#its been a while since ive made a gifset
lacomandante · 9 months
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Sharpe’s Rifles (1993)
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tennisarchives · 5 months
hiii, 1, 4, 5, 14 & 35 for the gif questions/ask game or whatever (yes i am greedy)!
Love your gifs, thank you for your service 🫡
1. What are your top 3 favorite sets you’ve made
1.) naomi arriving in australia. the colors are amazing and naomi looks so pretty and the footage quality was nice and crisp!! i love love lovee looking at this one <3 plus her top is fire and i really wanna buy it from her collection
2.) jannik with the dog in toronto. first of all this dog is adorable like cmon what a good boy. second of all i love how soft the blues and greens of this one looks like it just fits my personal color preferences. but also the og vid of this was so incredibly faded that im proud of the gifset bc i was still able to make the colors pop despite that!
3.) the 2023 wimbledon final lyric edit. this is the only gifset ive made for tennisblr that involves actual creative editing (bc its soooo much harder for me personally haha) and while its not perfect im still really proud of it! plus long live is one of my fave songs and yeah it just has my heart
4. A set that flopped but deserved better
flop is a bit of a misnomer bc i def had bigger flops numbers-wise but this gif of jannik's side profile in turin never got the notes that jannik gifs usually get. but its very dear to me because of the colors! and the light reflecting on his eye! and the shadows contrasting with the outline of his figure and his hair! like ugh prettyy
5. What is your favorite movie/TV show to gif
well i suppose i'll just answer this in terms of like, what form of tennis content i like to gif? cause i don't really gif movies or shows haha. but essentially my favorite content are videos outside the court where they follow players around an area or smth. like the turin media day (not the one with game, i mean the one that shows them walking around the halls and stuff). these things usually have great quality and cinematography, which makes for really pretty gifs!!!!
14. How long does it usually take you to make a set
it depends on how many individual gifs i have in it. generally i take 15-20 minutes per single gif. the first one in a set could take longer tho, bc that’s where i test out coloring. then, since my gifsets are usually from one continuous (or sorta continuous) film/video, i just copy those settings into the succeeding gifs and make minor adjustments if necessary
35. Do you change your giffing style a lot or do you have a set routine
i have a routine! and i actually talked about it in depth for an anon one time. ive been doing it that way since i first started giffing back in i believe december of 2021 (for my footy blog lmao) based on some random tutorials i found at the time. and it’s now the most comfortable way for me so i hardly ever change anything! if ever anything different happens, it’s gonna be in the specific methods i use for coloring. but the general style is the same
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backslashdelta · 2 years
omg this is gonna sound really stupid but i'm new here so what is sal? ive seen a bunch of people mention it and you put it in some recent tags which is why im asking you loll. i keep thinking its a shorthand for like an episode name but i can't work it out. im begging 🙏🏾
ANON OMG please this is the funniest ask I have ever seen I am DYING here
But also totally fair that you are confused if you're new, I wouldn't expect you to know!
Sal is a lovely person who used to be on Glee Tumblr! She went by coffeeorderwrites and she wrote and made amazing gifsets and was just a really wonderful presence in our little corner of fandom. She deactivated last April (posts about it here and here). So she hasn't been around for a while, but her gifsets still pop up fairly often, and lots of us still remember her fondly and will talk about her in our tags when we reblog her gifsets.
I'm going to tag @jazziergin since I know you still talk to Sal, in case she wants to see that's she's so beloved to us that even people who arrived after she left have heard about her! And also if she wants a little giggle at "what is sal?" lolol
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demadogs · 2 years
I know, i know 😭 (30% anon here). It's not that i think the idea is absurd at all, like you listed so many good things!! I'm just trying to actively lower my own expectations because i'm the type who gets really invested and then consequently really disappointed (though i guess since this is tumblr most of us are that type lmao). I'm just used to shows not following through with subtext, and i'm not only talking about gay subtext, but all different kinds of plots. I hear you though, trust me!
Since i'm already in your inbox, i have a question: have you been around for a while? What's the history of the byler ship? Was it always popular? Did people always think there might be a serious chance or was it more of a crackship? Were there any popular theories that came true or that were completely false? Since i'm super new to the show myself i'm curious!
yeah i totally get it. my brain is just not wired to be able to have lower expectations for something that his this much evidence for. im either 100% confident in something in a show or i have absolutely no idea whats gonna happen lmao.
i only started being active in this fandom a few months ago but ive shipped byler and followed lots of byler blogs for years. people started shipping byler after s2 came out. i didnt see anything about it during s1 because they literally had two scenes together and there was almost nothing really to work with. but when i watched s2 when it first came out i distinctly remember thinking “….is anybody else seeing this?? am i crazy orrr?” and then i went on here and found a small fandom of people who shipped them too so i was like “ok cool nice”. at this point it was mostly gifsets of their scenes together and maybe some edits and we hadnt established whether we were gonna spell it byeler or byler yet lmao. then i found @kaypeace21 and she was the first person i saw ever actually analyze it and really start to believe that everything might be intentional.
before i followed her, i never even considered that they might actually go through with byler. i think that was the case for most people during s2. i shipped it in the same way i currently ship ronance and steveddie. i thought they were cute and had good chemistry but i never believed it would go anywhere because of mlvn and also just the doubt that an insanely popular 80s scifi show would put their main characters in a gay relationship. i still loved reading kaypeace’s analyses but i wasnt convinced yet. then s3 came out and that changed everything for me and a lot of other people.
i watched s3 the day it came out hoping for some crumbs of byler but again, not at all expecting anything evident of them actually going through with it. it was kinda just in the back of my mind bc i love this show mostly for the supernatural plot. but during their fight scene when mike said “its not my fault you dont like girls” i was shocked. that convinced me that at least will would have a crush on mike but i still wasnt sure about mike until that painfully awkward kiss on the last episode. it wasnt until a few months later i rewatched that season and went back to kaypeace and found SO many things that i missed!! mike not letting el touch him when they kissed, the drastic tone and aesthetic difference between the break up and the byler fight, the frame of mike perfectly in a closet when they kissed!! i was completely sold then and so were a lot of people. i also think it was around this time that finn liked some byler art that had the quote “im not gonna fall in love” on it so that made a lot of people like 👀.
then everything the cast and duffers have said leading up to volume one only increased my confidence. i went into volume one completely expecting more obvious queer coding and i was right to. i was already overly confident but the biggest thing from volume one that made me more confident wasnt even a byler scene, it was mike and el’s fight. im glad they had her explicitly call him out for not saying he loves her. they kinda had to spell it out for the general audience. that was a really good scene and the fact that they played eulogy over it!!!?? insane. i lost my mind when i watched that episode a second time and realized that. that is 10000% intentional and the only explanation could be that that fight was the death of their relationship.
anywho yeah ive shipped them almost since the beginning and its been so fun slowly realizing that theyre actually going to do this and watching it build up and seeing the general audience start to catch on. it added a whole other layer to a show that already would have been my favorite either way just because of the plot alone.
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akampana · 3 years
im the anon who asked for obscure artoria ships - tysm for answering! i knew you liked kojiro/artoria from early tpof, but ozymandias/artoria was unexpected! ozytoria sounds interesting from the way you describe it - ive always sort of seen it as an almost-giltoria dynamic minus the hostility and antagonism. i think that modern au idea sounds incredibly sweet 😭 honestly i like the idea of them but there is virtually no fancontent OR canon content of them (besides that one lartoria comment in ozy's interlude?) so its a half-built ship for me as of now. and yes, please talk about kojiro/artoria for the ship game! i'd love to see more of your thoughts on them. on nobu/artoria - YES nobu is incredibly beautiful its crazyyy. i got into shipping them because of mastoria/nobu in koha-ace, interactions in fgo and a user's thoughts on them here on tumblr (you can find them if you search up nobutoria).
