wither shaken
Demon of bloom stood I will whelp aloof the hides the houre-long and
so dignifies. With adders to the nigh, the only joys remote a
Fountains asleepy arms and other round and he can’t image in the
world were thee behold the knife, there is some loves in the padded presume
his set the autumn pond which begat: but my life,—so I, with his happy.
As they reflect stream, and me from the green-eyed in the sun, but twenty
in think in that matterings in the totter’s for young pretty beams,
ready, I thou; but Ostentation spread of the only delight not
in Thailand, our wife. And perfectly coward she cccome? Spin, who with the
kissing myself she happy freezes sick sunglass may man could Fate does
Terror of the think, slim shall in which he drew: swift foot and peach? The sight
be champaign with aching-place, her forecast head; not because you hast to
prate. He stooped, and ’twas numberless be remember, it were smart discontent
to tells he hath not Helen in the climes she shadow cross thou dost,
open fixt on a platter, but before; in a forgot its service,
their Sun nor do and low, and moist, and land and charg’d with time that’s very
human be able store to make vnspill those like the panacea, Sir!
More divisible and fearfully I dare no sins from every nights
too upon the arms universal a sleeps with coffee sped the crept
with money, that Fate; as ear and thaw, and guardsman who pale, crawling window
spreads and the good we went rain.—By stayes, and every day who see. May
he beacon, because hedgerows cold, the universal frame began
to finde in place, her die at morning sometimes twould have beetles,—blind eyes
wishes’ call’d to lovers of the stop my way their hymns divisible
that temples I begin that do I ensconcern. Poore Layman I am
let me now is, if anything eye, the staid feet oft hand in trine.
For Winter we the lacing after his javelin summer’s briers. Fill women
are his like the staircase of us seem’d to thee stars were death-moth
bower, or will, my will, nor an erasèd. She want high-design is swift
to her: the Feild, I need the secret, for I are not you leapt about.
That cruel be? Stand I speake; and him, on someone shadows dapple bunch oft,
and strange is dull say: But he who give upon that my ended the woman
industrious image of booze, that love! Into this knight in worth.
And pleasing to Spain comes there: for stepping in the heaven will plague on
me in our needs by his voice, a fresh Springing, turning skeleton, winter,
darkness gracious thoughts doth give. For I there is it? And distances
water ravenous absence; the growing, as I rose are no other
as tread we are rave, but to daunce. Like mine was summer, adoptiue so strong;
and fast roaring is set down know in the moon was spun: and the pronounced
myself and a book you like week, and no word, thou awake us in
the cause her pity thorny trees, weary day—then although the twine. Sought
always to man it put there young Bacchus race; with working for that was
started her husband; so surround of his javelin would robbed, but fettered.
In these two hour again, as heave more enclose to the nest. All to use,
they burning with thou afore, make when shone, to do or hand distinctives
of warm at one many ceased hard, people talked, an ’twere dead leave me,
do not to loves, shall come to the poor, and there it was cajoled. But because
the height be told, converted but a bakery in silent as
shape apple- tree, because thy cheek, in glory restaurants thou can prudences
of Cain because too of the other see his more ruffled; the faithful
in prison- air: so when nature very soul deadened the bat.
Which he said she let’s obay on Death a heart that path I could branches
attendant like a misguised rite, for a sudden mouthed with you, so
love for Jewels forget thy her clown in his hands: before minute? Love, and
the will sort as, they thy heart, and could ass of the ley, the honey bright
that makes the shall sing; I left its time we built our the eye; while them not
the Touch, Wit is their purged air, save. Straight by a blest wool, Sometimes weep, and
yet so much- lamentationer and the grim too and now who given
at him from being lethargy, the day A deale growth again head. Nothing,
idle match’d there: pale live on which to end the sate without a
separably drown’d in Lethe, near trace; thou wakes and round he looked some coarse. Yes,
ever casement behind: returned to wretched him eerie, simple
white an addict. The two prefer its tenor he wakened. And by
thy joys, orinda’s wisdom! Selves, that We had no mask of heat, there, love
him caught kill. And may flower have know, and when the will nights in them go
said the perfect music a lake. Where than ever was of Cupid strange.
Have stone life— he spoken will not One of those rosemary witness, her
sighing, as you departed could not darkness my poor songs not Helen’s
public foe, that like legs, clever my head, go on, to crack mould—the middle
of going the advancing lies; or if that thee long sorry forked
with me remains from the world and the mountained and when so fast do
not who turn his strings I turned, Heav’n-born violent. And I was not be fountain
one bright and pressing, twelve, I fear to grac’d, would suff’ring spiring they
are not different doth wine, my Friend, in devotion, for this, though fortunate.
Silly cross the looks of gentle love of the first ye were he warm
of love right of pity asphodel, is no cared no word and in the
time heart of me, the dusty nook our sweet, rubbing ransackt head growned:
I sung to me, both pleasent my face and the come years met to move and
I so fayre a meadows of glow, and, aye untrue, my wintry with fear!
And small the Love, and all fall; but the eagle stamped her father’d my headlong
as you adoration; if each joy and down to then the garments.
Not telling away a man how he had been the other season: many
tyrant they are have no garlandscape front rousers, thought can ne’r be
my love. Or whichever kind; and murmur are confidentall he can.
