#its all coming back around and comin together
obsesssedblerd · 3 months
"Who's your new teacher?"
Synopsis: Toji meets Megumi's new preschool teacher and immediately develops a crush.
Pairings: single dad! toji x f! reader
Wc: 2.3K
Contains: plenty of fluff, crack, a tiny bit of angst, megumi is four, tsumiki is seven, toji is still toji (but like he's soft for his kids and he takes care of them), reader is a preschool teacher, reader and toji are around the same age, toji being soft, mentions of shiu, shiu and toji work together, shiu being an idiot (lol sorry he'll get love in another fic) , everyone is happy bc I said so
a/n: omg, first fic, we made it! barely proofread, sorry for mistakes. also, tysm for 1,000 followers here! the other two fics that were on that poll will be coming soon!
update: pt 2 here
Toji’s Fushiguro’s muscles ache. The job he took was harder than he anticipated, and it took way longer than it was supposed to. After confirming that the payment from the job is in his account, he calls Shiu Kong so he could check in on the kids. “About damn time,” Shiu scoffs when the line connects. “I was beginning to think I wouldn’t hear from you until sunrise.” 
“Job’s done,” Toji says as he gets into his car, settling into the drivers’ seat with an exhausted sigh. “I hear the TV in the background. Better be cartoons or something age-appropriate.” 
Shiu laughs. “Of course, what else? ‘M not getting cussed out by you. Anyway, you comin’ back with Megumi? Can’t believe you took him on the job with you. Once you’re back, I can get out of here.” 
Toji’s heart nearly stops. He sits up in his seat, gripping the phone so hard that the screen nearly cracks from his strength. “The fuck did you just say?” 
“Megumi isn’t with you?!” Toji’s voice booms in the car. On the other line, he hears Shiu gulp. “I… I thought he was with you.” 
“You idiot! I asked you to pick him up from preschool around the same time you pick up Tsumiki from her school because I knew this would take a while!” 
“You did?!” Shiu asks, and then it goes quiet; him more than likely flipping through his messages to double check. “...Shit,” he breathes out. 
Toji inhales sharply, then exhales shakily in an attempt to calm the rage, and even the fear that pools in his gut. “If anything has happened to my fucking son, Kong, I will murder you and make your death look like an accident. Keep an eye on Tsumiki.” 
“Fushiguro, I swear, I-” Toji hangs up before Shiu can explain himself further, then he starts the car. 
He grips the steering wheel hard, and his breathing picks up as his mind spins with every horrific scenario possible. The preschool closes at six thirty. It was close to nine. He didn’t see any missed calls from them. On a normal day, he’d be done before work with plenty of time to pick up his four year-old son, but today’s job was far more difficult and required more time. 
The car speeds down the street leading to his destination. He’s half-expecting to see Megumi sitting outside with his backpack, clinging to his dog plushie and crying. Or worse, he’s not there at all; because this world is full of terrible people, and they won’t hesitate to steal a small, unsupervised boy. His heart aches at the thought, and he shoves it away before he feels the need to throw up. He’ll be okay, he thinks to himself. Everything is going to be fine. 
When Toji arrives at the preschool, he rushedly parks lopsidedly in the lot, then exits the car. His eyes scan the steps leading up to the front, and when he doesn’t see Megumi outside, he rushes to the door. 
He sees a security guard in a booth, and before Toji can even ask any questions, the guard gives him a small smile and nod, pressing a button that unlocks the door to the preschool with a click. Toji’s shoulders slump in relief. They were expecting him. That meant Megumi is still here and safe. 
Toji nods back at the guard in thanks, and rushes down the dimly-lit hallway. He sees a light coming from a classroom that still has its door open, and he slows his steps when he hears a child giggling. His child. 
Then it’s followed up by a beautiful, melodic laugh that makes him stop in his tracks. It’s a lovely sound; one that his heart skips to, and one that gently rings in his ears even plenty of seconds after it stops. 
Toji peeks into the classroom to see Megumi comfortably resting in a pillow fort, and you, kneeling beside a lamp and using your hands to make shadow puppets on the wall to entertain him. “Alright,” you say softly as you rearrange your hands and fingers. “What’s this one?” 
You smile as you watch Megumi hum thoughtfully, and Toji is transfixed by you. Who are you? Where did you come from? Since when did Megumi get a new teacher? Why is your smile so bright and so beautiful that the sun would envy? Why is his heart beating wildly in his chest at the sight of you? Fuck, why is he staring? 
“Ooh!” Megumi gasps as he figures out the animal you made with your hands. “Rabbit!” 
“Correct, great job!” You reach forward and give him a high-five. “I think you’ll really like this next one,” you say, and Megumi giggles again as he sits up, completely focused and ready to guess. “Ready?” You ask, and the boy nods. 
Toji crosses his arms, quietly leans against the door of the classroom, and watches, unaware of the soft smile that creeps onto his face. When you put your hands in front of the light, and the shape of the animal displays in front of Megumi, he squeals excitedly and stands up. “Doggy!” He shouts with a wide grin and pulls up his favorite dog plushie that he takes with him everywhere, imitating the sounds a dog would make. You break out into laughter, and Toji nearly stops breathing so he can fully take in the sound of it again.
Beautiful, he thinks. You’re so fucking beautiful. 
Megumi’s eyes flicker towards the door, and he gasps before running as fast as he can towards Toji. “Papa!” 
“Hey, Megs.” Toji kneels down, hugs the small boy against his chest before picking him up in his strong arms, sighing in relief as he runs a hand through his dark hair. He’s okay, and he doesn’t look too upset that he was here for this long. “I’m so sorry I’m late. Are you alright?” 
“Yeah!” Megumi pulls away, then gestures towards you, who watched the tender reunion with a sweet smile. “Ms. [Y/L/N] played so many fun games with me!” 
“Aw, I’m so happy you had fun, Megumi.” You take a step closer so you’re standing in front of Toji, slightly lifting your head upward to meet his eyes due to his height. “We tried calling you, but your phone went straight to voicemail. Megumi said that it does that sometimes. He took a nap earlier, but I’m sure he’ll be sleepy soon after all of those games. I also gave him dinner earlier.” 
“That’s… I just-” Toji struggles to find words, especially when you slightly tilt your head to the side and blink slowly. He exhales, then snaps himself out of his daze. “Thank you so much,” he says. “Are you new? I swear, I’m not usually this late.” Great. Megumi’s pretty teacher might think I’m just the worst parent on this damn planet. 
You nod. “Yes, I’m new. Today was my first day with this angel,” You use a finger to gently boop Megumi’s nose, and he smiles, shyly burying his face into Toji’s shoulder, “and the other kids. I figured you might’ve been held up at work or something. It’s okay. Things happen. Besides, he’s such a well-behaved kid. I didn’t mind spending this much time with him.” 
Toji places Megumi on the ground, then gently taps his shoulder. “Let’s grab your stuff, okay?” As he helps Megumi pack his backpack, Toji bites back a smile when he sees you watching him out of the corner of his eye. He notes the way you fiddle with your hands and avert your gaze after catching yourself. 
You walk over to your desk and open a drawer, pulling out three suckers from a sealed jar. Once Megumi had all of his things packed, you kneel before him, handing him the suckers one by one. “Here you go. One for you, one for your sister, and one for your dad. I can tell he works really, really hard.” 
Toji doesn’t hide his smile this time; it was impossible, especially when Megumi accepts them excitedly. “Candy! Thank you!” He hugs you gently, and you return it, rubbing your hand up and down his back. “You’re so welcome. Thanks for being so sweet today. You made my first day so fun.” 
A muffled gasp coming from outside has the three of you looking towards the window. Toji sees Tsumiki’s face squished against the glass with her usual, excited smile, and Shiu Kong standing beside her, looking relieved when he sees Megumi safe and sound. He purposely avoids Toji’s glare. 
The sound of Megumi’s small yawn gets his attention, and Toji’s gaze softens when the boy rubs his tired eyes. “Aw, ‘m sorry. It’s past your bedtime. Let’s get you home.” He leans down to pick him up again, and once you have your belongings, the two of you leave the building together. 
When you three make it outside, you face Toji and Megumi. “I’ll see you tomorrow, Megumi,” you say quietly to him, who is slowly beginning to drift off. Then you look up at Toji, who is softly smiling at you. “And I’ll see you tomorrow, too, right?” You ask.
“Yeah, you will.” 
You wave goodbye, and Toji makes sure you get into your car safely. “Hey, Megs,” Toji gently shakes Megumi as he watches you drive out of the parking lot. “Do you know her name?” 
“Ms. [Y/L/N]” 
He chuckles. “No, kid, her first name.” 
“I dunno,” Megumi mumbles before closing his eyes and resting his cheek on Toji’s shoulder. “Sleepy, papa.” 
“Ah, there they are!” Shiu exclaims, and Toji would’ve thrown a punch if his son wasn’t in his arms, and if his seven year-old daughter wasn’t happily skipping towards him. “Hi, papa!” 
“Hi, sweets, how was school today?” 
“Good,” Tsumiki says, then grins mischievously as she points to the spot where your car was just a minute ago. “You like her!” She teases. “You wanna hug her and kiss her and give her chocolates!” 
“Alright, you.” Toji rolls his eyes and laughs softly as he uses his free arm to lift up a giggly Tsumiki, then presses a kiss to her forehead. “Both of you should be in bed. Let’s get home.” 
“Aw, okay.” Tsumiki then leans forward to gently kiss her sleeping baby brother’s cheek. “Night, Gumi.” 
Toji secures both Tsumiki and Megumi in his car, and then faces Shiu, who is smiling nervously. “Well, look at that. Megumi’s doing great and you even developed a crush. How cute. All’s well that ends well.” 
“Very cute, but guess what?” 
Toji finally throws a swift punch at Shiu’s jaw, greatly holding back his strength so it wouldn’t break. Shiu stumbles, then groans, cupping his face with his hands. “Okay, fine, I deserved that.” 
“Damn right,” Toji says as he opens the door to the driver’s seat. “See you later.” 
Toji almost never stresses about his appearance in the mornings. After all, it was just dropping off the kids. But this morning, he frets over which shirt would look better with the jeans he picked out, if he should wear a different type of cologne, or if he should slick his hair back. 
All because he’s seeing you again. 
He decides to skip the new cologne and go for his usual, simple one, dresses in a dark shirt to match the jeans, and also ditches the idea of slicking his hair. Once the kids are ready for the day, he leaves early and goes to a coffee shop to pick up a medium cup of coffee. First, he drops Tsumiki off at school, then he takes Megumi to preschool. 
Toji spots you almost immediately. You were out in the front amongst the other preschool teachers, parents and their kids, wearing a gorgeous yellow top and simple blue jeans. When you see Toji and Megumi approaching, you pause your conversation with your coworker and walk over to them. Toji decides that he likes that, and that he loves the way you kneel in front of Megumi to meet his eye level, telling him good morning and asking if he was excited for the day. 
You raise to your feet, Toji hands you the cup of coffee he purchased earlier. “For you,” he says, “As a thank you for everything yesterday.” 
“Aw.” Your eyes light up as you accept the cup. “Mr. Fushiguro, this—” 
“Toji,” he corrects softly, and he ignores the way his heart stutters when your smile grows. 
“Well, Toji, this is lovely. Thank you so much.” 
“I never caught your name last night.” 
You tell him your name, and Toji tests it once. From the way you shyly avert your gaze, he can tell you that like the way it sounds in his voice. Megumi clears his throat, and Toji looks down to see him staring up at him, his brow raised in suspicion. “You never stay this long. Don’t you have to go to work?” 
Damn, kid. Thought we were on the same team. 
You laugh as Toji rolls his eyes and sticks his tongue out at Megumi—a gesture that the four year-old returns immediately. “Well, he’s right, gotta get going,” Toji says, looking back up at you. “I’ll see you later?” 
“Yes.” You nod, then point to the warm cup in your hands. “Thanks again for the coffee. Have a great day at work.” 
“You too.” Toji then gently ruffles Megumi’s hair. “Be good.” 
He doesn’t realize how big he’s smiling until he’s back in the car, and he sighs as he remembers Shiu’s words from the night before. A crush. That word seems so silly. He’s not a teen in high school. Toji looks up just in time to watch you take Megumi’s hand and lead him inside the building with the other children, and he chuckles to himself as he starts the car up.
Maybe “silly” was okay when you’re this pretty.
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bartxnhood · 2 months
blown away | t.o
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tyler owens x fem!reader
based on this request: Is it possible to request a Tyler fic where he and reader are in an established relationship, she knows what his job is like. And they get separated during the big tornado that blows through at the end of the movie. Desperate for a toothrotting soft and angsty reunion.
warnings: depictions of tornado, reader gets a few cuts a scrapes, maybe a swear word or two.
w/c: 823
requests open
not proofread
Copyright © 2024 bartxnhood. All rights reserved. This original work is not allowed to be reposted on any platform in any format.
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“okay, baby” tyler begins, shutting the back door on the passenger side of his truck. “we’re headin out”
he turns around to face you, his hands resting on your hips. you frown as you drape your arms over his shoulders. “m’gonna miss you” you say. tyler smiles, “i’ll be back, promise” he said, then leaned in to press a soft kiss on your lips. “always come back to you” he says in between the kiss.
“m’gonna go to the farmers market later, call me when yer comin home. kay?” your hands intertwined with the hair on the naps of his neck.
“mhm” he hums, leaning in to kiss you again. his arms snaking around your waist, pulling you closer.
you giggle in between the kisses, his hands squeeze your ass in a playful manner. “ty!” you pull away, face red.
“what? can’t i show a little appreciation?” he teases, raising his eyebrows. you shake your head, “you’re something else.”
“you be safe, kay?” tyler asks, and you nod. “i always am, babe.” you assure with a peck on his cheek.
“don’t keep the crew waitin.”
the small town was bustling with activity as the farmers market was in full swing. the town square was filled with stands selling fresh produce, handcrafted goods, and home-cooked food.
farmers and merchants from neighboring towns had set up stands to sell their goods. the air was filled with the sound of people bartering and chatting with each other.
children squealed and ran around, playing games and sampling treats from the vendors. the small town was a picturesque scene of rural life on a beautiful spring day.
but, it changed in an instant.
the fierce winds howled like an angry beast as the destructive tornado ripped through the town, leaving a path of destruction and chaos in its wake. the twister tore through buildings, uprooted trees, and sent debris flying through the air.
amidst the chaos, you found ducked into the theater as the tornado roared towards the town. the doors slammed shut behind you, cutting you off from the outside world. you looked around, seeing people huddled together, kids crying, and people crying and screaming.
the only light coming from the emergency lights that faintly illuminated the aisles. as the wind howled outside, you could hear the windows of the theater crack and break, and the sound of chairs and other objects being tossed about.
in the distance, you could hear the sound of people calling out names, no doubt other people who had sought shelter in the theater.
the stormed roared like some sort of beast, ripping the foundations from the theater.
it was truly a horrific sight, people were getting swept away from their loved ones. ear piercing screams and wailing accompanied the roaring storm.
you watched the scene unfold, unsure if you’d be walking out of there alive. you peer your head above one of the theater seats and watch as the wall was ripped away, swallowed by the storm.
“oh, mygod..” you breathe and hunker back down and cover your head with your arms. just like tyler had taught you to do.
tyler finally arrived in the midst of a chaotic situation. he knew you were somewhere nearby. despite the chaos and danger all around, his focus was on only one thing: finding you.
he navigated through the debris-filled streets, scanning the surroundings for any sign of you.
the roaring wind and ominous darkness made it difficult to see anything clearly, but he pushed forward, determined to find you.
tyler knew he was too late, the town was almost flattened. trees uprooted, buildings gone, debris littered the streets.
he hopped out of his truck, the crew following behind him to help the people who fell victim to the storm.
“y/n?!” he hollers, watching people slowly emerge from the rubble.
tyler finally spotted you walking out of what once was the theater. you look around, your face smeared with dirt and clothes torn, shivering slightly as you tried to regain your composure.
you look around the state of the city, hugging yourself and sniffling.
as he made his way towards you, he couldn't help but feel a wave of relief wash over him. you looked up at him as he approached, and hour eyes widened in recognition before you stood up, launching yourself into his arms.
“oh, thank god.” he breaths, wrapping his arms around you. “you okay?” he pulls back to push some hair from your face to examine for any injuries.
“m’fine..” you nod. your eyes begin to water as you look up at him. “there was no warning..”
“i know, i know” he hushes your worries and pulls you back to your chest. “it’s okay, you’re okay now” he runs his fingers through your hair, swaying you two back and forth.
“we’ll get you checked out and then go home, kay?” he suggests and you nod. “mmkay.”
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avatar-anna · 6 months
Hockey player! Harry x Figure skater! Y/n
there are references to a previous oneshot. read here for more context!
"You comin' out tonight, Captain?"
Harry shut his locker as he shrugged into his t-shirt, water droplets spraying as he shook out his freshly washed hair. Rubbing some of the stray droplets off his face, he said, "Not tonight, boys. It's date night."
His teammates groaned in protest, a regular occurrence when Harry declined to go out with them. He shook his head at their collective disappointment, amused because when he did go out they typically got too hammered or went off in search of someone to hook up with.
"You'll be fine without me, I promise," Harry assured as they walked out of the locker room together.
"It's the principle of the thing," one of his teammates, Matt, said. He was new to the team this year, a transfer from a different school. "You never come out with us."
"That's not true!"
It wasn't true, was it? Harry had opted out of the last couple parties, preferring to take his girlfriend on a date or have a night in with her. Y/n wasn't overly fond of parties, and rightfully so after what she'd experienced a couple years ago, but even then Harry had begun to prefer their quiet nights together over a rager on Greek Row.
"It is. You're always with your girlfriend," another teammate said, making it sound like an accusation.
"Watch it," Harry said, his voice clipped, not having much tolerance for anyone who spoke badly about Y/n.
"Speaking of," Niall said, nodding to where Y/n waited by her car, her head dipped as she typed something on her phone.
Harry's heart skipped a beat at the sight of her, a smile involuntarily finding its way onto his face. "So fucking whipped," Matt muttered as Harry walked over to Y/n, the rest agreeing, making their own jokes at their captain's expense. Harry merely flipped them off as he walked away from them, shaking as his head as he returned his focus back on his girl.
"What was that all about?" Y/n asked, looking over at Harry's teammates with a raised brow.
"Nothing, they're just giving me a hard time about not going out with them tonight," he explained, tossing his duffle bag in the back of Y/n's car.
"Oh," Y/n said. "Do you want to go out with them? We can take a raincheck for tonight."
That was what he loved about Y/n. What Harry's teammates didn't understand was that his girlfriend wasn't telling him not to go out. Y/n never got mad at him if he wanted to celebrate a win at a party , she knew his team was a close knit group. But Harry found himself preferring spending time with her than with the boys. Did that make him a shitty teammate? He didn't think so. Did it mean he was whipped? Maybe, but he didn't really see a problem with that. Not when being with Y/n made him so happy.
"Don't worry about them," Harry said, pulling Y/n as close as she could possibly get. "They're just jealous they don't get to spend the night with the hottest girl at our school."
Y/n started to laugh, but his mouth was already on hers, effectively ending the conversation.
Away games meant hours spent on a stuffy bus full of immature hockey players. When Harry was just a freshman, he was delegated to the back , forced to share seats with the other underclassmen while the juniors and seniors all stretched out across seats closer to the front of the bus, far, far away from the bathroom.
Now that Harry was both a senior and team captain, he got his pick of whatever row he wanted on the bus. He usually opted to sit up front, Zayn in the aisle across from him and Niall the one behind. In the hours leading up to arriving at their opponent's rink, Harry spent his time listening to music, getting himself in the zone to lead his team to victory. It was why he chose to sit in the first few rows of the bus closer to the coaches so he could focus.
Around hour two into their trip, Harry reached for the paper bag that had his lunch.
In the past, Harry went with a teammate or two to grab something to eat before getting on the bus, but after Harry had complained a couple times to Y/n that a burrito followed by an hours-long bus ride was a habitual mistake, she began to pack him a lunch. He didn't ask, and she never said anything about it. The first time he found a brown paper bag in their shared apartment, Y/n merely shrugged and said, "I already pack my own for competitions, it's no big deal."
"What'you got over there, Styles?"
But it was. It was her little ways of showing she cared. Harry learned early on in their relationship that Y/n had a hard time expressing herself with words, but she made up for it in gestures, like packing him an away game lunch and leaving little notes in them for him to find.
Harry perked up at the sound of his name to find one of his teammates standing in the aisle of the bus, eyes alight as he observed the brown paper bag in Harry's lap.
"What does it look like, Matt? It's a bag lunch," Zayn chimed in, having pulled one of his headphones off his ears.
"Please tell me Y/n isn't packing you lunch before games," Matt teased. "Is she your girlfriend or your mom?"
A few teammates who had been listening laughed and joined in on ribbing their captain, but Harry merely rolled his eyes. Matt had had a lot to say about his relationship recently. Nothing overly rude or offensive, but it was often enough that it was starting to become a "thing," and that Harry definitely didn't want.
"Y/n made you lunch? Can she make me one next time? What's in it?" Niall asked, who had previously been dozing against the window.
Ignoring Matt, Harry showed Niall the lunch Y/n made—a chicken wrap on a whole wheat tortilla, trail mix, a banana, hummus and pita bread, and a drink with electrolytes. The contents varied each time, but it was always healthy and filling, and Harry honestly felt better as he got off the bus than he used to.
"That a note?" Niall murmured so Matt wouldn't hear, having moved onto another topic toward the middle of the bus.
Harry reached for the folded piece of paper scattered among the food in his lap, trying to be discreet. "Good luck today, bub! xoxoxo" it read, and Harry quickly folded it back up and shoved it into his trouser pocket.
"How things have changed since you first met," Niall said with a chuckle, punching Harry's arm lightly.
"I'm not so sure. I think she likes to embarrass me more than anything else with this stuff. It's definitely working."
"Matt's an idiot, ignore him," Niall said, and Harry was inclined to agree. "You gonna eat that pita bread?"
Later that night, Harry trudged through the apartment, his duffle bag sliding off his arm in a heap by the front door. "Baby?" Harry called, noting the lights on in the apartment but no girlfriend. "You in the shower?"
Harry swatted his friend's hand away before he could snatch his lunch.
"Over here!" she said, her voice coming from their shared bedroom.
Harry loosened his tie as he walked down the hall toward his room, ready to be rid of his game-day clothes. He never understood why the team had to wear suits before and after games, especially after. The very last thing he wanted to do after playing a hockey game was wear a dress shirt and slacks.
Not paying attention, Harry began undressing, shedding his suit jacket first, carefully hanging it up the way he knew his girlfriend would appreciate. When he turned around, he finally noticed her.
"What's this?" he asked, eyes roaming Y/n's bare legs appreciatively. She laid on the bed in just his home jersey, the hem hiked up high enough that Harry could see a hint of lace from her underwear.
"Just a little something for your big win," Y/n said, a grin that said she could read every ounce of desire on his face.
She started to stand up on her knees, to go to him, Harry assumed, but he stopped her. "Wait. Stay right there."
He could feel Y/n's eye roll as Harry whipped his phone out of his back pocket, fumbling around until he had his camera pulled up. As he focused his phone on her, she didn't look amused, but there was a glint in her eye that told him she thought he was an idiot.
"You do this every time I surprise you in bed," she remarked, flipping Harry off when he started moving around for better angles
"Need a new screensaver," he said by way of explanation, doing just that before he set his phone down.
"Get over here before I decide to put pants on."
"Yes, ma'am," Harry said, quick to ditch his own trousers before joining his girlfriend on the bed.
A couple weeks later, Harry was finally at a party. His teammates were there, along with Y/n and a couple of her friends. Y/n, who still got tense at large house parties, stayed close to Harry's side the whole night, not eager to venture anywhere without him. He didn't mind, of course, in fact quite the opposite. As they sat around a bonfire in the house's backyard, Y/n sat on Harry's lap, his arms circled protectively around her waist. She had been perfectly fine with sitting beside him, but he'd pulled her onto his lap before she could.
"How are you always so warm?" he murmured, nuzzling his nose past her hair and against the skin of her neck. "Hm? You're like a little furnace."
"Stop that! Pay attention to the game," Y/n said, still leaning into his touch.
Her hands rested over his, warming his skin caused by the chilly autumn air. Harry was in a chunky cable knit sweater, but the cold still pierced his skin, making him squeeze his girlfriend tighter. That and the pleased giggle that came out of her mouth when he kissed the back of her neck.
"Hey, lovebirds! Feel like rejoining us anytime soon?"
Harry peeked out from behind Y/n, grinning cheekily at his friends, who were also sitting around the bonfire. Before he could say anything, Niall shouted from his seat over the music, "You guys are so in love it's gross."
The lighting outside was dim, the fire casting an orange glow over everything, but Harry could tell Y/n was blushing as the rest of their friends teased them playfully. It was no secret to Harry how his girlfriend felt, but she was more reserved than he was, and he knew it was a lot for everything to be out in the open, even so far down the line.
"He's fucking whipped, is what he is!"
Harry heard Matt's voice scattered throughout the others, and he could hear the slight edge to his tone. He wasn't quite sure what his teammate's problem was, or why he felt the need to comment on Harry's relationship all of a sudden, but it was starting to get on Harry's nerves.
Not having heard the bite that Harry did, his friends laughed. Y/n didn't, though, merely smiling at him as she squeezed his hand affectionately. "Don't let them get to you, bub," she murmured before standing up from his lap. He felt the loss of her warmth immediately, but didn't pull her back down to him. "I'm gonna head inside to go to the bathroom."
He didn't know if she actually had to, but Harry saw the offer to escape for what it was and took it. "I'll go with you," he said, standing up himself and taking her hand in his. They were almost to the sliding door that would lead them back to the house when Matt spoke, his voice rising above the rest and making them both stop.
"Seriously? You can't be alone for five minutes? For God's sake, let him off his leash, Y/n."
Anger coursed through Harry's veins immediately, but he did his best to push it aside to focus on his girlfriend, whose face was carefully blank.
"Sorry, what was that?" Y/n asked, slowly turning around to face him. Harry instantly read the look on her face. It was the same one she wore when he forgot to switch out his laundry or wash the dishes.
Matt stupidly doubled down instead of backing off. Niall and a couple of Harry's friends tried to stop him, understanding Y/n's anxiety about being left alone at parties, but he didn't listen.
"Never in a million years did I think our team captain would be so whipped for some—some—"
"Stop before you embarrass yourself," Y/n said, her voice not wavering once. "Maybe if your head wasn't so far up your own ass, you'd know I don't make Harry do anything, like you seem to believe. If he doesn't want to hang out with you, then that's his business, but honestly I don't blame him. You kind of suck."
Matt looked at Y/n in disbelief, mouth open but no words came out. Then he looked at Harry, as if his captain would offer some assistance, but Harry didn't do anything of the sort.
"Don't look at him, you're dealing with me now," Y/n said, stepping toward Matt. "And before you make some stupid fucking-ass comment about him being a bitch letting me fight his battles, save your breath. You started this, I'm ending it. Suck a dick and keep my name out of your mouth."
That's when Harry stepped in. He loved that Y/n was defending him on his behalf, but Matt was a good two heads taller than her, and his teammate had had a few. He didn't think Matt would get physical, but Harry was starting to realize Matt wasn't really a stand up guy.
Then, Matt muttered, "Fuck this," before storming back inside the house. The backyard was uncomfortably quiet for a moment, no one quite knowing what to say. That was until Niall said, "Well, that went about how I expected."
Harry let out a relieved chuckle, his free hand running through his hair. When everyone went back to their own conversations, he focused his attention back on his girlfriend, who hadn't said a word since Matt left.
He knew it took a lot for her to do that, that as confident as she was, Y/n still got anxious, especially in a setting like this. Squeezing her hand once, which had begun to tremble just slightly, Harry murmured quietly in her ear, "Let's go home, baby."
With a stiff nod, Y/n agreed, letting him lead her from the group and back into the house. When they were in the car, Y/n finally said, "Sorry if I made things uncomfortable. Matt's a dick but he's still your teammate."
"Don't apologize," Harry replied immediately. "He got what was coming to him."
They let the conversation end there, driving back to their apartment in silence, save the music playing through the car's speakers.
It wasn't until they were both in the comfort of their own bed that Y/n brought it up again. Nestling under the covers and into Harry's side, she said, "You're totally whipped, you know that, right?"
Harry sighed and kissed the top of her head. "I know."