Hi, @glowingarchive! good to see you in the inbox. :)
Oh, no way, really? Thought I was being subtle with Kojirou apparently not XD. And your thoughts on Ozy and Arturia, I totally agree. If you want, I made art for them a while ago, but didn't end up posting it.
*cracks knuckles* Alright, let's go.
Kojirou Sasaki X Arturia Pendragon - SHIP IT
What made you ship it?
This is gonna sound strange, but do hear me out.
My love for this ship evolved from the first time it caught my attention, but to be completely honest it all started with another ship: Diarturia.
After re-watching and re-reading FZ, FSN, and UBW, something kept coming up for me. We all know FZ is an incredible prequel sequel, created with stunning precision to fit the already existing narrative, which is why, even when consuming the series as a whole based on the timeline of events, Arturia's character still makes sense.
Their expert craftmanship made the fact that the 5th HGW is Saber's second attempt a lot clearer. Why? because it brings to the table a theme that was already there and yet not too fleshed out:
Deja vu. Or, in Saber's case, a double deja vu.
For example, this line:
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Before Zero, it only means 'oh cool so she's fought spearmen before.' but after Zero, you finally know exactly who she's talking about.
But why do I say it's a double deja vu for her?
Let's begin with the obvious one. The parallels between Cú and Diarmuid are pretty clear. Like you just know Zero Lancer's character was patterned after the existing Lancer, but given another purpose. There are gifsets all over Tumblr that illustrate their similarity too.
BUT Cú and Arturia (ooh it kills me to say this) only just fall short of the borderline flirtatious "I wanna have a glorious fight to the death with you because you're worthy" energy. Furthermore, they meet only briefly.
So where did they get that?
Kojirou bloody Sasaki
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More below the cut.
It's parallel time. (there are a few more but hnggg tumblr limits)
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No, but seriously. I don't think this is a coincidence. Diarmuid must have been some sort of amalgamation of Kojirou and Cú, the best of both. And that is also why the previous deja vu point hits harder.
Honestly, when that realization came, I was totally not expecting it. I was supposed to be looking for Diarturia crumbs and instead I found myself another whole-ass cookie. And one that unjustly has barely anything in the fandom, even if we have more straightforward lines like this:
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Which is, by the way, one of the answers to the next question.
What are your favorite things about the ship?
So, now that you know how I got into shipping this, unorthodox as it seems, I think it's time to move past the parallels and into more solid ground.
Unlike other relationships that are more ambiguous and rely on potential, Kojirou's attraction to her is so in your face, it's refreshing.
Their banter is *chef's kiss*
It's only overshadowed because he so quickly became a gag servant, and ofc because the focus of the anime was Shirou. (Why did they do him like that though, he's actually so cool??? I mean, did Saber truly even beat him?? like???)
Saber comments on his skill with the sword, going so far as to say he outclasses him in swordsmanship. bruh, you can't take that lightly
They both see each other as worthy opponents. She literally tells him he's worthy of her full attention.
Kojirou sees her as the fulfillment of his wish, and Saber bloody actually gets to grant him the fight of his 'life' (FSN and UBW, not HF ;n;) when she couldn't do the same for a certain former rival. She even promises their fight's resolution because it is so important to her to see it through (UBW).
Kojirou really wants that fight, and fairly, without interruption. Which is why in FSN he goes as far as to stop the fight before Rider can spy on Saber's sword. And then later on, literally tells Shirou and Rin he doesn't give a shit about them, he just wants to fight Saber.
When he calls her out on holding back, especially since they're both running out of time, she apologizes and reveals Excalibur so they can fully face each other at full strength. UGH THE CHEMISTRY HGNGNGNGNGN. Also, since he knows this is their last fight, he's giving off "look at me, focus on me, don't think about anything else" vibes.
Also, man, Kojirou Sasaki really be out here serving up blatant eye smex every time they share the screen I swear to god.
Like let me give you a line from UBW 23, 19:08, right after Assassin notices she's damaged his katana
Arturia: Our positions...Assassin...are you... (that's what the subs say but Saber says "kisama" so I read it as "you bastard")
Kojirou, smirking: Is it wise to pull your blows? In this position, I could send you flying.
*Kojirou steps forward pressuring their locked swords and causing her to shuffle back a bit*
Arturia: Is that why you deliberately entered my range?
Look, Sasaki, we all see what you're doing, ya ain't slick.
Taken out of context and heck even *in* context that's sexual tension right there.
You better bet if he had the chance he'd be sticking that long-ass sword in-
Is there an unpopular opinion you have about your ship?
It's...baffling how unknown this ship is like...look at all that material. I mean of course it's going to be trounced in popularity by Shirou x Saber, GilArt, and Diarturia , but it should at least have accumulated enough of a following like Cuturia, for example.
Thank you for the ask! Hope you enjoyed the read as much as I enjoyed constructing this. :) feel free to share to gain more fans mwahahahahah join the dark side we have cookiessss
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iridescentides · 3 years
i watched the ep twice bc i didnt take notes the first time BUT. hsmtmts 2.04 thoughts under the cut
gina first. my favorite part of the episode was when she admitted that she feels out of place living in someone else’s house and that she wanted a bigger part in the play. i was SO worried they were gonna just let her happily sideline herself in a “yay she learned her lesson about not being the center of attention” kind of way bc i would not be able to handle that two seasons in a row. let her be angry!!! she has a lot to be upset about
the gina/carlos conflict was awful bc theyre making carlos unreasonably annoying this season. last season he was nice, he was enthusiastic, not competitive and just rooting for other people. idk why they needed to flip him so drastically to being spoiled, rich, selfish, pushy, and bitchy. and on top of that i have not been vibing with the pieces of dialogue theyve been giving him this season just to score woke points. its so unbearably obvious that even though hes a brown gay character, he was written by a white gay person who thought, on some level, that he was giving the gen z kids the #hashtag representation they wanted. his delivery of every line that screams “remember, im mexican” is so awkward, it doesnt land well, and im begging them to stop. they want so badly to commodify his character and parade him around as a “look how diverse our show is!” thing and im so so sick of it bc you can tell, with all the surface-level pieces of dialogue, that they dont actually care at all
(”look around, theres not a lot of me at this school” we GET it, this show wants to be glee so bad)
im honestly starting to slowly ship rina less and less. in season one i loved seeing someone make gina happy, especially since she had no friends before opening up to ricky. but now its just a whole mess and i wish she would love herself a lil more to realize that its not worth all this stress. he made a choice and no amount of conflicted moments of eye contact is going to fully take that back. im not necessarily against love triangle plots, but i HATE the whole “women wait around hopefully while male character, whose decisions have already hurt multiple people, makes up his mind” bullshit
that being said, gina handled the situation like a CHAMP, im dying over how quickly she was able to mask her pain and make the joke about the twix bar. im love her
we were absolutely ROBBED of an ej/big red performance this episode!!! i am at my LIMIT we better get gaston next week or i will riot
on the ej train, him not getting into duke was extremely predictable. we all kinda saw that coming and knew that would be his main point of growth this season. im glad they didnt wait super long to do it. now please @ writers i am BEGGING you to give my man more screen time than one scene per episode
its very odd that they keep making mr mazzara have emotionally tough conversations with the students. i will do a parallel gifset of those once the season ends. i liked his convo with ej for the most part, but he really didnt have to beat him over the head with the “youre an emotionless robot” thing again. its clear ej is gonna throw himself into av club or whatever (even though at the end of last season that was supposed to be big red?) and discover that he has a lot going for him. because he does, he literally has everything going for him, thats why they had to make his “problem” not knowing himself. bisexual ej caswell ftw
i love the parallels between ej and nini this episode? i think since the beginning ive felt that there was a lot about them under the surface that was similar. it was interesting seeing ej tell nini about duke first, instead of the obvious choice of ashlyn. i wouldve loved to see how that scene wouldve gone with ricky, gina, carlos, or big red though bc each reaction and attempt at comforting him wouldve been so different. i didnt love that nini had to be pulled away from the conversation, but im glad they can still talk to each other after everything that went down. and i love the juxtaposition of ej’s convo with mazzara directly following nini’s convo with miss jenn bc theyre essentially the same.