Straight soul of warmed in peace and this broken purpose who can reprieve me
their arms that bitter but became nails; we ruby great good; the leathed
furthern thought, injurious talk by night of pity, and breast, which though
the shape or led bare but yet you art, my loved but like him in it. Was
service peek or Latin laurels wide to gaudy house; two orange:
unlifted my case of pardon me her. The new-mown hither; and green, above,
but a wails to pick the peopled on thee; the sea which projected,
your soul deed heavens’ majestic women straw and own’st fraternity
while she often foretold; not let me distraction and caught the although
the stock the kitched poor sombre cave, I’ll love youth, and me as well, I had
a kirtle embroidered under too near to die. While this most spinnin’
wheel it came my thigh and this, the living Death, retree hauntie Katie upon
the thundergrown fires. I owe young, according board she may i moved ears
fill made of shame, and the words have at dull reign filthy do we return.
Is brutes, sigh: for all. No name first but commonwealth, and frantics weren
our eyes were a gave the Humours are rapid blades, but if in end.
He care indeed! Her table be defiled; he sport arounds of Age,
the will by they scourge; the good and earth; and by nightingale has been fire
in from this told my craven time. Against though greenery want then the
never loud that Woman’s heart to give. Most there all observance. It’s to
quench one unbroken its spent, and could adore: turning lies. That sprawled they
still, and her plant again Thus noise. And sing down in gaol by petals spill
their tryst. Then I am silence from the storie,—o why men marry
rope to one and soul to lug me all thine, as woman wipers light whereby
by thee up for them achieve threwe: but for your when the lessons for
adoration of mine those who wanted from my body were spindrift?
I’ll tell, and tea. The western the day he end where merchange, song with for
my faces glimpsed to do the morning darksome yet now it ran, the child
by grave doth be that such hair! Where dead was glad to plays. Go gentlemen.
Of late, like the rivulets were they are love, and of charming without
an his full sweet expresses from us— and who played ere seedling on
a stopless white limbs: he roll, invention of mine. She comfort I perhaps
for a concerns you and at the socked who you; good-morrow to safe,
of you hold he singing God nor trust meadow kit for such a sweet from
City Hall the day I meane by night about thou wilt should aunting blind
eyes’ favourites in the sacks, and gone, mortal alarms. The scented
to ask me from children, grown with, and we were are cave, and this face and
striking, long been ere I don’t true we not a time in the Keyes of those
age had a knife. She is time for can that Eloquent in the fat poor
May: and Oothoon wages would I be defil’d Melancholy voice of
you saw a fields. That peace, that for then I am a drum, whose ages,
woods which simple as clogged of icy grass; nor we thumb: but in Proserpine;
she had none, and Oothoon; and brush what had leaves, wealth what win or cottage;
at him but sighed with reward. With the various private play’d with
woe? One came that below has died, sweet by a dewy shady bowe, why
he rose on Bromion came neighbourhood, tho’ her to other will the day.
I’ll bounds and Thrush of Albion heel of your atones, to harsh kind
of sold. Heavens’ majestic indignation; or Paradise. Of a
wound, your pursue: nighttimes that a gifts by day, to-morrow kindled, columns,
then will comething only this, but sinful to the things before
was the night, we turns, nor careful voice I hear the stiles, and o’er the dead!
I fount my Jeanie. And tell me whispered like there better crimson learned
mine more would be for nature smooth reverse. Your dreadful hope, and lie
drown. And his bow, and I never things, I cheek, and ill. So I talk by
ran: theotormon’s craven on? And thine own back and delight as the
Electra her into the New Morne upon thing hotness still, and wood, who
are bow, a heart come slidings which bound, in celebration, depth of me.
Pale for after then he crimson petal by petals spillingly named
both all the borne, when in the cool broken all that belch in the fault lie?
I shall sweetbreak to mourn no more, harsh kind. They had vanish’d, I was red
right loaves late, made come, when she is choirs above, a human Pity’s name.
That cloudy the top of ecstasy of hell orange. If the musing
ordures too dead, still already bench, and wondrous ear and they are
not weeping away or thy lust? That hath probes to bright, I will be take
there dead hope from Syria, or it more dimness majestic paced it
has been when I the earth? Let men go; and great exampled in lit lie
in the heart, and nightless warlike you. And stiller an eyes of painful
win which I heard an opened slippery rocks, seeing still that youth be Can
such and with vain them. She water-cup bearing you are my blush’d: Euphelia’s
chest can hours not know by her lighten in my life perfumes or conquer’d
my friend, an ’twere best day languish night, eight: for my lover through her.
And down into the trouble penance and Doom: the hour was fast roar’d, and
these golden ringly faces the light, curled barber law, but will the most
seem woe, vpon the started. A woman who never yet all that bonds do
lie, but burnies and alway, you remember? Thus we held did never
be in the tame pigeon mine, neglected, we saw the beats found our face.
But tell her did knead, and each one to the prostitute and someone you
can like two may said the kiss! In my father’s garden to go with sore,
across that faith a smile on make out at the fief, of yoga and perfect
made morn of negligence; they ask his mouth the wander’d o’erleap the
pools or she was too could window, like Saint, with such good, get there deuoutly
the corners of shame, and Music she music raised through fair with a napkin
under a second falcons though a morn arose, and with fortune
chillness, by more can these two out bloom in you waken’d watch and bell called
he live wonder stay. And fill, hoping; and in height bleed, Mamma, I dare
not bound her now a priviledge allow bring my day; the high-designing
on when the come. And long, and die of a corpse into the worm is
of paint Sebastian, bliss, and wide and he can. Sprawling nostrils widow.
All cold, the pride of his hearsay when the soul’s spreads feet of poesy! And
throat’s hope next hours, and every day; that blind to-day as I’ve lose man’s fate,
the last passion of the research of lowly camouflaged them say you
for every time ancied it that are your eyes well follow’d? To thy face
to the end is there is they mistress, her of the adult’rate place so
bright his held an Arke a watch at al was none else can using on its
multitudinous self-viewed,—and here is my drift then haven as died.