659 notes · View notes
s3thwrit3sstuff · 8 months
❝ Comin’ back for more? ❞
ghostface!leon kennedy x ftm!ghostface!reader | r! has had top surgery and bottom growth | porn with some plot | friends-with-benefits, implied attempt at a relationship (r! had commitment issues, lmao) | wc: 8k | not proofread
warnings: yandere!leon and yandere!reader, piquerism, carving his name into r! skin, blood kink, overstimulation, leon takes pictures and videos of r!, dumbification, AFAB terminology (clit referred to as dick), use of boypussy & boy cunt.
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“Actually,” Leon sighs, “I was gonna ask if you’ve seen him.”
Her shock is evident but to Leon’s surprise, it turns into exasperation.
“Do I have to spell it out for you, Kennedy?” Ashley puts her hands on her hips and then points a finger at his way.
“He likes you. (Y/N) (L/N). He likes you, Leon Kennedy. So,” she comes around to him and despite the height difference, Leon feels slightly intimidated by her frown.
“Just fuck his brains out and tell him you’re not gonna let him go! That’s the only way you’re getting through to him, okay? God, I swear the both of you are so dimwitted!”
authors' note: heed the warnings, leon and y/n are high-key deranged, lmao. also i wrote this in a rush but enjoy!!
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“Do you think he’s like…big?”
That alone was enough to make you rip your eyes away from your laptop. She chews on her glossy lip, twisting her phone to show you a Tinder profile of some douchebag that checks off everything on her list.
Awkwardly angled photos to show his jawline? Check.
Dimples? Check.
Two pairs of horrendous matching sweats? Check
A random photo of him holding some poor relative's baby to appeal to women? Check.
“Surprised he didn’t leap out from your brain,” your dry tone makes Ashley pout. “Honestly, be a little proud of me, (Y/N). He’s not holding a fish,” she turns the phone to herself. Pursing your lips, you return your attention to the report that’s been rotting in your laptop.
“Yeah, his sister is probably relieved her baby’s face is plastered on a hook-up app.” Ashley reaches over and smacks your hand. The yelp you let out turns a few heads; dark eyebags and caffeine-fueled veins already making them irritable. Exclamations of pain weren’t appreciated.
“You’re such a pessimist, (Y/N). I swear I have no idea how we ended up being friends.” An attempt was made at stifling your laughter but it tumbles out from between your fingers in quick intakes of breaths. The glaring turns into mumbling but none would speak up. Between Ashley’s status and your own, along with your golden reputation, no one could find themselves wishing ill upon the both of you.
Ashley was from a wealthy family. All you'd need to do is look at her to see she was dripped in luxury brands that were so exclusive you probably never heard of them. She met you through one of her mother's annual parties. It was an attempt on her end to play matchmaker with Ashley so she was quick to push Ashley and your sibling together.
Unfortunately for her, both you and your sibling were queer. Ashley was just glad to have real friends. How did the saying go? You win some, you lose some?
"You have your mother to thank for that. Remember how she was convinced you were a lesbian because we kept hanging out? Before I came out and everything." Ashley rolled her eyes, leaning on her elbow as she scrolled through the array of people with mild interest.
“Woah, what was that for?” Her lack of reply makes your brows raise. Closing your laptop, you reach a hand out to swipe her phone away. She gasps, attempting to swipe it back but you lean back on the chair, balancing precariously on its two legs. “Give it back, you ass,” she hisses, still trying to keep her voice low as she raises from her seat. Exiting from Tinder, your thumbs work deftly to open her messages and scoff as you go through her archived chats to see her mother’s messages were there. “You put your mom in archive jail? Woah, she must have really pissed you off,” she grunts as she tugs her phone back into her hands. You let her, folding your arms behind your head as she taps out from your intrusion. “What’s up? Did she bug you about university again? I swear she’s as anal about making those planners as you are.” “As opposed to how you live through life relying simply on your phone’s battery? Not to mention, you keep overcharging the hell out of your phone too. You should really change it — “ Ashley tucks her hand to her chest as you stand up, your chair banging as you ground it before you do so. At this point, a few people have plugged in their earphones anyway. “You’re stalling, Ms Graham.”
Ashley does this thing with her mouth. Sucking in her cheeks and chewing the insides as she contemplates spilling the metaphorical can of beans. It seems she relents as she settles next to you. There’s a sense of gratitude in her eyes as your knees are now facing her as you sit.
“These recent killings, it’s got her on edge,” she said. “She’s even been telling me I should have an escort everywhere I go. I don’t know, I just want to be normal. It’s hard enough that people treat me more like a concept or a walking ATM — an escort would just further that divide.”
A glance over her shoulder makes her words more concrete. Their eyes were clear in their intentions; flashes of green embedded in the very whites of their gelatinous orbs. Whether it was envy or greed was hard to decipher but it was clear Ashley wasn’t a person to them. She was a myth brought to life.
“You told her that?” she pushes her lips forward into a pout and you cock a brow. “Like she’d let that be an excuse. I understand her concerns but I’m not a damsel in distress. The Ghostface killings aren’t even aimed at this university, they’re completely random.”
“But you gotta admit, the close proximity would set anyone on edge. Your mother just happened to be someone who was born right on it,” you reach over to poke her cheek and she swats your hand away with a huff. “Can’t you ask her to hire secret agents instead? At least that way, nobody will see them.”
Ashley groans out that you’re the opposite of being helpful. Her phone buzzes in her hand and whatever she reads is clearly exciting enough for her to completely drop the conversation because she reaches forward and smacks your knees so hard it jerks up involuntarily.
“(Y/N), look!”
You’re half-expecting a new Tinder profile but instead, it’s a shittily made poster for a Frat Party. The curling of your lips has Ashley whining and she inches closer — her knees now between yours — as she wags the phone a bit.
“Dude, c’mon! We gotta go, everyone will be there!”
And if everyone was there, Ashley would have to be there too.
“Yeah, what better way to piss off your mother than to go to an overcrowded and overrated Frat Party,” you reply dryly. High schoolers made better posters. This one with the Comic Sans font, blurry PNGs of the hang-tight emoji, and Rick Sanchez lowered your confidence in the Earth's crust. Ashley scoffs.
“Shut up. Besides, the only reason you don’t want to go is because Mr Waitlist will be there,” she dodges your attempt to smack her arm. “Seriously, I have no idea why you choose to be in denial about your feelings for him. The chemistry between you two is insane. It’s almost sickening.”
“Almost? Guess we should try harder,” you mutter as you turn to face your laptop again. Ashley does not relent. “You should. I agree. It’s obvious you two like each other. I’ve already made a wedding plan for you.”
“Ashley,” you groan out. “Nothing is happening. We’re just...close friends.” "Again. Stage 1, denial," your eye-roll makes her inch closer and closer. "Not that anyone would blame you. He looks like some European model even with those weird side-part bangs." "Ashley." The finality in your tone makes her giggle. "(Y/N). You're attracted to him. The second you see him I swear your pupils just blow up bigger than when you're on molly. What's stopping you from just being exclusive-style?" Knowing she won't stop her sudden fixation on the topic, your shoulders droop just as you slip down your chair. Sinking deeper into your oversized hoodie, you sigh and attempt to entertain her as your fingers hover over your keyboard.
"We tried, but it didn't work, Ashley."
"Barely, tried. You had one foot out of the door before the relationship even started. I still remember you trying to keep it a secret, that's not trying that's giving up with extra steps!"
The violent shushing of a particularly peeved student causes Ashley to flinch. Pink dusts across her milky skin and she bows her head apologetically, her teethy grin gone in an instant. He seems satisfied with her expression. That quickly fades when he sees the stare you give him; his brows furrow and he frowns with a slow curl of his nose. Like a kitten hissing.
You recognize him from some of the classes you took. He was the kind of guy who'd continue to badger the professor with questions, acting so smug as he did so and never catching how exasperated they'd be. Obscenely polite because his parents were big spenders in the university's bank account. His greasy fingerprints on the steel frame of his glasses and pathetic excuse of a beard piss you off enough to curl your lips into a wicked grin.
"Sorry, were we too loud?"
The apricot sweater he wears reeks of cologne, the kind that pierces your nose and makes your eyes water from how strong it is. As he lifts his arms to cross it, Ashley straightens her back to put more distance between him.
"The two of you have been loud the second you got here." There's more he wants to say, the twitching of his lips and the tightening of his fingers prove that much. But you're staring up at him like you know something he doesn't — an omen is within your eyes and the chill it gives him shuts him up enough to leave with a comical stomp and huff.
Ashley cringes, glancing around to see if anyone felt the same as he did but is distracted by your question. "Everyone is invited to that party?" Excitement flashes in her eyes as she sees the same in yours.
"Fine. I'll go too."
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The music is so loud you're convinced it's rattling your bones. People are spilling out from the threshold of doors, and windows, on the stairs and the porch, and possibly on the sloped roofs of the house. The lights are everchanging. Streams of neon blue, green, and red are flashing through the fog that's flowing down from the corners of the room. The scents. The sounds. The feeling of bodies bumping into you no matter where you walk. It was a goddamn watering hole.
You had come here with Ashley, but she split off with some of her girlfriends. Last time you checked, she'd been invested in some girl's sob story as they crowded around her with red cups in their hands and slurred words. Ashley had given you a grimace but gestured for you to just enjoy herself.
You'd try to but there'd be no point in doing so considering how vapid everyone was.
So you nurse your drink in the corner, back facing the stairs, and smile as people walk by or above you. The music isn't all that bad, typical party music with some early 2000s songs that earns a good 'oh fuck, this is my song!' from the crowd.
Scanning the front door, watching every face that comes in, your hunger becomes more and more endless. Like a predator digging its claws into the bark of trees, you're restless in that little shroud of camouflage; shifting your weight from one side to the other, sighs escaping liquor-flavoured lips; grin getting more and more grim.
The touch on your nape has your head tilting away from him. Those calloused fingerpads — which not many people in this slice of "heaven" had — press into the solid bone on your nape; it elicits a barely there moan and your features soften immediately.
The cup he's holding is perspiring in his hands and you've spent enough time under his hands to know it had every right to be red and sweating. Deft fingers pinch the rim of your cup and you give him no resistance as he pulls it away to trade his drink.
"Thought you said you didn't wanna be here, Trustfund," Leon said as he leaned on the wooden panels of the walls. The shoulder bump he did is deliberate, a soothing croon to ask you to stop staring people down the second they enter the house.
"What gave you that impression, Waitlist?"Leon grunts, downing what little is left in your cup down his throat. Risking a glance away from the entrance, your eyes chase after the trail of wetness that slithers down his chin. God, he was gorgeous. A face so pretty it's no wonder he pisses off other men around him. His odd, dry, humour doesn't exactly help either.
"The lack of replies to my messages, maybe, geez, who knows."
"Oh, poor Leon," your pout earns a frown from him. "Couldn't get your dick wet when I was going through exams? Oh, poor widdle baby," he leans away from your fingers as they invade his face to pinch to what little adolescent fat still stuck to his cheeks.
"Oh, suck a dick, (Y/N)." Your smirk as you bring your lips to the rim of his cup. "Down, boy. We're in public, don't start begging just yet."
Unamused — or attempting to look unamused — Leon simply follows your focused gaze and tilts his head.
"I'll ask then. What's up with the staring problem? You attracted to doors now or what?"
The drink goes down with an awfully wheaty aftertaste and you smack your lips together in bemusement. "Fuck - what beer is this?" "Don't be an ass, they're doing a beer run, alright? I grabbed what I could. Are you gonna answer my question or not?" You swallow with a grimace. "D'you know that kid in Mr Pinto's class? The one with glasses and that god-awful voice? That know-it-all?" Leon nods. "Yeah, kinda looks like the typical nerdy douchebag, right?"
You lean in and Leon lets you. The both of you pretend not to feel the way his breath shudders as your wet lips brush the side of his cheeks.
"I wanna kill that rude little freak. Cut him open and smear his brains all over the fuckin' sidewalk." Leon's eyes widen. As you peer at him through your lashes, his grey-metal eyes all but melt to reveal that bloodthirsty animal stalking between reason and lace-thin morality. He gulps thickly, casting a side-glance briefly to the entrance before he darts them back to you.
"Why?" He strains out after clearing his throat.
Oh, this is why you adored Leon Scott Kennedy.
It was the way he tried so hard to deny how twisted he actually was. That abashed flutter of his lashes, the skim of teeth over his rabbit-tongue-colored lips; everything contrasting to how violently he used his strength to thrust a knife into someone's rib; how easily he swiped and cleaned a hunting blade using his gloves.
The low, guttural, grunts he makes as he thrusts into you during that high. How he's so careful with his strength outside of the bedroom but during the heat of it? He's so shameless that he leaves hand-shaped bruises all over your hips and arms and even leaves indents of his teeth into your flesh. If he was really impatient, he'd fuck you all while wearing the Ghostface mask, holding that still-bloody knife to your throat as he fucked you so hard you walked funny for a day or two.
Despite how much he enjoys it though, he still asks ' why? '
Why him? Did he do something bad to you? Why not him?
Why? Why? Why?
It didn't exactly matter why. Leon never says no to you.
"He was a bitch to Ashley."
Someone bumps into him, and he braces his hand on the base rail of the stairs. Drunken laughter muffles the minute silence as he peers down at you. His broad shoulders look bigger this time. You faintly recalled Ashley slyly mentioning how he seems to work out more often now ("always jogging past near your accommodations, you must've seen him once in a while. Has he ever come over for a quick post-workout boost?" "Gross, Ashley...A few times, yeah -").
"That won't do." He said with furrowed brows. "No, it won't." Circling your arms around his waist, you pull him in with a Cheshire smile.
"Ashley's like family to me. Besides, her mom's been worried about all these — " you giggle, trying to push down the urge to by chewing on your lower lip but failing. "What?" he asks, the tip of his nose on yours as he savours the sound. "C'mon, what'd she say, babe?"
"She's worried about these Ghostface killings," you playfully hiss out. He isn't sure if it's the party, the drinks, the bloodlust, or just you but he starts laughing along with you.
"So we gotta make sure he isn't dangerous for her sake, hm?" He noses under your jaw and the way you turn your face away makes his mouth water. That neck is far too untainted for his own liking; how long has it been since you've fucked? Since he's driven a knife into someone's skull?
Ever since that awkward break-up in your car, after that honest-to-god perfect night of killing that annoying and creepy line cook and fucking under the stars in the woods. That was the last time the two of you fucked and that was months ago. It caught him off-guard. That haze of pleasure being fanned away by the typhoon that was your sudden request to just break up.
The handjob on the wooden floors of your dorm followed by a blowjob was more recent but Leon just wanted to sink into that tight hole again and again for hours for him to be fully satisfied. The only reason he even stopped was because your alarm rang for an early class, one that you apparently couldn't afford to skip. All lies. He knows the alarm was just the weekday alarm that always went off at 9 am — he knows it's because of the beat of silence that followed after you came around his fingers.
The gentle panting from both of you, the sweet kisses he was leaving on your thighs and then your face.
You only pulled away when it got too real.
It just makes him more determined to show you how deep his devotion for you was. Whatever the reason behind your fear of commitment was, there isn't a line Leon wouldn't cross to show you how willing he is to be yours.
"Exactly," you whisper. How he hears it despite the music and people should surprise him but it doesn't. His body is hyperaware of your very presence. The minute changes in your expressions, the octave changes or lilts in your voice, the wordless way you communicate with him from across the room; Leon just knows you.
"A little birdie told me that he actually has a crush on you, Mr Kennedy." Leon doesn't pause in his actions. His tongue laps at the rising pace of your pulse, teeth brushing over skin and you try very hard to continue your speech despite the hand that cups your crotch.
"Somethin' 'bout you helping him pick up his books when the fucker tripped over his own fuckin' feet." You gasped as he started mottling your skin, capillaries just imploding under his ministrations. "Fuck, Leon." The cup is crinkling under your tightening hold and Leon simply cages you in between his toned arms. It's hard to focus on anything past them as you eye the prominent veins that disappear under the sleeves of his black shirt.
"Leon, calm the fuck down." He bites your neck in retaliation and you're glad some popular song plays over the speakers because the cheers that follow mask your moan.
What a ridiculous statement. Here you are, in his hands; perfect and handsome and sexy and yet — not his. It’s all a bit fucked up for him. Growing up alone, life offered no reprieve for little Leon Kennedy. His parents dying while he was young, then going to an orphanage — it all cemented into him that he was fine being independent. A partner sounded nice but he didn’t give it much thought.
Until you came.
Stubborn, silver-tongued, rich, handsome, so fucking handsome.
Not at all his type.
Waitlist, he hated that nickname. So he crashed a little late and unprepared for his first class. Sue him. Not his fault the school plucked out his name late too. Among the giggles of the classroom, yours stood out. It made sense since you were closest to him. Ashley was smacking your arm, sharing glances his way and you turned and mouthed a ‘sorry’ that Leon knew you didn’t even mean.
But then he kept seeing you around. Bumping into him during parties, always sitting near him in classes, accidentally hitting him in the face with a ball while you were chilling on the grass.
Fate was too perfect for him.
Leon was snarky and stubborn and he had nothing to give you that you already didn’t have.
But then, the night he saw you covered in blood. Everything seemed to shift. Because suddenly you weren’t this unreachable, little asshat with a wicked tongue and Leon was no longer a mutt with nothing to offer.
Suddenly, he saw that you were just as twisted and hungry as he was. A lone wolf with its teeth stained and its ribs showing under all that extravagant fur and Leon couldn’t resist himself chasing you after that.
The man who was bleeding out next to you had been desperate to try to sleep with you. The bruising around your neck and the dishevelled state of your clothes pieced the puzzle together. Leon used that to justify killing him.
For you. Just for you.
He was finally using the sharp teeth he had. Those blunt claws he’d been desperately trying to file down dug themselves into the dirt and he ran with you all the way down to Hell. Kicking the earth behind him, his breath visible as his teeth bare into a wolfish grin and you were right there.
Two lone wolves finding each other in a world full of rabbits and squirrels and deers.
Because that's what the both of you were. Not spiders with silk-weaved webs or snakes with venomous fangs. You were a wolf stalking its prey with your tongue lolled out and eyes so wide they shine like the moon.
Unapologetic killer.
If only you’d get the fact that you’re not a solitary animal into your thick skull.
Leon grunts when you pinch his sides, forcing himself to pull away with a disgruntled glare that you return.
“Did you hear what I said about the plan?” He tilts his head. “Was I supposed to?”
You click your teeth, placing your hands firmly on his chest to push him away. Leon resists but he lets you go after a split second.
“Christ, Waitlist.”
Leon reaches his hand out but you take a turn into the living area and suddenly he’s bumping into bodies. They’re bouncing and shaking and he feels like a sailor in rough waters.
“(Y/N)!” his voice doesn’t reach past his own nose. The music is so loud he doubts you’re even deliberately ignoring him. “God fucking dammit!” Leon ignores the hand that clumsily tried to seduce him and the glossy lips that follow it, just shouldering through the sea of people.
The kitchen hails no signs of you. He’s glad to see the beer run was successful enough and grabs a bottle of your favourite to soothe whatever it is he did.
“Leon! You’re here!” Ashley pops up from across the island and Leon smiles at her way. “Hey, Ashley. What’s up?” she eyes him skeptically and places her hands on the island. She quickly regrets this because of how suspiciously sticky it is but doesn’t miss a beat as she asks him; “I was gonna ask if you’ve seen (Y/N) but I guess those beers are for him.”
Ashley wraps her hand around a can and uses the condensation to somehow alleviate the stickiness. She would use the sink but with the state of a poor boy vomitting inside it and the amount of couples fucking in the bathrooms, this was the best she could do.
“Actually,” Leon sighs, “I was gonna ask if you’ve seen him.”
Her shock is evident but to Leon’s surprise, it turns into exasperation.
“Do I have to spell it out for you, Kennedy?” Ashley puts her hands on her hips and then points a finger at his way.
“He likes you. (Y/N) (L/N). He likes you, Leon Kennedy. So,” she comes around to him and despite the height difference, Leon feels slightly intimidated by her frown.
“Just fuck his brains out and tell him you’re not gonna let him go! That’s the only way you’re getting through to him, okay? God, I swear the both of you are so dimwitted!”
Ashley walks away and Leon stands there for a second to process what he’d just been told. The beginnings of a smile threaten to crawl onto his face so Leon purses his lips and just walks on towards the hallways to see if you’ve snuck into any of the rooms there.
He instead finds another person. Quite literally, they were shoved straight into his chest (thank god the beer was in a bottle). It takes a minute for Leon to notice him, really notice him, but after their half-assed apologies are shares Leon sees who it is.
From over his shoulder, he spots your half-hidden face just as you slink out of view.
“Hey, you’re...Michael, right?” the brunette perks up considerably and nods. “You’re in Mr Pinto’s class?”
Michael jumps into the conversation. “I am!” he exclaims though considering the state of the party, it is not out of place. Leon smiles charmingly and leans on the wall, offering Michael one of the bottles he’s holding.
His hands practically tremble to take it.
“You’re pretty smart, huh?” Michael scoffs at his words, his cheeks flushed despite not one sip taken. “I guess you can say that, I mean, 4.0 GPA but yeah. I guess I am pretty smart.”
This was going to be a long night, Leon thinks as he takes a swig.
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Dancing with Michael proved to be easier than talking to him. He’s much more pleasant when you can’t hear him bragging about being the smartest guy in the room or how his sister is as dumb as bricks (”It’s no wonder she resorted to bulimia as a last resort to get hitched” “Oh, wow.”).
Leon thought rich kids were already unbearable but the smart rich kids were worse. The only thing that kept him sane was the fact that he’d see glimpses of you. A sliver of (H/C) coloured through the flashes of light. At times, he swears he even hears your laughter through the crowd and music.
Michael grabs at his arms and pretends to be coy as he squeezes and asks how much Leon works out. “I see you runnin’ sometimes!” And Leon suppresses the urge to cringe at how close his face is.
Did this make him an asshole? All this pretending to be nice, if God was real, was he shaking his head at Leon?
‘ If God was real he’d open the gates of hell to swallow you up the second you were born, ‘ he thought derisively.
But then, the Devil answers his question in the form of you. He sees you dancing, hands up in the air with your teeth bared in a giant grin. Leon's entranced; your arms slither down to your neck and Leon's not sure how he sees it with the flashing lights but he can see the hickeys he left on you. Michael is speaking, his ears relay to him. But he can’t pull his eyes from you. Leon doesn’t understand how you do it.
When you’re in the room it’s as if you’re the sun; the very center of his universe and he wants to implode into you. Be devoured and destroyed within your maw. A hand on his face and Leon is now staring at Michael. God, he’s staring at Michael.
Before he can speak, Leon asks; “Do you wanna go somewhere more quiet?”
They’re in the back of the house now. Music is more muffled despite the way the walls reverberate. The wood panelling must be screaming from the LED strip lights pasted on it. All the lamps had a red cloth over them, the room would look terrifying if it weren’t for the clouds of smoke and slurred giggling from the bodies on the bean bags.
Michael’s palms get clammy and Leon pretends he doesn’t feel it. Deeper in the room, at the back, where the cove of a past reading nook was built. The heavy velvet curtains stink of weed and cigarettes. He doubts the stains at the end are anything but alcohol or vomit. Aptly named make-out nook, the windows are covered by old sports magazines so no one from the outside can gawk.
Leon pressed Michael to the window panes and he gasps, hands coming to rest on Leon’s waist. He does that annoying squeezing thing that makes Leon’s skin crawl. His lips are on him and Leon narrows his eyes, staring at the smiling bodybuilder with his bulging muscles and tanned skin. Superman underwear and all. Leon wonders what he’d think of the sight before him; if any of these frozen-in-time athletes coo and gasp at the scandalous activities this nook has seen.
The curtains rustle as Michael chews on Leon’s lower lip. He’s biting down harder than he should — Leon jerks back, hissing softly.
“Fuck, I’m sorry — Are you okay?” Michael pauses as the curtains part and your giggles flood through, tendrils of smoke slipping through your teeth. An act. You’re closing in for the kill, and Michael has nowhere to run.
Still, he looks oh-so-smug as he tightens his grip on Leon.
“Leon?” you gasped while Michael sneered at you as he took a handful of Leon’s crotch. Both pretend not to feel how soft he is. He squeezed and purred. Leon’s eyes remained on you, brows raised in a challenge. “He’s busy with me, (L/N). So move along,” Leon slid his toned arms around his waist. The sight was like a match being struck, and your eyes burned with fury.
‘ Now? ‘ his eyes ask. You nod, reaching for the pocket knife you tucked away in your (Leon’s) leather jacket.
‘ Now. ‘
Leon wanted to kiss you so badly that he felt his fingers shake as he reached for his own hidden knife.
“Dude, not cool. You can’t make out with me like 10 minutes ago then just make out with someone else!” You exclaim, clambering into the nook and letting the curtains naturally slip close. “Leon — c’mon,” you beg so sweetly when you’re pretending. Michael sighs, getting his filthy hands off Leon, and faces you.
One finger jabs at your chest and you tilt your head at it.
“Fuck off, alright? Not everyone is dying to fuck your used hole —“
He inhales sharply, lashes fluttering as metal sheathes itself into his flesh. Leon pulls out his knife and then plunges it inside his back.
Again and again and again and again and again.
Michael braces his arms on your shoulders, and your breath shudders. He looks up at you in panic. He doesn't pay attention to the knife you’re holding too, he inhales and the way his mouth opens tells you he’ll try to scream.
The blade sinks through his neck, and when he tries to swallow the blood that floods his airway you can feel his muscles and Adam’s apple squish and move it. So you twist and dig in deeper. Leon’s blade pulls out again, blood is quickly spreading beneath Michael’s legs but the room is already cast in red — as if anyone would see.
“You enjoyed the little shit, Kennedy?” Michael claws at your jacket as you tilt the knife up, slicing through more of him until he starts spasming. His choking and gasping makes you groan in relief, breathing in his death with a smile.
"He was". You don't dare pull out the knife. Not now. A little puddle of blood is fine but more than people will really notice. The thrill of it all is too much for Leon; the crowd of people being hidden only by curtains, a warm body sputtering and choking on you as you held the knife; your eyes staring up at him with nothing but adoration in them.
Try to deny him as much as you want, (Y/N). You can't hide from Leon's hunger.
Ashley's voice echoes through his head.
"Kept groping you like some sort of pervert, what a fucking loser. Heard he got caught stalking the swim team captain. Pathetic, right? Think we can drag this pile of shit to the pool?"
Why are you talking about this waste of space?
Leon grabs him and with no more than a grunt, tosses Michael's body to the window pane where he thuds and slides down onto the floor. Splatters of blood spray onto the magazine covers, forever staining them just like the vomit stains on the curtains, and Leon pushes you against the window.
You replace the knife you held with Leon's jaw, smiling into the kiss as he sticks his tongue into your mouth. Fuck, he tastes good. Like your favorite beer. He's relentless as his hands grab the mounds of your ass.
From the outside, people snicker at the thumps they can hear.
"Fuuuck, Leon — Mfph, you're so fuckin' hasty," you groan. "Sorry for rushing when — fuck — when there's a dead body next to you."
You laugh and when Leon dives in again to suck the soul of your body he tastes the heavy smoke of marijuana lingering in your mouth. Michael is grunting, attempting to pull out the knife in his neck and you're especially cruel as you dig the heel of your shoes into his crotch. When he groans spurts of blood come out of him like a deflated waterbed.
"You're acting like this is something new," you retort. Leon just focuses on your neck again. Sucking over his marks and the slight pain that follows causes you to moan, gripping onto a fistful of his hair as your legs part.
What did Ashley say exactly? Fuck your brains out and tell you he's never letting you go?
He kneels abruptly, you're still catching your breath when he licks up your stomach, his bloodied knife now in his hand. You help him by lifting up your top, watching him lap at your happy trail with a dark blush across your face.
"Gonna suck my dick? You miss it that much?" Leon does not reply. Instead, he unbuttons your pants and you're chewing on your lip in excitement, gulping thickly as he pulls it down under the swell of your ass.
There's a wet patch on your underwear and Leon moans, pulling your pants down even further until it pools at your ankles. His knife is cold on your outer thigh, you hiss softly as the edges press and nick you but his tongue lapping at your dick through the cloth derails any complaints.
"Shiiit, Leon — " he slips the knife under your underwear, the serrated edges licking at your hips before a riiiiiiip! is heard. Ashley would be pissed knowing one of the designer underwear she gave you as a gift was purposefully torn apart but perhaps she'll be forgiving knowing it was to fulfill horny, filthy, purposes.