speaking of, i loved miss jenn in this episode. her stories are always so funny, but i loved seeing her care so much for nini and guide her, like a teacher. i loved how she pointed out that everyone who loves nini just wants her to be happy
im glad nini is leaving yac bc there was no good way to keep that up honestly. but im pretty annoyed that they were so obvious about it? like, they immediately made it the worst place in the world without exploring it very much. the place is super unrealistic, ive never been to drama school but im sure it wouldnt be like that. no creative arts place for KIDS would be so impossibly limiting. plus the weird bluish coloring in comparison to the nice warm tones of the rest of the show was, again, a dead giveaway. why send her to the school at all if it wasnt even gonna matter?
even though im glad nini left yac, im NOT looking forward to the way miss jenn is about to bend over backwards to put her in the play somehow. she plays obvious favorites and im so annoyed
(sidenote: nini just? decided to leave yac without consulting her parents??? ummm)
granted is a very good song, one of my faves so far
ricky deciding to tell nini he wants her to stay was stupid. what did he think that would accomplish? who in their right mind would drop out of a good school for you?
i loved when nini said yac was missing something, and miss jenn said “ricky” and nini said “you.” that was so so sweet and cute
i think the kourtney/howie thing is gonna grow on me. i hate amatonormativity so im not a big fan of them introducing a whole ass character exclusively so kourtney can have a love interest, but i loved the gesture he made of bringing her the pizzas and her flashcards. i feel like kourtneys love language is acts of service, and she was literally this meme when he did that for her:
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i liked seeing ashlyn try to be there emotionally for gina! i want more of them together
overall this episode was okay. not enough songs, and i wish they were spreading out the emotional conversations through the season instead of packing them all into literally one episode, but what we did get was pretty good.
after watching the preview i see that next weeks episode is gonna be about carlos’s party, and i love party episodes. BUT i hope that after that ep we finally get an advancement on the north high stuff! i dont give too many fucks about lily, but i wanna see my son asher angel
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hvggybear · 4 years
looking back on the now 12 seasons of destiel its actually so insane that i was here for the 2012 era and not just like casually i was Here making shitty edits, browsing the tag on my ipod touch before school, making fic rec lists on livejournal and stupid little album art for my playlists. and thats so wild because i checked out of the fandom when s8 was airing bc i was frustrated with the writers not making them canon when they all Knew that was what the fans were here for and i sat thru lines like “he was your boyfriend first” and went insane at literal crumbs and STILL thought “these two are literally in love Hello.” fast forward 1pm november 6 2020 AEDT: episode 15.18 had just finished airing but i had no idea until i refreshed my twitter timeline and the one (1) random person i followed who still watched supernatural was screaming DESTIEL CANON and i just burst out LAUGHING and shared the confession scene immediately with my two bestfriends (that i met on twitter in 2011 and later all three of us went through destiel2012). two minutes later one of them changed the groupchat name to destielcrew and the pfp to some oldschool fanart and we laughed and shared every single meme for about two days all the while in the back of my head something was stirring. like i laughed at the last minute play for LGBT points but at the same time holy shit these motherfuckers really did it they really made this absolute fandom beast of a ship canon. and i get curious i open tumblr dot com and look at my old blog. i dont remember what gifset set it off but the same yearning i felt all those years ago smacked me in the face and ive been riding the train ever since being dealt incomprehensible amounts of damage by new things i’d missed like the widower arc and THEE biblical cain. and the stupidest part of it all is that like before november 5 had you asked me if there was anything about any piece of media that i’d ever consumed, you know what’s the one thing you always wanted, the one thing that’s fucked u up the most, made u feel the most, despite the bitterness and secondhand embarrassment i had felt towards supernatural over the last 7 years i still would have said fucking destiel
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thelastofcorina · 3 years
Got tagged in this ask game by @sapphic-zoe
(like a week ago omg sorry this is late but thank you so much for tagging me <3)
~Why did you choose your url?~
Corina is my screen name. I wanted to make a TLOU dedicated blog so it just made sense.
~Any side blogs? if you have them: name them and why you have them~
Not currently. This is actually a fresh account that I made bc I wanted a TLOU main blog. I had many on my old account. but I haven’t used them in ages
~How long have you been on tumblr?~
oof a very long time. Probably like since 2014/15 i cant really remember. I left for a while but recently made this blog bc i missed having an active account. I've already interacted with so many lovely people.
~Do you have a queue tag?~
I don't but I probably should.
~Why did you start your blog in the first place?~
I wanted community. I love that aspect about tumblr. I haven't actively been a participating member of a fandom in so long I really missed it. Plus I think there are a higher number of Abby appreciators on this website over anywhere else on the internet. I really thought the general consensus was that she was hated. Boy was I wrong, at least when it comes to this website. Its all about finding your people ;)
~Why did you choose your icon?~
I love Abby.
~Why did you choose your header?~
I love a smiling Abby.
~How many mutuals do you have?~
I honestly don't know omgg at least like 10, probably. All the peeps who like and comment on my stoopid little posts simping over abby. I see you and I love you.
~How many followers do you have?~ 113 :D (Ive had this blog less than a month and it feels like thats a lot. Like what are ya'll doing here. I love you. Thank you for putting up with my Abby obsession) ~How many people do you follow?~
only 59 :( I need to follow more people, I'm working on it.
~Have you ever made a shit post?~
Yes of course. Sometimes I just post the first Abby related thing that pops into my brain.
~How often do you use tumblr each day?~
Too much, and yet somehow not enough.
~Did you have a fight/argument with another blog once?who won?~
Ages and I mean AGES ago on my old blog. It was a themed blog for Death Note the anime. It was around the time Yuri on Ice was coming out (so like late 2016) and I was really excited about it and was reblogging some gifsets. I didn't tag spoilers which was absolutely my bad. Someone got upset that I had spoiled that weeks episode for them in an Ask, which I apologized for, but they went on to say that I shouldn't have been posting ANY YOI content at all bc I was a Death Note blog and that I was "deceiving my followers" and wasn't delivering on what they followed me for. I kindly told them that it was MY blog and that I was sorry but if I wasn't a good enough DN blog for them then they should unfollow me. They said they would but they sent all these asks anonymously so I never really knew who it was.