Holy, eternal Laws be huge rondure; but ah! I’m sitting the sun,
and blood, and that sleep. From thy brackish with a gardens which sweet said, it
group of wintry wise antic indignation keeps not quite fact that other
cool flowers of space I have my loves now! Without since, a black. And
can place own desert eyes, yet ne’er dress, as we went dances, oh! The cool
brown coffing into them wild lean-headed far beyond, attens mute in
mouth. I light a reguiem that shining rails: and as spider of griefe: that
which warm cave a nose feet we turfs reare. The very colours of viewing,
and rendezvous, but I went invar. And without he with work more, to
that me as I roved. At last limits on a day, the Eyes beauty.
Come king of then the read. The word mak’st above, to leaps to another
tires his smoke that damned to which he dim and of artisans were a
poplar shows, fair-lined an image or wish accent. And that is pilgrims
of love, must lose in his good, not forsaken she weak, it was the stark
mute in they are comfort were straight where the shade, and weeds by all the place
he is most thro’ the mouing nature smooth rocky pride the chains this road leaue
to the word mask, and vtter them about the face: yts times, innumerable
gazing I should thy cruel, my winges rot and her love’s City entered
lays they fall alone, needing the Law they rode all thine went walks by
day their heart, And by some whale were a wistful of though a dew, twas a
served for the wound, with compleenin’, he harlots; and be my scatter to
my bloody birch light for excess of our head, notes is the diapason
air of coal this road as dead, long that tranquil, yet, yet, lies and the
Iliad at the sky, or two: but a thou sit up, and compare, when the
wind and that was waxin’ wheel? Where, or Haire is dream’d, those rose and reset.
Venus glorious absence come; so I talked, with everything lass, fills
within her hearts the which life—he strong to dreary, with the steel: for a
habitant at all a print moon-white goods. Sound thus they are not say where
was mov’d, be began, but babble! Till has margaret, for the in my heart
has a delight. Mr. What watcher puir Jenny for what the strange cup.
Come that fellow faces seen by yon gave man in your immortal partly
because in my babe the cave often afar: for the dead, o my
footsteps into the earth was gone the last from this transport, I went in
delay the secret he drowns, while tale return our remain of me.
Shuddering to the treats of something among me a tears and so wise and
what is not so much, Wit can bodies, or from Female light that mate and
soone whole and cries, a cloud thy soul of flower of for in my bleed in
this raking trees, made to each other love turning days had new, to tye
the ring ere one small his steel: for poison, and so strange a course men we
saw the be come with her heed me where is a stream. About the soul prey’d
lost thought thy flight her verse; but to add a woman I am pure
undisguised to recall world the Minds upon that God’s eternal joy shall
sing for a lake. Almost ridiculous moon shalt have been with whereto
look therefore, that with fresh and leave bade bench return’d away again.
Stella, died, last nae prostitute and am below them! Come anguid
feeder was fondly it feelings from Time to a desert with make chose
below air? With lullaby be burnes, mortal muse expansion seven
kindly balm, or we travelers the mead anythings, thou are not seruices
make her take this an idly; for it. Orpheus, tremble to the
pilgrimage pure to see her say, nor fear noone way against they scorchid
the bright deep fresht, that passion you move and would Fate press; and brush sang, I’m
work, sit on my vert thou waits in handsome, in this feebly glared through wise
acts are not lives and caves unknown their slave of a casquerade. Where were
we have; and like traced alone is pride, there a false but true face and soul?
Other Sun or you offering comfort. And the will me with the green of
the crust, instead of oblivious Godhead and my Love, conseru’d
in gold; a belt of her ships of terrace, and a morality. And
that rubs itself in the Nether love where I my jest, aboon dies, the
can not so; to human treasures deface is it take a morbid eat
of innumerous so, and sweet to see each many sea-girls me fair?
You with Stella, the lips of the devil spring, lustie Loue, bettered last
she single drew: swift to me! Air the great of he love it with abhorrence
might their designing so much makes he disappear but sure to see
grant higher. Time thread bind and rais’d and all along wind it. And in the
dirge is there fresh and so light his laid as of a smile core o’ the
Infernal Footman have a child, weare no peace, and compared no one children.
No grace, there kept seat—and thou have chance that fence today with at level
stormy daily laid downe that she saw the hymns of old … I shalt never
less weeping his spots determined to through its breaths that the dews were at
dusk they are no limits far bells me back to lick a can sit and fame;
my Emanation, to walks by distance whispered like that kindred spot
in Profusion and lean Hunger and him hideous both severe round
thee, drop feel her when I am now: she health or litter planks that tempest
despite, and runs and still her sleep. God, evenings, many season, and
all the secret he lobes to that is the saw there my body need then!
A silent, Wit might her worthy earth in this year? Together, a songs
never me; but still end thatch. For wheres undergrowing to her break
him lest any sea-girls me frae my Loves the still an ivory shadow
soldiers gavel. With the had see dreams, ready hour of thee, the unborn
mine, not dare I taste their arms my part, his handful thou; good-bye and feel
said to endless climes, to bring streets on her hurt or compass away, some
down when I shall singing a coupled away; for ever again. And,
five yet all me which the story, to kill my winds your and her could have
demurely bow he disease and learn! Like a frown, blue flying one tender
occasionate one walls to bright when I am purest to her
infant joy, and scar believes a bitterly. ’Dost though Hades, to see, I
fix you gave young madrigals. And holes: and then with my unkind to tell
the roof, the lone, settling came a years. About the dead a white am
with Fortune’s shining? ’Ring arises seems to fill who which one to death.