He must be really fucking excited. Leon's tongue is making a wet spot appear on your underwear and as if flimsily slips away from your hips, you swear you can feel the growl he releases as he sucks your exposed dick.
It twitches on his tongue, flushed from his attention as his tongue laps underneath it and his lips wrap around it.
"You miss me, baby?" You let out a sound of confusion at the question. "Yeah, you fuckin' do. You're so fucking hard."
Was he...was he talking to your cock?
"Bet you're dripping for me too, hm?" "Leon, what the fuck are you — "
The knife is now between your thighs, Michael's blood smearing itself there as he presses a kiss to your cock.
"If you're gonna cut me, wipe that pig's blood off." Your sneer is the last thing Michael sees as his eyes finally cloud over. In all honesty, you'd forgotten about him until now. The thought of his blood on you just disgusted you.
Leon wipes off his blood in his signature move; simply using your ripped undergarments in replacement of his gloves. Despite your annoyance, you won't deny how hot it was seeing him do it.
"Want me to cut you?" he hitches the blade to your inner thighs, the still-warm blade makes the hairs on the back of your neck stand. "Can I?"
"...Not there. Somewhere else."
Leon stands, the tip of the blade on your stomach. He towers over you, his broad shoulders making your cunt ache for more. "Here?" You shake your head so he flicks his gaze to inspect your torso.
Taking the edge of your shirt from your hands, he instead slips it between your teeth and you narrow your eyes at him. With your hands free, you lean back onto the windows, chest rising and falling in anticipation as Leon traces the knife all the way up to your chest.
He pauses at your collarbone but you shake your head once again and so he lowers it to your pec. You shake your head but Leon is gazing at it intently. He strokes tenderly over the surgery scar then pulls the skin of your chest taut and before you can protest he digs the tip of the blade in.
You bite down on your shirt, hissing as he drags down the tip. Crimson seeps through, beading up like delicate pearls before it gushes out in small streams. Leon's knee digs up your cunt and the spark of pleasure makes you lurch forward to grip Leon's shoulders. He pushes you back, the thump once again earning giggles from the group on the outside.
"You know I love you, (Y/N). I'm sick and tired of pretending you don't love me back."
Bewildered, you stare at him with furrowed brows.
He twists the blade and you inhale sharply as he slices it, lifting the knife at the end which cuts you shallowly at the end of his...symbol?
What the fuck was he cutting into you?
"Since you're too fucking stubborn to accept it, I'll make sure you know it. I don't know what rich boarding school trauma you have or if mommy and daddy never showed you how love is supposed to work — you're fucking mine."
He drags the blade down, three quicks slices follow and your eyes well with tears while your hips gyrate down on the delicious friction he has provided.
"You think I won't understand you? Think I'll hurt you? I'm the only one in this fucked up world that'll love you unconditionally, Trustfund. I love you, (Y/N)."
The next letter — you belatedly realize — hurts more as he carves a jagged O.
"I love you. I love you, I fucking love you, I'll love you till the day we die, and even in Hell, I'll find you and I'll love you."
N hurts less, Leon's gotten the hang of the angles and how quick and deep he should do it.
"I'll burn the whole fucking world down if it meant I could stay by your side."
Your chest is bleeding, rivers of red escaping and it stings in the cool air so Leon presses himself closer. The warm of his body on yours numb out the pain of the pressure he had applied. Blood is staining your torso, dripping and mixing with your slick and his jeans and you're so turned on you can't find the words.
Leon just kisses your cheek, licking up the tears that escaped and you moan as he kisses you.
Leon thinks his ears are fucking with him. He pulls back, not far enough to let your lips leave his but far enough that he can look at you. There's a dopey grin on your face, and he can feel the shape of your lips as you speak.
"Luh — Love you too, Leon...Love you s'fuckin' much."
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It's a miracle no one has pulled the curtains back.
Maybe the noises were keeping them away. Everyone's a voyeur until the chance is actually presented in front of them, right? Hearing the both of you is enough. Seeing is too embarrassing.
You're completely wrong, by the way. Ashley had chased everyone out, locked the goddamn door of this red room with a giggle. Not knowing the true horrors that were hidden.
It was for the best.
Leon has you lifted in his arm, lapping up at the blood on your sternum as his cock bullies in and out of your cunt. The gymnast staring at him from over your shoulder makes him grin and he pulls you firmly down onto his cock, groaning as you squeal.
"Fuh — Fuck! Fuck! Leon!"
You're gripping onto whatever leverage you can find purchase off without ripping off the pictures. But he's balls deep and you keen, hands finding itself tangling with the curtain rod. Leon is so rough, so intent on destroying your cunt as his hot breath protects his name from the air, every jostle and thrust makes you clench around his cock like a vice.
"Fuck, this boypussy's made just for me, huh? Sucks me in every time I pull out, greedy little cunt." His words are making your vision blur with tears, he latches onto your nipple and your arm jerks.
The curtain rod falls with a crash and Leon immediately pulls you in. He shield your naked body with his own, completely ignoring the dead body inches away. He expects horrified screams. The both of you are greeted with silence instead.
The room is empty.
More space to fuck you in, he thinks as he smirks.
Limply, you lay out like a starfish on the couch. Cunt gaping and slick with your juices and blood and his spit. His dick is streaked with blood and your cum coating it, he spits a glob off spit onto your dick and you whine, reaching for a throw pillow to hold onto as he uses his thumb to jerk it.
"Fuck, you look so fucking handsome right now."
"How...how have you not cummed yet...?" You pant out, hips lifting and twisting in an attempt to escape Leon's thumb. He presses your hips down with his other hand and you groan, eyes rolling back.
"Needa' make up for lost time," he says as he licks his lips. "Missed this hole so badly. Shit, look at the way he's winking at me."
"Stop talkin' to my cunt!" He grunts as you kick his shoulder, turning to bite into your calf with a gleeful chuckle.
"Fuck, I wanna make a movie with you." Your pretty little prince-y parts are more forthcoming than you are. Your cock jumps and he sees the way you squeeze down.
"Say less, baby." You try to kick him again but he leans back faster than you. He meanders towards his discarded pants, pulling out his phone. You try to catch your breath, one arm tossed over your eyes as your legs go lax, thighs twitching as you try to calm your heart rate.
The light from his phone feels warm, but maybe that's just you being sensitive. He makes sure it takes in all the details of his carved name, then pans down to your sopping hole and a throaty moan escapes you as his fingers slip inside with ease.
"Jesus, I can feel your heartbeat." The casual way he says it makes you whine, he pumps his three fingers in and out before curling it up, and your back arches. The cutest "ah!" coming from you.
He hopes the phone picks it up. He admires the way you as he lines up his cock to your cunt. Slides it through your lips, hissing in pleasure as he bumps his cock with yours, and you squirm, wrapping your legs around his waist. "Leon, cum in me. Please, fucking Christ, just cum in me already."
His cock is so thick. The stretch of it never fails to make your mouth open in a silent scream, choked-out moans of his name or God escaping. When his balls smack against you, you see white behind your eyelids, and Leon chuckles as he feels your walls spasm around him.
He pulls back. The streaks of liquid on his cock just make him all the more eager. Leon lets the camera take in your body as it takes him. Plowing into you with abandon, bracing himself on his fist as his hips rattle yours.
"Fuck, yes. Tighten up around me, that's it, baby. Yeah, that's it."
He angles the phone away, wanting to see your face without it blocking him. It falls onto the floor and Leon steals your breath away as he kisses yo. His mouth tastes like blood and beer and you.
His brows pinched as his back rippled with pleasure. "I'm close," he warns and you whimper, locking your ankles behind him just as you wrap your arms behind him.
"C'mon, baby. Fill me up, yeah —Nghah! Yeah! There, right there! Fill me up, Leon, please — Ah!"
Pressing his forehead with yours, he claims your lips once again and his thrusts get sloppy, uncoordinated. He comes with a moan of your name, sheathed in as deep as he could get and the warmth that fills you makes your cunt clench around him tightly, milking him as your orgasm washes over you for one last time that night.
"Fuck, (Y/N)..." Leon presses gentle kisses to your cheek, stroking your neck as he pants.
"I...I promised Ashley I was gonna jog with her tomorrow," you mumble out, whining as Leon's hips stutter into you. He chuckles, trailing kisses down your neck.
"I'll take responsibility." "You better."
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"Poor Michael," Ashley's brows slope as she watches the TV replay the news.
You're honestly impressed Leon managed to sneak out with the goddamn body, he wrapped it up in the curtain if you recalled, and placed it on his backseat. Leon didn't wanna leave you in the car but you were passed out, sleeping peacefully. So he spent a good hour or two just tossing the guy's body in the school's pool.
When you came to, you were at home with him wiping you down and your chest wrapped up.
It's been a week since the two of you were official, Michael's case seemed more and more hopeless — Leon had done a good job erasing traces of evidence. Like a proper killer.
His fingers squeeze your calves, and you groan softly, curling your toes as he massages it. Ashley turns back to peek at the both of you. You with your legs splayed over Leon's lap and him casually working out the kinks in them, all while you were wrapped with a blanket around your shoulders.
"You two aren't the slightest bit scared? He was at the party y'know. Michael and that Ghostface dude," she shudders and looks ahead at the screen. "Fuck, what if I made out with him!?"
Leon snorts, shaking his head. "I'm sure you didn't, Ash." You nod in agreement, adjusting the pillows under you, ignoring the sting of the wound under the bandages.
"Bet if you did, you'd know. He'd be so fucked up you'd probably taste blood in his mouth or somethin' freaky like that." Leon glances your way, and you give him a grin.
Ashley pouts, sinking back. You reach a hand out to play with her golden locks. It makes her shoulders droop and she leans back to you.
"You didn't even know the guy, Ashley. Ya' know what they say about killers, right? They only kill the people they know, you know any killers?"
She thinks about it.
"...You scream at the sight of a cockroach and Leon can barely parallel park without getting teary-eyed..."
"Hey," Leon's ears turn red. "That was one time and everyone was staring, okay?"
Ashley laughs, shaking her head as she switches the channels. Yeah, you were right! She didn't know any killers. She was safe hiding out here in your apartment with Leon until the police wrapped up their investigations.
As long as she had the both of you, she'd be safe. Which she wasn't wrong about — Ashley meant too much to you to be hurt. Her mother didn't have to worry about the Ghostface killers attacking her, the two of them were right behind her. Braiding her hair, asking if she wants popcorn for their movie night.
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matchadobo · 8 months
KIDD; festival confession
wc: 1639 summary: kidd and name spend the summer matsuri together and confessions were made. warning/s: fem reader, nooooneee very fluff
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"if you take that goddamn long we'll leave you." kidd grumbled by the wooden seat that was too small for him. he was munching on some candy apples killer gave him while waiting for you to get ready. but you know he didn't mean that, like hell he'd leave you when he couldn't keep his hands off you at random parts of the day.
"go ahead, you'll miss me." you replied, trying to figure out where to snag the ornamental hairpin that somehow got tangled with your locks. "one more second, okay? this stupid fucking thing got my hair in a bust!" you tried prying it off your head. it was the last thing you needed to fix before you finally get ready for the festival.
"i'm comin' in." kidd was, of course, too impatient to wait for you. so when he swept the curtains open and ducked down to get in the narrow compartment of a room, his world had fucking stopped for you again.
when he saw you in that bright red yukata adorned with white flowers. he knew you picked the red one because you knew he'd like it. a smile slowly made its way to his lips, you look the same kind of beautiful just as the day he met you.
you look a little silly with the tangled ornament, he snorted and sighed, giving your cheek a little pinch before taking the ornament by his hands. "you shouldn't have tried-"
"shut it." you cut him off, cheeks heating up in embarrassment. kidd was impatient, and eager, and always annoyed. but never with you, he was surprisingly patient and earnest. he even goes an extra mile to craft pretty little trinkets for you. so despite the maddening task that is your hair, he managed to get the knot out of your locks. he was quite literally towering over you so he can clearly see what's going on. you two spend quite a bit of time in there annoyed at that thing.
once it was all gone, you almost discarded the ornament away when kidd yanked it out your hand. "turn around. i'll do it." you took a couple of seconds to look at him, how uncharacteristic of him. "come on," he turned you around himself because his ears were turning red at your gaze.
his fingers combed through your locks, lightly brushing the strands of your hair as he gathered them all in a bun. you shivered lightly each time his knuckles or the tip of his fingers touches the back of your neck. but he wasn't innocent either, the sight of your bare neck and shoulders had him in a chokehold. the honest and strong urge to just grab you by the neck and kiss the spaces that lacked his lip marks. this was a different kind of intimate that you two were too scared of breaking the tension on.
"there." he gave his craft one last look. his human arm reached over from behind and raised your chin so you can look at yourself at the mirror inside the fitting room. "that's how you do it."
you two took your time memorizing and engraving the sight of the both of you in the mirror. kidd and you in a yukata in the absence of bloodshed that is your everyday, devoid of the peril that awaits your lives.
"kidd! name! the fireworks are gonna start soon!" the others called out, both of you snapping back to reality. a bit sad that the moment was cut off short. but this was the reason why you insisted on visiting a festival, you wanted to watch the fireworks with the crew.
"sorry you didn't get to experience the other stuff in the festival before the fireworks started." you nudged him a little, hands behind your back as you two strolled by the cobbled stairs.
"i got to experience something waaay better, don't worry." he replied, catching your eye as you looked back and saw the light tint on his cheeks. he avoided your gaze, pretending he wasn't looking at you.
"kidd i," just before you could finish, the fireworks started and surprised you. as you both descended the stairs, you two stayed at the bottom and admired the dancing lights by the sky. you gazed above as the colors captivated your full attention while you captivated his.
"hm?" he replied, silently observing and committing to memory how you look like tonight. how your eyes glisten with the pirouetting hues of the evening sky, how you perk up and point at the animals and figures the fireworks made, how your cheeks puff up each time you smile at every light that grazed the sky.
"a-ah nothing," you suddenly grew shy, locking glances with him. now dawning at you that he was looking at you the whole time. "just wanted to say thank you, for letting me have this night." you smiled at him, pressing your lips afterward and fiddling with your fingers.
he suddenly took a long, deep breath, avoiding your gaze as you catch his ears reddening. he wanted to say something; something he had been keeping for a long time. but as eustass kidd himself, pride is a much bigger hurdle to overcome. but he might be willing to do it just for you. he said he wouldn't fold first, he said it's you who'll be chasing because apparently 'you're crazy about him', it's you who'll keep dreaming about what life would be like if you two'd tie the knot, and it's you who'd be confessing.
so he himself doesn't know why he reached over for your hand as he pulled you closer. and once he had you in his grasp, his hand ghosted the skin of your neck and held onto your cheek. his fingers spanning the lower side of your neck while his thumb rubbed by your cheek and his palm held your jaw. this was one of the rare moments where he wasn't scowling and he held all the love for you in his eyes.
"then i'd like to say thank you for making the last five years of my life tolerable. i had someone to look forward to everyday. i learned to love and what it feels to be loved. i have my tireless cheerleader by my side at all times, bugging the shit out of me. i have someone to hold close to each sleepless night. i have one delicate treasure in my life i pledge to protect, your smile; i have to keep ya smilin', aye? if the day ever comes where i do the opposite, please fuckin' kill the living shit out of me. 'cuz goddamnit, i finally had one fuckin' weakness. i finally found someone to spend my life with." he couldn't stop the tears streaming down his face. you could tell that he was holding this back a lot for a long, long time. you stayed quiet because it all felt like a dream.
kidd wasn't a very vocal nor a person of words, he always expressed everything through actions or not even at all. but the way you look tonight, he doesn't want to lose that sight of you nor forget the words he wanted to say. eustass kidd was no coward, but when it comes to love and you, he suddenly is nothing but a shell. but he doesn't plan on living like that, nor does he plan to continue to lie to you.
"you broke my goddamn walls, name. from the day you first butted heads with me, from every insult you returned each time i push you away, from each ounce of patience you gave me and hoped for the best in me, from the way you look at me differently, from the times we fought side by side; those always did a number on me, from the warmth you engulf me each cold night the phantom pain haunts me, to the way you smile at me and cheered me on to my dream, our dream. i fucking love you." he choked out a sob, laughing stupidly at himself as if a montage of you appeared on his head.
at his last sentence, the grand finale of the fireworks concluded. your heart will absolutely implode out of your chest. you reached over to hold his hand, removing it from your cheeks and cupping his big fist with both of your hands. "i tamed the beast, huh?" you reached over to wipe the tears on the corner of his eyes, pulling him down by the neck gently. "i always knew you're a little sweetheart inside."
"pft. the pirate king shouldn't be so warm and fuzzy." he pressed foreheads with you, later pressing a kiss on your forehead.
"i do that to you, huh, captain?" you teased him, hug becoming tighter. "say, if you love me that much, why don't you take me out on a date? it's a festival after all." you tilted your head in amusement, poking at his nose. he blinked at you twice, pale at your words. he legit wasn't ready for this.
receiving no response, you leaned in to his ear and whispered. "i'll give you a kiss after."
"why not do it now?" he fixed you in place with a firm grasp on your lower back. "don't make your captain wait." he said in a low tone, leaning back a little so he could raise your chin. he got a good look at how all the blood in your face rose. so he took matters in his own hands and planted a kiss on your lips, under the bright moonlight and the surrounding festival music across town. killer and the others figured kidd finally confessed from the evident red in his ears and cheeks when you two got back.
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freyyzu · 1 year
in a timeline where your presence is lacking, they do everything to keep you beside them.
a/n; i really want to know what the brothers in our current timeline are doing. how are they holding up? sorry for another long post, i felt insane (m;_ _)m. a few of them got a bit out of hand compared to others.
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Lucifer plays your voicemails on repeat.
there are times when the workload gets a little bit too much now. lucifer hadn't ever noticed how much he had relied on your presence to soothe him after a stressful day; the shoulder massages and brief kisses, the comforting words, the mere company of you beside him had begun to feel like second nature.
unfortunately, you're no longer here to provide that for him, and neither is he there with you to offer a guiding hand in whatever it is you might be going through right now. the thought that you could be in danger sends a dull ache to his head, and the thought that it could be him being the one harming you is enough for him to put down his pen. no more work will be getting done today.
in moments like these—and he hates to admit they've been frequent—lucifer reaches for his d.d.d. the device feels heavy in his hand, and he has to stop himself from trying to once again call you. instead, he goes for the next closest thing.
"lucifer!" your voice is bright and cheery, it rings out clearly enough that he almost believes you've teleported right next to him. the tension of his shoulders ease as you continue, "i'm really sorry for leaving early today, but i did make breakfast before i left!"
lucifer leans his back against his chair, chuckling at the flustered sound of your delivery. it sounds as if you were running while recording this.
"there should be enough for everyone plus seconds and uh..." he can hear the quiet mumbling of your counting. "tenths for beel! again, i'm really sorry for leaving without all of us getting to eat together. i accidentally left an unfinished project back in the classroom and—oh! there's RAD! i'll see you in a bit, lucifer. tell everyone i said good morning!"
the voice message ends with a click, and he feels like the weight of the entire world is once again stacked upon his shoulders. as it always does.
with anchored fingers, he goes to tap the next voicemail when a knock on his door stops that.
"i'm comin' in," the voice from the other side warns before opening the door. mammon steps inside with a single cup balanced on his hand and places it on lucifer's desk, sparing a glance at the papers strewn across its surface. "still working?"
"it's never really done," lucifer responds, taking a sip from the cup. his eyebrow raises at the flavor. "is this barbatos' tea?"
"not really." mammon reaches out to sort the files into a neater pile. "i asked him to teach me in exchange for helpin' with castle cleanup."
it's the second time today lucifer's shoulders relax. "thank you, mammon."
Mammon fills his room with trinkets.
it's hard to keep mammon from spending all his grimm without you there to stop him anymore. for a while, the habit had dampened with your absence, and his brothers had wondered if he would drop it all together until you were back. that thought lasted all but two weeks.
when he had started back up again it was his usual treks—gambling at the casino, buying luxury items he had no real need for, spending it on bets he was sure to lose—and then they shifted.
there's a pile of boxes and paper bags settled carefully inside the seats of his car—the safest area of his room. they range from big to small, all designed and painted with different colors and patterns. a few of the logos and brands repeat, and asmo is the first to take notice that they're all from the stores that you like to visit.
it's somewhere near high noon when mammon leaves the house of lamentation and late evening when he comes back home.
he lets out a silent thanks that his brothers aren't around right now. or maybe they've gotten used to his schedule for the past couple of days and have decided to give him the privacy he needs. whatever the case may be, he's grateful there's no one at the entrance to chide him again.
kicking the door closed with his foot, mammon does his best to not let the multiple shopping bags hanging on for dear life in his hands slip.
it's almost like clockwork, the way his feet leads him to your room first, as they always do. he spares only a moment to take a look around. many of the things he's bought have been tucked securely in his room, but there are times, like today, where he just wants to show them off.
"Didja know Beel keeps comin' in here to eat his snacks lately? I bought a candle to clear out the air." true to his word he pulls out a candle in an intricately designed glass jar, scented in your favorite fragrance.
though it doesn't stop there, and soon your entire table is filled to the brim with different items.
mammon takes a look at everything he's bought once before pulling out a lighter and flicks it on. a mild, familiar scent fills the air, and he hates to admit it's the most calm he's felt in weeks.
Leviathan can't stop updating you.
if there's one thing that hasn't changed, it's the frequency of your texts with levi—or more accurately, levi's texts with your d.d.d. even if it's for the most mundane thing, he doesn't hesitate to whip out the mobile device and let his fingers fly across the keypad.
no one tells him to put his phone down anymore during their meals together, and even the pit pat of the letters being pressed feels more like comforting ambient noise now. the new normal in lull of conversation topics.
sometimes, there's nothing for him to talk about. times where he doesn't leave his room, where he isn't playing a game, or watching a new anime, or reading the latest manga volume release despite the media being right at his fingertips. the house of lamentation feels like it becomes empty during those days, but he doesn't want to tell you that.
levi finds that his bathtub becomes more comforting as every day passes by. the small, slightly confined space that hugs at him from both sides feels reassuringly warm with the blankets and pillows he's stuffed in there.
still, even as he shifts into a more relaxing position, nothing beats the joy he feels tapping away at his d.d.d.
he hasn't left his room for the past five days for anything other than the usual family meals, and even the games that usually pull him in no longer grab his attention. the only thing that does is the device settled within his hands, the dim glow it admits being the only thing he can focus on.
[ have you eaten yet? if not you better get to it, beel's been clearing out the fridge so fast lately i don't even bother going to the kitchen anymore. it's straight to the store for me LOL. ]
[ there's a new anime that's releasing soon. it's based off a manga about two twins that fall from the sky and end up saving the nation that raises them. i hear it's a real tear-jerker! i'll wait until you get back though so we can watch it together. ]
eventually, even levi runs out of things to talk about, and so he reluctantly marks the end of the the conversation with a goodbye.
[ talk to you soon, i'm going to pass out. sleep well when you do! ]
he does his best to ignore the fact that the messages aren't sending.
Satan sees your name in every word.
in the beginning, satan goes through every tome within every library the devildom has to offer. there must be a way to get you back from where you've disappeared to. and while he trusts solomon to keep you safe, he wants nothing more than to be there to guarantee that safety, or better yet—not have you disappear at all.
still, after turning every archive upside-down and over, satan resigns that there's nothing more he can do but to trust the sorcerer. but he can't; the thoughts of his years right after the celestial war ended haunt him and he fears that if anyone was to jeopardize your safety the most, it would be him.
and so he throws himself into his pastime. yet even then, his eyes can only skim the pages, the words nary processing in his mind. how could they, when every term, every phrase reminds him of you?
satan's hope of losing himself within the world of a story doesn't go as planned. it hasn't been going as planned for the past couple weeks.
the spine of a book cracks open, and the coffee-stained colored pages are flipped. his finger slides over the finely inked words, and then pause just minutes in when he realizes he hasn't retained a single thing he read.
rinse and repeat, the same old pattern.
frustrated, he snaps the cover closed, the force of his action loud enough to be heard by anyone who would pass by his door.
the protagonist of the book he had picked up was described as kind and forgiving. they would brighten up every room they entered and had as much fear in their body as they had caution—which was little to none. they face many trials to bring happiness to those they love all without a care for their own well-being. satan sighs, curling in on himself from his seated position.
a strained laugh nearly leaves his throat, but he holds back. of course he would gravitate towards this book with a description like that.
with a heavy heart it tucks it back ontop of the pile of other unfinished tomes—the height of it becoming increasingly worrying—and hopes that the ending is a happy one.
Asmodeus can't stop talking about you.
without your presence, asmo delves himself deep into his social circles. it takes his mind off of how concerned he is about your well-being; he doesn't need to keep himself awake thinking on how much he misses you or how you might be missing him and the rest of his brothers.
well, at least he thinks he's taking his mind off of things. it's hard for anyone to put a word in once asmo starts opening his mouth, especially when the only thing that leaves from his parted lips every other sentence is your name.
if it wasn't evident in his conversations then it's evident in the way his shampoo has been swapped out for a fragrance you had always been more privy to, or the way his style has slightly shifted towards what style you like to wear. he picks up your habits like it's his own even if he doesn't notice it.
"oh, you'll never believe what they did next!" asmo laughs, his sing-song voice ringing above even the loud blasting of music from the party speakers.
one of the demons closest to him leans in closer, a sparkle in her eyes as she continues listening to his story. a story that he's been telling for the past two hours since they sat down. "what happens next?" she pries, genuinely curious.
the stories continue on for the rest of the night, until the music dies down and the crowd thins out. the female demon is still by asmo's side, a yawn leaves her lips and he mimics the notion.
asmo blinks, eyes trailing to the watch she wears loosely around her wrist. "oh! i didn't realize it was so late, sorry to keep you here for so long."
"not at all!" she smiles, waving her hand. "thank you for telling me such interesting stories! it's the most fun i've had this week. it's obvious you must care for this person a lot."
it's only when she says that does asmo realize you were the only topic of his conversation this entire night. a smile creeps to his lips before he can help it. it's the first time in a long while that he's thought of you without fearing about how you might be doing.
because it's you. and you're always getting out of every situation the world throws you in.
Beelzebub gravitates towards the food you eat.
alongside belphie, beel—like everyone else—makes regular visits to your room. it becomes his primary hangout spot now outside of his own shared bedroom and so the snack stash that you usually keep in a drawer under your desk has recently expanded.
it practically bursts at some points from how much he tries to stuff in there on some days, but it's always empty again by the end of the week. sometimes he finds items that he didn't buy settled on the top of the rest snacks, though they always seem to be foods that you enjoyed nibbling on.
he misses the food that you used to cook for everyone at the house of lamentation, and no matter how good simeon's cooking might be, it just isn't the same. still, he does his best to replicate it sometimes. maybe by the time you get back he can surprise you with a home-cooked meal... if he doesn't eat it first.
it's usually mammon or asmo that walks through the doors with half a dozen bags grasped in white knuckled grips, not beel, but here he is. in contrast to his older brothers, though, beels bags aren't filled with clothing or make-up, but food.
"are you sure you don't need help with that?" belphie asks, a little more than concerned at how even with how wide the doors are to the house of lamentation he was barely able to fit through the opening.
"it's fine," beel shakes his head. "this is nothing."
they make their trek to the kitchen with little difficulty. as beel said, those bags really did feel like they weighed nothing. "what do you think we should try making?"
"hmm," beel looks over their ingredients. they hadn't really thought that far ahead. whatever was on sale, they bought. "how about shadow pork ragu pasta?"
thankfully, with belphie's ability to keep himself conscious, he helps beel from continuously 'taste testing' their creation. it goes well until they're half-way through and the door opens, a head of blonde hair popping inside.
"i thought i smelled something here, what are you two doing? it's not your turn tonight for dinner duty." one look at the dish they're making though and satan gives a nod of understanding. it's the dish you had made for belphegor some time ago. "need some help?"
satan's help is very much needed as belphie was on his last winks and that meant there would be no one to keep beel in check either. by the time the pasta was finished there's five-too-many more servings than intended on the counter and four more demons surrounding it.
seems like they won't be having dinner in the dining hall today.
Belphegor takes your room as his own.
there's no other room in the house of lamentation that's as comforting as yours—that's simply a unanimous fact. and with the absence of your presence now, it's also the only place belphie can go to feel the closest to you.
he spends more time in your room now than he does in his shared room with beel and the attic combined. there are days where mammon sneaks inside during the night only to already find the twins loitering around, laying on your bed or sitting at the table having a snack (or at least, beel's definition of a snack).
while belphie admits he likes the time he spends in your room alone, he feels more at peace when his brothers decide to join as well, uninvited or not. it makes the days feel like they've gone back to normalcy, when you're still here and they can just relax in each other's company.