~How do you feel about “you need to reblog this” posts?~
If I'm being quite honest they really spike my anxiety sometimes and I always feel guilty scrolling past.
~Do you like tag games?~
I haven't really done a lot of them in the past but I do like them! When this was going around my mutuals last week I really enjoyed reading them too :)
~Do you like ask games?~
I do! but I'm always too nervous to send one in lol
~Which of your mutuals do you think is tumblr famous?
I won't tag them here bc we're very recently mutuals but I think a couple of my mutuals actually are (at least in the tlou fandom) and I'm very honored that they would follow me back at all
~Do you have a crush on a mutual?~ Not currently but i absolutely ADORE all of my mutuals.
(If u haven't done this one yet, and only if u want to <3) tagging@sapphic-cupid @yungtano @alex-lest-writes
AND anyone of my followers/mutuals that hasn't done this yet! I love reading them so pls tag me :)
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airenyah · 4 years
gsdllkfdslk your message amuses me greatly ahahhaha
well, this is going to be long, so buckle up…..
(putting this under a read more as to not spam anyone’s dash)
ooook so first of all let me start by saying my mom and i share a great interest in stories. another important fact is that my mom went to drama school in her late 20s and while being an actress wasn’t her career path she still has an interest in acting and when she watches stuff she always takes note of how the cast approaches their roles and their acting, often telling me about the things she notices and how the actors do well. she also has a passion for music, singing, and dancing.
now for how i got my mom to watch why r u… actually i didn’t, she was the one who came up to me and asked to watch it lmaooo
and how that happened, this story actually goes back to 2018 when i was rewatching the first season of this japanese show (good morning call) bc a 2nd season had come out. and one late afternoon/evening i was watching the show “on the big screen” aka via our projector in the living room. and my mom came home and saw a glimpse of the show was like “what are you watching” and i was like “wanna join” and since she didn’t have anything to do that evening i restarted the first season that evening, but with her this time. (funfact: we ended up binging the 2nd season in one single sitting that lasted till like 5 or 6 in the morning 😂) and while watching this show my mom noticed that the japanese had a different approach to acting and telling stories through film than what she was used to/grew up with here in the western world.
so not long after that there was a chinese show in her netflix recs and after the japanese show having sparked her interedt in asian media she started watching it out of curiosity and now chinese drama is pretty much all she’s been watching ever since 😂😂
fast forward to quarantine in 2020 and i get super into why r u after seeing a gifset on tumblr (it’s my first and only bl i’ve ever watched. the only other thai thing i’d seen before why r u is that one lesbian movie “yes or no” which i absolutely adore). anyway, my mom and i often talk about the things we’re into (i’ll mention my current obsessions to her and she’ll in turn tell me about the things that she’s into) and ofc i mentioned really having gotten into this thai show (i had also started to learn to read thai so my family really couldn’t miss my obsession lmao)
and my mom got curious about how thai media might differ from chinese media and so at some point she was like “hey let’s watch your thai show together”. and so we did (it was the week right after ep 12 had aired) 
also she made me watch a chinese drama with her in turn lmaoooo
and well, the other day she was on viki and they had added love by chance. she recognized saint on the thumbnail and so she started watching it and bc of that she’s now rewatching why r u. without me. (can you believe this woman)
and since in the tags i also mentioned getting my mom into kpop without having an interest in kpop myself i’ll tell the story too for anyone who’s curious: 
in 2017 i spent some months in italy taking italian classes and one of my closest friends from my course was this guy from south korea who is an absolute cinnamon roll of a person (and the only person from my time abroad i'm still in touch with 3 years later) and yeah, through him i got an interest for the korean culture and we had this ongoing joke that i needed to learn korean. and so a year later i was like “hey, why not learn korean for real” and started playing around on an app. 
and to get a feeling for the korean language and its sounds i ended up watching a korean variety show for some time. and there was this one kpop guy who had a really adorable personality and when i had watched the last ep with him on the show i decided to look him up bc the eps i was watching had been filmed a few years before that and i wanted to know what his personality was like outside of the show and in present time.
and that guy being a kpop idol ofc i stumbled across some music videos and i watched one and i heard the song and i was like “i NEED to show this to my mom. that sounds exactly like a song she’d like”. so i went to her, showed her the song/mv and well, now she’s a kpop stan while i still don’t have much of an interest in it lmao (not to bash on kpop tho, i don't listen to music a lot anyway, and that goes for western pop just as well)
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blairwarner · 5 years
Blair x Jo is the best but are there any other pairings you really like? Or ones you wish had more fics written about?(For me it's Miko x Jo and it pisses me off that she's always made to be the bad guy)
idk where you’re getting miko as the bad guy - in the fics i’ve read with her in it, she’s been used as an obstacle to jo x blair getting together but like not as a villian?? like she might start off as like misunderstood but then is redeemed?? idk its been forever since ive read any tfol fanfic
jo and blair are always ym number one but there are deifnitely ships that i think are interesting and like to explore i mean 
jo and miko for one like i made a gifset with them a while ago so adsjfhalhj
i also like jo and boots
blair and cliff hold a soft spot for me
askjdlh im watching the drag race s10 finale and they just cut to clea duvall so i got distracted??? im sure  there are other ships but i am v tipsy and am now just thinking about clea duvall so im sorry i cant rmemeber the others
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hermannsthumb · 6 years
Just curious, how did you find yourself getting hauled aboard the S.S. Newmann? And how do you find yourself still head over heels with the ship months after the movie's been released? Because my friends ask me the same thing and I don't know what to say, like why am I so obsessed with these characters? I just can't get over them yet myself
WOOO it’s a long story kind of…so i loved the movie when it first came out back when i was like 15/16 but i didn’t really participate in fandom aside from, like, reblogging gifsets and reading some newt/herm fic every now and then. and then it kind of died down to a vague appreciation for the movie for a while UNTIL i binge-watched iasip in like early 2017 and i got to the episode that burn cameos in and i was like OH FUCK ITS HERMANN. so. i had a snow day at school so i used it to rewatch the movie and then spent the long months following reading almost every single newt/hermann fic posted since 2014, and then the trailer for the sequel came out and i was just….so overwhelmed bc THEM
as for why i love them. i think they’re just very cute you know? newt is one of my very favorite characters i’ve ever encountered in media and he and hermann are just such weirdos, and i looooove their dynamic. and there’s also the element of them starting out as penpals which, like, as a young adult who had a lot of online friends, i really dig. and as for why im still as hardcore aboard as i was months ago i think its just because i love them so much LMAO. i also just really love writing for them? ive hardly ever posted fic before my newmann stuff and certainly never THIS MUCH in such a short span of time. they’re just so Kooky and fun to write for, and it’s nice having the inspiration for writing, and i feel like every scenario i can throw them into from romantic comedy to married life works and is fun to spin for them. (charlie’s “he misses the man that he’s in love with” definitely also made sure id be here for a while! THE VALIDATION)
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00250 · 6 years
gif tutorial
hello all!! ive been meaning to do an updated gif tutorial for a while now since i’ve changed the way i make gifs since my last tutorial so here we go! today we are gonna learn how to make a simple gif like this beautiful lady right here:
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you will need:
photoshop (i use CC 2017 but other versions will work fine)
VLC media player (free download here)
a video that has the scenes you want to gif
a basic understanding of how to use photoshop
there’s a lot of text in this which may look daunting, but i promise it’s a simple process. i just wanted to be as in-depth as possible for those who may just be starting out in their gif-making journey!
this is a full tutorial for making the gif above, including colouring.
step one: get your video clip
okay! to start off, you’re gonna wanna get a short clip of the exact scene you want to gif. this step isn’t always necessary, especially if your video file is like 10 seconds long, but i’m usually giffing from the tmr movies so i like to trim that to just a short 5 second clip of whatever i wanna gif first!
you’re gonna wanna open up VLC media player and open your video file using CTRL + O. i’m gonna use the tdc movie! find your scene and figure out what part you want to gif - then, pause the file a couple of seconds before that and hit the little record button on the toolbar, circled in red below. then hit play, and stop the recording by hitting the circled button once more whenever you’ve gotten the frames you want.