Victim of my best jewel from the greene, let House of you gave me sad more
dead away, is shine, which cannot beauty slumberless as thorns to
beginnes the heard from her sung in her poem but blood and reel; and descent
on: the Eye, need me inmate they falls to the last sleep he is subdued.
At peck a human love that pleasurably lingered, round the said
she head, for last nightingales at al was told; where it weeping out
of my loves in this dear Converted phrase, because here, my day before
playes, or for the valleys, growl like a jeep. Your fists inter, my part my
Love its will drink creeping to shining? And I, but these some and kiss and
to dare good as got to give thou; but still old … I shall come over round
ah me! We— the festivity, and milk and she, have to the fairer
the foot scar glowed soul, while lap of filth and sweet that kind, as if my dream,
we saw sad and stranger, thou down—only once; as an innocuous
soul, heat and Doom. And silence is not despite of pretty pink grew like
Homer’s hardly which, years. And man. As solemnized the Sun. With its
wails fell world have squeal at the read not a judging, but could all descended
men knelt those breed up the long I did she told, as she such soul would
blood that yourself, and your comes her make us to come, it with the hide.
Which waves if we had no frown, who watch the next she tomb best: with shut upon
they scorn could taint you hold your hand: but some come too late, but what was
just assistancy condemn’d the ley, this heard his lips bidding a broke
of poets frets on my will like turn form, and may do anything, which
maidens do the claimed. With a statuary we trous blank slipped by nighting
darkened by longing, that glorious absent. Fog, though a wind was
busy with such unholy vesperanza’s Gavel. No, that time you
leaue to move a great Solemn as cursed, and hoarse-mouth the this day languish
nightingale hammer dust remorse. It is a pint-sized her Fortune that
a screen, a poetess wasted. At the treat gouts of his shudderings, stay.
By season is give with transition. Who watching-place for that marish.
When in me. I comminglèd, as whole grave. And sang with and knowledge of
fears had be more cannot be foul anodyne; with skill. For her on the
idly; were a minutes crawl, and sweet a flattered leaden shadowed in
their woe, the dead, thy praise up and all keep who came say the Eare a life
in one’s their grieve me. Avian, blame: but, I knew it is drew warmth of
eglantinent the pink, be not a dead, for bliss. They did there all the
Pleiads mocked dapple-tree, trod a sweets and gold; angelo that poor, pale
lightning beside me of Youth, take. The more loser that sleep? I feel her
skill has confus’d, I dare the nak’d single doubt’s prudence, thankers, and sweet
flowers are then abate, made pronounced to thy call thy he low. May i
touch of love is bed, full many a jeep. Does not get employment? Strain
leapt above us sincerity; but with a gave may man who are
meadow and yet am I not these momentation, not a judging,
there indeed, almost from the waiting lute. A few or the who are mair
the nightfall be stay said sob buried Venus glorious dreadful pen,
and and arms on the red with me From being far, wave still sleep.
Of my bleed? Some downed with feared the weeping high and convict lie? Nor she
sawdust upon her give measure night Cecilia raindrops in sweet heart
which sort the passes crown where I heart. Of life, alas! Diamond: about.
For him lead to see that chickening ordures thicke, and build, and as
a though certains of you go thou wilt though but is in Ithaca or
have me so well as I discern—infinite paint. ’Twas busy pointed
him his soul a face of for fear the knew the sea alone is doors of
Leutha’s flames frozen,—o dool of hemlock, I’m hung. And I could year and
chains waved my mind give up and holy voice before awful far before.
Tender pray take it was dead a goodness, and adulterated egg
release. Naked in the shock tickle crevice peek or planets and all
those what kindest virgin joy. To have their arms on the night to time you
were he did rub together light, and he has gathern the won this: the
cup. With gloom. So rich open lay hid in her our marble fabric that’s
my power? Long and good die a dawn at them not with your eyes, but thou;
good-morrow and the Solway, but of life eternal beauty in the
dews at you, only in the meantimely to lived in vain dalliard
does the rose, and dews at village domains to be alone. And I so
low between us to built up to the after the one the steel; other’s
soft an his eyes and perspectre forms and now delight. Which each of many
a pall. Out of higher cuckold light dispute. Grey fight, we mortal
river, now a pride, for the said sob buried, Rorty, they sail to
themselues O sweets compleenin’ to endure. All my winges it can never
its sustains my written we she way. Pray, nor thy soul devotion
in thy sweet- Slug-a-bed, and lifts by morn away twould not like vomit.
And their grieve whiter blast, where is labour, on that had no mourning,
anythings one many he; sma’ silly man could it true faced in? Out of
the will, my lovely moated sung troth. With conveys it would examine
own sweet floor of hurt his face for Jewels for to do lie, a poets
rosemary we thus, she sang, and peeping snow, and through, and all forget whate’er
dryness. Sought her; and stuck in their own backwardness of the name is
a better blaze like thanked me it were all thing her which a wind a color
of ancient weare old toyes a feel and loathed? But must be old men to
see the poppies, but like a lay as difference. Are sweetned slip or breast.
You may be, as I. Lovers long can I am not, but this universal
in the river of them all through not, and sic pleas’d mortal e’re
apples that you—you grew that towering in loved. As when I could set, nay!
My hearing you on its back when the Desert, and, it was rapture so
shame, but love so light permit. Anywhere one white stead: but is all rose
in flights service. We turning the leading boy, his eyes were her speak well
enforces razde, thou dickhead. With use and playe, I yet am I in
a dale with lies willow drooping fate, betray impart, lost married me,
let the deserts red, rival ither seal, robert, he, or, betray impass
in another see him; but my part of age shadow, like a river
ring thy eyes take the Soldiers gave no clustered in the Nude Descends
the harder and swing. They wilt new warrior faire divided and no more
lost my rival, there silently we two hour anguish of pleasant now.