"mammon stop clinging to me, dammit! you're the one who wanted to watch a horror movie!" levi pulls away from his older brother as much as possible, holding a container of popcorn above his head to prevent it from spilling all over the floor and dirtying your carpet.
satan's groans are louder than any of their yelling, "quiet down! i can't focus on what the characters are saying! and beel your chewing too loud!"
"sorry," comes the prompt reply followed by even more chewing.
asmo leans his back on the bed frame, head tilting to the side in order to get a better view of belphie's face under the dim light of the monitor. "having fun?"
"what do you think?" he groans, pushing his head further into your pillow.
and while belphie can't see the expression asmo makes, he has a good prediction that he's grinning. "i think you're having fun. after all, you haven't kicked any of us out yet."
"it's not my room," he replies.
"but you know everyone would gladly leave if it meant you felt more comfortable."
the youngest brother turns his back. "you guys are too loud, i'm going to sleep."
"yes, yes, sleep well, belphie," asmo quips. "have nice dreams."
and he does.
even over the loud noises of his brothers yelling and the muffled sounds coming from the speakers of the tv, belphie finds that he hasn't fallen into a sleep this deep since you disappeared. and while morning comes eventually, he treasures the dream with you in it for as long as he can.
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scribbles97 · 28 days
The Nightmare Come True
A direct result of This Fic of @loopstagirl 's. I'm afraid to say it spiralled into something much larger than planned and there may or may not be a Part 2 lurking. TW: POW
“Daddy!” Alan’s wide blue eyes shone bright in the snowy landscape, “When’s Scotty comin’ home?”
Jeff gaped, trying to reach out for his youngest only to find he was just out of reach downhill from where he stood. 
“He’s not.” Virgil appeared, hunched up under a tree off to Jeff’s right, the snow mounded up all around him, “Dad sent him to the Air Force and he’s not coming home.”
“No,” He found himself answering, “I-- I didn’t.”
He hadn’t forced him to go, it had all been Scott’s choice. 
Hadn’t it?
To his left, Alan screamed, begging for Jeff to bring him back, for his Scotty to come home. 
To his right, Virgil continued to rant, “He just wanted to make you proud, he just wanted to do everything just like you, he just had to follow your footsteps.”
Jeff shook his head, unsure of which son to turn to first, which to beg more forgiveness of. He knew he hadn’t been there enough and had been trying to do better, to be the father they deserved. He had stepped up so Scott could step back and be the teenager he should have been. He’d taken the interest he should have in all of their hobbies, supported them in their aspirations, encouraged them to make their dream jobs a reality. 
He stumbled back as Virgil shoved him, falling back into the snow but not feeling the bite of its chill. 
“It’s your fault he’s gone!” Virgil yelled, “Just like Mom. It’s all your fault!”
Before he could speak, the hillside shifted to a mountain, a low threatening rumble filling his senses as he looked for both Virgil and Alan as the snow around him started to move. 
He caught himself, the yell a gasp of breath on his lips. 
He was home, the farmhouse in Kansas familiar and warm as it always was in the summer months. 
His bedsheets were tangled around his feet, twisted in the way as they always were after the nightmare. 
Rubbing his face, Jeff forced his breath to slow, forced the racing beat of his heart to settle into something healthier. 
It was just a nightmare. 
The same nightmare he had been having for months, ever since the news had broken of the Bereznian war and he had known. 
He had known that Scott would be amongst the American Service Men and Women that would be deployed to the area in some capacity. There had been no doubt in Jeff’s mind that his eldest would face the same dangers as he had himself during the Global Conflict. 
There had been a handful of precious days before he had been deployed, Jeff had gotten John home from Oxford for the occasion, determined to have all of his boys together and in arms reach for just a moment. He had spoiled them all rotten, and if the eldest three had cottoned on to his reasoning, none of them had passed comment. Scott had laughed and joked as bright as any of them, beanpole arms and legs toned with muscle easily scooping up both youngest brothers, much to their delight. 
It had been on the kid’s last night that Jeff had pulled him aside to share a measure of whiskey out on the back porch, a memory that he clung to in the long minutes after his nightmares. He had held his son close and Scott had leant into him like he had done when there had been far fewer brothers around. They had talked about the Air Force and what likely came next for Scott after deployment and what challenges he would likely face. 
Then, when the drinks were finished and Scott had clung to his father for just a moment too long, he had promised Jeff one thing that neither knew he could guarantee. 
“I’ll be fine, Dad.”
Jeff hadn’t corrected him, instead he had laughed and nodded, agreeing that the kid would be home for Christmas. 
The Holidays had been months ago, but at least had been accompanied by letters and holo-calls, even if the latter had been static-filled and intermittent. Scott had still been smiling, but Jeff had caught the weariness behind his eyes that not even the hologram could hide. He had wondered at the time if he had looked the same when calling his young family from far off lands. 
It had been after that that the nightmares had gotten more regular. Though only when John had gone back to College and Virgil had started spending more time in the library after school that his mind had started to trick him into believing that his sons were drifting out of his reach. 
He’d gone through enough psych evaluations as part of his NASA training to know it came from a deep rooted fear that he wasn’t enough for them. So he’d gone to his therapist and talked about his fears, and gone home and made sure his remaining four son’s knew he loved them and was there for them, whatever they wanted in life. 
It had been Virgil who had clocked on to Jeff’s sudden overtness, and who had gently called him out on the matter one afternoon whilst the pair had replaced a broken fence post on the driveway. Jeff had admitted as much as he had dared, not wanting to feed into the fear he knew the middle child held for his eldest brother. They had paused in their work long enough for Jeff to apologize for not being there sooner, for not being more and doing better, and Virgil had forgiven him. 
Yet still the nightmare had come. 
Life went on though and the family had adapted to their new normal, Scott’s holocalls becoming more infrequent until they had stopped altogether. Jeff had assured the rest of the family that it was simply signal issues, that a good old fashioned letter was undoubtedly in the post on its way to them to tell them as much as he could about his latest missions.
Jeff’s words had sounded hollow to his own ears as he had remembered his own most dire moments of the Global Conflict and how he had still found a way to get a message home to his family. Scott would have found a way. If there had been any possibility, Scott would have sent them something to let them know he was fine. 
The missions weren’t long, Bereznik wasn’t a large country, Scott himself had told them as much. A couple of days was usually the worst of it, newer rules of flying hours and rest periods forcing the Air Force’s hand in ensuring their people were well looked after. Jeff had tried to tell himself that they would hear something soon, that Scott was just busy and the storm system Jeff had watched sweep over the foreign country on the Weather Channel had knocked out comms. 
Then his nightmare had come true. 
It had been whilst the kids had all been away at school and Jeff himself had been in the middle of a business meeting. The incessant knocking at the door had been a mild irritation right up to the moment when he had identified the CAO. 
“No.” He had stated, stepping back from the doorway, “Tell me he’s not--”
“Captain Tracy’s Squadron has been MIA for a month.”
They had refused to tell him more, no matter how much he had yelled and how many times he had stated his rank in the same damned Air Force. Even when he had begged, finally clocking what day it was in April and using it as part of his reasoning, they had still given him nothing more to go on.
Val had been his first call, and then Kyrano. 
The third had been his mother. 
His brilliant mother who had never pulled her punches, had listened as he had berated himself for letting Scott follow his footsteps and enlist. Never once did she tell him that it would all be okay. 
Instead she had listened, patient as ever, despite her obvious horror at the thought of what could have happened to Scott. She had waited out Jeff’s rant and hugged him when he had finally burned himself out before she had asked what he was going to do about it. 
She had looked after the boys whilst Jeff had made calls to every contact he had. He had found the version of himself that had once been a Colonel and used it as the strength he needed to get through each of the calls when one after another ended in promises he knew would be empty. 
His demands had gotten him a story though, a squad on an aid mission to support a supply drop to civilians trapped in the mess of war. They had been shot down in enemy territory but had made contact from the village they had been trying to assist. There hadn’t been any further contact, too risky Jeff had been told, but when recovery crews had finally made it to the village three weeks later, the whole place had been razed to the ground. 
It was a sanitized version of events, Jeff knew that much from his own experience, but it was something to work off of.
So he had, throwing the business and his projects on the back-burner to focus everything he could on one tiny village in the center of Bereznik and the fact that nothing of the Air Force Squadron had been found there. 
As spring had turned into summer and new updates had gotten fewer and farther between, he had finally accepted a need to tell the boys. 
He had tried to explain that MIA was good news, it was better than the definitive alternative, it meant there was still hope. None of them had really seemed convinced by his reasoning, Alan screaming and begging in the same way that Jeff had pictured in his nightmares, Virgil staying solemnly quiet as he shed his own tears in a way that was entirely opposite to the reaction Jeff’s mind had conjured up. John and Gordon had both frozen, each wide eyed and horrified at what they were hearing, he had seen Gordon’s tears later when the kid had pulled himself out of the pool at training. 
As far as he knew, John had never cried. 
Despite their reactions, the nightmares had come the same as they always did. 
In his gut, Jeff hated himself. 
Even as he knew there was nothing more that he could do, not without something key in finding where Scott could have ended up. He hated that he was stuck, on the opposite side of the world, with nothing more to do than wait for one of the few that would help to call and tell him they’d found something. 
He knew he wouldn’t sleep for a while after the nightmare, the what-ifs too loud in his mind for him to shut off. So, as he always did, he pulled himself out of bed and slipped downstairs to the office, hoping to at least be productive with the few hours before he needed the boys up to get Gordon to training. 
It took him a moment to realize the vid-message icon was coming from his personal comm, not for business. 
He opened it quickly, knowing only a handful of people would leave a message for him overnight. 
Val’s hologram popped up, bathing the whole room in a soft blue as her pinched brow looked up to him.
“I’m not calling because I haven’t time.” She started, voice soft like she couldn’t afford to be heard, “So you’ll get this in the morning and maybe I’ll have more answers. The GDF have been called in to retrieve Prisoners of War from a base not far from the village. I’ll call you when I have answers.” 
His hand reached out instinctively to call her, needing something more after the long long months of nothing. 
The call didn’t connect. 
“Dammit, Val.” He uttered, rubbing his hand over the stubble that had begun to form along his jaw, “What am I meant to do with that?”
He was still too far away, needed to be closer than he was in that moment. He needed to be there. 
Jeff couldn’t go to Bereznik, but he could fly himself to London, that was only an hour from Paris, where he knew they had been taking the worst injured. 
A few phone calls later and the plan was set in motion, his mother would take the boys, he would fly himself to London and meet Hugh, an old friend he’d not caught up with in too long. 
What he hadn’t expected when he stepped out onto the tarmac into a gray London morning, was for Kyrano to be standing next to Hugh. Jeff hadn’t even been aware that the pair had known one another, let alone that Kyrano was in London. 
“Don’t look so surprised, Jeff.” Hugh had laughed, clapping him on the shoulder, “Kyrano and I have been crossing paths since before you knew me.”
Jeff looked to the Malay, raising an eyebrow, “You have?”
Kyrano smiled in that soft, knowing way that betrayed the kind of man he really was, “You don’t know everything Jeff, even if you wish you did.”
He shook his head in admission as Hugh gestured towards a truck. Where it would take them, Jeff wasn’t quite sure, but he didn’t doubt that the pair that had met him would have some kind of plan in place.
“Is there any news?” He asked as they pulled out of the airport.
“No.” Kyrano shook his head, from the passenger seat, “Val told you she would call.”
“Do we know why they’re releasing them?”
“Also, no.” Hugh answered, glancing back in the rear-view, “Though sources suggest it’s less of a release and more of a trade.” 
Jeff couldn’t say he particularly cared for the semantics of release versus trade, he needed to know the details, who and why and when. The Bereznian forces weren’t the sort to simply let people go, not without a valid reason or a high price. The opposition had to have had something that the other had desperately wanted.
“They’ve not taken people back this whole war, why now?” He murmured, “Who did we capture?”
“That, my friend, is what we’re going to find out.” Hugh answered without looking back, “Might as well get comfortable, it’s a couple of hours to Norfolk.”
Jeff took the hint, settling back in his seat and managing to doze for a brief time before the familiar roar of jet engines woke him. 
The base was familiar, likely one he himself had stayed at for a stint during the Global Conflict, though he knew he’d have been lying if the bases hadn’t all come to look the same over the years. 
Their car was waved through after Hugh had given the guard on the gate a few choice words, drawing Jeff straighter as they weaved through the buildings to one closer to the airfield itself. 
Hugh had ordered the pair to stay put as he had slipped out the car and strode towards the offices, pausing to salute the man on the door before vanishing inside. Neither had spoken as they had waited what felt like hours, both able to see the silhouettes of people arguing through the unshuttered windows. 
In all the months he had been waiting for news, he had never seen the action his friends had been taking in person. It had always been from a distance, vid-calls and messages that left out what they had all been doing behind the scenes for him and his son. 
He had always been grateful, but never more so than after seeing all they had been doing for him in action.
Hugh’s sigh was heavy as he got back into the car, slamming the door harder than necessary as he did so.
“I don’t know what new Colonel Casey is going to call you with later, but I wouldn’t expect it to be good news, Jeff.”
It hadn’t been good news. 
It hadn’t been until the next day that Val had called on a secure line, and after tutting when she had discovered he was in London, she had filled them in on everything she had known. 
A group of highly decorated Bereznian Soldiers had been caught by the Opposition on a takeover of a base close to the border, intel had suggested the loss had been devastating to the Bereznian army and left morale sinking quickly. It was no surprise that the country wanted them back, if only to boost the confidence of the young men in their forces and renew their efforts. A swap had been agreed, the handful of captured American and French soldiers were to be released in a man for man exchange.
Except the Oposition had refused to release a captured Colonel, and the Bereznian’s had accepted without argument. 
Scott’s squadron had been amongst the men and women released. 
Scott had not.
It had stunk of horseshit. 
Val had agreed as much. 
“They’re not in a good way, Jeff, but when I can I’ll try and get something out of them.” Val had promised before she had ended the call. 
So he had been left with nothing else to do, but wait. 
He was sick and tired of waiting. It had been months since he had heard his son’s voice, even longer since he had held him close and been able to tell him just how much he loved him. There had never been anything for him to do other than stand by and wait for others to make their move. 
Just where had that gotten him?
“We need to find out where that base is.” He had told Hugh and Kyrano over dinner, “I’m not waiting any more, I’m going to find my son.” 
Both had shared a look, one that Jeff knew as a question of if there was a son left to even save. 
Jeff didn’t want to think about that as a possibility. 
Hugh had eventually nodded and cleared his office though, setting up a map in place of the encyclopedias that had filled the desk space. Jeff had raised an eyebrow when the man had produced the copies so quickly, but Hugh had simply shrugged and told him how it was best to be prepared. 
They had plotted late into the night, and long into the next day. Jeff had caught catnaps as the other pair had discussed security protocols, and they had slept as he called in favors from old friends still in the forces in the hopes of someone letting slip of a location.
Time moved slowly, like the whole world around him was moving through molasses, everything just taking that much longer than he wanted it to. 
In the end, Val didn’t need to find out anything for him. 
It had come from his secretary in New York, an innocuous little box that Jeff had been too intrigued by to not open. Inside had been a letter with a number, and his son’s dog tags. 
It had been with Hugh and Kyrano at his back that he had made the call. 
“You have my attention.”
“How much does your Son mean to you, Jeff Tracy?”
“I don’t bargain for lives. Where is my son?” 
“We are not bargaining, and you are in no position to make orders of us.”
“What do you want?”
“A million of your American Dollars. A secure wire transfer.” 
“I want proof of life.” 
“Oh, we can arrange that, just listen.” 
Silence on the other end of the line for a moment before…
“Let me out! Please! Let me-- Let me out!”
Jeff’s heart stalled in his chest, a memory of his son being so much younger and getting himself trapped under the bed echoing with the cry of fear. His little boy, terrified of whatever happened next with nobody to come to his rescue.
Kyrano’s hand on his shoulder snapped him from the memory, a sharp nod as the man pointed to one of the maps where Hugh had drawn a big red circle. 
They’d gotten a location, the final piece they had needed. 
“It’ll take time to get that sort of money together.” He forced his voice to remain steady, “A week at least.” 
“We can wait that long. Let us hope your son can also.” 
And then the line was cut. 
Jeff had wanted to collapse in a heap, to sob and beg of someone to save his little boy and fix everything for him. 
“They didn’t bother about their Colonel because they need money more.” Hugh stated, “If you pay up, they’ll likely keep Scott and barter for the Colonel as well.”
Instead Jeff forced steel into his spine and cleared the lump from his throat. His heart restarted with a fire burning in its pit, anger at the players that had decided his boy wasn’t worth it, anger at the Bereznian’s that were hurting him, anger at the whole damned war for trying to take his son. 
They had confirmation, Scott was alive. They knew where he was. They had a plan to get to him. 
It all fell into motion perfectly quickly, the molasses cleared and everything suddenly running at double speed.
He had only paused long enough to visit his son’s rescued squadron when Val had finally given the all clear. Men and women, shells of their previous selves that Jeff had met in passing. Kids just like his son who had gone into the war thinking they could survive anything the world threw at them. 
Jenny, Scott’s co-pilot, once as quick witted and bold as his son had always been, had barely been recognisable, her cropped hair uneven in the way it had grown out, her cheeks hollow, and her eyes without the spark that Jeff had always seen when the crew had been on leave. She was small in the bed, a shadow, not the strong bold woman that had challenged his son. 
She had grasped onto Jeff’s hand the best she had been able with fingers that evidently hadn’t healed in the way that they should have, her voice barely above a whisper as she had told him how their superiors wouldn’t listen to a trio that would undoubtedly receive an Honourable Discharge in weeks to come. Jeff would have words about it later, once he had his son safe he would tear a new one to anyone who had considered it acceptable to leave a man behind.
“Scott’s alive.” Jenny had hissed, “Of that I’m certain, Colonel.”
“We’ll bring him home.” He had assured her, closing his hands over hers, hoping and praying that she was right. 
“He’s the strongest of us all.” She had nodded, the tiniest spark coming back to her features for a brief moment, “He’ll keep fighting, if not for us, then for his family.”
It was with that Jeff had left, his own hope quietly fanned from a spark into a smoulder. 
All that was left to do was arm themselves. 
In abstract, Jeff had always known Hugh had held an armory of sorts, though he had never seen or imagined just what such a place would contain. Never in a hundred years would he have pictured the secret room the Aristocrat had led them to, weapons old and new lining the walls on all three sides. 
Kyrano took free reign, but as Jeff reached out, Hugh stopped him. 
“You’re not coming that far, Jeff.” 
“What?” He had spun, thinking back to the plans they had made, and what they had agreed would happen once they touched down in a clearing just beyond the base.
Hugh had held both hands up, almost like an apology, “You’re too involved, too at risk yourself.”
Whilst it had been true, it wasn’t the biggest problem that Jeff had foreseen. He had a son to save, a son he was going to fight to get back, a son that he had left to face the world long before he had been drawn into a war. Jeff wasn’t going to leave him to struggle through on his own, not again.
Hugh and Kyrano of all people should have understood.
“You both have daughters,” He started, waiting until Kyrano had turned to look at him, “can you truthfully tell me you wouldn’t see the world burn for them?”
“The difference is, Jeff, we have.” Hugh shook his head, “That is a place we have both been to and a place neither of us would choose to send another parent to. We do not know your son’s status, and whatever we find there you will undoubtedly carry with you for the rest of your life.” 
Kyrano set the rifle down that he had been examining, “What Hugh means is, you might know what Prisoners of War go through and have seen the extent of Jenny and Gary’s wounds, but Jeff, that will not prepare you for whatever they might have done to your own son.”
Jeff held his hand out again for the gun Hugh had taken from him, “I’m coming with you.”
The pair had shared a look but hadn’t argued. 
Jeff had helped himself to whatever weapons he saw fit. 
Then they were there, the three of them and a car of Hugh’s own design tucked safely away in a clearing barely a mile from the base. Night had fallen and wordlessly they had moved, the plan working seamlessly as they had slipped in through a disused entrance. 
There hadn’t been as many guards as they had expected, and the reason for everything fell into place as Jeff had pulled a man he had knocked out into a small cell. Their uniforms were grubby, tattered and frayed at the edges, the men themselves skinnier than a soldier on home soil should have been. 
The country was bankrupt. 
That was why they wanted money. Why they had kept hold of Scott and used him to bargain. 
It was why the Oposition hadn’t bothered to bring Scott home, they must’ve believed that soon enough the war would be over ayway. 
All the while, his boy, his strong, brave boy, had been left to suffer. 
It was with anger in his heart that he no longer hesitated in pulling the trigger with each soldier that had come to face them. 
Jeff was finding his son and taking him home. 
And nobody was getting in his way.
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raya-hunter01 · 9 months
One Shot
Carmelo Hayes x Black Female OC! (Kayla)
Rating: 18+
Warning: Smut
Summary: Carmelo is nervous about returning to his college alma mater FAMU for its homecoming. An alumni ball between his fellow brother Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity and sister sorority Alpha Kappa Alpha is taking place.
Why is he nervous, you ask? A special someone he took for granted is going and he has no idea how to make things right. Follow Carmelo down memory lane as he tries to figure out how to fix the mess he made. Will Kayla forgive him or will this end in disaster as Trick travels with Carmelo to be his wingman for homecoming weekend.
This was a story request from royalkay23 who gave me the music and ideas that we put together. I hope you enjoy it!
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NXT Show
Carmelo POV
“Damn, another night, another show,” I sighed sitting down trying to unwind a bit before I showered and got on the road. Pulling out my phone I checked my messages.
“Damn, I already told Darnell, I was comin’ so what the hell he keep calling for?” I hissed putting in my code to listen to his voicemail.
“Man, I forgot you had a show, I talked to Angela, and she convinced Kayla to come this weekend. You better get ready to do some groveling to get yo’ woman man. I’ll see you down there, later bro,” his voice making my stress levels rise.
What does he mean she’s coming down? Fuck, should I even go? Will she even wanna talk to my ass?
“How did shit get so complicated,” I whispered pinched my nose truly frustrated.
Things used to be so easy; then we made it complicated by giving in to our desires. If only we never crossed that line, we would still be close.
I missed her, I knew the first day I met her that I wanted her to be apart of my life forever.
FAMU Move in day 2019
“Remember we’re gentleman, carry their bags to their rooms. Be welcoming and act like ya’ll got some sense. Give them a couple weeks to get used to campus life before ya’ll start aggravating them,” our oldest fraternity brother Scott said as we all snickered.
“We got you, boss,” I said trying not to laugh as Darnell hit my shoulder trying to hold it together himself.
“No funny business Carmelo, this ain’t an opportunity for you to schedule your next hookup,” Greg hissed as I nodded scoping the parking lot not listening.
“Damn, I got her,” I said pointing to a beautiful young lady standing with her parents about to start pulling luggage outta their trunk. Oh, she bad….Legs and ass for days.
“You ain’t slick, you tryin' to holla at her,” Darnell whispered as I grinned. “I don’t know what you talkin’ about. If ya’ll will excuse me, I’m going to see if they need some help,” I said quickly making myself scarce before anybody could get a word in.
Making my way over to the family I couldn’t help but hear her mom fussing over leaving her daughter here. Smiling, I listened quietly trying to give them a minute before I interrupted.
“Mama, I will be fine,” she said reassuring her mother as they had her surrounded in a group hug.  “You go to your classes and back to your dorm, these folks are a little too wild,” her mom said looking at a couple making out not far from us as I snickered.
 Sorry mama, that’s something I wouldn’t mind doin’ to your daughter…Damn, Melo play it cool…
“Mama, I can handle it, I’m not going to be out here actin’ a fool but I will have fun sometime,” the Carmel beauty said being honest with her parents as her dad smiled.
“As you should, all work and no play sucks, babe give her a break. We raised her right,” her dad said as her mom took a deep breath.
“Yes, ya’ll did, now trust me,” she pleaded with a beautiful smile. Damn, a smile that could start a full-blown war….
 “I do trust you, baby, it’s just it’s your first time away from home, and I’m worried,” her mom said looking around at their surroundings.
“Have you talked to your little boyfriend who couldn’t bother to be here,” her dad said with disgust.
“Daddy, Justin is getting ready to go to college too. It’s ok, he’s going to come up soon,” she said her tone trying to keep the conversation light and positive.
Well, let me introduce myself, maybe that can change the subject, it seemed the mysterious beauty didn’t want to talk about it.
“Excuse me, do you guys need some help?” I asked said as she turned around and instantly blushed when we made eye contact.  
Damn she fine, fine, ok act like a gentleman and don’t embarrass yourself.
“Hi! Um, I guess we do,” she said looking around at all her things on the ground and in the trunk.
“What’s your name son?” her dad asked, as I grinned.
“I’m Carmelo, and I’m from the Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, sir. I’m apart of the fraternity welcoming committee. We help students move in on campus,” I said shaking her dad’s hand as he smiled at him.
“An Alpha man! I like that, I pledged to that fraternity when I was in college, my daughter here is a junior transfer and is pledging to your sister sorority Alpha Kappa Alpha,” he said proudly as my ears perked up at the new information.
“You don’t have to tell everybody, Daddy, I might not even make it. Hi, I’m Kayla,” she said shaking my hand as I felt myself falling into those beautiful brown eyes.
“It’s always nice to meet a fellow sister, welcome to the family,” I said gently kissing her hand. Her mother scoffed, clearing her throat and interrupting our moment as I reluctantly let go of her hand as her dad laughed.
 “It’s nice to meet you as well ma’am,” I said taking her mother's hand in mine, kissing it as her smirk grew by the second.
 “Oh, you charming, stay away from this one Kayla,” her mom said as I smiled nervously at her…Alright, don’t let her see you sweat.
“Uh, let’s get you moved in Kayla,” I said trying to change the subject, helping her dad pick up some of her bags. “I would love that,” she said smiling brightly at me.
 For the next hour, I tried to learn all I could about her as we moved her into her dorm.
Her phone also had been ringing nonstop, but she ignored it. “He knows I’m movin’ so why blow me up like this. I’ll call him back in a minute,” she said as we carried up the last of her things.
 “When you do….Tell him he should have brought his ass here to help us move you in if he wanted to know what you are doing every fuckin’ second of the day,” her mom said as Kayla rolled her eyes behind her back.
Poor thing was getting it from all ends, I could see she needed a break from her mother, and it seemed her boyfriend.
Her parents walking ahead of us into her dorm gave me a chance to be nosey.
“Is that you and your man?” I asked, pointing at the wallpaper on her phone. Looking at the photo seemed to have her conflicted, almost nervous.
“Uh, yeah he is, we’ve been together for two years,” Kayla said as I observed her uneasiness.
“Ok, well maybe when he comes to visit, ya’ll can come check out one of our parties. We throw the best ones on campus,” I said trying to make conversation not wanting it to end as I sat her bags down inside.
“That would be cool, thank you for helping us, maybe I’ll see you around,” Kayla said as I felt the excitement dancing in my chest.
“Yeah, you definitely will, might as well call me your new best friend,” I said turning on the charm as she laughed.
“Well, maybe I’ll see you around best friend,” Kayla joked as I walked out of her dorm with a pep definitely in my step.
Senior year was definitely shaping up.
“Aye, you planning to shower or what?” Trick asked bringing me out of my thoughts. “Yeah, I am, just was thinking about Kayla and if I want to go to the Alumni ball,” I said as Trick sat down in front of me and stared intently.
“Well, you deserve to have fun too, maybe ya’ll can talk and work this shit out. I mean it’s been four years, she can’t still be mad,” he said as I sighed.
“I said some fucked up shit that I can’t take back, I don’t even know how to approach her,” I said feeling helpless.
“You go up to her, apologize, and try to make it right. That’s all you can do,” Trick said as I stood up shuffling around the room gathering my things.
“Thanks, man maybe it’ll all work out and I’ll have fun this weekend,” I said as Trick smiled.
“Now that’s it, be positive and have fun this weekend. I’ll even go with you and be your wingman.  I can tell you when to talk and when to shut the hell up, 'cause you talk too much sometimes,” Trick said as I laughed truly thankful for him and our friendship.
“Well, I might take you up on that, let me shower so we can hit the road,” I said heading to the showers.
“Aye, you gon’ get her back, you just gotta shoot your shot!” I heard Trick yell as I started my shower.
I truly hoped so but for now, I had to be realistic, I had a lot of groveling to do, and I was prepared to do it if it meant Kayla could be in my life again.