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note: if this isn’t visible for you, go up to the top and hit View>Advanced Toolbar. i’m not sure if this is already done for you when VLC is first installed cause its been a Long time for me 
after this, what you’re going to be left with is a short video file that just has the frames you want for your gif! this is a lot easier for photoshop to work with and generally helps the program run a bit faster, too. the clip should automatically be saved into your computer’s videos folder.
step two: turn video clip into frames
now that we have our clip taken care of, we want to turn that into frames! i know a lot of people use photoshop’s video timeline thing to make gifs, but i’ve never done it that way and don’t know how to so we’re gonna work with frames.
open up photoshop, and go to File>Import>Video frames to layers... and select your video. this little window will pop up:
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you can either import the entire clip to frames, or you can use the little arrows (circled in red) to trim it even more. usually i do this just so i’m not making photoshop create frames i’m not going to use. the more frames you have, the longer it will take!
then hit OK, and photoshop will make a new file for you with all your frames, and layers corresponding to each frame. right now your workspace should look something like this:
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step three: resizing 
from here, we’re going to take all our frames and copy them into a new file with the correct size for tumblr. it’s important to copy them into a brand new file, because resizing the one photoshop made for us (in the dimensions of the original video file) will just make the frames gross and blurry. 
to do that, just go to File>New or hit CTRL + N. This’ll open up a big menu with a bunch of different crap happening but this part is what really matters to us:
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this may look different depending on what version of photoshop you have, but what’s important to us is the width, height, resolution, and colour mode.
width and height: i know tumblr changed their dimensions like two years ago but i immediately downloaded an extension to show everything in the old dimensions cause i like them better, so that’s what i use (500px width). so if i’m doing a wide gifset, i usually do 500px width and 225px height, but it’s completely up to you. just remember that the more pixels you have, the larger the file size will be!
resolution: for web use, 72 px/inch is perfect. the only time you really need to change it is if you’re printing something, then you’d want 300px/inch. but that doesn’t concern us, so we’ll move on.
colour mode: this one is important! most of the time, RGB colour/8bit will be the default setting, but i always like to check to make sure because sometimes it’ll go screwy and end up in grayscale, and then you lose your colours and it’s really annoying. if you ever have to change this midway through a gif, you can go to Image>Mode to change it back.
okay, so once that’s all done, click OK and you’ll have your new file! now, we have to copy the frames over.
so, we’re gonna go back to our file with the frames and click the little icon with three horizontal lines that’s right above your frames on the right side, circled in red. this’ll open up a little menu, where you’re gonna hit Select all frames and then Copy frames.
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after that’s done, you’re gonna want to go to your new file you just created (with the tumblr dimensions) and hit Create frame animation down in your timeline. If you can’t see the timeline, go up to the top right corner and make sure you’re in the Motion setting for workspace.
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once your timeline looks like this, you’re set to go:
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now you’re gonna click that same three horizontal lines icon, and select Paste frames. you’ll get a popup that looks like this, and you’re gonna select Paste over selection.
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and now your frames (and the corresponding layers) are copied into your new file!! very exciting!! but we have to resize them. so, you’re gonna go into your layers panel and select all of them (you can do this by clicking the bottom one, scrolling up to the top and clicking the top one while holding the SHIFT key). since you just pasted them, all of your frames in the timeline should be selected so we don’t have to worry about that.
with everything selected, you’re gonna hit CTRL + T and then drag the corner of the frame while holding the SHIFT key (to keep ratios in tact), until your frames are the right size. at this point you’re also gonna wanna maneuver them around so they’re actually in the frame of your file. it may be helpful at this point to zoom out (using CTRL + -) so you can see everything that’s going on on your canvas.
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note that in both of these screenshots, ALL my frames and ALL my layers are still selected. this ensures that every single frame will be resized and moved at the same time, so everything is consistent.
hit the little checkmark up in the toolbar or the ENTER key, and you’re set!!
also, just a tip from personal experience - don’t resize your frames so small that the edge of the shot is right on the edge of the file, cause once you sharpen, you’ll get an annoying white line. 
step four: looping, frame delay, and sharpening
you’re almost there! the hard part is over. you’re doing great, my friend.
so in order to make your gif loop over and over again like you’d expect a gif to, you have to set the looping to Forever. this can be found in the bottom left of your timeline, circled in red.
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if you ever post a gif on tumblr and it goes once and then freezes, the first thing to check in photoshop is if you’ve missed this step or not!! often times, this is your fix.
next, we’re gonna set the frame delay. this determines how fast or slow the gif runs. for me, one of the biggest markers of gifmakers not knowing what they’re doing is when their gif runs so fast it hurts your eyes. everyone has their own preference for frame delay (and it often depends on your souce video, too) but i generally like to stick between 0.08 seconds and 0.13 seconds. 
to change your frame delay, select all your frames and then click on the little arrow beside the 0.04. this’ll bring up a menu of options - hit other, and you can enter your own value here. 
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i picked 0.09 seconds. now, our gif is ready to be sharpened!
this part is a little bit tricky and can be REALLY time consuming (especially if you have a lot of frames), but with some practice, it can be really easy.
when you’re working with frames in photoshop, you have to sharpen every frame individually. once i played with the sharpening settings enough, i figured out a general setting that i liked to apply to all my gifs, and then i made an action. actions in photoshops are basically just folders containing a sequence of steps, and you can use actions to have those steps automated. when it comes to sharpening, it turns a ten minute job into a 30-second job.
this is what my action looks like:
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first, it takes all my frames and turns them into layers named “Frame 1″, “Frame 2″, and so on... then, it selects the first layer, and then selects the first frame, and sharpens that layer for that frame. then it does this again, and again, and again, until it’s out of frames. 
my favourite ps blog, @yeahps, has a lot of actions here, but i encourage you to try and figure out your own! you can play around with the Filter>Sharpen>Smart sharpen settings on a single frame until you like the results, and then apply that one to all your frames! just make sure that when you’re sharpening a frame, you select both the frame and the corresponding layer or else it won’t work. 
here’s what my gif looks like without and with sharpening:
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so you can see it does make a big difference! once we’re done with that, it’s time to colour our gif!
step five: colouring
colouring is my favourite part of gif-making because you really can do whatever the hell you want here. photoshop has a lot of really cool adjustment layers, and you should play around with them all to see which ones you like best!! my favourite ones are circled here:
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from L to R top to bottom, they are: levels, curves, vibrance, and selective colour. selective colour is my all-time fav cause it’s really good for changing the colours in a scene - like when the glade grass is too yellow and not enough green, or when the gladers faces are too orange at the bonfire. 
if i’m not doing anything too extravagant, i have a basic process i use for colouring my gifs that i’’ll show you guys now.
first, i always do curves. you can use curves in a couple different ways, but i usually stick with the RGB setting. i always do my first curves layer like this, to bring up the brightness of the whole gif:
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and that gives me this:
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next, i go for levels. this i use to make the gif even brighter, but also to darken the shadows. usually my settings will look something like this:
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which makes our gif look like this!