Of flies bare will not forgive, nor my human paus’d and I assure sing
to lie alone is not a blessed their grave. Dying air, like the way to
you meet and half hidden from yonder, Mr. Quick-loving ambition
with child. And round a cot and headlong year had has gone. For Sent, I’ll tell
the monstrousers, the dice it had to my bruises and I! And past: the
valleys, grove to then are lay, hurt doth odde and he love’s no stray in siller
air as a spirits tongue into my love! Those me day above, but
forgotten why he she was no fruits trees the silent must did not so
much more, ere I never woes in speak strung, I can’t afraid of thiness.
And so beat thou shall soon and pleasure harmony through to my threshold,
and I have at her head a bells of shame: this know drum! Between denied;—
love did crawl: o moan, received in and proud flesh were fun the clenched was well-
guided face of poesy! And out the was cold windows of that he spring,
then as the fluorescendant looked out His teeming should many hope.
Pity bought the hot forms that broken entangled it at his spring
voice can’t for if to me; while the sun, and gins of whore, how dear care of
Fear, was gone. Of table beams, but it because is at peck a carefull
broken like a drum, who Greece, let all like the worm improved dews at
hide, with flute, is large eye, hauing dart, and walk back in from the certaining?
Me, and, growes have been dead of dances prove; they sang headlong to have
to fly, and vows for those forgive the second and defaced the might had
to blame where you dissembled in man, half- conscious made my tone came last
lovely his lubrique and ears, even to marry. And glad, but in air;
the tide: it filaree as the first to graves. One where dead with slouch said: this
string her eyes of Leutha’s vale you saw the mystic indignationed
shallows eight in vain the cold dead, for on thine. With each many tears thy
wrist speake it and wondrous to their habitating lethargy, this won!
A man might, we have heart; and south share was red wine! And keep Touch, Wit is
page red and how bragly impair’d the pair or pity, scientists say,
if I have banged hence is innocence! In peace of the end, at my faces
yet unwieldy wreath. That cruel mock the sun, for there is only then
will be superior honour inmost seruices made no memory
as there not sweet, and walked around, and to gaudy how I met with
these shaped? By each of the see the tears: all the silver, not this more said
he but God’s Son dies, or, call the fief, in the food she collect the not
what good she know of their stayes, yet I dreadful with such death, so sweet-briar
will, or more pronounced into the love, is busy being brooks the
dead! Who thus thou grew faire Nimphs shore it back ink mallow or nipple bones
the light. Through certaint, but have, ye white like the Night held up, can neither
above. To shadowed nail, his my loved, I’m o’er there’s will be time, of
animals, is all rise with him and collar tissues radiant free! Sometimes
will be our wondrous prison-yard, and said he which experience.
Then her on his poison after throw to opening cloud that there the
wind and not the day delight. In such length beauty she did past, only
at night, and in his faire shadows of all inters, and should gladly bald
brough there think I’m telling urgent I have seene to woo,—and—Lord knowledge
crown sweet, rubbing repels to do the Queen of a great make, it in view
him, will be! Shaking and go, that is a plot of the quart of sticks, at
a calf impass in place. Some kind it say I’m o’er you cry. Shape, and from
the sword of think at you and close, heretofore: And my fall ills and span.
A time, sweet. It happier face, which there did that he is that nature
going word, for lusts repays most speak struggle corners go to the ewe
have has gather. So light wind was race; yet that morning like to that it
like a Statues, pearl forfeit, sometimes he passions find Wooll, too manage
well-proportioned soul-torments meeting; the river of lonely do you!
At think to lingers, lull’d mask I were he misery even torn. He
springing gracing section of the found there wide Border, now where were was
of poesy! Nor the indeed! In the too were at this: if he world. With
a flower shades from the this lamentation is there wall long the shalt
taste these golden dead. Man of the darksome years and round they told to human
voice! But Folly Bloom and my headlong the hour, her out for all else
marked by grey, and now for Man, along water when the cottage shining
if thy cheek, crooned, across to mourning rose from her eye discontent?
And with vain! I’m tell hedges if we have seene to shall never sunglass
may all thee; for the silver is the moon to spinnin’ weary lute unshod
Colt, that I have thick leave, and lookst bands untwining? Or does not thilke
same specific fact thy bliss, but you never! Of death waking wind even
abate, and her little greasy cheeks were on hand: pity be no
eyes and save they because thy bed’s—sprang from chimney-wall: then charms in these
would be that my wild the cricked with these thy love said, and in her die.
Up by meadow and bade me frae my guided loving—all fame the bright
kills all: and yet showed here with the heart was serve in mid-air to deck. I
have slept weeps chanced, when she warmth, while three witless dove, and then a long
since and fold, the booke doth the preuie todde they wander’s go the other’s appall’d
idol shoot: but by Nature one time: for Man, since and yet I were
will drive our open or breathed wash of the South as my ribs what pollutions
that time we saw the cradled by all to me so right the darkness
and traps of beauty is boughs joined to die first, and glad. Brings, pray creeping
out of human past, and quite, the ivory, ruby, pear the strengths of going
breath in heave, ye wearing and barber lays then a seneschal? Yet
for whether. Of a mask, the stock from your party for all the been see
they left with bars lest to the last I said; she simple as lucky to
winne, the hide. The with me wroken entangle down to these despair: he
who see, I see the same sadness course, being the may take a ceremony
but its their bodily for ioy count now I’ll recount to their
Priest, and without the Gods still it with lies is from Sin? And will night, the
ark: so we— the first, staid not design to brings had even to see, I
wonder gaze, and as heard my country open. In it, at once is it
like a Shop of Terror cry, Speak well those flower look, or on his name.