Delata Flight 193
Kayla’s POV
“Angela, I’m going to have fun and stroll with my sorors. I’m not going to resurrect issues from four years ago,” I said as she rolled her eyes at me.
“Ya’ll two need to talk and squash this shit, you know he didn’t mean it. He was jealous because he was in love with you…Still in love with you might I add,” she said as I scoffed.
“In love…..Carmelo…… Girl bye!” I exclaimed rolling my eyes. “Even if he was in love with me, it don’t make it right what he did.  Have a conversation like an adult and not say spiteful shit. And can we just drop this conversation, you are ruining my buzz,” I said finishing my glass of champagne as Angela sighed grabbing her phone.
Damn, I guess she was going to be team Carmelo all weekend. Love my ass.
“So, he wrestles, that’s cool,” Angela said as I looked over and saw her scrolling through Carmelo’s Instagram as I smiled.
Many of our late-night talks about our dreams began to invade my mind. He was always passionate about wrestling so it didn’t shock me that he made it to the WWE.
Leaning back in my seat I sighed trying to get in the right head space for this weekend. I wanted to have a good time, it would even be better if I could avoid him.
“Girl, he got to work with the undertaker, look!” Angela exclaimed as I leaned back over and looked at his latest Instagram post on her phone.
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“That’s awesome,” I whispered happy him. He looked so happy. As she scrolled to the next picture My focus went to the tattoo of an eye on his upper arm, it seemed to stir something in me, but I didn’t know what.  
I felt like I knew the meaning of it but I couldn’t piece it together as I looked at the beautiful tattoo of a woman’s eye with makeup smudged. Angela quickly swiped to the next post before I could truly process it.
“So, are you going to talk to him this weekend? Angela asked as I sat back in my seat and closed my eyes trying to tune her out.
“No, I have no desire to talk to him, I’m over it,” I said as she laughed. 
“Bullshit, you were in love with Carmelo, and you still are,” she countered as I snapped my head back looking at her wearing a frown.
“Don’t look at me like that, you gon’ put your big girl panties on this weekend, and get yo' man back,” Angela said with determination as I shook my head.
“He was never my man Angela; we just were two friends who had sex one night and it ruined our friendship. Worse mistake ever, I should have taken my ass home that night,” I said smartly as Angela sucked on her teeth.
“Nah, I don’t agree with that. Ya’ll were two friends who loved each other and were scared. He self-destructed jumping to conclusions and you were hurt by his assumptions,” Angela said as I got my air pods out of my purse.
“I’m done talkin’ about Carmelo, I’m takin’ a nap now,” I said putting my air pods in, turning my music on low.
“I know you can hear me so I’ma say this. I know he was wrong, but I think you are takin’ the one bad thing he did and erasing all the good. It wasn’t always bad Kayla and one mistake shouldn’t define him or his love for you, or your love for him,” Angela said as I continued to tune her out.
Yes, he did a lot of great things for me, I couldn’t deny it. Did the good truly outweigh the bad?
Crossing Day 2019
Kayla’s POV
This is supposed to be an amazing night for me, but I feel shitty. It’s nothing but chaos all around me as I see Carmelo and some of his fraternity brothers helping set up the stage for our ceremony that starts in an hour. I hate we got a late start.
My phone ringing for damn near the tenth time within the last thirty minutes is pissing me off as I see Justin’s number.
“What do you want Justin?” I asked, truly fed up, especially after the bomb he dropped this morning.
“I just wanted to make sure you were good,” he said as I pulled the phone away from my ear in disbelief.
“Justin, how am I good? You called me this morning to tell me you’re not coming. You knew how important this was to me,” I said trying to keep my emotions in check not wanting to mess up my makeup.
“It’s not that big a deal, it’s just a sorority thing,” he said as I felt the tears coming. “Really, so something I want to do isn’t important to you. Even though everything you do, I come and support you,” I said raising my voice as Carmelo made his way towards me.
“You ok Kayla?” he asked as shook my head, sighing as he put a comforting hand on my shoulder. “Who is that? Is that your so-called homeboy, I shoulda known his ass was there. I ain’t blind I know ya’ll like each other,” Justin hissed.  
“Look, I got to get ready, I need to get my mind together,” I said trying to end the call.
“Well, that’s cold, you don’t even wanna talk about it. You must be spreadin’ your legs for his ass. Maybe we just need to call this shit off,” he said as I scoffed knowing where this was going.
Gaslighting 101, chapter five, Hide Your Guilt and Accuse Her of What You Are Actually Doing.
This bastard was cheating, and I knew exactly who it was with.
“You know I’m not cheating on you. Just grow a set and tell me you want to break up instead of playing games Justin. I know you sleeping with Regina, the jig is up, ok,” I said as the line got quiet.  
“Look, it ain’t about her, I’m just sayin’ maybe we just need to end this. Experience new people and just have fun, I don’t want to be tied down right now Kayla,” he said as I took a deep breath and looked at Carmelo, who gave me a nod of encouragement.
"I'm here Kay," he whispered as I fought back tears. He was always there to pick up the pieces and wipe my tears.
“Justin, why did you have to do this today? It could have been any other day but today. Look, just lose my number because you’re officially blocked, it's over,” I said hanging up and blocking his number as Carmelo took me in his arms and I broke down.
 “Hey, I got you,” he whispered as I cried. “I don’t think I can do this today,” I cried as his strong arms pulled me closer.
“Oh, yes you can and will because you have worked hard for this. Today is your day, don’t let him take that away from you,” Carmelo said as I nodded slightly pulling away a sad smile adorning my face as he carefully wiped my tears.
“No more tears, go get ready. I’m excited to hear your Crossing Introduction tonight. I know it’s gon' be fire, just like you, and make sure to shake that beautiful hair for me,” he said gently playing with my freshly silked-out hair.
“Ok, I’ll make sure to remember that,” I said reluctantly stepping back as Angela came running up.
“Girl, ya’ll can flirt later, we need to finish getting ready. See you in a few Melo,” she said pulling me away as I laughed.
“Never change Angela, and congrats!” he yelled as she waved back at him.
These two are a mess but it was time. It was time to step into my sorority destiny.
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Everything seemed like such a blur as we waited in line with our heads down. I was getting more nervous as each new soror went before the crowd introducing themselves.
Focus Kayla you did well on the march, now it’s time to let them know who you are.
“Alright Kayla let’em know,” my new fellow Soror whispered as I smiled, tossing my head back and whipping my hair back and forth as the crowd screamed. Here goes nothing…
Stepping out of line and going to the front of the stage I felt nervous till I looked out and saw Carmelo about three rows back smiling at me.
“My…… Name….. is!” I shouted, loud and clear pausing between each word.
“What’s your name?!” the crowd asked as I smiled and began moving my body and hands in sync with my words.
“Yea!” (crowd)
The crowd participating as I said my name had my heart racing. Pausing, taking in the moment, I saw Carmelo wink at me.
Giving him a sexy smirk, I tossed my head back and began shaking my hair again just for him.
 Slowly lowering my head, I paused, building excitement as they waited to hear what my last name was.
“And I am from the Peach State, the one and only Atlanta, GA! And this Georgia Peach has joined this great sorority and I’m this line’s number 17! I shouted with pride bending down into our stroll stance with a bright smile.
Finally releasing the breath I was holding, my eyes found Carmelo again as he licked his lips. His gaze grew more intense as Darnell whispered something to him.
Were they talking about me? I saw Carmelo dap him up sharing a mutual nod before he turned his attention back to me and winked.
"A'ight Peaches, I see you Ms. AKA!" he shouted as I smiled getting back in line.
Yes, it was over! I had done it!… I was an AKA….
Later that night
Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity House
Carmelo’s Room
“You sure you good?” Carmelo asked as I sat my drink down and curled up next to him on the couch. “I’m fine, thanks for being there tonight,” I said glancing up at him as he seemed to be in deep thought.
“It’s no problem, it was no other place I’d rather be,” he whispered caressing my face as I felt myself melting under his gaze.
“What are we doing?” I whispered as his lips slowly descended towards mine.  “What we've always wanted to do,” he whispered gently taking my lips in a kiss as I moaned in pleasure.
“We can’t, I don’t want to ruin our friendship,” I whimpered against his lips as his arms encircled my waist pulling me onto his lap.
Feeling his hardness underneath me had me shook. He was hard from just a simple kiss.
 “Mmhm, you feel that Kay? That's what you do to me," Carmelo whispered as I shivered. "Melo we can't," I pleaded as he silenced me with another kiss.
"We both want this, stop fighting it, baby. It won’t change anything, we'll still be us,” Carmelo whispered, his sexy voice casting a powerful spell over me.
 Looking into his beautiful brown eyes I saw nothing but the truth in his words. Kayla just let go and give in to what you want.
"Tonight...Just for tonight," I whispered as Carmelo's grip on me tightened. "I got you," he whispered slowly undressing me.
I felt shy, as he tossed my dress, anxiously over his shoulder before caressing my breasts. “You are so beautiful, just everything I imagined you’d be and more,” Carmelo whispered kissing my neck as I moaned in pleasure, his masterful hands making quick work of my bra.
 His words eased my nervousness and awakened the boldness in me.
Playing with the waistband of his sweats, Carmelo bit back a moan in anticipation. “Go ahead baby, you can touch it. I want you too,” Carmelo moaned as I purred at his words.
Nervously stroking him, his moans urged me on as his mouth feasted upon my neck. “Mmm, yes,” I moaned continuing to stoke him as he slid my thong to the side.
“You got a condom?” I whispered into the air as he nodded, reaching over, fiddling around in the drawer of the small lamp table beside us, as I claimed his lips in a powerful kiss.
His moan of triumph as he retrieved the condom and ripped it open made me tremble against him.
 “Let me,” I whispered against his lips, climbing off his lap, slowly sinking to my knees, holding his gaze I slowly placed the condom over the tip of his length.
Damn he was way bigger than Justin, it caused me to pause in my actions and stare.  
“Don't be scared, I'ma make you feel real good baby. I promise, now gon’ put it on and come take a ride,” Carmelo groaned, picking up on my nervousness as continued to stroke him.
My pussy quivered at his words; it excited me. Using my mouth, I slide the condom down over his hardened length as he bit back a growl, entangling his fingers in my hair.
“Shit! It’s like that baby?” Carmelo moaned, looking at me in amazement.  “Uh huh,” I moaned looking at him, while taking him deeper into my mouth
“Got dammmn Kay,” Carmelo hissed as his head fell back against the couch in pleasure. “You like that,” I whispered as he looked at me through hooded eyes. “Hell yea, I love it but if you don’t stop, this gon’ be over before it starts,” Carmelo panted as I smirked releasing him.
“Mmm, I wouldn't want that, ” I whispered climbing back on his lap nibbing on his neck as he growled grasping my hips, slowly inch by inch filling my wet center with his hardened length until he was to the hilt.  Our moans of satisfaction filled the tiny room.
“Fuck, you feel better than I ever dreamed,” Carmelo groaned against my neck as I began to ride him.  “Mm, you too,” I confessed wrapping my arms around his neck as he began meeting my thrusts in desperate need.
“Yea, ride… Mmhm ride dat shit……Just like that Kayla,” Carmelo moaned encouraging me as we chased our end. “Promise me nothing changes….Mmm,Melo!” I exclaimed as he began gently massaging my clit with his thumb as I used his shoulders to steady myself bouncing with a purpose.
 “Mmhm, nothin’ gon’ change, I promise Kay. Now let’s get this nut together baby,” he whispered as he took me higher and higher. “Yes! Melo, Mmhm I’m ready!” I cried as I rotated my hips against him hearing a low growl escape his lips that began to grow in volume as we shared each other’s love.
That’s what it was, love and it was scaring the hell outta me and by the look on Carmelo’s face I could tell it was scaring him too.
“Kay…Kay..Fuck!” Carmelo moaned, finally finding words as we were reaching our end.  “I know, God I know," I moaned shuttering against him as our lips met in desperation.
“I’m cummin!” I whined against his lips as he caressed his tongue with mine, deepening our kiss.
“I’m right there with you,” he moaned as we exploded together. Collapsing against his shoulder I struggled to catch my breath as he held me tight.
For awhile, nothing was said as I relaxed in Carmelo's arms. I felt overwhelmed, I knew I had messed up…I had fallen hard for him.  I felt my tears coming as Carmelo caressed my back.
“Don’t cry Kay, we good. See you doin' all this cryin' lately, I'ma have to get a tattoo of a tear on this shoulder. Better yet, ima put your whole eye up there with the makeup smudges and all," Carmelo said kissing my shoulder.
“See why you gotta tease me,” I said caressing his arms as he sighed.
“Look at me Kay,” Carmelo said lifting my head off his shoulder wiping my tears.
I would never tease you. I’m just glad you trusted me and allowed me to be there to catch your tears,” Carmelo whispered caressing my face, placing a gentle kiss on my lips.
Yep….We fucked up….Big time.
“We're about to land Kayla,” I heard Angela say as I opened my eyes taking in my surroundings.
“I’m sorry I just meant to catch a small nap, not sleep the whole flight,” I said taking my air pods out and putting my seatbelt back. on.
“You good girl, it ain’t nothing like listening to music and letting it take you away,” she said smiling at me.
“Yeah, I guess so,” I said trying to shake the memories that were clouding my mind, and the other pieces of the puzzle coming together had me feeling overwhelmed.
Pulling my phone back out I went to WWE.com, turning slightly in my seat so Angela couldn't see. I would never hear the end of this if she knew I was looking at Carmelo's photos but I needed to see the picture again.
In my search, I found an article with the picture in question attached with several other backstage shots. I began skimming through the article and a question threw me for a loop.
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WWE.com Exclusive
"So, what is the significance behind this tattoo of the eye with what seems to be makeup smudged?"
"I got it about three years ago, I got it to remind me of a special someone I knew in college. She was my best friend and my number one supporter. She encouraged me to chase my dreams, and I never forgot that."
"Well, are you two still in touch?"
"Uh, no we aren't, but who knows what the future holds."
“I can't believe he really got that tattoo,” I muttered to myself in disbelief. “Who got what tattoo?” Angela asked leaning over, trying to look at my phone as I quickly opened another tab.
“Uh, nobody I know, I was just thinking about the dream I just had,” I said which technically I wasn't stretching the truth very much. My memories with Carmelo were creeping into my brain and it scared me.
“I hope it was a good dream to start your weekend because we gon’ have fun these next few days,” she said as I sighed.
Girl, if you only knew I would rather be anywhere than Florida this weekend. This was dangerous, I had to keep my guard up.
Maybe I should have just stayed home.
The Next Day
Carmelo’s POV
“Damn, it’s thick out here,” Trick said as I grabbed us a beer. “Yea, they partyin’ hard, half of them probably ain’t making it to the ball,” I laughed looking around trying to find Kayla. 
“Aye, didn’t her homegirl tell you they’d be here?  I’ma need you to chill man,” Trick said as I tried to shake my nerves still looking around.
“I know I’m jus…just,” I said stuttered as I spotted her. “What the hell is wrong with you?” Trick asked turning around to see what had me shook.
“Damn, is that her?” he asked smiling as I nodded still unable to speak.  “You stupid as fuck if I may say so myself,” Trick whispered shaking his head as I growled.
“Look you ain’t gotta rub it in, you supposed to be helping me, and stop looking at her like that,” I hissed as Trick shrugged his shoulders.
“I am here to help you but I ain’t dead. Is that her friend?” Trick asked pointing at Angela. “Yea, that’s her, a straight pain in the ass but I adore her,” I said as Darnell came running up.
“Ooou! I know you see yo’ girl, she out here serving body for days!” Darnell exclaimed as Trick smirked.
“Man shut the fuck up,” I said seething as he laughed. “Now is that how you talk to your frat brother who just talked to the DJ and he’s about to play our favorite stroll with the AKAs,” he said as my eyes widened in shock.
“I know you didn’t,” I whispered as he smiled. “Yep, so get ready,” he said taking off towards the crowd.
"This idiot here is just fuckin’ stupid,” I said as Trick seemed confused. “What’s the issue, I mean a dance can’t hurt nobody,” he said as I sighed.
“In the stroll, I lead the Alphas and Kayla leads the AKAs,” I said as Trick's eyes lit up. “Oh, shit that’s perfect, maybe it will break the ice with Kayla,” he said as I drank the rest of my beer.
“If anything it may entice her to choke my ass out for being so close to her, but I guess I ain’t gotta choice,” I said as I heard the opening cords of Knuck if you buck by Crime Mob
“Class of 2020 and 2021 I need you on the floor it’s your time to shine,” the MC said as I saw the girls already dancing falling in line behind Kayla as she smiled brightly swinging her hips and arms.
“Aye, you betta get yo’ ass over there,” Trick said as Darnell was waving me over as I went to join my frat brothers.
“Taking my place in line across from Kayla felt weird as she seemed to not pay me any attention as she strolled with her line sisters.
“Let’s get it fellas!” I shouted blowing my whistle as we began steppin’ in sync with the girls doing our own stroll.
I saw Kayla look over at me in shock for a second before she recovered and continued leading her line sisters.
“Knuck if you buck!” Angela screamed as the AKAs kneeled deeper in their stance, killin’ it.
“I see ya’ll!” I heard someone yell as I cracked a smile.  It felt good to stroll with my frat brothers and most of all Kay.
I couldn’t take my eyes off of her as she danced, whipping her hair back and forth almost teasing me. She knows what that shit does to me.  Trying to refocus I cut my eyes towards Angela as she smirked at me.
“Yeah, act like you know! Stop playin’ wit her, take us on out Peaches!" she yelled, swinging her arms as Kayla smiled, walking as only she could pretending one of her hands was a mirror as she fluffed her beautiful hair with the other.
The crowd parted, cheering them on while allowing them to pass as we followed closely behind them.
Damn, Kayla still could command a room like no other. “Uh, you can thank me now,” Darnell said as I looked back at him and rolled my eyes getting out of the line, trying to find Kayla again.
Kayla’s POV “We still got it, that was fun,” Angela said as I laughed. “Girl, AKAs gon’ always bring that heat,” I said smiling at her. “I know you saw him, so when ya’ll gon’ talk,” Angela said as I sighed.  
Jeez can I have a moments piece without somebody telling me to talk to Carmelo.
“I didn’t see Carmelo, what are you talking about?” I said playing dumb.
“Oh, so you don’t know me now,” Carmelo said as I sighed looking at the amusement dancing in Angela’s eyes as I slowly turned to face him.
"I’ll let ya’ll two talk," Angela said practically running away as I scoffed. “I hate you!” I hissed as she laughed.
“Look can go talk, I think we both can agree it’s overdue and we don’t want to make a scene here,” Carmelo said as I looked around at everyone having a good time.
“Fine, but I’m not going far,” I said following him through the crowd as he led me to the side of the building.
The silence was defining as we both were trying to think of words to say to each other. It had been three years since we last saw each other after all.
I don’t know what came over me but I slapped him as hard as I could the sound echoing around us as Carmello stumbled rubbing the side of his face.
“A’ight I deserved that,” he said as I took a deep breath trying to not make a fool outta myself. I couldn’t let him know how he truly broke me.
“Yes, you did and more. You’re lucky that’s all you got from me,” I said as Carmelo raised his hands in surrender.  “Kay, I know I hurt you and I’m sorry,” he said as I looked at him my expression unreadable.
“It's Kayla to you, only my friends call me Kay. Look, can you make this quick, I got something to do,” I said folding my arms over my chest.
“So is this how it’s gon’ be the whole weekend, you just ignoring me. I’m trying to apologize, Kayla,” Carmelo said as I tried to wrangle in my feelings.
“Why are you apologizing to a whore. I mean that’s what you said I was right?” I said as a look of defeat and horror crossed his face.
“I didn’t mean it if you would just let me talk,” he started as I cut him off.
“I’m just a needy whore that will ride any dick right,” I said slightly raising my voice as he cringed at my words.
“Look, I was drunk, and I said some shit I didn’t mean alright. You know I lo—,” Carmelo's voice trailed off as he looked down unable to look at me. What was he going to say?
“Carmelo, being drunk ain’t no excuse, I thought you were my best friend!” I exclaimed frustrated that I was letting him get to me.
I am your best friend! Regardless of how you feel about me, you are my best friend Kayla and I miss you. Can you please just forgive me? he pleaded as I tried to walk away. "Carmelo, please stop," I begged trying to walk away as he blocked my path. "Say you can forgive me, please," Carmelo pleaded, his eyes drawing me in as they stared into my soul. I couldn't look away if I wanted.
“Kay, you know I didn’t mean it, can we just agree to talk sometime before we both leave Sunday,” he pleaded as I finally nodded, not trusting my words as I saw Angela walking over.
“Hey, ya’ll good, Kay?" she asked rubbing my shoulder as I held back tears.
“Uh, yeah we were just talking about not letting the drama of the past ruin the weekend," I said wiping a few stray tears that had fallen as Carmelo sighed in relief.
“Well thank God, we all deserve a good weekend of fun,” she said my eyes still focused on Carmelo as he glanced quickly at the tattoo on his shoulder before looking back at me.
I felt a shiver run down my spine, as I tried to shake it off.
“Well, uh, I’ll let ya’ll get back to the party and I will see ya’ll tonight hopefully,” he said giving me a hug, catching me off guard.
Carmelo’s POV
I knew I was pushing it but I couldn't help it. I had to hold her in my arms. Come on beautiful hug me back.
I couldn’t let her go until she hugged me back.
I felt her trembling hands touch my back as I sighed in relief pulling her closer. “I’ma make it right, just let me please. I’m sorry Kay,” I whispered in her ear as I felt her relax against me. Angela smiled at me before leaving us alone.
"You hurt me, Mel," Kayla whispered as I felt my heart sink. “I wish I could take it back, baby,” I whispered honestly.
I didn’t know what else to say, I had played the scenario over and over in my head a thousand times. How different everything could have been if I had just told her how I felt that night. If I did, we wouldn’t be in this shit now.
“I need to go," Kayla whispered pulling away as I felt empty again.
"Yeah, me too, I hope I see you tonight," I said as she flashed a half smile.
"Maybe, I guess we’ll cross that bridge when we get there," she said not looking me in the eye slowly walking back back to the party.
Don't give up on me yet beautiful I whispered watching her walk away from me and carrying my heart right along with her.
Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity House
End-of-Year Party
Carmelo’s POV
It was the last party of the year, graduation was near but Kayla was occupying my mind.
We kept our word, after our night nothing changed. We woke up that next morning and went back into our regular routine. Two best friends who adored each other.
 I had gone out with a few girls since then and Kayla was into her sorority life and wasn’t dating.
She had told me how she wanted to heal from the breakup with Justin before she dated anybody. I can’t help but admit I wanted more, and no girl could compare to her but I didn’t even know how to tell her.
"Let me get this straight 'cause you are confusing the fuck outta me. You like Kayla, but instead of telling her you bring Robin to this party. The girl who has made her life hell since she joined the AKAs. You stupid as fuck,” Darnell scoffed hitting me on the back of the head.
"Shit, you didn’t have to hit me, I know I’m wrong,” I said rubbing my head as I saw Kayla on the dancing floor dancing with Angela as I saw Anthony approach them.
"What the fuck is he doin'?" I hissed seeing my frat brother whisper in Kayla’s ear as she blushed, nodding as he pulled her away from Angela and they began dancing.
“Looks like he knows a beautiful woman when he sees one and he asked her to dance,” Darnell said as I growled.
“Fuckin’ freshman thinking he can come in here and do what he wants. Let me set his ass straight,” I hissed finishing my beer.
“Um, why can’t he ask her to dance? She’s single and so is he," Darnell said as I stormed past him not wanting to talk to his ass anymore.
Soon as I got closer Robin slid in front of me catching me off guard. "Hey, I have been looking for you, let’s dance," she said throwing her arms around me as I reluctantly danced with her.
I didn't know how to feel as Kayla looked at me in shock and uncertainty as Robin and I danced. I knew by her eyes she was hurt by my dating choice of the night.
Sighing I tried to play it cool as our eyes seemed to fall deeper into each other before she laid her head on Anthony’s shoulder avoiding my gaze as he seemed to be enjoying it a little too much for my liking.
"Motherfucka," I whispered as Robin pulled back looking at me. "What’s wrong babe?" She asked as I played it off. " Uh, nothin’ let’s go upstairs after this song. I know better things we could be doin', " I said as her eyes lit up.
Yea, I was wrong but I didn’t care at the moment.
"Hands up here now," I heard Kayla say as she moved Anthony's hands back to her waist. He had been trying to caress her ass.
"I'm sorry beautiful," he said as I saw red, I don’t even know what came over me as I stepped away from Robin and went towards them.
"What are you doing!? I know you ain't going over there, she don't need you to save her!" Robin hissed following me. Hell I don’t even know what I’m doing, but I know he ain’t gon’ be touchin’ on her like that.
"Aye, you need to keep your hands to yourself," I said interrupting their dance gently grabbing her arm and moving her behind me as I stepped in Anthony’s face.
"What is your problem, Melo?! We were just dancing," Kayla said as Anthony smirked.
"Ain’t it obvious, he can’t take somebody else takin’ an interest in you Kay, he just wants you to be his little plaything," Anthony said as I grabbed him by the collar snatching his ass up.
"My problem is every time I turn around yo’ bitch ass tryin’ to take something that belongs to me,” I hissed dangerously low as he laughed. "Oh, so she's yours huh," Anthony taunted as the music stopped and people began to stare.
"Let me talk to you for a minute," Kayla whispered grabbing my hand, as I let go of Anthony. I was getting more pissed by the second looking at his cocky ass.
"I know you new freshman, so you don't know me. Keep smirking, I'll knock all your fuckin' teeth out," I hissed, his smirk dropping instantly.
"No your not, let's go," Kayla said steering me towards the stairs as the music started back up.
"Don’t you go up there with her Carmelo! If you do I’m going home!" Robin yelled following us upstairs as Kayla rolled her eyes.
"Just go home, I'll call you later Robin," I said trying to not cause a scene seeing a few people were still looking at us.
"I’m serious, you go in there don't ever call me again," she said as Kayla opened my door pushing me inside before turning to face her.
"Good! It'll save him a trip to the free clinic! Anybody fucking you ends up with something bleach can't wash off and a ten day perscription of penicillin, Bye, irrelevant!" Kayla yelled slamming the door in Robins's face as I heard her scream on the other side of the door before walking away.  
"Aye, you didn’t have to be so rude," I said as Kayla laughed sarcastically.
" Really, you wanna talk about rude. All I was doing was dancing with him and you come over acting like an asshole," she said as I invaded her space pushing her up against my door towering over her.
"I’m sorry ok, I just saw him touchin’ you and I wasn’t thinking," I said honestly caressing her face as she nervously bit her lip before my lips gently grazed hers.
"We need to talk Mel," she whispered as I groaned reluctantly stepping away from her. She was right we needed to talk badly but I didn't want to do it now.
"Ok, what are we talking about?" I asked frustrated the moment was ruined as she looked at me in disbelief.
"Are you serious?  Well, let’s talk about why all of a sudden you actin’ like you my man," Kaylas said as I sighed feeling the anger in me boiling. She couldn’t see that I liked her.
 "We’re friends Carmelo, remember that night wasn’t supposed to change us," she rambled running her hands through her hair, pacing.
"I know what we agreed on, I ain’t dumb!" I yelled as a knock on the door interrupted us.
"I heard yelling….Are you ok in there, Kayla?" Angela asked as she tried to calm her breathing before she responded.
The last thing I needed was Angela bustin’ up in here making matters worse.
"Yeah, I’m good I’ll be down in a minute so we can go," Kayla said as Angela tried to open the door.  
"She’s fine Angela, damn!" I hissed as Kayla sighed. "Don’t get no attitude with me 'cause you fucking stupid. Jealous ass, I’ll be downstairs Kayla,” Angela said as quietness filled the room.
"What are we doin'? This isn’t us, why are we arguing with each other Carmelo. What’s really wrong?” Kayla asked.
Ok, tell her how you feel…This may be your last chance.
" I’m cool, we’re cool. I’m just trying to say before you put yourself back out there, just know women can’t do what men do," I said as Kayla frowned at me.
"What are you tryin' to say?" she asked as I tried to choose my words wisely. "I don’t want a bad reputation following you, I mean all it takes is you opening your legs to one of these idiots and then you are labeled as a whore," I said as I saw the flash of anger cross her beautiful face.
Fuck, I opened the gates of hell.