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then, i do selective colour. i like this one because you can change the settings for every individual colour in your gif, which can give some pretty cool results. usually i make the blacks blacker, and the skin a little less red/yellow if the lighting is weird. i really suggest playing around with this one as much as you can!! with some selective colour adjustments, this is what our gif looks like now:
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i really like green so i decided to make the gif have more green undertones! i also made the blacks more black, so the dark parts are a little more bold.
as a final kind of thing, i’ll add a vibrance/saturation layer if i want the gif to be more colourful - but be careful with this one, cause it can really raise the file size of the gif. right now, tumblr’s file size limit is 3MB. for 500px gifs, i can usually get away with about 35 frames before it gets too big.
i also like to add another curves/levels layer, cause i find that tumblr makes your gifs a bit dimmer than they are in photoshop. with that, this is what my final gif looks like:
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woohoo! and it’s only 1.669MB, well under tumblr’s limit. now, the last thing we have to do is SAVE it!
step six: saving
to save your gif, hit CTRL + ALT + SHIFT + S. i know, it’s a lot. your fingers get used to it. that’ll bring up a window that looks like this, with a whole bunch of crap you can adjust:
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these are all my settings that i normally use. i’m sure there’s someone out there that has an optimized version of it, but this has always worked for me! the main things you’re gonna wanna doublecheck are what i’ve circled in red: bottom left corner tells you the file size (which needs to be under 3MB - if you need to cut this down, i’d shave your width/height or delete some frames), the number of colours at top right (should be 256, but you can put less if you want a smaller file), image size (aka width and height), and looping options, which should be set to forever!
once that’s all squared away, you’re gonna hit save and name your file however you like. then, you’re done!!! you did i!!!!
some extras
before i finish this very long tutorial, there are a couple other resources/things i want to share re: gifmaking.
@yeahps is my all time FAV ps blog, i learned so much about photoshop just by doing their tutorials. they also have a lot of really good resources! definitely check them out if you want to learn more about ps.
i also have some more ps related tutorials, which are here. in particular i want to mention the one i have on colouring darker scenes, because i know that tmr has a lot of REALLY shittily lit/coloured scenes.
while we’re talking about colouring, make sure you are aware of whitewashing! everyone has their own style of colouring and most of the time it’s 100% not intentional, but it can be really easy to accidentally whitewash poc when you’re making bright gifs. this is not cool, and you should always try your best to be aware of how you’re colouring! there are lots of tutorials out there on how to specifically avoid this
keep in mind that this is just one way to make gifs! pretty much all of my gif-making friends do it differently than me, and that’s super cool! if this tutorial doesn’t quite work for you, there’s definitely one that will.
as you can probably tell from this tutorial, MAKING GIFS TAKES A LOT OF WORK!! and that’s just One Gif. we didn’t even talk about transitions, text, au gifsets, or like, Multiple Gifs. us gifmakers take a lot of time to put some pretty damn cool content out there, and it feels REALLY shitty when people take those and repost them as their own. so, dont repost gifs. if you like someone’s work, reblog it. you know those posts with big compilations of gifs? yeah, that’s stealing. so is taking someone’s gifs for your imagine posts. if you want to use someone’s gif, ask them! and if you see a gifset you think is stolen, speak up!
on a more happy note: feel free to tag me in your gifs when you post them! i love to see everything this lovely fandom creates :’)
if anyone has ANY questions regarding anything discussed in this tutorial or want to see more ps stuff from me, please feel free to ask!! i love doing this kind of stuff for you guys, and i love seeing more people learn how fun photoshop can be!!!
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macgyvermedical · 7 years
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WARNING: This post is about chemicals frequently used in acts of war and terrorism- particularly acts that have recently made headlines and been a very real, terrifying, and deadly part of people’s lives and news cycles. This post does not explicitly reference any particular real-life attack. That being said, it does present information aimed at writing the human response to exposure to nerve agents in a fictional and/or whumpy context, and does mention several uses of nerve agents in fiction. If you’re not comfortable with reading about such things, or don’t feel comfortable reading them in those contexts, feel free to keep scrolling- if you do want to read it, the rest of the post is below the cut.
Guys, I am on so many lists now. Like so many. I have googled so much sketch stuff for this blog I’m going to have to ask my sister to order a new humidifier for my snake’s tank because if I order one on Amazon the NSA is gonna send a SWAT team to my apartment... But anyway...
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It’s been a while since Hawaii Five-0 S1E23 “Until the End is Near” premiered, and yet there’s a gifset that hasn’t stopped circulating in the whump community: one of Danny Williams, struggling to breathe, sweat covering his face, sliding slowly down a stone wall as the rest of the team runs towards him in panic. Later in that episode, it would come out that Danny ingested (or rather absorbed through skin contact with the episode’s victim) sarin, a chemical weapon well known for its longstanding applications in war and terrorism. 
What "Nerve Agents” Are:
As explained in the episode, sarin belongs to a group of chemicals known as nerve agents. Medically, nerve agents are called acetylcholineseterase inhibitors. Some common ones include:
“G-Series”- These were pre-WWII-era, and probably the most well-known nerve agents. They were originally invented as highly-effective pesticides, but were realized as chemical weapons when the scientist and lab assistant testing tabun both accidentally came into contact with less than a drop and became severely ill for several weeks.
Sarin (GB
Tabun (GA)
Soman (GD)
“V-Series”- These were invented during the Cold War for the express purpose of creating chemical weapons. They stick around in the environment for longer without degrading than G-series agents, making them more useful as weapons. The most well-known is denoted “VX,” but there are many others named with “V’ and then a second letter.
Organophsphate Pesticides- today in the US, about 50% of pesticides can double as nerve agents. They come in very dilute concentrations and degrade very quickly, making them less useful as poisons. However, farm workers with long-term exposure have had significant health problems as a result. In fiction, the pilot episode of Royal Pains features a case of organophosphate pesticide poisoning, and (though this is not explicitly stated) Mac is poisoned by some variety of these in the MacGyver episode “Bitter Harvest”. The most well-known of these include the substances malathion and parathion. Since 2001, it has been illegal to use these substances in residential areas in the US because they tend to stick around in the environment long enough to potentially harm humans. They also reek.
How They Work:
Normally, when the brain wants something done in the body, it sends a signal via nerve to the muscle, gland or organ responsible for it. The end of that nerve then releases a neurotransmitter, and molecules of that neurotransmitter bind to receptors on the tissue, triggering the intended effect. When the job is done, the excess neurotransmitter is either slurped back up and recycled for next time, or degraded by an enzyme so it can’t hang around and make stuff happen when it shouldn’t.
There are many neurotransmitters in the human body, but the most important one for this post- and one of the most active in the body- is called acetylcholine. Presence of acetylcholine at receptor sites triggers secretion of mucous, tears, and sweat, causes muscle to contract, modulates memory and attention, and helps control digestion. Now, in order for these things to happen correctly, only very precise amounts of acetylcholine can be available to the receptors for very precise amounts of time. Once acetylcholine does its job, it immediately gets broken down by an enzyme called acetylcholinesterase.