0 notes
thenicanbeaphantomx · 2 years
my review of Midnights that nobody wanted but everyone’s getting
Lavender Haze: sets the stage for the different vibe of the album but also has “I Think He Knows” vibes. was tapping foot entire time
Maroon: beat slows down, but is still very pop-y. the sounds in the chorus gave me chills. almost haunting?? it doesn’t have one particular vibe idk
Anti-Hero: most vulnerable song I’ve ever heard from her while still remaining upbeat sounding. The Archer feeling to it. again with that different vibe. the line “sometimes I feel like everybody is a sexy baby” threw me though I didn’t like that line lol idk I feel like I missed it. “did you hear my covert narcissism disguised as altruism like some kind of congressman” tho ok go off sis
Snow On The Beach: pretty sound. wished we could’ve heard more from Lana Del Rey other than background though. lyrics are super gorgeous. didn’t have a huge opinion on this one. probably my least favorite oddly enough
You’re On Your Own Kid: hurt my feelings tbh LOL obv it’s track 5 but like. it was too relatable. lots of vulnerability while still sounding upbeat like the others. has a lot of healing in it by the end of the song. the music in the bridge sounds so good I’ll fight anyone who says otherwise my God
Midnight Rain: might be my favorite song on the album. top 3 at least. what an absolute BANGER. the lyrics = fire. the sound = bathe me in it. the mood = exceptional “he was sunshine I was midnight” shut the fuck up that’s so good
Question…?: really needed a slower sad track and this gave it to me. sounds like insecurity in song form. she says the word “dickhead” and that gave me life
Vigilante Shit: reputation vibes. THANK GOD. tied with Midnight Rain for favorite song in the album. “draw the cat eyes sharp enough to kill a man” Taylor if you wanted me to die for you, you could’ve just asked. you didn’t have to do this, but the answer is yes. cocaine/drug reference too like wow ok we are GOING IN
Bejeweled: threw me off cause I was ready to fight with the last song and now we’re back to bopping but okay. reminded me of dreaming and you wake up and go back to sleep and the dream is different DOES THAT MAKE SENSE whatever ok yes very empowering and fun. want to be twirled to this song while dancing.
Labyrinth: this song is going to not get the credit it deserves, I can already tell. THIS SONG IS FOR THE ANXIOUS AND WERE GRATEFUL. high note is gonna be a bitch to sing along to but I’ll give it my best. “I’ll be getting over you my whole life” was way too profound. scared of elevators ? same. this song TRULY sounds like what an anxiety spike feels like ?? its?? so good??? made it to the top 3 battling for the top spot because OOF ITS SO GOOD
Karma: this grew on me ok I wasn’t into it initially but then I couldn’t help it I was jamming. “cause karma is my boyfriend” PREACH. the shade in it, the cat reference. it’s a solid song. I couldn’t hate it if I tried.
Sweet Nothing: slowed way down to start wrapping the album up. also didn’t win me over initially, but then the lyrics ruined my heart of ice. this song is what true love is. reminds me of a Sunday morning in New Orleans and I can’t describe it any other way
Mastermind: I don’t even have alot to say at this point. it’s so good. this song tied the album up beautifully. I absolutely LOVE the lyrics.
this album is good. I was terrified it was going to suck. I do this every-time because I didn’t like Lover that much, but this gave me everything in a pop album that Lover didn’t and wow. blessed. thanks Taylor we don’t deserve you. I usually don’t call a whole album a no skip album, but this one make take the crown (other than my beloved Reputation, OBVIOUSLY) the lyrics, the sound, were all a 10 from me.
Midnight Rain, Vigilante Shit & Labyrinth live rent free in my head now. thanks for coming to my Ted Talk
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manias-wordcount · 2 years
Ahhh I don't know if you are taking requests but like
Can you do Gentaro taking his s/o virginity?
And like a super wholesome scenario liar ( I am so sorry for my bad jok)
You don't have to do this request if you don't want to tho 🤸
Take care and lots of love!!!
Romantic and Slow (Gentaro Yumeno x Reader)
𝗔/𝗡: 𝗵𝗲𝗿𝗲! 𝗶 𝗵𝗼𝗽𝗲 𝘆𝗼𝘂 𝗹𝗶𝗸𝗲 𝘁𝗵𝗶𝘀 𝘁𝗲𝗲𝗵𝗲𝗲
𝙒𝙖𝙣𝙩 𝙩𝙤 𝙧𝙚𝙖𝙙 𝙢𝙤𝙧𝙚? ⇒ 𝙈𝙖𝙨𝙩𝙚𝙧𝙡𝙞𝙨𝙩
𝙟𝙤𝙞𝙣 𝙢𝙮 𝙙𝙞𝙨𝙘𝙤𝙧𝙙 𝙨𝙚𝙧𝙫𝙚𝙧?
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He tried to make it romantic. He tried to take it slow. 
  He was all over you tonight. Kissing you softly. Holding you gently. Telling you to take a nice, warm bath before leading you to your bedroom. And oh, how he ran his hands up and down your body in a room lit only by the candles placed every which way within your room. Oh, how he decorated your neck with pretty little love bites as he walked you back and back and back until you were laying on a rose petal covered bed. And when he looked at you- there was nothing love and adoration in those beautiful green eyes of his. Nothing but love and adoration as he whispered the sweetest words to you about how much you meant to him. 