"Are you saying I’m a whore!?" Kayla exclaimed as I growled. "No! I ain’t sayin’ you’re a whore! I’m sayin’ don’t be out here in these streets grinding up on these clowns like a needy whore that will ride anybody’s dick," I said as Kayla reached up and slapped the fuck outta me.
How dare you? I wasn't grinding on no motherfuckin' body, we were just dancing. Meanwhile, you fuck anything with a gash and me simply just dancing with someone leads to a conversation as to how you don’t want me to be a whore..You're unbelievable," Kayla said throwing her hands up in frustration as I rubbed my face.
"Look, I ain’t gon’ argue with you. I said what I said and if you don’t like it, you can leave. I’m sure Anthony is ready to make you his new little plaything anyway. I’m sure he’ll love that lil trick you do with your mouth,” I said not believing the words coming out of my mouth.
I was supposed to be telling her I loved her, but here I was spewing venom towards her because another man was interested in her.
"I tell you what, I’d rather be his plaything than your so-called best friend?  Hell, maybe he can actually satisfy me better than you did, so fuck you! she yelled storming out of my room, slamming the door behind her.
"DAMN ITTTT!!" I yelled sinking into the couch as I realized the finality of my words.
I had lost my best friend and the woman I loved.
"Aye, earth to Melo! I heard Darnell yell as I cringed. "Stop yelling, I heard you," I said trying to get myself together. " I saw ya'll talking is everything good now? he asked as I smiled.
" We're gonna get together before the weekend is over," I said honestly feeling a little about the weekend. "That’s good to hear, hopefully, ya’ll move past this,” he said as we went back to join the party.
I hoped so, I knew one thing was for certain tonight was the time to shoot my shot and I planned on making my intentions loud and clear.
I wanted Kayla and nothing was going to stop me from telling her this time, not even myself.
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liked by darnellAlpha, AKAangelaLove, @Carmelo_wwe, and 1,000 others
KaylaAKA4Life: Enjoying this weekend and living life to the fullest with my Sorority sisters and fellow Alpha brothers. Let's Party Ya'll! #AKAsDoItBetter #FAMUHomecoming2023 #FAMUAlumni
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Kayla's POV
“Angela thank you so much for helping me find a dress,” I said looking myself over in the mirror as she touched up her makeup.
The Emerald gold hue colored dress looked good on me. The dress being off the shoulder with the built in bra enhanced the beauty of it. Also, who could go wrong with showin' a little leg. Yea, I’m wearing the hell outta this dress right now if I may say so.
“Yea, I was gonna comment on your Instagram post, but you disabled your comments bitch,” she said as I shrugged my shoulders.
“Yes, I did because when Carmelo liked it I kind of panicked. I knew he was going to comment next, then his fans would see it and I ain’t with all that attention,”  I said as Angela nodded in agreement.
“Ah, I get it, I actually don’t blame you on that one,” she said as we made our way back into the dining hall. The night had been going well but I was getting ready to soon leave.
Two hours was enough for me and I hadn’t seen Carmelo yet so my nerves were a little on edge. I can’t believe how just a hug from him was breaking down the walls I had built up. But for now, I’m going to enjoy the rest of my weekend.
“Heeeyyy, the party jumpin’ now,” I said looking at the crowded dance floor. “Gril, here come Anthony, don’t look,” Angela said as I sighed truly not in the mood.
“Damn,I was hoping he wouldn’t see me,” I whispered. I knew he was going to ask me to dance. Now don’t get me wrong, “I’ll give all my love to you” by Keith Sweat is one of my favorite songs but I ain’t dancing with his ass.
After the blow up with Carmelo I pretty much stayed away from his frat house all together. That didn’t stop Anthony from spreading rumors that he and I had slept together. So, yea I had to rock his shit one good time too.
“You ladies look amazing,” he said sizing us up as Angela cleared her throat. “Thanks, Anthony” I said as he smiled brightly at me.
“Kayla, may I have this dance?” he asked as I felt someone grab my hand gently bringing it to their lips. I actually sighed in relief seeing it was Carmelo as he smiled at me.
“She’s with me Anthony, ain't nothin' changed Bruh. Let's go Kay, I owe you a dance,” Carmelo said smoothly steering me away as Angela smiled.
“Well ok then Melo, come through boo,” Angela said as I blushed. She always hyping him up in his bullshit.
“Thank you, I was about to have a flashback and was probably gon’ rock his ass again like I did you earlier,” I said as he laughed pulling me close on the dance floor as we danced.
Carmelo’s POV
Step one complete I had her in my arms again our foreheads touching as I caressed her waist swaying to the music. She felt so good, this was a dream it had to be.
I love you in the night
I wanna take it real real slow, my baby
I understand what you told me
And if I, I didn't know
I always wanted someone just like you
“Thank you for dancing with me,” I whispered as she pulled back slightly, those beautiful eyes stirring something deep in my soul.
“Thanks for saving the day like you always use to do,” she smiled as I felt all my troubles melt away. She just didn’t know but I would always protect her.
I really need to hold on, hold you
I'd give the world to you, oh my darlin'
You know I will
Yeah yeah you know i will
I surely will
“You are so beautiful; you know that right?” I asked, caressing her face as she looked away.
“Carmelo,” she started as I cut her off gently grasping her face making her look at me. The more I stared into her beautiful eyes, it seemed the more I got lost.
 “Just be in the moment with me,” I pleaded, gently kissed her forehead, as she relaxed in my arms.
I will never do anything to hurt you
I'll give all my love to you
(I'm gonna give you every bit of my love, my love)
And if you need me, baby, I'll come runnin' (yes I will)
Only to you (yes my baby yes I will)
I looked over and saw Trick dancing with Angela as he smiled at me giving me a thumbs up. Smiling, I closed my eyes just enjoying Kayla being in my arms again as she laid her head on my chest.
One of her hands resting on my back as the other caressed my arm and not just any arm but the one that contained the tattoo I had joked about getting four years earlier.
“You remember, don’t you? You know it’s your tattoo,” I whispered in her ear,unafraid of the answer as she nodded against me.
I no longer had anything to hide from her.
Girl I've been longing for you baby for a long long time
Let's make love tonight
I can make me feel real good baby
I can make feel real good baby
Sometimes, sometimes I get a little lonely, baby (so lonely baby)
“Why,” she whispered as I leaned down and gently placed a kiss on her bare shoulder. “Why wouldn’t I? I wanted to carry you with me always, you’re my best friend and I love you,” I whispered as I felt her still in my arms.
And I need a little love that I can call all mine (I need some lovin')
Girl, you are the one for me, babe
I know that you are the world for me, babe
“I can’t do this, I’m sorry,” Kayla whispered pulling away, walking off the dance floor.
Defeated, my eyes met Trick’s who pointed, silently telling me to go after her.
He was right, I couldn’t let the chance pass me by again. I rushed off the dance floor determined to catch her before she left.
Kayla’s POV
“Don't fall for it... He didn’t mean it Kayla, stop being weak,” I muttered to myself pacing. I felt in flight or fight mode as I saw Carmelo rushing towards me. “Look, I forgave you ok, so you don’t have to do this,” I cried trying to put some space between us as I tried to leave again.
“Kayla we can’t keep running from this baby,” Carmelo said blocking my path as I felt my anxiety rising.
This couldn’t be happening right now, he didn’t love me, he couldn’t.
“Why are you doin’ this!?” I cried as he caressed my face. “I’m doin’ It because I should have told you that night. I should have told you that I loved you,” Carmelo confessed as I felt the room closing in.
“No, no, you couldn’t have,” I whispered as I felt the air rushing out of my lungs.
“I’m sorry to just spring all this on you but, I don’t wanna make the same mistake twice. I can’t let you walk away from me again without telling you. I still love you Kayla and I know you love me too,” Carmelo declared without fear, claiming my lips in an eager kiss.
I will never do anything to hurt you
(I would never, never do one little thing to hurt you)
I'll give all my love to you
My mind was fuzzy as our kisses became more passionate, was this really happening right now.
“I’ma leave, and give you some time,” Carmelo whispered against my lips as I whimpered at the loss.
“I want you to come to me when you’re ready to admit you love me just as much as I love you, he said gently brushing his lips against mine before rushing off towards the elevators.
And if you need me, baby, I'll come runnin'
Only to you
Running towards the bathroom I locked myself in a stall trying to process what had happened. All this time he loved me, all this time lost.
Did I love him? Who am I kidding, I’ve always loved him and I thought I was over it until I saw him today, and it hit me like a ton of bricks.
His words continuing to echo in my head as I got myself together.  Finally building up the courage to come out of the bathroom I ran into what felt like a brick wall as a strong set of arms steadied me.
"Hey, I'm Carmelo's friend Trick. I was looking for him, have you seen him,” the gentleman said as I looked at Angela,who stood behind him.
“He left and went upstairs,” I said as Trick frowned. “So did ya’ll talk?” Angela asked as I nodded.  
“Kayla, did he tell you how he felt?” Trick asked as I nodded again.
"Uh, can you give us an answers and stop all that damn nodding," Angela said I sighed.
“He told me he loved me and that he always had,” I said overwhelmed as Angela squealed in delight. “I knew it! My eyes don’t fool me," she said as I wiped my tears.
“How do you feel about what Melo said?” Trick asked as I contemplated his words.
“I love him too;” I said feeling relieved to say it out loud as Angela hugged me.
 “Then go to him,” she whispered as I nodded in understanding. I guess this is what she mean the other day about me putting my big girl panties on.
I had to tell him he wasn’t wrong, I did love him.
 “Trick, Do you know what room he’s in?' I asked as he smiled. “Room 984,” he said without hesitation as I gave him a hug.
 "Thank you and it was nice meeting you," I whispered as he laughed returning my embrace.
“Nice metting you too Kayla, and I’m sure we will be hanging out soon. Especially if your friend Angela here gives me her number,” he said as I smiled at him before I took off towards the elevator.
“Get ya’ man and have some mind-blowing sex you deserve it!” Angela yelled as Trick laughed. "Trick you better keep your eyes on that one," I said getting on the elevator anxiously waiting for the doors to close.
I felt nervous, the elevator seemed to be going so slow. I almost changed my mind, but the loud dinging noise let me knew I had reached my destination as I walked in a daze to room 984.
Taking a deep breath, I lightly knocked hoping he wouldn’t hear me, and I could leave.
“Damn no such luck,” I muttered as I heard him fumbling around the room. Just do what you feel Kayla, you already know he feels the same. Speak your peace and leave it at that.
Last night I thought to back to when we made good love
Listenin' to some Marvin Gaye all night long
Now I want that old thing back
 It was like time stood still as he opened the door clad in only a towel and a surprised look on his face. Wasting no time and closing the distance between us, I leaped into his arms, capturing his lips in a passionate kiss.
 It’s power startling us both as we moaned in pleasure as our ever-present need for each other continued to grow more intense by the second as we got lost in each other.
 Reluctantly parting to catch our breath, Carmelo looked at me in wonder, caressing my hips.
Make these moments once again a fact
So won't ya, won't ya, uhhh, do it for us, babe
“So, you do love me?” he whispered in disbelief as I caressed his face his piercing gaze had me under his spell.
“I love you, Carmelo,” I whispered against his lips as he groaned reclaiming my lips, pulling me against his bare chest and into his room, slamming the door.
“I love you too, baby,” he moaned as his hands masterfully unzipped my dress causing it to fall at my feet as I shivered feeling exposed under his intense gaze.
“Are we really doin’ this?” I panted as his eyes continued to roam my body. “Yes, and your even more beautiful than I remembered,” he moaned, his breath now hot on my neck as he slowly grazed his lips across my neck, helping me out of my underwear.  
I couldn’t contain my moans of pleasure as Carmelo entangled his fingers in my hair, kissing and nibbling on my neck.
 Purring against him I felt myself losing control as his towel fell, a barrier no longer between us.
Good lovin, body rockin' knockin' boots all night long yeah
Makin' love until we tire to the break of dawn
But oh, come on, a-come on
“Melo, baby,” I moaned as he growled, his hands caressing my breasts as he teasingly sucked and nipped at them as my grip on his head tightened.
“I need to taste you, Peaches, I bet you taste so sweet,” he groaned using his tongue, licking a path from my stomach to my pelvis as he kneeled before me.
And turn the lights down, and let me get on it, yeah
‘Cause when I do, just me and you, it'll be so right
“Can I taste you, Peaches?” he moaned caressing my thighs wrapping them around his shoulders as I trembled with anticipation as he kissed my inner thigh trailing his tongue over my wet center.
Carmelo’s POV
“Yes! Please baby,” Kayla gasped, arching her hips against my tongue as I tasted her. Her hands gripping my face as I licked and sucked on her clit. “Mmm, you taste so sweet peaches. I knew you would baby,” I praised, her eyes rolling back in her head as I pleased her. 
Her moans urging me on as I swirled my flattened tongue around her swollen sensitive clit over and over as she whimpered underneath me.
A-give me some good love
(Somebody rockin' knockin' da boots)
A-give me some good love
(Somebody rockin' knockin' da boots) Somebody rockin', baby, ooh
“Carmelo! Oh, fuck!” Kayla moaned as I groaned savoring her taste. Gripping her ass and standing up while still lapping up her juices, I lifted her higher into the air.
 “What are you doing!” she gasped in shock and pleasure as my hungry eyes met hers. Her back planted firmly against the wall as she shivered against my mouth.
“I'm eating my dessert baby,” I moaned devouring her sweet wet center as her legs trembled around my neck.
I feel so good when I'm near you
That's why I always wanna be close to you
“Give me what I want Peaches,” I moaned against her as her gasps were coming in short spurts, I knew she was close.
 “I want it now Kayla,” I moaned swirling my tongue one last time around her clit before taking it in my mouth sucking it gently as she rode my face, her head thrown back in pleasure.
"Oh God! Melo, I...." She trailed off as her whole body began to shake as her orgasm hit her strong as I slid my tongue inside her making her scream and writhe against my mouth as her orgasm continued to overtake her.
I moaned loudly as her essence drenched my mouth as I welcomed it.
Enjoying watching the pleasure on her face, I gently unwrapping her thighs from around my neck.  Maintaining my grip, I slowly slid her down my body as she leaned forward kissing me with urgency.
“I need you,” I panted against her lips as she arched her back against the wall as I entered her swiftly, as a strangled moan escaped her beautiful lips.
I'm so addicted, I'm so addicted
To makin' love to you, baby
All night long, baby, all night long, long, long, long
Her moans mixed with the feel of her pulsing around me had me reelin’. “Fuck! Shit, I missed this Kay,” I confessed reclaiming her as she clawed at my back.
“I missed you too Carmelo,” she moaned as I bounced her with ease on my dick. Her arms around my neck and her knees locked on top of my arms as we rocked against each other.
“Yea, bounce on this dick… Bounce on it like a good girl. You like how this dick feels in this pussy don’t you?” I moaned.
“Carmelo, yes! Fuck me! Umph,” She groaned sucking on my neck, her wetness soaking my dick as it got louder with each thrust.
Kayla’s POV
“Yea, this that grown man shit, you like it don’t you? That pussy so wet for me Peaches, you takin’ it so good baby,” Carmelo praised as I whimpered against him. “Yes! I love it!” I screamed holding on for dear life.
He was right, we weren’t shy college kids anymore.  This truly was real grown folks shit and I loved it.  Clawing at his shoulders in disbelief and pleasure, I felt that familiar tingling starting to surge downward. Good lovin', body rockin' all night long, oh, oh
Makin' love until we tire to the break of dawn
“I feel you baby, don’t fight that shit,” Carmelo panted as I whined not wanting to cum just yet. “I got you, I’ma make you cum,” he groaned as I gasped, his thrusts becoming more powerful as he revealed his plan for the night.
“Tonight, you gon’ cum again…and again…and again…and again,” he groaned as I fell apart in his arms, his mouth swallowing my cries as he held me tight.
“Yea, that’s it, you so fuckin’ beautiful,” he whispered against my lips.
But oh, come on, come on and turn the lights down, and let me get on it, uh
‘Cause when I do, just me and you, it'll be so right, so right, so right
Each stroke masterfully takin’ my breath away. “I want you to cum baby,” I whispered wanting him to let himself go.
I wanted to see his face as he found his sweet release as he eased us onto the bed towering over me. “Spread them legs wide for me Peaches, we gon’ get this one together, baby,” he groaned, his mouth once again overpowering mine as his strokes became deeper and harder.
“Yes! Carmelo! Cum with me,” I gasped as the new position allowed him deeper inside me.
“Mmhm, I’m real deep in this pussy, it feels so good too baby,” he praised. Moving in sync with him I knew he was close. His muscles began to twitch under my touch.  
A-give me some good love
(Somebody rockin' knockin' da boots)
“Your mine,” I moaned as a low growl fell from his lips as I traced my tongue against his lips as he caught it between his lips gently sucking on it.
“You mine too, you always been mine,” he moaned as my pussy pulsed tightly around him again. Smirking, he placed two of his fingers inside my mouth as I gently sucked on them.
“Fuck yea, good girl Peaches,” he whispered taking his fingers and begins rubbing against my clit matching in tune with his strokes.
“Ahh! Baby I’m cumin!!” I exclaimed, his growls becoming louder as his body shook in ecstasy exploding inside me.
‘Cause I'm ready
(Somebody rockin' knockin' da boots) I'm so ready
I'm so ready, baby
“You felt so fuckin’ good. Shit, that was amazin’” he moaned gently kissing me as we came down from our trip of ecstasy.
 “You ain’t never lied. Can’t wait until we do it again,” I whispered as he groaned against my lips.
(Somebody rockin' knockin' da boots)
To give you everything that we've been waitin' on
(Somebody rockin' knockin' da boots)
“Best homecoming ever,” he panted collapsing beside me as I laughed.
“I have to agree, it’s definitely one for the books,” I said smiling.
“So does this mean you gon’ be my girl,” he whispered running his fingers through my hair as I laughed.
“Uh, I would hope so, you done gave me head in the air…The damn air Carmelo, that definitely was a first for me and the rest I can’t even talk about right now because the feeling in my legs ain’t back yet,” I said as he laughed.
“That was hot as fuck wasn’t it. It’s you, I ain’t never done no shit like that, you make me this way,” he whispered pulling me close as I kissed his tattoo.
“Well, tonight was definitely happy tears,” I said caressing his tattoo as he smiled.
“I promise as long as you my girl, it’s always going to be is happy tears, I promise you baby,” he declared as I snuggled further into his arms.
 “I love you,” I whispered as I felt his heart beating faster.
“I love you too Kayla,” he replied dropping a tender kiss on my forehead.
Where do we go from here, I didn’t know but I knew he was my man and it was going to stay that way.
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wynnyfryd · 1 year
at the bottom you’ll find all our friends
written for the July @steddiemicrofic prompt ‘pool’ | wc: 442 | rated: M | CW: canonical MCD, ambiguous ending, angst, isolation, violent imagery, dark themes. Steve Harrington is having A Time (™) | title from ‘At the Bottom’ by Brand New
Steve’s at the bottom of the pool.
There is no water.
It is not empty.
Blood pours over the walls, oozes like black sludge, a slow molasses creep of sickly tar toward his feet, and it’s thick and it’s cold when it seeps into his shoes, slithers up the hem of his jeans. Frigid filth around his ankles; concrete shackles. Locked knees.
The wall ripples; splits.
Mucosal membrane, monstrous mother; the demogorgon shrieks as it shoves its way through, and from somewhere behind it, somewhere beyond, Eddie screams ‘run,’ but Eddie’s gone and Steve can’t move and the flower petal throat of the beast unfurls before him, roaring like the blood in his ears. Blood everywhere; blood on the walls, in his eyes.
He wakes up sweating.
In the morning, Steve peers over the edge of the diving board and sighs. Gate’s bigger. Always is.
Eddie died in March.
Steve knows because he carried his corpse back out of hell, beat his hands against its chest and broke three of its ribs before Nancy said ‘Steve! Enough! Do you want to die, too?’
Great question, Nance.
The trouble is, Eddie doesn’t stay dead. Takes to haunting Steve’s nightmares: water turned to pouring blood; screaming monsters; Eddie’s cries. A gate that doesn’t disappear when he wakes.
Months of this.
He should do something. End it.
Do you want to die, too?
But every night Eddie comes one step closer, feels a little more alive. He sings to Steve in daylight now, humming sweetly through the gate.
Steve loves him so much his gums ache.
Tonight he rips the monster’s throat out with his teeth, and Eddie steps over the carcass like he’s doing a little jig.
“You’re shaking,” he frowns, cupping Steve’s face.
“Just tired.”
“Of missin’ me?” A rugged smirk, scar splitting through his dimple. Eddie rubs their mouths together. “Just miss me that much?”
When they kiss, it tastes like blood.
Steve starts sleeping in the yard, a chair pulled to the water’s edge. “Come home,” Eddie sings.
Please. “Show me how.”
“Steve…” Robin’s smile is too watery; reminds him of gates pulsing twelve feet below. “Steve, you look-”
“I’m fine.”
Brave face, big eyes. She can see the red all over him. “You’re fine.”
He’s on the diving board again, toes wiggling over the ledge. Weights around his ankles. The gate’s so big and bright it burns.
Steve closes his eyes against the shine, smiles to himself when he hears Eddie’s music, sweet and strong through the wound in the world. Come home, sweetheart, come home.
“I’m comin’, baby.”
He steps over the edge.
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buryustogether · 2 years
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jackie welles x f!reader (v)
summary: you and jackie receive a job to infiltrate a popular new club and retrieve a sample of a drug making its rounds through customers. unfortunately, it takes being dosed to realize the drug is an aphrodisiac.
word count: 6.7k
warnings/tags: swearing, drinking alcohol, drugs, being drugged unknowingly, explicit sex, rough sex, p in v, dirty talk, praise, semi-public sex/bathroom sex, dom!jackie, dom/sub dynamics, aftercare, confessions, slight throat/neck kink if you squint, jackie and misty are NOT a couple
author’s note: shout out to @neon-junkie for making me a jackie welles whore
You felt the thrum of the club’s bass before you even saw the front doors. It shook the ground in rhythmic beats, some kind of strange, unnatural earthquake, and seemed to pull anyone within a mile radius toward its center. Everywhere you looked, civilians were headed toward the entrance. Skimpy skirts, sleeveless muscle tanks, even pressed business suits - they all gravitated toward the Eros Club like droning, mindless machines.
As you cruised slowly down the street, your hand rested atop the steering wheel of your ride, Jackie released a low whistle from his perch in the passenger’s seat. He was so sinewy and bulked that he hardly fit in it. “Some place,” he said when you parked your car on the curb between a number of other vehicles. “No wonder every other club in town’s tanked to shit. Everyone’s comin’ here.”
You gave a hum and peered up the club through the window. The Eros Club was a three-story decker situated on a corner close to the water, with neon lights that cast the streets surrounding it in an eerie, yet exciting glow. A long, twisting line of people waited for entrance, kissing and grinding and complaining on their cells. Armed guards stood at the doors, standing rather close to a small woman personally checking each visitor before they went through.
“It won’t be standing for much longer,” you said, then climbed from the car.
This job was supposed to be simple. Simpler than most you and Jackie had done. Your client was a faceless shroud who spoke to you over the net, promising big bucks for the infiltration of the Eros Club. They claimed to be a rival club owner who was losing business; they’d heard from a friend of a friend of an enemy Eros was illegally drugging patrons until they were hooked and coming back every night for more. Your job was to secure a dose of whatever substance was being used and give it to your client’s men at the drop point.
Jackie hadn’t liked it at first. He was adamant about seeing the client face to face before agreeing to nabbing the drug, but he hadn’t needed much more convincing when you told him the amount promised.
“Sounds too easy,” he’d said when you informed him of your client’s approach. “Then again…” He’d flashed you that signature smile and you hadn’t been able to help but give it back. “We could use a night out on the town.”
As you left your vehicle and approached the club, weaving between sweaty bodies and over broken bottles scattered along the ground, you spared a glance over at your partner. Jackie Welles was a unit of a man, built like an ox and suited to take one down. Not only was he one of the best-looking men you’d ever met, he was also the kindest. In the same day, he would toss live grenades into gang dens, then untangle a stray cat from the plastic wrapping caught around its paws. He was funny, and caring, and above all else, loyal. No matter the situation, you knew you could count on Jackie to have your back.
And a part of you hated it.
You hated how close you had grown to the mercenary over the number of months you’d been working together, how you knew his middle name and his birthday and his mother’s favorite flowers. You hated that every time you shared a drink at After Life your knees would brush together and the simple touch would strike a match in your veins. And you hated yourself for, not once or twice, but almost every time you relieved some of your pent-up sexual tension by yourself, you imagined it was him hovering between your legs making you feel so deliciously.
“Aye. You with me, chica?”
Blinking away the dirty thoughts swimming through your head, you glanced up at Jackie. You had almost made it to the front doors - much to the chagrin and disdain of the people who had been waiting in line for hours. “Come again?” you said.
Jackie jerked his head toward the doors. “I said, you got the passes?” He watched as you fished through your pockets before producing the VIP passes your client had provided you with in order to get into Eros without much hassle. “Somethin’ on your mind?” he said as he accepted his pass. “Your head’s usually more in the game than this, V.”
Slipping the pass around your neck, you swallowed thick and avoided his gaze. “Sorry,” you said, and left it at that. He tilted his head at you in that way he did when he knew you were lying, but he didn’t push it. If anyone knew how to coax something out of you, it was him.
And you were terrified he would get this out of you, too.
The guards blocking the front doors looked you and Jackie up and down as you approached, arms crossed tight or hefting a baseball bat over a shoulder. “What business you got?” asked one.
In sync, you and Jackie both raised your VIP passes from around your necks. It only took a few moments of inspection for them to step aside so that you could face the small woman sitting on a stool. Up close, you were able to see she wore plastic gloves over her thin hands and beside her on a cart lay caps of what looked like ink. She beckoned you forward.
“Listen up, and listen well,” she said as she prepared a fresh cap from her tray. “No touching the dancers unless you want to walk home without one of your arms. No going behind the bar; if you want something - or someone - ask one of the bouncers inside and they’ll get it for you. No contraband allowed inside.” She motioned. “That means pieces. Unload it all.”
Jackie grumbled beneath his breath as he grudgingly unholstered his firearms and the machete strapped across his back before placing them in the trunk at one of the guards’ feet. You followed suit, dumping your belongings beside his. “Be good, carinos,” he murmured to his iron before the lid was snapped shut.
“One last thing,” drawled the woman before snapping a bubble of gum in her mouth. “Tongues out.”
Your breath caught in your throat, something between a scoff and a laugh. “What?”
She wiggled her ink-coated thumb. “If you want in,” she said as if she were talking to a child throwing a tantrum, “tongues out. Helps us know who actually heard the rules and who snuck in through the side door.” She tilted her head in exasperation. “It’s just a bit of edible ink. It’ll wash off in a few hours.”
Despite how appalled you were at the idea of having this random chick’s thumb on your tongue, it was the thought of more eddies in your account that made you open your mouth and lay your tongue flat. You clenched your fist as she pressed her thumb against your tongue, fighting off the urge to gag. When she was done, you wiped your lip and watched as Jackie stuck out his tongue to get his own print.
You were unable to help the pang of hot, searing jealousy that shot through you when he gagged slightly and she winked at him.
“Get that reflex under control, baby,” she teased as she pulled her arm back and discarded the glove. “Who knows when it’ll ruin a good time.”
“Are we done here?” you blurted. “No offense, but we didn’t come to get tongue tats and swap dick sizes.”
She was obviously bored of you. With a flick of her head, the guards opened the doors, and you both strode through quicker than necessary. Jackie’s limp - put there after he broke his leg as a boy and it never healed properly - slowed him slightly, but you’d become accustomed to matching your pace with his. Your frame silhouetted beside his bulk and muscle, the doors sealed shut behind you, a crypt trapping unfortunate souls within.
Jackie ran his freshly-inked tongue over his teeth, his features illuminated by the neon pink glow from the lights overhead. “Tastes like licorice,” he commented, then screwed up his face. “The bad kind.”
You murmured a low hum of agreement as you walked toward another set of doors that led into the main wing of the club. “The kind that’s been sitting in the sun for a week.”
“Heh.” He smiled, and you kept your focus straight ahead, trying to squash the butterflies fluttering in your belly. “And you know what that tastes like?”
“Please,” you said and placed a hand on the door. “I grew up in the streets, Jackie. I ate anything I could come across.”