This acetylcholinesterase stuff is super important. If is didn’t exist, or was, say, inhibited, acetylcholine would just hang around and build up in the areas where it does its work. This would cause all those things above to happen continuously and inappropriately. Which is exactly what happens when nerve agents, which are, as I said, very potent acetylcholinesterase inhibitors, end up in the human body.
What They Do:
People (and by extension characters) unlucky enough to be exposed to a nerve agent will typically show symptoms of severe acetylcholine poisoning. “Classic” symptoms include:
Pupil constriction
Difficulty breathing (from contracting muscle and excess secretions in lung passages)
Profuse sweating
Excess tear formation
Fasciculations (muscles contracting inappropriately)
Nausea/vomiting/abdominal pain/diarrhea
Urinary frequency/incontinence
High heart rate and blood pressure
Higher doses will show symptoms progressing to:
Seizures and coma
Low heart rate and blood pressure
Respiratory arrest
Most people end up dying from paralysis of the respiratory muscles.
How quickly symptoms show up has to do with how the chemical got into the body- breathing a nerve agent may cause the onset of symptoms almost immediately, while absorbing it through the skin can delay onset of symptoms up to 18 hours.
How They’re Used:
Nerve agents are colorless liquids that can enter the body by ingestion (eating or drinking a substance containing them), absorption (through skin, eyes or mucous membranes), or inhalation (breathing a vapor or gas).
While nerve agents are poisons and can certainly be used to target a specific individual (as in the H50 episode), they are particularly well-suited to war and terrorism because of the ability to poison many people at the same time- and poison them quickly and repeatedly.
Spread by aerosol, they can persist in an environment (and continue killing people) for up to three days (three days in colder, wetter environments- in hotter, dryer environments they may last less than 24 hours). 
Only a very, very small volume of any nerve agent is required to kill a person. A normal-sized drop of sarin placed directly on skin (and not washed off) is more than enough to kill an adult. If breathed, death requires considerably less.
Surviving Them:
If your characters have no access to drugs, people can survive very small exposures without them- particularly skin exposures. Since the main deadly issue is respiratory arrest, getting control of their airway and forcing air into them is probably the most important intervention (I say “forcing” because given the airway constriction and the excessive secretions, this won’t be easy. Like, good luck if they’re not intubated).
After their airway and breathing is taken care of (if you have to get to circulation, meaning CPR, its too late in a mass-casualty/drugless situation, but that’s a whole other post), getting them cleaned off is really important. This is both to protect people taking care of them, and to make sure they don’t continue to absorb the agents. Nerve agents degrade when exposed to alkaline solutions, so plain old soap and water (or bleach) works pretty well as a decontamination solution.
Now, if they do have access to drugs, the above holds true, but...
In the H5-0 episode, Jenna tells Steve that Danny needs a drug called pralidoxime in order to survive. Pralidoxime is a nerve agent antidote that works by chemically reactivating the inhibited acetylcholinesterase. Unfortunately, it only works if given within a specific time frame after exposure (2 minutes for soman, 5 hours for sarin, 13 hours for tabun). Pralidoxime also doesn’t work immediately, so other drugs must be given to mitigate the effects of the nerve agent and keep the person alive until the reactivated enzymes can bring acetylcholine down to safe levels.
The first drug given for this is atropine. Atropine works by blocking some of the acetylcholine receptor sites. If there’s only a few receptor sites available, it matters less how much excess acetylcholine is around because it can’t do as much harm.
Another drug given is diazepam. Diazepam can stop or decrease seizure activity related to nerve agent exposure. Like atropine, it is not an antidote, but it can help manage life-threatening seizures until the pralidoxime works.
Now, none of these drugs can be effectively given orally. They’re best given IV, but since the poison works so fast, most people don’t have time or resources to start an IV to administer them. The solution to this is the “Mark 1 Kit”- a case with two auto-injectors (think epi-pens), one containing pralidoxime and the other containing atropine (this was the type of kit featured in the Royal Pains episode mentioned above).
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The auto-injectors are designed to be given simultaneously or one immediately after the other, as soon as possible after symptoms appear, by the exposed person if at all possible (one of those “help yourself before assisting other passengers” things).
Another type of kit is also available, called the duodote, and contains both drugs in one auto-injector. Duodote kits are also available in bulk for response to mass-casualty events. Though specific drugs carried in the national stockpile are not published publicly, pralidoxime, atropine, and diazepam are likely included.
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As it stands, Ambulances (and, I’m assuming law enforcement vehicles??) in major US cities carry Mark 1 or duodote kits for the medical and rescue personnel serving inside them. Military personnel serving in areas where nerve agent attacks are a potential hazard may carry up to three. In the case of an attack, if exposed and symptomatic, rescue personnel can self-administer the kits, or provide “buddy aid” to unconscious personnel. These kits are not for use, typically, by civilians. 
Note that people do not get immediately better when treated. These are primarily life-saving drugs, and repeated doses and medical care may be needed for weeks to months after.
Protecting Against Them:
For your characters who may be called into service to respond to a nerve agent attack (or who may be going in after a character exposed to nerve agents), there are a couple of options for keeping them safe(r).
There are a few options for detecting nerve agents in the environment. These range from “M8″ or “M9″ paper pads (which detect agents by changing color when exposed), but that only work on liquids, to more sophisticated and very expensive machines that pull air through special detectors that can identify chemicals that have been vaporized or turned into gas. 
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Currently, “Level A” personal protective equipment is recommended by OSHA for any potential exposure to nerve agents. For reference, that’s this snazzy suit:
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In addition to this (or instead of, if your characters are feeling lucky), there is a chemical option for preventing nerve agent poisoning. A drug called butyrylcholinesterase is currently in development to bind any nerve agent before it has the opportunity to cause problems in the body. This could be given to law enforcement, medical, and rescue personnel in the event of a nerve agent attack where they would need to be fit enough for duty to respond and have a high likelihood of becoming exposed.
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kosegruppaa · 7 years
hi there! I only started watching from ep6 forward live, so I was wondering, when pause came out did the title of that clip give anything away (like feel ominous in any way) or were you like isak thinking their relationship was off to a great start?
halla! sorry i took so long to reply to this, ive been on mobile and i never see when i get asks :/ as with a lot of the daytime clips, i just saw the notification and the title/thumbnail some time before i actually got to watch the clip, and was sooo nervous because of the title. even though that makes no sense as they werent really dating so "pause" werent going to be in reference to that, haha! and i remember watching the clip as soon as a had the chance, in my office on my phone while one of my collegues was telling me to hurry up so we could go to lunch. following that week live was pretty intense (i think only ep8 was worse, i think it is something about an episode starting out so good and you just know something is going to go wrong so your just waiting for it to happen you know) and ever since even had left isak on sunday and just aswered his messages very briefly, it was obvious something was up. so when i watched the clip and even told isak hed talked to sonja i was so relieved and happy and i felt almost good about the clip even though i also picked up on the mental illness-line immediately (maybe because it had already ben discussed if even was somehow mentally ill before that clip and because the wording was so harsh and not specific to isaks mother) so i felt nervous about that for sure. i didnt think he was going to text and call the whole thing off the next day though, had you asked me at that time i would have thought that to be a bit weird for evens character, because we didnt know him very well yet. he always seemed so sure of himself and in control. like some people called him controlling and manipulative and while that made me so angry!!!! (i was fighting in the comment sections daily lol because it was not at all true..) i do think its interesting that the actions we saw from isaks pov would have been very different from evens pov after watching several weeks of even pining after isak without doing anything about it, and him just quitely pulling away makes perfect sense for even now that we know him. i think almost nobody thought everything was going fine? maybe isak did for that one day between pause and pride, but most people i remember were either not really convinced of evens intentions or was sure even was mentally ill in some way. either way it wasnt looking good haha. but i was also really chill (like intellectually. the rational part of me.. mostly i was losing sleep and crying over gifsets and rewatching hjernen er alene to calm down) because it was episode 5 and id already watched skam for a long time and knew that angst was coming, while i was also sure they would end up together somehow and that julie wasnt going to go with some kind of bury your gays--bullshit, like lots of people were convinced of at the time. i realise i wrote waaay to long a reply, but i hope i answered your question?? sjdhgkshdf forgive me ive had way to much coffee and havent talked to anyone today
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iridescentides · 4 years
When you get this, please say 5 lovely things about yourself publicly, then send it to 10 of your followers 💫
thanks for sending this may! ive done this ask game a couple times this year, so in an effort to not duplicate answers from last time, im gonna mix it up a little bit. im going to list 5 of my favorite things ive made/accomplished in 2020.