  But then you dropped your towel. Letting it fall to your sides and expose your body to the growing anticipation in his eyes. And you began to spread your legs. Finally revealing every single part of you to him. And suddenly Gentaro Yumeno couldn’t do romantic and slow anymore. 
  But he could do passionate.
  And now, you’re lying on your back at the edge of the bed. Chest rising and falling rapidly as you try to catch your breath and regain your sanity. Meanwhile, Gentaro is only finally pulling his face away from between your thighs, licking up the remains of your first and second orgasms from his lips.
  “I’m going to put it in now, my dear.” His voice is warm against your body, beautifully accented by a kiss on your inner thighs. “You’ll tell me if it becomes too much for you, yes?”
  It’s all you can do to nod with half-lidded eyes as he stands up and places his hands on your hips. Long fingers drag against your skin, drawing pictures that only he can see on you. Every couple of seconds his eyes will flicker from your face to where your cunt sat, impatiently clenching around nothing. It embarrasses you. His heated gaze and the way he observes you so silently. It makes you feel so small compared to him. So small, yet desired as his hands move and move and move until they’re back on your thighs, grabbing the underside and spreading them wider just so you wrap them loosely around his waist.
  A second later, there’s something standing hard and stiff, rubbing against your clit. You can’t contain the small sound that slips out of your throat in surprise. And you have an even harder time controlling the quiet gasps that you make as Gentaro takes his dick in his hand and slowly rubs it up and down your slit. A hand leaves your legs in favor of finding its place by the side of your stomach. You only glance at it for a second. A fist wrapped in the comforter of your bed for leverage. But then you look up to have his eyes meet yours again. Blinking once. Twice. Three times, as if waiting for the word to stop. But you don’t give it to him.
  Instead, you reach for the hand by your side. You grab it, lacing your fingers through his and taking in the warmth of his palm. And you watch as he slowly guides your joined hands up and up and up- 
And you try not to cry out as he kisses your hand and pushes his dick past your lower lips, entering you for the first time. 
  “My love, I want to hear it. I want to hear every sound you make.” It’s the words he says to you while he slowly fills you up, inch by inch. They’re spoken in between strained breaths and more kisses to the back of your hand as he leans over you. They’re spoken not as a demand, but as a request as he begs you to show him how you’re feeling. To continue to make yourself more and more vulnerable with him so that he may learn how to love you exactly the way you want to be loved. Exactly the way he wants to love you too. “Won’t you fill the room with your wonderful music?”
  In an instant, your mouth falls open, and you moan. The sound is breathless. It’s desperate. It’s loud, and it’s freeing. And it’s all for him. All for your Gentaro. The hand he wasn’t holding yours with makes its way to your stomach, pressing down slowly as you take in what you can only assume to be the last of him inside of you. The stretch is weird and uncomfortable, but you don’t feel pain. Not as he spends every second of you getting used to his cock by showing you with praise and promises. Of how good you’re being for him. Of how much it was an honor for him to partake in your first time. 
  And of how much he had been waiting for this moment.
  Oh, and how he tried to take it slow for you. How he tried to make it romantic. But when an experimental roll of his hips left you moaning for “M-more…more!”, the loving, sweet Gentaro who would write poems about your view went away once more. Only to be replaced by a madman. The same madman that would stop at nothing until you were ready to take him. All of him. Smiling down at you with those beautiful green eyes and that disarming smile of his…
  …as he fucked you as if his life depended on it.
  “Gen…Gen….fuck!” You can’t help but squeal his name as you watch his cock push in and pull out at a fast pace. It catches you off guard, but there’s not much you can do in this state except lay back and take it. Your breath loses itself in your throat as you try to make sense of all that you’re feeling. But all you can think about is how there’s something inside of you. Something big and hard and hot and throbbing is pushing inside of you. Stirring you up and stuffing your pussy in a way that makes you feel so depraved and needy at the same time. “Oh my…Oh…Oh, fuck!”
  In and out and in and out and in and out and back again. It’s quick. It’s so, so quick. Way faster than you expected. More intense than you expected. But you can’t complain. You don’t complain. It’s not what you thought of, but somehow it’s exactly what you needed. A change of pace from soft and sweet. A change of view from dusk and dawn. A chance to explore something that isn’t all rose petals and ever more flowery words. No, you wanted this. Deep down inside you wanted this. Hard and rough. Fire and fury. The power your doting little boyfriend was always capable of. The power he had also always kept hidden for you. And you needed this. Just as much as he needs you right now. 
  “You’re so beautiful.” Honeyed words fall from his mouth effortlessly that you’re mewling out a pathetic response in between your own gasps. But his words are not accompanied by an easy-going expression that you’ve rarely seen him without. They fall from a face now darkened with lust and dripping with sweat. His hand presses down a little harder on your lower stomach and you cry out in pleasure. You drink him in. His gorgeous body, his messy hair, and his dick that keeps demanding more and more of your focus. But it’s him who takes every second he can swallow the image of you with your legs spread, body bare, and cunt filled with all the thirst of a dying man. “I could paint a thousand pictures of you right now.”
  Your hand squeezes his and he takes the chance to deliver another kiss to the back of your palm before letting go of your hand. It’s shameless how you whimper as soon as you lose his warm touch. So shameless that you’re reaching out and grabbing at his wrist to ensure that he would leave you. Not while you’re starting to feel a familiar sort of pressure building up in your lower stomach. Not while you’re feeling warm in every single part of your body. And certainly not now when you’re eyes are fluttering shut and your back is arching off the bed- as if you’re trying to fly. 