You heaved open the door, and at once you were both enveloped in a hurricane of noise and light and skin. A gargantuan disco ball threw off flashes of neon lights across the club floor, bathing dancers and strippers and drunks in a dream-like hue. Booths were filled to the edges, every stool at the bar taken. Overhead, balconies overlooked poles and flashy cages that hung from the ceiling; inside, men and women wearing less than an inch of clothing humped the bars and whistled down at patrons. And if the customers weren’t ogling up at them, they were grinning stupidly at the glittery joytoys serving their drinks.
You were forced to stop for a moment to take it all in. You’d never seen anything like this. Sure, you’d been raised by a multitude of people in your childhood; madams of whore houses and gang leaders and club bouncers… suffice to say you’d seen a lot of clubs and dollhouses, but never something as grand as this. Jackie was right; no wonder all the other clubs in town were going under.
“Some place,” he said loud enough to be heard over the music.
Pulling yourself from the dazzling painting before you, you blinked a few times to clear your head and pursed your lips. “You know the drill,” you told him. “Don’t get distracted, okay? We’re here for a sample of the drug, and that’s it. Text if you find it, and we’ll meet back here.”
Jackie snorted through his nose as the bass dropped in the music and the floor rattled beneath your feet. “Me, distracted?” he mused and placed a hand on his chest. “You should practice what you preach, chica. You’re the one with your head in the clouds today. Although…” He cast a meaningful glance upward and winked at one of the young women in the dangling cages. You frowned. “Doesn’t seem like a bad place to be these days.”
Refraining from rolling your eyes, you huffed and left him near the doors of the club. You felt your boiling blood begin to cool to a simmer as you wriggled your way through the throng of parties and started for the bar.
Christ, you really needed to get this little crush done and over with. You’d known Jackie long enough to know what he liked; and it wasn’t what you were. He would never reciprocate your feelings; and even if he did, it would hardly be professional. The two of you were partners. So what if sometimes you crashed at each other’s places? So what if he sang you your favorite songs in the car when they came over the radio? So what if, when you’d once caught a bullet to the side, he’d crouched before you to stitch it up himself on your bathroom floor, needle held between his teeth and giant palm firm against your sternum to keep you still and breath on your stomach and -
“What’s shakin’, honey?”
You were yanked from your memories by the voice of the joy toy bartender behind the counter, staring at you with a flirty smirk painted across her lips. She polished a glass with nails that glowed neon here in the dim light.
“Sorry.” You took a seat at the bar - the first seat to have opened in a while - and rested your arms on the counter. It raised goosebumps along your skin. “I’m new here. What’s the most popular thing people get?”
“Why go with the flow, baby?” She grinned before she began to conjure up a drink, mixing liquors from bottles at her knees and pipettes from a sink behind her. “There ain’t another one like you, so don’t go and try to make a no one of yourself. Be true to who you are and what you want. ‘Ya hear me?” In a matter of seconds, she’d placed a shot glass in front of you; the drink within looked like liquid moonlight. How poetic. “Since you’re new, this one’s on me. Just be sure to come back, darlin’, yeah?” She winked, then crossed the bar to attend to her other guests.
Her words rattled through your head as you picked up the glass and swirled it a bit. You knew who you were; you were fucking V of fucking Heywood, for god’s sake. And yet… what did you want?
You scoffed, then glanced back and let your systems take a moment to analyze the contents of the drink in front of you, searching for any foreign substances. You knew what you wanted. But that just couldn’t happen. You were being stupid, crushing on your partner. Your friend - your best fucking choom. You spared a glance over your shoulder, at once spotting Jackie’s hulking frame where he sat at a wraparound couch with a trio of joytoys giggling and batting their eyelashes and touching his thighs. You grit your teeth and whipped back around.
Yeah - you were fucked.
A green alert from your systems told you the drink in your hand was perfectly safe. Nothing foreign or suspicious. Quirking your brow, you brought the shot glass to your lips and tipped it back. You weren’t going to turn down a free drink.
Nothing behind the bar - time to move on. You waved to the bartender in thanks, then got up and offered your seat to the next person waiting for a drink. Forcing yourself to keep from looking at Jackie and his new little entourage, you continued to scour the Eros Club for the drug.
Half an hour, then an hour ticked past you, and you still came up with zilch. None of the dealers - some of whom you’d grown up with on the streets of the city - had anything to present. Nothing in the food. Even a scan of the joytoys showed nothing to raise your alarm. You were empty-handed.
But not quite empty.
As you continued your search, you became aware of a warm, blossoming sensation making its presence known in the pit of your belly. It was heavy and light all at once, swirling like caged serpents aching to be released. It wasn’t long until you felt that familiar pang of need in your core, in between your thighs, did you realize what it was. You were turned on.
You tried to dismiss it as your hormones out of whack - whose wouldn’t be, surrounded by practically naked strippers and the smell of sex lingering in the air? - but as the minutes went on, you were unable to just pass it off. The tugging and demanding was becoming more urgent, and you felt your panties slowly soaking. Fuck.
Inhaling deep through your nose, you stopped for a moment to lean up against a steel pillar and clutch at your stomach. The ache was painful now, and sweat was beading at your hairline. What the fuck was this? Your mouth was producing saliva in overdrive, begging you to swallow, and you felt more empty than you ever had in your life. Your pussy was clenching around nothing, your nerves jumping with tingling sensation.
You lifted your head, feeling almost sick with desire, and your eyes locked onto a young couple leaning against the far wall. They were both a little more than red in the face; she was shaking out her top to let her chest breathe, and he was awkwardly crossing his legs in an attempt to hide his hard on. They murmured in one another’s ears for a moment, touched their tongues, then grappled hands and rushed out a side door.
Your lips parted as your mind finally connected the dots. There was no addictive drug here in the Eros Club; it was outside. The ink that woman had stamped onto your tongues; the drug was in that. You had been fucked before you even stepped inside. Of course people were trampling each other to come back here. The Eros Club was handing out aphrodisiacs at the door. Who wouldn’t want to fuck until they felt better?
You didn’t even have the chance to pull up your texts on your vision screen to warn Jackie. A wave of need ripped through you like a bullet, and you clapped a hand over your mouth to muffle the moan that escaped your lips. Oh, Christ. Pushing yourself off the pillar, you found yourself stumbling through the club toward the restrooms in the corner. Your breath was coming out in heavy pants as you squeezed through sweaty bodies, every moment of contact with another person sending vibrations of desire through your veins.
It seemed an eternity and a half before you reached the restrooms; by whatever grace was left in the world, there was no one else inside. You rushed to lock the door behind you, then tipped over the sinks and brought handfuls of cold water to your face. It dripped from your nose and your chin, your lips, as you panted and gripped the sides of the sink. Unconsciously, you ground your covered crotch against the hard edge of the counter.
There was no way you’d be able to make it out of here before you all but collapsed of horniness - forget about even getting back to your apartment. You needed to take care of things here and now.
Just as you were about to push into a stall and practically rip your pants down your legs to bury your fingers in your cunt, an alert popped into your vision screen. It was from Jackie. Just thinking of his name pulled a hoarse moan from your throat, one that echoed through the bathroom. You opened the message.
That was it. Only your name. No period, nothing special. Then -
Open the door
Now chica
Your stomach clenched and your core ached as you realized how he knew exactly where you were; you each had private-channel trackers installed in your hard drives. Viktor had suggested it after a job gone wrong when Jackie had been dragged half a block to get the shit beaten out of him while you were searching the streets a neighborhood away.
Fuck these fucking trackers.
There was no way you could even look at Jackie while you were in this state. You knew the moment you laid eyes on him, you’d jump his bones. And while the thought sent shivers of desire running down your spine, you knew you could never live with yourself if you did. Of course Jackie would never feel the same way you felt about him; he was your friend. Your friend who had held your hair back while you thew up in an alleyway, your friend who had dragged your drunk and sorry ass home too many nights to remember. Your best friend, who had seen you in too many states of ugly and repulsive to ever want you the way you wanted him.
You ground yourself against the counter once more, letting a shaky moan be pulled from your throat. It reverberated throughout the bathroom, echoing back to your own ears like a jagged symphony.
You jumped when something banged against the restroom door. At the same moment, a flood of texts from Jackie swarmed your vision screen.
Answer me
Open the door
The banging on the door grew more and more desperate, more frantic, and you realized Jackie was trying to ram his shoulder into the metal. You gasped for breath, clutching onto the counter, your face still wet from splashing water on yourself.
He was going to break the door - or his shoulder.
Swallowing thick and trying to drown out your thunderous heartbeat by focusing on the pulsing music, you gingerly pushed off the counter and approached the door. Your legs shook and your cunt clenched, desperate to be filled. Fuck, it hurt. It hurt like nothing you’d ever felt before - it was a kind of sensation you had never even imagined existed.
As you reached out to flip the lock on the door, you briefly wondered if Jackie was under the influence of the drug as well. Surely he wasn’t nearly as down bad as you were right now; he was at least three times your body mass. That dose he’d been given couldn’t have possibly done the same number on him as it did you; he was far too bulked and beefed up for that.
Biting your tongue to keep from immediately launching yourself at him, you unlocked the door to the restroom and opened it.
Your breath hitched at the sight that awaited you on the other side.
Jackie filled the doorway like a persistent shadow, sweat beading at his brow and his lips parted as his chest rose and caved with labored breath. His shoulders were tensed, his jaw set and his fists clenched at his sides. He peered at you from beneath his lashes, and for the smallest, quickest fraction of a second, you were slightly afraid of him.
“Jackie,” you said, but his name came out in more of a whimper.
His eyes flashed and he stepped inside the restroom, hand blindly flipping the door shut behind him. He locked it with a click, his gaze never once leaving you.
You found yourself taking small steps back, your heart fluttering and your hormones screaming at you to drop to your knees and tug at his belt. But your brain was firing in a different direction, speeding into overdrive as your partner began to approach you, footsteps hitting heavy against the tile floor. Was he mad at you? Furious that you had screwed up this job so far, enraged that while he was out there looking for the prize, you were in here getting off on counter counters?
Or was he feeling the same effects you were?
It wasn’t until your back hit the opposite wall of the sinks did you realize Jackie had backed you into a corner. His eyes stared you down from beneath his brow, the cross earring swinging from his lobe with every crooked step he took. You pressed yourself against the chilly wall, palms pressed flat on the metal.
“Jackie,” you whispered.
He stopped only inches from your form, his arms encasing you on either side. When you inhaled, you caught a lungful of his cologne that singed your nose in just the right way. Your knees wobbled and you clenched your jaw to keep from moaning right there and then. Your core ached to be filled by the man in front of you, and your fingers twitched at your sides.
Jackie brought one of his hands to touch your neck, the soft expanse of skin just below your jaw, and this time you did finally whimper to him. A high-pitched whine escaped your throat as his tattooed fingers trailed across your delicate throat, which he could have so easily crushed at a moment’s notice. He cocked his head at the noise, earring swinging back and forth like a pendulum.
“I got’ta be crazy for this,” he murmured, perhaps to himself, as his fingers trailed down, past your shirt collar to your collarbone.
You released a garbled moan again, forcing yourself to keep up on your own two feet. “No,” you forced out. His eyes flickered to meet yours from where they had been lingering on your neck. “I feel it too.”
“Yeah?” His eyes became half-lidded, and when he leaned forward, you swallowed thick. “You feel it when I do this?” Slowly, tantalizingly, teasingly, he dragged his lips down the column of your throat - and then clamped his lips down when you moaned aloud. It echoed across the restroom like a call to action, like the blank starting off the race.
Everything exploded from then on.
Jackie brushed teeth along your neck as he sucked bruises and hickies into your skin, tongue laving over the raw spots. To spur him on, to bring him closer, your hands flew up to grasp at the back of his head. Your skin burst into tingles and miniature detonations where he touched you and you touched him, and it was almost too much to handle.
“Fuck, Jackie,” you whimpered out into the hot air.
Jackie had moved his ministrations down to the hollow of your throat, right between your collarbones, and he licked his tongue over a fresh bruise before tilting his head up to rest his forehead against yours. You longed to lean forward and kiss him, to kiss him until he couldn’t breathe, but you could only stare back at him as his gaze bore into yours.
“Jesucristo,” he huffed, his breath fanning hot across your face. You core ached and your pussy clenched, and now that you were so close you could sense the stiff, prominent erection tenting his pants. “You think we got a dose’a that shit?”
“I don’t care,” you panted, then grabbed his lapels to pull him even closer. “Dammit, Jackie, please fuck me.” Your brow furrowed, and your eyes screwed shut because if he suddenly came to, if he suddenly realized he was just on a drug and didn’t really want this, you didn’t want to see it. “I’ve wanted you for so fucking long, at this point I don’t care if it’s the drug. I need you so bad. I’ve needed you since you shoved your piece in my face in that garage, and I’ve needed you every fucking day since. Please - please, Jackie, fuck me.”
You stared at the darkness behind your eyelids, waiting for him to pull away. Waiting for him to tell you he was sorry, it was just the drug talking, that he needed to go. But he never did. Instead, you felt him take your chin between his thumb and his finger to tilt your head up. He pressed his forehead to yours again, then leaned his head until his lips brushed the shell of your ear.
“Open those eyes, chica,” he murmured. “I want you to watch me while I fuck you senseless.”
Not even a moment after you opened your eyes, your heart in your throat, Jackie attached his lips to yours as if he were going to die if he didn’t. He attacked your mouth with his own feverishly, almost violently - and you you wouldn’t have it any other way. Teeth clashing and tongues laving and moans rising from your throats, you barely registered it as he moved his hands over your sides. They traveled over your hips, squeezing the flesh of your ass, before grabbing your thighs just below.
You didn’t need to be told twice. Keeping your lips locked to his, your arms wrapped around his neck as you hopped into his grasp and locked your legs around his waist. You didn’t need to hesitate; you knew, you trusted, that he wouldn’t let you fall. He’d always been there for you, and he wasn’t about to stop now.
Jackie carried you to the countertop, where he set you down on the edge and came to settle between your spread thighs. He pushed them a bit further apart as if testing you, teasing you, seeing just how far you could go without snapping. You whimpered against his lips, tugging at his jacket.
“Hips up, chica bonita,” he said, and you at once obeyed. You lifted your hips as he took ahold of your waistband, trousers and panties together, and ripped them down your thighs. Almost as if the smell of your throbbing sex, almost as if he could actually smell it, he released a groan and bucked his hips forward to grind against your cunt. Your moans joined his and your nails dug into the leather of his jacket.
“Christ, Jackie!” you practically howled.
With one hand, he began to unbuckle his belt - your starving eyes following his every move - and the other flexed two fingers up the dampness of your slit. Your eyes rolled into the back of your head as a tidal wave of pleasure washed over you; if you weren’t bracing yourself against the counter behind you, you would have crumbled. An intensity like you’d never known before was taking over your systems, flooding your drives. The drug was amping itself up now that what you needed was finally within reach.
Jackie cocked his head again as he ran his fingers up and down your entrance, at last working his belt loose and shoving his pants down his thighs. His erection sprang from the confines of his boxers, and your mouth watered just looking at it. His member was just like the rest of him; big, and thick, and wide. It slapped against your thigh as he surged forward to slam his lips against yours again; it was almost painfully hard. If you thought the effects of the drug hurt you, you couldn’t begin to imagine how he was feeling.
“So wet for me already, mamita,” he drawled under his breath. He drew his hand from your core and you nearly whined before he brought his fingers to his lips and sucked your slick from his digits - all while maintaining eye contact with you. Then he brought his thumb, thick and calloused from years of manual labor, and brought it to your lips. You understood at once. Grabbing onto his wrist, you took his thumb into your mouth and gently sucked on it, swirling your tongue around the tip. He released a shaky sigh, then withdrew his digit and placed it over your clit. The moment he began to rub quick, harsh circles over it, you cried out - and yet they were swallowed up as he connected his lips to yours.
“Good girl,” he moaned, rutting his hips against your thigh. “Good fuckin’ girl, V.”
You keened at his praise, spreading your legs further for him as he took his thick cock in hand and began to line himself up with your entrance. Outside the bathroom door, the music pumped and people were shouting with glee and lust, but you could hear none of it. You were transfixed on the man before you, the man that was peering down at you like you were his entire world.
“Fuck me, Jackie,” you told him in a strained voice. “Fuck me like you want it.”
“You better believe I do, chica,” he rumbled. “Always have.” Without another word, he pushed himself into your sopping pussy in one fluid movement. You opened your mouth to moan, but nothing came out. You were far too stunned, far too high on cloud nine to even think about coming down. Jackie’s cock stretched you in the most delicious way, practically spearing you open as his hips lay flush against yours. He tilted his head back to the ceiling and groaned low from deep in his throat, a noise that had you clenching around him.
That seemed to set him back into motion. His large hands wrapped around your middle, just above your hips, and used that as leverage to begin pistoning his cock in and out of your pussy. Your back arched and your mouth fell open as he pounded into you mercilessly, chasing not just your relief but his as well. The drug was still coursing through the both of you, driving your bodies to the extremes to get what they needed.
His name spilled from your lips, slowly at first, then quickly, like a mantra or a desperate prayer. His member was dragging across your walls in the most perfect way, letting you feel every ridge and vein and velvety inch. He would pull out almost entirely, then slam back into you again, his grip on your abdomen the only thing keeping you from inching up the counter.
“Jackie!” you wailed up to the ceiling. “Jackie! Fuck, Jackie!”
“That’s it, mamita,” he panted, dragging you further down the counter toward him. “Scream my name for them all to hear.” He slowed his pace, only slightly, so that he could lean over you and gaze down at you with half-lidded eyes. “I want them to know who you belong to.” He straightened, then slammed into you with a particularly harsh thrust that brushed against that sweet, heavenly spot inside of you. Your hands scrabbled for purchase on the counter, your legs wrapped tight around his waist.
“Right there!” you screamed, gripping onto his inked forearms. “Don’t stop! Please, don’t stop.”
“Tell me who you belong to, princesa.” He slowed his pace even further, instead opting to rail into you with deep, hard-hitting thrusts that left you seeing stars. “Tell me.”
You panted for breath, your cunt squeezing around him, begging for your nearing release. “You,” you breathed out, then yelped when he slammed into you. Your back slid slightly up the counter. “You!” you bayed, your throat beginning to go raw from the howling and begging. “Only you! Just you, baby, only you.”
Another thrust, one that forced black spots into your vision. The pleasure was right there, just on the brink, teetering on the edge.
“Tell them.” When you hesitated, Jackie leaned down and licked a short stripe up your throat. “Tell them who you belong to.”
Who were you to disobey? “Jackie!” you cried out, and you were faintly aware of the tears beginning to spill down your cheeks, born from the raw, unbridled pleasure and the pain of being kept from it. “Jackie Welles! Jackie - FUCK!”
“Cum for me, V.”
Spreading your thighs even further apart, he slammed into your cunt, bringing his thumb down to stroke at your clit all at once. It took only a number of thrusts until suddenly you were cumming. It was an almost violent, explosive, drowning-kind of orgasm that left you gasping for air you couldn’t draw in. You were blinded by the spots dancing in your vision, your limbs leaden and your lungs aching for air. You were above cloud nine; you were in heaven.
Above you, Jackie’s hips were beginning to stutter and falter in their rhythm. He yanked you down the counter again, slamming his hips into yours in a frantic sprint to his own finish. You watched him as he used you, unable to move or even speak as he groaned and grunted and railed into you one last time before he spilled into your pussy. A staggered moan was pulled from his lips as he emptied himself, his earring swinging as he slumped over you on the counter.
For a long, long while, you were both simply silent, still connected, sharing each other’s air as you regained your breath. Finally, Jackie stood straight again and slowly pulled his softening cock from your cunt. You winced as he fell from you, everything from your waist down practically numb. Your entrance, your clit, your thighs - sore, and red, and spent.
You said nothing, suddenly exhausted out of your mind and unable to do anything much, as Jackie grimaced tucking himself back into his pants, buckled his belt, then grabbed a few towels and wet them in the sink. He shushed your whimpers of overstimulation as he gently cleaned you up, keeping you quiet and still when he helped pull your pants back up and your shirt back down from where it had bunched up around your middle. Then he gingerly pulled you off the counter, slid down the wall of the sink, and cradled you in his arms.
Had the circumstances been different, you would have laughed. Jackie was holding you against him, nestling against your forehead and petting your hair on the filthy-ass floor of a club bathroom. But they weren’t different. You had just been drugged, and then fucked within an inch of your life by your best friend.
What a fucking mess this night had turned out to be.
Your bottom half ached as Jackie shifted you in his lap, keeping you cradled against him protectively. He smoothed your sweaty hair from your forehead, brushing the thumb you had sucked gently over the jut of your cheekbone.
“Aye, carino, save that pretty voice of yours. We got to get you home-“
“Did you mean it?” Your voice came out sluggish and hoarse, strained from screaming his name.
Jackie peered down at you with a furrowed brow, carefully wiping away a tear stain on your cheek. “Mean what?”
“That…” You found your words sticking in your throat. You averted your gaze from his, instead focusing it on a corner of the ceiling. Another stroke of his thumb along your face at last coaxed the question from where it had been resting deep within your belly. “That you always have. Meant it.”
He stayed there for a moment so long it felt as if it had stretched into an hour. Before you could take it back, say it had just been the drug to try and cover your embarrassment, a small, crooked smirk spread across his features and he ran a hand over his face.
“Fuck, V,” he murmured, then exhaled a breath and craned his neck down so that your noses nudged together. It was a strangely passionate gesture, so foreign after the sinful acts you’d just committed. “Been wanting you just as long, chica. See you every day, looking like that, and it feels like I’m… I don’t know, a ticking fucking bomb. Didn’t know when I was gon’na go off.” He glanced up and around at the bathroom surrounding you. “Wish it would’ve been somewhere else, but I guess beggars can’t be choosers.”
You stared up at him, the ache blossoming through your used body momentarily forgotten. At first you thought it was the drug talking, that soon his eyes would darken and he would be ready for another round. He wasn’t in his right mind; he was just saying these things to get you riled up.
But as you held his gaze, and he gingerly leaned down to capture your swollen lips in a soft, gentle kiss, you realized it was all real. It was all true. No drug-fueled fuck sessions, no lies - nothing but the truth. He did really, truly want you, just the way you were.
Slowly, Jackie pulled away from the kiss to smooth your brow with his thumb and press his lips against your forehead. “I didn’t hurt you, did I?”
A drained, sluggish smile overtook your lips. “No,” you murmured and reached up to cup his weathered cheek. “I know you’d never hurt me, Jackie.”
You stumbled through the club together a while later, supporting each other’s weights as you stopped at the front doors to collect your weapons from the bouncers. The woman who had drugged you still sat on her stool, and she watched you both with a knowing, charming smirk. When you met her eye, she winked before turning to the next customer in line.
A tired sigh escaped your lips as you collapsed into your car’s passenger seat, having handed over the keys to Jackie upon his insistence. He climbed in beside you, his own lids drooping as he started the engine. Then a grin passed over his features as he dug around in his pocket before flipping a small object your way. You caught it, then opened your palms to find one of the small tabs of drugged ink lying on its side.
“What?” he teased as he settled his hands on the wheel. “You didn’t think I’d forget about the job, did you?” His thick brow quirked. “Not that I didn’t just have the best fuckin’ night of my life with my girl.”
You smiled and flipped the tab of ink into the air. “You’re something else, Jackie.”
“I’ll be whatever you like, princesa,” he said before peeling away from the curb. “As long as you remember that you’re mine.”
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ofstarsandvibranium · 6 months
He's A Pretty One: Part 3 (Final)
Fandom: Stranger Things
Pairing: Eddie Munson x F!Reader
Summary: You’re visiting your cousin in Hawkins for the summer and you meet his very pretty and very rebellious friend and bandmate.
Warning: smut - oral (male receiving)
Part 1 Part 2
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You watch in amusement as Eddie stuffs his face with burger and fries. You're sipping on your milkshake, occasionally stealing a fry or two from Eddie's plate to dip into your drink.
Eddie looks up, suddenly aware of your eyes on him. He sits up, quickly wiping his mouth with a napkin, "Sorry," he mumbles, still chewing his food.
You chuckle, "It's fine, Eddie. You're a growing boy. You need your food."
"Pretty sure I'm older than you, sweetheart," he says with a pointed look.
You shrug, "By a year."
"Still older," he takes a fry and tosses it at you, "Respect your elders."
You smirk and tilt your head to the side, "What if I don't? You'll spank me?"
Your gaze and comment makes Eddie squirm in his seat and you love it. You laugh with a shake of your head, "You're not used to that, are you?"
"To what?" he asks trying to look oblivious.
"People flirting back at you."
He licks his lips and looks down at his plate, "No, not really. I'm, uh, not well liked in this town." He murmurs, moving some fries around his plate.
You scoff, "Which is such bullshit. You're pretty and funny and a helluva guitar player."
Eddie blushes, "Yeah, well, most people in this town aren't like you."
You prop your elbows on the table, resting your chin against the palm of your hand, "And what am I like?"
"Bold. Hot. You don't give a shit about what others think."
You snort, "Living life caring what people think of you just hinders you from reaching your full potential."
"Yes! Exactly! Exactly!" Eddie looks at you with bright eyes like you hung up the moon, "God, where have you been all my life?" You chuckle and swipe another one of his fries.
You two chat for another hour before you two grow tired of diner's ambiance. Eddie pays for his meal and your milkshake, then you're both walking out of the diner. His hands are in pockets and watches as you head to the passenger door of his van, pausing to look at yourself in the sideview mirror and reapplying lipstick.
After smacking your lips together to make sure the color was evenly distributed, you look up to see Eddie watching you. You smirk and lean against his van, "You comin' or not, Pretty Boy?"
A grin makes its way onto his face as he fishes out his keys and unlocks the passenger's side. He opens it for you, holding his hand out like a gentleman. He rushes to the driver's side after you're settled.
"Alright, Van Halen, what's the next stop?"
"To the stars," he says with confidence as he starts up the van and Metallica continues to play.
You nod your head to the music, occasionally singing a lyric here and there as your view becomes a windy road and a shit ton of trees.
You pout at Eddie, "If you're taking me far away to kill me, I'm going to be so disappointed, Eddie."
He snorts, "Please. You'd definitely be the last girl standing in a horror film."
You shake your head, "Nah. I'd be the surprise kill. Throughout the entire film, I'd give off the vibe that I'll be the final girl until the slasher makes a sudden appearance and stabs me in the head or something."
Eddie looks at you with a cocked brow and you shrug, "This isn't the first time I've had this conversation with someone."
He chuckles and shakes his head, "God, you're perfect." You're thankful that it's dark so Eddie can't see you smiling to yourself as your cheeks heat up.
In total, the drive takes about twenty minutes. Your stop is at a cliff that overlooks a lake and forest. You step out and look up. Your jaw immediately drops.
"Holy shit. This is fucking amazing." The stars are twinkling in perfect view above you.
You turn to Eddie, his gaze already on you, "I've never seen anything like this."
"I like to come up here a lot."
"You bring other girls here too?"
He shakes his head, "Nope. You're the first girl I've ever brought here."
He shrugs, "I told you, people don't really like me in this town. Girls especially. They all think I'm a freak just because I don't conform to their preppy bullshit."
"I'd definitely have a crush on you if I went to your school."
"Like I said before, you're different than the people here." he gazes into your eyes softly and you feel a fluttering sensation inside you.
You clear your throat and turn away, "So, are we just gonna stand here or you got some blankets or something we can lay on?"
"Oh yeah! Hold on!" he rushes into the van, pulling out two blankets and laying one onto the grassy part of the cliff, while he wraps the other around you.
You both sit side by side taking in the view. You two sit in a comfortable silence for what feels like forever until you speak up, "So how come you come up here so often?"
"Just to think. To get away from it all," he gestures back towards the town, "It's a nice place to sit and think. People won't bother me here, won't give me shit just 'cause I listen to metal music and play D and D."
You shake your head disapprovingly, "I'm sorry these asshats don't see how awesome and cool you are."
He shrugs, "It's whatever. I'll be outta here soon enough. I'll have enough money to record my demo, I'll get signed, and I'll be off in California and eventually touring the world."
"And you already have your first groupie right here," you say with a proud grin and he cackles, "I fucking knew you liked our shit!"
You laughed with him, "I never said I didn't!"
Both of your laughter dies down and you two are staring at each other. With the moon light shining right down on you two, you could see as Eddie's eyes glance at your lips. You were done playing games. You pull him by the lapel of his vest and press your lips to his.
You could tell he was taken by surprise at first, but he immediately started kissing you back. His hands cup your face, holding you in place as he kisses you back. You're sitting in a weird position so you pull away so you straddle his legs.
"Is this okay?"
He looks at you with a lust filled haze, "Fuck yeah, it's okay. C'mere," he grabs you by the thighs and pulls you even closer to where you're now settled on his crotch. You can feel the hardening bulge under you.