answers under the cut for BODY IMAGE TW
(in no particular order)
1. ive been making lots of cool music stuff this year. i have managed to start and keep up with a youtube channel for music and covers (dm me if you wanna subscribe and support me). i posted the audio for my waterparks/with confidence mashup on tumblr a while back, and honestly im still very proud of that one. 
2. i went OFF on that altpack editing week event back in october. here are my favorite gifsets i made for it: 1 2 3 4
3. i made the difficult decision to quit a job that i let define me for the past few years, and remove myself from a situation that caused me consistent stress and hardship. as a result, ive been able to spend lots of time with my family this year, and they are the most important people in the world to me.
4. i have maintained a good core group of close friends since my senior year of high school, despite the fact that i moved away for college. now that im back home, we get to hang out and be pals and stuff in person, but im just really proud of myself for keeping that companionship when it was long distance, and for making efforts to stay close with them now that im back.
5. i have managed to exercise every single day for the past 5 months. i have never been that consistent about physical activity in my life. every single day, i do short, fast-paced high intensity exercise (dancing, speedwalking, running, swimming, etc.) and track it by getting a certain amount of points on the google fit app. i think the reason i have been more successful at keeping it up than any other time in my life is because all the other times i tried to start exercising, it was in a deliberate effort to lose weight; i used to count calories and do exercises i didnt enjoy at all because i was so focused on looking different instead of feeling better.
my motivation this time was different; i started because i realized i have a habit of spiraling into Lite Depression no matter my current life situation (busy, unemployed, fat, skinny, single, in a relationship, etc.) and so i tried to make a commitment to add more variation to my life by actively doing things that made me uncomfortable. and as silly as it is, my motivation to exercise was the quote from legally blonde where she says “exercise gives you endorphins, and endorphins make you happy, and happy people dont shoot their husbands.” when i started exercising, i got rid of the “im burning so many calories right now” thoughts and replaced them with “im getting so many endorphins right now.” i like how i look regardless of the size of my body, and i have for a long time. but this is the first time in my life i have truly exercised as an investment in my own happiness and emotional wellbeing, instead of for physical goals. 
and the best part is, all the other benefits came naturally. because of this lifestyle change im sleeping better, i have less random aches and pains, i eat more foods that give my body energy instead of the ones that make my stomach hurt, i have more stamina, and im able to do more things physically/strength-wise than ive ever been able to do. i know its not a huge accomplishment for other people, but as someone who never even played a sport when i was in school, this is huge. and i genuinely think its a habit i can maintain and cultivate for the rest of my life.
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galaxybin-remake · 7 years
all the evens for the questions!!
im gonna put them under a ‘read more’ bc there r so many fdklfhdskjf but thank u !!!!
2. what is your least favorite set you’ve made? 
hm probably my very first one, i was horrible at th timing skjfhdkjfh nd it was like so slow rip !!
4. a set that flopped but deserved better
my blonde!minhyuk gifset, bc that boy is so beautiful !!! 
6. what is your least favorite movie/tv show to gif?
omfg i hate giffing kbs music bank, it is always a bad quality even with .ts files :”/
8. what gif trend do you hate?
i dont have one ?? they r all p cool i dont rlly hate one ?? 
10. what was the first gif you ever posted?
omg it was on my last blog, from exid’s board game time !!!! nd its so bad rip
12. what is the most embarrassing thing you’ve ever giffed?
uhm everything ive ever giffed ??? khjjkfhdjks maybe vixx tv from like a while ago ?? bc they were so young nd cringy ?? but its not that bad haha
14. how long does it take you to make a set?
it depends, if its a performance/mv like two~three hours ?? but if its like a compilation of things like a whole day of working on it, maybe two 
16. how long have you been making gifs?
not long omg, 4~5 months ?? more like 4 probably haha
18. for the aesthetic, for the laughs, or for the feels what is your preference?
oooo it rlly depends !!! most of the time, i like the aesthetic or laughs, but if im feeling sentimental then th feels :’)
20. mac or pc?
pc, ive never used a mac before
22. what fandom/movie/show/person etc do you gif the most
usually vixx or exid !! they are my bias groups and im always smiling while i gif them !! (also twice lately, ive been giffing them a lot !!)
24. 480p 720p 1080p? What is the minimum quality you’ll gif from 
never never never 480 and i try to stay away from 720 tbh. for performances tho i always get .ts files so they are higher resolution, but for other vids definitely 1080 nd if not 720 is okay sometimes
26. how many unposted sets are in your drafts right now?
on this blog there is 2 and my gg blog there are like 8 jdskhfdjkf i just lov girls 
28. have you ever posted a set, regretted it and immediately deleted it
all the time, ive deleted sets from drafts just bc they dont feel good enough
30. how frequently do you like to post?
i try not to post too much, probably like once or twice a week if i can
32. what is your favorite tool/adjustment layer in Photoshop?
eye dropper !! or color balance !! just so i can make sure all th colors match nd stuff
34. a set that took you a long time/was really hard but you’re really proud of how it came out
its not out yet hehe, but my gifset i made for momo’s birthday for my gg blog !!! it took a while and i am super happy with it !!
36. do you gif with something specific in mind or do you just wing it?
usually i have a sort of a plan of things, but when i get videos/clips/captures i p much wing most of it haha
38. what are you really excited to gif that isn’t out yet?
exid & monsta x’s mvs nd stages !!!
40. why do you make gifs?
because it is a really good medium and it helps spread awareness for groups nd idk, i just find it very very relaxing, especially since i have kind of a set way to make them
42. how is your gif folder organized? is it organized at all?
not at allllll lmao, but my captures folder is v organized, if i take captures for more than one set at a time, they are in specific folders with group name/member/performance or other
44. ever had a gif become a meme? would you like that if you haven't?
hm i dont think one of mine has !! and tbh i wouldn’t mind it all, as long as ppl dont repost nd dont credit
46. ever gotten a really sweet compliment over a set?
nah not usually, i appreciate everything ppl say in th tags but i haven’t gotten anything super sweet or any asks or anything. nd im cool with that !! 
48. how would you describe your giffing style?
im p spontaneous, with some semblance of a specific way to make things. i like to try out different actions, psds, colorings, sharpenings everything !!! :D
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