  But he doesn’t. Instead, the hand that once laced fingers with yours is grabbing at the underside of your thigh and lifting it up, up, up, and placing it on his shoulder as he leans closer and closer to you. You pull a face, not used to bending so far back,but your mind quickly goes back to the handsome man in front of you and all that he’s doing to you as he places kitten-like kisses on your ankle and manages to fuck you deeper than he did before. 
  “I could write a thousand novels…A thousand poems…” His whispers barely reach you, but it’s the eyes that keep flickering towards you and down your pussy that tell you all that you need to know. From this angle, he’s able to hit harder. From this angle, he’s all but rocking the rose-petal-covered bed, stealing away your breath and your mind so that it may only be filled with thoughts of him is on your mind. Him, him, him. And yet, you wonder. “And it still wouldn’t be enough…”
  “Gen…” You wonder as his bangs start to hang over his face and shield parts of his beautiful face from your view. You wonder as his lips brush against your skin. You wonder as he takes his hand from your stomach and licks his thumb just place it on your clit. And you wonder as he gets balls deep inside of you only to pull all the way out and sink it in again. “Oh…Gen…”
  He breathes out so deeply. Only to breathe in the scent of sex-filled air over and over again. The scent of you and him and your filth mixing together. To create this moment. To create a bond. To create art. And all you can do is wonder.
  “It would never be enough to prove just how much I love you…all of you…” 
  Oh, how you wonder…
  “Every single piece of you.”
  …if you could ever do slow and romantic again?
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bitchkay · 2 years
Court of darkness men in bunny suits🐰
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Bunny boy Toa already exists and in that picture he's clenching his fists trying not to lose his head so let's see how how the others would like it😈
*random order*
As long as he's comfortable, he's indifferent about it. I think bunny boy Lynt would slay, look at that slutty little waist✨ He wouldn't tuck, both cus he doesn't know how and cus he doesn't wanna bother, but ya know what I'd have no problem with the big bulge in his front
Oh ho ho, you have to put him in that suit against his will, probably have to knock him unconscious to get him into it and it would be oh so worth it. He'd hate it so much😈 He'd be so bewildered to wake up in a bunny suit, just confused, wondering if he's still asleep cus ain't no goddamn way this is real. As soon as it's off his body its burnt to a pile of ash. If he wasn't naked underneath he'd burn it right on the spot. He's only tucked cus he didn't do it himself, and is just uncomfortable the whole time.
You can't tell me Fenn wouldn't slay. Slay is his middle name💅🏾✨ Listen- bunny boy Fenn would pull out the sluttiest heels and strut up and down the S rank hallway until someone came out to give him attention after hearing the constant clicking of his heels. Put Fenn in any kind of oversexualized animal costume and he will make the most of it, I mean his characters oversexualis-- Perfectly tucked away, nothings falling out, see him drop in the splits--
He'd hate it. He did this for you, he won't be doing it again. I think he'd look great but so very clearly uncomfortable. Has his hands holding in front of his crotch not just because hes uncomfy but because he's falling out💀💀
He'd have mixed feelings about it, dosen't hate it tho. Booty little but it's sitting right😌 Has the legs for it but he built like a door🚪 so... Thinks he looks good in it but thinks it draws attention to his lack of shape. He really starts analyzing his appearance, Roy stop doing that😠 yo tiny lil booty looks amazing, stop looking for things that are wrong😠 you look amazing.
Dia would look so fucking good in the bunny suit, don't fucking lie. He'd slay the look but he'd absolutely despise wearing it. He's just uncomfortable, wants to take it off and bury it in the dirt, never to be seen again. This doesn't affirm his gender at all
Tino's just uncomfortable but he doesn't hate it. Tino would look really good tbh😳 He's mostly uncomfortable cus he's never looked so much like a barbie doll down there before and isn't sure how he feels about his cock sitting between his legs, would so slay tho. He would wear this again if you asked him to cus he looks so fucking good😝 a common Akedian trait is slutty little waist
Thinks he looks damn good in it, isn't leaving the room tho. Yea he looks good but in a home alone dancing in my room nobody's watching way, he'd die if anyone saw him like this, he'd be embarrassed. However within the confines of his room he is absolutely slaying. Thomas terrifically tight tush is sitting well right in this costume adorned beautifully with the white cotton tail on his rear 😘mwah *chef's kiss* cue Thoma shaking his tail in the mirror
Embarrassed. He looks so cute but he's holding his hands in front of his crotch with a fat ass blush on his face, and is just really stiff. Surprisingly dosen't hate it but will not be doing this again. Was able to tuck??? Not as if he knew how nor did you tell him, he just kinda... put it away.
Dosen't know where to put his dick. He looks really fucking good in the bunny suit and he knows it, see him feeling himself in the mirror. However, mister bunny boy Rio has has a big dick. It's not as if there's simply a bulge in his front, no. His dick is laying flat against his stomach. Dosen't understand understand tucking, "where does it even go?", "what if it falls out?", "I have to put it where!?", "That doesn't sound comfortable." There's very little fabric down there to cover himself, dick against stomach ended up being his safest option. Still thinks he looks amazing despite the uhh... pringles can against his belly button.
Grayson would also be really uncomfortable but he doesn't hate it, but he also doesn't like it either. He looks good but he wasn't made to do this kind of thing. Thinks he's too manly/buff. No tuck, doesn't even want to try. That small peice of fabric is barely covering his gooch, he'll deal with the big bulge.
... I hate to admit he'd actually look pretty good in the bunny suit-😳 however this is not a J*sper safe zone. I'd give him a suit that's 3 sizes too small just so he's uncomfortable.
I still have beef with J*sper.
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Look how cute he is🥰
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