You smirk, "All riled up from that?"
"Sweetheart, I've been trying not to pop a boner around you since I first saw you."
You cackle, "What a romantic thing to say, Eddie." he grins at you and pulls you in for another kiss. Your arms wrap around his neck while his hands rest on your hips. He squeezes when you give an experimental grind onto his clothed dick.
He pulls away with a gasp as you grind down on him away, "Keep doing that, I'm gonna cum in my pants."
"Okay," you push him onto his back and you crawl down his legs so you're face is near his crotch.
He gulps, "What're you doing?"
"You don't wanna cum in your pants. So cum in my mouth instead."
You can't help but laugh when you watch Eddie's eyes widen and jaw drop, "You serious?" he asks with a gulp.
"I can beg if you want," you draw circles over his denim clad bulge, "Please, Pretty Boy, can I suck your cock?"
"Fuck. Yeah. O-Okay," he's fumbling with the button of his jeans and you laugh, pushing his hands away, "Let me," you say. He watches you as you undo his jeans with ease, pulling them and his boxers down enough to pull out his cock. He's propped himself up by his elbows to watch you.
You giggle and it makes Eddie nervous, "What? What's wrong?"
"Even your dick is pretty, Eddie. What the fuck."
He snorts, "I've never heard of having a pretty dick before, but thanks. But, um, can you lend a guy a hand?"
"Oh, you're getting more than a hand, Munson."
You wrap your hand around his length and you hear Eddie let out a shaky breath. You look up at him with a smirk, "Now, don't let go too soon. Lemme work for it at least."
"I'll try."
You lean in and lick a stripe up the underside of his shaft. Eddie immediately falls onto his back again and lets out a loud moan, "Fucking shit," he mumbles and covers his mouth.
"Now don't get quiet on me, pretty boy. No one's around, lemme here how good my mouth makes you feel," you lower your mouth onto his tip and give a teasing suck.
"God fucking-you're not making this easy for me, sweetheart."
You smirk as you take more of him in, slowly bobbing your head up and down his length, your hand stroking him at the base.
You take as much of him as you can in your mouth before letting off with a gasp. You take him in your mouth again, head moving up and down faster this time.
"Fuck. Yes! Like that, baby! Just like that!" A hand goes to the back of your head and you let Eddie set the pace for you. You watch him through your lashes. His eyes tightly shut, teeth biting onto his lip. He hits the back of your throat and he moans loudly, "Shiiiit," you pull off him.
"You gonna cum for me, Pretty Boy? Hm? You wanna shoot your load down my throat?"
"Fuck, yes. Please. 'M so fucking close, baby."
"Give it to me, Eddie. Lemme have it," you mumble, taking him into your mouth again. Your mouth and hands working in tandem for his release. He's lightly thrusting into your mouth when suddenly feel him cumming down your throat. You keep your head still as he cums.
"Fucking shit!"
He lets out a long gasp and falls limp against the blanket. You giggle as you sit up, swallowing his load. He lifts his head to look at you and sees you smirking down at him.
"I've never cum so hard before."
You snort, tucking him back into his pants and moving to lay beside him, "I'm taking that as a compliment."
"Oh, it's definitely a compliment, baby. Shit, that was-it was-you're so-"
You place a hand over his mouth and say, "You're welcome."
You cuddle up to him, pull second blanket over the two of you. You both lay in silence staring up at the stars.
"Is-Was that a one time thing?"
You turn your head to him, "It doesn't have to be. Honestly, I really like you, Eddie. Just sucks that I'm only here for a few more weeks and then I'm heading back home."
He wraps an arm around and pulls you closer, "Guess we'll just enjoy it while we can. Deal?"
You nod, "Deal."
"That being said...can I eat you out?"
You snort, "Of course. But maybe in the van where it's comfier and warmer."
"Yeah. It's cold as fuck and I think my ass is numb."
You two immediately get up and collect the blankets, tossing them into the back where you settle and Eddie's immediately pulling your pants off.
Your time in Hawkins won't be long, but you're for damn sure it'll be the best time you've ever had because of a pretty boy named Eddie Munson.
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blkdaddie · 1 month
A New Day
Part of the Natural As Breathing Series
The sun was just creeping up, castin that soft, warm glow through the lace curtains. The kind that make you feel like the day’s gonna be alright, no matter what. But this morning, I knew it wasn’t just any day. Them pains started in the middle of the night, slow and easy at first, but now they was coming on strong. It was time.
 I made the room ready earlier, pushing furniture aside, clearing a space on the floor where I could move ‘round and do what needed doing. Mama’s old quilt was laid out, those patches full of memories, and a pile of fresh towels and blankets beside it, waiting to catch new life. Nate, bless him, had his doctor stuff all set up too—his little black bag, a basin of warm water, and all the things he said was necessary. He’d been my anchor, calm and steady, just like I needed him to be.
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The knock came at the door. Miss Lucille, one of the church ladies, had come by to take the kids for the day. I could hear them little feet scampering toward the door, excited to have a visit at Miss Lucille’s. She always spoiled ‘em, giving ‘em cookies and tellin’ stories about when she was a girl.
“Y’all behave for Miss Lucille now,” I called out, wincin’ as another pain gripped me. “And don’t be givin’ her no trouble, ya hear?”
“Yes, Daddy!” came the chorus of little voices, and I heard the door creak open, Miss Lucille’s warm voice spillin’ into the house.
“Don’t you worry ‘bout a thing,” she said, peekin’ into the room, her eyes full of kindness. “I got these babies. You focus on bringin’ that new one into the world for me to spoil.”
“Thank ya, Miss Lucille,” I managed to say, breathin’ through another wave. “I know they in good hands.”
She nodded, then ushered the kids out the door, leavin’ the house quiet, save for the sound of my breathin’ and the shuffle of Nate movin’ around.
Them contractions kept coming, stronger with each pass. I found myself swaying and breathin’ through ‘em, tryin’ to stay in control. Nate was right there, his hand on my back, warm and firm. He’d check me every now and then, his touch sure, but tender. I could see that look in his eyes, that mix of doctor and husband, both focused and full of love.
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Been a doctor for years now, but I swear he turns into a different man when it’s his own child comin’. All that fancy schoolin’ don’t do nothin’ to calm his nerves when it’s his baby on the way.
When the pains got closer together, he helped me down to that quilt. His voice, always so smooth and steady, kept me grounded. “You’re doing great,” he said, squeezin’ my hand like he meant it. “Not much longer now.”
I took comfort in that room, filled with pieces of the past—Mama’s quilt, family pictures, the smell of the lilacs outside the window. It was like bein’ wrapped up in all the love that came before me, holdin’ me steady when things got tough.
“Breathe with me,” Nate murmured, his voice a gentle guide. “In through your nose, out through your mouth.”
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I did as he said, breathin’ deep, tryin’ to ride them waves of pain instead of fightin’ ‘em. The baby was pushin’ down hard now, and I could feel it, that life inside me wantin’ to meet the world. Nate was right there, helpin’ me shift, findin’ the spots where the hurt eased up just a little.
After all the sweatin and gruntin my body knew when to push, all my muscles workin to help this baby on its way . I never was scared of hard work and birth is some of the hardest. I grunted as the baby crowned and paused to catch my breath when the head finally come out. “Nathaniel!” I growled, my use of his full gov’ment name let him know I was hittin my limit. “I’m sorry babe. Just hold on, almost there.”  I grit my teeth as he poked around to check the cord, then nodded when he gave me the go-head.  With one last push, I felt that baby slide into Nate’s hands. There ain’t no words for that feelin’—the release, the relief, the pure joy. Nate, all careful and gentle, cleaned the baby up before layin’ that little bundle right on my chest. Warm and wrigglin’, our child, finally here.
The baby’s first cries filled the room, and I swear it was the sweetest sound I ever heard. I gave a soft chuckle; now I know why Mama did this 8 times. Holding this new soul is pure heaven. Nate was still workin’, makin’ sure everything was right—clampin’ the cord, cuttin’ it just so, then wrappin’ up our baby in a soft blanket.
“We done good, huh?” I say, my voice barely more than a whisper.
Nate nods, leanin’ down to kiss my forehead. “We did, love. We did.”
Eventually, Nate helps me get settled, and we lie there together, our baby nestled between us. The house is quiet, peaceful. This is home.
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mggsv · 1 year
Please please please please please please post more male reader x hotch. I’m still trying to figure who I am out, and that smut you posted is officially my guilty pleasure. I want him to fuck me like that and then some. Thank you 😊
Of course my love <3
After Office Hours (not proof read!)
m!reader x aaron hotch hotchner
summary: you and hotch hated each other, it was obvious. he hated being wrong about certain things, you wanted to get your point across- hell, you’d spend the entire brief meeting arguing about the potential unsub you’re dealing with. How do either of you still have your job? How do you both still come to work knowing the hate was there? Spencer finds that out himself.
warnings: office sex, hair pulling, boss and employee, biting
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“Kid you comin?” Morgan’s voice called out. Along with Garcia, Spencer and Morgan were going to go get something to eat before they all went home. Spencer turns back to the two of them before nodding rapidly, “Yeah- i left my keys! One sec i’m gonna go get them.”
They invited you, but you declined. You said you had overdue paperwork- they bought it. Truthfully you were waiting for the office to clear. When Spencer left you went right to his office, not even knocking. Hotch glances up at you and puts down his pen. “You were insufferable today.”
“According to Em, you were in the wrong, sir.” you scowl, walking over to lean on the front of the desk, staring right at him. The bulge in his pants was noticeable, like his tie that was folded neatly on his bag that sat in a chair nearby. You smirked, he was waiting for you too, it seemed. Sneaky bastard.
“You didn’t listen to me.” He gets up, and your eyes follow his figure making its way around the desk, slowly…he was big, you noted. He always overpowered you. God you loved it. “You were wrong and needed correcting.” You said calmly, feeling his body behind you. His strong hands outlined your waist, bulge only slightly touching your clothed ass. You felt your pants tighten.
“Oh yeah?” He asks, you could hear the shitty smirk on his face. His body looks over yours, moving your hair back to plant a kiss on your shoulder. You roll your eyes and relax into the desk. Your back curves and you adjust your ass to line up with his bulge.
“You make me sick.” you say, making Hotch stand straight. You could hear the sound of his shrugging off his jacket, no words. You sigh and sit up as well, going to take off your vest and unbutton your shirt. “And yet you’re the one who comes to me. Everytime.” He mutters.
He was on you in an instant, his body as bare as yours. Your lips crashed together, making you yelp slightly. As much as you hated him you could stop the small smile that crept upon your lips when he picked you up and carried you to the side-edge of the desk. Your hands fumbled to move the paperwork that was taking up room, trying your best not to get it on the floor. Your cock was hard against his stomach, waiting for his touch. You felt hot down there- how close you were to him made you leak. How the hot air of his breath sent shivers up your spine when he kissed your neck.. “Hotch-“ you breathed out, your hands gripping his shoulders.
You hated him, but boy did you love it when your bodies came together. How you could get off with his contact alone, how he took care of your body while he fucked you like there’s no tomorrow. A soft tug on your hair pulled you back to reality. Your eyes forcefully stared at the ceiling while his teeth bit into your shoulder. He kept the tight grip on your hair, biting and sucking on your skin while his other hand held your cock. He loved running his own against you..the whimper that trickled from your lips didn’t compare to how good it felt- how good Hotch made you feel. “Fuck..” he moans, hips thrusting while he fists your cocks.
“Stop teasing damnit.” you scoot a bit closer. Hotch let’s your hair go for you to lean back a bit, your arms still around his shoulders. “Teasing? Me?” he looks at you in the eyes. Your heart thumps.. “fuck me already.”
“Kid?” Morgan’s voice calls from nearby. Spencer fumbles with the keys in his hands as he scurried from the door, face red and flushed. “I’m coming!”
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writtenjewels · 2 months
"(Everything I Do) I Do it For You" by Bryan Adams
“Look, there's Salim!” Jason pointed, letting out a breath of relief. He reached for his radio. “Salim, come in man. You there?”
“I'm surrounded,” Salim whispered back. “Vampires... so many vampires.”
Jason felt his heart plummet into his stomach and grow cold. His brain went into a panic. He knew Salim could handle himself, but that was only against one vampire. Their explosions woke up who knew how many, and they were all pissed.
“Too risky,” Nick argued. “You go down there, you'll die with him.” That was true. If Jason went down there, he'd be putting his life on the line. Jason couldn't imagine a life where Salim was gone.
“Salim's one of us now,” he decided, “and marines don't leave their own behind. You hearin' me, Salim?”
“If I don't make it,” Salim replied, “tell my son I did everything I could.”
“Tell him yourself. I'm comin' to get you.”
Jason hopped down into the vault and charged forward. He would do whatever it took to get to Salim, to keep him safe.
– – –
Gunfire announced Jason's arrival. Salim's heart soared seeing the marine. He spared Jason a smile before turning and finishing off the vampire Jason had distracted.
“So you've come to join the fun?” he asked with a laugh. Jason flashed a smile back, switching out his rifle clip with a fresh one. He was so focused on that he didn't see the vampire rearing up behind him. “Jason!” Salim cried out. He reacted without thinking, hurling his stake like a javelin. Jason ducked out of the way, the stake making impact in the vampire's chest.
Salim rushed in and pulled the weapon out, smacking the vampire across the face to knock it to the ground. He stood over it and staked it again to make sure it was dead. Salim looked up to catch Jason's eye. The man was staring at him with his mouth hanging open.
“Did you seriously just throw that thing at me?” he demanded.
“I did,” Salim answered with a laugh. Jason grinned at him but quickly shook it off.
They ran to the exit side by side. Salim glanced Jason's way again. Some movement behind them caught his attention and he looked over his shoulder. Some ancient thing was watching them leave. It had a spear in its hand. Horror seized him a moment before the ancient one made his throw. Salim didn't even pay attention to where the creature was aiming. All he knew was that he had to protect Jason.
He grabbed the marine, pulling him out of the way. The two of them hit the ground and rolled. Salim heard a metallic thunk and stared where it landed. Right where Jason would have been standing. Salim's hands tightened around the marine for just a moment before the two were scrambling on their feet and running again.
– – –
They stood side by side, a knife in one hand and a flare in the other. This would be their last stand in the six minutes of darkness.
“It has been interesting knowing you,” Salim said.
“This? This is bullshit. I'm not here to honor the dead. Truth is, my life was goin' nowhere fast. I jumped at the chance to sign up.” … “When those towers were hit, I was stoned outta my fuckin' skull. I didn't even hear about it 'til a week later. How's that for profound?”
“Zain is all I have left in this world. After my wife left us, I gave him my all.” … “My boy has made me very proud. If only he would stop stealing.”
“If we both want to live, we must fight as one: the sword and the shield.”
“Whatever happens down there, I got your back.”
“Let's light these fuckers up!” Jason said. Their eyes met and they shared a quick smile. It was a dire moment, but they would both choose to stand here together than anywhere else alone.
– – –
Sunlight was glowing through the holes in the shepherd's hut. Screams from the dying vampires finally stopped. The five of them exchanged tired smiles. Finally it was over. Salim gave most of them a passing glance, lingering the longest on Jason. The marine met his stare. Salim wished he could express how much this man meant to him the past few hours. Especially that moment when Jason charged in to save him.
The rhythmic thumping of helicopter blades cut through the silence. Jason abruptly rose to his feet. He gave a little jerk with his head before walking into another room. Salim waited a few beats before following.
“I fuckin' forgot Eric called in air support before the mission,” Jason blurted out.
“It was a smart decision,” Salim reasoned.
“I thought so at the time, but now...” Jason's brow creased, his eyes tense with worry. “I'm sorry, Salim.”
“If you're apologizing for saving me, I don't know how to feel about it,” Salim said, trying for a light tone. Jason pressed his lips together in a stern line.
“I can try to distract 'em,” Jason offered. “Give you time to escape.”
“No. This time, I'll charge into danger for you, Jason.”
Jason opened his mouth, closing it again with a dazed expression. They stood there in silence, gazes locked, until Jason broke it. Salim followed after him where the other Americans were already gathering outside. Military men wearing gas masks exited the helicopter. They were guiding the survivors inside. Salim instantly held his hands up in a sign of surrender.
“Easy, fellas,” Jason warned before any of them could point their guns at Salim. “He's with me. I see any of you point your guns at him, your ass is mine.”
They saluted in answer. Jason stuck close to Salim's side just in case, sitting next to him inside the copter. He caught Salim's eye again and nodded to him. Salim gave him a little smile in return. If Jason could face vampires, Salim could face the US military.
He didn't even feel afraid. He knew the consequences of his choice, but he would make it all the same.
– – –
Jason squirmed restlessly in his chair. He was getting tired of going over the story. No matter how many times he said it, the situation wasn't going to get any less fucked.
“Fuck!” he burst out. “How many times do I have to keep tellin' you the same damn story?!”
“I understand,” the person in the hazmat suit responded. “However, CENTCOM needs to iron out any... irregularities.”
“Such as?” Jason fumed. “The whole fuckin' thing was irregular!”
“Such as why you allied with an enemy combatant?”
Jason knew they were going to bring that up eventually. Rage boiled just under the surface. Why didn't they just slap him with the label of “betrayer to your country” and get it over with? He was about ready to jump out of the chair and deck the guy, just to make it official.
“You weren't fuckin' there! Those things were rippin' us to shreds! I don't give a damn who it was, we needed all the help we could get!” He let out a frustrated breath, but he wasn't done yet. Not even close. He wanted these people to understand exactly where he stood. “I stepped back into that hell to save Salim,” Jason declared. “That man is worth five of you people! Semper-fuckin-'fi!”
Silence hung in the air after his rant. They would understand what he was saying. Always loyal to Salim. Not to you, not to the goddamn military. So go fuck yourself.
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cozzzynook · 3 months
Drift recently joined the Autobots, and people are standoffish and don't trust him because of his past. He's often times alone until Hot Rod comes around, and the two quickly become best friends. Then, one day, it becomes more, and the two are sleeping together. Drift thinks this is a friends-with-benefits situation because he secretly loves Ratchet and is also still adjusting as an Autobot and figuring himself out. Hot Rod, thinks they are together and has fallen for Drift.
Then Ratchet is stationed with them, and Drift starts trying to hook up with Ratchet, who thinks he's with Hot Rod. He tells him he's not. It's a friends-with-benefits situation, and the two start hooking up. Drift knows Hot Rod is in love with him. He'd realized one day when they were snuggling together in bed, and he said I love you. He thought about breaking it off, but the Atobots especially the wreckers have become more friendly and accepting because they are together.
He talks with Ratchet, who's okay with an open relationship, and he decides to continue seeing Hot Rod, who thinks they are together. He's worried if he tells Hot Rod the truth that he'll break things off and he'll lose the benefits he's gotten.
Then one day Drift and Ratchet are kissing in the medbay when Perceptor comes in and he's pissed because Hot Rod told him they were together. Drift plays it off as a misunderstanding and that they are actually in an open relationship.
This works for a while until one day Hot Rod is at the bar and someone is flirting with him. Before Hot Rod can reject him because he's in a relationship. Drift comes over and says they are together and gets all possessive.
Hot Rod is happy because he'd noticed Drift pulling away from him a little and was confused, wondering what he did wrong. Perceptor sees this and is pissed because if there in an open relationship like Drift claims then Hot Rod can see who he wants.
This is so painful 😭
Because personally I feel Drift’s character would never do this but he would get caught up in having feelings for two bots.
He enjoys Hot rod, loves his time with the mech and really enjoys the sex. He doesn’t mean for it to get so far because he only wanted it to be a friends with benefits thing but it does get so far when it feels so natural and easy.
He enjoys the ease that comes with being around Hot rod and how the fire mech can soothe the tension and now Drift is on better terms with not only the wreckers but many other bots as well.
So yeah he let it get to far and Hot Rod thinks it’s something more but he doesn’t think they’re dating since it was never said but he hopes for it. Hopes Drift likes him as more than just a friend the same way he does but then after accidentally letting it slip after fragging that he loves Drift and the mech says nothing, he feels his spark coming apart.
Its not long after that Drift puts some distance between them because he likes Hot rod but he loves Ratchet.
Hot rod isn’t an idiot, he sees the way Drift looks at Ratchet. He understands, he does. He just hoped Drift would come to like him the same as he does Ratchet.
His carrier Perceptor keeps a close optic on him and sees this. Of course Hot rod tells his carrier he knows what he’s doing and that he’s fine. Its a lie they both don’t believe but Perceptor wants to respect what his bitty wants even if he disagrees strongly.
But he stays back and watches as Ratchet has more free time now that First aid is here and how Drift immediately focuses on the medic and the medic non the wiser to Drift dragging Hot rod, focuses on Drift too.
Hot rod is hurt by this.
Really hurt.
He basically was an easy in and place holder for the one Drift really wanted.
And its not Drifts fault since he never purposely aimed to hurt Hot rod and Hot rod should’ve never allowed himself to fall for the mech when he knew from the beginning his feelings were one sided. But he couldn’t help himself.
He is upset about being completely dropped by Drift and their time coming to a complete zero.
He keeps to himself for a while since he doesn’t want to interact with anyone and just wants to be alone for a while. Drown his sorrows on his off time at Swerves and try picking up the pieces when a semi cute mech comes up asking for a dance.
He politely declines and notices Drift is there with Ratchet and the two are sitting having a drink getting flirty with the other.
He sighs to himself downing a particularly strong shot when a mech named Roller comes up to him asking if he’d like company.
At first Hot rod says no and tries to politely decline but the mech is suave and gets Hot rod laughing at a joke he can’t remember being funny and soon he’s drinking a calmer that helps clear his processor.
The mech is gazing down in his optics smiling at him making Hot rod feel things he felt were inappropriate for a public setting.
So maybe he decides one more bad decision won’t be so bad and he asks the mech back to his hab, if he doesn’t have a mech or femme friend of course and Roller agrees. Flustered and nervous but trying his best to be smooth which Hot rod finds amusing.
He lets the large mech put an arm around his waist and with Roller’s help he’s making his way past Drift and Ratchet who were watching the entire interaction unbeknownst to Hot rod and Roller.
That night Hot rod feels something in him break and it was thankfully a piece of his hip plating and not his spark.
The mech had such a large spike and Hot rod was more than eager to break himself open on the mech to forget his spark break and enjoy the comfort the other provided.
By morning after exchanging numbers for more future frags, Hot rod hears his hab door jam half way open and closed before its shutting and he sighs happily into the pillow. Roller was incredible with his servos massaging the soreness from him but he needed his self repair to fix his hip plating and his valve was still too puffed out to go back into his panels.
“What the frag Hot rod?”
Hot rod is startled to see Drift in his hab looking angry and he’s shocked when he feels the jealousy coming off him.
“Drift? What are you doing here?”
“Me? What are you doing getting your processor fragged out by Roller?!”
“Excuse me?”
“You heard me! Why would you sleep with him?”
“I can frag whoever I want, whenever I want, Drift,” the annoyance in Hot rod’s voice was out of place and not a common thing from the speedster. It left Drift stunned.
“Don’t forget, lover bot. You love Ratchet and only Ratchet.”
The glare Hot rod gave him was fully of hurt and ache.
“You wanted me so the others could accept you easier, okay, fine. I have no problem with that. You wanted to frag me as friends with benefits fine. I chose to do that. But you left me to zero the moment you could to spend all your time with the doc. I get it. You love him, I know that. But you didn’t have to just drop me completely like I wasn’t even a friend to you.”
“Sorry? Yeah right. Just go back to the doc Drift.”
“Roddy, please. I didn’t mean to hurt you. I just..”
“Got caught up in the one who really matters?”
The bitter laugh that followed made Drift’s guilt come tenfold.
“Don’t get jealous and possessive when I don’t really matter to you. Its not fair to me and its not fair to Ratchet either. He really likes you back and..he deserves to be happy.”
“Lock my door on the way out would ya?”
Hot rod struggled to turn his back to Drift as he settled into his berth, only raising his head when nothing happened.
He rolled his optics and opened his hab door with the switch panel connected to his berth.
A moment later he was alone and his hab was locked shut.
He let the tears fall but refused to make a noise.
He did this to himself so he could fix himself.
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m4ttsturn · 9 months
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my brother's best friend (part 2)
Pt 1 Pt 3 Pt 4
pairing: Matt Sturniolo x y/n
summary: you find yourself falling for your brother's best friend
warnings: swearing, mentions of losing virginity
a/n: the first part is just the first day you met Matt, so you really don't have to read it. hope you enjoy (not proofread)
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"hey," Nate knocks on my door, "we're all going to the beach, you wanna come?" "sure, who all is going?" I ask him "it's Me, Nick, Matt, Chris, and you can invite a couple of your friends if you want" he responds. "ok, just give me like 25 minutes and we can head out" he nods and leaves the room.
I get up and call my friend Quinn, telling her to meet me at the beach. After I get off the phone I put on my bikini and a set of clothes over it. In a bag I pack a towel, sunscreen, my hairbrush, sunglasses, and a claw clip. I slip on a pair of tennis shoes and leave my bedroom.
"Nate I'm ready to go" he gets up from the couch and grabs his keys off the table. "alright, let's go". I hop into the passenger seat of his car, plugging my phone into the aux. we chat lightly, music filling whatever silence there may be as we make our way to the beach.
Once we arrive the triplets are already there, walking up to Nate's car. "dude what took you so long?" Matt questions. "sorry man I had to wait on y/n to get ready", they all turn to me and I just shrug. they all make their way down to the beach, caught up in their own conversation. Nick turns around once he realizes that I'm not following. "Yo y/n, you comin'?" "I'll meet you guys down there, I'm waiting on Quinn" he nods, giving me a small wave goodbye before turning back around and catching up to the others.
it takes about 5 minutes for Quinn to get here, she walks over to me and we start making our way to the beach. once we get there we lay our towels down on the sand next to where the boys set their stuff, and take off our cover clothing. my eyes find Matt, watching as he takes off his shirt, the sun perfectly illuminating his skin. my heart flutters.
"y/n, are you even listening to me" Quinn asks. I turn my head to hers, snapping out of the moment. "uh- what, sorry" "I was saying that its crazy you're 18 and still haven't lost your virginity" my face flushes at her comment "I know, I know, I just haven't been interested in anyone really" "the only reason you're not interested in anybody is because you've had a crush on Matt since like 7th grade" she practically screams. "Quinn!" I push her gently "keep your voice down" I look at her, and then look to Matt, only to find him already staring at me.
"fuck, I think he heard you" I speak, "no way he did, he's literally 20ft away from us" she sighs "look all I'm saying is if your so hung up on him, just ask him to take it. He's been with girls before, so you know he has experience, and he's hot". I whip my head towards her as she's speaking. I think for a moment then I shake my head, "Quinn, you know I can't do that, he's one of Nate's best friends" I say defeated.
our conversation changes, bouncing from topic to topic as the hours pass by. we continue to lay on our towels, the warm sun tanning our skin. the feeling calms me, lulling me to sleep. When I'm woken up, Matt's running towards the water with me in his arms. "Matt what the fuck, put me down" I scream at him. "if you say so" he smiles before dropping me into the water. "this is so uncool" I try to be mad at him but I just end up laughing, he laughs with me.
not long after, something grazes my leg "something just touched me!" I jump onto Matt, attempting to get away from it. "chill out y/n, it's just seaweed" he laughs. once I realize that I'm not in any danger, I take in my sudden closeness to Matt. my legs are around his waist, and my arms are wrapped tightly over his shoulders. I blush at the feeling of our bodies pressed together, I look into Matt's eyes, glancing down at his lips quickly before looking back up.
Matt also seems to notice how close we are and he stops laughing. he looks down at me, licking his lips, before looking over my shoulder. Nate is standing a few feet away from us with his back turned. he sets me down gently before turning away and running his hand down his face.
"sorry, I probably shouldn't have jumped on you like that, I was just scared" I attempt to apologize, wanting to get rid of the tension that's now formed between us. "it's alright, wouldn't want anything happening to Nate's little sister." he gives me a half-smile.
his words hit me like a slap to the face, reminding me that I shouldn't have feelings towards one of Nate's best friends. "uh, I'm gonna go grab some snacks, you want any?" I ask, trying to rid myself of the pit that's begun to form in my stomach. Matt shakes his head. I nod, turning to get out of the water. once I make it to the sand, I glance back at Matt, only to see him watching me. he seems to snap out of it, shaking his head to himself as he walks over to Nate and his brothers.
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a/n: I'm not sure how I feel about this part tbh
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